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Essay On My Hobby For Class 1, 2 And 3 Children

Shaili Contractor

Key Points To Remember When Writing an Essay on ‘My Hobby’ For Lower Primary Classes

Short and long essays on ‘my hobby’ for kids, what will your child learn from this essay.

Hobbies are activities or pursuits people undertake because of deep interest in something, or as a way of creative outlet. These activities are enjoyed at one’s leisure and are highly relaxing and rewarding at the same time. It could be playing outdoor sports, reading books, collecting items, singing, or dancing. Children pursue hobbies out of curiosity and love talking about them when they get a chance. Hence, it is a common topic for essay writing for exams, competitions or class assignments. Here are some ideas for different essay formats to help your child express their feelings about their favourite activity in words.

It is important for students to follow some guidelines while writing an essay on ‘My Hobby’. With these key points, this will be an easy topic.

  • While writing about a hobby, it is better to pick an activity that you are most familiar with.
  • Introduce the topic with how you got into the hobby and what piqued your interest.
  • If it is a short essay, then state only the most important facts about the hobby.
  • For longer essays, you can go deeper into the details of the hobby.
  • Ensure you do not dwell too long on any single idea to maintain context.
  • End the essay with why you would like to keep working on it and why others should try it.

A wide range of activities can be classified as a hobby, and there is no limit to how much you can write about your favourite topic. Children are often asked to write short essays on this topic in the lower primary classes. As they progress up the grades, the expected length of the essay increases. Here are some examples of essays on hobbies.

Essay on My Hobby is Drawing’ in 10 Lines

Here is what a 10-line essay on drawing and painting could look like:

  • Art has an important role in human culture since the beginning. Earlier, people drew on cave walls, dried leaves, and animal skin. Now we draw on paper, canvas, and digital apps.
  • Everyone can do basic drawing and painting, and some people take it up as a hobby.
  • I love painting because it keeps me relaxed and focused. I enjoy playing with colours and experimenting.
  • I was introduced to painting by my mother. She is an amazing artist.
  • I have many art supplies like watercolours, oil paint, crayons, and art paper.
  • My family and friends love my paintings and always admire them.
  • I often participate in drawing and painting competitions in my school. I have won many prizes too.
  • Sometimes, painting is my escape into a new world that I can create.
  • I like making paintings as gifts for friends on their birthdays.
  • People say painting skill is a gift, but I think everyone can do it well if they practice more.

Short Essay On ‘My Hobby is Singing’ for Children

Many people aspire to be great singers because it is considered to be a lovely talent. Many people pursue singing as a hobby to learn a skill that is much appreciated in our society. I have enjoyed singing since I was little. My mother was my first singing teacher, and now I learn from my mother’s teacher. I sing whenever I am happy and by myself. I also participate in singing competitions in my school. My teacher tells me I have a natural talent for singing because I have a very good voice. But she also tells me to work hard and practice every day to sharpen my skill.

Short Essay on ‘My Hobby is Cooking’

I love cooking because I love eating delicious food! I think cooking is one of the best hobbies to have. Both my parents are outstanding cooks who can make delicious food. When I grow up, I want to cook just like my parents. I often help them out in the kitchen when they prepare meals and learn various aspects of cooking in the process. Although my parents are excellent cooks, my grandmother is the best cook I have ever known. Someday I aspire to be able to cook like her.

Essay On ‘My Favourite Hobby is Gardening’

Gardening is my favourite hobby. I learnt it from my father and grandmother. In the beginning, I found it to be messy and time-consuming, but all that changed when I harvested my first carrots. The joy of eating food that you can grow on your own cannot be compared to store-bought fruits and vegetables. We have a garden full of fruit-bearing plants and plenty of vegetables, including carrots, radish, and brinjal. Gardening is also very relaxing. I love the smell of a freshly watered garden in the summer evenings. The sight of flowers and butterflies takes me to a completely different world.

Essay on ‘My Hobby is Reading’ for Children

Reading books is an important hobby to pursue. It is a good way to learn new things and develop our vocabulary. It also teaches us to focus on a topic for a long time and solve problems or understand difficult subjects. I have a huge collection of books in my library in the room. My favourite books are science encyclopedias. They have plenty of useful information and interesting pictures about everything in the world. I also like storybooks that have funny stories and good morals. My grandfather always reads stories to me during bedtime.

Everybody in my house reads books. It is a habit that runs in the family. My parents always tell me that reading makes us smarter as we learn new things and gain new perspectives. Reading is also important to learn how to write well, as my grandpa tells me all the time. Although I read to learn more about things and build my vocabulary, most of the books I read are for my fun. I enjoy reading books and want to keep adding new books to my library.

‘My Hobby’ is a topic which children would love to write about. Everybody likes talking about their favourite activity. Since your child takes a keen interest in this particular activity, they will be full of ideas to narrate. Through this essay, your child will learn about various types of hobbies people have and all the benefits that come from them. They will reflect upon what they are learning from their fun activities and think about how they can practice and work hard to improve upon it. They will also learn to channel their thoughts and express them clearly in written language.

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Essay on My Hobby for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my hobby.

Hobbies play a very important role in our lives. They occupy our minds when we are free and also make us happy. Hobbies are our escape from the real world that makes us forget our worries. Moreover, they make our lives interesting and enjoyable. If we look at it, all our hobbies are very useful for us. They teach us a lot of things about different stuff. They also help in expanding our knowledge.

Benefits of Having a Hobby

In today’s fast and competitive world, we often get time for ourselves. Over time, our schedule gets very dull and monotonous. That is why we need to indulge in something in between to keep our minds fresh and active. What’s better than a hobby for this? One of the main benefits of having a hobby is that it is a major stress-buster. You actually enjoy doing it and it satisfies your soul.

Essay on My Hobby

In other words, without a hobby, your life becomes an unhealthy cycle lacking any excitement or spark. Hobbies offer you a great opportunity to take a break and forget the worries of your life. They allow you to explore yourself and realize your potential in different areas.

Moreover, hobbies can also be a source of extra income. For instance, if you like painting, you can actually sell your art to make some extra money. Likewise, if you have a knack for dancing, you may teach dance classes to people on your holidays. This way your hobby a benefit you both spiritually and financially as well.

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My Favourite Hobby

If I were to pick one favourite hobby of mine out of the many I have, I will definitely pick gardening. I developed a taste for dancing when I was very young. The way my feet moved to the rhythm of the music convinced my parents that I was a born dancer. Dancing is very uplifting as well as economical.

I have always had a love for music and dance. However, I never realized the utter joy they bring to humans. Dancing gives us a lot of exercises. It teaches us to move our body rhythmically and feel the beat of every song. This kind of physical exercise is extremely delightful and enjoyable.

Moreover, dance also taught me how to stay strong and push my limits. I have had many injuries while dancing, too many bruises and cuts but that didn’t stop me from pursuing it further. In fact, it pushes me to do my best and realize my potential more than ever.

I have enrolled in dancing classes because I wish to make my hobby my career. I feel we all should do things which we enjoy doing. Everyone is running after money and in this race, they give up their likings and preferences. I have learned from this race and decided to not take part in it. I wish to take the road less traveled by and take on challenges most people don’t dare to.

In short, my hobby of dancing makes me feel alive and well. It is the only thing I look forward the most to. Thus, I hope to achieve my dream of being a professional dancer and making way for people who wish to make careers out of their hobbies.

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my hobby essay in english class 1

My Hobby Essay

By Emma bunton

Updated on April 13, 2023

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My Hobby Essay – FullHow.com

Do you look for my hobby essay ? If so, you’ve landed in the right position. Let’s dive into the content.

My hobby is the most common topic in school. Sometimes, students go for writing competition with this kind of essay. Today, we’ve brought a plenty of my hobby essay example with different words limits. You can choose any essays according to your needs.

How to write my hobby essay

This is our example of writing my hobby essay. You can get ideas from our essay example. Just follow our example and give your own ideas.

1. My Hobby Essay  (100 WORDS)

I have a lot of hobbies but the favorite one that I like most is playing football. When I have free time, I love to play football. I’m a big fan of football since my childhood. I have been very well in this soccer game.  When I just entered in my school, my parents told the principal about my hobby. The principal replied that there is an opportunity to take part in sports even from class 1. So, they became so happy and admitted to me this school. So, I really enjoy the football game and take part in my school competition.

2. My Hobby Essay (150 WORDS)

The hobby I like most is reading and it might be a storybook, newspaper, news or magazine etc. I feel very interesting reading when I have free time.

At the first time, my father noticed my reading book and he encouraged me a lot saying that it’s a very good habit, my son. He also advised me not to give up the habit. I was just a small kid and I was very much interested in reading fairy tales and other stories that were given by my dad.

Now, I’m at the age of 10 years and read in class 5. At present, as a mature person, I understand the benefits of reading. Actually, reading a book helps me to achieve all kinds of general knowledge. This kind of habit really helps me to know the unknown, to see the unseen, to discover the undiscovered. I can even know the history, culture, animals, space, human achievements, and other fascinating things about the world.

3. My Hobby Essay (200 WORDS)

In my free time, I love to read interesting and knowledgeable books. Coming from school, I love to read this kind of book while finishing my homework. I’m 11 years old and study in class 7th standard.

Now, I understand that reading is a good habit that will make me a complete boy. Any of us can develop this hobby. In fact, I achieved this naturally. Reading will always keep us busy and happy. It’s a better source of knowledge, inspiration, enjoyment, and instruction.

Besides, this makes us a loyal, punctual, disciplined and successful person in our life. Books are my best friend and I don’t feel alone. This habit is more special than gold or other stones in the world.

However, it gives us a high level of thoughts, experiences, ideas, and knowledge in different fields. I swear if you get interesting and good books, you would take that as your best friend.

The people who don’t have any habit of reading books, they would always be poor due to the lack of rich knowledge. This habit could be achieved by young people.  The habit of reading books can be acquired at a young age by anyone.

4. My Hobby Essay (250 WORDS)

The hobby I like most is watching TV. When I have free time, I love to watch Television. It never interferes with my study. First of all, I like to finish my school home task and then start watching TV.

I think it’s a good habit because watching TV brings a lot of knowledge in any field. Generally, I watch the news and other channels such as discovery channel, animal planet or another informative channel. Sometimes, I watch very good cartoons that provide me creative and new ideas to make cartoons and arts.

My parents admire my hobby and also they are so happy when they just listen to the whole update news through my voice. Now, I study in class three and eight years old boy. I develop my hobby since my childhood.

Watching television in a proper way gives so important roles in one’s life. It helps us to make something creative. It always keeps us an update about all kinds of news and views. It informs us what’s happening across the world.

Getting knowledge about today’s incident is so important for modern society due to a great level of competition. It gives a lot of benefits as it develops our knowledge and thoughts. It enriches our mind of thoughts, ideas, and experiences.

There are different types of programs on TV that are so crucial to enhance our awareness about worldwide matters. TV channels also hold different types of educative programs such as history, economics, science, math, culture, and geography etc. to develop our knowledge.

5. My Hobby Essay – Playing Guitar (300 words)

Whenever people ask me regarding my hobby, I always pause and think for a moment. Even though I like playing all the instruments, my hobby is playing guitar.

When I was 6 years old I suddenly developed a liking for music. I started creating tunes and melodies by beating my desks which sounded like I was playing bongos. I was pretty good at it too. Whenever guests used to come at our place they would request me to play some melody on my dining table as they thought I was very good at it. Of course, in childhood I would get annoyed because playing music was something I wanted to keep to myself.

As I grew up, my hobby developed into playing guitars after my aunt came from Florida and got me a guitar. Now all my time was devoted to learning guitar strings and playing screeching music that would make your ears bleed. But soon, after a lot of practice and perseverance I was able to get hands on learning of guitar strings.   Playing guitar has taught me many things, but the most important thing it has taught me is that the more you play it, the better you become at it. I have hurt my finger with guitar chords many times. Practicing made me learn different notes and now I can play chords such as AM, C, D, G, AM7, CMAJ7 and many more.

Playing guitar gives me the refuge from thinking too much about outside world. It helps me stay calm in the world of chaos. The best thing about it is that I can recreate any tune I want to, which makes me feel very creative and happy that my hobby has developed into a worthwhile talent. i hope that soon I am able to learn other musical instruments as well.

6. My Hobby Essay – Cooking (300 words)

My hobbies have always changed over the time. At one point in my life, I used to paint in my free time. As I grew up, I started cooking as a hobby. I still remember the recipes that I used to download from the internet and work on them with patience. However, I always ended up with burnt pies or undercooked pizza doughs. It was hilarious for my family to see me trying and failing miserably. However, one day I decided to follow my mother’s cooking recipe. I was able to create the dish perfectly then. The happiness I got was priceless so I decided that from that day onwards, I will cook whenever I have free time in my schedule.

From there on, I cook different recipes every day. From lasagna to baked broccoli— I have successfully tried all the recipes. I have realized over the time that cooking is a stress buster and an energy booster. It feels so good after a long hard day at kitchen to finally serve food to your family or guests. Of course, I don’t do it professionally, it is merely a hobby for me. But the joy I receive when I create food from new recipes or invent my own kind of cuisine by mixing up 2 or 3 recipes is beyond price.

One of the best things I like about cooking is that I can experiment on food. I don’t enjoy cooking as a daily chore, but it’s something that I do as a hobby. I love the sound of patties in hot oil, sizzling as they are being fried. I enjoy cutting the colorfully exotic vegetables. The smell of spices and different flavor oozing from my kitchen excite me and make me feel like I am doing something worthwhile. I love cooking as a hobby and it makes me happy that I have learnt it so early in my age.

7. My Hobby Essay – Writing (300 words)

People think a hobby is something you do that you are really good at, but for me it’s different. My hobby is writing and I have been doing it since the age of 5. After coming home from school I would sit at some corner of the house and write about my day. Of course, I did not realize it at that time that I love and enjoy writing. I merely thought that I was penning down my thoughts.

Now just to be clear, I was not good at it. I couldn’t find the words to explain my day. There were a lot of spelling and grammar mistakes and the list goes on. However since I enjoyed doing it in my free time, I kept writing a diary till the age of 12. On my 13 th birthday, I decided to create a blog for my writing musings. I quickly gained a lot of audience as even though I didn’t write well, I included funny tidbits of my daily life in my blogs.

I never earned from my blogs, but I used to take out 30 minutes out of my busy school schedule to make sure that I write and post the blog. Soon I realized that there are some things that you cannot post online, so I diverted back to writing a diary every day. However, after doing this as a hobby for a very long time I have now become a very good writer. I can create my own poems and literature pieces. Moreover I can now write long opinionated articles very well. In my English class, after reading one of my essays my teacher asked me how did I learn to write so well? I smiled and told her ‘Maybe having hobbies actually help us improve our skills after all’

8. My Hobby Essay (300 WORDS)

When it comes to the hobby, it’s a very interesting and good habit for every person. A hobby should have everyone else. Hobby makes everyone busy in free time.

It gets rid of loneliness and prevents from psychological problems. I just remember that when I was three years old kid I used to like spending my free time in the garden. I like so much to be in my green garden with my father every morning.

When I was so small, my parents often laughed at me when I used to pour water on the plants. But now they are so happy and proud to see me in the same garden. I do now everything so perfectly and understand the value of saving plants life. I also understand the importance of trees how they save our lives.

Everyone should have hobbies for every day’s life. Gardening helps us to get a close connection with nature. Hobby increases the pleasure of our mind, soul, and body. It increases our creativity and develops our mind.

My favorite hobby is gardening and I love planting and pouring water every morning. I enjoy the flowers’ blooming and plants growing. Trees grow as like as us. In my garden, I have different types of trees in such as flower trees, mango trees, and some vegetables trees etc. I watch them as my best friend and every day I take care of them. It grows very well.

I realize the great achievement and fact of life. It helps me to be healthy, fit and strong. It always refreshes my mind and gives me a good mood. This types of extra-curricular activities always helps us to develop our motor skills. Finally, everyone should have a good hobby like gardening. Through the hobby, anyone can get a great help for the long run.

9. My Hobby Essay— Reading Books (500 words)

A hobby is something that keeps the passion alive inside you. It can be anything from singing, dancing to reading. My hobby is reading books.

Since childhood, I have always been the kind of kid who was engrossed in reading novels twice the size of my face. In class, at home or even when I would go to visit my relatives, I would always have a novel with me. Reading novels and stories is my hobby. I love that people think I am a nerd for reading books all the time but in reality, reading soothes me. When I come home from a long day at school, I want to come home and read books to divert my mind off the anxiety of school work. It helps me relax and feel better

I have always had this weird feeling that books talk to me and inspire me to become a better person. I take inspiration to be a brand new person everyday whenever I read a book. When I was reading the Pride and Prejudice, I became strong and fierce like Jane. I started having a lot of opinions, and I could feel my personality developing like Jane. However, when I was reading Harry Potter, I could almost swear that I am Harry Potter. In weirdly strange ways I start developing the habits from my favorite characters in the books and start acting that way.

Over my lifetime, I have read over 2000 books. I don’t focus on a particular genre; I just care about the words written inside that book. One of the best things about reading as a hobby is the smell of new books. I feel like I am addicted to the smell of pages and the sound of a crisp page turning as I get access to the new chapter of the book.

There are many reasons why I enjoy reading books so much. One of the top reasons is that I love travelling, and since I don’t afford travelling so often, I can travel from the Mediterranean islands to the beaches of Florida, from the 16 th Century to the 18 th Century, all through my books. I can live the lives of lords and ladies, and even see the world through the eyes of prince and princesses. A book seems like the most private thing and I feel like a whole new being after reading a book.

Another reason why I love reading so much is that my mind feels fresh after I read the books. I get a lot of information that others are unaware of, which makes me ready to face any challenges of life.

My father realized my passion in an early age and got me a membership to my city’s library. I now visit the library every week, sometimes even twice a week to borrow my favorite books and read, read and read! I know that hobbies are only considered a way of passing time, but I can safely say that my hobby has actually become my passion.

10. My Hobby Essay – Painting and Drawing (500 words)

There comes a time in everybody’s life when they are feeling at a loss for words. There are moments when people want to communicate their feelings but can’t find the words to explain those feelings. At those times, painting or drawing is the perfect way to communicate your feelings to the world. My hobby is drawing and painting. There is nothing more in the world that I enjoy more than drawing, painting and filling colors in the sky that I drew up myself.

I developed this hobby a few years ago after we were assigned to paint a picture book for our summer vacation holidays. Naturally, I thought I am not good at painting but as the days passed I practiced and became better at it. Colors, lines and the strokes of paint brushes made me feel like I am doing something great. I started exploring painting and drawing more and creating paintings on different things such as cards, mugs, and even my keychains. It makes me feel relaxed and anxiety-free.

Soon, I started enjoying painting so much that I bought oil paints and started painting cartoon characters on the wall of our backyard.

When my father found out, he acted like he is very furious about it. But later in the day he went out and brought more colors and canvases for me so I can create better paintings and polish this hobby as much as I want to. Then I used to draw on canvases and paint them and hang them around in our house. All the guests used to praise my art and drawings a lot and this gave me a confidence boost to know that I am good at something.

I don’t call myself artist, as painting and drawing don’t come naturally to me. It is rather something that I have perfected over the years as I liked doing it. If I have to study painting and drawing I would have never enjoyed it as I don’t like to put boundaries on my art. I like the fact that I am not doing this for a living and that I am not studying it in college. This means that I don’t have to be perfect at it, but enjoy it as I create paintings that are messy and creative. I believe hobbies should never be tied into a profession or education, but they are something that a person should keep for their own happiness.

I have painted over 100 portraits till now. Painting and drawing is something that makes me feel calm and creative. Now that I have developed this talent of writing, I like painting for myself so it makes me happy. Painting and Drawing are a hobby that have become inseparable from me now. It has become not only my favorite pastime but also one of widely appreciated talents.

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My Hobby Essay

My hobby is the activity that I like to perform during free time or whenever I get time. To speak truly, I even manage to make time for my hobby. It is something that tones my physical stamina and makes me happy, peaceful and calm. Everyone must have a hobby to spend time on something productive and to improve one’s physical and mental abilities.

Short and Long Essay on My Hobby

We have provided below short and long essay on My Hobby in English for your information and knowledge. These My Hobby essays have been written in simple yet effective language to make them easily memorable and presentable when required.

After going through the essays you will know what my hobbies are and also different hobbies like – benefits of book reading; benefits of bicycling as a hobby and steps taken before taking up bicycling as a hobby; benefit of horse riding as a hobby; benefits of swimming as a hobby and the precautions to be taken etc.

These My Hobby essay will prove extremely helpful in your school/college assignments and several competitions like essay writing, debate and speech-giving etc.

My Hobby Essay 1 (100 Words)

Different people have different hobbies based on their taste and preferences. Some like swimming, some dancing and some prefer to read a book in isolation. One thing I like to do is to walk in the woods in silence and calm. I could say that it is a hobby of mine.

I like to walk as close to the nature as possible. It just feels so good that my heart always crave for a walk through the forest, park or any landscape that has been untouched from human interference. Walking fills my lungs with clean, fresh air and gives me a new lease of life.

My Hobby

My Hobby Essay 2 (150 Words)

My favourite hobby is cooking. I love to do cooking on holidays. I like to try out new and unique cuisines from different places around the world. It improves my knowledge not only about the vegetation and food habits of the people in that particular area, but it also let me know the type of vegetation there.

I usually prefer to cook fresh vegetables with sauces and other ingredients, which are healthy, easy to prepare and looks good to serve. More often than not I also like to prepare different kind of desserts from various parts around the world.

Some of the notable dishes that I have prepared are Mexican corn Tortillas, avocado and salsa; white bean peasant soup that belongs to Italy. All you have to do is gather the information from the internet, there is a lot of information available there and gather all the necessary ingredients and prepare a fresh and delicious dish.

My Hobby Essay 3 (200 Words)

Hobby is something that we like to do whenever we are free. Sometimes, it is also an activity that our heart craves for from time to time. My hobby is reading. Don’t get me wrong! I am not talking about subject books, but the books of other genre like fiction, thriller and action etc. One of my favourite genres when it comes to book reading is jungle adventure. I could read a book, for hours in a line, which has been written on adventures in forest and involves animals too. It could be based on anything from a hunting expedition to tracking down a man eater tiger or a rogue elephant.

I have read almost all the books written by acclaimed hunter, adventure and conservationist Jim Corbett, who had spend decades on northern part of India, tracking and hunting man eaters, who have been a menace. I have read some of them even twice and I never get bored of it.

It is something I would like to do on holidays. There is nothing better than reading a good book sitting comfortably on a chair with the sun shining on your face.

My Hobby Essay 4 (250 Words)

A hobby is something that you love to get involve with, in your pass time or in leisure. It is the first thing that comes to your mind when you get bored. I also have a hobby that I like to get involved in whenever I have time – drawing.

Since childhood, I have developed an interest for drawing and love to make sketches, filling a white sheet of paper with life and colors. I don’t know what prompted me towards drawing; nevertheless it is my favourite pastime and my favourite hobby.

Drawing has many mental benefits apart from improving your drawing skills with every new sketch you make. It improves your imagination as your mind constantly juggles through the thoughts of making new figures and filling it with colors.

To draw a sketch in detail you need to be focused and keep your mind concentrated, eliminating any kind of external distraction. The attention to detail that you put in the drawing will require all your imagination and concentration. The ability to concentrate while doing a particular job stays with you always in other works as well.

Drawing is good for the development of the brain and hand-eye coordination. You will constantly think new thins to draw and immediately start giving it shape on paper, working your eyes, brain and hand in synchronization. Drawing is a wonderful hobby which could be fun and in my opinion everyone should take up drawing as a pass time activity if not a full time hobby.

My Hobby Essay 5 (300 Words)


My hobby is the activity that I can’t live without and need to regularly get involved in it. My hobby is cycling and it just pleases me immensely to ride a bicycle in some open terrain which is less travelled by other travelers.

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Steps to Begin as a Cyclist

Step 1 – Find the Right Bike

This is the most important step for bicycle enthusiasts and the same challenging also. You have to find the right bike that suits your physical requirements and the budget as well.

Step 2 – Get Suitable Accessories

Once you have purchased a bicycle, the next step is to fit it with accessories proportionate to your body and your requirements.

Step 3 – Eat Healthy

Once you are all set to paddle your way through a challenging terrain, the first thing you should be doing is to gain energy as much as you can, by eating nutritional and healthy food.

Step 4 – Set a Target

Don’t push it too hard initially and keep your target low for few days and increase it in steps gradually. In the first week you can keep the target of bicycling as 5 miles or even lower.

Step 5 – Regular Maintenance

The most important part of bicycling is to keep your bike regularly maintained and serviced. You should check for oiling, greasing and other requirements to keep it smooth and safe.

Benefits of Bicycling

Bicycling has many health benefits. Some of the most significant of them are given below-

  • Considerably safe and causes less injury as compared to motorcycles.
  • An excellent muscle exercise as you pedal.
  • No prior physical skills required and so it is easy to pursue.
  • Stress buster and a good off-road activity.
  • It is an environment friendly and economical mode of transport.

Bicycling is an excellent hobby and is beneficial for your physical health. It also improves your stamina and makes to stress free and happy. Though, the hobby requires some care of the bicycle and certain mandatory safety precautions.

My Hobby Essay 6 (350 Words)

Different people have different kinds of hobbies. Some of the hobbies are cheap while some require a decent amount of money and other resources. I too have hobby which is neither easy to follow nor is cheap; nevertheless, it is my favourite hobby and I love doing it whenever I get time. My hobby is horse riding.

Horse Riding – My Hobby

Benefits of Horse Riding

Horse riding is a little different from other hobbies, could be a little costlier but it also has several physical and mental health benefits.

To begin with, the hobby of horse riding will take you off the road, and you will be spending more time in the greener postures and open spaces on the out skirts of the city.

The hobby will get you more close to the nature and provide a mesmerizing experience of looking at the clear blue sky from the back of a horse.

While riding a horse on the outskirts of the city you breathe clean and pure air, which is beneficial for your lungs, body and mind.

Apart from the physical benefits, horse riding also transforms you in a kind of animal lover. You will feel a bond with the exceptionally majestic animal, horse. You will also get a sense of responsibility towards the animal and learn to care for it and feed it. You will learn a lot of interesting facts about horses and their behaviour.

You will also learn how to interact with the horse, command it and keep it under control.

Suggestions for Aspiring Horse Riders

Horse riding isn’t an easy hobby and it tests the limit of your physical as well as mental strength. If you are serious about choosing horse riding as a hobby, my advice to you is that you start from understanding the behaviour of horses and how they respond to various commands. A well skilled trainer will be able to effectively teach you that. Even if you are lucky to find a part time job in your locality or town, just go for it. This way you will become familiar with the horses and get a chance to ride on them.

Horse riding is a wonderful experience and very beneficial for physical as well as mental health. However, it has its own challenges and you should also be compassionate about the animal and feel a sense of responsibility towards it.

My Hobby Essay 7 (400 Words)

Everyone has a hobby; someone would like to read books while others would like to watch movies, play games, walk etc.  I also have a hobby, though it may sound a little strange to some. My hobby is swimming. It is cheap hobby requiring no financial commitments and could be simply undertaken in swimming pools, rivers or ponds.

Swimming – My Hobby

Health Benefits of Swimming

Swimming is extremely beneficial for your physical health as it involves the movement of each and every body part and muscle. You swim against the resistance offered by the water making your body more resilient and improving its endurance.

It is very good for your heart and keeps it healthy and free from ailments. Swimming is also like a stress buster that relieves your stress and makes you happy and healthy, of course. As you continuously struggle to stay afloat on water, moving all of your limbs; it improves your muscle strength making them more resilient and strong.

The deep breadths you take while swimming continuously improves the health of your lungs. Swimming also helps regulate your weight and prevents obesity and the complications arising from it. Swimming in a way tones your complete body and rejuvenates it.

There are several other benefits of swimming including that it improves body coordination and balance, making the body more flexible.

Safety Rules for Swimming

Though swimming is an interesting sport, it is very important that certain safety rules and regulations must be followed while swimming. Some of the safety measures to be undertaken while swimming are as given below-

  • Whenever possible try to swim with someone, so that just in case if you need help, you can get it.
  • It is better to swim in water bodies those have lifeguards, to deal with any emergency situation.
  • If you are feeling tired or exhausted already, it is wise to drop the idea of swimming.
  • If the water seems unfriendly or dirty, avoid swimming in it.
  • Stay out of water in case of storm, rain or lightening.
  • Swim at a safe distance from other swimmers, boats, rafts etc.
  • Swimming close to the boat ramps must also be avoided at all cost.

Swimming is the best exercise for your body and mind and opens up all your muscles and sharpens your reflexes. Nevertheless it is mandatory that all the necessary safety precautions must be followed while swimming.

My Hobby Essay 8 (500 Words)

Everyone has a hobby which he/she wants to involve in, whenever the time permits. It makes one physically active and builds mental stamina. I too have a hobby and that is to play cricket during holidays or whenever I get time.

My Hobby – Cricket

Advantages of Playing Cricket

There are several health benefits of playing cricket; moreover it is also good for building up of mental strength and happiness.

Playing cricket improves your physical stamina, makes your reflexes sharp, and improves your agility and overall physical fitness. Playing it regularly isn’t only beneficial for your body as well as for the mind, besides it also instills confidence, ability to coordinate and work as a team, leadership quality etc.

Cricket is a team sport in which you play together with your team and either lose or win. For this you have to be in constant vigil, watching the position and movement of other team players and making strategies with them. This in turn improves your personality by installing leadership quality.

Getting Selected for Cricket in India

The Traditional Way

If you are a normal player hopeful of getting selected in India Cricket Team one day, then the traditional procedure for you is to begin from playing in your school or club level cricket team. Not only that, you must also make a mark by playing in local tournaments and get noticed. If you play good enough, you will be selected for the under 13 cricket team of your district. Remember this all has to happen during your early teens.

After getting selected in District under 13 team, you need to maintain your form and get selected for under 13 state team from then on moving up to under 16 and then under 19. The Indian under 19 cricket team is selected out of the state under 19 teams that play against each other.

There are many factors that come into play here including your luck, skills and competitors.

The Non-Traditional Way

If for some reason you cannot get into the cricket teams by the traditional ways as described above, there is still hope, but I must remind you that the nontraditional way is very difficult and no one, not that I can remember, had been selected this way.

You begin with enrolling in a good cricketing club in your city or town and practice for unusually longer hours. In fact, practice is what you must be doing 24/7, and money also should not be a problem for you. All you should be caring about is your fitness and game.

Thereby, by performing well in club cricket, you should get noticed by the upper-division teams. If you are lucky enough you will be asked by the team to join them. From there on it all depends on you and by performing extraordinarily you can play for state team or the Indian Premier League (IPL).

Cricket is one of the most popular sports of the world and offers an extraordinary career option. However, the key to become a successful cricketer is to practice hard and also to start early in life. If your are passionate about cricket and in your early teens the chances of your getting selected in the under 19 India Cricket Team one day are brighter.

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My Hobby Essay

My Hobby Essay | Essay on My Hobby for Students and Children in English

My Hobby Essay: A hobby is an activity that one does in one’s spare time. It is an activity that brings joy and is something that one finds interesting.

10 Lines on My Hobby

  • What is called a hobby?
  • Is it important to have hobbies?
  • Why do we need a hobby?

Short Essay on My Hobby 200 Words for Kids and Students in English

Below we have given a short essay on My Hobby is for Classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6. This short essay on the topic is suitable for students of class 6 and below.

Flying kites and gardening are my hobbies. I love kites and have many in my collection. They are of all shapes, sizes and colours. I also have some imported kites.

Kites are made from thin paper and bamboo strips. A special string is required to fly kites. Kite flying is a very popular hobby in India and regular competitions are held in almost every city.

My Hobby Essay

Every Sunday I fly kites from my terrace. It is a wonderful sight to see colourful kites flying in the clear blue sky. I also like to fly kites from the big playground in our colony. A lot of older people also come there to fly kites. They are all very skilled and it is fun to watch their kites fly.

Gardening is another hobby I enjoy. I have many kinds of plants at home and nearly 50 pots. During summers, I have to water my plants every day. But during winters, watering even once a week is enough. I love to see my plants first thing in the morning. They look so green and fresh. The beautiful, colourful flowers give me a lot of pleasure.

Indulging in my hobbies gives real pleasure to me.

Students can find more English  Essay Writing  Topics, Ideas, Easy Tips to Write Essay Writing and many more.

  • There must be something that rejuvenates us after a hectic day- something that makes us relieve our stress and make us feel relaxed.
  • That something is called a hobby.
  • My hobby is Gardening. Firstly, I Prepare the soil knowing that if the soil is not good plants will not flourish.
  • After planting you should remove weeds, dead leaves around the plants, etc.
  • I grow various kinds of plants in my house.
  • I look after them and water them daily.
  • Gardening makes me feel happy and it provides me with fruits and vegetables.
  • Moving around the garden is a kind of exercise for me.
  • I take pleasure in doing things in my garden.
  • Beautiful view of my garden gives pleasure to everyone who passes by.

Essay on my Hobby

Read More: My Hobby Essay

FAQs on My Hobby

1.  What is called a hobby?

A hobby is a regular activity done for enjoyment, typically during one’s leisure time.

2. Is it important to have hobbies?

Hobbies build confidence because being good at something and learning something new is very rewarding.

3. Why do we need a hobby?

It helps to relieve stress by keeping you engaged in something you enjoy. Hobbies give you a way to take your mind off the stresses of everyday life.

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My Hobby Essay

My Hobby Essay: every student has to write essays on different topics. So in this article, we’re providing an essay on my hobby for classes 1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,&12. By reading this article you’ll also understand how to write an essay on a topic.

This article contains different essays on my hobby with different word limits like 100, 200, 300, 400, 500, and even 1000+ words. This article is helpful for students who are preparing for assignments, presentations, and exams.

Short and Long My Hobby Essay In English For Children and Students

Here are the long and short easy essays on my hobby for all classes with different word limits. This article on my hobby is helpful for kids, children, and students. Moreover, anyone who wants to get knowledge on this topic can read this article as the language is easy to read.

My Hobby Essay 10 Lines – 100 to 150 Words for Class 3,4,5 Kids

Following are the 10 lines on my hobby  essay

  • Everyone has their own hobbies and mine is dancing.
  • Since my childhood, I have loved dancing like crazy.
  • I’m very passionate about dancing.
  • Dancing has many benefits like fun and physical fitness.
  • My dancing hobby allows me to express my feelings through it.
  • When you dance, you can connect with others through this art.
  • Mastering new dance moves and steps gives me a sense of achievement.
  • My hobby helps me to keep in shape as maintaining weight is very important.
  • I learn many forms of dance like hip-hop, salsa, contemporary, and so on.
  • Every day I practice all moves and steps of dance as I want to become a brand in this industry. 

My Hobby Essay Short – 200 to 250 Words for Class 6,7,8 Children

My Hobby Essay Image

Most people have their first love of the opposite gender. But I’m not one of them. My first love is my cycle. From my childhood, I have loved cycling as it’s my first love and my hobby. My hobby has become an integral part of my life. Cycling is also a perfect solution for my fitness also.

My hobby allows me a lot of opportunities like keeping me in shape, exploring outdoors, and enjoying the beauty of nature. Now let me tell you, share my experience of cycling and the benefits of cycling as a hobby in detail.

The first major benefit of cycling is that it is a great form of cardio exercise. This workout is essential for our body joints, as in cycling you don’t need to lift heavy weights. According to studies, heavy weight lifting in the wrong way can damage your body joints in great instances.

Another benefit of cycling as a hobby is exploring many adventurous and natural sceneries. On the cycle, I often go with friends and explore new parts of the city, which results in increasing our knowledge about the different routes of the city.

The world is facing an enormous problem which is global warming. One of the main reasons for global warming is pollution and carbon emission. But the cycle is very eco-friendly and a good source of transportation. It doesn’t require any fuel or emit any harmful pollutants. This cycle is essential in numerous ways.

My Hobby Essay – 300 to 400 Words for Class 9,10 Students

When anyone talks about hobbies, we mostly witness the hobbies of men. It’s rare to hear about the hobbies of girls. So in this essay, I’m going to tell you about my hobby as a girl. Cooking is my hobby, this activity gives me a great sense of satisfaction.

For some girls, cooking is very irritating for them and they don’t even want to step into the kitchen. But for me, my hobby is relaxing therapy, every time when I step into the kitchen it feels like I enter heaven. I also want to advise girls, especially housewives, to love and enjoy cooking.

In cooking, I love to take on new challenges and do experiments with new ingredients and recipes. All of my family members praise me for my delicious cooking dishes. Not only my family but also my friends, whenever I invite them to lunch or dinner.

The one thing I love most about my hobby is its versatility. It offers a wide range of dishes like rice, curries, sweets, and so on. Whether I’m in the mood for something sweet, light, or hearty, there’s always something I can cook up to suit my cravings.  My hobby enables me to impress people by offering them delicious food.

Cooking is another way for people to get together. Whenever I invite my friends and colleagues, I cook food myself for them. And then we all sit together and enjoy the delicious food. So from this regard cooking is also a source of bond with others.  

It’s a fact that cooking is not so easy for everyone. Sometimes things don’t turn out as I planned and my ingredients and recipe don’t work for my dish. At this moment when I’ve not that much energy and motivation. I used to think about my past success and eventually, my past success motivates me to cook more. 

My hobby blesses me with peace of mind and body. It helps me to stay focused and productive which leads to developing a great character. Cooking also helps to improve my skills of creativity and to connect with others. Whenever I’m in the kitchen I feel great, as my hobby nourishes my mind and soul.

My Hobby Essay – 500+ Words for Class 11,12 Students

My Hobby Essay - 500+ Words for Class 11,12 Students

Introduction of Gardening Is My Hobby Essay

A hobby can be defined as an activity that a person doesn’t do in routine work. But whenever one gets free time he/she likes to do that activity. This activity is called a hobby of that person. Usually, a hobby is like a passion and a person wants to do it passionately. 

So now I want to tell you about my hobby and that is gardening. From my childhood, I was attached to plants and trees and I don’t even know how much I love to spend time in gardens. Because my love for plants is next level and the garden of the house is proof of my love towards gardening.

Gardening as a Relaxing Therapy

I found myself very close to gardening as it keeps my mind fresh. It’s a fact that nature helps you to relax your mind and body and my hobby works great for me in this regard. Whenever I’m in the garden I forget the stress of the outside world which results in the reduction of stress levels in my body.

Benefits of Gardening

Gardening has countless benefits for us. Some of them are explained below.

1. Weed Elimination

Weeds are the major cause of reducing yields of crops. It is also a source of producing insects which results in disease and the destruction of plants. And studies prove that these unwanted plants consume many natural resources like nutrients from soil and energy from sunlight. And for weed elimination gardening is the only option.

2. Plants are a Source of Vitamins

No one can deny the fact that plants are a significant source of many vitamins. Spinach and Broccoli plants are sources of Vitamin A. Everyone knows how much Vitamin D is essential for our body. And it can also get from plants like Mushrooms plants are a good source of Vitamin D.

3. Major Source of Oxygen

Everyone knows the importance of oxygen in our lives. Because it’s a basic need for our body no one can survive without oxygen. Our world is suffering from global warming because of deforestation.

The scientist provides a solution to global warming and that is replantation. And I think gardening can also help us to fight against global warming. So everyone has to take it seriously and plant at least 2 plants to make a beautiful garden.

4. Provides Healthy Food

Gardening blesses us in many ways, and it’s also a source of healthy food and fruits. In-home gardening where there is no use of pesticides and menopause, which results in healthy foods. This food is more beneficial for our bodies.

Conclusion of Gardening Is My Hobby Essay

The benefits of gardening are numerous for our physical, mental, and emotional health. My hobby is eco-friendly as it helps in environmental sustainability. Usually, a hobby is enjoyable to a particular age group, but my hobby can be enjoyable for people of all ages. 

Gardening increases our love of nature and this love is essential for all of us. As this emotion helps us to keep our environment clean and green. This habit will also result in overcoming a major problem and that is global warming. Thus I advise everyone to take part actively to protect our environment.

FAQs on My Hobby Essay

Dancing as a hobby is a leisure activity that involves learning and practicing various styles of dance for personal satisfaction and enjoyment.

Gardening as a hobby is the practice of cultivating and caring for plants, flowers, and vegetables in a designated outdoor or indoor space.

As a hobby gardener, you can choose to grow a variety of plants, including flowers, herbs, fruits, vegetables, and succulents.

Writing as a hobby is the act of expressing oneself through written words, whether it be fiction, non-fiction, poetry, or journaling.

Writing as a hobby has several benefits, including improving communication skills , enhancing creativity, promoting self-reflection, and providing a sense of accomplishment.

Priya Sharma Author

Priya Sharma

Priya’s love for IT and other fields led her to start writing articles on various topics. She started her writing journey as a hobby but soon realized that writing is her true passion. Priya’s articles and blogs have been published on different social sites, which has helped her gain a massive following and recognition in the writing community. Her writing style is engaging, informative, and well-researched, which has earned her the trust of her readers.

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  • My Favourite Hobby Essay in English for Students & Children


Give Wings to your Creative Side with Hobbies

Hobbies play a very crucial role in everyone's life. Whenever we are free, it is good to follow our hobbies. It makes us occupied, and we do not feel idle. Every person finds their happiness and enjoys doing some kind of activity in their leisure time, these activities are known as hobbies. 

My Special Hobby 

My favourite hobby is watching TV. Whenever I have free time, I love watching Television. It never obstructs my studies. Hobbies help us to expand our knowledge, and it teaches us several things. First, I like to finish all my school homework and then start watching TV. This lightens my mood and sparks up the excitement inside me, as it increases my curiosity about the world. Watching different useful stuff on TV enhances my knowledge horizons and gives me lots of joy. 

Benefit of My Hobby

It is a good habit because watching TV escorts a lot of knowledge in various fields. There are several channels on TV, which represent worldwide affairs. I watch the news and I like channels, such as animal planet, discovery channel or another informative channel. These channels increase my curiosity and encourage me to learn about different aspects of life.

I interestingly watch a cartoon network that provides me with creative and new ideas to make cartoons and arts. Some of my favourite comics are Mr Bean, Tom and Jerry, Scooby-Doo and many more. Many art-themed cartoons, like The Pink Panther and SpongeBob, inspire me to draw them. Primarily, the artworks of comics attract me and inspire me to decorate my scrapbooks with their figures. 

Parents Find Hobbies Useful

My parents praise my hobby, and they are also happy when they see me watching national and international news and several events on the TV. Moreover, they feel proud when they listen to the news update from me. 

Now, I study in class with two and eight years old girls. Creating jokes, sitting idle and spending time roaming around is unproductive, according to my parents. My parents made sure that I developed my hobbies from childhood. Therefore, they encouraged me to create some good habits. 

Watching TV in a proper way gives you so many important roles. It helps us to make something creative. It provides us with knowledge about different places, their cultures, climatic conditions and especially their history. Furthermore, it widens our imagination by showing imaginary characters from the marvellous Disney World and Jungle Book. 

Importance of Hobby

Getting the latest updates and gaining knowledge about today’s incident is so important. It provides us with a lot of benefits, which help us in developing our knowledge and thoughts. It also enhances our minds of thoughts, ideas, and experiences. Hobbies are all about interest and can only be done in our leisure time. These activities help us in keeping our mind and body in a relaxed and refreshed state.  

Moreover, hobbies also increase our productivity and improve our overall health. It protects us from the risk of dementia and also protects us from sadness in our life. It also helps in our overall development and ignites our hidden talents and passions. So it is essential to have hobbies in our lives.

Several Aspects of Watching TV as an Hobby

Watching TV is not only about fun and joy; it also introduces us to new characters and stories to analyse. Every show comes with a new set of characters and stories that tickles our brains. As a hobby, you can compare these different storylines and their characters with one another. 

There are different types of programs on TV that are so crucial to enhancing our awareness about worldwide matters. TV channels also telecast different types of educational programs to improve our knowledge of history, science, economics, math, culture, and geography etc. In such programs, you get to analyse the different acting styles, writing and overall good and bad behaviours of various communities, their thoughts and cultures. 

Different Genres on TV  

Each TV show has different types of content or genres. These TV genres are sci-fi, dramas, adventurous shows, action, animations and reality shows. While Watching TV, it is not necessary to stick to any one genre and thus, you get to explore various other genres. 

And this is the most valuable part of my hobby. Television brings together numerous elements of imagination and ideas from different genres and allows me to explore them. 

Some Other Hobbies

You can have more than one hobby, as they are not restricted to any particular limit. All the things that you have an interest in can be regarded as a hobby. A person can have multiple areas of interest and have more than one activity as a hobby. 

I, too, have more than one hobby. Other than watching TV, I like to listen to music. This helps me keep myself calm after doing lots of work and gives my ears and heart a soothing effect. 

Besides these, I also have hobbies, such as reading comic books, painting, writing narrative stories, and maintaining a scrapbook. These activities make me happy and enhance my hidden qualities. Writing and reading boost my imagination. Along with these activities, I participate in gardening in my leisure time because I love to plant new and colourful flowers. 

Moreover, I like dancing and singing. These are the activities I often do whenever I find time after completing my studies and homework. I do participate in singing and dancing competitions as well because I like to sing and dance. My teachers and parents always appreciate and encourage me to pursue my hobbies. 


Every human being on this Earth is unique. Not only in terms of appearance but also for inherent characteristics. All the people work, think, talk, interpret, act, etc. , in countless ways. These are all the things which express me. One needs to have a good command of themselves before going to write something about their life. Life is meant to be lived avidly and with a proper visualization to do good for your fellow beings. Keeping this in mind, I have always desired to serve my people in whatever capacity I can.


FAQs on My Favourite Hobby Essay in English for Students & Children

1. Why are hobbies important for students?

2. What are the best hobbies to make students more creative?

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Paragraph on My Hobby 100, 150, 200, 250 to 300 Words for Kids, Students, and Children

February 7, 2024 by Prasanna

Paragraph on My Hobby: Hobbies are a great way to relax and unwind. These are done after a stressful day at school, college, or office. There is no rule of what can be termed as a hobby. It could be anything, from stamp collection to painting, or even travelling. Anything can be considered as a hobby if it relaxes your mind.

You can read more  Paragraph Writing  about articles, events, people, sports, technology many more.

Paragraph on My Hobby – 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

After finishing homework, children like to enjoy their free time by doing some extra-curricular activities. Such as painting, dancing, singing, or playing. It relaxes their minds and prepares them for another day of hard work. Hobbies can be pursued as a leisure activity. This also helps help us to make more friends who live in our area of interest. A hobby can be of any type, easy or difficult. Stamp collection is a very difficult type of hobby as it requires a lot of patience. Whereas painting and dancing can be done at any time.

Paragraph on My Hobby - 100 Words for Classes 1, 2, 3 Kids

Paragraph on My Hobby – 150 Words for Classes 4, 5 Children

Our hobbies determine what we would become when we grow up. Someone who loves singing might decide to become a singer in the future. It is not mandatory to choose a hobby that we want to take on as a career option. Sometimes, hobbies are meant for fun and relaxation. There are plenty of ways to pursue a hobby.

We can enrol ourselves in special classes that will teach us more about our interests. We can choose to do this at our home in our free time. No matter what hobby we choose, it should always make us feel relaxed. There is no point in following a hobby if it adds to our stress. You can even look up on the internet to find tutorials that would teach you more about your area of interest.

Paragraph on My Hobby – 200 Words for Classes 6, 7, 8 Students

For a student, a hobby would mean taking some time off from classes and utilizing it for something that he likes to do. A hobby should come to you naturally. It should not be enforced by anyone. If it has to be enforced upon you then, you will soon lose interest in it. The main purpose of a hobby would be lost.

Some people like to read books as a hobby. It is a great way to improve one’s vocabulary. This makes them aware of plenty of things that schools might not teach them. Life is short, and the world is vast. There is a galaxy of knowledge out there, waiting for us to stumble upon it. That is the main purpose of hobbies. To make us aware of things those are beyond the confines of our classroom walls.

A regular school day will teach you only those topics that are mentioned in your syllabus. However, a hobby will teach you much more than that. It will introduce you to newer topics. This will help you in becoming a knowledgeable person.

Paragraph on My Hobby – 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams

It has been rightly said that regular studies are like a minute speck of information in a vast galaxy of knowledge. There are plenty of things to learn out there. We just need the right mindset for it. A hobby is a great way to incorporate a vast subject of learning into our daily lives. The best thing about hobbies is that they are flexible. They don’t have any strict guidelines to follow. They don’t demand us to do them every day.

A regular hobby like reading books can be picked up anytime and anywhere. However, highly skilled hobbies like coding require much more time and skills. You can take professional help if you feel that you don’t have access to enough resources that would further your level of learning. After graduating, when people go out looking for jobs, their hobbies help them to bag jobs. Most of the top recruiters have been demanding to know about our hobbies. So, that they will get a better idea about our personalities.

Our hobbies reflect our personalities. The things we choose to do, tell a lot about what kind of people we are. You might be excelling in academics, but if you don’t have a proper hobby that you have been following since a young age. Then you won’t be showcasing any solid personality. Therefore, it is imperative to choose an area of interest and devote some time to it in order to develop as a wholesome individual.

Paragraph on My Hobby - 250 to 300 Words for Classes 9, 10, 11, 12 and Competitive Exams

FAQ’s on Paragraph on My Hobby

Question 1. What are the different types of hobbies?

Answer: Hobbies can include any area of interest, be it painting, singing, dancing, reading, or even sports.

Question 2. Do I need professional help to pursue a hobby?

Answer: It’s not mandatory to take professional help for a hobby but, if you feel that you should, then go ahead.

Question 3. Why are hobbies important?

Answer: Hobbies are important because they develop our minds and bodies and make us better equipped to face the different job requirements that might arise in the future.

Question 4. Can I make a career out of my hobby?

Answer: Yes, you can. If you religiously follow a hobby for a long time, you can make a career out of it.

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Essay on My Hobby – My Hobby Essay in English for Class 1 to Class 12 Students

February 20, 2021 by Study Mentor Leave a Comment

Things which we enjoy doing in our free time are called hobbies. Few people have only one hobby and few people may have multiple hobbies. Each person’s hobby varies from one to another. Hobby or hobbies play an important role in every human’s life. Writing essays on My hobby is very interesting. All you have to do is write what is your hobby and why did you choose that particular hobby. 

In order to help you with your hobby essay, on this page, we have provided a sample Essay on My Hobby. Going through the Hobby essay provided on this page, you will get a fair idea of how to write a hobby essay. Read on to find more.

Table of Contents

Essay on My Hobby in 10 Lines

Below we have provided an essay on My Hobby Cricket in 10 lines.

  • My hobby is playing cricket.
  • I play cricket with my schoolmates and neighborhood friends.
  • I choose batting and fielding over bowling or wicket-keeper.
  • My inspiration for playing cricket is Sachin Tendulkar.
  • I dream to beat Sachin Tendulkar’s score one day.
  • Playing cricket keeps me physically fit and mentally strong.
  • I have also learned teamwork and how to win as a team through cricket.
  • My highest score in cricket is 57 runs.
  • I have also enrolled in a cricket academy near my home and made few friends.
  • Seeing my passion for cricket, my father presented me with a cricket kit. I feel it is a valuable gift in my life.

Other My Hobby Essays

Also, check various other my hobby essays below:

  • Essay on My Hobby Dancing
  • Essay on My Hobby Drawing
  • Essay on My Hobby Gardening
  • Essay on My Hobby Badminton
  • Essay on My Hobby Reading Books
  • Essay on My Hobby Cricket

Long Essay on My Hobby Singing 200-500 Words

My hobbies are Singing and listening to music. But singing is my favorite hobby. When I was 4 years old, my parents enrolled me in a Music Class in our Apartment. Our Music teacher’s name was Mrs.Sheela and used to teach me the basics of Music and Singing. From then I used to practice whatever my teacher taught me in Music Class whenever I am free. I used to sing while traveling in the school bus, while walking on the roads etc., This practice turned singing into my hobby.

Singing always keeps me fresh and singing songs helps me forget all the problems. I have a good vocal. I relate my vocal range from F3 to F5 which is an Alto that means low female voice. Whenever some functions or occasions take place in our house or neighborhood, they invite me to grace the occasion with a welcome song. Initially, I used to hesitate to sing in front of others, but now I enjoy singing in front of everyone. Also, my friends encourage me to sing during the lunch breaks and they enjoy my songs and have lunch.

I simply smile while singing a song which makes the listeners/observers smile as well. I have also participated and bagged few prizes in singing and music-related competitions which were organized in our school. 

Besides that my mom is also a renowned singer and she received many awards for the same. But she compromised her dream to take care of my family. Whenever I bag an award or prize from a singing competition, my mom is the first person who will be happy about that. My mom and I enjoy singing together and forget about the time. My mom also suggests to me the correction of tone and rhythm here and there when I am singing along. Sometimes, I feel that I am fulfilling her dream.

Since my Voice range is alto, I stuck only to singing melodious songs. But I dream to become a DJ or pop star in the future. For that I am practicing pop, pop alternative singing methods as well. Once I get familiar with the pop style methods, I will disclose to my friends that I can sing pop songs as well. Someday I wish to become a great singer in the world.

The above-provided My hobby essay can be written in 200, 300, 400, and 500 Words as well. The above essay is also applicable for Class 4 to Class 12 students as well.\

Essay On My Hobby – FAQs

  • What are hobbies for Class 2? A. Kids of age 4 to 5 will usually be playing outdoor games. And students of Class 1 or Class 2 will not have any one specific hobby.
  • Why are hobbies important? A. Hobbies are important because it helps one to do the activity which they love to do. It keeps the mental health productive and keeps them free from stress.

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Paragraph on My hobby in English for Students & Children

We are Sharing a Paragraph on My hobby in English for students and children. In this article, we have tried our best to provide a Short My hobby Paragraph | Essay for Classes 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12 in 100, 150, 200 words. Check out 5 simple and useful paragraphs on My Hobby.

Paragraph on My Hobby in English for Kids, Students, and Children

A Short Paragraph on My Hobby for Class 1 and 2

My Hobby Paragraph in 100 words

A hobby is an interesting thing. It gives great pleasure. It is done in my spare time. It is not done for money. There are many hobbies. Gardening is my hobby. There is a small garden behind our house. It is full of many kinds of plants. There are also many flowering plants. Many birds come there. They sing so sweetly. I use my free time gardening. It gives me great pleasure. My parents like my hobby. They help me with it.

Write a Paragraph on My Hobby  

Reading My Hobby Paragraph in 110 words

A hobby is anything you love to do without any pressure. It refreshes us and removes tension from our mechanical and boring life. Stamp collecting, gardening, writing, speaking, and traveling are some delightful hobbies.

Reading is my favourite hobby. It gives me pleasure during leisure. I read both classical and romantic literature. Both the light literature and tough novels refresh my mind. I read newspapers and magazines while they are fresh. My hobby is not only recreative but also instructive. It cheers my heart and adds to my knowledge. Books impact me with the right guidance. It checks me from idling and enables me to utilise my time fruitfully.

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10 Lines on My Hobby Reading Books

10 Lines on My Hobby Painting

Gardening My Hobby Paragraph for students for class 3 and 4

Paragraph about My Hobby in 120 words

Gardening is my favourite hobby. We have a small patch of land, where We grow various varieties of flowers. I love red roses and white lilies and water them daily in the morning and evening. It is a pleasure to tend flowers. When the small plants buck, my joy knows no bounds. When I .sit on the silken grass grown by my patience and hard work, I feel a sort of mental satisfaction. I have also grown tomatoes and pumpkins in my kitchen garden. I am proud of my small green kingdom. In my garden, there are two trees of guava and another mulberry? When sparrows chirp in my garden early in the morning and the cuckoo sings a melodious song in the spring season, I am lost in ecstasy.

Poetry My Hobby Paragraph for students for class 5 and 6

Paragraph about My Hobby in 150 words

Hobbies are recreational activities. When we need a break from our daily routine, then we turn to our hobbies.

My hobby is poetry. It is the most imaginative and creative hobby. One takes a trip to a different world while thinking between the lines of a poem. A well-rhymed poem is music to ears. One can express one’s deep desires and emotions easily through poetry.

Our literature is also enriched by great poets like Surdas, Tulsidas, Mira Bai, Tagore, etc. I read their poems constantly to polish my skills.

Poetry has given an outlet to my feelings. Now I find music in all aspects of nature. My poems are regularly published in our Annual magazine. This encourages me to write better and more.

I was awarded personally by the school principal. I was also sent to participate in competitions in other schools.

I will always be thankful to my mother for inspiring me in my hobby.

Essay | Paragraph about My Hobby Reading for students

My Hobby   Paragraph in 200 words

A hobby is something that we like to do in our leisure time. A hobby is an activity that makes a person feel happier and complete. It makes one’s mind relaxed and stress-free. I have many hobbies like reading, dancing, listening to music, and gardening. Out of all, my favourite hobby is reading. Whenever I get some time out of my busy schedule, I read books. I have a collection of many books. I read both fictional as well as non-fictional books, but I have more interest in reading non-fiction.

Reading books helps in increasing my general knowledge. It is a brain exercise that makes my brain sharp and improves my concentration level. Reading in fact keeps my brain occupied, as a result of which my stress level goes down. Sometimes at night when I am unable to sleep, reading can make me feel drowsy. In short, reading is my favourite leisure time activity and apart from passing my leisure time, I gain many other benefits from it.

Essay on My Hobby

10 Lines on My Hobby

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Essay on My Hobby

As we all know a hobby is the best creation to refresh our mind and body and also for enjoyment in our daily life. It also introduces to the person’s character or it may help to describe that person what they think. It gives us happiness and enriches our daily lives. Every person has their own particular hobby like reading books, art, cooking, etc. It is a regular activity done for enjoyment, mostly during one’s leisure time.

Short and Long My Hobby Essay in English

It is not professional and it is not for any pay. A number of hobbies change with new interest. So here we will see three different essays of different lengths. So let us have a look.

My Hobby Essay 10 Lines (100 – 150 Words)

1) Everyone has some hobbies and my hobby is gardening.

2) I love nature that’s why gardening gives me pleasure.

3) I have a small garden in my house and I take care of it.

4) I grow flowers as well as vegetables in my garden.

5) I love watching my plants grow gradually.

6) Every day in the evening, I water the plants in my garden.

7) The fresh vegetables in my garden are more delicious.

8) I spend most of my leisure time in my garden.

9) My family helps me with gardening activities.

10) The greenery in my garden gives me peace and happiness.

Essay 1 (200 – 250 Words) – Essay on My Hobby: Dancing


Everyone has their own particular hobby; one person can hold one or more than one hobby. A hobby is something that gives you joy or makes your day interesting. Here I will tell you about my favorite hobby that is dancing. In today’s era, almost all of us are so much engrossed in our busy schedule that we don’t get time even for ourselves.

However, sometimes life becomes a little kind to us and gives us an ample amount of time to live for ourselves and it depends upon us how we utilize our leisure time. Different people have different kinds of interests to get rid of boredom. But when it comes to me, it has always been dancing.

My Hobby: Dancing

Dance is a movement to the rhythm of music by making a series of steps. When our feet feel the beat of extravagant music and our hand tries to match the rhythm then the pleasant form of dance is born. If I be a little honest then I can say that it is not at all easy to explain dance in words, because according to me dance is a feeling which shows us different cultures and traditions. I love to learn all the traditions through dance. I think dance is the best thing one can do during his or her leisure time.

Dance is one of the best hobbies which can be pursued. Dance not only makes us enjoy our leisure time but it also keeps us fit. It is really very joyful as well as helpful for me so I love to dance.

Essay 2 (300 – 400 Words) – Essay on My Hobby: Reading Books

It is very necessary for everyone to keep a good hobby. A good hobby keeps a man active, updated, and also makes him creative. A hobby does not only keep boredom away but also improves our skills and makes us confident.

My Hobby: Reading Book

My hobby is reading. I love to read books in my free time. I feel that reading is a great hobby. Apart from giving pleasure, it also enhances our knowledge. Reading is very beneficial as well as an essential activity that helps in skill-building. Reading a good book gives us joy as well as it also gives the experience to live life smoothly. One of the best benefits of reading books is, it enriches our vocabulary with so many good words. It also benefits us with ideas collection, makes us familiar with different types of writing formats, helps us in improving our communication skills, and also makes it fluent.

It is often said that a person who has reading habits, he or she never feels bored and lonely. However, if he or she feels bored, they open their magical books, and then they are again filled with joy and happiness. Books make their life lively.

Why One Should Choose Book Reading as a Hobby

  • It Expands our Knowledge

We all know that reading books gives us knowledge of different things. Different books of different subjects provide us with different concepts. Some teach us English, some Math, some Hindi and many more.

  • It Enriches us with Vocabulary

Reading books also fill us with new words. It helps us in including many new as well as effective words in our daily life.

  • It Stretches our Brain

Reading stretches our brain. It makes us deal with things differently. It also makes our brain interpret images, for instance, if we read novels then we imagine the characters and things taking place.

  • It makes us Aware of History

There are many books which tell us the history of our country as well as other countries. One, who has an interest in history, can enhance his or her knowledge through these books.

  • It is a Peaceful Hobby

Reading books do not include any physical activity instead it is a very peaceful hobby. It can be done in complete silence and it also gives inner peace.

Reading is a very efficient hobby. It not only saves us from boredom instead it also enhances our knowledge. Along with the enhancement of knowledge reading also gives us inner peace.

Essay on My Hobby

Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words) – My Hobby Essay: Cricket

Cricket is one of the very famous sports in India. It is also one of the sports that are widely spread in almost all over the world. This sport requires the use of a wooden bat and a ball. This game contains two teams that include eleven players each. The main motive of this game is to score the highest number of runs. This game is played in an open ground on a pitch which is specially maintained for the purpose of the game.

My Hobby: Cricket

Well, I have a number of hobbies, but playing cricket is my most favorite hobby. I enjoy playing cricket in my spare time. It makes me feel healthy, stronger, and also keeps me energized. I started taking interest in cricket when I was only five years old. It attracted me as a sport and I was very much fascinated with this game. Whenever I used to come home from school, I used to be in so much hurry that after taking my meal, I will go to play cricket. I was one of the prominent players in the school.

Like many other people of our country, I too was inspired by one of the very efficient cricketers named ‘Mr. Mahendra Singh Dhoni’. It is my dream to play like Dhoni. Even if I was very much appreciated by the viewers of my match, I never felt very much satisfied. I always wanted to perform better than before. My hobby of cricket made me a famous personality in my school. I was also honored with a certificate to praise me on the day of my farewell.

Why Choose Cricket as a Hobby

There are many health as well as other benefits of cricket which will make us choose it as one of our favorite hobbies. Few benefits of cricket are discussed below:

  • Cricket can be played for fun.
  • Playing cricket increases stamina.
  • It teaches us balance and coordination.
  • It makes us physically fit.
  • It improves hand-eye coordination.
  • It teaches us team skills.
  • It makes us social and teaches us social interaction.
  • It also improves our communication skills.
  • This game can also be chosen as a career.

Cricket as a Career

Cricket can also be chosen as a career. When a cricketer chooses cricket as a career then he plays by being a part of any club, city team, state team, country team, any franchise team, and many more. There are many paths one can take as a cricket player. Few cricketers tend to specialize in a particular format of game-like T20 cricket.

If a cricketer makes big, then there is very tremendous earning as a cricketer. Even the players who play domestic cricket can earn a good sum of money. The life of a cricketer is very glamorous and royal. One can really enjoy being a cricketer.

Cricket is a very good hobby. It can be very beneficial for one to keep cricket as a hobby as it has many health as well as other benefits. Cricket can also be chosen as a career. It gives a glamorous life.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . A hobby is an activity that we love to do in our spare time.

Ans . The word hobby has been derived from hobbyhorse that means favourite pastime.

Ans . Hobbies make our life interesting and enhance our creative skills.

Ans . Life becomes monotonous and boring by just doing the routine works and not having any hobby.

Ans . The activity of collecting coins called numismatics is the world’s oldest hobby.

Ans . The most common hobbies are watching television, reading, gardening, music, and video games.

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My Hobby Essay for Students and Children in 1000 Words

my hobby essay, my best hobby, benefits of having a hobby

Here you will read a My Hobby essay for students and children in 1000 words. It includes info about my hobbies, benefits of having a hobby, 10 lines and conclusion.

Table of Contents

A hobby is something that an individual wants to do in his leisure time. Hobbies can also be said as a person’s personal interest. It is a type of pleasant activity that someone would like to do, bringing joy and happiness to him . 

In today’s world where everyone is seemingly so busy and involved in their day-to-day activities, getting some spare time for ourselves is necessary. 

My Favourite Hobby

There are many things that I like to do when I get some spare time. The favorite thing that I like the most is playing football. After completion of the scheduled studies, homework and other daily activities, I prefer to spend most of my free time playing football .

I play and practice football at home too, as I have a complete kit to play the game. I also watch the national, international, and club tournaments of football on TV . It is a game that I am really passionate about. I always get excited when I get to play football, as it is my favorite hobby.

Benefits of Having a Hobby

1. stress reliever.

Hobbies are completely pleasure filling activities that fill our minds with positive emotions and relieve stress . It works as a distraction from our busy schedule, and we gradually start enjoying the process.

2. It unleashes our talents

3. it can provide an extra source of income, 4. hobbies help you stay refreshed.

When you’re doing what you like, you have peace of mind. You stay physically and mentally active and refreshed. It boosts your self-confidence to do things and improves your self-esteem. You get self-motivated to do things even better.

10 Lines on My Hobby in English

Conclusion of my hobby essay.

I think that I can have a bright career in football, but since I am a school student, for now, it is just a hobby for me. Maybe in the future, I’ll get a chance to prove myself and try my level best to be a professional football player.

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English Aspirants

My Hobby Paragraph in English [100, 120, 150 Words]

My Hobby Paragraph in English: A free time occupation for the sake of fun and pleasure is known as a hobby. In this article, you are going to learn how to write a paragraph on my hobby paragraph in English. Here we’ve provided 3 paragraphs on this topic (100, 120, and 150 words). These paragraphs will be helpful for the students from class 1 to class 12. So, let’s begin.

Table of Contents

My Hobby Paragraph: 100 Words

Reading books is my hobby. This hobby got started when I was a little boy. It is one of the best habits that one can cultivate. Books provide the reader with so much information and facts. Book is the best medicine to eradicate boredom. They provide relief from monotony. I can enjoy the company of great writers by reading their works.

They give us food for the mind. Reading enables me to learn so many things that I would otherwise not know. They help us develop our overall personality. It is indeed a good hobby.

My Hobby Paragraph in English

Paragraph on My Hobby: 120 Words

A hobby is something which we do in our free time. Hobbies can be anything like reading, drawing, gardening, dancing, singing, and many more. My hobby is drawing. I like drawing since my childhood. I got the first prize in the drawing competition of my school. I mostly draw pictures of people, animals, birds, flowers, mountains, etc.

I also like to draw pencil sketches. I find drawing very interesting and it gives me pleasure. Drawing serves as a medium for the expression of my creativity. The habit of drawing makes us creative people. I spend my free time drawing pictures. I have so many types of colour pencils, crayons, water colours, and sketches. I would like to become an artist when I grow up.

Paragraph on My Hobby

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My Hobby Paragraph Writing: 150 Words

I never like to spend my hours out of doors. I am for a confined life within my study. Reading is a favourite pursuit with me. This is my favourite hobby. This has ever acted as a joy of my day-to-day life. Reading is, indeed, a passion with me. Reading is my hobby since my childhood. It is in my very blood. I get immense pleasure from this. It may be a rainy day.

It is not possible to go out. But I am quite happy with my books. Again, it may be a cold night. Streets and trams and buses may be deserted. But I am in the crowded world of the stories of mighty authors. Books provide me relief from monotony. They never fail to give me comfort and delight. Reading has improved my vocabulary and communication skills. They form my dearest hobby.

My Hobby Paragraph Writing

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1000+ Words Essay on My Hobby

A hobby is like a treasure chest, filled with endless possibilities for joy, learning, and self-expression. In this essay, we will explore the significance of having a hobby and delve into the world of my hobby. Hobbies are not just pastimes; they are windows to our passions and interests, offering numerous benefits to our physical, mental, and emotional well-being.

The Importance of Hobbies

Having a hobby is essential for a balanced and fulfilling life. Hobbies provide an avenue for relaxation and stress relief, allowing us to escape from the pressures of daily life. According to experts, engaging in a hobby can reduce stress levels and improve overall mental health.

Personal Fulfillment

My hobby brings me a sense of personal fulfillment and happiness. Pursuing a hobby allows me to explore my interests and talents. For instance, I am passionate about painting, and when I paint, I feel a deep sense of satisfaction and creativity flowing through me.

Learning Opportunities

Hobbies offer valuable opportunities for learning and skill development. Whether it’s playing a musical instrument, gardening, or cooking, hobbies teach us new skills and broaden our horizons. Learning from my hobby has boosted my self-confidence and given me a sense of achievement.

Time Management

Engaging in a hobby teaches us time management. Balancing my hobby with schoolwork and other responsibilities has improved my organizational skills and helped me become more efficient in managing my time.

Social Interaction

Hobbies also foster social interaction. When I participate in group activities related to my hobby, such as art classes or sports teams, I get to meet new people who share similar interests. This has enriched my social life and helped me build lasting friendships.

Stress Reduction

In today’s fast-paced world, stress is a common companion. My hobby acts as a stress buster, allowing me to unwind and relax. Engaging in my hobby, whether it’s reading, painting, or playing a musical instrument, helps me recharge and face life’s challenges with a fresh perspective

Creative Expression

Creativity is an integral part of my hobby. Through creative activities like writing stories or composing music, I can express my thoughts, emotions, and imagination. Experts believe that creative expression through hobbies enhances cognitive skills and problem-solving abilities.

Sense of Accomplishment

Completing a project or achieving a milestone in my hobby gives me a profound sense of accomplishment. Whether it’s finishing a challenging puzzle or perfecting a new dance routine, these small victories boost my self-esteem and motivation.

Expert Opinions on Hobbies

Experts in psychology and child development affirm the importance of hobbies in a child’s life. Hobbies encourage exploration, critical thinking, and the development of a growth mindset. They also promote a sense of responsibility, as individuals learn to commit to their chosen pursuits.

Balancing Screen Time

In today’s digital age, children often spend excessive time on screens. Hobbies provide a healthy alternative, diverting attention away from screens and encouraging physical activity and creative thinking. Many experts advocate for a balance between screen time and hobby-related activities.

Conclusion of Essay on My Hobby

In conclusion, my hobby is not just a pastime; it is a source of joy, learning, and personal growth. Engaging in my hobby has taught me valuable life skills, such as time management, creativity, and stress management. It has also allowed me to connect with others who share similar interests, expanding my social circle. Hobbies play a crucial role in our lives, contributing to our overall well-being and happiness. As experts suggest, nurturing hobbies from a young age is vital for personal development and a balanced, fulfilling life.

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Essay on My Hobby in English for Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on My Hobby: Everyone has some kind of liking for certain things in life. Hobby is something that people enjoy doing for fun during their free time. Everyone must have a hobby to spend time on something productive and to improve one’s physical and mental abilities. My hobby is a very good topic for the class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 students.

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Short and Long Essay on My Hobby

We have provided below short and long essay on My Hobby in English for your information and knowledge. These My Hobby essays have been written in simple yet effective language to make them easily memorable and presentable when required.

After going through the essays you will know what my hobbies are and also different hobbies like – benefits of book reading; benefits of bicycling as a hobby and steps taken before taking up bicycling as a hobby; benefit of horse riding as a hobby; benefits of swimming as a hobby and the precautions to be taken etc.

These My Hobby essay will prove extremely helpful in your school/college assignments and several competitions like essay writing, debate and speech-giving etc.

My Hobby Essay 100 Words

Different people have different hobbies based on their taste and preferences. Some like swimming, some dancing and some prefer to read a book in isolation. One thing I like to do is to walk in the woods in silence and calm. I could say that it is a hobby of mine.

I like to walk as close to the nature as possible. It just feels so good that my heart always crave for a walk through the forest, park or any landscape that has been untouched from human interference. Walking fills my lungs with clean, fresh air and gives me a new lease of life.

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My Hobby Essay 150 Words

My favourite hobby is cooking. I love to cook on holidays. I like to try out new and unique cuisines from different places around the world. It improves my knowledge not only about the vegetation and food habits of the people in that particular area, but it also let me know the type of vegetation there.

I usually prefer to cook fresh vegetables with sauces and other ingredients, which are healthy, easy to prepare and looks good to serve. More often than not I also like to prepare different kind of desserts from various parts around the world.

Some of the notable dishes that I have prepared are Mexican corn Tortillas, avocado and salsa; white bean peasant soup that belongs to Italy. All you have to do is gather the information from the internet, there is a lot of information available there and gather all the necessary ingredients and prepare a fresh and delicious dish.

My Hobby Essay 200 Words

Hobby is something that we like to do whenever we are free. Sometimes, it is also an activity that our heart craves for from time to time. My hobby is reading. Don’t get me wrong! I am not talking about subject books, but the books of other genre like fiction, thriller and action etc. One of my favourite genres when it comes to book reading is jungle adventure. I could read a book, for hours in a line, which has been written on adventures in forest and involves animals too. It could be based on anything from a hunting expedition to tracking down a man eater tiger or a rogue elephant.

I have read almost all the books written by acclaimed hunter, adventure and conservationist Jim Corbett, who had spend decades on northern part of India, tracking and hunting man eaters, who have been a menace. I have read some of them even twice and I never get bored of it.

It is something I would like to do on holidays. There is nothing better than reading a good book sitting comfortably on a chair with the sun shining on your face.

My Hobby Essay 250 Words

A hobby is something that you love to get involve with, in your pass time or in leisure. It is the first thing that comes to your mind when you get bored. I also have a hobby that I like to get involved in whenever I have time – drawing.

Since childhood, I have developed an interest for drawing and love to make sketches, filling a white sheet of paper with life and colors. I don’t know what prompted me towards drawing; nevertheless it is my favourite pastime and my favourite hobby.

Drawing has many mental benefits apart from improving your drawing skills with every new sketch you make. It improves your imagination as your mind constantly juggles through the thoughts of making new figures and filling it with colors.

To draw a sketch in detail you need to be focused and keep your mind concentrated, eliminating any kind of external distraction. The attention to detail that you put in the drawing will require all your imagination and concentration. The ability to concentrate while doing a particular job stays with you always in other works as well.

Drawing is good for the development of the brain and hand-eye coordination. You will constantly think new thins to draw and immediately start giving it shape on paper, working your eyes, brain and hand in synchronization. Drawing is a wonderful hobby which could be fun and in my opinion everyone should take up drawing as a pass time activity if not a full time hobby.

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My Hobby Essay 300 Words

My hobby is the activity that I can’t live without and need to regularly get involved in it. My hobby is cycling and it just pleases me immensely to ride a bicycle in some open terrain which is less travelled by other travelers.

Cycling – My Hobby

Riding a bicycle is a great hobby because it keeps you healthy and is a form of exercise. It’s a hobby that doesn’t take up too much of your time, and you can do it anywhere and at any time. I’ve had my bike for one year now.

Steps to Begin as a Cyclist

Step 1 – Find the Right Bike

This is the most important step for bicycle enthusiasts and the same challenging also. You have to find the right bike that suits your physical requirements and the budget as well.

Step 2 – Get Suitable Accessories

Once you have purchased a bicycle, the next step is to fit it with accessories proportionate to your body and your requirements.

Step 3 – Eat Healthy

Once you are all set to paddle your way through a challenging terrain, the first thing you should be doing is to gain energy as much as you can, by eating nutritional and healthy food.

Step 4 – Set a Target Don’t push it too hard initially and keep your target low for few days and increase it in steps gradually. In the first week you can keep the target of bicycling as 5 miles or even lower.

Step 5 – Regular Maintenance

The most important part of bicycling is to keep your bike regularly maintained and serviced. You should check for oiling, greasing and other requirements to keep it smooth and safe.

Also Check: Paragraph on My Hobby

Benefits of Bicycling

Bicycling has many health benefits. Some of the most significant of them are given below-

  • Considerably safe and causes less injury as compared to motorcycles.
  • An excellent muscle exercise as you pedal.
  • No prior physical skills required and so it is easy to pursue.
  • Stress buster and a good off-road activity.
  • It is an environment friendly and economical mode of transport.

Bicycling is an excellent hobby and is beneficial for your physical health. It also improves your stamina and makes to stress free and happy. Though, the hobby requires some care of the bicycle and certain mandatory safety precautions.

My Hobby Essay 350 Words

Different people have different kinds of hobbies. Some of the hobbies are cheap while some require a decent amount of money and other resources. I too have hobby which is neither easy to follow nor is cheap; nevertheless, it is my favourite hobby and I love doing it whenever I get time. My hobby is horse riding.

Horse Riding – My Hobby

Riding horses is the hobby I enjoy the most. It’s not only a sport but also a way to connect with nature and experience a sense of freedom.

Benefits of Horse Riding

Horse riding is a little different from other hobbies, could be a little costlier but it also has several physical and mental health benefits.

To begin with, the hobby of horse riding will take you off the road, and you will be spending more time in the greener postures and open spaces on the out skirts of the city.

The hobby will get you more close to the nature and provide a mesmerizing experience of looking at the clear blue sky from the back of a horse.

While riding a horse on the outskirts of the city you breathe clean and pure air, which is beneficial for your lungs, body and mind.

Apart from the physical benefits, horse riding also transforms you in a kind of animal lover. You will feel a bond with the exceptionally majestic animal, horse. However you will also get a sense of responsibility towards the animal and learn to care for it and feed it. You will learn a lot of interesting facts about horses and their behaviour.

You will also learn how to interact with the horse, command it and keep it under control.

Suggestions for Aspiring Horse Riders

Horse riding isn’t an easy hobby and it tests the limit of your physical as well as mental strength. If you are serious about choosing horse riding as a hobby, my advice to you is that you start from understanding the behaviour of horses and how they respond to various commands. A well skilled trainer will be able to effectively teach you that. Even if you are lucky to find a part time job in your locality or town, just go for it. This way you will become familiar with the horses and get a chance to ride on them.

Horse riding is a wonderful experience and very beneficial for physical as well as mental health. However, it has its own challenges and you should also be compassionate about the animal and feel a sense of responsibility towards it.

My Hobby Essay 400 Words

Everyone has a hobby; someone would like to read books while others would like to watch movies, play games, walk etc. I also have a hobby, though it may sound a little strange to some. My hobby is swimming. It is cheap hobby requiring no financial commitments and could be simply undertaken in swimming pools, rivers or ponds.

Swimming – My Hobby

Swimming is an enjoyable activity that anyone can take part in. You can begin a swimming hobby by locating a pool and jumping in. Personally, I find swimming to be a fantastic pastime. It keeps you moving without getting extremely sweaty.

Health Benefits of Swimming

Swimming is extremely beneficial for your physical health as it involves the movement of each and every body part and muscle. You swim against the resistance offered by the water making your body more resilient and improving its endurance.

It is very good for your heart and keeps it healthy and free from ailments. Swimming is also like a stress buster that relieves your stress and makes you happy and healthy, of course. As you continuously struggle to stay afloat on water, moving all of your limbs; it improves your muscle strength making them more resilient and strong.

The deep breadths you take while swimming continuously improves the health of your lungs. Swimming also helps regulate your weight and prevents obesity and the complications arising from it. Swimming in a way tones your complete body and rejuvenates it.

There are several other benefits of swimming including that it improves body coordination and balance, making the body more flexible.

Safety Rules for Swimming

Though swimming is an interesting sport, it is very important that certain safety rules and regulations must be followed while swimming. Some of the safety measures to be undertaken while swimming are as given below-

  • Whenever possible try to swim with someone, so that just in case if you need help, you can get it.
  • It is better to swim in water bodies those have lifeguards, to deal with any emergency situation.
  • If you are feeling tired or exhausted already, it is wise to drop the idea of swimming.
  • If the water seems unfriendly or dirty, avoid swimming in it.
  • Stay out of water in case of storm, rain or lightening.
  • Swim at a safe distance from other swimmers, boats, rafts etc.
  • Swimming close to the boat ramps must also be avoided at all cost.

Swimming is the best exercise for your body and mind and opens up all your muscles and sharpens your reflexes. Nevertheless it is mandatory that all the necessary safety precautions must be followed while swimming.

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My Hobby Essay 500 Words

Everyone has a hobby which he/she wants to involve in, whenever the time permits. It makes one physically active and builds mental stamina. I too have a hobby and that is to play cricket during holidays or whenever I get time.

My Hobby – Cricket

Cricket is a hobby I’m truly passionate about. I’ve been playing it since I was a kid, and I’ve always loved the excitement and fun it brings. Cricket is a sport I find challenging and rewarding, and it makes me feel satisfied and happy.

Advantages of Playing Cricket

There are several health benefits of playing cricket; moreover it is also good for building up of mental strength and happiness.

Playing cricket improves your physical stamina, makes your reflexes sharp, and improves your agility and overall physical fitness. Playing it regularly isn’t only beneficial for your body as well as for the mind, besides it also instills confidence, ability to coordinate and work as a team, leadership quality etc.

Cricket is a team sport in which you play together with your team and either lose or win. For this you have to be in constant vigil, watching the position and movement of other team players and making strategies with them. This in turn improves your personality by installing leadership quality.

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Getting Selected for Cricket in India

The Indian cricket team selects its players through the BCCI’s zonal selection policy. In this policy, there is one selector for each of the five zones, and the BCCI appoints one member as the chairman of the selection committee.

The Traditional Way

If you are a normal player hopeful of getting selected in India Cricket Team one day, then the traditional procedure for you is to begin from playing in your school or club level cricket team. Not only that, you must also make a mark by playing in local tournaments and get noticed. If you play good enough, you will be selected for the under 13 cricket team of your district. Remember this all has to happen during your early teens.

After getting selected in District under 13 team, you need to maintain your form and get selected for under 13 state team from then on moving up to under 16 and then under 19. The Indian under 19 cricket team is selected out of the state under 19 teams that play against each other.

There are many factors that come into play here including your luck, skills and competitors.

The Non-Traditional Way

If for some reason you cannot get into the cricket teams by the traditional ways as described above, there is still hope, but I must remind you that the nontraditional way is very difficult and no one, not that I can remember, had been selected this way.

You begin with enrolling in a good cricketing club in your city or town and practice for unusually longer hours. In fact, practice is what you must be doing 24/7, and money also should not be a problem for you. All you should be caring about is your fitness and game.

Thereby, by performing well in club cricket, you should get noticed by the upper-division teams. If you are lucky enough you will be asked by the team to join them. From there on it all depends on you and by performing extraordinarily you can play for state team or the Indian Premier League (IPL).

Cricket is one of the most popular sports of the world and offers an extraordinary career option. However, the key to become a successful cricketer is to practice hard and also to start early in life. If your are passionate about cricket and in your early teens the chances of your getting selected in the under 19 India Cricket Team one day are brighter.

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What is a hobby.

Everyone has some kind of liking for certain things in life. Hobby is something that people enjoy doing for fun during their free time.

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My Favorite Hobby Essay: 50 Words,100 Words,150 Words and1000 Words

Imagine a world where every day offers an escape into something you love, a sanctuary where time stands still and the heart races with joy. This is the essence of a hobby, a personal retreat that offers solace, excitement, and fulfillment. As we delve into “My Hobby Essay,” we embark on a journey to uncover the layers of enthusiasm, creativity, and personal growth that hobbies bring into our lives.

Hobbies are the silent storytellers of our lives, painting vivid pictures of our interests, aspirations, and quests for happiness. They range from the simplicity of reading a book to the adrenaline rush of skydiving, each with its own flavor and essence. Through this exploration, we’ll discover how these cherished activities reflect our inner selves, offering both a mirror and a window into who we are and who we aspire to be.

Now, let us transition into the heart of the essay, where we’ll weave through the narratives of joy, challenge, and discovery that hobbies entail. Prepare to explore the profound impact of our favorite pursuits on our well-being and identity, and how they become not just a part of our routine, but a vital component of our very essence.

My Hobby Essay 50 Words

My hobby is drawing, a serene escape that allows me to express creativity and emotions without words. With each stroke, I explore various textures and shades, bringing my imagination to life. It’s a journey of constant learning and self-discovery, where blank canvases transform into expressions of my inner world.

My Hobby Essay 100 Words

My hobby is reading, a simple activity that opens doors to endless imagination and knowledge. It all began when I discovered a dusty old book in my attic, sparking a love for stories that whisked me away to different worlds. Through reading, I’ve journeyed to magical lands, solved mysteries alongside detectives, and lived through historical events. This hobby has not only expanded my vocabulary but also enriched my understanding of diverse cultures and human emotions. It offers a sanctuary where I can unwind and recharge, providing comfort and inspiration in my daily life. Reading is more than a hobby; it’s a window to the vast universe, teaching me new things with every page turned.

My Hobby Essay 150 Words

My hobby is gardening, a passion that roots me in the pleasures of nature and the cycle of life. It began as a small project with a few pots and has since blossomed into a vibrant oasis that I nurture with love and patience. Through gardening, I have learned the importance of care, dedication, and the delicate balance of nature. Watching seeds sprout into plants and flowers bloom is a constant reminder of the wonders of life and the rewards of attentive stewardship.

Gardening offers me a tranquil retreat from the bustle of everyday life, a place where I can find peace and rejuvenation among the greenery and fragrant blooms. It’s not just about the beauty of the flowers or the freshness of home-grown vegetables; it’s about the connection to the earth and the joy of seeing my efforts flourish. This hobby has enriched my life, providing both physical exercise and a profound sense of accomplishment and serenity.

My Hobby Essay 200 Words

My hobby, gardening, has rooted itself deeply into the fabric of my life, offering me both a physical and mental sanctuary. This green oasis I tend to is not just about the act of planting and watching things grow; it’s a profound connection to nature that teaches patience, care, and the cycle of life. Each seed sown is a testament to hope, a promise of new life waiting to unfold under the warmth of the sun and the care of my hands.

Gardening is more than a pastime—it’s a dialogue with nature. As I dig, plant, and nurture, I find myself grounded in the present moment, away from the distractions of the digital world. The garden is a place of endless lessons, where each plant’s growth or struggle reflects the delicate balance of life. It has taught me resilience, as not every plant thrives, and adaptability, learning what each species needs to flourish.

Moreover, gardening is a creative outlet, allowing me to design landscapes that change with the seasons, offering a constantly evolving palette of colors and textures. It provides not only a sense of accomplishment but also contributes to my physical well-being, with fresh produce right from my backyard. In essence, gardening enriches my life, offering solace, education, and a deep appreciation for the simple, yet profound, joys of life.

My Hobby Essay 250 Words

My hobby of playing the piano transcends mere musical practice; it is an immersive journey into the realm of melody and emotion. This enchanting world of black and white keys has become a sanctuary for my soul, a place where I can express my deepest feelings without uttering a single word. From the first timid touch of the keys to mastering complex compositions, each note played is a step deeper into the heart of music itself.

The piano is not just an instrument; it is a vessel for storytelling. Through it, I have discovered the power of music to convey stories, evoke emotions, and connect with others on a profound level. It has taught me the beauty of discipline and the reward of perseverance, as mastering each piece requires patience and dedication. The satisfaction of finally playing a piece fluently is incomparable, a true testament to the journey of learning and growth.

Beyond personal fulfillment, playing the piano has opened avenues for social connection and cultural appreciation. Performing for others brings a sense of community and shared joy, while exploring different genres has deepened my appreciation for the diversity of musical expression across cultures. It’s a hobby that nurtures my creativity, enhances my emotional intelligence, and broadens my understanding of the world.

Furthermore, the mental and emotional benefits of playing the piano are significant. It serves as a therapeutic escape, where stress and anxiety dissolve into the harmony of music. This meditative aspect of playing brings tranquility to my mind, making it not just a hobby, but a crucial element of my well-being.

In essence, playing the piano is a multifaceted hobby that enriches my life in countless ways. It is an endless journey of discovery, expression, and connection, making it a deeply cherished aspect of my existence.

My Hobby Essay 1000 Words

Football, more than just a game, is a world of its own that brings people together, transcending borders and cultures. From the moment I kicked my first ball, I was captivated by the sheer joy and freedom it offered. This essay explores my journey with football as a hobby, its impact on my life, and the lessons it continues to teach me.

The Beginning: Falling in Love with Football

My journey with football began in my early childhood, in the open fields of my local park. It was there, amidst laughter and shouts, that I discovered my passion for the game. The excitement of chasing the ball, the camaraderie among players, and the thrill of scoring a goal hooked me completely. Football was no longer just a pastime; it became my hobby, my passion, and a significant part of my identity.

The Game: More Than Just Playing

Playing football is not just about the physical game; it’s about strategy, teamwork, and mental toughness. Each match is a new challenge, a puzzle to be solved with creativity and cooperation. As I honed my skills on the field, I also learned the importance of communication, leadership, and resilience. Football taught me to think on my feet, adapt to changing situations, and above all, work harmoniously with others towards a common goal.

The Challenges: Growing Through Adversity

Like any journey, mine with football has had its share of obstacles. Injuries, defeats, and moments of self-doubt tested my commitment to the game. However, these challenges only deepened my love for football. They taught me the value of perseverance, the importance of dedication, and the power of a positive mindset. Overcoming these hurdles has made every victory on the field even more rewarding.

The Community: A Sense of Belonging

Football has given me a community, a sense of belonging to something larger than myself. Whether it’s with friends at a local park or with a team in a more structured league, the bonds formed on the football field are unique and enduring. This community has supported me through thick and thin, celebrating every triumph and commiserating every defeat. It’s a brotherhood forged in sweat and ambition, a family united by a shared love for the game.

The Lessons: Beyond the Field

The lessons learned from playing football extend far beyond the field. It has taught me about respect—respect for the rules, opponents, and the spirit of the game. It has instilled in me the importance of hard work, discipline, and the relentless pursuit of excellence. Football has been a mirror reflecting my strengths and weaknesses, pushing me to grow, not just as a player, but as a person.

The Impact: Shaping My Worldview

Football has shaped my worldview in profound ways. It has taught me that success is not just about talent; it’s about effort, attitude, and the courage to keep going despite setbacks. This hobby has shown me the beauty of diversity and the strength that comes from unity. It has made me more open-minded, tolerant, and appreciative of different cultures and backgrounds.

The Future: Continuing the Journey

My journey with football is far from over. I look forward to many more years of playing, learning, and growing with the game. Football will continue to be a significant part of my life, offering new challenges to overcome and more joy to discover. As I move forward, I am excited about passing on my love for the game to others, inspiring them to find the same joy and passion in football that I have.

Playing football is more than a hobby; it is a vital part of who I am. It has enriched my life in countless ways, teaching me lessons that extend well beyond the game. Football has given me a community, shaped my character, and provided a source of joy, passion, and fulfillment. As I lace up my boots and step onto the field, I am reminded of the incredible journey football has taken me on—a journey of growth, camaraderie, and love for the beautiful game.

My Hobby Essay 10 Lines

My hobby is playing football, a sport that brings joy and excitement into my life. From the moment I kick the ball, I feel a surge of energy and freedom. It’s not just about scoring goals; it’s about teamwork, strategy, and the thrill of the game. Every match is a new adventure, offering lessons in perseverance, discipline, and sportsmanship. On the field, I forget all my worries, focusing solely on the game and my teammates. Football has taught me the importance of hard work, determination, and the value of practice. Whether playing in the rain or under the shining sun, the joy of football remains constant. It connects me with people from different backgrounds, fostering friendships and understanding. Through football, I’ve learned to set goals, celebrate successes, and learn from defeats. This hobby is an essential part of my life, offering physical fitness, fun, and invaluable life lessons.

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500+Words Essay on My Hobby in English

We all have busy schedules and constant demands but thankfully hobbies offer a sense of joy and fulfillment. Whether it’s painting, gardening, or playing an instrument, hobbies allow us to escape the stresses of everyday life and indulge in activities that bring us happiness. In this article, we’ll explore hobbies, exploring their importance, their benefits, and the endless possibilities they offer for relaxation and self-expression.

Table of Content

What are Hobbies?

Types of hobbies, importance of hobbies, 500+ word essay on my hobby: painting, 500+ word essay on my hobby: dancing, 500+ word essay on my hobby: sports.

Hobbies are activities that individuals engage in for pleasure and relaxation, offering a break from daily routines. They come in various forms, such as physical, mental, social, creative, and self-improvement hobbies. Engaging in hobbies provides numerous benefits, including stress relief, skill development, knowledge enhancement, and social interaction. Hobbies can help individuals disconnect from work-related stress, improve mental health, and foster creativity. They also contribute to personal growth by boosting confidence, patience, and self-esteem.

Here are the types of hobbies catering to different interests and preferences:

  • Physical Hobbies/Active Hobbies
  • Creative and DIY Craft Hobbies
  • Mental Hobbies
  • Musical Hobbies
  • Collecting Hobbies
  • Food/Drink Hobbies
  • Games/Puzzles Hobbies
  • Model/Woodworking Hobbies

Hobbies play a crucial role in our lives, offering numerous benefits that contribute to our overall well-being and happiness. Here’s why hobbies are so important:

  • Hobbies provide us with a much-needed escape from the stresses and pressures of daily life. Engaging in activities we enjoy allows us to take a mental break, recharge our batteries, and return to our responsibilities feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. Whether it’s painting, playing a musical instrument, or gardening, hobbies offer a therapeutic outlet for relieving stress and promoting relaxation.
  • Hobbies build personal growth and development by challenging us to learn new skills and expand our knowledge. Whether we’re mastering a new recipe in the kitchen, learning to play a new song on the guitar, or honing our photography skills, hobbies encourage continuous learning and self-improvement. This not only boosts our confidence and self-esteem but also enhances our cognitive abilities and keeps our minds sharp.
  • Hobbies provide a sense of purpose and fulfillment in our lives. They allow us to pursue our passions, express our creativity, and connect with our inner selves on a deeper level. Whether we’re creating something with our hands, exploring the great outdoors, or immersing ourselves in a good book, hobbies give us a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction that enriches our lives.
  • Hobbies play a vital role in maintaining our mental and emotional well-being. Engaging in activities we love boosts our mood, reduces feelings of anxiety and depression, and improves our overall mental health. Hobbies also provide opportunities for social interaction and connection, whether it’s joining a book club, participating in a sports team, or attending a cooking class. These social connections foster a sense of belonging and community, which is essential for our mental and emotional well-being.
  • Hobbies are an essential part of a balanced and fulfilling life. They offer a wide range of benefits, from stress relief and personal growth to enhanced well-being and social connection. By making time for hobbies, we can improve our quality of life and cultivate a greater sense of happiness and fulfillment.

Introduction to Painting as a Hobby

Painting is not just about putting colors on canvas; it is a form of communication that transcends words. For many individuals, painting serves as a means of relaxation, self-discovery, and emotional release. As a hobby, painting allows one to escape the stresses of daily life and enter a realm where creativity knows no bounds. Whether using oils, acrylics, watercolors, or other mediums, each stroke of the brush carries with it a piece of the artist’s soul.

Personal Experience with Painting

As someone who has embraced painting as a hobby, I have found immense joy and satisfaction in creating art on canvas. The process of selecting colors, envisioning a composition, and bringing it to life through brushstrokes is both meditative and exhilarating. Each painting tells a story, capturing emotions, memories, or simply the beauty of the world around us.

Benefits of Painting as a Hobby

Engaging in painting as a hobby offers numerous benefits beyond just creating beautiful artwork. Some of the key advantages include:

  • Stress Relief: Painting provides an outlet for stress and anxiety, allowing individuals to focus their energy on creating something beautiful.
  • Self-Expression: Through painting, one can express thoughts, emotions, and ideas that may be difficult to articulate verbally.
  • Creativity Enhancement: Painting stimulates creativity and imagination, encouraging individuals to think outside the box and explore new artistic possibilities.
  • Mindfulness: The act of painting requires focus and concentration, promoting mindfulness and presence in the moment.
  • Personal Growth: Engaging in painting can lead to personal growth by boosting confidence, patience, and self-esteem.

Techniques in Painting

Painting includes a wide range of techniques that artists can explore and master. Some common techniques include:

  • Color Mixing: Understanding how colors interact with each other is essential in creating harmonious compositions.
  • Brushwork: Different brush strokes can create varying textures and effects on the canvas.
  • Layering: Building layers of paint adds depth and dimension to the artwork.
  • Composition: Planning the layout of elements within the painting helps create balance and visual interest.
  • Light and Shadow: Mastering light and shadow adds realism and depth to paintings.
  • Finding Inspiration for Painting
  • Inspiration for painting can come from various sources:
  • Nature: The beauty of nature – landscapes, flowers, animals – often serves as inspiration for many painters.
  • Emotions: Strong emotions or personal experiences can fuel creativity and inspire meaningful artwork.
  • Artistic Influences: Studying the works of renowned artists can spark ideas and influence one’s own style.
  • Everyday Life: Simple moments or objects in everyday life can be transformed into art through observation and interpretation.

In conclusion, painting as a hobby offers a myriad of benefits for individuals seeking creative expression, relaxation, and personal growth. Whether you are an experienced artist or just starting out with a brush in hand, painting provides a canvas for imagination to flourish and emotions to be captured in vibrant hues. Embrace the world of painting as a hobby, let your creativity flow freely, and watch as each stroke brings you closer to your inner artist.

Dancing is not just a hobby; it is a passion that ignites my soul and fills my life with joy, expression, and creativity. From a young age, I have been drawn to the art of dance, finding solace and freedom in the movement of my body to the rhythm of music. In this essay, I will delve into the profound impact that dancing has had on my life, exploring its physical, emotional, and mental benefits, as well as the ways in which it has shaped my identity and provided me with a sense of purpose and fulfillment.

To begin with, dancing is a form of physical exercise that not only keeps me fit and healthy but also allows me to express myself through movement. The sheer act of dancing engages various muscle groups, improves flexibility, coordination, and balance, and enhances cardiovascular health. Whether I am practicing ballet, hip-hop, salsa, or contemporary dance styles, each session challenges my body in unique ways, pushing me to strive for greater strength and agility. Moreover, the endorphins released during dance sessions elevate my mood and reduce stress levels, leaving me feeling energized and rejuvenated.

Beyond its physical benefits, dancing serves as a powerful emotional outlet that enables me to channel my feelings and emotions into artistic expression. Through dance, I can convey a range of emotions – from joy and excitement to sadness and longing – without uttering a single word. The music becomes my language, the movements my vocabulary, and the stage my canvas on which I paint stories of love, loss, triumph, and resilience. In moments of uncertainty or turmoil, dancing provides me with a safe space to release pent-up emotions, find catharsis, and regain a sense of inner peace.

Furthermore, dancing nurtures my mental well-being by stimulating creativity, enhancing cognitive function, and fostering mindfulness. As I learn new choreographies, experiment with different dance styles, and collaborate with fellow dancers, my brain is constantly challenged to memorize sequences, coordinate movements, and interpret musical cues. This mental stimulation not only sharpens my focus and concentration but also boosts my memory retention and problem-solving skills. Additionally, the rhythmic patterns of dance music help me enter a state of flow where I am fully present in the moment, free from distractions or worries.

In addition to its physical, emotional, and mental benefits, dancing has played a pivotal role in shaping my identity and providing me with a sense of purpose and fulfillment. Through years of dedicated practice and performance experiences, I have honed my skills as a dancer, developed my own unique style and artistic voice, and built lasting relationships within the dance community. Each time I step onto the stage or into the studio, I am reminded of the passion that drives me to pursue excellence in this art form. Dancing has not only enriched my life but also given me a sense of belonging and purpose that transcends words.

In conclusion, dancing is more than just a hobby for me; it is a way of life that brings me immense joy, fulfillment, and self-discovery. Through its physical benefits of exercise and fitness; emotional outlet for expression; mental stimulation for creativity; and identity-shaping role in providing purpose and fulfillment; dancing has become an integral part of who I am. As I continue to immerse myself in this art form with dedication and passion, I look forward to the endless possibilities for growth, learning, and self-expression that dance offers.

Engaging in sports is not merely a pastime for me; it is a passion that fuels my spirit, challenges my limits, and enriches my life in countless ways. From the adrenaline rush of competition to the camaraderie of teamwork, sports have been an integral part of my journey towards personal growth, physical fitness, and mental resilience. In this essay, I will delve into the profound impact that sports have had on my life, exploring their physical, emotional, and social benefits, as well as the ways in which they have shaped my character and instilled in me a sense of discipline and determination.

To begin with, participating in sports is a gateway to physical well-being and overall health. Whether I am running on the track, shooting hoops on the basketball court, or diving into the pool for a swim, each sport challenges my body in unique ways, promoting cardiovascular fitness, strength, agility, and endurance. The regular practice and training required in sports not only help me stay in shape but also instill healthy habits such as proper nutrition, hydration, and rest. Moreover, the endorphins released during physical activity elevate my mood, reduce stress levels, and boost my energy levels, leaving me feeling refreshed and invigorated.

Beyond its physical benefits, sports serve as a powerful emotional outlet that allows me to channel my emotions in a constructive manner. The highs of victory and the lows of defeat experienced in competitive sports teach me valuable lessons in resilience, perseverance, and sportsmanship. Through wins and losses alike, I learn to celebrate success with humility and grace and to face setbacks with courage and determination. The emotional rollercoaster of sports not only strengthens my mental fortitude but also fosters a sense of self-awareness and emotional intelligence that transcends the boundaries of the playing field.

Furthermore, engaging in sports nurtures my social well-being by fostering connections with teammates, coaches, and fellow athletes. The bonds forged through shared experiences on the field or court create a sense of belonging and camaraderie that extends beyond the game itself. Whether we are strategizing plays together, cheering each other on during matches, or celebrating victories as a team, the sense of unity and support within a sports community is unparalleled. These relationships not only provide me with a support system during challenging times but also offer opportunities for personal growth through collaboration, communication, and teamwork.

In addition to its physical, emotional, and social benefits, sports have played a pivotal role in shaping my character and instilling in me values such as discipline, determination, and resilience. The dedication required to excel in sports demands consistent practice, hard work, and sacrifice – qualities that translate into other areas of life such as academics or career pursuits. Through the ups and downs of training regimens, injuries, setbacks, and comebacks, I have learned to push past my limits, set ambitious goals for myself, and persevere in the face of adversity. Sports have taught me that success is not just about winning medals or trophies but about personal growth, self-improvement, and the journey towards becoming the best version of myself.

In conclusion, sports are more than just a hobby for me; they are a way of life that embodies passion, perseverance, and personal growth. Through their physical benefits of fitness; emotional outlet for resilience; social connections for camaraderie; and character-building role in discipline; sports have become an integral part of who I am. As I continue to engage in various sports with dedication and enthusiasm, I look forward to the continued opportunities for growth, learning from challenges faced on the field or court while striving towards excellence both as an athlete and as an individual.

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Essay on My Hobby- FAQs

What are hobbies.

Hobbies are activities pursued for pleasure and relaxation during leisure time. They range from creative pursuits like painting and writing to outdoor activities like gardening and hiking.

Why are hobbies important?

Hobbies provide an outlet for self-expression, reduce stress, and contribute to overall well-being. They also foster personal growth, creativity, and social connections, enhancing quality of life.

How do I find the right hobby?

Explore different activities based on your interests, passions, and talents. Try new things, attend workshops or classes, and seek inspiration from others to discover hobbies that resonate with you.

Can hobbies be beneficial for mental health?

Yes, engaging in hobbies can have positive effects on mental health by promoting relaxation, reducing anxiety and depression, and boosting self-esteem and cognitive function.

Are there benefits to pursuing multiple hobbies?

Yes, having diverse hobbies allows for a well-rounded lifestyle. Each hobby offers unique benefits, and pursuing multiple interests can provide variety, prevent burnout, and stimulate creativity.

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Interesting My Hobby Essay for Kids

Presenting My Hobby Essay in English for kids will help them understand how to write an essay on this topic. Students can refer to My Hobby essay for kids as a sample while drafting my hobby essay at school or any social events competition.

Given below is my hobby essay on cricket which students can refer to while drafting an essay on this topic. They can pick ideas from this sample as to what are the important points to include in their essay. You can also download these few lines about My Hobby essay in a colourful PDF format so that your kid can refer it anytime, anywhere.

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My hobby essay on cricket.

My Hobby Essay on Cricket for Kids

“A hobby is referred to as a person’s favourite pastime for which he/she is passionate about. Hobbies play a significant role in our lives as this occupies our minds and enriches us with the opportunity to spend time productively. Developing a hobby makes our lives enjoyable and worthwhile.

Hobbies are meant for recreational purposes and it can either be physical or a variety of other activities based on the personal preferences of a particular person. Some people enjoy reading novels, dancing, cooking, singing, drawing or painting, playing outdoor games like cricket, badminton, volleyball, etc.

Playing cricket is my hobby and it helps me in staying fit and healthy. It engages my mind, body and soul to be proactive and vigilant in my day-to-day tasks. Once I have completed my homework after school, I spend time playing cricket with my friends.

Sachin Tendulkar is my favourite cricketer and I wish to follow in his footsteps to become like him someday. I really enjoy playing cricket as it provides relaxation and is perfect for both my physical and mental health.”

My hobby essay for kids is one of the most common topics of essay writing at school. Kids often enjoy writing about my hobby essay in English as they get an opportunity to express their favourite pastime activity. They can simply put their thoughts in words and convey their feelings as to what excites them about their respective hobbies. BYJU’S offers a plethora of such interesting English essays for kids . 

We hope the above sample about my hobby essay for kids proves useful to youngsters when they are asked to write my hobby essay 100 words. For more such interesting study resources , you can check and explore our Kids Learning section for more details and give your child the joy of learning new things.

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Paragraph Buzz

My Hobby Paragraphs | 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 Words for Class 1-10

Life is boring with work and that’s why people need to have a hobby which will make him relaxed. Your hobby could be a way to keep yourself entertained. Here are the top short and long paragraphs on my hobby. I hope these paragraphs will assist you in your study.

In This Blog We Will Discuss

My Hobby – Paragraph: 1 (100 Words)

My hobby is drawing, I love to draw. When I was a kid, I loved playing with color pencils and oil pastels. Now I am a high school student and I am still trying to draw better. I hope that I will be an artist in the future. My parents are really supportive and they always inspire me to draw.

My father buys me drawing pencils and paper. In my free time, I don’t watch TV, I draw. I think that helps me to become creative. Drawing is my passion. The most beautiful scene for me is the sunset on the beach.    

Your Favorite Hobby: Cooking – Paragraph: 2 (150 Words)

Everyone has a hobby and so do I. My hobby is cooking. I love to cook. At first, I used to help my mom in her cooking. But later I found that I really enjoy cooking. I asked my mom to teach me that, and she was really happy about this.  Then she teaches me and I learned pretty much everything about cooking.

I don’t get enough time to cook but I try my best. Everyone says that my cooked food is really delicious and I think so also. I wish to become a popular cooking teacher in the future. People should learn so many cooking techniques that I know now. 

I watch YouTube videos regularly which helps me to gain so much knowledge on different types of cooking. Once I cook for my cousin who came from America and he was amazed after eating that food. That day was really inspiring for me, everybody praised my dish and then I never looked back and never give up.    

My Favorite Hobby: Book Reading – Paragraph: 3 (200 Words)

My hobby is book reading. I started reading a book from the first grade when my father took me into a book fair and I bought a few cartoon books. I never looked back then. That’s the only thing that makes me happy. I can forget everything in this world when I am with a good book.

I used to read stories and fiction in my primary school days. But now I am pretty much grown up and I love reading books related to science and history. Bangladesh has an amazing history regarding the 1971 liberation war. I have read more than 10 books on that particular topic. I don’t read only Bengali books.

There are so many English books that I have read. My favorite book is ‘Science fiction by Muhammad Jafar Iqbal’.  I think he is the best writer in this country for the kids. Humayun Ahmed also has few awesome books but most of his books are for grown peoples.

I want to keep continue my hobby. I think book reading is the best hobby ever. Book seems like a friend. It will never feel you alone. I can spend my leisure time without wasting it. People can gain so much knowledge by reading good books. Everyone should read books.    

My Hobby: Gardening – Paragraph: 3 (250 Words)

People have several types of hobbies and I have a pretty much different hobby in me. My hobby is gardening. A few years ago, I visited Delhi in a cousin’s house and found he has made his own garden in the roof. I thought that was a good idea. I used to love spending time in her garden .

There were several types of flowers and a few vegetables too. I am living in a small city and we have enough land in front of our house where I can do a garden easily. When I came back to Bangladesh from Delhi, I started working on my own garden. My parents were really supportive.

I learned so many things from my cousin. She knows pretty much everything about gardening. When I face any problem, I call her and she makes a solution or provides me a video link where I can find the solution. Right now in my garden, there are 20 types of flowers and other trees.

I was to increase my garden day by day because we have enough land here. Gardening is not hard at all. People think that you have to work hard in the sun. Not at all, you can do all of your work in the afternoon. I do that. But taking care of your garden is really important, otherwise, it won’t work.

I have witnessed so many failures in my garden at the beginning. But now I am doing well. If we all do gardening that can help us to save from Environment Pollution and Green House Effect. Everyone should do gardening and make this world green.    

My Hobby: Video Gaming – Paragraph: 4 (300 Words)

A hobby is something that people love to do when he is free and it makes them relaxed and entertained. In this boring working world, everyone should have a hobby that makes him happy. Actually, hobby comes in mind automatically. Several people have several types of hobbies.

The most common hobbies are gardening, stamp collecting, reading books, drawing, watching TV, etc, but my hobby is pretty much different than others. I love playing video games. And I think that is my hobby. When I was in class six, my father bought me a computer and that was my starting in video games.

My favorite game genre is car racing, puzzle, and chess . I think playing chess with a computer makes me really calm and everyone should play this game. I avoid shooting games, these are really addictive and shooting games are not good for health.

I play games in my leisure time, I don’t waste time playing games. My aim in life is to become a computer engineer and then build my own games. I am working on this daily. I am learning computer in-depth. My passion is to work with the computer always.

The video game has a good side and bad side both. Playing too many video games can ruin your attention power; you won’t be able to attentive in your study. That’s why I say every one to play in a limit. Personally, I maintain a routine and never play out of routine .

I usually buy new games every month. My elder brother brings a game CD for me. I love video game and this is my favorite hobby. Among other hobbies, I think this is the best one for me.

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my hobby essay in english class 1


My Hobby Essay 1000 Words in English

My Hobby

MY Hobby Essay

A hobby is a work that a person does with interest and gets much satisfaction and amusement. It is a kind of recreation, a shadow from the scorching beam of the sun, and also gets fruit from it.

There are many kinds of hobbies and we select one of them as per our will and interest. Some have hobbies of collecting postal some collect interesting books of stories, and some pet birds, but my hobby is gardening.

I am much interested in gardening since my childhood. I like to see the green velvety grass, different colour of flowers and beautiful plants. So, I have selected a piece of land in my house and planted different kinds of flowers. I have planted red rose, yellow and black rose plants and have arranged them one after another. The flowers of.

-Night Queen”, “Jasmine” and “King of Day” have filled the atmosphere with attractive fragrances. In the evening my family pass their time in the garden.

I have also planted Guava and Neem trees, which gives shadow from the scorching beam and also get fruit from it. | have also reserved a piece of land for growing vegetables and get different seasonal vegetables.

Though gardening is a hard work and expensive but the hard labour makes my health sound and we get fresh vegetables and beautiful flowers.

I prefer to work in my garden than wasting the time in gossiping or playing games. Gardening is the best exercise also and therefore.

I prefer gardening than playing any game.

My Hobby Essay

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