How to write a Critical Analysis in Nursing – Full Guide and Examples

Rachel andel rn, bsn.

  • August 9, 2022
  • Nursing Writing Guides

How to write a Critical Analysis in Nursing

Nursing is a demanding and highly specialized field that requires critical analysis. Whether you are a new nurse or have been working in the field for years, writing a critical analysis can be daunting. In this article, we will show you how to write a critical analysis in nursing using a step-by-step process.

What is a Critical Analysis in nursing?

A Critical Analysis is a comprehensive, in-depth analysis of a text or piece of media. It can be used to explore the author’s intentions, analyze the plot, assess the characters, and determine the overall impact of the work.

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Why is it important to do a Critical Analysis?

Critical Analysis skills are essential for nurses as they work in both clinical and academic settings. They are also important for students who want to develop analytical skills and read critically. In addition, Critical Analyses provide nursing staff with insights into how other people have viewed a particular text or piece of media. This information can help nurses make informed decisions about patient care.

How do I do a Critical Analysis?

There is no one way to do a Critical Analysis. However, there are some key steps that you should take into account when undertaking this type of analysis:

1) Read the text or piece of media carefully;

2) Identify the main themes and ideas presented in the text;

3) Analyze these themes and ideas in depth;

4) Weigh each theme and idea against one another;

5) Write your analysis in an objective manner;

If you are a nursing student looking to learn how to write a critical analysis, you have come to the right place. In this article, we will teach you the basics of writing a critical analysis, including what to include and why. We will also provide some tips for how to structure your essay so that it is clear and easy to read. Finally, we will provide a sample critical analysis of a fictional novel to help you get started.

There are a few steps in writing a critical analysis of literature. In this article, we will discuss the different steps involved in writing a critical analysis and give you an example of how to go about it.

Step One: Choose Your Literature

The first step is to choose the literature you would like to analyze. This could be anything from a journal article to a novel. Once you have chosen your work, it is time to read it with an open mind. When reading any piece of literature, try to focus on the author’s purpose and message. Note what is important to them and how they communicate their ideas. After reading the work, take some time to formulate your thoughts about it in writing.

Step Two: Analyze the Text

Once you have formed your thoughts about the text, it is time to begin analyzing it. In order to do this, you will need to pay close attention to the author’s use of language and structure. Do they use specific words or phrases frequently? Why or why not? How does their choice of words affect their meaning? Are there any specific passages which stand out as particularly effective or ineffective? Once you have analyzed the text,write down your thoughts in a clear and concise manner.

Step Three: Evaluate the Theme and Ideas

Once you have analyzed the text, it is time to look at the main themes and ideas. What are they? What does the author want readers to take away from the work? Are the themes consistent throughout the text? How do the different themes connect? Once you have identified the main themes and ideas, write about them in your analysis. Do you think they are effectively communicated? Are there any elements of the text that you don’t agree with?

Step Four: Consider Your Opinion

After analyzing and evaluating the text, it is important to share your thoughts with readers. In writing a critical analysis, it is important to be objective. This means that you should not express your own opinions or biases in your writing. Instead, focus on providing readers with an objective perspective on the work. Is it worth reading? Why or why not? Is there anything else you would like to say about it?

How to format a Critical Analysis in Nursing

Critical analysis template.


• Develop a topic sentence in which you will define the purpose of the Research Critique • Formulate a thesis statement which briefly provides a broad indication of your point of view in composing this assignment . • Include a summary outline to describe the organization and main topics you will include in the body paragraphs of the assignments (see below sections). Protection of Human Participants • Identify the benefits and risks of participation addressed by the authors. Were there benefits or risks the authors do not identify? • Was informed consent obtained from the subjects or participants? • Did it seem that the subjects participated voluntarily in the study? • Was institutional review board approval obtained from the agency in which the study was conducted?

Data Collection • Are the major variables (independent and dependent variables) identified and defined? What were these variables? • How were data collected in this study? • What rationale did the author provide for using this data collection method? • Identify the time period for data collection of the study. • Describe the sequence of data collection events for a participant.

Data Management and Analysis • Describe the data management and analysis methods used in the study. • Did the author discuss how the rigor of the process was assured? For example, does the author describe maintaining a paper trail of critical decisions that were made during the analysis of the data? Was statistical software used to ensure accuracy of the analysis? • What measures were used to minimize the effects of researcher bias (their experiences and perspectives)? For example, did two researchers independently analyze the data and compare their analyses?

Findings / Interpretation of Findings: Implications for Practice and Future Research • What is the researcher’s interpretation of findings? • Are the findings valid or an accurate reflection of reality? Do you have confidence in the findings? • What limitations of the study were identified by researchers ? • Was there a coherent logic to the presentation of findings? • What implications do the findings have for nursing practice? For example, can the study findings be applied to general nursing practice, to a specific population, to a specific area of nursing? • What suggestions are made for further studies?

Conclusion • Emphasize the importance and congruity of the thesis statement • Provide a logical wrap-up to bring the appraisal to completion and to leave a lasting impression and take-away points useful in nursing practice. • Incorporate a critical appraisal and a brief analysis of the utility and applicability of the findings to nursing practice. • Integrate a summary of the knowledge learned. Place your order now for a similar paper and have exceptional work written by our team of experts to guarantee you A Results.

Critical Analysis Essay Example Outline

Title: A critical analysis of a health promotion intervention: Diabetes effecting Schizophrenia patients

  • A 2000 word essay based on a health promotion on Diabetes effecting Schizophrenia patients
  • Activity that you have undertaken (or closely participated in) whilst on clinical placement.
  • A rationale for the importance/necessity of the health promotion (hp) intervention that includes relevant epidemiological data and relates to contemporary health and/or social policy
  • Application of a suitable health promotion model and/ or behaviour change theory to the activity undertaken.
  • Critical consideration of health literacy in both the delivery of the health promotion activity and any supporting materials used.
  • An evaluation of your health promotion activity.

• You need to demonstrate sound understanding of health promotion policy, evidence and theory related to your topic area. • You will not be able to address every health promotion theory, choose one model only and apply this to your topic; • Your essay should have a logical structure and have a systematic approach to care based on the Nursing Process. • Consider a paragraph for each concept and aspect of your essay.

Critical analysis requires objectivity and a critical perspective. It allows nurses to assess their own practice as well as the practices of others. To be effective, critical analysis must be structured and organized . The following steps can help you format a critical analysis:

1) Identify the purpose of the critical analysis. 2) Identify the literature that will be used in the analysis. 3) distill the information from the literature into a clear, concise, and objective statement. 4) Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the theory or practice being analyzed. 5) Suggest ways that the theory or practice could be improved.

The purpose of this critical analysis is to improve understanding of the strengths and weaknesses of a particular theory or practice used in nursing. The literature that will be used in this analysis includes both academic sources and clinical practice .

The information from the literature will be distilled into a clear, concise, and objective statement. The strengths and weaknesses of the theory or practice being analyzed will be evaluated. Suggestions for improving the theory or practice will be made.

How to write the introduction of a critical analysis paper

In order to write a successful introduction to your critical analysis paper, you must first establish the purpose of the paper. The purpose of this paper should be clear from the title and introduction, and should help to orient the reader towards your main points.

Once you have determined the purpose of your paper, you must introduce the reader to your main argument. You should begin by explaining why you believe that your chosen topic is important, and then provide evidence to support your claim. You may also want to mention any relevant historical or literary context, in order to give your argument a greater sense of resonance.

Finally, you should wrap up your introduction by stating how readers can use your paper as a blueprint for their own critical analysis work.

In conclusion, make sure that your introduction is concise and well-organized, so that readers will easily understand what lies ahead in the paper.

If you have any questions or would like help with writing your introduction , please don’t hesitate to reach out to one of our professional writers .

How to write the conclusion of a critical analysis paper in Nursing

The conclusion of a critical analysis paper in nursing is an important part of the paper. It should provide a summary of the main points made in the body of the essay, as well as give readers a sense of what the writer believes about the subject matter.

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It should also provide a suggestion for future research or teaching on the topic.

When writing a conclusion for a critical analysis paper, it is important to keep in mind the purpose of the essay.

The goal is not to provide an exhaustive review of all aspects of the subject matter, but rather to provide readers with an overview of what has been discussed and to offer some ideas for further exploration. This means that conclusions should be brief and to the point.

It is also important to remember that conclusions do not have to be original or unique. In fact, they can often be based on ideas that have been introduced throughout the essay.

Rather than coming up with new ideas on their own, it can be helpful to borrow from other sources when writing a conclusion.

This will help to ensure that your argument is sound and that readers will understand your position on the subject matter.

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When writing the conclusion of a critical analysis paper, it is important to be concise and to provide the reader with a clear understanding of your argument. Here are some tips on how to write a conclusion that meets these goals:

– Summarize your main points and support them with evidence. – State your conclusions clearly and concisely. – Offer a solution or recommendations for future research

How to write a Critical Analysis in Nursing

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How to Write a Critical Analysis Nursing Essay – Everything You Need to Know

Critical Analysis Nursing Essay

How to Write a Critical Analysis Nursing Essay

Learn how to write a critical analysis nursing essay in this comprehensive guide. We’ll take you through every step, from understanding the question to crafting a powerful conclusion.

How do you write a critical analysis nursing essay?

Embarking on the journey of writing a critical analysis nursing essay? You’ve come to the right place! This all-encompassing guide will provide you with all the tools you need to craft a thought-provoking and quality essay. We’ll explore the step-by-step process, the dos and don’ts, and the key elements that make up a stellar critical analysis essay in the nursing field.

Part 1: Understanding the Task

Understanding the task at hand forms the bedrock of a successful essay. It may appear elementary, but it’s a step that’s often overlooked in the rush to start writing. However, ignoring this crucial phase can lead you down the wrong path, making it more difficult to produce a high-quality essay that meets the criteria.

Deciphering the Essay Question

When confronted with an essay question, it’s tempting to dive headfirst into writing without fully comprehending what the question is asking. But, like trying to solve a puzzle without seeing the full picture, you might find yourself lost in a maze of confusion. Thus, it’s essential to take a step back and decipher the essay question thoroughly.

First and foremost, what’s the central theme the question is addressing? Is it a broad area in nursing, such as patient care or public health? Or perhaps it’s a specific issue like managing pandemic outbreaks in a healthcare setting or ethical considerations in end-of-life care? Understanding the overall topic will give you a sense of the breadth and depth of your essay.

Next, it’s crucial to identify the key terms in the question. These are often action words or directives like ‘ analyze ,’ ‘ compare ,’ ‘ evaluate ,’ ‘ discuss, ‘ etc. They instruct you on what you need to do with the topic. For instance, if the directive is ‘ analyze ,’ you’re required to break down the topic into its components and examine them in detail. ‘ Compare ,’ on the other hand, means identifying similarities and differences between different aspects of the topic.

Don’t forget to look for limitations or specifications in the question. These could be a particular patient demographic, a specific geographical area, a certain timeframe, and so on. They further narrow down your focus and specify the context in which you should analyze the topic.

Understanding the essay question is a bit like being a detective. You need to scrutinize every word, look for clues, and piece them together to get a clear picture of what’s expected of you. It’s only with this clear understanding that you can proceed to the next steps with confidence.

Critical Analysis: What Does it Mean?

In the field of nursing, you’ll often come across the term ‘critical analysis.’ But what exactly does it mean, and how does it apply to your nursing essay?

At its core, critical analysis involves dissecting a topic, examining its various components, and evaluating them based on evidence. It’s more than just summarizing or describing the topic; it requires a deep, thoughtful examination and an informed judgement.

When conducting a critical analysis, you need to consider the following elements:

  • Understanding: Do you understand all aspects of the topic? Can you explain it in your own words?
  • Analysis: Can you break down the topic into its constituent parts and explain how they relate to each other?
  • Interpretation: Can you explain the meaning or significance of the topic?
  • Evaluation: Can you assess the merit of the topic based on evidence? Can you provide a reasoned judgement?
  • Reflection: Can you consider the implications of your analysis? Can you suggest future directions for research or practice?

Critical analysis is not about finding fault or criticizing for the sake of it. It’s about engaging in a rigorous, thoughtful examination of the topic, considering different perspectives, and making an informed judgment.

Critical analysis in academic writing could involve demonstrating your understanding of the reading or evidence, showcasing your reasoning and conclusions from your reading or reflections, and contemplating questions such as ‘ why ,’ ‘ what if ,’ and ‘ so what .’

The Importance of a Nursing Perspective

The nursing profession is a unique discipline with its own set of knowledge, skills, and values. When writing your nursing essay, you’re not just asked to analyze a topic. You’re asked to analyze it from a nursing perspective. You also need to know the nursing essay definition.

What does this mean?

Professional nursing is fundamentally about providing care. It’s about promoting health, risk management, preventing illness, and caring for sick, disabled, and dying people. As such, when you analyze a topic in your essay, you need to consider how it relates to patient care. How does it affect the patient’s health and well-being? What are the implications for nursing practice?

In addition, nursing is grounded in decisions based on the best available scientific evidence. So, when you’re conducting a critical analysis, you should look for and evaluate the evidence supporting aspects of the topic in your nursing course.

Moreover, nursing is an empathetic profession. Registered nurses don’t just provide physical care to patients; they also provide emotional support. They strive to understand the patients’ health and wellbeing, feelings, and experiences and provide nursing care that’s tailored to the patient’s needs. In your essay, consider the emotional and psychological aspects of nursing on the suitable topic and how they impact issues within the healthcare section.

Taking a nursing perspective means looking at the specific topic through the lens of healthcare professionals. It requires you to integrate your nursing knowledge, skills, and values into your analysis and to consider choosing a topic in the context of patient care, evidence-based practice, and empathetic home care.

Understanding the Grading Criteria

In the academic world, it’s not enough just to write a nursing essay. You need to write a professional essay that meets specific grading criteria. Understanding these criteria can guide your writing process and help you produce an essay that scores high marks.

The grading criteria for a critical analysis essay typically involve the following:

  • Understanding of the topic: This assesses your comprehension of the topic. Do you understand all its aspects? Can you explain it in your own words?
  • Critical analysis: This evaluates your ability to analyze the topic. Can you break it down into its components? Can you examine them in detail? Can you make an informed judgement based on evidence?
  • Use of evidence: This looks at how well you use evidence to support your analysis. Do you use high-quality, reliable sources? Do you interpret the evidence correctly? Do you cite your sources properly?
  • Structure and organization: This examines the structure of your essay. Is your essay well-organized? Does it have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion? Do your ideas flow logically from one to the next?
  • Writing quality: This assesses the quality of your writing. Is your writing clear and concise? Is it grammatically correct? Do you use appropriate vocabulary?

Understanding the grading criteria can provide a roadmap for your essay. It can guide your research, analysis, writing, and revision processes, helping you produce an essay that ticks all the boxes.

Setting a Plan

Once you’ve understood the task, it’s time to create a plan. Planning is like setting a roadmap for your essay. It provides a clear direction and helps you stay focused and organized.

First, schedule your time. Writing a high-quality essay isn’t something that can be done in a single sitting. It requires time for research, analysis, writing, and revision. Determine how much time you can allocate to each of these stages, and stick to your schedule as closely as possible.

Next, create a nursing essay outline. This is like a skeleton of your essay. It gives a nursing essay structure to your ideas and helps you organize them in a logical way. Start with the main sections of your essay – introduction, body, and conclusion. Then, break down each section into smaller parts, like having a thesis statement. For the body of your essay, identify the main points you want to analyze and the evidence you’ll use to support your analysis.

Lastly, gather your resources. Identify the sources you’ll need for your research and where you can find them. These could be books, journal articles, online resources, and more. Make sure your sources are reliable and relevant to your topic.

A well-thought-out plan can streamline your writing process and make it more efficient. It can prevent you from veering off course, getting overwhelmed, or missing important points. So, before you start writing, take some time to plan your essay.

With a solid understanding of the task and a clear plan in hand, you’re now ready to delve into the heart of your essay – the research and analysis. Stay tuned for the next part of our guide, where we’ll explore how to research your topic and conduct a critical analysis.

Critical Analysis Nursing Essay

Part 2: Conducting Research and Analysis

This part of the process is where the rubber meets the road. You’ve understood the task, you’ve planned your essay, and now it’s time to delve into the heart of the matter: researching your topic and conducting a critical analysis. This is where you’ll gather the information and evidence you need to support your analysis and draw your essay conclusions.

Researching Your Topic

Before you can analyze a topic, you first need to have an understanding of nursing. And that requires research. Research is like detective work. It involves seeking out information, examining evidence, and piecing together a picture of the topic.

Start by reviewing the basic information about your topic. This might involve reading textbook chapters, lecture notes, or other foundational sources. Aim to get a clear, comprehensive understanding of the topic.

Next, delve deeper into the topic by reading scholarly articles, research studies, and expert opinions. These sources provide more detailed, nuanced information and insights about the topic. They also provide evidence that you can use to support your analysis.

As you conduct your research, be critical. Don’t just accept information at face value. Consider an authoritative source of the information, the evidence supporting it, and the methodology used to obtain it. Question the assumptions, interpretations, and conclusions. This critical approach will serve you well when you move on to the analysis phase.

Analyzing Your Topic

Now that you’ve gathered information and evidence about your topic, it’s time to analyze it. Remember, analysis involves breaking down the topic into its components, examining them in detail, and making reasoned judgments that are evidence-based.

Start by identifying the key aspects or components of the topic. What are the main ideas, issues, or arguments? How do they relate to each other?

Next, examine each aspect in detail. What evidence supports it? What are its strengths and weaknesses? What are its implications for nursing programs?

Then, make a reasoned judgement. Based on the evidence, what conclusions can you draw? What is your assessment of the topic? Remember, this should be an informed judgement, based on evidence, not just a personal opinion.

Finally, reflect upon your analysis. What are the implications of your conclusions? How might they affect your future practice? What future research or actions might they suggest?

Using Evidence Effectively

In a critical analysis essay, evidence is your best friend. It supports your analysis, adds credibility to your arguments, and shows that you’ve done your homework.

But using evidence effectively is not just about throwing in a bunch of facts or quotes. It requires careful selection, interpretation, and presentation of the evidence.

First, select high-quality, relevant evidence. This might include research findings, expert opinions, case studies, etc. The quality of your evidence can make or break your essay, so choose wisely.

Next, interpret the evidence. What does it mean? How does it relate to your analysis? Explain the evidence in your own words and relate it to your points rather than just presenting it without context.

Finally, present the evidence in a clear, concise way. Use it to support your points, but don’t let it overshadow your own analysis. Remember, the evidence is there to support your analysis, not to replace it.

Recognizing and Addressing Biases

One of the challenges of critical analysis is dealing with biases. Biases can creep into your research, your analysis, and even the evidence you use. Recognizing and addressing these biases is crucial for a fair, balanced analysis.

First, be aware of your own biases. We all have biases, and they can subtly influence our research and analysis. Try to identify any preconceived notions or beliefs you have about the topic and set them aside. Approach your analysis with an open mind, ready to follow the evidence wherever it leads.

Second, be aware of biases in your sources. Not all sources are created equal. Some may have biases due to the authors’ affiliations, funding sources, or personal beliefs. Evaluate your sources critically, considering their credibility, reliability, and potential biases.

Finally, address any biases you find. This might involve using a variety of sources to get a balanced view, questioning the assumptions and interpretations in your sources, or acknowledging the limitations of your sources.

Reflecting on Your Analysis

The final step in your essay writing analysis is reflection. Reflection involves stepping back from your analysis and considering it in a broader context. It’s about asking, “So what?”

What are the implications of your conclusions? How might they affect nursing practice? What future research or actions might they suggest? These are the kinds of questions you should ask in your reflection.

Reflection is also about learning. It’s about recognizing what you’ve learned from the analysis, what you found challenging, and what you might do differently next time. It’s about growing as a writer, thinker, and nurse.

Research and analysis are at the heart of a critical analysis essay. By thoroughly researching your topic, critically analyzing it, using evidence effectively, recognizing and addressing biases, and reflecting on your analysis, you can develop a deep, nuanced understanding of your topic and present a compelling, evidence-based argument.

Stay tuned for the next part of our guide, where we’ll delve into the writing process, from drafting your essay to revising and polishing it.

Part 3: Writing Your Essay

Now that we’ve researched our topic and conducted a thorough analysis, it’s time to put pen to paper or fingers to keyboard and begin the process of nursing essay writing. This section will walk you through the process of drafting your essay, revising it, and then polishing it for final submission. Remember, writing is a process, and it’s okay to write a rough first draft; revisions are where the magic happens!

Drafting Your Essay

As you embark on the writing journey, remember the essay outline you created during your planning phase. This will serve as the roadmap for your essay, guiding you through each section and ensuring you stay on track.

Start with the introduction . The introductory paragraph is where you’ll set the stage for your analysis. Provide some background information on your topic, state your thesis or main argument, and give a brief overview of how you’ll support this argument in the body of your essay.

The body of your essay is where you’ll present your critical analysis. Each separate paragraph should focus on one main point or aspect of your analysis. Start the paragraph with a topic sentence that clearly states the main point. Then, provide evidence to support this point and explain how this evidence supports your analysis. Remember to stay focused on your analysis and avoid going off on tangents.

Finally, wrap up your essay with a conclusion . This is where you’ll summarize your main points and restate your thesis in light of the evidence and analysis you’ve presented. You can also discuss the implications of your analysis and suggest positive or negative areas for future research.

Revising Your Essay

Once you’ve written your first draft, it’s time to revise. Revising is not just about fixing typos and grammar mistakes. It’s about improving the content, organization, and clarity of your essay.

Start by reviewing your essay as a whole. Does it flow logically? Does each paragraph contribute to your argument? Are there any points that are unclear or unsupported? Make note of any issues and then go back and address them.

Next, review each section of your essay. In the introduction, check that you’ve provided sufficient background and clearly stated your thesis and argument. In the body, check that each paragraph focuses on one main point, provides evidence to support this point, and explains the evidence. In the conclusion, check that you’ve summarized your points, restated your thesis, and discussed implications and future research.

Finally, review your essay at the sentence level. Check for clarity, coherence, and conciseness. Make sure each sentence contributes to your point and flows logically from the previous sentence.

Polishing Your Essay

The final step in the writing process is polishing your essay. This involves fine-tuning your language, fixing typos and grammar mistakes, and ensuring your essay is formatted correctly.

Start by checking your language. Is it clear and precise? Have you used appropriate academic language and tone? Have you varied your sentence structure to maintain reader interest? Are there any words or phrases that could be simplified or clarified?

Next, proofread your essay for typos and grammar mistakes. These can distract from your analysis and make your essay difficult to read. Don’t rely solely on spell-checkers; they can miss errors, especially with homonyms (words that sound the same but have different meanings).

Finally, check your formatting. Follow the required citation style for your references. Ensure your essay is double-spaced, with 1-inch margins and a readable 12-point font. Include your name, the date, and any other required information on the title page or header.

Writing a critical analysis nursing essay is a multi-step process involving planning, research, and analysis, and writing and revising. By following this guide, you can navigate this process successfully and produce a compelling, well-reasoned essay that demonstrates your understanding, critical thinking skills, and professional insights.

Stay tuned for the final part of our guide, where we’ll delve into some tips and tricks for acing your critical analysis essay, as well as how to handle feedback and use it to improve your future essays.

Part 4: Perfecting Your Essay

Writing your essay is not just about putting pen to paper. It’s also about perfecting your essay through careful revision, addressing feedback, and developing strategies to improve your future essays. In this section, we’ll delve into some tips and tricks for acing your essay, how to handle feedback and ways to continually improve your writing skills.

Tips and Tricks for Acing Your Essay

Writing an essay is a skill, and like any skill, it can be improved with practice and the right strategies. Here are some tips and tricks to help start a nursing essay topic:

  • Be critical: Remember, a critical analysis is not just a summary. It involves questioning, evaluating, and interpreting. Don’t just accept information at face value; question it, probe it, and make your own interpretations.
  • Be clear and concise: Clarity and conciseness are key in academic writing. Make sure your points are clear, your arguments are logical, and your writing is concise. Organize your thoughts and avoid jargon and overly complex language.
  • Be thorough: Don’t skimp on your research or your analysis. Be thorough in both, providing a wide range of evidence and deep, nuanced analysis.
  • Be reflective: Always take the time to reflect on your analysis, your writing, and your learning. Reflection helps you understand the significance of your analysis, improves your writing skills, and enhances your learning.

Handling Feedback

Feedback is a valuable tool for improving your writing. It provides an outside perspective on your essay and can highlight areas for improvement that you might have overlooked.

When you receive feedback, start by reading it thoroughly. Try to understand the perspective of the person providing the feedback. What are they seeing that you’re not?

Next, consider the feedback. Do you agree with it? Does it make sense? How can you use it to improve your essay?

Then, implement the feedback. Make revisions to your essay based on the feedback. This might involve clarifying points, strengthening your argument, fixing errors, or improving your writing style.

Finally, reflect on the feedback. What have you learned from it? How can you use it to improve your future essays?

Continual Improvement

Writing is a lifelong skill, and there’s always room for improvement. Here are some strategies for continually improving your writing skills:

  • Practice: The more you write, the better you get. Practice writing regularly, whether it’s essays, journal entries, or emails.
  • Read: Reading is one of the best ways to improve your writing. It exposes you to different writing styles, expands your vocabulary, and helps you understand how effective writing is structured.
  • Seek feedback: Don’t be afraid to seek feedback on your writing. Whether it’s from a teacher, a peer, or a writing center, feedback can provide valuable insights into your writing.
  • Reflect: Take the time to reflect on your writing. What are your strengths? What are your weaknesses? What do you want to improve?

Writing a critical analysis essay can be a challenging but rewarding task. It requires research, analysis, critical thinking, and careful writing and revision. However, by following this guide and applying these strategies, you can write a compelling, insightful essay that demonstrates your understanding, critical thinking skills, and professional insights.

This brings us to the end of our process on “How to Write a Critical Analysis Nursing Essay.” We hope you found it helpful and informative. Remember, writing is a journey, and every essay you write is a step along that journey. So keep writing, keep learning, and keep improving. Happy writing!

Final Thoughts: How to Write a Critical Analysis Nursing Essay

In this guide, we’ve provided a comprehensive roadmap on how to write a critical analysis nursing essay. From understanding what a critical analysis essay is to conducting thorough research, crafting an insightful analysis, writing and revising your essay, and continually improving your writing skills, we’ve covered all the bases. We hope that this guide serves as a valuable resource for you as you embark on your nursing academic journey. Remember, the key to a great essay is in the planning, so take your time, be thorough, and don’t forget to engage deeply with your subject matter. Good luck!

And there you have it, a comprehensive guide on “How to Write a Critical Analysis Nursing Essay”. We hope this guide has been informative and useful for you. Don’t hesitate to revisit it as often as you need, and remember – practice makes perfect. If you need assistance with writing, our nursing essay writing experts are ready and waiting to assist with any writing project you may need including argumentative essays, leadership essays, and reflective essays. Happy writing! 

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example of a critical analysis essay in nursing

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Academic writing: using literature to demonstrate critical analysis, kathleen duffy senior lecturer, school of nursing, midwifery and community health, glasgow caledonian university, glasgow, elizabeth hastie senior lecturer, school of nursing, midwifery and community health, glasgow caledonian university, glasgow, jacqueline mccallum senior lecturer, school of nursing, midwifery and community health, glasgow caledonian university, glasgow, valerie ness lecturer, school of nursing, midwifery and community health, glasgow caledonian university, glasgow, lesley price lecturer, school of nursing, midwifery and community health, glasgow caledonian university, glasgow.

When writing at degree level, nurses need to demonstrate an understanding of evidence by summarising its key elements and comparing and contrasting authors’ views. Critical analysis is an important nursing skill in writing and in practice. With the advent of an all-degree profession, understanding how to develop this skill is crucial. This article examines how students can develop critical analysis skills to write at undergraduate degree level. It highlights some of the common errors when writing at this academic level and provides advice on how to avoid such mistakes.

Nursing Standard . 23, 47, 35-40. doi: 10.7748/ns2009.

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This article has been subject to double blind peer review

Critical appraisal - Education: methods - Literature and writing - Student nurses - Study skills

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example of a critical analysis essay in nursing

29 July 2009 / Vol 23 issue 47




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33 Critical Analysis Examples

33 Critical Analysis Examples

Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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critical analysis examples and definition, explained below

Critical analysis refers to the ability to examine something in detail in preparation to make an evaluation or judgment.

It will involve exploring underlying assumptions, theories, arguments, evidence, logic, biases, contextual factors, and so forth, that could help shed more light on the topic.

In essay writing, a critical analysis essay will involve using a range of analytical skills to explore a topic, such as:

  • Evaluating sources
  • Exploring strengths and weaknesses
  • Exploring pros and cons
  • Questioning and challenging ideas
  • Comparing and contrasting ideas

If you’re writing an essay, you could also watch my guide on how to write a critical analysis essay below, and don’t forget to grab your worksheets and critical analysis essay plan to save yourself a ton of time:

Grab your Critical Analysis Worksheets and Essay Plan Here


Critical Analysis Examples

1. exploring strengths and weaknesses.

Perhaps the first and most straightforward method of critical analysis is to create a simple strengths-vs-weaknesses comparison.

Most things have both strengths and weaknesses – you could even do this for yourself! What are your strengths? Maybe you’re kind or good at sports or good with children. What are your weaknesses? Maybe you struggle with essay writing or concentration.

If you can analyze your own strengths and weaknesses, then you understand the concept. What might be the strengths and weaknesses of the idea you’re hoping to critically analyze?

Strengths and weaknesses could include:

  • Does it seem highly ethical (strength) or could it be more ethical (weakness)?
  • Is it clearly explained (strength) or complex and lacking logical structure (weakness)?
  • Does it seem balanced (strength) or biased (weakness)?

You may consider using a SWOT analysis for this step. I’ve provided a SWOT analysis guide here .

2. Evaluating Sources

Evaluation of sources refers to looking at whether a source is reliable or unreliable.

This is a fundamental media literacy skill .

Steps involved in evaluating sources include asking questions like:

  • Who is the author and are they trustworthy?
  • Is this written by an expert?
  • Is this sufficiently reviewed by an expert?
  • Is this published in a trustworthy publication?
  • Are the arguments sound or common sense?

For more on this topic, I’d recommend my detailed guide on digital literacy .

3. Identifying Similarities

Identifying similarities encompasses the act of drawing parallels between elements, concepts, or issues.

In critical analysis, it’s common to compare a given article, idea, or theory to another one. In this way, you can identify areas in which they are alike.

Determining similarities can be a challenge, but it’s an intellectual exercise that fosters a greater understanding of the aspects you’re studying. This step often calls for a careful reading and note-taking to highlight matching information, points of view, arguments or even suggested solutions.

Similarities might be found in:

  • The key themes or topics discussed
  • The theories or principles used
  • The demographic the work is written for or about
  • The solutions or recommendations proposed

Remember, the intention of identifying similarities is not to prove one right or wrong. Rather, it sets the foundation for understanding the larger context of your analysis, anchoring your arguments in a broader spectrum of ideas.

Your critical analysis strengthens when you can see the patterns and connections across different works or topics. It fosters a more comprehensive, insightful perspective. And importantly, it is a stepping stone in your analysis journey towards evaluating differences, which is equally imperative and insightful in any analysis.

4. Identifying Differences

Identifying differences involves pinpointing the unique aspects, viewpoints or solutions introduced by the text you’re analyzing. How does it stand out as different from other texts?

To do this, you’ll need to compare this text to another text.

Differences can be revealed in:

  • The potential applications of each idea
  • The time, context, or place in which the elements were conceived or implemented
  • The available evidence each element uses to support its ideas
  • The perspectives of authors
  • The conclusions reached

Identifying differences helps to reveal the multiplicity of perspectives and approaches on a given topic. Doing so provides a more in-depth, nuanced understanding of the field or issue you’re exploring.

This deeper understanding can greatly enhance your overall critique of the text you’re looking at. As such, learning to identify both similarities and differences is an essential skill for effective critical analysis.

My favorite tool for identifying similarities and differences is a Venn Diagram:

venn diagram

To use a venn diagram, title each circle for two different texts. Then, place similarities in the overlapping area of the circles, while unique characteristics (differences) of each text in the non-overlapping parts.

6. Identifying Oversights

Identifying oversights entails pointing out what the author missed, overlooked, or neglected in their work.

Almost every written work, no matter the expertise or meticulousness of the author, contains oversights. These omissions can be absent-minded mistakes or gaps in the argument, stemming from a lack of knowledge, foresight, or attentiveness.

Such gaps can be found in:

  • Missed opportunities to counter or address opposing views
  • Failure to consider certain relevant aspects or perspectives
  • Incomplete or insufficient data that leaves the argument weak
  • Failing to address potential criticism or counter-arguments

By shining a light on these weaknesses, you increase the depth and breadth of your critical analysis. It helps you to estimate the full worth of the text, understand its limitations, and contextualize it within the broader landscape of related work. Ultimately, noticing these oversights helps to make your analysis more balanced and considerate of the full complexity of the topic at hand.

You may notice here that identifying oversights requires you to already have a broad understanding and knowledge of the topic in the first place – so, study up!

7. Fact Checking

Fact-checking refers to the process of meticulously verifying the truth and accuracy of the data, statements, or claims put forward in a text.

Fact-checking serves as the bulwark against misinformation, bias, and unsubstantiated claims. It demands thorough research, resourcefulness, and a keen eye for detail.

Fact-checking goes beyond surface-level assertions:

  • Examining the validity of the data given
  • Cross-referencing information with other reliable sources
  • Scrutinizing references, citations, and sources utilized in the article
  • Distinguishing between opinion and objectively verifiable truths
  • Checking for outdated, biased, or unbalanced information

If you identify factual errors, it’s vital to highlight them when critically analyzing the text. But remember, you could also (after careful scrutiny) also highlight that the text appears to be factually correct – that, too, is critical analysis.

8. Exploring Counterexamples

Exploring counterexamples involves searching and presenting instances or cases which contradict the arguments or conclusions presented in a text.

Counterexamples are an effective way to challenge the generalizations, assumptions or conclusions made in an article or theory. They can reveal weaknesses or oversights in the logic or validity of the author’s perspective.

Considerations in counterexample analysis are:

  • Identifying generalizations made in the text
  • Seeking examples in academic literature or real-world instances that contradict these generalizations
  • Assessing the impact of these counterexamples on the validity of the text’s argument or conclusion

Exploring counterexamples enriches your critical analysis by injecting an extra layer of scrutiny, and even doubt, in the text.

By presenting counterexamples, you not only test the resilience and validity of the text but also open up new avenues of discussion and investigation that can further your understanding of the topic.

See Also: Counterargument Examples

9. Assessing Methodologies

Assessing methodologies entails examining the techniques, tools, or procedures employed by the author to collect, analyze and present their information.

The accuracy and validity of a text’s conclusions often depend on the credibility and appropriateness of the methodologies used.

Aspects to inspect include:

  • The appropriateness of the research method for the research question
  • The adequacy of the sample size
  • The validity and reliability of data collection instruments
  • The application of statistical tests and evaluations
  • The implementation of controls to prevent bias or mitigate its impact

One strategy you could implement here is to consider a range of other methodologies the author could have used. If the author conducted interviews, consider questioning why they didn’t use broad surveys that could have presented more quantitative findings. If they only interviewed people with one perspective, consider questioning why they didn’t interview a wider variety of people, etc.

See Also: A List of Research Methodologies

10. Exploring Alternative Explanations

Exploring alternative explanations refers to the practice of proposing differing or opposing ideas to those put forward in the text.

An underlying assumption in any analysis is that there may be multiple valid perspectives on a single topic. The text you’re analyzing might provide one perspective, but your job is to bring into the light other reasonable explanations or interpretations.

Cultivating alternative explanations often involves:

  • Formulating hypotheses or theories that differ from those presented in the text
  • Referring to other established ideas or models that offer a differing viewpoint
  • Suggesting a new or unique angle to interpret the data or phenomenon discussed in the text

Searching for alternative explanations challenges the authority of a singular narrative or perspective, fostering an environment ripe for intellectual discourse and critical thinking . It nudges you to examine the topic from multiple angles, enhancing your understanding and appreciation of the complexity inherent in the field.

A Full List of Critical Analysis Skills

  • Exploring Strengths and Weaknesses
  • Evaluating Sources
  • Identifying Similarities
  • Identifying Differences
  • Identifying Biases
  • Hypothesis Testing
  • Fact-Checking
  • Exploring Counterexamples
  • Assessing Methodologies
  • Exploring Alternative Explanations
  • Pointing Out Contradictions
  • Challenging the Significance
  • Cause-And-Effect Analysis
  • Assessing Generalizability
  • Highlighting Inconsistencies
  • Reductio ad Absurdum
  • Comparing to Expert Testimony
  • Comparing to Precedent
  • Reframing the Argument
  • Pointing Out Fallacies
  • Questioning the Ethics
  • Clarifying Definitions
  • Challenging Assumptions
  • Exposing Oversimplifications
  • Highlighting Missing Information
  • Demonstrating Irrelevance
  • Assessing Effectiveness
  • Assessing Trustworthiness
  • Recognizing Patterns
  • Differentiating Facts from Opinions
  • Analyzing Perspectives
  • Prioritization
  • Making Predictions
  • Conducting a SWOT Analysis
  • PESTLE Analysis
  • Asking the Five Whys
  • Correlating Data Points
  • Finding Anomalies Or Outliers
  • Comparing to Expert Literature
  • Drawing Inferences
  • Assessing Validity & Reliability

Analysis and Bloom’s Taxonomy

Benjamin Bloom placed analysis as the third-highest form of thinking on his ladder of cognitive skills called Bloom’s Taxonomy .

This taxonomy starts with the lowest levels of thinking – remembering and understanding. The further we go up the ladder, the more we reach higher-order thinking skills that demonstrate depth of understanding and knowledge, as outlined below:

blooms taxonomy, explained below

Here’s a full outline of the taxonomy in a table format:

Level (Shallow to Deep)DescriptionExamples
Retain and recall informationReiterate, memorize, duplicate, repeat, identify
Grasp the meaning of somethingExplain, paraphrase, report, describe, summarize
Use existing knowledge in new contextsPractice, calculate, implement, operate, use, illustrate
Explore relationships, causes, and connectionsCompare, contrast, categorize, organize, distinguish
Make judgments based on sound analysisAssess, judge, defend, prioritize,  , recommend
Use existing information to make something newInvent, develop, design, compose, generate, construct


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2 thoughts on “33 Critical Analysis Examples”

' src=

THANK YOU, THANK YOU, THANK YOU! – I cannot even being to explain how hard it has been to find a simple but in-depth understanding of what ‘Critical Analysis’ is. I have looked at over 10 different pages and went down so many rabbit holes but this is brilliant! I only skimmed through the article but it was already promising, I then went back and read it more in-depth, it just all clicked into place. So thank you again!

' src=

You’re welcome – so glad it was helpful.

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How to Write a Nursing Reflective Essay (Guide for Nurse Students)


If you are a nursing or medicine student, you are aware that you will come across or have already come across assignments requiring you to write a nursing reflection essay. At first, such a task always appears challenging, but given the understanding of the steps, things flat out, and you can write reflective essays and get better grades.

Reflective practice is highly encouraged in nursing. Reflection entails making sense of situations, events, actions, and phenomena in the workplace.

As a nursing student, you will be asked to write a reflective essay on your clinical placement, practicum, shadowing experience, shadow health DCE activities, personal nursing philosophy, why you want to become a nurse, nursing program, ethical dilemma, knowledge, skills, and abilities, systems, and processes.

The easiest way to complete the reflective essay assignment is by first determining what reflective writing entails, its significance, its steps, and some of the best tips that form the core of this ultimate guide.

Basics of Reflective Writing in Nursing

Reflective writing is an analytical writing practice where the writer describes a real or imaginary event, scene, phenomenon, occurrence, or memory, including their takeaway. It entails the critical analysis of an experience, including recording how it has impacted you and what you intend to do with the new knowledge or how to act when such an occurrence recurs.

As you document the encounter, you can use first-person pronouns and write subjectively and objectively. This means that you can decide to either use personal experiences alone or support these experiences using citations from scholarly sources.

When writing a reflective essay in nursing, you must recount the events and give critical detail of how the events shaped your knowledge acquisition. Reflection helps nursing students develop skills in self-directed learning, which is directly associated with high motivation and improved quality of care .

In most cases, reflection occurs on what went well and what went wrong. It could be a successful operation, a thank you note from a patient, a patient who regained their health faster, or a new nursing care plan that worked. However, it can also be about adverse events such as death, postoperative complications, death of an infant at birth, dissatisfied patient, medical error, or a failed procedure.

As a nursing student, when you learn to reflect on situations, you grow to become a professional nurse who diligently does their noble duty.

When writing a reflective essay, you begin by setting the scene (explaining what, where, how, and who-the situation), detailing how you felt (emotional state), why it happened (making sense of the situation), critical review and development of insights, a note on what was learned, and strategies to address future recurrence.

Your professor may ask you to write a nursing reflective paper about various topics in your course or your experience working in a group, how you solved a problem, a healthcare issue, or clinical practice. Consider the following example of a reflective statement in nursing; in my clinical practices, I realized I focused more on the technical aspects but failed to explain what it was doing to improve their health. I would like to understand more about listening to patience and their concerns to better care for them.

As you will notice later, these reflective stages are structured into different reflective models and frameworks that we will explore in-depth. So, with the understanding of what comprises reflective writing and its importance in nursing, let's now get solid on the structure.

Related Reading:

  • Philosophy of Nursing Example.
  • Ideas and topics for nursing capstone or project papers
  • How to write a SOAP note paper
  • Top nursing debate topics
  • Nursing Theories and Theorists.

Structure of a Reflective Essay in Nursing

A reflective essay is an analytical writing piece describing and evaluating encounters or experiences. When asked to write one, you should know that an excellent reflective essay consists of different parts, just like a typical academic essay. It comprises the cover or title page, introduction, body paragraphs, conclusions, and a references page.

The title page contains information about the assignment. If you are writing the reflective essay in APA, include these on the title page:

  • Title of the reflective essay
  • Course code and name
  • Instructors name
  • Name of your institution
  • Date of submission

When writing in Harvard format, the title or the cover page will consist of the following:

  • Title of the essay in title case and the page number (upper right margin),
  • Title of the essay in CAPS,
  • Name of class or course,
  • Name of the instructor,
  • Name of your school,
  • City and state where your school is located and,
  • The date of submission.


The introduction begins with an attention grabber or a hook sentence to attract readers' attention. It should then explain the essay's purpose and signpost the ideas that will come later in the essay. The introduction also has a thesis statement at the end of the paragraph- the last sentence. The thesis is concise, clear, and relatable and should reflect your position.

Body Paragraphs

The body paragraphs of a reflective essay can be three or more, depending on the length of the essay. Essentially, the body comprises 80% of the total word count.

The first paragraph is where you describe the situation, including the events, why they occurred, how they occurred, and those involved.

The second paragraph entails your personal feelings or reaction to the situation and how it made you feel.

The third paragraph can include making sense of the situation. You have to think about why things happened the way they did. You should also critically review and develop insights based on the situation. Finally, think of the factors that could have influenced the situation.

The next paragraph should explain how the event or situation will change your practice, approach, decisions, perspective, or perception. This is where you evaluate the experience by detailing the knowledge and skills you took from the experience.

The last body paragraph should entail a critical reflection on the learning opportunities. First, describe the situation and what it made you learn. Next, elaborate on how you intend to make yourself better poised to address such situations.

Mostly, you should structure the body of your essay as per the preferred nursing reflective model.

After everything else falls into place, you need to summarize the information you presented in the essay. Then, finally, restate your thesis and have a call to action to bring a sense of closure to your readers.

Steps for Writing a Nursing Reflection Essay � The Guide

When assigned to write a reflective essay for your nursing class, here are the surefire steps to get you to success.

Read the instructions

The first step after receiving an assignment is to begin reading the instructions. as you read, note what your instructor or professor expects in the paper you will submit for marking.

Reading instructions helps you to get informed on the scope of the paper, word count, number of references and pages, and the formatting style to use.

Besides, you also get to plan your paper with the deadline highlighted in the instructions.

You need to get a conducive environment where you can start writing.

The first step of writing is to brainstorm about situations during your clinical hours when you were shadowing a Nurse Practitioner or one you have read about.

Assess whether the situation or scenario you have thought, encountered, or chosen can help you write a reflective essay that meets the requirements.

Research and Plan

After choosing a scenario, the next step is researching the best reflective model.

You can use your class text, the instructions, the college library, course readings, and online nursing journals to get articles and resources with information about specific reflective models.

Select the best reflective model and take notes on the steps it entails.

As you research, write down notes on how to address your paper based on your selected framework or model of reflection . Additionally, research nursing journal articles with information you can use when critically analyzing a situation.

Plan how you will handle the paper as well. For instance, as you research, develop a thesis statement that grounds your entire paper, then draft an outline on how to develop the thesis.

Write an Outline

Outlining is a crucial aspect of writing. It helps you envision how you will meet the objective of writing a reflective essay. As an essential part of the essay writing process, outlining helps create a good flow of ideas and can come in handy in helping you overcome writer's block. Your outline should comprise the following:

  • The hook or attention grabber
  • Thesis statement
  • Main points of each body paragraph (topic sentence, evidence, examples, illustrations, etc.)
  • Conclusion (restated thesis and call-to-action)

With the outline done, you should take a break and resume writing your first draft of the nursing reflection essay. Writing with an outline helps avoid mistakes and also helps you write faster.

Describe the Experience

Once you have identified the relevant experience, begin describing it chronologically.

Describe the experience that prompted you to consider nursing your ideal career goal. Think of this experience's key elements, such as the setting, patient demographics, and significant events that impacted you.

Show how these events changed your perspective on life. Ensure you are as descriptive as possible to paint a clear picture for readers.

Consider the following questions to come up with a good description:

  • What happened?
  • Was there someone involved? If yes, what part did they play?
  • Where did the event take place?
  • What actions did you take?

Set the context of this experience by giving relevant background information. Ensure you are objective and pay attention to the facts.

Provide a Reflection

Talk about your feelings and thoughts concerning the particular experience you went through. You have to be honest and open up about your initial expectations and challenges you faced at each stage of the experience. The following questions can help you come up with a good reflection:

  • What was I trying to achieve?
  • What prompted me to act the way I did?
  • Are there any consequences for my actions? If yes, what are they?
  • How did I feel about this event as it was happening?
  • How did those around me react to it?
  • How do I know how those around me felt about it?

Analyze the Experience

Description of an experience is essential, but so is analysis. You have to move beyond the surface and give a critical analysis of your experience.

State your actions, and your overall experience will give insights into your experience. Think of how the experience has impacted your actions, feelings, and thoughts.

Give an Evaluation

Evaluate the skills and knowledge you got from the experience. Show how you can apply these skills and knowledge in your nursing practice. Also, state the actions and interventions you took during the nursing experience.

State whether you achieved the desired outcome and if there are any specific areas that you need to improve on.

Talk about how you built or improved skills like communication, teamwork, and critical thinking.

As you evaluate the experience, identify what you believe to be your strengths and weaknesses in the nursing experience. What have you learned from the experience? State the areas where you excelled and what abilities contributed to your success.

Talk about how those you were with during the clinical experience complimented you. Similarly, acknowledge your weaknesses.

What kind of mistakes did you make, and how did you improve them? Talk about the tasks that drain you most during the experience.

Illustrate Learning

Demonstrate elements of deeper thought and reflection levels. This is a great point to include nursing theories in your reflection essay to support analysis of your experience.

Relate your experiences to the theoretical frameworks you were taught in class. This is effective learning and will demonstrate your ability to apply knowledge to real-life nursing situations.

Doing this will also show that you can effectively deduce different things from observations made during the reflection process.

Ensure you also demonstrate a change in perspective, as this will prove that you learned something from the experience.

Write Your Conclusion

Conclude by summarizing your points and highlighting the lessons learned.

The lessons you reached as part of your reflection should support your overall conclusion.

Also, restate your thesis statement.

Come Up with an Action Plan

Now that you have learned from your reflection develop an action plan for future nursing practice.

This part should contain all the details you have learned and actions needed to improve when faced with a similar situation. Consider the following questions:

  • What would I change if faced with a similar situation?
  • How can I develop the necessary skills needed to face this situation?
  • How can I act differently in a similar situation?  

Ensure you identify areas to improve and set realistic goals to enhance your nursing skills. Discuss how you intend to seek additional education, training, or mentorship to address your shortcomings.

Finally, end the essay with a happy note so readers know you learned something from the experiences.

Proofread, Edit, and Polish

After doing your first draft, take a break to relax and get out of the writing mood - it helps you to become objective.

You can then resume reading out loud to yourself, make necessary tweaks, and ensure that every part you include meets the rubric requirements.

Edit for grammar, punctuation, tenses, voice, spelling, and use of language. You should also proofread the essay to adhere to the style, organization, and presentation requirements.

Ensure that all the in-text citations are accounted for in the reference list and are up-to-date. You are good to go when you have an essay that meets all the instructions.

Finally, you can submit the paper for grading.

Writing is not everyone's cup of tea. For that reason, you can hire a nursing reflection essay writer from our website to assist you in crafting a top-grade paper. In addition, we have nursing writers whose forte is writing various nursing papers.

Choosing the suitable Reflective Model or Framework

As you can see above, many reflective models are used for your reflective essay. We have not exhaustively listed and expounded on all of them. Other reflective models and frameworks you can also consider when writing a reflective essay in nursing include:

  • Bouds Reflective Model
  • Brookfield Reflective Model
  • Pender's Health Promotion Model
  • Roper Logan and Tierney Model
  • Driscoll Reflective Model
  • The Johari window model

Note that most nursing instructors will often suggest the models they prefer for you to use in your essay.

For example, in most nursing reflective essays. Whichever the case, readily available information expands on each model to make it easier to write a reflection essay on a specific aspect of nursing education or practice.

Read the assignment rubric and instructions to understand the specific model. If it is unclear, ask for clarification from your instructor early enough.

Tips for Writing a Good Nursing Reflective Essay

As you try to figure out how to write a nursing reflective essay, keep the following tips in mind.

Choose the Right Topic

If the instructions from your professors involve choosing a topic for the reflective essay, you must select one that is meaningful to you.

This will ensure you can easily write and easily develop relevant elements about the topic. Therefore, take time to pick a topic that you find interesting.

As you write, ensure you stay on topic, whether sharing a one-off event or a recurrent story.

Use the Right Tone

A reflective essay is more personal, unlike other types of academic essays. This means you don't need a strict or formal tone.

Since this is about your experiences, use personal pronouns such as I and Me.

Be Vulnerable

You must be extremely vulnerable to learn how to write a reflective essay in nursing.

Be open about your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about something you went through that sparked an interest in nursing.

It's okay to share mistakes or things you did wrong that eventually led you to this career path.

Choose the Right Focus

A reflection essay is all about narrating your experience during the nursing experience.

While including other people in your experience is okay, please let them not be the center of your reflection.

This is your essay, so you should be the focus of attention.

Keep it Brief

A good nursing reflection essay should be between 300 and 800 consciously written words. Because of this length, you must only write relevant information about your reflection. Refrain from lengthy reflections, as they make it difficult to pass your points across.

Convey Your Information Wisely

Even though a nursing reflection essay is about your personal experiences, it doesn't mean you should reveal everything about yourself. Ask yourself whether something is appropriate before including it in your paper.

Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Reflection Essay in Nursing

A good reflection essay involves reflecting on your nursing studies and practices throughout school and career to demonstrate your competence. For this reason, there are certain mistakes you should be aware of when writing an essay.

Not including a Personal Story

Like food tastes bland without salt, so does a reflection essay without a personal story. At the center of a reflection essay is You. This means the essay should focus on your personal story that led you to want a nursing career. A lot of times, students miss out on this instead of talking about their story. You need more than just the personal qualities you think will be a great fit for the nursing program; you must also share a story that shows how well you contributed to nursing care.

Failing to Share Your Experience

You will lose points when you fail to include nursing-related experiences in your reflection essay. Mentioning that you want to be a nurse is great, but failing to show specific events that led to the desire will cost you a great point.

Plagiarizing Your Essay

Plagiarism is a serious academic offense because it is considered taking other people's ideas and using them as your own without crediting the author. So, provide relevant citations and references for any ideas that aren't your own. Also, an AI will not write your essay as a human writer would. 

Related Readings:

  • How to write a student nurse resume with no experience.
  • PICOT examples and guides

Sample of a Nursing Reflective Essay 

The following is a sample of a nursing Reflective essay using Gibb's Model of Reflection. Use this sample to guide you when writing your own.

Introduction  Communication is an important element in healthcare practice as it determines patient satisfaction and treatment outcomes. This essay will focus on reflecting on an experience I went through with a 40-year-old diabetic patient who also had a foot infected with an ulcer. When I approached the patient to sign the consent form, I noticed that he wasn't happy because of the news given to him about his health. I concluded that there must be a communication dilemma. I will reflect on the experience using Gibb's Model of Reflection. Using this model, I will identify and discuss the actions taken to resolve the issue. Description  This incident happened a few months ago when I was working as a wound nurse in a Methodist hospital in my hometown. I was part of a care team handling the case of a 40-year-old male patient with diabetes and an infected diabetic foot ulcer. After careful examination, a team comprising various specialists concluded that his leg needed amputation below the knee. After making this decision, the team left, and I was asked to give the patient a consent form to sign. When I came back from retrieving the form, I noticed the patient looked sorrowful because of the news given to him. Feelings  As soon as I saw the patient, I knew what he was going through. He perceived the situation to be irreparable, but I wasn't sure whether to console the patient or not. I was powerless and couldn't imagine what he was going through. At the same time, I was startled that the team left without showing any compassion. They could have handled the situation more delicately. I, on the other hand, could have relayed the information better. I wasn't sure whether my approach would be acceptable or appropriate. Evaluation  I always go back to that particular situation and wonder whether I could have acted better. The situation helped me better understand the importance of good communication in patient care, particularly in therapeutic care. Before the incident, I didn't acknowledge the role of nurses play in caring for patient's emotional needs. I realized nurses must show compassion and console patients in their low moments.  Analysis  Most healthcare professionals do not know how to deliver bad news to patients. They find the process extremely challenging and always feel psychologically unprepared. This has a negative impact on patients and could lead to bad health outcomes. Furthermore, how information is relayed could impact a patient's adherence to treatment. Because of these effects, multiple protocols and approaches were developed to help with communicating bad news to patients. One of the approaches that was proposed is emotion-centered. This proposes that a healthcare provider acknowledges how sad the patient is and builds a professional relationship based on empathy and sympathy. Action Plan I now understand the essence of communicating bad news with compassion. The experience allowed me to look closely at different aspects of my professional development that needed more improvement. Thus, I plan to be more empathetic and speak up in support of patient's emotional and psychological well-being, especially when presented with traumatic news about their health. Additionally, I now understand I am not powerless when dealing with a sorrowful patient. I believe I have learned from my experience, and I'm not able to communicate well with patients any more. Conclusion  The experience allowed me to value good communication in nursing and the need to incorporate it into daily nurse-patient interaction. Nurses must learn how to deliver bad news and manage patient's sorrow. This has been and will continue to be my biggest priority in patient care. References Street Jr, R. L., Makoul, G., Arora, N. K., & Epstein, R. M. (2009). How does communication heal? Pathways linking clinicianpatient communication to health outcomes. Patient education and counselling, 74(3), 295-301. Buckman, R. (1992). Breaking bad news: why is it still so difficult? BMJ: British Medical Journal, 304(6842), 886. Ptacek, J. T., & Eberhardt, T. L. (1996). Breaking bad news: a review of the literature. The Journal of the American Medical Association, 276(6), 496-502.

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A guide to critical appraisal of evidence

Fineout-Overholt, Ellen PhD, RN, FNAP, FAAN

Ellen Fineout-Overholt is the Mary Coulter Dowdy Distinguished Professor of Nursing at the University of Texas at Tyler School of Nursing, Tyler, Tex.

The author has disclosed no financial relationships related to this article.

Critical appraisal is the assessment of research studies' worth to clinical practice. Critical appraisal—the heart of evidence-based practice—involves four phases: rapid critical appraisal, evaluation, synthesis, and recommendation. This article reviews each phase and provides examples, tips, and caveats to help evidence appraisers successfully determine what is known about a clinical issue. Patient outcomes are improved when clinicians apply a body of evidence to daily practice.

How do nurses assess the quality of clinical research? This article outlines a stepwise approach to critical appraisal of research studies' worth to clinical practice: rapid critical appraisal, evaluation, synthesis, and recommendation. When critical care nurses apply a body of valid, reliable, and applicable evidence to daily practice, patient outcomes are improved.


Critical care nurses can best explain the reasoning for their clinical actions when they understand the worth of the research supporting their practices. In c ritical appraisal , clinicians assess the worth of research studies to clinical practice. Given that achieving improved patient outcomes is the reason patients enter the healthcare system, nurses must be confident their care techniques will reliably achieve best outcomes.

Nurses must verify that the information supporting their clinical care is valid, reliable, and applicable. Validity of research refers to the quality of research methods used, or how good of a job researchers did conducting a study. Reliability of research means similar outcomes can be achieved when the care techniques of a study are replicated by clinicians. Applicability of research means it was conducted in a similar sample to the patients for whom the findings will be applied. These three criteria determine a study's worth in clinical practice.

Appraising the worth of research requires a standardized approach. This approach applies to both quantitative research (research that deals with counting things and comparing those counts) and qualitative research (research that describes experiences and perceptions). The word critique has a negative connotation. In the past, some clinicians were taught that studies with flaws should be discarded. Today, it is important to consider all valid and reliable research informative to what we understand as best practice. Therefore, the author developed the critical appraisal methodology that enables clinicians to determine quickly which evidence is worth keeping and which must be discarded because of poor validity, reliability, or applicability.

Evidence-based practice process

The evidence-based practice (EBP) process is a seven-step problem-solving approach that begins with data gathering (see Seven steps to EBP ). During daily practice, clinicians gather data supporting inquiry into a particular clinical issue (Step 0). The description is then framed as an answerable question (Step 1) using the PICOT question format ( P opulation of interest; I ssue of interest or intervention; C omparison to the intervention; desired O utcome; and T ime for the outcome to be achieved). 1 Consistently using the PICOT format helps ensure that all elements of the clinical issue are covered. Next, clinicians conduct a systematic search to gather data answering the PICOT question (Step 2). Using the PICOT framework, clinicians can systematically search multiple databases to find available studies to help determine the best practice to achieve the desired outcome for their patients. When the systematic search is completed, the work of critical appraisal begins (Step 3). The known group of valid and reliable studies that answers the PICOT question is called the body of evidence and is the foundation for the best practice implementation (Step 4). Next, clinicians evaluate integration of best evidence with clinical expertise and patient preferences and values to determine if the outcomes in the studies are realized in practice (Step 5). Because healthcare is a community of practice, it is important that experiences with evidence implementation be shared, whether the outcome is what was expected or not. This enables critical care nurses concerned with similar care issues to better understand what has been successful and what has not (Step 6).

Critical appraisal of evidence

The first phase of critical appraisal, rapid critical appraisal, begins with determining which studies will be kept in the body of evidence. All valid, reliable, and applicable studies on the topic should be included. This is accomplished using design-specific checklists with key markers of good research. When clinicians determine a study is one they want to keep (a “keeper” study) and that it belongs in the body of evidence, they move on to phase 2, evaluation. 2

In the evaluation phase, the keeper studies are put together in a table so that they can be compared as a body of evidence, rather than individual studies. This phase of critical appraisal helps clinicians identify what is already known about a clinical issue. In the third phase, synthesis, certain data that provide a snapshot of a particular aspect of the clinical issue are pulled out of the evaluation table to showcase what is known. These snapshots of information underpin clinicians' decision-making and lead to phase 4, recommendation. A recommendation is a specific statement based on the body of evidence indicating what should be done—best practice. Critical appraisal is not complete without a specific recommendation. Each of the phases is explained in more detail below.

Phase 1: Rapid critical appraisal . Rapid critical appraisal involves using two tools that help clinicians determine if a research study is worthy of keeping in the body of evidence. The first tool, General Appraisal Overview for All Studies (GAO), covers the basics of all research studies (see Elements of the General Appraisal Overview for All Studies ). Sometimes, clinicians find gaps in knowledge about certain elements of research studies (for example, sampling or statistics) and need to review some content. Conducting an internet search for resources that explain how to read a research paper, such as an instructional video or step-by-step guide, can be helpful. Finding basic definitions of research methods often helps resolve identified gaps.

To accomplish the GAO, it is best to begin with finding out why the study was conducted and how it answers the PICOT question (for example, does it provide information critical care nurses want to know from the literature). If the study purpose helps answer the PICOT question, then the type of study design is evaluated. The study design is compared with the hierarchy of evidence for the type of PICOT question. The higher the design falls within the hierarchy or levels of evidence, the more confidence nurses can have in its finding, if the study was conducted well. 3,4 Next, find out what the researchers wanted to learn from their study. These are called the research questions or hypotheses. Research questions are just what they imply; insufficient information from theories or the literature are available to guide an educated guess, so a question is asked. Hypotheses are reasonable expectations guided by understanding from theory and other research that predicts what will be found when the research is conducted. The research questions or hypotheses provide the purpose of the study.

Next, the sample size is evaluated. Expectations of sample size are present for every study design. As an example, consider as a rule that quantitative study designs operate best when there is a sample size large enough to establish that relationships do not exist by chance. In general, the more participants in a study, the more confidence in the findings. Qualitative designs operate best with fewer people in the sample because these designs represent a deeper dive into the understanding or experience of each person in the study. 5 It is always important to describe the sample, as clinicians need to know if the study sample resembles their patients. It is equally important to identify the major variables in the study and how they are defined because this helps clinicians best understand what the study is about.

The final step in the GAO is to consider the analyses that answer the study research questions or confirm the study hypothesis. This is another opportunity for clinicians to learn, as learning about statistics in healthcare education has traditionally focused on conducting statistical tests as opposed to interpreting statistical tests. Understanding what the statistics indicate about the study findings is an imperative of critical appraisal of quantitative evidence.

The second tool is one of the variety of rapid critical appraisal checklists that speak to validity, reliability, and applicability of specific study designs, which are available at varying locations (see Critical appraisal resources ). When choosing a checklist to implement with a group of critical care nurses, it is important to verify that the checklist is complete and simple to use. Be sure to check that the checklist has answers to three key questions. The first question is: Are the results of the study valid? Related subquestions should help nurses discern if certain markers of good research design are present within the study. For example, identifying that study participants were randomly assigned to study groups is an essential marker of good research for a randomized controlled trial. Checking these essential markers helps clinicians quickly review a study to check off these important requirements. Clinical judgment is required when the study lacks any of the identified quality markers. Clinicians must discern whether the absence of any of the essential markers negates the usefulness of the study findings. 6-9


The second question is: What are the study results? This is answered by reviewing whether the study found what it was expecting to and if those findings were meaningful to clinical practice. Basic knowledge of how to interpret statistics is important for understanding quantitative studies, and basic knowledge of qualitative analysis greatly facilitates understanding those results. 6-9

The third question is: Are the results applicable to my patients? Answering this question involves consideration of the feasibility of implementing the study findings into the clinicians' environment as well as any contraindication within the clinicians' patient populations. Consider issues such as organizational politics, financial feasibility, and patient preferences. 6-9

When these questions have been answered, clinicians must decide about whether to keep the particular study in the body of evidence. Once the final group of keeper studies is identified, clinicians are ready to move into the phase of critical appraisal. 6-9

Phase 2: Evaluation . The goal of evaluation is to determine how studies within the body of evidence agree or disagree by identifying common patterns of information across studies. For example, an evaluator may compare whether the same intervention is used or if the outcomes are measured in the same way across all studies. A useful tool to help clinicians accomplish this is an evaluation table. This table serves two purposes: first, it enables clinicians to extract data from the studies and place the information in one table for easy comparison with other studies; and second, it eliminates the need for further searching through piles of periodicals for the information. (See Bonus Content: Evaluation table headings .) Although the information for each of the columns may not be what clinicians consider as part of their daily work, the information is important for them to understand about the body of evidence so that they can explain the patterns of agreement or disagreement they identify across studies. Further, the in-depth understanding of the body of evidence from the evaluation table helps with discussing the relevant clinical issue to facilitate best practice. Their discussion comes from a place of knowledge and experience, which affords the most confidence. The patterns and in-depth understanding are what lead to the synthesis phase of critical appraisal.

The key to a successful evaluation table is simplicity. Entering data into the table in a simple, consistent manner offers more opportunity for comparing studies. 6-9 For example, using abbreviations versus complete sentences in all columns except the final one allows for ease of comparison. An example might be the dependent variable of depression defined as “feelings of severe despondency and dejection” in one study and as “feeling sad and lonely” in another study. 10 Because these are two different definitions, they need to be different dependent variables. Clinicians must use their clinical judgment to discern that these different dependent variables require different names and abbreviations and how these further their comparison across studies.


Sample and theoretical or conceptual underpinnings are important to understanding how studies compare. Similar samples and settings across studies increase agreement. Several studies with the same conceptual framework increase the likelihood of common independent variables and dependent variables. The findings of a study are dependent on the analyses conducted. That is why an analysis column is dedicated to recording the kind of analysis used (for example, the name of the statistical analyses for quantitative studies). Only statistics that help answer the clinical question belong in this column. The findings column must have a result for each of the analyses listed; however, in the actual results, not in words. For example, a clinician lists a t -test as a statistic in the analysis column, so a t -value should reflect whether the groups are different as well as probability ( P -value or confidence interval) that reflects statistical significance. The explanation for these results would go in the last column that describes worth of the research to practice. This column is much more flexible and contains other information such as the level of evidence, the studies' strengths and limitations, any caveats about the methodology, or other aspects of the study that would be helpful to its use in practice. The final piece of information in this column is a recommendation for how this study would be used in practice. Each of the studies in the body of evidence that addresses the clinical question is placed in one evaluation table to facilitate the ease of comparing across the studies. This comparison sets the stage for synthesis.

Phase 3: Synthesis . In the synthesis phase, clinicians pull out key information from the evaluation table to produce a snapshot of the body of evidence. A table also is used here to feature what is known and help all those viewing the synthesis table to come to the same conclusion. A hypothetical example table included here demonstrates that a music therapy intervention is effective in reducing the outcome of oxygen saturation (SaO 2 ) in six of the eight studies in the body of evidence that evaluated that outcome (see Sample synthesis table: Impact on outcomes ). Simply using arrows to indicate effect offers readers a collective view of the agreement across studies that prompts action. Action may be to change practice, affirm current practice, or conduct research to strengthen the body of evidence by collaborating with nurse scientists.

When synthesizing evidence, there are at least two recommended synthesis tables, including the level-of-evidence table and the impact-on-outcomes table for quantitative questions, such as therapy or relevant themes table for “meaning” questions about human experience. (See Bonus Content: Level of evidence for intervention studies: Synthesis of type .) The sample synthesis table also demonstrates that a final column labeled synthesis indicates agreement across the studies. Of the three outcomes, the most reliable for clinicians to see with music therapy is SaO 2 , with positive results in six out of eight studies. The second most reliable outcome would be reducing increased respiratory rate (RR). Parental engagement has the least support as a reliable outcome, with only two of five studies showing positive results. Synthesis tables make the recommendation clear to all those who are involved in caring for that patient population. Although the two synthesis tables mentioned are a great start, the evidence may require more synthesis tables to adequately explain what is known. These tables are the foundation that supports clinically meaningful recommendations.

Phase 4: Recommendation . Recommendations are definitive statements based on what is known from the body of evidence. For example, with an intervention question, clinicians should be able to discern from the evidence if they will reliably get the desired outcome when they deliver the intervention as it was in the studies. In the sample synthesis table, the recommendation would be to implement the music therapy intervention across all settings with the population, and measure SaO 2 and RR, with the expectation that both would be optimally improved with the intervention. When the synthesis demonstrates that studies consistently verify an outcome occurs as a result of an intervention, however that intervention is not currently practiced, care is not best practice. Therefore, a firm recommendation to deliver the intervention and measure the appropriate outcomes must be made, which concludes critical appraisal of the evidence.

A recommendation that is off limits is conducting more research, as this is not the focus of clinicians' critical appraisal. In the case of insufficient evidence to make a recommendation for practice change, the recommendation would be to continue current practice and monitor outcomes and processes until there are more reliable studies to be added to the body of evidence. Researchers who use the critical appraisal process may indeed identify gaps in knowledge, research methods, or analyses, for example, that they then recommend studies that would fill in the identified gaps. In this way, clinicians and nurse scientists work together to build relevant, efficient bodies of evidence that guide clinical practice.

Evidence into action

Critical appraisal helps clinicians understand the literature so they can implement it. Critical care nurses have a professional and ethical responsibility to make sure their care is based on a solid foundation of available evidence that is carefully appraised using the phases outlined here. Critical appraisal allows for decision-making based on evidence that demonstrates reliable outcomes. Any other approach to the literature is likely haphazard and may lead to misguided care and unreliable outcomes. 11 Evidence translated into practice should have the desired outcomes and their measurement defined from the body of evidence. It is also imperative that all critical care nurses carefully monitor care delivery outcomes to establish that best outcomes are sustained. With the EBP paradigm as the basis for decision-making and the EBP process as the basis for addressing clinical issues, critical care nurses can improve patient, provider, and system outcomes by providing best care.

Seven steps to EBP

Step 0–A spirit of inquiry to notice internal data that indicate an opportunity for positive change.

Step 1– Ask a clinical question using the PICOT question format.

Step 2–Conduct a systematic search to find out what is already known about a clinical issue.

Step 3–Conduct a critical appraisal (rapid critical appraisal, evaluation, synthesis, and recommendation).

Step 4–Implement best practices by blending external evidence with clinician expertise and patient preferences and values.

Step 5–Evaluate evidence implementation to see if study outcomes happened in practice and if the implementation went well.

Step 6–Share project results, good or bad, with others in healthcare.

Adapted from: Steps of the evidence-based practice (EBP) process leading to high-quality healthcare and best patient outcomes. © Melnyk & Fineout-Overholt, 2017. Used with permission.

Critical appraisal resources

  • The Joanna Briggs Institute
  • Critical Appraisal Skills Programme (CASP)
  • Center for Evidence-Based Medicine
  • Melnyk BM, Fineout-Overholt E. Evidence-Based Practice in Nursing and Healthcare: A Guide to Best Practice . 3rd ed. Philadelphia, PA: Wolters Kluwer; 2015.

A full set of critical appraisal checklists are available in the appendices.

Bonus content!

This article includes supplementary online-exclusive material. Visit the online version of this article at to access this content.

critical appraisal; decision-making; evaluation of research; evidence-based practice; synthesis

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How to Write a Nursing Essay with a Quick Guide

example of a critical analysis essay in nursing

Ever felt the blank-page panic when assigned a nursing essay? Wondering where to start or if your words will measure up to the weight of your experiences? Fear not, because today, we're here to guide you through this process.

Imagine you're at your favorite coffee spot, armed with a cup of motivation (and maybe a sneaky treat). Got it? Great! Now, let's spill the secrets on how to spin your nursing tales into words that not only get you that A+ but also tug at the heartstrings of anyone reading. We've got your back with nursing essay examples that'll be your inspiration, an outline to keep you on the right path, and more!

What Is a Nursing Essay

Let's start by dissecting the concept. A nursing essay serves as a focused exploration of a specific aspect of nursing, providing an opportunity for students to demonstrate their theoretical knowledge and its practical application in patient care settings.

Picture it as a journey through the challenges and victories of a budding nurse. These essays go beyond the classroom, tackling everything from tricky ethical dilemmas to the impact of healthcare policies on the front lines. It's not just about grades; it's about proving, 'I'm ready for the real deal.'

So, when you read or write a nursing essay, it's not just words on paper. It's like looking into the world of someone who's about to start their nursing career – someone who's really thought about the ins and outs of being a nurse. And before you kick off your nursing career, don't shy away from asking - write my essay for me - we're ready to land a professional helping hand.

How to Start a Nursing Essay

When you start writing a nursing essay, it is like gearing up for a crucial mission. Here's your quick guide from our nursing essay writing service :

How to Start a Nursing Essay

Choosing Your Topic: Select a topic that sparks your interest and relates to real-world nursing challenges. Consider areas like patient care, ethical dilemmas, or the impact of technology on healthcare.

Outline Your Route : Plan your essay's journey. Create a roadmap with key points you want to cover. This keeps you on track and your essay on point.

Craft a Strong Thesis: Assuming you already know how to write a hook , kick off your writing with a surprising fact, a thought-provoking quote, or a brief anecdote. Then, state your main argument or perspective in one sentence. This thesis will serve as the compass for your essay, guiding both you and your reader through the rest of your writing.

How to Structure a Nursing Essay

Every great essay is like a well-orchestrated performance – it needs a script, a narrative that flows seamlessly, capturing the audience's attention from start to finish. In our case, this script takes the form of a well-organized structure. Let's delve into the elements that teach you how to write a nursing essay, from a mere collection of words to a compelling journey of insights.

How to Structure a Nursing Essay

Nursing Essay Introduction

Begin your nursing essay with a spark. Knowing how to write essay introduction effectively means sharing a real-life scenario or a striking fact related to your topic. For instance, if exploring patient care, narrate a personal experience that made a lasting impression. Then, crisply state your thesis – a clear roadmap indicating the direction your essay will take. Think of it as a teaser that leaves the reader eager to explore the insights you're about to unfold.

In the main body, dive into the heart of your essay. Each paragraph should explore a specific aspect of your topic. Back your thoughts with examples – maybe a scenario from your clinical experience, a relevant case study, or findings from credible sources. Imagine it as a puzzle coming together; each paragraph adds a piece, forming a complete picture. Keep it focused and let each idea flow naturally into the next.

Nursing Essay Conclusion

As writing a nursing essay nears the end, resist the urge to introduce new elements. Summarize your main points concisely. Remind the reader of the real-world significance of your thesis – why it matters in the broader context of nursing. Conclude with a thought-provoking statement or a call to reflection, leaving your reader with a lasting impression. It's like the final scene of a movie that leaves you thinking long after the credits roll.

Nursing Essay Outline

Before diving into the essay, craft a roadmap – your outline. This isn't a rigid skeleton but a flexible guide that ensures your ideas flow logically. Consider the following template from our research paper writing service :


  • Opening Hook: Share a brief, impactful patient care scenario.
  • Relevance Statement: Explain why the chosen topic is crucial in nursing.
  • Thesis: Clearly state the main argument or perspective.

Patient-Centered Care:

  • Definition: Clarify what patient-centered care means in nursing.
  • Personal Experience: Share a relevant encounter from clinical practice.
  • Evidence: Integrate findings from reputable nursing literature.

Ethical Dilemmas in Nursing Practice

  • Scenario Presentation: Describe a specific ethical challenge faced by nurses.
  • Decision-Making Process: Outline steps taken to address the dilemma.
  • Ethical Frameworks: Discuss any ethical theories guiding the decision.

Impact of Technology on Nursing

  • Current Trends: Highlight technological advancements in nursing.
  • Case Study: Share an example of technology enhancing patient care.
  • Challenges and Benefits: Discuss the pros and cons of technology in nursing.
  • Summary of Key Points: Recap the main ideas from each section.
  • Real-world Implications: Emphasize the practical significance in nursing practice.
  • Closing Thought: End with a reflective statement or call to action.

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Nursing Essay Examples

Here are the nursing Essay Examples for you to read.

Writing a Nursing Essay: Essential Tips

When it comes to crafting a stellar nursing essay, a few key strategies can elevate your work from ordinary to exceptional. Here are some valuable tips from our medical school personal statement writer :

Writing a Nursing Essay: Essential Tips

Connect with Personal Experiences:

  • Approach: Weave personal encounters seamlessly into your narrative.
  • Reasoning: This not only adds authenticity to your essay but also serves as a powerful testament to your firsthand understanding of the challenges and triumphs in the nursing field.

Emphasize Critical Thinking:

  • Approach: Go beyond describing situations; delve into their analysis.
  • Reasoning: Nursing essays are the perfect platform to showcase your critical thinking skills – an essential attribute in making informed decisions in real-world healthcare scenarios.

Incorporate Patient Perspectives:

  • Approach: Integrate patient stories or feedback into your discussion.
  • Reasoning: By bringing in the human element, you demonstrate empathy and an understanding of the patient's experience, a core aspect of nursing care.

Integrate Evidence-Based Practice:

  • Approach: Support your arguments with the latest evidence-based literature.
  • Reasoning: Highlighting your commitment to staying informed and applying current research underscores your dedication to evidence-based practice – a cornerstone in modern nursing.

Address Ethical Considerations:

  • Approach: Explicitly discuss the ethical dimensions of your topic.
  • Reasoning: Nursing essays provide a platform to delve into the ethical complexities inherent in healthcare, showcasing your ability to navigate and analyze these challenges.

Balance Theory and Practice:

  • Approach: Connect theoretical concepts to real-world applications.
  • Reasoning: By bridging the gap between theory and practice, you illustrate your capacity to apply academic knowledge effectively in the dynamic realm of nursing.

Highlight Interdisciplinary Collaboration:

  • Approach: Discuss collaborative efforts with other healthcare professionals.
  • Reasoning: Acknowledging the interdisciplinary nature of healthcare underscores your understanding of the importance of teamwork – a vital aspect of successful nursing practice.

Reflect on Lessons Learned:

  • Approach: Conclude with a thoughtful reflection on personal growth or lessons from your exploration.
  • Reasoning: This not only provides a satisfying conclusion but also demonstrates your self-awareness and commitment to continuous improvement as a nursing professional.

As we wrap up, think of your essay as a story about your journey into nursing. It's not just about getting a grade; it's a way to share what you've been through and why you want to be a nurse.

Imagine the person reading it – maybe a teacher, a future coworker, or someone starting their nursing journey. They're trying to understand your passion and why you care about nursing.

So, when you write, remember it's more than just an assignment. It's your chance to show why nursing matters to you. And if you ever need help – there's always support from our essay writer online .

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How to Write a Nursing Essay?

How can a nursing essay effectively address ethical considerations, what are some examples of evidence-based practices in nursing essays.

Daniel Parker

Daniel Parker

is a seasoned educational writer focusing on scholarship guidance, research papers, and various forms of academic essays including reflective and narrative essays. His expertise also extends to detailed case studies. A scholar with a background in English Literature and Education, Daniel’s work on EssayPro blog aims to support students in achieving academic excellence and securing scholarships. His hobbies include reading classic literature and participating in academic forums.

example of a critical analysis essay in nursing

is an expert in nursing and healthcare, with a strong background in history, law, and literature. Holding advanced degrees in nursing and public health, his analytical approach and comprehensive knowledge help students navigate complex topics. On EssayPro blog, Adam provides insightful articles on everything from historical analysis to the intricacies of healthcare policies. In his downtime, he enjoys historical documentaries and volunteering at local clinics.

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Published: Sep 12, 2023

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Recruitment: fostering a diverse nursing workforce, cultural competence: navigating a diverse patient population, patient care: the impact of diversity on health outcomes.

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example of a critical analysis essay in nursing

Nursing Essay Examples

Cathy A.

Nursing Essay Examples That Will Help You Write a Stellar Paper

Published on: May 6, 2023

Last updated on: Jan 29, 2024

nursing essay examples

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Many nursing students struggle with writing effective nursing essays, which are an essential part of their education and professional development.

Poor essay writing skills can lead to low grades and an inability to effectively communicate important information.

This blog provides a comprehensive guide to writing nursing essays with examples and tips for effective writing. Whether you are a nursing student or a professional looking to improve your writing skills, this blog has something for you. 

By following the tips and examples provided, you can write compelling nursing essays that showcase your dedication to the field.

Let’s get started.

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What is a Nursing Essay?

A nursing essay is a type of academic writing that aims to explore a particular topic related to nursing. It also presents a clear and concise argument or viewpoint supported by evidence. 

Nursing essays can take many forms, including:

  • Descriptive essays
  • Reflective essays
  • Analytical essays
  • Persuasive essays

What is the Importance of the Nursing Essay?

Nursing essays are important for several reasons. First, they help nursing students develop critical thinking skills by requiring them to analyze and evaluate information.

Second, they help students develop research skills by requiring them to locate and use credible sources to support their arguments. 

Third, nursing essays help students develop communication skills by requiring them to present their ideas clearly and concisely in writing. Finally, nursing essays are important for nursing education because they prepare students for the types of writing.

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To help students better understand how to write nursing essays, it can be helpful to review examples.

Below are some examples of nursing essays.

Nursing School Essay Examples

College Nursing Essay Examples

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Nursing Scholarship Essay Examples

Nursing Essay Conclusion Examples

Nursing Essay Examples of Different Fields

Nursing is a diverse field with many different specialties and areas of focus. As a result, nursing essays can take many different forms and cover a wide range of topics. 

Given below are some examples of different types of nursing essays:

Personal Philosophy Of Nursing - Essay Examples

Cal State Fullerton Nursing Essay Examples

Evidence Based Practice Nursing In Medical Field - Essay Examples

Leadership In Nursing And Healthcare Professionals - Essay Examples

Principles Of Professional Practice Of Nursing Professionals And Pharmacists

If you're seeking additional examples of nursing essays, you're in luck! 

Below are some more examples that can help you gain a better understanding of nursing essays:

Health Care And Reflective Models For Nursing - Essay Examples

History Of Nursing Essay Examples

Ethical Dilemma In Nurses Work - Essay Examples

Mental Health Nursing Essay Examples

Why I Want To Be A Nurse Essay

Working In A Team And Collaboration In Nursing

How to Write a Nursing Essay

Writing a nursing essay can seem daunting, but with the right approach, it can be a rewarding experience.

Here are the key steps involved in writing a nursing essay:

Understanding the Topic and Question

The first step in writing a nursing essay is to carefully read and understand the topic and question. 

This will help you determine what information you need to research and include in your essay. Make sure you understand any key terms or concepts related to the topic. Consider different perspectives or viewpoints that may be relevant.

Researching the Topic

Once you have a clear understanding of the topic and question, it's time to research. 

Start by gathering information from credible sources such as academic journals, textbooks, and government websites. 

Consider both primary and secondary sources, and make sure to take detailed notes as you read.

Organizing and Outlining the Essay

Once you have completed your research, it's time to organize your ideas and create an outline for your essay. 

Start by identifying the main points or arguments you want to make, and then organize them into a logical order that flows well. 

Your outline should include an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

Writing the Essay

With your outline in place, it's time to start writing your essay. Make sure to follow your outline closely, and use clear and concise language that effectively communicates your ideas. 

Use evidence from your research to support your arguments, and cite your sources appropriately.

Editing and Revising the Essay

Once you have completed a first draft of your essay, take some time to edit and revise it. Look for any errors in grammar, spelling, or punctuation, and make sure your essay is well-organized and flows well. 

Consider asking a peer or instructor to review your essay and provide feedback.

What To Include In Your Nursing Essay

When writing a nursing essay, there are several key elements that you should include. Here are some important things to keep in mind:

  • Introduction

Your introduction should provide a brief overview of the topic and purpose of your essay. It should also include a clear thesis statement that presents your main argument or point of view.

  • Background Information

Provide some background information on the topic to help the reader better understand the context of your essay. This can include relevant statistics, historical information, or other contextual details.

  • Evidence and Examples

Use evidence and examples from your research to support your arguments and demonstrate your knowledge of the topic. Make sure to cite your sources appropriately and use a variety of sources to strengthen your argument.

  • Analysis and Evaluation

Provide analysis and evaluation of the evidence and examples you've presented. This can include discussing strengths and weaknesses, comparing and contrasting different viewpoints, or offering your own perspective on the topic.

Your conclusion should summarize the main points of your essay and restate your thesis statement. It should also offer some final thoughts or suggestions for further research or action.

Nursing Essay Topic Ideas

Choosing a topic for your nursing essay can be challenging, but there are many areas in the field that you can explore. Here are some nursing essay topic ideas to consider:

  • The role of technology in nursing practice
  • The impact of cultural diversity on healthcare delivery
  • Nursing leadership and management in healthcare organizations
  • Ethical issues in nursing practice
  • The importance of patient-centered care in nursing practice
  • The impact of evidence-based practice on nursing care
  • The role of nursing in promoting public health
  • Nursing education and the importance of lifelong learning
  • The impact of nursing shortages on healthcare delivery
  • The importance of communication in nursing practice

These are just a few ideas to get you started. You can also explore other topics related to nursing that interest you or align with your academic or professional goals. 

Remember to choose a topic that is relevant, interesting, and feasible to research and write about.

Tips for Writing an Effective Nursing Essay

Writing a successful nursing essay requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. Here are some tips to help you write an effective nursing essay:

  • Writing Concisely and Clearly

Nursing essays should be written in clear and concise language, avoiding unnecessary jargon or technical terms. Use simple language and short sentences to help ensure that your ideas are communicated clearly and effectively.

  • Stating a Clear Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement should clearly state your main argument and provide a roadmap for the rest of your essay. It should be clear, concise, and located at the end of your introduction.

  • Using Proper Citation and Referencing

Citing and referencing your sources is crucial in any academic writing, including nursing essays. Make sure to use proper citation and referencing styles, such as APA or MLA. Include a reference list or bibliography at the end of your essay.

  • Seeking Feedback and Revising

Before submitting your nursing essay, seek feedback from peers, professors, or writing tutors. Use their feedback to revise and improve your essay. Make sure that it is well-structured, coherent, and effectively communicates your point of view.

By following these tips, you can write a nursing essay that demonstrates your knowledge and skills in the field.

In conclusion, writing a successful nursing essay requires careful planning, research, and attention to detail. 

To showcase your knowledge in the field of nursing, it is important to have a clear understanding of the topic at hand. When writing your nursing essay, be sure to include relevant examples, incorporate current research, and use proper citation and referencing. 

And remember , seeking feedback and revising your essay is key to ensuring that it effectively communicates your ideas and arguments.

If you need help with your nursing essay or any other type of academic writing, consider using our AI essay writer . 

Our nursing essay writing service can provide personalized support to help you succeed in your academic goals.

So, why wait? Contact us to get college essay writing help today! 

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For more than five years now, Cathy has been one of our most hardworking authors on the platform. With a Masters degree in mass communication, she knows the ins and outs of professional writing. Clients often leave her glowing reviews for being an amazing writer who takes her work very seriously.

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example of a critical analysis essay in nursing

What? So What? Now What? Critical Reflection Model

Saul McLeod, PhD

Editor-in-Chief for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MRes, PhD, University of Manchester

Saul McLeod, PhD., is a qualified psychology teacher with over 18 years of experience in further and higher education. He has been published in peer-reviewed journals, including the Journal of Clinical Psychology.

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Olivia Guy-Evans, MSc

Associate Editor for Simply Psychology

BSc (Hons) Psychology, MSc Psychology of Education

Olivia Guy-Evans is a writer and associate editor for Simply Psychology. She has previously worked in healthcare and educational sectors.

The “What? So What? Now What?” model offers a practical framework for incorporating reflection into various aspects of our lives, leading to continuous learning, growth, and improved decision-making.

The “What? So What? Now What?” reflective model, originating from Terry Borton and further developed by Rolfe et al. for healthcare practice, emphasizes a cyclical progression of understanding and action.

what so what now what

The stages are interconnected, with each one building upon the insights gained from the previous stage.

  • “What?” establishes the foundation by focusing on objective description. It prompts the individual to gather the facts and details of the experience without immediate interpretation or judgment.
  • “So What?” transitions from observation to analysis. It encourages the individual to make sense of the “What?” by exploring their emotional responses, connecting the experience to prior knowledge, identifying patterns, and uncovering potential implications. This stage helps individuals move beyond merely recounting events to understanding their significance.
  • “Now What?” propels reflection into action. Drawing upon the insights from the “What?” and “So What?” stages, this stage focuses on developing concrete steps for improvement, future application of learning, and personal or professional growth. It transforms reflection from a passive process of thinking to an active process of planning and doing.

The connection between these stages is crucial as it allows for a deeper level of understanding and more effective action.

By regularly reflecting on our experiences, we can identify areas for improvement and make more informed decisions in the future.

Who are the authors of the Reflective Model?

Originally developed by Terry Borton for teachers and educational settings, it gained popularity as a reflective tool in clinical healthcare settings in the 1980s. Its enduring appeal lies in its simplicity and efficacy.

Rolfe et al.’s reflective model, based on Borton’s “What? So What? Now What?” model, is a framework tailored for healthcare practitioners, particularly in nursing.

While sharing the same three-stage structure, Rolfe et al.’s adaptation emphasizes clinical practice, focusing on developing clinical judgment, communication skills, and patient-centered care.

This model is often integrated into nursing education to help students connect theory and practice.

Stage 1. What? – Describing the Experience

The “What?” stage focuses on objectively describing the experience or event. This involves detailing the facts without interpretation or judgment.

The “What” stage establishes a clear, factual account of the experience, laying the foundation for deeper analysis in the subsequent stages.

It encourages individuals or groups to slow down, step back, and articulate the concrete details of what transpired, without immediately jumping to interpretations, judgments, or emotional responses.

It’s crucial to be as comprehensive and objective as possible during this stage to ensure a solid basis for reflection.

Here’s a breakdown of the key aspects of the “What?” stage:

  • Focus on Facts: The emphasis is on providing a neutral and impartial account of the event, sticking to observable and verifiable information.
  • Sensory recall : Participants are encouraged to replay the event in their mind as if watching it on a movie screen, focusing on what they saw, heard, or felt.
  • Objectivity Over Subjectivity: While personal experiences are acknowledged, the goal is to describe them in a way that minimizes personal biases and interpretations.
  • Inclusivity : If reflecting as a group, it’s important to hear from different perspectives, as people may have noticed different things
  • Setting the Stage for Deeper Analysis: The “What?” stage provides the necessary context and factual basis for the subsequent “So What?” and “Now What?” stages, which explore the meaning and implications of the experience.
Examples of questions that can guide the “What?” stage, prompting individuals to consider specific details, actions, and observations related to the experience:
  • What happened? – This encourages a concise and chronological account of the events.
  • What did you observe? – This prompts focus on sensory details and specific observations.
  • What was your experience? – This invites reflection on personal involvement in the event.
  • What worked well, and what didn’t? – This prompts an initial, surface-level assessment of successes and challenges.
  • Who else was involved? – This encourages consideration of the social context and the roles of others.
  • What did you do? – This focuses on specific actions taken during the experience.

By thoroughly addressing these “What?” questions and establishing a clear, factual understanding of the experience, individuals and groups can lay a strong foundation for meaningful analysis and the identification of valuable insights in the later stages of the reflection model.

Example of a “What?” Stage Reflection

Let’s imagine a scenario where a first-year nursing student is reflecting on their first experience assisting a registered nurse in providing wound care to a patient. Here’s how the student might approach the “What?” stage of reflection, focusing on objective description:
  • What happened? I assisted a registered nurse in providing wound care to an elderly patient with a diabetic ulcer on their foot. We gathered the necessary supplies, including sterile gloves, saline solution, gauze, and bandages. The nurse explained each step of the procedure to me and allowed me to observe before I helped. I assisted in holding the patient’s leg steady while the nurse cleaned the wound and applied a new dressing.
  • What did you observe? The wound was about two inches in diameter and had a yellowish discharge. The patient appeared to be in some discomfort, grimacing slightly when the wound was being cleaned. The nurse was very gentle and patient with the patient, explaining each step clearly and providing reassurance.
  • What was your experience? I was initially nervous about participating in wound care, as I had never done anything like it before. However, the nurse made me feel more at ease by explaining the procedure thoroughly and allowing me to observe first. I was surprised by how much care and attention to detail was required.
  • What worked well? The nurse’s calm and reassuring demeanor helped to put the patient at ease. I felt that my assistance in holding the patient’s leg steady was helpful in allowing the nurse to focus on the wound care.
  • What didn’t work well? I felt a bit awkward and unsure of myself at times, as I was still unfamiliar with the procedure and the supplies. I think I could have benefited from reviewing the steps involved in wound care beforehand.
  • Who else was involved? The registered nurse, the patient, and myself were directly involved in the wound care procedure.
  • What did you do? I helped gather supplies, observed the nurse, held the patient’s leg steady, and assisted in disposing of the used materials.

This detailed, objective account of the experience provides the foundation for the student to move on to the “So What?” stage, where they can begin to analyze their feelings, reactions, and the significance of the experience.

Stage 2. So What? – Analyzing and Sense-Making

The “So What?” stage delves into analysis and sense-making. This stage encourages you to examine your feelings, thoughts, and interpretations of the experience.

The goal is to uncover insights and identify what difference the event made. This stage is where analysis, critical thinking, and sense-making take center stage.

Here’s a breakdown of what the “So What?” stage entails:

  • Connecting the Dots: It involves identifying patterns, relationships, and potential causes and effects related to the experience described in the “What?” stage. Relate the experience to relevant theories, course concepts, or broader ideas
  • Exploring Emotions and Reactions: It encourages individuals to examine their feelings, thoughts, and initial interpretations of the experience. Why did they react in a certain way? What assumptions or prior experiences might have influenced their perceptions?
  • Evaluating impact : Assess the consequences of the event for yourself and others.
  • Identifying Learning Points: The goal is to uncover insights, lessons learned, and areas for potential growth based on the experience.
  • Generating Hypotheses: It can involve developing initial explanations or interpretations of why things happened the way they did, which can later be explored further.
Some guiding questions for this stage include:
  • What was important about this situation?
  • How did you feel when it happened?
  • Did anything in particular trigger these emotions in you?
  • What might have been behind your response?
  • Did you learn a new skill or clarify an interest?
  • Are there any implications for you personally or professionally?
  • Who might you have forgotten to consider in that encounter?
  • What might impact the recipient’s views or experience of the project?
  • What caused this event?
  • Why might have other people acted the way they did?
  • Was this event part of a broader pattern?
  • How does this experience connect to course concepts?
  • What other insights or hypotheses could be drawn from the experience?
  • What is the importance of this?
  • So what more do I need to know about this?
  • What are some of the most pressing needs/issues in the community? How does this project address those needs?
  • What contributes to the success of projects like this? What hinders success?

By thoughtfully engaging with these “So What?” questions, individuals and groups can extract valuable lessons from their experiences, gain self-awareness, and prepare for more informed and effective actions in the “Now What?” stage.

Asking “So What?” questions can also challenge your existing mental models and promote Double Loop Learning.

The “So What?” stage is crucial for moving beyond simple description to critical analysis. It helps you extract meaning from the experience and understand its broader significance.

This deeper understanding then forms the basis for the final “Now What?” stage, where you consider future actions and applications of your insights.

Example of a “So What?” Stage Reflection

Building on the “What?” stage example of a first-year nursing student assisting with wound care, let’s explore how they might approach the “So What?” stage:
  • How did you feel when it happened? I initially felt nervous and inadequate because I lacked experience. However, observing the nurse’s expertise and seeing the impact of our actions on the patient’s well-being instilled a sense of purpose and motivated me to learn more.
  • What might have been behind your response? My nervousness likely stemmed from a lack of confidence and fear of making a mistake that could negatively impact the patient. Witnessing the nurse’s composure and expertise reassured me and highlighted the importance of experience in building confidence.
  • Did you learn a new skill or clarify an interest? I gained practical experience in wound care, which I had only read about in textbooks. This experience also reinforced my interest in pursuing a career where I can make a tangible difference in patients’ lives.
  • Who might you have forgotten to consider in that encounter? I was primarily focused on assisting the nurse and the patient. However, reflecting on the experience, I realize that I could have also considered the patient’s family members or caregivers, who might also be affected by the patient’s condition and the care being provided.
  • Was this event part of a broader pattern? This experience highlighted the importance of hands-on experience in nursing education. It also illustrated the value of clear communication and a supportive learning environment in developing clinical skills and confidence.
  • What is the importance of this? This experience demonstrated that nursing practice requires not only technical skills but also empathy, communication, and the ability to establish trust with patients. It also highlighted the importance of lifelong learning and continuous professional development in providing competent and compassionate care.

This analysis demonstrates how the “So What?” stage encourages the nursing student to examine their emotional responses, identify knowledge gaps, and relate their experience to broader themes in nursing practice.

This sets the stage for the “Now What?” stage, where they can develop action steps for improvement and future learning.

Stage 3. Now What? – Determining Next Steps

“Now What?” focuses on applying your analysis to determine effective next steps. This involves identifying what you can take away from the experience and how you can use those insights in the future.

It focuses on translating insights and learning from the “What?” and “So What?” stages into concrete plans and actions.

This stage also promotes continuous learning and growth by encouraging individuals to:

  • Applying Lessons Learned: It encourages individuals to consider how they can use their newfound understanding to make changes in their thinking, behavior, or approach to similar situations. Consider how to share insights or lessons learned with others.
  • Identify Knowledge gaps : Recognize areas where further learning or skill development is needed.
  • Developing Actionable Strategies: The goal is to create specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals and plans to address the identified learning needs or areas for improvement.
  • Experimentation and Testing: It might involve designing small experiments or tests to try out new approaches or validate hypotheses that emerged during the reflection process.
  • Continual Improvement: The “Now What?” stage emphasizes that reflection and learning are ongoing processes, and it encourages a cycle of planning, action, observation, and further reflection.
  • What would you do differently if a similar situation arose?
  • What follow-up is needed to address any challenges or difficulties?
  • How might you prevent negative outcomes or problems in a similar situation?
  • What do you need to gain more competence [in], and how will you make this happen?
  • What specific steps you need to take to address this identified deficiency?
  • What lessons can you take forward in similar and other contexts?
  • How might you better prepare and resource yourself for a similar situation?
  • What information can you share with your peers or community volunteers?
  • If you were in charge of the project, what would you do to improve it?
  • How will it affect your future as a pharmacist/midwife, etc.?
  • This process requires reflection on practice, assessing and identifying learning needs and available opportunities, developing and implementing a personal learning plan, and evaluating the outcomes.

By thoroughly exploring these “Now What?” questions and formulating actionable steps, individuals and groups can transform reflection into meaningful change and continuous growth.

They can then apply these insights to similar experiences in the future, ultimately leading to improved decision-making, skill development, and personal and professional effectiveness.

Example of a “Now What?” Stage Reflection

Scenario: A nursing student encounters resistance from a patient while attempting to administer medication. The patient, anxious and in pain, refuses the medication, stating it doesn’t work. The student, feeling flustered, seeks assistance from a senior nurse who skillfully calms the patient and successfully administers the medication.
  • Identify Knowledge and Skill Gaps: The student acknowledges that their initial approach lacked the empathy and communication skills needed to effectively de-escalate the situation. They recognize the senior nurse’s expertise in building rapport, active listening, and clear explanation, leading to a positive outcome.
  • Seeking further training: Enrolling in workshops or courses on therapeutic communication or conflict resolution techniques.
  • Shadowing experienced nurses: Observing how they interact with resistant or anxious patients, paying close attention to their verbal and non-verbal communication strategies.
  • Role-playing scenarios: Practicing communication techniques with peers or instructors in a safe environment, seeking feedback to refine their approach.
  • Reviewing relevant literature: Consulting nursing textbooks or journals for evidence-based strategies for managing challenging patient interactions.
  • Anticipating potential challenges: Proactively considering potential barriers to care, particularly with patients exhibiting anxiety or pain.
  • Employing active listening: Focusing on understanding the patient’s perspective, validating their concerns, and addressing their fears before proceeding with medication administration.
  • Explaining procedures clearly: Using clear, concise language to explain the medication’s purpose, potential side effects, and expected benefits.
  • Seeking support when needed: Recognizing that it’s okay to ask for assistance from colleagues, particularly in challenging situations.

By working through the “Now What?” stage, the nursing student transitions from simply reflecting on the experience to actively shaping their future practice.

This stage highlights the importance of continuous learning, self-improvement, and a commitment to providing compassionate, patient-centered care.

Comparing Rolfe et al.’s Reflective Model and Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle

While both Rolfe et al.’s model, adapted from Borton’s “What? So What? Now What?” framework, and Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle are popular reflective models, they differ in their structure and emphasis.

Understanding these differences can help you choose the most appropriate model for your reflective needs.

Structural Differences:

  • Linear vs. Cyclical: Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle follows a more structured, cyclical format, guiding the reflector through six distinct stages: Description, Feelings, Evaluation, Analysis, Conclusion, and Action Plan. This cyclical structure emphasizes the iterative nature of reflection, encouraging repeated cycles of reflection and action. In contrast, Rolfe et al.’s model, while inherently encouraging ongoing reflection, presents a more linear, three-stage process.
  • Number of Stages: The six stages of Gibbs’ Cycle allow for a more comprehensive and in-depth exploration of the experience. Each stage prompts the reflector to consider different facets of the situation, fostering a holistic understanding. Rolfe et al.’s three-stage model, while concise, might not provide the same level of detailed guidance.

Emphasis and Focus:

  • Emotional Exploration: Gibbs’ Cycle explicitly includes a stage dedicated to exploring “Feelings.” This encourages individuals to acknowledge and process their emotions related to the experience, which can be crucial for personal growth and self-awareness, particularly in emotionally charged professions like healthcare. Rolfe et al.’s model, while not explicitly excluding emotions, places less direct emphasis on their exploration.
  • Evaluation and Learning: Gibbs’ Cycle incorporates dedicated stages for “Evaluation” and “Conclusion,” promoting critical analysis of the experience’s successes, challenges, and potential areas for improvement. This structured approach can lead to more concrete learning points and action plans. While Rolfe et al.’s model encourages analysis and action planning, it doesn’t delineate these steps as distinct stages.

Application in Nursing and Healthcare:

  • Rolfe et al.’s Model in Nursing Education: Rolfe et al.’s model is frequently integrated into nursing curricula. Its emphasis on connecting theory and practice, developing clinical judgment, and fostering patient-centered care aligns well with the goals of nursing education.
  • Gibbs’ Cycle in Healthcare Practice: Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle, with its focus on detailed description, emotional processing, and structured analysis, can be particularly beneficial for healthcare practitioners reflecting on complex or challenging clinical encounters.

Choosing the Right Model:

The choice between these models depends on the specific context and the reflector’s goals.

  • Reflecting on complex experiences.
  • Individuals seeking a deeper understanding of their emotional responses.
  • Situations requiring detailed analysis and evaluation.
  • Quick reflections on everyday experiences.
  • Individuals seeking a straightforward framework to guide their learning.
  • Promoting rapid integration of theory and practice, as often seen in nursing education.

Ultimately, the most effective reflective model is the one that best suits the individual’s learning style and the specific demands of the situation.

Borton, T. (1970). Reach touch and teach: Student concerns and process education. New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Gibbs, G. (1988). Learning by doing: A guide to teaching and learning methods.  Further Education Unit .

Rolfe, G. (2014). Big ideas: Reach touch and teach: Terry Borton. Nurse Education Today, 34 (488-489).

Rolfe, G., Freshwater, D., & Jasper, M. (2001). Critical Reflection for Nursing and the Helping Professions: A user’s guide . London: Palgrave Macmillan.

Rolfe, G., & Jasper, M. (1993). Some strategies for curriculum development in nurse education.  Journal of further and higher education ,  17 (3), 105-111.

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A critical analysis of my clinical practice and reflection

Info: 2802 words (11 pages) Nursing Essay Published: 11th Feb 2020

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    To be effective, critical analysis must be structured and organized. The following steps can help you format a critical analysis: 1) Identify the purpose of the critical analysis. 2) Identify the literature that will be used in the analysis. 3) distill the information from the literature into a clear, concise, and objective statement.

  2. PDF Critical Thinking and Writing for Nursing Students

    EXAMPLE ANALYTICAL ESSAY This example of an analytical essay is presented in association with Price, B and Harrington, A (2010) Critical Thinking and Writing for Nursing Students, Exeter, Learning Matters. Readers are introduced to the process of critical and reflective thinking and the translation of these into coursework that will help them ...

  3. Critical Analysis of Nursing Roles and Responsibilities

    Throughout this piece, the nurses' roles and responsibilities within care provision in a hospital-based environment will be critically analysed with support from relevant literature and guidelines from regulatory bodies. This topic has been selected as McInnes, Peters, Bonney and Halcomb (2017) highlight that understanding of the nurses ...

  4. Critical Analysis of Nurses' Roles and Responsibilities

    The Royal College of Nursing (RCN, 2014:3) define nursing as the ability to 'improve, maintain, or recover health, to cope with health problems, and to achieve the best quality of life' for patients until their death. This essay will critically analyse the nurses' role and responsibilities within care provision, discussing their role as a ...

  5. PDF Assessing Mrs Drew's Pain

    1 EXAMPLE REFLECTIVE ESSAY FOR Critical Thinking and Writing for Nursing Students Bob Price and Anne Harrington This example of a reflective essay is presented in association with Price, B and Harrington, A (2013) Critical Thinking and Writing for Nursing Students, London, Learning Matters.

  6. How to Write a Critical Analysis Nursing Essay

    Ensure your essay is double-spaced, with 1-inch margins and a readable 12-point font. Include your name, the date, and any other required information on the title page or header. Writing a critical analysis nursing essay is a multi-step process involving planning, research, and analysis, and writing and revising.

  7. PDF Example of good academic writing: level 5

    This is an example of good academic writing at Level 5 from a Nursing submission. The introduction clearly maps out the content of the essay and is followed by a clear and informative first paragraph. This essay will elaborate on chlamydia as a health issue and discuss the health promotion

  8. PDF Analysis, Synthesis, and Response Papers

    lness and optimize heath and well-being.Analysis, Synthesis, and Response papers a. e typically assigned in NUR 350 and 450.You must be able to read carefully information from a variety of sources and synthesize that information in order to respond. appropriately as a nursing professional.This work is licensed under the Creative Commo.

  9. Academic writing: using literature to demonstrate critical analysis

    When writing at degree level, nurses need to demonstrate an understanding of evidence by summarising its key elements and comparing and contrasting authors' views. Critical analysis is an important nursing skill in writing and in practice. With the advent of an all-degree profession, understanding how to develop this skill is crucial.

  10. Critical Analysis Nursing Essay: Tips for Stellar Writing

    A critical analysis nursing essay demands a deep understanding of the chosen topic, coupled with the ability to synthesize information from various sources. It is about showcasing your critical thinking skills, demonstrating your ability to analyze evidence, identify biases, and formulate your own conclusions.

  11. 33 Critical Analysis Examples

    33 Critical Analysis Examples. Critical analysis refers to the ability to examine something in detail in preparation to make an evaluation or judgment. It will involve exploring underlying assumptions, theories, arguments, evidence, logic, biases, contextual factors, and so forth, that could help shed more light on the topic.

  12. Nursing Reflection Essays: A Guide, Outline, Models, and Tips

    The hook or attention grabber. Thesis statement. Main points of each body paragraph (topic sentence, evidence, examples, illustrations, etc.) Conclusion (restated thesis and call-to-action) With the outline done, you should take a break and resume writing your first draft of the nursing reflection essay.

  13. A critical analysis of medication errors in relation to management

    A critical analysis of medication errors in relation to management. 'The process of medication use is a continuum of activities involving multiple health care professionals and multiple steps (that is, prescribing, transcribing, dispensing, administering, and monitoring), thereby creating multiple opportunities for error' (Zhan et al., 2006 ...

  14. A critical analysis of my clinical practice and reflection

    Using the six stages of Gibbs reflective model, description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, action plan, by using this model the student can analyse her learning experience, and present this as evidence against NMC standards. The student also looked out and read tissue viability journals and wound supplements and searched the ...

  15. A guide to critical appraisal of evidence : Nursing2020 Critical Care

    Critical appraisal is the assessment of research studies' worth to clinical practice. Critical appraisal—the heart of evidence-based practice—involves four phases: rapid critical appraisal, evaluation, synthesis, and recommendation. This article reviews each phase and provides examples, tips, and caveats to help evidence appraisers ...

  16. Critical Analysis Nursing Care for the Older Adult

    The assessment phase of the nursing process is fundamental at this stage of the interaction so that the nurse was able to ascertain if the client required the use of the toilet (Kozier, 2004). The nurse asked the client if he needed to use the toilet. The client responded by nodding his head and saying "yes".

  17. Critical Analysis of an Incident in Clinical Practice

    Introduction. Throughout this piece, I will use Gibbs' (1988) reflective cycle to critically explore and analyse an incident that occurred within clinical practice that has had an impact on my learning and development. The use of Gibbs' cycle will facilitate reflection by identifying feelings which could have influenced my practice ...

  18. PDF Examples of good academic writing: level 6

    Commented [h23]: Good to give an example. Commented [h24]: Relevance of theory to practice noted. Commented [h25]: Good to relate back to the critical incident and the essay question Commented [h26]: This paragraph is a good analysis of effective leadership overcoming perceived boundaries between team members.

  19. How to Write a Nursing Essay

    Here's your quick guide from our nursing essay writing service: Choosing Your Topic: Select a topic that sparks your interest and relates to real-world nursing challenges. Consider areas like patient care, ethical dilemmas, or the impact of technology on healthcare. Outline Your Route: Plan your essay's journey.

  20. Essay: Nursing example

    Sample essay Here is a sample essay written by a first-year student. The student who allowed us to publish her essay wishes to remain anonymous. She gained a Distinction for the essay at first year level. Essay question Discuss critically the impact of university education on nursing in the workplace. (Length: 1500 words).

  21. Diversity in Nursing: a Critical Analysis

    In the modern healthcare landscape, diversity in nursing has emerged as a crucial and highly relevant topic. The nursing profession is a cornerstone of healthcare systems worldwide, and its effectiveness hinges on the diverse perspectives, backgrounds, and experiences of its practitioners. This essay explores the multifaceted dimensions of ...

  22. Explore 15+ Nursing Essay Examples: Effective Tips Included

    As a result, nursing essays can take many different forms and cover a wide range of topics. Given below are some examples of different types of nursing essays: Personal Philosophy Of Nursing - Essay Examples. Cal State Fullerton Nursing Essay Examples. Evidence Based Practice Nursing In Medical Field - Essay Examples.

  23. What? So What? Now What? Critical Reflection Model

    This analysis demonstrates how the "So What?" stage encourages the nursing student to examine their emotional responses, identify knowledge gaps, and relate their experience to broader themes in nursing practice. This sets the stage for the "Now What?" stage, where they can develop action steps for improvement and future learning. Stage 3.

  24. A critical analysis of my clinical practice and reflection

    Using the six stages of Gibbs reflective model, description, feelings, evaluation, analysis, conclusion, action plan, by using this model the student can analyse her learning experience, and present this as evidence against NMC standards. The student also looked out and read tissue viability journals and wound supplements and searched the ...