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Contoh Soal Essay Report Text tentang Hewan, Lengkap dengan Jawabannya

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ASPIRASIKU - Ada beberapa contoh soal essay report text tentang hewan berikut ini yang dilengkapi dengan kunci jawaban.

Diketahui, memahami contoh soal report text essay membantu siswa untuk memahami struktur dan jenis informasi yang biasanya tercakup dalam teks laporan tentang hewan.

Untuk itu, berikut ini contoh soal essay report text tentang hewan yang bisa dipelajari.

Baca Juga: Renungan Harian 4 Maret 2024: Jangan Berhenti Berharap Kepada Tuhan Dalam Keadaan Apapun! Ayub 42 Ayat 2

Berikut ini adalah contoh soal essay dalam format Report Text tentang hewan:

1. Jelaskan secara rinci tentang Gajah Asia!

2. Tuliskan laporan tentang Singa!

3. Berikan deskripsi tentang Kura-kura Galapagos dalam bentuk teks laporan!

4. Buatlah sebuah laporan mengenai Jerapah!

5. Bagaimana cara Kadal Komodo berburu mangsanya? Jelaskan dengan menggunakan bahasa laporan!

Baca Juga: Khusus Bertugas di IKN, Pemerintah Buka 250 Ribu Formasi CPNS dan PPPK 2024, Berminat?

Semoga contoh-contoh ini dapat membantu Anda dalam membuat soal essay Report Text tentang hewan.

Berikut adalah contoh jawaban untuk setiap soal:

1. Gajah Asia

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Pertanyaan sulit soal essay bioteknologi beserta jawabannya kelas 12.

Editor: Yoga Pratama

report text

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53 Contoh Soal Report Text dan Jawabannya

Report text menyuguhkan deskripsi suatu object seperti apa adanya. Jenis teks ini bersifat ilmiah karena ditulis berdasarkan hasil observasi dan pengamatan dan terbebas dari campur tangan opini penulis. Contoh teks report banyak dijumpai pada jurnal-jurnal ilmiah sebagai laporan akademis. Meskipun sama sama bertujuan untuk menggambarkan suatu object, teks report berbeda dengan teks deskripsi.

Untuk mengethaui persamaan dan perbedaannya kedua teks ini bisa membaca What is Descriptive Text? Pengertian dan Contoh What is Report Text? Pengertian dan Contoh Pada dua artikel tesebut dijelas pengertian dan susunan generic structure dari kedua teks tersebut. Tak lupa juga dielengkapi dengan contoh sederhana dari masing masing contoh teks tersebut.

Kumpulan Contoh Soal Teks Report Bahasa Inggris dan Arti Beserta Jawabannya

Sudah tidak asing lagi, setelah membaca sebuah teks, maka akan diberikan beberapa pertanyaan. Ini adalah cara belajar bahasa Inggris berbasis teks yang saat ini dipakai dalam belajar bahasa Inggris di sekolah sekolah Indonesia.

Contoh Report Text dan Soal 1 The platypus is a semi-aquatic mammal endemic to East to North Australia, including Tazmania. It is one of the five extreme species of mono-dreams. The only mammal that lays eggs instead of giving birth to live young. The body and the broad flat tail of these animals are covered with dense brown fur, that traps a lay including ear to keep the animals warm. It uses its tail for story joy fact. It has webbed feet and the large robbery’s net. These are species that are be closer to those of ducks, then to these any known mammals. Weight varies considerably from 0.7 to 2.4 kg with males being larger than females. And male averages 50 cm total length whiles the female major approximately 45 cm. The platypus has an average temperature of 32 degrees Celsius rather than 37 degrees Celsius that is typical of the placental mammals.

Artinya Platipus adalah mamalia semi-akuatik endemik Timur ke Australia Utara, termasuk Tazmania. Ini adalah salah satu dari lima spesies ekstrim mono-mimpi. Satu-satunya mamalia yang bertelur bukannya melahirkan hidup muda. Tubuh dan ekor datar yang luas dari hewan-hewan ini ditutupi dengan bulu coklat yang tebal, yang menjebak awam termasuk telinga untuk menjaga agar hewan tetap hangat. Ini menggunakan ekornya untuk fakta cerita sukacita. Ini memiliki kaki berselaput dan jaring perampokan besar. Ini adalah spesies yang lebih dekat dengan itik, kemudian ke mamalia yang dikenal ini. Berat bervariasi dari 0,7 hingga 2,4 kg dengan laki-laki lebih besar dari perempuan. Dan rata-rata laki-laki 50 cm panjang total sedangkan perempuan sekitar 45 cm. Platypus memiliki suhu rata-rata 32 derajat Celcius daripada 37 derajat Celcius yang merupakan ciri khas dari mamalia plasental.

1. What animal is being described in the monologue? A. Octopus. B. Rhinoceros. C. Platypus D. Mosquitos. E. Hippopotamus.

2. How much does the Platypus weigh? A. 0.7 to 2.4 kg B. 0.7 to 2.5 kg. C. 0.7 to 2.6 kg. D. 0.7 to 2.7 kg. E. 0.7 to 2.8 kg.

Contoh Report Text dan Soal 2 The polar bear is a bear native to the Arctic Ocean and its surrounding seas. An adult male weighs about four hundred to six hundred and eighty kilograms, while an adult female is about half that size. Although it is closely related to the brown bear, it has paws to occupy a narrow ecological niche with many bony characteristics adapted to for cold temperatures, for moving across the snow, ice, open water, and for hunting seals which make up most of its diets. Although most of polar bears are born on land, it spends most of its time at sea, hence its name meaning maritime bear and can hunt consistently only from sea ice. It spends much of the year on frozen sea.

Artinya Beruang kutub adalah beruang asli ke Samudera Arktik dan laut sekitarnya. Seorang pria dewasa beratnya sekitar empat ratus hingga enam ratus delapan puluh kilogram, sementara seorang wanita dewasa sekitar setengah dari ukuran itu. Meskipun terkait erat dengan beruang coklat, ia memiliki kaki untuk menempati niche ekologi sempit dengan banyak karakteristik tulang yang disesuaikan untuk suhu dingin, untuk bergerak melintasi salju, es, air terbuka, dan untuk berburu anjing laut yang membuat sebagian besar diet. Meskipun sebagian besar beruang kutub lahir di darat, ia menghabiskan sebagian besar waktunya di laut, maka namanya berarti beruang maritim dan dapat berburu secara konsisten hanya dari es laut. Ini menghabiskan banyak tahun di laut beku.

3. What does the adult male bear weigh? A. 400 – 480 kg B. 400 – 680 kg C. 480 – 600 kg D. 680 – 880 kg E. 880 – 1500 kg

4. Where did the animal live? A. In the Arctic Ocean B. In the Indian Ocean. C. In the Pacific Ocean. D. In the North Atlantic Ocean. E. In the South Atlantic Ocean.

Contoh Report Text dan Soal 3 Snakes are reptiles (cold-blooded creatures). They belong to the same group as lizards (the scaled group, Squamata) but from a sub-group of their own (Serpentes). Snakes have two legs but a long time ago they had claws to help them slither along. Snakes are not slimy. They are covered in scales which are just bumps on the skin. Their skin is hard and glossy to reduce friction as the snake slithers along the ground. Snakes often sun bathe on rocks in the warm weather. This is because snakes are cold-blooded; they need the sun’s warmth to heat their bodies up. Most snakes live in the country. Some types of snakes live in tress, some live in water, but most live on the ground in deserted rabbit burrows, in thick, long grass and in old logs. A snake’s diet usually consists of frogs, lizard, and mice and other snakes. The Anaconda can eat small crocodiles and even bears. Many snakes protect themselves with their fangs. Some snakes are protected by scaring their enemies away like the Cobra. The flying snakes glide away from danger. Their ribs spread apart and the skin stretches out. Its technique is just like the sugar gliders.

Artinya Ular adalah reptil (makhluk berdarah dingin). Mereka termasuk kelompok yang sama dengan kadal (kelompok berskala, Squamata) tetapi dari sub-kelompok mereka sendiri (Serpentes). Ular memiliki dua kaki tetapi sejak dulu mereka memiliki cakar untuk membantu mereka merayap. Ular tidak berlendir. Mereka ditutupi sisik yang hanya gundukan di kulit. Kulit mereka keras dan berkilau untuk mengurangi gesekan saat ular melata di tanah. Ular sering berjemur di batu dalam cuaca hangat. Ini karena ular berdarah dingin; mereka membutuhkan kehangatan matahari untuk menghangatkan tubuh mereka. Sebagian besar ular hidup di negara ini. Beberapa jenis ular hidup di pohon, sebagian hidup di air, tetapi sebagian besar hidup di tanah di liang kelinci yang sepi, di rumput tebal, panjang dan di batang pohon tua. Diet ular biasanya terdiri dari katak, kadal, dan tikus dan ular lainnya. Anaconda bisa makan buaya kecil dan bahkan beruang. Banyak ular melindungi diri dengan taring mereka. Beberapa ular dilindungi dengan menakut-nakuti musuh mereka seperti Cobra. Ular terbang meluncur menjauh dari bahaya. Tulang rusuk mereka terbuka dan kulit membentang. Tekniknya sama seperti sugar glider.

5. Since the snakes are cold-blooded, they… A. like sucking the cool blood B. avoid sun-bathing to their skins C. never sun bathe in the warm weather D. live on the ground in deserted burrows E. require the sun’s warmth to heat their bodies

6. We know from the text that snakes… A. do not have claws B. do not like sunlight C. have two legs and claws D. use their legs to climb the tree E. use their claws to slither along the ground

7. Some types of snakes live in tress, some live in water, but most live on the ground in deserted rabbit burrows,…(paragraph 4).The word “burrows “ has the similar meaning with… A. foster B. dig C. plough D. nurture E. cultivate

8. How do flying snakes protect themselves. A. They fly away B. They use their fangs they scare their enemies. C. They stretch out their skin, D. They eat the other animals. E. sun bathe on rocks

Contoh Report Text dan Soal 4 Napoleon is a favorite fish for divers in many regions of the world. The fish can instantly be recognized by its size, color and shape. It is one of the largest reef fish in the world. They can grow up to 230 cm and weigh 190 kg. They have fleshy lips and a hump over the head that is similar to a napoleon hat. The Hump becomes more prominent with age. Colors vary with age and sex. Males range from a bright electric blue to green or purplish blue. Mature males develop a black stripe along the sides, blue spots on their body scales, and blue scribbles on the head. Juveniles can be identified by their pale greenish color and two black lines running behind the eye. Females, both old and young, are red-orange on the upper parts of their bodies and red-orange to white yellow. Napoleon fish are carnivorous and eat during the day. They can be seen feasting on shellfish, other fish, sea stars, sea urchins and crabs, crushing the shells to get the animal within. They also crush large chunks of dead coral rubble with peg-like teeth to feed on the burrowing mussels and worms. Pairs spawn together as part of a larger mating group that may consist of over 100 individuals. The planktonic eggs are released into the water, and once the larvae have hatched they will settle out on the substrate. Adult females are able to change sex but the triggers for this development are not yet known. The Napoleon is mainly found on coral reef edges and drop-offs. They move into shallow bays during the day to feed, and tend to move into deeper waters as they grow older and large. Adults, therefore, are more common offshore than inshore.

Artinya Napoleon adalah ikan favorit bagi para penyelam di banyak wilayah di dunia. Ikan dapat langsung dikenali dari ukuran, warna dan bentuknya. Ini adalah salah satu ikan karang terbesar di dunia. Mereka bisa tumbuh hingga 230 cm dan berat 190 kg. Mereka memiliki bibir yang berdaging dan punuk di atas kepala yang mirip dengan topi napoleon. The Hump menjadi lebih menonjol seiring bertambahnya usia. Warna bervariasi dengan usia dan jenis kelamin. Jantan berkisar dari biru listrik terang ke hijau atau biru keunguan. Pria dewasa mengembangkan garis hitam di sepanjang sisi, bintik biru di sisik tubuh mereka, dan coretan biru di kepala. Remaja dapat diidentifikasi dengan warna kehijauan pucat dan dua garis hitam di belakang mata. Wanita, baik tua maupun muda, berwarna merah jingga di bagian atas tubuh mereka dan berwarna merah-jingga ke kuning putih. Ikan Napoleon adalah karnivora dan makan di siang hari. Mereka dapat dilihat berpesta dengan kerang, ikan lain, bintang laut, bulu babi dan kepiting, menghancurkan kulit untuk mendapatkan hewan di dalamnya. Mereka juga menghancurkan potongan-potongan besar puing-puing karang mati dengan gigi peg-seperti untuk memberi makan pada remis dan cacing menggali. Pasangan bertelur bersama sebagai bagian dari kelompok kawin yang lebih besar yang dapat terdiri dari lebih dari 100 individu. Telur plankton dilepaskan ke dalam air, dan setelah larva menetas mereka akan menetap di substrat. Betina dewasa mampu mengubah jenis kelamin tetapi pemicu untuk perkembangan ini belum diketahui. Napoleon terutama ditemukan di tepi terumbu karang dan drop-off. Mereka pindah ke teluk dangkal selama hari untuk memberi makan, dan cenderung bergerak ke perairan yang lebih dalam saat mereka tumbuh dewasa dan besar. Orang dewasa, oleh karena itu, lebih umum di lepas pantai daripada di pantai.

9. What is the text about? A. The description of Napoleon fish B. The physical characteristics of carnivorous fish C. The divers’ favorite animals D. Napoleon’s family E. The development of Napoleon fish

10. Where do Napoleon fish move during the day to feed? A. Offshore B. Onshore C. Deeper water D. Shallow bays E. Coral reef edges

11. Which of the following statements is mentioned in the text? A. Napoleon fish tend to move into shallow waters as they grow older and large B. Napoleon fish move into deep bays during the day to feed C. Adult females are not able to change sex D. Napoleon fish are not carnivorous E. The male has more attractive colours than the females

Contoh Report Text dan Soal 5 Ant-eaters are perhaps the most curious looking animals. Their long head and snout look like tubes, and they have no teeth at all. Their front legs are very strong and armed with heavy curved claws with which they break open the nets of ants and termites and then, when the insects rush out, use their long, sticky tongues to lick them up at great speed. True ant-eaters are found in the swamps and forests of central and South America. Scaly ant-eaters, or pangolins, are found in Africa and tropical Asia. Various other insect-eating animals are sometimes called ant-eaters, although they really belong to other groups of animals. One of them is the ant-bear, which lives on the plains of South and Central Africa. This has long, erect ears but short blunt claws, an almost hairless tail, yellow brown in color. Unlike the true ant-eaters, it has small teeth.

Artinya Pemakan semut mungkin adalah hewan yang paling penasaran. Kepala dan moncong panjang mereka terlihat seperti tabung, dan mereka tidak memiliki gigi sama sekali. Kaki depan mereka sangat kuat dan dipersenjatai dengan cakar melengkung yang besar yang dengannya mereka membongkar jaring semut dan rayap dan kemudian, ketika serangga-serangga itu keluar, menggunakan lidah mereka yang panjang dan lengket untuk menjilati mereka dengan kecepatan tinggi. Pemakan semut sejati ditemukan di rawa dan hutan di Amerika tengah dan Selatan. Scaly ant-eater, atau pangolins, ditemukan di Afrika dan Asia tropis. Berbagai hewan pemakan serangga lainnya kadang-kadang disebut pemakan semut, meskipun mereka benar-benar termasuk kelompok hewan lain. Salah satunya adalah beruang semut, yang hidup di dataran Afrika Selatan dan Tengah. Ini memiliki telinga panjang, tegak tetapi cakar pendek tumpul, ekor yang hampir tidak berbulu, berwarna kuning kecokelatan. Tidak seperti pemakan semut yang sesungguhnya, ia memiliki gigi kecil.

12. The text tells us …. A. the story of ant-eaters B. the report of ant-eaters C. the discussion of ant-eaters D. the description of ant-eaters E. the explanation of ant-eater’s body

13. What is the ant-bear? A. The animal has long, erect ears and small teeth B. The animal looks like a pangolin. C. The animal has no sticky tongue D. The animal does not like to eat ants. E. The animal belongs to ants’ group.

14. From the passage above, we can conclude that…. A. all ants are friends of other insects B. ants live in the disgusted places C. ants are classified as predators D. ants belong to the insect group E. ants usually eat death animals

Contoh Report Text dan Soal 6 A kangaroo is an animal found only in Australia. It has a smaller relative, called a wallaby, which lives on the Australian island of Tasmania and in New Guinea. Kangaroos eat grass and plants.They have short front legs, but very long and strong back legs and a tail. These are used for sitting up and for jumping. Kangaroos have been known to make forward jumps of over eight metres, and leap across fences more than three metres high. They can also run at speeds of over 45 kilometres per hour. The largest kangaroos are the Great grey kangaroo and the Red Kangaroo. Adult grows to a length of 1.60 metres and weighs over 90 kilos. Kangaroos are marsupials. This means that the female kangaroo has an external pouch on the front of her body. A baby kangaroo is very tiny when it is born, and it crawls at once into this pouch where it spends its first five months of life.

Artinya Seekor kanguru adalah hewan yang hanya ditemukan di Australia. Ia memiliki kerabat yang lebih kecil, disebut walabi, yang hidup di pulau Tasmania Australia dan di New Guinea. Kangguru memakan rumput dan tanaman. Mereka memiliki kaki depan yang pendek, tetapi kaki belakang dan ekor yang sangat panjang dan kuat. Ini digunakan untuk duduk dan melompat. Kanguru telah dikenal membuat melompat ke depan lebih dari delapan meter, dan melompat di pagar lebih dari tiga meter. Mereka juga dapat berlari dengan kecepatan lebih dari 45 kilometer per jam. Kanguru terbesar adalah kanguru abu-abu Besar dan Kangguru Merah. Dewasa tumbuh dengan panjang 1,60 meter dan berat lebih dari 90 kilogram. Kanguru adalah marsupial. Ini berarti bahwa kanguru betina memiliki kantong eksternal di bagian depan tubuhnya. Bayi kanguru sangat kecil ketika dilahirkan, dan ia merangkak sekaligus ke dalam kantong ini di mana ia menghabiskan lima bulan pertama kehidupannya.

15. According to the text, the kangaroo …. A. can grow as tall as a man B. can run faster than a car C. can walk as soon as it is born D. can jump over a 3 metres high fence E. can live in a pouch during its life

16. …. are used for sitting up and for jumping. A. Long tails B. Short legs C. Body pouch D. Short front legs E. Strong back legs

17. We know from the text that kangaroo …. A. is smaller in size to human B. is an omnivorous animal C. has habitat in Tasmania D. can be called Wallaby in New Guinea E. has another name called Wallaby 29.

Contoh Report Text dan Soal 7 An elephant is the largest and strongest animals. It is a strange looking animal with its thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tall, little eyes, long white tusks and above all it has a long noise, the trunk. The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature, and it has various uses. The elephant draws up water by its trunk and can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath. It can also lift leaves and puts them into its mouth. In fact the trunk serves the elephant as a long am and hand. An elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and yet it can move very quickly. The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great strength makes it a very useful servant to man and it can be trained to serve in various ways such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight.

Artinya Gajah adalah hewan terbesar dan terkuat. Ini adalah hewan yang tampak aneh dengan kaki-kakinya yang tebal, sisi-sisi dan punggung-punggung yang besar, telinga-telinga gantung yang besar, mata kecil yang tinggi, mata kecil, gading-gading putih panjang dan di atas semuanya itu memiliki suara yang panjang, batang pohon. Batangnya adalah fitur khas gajah, dan memiliki berbagai kegunaan. Gajah menarik air dari belalainya dan dapat menyemprotkannya ke seluruh tubuhnya seperti mandi pancuran. Itu juga bisa mengangkat daun dan memasukkannya ke dalam mulutnya. Kenyataannya, belalai melayani gajah sebagai kaki dan tangan yang panjang. Seekor gajah terlihat sangat kikuk dan berat, tetapi bisa bergerak sangat cepat. Gajah adalah hewan yang sangat cerdas. Kecerdasannya dikombinasikan dengan kekuatannya yang besar membuatnya menjadi hamba yang sangat berguna bagi manusia dan dapat dilatih untuk melayani dengan berbagai cara seperti membawa beban berat, berburu harimau dan bahkan berkelahi.

18. The text tells us about…. (A). the Elephant’s peculiar feature (B). useful servant (C). strange looking animal (D). an elephant (E). elephant looks very clumsy.

19. The third paragraph is mainly about the fact that…. (A) elephants are strong (B) elephants can lift logs (C) elephants are servants (D) elephant are very useful (E) elephant must be trained

20. The most distinguishing characteristic of an elephant is….. (A). its clumsiness (B). its thick legs (C). its large body (D). its long nose (E). its large ears

21. Which of the following is NOT part of the elephant described in the first paragraph ? (A) It looks strange (B) It is heavy (C) It is wild (D) It has a trunk (E) It has a small tail

22. The elephant draws up water by its trunk and can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath (paragraph 2). The word “it” refers to…. A). a shower bath B). elephant’s body C). a shower D). water E). elephant’s trunk

23. It is stated in the text that the elephant uses the trunk to do the following, EXCEPT …….. (A) to eat (B) to push (C) to drink (D) to carry things (E) to squirt water over the body.

24. “The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature….(Paragraph2). The word “peculiar” close in meaning to …. (A) large (B) strange (C) tough (D) smooth (E) king

25. The text above is in the form of… (A). Analytical Exposition (B). Narrative (C). Recount (D). Report (E.) Spoof

Contoh Report Text dan Soal 8 Every single rock on the surface of the Earth-whether it is gravestone, a piece of solidified lava from a volcano or a boulder that has broken from a cliff or mountain-is slowly being broken down. This breaking down of rocks at or near the Earth’s surface is called weathering. The word is used because the weather is mainly responsible. Weathering turns solid rock into soft materials that may eventually form soil. Air and water are the cause of most weathering. Sometimes they change the chemical in the rocks, and sometimes they just break apart the rock physically. If water seeps into the cracks in the rocks, for example, it may later freeze if the temperature falls below 0 degrees Celsius. As the water turns to ice, it expands, pushing against the sides of the rock with a pressure believe to be as much as 2,100 kilograms per square centimetre. This forces the cracks open. Repeated freezing and thawing causes the fragments to break away from the original rock, these may slide down a cliff or mountain and form a sloping mass of fragments at the bottom, called scree.

Artinya Setiap batu karang di permukaan Bumi – apakah itu batu nisan, sepotong lahar yang dipadatkan dari gunung berapi atau batu yang telah patah dari tebing atau gunung – perlahan-lahan sedang rusak. Pembongkaran batuan di atau dekat permukaan Bumi ini disebut pelapukan. Kata itu digunakan karena cuaca terutama bertanggung jawab. Pelapukan mengubah batuan padat menjadi bahan lunak yang pada akhirnya membentuk tanah. Udara dan air adalah penyebab sebagian besar pelapukan. Kadang-kadang mereka mengubah bahan kimia di bebatuan, dan kadang-kadang mereka hanya memecah batu secara fisik. Jika air meresap ke dalam retakan di bebatuan, misalnya, nanti bisa membeku jika suhu turun di bawah 0 derajat Celcius. Ketika air berubah menjadi es, es itu mengembang, mendorong sisi-sisi batu dengan tekanan yang diyakini sebanyak 2.100 kilogram per sentimeter persegi. Ini memaksa retakan terbuka. Pembekuan dan pencairan berulang-ulang menyebabkan serpihan-serpihan itu terlepas dari batuan asli, ini mungkin meluncur ke bawah tebing atau gunung dan membentuk massa yang miring di bagian bawah, yang disebut scree.

26. According to the text,…. A. there are two kinds of rock, gravestone and a boulder B. soft materials will turn to solidified lava through weathering C. chemical in the rocks causes weathering in every single rock- D. a cliff or mountain may slide down because of the water in the rocks E. cracks in the rocks will turn water into ice at the temperature below 0 degrees Celsius

27. The first paragraph is about…. A. the materials of weathering B. the process of weathering C. the impact of weathering D. the definition of weathering E. the result of weathering

28. We know from the text that…. A. very solid rock is impossible to break down B. solid rock can turns into soil because of air and water C. soft materials harders to eventually become rock D. the weather can turn lava into gravestone E. air and water are the main elements of the weather

Contoh Report Text dan Soal 9 Remote sensing is the acquisition of information about an object or phenomenon, without making physical contact with the object. In modern usage, the term generally refers to the use of aerial sensor technology to detect and classify objects on Earth (both on the surface, and in the atmosphere and ocean) by means of propagated signals (e.g. electromagnetic radiation emitted from aircraft or satellites). There are two main types or remote sensing: passive remote sensing and active remote sensing. Passive sensors detect natural radiation that is emitted or reflected by the objects or surrounding area being observed. Reflected sunlight is the most common source of radiation measured by passive censors. Examples of passive remote sensors include film photography, infra-red, charge-coupled devices, and radiometers. Active collection, on the other hand, emits energy in order to scan objects and areas whereupon a sensor then detects and measures the radiation that is reflected or backscattered from the target. RADAR and LIDAR are examples of active remote sensing where the time delay between emission and return is measured, stabilizing the location, height, speed and direction of an object.

Artinya Penginderaan jauh adalah perolehan informasi tentang suatu objek atau fenomena, tanpa melakukan kontak fisik dengan objek. Dalam penggunaan modern, istilah umumnya mengacu pada penggunaan teknologi sensor udara untuk mendeteksi dan mengklasifikasikan objek di Bumi (baik di permukaan, dan di atmosfer dan lautan) dengan menggunakan sinyal yang disebarkan (misalnya radiasi elektromagnetik yang dipancarkan dari pesawat atau satelit) .Ada dua tipe utama atau penginderaan jauh: penginderaan jauh pasif dan penginderaan jauh aktif. Sensor pasif mendeteksi radiasi alami yang dipancarkan atau dipantulkan oleh objek atau area sekitarnya yang diamati. Cahaya matahari yang terrefleksi merupakan sumber radiasi paling umum yang diukur oleh sensor pasif. Contoh sensor jarak jauh pasif termasuk fotografi film, infra merah, perangkat charge-coupled, dan radiometer. Koleksi aktif, di sisi lain, memancarkan energi untuk memindai objek dan area di mana sebuah sensor kemudian mendeteksi dan mengukur radiasi yang dipantulkan atau backscattered dari target. RADAR dan LIDAR adalah contoh penginderaan jauh aktif di mana waktu tunda antara emisi dan kembali diukur, menstabilkan lokasi, ketinggian, kecepatan dan arah suatu objek.

29. From the text we know that remote sensing… a. Is a way to obtain information about an object or phenomenon b. Does not difficult to do c. Makes physical contact with the object d. Does not make use of censors e. Does not make use propagated signals

30. What is the main idea of the second paragraph? a. Active sensing is better than passive sensing b. The energy in sunlight is important for remote sensing c. Passive sensing is not as strong as active sensing d. The source of energy radiated for sensing determines whether it is the active or passive type e. Active remote sensing and passive remote sensing are equally useful for the development of knowledge and technology

31. Based on the text we can say that… a. Remote sensing is expensive technology b. Remote sensing is useful for transportation c. We can apply the technology to study animals d. Medical science can be improved through remote sensing e. Remote sensing make it possible to collect information of an object in a dangerous area

Contoh Report Text dan Soal 10 Komodo dragon is a member of the monitor family, Varanidae. It is the world’s largest living lizards. It grows to be 10 feet (3 meters) long and weighs up to 126 kg and belong to the most ancient group of lizards still alive. It is found mainly in the island of Komodo and on other small islands, Rinca, Padar, and Flores. The natives call the dragon, ora, or buaya darat (land crocodile). The Komodo dragon has a long heavy tail, short, strong legs, and rough skin. It is covered with small dull, colored scales. It can sprint at up 18 km per hours, but only for short distances. When it opens its wide red moth, it shows row of teeth like the edge of a saw. Komodo dragons are good simmers and may swim the long distance from one island to another. Like other lizards, they swim by undulating their tails, and their legs held against their body. The Komodo dragon is totally carnivorous. It hunts other animals during the day. It hunts deer, wild pigs, water buffaloes, and even horses. While smaller komodos have to be content with eggs, other lizards, snakes and rodents. Komodo dragons are cannibals. The adult will prey on the young one as well as the old and sick dragons. Lizard digs a cave with its strong claws in the cave at night.

Artinya Komodo adalah anggota keluarga monitor, Varanidae. Ini adalah kadal hidup terbesar di dunia. Panjangnya mencapai 10 kaki (3 meter) dan beratnya mencapai 126 kg dan termasuk kelompok kadal paling purba yang masih hidup. Hal ini ditemukan terutama di Pulau Komodo dan di pulau-pulau kecil lainnya, Rinca, Padar, dan Flores. Penduduk asli memanggil naga, ora, atau buaya darat (buaya darat). Naga Komodo memiliki ekor panjang yang berat, pendek, kaki kuat, dan kulit kasar. Itu ditutupi dengan sisik-sisik kecil berwarna kusam. Ia bisa berlari hingga 18 km per jam, tetapi hanya untuk jarak pendek. Ketika membuka ngengat merah lebar, itu menunjukkan deretan gigi seperti tepi gergaji. Komodo adalah naga yang baik dan dapat berenang jarak jauh dari satu pulau ke pulau lainnya. Seperti kadal lainnya, mereka berenang dengan mengombak ekor mereka, dan kaki mereka menahan tubuh mereka. Naga Komodo benar-benar karnivora. Itu berburu binatang lain di siang hari. Memburu rusa, babi hutan, kerbau, dan bahkan kuda. Sementara komodo yang lebih kecil harus puas dengan telur, kadal lainnya, ular dan hewan pengerat. Komodo adalah kanibal. Orang dewasa akan memangsa si muda serta naga tua dan sakit. Kadal menggali gua dengan cakar yang kuat di gua di malam hari.

32. The main idea of paragraph 5 is … A. komodo dragons feed on young dragons. B. komodo dragons get their food by hunting. C. komodo dragons are carnivorous and also cannibals D. komodo dragons are cannibals because they hunt other animals. E. komodo dragons are carnivorous because they eat eggs, meat and rodents.

33. Which of the following is not the characteristic of a komodo dragon? A. Rough skin B. Strong claws C. A long heavy tail D. Short, strong legs E. Rows of red teeth

34. The writer’s purpose in writing the text is …. A. to retell the events in Komodo Island. B. to inform about classification of komodo. C. to describe about komodo dragon in general. D. to persuade reader to keep komodo habitat. E. to entertain reader with the story of komodo.

35. Komodo dragons are cannibals because … A. they hunt deer, wild pigs, water buffaloes and even horses. B. they prey on young ones as well as old and sick dragons<<<<<<

C. they feed on eggs, lizards, snakes and rodents.

D. they eat anything they meet.

E. they will attack in self-defense.

Contoh Report Text dan Soal 11 Gold is a precious metal. Gold is used as ornaments or as money. Gold is found in many places, but in a small supply. It is often found on the surface of the earth. Since gold is a heavy substance, it is sometimes found loose on bottom of rivers. The gold is found together with sand and rocks, and must be separated from them. It is simple to search for this type of gold. It is not usually necessary to drill for gold, but when a layer of gold is located deep below the surface of the earth, it is possible to drill a hole into the ground. Engineers have developed modern process for removing gold from rocks. Since gold is not very hard, it is sometimes melted and added to other substances for making rings, coins, and art objects. It will be priced forever because it is beautiful, rare, and useful.

Artinya Emas adalah logam mulia. Emas digunakan sebagai ornamen atau sebagai uang. Emas ditemukan di banyak tempat, tetapi dalam pasokan kecil. Ia sering ditemukan di permukaan bumi. Karena emas adalah substansi yang berat, kadang-kadang ditemukan longgar di dasar sungai. Emas ditemukan bersama dengan pasir dan batu, dan harus dipisahkan dari mereka. Sangat mudah untuk mencari jenis emas ini. Biasanya tidak perlu mengebor emas, tetapi ketika lapisan emas terletak jauh di bawah permukaan bumi, adalah mungkin untuk mengebor lubang ke tanah. Insinyur telah mengembangkan proses modern untuk menghilangkan emas dari batu. Karena emas tidak terlalu keras, kadang-kadang meleleh dan ditambahkan ke zat lain untuk membuat cincin, koin, dan benda-benda seni. Itu akan dihargai selamanya karena itu indah, langka, dan berguna.

36. The best title of the text above is ….. a. Gold b. Type of Gold c. Previous Metal d. Rare Ornaments e. Removing Gold from Rocks

37. The following are associated with gold, EXCEPT ….. a. useful b. precious c. beautiful d. expensive e. unnecessar y

38. The text above is mainly intended to …. about gold. a. discuss b. classify c. describe d. elaborate e. document

39. “It will be priced forever because….” (Paragraph 4). The word “priced” means …… a. valuable b. worthless c. interesting d. wonderful e. eye catching

Contoh Report Text dan Soal 12 Blueberries, cranberries, and huckleberries-like dark skinned bunch grapes-contain restorative, a potential anticancer agent. That’s a new finding from preliminary data from ARS collaborative studies with Rutgers University-New Jersey and Ag Canada, Kent ville, Nova Scotti. Restorative protects dark-skinned bunch grapes from fungal diseases and provides health benefits to consumers, including protection from cardiovascular disease. The compound’s anticancer potential warranted its examination in other fruits. Using gas chromatographic and mass spectrometric procedures, the scientists measured the restorative content of 30 whole fruit samples of blueberry, cranberry, huckleberry, and related plants representing 5 families and 10 species of Vaccination fruit. They found that several samples contained varying amounts of the compound. Analysis of extracts of the skin, juice/pulp, and seed of muscadine grapes showed that its concentration in fruit skin was highest. Levels in the juice/pulp were much lower than in either skin or seeds. Researchers are continuing to analyze more Vaccination and muscadine samples. Future research goals will include enhancing production of restorative in selected species.

Artinya Blueberry, cranberry, dan buah-buahan berwarna gelap seperti anggur yang mengandung hewleberries mengandung zat restoratif, agen antikanker potensial. Itu adalah temuan baru dari data awal dari studi kolaboratif ARS dengan Rutgers University-New Jersey dan Ag Canada, Kent ville, Nova Scotti. Pemulihan melindungi buah anggur berkulit gelap dari penyakit jamur dan memberikan manfaat kesehatan bagi konsumen, termasuk perlindungan dari penyakit kardiovaskular. Potensi antikanker senyawa ini menjamin pemeriksaannya pada buah-buahan lain. Menggunakan kromatografi gas dan prosedur spektrometri massa, para ilmuwan mengukur kandungan restoratif dari 30 sampel buah utuh blueberry, cranberry, huckleberry, dan tanaman terkait yang mewakili 5 keluarga dan 10 spesies buah Vaksinasi. Mereka menemukan bahwa beberapa sampel mengandung berbagai jumlah senyawa. Analisis ekstrak kulit, jus / ampas, dan biji anggur muscadine menunjukkan bahwa konsentrasinya pada kulit buah adalah yang tertinggi. Kadar dalam jus / pulpa jauh lebih rendah daripada kulit atau biji. Para peneliti terus menganalisis lebih banyak sampel Vaksinasi dan muscadine. Tujuan penelitian di masa depan akan mencakup peningkatan produksi restoratif pada spesies tertentu.

40. What does the second paragraph talk about? a. More Vaccinium and muscadine will be analyzed. b. Researchers plan to produce resveratrol in large scale. c. Several samples contains various amount of resveratrol. d. The experiment showed that resveratrol is mostly concentrated in the fruit skin. e. The experiment analyzes 30 fruit samples of blueberry, cranberry and huckleberry.

41. How many fruit samples are used in the research? a. 3 b. 5 c. 10 d. 25 e. 30

42. What is the purpose of the text? a. To tell kinds of fruits b. To describe some fruits c. To persuade people to keep health d. To inform the importance of research on fruits e. To report the result of a research on certain fruits

43. We can conclude that the research will be… a. Stopped b. Continued c. Postponed d. Carried out e. Minimized

Contoh Report Text dan Soal 13 Antibiotic is a drug produced by certain microbes. Antibiotics destroy other microbes that damage human tissues. They are used to treat a wide variety of diseases, including gonorrhea, tonsillitis and tuberculosis. Antibiotics are sometimes called ‘wonder drugs’ because they can cure diseases such as meningitis, pneumonia and scarlet fever. But when the antibiotics are overused, or misused, these drugs make a person sensitive being attacked by a superbug. Antibiotics do not always distinguish between harmless and dangerous microbes. If a drug destroys too many harmless micro-organism, the pathogenic ones -the dangerous microbes- will have a greater chance to multiply. This situation often leads to the development of a new infection called superinfection. Extensive use of some antibiotics may damage organs and tissues. For example, streptomycin, which is used to treat tuberculosis, has caused kidney damage and deafness. Resistance to antibiotics may be acquired by pathogenic microbes. The resistant microbes transfer genetic material to non-resistant microbes and cause them to become resistant. During antibiotic treatment, non-resistant microbes are destroyed, but resistant types survive and multiply. To avoid the side effect of antibiotics, you’d better not urge your doctor to prescribe antibiotics. Keep in mind that antibiotics are only useful for bacterial infections and have no effect on viruses, so they cannot be used for children pox, measles, and other viral diseases.

Artinya Antibiotik adalah obat yang diproduksi oleh mikroba tertentu. Antibiotik menghancurkan mikroba lain yang merusak jaringan manusia. Mereka digunakan untuk mengobati berbagai macam penyakit, termasuk gonore, tonsilitis, dan tuberkulosis. Antibiotik kadang-kadang disebut ‘obat ajaib’ karena mereka dapat menyembuhkan penyakit seperti meningitis, pneumonia dan demam berdarah. Tetapi ketika antibiotik digunakan secara berlebihan, atau disalahgunakan, obat-obatan ini membuat seseorang sensitif diserang oleh superbug. Antibiotik tidak selalu membedakan antara mikroba yang tidak berbahaya dan berbahaya. Jika suatu obat menghancurkan terlalu banyak mikro-organisme yang tidak berbahaya, yang patogenik – mikroba berbahaya – akan memiliki kesempatan lebih besar untuk berkembang biak. Situasi ini sering mengarah pada pengembangan infeksi baru yang disebut superinfeksi. Penggunaan secara luas dari beberapa antibiotik dapat merusak organ dan jaringan. Misalnya, streptomisin, yang digunakan untuk mengobati tuberkulosis, telah menyebabkan kerusakan ginjal dan tuli. Ketahanan terhadap antibiotik dapat diperoleh oleh mikroba patogen. Mikroba yang resisten mentransfer materi genetik ke mikroba yang tidak resisten dan menyebabkan mereka menjadi resisten. Selama pengobatan antibiotik, mikroba yang tidak resisten dihancurkan, tetapi jenis yang resisten bertahan dan berkembang biak. Untuk menghindari efek samping dari antibiotik, sebaiknya Anda tidak mendesak dokter Anda untuk meresepkan antibiotik. Perlu diingat bahwa antibiotik hanya berguna untuk infeksi bakteri dan tidak memiliki efek pada virus, sehingga mereka tidak dapat digunakan untuk anak-anak cacar, campak, dan penyakit virus lainnya.

44. Which diseases cannot be cured by antibiotics? a. Tonsillitis b. Meningitis c. Chicken pox d. Tuberculosis e. Scarlet fever

45. What are discussed in paragraph two and four? a. Both paragraphs describe how antibiotics work. b. Both paragraphs tell about the effects of misusing antibiotics. c. Both paragraphs explain how antibiotics damage organs and tissue. d. Paragraph two tells what causes the pathogenic microbes multiply and paragraph four tells how un-resistant microbes become resistant. e. Paragraph two tells how antibiotics destroy harmless microbes and paragraph four describes how the pathogenic microbes transfer genetic material to non-resistant microbes.

46. Choose one from the following which is not the effect of using antibiotics improperly? a. Organs and tissues are damaged. b. The pathogenic microbes multiply. c. Harmless micro-organism are destroyed. d. Pathogenic microbes become non-resistant. e. New infection which is called superinfection develops.

47. Antibiotics do not always distinguish between harmless and dangerous microbes.” (paragraph 2). The word “distinguish” means… a. Vary b. Compare c. Correlate d. Contradict e. Differentiate

Contoh Report Text dan Soal 14 The anaconda is the largest snake in the world. Also known as the Water Boa, this giant, meat-eater lives in swampy areas of tropical South America. It spends a lot of time in shallow water, hidden from unsuspecting prey. Anacondas are related to boa constrictors. They give birth to 20 to 40 baby snakes at one time. Like all snakes, anacondas are cold-blooded; they have the same temperature as the environment. They continue to grow all their lives, getting bigger and bigger each year. The longest anaconda ever found was 11.4 m long, there are probably even bigger anacondas that have not been seen. Anacondas are greenish-brown with a double row of black oval spots on the back and smaller white markings on the sides.

Artinya Anaconda adalah ular terbesar di dunia. Juga dikenal sebagai Water Boa, raksasa ini, pemakan daging hidup di daerah berawa tropis Amerika Selatan. Ia menghabiskan banyak waktu di air dangkal, tersembunyi dari mangsa yang tidak curiga. Anaconda berhubungan dengan boa constrictors. Mereka melahirkan 20 hingga 40 ular bayi sekaligus. Seperti semua ular, anaconda berdarah dingin; mereka memiliki suhu yang sama dengan lingkungan. Mereka terus tumbuh sepanjang hidup mereka, semakin besar dan besar setiap tahun. Anaconda terpanjang yang pernah ditemukan sepanjang 11,4 m, mungkin ada anaconda yang lebih besar yang belum pernah terlihat. Anacondas berwarna coklat kehijauan dengan dua baris bintik oval hitam di bagian belakang dan tanda putih kecil di sisi.

48. What is the monologue about? A. Snakes. B. Anacondas C. Kinds of snakes. D. What an anaconda looks like. E. Another name for an anaconda.

49. How many babies does an anaconda give birth at one time? A. 10 – 20. B. 10 – 30. C. 20 – 30. D. 20 – 40 E. 30 – 40.

Contoh Report Text dan Soal 15 Jasmine is a native flower to some tropical areas in South Asia, Africa and Australia. In India, some varieties of Jasmine are used for religious purposes. The flower can grow up to 3 meters high and 2 meters wide. It releases its fragrance mostly after the sun sets especially nearing the full moon. Therefore, it is often associated with soothing night- time moods. The planting of Jasmine is started by putting some cuttings in 3 inch posts within 4 weeks. After the roots grow, they are put into 6 inch pots. The soil in the pots should be kept moist but possible for the water to go through it for optimum growth. There are some important advantages of Jasmine. In medication, this flower is often used for soothing headaches, stimulating brain, and restoring balance. Its extract is also widely used in the making of perfume.

Artinya Jasmine adalah bunga asli ke beberapa daerah tropis di Asia Selatan, Afrika dan Australia. Di India, beberapa varietas melati digunakan untuk tujuan keagamaan. Bunganya bisa tumbuh hingga setinggi 3 meter dan lebar 2 meter. Ini melepaskan keharumannya sebagian besar setelah matahari terbenam terutama menjelang bulan purnama. Oleh karena itu, sering dikaitkan dengan suasana hati malam yang menenangkan. Penanaman melati dimulai dengan meletakkan beberapa stek dalam 3 inci posting dalam waktu 4 minggu. Setelah akar tumbuh, mereka dimasukkan ke dalam pot 6 inci. Tanah dalam pot harus dijaga tetap lembab tetapi memungkinkan air untuk melewatinya agar tumbuh optimal. Ada beberapa manfaat penting dari Jasmine. Dalam pengobatan, bunga ini sering digunakan untuk menenangkan sakit kepala, merangsang otak, dan memulihkan keseimbangan. Ekstraknya juga banyak digunakan dalam pembuatan parfum.

50. When does Jasmine release the most fragrance? A. In the morning B. In the evening C. In the afternoon D. At dawn

51. What is the main idea of the last paragraph? A. Jasmine is grown worldwide B. Jasmine has various benefits C. Jasmine can cause headache D. There are some varieties of Jasmine

52. ” … it is often associated with …”, The word “associated” in is closest in meaning to …. A. Attached B. Connected C. Compared D. Propagated

53. In planting Jasmine, the soil should be kept moist to make it …. A. Go through the water easily B. Grow up to 6 inch in length C. Produce optimum fragrance D. Grow optimally

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contoh soal essay report text tentang hewan

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soal descriptive text kelas 7 tentang hewan dan jawaban

Soal Pilihan Ganda Descriptive Text tentang Animal Kelas 7 beserta Jawaban

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15 Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Hewan Lengkap dengan Artinya

Contoh report text singkat tentang hewan.

Sonora.ID - Mengutip dari buku Top One Ulangan Harian SMA/MA IPA Kelas XI, report text is a text which present informastion about something, as it is. It is as a result of systematic observation and analysis.

Artinya,  report text merupakan sebuah teks yang mengandung informasi mengenai suatu hal secara apa adanya.  Teks ini ditulis berdasarkan hasil dari observasi dan analisis secara sistematis.

Oleh sebab itu, sebuah report text biasanya berisi fakta-fakta yang bisa dibuktikan secara ilmiah.

Report text ini pun ditulis dengan tujuan untuk menyampaikan informasi mengenai hasil pengamatan serta analisa yang sistematis.

Selain itu, sebuah report text juga biasanya terdiri dari dua bagian struktur umum atau generic structure yang membangunnya di antaranya adalah sebagai berikut.

  • General Classification : pernyataan umum yang menjelaskan subjek laporan, keterangan, dan klasifikasinya.
  • Description: Berisi penjabaran mengenai pernyataan umum tersebut, misalnya memberikan gambaran fenomena yang terjadi; baik bagian-bagiannya; sifat-sifatnya; kebiasaan atau tingkah lakunya.

Biasanya sebuah  report text  ditulis dengan tujuan untuk menyampaikan informasi hasil pengamatan dan analisa yang sistematis.

Berbagai hal pun bisa dijelaskan dalam report text , misalnya, binatang, planet, tumbuh-tumbuhan, budaya, transportasi, dan lainnya.

Berikut ini pun kami sajikan kumpulan contoh report text tentang hewan sebagai bahan referensi, dikutip dari berbagai sumber.

Baca Juga: Contoh Report Text tentang Kucing beserta Struktur dan Artinya

Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Hewan

Rabbit are four-legged herbivorous mammals with long ears, a divided upper lip and two powerful back legs which make them a good hopper. At first, they were called coneys. The name “Rabbit” was first used to address the young coneys until the 18th century when the word “Rabbit” became more popular in the society. The new born rabbits are naked and blind, this helpless condition is the reason why rabbits live in a secure dens underground. Rabbits can only be found in several parts of the world, and of all that are divided into eight different genera, they are: Genus Pentalagus, Genus Bunolagus, Genus Nesolagus, Genus Romerolagus, Genus Brachylagus, Genus Sylvilagus, Genus Oryctolagus and Genus Poelagus.

All rabbits has a typical short tail. Their average body size are 20 to 50 cm long and the average weight around half to 2 kg. It is recorded that adult rabbit has 3 years lifespan in their natural habitat, but it is also believed that they can live longer if they are under human care. Just like human, they sleep for about 8 hours in their underground burrows. They have a wide variety of color, start from white, brown, black and grey, but most of them have a combination of some colors. Rabbits communicate to each other by performing various body position and also by making a few sounds.

Kelinci adalah mamalia pemakan tanaman berkaki empat dengan telinga yang panjang, bibir atas yang terbelah dua serta dua kaki belakang yang sangat kuat yang membuat mereka menjadi pelompat yang baik. Pada awalnya, mereka dijuluki coneys. Sebutan “Rabbit” pertama kali digunakan untuk menunjuk pada kelinci yang masih muda hingga abad ke 18 ketika kata “Rabbit” menjadi lebih populer di masyarakat. Kelinci yang baru lahir kondisinya tidak berbulu dan buta, keadaan yang tak berdaya ini adalah alasan mengapa kelinci tinggal di dalam gua yang aman di bawah tanah. Kelinci hanya bisa ditemukan di beberapa bagian dunia ini, dan kesemuanya itu dibagi kedalam delapan genus, genus tersebut adalah: Genus Pentalagus, Genus Bunolagus, Genus Nesolagus, Genus Romerolagus, Genus Brachylagus, Genus Sylvilagus, Genus Oryctolagus dan Genus Poelagus.

Semua kelinci memiliki ekor pendek yang khas. Rata rata ukuran tubuh mereka adalah 20 hingga 50 cm dan rata rata berat tubuh nya sekitar setengah hingga 2 kg. Telah tercatat bahwa kelinci dewasa memiliki masa hidup 3 tahun di lingkungan alami mereka, tapi diyakini juga bahwa mereka bisa hidup lebih lama jika mereka berada dalam perawatan manusia. Sama seperti manusia, mereka tidur selama sekitar 8 jam di dalam liang bawah tanah mereka. Mereka memiliki macam warna yang sangat banyak, mulai dari warna putih, coklat, hitam dan abu abu, tapi sebagian besar dari mereka memiliki kombinasi beberapa warna. Kelinci kelinci saling berkomunikasi dengan yang lainnya dengan memperagakan berbagai posisi tubuh dan juga dengan membuat beberapa suara.

The cheetah is a large cat native to Africa and central Iran. It is the fastest land animal, estimated to be capable of running at 80 to 128 km/h. Cheetah can run fast because of its long thin legs and a long tail.

Cheetah body length is typically reaches 67–94 cm. Adults weigh between 21 and 72 kg (46 and 159 lb). Its head is small and rounded, and has a short snout and black tear-like facial streaks.

The coat is typically tawny to creamy white or pale buff and is mostly covered with evenly spaced, solid black spots. Four subspecies are recognised.

The cheetah lives in three main social groups: females and their cubs, male groups, and solitary males. While females lead a nomadic life searching for prey in large home ranges, males are more sedentary and instead establish much smaller territories in areas with plentiful prey and access to females. The cheetah is active during the day, with peaks during dawn and dusk.

Cheetah adalah kucing besar asli Afrika dan Iran tengah. Hewan ini adalah hewan darat tercepat, diperkirakan mampu berlari dengan kecepatan 80 hingga 128 km/jam. Cheetah bisa berlari cepat karena kakinya yang kurus panjang dan ekornya yang panjang.

Panjang tubuh Cheetah biasanya mencapai 67–94 cm. Orang dewasa memiliki berat antara 21 dan 72 kg (46 dan 159 lb). Kepalanya kecil dan bulat, dan memiliki moncong pendek dan garis-garis hitam seperti air mata.

Bulunya biasanya berwarna kuning kecokelatan hingga putih krem atau pucat dan sebagian besar ditutupi dengan bintik-bintik hitam padat yang berjarak sama. Ada Empat subspesies diakui.

Cheetah hidup dalam tiga kelompok sosial utama: betina dan anaknya, jantan berkelompok, dan jantan penyendiri. Cheetah betina menjalani kehidupan berpindah-pindah mencari mangsa di wilayah jelajah yang luas, sedangkan pejantan lebih suka menetap menetap dan membangun wilayah yang jauh lebih kecil di daerah dengan mangsa berlimpah. Cheetah aktif di siang hari, dengan puncaknya saat fajar dan senja.

Birds are...

Bahasa inggris, report text, contoh report text singkat dan artinya, contoh report text.

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  • 12 Contoh Descriptive Text tentang Hewan Lengkap dengan Terjemahannya
  • 7 Contoh Descriptive Text tentang Tempat Bersejarah yang Singkat

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Report text beserta jawaban: an elephant [updated].

Berikut kami bagikan soal dan pembahasan kunci jawaban untuk report text. Jika adik/bapak/ibu sekalian memiliki soal essay report text dan membutuhkan pembahasan jawaban, bisa kontak kami untuk kami bantu. 

Text (Bacaan)

contoh soal essay report text tentang hewan

An elephant is the largest and strongest of all animals. It is a strange-looking animal with its thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tail, little eyes, long white tusks, and above all it has a long nose, the trunk.

The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature, and it has various uses. The elephant draws up water by its trunk and can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath. It can also lift leaves and put them into its mouth. In fact, the trunk serves the elephant as a long arm and hand. An elephant looks very clumsy and heavy, yet it can move very quickly.

The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great strength makes it a very useful servant to man and it can be trained to serve in various ways such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight.

Jawaban dan pembahasan

  • the most distinguishing characteristic: karakter paling berbeda
  • Jawabannya dapat didapatkan di kalimat 1 paragraf 2: 
The trunk is the elephant’s peculiar feature. [ Terjemahan : belalai merupakan fitur aneh (paling beda) dari gajah]

Muhammad Ahkam Arifin

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Intan Aulia Husnunnisa

February 27, 2024 • 31 minutes read

contoh report text

Jika kamu bertualang ke hutan di Sumatra dan melihat harimau Sumatra secara langsung, cobalah untuk share kondisi hewan tersebut menggunakan report text. Apa itu report text? Bagaimana cara menulisnya? Mari, baca artikel English Academy yang satu ini!

Setelah latihan reading melalui contoh descriptive text dan explanation text ,   jangan lupa kalau masih ada report text yang menunggu untuk kamu pelajari. Jenis teks yang satu ini sedikit mirip dengan descriptive text .

Supaya lebih paham, coba cermati sedikit penjelasannya, kemudian simak berbagai contoh report text di bawah ini ya!

Apa itu Report Text dalam Bahasa Inggris?

Report text adalah adalah jenis teks yang bertujuan untuk menyampaikan informasi atau fakta tentang suatu topik secara jelas dan terstruktur . Dalam hal ini, report text bisa membahas tentang manusia, hewan, tumbuhan, atau tempat.

Tujuan dan fungsi report text adalah memberikan pengetahuan yang objektif kepada pembaca, dan ini seringkali berdasarkan hasil penelitian atau investigasi. Maka dari itu, report text cenderung ditulis dengan bahasa formal dan susunannya pun terorganisir dengan baik.

Ingat, report text dan descriptive text itu berbeda . Secara garis besar, report text berfungsi menyajikan gambaran objek secara umum berdasarkan hasil penelitian dan dapat divalidasi kebenarannya. Sementara itu, descriptive text pembahasannya lebih spesifik dan ditulis berdasarkan sudut pandang writer .

Struktur Report Text

Terdapat dua struktur dalam report text , yaitu:

1. General classification (Klasifikasi umum)

Bagian klasifikasi umum bisa kamu tulis pada paragraf pertama untuk membahas kategorisasi umum terkait dengan topik yang dibahas. Ini dapat berupa pengelompokan berdasarkan karakteristik, jenis, atau aspek lain yang relevan.

2. Description (Deskripsi)

Sama dengan descriptive text , di paragraf selanjutnya, tulislah deskripsi rinci mengenai kategori atau klasifikasi yang telah disajikan sebelumnya secara mendalam.

Untuk kaidah kebahasaan atau language features of report text , kamu bisa membacanya di artikel Report Text: Pengertian, Struktur dan Contoh Beserta Terjemahan ya!

Contoh Report Text dalam Bahasa Inggris dan Artinya

Di bawah ini, terdapat topik-topik teks laporan yang variatif. Kita baca sama-sama ya!

Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Hewan

1. contoh report text singkat tentang kucing (cat).

Cats, scientifically known as Felis catus, are intriguing animals with a rich history of companionship with humans. Their physical characteristics vary widely, from sleek Siamese cats to fluffy Maine Coons. Cats communicate through meows, purrs, and body language, forming strong bonds with their human companions. As prolific breeders, cats have an average gestation period of 63 days, and kittens are born blind, relying on their mothers for care. Highly adaptable, cats thrive in various environments, grooming themselves regularly. Beyond their biology, cats hold cultural significance globally, revered in ancient Egyptian times and featured in literature and folklore.

Kucing, yang dikenal secara ilmiah sebagai Felis catus , merupakan hewan yang menarik dengan sejarah panjang sebagai sahabat manusia. Karakteristik fisiknya bervariasi luas, dari kucing Siamese yang ramping hingga Maine Coon yang berbulu lebat. Kucing berkomunikasi melalui meong, mendengkur, dan bahasa tubuh, membentuk ikatan kuat dengan teman manusianya. Sebagai pembiak yang produktif, kucing memiliki masa kehamilan rata-rata 63 hari, dan anak kucing lahir buta, bergantung pada ibu mereka untuk perawatan. Sangat mudah beradaptasi, kucing berkembang dengan baik di berbagai lingkungan, membersihkan diri secara teratur. Selain dari sisi biologisnya, kucing memiliki signifikansi budaya secara global, dihormati pada zaman Mesir kuno dan tampil dalam sastra serta folklore .

2. Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Gajah (Elephant)

Elephants scientifically known as Elephantidae, are majestic creatures with remarkable intelligence and ecological significance. Their physical features, including long trunks, large ears, and tusks, contribute to their adaptability. Highly social, elephants live in family groups led by a matriarch, communicating through vocalizations and tactile interactions. Inhabiting diverse ecosystems, elephants face threats due to habitat loss and human activities. Conservation efforts are crucial as elephants are listed as vulnerable or endangered, emphasizing their cultural significance worldwide.

Gajah yang dikenal secara ilmiah sebagai Elephantidae , adalah makhluk megah dengan kecerdasan luar biasa dan signifikansi ekologis. Fitur fisiknya, termasuk belalai panjang, telinga besar, dan gading, berkontribusi pada adaptabilitasnya. Sangat sosial, gajah hidup dalam kelompok keluarga yang dipimpin oleh induk betina, berkomunikasi melalui vokalisasi dan interaksi taktil. Menempati berbagai ekosistem, gajah menghadapi ancaman akibat hilangnya habitat dan aktivitas manusia. Upaya konservasi sangat penting karena gajah masuk dalam kategori rentan atau terancam punah, menekankan signifikansinya secara budaya di seluruh dunia.

3. Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Singa Laut (Sea Lions)

Sea lions, belonging to the Otariidae family, are marine mammals known for their agility both in water and on land. With streamlined bodies, external ear flaps, and powerful flippers, sea lions inhabit coastal areas globally. Highly social, they communicate through vocalizations, forming colonies for breeding and protection. Opportunistic feeders, sea lions play a vital role in marine ecosystems. While some populations thrive, conservation efforts are essential to protect sea lions from threats like habitat loss and pollution.

Singa laut, anggota keluarga Otariidae, adalah mamalia laut yang dikenal karena kelincahannya di air dan di darat. Dengan tubuh ramping, kuping eksternal, dan sirip yang kuat, singa laut mendiami daerah pantai di seluruh dunia. Sangat sosial, mereka berkomunikasi melalui vokalisasi, membentuk koloni untuk berkembang biak dan perlindungan. Pemakan oportunis, singa laut memainkan peran penting dalam ekosistem laut. Meskipun beberapa populasi berkembang dengan baik, upaya konservasi sangat penting untuk melindungi singa laut dari ancaman seperti hilangnya habitat dan polusi.

4. Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Penguin 

Penguins from the Spheniscidae family are iconic seabirds adapted to various environments. With streamlined bodies, flipper-like wings, and webbed feet, penguins excel in both water and land. Highly social, they form colonies for breeding and protection, communicating through vocalizations and synchronized movements. Expert hunters, penguins primarily prey on fish and krill, showcasing remarkable diving abilities. Conservation efforts are critical to protect penguins from climate change, overfishing, and habitat disruption.

Penguin, dari keluarga Spheniscidae, adalah burung laut ikonik yang beradaptasi dengan berbagai lingkungan. Dengan tubuh ramping, sayap mirip sirip, dan kaki berselaput, penguin berhasil baik di air maupun di darat. Sangat sosial, mereka membentuk koloni untuk berkembang biak dan perlindungan, berkomunikasi melalui vokalisasi dan gerakan terkoordinasi. Pemburu ulung, penguin utamanya memangsa ikan dan kril, menunjukkan kemampuan menyelam yang luar biasa. Upaya konservasi sangat penting untuk melindungi penguin dari perubahan iklim, overfishing, dan gangguan habitat.

5. Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Kuda Nil (Hippopotamus)

Hippopotamuses, often called hippos, are large herbivorous mammals with semi-aquatic lifestyles. Their massive bodies, barrel-shaped torsos, and unique skin adaptations contribute to their survival in aquatic environments. Known for their aggressive nature, hippos are responsible for more human deaths in Africa than other large animals. Despite their herbivorous diet, hippos are considered one of the most dangerous animals on the continent.

Kuda nil, sering disebut hippo , adalah mamalia herbivora besar dengan gaya hidup semi-akuatik. Tubuh besar mereka, torsa berbentuk tong, dan adaptasi kulit yang unik berkontribusi pada kelangsungan hidup mereka di lingkungan air. Dikenal karena sifat agresifnya, kuda nil bertanggung jawab atas lebih banyak kematian manusia di Afrika dibandingkan hewan besar lainnya. Meskipun diet mereka bersifat herbivora, kuda nil dianggap sebagai salah satu hewan paling berbahaya di benua tersebut.

6. Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Jerapah (Giraffe)

Giraffes, with their towering necks and distinctive coat patterns, are the world’s tallest mammals. Their long necks, comprising seven vertebrae like humans, help them reach high branches for food. Giraffes exhibit unique spotted coat patterns, and each individual’s pattern is distinct. Known for their gentle nature, giraffes are social animals, forming loose groups. Despite their iconic appearance, giraffe populations face threats from habitat loss and poaching, prompting conservation efforts to protect these magnificent creatures.

Jerapah, dengan leher menjulang tinggi dan pola bulu yang khas, adalah mamalia tertinggi di dunia. Leher panjang mereka, yang terdiri dari tujuh tulang belakang seperti manusia, membantu mereka mencapai ranting tinggi untuk makanan. Jerapah menunjukkan pola bulu bintik-bintik yang unik, dan pola setiap individu berbeda. Dikenal karena sifat lembutnya, jerapah adalah hewan sosial yang membentuk kelompok longgar. Meskipun penampilannya yang ikonik, populasi jerapah menghadapi ancaman dari hilangnya habitat dan perburuan, memicu upaya konservasi untuk melindungi makhluk luar biasa ini.

7. Contoh Report Text Bahasa Inggris Tentang Panda

Pandas, particularly the giant panda (Ailuropoda melanoleuca), are fascinating mammals native to the mountainous regions of central China. Known for their distinctive black-and-white fur, these bears capture the hearts of many and have become iconic symbols of wildlife conservation. The physical characteristics of giant pandas are remarkable. They have a robust and stocky build, with males weighing between 85 to 125 kilograms, while females are slightly smaller. The black fur covers their eyes, ears, limbs, and shoulders, creating a unique pattern.

Pandas are renowned for their bamboo-based diet. Despite their classification as bears, their diet consists mainly of bamboo shoots, leaves, and stems. Adult pandas consume around 12 to 38 kilograms of bamboo daily, showcasing their strong jaws and teeth adapted for bamboo consumption. In addition to bamboo, pandas may supplement their diet with small mammals, birds, and carrion.

The habitat of giant pandas primarily includes dense bamboo forests found in the mountainous regions of China. These habitats are characterized by cool, wet climates, which align with the pandas’ need for bamboo, their primary food source. The unique adaptations of giant pandas, including their opposable thumbs, enable them to grasp bamboo efficiently.

Pandas are solitary creatures, with males and females generally avoiding each other except during the breeding season. The reproductive rates of pandas are relatively low, and females give birth to one or two cubs after a gestation period of around five months. The cubs are born blind, hairless, and helpless, relying entirely on the mother’s care.

China plays a crucial role in panda conservation, with various reserves and national parks dedicated to protecting these endangered species. Conservation efforts include captive breeding programs, scientific research, and initiatives to preserve and restore their natural habitats. The conservation status of giant pandas has improved in recent years due to these efforts, with their population showing signs of recovery.

Panda, khususnya panda raksasa ( Ailuropoda melanoleuca ), adalah mamalia yang menakjubkan yang aslinya berasal dari wilayah pegunungan Tiongkok bagian tengah. Dikenal karena bulu hitam-putih khas mereka, beruang ini merebut hati banyak orang dan telah menjadi simbol ikonik konservasi satwa liar. Karakteristik fisik panda raksasa sangat mencolok. Mereka memiliki tubuh yang kokoh, dengan pejantan memiliki berat antara 85 hingga 125 kilogram, sementara betina sedikit lebih kecil. Bulu hitam menutupi mata, telinga, kaki, dan bahu mereka, menciptakan pola yang unik.

Panda terkenal dengan diet mereka yang berbasis bambu. Meskipun diklasifikasikan sebagai beruang, diet mereka terutama terdiri dari tunas, daun, dan batang bambu. Panda dewasa mengonsumsi sekitar 12 hingga 38 kilogram bambu setiap harinya, menunjukkan rahang dan gigi kuat mereka yang diadaptasi untuk mengonsumsi bambu. Selain bambu, panda dapat melengkapi diet mereka dengan mamalia kecil, burung, dan bangkai.

Habitat panda raksasa utamanya melibatkan hutan bambu yang padat yang ditemukan di wilayah pegunungan Tiongkok. Habitat ini ditandai oleh iklim sejuk dan lembab, sesuai dengan kebutuhan panda akan bambu, sumber makanan utama mereka. Adaptasi unik panda, termasuk ibu jari yang dapat bergerak, memungkinkan mereka untuk menggenggam bambu dengan efisien.

Panda adalah makhluk soliter, dengan pejantan dan betina umumnya menghindari satu sama lain kecuali selama musim kawin. Tingkat reproduksi panda relatif rendah, dan betina melahirkan satu atau dua anak setelah masa kehamilan sekitar lima bulan. Bayi panda lahir buta, tidak berbulu, dan tidak berdaya, sepenuhnya bergantung pada perawatan ibu.

Tiongkok memainkan peran penting dalam konservasi panda, dengan berbagai cagar alam dan taman nasional yang didedikasikan untuk melindungi spesies yang terancam ini. Upaya konservasi mencakup program pembiakan di penangkaran, penelitian ilmiah, dan inisiatif untuk menjaga dan mengembalikan habitat alam mereka. Status konservasi panda raksasa telah meningkat dalam beberapa tahun terakhir berkat upaya ini, dengan populasi mereka menunjukkan tanda-tanda pemulihan.

Contoh Factual Report Text Tentang Benda Langit

8. report text tentang sun (matahari).

The Sun, a prominent celestial body in our solar system, plays a pivotal role in sustaining life on Earth. This massive ball of hot, glowing gasses, primarily hydrogen and helium, emits light and heat energy through the process of nuclear fusion. The Sun’s core, where these fusion reactions occur, reaches temperatures of millions of degrees Celsius.

As the Sun radiates energy, it influences Earth’s climate, weather patterns, and provides the necessary light for photosynthesis, a crucial process for plant life. Solar radiation also contributes to the water cycle, driving evaporation and precipitation.

Despite its life-sustaining properties, the Sun can also emit harmful ultraviolet (UV) radiation. Earth’s atmosphere acts as a protective shield, absorbing and filtering these harmful rays. However, excessive exposure to UV radiation poses health risks, including skin cancer.

Matahari, benda langit yang menonjol dalam tata surya kita, memainkan peran penting dalam mendukung kehidupan di Bumi. Bola gas panas besar ini, terutama terdiri dari hidrogen dan helium, memancarkan energi cahaya dan panas melalui proses fusi nuklir. Inti Matahari, tempat terjadinya reaksi fusi ini, mencapai suhu jutaan derajat Celcius.

Seiring Matahari memancarkan energi, ini memengaruhi iklim Bumi, pola cuaca, dan memberikan cahaya yang diperlukan untuk fotosintesis, proses penting bagi kehidupan tumbuhan. Radiasi surya juga berkontribusi pada siklus air, mendorong penguapan dan presipitasi.

Meskipun memiliki properti yang mendukung kehidupan, Matahari juga dapat memancarkan radiasi ultraviolet (UV) yang berbahaya. Atmosfer Bumi bertindak sebagai perisai pelindung, menyerap dan menyaring sinar berbahaya ini. Namun, paparan berlebihan terhadap radiasi UV menimbulkan risiko kesehatan, termasuk kanker kulit.

9. Contoh Teks laporan Tentang Bulan (Moon)

The Moon, Earth’s only natural satellite, has fascinated humanity for centuries. Its presence in the night sky has inspired myths, legends, and scientific exploration. The Moon’s surface is marked by various features, including craters, plains, and mountain ranges.

The Moon’s gravitational influence creates tides on Earth, affecting oceanic movements. It also stabilizes Earth’s axial tilt, contributing to the planet’s climate stability. Despite its relatively small size compared to Earth, the Moon has played a significant role in shaping our planet’s geological and climatic conditions.

The Moon undergoes distinct phases as it orbits Earth. These phases—new moon, first quarter, full moon, and last quarter—are a result of the changing angles between the Sun, Earth, and the Moon. Lunar eclipses occur when Earth aligns directly between the Sun and the Moon, casting a shadow on the lunar surface.

Human exploration of the Moon began with the Apollo missions in the 1960s and 1970s. These missions provided valuable insights into the Moon’s geology and history. Ongoing robotic missions continue to study the Moon’s surface, seeking clues about the early solar system and the formation of celestial bodies. Understanding the Moon’s composition and its relation to Earth deepens our comprehension of planetary evolution and the broader cosmos. The Moon remains an object of scientific curiosity and a symbol of exploration for future generations.

Bulan, satelit alami satu-satunya Bumi, telah memikat umat manusia selama berabad-abad. Kehadirannya di langit malam telah menginspirasi mitos, legenda, dan eksplorasi ilmiah. Permukaan bulan ditandai oleh berbagai fitur, termasuk kawah, dataran, dan rangkaian pegunungan.

Pengaruh gravitasi Bulan menciptakan pasang surut di Bumi, memengaruhi pergerakan laut. Bulan juga menstabilkan kemiringan aksial Bumi, berkontribusi pada stabilitas iklim planet ini. Meskipun relatif kecil dibandingkan dengan Bumi, Bulan memiliki peran penting dalam membentuk kondisi geologis dan iklimatik planet kita.

Bulan mengalami fase-fase yang berbeda saat mengorbit Bumi. Fase-fase ini—bulan baru, kuartal pertama, bulan purnama, dan kuartal terakhir—hasil dari perubahan sudut antara Matahari, Bumi, dan Bulan. Gerhana bulan terjadi saat Bumi sejajar langsung antara Matahari dan Bulan, melemparkan bayangan pada permukaan lunar.

Eksplorasi manusia di Bulan dimulai dengan misi Apollo pada tahun 1960-an dan 1970-an. Misi-misi ini memberikan wawasan berharga tentang geologi dan sejarah Bulan. Misi robotik yang terus berlanjut terus mempelajari permukaan Bulan, mencari petunjuk tentang awal tata surya dan pembentukan benda langit.

Pemahaman tentang komposisi Bulan dan hubungannya dengan Bumi memperdalam pemahaman kita tentang evolusi planet dan kosmos yang lebih luas. Bulan tetap menjadi objek rasa ingin tahu ilmiah dan simbol eksplorasi untuk generasi mendatang.

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Contoh Report Text Tentang Benda

10. contoh report text tentang drone.

Drones, also known as Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), have become integral to various fields, revolutionizing industries with their versatile applications. These remotely piloted aircraft are equipped with advanced technology, allowing them to perform tasks efficiently and cost-effectively.

Drones have diverse applications, ranging from aerial photography and videography to agricultural monitoring and disaster response. In agriculture, drones provide farmers with valuable data, including crop health assessments, soil analysis, and irrigation management. This data aids in optimizing agricultural practices, increasing yields, and reducing environmental impact.

In the field of filmmaking and photography, drones enable the capture of breathtaking aerial shots that were once difficult or costly to achieve. Their ability to maneuver through challenging environments makes them valuable tools for creative professionals.

In recent years, drones have played a crucial role in disaster management and search-and-rescue operations. Their agility allows them to access areas that may be dangerous or inaccessible to humans, providing real-time information to aid in decision-making during emergencies.

However, the increasing use of drones also raises concerns related to privacy, security, and regulatory frameworks. Striking a balance between harnessing the benefits of drone technology and addressing potential challenges remains an ongoing endeavor.

The evolution of drone technology continues, with ongoing research and development aiming to enhance their capabilities further. As these advancements unfold, the role of drones in various industries is expected to expand, shaping the future of aerial technology.

Drone, atau yang dikenal juga sebagai Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs), telah menjadi bagian integral dari berbagai bidang, merevolusi industri dengan aplikasi yang serbaguna. Pesawat tanpa awak ini dilengkapi dengan teknologi canggih, memungkinkan mereka menjalankan tugas dengan efisien dan biaya yang efektif.

Drone memiliki berbagai aplikasi, mulai dari fotografi dan videografi udara hingga pemantauan pertanian dan tanggap bencana. Di bidang pertanian, drone memberikan petani data berharga, termasuk penilaian kesehatan tanaman, analisis tanah, dan pengelolaan irigasi. Data ini membantu mengoptimalkan praktik pertanian, meningkatkan hasil panen, dan mengurangi dampak lingkungan.

Di bidang perfilman dan fotografi, drone memungkinkan pengambilan gambar udara yang memukau yang dulunya sulit atau mahal untuk dicapai. Kemampuannya untuk manuver melalui lingkungan yang sulit membuat mereka menjadi alat berharga bagi para profesional kreatif.

Dalam beberapa tahun terakhir, drone telah memainkan peran penting dalam manajemen bencana dan operasi pencarian dan penyelamatan. Kecekatan mereka memungkinkan mereka mengakses area yang mungkin berbahaya atau tidak dapat diakses oleh manusia, memberikan informasi secara real-time untuk membantu pengambilan keputusan selama keadaan darurat.

Namun, penggunaan drone yang semakin meningkat juga menimbulkan keprihatinan terkait privasi, keamanan, dan kerangka regulasi. Menemukan keseimbangan antara memanfaatkan manfaat teknologi drone dan mengatasi tantangan potensial tetap menjadi usaha yang berkelanjutan.

Evolusi teknologi drone terus berlanjut, dengan penelitian dan pengembangan yang sedang berlangsung untuk meningkatkan kemampuannya lebih lanjut. Seiring perkembangan ini, peran drone di berbagai industri diharapkan akan berkembang, membentuk masa depan teknologi udara.

11. Contoh Report Text Tentang AC

Air Conditioning (AC) systems have become ubiquitous in our daily lives, providing comfort by regulating indoor temperature and humidity. These systems have evolved significantly since their inception, offering various features to enhance their efficiency and functionality.

The fundamental mechanism of air conditioning involves the circulation of refrigerant through a closed system. The refrigerant undergoes phases of compression, condensation, expansion, and evaporation, extracting heat from the indoor air and releasing it outside. This process allows AC systems to cool and dehumidify the air effectively.

Modern AC units come with energy-efficient technologies such as programmable thermostats, variable speed compressors, and smart sensors. These innovations optimize energy consumption, reduce environmental impact, and contribute to cost savings for users.

In addition to maintaining thermal comfort, AC systems play a crucial role in improving indoor air quality. Many units are equipped with filters that capture dust, allergens, and pollutants, ensuring a healthier living environment.

While AC system offer numerous benefits, they also pose environmental challenges, primarily related to energy consumption and refrigerant emissions. Ongoing research focuses on developing eco-friendly refrigerants and enhancing the energy efficiency of air conditioning technologies.

As the demand for cooling solutions continues to rise, the industry strives to strike a balance between providing comfort and addressing environmental concerns. Advancements in AC technology aim to meet these challenges, offering sustainable solutions for the future.

Sistem Air Conditioning (AC) telah menjadi bagian tak terpisahkan dari kehidupan sehari-hari kita, menyediakan kenyamanan dengan mengatur suhu dan kelembapan dalam ruangan. Sistem ini telah mengalami perkembangan signifikan sejak awalnya, menawarkan berbagai fitur untuk meningkatkan efisiensi dan fungsionalitasnya.

Mekanisme dasar dari air conditioning melibatkan sirkulasi refrigeran melalui sistem tertutup. Refrigeran mengalami fase kompresi, kondensasi, ekspansi, dan evaporasi, mengekstrak panas dari udara dalam ruangan dan melepaskannya ke luar. Proses ini memungkinkan sistem AC untuk mendinginkan dan menghilangkan kelembapan udara dengan efektif.

Unit AC modern dilengkapi dengan teknologi hemat energi seperti termostat terprogram, kompresor kecepatan variabel, dan sensor pintar. Inovasi-inovasi ini mengoptimalkan konsumsi energi, mengurangi dampak lingkungan, dan berkontribusi pada penghematan biaya bagi pengguna.

Selain menjaga kenyamanan termal, sistem AC memainkan peran penting dalam meningkatkan kualitas udara dalam ruangan. Banyak unit dilengkapi dengan filter yang menangkap debu, alergen, dan polutan, memastikan lingkungan hidup yang lebih sehat.

Meskipun sistem AC menawarkan banyak manfaat, mereka juga menimbulkan tantangan terkait lingkungan, terutama terkait konsumsi energi dan emisi refrigeran. Penelitian terus berfokus pada pengembangan refrigeran ramah lingkungan dan peningkatan efisiensi energi teknologi air conditioning .

Saat permintaan akan solusi pendinginan terus meningkat, industri berusaha menemukan keseimbangan antara menyediakan kenyamanan dan mengatasi masalah lingkungan. Kemajuan dalam teknologi AC bertujuan untuk memenuhi tantangan ini, menawarkan solusi yang berkelanjutan untuk masa depan.

Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Alam

12. contoh report text singkat tentang gunung (mountain).

Mountains, majestic geological formations, are elevated landmasses often reaching considerable heights. Formed through tectonic processes, mountains exhibit diverse landscapes, including rugged peaks, deep valleys, and steep slopes. Notable examples include the Himalayas, the tallest mountain range globally, and the Andes, the longest. Mountains play a crucial role in Earth’s climate, influencing weather patterns and serving as watersheds for rivers. Furthermore, these elevated terrains contribute significantly to biodiversity, hosting unique flora and fauna adapted to the challenging environments. Despite their scenic beauty, mountains face threats such as deforestation and climate change, necessitating conservation efforts.

Gunung, formasi geologis yang megah, adalah massa daratan yang seringkali mencapai ketinggian yang cukup besar. Terbentuk melalui proses tektonik, gunung menunjukkan lanskap yang beragam, termasuk puncak yang kasar, lembah dalam, dan lereng curam. Contoh terkenal termasuk Himalaya, rentangan gunung tertinggi di dunia, dan Andes, yang terpanjang. Gunung memainkan peran penting dalam iklim Bumi, memengaruhi pola cuaca dan berfungsi sebagai daerah aliran sungai. Selain itu, relung-rebung tertinggi ini memberikan kontribusi besar terhadap keanekaragaman hayati, menjadi rumah bagi flora dan fauna unik yang beradaptasi dengan lingkungan yang menantang. Meskipun keindahan pemandangannya, gunung menghadapi ancaman seperti deforestasi dan perubahan iklim, memerlukan upaya konservasi.

13. Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Hutan Hujan (Rainforest)

The rainforest, often referred to as the lungs of the Earth, is a marvel of biodiversity and ecological complexity. Covering approximately 6% of the Earth’s land surface, these lush ecosystems are home to over half of the world’s plant and animal species. The dense vegetation and intricate canopy structure contribute to a unique microclimate, influencing weather patterns globally. Despite their crucial role in sustaining life and capturing carbon dioxide, these rainforests face threats from deforestation and climate change. Conservation efforts are essential to preserve these invaluable ecosystems and the countless species they harbor.

Hutan hujan, sering disebut sebagai paru-paru bumi, adalah keajaiban keanekaragaman hayati dan kompleksitas ekologi. Meliputi sekitar 6% dari luas daratan bumi, ekosistem yang rimbun ini menjadi rumah bagi lebih dari setengah spesies tumbuhan dan hewan di dunia. Vegetasi yang padat dan struktur kanopi yang rumit berkontribusi pada mikroklamata unik, memengaruhi pola cuaca secara global. Meskipun peran kritisnya dalam menjaga kehidupan dan menangkap karbon dioksida, hutan hujan ini menghadapi ancaman dari deforestasi dan perubahan iklim. Upaya konservasi sangat penting untuk menjaga ekosistem yang tak ternilai ini dan berbagai spesies yang mereka dukung.

14. Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Gunung Berapi (Volcanoes)

Volcanoes, majestic geological features, represent the Earth’s dynamic and ever-changing nature. These vents release magma, ash, and gases during eruptions, contributing to the formation of new land and impacting climate patterns. With approximately 1,500 potentially active volcanoes worldwide, monitoring and understanding their behavior are crucial for predicting and mitigating volcanic hazards. Volcanic eruptions can lead to devastating consequences, affecting air travel, agriculture, and local ecosystems. Scientists employ advanced technologies to study volcanic activity, providing valuable insights to enhance our preparedness and response to these natural phenomena.

Gunung berapi, fitur geologis yang megah, mewakili sifat dinamis dan selalu berubah bumi. Lubang-lubang ini melepaskan magma, abu, dan gas selama letusan, berkontribusi pada pembentukan tanah baru dan memengaruhi pola iklim. Dengan sekitar 1.500 gunung berapi berpotensi aktif di seluruh dunia, pemantauan dan pemahaman perilakunya sangat penting untuk memprediksi dan mengurangi risiko gunung berapi. Letusan gunung berapi dapat menyebabkan konsekuensi yang menghancurkan, memengaruhi penerbangan udara, pertanian, dan ekosistem lokal. Para ilmuwan menggunakan teknologi canggih untuk mempelajari aktivitas gunung berapi, memberikan wawasan berharga untuk meningkatkan kesiapsiagaan dan respons kita terhadap fenomena alam ini.

15. Vontoh Report Text Singkat Beserta Artinya Tentang Terumbu Karang (Coral Reefs)

Coral reefs, vibrant underwater ecosystems, are home to a diverse array of marine life. Covering less than 1% of the ocean floor, these structures provide habitat for around 25% of known marine species. The intricate relationship between corals and algae, known as symbiosis, contributes to the stunning colors and intricate patterns of coral formations. Unfortunately, coral reefs face threats from climate change, overfishing, and pollution. Bleaching events, caused by elevated sea temperatures, pose a significant risk to these delicate ecosystems.

Terumbu karang, ekosistem bawah laut yang penuh warna, menjadi rumah bagi berbagai macam kehidupan laut. Menutupi kurang dari 1% dari dasar laut, struktur ini menyediakan habitat untuk sekitar 25% dari spesies laut yang diketahui. Hubungan rumit antara karang dan ganggang, yang dikenal sebagai simbiosis, berkontribusi pada warna-warni yang memukau dan pola rumit formasi karang. Sayangnya, terumbu karang menghadapi ancaman dari perubahan iklim, overfishing , dan polusi. Kejadian pemutihan, yang disebabkan oleh peningkatan suhu laut, menjadi risiko signifikan bagi ekosistem yang lembut ini.

16. Contoh Report Text Tentang Savannas (Sabana)

Savannas, also known as tropical grasslands, are ecosystems characterized by a unique blend of grasses and scattered trees. Found in various parts of the world, including Africa, South America, Australia, and Southeast Asia, savannas are vital contributors to global biodiversity. These landscapes typically experience distinct wet and dry seasons, shaping the adaptation strategies of their flora and fauna.

Savannas boast a diverse array of plant species, such as elephant grass, acacia trees, and baobabs, each displaying adaptations to the challenging climatic conditions. The structure of savanna vegetation allows for a complex interplay between herbivores and predators, contributing to the ecological balance of these regions.

One key feature of savannas is the presence of termite mounds, which play a crucial role in soil aeration and nutrient cycling. These mounds also serve as water reservoirs during dry periods, aiding both plants and animals in the harsh savanna environment. The intricate relationship between vegetation, animals, and microorganisms highlights the delicate ecological balance within savanna ecosystems.

The significance of savannas extends beyond their ecological contributions; many indigenous communities depend on these landscapes for their livelihoods. The preservation of savannas is essential for maintaining biodiversity, supporting local economies, and mitigating the impacts of climate change.

Savana, yang juga dikenal sebagai padang rumput tropis, adalah ekosistem yang ditandai oleh perpaduan unik antara rerumputan dan pohon-pohon yang tersebar. Ditemukan di berbagai belahan dunia, termasuk Afrika, Amerika Selatan, Australia, dan Asia Tenggara, savana adalah kontributor penting untuk keanekaragaman hayati global. Lanskap ini umumnya mengalami musim hujan dan musim kemarau yang berbeda, membentuk strategi adaptasi dari flora dan fauna mereka.

Savana memiliki berbagai spesies tumbuhan, seperti rumput gajah, pohon akasia, dan baobab, masing-masing menunjukkan adaptasi terhadap kondisi iklim yang menantang. Struktur vegetasi savana memungkinkan adanya interaksi kompleks antara hewan pemakan tumbuhan dan predator, berkontribusi pada keseimbangan ekologis di wilayah ini.

Salah satu fitur kunci dari savana adalah adanya tanah rayap, yang memainkan peran penting dalam aerasi tanah dan siklus nutrisi. Gundukan-gundukan ini juga berfungsi sebagai reservoir air selama periode kemarau, membantu tanaman dan hewan dalam lingkungan savana yang keras. Hubungan rumit antara vegetasi, hewan, dan mikroorganisme menyoroti keseimbangan ekologis yang halus dalam ekosistem savana.

Signifikansi savana meluas di luar kontribusi ekologisnya; banyak komunitas pribumi bergantung pada lanskap ini untuk mata pencaharian mereka. Pemeliharaan savana penting untuk menjaga keanekaragaman hayati, mendukung ekonomi lokal, dan mengurangi dampak perubahan iklim.

Contoh Report Text Bahasa Inggris Tentang Tempat

17. example of report text about grand canyon.

The Grand Canyon, located in the state of Arizona, United States, stands as a geological masterpiece, renowned for its awe-inspiring beauty and vast dimensions. This natural wonder, carved over millions of years by the Colorado River, exposes an intricate tapestry of Earth’s geological history. Spanning over 277 miles, the canyon’s mesmerizing tiered rock formations unveil almost two billion years of Earth’s geological evolution. Its majestic landscape, adorned with a spectrum of colors from deep reds to subtle pinks, captivates the hearts of over six million visitors annually. The Grand Canyon serves as a geological classroom, attracting researchers and scientists from around the world eager to unlock the secrets embedded in its ancient rocks.

The canyon’s geological formations, such as the Vishnu Basement Rocks, reveal evidence of ancient seas, deserts, and volcanic activity. Ongoing studies examine the rock layers to reconstruct past climates and understand the processes that shaped the canyon. Researchers use advanced geological dating techniques to unravel the mysteries of the canyon’s formation and the forces that continue to shape it today.

Grand Canyon, yang terletak di negara bagian Arizona, Amerika Serikat, menjadi sebuah karya geologi yang luar biasa, terkenal karena keindahan yang memukau dan dimensinya yang besar. Keajaiban alam ini, yang digarap selama jutaan tahun oleh Sungai Colorado, menampilkan rajutan sejarah geologis Bumi yang rumit. Meluas hingga lebih dari 277 mil, formasi batuan bertingkat yang memukau dari kanion mengungkap hampir dua miliar tahun evolusi geologis Bumi. Lanskap megahnya, dihiasi dengan berbagai warna mulai dari merah tua hingga merah muda yang halus, memikat hati lebih dari enam juta pengunjung setiap tahunnya. Grand Canyon berfungsi sebagai kelas geologi, menarik peneliti dan ilmuwan dari seluruh dunia yang ingin mengungkap rahasia yang tersembunyi dalam batu-batunya yang kuno.

Formasi geologis kanion, seperti Batuan Dasar Vishnu, mengungkap bukti laut kuno, gurun, dan aktivitas vulkanik. Studi yang sedang berlangsung mengamati lapisan-lapisan batuan untuk merekonstruksi iklim masa lalu dan memahami proses yang membentuk kanion. Peneliti menggunakan teknik penanggalan geologis canggih untuk mengungkap misteri pembentukan kanion dan gaya-gaya yang terus membentuknya hingga hari ini.

18. Contoh Report Text Tentang Machu Picchu

Situated atop the Andes Mountains in Peru, Machu Picchu is a testament to the advanced engineering skills of the Inca civilization. Constructed in the 15th century, this archaeological marvel perches at an altitude of approximately 2,430 meters. The precision-cut stones and intricate terraces exemplify the architectural brilliance of the Inca people. Surrounded by lush greenery, Machu Picchu offers breathtaking views of the Urubamba River valley. Recognized as a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1983, Machu Picchu continues to captivate archaeologists and visitors alike. Ongoing research sheds light on the daily life of the Inca inhabitants and the cultural significance of this sacred site.

The ongoing preservation efforts at Machu Picchu involve meticulous studies of the site’s vulnerability to natural elements and human impact. Archaeologists and conservationists collaborate to develop strategies for safeguarding the delicate structures from erosion, vegetation overgrowth, and tourism-related activities. Sustainable tourism practices are continually evaluated to strike a balance between preserving the site and providing access for future generations.

Terletak di puncak Pegunungan Andes di Peru, Machu Picchu adalah bukti keahlian teknik sipil peradaban Inca yang canggih. Dibangun pada abad ke-15, keajaiban arkeologis ini berdiri di ketinggian sekitar 2.430 meter. Batuan yang dipotong dengan presisi dan teras-teras yang rumit merupakan contoh kecerdikan arsitektur bangsa Inca. Dikelilingi oleh hijau yang rimbun, Machu Picchu menawarkan pemandangan menakjubkan lembah Sungai Urubamba. Diakui sebagai Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO pada tahun 1983, Machu Picchu terus memikat arkeolog dan pengunjung. Penelitian yang berkelanjutan memberikan wawasan tentang kehidupan sehari-hari penduduk Inca dan signifikansi budaya situs sakral ini.

Upaya pelestarian yang berkelanjutan di Machu Picchu melibatkan studi mendalam tentang kerentanannya terhadap elemen alam dan dampak manusia. Arkeolog dan konservasionis bekerja sama untuk mengembangkan strategi perlindungan terhadap struktur-struktur yang rapuh dari erosi, pertumbuhan vegetasi, dan aktivitas terkait pariwisata. Praktik pariwisata berkelanjutan terus dievaluasi untuk mencapai keseimbangan antara melestarikan situs dan memberikan akses bagi generasi mendatang.

19. Contoh Report Text Tentang Raja Ampat

Nestled within the Coral Triangle in the West Papua province of Indonesia, Raja Ampat is celebrated for its unparalleled marine biodiversity. Encompassing more than 1,500 small islands, Raja Ampat stands as the epicenter of global coral reef diversity. Home to 75% of all known coral species and over 1,400 fish species, this underwater paradise is a focal point for marine conservation efforts. Scientists continuously study its unique ecosystem, striving to comprehend and safeguard the delicate equilibrium of marine life. Raja Ampat’s pristine waters are a living laboratory for marine biologists exploring new species and understanding the interconnectedness of the ocean’s diverse inhabitants.

Ongoing research in Raja Ampat involves marine biologists and ecologists studying the impacts of climate change on coral reefs. Monitoring programs track changes in sea temperature, acidity, and coral health to assess the resilience of these ecosystems. Collaborative efforts with local communities aim to implement sustainable fishing practices and preserve the unique biodiversity that makes Raja Ampat a global marine hotspot.

Terletak di dalam Segitiga Terumbu Karang di provinsi Papua Barat, Indonesia, Raja Ampat terkenal karena keanekaragaman hayati lautnya yang luar biasa. Meliputi lebih dari 1.500 pulau kecil, Raja Ampat menjadi pusat keanekaragaman terumbu karang global. Menjadi rumah bagi 75% dari seluruh spesies karang yang dikenal dan lebih dari 1.400 spesies ikan, surga bawah air ini menjadi fokus utama upaya konservasi laut. Ilmuwan terus mempelajari ekosistem uniknya, berusaha memahami dan melindungi keseimbangan yang rapuh dari kehidupan laut. Perairan bersih Raja Ampat adalah laboratorium hidup bagi ahli biologi laut yang menjelajahi spesies baru dan memahami keterkaitan penduduk laut yang beragam.

Penelitian yang terus berlangsung di Raja Ampat melibatkan biolog dan ekolog laut yang mempelajari dampak perubahan iklim pada terumbu karang. Program pemantauan melacak perubahan suhu laut, keasaman, dan kesehatan karang untuk menilai ketahanan ekosistem ini. Upaya kolaboratif dengan masyarakat lokal bertujuan untuk menerapkan praktik perikanan yang berkelanjutan dan menjaga keanekaragaman hayati unik yang membuat Raja Ampat menjadi pusat panas laut global.

20. Report Text Tentang Pulau Komodo

Part of the Lesser Sunda Islands in Indonesia, Komodo Island is renowned as the habitat of the Komodo dragon, the world’s largest lizard. Scientifically identified as Varanus komodoensis, the Komodo dragon can grow up to three meters and is a formidable predator. The island’s rugged terrain and diverse ecosystems create an ideal environment for researching this ancient reptile. With dedicated efforts to preserve this species, Komodo Island has become a vital site for scientific observation and conservation initiatives. Ongoing studies focus on the dragon’s behavior, genetics, and interaction with the island’s unique flora and fauna.

Komodo Island serves as a case study for understanding the ecological impact of invasive species. Researchers investigate the introduction of non-native species to the island and its effects on the local biodiversity. Conservation programs aim to mitigate these impacts and restore the natural balance of Komodo Island’s ecosystems. The island’s designation as a UNESCO World Heritage Site emphasizes its significance in global efforts to conserve unique and endangered species.

Bagian dari Kepulauan Sunda Kecil di Indonesia, Pulau Komodo terkenal sebagai habitat Komodo, kadal terbesar di dunia. Diidentifikasi secara ilmiah sebagai Varanus komodoensis, naga Komodo dapat tumbuh hingga tiga meter dan merupakan predator yang tangguh. Medan yang kasar dan ekosistem yang beragam menciptakan lingkungan ideal untuk penelitian reptil kuno ini. Dengan upaya yang ditujukan untuk melestarikan spesies ini, Pulau Komodo telah menjadi situs penting untuk observasi ilmiah dan inisiatif konservasi. Penelitian yang sedang berlangsung fokus pada perilaku, genetika, dan interaksi naga dengan flora dan fauna unik pulau ini.

Pulau Komodo menjadi studi kasus untuk memahami dampak ekologis dari spesies invasif. Penelitian menyelidiki pengenalan spesies non-asli ke pulau ini dan efeknya terhadap keanekaragaman hayati lokal. Program konservasi bertujuan untuk mengurangi dampak ini dan mengembalikan keseimbangan alami ekosistem Pulau Komodo. Penunjukan pulau ini sebagai Situs Warisan Dunia UNESCO menekankan signifikansinya dalam upaya global untuk melestarikan spesies unik dan terancam punah.

Baca Juga : 30 Contoh Descriptive Text Singkat Bahasa Inggris

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contoh soal essay report text tentang hewan

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15 Contoh Procedure Text Bahasa Inggris

contoh soal essay report text tentang hewan

Report Text About Tiger

Contoh Report Text About Tiger (Harimau) Beserta Artinya dan Latihan Soal Lengkap

Contoh Report Text About Tiger (Harimau) Beserta Artinya dan Latihan Soal Lengkap – Report text merupakan salah satu jenis teks bahasa inggris yang digunakan untuk menyatakan tentang paparan atau menjelaskaan sebuah benda yang besifat umum. Mirip dengan descriptive namun ini lebih umum. Dalam kesempatan ini kami akan memberikan the report about fauna, yaitu teks report yang mejelaskan tentang dunia hewan, khususnya macam ( report text about tiger /harimau). Penggunaan the simple present tense harus kita gunakan karena bercerita berkelanjutan.

[su_box title=”Report Text” box_color=”#3041eb”] Do you know a tiger ? Do you ever see the tiger directly? What is your feeling if you see it? Where do you always see it?

A tiger is known as the largest animal only in cat family, it has typical as striped fur. As a largest animal which is as predator, it looks so beauty, grace and awesome. We can see the performance of in the wild, revealed by a throaty roar or a track on a dusty trail, electrifies the forest and delivers shivers down the spines of all who share its distance. Most of humans are afraid to face is, but there are some people love it because in the Asian myth, it tells about the figure prominently, religion, art and imagination.

Tiger typically is able to reach a shoulder height of 1 meter or three feet and can be measured from two to three meter (seven to ten feet) from the head to rear end. We can see the thick, furred tail extends about one meter. The tiger ranges in size from the small Sumatrans in which female weigh seventy to one hundred and ten meter (165 to 240 lb)and males weigh 100 to 400 kilograms (220 to 310 lb). there is a biggest tiger, it is Bengal Tiger . the female of it is until 1000 t0 160 kilograms (220 t0 355 lb) and the male weigh 180 to 258 kilograms (400-580 lb).

The tiger fur is so smooth and short of varies in color form dark orange to reddish brown with creamy white on the belly, neck and inside of limbs. Dark brown or black striped run vertically across the body. Stripe patterns are unique to individual tigers, and like fingerprints in humans, stripe can be used to tell tigers apart. In the past many visitors of the zoo interbred tigers that had this gene mutation   for whiteness in order to produce   more white tiger. It is way the tiger is so famous in the zoo. [/su_box]

[su_spoiler title=”Terjemah:” style=”simple” icon=”plus-square-2″] Apakah kamu tahu harimau? Apakah kamu pernah melihat harimau secara langsung? Apa perasaanmu jika kamu melihatnya? Dimana kamu selalu melihatnya?

Seekor harimau dikenal sebagai binatang terbesar hanya pada keluarga kucing, hewan ini khas seperti bulu garis-garis. Sebagai binatang terbesar yang predator, terlihat begitu cantik, anggun dan mengagumkan. Kita dapat melihat pertunjukan di alam liar, yang diungkap oleh deru atau trek yang menyeramkan di jalan setapak yang berdebu, menyulut hutan dan menggigil di punggung semua orang yang memiliki jarak. Sebagian besar manusia takut untuk menghadapi adalah, tapi ada beberapa orang yang menyukainya karena dalam mitos Asia, ini menceritakan tentang sosoknya secara mencolok, religi, seni dan imajinasi.

Tiger biasanya mampu mencapai ketinggian bahu 1 meter atau tiga kaki dan bisa diukur dari dua sampai tiga meter (tujuh sampai sepuluh kaki) dari kepala sampai ke belakang. Kita bisa melihat ekor yang tebal dan berbulu membentang sekitar satu meter. Ukuran harimau berkisar dari Sumatera kecil di mana betina menimbang tujuh puluh sampai seratus sepuluh meter (165 sampai 240 lb) dan jantan memiliki berat 100 sampai 400 kilogram (220 sampai 310 lb). Ada harimau terbesar, itu adalah Harimau Bengal. Betina itu sampai 1000 t0 160 kilogram (220 t0 355 lb) dan berat badan pria 180 sampai 258 kilogram (400-580 lb).

Bulu harimau sangat halus dan pendek bervariasi dalam bentuk warna oranye gelap sampai coklat kemerahan dengan putih krem ​​di perut, leher dan bagian dalam tungkai. Gelembung hitam atau hitam bergaris lurus melintasi tubuh. Pola garis unik untuk harimau perorangan, dan seperti sidik jari pada manusia, garis dapat digunakan untuk membedakan harimau. Di masa lalu banyak pengunjung kebun binatang menginterogasi harimau yang memiliki mutasi gen ini untuk keputihan agar menghasilkan lebih banyak harimau putih. Begitulah harimau sangat terkenal di kebun binatang. [/su_spoiler]

  • What s the best title of that report text?
  • Which is the largest animal?
  • Where can we see the tiger mostly?
  • According to you, what is tiger’s food?
  • How weigh the female of tiger is?
  • How weigh the male of tiger is?
  • What is Bengal tiger?
  • How the fur of tiger is?
  • How the height of tiger?
  • Why is the tiger very well know in the zoo?

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50 Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Hewan Beserta Artinya

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Contoh report text singkat tentang hewan hingga saat ini masih menjadi trend pencarian favorit bagi sebagian besar pelajar di tingkat SMP. Alasannya sederhana saja, karena hewan peliharaan ataupun hewan ternak dan hewan liar merupakan sumber pembahasan yang sudah kita kenal baik sejak kita masih kecil, sehingga untuk mengemasnya kedalam sebuah contoh Report Text Bahasa Inggris akan terasa lebih mudah. Dalam artikel kali ini kami ingin ikut serta menyediakan 50 contoh Report Text singkat terbaru yang bisa sobat jadikan panduan untuk mengembangkan karanganmu sendiri atau bisa juga digunakan sebagai teks rujukan dalam sebuah soal reading comprehension Bahasa Inggris.

Contoh report text tentang hewan beserta artinya kali ini akan membahas 50 jenis hewan yang berasal dari 3 habitat yaitu hewan darat , hewan air dan juga hewan yang bisa kita lihat di udara seperti burung dan juga kelelawar. Dengan begini, meskipun hanya terdiri dari 50 teks bacaan singkat dan artinya, namun kami berharap informasi yang kami sajikan sudah mencakup segala jenis hewan yang ada dan tinggal di berbagai lingkungan tersebut. Jika sobat merasa kumpulan report text yang kami sajikan masih belum lengkap, jangan ragu untuk mengirimkan request khusus kepada tim kami, misalnya saja jika kamu kebetulan adalah seorang kolektor kecebong dan ingin tau seperti apa jadinya jika hewan kecebong ini dikemas kedalam sebuah Report Text Bahasa Inggris, jangan ragu untuk menghubungi kami melalui kontak yang telah kami sediakan. Selamat membaca dan semoga kamu menyukai artikel kami kali ini. – Bigbanktheories.com

Report Text Bahasa Inggris Tentang Hewan

Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Hewan

Contoh report text singkat tentang hewan yang kami tampilkan di bawah ini hanyalah berupa cuplikan saja. Jika sobat ingin tau konten lengkapnya, kamu bisa langsung mengunjungi masing masing artikel tersebut melalui link yang telah kami sediakan, namun jika kamu merasa informasi yang kami sajikan dalam kutipan di bawah ini sudah cukup, kamu bisa langsung melanjutkan ke tahap selanjutnya yaitu mencoba membuat karangan Report Text mu sendiri.

Cats or also known as the house cats have become one of the most popular humans companion since their domestication 9.500 years ago by the ancient Egypt. Most of them are furry. The common size of a cat is 25 cm in length and about 5 kg in weight. They are carnivorous mammal who love to hunt mouse, birds or lizard. Read more..
Rabbits are furry herbivorous mammals who have four legs, long ears, short tail and a divided upper lip. They can only be found in several parts of the world and most of them live in underground burrows. The common size of a rabbit is 20 to 50 cm with the average body weight of 2 kg. They spend most of their time sleeping in their dens for about 8 hours a day. Most of them can live up to 3 years in the wild. Read more..
Chicken is omnivorous animal and also the most popular domesticated fowl in the world. The female chicken is called “hen” and the male chicken is called “roosters”. Their meat and eggs are both a good source of food for humans. They can be found in any region in the world. Some people keep it as a pet, but most of them are kept as a livestock. Read more..
Dogs are omnivorous mammal. They are the descendant of wolves and also the first mammal ever to be domesticated. There are hundreds species of dogs in the world and each of them have their own unique characteristic starting from the size and weight when they are adult, color of the fur, shape of the head and also shape of the ear. Nowadays they are the most popular pet in the world. Read more..
Bears are wild animals. Some of them are carnivore, but there are some species that also consume plants and fruits. There are only eight species of bears remaining in the world and each of them can reach a different maximum body size when they are adult. They can swim, climb a tree and run well. Most of them can live up to 20 years. Read more..

6.Common House Gecko

Common House Gecko is a reptile originated from Southeast Asia. The name “House Gecko” is given to them because they mostly be seen sticking on the wall or on the ceiling of a house or another buildings. They have four legs and one long tail that they can lose when they are in danger. They can live up to five years and reach the size of 75 to 150 mm when they are adult. Read more..
Camels are desert animal that can only be found in certain places such as The Middle East, The Horn of Africa, Central Asia, Northwest China and Mongolia. There are only three species of camels left in the world. They are: Dromedary Camels (one-humped camel), Bactrian Camels (two-humped camel) and Wild Bactrian Camel which has a very limited population. Their legs are very long that they can reach the average height of 1,85 m when they are standing. Read more..
Dinosaur is ancient animals that consist of avian dinosaurs (birds form) and non-avian dinosaurs (all other dinosaurs). It is believed that they were first appeared 230 million years ago. They are already extinct, but we can still learn about them through their fossils. Some of them are herbivore and the rest are carnivore. Read more..
Elephants are four-legged herbivorous mammals with a very huge body. A full grown elephant can reach 3.3 meters in height and 6.4 meters in length, with the total body weight of 12.000 kilograms. They have a very long nose called “the trunk”. It can be used to breathe, to grasp object (food, flowers, etc), to suck and pour water, and also to do hand shake with humans. They can live up to 60 to 70 years. Read more..
Tiger is carnivorous mammal and they are considered to be the largest cat in the world. They are one of endangered animals in the world with the global population of 3,062 to 3,948 individuals only. They have a very unique dark vertical stripes pattern on their skin. Most tigers can live up to 20 years or more. Read more..
Hamsters are omnivorous mammals who eat seeds, fruits, root, vegetables and also some small animals such as insect and grasshopper. They are from the family of Cricetidae and their subfamily is Cricetinae. They are colorblind and they can only see something in a close distance. They have an elongated cheek pouches which allow them to carry some foods in their cheek. Read more..
Giraffe is one of endemic animal of Africa and also the tallest animal in the world. They can reach the height of 5 to 6 m (male) and 4,6 m (female). Their skin pattern is almost similar to leopard’s skin. The difference is that it has wider spot and the color is brown instead of black as on leopard’s skin. The shape of its head is similar to camel with two nostril in front of it and located right above its mouth. Read more..


Mouse-deer is a herbivorous mammals. They consume leaves, fruits, grass, and plants. They are from the family Tragulidae. They slightly look like a deer but the shape of the head resemble a rat’s head. In english they also known as Chevrotains, and in Indonesia some people call it Pelanduk. A full grown mouse-deer is as big as a rabbit. Read more..


Cockroaches are omnivorous insects of the order Blattodea who have six legs. They have been considered to be a pests by humans for a long time. They have more than 4.000 species in the world. They can survive in a various type of extreme environment. They can also survive for weeks by only consuming water. They can fly in a short range by using their foldable wings. Read more..
Spiders are eight-legged arthropods. They are carnivorous animal and they can also be a cannibal. There are more than 45.000 species of spiders in the world and they inhabited every continent except Antarctica. Some species of spiders have venomous bite which make them dangerous. Spiders can produce sticky web by using a gland called “the spinneret” in their body. They use the web as a nest and also as a trap for the prey. Read more..
Lion is the second-largest cat after the tiger. They are from the Felidae family and they are one of endangered carnivorous mammal. They live in a group and this group usually consists of 15 members. They have a muscular body with the maximum weight of 250 kg (male) and 185 kg (female). They have round ears, broad head, short neck, and a long tail. Read more..
The term “Monkey” refers to any kind of primate that is not prosimia or ape. There are 260 species of monkeys in the world. They have two ears on each side of the head, forward-facing eyes, two hands, two legs and a prehensile tail. Their body is fully covered by hair. Some color of the hair are: brown, white, yellow, gray and black. They are omnivorous, so they eat almost anything. Read more..


Orangutan is a species of great apes who have 96.4 % DNA similarities to human. They are native animal of Indonesia and Malaysia. They have two legs and two hands with four long fingers and a thumb on it. It gives them the ability to perform some activities like humans. They can reach the maximum body height of 1,5 m with the body weight around 50 to 100 kg when they are adult. Read more..
Penguin is a bird that cannot fly. They can swim well. They spend half of their time in the oceans and the other half on the land. There are 16 species of Penguin in the world and each species have different body size. The largest Penguin can reach the size of 1,1 m with the weight of 35 kg or more. Their head is similar to the head of a bird with a beak in front of it and eyes on each side of the head. Read more..


Rhinoceros or Rhino is an endangered herbivorous mammals with one or two horns located right above its nose. They have a large and muscular body with four short legs. Their head is big and their neck is short. An adult Rhino can reach the height of 1,8 m with approximate weight of 2.300 kg. Read more..
Snake is a legless carnivorous reptile with a very flexible body. There are 3.600 species of snakes in the world and all of them have different size and color. Some of them are venomous. The smallest snake can grow to the size of 10,4 cm and the largest snakes can reach the size of 12 m long. Their tongue is called the forked tongue and it is split into two. Read more..


Caterpillar is the larval stage of butterflies and moths. They belong to the order Lepidoptera. Their boneless body is very soft and they can fold it into any shape. They have a cylindrical body with the size ranged from 1 mm to 14 cm. There are five pairs of legs on it. Some of them can use camouflage to hide themselves from the eye of the predator. Read more..
Wolf is the ancestor of the domestic dog. They are carnivorous mammal. Their scientific name is Canis lupus. They have two layers fur, the top layers is dirt resistant and the second layer is water resistant. Some color of the fur are: white, gray, black, red and brown. An adult wolf can reach the size of 1,4 to 1,8 m from nose to tail with the body weight of 23 to 50 kg. Read more..
Zebras are herbivorous mammal with typical black and white stripes skin pattern who belong to the Equidae Family (horse family). This stripes is as unique as human fingerprint and it is different from one zebra to the other. There are three species of them in the world. An adult zebra can reach the length of 2,6 m and height 1,3 m with the body weight of 350 kg. Read more..
Panda is a species of bear originated from Central China. The color of the fur on their body are white and black, it is the most distinguishable things from them. They are omnivorous animal who consume bamboo and other grasses, wild tubers, rodents, birds, eggs, honey, fish, oranges and banana occassionally. They can grow to the size of 1,9 m long from nose to tail with the body weight of 160 kg. They can live up to 20 years in the wild and about 30 years in captivity. Read more..
Seals are semiaquatic marine mammals. They can stay in the water and also on the land. There are 33 species of seals in the world. Each of them will grow into different size and weight. The smallest seals can grow up to the size of 1 m and weight 45 kg, while the largest seal can have the maximum size of 5 m and weight 3.200 kg. They are carnivorous and their main diets are fish and marine invertebrates. They have two pairs of flippers that help them to swim in the water and to walk on the land. Read more..


Crocodiles are prehistoric reptiles who tend to live in a freshwater habitats. They are carnivorous and they consume fish, birds, other reptiles and mammals as their main diet. They have a rugged and thick skin. Their body is long and they have four legs on it. They also have a very long tail. The total length from their head to their tail is around 5 to 6 m. Read more..

10 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Tentang Liburan Dan Artinya

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15 Contoh Dialog Bahasa Inggris Pendek Beserta Terjemahannya

Dolphins are carnivorous marine mammals. There are more than 40 species of them in the world. Their main diet are fish and squid. They have pectoral fins located on the left and right side of their body. They also have a dorsal fin located on top of their body. They breathe through a blowhole located on top of their head. Read more..
Frog is tailles amphibian with exceptional skill in jumping. There are more than 4.700 species of frogs in the world. They are one of animals that undergo a metamorphosis process in their life to become the adult version of themselves. They have a smooth and colorful skin that can be used as a respiratory organ. Read more..
Whales are the largest marine mammals. They are from the order Cetacea. Their body is similar to the body of a dolphin with a dorsal fin, tail and a blowhole. The main diet is varied among the species of whales, some of them are: microscopic plankton, fish, squid and other marine mammals. They have a layer of fat beneath their skin called as “blubber” which function as energy reservoir and insulation that keep their body warm. Read more..

31.Koi Fish

Koi fish is a species of carp fish with large and colorful scales. They are originated from Eastern Asia. Usually they have more than two color on their body such as white scales with black and orange spots or white scales with black and red spots. They can grow up to the size of 80 cm with the maximum weight of 14 kg. It is recorded that they can live up to 20 years. Mostly, they are kept by humans in an outdoor ponds to beautify the garden. Read more..
Fish are aquatic animals that contains a lot of good nutrient for humans body. They belong to the group of vertebrates. There are more than 30.000 species of fish in the world. They breathe by using a special organs known as “gills”. They consume various of food such as plants, worms, and sometimes another fish with smaller body. Read more..


Seahorse is a type of fish that swim upright with a head that resemble the head of a horse. There are 54 species of them in the world. Some of them can grow up to the size of 35,5 cm. They have bony armour around the body. They are the slowest-moving fish in the world with the maximum speed of 1,5 m per hour. Read more..
Octopus is a carnivorous invertebrate who has soft body and eight flexible arms. They belong to the order Octopoda and class Cephalopoda. They inhabited various regions of the ocean from the shallow water to the deep sea. They have a rounded body and bulging eyes on it. The largest species can grow to the size of 4,3 m with the weight of 15 kg. Their life span is around 3 to 5 years. Read more..


Jellyfish are marine invertebrates who have gelatinous body with the shape of an umbrella or a bell. There are around 200 species of jellyfish and most of them have roam the ocean for about 500 million years. They have some long, stinging and venomous tentacles on their body. They do not have brain or eyes. Read more..
Owls are nocturnal carnivorous birds who love to hunt by night. Their head is round and large with forward-facing eyes and ear holes. Their head can turn 180 degree around. Their beak is similar to hawk’s beak. Their special feathers allow them to fly undetected. The largest owl can grow to the size of 71 cm and weight of 4,2 kg. Read more..

37.Birds Of Paradise

The birds of paradise are a group of colorful birds of the family Paradisaeidae and order Passeriformes. Their beak can be blue, yellow, black and gray. The fur around their beak is either black or green. The color of the fur on their head to their back are also varied, it can be black, brown, blue or yellow. There are 42 species of them and they can be found in the tropical rainforests in Eastern Indonesia, Papua New Guinea and Eastern Australia. Read more..


Dragonfly is a carnivorous flying insect that belong to the order of Odonata. They start their live as an aquatic larva and live in freshwater for several years. Their body consist of head, thorax and abdomen. They have two pairs of transparent wings and three pairs of legs. Their wings cannot be folded and the hindwings are bigger than the forewings. Read more..
Eagle is the apex predators in the avian world with keen eyesight and powerful talons from the family of Accipitridae. There are around 60 species of eagle in the world. They love to hunt rat, squirrel, rabbits, chicken, fish, snake and sheep as their main diet. They have a large hooked beaks that they use to rip flesh of their prey. Read more..


Butterflies are the adult version of caterpillars that belong to the order Lepidoptera. They are one of  few animals that undergo a metamorphosis process in their live to became adult. There are around 18.500 species of butterfly in the world. Their body is divided into three sections, they are: the head, thorax, and abdomen. They have four wings and six legs. Read more..

41.Honey Bee

The name “Honey bee” refers to some species of bees who can produce honey and beeswax. There are seven species of honey bee in the world. In a colony of a honey bee, there are three castes of bee. They are: The Queen, Workers and Drones. Each of them has their own function in the colony. The largest species of bee can grow up to the size of 39 millimetres while the smallest species of bee can only reach the size of 2 millimetres. Read more..
Pigeon, also known as “Doves” are birds of the family Columbidae. The word “Doves” refer to the white version of the birds while the rest are called as “Pigeons”. Their average body size is 75 cm with 2 kg body weight. They exhibit various colors such as reddish, brown, gray, white and black. They have been domesticated and used in various occasion such as delivering letter, magic performance and many more since 10.000 years ago. Read more..


Mosquitoes are known to be a bloodsucking insect although some of them are not like that. They are from the family of Culicidae. About 2.700 species of mosquitoes are spread around the world. They require blood from other animal to fulfill the nutrient need during the eggs producing process. Their actual food are nectar and plant juices. They are able to produce up to 200 eggs during their 56 days of live. Read more..
Bats are flying mammal from the order of Chiroptera. They produce ultrasonic sound to guide them when they are flying. There are around 1.200 species of bats in the world and most of them live in a cave. They consume various kinds of diet such as nectar, pollen, fruit, insects and vertebrates. Their body can grow up to the size of 32 cm and they can live up to 30 years in the wild. Read more..
Fireflies or also known as Lightning Bugs are flying insects of the family Lampyridae. They have a unique ability to emit bioluminescence light by using an organ located on their abdomen. About 2.000 species of fireflies exist in this world and they inhabited tropical regions. They are known to be nocturnal animals. Read more..
Worms are legless animal that can be divided into several phyla. A lot of them are considered to be parasite and live inside the body of a host. The host can be other animal such as cow, pig, etc. or it can also be human. The size of the body range from microscopic to 58 m. Some worms such as earthworms live in underground burrows. Read more..
Sheep is the word that we use to address all species of genus Ovis. They are four-legged mammal with thick pelts known as “wool” that can be harvested regularly as resource in fabric production. Most of them are kept by humans as livestock and only a few of them are raised as pet. Some of their color are: White, dark brown and spotted. Read more..
Goats are herbivorous mammal of the family Bovidae. They are the close relatives of sheep. The population of goats around the world is more than 900 millions. They can grow up to the size of 1,4 m long with the height of 58 cm. Their body can weight as much as 120 kg. They have two horns on their head. Read more..

49.Betta Fish

Betta fish are aggressive and colorful freshwater fish of the family Osphronemidae. They are also known as The Siamese Fighting Fish as they are native to Mekong River that lies across Laos, Cambodia, Vietnam and Thailand. Their body is small with the maximum size of 6,5 cm. They feed on zooplankton, larvae, mosquito and bloodworms. Read more..
Rayfish are carnivorous fish who have a large and flat body. They are also known as Ray or Stingray. There are more than 600 species of Rayfish in the world. Some of them live in freshwater but most of them live in the ocean. Their body is very elastic and their skeleton is made of a tough and elastic material called as cartilage. Most of them have venomous stingers on their tail. Read more..


Crickets are six-legged omnivorous insect with a unique ability to chirp by rubbing their hind wings. They are form the family Gryllidae with more than 900 species in the world. Their greatest population can be found in tropical area. Their body can grow up to the size of 5 cm. They have four walking legs and two jumping legs. Read more..
Flies are flying insects with more than 150.000 species in the world. They have small body with the size of 1 cm. Their body is divided into three tagma. Each tagma consists of several body parts. They are considered to be an agile flyer but they can only maintain the flight speed for a short time. Read more..


Hedgehogs are four-legged omnivorous mammal characterized by spines that grow around their body. They are from the family Erinaceidae and there are 17 species of them in the world. Their appearance is similar to Porcupine, but they are not related. They consume bird eggs, berries, frogs, grass roots, insects, melons and mushrooms as their diet. Their maximum weight is about 1 kg with the body size around 20 cm. Read more..
Deer are four-legged ruminant mammal characterized by branched and long antlers on their head. They have a slim body and long legs. They are from the family Cervidae and there are around 34 species of them in the world. Some of them can grow up to the size of 2,6 m with the body weight of 800 kg. Each species show different color of the coat, some of them are: brown with white spots, reddish brown, gray and dark brown. Read more..
Cows are herbivorous mammal of the family Bovidae. Their scientific name is Bos taurus. They are raised by humans as a livestock to fulfill the need of the people on their meat and milk. They have a large body with the size of 1,3 m in height and 2,6 m in length. Their average body weight can reach 1.100 kg. Most of them have two horns on their head but there are also a species of hornless cow in the world. Read more..


Platypus is a semiaquatic mammal of the family Omithorhynchidae. Their scientific name is Omithorhynchus anatinus. They can be found in Australia. They are carnivorous animal who feed on worms, insect larva and freshwater shrimp. Their beak looks like duck’s beak but a lot larger and without lower parts. Their body is similar to the body of a beaver. Read more..

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A writer and also a teacher.

Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Kupu Kupu Dan Artinya

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Saya sedang menulis rangkuman tentang teks report. dan situs ini menyediakan informasi yang relevan dan lengkap. Terima kasih admin

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Halo pak Mustofa, terimakasih juga untuk komentar dan kunjungannya ya, sukses selalu untuk blog nya pak 😀

Salam hangat,

Kak Dikta Admin Bigbanktheories

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√ 20 Contoh Report Text Tentang Binatang Dan Artinya

(adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({});, 20 contoh report text singkat tentang binatang dan artinya.

  • Teks Report adalah teks yang memberi informasi tentang sesuatu sebagai hasil dari penelitian. Teks report hampir sama dengan teks descriptive dalam hal tujuannya (purpose) yaitu untuk memberikan deskripsi tentang suatu objek.
  • Report text bertujuan untuk menyampaikan informasi tentang sesuatu. Yang dideskripsikan dapat meliputi gejala alam, lingkungan, benda buatan manusia, hewan, tanaman,  dan sosial di lingkungan kita.
  • Report dapat ditemukan dalam bentuk textbook, ensiklopedia, majalah / buku ilmiah, bacaan sejarah, buku bacaan yang faktual, buku referensi, pelajaran kelas, program lingkungan, dokumentasi TV, majalah dll.

Generic structure ( sistematika penulisan ) dari teks report :

  • General Classification : klasifikasi mengenai topic yang dibahas, yang berisi penjabaran

Mengenai topic yang dibahas,bdapat meliputi bentuk, bagian,

perilaku, habitat, cara bertahan hidup dan cara berkembang biak.

  • Identification  : detail dari objek yang dilaporkan, termasuk kualitas, karakter, habitat, perkembangbiakkan, deskripsi dll.

jenis teks yang mengumumkan hasil penyelidikan atau mengumumkan sesuatu . Informasi yang diberikan dalam teks laporan misalnya menggambarkan sesuatu seperti benda, manusia, tumbuhan, hewan dan lainnya adalah informasi yang sangat umum,

Apasih yang membedakan report text dan descriptive text? Jika Anda membandingkannya dengan seksama, bedanya adalah recont text menjelaskan sesuatu secara general atau umum sedangkan descriptive text menjelaskan sesuatu yang spesifik atau khusus. Report text juga biasanya bersifat ilmiah.

Ciri-ciri Report Text adalah :

  • Menggunakan pola kalimat Simple Present Tense
  • Menggunakan kata benda umum (general nouns)
  • Menggunakan kata kerja yang saling berhubungan (relating verbs)
  • Terdiri dari sebuah objek ditambah objek tentang alam lainnya.

Tujuan Report Text :

“Social function of report text is to present information about something generally to the reader.”

Social function dari report text adalah untuk menyajikan informasi tentang sesuatu secara umum kepada pembaca.

Secara umum, report text menggambarkan hal-hal yang berkenaan dengan fenomena alam , buatan manusia dan sosial di lingkungan kita , seperti : mamalia , planet-planet , batu , tanaman , negara-negara dan kota, budaya , transportasi , dan sebagainya. Dan report text bersifat ilmiah karena menyajikan fakta-fakta sebagai hasil penelitian atau observasi.

Generic Features of Report  Text :

  • Report text biasanya menggunakan Present Tense , banyak digunakan dalam teks berita baik dalam kalimat aktif atau kalimat pasif, dan jarang menggunakan Past Tense ( jika benda itu punah ).
  • Sering menggunakan “Kalimat Pasif”.
  • Bahasanya harus obyektif : tidak ada ekspresi pendapat, tidak ada hubungan  / referensi  untuk pembaca ( tidak menggunakan “Aku”, “kami” atau “Anda” ).
  • Penggunaan “tobe”: is, am, are, was, were untuk klasifikasi / ciri.
  • Penggunaan verb ( kata kerja ) “have”: have, has, had, untuk memberikan gambaran yang detail / rinci.
  • Penggunaan action verb ( kata kerja tindakan ) ex : go, walk, eat yang berhubungan dengan topik, terutama ketika menggambarkan perilaku.
  • Penggunaan ( adjectives ) kata sifat terutama dalam menggambarkan kualitas.
  • Menggunakan proses relasional, seperti : is, consist of, function as, derive from, to be classified into, to be identified as etc.
  • Penggunaan istilah-istilah teknis khusus seperti: bagian tubuh (misalnya: otak, pembuluh darah, pembuluh darah), bagian-bagian dari pohon (misalnya: batang, akar, daun, cabang), bagian dari mesin (misalnya: gigi, sekrup, baut dll).
  • Tidak ada urutan menggunakan. Jika ada (misalnya : pertama, kedua, ketiga, dll terakhir). Itu hanya menunjukkan penomoran bukan peristiwa.
  • Sering disertai dengan foto, diagram, peta dan ilustrasi.

20 Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Binatang Terbaru – Sahabat SBI sedang mencari referensi reading text jenis Report. Kali ini admin akan membagikan 20 Contoh Report Text Singkat Tentang Binatang Terbaru. Selamat membaca dan semoga bermanfaat buat Sahabat SBI.

20 Contoh Report Text Singkat about animal

Report text about panda ( 1 ).

Panda bear is a standout amongst the most jeopardized creatures and on the edge of eradication. Anyway, a group of researchers has been framed around the backwoods in China to help spare the panda bear populace. This report will let you know about the panda bear and why they are imperiled.

Pandas live in territories with a ton of different creatures yet have couple of foes. They lived in Southeast China. They live in the cool backwoods on the inclines of the dim mountains. There are a considerable measure of bamboo trees to eat.

Pandas invest energy to eat for around 10 to 12 hours a day, around 40-80 kg. Panda nourishment comprises of 99% bamboo yet infrequently they eat different plants or meat furthermore nectar. Honey bee stings would not hurt Panda on the grounds that they have a tough skin. Pandas eat in a sitting position. Panda does not rest like other bear sorts.

Pandas just have one foe. Their foes are wild puppies. At the point when the wild canines assaulted them. Panda will climb trees to evade battles.

Panda generation rate is truly low. Female pandas don’t breed until 5 to 7 years. Female pandas can just have up to 3 children at one time. The infant panda are as little as child cat. Children normally leave their mom following 18 months.

Panda is imperiled in view of a few issues. First and foremost, the reproducing season just happens in the middle of March and May. Second, the panda living space is not sufficiently enormous. The latter is poaching. Some of the time the pandas stuck in the trap which is made for different creatures

Presently you know the data about panda and why it is imperiled. The pandas ought to be helped and spared or these excellent creature will be terminated.

contoh report text tentang binatang terbaru

Contoh report text about lion ( 2)

Lion lives in prairie, bushes, and open forests of Saharan, Africa. Lion is the second biggest feline on the planet. Its size is marginally littler than tiger. Be that as it may, they are nearly related and have fundamentally the same body. Lion is unique in relation to other enormous felines. They are extremely amiable creatures. They live in gatherings. There are around 30 lions in a gathering comprising of three guys, twelve females, and whatever remains of their kids. The quantity of gathering individuals is dictated by the accessibility of nourishment and water.

They thunder one another to track their spot. Male and female lions have a capable thunder that can be heard up to 8 km. Male and female lion have an altogether different part in the gathering. Male lions invest their energy to keep their domain and their youngsters. They keep up their limits. While female lions or lioness is the primary seeker bunch. They are littler and more spry than male lions. Anyway, they cooperate in getting their prey.

They generally chase around evening time. Their prey are gazelle, bison, zebra, rhinos, hippos, wild pig, crocodile, youthful elephants, and giraffe. At the same time, in some cases they likewise eat the littler prey, for example, rodents, flying creatures, rabbits, reptiles, and turtles.

In the wake of getting their prey, all the lions in the gathering impart their prey. However, there is a pecking request. The male lions take the first claim, trailed by lionesses, and the latter is their kids.

Report Text about Dolphin ( 3 )

Dolphins are very intelligent animals and they are benign to humans. This water mammals are able to fascinate us in many different ways. These mammals live in a group. They have been known to help humans in a variety of circumstances including rescue and fishing.

There are 36 species of dolphins that have been found. 32 species are dolphins the sea is already well known by the people and 4 species are river dolphins. It’s very interesting to see and learn about the dolphin species

Dolphins can be very entertaining. They can jump out of the water. Some of them can jump up to 30 feet in the air. The dolphins are grayish blue and his skin is very sensitive to human touch and other objects.

Although the dolphins have 100 teeth, they don’t use their teeth to eat. They use it to get fish then they swallow the fish. They can consume fish up to 15 kg per day. They always gather in a group to hunt fish.

Report Text about Cat (4)

Cats are similar in anatomy to the other felids, with a strong, flexible body, quick reflexes, sharp retractable claws, and teeth adapted to killing small prey. Cat senses fit a crepuscular and predatory ecological niche. Cats can hear sounds too faint or too high in frequency for human ears, such as those made by mice and other small animals. They can see in near darkness. Like most other mammals, cats have poorer color vision and a better sense of smell than humans. Cats, despite being solitary hunters, are a social species and cat communication includes the use of a variety of vocalizations (mewing, purring, trilling, hissing, growling, and grunting), as well as cat pheromones and types of cat-specific body language.

Cats have a high breeding rate. Under controlled breeding, they can be bred and shown as registered pedigree pets, a hobby known as cat fancy. Failure to control the breeding of pet cats by neutering and the abandonment of former household pets has resulted in large numbers of feral cats worldwide, requiring population control. This has contributed, along with habitat destruction and other factors, to the extinction of many bird species.

Cats have been known to extirpate a bird species within specific regions and may have contributed to the extinction of isolated island populations. Cats are thought to be primarily, though not solely, responsible for the extinction of 33 species of birds, and the presence of feral and free ranging cats makes some locations unsuitable for attempted species reintroduction in otherwise suitable locations.


Report Text about Snake (5)

Snakes are elongated, legless, carnivorous reptiles of the suborder Serpentes that can be distinguished from legless lizards by their lack of eyelids and external ears. Like all squamates, snakes are ectothermic, amniote vertebrates covered in overlapping scales. Many species of snakes have skulls with several more joints than their lizard ancestors, enabling them to swallow prey much larger than their heads with their highly mobile jaws. To accommodate their narrow bodies, snakes’ paired organs (such as kidneys) appear one in front of the other instead of side by side, and most have only one functional lung. Some species retain a pelvic girdle with a pair of vestigial claws on either side of the cloaca.

Living snakes are found on every continent except Antarctica, and on most smaller land masses; exceptions include some large islands, such as Ireland and New Zealand, and many small islands of the Atlantic and central Pacific. Additionally, sea snakes are widespread throughout the Indian and Pacific Oceans. More than 20 families are currently recognized, comprising about 500 genera and about 3,400 species. They range in size from the tiny, 10 cm-long thread snake to the reticulated python of up to 6.95 meters (22.8 ft) in length. The fossil species Titanoboa cerrejonensis was 13 meters (43 ft) long. Snakes are thought to have evolved from either burrowing or aquatic lizards, perhaps during the Jurassic period, with the earliest known fossils dating to between 143 and 167 Ma ago.The diversity of modern snakes appeared during the Paleocene period (c 66 to 56 Ma ago). The oldest preserved descriptions of snakes can be found in the Brooklyn Papyrus.


Ular merupakan reptil yang memanjang , legless , karnivora dari subordo Serpentes yang dapat dibedakan dari kadal legless oleh kurangnya kelopak mata dan telinga luar . Seperti semua squamates , ular ectothermic , amniote vertebrata tercakup dalam skala yang tumpang tindih . Banyak spesies ular memiliki tengkorak dengan beberapa sendi lain dari leluhurnya kadal , memungkinkan mereka untuk menelan mangsa yang jauh lebih besar daripada kepala mereka dengan jaws sangat mobile mereka . Untuk mengakomodasi tubuh mereka sempit , ular organ- organ berpasangan (seperti ginjal) muncul satu di depan yang lain bukan berdampingan , dan sebagian besar memiliki hanya satu fungsional paru . Beberapa spesies mempertahankan panggul ikat pinggang dengan sepasang vestigial cakar di kedua sisi kloaka .

Report Text About Donkey (6)

The donkey or ass (Equus africanus asinus), is a domesticated member of the horse family, Equidae. The wild ancestor of the donkey is the African wild ass, E. africanus. The donkey has been used as a working animal for at least 5000 years. There are more than 40 million donkeys in the world, mostly in underdeveloped countries, where they are used principally as draught or pack animals. Working donkeys are often associated with those living at or below subsistence levels. Small numbers of donkeys are kept for breeding or as pets in developed countries.

A male donkey or ass is called a jack, a female a jenny or jennet; a young donkey is a foal. Jack donkeys are often used to mate with female horses to produce mules — the biological “reciprocal” of a mule, from a stallion and jenny as its parents instead, is called a hinny.

Asses were first domesticated around 3000 BC, probably in Egypt or Mesopotamia, and have spread around the world. They continue to fill important roles in many places today. While domesticated species are increasing in numbers, the African wild ass and another relative, the onager, are endangered. As beasts of burden and companions, asses and donkeys have worked together with humans for millennia.


Report Text About Tiger (7)

The tiger (Panthera tigris) is the largest cat species, reaching a total body length of up to 3.38 m (11.1 ft) over curves and exceptionally weighing up to 388.7 kg (857 lb) in the wild. Its most recognisable feature is a pattern of dark vertical stripes on reddish-orange fur with a lighter underside. The species is classified in the genus Panthera with the lion, leopard, jaguar and snow leopard. Tigers are apex predators, primarily preying on ungulates such as deer and bovids. They are territorial and generally solitary but social animals, often requiring large contiguous areas of habitat that support their prey requirements. This, coupled with the fact that they are indigenous to some of the more densely populated places on Earth, has caused significant conflicts with humans.

Tigers once ranged widely across Asia, from Turkey in the west to the eastern coast of Russia. Over the past 100 years, they have lost 93% of their historic range, and have been extirpated from southwest and central Asia, from the islands of Java and Bali, and from large areas of Southeast and Eastern Asia.


Report Text About Elephant (8)

Elephants are large mammals of the family Elephantidae and the order Proboscidea. Two species are traditionally recognised, the African elephant (Loxodonta africana) and the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus), although some evidence suggests that African bush elephants and African forest elephants are separate species (L. africana and L. cyclotis respectively). Elephants are scattered throughout sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and Southeast Asia. Elephantidae is the only surviving family of the order Proboscidea; other, now extinct, members of the order include deinotheres, gomphotheres, mammoths, and mastodons. Male African elephants are the largest extant terrestrial animals and can reach a height of 4 m (13 ft) and weigh 7,000 kg (15,000 lb). All elephants have several distinctive features the most notable of which is a long trunk or proboscis, used for many purposes, particularly breathing, lifting water and grasping objects. Their incisors grow into tusks, which can serve as weapons and as tools for moving objects and digging. Elephants’ large ear flaps help to control their body temperature. Their pillar-like legs can carry their great weight. African elephants have larger ears and concave backs while Asian elephants have smaller ears and convex or level backs


Report Text About Eagle (9)

Eagles are large, powerfully built birds of prey, with a heavy head and beak. Even the smallest eagles, like the booted eagle (Aquila pennata) (which is comparable in size to a common buzzard (Buteo buteo) or red-tailed hawk (B. jamaicensis)), have relatively longer and more evenly broad wings, and more direct, faster flight – despite the reduced size of aerodynamic feathers. Most eagles are larger than any other raptors apart from some vultures. The smallest species of eagle is the South Nicobar serpent eagle (Spilornis klossi), at 450 g (0.99 lb) and 40 cm (16 in). The largest species are discussed below. Like all birds of prey, eagles have very large hooked beaks for ripping flesh from their prey, strong muscular legs, and powerful talons. The beak is typically heavier than that of most other birds of prey. Eagles’ eyes are extremely powerful, having up to 3.6 times human acuity for the martial eagle, which enables them to spot potential prey from a very long distance.This keen eyesight is primarily attributed to their extremely large pupils which ensure minimal diffraction (scattering) of the incoming light. The female of all known species of eagles is larger than the male


Report Text About Giraffe (10)

The giraffe (Giraffa camelopardalis) is an African even-toed ungulate mammal, the tallest living terrestrial animal and the largest ruminant. Its species name refers to its camel-like shape and its leopard-like colouring. Its chief distinguishing characteristics are its extremely long neck and legs, its horn-like ossicones, and its distinctive coat patterns. It is classified under the family Giraffidae, along with its closest extant relative, the okapi. The nine subspecies are distinguished by their coat patterns.

The giraffe’s scattered range extends from Chad in the north to South Africa in the south, and from Niger in the west to Somalia in the east. Giraffes usually inhabit savannahs, grasslands, and open woodlands. Their primary food source is acacia leaves, which they browse at heights most other herbivores cannot reach. Giraffes are preyed on by lions; their calves are also targeted by leopards, spotted hyenas, and African wild dogs. Adult giraffes do not have strong social bonds, though they do gather in loose aggregations if they happen to be moving in the same general direction. Males establish social hierarchies through “necking”, which are combat bouts where the neck is used as a weapon. Dominant males gain mating access to females, which bear the sole responsibility for raising the young.


Report Text About Crocodile (11)

Crocodiles (subfamily Crocodylinae) or true crocodiles are large aquatic reptiles that live throughout the tropics in Africa, Asia, the Americas and Australia. Crocodylinae, all of whose members are considered true crocodiles, is classified as a biological subfamily. A broader sense of the term crocodile, Crocodylidae that includes Tomistoma, is not used in this article. The term crocodile here applies only to the species within the subfamily of Crocodylinae. The term is sometimes used even more loosely to include all extant members of the order Crocodilia, which includes Tomistoma, the alligators and caimans (family Alligatoridae), the gharials (family Gavialidae), and all other living and fossil Crocodylomorpha.

Although they appear to be similar to the untrained eye, crocodiles, alligators and the gharial belong to separate biological families. The gharial having a narrow snout is easier to distinguish, while morphological differences are more difficult to spot in crocodiles and alligators. The most obvious external differences are visible in the head with crocodiles having narrower and longer heads, with a more V-shaped than a U-shaped snout compared to alligators and caimans.


Report Text About Mousedeer (12)

Chevrotains, also known as mouse-deer, are small ungulates that make up the family Tragulidae, the only members of the infraorder Tragulina. The 10 extant species are in three genera, but several species also are known only from fossils. The extant species are found in forests in South and Southeast Asia, with a single species in the rainforests of Central and West Africa. They are solitary or live in pairs, and feed almost exclusively on plant material.Depending on exact species, the Asian species weigh between 0.7 and 8.0 kg (1.5 and 17.6 lb), and include the smallest ungulates in the world. The African chevrotain is considerably larger at 7–16 kg .


Report Text About Penguin (13)

Penguins (order Sphenisciformes, family Spheniscidae) are a group of aquatic, flightless birds living almost exclusively in the Southern Hemisphere, especially in Antarctica. Highly adapted for life in the water, penguins have countershaded dark and white plumage, and their wings have evolved into flippers. Most penguins feed on krill, fish, squid and other forms of sealife caught while swimming underwater. They spend about half of their lives on land and half in the oceans.

Although all penguin species are native to the Southern Hemisphere, they are not found only in cold climates, such as Antarctica. In fact, only a few species of penguin live so far south. Several species are found in the temperate zone, and one species, the Galápagos penguin, lives near the equator.


Report Text About Bear (14)

Bears are mammals of the family Ursidae. Bears are classified as caniforms, or doglike carnivorans, with the pinnipeds being their closest living relatives. Although only eight species of bears are extant, they are widespread, appearing in a wide variety of habitats throughout the Northern Hemisphere and partially in the Southern Hemisphere. Bears are found on the continents of North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.

Common characteristics of modern bears include large bodies with stocky legs, long snouts, shaggy hair, plantigrade paws with five nonretractile claws, and short tails. While the polar bear is mostly carnivorous, and the giant panda feeds almost entirely on bamboo, the remaining six species are omnivorous with varied diets.


Report Text About Cow (15)

Cattle—colloquially cows—are the most common type of large domesticated ungulates. They are a prominent modern member of the subfamily Bovinae, are the most widespread species of the genus Bos, and are most commonly classified collectively as Bos taurus. Cattle are raised as livestock for meat (beef and veal), as dairy animals for milk and other dairy products, and as draft animals (oxen or bullocks that pull carts, plows and other implements). Other products include leather and dung for manure or fuel. In some regions, such as parts of India, cattle have significant religious meaning. From as few as 80 progenitors domesticated in southeast Turkey about 10,500 years ago,according to an estimate from 2011, there are 1.4 billion cattle in the world.In 2009, cattle became one of the first livestock animals to have a fully mapped genome. Some consider cattle the oldest form of wealth, and cattle raiding consequently one of the earliest forms of theft

contoh soal essay report text tentang hewan

Report Text About DOG (16)

A dog is a mammal in the order Carnivora.

Dogs were domesticated from wolves as recently as 15,000 years ago. New evidence suggests that dogs were first domesticated in East Asia, possibly China. Over time, the dog has developed into hundreds of breeds with a great degree of variation.

Dogs, like humans, are highly social animals and this similarity in their overall behavioural pattern accounts for their trainability, playfulnes and ability to fit into human households and social situations. This similarity has earned dogs a unique position in the realm of interspecies relationships.

The loyalty and devotion that dogs demonstrate as part of their natural instincts as pack animals closely mimics the human idea of love and friendship, leading many dog owners to view their pets as full-fledged family members.

The common name for the domestic dog is ‘Canis familiaris‘, a species of the dog family ‘Canidae’. The dog is generally considered the ‘first’ domesticated animal.

Dogs can differ in appearance, function, temperament and size. Some small dogs can weigh as little as 1.5 pounds, whereas some larger dogs can weigh as much as 200 pounds.

Depending on the country, there are about 138 officially recognised dog breed

contoh soal essay report text tentang hewan

Report Text About LION (17)

Lion Species

These kings of the jungle can weigh between 250 and 550 pounds, depending on sex and age and can grow up to be 14 years old in the wild and over the age of 20 years old in captivity. They become capable at hunting at the age of two and are fully grown after 5 or 6 years. Male lions are distinguishable for their impressive manes, which signifies their masculinity and reflects their health. The darker and thicker the mane, the healthier the lion. It allows the lions to appear stronger and frightening to warn off enemies, particularly humans, and appeals to lionesses that are scientifically proven to mate more with lions with thick and dark manes. Lions with no manes are either genetically inbred or have been castrated.

contoh soal essay report text tentang hewan

Lion spesies

Raja-raja hutan dapat timbangkan antara 250 dan 550 pound, tergantung jenis kelamin dan usia dan dapat tumbuh hingga menjadi berusia 14 tahun di alam liar dan berusia lebih dari 20 tahun di penangkaran. Mereka menjadi mampu di berburu pada usia dua dan dewasa setelah 5 atau 6 tahun. Laki-laki singa dibedakan untuk surai mengesankan mereka, yang menandakan maskulinitas mereka dan mencerminkan kesehatan mereka. Lebih gelap dan lebih tebal mane, sehat singa. Hal ini memungkinkan singa muncul lebih kuat dan menakutkan untuk memperingatkan dari musuh, terutama manusia, dan menarik gambar yang secara ilmiah terbukti mate lebih dengan singa dengan surai tebal dan gelap. Singa dengan surai tidak baik secara genetik inbrida atau telah dikebiri.


The American Staffordshire Terrier dogs should be courageous, tenacious, friendly, extremely attentive, and extraordinarily devoted.

Bred to be extremely friendly towards humans, American Staffordshire Terriers are not natural guard dogs. An overly protective and/or aggressive behavior, accompanied by fearlessness, is generally a bad sign. These dogs are good with children and owners, can sometimes get along with other dogs, cats and any other animal if raised properly and introduced through puppy years.

They can be aggressive if not socialized properly. These dogs learn quickly from the subtlest of our behaviors. They are thus not only highly responsive during training, but also pick up good habits, such as house training. This can become a problem when an owner unknowingly allows the dog to pick up bad behaviors. A typical training regimen should begin at 8 to 10 weeks of age.

It has been proven that Positive Reinforcement Training works very well with this breed.

American Staffordshire Terrier anjing harus berani, ulet, ramah, sangat penuh perhatian dan sangat setia.

contoh soal essay report text tentang hewan

Dibesarkan untuk menjadi sangat ramah terhadap manusia, American Staffordshire Terrier yang tidak alami dari guard anjing. Terlalu protektif dan/atau agresif perilaku, disertai dengan keberanian, umumnya merupakan pertanda buruk. Anjing ini baik dengan anak-anak dan pemilik, bisa kadang-kadang bersama dengan anjing lain, kucing, dan hewan lain jika dibesarkan benar dan diperkenalkan melalui tahun anjing.

Mereka dapat menjadi agresif jika tidak disosialisasikan dengan baik. Anjing ini belajar dengan cepat dari terhalus perilaku kita. Mereka jadi tidak hanya sangat responsif selama pelatihan, tetapi juga mengambil kebiasaan baik, seperti rumah pelatihan. Ini dapat menjadi masalah ketika pemilik tidak sadar memungkinkan anjing untuk menjemput perilaku buruk. Rejimen pelatihan yang khas harus dimulai pada 8 sampai 10 minggu usia.

Telah terbukti bahwa pelatihan penguatan positif bekerja sangat baik dengan berkembang biak.

Report Text About Peacocs (19)

Peacocs are a type of large pheasant known for their beautiful colored feathers. Their tail feathers, also called coverts, make up more than 60 percent of the birds’ total body length, with only males having the colorful blue and green iridescent feathers. Females are smaller and have grey or brown feathers.

Peafowl, which both the males and females are collectively known as, have a wingspan of up to 5 feet across. They can grow up to 35 to 50 in long and weight 8.75 to 13 lbs and both genders have a crest of feathers on their head.

There are actually white peacocks that are not albino.If you see a white peacock with blue eyes, they are actually simply white peacocks.If you see one with pick eyes, they are albino.

contoh soal essay report text tentang hewan

Peacocs adalah jenis pheasant besar yang terkenal bulunya berwarna yang indah. Bulu-bulu ekor, juga disebut dewasa, membuat lebih dari 60 persen dari burung tubuh total panjang, dengan hanya laki-laki yang memiliki warna-warni biru dan hijau warna-warni bulu. Perempuan lebih kecil dan memiliki bulu abu-abu atau coklat.

Merak, yang kedua laki-laki dan perempuan secara kolektif dikenal sebagai, memiliki lebar sayap hingga 5 kaki di seluruh. Mereka dapat tumbuh hingga 35 hingga 50 dalam panjang dan berat £ 8,75 sampai 13 dan kedua jenis kelamin memiliki jambul bulu di kepala mereka.

Ada benar-benar putih burung-burung merak yang tidak albino. Jika Anda melihat burung merak putih dengan mata biru, mereka adalah benar-benar hanya putih burung merak. Jika Anda melihat satu dengan memilih mata, mereka adalah albino.

Great horned owls have long, feathered tufts called “plumicorns” which resemble horns, or cat-like ears. Males are 2.5 to 3 lbs. and females are 3 to 4.5 lbs. Like other raptors, their feathers are specific to soundless flight, so that they can swoop down silently on their prey. Their strong talons require a force of 28 lbs. to open when clenched, they use this deadly grip to sever the spine of larger prey. Their eyes are fixed in their sockets, but they can swivel their heads more than 180 degrees to look in any direction.

They are highly adaptable birds living from the Arctic to South America. They live in woodlands, swamps, orchards, agricultural areas, wooded parks, suburban areas and even in cities. They have the most diverse diet of all North American raptors, ranging from tiny rodents and scorpions to hares, skunks, geese and other raptors and birds.

Report Text About OWL (20)

Physical Characteristics

Great horned owls have long, feathered tufts called “plumicorns” which resemble horns, or cat-like ears. Males are 2.5 to 3 lbs. and females are 3 to 4.5 lbs. Like other raptors, their feathers are specific to soundless flight, so that they can swoop down silently on their prey. Their strong talons require a force of 28 lbs. to open when clenched, they use this deadly grip to sever the spine of larger prey. Their eyes are fixed in their sockets, but they can swivel their heads more than 180 degrees to look in any direction. Habitat/Diet

contoh soal essay report text tentang hewan

Great bertanduk burung hantu memiliki panjang, berbulu gumpalan yang disebut “plumicorns” yang menyerupai tanduk, atau telinga kucing seperti. Laki-laki 2,5-3 lbs. dan perempuan 3-4,5 lbs. Seperti lain raptors, bulu-bulu spesifik untuk penerbangan tanpa suara, sehingga mereka dapat menukik diam-diam pada mangsa. Cakar mereka kuat memerlukan kekuatan 28 lbs. untuk membuka ketika mengepalkan, mereka menggunakan pegangan ini mematikan untuk memutuskan tulang mangsa yang lebih besar. Mata mereka diperbaiki dalam soket mereka, tetapi mereka bisa putar kepala mereka lebih dari 180 derajat untuk melihat ke segala arah.

Mereka adalah burung yang sangat mampu beradaptasi hidup dari Kutub Utara ke Amerika Selatan. Mereka tinggal di hutan, rawa, kebun, daerah pertanian, Taman berhutan, daerah pinggiran dan bahkan di kota-kota. Mereka memiliki diet yang paling beragam dari semua raptors Amerika Utara, mulai dari tikus kecil dan kalajengking hares, sigung, angsa dan raptors dan burung.

Demikianlah 20 contoh report text tentang binatang. Baca juga contoh reading text jenis narrative, descriptive, recount dll hanya di www.sekolahbahasainggris.com . Terima kasih.

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Contoh Report Text tentang Hewan: Penjelasan Lengkap dan Terperinci

Hewan merupakan salah satu topik yang menarik untuk dibahas dalam sebuah report text. Dalam artikel blog ini, kami akan memberikan contoh report text yang komprehensif tentang hewan-hewan menarik. Artikel ini ditujukan untuk pembaca berusia 20-50 tahun yang ingin menambah pengetahuan mereka tentang dunia binatang.

Dalam contoh report text ini, kita akan membahas beberapa hewan yang menarik seperti singa, gajah, burung merak, kura-kura, dan anjing laut. Setiap bagian akan memberikan informasi yang detail dan terperinci tentang habitat, karakteristik, perilaku, serta keunikan dari masing-masing hewan tersebut.

Singa adalah salah satu hewan yang paling dikenal di dunia. Habitat alami singa terletak di savana Afrika. Mereka hidup dalam kelompok yang disebut dengan pride. Kelompok singa terdiri dari beberapa betina, jantan, dan anak-anak singa. Setiap kelompok singa memiliki wilayah kekuasaannya masing-masing.

Habitat Singa

Singa hidup di wilayah savana yang memiliki rerumputan tinggi dan sedikit pohon. Mereka juga dapat ditemukan di hutan belantara, gurun, dan pantai. Singa memiliki kemampuan yang baik dalam beradaptasi dengan lingkungan hidupnya.

Struktur Sosial Singa

Struktur sosial dalam kelompok singa sangat penting. Pride singa terdiri dari beberapa betina, jantan, dan anak-anak singa. Betina biasanya tinggal di kelompok sepanjang hidupnya, sedangkan jantan cenderung meninggalkan kelompok saat mencapai kedewasaan. Singa jantan yang baru tumbuh dewasa kemudian akan mencari kelompok lain untuk mengambil alih wilayah kekuasaan.

Perilaku Berburu Singa

Singa adalah hewan karnivora yang hebat dalam berburu. Mereka biasanya berburu dalam kelompok untuk meningkatkan peluang keberhasilan. Singa menggunakan strategi perangkap dan berburu secara berkelompok untuk mengejar mangsa mereka. Setelah menangkap mangsa, singa akan memakan dagingnya dengan rakus.

Keunikan Singa dalam Budaya dan Mitologi

Singa memiliki keunikan dalam budaya dan mitologi di berbagai negara. Di banyak budaya, singa dianggap sebagai simbol keberanian, kekuatan, dan keadilan. Mereka sering kali muncul dalam cerita rakyat dan mitologi. Misalnya, singa merupakan lambang kekuasaan di Kerajaan Inggris dan sering kali digunakan dalam lambang dan bendera.

Dengan informasi yang komprehensif ini, diharapkan pembaca dapat memahami lebih dalam tentang singa dan kehidupannya di alam liar.

Gajah adalah mamalia terbesar di daratan. Mereka hidup di berbagai habitat seperti hutan, savana, dan daerah bersemak. Gajah memiliki karakteristik unik yang membuat mereka menarik untuk dipelajari.

Habitat Gajah

Gajah hidup di berbagai habitat seperti hutan tropis, sabana, dan padang rumput. Mereka dapat ditemukan di Afrika dan Asia. Gajah memiliki kemampuan yang luar biasa dalam beradaptasi dengan lingkungan hidup mereka.

Struktur Kelompok Gajah

Gajah hidup dalam kelompok sosial yang disebut dengan kawanan. Kawanan gajah terdiri dari beberapa betina, jantan, dan anak-anak gajah. Betina biasanya tinggal di kawanan sepanjang hidupnya, sedangkan jantan cenderung meninggalkan kawanan saat mencapai kedewasaan.

Kecerdasan dan Keunikan Gajah

Gajah merupakan hewan yang sangat cerdas. Mereka memiliki ingatan yang kuat dan kemampuan belajar yang luar biasa. Gajah juga memiliki belalai yang unik dan berguna untuk berbagai kegiatan seperti mencari makanan, minum, dan berkomunikasi dengan sesama gajah.

Peran Penting Gajah dalam Ekosistem

Gajah memainkan peran penting dalam menjaga keseimbangan ekosistem. Mereka berperan sebagai agen penyebaran biji-bijian dan membantu dalam pembentukan dan pemeliharaan habitat hutan. Gajah juga membantu dalam menjaga populasi tumbuhan tertentu dengan membantu penyebaran biji-bijian melalui kotoran mereka.

Ancaman terhadap Populasi Gajah

Populasi gajah menghadapi berbagai ancaman di alam liar. Salah satu ancaman terbesar bagi gajah adalah perburuan ilegal untuk mendapatkan gading gajah. Selain itu, hilangnya habitat akibat perambahan hutan dan konflik dengan manusia juga merupakan ancaman serius bagi populasi gajah di berbagai wilayah.

Dengan penjelasan yang lebih rinci ini, pembaca akan mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang gajah dan perlindungan yang mereka butuhkan.

Burung Merak

Burung merak adalah salah satu jenis burung yang memiliki keindahan dan keunikan yang menarik. Mereka dikenal dengan ekor yang indah dan tarian mereka yang memukau.

Habitat Burung Merak

Burung merak hidup di hutan dan daerah bersemak yang memiliki banyak pepohonan. Mereka lebih sering ditemukan di Asia Tenggara dan India. Burung merak memilih habitat yang memiliki air dan makanan yang cukup untuk memenuhi kebutuhan mereka.

Kebiasaan Burung Merak

Burung merak memiliki kebiasaan tertentu tergantung pada musimnya. Pada musim kawin, pejantan burung merak akan menampilkan tarian indah untuk menarik perhatian betina. Mereka mengibaskan bulu ekor mereka yang indah dan mengeluarkan suara yang khas.

Tarian dan Display Indah Burung Merak

Tarian dan display indah burung merak merupakan pemandangan yang menakjubkan. Pejantan burung merak akan membuka dan mengibaskan bulu ekor mereka yang indah. Hal ini memberikan efek visual yang memukau dan menjadi daya tarik bagi betina.

Perlindungan dan Konservasi Burung Merak

Karena keindahan dan keunikan mereka, burung merak menjadi buruan bagi perdagangan hewan ilegal. Oleh karena itu, perlindungan dan konservasi burung merak sangat penting. Berbagai upaya dilakukan untuk melindungi dan mempertahankan populasi burung merak, termasuk perlindungan habitat dan larangan perdagangan ilegal.

Dengan penjelasan yang lebih detail ini, pembaca akan mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih luas tentang burung merak dan upaya perlindungan yang perlu dilakukan.

Kura-kura adalah reptil yang hidup di darat dan air. Mereka memiliki karakteristik khusus dan siklus hidup yang menarik untuk dipelajari.

Habitat Kura-kura

Kura-kura hidup di berbagai habitat seperti sungai, danau, rawa, dan pantai. Mereka dapat ditemukan di berbagai bagian dunia, baik di daratan maupun di perairan. Kura-kura memiliki kemampuan untuk beradaptasi dengan lingkungan hidup yang berbeda.

Adaptasi Kura-kura

Kura-kura memiliki adaptasi khusus yang memungkinkan mereka hidup di darat dan di air. Mereka memiliki cangkang yang keras yang melindungi tubuh mereka dari predator. Kura-kura juga memiliki kemampuan untuk menarik kepala dan kaki mereka ke dalam cangkang untuk melindungi diri dari bahaya.

Siklus Hidup dan Reproduksi Kura-kura

Kura-kura memiliki siklus hidup yang menarik. Mereka bertelur di tempat yang aman dan telur-telur tersebut akan menetas setelah beberapa waktu. Setelah menetas, kura-kura muda akan mencari jalan mereka kembali ke air dan memulai perjalanan hidup mereka.

Perlindungan Kura-kura

Kura-kura menghadapi berbagai ancaman seperti perburuan untuk daging, kulit, dan telur mereka. Hilangnya habitat juga merupakan ancaman serius bagi populasi kura-kura. Oleh karena itu, perlindungan dan konservasi kura-kura sangat penting untuk mempertahankan keberlanjutan spesies ini.

Dengan penjelasan yang lebih detail ini, pembaca akan mendapatkan pemahaman yang lebih lengkap tentang kura-kura dan pentingnya menjaga habitat mereka.

Anjing Laut

Anjing laut adalah mamalia laut yang hidup di perairan dingin. Mereka memiliki karakteristik unik dan peran penting dalam ekosistem laut.

Habitat Anjing Laut

Anjing laut hidup di perairan dingin seperti di dekat Kutub Utara dan Kutub Selatan. Mereka dapat ditemukan di samudra Atlantik, Pasifik, dan Arktik. Anjing laut memiliki kemampuan untuk berenang dan beradaptasi dengan suhu air yang rendah.

Perilaku Berenang Anjing Laut

Anjing laut adalah perenang yang ulung. Mereka menggunakan gerakan tubuh yang khas dan sirip untuk berenang dengan cepat dan lincah di dalam air. Anjing laut juga memiliki kemampuan untuk menyelam dalam waktu yang lama dan mencari makanan di kedalaman laut.

Makanan dan Cara Mencari Makanan Anjing Laut

Anjing laut adalah hewan pemakan ikan. Mereka mencari makanan seperti ikan, cumi-cumi, dan krustasea di perairan dingin. Anjing laut menggunakan indra penciuman dan pendengaran mereka yang tajam untuk mendeteksi mangsa mereka di dalam air.

Ancaman terhadap Anjing Laut

Anjing laut menghadapi berbagai ancaman dari aktivitas manusia. Perubahan iklim, polusi laut, dan perburuan ilegal merupakan ancaman serius bagi populasi anjing laut. Perlindungan dan konservasi anjing laut menjadi sangat penting untuk menjaga kelangsungan hidup mereka di alam liar.

Dengan penjelasan yang lebih rinci ini, pembaca akan memperoleh pemahaman yang lebih mendalam tentang anjing laut dan pentingnya menjaga keberlanjutan populasi mereka.

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20 Contoh Soal Report Text Bahasa Inggris Dan Kunci Jawaban

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Report Text adalah teks yang bertujuan menyampaikan informasi dengan mendeskripsikan sesuatu secara umum, yang meliputi berbagai hal/dan fenomena alam dan sosial yang terjadi di sekitar kita. Report Text berisi serangkaian fakta yang logis dan bersifat objektif, tanpa ada keterlibatan pribadi (pendapat pribadi) penulis.

Struktur report text terdiri dari 2, antara lain :

  • General classification ( klasifikasi umum ) Pengantar tentang objek / fenomena yang akan dibahas
  • Description ( Deskripsi ) Menerangkan objek / fenomena yang di bahas, meliputi bagian-bagian, kualitas dan perilaku.

Ciri-ciri kebahasaan Report Text :

  • Menggunakan simple present tense, kecuali apabila yang dibahas sudah punah, menggunakan past tense.
  • Menggunakann action verb ( kata kerja tindakan ) dan relating verb, mislanya is, am, are, look, seem.
  • Menggunakan general nouns (kata benda yang bersifat umum) misalnya green sea turtles, Northern Lights, orchids, platypus, figure skaters.

Contoh Soal Report Text Materi Bahasa Inggris

The following test is for question 1 to 4.

The pronghorn is a mammal. it has a deer-like body. it has a tan to reddish brown doby. its cheeks, belly, rump, chest and inner legs are white. The pronghorn has horns, not antlers. Its horns are made of two parts : a bony core that is covered by a sheath made of a stiff hair-like material. It is the only animal that has branched horns and sheds its horns each year. The outer sheatlh falls of every year in the fall and then grows back in the summer. The pronghornis the second fastest land animal in the world. It can run at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour and run long distances at speeds of 30-40 miles per hour. It can breath in extra oxygen. Speed is important because the pronghorn lives in open areas where there is no place to hide from a predator. The pronghorn is active all day long. It has excellent eyeslight and can spot a threat up to four miles away. When the pronghorn is threatened, it may attack with its sharp hooves.

  • What is the main idea of paragraph three? A. Speed is very important for a pronghorn. B. The pronghorn is the second fastest land animal. C. A pronghorn can breath in extra oxygen when running. D. A pronghorn can runn at speeds of up to 60 miles per hour.
  • What would happen if a pronghorn closes its mouth when running? A. It would not reach its most speed. B. A predator would not catch it. C. A predator would not realise its existence. D. It would not get much oxygen for energy.
  • From the text we can infer that the pronghorn …. A. lives on a tree B. has a tan belly C. has a slim body D. notices closed objects only
  • The pronghorn’s horns are unique because they A. are straight B. consist of three parts C. can shed each month D. can remove and grow back

The following test is for question 5 to 8.

Scintists believe that people inherit their affection for the scent of rain from ancestors who relied on rainly weather. Therefore, what makes rain smell so nice? There are several scents associated with rainfall that people find pleasing. One of these odours is called ‘petrichor’. Several plants secrete volatile oils during dry periods. These oils are the compound of chemichal organics. It makes the oils are the compound of chemichal organics. It makes the oils have tiny molecules and can be easily distilled in the atmosphere. When the rains fall, these oils are released into the air. The second reaction that creates petrichor occurs from soil-dwelling bacteria. Those bacteria, known as Actinomycetes, produce chemicals. The chemicals are released. These aromatic compounds combine to create the pleasant petrichor scent when rain hits the ground. Another scent associated with rain is ozone. During a thunderstorm, lightning can split the oxygen and nitrogen molecules in the atmosphere. They can recombine into nitrate oxide in turn. This substance interacts with other chemicals in the atmosphere to form ozone. It has a sharp smell faintly reminiscent of chlorine. It is possible for people to say that they can smell rain coming. The wind from an approaching storm has carried ozone down from the clouds into the people nostrils.

  • What do people actually smell when rain comes approaching? A. The fragrant oil produced by plants. B. The oxygen scents in the air. C. The petrichor brought by wind. D. The smell of died soil bacteria.
  • How can volatille oils from the plant be released into the atmosphere? A. The molecules are distilled in the air. B. The oils evaporate because of cold. C. The oils are mixing with the nitrogen. D. The thunderstorms break the oils apart.
  • What will happen when the soil bacteria do not produce chemicals? A. The plants will not produce oils. B. The pleasant scent cannot be smelled. C. The rain will not fall to the eath. D. The thunderstorms will not formed.
  • “….. which has a sharp smell faintly reminiscent of chlorine.” A. evocative B. suggestive C. resounding D. seeing

The following test is for question 9 to 12.

The birds of paradise is one of the most colourful flowers in the world. The name bird of paradise come from its spectacular flower shape which resembles a bird’s beak and head plumage. Birds of paradise plants, also known as crane flowers is one of the most beautiful exotic flowers. They are native to South Africa and bloom from September through May. The birds of paradise foliage resembles small banana leaves with long petioles. The leaves on the birds of paradise plant are arranged strictly in two ranks. They form a fan-like crown of evergreen, thick, waxy and glossy green foliage, making it a very attractive ornamental plant. The leaf blades are 6 inches wide and 18 iches long. The birds of paradise plant usually reaches a height of 4 feet. Birds of paradise flowers are produced in a horisontal inflourescence emerging from a stout spathe. The birds of paradise flower inflourescence is borne atop long scapes, or pedicels, that grow to 5 feet or more in height. The flower on the birds of paradise plant is the most unusual part. Each birds of paradise flower is made up of three upright orange sepals and three highly modified vivid blue petals. Two of the petals are joined together in a structure resembling an arrowhead with the third petal forming a nectary at the base of the flower.

  • The text is written to tell the readers about … in general. A. an object B. an ecosystem C. a species of plant D. an animal species
  • What is the most unique part of these birds of paradise? A. Stems B. Petals C. Leaves D. Flowers
  • How can people recognize that it is the bird of paradise? A. It has various colours B. It is unique and beautiful C. The petals form a fan-like crown D. Its flower is a like a bird’s beak and head plugmage
  • “The birds of paradise foliage resembles small banana leaves …..” What is the synonym of the bolded word? A. Forms. B. Grows. C. Favours. D. Arranges.

The following test is for question 13 to 16.

Dew is the moisture that forms as a result of condensation. It is the result of water changing from a vapour to a liquid. Dew forms as temperatures drop and objects cool down. If the object becomes cool enough, the air around the object will also cool. Colder air is less able to hold water vapour than warm air. It forces water vapour in the air around cooling object to condense. When condensation happens, small water droplets form-dew. Weather conditions can also influence an area’s dew point. Strong wind, for instance mix different layers of air, containing different amounts of water vapour. This reduces the atmosphere’s ability to form dew. Humid locations, such as the warm, coastal tropics, are more likely to experience dew than arid areas. Humidity measures the amount of water vapour in the air. Warm, humid air is full of moisture that can condense during calm, cool nights.

  • What is the purpose of the text? A. To relate one’s experience related to dew. B. To persuade readers to observe formation. C. To amuse readers by telling a story related to dew. D. To tell readers about a natural phenomenon in general.
  • Where is dew likely to form? A. In arid areas B. In moist areas C. In low-level areas D. In high-level areas
  • The text is intended for …. A. librarians B. musicians C. politicians D. academicians
  • “ It forces water vapour in the air around cooling objects to condense.” (Paragraph 2) What does the bolded word refer to? A. The object B. The colder air C. The water vapour D. The formation of dew

The following test is for question 17 to 20.

What is your hobby? I’m sure each of us has interest towards something which we like to do during our spare time. Like myself, I love collecting toy cars, mostly replicas of famous sport cars. My hobby starded a few years ago when my father gave me my first toy car for my fifth birthday. I still keep the toy car well. Besides, I occasionally get toy car gifts from my relatives and friends. I also save my pocket money to buy toy cars. Up to noew, i have collected around 35 toy cars. They vary in size, colours and prices. Meanwhile, my brother David loves outdoor activities; hiking and mountain climbing. He joined a mountain climbing club at senior high school and now at his collage. To date, he has climbed three mountains, Mount Merapi, Mount Slamet, and Mount Lawu. His next plan is to climb Mount Semeru in East Java, the highest mountain in Java. Luckily, we have very understanding parents who support our hobbies. They only remind us not to ignore our duties as students, that is studying. We should be able to manage our time well for both studying and doing our hobbies.

  • The writer’s purpose of writing the text is …. A. to describe the definition of a hobby B. to state that everyone should have a hobby C. to inform about her and her brother’s hobbies D. to relate her and her brother’s activities during free time
  • How old was the writer when she received her first toy car? A. Four years old B. Five years old C. Six years old D. Seven years old
  • What is the main idea of the last paragraph? A. The writer’s parents support their children’s hobbies B. We should balance between our studies and hobbies C. The writer’s and her brother can manage their time well D. The writer’s parents remind them about their duties to study
  • “They only remind us not to ignore our duties as students, ….” The bolded word is closest in meaning to ….. A. forget B. neglect C. abadon D. disrespect

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Soal Report Text Kelas 9: Panduan Lengkap dan Praktis

Selamat datang di panduan lengkap dan praktis tentang soal report text untuk siswa kelas 9! Dalam artikel ini, kami akan memberikan penjelasan mendalam tentang apa

Tami Anggraeni

September 11, 2023

Selamat datang di panduan lengkap dan praktis tentang soal report text untuk siswa kelas 9! Dalam artikel ini, kami akan memberikan penjelasan mendalam tentang apa itu soal report text, bagaimana cara menjawabnya, dan memberikan beberapa contoh soal yang dapat membantu Anda memahami materi dengan lebih baik. Jadi, mari kita mulai!

Table of Contents

Pengertian Report Text

Report text adalah jenis teks yang berfokus pada penyampaian informasi atau fakta-fakta mengenai suatu topik tertentu. Teks ini biasanya ditulis dalam bentuk paragraf yang terstruktur, dimana setiap paragraf memberikan informasi yang berbeda namun masih terkait dengan topik yang sama. Report text memiliki tujuan untuk memberikan pengetahuan kepada pembaca tentang suatu hal atau fenomena tertentu.

Dalam report text, informasi disampaikan secara objektif dan tidak ada opini pribadi dari penulis. Hal ini membuat report text menjadi jenis teks yang sangat berguna dalam dunia pendidikan, terutama dalam mengembangkan kemampuan membaca dan pemahaman siswa.

Struktur Report Text

Report text umumnya memiliki struktur yang terdiri dari tiga bagian utama, yaitu:

1. Pengenalan (Introduction)

Bagian pengenalan berisi informasi umum tentang topik yang akan dibahas dalam report text. Tujuan dari bagian ini adalah untuk memberikan gambaran singkat kepada pembaca tentang apa yang akan mereka pelajari.

Dalam report text tentang “Gajah”, bagian pengenalan dapat berisi informasi tentang gajah sebagai hewan mamalia terbesar di darat dan sejarah keberadaannya di berbagai belahan dunia.

2. Deskripsi (Description)

Bagian deskripsi adalah inti dari report text. Di sini, penulis memberikan informasi secara detail tentang karakteristik, ciri-ciri, atau atribut yang dimiliki oleh topik yang sedang dibahas.

Bagian deskripsi dalam report text tentang “Gajah” dapat mencakup informasi tentang ukuran tubuh gajah, struktur gading, cara hidup, dan kebiasaan makanannya.

3. Penutup (Conclusion)

Bagian penutup berfungsi untuk merangkum informasi yang telah disampaikan dalam report text. Penulis dapat menekankan poin-poin penting atau mengajukan kesimpulan berdasarkan fakta-fakta yang telah dibahas sebelumnya.

Dalam report text tentang “Gajah”, bagian penutup dapat menyimpulkan bahwa gajah adalah hewan yang penting dalam ekosistem dan perlu dilindungi karena populasi mereka terus berkurang akibat perburuan ilegal dan hilangnya habitat.

Ciri-ciri Report Text

Report text memiliki beberapa ciri khas yang membedakannya dari jenis teks lainnya. Beberapa ciri-ciri report text antara lain:

1. Menggunakan Bahasa Formal

Report text menggunakan bahasa formal dan objektif. Penggunaan bahasa formal ini membuat report text cocok digunakan dalam konteks pendidikan, seperti dalam ujian atau tugas-tugas sekolah.

2. Menyampaikan Fakta atau Informasi

Tujuan utama dari report text adalah menyampaikan fakta atau informasi yang benar dan dapat dipercaya. Oleh karena itu, report text harus didukung oleh sumber yang valid dan terpercaya.

3. Tidak Mengandung Opini Pribadi

Report text tidak mengandung opini pribadi dari penulis. Sebagai gantinya, report text berfokus pada penyampaian fakta-fakta yang objektif dan bisa diverifikasi.

4. Struktur Paragraf yang Terstruktur

Report text memiliki struktur paragraf yang terstruktur. Setiap paragraf dalam report text memberikan informasi yang berbeda namun masih terkait dengan topik yang sama.

Tujuan Report Text

Report text memiliki beberapa tujuan yang penting dalam dunia pendidikan. Beberapa tujuan utama dari report text antara lain:

1. Memberikan Pengetahuan

Tujuan utama dari report text adalah memberikan pengetahuan kepada pembaca tentang suatu topik tertentu. Report text menyajikan informasi yang objektif dan benar, sehingga pembaca dapat memperoleh pengetahuan baru setelah membaca teks tersebut.

2. Mengembangkan Kemampuan Membaca dan Pemahaman

Dalam proses membaca report text, siswa akan terbiasa dengan struktur teks yang terstruktur dan memperoleh kemampuan untuk memahami informasi yang disampaikan secara jelas dan sistematis.

3. Mengajarkan Metode Penulisan yang Terstruktur

Dengan membaca dan mempelajari report text, siswa akan belajar bagaimana menyusun teks yang terstruktur dengan pengenalan, deskripsi, dan penutup yang jelas. Hal ini akan menjadi dasar penting dalam proses belajar menulis siswa.

Contoh Report Text

Untuk lebih memahami tentang report text, berikut ini beberapa contoh report text yang dapat Anda gunakan sebagai referensi:

1. Contoh Report Text tentang Gajah

Gajah adalah hewan mamalia terbesar di darat. Mereka memiliki tubuh yang besar dengan tinggi mencapai 3 meter dan berat mencapai 6 ton. Gajah memiliki telinga yang besar dan panjang, serta gading yang tumbuh di rahang atas mereka. Mereka juga memiliki belalai yang panjang dan fleksibel yang digunakan untuk memegang makanan atau minuman dan membersihkan tubuh mereka.

2. Contoh Report Text tentang Tumbuhan Matahari

Tumbuhan matahari adalah tumbuhan yang memiliki tinggi mencapai 2 meter. Tumbuhan ini dikenal karena bunganya yang besar dan berwarna kuning cerah yang menyerupai matahari. Tumbuhan matahari tumbuh subur di daerah dengan sinar matahari yang cukup dan tanah yang subur. Mereka juga menghasilkan biji yang dapat dimakan dan digunakan untuk membuat minyak biji matahari.

3. Contoh Report Text tentang Monyet

Monyet adalah hewan primata yang hidup di berbagai belahan dunia. Mereka memiliki tubuh yang fleksibel dan lincah, serta memiliki ekor yang panjang. Monyet juga memiliki kemampuan untuk menggunakan alat-alat sederhana dan berkomunikasi dengan menggunakan suara dan gerakan tubuh. Mereka adalah hewan sosial yang hidup dalam kelompok yang terdiri dari beberapa individu.

Tips Menjawab Soal Report Text

Menjawab soal report text membutuhkan pemahaman yang baik tentang teks tersebut. Berikut ini beberapa tips yang dapat membantu Anda dalam menjawab soal-soal report text:

1. Baca Teks dengan Cermat

Membaca teks report dengan cermat dan teliti sangat penting untuk memahami informasi yang disampaikan. Bacalah teks dengan seksama dan perhatikan setiap detail yang diberikan.

2. Identifikasi Struktur Teks

Perhatikan struktur teks report yang terdiri dari pengenalan, deskripsi, dan penutup. Identifikasi setiap bagian dengan baik untuk memahami informasi yang terkandung di dalamnya.

3. Perhatikan Kosakata Kunci

Perhatikan kosakata yang digunakan dalam teks report. Jika terdapat kata-kata yang tidak familiar, cari artinya untuk memahami konteks secara keseluruhan.

4. Gunakan Konteks untuk Menjawab Soal

Gunakan konteks teks untuk menjawabu soal-soal yang diberikan. Perhatikan informasi yang ada dalam teks untuk mencari jawaban yang tepat.

5. Fokus pada Pertanyaan

Pahami dengan baik pertanyaan yang diajukan dalam soal. Identifikasi kata kunci atau informasi penting yang dibutuhkan untuk menjawab pertanyaan tersebut.

6. Rujuk Kembali ke Teks

Jika diperlukan, kembalilah ke teks untuk mencari jawaban yang tepat. Jangan ragu untuk melihat kembali bagian pengenalan, deskripsi, atau penutup yang relevan dengan pertanyaan yang diajukan.

7. Gunakan Strategi Pemahaman Teks

Gunakan strategi pemahaman teks, seperti mengidentifikasi informasi utama, membuat ringkasan, atau membuat catatan penting untuk membantu Anda memahami teks dengan lebih baik.

8. Latihan Soal secara Berkala

Latihan soal secara berkala dapat membantu Anda meningkatkan kemampuan dalam menjawab soal report text. Carilah latihan soal tambahan dan kerjakan secara teratur untuk melatih pemahaman dan keterampilan Anda.

Latihan Soal Report Text

Untuk menguji pemahaman Anda tentang report text, berikut ini beberapa contoh soal yang dapat Anda kerjakan:

1. What is the main topic of the text?

A. Elephants B. Giraffes C. Lions D. Tigers

2. What is the purpose of a report text?

A. To express personal opinion B. To entertain readers C. To provide information D. To persuade the audience

3. Which part of a report text provides a brief overview of the topic?

A. Introduction B. Description C. Conclusion D. Reference

4. What is the characteristic of a report text?

A. Subjective B. Formal C. Fictional D. Opinionated

5. What is the structure of a report text?

A. Introduction, conflict, resolution B. Introduction, climax, resolution C. Introduction, description, conclusion D. Introduction, plot, conclusion

Pembahasan Soal Report Text

Untuk memperjelas pemahaman Anda, berikut ini adalah pembahasan dari latihan soal report text:

Jawaban yang benar adalah A. Gajah. Dalam teks, terdapat informasi tentang gajah sebagai topik utama yang dibahas.

Jawaban yang benar adalah C. Memberikan informasi. Report text memiliki tujuan utama untuk menyampaikan informasi atau fakta-fakta kepada pembaca.

Jawaban yang benar adalah A. Introduction. Bagian pengenalan memberikan gambaran singkat tentang topik yang akan dibahas dalam teks.

Jawaban yang benar adalah B. Formal. Report text menggunakan bahasa formal dan objektif dalam penyampaian informasinya.

Jawaban yang benar adalah C. Introduction, description, conclusion. Report text memiliki struktur yang terdiri dari pengenalan, deskripsi, dan penutup.

Sumber Belajar Tambahan

Untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda tentang report text, berikut ini beberapa sumber belajar tambahan yang dapat Anda gunakan:

1. Buku Teks Bahasa Inggris Kelas 9

Buku teks bahasa Inggris untuk siswa kelas 9 biasanya menyediakan penjelasan tentang berbagai jenis teks, termasuk report text. Gunakan buku teks ini sebagai referensi utama dalam mempelajari report text.

2. Website Pendidikan Online

Terdapat banyak website pendidikan online yang menyediakan materi, contoh, dan latihan soal mengenai report text. Cari website yang terpercaya dan gunakan sumber-sumber yang disediakan untuk meningkatkan pemahaman Anda.

3. Video Pembelajaran

Video pembelajaran tentang report text dapat membantu Anda memvisualisasikan dan memahami konsep dengan lebih baik. Cari video pembelajaran yang berkualitas dan ikuti dengan seksama.

4. Konsultasi dengan Guru atau Teman

Jika Anda memiliki pertanyaan atau kesulitan dalam memahami report text, jangan ragu untuk berkonsultasi dengan guru atau teman sekelas. Diskusikan dan tanyakan hal-hal yang belum Anda pahami agar dapat diberikan penjelasan yang lebih jelas.

Dalam artikel ini, kita telah membahas panduan lengkap dan praktis tentang soal report text untuk siswa kelas 9. Mulai dari pengertian, ciri-ciri, tujuan, hingga contoh-contoh report text, semuanya telah dijelaskan dengan rinci. Kami juga memberikan tips-tips berguna dan latihan soal untuk membantu meningkatkan kemampuan Anda dalam menjawab soal-soal report text. Jangan lupa untuk menggunakan sumber belajar tambahan yang kami sediakan untuk memperdalam pemahaman Anda. Selamat belajar dan semoga sukses!

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mediainggris.com - Selain cerita naratif dan rekaman, teks laporan atau report text  adalah jenis teks bahasa Inggris yang penting untuk dipelajari. Materi tentang teks bahasa Inggris ini biasanya mencakup pengertian teks laporan, ciri-ciri, struktur teks laporan, dan fitur bahasanya. Dalam artikel sebelumnya, penulis telah membahas teks naratif dan teks recount . Nah, dalam artikel ini, penulis akan membahas teks report dengan menyertakan contoh teks dan soal agar Anda dapat memahami materi ini dengan lebih baik. Mari kita mulai dengan menggali pengertian atau definisi teks laporan atau report text ini dalam rangkuman dibawah ini.


Pengertian report text.

Dikutip dari buku Be Smart Bahasa Inggris untuk Kelas IX SMP/MTs, report text (laporan pengamatan) adalah teks yang menyampaikan tentang sesuatu apa adanya sebagai hasil dari pengamatan sistematis atau analisis.


Memberikan informasi tentang suatu hal. Biasanya akan menggambarkan kelas-kelas benda, baik alam ataupun buatan. Misalnya seperti batu, mamalia, tanaman, planet, budaya, negara-negara, transportasi dan masih banyak lainnya.


General classification   Disebut juga klasifikasi umum. Struktur ini memuat penjelasan umum mengenai obyek. Misalnya mengenalkan anjing sebagai hewan mamalia. 

Description , Struktur report text ini menjelaskan obyek apa yang akan dibahas, bisa mencakup kualitas, kebiasaan, atau perilaku. Penjabaran struktur ini dilakukan secara ilmiah. 

Contohnya perilaku unik anjing yang suka menggerakkan ekor, anjing yang suka menggonggong, dan menjilati tuannya


Unsur kebahasaan yang terdapat dalam teks report antara lain: 

  • Menggunakan Simple Present Tense, ditandai dengan penggunaan to be: is/am/are . Selain itu juga penggunaan Verb 1 (kata kerja 1). 
  • Menggunakan Action Verbs (kata kerja tindakan), misalnya: Travel, Defend, Live, dan sebagainya. Menggunakan General Nouns (Kata benda umum), contohnya: The northern hemisphere, The beaches, dan lain-lain 
  • Menggunakan Technical Terms (istilah teknis), misalnya: Migrate, Pup, Herds, dan sebagainya.


Berikut ini beberapa contoh report text singkat yang dikutip dari berbagai modul ajar Bahasa Inggris dan sumber lainnya.

A seal is a mammal that can live both in and out of the water. Seals are gray in color and have thin layers of flat flippers and hairy coats for protection from sand and rocks. Seals are six meters long and weigh about 150 pounds. Most seals eat a variety of fish and shellfish. Seals live in the northern hemisphere and they do not migrate.

Pregnant female seals go up on land every spring to have their pups. It takes almost a full year for a pregnant female seal to have a pup. They have one pup each year. Seals travel in small groups or large herds and often rest together on land.

Anjing Laut

Anjing laut adalah mamalia yang dapat hidup di kawasan perairan. Hewan ini berwarna abu-abu dan memiliki lapisan tipis sirip datar serta bulu berbulu untuk perlindungan dari pasir dan batu. Panjang tubuh anjing laut sekitar 6 meter dan berat sekitar 150 pon. Kebanyakan anjing laut memakan berbagai jenis ikan dan kerang. Anjing laut hidup di belahan bumi utara dan tidak bermigrasi.

Spesies anjing laut betina yang hamil, akan pergi ke darat saat musim semi untuk melahirkan anak-anaknya. Anjing laut perlu waktu hampir satu tahun penuh untuk hamil untuk memiliki anak. Mereka memiliki satu anak anjing setiap tahun. Anjing laut bepergian dalam kelompok kecil atau kelompok besar dan sering beristirahat bersama di darat.

2. Human Skin

Skin is the outer layer of the body. In human beings, it is the most important and largest organ of the system that covers our body. Our skin has a function to protect the human body from infection, also maintain fluid balance, extreme temperatures, and synthesize vitamin D for personal needs. It also has a function to shield physical structure.

Skin has three main layers, which are Epidermis or Stratum, Dermis, and Hypodermis or skin layers that have their individual tasks and need each other. The stratum layer is the outer layer of the skin. This layer doesn't contain blood vessels, and is made from Merkel cells, keratinocytes, with melanocytes and Langerhans cells. Beneath the stratum layer, there is Dermis or corium layer. This layer contains hair follicles, sweat glands, fat glands, apocrine glands, body fluid vessels and blood vessels.

Kulit Manusia

Kulit merupakan adalah organ terpenting dan terbesar dari sistem yang menutupi tubuh kita. Kulit kita berfungsi melindungi tubuh manusia dari infeksi, menjaga keseimbangan cairan, suhu ekstrim, dan mensintesis vitamin D untuk kebutuhan pribadi. Kulit juga memiliki fungsi untuk melindungi struktur fisik.

Kulit mempunyai tiga lapisan utama, yaitu Epidermis atau Stratum, Dermis, dan Hipodermis atau lapisan kulit yang mempunyai tugas masing-masing dan saling membutuhkan. Lapisan stratum adalah lapisan terluar kulit. Lapisan ini tidak mengandung pembuluh darah, dan terbuat dari sel Merkel, keratinosit, melanosit, dan sel Langerhans. Di bawah lapisan stratum terdapat lapisan Dermis atau corium. Lapisan ini mengandung folikel rambut, kelenjar keringat, kelenjar lemak, kelenjar apokrin, pembuluh cairan tubuh, dan pembuluh darah.

Bears are mammals of the family Ursidae. Bears are classified as caniforms, or doglike carnivores, with the pinniped being their closest living relatives. Although there are only eight living species of bear, they are widespread, appearing in a wide variety of habitats throughout the Northern Hemisphere and partially in the Southern Hemisphere. Bears are found in the continents of North America, South America, Europe, and Asia.

Common characteristics of modern bears include a large body with short and solid legs, a long snout, shaggy hair, plantigrade paws with five nonrestrictive claws, and a short tail. While the polar bear is mostly carnivorous and the giant panda feeds almost entirely on bamboo, the remaining six species are omnivorous, with largely varied diets including both plants and animals.

Beruang adalah mamalia dari keluarga Ursidae. Hewan ini diklasifikasikan sebagai kaniform atau karnivora mirip anjing, dengan pinniped sebagai kerabat terdekat mereka yang masih hidup. Saat ini, hanya ada delapan spesies beruang yang masih hidup dan tersebar luas di belahan bumi utara dan selatan. Beruang ditemukan di benua Amerika Utara, Amerika Selatan, Eropa, dan Asia.

Ciri-ciri umum beruang modern antara lain tubuh besar dengan kaki pendek dan kokoh, moncong panjang, bulu lebat, cakar plantigrade dengan lima cakar tidak terbatas, dan ekor pendek. Meskipun beruang kutub sebagian besar adalah karnivora dan panda raksasa hampir seluruhnya memakan bambu, enam spesies lainnya adalah omnivora, dengan pola makan yang sangat bervariasi termasuk tumbuhan dan hewan.

4. The Moon

The Moon is the only natural satellite of the Earth. The Moon is the second brightest object in the Earth's sky after the Sun. The natural satellites of the other planets in the solar system are also sometimes referred to as moons.

The Earth's Moon is now known to be a slightly egg-shaped ball composed mostly of rock and metal. It has no liquid water, virtually no atmosphere and is lifeless. The Moon shines by reflecting the tight of the Sun. Although the Moon appears brightly to eyes, it reflects on average only 12 percent of the light that falls on it. This reflectivity of 0.12 is similar to that of coal dust. This reflectivity is called albedo.

The temperatures on most of the Moon's surface are too extreme for water or ice to exist, ranging from a maximum of 7270C (2610 F) at lunar noon to a minimum of -1730C (-2790F) just before lunar dawn. Temperatures in permanently shadowed areas near the lunar poles, however, may consistently be as low as -2200C (-3640F).

Bulan adalah satu-satunya satelit alami bumi. Bulan merupakan objek paling terang kedua di langit bumi setelah Matahari. Satelit alami dari planet lain di tata surya terkadang juga disebut sebagai bulan.

Saat ini, bulan dikenal sebagai bola berbentuk telur yang sebagian besar terdiri dari batu dan logam. Ia tidak memiliki air cair, hampir tidak memiliki atmosfer, dan tidak bernyawa. Bulan bersinar dengan memantulkan cahaya matahari.

Bulan yang terlihat terang di mata, nyatanya hanya memantulkan rata-rata 12 persen cahaya yang jatuh padanya. Reflektifitas sebesar 0,12 ini serupa dengan reflektifitas debu batu bara. Reflektivitas ini disebut albedo.

Suhu di sebagian besar permukaan Bulan terlalu ekstrim untuk keberadaan air atau es, berkisar dari suhu maksimum 7270C (2610 F) pada siang hari hingga suhu minimum -1730C (-2790F) tepat sebelum fajar bulan. Namun, suhu di daerah yang terkena bayangan permanen di dekat kutub bulan mungkin selalu mencapai -2200C (-3640F).

Snakes are reptiles (cold-blooded creatures). Snakes are not slimy, They are covered in scales which are just bumps on the skin. Their skin is hard and glossy to reduce friction as the snake slithers along the ground. Snakes often sun bake on rocks in the warm weather. This is because snakes are cold-blooded and they need the sun's warmth to heat their body up.

Most snakes live in the country. Some types of snakes live in trees, some live in water, but most live on the ground in deserted rabbit burrows, in thick, long grass and in old logs. A snake's diet usually consists of frogs, lizards, mice and other snakes.

Many snakes protect themselves with their fangs. Boa Constrictors can give you a bear hug which is so powerful it can crush every single bone in your body. Some snakes are protected by scaring their enemies away like the Cobra.

Ular merupakan hewan reptil (makhluk berdarah dingin). Hewan ini tidak berlendir, namun tubuhnya ditutupi sisik yang hanya berupa benjolan di kulitnya. Sisik ini keras dan mengkilap untuk mengurangi gesekan saat merayap di tanah. Ular sering berjemur di bebatuan saat cuaca hangat untuk meningkatkan suhu tubuhnya

Kebanyakan ular tinggal di atas tanah. Beberapa jenis ular hidup di pepohonan dan air, namun sebagian besar hidup di tanah datar, lubang kelinci, rerumputan yang lebat dan panjang, serta batang kayu tua. Makanan ular biasanya terdiri dari katak, kadal, tikus dan ular lainnya.

Banyak ular yang melindungi dirinya dengan taringnya. Jenis Boa Constrictors dapat memberikan pelukan beruang yang sangat kuat hingga dapat meremukkan setiap tulang di tubuh manusia. Beberapa ular menggunakan metode menakut-nakuti musuh untuk melindungi diri, misal ular kobra.

6. Lavender

Lavender is a type of plant found on almost all continents. It has a purplish colour. It has a colour named after it, called lavender. Its Latin and scientific name is Lavandula.

Lavenders are very popular among gardeners. Sometimes their petals are dried and sealed in pouches for good scent, and sometimes put inside clothes to prevent moths, who can damage the clothes.

Lavenders are sometimes put in medicine, too, and sometimes to prevent infection such as lavender oil, that was used in World War 1 to disinfect walls and floors of the hospital. As the folk wisdom says, lavender oil is also helpful to headaches when rubbed on your temple, and lavender tea helps you relax before bed time.

Lavender adalah tipe tanaman yang ditemukan hampir di semua benua. Bunga ini memiliki warna keunguan yang dinamai menurut namanya, lavender. Nama latin dan ilmiah bunga lavender adalah Lavandula.

Lavender sangat populer di kalangan penyuka tanaman. Terkadang kelopaknya dikeringkan dan disegel dalam kantong agar wanginya harum, dan terkadang dimasukkan ke dalam pakaian untuk mencegah ngengat yang dapat merusak pakaian.

Lavender terkadang juga digunakan sebagai obat, dan terkadang untuk mencegah infeksi seperti minyak lavender, yang digunakan pada Perang Dunia 1 untuk mendisinfeksi dinding dan lantai rumah sakit. Seperti kata pepatah, minyak lavendel juga bermanfaat untuk mengatasi sakit kepala jika dioleskan di pelipis, dan teh lavendel membantu Anda rileks sebelum tidur.

Cows are very useful to mankind, in supplying them with milk from which both butter and cheese are made.

A good Cow will give about fifteen or more quarts of milk a day, but much depends upon the quality of the pasture she feeds upon. Her age is told by her horns. After she is three years old a ring is formed every year at the root of the horn, so that by counting the number of circles, her age may be exactly known.

Sapi sangat berguna bagi umat manusia karena menyediakan susu yang merupakan bahan pembuatan mentega dan keju. Sapi yang baik akan menghasilkan sekitar lima belas liter susu atau lebih setiap harinya, namun hal ini bergantung pada kualitas padang rumput yang ia makan.

Usia sapi ditentukan tampilan tanduknya. Setelah sapi berumur tiga tahun, setiap tahun terbentuklah cincin pada pangkal tanduknya, sehingga dengan menghitung banyaknya lingkaran maka umurnya dapat diketahui secara pasti.

8. Television

Television or TV, is one of humanity's most important means of communication. It brings pictures and sounds from around the world into millions of homes. People, with a television set in their houses, can sit and watch about people, places, and things in a away lands.

Additionally, television brings its viewers a steady stream of programs that are designed to entertain. In fact, TV provides many more entertainment programs than any other kind of information media. The programs include action-packed dramas, light comedies, soap operas, sports events, cartoons, quizzes, variety shows and motion pictures.

Televisi atau TV adalah salah satu alat komunikasi terpenting umat manusia. Alat ini membawa gambar dan suara dari seluruh dunia ke jutaan rumah. Orang-orang dengan televisi di rumahnya dapat duduk dan menonton banyak orang, tempat, dan benda-benda di tempat yang jauh.

Selain itu, televisi menghadirkan aliran program yang dirancang untuk menghibur pemirsanya. Faktanya, TV menyediakan lebih banyak program hiburan dibandingkan media informasi lainnya. Programnya meliputi drama penuh aksi, komedi ringan, sinetron, acara olahraga, kartun, kuis, variety show, dan film.

Panda is a mammal in the bear family. This bear species is a native of central-western and south western China. The panda is also known as the giant panda to distinguish it from the unrelated red panda.

The giant panda has shaggy white fur with a black patch around each eye and a ring of black around the shoulders, front legs, and chest. The biggest giant pandas are about 5 feet (1.5 meters) long and weigh up to 220 pounds (100 kilograms).

The giant panda lives in a few mountain ranges in central China, mainly in Sichuan province, but also in the Shaanxi and Gansu provinces. It eats the leaves and stems of bamboo trees.

Panda adalah mamalia dalam keluarga beruang. Spesies beruang ini berasal dari China bagian tengah-barat dan barat daya. Panda juga dikenal sebagai panda raksasa untuk membedakannya dari panda merah yang tidak berkerabat.

Panda raksasa memiliki bulu berbulu putih dengan bercak hitam di sekitar mata dan lingkaran hitam di sekitar bahu, kaki depan, dan dada. Ukuran panda raksasa terbesar adalah panjang sekitar 5 kaki (1,5 meter) dan berat hingga 220 pon (100 kilogram).

Panda raksasa hidup di beberapa pegunungan di Tiongkok tengah, terutama di provinsi Sichuan, tetapi juga di provinsi Shaanxi dan Gansu. Hewan lucu ini memakan daun dan batang pohon bambu.

Guava is a plant in the myrtle family (Myrtaceae) genus Psidium. It is native to Mexico and Central America, Northern South America, parts of the Caribbean and some parts of North Africa and also some parts of India.

The guava tree is not big. It is about 33 feet with spreading branches. The bark is smooth with green or reddish brown color. The plant branches are close to the ground. Its young twigs are soft.

It has hard dark elliptic leaves. It is about 2-6 inches long and 1-2 inches wide. The flowers are white, with five petals and numerous stamens. Guava fruit, usually 2 to 4 inches long, is round or oval depending on the species.

Jambu biji merupakan tanaman dalam keluarga murad (Myrtaceae) genus Psidium. Tanaman ini berasal dari Meksiko dan Amerika Tengah, Amerika Selatan bagian utara, sebagian Karibia, dan beberapa bagian Afrika Utara dan juga beberapa bagian India.

Pohon jambu biji tidak besar. Tingginya sekitar 33 kaki dengan cabang-cabang yang menyebar. Kulit batangnya halus dengan warna hijau atau coklat kemerahan. Cabang-cabang tanaman terletak dekat dengan tanah. Ranting mudanya lembut.

Daunnya berbentuk elips gelap dan keras. Panjangnya sekitar 2-6 inci dan lebar 1-2 inci. Bunganya berwarna putih, dengan lima kelopak dan banyak benang sari. Buah jambu biji, biasanya panjangnya 2 sampai 4 inci, berbentuk bulat atau lonjong tergantung spesiesnya.


Sebelum kita menuju contoh-contoh soal dan jawabannya lebih baik kita berlatih dulu yu. Kita main dulu soal-soal report text dibawah ini pake quizizz ngerjainnya gak strees. Selain itu kita juga jadi mengetahui kemampuan awal kita.

Text for numbers 1-5.

The giraffe is the highest animal in the world. Its height can reach 4.8 to 5.5 meters and its weight is about 1360 pounds. Giraffe has unique characteristic. They have a very long necks and two small horns on its head. Giraffes have big brown eyes and are protected by thick and long eyebrows. Her body is covered with a unique pattern that is attached by brown spots all over their body.

Just like camels, giraffes can survive without drinking for a long time because giraffes can rely on the water contained in the leaves they eat. Giraffes are very selective in choosing food. They always eat young leaves that grow in the tree tops. Their tongue shaped like a knife help them to cut branches that are very hard.

Female giraffes can start pregnant at the age of five years, with a gestation period of 15 months. Commonly female giraffes bear one baby, but sometimes two babies at once. Giraffes bear their baby in a standing position. When the baby is about to be born, they drop it to the ground from a 1.5-meter height. A baby giraffe can stand for about 20 minutes after being born, and begin breastfeeding within an hour of birth.

1. What kind of text is above?

A. Report text

B. Descriptive text

C. Narrative text

2. The text tells us about?

A. Giraffe's reproduction

B. The strange animals

C. The highest animal

D. Baby giraffe

3. The unique characteristic of a giraffe is?

A. Two horns on its head

B. Their long neck

C. Brown spot

D. Their food

4. The second paragraph mainly discussed?

A. Giraffe's food

B. Giraffe's characteristic

C. Giraffe's life

D. Giraffe's reproduction

5. The word "it" in the third paragraph refers to?

C. Baby giraffe

Text for numbers 6-8.

Ant-eaters are perhaps the most curious-looking animals. Their long head and snout look like tubes, and they have no teeth.

Their front legs are very strong and armed with heavily curved claws with which they break open the nets of ants and termites and then, when the insects rush out, use their long, sticky tongues to lick them up at great speed.

True ant-eaters are found in the swamps and forests of Central and South America. Scaly ant-eaters, or pangolins, are found in Africa and tropical Asia.

Various other insect-eating animals are sometimes called ant-eaters, although they really belong to other groups of animals.

One of them is the ant-bear, which lives on the plains of South and Central Africa. This has long, erect ears but short blunt claws, an almost hairless tail, yellow-brown in color. Unlike the true ant-eaters, it has small teeth.

6. The text tells us ...

A. the story of ant-eaters.

B. the report of ant-eaters.

C. the discussion of ant-eaters.

D. the description of ant-eaters.

7. From the passage above, we can conclude that ...

A. all ants are friends of other insects.

B. ants live in disgusting places.

C. ants are classified as predators.

D. ants belong to the insect group.

8. What is the ant-bear?

A. The animal has long, erect ears and small teeth.

B. The animal looks like a pangolin.

C. The animal has no sticky tongue

D. The animal does not like to eat ants.

The following test is for questions 9 to 12.

This day the people of Pangkal Pinang can enjoy an iconic theme park like those in other big cities, such as Bandung and Jakarta. This new theme park is known as Bhayangkara Park of Pangkal Pinang Bangka Belitung or Babel Bhay Park.

Babel Bhay Park is located near the administration office complex of Bangka Belitung Province. To be precise, it sits beside the Police Force headquarters of Bangka Belitung region. The area of the park is only rented for a year and the contract will possibly be extended for public needs. This park makes the office complex become more attractive and beautiful.

This park has several places to relax and take pictures for your social media with several unique themes. Those themes are named based on the divisions in Polda Kepulauan Bangka Belitung. They are Traffic Park from Dirlantas Polda Babel, Hobbit House from Sarpras Polda Babel, Bird Park from Brimob Polda Babel, Outdoor Playground from Ditreskrimsus Polda Babel, and many other parks.

There are also a jogging track around the lake, unique photo spots, and a cafe made of containers as decorations. Visitors may have several activities there. This park can be an educational place for children. They can play and learn about traffic regulations there.

9. People will be interested to visit the place because of ...

A. the letters of Babel Bhay Park.

B. the education place for children.

C. the unique theme park.

D. the decoration of the cafe.

10. The theme park gets their names from ...

A. the attractions the parks have.

B. the location near the police headquarter.

C. the social media voting.

D. the names of the police divisions.

11. What exercise can visitors do in the park?

D. Swimming

12. " ….. the contract will possibly be extended for public need."

The underlined word has the closest meaning to ...

A. enlarged

C. lengthened

D. straightened

Sebelum kita lanjut lagi ke soal soal berikutnya kita latihan dulu soal soal berikut ini yuk.

The following text is for questions 13 to 15.

Paddlefish is the common name for ray-finned fish. An elongated, paddle-like snout characterizes it with minute barbels, a large mouth with minute teeth, and along gill rakers.

There are only two modern species of these fish, i.e. the plankton-feeding American paddlefish (Polyodon spathula) and the piscovorous Chinese paddlefish (Psephurus gladius).

Paddlefish are not closely related to sharks. However, they have several body parts resembling sharks, such as their skeletons and deeply forked heterocercal tail fins.

Paddlefish provide important economic, ecological, and aesthetic values. During the last century, paddlefish and sturgeon have been commercially exploited for their eggs (roe) called caviar. Paddlefish and sturgeon are two of the most important fish for freshwater caviar.

Their unique shapes and large sizes also add to the joy of nature for humans, including sport fishing. However, exploitation and habitat changes, among other factors, have significantly reduced the paddlefish population.

13. After reading the text, it is expected that the readers ...

A. consume paddlefish.

B. sell and buy paddlefish.

C. breed paddlefish in aquariums.

D. preserve paddlefish from extinction.

14. From the text we know that paddlefish ...

A. have a common shape.

B. have a small and long mouth.

C. have similar skeletons as sharks.

D. are mostly exploited for its meat.

15. Why does the population of paddlefish decrease?

A. They are predators.

B. They are difficult to bread.

C. People destroy their habitats.

D. People commercially exploit them.

Read the text and answer questions 16-20!

A cactus (plural: cacti) is any member of the plant family Cactaceae, native to the Americas. They are often used as ornamental plants, but some are also crop plants. Cacti are grown for protection of property from wild animals, as well as many other uses.

Cacti are part of the plant order Caryophyllales, which also include members like beets, gypsophila, spinach, amaranth, tumbleweeds, carnations, rhubarb, buckwheat, plumbago, bougainvillea, chickweed and knotgrass.

Cacti are unusual and distinctive plants, which are adapted to extremely arid and hot environments, showing a wide range of anatomical and physiological features which conserve water. Their stems have adapted to become photosynthetic and succulent, while the leaves have become the spines for which cacti are well known.

Cacti come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. The tallest is Pachycereus pringlei, with a maximum recorded height of 19.2 m, and the smallest is Blossfeldia liliputana, only about 1 cm in diameter at maturity. Cactus flowers are large, and like the spines and branches arise from areoles. Many cactus species are night blooming, as they are pollinated by nocturnal insects or small animals, principally moths and bats. Cacti range in size from small and globular to tall and columnar.

16. Where can we find cacti mostly?

A. In the jungle.

B. On the beach.

C. On the mountain.

D. In the arid and hot region.

17. Why do cacti mostly bloom at night?

A. Because their flowers are large.

B. Since cacti are unusual and distinctive plants.

C. Since cacti are pollinated by nocturnal insects.

D. As the afternoon period is used for photosynthetic process.

18. What does the first paragraph tell us about?

A. The members of cacti.

B. The use of cacti.

C. The habitat of cacti.

D. Types of cacti.

19. What is the purpose of the text ?

A. To give information about American cacti

B. To explain physical feature of cacti

C. To tell cactis life

D. To describe cacti in general

20. Cacti are unusual and distinctive plants, which

The synonym of the word distinctive is

D. Different

Read the text and answer questions 21-22!

The platypus is a semi-aquatic mammal endemic to East to North Australia, including Tasmania. It is one of the five extreme species of mono-dreams. The only mammal that lays eggs instead of giving birth to live young. The body and the broad flat tail of these animals are covered with dense brown fur, that traps a lay including ear to keep the animals warm. It uses its tail for story joy. It has webbed feet and a large robberys net. These are species that are closer to those of ducks, then to any known mammals. Weight varies considerably from 0.7 to 2.4 kg with males being larger than females. And male average 50 cm total length while the female major approximately 45 cm. The platypus has an average temperature of 32 degrees Celsius rather than 37 degrees Celsius that is typical of the placental mammals.

21. What animal is being described in the monologue?

B. Platypus

C. Rhinoceros

D. Mosquitos

22. How much does the Platypus weigh?

A. 0.7 to 2.6 kg

B. 0.7 to 2.5 kg

C. 0.7 to 2.4 kg

D. 0.7 to 2.7 kg

Read the text and answer questions 23-26!

Snakes are reptiles (cold-blooded creatures). They belong to the same group as lizards (the scaled group, Squamata) but from a sub-group of their own (Serpentes).

Snakes have two legs but a long time ago they had claws to help them slither along. Snakes are not slimy. They are covered in scales which are just bumps on the skin. Their skin is hard and glossy to reduce friction as the snake slithers along the ground.

Snakes often sun bathe on rocks in the warm weather. This is because snakes are cold-blooded; they need the suns warmth to heat their bodies up.

Most snakes live in the country. Some types of snakes live in trees, some live in water, but most live on the ground in deserted rabbit burrows, in thick, long grass and in old logs.

A snakes diet usually consists of frogs, lizards, mice and other snakes. The Anaconda can eat small crocodiles and even bears. Many snakes protect themselves with their fangs. Some snakes are protected by scaring their enemies away like the Cobra. The flying snakes glide away from danger. Their ribs spread apart and the skin stretches out. Its technique is just like the sugar gliders.

23. We know from the text that snakes....

A. Do not have claws

B. Do not like sunlight

C. Have two legs and claws

D. Use their claws to slither along the ground

24. Since the snakes are cold-blooded, they....

A. Require the suns warmth to heat their bodies

B. Avoid sun-bathing to their skins

C. Never sunbathe in the warm weather

D. Like sucking the cool blood

25. How do flying snakes protect themselves?

A. They fly away

B. They eat the other animals

C. Sunbathe on rocks

D. They stretch out their skin

26. Some types of snakes live in trees, some live in water, but most live on the ground in deserted rabbit burrows,(paragraph 4).

The word burrows has the similar meaning with....

Read the text and answer questions 27-34!

An elephant is the largest and strongest animal. It is a strange looking animal with its thick legs, huge sides and backs, large hanging ears, a small tall, little eyes, long white tusks and above all it has a long noise, the trunk.

The trunk is the elephants peculiar feature, and it has various uses. The elephant draws up water by its trunk and can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath. It can also lift leaves and put them into its mouth. In fact the trunk serves the elephant as a long arm and hand. An elephant looks very clumsy and heavy and yet it can move very quickly.

The elephant is a very intelligent animal. Its intelligence combined with its great strength makes it a very useful servant to man and it can be trained to serve in various ways such as carry heavy loads, hunt for tigers and even fight.

27. The text tells us about...

A. Useful servant

B. The Elephants peculiar feature

C. An elephant

D. Strange looking animal

28. The most distinguishing characteristic of an elephant is...

A. Its clumsiness

B. Its large ears

C. Its large body

D. Its long nose

29. The elephant draws up water by its trunk and can squirt it all over its body like a shower bath (paragraph 2). 

The word it refers to...

A. Elephants trunk

B. Elephants body

C. A shower

D. A shower bath

30. The trunk is the elephants peculiar feature.(Paragraph2). 

The word peculiar is close in meaning to ...

31. Which of the following is NOT part of the elephant described in the first paragraph ?

A. It is wild

B. It is heavy

C. It looks strange

D. It has a trunk

32. It is stated in the text that the elephant uses the trunk to do the following, EXCEPT ...

A. To squirt water over the body

B. To carry things

C. To drink

33. The third paragraph is mainly about the fact that...

A. Elephants are strong

B. Elephant are very useful

C. Elephant must be trained

D. Elephants can lift logs

34. The text above is in the form of...

B. Narrative

Read the text and answer questions 35-37!

Paddlefish is the common name for the ray-finned fish. It is characterized by an elongated, paddle-like snout with minute barbels, a large mouth with minute teeth and along gill rakers.

There are only two modern species of these fish, i.e. the plankton-feeding American paddlefish ( Polyodon spathula ) and the piscivorous Chinese paddlefish (Psephurus gladius).

Paddlefish are not closely related to sharks. However, they have several body parts that resemble those of sharks such as their skeletons and deeply forked heterocercal tail fins.

Paddlefish provide important economic, ecological and aesthetic values. During the last century, paddlefish and sturgeon have been commercially exploited for their eggs (roe) called caviar. Paddlefish and sturgeon are two of the most important fish for freshwater caviar. Their unique shapes and large sizes also add to the joy of nature for humans, including sport fishing. However, exploitation and habitat changes, among other factors, have significantly reduced the population of paddlefish.

35. From the text we know that paddlefish...

A. Have similar skeletons as sharks

B. Have a common shape

C. Are mostly exploited for its meat

D. Have a small and long mouth

36. After reading the text, it is expected that the readers...

A. Consume paddlefish

B. Sell and buy paddlefish

C. Preserve paddlefish from extinction

D. Breed paddlefish in aquariums

37. Why does the population of paddlefish decrease?

A. They are predators

B. People commercially exploit them

C. People destroy their habitats

D. They are difficult to bread

Read the text and answer questions 38-40!

Scientists believe that people inherit their affection for the scent of rain from ancestors who relied on rainy weather. Therefore, what makes rain smell so nice? There are several scents associated with rainfall that people find pleasing. One of these odours is called petrichor.

Several plants secrete volatile oils during dry periods. These oils are the compound of chemical organisms. It makes the oils the compound of chemical organisms. It makes the oils have tiny molecules and can be easily distilled in the atmosphere. When the rains fall, these oils are released into the air.

The second reaction that creates petrichor occurs from soil-dwelling bacteria. Those bacteria, known as Actinomycetes, produce chemicals. The chemicals are released. These aromatic compounds combine to create the pleasant petrichor scent when rain hits the ground.

Another scent associated with rain is ozone. During a thunderstorm, lightning can split the oxygen and nitrogen molecules in the atmosphere. They can recombine into nitrate oxide in turn. This substance interacts with other chemicals in the atmosphere to form ozone. It has a sharp smell faintly reminiscent of chlorine.

It is possible for people to say that they can smell rain coming. The wind from an approaching storm has carried ozone down from the clouds into the people's nostrils.

38. How can volatile oils from the plant be released into the atmosphere?

A. The thunderstorms break the oils apart

B. The oils evaporate because of cold

C. The oils are mixing with the nitrogen

D. The molecules are distilled in the air

39. What do people actually smell when rain comes approaching?

A. The petrichor brought by wind

B. The oxygen scents in the air

C. The fragrant oil produced by plants

D. The smell of died soil bacteria

40. ...which has a sharp smell faintly reminiscent of chlorine.

A. Resounding

B. Suggestive

C. Evocative

Questions 41-45 are based on the following text

What did the first reptiles look like? They were probably very much like the amphibians they came from, but their skins may have been more scaly. One of the first reptiles we know of live about 300 million year ago. It’s called a romeriscus

(Taken from Nature in Danger, 1995)

41. What kind of text is it? It is ......

A. Narrative

B. Procedure

42. What is the title of the text?

A. Reptiles

B. Romeriscus

C. Alligator

43. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To tell what happened

B. To amuse the reader

C. To describe a particular thing

D. To describe something in general

44. What is the generic structure of the text?

A. Orientation – series of events – reorientation

B. Identifiaction – description

C. General classification – description

D. General classification – indication

45. What is the topic of the text?

A. Crocodiles

B. Dinosaurs

C. Reptiles

D. Amphibians

Questions 46-48 are based on the following text

King  Philip  II  stated  that  Spain  was  the  most powerful  country  in  the  world.  Determined  to  conquer England  and  become  its  King.  In  May  1588,  he  gave several ships to be prepared to sail and attack England. In  the  beginning,  Queen  Elizabeth  I  diverted  rumors  of invasive  Spain,  but  she  would  spend  big  money  on  it and  she  made  sure  that  Britain  would  be  prepared  for war. Finally Spain was ready and more than 100 ships sailed to the English Channel.

The  fire  was  lit  in  the  hills as  a sign  that invasion would come as soon as other people's ships were seen from  the  coast  of  England.  When  Spanish  ships  were close  enough,  the  British  navy  was  closed  and the  big sea round began.

Not only did British sailors stronger, they also made terrifying fire ships - ships that were deliberately burned and  then  sent  between  Spanish  fleets.  This  was  what caused the defeat on the Spanish side.

The end of the battle is over. Some ships competed and  finally  got  home,  but  many  were  drowned  and several  ships  were  still  on  the  seabed  in  the  English Channel.

46. What does the passage tell us about?

A. An invasion of Spain by England.

B. The war to fight for the English Channel.

C.  A  battle  between  England  and  Spain  in  the 16th century.

D. The  most  powerful  country  in  the  world  in the 16th century.

47. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. King Philip's mistakes during the war.

B. England's   preparation   for   the   incoming invasion.

C. How  the  battle  was  over  in  the  English Channel.

D. The defeat of Spain's armada over England.

48. " .., they also made terrifying use of fire ships ... " (Paragraph 4)

The underlined word is closest in meaning to

A. haunting

B. frightening

D. advancing

Questions 49-51 are based on the following text

The  most  productive  volcanic  systems  on  Earth are  hidden  under  an  average  of  8,500  feet  (2,600  m) of  water.  Beneath  the  oceans  a  global  system  of  mid­ ocean ridges produces an estimated 75% of the annual output of magma. An estimated 0.7 cubic miles (3 cubic kilometers) of lava is erupted.The magma and lava create the  edges  of  new  oceanic  plates  and  supply  heat  and chemicals to some of the Earth's most unusual and rare ecosystems.

If  an  estimate  of  4,000  volcanoes  per  million square  kilometers  on  the  floor  of  the  Pacific  Ocean  is extrapolated for all the oceans than there are more than a million submarine (underwater) volcanoes. Perhaps as many as 75,000 of these volcanoes rise over half a mile (1  kilometer)  above  the  ocean  floor.  Technology  and hard  work  by  a  group  of  tenacious  explorers/geologists have allowed us our first detailed glimpses of submarine volcanoes.

49. What is the main idea of the text?

A.    Underwater volcanoes.

B.   Volcanoes eruption.

C.   Volcanic system.

D.   Magma and lava.

50. How many submarine volcanoes are there under the ocean?

A. More than 4.000.

B. More than 1 million. 

C. More than 75.000. 

D. More than 8.500.

51. How   do   submarine   volcanoes   change   its ecosystems?

A. By producing an annual output of magma.

B. By closing the edges of oceanic plates.

C. By supplying heat and chemicals to our home.

D.   By being scattered all around the world.

Questions 52-56 are based on the following text

For many years people believed that the cleverest animals after man were the chimpanzees. Now, however, there is a proof that dolphins may be even cleverer than these big apes.

Although a dolphin lives in the sea, it is not a fish. It is a mammal. It is in many ways, therefore, like a human being.

Dolphins have a simple language. They are able to talk to one another. It may be possible for man to learn how to talk to dolphins. But, this will not be easy because dolphins cannot hear the kind of sounds man can make. If man wants to talk to dolphins, therefore, he will have to make a third language which both he and the dolphins can understand.

Dolphins are also very friendly toward man. They often follow ships. There are many stories about dolphins guiding ships through difficult and dangerous waters.

52. The text above is in the form of………….

D. procedure

53. To tell the factual information, the writer mostly uses…………

A. passive voice

B. simple past tense

C. present perfect tense

D. simple present tense

54. What kind of animal is dolphin?

55. Why talking to dolphin is not easy?

A. dolphins cannot hear the kind of man’s sounds

B. dolphins cannot think as human

C. dolphins like playing with man

D. dolphins feel annoyed by man

56. What is the characteristic of dolphin according to the text?

B. friendly

Questions 57-61 are based on the following text

Whales are sea-living mammals. They therefore breathe air but cannot survive or land. Some species are very large indeed and the blue whale, which can exceed 30 meter length, is the largest animal which lives on earth. Superficially, the whale looks rather like a fish, but there are important difference in its external structure; its tail consists of a pair of broad, flat horizontal paddles (the tail of a fish is vertical) and it has a single nostril on top of its breadth, broad head. The skin is smooth and shiny and beneath it lies a layer of flat (blubber). This is up to 30 meter in thickness and serves to conserve heat and body fluids.

57. What is the text about?

A. sea-living mammals

B. the description of mammals

C. the difference between whales and fish

58. The length of a whale is……..

A. is generally more than 30 meter

B. may be more than 30 meter

C. is less than 30 meter

D. ranges from 30 meter to more than 30 meter

59. Sentence 1………….

A. tells an orientation

B. poses a thesis

C. shows an abstract

D. gives a general classification

60. What type of text is used by the writer?

A. narrative

D. news items

61. To tell the factual information, the writer uses…….

B. direct speech

C. reported speech

Questions 62-71 are based on the following text

Of the two species, African elephants are divided into two subspecies (savannah and forest), while the Asian elephant is divided into four subspecies (Sri Lankan, Indian, Sumatran and Borneo). Asian elephants have been very important to Asian culture for thousands of years - they have been domesticated and arc used for religious festivals, transportation and to move heavy objects.

African savannah elephants are found in savannah zones in 37 countries south of the Sahara Desert. African forest elephants inhabit the dense rainforests of west and central Africa. The Asian elephant is found in India, Sri Lanka, China and much of Southeast Asia.

At the turn of the 20th century, there were a few million African elephants and about 100,000 Asian elephants. Today, there are an estimated 450,000 - 700,000 African elephants and between 35,000 - 40,000 wild Asian elephants.Elephants eat grasses, leaves, bamboo, bark, roots. Elephants are also known to eat crops like banana and sugarcane which are grown by farmers. Adult elephants eat 300-400 lbs of food per day.

Elephants are extremely intelligent animals and have memories that span many years. It is this memory that serves matriarchs well during dry seasons when they need to guide their herds, sometimes for tens of miles, to watering holes that they remember from the past. They also display signs of grief joy, anger and play.

Recent discoveries have shown that elephants can communicate over long distances by producing a sub-sonic rumble that can travel over the ground faster than sound through air. Other elephants receive the messages through the sensitive skin on their feet and trunks. It is believed that this is how potential mates and social groups communicate.

62. What is the purpose of the text?

A. to describe an elephant

B. to tell how to raise an elephant

C. to deliver some  information about elephant

D. to entertain the readers

63. What does the second paragraph talk about?

A. the habitat of elephants

B. the diet of elephants

C. the physical  appearance of elephants

D. the behaviour of elephants

64. Which paragraph do you find the fact about elephants’  behaviours?

D. Fifth and sixth

65. What is the antonym of domesticated ?

B. habituate

66. What is the meaning of herd?

A. A large group of animals of the same type that live and feed together

B. Either of the two long pointed teeth which stick out from the mouth of some animals such as elephants

C. The female leader of a society in which power passes from mother to daughter

D. The male leader of a society in which power passes from mother to daughter

67. Which one is not the subspecies of Asian elephant?

A. Sri Lanka

68. How do you know elephants are intelligent?

A. They are able to use math form.

B. They can peak human language.

C. They remember the path and their old holes.

D. The arc  able to carry heavy loads.

69. How elephants communicate over long distance?

A. Producing a loud screaming that travel through air.

B. Sending a sub-sonic rumble that travel through air.

C. Marking the trees and  sand along their march.

D. Leaving a sign along their way.

70. How many elephans do stil exsist in this world?

A. There were a few million African elephants and about 100,000Asian elephants.

B. There were a few million Asian elephants and about 100,000 African elephants.

C. There are 450,000-700,000 African elephants and 35,000 - 40,000 wild Asian elephants.

D. There are 450,000-700,000 Asian elephants and 35,000 - 40,000 wild African elephants.

71. What statements is  not true about elephants?

A. They show emotions.

B. They hunt their prey.

C. They can communicate one to others.

D. They are used for transportation and to move heavy objects.

Questions 72-79 are based on the following text

An aurora is a natural display of glowing light in the night sky, mainly in zones around the magnetic north and south poles of the Earth and some other planets. The light may be seen in various colors—such as violet, blue, green, yellow, and red—and it may take different shapes, including streamers, arches, and curtains.

Some scientists call this phenomenon "aurora polaris" (or polar aurora). In northern latitudes, it is known as aurora borealis or northern lights, and the southern counterpart is called aurora australis or southern lights. The term aurora borealis combines the name Aurora, the Roman goddess of the dawn, with the word Boreas, the Greek name for north wind. It most often occurs from September to October and from March to April. Aurora australis (September 11, 2005) as captured by NASA's IMAGE satellite, digitally overlaid onto the"Blue Marble"composite image.

Adapted from: http://www.newworldencyclopedia.org

72. What is the main idea of the text?

A. An aurora is a natural display of glowing light in the night sky, mainly in zones around the magnetic north and south poles of the Earth and some other planets.

B. The light may be seen in various colors and it may take different shapes, including streamers, arches, and curtains.

C. There are two kinds of aurora: aurora borealis and aurora australis.

D. All answers are correct.

73. Which statement is not true about aurora?

A. It can be happened only in zones around the magnetic north and south poles of the Earth.

B. The light may be seen in various colors.

C. It may take different shapes.

D. In northern latitudes, it is known as aurora borealis and the southern counterpart is called aurora australis.

74. Which statement is true about aurora borealis? 

A. The term aurora borealis combines the name Aurora, the Roman god of the dawn, with the word Boreas, the Greek name for north wind.

B. The term aurora borealis combines the name Aurora, the Roman goddess of the dawn, with the word Boreas, the Greek name for north wind.

C. The term aurora borealis combines the name Aurora, the Egypt goddess of the dawn, with the word Boreas, the Greek name for north wind.

D.     The term aurora borealis combines the name Aurora, the Roman goddess of the dawn, with the word Boreas, the Egypt name for north wind.

75. An aurora is a natural display of glowing light in the sky,

What is the synonym of the italicized word?

D. glooming

76. Which the light colors of aurora may be seen in the sky, except ...

77. According to the text, when do aurora borealis most often occur?

A. March to May

B. September to April

C. March to September

D. September to October

78. It most often occurs from September to October and from March to April.

What does it refer to?

B. the light

C. aurora borealis

D. aurora australis

79. What is captured by NASA's IMAGE satellite on September 11,2005?

A. "Blue marble"

B. Aurora borealis

C. Aurora australis

D. A and C are correct.

Questions 80-86 are based on the following text

Climate Change and Reforestation 

Global reforestation is an important environmental issue of growing concern. International programs like  the  United  Nations  Initiative  for  Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and forest Degrada­tion   (UNREDD)  are  key for implementing global programs  for  reducing  deforestation,  emissions through reforestation and afforestation projects.

Efforts to restore and establish global forest coverage have many benefits on a chemical, social and biological level. Planting new trees can help to reduce the concentration of CO2 in the atmosphere. Greenhouse gases like carbon dioxide and methane significantly contribute to a changing climate. Forests are an effective, natural carbon sink, soaking up much of the carbon emitted from burning fossil fuels. Reversing global deforestation is a key element of an effective mitigation strategy to fight global warming.

80. What is the aim of the UN-REDD program?

A. to reduce the concentration of CO2  in the atmosphere.

B. to be an effective mitigation strategy to fight global warming.

C. to be an effective mitigation strategy to contribute global warming.

D. to implement global programs for reducing deforestation, emissions through reforestation and afforestation projects.

81. What is the purpose of planting new trees?

82. What materials do significantly contribute to a changing climate?

A. Fossil fuel

B. Greenhouse gases

C. Carbon dioxide and methane

D. The answers A and B are correct

83. ...global forest coverage have many benefits on a chemical.

What is the antonym of the italicized word?

B. advantage

C. functionate

D. bad influence

84. What can we conclude from the text above? 

A. The strategy to fight global warming is reversing global deforestation.

B. The strategy to fight global warming is global deforestation.

C. Global reforestation isn't the effective mitigation strategy.

D. Global deforestation is the effective mitigation strategy.

85. International programs like the UN-REDD are key for implementing global programs for reducing deforestation, emissions through reforestation and afforestation projects. The underlined word means ...

A. the process of logging

B. the process of cutting down trees

C. the process of replanting trees on land denuded by cutting or fire

D. the process of growing trees or establishment of forest on areas

86. The following words have positive meaning, except  ...

A. reboisation

B. reforestation

C. afforestation

D. deforestation

Questions 87-93 are based on the following text

Sahara Desert

The Sahara, located in Northern Africa, is the world's largest hot desert and second largest desert after Antarctica at over 3.5 million square miles (9 million square kilometers). Almost as large as the United States, it crosses the borders of 11 nations. While much of the desert is uninhabited, two million people are scattered across its vast expanses, not including those who live along the Nile and Niger riverbanks. The name Sahara is an English pronunciation of the Arabic word for desert.

Immediately after the last ice age, the Sahara was a much wetter place than it is today. Over 30,000 petroglyphs of river animals such as crocodiles exist, with half found in the Tassili n'Ajjer in southeast Algeria. Fossils of dinosaurs, including Afrovenator, Jobaria, and Ouranosaurus, have also been found here. The modern Sahara, though, is not as lush in vegetation, except in the Nile River Valley, at a few oases, and in the northern highlands, where Mediterranean plants such as cypresses and olive trees are found. The region has been this way since about 3000 B.C.E.

Adapted from: https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Sahara_Desert

87. What does the text tell about?

A. After the last ice age, Sahara was much wetter place.

B. Sahara Desert is the second largest desert.

C. Sahara Desert located in Northern Africa.

D. A, B, and C are correct.

88. Where is the location of Sahara Dessert?

A. Antarctica

B. Northern Africa

C. Southern Africa

D. Nile river valley

89. ..., it crosses the borders of 11  nations. 

A. Antartica

B. Sahara Desert

C. United States

D. Northern Africa

90. Two million people are scattered across its vast expanses.

What is the closest meaning of the italicized word?

B. collected

C. assemble

D. concregate

91. According to the text, these are the fossils of dinosaurs found, except.

B. Ceratopsia

C. Afrovenator

D. Ouranosaurus

92. Immediately after the last ice age,...

What is the opposite meaning of the italicized word?

C. instantly

D. incontinently

93. Which statement is true about the text? 

A. Sahara is the largest hot desert in the world.

B. Sahara crossed the borders of 11  nations.

C. Sahara Desert located in Southern Africa.

D. Sahara's name is an Arabic pronunciation.

Questions 94-98 are based on the following text

Seahorse is the common name for any of the small, marine, upright-swimming fish comprising the genus Hippocampus of the family Syngnathidae, characterized by a forward-curled, prehensile tail, a thin skin covering a series of bony plates in rings, an elongated head and snout suggestive of a horse, and brood organ on the tail of the male. There are over 32 species of seahorse, mainly found in shallow tropical and temperate waters throughout the world.

Seahorses provide important values for the ecosystem and for humans. Ecologically, they are important in food chains, consuming tiny fish, small shrimp, and plankton, and being consumed by larger fish (such as tuna and rays) and crabs. For humans, the interesting form and behaviors of these fish add to the wonder of nature. For one, the seahorse, along with other members of the Syngnathidae family (pipefishes), are unique in terms of "male pregnancy," with the males having a brood organ into which the female places her eggs, with the male caring for the eggs and giving birth. Their courtship and reproductive behaviors, in which the female may visit the male daily after she has deposited the eggs, along with the prehensile tails, upright swimming motion, and hanging onto vegetation and mates with their tails, all adds to a special experience of nature. Seahorses also are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine. Seahorse populations are thought to have been endangered in recent years by overfishing and habitat destruction.

Adapted from: https-y/www.newworldencyclopedia.org/entry/Seahorse

94. What is the main idea of the second paragraph?

A. Seahorses also are used in Traditional Chinese Medicine.

B. Seahorses provide important values for the ecosystem and for humans.

C. Seahorses important in food chains, consuming tiny fish, small shrimp, and plankton.

D. Seahorse populations are thought to have been endangered in recent years by overfishing and habitat destruction.

95. Seahorses provide important values for the ecosystem and for humans.

What is the synonym of the italicized word? 

A. negligible

B. inessential

C. substansial

D. insignificant

96. According to the text, these are correct about the seahorse, except ...

A. Seahorses provide important values for the ecosystem and for humans.

B.  Seahorses belong to genus Hippocampus and family Amphlblus.

C.  Male Seahorses are pregnancy and giving birth their babbies.

D.  Seahorses are used in traditional Chinese medicine.

97. What is the characterized of seahorse?

A. It has a backward-curled prehensile tails.

B. It has brood organ on the tail of the male.

C. It has an shorten head and snout suggestive of a horse.

D. It has thick skin covering a series of bony plates in rings.

98. Which statement is not true about the text?

A. Seahorse populations have been endangered by overfishing.

B. Seahorse mainly found in shallow tropical.

C. There are over 32 species of seahorse.

D. Seahorse doesn't have gender.

Questions 99-105 are based on the following text

Cacti come in a wide range of shapes and sizes. The tallest is Pachycereus pringlei, with a maximum recorded height of 19.2 m, and the smallest is Blossfeldia liliputiana, only about 1 cm in diameter at maturity. Cactus flowers are large, and like the spines and branches arise from areoles. Many cactus species are night blooming, as they are pollinated by nocturnal insects or small animals, principally moths and bats. Cacti range in size from small and globular to tall and columnar.

Adapted from: https://www.newworldencyclopedia.org

99. Where can we find cacti mostly?

100. Why do cacti mostly bloom at night?

101. What does the first paragraph tell us about?

B. The habitat of cacti.

C. The use of cacti

102. What is the purpose of the text?

A. To tell cacti's life

B. To describe cacti in general

C. To explain physical feature of cacti

D. To give information about American cacti

103. Cacti are unusual and distinctive plants,... 

D. different

104. While the leaves have become the spines for which cacti are well known .

B. familiar

C. nameless

D. identified

105. According to the text, what is the term of the tallest cacti?

A. Cactaceae

B. Caryophyllales

C. Pachycereus pringlei

D. Blossfeldia liliputiana

Questions 106-111 are based on the following text

A rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky. It takes the form of a multicolored circular arc. Rainbows caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun.

Rainbows can be full circles. However, the observer normally sees only an arc formed by illuminated droplets above the ground and centered on a line from the sun to the observer's eye.

In a primary rainbow, the arc shows red on the outer part and violet on the inner side.This rainbow is caused by light being refracted when entering a droplet of water, then reflected inside on the back of the droplet and refracted again when leaving it.

In a double rainbow a second arc is seen outside the primary arc, and has the order of its colors reversed, with red on the inner side of the arc. This is caused by the light being reflected twice on the inside of the droplet before leaving it.

Adapted from: htttps/earthsci.org/processes/weather/ralnbow.html

106. What is a rainbow?

A. It is the arc showing red on the outer part and violet on the inner side.

B. It is the arc showing violet on the outer part and red on the inner side.

C. It is caused by sunlight always appear in the section of sky directly opposite the sun.

D. It is a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by reflection, refraction and dispersion of light in water droplets resulting in a spectrum of light appearing in the sky.

107. Which statement is not true according to the text?

A. A rainbow can take the form of a multicolored circular arc and also can be full circle.

B. In a double rainbow, the primary arc shows red on the outer part and violet on the inner side and the second arc is seen outside the primary arc and has the order of its colors reversed.

C. The colors-reversed is caused by the light being reflected twice on the inside of the droplets before leaving it.

D. In a double rainbow, the primary and the second arcs show the same order of color.

108. What is the purpose of the text above?

A. To inform about rainbow

B. To describe about rainbow

C. To inform about social phenomenon

D. To inform about natural phenomenon

109. What is the first paragraph called?

A. description

B. orientation

C. complication

D. general classification

110. A rainbow is a meteorological phenomenon that is caused by the followings, except ...

A. reflection

B. refraction

C. dispersion

D. destruction

111. Ina double rainbow a second arc is seen outside...

D. straight line

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Contoh Report Text tentang Elephant dan Terjemahannya

contoh soal essay report text tentang hewan

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Serafica Gischa

Ilustrasi contoh report text tentang gajah atau elephants

Oleh: Ervina, Guru SMP Negeri 7 Muaro Jambi, Provinsi Jambi 

KOMPAS.com - Report text merupakan salah satu jenis teks dalam bahasa Inggris yang berisi penjelasan hasil pengamatan, penelitian, observasi atau studi tentang berbagai hal. 

Untuk lebih jelasnya, berikut contoh report text dalam bahasa Inggris tentang gajah (elephant), yaitu: 

Elephants are the largest land animals on Earth, and they’re one of the most unique-looking animals, too. With their characteristic long noses, or trunks; large, floppy ears; and wide, thick legs, there is no other animal with a similar physique.

Most experts recognize two species of elephant: the Asian elephant (Elephas maximus) and the African elephant (Loxodonta africana), who live on separate continents and have many unique features. There are several subspecies that belong to one or the other of these two main species, though experts argue over how many subspecies there are and whether or not they constitute separate species.

African elephants live in sub-Saharan Africa, the rainforests of Central and West Africa and the Sahel desert in Mali, according to National Geographic. Asian elephants live in Nepal, India and Southeast Asia in scrub forests and rainforests.

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Gajah adalah hewan darat terbesar di Bumi, dan mereka juga salah satu hewan yang berpenampilan paling unik. Dengan ciri khas hidung panjang, atau belalai; telinga besar dan terkulai; dan lebar, kaki tebal, tidak ada hewan lain dengan perawakan serupa.

Kebanyakan ahli mengenali dua spesies gajah: gajah Asia (Elephas maximus) dan gajah Afrika (Loxodonta africana), yang hidup di benua terpisah dan memiliki banyak ciri unik. Ada beberapa subspesies yang termasuk dalam salah satu dari dua spesies utama ini, meskipun para ahli memperdebatkan berapa banyak subspesies yang ada dan apakah mereka merupakan spesies yang terpisah atau tidak.

Gajah Afrika hidup di Afrika sub-Sahara, hutan hujan Afrika Tengah dan Barat, dan gurun Sahel di Mali, menurut National Geographic. Gajah Asia hidup di Nepal, India, dan Asia Tenggara di hutan belukar dan hutan hujan.

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Contoh Soal Bahasa Inggris tentang Animals


Belajar tentang jenis-jenis hewan merupakan hal penting dalam mempelajari bahasa Inggris. Kita akan sering bertemu kosakata tentang hewan-hewan yang hidup di dunia ini.

Dalam artikel ini, kami akan memberi beberapa contoh soal tentang hewan dalam bahasa Inggris. Berikut adalah beberapa contoh soal yang berkaitan dengan animals .

A _______ says “moo.” a) Pig b) Cow c) Chicken Answer: b) Cow Which animal has a long trunk and big ears? a) Zebra b) Lion c) Elephant Answer: c) Elephant What animal lives in the water and swims? a) Monkey b) Fish c) Tiger Answer: b) Fish Which animal has stripes? a) Giraffe b) Bear c) Zebra Answer: c) Zebra What kind of animal lays eggs? a) Bird b) Dog c) Cat Answer: a) Bird What animal has a shell and lives in the water? a) Frog b) Turtle c) Snail Answer: b) Turtle Which animal has a long neck and eats leaves from tall trees? a) Giraffe b) Kangaroo c) Rhino Answer: a) Giraffe What kind of animal barks and wags its tail? a) Cat b) Horse c) Dog Answer: c) Dog Which animal has wings and can fly? a) Spider b) Bat c) Mouse Answer: b) Bat What kind of animal says “ribbit” and jumps? a) Fish b) Frog c) Rabbit Answer: b) Frog
Which animal says “meow” and likes to cuddle? a) Dog b) Cat c) Fish Answer: b) Cat What animal has a long tail and likes to climb trees? a) Bear b) Monkey c) Horse Answer: b) Monkey Which animal has a mane and roars? a) Elephant b) Lion c) Tiger Answer: b) Lion What kind of animal has a big beak and can fly? a) Duck b) Chicken c) Pelican Answer: c) Pelican Which animal has a long tongue and eats ants? a) Anteater b) Koala c) Panda Answer: a) Anteater What animal has spots and can run very fast? a) Cheetah b) Penguin c) Walrus Answer: a) Cheetah Which animal has a hard shell and lives in the ocean? a) Crab b) Octopus c) Lobster Answer: a) Crab What kind of animal has a long, flexible body and no legs? a) Snake b) Lizard c) Crocodile Answer: a) Snake Which animal has a long, sticky tongue and eats insects? a) Spider b) Ant c) Frog Answer: c) Frog What kind of animal has a long nose and big ears? a) Mouse b) Rabbit c) Elephant Answer: c) Elephant
Which animal has a shell and comes out of it? a) Snail b) Fish c) Bird Answer: a) Snail What kind of animal lives in the jungle and swings from trees? a) Giraffe b) Monkey c) Elephant Answer: b) Monkey Which animal has black and white stripes and lives in Africa? a) Zebra b) Horse c) Kangaroo Answer: a) Zebra What kind of animal has a long neck and can reach high leaves? a) Giraffe b) Elephant c) Lion Answer: a) Giraffe Which animal has a trunk and big ears? a) Lion b) Elephant c) Tiger Answer: b) Elephant What kind of animal has feathers and can fly? a) Fish b) Bird c) Hamster Answer: b) Bird Which animal has fur, whiskers, and meows? a) Dog b) Cat c) Rabbit Answer: b) Cat What kind of animal has a shell and can swim in the water? a) Snail b) Crab c) Turtle Answer: c) Turtle Which animal has a long, sticky tongue and likes to eat insects? a) Spider b) Ant c) Frog Answer: c) Frog What kind of animal has a long tail and can climb trees? a) Bear b) Monkey c) Horse Answer: b) Monkey
What kind of animal has a mane and roars loudly? a) Elephant b) Lion c) Tiger Answer: b) Lion Which animal has spots and can run very fast? a) Cheetah b) Hippopotamus c) Walrus Answer: a) Cheetah What kind of animal has a hard shell and eight legs? a) Crab b) Octopus c) Lobster Answer: b) Octopus Which animal has a long, flexible body and no legs? a) Snake b) Lizard c) Crocodile Answer: a) Snake What kind of animal has a long, curved beak and lives in the rainforest? a) Toucan b) Pigeon c) Sparrow Answer: a) Toucan Which animal has a long nose and big ears? a) Mouse b) Rabbit c) Elephant Answer: c) Elephant What kind of animal has a hard shell and can hide inside it for protection? a) Snail b) Turtle c) Crab Answer: b) Turtle Which animal has a long tongue and can eat insects from far away? a) Spider b) Ant c) Chameleon Answer: c) Chameleon What kind of animal has a pouch and carries its baby inside it? a) Kangaroo b) Giraffe c) Elephant Answer: a) Kangaroo Which animal has a thick fur coat and lives in the cold regions? a) Polar Bear b) Grizzly Bear c) Panda Answer: a) Polar Bear
What kind of animal has a long trunk and two long, curved tusks? a) Elephant b) Rhino c) Hippopotamus Answer: a) Elephant Which animal has black and white fur and eats bamboo? a) Panda b) Zebra c) Giraffe Answer: a) Panda What kind of animal has a shell, flippers, and can swim in the ocean? a) Turtle b) Dolphin c) Whale Answer: a) Turtle Which animal has a long neck and spots on its fur? a) Giraffe b) Leopard c) Cheetah Answer: a) Giraffe What kind of animal has a long tail and can climb trees? a) Bear b) Monkey c) Lion Answer: b) Monkey Which animal has wings, feathers, and can fly? a) Bird b) Bat c) Butterfly Answer: a) Bird What kind of animal has a big beak and can swim underwater to catch fish? a) Pelican b) Seagull c) Sparrow Answer: a) Pelican Which animal has a shell, eight legs, and can crawl on land and in the water? a) Crab b) Lobster c) Squid Answer: a) Crab What kind of animal has stripes and can run very fast? a) Zebra b) Tiger c) Lion Answer: b) Tiger Which animal has a hard shell and lives in the desert? a) Turtle b) Armadillo c) Lizard Answer: b) Armadillo
What kind of animal has black and white stripes and can be found in China? a) Zebra b) Panda c) Tiger Answer: b) Panda Which animal has a long tail, can hang upside down, and eats insects? a) Monkey b) Sloth c) Bat Answer: b) Sloth What kind of animal has feathers, sharp talons, and can fly silently? a) Owl b) Parrot c) Eagle Answer: a) Owl Which animal has a hard shell, long tail, and can swim in the water? a) Turtle b) Armadillo c) Crocodile Answer: a) Turtle What kind of animal has a mane, roars loudly, and is known as the “king of the jungle”? a) Lion b) Tiger c) Cheetah Answer: a) Lion Which animal has a long, curved neck and can be found in Africa? a) Giraffe b) Zebra c) Rhino Answer: a) Giraffe What kind of animal has spots and can run very fast? a) Leopard b) Cheetah c) Jaguar Answer: b) Cheetah Which animal has a long nose, big ears, and a trunk? a) Elephant b) Hippopotamus c) Rhinoceros Answer: a) Elephant What kind of animal has a hard shell, eight legs, and can regenerate its limbs? a) Crab b) Lobster c) Starfish Answer: c) Starfish Which animal has black and white fur, eats bamboo, and can be found in China? a) Zebra b) Panda c) Leopard Answer: b) Panda
What kind of animal has a long snout, sharp teeth, and eats meat? a) Lion b) Crocodile c) Gorilla Answer: b) Crocodile Which animal has a long, narrow body, and is able to slither and squeeze through tight spaces? a) Lizard b) Snake c) Chameleon Answer: b) Snake What kind of animal has black and white stripes, and is native to Africa? a) Zebra b) Tiger c) Jaguar Answer: a) Zebra Which animal has thick fur, long claws, and can be found in the Arctic? a) Polar bear b) Grizzly bear c) Panda bear Answer: a) Polar bear What kind of animal has a mane, sharp teeth, and is known as the “king of the jungle”? a) Lion b) Tiger c) Leopard Answer: a) Lion Which animal has a long, narrow snout, and can swim very fast in the water? a) Dolphin b) Seal c) Otter Answer: a) Dolphin What kind of animal has a long, curved horn, and is known for its distinctive smell? a) Rhino b) Deer c) Moose Answer: a) Rhino Which animal has a long, sticky tongue, and eats insects? a) Anteater b) Armadillo c) Sloth Answer: a) Anteater What kind of animal has a shell, and can live on land or in the water? a) Turtle b) Crab c) Lobster Answer: a) Turtle Which animal has a long neck, spots on its fur, and can be found in Africa? a) Giraffe b) Zebra c) Cheetah Answer: a) Giraffe
_______ are known for their distinctive black and white striped coats. a) Lions b) Zebras c) Tigers Answer: b) Zebras _______ are often kept as pets and can be trained to perform tricks. a) Cats b) Dogs c) Parrots Answer: c) Parrots The _______ is the largest animal on earth. a) Hippopotamus b) Elephant c) Blue whale Answer: c) Blue whale A _______ is a nocturnal animal that can fly and uses echolocation to navigate. a) Bat b) Bird c) Squirrel Answer: a) Bat The _______ is a reptile that can change the color of its skin to blend in with its surroundings. a) Snake b) Lizard c) Chameleon Answer: c) Chameleon _______ are large, predatory cats that can be found in Africa and India. a) Jaguars b) Cheetahs c) Leopards Answer: c) Leopards The _______ is a marsupial that is native to Australia and has a pouch for carrying its young. a) Kangaroo b) Koala c) Platypus Answer: a) Kangaroo _______ are large, aquatic mammals that use echolocation to navigate underwater. a) Dolphins b) Whales c) Seals Answer: b) Whales The _______ is a large, flightless bird that is native to Australia and can run very fast. a) Ostrich b) Emu c) Cassowary Answer: b) Emu _______ are primates that are known for their intelligence and are closely related to humans. a) Chimpanzees b) Gorillas c) Lemurs Answer: a) Chimpanzees
The _______ is a small, burrowing mammal with a long snout and sharp claws. a) Mole b) Rat c) Hedgehog Answer: a) Mole The _______ is a large, predatory bird that can be found in many parts of the world. a) Eagle b) Owl c) Falcon Answer: a) Eagle The _______ is a marine mammal that is known for its intelligence and playful behavior. a) Dolphin b) Walrus c) Sea lion Answer: a) Dolphin The _______ is a large, herbivorous mammal that has a long neck and spots on its coat. a) Giraffe b) Rhino c) Moose Answer: a) Giraffe The _______ is a carnivorous mammal that is closely related to the weasel and is known for its black and white coat. a) Otter b) Skunk c) Ferret Answer: b) Skunk The _______ is a large, flightless bird that is native to Africa and has a distinctive blue neck. a) Ostrich b) Emu c) Kiwi Answer: a) Ostrich The _______ is a reptile that can be found in many parts of the world and is known for its hard, protective shell. a) Turtle b) Crocodile c) Alligator Answer: a) Turtle The _______ is a large, herbivorous mammal that has a long, curved horn and can be found in Africa. a) Rhino b) Moose c) Elk Answer: a) Rhino The _______ is a small, furry mammal that is known for its ability to glide through the air. a) Squirrel b) Chipmunk c) Flying squirrel Answer: c) Flying squirrel The _______ is a large, predatory cat that is known for its distinctive mane. a) Lion b) Jaguar c) Panther Answer: a) Lion
A group of __________ is known as a herd. a) horses b) lions c) birds d) snakes Answer: a) horses __________ are known for their ability to change color according to their surroundings. a) Snakes b) Chameleons c) Gorillas d) Penguins Answer: b) Chameleons __________ is known for its exceptional memory and intelligence. a) Elephant b) Rabbit c) Cat d) Fish Answer: a) Elephant Which of the following animals is not a mammal? a) Whale b) Dolphin c) Penguin d) Gorilla Answer: c) Penguin A group of __________ is known as a pack. a) wolves b) kangaroos c) turtles d) deer Answer: a) wolves __________ is known for its distinctive black and white stripes. a) Cheetah b) Tiger c) Zebra d) Lion Answer: c) Zebra __________ is known for its ability to fly. a) Bat b) Rat c) Snake d) Turtle Answer: a) Bat __________ is known for being the largest bird on earth. a) Ostrich b) Flamingo c) Pelican d) Eagle Answer: a) Ostrich __________ is known for its ability to climb trees. a) Monkey b) Lion c) Elephant d) Giraffe Answer: a) Monkey __________ is known for its ability to camouflage and blend in with its surroundings. a) Octopus b) Jellyfish c) Starfish d) Crab Answer: a) Octopus

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Contoh Soal Descriptive Text About Animal

Dalam artikel ini Anda dapat menemukan contoh soal descriptive text kelas 7, short descriptive text example, soal essay descriptive text kelas 10, soal essay descriptive text kelas 8, soal descriptive text kelas 7 pdf, soal descriptive text kelas 8, karangan bahasa inggris tentang hewan peliharaan, serta soal descriptive text kelas 10.

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Contoh Soal Descriptive Text About Animal Pilihan Ganda

contoh soal descriptive text about animal

This animal is big. It eats grass. It has grey color. It has long nose. It has long tusk.

contoh soal descriptive text about animal

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