
Essay on Academic Performance

Students are often asked to write an essay on Academic Performance in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Academic Performance

What is academic performance.

Academic performance is how well a student does in school. It’s measured by grades, test scores, and teacher reports. Good academic performance shows the student is learning and understanding their schoolwork.

Factors Affecting Academic Performance

Many things can affect academic performance. For example, a student’s health, family life, and study habits can all make a difference. If a student is healthy, has a supportive family, and studies regularly, they are likely to perform well acadically.

Importance of Academic Performance

Academic performance is important as it can affect a student’s future. Good grades can lead to opportunities like scholarships and acceptance into good colleges. It also builds skills for future jobs.

Improving Academic Performance

To improve academic performance, students can set study goals, organize their time, and seek help when needed. They should also take care of their health and get enough sleep. With hard work and determination, any student can improve their academic performance.

The Role of Teachers and Parents

250 words essay on academic performance.

Academic performance is a measure of how well a student is doing in their studies. It is often shown through grades, scores on tests, or other forms of evaluation. Good academic performance is important as it can open doors to higher education and good jobs in the future.

Many things can affect a student’s academic performance. For example, a student’s health, their home life, and their level of motivation can all play a part. A student who is healthy, has a supportive home environment, and is motivated to learn is likely to do well in school.

Importance of Good Academic Performance

Good academic performance is important for many reasons. It can help a student get into a good college or university. It can also lead to scholarships and other opportunities. Plus, the skills a student learns while working to improve their academic performance can also help them in other areas of life.

There are many ways to improve academic performance. One way is to set clear goals and work towards them. Another way is to seek help when needed, such as getting a tutor or asking a teacher for help. It’s also important to take care of your health and make sure you have a good balance between school work and other activities.

In summary, academic performance is a key part of a student’s education. It’s influenced by many factors and can have a big impact on a student’s future. With hard work and dedication, every student has the potential to improve their academic performance.

500 Words Essay on Academic Performance

Several things can affect a student’s academic performance. These include the student’s own skills and effort, the teaching methods used in school, the student’s home environment, and even their physical health.

Firstly, a student’s own skills and effort play a big role. If a student is good at studying and works hard, they are likely to do well in school. On the other hand, if a student struggles with studying or doesn’t put in much effort, their grades may suffer.

Thirdly, a student’s home environment can also affect their academic performance. If a student has a quiet, comfortable place to study at home, they are more likely to do well in school. But if a student’s home is noisy or stressful, it can be hard for them to focus on their studies.

Lastly, a student’s physical health can also play a role. If a student is healthy, they can focus better and learn more. But if a student is often sick, they may miss a lot of school and struggle to keep up with their studies.

Another way is to make sure the student is healthy. This could mean making sure the student gets enough sleep, eats healthy food, and gets regular exercise. These things can help the student focus better and learn more.

A third way is to create a good study environment at home. This might mean setting up a quiet, comfortable study area, or setting aside specific times for studying.

Academic performance is important because it can affect a student’s future. Good grades can help a student get into a good college or university, which can lead to a good job in the future. Even if a student doesn’t plan to go to college, good grades can still be helpful. They can show potential employers that the student is hardworking and capable.

In conclusion, academic performance is a measure of a student’s ability to learn and understand the material taught in school. It can be affected by many factors, including the student’s own skills and effort, the teaching methods used in school, the student’s home environment, and their physical health. There are many ways to improve academic performance, and doing well in school can have many benefits for a student’s future.

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126 Academic Performance Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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Academic Performance Essay Topic Ideas & Examples: Boosting Your Grades

When it comes to writing an essay on academic performance, finding the right topic can be a challenging task. However, with a bit of brainstorming and creativity, you can come up with a compelling topic that will captivate your readers and enhance your academic performance. In this article, we will provide you with 126 topic ideas and examples to help you get started.

  • The impact of technology on academic performance.
  • The correlation between extracurricular activities and academic success.
  • The role of parents in influencing academic performance.
  • The effects of sleep deprivation on academic achievement.
  • How can motivation affect academic performance?
  • The benefits of using study groups for better grades.
  • The impact of social media on students' academic performance.
  • The relationship between self-esteem and academic success.
  • The effects of peer pressure on academic performance.
  • The importance of setting goals for academic achievement.
  • How can stress management techniques improve academic performance?
  • The role of teachers in enhancing students' academic performance.
  • The impact of nutrition on academic success.
  • The effects of bullying on students' academic performance.
  • The benefits of time management for better grades.
  • The relationship between physical activity and academic performance.
  • The influence of study habits on students' academic achievement.
  • The impact of classroom environment on academic success.
  • The role of technology in personalized learning and academic performance.
  • The effects of music on concentration and academic performance.
  • The relationship between emotional intelligence and academic success.
  • The benefits of a growth mindset in improving academic performance.
  • The impact of parental involvement in homework on students' grades.
  • The connection between student-teacher relationships and academic achievement.
  • The effects of multitasking on academic performance.
  • The role of self-discipline in achieving academic goals.
  • The benefits of using flashcards for studying and better grades.
  • The relationship between learning styles and academic success.
  • The impact of video games on students' academic performance.
  • The effects of caffeine on concentration and academic achievement.
  • The role of positive reinforcement in motivating students to excel academically.
  • The benefits of mindfulness practices for better academic performance.
  • The relationship between classroom participation and academic success.
  • The impact of cultural diversity on students' academic performance.
  • The effects of procrastination on academic achievement.
  • The role of creativity in enhancing academic performance.
  • The benefits of using mnemonic devices for better memory and grades.
  • The relationship between reading habits and academic success.
  • The impact of socioeconomic status on students' academic performance.
  • The effects of learning disabilities on academic achievement.
  • The role of feedback in improving students' academic performance.
  • The benefits of using technology for personalized learning and better grades.
  • The relationship between self-efficacy and academic success.
  • The impact of peer tutoring on students' academic performance.
  • The effects of gender on academic achievement.
  • The role of school environment in enhancing academic performance.
  • The benefits of taking breaks during studying for better concentration and grades.
  • The relationship between classroom size and academic success.
  • The impact of standardized testing on students' academic performance.
  • The effects of homeschooling on academic achievement.

In my essay, I will explore the impact of technology on academic performance by analyzing the benefits and drawbacks of digital learning tools in the classroom.

I will discuss how extracurricular activities such as sports and clubs can positively influence students' academic success through building teamwork skills and time-management abilities.

My essay will focus on the role of parents in influencing academic performance, examining the impact of parental involvement in homework, communication with teachers, and providing a supportive learning environment.

I will analyze the effects of sleep deprivation on academic achievement, discussing the importance of adequate sleep for cognitive functioning and offering strategies for better sleep hygiene.

In my essay, I will explore the relationship between motivation and academic performance, discussing different motivational theories and strategies to enhance students' drive to succeed academically.

Remember, these are just a few examples to get your creative juices flowing. You can modify or combine these topics to fit your interests and academic goals. By selecting a topic that resonates with you, you will be more motivated to research and write an engaging essay, ultimately boosting your academic performance. Good luck!

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Personality’s Influence on Academic Performance Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment


Personality, personality traits, personality traits influence on academic performance, approaches to ensure success.

The subject of personality and personality traits has always been popular not only among psychologists and academics but other individuals as well. Since people’s thoughts, feelings, and behaviors have an impact on many workplace characteristics, personality plays a significant role. Individuals’ personalities have an impact on their attitudes, social conduct, and decision-making processes. While many people claim that personalities should not be defined as forces responsible for either success or failure, undoubtedly, they play a vital role in every process. A person may change their behavior, play to their strengths, work on their flaws, communicate with peers more successfully, and eventually succeed in their work by having a better understanding of their personality. Hence, personality is a vital matter that influences people’s actions.

To start with, personality is a broad concept that contributed to the establishment of many theories. The term personality implies persistent characteristics and tendencies that cause people to habitually feel, think, and act in particular ways (Sanchez‐Roige et al., 2018). Human personality is the distinctive combination of how they see their surroundings, analyze what happens, and behave consistently in various circumstances (Sanchez‐Roige et al., 2018). Each individual has a different system of persistent, long-term traits, as well as a certain way of relating to other people and the environment around them. It is often believed that people’s personalities are permanent, robust, and difficult to change. A variety of approaches have been put up for experimentally investigating personality, given the range of human experiences and the variety of factors that make each exceptional. This also applies to me since, similarly to other individuals, I possess a certain personality that remains consistent throughout the years.

Personality traits can be defined as people’s distinctive thinking, feeling, and behavior patterns. An individual who scores highly on a certain personality characteristic, such as extraversion, is likely to be gregarious in various situations (Eysenck, 2017). Personal characteristics suggest stability and predictability. Therefore, the foundation of personality psychology is the concept that individuals differ from each other based on where they position on a set of fundamental trait dimensions that hold throughout time and in many contexts (Eysenck, 2017). The Five-Factor Model is the most extensively utilized framework of attributes (Eysenck, 2017). This approach contains the five broad attributes of openness, conscientiousness, extraversion, agreeableness, and neuroticism, which may be recalled by the abbreviation OCEAN (Eysenck, 2017). After considering such characteristics, I can state that my traits are extraversion, conscientiousness, and openness.

Moreover, aside from influencing broader aspects of the human body, such as cognitive abilities, personality traits are capable of impacting people’s success. The study showed a relationship between medical students’ personality qualities, self-efficacy, and academic success (Hayat et al., 2020). In my case, conscientiousness and openness played a crucial role in supporting my academic performance. Yet, conscientiousness emerged as the strongest indicator of academic accomplishment. In this sense, such traits are related to goal-setting and consistent effort, both of which support academic success, organizational skills in the classroom, and effort control. In other words, as a conscientious individual, I am a goal-oriented, diligent learner, and extremely accountable. These requirements drive me as a student and a learner to attain exceptional academic success. Furthermore, these traits allow me to stay competitive and maintain good relationships with my peers, which is also crucial in an educational environment.

When it comes to the approaches to ensure success, I might focus on my strong traits and make an effort to eliminate the negative characteristics. For example, higher degrees of self-assurance, positivity, passion, energy, adventure seeking, and social engagement are traits of extroversion, one of my traits. Meanwhile, people that are open to new opportunities and concepts tend to be innovative, spontaneous, creative, and inquisitive (El Othman et al., 2020). Furthermore, a greater intuitive approach is substantially connected with greater extroversion and openness to experience (El Othman et al., 2020). Lastly, a less reliant decision-making approach is dramatically correlated with greater openness to experience (El Othman et al., 2020). As a result, as a person with such traits as openness to experience and extraversion, I will need to concentrate on ways that would enhance the application of such characteristics and encourage them. In such a case, an approach to success is to analyze the output of my traits and be receptive to the viewpoints of other individuals.

Thus, personality refers to enduring traits and inclinations that influence people’s regular feelings, thoughts, and behaviors. The unique thought, emotion, and behavior patterns of individuals are mirrored in their personality traits. It was revealed that there is a link between the personality traits, self-efficacy, and academic achievement of medical students. The research’s conclusions suggested that personality traits including conscientiousness, openness, and agreeableness had a significant impact on enhancing students’ academic success. Last but not least, when it comes to approaches that lead to success, a person must assess the results of their qualities and be open to other people’s perspectives. With a reflective approach, one can analyze their strengths and eliminate weaknesses.

El Othman, R., El Othman, R., Hallit, R., Obeid, S., & Hallit, S. (2020). Personality traits, emotional intelligence and decision-making styles in Lebanese universities medical students. BMC Psychology , 8 (1), 1-14.

Eysenck, H. (2017). Dimensions of personality . Routledge.

Hayat, A. A., Kohoulat, N., Amini, M., & Faghihi, S. A. A. (2020). The predictive role of personality traits on academic performance of medical students: The mediating role of self-efficacy. Medical Journal of the Islamic Republic of Iran , 34 , 77, 1-7.

Sanchez‐Roige, S., Gray, J. C., MacKillop, J., Chen, C. H., & Palmer, A. A. (2018). The genetics of human personality. Genes, Brain and Behavior , 17 (3), 1-13.

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IvyPanda. (2023, June 15). Personality’s Influence on Academic Performance. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personalitys-influence-on-academic-performance/

"Personality’s Influence on Academic Performance." IvyPanda , 15 June 2023, ivypanda.com/essays/personalitys-influence-on-academic-performance/.

IvyPanda . (2023) 'Personality’s Influence on Academic Performance'. 15 June.

IvyPanda . 2023. "Personality’s Influence on Academic Performance." June 15, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personalitys-influence-on-academic-performance/.

1. IvyPanda . "Personality’s Influence on Academic Performance." June 15, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personalitys-influence-on-academic-performance/.


IvyPanda . "Personality’s Influence on Academic Performance." June 15, 2023. https://ivypanda.com/essays/personalitys-influence-on-academic-performance/.

Home — Essay Samples — Education — Student Life — Academic Achievements

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Essays on Academic Achievements

Brief description of academic achievements.

Academic achievements encompass a wide range of accomplishments in the academic realm, including but not limited to academic awards, research publications, academic presentations, and other notable achievements in educational settings. These achievements demonstrate a student's commitment to excellence, dedication to learning, and mastery of academic subjects.

Importance ... Read More Brief Description of Academic Achievements

Importance of writing essays on this topic.

Essays on academic achievements are significant as they provide an opportunity for students to reflect on their educational journey, showcase their accomplishments, and highlight the impact of their academic pursuits on their personal and professional development. Writing about academic achievements also allows students to share their experiences, challenges, and triumphs, inspiring others and contributing to the academic discourse.

Tips on Choosing a Good Topic

  • Reflect on personal growth: Choose a topic that showcases your growth, challenges overcome, and lessons learned in your academic journey.
  • Highlight unique accomplishments: Select a topic that highlights a specific academic achievement that sets you apart from others.
  • Connect to future goals: Consider topics that align with your future academic or career aspirations, demonstrating relevance and foresight in your essay.

Essay Topics

  • The impact of academic achievements on personal development
  • Overcoming academic challenges and achieving success
  • The role of mentorship in academic accomplishments
  • Academic achievements and their influence on career prospects
  • The significance of academic awards and recognitions
  • Balancing academic achievements with extracurricular activities
  • The value of research publications in academic achievements
  • Reflecting on academic achievements in a reflective essay
  • The impact of academic achievements on self-esteem and confidence
  • The role of perseverance in academic success

Concluding Thought

Writing essays on academic achievements provides an opportunity for self-reflection, celebration of accomplishments, and sharing valuable insights with others. By exploring the diverse facets of academic achievements through writing, students can gain a deeper understanding of their educational journey and contribute to the broader conversation on academic excellence. Dive into the world of academic achievements through essay writing and uncover the profound impact of your scholarly pursuits.

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Academic achievement represents performance outcomes that indicate the extent to which a person has accomplished specific goals that were the focus of activities in instructional environments, specifically in school, college, and university.

Academic success is important because it is strongly linked to the positive outcomes. Adults who are academically successful and with high levels of education are more likely to be employed, have stable employment, have more employment opportunities than those with less education and earn higher salaries, are more likely to have health insurance, are less dependent on social assistance, are less likely to engage in criminal activity, are more active as citizens and charitable volunteers and are healthier and happier.

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Type A Personalities and Academic Achievements

Influence of Personality Types on Academic Achievement A large body of academic work suggests that Type A personalities are more likely to express higher academic achievement. The personality type is usually defined by competitiveness, increased drive, impatience, and hardworking habits. As such, while these may be the contributing characteristics that...

Intellectually Gifted vs. Average-Ability Students

The article explored the differences and similarities between gifted and average students in terms of school performance, motivation, and subjective well-being. Bergold et al. (2020) used non-verbal tests to measure students’ cognitive abilities and also used a sample with more cultural diversity than previous studies. The researchers conclude that the...

Indicators for Measuring Students’ Performance in Moodle

CPCE evaluates a student’s mastery of foundational and counseling-related concepts. It provides the students with helpful feedback on their strengths and weaknesses within the critical areas of CPCE. Throughout the course, I have developed some strengths in some sections and have weaknesses in others. However, I have developed plans to...

The Race and Class Impact on Academic Performance

Students from poor and minority communities suffer worse educational outcomes for several reasons. Firstly, poor parents are less likely to afford to pay for activities that would enhance their children’s academic or extracurricular performance. For instance, they may not afford tutors, extra lessons, art, and music classes. Secondly, children from...

Meta-Assessment: Evaluating Assessment Activities

Evaluation Critique As part of the Assessment Movement which emerged in higher education as part of standardization and policy initiatives for evaluation, John Cry proposes a set of objective rules and principles that each assessment or evaluation process at universities should follow. The purpose of this evaluation is to ensure...

Authentic Performance Assessments

Authentic performance assessments are to demonstrate what learners have acquired in class instead of testing their abilities through traditional quizzes and tests. The tool is powerful in education today because it best evaluates a student’s knowledge of a subject matter. Authentic assessments measure performance in a relevant and direct way...

Aspects of Academic Developmental Levels

Academic development is a joint student responsibility and academic progress. It focuses on students facing the first experience, including theoretical orientations. Teachers prepare their lesson plans considering the special attention of each student to make every child progress at their pace and enhance student relations of similar assistance and maturity....

Academic Performance of Daniel

Introduction Student Name: Daniel Parent(s) (If known): Sofia School:Mesa Vista Address (if available):n/a Grade:8th Date of Evaluation:9/23/2021 Date of birth:21/3/2008 Evaluator: Chronological Age:13 yrs 7 mths   My case study child is a 13-year-old boy named Daniel. He goes to Mesa Vista Middle School and is in the 8th grade....

The Wechsler Individual Achievement Test–III for Students

The WIAT-III (Wechsler Individual Achievement Test–III) is a structured student performance examination that assesses previously learnt information in the fields of Reading, Written Communication, Maths, and Oral Language. The rankings are based on the standards that are age-related. Every test is documented, as well as the outcomes recorded in Standard...

Academic Performance of Employed Students

Globally, the number of university students engaged in employment has been rising consistently over the years. The growing pattern of working students has come under scrutiny, with some scholars indicating that the learners’ academic performance suffers due to the non-academic workloads. However, other people argue that both positive and negative...

Academic Help for the Student

Introduction In the current world, academics is a very significant element in a child’s life. It is composed of different learning strategies such as assignments, exams, practical sessions, and research projects. Different academic activities including research projects may be very complex, thus the students may not get the right responses....

Social Media and Student Academic Performance

Introduction Social media has become a tool that most people and organization use in day to day activities. Oberiri (2017) defines social media as a social structure comprised of people or organizations connected by one or several particular relationship types, including common interest, kinship, sexual relationships, dislike, relationship beliefs, professional...

Enhancing Student Performance Through Motivation

Motivation is an essential aspect of learning since it facilitates the student to retain information and view learning as a positive activity. There are several theories that highlight the different approaches to motivation promotion and enhancement. Thus, educators can practically apply the approaches, which correlates with higher satisfaction in the...

Portfolio Method of Student Assessment

The portfolio is a method of assessing student performance, through the analysis of students’ learning materials. One of the main obstacles to this method is the need for subjective qualitative assessment and the increased time for analysis. The positive side is the opportunity for the student and teacher to get...

Perceived Academic Effects of Instant Messaging Use

The authors explain the connection between IM use and intellectual impairment by examining its use among students. The deduction made is that the number of students using technology is increasing. However, little effort has been made to determine its effect on education, because most studies done on the topic have...

The Racial Knowledge Disparity in the U.S.

The achievement gaps related to ethnicity and socioeconomic status of students are rather a common situation in the U.S. Naturally, the disparity between academic performance is provoked by numerous factors strongly associated with the student’s race and income. However, while the socioeconomic achievement gap tends to occur due to the...

Teacher’s Evaluation of Student Learning

Introduction Control and evaluation are primarily related to the duties of a teacher. The teacher’s assessment activity is a special kind of action that includes control, verification, assessment, and the final result, a mark directed by the teacher to the student in order to determine the student’s level of knowledge...

Academic Performance of Dual Language Learners

The concept of dual language learners (DLLs) refers to children not older than five years and at least one caregiver who uses a foreign language at home. This way, such children speak English at school and outside and master their native language at home. In addition to that, DLLs are...

Parenting Styles, Academic Achievement and the Influence of Culture

The article acknowledges the existing body of research on the topic of correlations between different parenting styles and levels of academic success. When stating its purpose, it references the current consensus in the educational and psychological fields that states that an authoritative parenting style is superior in its capacity to...

The Effects of School Climate on Student Achievement

The thesis of the work is that creating a favorable psychological climate for the educational process has a positive effect on students’ academic performance. Although existing research demonstrates a clear relationship between community climate and student achievement (Halpin and Croft, 1962), it is still not fully understood the effects of...

Yoga for Improving the Academic Performance

An academic performance at school is one of the essential indicators of student success and the effectiveness of teaching methods. This article study at yoga as a tool for enhancing academic performance in high-poverty schools to determine its applicability in the educational process. A literature review has shown that while...

Sleep Deprivation and Its Effects on College Students

Introduction Over the years, college students have been associated with numerous sleep issues which are linked to varied factors. Quality sleep has been indicated to protect mental and physical health, while inadequate periods of slumber negatively affect memory and health in many aspects (Madison, 2019). Sleep disorders affect students’ ability...

Importance of Self-Esteem & Self-Efficacy for College Students

Self-efficacy gives human beings the ability to execute behaviors that will make them achieve their life goals. Self-efficacy affects every area of a person’s life, influencing an individual to make significant decisions (Bhat & Bahadur, 2018). Specifically, self-efficacy is vital when a person is faced with challenges or has to...

Best Strategies for Learning Orientation

Literature on the learning orientation does not necessarily touch upon the best strategies directly, but there is still plenty of evidence related to the topic. Scholars identify numerous factors that can impact learning orientation in teams positively or negatively. Research demonstrates that agentic engagement, emotional intelligence, and good mastery of...

Successful Academic Performance

Academic success is often understood and assessed by high grades. More fundamentally, successful academic performance is about obtaining employability qualifications, critical thinking, and personal skills. First, academic success is when students gain the technical skills necessary to become qualified professionals after university (Cachia et al., 2018). Second, academically excelling students...

Social Class and Its Impact on Student Performance

Introduction Social class is a significant factor among all world populations. Social class is the grouping of people according to wealth, level of education, occupational prestige, income, and sometimes an individual’s social networks. The most common classification includes the upper class, middle class, and lower where the hierarchy stratifies from...

Educational Success and Barriers to Achievements

Any learning process, regardless of where and in what conditions it takes place, ultimately has one main goal. The student must be transferred either practical skills or a certain amount of theoretical knowledge. Therefore, to understand how successful the process was, some measures are needed to assess its results and...

Seven Steps to Be Successful in College

While learning and gaining knowledge is a primary goal in college, the education process includes several accompanying organizational and lifestyle-oriented processes that could be beneficial to studies. In an article by Nadworny, the author listed seven main points or steps that would help ease the college life and studying process....

Enhancing Academic Success Through Emotional Intelligence

Academic achievement is an essential part of a student’s success in education, which often determines their future path. Several factors have been outlined as prominent predictors of one’s academic success, which allow demonstrating exceptional abilities in the learning environment (Mancini et al., 2017). Such qualities as motivation, discipline, and self-esteem...

Standardized Tests and Their Negative Aspects

Introduction Evaluating the results of the studying process within educational facilities is a critical task, which, nevertheless, is not efficiently addressed by them. The reason for challenges in this regard is the wide spread of testing instruments, which do not ensure the precision of results while being detrimental to the...

Functional Communication Training Plan Reflection and Revision

Introduction There are multiple potential difficulties in implementing an intervention that aims to resolve or even alleviate one of the major symptoms of autistic spectrum disorder. It is vital to consider all the available theoretical data and connect it with the benefits of practical application to determine the chances of...

META-PR Functional Evaluation System for Students

The modern civilized world is full of complicated social structures that organize the life of human beings into directed movement. Such structures include government, business, administration, and education systems. All of them can astonish a person with their multifaceted network that needs to be regulated by a hierarchy of people....

Grade Point Average and Intelligence Quotient

Hypotheses GPA as an average outcome of a student’s performance is an indicator of their intelligence or ability to understand taught concepts. This capacity is significantly related to a child’s IQ as it also measures their general intelligence. In this study, a sample of 30 ninth graders aged 14-year-olds undertakes...

Payments to Collegiate Athletes

Introduction Collegiate athletes’ payment is an issue growingly becoming controversial. This has led to the eternal debate on it, with opponents and proponents validating their points viciously. As a result, an increased number of lawsuits have been filed against the National Collegiate Athletic Association (NCAA), the organization dedicated to equipping...

Culturally Responsive Teaching Article

The article “Connecting universal design for learning with culturally responsive teaching” by Kieran & Anderson (2018) focuses on how educators can assess and incorporate student characteristics in a multicultural classroom. According to the authors, “educators must consider how students’ differences affect learning and align pedagogies that effectively address those differences”...

Personality, Social Connectedness, and Adjustment to University Life

Students’ adjustment to novel social and academic settings is an urgent modern problem because the further professional career and personal development of the future specialist largely depend on the success of the adaptation process. The most vulnerable in this regard are first-year students. At the initial stage of their studies,...

Psycho-Educational Assessment of a Student

It is not enough to simply assess intelligence level to determine the cause of academic problems successfully. Such research is complex and requires knowledge in many areas, and that is why this process is so interesting to me and why the eighth chapter grabbed my interest. The topic of this...

Strategies for Creating a Professional Portfolio

As soon as a graduate nurse is trying to achieve a career change, professional requirements oblige them to provide a portfolio in which they outline academic achievements. It is worth acknowledging that this approach to employment or professional development is time-consuming for the nurse, as it requires a document that...

Time Management: Impact on the Academic Performance

The researcher engaged 30 participants in an attempt to determine the impact of time management on academic performance of students in Flinders University. Additionally, a peripheral objective for the researcher was to demonstrate how interpersonal social relationships affected time management and academic achievement of students. The results are as follows....

Shannon Carter v. Florence County Sch. Dist. IV (SC 1990)

This case was put in place as a result of the poor academic performance of Shannon Carter as stipulated in the constitution under the legislation of the education for the handicapped. Shannon Carter was a disabled student in South Carolina. She was a student at the Florence County School. Her...

Improving and Boosting Student Graduation Rates

Citation Roggow, Michael. “Improving student performance outcomes and graduation rates through institutional partnerships.” New Directions for Community Colleges 1.165 (2014): 25-35. Print. Summary The main point of the article is that institutional partnership not only improves performance of students, but also enhances graduation rates. Roggow holds that establishment of educational...

Working Whilst Achieving Higher Education

Most students who combine study and work pursue different goals: to earn money to pay for tuition, become financially independent, get experience, or try a different profession. When working, young people face various difficulties since not everyone can succeed in correctly distributing time between study and work (Sanchez‐Gelabert et al....

Academic Achievement as Admission Primary Concern

Tertiary education is becoming more common worldwide as the governments support the universities and colleges to foster youth development. Good GPA at school and academic accomplishments are being viewed as the key to college admission. There are some other factors for the admission committee’s decisions, but the educational numbers are...

The Effectiveness of Time Management and Self-Discipline

The most significant challenge I have faced was finding a balance between my work and studies. Not managing to combine them properly, I experienced significant difficulties in my academic performance. At the same time, I realized that any work provides a valuable experience, useful in any activity domain. I have...

Individual and School-Wide Behavior Plans Assessment

Introduction Administrators and teachers are supposed to manage students’ challenging behaviors. Some of these students’ actions might be minor disruptions, such as using classroom materials or talking out of turn. However minor it can be, there is a need to correct unwanted student actions to strengthen their capacity to encode...

The National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy in Australia

Introduction Education is a major element of any society, and Australia has a wide range of issues regarding various aspects of the given sector. One of the critical components of national standardized testing is the National Assessment Program – Literacy and Numeracy (NAPLAN). It aims to conduct annual assessments for...

Self-Esteem and Academic Performance in America

Abstract To learn the relationship between Self-esteem and academic performance in America, students in America from diverse races were given questionnaires to fill. Data were collected from 4 African-American students, 4 Latino-Hispanic students, and 4 white-Caucasian students giving a total of 12 students. From each group of the students, a...

Intellectual and Achievement Assessment in Education

Introduction During the twentieth century, intellectual and achievement tests were introduced to the industrialized world. That was the beginning of changes in the context of both employment and educational processes. The emergence of these tests in the USA caused a significant shift, as the opinions were divided. One group of...

Academic Success and Professional Development Plan

The choice of a future profession is one of the most challenging and responsible steps in human life. Sometimes, it is easy to make a decision, and some people need time and extensive research to define their priorities and needs. In this paper, the comparison of two specialties will be...

“An Accelerated Pathway to Degree Completion” by S. Lee

Summary Evaluating students’ progress is a crucial part of the RN/BSN and BGS/OPD students’ learning process since it allows inferring the future course of development. However, the effects of implementing prior learning assessments (PLAs) are yet to be discovered. Therefore, the study by Lee and Dapermont (2020), who consider the...

Student Performance: The Plan of Changes

The main task of the principal in this scenario is to hear and understand the interests of all stakeholders and increase student performance. For this purpose, the principal should use communication as the primary tool for finding and making rational decisions. Consequently, the steps that will support the math program...

The Highschool Dropouts in the U.S.

Today I will be discussing the issue of high school dropouts in the US, focusing on the reasons that make students quit school. As the Alliance for Excellent Education [AEE] states, about 7,000 students fail to complete a school course every day (1). The problem has acquired a threatening scale...

Nervous Breakdown During Exams: How to Avoid?

The nervous breakdown during exams paradigm has in the past dominated various substantive academic and psychological conceptual models, making various scholars come up with advisory tips to students on how to cope up with it and to prepare students mentally and psychologically. The procedures help students to build confidence hence...

Academic Success and Professional Development

Topic of Interest: The topic of interest is heart failure management since I currently work as an RN and want to help manage such diseases in the future. Research Article:Include full citation in APA format, as well as link or search details (such as DOI) Regalbuto, R., Maurer, M. S.,...

Veteran Students: Extra-Curricular Activities

The primary purpose of the study is to identify if veteran students’ extra-curricular activities lead to better academic performance. Since about 75% of all veterans enrolled in higher education programs, the challenges and the particularities of their engagement in university life is of great importance (Cole & Kim, 2014). In...

Academic Writing, Research Design and Methods

A publication in an academic journal requires one to prepare the materials rigorously, consider the ethics of the issue that the researcher will examine and the appropriateness of the chosen methods. Moreover, business research, such as the study of employee turnover intentions based on the salary levels and work satisfaction,...

Implementing Integrated Performance Assessment

The Most Appealing Ideas To provide consistent education and ensure that all students meet the minimum criteria before being admitted to jobs, universities, and other relevant institutions develop certain standards. In the case of second language acquisition, the National Standards in Foreign Language Education Project were established. However, there was...

Sleep and Academic Performance among Students

Introduction Sleep is very important to all of us. The National Sleep Foundation in the US reports that insufficient sleep can bring damaging and even life-threatening outcomes (Orzech et al., 2011). According to researches, nearly 75% of students in university reported occasional sleep problems such as various sleep disturbances, difficulty...

Students Assessment Approaches in the UAE

Introduction According to a report by Garrison and Ehringhaus (2011, p. 1, para. 1), the approach that is used in assessing students is slowly changing because of the changing social demands. For a long time, students’ assessment was primarily based on academic performance. Excellence in academic performance was the only...

Self-Efficacy and Self-Concept in Students

Educators are increasingly interested in the role of students’ judgments about their competencies and the self-play in the process of acquiring skills and knowledge. The introduction of two self-constructs has immensely enriched the field of educational psychology: self-concept and self-efficacy, which has allowed us to understand better human functioning in...

Self-Efficacy and Motivation for Students Learning

Perceived self-efficacy refers to the context-specific beliefs of people about their ability to successfully produce required levels of performance (Klassen, 2007). Individuals with strong confidence in their efficacy do not avoid difficult tasks and challenges but rather develop an intrinsic interest in challenging situations and attribute failure to an insufficient...

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Academic Performance essays

28 samples in this category

Relationship Between Friends And Academic Performance

How does personality affect academic performance, the relationship between academic well-being and academic performance.


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Impact Of Stress On Students Academic Performance

The major effects of social media usage on the academic performance of champlain college students, time management and its implications to the academic performance.


How Does Discipline Influence Academic Performance?

School facilities and their influence on students' academic performance: essay, lack of sleep and its impact on the academic performance of university students, misuse of mobile phones by students and its impact on their academic performance, key factors affecting booker t. washington middle's academic performance, the effect of meditation to enhance educational development and academic performance, effects of call of duty to the academic performance of junior high school students, a causal comparative of low academic performance due to the cellphone addiction of grade 12 students, family and academic performance, perceived stress and how it affects perceived academic performance, predictive analysis of academic performance of college students using ensemble stacking, lack of sleep, memory and academic performance, resilience and its relations to academic performance, the correlation between peer group pressure and a student's academic performance, bullying and its effect on student's academic performance in australia, financial problems for college students essay, influence of parents’ involvement in education on their children’s performance, research essay on music, the effects of sleep deprivation on adolescent’s academic success, using accountability results to guide improvement, negative impact of junk food on university student’s performance, essay about the importance of school libraries.

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Academic Performance Essay Examples

Two major learning problems i have experienced as a secondary school student.

Learning in education is generally defined as the attainment of knowledge or skills through study, experience or being taught. It cannot be separated from culture because culture itself is a form of education (Guild, 1994). Even before the launch of western schools as specialized agencies,...

The Value of Education for Me

I'm in a situation where it's either sit here and lose or fight back and prove my worth, but I never can because in order to do that, I'd have to be resilient and strong. Is that me or is it fear talking? I don't...

Developing Ideas in Education and Students’ Questioning

John Dewey famously said, “Education is not preparation for life; education is life itself”. Asking questions about the natural phenome of the world around us forms the basis of science and addresses the most fundamental matters within the discipline. Science encompasses the knowledge and skills...

The Role of Integrity in Everyday and Academic Life

Practicing integrity in your day-to-day interactions can have a superb influence. To demonstrate and cultivate integrity, the following actions that are discussed in integrity essay can be taken.  A person, who maintains his integrity, never thinks twice before repudiating what is wrong. No matter how...

Analysis of the Factors Influencing Students’ Academic Performance

Academic study is often regarded as the important part of education, and its goal is to develop personal growth. It makes students independent, active and self-control through self-study. They can find their strengths and weakness when they study. Students can not only broaden their horizons...

Providing Justice to the People – the Purpose for Me to Study Law

Growing up in a small town of Bangladesh I have seen first-hand effects of a corrupt legal system, inequality and discrimination. Offenders often get away with crime and the wide gap between rich and poor makes it almost impossible for poor people to hire a...

The Impact of Smartphone Use on Academic Performance

A conflict many professors in universities all over the world face today is students’ cell phone use in their classes. Whether it’s “checking the time”, responding to texts, or browsing social media, students everywhere are glued to their smartphones at all times of the day....

The Connection Between Sports and Academic Performance

In this essay I will be analyzing researches of the relationsip between Sports And Academic Performance. The first research was conducted in mid-2016 in the University of Copenhagen. The main purpose of the study was to investigate the association between motor skills, exercise capacity and...

The Effect of Facebook on Students’ Academic Performance

Although some research has shown a negative relation between Facebook and academic performance more recent research suggest that this relation is likely caused by excessive use of Facebook. This study examines the time spent with facebook. As well as the activities students engage on in...

The Impact of Background Music on Teenagers’ Academic Performance

“You know, one of the tragedies of real life is that there is no background music” (Annie Proulx). The definition of background music is a type of instrumental or vocal music that is intended to be an unimpeded accompaniment to a particular activity. Lots of...

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