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Essay on Nature is Best Teacher

Essay on Nature is Best Teacher [ Explained with Examples ]

The Nature is the mother of all living creatures. It exhibits great discipline, punctuality, rhythm and resilience. Despite facing a great many hurdles, since its birth, nature continues to survive. The following Essay on nature is best teacher talks about core concept of nature, Lessons of Nature, how nature is the best teacher and what we can learn from the mother nature. This essay is going to be greatly helpful for children and students in school exams and written tests.

Essay On Nature is the Best Teacher | Lessons of Nature | What Nature Teaches Us

Essay on Nature is Best Teacher

Nature is the beauty of life. It is the perfect teacher because it teaches without words. When we are in nature, we are surrounded by beauty. The sun sets and the stars come out; the leaves rustle in the wind and the water rushes over rocks. These are all natural wonders that never cease to amaze us.

Some would say that nature’s beauty is one of its greatest assets. There is something about being in the great outdoors that inspires awe and reverence in people. Witnessing the power and majesty of a thunderstorm, for example, can be a life-changing experience.

But it’s not just the beauty of nature that makes it such an effective teacher. The rhythms of the natural world are also incredibly therapeutic. Spending time outside in nature allows people to take a break from the hectic pace of life and reconnect with their inner selves.

In addition, nature is a great teacher because it is always changing. No two days are ever the same in the natural world, and this constant change keeps people’s attention spans engaged. There is always something new to explore and learn in nature.

Lessons of Nature 

There are countless lessons that nature teaches us, but some of the most important ones include:

How to live in harmony with others: One of the things that makes nature so amazing is that it is a perfect example of how everything works together in harmony. The sun provides light and warmth, the water cleanses and refreshes, the plants provide oxygen and fresh food, and the animals provide companionship and help to keep the ecosystem in balance.

How to be patient: Nature teaches us the importance of being patient. Things happen in nature at their own pace, and there is no rushing Mother Nature. She always provides what we need when we need it, and nothing is ever forced.

How to appreciate the simple things in life: In today’s fast-paced world, it’s easy to get caught up in the rat race and forget what’s truly important in life. Nature reminds us that the simple things are often the most beautiful. A sunset, a gentle breeze, or a bed of flowers can be just as breathtaking as any man-made structure.

How to be resilient: Nature is a great teacher of resilience. No matter how many times it is battered by storms, nature always bounces back. This teaches us that no matter how many setbacks we face in life, we can always pick ourselves up and start again.


There is no question that nature is the best teacher. It provides us with beauty, inspiration, and lessons that we can apply to our own lives. The next time you need a teacher, look no further than nature.

Short Essay on Nature is the Best Teacher:

Nature has always been a source of inspiration and wisdom for mankind. From the ancient civilizations to modern society, humans have looked towards nature to gain knowledge and guidance. It is often said that nature is the best teacher, and there are many reasons why this statement holds true.

Firstly, nature teaches us about adaptation and resilience. It constantly adapts to changing environments and conditions, and this teaches us the importance of adapting to our surroundings. In today’s fast-paced world, where change is constant, it is crucial for us to learn how to adapt in order to thrive.

Secondly, nature instills a sense of patience and stillness within us. We live in a world where everything moves at a rapid pace and we are always chasing after something. However, observing nature teaches us the value of taking a step back and appreciating the present moment. It reminds us to slow down and find peace in stillness.

Furthermore, nature is the ultimate example of balance and harmony. It shows us that every element has a purpose and plays a vital role in maintaining equilibrium. This can be seen in the intricate relationships between plants, animals, and the environment. As humans, we can learn to find balance in our own lives by observing nature’s patterns.

Moreover, nature is a constant reminder of the cycle of life. We witness birth, growth, decay, and death in the natural world, and this teaches us about the impermanence of everything. It helps us understand that change is inevitable and that we must learn to let go and embrace the new.

In addition, nature teaches us about unity and interconnectedness. Despite the diverse forms of life on Earth, everything is interconnected in a complex web. This reminds us that we are all a part of something bigger and that our actions can have ripple effects on the world around us.

Lastly, nature teaches us to be grateful for the blessings in our lives. It provides us with food, water, and resources necessary for our survival. By observing the beauty and abundance of nature, we can learn to appreciate all that we have been given and not take it for granted.

In conclusion, nature is indeed the best teacher as it imparts valuable lessons about life and its workings. By paying attention to nature’s teachings, we can gain a deeper understanding of ourselves and our place in the world. It is up to us to open our hearts and minds to this powerful teacher and learn from its wisdom.

Essay Nature is the Great Teacher in about 150 Words:

Nature is often called the great teacher because it has been teaching us valuable lessons since the beginning of time. From the tiniest ant to the tallest mountain, nature has a way of showing us how everything is interconnected and how everything works together in harmony.

One of the first lessons we learn from nature is resilience. Just like trees bend with strong winds but never break, we also learn to adapt and overcome challenges that come our way. Nature teaches us to be patient and persistent, as things take time to grow and develop.

Moreover, nature shows us the beauty of simplicity. In a world where we are constantly bombarded with complex systems and technologies, nature reminds us to appreciate the simple things in life, like the warmth of the sun or the sound of birds singing.

Nature also teaches us the importance of diversity and coexistence. In an ecosystem, every plant and animal has a specific role to play, and they all rely on each other for survival. This is a valuable lesson for humans as well, as we learn to respect and appreciate the differences among us.

Finally, nature teaches us the concept of balance. Just like how everything in nature is perfectly balanced, with predators and prey, day and night, good and bad, we also learn the importance of maintaining balance in our own lives.

What is Nature Essay:

Nature is all around us. It is the birds singing in the trees, the sun shining on our faces, and the wind rustling through the leaves. But what exactly is nature? Is it just a collection of living and non-living things, or is there something more to it?

The concept of nature has been debated for centuries by philosophers, scientists, and ordinary people. Some view nature as a powerful force that controls our lives, while others see it as a source of beauty and inspiration. No matter what your perspective is, one thing is for sure – nature is an integral part of our daily lives.

Biologically speaking, nature encompasses all living organisms and their interactions with each other and the environment. This includes plants, animals, insects, and humans. Nature is a complex web of relationships that work together to sustain life on our planet. Without nature, we would not exist.

But nature is more than just living things; it also includes non-living elements such as water, air, mountains, and oceans. These elements provide the necessary resources for life to thrive. For example, the oxygen we breathe comes from plants, and the water we drink comes from rivers and streams. The sun provides light and warmth, essential for plant growth and survival.

Aside from its biological definition, nature also holds a deeper meaning that is often overlooked. Nature can be seen as a source of inspiration and healing. Many people find peace and solace in nature, whether it’s walking through a forest or sitting by a tranquil lake. It has the power to calm our minds and rejuvenate our spirits.

Nature also serves as a reminder of our place in the world. It humbles us and puts things into perspective. When we look at the vastness of the ocean or the majesty of a mountain, we realize how small we are in comparison. This can be both daunting and comforting at the same time.

In conclusion, nature is a multifaceted concept that encompasses all living and non-living things. It provides the essential resources for life to thrive, serves as a source of inspiration and healing, and reminds us of our place in the world.

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1. Why is nature a great teacher?

Answer: Nature is a great teacher because it imparts valuable lessons about life, survival, interconnectedness, and adaptation through its processes and patterns.

2. What is the conclusion of “nature, the best teacher”?

Answer: The conclusion of an essay on “nature, the best teacher” often emphasizes the profound wisdom and lessons that can be gained from observing and learning from the natural world.

3. What makes the best teacher essay?

Answer: A “best teacher” essay typically discusses qualities like knowledge, communication skills, passion for teaching, and the ability to inspire and motivate students. It may also reflect on personal experiences with exceptional teachers.

4. Who says nature is the best teacher?

Answer: The idea that “nature is the best teacher” is a common expression and belief held by many, emphasizing the valuable life lessons that can be learned from observing and understanding the natural world. There isn’t a specific individual who coined this phrase.

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Essay on Nature is Best Teacher In 500 Words [ Explained with Examples ]

In this article, you’ll learn about the many ways that nature has influenced our daily lives.

Table of Contents

Nature Is The Best Essay With Examples


Nature is the best teacher. It has been teaching us for centuries, and will continue to do so in the future. Here are some examples of how nature has taught us important lessons.

1. Nature is consistent. In every situation, there are always patterns that can be observed. Whether it’s the way plants grow, or the way animals migrate, everything follows a set pattern. This consistency helps us to understand and predict what will happen in the future.

2. Nature teaches us about our own limitations. We can never know everything, and that’s okay. We need to be humble and accept that we’re not experts at everything. Learning from our mistakes is key to growth and development.

3. Nature teaches us about ourselves. We learn about our emotions and how we react to different situations by observing animals and plants in nature. This knowledge is essential for self-awareness and understanding who we are as individuals.

4. Nature shows us the beauty of simplicity. In nature, there are often few things standing out from the rest. Everything is connected and there are no complicated systems or processes involved. This simplicity allows us to see the underlying beauty in life, which can be comforting and inspiring

How Nature is best teacher

Nature is the best teacher because it teaches us about our environment and how to live in harmony with it.

One example of nature teaching us about our environment is when we see a wildfire. When we see a wildfire, it teaches us about how to protect ourselves from wildfires. Nature also teaches us about how to live in harmony with our environment by showing us how to build a fire that doesn’t burn down any trees.

Another example of nature teaching us about our environment is when we see a tornado. When we see a tornado, it teaches us about how to protect ourselves from tornadoes. Nature also teaches us about how to live in harmony with our environment by showing us how to build a tornado shelter.

Nature is the best teacher because it helps us learn about our world and the things that are happening around us.

Understanding Life

Nature is the best teacher because it teaches us about our environment, animals, plants, and how they interact with each other.

When we are born, we enter a world that is full of mystery. We don’t know what’s going on or why. All we know is that we exist and that there are things around us that we can’t see or understand.

Over time, through learning and experience, we slowly begin to figure out what’s going on around us. We learn about our environment , animals, plants, and how they interact with each other. We develop a sense of wonder and curiosity about the natural world. It’s through exploring nature that we learn the most important lessons in life.

Here are five examples of how nature has taught us important lessons:

1) Nature tells us about our environment. We learn about our surroundings by looking at the plants and animals around us. We can see how they’re interacting with each other and what effects this has on the environment. This knowledge helps us understand how to protect our environment and care for it responsibly.

2) Nature teaches us about ourselves. We learn about our own emotions and feelings by looking at the way

Benefits of the natural world

Nature is one of the best teachers that anyone could ask for. Not only does it offer an unmatched view of the world around us, but it also teaches us about ourselves and our place in the world. Here are five benefits of learning about nature:

1) It teaches patience. Watching animals in their natural habitat can be frustrating at times, but it’s worth it in the end. They’re able to move around and take their time in order to get what they want. We humans can sometimes be too quick to react and get upset, which can lead to bad decisions.

2) It teaches humility. When we’re looking at animals in their environment, we have to remember that they’re just creatures trying to survive. We may be taller and stronger than they are, but that doesn’t mean we can’t learn from them. We should always remember that there are many things out there that we don’t understand, and that’s okay.

3) It teaches patience and humility with a sense of awe. When we look at nature, we should always be aware of how big everything is. The Earth is huge and there’s so much we don’t know about it. Seeing these things firsthand can

Whether we like to admit it or not, the natural world is best teacher. It never fails to teach us something new, no matter how old we are or how much experience we have. In this Essay, I will be explaining some of the lessons that I have learned from nature over the years and sharing some examples as well. So if you’re looking for a thoughtful and inspirational read, you’ve come to the right place!

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Nature Is The Best Teacher (Essay Sample) 2022

Table of Contents

Nature Is The Best Teacher (Essay Sample)

Mother nature is a benevolent companion that accompanies us from start to beginning. Nature isn’t just a place to visit it’s home for all living things including us. Just like a mother it teaches us things like no one else can teach us. Plants, animals, and every other living thing carry a message that it has some meaning and purpose. Nature teaches us that we have a purpose in life. It teaches us to peacefully coexist and work for each other’s welfare. In this essay, we will discuss how nature is an amazing teacher for mankind.

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Essay On Nature Is The Best Teacher – 700 Word Long Essay

The famous proverb that reads ‘Nature is the Best Teacher appeals to us to explore and learn from everything around us. Nature not only provides us with everything we need but also teaches us things that we cannot learn any other way. Nature is indeed a blessing of God almighty and gives us great lessons like hard work, patience, motivation, and much more. In this essay, we will discuss how and why nature is the best teacher for humanity.

Everything present in nature teaches us some great lessons. For instance, hibiscus flowers only come to life for one day, and on that day its dances all the time until it dies in the evening. It teaches all of us that we should live life to the fullest even if we know that we will lose it all in small time. Similarly, trees that protect against the harsh sunlight give us a lesson that we should protect the poor and needy from these problems. The sun burns to provide light to all the people, through this act we learn that we should sacrifice our happiness to make other people happy. The river keeps on trying to clear its path and never turns away from its path. This shows that no matter how difficult things are you should never turn away and keep on trying until you crush all obstacles.

Animals show us how to teach our young ones. A lion teaches his cub how to hunt, an eagle teaches his child how to fly and kill in the air. Just like that teachers, parents, and guardians teach students and children to find solutions to problems. Nature is a great teacher and it shows us how we can survive through give and take. Plants give us oxygen and in return, we give them carbon dioxide to breathe. We give plants water and fertilizers, in return they give us fruit and shelter. Just like that humans learn how we can give and take from other people to peacefully coexist.

Observation, theory, and experimentation are crucial elements to learn any new thing in life. Nature in most cases has an inspirational technique to teach humanity. Nature gives all her wealth to human beings and does not expect payment in return. Nature is the best teacher with its perfect balance, cycles, and creations. Nature has inspired all big and small creatures and especially men to excel in the fields of science, agriculture, and technology.

The greatest lesson that mankind learns from nature is how to live life. Nature as a silent teacher reveals different secrets of life so that we all can learn from them. Such secrets include respect for everything living things. The different species of all the organisms usually live in harmony and have peaceful co-existence. This kind of peaceful coexistence is a lesson that is portrayed to mankind and should be embraced when living with one another.

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Life Lessons Nature Teaches Us Through Plants

  • Plants never limit themselves, they are limitless and they keep on growing and expanding until they die. Humans should not set limits for themselves
  • A lonely tree faces all harsh things in nature and keeps on becoming stronger by growing strong and thick roots. This shows that we become stronger when we face problems.
  • Plants adapt to almost all weather conditions. A mango tree that gives fruit in summer does not fall in winter. Humans should learn to adapt to challenges in life.
  • All plants add value to the life of all living things. They provide food, shelter, wood, and all sorts of things but don’t ask anything in return. Humans should learn not to be selfish.
  • Plants are happy as they are; they don’t copy other plants and neither should humans.
  • Plants grow slow and steady to reach glorious heights in their life span. Humans should learn the lesson of patience from plants.

In conclusion, nature is indeed the greatest teacher for mankind on this planet. In our day-to-day living nature teaches us real selflessness, true renunciation, and the desire to reach an elevated state. Nature shows that it gives all wealth irrespective of all the negativities in life which should mean a great deal for all of us. Nature shows how to become better and we should learn from it.

Nature Is The Best Teacher Essay 200 Words Custom Essay Service

Nature teaches humanity things that can’t be learned anywhere else. Nature teaches us how to live, how to survive, how to strive, and how to reach excellence in life. Animals, insects, and especially plants teach us things in their unique way. Plants are the unsung heroes they provide food, shelter, and all kinds of medicines but ask nothing in return. In this essay, we will discuss how nature is the greatest teacher on this planet.

Plants teach us many life lessons, by observing them we can also learn from them. Plants always look towards the sun while competing to get maximum exposure to sunlight. This teaches us that we should always work in silence to achieve excellence by fixing our sight on target. This also teaches us that we should ignore all other things that try to stop us from reaching our goal. Spiritually speaking, nature shows us that everything has a purpose in life and there is a creator who created all these things. The beauty and peace in animals and plants also show us that our creator is peaceful, beautiful, and praise-worthy.  Trees reach glorious heights by growing patiently while suffering from all the hardships. This shows that we should patiently face all problems to reach true glory in life.

Nature the best teacher teaches mankind about connectivity. Artists and influencers all around the world agree that nature is the basic source of influence. Nature is the basis of human survival, and it keeps on giving us everything it has to offer. It’s time we give something back to nature by respecting it, admiring it, and doing things that add to its beauty.

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FAQ About Nature the Best Teacher

How to write an essay on nature is the best teacher.

To write an essay on this topic first recall what you and other people have learned from nature. Discuss how nature is changing our lives and end it with a short conclusion.

How To Justify Your Answer About Nature Is A Great Teacher?

To justify your answer use examples from animals, plants, and other living things about what we have learned from them. Also present arguments about how nature is the source of motivation and inspiration.

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Essay on Nature: In 100 Words, 200 Words, 300 Words


  • Updated on  
  • Oct 13, 2023

Essay on Nature

Nature is the intricate web of life that surrounds us, encompassing everything from the air we breathe to the majestic landscapes we admire. It includes the delicate balance of ecosystems, the diversity of flora and fauna, and the natural resources that sustain all living beings on Earth. Exploring the beauty and significance of nature is not only a pleasurable endeavour but also a crucial one, as it reminds us of our responsibility to protect and preserve our environment.

essay on nature our best teacher

Table of Contents

  • 1 Tips to Write the Best Essay
  • 2 Essay on Nature in 100 Words
  • 3 Essay on Nature in 200 Words
  • 4 Essay on Nature in 300 Words

Tips to Write the Best Essay

Here are some tips to craft an exceptional essay:

  • Understand the Topic: Grasp the essence of the topic and its different aspects before you start writing.
  • Structure: Organize your essay coherently, with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.
  • Thesis Statement: Formulate a strong thesis statement that summarizes the main point you want to convey.
  • Use Vivid Language: Employ descriptive language to bring the beauty of nature to life for your readers.
  • Supporting Evidence: Back up your points with facts, statistics, and examples to make your essay more convincing.
  • Variety of Ideas: Discuss different perspectives and dimensions of the topic to showcase a comprehensive understanding.
  • Proofread: Edit your essay for grammar, punctuation, and clarity before submitting it.

Essay on Nature in 100 Words

Nature is a precious gift, encompassing all living and non-living entities. It provides us with air, water, food, and shelter. The beauty of nature soothes our souls and brings us closer to the marvels of creation. However, human activities are threatening the delicate balance of ecosystems, leading to pollution, deforestation, and climate change. It’s our responsibility to protect and preserve nature for future generations to enjoy its wonders.

Essay on Nature in 200 Words

Nature is the ultimate source of inspiration and sustenance for all life forms on Earth. From the smallest microorganisms to the tallest trees, every aspect of nature plays a crucial role in maintaining the delicate balance of our planet. The diversity of flora and fauna, the intricate ecosystems, and the natural resources provide us with food, shelter, and even the air we breathe.

Despite its undeniable importance, human activities are wreaking havoc on nature. Deforestation, pollution, and excessive use of natural resources are causing irreparable damage to our environment. Climate change, triggered by human-induced factors, is resulting in extreme weather events and rising sea levels, endangering both human and animal habitats.

Preserving nature is not a choice; it’s a necessity. The responsibility to conserve nature lies in the hands of every individual. Planting trees, reducing waste, using sustainable resources, and raising awareness about the importance of nature are steps we can take to mitigate the damage.

Nature has provided us with boundless beauty and resources, but it’s up to us to ensure its survival. By respecting and nurturing the natural world, we can secure a healthier and more vibrant planet for current and future generations.

Essay on Nature in 300 Words

Nature is a symphony of vibrant life forms and dynamic ecosystems that create a harmonious and intricate web of existence. The lush greenery of forests, the tranquil blue of oceans, the diverse habitats of animals, and the breathtaking landscapes remind us of the sheer magnificence of the world we inhabit. It’s a world that offers us both solace and sustenance, making our survival intertwined with its preservation.

The ecosystem services provided by nature are immeasurable. The forests act as the lungs of the Earth, producing oxygen and absorbing carbon dioxide. Wetlands filter our water, providing us with clean and fresh sources of hydration. Bees and other pollinators enable the growth of crops, contributing to global food security.

However, the rampant disregard for nature’s delicate balance is leading to alarming consequences. The relentless deforestation for urbanization and agriculture is causing habitat loss, leading to the extinction of numerous species. The excessive emission of greenhouse gases is driving climate change, with rising temperatures and unpredictable weather patterns threatening vulnerable communities.

To ensure the well-being of our planet and future generations, conservation and sustainable practices are imperative. Afforestation and reforestation efforts must be intensified to restore lost ecosystems. Transitioning to renewable energy sources can reduce carbon emissions and mitigate climate change. Moreover, raising awareness and fostering a deep connection with nature can instil a sense of responsibility and inspire positive action.

In conclusion, nature is not merely a resource for human exploitation; it’s a complex and interconnected system that sustains life in all its forms. We must recognize our role as custodians of the environment and act with diligence to protect and preserve it. By embracing sustainable practices and fostering a profound respect for nature, we can secure a future where the world’s natural wonders continue to thrive.

Nature encompasses the entirety of the physical world and its components, including landscapes, flora, fauna, air, water, and ecosystems. It encompasses the natural environment and all living and non-living elements that shape and sustain life on Earth.

Nature is vital for our survival, providing resources like air, water, and food. It maintains ecological balance, supports biodiversity, and offers inspiration and solace. However, human activities threaten its delicate equilibrium, necessitating conservation efforts.

Saving nature requires planting trees, reducing waste, using sustainable resources, and raising awareness about its importance. Adopting renewable energy sources, practising responsible consumption, and fostering a connection with nature are crucial steps in its preservation.

We hope that this essay blog on Nature helps. For more amazing daily reads related to essay writing , stay tuned with Leverage Edu .

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Manasvi Kotwal

Manasvi's flair in writing abilities is derived from her past experience of working with bootstrap start-ups, Advertisement and PR agencies as well as freelancing. She's currently working as a Content Marketing Associate at Leverage Edu to be a part of its thriving ecosystem.

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Nature, the best teacher

Let children step out, explore….

GoodEarth – October 14, 2022


We are at a juncture when it has never been more important to educate our children about the environment and its role in our life. The planet we live on is constantly evolving and so are we. Nature can teach us about ourselves, other people and our surroundings.

It can be the best teacher.

The more time we spend outdoors exploring the vast world around us, within our own backyards, it will lead us down paths that we wouldn’t have otherwise tread upon. We would have instead sat indoors staring at screens all day long.

Nature teaches children about little things that make them warm, happy and at peace with the world.

essay on nature our best teacher

As children grow, curiosity about the world around them leads them on a journey of discovery. The desire to explore their surroundings accelerates their development – both motor skills and cognitive capabilities.

They learn to care for all that surrounds them. From watering and applying manure to plants, feeding the animals, harvesting fruits to smelling the blossoms. Children begin to appreciate life. The importance of each organism and its symbiotic relationship with nature comes alive.

A child who feeds the chickens is less likely to be disgusted at the sight of a maggot. Rather she or he would look at it as hen’s favourite food. They not only learn but also grow sensitive towards the interconnectedness in nature. How everything in nature feeds the other; egg shells that are crushed and mixed with coffee grounds can be fed to the rose bush, bones to the dogs, and also appreciate the wagging tails, the playful jumps and happy barks as welcoming rather than intimidating.


Climbing trees, digging the earth and playing in the puddles, feeding animals are the childhood memories that each one of us recollect and wish to replicate for the next generation.

However, rapid and mindless urbanisation makes us wonder about the future.

How do we return to the basics and reconnect with nature?

This fear further alienates us and causes us to withdraw into our own little worlds instead of facing reality. It is within us to alter and recreate a better tomorrow.

essay on nature our best teacher

Thus, it is paramount that we educate our children about the environment, for they are the change drivers of tomorrow. And the future belongs to them.

We live in a world that’s changing faster than ever before. And it’s up to us to teach children to navigate the ecosystem that’s dynamic and create a change for the better.

The best way to learn is to embrace the real world and explore it in all its shades.

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  • Nature Essay


Essay About Nature

Nature refers to the interaction between the physical surroundings around us and the life within it like atmosphere, climate, natural resources, ecosystem, flora, fauna, and humans. Nature is indeed God’s precious gift to Earth. It is the primary source of all the necessities for the nourishment of all living beings on Earth. Right from the food we eat, the clothes we wear, and the house we live in is provided by nature. Nature is called ‘Mother Nature’ because just like our mother, she is always nurturing us with all our needs. 

Whatever we see around us, right from the moment we step out of our house is part of nature. The trees, flowers, landscapes, insects, sunlight, breeze, everything that makes our environment so beautiful and mesmerizing are part of Nature. In short, our environment is nature. Nature has been there even before the evolution of human beings. 

Importance of Nature

If not for nature then we wouldn’t be alive. The health benefits of nature for humans are incredible. The most important thing for survival given by nature is oxygen. The entire cycle of respiration is regulated by nature. The oxygen that we inhale is given by trees and the carbon dioxide we exhale is getting absorbed by trees. 

The ecosystem of nature is a community in which producers (plants), consumers, and decomposers work together in their environment for survival. The natural fundamental processes like soil creation, photosynthesis, nutrient cycling, and water cycling, allow Earth to sustain life. We are dependent on these ecosystem services daily whether or not we are aware.

Nature provides us services round the clock: provisional services, regulating services, and non-material services. Provisional services include benefits extracted from nature such as food, water, natural fuels and fibres, and medicinal plants. Regulating services include regulation of natural processes that include decomposition, water purification, pollution, erosion and flood control, and also, climate regulation. Non-material services are the non-material benefits that improve the cultural development of humans such as recreation, creative inspiration from interaction with nature like art, music, architecture, and the influence of ecosystems on local and global cultures. 

The interaction between humans and animals, which are a part of nature, alleviates stress, lessens pain and worries. Nature provides company and gives people a sense of purpose. 

Studies and research have shown that children especially have a natural affinity with nature. Regular interaction with nature has boosted health development in children. Nature supports their physical and mental health and instills abilities to access risks as they grow. 

Role and Importance of Nature

The natural cycle of our ecosystem is vital for the survival of organisms. We all should take care of all the components that make our nature complete. We should be sure not to pollute the water and air as they are gifts of Nature.

Mother nature fosters us and never harms us. Those who live close to nature are observed to be enjoying a healthy and peaceful life in comparison to those who live in urban areas. Nature gives the sound of running fresh air which revives us, sweet sounds of birds that touch our ears, and sounds of breezing waves in the ocean makes us move within.

All the great writers and poets have written about Mother Nature when they felt the exceptional beauty of nature or encountered any saddening scene of nature. Words Worth who was known as the poet of nature, has written many things in nature while being in close communion with nature and he has written many things about Nature. Nature is said to be the greatest teacher as it teaches the lessons of immortality and mortality. Staying in close contact with Nature makes our sight penetrative and broadens our vision to go through the mysteries of the planet earth. Those who are away from nature can’t understand the beauty that is held by Nature. The rise in population on planet earth is leading to a rise in consumption of natural resources.  Because of increasing demands for fuels like Coal, petroleum, etc., air pollution is increasing at a rapid pace.  The smoke discharged from factory units and exhaust tanks of cars is contaminating the air that we breathe. It is vital for us to plant more trees in order to reduce the effect of toxic air pollutants like Carbon monoxide, sulphur dioxide, nitrogen dioxide, etc. 

Save Our Nature

Earth’s natural resources are not infinite and they cannot be replenished in a short period. The rapid increase in urbanization has used most of the resources like trees, minerals, fossil fuels, and water. Humans in their quest for a comfortable living have been using the resources of nature mindlessly. As a result, massive deforestation, resultant environmental pollution, wildlife destruction, and global warming are posing great threats to the survival of living beings. 

Air that gives us oxygen to breathe is getting polluted by smoke, industrial emissions, automobile exhaust, burning of fossil fuels like coal, coke and furnace oil, and use of certain chemicals. The garbage and wastes thrown here and there cause pollution of air and land. 

Sewage, organic wastage, industrial wastage, oil spillage, and chemicals pollute water. It is causing several water-borne diseases like cholera, jaundice and typhoid. 

The use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers in agriculture adds to soil pollution. Due to the mindless cutting of trees and demolition of greeneries for industrialization and urbanization, the ecological balance is greatly hampered. Deforestation causes flood and soil erosion.

Earth has now become an ailing planet panting for care and nutrition for its rejuvenation. Unless mankind puts its best effort to save nature from these recurring situations, the Earth would turn into an unfit landmass for life and activity. 

We should check deforestation and take up the planting of trees at a massive rate. It will not only save the animals from being extinct but also help create regular rainfall and preserve soil fertility. We should avoid over-dependence on fossil fuels like coal, petroleum products, and firewood which release harmful pollutants to the atmosphere. Non-conventional sources of energy like the sun, biogas and wind should be tapped to meet our growing need for energy. It will check and reduce global warming. 

Every drop of water is vital for our survival. We should conserve water by its rational use, rainwater harvesting, checking the surface outflow, etc. industrial and domestic wastes should be properly treated before they are dumped into water bodies. 

Every individual can do his or her bit of responsibility to help save the nature around us. To build a sustainable society, every human being should practice in heart and soul the three R’s of Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. In this way, we can save our nature.  

Nature Conservation

Nature conservation is very essential for future generations, if we will damage nature our future generations will suffer.

Nowadays, technological advancement is adversely affecting our nature. Humans are in the quest and search for prosperity and success that they have forgotten the value and importance of beautiful Nature around. The ignorance of nature by humans is the biggest threat to nature. It is essential to make people aware and make them understand the importance of nature so that they do not destroy it in the search for prosperity and success.

On high priority, we should take care of nature so that nature can continue to take care of us. Saving nature is the crying need of our time and we should not ignore it. We should embrace simple living and high thinking as the adage of our lives.  


FAQs on Nature Essay

1. How Do You Define Nature?

Nature is defined as our environment. It is the interaction between the physical world around us and the life within it like the atmosphere, climate, natural resources, ecosystem, flora, fauna and humans. Nature also includes non-living things such as water,  mountains, landscape, plants, trees and many other things. Nature adds life to mother earth. Nature is the treasure habitation of every essential element that sustains life on this planet earth. Human life on Earth would have been dull and meaningless without the amazing gifts of nature. 

2. How is Nature Important to Us?

Nature is the only provider of everything that we need for survival. Nature provides us with food, water, natural fuels, fibres, and medicinal plants. Nature regulates natural processes that include decomposition, water purification, pollution, erosion, and flood control. It also provides non-material benefits like improving the cultural development of humans like recreation, etc. 

An imbalance in nature can lead to earthquakes, global warming, floods, and drastic climate changes. It is our duty to understand the importance of nature and how it can negatively affect us all if this rapid consumption of natural resources, pollution, and urbanization takes place.

3. How Should We Save Our Nature?

We should check deforestation and take up the planting of trees at a massive rate. It will save the animals from being extinct but also help create regular rainfall and preserve soil fertility. We should avoid over-dependence on fossil fuels like coal, petroleum products, and firewood which release harmful pollutants to the atmosphere. We should start using non-conventional sources of energy like the sun, biogas, and wind to meet our growing need for energy. It will check and reduce global warming. Water is vital for our survival and we should rationalize our use of water. 

Nature: the Greatest and Mightiest Teacher of Universe

In India, the birthday of Dr. Sarvepally Radhakrishnan is celebrated as Teachers Day on September 5, every year. The second President and the first Vice President of India, he was a philosopher and an enlightened soul too. Teachers Day is celebrated to pay tribute to the teachers who ignite young minds with the light of knowledge. To think from broader perspectives, whoever or whatever or wherever we learn from during our journey from cradle to grave is a teacher. Mother Nature is a great teacher herself . Nature like a teacher inspires, motivates and enlightens us. IndianEagle pays tribute to nature on the eve of Teachers Day.

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We were close to nature and away from material things in childhood. The floating clouds, the flying birds, the flowing streams, the blooming flowers, the blowing wind, the twinkling stars, the rising sun, the shining full moon, the rolling waves, the towering hills and the falling leaves – different forms of beauty – connect children with nature. Innocent minds are like innocent creatures in the world of nature. Nature teaches the value of innocence and gives lessons on the same. The divine beauty of nature is visible only to the innocent. Childhood, innocence, beauty and happiness are intermingled with each other in the nature poems of William Wordsworth , a great admirer, lover and worshiper of nature. The following quotes from two of his poems – My Heart Leaps Up and Daffodils – bear out to the observation above:

“My heart leaps up when I behold A rainbow in the sky”:

“I wandered lonely as a cloud That floats on high o’er vales and hills,”

Nature manifests its edifying self to us at different points of our journey from childhood to adulthood. Nature, the greatest force in the universe, reveals its abstract power in different concrete forms – mountains, rocks, oceans, rivers, trees, etc. Mountains, hills and rocks teach us the value of determination as well as resolution. They have been standing tall for ages. Their steadfast position is a lesson on how to stand ground for the right and against the wrong. We learn from them to live with our heads held high.

The human mind is as deep and mysterious as an ocean. Love, joy, kindness and mercy reside in the abyss of the heart just as pearls are found in the bottomless pit of oceans. Like the wavy surface of seas, we are eloquent outside. The true bliss of peace springs from our inner selves just as water bodies are clam in the deep. The journey of a river from the source to the destination is a lesson on how to brave odds by means of willpower in life. The tempo of human life never ceases even in the face of adversity, just as rivers stop at nothing on their way.

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There are lessons to learn from small artifices of nature, too. Flowers that spread fragrance in their surrounding teach us to spread love unconditionally. Trees give us lessons on how to exist despite unfavorable circumstances. As we grow and age, our innocence is replaced by experience. Such natural phenomenon as scorching summer, biting winter, rainfall and blows of wind make us feel that we are human beings of flesh & blood and that we exist. To be precise, the extreme forces of nature give us lessons on adversity and teach us how to survive. The following quotation from William Shakespeare ’s As You Like It better illustrates this edifying aspect of nature:

The seasons’ difference, as the icy fang And churlish chiding of the winter’s wind, Which, when it bites and blows upon my body, Even till I shrink with cold, I smile and say “This is no flattery: these are counsellors That feelingly persuade me what I am.”

It is the world of nature where we take flight to from the monotony of day-to-day life. Travel to hill stations and seaside destinations lends us a new lease of life through rejuvenation of the body, the mind, the soul and the senses. If there were no retreat to nature, we would have been going round in the circle of toils and moils. The mundane world is full of struggle, conflicts and hardships. Travel to nature is the best escape, though temporary, from such grim slices of life as boredom. It revives our energy and enthusiasm. It blesses us with peace and joy. In As You Like It, William Shakespeare throws light on the benefit of moving to nature away from society:

And this our life exempt from public haunt Finds tongues in trees, books in the running brooks, Sermons in stones and good in everything. I would not change it.

Since the time immemorial, nature has been a source of enlightenment in India , and travel has been the way to achieve it. Swami Vivekananda , the greatest disciple of Ramkrishna Paramhansa, is the name that comes to the mind when we speak of nature’s enlightening power. His tour of India (Bharat Bhraman) had culminated at Kanyakumari, the southernmost point of the country, where he sat on a rock, meditated, visualized the future of India and achieved enlightenment. Also,  Gautama Buddha and Mahavira belong to the same brigade of travelers in quest of knowledge and truth.

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If we leaf through the pages of history, we will find that not only monks but also mighty kings lived in forested areas and meditated in search of eternal happiness, at the twilight stage of their lives. Since the early age of human civilization on earth, nature has been inspiring the imaginative minds to indulge in the pursuit of discovery, invention and creativity. The beauty of hills, seas, waterfalls, lakes and the starry sky has been the Muse to poets and painters. Travel is the best tribute to Nature, the mightiest teacher of the universe. We at Indian Eagle would like to conclude with a famous quote by William Wordsworth :

“Come forth into the light of things, let nature be your teacher.”

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Nature is the best teacher!

Nature is the best teacher!

The following article comes from Kenny Peavy, Regenerative Education, Middle School Educator at Green School Bali.

Connecting with Nature has SO MANY BENEFITS for both Teachers and Students! Ranging from improved physical and mental health to developing meaningful connections and relationships for social and emotional growth and well-being.

At the Green School in Bali, we are incredibly lucky to have Nature at our doorstep. Our campus is a permaculture garden and we are surrounded by thriving forests of bamboo! We also have rice paddies and a river running through our campus.

To top it off all of our buildings are built from bamboo! So we can naturally integrate Nature and outdoor learning into our activities and lessons.

By integrating nature into curriculum, activities, and school environments, we empower students with a deeper understanding of the world, a sense of environmental responsibility, and the skills to address complex challenges, ultimately nurturing well-rounded individuals who appreciate, respect, and protect the natural world.

essay on nature our best teacher


Incorporating nature into lessons and activities can greatly enhance students’ learning experiences and foster a deeper connection with the environment. Here are some creative and practical ideas for teachers to integrate nature into their teaching:

  • Outdoor Classroom Sessions: Utilize your school’s outdoor spaces for lessons. Conduct class discussions, science experiments, or reading sessions outdoors to expose students to the natural world.
  • Nature Walks: Organize nature walks around your school campus or local parks. Encourage students to observe and document various plants, animals, and natural phenomena. Provide guided activities like nature scavenger hunts or journaling.
  • Nature-Based Art: Incorporate art into your nature-themed lessons. Students can create sketches, paintings, or sculptures inspired by the natural environment. This can also tie into discussions about aesthetics, patterns, and design in nature.
  • Science Experiments: Conduct hands-on science experiments related to ecology, biology, or environmental science. Examples include observing plant growth, studying the behavior of insects, or examining soil composition.
  • Wildlife Observation: Set up bird feeders, insect traps, or small observation stations in your classroom or outdoor space. Students can observe and document the behavior of different creatures, leading to discussions about ecosystems and adaptations.
  • Nature Journaling: Encourage students to keep nature journals where they record observations, sketches, and reflections about the natural world. This can help develop their observation skills and connect them with their surroundings.
  • Planting and Gardening: Create a small garden within your school premises. Students can plant and care for flowers, herbs, or vegetables, learning about plant life cycles, soil health, and sustainable practices.
  • Outdoor Reading and Storytelling: Take literature lessons outdoors. Read stories, poems, or passages related to nature. This can be followed by discussions about themes, symbolism, and the author’s connection to the environment.
  • Environmental Projects: Assign projects that require students to research and propose solutions for local environmental issues. This could involve pollution, waste management, conservation, or habitat restoration.
  • Nature-Inspired Writing: Encourage creative writing that is inspired by nature. Students can write descriptive essays, short stories, or poetry about their outdoor experiences or imaginary journeys through natural settings.
  • Virtual Nature Tours: If outdoor activities are limited, consider virtual nature tours using online resources, videos, and interactive websites that allow students to explore different ecosystems and wildlife habitats.
  • Nature-Based Math: Integrate math lessons with nature themes. For instance, students can measure the growth of plants, calculate the area of a garden, or analyze data related to weather patterns.
  • Nature and Cultural Studies: Explore the cultural significance of nature in different societies. Discuss traditional practices, rituals, and beliefs related to the environment.
  • Guest Speakers: Invite local naturalists, conservationists, or environmental experts to speak to your class. Their insights can provide real-world context and inspire students to engage with nature.

Remember to adapt these ideas to the age and grade level of your students. By incorporating nature into lessons and activities, you not only enrich their learning but also instil a sense of wonder and responsibility towards the environment.

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Nature: The Best Teacher

The generous spirit of Nature not only nurtures all forms of life, but is also ever ready to guide, teach and embrace those willing to tune in to her ways. Wisdom and knowledge gained the way is always the best and leaves a lasting impression incomparable by any other source. Bountiful nature has much to offer, yet mankind seldom seeks it from her. The call to learn can be easily missed and ignored, yet it's unceasingly there, ever poised to impart and bring up.

Wisdom emanates from the gentle and serene nature- from the sublime and the silence, as well as from the harsh and the grotesque aspect. Lessons are for free and are imparted at any given hour or moment. No admission or tuition fees required . Reason is You are already a pupil from the day you were born. Nature not only beckons you to learn from her, but has also sustained you in ways you might have overlooked. This write up attempts to bring out instances of lessons learnt from observing nature. Imagine yourself as a tree, so gloriously standing tall. Feel the strong winds blasting you with an with an irritating chill and sting. Now picture a tree with dried leaves and branches. Not a very appealing sight. Is it? The tree could do with a little shaking and swaying to rid itself of those leaves and branches that have seen better days. No worries. The wind is here; fierce and demanding, potent enough to perform what is required from it- clean up the mess. Space required for new business. So what does one learn from this illustration? Is it something to do with 'moving on' ? Rebirth? Regeneration? It had those impression on me. You see, not only the tree, but us do, gets our dose of harsh and strong winds at times, threatening to pull us out by our very roots! A dependable depth of root growth is needed to withstand the onslaught of adverse circumstances. And for the wind blasting you up there. Let it. It must be about time you let go of those dead branches and leaves; negative attitudes, scars, grudges, irrational fears, unrealistic expectations, etc . Bid them adieu because they are nothing but just extra weights that only makes you stoop, preventing you from living a life with your full potentials. This is one valuable lesson from nature. Life may take away things from us but only to pave the way for new sprouts and to repay us with something better; may give us an unexpected jolt, only to shake us off of dead weights. So all one needs to do at times like this is hold on to one's own roots with a positive attitude with patience and endurance.

True, there was a story also. A man on his way to his village took rest under a tree on his way. By lying down he saw the topside of the tree and found a small small fruits on it. He immediately began to think that how the God was foolish,as He made such small fruits in a big tree,instead he would made big fruits as suitable to the size of tree. By thinking like this, he felt asleep. But suddenly he get shocked as a fruit of that tree falls on his forehead. He felt so pain and began to thank God by saying,'Sorry! I miscalculated your doings! What you have made must be correct as you know ALL. If the fruit is bigger,as I thought,what would happen to me on falling the same on me?" So, the Nature is the best teacher to us. Moreover, Kabirdas, the famous poet of North India, told once, that he had so many Gurus as many things teaches us many things - all are equal to Guru.

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Nature is the best teacher expansion of idea – Find the Meaning and Examples here!

Nature is the best teacher expansion of idea: The phrase “Nature is the best teacher” suggests that there is much to be learned from the natural world around us. Nature has always been an essential part of human existence, providing us with the resources to survive and thrive. Through observation and reflection, humans have gained valuable insights from nature about life and the world. The natural world teaches us about balance, resilience, and adaptation, and provides us with examples of how to live in harmony with the environment. This phrase emphasizes the importance of understanding and respecting nature, and how it can guide us in our journey through life.

Table of Contents

Meaning of Nature is the best teacher

The saying “Nature is the best teacher” suggests that we can learn a lot from observing and studying the natural world. Nature has existed for billions of years and has evolved complex systems that work in harmony with each other. By observing and reflecting on these systems, we can gain insights into how the world works and how we can live in harmony with it.

For example, we can learn about the importance of balance and harmony in nature, where every organism has a role to play in the ecosystem. We can also learn about resilience and adaptation, where organisms can adapt to changes in their environment to survive and thrive.


Moreover, nature teaches us about the interconnectedness of all living things and how our actions can have far-reaching consequences on the environment. For instance, pollution and deforestation can have devastating effects on ecosystems and the organisms that depend on them.

Therefore, the saying emphasizes the importance of learning from and respecting nature. It encourages us to observe and understand the natural world around us, and to use that knowledge to make better decisions about how we interact with the environment.

Example of Nature is the best teacher

One example of “Nature is the best teacher” is the concept of biomimicry. Biomimicry is a design approach that seeks to solve human problems by taking inspiration from nature’s designs and processes. For example, the shape of airplane wings was inspired by the shape of bird wings, and the velcro was invented based on the way burrs stick to fur.

By studying nature’s solutions to problems, we can learn from millions of years of evolution and create more sustainable and efficient designs. This approach also encourages us to work in harmony with nature rather than against it, reducing our impact on the environment.

Permaculture is another example of “Nature is the best teacher,” as it is a design approach that replicates natural ecosystems to develop sustainable and regenerative agricultural systems. Permaculture practitioners can develop productive, diversified, and resilient food systems by studying and understanding how natural ecosystems function.

These examples show how we can learn valuable lessons from nature and use that knowledge to create more sustainable and efficient systems.

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Short Essay on Nature is the best teacher

Nature is the best teacher because it offers valuable lessons and insights into the workings of the world. The natural world has existed for billions of years and has evolved complex systems that work in harmony with each other. By observing and reflecting on these systems, we can gain insights into how the world works and how we can live in harmony with it.

One of the most important lessons we can learn from nature is the importance of balance and harmony. In nature, every organism has a role to play in the ecosystem, and every action has a consequence. By understanding this principle, we can learn to live in harmony with our environment and make choices that support the health and sustainability of the planet.

Another important lesson we can learn from nature is resilience and adaptation. In nature, organisms can adapt to changes in their environment to survive and thrive. By studying how plants and animals adapt to changing conditions, we can learn how to be more resilient in the face of adversity.

Finally, nature teaches us about the interconnectedness of all living things. We are all part of the same ecosystem, and our actions can have far-reaching consequences on the environment. By recognizing our interconnectedness with the natural world, we can learn to live more sustainably and reduce our impact on the planet.

In conclusion, nature is the best teacher because it offers us valuable lessons about balance, resilience, and interconnectedness. By observing and studying the natural world, we can gain a deeper understanding of how the world works and how we can live in harmony with it.

Nature is the best teacher expansion of idea in 100 words

The idea that “Nature is the best teacher” emphasizes that we can learn a great deal from observing and studying the natural world. The natural world has existed for billions of years and has evolved complex systems that work in harmony with each other. By studying these systems, we can gain insights into how the world works and how we can live in harmony with it. Nature also teaches us about the interconnectedness of all living things and how our actions can have far-reaching consequences on the environment. This concept encourages us to learn from and respect nature, and to use that knowledge to make better decisions about how we interact with the environment.

Nature is the best teacher expansion of idea in 200 words

The statement “Nature is the best teacher” means that we may learn a lot from nature if we pay close attention and keep an open mind. Nature is both beautiful and scientific. Millions of natural items and specimens have provided fresh insights, enhanced human knowledge, and aided the globe in its joint effort to discover nature’s hidden treasures.

Being in nature, getting near to it, and seeing its creations, teaches us a lot. The mountains teach us to be strong in the face of adversity. The trees show us the importance of having deep roots (fundamentals). The water teaches us to be adaptable and patient. Hummingbirds teach us the value of perseverance. Ants teach us to be persistent, while flowers teach us to be alive and happy.

But, nature teaches us the most crucial lesson of all: balance. Nature’s diverse offerings, such as summer and winter, sun and moon, day and night, are excellent instances of balance. This equilibrium eventually yields rhythm, a rhythm that holds everything together. As a result, if we take the time to appreciate the beauty of nature around us, each day may teach us something new.

FAQs on Nature is the best teacher expansion of idea

It means that we can learn valuable lessons and insights from observing and studying the natural world.

We can learn about balance, resilience, interconnectedness, and how to live in harmony with the environment.

We can make more sustainable and eco-friendly choices, observe and appreciate the natural world, and learn from nature’s designs and processes to solve human problems.

This concept has had a wide-ranging impact on society, including the creation of ecological and sustainable design techniques, the promotion of environmental conservation and stewardship, and the understanding of the significance of preserving and protecting natural ecosystems.

Yes, some challenges include the perception that nature is separate from human society, the tendency to view nature as a resource to be exploited, and the lack of political will to prioritize environmental conservation and sustainability.

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By Gauri Malik

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Essay on Nature | Nature Essay for Students and Children in English

Essay on Nature: It is true that nature is the greatest gift of God and man his most wonderful creation. Nature is infinite and, in its infinity, is the greatest teacher. Man has the ability to think and reason, therefore he must use those powers to learn from his surroundings with positivity. Nature can teach and inspire man, but it is up to man to understand its teachings correctly and thus make the world a heaven, as God had intended.

Nature is the living, visible garment of God. -Goethe

In nature, all is management for the best with perfect progality and just reserve, profuse to none but bountiful to all. – Shaftbury

Nature pleases, attracts delights and inspires. -W. Humboldt

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Long Essay on Nature 500 Words in English

Below we have given a long essay on Nature of 500 words is helpful for classes 7, 8, 9 and 10 and Competitive Exam Aspirants. This long essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 7 to class 10, and also for competitive exam aspirants.

Nature consists of hundreds of big and small things ranging from the mighty oceans to the tiny morsels of sand. It covers the Universe, Flowers Rivers, Mountains, waterfalls, Rain, Winds, Clouds, Rainbow and many more wonderful things. Nature is a silent teacher. It does not scold but if man does not pay attention properly, it does not hesitate to punish.

First and foremost, nature teaches us that each individual is very important for the world. It inspires us to have confidence in our ability and desire to make the world a better place as nature itself does. A drop of water makes the mighty ocean. This example of nature teaches us that every individual human being is important and can make one’s own contribution.

Nature inspires man through its simplicity and beauty. As Keats has said. ‘A thing of beauty is a joy forever’ and Wordsworth inspired by ‘nature’ beauty wrote.

For oft when on my couch I lie In vacant or in pensive mood They flash upon that inward eye Which is the bliss of solitude And then my heart with pleasure fills And dances with the daffodils.

If you can appreciate beauty of nature and enjoy it, you need no company, you are never dejected, and you will have solace, rest, peace and happiness. What else is needed in the world.

Essay on Nature

Nature also teaches us to respect time and make best use of our time, because time is fleeting, and life is short. Sun rises every day. Cycle chain of nature goes on without break teaching us punctuality and discipline.

It teaches us to flow on like a river, never to stop, toiling hard to reach our goal. It also gives us the message of hope and courage. Nature also suffers but it goes on. As after the darkest hour of night, the sun rays come up, in the same way with patience we can go on and are bound to be successful.

Nature inspires us in many ways. God has created man and nature for each other. But unfortunately, with the advent of 20th century we became more and more selfish. With the rise of population and greed, woods were cut, factories were constructed, pollution increased in land and water making many species extinct. Man because of his greed for money and power has neglected the basic rules of nature and forgotten its teachings and also to keep balance between nature and his aspirations.

‘Live and let live’ is the maxim which should have been adopted but is totally forgotten. The result is destruction of both nature and man. What we have done is this. Look at the holy river Ganga its water can not be used without purification. It smells of the rubbish from tanneries and sewers.

It is quite possible that after some time we will not be able to see green grass or flowers. It seems the predication of Nostradamus is going to be true that by the end of century, the world- will also come to an end. It is quite possible also, if the deforestation, indiscriminate killing of animal’s birds and sea creatures, pollution global warming ozone layer depletion go on at the present speed. Thus, we will lose our greatest teacher inspirer and saviol, and, in the process, we will destroy ourselves also.

Nature Essay for Students and Children

500+ words nature essay.

Nature is an important and integral part of mankind. It is one of the greatest blessings for human life; however, nowadays humans fail to recognize it as one. Nature has been an inspiration for numerous poets, writers, artists and more of yesteryears. This remarkable creation inspired them to write poems and stories in the glory of it. They truly valued nature which reflects in their works even today. Essentially, nature is everything we are surrounded by like the water we drink, the air we breathe, the sun we soak in, the birds we hear chirping, the moon we gaze at and more. Above all, it is rich and vibrant and consists of both living and non-living things. Therefore, people of the modern age should also learn something from people of yesteryear and start valuing nature before it gets too late.

nature essay

Significance of Nature

Nature has been in existence long before humans and ever since it has taken care of mankind and nourished it forever. In other words, it offers us a protective layer which guards us against all kinds of damages and harms. Survival of mankind without nature is impossible and humans need to understand that.

If nature has the ability to protect us, it is also powerful enough to destroy the entire mankind. Every form of nature, for instance, the plants , animals , rivers, mountains, moon, and more holds equal significance for us. Absence of one element is enough to cause a catastrophe in the functioning of human life.

We fulfill our healthy lifestyle by eating and drinking healthy, which nature gives us. Similarly, it provides us with water and food that enables us to do so. Rainfall and sunshine, the two most important elements to survive are derived from nature itself.

Further, the air we breathe and the wood we use for various purposes are a gift of nature only. But, with technological advancements, people are not paying attention to nature. The need to conserve and balance the natural assets is rising day by day which requires immediate attention.

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Conservation of Nature

In order to conserve nature, we must take drastic steps right away to prevent any further damage. The most important step is to prevent deforestation at all levels. Cutting down of trees has serious consequences in different spheres. It can cause soil erosion easily and also bring a decline in rainfall on a major level.

essay on nature our best teacher

Polluting ocean water must be strictly prohibited by all industries straightaway as it causes a lot of water shortage. The excessive use of automobiles, AC’s and ovens emit a lot of Chlorofluorocarbons’ which depletes the ozone layer. This, in turn, causes global warming which causes thermal expansion and melting of glaciers.

Therefore, we should avoid personal use of the vehicle when we can, switch to public transport and carpooling. We must invest in solar energy giving a chance for the natural resources to replenish.

In conclusion, nature has a powerful transformative power which is responsible for the functioning of life on earth. It is essential for mankind to flourish so it is our duty to conserve it for our future generations. We must stop the selfish activities and try our best to preserve the natural resources so life can forever be nourished on earth.

{ “@context”: “”, “@type”: “FAQPage”, “mainEntity”: [ { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “Why is nature important?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “Nature is an essential part of our lives. It is important as it helps in the functioning of human life and gives us natural resources to lead a healthy life.” } }, { “@type”: “Question”, “name”: “How can we conserve nature?”, “acceptedAnswer”: { “@type”: “Answer”, “text”: “We can take different steps to conserve nature like stopping the cutting down of trees. We must not use automobiles excessively and take public transport instead. Further, we must not pollute our ocean and river water.” } } ] }

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Nature: A Great Teacher

Nature is the fountainhead of beauty and solace. it soothes the heart, mind and soul; it refreshes with vigour and vitality. nature is a best….

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Nature is the fountainhead of beauty and solace. It soothes the heart, mind and soul; it refreshes with vigour and vitality. Nature is a best teacher, a great source of wisdom. It carries important life lessons for those who want to learn. Everything in nature teaches us something important. Be it changing of seasons, flowers or honey bees for that matter.

Rose is appreciated for the fragrance and beauty despite thorns. It has thorns to make us realise that we all are imperfectly perfect. We have both good and bad qualities; strengths and weaknesses. No one is perfect. We should adopt this approach towards life and appreciate goodness of others and stop breeding on flaws. We should neither claim nor seek perfection. Same is the case with honey bees. They stung us but give us honey as well, so when people hurt us we should not forget their goodness and all the good things they have done for us.

Seasons also come with lessons. In winter we see a transition from fruit laden orchids to withered trees. This teaches us that beauty is just nine days’ wonder. Nothing in this world is permanent. The beauty of spring fade away in  autumn. It teaches us that time is like a spindle. Yesterday’s richest can become tomorrow’s destitute. It teaches us humility. Whenever we are bestowed with power, fame, and success we should not look down upon others, rather be humble and down to earth. For no one knows what tomorrow will hold. Besides it teaches us that when trees have fruit and shade to give, people roam around and value them but once they are barren they lose value. Same way many people value us as long as we are useful to them. Sad, but bitter truth of life.

Spring is a sign of hope. It teaches us that those who endure hardships in winter are bestowed the blossom; withered trees again bloom. Just like autumn turns into spring and brings life to lifeless orchids and gardens; our misfortune  will turn into fortune, illness to wellness, failure to success. We just have to be  hopeful and  work  patiently.

Autumn comes with a lesson that hard work pays off and fruit of patience is sweetest. Farmers who work tirelessly for the whole year reap the harvest and all their hard-work pays off. Same way students and employees who work tirelessly and honestly reap at the end of the year.

Nature always teaches us patience. It takes nine months for a zygote to bloom into a baby and months for a seed to turn into sapling, and a sapling to turn into a full blown tree. It teaches us that process of growth requires patience and time. Good things take time to happen. We should not hurry. If a farmer harvests before time he will reap a poor yield.

In the darkness of night, moon and stars come out to teach us to be hopeful. We need to remember, it is not the moon that makes night beautiful but night that makes the moon beautiful. It is often adversity that teaches us more lessons and make us grow stronger and mature enough to cope up with challenges of life.

Trees bend during winds, if they don’t they will break. It teaches two important things. We should bow before the supreme power or else we will break, and we should bow our ego to prevent some beautiful relations from breaking.

Flowers bloom, fruits ripen and water flows silently. Same way we should learn to grow silently without boasting.

Nature made us realise that there is some supreme power working behind the scenes. Blooming flowers, dancing paddy fields, fruit laden orchids, huge mountains, oceans and rivers, ravishing springs, changing of seasons, alternating of day and night – all this makes a person fall in love deeply with the creator. Almighty Allah, whose creativity has no match. Heart and soul reverberate with appreciation and  triggers us to  exclaim:

“Fa bi Ayi Aala e Rabikuma Tukaziban”

Then which of your favours of the Lord you will deny?

Almighty Allah has always done miracles to give us hope. He saved Prophet Ibrahim (A.S) from fire, Almighty Allah created a way for prophet Musa (A.S) through sea. Prophet Younis (A.S) was brought alive from the belly of a whale. Prophet Zakarya was bestowed fatherhood in late 80s. Hazrat Maryam (A.S) gave birth to a son without any mate. Such is the power of prayer and Tawakal. Lord has the power to give us everything, provided we know how to seek.

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Essay On Nature – 10 Lines, Short And Long Essay For Children


Key Points To Remember When Writing Essay On Nature For Lower Primary Classes

10 lines on nature for kids, short essay on nature in english for children, long essay on nature for children, what will your child learn from an essay on nature.

Nature is everything that surrounds us. It is a kind of God’s blessing in the form of life around us. The atmosphere, climate, ecosystem, flora and fauna, and many more exist within this nature to maintain a smooth balance. Writing an essay on nature for classes 1, 2, and 3 is a good way to teach kids about this subject. A nature essay in English will provide kids with abundant knowledge on the topic.

Nature is the biggest reason for our easy survival on this planet. It provides us with food, clothing, and shelter. The sunlight, plants, air, rain, animals, and everything come together to complete nature. It makes our environment liveable and beautiful. It has given life to human beings, and it was present even before the evolution of human beings. It makes a natural cycle for the smooth functioning of every living being on this planet. There is a reason why nature is referred to as “mother”. Mother nature cherishes and nurtures us.

Before writing an essay on any topic, it is important to read and understand it. Instead of mugging up the text, you can watch videos and understand the details of the topic. Below are some points on how to write an essay on nature.

  • An essay has an introduction, body, and conclusion.
  • The introduction to the essay should briefly include the definition of nature.
  • The body should explain the role and importance of nature.
  • The conclusion should talk about what we can do to conserve nature.
  • You can include famous quotes and lines to emphasise the importance of nature.

Kids need to understand nature in simpler words as they grasp the details easily with simpler language. Here are a few lines that might help them understand and write a simple short essay for classes 1 and 2.

  • Nature consists of everything that we can see and feel.
  • It is a home to different kinds of living and non-living beings.
  • It maintains an ecological system to make everyone live in harmony.
  • Nature holds a balance between diverse ecosystems for smooth functioning.
  • It consists of air, water, plants, animals, human life, and many more.
  • Nature provides us with water to drink, air to breathe, food to eat, clothes to wear, and a shelter to live in.
  • Imbalance in nature can be life-threatening to all.
  • Many factors are disturbing the balance of nature, like industrialisation, technology, etc.
  • Nature conservation is an important factor in saving nature.
  • Saving our mother nature is the need of the hour.

The entire humankind is dependent on nature. Gradually, we are exhausting the energy of mother nature. Let us understand its value with a nature essay in English 100 words. It can be written in simple language as it is a simple short essay about nature.

The fruits of nature have benefited us since we came onto this planet. Nature is so much more than a blessing; it has given us the gift of life. It protects us from all the harm and evil. Every member of nature has a role to play, be it living or non-living. While it has the power to protect us, it also has enough power to vanish entire humankind. Over the years, we have been exploiting mother nature with activities like deforestation, waste production, etc. It is important to conserve nature by keeping our surroundings clean and green and using more sustainable products.

We are sitting in the comfortable lap of mother nature without worrying too much about the problems it faces. It is a giver and never asks anything in return. Here is an outline of nature and its importance in the form of an essay for class 3.

Nature can be defined as the interaction between physical surroundings around us. Physical surroundings include living and non-living beings. Living beings include humans, animals, plants, and anything that can breathe in and out. Non-living beings are weather, climate, rocks, air, water, sand, etc. Nature is all about the coexistence of living and non-living beings. It maintains an ecological balance between the two. Entire humankind is dependent on the smooth functioning of the ecosystem maintained by mother nature.

1. Importance And Role Of Nature

The importance of nature is unparalleled. It gives us necessities like food, air, and water. We breathe oxygen given by plants, and plants take in the carbon dioxide we breathe out. This is a simple example of how nature balances everything. You can understand its importance from the fact that poets and writers have written exceptional pieces about mother nature. Writers and poets like Rudyard Kipling, William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more gave us beautiful poems and proses to make us understand the value of nature. Their writings compel us to be closer to nature and lead a happy & healthy life. Being closer to nature can heal our prolonged illness and make us fit as a horse.

The services of nature can be categorised as provisional, regulating, and non-material. Provisional services are those activities that give direct benefits from nature like food, water, medicinal plants, and many more. The regulating services include regulation of natural activities like water purification, decomposition, climate regulation, and many more. The non-material service includes recreational activities like interaction with nature to explore advents of art, music, culture, and more.

2. Significance Of Nature Conservation

The energy sources in nature are not infinite; we are exhausting them with continuous and careless usage. It has become very important to start acting about conserving nature with our best. The increase in industrialisation, urbanisation, and migration is causing a shortage of even basic amenities. There is a rapid surge in the greenhouse effect and global warming. Activities like deforestation and transportation are causing an increase in pollution. Dumps from industries, sewage waste, oil spills, and more are a cause of diseases in humans and animals. The health of mother nature is deteriorating because of our quest for comfortable living. Saving nature is the need of the hour. We can do a lot by just switching to sustainable living standards. Planting more and more trees, keeping the environment clean and green, and boycotting the usage of plastic and non-biodegradable products are some activities that can be inculcated in our daily lives to conserve nature. We should be rationally using clean water and should indulge ourselves in rainwater harvesting. If we want to pass a beautiful environment to our future generation, we should be willing to keep it clean in the present.

Our kids learn from us. Our activities influence them a lot. If we work towards keeping our home and nature clean, they will imbibe the same from us. The essay will teach them about the significance of the protection of nature. It will also show them a mirror if they are doing any harm to nature. It will compel them to work towards and give them ideas on how to conserve nature. It will make them realise nature is the best teacher.

We can conclude that nature is the most powerful thing on our planet that binds everything together. Any malfunctioning in even the smallest processes can cause a lot of damage to life on earth. Our selfish deeds towards nature can harm us and our future generations. It is important to keep nature growing for the existence of humanity on the planet. Protecting and preserving nature calls for your attention. It is a two-way process – if you take care of mother nature, it will continue to care of your needs.

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Nature Is The Best Teacher Expansion of Idea: Check The Meaning Here!

Nature Is The Best Teacher Expansion of Idea: Nature has always been a source of inspiration and wonder for humanity, with its vast landscapes, diverse ecosystems, and intricate systems of life. But beyond its beauty, nature can also teach us important lessons about the world and ourselves. The saying “Nature is the best teacher” emphasizes the idea that we can learn valuable insights and wisdom from observing and interacting with the natural world. In this article, we will explore the expansion of this idea, looking at how nature can teach us important lessons about life, sustainability, and our place in the world.

Table of Contents

Expansion of Idea Nature Is The Best Teacher

Expand the proverb nature is the best teacher, explanation of the saying nature is the best teacher, nature is the best teacher expansion of idea in 100 words, nature is the best teacher expansion of idea in 200 words, faqs on nature is the best teacher expansion of the idea .

The idea that “Nature is the best teacher” highlights the profound lessons that we can learn from observing and interacting with the natural world. Nature is an ever-evolving and complex system, and by studying it, we can gain insights and wisdom that can be applied to many aspects of our lives. For example, nature can teach us about resilience and adaptation. Plants and animals have evolved to survive in challenging and changing environments, and we can learn from their strategies for survival. We can also learn about sustainability and the interconnectedness of all living things. Nature operates in cycles and balances, and by observing these processes, we can gain a deeper understanding of the impact of our actions on the environment and the importance of preserving it.

Nature can also teach us about the power of simplicity and the beauty of imperfection. In nature, everything has a purpose and a role to play, and there is a certain elegance in the way that ecosystems function. We can learn to appreciate the beauty of the imperfect and the flawed, recognizing that it is often these imperfections that give things their unique character and beauty.

Furthermore, nature can teach us about the importance of mindfulness and being present in the moment. When we immerse ourselves in nature, we are forced to slow down and observe the world around us. We can learn to appreciate the small details and simple pleasures of life, such as the sound of a bird singing or the way that sunlight filters through the trees.

In conclusion, the idea that “Nature is the best teacher” highlights the valuable lessons that we can learn from observing and interacting with the natural world. From resilience and adaptation to sustainability and mindfulness, nature can teach us important insights and wisdom that can enrich our lives and help us become better stewards of the environment.

The proverb “Nature is the best teacher” emphasizes the idea that the natural world around us holds profound wisdom and knowledge that we can learn from. It suggests that by observing and interacting with nature, we can gain important insights into life and the world around us. Nature operates in an ever-evolving and complex system, and by studying it, we can learn about balance, harmony, and sustainability.

One of the important lessons that nature can teach us is the importance of resilience and adaptation. We see this in the way that plants and animals have evolved to survive in changing environments. For example, some species of birds migrate thousands of miles each year to find food and nesting sites. These adaptations allow them to thrive in challenging conditions and inspire us to be more adaptable in our own lives.

Nature also teaches us about interconnectedness and the importance of preserving the environment. Every living thing on Earth is connected and dependent on each other, and we can learn from this intricate web of relationships. We can also learn about the impact of our actions on the environment and the importance of sustainable living.

Additionally, nature can teach us about the beauty of simplicity and the acceptance of imperfection. In nature, there is a certain elegance in the way that ecosystems function, and we can learn to appreciate the beauty of the imperfect and the flawed.

The saying “Nature is the best teacher” emphasizes the idea that the natural world around us holds valuable lessons that we can learn from. It suggests that by observing and interacting with nature, we can gain important insights into life and the world around us.

One of the key lessons that nature can teach us is the importance of resilience and adaptation. We see this in the way that plants and animals have evolved to survive in changing environments. For example, some species of plants can adapt to harsh conditions such as drought or extreme temperatures, while animals have developed strategies for hunting, mating, and protecting themselves.

Another lesson that nature can teach us is the interconnectedness of all living things. Every organism on Earth is connected and dependent on each other, and by studying these relationships, we can gain a deeper understanding of the complex systems that make up our world. We can also learn about the impact of our actions on the environment and the importance of preserving it.

Furthermore, nature can teach us about the power of simplicity and the beauty of imperfection. In nature, everything has a purpose and a role to play, and there is a certain elegance in the way that ecosystems function. We can learn to appreciate the beauty of the imperfect and the flawed, recognizing that it is often these imperfections that give things their unique character and beauty.

Also, Read necessity is the mother of invention expansion of idea !

The expansion of the proverb “Nature is the best teacher” emphasizes the important lessons that we can learn from observing and interacting with the natural world. It highlights the importance of resilience, adaptation, and interconnectedness, as well as the power of simplicity and the beauty of imperfection. By studying nature, we can gain a deeper understanding of the complex systems that make up our world and become better stewards of the environment. Ultimately, nature holds profound wisdom that can enrich our lives and inspire us to live in harmony with the natural world around us.

The proverb “Nature is the best teacher” emphasizes the idea that the natural world around us holds valuable lessons that we can learn from. By observing and interacting with nature, we can gain important insights into life and the world around us.

One of the key lessons that nature can teach us is the importance of resilience and adaptation. We see this in the way that plants and animals have evolved to survive in changing environments. Nature also teaches us about interconnectedness and the importance of preserving the environment.

Additionally, nature can teach us about the power of simplicity and the beauty of imperfection. In nature, everything has a purpose and a role to play, and there is a certain elegance in the way that ecosystems function. We can learn to appreciate the beauty of the imperfect and the flawed, recognizing that it is often these imperfections that give things their unique character and beauty.

Moreover, nature teaches us about mindfulness and the importance of being present in the moment. Nature provides a sense of peace and tranquility that can help us reconnect with ourselves and with the world around us. We can learn to appreciate the beauty and wonder of nature, which can inspire us to lead more fulfilling lives.

In conclusion, the expansion of the proverb “Nature is the best teacher” highlights the profound lessons that we can learn from observing and interacting with the natural world. From resilience and adaptation to interconnectedness and mindfulness, nature holds valuable wisdom that can enrich our lives and help us become better stewards of the environment.

Election latest: Home Secretary James Cleverly faces questions on Sky News as 'utterly extraordinary' Tory betting scandal grows

James Cleverly faces questions on Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips after it emerged that the Conservative Party's data chief has taken a leave of absence over allegations he placed bets on the timing of the election. Watch the show live by pressing play below.

Sunday 23 June 2024 07:53, UK

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The Conservatives have claimed a Labour government could "put Brexit in peril" in statements and op-eds published on the eighth anniversary of the EU referendum.

Rishi Sunak has made a series of claims about rival Sir Keir Starmer and his intentions if Labour get into government - claiming he "would recommit us to free movement of EU citizens, taking thousands more illegal migrants and binding our businesses again in Brussels red tape".

"Keir Starmer has never believed we can succeed as a sovereign country and has tried to overturn the result time and time again," he said. "Now he has committed to years more wrangling the EU and abandoning all our hard-won freedoms like the ability to strike more trade deals and cut more red tape.

"Make no mistake, Brexit would be in peril under Labour."

Meanwhile,  as polls continue to predict  Labour are heading for a comfortable majority, their national campaign co-ordinator has reminded the public: "Change will only happen if you vote for it."

Labour's national campaign coordinator Pat McFadden wrote in the Observer: "There is a danger that the debate in this election becomes consumed by polls and specifically by the idea that the outcome is somehow pre-determined… No way is this election a done deal.

"The headlines about the clutch of MRP polls disguise a huge level of uncertainty."

Read more here:

By Faye Brown , political reporter

Union boss Sharon Graham has said she does not agree with Labour's fiscal rules and the party should borrow more to invest.

Speaking to Sky News' Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips in an interview that will be broadcast in full today, the Unite general secretary said other countries with growing economies have a larger debt-to-GDP ratio than the UK, "so there is wiggle room".

Rachel Reeves, the shadow chancellor, has promised to retain the Tories' commitment that debt as a proportion of GDP must be on track to fall in five years if Labour win the election on 4 July.

She has ruled out borrowing to fund day-to-day spending, saying her focus will be on reforms to grow the economy.

But Ms Graham said: "I don't agree with Rachel Reeves in terms of what has been said about the plans on growth.

"If you look at other countries - in France, their debt to GDP is 112%. In America, where the economy's growing, it's 130% debt to GDP. Ours is around about 99%. We have wiggle room. Give Britain a break."

The union leader said that workers "are literally hurting beyond anything that you could comprehend" due to the cost of living crisis.

Read more below - and watch the full interview on Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips live on Sky News from 8.30am.

Our flagship Sunday morning show, hosted by  Trevor Phillips , will be live on Sky News from 8.30am, and we have a packed line-up for you after another eventful week of the campaign.

Trevor will be chatting to:

  • James Cleverly , home secretary;
  • Bridget Phillipson , shadow education secretary;
  • Sharon Graham , Unite general secretary;
  • Robert Jenrick , former immigration minister.

On Trevor's expert panel will be:

  • Lionel Barber , former editor of the Financial Times
  • Sonia Sodha , former Labour adviser;
  • Guto Harri , former Number 10 communications director.

Watch live on Sky News and in the stream at the top of this page - and follow updates here in the Politics Hub.

Watch  Sunday Morning with Trevor Phillips  from 8.30am every Sunday on Sky channel 501, Virgin channel 602, Freeview channel 233, on the  Sky News website  and  app  or on  YouTube .

A top Conservative Party official has taken a leave of absence over allegations he placed bets on the timing of next month's general election.

Nick Mason, the Tory Party's chief data officer, is being investigated by the Gambling Commission for allegedly betting on the timing of the election before the date had been announced.

The revelations were first reported by The Sunday Times, which claimed dozens of bets had been placed with potential winnings worth thousands of pounds.

The allegations represent a fresh blow for Rishi Sunak as three other Conservative figures have already been caught up in the scandal.

Tony Lee, the party's director of campaigns, and his wife Laura Saunders are also under investigation.

Along with them, Craig Williams, Mr Sunak's parliamentary private secretary, admitted to placing a "flutter" on the date of the election and is also being investigated.

Senior Tory Michael Gove condemned the latest reports and likened the controversy to partygate.

Labour branded the fresh allegations "utterly extraordinary" and called for "all those implicated" to be suspended.

Read more from our news reporter Kieren Williams here:

Good morning!

Welcome back to the Politics Hub on this Sunday, 23 June.

With just 11 days to go until polls open across the country, the betting scandal engulfing the Conservative Party has expanded yet again.

Meanwhile, Labour appear to be updating their key message as they warn against voter complacency after months of polls showing them far in the lead.

Here's what's making the headlines this morning:

  • Nick Mason, the Conservative Party 's data chief, is understood to have taken a leave of absence over allegations he placed bets on the timing of next month's general election;
  • The allegations are a fresh blow for Rishi Sunak as three other Conservative figures have already been caught up in the scandal;
  • The Labour Party and the Lib Dems are demanding that Mr Sunak suspends all those implicated as investigations continue;
  • The Tories are still on the attack, however - with today being the eighth anniversary of the Brexit referendum, they are warning that Labour would seek closer ties with the EU;
  • Meanwhile, Sir Keir Starmer and his team appear to be modifying their key message as they fear voter complacency at the general election next week;
  • From just one word, "change", the slogan has become: "Change will only happen if you vote for it";
  • Nigel Farage remains under fire after saying that the West "provoked" Russia's invasion of Ukraine, with Volodymyr Zelenskyy saying he has been "infected by the virus of Putinism";
  • Broader campaigning will continue today, with SNP , Green Party , and Plaid Cymru leaders and candidates expected to be out talking to voters.

Joining us on Sunday Morning With Trevor Phillips , live on Sky News from 8.30am :

  • Sharon Graham , general secretary of the Unite union;
  • Robert Jenrick , Tory candidate and former cabinet minister.

On his panel this morning are:

  • Lionel Barber , former editor of the Financial Times;
  • Guto Harri , former Downing Street communications director under Boris Johnson;
  • Sonia Sodha , chief leader writer at The Observer and former Labour adviser.

Follow along for the latest updates as the general election campaign unfolds.

Labour are warning voters against complacency at the polls on 4 July as the party says "change will only happen if you vote for it".

In an article for The Observer, Labour campaign coordinator Pat McFadden said the election debate was "in danger" of being "consumed by polls" and the idea that the outcome is "somehow pre-determined".

"No way is this election a done deal. The headlines about the clutch of MRP polls disguise a huge level of uncertainty," he said.

The public need to think about whether they want five more years of Conservative rule or "the chance to rebuild with Labour," said Mr McFadden.

He branded Tory warnings against a Labour "supermajority" a "cynical voter suppression strategy".

"The reason the Tories are talking down their prospects is to try to persuade swing voters that they either don't need to vote or, because of their argument the result is decided, to persuade voters they can afford to vote for one of the minor parties where the seat is a Labour/Tory battle," he said.

A Labour win would "put Brexit in peril" and see Sir Keir Starmer try to overturn the vote that changed the country eight years ago, Rishi Sunak has said.

The Conservative campaign suggested Labour have pledged to negotiate a new deal "without telling the public what they would accept in return".

It cited experts as warning that Sir Keir's party would have to make "considerable concessions" to meet its manifesto pledge to deepen ties with the UK's European neighbours.

In a statement on the anniversary of the Brexit vote, Mr Sunak said Sir Keir "has never believed we can succeed as a sovereign country and has tried to overturn the result time and time again". 

He said the Labour leader has committed to "years more wrangling the EU" and abandoning the country's "hard-won freedoms".

"Keir Starmer would recommit us to free movement of EU citizens, taking thousands more illegal migrants and binding our businesses again in Brussels red tape," he said.

"It would be a betrayal pure and simple of the public's wishes by a party with no faith in Britain and no plan for our future as an independent nation."

Meanwhile, business secretary Kemi Badenoch accused Labour of rubbishing facts and promoting "dodgy forecasts" about UK growth.

Sir Keir earlier denied that Labour has plans to rejoin the EU, after Ms Badenoch told The Telegraph that he would put Brexit at risk if he became prime minister.

"We are not re-joining the EU, we are not re-joining the single market or the customs union," the Labour leader said.

A top Conservative official has taken a leave of absence amid allegations that he placed bets on the timing of the general election on 4 July, Sky News understands.

Nick Mason, the party's data chief, is reported to be under investigation by the Gambling Commission as a result of these allegations.

The allegations were published in The Sunday Times , which reported that the official is being investigated over claims they placed "dozens of bets".

The allegations are a fresh blow for Prime Minister Rishi Sunak as three other Conservative figures have already been caught up in the scandal.

A Conservative spokesman said: "As instructed by the Gambling Commission, we are not permitted to discuss any matters related to any investigation with the subject or any other persons."

Our flagship Sunday morning show, hosted by  Trevor Phillips , will be live on Sky News tomorrow from 8.30am, and we have a packed line-up for you after another eventful week of the campaign.

Sir Keir Starmer has branded attacks by the veterans minister on his Labour electoral opponent "sad and desperate".

Mr Mercer, the Tory candidate for Plymouth Moor View, accused his political rival Fred Thomas of lying about his military record after a hustings event earlier this week.

In a series of posts to the X, the minister questioned whether Mr Thomas had served in combat missions while serving as a Royal Marine.

He suggested the Labour candidate had misrepresented his service "for political gain".

Asked about Mr Mercer's comments, Sir Keir said it was "sad desperation" from the veterans' minister. "It's desperate."

The Labour leader said his remarks underlined that the Conservative Party is "party first through and through".

Labour said Mr Thomas was a "decorated ex-Royal Marine" who was unable to discuss his military service due to its "highly sensitive" nature.

Mr Thomas said he was "proud of having served my country for seven years, including overseas on operations". 

Here are all the candidates for the Plymouth Moor View constituency:

  • Shaun Hooper  - Reform UK
  • Sarah Martin  - Liberal Democrats
  • Johnny Mercer - Conservatives
  • Georgia Nelson  - Green Party
  • Fred Thomas - Labour

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essay on nature our best teacher


Essay on My Best Teacher

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Best Teacher in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Best Teacher


Everyone has a teacher who leaves a lasting impact. My best teacher is Mrs. Smith.

Teaching Style

Mrs. Smith makes learning enjoyable. She uses stories and real-life examples to explain concepts.

Personality Traits

She is kind, patient, and understanding. She encourages questions and appreciates our efforts.

Mrs. Smith has not only improved my grades but also instilled a love for learning. I am grateful for her guidance.

250 Words Essay on My Best Teacher

Teachers are the guiding light in the darkness of ignorance. They play a crucial role in shaping our lives, and the best ones leave an indelible mark. Among all my teachers, one stands out – Mr. Smith, my high school literature teacher.

The Epitome of Wisdom

Mr. Smith was not just a teacher; he was a philosopher, a mentor, and a friend. His profound knowledge and understanding of literature were not confined to the textbooks. He introduced us to the world beyond the academic curriculum, where literature was not just about understanding the text but about comprehending the human condition.

An Innovative Pedagogue

Mr. Smith’s teaching approach was unique. Instead of conventional lecture-based teaching, he encouraged discussions and debates. We were not just passive listeners but active participants in the learning process. This interactive approach made every lesson intriguing and helped us to develop critical thinking skills.

Lessons Beyond Academics

Mr. Smith taught us that literature was a reflection of life. The characters, their struggles, and their triumphs were mirrors to our own experiences. He emphasized that the lessons learned from these stories could guide us in our life journey. His teachings transcended the boundaries of the classroom, preparing us for the real world.

In conclusion, Mr. Smith was not just my best teacher because of his academic expertise, but because he helped shape my perspective and approach to life. He epitomized the true essence of a teacher – a beacon of knowledge, wisdom, and inspiration. His teachings continue to influence me, reminding me of the transformative power of education.

500 Words Essay on My Best Teacher

Teachers play an instrumental role in shaping our lives, guiding us through the labyrinth of knowledge, skills, and values. Among the multitude of educators I have encountered, one stands out as the paragon of pedagogical excellence – Mrs. Smith, my high school English teacher.

Academic Influence

Mrs. Smith was a master of her subject. Her profound knowledge of English literature was awe-inspiring, and her explanations were always clear and concise. She had the uncanny ability to simplify complex concepts, making them accessible and digestible. She encouraged us to delve deeper, fostering a love for the subject that transcended the confines of the classroom.

Personal Development

Beyond the academics, Mrs. Smith was a mentor in the truest sense. She recognized the unique potential in each student and worked tirelessly to nurture it. Her approach was not just to teach us English literature but to use it as a tool for personal development. Through the nuanced exploration of characters and narratives, she taught us empathy, critical thinking, and the power of effective communication.

Encouraging Creativity

Mrs. Smith was a staunch advocate of creativity. She encouraged us to think outside the box and to express our thoughts and ideas freely. She created an environment where every opinion was valued, fostering a sense of self-confidence in us. This not only enhanced our creative skills but also prepared us for the real world, where innovative thinking is highly prized.

Life Lessons

In conclusion, Mrs. Smith was not just my best teacher because of her academic prowess, but because of her holistic approach to teaching. She was a mentor, a guide, and a source of inspiration. She taught me to look beyond the pages of a book, to question, to think, and to create. She instilled in me a love for learning and a desire to make a difference. As I navigate through college and beyond, I carry her teachings as a compass, guiding me towards becoming a better learner, thinker, and human being.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Happy studying!

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essay on nature our best teacher


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  1. Essay on Nature Is The Best Teacher

    In doing so, we acknowledge and respect our greatest teacher - nature. 500 Words Essay on Nature Is The Best Teacher Introduction. Nature, in its broadest sense, is the physical world and all its phenomena. It is an entity that has been around since the beginning of time and has been the ultimate source of knowledge. Nature is the best ...

  2. Essay on Nature is Best Teacher [ Explained with Examples ]

    It is often said that nature is the best teacher, and there are many reasons why this statement holds true. Firstly, nature teaches us about adaptation and resilience. It constantly adapts to changing environments and conditions, and this teaches us the importance of adapting to our surroundings.

  3. Essay on Nature is Best Teacher In 500 Words

    Nature is the best teacher. It has been teaching us for centuries, and will continue to do so in the future. Here are some examples of how nature has taught us important lessons. 1. Nature is consistent. In every situation, there are always patterns that can be observed. Whether it's the way plants grow, or the way animals migrate, everything ...

  4. Speech on Nature Is The Best Teacher

    Essay on Nature Is The Best Teacher; 2-minute Speech on Nature Is The Best Teacher. Ladies and Gentlemen, Today, I stand before you to talk about a wonderful friend, a silent guide, and a wise teacher - Nature. Just like a tree with deep roots, nature stands strong and teaches us many valuable lessons. Let's look at some of these lessons.

  5. Nature Is The Best Teacher Essay Sample 2022

    In our day-to-day living nature teaches us real selflessness, true renunciation, and the desire to reach an elevated state. Nature shows that it gives all wealth irrespective of all the negativities in life which should mean a great deal for all of us. ... Nature Is The Best Teacher Essay 200 Words Custom Essay Service. Nature teaches humanity ...

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    Essay on Nature in 100 Words. Nature is a precious gift, encompassing all living and non-living entities. It provides us with air, water, food, and shelter. The beauty of nature soothes our souls and brings us closer to the marvels of creation. However, human activities are threatening the delicate balance of ecosystems, leading to pollution ...

  7. PDF Nature Is the Best Teacher

    Our ecological footprint has grown beyond the capabilities pro-vided by the ecosystem of our planet: we have misused the generosity of nature to an extreme extent. What an odd contradiction it is that even though our technological development could increas- ... Nature is the best teacher))) ()) ...

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    Nature can teach us about ourselves, other people and our surroundings. It can be the best teacher. The more time we spend outdoors exploring the vast world around us, within our own backyards, it will lead us down paths that we wouldn't have otherwise tread upon. We would have instead sat indoors staring at screens all day long.

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    Essay About Nature. Nature refers to the interaction between the physical surroundings around us and the life within it like atmosphere, climate, natural resources, ecosystem, flora, fauna, and humans. Nature is indeed God's precious gift to Earth. It is the primary source of all the necessities for the nourishment of all living beings on Earth.

  10. Paragraph on Nature Is The Best Teacher

    Essay on Nature Is The Best Teacher; Speech on Nature Is The Best Teacher; Paragraph on Nature Is The Best Teacher in 250 Words. ... The environment also shows us the consequences of our actions, reminding us to be mindful of how we treat the world around us. By observing and respecting nature, we can learn about harmony, balance, and the ...

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    Travel to nature is the best escape, though temporary, from such grim slices of life as boredom. It revives our energy and enthusiasm. It blesses us with peace and joy. In As You Like It, William Shakespeare throws light on the benefit of moving to nature away from society: And this our life exempt from public haunt.

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    Incorporating nature into lessons and activities can greatly enhance students' learning experiences and foster a deeper connection with the environment. Here are some creative and practical ideas for teachers to integrate nature into their teaching: Outdoor Classroom Sessions: Utilize your school's outdoor spaces for lessons.

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    Nature not only beckons you to learn from her, but has also sustained you in ways you might have overlooked. This write up attempts to bring out instances of lessons learnt from observing nature. Imagine yourself as a tree, so gloriously standing tall. Feel the strong winds blasting you with an with an irritating chill and sting.

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    Essay on Nature: It is true that nature is the greatest gift of God and man his most wonderful creation. Nature is infinite and, in its infinity, is the greatest teacher. Man has the ability to think and reason, therefore he must use those powers to learn from his surroundings with positivity. Nature can teach and inspire man, but it is up to ...

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    1391 Words. 6 Pages. Open Document. NATURE is the greatest teacher of the world!! "Observe the nature carefully. With its big and small creatures. That teaches us the great lessons of life". Nowadays due to rat race in day-to-day living, human beings are alienated from nature. It teaches us real selflessness, true renunciation and sacrifice ...

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    April 13, 2021 7:30 am. Nature is the fountainhead of beauty and solace. It soothes the heart, mind and soul; it refreshes with vigour and vitality. Nature is a best teacher, a great source of ...

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    Saving our mother nature is the need of the hour. Short Essay On Nature In English For Children. The entire humankind is dependent on nature. Gradually, we are exhausting the energy of mother nature. Let us understand its value with a nature essay in English 100 words. It can be written in simple language as it is a simple short essay about nature.

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  21. Nature Is The Best Teacher Expansion of Idea: Check The Meaning Here!

    The proverb "Nature is the best teacher" emphasizes the idea that the natural world around us holds valuable lessons that we can learn from. By observing and interacting with nature, we can gain important insights into life and the world around us. One of the key lessons that nature can teach us is the importance of resilience and adaptation.

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    Being in nature can reduce stress and improve our mood. It also helps us stay healthy by providing fresh air and clean water. Learning from Nature. Nature is a great teacher. It teaches us about life cycles, ecosystems, and the importance of balance. We learn to appreciate beauty and understand our place in the world. Protecting Nature

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    Our flagship Sunday morning show, ... Thomas was a "decorated ex-Royal Marine" who was unable to discuss his military service due to its "highly sensitive" nature. ... In a 2,000-word essay, the ...

  24. Essay on My Best Teacher

    250 Words Essay on My Best Teacher Introduction. Teachers are the guiding light in the darkness of ignorance. They play a crucial role in shaping our lives, and the best ones leave an indelible mark. Among all my teachers, one stands out - Mr. Smith, my high school literature teacher. The Epitome of Wisdom