1. Figure 1 from DataType-Aware Knowledge Graph Representation Learning in

    datatype aware knowledge graph representation learning in hyperbolic space

  2. Exploring Large Graphs in 3D Hyperbolic Space

    datatype aware knowledge graph representation learning in hyperbolic space

  3. Exploring Large Graphs in 3D Hyperbolic Space

    datatype aware knowledge graph representation learning in hyperbolic space

  4. Representation Learning in Knowledge Graphs

    datatype aware knowledge graph representation learning in hyperbolic space

  5. Using hyperboloids to embed knowledge graphs

    datatype aware knowledge graph representation learning in hyperbolic space

  6. Visualizing the Structure of the World Wide Web in 3D Hyperbolic Space

    datatype aware knowledge graph representation learning in hyperbolic space


  1. Building a "Knowledge Asset" Using Neo4j Graph Data Science

  2. Lessons Learned Applying NLP to Create a Web-Scale Knowledge Graph

  3. [tt8745] Text-Attributed Graph Representation Learning: Methods, Applications, and Challenges

  4. Stanford CS224W: Machine Learning w/ Graphs I 2023 I Knowledge Graph Embeddings

  5. PostgreSQL

  6. WSDM-23 Paper: Self-supervised Graph Representation Learning for Black Market Account Detection