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journal review of educational research



Review of Educational Research

The  Review of Educational Research  ( RER , bimonthly, begun in 1931) publishes critical, integrative reviews of research literature bearing on education. Such reviews should include conceptualizations, interpretations, and syntheses of literature and scholarly work in a field broadly relevant to education and educational research.  RER  encourages the submission of research relevant to education from any discipline, such as reviews of research in psychology, sociology, history, philosophy, political science, economics, computer science, statistics, anthropology, and biology, provided that the review bears on educational issues.  RER  does not publish original empirical research unless it is incorporated in a broader integrative review.  RER  will occasionally publish solicited, but carefully refereed, analytic reviews of special topics, particularly from disciplines infrequently represented.

Impact Factor : 11.2 5-Year Impact Factor : 16.6 Ranking : 1/263 in Education & Educational Research


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International Journal of Educational Research Review ( ISSN:2458-9322 )

International Journal of Educational Research Review  publishes scholarly articles that are of general significance to the education research community and that come from a wide range of areas. The International Journal of Educational Research Review  aims to provide a forum for scholarly understanding of the field of education. Articles focus upon concepts, research, review and practices that emphasizes the intersections between education research and other fields, raises new questions, and develops innovative approaches to our understandings of pressing issues.

The range of topics covered in the International Journal of Educational Research Review   include;

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All articles in this journal will undergo initial editor screening, rigorous double-anonymous peer review, and review by the editorial board.

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International Journal of Educational Research Review  follows a double-blind reviewing procedure. This means that the author will remain anonymous to the reviewers throughout peer review. It is the responsibility of the author to anonymize the manuscript and any associated materials.

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IJERE journal is hosted by Dergipark/Tubitak. IJERE Journal is published with the support of Sakarya University Faculty of Education/TURKEY.

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Editor in Chief Dr. Serhat Arslan, Gazi University, Turkey 

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Copyright Statement

Copyright violation is an important, and possibly related, ethical issue. Authors should check their manuscripts for possible breaches of copyright law (e.g., where permissions are needed for quotations, artwork or tables taken from other publications or from other freely available sources on the Internet) and secure the necessary permissions before submission to International Journal of Educational Research Review.

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Research Article | Published April 17, 2024.

Mohammad Ahmed Al-Jabali

Research Article | Published March 21, 2024.

Ahmad Gholami,  Soheil Abedi and Omid Asemani

Research Article | Published March 11, 2024.

Shanta Dutta, Yuying Zhang, Mingjing He and Daniel C.W. Tsang

Research Article | Published February 21, 2024.

Honghong Xu, Ruotong Xue and Shuwei Hao

Research Article | Published February 13, 2024.

Research Article | Published January 22, 2024.

Mohammed Al Siyabi, Abid Ali Khan, Tariq Hussain, Hussain Al Rashdi and John Regan Pillai

Research Article | Published January 9, 2024.

Soulé EL-HADJ IMOROU, Abdul-Razak KOTCHONI and Juste Ornel MEHOUENOU

Research Article | Published December 16, 2023.

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Review of Education

journal review of educational research

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John Wiley & Sons Inc.

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2014, 2019-2023


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journal review of educational research

The set of journals have been ranked according to their SJR and divided into four equal groups, four quartiles. Q1 (green) comprises the quarter of the journals with the highest values, Q2 (yellow) the second highest values, Q3 (orange) the third highest values and Q4 (red) the lowest values.


The SJR is a size-independent prestige indicator that ranks journals by their 'average prestige per article'. It is based on the idea that 'all citations are not created equal'. SJR is a measure of scientific influence of journals that accounts for both the number of citations received by a journal and the importance or prestige of the journals where such citations come from It measures the scientific influence of the average article in a journal, it expresses how central to the global scientific discussion an average article of the journal is.


Evolution of the number of published documents. All types of documents are considered, including citable and non citable documents.


This indicator counts the number of citations received by documents from a journal and divides them by the total number of documents published in that journal. The chart shows the evolution of the average number of times documents published in a journal in the past two, three and four years have been cited in the current year. The two years line is equivalent to journal impact factor ™ (Thomson Reuters) metric.

Cites per documentYearValue
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20130.000
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20141.235
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20151.276
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20161.951
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20171.274
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20181.246
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20191.750
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20201.392
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20211.419
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20221.689
Cites / Doc. (4 years)20232.789
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20130.000
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20141.235
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20151.276
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20161.951
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20171.089
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20181.289
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20191.750
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20201.094
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20211.257
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20221.778
Cites / Doc. (3 years)20232.870
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20130.000
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20141.235
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20151.276
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20161.333
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20171.061
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20181.333
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20191.667
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20200.878
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20211.271
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20221.725
Cites / Doc. (2 years)20233.000

Evolution of the total number of citations and journal's self-citations received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. Journal Self-citation is defined as the number of citation from a journal citing article to articles published by the same journal.

Self Cites20130
Self Cites20140
Self Cites20150
Self Cites20160
Self Cites20170
Self Cites20180
Self Cites20191
Self Cites20200
Self Cites20214
Self Cites202216
Self Cites202312
Total Cites20130
Total Cites201421
Total Cites201537
Total Cites201680
Total Cites201749
Total Cites201858
Total Cites201984
Total Cites202058
Total Cites202193
Total Cites2022208
Total Cites2023442

Evolution of the number of total citation per document and external citation per document (i.e. journal self-citations removed) received by a journal's published documents during the three previous years. External citations are calculated by subtracting the number of self-citations from the total number of citations received by the journal’s documents.

External Cites per document20130
External Cites per document20141.235
External Cites per document20151.276
External Cites per document20161.951
External Cites per document20171.089
External Cites per document20181.289
External Cites per document20191.729
External Cites per document20201.094
External Cites per document20211.203
External Cites per document20221.641
External Cites per document20232.792
Cites per document20130.000
Cites per document20141.235
Cites per document20151.276
Cites per document20161.951
Cites per document20171.089
Cites per document20181.289
Cites per document20191.750
Cites per document20201.094
Cites per document20211.257
Cites per document20221.778
Cites per document20232.870

International Collaboration accounts for the articles that have been produced by researchers from several countries. The chart shows the ratio of a journal's documents signed by researchers from more than one country; that is including more than one country address.

YearInternational Collaboration

Not every article in a journal is considered primary research and therefore "citable", this chart shows the ratio of a journal's articles including substantial research (research articles, conference papers and reviews) in three year windows vs. those documents other than research articles, reviews and conference papers.

Non-citable documents20130
Non-citable documents20147
Non-citable documents201512
Non-citable documents201618
Non-citable documents201715
Non-citable documents201815
Non-citable documents201912
Non-citable documents202014
Non-citable documents202112
Non-citable documents202214
Non-citable documents202311
Citable documents20130
Citable documents201410
Citable documents201517
Citable documents201623
Citable documents201730
Citable documents201830
Citable documents201936
Citable documents202039
Citable documents202162
Citable documents2022103
Citable documents2023143

Ratio of a journal's items, grouped in three years windows, that have been cited at least once vs. those not cited during the following year.

Uncited documents20130
Uncited documents201411
Uncited documents201519
Uncited documents201626
Uncited documents201727
Uncited documents201829
Uncited documents201929
Uncited documents202028
Uncited documents202143
Uncited documents202261
Uncited documents202355
Cited documents20130
Cited documents20146
Cited documents201510
Cited documents201615
Cited documents201718
Cited documents201816
Cited documents201919
Cited documents202025
Cited documents202131
Cited documents202256
Cited documents202399

Evolution of the percentage of female authors.

YearFemale Percent

Evolution of the number of documents cited by public policy documents according to Overton database.


Evoution of the number of documents related to Sustainable Development Goals defined by United Nations. Available from 2018 onwards.


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journal review of educational research

About the Journal

EDUCATIONE: Journal of Education Research and Review (e-ISSN: 2986-2183) publishes critical, integrative reviews of research literature bearing on education, including conceptualizations, interpretations, and syntheses of literature and scholarly work in a field broadly relevant to education and educational research. Published by CV. Totus Tuus.

Current Issue

journal review of educational research

Volume 2, Issue 2 of the Education Journal features a diverse range of original research articles addressing critical issues in education. This issue includes studies on the perceptions of cooperating teachers regarding the mentoring of pre-service teachers during teaching practicum, and the innovative application of Powtoon-based AI technology in creating entrepreneurship teaching materials. Other articles explore the effectiveness of group counseling with self-management techniques to improve students' academic responsibility, and examine the psychological and performance impacts of online learning systems during the COVID-19 pandemic. Additionally, this issue investigates the conditions of academic burnout among Indonesian students and mental health conditions related to social media addiction, offering a comprehensive overview of contemporary educational challenges and technological advancements.

Original Article

Perceptions of cooperating teachers on pre-service teachers’ mentoring in teaching practicum: empirical evidence from initial teacher education, application of powtoon-based ai technology in making entrepreneurship teaching materials, effectiveness of group counseling with self management techniques to improve academic responsibility of students, the impact of the application of online learning systems during the covid-19 pandemic on the psychological condition and learning performance of students, academic burnout conditions in indonesian students: physical, mental, and emotional, mental health conditions in social media addiction, principal contact, support contact, visit our office.


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How leaders’ empowering behavior influences teacher’s positive voice behavior: the mediating role of self-efficacy and burnout

  • Ao LIANG School of Management, Tung Wah College, Hong Kong 999077, P. R. China
  • Sudan WU Shenzhen Institute of Educational Sciences, Shenzhen 518100, P. R. China
  • Shuya XIAO School of Graduate Studies, Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, New Territories, Hong Kong 999077, P. R. China
  • Tianyang WEN School of Graduate Studies, Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, New Territories, Hong Kong 999077, P. R. China
  • Jacob Oppong NKANSAH School of Graduate Studies, Lingnan University, Tuen Mun, New Territories, Hong Kong 999077, P. R. China

This study examines the psychological process by which delegative leadership affects subordinates' positive voice behavior in the context of educational management. The theoretical model proposes that teachers' self-efficacy and burnout mediate the relationship between school managers' empowering behavior and teachers' positive voice behavior. Based on 351 samples from primary schools in Shenzhen, China, the findings support the mediating role of teachers' self-efficacy in partially explaining the effect of school managers' empowering behavior. This study elucidates the psychological process through which delegative leadership influences teachers' positive voice behavior and provides practical suggestions for school leaders/managers to deepen their understanding of how to help employees express their opinions in organizations.

Cited as: Liang, A., Wu, S., Xiao, S., Wen, T., Nkansah, J. (2024). How leaders’ empowering behavior influences teacher’s positive voice behavior: the mediating role of self-efficacy and burnout. Education and Lifelong Development Research, 1(2): 82-91.


Afzal, S., Arshad, M., Saleem, S., & Farooq, O. (2019). The impact of perceived supervisor support on employees’ turnover intention and task performance: Mediation of self-efficacy.  Journal of Management Development ,  38 (5), 369-382.

Ahearne, M., Mathieu, J., & Rapp, A. (2005). To empower or not to empower your sales force? An empirical examination of the influence of leadership empowerment behavior on customer satisfaction and performance.  Journal of Applied psychology ,  90 (5), 945–955. 

Ali, M., Lei, S. H. E. N., Jie, Z. S., & Rahman, M. A. (2018). Empowering leadership and employee performance: A mediating role of thriving at work.  International Journal of Asian Business and Information Management (IJABIM) ,  9 (2), 1-14.

Amundsen, S., & Martinsen, Ø. L. (2014). Empowering leadership: Construct clarification, conceptualization, and validation of a new scale.  The L eadership Q uarterly ,  25 (3), 487-511.

Ashtari, Z., Farhady, Y., & Khodaee, M. R. (2009). Relationship between job burnout and work performance in a sample of Iranian mental health staff.  African J ournal of P sychiatry ,  12 (1), 71-74.

Atik, S., & Celik, O. T. (2020). An investigation of the relationship between school principals’ empowering leadership style and teachers’ job satisfaction: The role of trust and psychological empowerment.  International Online Journal of Educational Sciences ,  12 (3), 177-193.

Bandura, A., & Walters, R. H. (1977).  Social learning theory   (Vol. 1). Prentice Hall: Englewood cliffs. London.

Bandura, A. (1986). The explanatory and predictive scope of self-efficacy theory.  Journal of S ocial and C linical P sychology ,  4 (3), 359-373.

Biemann, T., Kearney, E., & Marggraf, K. (2015). Empowering leadership and managers’ career perceptions: Examining effects at both the individual and the team level.  The Leadership Quarterly ,  26 (5), 775-789.

Çavuş, M.F., & Demir, Y. (2010). The impacts of structural and psychological empowerment on burnout:A research on staff nurses in Turkish state hospitals. Canadian Social Science, 6(4), 63-72.

Chen, G., Gully, S. M., & Eden, D. (2001). Validation of a new general self-efficacy scale. Organizational Research Methods , 4(1), 62–83.

Cheong, M., Spain, S. M., Yammarino, F. J., & Yun, S. (2016). Two faces of empowering leadership: Enabling and burdening.  The Leadership Quarterly ,  27 (4), 602-616.

Chughtai, M. S., & Rizvi, S. T. H. (2020). Empowering leadership and occupational burnout: A moderated mediation model of employee optimism, employee hardiness and job crafting.  NICE Research Journal , 13 (1), 122-157.

Conger, J. A., & Kanungo, R. N. (1988). The empowerment process: Integrating theory and practice.  Academy of M anagement R eview ,  13 (3), 471-482.

Davis, J., & Wilson, S. M. (2000). Principals’ efforts to empower teachers: Effects on teacher motivation and job satisfaction and stress.  The Clearing House: A Journal of Educational Strategies, Issues and Ideas ,  73 (6), 349-353.

Dağlı, E., & Kalkan, F. (2021). The relationship between empowering leadership behaviors of school principals and teachers’ self-efficacy perceptions and job satisfaction levels. TED EĞİTİM VE BİLİM .

De Simone, S., Planta, A., & Cicotto, G. (2018). The role of job satisfaction, work engagement, self-efficacy and agentic capacities on nurses’ turnover intention and patient satisfaction.  Applied Nursing Research ,  39 , 130-140.

Dorji, P., & Soranastaporn, S. (2015, December). A study of teacher empowerment as perceived by ESL teachers in central Bhutan. In  The 6th National Graduate Conference .

Fernet, C., Guay, F., Senécal, C., & Austin, S. (2012). Predicting intraindividual changes in teacher burnout: The role of perceived school environment and motivational factors.  Teaching and T eacher E ducation ,  28 (4), 514-525.

Febrian, W. D. (2024). The effectiveness of delegation leadership and servant leadership in law firms.  Dinasti International Journal of Management Science ,  5 (4), 830-838.

Friedman, I. A. (1999). Turning our schools into a healthier workplace: Bridging between professional self-efficacy and professional demands. In R. Vandenberghe & A. M. Huberman (Eds.), Understanding and preventing teacher burnout: A sourcebook of international research and practice (pp. 166–175). Cambridge University Press. 

Ghanizadeh, A., & Jahedizadeh, S. (2015). Teacher burnout: A review of sources and ramifications.  British Journal of Education, Society & Behavioural Science ,  6 (1), 24-39.

Gilbert, S., Laschinger, H. K., & Leiter, M. (2010). The mediating effect of burnout on the relationship between structural empowerment and organizational citizenship behaviours.  Journal of Nursing Management ,  18 (3), 339-348.

Heckathorn, D. D. (2002). Respondent-driven sampling II: deriving valid population estimates from chain-referral samples of hidden populations.  Social P roblems ,  49 (1), 11-34.

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Jaffery, H., & Farooq, H. (2015). The impact of structural empowerment on organizational citizenship behavior-organization and job performance: A mediating role of burnout.  Journal of Management Sciences ,  2 (2), 273-288.

Judge, T. A., Jackson, C. L., Shaw, J. C., Scott, B. A., & Rich, B. L. (2007). Self-efficacy and work-related performance: the integral role of individual differences.  Journal of A pplied P sychology ,  92 (1), 107-127. 

Kahn, R. L., Wolfe, D. M., Quinn, R. P., Snoek, J. D., & Rosenthal, R. A. (1964). Organizational stress: Studies in role conflict and ambiguity. John Wiley.

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Klusmann, U., Kunter, M., Trautwein, U., Lüdtke, O., & Baumert, J. (2008). Engagement and emotional exhaustion in teachers: Does the school context make a difference?  Applied Psychology ,  57 (Suppl 1), 127-151.

Kim, M., & Beehr, T. A. (2017). Self-efficacy and psychological ownership mediate the effects of empowering leadership on both good and bad employee behaviors.  Journal of Leadership & Organizational Studies ,  24 (4), 466-478.

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Lai, M. C., & Chen, Y. C. (2012). Self-efficacy, effort, job performance, job satisfaction, and turnover intention: The effect of personalcharacteristics on organization performance.  International Journal of Innovation, Management and Technology ,  3 (4), 387.

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Liu, W., Zhu, R., & Yang, Y. (2010). I warn you because I like you: Voice behavior, employee identifications, and transformational leadership.  The L eadership Q uarterly ,  21 (1), 189-202.

Mudallal, R. H., Othman, W. A. M., & Al Hassan, N. F. (2017). Nurses’ burnout: the influence of leader empowering behaviors, work conditions, and demographic traits.  INQUIRY: The Journal of Health Care Organization, Provision, and Financing ,  54 , 0046958017724944.

Muhammad, N., & Chaudhary, A. H. (2020). Relationship of teachers’ empowerment and organizational commitment at secondary school level in Punjab.  Bulletin of Education and Research ,  42 (2), 69-80.

Ng, T. W., & Feldman, D. C. (2012). Employee voice behavior: A meta‐analytic test of the conservation of resources framework.  Journal of Organizational B ehavior ,  33 (2), 216-234.

Nong, L., Ye, J. H., & Hong, J. C. (2022). The impact of empowering leadership on preschool teachers’ job well-being in the context of COVID-19: A perspective based on job demands-resources model.  Frontiers in Psychology ,  13 , 895664.

Nikolaou, I., Vakola, M., & Bourantas, D. (2008). Who speaks up at work? Dispositional influences on employees’ voice behavior.  Personnel R eview ,  37 (6), 666-679.

Peng, Y., & Mao, C. (2015). The impact of person–job fit on job satisfaction: the mediator role of Self efficacy.  Social Indicators Research ,  121 (3), 805-813.

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Raub, S., & Liao, H. (2012). Doing the right thing without being told: Joint effects of initiative climate and general self-efficacy on employee proactive customer service performance.  Journal of A pplied P sychology ,  97 (3), 651-667. 

Rizzo, J. R., House, R. J., & Lirtzman, S. I. (1970). Role conflict and ambiguity in complex organizations.  Administrative S cience Q uarterly , 15(2), 150-163.

Sanchez-Gomez, M., & Breso, E. (2020). In pursuit of work performance: Testing the contribution of emotional intelligence and burnout.  International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health ,  17 (15), 5373.

Saloviita, T., & Pakarinen, E. (2021). Teacher burnout explained: Teacher-, student-, and organisation-level variables.  Teaching and Teacher Education ,  97 , 103221.

Schermuly, I., Fellgiebel, A., Wagner, S., Yakushev, I., Stoeter, P., Schmitt, R., Knickenberg, R. J., Bleichner, F., & Beutel, M. E. (2010). Association between cingulum bundle structure and cognitive performance: An observational study in major depression.  European Psychiatry : T he J ournal of t he A ssociation of European Psychiatrists ,   25 (6), 355-360.

Schmidt, A. M., & DeShon, R. P. (2010). The moderating effects of performance ambiguity on the relationship between self-efficacy and performance.  Journal of A pplied P sychology ,  95 (3), 572-581. 

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Thomas, C. H., & Lankau, M. J. (2009). Preventing burnout: The effects of LMX and mentoring on socialization, role stress, and burnout.  Human Resource Management ,  48 (3), 417-432.

Tsai, K. H., Chang, H. C., & Peng, C. Y. (2016). Extending the link between entrepreneurial self-efficacy and intention: a moderated mediation model.  International Entrepreneurship and Management Journal ,  12 (2) , 445-463.

Van Dyne, L., & LePine, J. A. (1998). Helping and voice extra-role behaviors: Evidence of construct and predictive validity.  Academy of Management J ournal ,  41 (1), 108-119.

Vandewalle, D., Van Dyne, L., & Kostova, T. (1995). Psychological ownership: An empirical examination of its consequences.  Group & Organization Management ,  20 (2), 210-226.

Warsono, H., & Riduwan, A. (2019). The effect of autocratic, participative, and delegation leadership on work motivation of Indonesian navy personnel.  International Journal of Scientific Research and Management ,  7 (5), 475-482.

Wasserman, E., Ben-eli, S., Yehoshua, O., & Gal, R. (2016). Relationship between the principal’s leadership style and teacher motivation.  International Journal of Learning, Teaching and Educational Research ,  15 (10), 180-192.

Xiang, C.C. & Long, L.R. (2013). Participative leadership and employee voice: The mediating role of positive impression management motivation. Management Review , 25 (7), 156-166. (in Chinese)

Yan, Z. (2018). How to promote employee voice behavior: Analysis based on leadership style perspective.  Journal of Research in Business, Economics and Management ,  10 (1), 1814-1823.

Yoo, J. (2017). Customer power and frontline employee voice behavior: Mediating roles of psychological empowerment.  51  (1), 238-256.

Zhang, S., Bowers, A. J., & Mao, Y. (2021). Authentic leadership and teachers’ voice behaviour: The mediating role of psychological empowerment and moderating role of interpersonal trust. Educational Management, Administration & Leadership , 49(5), 768–785.


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  6. Redefined Scientific Publishing with CNS&E Journal


  1. Review of Educational Research: Sage Journals

    The Review of Educational Research (RER) publishes critical, integrative reviews of research literature bearing on education, including conceptualizations, interpretations, and syntheses of literature and scholarly work in a field broadly relevant to education and educational research. View full journal description.

  2. Review of Educational Research

    The Review of Educational Research ( RER, bimonthly, begun in 1931) publishes critical, integrative reviews of research literature bearing on education. Such reviews should include conceptualizations, interpretations, and syntheses of literature and scholarly work in a field broadly relevant to education and educational research.

  3. Review of Educational Research

    The Review of Educational Research ( RER, quarterly, begun in 1931; approximately 640 pp./volume year) publishes critical, integrative reviews of research literature bearing on education. Such reviews should include conceptualizations, interpretations, and syntheses of literature and scholarly work in a field broadly relevant to education and ...

  4. Educational Research Review

    The Journal of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction (EARLI). Educational Research Review is an international journal addressed to researchers and various agencies interested in the review of studies and theoretical papers in education at any level. The journal accepts high quality articles that are solving educational research problems by using a review approach.

  5. Review of Educational Research

    You are adding the following journal to your email alerts. New content; Review of Educational Research: Create email alert. Also from Sage. CQ Library Elevating debate opens in new tab; ... Review of Educational Research ISSN: 0034-6543; Online ISSN: 1935-1046; About Sage; Contact us;

  6. Review of Educational Research

    Review of Educational Research (RER) publishes critical, integrative reviews of research literature bearing on education. Such reviews should include conceptualizations, interpretations, and syntheses of literature and scholarly work in a field. ... the current year is not counted. For example, if the current year is 2008 and a journal has a 5 ...

  7. Review of Educational Research

    Mikkel Helding Vembye. Felix Weiss. Bethany Hamilton Bhat. Preview abstract. Co-teaching and related collaborative models of instruction are widely used in primary and secondary schools in many school systems. This systematic review and meta-analysis investigated the effects of such models on students' academic achievement and how ...

  8. Review of Educational Research

    The Review of Educational Research is a bimonthly peer-reviewed review journal published by SAGE Publications on behalf of the American Educational Research Association.It was established in 1931 and covers all aspects of education and educational research.The journal's co-editors are Mildred Boveda, Karly Sarita Ford, Erica Frankenberg, and Francesca López (Pennsylvania State University).

  9. Review of Educational Research

    The Review of Educational Research publishes critical, integrative reviews of research literature bearing on education. Such reviews should include conceptualizations, interpretations, and syntheses of literature and scholarly work in a field broadly relevant to education and educational research. RER encourages the submission of research ...

  10. Review of Educational Research

    Review of Educational Research. Published by American Educational Research Association (AERA) Online ISSN: 1935-1046. ·. Print ISSN: 0034-6543. Articles. Adolescent Work, Vocational Development ...

  11. Vol. 90, No. 1, February 2020 of Review of Educational Research on JSTOR

    Methodological Guidance Paper: High-Quality Meta-Analysis in a Systematic Review Download; XML; School-, Classroom-, and Dyadic-Level Experiences: A Literature Review of Their Relationship With Students' Executive Functioning Development Download; XML; Disentangling the Research Literature on "Number Sense": Three Constructs, One Name Download; XML

  12. Review of Research in Education

    Search the journal. Review of Research in Education (RRE) is a periodical volume that provides an overview and analysis of selected areas of relevant research through critical and synthesizing essays. The editor of RRE, in close consultation with its editorial board, plays a critical role in reviewing and defining the current state of knowledge ...

  13. Review of Education

    An official journal of the British Educational Research Association, Review of Education (RoE) is a focal point for the publication of educational research from throughout the world, and on topics of international interest. We specialise in publishing substantial papers (8,000-20,000 words) in order to give authors the opportunity to describe major projects or ideas more fully than would ...

  14. IJERE

    The International Journal of Educational Research Review aims to provide a forum for scholarly understanding of the field of education. Articles focus upon concepts, research, review and practices that emphasizes the intersections between education research and other fields, raises new questions, and develops innovative approaches to our ...

  15. Submission Guidelines: Review of Educational Research: Sage Journals

    The Review of Educational Research (RER) publishes comprehensive reviews of literature related to education and does not publish new empirical work, except in the context of meta-analytic reviews of an area. Please check the journal's Aims and Scope to see if your manuscript is appropriate to submit to RER.

  16. Journal of Educational Research and Reviews

    The Journal of Educational Research and reviews (JERR) is an international peer-reviewed open access journal that publishes high-quality solicited and unsolicited articles and general issues relating to international relevance in educational theory, methodology, and practice.JERR seeks to bridge and integrate the intellectual, methodological, and substantive diversity of educational ...

  17. Review of Education

    Review of Education is an international peer reviewed journal for the publication of major and substantial articles of interest to researchers in education. It is a growing focal point for the publication of educational research from throughout the world, and on topics of international interest. It is one of the journals in the major portfolio ...

  18. EDUCATIONE: Journal of Education Research and Review

    About the Journal. EDUCATIONE: Journal of Education Research and Review (e-ISSN: 2986-2183) publishes critical, integrative reviews of research literature bearing on education, including conceptualizations, interpretations, and syntheses of literature and scholarly work in a field broadly relevant to education and educational research. Published by CV

  19. Review of Education

    Review of Education is an official BERA journal publishing educational research from throughout the world, and papers on topics of international interest. Abstract Schools are significant settings for the development of young people, yet few studies have investigated the multiple facets of school climate and students' well-being. ...

  20. Malta Review of Educational Research

    The Review Process. This fully refereed, electronic journal provides established and emerging scholars and practitioners with a space for critical and empirical analysis of issues central to the foundations in education, education policy, curriculum reform and pedagogy. The journal is not limited to formal schooling.

  21. Review of Educational Research

    A Critical Review of Educator and Disability Research in Mathematics Education: A Decade of Dehumanizing Waves and Humanizing Wakes. Paulo Tan. Alexis Padilla. Rachel Lambert. Preview abstract. Restricted access Research article First published March 31, 2022 pp. 871-910. xml GET ACCESS.

  22. How leaders' empowering behavior influences teacher's positive voice

    Relationship of teachers' empowerment and organizational commitment at secondary school level in Punjab. Bulletin of Education and Research, 42(2), 69-80. Ng, T. W., & Feldman, D. C. (2012). Employee voice behavior: A meta‐analytic test of the conservation of resources framework. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 33(2), 216-234.

  23. Review of Educational Research

    The Review of Educational Research ( RER, quarterly, begun in 1931; approximately 640 pp./volume year) publishes critical, integrative reviews of research literature bearing on education. Such reviews should include conceptualizations, interpretations, and syntheses of literature and scholarly work in a field broadly relevant to education and ...

  24. Navigating Food Allergies: A Review of FARE, Food Allergy Research

    Jeannine Creazzo, MLIS, MBA, AHIP ([email protected]) is the Director, Medical Library, Continuing Education, and Research at Robert Wood Johnson University Hospital Somerset in Somerville, New Jersey.She is a Distinguished member of the Medical Library Association's Academy of Health Information Professionals.

  25. Review of Research in Education: Sage Journals

    Review of Research in Education (RRE), published annually, provides a forum for analytic research reviews on selected education topics of significance to the field.Each volume addresses a topic of broad relevance to education and learning, and publishes articles that critically examine diverse literatures and bodies of knowledge across relevant disciplines and fields.

  26. Medical Education Author Guidelines

    Author Guidelines. Medical Education is an international peer-reviewed journal with distribution to readers in more than 80 countries. The journal seeks to enhance its position as the pre-eminent journal in the field of education for healthcare professionals and aims to publish material of the highest quality reflecting worldwide or provocative issues and perspectives.

  27. American Educational Research Journal: Sage Journals

    The American Educational Research Journal (AERJ) is the flagship journal of AERA, with articles that advance the empirical, theoretical, and methodological understanding of education and learning. It publishes original peer-reviewed analyses spanning the field of education research across all subfields and disciplines and all levels of analysis, all levels of education throughout the life span ...

  28. What Is Qualitative Research? An Overview and Guidelines

    Philosophy of science and research paradigm for business research in the transformative age of automation, digitalization, hyperconnectivity, obligations, globalization and sustainability. Journal of Trade Science , 11(2/3), 3-30.