How to Write a Functional Resume [4 Free Templates Included]

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Struggling with your resume because you just graduated from university and don’t have much work experience?

Or maybe you’re switching careers, and aren’t sure how to make your past position relevant for the new field?

Whichever the case, the solution is pretty simple:

Use a functional resume format!

  • What’s a Functional Resume?

When to Use a Functional Resume?

How to write a functional resume.

  • What Are Some Other Resume Formats (and When To Use Them)

What is a Functional Resume?

A functional resume, also known as the skill-based resume, is a resume format that focuses on your professional skill test as opposed to work experience.

If you were to create a traditional resume, you’d list out your work experience in reverse chronological order as follows:

reverse chronological resume example

Whereas, in the case of a functional resume , you list out each of your skills, and then back them up by highlighting how you’ve practically applied them in the past:

functional resume sample

It’s better to use a functional resume in the following situations:

  • You’re a recent graduate with no work experience. As the functional resume focuses on skills rather than experience, it can be very helpful to students.
  • You’re switching careers . If you have some work experience, but the said experience isn’t relevant for the position you’re applying for, you can use a functional resume to highlight how your skills make you the right candidate.
  • You have a long history of unemployment (or gaps between jobs). Since the functional resume format focuses on skills, you can use it to downplay your work experience gaps.

That being said, in around 90% of cases, we don’t recommend using a functional resume .

While it does have its perks (e.g. standing out as a recent graduate), it also comes with significant downsides.

First off, it’s nowhere near as popular as the traditional resume format, and in certain parts of the world, recruiters might not even know that the functional format is a thing.

In addition, some recruiters might find the lack of work experience in a resume suspicious because it can hint the candidate isn’t being truthful (e.g. red flags, being fired from previous employment, etc.).

These 2 disadvantages combined make a compelling case against the functional resume format.

So, if you do decide to create a functional resume, weigh the pros and cons and proceed at your own risk!

Want to also learn how to create a traditional resume ? Check out our guide!

First things first - pick a compelling resume template to get started. We recommend using our Functional Resume template:

functional resume template

Then, create the following sections on your resume:

  • Contact Information
  • Resume Summary
  • Skill Summary

If you have additional space once you’re finished with these sections, you can fill it up with some optional sections (which we’ll explain a bit down the line).

Now, let’s walk you through each of these sections and explain how to do them right:

#1. Contact Information

While it might sound elementary, there’s a ton of tid-bits you need to know about getting the contact information section right.

Here’s what you need to include in the contact information section:

  • First and last name
  • Current job title
  • Email address
  • Phone number
  • City and country you’re based in

Optionally, you can also include links to relevant social media profiles. For example:

  • If you’re a writer, you can link your portfolio page or website.
  • If you’re a developer, you can link your GitHub profile.
  • If you’re a marketer, you can link your Instagram or Twitter page.
  • Your LinkedIn profile link (if it’s up-to-date).

#2. Resume Summary

The next section on your functional resume is the “resume summary.”

This section goes right under your contact information, and looks something like this:

resume summary

In a nutshell, a resume summary is a 2-4 sentence recap of your biggest professional achievements and career highlights.

The goal of this section is to show the recruiter (in one glance) that you’re qualified for the position you’re applying for.

Here’s what a well-written resume summary would look like:

  • Professional executive assistant with experience in supporting high-level CEOs and other executives for over 5 years. Experienced in customer support, data entry, and scheduling meetings. Skilled in time management, MS Office, and Adobe Photoshop.

#3. Skill Summary

This one’s going to be the bulk of your functional resume.

In a skill summary section, you mention the top 3 skills required for the position you’re applying for and then provide information on how you’ve gained the said skills right under them.

Let’s say, for example, you’re a recent graduate applying for a role in marketing. Here’s what your skill summary could look like:


  • Wrote over 20+ well-researched papers for my university.
  • Worked at the university news media as a journalist, interviewing interesting university alumni and publishing their stories on the website.
  • Created and published high-quality tech articles on my personal blog (
  • Participated in a university project for a real-life company (Company X), where we had to come up with ideas for expanding to a new market.
  • With the help of my team, came up with 5 ideas, out of which 3 were actually implemented by the company.
  • Came up with 100+ topic ideas for content on my personal blog, some of which got over 50 shares when published.

Project Management

  • Acted as a team leader for most of my university projects, ensuring that they were completed on time, and that every group member contributed.
  • Was part of the Startup Weekend organizational committee. Helped source speakers, organize the event, find sponsors, and overall ensured that the event went smoothly.

job search masterclass

#4. Education

The next section on your functional resume is Education , and this one’s actually pretty straightforward.

Here, list out the following information:

  • Name of the degree (e.g. B.A. in Computer Science)
  • Name of the university and dates attended (e.g. Boston State University, 2012 - 2016)

Optionally, you can also include the following as part of your education section :

  • GPA. If you had an impressive GPA in your university (3.5 - 4.0), you can list it in your resume. Most companies, however, don’t really care about your grades all that much .
  • Honors. E.g. Cum Laude, Magna Cum Laude, etc.
  • Academic Achievements. Your thesis, interesting or noteworthy research papers you’ve written, etc.
  • Courses Attended. If you’ve taken some very impressive classes (and they’re related to the role you’re applying for), you can mention them in your education section.

#5. Optional Sections

Still have some space left on your resume? Here are some other sections you can include:

  • Projects - In our opinion, this one’s the most underrated resume section. Here, you can include any kind of personal or university project you’ve worked on. E.g. blog you’ve started, a piece of software you coded, etc.
  • Extracurricular Activities - If you’re a recent graduate, you can include a section about the extracurricular activities you’ve participated in during university.
  • Languages - Knowing an extra language or two can always come in handy. When filling these out, though, make sure to include your level of understanding (Beginner, Intermediate, Advanced, Fluent, or Native).
  • Work History - Yep, you CAN include work history on your functional resume. If you decide to do this, though, your resume will be a combination resume and NOT the functional one.

Other Resume Formats

There are 2 other resume formats in addition to the Functional one:

  • Reverse-Chronological Resume Format
  • Combination Resume Format

Here’s what they’re about:

#1. Reverse-Chronological Resume Format

This one’s the most common resume format out there and it’s what most people have in mind when they refer to a “resume.”

This resume format simply lists out work experiences in reverse-chronological order and backs them up with other essential resume sections (skills, education, etc.).

Unless you have specific reasons to use either of the other resume formats (combination or functional), we recommend you stick with this one.

#2. Combination Resume Format

The combination resume is almost the same thing as a functional resume, with a small twist.

In addition to the skill summary section on the resume, you also add a work history section (which helps even out the downsides that come with a functional resume).

Usually, the combination resume is used by senior professionals with a decade’s worth of work experience.

4 Free Functional Resume Templates & Examples

Want to get started with your functional resume?

All you have to do is pick one of our free templates and you’re good to go!

#1. Functional Resume Template

functional resume template example

Our functional resume template adds a dash of style to the traditional black-and-white resume.

Use this template to present your skills and talents in the best way possible!

#2. Combination Resume Template

combination resume template

This combination template allows you to showcase your skills without having to cut down on work experience.

#3. College Resume Template

college resume sample

Our College resume template is perfect for recent university graduates, allowing you to emphasize your skill-set over your work experiences.

#4. Professional Resume Template

professional resume example

Looking for something a bit more professional? This resume template is a prime favorite for job-seekers who are serious about their careers.

Key Takeaways

And that just about sums up everything you need to know about functional resumes!

Now, let’s do a small recap of everything we’ve learned so far:

  • A functional resume format is a type of resume that focuses more on skills rather than work experiences.
  • You can use a functional resume if you’re a recent graduate with little work experience or if you’re switching careers.
  • To create a compelling functional resume, you want to get your skill summary section just right.
  • Functional resumes, however, are not that common in most parts of the world, so we recommend sticking to a conventional resume format to most job-seekers, instead.

Discover More Resume Templates

  • One Page Resume Templates
  • 2 Page Resume Templates
  • Google Docs Resume Templates
  • Word Resume Templates
  • Chronological Resume Templates
  • Creative Resume Templates
  • Minimalistic Resume Templates
  • High School Resume Templates

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  • Career Blog

Functional Resume: A Beginner’s Guide with Examples

the functional resume

In today’s competitive job market, it is essential to make a strong first impression on potential employers. However, traditional chronological resumes may not always be the best option for individuals looking to showcase their unique skills and experiences. This is where functional resumes come into play.

A functional resume focuses on a candidate’s skills and accomplishments rather than their work experience. Rather than listing job titles and specific duties, a functional resume emphasizes the candidate’s abilities and how they can add value to a workplace. It is especially useful for individuals who have gaps in their employment history, are changing careers, or have limited work experience.

Why Choose a Functional Resume

A functional resume can be an excellent option for individuals who want to stand out from other candidates. By highlighting their unique skillset, candidates can show potential employers that they have the necessary qualifications and can be an asset to their organization. Additionally, a functional resume can help applicants who have changed jobs frequently, as it emphasizes their transferable skills rather than their work history.

Benefits of a Functional Resume

There are several benefits to using a functional resume. Firstly, it allows individuals to focus on their strengths, making their application more compelling to potential employers. It can also help reduce concerns about gaps in employment by highlighting the candidate’s skills and experience rather than their work history. Additionally, by presenting their qualifications in a clear and concise manner, candidates may be able to attract the attention of hiring managers more effectively.

A functional resume can be an excellent option for individuals who want to showcase their unique skills and experience. By highlighting their strengths and minimizing perceived weaknesses, candidates can increase their chances of getting hired and landing their dream job.

Anatomy of a Functional Resume

A functional resume is a type of resume that focuses more on skills and achievements, rather than the chronological work history. This style of resume is perfect for job seekers who have significant gaps in their work history or who want to highlight their transferable skills.

Structure of a Functional Resume

The structure of a functional resume typically involves a few key sections, which include:

Header : This section includes your contact information, such as your name, email address, phone number, and address.

Summary/Objective : This section is a brief statement that highlights your top skills and experiences. This is where you can showcase your unique value proposition and communicate what you can bring to the company.

Skills : In this section, you list your relevant skills, such as technical skills, hard skills, soft skills, and language proficiency.

Experience : This section lists your work experiences and accomplishments, but it is organized by relevant skills rather than by job title or date.

Education : This section includes your educational background and any certifications or awards you may have earned.

Sections of a Functional Resume

All the sections included in a functional resume are designed to showcase your transferable skills and achievements. Unlike a chronological resume which is primarily focused on your work history, a functional resume is tailored to highlight your areas of expertise.

The Difference between a Functional Resume and a Chronological Resume

The key difference between a functional resume and a chronological resume is the focus on your work history. A chronological resume is organized by dates and job titles, while a functional resume is organized by skills and achievements.

A chronological resume is best suited for job seekers who have a consistent work history with minimal gaps. Meanwhile, a functional resume is ideal for job seekers with limited experience or those who want to highlight their transferable skills.

A functional resume is a powerful tool for job seekers who want to stand out from the crowd by showcasing their skills and achievements. The structure and sections of a functional resume are strategically designed to highlight your unique value proposition and communicate what you can bring to the company.

When to Use a Functional Resume

A functional resume is a great choice for certain job seekers depending on their work history, experience, and career goals. Here are some factors to consider when deciding whether to use a functional resume:

Who Should Use a Functional Resume

Functional resumes are ideal for job seekers who have gaps in their work history, have changed careers frequently, or have relevant skills from other work or life experiences. These types of resumes highlight those skills and experiences rather than focusing on specific job titles or employers.

Another scenario where a functional resume might be appropriate is for recent graduates who have limited work experience but have developed relevant skills through internships, volunteer work, or extracurricular activities.

It’s important to note that functional resumes may not be the best option for recent graduates who are applying to entry-level positions in their field.

Situations that Call for a Functional Resume

There are several situations in which a functional resume may be a better choice than a traditional chronological resume.

If you are returning to work after a long absence, such as raising children, taking care of a family member, or dealing with a personal health issue, a functional resume can help you emphasize skills and experiences gained during that time.

Job seekers who are changing careers may also benefit from a functional resume as it allows them to highlight transferable skills and show how they are relevant to the new industry or job they are seeking.

Finally, if you have had a lot of short-term jobs or freelance work, a functional resume can help you highlight your skills and achievements across those different roles rather than simply listing each job and its duties.

How to Know When a Functional Resume is Appropriate

If you are unsure whether a functional resume is the right choice for you, consider talking to a career counselor or professional resume writer who can help you assess your skills and experience in relation to the jobs you want.

You should also carefully consider the job listing and the employer’s needs. If the job posting emphasizes specific job titles or required experience, a traditional chronological resume may be a better choice.

A functional resume can be a great option for job seekers who have varied work history or skills gained outside of traditional employment. By emphasizing skills and experiences over job titles and employers, it can help you stand out to potential employers and showcase your strengths.

Preparing to Write a Functional Resume

Before you start writing your functional resume, it’s important to take the necessary steps to ensure that your final document is effective in highlighting your skills and qualifications.

Steps for Preparing a Functional Resume

Research the job description:  Start by reviewing the job posting or job description thoroughly. Highlight and make note of the skills, experiences, and qualifications that the employer is seeking.

Make a list of your own skills and qualifications:  Next, make a list of your own skills and qualifications, taking into account the job requirements that you have identified. This list should include both hard and soft skills, as well as any relevant experience, education or certification.

Evaluate your career history:  Take time to evaluate your career history and consider any significant achievements, projects, and experiences that demonstrate your strengths and key competencies.

Decide on resume sections and order:  Once you have compiled your list of skills and qualifications, you can start organizing your resume sections. Decide on the order of your sections based on what is most relevant and eye-catching to employers.

Identifying Your Skills and Qualifications

Hard skills:  These are specific, measurable technical skills that you have developed through education or experience. Examples include proficiency in a particular computer program or language, hands-on experience with a specific tool or machinery, or certification in a particular discipline.

Soft skills:  These are personal attributes that reflect how you interact with others and contribute to an organization’s culture. Examples include communication skills, time management, problem-solving, and leadership skills.

In a functional resume, you will want to prioritize your skills and qualifications above your experience. This way, any potential employer can quickly see what you bring to the table and how you can benefit their organization.

Choosing the Right Format for Your Functional Resume

There are three main formats to consider when writing a functional resume: chronological, hybrid, and functional.

Chronological:  In a chronological resume, your experience is listed in reverse chronological order, with your most recent job at the top. Skills and qualifications are typically listed in a separate section below the experience section.

Hybrid:  A hybrid resume combines elements of both a chronological and functional resume. The top section of the resume highlights your skills and qualifications, followed by a chronological listing of your work experience.

Functional:  In a functional resume, your skills and qualifications take center stage. This format de-emphasizes your work history, but still includes a brief summary of your career achievements, along with a list of relevant work experiences.

When choosing the right format for your functional resume, consider the job requirements and the employer’s preferences. By using the appropriate format and putting your skills and qualifications front and center, you can create a winning functional resume that effectively markets your talents and experience to employers.

Writing a Successful Functional Resume

A functional resume is a great way for job seekers to showcase their skills and experiences without emphasizing their job history. By highlighting your professional accomplishments and qualifications, you can create a powerful resume that will capture the attention of potential employers.

Here are some writing tips to help you craft a successful functional resume:

Writing Tips:

Start with a strong summary statement that highlights your skills and qualifications.

Use bullet points to organize your achievements and skills.

Use action words to describe your achievements and skills, such as “created”, “managed”, “designed”, etc.

Be concise and clear with your language. Avoid using overly complicated industry jargon or long sentences.

Use a standard, easy-to-read font and format your resume consistently throughout.

Next, it’s important to consider what keywords to include in your functional resume.

Keywords to Include in a Functional Resume:

Using relevant keywords can help your resume get through automated applicant tracking systems (ATS) and improve your chances of getting noticed by human recruiters.

Here are some common keywords to include in a functional resume:

  • Industry-specific skills and qualifications
  • Software and technical skills
  • Professional certifications and licenses
  • Project management experience
  • Leadership and team management skills

Remember to include any relevant keywords that match the job description, as this can increase your chances of getting selected for an interview.

Lastly, here are some common mistakes to avoid when writing a functional resume:

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Functional Resume:

Not including specific achievements or accomplishments.

Listing irrelevant work experience.

Using a generic summary statement that doesn’t match the job description.

Using buzzwords or industry jargon that may not be understood by recruiters outside of your field.

Focusing too much on job duties and not enough on accomplishments and skills.

By following these tips and avoiding common mistakes, you can create a functional resume that showcases your unique talents, accomplishments, and qualifications. Remember to highlight your skills and experience and tailor your resume to each job description to increase your chances of landing your dream job.

Examples of Functional Resumes

Functional resumes are an excellent option for job seekers who want to draw attention to their skills and abilities instead of their work history. Here are three examples to help you understand how to structure a functional resume:

Example 1: Functional Resume for a Recent Graduate

[Your Name]

Recent Graduate | Seeking Entry-Level [Industry/Position]

Motivated and enthusiastic recent graduate with a [Degree/Major] from [University/College]. Strong academic foundation in [relevant coursework/skills]. Passionate about [industry/field] and eager to apply knowledge and skills in a professional setting. Excellent communication, problem-solving, and teamwork abilities.

  • [Relevant Skill 1]
  • [Relevant Skill 2]
  • [Relevant Skill 3]
  • [Relevant Skill 4]
  • [Year of Graduation]
  • Relevant coursework: [Coursework 1], [Coursework 2], [Coursework 3]
  • [Project 1]: [Brief description and key achievements]
  • [Project 2]: [Brief description and key achievements]
  • [Project 3]: [Brief description and key achievements]

Intern, [Company/Organization]

  • Assisted with [specific tasks/responsibilities].
  • Conducted [research/analysis] to support [project/initiative].
  • Collaborated with team members to [achieve goals/outcomes].

Volunteer, [Organization]

  • Contributed to [specific tasks/responsibilities].
  • Assisted in organizing [events/activities].
  • Demonstrated strong [skill/ability] in a team environment.

Additional Skills

  • Proficient in [Software/Applications]
  • Strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Detail-oriented with excellent organizational abilities
  • Adaptability and willingness to learn


  • [Certification 1]
  • [Certification 2]
  • [Certification 3]
  • [Language 1]: Native proficiency
  • [Language 2]: Intermediate proficiency

Example 2: Functional Resume for Experienced Worker

Experienced Professional | [Industry/Position]

Results-driven and accomplished professional with [number of years] of experience in [industry/field]. Proven track record of success in [specific areas/achievements]. Strong leadership, problem-solving, and communication skills. Committed to driving [goals/objectives] and delivering exceptional outcomes.

Professional Experience

[Current/Previous Position], [Company/Organization]

  • [Key Responsibility/Achievement 1]
  • [Key Responsibility/Achievement 2]
  • [Key Responsibility/Achievement 3]

[Previous Position], [Company/Organization]

Additional Experience

[Related Experience 1], [Company/Organization]

[Related Experience 2], [Company/Organization]

  • Strong leadership and team management abilities
  • Excellent problem-solving and decision-making skills
  • Detail-oriented and highly organized

Formatting Your Functional Resume

When it comes to formatting your functional resume, there are key design and layout decisions you must make to present a well-organized, polished document that will catch an employer’s attention. Below are some important design guidelines, font and layout considerations, and tips for creating a professional look.

Design Guidelines

Make sure to choose a clean, easy-to-read design that is visually appealing. Use a standard paper size and keep margins at 1 inch all around. Avoid too much white space, which can make the resume look sparse, but don’t clutter the page with too much text or graphics. Sticking to a one-page format is ideal, but ensure that all relevant and important information is included.

Fonts and Layout Considerations

Your choice of font is important, as it can impact the readability of your resume. Choose a font for headings that stands out, such as Arial or Times New Roman, and use a slightly smaller font size for body text. Avoid fonts that may be harder to read, such as script or cursive styles.

In terms of layout, use bullet points to make information easy to scan and digest. Avoid long, dense paragraphs. Use headings and subheadings to organize content and lead the reader through the document. Additionally, use bolding, italicizing, or underlining to highlight important information, but use these effects sparingly.

Creating a Professional Look

In addition to adhering to design and font guidelines, there are other steps you can take to create a professional look for your functional resume. First, make sure that you have consistent formatting throughout the document. Use the same font, font size, and spacing throughout the body of the resume. This helps create a cohesive, polished look.

Secondly, don’t forget the importance of proofreading. Spelling errors, inaccuracies, or other mistakes can detract from the overall impression of your resume. After drafting your functional resume, take time to review and proofread it thoroughly to ensure that it is error-free.

Finally, consider tailoring your design and format to the job you are applying for. Review the job posting and consider the industry or company you are applying to. Adjust the layout or design elements to fit the desired “feel” of the position or organization.

By following these guidelines and tips, you can create a professional, well-organized functional resume that effectively showcases your unique skills and experience.

Tailoring Your Functional Resume to a Job Posting

When it comes to job hunting, tailoring your functional resume to a job posting is crucial. A functional resume is designed to highlight your skills and accomplishments, rather than just your work experience, which makes it a great choice for those who have gaps in their job history or who are changing careers. However, to really make your functional resume stand out, you need to tailor it to the specific job you’re applying for.

Job Posting Analysis

Before you start tailoring your functional resume, you need to carefully analyze the job posting to understand what the employer is looking for. Look for keywords and phrases that are repeated throughout the posting. Pay attention to the qualifications and requirements that the employer is looking for. Think about how your skills and experience match up with what they’re looking for.

Targeted Functional Resumes

Once you’ve analyzed the job posting, it’s time to start tailoring your functional resume. Start by creating a master resume that includes all of your skills and work experience. From there, you can create targeted functional resumes for each job you apply for. Use the keywords and phrases you found in the job posting to highlight your skills and accomplishments that match up with what the employer is looking for.

As you’re creating your targeted functional resume, keep the job posting in mind. Customize your objective statement to align with the position you’re applying for. Use the same language and terminology that the employer uses in the posting. Highlight your skills and accomplishments that are most relevant to the position.

The Importance of a Tailored Functional Resume

Tailoring your functional resume to the job you’re applying for is important for a few reasons. First, it shows the employer that you’ve taken the time to research the position and understand what they’re looking for. Second, it highlights your skills and accomplishments that are most relevant to the position, which makes you a stronger candidate. Finally, it helps you stand out from the other applicants who may be using a generic functional resume.

Tailoring your functional resume to a job posting is a crucial step in your job search. By analyzing the job posting, creating targeted functional resumes, and highlighting your most relevant skills and accomplishments, you can increase your chances of standing out from the crowd and landing the job you want.

Cover Letter Writing Tips for a Functional Resume

When it comes to job hunting, a functional resume can be an effective tool to showcase your skills and qualifications. However, it’s important to remember that your cover letter also plays a crucial role in the application process. In this section, we’ll discuss some tips on how to incorporate your functional resume into your cover letter, highlight your skills and qualifications, and address any employment gaps.

Incorporating Your Functional Resume into Your Cover Letter

Your cover letter should complement your functional resume and not simply repeat information. Therefore, it’s important to think about how your skills and qualifications can be integrated into your cover letter. One effective approach is to use specific examples of how your skills and experience match the requirements of the job you’re applying for.

For example, if you’re applying for a marketing position and your functional resume highlights your experience in social media management and content creation, you could mention specific campaigns you’ve managed in your cover letter. This shows the hiring manager that you have the skills they’re looking for and have experience applying them in a professional context.

Highlighting Your Skills and Qualifications in Your Cover Letter

Your cover letter is a chance to really highlight your strengths as a candidate. Rather than simply listing your qualifications, take the opportunity to explain how your skills and experience make you a good fit for the position.

For example, if you’re a recent graduate with limited work experience, you could focus on your academic achievements and any relevant coursework or projects. Alternatively, if you have years of experience in a particular field, you could explain how that experience has given you a unique perspective on the job you’re applying for.

Addressing Employment Gaps in Your Cover Letter

If your functional resume includes employment gaps, it’s important to address these issues in your cover letter. Rather than trying to hide or explain away the gaps, be honest about what you were doing during that time and emphasize any skills or experience you gained.

For example, if you took a break from work to care for a family member, you could explain how that experience taught you valuable communication and organizational skills. Alternatively, if you pursued a personal project during your employment gap, you could highlight how that experience gave you new perspectives or taught you new skills.

Your cover letter offers a chance to expand on the information in your functional resume and showcase your skills and qualifications. By incorporating specific examples and addressing any employment gaps, your cover letter can help you stand out as a strong candidate for any job.

Submitting a Functional Resume

When it comes to submitting a functional resume, there are several tips and strategies that can help increase your chances of landing an interview. Additionally, it’s important to be prepared to follow up on your application and deal with rejection if necessary.

Tips for Submitting Your Functional Resume

Here are some tips for submitting your functional resume:

Customize your resume for each job application. Your functional resume should be tailored to the specific job you’re applying for. Highlight the skills and experiences that are most relevant to the position.

Use keywords from the job description. Many companies use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to scan resumes for relevant keywords. Make sure you include keywords from the job description to increase your chances of passing the ATS screening.

Focus on achievements rather than duties. Instead of listing your job duties, highlight your accomplishments and how you added value to your previous roles. This will help the employer see the impact you can make in their organization.

Keep it concise and easy to read. A functional resume should be no longer than two pages, with clear headings and bullet points to organize the information.

Following up on Your Functional Resume

After submitting your functional resume, it’s important to follow up on your application to demonstrate your interest and enthusiasm for the position. Here are some tips for following up:

Wait a week before following up. Give the employer a chance to review your application before reaching out.

Send a brief email. Keep your follow-up email short and to the point. Thank the employer for their time and express your interest in the position.

Showcase your skills and experience. Use your follow-up email as an opportunity to highlight your relevant skills and experience, and why you’re a good fit for the job.

Be persistent but polite. If you don’t hear back after your initial follow-up, it’s okay to send another email or make a phone call. However, remain polite and professional in your communication.

Dealing with Rejection

Unfortunately, rejection is a part of the job search process. Here are some tips for handling rejection:

Don’t take it personally. Rejection doesn’t mean you’re not a qualified candidate or that you’ll never find a job. It’s simply part of the hiring process.

Ask for feedback. If possible, ask the employer for feedback on why you weren’t selected for the position. This can help you improve your resume and job search strategy moving forward.

Keep a positive attitude. It’s important to maintain a positive attitude and stay motivated during the job search process. Surround yourself with supportive friends and family, and focus on the opportunities that lie ahead.

Submitting a functional resume can be an effective way to showcase your skills and experience to potential employers.

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A functional resume focuses on specific skills rather than roles and companies—moving away from a traditional or chronological resume layout. And while it sounds like a good strategy if you're looking to highlight certain abilities, using a functional resume still requires some consideration. 

What is a functional resume?

A functional resume (sometimes called a skills-based resume format) focuses on the skills that qualify you for a role. This resume format prioritizes the tools and aptitudes you've used to do the job over where and when you've done it. 

A functional resume example

Teal Note: We can provide guidance for building a functional resume, but this resume template doesn't exist in the Teal platform.

As the workforce evolves, functional resumes have become increasingly popular—but not universally accepted; the trend toward functional resumes is more prevalent among job seekers than hiring professionals. Here's why:

By emphasizing transferable skills and abilities, a functional resume allows anyone with a non-linear career path or limited work experience to present areas of strengths and potential rather than a job history.

But while the core of a functional resume emphasizes skills and competencies, it doesn't focus on:

  • Comprehensive work history 

Recruiting expert and Teal Social Media Manager Leah Dillon says:

"Anyone can list a skill, but just listing it doesn’t add value. It’s about showcasing that skill through experience, whether at a company or independently: How do you know it? How did you use it to have an impact alongside other skills?"

The elements above are critical for hiring professionals to assess your qualifications, especially during the initial screening. Direct, relevant experience, reflected through a clear timeline and job titles, is crucial to many job requirements.

Dillon echos this sentiment:

"Companies are looking for people to help drive the business forward, and those who showcase they’ve helped drive initiatives along tend to have higher interview rates."

Disadvantages of a functional resume

  • Lack of familiarity:  Recruiters may find a functional resume less intuitive, making it harder to extract critical information quickly.
  • Potential for skepticism:  The absence of a chronological work history can look like an attempt to hide gaps in employment or a lack of specific experience.
  • Difficulty establishing career progression:  Demonstrating professional growth over time is often key to emphasizing the evolution of roles and responsibilities.
  • Limited skills showcase: Functional resumes miss the opportunity to show the breadth of your abilities. A range of skills throughout your resume will help align your experience with a job's requirements. Merely listing skills without showing how they've been applied collectively to have an impact undermines the effectiveness of your entire resume.

Functional resumes vs. other resume formats

Chronological resume.

A chronological resume (or reverse-chronological resume ) is the most widely accepted resume format—presenting your work history in reverse chronological order.

It offers a straightforward view of your career progression, highlighting your work experience and making it easy for hiring managers and recruiters to see your background, achievements, and how you've used your skills to have an impact over time.

Use a chronological resume to show a clear view of your career, impact, and skills.

View our full selection of free reverse-chronological resume templates to find a style and presentation that suits your career.

Combination resume

The combination resume , or hybrid, blends elements of both functional and chronological resumes while still offering a clear and easy-to-read layout. It typically starts with a professional summary, followed by a section for hard or technical skills, and then a reverse chronological listing of your work history. 

the functional resume

When to use a functional resume

If you've made it this far and still feel the best resume format is a skills-based resume, here are the best use cases.

Career pivoters

Suppose you're transitioning to a new industry or career path. In that case, a functional resume can help highlight transferable skills relevant to your new field—regardless of where you've acquired them.

Those with employment gaps

If you have a gap in your employment, you can use a functional resume to emphasize your skills, highlighting what you bring to the table rather than focusing on your employment history.

Reentering the workforce

If you're returning to work after a significant break, a functional resume can help you highlight your relevant, valuable skills.

First-time job seekers

If you're a job seeker creating a resume with no work experience , a functional resume format focuses on skills rather than a non-existent or thin work history.

For applications that request this format

Some job postings might request a functional resume. In these cases, sticking to this format shows you can follow directions and understand the specific preferences of your prospective employer.

How to write a functional resume

Before you choose a resume format, you need the  right  tool to store your skills, achievements, and more. 

The Teal  AI Resume Builder  is a free platform to house all these details in one central location. 

A screenshot showing what professional details are stored in the Teal AI Resume Builder

Now, it's time to write your functional resume.

1. Start with your contact information

You want prospective employers to contact you, so you're going to need to give them those details as clearly as possible.

Your resume contact information should include:

  • Phone Number
  • Professional email address
  • LinkedIn profile URL 
  • Portfolio or personal website URL (if applicable)
  • Your target title

2. Add a professional summary

Below your contact information, write a 3-5 sentence professional summary. Consider this your highlight reel—zeroing in on top achievements, skills, and qualifications while generating enough interest to keep the hiring manager or recruiter reading the rest of your resume.

Pro Tip: If you want to save time writing your professional summary, try Teal’s AI Resume Summary Generator to write tailored, position-specific summaries in seconds.

3. List relevant skills

Next up, list your skills. Because you're using a functional resume format, this section will change each time you apply for a specific role.

The skills in your resume (regardless of format) should  always  align with the job description of the role you're applying to.

Resume skills example: 

If a job description says,

"3 years of experience in an SEO, Growth Ops, or Marketing Ops role, ideally in a startup environment for a B2C audience with strong knowledge building and owning workflows as it relates to SEO, content production, and publishing."

Then, your resume's "Skill" section should focus on at least three skills listed. 

  • Content Production

Not sure which skills matter most? Teal's got you covered. The Teal AI Resume Builder pulls the top skills as keywords from any job description, so you know which ones matter most.

A graphic showing how the Teal Resume Builder highlights skills in job descriptions

Once you've identified the top three skills in the job description, add three to five bullet points beneath each to showcase  how  you used that skill to have impact.

Using the job description above, here's a functional resume example of how this might look.

  • Orchestrated a growth ops strategy, successfully improving SEO workflow efficiency by 25%
  • Led a team in implementing growth op practices, increasing web traffic by 35%
  • Redesigned growth op workflows, improving content production and publishing by 20% 

4. Add optional sections

Once you have your primary skills and the impact of those skills, add job history, an "Education" section, and certifications to support them.

4 tips for writing a functional resume

Now that you understand how to write a functional resume let's go over some best practices that'll help guide you.

  • Only emphasize relevant skills : Identify the skills most relevant to the job you’re applying for and provide specific examples of how you used those skills.
  • Quantify your achievements : Wherever possible, use numbers, metrics, and data to show the impact of your work. Think efficiency improvements, revenue growth, etc.
  • Use a clear, organized layout : Ensure your resume is easy to read. Use headings, bullet points, and consistent formatting to make your skills and achievements stand out.
  • Tailor your resume : Customize your target title, resume summary, skills, and bullet points—ensuring your content aligns with what an employer is looking for.

Functional resume format

The functional resume layout differs significantly from other traditional formats. Here's how to do it:

  • Contact details
  • Your resume summary
  • A clear "Skills" section with achievements relevant to the role

If you include an employment history, place it after the skills section. Education and any other relevant details (certifications or volunteer experience) should come last.

3 tips for formatting a functional resume

  • Provide clarity: Use a clean, easy-to-read layout. Opt for bullet points to describe your skills and achievements, making the resume scannable.
  • Use consistent formatting : Your resume content should stick to one font style and size, with clear and slightly larger or bolded headings to distinguish each section.
  • Balance white space and text: A well-balanced layout avoids clutter, making your resume clear and easy to read.

Functional resume examples

A functional resume example can help guide your process—giving you a clear idea of how to create a compelling functional resume.

Data analyst functional resume example

A functional resume example for a data analyst

Software engineer skills-based resume sample

A skills-based resume example for a software engineer

Project manager functional resume example

A functional resume example for a project manager

Functional resume templates

A free functional resume template can be a valuable tool in writing your resume.

Functional resume templates provide a structured layout so you can effectively showcase your skills and their impact.

Websites like Teal, Canva, Google, and Microsoft offer a variety of resume templates . These platforms are user-friendly, and the templates cater to different career needs and styles.

How to use skills-based resume templates

1. Copy the template into your editing software : Copy and paste (or download the template) in your preferred editing software.

the functional resume

2. Customize each section : Replace any placeholder text with your own details. Focus heavily on the skills section, making sure to highlight only skills that are 100% relevant to the job you're applying for.

A screenshot of how to edit resume details in Teal

3. Adjust the design : While the template provides a basic structure, feel free to make minor adjustments to the design. (This could include changing font sizes or styles, adjusting the layout of sections, or adding a small pop of color. Just be mindful to keep it easy to read.)

A screenshot of Teal's design mode

4. Proofread and edit : Make sure your resume is free of errors like placeholder text and the information is current and accurate.

A screnshot of Teal's spelling and grammar tool.

Skills-based resume templates

Below are some free skills-based resume templates that provide a solid foundation for you to start from. Use them as a guide for showcasing your unique skills and experiences effectively.

Student skills-based resume template

[Full Name]

[Contact Information]

[Target Title]

Professional Summary

[Highly motivated and detail-oriented student] pursuing a [Bachelor's/Master's] degree in [Field of Study] with a strong foundation in [Key Skills]. Experienced in [mention any relevant internships, part-time jobs, or projects with impact] and passionate about [specific interest within the field].

[Relevant Skill]

  • Achievement with impact

[Bachelor's/Master's] in [Field of Study]

[University Name], [Expected Year of Graduation]

Coursework (Optional)

[Course] - [Brief description]

Recent graduate functional resume template

[Energetic and motivated recent graduate] with a [Bachelor's/Master's] degree in [Field of Study] from [University Name]. I have excellent [Key Skills] and am eager to apply academic knowledge and [internship/academic project with results] experience to contribute effectively to [industry/role]. Strong [relevant soft skills] and a quick learner, ready to excel in a [specific field/role].

[University Name], [Year of Graduation]

Projects (Optional)

  • [Project Title] - [Brief description and outcome]

Career pivot skills-based resume template

[Experienced professional in [previous career] with a strong foundation in [relevant skills] and a passion for [new career/industry]. Seeking to leverage [transferable skills] to transition into a [target role/industry]. Accomplished in [mention at least one relevant achievement with impact] and committed to achieving success in [new career/industry].


[Certification] - [Organization]

Professional Experience

[Previous Job Title] | [Previous Company], [Years of Experience]

  • [Any relevant achievements]

Create and manage your resume with Teal

While functional resumes showcase specific skills, they also have limitations.

Their format, which deviates from the traditional chronological layout, is less familiar and more challenging for hiring professionals to navigate. This unfamiliarity may lead to difficulty in quickly assessing what you bring to the table—leaving you at a disadvantage compared to other candidates.

A chronological or hybrid resume might be a better option if you're looking for a more easily recognized approach. These formats are more familiar and provide a clear, linear view of your skills and how you used them over time to have an impact.

If you're ready to grab (and hold!) the attention of hiring managers and recruiters with a holistic view of your skills and experience—one they can easily follow and appreciate—it's time to get started:

Frequently Asked Questions

Do employers like functional resumes.

Employers typically don't prefer functional resumes because they can obscure chronological work history and specific job titles. Unless a functional resume format is specifically requested, try to use a chronological or combination resume format instead.

What is a functional skills resume?

A functional skills resume focuses on skills and experiences rather than chronological work history, highlighting your top competencies.

When should you not use a functional resume?

You should not use a functional resume when applying to roles that require a clear understanding of your work history and progression.

the functional resume

Kayte Grady

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The Functional Resume Format: Tips & Examples (2024 - Updated)

the functional resume

Table of Contents

Tips and tricks for writing a functional resume.

Generally, there are three types of resume formats, each with its own benefits and drawbacks. There is no one-size-fits-all template, but the resume-verse does have something for everyone. In order to avoid the resume blackhole , you need a layout that helps you stand out. 

That might sound strange, but many professions prioritize a seasoned expert with cultivated skills. One just needs to know how to use a functional resume to catch the eye of potential employers . Here at Qureos, we plan to teach you exactly that.  ‍

1. What Is a Functional Resume?

The functional resume is also known as a skill-based resume. That is because it focuses on marketing the applicant’s skills rather than work experience. It is the ideal format for those who have curated a highly diverse and effective skill set, which would be greatly productive in any job setting. 

Compared to the chronological or combination resume, this format is targeted towards a set group of employers who require a refined skill set rather than a history of professional work experiences. This resume showcases your ambitions relevant to the job, rather than what you have already accomplished.

‍ 2. What Is the Functional Resume Structure?

Let us guide you on how to make an impressive resume . To help you visualize it, this is what the standard functional resume should look like:

the functional resume

1. Contact Information

Your information should include your full name, city and country, telephone or mobile number, and email address. It can also have links to any professional websites or portfolios, like LinkedIn, Behance, or your personal e-portfolio. 

This is a necessary step because many employers will use your information to get back to you. Make sure to add this in your header, with your name in a larger font.  ‍

2. Resume Summary 

Though a solid cover letter executes this role in detail, a resume summary or objective is necessary to highlight your capabilities as a candidate. A brief yet straightforward passage must explain how you are the perfect fit for this role. If you lack work experience, a resume objective works better on a skills-based CV. Remember to be professional, keeping it relevant to the role you have applied for.

3. Skills Section

Here, you can experiment with that displays your skills in the most attractive, strong way. 

Usually, functional resumes start off with the first skills sections, called ‘summary of qualifications’, ‘relevant skills’, ‘technical skills’, and more. In bullet point format, list down all skills relevant to your job description . To further diversify your resume and intrigue your employer, you can mention self-taught skills on your resume as well!

Remember to give examples of where, when, or how you’ve implemented said skills. 

‍ 4. Professional Skills

Here, you are required to hone in on the important skills that are most likely to secure your acceptance. In a bulleted list, highlight two or three crucial skills that the employer will not be able to turn away. Then, detail when, where, and how you implemented said skills and what you achieved. 

Additionally, to further strengthen your resume, mention metrics, statistics, or any number that validates your accomplishments. Data evidence will give credibility to your skills, which is necessary. 

‍ 5. Work Experience, If Any 

In case you have any work experience, a functional resume has the space to include that. Below are your skills, like your professional history in reverse-chronological order. Start from the latest position held and describe your roles, skills, and achievements during that period. 

On the other hand, if you don’t have any experience – that’s fine! A functional resume is specifically designed to market your skills over everything else. 

‍ 6. Education

Lastly, write your educational background. Your college and degree are the most important to mention. It's not important to mention your GPA unless it is specifically asked for. Also, you can add any certifications, honors, or important medals you have received. However, ensure they are all appropriate for the job you have applied for.  

After curating your resume, it’s best to run it through a resume score calculator. This will further strengthen your profile and give you an added level of reassurance.

‍ 3. Who Should Use a Functional Resume?

For some, functional resumes can be a holy grail. It is vital to create a killer portfolio that guarantees acceptance, so it’s best to see if the functional resume meets your requirements before creating one. 

Of course, this resume is perfect for those job positions that value skills over practical experience. The format allows for your most valuable skills to shine up upfront, allowing potential employers to screen that section immediately.

Secondly, if you’re someone who has frequently switched careers, has worked in various departments, or lacks a career niche, the functional resume helps you stand out. For those with an unstructured career trajectory, this format encourages them to highlight their learning and skill development.

Thirdly, the functional resume is a highly useful format for fresh graduates or students who do not have work experience or are currently in school. Don’t fret, as one’s education and college experience are sources of skill-building that is of value to hiring managers. 

Additionally, the uniqueness of the functional resume intrigues employers. Therefore, this format is excellent for those who have employment gaps. Aside from focusing on your talents and capabilities, it adds another level to your application. 

Lastly, if you’re aiming for a drastic career shift into a different field, this format is for you. You can showcase how your pre-existing skills are flexible and generalizable to every environment. The functional resume can present you as an adaptable and multi-talented individual who can fit into any field!

However, in some cases, the functional resume may not be the right fit. Firstly, if you do have work experience that spans three to ten years and is relevant to the job. Or, if you want to display a steady career trajectory with advancements. In such a case, draft a combination resume or chronological resume. 

‍ 4. Functional Resume VS Chronological Resume?

A noticeable difference is that of formatting. A functional resume begins with your contact details, followed by a detailed outline of your capabilities, and any certifications. Lastly, it ends with relevant job experiences and educational background. 

Whereas the chronological resume starts off with identification details, followed by a resume summary, and a list of your work history. The latter is featured in reverse-chronological order. Unlike the functional resume, this format displays your education, certifications, and skills very briefly, at the end.

Secondly, while some may reject functional resumes for being disjointed or incomplete, some hiring managers prefer candidates who can work in any industry. While, chronological resumes are generally preferred, especially for job positions that require specific expertise and experience. 

Lastly, the functional resume enhances your skills as it does not prioritize what you have or have not done. It is future-focused that portrays you as a flexible candidate with holistic skills, able to succeed in any field, despite minimum work experience. 

However, a chronological resume values your work history, using it to craft a story that is appealing to employers. It focuses on showcasing accomplishments and your evolution as an employee. 

5. Functional Resume VS Combination Resume?

While we’ve mentioned the functional resume’s format, a combination resume is structured differently. It opens with contact information, a resume summary or objective, a bulleted skills list, and a chronological work experience section, ending with educational background. Unlike the functional resume, it bequeaths equal importance to skills and professional history, suitable for mid-level experienced employees. 

While a functional resume is received as an unexpected and non-traditional application, combination resumes are more creative and diverse. Though, this varies from employer to employer.

Finally, while a functional resume is focused on emphasizing your skills, a combination resume bequeaths equal importance to skills and professional history, suitable for mid-level experienced employees. 

This comprehensive guide on functional resumes is enough to kickstart you on your journey of designing an eye-catching resume. There are several brilliant resume templates available online – so don’t wait and land your dream job today!

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What Is a Functional Resume?

Definition & Examples of Functional Resumes

the functional resume

Maddy Price / The Balance

A functional resume focuses on skills and experience rather than on your chronological work history. It's typically used by job seekers who are changing careers or who have gaps in their employment history.

Learn more about functional resumes and how to develop one.

What Is a Functional Resume? 

A functional resume showcases an applicant's skills. It may start with a summary of qualifications followed by a list of a candidate's skills and examples of using those skills.

For example, you might list "Leadership" as a skill, then follow that with examples of when you've shown leadership. For example, you might say, "Managed the sales department of five staff members. Increased sales by 25% in six months."

This is different from a  traditional, chronological resume  that displays a timeline of your work experience with brief explanations of each job. As a result, the focus is shifted from job titles and the amount of time that has passed to the actual skills you possess.

Another resume option is a combination resume , which uses a chronological format but highlights the skills you showed in each position.

How a Functional Resume Works

A functional resume draws attention away from items that a hiring manager might find problematic. It de-emphasizes gaps in your work history or the fact that you're making a significant career change.

A functional resume is less commonly used than a chronological resume, which recruiters and interviewers generally prefer. If you don't have a reason for using a functional resume, opt for a chronological one.   Additionally, some applicant tracking software programs reject resumes without a chronological work history.  

Writing a Functional Resume

Here's how to approach writing a functional resume:

  • Start with a resume summary : Consider including a resume summary  at the beginning of your resume, which is a brief statement that highlights your most relevant qualifications. This sets the tone for how the employer sees you (and your resume) right from the start.
  • Organize by theme : When writing a functional resume, use themes like skills or qualifications. For example, you might group skills under “Recruiting Experience” or “Customer Service Experience.” By grouping your skills together, the employer can more easily see whether you have the right skills for the job, even if your work history isn't directly related to the position.
  • Use keywords : Use keywords from the job description in your resume. Keywords are words or phrases that relate to the job requirements, and you can use the job posting for a guide to which words to use. Use keywords as the titles for your subheadings or in the bulleted lists where you describe your skills and accomplishments in more detail.
  • Mention relevant projects : Include any personal or professional projects that are related to the job. Projects demonstrate your success in developing and completing tasks.
  • Include your employment history : Placing this section at the bottom of your resume helps the employer focus more on your skills than your work history.
  • Write a strong cover letter : Use your cover letter to expand on the skills and abilities you have that make you a strong candidate for the position. This will help lessen any concerns the employer might have about your work history.

Example of a Functional Resume

This is an example of a functional resume. Download the resume template to develop your own resume.

Functional Resume Example (Text Version)

Jose Applicant 321 Jackson Street San Jose, CA 55555 (123) 456-7890


Successful track record in the blood-banking care environment

Results-oriented, high-energy, hands-on professional with skills in management, quality assurance, program development, training, and customer service.

Key skills include:

  • Blood banking
  • Quality assurance
  • AABB accreditation
  • Compliant with FDA cGMP



  • Facilitated educational projects from 2018-2020 for Northern California blood centers.
  • Assisted team members in veni-punctures, donor reaction care, and providing licensed staffing to extend their duties by managing the blood services regulations documentation (BSDs) while assigned to the self-contained blood mobile unit (SCU).
  • Provided daily operational review/quality control of education accountability as it relates to imposed government regulatory requirements in a medical environment.


  • Successfully supervised contract support for six AT&T Broadband systems located in the Bay Area prior to a career in phlebotomy. Managed scheduling, quality control, payroll, special projects, and evaluations to ensure proper end-of-line and demarcation signal.
  • Reduced employee turnover, introduced two-way communication to field employees, enhanced employee appearance, and spearheaded the expansion of employee (health) benefits.
  • Chief point of contact for the AT&T telephone and the ABC-affiliated TV stations as related to complaints and diagnosing communication problems either at the site or remote broadcasting.



  • Associate of Applied Science in EKG-Phlebotomy, 2017

Key Takeaways

  • A functional resume focuses on your skills and experience rather than on your chronological work history.
  • It may be a good fit for those with employment gaps or who are changing careers. 
  • On a functional resume, list your skills and specific examples of how you used those skills. 
  • Include your work experience at the end of the resume.

Business News Daily. " How Do Functional Resumes Compare to Chronological Resumes? " Accessed June 28, 2020.

CareerOneStop. " Select the Best Format ." Accessed June 28, 2020.

the functional resume

When to Use a 'Functional' Resume Instead of a Traditional One

W hen you pull up a resume template, it’s pretty straightforward: Your past jobs are listed in reverse chronological order near the top, dating back about 10 years or so. But you may need a “functional” resume sometimes, even if templates for it are a little harder to find.

What is a functional resume?

A functional resume is one that leads with your work-related skills and abilities listed right after your contact information. Most of the time, per Indeed , this is done in a bulleted list. You can have a list for skills you’ve acquired in past positions, in school, or during job training, as well as any awards you’ve gotten.

The goal here is not to show a hiring manager what you’ve done in the past, but what you’re prepared and equipped to do for their company. Leading with your talents and accomplishments shows that you’re competent and capable, not just that you’ve had jobs before or have gone to school.

When to use a functional resume

There are a few times to use functional resumes, as well as a few times to stay away from them. Try one out if you’re any of the following, according to Novoresume :

  • A recent graduate lacking work experience
  • Switching industries and looking for an entry-level job
  • If you’ve held a variety of titles with little relevance to each other and/or the job you’re looking for now

Keep in mind, however, that these are pretty rare and in most cases, traditional resumes are more welcome by hiring managers. Using an unorthodox formatting can show your skills, but could also give the impression you’re trying to hide something, like a gap in your resume. If you’re looking to obscure an employment gap or other blemish in your history, don’t. You need to explain those and be honest with hiring managers . Only use a functional resume if you really want to lead with your talents and potential over your experience and past deeds, but not if you’re angling to be a little deceitful. Keep using a chronological resume when you’re staying in your current industry or have a clearly defined career path that you’re happy to stay on.

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Photo: Amnaj Khetsamtip (Shutterstock)

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  1. Functional Resume: Template, Examples, and Writing Guide

    What is a functional resume? A functional resume is a common resume format that focuses broadly on your professional skills, rather than each job you held and when you held that job. It's sometimes referred to as a skills-based resume.. The biggest difference between a functional resume and the standard chronological resume is that a functional resume groups your experience under skill ...

  2. What Is a Functional Resume? Template, Examples, & Tips

    What Is a Functional Resume? A functional resume, also known as a skill-based resume, is a type of resume format that focuses on skills and experience over chronological work history. The purpose of a functional resume is to present a candidate's experience in a skills summary section instead of the work experience section.

  3. Functional Resume: Definition, Tips and Examples

    A functional resume is a resume format that primarily showcases a candidate's skills. As opposed to a reverse-chronological resume that organizes a candidate's experience under their previously or currently-held professional jobs held in order of recency, the functional resume groups a candidate's experience under skills or categories of ...

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    The next section on your functional resume is Education, and this one's actually pretty straightforward. Here, list out the following information: Name of the degree (e.g. B.A. in Computer Science) Name of the university and dates attended (e.g. Boston State University, 2012 - 2016)

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  7. What is a Functional Resume [Templates & Examples]

    A functional resume highlights your skills, abilities and accomplishments rather than your work history. Functional resumes are organized by skill categories, such as communication, leadership or project management. This format is ideal for job seekers who have gaps in their work history, are changing careers or have limited work experience.

  8. Functional Resume Format: Examples, Templates & Writing Guide

    The functional resume format is closely related to the combination resume, which is becoming more popular in a day and age where people spend less time in a career vertical, and instead may have a wide range of experience across a number of industries.. Ultimately, on a single-page resume you have a finite amount of space to make the best possible case for an employer to give you an interview.

  9. Functional Resume Template (+ Good Example to Follow)

    Functional resume, also called skill-based, is a resume format that emphasizes professional skills instead of work history. You can benefit from using this format if you have gaps in your career or you're switching professions, but you must follow certain rules to ensure your resume is ATS friendly.

  10. Functional Resume Guide: Template and Tips

    A functional resume, also known as a skills-based resume, is an alternative resume format that prioritizes your skills and how you've used them over your work experience.. Some people choose this resume format when transitioning into a new career phase to better emphasize their transferable skills.However, it's important to use this format strategically so that recruiters and hiring ...

  11. The Ultimate Guide To Functional Resumes

    A functional resume is a personal document that focuses on an individual's experience, abilities and skills rather than their chronological work history. You can use it if you have a work history that is not related to the job you are applying for, if you have gaps in your employment history or if you are changing careers. ...

  12. What Is a Functional Resume, and When Do You Use One?

    Similar to a traditional resume, a functional layout should still include your contact information, education, work or volunteer experience, and technical skills. The main difference is that your skills and achievements will be featured prominently in the body of the resume. If it makes sense, you can separate your skills into subcategories to ...

  13. Functional Resume: A Beginner's Guide with Examples

    Structure of a Functional Resume. The structure of a functional resume typically involves a few key sections, which include: Header: This section includes your contact information, such as your name, email address, phone number, and address. Summary/Objective: This section is a brief statement that highlights your top skills and experiences.

  14. The Functional Resume: What It Is & When To Use It (+Examples)

    A functional resume (sometimes called a skills-based resume format) focuses on the skills that qualify you for a role. This resume format prioritizes the tools and aptitudes you've used to do the job over where and when you've done it. Functional resume templates will prioritize skills over work experience.

  15. How To Write a Functional Resume for a Career Change

    A functional resume is a nontraditional resume format that emphasizes a job candidate's skills, rather than their professional experience. While standard resumes list work experience in a reverse chronological format, functional resumes outline a candidate's experience by grouping this information under specific skills, such as communication or ...

  16. Functional Resume Guide: Formatting, Pros, Cons

    In many regards, formatting a functional resume is the same as formatting a chronological resume. Follow the same rules regarding fonts and other "fancy" items (like accent colors) to make your resume easy to read. Like a chronological resume, a functional resume starts with your contact information at the top.

  17. Functional Resume Example and Writing Tips

    Functional Resume Example and Writing Tips. By. Alison Doyle. Updated on June 17, 2020. In This Article. View All. Photo: alexskopje /iStock. Example of a functional resume, which emphasizes skills and experience, when to use a functional resume, what to include, a template, and tips for writing.

  18. The Functional Resume Format: Tips & Examples (2024

    Unlike the functional resume, it bequeaths equal importance to skills and professional history, suitable for mid-level experienced employees. While a functional resume is received as an unexpected and non-traditional application, combination resumes are more creative and diverse. Though, this varies from employer to employer.

  19. The functional resume

    The important thing about a functional resume is the headings. Name them something that will be important to the reader and relevant to the job to which you're applying.

  20. Chronological vs Functional Resumes: What is the Difference?

    Many functional resumes also include a work history section, but it is typically brief and listed beneath your skills. Read more: 10 Resume Writing Tips to Help You Land a Job Differences between chronological and functional resumes There are several key differences between chronological and functional resumes, including: Structure The most ...

  21. What Is a Functional Resume and Is It Right for You?

    A functional resume, also known as a skills or skills-based resume, "emphasizes skills over experience," says Katherine Kelley, CPRW. Unlike a chronological resume, which lists your jobs in reverse chronological order, a functional resume lists your skills, grouping them by category. For example, on a chronological resume, the first thing ...

  22. Functional Resumes: What Are They?

    A functional resume focuses on your skills and experience rather than on your chronological work history. It may be a good fit for those with employment gaps or who are changing careers. On a functional resume, list your skills and specific examples of how you used those skills. Include your work experience at the end of the resume.

  23. Functional Resume Template and Why Recruiters Hate This

    Recruiters dislike functional resumes for two main reasons: 1. It conceals information. "You're taking information out of context [in a functional resume]," said the recruiter. "It's easier to BS your way through to make things sound glamorous.". The functional resume format raises suspicion among recruiters.

  24. When to Use a 'Functional' Resume Instead of a Traditional One

    A functional resume is one that leads with your work-related skills and abilities listed right after your contact information. Most of the time, per Indeed, this is done in a bulleted list. You ...

  25. Skill Headings and Statements for Your Functional Resume

    A functional resume is one that focuses on skills and experiences rather than employment history. Instead of a list of previous jobs, it uses skill headings on the resume to organize statements about your skills and accomplishments. (See Easy Steps for a Functional Resume)

  26. Résumé

    Résumé. An example of a résumé with a common format with the name John Doe. A résumé, sometimes spelled resume (or alternatively resumé ), [a] [1] is a document created and used by a person to present their background, skills, and accomplishments. Résumés can be used for a variety of reasons, but most often they are used to secure new ...

  27. Office Assistant Resume Examples and Templates for 2024

    1. Write a brief summary of your office assistant qualifications. When crafting your resume profile, your goal is to write a concise and impactful introduction that immediately grabs the reader's attention. In two to three sentences, highlight your key qualifications, relevant skills, and years of experience in providing administrative support.

  28. Paraprofessional Resume Examples for 2024

    The resume summary is one of the first parts of your resume a recruiter reads, so make it count by quickly grabbing their attention and explaining why you're an excellent fit for the open job.. It sits right beneath your contact information and resume headline and functions like a sales pitch to highlight your essential qualifications for a job. Your summary statement for a paraprofessional ...

  29. Unable to Resume a Suspended Extract Refresh Job

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