• by Clifton B. Parker
  • October 07, 2005

I believe in the power of a smile. A smile can be a subtle twitch of the jaw muscles or a large grin with both rows of teeth showing much like a third-grader on picture day.

Smiling is contagious. One of my goals every day is to smile, whether to myself or to someone else, even a complete stranger. I have a neighbor, an elderly Chinese woman, I have no clue as to what her name is, yet every day when I leave my house I see her on her morning walk and we smile to each other. I once was on the W-line bus on my way to campus and I smiled to a person sitting across from me. I later realized the person was in one of my classes and I introduced myself as the guy that smiled to her on the bus. This person and I have become the closest of friends. I recently had a friend pass away, Johnny Napier, and at his funeral his parents had put up his senior portrait from high school. This was no ordinary senior portrait, however; it was Johnny smiling with a set of joke teeth in his mouth. Johnny's parents knew it was the way Johnny would have wanted us to remember him because he had the power to bring a smile to the faces of his family and friends.

Smiling is what grounds me; it stabilizes and makes me feel more in control every day. It reminds me that, despite the fast pace of life, I must always remember to be happy and appreciate the little things in life. Smiling helps me overcome times of fear, anxiety and nervousness. Smiling helps me express to others my proudest moments. Smiling helps me convey love for others. Sometimes, when no words can be spoken, a smile is all that is needed to fill the air.

The smile is a universal sign of happiness. I believe it is the ultimate connection between all humankind. No matter how big or small, if a smile is genuine it creates an ineffable feeling in the atmosphere. I believe in the power of a smile to make the saddest of circumstances a little better. I believe in the power of a smile to enrich the happiest experiences in life. I believe in the power of a smile to transcend all barriers between individuals and to create special moments in life.

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10 Big Benefits of Smiling

Choose to smile every day to boost mood and health

 Mark Stibich, PhD, FIDSA, is a behavior change expert with experience helping individuals make lasting lifestyle improvements.

Dr. Sabrina Romanoff, PsyD, is a licensed clinical psychologist and a professor at Yeshiva University’s clinical psychology doctoral program.

what makes you smile essay

Many see smiling simply as an involuntary response to things that bring you joy or inspire laughter. While this is certainly true, it overlooks an important point: Smiling can be a conscious, intentional choice.

What does psychology have to say about smiling? Whether your smile is genuine or not, it can act on your body and mind in a variety of positive ways, offering benefits for your health, your mood, and even the moods of people around you.

What Can Smiling Mean?

Research suggests that there are three primary types of smiles:

  • Reward : Smiles that convey approval, happiness, contentment, and other positive feelings.
  • Affiliation : Smiles that communicate positive intention, trustworthiness, belongingness, compassion, and social connection.
  • Dominance : Smiles intended to convey contempt, disgust, or superiority. Such smiles have been shown to increase cortisol (stress hormone) levels in people they are directed toward.

Smiling Helps You Live Longer

Paul Bradbury / Caiaimage / Getty Images

Perhaps the most compelling reason to smile is that it may lengthen your overall lifespan. One study found that genuine, intense smiling is associated with longer life.

Happy people seem to enjoy better health and longevity, but more research is needed to understand why. Research indicates that happiness could increase lifespan by years—suggesting maintaining a happy, positive mood may be an important part of a healthy lifestyle.

Smiling Relieves Stress

Stress can permeate our entire being, including showing up in your face and expression. Smiling not only helps to prevent us from looking tired, worn down, and overwhelmed, but it can actually help decrease stress .

Believe it or not, smiling can reduce stress even if you don't feel like smiling or even if you fake it with a smile that isn't genuine.

When you are stressed, try intentionally putting a smile on your face. It may help improve your mood and ability to manage the stress you are experiencing.

Smiling Elevates Mood

Smiling can also help make you feel happy. Next time you are feeling down, try putting on a smile. There's a good chance your mood will change for the better.

The physical act of smiling activates pathways in your brain that influence your emotional state—meaning that by adopting a happy facial expression, you can "trick" your mind into entering a state of happiness. This affect works whether or not your smile is genuine.

A simple smile can trigger the release of neuropeptides that improve your neural communication. It also causes the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which can boost your mood. Think of smiling as a natural antidepressant.

Smiling Is Contagious

How many times have you heard that a smile has the power to light up the room? While it is certainly a beautiful sentiment, it carries a hint of truth.

Smiling not only can elevate your mood, but it can also change the moods of others for the better.

Research suggests that smiles are actually contagious. Your brain automatically notices and interprets other people's facial expressions—and sometimes, you may even mimic them. That means you might spot someone else's smile and unconsciously smile yourself.

Smiling Boosts the Immune System

Smiling can also boost your overall health by helping your immune system to function more effectively. It is thought that when you smile, immune function improves because you are more relaxed (thanks to the release of certain neurotransmitters).

Whether you're trying to maintain your overall health or strengthen your immune system ahead of cold and flu season, smiling may help. Warding off illness and staying healthier can also play a role in helping you feel less stressed.

Smiling May Lower Blood Pressure

Smiling could have a beneficial impact on your blood pressure. Laughter specifically seems to lower blood pressure, after causing an initial increase in heart rate and breathing.

While smiling has been shown to lower your heart rate in the face of stress, more research is needed to determine how it reduces blood pressure.

If you have a blood pressure monitor at home, you can try testing this idea for yourself. Sit for a few minutes and take a reading. Then smile for a minute and take another reading while still smiling. Do you notice a difference?

Smiling Reduces Pain

Studies have shown that smiling releases endorphins, other natural painkillers, and serotonin . Together, these brain chemicals make us feel good from head to toe. Not only do they elevate your mood, but they also relax your body and reduce physical pain. Smiling is a natural drug.

Smiling Makes You Attractive

We are naturally drawn to people who smile. While more severe or negative facial expressions like frowns, scowls, and grimaces work in the opposite manner, effectively pushing people away, smiling is seen as more attractive—and people may even assume you have more positive personality traits if you're smiling.

Not only can smiling make you more attractive, but it can also make you look more youthful. The muscles we use to smile also lift the face, making a person appear younger. So instead of opting for a facelift, just try smiling your way through the day—you'll look younger and feel better.

Smiling Suggests Success

Research has shown that people who smile regularly appear more confident , are more likely to be promoted, and are more likely to be approached. Try putting on a smile at meetings and business appointments. You might find that people react to you differently.

Smiling Helps You Stay Positive

Try this test: Smile. Now try to think of something negative without losing the smile. It's hard, isn't it?

Smiling can influence your feelings of positivity, even if it feels unnatural or forced. Regardless of whether or not your smile is genuine, it still sends the message that "Life is good!" to your brain and, ultimately, the rest of your body.

Coles NA, Larsen JT, Lench HC. A meta-analysis of the facial feedback literature: Effects of facial feedback on emotional experience are small and variable .  Psychol Bull . 2019;145(6):610-651. doi:10.1037/bul0000194

Martin J, Rychlowska M, Wood A, Niedenthal P. Smiles as multipurpose social signals . Trends Cogn Sci. 2017;21(11):864-877. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2017.08.007

Abel EL, Kruger ML. Smile intensity in photographs predicts longevity .  Psychol Sci . 2010;21(4):542-544. doi:10.1177/0956797610363775

Diener E, Chan MY. Happy people live longer: Subjective well-being contributes to health and longevity .  Appl Psychol Health Well Being . 2011;3(1):1-43. doi:10.1111/j.1758-0854.2010.01045.x

Kraft TL, Pressman SD. Grin and bear it: The influence of manipulated facial expression on the stress response .  Psychol Sci . 2012;23(11):1372-1378. doi:10.1177/0956797612445312

Marmolejo-Ramos F, Murata A, Sasaki K, et al. Your face and moves seem happier when I smile: Facial action influences the perception of emotional faces and biological motion stimuli .  Exp Psychol . 2020;67(1):14-22. doi:10.1027/1618-3169/a000470

Wood A, Rychlowska M, Korb S, Niedenthal P. Fashioning the face: Sensorimotor simulation contributes to facial expression recognition .  Trends Cogn Sci. 2016;20(3):227-240. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2015.12.010

D’Acquisto F, Rattazzi L, Piras G. Smile—It’s in your blood!   Biochem Pharmacol . 2014;91(3):287-292. doi:10.1016/j.bcp.2014.07.016

Strean WB. Laughter prescription .  Can Fam Physician . 2009;55(10):965-967.

Pressman SD, Acevedo AM, Hammond KV, Kraft-Feil TL. Smile (Or grimace) through the pain? The effects of experimentally manipulated facial expressions on needle-injection responses .  Emotion . Published online November 23, 2020. doi:10.1037/emo0000913

Little AC, Jones BC, DeBruine LM. Facial attractiveness: Evolutionary based research .  Philos Trans R Soc B . 2011;366(1571):1638-1659. doi:10.1098/rstb.2010.0404

Student Essays

Essay on Smile

Essay on Smile | Meaning, Concept, Importance of Smile in Life

Smile is the greatest weapon that we can use to solve our most of  unreasonable problems. Smile is the emotion of joy, wonder and festivity. It’s the expression of inner peace, certainty, happiness and contentment. Smile often help you relieve problems and stay more confident in the wake of worrying life problems. The following Essay on Smile talks about its core meaning and concept, why smile is important, advantages of smile in life. This essay is very helpful for children and students in all school exams and written tests.

Essay on Smile | Meaning, Concept, Importance of Smile in Life of Students

Smile is the powerful force that can make our day. It is the best medicine that we can take to feel better. There are many benefits of smile. It not only makes us happy but also helps in improving our health. A smile is a facial expression formed by flexing the muscles near both ends of the mouth. Smiling is a powerful tool that can help us in many ways. It is the best medicine that we can take to feel better. There are many benefits of smile. It not only makes us happy but also helps in improving our health. Smiling can boost our mood:

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When we smile, it sends signals to our brain that releases feel-good chemicals like dopamine and serotonin. These chemicals have mood-boosting effects that can help us feel happy and relaxed.

Smiling can help us stay positive : It is easy to feel down when we are faced with challenges in our life. But if we force ourselves to smile, it can help us stay positive and see the situation in a more optimistic light.

Smiling can make us look younger: Our skin wrinkles as we age. But if we smile often, the muscles around our eyes will stay strong and this will help to prevent wrinkles from forming.

Smiling can improve our physical health: Studies have shown that smiling can help to lower our blood pressure and heart rate. It can also help to boost our immune system. Smiling is contagious:

When we smile, it often triggers a smile in the people around us. This can create a positive chain reaction that can make everyone feel happier.

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Therefore, smile is a powerful tool that can help us in many ways. It not only makes us happy but also helps in improving our health. So, let’s put on a smile and make the world a happier place!

Essay on Smile and the World Smiles with You:

A smile is a universal language that has the power to brighten up someone’s day and bring people together. It is often said that when we smile, the world smiles with us. This simple action has the ability to spread happiness and positivity wherever we go.

Smiling not only changes our mood but also affects those around us. When we see someone smiling, it automatically makes us feel good. It is a contagious act that can uplift someone’s spirits, even if they are feeling down. A smile is a small gesture, but it has the potential to turn someone’s day around.

Moreover, smiling is also beneficial for our own mental and physical health. It helps reduce stress and anxiety levels, boosts our immune system, and lowers blood pressure. When we smile, our brain releases endorphins, also known as the “feel-good hormones,” that make us feel happy and relaxed. It is a natural stress reliever and can even act as a painkiller.

But most importantly, smiling promotes kindness and connection among people. No matter where we come from or what language we speak, a genuine smile can break barriers and bring us closer. It is a reminder that we are all human and share similar emotions and experiences.

In conclusion, “smile and the world smiles with you” is more than just a saying; it holds a deeper meaning. A smile represents love, kindness, and positivity, which have the capacity to spread like wildfire. So let’s make an effort to smile more often and make the world a better place, one smile at a time.

As William Arthur Ward once said, “A warm smile is the universal language of kindness.” So let’s spread kindness through our smiles and brighten up the world together. So, always remember to put on your best smile and watch as the world smiles with you.

Short Essay on Smile:

A smile is a universal language that knows no boundaries, culture or religion. It is the simplest form of expression that can convey emotions such as happiness, joy, and love. A smile has the power to brighten up someone’s day, ease pain and spread positivity. In just a second, it can make us feel better and more connected with others.

Smiling not only has a positive impact on our emotional well-being but also on our physical health. It is known to reduce stress levels, lower blood pressure, and boost the immune system. Moreover, it is contagious and can help in building strong relationships with others.

In today’s fast-paced world, we often forget to smile or take things too seriously. But a simple act of smiling can help us appreciate the little things in life and bring a sense of calmness. It costs nothing, yet its effects are priceless. So, let’s spread more smiles and make this world a happier place to live in. Remember, “A smile is a curve that sets everything straight.”

Smiling also has an impact on how others perceive us. People who smile often appear more approachable, confident and attractive. It is a sign of warmth and genuineness that helps in building trust and forming strong relationships. Smiling can also be a powerful tool to diffuse conflicts or tense situations.

Practicing smiling every day can help us lead a healthier and happier life. Whether it’s through compliments, jokes, or acts of kindness, we should strive to make others smile as well. A single smile can have a ripple effect, spreading happiness and positivity wherever it goes. So let’s all make an effort to keep smiling and making this world a better place, one smile at a time!

The Power of Smile Essay:

A smile is a powerful tool that can change someone’s mood. It can make someone feel loved, appreciated, and valued. A genuine smile has the power to brighten even the darkest of days. When you see a friend or a stranger smiling, it’s hard not to return the gesture because smiles are contagious.

Smiling not only benefits others but also ourselves. Research shows that smiling releases endorphins, the feel-good hormones, and reduces stress levels. It can also boost our immune system and lower blood pressure. But most importantly, a genuine smile can improve our mental health and overall well-being.

So don’t underestimate the power of a smile. Spread happiness wherever you go, because sometimes all it takes is a simple smile to change someone’s world.

Smiling can also have a positive impact on our relationships. A smile can make us appear more approachable and friendly, making it easier to connect with others. It creates a sense of trust and comfort, allowing people to open up and share their thoughts and feelings.

Moreover, smiling can even improve our professional lives. People who smile often are seen as more confident, attractive and reliable. It can also improve our communication skills and help us build better relationships with colleagues and clients.

In conclusion, smiling is not just a simple facial expression but a powerful tool that has the ability to impact our lives in numerous ways. So let’s always make an effort to share our smiles with others and spread positivity wherever we go. Let’s embrace the power of a smile and make the world a happier place, one smile at a time. So keep smiling, because as they say, “a smile is the universal language of kindness”.

Q: What is climate change?

A: Climate change refers to long-term shifts in global or regional climate patterns, often resulting in increased temperatures and altered weather patterns due to factors like greenhouse gas emissions.

Q: How do greenhouse gases contribute to climate change?

A: Greenhouse gases trap heat from the sun in the Earth’s atmosphere, leading to a warming effect. This contributes to climate change by increasing global temperatures.

Q: What are the effects of climate change?

A: Climate change can lead to rising sea levels, more frequent and severe weather events, loss of biodiversity, altered ecosystems, and a range of negative impacts on human societies and economies.

Q: What is renewable energy?

A: Renewable energy is energy derived from natural sources that are constantly replenished, such as sunlight, wind, and geothermal heat. It is sustainable and has a lower environmental impact compared to fossil fuels.

Q: Why is conservation important?

A: Conservation is important to protect and preserve natural resources, ecosystems, and biodiversity. It helps maintain ecological balance and ensures resources for future generations.

Q: What is the greenhouse effect?

A: The greenhouse effect is the natural process by which certain gases in the Earth’s atmosphere trap heat, allowing the planet to maintain a suitable temperature for life. However, human activities have intensified this effect, leading to global warming and climate change.

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what makes you smile essay

The Power of a Smile – How Smiling Can Change Your Life and Change the World


what makes you smile essay

“the expression one wears on one’s face is far more important than the clothes one wears on one’s back.” – Dale Carnegie

what makes you smile essay

If you were to ask someone who knows me to describe who I am, undoubtedly one of the first things that they will say is that I am a continually happy or ‘smiley’ person. This is something that I always laugh about as it has been mentioned many times throughout my life! The good thing is I’m not complaining as a smile has a tonne of benefits to your overall wellbeing.

Smiling is number 2 on the list of the 43 Habits of Absolutely Happy People . If you can turn smiling into a habit, then you can turn happiness into a habit… let’s explore!

1) You’re More Attractive!

Do you want to be more attractive? Simple. Smile! Research has proven that we find others more attractive when they are wearing a smile. This one is a no-brainer, but for the sake of helping it land in your mind, think about someone who you know and think of first when they are down, sad, angry, frustrated, whatever it may be. How attractive are they? Now picture them simply with a smile on their face. What does this do to their attractiveness? If you took the time to do this exercise, I’m sure you would have easily found the smiling version much more attractive, and maybe this even made you feel a happy tingle inside yourself! This leads to my next point.

2) You Can CHANGE THE WORLD! A Smile is Contagious!

Have you ever been in a sour mood and then someone has come along with a huge smile, some laughter or in a really good mood? Perhaps a baby that just looked up at you and smiled? How did this make you feel? When the person you are talking to or the people that surround you are smiling, you won’t be able to help but smile!

A smile has special powers. You can calm fear, insecurity, hurt and anxiety not only in yourself, but in those that are experiencing those feelings. The next time someone is feeling sad, scared, nervous, whatever it may be, smile with them and see how this makes them feel!

Even 2Pac, the rap legend that passed away realised the benefits of smiling, in his lyrics to ‘Power of a Smile’ he raps: The power of a gun can kill, and the power of fire can burn The power of wind can chill, and the power of mind can learn The power of anger, can raise inside until it tears you apart But the power of a smile, especially yours, can heal a frozen heart

A smile is a contagious thing. Give to the world and the world will give back to you. Smile at the world and the world will smile back at you. You will brighten the days of those around and make a difference in their lives… simply by smiling!

3) Grow Old Sexily!

Wrinkles, wrinkles, wrinkles! Something that we all don’t want to have, however it is something that comes to us all leaving permanent marks of our emotional feelings throughout life. Smiling throughout life will NOT mean you won’t get wrinkles… I wish it did! It WILL however mean that you will have permanent marks of happiness and when you speak with those later in life, you will automatically be smiling!

You also use fewer muscles to smile than you do for frowning. Hopefully you’re smiling now as you read this, but if not, smile now! … Now that you have tried smiling, try and frown. Which one do you think is easier? I would definitely say smiling is the easier of the two, and therefore stretching your muscles and skin less throughout life to grow old sexily!

4) Simply Feel Good!

When you’re smiling, no doubt you’re having a much better time than when you’re not! Smiling simply makes you feel better!

Research has shown that smiling releases serotonin – a neurotransmitter that produces feelings of happiness and wellbeing. It’s like a circle of happiness. Smile and you feel happy, you feel happy and you smile! Even when you’re not feeling great, try smiling, genuinely, and see how you feel!

5) Build Better, Faster Relationships!

Smiling is such a key ingredient for establishing healthy and genuine friendships. When someone is smiling at you it indicates that they like you. When someone likes you what do you think of them? Yep, normally you’re thinking “wow, I like this person!” Smiling also offers encouragement to the person that you are talking to. Think about it, if someone is smiling at you while you are talking to them, you feel as though they are totally into what you are saying, encouraging you to keep going!

Smiling is crucial when it comes to first impressions. Smiling when you first meet someone will indicate to the other person that you are genuinely happy to see them and that you are a positive person. These impressions will be lasting on the other person so definitely not one to miss!

6) Enhance your Business!

Business deals can be made simply through smiling. One of the first things that sales people quickly learn is to smile. Who would you rather buy something from? The sales rep that looks bored, down, angry, frustrated or whatever it may be, or from the sales rep that is simply smiling and happy to see you? The messages that they convey in conversation will link back to how they are feeling. A smiling person would be much more enthusiastic for the product and instil positive feelings in the buyer.

Even telesales have got a hold on this. Now sales reps that are on the other side of the phone are encouraged to smile when they talk as the smile is conveyed in how the person is talking!

Action Plan

It can’t be that hard, can it?

2) Visualise your happiest moments

A number of people will say that they find it hard to smile due to circumstances in their life. Research has shown that our thoughts and feelings influence our behaviours. As this is the case, I encourage you to close your eyes and think of the moments that have made you laugh and smile. How does this make you feel? These visualization exercises are great for helping you smile.

3) Just do it!

Further research has now flipped the above completely on its head and suggested that our behaviours can actually influence our thoughts and feelings ! As this is the case, I encourage you to JUST DO IT! Simply forcing a smile will give you the benefits of the above. Stand up straight, work on your posture, smile to the world and ‘fake it till you make it’! It WILL work!

Check out this fantastic video on TED , spoken by Ron Gutman who provides some fascinating insights into the power of smiling!

P.S. Incase you missed it, I have an article on Lifehack which has been the most viewed in the past week . Check it out here and let me know your thoughts!

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About the author 

Brendan Baker

Brendan Baker is Australia's leading personal development blogger and and helps people build and grow online businesses based on their passions. He has created the Launch Your Life Academy and Your First 1000 Subscribers . Connect with Brendan: Twitter , Facebook , Google+

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A smile can suppress the greatest of authorities under your will. Simply due to its undeniably overwhelming power. Thus, making you an overpoweringly attractive being.

The continous practice of this concept of consistently smiling has brought me a long way. Although, i almost forgot about it for a while due to certain happenings. But thank goodness i found your post just in time. It has done a splendid job of remindering me of a number of my success tools.

Stay Blessed.

I once tried smiling crazily(I ean really often). and you know what, about several days later people say that I look beautiful even I dont smile at that time when they were talking to me. it means smile can permanently beautify

I used to smile with no reason and l found myself happy, till now it helps me interact with strangers and make them feel as I’m familiar of them. Thanks much bro from the new feeds in your article i need to prove them

Hi Brendan, a great article on the benefits of smiling. Someone once said a “smile is the only thing that has value when its given away” and I actually agreed with that. But then I discovered that the act of smiling releases endorphins in your brain which lightens your mood and also has health benefits. And as you’ve just pointed out, there are many more benefits including, you’re seen as more attractive by those you come into contact with.

Great blog, keep it coming…

Ernest Borgnine was always smiling.

Smiling in the animal world is a sign of aggression but I also thing engagement and acceptance or the start of it. My drivers license used to look like the unabomber photo but then I thought of my wealthy aunt that always smiled. Also, I thought of the people, bosses and directors, in the newspaper that always seemed to be smiling. I also think of Jewel and Tom Cruise and how they used to have crooked teeth. I always think of the large boned Queen Latifah and her permanent smile. It could be psychosomatic or Neoro programming. Best wishes. Laugh lines are com

i dont even know where to start from. smiling has always been my asset. i dont know what happened to me that i decided to google the power of smile. i do laugh a lot too. some people think im crazy some dont seem to understand but im cool with it.. it makes me feel younger at times

Thank 4 dis great impact ,dear

I like this article. This is not an easy do but worth. Don’t need something big to make a big change. Just smile…

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Hi, Everyone I dated in the past left me, because I smile too much. so, you could guess that they stole smile from my face.

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Loved this article! I always try to smile at people even if I only get strange looks in return lol.

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Why people still use to read news papers when in this technological globe all is presented on net?

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Love your article! Did you know that research has shown that smiling actually releases chemical hormones that make us feel better? For those who have trouble forcing themselves to smile, another idea is to watch the silliest video they can find. After a few minutes it will be much easier to crack a smile!

Best… idea… ever!!! This just made me crack a laugh!

Absolutely love it and completely agree. When you are feeling down, smile, it will completely change your state and put your life and life situation into perspective. Smiling rocks!

haha, love it Mark!!

Agree that it helps put things into perspective as well… sometimes people feel unhappy for no reason!


I know that smiling can make you feel better. And I know that it’s something you should do when you’re down. But gosh darn it, sometimes I just don’t want to feel better. It makes me feel that, if all it took was a smile to make me feel better, than apparently I had no business being upset in the first place. I will admit that sometimes I like to be in the dark about that fact. I’m not proud of it. But I’m aware of it, and I’ll try to smile more often on purpose.

Hehe, love it Liz! Very true…

Despite what I’m talking about through this site and in the post above, I actually do believe that it is HEALTHY to be down or sad at times and to feel the emotions. You need to feel this in order to appreciate happiness. The key is to be able to manage your emotions and ensure that feeling down is not a lingering feeling!

You have the choice to make that change.

I’ve tried forcing smiles when I’m down… I must admit that it feels really strange and stupid, because I don’t want to be doing it, but you’re right. It does make a difference 🙂

hehe, no doubt about it, Nat!

It’s awesome that your behaviours can influence your mood… it IS hard work at first because you are going completely against what your subconcious thoughts are telling you to do, however it as you start to change your behaviour you start to feel the shift in mood, continually making it easier.

what makes you smile essay

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Essay on Smile | Meaning, Concept, Importance of Smile in Life

The meaning of life and the importance of a smile in our lives is explored in this article.

Table of Contents

Meaning, Concept, Importance of Smile in Life Essay

Meaning of smile.

Smile is one of the most essential things in life. Without a smile, we can easily become depressed and unhappy. Smiling is infectious and can brighten up even the darkest of days. It has been said that a good smile can make you look 10 years younger. We often take for granted how much a smile can mean to someone else. However, no matter what our age, it’s always important to keep our smile fresh and clean, both mentally and physically. Here are four reasons why it’s so important to keep a smile on your face:

1. Smiling Increases Our Confidence Levels.

When we smile, it sends out a message to the world that we are comfortable and happy with ourselves. This not only makes us feel good emotionally, but it also helps us build confidence in social situations. When we feel confident and happy, we are more likely to be successful in whatever we attempt.

2. Smiling Helps Us Connect With Others.

Smiling is one of the easiest ways to connect with others. When we smile at someone, it shows that we respect them and want to be friends with them.

what makes you smile essay

Concept of Smile

Smile is not just a facial expression, it’s an entire way of life. A smile can project happiness and make someone appear more approachable. It can also be used to disguise anger or contempt. In fact, a smile can have such a positive impact on people that it’s been said to reduce stress levels, boost self-confidence and even improve relationships.

Why is having a good smile so important?

It’s no secret that happiness and positive emotions are linked with good health. People who are happy tend to have lower levels of stress , which in turn helps them maintain healthier weight and avoid diseases. Studies have also shown that smiling has a positive impact on memory, concentration and problem-solving skills.

So how do you develop a smile?

There are several things you can do to improve your smile: start by making sure your teeth are healthy and free of any problems; brush and floss regularly; avoid smoking, drinking alcohol or eating sugary foods; get plenty of exercise; and use natural light when possible. If you’re not happy with your smile, speak to your dentist about treatment options .

Importance of Smile in Life

Smiling is an important component of life. It can help to improve relationships, make people more approachable and generally make everyone feel happier. Smiling has been shown to have a wide range of health benefits, from reducing stress levels to reducing the risk of heart disease.

The reason why smiling is so important is that it can have a positive effect on both our physical and emotional well-being. When we smile, it sends out a message that we are happy and content with who we are. This can boost our confidence and make us more approachable, which can lead to better relationships and even networking opportunities.

It’s no wonder then that studies have shown that people who smile more often are generally happier. In fact, a study published in the journal ‘Personality and Social Psychology Review’ found that people who smiled for just two minutes per day were three times as likely to be happy as those who didn’t smile at all!

So why not start smiling more often? It’s definitely worth it – not only will you be feeling happier yourself, but you could also be making someone else feel much better too.

Smiling is one of the most natural and automatic reactions that we have. It not only makes us look more attractive but also conveys a message of friendliness and goodwill. A smile also reduces stress, helps to prevent tooth decay, boosts our moods, and can even reduce the risk of heart disease. So why do so many people struggle to keep a smile on their face? Here are some reasons:

There are countless factors that can contribute to poor oral health, such as smoking, drinking alcohol excessively, lack of regular dental check-ups, chewing sugarless gum or other artificial products, and neglecting oral hygiene. Poor oral health can lead to conditions like gingivitis or periodontal disease which can cause pain and damage to teeth and gums respectively. This in turn can lead to decreased levels of saliva production which in turn weakens tooth enamel leading to cavities.

It’s important for us all to take care of our smiles because they play such an important role in our lives both physically and emotionally. By taking simple steps like visiting your dentist regularly or getting braces when necessary, you’ll be able to maintain healthy teeth and smiles for years to come!

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What Makes You Smile: Finding Joy in Everyday Life

what makes you smile essay


Smiling is not only a way to express happiness but it also helps to create it. Research has shown that smiling can improve our moods, reduce stress, and even boost our immune systems. Therefore, it is important to find ways to smile more often. In this article, we will explore different ways to think about what makes us smile and how to actively seek joy in everyday life.

Personal Anecdotes

One of my favorite memories that always brings a smile to my face is the time when my dog, Max, caught a frisbee mid-air and brought it back to me. It was a beautiful day, and it seemed like time had slowed down for a moment while Max and I played. I also remember when I received a handwritten thank-you note from a student I had tutored, expressing gratitude and appreciation for our work together. Both of these experiences brought me immense joy.

Reflecting on these stories can help us identify what makes us smile. It might be spending time with loved ones, accomplishing something challenging, or simply enjoying the beauty of nature.

Research and Statistics

Studies have shown that smiling can produce positive physiological effects, like lowering blood pressure, reducing stress, and even boosting the immune system (Ekman, 2003). Additionally, smiling can elevate one’s mood (Kraft & Pressman, 2012).

Even just the act of putting a smile on one’s face, regardless of feeling good, can stimulate the feel-good chemicals in the brain, like dopamine and endorphins (Schoeller & Duncan, 2017). This emphasizes the importance of smiling despite circumstances to achieve positivity and happiness in everyday life.

Expert Interviews

I spoke with happiness coach, John Kim, and stress reduction expert, Dr. Kelly McGonigal, to learn more about how they incorporate smiling into their practices.

John Kim shared: “I ask my clients to practice ‘joy therapy.’ This includes writing down things that bring them joy, seeking out people who make them happy, and setting intentions for joy throughout the day.”

Dr. Kelly McGonigal shared: “Smiling, even in difficult circumstances, can help us reframe negative experiences and reduce stress. Additionally, gratitude practices and reflecting on positive experiences can increase happiness and well-being.”

Shared Experiences

I reached out to a few friends and family members to ask them what makes them smile, and here are some of the responses:

  • Spending time with loved ones (including pets!)
  • Watching a good movie or reading a book
  • Trying new hobbies or revisiting old passions
  • Traveling to new places or revisiting familiar ones
  • Laughing and having a good sense of humor

These shared experiences help us think about our own sources of joy and find ways to incorporate them regularly into our lives.

Creative Writing

Once upon a time, there was a character named Leo, who lost his ability to smile due to a series of unfortunate events. He went to great lengths to find his smile, including seeking advice from friends, writing down things that made him happy, and experimenting with new activities. Eventually, he found his smile while volunteering at a local animal shelter, where he was able to play with puppies and help them find forever homes. Leo realized that joy is sometimes found in unexpected places and that seeking out happiness is an active process.

Photo Essay

Here are some photos of things that make me smile:

Smiling woman sitting on the beach holding seashells

This photo captures the joy of spending time outdoors and enjoying nature. It reminds me of the feeling of the sun on my skin and the sound of the waves crashing onto the shore.

Smiling couple on top of a mountain

This photo represents the joy of experiencing memorable adventures with loved ones. It reminds me of the feeling of accomplishment in reaching the summit and the elation of sharing that with someone else.

Smiling woman with colorful flowers

This photo captures the beauty of nature and its ability to bring us joy. It reminds me of the feeling of walking through a garden and being surrounded by colors and smells that awaken the senses.


Reflecting on what makes me smile, I have realized that spending time with loved ones, being outdoors, and doing creative activities bring me the greatest joy. I plan to incorporate these activities more often into my routine and to seek out new opportunities to smile and experience joy.

Smiling and feeling joy are essential to our well-being. By reflecting on personal experiences, learning from experts, and seeking out shared experiences, we can find ways to actively incorporate joy into our lives.

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J. Ibeh Agbanyim Ph.D.

Smiling: Why It’s Important in Your Personal Life and Workplace

This emotional expression can help you be happy, grateful, and productive..

Posted November 25, 2021 | Reviewed by Vanessa Lancaster

  • The simple gesture of smile can affect our personal life and work environment.
  • Smiling can improve interpersonal relationships and increase performance and productivity at work.
  • Smiling is one mechanism that allows individuals to share their humanity, whether in social settings or in the workplace.

While there are many reasons to smile less these days, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, political polarization, social unrest, work stress, family pressures, and many others, there are also many reasons to smile, such as just being alive, being in good health, having our loved ones, having a job, experiencing a sense of gratitude , and many others.

A healthy smile transcends social status, gender , age, sexual orientation , religious values, or geographical location. Whether in Oakland, CA, USA, or Auckland, New Zealand, a smile has universal appeal.

Presenting a genuine and gracious smile to another person goes a long way. The beautiful thing about a smile is that it doesn’t cost a dime to smile, which means everybody can afford an honest smile. While smiling is often spontaneous, it can also be intentional, as a person chooses to smile more and in specific situations. An honest smile can be a reflection of one’s internal disposition.

A smile is contagious, medicinal, therapeutic, relaxes our muscles, and even makes us look more pleasant and approachable. When it becomes a habit to show pleasantness to another person through a smile, nothing in the world can take it away from you, even the daily challenges of life. A healthy smile is inviting and invigorating and can motivate people to reciprocate with their smiles, whether in a social setting or professional sphere.

A genuine smile leaves a memory in the minds of people who contact such a person. It is another way of promoting our shared humanity. A sense of calmness and a healthy smile can ease tension in a room full of anxiety and uncertainty, especially in a situation where decision-making is needed. Leaders who understand this simple gesture have their team members go the extra mile in the call of duty.

There are three reasons why authority figures should showcase and encourage smiles in the work environment: smiles provide links to pleasant experiences, improve interpersonal relationships, and increase performance and productivity .

  • Provide links to pleasant experiences . A smile signifies internal pleasantness and validation. There is a popular saying, “ Laughter is the best medicine.” While smiling can lead to laughter, it also relaxes the body and makes you more present in the now.

As an authority figure, being in the now and not aloof revalidates a sense of caring to your team members. Smiling is a behavior that becomes stronger with constant practice. It is never pleasant to work for a person who is always aloof and out of touch.

For one thing, a smile is beneficial to the person who is exercising it, and it has an infectious effect on others. Exercising smiling daily has a healthy, long-lasting impact on your immune system and increases healthy human relationships.

  • Improves interpersonal relationships . If you were asked to name one of your coworkers or managers you admire the most, chances are one of the traits of such a person would be their pleasant smile and professionalism. Our brain remembers pleasant emotions and how people make us feel. Nothing improves a relationship more than politeness and a healthy smile. And when a connection is improved, people make an effort to improve other relationships. Smiling increases the chances of bonding with others and is linked to performance and productivity.
  • Increases performance and productivity at work . Smiling is associated with positive emotions, and positive emotions are related to happiness . When a team member is in good spirits, they tend to produce more. An authority figure who wants a more productive workforce should promote a healthy work environment instead of a toxic and stressful environment.

A tense executive produces a team of associates who work under duress. A tense environment can be sensed by those who are in it. It is encouraging for team members and managers alike to be cognizant of the emotional temperature in their workplace because it will be reflected in the team members’ output.

While we acknowledge the presence of life’s uncertainties, we also should recognize the need to find meaningful gestures such as smiling to create a balanced life amid our challenges. Smiling is one mechanism that allows individuals to share their humanity, whether in relationships, social settings, or in the workplace.

what makes you smile essay

Our collective recognition that showing kindness to one another could improve the relational health of our society is an indication that we are moving in the right direction. And besides, “You’re never fully dressed without a smile.”

Barrett, L. F., Adolphs, R., Marsella, S., Martinez, A. M., & Pollak, S. D. (2019). Emotional Expressions Reconsidered: Challenges to Inferring Emotion From Human Facial Movements. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 20(1), 1–68.

Johns Hopkins Medicine. (2021). Good Reasons to Smile,…

Loney, D. (2020). The Implications of Smiling at Work: Different kinds of smiles can indicate an employee’s true motivation, according to research from Marketing Prof. Patti Williams,

Mayo Clinic. (2021). Stress Management: Stress relief from laughter? It’s no joke,…

SunKyoung Kim, Masakazu Hirokawa, Soichiro Matsuda, Atsushi Funahashi, & Kenji Suzuki. (2021). Smiles as a Signal of Prosocial Behaviors Toward the Robot in the Therapeutic Setting for Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder,

University of West Alabama. (2019). Psychology To Grin About: The Benefits Of Smiling and Laughter,

J. Ibeh Agbanyim Ph.D.

J. Ibeh Agbanyim, Ph.D., is an industrial-organizational psychology practitioner and the author of The Five Principles of Collaboration.

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Essay on Importance of Smile

Students are often asked to write an essay on Importance of Smile in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Importance of Smile

The magic of smiling.

Smiling is a simple act, but it can create big changes. It’s a universal sign of happiness and friendliness. When you smile, it can brighten your day and also the day of others around you.

Health Benefits of Smiling

Smiling is good for your health. It can reduce stress and boost your mood. It also helps your body to relax and can even lower your blood pressure.

Smiling and Relationships

Smiling can help you make friends. People are drawn to those who are friendly and smiling can show that you are a kind and welcoming person. So, keep smiling!

250 Words Essay on Importance of Smile

The power of a simple smile.

A smile, often seen as a simple, involuntary response to a pleasurable event, is a potent tool with the ability to transform our lives and those around us. It is an embodiment of positivity, a universal language that transcends cultural boundaries, and a conduit for empathy and connection.

Smile as a Reflection of Well-being

Smiling is not just a visual display of joy, but a reflection of our internal well-being. Neuroscientific research suggests that the act of smiling can stimulate our brain’s reward mechanism, producing feelings of happiness and reducing stress. It is a self-perpetuating cycle: the happier we feel, the more we smile, and the more we smile, the happier we feel.

Smile as a Social Glue

In the context of social interactions, a smile acts as a powerful bonding agent. It fosters a sense of trust and cooperation, making social interactions smoother and more enjoyable. Smiling can also signal our openness and willingness to engage, making it an essential tool for building and maintaining relationships.

The Ripple Effect of a Smile

A smile’s influence extends beyond the individual, creating a ripple effect in society. A single smile can lift someone’s spirits, promote a positive environment, and even trigger a chain reaction of smiles. It is a small yet significant way of contributing to the collective well-being of our communities.

In conclusion, a smile, though simple, carries profound significance. It is a testament to the power of positivity, a beacon of hope, and a catalyst for social cohesion. So, let’s harness the power of our smiles, for ourselves and for those around us.

500 Words Essay on Importance of Smile

The power of a smile.

A smile, an innate human gesture, is a universal language that transcends all barriers. It can light up a room, change the course of a conversation, and even transform a life. The importance of a smile is often underestimated, yet it holds profound implications for our social interactions, mental health, and overall well-being.

Smile as a Social Tool

A smile is a powerful social tool that can influence how we are perceived by others. It acts as a non-verbal cue, communicating positivity, friendliness, and openness. When we smile, we are seen as more approachable and trustworthy, often leading to more positive social interactions. It encourages cooperation and fosters a sense of community, making it an essential element in building and maintaining relationships.

Smiling and Mental Health

The act of smiling has been linked to improved mental health. Neurological studies have shown that smiling activates the release of neurotransmitters such as dopamine and serotonin, which are associated with feelings of happiness and reduced stress levels. Even forcing a smile during stressful situations can trigger the brain to move towards a more positive emotional state, demonstrating the potential of a smile as a coping mechanism.

Physical Benefits of Smiling

Beyond the psychological benefits, smiling also offers physical advantages. It can lower heart rate, relax the body, and reduce pain. The act of smiling even exercises up to 26 muscles, contributing to a healthier facial structure. Furthermore, research suggests that people who smile often tend to live longer, reinforcing the importance of this simple yet powerful gesture.

Smile as an Agent of Change

A smile holds the potential to instigate change, both at an individual and societal level. It can break down walls of misunderstanding, foster empathy, and promote a more compassionate world. A smile can be a beacon of hope in times of despair, a source of comfort in moments of discomfort, and a symbol of shared humanity in a world often divided by differences.

In conclusion, the importance of a smile extends far beyond its surface simplicity. It is a powerful tool that can influence social dynamics, improve mental and physical health, and even serve as a catalyst for positive change. As we navigate through the complexities of life, it is essential to remember the power of a simple smile. It is a gift that costs nothing but has the potential to enrich our lives in innumerable ways. As Mother Teresa once said, “We shall never know all the good that a simple smile can do.”

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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Happy studying!

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what makes you smile essay

What Makes Me Smile Essay Example

What Makes Me Smile Essay Example

  • Pages: 2 (455 words)
  • Published: April 11, 2017
  • Type: Literature Analysis

A smile is a delineation of happiness. Many quotes about smile are said by social activists such as “Wear a smile, one size fits all”, “Everyone smiles in the same language”, “Smile increases your face value” and so on. These quotes innovate people to keep smiling in melancholy. Smiles and doves are intimation of peace. Many things make people smile. It includes peers, closely related people, comedy shows, jokes, opportunities, fulfilled dreams, excellent performance in one or the other field etc..

Smiling makes us attractive, contagious, and makes us look younger. Also, smiling changes our mood and relieves stress. To me, I try to keep myself happy all the times. My parents always try to boost my confidence and I never think in a pessimistic way. I

love my parents but in addition to this, I am passionate for my grandparents. My heart and face glow up when I happen to see them. Smile comes on my face when I see my one and a half year old cousin and he rushes to me when I reach home after the school.

I also like watching comedy shows on the television. These shows are fashioned for making people laugh. I always enjoyed at school, be it Canada or India. I never miss a chance to wish my teachers and I do respect them a lot. This provides me a sort of satisfaction and happiness. A smile automatically comes on my face when I score well in the exams and hand over my result card to my parents. They acknowledge it with so many new books. Reading books also help me smiling.

I also feel very happy when I answe

the questions put up by the teachers. In India, my classmates used to call me ‘encyclopedia’ and that also encouraged me to work hard in studies and it is definitely a source of a smile. Laughing out loud, much like smiling creates an emotional state that relieves stress and lifts your mood. So, you must respect your elders particularly, your teachers and parents and work hard to achieve your goal. Think of the funniest stories you know and tell others.

Read jokes, watch movies and talk to funny people. A smile activates a specific set of muscles in the face, closely connected to the emotions of happiness and joy. By smiling, you’re signaling the emotional centers of your brain to tell them that everything is good. Smiling more is a simple way to greatly improve the quality of your life. All you have to do is smile, and life will be better. Really, it’s that simple. So, smile is address of life. Smile is to win hearts. Smile improves your personality. So keep smiling….. always.

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What Makes You Happy? 10 Different Answers With Examples

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Updated on October 15, 2023

three happy women sitting near flowers

  • Appreciating simple joys can spark instant happiness.
  • Engaging in activities we love provides mental health benefits.
  • Finding contentment in what we have leads to genuine happiness.

Have you ever been asked the question, “What makes you happy?” When you put some thought into it, I’m sure that you’ll come up with a wide range of answers. Having your favorite meal might come to mind, or getting that dream job might be at the top of the list.

Happiness is something that every person seeks, yet it can be elusive and difficult to define. What brings happiness to one person may not necessarily bring happiness to another. However, understanding the factors that contribute to happiness can help us to live more fulfilling lives. 

In this article, we will explore different answers to the question, “What makes you happy?” By examining the different sources of happiness, I hope to provide insights for individuals seeking to cultivate greater happiness and well-being in their lives!

Sources of happiness

My own answer to happiness, 1. appreciating the small things, 2. spending time with our loved ones, 3. expressing love and feeling loved, 4. doing our favorite activities, 5. experiencing new things, 6. achieving our goals, 7. taking care of ourselves, 8. giving back, 9. living our purpose, 10. feeling content, wrapping up.

We all have various sources of happiness. But to help you reflect on what truly makes you happy, breaking them down into categories can make the process easier.

According to a book entitled Happiness: A Very Short Introduction by philosophy professor Dr. Haybron, there are 5 key sources of happiness which are as follows:

  • Security: Experiencing a sense of stability and predictability in our lives can lead to feelings of calmness, contentment, and happiness.
  • Relationships: Spending time with family and friends, building strong social connections, and having a supportive partner are all sources of happiness for many people.
  • Outlook: Practicing gratitude and focusing on the positive aspects of life can increase happiness levels and reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Autonomy: Making independent choices and having control over one’s life, has been found to be a significant source of happiness and fulfillment.
  • Skilled and meaningful activity: Engaging in activities that allow us to find a sense of purpose can increase overall life satisfaction and happiness.

These are just a few examples of the many sources of happiness, and what brings happiness to one person may not necessarily bring happiness to another. Ultimately, happiness is a subjective experience that can be influenced by a variety of factors, both internal and external.

When I think about what makes me happy, I’d like to go for things that don’t take too much effort or cost me a lot.

For example, being happy in a relationship doesn’t have to mean grand expressions of love. It can be cooking our favorite meal together on a Tuesday night, or receiving a compliment at a random moment.

When I think about happiness in my everyday life, it can be as simple as feeling the warm sun on my skin or seeing a baby smile at me on the bus. It’s those tiny encounters that instantly lift my mood.

When I find joy in humble and innocent moments like these, it creates a positive change in my perspective on life. I realize that life can be pure bliss when we know the value of contentment!

💡 By the way : Do you find it hard to be happy and in control of your life? It may not be your fault. To help you feel better, we’ve condensed the information of 100’s of articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet to help you be more in control. 👇

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Don’t Miss Out On Happiness

Find happiness with this 10-step mental health cheat sheet.

10 answers to the question “What makes you happy?”

If you’re exploring the ways to respond to this question, here are some examples worth reflecting on:

Enjoying simple pleasures, such as reading a good book, basking in the morning sun, or looking out at a nice view, can instantly spark our happiness.

Appreciating the simple joys that life brings can help us to be fully present in the moment and enjoy the experience to its fullest. Most of the time, finding happiness doesn’t have to cost us anything at all!

Loved ones can provide emotional and social support, which can help us cope with stress and adversity. This sense of social support can lead to greater happiness and well-being .

When we share experiences with the people we care about, it can also create good memories and strengthen our relationships. Whether it’s special occasions or pure quality time, making time for our loved ones can surely give us a good dose of positivity.

When we show our love to someone and we know that we’ve made them happy, it can give us a sense of fulfillment. In the same way, feeling their love in return can certainly provide the kind of joy that’s priceless.

Knowing that the people we love feel the same way can also boost our self-esteem and sense of self-worth, which can lead to greater confidence and happiness!

Whether it’s enjoying our hobbies or pursuing the work that we love, doing what makes us happy can do wonders for our mental health and overall life satisfaction.

Engaging in activities that we enjoy can also act as a form of stress relief, helping us to relax and live an easy-going life. Keep in mind that you don’t need a lot of reasons to do something but to make yourself happy!

Ever had one of those “bucket lists” of things you want to try before you reach a certain age? Surely, ticking things off this list can bring adventure and excitement to your life.

Oftentimes, we can get lost in the grind of our daily lives, and one way to break such monotony is by immersing ourselves in new experiences. So, step out of your comfort zone and enjoy all the excitement and happiness that the world has to offer!

Most of us find happiness through a sense of accomplishment. By setting goals and working towards achieving them , we attain positive feelings such as pride, satisfaction, and growth.

While it’s great to be goal-driven, it’s also important to note that true happiness is not a destination. Rather, paying close attention to our journey can help us find more meaning in everything that we choose to do.

Self-care is fundamental to our happiness and overall well-being. When we take care of ourselves , we are more capable of doing the things we love, spending time with the people we care about, and pursuing our passions in life.

Health, in all aspects, can help us experience happiness to our maximum potential. So, make sure to rest and recharge before you go back to chasing that adrenaline rush!

For some of us who have already achieved all sorts of happiness in life, contributing to other people’s happiness and welfare can further fuel our sense of purpose.

Whether it’s getting involved in charitable work or dedicating ourselves to helping our communities, knowing that we’ve made a positive impact on other people’s lives can bring us incomparable joy .

Discovering our purpose is essential to finding our own happiness. When we know what we’re most passionate about and we pursue it, we gain a sense of direction and fulfillment.

Living with purpose can also make us feel like we’re needed and that we have a place in the world. These positive beliefs can ultimately lead us to live a happy and healthy life.

Contentment is often associated with a sense of acceptance and gratitude for what one has, rather than a focus on what one lacks or desires.

People can sometimes have the tendency to keep wanting more and never feel satisfied with what they have. But, to be truly happy, we must learn a valuable lesson: that good enough is good enough. Only when we find contentment will we achieve genuine happiness.

💡 By the way : If you want to start feeling better and more productive, I’ve condensed the information of 100’s of our articles into a 10-step mental health cheat sheet here. 👇

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This Cheat Sheet Will Help You Be Happier and More Productive

Thrive under stress and crush your goals with these 10 unique tips for your mental health.

Happiness can feel different for everyone. From spending time with loved ones to achieving our goals, experiencing new things, and living our purpose, there are many factors that can contribute to our overall sense of well-being and fulfillment.

By exploring and embracing what brings us joy and contentment, we can create a life that is truly filled with happiness and meaning.

When someone asks you what makes you happy, how would you answer? I’d love to hear your thoughts in the comments below!


Writer and advocate for young people’s mental health. Firm believer of validating one’s feelings, prioritizing the inner-self, and finding happiness in a plate of chicken curry.

2 thoughts on “What Makes You Happy? 10 Different Answers With Examples”

Nothing makes me happy at the moment

I’m sorry to hear, Mimi. I hope you’re pulilng through and find something to be happy about soon.

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Essay on Benefits of Smile for Students in English

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Essay on Benefits of Smile

Smile is a comprehensive expression of happiness and one of the best moves of nonverbal communication. Though it is easy to flex your face muscles from one ear to another but it’s the hardest task to make someone really smile or smile when you do not want to. What happiness is for you? Is it having the best car in town? Is it having more money than your acquaintances or a more luxurious living style than your neighbours? If happiness is related to expensive things then people with little or no money would never be happy in their whole life. A simple, pure and innocent smile can produce more happiness than an impressive gadget.

Smiling is a universally recognized act. It’s in our daily routine but have you ever determined its power? We rarely think about the most powerful act of smiling. It makes us more beautiful and approachable not only for our acquaintances but for strangers also. Infant or even animals can understand this angelic deed. Its blessings are far from regional, cultural or language barriers. No matter where you live or what language you speak there is no need to decode a grin.

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A smile can be fake or real. Have you ever experienced a fake smile from a loved one? One cannot assess that how hurting it is. However, sometimes a fake smile is far better than a frowning face. Studies proved this strange fact that a smile has the power to make us happy even it’s a fake one. Just pretending to be happy and cheerful can trigger inner satisfaction and joys.

Smile is correlated with all the major aspects of life. It puts things in the right order and tells about anyone more than words can say. Life span, health, pleasure, success and friendship are related with a sincere and pure smile.

Phyllis Diller says,

“A Smile is a Curve that Sets Everything Straight.”

Benefits of Smiling:

Smiling is an act that costs nothing and returns a lot as beauty, health, mental and friendly advantages.

Psychological Benefits

Smile assists you in staying positive in every situation. Negative thoughts cannot combine with a smile. You have to say goodbye to a false attitude when you welcome a smile. A real smile helps you to drift tension and sadness. With frequent smile wearing you will be able to relieve anxiety. Happiness is a difficult state to achieve but one can have it with a positive attitude. Smile releases stress. A stressed face is easily detectable. It is hard to unite a smile with stress. The fakeness can be marked effortlessly. Also, a stiff, rigid and inflexible face makes others uncomfortable. A pure and real smile reduces the tension and helps you to make others happy and relaxed.

Beauty Benefits

Smile is the best cosmetic that makes you more beautiful and young without spending anything. The rude and solid expressions demonstrate you far mature and elderly. The facial muscles that lift your face up while smiling makes you seem younger than your actual age. Smiles prevent you from premature wrinkles and additional treatment of face lifting. There is no need to research more about that smiling faces seem more attractive. The frowning face of a beauty queen can never replace the smiling face of a dear friend (but it will go the other way round).

Social Benefits

Smile makes you approachable to people. No matter they know you or not. Your sincere smile welcomes them to come near you. If you are friendly then you should be ‘smiley’. To put yourself at ease for others Smile More. If you are confident then you must wear a smile ever. It is a specific tool to measure self-confidence. In a job interview or for business dealing smiling faces seem more attractive yet reliable. You must be confident enough when things are not going in your way. Your pure, innocent and sincere smile keeps you in people’s memory for a long time. It is the most strengthening and soothing act that one can offer in a tense situation. Your smiling face makes people assume that you must have a multitude of more good qualities. If you have a frowning face then you must be lacking friends.

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  • Tiny Buddha’s Breaking Barriers to Self-Care

Tiny Buddha

Some days, it’s easy to smile. You wake up to the sounds of birds chirping, with the warm glow of the morning sun cradling your face. You take several deep, cleansing breaths standing beneath a perfectly cascading shower, just before drawing a smiley face on the steamed-up glass with your index finger.

Your roommate or significant other makes your coffee, just the way you like it. You hit every traffic light. You sing to your favorite tunes. And you arrive at work refreshed, excited, and anxious to create and collaborate.

But not every day starts this way. Sometimes you wake up to chaos, in your head or in the world around you. You hit snags, and bumps, and roadblocks at every turn. You try too hard, or don’t try enough, and things fall apart, or things fall short.

You struggle, you fight yourself and other people, and you find yourself wishing you could stop the world so you could get off for a while.

But there is an alternative. When things go wrong, you can fall down or look up. You can shut down or wake up, all over again, starting from right where you stand. You can accept that the days won’t always look bright, but commit to finding something worth smiling about. Not sure what that might be? No worries, friends! I have a few ideas….

1. Call a friend who knows how to laugh at herself to remember what it’s like not to take yourself too seriously.

2. Ask a friend to come over and make you smile. It’s really simple and obvious, I know, but sometimes we forget to just ask for what we need.

3. Read a letter, card, or email from someone who thought of you when you were going through a hard time.

4. Search your deleted email folder for “thank you.” You probably made a huge difference in someone’s life recently—remember that now!

5. Text a friend, “What’s the funniest thing you’ve heard today?”

6. Text your significant other with a silly picture of you and ask for one in return.

7. Ask your significant other to make you breakfast in bed —and to be creative with it. (I have no idea what that could mean, but just seeing the thought s/he puts into it will likely make it extra fun).

8. Post on your Facebook page, “What made you smile today?” (Like I often do on the Tiny Buddha Facebook page!)

9. Tell a child in your life that you need a hug. Just try to stay stoic when she throws her little arms around your neck and sings “The Sun Will Come out Tomorrow.”

10. Alternatively, ask that child to draw a picture of you and him or her together.

11. Take a break to enjoy a simple pleasure that you often multitask—like a cup of flavored coffee, or a favorite snack.

12. Rearrange your furniture. Maybe it’s just me, but I feel a sense of accomplishment when I do this, and I also really enjoy the novelty of creating a space with a different feel.

13. Give your cat a ball of yarn or give your dog a wrapped gift and watch him try to open it. Pets playing = instant smile, at least, for me!

14. Go out and invest in a hula hoop. It’s nearly impossible to stay glum when you get moving like you haven’t since you were a kid. (Alternative option: jump around on a trampoline and just try to not smile!)

15. For the ladies: paint your toe nails a bright color that you wouldn’t usually pick.

16. Ask a child in your life to do your hair. Seeing yourself with massive 80s bangs (ladies) or a Mohawk-inspired look (men) is sure to get you laughing!

17. Blast your favorite music and dance around with absolutely no regard for rhythm or appearance.

18. Bake something that has a silly face on it. Really—this is a valid suggestion!

19. Eat food that requires you to use your hands, and get messy —and then really get messy. Get rib sauce all over your face and just go with it.

20. Make some type of arts and crafts project , just like you would have as a kid, with plans to give it to someone else. (Two-part smile: when you see the ridiculous thing you made, and when you see your friend’s face after receiving it).

21. Make a snack you loved as a kid. Maybe it’s peanut butter and banana sandwiches, or a sundae with gummy bears on it.

22. Watch a movie or cartoon from your childhood. (Smurfs always do it for me, especially when I remember how my mother called them devil worshipers because Papa Smurf did magic.)

23. Write a hand-written letter to someone you love , using different colored pens.

24. Look at pictures from your childhood. I can’t help but smile when I see the ridiculously thick bangs my mother gave me (translate: the front of a mullet).

25. Pop in the video/DVD from your child’s last recital —or your childhood recital.

26. Call your oldest friend, start a conversation with, “’Member when we…,” and end it with, “That was awesome, huh?”

27. Do an updated version of that awesome thing, right now. Really—grab your markers, or your bike, or your flashlight, or your video camera, and have a childlike adventure .

28. Make a magazine collage of things that always make you smile. Consider it a mini vision board for moments you’d like to create soon.

29. Dress up in clothes you love, just to run a simple errand. When you like how you look, you generally feel good.

30. Wear bright colored socks. If your pants are long, wear a different color on each foot. It’s like a little private joke that only you and your feet know about.

31. Make a beeline to your favorite spot, whether it’s a beach, bike trail, or mall. (No judgment—it’s your favorite spot.)

32. Make time to see the sunrise or sunset, and make it an occasion. Invite a friend and bring wine and a picnic basket. Make a memory, and make it beautiful.

33. Walk by your neighborhood park and soak in the innocence, excitement, and wonder.

34. Grab your camera and go outside with a mission to capture things that make you happy.

35. Make a list of all the amazing things you’ve accomplished and experienced this year, and then bask in the beauty of it all.

36. Tell someone how much they mean to you. Say all the things that might make you feel kind of vulnerable, and then think about how special you just made them feel.

37. Help a neighbor with something , whether it’s pulling weeds from a woman’s garden or running an errand for an elderly man who no longer drives. Two part happiness—forgetting about your own problems, and showing someone that neighborly kindness is not a thing of the past.

38. Ask a friend to tell you what’s new with his or her passion project. Same idea: forget about yourself for a while and watch someone else light up.

39. Commit a random act of kindness and tell that person to pass it on.

40. People-watch with a dialogue-writing slant. As in, find two people sitting across the street and make up a ridiculous conversation in your head that they could be having. I know, it sounds silly, and it is. But it always makes me laugh! (I got this from the movie Date Night , in case it sounds familiar.)

41. Visit a positive news site . (There are tons of them.)

42. Elf yourself or a friend. (I know this one’s seasonal, but it’s funny year-found!)

43. Spend some time exploring 1000 Awesome Things .

44. Make your own list of awesome things.

45. Use the search functionality on Twitter and look for “happy” or “smile.”

46. Create a gratitude list for the day , including the smallest details (a fluffy pillow) and the biggest things (your health and your family).

47. Take a run around your block. Trigger some endorphins, whittle your waist line, and remember that the world is so much bigger and greater than it seems when sadness closes you down.

48. Laugh out loud. Seriously, just choose to laugh and keep going. (They actually offer laughter yoga and laughter meditation, if you’re interested in checking them out.)

49. Hum your favorite song. Humming has all kinds of benefits —it’s soothing, it centers you, and also calms your nervous system.

50. Make a new friend , in person or by commenting on a blog. Like this one. =)

51. And lastly…watch an uplifting video, like Tiny Buddha’s first YouTube video. I asked readers to submit footage of the things that make them smile, and the end result definitely put a smile on my face:

Video Credits:

Editing/Song: “Moving Towards Love” by Cheryl B. Engelhardt ( ) Download from iTunes: Download from Amazon: Purchase CD:

Readers who contributed:

Jennifer Butler-Williams , Victoria Strong , Linda Churchill, Grace, Chris Alexander , Gayle Wright, Nicolette Blubaugh, Richard Barlow, Sarah Maccarelli ( Hooping by Sarah ), Anna B, Alison Kosakowski ( Diary of a Dairy Queen ), Elizabeth Lyons , Dan Manning , Nikki Faith ( Myth Girl ), Michelle Poletti, Gloria Fester, Liliya Pellus, Julia ( OmPeaceMom ), Regina Goh, Sean ( BabylonSeeker ), Kalpana Tewani, Ekaterina Perminov , Paul F. Caswell, Dpl. MT, LMT ( Performance Muscular Therapy ), Rami Liesaho, Lindsay Savage, Justin Carmichael ( That Other Justin )

Thank you to everyone who contributed! I aimed to include all video footage (my apologies to anyone who sent in photo montages!) If I missed your name, or you’d like me to include a link, please send it to email(AT)tinybuddha(DOT)com.

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About Lori Deschene

Lori Deschene is the founder of Tiny Buddha. She started the site after struggling with depression, bulimia, c-PTSD, and toxic shame so she could recycle her former pain into something useful and inspire others do the same. She recently created the Breaking Barriers to Self-Care eCourse to help people overcome internal blocks to meeting their needs—so they can feel their best, be their best, and live their best possible life. If you’re ready to start thriving instead of merely surviving, you can learn more and get instant access here .

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what makes you smile essay

Live Bold and Bloom

The Proof Is In: 101 Things That Are Guaranteed to Make You Smile

Sometimes, it can be hard to find things to smile about. 

Whether going through a difficult time or just feeling stressed and distracted by your regular routine, it’s not always easy to stop and enjoy the little moments. 

Finding something to make you smile requires paying attention and being more mindful as you go through your day. 

Once you deliberately start to look, you might be surprised by the things you find to make you smile.

The Science Behind What Makes People Smile

Why is smiling good for you, final thoughts.

According to a report in, “When our brains feel happy, endorphins are produced and neuronal signals are transmitted to your facial muscles to trigger a smile.

This is the start of the positive feedback loop of happiness.”

man holding dog up high Things That Make You Smile

That’s the science behind smiling, but the types of things that make most of us smile include:

  • A positive relationship experience
  • A joyful or significant positive event
  • Something humorous or witty
  • Beauty and kindness
  • A happy memory or anticipation of a positive event

What makes you smile might not be the same for others.

After all, everyone has their own way of viewing the world and what they find smile-worthy.

While everyone has different reasons for smiling, we all share one commonality when it comes to showing our pearly whites — the real health benefits of smiling!

These include:

  • Release of endorphins, which cause temporary pain relief
  • Temporarily reducing your blood pressure
  • Reducing stress
  • Strengthening the immune system
  • Improving your mindset
  • Making you look younger
  • Improving your lifespan

101 Things That Will Make You Smile

Countless things happen daily that can make you smile if you watch for them.

From the big to the small, smiley things are always happening, so keep your eyes, ears, and mind open. Soon those endorphins will be flooding in!

1. Giving someone a hug

2. Visiting the beach and listening to the crashing of the waves

3. Seeing a rainbow after a thunderstorm 

4. The sounds of a river running 

5. Getting a massage

6. A phone call with a good friend 

7. Getting the answers right during a trivia contest or show

8. The sound of birds in the morning 

9. Kicking back with a new book

10. The smell of a hot cup of coffee or tea

11. Cooling off in the pool on a hot, sweaty day

12. Cuddling with your favorite person

13. Getting a surprise hug or kiss from your child

14. Having your hair done

15. Seeing an elderly couple holding hands

16. Waking up feeling rested and refreshed after a good night’s sleep

17. Watching the clouds float by on a bright day

18. Having a vase of beautiful flowers in your house

19. Taking a hot shower on a chilly day

20. Meeting up with an old friend

21. Seeing a cute baby animal

22. Coming upon a beautiful view

23. Eating a delicious ice cream sundae with your favorite toppings

24. Standing up and moving your limbs after sitting for a long time

25. Dancing to your favorite song

26. Swinging on a porch swing or hammock and watching the world go by

27. Walking barefoot through the grass on a summer day

28. Going outside and enjoying the fresh air after being cooped up inside

29. Accomplishing something you’ve been working at for a long time

30. The sound of rain on the sidewalk

31. Having dinner with good friends or family 

32. Leaving the window open and enjoying the breeze on a beautiful day

33. Getting to know a new friend

34. Watching your kids sleep peacefully

35. Waking up in the middle of the night and realizing you still have time to sleep

36. Someone bringing you a fresh cup of something to drink

37. Cooking a delicious meal for your family (or just yourself!)

38. Going for a leisurely drive to enjoy the scenery

39. Waking up to find a fresh coat of snow on the ground

40. Petting a dog or cat

41. Going for a swim on a hot summer day

42. Picking flowers and enjoying the scent 

43. Stopping for a few minutes to meditate or say a prayer 

44. Watching the sun go down

45. Doing a cartwheel like when you were a kid

46. Reaching a goal that you’ve been working toward

47. Hearing a song that brings up good memories

48. Doing something that makes someone else smile

49. Going out for drinks or dinner with friends 

50. Finding something you thought you had lost 

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51. Watching the rain all while curled up in a blanket

52. Offering an act of kindness for a neighbor

53. Getting some much-needed exercise after putting it off

54. Enjoying a treat from your favorite bakery

55. Getting someone a birthday card or gift 

56. Doing something childlike, like going on a swing or throwing water balloons

57. Helping someone in need

58. Sinking into a warm bubble bath

59. Spending some one-on-one time with your children

60. Enjoying a lazy day with nothing to do 

61. Watching a silly video on the internet

62. Getting an unexpected compliment

63. Running into an old friend

64. Watching a favorite old movie you’ve seen many times before

65. Taking a day off from work just to relax

66. Looking at old photos and thinking back on the memories

67. Eating a meal out in the sunshine

68. Writing down all the things you are thankful for 

69. Going for a day trip with friends or your partner

70. Looking at the stars

71. Getting your inbox cleared

72. Unexpected praise from someone who has noticed your hard work

73. A delicious, cold glass of lemonade on a hot day

74. Giving someone a spontaneous gift

75. Getting things checked off your to-do list 

76. Climbing into bed with clean sheets

77. Taking your dog for a walk around the neighborhood

78. Organizing your desk and getting rid of the clutter

79. Letting yourself be lazy for an hour

80. Seeing a baby walk for the first time

81. The smell of a bouquet of flowers 

82. A letter or postcard from someone that you miss 

83. A nice exchange with a friendly stranger in the grocery store

84. Looking forward to reuniting with friends 

85. Your favorite song coming on the radio

86. An unexpected kind gesture from a friend or neighbor

87. Getting a closet organized 

88. Cuddles from a child

89. A good meal when you are really hungry

90. The sound of wind chimes 

91. Watching a favorite old TV show

92. Baking cookies in the oven 

93. Helping someone who needs a hand

94. Sitting outside in the sunshine

95. Going for a walk on a beautiful day

96. The sound of waves crashing on the beach

97. Memories of a happy time with people that you love

98. Good news from a friend or loved one

99. Laughing until your stomach hurts

100. Seeing plants bloom in your garden 

101. The sight of leaves falling in the autumn

There are many things that will help you smile more daily and turn your frown upside down.

Even making a deliberate effort to smile is good for you, leading to a myriad of health benefits. And this one is most important: smiling has also been shown to be contagious.

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Ten reasons to smile

As ha shares ten things that always make her smile, no matter what! What makes you smile?


Watch the video and use the subtitles and the transcript to help you understand. 

Asha singing:  ‘If you’re happy clap along if you feel that happiness is the truth.’

Hey, guys, my name is Asha and this video is for the British Council’s LearnEnglish Teens online magazine and YouTube channel.

OK, I just wanted to start off by saying there’s a lot of things that are happening in the world ... 2016/2017 which is a bit like …


... which may make you question some people’s decisions about things …


… and make you say things like, ‘Really, are you being serious?’


And I felt the need to make a positive video despite all the things that are happening. So here are ten things that make me personally smile and hopefully you guys will relate to some of them.

Number one is that chocolate exists and how can chocolate not make you smile?

Number two is blue skies and sunshine. It just makes me smile when it’s bright outside even when I need to wake up at 7a.m.

Number three would be watching something funny on YouTube. Have you guys seen that video where that guy’s like, ‘I’ve got an apple … I’ve got a pen … I’ve got a … apple pen …’ or something like that. Guys, you should check that out. It’s so funny.

Number four. This one’s a bit cheesy but it is hanging out with my family and friends and spending like really good, quality time. Like, it makes me smile when I’m, like, surrounded by good people.

Number five is going on holiday. Sun, sea and sand are my favourite three Ss because when I’m abroad I’m like … ( Asha smiles).

Ooh, I know. Number six is … when the top you really wanted goes on sale and you get it for half the price. I’m legit like, ‘Oh yeah … oh yeah …’

Number seven is it makes me smile that filters have been invented. Like, even when you’ve woken up, you can just stick a Snapchat filter on and make yourself look like a cute little dog and you’re sorted.

Number eight is warm, home-baked cookies. I’m smiling all day after one of them. I feel like I’ve been mentioning a lot of food but food makes me smile.

The ninth reason to smile is those days when you do not even need to set an alarm and you can snooze all day long with no worries in the world, just you, yourself and a beautiful dream about Theo James or whoever your celebrity crush is.

And number ten on things that make me smile is when you guys like, comment, subscribe! I really could not help myself there, but make sure if you did like this video to give it a thumbs up, comment down below what makes you smile and do not forget to subscribe. And I will see you in the next video.

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What makes you smile? 

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Essay on What makes me Happy

What makes me Happy

The word happiness when comes to our mind displays the images of a smiling or a laughing face in front of us. Isn’t it true? This is the fact that no one in this world wants to be sad. We all are in search of happiness. The way of finding happiness is different in every person in this universe. There are many things in this world that bring smiles and satisfaction to the face of people.

Short and Long Essays on What makes me Happy in English

Find here some essays of your interest:

10 Lines Essay on What makes me Happy (100 – 120 Words)

1) The thing that gives people enjoyment and pleasure makes them happy.

2) Listening to music makes me happy.

3) I love music and also sing very well.

4) Music gives me peace and relaxation.

5) When I feel bored or alone, music becomes my partner.

6) Music soothes my mind and improves my mood.

7) I feel energetic on listening to my favorite music.

8) Music is a great way to keep me motivated.

9) Music makes me happy even when I am full of anger.

10) Music and musical instruments give me internal joy and happiness.

Short Essay – 300 Words


Happiness is referred to as a good state of mind and body. People often smile, sing, and dance when they are happy. The perspective of happiness is different for everyone in this world. We all must try to find out and note down the things that can make us happy. We can do those things for getting happiness whenever we are in a bad mood or sad.

Happiness lies in enjoying small things in life

It is presumed that happiness lies in doing big things. Many of us think that earning a lot of money and holding a nice position is necessary for getting happiness. It is true that success brings happiness but it does not mean that it is only the way to be happy. In reality, happiness lies in enjoying small-small things in our life. The happiness that we get by doing these things is a very beautiful experience. I feel happy when I help my mother in her kitchen work, water the plants, eat my favorite dish, go for a walk, listen to music, play with pets, spend time with family, gossip with friends, etc. We need to find ways of getting happy instead of waiting for it to come by itself.

The beauty of nature and melody of music enhances the feeling of happiness

We must try to listen to music or feel the beauty of nature when we are happy. Happiness is enhanced when enjoyed in nature with the melody of music. Music has the power to reduce the pain of sadness. We have often noticed that people listen to music when they are very sad or depressed. It helps them in ending the pain of their sorrow and makes them feel better.

The best way to keep ourselves stress-free is to be happy. Therefore we must try to find ways to be happy and make others happy too.

In the long essay, I will be sharing some important things in my life that provide happiness to me. I hope that you all would be having such experiences in your life too. This essay will be an aid to the students in getting an idea about writing an essay, assignment, or project on this topic.

Essay on Things that make me Happy – Long Essay (1000 Words)

Life involves both, sometimes happiness and sometimes sadness. One can never be always happy or sad in their life. Happiness is always followed by sadness. Becoming happy is not very difficult but depends totally upon our perceptions. We can be happy by a number of activities like traveling, reading, shopping, cooking, etc. Our mind is full of excitement and satisfaction when we are happy and this really gets depicted on our faces.

What is Happiness?

Happiness is about getting inner satisfaction and well being of body and mind. Happiness is certainly a great feeling. It is expressed in the form of joy, excitement, pride, gratitude, etc. We all are doing some or the other thing in our lives. Everything we do in our life is only to attain happiness. I think nobody ever does anything to be sad or unhappy. When we are happy everything around us seems to be happy with us. Nothing in this world can be as beautiful as we feel when we are happy. This happiness can be gained because of numerous things in our life.

Happiness makes us optimistic as the negativity in our mind is the exchange by positive thoughts. This positive attitude makes us more enthusiastic and determined for our goals in life. Happiness is also a key to good health and success in our life.

Things that make me Happy

I strongly believe in the idea of simple living and high thinking. When it comes to the question that what makes me feel happy I am really confused. It is because I find my happiness in very small-small things in life. It will be very difficult to enlist those entire things that make me happy but I will be enlisting few important things that provide greater happiness to me.

  • My Family – Our Parents are the most precious gift by god to us on the earth. According to me, I have never seen god and therefore my parents on this earth are the form of god for me. The quality time that I spend with my family members makes me feel most happy. The intense care and love they provide us are incomparable to anything in this world. Many of the time when my parents are facing some problems or are tensed, it is also depicted on my face too. The smiling faces of my parents make me happy.
  • Some Voluntary Deeds – I used to feed dogs when I was 5 years old. Since then it came into my habit to feed the dogs and cows roaming on the roads. The day I could not feed makes me sad and worried. I find great pleasure in feeding them. I also keep some grains and water in a small bowl on my roof every day to feed and quench the thirst of the birds. This deed makes me happy and I love doing this daily.

I along with some neighborhood friends teach the poor students living nearby our colony. We teach them free of cost. I have learned about this thing from my school. In my school, some of the teachers were said to take evening classes for the poor students without any fee and therefore I thought of starting this work near my house too. This work gives me inner satisfaction that I am going a good job. The happiness that I get in this work cannot be expressed in words.

  • The Beauty of Nature with Music – I love enjoying the beauty of nature with music. The trees, birds, small animals, and their activities make me happy. Music is something that heals my every pain of life. During the morning and evening walks, I feel very happy as I am connected with nature along with the music. It is a great joy to watch the activities in nature with the melodies music. As I am fond of singing so many times I sing because of joy and excitement in my garden. I have visited and love going to the places like waterfalls, wildlife parks, and sanctuaries, and to my village. These places make me closer and connected to Mother Nature and provide immense happiness to me.

Is it Necessary to Gain Wealth and Success to be Happy in Life?

Happiness is about the feeling or emotion of the mind. We can be happy with different things in our life. It is totally a misconception that wealth and success are necessary for being happy. If it would be true then the richest people in this world would only be the happiest ones. We can find happiness in our daily routine life with very small things. It totally depends upon us to search out reasons for becoming happy in our life. Happiness arises from the things that we love to do in our life. It can never be bought with money as many times we see that even after having everything in life people are not happy. It is because they are not having those things in life they love to do or far from things that provide them the happiness.

We can find happiness in every moment we live our life. We can say that when we are happy it is easy for us to be directed towards our goal and get success in life. As positive thoughts will make you more enthusiastic and determined for your aim. It will drag every type of negativity from your mind. Success and wealth are about what have we achieved in our life but happiness is something that is felt.

Happiness lies in accepting the truth of our life and living it most gracefully by enjoying every moment of life. There will be some moments created that will make us feel happy. We love and like to live our life by doing the things that make us happy or reside with ones that make our lives a happier one. It helps in getting a peaceful mind and a healthy body. We are also enriched with positive thoughts when we are happy. It is the most beautiful feeling in this universe.

FAQs: Frequently asked Questions

Ans . It simply means getting rid of sadness and gaining the satisfaction of mind and body.

Ans . The most powerful emotion is love that ultimately makes us happy.

Ans . According to the World Happiness Report 2020, Finland is the happiest country in the world.

Ans . The International Day of Happiness is celebrated on 20th March every year since 2013.

Ans . India is ranked at 144th happiest country among 156 countries in the World Happiness Report 2020.

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what makes you smile essay

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