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Download: Homework contract for your child

Homework can be a hot-button issue for both you and your child. Setting up a homework contract is a good way to defuse some of that tension and avoid homework battles. Here are two sample contracts you can download.

homework club contract

By Amanda Morin

Expert reviewed by Bob Cunningham, EdM

A homework contract is an agreement that outlines what you and your child will do to make sure homework gets done on time and well. It can help your child develop good study habits and become a more independent learner.

Homework contracts can also outline rewards and consequences for kids when they follow or don’t follow their part of the contract.

Download the homework contract

Homework contract for grade-schoolers PDF - 183.8 KB

Homework contract for middle-schoolers and high-schoolers PDF - 145.2 KB

You can tailor your contract to address your child’s specific homework challenges. For example, if your child struggles with time management, the contract can lay out what time of day the homework needs to be done.

Fill out the contract together to make sure your child understands what’s being agreed on. Revisit the contract as your child’s workload changes or if things aren’t working as you expected.

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Get tips for common homework challenges .

Listen to a podcast episode about avoiding homework battles .

Learn about using rewards and consequences .

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Homework Club Schedule


Students are welcome to enroll in Homework Club at any time throughout the school year. We offer support to our students Monday through Thursday. Students may attend two, three, four or five days a week for 2 or more hours each session. There are 4 sessions available. Starting at 1:30 p.m., 2:30 p.m., 3:30 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. Homework club will not offer any out of campus field trips. Summer and winter programs are also available; please inquire within for the programs, hours and fees.

Arrival and Pick-up

To ensure the safety of the students in care, students will only be released to adults authorized in the application and emergency form by the parent(s). Identification will be checked before any student is released until the staff becomes familiar with the individuals who pick-up students. Daily attendance will be taken and parents will be notified by a text message to their primary care takers’ cell phone if their child is not at the homework club location by 2:45pm. Each student grades 2 and above are expected to walk to the Homework Club location as soon as their class is dismissed. For student’s k-1st grade, Homework Club staff will assist with pick-up from the classroom. Each student must be signed out by an adult identified in the Identification and Emergency Information form (LIC 700). Students will not be released to anyone not listed on the emergency form (LIC 700). It is critical that the information on the emergency form is current. If there are any changes, please let Kristine or Henry Demirchian know as soon as possible. Homework Club will not provide any type of transportation for drop-off or pick-up.

Absence Policy

Research shows that students who are successful in schooling are the ones who are consistent with their studies and the ones who have no absences and tardiness from school. One way parents can help in this matter is to make sure that their student gets to school on time and every day. It is asked that all students of Homework Club follow the same guidelines. It is very important for students to commit and respect the schedule assigned to them. At Homework Club, we do not excuse absences, unless of course the child has an infectious disease. Homework Club requires 4 weeks prior notification for absences, students will not be reimbursed if notification is given on a last minute. This is due to the limitation of our space and the restrictions of the amount of students we can enroll and attend to. When we schedule a student, we ensure that your student will have 100% of our attention and will have his/her spot with a designated staff member. We work hard to ensure the success of every child!

Homework Club is a place where students should feel safe and secure, and it is a place where they can become a part of our family in an unbiased learning environment. We do not allow or tolerate any kind of disrespect or bullying to staff or to the other students in the group. We expect students to be kind and polite to others with their words and actions. Good manners are strongly enforced! Our goal is to create a group of students who work well together and who are respectful. We will not allow swearing, stealing, fighting, or other misbehavior. Cell phones are not to be used during program hours. Cell phones must stay in the back packs or they will be taken away. Staff can be reached at 818-606-7658 for Mrs. Kristine or 818-624-7657 for Mr. Henry.

Students will be expected to use good behavior, as expected in school. Students who do not respect the rules and regulations of Homework Club will result in a conference with the parents. Please keep in mind that Homework Club is a learning facility and everyone is expected to behave in a respected manner. Students with poor behavior will be asked to be picked up by a parent or a guardian.

Any form of discipline or punishment that violates a child's personal rights shall not be permitted regardless of authorized representative consent or authorization. Regardless of the situation, students will never experience corporal punishment, denial of snack breaks, or denial of restroom use.

Admission Policy

Parents may set-up an appointment or call for more information. To enroll a student, an interview will be conducted with the parent/guardian and the child. Parents must fill out an enrollment application packet before the student can attend H.C. A scheduled appointment may be set per request for a quick observation of the program.

A 30 day notice shall be sent to the parent/guardian of the child prior to any change or modification to Homework Club program, tuition, policies or procedures.

To ensure the high quality of our services, the Department of Social Services may conduct interviews with children without any prior notice or permission from the parent/guardian of the child, or Homework Club.

Termination of Contract

The contract may be terminated with sufficient notice to the Director of Homework Club. A 30 day notice is required if for any reason the child will need to stop attending Homework Club. However, the admission agreement shall automatically be terminated by the death of the child.

The contract may also be terminated by the Homework Club for the following reasons: student’s continuous bad behavior (3 warnings/parent conferences) including but not limited to interruption of class, bullying, disrespect to staff and other students.

Snacks and Breaks

Students will have a 10 minute break during the Homework Club Session in the classroom or in the school yard. Students are encouraged to bring a snack to eat at Homework Club or eat the dinner provided by the school “dinner at school” if applicable. Homework Club will provide a small snack if required (prepackaged non-perishable food items).

Medication Policy

Homework Club staff is not trained for administering ANY type of medication to students. Thus, medication will not be administered by our staff or stored on location.

Questions and Concerns

We encourage all parents to keep an open communication with us. We believe that effective communication is one of the essential tools to help a student achieve their goals. With proper communication we can better serve your child. We can be reached at any time during the day via email, at [email protected], via phone at 818-606-7658 for Kristine or 818-624-7657 for Henry; we are also open to communicate over text messages or letters and notes.

homework club contract

Email us and we will contact you short after.

homework club contract

The Homework Club

Please welcome Erica Hildebrand!  Today she shares with us how to run a really cool and functional Homework Club in your classroom.  She also included a freebie!  Thanks Erica!

homework club contract

I have taught a range of grades and ages.  There are some thing that have worked well across the range, and some that do not translate up or down very well.  One of the few things that I have carried with me in my teaching journey is a Monthly Homework Club.  Like any other system you integrate into your classrooms it has its ups and downs.  It is all related directly to how you run it and how you tailor it to each year’s new batch of students.

The basics of my homework club include:

• A number system that is simple to use, understand and utilize • Anchor poster • A monthly menu that tells the students how they will celebrate being successful • A homework hand in system that supports personal responsibility • A Personal Contract • A Reward System

homework club contract

In my class I have a board that I created to hold my monthly homework club.  It includes the anchor chart, the monthly menu and my numbering system.  Each student has a number with velcro on the back.  If homework is handed in on time then they keep it on the cookie sheet, if not they put it at the bottom of the number assignment envelope and they are out of that months homework club. Practice work is available on the desk and in the folder that will help them work on whatever skills we are working on in class right now. Often this is where I put problem solving practice sheets or reviews of addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division problems. These are basic skills all students need to master. This work being made available as bell ringers, study hall work, or Homework Morning work underscores the idea that homework club is not just about doing homework to get a reward, but that the club is about our students challenging themselves to grow as learners.

homework club contract

My homework handing in system involves me not accepting homework from a student.  I have heard one too many “But I gave it to you last class,” to think that having one large hand in pile is an effective way to store work that needs to be marked.  I teach two Grade 7 classes so each class gets a colored zipper envelope labeled with each class’s number that hangs beneath my white board.  They hand the work into the labelled envelope and initial and date beside their name on the check list on the back of the envelope.  The check list would have an assignment name and due date on it so they can find it easily and if their work should go missing there would be a record of it. I still do daily homework checks to make sure that students are not just signing and dating beside their names.

homework club contract

I use this homework club to not only track homework but also to motivate students to complete and hand in homework on time. As part of the homework club I always attach two dates to homework – the date the homework is due as a class, and then the date that I want the homework back if there are corrections or edits that need to be done, which is of course handed out individually. I always give students a chance to get a better grade and complete things to the best of their ability.  I never want to leave a student with the impression that mediocre is okay.  Later in life that will translate to a “c’s get degrees attitude.” I want to teach them to expect exceptional things themselves if they are willing to set goals and work towards them. We all get to choose between what is easy and what is right.

I also like to offer a day a week called “Homework Morning” when the students can come 30 to 40 minutes before school and ask me any questions they need to about the homework due that week.  We understand as educators that our students won’t get it all, and that their parents may not be able to help.  This extra 30 or 40 minutes can be grade changing for some students.  They go home, do what they can and know that there is no pressure to finish what they do not know before asking questions.  Some of my better students have come early to help their peers, and this tells me that I am on the right track.  Support and encouragement from peers is important the successful running of the club. This is also important because we know that a student’s zone of proximal development expands during group work.  Sometimes a student can explain something differently than I would think to and that is what creates a breakthrough in learning for a peer.  I let all the students know ahead of time that anyone not working effectively will be asked to leave homework morning because it is important that we create a community that supports each other’s efforts to succeed.

This morning time is also important for those students who need time to get organized or struggle with time management.  Messy binders, sloppy notes, pages that need to be recopied before being handed in can be tackled, or a little extra studying time before a quiz for the busy kids can lower the level of anxiety of those students who do not cope well with many tasks.  I make clear at the beginning of the year that I am here to help them in any way I can. Homework Club is not for a teacher who is not dedicated to being available. It may be an open door time during a prep, a lunch hour, or a half hour after school – whatever works best for you will work best for them.

With this club comes a lot of in class teaching that focuses on intrinsic versus extrinsic motivation – doing well in order to feel good about ourselves rather than simply for a reward. Being part of the homework club means encouraging each other to do our best and understanding that homework is not a competition.  Faster does not mean better. Getting things in on time and done correctly is important and that means asking for help when we need it. We need to know when we need help, when we have come to a concept that we do not get, an idea we cannot compute, or a task that we don’t understand.  It happens to us all! Homework Club is a community. A community cannot exist without a group of people working together towards a common goal.  I have each student sign a contract at the beginning of the year that holds each one of them responsible for their role as a support and encouragement in the classroom community.

My role as a teacher in the above mentioned area, in my eyes, is to make sure dates are communicated clearly, written down, and accessible to parents as well as students.  On my blog I have a tab that says “In class”.  For each group I teach I have those students update the homework they have due daily and a summary of what we are learning.  It would look like this:

homework club contract

7A- September 16th 2013

• We did a base ten review of place value. In bible we talked about paradigms and how we see others. • Math Review Due Tomorrow. • ELA – work on your Heart Map, it is due Monday September 21

On top of these reminders I would write them on the board so they can record them in their agendas. Students who master organizing their time and their work are much better students.

A few things I have learned the hard way when trying to implement this program; do not only offer rewards that can be eaten.  We do not want to equate success and rewarding for hard work with eating – this can lead to problems with eating habits later in life.  Second, be strict.  Do not give an inch when it comes to the work being handed in on time AND the way you want it handed in.  You are not doing yourself a favor – if you give an inch they will try to take a mile.  In trying to instill self-responsibility into our students we do not want to undermine our own teaching or look like you are playing favorites. Third, kids love lights, sounds, and excitement.  If you want the kids to care about homework club – you have to care about homework club. You are the defining element in whether the homework club is attractive and motivating or just one more thing you are asking your students to get through.  Hype it up!

To get started with your own homework club download this freebie or check out the full product.

homework club contract

Erica Hildebrand is currently a grade 7 teacher at Springs Christian Academy in Winnipeg, Manitoba, Canada.  She has previous experience in Grades 1 through 5. She is also a teacher author on Teachers Pay Teachers and creates purposeful and hands on resources for grade 1 through 8! She has 5 kids – four girls and a boy – and has been happily married for almost 15 years.

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What Is Homework Club?

Homework club is an after school club for students to complete homework/school work. Students report to a specific classroom and are supervised by a teacher. The teacher will offer assistance and check on students to make sure they are completing school work. The length of homework club will vary by school but usually lasts for about an hour after the school day ends. 

Who Is Homework Club For?

Homework club if for students that struggle to complete school work and homework. 

Students that attend homework club benefit from a quiet place to complete work after school. 

Homework club is usually available to all students but often students with a 504 or an IEP will get first consideration.

In my school we have limited spaces in homework club so it’s up to us, the teachers, to choose students that will benefit from it the most.

If you need a description of what homework is then I answered that in this article .

homework club contract

How Often Is Homework Club?

How often a school has homework club really depends on the school and the district. 

First of all not all schools have the means to offer homework club to students.

Because the teacher that supervises the students in homework club needs to be compensated and some schools don’t have the money to pay them. 

For schools that do have the money to pay a teacher to supervise homework club they may offer homework club every day or only a few days a week. 

The middle school I work at offers our students homework club two days a week. 

Is Homework Club Effective?

Whether or not homework club is effective depends on two things: the teacher supervising and the students. 

If the supervisor engages with the students and sets expectations for work completion then the club can have an impact.  

However, if the supervising teacher is not engaged then the students will not get as much work done. 

In my experiences I have seen homework as beneficial to students but have also had students that attend it and it doesn’t seem to impact their grade or learning at all.

Often the students that are in homework club are students that struggle with work completion and organization.

This is why the teacher that supervises them really needs to have them set daily or weekly goals to ensure that work completion is taking place.

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I (Allen) am currently teaching at a public school in a western suburb of Chicago. My teaching career started in 2004. Some of my interests outside of teaching is being with my family, biking, playing video games, travelling, and making the Teacher Adviser website.

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Homework Contract

Post in a prominent place.


__________________ and _________________ have mutually agreed to the terms of the (student) (parent) following homework contract to take effect on__________________________________.

Homework Study Schedule

Monday __________ to __________ Student will study at least _____minutes Tuesday __________ to __________ on the indicated days. If the student does Wednesday __________ to __________ not have assignments, he/she will review Thursday __________ to __________ for tests, work ahead, redo past assignments, Friday __________ to __________ or read material related to classes. Students Saturday __________ to __________ will need to increase their study time when Sunday __________ to __________ faced with long and/or difficult assignments.

Special Contract Terms (optional)

Both student and parent will initial the terms that are to be followed.

__________All homework is to be done in the __________________________room.

__________No phone calls will be allowed during homework time.

__________Homework will not be done in front of the TV. Loud music will not be played.

__________The computer will only be used to work directly on assignments. No Web surfing!

__________Parent will not remind students when it is time to start homework.

__________Parent will not offer homework help or advice unless it is requested.

__________All homework and school materials are to be placed in a backpack at the end of each homework session.

__________Contract will be reviewed on __________to decide if any terms need to be changed.

__________(Additional term)_____________________________________________________

_________Failure by the student or parent to follow all contract terms will result in a penalty of


__________Following terms of the contract for a period of __________will result in an award of


Signed_________________________(parent) ______________________________(student)

Additional Information on Homework Contracts

The major purpose of a homework contract is to eliminate all the daily hassles that arise from family conflicts over when, where, and how homework is to be done. A contract places the responsibility for getting homework done on the student which is where it should be. It also helps many students establish a homework routine. Even young students will benefit from having a homework contract.

The best contracts are simple ones with few terms.

You definitely should not have your family’s first homework contract use all the terms of the sample contract.

Contracts need to be individualized to suit the needs of each family.

For a homework contract to be effective, all terms must be negotiated and completely agreed upon by both parents and students.

After a trial period of two weeks, the contract should be looked at again by the parent and student to see if any terms should be changed. Provision also needs to be made to look at the contract periodically (monthly, every grading period) to see if it needs to be revised as conditions change.

Remember all children are different. Some will need to do their nightly homework in two or more time periods. Others may need timed breaks to release energy or to get a snack.

How Much Time Should Students Spend on Homework

The rough rule of thumb that most educators use is that students should work on homework approximately 10 minutes for each year in school. Following this rule, a second grader would spend 20 minutes on homework while a fifth grader would spend 50 minutes. At the high school level, it may be necessary for students to do as much as two hours a night depending on the courses that they are taking and whether or not they have a study period at school.

Students do not have to work on homework every day. Weekends can be free of homework for many students depending on their typical assignment load. Older students can choose specific times on the weekend to review the week’s work or do projects. Poor students will profit from spending some weekend time on review or skill-building work. Redoing assignments can be helpful for these students.

It is not necessary for all students to have assigned homework times in a contract. Instead, the agreement can be for students to get all homework done by a specified time. With this type of agreement, no homework for any reason can be done after this time. Instead, the students can get up early to complete any unfinished work.

Why Should Students Have Homework?

In the early grades, there is only a very small relationship between the amount of homework children do and their achievement in school. It is not until sixth grade that a solid relationship can be shown between doing homework and higher achievement. The reason for doing homework earlier is to develop the homework habit as well as independent study skills.

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Homework Club Contract 2019 - 2020

To attend after school Homework Club students must have a signed Homework Club Contract.   

Homework Club Contract 2016

Kyron Harvell, Principal Clague Middle School 2616 Nixon Rd

Ann Arbor, MI 48105



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Homework Club

Homework Club 

Sierra Madre Elementary

141 W. Highland Ave,  Sierra Madre, CA 91024

Altadena Arts Magnet School

743 E. Calaveras St, Altadena, CA 91001

Homework Club's qualified staff offers academic support while working with students in

grades TK-5th. We're an after-school program that focuses on homework completion.

Students will also have the opportunity to participate in STEAM and Enrichment opportunities while learning and playing in a safe and supportive environment.


Serving PUSD  for 20+ years

Safe & Inclusive Environment 





Homework Club's  Main Office Location

183 W. Sierra Madre Blvd Sierra Madre, CA 91024

Our Main Office offers homework assistance, tutoring and enrichment opportunities. It's perfect for students who prefer one on one or smaller group sizes. 

During Winter, Spring and Summer break if we are not on Sierra Madre Elementary or Altadena Arts Magnet campuses, our programs and camps will be held here.

What We Offer

Homework Club offers homework completion, tutoring, STEAM & enrichment programs, Winter Camp, Spring Camp, Summer Camp and lots of FUN!

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Homework  Completion 

Daily after-school tutoring and homework support for students K-5th grade. 

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Safe and Inclusive Environment 

We strive for positivity! Most importantly, we focus on being a safe and inclusive program for students and their family. 

Screenshot 2023-03-28 at 9.26_edited.jpg

STEAM & Enrichment Programs

Through out the school year, we offer STEAM and Enrichment programs for SME students. During our Winter, Spring and Summer programs, enrollment is open to the public. 

Homework Club follows PUSD's academic calendar. We will be closed all PUSD school holidays and student free days. In the event of an unscheduled closure parents and families will be notified as soon as possible by a staff member.

Meals and Snacks

All students will be offered meals and snacks daily after-school from the school's cafeteria. Students are welcome to bring food from home. 

Homework Club reserves the right to refuse or discontinue service at anytime.


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May 29, 2024; San Diego, California, USA; Miami Marlins pitcher Tanner Scott (66) pitches during the ninth inning against the San Diego Padres at Petco Park. Mandatory Credit: Denis Poroy-USA TODAY Sports

  • Baltimore Orioles

There's no hiding the fact that the Baltimore Orioles are interested in landing a high-level relief pitcher during the trade deadline. After losing Felix Bautista to injury and replacing him with Craig Kimbrel, it hasn't exactly gone as planned .

The Orioles could be in the mix for a closer but should also be looking at other needs in the bullpen.

They've been rumored to have interest in Mason Miller and Tanner Scott . Miller, however, isn't expected to be traded due to not hitting free agency until the 2030 season.

Unless Baltimore is willing to part with some of their top prospects, Miller looks likely to stay with the Oakland Athletics .

Scott, on the other hand, is "definitely" being traded, according to Craig Mish of the Miami Herald . Examining the top trade candidates on the Miami Marlins , Mish wrote that Scott is option No. 1. He even mentioned the Orioles as the expected landing spot.

"The Marlins lone All-Star is on an expiring contract, which means he will become a free agent at the end of the 2024 season. The left-hander has been a dominant force in the ninth inning, and could be a fit for any club in contention. The most obvious fit would be a return to Baltimore, who will need left-handed help down the stretch and in the postseason should they qualify.

"Miami and Baltimore had talks during the offseason about Jesus Luzardo so the Marlins have clearly done their homework on the O’s farm system. About a dozen teams have inquired on Scott. He will likely be traded soon, but for now he will wear a Marlins jersey next Tuesday night at the mid-summer classic in Arlington."

He mentions Jesus Luzardo, who's currently on the 60-day injured list. If Baltimore could get Luzardo as a throw-in, he'd be another great fit.

However, it likely doesn't make sense for the Orioles or Marlins to entertain a trade with him in it. Miami isn't going to give him away for nothing, and Baltimore shouldn't move assets for a pitcher who's dealt with multiple injuries.

Scott should be the only one they look to land unless they get an offer they can't refuse. He's posted an impressive 1.42 ERA, 1.08 WHIP and has 42 strikeouts in 38.0 innings pitched.

He also played for the Orioles from 2017-2021, so he's familiar with the organization. While plenty has changed since his departure, he at least has some idea of the area and team.

With all that in mind, Scott would be a great pick up.

Jon Conahan



  1. Homework Contract by Rib-It Resources

    homework club contract

  2. Homework Contract by Rib-It Resources

    homework club contract

  3. Printable Homework Contract for Kids Parents Student Homework

    homework club contract

  4. Homework Contract by Lisa Guth

    homework club contract

  5. Homework Contract Freebie by Ashley Miclette

    homework club contract

  6. homework contract for teens

    homework club contract



    To meet the needs of individual families, this contract has been developed to ascertain which children are expected to do homework while at Play Centers, and on which days. Should you choose for your child to participate in the Homework Club, please complete the bottom section of this form and return it to your child's Director.

  2. PDF Homework Club Contract

    HOMEWORK CLUB CONTRACT Dear families: Our after school homework club is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:07-4:30 in the cafeteria. ... Homework Club is not a drop in between sporting events, or a holding area between activities between school and outside activities. Students MUST bring

  3. PDF So you want to start a homework club…

    The appendices contain samples of forms, letters, agendas, contracts, etc. that you will need to set up a successful homework club. Feel free to adapt these forms to suit the needs of your program. The checklist of best practices (Appendix 1) is particularly ... The term "homework club" typically refers to an after-school program where tutors

  4. PDF Homework Club Contract

    HOMEWORK CLUB CONTRACT Dear families: Our after school homework club is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3-4:15 in the cafeteria. Below are behavior guidelines and expectations: 1. Students arrive no later than 3:10 and must sign in at the very beginning. 2. Students MUST have planners and power school log-in information. 3.

  5. PDF Homework Club Student/Parent Contract

    Homework club will meet twice a week- after school on Mondays and Tuesdays until 4:10. This program requires volunteers to help support the students with their homework as well as provide helpful suggestions and advice on study habits, organizational skills, project requirements, etc. It also requires that students adhere to the following ...

  6. DOCX Homework Club Agreement

    Make Homework Club a positive learning environment. Student Expectations: Come prepared to Homework Club with something to do the entire time. ... If a student breaks their behavior contract, this will result in suspension or expulsion from SUN School . By signing below, I am agreeing to the expectations and consequences for Homework Club. ...

  7. PDF Homework Contract

    Homework Contract Participant's Name: _____ I understand that: • I am supposed to go to Homework every day. • I need to sign in when I get there and sign out when I leave. • It is my responsibility to use this time wisely to complete my assignments. • I will also have opportunities to choose other activities to

  8. Download: Homework contract for your child

    Download the homework contract. Homework contract for grade-schoolers PDF - 183.8 KB. Homework contract for middle-schoolers and high-schoolers PDF - 145.2 KB. You can tailor your contract to address your child's specific homework challenges. For example, if your child struggles with time management, the contract can lay out what time of day ...

  9. Homework Club

    Homework Club is a place where students should feel safe and secure, and it is a place where they can become a part of our family in an unbiased learning environment. ... The contract may also be terminated by the Homework Club for the following reasons: student's continuous bad behavior (3 warnings/parent conferences) including but not ...

  10. PDF Homework contract

    Homework contract I agree to... (check all that apply) Check my child's planner or the school's online portal to confirm homework assignments and keep track of grades. Help to create a study schedule. Supply needed materials. Provide a homework spot free from distractions. Be available to help as asked or needed. Provide homework advice ...

  11. PDF Homework Club 22-23

    Homework Club Student Contract-PL E ASE HAVE YOUR C HIL D R E AD AND SIGN T HE ST UDE NT C ONT R AC T I will bring all the materials I need to do my work, including a char ged Chromebook. I will have my assignment notebook open and filled out for Homework Club.


    The homework club is a program designed to provide a place for certified teachers to help your child to ... HOMEWORK CLUB PERMISSION SLIP AND CONTRACT I give permission for my child _____ to attend the Woodland School Homework Club. I understand my son/daughter may be given a light snack, they have the following food allergies (please ...

  13. The Homework Club

    The homework club is an exciting way to reframe homework, and for students to get extra support when they need it.


    Homework Club Student Policy 1. You must work. You must bring all homework materials and a book to read, whether it is for a book report or pleasure reading. 2. You must arrive to Homework Club on time. Once the school-wide announcement for Homework Club is stated, then you must report directly to Room 25 (Mr. Baroody's room). 3.

  15. Homework Club

    Before and After School Enrichment; Express Check-In; Open Enrollment & Registration; Nutrition Services; Parent Portal; Fox Creek PTO; School Accountability Committee

  16. PDF Homework Club Contract

    LAPTOP CONTRACT FOR HOMEWORK CLUB Dear families: Our after school homework club is on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3:20-4:30 in the cafeteria. The laptops will be used in the window of 3:20 - 4:15 pm Below are behavior guidelines and expectations for the use of the laptops: Using the laptops is a privilege and needs to be earned.

  17. Homework Club / Home

    The purpose of Homework Club is for students to get assistance on any schoolwork from a staff member. Homework Club Contract . TOP. CONTACT US. Kyron Harvell, Principal Clague Middle School 2616 Nixon Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105. 734-994-1976. STAY CONNECTED. 7 LinkedIn 3 Twitter 4 Facebook 5 RSS @ Instagram 0 Pinterest 9 YouTube 6 Vimeo.

  18. PDF Homework Contract

    Homework Contract I, _____, agree to the following terms to improve my homework and school work: Homework will be done at this time every day unless otherwise specified: _____ Homework will be done at this location unless otherwise specified: _____ I will keep track of daily assignments by using my daily assignment sheet/notebook ...

  19. What Is Homework Club?

    Homework club is an after school club for students to complete homework/school work. Students report to a specific classroom and are supervised by a teacher. The teacher will offer assistance and check on students to make sure they are completing school work. The length of homework club will vary by school but usually lasts for about an hour ...

  20. Homework Contract

    The best contracts are simple ones with few terms. You definitely should not have your family's first homework contract use all the terms of the sample contract. Contracts need to be individualized to suit the needs of each family. For a homework contract to be effective, all terms must be negotiated and completely agreed upon by both parents ...


    • Complete homework with distraction or breaks, for example TV, phone, loud music • Use homework time for studying, reviewing or reading if there are no current assignments • Take responsibility for handing in assignments on time, and completing any missing assignments ... HOMEWORK CONTRACT. Created Date:

  22. Clague School Counseling Team / Homework Club Contract

    To attend after school Homework Club students must have a signed Homework Club Contract. Homework Club Contract 2016 . TOP. CONTACT US. Kyron Harvell, Principal Clague Middle School 2616 Nixon Rd. Ann Arbor, MI 48105. 734-994-1976. STAY CONNECTED. 7 LinkedIn 3 Twitter 4 Facebook 5 RSS @ Instagram 0 Pinterest 9 YouTube 6 Vimeo.

  23. Homework Club

    743 E. Calaveras St, Altadena, CA 91001. Homework Club's qualified staff offers academic support while working with students in. grades TK-5th. We're an after-school program that focuses on homework completion. Students will also have the opportunity to participate in STEAM and Enrichment opportunities while learning and playing in a safe and ...

  24. Baltimore Orioles 'Most Obvious Fit' for Player Who's 'Expected' to Get

    "The Marlins lone All-Star is on an expiring contract, which means he will become a free agent at the end of the 2024 season. The left-hander has been a dominant force in the ninth inning, and ...

  25. The 16-year-old wonderkid, bathed by Lionel Messi as a baby, who ...

    As a baby, Yamal was washed by Barcelona hero Messi in club calendar photoshoot. The photo went viral recently when Yamal's father shared it on Instagram, dubbing it the 'beginning of two legends'.