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How To Structure A Poetry Comparison Essay

How To Structure A Poetry Comparison Essay


Comparing two poems typically involves analyzing the content and structure of the poetry, as well as its universal themes, language, and the imagery used. Writing a poetry comparison essay is considered a formidable task for many because determining the similarities and differences between two pieces of poetry can be quite difficult. With the right approach, however, it’s quite possible to produce an impressive essay. For example, It’s essential to understand that it doesn’t suffice to point out the differences and similarities between two pieces of poetry, explain how they compare and contrast, and then summarize the findings. To write a successful paper, one needs to apply higher-level thinking to structure information gathered from researching the poems. This article provides useful tips on how to compare two poems and structure a successful poetry comparison essay.

Finding two poems to compare

The first step to writing a successful poetry comparison essay is finding two poems to compare. To facilitate this process, one can choose two poems by the same author or two poems on the same subject or theme. Alternatively, one can compare or contrast poems from different authors with content that explores the same themes, such as love, war, etc. Alternatively, one can go through existing literary criticism material or search in literary databases to find poets/poems to compare.

Creating a thesis statement

Next, it’s essential to put together a persuasive thesis statement that explains how two poems are related in terms of a specific literary element or idea. A thesis statement should make a direct, clear, and concise point. It’s also important to back up points made with direct citations or reference to the poems. Depending on the topic of the essay, the thesis statement may contain a number of concepts discussed in the body of the essay.

Outlining the paper

How To Structure A Poetry Comparison Essay

The structure of the paper should include an introduction with a thesis statement, a body, and a conclusion. A great example of an outline for this type of paper would be as follows: 1. Introduction with a thesis statement 2. Explain the first poem 3. Explain the second poem 4. Discussion of the differences and similarities between the two poems 5. Conclusion Moreover, it’s important to clearly point out how the comparison of the two poems relates back to the thesis statement. If the paper is more than 5 paragraphs, one may consider adding a paragraph discussing how each poem imparts a certain meaning or provides insight into a larger idea, such as how two poets view a single subject differently.

Discussing structure

When discussing the structure of two poems, one must look at how both poems are organized. This includes paying attention to the titles of the poems, the length of the lines, and the use of words. Perhaps, one poem has a traditional structure and rhythm, while the other is more flexible in terms of structure. Maybe the two poems have a similar tone or mood, yet have different ideas about a particular topic. How the poems use language to provide perspective or build an idea is also essential to consider.

Analyzing content

For this section, it’s important to focus on comparing the content and ideas of both poems. This includes looking at the themes, imagery, and characters in the poems, as well as the symbols, metaphors, and figurative language used by the characters. Likewise, one can analyze the type of diction and syntax that is used to create a certain tone or mood. Moreover, it’s important to consider how the message or meaning of a poem changes when it is viewed as part of a larger context. For example, is the author expressing a particular point of view, or is the poem a response to a previous poem?

Comparing universal themes

The final element to consider when writing a poetry comparison essay is the universal themes that are evident in each poem. Universal themes are the underlying messages that give shape to the poem and can be found in most poems. Examples of universal themes include love, loss, mortality, loneliness, joy, and growth. It’s important to examine how the poets explore these universal themes in each poem and consider how the themes work together to create a unique perspective. Additionally, one can consider how a poem might be interpreted differently by different readers due to their personal experiences.

How To Structure A Poetry Comparison Essay

In conclusion, writing a successful poetry comparison essay requires an in-depth analysis of two poems and the development of an overall argument or point of view. It’s essential to pick two poems to compare, create a thesis statement, develop an organized outline, and analyze the structure, content, and universal themes of both poems. With the right attention to detail and strategy, it is possible to write a successful, impactful, and well-structured poetry comparison essay.

Discussing structure of each poem

When evaluating the structure of both poems, one should focus on the title, length of lines, and the words used. For instance, one poem may have a traditional structure and rhythm, while the other might have a looser structure with irregular recurring patterns. On top of that, the two poems may or may not have the same tone or mood. It may be worth noting the difference in how the authors use words to help build their ideas.

Activity: Describing Content of each poem

When it comes to the content of both poems, consider to analyse the themes, characters, and symbols in each work. For example, what type of metaphors are used? What kind of diction and syntax help to create the mood and tone? Also, try to look at how the idea of each poem works within a larger context. For instance, is the poem a response to another poem or is it a stand-alone work?

Examining universal themes

The core messages in both pieces of poetry are known as the universal themes. These themes could be something like love, loss, or mortality. Look for these themes and analyse how each author explores those universal themes. Additionally, consider how the poem might be interpreted differently based upon different reader’s individual experiences.

Structuring the paper

How To Structure A Poetry Comparison Essay

When it comes to putting the paper together, you will need to create an outline. A great outline would be something like: Introduction, explanation of each poem, comparison of differences and similarities, and conclusion. Remind yourself of the thesis statement and make sure the comparison of both poems relates back to it. If the paper is more than 5 paragraphs, consider adding a section discussing how each poem imparts a certain meaning or provides insight into a larger idea.

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Minnie Walters

Minnie Walters is a passionate writer and lover of poetry. She has a deep knowledge and appreciation for the work of famous poets such as William Wordsworth, Emily Dickinson, Robert Frost, and many more. She hopes you will also fall in love with poetry!

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How to Write an Essay Comparing Poems

This is Revision World’s guide on how to write an essay or answer an exam question that asks you to compare poems within the poetry anthology you are studying.

Understanding the Task:

Identify the Key Components: Ensure you understand the task requirements, including the poems you're comparing, the themes, and the aspects you need to analyse (e.g., structure, language, tone).

Pre-Writing Stage:

Read and Annotate: Read the poems multiple times, annotating key themes, literary devices, and interesting observations.

Identify Similarities and Differences: Note down similarities and differences in themes, imagery, language, structure, and tone between the two poems.

Structuring Your Essay:


Introduce the poems and poets, providing context if necessary.

Present your thesis statement, outlining the main points of comparison.

Body Paragraphs:

Topic Sentences: Start each paragraph with a clear topic sentence that states the aspect of comparison.

Comparison: Analyse each poem separately, focusing on the chosen aspect (e.g., theme, structure). Then, compare and contrast the same aspect in both poems.

Use of Evidence: Provide evidence from the poems to support your analysis (quotations).

Analysis: Interpret the significance of the similarities and differences, considering their effects on the reader and the overall meaning of the poems.


Summarise your main points of comparison.

Reflect on the significance of the comparisons and their implications for the reader.

Offer insights into the broader themes or messages conveyed by the poems.

Writing Tips:

Be Specific: Avoid vague statements and ensure your comparisons are specific and well-supported by evidence.

Consider Poetic Devices: Analyse the poets' use of poetic devices (e.g., imagery, symbolism, metaphor) and how they contribute to the overall effect of the poems.

Focus on Key Themes: Choose a few key themes or aspects to compare rather than attempting to cover everything in the poems.

Maintain Coherence: Ensure your essay flows logically, with clear transitions between paragraphs and ideas.

Proofread: Carefully proofread your essay for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors.

Example Statement:

"In 'Poem A' and 'Poem B,' both poets utilise imagery and symbolism to explore the theme of loss, but while 'Poem A' uses natural imagery to convey a sense of grief and acceptance, 'Poem B' employs religious symbolism to depict a more existential struggle with loss and faith."

Example Topic Sentences:

"In 'Poem A,' the poet employs vivid natural imagery to convey the speaker's emotional response to loss."

"Conversely, 'Poem B' utilises religious symbolism to explore the theme of loss in a more abstract and existential manner."

By following these steps and incorporating these tips, you can effectively write a well-structured and insightful essay comparing two poems in your GCSE English Literature exam.

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Mr Salles Teaches English

thesis statement for comparing poems

How to Write a Poetry Comparison

Including a grade 9 answer.

thesis statement for comparing poems

Here is a 26/30 essay from the exam. That’s the beginning of grade 9.

This is from a student who scored 30/30 on several of her other essays. So, this is a clue that the comparison is more difficult, and that she is also missing a trick or two.

I think there are two main things to learn from it:

Comparing each poem continually, point by point, is difficult, and should be avoided.

The easiest way to compare is to:

Write a thesis statement which compares the two poems.

Then write all about one poem.

Then write all about the second poem - referring back to similarities or differences as you notice them.

Then write a conclusion which sums up the difference or similarity in the poet’s viewpoints.

Be as specific and clear as possible. Don’t try to be clever. This is very difficult to explain. But you will see this student often writes sentences which look like an analysis, but because they are not specific, they are not clear.

Below you will get the essay marked by Tilf.io .

Then paid subscribers will get my feedback.

Both sets of feedback will teach you how to compare, whether you study Power and Conflict or Love and Relationships.

Question: How do the poets present the power of love in … and a poem of your choice

Tilf.io gave it Level 5 (which would be a mark of 25). See what you think about the advice it gives:

In both Sonnet 29 and Love’s Philosophy the speakers present the power of love to be greatly consuming and as something that can be constantly desired – common of the romantic period. However, while Shelley suggests ideas of love being fluid with themes of duality and the intersection with nature, Browning suggests the power of love can be all-consuming and perhaps overwhelming.

(This introduction effectively sets up a comparison between the two poems and introduces the thematic focus on the power of love. It's good that you've identified the poets' different approaches to the theme.

Try to directly link these observations back to the question by explicitly stating how these approaches convey the poets' ideas about the power of love.)

Both speakers present the romantic power of love to be constantly desired and with the theme of duality. The mountains “mingle” with rivers and the sea, indicating Shelley’s view that the power of love and power of nature are almost intersectional. The verb “mingle” suggests a gentle meeting, contrasting the later verb of “clasp”, connoting both tenacity and desire. The contrasting verbs present Shelley’s ideas of how love can develop and change, r his persuasive piece of wanting a required relationship. The further use of water imagery connotes fluidity, which perhaps displays Shelley’s ideas of the rhythm and synchronicity of both love and nature. However, Browning presents her ideas of the power of love with moods of power and tenacity. Browning employs the use of exclamatory language of “I think of thee!” accentuating the overbearing feelings of love she experiences. The employment of caesura following could perhaps further the idea of her thoughts being uncontrolled and constantly changing due to the overwhelming hold love has on her at this point. Ideas of duality are presented through Browning’s use of the previous “I” and “thee”. This direct address displays Browning’s view of love with themes of togetherness and these thoughts slowly consume her.

(Your analysis of the language and imagery used by both poets is insightful, particularly your discussion of the contrasting verbs 'mingle' and 'clasp'. This effectively demonstrates how the poets convey their ideas about the power of love.

To strengthen your response, consider exploring how these techniques affect the reader's understanding of love's power.)

Moreover, both poets present the power of love to be all consuming and omnipotent as their emotions develop. The power of love is seen to be great through the use of biblical imagery. Browning seeks divine intervention to justify and rationalise her disorderly emotions. The phrase “Oh my palm love” connotes ideas of maturity, indicative of Browning trying to justify her emotions. This constant justification could perhaps be because of the rarity of women being allowed to express emotions in the Romantic Victorian era as the initial intention of the poem was for the private eyes of Robert Browning. The poem is also a sonnet, a quintessentially romantic poem, typically for the use of mans to express their emotions. Further ideas of the all consuming power of love are clear when they “inspire” her. The verb “inspire” connotes inevitability and almost an echo chamber of emotions, displaying the extent of the power of love.

(This paragraph offers a nuanced understanding of the thematic and historical context of Browning's poem, which enriches your analysis. The mention of the sonnet form and its historical implications is particularly insightful.

To further enhance your response, consider how Shelley's use of natural imagery compares to Browning's use of biblical imagery in conveying the power of love.)

In contrast, Shelly presents his ideas of the overwhelming emotions he has succumbed to through the volta, questioning the value of something as powerful as nature if his love doesn’t have natural feelings. “High heavens” suggest the extent to which he is questioning the power of love if the feelings are unrequited. Shelley also employs images of “kiss, kissing” which conjure images of intimacy which are all in vain, due to the feelings not being reciprocated.

(Your exploration of Shelley's use of the volta and natural imagery to convey the theme of unrequited love is well done.

It would be beneficial to draw a clearer connection between this analysis and the overarching question of how poets convey their ideas about the power of love, perhaps by discussing the emotional impact of these techniques on the reader.)

Furthermore, both poets continue to present their ideas of the power of love as constantly changing, as both poems have a shift in tone. Browning suggests at the end she “no longer think [s] of thee”, suggesting ideas of composure which are the dichotomy of her previously “wild” emotions, displaying the development and changing view she has on the power of love. The use of caesura are indicative of the abrupt change in her emotions and she has overcome the previously overwhelming power that her emotions had on her.

(This paragraph effectively identifies a shift in tone in Browning's poem, which is a key observation.

To enhance your analysis, consider discussing how this shift in tone reflects the complex nature of love's power and its impact on the individual. Additionally, linking this observation more explicitly to the question will strengthen your argument.)

In contrast, Shelley instead employs a deeply philosophical rhetorical device of “the values in kissing, if thou do not love me”. The arguably nihilistic ideas display how his obsession of his partner has overwhelmed him to the point where he questions and challenges the value of nature and duality of his surroundings. This is indicative of his ideas of “the power of love” being too great to be further pursued again at what he believes his soulmate doesn’t love him back.

(Your analysis of Shelley's philosophical approach and its implications for understanding the power of love is insightful.

To further improve, consider how this philosophical questioning enhances the reader's understanding of love's power and its potential to overwhelm. Linking this back to the question more directly would also be beneficial.)

Overall, both poets present their ideas of the extent of the power of love as constantly shifting and all encompassing at times, sometimes, “weigh down”.

(Your conclusion succinctly summarizes the main points of your analysis, effectively tying back to the question. For a stronger conclusion, consider emphasizing the significance of these findings in relation to the poets' overall message about the power of love.)

Overall feedback:

Your essay demonstrates a thoughtful and detailed analysis of how both poets convey their ideas about the power of love through their use of language, imagery, and form. You've effectively compared and contrasted the poets' approaches, providing insightful observations on their techniques and the themes they explore.

To further enhance your response, ensure that each point directly links back to the question, emphasizing how these techniques convey the poets' ideas about the power of love. Additionally, consider exploring the emotional impact of these techniques on the reader to deepen your analysis.

What went well:

Your detailed analysis of language and imagery, as well as your understanding of the thematic and historical context of the poems, are particularly strong. You've also effectively identified and discussed the shifts in tone and their significance.

Even better if:

Your response could be improved by more explicitly linking each point back to the question and by exploring the emotional impact of the poets' techniques on the reader. Additionally, ensuring a more direct comparison between the poems throughout your essay would strengthen your argument.

Mr Salles Teaches English is a reader-supported publication. To receive new posts which help you get top grades, consider becoming a free or paid subscriber.

You can try out Tilf for free - it will mark your first piece of writing (in English, humanities or 6 mark science answers for free, so you can see if it is any use to you).

I have only tested it for literature, and it is spot on for marking up to grade 8, and really useful for advice on how to improve in every grade, including 9.

Now Compare that to my Feedback

(I’ve written my comments so you will learn even more if you don’t study Love and Relationships!)

This is at least a 3 part thesis which starts straight away with comparison. This is a great way to show that you are comparing the poets’ points of view. It is mostly brilliant. The weakness is that ‘ideas of love being fluid’ doesn’t make any sense yet - it is much too vague. What does it mean - love runs away like a river? Love changes shape like a puddle? Does that mean the person who loves, or who is loved. Vague. Vague. Vague. Be specific - explain how.

Both speakers present the romantic power of love to be constantly desired and with the theme of duality. The mountains “mingle” with rivers and the sea, indicating Shelley’s view that the power of love and power of nature are almost intersectional. The verb “mingle” suggests a gentle meeting, contrasting the later verb of “clasp”, connoting both tenacity and desire. The contrasting verbs present Shelley’s ideas of how love can develop and change, on his persuasive piece of wanting a requited relationship.

I think ‘intersectional’ means inter connected here. I don’t even understand what intersectional is. Don’t reach for show off vocabulary - it is much more likely to lose you marks. So this part gets no marks. The last sentence also doesn’t make much sense. The examiner is therefore left with some good analysis of individual words, and the way that they can be interpreted in dual ways. They get excited about this and award it Level 5 for AO2 because it looks ‘thoughtful’. The way to do that is zoom in on individual words, and write about alternative interpretations.

Paid subscribers get at least one grade 9 answer with my feedback every week. And they have access to the over 60 exam answers already published.

Keep reading with a 7-day free trial

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Comparing Two Poems: Essay Example

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
  • As a template for you assignment

Poetry is a unique art form as it usually captures the feelings of a particular individual. Therefore, two poems with the same genre and similar themes can have substantial differences. On the other hand, verses that seem different can share striking resemblances. To compare and contrast two poems, this essay example will focus on the message they carry.

“The Negro Speaks of Rivers” is a poem written by Langston Hughes during the Harlem Renaissance. It was 1921, and the young Hughes was just adding his voice to the plight of the African Americans at the time. “We Wear the Mask” is a piece by the famous author and activist Laurence Dunbar. The lyrical poem was written twenty-five years before Hughes published “The Negro Speaks of Rivers.” By comparing two poems, this essay example will reveal both their similarities and differences.

These two poems were written in the period between the Civil War and the Civil Rights Movement. This period was characterized by deep emotions concerning the struggles of the African Americans. Each of these poems represents the poets’ feelings towards the struggles of the African Americans. “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” chronicles the speaker’s historical journey from Africa to the West. The speaker refers to African Americans, their history, and their heritage.

The poem captures this rich heritage albeit in a nostalgic manner. On the other hand, “We Wear the Mask” is a poem by one of the first African American writers to be accorded a national accolade for his work. Dunbar explores the coping mechanisms of the African Americans during their struggles. Both poems address issues that happen in the same period.

Dunbar’s poem was published at the turn of the century shortly after slavery was outlawed. This period was expected to be a victorious time for African Americans and everyone assumed that they were happy. “We Wear the Mask” disputes this idea and presents an argument that happiness among the African American population was a façade.

According to Dunbar, deep inside, African Americans have ‘torn and bleeding hearts’. The message in this poem is not direct and it is in line with the situation in the ground. When this poem was written, the fight for equal rights among African Americans had not started in earnest. Instead, the struggle for equal rights was just bubbling under the surface.

Dunbar’s poem hints at this discontent by claiming that African Americans were just masking their feelings. Dunbar digs deeper into the issue by claiming that most of the population at the time was hiding behind religion to avoid confronting the issues of inequality. In addition, the speaker accuses the African American population of misleading the rest of the population about their actual feelings.

Langston Hughes’ poem has a more melancholic tone. Hughes wrote “The Negro Speaks of Rivers” twenty-five years after Dunbar’s poem was written. Hughes’ poem uses a different approach to address the African American issues of the time. His poem highlights the pride of origin that African Americans have.

The speaker in this poem speaks proudly about his rich history and heritage and how it is closely connected to some mighty rivers around the world. Unlike Dunbar, Hughes does not hide the message of his poem. This is mostly because there was no need for indirect messages after the Civil Rights Movement had already taken shape. Hughes took time out of the equal rights struggles of the African Americans to reflect on this population’s prolific heritage.

By doing this, the poet was alluding to the fact that the Civil Rights Movement was a small hurdle for the population that had come so far. The message in Hughes’ poem is structurally different from that in Dunbar’s poem. Hughes is reassuring African Americans of their supremacy and the need to hold on to their mighty heritage while Dunbar is indirectly urging African Americans to do something about their veiled unhappiness.

The mask that Dunbar talks about hides a prolific history and heritage about the African Americans. On the other hand, Hughes reiterates the need for African Americans to hold on to their rich heritage. Hughes’ poem is also meant to remind the world that African Americans have contributed towards major civilizations around the world. For instance, the speaker reminds the readers that African Americans were part of the civilization that brought the pyramids.

Hughes’ point is that African Americans thrived through various civilizations around the world and the Civil Rights Movement is just another hurdle. The rest of the population at the time viewed the African American population as the recently freed slaves who were supposed to show gratitude. However, most people failed to put into consideration the fact that African Americans’ history predated slavery.

Dunbar’s poem is also structured in a manner that addresses African Americans and the rest of the population. Dunbar sends a call to action to African Americans although his message is not direct. On the other hand, Dunbar’s poem informs the rest of the population that the happiness they see among the African American population is not real. While Hughes’ message is assertive and direct, Dunbar’s message is provocative and indirect.

One of the most striking similarities between these two poems is the fact that they use a central metaphor. Hughes’ poem uses the River as the main metaphor. In addition, he includes it in the poem’s title. The river is used to show the passage of time in “The Negro Speaks of Rivers”. African Americans have come a long way and triumphed over several forms of adversity. However, just like rivers flow eternally, African Americans have kept on flowing.

The metaphor of the river is also used to show that the existence of African Americans will outlast many things. At one point in the poem, the speaker says that he has seen rivers change their appearance depending on the time. This signifies that a time will come when the outlook of African Americans will be favorable. Dunbar’s poem uses the mask as the main metaphor.

The poet also boldly introduces this metaphor in the poem’s first line. The mask refers to the façade that prevents people from seeing the discontent of the African American population. According to Dunbar, African Americans use masks to hide their actual feelings and avoid provoking those who oppress them. The mask is a strong metaphor that also lends itself to the poem’s title. Use of metaphors gives these two poems a valuable outlook and helps the poets pass their strong messages to their audience.

“The Negro Speaks of Rivers” and “We Wear the Mask” are two poems that address the plight of the African Americans albeit from different perspectives. The wishes of the two poets materialized with the success of the Civil Rights Movement. Both poets reckon that the struggle of African Americans is an ongoing process.

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IvyPanda. (2019, January 17). Comparing Two Poems: Essay Example. https://ivypanda.com/essays/comparison-of-two-poems/

"Comparing Two Poems: Essay Example." IvyPanda , 17 Jan. 2019, ivypanda.com/essays/comparison-of-two-poems/.

IvyPanda . (2019) 'Comparing Two Poems: Essay Example'. 17 January.

IvyPanda . 2019. "Comparing Two Poems: Essay Example." January 17, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/comparison-of-two-poems/.

1. IvyPanda . "Comparing Two Poems: Essay Example." January 17, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/comparison-of-two-poems/.


IvyPanda . "Comparing Two Poems: Essay Example." January 17, 2019. https://ivypanda.com/essays/comparison-of-two-poems/.

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8.10: Compare and Contrast Poetry Assignments

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  • Page ID 101145

  • Heather Ringo & Athena Kashyap
  • City College of San Francisco via ASCCC Open Educational Resources Initiative

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Comparing and Contrasting

Frequently, you will find that an assignment asks you to ‘compare and contrast’ poems. There’s a very good reason for this, for, often, it is only by considering different treatments of similar subjects that we become aware of a range of possibilities, and begin to understand why particular choices have been made. You may have noticed that, in the previous discussions, I’ve used a similar strategy. When I showed, for example, how we can describe the rhyme scheme of ‘Love From the North’ as simple, once we have looked at the more intricate patterning of Keats’s, ‘The Eve of St Agnes,’ or Tennyson’s, ‘Mariana.’ Anne Brontë’s, ‘Home,’ and Grace Nichols’s, ‘Wherever I Hang,’ treat the subject of exile in quite different ways—and looking at one, can sharpen our understanding of what the other does.

Consider examples in everyday life, whether it's sports, music, etc. If you take, for example, football or basketball (or almost any sport, really), an offensive-minded team and a defensive-minded team will, despite playing the same sport under the same rules and principles, have completely different philosophical approaches. These different approaches are made even clearer when we compare and contrast them from each other, allowing us to learn more about both types of teams and the sport as a whole. Looking at music, it's the same thing. Think about the similarities and differences—and how these similarities and differences highlight respective traits—between jazz and rock, metal and classical, hip hop and punk.

1) Read the opening lines from these two poems given below about death. How might you explain why they sound so very different?

Lycidas by john milton (1637).

Yet once more, O ye Laurels, and once more Ye Myrtles brown, with Ivy never-sear, I com to pluck your Berries harsh and crude, And with forc'd fingers rude, Shatter your leaves before the mellowing year. [ 5 ] Bitter constraint, and sad occasion dear, Compels me to disturb your season due: For Lycidas is dead, dead ere his prime, Young Lycidas , and hath not left his peer:

Felix Randal by Gerard Manley Hopkins (written between 1876-1889)

Felix Randal the farrier, O is he dead then? my duty all ended,

Who have watched his mould of man, big-boned and hardy-handsome

Pining, pining, till time when reason rambled in it, and some

Fatal four disorders, fleshed there, all contended?

If I had to identify one thing, I would say that the first begins more elaborately and with a more formal tone than the second. ‘Felix Randal’ tends to use language in an unusual way, but you would probably agree that the first sentence is quite straightforward and sounds colloquial (or informal), as if the speaker has just overheard someone talking about Randal’s death and wants to confirm his impression. ‘Lycidas’ opens quite differently. It is not immediately apparent what evergreens have to do with anything (in fact, they work to establish an appropriately melancholy atmosphere or tone), and it isn’t until line 8 that we learn of a death. The word ‘dead’ is repeated, and the following line tells us that Lycidas was a young man. While ‘Felix Randal’ has an immediacy, the speaker of ‘Lycidas’ seems to find it hard to get going.

Both poems are elegies—poems written to commemorate/mourn a death—and both poets are aware of writing within this convention, although they treat it differently.

2) What do the titles of the poems tell us about each poem, and how might they help us understand the different uses of the elegiac convention?

Photo of a statue: man sitting on bench, playing a cello.  The photo is soft focus and green-tinted

name, but unless you know something about the classical pastoral tradition, it might mean very little to you. The young man whose death Milton was commemorating was actually called Edward King. However, at the time he was writing, elegies were formal, public, and impersonal poems, rather than private expressions of grief. ‘Lycidas’ commemorates a member of a prominent family rather than a close friend of the poet’s. Over two hundred years later, Hopkins, while working loosely within the same elegiac convention, adapts it. Felix Randal is an ordinary working man, not a public figure. In the seventeenth century, it would have been unlikely that he would have been considered worthy of a poem like this.

If you were making a special study of elegies, there would be a great deal more to say. That’s not the idea here, though. By comparing and contrasting the tone of the opening lines and titles, and considering when the poems were written, we have come up with several significant differences. These differences help offer insight into each poem.


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How to Compare Poems

Last Updated: September 4, 2022 References

This article was co-authored by Christopher Taylor, PhD . Christopher Taylor is an Adjunct Assistant Professor of English at Austin Community College in Texas. He received his PhD in English Literature and Medieval Studies from the University of Texas at Austin in 2014. There are 14 references cited in this article, which can be found at the bottom of the page. This article has been viewed 13,382 times.

When comparing 2 poems, pay attention to both form and theme. The sound and shape of a poem is as important as its subject. Make sure to note use of traditional and experimental forms and techniques. Some research about the authors will help you contextualize the work, and will shed light on your interpretations. If you are writing a comparison paper about the poems, start by establishing their similarities, then break down their differences in form, theme, and historical context.

Comparing Formal Choices in the Poems

Step 1 Identify the poem's form.

  • If a poem has no lines or stanzas, but is instead written in sentences or paragraphs, it is a prose poem.
  • Note how different it feels to read a poem with long lines, very short lines, or lines that are spaced unevenly.
  • Notice if the lines end in punctuation, or if the sentences in the poem are broken up across the lines. When sentences split across lines, this is called enjambment.

Step 2  Scan the...

  • Even if a poem doesn't have a regular rhythm, it can still be rhythmic. The poet is likely using a mixture of different poetic feet.
  • The most famous poetic foot in English is the iamb, which is 1 unstressed and 1 stressed syllable. For instance, "Japan" is an iamb.
  • A line of five iambs is called "iambic pentameter, as in Shakespeare's "Sonnet 18": "Shall I compare thee to a summer's day."

Step 3 Establish the rhyme scheme for rhyming poems.

  • For the last century, it has become less common for poetry to rhyme. If you are reading a contemporary poem that rhymes, therefore, the poet is making an unusual choice. Think about why they are doing this: is the poem humorous? Is it inviting a comparison to song, or children's poetry?
  • For instance, in this poem by David Brazil, "My wife she slept/as in a frieze/and dreamt a dream/she could not seize," the rhyme feels serious, not humorous, so that's your clue that the poet might be invoking song or older forms of poetry. [4] X Research source

Step 4 Listen for assonance and alliteration within lines.

  • For instance, Alli Warren's poem "Breadwinning for Birds" includes both assonance and alliteration in its title. The repeated "b"s and "d"s are examples of alliteration, while the repeated "i" sound is an example of assonance. [6] X Research source

Step 5 Learn the conventions of the traditional forms if that applies.

  • If you know you are working with a Shakespearean sonnet, for instance, you will know that the poem has 14 lines, 3 ABAB rhymes, and a final rhymed pair. It will not have stanzas, but will be presented as a block. [8] X Research source
  • Keep in mind that the Shakespearean or English sonnet differs from the Italian or Petrarchan sonnet. Determine which type your sonnet is before you continue.
  • If you are working with a poem that does not appear to be in a traditional form, just take notes on its lines and stanzas. Consider how the poem's form might impact its content.

Step 6 Contextualize the choice of form.

  • Note if the poems are written in a form that sprang out of their time, a form that has been popularized since, or if the poet was the inventor of the form.
  • For instance, if you were comparing a sonnet by Petrarch to a sonnet by Bernadette Mayer, you would need to give both of them credit for refining a form. Petrarch did not invent the Petrarchan sonnet, but rather popularized it. Bernadette Mayer did not invent the experimental sonnet, but her rule-breaking sonnets inspired countless imitations.

Step 7 Compare experimental techniques in the poems.

  • For instance, you might compare Etel Adnan's The Arab Apocalypse with David Larsen's The Thorn, as both books of poems include visuals. You would note that while Larsen writes many of his works by hand, thus "painting" his poems, Adnan does rather the opposite, "writing" drawings into her poetic lines in the place of words.

Considering Thematic Differences and Similarities

Step 1 Determine if the poems are about any of the same subjects.

  • For instance, if you are reading 2 poems about spiritual epiphanies, and one is written from the perspective of an observer, while the other is from the perspective of the poet, you are likely to notice feeling more detached curiosity about the former, and more of an emotional, personal feeling about the latter.
  • Some poems might address you as a reader, refer to the author as the author, or talk about their own composition and intentions. Note how this self-aware style differentiates the poem from a more "transparent," self-contained poem.

Step 3 Analyze the tone.

  • For instance, when Elizabeth Barrett Browning writes, "I love thee to the depth and breadth and height/my soul can reach, when feeling out of sight/of the ends of being…" her tone is sincere, serious, and religious.
  • However, when Joan Murray writes "oh my love is a mist of stars/and I am a little sad," she is combining an exaggerated image with an understated emotion to create a wistful, slightly ironic tone.
  • Notice how formal choices affect tone. For instance, in these lines by CA Conrad, the sudden capitalization of "Darling" implies sarcasm instead of affection: "you think Oscar Wilde was funny/well Darling I think he was busy/distracting straight people/so they would not kill him." [12] X Research source

Step 4 Evaluate metaphors, similes, and other figurative language.

  • Similes compare 2 unlike things using "like" or "as," as in Nazim Hikmet's line: "This world will grow cold…like an empty walnut shell."
  • Metaphors compare 2 unlike things without using "like" or "as," as when Laura Riding describes her hair as "a scarf unwoven."
  • Imagery uses the senses, describing something so that the reader can almost see, hear, feel, taste, or smell it, as in this startling image by Elizabeth Willis: "The devil does not speak to a witch. He only moves his tongue."
  • Compare the uses of figurative language in the poems you are reading. If one poem uses a lot of metaphors, but the other a lot of similes, how does that affect you? The metaphor poem might feel more direct and powerful, while the simile poem might sound more academic or uncertain.

Step 5 Compare the biographies of the authors.

  • For instance, Santa Terésa de Jesús and San Juan de la Cruz both wrote Catholic devotional poetry in Spain during the counter-reformation, but differences in their lives affect their engagement with the subject. Saint Terésa de Jesús was born earlier, came from a patrician family, and suffered illness and "ecstatic" encounters with God. Her visionary writings were a huge influence on San Juan de la Cruz, who joined the religious order based on her ideas, and wrote his own versions of many of her poems.
  • Therefore, if you are comparing Santa Terésa's "Vivo sin vivir en mí," and the parallel poem by San Juan, "Coplas por un alma que pena por ver a Dios," you would note that "Coplas" came second, and you might note that while the lines are more complex, they lack the passionate immediacy of "Vivo."

Step 6 Research the intended audience and medium of each poem.

  • For instance, some poems are written to be recited aloud, while others are more likely to be read by an individual from the page. Some authors write for a broad audience, publishing their work internationally and commenting on global issues.
  • Others might be writing for a smaller audience: for a small town, for speakers of a certain language, for a patron, for a loved one, or for a group of local poets who are socially and artistically entwined.

Writing a Comparison Paper about Poems

Step 1 Begin talking about the similarities.

  • For instance, if you were writing about Etel Adnan and David Larsen, you would explain here that both are poets who are also visual artists, and explain that they both mix painting into their writing.

Step 2 Craft a thesis statement.

  • For you to have enough to write about, the poems you compare should have something in common. For instance, write about 2 sonnets by different poets from different time periods, write about several poems that all share the same author but that come from different phases of that author's life, compare love poems from different languages and cultures, or compare 2 contemporary poems that riff on the same older poem.

Step 3 Compare the authors' treatments of the themes.

  • For instance, Shakespeare depended on his wealthy patrons for financial support, so his treatment of a subject might be biased to flatter his patron.

Step 4 Describe the form of each poem.

  • If you are comparing Shakespeare's sonnets to the sonnets of Bernadette Mayer, you might want to note that Shakespeare's sonnets are always the same length, while Mayer's sonnets, though normally short and sonnet-like in appearance, are of many lengths.

Step 5 Explain how the form affects the meaning of each poem.

  • For instance, a sonnet by Shakespeare will always include a "volta," or "turn" of thought, before ending on a rhymed couplet that resolves the tensions in the poem. However, a sonnet by Bernadette Mayer may end any number of ways, and the volta may occur at any time. [18] X Research source
  • Therefore, you can describe how the predictable form of Shakespeare's "Sonnet 18" fills the reader with a reassuring sense of eternal, reliable love, while Bernadette Mayer's hilarious sonnet, "You jerk you didn't call me up" ends with an extra couplet in the form of choose-your-own-adventure instructions, thus presenting an image of a love that is unstable, often disappointing, yet exciting.

Step 6 End by summarizing the comparisons.

  • For instance, if you were writing about Etel Adnan and David Larsen's poems, you might turn outward at the end of your essay by describing painters who have included poetry in their paintings.
  • If you are writing about style differences between Santa Terésa de Jesús and San Juan de la Cruz, you might turn in by phrasing something in the manner of both authors: "As San Juan might say, we live, by the grace of reading, in the words of the dead. Or as Santa Terésa would put it: we die by the book."

Expert Q&A

  • When you quote a few lines from a poem, replace the line breaks with "/". For instance, if you are quoting four lines from Joan Retallack's poem Not a Cage, for instance, you would write: "The shadow of the coup continues to hover over Spain/In the ordinary way of summer/girls were still singing/like a saguaro cactus from which any desert wayfarer can draw." [20] X Research source Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 0

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Christopher Taylor, PhD

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Thesis ideas for Comparing and Contrasting two poems

amharp5 2 / 2   Sep 7, 2008   #1 Good evening, I have an essay due in two days but trying to come up with a thesis on comparing and contrasting two poems, "Night Clouds" by Amy Lowell, who describes compares meaning to cloud formations with stallions in the night sky by using symbolism and imagery; one for physical sensation and the other for nature. Robert Browning's poem "Meeting At Night," instills a prevailing and romantic mood during a nocturnal time constructed almost exclusively by direct images and colors from the night sky. Ok, I know each have the night in common, just not sure what my main point to start with. I tried this: "Even though both poets write about the strength of night, and how powerful they can be with images of nature, they vastly have different meanings and outcomes." Any ideas?

EF_Team5 - / 1,586   Sep 7, 2008   #2 Good evening. Well, why do you think they both take place at night? What is so special about the cover of darkness in these two works? What about nature? Because the night sky is a natural phenomenon, could you compare the two portrayals of the same phenomenon? As for the contrasts, you could use, as you say, the different meanings instilled by both authors as well as their different results. A list could help you get more organized with your thoughts. Write down a quick note about the commonalities and differences between the two; that should help you get started. Regards, Gloria Moderator, EssayForum.com

OP amharp5 2 / 2   Sep 7, 2008   #3 Hi Gloria, I appreciate the quick response, I can compare the night and contrast each meaning of the night, and those results! I will do that with a list and press on from there. Thank you again and take care, Andy

mannsbabygurl44 - / 2   Dec 20, 2009   #4 Need help with comparing and contrasting 2-3 poems I don't understand poetry...What should I do????

sbrooks10 2 / 18   Dec 20, 2009   #5 Do you have any other options? Is this a supplement or a required essay? If it's required, I would suggest googling poetry techniques that you could cite as similar or dissimilar in each. Examples of some techniques are: imagery (not only visual but also the creation of any sensory experience, smell, touch, taste), diction (word choice, kind of a lame one), structure (of the entire poem), tone, meaning/ theme, point of view, syntax (how each line/ sentence is organized, subject, verb, object and what not), alliteration (repeated sounds)... I hope that helps!

mannsbabygurl44 - / 2   Dec 20, 2009   #6 It does help...Thanks. Just not sure I can get 3-4 pages out of that : /

thesis statement for comparing poems

d7821890 - / 1   Apr 21, 2011   #8 Contrasting and comparing two poems I need help in comparing and constrasting the essay mentioned above. The author of both poems is Marjorie Agosin. Thanks.

MutedHandWasher 1 / 1   Apr 22, 2011   #9 In what ay do you need help? as in outlining? analyzing? etc.

Vennessa - / 1   Oct 31, 2012   #11 Help in compare and contrast poem essays. Hello, please I need help on how to write compare and contrast essays between two poems. The poems I have are; Fifteen by William Stafford and The Seven Ages of Man by William Shakespeare. I already have my rough draft, but I don't know how to expand on it. Do I just need to explain the meaning of literary devices? Please, I need your help. Thanks.

tannerazm 1 / 5   Oct 31, 2012   #12 I gave you a chance To water the plants I didn't mean that way... ZIP UP YO PANTS!

usernameabp - / 1   Nov 4, 2013   #13 I need to compare and contrast a poem and a work of fiction. i need to analyze a work of fiction and a poem and develpo a thesis that conmapres and contrasts them on a chosen theme. does anyone know of some peices of work i could use??

thesis statement for comparing poems


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