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padmini movie review in telugu

ചിരിപ്പിച്ചും പ്രണയിച്ചും ചാക്കോച്ചൻ; പദ്മിനി റിവ്യു Padmini Movie Review


Published: July 14 , 2023 04:03 PM IST

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പദ്മിനി എന്ന പേര് ഒരു മനുഷ്യന്റെ ജീവിതത്തെയാകെ അനിശ്ചിതത്വത്തിലാക്കുന്ന കഥപറയുന്ന ചിത്രമാണ് 'പദ്മിനി'.  നിരവധി പുരസ്കാരങ്ങൾ വാരിക്കൂട്ടിയ തിങ്കളാഴ്ച നിശ്ചയം എന്ന ഹിറ്റ് സിനിമയുടെ സംവിധായകൻ  സെന്ന ഹെഗ്‌ഡെയും കുഞ്ഞിരാമായണത്തിന്റെ രചയിതാവായ ദീപു പ്രദീപും കൈ കോർക്കുമ്പോൾ മലയാളികൾക്ക് ലഭിച്ചത് മറ്റൊരു ഫീൽ ഗുഡ് സിനിമയാണ്.  സീരിയസ് കഥാപത്രങ്ങളിലേക്ക് കളം മാറ്റി ചവിട്ടിയ കുഞ്ചാക്കോ ബോബൻ പഴയ പ്രണയനായകന്റെ വേഷമെടുത്തണിയുന്നു എന്നതാണ് പദ്മിനിയുടെ പ്രത്യേകത.  കുഞ്ചാക്കോ ബോബൻ, അപർണ്ണ ബാലമുരളി, വിൻസി അലോഷ്യസ്, മഡോണ സെബാസ്റ്റ്യൻ, സജിൻ ചെറുകയിൽ എന്നീ യുവതാരങ്ങൾ അണിനിരക്കുമ്പോൾ മലയാളത്തിൽ മറ്റൊരു സെന്ന ഹെഗ്‌ഡെ മാജിക്ക് സംഭവിക്കുകയാണ്.

കവിയും കോളേജ് അദ്ധ്യാപകനുമാണ് രമേശൻ.  മുപ്പത്തിനാലാം വയസ്സിലാണ് രമേശൻ വിവാഹിതനാകുന്നത്.  ആദ്യരാത്രിയിൽ ഭാര്യ രമേശനോട് ഒരാഗ്രഹമേ പറഞ്ഞുള്ളൂ രമേഷേട്ടനോടൊപ്പം പാടവരമ്പിലൂടെ നിലാവത്ത് നടക്കണം.  ആ ആഗ്രഹം കവിയായ രമേശന്റെ ഉള്ളിൽ തന്നെ തൊട്ടു.  പിന്നെ ഒന്നും ആലോചിച്ചില്ല രമേശൻ പുതുപ്പെണ്ണായ സ്‌മൃതിയുടെ കയ്യുംപിടിച്ച് നിലാവിലേക്കിറങ്ങി.  ദൂരെ ആല്മരച്ചുവട്ടിൽ അവളെക്കാത്ത് ഒരു പ്രീമിയർ പദ്മിനി കിടപ്പുണ്ടായിരുന്നു.  ആദ്യരാത്രിയിൽ ഭാര്യ പ്രീമിയർ പദ്മിനി കാറിൽ ഒളിച്ചോടിപ്പോയതോടെ രമേശന് പദ്മിനി എന്ന ഇരട്ടപ്പേര് ലഭിക്കുന്നു.  ജീവിതത്തിൽ ഒരു കൂട്ടുവേണമെന്ന് ആഗ്രഹമുണ്ടെങ്കിലും ഒരിക്കൽ കൈപൊള്ളിയ അനുഭവം രമേശനെ പിന്നിലേക്ക് വലിക്കുകയാണ്.  ഒടുവിൽ തന്നെ കളിയാക്കി വിളിക്കുന്ന പദ്മിനി എന്ന പേരുള്ള ഒരു പെൺകുട്ടിയെ തന്നെ രമേശൻ വീണ്ടും പ്രണയിക്കുന്നു.  പക്ഷെ അവർക്ക് ഒരുമിക്കാൻ മുന്നിൽ നിരവധി കടമ്പകളുണ്ടായിരുന്നു.

പുലിമടയിലേക്ക് വാറുണ്ണിയെ ഇറക്കിവിട്ട ബ്രില്യൻസ്; കോടി ക്ലബ്ബുകളുടെ രാജകുമാരൻ; ബ്രാന്‍ഡായി മാറിയ ഐ.വി.ശശി

പുലിമടയിലേക്ക് വാറുണ്ണിയെ ഇറക്കിവിട്ട ബ്രില്യൻസ്; കോടി ക്ലബ്ബുകളുടെ രാജകുമാരൻ; ബ്രാന്‍ഡായി മാറിയ ഐ.വി.ശശി

വ്യത്യസ്തനായ ജോൺ; ലോകമറിയാൻ, മറ്റൊരു ജോൺ

വ്യത്യസ്തനായ ജോൺ; ലോകമറിയാൻ, മറ്റൊരു ജോൺ

കാലിത്തൊഴുത്തിൽനിന്ന് കുതിച്ചുയർന്ന റോക്കറ്റുകൾ; വിക്രം സാരാഭായ്, ഇന്ത്യയുടെ ആകാശപ്പൂവ്!

കാലിത്തൊഴുത്തിൽനിന്ന് കുതിച്ചുയർന്ന റോക്കറ്റുകൾ;  വിക്രം സാരാഭായ്, ഇന്ത്യയുടെ ആകാശപ്പൂവ്!

കെട്ടുറപ്പുള്ള നല്ല കഥയും ശക്തമായ പ്രകടനവും കൊണ്ട് മികവ് പുലർത്തുന്ന പദ്മിനി.  കുഞ്ഞിരാമായണത്തിലൂടെ പ്രേക്ഷകരെ കുടുകുടെ ചിരിപ്പിച്ച തിരക്കഥാകൃത്ത് ദീപു പ്രദീപ് വീണ്ടും നല്ല തമാശയും വൈകാരികത നിറഞ്ഞ ബന്ധങ്ങളുടെ ഊഷ്മളതയും കൊണ്ട് മലയാളി പ്രേക്ഷകരുടെ മനസ്സ് കയ്യടക്കുന്നു.  രമേശന്റെ വ്യഥയും വീർപ്പുമുട്ടലും നിറഞ്ഞ വിരസമായ ജീവിതം ഹാസ്യത്തിന്റെ മേമ്പൊടിയോടെ ഇഴയടുപ്പത്തോടെ അവതരിപ്പിക്കാന്‍ സെന്ന ഹെഗ്ഡെക്ക് കഴിഞ്ഞു.  

കോമഡിയോടൊപ്പം തന്നെ ലളിതമായ പ്രണയവും പദ്മിനിയുടെ പ്രത്യേകതയാണ്.  സെന്ന ഹെഗ്‌ഡെ ചിത്രങ്ങളിൽ പതിവായി കാണുന്ന രാഷ്ട്രീയ ചർച്ചകൾ വേറിട്ട രീതിയിലാണ് പദ്മിനിയിൽ അവതരിപ്പിക്കുന്നത്.  പൊട്ടിച്ചിരിപ്പിക്കുന്ന നിരവധി നർമ്മമുഹൂർത്തങ്ങൾ ചിത്രത്തിലുണ്ട്.  മനോഹരമായ ഛായാഗ്രഹണവും മികച്ച സൗണ്ട് ട്രാക്കും സിനിമയെ സജീവമാക്കുന്നു.   കഥയുടെ മൂഡിനനുസരിച്ചുള്ള സംഗീതമാണ് ജെയ്ക്സ് ബിജോയുടെ സംഭാവന.

രമേശനായി കുഞ്ചാക്കോ ബോബൻ മികച്ച പ്രകടനം കാഴ്ചവച്ചു.  ഒരിടവേളയ്ക്ക് ശേഷം പഴയ റൊമാന്റിക് ഹീറോയായ കുഞ്ചാക്കോ ബോബൻ പദ്മിനിയിലൂടെ പുനർജനിയ്ക്കുകയാണ്.  അനിയത്തിപ്രാവിലെ പല രംഗങ്ങളും പദ്മിനിയിൽ പുനരാവിഷ്കരിക്കാൻ ശ്രമിച്ചിട്ടുണ്ട്.  പ്രണയനായകന് ചുറ്റും ഒരു നിര നായികമാർ തന്നെയുണ്ട്.  ഒളിച്ചോടിപ്പോകുന്ന ഭാര്യയായി വിൻസി അലോഷ്യസ് പ്രസരിപ്പിന്റെ മുഖമാകുമ്പോൾ പദ്മിനിയായെത്തുന്നത് മഡോണ സെബാസ്ട്യനാണ്.  മറ്റൊരു പ്രണയനായികയായി ഇതുവരെ ചെയ്തതിൽ നിന്ന് വ്യത്യസ്തമായ കഥാപാത്രമാണ് അപർണ്ണ ബാലമുരളി അവതരിപ്പിക്കുന്നത്.  ചിത്രത്തിൽ എടുത്തുപറയേണ്ട കഥാപാത്രം ജയൻ ആയെത്തിയ സജിൻ ചെറുകയിലാണ്.  ജയനിലൂടെയാണ് ചിത്രത്തിലെ കോമഡി ട്രാക്ക് സജീവമാകുന്നത്.  സീമ ജി നായർ, മാളവിക മേനോൻ, അനശ്വര, ശ്രീകാന്ത് മുരളി, അൽത്താഫ് സലിം, ആനന്ദ് മഹാദേവൻ, ഗണപതി, ഗോകുലൻ തുടങ്ങി ഒരുപിടി മികച്ച താരങ്ങളും ചിത്രത്തിൽ അണിനിരക്കുന്നുണ്ട്.  അഭിനേതാക്കളുടെ പ്രകടന മികവ് തന്നെയാണ് ചിത്രത്തിന്റെ പ്രത്യേകത.

വളരെ ലളിതമായ ഒരു കോമഡി എന്റർടൈനറാണ് പദ്മിനി.  അടുത്തിടെ ഇറങ്ങിയ പ്രണയ ചിത്രങ്ങളിൽ നിന്ന് വേറിട്ടൊരനുഭവമായിരിക്കും പദ്മിനി നൽകുക.  ചാക്കോച്ചനിലെ പ്രണയനായകനെ വീണ്ടും കാണാൻ ആഗ്രഹിക്കുന്ന കുടുംബ പ്രേക്ഷകർക്ക് രണ്ടു മണിക്കൂർ ചിരിച്ചു രസിക്കാനും കുറച്ച് സമയം മതിമറന്ന് ആസ്വദിക്കാനും വക നൽകുന്ന ചിതമാണ് പദ്മിനി.

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‘Padmini’ movie review: Senna Hegde, Kunchacko Boban’s comedy just about lives up to its minor ambitions

Despite the quirkiness quotient, the film proceeds tamely compared to senna hegde’s previous two outings and without any surprises for the most part.

July 14, 2023 05:10 pm | Updated July 15, 2023 01:14 pm IST

S R  Praveen

A still from ‘Padmini’

The enduring interest of a good section of the population in the personal lives of other people gets a nod from filmmaker Senna Hegde in the opening credits sequence of his fifth film Padmini . As the credits roll on a black screen, we get to hear snatches of conversations from a wedding ceremony, of some of the guests sizing up the groom, of some others passing comments on his brother who could be the next target for the marriage market, and of a few judging the weight of the bride’s jewellery and expressing dissatisfaction.

Usually the tongues stop wagging for sometime after a boy or girl is successfully pushed into marriage, but in the case of Rameshan (Kunchacko Boban), a poet and a lecturer at a college, the conversations around him reach fever pitch just after his wedding. With his wife Smrithi (Vincy Aloshious) running away with her boyfriend on the wedding day, he becomes a laughing stock in the village. A good part of Hegde’s movie is about him learning to overcome the taunts, but there are a few more complications for him to face.

Hegde gets a shift in scene from the ‘Made in Kanhangad’ landscape of his previous two films — Thinkalazhcha Nishchayam and 1744 White Alto — and sets Padmini in rural Palakkad. Screenwriter Deepu Pradeep, who co-wrote Kunjiramayanam with Basil Joseph, gets it right in the beginning with a compelling theme, but the struggle is evident at times in sustaining the two hour-long narrative.

Some of the humour, especially the scenes involving Rameshan and his brother-in-law (Anand Manmadhan), helps the movie in tiding over the deficiencies in the script. Another parallel track involves advocate Sreedevi (Aparna Balamurali) and her ‘extra-caring’, toxic fiance Jayan (Sajin Cherukayil). Like the ‘Big Kahuna Burgers’ and ‘Red Apple Cigarettes’ in Tarantino films, Padmini has a fictional brand in Jayan’s ‘Rareeram’ mattresses, the advertisement shorts for which spill over into the interval break and after the film.

Yet, that is all for the quirkiness quotient of the film, which otherwise proceeds tamely compared to Hegde’s previous two outings and without any surprises for the most part. The scriptwriter fails in tying together everything convincingly towards the climax, which seemed a bit too forced. Some references to Thinkalazhcha Nischayam , his most popular movie, also appear, as do references to Kunchacko Boban’s old hits. Among the three leading ladies, Aparna gets more scope for performance than the other two and gets as much screen space as Kunchacko.

In the end, Padmini turns out to be a light-hearted movie which just about lives up to its minor ambitions.

Padmini is currently running in theatres

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Padmini Movie Review: Light entertainment, well-served 

Rating: ( 3.5 / 5).

I admit to feeling a bit of trepidation when I saw the promos of Padmini . The first thought was, "This doesn't look like a Senna Hegde film. Why is he doing a 90s-style entertainer?" But aren't we being unfair when we expect the man behind Thinkalazhcha Nishchayam to make the same kind of (*cough* realistic, realistic *cough*) film every time? I admire a filmmaker who dares to try different cinematic exercises each time, the outcome notwithstanding.

Director: Senna Hegde

Cast: Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali, Madonna Sebastian, Sajin Cherukayil, Vincy Aloshious After the lacklustre crime caper, 1744 White Alto , we find, in Padmini , Hegde's most lighthearted film. I say this because even in the 'feel-good' Thinakalazhcha Nishchayam , there are moments where one or two characters feel glum and become prone to angry outbursts. That's not to say Rameshan (Kunchacko Boban), the college professor in Padmini, doesn't ever feel the blues. He does, but Hegde has couched his predicaments in ample wrappings of humour. And this approach works because Kunchacko Boban (putting on his best charming self) has the backing of well-cast supporting actors adept at balancing Rameshan's 'darkness' with 'light' in the most opportune moments. Padmini has a remarkable quality that some recent Malayalam comedies don't have: the ability to make even the lines spoken by a one-minute character memorable. I don't remember even Romancham , the first big hit of the year, having such lines. I recall almost every background character in Padmini . It's like those 90s films you watch with your folks and then discuss them afterwards and erupt in laughter when you suddenly remember that background character who said something funny (sometimes offscreen). The college principal with a broken nose. The unpaid wedding photographer or his assistant who suddenly feels 'worthy'. The gossiping tea stall patrons. Rameshan's younger brother, who is prone to sudden online 'diversions' in the middle of an important assignment. The funny, well-meaning judge from Malabar (who may or may not be related to the judge from Nna Thaan Case Kodu). Padmini sees Hegde collaborating with Deepu Pradeep, who co-wrote the brilliant Kunjiramayanam. In Padmini, they tread a path never taken before. I liked how a female name -- the film's title -- is given to the male protagonist after an embarrassing incident in the film's opening (I don't want to ruin the surprise). And what happens when a man nicknamed 'Padmini' crosses paths with a woman named Padmini? It isn't the sort of situation Mammootty experienced in the film Hitler, mind you. Rameshan is already going through the pain that afflicts most unmarried males in their 30s. If you are an unmarried male in his 30s, you could find something to take away from it, but Padmini isn't necessarily the kind to aim for intellectual depth. Well, different strokes for different folks and all that. Much of the humour comes courtesy of competent actors like Anand Manmadhan (as Rameshan's brother-in-law and sounding board), Sajin Cherukayil (as an affluent mattress brand owner who owns every scene he is in) -- and, of course, all the characters I mentioned previously. Padmini is also a story of all its women. They are not on the posters for nothing. All three women -- Smrithi (Vincy Aloshious), Sreedevi (Aparna Balamurali), and Padmini (Madonna Sebastian) -- have a role to play in the emotional journey of Rameshan. By 'emotional journey', I'm not implying Padmini is an acting exercise. You won't find Kunchacko Boban bawling his eyes out like Fahadh Faasil in that scene from Maheshinte Prathikaram . Each of these women has reasons for behaving the way they do. Smrithi is the unpredictable, hyperactive sort; Sreedevi is the lawyer with zero success rate but shows up every day in court because survival matters; Padmini is the classy, reserved type burdened by pressures from home. Of course, through the course of the film, one might have certain expectations of which of these women Rameshan would end up with, but going by Kunchacko Boban's recent selection of stories, the predictable route isn't likely, that's for certain. I'm not sure the finale, albeit decent, isn't as effective as the similar trick Hegde did in Thinkalazhcha Nishchayam . But I've no complaints about the actor who makes the cameo appearance. Oh, and the interval and climax 'punch' is certainly worthy of mention. I cracked up. One of the merits of Padmini is its presentation, be it the placement of some comical flourishes or Sreeraj Raveendran's cheerful imagery which doesn't go overboard with the pastels or sunlight. When some of today's Malayalam filmmakers claim to "pay homage" to the 90s, rarely do they get it right. Padmini is the rare kind. 

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Padmini Review: Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali's Malayalam film OUT; read THIS before buying tickets

Padmini Twitter Review: The highly anticipated Malayalam film 'Padmini,' featuring  Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali, Madonna Sebastian, and Vincy Aloshious in leading roles is finally out on the silver screen today.  

Padmini Review: Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali's Malayalam film OUT; read THIS before buying tickets RBA

Due to terrible weather conditions in Kerala and the associated problems experienced by the local population, the film's developers postponed its release until July 14th. Directed by Senna Hegde, well known for his earlier works 'Thinkalazhcha Nishchayam' and '1744 White Alto,' 'Padmini' has a star cast, including Aparna Balamurali, Madonna Sebastian, and Vincy Aloshious in leading roles.

Suvin K. Varkey and Prasobh Krishna produced the film through their company Little Big Films. Deepu Pradeep, well known for his screenplay work in 'Kunjiramayanam,' which was also produced by Little Big Films, contributes his writing skills to 'Padmini.' The recently released trailer for 'Padmini' has created quite a stir among moviegoers. The earlier teaser and the beautiful single 'Love You Muthe,' which struck a chord with music enthusiasts, had already pleased audiences. 

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Padmini's Cast and Crew  Malavika Menon, Atif Salim, Sajin Cherukail, Ganapathy, Anand Manmathan, Seema G. Nair, Gokulan, and James Elia are among the ensemble cast members. The creators claim that 'Padmini' will be a laughter-filled comic spectacular, promising rib-tickling moments. Sachin Warrier provides vocals for the film's songs, which are complemented by Jakes Bijoy's tunes. Tito P. Thangachan wrote the lyrics.

The film's cinematographer is Sriraj Ravindran, while Manu Antony handles the editing. The executive producer is Vineeth Pullutan. Manoj Poonkunnam served as production controller, Arshad Nakoth as art director, Ranjith Manaliparam as makeup artist, Gayatri Kishore as costume designer, and Shijin P. Raj as still photographer.

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The team is led by chief associate directors Vishnu Dev and Shankar Lohitakshan, with production executives Unni Poonkunnam and Shinto Irinjalakuda. The film's distribution is handled by Central Pictures Release, while Puppet Media handles marketing design. Vaishakh Vadakkeveed and Jinu Anilkumar are in charge of public relations and digital marketing, while AS Dinesh is the film's producer.

With the long-awaited premiere of "Padmini," moviegoers may finally celebrate. Watch for informative Twitter reviews as fans express their thoughts on this action-packed thriller that promises a riveting cinematic experience.  

  • Aparna Balamurali
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  • Padmini Review

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Padmini review: Senna Hegde’s latest outing makes you laugh and also think

The director conveys a layered story in a subtle way while focusing on the pressure faced by women in marriage.

Bhaskar Basava

Published:Aug 10, 2023

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A poster of 'Padmini'. (Supplied)

A laugh riot!

Padmini (Malayalam)

  • Cast: Kunchako Boban, Madonna Sebastian, Aparna Balamurali, Vincy Aloshious, and Ganapathi
  • Director: Senna Hegde
  • Music: Jakes Bejoy
  • Producer: Prasobh Krishna, and Suvin K Varkey
  • Runtime: 2 hours
  • Cast: Salman Khan, Katrina Kaif, Emraan Hashmi, and Revathy
  • Director: Maneesh Sharma
  • Producer: Aditya Chopra
  • Music: Pritam Chakraborty
  • Runtime: 2 hours 35 minutes

Expectations ran high for Padmini when director Senna Hegde announced the movie.

The director earlier helmed critically-acclaimed films like Thinkalazhcha Nishchayam (2021) and 1744 White Alto (2022). This time, he came up with a movie that starred a bunch of young actors. Also, he came out of Kanhangad in Kasaragod where his movies are usually set.

Padmini is shot in Palakkad district and is Kunchacko Boban’s first solo-hero movie after his appearance in 2018 (2023) and Pakalum Pathiravum (2023).

Senna Hegde’s signature comedy is the highlight of the flick.

Padmini is directed by Senna Hegde

‘Padmini’ is directed by Senna Hegde. (Supplied)

Padmini starts with the marriage of Rameshan (Kunchacko Boban), a poet and college professor. On his first night, his wife Smrithi (Vincy Aloshious) elopes with her lover in the latter’s Premier Padmini car.

After that shocking incident, Rameshan is teased by the people of his village for his embarrassing situation.

Also, he is called “Padmini” Rameshan by his neighbours and villagers.

Interestingly, a new professor named Padmini (Madonna Sebastian) joins his college. Rameshan falls in love with her.

But he can’t legally marry her as his first marriage with Smirthi has been registered. so, he files for a divorce.

The subsequent events after he files for divorce keep the story moving forward.

At the same time, there is a love story between Sreedevi (Aparna Balamurali) and Jayan (Sajin Cherukayil). Sreedevi is an advocate in the family court and Rameshan hires her for his case.

As the story progresses, Sreedevi’s family also plays an important role in the story.

Meanwhile, Padmini faces many troubles from her family who isn’t happy with her decision to marry Rameshan who, in turn, is unable to get a divorce due to the court proceedings.

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Interesting twists.

Malayalam movie Padmini releasing on 14 July

Malayalam movie ‘Padmini’ releasing on 14 July. (Twitter)

The plot has many interesting twists — at the beginning, in the middle of the story when Rameshan feels love towards his neighbour but gets a shocker (which if revealed now would be a spoiler), and then in the climax part.

The relationship between Jayan and Sreedevi offers us some funny moments.

Jayan is an entrepreneur who is into the production of mattresses. He is portrayed as a man who likes to flaunt his money.

Sreedevi is quite aware that he is a male chauvinist and doesn’t like her working as an advocate, particularly after their marriage.

She initially doesn’t care about this but after a point, she takes her stand and concentrates on her profession deeply.

Fun elements

Aparna Balamurali in Padmini

Aparna Balamurali in ‘Padmini’. (Twitter)

Comedy is the major highlight of Padmini .

Senna Hegde tries to convey a layered story that narrates the feelings of a youngster who faces embarrassing statements from his neighbours after his wife elopes.

There are some refreshing elements like the advertisement of the mattress firm owned by Jayan that erupts huge laughter among the audience in the theatre.

The movie also highlights the pressure faced by women in marriage.

Interestingly, writer Deepu Pradeep discussed marriage and related fun in the hit comedy film Kunjiramayanam (2015).

Also, in Thinkalazhcha Nishchayam , Senna Hegde dealt with a similar theme of marriage and elopement. But Padmini works since it’s refreshing.

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Subtle performances.

Padmini songs were received well upon its release

‘Padmini’s’ songs were received well upon its release. (Supplied)

Padmini’s script gives importance to all the characters and the director gives equal space to every actor.

Kunchacko Boban is noteworthy as Rameshan. For a senior actor who has been in the industry for more than 25 years, Kunchacko delivers a subtle performance and wins our hearts.

Vincy Aloshious is fabulous and her comedy scenes are well-appreciated in the theatre.

Aparna Balamurali and Sajin Cherukayil are a fun to watch.

Both Aparna and Vincy Aloshious are a laugh riot on screen. While watching them, we can’t help but draw references to some of the senior actresses like Urvashi who excelled in comic roles.

Sajin Cherukayil as the male chauvinist is notable. He gets on our nerves with his foolishness on many occasions.

Madonna Sebastian is decent in the title role of Padmini.

Anand Manmadhan as Venu, the brother-in-law of Rameshan, is good in comedy sequences.

Ganapathi, as Rameshan’s younger brother, plays a meaningful role.

The songs composed by Jakes Bejoy are apt and elevate the story.

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Padmini is a fun ride with a thought-provoking theme of marriage and elopement. It is a clean entertainer with a good dose of comedy and songs.

(Views expressed here are personal.)


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Padmini: Release Date, Trailer, Songs, Cast

  • Release Date July 2023
  • Language Malayalam
  • Genre Comedy, Drama
  • Duration 2h
  • Cast Kunchacko Boban, Madonna Sebastian, Aparna Balamurali, Vincy Aloshious, Althaf Salim, Ganapathy, Sajin Cherukayil, Anand Manmadhan, Gokulan
  • Director Senna Hegde
  • Writer Deepu Pradeep
  • Cinematography Sreeraj Raveendran
  • Music Jakes Bejoy
  • Producer Prasobh Krishna, Suvin K. Varkey
  • Production Little Big Films
  • Certificate U

About Padmini Movie (2023)

A college teacher and a part-time poet Rameshans (Kunchacko Boban) faces an embarrassing situation.

Padmini Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings

Padmini Movie Cast, Release Date, Trailer, Songs and Ratings


Padmini Movie Trailer

Padmini movie songs.

1. Love You Muthe Vidyadharan Master, Kunchacko Boban 3:40
2. Padminiye Sachin Warrier 3:52

Padmini Photos

Padmini - 1

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Varun Doctor Movie Review

Release Date : October 09,2021 Rating : 2.75/5

Starring: Sivakarthikeyan, Vinay Rai, Priyanka Arul Mohan, Yogi Babu, Milind Soman & Others

Director: Nelson Dilipkumar

Producer: Siva Karthikeyan

Music Director: Anirudh Ravichander

Cinematography : Vijay Kartik Kannan

Editor: R. Nirmal

Siva Karthikeyan’s Varun Doctor has been creating a lot of buzz in Tamil circles. The film’s Telugu version is out and let’s see how it is.

Varun (Siva Karthikeyan) is an army doctor by profession. He falls in love with Padmini (Priyanka Arul Mohan) but she rejects Varun seeing his practical nature. The twist in the tale arises when Padmini’s niece gets kidnapped and Varun gets involved in the case. How Varun being a doctor saves the girl and breaks the kidnapper nexus forms the story.

Plus Points :

Siva Karthikeyan is the biggest highlight of the film as he showcases a different side to his personality. He as an army doctor evokes good comedy, drama, and carries the film on his shoulder. Siva’s chemistry with Priyanka is also neat in the film.

The comedy works for the most part and the scenes featuring Yogi Babu and Priyanka’s family are very good. The director Nelson has showcased the thrills in a very different manner.

The film has dark humor and is executed quite well by Nelson. The message showcased regarding women’s safety in the film looks good. Also, the thrills in the pre-climax have been executed well.

Minus Points :

One of the drawbacks of the film is the liberty taken by the director when it comes to the crime showcased featuring women. Though the message shown is good, the incidents that happen in today’s digital world look a bit overboard.

The second half has a few lags here and there. The screenplay is not that effective during this time and makes things boring a bit. Also, the story of girls being kidnapped has been shown in films earlier as well.

Technical Aspects :

Production values of the film are top-notch as the visuals look gripping. Music by Anirudh is okay but as usual, his BGM is riveting. The camerawork is decent but the dubbing could have been better.

Coming to the director Nelson, he has done a passable job with the film. His story idea and the way he has set it also look good. But his screenplay falters a bit in the second half. He makes proceedings a bit routine and ignored the logic. Verdict :

On the whole, Varun Doctor is a kidnapping drama that has decent thrills and comedy. But things get bogged down in the second half and a few logics go for a toss. The Tamil audience might like the film as it suits their sensibilities well. But for the Telugu audience, this film ends as just a passable watch this weekend.

Reviewed by 123telugu Team

Click Here For Telugu Version

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Thangalaan review: Pa Ranjith's film with Vikram is a visual extravaganza.

British ‘dorai’ Clement has a hunger for gold and having heard of the ancient gold mines of Tipu Sultan (Kolar, Karnataka), he wants a group of labourers for the mining. He is told it is the tribals (pariahs) at Veppur village (North Arcot) who have been traditionally involved in mining and he has to convince the people there to take up this job. He even says he will share the spoils with the villagers to take them out of poverty.

Thangalaan (Vikram), his wife (Parvathy) and the others in Veppur wotk hard on their land but don’t reap the rewards - it’s the local mirazdar who does. Oppressed and treated like slaves, it is the need for self-respect and a better life that pushes Thangalaan to take up Clement’s offer. But the tribals also fear the existence of a strong, supernatural mystical power called Aarthi (Malavika Mohanan) who lives in the forests and hills to protect the gold. Thangalaan has experienced the fierce power of Aarthi on an earlier sojourn to mine gold but he believes that this time will be different. With Thangalaan leading the way, the group heads to Kolar with Clement to see if can find gold. Now, does Thangalaan find gold? Does the story of Aarthi turn out to be a myth? Does Britisher Clement help the tribals get a better life?

The verdict

Pa Ranjith has once again given us a film in a completely new genre - Thangalaan is a period film that is intertwined with some fantasy and mystical realism. The characters and the setting are raw and rustic and it adds to the allure of this drama which is based on the Kolar gold fields and the labourers who worked there. Thangalaan is definitely a visual extravaganza - right from the costumes to the make-up and the stark settings of the dry, arid land and the poverty-stricken look of the people creates a strong impact. You feel the suffering and desperation of the tribals just by looking at them and Ranjith and his team must be praised for this. The first half of the film takes its own time to set up the stage and this slow pacing is an issue. The second half meanders and is not as gripping as one expects which is a let-down. The hallucinations the characters face also get a bit jarring. Given that the characters speak a different kind of Tamil, it’s not easy to follow the dialogues which is a drawback. Thangalaan has a great new concept and fine performances but could have been more engaging.

Vikram has outdone himself in this film as Thangalaan and shows us how talented and committed he is, yet again. Whether it the emotional scenes or the action ones, Vikram makes you feel every emotion he goes through. Parvathy and Pasupathy are excellent as well and all three have mouthed the period Tamil dialogues with extreme elan. Malavika Mohanan is good in her role too.

Music director GV Prakash’s tunes and BGM for the film are really apt and he proves how he can adapt his style effortlessly across genres. The cinematography by A Kishor Kumar is a plus for the film but the editing could have been tighter.

Director Pa Ranjith has always been the voice for marginalised communities and themes of social reform, social justice, caste oppression and discrimination, often find their way into his films. His central character is usually an underprivileged person and Thangalaan is no different. Thangalaan, may not be perfect, but it’s a film that’s unforgettable thanks to its excellent performances, especially Vikram’s.

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‘Padmini’ OTT: Kunchacko Boban starrer starts digital streaming

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HT తెలుగు వివరాలు

Spy Action OTT: థియేట‌ర్ల‌లో రిలీజైన వారంలోనే ఓటీటీలోకి వ‌చ్చిన విజ‌య్ ఆంటోనీ తుఫాన్ - ఎందులో చూడాలంటే?

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Toofan OTT: విజ‌య్ ఆంటోనీ తుఫాన్ మూవీ థియేట‌ర్ల‌లో రిలీజైన వారంలోనే ఓటీటీలోకి వ‌చ్చింది. గురువారం నుంచి అమెజాన్ ప్రైమ్ ఓటీటీలో ఈ యాక్ష‌న్ డ్రామా మూవీ స్ట్రీమింగ్ అవుతోంది. ఈ మూవీలో స‌త్య‌రాజ్‌, శ‌ర‌త్‌కుమార్ కీల‌క పాత్ర‌లు పోషించారు.

 తుఫాన్  ఓటీటీ

Toofan OTT: విజ‌య్ ఆంటోనీ తుఫాన్ మూవీ థియేట‌ర్ల‌లో రిలీజై వారం కూడా కాక‌ముందే ఓటీటీలోకి వ‌చ్చింది. ఈ యాక్ష‌న్ డ్రామా మూవీ ఈ నెల 11న తెలుగు ప్రేక్ష‌కుల ముందుకు వ‌చ్చింది. థియేట‌ర్ల‌లో డిజాస్ట‌ర్‌గా నిలిచిన ఈ మూవీ గురువారం స‌డెన్‌గా ఓ టీటీలోకి వ‌చ్చింది. అమెజాన్ ప్రైమ్ ఓటీటీలో తుఫాన్ స్ట్రీమింగ్ అవుతోంది. అయితే కేవ‌లం త‌మిళ వెర్ష‌న్ మాత్ర‌మే రిలీజ్ చేశారు. తెలుగు వెర్ష‌న్ మ‌రో వారం త‌ర్వాత స్ట్రీమింగ్‌కు అందుబాటులోకి రానున్న‌ట్లు స‌మాచారం.

మేఘా ఆకాష్ హీరోయిన్‌...

త‌మిళంలో ఈ మూవీ మ‌జై పిడిక్కాథ మ‌ణితాన్ పేరుతో తెర‌కెక్కింది. ఈ యాక్ష‌న్ మూవీని తుఫాన్ పేరుతో తెలుగులోకి డ‌బ్ చేసి రిలీజ్ చేశారు. తుఫాన్ మూవీకి విజ‌య్ మిల్ట‌న్ ద‌ర్శ‌క‌త్వం వ‌హించాడు. ఇందులో శ‌ర‌త్‌కుమార్‌ , స‌త్య‌రాజ్, డాలీ ధ‌నుంజ‌య‌ కీల‌క పాత్ర‌లు పోషించారు. మేఘా ఆకాష్ హీరోయిన్‌గా న‌టించింది. ఈ యాక్ష‌న్ మూవీకి ఐదుగురు మ్యూజిక్ డైరెక్ట‌ర్లు ప‌నిచేయ‌డం గ‌మ‌నార్హం. విజ‌య్ ఆంటోనీతో పాటు అచ్చు రాజ‌మ‌ణి, రాయ్‌, హ‌రీ ద‌ఫుసీయా, వ‌గు మ‌జ‌న్ మ్యూజిక్ అందించారు.

సీక్రెట్ ఏజెంట్ ల‌వ్ స్టోరీ...

స‌లీం ( విజ‌య్ ఆంటోనీ ) ఓ సీక్రెట్ ఏజెంట్‌. త‌న బాస్ (శ‌ర‌త్ కుమార్‌) అప్ప‌గించిన ఆప‌రేష‌న్ కోసం అండ‌మాన్ దీవుల్లోని ఓ ఊరికి వ‌స్తాడు. ఆ ఊరిలో డాలీ (డాలీ ధ‌నుంజ‌య‌) అనే వ‌డ్డీ వ్యాపారి చెప్పిందే వేదం. అత‌డి కార‌ణంగా ప్ర‌జ‌లు ఎన్నో ఇబ్బందులు ప‌డుతుంటారు. వారిలో సౌమ్య(మేఘా ఆకాష్‌) కూడా ఉంటుంది. సౌమ్య‌తో స‌లీమ్‌కు ఏర్ప‌డిన ప‌రిచ‌యం ప్రేమ‌గా మారుతుంది?

డాలీ బారి నుంచి ఆ ఊరి ప్ర‌జ‌ల‌ను స‌లీమ్ ఎలా కాపాడాడు? సౌమ్య కంటే ముందే స‌లీమ్ జీవితంలో ఉన్న మ‌రో అమ్మాయి ఎవ‌రు? ఆమె ఎలా ప్రాణాల‌ను కోల్పోయింది? అస‌లు స‌లీమ్...అండ‌మాన్‌కు ఎందుకొచ్చాడు? ఈ క‌థ‌లో కెప్టెన్ (స‌త్య‌రాజ్‌) పాత్ర ఏమిట‌నే పాయింట్‌తో డైరెక్ట‌ర్ విజ‌య్ మిల్ట‌న్ ఈ మూవీని తెర‌కెక్కించాడు.

హాలీవుడ్ సినిమాల స్ఫూర్తితో...

హాలీవుడ్‌లో విజ‌య‌వంత‌మైన ప‌లు యాక్ష‌న్ సినిమాల స్ఫూర్తితో ద‌ర్శ‌కుడు విజ‌య్ మిల్ట‌న్ తుఫాన్ మూవీ క‌థ‌ను రాసుకున్నాడు. కాన్సెప్ట్‌లో కొత్త‌ద‌నం లేక‌పోవ‌డంతో తుఫాన్ ప్రేక్ష‌కుల‌ను మెప్పించ‌లేక‌పోయింది.

త‌మిళంలో ఆగ‌స్ట్ 2న రిలీజ్‌...

త‌మిళ వెర్ష‌న్ మ‌జై పిడిక్కాథ మ‌ణితాన్ ఆగ‌స్ట్ 2న థియేట‌ర్ల‌లో రిలీజైంది. అదే రోజు తెలుగు వెర్ష‌న్‌ను ప్రేక్ష‌కుల ముందుకు తీసుకురావాల‌ని మేక‌ర్స్ ప్లాన్ చేశారు. ప‌లు తెలుగు స్ట్రెయిట్ సినిమాలు బాక్సాఫీస్ బ‌రిలో నిల‌వ‌డంతో ఆగ‌స్ట్ 11కు తెలుగు వెర్ష‌న్ రిలీజ్ డేట్‌ను పోస్ట్‌పోన్ చేశారు. తెలుగు వెర్ష‌న్ థియేట‌ర్ల‌లో ఉండ‌గానే ఈ మూవీ ఓటీటీలోకి రావ‌డం ఆస‌క్తిక‌రంగా మారింది. ఈ ఏడాది విజ‌య్ ఆంటోనీకి ఇది రెండో డిజాస్ట‌ర్‌. అత‌డి గ‌త మూవీ రోమియో కూడా ప్రేక్ష‌కుల‌ను మెప్పించ‌లేక‌పోయింది.

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Mr Bachchan X Review: Ravi Teja & Bhagyashri Borse's Remake Actioner By Harish Shankar Gets Bare Feedback

Mr Bachchan Twitter X Review Out

Mr Bachchan X (Twitter) Review: Directed by Harish Shankar, his other remake film titled 'Mr Bachchan' featured Massraja Ravi Teja in the lead role. The movie is an official Telugu remake of the Bollywood film 'Raid' which featured Ajay Devgn. The movie was released to decent pre-release hype on August 15, to competition from Ram Pothineni and Puri Jagannadh's 'Double iSmart' along with Vikram's 'Thangalaan.' After the release, Mr Bachchan has been getting underwhelming reactions unanimously.

Fans of Ravi Teja who are active on social media and micro-blogging sites have been criticising director Harish Shankar for doing all sorts of "crap" with films and actors. Mr Bachchan marks the third collaboration of Ravi Teja and Harish Shankar.

Mr Bachchan Premise

Mr Bachchan is based on a real-life incident, an income tax department raid on happened industrialist Sardar Inder Singh.

Mr Bachchan Twitter Review

Fans of Massraja Ravi Teja, who waited with bated breaths to watch Mr Bachchan on the big silver screen have finally realized their dream after the movie was released on August 15. However, Ravi Teja's film sadly is earning a widespread negative talk and mixed reviews from the public and critics. Check out some tweets below.

#RaviTeja heroins mida kanna stories mida concentrate chesthe baguntadi, and #harishshanker elago own story cheyaledu kabatti atleast remake lu aina sarigga thiyatam nerchukunte baguntadi 😴 #MrBachchanOnAug15th @RaviTeja_offl @harish2you #MrBachan — DiNeSH (@Dineshreddy5669) August 14, 2024
Pelli ayyaka Na wife tho kalisi vachina 1st premier show movie ra ayya, Inta Daarunam experience anukoledu #MrBachchan @RaviTeja_offl @harish2you kasta aina Jaali undha anna ma midha, Cimema lo raid ekada anna asala Rod la midha rod dimputunadu ravanna #MrBachchanOnAug15th — Name_is_ Gabbar singh (@Jack_Sparrow_3) August 14, 2024
@harish2you nitho matladalii koncham🤬 #MrBachchan — Aɾυɳ Charanism🚁 (@OnlyCharanism) August 15, 2024
Just ippude Show Complete ayyindi #MrBachchan Inka 20min munde andaru lechi vellipothunnaru ....Inka yenni Rojulu elanti rotta Story & Screenplay tho movies thistharu @harish2you 😡😡🙏🙏 But Songs kosam Ticket money petta anthe tbh...!! — Guru Tarak (@GuruRolla) August 14, 2024
Reviews chusi decide avvakandi ra Babu..ikkada cheppinantha worst ga ledu movie ... repu India lo B C centres rampage chestadu gaa 🤙🤙... Nee noti doola valla ravanna cinema ki negativity teppinchav Anna @harish2you 😬 Bomma hit #MrBachchan — N@|○ N£nu (@Karthiksharma__) August 14, 2024

Mr Bachchan Cast

The movie stars Ravi Teja, Abhimanyu Singh, Bhagyashri Borse, Subhalekha Sudhakar, and Kishore Raju Vasistha among others in key roles.

Mr Bachchan Crew Produced by Vivke Kuchibhotla and T.G. Vishwa Prasad under the People Media Factory banners, the movie Mr Bachchan has its entire sound and music composed by Mickey J. Meyer. Ayananka Bose cranked the camera for this romantic action entertainer and Brahma Kadali worked as the Art Director. Pushpa Bhaskar was the film's Casting Director. Harish Shankar helmed the film as a director.

Mr Bachchan Premiere Review: Fans Criticize Ravi Teja-Harish Shankar's Action Drama After Theatrical Debut

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Telugu Movie Evol To Have Its OTT Debut On This Date

Curated By : Entertainment Bureau

Local News Desk

Last Updated: August 14, 2024, 12:52 IST

Hyderabad, India

Evol is directed by Ram Velagapudi.

Evol is directed by Ram Velagapudi.

When read in reverse, Evol spells Love, hinting at its bold and unconventional storyline.

OTT platforms are dominating the entertainment scene. As soon as a new show or movie drops, viewers flock to watch it, often with subtitles, regardless of the language. Weekends have become synonymous with binge-watching and it’s not just movies- web series have also impacted the audiences deeply. Whether it’s a six-hour series or a short film, viewers are eagerly consuming content in one sitting, as long as it’s fresh and engaging.

Among the different genres, horror, thrillers and romantic movies are especially popular. When it comes to bold and daring content, OTTs don’t shy away. The latest buzz is about the Telugu movie Evol, which is set to stream on Aha.

Evol, directed by Ram Velagapudi, has an intriguing title. When read in reverse, Evol spells Love, hinting at its bold and unconventional storyline. This movie has made headlines for another reason—it was banned by the censors. The film’s bold scenes were deemed too intense for a theatrical release, leading to its ban. Despite this, Aha, known for pushing the envelope with bold content, is set to release Evol on their platform.

The movie is scheduled to stream on August 15 and there’s already a lot of curiosity surrounding it. Aha’s decision to release a movie banned by the censors shows their commitment to offering diverse content to their audience. The film’s first-look poster has already created a buzz, with viewers eagerly awaiting its release.

Alongside Evol, other big releases are also lined up in the South. The theatrical release chart includes major films like Double iSmart and Mr. Bachchan. Additionally, ETV Win will stream the Veeranjaneyulu Vihara Yatra starting August 14. With such a variety of content available, OTT viewers are in for an exciting time.

Evol features actors Naresh and Rag Mayur in key roles. The film’s bold theme and striking visuals have caught everyone’s attention. As the release date approaches, anticipation is building. Viewers are eager to see what this bold new project has to offer.

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Nicole Kidman and Harris Dickinson in Babygirl (2024)

A high-powered CEO puts her career and family on the line when she begins a torrid affair with her much younger intern. A high-powered CEO puts her career and family on the line when she begins a torrid affair with her much younger intern. A high-powered CEO puts her career and family on the line when she begins a torrid affair with her much younger intern.

  • Halina Reijn
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    padmini movie review in telugu


  1. ചിരിപ്പിച്ചും പ്രണയിച്ചും ചാക്കോച്ചൻ; പദ്മിനി റിവ്യു

    ചിരിപ്പിച്ചും പ്രണയിച്ചും ചാക്കോച്ചൻ; പദ്മിനി റിവ്യു Padmini Movie Review ആർ.ബി.ശ്രീലേഖ Published: July 14 , 2023 04:03 PM IST 2 minute Read ADVERTISEMENT

  2. 'Padmini' movie review: Senna Hegde, Kunchacko Boban's comedy just

    Despite the quirkiness quotient, 'Padmini' proceeds tamely compared to Senna Hegde's previous two outings and without any surprises for the most part

  3. Padmini movie review: This Kunchacko Boban film had the potential to

    Despite starting off strongly, Padmini, helmed by Senna Hegde and starring Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali, Madonna Sebastian and Vincy Aloshious in the lead roles, descends into a disappointingly convenient ending.

  4. Padmini (2023)

    Padmini: Directed by Senna Hegde. With Aparna Balamurali, Anaswara Rajan, Kunchacko Boban, Madonna Sebastian. A part-time poet and a full-time college teacher Rameshans life take a standstill when an extremely embarrassing situation makes him the target of all jokes.

  5. Padmini Movie Review: A humorous take on society with underlying messages

    Padmini Movie Review: Critics Rating: 3.0 stars, click to give your rating/review,A man's life after his wife eloped on the night of their wedding and the incidents that follow forms

  6. Padmini Movie Review In Telugu

    Watch Padmini Movie Telugu Review In this video, Siva Talkies review Padmini Movie Telugu Review. Siva Talkies is one of the famous Telugu film review websit...

  7. Padmini Movie Review in Telugu

    #padminimovie #netflixindia #cinemacho #latesttelugumovie #ottmovies #telugumoviereviews #telugudubbedmovies

  8. Watch Padmini

    After an ill-fated wedding night, a college professor becomes an object of ridicule. To win a second chance at love, he must face an uphill legal battle. Watch trailers & learn more.

  9. Padmini Movie Review: Light entertainment, well-served

    Padmini Movie Review: Light entertainment, well-served Senna Hegde's Padmini gets the 90s homage thing right, without going overboard with the pastels or sunlight.

  10. Padmini Review: An inconsistent comedy drama

    Padmini Malayalam Movie. 'Padmini' relates the dilemma of a poet and college lecturer whose marriage lands him in a soup. The comedy drama has a smooth acceleration before breaking down due to slipshod writing and execution. Jul 21, 2023 By K. R. Rejeesh. Names have relevance in this comedy drama that has adequate potential for burgeoning in ...

  11. Padmini Reviews

    Reviews: Padmini, Malayalam movie , Directed by Senna Hegde, Starring Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali, Madonna Sebastian, Vincy Aloshious, Malavika Menon, Althaf ...

  12. Padmini Review: Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali's Malayalam film OUT

    Padmini Twitter Review: The highly anticipated Malayalam film 'Padmini,' featuring Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali, Madonna Sebastian, and Vincy Aloshious in leading roles is finally out on the silver screen today.

  13. Padmini (2023 film)

    Padmini is a 2023 Indian Malayalam -language comedy drama film directed by Senna Hegde and written by Deepu Pradeep. [ 3] It stars Kunchacko Boban, Aparna Balamurali, Madonna Sebastian, and Vincy Aloshious in the lead roles. [ 4] The film follows Rameshan's life, which turns into a crisis following an unexpected incident on the wedding night.

  14. Kunchacko Boban: 'I used to unwind myself by reading Padmini's script

    Malayalam actor Kunchacko Boban is all set for the release of Padmini, which marks his return to the romance genre after quite some time.

  15. 'Padmini' Malayalam movie review

    Senna Hegde tries to convey a layered story in a subtle way while focusing mainly on the pressure faced by women in marriage.

  16. Padmini Movie: Showtimes, Review, Songs, Trailer, Posters, News

    Padmini Movie Review & Showtimes: Find details of Padmini along with its showtimes, movie review, trailer, teaser, full video songs, showtimes and cast. ... Telugu Movies 2024; Malayalam Movies 2024;

  17. Padmini Movie (2023)

    Padmini Movie: Find Padmini movie release date, cast, trailer, review, critics rating, duration on Gadgets 360

  18. Varun Doctor Telugu Movie Review

    Varun (Siva Karthikeyan) is an army doctor by profession. He falls in love with Padmini (Priyanka Arul Mohan) but she rejects Varun seeing his practical nature. The twist in the tale arises when Padmini's niece gets kidnapped and Varun gets involved in the case. How Varun being a doctor saves the girl and breaks the kidnapper nexus forms the story.

  19. #Padmini Telugu Full Movie Story Explained| Movie Explained in Telugu

    PADMINI Malayalam Movie Explained in Telugu 2023 | Padmini Movie Official Trailer Telugu | Kunchacko, Aparna Balamurali, Madonna Sebastian | Padmini Full Movie | Disney Plus Hotstar| padmini Movie ...

  20. Padmini filmography

    Padmini filmography. Padmini acted in Tamil, Hindi, Malayalam, Telugu and Russian language films. Padmini, with her elder sister Lalitha and her younger sister Ragini, were called the "Travancore sisters". She has overall appeared in 226 films- 142 in Tamil, 37 in Hindi, 28 in Malayalam, 15 in Telugu, 2 in Sinhala and one in each Russian ...

  21. Thangalaan review: Vikram delivers a spellbinding performance in this

    Thangalaan review: Pa Ranjith's film is intertwined with some fantasy and mystical realism. A must watch for Vikram fans. Thangalaan review: Pa Ranjith's film with Vikram is a visual extravaganza ...

  22. 'Padmini' OTT: Kunchacko Boban starrer starts digital streaming

    Malayalam film 'Padmini', starring Kunchacko Boban, has started streaming on a popular OTT platform. The Senna Hegde directorial, which released on Ju

  23. Spy Action OTT: థియేట‌ర్ల‌లో రిలీజైన వారంలోనే ఓటీటీలోకి వ‌చ్చిన విజ‌య్

    Nelki Naresh Kumar HT Telugu Aug 16, 2024 08:23 AM IST Toofan OTT: విజ‌య్ ఆంటోనీ తుఫాన్ మూవీ థియేట‌ర్ల‌లో రిలీజైన వారంలోనే ఓటీటీలోకి వ‌చ్చింది.

  24. Thangalaan Movie Review: Pa Ranjith, Vikram revisit history to give a

    Thangalaan Movie Review: Pa Ranjith, Vikram revisit history to give a compelling but flawed tale Thangalaan Movie Review: Pa Ranjith conjures up a familiar world with familiar beats but gives it a neo-magical touch that reimagines the plight of the oppressed by giving their thoughts a platform, and meaning to their suffering

  25. Mr Bachchan X Review

    Mr Bachchan X (Twitter) Review: Directed by Harish Shankar, his other remake film titled 'Mr Bachchan' featured Massraja Ravi Teja in the lead role. The movie is an official Telugu remake of the ...

  26. Telugu Movie Evol To Have Its OTT Debut On This Date

    The latest buzz is about the Telugu movie Evol, which is set to stream on Aha. Evol, directed by Ram Velagapudi, has an intriguing title. When read in reverse, Evol spells Love, hinting at its bold and unconventional storyline. This movie has made headlines for another reason—it was banned by the censors.

  27. Eagle (2024 film)

    Eagle is a 2024 Indian Telugu-language action thriller film written and directed by Karthik Gattamneni and produced by T. G. Vishwa Prasad and Vivek Kuchibhotla under People Media Factory. It stars Ravi Teja in the titular role alongside Navdeep, Vinay Rai, Anupama Parameswaran and Kavya Thapar. [5]The film was officially announced on 12 June 2023. [6] The background score and soundtrack were ...

  28. Babygirl (2024)

    Babygirl: Directed by Halina Reijn. With Nicole Kidman, Antonio Banderas, Harris Dickinson, Sophie Wilde. A high-powered CEO puts her career and family on the line when she begins a torrid affair with her much younger intern.