Essay on Save Girl Child for Students and Children in 1100 Words

Essay on Save Girl Child for Students and Children in 1100 Words

Today we will discuss on an Essay on Save Girl Child for Students and Children in 1100 Words. It includes causes, initiatives for saving, Govt. Programs and schemes on Save Girl.

Lets start this persuasive – Essay on Save Girl Child…

Table of Contents

Introduction (Essay on Save Girl Child – 1300 W)

However, some shocking News is that the girls born in that dynasty had killed and buried in their backyard and plant a rose in resemblance. What a shocking incident that had taken in place around a few centuries back.

In the year 2015, the Minister of women and Child Development had stated that 2000 children were killed every day, with many slain before and after birth. This may be a historical problem of prevalence of Dowry menace, which is a menace or evil, leading to the deaths of girls at the fetus stage or after.

Causes to Save the Girl Child

Girl Child is no lesser to boys in any field; Females are more obedient than boys and have proved more obedient and less violent comparative with the boys.

Major steps to save the Precious Girls on earth

If we educate the girl , she can live on herself and may end the major havoc and practice. Making women for the empowerment of themselves and girl in particular.

Steps started by the Government to Save Girl Child

They contribute some NGOs for building toilets to enhance hygienic health ; Crimes against women will lead to society destruction to eradicate stringent campaigns are planned and organized. Female feticide was one of the major issues; however, this is banned by the government. Govt. is promoting the girl child with the most top priority and not the Curse to the Society.

Role of Beti Bachao and Beti Padhao initiative

Schemes promoting save girl child in india.

Sukanya Samridhi Yozana for ensuring fair share by the family towards the GC. To protect the girl child, Ladli scheme was launched by the Delhi & Haryana governments for controlling female feticide and improving education and equal gender rights.

UNESCO Initiative for Save Girl Child

The Challenges and opportunities worldwide are that over 130 million girls are out of school, 600 million adolescent girls who will enter the labor shortly and over 90% are living in developing countries this should be abolished with the continuous effort by the developed countries, UNO and the concerned countries.

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: Save Girl Child

“Save Girl Child” is a crucial social initiative aimed at combating gender-based discrimination and promoting the rights and welfare of girls in various parts of the world, particularly in countries where they face severe inequalities. Writing a short essay on this topic requires sensitivity, awareness, and a balanced approach. This guide will walk you through the steps to craft a concise, impactful essay that advocates for this important cause.

Table of Contents

Title and Introduction

Title : Choose a compelling title that immediately captures the essence of your message, such as “Empowering Futures: The Urgent Need to Save Girl Children.”

Body of the Essay

Efforts and Solutions :

Save Girl Child Essay Example #1

The practice of gender discrimination and female infanticide continues to plague our society, posing a grave threat to the lives and rights of girls. Saving the girl child is not only a matter of gender equality but also vital for the overall progress and well-being of society. In this essay, we will delve into the significance of this issue, its causes, and potential solutions.

Several factors contribute to this issue. The dowry system, preference for male heirs, and economic considerations play a significant role. Overcoming these challenges requires a multi-faceted approach. Raising awareness about the importance of gender equality and the rights of girls is crucial. Education and sensitization campaigns can challenge deep-rooted beliefs and change societal attitudes.

Save Girl Child Essay Example #2

The girl child is a precious asset to any society, yet gender discrimination and the practice of female foeticide continue to threaten their lives and rights. Saving the girl child is not only a matter of social justice but also essential for sustainable development. This essay aims to shed light on the significance of this issue, delve into its underlying causes, examine its consequences, and propose effective strategies to address and mitigate this pressing concern.

The consequences of gender discrimination are multifaceted and impact individuals, families, and societies at large. Girls who face discrimination often experience limited access to education, healthcare, and economic opportunities, hindering their personal growth and potential. Gender imbalance caused by female foeticide and neglect of girl children disrupts the social fabric, leading to a shortage of potential wives for men and increased violence against women. Moreover, denying girls their rights perpetuates cycles of poverty, limits economic growth, and hampers social progress.

Save Girl Child Essay Example #3

The practice of gender discrimination and female infanticide remains a distressing reality in many parts of the world, posing a significant threat to the lives and rights of girls. Saving the girl child is a critical endeavour that requires urgent attention and action. This essay aims to explore the importance of addressing this issue, examine its root causes, discuss its ramifications on society, and propose effective strategies to safeguard the lives and well-being of girls.

The consequences of gender discrimination and female infanticide are far-reaching and detrimental to both individuals and society. Gender imbalance created by these practices leads to a scarcity of potential partners and increases the risk of violence against women. Denying girls access to education and opportunities limits their potential and hampers societal progress. Additionally, the loss of girl children perpetuates cycles of poverty and deprives societies of their contributions. It is imperative to recognize that gender discrimination not only violates human rights but also impedes social and economic development.

Final Writing Tips

About mr. greg.

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  • UN Observances

Ten-year-old girls in Burkina Faso.

  Women and girls can lead us to a fairer future...let us amplify girls’ voices, and recommit to working together to build a world where every girl can lead and thrive." UN Secretary-General António Guterres  

Invest in Girls' Rights: Our Leadership, Our Well-being

This year, at a time when we are seeing a range of movements and actions to curtail girls’ and women’s rights and roll back progress on gender equality, we see particularly harsh impacts on girls. From maternal health care and parenting support for adolescent mothers, to digital and life skills training; from comprehensive sexuality education to survivor support services and violence prevention programmes; there is an urgent need for increased attention and resourcing for the key areas that enable girls to realize their rights and achieve their full potential.

Responding to girls’ calls for change, the global community must move beyond reaffirming commitments and invest boldly in the action needed to make that change. When we pay attention, we see that, already, many girls are championing solutions and change in their communities. Together with our government and civil society partners, UNICEF envisions a world where girls have space to shape government policy and spending to inform the rules and norms by which businesses should operate, and to direct the priorities for new research and innovations. These examples should not be novelties, but the norm.

essay about the girl child

Invest in Girls’ Rights: Our Leadership, Our Well-being

09:30 am, oct 11, 2023.

Organized by UNICEF and Plan International, the 2023 event aims to unite adolescent girls with advocates for their rights, including UN leaders, NGOs, businesses, and governments. The event showcases a world where girls actively influence government policies, business practices, and research priorities. This vision needs global commitment and specific funding to become the standard. We hope you will be able to join us and organize a viewing party wherever you are, with and for girls.

In 1995 at the World Conference on Women in Beijing countries unanimously adopted the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action – the most progressive blueprint ever for advancing the rights of not only women but girls. The Beijing Declaration is the first to specifically call out girls’ rights.

On December 19, 2011, United Nations General Assembly adopted  Resolution 66/170  to declare October 11 as the International Day of the Girl Child, to recognize girls’ rights and the unique challenges girls face around the world.

The International Day of the Girl Child focuses attention on the need to address the challenges girls face and to promote girls’ empowerment and the fulfilment of their human rights.

Adolescent girls have the right to a safe, educated, and healthy life, not only during these critical formative years, but also as they mature into women. If effectively supported during the adolescent years, girls have the potential to change the world – both as the empowered girls of today and as tomorrow’s workers, mothers, entrepreneurs, mentors, household heads, and political leaders. An investment in realising the power of adolescent girls upholds their rights today and promises a more equitable and prosperous future, one in which half of humanity is an equal partner in solving the problems of climate change, political conflict, economic growth, disease prevention, and global sustainability.

Girls are breaking boundaries and barriers posed by stereotypes and exclusion, including those directed at children with disabilities and those living in marginalized communities. As entrepreneurs, innovators and initiators of global movements, girls are creating a world that is relevant for them and future generations.

The 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development and its 17 Sustainable Development Goals ( SDGs ) adopted by world leaders in 2015, embody a roadmap for progress that is sustainable and leaves no one behind.

Achieving gender equality and women’s empowerment is integral to each of the 17 goals. Only by ensuring the rights of women and girls across all the goals will we get to justice and inclusion, economies that work for all, and sustaining our shared environment now and for future generations.

Vanessa Nakate on how the climate crisis impacts girls

Vanessa Nakate, 25, is a Ugandan climate change activist and founder of the Africa-based Rise Up Movement. Nakate speaks out on the climate crisis and its intersection with gender and race, especially in how it disproportionately affects women and girls in Africa.

Did you know?

  • Nearly 1 in 5 girls are still not completing lower-secondary and nearly 4 in 10 girls are not completing upper-secondary school today.
  • Around 90 per cent of adolescent girls and young women do not use the internet in low-income countries, while their male peers are twice as likely to be online.
  • Globally, girls aged 5-14 spend 160 million more hours every day on unpaid care and domestic work than boys of the same age.
  • Adolescent girls continue to account for 3 in 4 new HIV infections among adolescents.
  • Nearly 1 in 4 married/partnered adolescent girls aged 15-19 have experienced physical or sexual violence from an intimate partner at least once in their lifetime.
  • Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, 100 million girls were at risk of child marriage in the next decade. And now over the next ten years, up to 10 million more girls worldwide will be at risk of marrying as children because of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A New Era For Girls

essay about the girl child

Today’s more than 1.1 billion girls are poised to take on the future. Every day, girls are breaking boundaries and barriers, tackling issues like child marriage, education inequality, violence, climate justice, and inequitable access to healthcare. Girls are proving they are unstoppable.

Publication: A New Era for Girls; Taking stock of 25 years of progress .

Key Documents

  • Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination against Women
  • Convention on The Rights of Child
  • Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
  • Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action: Beijing+5 Political Declaration and Outcome
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights


  • Adolescent Girls Programme Strategy, 2022 - 2025
  • Global Annual Results Report 2022: Gender equality
  • Bridging the Gender Digital Divide
  • Legislating and enforcing the minimum age of marriage: A comparative study of experiences and lessons learned in ending the legalization of child marriage
  • Gender-Transformative Accelerator
  • UNICEF: International Day of the Girl Child
  • UN Women: International Day of the Girl Child
  • UNESCO: International Day of the Girl Child
  • UN Secretary-General's Campaign UNiTE to End Violence Against Women
  • The Spotlight Initiative
  • World Bank: Girls' Education 
  • UN Women Special Focus compilation on the Girl Child
  • United Nations Girls' Education Initiative
  • International Labour Organization: Gender and child labour in agriculture
  • UNFPA-UNICEF Global Programme to Accelerate Action to End Child Marriage
  • UN Global Issues: Gender equality
  • SDG-5: Gender equality

Related Observances

  • International Day of Zero Tolerance for Female Genital Mutilation
  • International Day of Women and Girls in Science
  • International Women's Day
  • International Day of Innocent Children Victims of Aggression
  • World Day Against Child Labour
  • International Youth Day
  • International Literacy Day
  • World Children’s Day
  • UN Decade for Women

A mural signifies women’s empowerment and freedom from violence in Guatemala City.

Global Issues: Gender Equality

Women and girls represent half of the world’s population and, therefore, also half of its potential. Gender equality, besides being a fundamental human right, is essential to achieve peaceful societies, with full human potential and sustainable development. Moreover, it has been shown that empowering women spurs productivity and economic growth.

A girl wearing a purple head scarf is sitting on a bed in an indoor setting.

Skills4Girls : Girl-centered solutions for unlocking the potential of adolescent girls

There are more than 600 million adolescent girls in the world today — equipped with the right resources and opportunities, they will be the largest cohort of female leaders, innovators, entrepreneurs and change-makers the world has ever seen. Learn more .

an abstract illustration of people engaged in an event

Why do we mark International Days?

International days and weeks are occasions to educate the public on issues of concern, to mobilize political will and resources to address global problems, and to celebrate and reinforce achievements of humanity. The existence of international days predates the establishment of the United Nations, but the UN has embraced them as a powerful advocacy tool. We also mark other UN observances .


Essay on Empowering the Girl Child Is Empowering the Nation

Students are often asked to write an essay on Empowering the Girl Child Is Empowering the Nation in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Empowering the Girl Child Is Empowering the Nation


Empowering the girl child is a critical necessity for the growth of a nation. It is about giving girls the power to exercise their rights.

Education: The Key to Empowerment

Education is a powerful tool for empowering girls. It equips them with knowledge and skills, enabling them to contribute effectively to society.

Health and Safety

Ensuring the health and safety of girls is another aspect of empowerment. It fosters a healthy environment where girls can grow and prosper.

In conclusion, empowering the girl child is indeed empowering the nation. It paves the way for a balanced and progressive society.

250 Words Essay on Empowering the Girl Child Is Empowering the Nation

Education is the fundamental right of every child and is a primary tool in the empowerment of the girl child. It is a powerful instrument which helps in breaking the shackles of gender bias and discrimination. Education helps girls to be self-reliant, make informed decisions, and contribute actively to the society.

Economic Empowerment

Economic empowerment of girls is instrumental in driving the nation’s economy. When girls are educated, they are more likely to join the workforce, leading to an increase in the nation’s productivity. They become financially independent, which not only boosts their self-esteem but also contributes to the country’s GDP.

Health and Well-being

Empowering the girl child also has a positive impact on their health and well-being. Educated girls are more likely to understand the importance of health and hygiene, leading to a healthier generation.

In conclusion, empowering the girl child is indeed empowering the nation. It is a robust way to achieve social, economic, and political progress. The nation’s prosperity is directly proportional to the status of its girls. Thus, investing in girls’ education and health is not a choice, but a necessity for the nation’s overall development.

500 Words Essay on Empowering the Girl Child Is Empowering the Nation

Empowering the girl child is not just a moral duty or a social responsibility; it is a crucial necessity for the development of any nation. The empowerment of the girl child signifies empowering the nation, as it helps in the realization of full human potential, leading to the social, economic, and political progress of a country.

The Importance of Girl Child Empowerment

Education is a vital tool for empowering girls. It equips them with knowledge, skills, and confidence, enabling them to contribute to their communities and societies effectively. Educated girls are more likely to delay marriage and childbirth, have fewer and healthier children, and earn higher incomes. They are also more likely to invest in their children’s education, perpetuating a cycle of positive change.

The Link Between Girl Child Empowerment and National Development

Empowering the girl child has a multiplier effect on national development. When girls are educated and empowered, they can contribute to economic growth, reduce poverty and inequality, improve health outcomes, and promote democratic governance.

Moreover, women’s participation in politics and decision-making processes is crucial for inclusive and democratic societies. Empowered women can be influential agents of change, advocating for policies and laws that promote gender equality and social justice.

Challenges and Way Forward

Despite the evident benefits, the empowerment of the girl child faces numerous challenges. These include gender-based discrimination, violence, early marriage, and limited access to education and health services.

Furthermore, it is essential to involve boys and men in the process of empowering girls. They can play a significant role in challenging gender stereotypes and promoting equality.

Empowering the girl child is indeed empowering the nation. It is a sustainable and effective way to achieve social, economic, and political development. By investing in girls’ education, health, and rights, we can unleash their potential and transform our societies. The empowerment of the girl child is not just a matter of justice; it is a matter of national progress and prosperity.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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essay about the girl child

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Chapter 12: Rights of the Girl Child

Chapter summary.

  • Cultural Influences on the Treatment of Girl Children
  • Profile: Bogaletch Gebre
  • Project: Changing Hearts and Minds: Averting Child Marriage in Yemen

Additional Resources

“The girl child” is one of the critical areas of the 1995 Beijing Platform for Action; girls’ rights are codified within the U.N. Convention on the Rights of the Child and include non-discrimination, protection from harm and abuse, and full participation in family, social, and cultural life. Barriers to realizing these rights include practices such as female genital mutilation (FGM), sex-selective abortions, and child marriage, each of which is common in geographically specific areas.

Dr. Bogaletch Gebre founded the organization Kembatti Mentti Gezzimma-Tope (KMG) to support education and economic opportunity for young women in Ethiopia through fundraising, protest, and community-based research. The Yemeni Women’s Union (YWU) focuses on reproductive health and family planning by running education workshops on the harms of child marriage and pregnancy and engages with families on the risks and long-term implications of these practices. The YWU is one of several organizations which work using different approaches, including media campaigns, advocacy, lobbying, and sharing knowledge through network building, to enhance the effectiveness of strategies to improve the situation of girls worldwide.

  • Bogaletch Gebre
  • Child marriage
  • Female genital mutilation (FGM)
  • International Ethiopia-Development through Education
  • Kembatti Mentti Gezzimma-Tope (KMG)
  • Marriage Without Risks Network (MWRN)
  • Safe Age of Marriage Project (SAWP)
  • United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC)
  • Yemeni Women’s Union (YWU)

essay about the girl child

The Girl Child

By Robin N. Haarr

I n many cultures and societies, the girl child is denied her human rights and sometimes her basic needs. She is at increased risk of sexual abuse and exploitation and other harmful practices that negatively affect her survival, development and ability to achieve to her fullest potential. Because girls are particularly vulnerable, they require additional protections. The girl child is one of the 12 critical areas in the 1995 Beijing Platform for Action, which recommends elimination of all forms of discrimination and abuse of girls and protection of their rights.

The Convention on the Rights of the Child, adopted by the United Nations General Assembly in 1989, sets forth the basic human rights of children, usually those under 18 years of age. These rights include nondiscrimination; the right to survival and development of potential; protection from harmful influences, abuses and exploitation; and full participation in family, cultural and social life. The convention also spells out some human rights violations that are unique to the girl child, including discrimination based upon sex, prenatal sex selection, female genital mutilation and early marriage.

Cultural Influences on Treatment of Girl Children

Discrimination and harmful practices against the girl child vary depending upon cultural context. For instance, intentional abortion of female fetuses and female infanticide are common practices in East and South Asian countries where sons are strongly preferred. India and China have a significant sex-ratio imbalance in their populations as a result of these practices, according to the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA, 2005). In India such practices are reinforced by the perception that daughters are an economic burden on the family. They do not significantly contribute to the family income and large dowries may be expected by in-laws when the girl marries. In China, sex selectivity and abandonment of infant girls have increased dramatically since the enactment of the one-child policy in 1989. Prenatal sex selection is more common where modern medical technology is readily accessible and open to misuse. According to the UNFPA 2004 report, sex-selective abortion and female infanticide have resulted in at least 60 million “missing” girls in Asia. The shortage of females in some Asian countries has led to other problems, such as increased trafficking in women for marriage and sex work. Despite government programs and efforts to end such practices with education, financial incentives and threat of punishment, sex-selective abortion and female infanticide continue.

The status of girls is significantly less than that of boys in some countries. This makes girls more vulnerable to discrimination and neglect. Available indicators reveal that girls are discriminated against from the earliest stages of life in the areas of nutrition, health care, education, family care and protection. Girls are often fed less, particularly when there are diminished food resources. A diet low in calories, protein and nutrients negatively affects girls’ growth and development. Less likely to receive basic health care, they are at increased risk of childhood mortality.

essay about the girl child

Girls are more likely to be denied education. In 2007, an estimated 101 million children worldwide — the majority of whom were girls — did not attend primary schools (UNICEF, 2010). Africa, the Middle East and South Asia have the largest gender gaps in education. Girls from poor and rural households are especially likely to be denied education. Knowledge and skills needed for employment, empowerment and advancement in status often are withheld because of customary attitudes about educating boys over girls. Girls are more likely to be used as child labor inside and outside of the home. Yet there are many benefits of investing in girls’ education. Healthier families, lower fertility rates, improved economic performance and poverty reduction are among them. Educating girls in a supportive, gender-sensitive environment is critical to achieving gender equality.

The United Nations Population Fund estimates that 100 million to 140 million girls and women have undergone genital mutilation and at least 3 million girls are at risk of the practice every year. Most cases occur in regions of Africa, the Middle East and Asia. In Egypt, it is estimated that 75 percent of girls between 15 and 17 years of age have undergone genital mutilation, a practice which has immediate and long-term negative consequences on girls and women’s health and well-being, and complications can be fatal. Some countries in Africa, Europe and North America have banned genital mutilation; nevertheless, the practice continues.

Child marriage is another human rights violation that occurs in Africa, South and Central Asia and the Middle East. The highest rates are in South Asia and sub-Saharan Africa, where girls are married as early as 7 years of age, but often before 15 or 18 years of age. According to UNICEF statistics, in Bangladesh, the Central African Republic, Chad, Guinea, Mali and Niger more than 60 percent of women married before 18 years of age. In India, 47 percent of women married before 18 years of age. In Yemen, more than 25 percent of girls marry before 15 years of age. Child marriage is a form of sexual abuse that separates girls from family and friends, isolates them socially, restricts education and leaves them vulnerable to violence from husbands and in-laws. Child brides face health risks and even death related to premature forced sex — often with a significantly older husband — and early pregnancies. They are also at increased risk of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases.

However, grass-roots movements can implement change successfully. An example is the Kembatti Mentti Gezzimma–Tope, spearheaded by Dr. Bogaletch Gebre in Ethiopia to stop genital mutilation. Or the Marriage Without Risk Network in Yemen, which links several NGOs that educate communities and advocate to curb child marriage.

Besides eliminating abuse and discrimination, the Beijing Platform for Action recommends enhanced development and training to improve girl’s status and eliminate their economic exploitation. Awareness of girls’ needs and potential should be improved in society and among the girls themselves so they may participate fully in social, economic and political life. Progress has been made, but much remains to be done to protect girls’ rights and assure them a future in which they may benefit themselves and their communities.

Robin Haarr is a professor of criminal justice at Eastern Kentucky University whose research focuses on violence against women and children and human trafficking, nationally and internationally. She does research and policy work for the United Nations and U.S. embassies and has received several awards for her work, including induction into the Wall of Fame at Michigan State University’s School of Criminal Justice and the Coramae Richey Mann “Inconvenient Woman of the Year” Award from the American Society of Criminology, Division on Women and Crime.

PROFILE: Bogaletch Gebre – Trading New Traditions for Old

By Julia Rosenbaum

Fueled by a dream, Dr. Bogaletch Gebre worked hard with dedication to obtain an education. She became a physician. Ever since, she has worked to empower women in her native Ethiopia, replacing harmful practices with healthy ones — one village at a time.

N o mother, no family would intentionally harm their child,” explains Dr. Bogaletch Gebre, founder of the Kembatti Mentti Gezzimma–Tope (KMG), which means “women of Kembatta working together,” a women’s self-help center in southern Ethiopia. Gebre is a champion of women’s development. She has also worked hard to end female genital mutilation, a traditional practice in Africa.

Boge, as she is called, comes from a farming family in Kembatta, southern Ethiopia. Her father protected the weak, widowed and orphaned in their community, giving to those whose harvest was not enough. She describes her mother as a wise, generous and loving woman who believed people do wrong out of ignorance, “because,” their mother told them, “when one wrongs the other, it hurts oneself more than the one who was wronged.” Like all young women of her day, Boge looked forward to her circumcision ceremony, when, she said, “People would start seeing me differently; looking at me in a new and better light.”

essay about the girl child

Growing up in a family of 14, she and her younger sister Fikirte were inseparable. They were the first girls in their village to have higher education. Boge attended Hebrew University in Jerusalem on a full scholarship. Later the sisters went to the United States. Boge was a Fulbright Scholar at the University of Massachusetts, where she studied epidemiology and public health. News of the 1984-87 famine in their homeland prompted the sisters to help. Fikirte focused on improving access to clean water for her village. She started a business brewing up tasty sauces and donated part of the profits to her water project. Boge tackled education and livelihood for young women by founding Parents International Ethiopia–Development through Education. She rallied U.S. supporters to end a “book famine” as pervasive as the food famine. She ran fundraising marathons which sent more than 300,000 books on science, medicine and law to Ethiopia.

Boge’s own awakening about genital mutilation grew from the rage and horror over what was done to her as a young woman, what was done to all the girls of her village. “I understood that the purpose of female genital excision was to excise my mind, excise my ability to live my life with all my senses intact,” she said. “I was never meant to be educated, to think for myself, because I am a woman born in a small village in Ethiopia. It’s a system that looks at a woman as an object of servitude. She starts serving her family at the age of 6 — before she even knows who she is. When she marries she is literally sold to the highest bidder. From one servitude to another, we are exploited.”

Boge returned home in 1997 with $5,000 and a vision. With her sister she founded KMG in 1999. The self-help center now includes a skills training center, library, heritage house, a health care center and a guest house and hosts a women’s discussion group. At first they were uncertain about how to realize their vision to break the cycle of violence against women and provide development opportunities.

Boge started with a baseline survey about women’s conditions: health and HIV/AIDS; men’s and women’s education; economic opportunities for women; and female genital mutilation. The results were presented in a community forum where the discussion lit a spark. “Women started speaking out … crying. … Everyone knew the pain and risk of cutting, but perpetuated the practice because they thought it was God-given and was essential if a woman was to be considered marriageable.”

Momentum was building. In June 2002, 78 young schoolgirls marched with placards that read: “I refuse to be circumcised, learn from me.” Two young sweethearts boldly defied tradition, to marry without genital mutilation. They appealed to the local priest, who was already sensitized through KMG outreach. He agreed to support them. At their wedding the bride wore a placard declaring that she was not circumcised, and the groom wore a sign stating his happiness to marry “an uncircumcised, whole girl.” Similar marriages followed, in which couples publicly rejected female genital mutilation. Support groups were formed; there was peer outreach education. “They’ve become our foot soldiers, a social force in their communities,” says Boge. “Girls rally together, singing songs and wearing signs, ‘We are your daughters! Do not harm us.’” A new event introduced in 2004, “Whole Body, Healthy Life — Freedom from Female Genital Excision,” which aims to replace harmful mutilation rituals with life celebrations, has been very well attended. The day is recognized as a freedom day, a new tradition that is celebrated every year.

essay about the girl child

Today, female genital mutilation has been largely eliminated in KMG’s outreach area of 1.5 million people. A 2008 UNICEF study documents the transformation after a decade of intervention in which female circumcision has dramatically decreased to less than 3 percent. This has been accomplished by law and through education of communities about the harm of the practice.

Boge says that support from KMG has helped communities “to trust and unleash their collective wisdom, thereby recognizing their own capacity to effect measurable and sustainable change. We just need to give them the space.”

Community representatives — students and teachers, boys, girls, literate and illiterate, women and men, midwives, religious leaders, and elders — all meet regularly to discuss concerns, build relationships, share learning and reach consensus. Boge says, “Solutions lie within.” KMG facilitates and encourages discussion. “Once they make their commitments, they abide by them.”

It is a holistic approach, Boge says, that recognizes “the indivisibility of social, cultural, economic and political dynamics that affect societies and women in particular … linking ecology, economy and society.” She adds, “In Kembatta, as in other rural regions, social turmoil, environmental degradation and loss of the traditional income base all reinforce attitudes which victimize women and perpetuate violence against women.”

The success of Bogaletch Gebre has meant broader influence of the KMG model in other regions and countries and in policymaking. “We don’t need miracles,” she says. “We need commitment to action, creativity and hard work. And, of course, we need to support each other, as people who share this one world.”

“My dream for African women? That the world realizes that women’s suppression is no good for business, for the economy, nor for human development. We must end gender apartheid,” she says.

Julia Rosenbaum is senior program officer, Health, Population and Nutrition Group, for the Washington-based Academy for Educational Development. She provides technical input and management to global maternal and child health programs. She has worked in Ethiopia for the past six years through USAID’s Hygiene Improvement Project on community-led approaches for hygiene and sanitation improvement and related HIV care and support programs.

PROJECT: Changing Hearts and Minds – Averting Child Marriage in Yemen

By Dalia Al-Eryani and Laurel Lundstrom

Child marriage is one of the biggest threats to young girls in Yemen. It often prevents them from getting an education and following their dreams. It can be devastating physically, psychologically, economically and socially. Local organizations work to improve the prospects of girls by ensuring that they remain unmarried and in school.

S he speaks from the heart, like a typical 8-year-old. “I want to be a doctor,” says Arwa (not her real name), revealing a gap in her smile from a missing baby tooth. But her future is not her own.

“I want to work with all sick people,” she quietly insists. “I don’t want to get married at all. I want to stay with my mother.” Despite her dreams, Arwa already understands that the desires of her grandfather will more likely dictate her future.

And her grandfather has different plans. He has already betrothed Arwa to her cousin. Like most child brides, she will not continue with her education. She will be taken from her mother, forced out of school and required to abandon any aspirations of a medical career.

“The greatest problem facing Yemeni women today is child marriages,” says Wafa Ahmad Ali of the Yemeni Women’s Union (YWU), one of several local nongovernmental organizations (NGOs) trying to change the prospects of young girls like Arwa by ensuring they remain unmarried and in school until they are at least 18. The YWU is reaching out to Arwa’s grandfather, hoping he will allow her to live out her dreams. The YWU has helped avert the marriages of 79 children in 2009-2010, through an initiative called the “Safe Age of Marriage” Project.

The YWU works with the Extending Service Delivery Project, which focuses on reproductive health and family planning, and the Basic Health Services Project to transform the opinions of religious leaders, community leaders and families to value girls’ education over early marriage. It’s not an easy task. The YWU faces resistance from community members who think the organization is “meddling with local norms and traditions,” says Wafa Ali. Poverty and conservative views about the role of women are also problems.

Coordinators from the YWU oversee a team of 40 volunteer community educators — 20 men and 20 women — concentrated in Amran governorate’s Al Sawd and Al Soodah districts, where 59 percent of families marry off their daughters before the age of 18. The governorate’s capital city, Amran, an ancient trading center, is located about 50 kilometers north of Yemen’s capital, Sana’a. Only 1 percent of women in Amran governorate have attended school, according to a baseline assessment conducted by the Safe Age of Marriage Project.

essay about the girl child

The volunteers raise awareness about the social and health consequences of child marriage through lively discussions, film screenings, plays, writing competitions, poetry readings, debates and literacy classes. One of their main lessons is about the healthy timing and spacing of pregnancy. The messages about family planning are tailored to be appropriate for Islamic communities, and encourage girls not to get pregnant for the first time until they are at least 18.

Safia, one of YWU’s community educators, frequently hears about the consequences of child marriage and early pregnancy. “My 16-year-old daughter is cursed,” says a woman at one of Safia’s sessions. She adds that each time the girl has tried to bring a new life into the world, she has failed. “The babies always die,” she says. “But my 20-year-old daughter, she is not cursed. She has healthy babies.” Safia advised the woman that because her daughter had married early, she and her babies were at an increased risk of death. The mother’s reaction: “My daughter isn’t cursed after all!”

By delaying marriage, the project aims to slow maternal, newborn and infant deaths and associated conditions such as obstetric fistula, childhood deformities, mental illness, depression and domestic violence. Other organizations around the country with similar goals include the Marriage Without Risks Network, a group of five local NGOs funded by the Middle East Partnership Initiative. Each NGO approaches child marriage from a different angle: some focus on grass-roots awareness campaigns, classroom workshops or media campaigns; others conduct studies to determine the prevalence and effects of early marriage on girls and their families; and others advocate for change by engaging decisionmakers such as parliamentarians and religious leaders. The network outreach allows the groups to connect with other like-minded organizations throughout Yemen, from international organizations to community groups to Islamic foundations, that work to eliminate child marriage. By sharing successful approaches, members of the network enhance its effectiveness.

essay about the girl child

Cooperation of men in the community is essential. Here Sheikh Yahya Ahmed Abdulrahman Al-Naggar engages other Yemeni religious leaders and men as he sensitizes them to the importance of reproductive health and family planning.

“Fistula!” shouts a young girl in response to a question about the health risks of early marriage. The girl, who wears a white scarf, speaks confidently to the audience, describing how this injury, caused by complications during childbirth, can ruin a woman’s life. Girls whose bodies are not fully developed are particularly at risk for fistula. Community educators explain such risks to impress upon the girls and their families the importance of marriage at a safe age.

By attending a similar session, Ali, another community member, changed from being an advocate for child marriage into a strong advocate for delaying marriage. In fact, when he met a father whose daughter, at age 13, was about to be married, he argued so passionately to stop the marriage that he convinced the father to break off the engagement — and he paid the father back part of the dowry already sacrificed to the groom-to-be. There was no wedding, and the daughter is back in school.

The Safe Age of Marriage Project has reached nearly 41,000 people, and child marriage for girls between 10 and 17 has decreased in both districts. In Al Soodah, the community is trying to pass a local law dictating a “safe age of marriage.”

The intervention is now being spread to two neighboring districts, with plans to expand it nationally in the future.

Ali says that the YWU will spread the intervention to seven to eight more governorates. “Part of the strategic plan for the YWU is to do advocacy with local authorities and decisionmakers and ask them to take measures to guarantee girls get married at a safe age,” he says.

Dalia Al-Eryani is the project coordinator of the Safe Age of Marriage Project in Yemen, which educates communities on the risks of early marriage. A Fulbright Fellow, she works with Yemen’s Basic Health Services Project.

Laurel Lundstrom served as the communications officer for the Extending Service Delivery Project, USAID’s flagship reproductive health and family planning project. She has written for the United Nations, Global Health magazine and the World Health Organization, and co-produced a short documentary on maternal and newborn health in Yemen.

Multiple Choice Questions

  • Daughters are an economic burden on the family
  • Daughters do not contribute to family income
  • Girls are less likely to receive proteins and nutrients necessary for growth and development
  • Girls are more likely to be denied education
  • All of the above
  • As young as 7 years old, but often below 15 – 18 years
  • Between 10 – 15 years
  • Between 20 – 22 years
  • Between 10 – 20 years
  • None of the above
  • Social turmoil
  • Environmental degradation
  • Loss of traditional income
  • That societies value all genders equally
  • That people realize that suppression of women is bad for business, the economy, and human development
  • That women are paid the same as men and achieve full political and economic participation
  • The organization is meddling with local traditions
  • The medical concerns of early marriages are unfounded
  • Girls and families are unharmed by early marriages
  • The emotional impact on girls is not a concern
  • Discussions
  • Film screenings
  • Writing competitions
  • Poetry readings
  • The correct answers are A and B. The perceptions that lead to a preference for sons over daughters are that daughters are an economic burden on the family and do not contribute to family income. Answers C and D are both forms of discrimination against girls, not perceptions of daughters.
  • The correct answer is A (as young as 7 years old, but often below 15 – 18 years).
  • The correct answer is C (75 percent).
  • The correct answer is d. (all of the above).
  • The correct answer is for people to realize that suppression of women is bad for business, the economy, and human development (answer B).
  • The correct answer is A (that the organization is meddling with local traditions by working to stop early childhood marriage). While there may be individual proponents of early and child marriage that believe the medical concerns of the practice are unfounded (answer B), that girls and families are unharmed by early marriages (answer C), and that the emotional impact on girls is not a concern (answer D), these objections were not mentioned in the text.
  • The correct answer is E (all of the above).

Discussion Quetsions

  • How are the risks of early and child marriage represented in the Millennium Development Goals (MDGs)? What about the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)? What progress has the international community made in reducing this practice?
  • What types of programs are discussed in the chapter that aim to prevent early and child marriage? Are they effective? Why or why not?
  • Why should combatting child marriage be a priority for governments and the international community?
  • What are the economic, social, and institutional root causes that lead to rights violations against girls, such as child marriage?
  • Reviewing both the chapter and additional resources provided, consider how the perspective given on FGM in the chapter  contrasts with the perspective given by Lisa Wade in her article.
  • Why does early/child marriage happen in states where it is illegal? What are the ways in which a robust nation-state and civil society can counteract such practices?

Essay Questions

  • Why should child marriage and FGM be concerns of the U.S. government when these practices are largely happening on separate continents? More broadly, what should be the role of the United States in intervening in the familial customs of sovereign countries?
  • Review the post-colonial critiques of the anti-FGM movement provided in the additional resources section. How can one address the practice of FGM in a way that is consistent with these critiques?
  • Discuss the role that culture and religion determine in setting one’s values in relation to female genital mutilation and early/child marriage, as well as in forming policies to address them.
  • What is the relationship between economics, poverty, and child marriage? Assuming that poverty and child marriage are linked, is it more effective to stop child marriage itself or to address the poverty that surrounds the practice?

Al-Jazeera. “Too Young to Marry: Child Marriage in Bangladesh.” Documentary on the illegal practice of child marriage in Bangladesh.—101-east/4705007823001;jsessionid=5CA4674666308D69CF511C30A0FE66FB

Blackstock, C. “ Jordan & Shannen: First Nations Children Demand that the Canadian Government Stop Racially Discriminating Against Them.” First Nations Child and Family Caring Society of Canada. 2011. Shadow Report to the Committee on the Rights of the Child on Canada’s implementation of the convention in the context of services for Indigenous children.

Frohmader, C. “The Sexual and Reproductive Rights of Women and Girls with Disabilities.” International Conference on Human Rights.” (2014). Examines sexual and reproductive rights of women and girls with disabilities as it relates to the post-2015 development agenda.

Nirantar Trust. “Early and Child Marriage in India: A Landscape Analysis.” Nirantar Trust. Comprehensive report on the root causes of child marriage in India, including the compounding of patriarchy, class, caste, religion and sexuality.

Santhya, K. G. & Jejeebhoy, S. “Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights of Adolescent Girls: Evidence from Low and Middle-Income Countries.” Global Public Health 10(15), 189 – 221: (2015). Proposes increased sexual education, health services, and safe spaces programs for vulnerable girls.

UNICEF. “Child Friendly Resources.” UN Convention on the Rights of the Child in Child Friendly Language. Accessible version of the rights contained within the UNCRC.

UNICEF Jordan. “A Study on Early Marriage in Jordan 2014.” (2014). Findings of a qualitative and quantitative study on early marriages in Jordan, as well as Palestinians and Syrian communities within the country in the wake of the Syrian civil war and resulting refugee crisis.

Wade, L. “The Trouble with American Views of Female Genital Cutting.” Sociological Images. (2015). Critique of American discourse on Female Genital Cutting, which suggests that it has alienated the women it seeks to support.

This work ( Global Women's Issues: Women in the World Today, extended version by Bureau of International Information Programs, United States Department of State) is free of known copyright restrictions.

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Value of girl child, change for progress in south asia.

Adolescent girl in nepal

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Short Essay

Save Girl Child Essay – 100, 500, 1000 Words, 10 Lines

Save Girl Child Essay: Delve into the urgent and compelling discourse on gender equality and empowerment through this insightful essay on saving the girl child. Explore the societal challenges, implications, and potential solutions, shedding light on the importance of fostering a supportive environment for girls and advocating for their rights and opportunities.

Short Essay on Save Girl Child in 100 Words

Also See – Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Essay – 100, 500, 1000 Words & 10 Lines

Table of Contents

Save Girl Child Essay in 10 Lines in English

Addressing the critical issue of gender imbalance, this essay advocates for saving the girl child by examining societal challenges, emphasizing empowerment, and proposing solutions in a succinct 10-line exploration.

  • The “Save Girl Child” initiative is a crucial social cause advocating for gender equality.
  • Female feticide and infanticide pose significant threats to the girl child’s survival.
  • Discrimination against girls denies them opportunities for education and personal growth.
  • Empowering girls through education and awareness is essential for societal progress.
  • Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (means save girl child and educate girl child) scheme was launched on 22 January 2015 by Narendra Modi for the welfare of women.
  • Eradicating gender stereotypes fosters a more inclusive environment for girls to thrive.
  • Celebrating the birth of a girl and promoting equal rights contribute to social change.
  • Addressing economic disparities and providing financial aid can uplift girl children.
  • Educating communities on the value of the girl child helps break deep-rooted biases.
  • Collective efforts are crucial to building a society where every girl child is cherished, protected, and given equal opportunities.

Short Essay on Save Girl Child in 100 Words

Explore the urgent need for gender equality and the empowerment of girls in this concise Save Girl Child Essay, addressing societal challenges and advocating for a more inclusive and supportive environment.

The “Save Girl Child” initiative is paramount in addressing gender inequality. Female feticide and discrimination pose threats to the girl child’s survival and development. By empowering girls through education, eradicating stereotypes, and promoting awareness, we can foster a more inclusive society.

Celebrating the birth of a girl and implementing government policies are crucial steps. Economic support and breaking deep-rooted biases contribute to social change.

Education on the girl child’s value and collective efforts are essential for creating a world where every girl is cherished and given equal opportunities.

Save Girl Child Essay in English in 500 Words

Dive into a comprehensive exploration of the imperative to ‘Save Girl Child’ in this 500-word essay, addressing societal challenges, advocating for gender equality, and proposing impactful solutions.

The “Save Girl Child” campaign is a poignant call to action against gender-based discrimination. In a world where girls often face the threat of female foeticide and societal neglect, this initiative strives to reshape perspectives and secure the well-being of the girl child.

The root of the issue lies in deep-seated patriarchal norms that perpetuate gender bias. Female foeticide, the deliberate abortion of female fetuses, reflects a disturbing preference for male children. This practice not only denies girls the right to life but perpetuates a cycle of gender imbalance. Consequently, societies face numerous challenges, including a skewed sex ratio and a lack of diversity.

To address this critical issue, it is essential to understand the multifaceted aspects of the “Save Girl Child” initiative. One pivotal element is education. Providing girls with access to quality education is not only a fundamental right but also a catalyst for societal transformation. Education empowers girls, equipping them with knowledge and skills to break free from the shackles of traditional gender roles. When girls are educated, they contribute significantly to their communities, fostering economic growth and social progress.

Moreover, challenging gender stereotypes is integral to changing societal attitudes towards the girl child. Discriminatory beliefs that perceive girls as liabilities need to be dismantled. Families and communities must recognize the inherent value and potential within every girl, encouraging them to dream big and aspire to any role in society.

The government plays a crucial role in shaping policies that protect and uplift the girl child. Enforcing stringent laws against female foeticide and infanticide is imperative. Simultaneously, promoting initiatives that provide financial aid and incentives for families to educate and support their girl children can be instrumental in breaking the cycle of gender-based discrimination.

Cultural celebrations of the birth of a girl child are equally significant. By changing the narrative and celebrating the arrival of a girl with the same enthusiasm as that of a boy, communities can challenge existing norms and foster an environment where girls feel valued and cherished.

Economic support is another linchpin in the “Save Girl Child” movement. Poverty often exacerbates gender discrimination, as families may view girls as economic burdens. Implementing measures that alleviate financial strains, such as scholarships or employment opportunities, can dismantle this perception and create an environment where families perceive the value of educating and nurturing their girl children.

Breaking down deep-rooted biases requires community-wide awareness campaigns. Education programs that highlight the importance of gender equality, the potential of girls, and the negative consequences of discrimination can challenge societal norms and pave the way for lasting change.

In conclusion, the “Save Girl Child” initiative is a holistic approach to rectifying gender imbalances and discrimination. Through education, legal enforcement, economic support, and cultural shifts, societies can create an environment where every girl child is not only saved but also celebrated, empowered, and given equal opportunities to contribute to the progress of humanity. The journey to save the girl child is a collective responsibility, requiring concerted efforts from individuals, communities, and governments alike.

Save Girl Child Essay in 1000 Words

Embark on an in-depth exploration of the critical ‘Save Girl Child’ initiative in this comprehensive 1000-word essay, unraveling societal challenges, advocating for gender equality, and proposing impactful solutions for the empowerment and protection of girls.

Save Girl Child: A Call to Transform Societal Narratives


The “Save Girl Child” initiative is a crucial endeavor aimed at challenging deep-seated gender biases and fostering an environment where the girl child is not only protected but also empowered. This essay navigates through various facets of this imperative movement, examining societal challenges, advocating for gender equality, and proposing concrete solutions.

Female Foeticide and Infanticide: A Disturbing Preference

This section delves into the alarming practice of female foeticide, analyzing its roots and consequences. It highlights the societal preference for male children, contributing to skewed sex ratios and perpetuating gender-based discrimination.

Education as Empowerment: Breaking the Chains

Education emerges as a pivotal tool for change, empowering girls with knowledge and skills to challenge societal norms. This section explores the transformative impact of education on the girl child and its broader implications for societal progress.

Challenging Gender Stereotypes: Redefining Roles

Breaking down deeply ingrained gender stereotypes is essential for reshaping societal attitudes towards the girl child. This section advocates for a cultural shift that recognizes and celebrates the potential within every girl, allowing them to envision and pursue diverse roles in society.

Government Policies: Enforcing Protection and Support

The role of the government in shaping policies to protect and support the girl child is explored here. From enforcing laws against female foeticide to implementing financial incentives for education, this section emphasizes the need for comprehensive governmental measures.

Cultural Celebrations: Changing the Narrative

Cultural perceptions play a significant role in perpetuating gender bias. This section emphasizes the importance of celebrating the birth of a girl child with the same enthusiasm as that of a boy, challenging existing norms and fostering an environment where girls are valued from the outset.

Economic Support: Alleviating Financial Strains

Poverty often exacerbates gender discrimination, with families viewing girls as economic burdens. This section explores the significance of economic support measures, such as scholarships and employment opportunities, in dismantling perceptions that hinder the education and well-being of the girl child.

Community Awareness: Dismantling Deep-Rooted Biases

Addressing gender bias requires community-wide awareness campaigns. This section advocates for education programs that highlight the importance of gender equality, the potential of girls, and the negative consequences of discrimination, fostering a collective understanding that challenges societal norms.

Conclusion: Transforming Societal Narratives

In conclusion, the “Save Girl Child” initiative transcends rhetoric, demanding actionable steps to transform societal narratives. From legal enforcement and economic support to cultural shifts and community awareness, this essay contends that saving the girl child is not just a movement but a collective responsibility requiring sustained efforts to create a world where every girl is celebrated, empowered, and given equal opportunities to contribute to the progress of humanity.

In the final analysis, the Save Girl Child Essay initiative serves as a compelling call to reshape societal narratives. By challenging gender biases, advocating for education, and fostering cultural change, we can dismantle the deep-rooted norms that threaten the well-being of the girl child. As we collectively strive for legal enforcement, economic support, and community awareness, this movement becomes not just a call to action but a commitment to creating a world where every girl is cherished, protected, and afforded the opportunities she rightfully deserves.

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Save Girl Child Essay for Students and Children | PDF Download

Save Girl Child Essay for Students and Children | PDF Download

Save Girl Child is a campaign started to get an awareness of saving the life of girls when they are in the mother’s womb. In India, people force women to abort, when they identify the baby inside the mother’s womb as a baby girl. After examining all these issues happening on the women/ girl child, Prime Minister Narendra Modi had started this campaign to save the girls in the country. Similar to the previous points the below essay on Save Girl Child was included with all the issues and benefits under this scheme. The outputs under this campaign and the role of the girl in society are explained in the below essay on Save Girl child and educating them.

Short Essay on Save Girl Child

India is one of the countries where women were treated like goddesses, and in the same way, the women were ill-treated in society. There is no difference between males and females, everyone is equal in everything but women will be the main source to give birth to the next generations. But this society will never want a girl in their life. If a family gets to know if a child in the mother’s womb is a baby boy they will feel very excited about the child. Whereas if they found that the baby is a girl, then the mother was forcibly foeticide by their family members. This practice is increasing day by day from the past, which results in an imbalanced sex ratio in the present day. In India according to the 2011 census, there are only 940 females for every 1000 males.

After undergoing all the discussions about women’s safety, girl childbirth, educating girl children the government came forward and bought the acts, campaigns for girls/women. Under this, Save Girl child is one of the campaigns for saving women and girls of India. The motto of the Save Girl child campaign is to increase the girl birth rate and help their families to fulfill all the girl’s needs. There are many schemes by the Government of India for girls starting with their birth to till the marriage of a girl and it even continues till death. All these schemes are bought and do not move into people’s minds. So the government started a campaign across the country to educate and awareness on saving girl children for the people. In present days women and men had become equally competitive in every sector of Indian society.

Long Essay on Save Girl Child

Women are an important part of the human cycle, without women the human cycle cannot further be repeated. The life of humans that exists on earth is dependent on the women ratio equally to men. Even all the people know about this still, they were killing the women, girls, and aborted the girl child in the womb of the mother. In India, it had become a tradition to foeticide when the baby in the womb is identified as a girl child. The people of India had created that boy child will bring social status in society. All these people will look for a boy child who will help all the needs and economic improvement of their family. By all these activities the ratio of women and birth of a girl child was decreasing rapidly year by year.

People should be blessed to have a girl child in their families. In present days women are in every part of the society and capable to work as men and being equal to men. In India, some companies are working only with women and reaching success in the markets. The women are taking the development steps of the nation by working hard more extra than men. As the women are moving into society in search of opportunities society in return starts discrimination against them by various activities. In India, there is a high crime rate towards women, crimes like rape, foeticide, killing, harassing, teasing, molesting, etc. Some of these activities develop fear in other women and makes them think while moving into society.

The government of India after observing all these activities towards women and girl child had decided to bring the rules for the safety of the women. In India there is high female foeticide about the girl child, it is the initial task for the government for saving the girl child. The government started schemes like Beti Bachao Beti Padhao, Sykanya Samridhhi Yojana, Balika Samriddi Yojana, Cbse Scholarship, etc. All these schemes help the girl child families and girls in every part of their life. For Save Girl child the scheme Beti Bachao Beti Padhao means to save the girl and educate a girl.

Saving a Girl child is very important in the present generation, according to the latest population census of India, which says that gender ratio with male to female is 1000:940. In the present day itself, there is a lack of 60 females who are the need to continue the future generation of India. If the girls were not saved even today it may lead to an end for human beings on the earth. People should be conscious that a girl is not a burden to the family and a girl is equal to 10 sons of the family.

The conclusion of the Essay on the Save Girl child is that every girl should be treated like a mother in society. A Girl will be a mother, wife, sister, daughter, friend. In all these roles a girl will take care of the world in every situation. So if we kill a girl or foeticide then we are losing a mother, sister, wife, and daughter. Not only the government but people should also think about the world and start saving the Girl child.

Quotes on Save Girl Child

  • Save the future mothers and grandmothers. Save Girls
  • Save Girl Child “Think a World without Us”
  • Girls Are Great, Don’T Destroy Their Fate
  • A Girl Child Brings Joy, She Is No Less Than A Boy
  • Don’t Let Their Lives End Before It Even Begins
  • Let Your Daughter Grow, Be Her Friend Not Her Foe
  • Kill girl child today and there will be no girls left tomorrow
  • Save girls to save future generations
  • We love girlfriend but not daughter – Strange but true
  • Whether It’S A Girl Or A Boy, They Will Bring You Lots Of Joy

Conclusion: We believe that the above essay on Save Girl Child will help to know the importance of a girl to the world. We hope that these essays will help you to enhance your knowledge and be helpful at needed times.

Dear Students and Children, you can download the Save Girl Child Essay in the Hand Written Format by Clicking the Below Click Here Link.

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  • Speech on Save Girl Child


Speech on Save Girl Child In English For Students

A girl child is considered to be a blessing. She can be a mother, a daughter, a friend, and so on, and yet she is not respected and abused both mentally and physically. There are a lot of crimes that are committed against the girl child. 

Below two speeches are given which helps in understanding the crimes committed against the girl child, so an initiative that could be taken to save a girl child and why it is important to save a girl child. The long save girl child speech is of 600 words and short speech on save girl child is of 400 words.

Long Speech on Save Girl Child 

Good morning everyone! Today I am going to talk about the important topic of saving a girl child in India. What does ‘saving’ imply here? Does that mean they are in danger? The answer is yes. India is a country where on one hand everybody with devotion in their hearts workshop goddesses and on another hand, various crimes are committed against a girl child like female foeticide, no equal right, eve-teasing, child marriage, rape, and the list goes on. 

As we know, a girl child is a blessing. She plays many roles in her life. She could be a daughter, a wife, a sister, a friend, and so on. She is considered to be the pillar that runs the home and yet she is not given the respect she deserves. 

There are many societies in India where gender discrimination still exists to this date. People in these societies are uneducated and they do not consider girls to be equal to boys. In these societies naturally, women’s rights are a mere joke and gender discrimination and oppression are at their peak. 

In India, female foeticide is a worrying practice where a girl child is killed even before she is born that is the reason why finding the sex of a child before birth is banned in India. Even if the girl child is lucky enough and allowed to born in such societies, she has to fight for her survival where a lot of discrimination is done against her. She is oppressed and not provided with proper nutrition compared to her male siblings. She is not given any opportunity to attend school instead she is forced to do household work. This cycle of oppression will continue as long as these uneducated people are not removed from society. 

Female foeticide, child marriage, no women’s rights, and rapes are the crimes committed against girls and women. According to a report by the National crime record bureau(NCRB), India recorded 88 rape cases every day in 2019. The security of women and girl children is a series of questions which doesn’t seem to have a definite answer but only excuses.

So, the next question that eventually comes to everyone’s mind is how a girl child is saved?. The government of India is also concerned with girls’ safety and the declining child sex ratio and has launched various schemes like Beti Bachao Beti padhao, Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, Balika Samriddha Yojana, and national schemes of incentives to girls for secondary education. 

The Primary Aim of All These Schemes is-

Ensuring a girl child is provided with an opportunity to get an education.

Preventions of selective gender-based abortions as it is vastly committed in remote villages. 

The schemes ensure the survival of a girl child and provide security to her life when she is an infant. 

To provide a girl child a healthy and secure environment to live and grow. 

I want to conclude my speech by saying that Dr BR Ambedkar, the architect of the Indian constitution once said: “I measure the progress of the community by the degree of progress which women have achieved”. We have to take small steps and protect the girl child when she is born. After her birth, it should be ensured that she is provided with proper nutrition and education so that she realizes her dreams. By celebrating, protecting, and educating the girl child we empower her. Last but not least we should remember that a country that empowers women empowers every individual. Thank you!

Short Speech on Save Girl Child

Good morning everyone! Today I am going to give a short speech on saving girl children. India is a country where on one hand everybody with devotion in their hearts workshop goddesses and on another hand, various crimes are committed against a girl child like female foeticide, no equal right, eve-teasing, child marriage, rape, and the list goes on. 

As we all know how important a girl child is to society. She plays many important roles like a mother, a daughter, a wife, and so on. She is considered to be the pillar that maintains the peace of the house and yet she is disrespected and abused mentally and physically.

There are many societies in India that are governed by uneducated people where gender discrimination and oppression of girl children is still practice. People in such societies consider a girl child not equal to a male child and basic women rights are rejected for women. Female foeticide is the major crime that is committed even before the girl child is born and if she is lucky enough she is allowed to be born yet she has to fight for her survival.

No food with good nutrition value is provided to her and she grows she is ignored of her right to education and instead she is made to do household chores and before she knows a child marriage is done to her. It surprises me to see the people’s mindset where they consider a girl child to be a servant and when she is old enough she should only produce children. This cycle will repeat as long as there are these uneducated people in society who have such a mindset. 

The government of India is also concerned with girls’ safety and the declining child sex ratio and has launched various schemes like Beti Bachao Beti padhao, Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, Balika Samriddha Yojana, and national schemes of incentives to girls for secondary education. All these schemes ensure that a girl child is provided with a good environment where she is loved, cared and motivated to achieve her dreams by providing her quality education. 

I want to conclude my speech by saying that Dr. BR Ambedkar, the architect of the Indian constitution once said: “I measure the progress of the community by the degree of progress which women have achieved”. We have to take a small step towards a new India where a girl child is protected from the moment she is born. She should be loved and cared for by the people around her. 

Only by celebrating, protecting, and educating a girl child, we could empower her. This could be done by spreading awareness and changing the mindset of people so that they should welcome a girl child with happiness when she is born. Providing education to all girls and encouraging them to study further so that they could contribute to the growth of the country. Last but not least is to support the women who oppose the violence against them and to create a safe environment for all the women where they feel at home. Thank you!

10 Lines on Save Girl Child Speech in English

Girl child is a blessing. She plays many roles in her life. She could be a daughter, a wife, a sister, a friend, and so on.

She is considered to be the pillar that runs the home and yet she is not given the respect she deserves. 

There are many societies in India where gender discrimination still exists to this date.

In these societies naturally, women’s rights are a mere joke and gender discrimination and oppression are at their peak. 

Female foeticide, child marriage, no women’s rights, and rapes are the crimes committed against girls and women.

According to a report by the National crime record bureau (NCRB), India recorded 88 rape cases every day in 2019.

After a girl child is born, she has to survive on her own where she is not given permission to study and is forced to do household work all-day.

The government of India is also concerned with girls’ safety and the declining child sex ratio and has launched various schemes like Beti Bachao Beti padhao, Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana, Balika Samriddha Yojana.

These schemes ensure that a girl child is provided with a good environment where she is loved, cared and motivated to achieve her dreams by providing her quality education. 

The main aim should be to provide education to all girls and encourage them to study further so that they could contribute to the growth of the country. 

Some Reforms For Saving Girl Child

Beti bachao beti padhao.

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao is a national government program running for the welfare of girl children, these programs operate across the country. The main purpose of the program is to save the girl child from social unfairness and sick practices such as abortion and to give a push to the education of girls throughout the country.

The key objectives of the girls' welfare program include:

Prohibition and Prevention of abortions on the gender biases.

This program ensures the survival and protection of the baby girl at an early age.

This program ensures the education and involvement of the girl child in all activities.

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana is a special government-sponsored savings program that includes a girl child as the primary bank account manager while the parent / legal guardian jointly manages the bank account. A parent can open this account before the infant is eleven years old and must be paid fifteen years after opening the account.

The following are some of the key features and benefits of investing in the Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana account:

This government scheme provides flexible deposit options with initial deposits as low as Rs. 1000 up to Rs. 1.5 lakh per year.

The current fixed return rate is 7.6% from Q1 (April-June) FY 2021-22.

This government scheme provides profit tax deduction under section 80C of the IT Act 1961.

This government scheme provides full tax-free investments such as capital investment, maturity amount and interest earned are all exempt.

Balika Samriddhi Yojana

Balika Samriddhi Yojana is an educational program designed to provide financial assistance to young girls and their mothers who are living below the poverty line. The main objective of the program is to uplift their social status, push the girls' age of marriage which is done at a very early age and improve enrollment and retention of girls in schools.

Features and benefits of Balika Samriddhi Yojana

This program for the benefit of girls is available in cities and rural areas.

After the birth of the baby, the mother of the girl child is given a gift of Rs. 500.

A girl child can get an annual scholarship for Rs. 300 to Rs. 1000, when she starts going to school,

The government allows the withdrawal of the remaining amount of money when the girl child turns 18 years old or is unmarried.  

CBSE Udaan Scheme

The CBSE Udaan Girls Program is run by the Central Education Board by the Department of Human Resource Development, Government of India. The program aims to increase the enrollment of girls in prestigious engineering and technical colleges throughout India.

The program incorporates efforts to develop literacy skills with a special focus on female students from economically disadvantaged sections of society.

The following are the key features of the CBSE Udaan Scheme:

Virtual communication classes on weekends for female students of grades 11th and 12th.

Opportunities for peer education and mentoring for girls who have done well.

Reading aids to clarify student doubts.

Regular monitoring and tracking of student progress.


FAQs on Speech on Save Girl Child

1. What are some measures required to be adopted for saving a girl child?

We need to start taking important steps with the following guidelines:

We spread awareness and change the way we think to ensure that communities and families embrace and celebrate daughters.

Provide Education for all girls.

Build safety in the environment for all women and give impetus to support women's resistance to violence.

Honoring and celebrating women in the world of work and bringing the community, the private sector and government together.

Be careful, redistribute and reduce maintenance work.

Ensuring decent work, decent and equitable wages and a safe working environment for women.

2. What is the need of protecting a girl child?

When the crowd utters Beti Padhao, the Beti Bachao Scheme loudly they mean to teach a girl and keep a girl with all the possible amenities and facilities that a girl child must have. It is an ambitious Indian Government program aimed at raising awareness, improving the quality of social services for women and helping them (girls) and women have better access to these services which will uplift their standard of living soon. Therefore, the citizens are required to understand the needs of the girls and act accordingly in a responsible manner.

3. Why is a girl's education important?

A girl child needs to be taught to acquire the knowledge and skills needed to develop her social skills and self-development. The education of the girl child also prepares her to face the realities of society and teaches her to be a loyal wife and mother. Education is the process of giving information to a person to help him or her develop physically, mentally, socially, emotionally, politically and economically. Education is the process by which people are made active members of their community.

4. What are some rights that a girl should be aware of?

Following are the rights all girls should be aware of:

The Right against the Killing of Women - As the foeticide of females, that is, the killing of the female fetus in the womb itself, skyrocketed, the government banned prenatal determination of gender. Therefore, a person cannot determine the gender of an unborn child until it is born.

The Right to Education - The Education Rights Act, 2009, gives all children between the ages of six and 14, the right to free and compulsory education.

The Right to Grow in a Safe Environment - All children have the right to be raised in a safe, secure environment.

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A student is highly recommended to refer to Vedantu for reading on the topic Save Girl Child Speech for Students in English as this website provides the best education and 100% authentic and related content. We, at Vedantu , encourage students to increase their level of proficiency and knowledge about each topic concerning national importance and their personal growth. The experts curate the notes and points of difference in consideration with the student’s interest and ability to understand.

Save Girl Child Essay

Save girl child is an awareness campaign to save the girl child in India by ensuring their safety as well as to stop the crime against girl child especially female foeticide and gender inequality.

Long and Short Essay on Save Girl Child in English

Women are the most important section of the society and equally participate in the life existence on the earth. However, regular decrease in the sex ratio of female in India because of the crimes against women, it has created the fear of total finish of women. So, it is very necessary to save girl child in order to maintain the ratio of women in India. It has been a most important topic as a social awareness in the Indian society which youths of the country must know about. In order to enhance the writing skill and knowledge of the students, teachers assign them this topic to write only paragraph or complete essay in the classroom, during exam or any competition organized for the essay writing. Following essay on save girl child are especially written for the students. They can choose any save girl child essay according to their need and requirement:

Save Girl Child Essay 1 (100 words)

Girls are equally as important as boys in the society to maintain the social equilibrium. Few years ago, there was huge reduction in the number of women in comparison to the man. It was so because of the increasing crimes against women such as female foeticide, dowry deaths, rape, poverty, illiteracy, gender discrimination and many more. To equalize the number of women in the society, it is very necessary to aware people greatly about the save girl child. Government of India has taken some positive steps regarding save girl child such as protection of women from domestic violence act 2005, ban of female infanticide, immoral traffic (prevention) act, proper education, gender equality, etc.

Save Girl Child

Save Girl Child Essay 2 (150 words)

Save girl child topic has been the focus of attention of everyone all over the India in order to improve the overall social and economic status of women. Following are some initiatives launched by the central or state government regarding save girl child:

  • In order to protect the girl child, a Ladli Scheme was launched and implemented by the Delhi & Haryana Government in 2008. The aim of this scheme was controlling female foeticide as well as improving status of girl child through education and equal gender rights.
  • Sabla Scheme launched by the Ministry of Women and Child Development in 2011 aiming to empower adolescent girls through education.
  • Dhanalakshmi Scheme was launched in 2008 by the Ministry of Women and Child Development aiming to provide cash transfer to the family of girl child after birth, registration, and immunization.
  • Kishori Shakti Yojna was launched by the Ministry of Women and Child Development aiming to improve nutritional and health condition of adolescent girls.
  • Sukanya Samridhi Yojana was launched to ensure equitable share to a girl child by the family.
  • Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao (means save girl child and educate girl child) scheme was launched in 2015 for the welfare of women.

Save Girl Child Essay 3 (200 words)

Save girl child is a most important social awareness topic now-a-days regarding the saving of girl child all through the country. There are various effective measures following which girl child can be saved to a great extent. There is huge level of poverty in the society which is the big reason illiteracy and gender inequality in the Indian society. So, education is the vital element to reduce poverty and gender discrimination as well as improve the status of girl child and woman in the Indian society. According to the statistics, it is found that female literacy is decreasing continuously in Odisha where girl child do not have equal access to the education and other activities.

Education is deeply linked to the employment. Low education means low employment which leads to the poverty and gender inequality in the society. Education is the most effective step forward to improve women status as it makes them financially independent. Save girl child step is taken by the government to ensure the equal rights and opportunities for women in the society. Bollywood actor (Parineeti Chopra) has been an official brand ambassador of the recent scheme of PM for save girl child (Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao).

Save Girl Child Essay 4 (250 words)


The status of girls in the Indian society has been greatly debated for many years. Girls are generally believed to be involved in the cooking and playing with dolls while boys to be involved in the education and other physical activities from the ancient time. Such old beliefs of men have simulated them for violence against women which resulted in the continuous decrease in the number of girl child in the society. So, there is a big need to save girl child in order to equalize the ratio of both as well ensure the development of country.

Effective Steps regarding Save Girl Child

Following are the various effective steps to save girl child:

  • The position of girl child in Indian society is backward since ages because of the extreme desire of parents for the boy-child. It has created gender inequality in the society and has been very necessary to remove by bringing gender equality.
  • Extreme poverty in the society has created social evil against women as dowry system which worsens the situation of women. Parents generally think that girls are only to spend money that’s why they kill girl child before or after birth in many ways (female infanticide, dowry deaths, etc). Such issues need to be removed urgently in order to save girl child.
  • Illiteracy is another issue which can be removed through proper education system for both genders.
  • Empowering women is the most effective tool to save girl child.
  • People should be aware through some effective campaigns regarding save the girl child.
  • A girl child is unsafe inside as well as outside the mother’s womb. She has fear in many ways all through the life with the men whom she gives birth. She is ruled by the men whom she gives birth and it is totally the matter of laugh and shame for us. Education is the best tool to bring revolution of saving and respecting a girl child.
  • A girl child should be given equal access and opportunities in every field.
  • There should be safety and security arrangement for girls at all the public places.
  • Family members of a girl child can be better target to make save the girl child campaign successful.

Save girl child is not taken by the people as topic only, it is a social awareness which should be taken very seriously. People should save girl child and respect girl child as they have power to create a whole world. They are equally needed for the growth and development of any country.

Save Girl Child Essay 5 (300 words)

Girls have been the victim of many crimes in India for years. The most fearful crime was female foeticide in which girls were killed in the womb of mother after sex determination through ultrasound. Save the girl child campaign has been launched by the government to end the gender-selective abortions of female fetus as well as other crimes against girl child.

Effects of Female Foeticide on Girl Child Ratio Reduction

Female foeticide was one of the most fearful acts through sex-selective abortion in the hospital. It was developed in India by the people’s more interest in the boy child than the female child. It has reduced the girl child sex ratio in India to a great extent. It was made possible in the country because of the Ultrasound technology. It took a form of giant demon because of the gender discrimination and inequality for girls in the society. A huge reduction in the female sex ratio was noticed after the national census of 1991. Then it was declared as a worsening problem of the society after the national census of 2001. However, reduction in female population was continued till 2011. Later, this practice was banned strictly by the government in order to control the ratio of female child. In Madhya Pradesh, the ratio was 932 girls/1000 boys in 2001 however reduced to 912/1000 in 2011. It means, it still continues somewhere and may be it reduced to 900/1000 by 2021.

Role of Beti Bachao Beti Padhao awareness Campaign

Beti Bachao, Beti Padhao is a scheme which means save the girl child and educate the girl child. This scheme was launched by the government of India on 22 nd of January in 2015 in order to generate awareness for girl child as well as improve the welfare of women. This campaign was launched by organizing some activities such as large rallies, wall paintings, television commercials, billboards, short animations, video films, essay writing, debates, etc in order to aware more people of the society. It also involved some famous celebrities for more awareness. This campaign is supported by the various government and non-government organizations in India. This scheme has played a great role in spreading awareness regarding save girl child all over the county as well as improving the status of girl child in the Indian society.

Each and every citizen of the India must follow all the rules and regulations made for saving the girl child as well as improving the position in the society. Girls should be considered as equal as boys by their parents and given same opportunities in all the working areas.

Save Girl Child Essay 6 (400 words)

The existence of human race on the earth is impossible without the equal participation of both, man and woman. Both are equally responsible for the existence of human race on the earth as well as growth and development of any country. However, there is no doubt in saying that a woman is more necessary than man as without her we cannot think about the continuation of human race as she gives birth to human. So, girl children are not killed, they should be saved, respected and given equal opportunities to go ahead. They are the source of root creation and help in shaping destiny of civilization. However, women have been the victim of female foeticide, rape, sexual harassment, dowry deaths, etc in her own shaped civilization. How shame is this!

Why to Save Girl Child

A girl child should be saved by people in the society for various reasons:

  • They are not less capable than boys in any field and give their best.
  • Female foeticide is illegal crime since 1961 and has been banned in order to stop sex-selective abortions. People should follow all the rules very strictly made to save girl child.
  • Girls become more obedient than boys and have been proved less violent and arrogant.
  • They have been proved much responsible for their family, job, society or country.
  • They become much caring to their parents and devoted to their job.
  • A woman can be a mother, wife, daughter, sister, etc. Every man should think that his wife is daughter of another man and his daughter would be a wife of another man in future. So, everyone must respect a woman in any form.
  • A girl performs her both duties personal as well as professional very loyally which makes her extra special than boys.
  • Girls are the ultimate reason of existence of human race.

Steps taken by Government to Save Girl Child

There are various steps taken by the Indian government regarding save the girl child and educate the girl child. The most recent initiative regarding this is Beti Bachao Beti Padhao which is very actively supported by the Government, NGOs, corporate groups, and human rights activists and NGOS. Various social organizations have helped the campaign by building toilet at girl schools. Crimes against girl child and women are big obstruction in the way of India’s growth and development. Female foeticide was one of the big issues however have been banned by the government by the stoppage of ultrasound for sex determination, scan tests, amniocentesis, etc in the hospitals. Government has taken this step to let people know that a girl child is not a sin in the society however; she is a nice gift by God.

A girl child should not be killed, hated or disrespected. She should be saved, loved and respected for the betterment of society and country. She is as equal participant in the development of country as boys.

Related Information:

Speech on Save Girl Child

Slogans on Save Girl Child

Essay on Female Foeticide

Essay on Women Empowerment

Essay on Beti Bachao Beti Padhao

National Girl Child Day

Sukanya Samriddhi Yojana

Beti Bachao Beti Padhao Scheme

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Essay on ‘save girl child’, ‘girl education’ for children and students

November 8, 2019 by studymumbai Leave a Comment

Essay Writing

Essay on Girl Child: De-feminisation, Boyhood and Patriarchy (921 words)

There is something inherently female about being a child. I most likely elicit scorn at this statement that could sound vague and absurd to most ears. Feminists would probably take offence by the supposition; that I intend to imply somehow that I am associating and equating weakness with femaleness into our irrational behaviour.

But no matter how much we shout and argue passionately to express our aspirations about living in an egalitarian and gender-just world; differences exist, and unfortunately enough, hierarchies too exist. We seek to achieve equal rights and equal opportunities, but that strong advocacy never intends to mean or solicit an erasure of all possible, existing differences.


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Human life and perception are built around schemas; patterns and representations of ideas, events and occurrences embedded deeply into our unconscious; schemas about the world, universe, and our own selves: and one of the most underlying of those schemas are those about abstract gender-representations.

Some cultures are more patriarchal, others are less; some are more tolerant. others not so: some are more liberal with alternate identities and the concept of ‘otherness’, some allow uninhibited cross-gender interactions among people post puberty while many abhor and suspect it.

But in every social context abstract schemas about masculinity and feminity exist. We might raise boys and girls in an equal world and lead them to believe that they can do and be anything they want. But they still do grow in partially different worlds, and gender always forms a core, intrinsic part of an individual’s identity.

Emotionality is more easily tolerated and encouraged in a girl as a healthy expression of one’s own self. In a boy, that same sensitivity always has to be moulded in a socially, acceptable altered form, because in the end he has to learn to depict a brave, self-sufficient, and energetic portrayal of his self to the world.

While women’s rights, freedom and education for girls is a prevailing issue that still faces barriers in several regressive and conservative corners of the world. a century or more of feminist movement has raised much awareness through the popular narrative that it is foolish to restrain them in any sphere under the pressure of archetypal stereotypes.

Rather in more progressive parts of the globe, a girl’s identity is always more fluid and has the freedom to express itself in various contexts and situations in different avatars and moods. Even though stereotypes prevail. feminine nature is shaped by the popular media and perception across varied tangents.

A chaste, submissive, conforming type or a rebel, ‘girlie’ or ‘tom-boy’, mute or outspoken, tender or adverse, restive or adventurous, girlhood has dimensions of expression in the popular media and narrative.

The reverse however, is not true. A woman donning manly traits and appearing determined to take on the ravages of the world is a mainstream symbol of empowerment. modernity, progress…

A boy disclosing that he too has emotions, a whole gush of them at times, that he too wishes to cry in pain, that he too could have experiences that render him heartbroken, that even though he knows that he has to fare on his own in the world ultimately, that there have been times when his world shatters and he has felt that his world is collapsing; such a boy is a disgrace, a non-entity, an existence that cannot somehow be fathomed.

As radical as this sounds, we do imbibe this idea at a subconscious state. Most parents are surely nor harsh upon their sons. Rather in a patriarchal context, little boys are most likely to be cherished as prized possessions than anything else. Yet we do have a fixated idea of what we eventually want them to become.

We may not ridicule tenderness in a boy-child abrasively, but do we fear it somewhat?

A child is always somebody to he cherished and loved and adored by compassionate hearts, and most parents perhaps wouldn’t want to create distinctions of treatment among their boy and girl child. A woman of present times has been heralded as both, the epitome of strength as well as tenderness; for somehow in females the diverse traits of sensitivity and strength are comprehended to be complementary (even if opposite) poles of the same individual.

Emotionality in a man, however, even though tolerated and allowed to be expressed with greater leeway in the changing times; for some reason is not perceived as its defining characteristic.

Children are implicitly associated with maternal care and sensitivity. Hence, they are considered to be deserving of special protection and consideration along with women in a population due to their sensitive needs. Men however, ought to be at the forefront; in charge and in the defence of things.

So while that little boy may not be explicitly told that he is being shy or sensitive, he would nevertheless be reinforced and encouraged to embody strength and vigour as he approaches adolescence, to display his confidence and self-sufficiency for the world to see, and hide his traumas and vulnerabilities inside.

For it is okay for women and children to reveal vulnerabilities at times of crises, not so much for men. Hence. a boy who begins life as a frail, little thing loved by everybody, eventually steps into the process of slow, yet persistent and systemically enforced de-feminization over his growing years. For only when he manages to lose his tenderness and vulnerabilities is he socially and psychologically ordained into manhood.

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Essay on “Save Girl Child”

Save girl child.

Let’s start the essay on save girl child….

Quote – We don’t need slogans to save a girl child. Save here because she deserves to live.

Outlines of the Essay

Introduction to the topic- Save Girl Child

Female foeticide/infanticide, prejudice against the girl in society, women empowerment, conclusion of the essay.

Save Girl Child

Our country India is stained by the rates of killing girls. The Indian soap ‘ Na Aana is Desh meri Laado ‘ clearly depicted the social evils of the society. Indian society has always misinterpreted the birth of a girl child as a burden, as a curse. Even in our society, when someone elder generally blesses a mother or a woman, he or she is most likely to say that may God bless you with a son. The society completely has been blinded by orthodoxy and has lost rationality.

Keep Reading this Beautiful essay on save girl child.. ..

The killing of a baby girl in the womb itself, when it’s just a foetus is called female foeticide.

Similarly, the killing of the baby girl is called female infanticide.

It’s generally the society, the family, the patriarch who does this crime. Hence nowadays, doing gender identification tests through medical assistance is also banned.

But in the lands where people see girls as curses, such practices continues to exist.

Kerala has the highest sex ratio out of all states, while Haryana had the least as per the last census. Haryana government though claims to have become better with initiatives. Still these statistical countings are just a number, there’s more trauma than this to the real picture.

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Women are always referred to as the weaker sex. They are often deprived of the equal opportunities that men get. They are often locked in the domestic space and that leads to their illiteracy, inefficiency, financial dependency etc.

Dowry is another social problem which is a result of all and eventually leads to all of them.

Girls are expected to be meek, quiet and humble, though doesn’t matter how the world treats them, how the world ridicules their existence and even justifies that by saying that women are curses anyway, and social burdens.

Women don’t need the tag “that we are mothers, sisters, daughters’ to get themselves empowerment. Women are individuals first, these are the social roles that they play, but is it all about them?

Aren’t they worthy of living without being called daughters, sisters or mothers? These ideas are more disempowering, I believe.

What could redeem women of their lives is education, exposure and fearlessness. Well, fearlessness comes from power, and power comes from knowledge, education, financial independence. Women need to work harder, to fight for their voices, etc. It’s easy to kill them, it takes nothing but a monstrosity. But it’s empowering them that takes it, guts, energy, humanity everything.

India is one of the worst countries for women, women have always been sexually threatened, beaten down in rooms, shut, locked in domesticity etc. Also, that’s why killing them when they are babies doesn’t hurt them. There’s a need for society to change, for people to get out of their cages, live and let them live. And hence, the soil weeps o re chiraiya angna me fir aaja re.

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Empowering the girl child for a better tomorrow

essay about the girl child

With a skewed gender ratio of 943 females per 1000 males (Census of India 2011), India is far from being called a developed country. While in many countries, a girl or boy child won’t negatively impact the parents, the birth of a girl child in India still remains a hiccup to many parents.

From the time she is born, the parents are ‘burdened’ until the point she is ‘married off’ to a ‘good family’. But in that process, they often forget that each of these girls has their own identity and are potential changemakers of tomorrow.

That being said, it would be a major improvement if we could’ve at least ensured that the “4.6 crore (45.8 million) females ‘missing’ in Indian demography in the year 2020” (UNFPA) could’ve seen the light of day.

Why is Girl Child Education Sacrificed?

essay about the girl child

When a girl is born, there are a series of other ‘problems’ that weigh down the Indian parent. UNICEF says that about 1 in 10 girls under the age of 20 have been forced to engage in sex or perform other sexual acts. This pushes parents to keep their girl children at home and compromise on their education.

Once they start menstruating, other health concerns set in. One in three schools around the world does not have basic sanitation, putting millions of children’s health at risk ( WaterAid Report, 2018 ), girls facing the brunt of it. In addition, almost 23 million girls in India drop out of school annually, because of a lack of menstrual hygiene management facilities ( Dasra , ‘Spot On’, 2014).

The COVID-19 pandemic has not only increased poverty but also put about 247 million children out of schools ( UNICEF 2020 ). The result of that is losing a safe space in school and seeing an increase in child labour. In fact, over 100 million girls are at risk of child marriage due to COVID-19 ( UNICEF 2020 ).

Among these crimes, one of the crucial ones, that is yet to be eliminated despite being illegal, is dowry. In fact, about 7000 dowry deaths were reported in the year 2020 ( Statista ).

essay about the girl child

Families that reel in poverty and are unable to educate their daughters are faced with the brunt of dowry demands by people who use the lack of education to torment these daughters.

One such person who faced the struggles of such a situation was Devendra Kumar, who as a boy was abandoned by his parents when he was 2, in the slums of Delhi. 

Devendra’s personal struggles pushed him towards finding a purpose in life. This purpose was fulfilled when he started the Ladli Foundation, an NGO focused on changing the lives of girl children in the country. With a shared vision, BYJU’S EFA joined hands with the Ladli Foundation to distribute over 1,00,000 licenses over 3 years.  

The Story of Ladli Foundation

While Devendra raised his sister by himself, both of their education was severely compromised. When the time came for Devendra’s sister to be married, many families asked for dowry, banking on the fact that she was not educated. 

“When a girl child is born, first, the parents think of how to get her married. In fact, they don’t save up for her education, but for her marriage. This is the reason for so many suicides and dowry deaths,” Devendra says.

Unable to tolerate this kind of injustice that happens with all those girls who are uneducated and are from poor families, he founded the NGO, Ladli Foundation.

The non-profit has been involved in various campaigns including Menstrual Hygiene Management, preventive healthcare camp, support to unmarried women, providing inclusive education to slum children, and drug de-addiction. These campaigns and activities cater to both girls and boys.

essay about the girl child

BYJU’S EFA has joined hands with the Ladli Foundation to distribute over 1,00,000 licenses over 3 years.

International Day of the Girl Child

On International Day of the Girl Child, Devendra shares that what we need to prioritise the most is healthcare and then, education. We as a society also need to put in the effort to eliminate gender-based violence (GBV).

Along with education, he further shares that we need to help them with vocational training and help them stand on their feet. That’s why Ladli also strongly believes in gender sensitisation and that it is key to change the overall standpoint of society.

While one section of rural India may not have access to modern-day digital facilities, there are a whole lot of girls who at least have smartphones. Devendra shares that the only thing they lack is access to good content through these devices.

“We saw that the girls had access to smartphones, but not to good educational facilities. That’s where our collaboration with BYJU’S EFA has helped,” says Devendra.

Joining Hands with BYJU’S Education for All

  BYJU’S Education for All hopes to reach out to the lakhs of girl children who are severely impacted by the pandemic. Through the Ladli Foundation, it hopes to reach this number and educate as many girl children as possible.

In phase 1 of the partnership, BYJU’S EFA has distributed over 327 licenses to the child beneficiaries, of which the gender ratio remains neutral and are in grades 6-10.

“With the help of BYJU’S EFA, we have started an e-Pathanshaala with BYJU’S, through which our volunteers and interns guide the students to use the platform,” says Devendra.

  While the partnership does have a goal of 1 lakh, Devendra strongly believes that this can go beyond and to help create a revolution.

Impacting the Lives of Girl Children

  The Ladli Foundation envisions a strong community of women who are gender-based violence survivors. It runs with the support of about 17 employees, 2300 volunteers, and over 1000 dynamic interns during their vacations, sourced from various universities.

BYJU’S Education for All hopes to reach out to the lakhs of girl children who are severely impacted by the pandemic. Through the Ladli Foundation, we hope to reach this number and educate as many girl children as possible and eliminate the gaps in creating inclusive education.

With the support of Ladli’s strong team, we strive to work together and give wings to as many girls as possible. This will truly push us and enable us to reach our dream of empowering more than 5 million children by 2025.

If you have a digital device that is not in use, you can be a part of this mission, too! Click here to know more about our BYJU’S Give initiative.

About the Author

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Anju Ann Mathew

Anju is a peace-lover, a video-game addict, and a childhood doodler who imagined that the scribbles were words. This storyteller enjoys a good read, some doodling, and learning new languages. One day, she hopes to write her own story someday, and hopefully in the French language, too! She never loses hope of making the world a better place to live in.

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Empower the girl child. Empower the nation


Thursday October 11, 2018 , 3 min Read

To ensure empowerment in the true sense, we have to build the scope and outreach for girls to make choices through better skills, capabilities, and self-esteem; help them develop equitable relations within the family, the community and other stakeholders in the society.

essay about the girl child

Girls or women mean half the humanity. Needless to say, no society can be considered truly developed if its women are not active participants and contributors. They are the key catalysts for socio-economic change. However, it is sad to see that despite advancements in other sectors, women still face numerous challenges in not being able to access rightful entitlements or gainful employment.

A United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) report found that more women have enrolled in higher education, from 7.5 percent in 2002-03 to 20 percent in 2012-13. According to an ILO paper on employment trends for women in India, about 85 per cent of rural and 59 per cent of urban women workers are illiterate or literate only up to primary level. It further states that just a small percentage of women have benefited from higher education.

A majority of women in India who are regularly employed are with the informal sector, undertaking domestic, household work, with no fixed, fair wages or facilities, limited social security benefits, no rights or entitlements and most importantly, no safety. This is perhaps the reason why many girls today are not being receptive to the idea of “working” or “being employed”.

According to a World Bank Report, India is ranked 121st out of 131 countries in Female Labour Force Participation (FLFP). It also has the lowest workforce participation rate of women among the BRICS nations at 29 percent. But if we look at agriculture, construction, manufacturing or other home-based occupations such as cottage industries making papads, baskets, pickles, bidi rolling, handloom and crafts, they provide employment to a large percentage of women and girls.

Their occupational share compared to men has increased due to the latter migrating to cities and taking up other forms of employment but these are low-paying and do not ensure growth. The economic boom of liberalisation in India has significantly bypassed many women as only some have made it to white collar jobs, while many drops out of school at early ages are unable to learn skills to earn dignified, economically viable livelihoods.

Providing quality education with skill development in a safe environment is still an unreached goal. Limitations on women’s mobility, lack of property ownership and enforcement of laws related to girls and women, unrecognised and unpaid work, unequal wages, multiple forms of violence against women, lack of many safe and secure options to work, all of these are key socio-cultural constraints preventing women from working.

There have to be enabling conditions with progressive policies and ensure these are implemented effectively. It is essential to adopt a lifecycle approach for girls, as the needs vary in each phase of their lives – right nutrition at birth and very young ages, quality early childhood education and care, capacity to address discrimination and help them recognise their rights.

(Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of YourStory.)

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Florida prosecutors knew Epstein raped teenage girls 2 years before cutting deal, transcript shows


FILE - This photo provided by the New York State Sex Offender Registry shows Jeffrey Epstein, March 28, 2017. On Monday, July 1, 2024, Florida Circuit Judge Luis Delgado released the transcripts of a 2006 grand jury investigation that looked into sex trafficking and rape allegations made against Epstein. (New York State Sex Offender Registry via AP, File)

FILE - Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis speaks at the Palm Beach Police Department, Feb. 29, 2024, in Palm Beach, Fla., just before signing a bill to release the transcripts of a 2006 grand jury investigation that looked into sex trafficking and rape allegations made against Jeffrey Epstein. On Monday, July 1, 2024, Florida Circuit Judge Luis Delgado released the grand jury transcripts. (Damon Higgins/The Palm Beach Post via AP, File)

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FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — Florida prosecutors knew the late millionaire and financier Jeffrey Epstein sexually assaulted teenage girls two years before they cut a plea deal that has long been criticized as too lenient and a missed opportunity to imprison him a decade earlier, according to transcripts released Monday.

The 2006 grand jury investigation was the first of many by law enforcement over the past two decades into Epstein’s rape and sex trafficking of teenagers — and how his ties to the rich and the powerful seem to have allowed him to avoid prison or a serious jail term for over a decade.

The investigations uncovered Epstein’s close ties to former President Bill Clinton and Britain’s Prince Andrew , as well as his once friendly relationship with former President Donald Trump and numerous others of wealth and influence who have denied doing anything criminal or improper and not been charged.

Circuit Judge Luis Delgado’s release of approximately 150 pages Monday came as a surprise, since there was scheduled hearing next week over unsealing the graphic testimony. Gov. Ron DeSantis had signed a bill in February allowing the release on Monday or any time thereafter that Delgado ordered. Florida grand jury transcripts are usually kept secret forever, but the bill created an exemption for cases like Epstein’s.


The transcripts show that the grand jury heard testimony that Epstein, who was then in his 40s, had raped teenage girls as young as 14 at his Palm Beach mansion, often paying them so he could commit statutory rape or assault. The teenagers testified and told detectives they were also paid cash or rented cars if they found him more girls.

“The details in the record will be outrageous to decent people,” Delgado wrote in his order. “The testimony taken by the Grand Jury concerns activity ranging from grossly unacceptable to rape — all of the conduct at issue is sexually deviant, disgusting, and criminal.”

In 2008, Epstein cut a deal with South Florida federal prosecutors that allowed him to escape more severe federal charges and instead plead guilty to state charges of procuring a person under 18 for prostitution and solicitation of prostitution. He was sentenced to 1.5 years in the Palm Beach County jail system, during which he was allowed to go to his office almost daily as part of a work-release program, followed by a year of house arrest. He was required to register as a sex offender.

Criticism of the deal resulted in the 2019 resignation of Trump’s labor secretary, Alex Acosta, who was the U.S. attorney for South Florida in 2008 and signed off on the deal. A 2020 Justice Department investigation concluded that Acosta used “poor judgment” in his handling of the Epstein prosecution, but it didn’t rise to the level of professional misconduct.

The chief prosecutor in the Epstein case, former Palm Beach County State Attorney Barry Krischer, did not immediately respond Monday to an email and a voicemail seeking comment about the transcripts’ release.

Current Palm Beach County State Attorney Dave Aronberg, who was not involved in the investigation, said in a statement he is glad the records have been released. He said he has not yet read the transcripts, so could not comment on whether Krischer should have pursued a tougher prosecution of Epstein.

Brad Edwards, an attorney for many of the victims, said in a statement that the transcripts show that Krischer’s office “took the case to the Grand Jury with an agenda — to return minimal, if any, criminal charges against Jeffrey Epstein.”

“A fraction of the evidence was presented, in a misleading way, and the Office portrayed the victims as criminals,” he said. “It is so sad, the number of victims Epstein was able to abuse because the State carried water for him when they had a chance to put him away.”

Epstein’s estate is paying $155 million in restitution to more than 125 victims.

According to the transcripts, Palm Beach Police Detective Joe Recarey testified in July 2006 that the initial investigation began when a woman reported in March 2005 that her stepdaughter who was in high school at the time said she received $300 in exchange for “sexual activity with a man in Palm Beach,” Recarey testified.

Another teenager, whose name was redacted in the transcript, told detectives that she was 17 years old when she was approached by a friend who said she could make $200 by providing a massage at Epstein’s home.

At the house, when Epstein tried touching her, she told him she was uncomfortable. He then told her that he would pay her $200 if she brought “girls” to the house. “And he told her, ‘The younger, the better,’” Recarey said.

Over time she brought six friends to Epstein’s house, including a 14-year-old, and likened herself to Hollywood Madame Heidi Fleiss in October 2005 interviews, Recarey recounted.

When she brought over a 23-year-old friend, Epstein told her that the friend was too old.

“The more you did, the more money you made,” the detective said the teen told him. “She explained that there was going to be a massage or some possible touching, and you would have to provide the massage either topless or naked.”

Another teen testified she visited Epstein’s house hundreds of times in the early 2000s, starting when she was 16. She testified that Epstein paid her $200 each time she gave him a massage while naked, rented her a car and gave her $1,000 the time he raped her.

A 2005 police search of Epstein’s mansion found evidence supporting the girls’ testimony. Also, Epstein’s houseman told detectives that the teenagers who came to the mansion were “very young. Too young to be a masseuse.”

Epstein in 2018 was charged with federal sex trafficking crimes in New York — where he also had a mansion that was a scene of abuse — after the Miami Herald published a series of articles that renewed public attention on the case, including interviews with some victims who had been pursuing civil lawsuits against him. Epstein was 66 when he killed himself in a New York City jail cell in August 2019, federal officials say.

Delgado in his order wrote that the transcripts show why Epstein was “the most infamous pedophile in American history.”

“For almost 20 years, the story of how Jeffrey Epstein victimized some of Palm Beach County’s most vulnerable has been the subject of much anger and has at times diminished the public’s perception of the criminal justice system,” Delgado wrote.

Associated Press reporters Mike Schneider in Orlando, Florida, Curt Anderson in St. Petersburg, Florida, and Stephany Matat in West Palm Beach, Florida, Kim Chandler in Montgomery, Alabama, and Sudhin Thanawala in Atlanta contributed to this report.


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essay about the girl child

Search for missing child, reportedly attacked by crocodile, continues in remote NT

A swampy shallow creek with trees around

A 12-year-old girl is missing after being reportedly attacked by a crocodile near the remote community of Palumpa, south-west of Darwin.

NT police say the child was last seen swimming at Mango Creek on Tuesday afternoon. 

What's next?

Authorities will continue to search for the child, with the help of community members.

Police and community members are continuing to search for a 12-year-old girl reportedly attacked by a crocodile near the remote Northern Territory community of Palumpa, 360 kilometres south-west of Darwin.

The search began on Tuesday night after police received a report that a child had gone missing from Mango Creek at around 5.30pm.

"Initial reports stated the child had been attacked by a crocodile," NT Police said in a statement on Wednesday morning.

A satellite map of the Northern Territory showing Palumpa's position on the map.

Senior Sergeant Erica Gibson said the child and their family were swimming at Mango Creek — just over 3 kilometres from Palumpa — as part of bush holidays in the Wadeye district.

"They had attended the area, as they do for their holidays on homelands," she told ABC Radio Darwin on Wednesday afternoon.

"The children and other people from the family group were swimming and it was reported that the child was missing.

"It was reported that a black crocodile was seen in the immediate area."

Street sign saying Palumpa

Senior Sergeant Gibson said between 30 to 40 community members were currently assisting 10 police officers with a foot search along the Mango Creek river banks. 

A helicopter also conducted an aerial search on Wednesday.

"Search and rescue boats [will be used] ... into the night, spotlighting crocodiles that may be in the area," she said.

"That search will continue throughout the night. We will keep searching and we will not stop.

"We are not only searching for crocodiles in the area, we are searching for a missing child."

A woman wearing a police uniform in an office filled with Aboriginal art types on a computer.

The Mango Creek waterway being searched was "narrow, but long and winding", Senior Sergeant Gibson said.

"The depths vary, it's deep and dark in places," she said.

"It's surrounded by thick, dense pandanus, so the search is being conducted quite slowly ... to check the area thoroughly.

"It is just a really sad, tragic event ... it is confronting for everyone."

Northern Territory Police Minister Brent Potter said authorities had permission to remove the crocodile if found.

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Trevor and Marissa Lawrence Announce Gender of Couple's First Child

John shipley | 7 hours ago.

Trevor Lawrence waves at waiting students as he and his wife Marissa Mowry arrive at TIAA Bank Field Friday. The Jacksonville Jaguars' first-round draft pick Trevor Lawrence and his wife Marissa Mowry arrived at TIAA Bank Field in Jacksonville, Florida about noon Friday, April 30, 2021. The couple was greeted by team owner Shad Khan and 35 third-grade students from Long Branch Elementary School.

  • Jacksonville Jaguars

Jacksonville Jaguars quarterback Trevor Lawrence and his wife Marissa Lawrence are expecting a baby girl.

After the couple announced their pregnancy last month, the pair held a gender reveal event on Saturday to reveal they will be having a daughter.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Marissa Layne Lawrence (@marissa_lawrence)

The couple, who have been married since shortly before Lawrence was drafted in 2021, have become an integral part of the franchise on and off the field over the last three years, culminating in a record-setting contract for Lawrence earlier this month.

"It's pretty cool. And I mean, they're big part of the community. And I mean, as I said earlier, I mean he, Josh Allen and some of these players, I mean their DNA is kind of woven into the city and that's what you want," Jaguars owner Shad Khan said about the couple on Wednesday at the Miller Electric Center.

The Jaguars agreed to terms with the quarterback and former No. 1 pick earlier this month, agreeing to a five-year deal worth $275 million with $200 million in guarantees and $142 million fully guaranteed.

Lawrence's deal will pay him an average of $55 million a season, which ties him with Cincinnati Bengals quarterback Joe Burrow as the highest-paid player on an annual basis in the NFL.

Since being drafted No. 1 in 2021, Lawrence has started 50 regular season games. Lawrence ranks fourth in franchise history in passing yards with 11,770 and is fourth in touchdown passes with 58.

Since being drafted, Lawrence has been voted as a team captain by his teammates each year of his NFL career and was selected to the Pro Bowl in 2022 after recording 387 completions for 4,113 passing yards and 25 touchdowns with a passer rating of 95.2.

During the 2023 season, he completed 370 passes becoming the only quarterback in franchise history to start his career with three seasons of at least 300 completions and the second quarterback in team history to record at least 300 completions in three consecutive seasons. He has been named AFC Offensive Player of the Week three times in his career, twice in 2022 (Week 3 and 12) and once in 2023 (Week 11).

In his career, Lawrence has also posted 205 rushing attempts for 964 yards and 11 touchdowns.

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John Shipley


John Shipley has been covering the Jacksonville Jaguars as a beat reporter and publisher of Jaguar Report since 2019. Previously, he covered UCF's undefeated season as a beat reporter for NSM.Today, covered high school prep sports in Central Florida, and covered local sports and news for the Palatka Daily News. Follow John Shipley on Twitter at @_john_shipley.

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Girls Education Essay for Students and Children

Development is based on education. Everything is achievable with knowledge, whether we're talking about the progress of a country or personal growth. It enables us to lead tranquil, successful lives. Every person in the country must value education equally. Girl's education is a persistent national concern for several reasons. Here are a few sample essays on girls education.

Girls Education Essay for Students and Children

100 Words Essay On Girls Education

Girl education is the world's most pressing issue right now. A well-educated female makes contributions to the advancement of the country in all spheres. She is capable of bringing both her family's and the nation's prosperity. A girl with education may accomplish anything. Every family member is inspired by her words and deeds. An educated girl can support her family financially by working and earning money. Girls and women are crucial to the development of society. Both their own children and the kids in the neighbourhood can learn from them. This will encourage those children to think positively about their country and significantly lower crime rates.

200 Words Essay On Girls Education

Everyone needs to get an education. Everyone needs it, but girls are the ones who lack it the most. Compared to educated boys, the number of educated girls worldwide, especially in India, is incredibly low. There are several reasons why girls don't receive an education.

In a sizable culture like India, it is believed that girls are inferior to boys simply on the basis of their sex and are seen as a burden that have to be married off at an early age. They think girls are incapable of doing what boys can and lack skills that boys possess. Girls are kept away from training by society and the mindset of parents. The general population has become very tolerant of unethical behaviour. Most of the time, immoral people assault girls. The fear of this maltreatment has persisted in the minds of Indian parents. Girls are unable to complete their education because guardians are afraid to send them away from home. Due to financial constraints, many people cannot provide for their daughters' education.

Another problem that affects girls' education is the lack of adequate physical expansion for women in academic institutions. Urban and improved girls' areas are primarily affected negatively by this problem. The lack of female educators affects girls' educational opportunities. In this sense, education for girls is a big problem. For every girl's rights, we must stand and fight.

500 Words Essay On Girls Education

Education helps people recognise right and wrong. Girls benefit personally from education, and they perform better at work when they are educated. Society must recognise the value and necessity of educating girls. Women contribute equally to the nation, and the illiteracy level among them will significantly impact how the country develops. In tough times, a woman with an education can provide for her family.

Education enables a daughter to provide an income for her impoverished father, to assist her partner as a wife in all circumstances, and to raise her children with the necessary discipline and manners. It is often believed that schooling a boy only educates that one individual, whereas teaching a girl educates the entire society. Every human being, regardless of caste, gender, or religion, needs an education.

Several obstacles prevent girls from pursuing an education. These obstacles primarily appear in rural areas. The conservative mindset of the populace is the biggest obstacle. They believe that boys should study since they will eventually need to work for a living, while girls should take care of the kitchen and other domestic chores. Poverty is a huge additional factor. Several parents cannot pay for their children's education because of poverty. Security concerns are the second justification for not sending girls to school. It is risky to send girls to school due to an increase in cases of harassment and inadequate security measures. Social pressure and stereotypes prevent many families from educating their daughters. Religious customs and beliefs can occasionally constrain the education of girls in society.

Indian Schooling

India is a rapidly growing nation that excels in several industries. But when it comes to women's literacy rates, India continues to fall behind. Girls are revered as gods in India, but education for them is forbidden. This situation is, however, evolving with time. Girls used to be bound within the confines of houses, but today they are soaring high up in the air. In India, girls can now attend school and pursue an education thanks to a shift in social attitudes.

According to statistics, only 26% of women were registered in courses in 2019. However, in 2021, this percentage rose to 36%. The aggregate literacy rate in India as of the 2022 census is 77.7%. But 70.3% of women are literate, compared to 84.7% of men. Kerala has the largest percentage of women who are literate in India, whereas Bihar has the lowest percentage. However, the academic gap between men and women in India is anticipated to close soon.

In contrast to old thinking, modern thought favours the education of girls. In the past, people believed that girls were exclusively born for domestic work and were a burden. They weren't even permitted to leave the door. But over time, when given a chance to demonstrate their ability, females have proven that they are equally capable to boys in every subject. This had a lot of people debating the value of educating girls. Girls are now going to make their families proud by realising their aspirations. They demonstrated how a girl's and her family's life might be changed by even modest help and opportunity.

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How to Stop Child Marriage? Punish Husbands, Parents and Wedding Guests.

A new law in the West African country of Sierra Leone allows child brides to annul their marriages and be financially compensated.

A side profile of a pregnant girl in a colorful dress. Her face is off-camera.

By Amelia Nierenberg

The president of the small West African country of Sierra Leone signed a law on Tuesday that banned marriage for children age 18 and younger and would impose steep fines on adult spouses. The move was a victory for activists who had long fought to eradicate the widespread practice.

The new legislation goes further than many other similar laws in Africa, experts said, by penalizing people who enable the marriage — like the parents, the officiant and even the wedding guests — in addition to the husband.

There were about 800,000 girls under the age of 18 who were married in Sierra Leone, UNICEF reported in 2020, which is about a third of the girls in the country. Half had been married by the time they turned 15. About 4 percent of boys are wedded by 18, according to Human Rights Watch.

Under the new law, those married as children can seek financial compensation. They also have a path out of their marriages: petitioning for an annulment.

Betty Kabari, a researcher at Human Rights Watch who focuses on women’s rights and sexual health in Africa, praised the approach of penalizing those who abet the marriage, saying, “The strongest aspect, to me, is noting that a child does not get married in isolation.”

How widespread is child marriage?

Every year, at least 12 million girls under the age of 18 marry, according to the United Nations . More than 650 million girls and women were married as children.

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Essay on Girl Education for Students and Children

500+ words essay on girl education.

If we look at the demographics, India is one of the most populated countries. However, the rate of girl education is quite low in the country. It is quite troubling to see the figures in a country where women are given the status of goddesses. The figures have significantly improved to an extent but there’s still a long way to go.

Essay on Girl Education

Women were not allowed to even step out of their houses in ancient India , but times are changing. Along with changing times, people’s thinking is also changing. They wish to educate their girls and see them succeed in life. However, this is not the case in rural India which makes for more than 60% of the population. We need to identify the factors responsible for such low rates of girl education to find some solutions.

Factors Contributing to Low Rate of Girl Education

There are various factors that make it impossible for girls to get an education in our country. Firstly, the poverty rate is alarming. Even though education is being made free, it still involves a substantial cost to send girls to school. Therefore, families who are struggling to make ends meet fail to pay the educational expenses of their children.

Secondly, in rural areas, there aren’t many schools. This creates a distance problem as they are located far from the villages. In some areas, students have to walk for three to four hours to reach their school. This is where the safety of the girls gets compromised so parents don’t see it fit to send them off so far.

Furthermore, the regressive thinking of the people makes it tougher for girls to get an education. Some people still believe girls are meant to stay in their houses and look after the kitchen. They do not like women to do any other tasks expect for household ones.

Other than that, social issues like child marriage and child labor also stop the girl from getting an education. Parents pull daughters out of school to marry them off at an early age. Also, when girls indulge in child labor, they do not get time to study.

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Benefits of Girl Education

If we wish to see India progress and develop, we need to educate our girl child. They are indeed the future of our nation. Moreover, when they become educated, they will not have to be dependent on others for their livelihood.

One of the most important benefits of girl education is that the country’s future will be brighter and better. Similarly, our economy can grow faster if more and more women become financially strong thereby reducing poverty.

Furthermore, women who are educated can take proper care of their children. This will strengthen the future as lesser kids will die due to a lack of vaccination or a similar reason. Even for women, they will be less likely to become a patient of HIV/AIDS as they will be aware of the consequences.

Most importantly, educated women can result in a decrease in social issues like corruption, child marriage , domestic abuse and more. They will become more confident and handle their families better in all spheres. Thus we see how one educated woman can bring so much change in her life along with the others as well.

Some FAQs on Girl Education

Q.1 Why is girl education not encouraged in India?

A.1 India is still a developing country. It has too much poverty and regressive thinking. It is one of the main reasons why people don’t encourage girls to get an education.

Q.2 What are the advantages of educating girls?

A.2 When we educate girls, we educate a whole nation. As she teaches everyone around her. The education of girls will result in a better economy and a brighter future along with enhanced confidence of the girl.

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Trevor lawrence and wife marissa announce they’re having a baby girl with epic gender reveal party.

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It was a sweet celebration Saturday for parents-to-be Trevor and Marissa Lawrence.

Just days after announcing they’re expecting their first child together , the longtime couple confirmed a baby girl is on the way via an ice cream-themed gender reveal party.

“Baby girl… Mom & Dad can’t wait to meet you!!” exclaimed Marissa, who has been married to the Jaguars’ star quarterback since 2021.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Marissa Layne Lawrence (@marissa_lawrence)

Marissa Lawrence and Trevor Lawrence revealed a baby girl is on the way in July 2024.

For the big moment, the Lawrences could be seen pouring pink syrup onto a white ice cream cone as pink smoke exploded in the background behind a sign that read, “What’s the scoop?”

In a separate post, Marissa gushed about Lawrence, 24, as the two prepare for their next chapter as parents.

“He’s going to be the best girl dad I can’t handle it,” she exclaimed in an Instagram Story.

Mom-to-be Marissa Lawrence cradled her baby bump in a new photo from the gender reveal party.

It’s been quite the offseason for Lawrence and Marissa, who first revealed in June that “a little Lawrence is on the way.”

That same month, the No. 1 overall pick in 2021 agreed to a massive five-year, $275 million contract extension with the Jaguars.

“Trevor I am so proud of you and all the hard work that has made this moment possible. There is so much that people will never see or know about what you give to this sport, team and community. Im honored to be by your side in it all. You are so deserving!! Jacksonville we can’t wait to call you home for at least 7 more years!!!” Marissa posted on Instagram at the time.

Marissa Lawrence supports Trevor Lawrence on Jaguars game days.

The Pro Bowl quarterback is entering his fourth season in Jacksonville.

He led the Jaguars to a divisional-round playoff appearance in 2022-23 when they lost to the eventual Super Bowl champion Chiefs.

The Jaguars stumbled down the stretch last season after holding an 8-3 record in late November, finishing at 9-8 and missing the playoffs .

“Thankful for year 3 and all the lessons learned. Thank you to my family, friends and all our great fans that stick with us through it all. It’s tough to put your all into something and come up short. This year wasn’t our time – but it is coming. I’m confident in that,” Lawrence reflected in January on Instagram.

The Jaguars will report to training camp later this month before they open the season against the Dolphins in Miami on Sept. 8.

Marissa Lawrence and Trevor Lawrence revealed a baby girl is on the way in July 2024.



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  29. Essay on Girl Education for Students and Children

    Other than that, social issues like child marriage and child labor also stop the girl from getting an education. Parents pull daughters out of school to marry them off at an early age. Also, when girls indulge in child labor, they do not get time to study. Get the huge list of more than 500 Essay Topics and Ideas. Benefits of Girl Education

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    Just days after announcing they're expecting their first child together, the longtime couple revealed a baby girl is on the way via an ice cream-themed gender reveal party.