Online Education Essay in English (200-250) Words Paragraph & PDF_0.1

Online Education Essay in English (200-250) Words Paragraph & PDF

Online Education Essay in English: Online education is one of the major changes in the global education industry after COVID hits the country. Read Online Education Essay from here only.

Why is Education Important?

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Online education is a type of learning in which students get instructional content via the internet. It is a flexible and convenient method of learning that has grown in popularity in recent years.

Online Education Essay

Online education is one of the major changes in the global education industry after COVID hits the country. The internet is used for this type of learning. This form of learning has been made easier with new and improved technologies. Higher education institutions favour online learning as well. In short and extended articles about online education, this article will inform students of its benefits and outcomes.

Education spans a range more than just attending classes and reading books to learn things. It exceeds all restrictions. Learning extends beyond the pages of a book. We are fortunate to live in a time where learning is accessible online. Yes! We can educate our kids and ourselves while sitting in our own homes. Online education is a good option for doing this. All needy kids who are unable to enroll in local schools now have access to education thanks to online learning.

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Download Online Education Essay PDF: Online Education Essay in English

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Online Education Essay in English (200-250) words

Today’s Essay on Online Education covers an important subject. There are different types of essays about online education in English for students and children in this post.

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Here we, at adda247 are providing 10 lines essays, short essays, and long essays on online education.

  • Online education is the process of acquiring education using the internet.
  • The Internet is the foundation of online learning.
  • Online education was an idea that existed years back.
  • It protects students’ sensitive time and money.
  • It provides students with a range of courses while sitting at their homes.
  • It helped in achieving a balance between safety and education during the pandemic.
  • However, it may be shown that it is bad for students’ health.
  • In areas with poor network connectivity, studying online is challenging.
  • There are numerous online learning resources, including Adda247,Coursera, Udemy etc.
  • Online learning features including texts, videos, and animations aid in student comprehension.

Online Education Essay in English (200-250) Words Paragraph & PDF_6.1

Online Education Essay in Paragraph 200-250 Words

These days, technology has impacted every industry, including education. The most recent method of getting an education through the internet is online education. Utilizing your smartphones, laptops, or tablets for learning is a fun and productive method. Both teachers and students can benefit greatly from it, but there are also many drawbacks. Learning from anywhere is flexible with online education.

Non-time-boundness is another advantageous property. You don’t have to sit from morning until lunch like in a typical school. Depending on your preference, you can study online day or night. There is no upper age limit for learning online, in addition to the flexibility of time and location. You can pick the subjects and skills you want to learn by using online education. There are numerous institutions that provide their degrees and courses online. As a result, it is a more practical option to educate yourself without physically visiting schools or universities. Additionally, it helps you save money on transportation and other expenses.

People who reside in areas with poor internet connectivity, however, struggle with online learning. The core of online education is the internet. Your health may suffer if you spend more time in front of devices. Only those with the ability to discipline themselves should consider it.

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Online Education Essay in 500-1000 words for UPSC

Introduction: Online education is a flexible method of providing instruction that includes all online learning. Online learning helps students who need to do their work on their own time and at their own speed and gives teachers access to students who may not be able to enroll in a regular classroom course.

The modern method of education, known as online education, differs greatly from the traditional method of learning. For a better comprehension of the students, the instructor or mentor employs a variety of techniques, including texts, audios, films, animations, etc.

Every field is experiencing a rapid increase in the amount of distant learning and the awarding of online degrees. The number of institutions and schools that provide online education is likewise increasing. Students who are seeking degrees online need to be careful in making sure that they finish their coursework through a reputable and recognized university.

Synchronization is a well-known benefit of online learning. Here, the chosen format allows for lively dialogue between the students and the teachers. Sources are exchanged through these communications, and a synergy that is open-ended develops as a result of a learning process. It helps the learner learn more when each person shares their point of view or opinion through conversations and comments on others’ work. This unique advantage can only be achieved through online learning, which creates a virtual learning environment focused on the needs of the students.

We don’t need to commute over long distances or travel to different place because we can take classes online. While pursuing a degree online to advance our careers, we can remain where we are and keep our current jobs. Digital nomads—those who advocate a technologically enabled or location-independent lifestyle—are also helped by online schooling. No matter where we are, we may finish our schoolwork and view lectures.

The online education experience offers a lot more reasonable schedule, whether we are full-time or part-time students. The low cost of online education has contributed to its popularity. Online courses are less expensive than those provided at schools or colleges because of this. While attending a university, we might need to pay for things like transportation, lodging, and meals; however, online education might not.

The inherent flexibility of online learning is one of its key benefits, but there is a catch: one needs to be very self-motivated. The top online learners use a variety of strategies for maintaining their assignments. Setting aside time each week for studying and designing a workspace with few distractions can both be highly beneficial.

Conclusion: Increased educational access, high-quality learning opportunities, improved student outcomes and abilities, and more educational options are some of the possible benefits of online education. Because of online education, variables like location, time, and quality are no longer taken into account when looking for degree programmes or higher education.

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education for Essay

Advantages of online education.

Save time and money: Students who pursue their education online do so at a considerable time and financial savings. It cuts down on both the cost and time of transportation. Accessible to All : Everyone has access to online schooling. Online education is available to students of all backgrounds and ages. For students who have physical disabilities, this is one of the main benefits. They can receive an education from the comfort of their own home without having to travel anyplace. No Time Limit : Students have a lot of freedom with online education. Anytime, students can seek knowledge. There is no time limit like there is in the traditional learning method.

Choice : Online education offers a wide range of courses. Students can study skills like personality development and other things that are typically challenging to master offline in addition to course material.

Disadvantages of Online Education

Dependency : Online learning is beneficial for those who can study independently. Kids and other students cannot effectively study online without help. Self-concentration is necessary for this kind of study. Lack of Resources : Online education requires computers or mobile devices as well as strong internet connectivity. Online study is not possible for those without computers or in places with network problems. Disengagement from Society : Spending a lot of time in front of a screen could be bad for your health. The students’ physical growth is also impacted by it. They will grow apart from their friends and society if they don’t attend school.

Online vs Offline Education Comparision

  • Time management: Unlike online education, where you can choose a time slot that best suits your needs, offline education has a set timetable.
  • Cost-Effectiveness : Online learning is significantly less expensive than traditional learning. Transportation costs are just one of the numerous costs associated with the existing educational system. Students require appropriate uniforms as well as a number of other items.
  • Online learning presents new challenges for students, but it also has the potential to cut them off from their surroundings. Children’s physical and mental development are both aided by attending school. They enjoy spending time with their friends and teachers.
  • Choice: In an online classroom, students are allowed to select the subject they want to learn about. They can view it multiple times for better comprehension. Students have no options in offline schooling.
  • Knowledge Outside the Books: In an offline setting, students physically interact. They also learn other manners, such as self-control, appropriate behaviour, and other related abilities. These competencies are not produced by offline schooling.

Online Education Essay in Hindi

ऑनलाइन शिक्षा पर आज का निबंध एक महत्वपूर्ण विषय को शामिल करता है। इस पोस्ट में छात्रों और बच्चों के लिए अंग्रेजी में ऑनलाइन शिक्षा के बारे में विभिन्न प्रकार के निबंध हैं।

ऑनलाइन शिक्षा पर 10 पंक्तियों के निबंध, लघु निबंध और लंबे निबंध प्रदान कर रहे हैं।

ऑनलाइन शिक्षा इंटरनेट का उपयोग करके शिक्षा प्राप्त करने की प्रक्रिया है। इंटरनेट ऑनलाइन सीखने का आधार है। ऑनलाइन शिक्षा एक ऐसा विचार था जो वर्षों पहले अस्तित्व में था। यह छात्रों के संवेदनशील समय और धन की रक्षा करता है। यह छात्रों को उनके घरों पर बैठकर कई तरह के पाठ्यक्रम प्रदान करता है। इसने महामारी के दौरान सुरक्षा और शिक्षा के बीच संतुलन हासिल करने में मदद की। हालांकि, यह दिखाया जा सकता है कि यह छात्रों के स्वास्थ्य के लिए खराब है। खराब नेटवर्क कनेक्टिविटी वाले क्षेत्रों में, ऑनलाइन अध्ययन करना चुनौतीपूर्ण है। Adda247, Coursera, Udemy आदि सहित कई ऑनलाइन शिक्षण संसाधन हैं। टेक्स्ट, वीडियो और एनिमेशन सहित ऑनलाइन सीखने की विशेषताएं छात्र की समझ में सहायता करती हैं। 250-300 शब्दों में ऑनलाइन शिक्षा निबंध

इन दिनों, प्रौद्योगिकी ने शिक्षा सहित हर उद्योग को प्रभावित किया है। इंटरनेट के माध्यम से शिक्षा प्राप्त करने का सबसे हालिया तरीका ऑनलाइन शिक्षा है। सीखने के लिए अपने स्मार्टफोन, लैपटॉप या टैबलेट का उपयोग करना एक मजेदार और उत्पादक तरीका है। इससे शिक्षक और छात्र दोनों ही काफी लाभान्वित हो सकते हैं, लेकिन कई कमियां भी हैं। ऑनलाइन शिक्षा के साथ कहीं से भी सीखना लचीला है।

गैर-समयबद्धता एक और लाभप्रद संपत्ति है। आपको एक ठेठ स्कूल की तरह सुबह से दोपहर के भोजन तक बैठने की ज़रूरत नहीं है। आप अपनी पसंद के आधार पर दिन हो या रात ऑनलाइन पढ़ाई कर सकते हैं। समय और स्थान के लचीलेपन के अलावा, ऑनलाइन सीखने के लिए कोई ऊपरी आयु सीमा नहीं है। आप ऑनलाइन शिक्षा का उपयोग करके उन विषयों और कौशलों को चुन सकते हैं जिन्हें आप सीखना चाहते हैं। ऐसे कई संस्थान हैं जो अपनी डिग्री और पाठ्यक्रम ऑनलाइन प्रदान करते हैं। नतीजतन, शारीरिक रूप से स्कूलों या विश्वविद्यालयों का दौरा किए बिना खुद को शिक्षित करना एक अधिक व्यावहारिक विकल्प है। इसके अतिरिक्त, यह आपको परिवहन और अन्य खर्चों पर पैसे बचाने में मदद करता है।

हालांकि, जो लोग खराब इंटरनेट कनेक्टिविटी वाले क्षेत्रों में रहते हैं, उन्हें ऑनलाइन सीखने में कठिनाई होती है। ऑनलाइन शिक्षा का मूल इंटरनेट है। यदि आप उपकरणों के सामने अधिक समय बिताते हैं तो आपका स्वास्थ्य खराब हो सकता है। केवल उन्हें ही इस पर विचार करना चाहिए जो स्वयं को अनुशासित करने की क्षमता रखते हैं।

यूपीएससी के लिए 500-1000 शब्दों में ऑनलाइन शिक्षा निबंध

परिचय: ऑनलाइन शिक्षा निर्देश प्रदान करने का एक लचीला तरीका है जिसमें सभी ऑनलाइन शिक्षण शामिल हैं। ऑनलाइन सीखने से उन छात्रों को मदद मिलती है जिन्हें अपना काम अपने समय पर और अपनी गति से करने की आवश्यकता होती है और शिक्षकों को उन छात्रों तक पहुंच प्रदान करता है जो नियमित कक्षा पाठ्यक्रम में नामांकन करने में सक्षम नहीं हो सकते हैं।

शिक्षा की आधुनिक पद्धति, जिसे ऑनलाइन शिक्षा के रूप में जाना जाता है, सीखने की पारंपरिक पद्धति से बहुत अलग है। छात्रों की बेहतर समझ के लिए, प्रशिक्षक या संरक्षक कई तरह की तकनीकों का इस्तेमाल करते हैं, जिनमें टेक्स्ट, ऑडियो, फिल्म, एनिमेशन आदि शामिल हैं।

हर क्षेत्र दूरस्थ शिक्षा और ऑनलाइन डिग्री प्रदान करने की मात्रा में तेजी से वृद्धि का अनुभव कर रहा है। ऑनलाइन शिक्षा प्रदान करने वाले संस्थानों और स्कूलों की संख्या भी बढ़ रही है। ऑनलाइन डिग्री चाहने वाले छात्रों को यह सुनिश्चित करने में सावधानी बरतने की जरूरत है कि वे एक प्रतिष्ठित और मान्यता प्राप्त विश्वविद्यालय के माध्यम से अपना शोध कार्य पूरा करें।

तुल्यकालन ऑनलाइन सीखने का एक प्रसिद्ध लाभ है। यहां, चुना गया प्रारूप छात्रों और शिक्षकों के बीच जीवंत संवाद की अनुमति देता है। इन संचारों के माध्यम से स्रोतों का आदान-प्रदान किया जाता है, और एक सीखने की प्रक्रिया के परिणामस्वरूप एक तालमेल विकसित होता है। यह शिक्षार्थी को अधिक जानने में मदद करता है जब प्रत्येक व्यक्ति बातचीत और दूसरों के काम पर टिप्पणियों के माध्यम से अपनी बात या राय साझा करता है। यह अनूठा लाभ केवल ऑनलाइन सीखने के माध्यम से प्राप्त किया जा सकता है, जो छात्रों की जरूरतों पर केंद्रित एक आभासी सीखने का माहौल बनाता है।

हमें लंबी दूरी तय करने या अलग-अलग जगहों की यात्रा करने की आवश्यकता नहीं है क्योंकि हम ऑनलाइन कक्षाएं ले सकते हैं। अपने करियर को आगे बढ़ाने के लिए ऑनलाइन डिग्री का पीछा करते हुए, हम जहां हैं वहीं रह सकते हैं और अपनी वर्तमान नौकरी रख सकते हैं। डिजिटल खानाबदोश – जो तकनीकी रूप से सक्षम या स्थान-स्वतंत्र जीवन शैली की वकालत करते हैं – को भी ऑनलाइन स्कूली शिक्षा से मदद मिलती है। चाहे हम कहीं भी हों, हम अपना स्कूल का काम पूरा कर सकते हैं और व्याख्यान देख सकते हैं।

ऑनलाइन शिक्षा का अनुभव बहुत अधिक उचित कार्यक्रम प्रदान करता है, चाहे हम पूर्णकालिक या अंशकालिक छात्र हों। ऑनलाइन शिक्षा की कम लागत ने इसकी लोकप्रियता में योगदान दिया है। इस वजह से स्कूलों या कॉलेजों में प्रदान किए जाने वाले ऑनलाइन पाठ्यक्रमों की तुलना में ऑनलाइन पाठ्यक्रम कम खर्चीले हैं। विश्वविद्यालय में भाग लेने के दौरान, हमें परिवहन, आवास और भोजन जैसी चीज़ों के लिए भुगतान करना पड़ सकता है; हालाँकि, ऑनलाइन शिक्षा नहीं हो सकती है।

ऑनलाइन सीखने का अंतर्निहित लचीलापन इसके प्रमुख लाभों में से एक है, लेकिन एक पकड़ है: किसी को बहुत आत्म-प्रेरित होने की आवश्यकता है। शीर्ष ऑनलाइन शिक्षार्थी विभिन्न प्रकार की रणनीतियों का उपयोग करते हैं

अपने कार्यों को बनाए रखने के लिए। अध्ययन के लिए हर हफ्ते समय अलग करना और कुछ ध्यान भटकाने वाले कार्यक्षेत्र को डिजाइन करना दोनों ही अत्यधिक फायदेमंद हो सकते हैं।

निष्कर्ष: बढ़ी हुई शैक्षिक पहुंच, उच्च गुणवत्ता वाले सीखने के अवसर, बेहतर छात्र परिणाम और क्षमताएं, और अधिक शैक्षिक विकल्प ऑनलाइन शिक्षा के कुछ संभावित लाभ हैं। ऑनलाइन शिक्षा के कारण, डिग्री प्रोग्राम या उच्च शिक्षा की तलाश में स्थान, समय और गुणवत्ता जैसे चरों को ध्यान में नहीं रखा जाता है।

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Essay on Online Education- FAQs

Q.Are online learning and distance learning the same?

Ans.  Online learning follows a school learning format and provides students more campus-like feel. Students have a formal or informal interactions with the teachers as well as their peers. But in distance learning, there is no interaction with teachers or classmates.

Q. What are some benefits of online classes?

  • Flexibility.
  • Reduced Costs.
  • More Free Time.
  • Increased Course Variety.
  • Career Advancement Opportunities.

Q. How does online education affect students?

Ans.Online learning has helped students to become independent learners before they make their way into the real world.

Q. Are online classes good for students?

Ans. The importance of online classes are that they are much more convenient and flexible as compared to traditional learning platforms.

Q. Why do students prefer online learning?

Ans. Online courses are  easily accessible on much smaller budgets . In addition to the convenience and the cost, a large number of students are turning to online learning courses because they have become a better way to learn.

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Are online learning and distance learning the same?

Online learning follows a school learning format and provides students more campus-like feel. Students have a formal or informal interactions with the teachers as well as their peers. But in distance learning, there is no interaction with teachers or classmates.

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Essay on Online Education | Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education Essay

February 13, 2024 by Prasanna

Essay on Online Education: Online learning is one of the imminent trends in the education sector around the globe. This mode of learning is done through the internet. With advanced and upgraded technologies, this mode of learning has been made simpler. Online Education is also preferred in higher learning Institutions. This article will render the students about online education, its outcomes, and advantage in short and long essays on Online Education.

You can also find more  Essay Writing  articles on events, persons, sports, technology and many more.

Long and Short Essays on Online Education for Students and Children in English

We provide children and students with essay samples on a long essay of 500 words and a short essay on Online Education in Lockdown of 150 words on the topic “Online education in India Essay” for reference.

Short Essay on Online Education 150 Words in English

Short Essay on Online Education advantages and Disadvantages is helpful to students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6.

Education is an integral part of people’s lives; it will either make them or break them in the prospect depending on their careers. Education is broadly diverse today compared to the 1950s because of progressions in teaching methods and other prominent inventions that implement more apparent teaching techniques.

In E-learning, the students study from home or any other place, that is most convenient for them. They can acquire learning material online. The study materials in online education could be texts, audio, notes, videos, and images. However, the method of study has its benefits and various drawbacks too.

Online education is suitable for those who can not visit or obtain the traditional education method for one reason or the other. Nearly 6.1 million college students are currently attending online courses, and this number is growing by around 30 percent yearly.

Online education provides a myriad of advantages for people, as well as companies because it allows for, among others, flexibility. A great way to benefit more from online education is to consolidate online education and traditional ways of teaching.

Online Education Essay

Online Education Essay 500 Words in English

Long Essay on Online Education 400 Words in English is helpful to students of classes 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12.

Introduction:  Online education is an amenable instructional delivery process that includes any learning that takes place via the internet. Online learning enables educators to communicate with students who may not be capable of enrolling in a traditional classroom course and assists students who need to work on their own schedule and at their own speed.

Every discipline is registering a surge in the volume of distance learning and imparting of online degrees, with remarkable pace. Schools and institutions that offer online education are also growing in number. Students pursuing degrees through online methods must be scrupulous in ensuring their coursework is completed through a valued and credentialed university.

Online education is known to offer the benefit of synergy. Here, the format employed makes room for dynamic communications between students and the teachers. Through these communications, sources are shared, and an open-ended synergy evolves through a learning process. When each person bestows a view or opinion through discussions and comments on others’ work course, it benefits the student to learn better. This unique advantage is manifested in a student-centred virtual learning environment that online learning format alone can contribute.

With online classes, we don’t need to travel to a different city or commute long distances. We can stay where we are and keep our current job while we work toward improving our career with an online degree. Online education also helps digital nomads—someone who espouses a technology-enabled or location-independent lifestyle. We can watch lectures and complete our coursework wherever we are.

Whether we are a full-time or part-time online student, the online education experience provides a much more manageable schedule. Online education has gained much approval on account of its cheapness. Such is the fact that online courses are more affordable than those offered at schools or colleges. While studying in universities, we may have to spend some money such as transportation, lodging, and meals, online education may not require such expenses.

One of the important aspects of online learning is its inherent flexibility, however, there is a catch, one has to be extremely self-motivated. The best online students develop various approaches for staying up to date on their coursework. Things like setting aside time every week to study and create a workspace with minimal distractions can help immensely.

Conclusion on Online Education Essay

Online education’s potential advantages involve increased educational access; it provides a high-quality learning opportunity, improves student outcomes and skills, and expands educational choice options. Therefore, location, time, and quality are no longer considered factors in seeking degree courses or higher education because of online education.

10 Lines on Online Education Essay

Advantages and Disadvantages of Online Education Essay

Introduction to Online Education Essay:  Online education refers to the type of knowledge which is imparted through the internet. Millions of people globally are enrolled in online courses and can learn from the comfort of their homes. Online education can come in different ways; they could be educational webinars and videos on the internet or even face to face learning on the laptop with the teacher, which utilises the internet.

Online education contributes a myriad of advantages for people, as well as companies because it provides flexibility among other work. This indicates that despite people’s physical locations, they can accomplish the same level of education by taking similar online courses.

Teachers and professors optimise the timelessness and focus of the learning curriculum while students are able to fit learning time into their hectic schedules. Online education offers extensive benefits to students by giving a manageable schedule, student enhancement and augmented education access and choice.

Advantages of Online Education 

Online education enables us to learn from various mentors and teachers in different areas, increasing our knowledge and perspective. It reduces nervousness among students, as many are able to communicate more through online education than regular classes. One can learn from merely anyplace as long as they have an available internet device.

Online education normally provides a chance to study at our own speed as there is no rush. Most online courses are usually enjoyable and more comfortable compared to attending traditional classes. It spares you the inconvenience of having to travel to a particular destination every single day.

Online education usually is more affordable. Online education further happens to be comparatively cheaper in comparison to conventional educational approaches. Under traditional university programs, the students are required to compensate for transportation, textbooks, institutional facilities such as gyms, libraries, swimming pools, and other costs that expedite the cost of university education up. Online education, on its part, charges only for tuition and additional essential expenses. Virtual education thus offers both the wealthy and the poor an opportunity.

It allows one to learn innovative approaches through the internet and therefore become more skilful. In online education, if there are any variations in the syllabus, updates can be done instantly compared to conventional means of education.

Online education is flexible and adaptable since one can study at any time, even at midnight. It can help increase the grades of some people as compared to standard traditional education. Some people learn more through online education.

There is no need to wait for office hours to speak to the instructor; you can immediately access them through chat or email. There is considerably a large amount of educational information on the internet. Online education can also help one to be in the mix of a diverse group of people from varied educational, social, cultural and philosophical backgrounds. The subject matter is always available on the internet, unlike traditional education.

Disadvantages of Online Education

The advantages that online education brings to students are immense and indisputable. Pursuing an online course is an excellent option in education, particularly when traditional learning situations have many obstacles, such as commuting or distance. However, as everything has two sides, online education also has some fundamental drawbacks that can be inconvenient.

Using the computer too much can make the students prone to plagiarism. It can also cause vision problems as we sit near the laptop almost the whole day. Online education may also hinder physical development. Online education can be quite complicated for a person to be accountable for their own learning without someone to drive them to do something.

Online education detaches you from your classmates. One might need to put in extra time in some cases to understand the learning process. It is easier to cheat in an online exam than when in a class and hence may not be advisable during exams. Online education also gives one a lot of autonomy which may be critical for our learning. There are a number of distractions on the internet through adverts, and this might interrupt our learning. Online education also has significantly less self-assessment.

Online education has both advantages and shortcomings, but it is an excellent method of learning that can help develop a student’s performance. To succeed in online education, one should choose an ideal university and course to avoid pursuing education from among the various suspicious universities that employers may reject. The other most essential thing is to assure that one needs to maintain communication with the school faculty and fellow students. The important point is proper time administration that helps one manage our time to complete and submit prescribed assignments in time.

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Short Essay on Online Education [200, 500 Words] With PDF

In this lesson, you will learn to write short essays on Online Education . This session will be focused to write two sets of sample essays on the same topic covering different word limits. So, without further delay, let’s get started. 

Table of Contents

  • Short Essay on Online Education in 200 Words 
  • Short Essay on Online Education in 500 Words 

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Short Essay on Online Education in 200 Words

With technological advancement, our world is becoming increasingly digitized. Traditional methods like going to the office or market are being replaced by working online from home and buying groceries through online applications.

Even when it comes to education, especially since the time the coronavirus pandemic began, schools, colleges as well as private coaching institutes have moved their classes from physical classrooms to digital ones. Although this was mostly done because it was the need of the hour, people have now realised that online education comes with its own set of benefits. 

As the classes are held online, students don’t need to be physically present in the school. This gives them the freedom to move cities, visit their families or travel for necessary activities without missing their classes. In these classes, the study material is also shared in a digital manner which reduces the need for physical books and copies which in turn saves trees.

Working digitally can also help students improve their technical skills which would definitely help them in future. For older students who want to pursue higher education, online education is a boon. It helps them easily manage their jobs and/or families while studying. 

Online education has a few disadvantages as it doesn’t allow students to experience the joy of sitting in a physical classroom with their friends, but its advantages are far greater in number. 

Short Essay on Online Education in 500 Words

We are currently living in a digital world which is becoming more and more technologically advanced as days go by. Today, we can order groceries, food and clothing items online instead of visiting traditional markets or shops. We can book cabs, buses, trains and flights from the comfort of our homes.

Our homes have also become smarter with the use of smart appliances. Even when it comes to education, especially since the time the coronavirus pandemic began, schools, colleges as well as private coaching institutes have moved their classes from physical classrooms to digital ones. And although this step was mostly taken because it was the need of the hour, people have now realised that online education does indeed come with its own set of benefits. 

As the classes are held online, students don’t need to be physically present in the school. This gives students as well as their parents the opportunity to move places, visit families and travel for necessary activities without the fear of missing their important classes. Since many of these classes are also recorded, a student has the flexibility to watch them when he has the time and space to do so.

This also gives students who are weaker, a chance to go through the lessons slowly or multiple times until they understand them completely. Online education also cuts down the additional expenses as the schools don’t need to manage huge buildings and the teachers, as well as students, don’t need to spend money on bus or rickshaw fares. 

In online classrooms, the study materials, books, copies as well as test papers and assignments are all digital. This reduces the use of physical books and copies and thus, saves our valuable trees which are cut down to produce paper. Online classes also give teachers the opportunity to present videos and other supporting materials which help the students learn better. This wouldn’t have been possible for most teachers in physical classrooms as most schools are not equipped with the necessary equipment needed for the purpose. 

Working digitally on their assignments and projects gives students the opportunity to improve their technical skills. And in this digital world, technical skills as always needed. These skills would definitely help the students in the long run. Online education is also a boon for people who want to restart their education after a pause or want to pursue higher studies while managing their jobs and/or families.

In earlier times, many married women as well as women with young kids had to drop out of their college to take care of their households and children. Now, with online education, such people can restart and complete their education without having to compromise their family life. 

Although online education is highly beneficial, it also has a few disadvantages. Schools used to be a place where young children met, made friends and played together. Kids often looked forward to going to school to meet their friends and have fun. Online education doesn’t allow students to experience the fun of school life in the same way.

The students also need to practice self-discipline and focus on their studies as they don’t have a teacher to scold them if they slack off. But despite these few disadvantages, online education has indeed helped students a lot and is highly beneficial. 

In this session, I have tried to cover all relevant aspects of Online Education in very simple words. Hopefully, now you have a holistic idea regarding the topic after going through the session. If you still have any doubts regarding this topic, kindly let me know through the comment section below. 

Thank you for being with us. Have a nice day. 

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✍️Essay on Online Classes: Samples in 100, 150, 200 Words

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  • Updated on  
  • Oct 20, 2023

Essay on Online Classes

Online classes, also known as virtual classes, have over time revolutionized education. They are known for providing students with the flexibility to access educational content and at the same time interact with professors in the comfort of their homes. With time, this mode of learning has gained huge popularity due to its accessibility and the ability to cater to diverse learning styles.

In this digital age, online classes have become a fundamental part of education, enabling all individuals to acquire knowledge, skills etc. Are you looking to gain some more information about online classes? Well, you have come to the right place. Here you will get to read some samples of online classes. 

Table of Contents

  • 1 What are Online Classes?
  • 2 Essay on Online Classes in 100 Words
  • 3 Essay on Online Classes in 150 Words
  • 4 Essay on Online Classes in 200 Words

Also Read: Online Courses

What are Online Classes?

Online classes are educational courses or learning programs which are conducted over the Internet. They provide students with the opportunity to study and complete their coursework remotely from the comfort of their homes. Online classes are a part of formal education. They can be taken in schools or colleges or can be offered by various online learning platforms. 

Online classes may include a variety of digital resources as well as tools. These may include quizzes, assignments, video lectures, discussion forums, connecting with friends via email, chat video calls etc. This type of learning offers the student flexibility in terms of when and where they can access their coursework and study. It is also helpful for those who study part-time have busy schedules and prefer remote learning. 

With the onset of COVID-19 , online classes became a huge hit hence the evolution of online classes. It offers one with different levels of education, skill training and much more. 

Essay on Online Classes in 100 Words

Online classes have become a central aspect of modern education. They offer flexibility, accessibility, and convenience, allowing students to learn from the comfort of their homes. The rise of online classes was accelerated during the COVID-19 pandemic, making a shift from traditional classrooms to virtual learning environments. 

However, there are many disadvantages to online classes. Students may struggle with distractions, lack of in-person interaction, and technical issues. Additionally, they have opened up new avenues for global collaboration and lifelong learning. In an increasingly digital world, online classes are likely to remain a significant part of education.

Essay on Online Classes in 150 Words

Online classes have become a prevalent mode of education, especially in the past two years. These digital platforms offer several advantages. First, they provide flexibility, allowing students to learn from the comfort of their homes. This is especially beneficial for those with busy schedules or who are studying part-time. 

Second, online classes often offer a wider range of courses, enabling learners to explore diverse subjects. Additionally, these classes promote self-discipline and time management skills as students must regulate their own study routines.

However, there are challenges associated with online learning. Technical issues can disrupt classes, and the lack of face-to-face interaction may hinder social development. It can also be isolating for some students.

In conclusion, online classes offer convenience and a variety of courses, but they also present challenges related to technology and socialization. The future of education likely involves a blend of traditional and online learning methods, catering to diverse learning needs.

Also Read: Online Learning

Essay on Online Classes in 200 Words

Online classes have become a prevalent mode of education. However, this shift has brought about both advantages and challenges.

One significant benefit of online classes is accessibility. They allow students from diverse backgrounds and locations to access quality education without any constraints. This inclusivity promotes diversity and global learning experiences. Additionally, online classes often offer flexible schedules, enabling students to balance their studies with other responsibilities.

However, online classes present challenges too. Technical issues and a lack of face-to-face interaction can hinder effective learning. Students may even struggle with self-discipline and motivation, leading to a decline in academic performance. Moreover, the absence of physical facilities like libraries and laboratories can limit hands-on learning opportunities.

In conclusion, online classes have revolutionized education by providing accessibility and flexibility. Yet, they also pose challenges related to technical issues, motivation, and practical experiences. 

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Every student has their own pace of study, and this is where distance learning’s benefits really shine. You can go at your own speed in online classes, go over the material as needed, and complete the work in a method that best suits your learning preferences.

Online courses can be successful provided they are well-designed and delivered, just like any other course or programme. However, this depends from person to person as not every student is meant for online classes. 

In online education, students get to study online using a computer/laptop and only need a proper internet connection. 

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Malvika Chawla

Malvika is a content writer cum news freak who comes with a strong background in Journalism and has worked with renowned news websites such as News 9 and The Financial Express to name a few. When not writing, she can be found bringing life to the canvasses by painting on them.

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Benefits of Online Learning Essay

  • To find inspiration for your paper and overcome writer’s block
  • As a source of information (ensure proper referencing)
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Benefits of online learning

Works cited.

In this modern era, there are many methods through which one can acquire knowledge. Among these, the most popular is online learning. It can be discerned as a method of teaching and learning through internet tools, to be in touch and have an alliance in an instructive environment. It helps the students to learn simultaneously and they can study without going to or staying in a school or college.

Many educational institutions support and engage in some kind of online education. Today, one can see that most of the people are unsatisfied with their job and so they try to acquire a better job with a high salary which leads them to a better lifestyle. People thus employed can study while doing their job with the help of the internet. The best advantage is that in this system one can study at his or her own time when the person feels comfortable. It is highly useful for professionals who may want to learn more without going to classrooms. To a great extent, it is also useful for housewives and retired people. Through this mode, one can become a well-informed individual who possesses great knowledge in his or her studies.

  • Online learning has many benefits for high-tech companies: As the companies use different methods to design, transport, select, manage and extend their business, etc. online teaching process is instrumental for them. They can give valuable guidance, pieces of training for their employees without the need for them to be absent for long which helps to increase their skill, and through this skill, the company can achieve their goals. Besides, through this system, they can increase the efficiencies of the employees and add value to the process of business developments. At the same time, they can also save the cost of training as online learning is comparatively much cheaper.
  • Online learning improves knowledge: People with good knowledge are needed in every field, especially in business. Online learning provides updated knowledge that relates to every level and this will help people at all levels develop greater knowledge in different fields. This knowledge and skill one gains from online help the person to intermingle with others in a better way, progress their profession, or develop their business successfully. It also helps to construct relationships and build up an atmosphere of trust, affection, and admiration and to be confident, and to have good and better personal and professional relationships.
  • Online learning provides great opportunities at various academic levels. Through this students can save money for tuition, accommodation, and food. Online learning improves their talent in computers and the internet. Online learning does not need physical movements and students are not bound by time, place, and the tutor. “People with accessibility issues are not disadvantaged on an online course – everybody is equal.” (Benefits of Online Learning). Each individual has a similar chance to talk, express ideas through chatting without any discrimination or gender partiality.

From the above-mentioned factors, one can conclude that online learning has a lot of advantages over the other modes of education and that the main objective of online learning is to provide maximum information while being very convenient for both students and teachers. Thus online learning helps to develop business with great efficient employees, assist people to develop accurate knowledge about everything and thereby attain great achievement in their life and supplies enormous chance in educational level to help the students to gain considerable development in their life. Online learning gives a desired outcome to the person than any other means of learning.

Benefits of Online Learning: No Limitations. People Open Access Education Initiative People- uni: Building Public Health Capacity Using Internet- based e-learning. 2008. Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, November 4). Benefits of Online Learning.

"Benefits of Online Learning." IvyPanda , 4 Nov. 2021,

IvyPanda . (2021) 'Benefits of Online Learning'. 4 November.

IvyPanda . 2021. "Benefits of Online Learning." November 4, 2021.

1. IvyPanda . "Benefits of Online Learning." November 4, 2021.


IvyPanda . "Benefits of Online Learning." November 4, 2021.

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Essays About Online Learning: Top 6 Examples And Prompts

If you are writing essays about online learning, you can start by reading some essay examples and prompts in this article. 

People often regard online learning as kids stuck at home, glued to their devices. However, there is so much more to it than this simplistic concept. Many parents may see it as an “easy way out” for students to slack off on their studies while still passing their classes, but online learning has not reached its full potential yet. 

It has dramatically impacted how education is handled globally, for better or worse. It has forced teachers to take on extra work , while students say it has helped reduce their stress levels. It is undoubtedly a contentious topic. 

If you need help writing an essay about online learning, here are some essay examples you can use for inspiration.


1. Disabled Students Urge Universities To Make Online Learning More Accessible by Lucia Posteraro

2. why are more and more students taking online classes by perry mullins, 3. the benefits of online learning: 7 advantages of online degrees by kelsey miller, 4. why is online learning important by clare scott, 5. is online learning as effective as face-to-face learning by kelli wilkins, 6. i’m a high school student. i don’t want online learning to end. by rory selinger, prompts on essays about online learning, 1. how has online learning affected you, 2. compare and contrast online and in-person classes., 3. what can you learn from an online setup, 4. what is the future of online learning, 5. which is better- online or face-to-face learning, 6. can online learning be sustained long-term.

“Autism may hinder the ability to follow complex conversations, especially with background noise – but Charli’s lectures did not have subtitles. Moreover, extensions for group projects were too short for her extenuating circumstances.’

Posteraro tells the stories of students who want online learning to be more accessible. For example, Charli, a student with autism, was greatly affected by the transition from in-person to online classes during the COVID-19 pandemic. Unfortunately, online learning has not catered to her special needs, so she urges schools to take action to make online education more inclusive. You might also be interested in these essays about knowledge .

“The result of taking online classes is that students who take them become more proficient and comfortable with using computers. Students can learn to connect with one another online and with information in meaningful and useful ways. With that said more and more students are taking online classes because it’s the best way to save money work at your own pace and not have to be stressed about going to class.”

In his essay, Mullins discusses why more students prefer online learning. First, it lessens expenses, as students learn from the comfort of their rooms. Second, it helps students avert the fear of talking to strangers face-to-face, helping them communicate better. 

“It’s clear, then, that learning online helps prepare professionals for this shift toward online work. Below, explore what online courses entail, explore seven key benefits, and get the advice you need to determine if online courses are right for you.”

Miller briefly explains what online learning is, then proceeds to discuss its advantages. These include a self-paced schedule, improved communication, and new technical skills. However, he reminds readers that everyone is different; regardless of the benefits, they should only choose online learning if they believe it will work for them.

“Boil it right down and the answer is simple: change is constant. You must move with it. The true beauty of online learning is that it lends itself perfectly to your lifestyle. By its very nature, it can fit around you. Also, no longer are we taught how to do a job, it’s usually a case of figuring it out for yourself—and that’s where online learning can amplify your skills.”

Scott presents the importance of online learning. Similar to Miller, she mentions self-paced, giving students new skills. However, the most important lesson is that change is constant. Online learning exemplifies this precept, and these skills help us move along.

“While both ways of learning have advantages and disadvantages, what is more effective is based off of the student themselves. Students can weigh the costs and benefits between online learning and face-to-face learning. They can decide for themselves what would be best for them. Online learning can be as effective as face-to-face learning if the student is committed to putting their time and effort to study alone.”

Wilkins questions the notion that online learning is inferior to a face-to-face classes. She begins by listing the benefits of online classes, including comfort and easier schedules, as with Miller and Scott. However, she also mentions its disadvantages, such as the possibility of students being distracted and a lack of bonding between classmates. But, of course, it’s all up to the student in the end: they should decide which type of education they prefer.

“One thing I hope people now realize is that education is not a one-size-fits-all model. While the self-disciplined nature of remote learning is not for everyone, it has allowed students like me to flourish unimpeded by the challenges presented by typical classroom settings.”

A 14-year-old student, Selinger wishes to continue her education online as schools return to physical classes amid the pandemic. She discusses the relief she feels from the lack of peer pressure, judgment, and a rigorous schedule. Controlling your study schedule relieves students of pressure, and Selinger believes this is optimal for success. She believes online learning opens a path to be better rather than to “return to normal.”

Essays about Online Learning: How has online learning affected you?

In this essay, you can write about your experience of online learning. Whether you have had online coursework from school or college or taken an online course for your own interests, we’ve all had some experience learning online. Discuss how you benefited from online learning and the challenges you faced. For a compelling essay, conduct interviews to back up your experience by showing others who felt the same way.

Create an exciting comparative essay between online and in-person learning. You can compare and contrast the experiences and show the positives and negatives of each. Start by making a list or Venn diagram, and organize your essay. Include the structure, advantages, and disadvantages of each method of learning. 

Online learning can teach you some skills to succeed in the real world. In this essay, write about the unique skills you can gain from online learning. Perhaps you learn valuable IT skills, virtual note-taking, and basic administrative skills. Then, look into how these skills can benefit you in future studies or when trying to step into a new career path. 

We have barely scratched the surface of technology. In this essay, look to the future and imagine how online education will look. Then, research up-and-coming online learning technologies and see what will come next. Will the development of more online learning technology benefit students? Look into this exciting topic for an engaging discussion.

For this topic, writing an excellent argumentative essay is easy. First, from research and your own experience, list the benefits and downsides of each type of learning and determine which is more effective. Then, you can use Google and the essay examples above to support your argument.  

Online learning is most commonly used for students who are ill or during situations such as a global pandemic. It is meant to be temporary; however, can schools stick to a completely-online method of instruction? Include some advantages and disadvantages of online learning in your essay.

Tip: If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

If you’re still stuck, check out our general resource of essay writing topics .

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Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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Argumentative Essay: Online Learning and Educational Access

Conventional learning is evolving with the help of computers and online technology. New ways of learning are now available, and improved access is one of the most important benefits available. People all around the world are experiencing improved mobility as a result of the freedom and potential that online learning provides, and as academic institutions and learning organisations adopt online learning technologies and remote-access learning, formal academic education is becoming increasingly legitimate. This essay argues the contemporary benefits of online learning, and that these benefits significantly outweigh the issues, challenges and disadvantages of online learning.

Online learning is giving people new choices and newfound flexibility with their personal learning and development. Whereas before, formal academic qualifications could only be gained by participating in a full time course on site, the internet has allowed institutions to expand their reach and offer recognized courses on a contact-partial, or totally virtual, basis. Institutions can do so with relatively few extra resources, and for paid courses this constitutes excellent value, and the student benefits with greater educational access and greater flexibility to learn and get qualified even when there lots of other personal commitments to deal with.

Flexibility is certainly one of the most important benefits, but just as important is educational access. On top of the internet’s widespread presence in developed countries, the internet is becoming increasingly available in newly developed and developing countries. Even without considering the general informational exposure that the internet delivers, online academic courses and learning initiatives are becoming more aware of the needs of people from disadvantaged backgrounds, and this means that people from such backgrounds are in a much better position to learn and progress than they used to be.

The biggest argument that raises doubt over online learning is the quality of online courses in comparison to conventional courses. Are such online courses good enough for employers to take notice? The second biggest argument is the current reality that faces many people from disadvantaged backgrounds, despite the improvements made in this area in recent years – they do not have the level of basic access needed to benefit from online learning. In fact, there are numerous sources of evidence that claim disadvantaged students are not receiving anywhere near the sort of benefits that online learning institutions and promoters are trying to instigate. Currently there are many organisations, campaigns and initiatives that are working to expand access to higher education. With such high participation, it can be argued that it is only a matter of time before the benefits are truly realised, but what about the global online infrastructure?

There is another argument that is very difficult to dispel, and that is the response of different types of students to the online learning paradigm. Evidence shows that there are certain groups of students that benefit from college distance learning much more than other groups. In essence, students must be highly motivated and highly disciplined if they are to learn effectively in their own private environment.

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Online Education Essay: Distance Education & E-Learning

Online education has emerged as a dynamic and versatile alternative, providing learners with unprecedented access to a wealth of resources and opportunities. Let’s explore here, Online Education Essay

Online education, also known as e-learning or distance learning, is an innovative approach to acquiring knowledge and skills using digital technology and the Internet as the main medium of instruction.

This allows learners to remotely access educational content, interact with teachers, and collaborate with peers, overcoming geographic barriers and traditional classroom limitations.

Online education has experienced significant growth and development in recent years, changing the way people of all ages and backgrounds approach learning.

Online education essay explores the transformative power, benefits, challenges, and future prospects of online education in the modern era.

The importance of online education in today’s world cannot be overstated. The key points that highlight its importance are, such as…

Accessibility : Online education makes learning accessible to audiences around the world, overcoming geographic barriers. This allows people in remote and underserved areas to access quality education.

Flexibility : In an increasingly fast-paced world, online education offers flexibility in when and where you learn. This takes into account different schedules and lifestyles, including those of professionals and parents.

Lifelong learning : Online education promotes lifelong learning. Learners can gain new skills and knowledge at every stage of their lives and accelerate their personal and professional development.

Cost-effective : It often proves to be more cost-effective than traditional education. Learners can save on transportation, accommodation, and textbooks. This affordability increases access to education.

Customization : Online platforms allow you to personalize your learning experience and adapt content to your individual needs and speed. This improves comprehension and memory.

Technological advances : Integrating cutting-edge technologies such as virtual reality (VR) and artificial intelligence (AI) enriches the online learning experience and prepares learners for the digital age.

Pandemic response : The COVID-19 pandemic has highlighted the critical role of online education in ensuring continuity of learning during a crisis. This has become an important part of the education resilience toolkit.

Global collaboration : Online education fosters international collaboration and diverse perspectives. Learners can interact with peers and instructors from around the world, enriching their educational experience.

Employability : Many online courses and degrees are designed to be industry-relevant. Learners will gain skills that are directly applicable to their career goals.

Sustainability : Online education contributes to environmental sustainability by reducing the carbon footprint associated with commuting to a physical campus.

Overview of the components that typically make up the structure of online education.

1. Platform or institution website

Online education experiences often begin with a platform or institution’s website. This website serves as a central hub where learners can access information about available courses, enrollment, and resources.

2. Registration and Registration

Learners typically begin by enrolling in a course or program online. Registration may include creating an account, providing personal information, and selecting a course.

3. Course catalog

Online education platforms typically maintain a catalog of available courses and programs. Learners can search this catalog to find courses that match their interests and goals.

4. Course structure

Each course or program has its own structure and may include modules, units, and lessons. The course structure describes the order in which content is presented and the learning objectives for each section.

5. Learning resources

Online courses typically offer a variety of learning materials, including video lectures, text-based content, multimedia, and downloadable resources. These materials can be accessed through the Platform’s interface.

6. Interactive elements

Many online courses include interactive elements to engage learners, such as discussion forums, quizzes, assignments, and group projects. Learners can use these tools to communicate with instructors and other students.

7. Evaluation and scoring

Online courses include assessments to assess learner understanding of the material. Evaluation methods vary but include quizzes, exams, essays, peer reviews, and participation grades.

8. Support and help

Online learners often have access to technical and academic support. Depending on the platform, support can be provided via email, chat, or help desk.

9. Track your progress

Many platforms offer tools that allow learners to track their progress throughout a course. Learners can monitor completed assignments, upcoming deadlines, and overall course progress.

10. Certifications and references

Upon successfully completing a course or program, learners can receive a certificate, degree, or digital badge. You can add these credentials to your resume or share them on your professional profile.

11. Community and Commitment

Online education often focuses on building a sense of community among learners. To encourage participation, you can offer discussion forums, virtual meetings, and networking opportunities.

12. Privacy and security

The platform focuses on privacy and security, ensuring that learners’ personal information is protected. It will typically outline your privacy policy and data processing practices.

13. Frequently Asked Questions and Help Center

Many platforms offer a section where learners can find answers to frequently asked questions. You can provide a comprehensive help center or knowledge base.

14. Feedback and improvements

Platforms often seek feedback from learners to improve their online education experience. This feedback can be used to improve the content, functionality, and usability of your course.

Online Education Essay

The Evolution of Online Education

The evolution of online education has been a dynamic journey marked by significant advances in technology and changes in educational paradigms. 

Early experiments (1960s-1970s)

The concept of online education dates back to the 1960s when educational institutions such as the University of Illinois began experimenting with computer-based education. Early efforts focused on delivering educational content via mainframe computers and teleprinters.

Emergence of the Internet (1980s-1990s)

The development of the World Wide Web in the late 1980s and early 1990s laid the foundation for modern online education. Educational institutions began to explore the potential of the Internet to provide course materials and facilitate communication.

First online courses (1990s)

The first online courses, often referred to as “virtual classrooms” or “e-learning,” appeared in the mid-1990s. These courses included text-based content and basic discussion forums. Learning Management

Systems (LMS) (late 1990s to 2000s)

In the late 1990s and early 2000s, learning management systems (LMS) such as Blackboard and Moodle were developed. LMS platforms have given teachers the tools to create, manage, and deliver online courses.

Multimedia integration (2000s)

As Internet bandwidth improved, online courses began to incorporate multimedia elements such as videos, animations, and interactive simulations. This has enriched the learning experience and made online education more engaging.

Massive Open Online Courses (MOOCs) (2010s)

In the 2010s, MOOCs emerged, allowing students to take courses from famous universities for free. His MOOC platforms such as Coursera, edX, and Udacity have reached millions of learners around the world.

Personalization and adaptive learning (since 2010)

Online education platforms are beginning to implement personalized learning paths and adaptive technology. Algorithms analyze learner progress and tailor content to individual needs.

Blended learning (since 2010)

Blended learning models that combine online and in-person instruction are becoming increasingly popular in K-12 and higher education. This approach provides flexibility while maintaining personal interaction.

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR) (since 2010)

Advances in VR and AR technology are being integrated into online education to provide immersive learning experiences. Learners can explore virtual environments and simulations.

Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) pandemic (2020)

The global pandemic has forced schools and universities to close to prevent the spread of the virus, forcing a rapid shift to online education. This has accelerated the adoption of online learning and highlighted the need for a robust digital infrastructure.

Hybrid and distance learning (2020s)

Many institutions will continue to offer online and hybrid learning options even after in-person classes resume. Remote work and online education are becoming more integrated into daily life.

Continuous innovation (ongoing)

As technology advances, online education continues to evolve. Artificial intelligence, data analytics, and learning analytics are playing an increasingly important role in the design of online learning experiences.

Benefits of Online Education

Learners can access courses and materials at their own convenience, accommodating diverse schedules.
Online education removes geographical barriers, making learning accessible to remote or underserved areas.
A wide range of courses allows learners to explore niche subjects and pursue their interests.
Online education is often more affordable than traditional in-person learning, saving on various expenses.
Adaptive technologies tailor content to individual needs, fostering a personalized learning experience.
Many online courses offer self-paced options, allowing learners to set their own speed for completing assignments.
Multimedia, quizzes, videos, and gamification make learning interactive and engaging.
Learners can interact with peers and instructors from diverse backgrounds, promoting global perspectives.
Online courses can be quickly updated to reflect the latest developments in various fields.
Online courses often focus on practical skills directly applicable to careers and industries.
Professionals can advance their qualifications while working full-time, leading to career growth.
Online education encourages lifelong learning, enabling individuals to acquire new skills at any stage of life.
Reduced commuting and physical resources contribute to environmental sustainability.
Online education ensures continuity of learning during crises, such as the pandemic.

Challenges in Online Education (Online education essay)

Online learners may miss out on face-to-face interactions with instructors and peers.
Self-discipline is essential in online learning, and some learners may struggle with autonomy.
Connectivity problems, hardware limitations, and software glitches can disrupt the learning process.
Ensuring the quality and credibility of online courses can be a challenge due to the vast number of options.
Learners may experience feelings of isolation and loneliness when studying in isolation.
Balancing coursework with other responsibilities requires effective time management skills.
Certain fields, such as lab-based sciences, may be challenging to teach effectively online.
Maintaining the integrity of assessments and preventing cheating can be more challenging in online settings.
Some learners may have limited access to required resources, such as a reliable internet connection or necessary software.
Learners and educators need basic digital literacy skills to navigate online platforms effectively.

Technological Advancements in Online Learning (Online education essay)

Advances in technology have revolutionized the online learning landscape, improving the educational experience and expanding its possibilities. The main technological advances in online learning are as…

Learning Management System (LMS)

LMS platforms such as Moodle, Blackboard, and Canvas provide a central hub for course management, content delivery, and communication between instructors and students.

Mobile learning (M-Learning)

Mobile apps and responsive design make learning more accessible as learners can access course materials and participate in learning activities on their smartphones and tablets.

Video conferences and webinars

Tools like Zoom and Microsoft Teams make it easy to conduct live virtual classes and webinars, facilitating real-time interaction between instructors and learners.


Gamification techniques such as badges, leaderboards, and interactive quizzes make learning more engaging and motivate learners to progress through course content.

Virtual reality (VR) and augmented reality (AR)

VR and AR technology provide an immersive learning experience, allowing learners to explore virtual environments and interact with their 3D objects, making it ideal for training in fields such as medicine, engineering, and aviation.

Artificial intelligence (AI)

AI-powered tools analyze learner data and provide personalized recommendations, including adaptive learning paths and targeted resources to address individual needs.

Big data and learning analytics

Big data analytics provides insights into learner behavior and performance, helping educators make data-driven decisions and improve course design and instruction.

Cloud computing

Cloud-based platforms store and deliver course content, making it accessible from anywhere and ensuring scalability for institutions and course providers.

Open Educational Resources (OER)

OER repositories provide free, open-licensed educational materials such as textbooks, videos, and assessments, reducing costs for learners.

Blockchain credentials

Blockchain technology is used to issue and verify digital credentials, making it easier to verify the authenticity of degrees, certificates, and badges earned online.

Chatbots and virtual assistants

AI-powered chatbots and virtual assistants provide instant support to learners by answering questions and guiding them through course content.

Peer learning platform

Online platforms facilitate peer-to-peer learning through features such as discussion forums, group projects, and collaboration tools.

Language processing and translation tools

Language processing technology and translation tools help you deliver courses in multiple languages ​​and support diverse learning groups.

Accessibility tools

Assistive technologies such as screen readers and closed captioning make online education more accessible to people with disabilities.

Cyber ​​security measures

Robust cybersecurity measures protect online learning platforms and learner data from cyber threats, ensuring the privacy and security of online education.

The Future of Online Education (Online education essay)

The future of online education holds tremendous growth and innovation. Advances in technology such as augmented reality and artificial intelligence provide immersive and personalized learning experiences.

Learning analytics provides deep insights and allows educators to tailor instruction to individual needs. The global reach of online education is expanding, providing access to high-quality courses to learners in underserved areas.

Moreover, online education will increasingly complement traditional classrooms and create hybrid learning environments. Continuing education and lifelong learning are becoming the norm as the lines between work and study blur.

The future of online education promises increased accessibility, flexibility, and relevance in a rapidly evolving knowledge-based world.

Online Education Best Practices (Online education essay)

Best practices in online education are essential to ensuring an effective and engaging digital learning experience. Clear communication between teachers and students, as well as between colleagues, is very important.

Well-structured courses with structured content, intuitive navigation, and regular updates accelerate student success. Encouraging active participation through discussions, collaborative projects, and peer feedback fosters a sense of community.

Flexibility in assessment and learning paths accommodates the diverse needs of learners. Timely feedback and support, as well as technical troubleshooting assistance, will enhance your learning process.

Additionally, educators must continually adapt to evolving online tools and teaching methods to ensure that online education is accessible, engaging, and effective.

We hope this online education essay covers all aspects of distance learning and e-learning and helps you understand this type of education.

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The effects of online education on academic success: A meta-analysis study

  • Published: 06 September 2021
  • Volume 27 , pages 429–450, ( 2022 )

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online education english essay

  • Hakan Ulum   ORCID: 1  

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The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of online education, which has been extensively used on student achievement since the beginning of the pandemic. In line with this purpose, a meta-analysis of the related studies focusing on the effect of online education on students’ academic achievement in several countries between the years 2010 and 2021 was carried out. Furthermore, this study will provide a source to assist future studies with comparing the effect of online education on academic achievement before and after the pandemic. This meta-analysis study consists of 27 studies in total. The meta-analysis involves the studies conducted in the USA, Taiwan, Turkey, China, Philippines, Ireland, and Georgia. The studies included in the meta-analysis are experimental studies, and the total sample size is 1772. In the study, the funnel plot, Duval and Tweedie’s Trip and Fill Analysis, Orwin’s Safe N Analysis, and Egger’s Regression Test were utilized to determine the publication bias, which has been found to be quite low. Besides, Hedge’s g statistic was employed to measure the effect size for the difference between the means performed in accordance with the random effects model. The results of the study show that the effect size of online education on academic achievement is on a medium level. The heterogeneity test results of the meta-analysis study display that the effect size does not differ in terms of class level, country, online education approaches, and lecture moderators.

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1 Introduction

Information and communication technologies have become a powerful force in transforming the educational settings around the world. The pandemic has been an important factor in transferring traditional physical classrooms settings through adopting information and communication technologies and has also accelerated the transformation. The literature supports that learning environments connected to information and communication technologies highly satisfy students. Therefore, we need to keep interest in technology-based learning environments. Clearly, technology has had a huge impact on young people's online lives. This digital revolution can synergize the educational ambitions and interests of digitally addicted students. In essence, COVID-19 has provided us with an opportunity to embrace online learning as education systems have to keep up with the rapid emergence of new technologies.

Information and communication technologies that have an effect on all spheres of life are also actively included in the education field. With the recent developments, using technology in education has become inevitable due to personal and social reasons (Usta, 2011a ). Online education may be given as an example of using information and communication technologies as a consequence of the technological developments. Also, it is crystal clear that online learning is a popular way of obtaining instruction (Demiralay et al., 2016 ; Pillay et al., 2007 ), which is defined by Horton ( 2000 ) as a way of education that is performed through a web browser or an online application without requiring an extra software or a learning source. Furthermore, online learning is described as a way of utilizing the internet to obtain the related learning sources during the learning process, to interact with the content, the teacher, and other learners, as well as to get support throughout the learning process (Ally, 2004 ). Online learning has such benefits as learning independently at any time and place (Vrasidas & MsIsaac, 2000 ), granting facility (Poole, 2000 ), flexibility (Chizmar & Walbert, 1999 ), self-regulation skills (Usta, 2011b ), learning with collaboration, and opportunity to plan self-learning process.

Even though online education practices have not been comprehensive as it is now, internet and computers have been used in education as alternative learning tools in correlation with the advances in technology. The first distance education attempt in the world was initiated by the ‘Steno Courses’ announcement published in Boston newspaper in 1728. Furthermore, in the nineteenth century, Sweden University started the “Correspondence Composition Courses” for women, and University Correspondence College was afterwards founded for the correspondence courses in 1843 (Arat & Bakan, 2011 ). Recently, distance education has been performed through computers, assisted by the facilities of the internet technologies, and soon, it has evolved into a mobile education practice that is emanating from progress in the speed of internet connection, and the development of mobile devices.

With the emergence of pandemic (Covid-19), face to face education has almost been put to a halt, and online education has gained significant importance. The Microsoft management team declared to have 750 users involved in the online education activities on the 10 th March, just before the pandemic; however, on March 24, they informed that the number of users increased significantly, reaching the number of 138,698 users (OECD, 2020 ). This event supports the view that it is better to commonly use online education rather than using it as a traditional alternative educational tool when students do not have the opportunity to have a face to face education (Geostat, 2019 ). The period of Covid-19 pandemic has emerged as a sudden state of having limited opportunities. Face to face education has stopped in this period for a long time. The global spread of Covid-19 affected more than 850 million students all around the world, and it caused the suspension of face to face education. Different countries have proposed several solutions in order to maintain the education process during the pandemic. Schools have had to change their curriculum, and many countries supported the online education practices soon after the pandemic. In other words, traditional education gave its way to online education practices. At least 96 countries have been motivated to access online libraries, TV broadcasts, instructions, sources, video lectures, and online channels (UNESCO, 2020 ). In such a painful period, educational institutions went through online education practices by the help of huge companies such as Microsoft, Google, Zoom, Skype, FaceTime, and Slack. Thus, online education has been discussed in the education agenda more intensively than ever before.

Although online education approaches were not used as comprehensively as it has been used recently, it was utilized as an alternative learning approach in education for a long time in parallel with the development of technology, internet and computers. The academic achievement of the students is often aimed to be promoted by employing online education approaches. In this regard, academicians in various countries have conducted many studies on the evaluation of online education approaches and published the related results. However, the accumulation of scientific data on online education approaches creates difficulties in keeping, organizing and synthesizing the findings. In this research area, studies are being conducted at an increasing rate making it difficult for scientists to be aware of all the research outside of their ​​expertise. Another problem encountered in the related study area is that online education studies are repetitive. Studies often utilize slightly different methods, measures, and/or examples to avoid duplication. This erroneous approach makes it difficult to distinguish between significant differences in the related results. In other words, if there are significant differences in the results of the studies, it may be difficult to express what variety explains the differences in these results. One obvious solution to these problems is to systematically review the results of various studies and uncover the sources. One method of performing such systematic syntheses is the application of meta-analysis which is a methodological and statistical approach to draw conclusions from the literature. At this point, how effective online education applications are in increasing the academic success is an important detail. Has online education, which is likely to be encountered frequently in the continuing pandemic period, been successful in the last ten years? If successful, how much was the impact? Did different variables have an impact on this effect? Academics across the globe have carried out studies on the evaluation of online education platforms and publishing the related results (Chiao et al., 2018 ). It is quite important to evaluate the results of the studies that have been published up until now, and that will be published in the future. Has the online education been successful? If it has been, how big is the impact? Do the different variables affect this impact? What should we consider in the next coming online education practices? These questions have all motivated us to carry out this study. We have conducted a comprehensive meta-analysis study that tries to provide a discussion platform on how to develop efficient online programs for educators and policy makers by reviewing the related studies on online education, presenting the effect size, and revealing the effect of diverse variables on the general impact.

There have been many critical discussions and comprehensive studies on the differences between online and face to face learning; however, the focus of this paper is different in the sense that it clarifies the magnitude of the effect of online education and teaching process, and it represents what factors should be controlled to help increase the effect size. Indeed, the purpose here is to provide conscious decisions in the implementation of the online education process.

The general impact of online education on the academic achievement will be discovered in the study. Therefore, this will provide an opportunity to get a general overview of the online education which has been practiced and discussed intensively in the pandemic period. Moreover, the general impact of online education on academic achievement will be analyzed, considering different variables. In other words, the current study will allow to totally evaluate the study results from the related literature, and to analyze the results considering several cultures, lectures, and class levels. Considering all the related points, this study seeks to answer the following research questions:

What is the effect size of online education on academic achievement?

How do the effect sizes of online education on academic achievement change according to the moderator variable of the country?

How do the effect sizes of online education on academic achievement change according to the moderator variable of the class level?

How do the effect sizes of online education on academic achievement change according to the moderator variable of the lecture?

How do the effect sizes of online education on academic achievement change according to the moderator variable of the online education approaches?

This study aims at determining the effect size of online education, which has been highly used since the beginning of the pandemic, on students’ academic achievement in different courses by using a meta-analysis method. Meta-analysis is a synthesis method that enables gathering of several study results accurately and efficiently, and getting the total results in the end (Tsagris & Fragkos, 2018 ).

2.1 Selecting and coding the data (studies)

The required literature for the meta-analysis study was reviewed in July, 2020, and the follow-up review was conducted in September, 2020. The purpose of the follow-up review was to include the studies which were published in the conduction period of this study, and which met the related inclusion criteria. However, no study was encountered to be included in the follow-up review.

In order to access the studies in the meta-analysis, the databases of Web of Science, ERIC, and SCOPUS were reviewed by utilizing the keywords ‘online learning and online education’. Not every database has a search engine that grants access to the studies by writing the keywords, and this obstacle was considered to be an important problem to be overcome. Therefore, a platform that has a special design was utilized by the researcher. With this purpose, through the open access system of Cukurova University Library, detailed reviews were practiced using EBSCO Information Services (EBSCO) that allow reviewing the whole collection of research through a sole searching box. Since the fundamental variables of this study are online education and online learning, the literature was systematically reviewed in the related databases (Web of Science, ERIC, and SCOPUS) by referring to the keywords. Within this scope, 225 articles were accessed, and the studies were included in the coding key list formed by the researcher. The name of the researchers, the year, the database (Web of Science, ERIC, and SCOPUS), the sample group and size, the lectures that the academic achievement was tested in, the country that the study was conducted in, and the class levels were all included in this coding key.

The following criteria were identified to include 225 research studies which were coded based on the theoretical basis of the meta-analysis study: (1) The studies should be published in the refereed journals between the years 2020 and 2021, (2) The studies should be experimental studies that try to determine the effect of online education and online learning on academic achievement, (3) The values of the stated variables or the required statistics to calculate these values should be stated in the results of the studies, and (4) The sample group of the study should be at a primary education level. These criteria were also used as the exclusion criteria in the sense that the studies that do not meet the required criteria were not included in the present study.

After the inclusion criteria were determined, a systematic review process was conducted, following the year criterion of the study by means of EBSCO. Within this scope, 290,365 studies that analyze the effect of online education and online learning on academic achievement were accordingly accessed. The database (Web of Science, ERIC, and SCOPUS) was also used as a filter by analyzing the inclusion criteria. Hence, the number of the studies that were analyzed was 58,616. Afterwards, the keyword ‘primary education’ was used as the filter and the number of studies included in the study decreased to 3152. Lastly, the literature was reviewed by using the keyword ‘academic achievement’ and 225 studies were accessed. All the information of 225 articles was included in the coding key.

It is necessary for the coders to review the related studies accurately and control the validity, safety, and accuracy of the studies (Stewart & Kamins, 2001 ). Within this scope, the studies that were determined based on the variables used in this study were first reviewed by three researchers from primary education field, then the accessed studies were combined and processed in the coding key by the researcher. All these studies that were processed in the coding key were analyzed in accordance with the inclusion criteria by all the researchers in the meetings, and it was decided that 27 studies met the inclusion criteria (Atici & Polat, 2010 ; Carreon, 2018 ; Ceylan & Elitok Kesici, 2017 ; Chae & Shin, 2016 ; Chiang et al. 2014 ; Ercan, 2014 ; Ercan et al., 2016 ; Gwo-Jen et al., 2018 ; Hayes & Stewart, 2016 ; Hwang et al., 2012 ; Kert et al., 2017 ; Lai & Chen, 2010 ; Lai et al., 2015 ; Meyers et al., 2015 ; Ravenel et al., 2014 ; Sung et al., 2016 ; Wang & Chen, 2013 ; Yu, 2019 ; Yu & Chen, 2014 ; Yu & Pan, 2014 ; Yu et al., 2010 ; Zhong et al., 2017 ). The data from the studies meeting the inclusion criteria were independently processed in the second coding key by three researchers, and consensus meetings were arranged for further discussion. After the meetings, researchers came to an agreement that the data were coded accurately and precisely. Having identified the effect sizes and heterogeneity of the study, moderator variables that will show the differences between the effect sizes were determined. The data related to the determined moderator variables were added to the coding key by three researchers, and a new consensus meeting was arranged. After the meeting, researchers came to an agreement that moderator variables were coded accurately and precisely.

2.2 Study group

27 studies are included in the meta-analysis. The total sample size of the studies that are included in the analysis is 1772. The characteristics of the studies included are given in Table 1 .

2.3 Publication bias

Publication bias is the low capability of published studies on a research subject to represent all completed studies on the same subject (Card, 2011 ; Littell et al., 2008 ). Similarly, publication bias is the state of having a relationship between the probability of the publication of a study on a subject, and the effect size and significance that it produces. Within this scope, publication bias may occur when the researchers do not want to publish the study as a result of failing to obtain the expected results, or not being approved by the scientific journals, and consequently not being included in the study synthesis (Makowski et al., 2019 ). The high possibility of publication bias in a meta-analysis study negatively affects (Pecoraro, 2018 ) the accuracy of the combined effect size, causing the average effect size to be reported differently than it should be (Borenstein et al., 2009 ). For this reason, the possibility of publication bias in the included studies was tested before determining the effect sizes of the relationships between the stated variables. The possibility of publication bias of this meta-analysis study was analyzed by using the funnel plot, Orwin’s Safe N Analysis, Duval and Tweedie’s Trip and Fill Analysis, and Egger’s Regression Test.

2.4 Selecting the model

After determining the probability of publication bias of this meta-analysis study, the statistical model used to calculate the effect sizes was selected. The main approaches used in the effect size calculations according to the differentiation level of inter-study variance are fixed and random effects models (Pigott, 2012 ). Fixed effects model refers to the homogeneity of the characteristics of combined studies apart from the sample sizes, while random effects model refers to the parameter diversity between the studies (Cumming, 2012 ). While calculating the average effect size in the random effects model (Deeks et al., 2008 ) that is based on the assumption that effect predictions of different studies are only the result of a similar distribution, it is necessary to consider several situations such as the effect size apart from the sample error of combined studies, characteristics of the participants, duration, scope, and pattern of the study (Littell et al., 2008 ). While deciding the model in the meta-analysis study, the assumptions on the sample characteristics of the studies included in the analysis and the inferences that the researcher aims to make should be taken into consideration. The fact that the sample characteristics of the studies conducted in the field of social sciences are affected by various parameters shows that using random effects model is more appropriate in this sense. Besides, it is stated that the inferences made with the random effects model are beyond the studies included in the meta-analysis (Field, 2003 ; Field & Gillett, 2010 ). Therefore, using random effects model also contributes to the generalization of research data. The specified criteria for the statistical model selection show that according to the nature of the meta-analysis study, the model should be selected just before the analysis (Borenstein et al., 2007 ; Littell et al., 2008 ). Within this framework, it was decided to make use of the random effects model, considering that the students who are the samples of the studies included in the meta-analysis are from different countries and cultures, the sample characteristics of the studies differ, and the patterns and scopes of the studies vary as well.

2.5 Heterogeneity

Meta-analysis facilitates analyzing the research subject with different parameters by showing the level of diversity between the included studies. Within this frame, whether there is a heterogeneous distribution between the studies included in the study or not has been evaluated in the present study. The heterogeneity of the studies combined in this meta-analysis study has been determined through Q and I 2 tests. Q test evaluates the random distribution probability of the differences between the observed results (Deeks et al., 2008 ). Q value exceeding 2 value calculated according to the degree of freedom and significance, indicates the heterogeneity of the combined effect sizes (Card, 2011 ). I 2 test, which is the complementary of the Q test, shows the heterogeneity amount of the effect sizes (Cleophas & Zwinderman, 2017 ). I 2 value being higher than 75% is explained as high level of heterogeneity.

In case of encountering heterogeneity in the studies included in the meta-analysis, the reasons of heterogeneity can be analyzed by referring to the study characteristics. The study characteristics which may be related to the heterogeneity between the included studies can be interpreted through subgroup analysis or meta-regression analysis (Deeks et al., 2008 ). While determining the moderator variables, the sufficiency of the number of variables, the relationship between the moderators, and the condition to explain the differences between the results of the studies have all been considered in the present study. Within this scope, it was predicted in this meta-analysis study that the heterogeneity can be explained with the country, class level, and lecture moderator variables of the study in terms of the effect of online education, which has been highly used since the beginning of the pandemic, and it has an impact on the students’ academic achievement in different lectures. Some subgroups were evaluated and categorized together, considering that the number of effect sizes of the sub-dimensions of the specified variables is not sufficient to perform moderator analysis (e.g. the countries where the studies were conducted).

2.6 Interpreting the effect sizes

Effect size is a factor that shows how much the independent variable affects the dependent variable positively or negatively in each included study in the meta-analysis (Dinçer, 2014 ). While interpreting the effect sizes obtained from the meta-analysis, the classifications of Cohen et al. ( 2007 ) have been utilized. The case of differentiating the specified relationships of the situation of the country, class level, and school subject variables of the study has been identified through the Q test, degree of freedom, and p significance value Fig.  1 and 2 .

3 Findings and results

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect size of online education on academic achievement. Before determining the effect sizes in the study, the probability of publication bias of this meta-analysis study was analyzed by using the funnel plot, Orwin’s Safe N Analysis, Duval and Tweedie’s Trip and Fill Analysis, and Egger’s Regression Test.

When the funnel plots are examined, it is seen that the studies included in the analysis are distributed symmetrically on both sides of the combined effect size axis, and they are generally collected in the middle and lower sections. The probability of publication bias is low according to the plots. However, since the results of the funnel scatter plots may cause subjective interpretations, they have been supported by additional analyses (Littell et al., 2008 ). Therefore, in order to provide an extra proof for the probability of publication bias, it has been analyzed through Orwin’s Safe N Analysis, Duval and Tweedie’s Trip and Fill Analysis, and Egger’s Regression Test (Table 2 ).

Table 2 consists of the results of the rates of publication bias probability before counting the effect size of online education on academic achievement. According to the table, Orwin Safe N analysis results show that it is not necessary to add new studies to the meta-analysis in order for Hedges g to reach a value outside the range of ± 0.01. The Duval and Tweedie test shows that excluding the studies that negatively affect the symmetry of the funnel scatter plots for each meta-analysis or adding their exact symmetrical equivalents does not significantly differentiate the calculated effect size. The insignificance of the Egger tests results reveals that there is no publication bias in the meta-analysis study. The results of the analysis indicate the high internal validity of the effect sizes and the adequacy of representing the studies conducted on the relevant subject.

In this study, it was aimed to determine the effect size of online education on academic achievement after testing the publication bias. In line with the first purpose of the study, the forest graph regarding the effect size of online education on academic achievement is shown in Fig.  3 , and the statistics regarding the effect size are given in Table 3 .

figure 1

The flow chart of the scanning and selection process of the studies

figure 2

Funnel plot graphics representing the effect size of the effects of online education on academic success

figure 3

Forest graph related to the effect size of online education on academic success

The square symbols in the forest graph in Fig.  3 represent the effect sizes, while the horizontal lines show the intervals in 95% confidence of the effect sizes, and the diamond symbol shows the overall effect size. When the forest graph is analyzed, it is seen that the lower and upper limits of the combined effect sizes are generally close to each other, and the study loads are similar. This similarity in terms of study loads indicates the similarity of the contribution of the combined studies to the overall effect size.

Figure  3 clearly represents that the study of Liu and others (Liu et al., 2018 ) has the lowest, and the study of Ercan and Bilen ( 2014 ) has the highest effect sizes. The forest graph shows that all the combined studies and the overall effect are positive. Furthermore, it is simply understood from the forest graph in Fig.  3 and the effect size statistics in Table 3 that the results of the meta-analysis study conducted with 27 studies and analyzing the effect of online education on academic achievement illustrate that this relationship is on average level (= 0.409).

After the analysis of the effect size in the study, whether the studies included in the analysis are distributed heterogeneously or not has also been analyzed. The heterogeneity of the combined studies was determined through the Q and I 2 tests. As a result of the heterogeneity test, Q statistical value was calculated as 29.576. With 26 degrees of freedom at 95% significance level in the chi-square table, the critical value is accepted as 38.885. The Q statistical value (29.576) counted in this study is lower than the critical value of 38.885. The I 2 value, which is the complementary of the Q statistics, is 12.100%. This value indicates that the accurate heterogeneity or the total variability that can be attributed to variability between the studies is 12%. Besides, p value is higher than (0.285) p = 0.05. All these values [Q (26) = 29.579, p = 0.285; I2 = 12.100] indicate that there is a homogeneous distribution between the effect sizes, and fixed effects model should be used to interpret these effect sizes. However, some researchers argue that even if the heterogeneity is low, it should be evaluated based on the random effects model (Borenstein et al., 2007 ). Therefore, this study gives information about both models. The heterogeneity of the combined studies has been attempted to be explained with the characteristics of the studies included in the analysis. In this context, the final purpose of the study is to determine the effect of the country, academic level, and year variables on the findings. Accordingly, the statistics regarding the comparison of the stated relations according to the countries where the studies were conducted are given in Table 4 .

As seen in Table 4 , the effect of online education on academic achievement does not differ significantly according to the countries where the studies were conducted in. Q test results indicate the heterogeneity of the relationships between the variables in terms of countries where the studies were conducted in. According to the table, the effect of online education on academic achievement was reported as the highest in other countries, and the lowest in the US. The statistics regarding the comparison of the stated relations according to the class levels are given in Table 5 .

As seen in Table 5 , the effect of online education on academic achievement does not differ according to the class level. However, the effect of online education on academic achievement is the highest in the 4 th class. The statistics regarding the comparison of the stated relations according to the class levels are given in Table 6 .

As seen in Table 6 , the effect of online education on academic achievement does not differ according to the school subjects included in the studies. However, the effect of online education on academic achievement is the highest in ICT subject.

The obtained effect size in the study was formed as a result of the findings attained from primary studies conducted in 7 different countries. In addition, these studies are the ones on different approaches to online education (online learning environments, social networks, blended learning, etc.). In this respect, the results may raise some questions about the validity and generalizability of the results of the study. However, the moderator analyzes, whether for the country variable or for the approaches covered by online education, did not create significant differences in terms of the effect sizes. If significant differences were to occur in terms of effect sizes, we could say that the comparisons we will make by comparing countries under the umbrella of online education would raise doubts in terms of generalizability. Moreover, no study has been found in the literature that is not based on a special approach or does not contain a specific technique conducted under the name of online education alone. For instance, one of the commonly used definitions is blended education which is defined as an educational model in which online education is combined with traditional education method (Colis & Moonen, 2001 ). Similarly, Rasmussen ( 2003 ) defines blended learning as “a distance education method that combines technology (high technology such as television, internet, or low technology such as voice e-mail, conferences) with traditional education and training.” Further, Kerres and Witt (2003) define blended learning as “combining face-to-face learning with technology-assisted learning.” As it is clearly observed, online education, which has a wider scope, includes many approaches.

As seen in Table 7 , the effect of online education on academic achievement does not differ according to online education approaches included in the studies. However, the effect of online education on academic achievement is the highest in Web Based Problem Solving Approach.

4 Conclusions and discussion

Considering the developments during the pandemics, it is thought that the diversity in online education applications as an interdisciplinary pragmatist field will increase, and the learning content and processes will be enriched with the integration of new technologies into online education processes. Another prediction is that more flexible and accessible learning opportunities will be created in online education processes, and in this way, lifelong learning processes will be strengthened. As a result, it is predicted that in the near future, online education and even digital learning with a newer name will turn into the main ground of education instead of being an alternative or having a support function in face-to-face learning. The lessons learned from the early period online learning experience, which was passed with rapid adaptation due to the Covid19 epidemic, will serve to develop this method all over the world, and in the near future, online learning will become the main learning structure through increasing its functionality with the contribution of new technologies and systems. If we look at it from this point of view, there is a necessity to strengthen online education.

In this study, the effect of online learning on academic achievement is at a moderate level. To increase this effect, the implementation of online learning requires support from teachers to prepare learning materials, to design learning appropriately, and to utilize various digital-based media such as websites, software technology and various other tools to support the effectiveness of online learning (Rolisca & Achadiyah, 2014 ). According to research conducted by Rahayu et al. ( 2017 ), it has been proven that the use of various types of software increases the effectiveness and quality of online learning. Implementation of online learning can affect students' ability to adapt to technological developments in that it makes students use various learning resources on the internet to access various types of information, and enables them to get used to performing inquiry learning and active learning (Hart et al., 2019 ; Prestiadi et al., 2019 ). In addition, there may be many reasons for the low level of effect in this study. The moderator variables examined in this study could be a guide in increasing the level of practical effect. However, the effect size did not differ significantly for all moderator variables. Different moderator analyzes can be evaluated in order to increase the level of impact of online education on academic success. If confounding variables that significantly change the effect level are detected, it can be spoken more precisely in order to increase this level. In addition to the technical and financial problems, the level of impact will increase if a few other difficulties are eliminated such as students, lack of interaction with the instructor, response time, and lack of traditional classroom socialization.

In addition, COVID-19 pandemic related social distancing has posed extreme difficulties for all stakeholders to get online as they have to work in time constraints and resource constraints. Adopting the online learning environment is not just a technical issue, it is a pedagogical and instructive challenge as well. Therefore, extensive preparation of teaching materials, curriculum, and assessment is vital in online education. Technology is the delivery tool and requires close cross-collaboration between teaching, content and technology teams (CoSN, 2020 ).

Online education applications have been used for many years. However, it has come to the fore more during the pandemic process. This result of necessity has brought with it the discussion of using online education instead of traditional education methods in the future. However, with this research, it has been revealed that online education applications are moderately effective. The use of online education instead of face-to-face education applications can only be possible with an increase in the level of success. This may have been possible with the experience and knowledge gained during the pandemic process. Therefore, the meta-analysis of experimental studies conducted in the coming years will guide us. In this context, experimental studies using online education applications should be analyzed well. It would be useful to identify variables that can change the level of impacts with different moderators. Moderator analyzes are valuable in meta-analysis studies (for example, the role of moderators in Karl Pearson's typhoid vaccine studies). In this context, each analysis study sheds light on future studies. In meta-analyses to be made about online education, it would be beneficial to go beyond the moderators determined in this study. Thus, the contribution of similar studies to the field will increase more.

The purpose of this study is to determine the effect of online education on academic achievement. In line with this purpose, the studies that analyze the effect of online education approaches on academic achievement have been included in the meta-analysis. The total sample size of the studies included in the meta-analysis is 1772. While the studies included in the meta-analysis were conducted in the US, Taiwan, Turkey, China, Philippines, Ireland, and Georgia, the studies carried out in Europe could not be reached. The reason may be attributed to that there may be more use of quantitative research methods from a positivist perspective in the countries with an American academic tradition. As a result of the study, it was found out that the effect size of online education on academic achievement (g = 0.409) was moderate. In the studies included in the present research, we found that online education approaches were more effective than traditional ones. However, contrary to the present study, the analysis of comparisons between online and traditional education in some studies shows that face-to-face traditional learning is still considered effective compared to online learning (Ahmad et al., 2016 ; Hamdani & Priatna, 2020 ; Wei & Chou, 2020 ). Online education has advantages and disadvantages. The advantages of online learning compared to face-to-face learning in the classroom is the flexibility of learning time in online learning, the learning time does not include a single program, and it can be shaped according to circumstances (Lai et al., 2019 ). The next advantage is the ease of collecting assignments for students, as these can be done without having to talk to the teacher. Despite this, online education has several weaknesses, such as students having difficulty in understanding the material, teachers' inability to control students, and students’ still having difficulty interacting with teachers in case of internet network cuts (Swan, 2007 ). According to Astuti et al ( 2019 ), face-to-face education method is still considered better by students than e-learning because it is easier to understand the material and easier to interact with teachers. The results of the study illustrated that the effect size (g = 0.409) of online education on academic achievement is of medium level. Therefore, the results of the moderator analysis showed that the effect of online education on academic achievement does not differ in terms of country, lecture, class level, and online education approaches variables. After analyzing the literature, several meta-analyses on online education were published (Bernard et al., 2004 ; Machtmes & Asher, 2000 ; Zhao et al., 2005 ). Typically, these meta-analyzes also include the studies of older generation technologies such as audio, video, or satellite transmission. One of the most comprehensive studies on online education was conducted by Bernard et al. ( 2004 ). In this study, 699 independent effect sizes of 232 studies published from 1985 to 2001 were analyzed, and face-to-face education was compared to online education, with respect to success criteria and attitudes of various learners from young children to adults. In this meta-analysis, an overall effect size close to zero was found for the students' achievement (g +  = 0.01).

In another meta-analysis study carried out by Zhao et al. ( 2005 ), 98 effect sizes were examined, including 51 studies on online education conducted between 1996 and 2002. According to the study of Bernard et al. ( 2004 ), this meta-analysis focuses on the activities done in online education lectures. As a result of the research, an overall effect size close to zero was found for online education utilizing more than one generation technology for students at different levels. However, the salient point of the meta-analysis study of Zhao et al. is that it takes the average of different types of results used in a study to calculate an overall effect size. This practice is problematic because the factors that develop one type of learner outcome (e.g. learner rehabilitation), particularly course characteristics and practices, may be quite different from those that develop another type of outcome (e.g. learner's achievement), and it may even cause damage to the latter outcome. While mixing the studies with different types of results, this implementation may obscure the relationship between practices and learning.

Some meta-analytical studies have focused on the effectiveness of the new generation distance learning courses accessed through the internet for specific student populations. For instance, Sitzmann and others (Sitzmann et al., 2006 ) reviewed 96 studies published from 1996 to 2005, comparing web-based education of job-related knowledge or skills with face-to-face one. The researchers found that web-based education in general was slightly more effective than face-to-face education, but it is insufficient in terms of applicability ("knowing how to apply"). In addition, Sitzmann et al. ( 2006 ) revealed that Internet-based education has a positive effect on theoretical knowledge in quasi-experimental studies; however, it positively affects face-to-face education in experimental studies performed by random assignment. This moderator analysis emphasizes the need to pay attention to the factors of designs of the studies included in the meta-analysis. The designs of the studies included in this meta-analysis study were ignored. This can be presented as a suggestion to the new studies that will be conducted.

Another meta-analysis study was conducted by Cavanaugh et al. ( 2004 ), in which they focused on online education. In this study on internet-based distance education programs for students under 12 years of age, the researchers combined 116 results from 14 studies published between 1999 and 2004 to calculate an overall effect that was not statistically different from zero. The moderator analysis carried out in this study showed that there was no significant factor affecting the students' success. This meta-analysis used multiple results of the same study, ignoring the fact that different results of the same student would not be independent from each other.

In conclusion, some meta-analytical studies analyzed the consequences of online education for a wide range of students (Bernard et al., 2004 ; Zhao et al., 2005 ), and the effect sizes were generally low in these studies. Furthermore, none of the large-scale meta-analyzes considered the moderators, database quality standards or class levels in the selection of the studies, while some of them just referred to the country and lecture moderators. Advances in internet-based learning tools, the pandemic process, and increasing popularity in different learning contexts have required a precise meta-analysis of students' learning outcomes through online learning. Previous meta-analysis studies were typically based on the studies, involving narrow range of confounding variables. In the present study, common but significant moderators such as class level and lectures during the pandemic process were discussed. For instance, the problems have been experienced especially in terms of eligibility of class levels in online education platforms during the pandemic process. It was found that there is a need to study and make suggestions on whether online education can meet the needs of teachers and students.

Besides, the main forms of online education in the past were to watch the open lectures of famous universities and educational videos of institutions. In addition, online education is mainly a classroom-based teaching implemented by teachers in their own schools during the pandemic period, which is an extension of the original school education. This meta-analysis study will stand as a source to compare the effect size of the online education forms of the past decade with what is done today, and what will be done in the future.

Lastly, the heterogeneity test results of the meta-analysis study display that the effect size does not differ in terms of class level, country, online education approaches, and lecture moderators.

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Ulum, H. The effects of online education on academic success: A meta-analysis study. Educ Inf Technol 27 , 429–450 (2022).

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Received : 06 December 2020

Accepted : 30 August 2021

Published : 06 September 2021

Issue Date : January 2022


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Classroom Q&A

With larry ferlazzo.

In this EdWeek blog, an experiment in knowledge-gathering, Ferlazzo will address readers’ questions on classroom management, ELL instruction, lesson planning, and other issues facing teachers. Send your questions to [email protected]. Read more from this blog.

What Students Are Really Thinking About Online Learning

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Today, several students from my classes “wrap things up” in the final post of this series.

“The temptations are REAL!”

Lee Xiong is a junior at Luther Burbank High School:

School has been tough. Transferring to all online learning has been the biggest challenge this year for me. As a student, I’d say I’ve usually kept up with all my work for all my classes. The biggest change I’ve seen in myself is becoming less focused with my school work.

Being in a physical classroom is tremendously different from learning online. In a classroom, most of your focus is there, unlike virtually, the temptations are REAL! Yes, self-discipline is good to learn, but when having all this thrown at you, you can’t blame the student for not wanting to work... at least that’s my opinion.

This online learning has affected me personally because during this time, I found myself turning in assignments weeks late. It wasn’t because I was having trouble, it was because I had no motivation and energy to do them. This isn’t the norm for me. Without a routine schedule, I felt lost. That makes me sound like a robot, but I think it’s because it’s been that way since we were so small, change this big is affecting me to the max.

This has taught me that online learning will not be for me in the future! Maybe for one or two classes, but overall I plan for my school life to be set in a physical classroom for the most part. Although this has been a challenging time for school and out in the real world, remembering to stand tall will get us through this together.

online education english essay

“Learning at school is best for me”

Evelynn Vang is a junior at Luther Burbank High School:

The online learning experience as a student for me has been fine. I sometimes find myself not interested in doing my assignments and I feel like I’m lazy. I still do the assignments, but I sometimes end up turning in my assignments late. It’s like I’ll do the assignments whenever I feel like doing it.

I can say that there is a reason for this, and that is where I am doing my school work. My home is not a learning environment like at school, where there are teachers, other students, learning tools, desks/tables, chairs, a library, lots of space, and those who you can get support from. At home is like a sleeping or resting environment. In a classroom, I can focus more on my assignments/work and get engaged in the subject. Whenever I’m in a classroom, I feel prepared to learn and get my brain pumped; at home, I feel like it’s very hard to be prepared because I’m always getting distracted. Whenever I need help, my teachers or classmates are there for me. When I have a question at home, I have to wait for a response.

I do have to say that whenever I’m at school, I always feel nervous in class. Now that I’m at home learning, I don’t feel nervous. From my online learning experience right now, I would not choose more online learning in the future because in a school, a classroom is a learning environment. Also, I feel like it’s easier to communicate with my classmates/groups for projects, teachers, counselors, and principal. Learning at a school is best for me.

"At home I feel like it's very hard to be prepared because I'm always getting distracted."

“I have many responsibilities at home”

Diana Lopez is a junior at Luther Burbank High School:

As a student, my online learning experience hasn’t been great. This new learning system has its perks, such as more time to do assignments in the comfort of your home, not having to wake up so early to go to school, and ensuring the safety of the staff as well as the students. Despite these benefits, there are downsides of this method of learning. For example, I have many responsibilities at home, such as taking care of my younger siblings, cooking meals, cleaning up after them, etc. I also find it harder to have any motivation when I’m doing school assignments. When I’m surrounded by all these other temptations like my phone or other electronics, I lose any will to do work.

The environment at home is different from the workspace students have at school. A classroom provides a quiet academic place to do work while a household can be loud and cause students to lose concentration or not even work at all. Additionally, I find that simply reading the instructions for an assignment or lesson isn’t as engaging as when it’s explained by a teacher. The information is much easier to retain when heard rather than simply rushing to read the directions. If I could choose, in the future I would not like to do more online learning because I like having a teacher physically there to help me when I need it. Having a teacher presence helps me focus more on school work, engages me into learning, and the teachers help guide me through the work and are there for any questions I have.

online education english essay

“Online learning has been difficult”

Isabella Sandoval is a junior at Luther Burbank High School:

Online learning has been difficult. I feel pressured to try and hurry to finish and turn in all of my assignments on time. Most of my assignments are due at the same time, and a lot of them are time- consuming.

Though, for the most part it’s difficult to adapt to since I’ve had my education in person with my teachers and classmates, I like how I can do the assignments on my own time. I could divide the day and time I complete my work, I can sleep in a little longer, and overall just be comfortable while in my own home. I feel that online learning is nothing compared to physical learning. With physical learning, I can talk to my teachers one on one and visually see and interact with everything. Whereas online, when I have a question, I either have to email or text my teachers, and sometimes they don’t see my message and/or take forever to respond.

In the future, I honestly would not mind doing online learning. Just for a little bit though, because it’s not that bad, it’s just the fact that I can’t physically talk to my teachers in person when I need help or have questions. Communicating with teachers online is what I feel is the most difficult part about online learning.

online education english essay

“My online experience has been interesting”

Brenda Hernandez is a junior at Luther Burbank High School:

As a student, my online experience has been interesting. What I like about this experience is that I have more time to talk to my family and call or text some friends. I get to do school work from home and I have time for self-care. I like that I kind of get to choose which classes I should work on first and which I could wait to do after.

What I don’t like about it is that I am on a screen all day. I like electronics, but school has kept me from staring at a screen for hours. I also don’t like that I have more distractions at home. I live in a small apartment with five other people and four dogs.

This experience is different from being in a physical classroom because I socialize less now. In school, I get to hear the opinions and ideas of my friends and classmates. Some of my teachers would tell us to talk to the people around us about the lesson. Now, not everyone’s online at the same time. I have anxiety, which prevents me from texting some friends and some of my classmates. And if I did, they’d take a while to respond. Same with communicating with teachers.

In the future, if I could choose, I’d like to do a bit of online learning and the rest in an actual classroom. Although it depends on the class. I have noticed that some of the classes I’ve been able to complete at home since there isn’t anyone asking questions or reading the directions to stall me from beginning my work. In other classes, it has been more difficult since I’m more of a visual learner for that subject, and my teachers keep me on task.

online education english essay

“My online learning experience hasn’t been the best but not worst experience”

Laitak Briand is a junior at Luther Burbank High School:

Being an engaging student during quarantine has been difficult. There have been a lot things that happened during the first weeks since school was canceled. Stores began to close down, parks being shut down, and people told to stay in the house 24-7 unless they needed their necessities.

What I liked about it, though, is that I have more time to do things that I said I wanted to do if I only had time. Now I have time to do things like spend time with family and resting. What I don’t like about online learning is that I have to still do homework even though we are in a pandemic and can’t leave the house.

The experience from doing online learning and going to school physically are vastly different. With online classes, if you need help you have to ask your parents or google. But when you go to school, there is a teacher that can help you. Also, my friends I can’t physically see them when I’m at home, but if I went to school, I could. In the future, if I had to choose to continue online learning or not, I’d choose not because I like to be somewhere I can ask someone near me for help and see if I did something right or wrong. In conclusion, my online learning experience hasn’t been the best but not worst experience I have ever had.

"Now I have time to do things like spend time with family and resting."

“There is nothing that I liked about it besides how supportive the teachers have been”

Na Lee Her is a junior at Luther Burbank High School:

My experience with online learning is very stressful and hard. I felt this way because of how hard it is for me to understand the assignments and having to not be able to check with your teacher face to face if you are doing it correctly or not. It doesn’t make me confident because I want to make sure that I am actually doing the assignment correctly in order to deserve the credit for it.

Not only that, but having time to do the assignments is another problem. At home, there are many things to take care of, and it makes it hard for me to be able to do my assignments. This makes me turn in the assignment late or not turn it in at all. Last but not least, it is the lack of motivation that makes online learning hard. Not being able to be face to face with friends and teachers gives me no motivation and makes me unhappy about this. I am unable to get ideas from them, and it makes me lose hope because I don’t know what I will do to be able to complete the assignment and meet its requirement. It just makes me very worried and anxious to know that I may have done things wrong or to not know what to do.

During this time of online learning, there is nothing that I liked about it besides how supportive the teachers have been. If I were to choose online learning or learning face to face, I would rather choose learning face to face. I choose this because it is much easier and I get my questions answered right away. Not only that, but I can also get suggestions/ideas from my peers as well.

"My experience with online learning is very stressful and hard."

Thanks to Lee, Evelynn, Diana, Isabella, Brenda, Laitak, and Na Lee for their contributions!

(This is the final post in a multipart series. You can see Part One here , Part Two here , and Part Three here .)

Here is the new question-of-the-week:

What has your online learning experience been as a student? What did you like about it? What didn’t you like about it? How does it compare with your experience as a student in a physical classroom? In the future, if you could choose, would you want to do more online learning? If so, why? If not, why not?

In Part One , five students from the high school where I teach in Sacramento, Calif., shared their reflections.

In Part Two , contributions come from students in Austin Green’s 1st grade class in Utah and others connected with the Kansas State School for the Blind.

In Part Three , contributors came from my class; Ryan Jakacki’s class in Plymouth, Minn.; and Anne Magnin’s class in France.

Consider contributing a question to be answered in a future post. You can send one to me at [email protected] . When you send it in, let me know if I can use your real name if it’s selected or if you’d prefer remaining anonymous and have a pseudonym in mind.

You can also contact me on Twitter at @Larryferlazzo .

Education Week has published a collection of posts from this blog, along with new material, in an e-book form. It’s titled Classroom Management Q&As: Expert Strategies for Teaching .

If you missed any of the highlights from the first eight years of this blog, you can see a categorized list below. The list doesn’t include ones from this current year.

This Year’s Most Popular Q&A Posts

Race & Gender Challenges

Classroom-Management Advice

Best Ways to Begin the School Year

Best Ways to End the School Year

Implementing the Common Core

Student Motivation & Social-Emotional Learning

Teaching Social Studies

Cooperative & Collaborative Learning

Using Tech in the Classroom

Parent Engagement in Schools

Teaching English-Language Learners

Reading Instruction

Writing Instruction

Education Policy Issues

Differentiating Instruction

Math Instruction

Science Instruction

Advice for New Teachers

Author Interviews

Entering the Teaching Profession

The Inclusive Classroom

Learning & the Brain

Administrator Leadership

Teacher Leadership

Relationships in Schools

Professional Development

Instructional Strategies

Best of Classroom Q&A

Professional Collaboration

Classroom Organization

Mistakes in Education

Project-Based Learning

I am also creating a Twitter list including all contributors to this column .

The opinions expressed in Classroom Q&A With Larry Ferlazzo are strictly those of the author(s) and do not reflect the opinions or endorsement of Editorial Projects in Education, or any of its publications.

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Essay on Online Education

Here we have shared the Essay on Online Education in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Online Education in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Online Education in 150-250 words

Essay on online education in 300-450 words, essay on online education in 500-1000 words.

Online education has emerged as a transformative force in the field of education, especially in recent times. With advancements in technology and internet accessibility, online education offers a flexible and accessible platform for learning. It allows students to access educational resources, participate in virtual classrooms, and interact with teachers and peers from anywhere in the world.

One of the significant advantages of online education is its flexibility. Students can access learning materials and lectures at their convenience, allowing them to balance their studies with other commitments. Online education also provides opportunities for self-paced learning, allowing students to progress at their own speed.

Additionally, online education expands access to quality education, particularly for those in remote areas or with physical limitations. It breaks down geographical barriers, enabling students to learn from renowned institutions and experts worldwide.

Moreover, online education encourages interactive and collaborative learning. Virtual classrooms and discussion forums promote engagement and exchange of ideas, fostering a dynamic learning environment.

However, it is important to acknowledge that online education also poses challenges. Lack of reliable internet connectivity, the need for self-discipline and motivation, and limited opportunities for hands-on learning are some of the potential drawbacks.

In conclusion, online education has revolutionized the education landscape, offering flexibility, accessibility, and collaborative learning opportunities. While it comes with challenges, online education has the potential to transform the way we learn and broaden access to quality education.

Title: Online Education: Revolutionizing the Learning Landscape

Introduction :

Online education has emerged as a transformative force in the field of education. With advancements in technology and internet accessibility, online learning platforms have revolutionized the way people acquire knowledge and skills. This essay discusses the advantages, challenges, and impact of online education on the learning landscape.

Advantages of Online Education

Online education offers numerous advantages. Firstly, it provides flexibility and convenience. Students can access learning materials and participate in virtual classes at their own pace and schedule. This flexibility allows learners to balance their studies with other commitments, such as work or personal responsibilities. Secondly, online education breaks down geographical barriers, enabling students to access quality education regardless of their location. It offers a wide range of courses and programs from reputed institutions and experts worldwide. Lastly, online education fosters interactive and collaborative learning through discussion forums, virtual classrooms, and online group projects, promoting engagement and knowledge exchange.

Challenges of Online Education

Online education also presents certain challenges. Limited access to reliable internet connectivity can hinder the learning experience, particularly in remote areas or developing regions. Additionally, online learning requires self-discipline, time management skills, and intrinsic motivation to stay focused and complete courses. The absence of face-to-face interactions and physical classrooms may reduce the opportunity for hands-on practical experiences, which are essential in certain fields of study. Furthermore, online education may not suit all learning styles, as some students may prefer traditional classroom settings or require personalized attention.

Impact of Online Education

Online education has had a significant impact on the learning landscape. It has expanded access to education, enabling individuals who may have faced barriers, such as geographical limitations or physical disabilities, to pursue their educational goals. Online learning has democratized education, providing opportunities for lifelong learning and professional development. It has also fostered a culture of continuous learning, allowing individuals to acquire new skills and adapt to the changing demands of the job market. Moreover, online education has prompted traditional educational institutions to incorporate technology and online platforms into their teaching methods, enhancing the overall quality of education.


Online education has revolutionized the way we learn, making education more accessible, flexible, and interactive. Despite challenges, it offers numerous advantages, such as flexibility, global access, and collaborative learning. As technology continues to advance, online education will play an increasingly pivotal role in shaping the future of learning and meeting the diverse educational needs of individuals worldwide.

Title: Online Education – Transforming the Learning Landscape

Online education has emerged as a transformative force in the field of education, revolutionizing the way people learn and acquire knowledge. With advancements in technology and internet connectivity, online learning platforms have gained popularity and have become an integral part of the educational landscape. This essay explores the advantages, challenges, and impact of online education on the learning experience, as well as its potential for the future of education.

Online education offers numerous advantages that contribute to its growing popularity. Firstly, it provides flexibility and convenience. Students can access learning materials and participate in virtual classes at their own pace and schedule. This flexibility allows learners to balance their studies with other commitments, such as work or personal responsibilities. Online education breaks down geographical barriers, enabling students to access quality education regardless of their location. It offers a wide range of courses and programs from reputed institutions and experts worldwide, expanding educational opportunities for students in remote areas or those who are unable to attend traditional classrooms. Secondly, online education promotes self-paced learning. Students can progress through the material at their own speed, reviewing concepts as needed and spending additional time on challenging topics. This individualized approach allows for personalized learning experiences, catering to the unique needs and abilities of each student.

Moreover, online education fosters interactive and collaborative learning. Virtual classrooms, discussion forums, and online group projects provide opportunities for engagement, knowledge exchange, and networking. Students can interact with peers and instructors from diverse backgrounds and cultures, enhancing their global perspective and communication skills.

While online education offers numerous advantages, it also presents certain challenges that need to be addressed. Firstly, access to reliable internet connectivity is crucial for effective online learning. However, in many regions, particularly in developing countries or rural areas, access to high-speed internet may be limited, hindering the learning experience for some students.

Secondly, online learning requires self-discipline, time management skills, and intrinsic motivation. Without the structure of a traditional classroom setting, students must take responsibility for their own learning, set goals, and stay organized to succeed in an online learning environment. The lack of face-to-face interactions and physical presence of instructors and classmates may also reduce social interaction and the sense of community that is often experienced in traditional classrooms.

Additionally, practical subjects that require hands-on experiences, such as laboratory work, performing arts, or certain vocational skills, may be challenging to replicate in an online setting. The absence of physical resources and equipment may limit the practical learning experiences necessary for some fields of study.

Moreover, online education may not suit all learning styles. Some students may thrive in traditional classroom settings with direct instructor guidance, while others may struggle with self-paced learning or the absence of real-time interaction.

Online education has had a significant impact on the learning landscape. It has expanded access to education, enabling individuals who may have faced barriers, such as geographical limitations, financial constraints, or physical disabilities, to pursue their educational goals. Online learning has democratized education, providing opportunities for lifelong learning, professional development, and skills enhancement. Learners from different backgrounds, ages, and locations can access quality education without the need for physical relocation or disruption to their personal and professional lives.

Moreover, online education has prompted traditional educational institutions to incorporate technology and online platforms into their teaching methods. This integration has led to the development of blended learning approaches, combining online and in-person instruction. The use of multimedia resources, interactive tools, and virtual simulations enhances the overall quality of education, making it more engaging and effective.

Online education has also fostered a culture of continuous learning. With rapidly evolving industries and advancements in knowledge, lifelong learning has become essential for personal and professional growth. Online courses, webinars, and educational platforms provide opportunities for individuals to acquire new skills, stay updated with industry trends, and adapt to the changing demands of the job market.

Furthermore, online education has the potential to address the issue of educational equity. It offers a level playing field for students, irrespective of their socioeconomic background or geographical location. Students from disadvantaged communities can access the same quality education as their counterparts from more privileged backgrounds, narrowing the educational gap and promoting social mobility.

Online education also promotes student-centered learning approaches. It empowers learners to take ownership of their education, encouraging critical thinking, problem-solving, and independent learning. The vast resources available online enable students to explore diverse perspectives, conduct research, and engage in self-directed learning experiences.

Conclusion :

Online education has transformed the learning landscape, offering numerous advantages and opportunities for learners around the world. It provides flexibility, accessibility, and personalized learning experiences. However, challenges such as internet connectivity, self-discipline, and limited hands-on experiences need to be addressed to ensure the effectiveness of online education. As technology continues to advance and educational institutions adapt to the changing needs of learners, online education will play an increasingly vital role in the future of education, making learning more accessible, inclusive, and impactful.

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Online Education Essay

Madhuri Thakur

Online Education

In the age of technology, online education has become increasingly popular for many individuals. It is an innovative way to acquire knowledge, skills, and credentials from the comfort of your own home. Online education provides students with the flexibility to learn from any location and at any time, making it an ideal choice for those who cannot attend traditional classes due to work or family obligations.

Synchronous online courses are typically offered on a specific schedule and students must log in to participate at a certain time. Asynchronous courses, on the other hand, are typically self-paced and students can participate at any time. Both forms of educational programs are readily available for remote access with a functional internet connection.

Online education essay explains that it offers numerous benefits for both students and educators. For students, it provides an opportunity to learn at their own pace and can help them save money on tuition, transportation, and housing expenses. It also allows students to engage in a more interactive learning process and to develop relationships with peers and instructors. In addition, online learning can help prepare students for the changing job market and can broaden their career prospects. For those interested in exploring online education further, platforms offer valuable resources and guidance, often with the added benefit of discounts through an  essaypro promo code .

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Online Education Essay 1

For educators, online education provides an opportunity to reach a wider audience and to offer courses to students who may not have the resources or flexibility to attend traditional classes. In addition, online education, like AI homework assistants , fosters students’ independence and self-confidence. By providing support and guidance throughout the learning process, students feel empowered to tackle challenges independently. 

Popularity and Access

Online education is one of the most popular forms of education in the modern world. It has been around for a while and has grown exponentially since its conception. Online education offers a wide variety of options for students of all ages, from high school to college, and even graduate and professional programs. With the advances in technology, online education has become easier to access, more affordable and more widely available.

Online education offers many advantages to students. One of the biggest advantages is the flexibility that online education offers students. It allows students to take classes from anywhere, at any time, making it easier to fit classes into their busy schedules. Additionally, the flexibility of online courses enables students to pursue their education at their convenience, enabling them to adjust the pace of their studies to align with their personal schedules and responsibilities. Online education also allows students to pursue courses in areas that may not be available at their local college or university. This can be especially beneficial to those who are looking to specialize in a certain area or to gain a more comprehensive understanding of a certain topic.

In addition to the flexibility that online education offers, it is also more affordable than traditional classroom instruction. Many online universities and colleges offer reduced tuition rates and scholarships to help cover the cost of tuition. Furthermore, there is generally no need to purchase textbooks or other educational materials, as most of the material is available online. Online education also eliminates the need to commute to and from a physical campus, which can help reduce both cost and time. Additionally, some students pay for college papers if they need assistance with coursework. It may even allow students to focus on other important aspects of their education and personal life.

Advantages of Online Education

  • Online education also provides a great deal of support for students. Online universities and colleges provide students with access to a wide range of resources, from tutors to online discussion forums and study help. Online instructors are more accessible than traditional classroom instructors because you can reach them through email or instant messaging.
  • Online education refers to any form of learning conducted over the internet. It can cover anything from a single course to a full degree program. Students can access course materials and interact with their peers and teachers from anywhere in the world, at any time of day. This makes it ideal for those with busy lives, as it allows them to fit their studies around their other commitments.
  • Online education also offers students the opportunity to learn at their own pace. Rather than having to stick to a rigid timetable, students can choose when and how often they access the course material. This allows those who are struggling to take their time and those who are more able to accelerate their learning.
  • Another key benefit of online education is the cost. Generally speaking, online courses are much cheaper than traditional courses, as they do not require physical premises or materials. This makes them ideal for those on a budget, as they are able to access a quality education without breaking the bank.
  • Online education also allows students to access a much wider range of courses than they would be able to in a traditional setting. With no geographical or time restrictions, students can access courses from all over the world, giving them access to the latest developments in their chosen field.

Drawbacks of Online Education

  • Of course, there are some drawbacks to online education. For one, the lack of physical interaction can make it difficult to form relationships with teachers and peers, which can make it harder to stay motivated. It can also be difficult to stay on track without the structure of a classroom environment.
  • Nevertheless, online education is becoming an increasingly popular choice for students around the world. With its flexibility, affordability and potential for personal growth, it is easy to see why. As technology continues to advance, it is likely that online education will become even more popular, providing students with greater access to knowledge and skills than ever before.

Conclusion – Online Education Essay

Overall Online Education Essay explains that it can be a great way for students to pursue their educational goals. It offers a great deal of flexibility and affordability, and it can be a great way to gain a comprehensive understanding of a certain topic or field. However, it is important to be aware of the drawbacks that can come with online education, such as the lack of face-to-face interaction and the need for self-discipline.


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Essay on Online Education

Essay on Online Education

Education does not only mean going to schools and seeking knowledge from books. It is beyond every limit. Education means gaining knowledge beyond books. We are living in an era where we need not go anywhere to learn something. Yes! We can educate ourselves and our children just by sitting at home. This can be achieved through online education. Online education made education reachable to all needy students who are not able to enroll in regional classes.

Short and Long Essay on Online Education in English

Find here 10 lines essay, short essay and long essay on online education in English for students of all classes:

10 Lines Essay on Online Education (100 – 120 Words)

1) The process to acquire education using the internet is known as online education.

2) Internet is the bone of Online Education.

3) The concept of online education existed years back.

4) It saves vulnerable time and money of students.

5) It offers a variety of courses to the students at their homes.

6) It helped to balance both education and safety during the pandemic.

7) However, it can be proved harmful for the health of students.

8) It is difficult to study online in places with bad network connectivity.

9) There are many online platforms available like Coursera, Udemy, Byjus, etc.

10) Features of online education like texts, videos, and animations help students in better understanding.

Short Essay on Online Education (200 – 250 Words)

Today technology has taken every field under its impact and so is the education system. Online education is the modern form of getting education with the help of the internet. It is an exciting and effective way of learning by making use of your mobile phones, laptops, or tablets. It offers lots of advantages as well as disadvantages to both the teachers and students. Online education is a flexible way of learning from anywhere.

Another beneficiary feature is, not time-bound. Unlike the traditional schooling system, you need not sit from morning to noon. You can study using the internet day or night according to your choice. Not only does it offer flexibility from time and place but also there is no age limit to learn online. Through online education, you can learn lessons and skills of your choice. There are several institutions that provide online courses and their degrees. Thus, it is a more convenient way of educating yourself without physically going to the schools or colleges. It also saves your transportation and other additional charges.

However, online education does not work well for people who live in an area with poor internet connectivity. The internet is the backbone of online education. Spending more time in front of screens could have a harmful impact on your health. It is only a good option for people who can generate self-discipline.

Essay on Online education

Long Essay on Online Education (1000 Words)


Online education refers to the process of education via the internet. Therefore, students can seek knowledge and skills without going anywhere physically. The emergence of new technologies like the internet made it possible for students to attain knowledge from any corner of the Earth. However, there is no time-bound. The online education system is available 24*7 for all the students.

Online education is the modern form of learning which is very different from the traditional way of seeking knowledge. The teacher or mentor uses various means like texts, audios, videos, animations, etc for a better understanding of the students.

History/ Past of Online Education

Online education is not a new concept, it has its roots on the Earth years back. However, the merging of new technologies with this concept would be new.

The first instance of Online Education came from the University of Illinois, the USA in 1960. After that, the internet came into existence and students start using it for studies. In 1984, the University of Toronto registered itself as the first university to offer complete online courses.

 In 1994, the first fully only online curriculum was introduced by the CAL Campus. Gradually the system of online education begins to grow in the world.

During the times of the Covid Pandemic, online education became the center of the education system. And we can say that there is no turning point because more and more students are opting for online courses instead of traditional methods of learning.

How Effective Online Education Is?

Online education can be proved beneficial in many ways. Some of the major advantages of online education are as follows:

  • Saves Time and Money: The process of gaining an education online saves lots of time and money for students. It saves the transportation charge and traveling time.
  • Available to All: Online education is available to all. Students belonging to any place or any age group can study online. This is one of the major advantages for students who are physically impaired. They need not go anywhere physically instead they can get an education from their comfortable place.
  • No Time Bound: Online education offers great flexibility to the students. Students can seek knowledge anytime. There is no time-bound like that of the traditional method of learning.
  • Freedom of Choice: A large variety of courses are available online. Apart from course knowledge, students can learn things like personality development and other activities which are generally difficult to learn offline.
  • Apart from the advantages the online education also has some disadvantages. Some of them are listed below:
  • Dependency: Online education system is good for students who can study on their own. Students such as kids cannot study online properly without anyone’s help. This type of study requires self-concentration.
  • Lack of Resources: Devices such as computers or mobiles along with good internet connectivity are required for online education. People without computers or areas with network issues cannot study online.
  • Detachment from Society: Sitting for a long time in front of the screen may be injurious to health. It also affects the physical development of the students. Not going to school will detach them from their friends and society.

Online Education Vs Offline Education

The online or modern education system is different from the offline or traditional education system in many ways.

  • Time Management: The schedule of offline education is fixed whereas online education provides you ease to choose time according to your requirement.
  • Cost-Effective: Online education is way cheaper than that offline education. The traditional education system is surrounded by many expenses like transportation charges. Students need proper uniforms and various other things associated with them.
  • Experience: Studying online is a new experience for students but it can isolate them from their surroundings. Going to school physically helps in the physical as well as mental development of children. They enjoy the company of their teachers and friends.
  • Choice: In online education, students are free to choose their topic according to their will. They can also watch it several times for better understanding. In offline education, students do not get any option.
  • Knowledge Beyond Books: In offline education students meet physically. They develop other etiquettes like discipline, good behavior, and other related skills. These skills are not generated during offline education.

Online Education During Covid Pandemic

The term online education becomes very popular during the times of the Covid pandemic. The advantages offered by online education helped it to win the heart of students and their parents during this critical time.

The rise in the spread of the Coronavirus had led to the shutdown of all the schools and universities. This affected the studies of the students. During this time, online education serves as a vaccine in the field of education.

The revolution in the field of education was proved fruitful for all the students. Many schools scheduled online classes for kids. The trend of online schooling was adopted by many schools to engage the children with studies rather than wasting time.

Online education was proved helpful for both teachers and students to carry out their job without affecting their safety.

Online Education Platforms

There are various online learning platforms and applications which can be useful for both teachers and students. Some are available free of cost whereas some can charge money. Various courses are offered online. Students can learn from different experts and professionals. Some famous education platforms that are available online are as follows:

  • EdApp: It is an award-winning education platform that offers software that can work well with mobile phones. It offers various ready-to-learn courses for the users.
  • Google Classroom: The Google Classroom is another platform that can be a good choice for school and college students. It provides some additional functionalities which include google docs, calculation sheets, etc.
  • Udemy: Udemy is another very popular online learning platform that provides various tools for the content creator. It offers a wide variety of about 150,000 courses. However, the subscription charge of Udemy is quite small as compared to other platforms.
  • Coursera: The Coursera learning platform offers various certification courses. Students can learn university-level courses from experts of different universities. The courses are available in many languages like English, Spanish, German, Arabic, French, etc.
  • Masterclass: Masterclass is another famous platform that is different from other learning platforms. It offers various courses in different fields. One can learn acting, singing, cooking, writing, etc from the world’s best professionals.

Online education provides the user virtual experience of studying. However, online education is more preferred for higher educations. Many students apply for online courses whereas many opt for offline classes.

Today, on noticing the role played by online education it is very clear that the future of the education system will surely be driven by the online system. But the complete transformation of the traditional systems into online systems will lead to many problems.

Therefore, adopting the advantages of both systems will be fruitful for the students.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions on Online Education

Ans. Online learning follows a school learning format and provides students more campus-like feel. Students have a formal or informal interactions with the teachers as well as their peers. But in distance learning, there is no interaction with teachers or classmates.

Ans. The City Montessori School, Lucknow also holds Guinness World Record for holding about 56,000 students and 4,500 staff, considered the world’s largest school.

Ans. B.R. Ambedkar Open University, Hyderabad is considered the first open university in India.

Ans. The Indira Gandhi National Open University (IGNOU) is considered the world’s largest university with about 3.5 million students enrollment.

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Essay on online education

Essay on online education (Pros & Cons)

Essay on online education: Online education has exploded in popularity, with over 20 million students taking at least one online course. Since its inception, many have questioned whether or not online learning is the future of education.

What is online education?

Online learning is on the rise. One of the main reasons for this is that it offers some pretty major benefits to students, including convenience and cost-effectiveness.

Online learning also offers some major advantages for parents who are looking for an alternative to public school education. Keep on reading to learn more about the benefits of online learning and how it might be right for you!

Online education compared to traditional schools

Online classes are a great option for students who want to earn a certificate or two-year degree, but are unable to attend traditional classes due to financial constraints, work schedules, or travel.

Online learning is often believed to be more efficient than traditional classrooms.

Who’s online education for?

The reasons why some people are interested in taking online courses are numerous. Some are looking to make extra money, have the freedom to schedule their days around their work and family commitments or want to earn more experience in a field they’re already familiar with.

If you are looking for freedom of schedule, time, and in some cases even money, online education is for you.

Will online education replace traditional schools?

Although many argue that the future of education is online, there are some things to consider before making the leap to an online education program.

If you are interested in making money, you may need a different kind of course. As students learn new skills and expand their knowledge, they develop new interests that they can pursue after the course is over.

The Pros of Online Education

It’s no surprise that millions of students utilize this convenient method of learning. For traditional classes, it can often cost hundreds of dollars per course to pay for all of the required materials for the course.

The Cons of Online Education

Because online education can be a little more challenging, students can experience online courses that include a lot of information but are difficult to digest.

Moreover, there is less human interaction with professors and peers.

This dynamic opens up opportunities for anyone to reach more people and build their network. However, many question the efficacy of online learning because online courses don’t offer in-person instruction and students are missing out on social interaction, which helps them develop the ability to network and collaborate with others.

While the capabilities of online learning aren’t completely understood, it’s clear that online courses can produce a number of benefits when compared to traditional classroom-based methods.

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Online Education Esaay in English

In the modern era of getting an education, Online Education has become a new trend of providing education to students through technology and internet services. Online education is one of the most popular and fast-growing trends in the world of education across the globe. This mode of education can only be done with the help of electronic gadgets and internet connections. According to some of the scientists, it is believed that getting online education suits the modern world and the digital era of advanced technologies. Many of the higher educational institutions prefer online education.

Online education is also called E-Learning which denotes Easy learning from this, students can easily attend the class and study from home or from other places, which is very convenient to them. They can easily get online study materials in various formats such as images, notes, audio, videos, or texts. Though this is a smart learning thing, it also has many advantages and drawbacks as well. 

Online education is for those who cannot go to school because of some physical injuries or who can not visit schools and grab traditional education from there. Research says that more than 6 million students are getting their education with the help of online educational courses. It becomes more standard and convenient for many, which gives the flexibility to join. Many companies also take their meetings online with their colleagues and clients to discuss or to deal. Online education for school students gives them reliability and enables educators to communicate with those students who are unable to enroll in the traditional education process and wish to study with their own schedules. Many of the schools, colleges, and educational institutes provide degrees and proper online education to students. Such educational forms are growing in number. 

Online education reduces the students’ and teachers’ efforts as well. There is no need to come to the schools or colleges from home by traveling a long distance. The people who are working somewhere can also continue their studies from the same place without any problems along with work. Whether being full-time or part-time students, we can experience complete education without any loss of classes with manageable schedules. Online education only requires tuition and other essential expenses fees only; rather than traditional education, tuition fees, gym, library, swimming pool, transportation, canteen, textbooks, academics, and other kinds of fees make this education very expensive. 

Using computers too much makes students affected by plagiarism. It can also affect the students’ visual abilities while sitting in front of the computers, laptops all day. The smart way of education detaches you from your classmates, making memories with them and won’t let you communicate with each other, which weakens the bond between you all. It seems very easy to cheat during online exams that have adverse effects on your learning. Online education is difficult for poor people or below-average people as they don’t have laptops or smartphones or better internet connections. According to the latest surveys on online education, online education affects students physically and mentally on students. Many students are not taking online education seriously because they get the opportunity to cheat during exams which somehow ruins the life of students. Apart from these problems, students can get quality education from the best universities and best teachers in the world with the help of online education. 

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College Essays


If you grow up to be a professional writer, everything you write will first go through an editor before being published. This is because the process of writing is really a process of re-writing —of rethinking and reexamining your work, usually with the help of someone else. So what does this mean for your student writing? And in particular, what does it mean for very important, but nonprofessional writing like your college essay? Should you ask your parents to look at your essay? Pay for an essay service?

If you are wondering what kind of help you can, and should, get with your personal statement, you've come to the right place! In this article, I'll talk about what kind of writing help is useful, ethical, and even expected for your college admission essay . I'll also point out who would make a good editor, what the differences between editing and proofreading are, what to expect from a good editor, and how to spot and stay away from a bad one.

Table of Contents

What Kind of Help for Your Essay Can You Get?

What's Good Editing?

What should an editor do for you, what kind of editing should you avoid, proofreading, what's good proofreading, what kind of proofreading should you avoid.

What Do Colleges Think Of You Getting Help With Your Essay?

Who Can/Should Help You?

Advice for editors.

Should You Pay Money For Essay Editing?

The Bottom Line

What's next, what kind of help with your essay can you get.

Rather than talking in general terms about "help," let's first clarify the two different ways that someone else can improve your writing . There is editing, which is the more intensive kind of assistance that you can use throughout the whole process. And then there's proofreading, which is the last step of really polishing your final product.

Let me go into some more detail about editing and proofreading, and then explain how good editors and proofreaders can help you."

Editing is helping the author (in this case, you) go from a rough draft to a finished work . Editing is the process of asking questions about what you're saying, how you're saying it, and how you're organizing your ideas. But not all editing is good editing . In fact, it's very easy for an editor to cross the line from supportive to overbearing and over-involved.

Ability to clarify assignments. A good editor is usually a good writer, and certainly has to be a good reader. For example, in this case, a good editor should make sure you understand the actual essay prompt you're supposed to be answering.

Open-endedness. Good editing is all about asking questions about your ideas and work, but without providing answers. It's about letting you stick to your story and message, and doesn't alter your point of view.


Think of an editor as a great travel guide. It can show you the many different places your trip could take you. It should explain any parts of the trip that could derail your trip or confuse the traveler. But it never dictates your path, never forces you to go somewhere you don't want to go, and never ignores your interests so that the trip no longer seems like it's your own. So what should good editors do?

Help Brainstorm Topics

Sometimes it's easier to bounce thoughts off of someone else. This doesn't mean that your editor gets to come up with ideas, but they can certainly respond to the various topic options you've come up with. This way, you're less likely to write about the most boring of your ideas, or to write about something that isn't actually important to you.

If you're wondering how to come up with options for your editor to consider, check out our guide to brainstorming topics for your college essay .

Help Revise Your Drafts

Here, your editor can't upset the delicate balance of not intervening too much or too little. It's tricky, but a great way to think about it is to remember: editing is about asking questions, not giving answers .

Revision questions should point out:

  • Places where more detail or more description would help the reader connect with your essay
  • Places where structure and logic don't flow, losing the reader's attention
  • Places where there aren't transitions between paragraphs, confusing the reader
  • Moments where your narrative or the arguments you're making are unclear

But pointing to potential problems is not the same as actually rewriting—editors let authors fix the problems themselves.

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Bad editing is usually very heavy-handed editing. Instead of helping you find your best voice and ideas, a bad editor changes your writing into their own vision.

You may be dealing with a bad editor if they:

  • Add material (examples, descriptions) that doesn't come from you
  • Use a thesaurus to make your college essay sound "more mature"
  • Add meaning or insight to the essay that doesn't come from you
  • Tell you what to say and how to say it
  • Write sentences, phrases, and paragraphs for you
  • Change your voice in the essay so it no longer sounds like it was written by a teenager

Colleges can tell the difference between a 17-year-old's writing and a 50-year-old's writing. Not only that, they have access to your SAT or ACT Writing section, so they can compare your essay to something else you wrote. Writing that's a little more polished is great and expected. But a totally different voice and style will raise questions.

Where's the Line Between Helpful Editing and Unethical Over-Editing?

Sometimes it's hard to tell whether your college essay editor is doing the right thing. Here are some guidelines for staying on the ethical side of the line.

  • An editor should say that the opening paragraph is kind of boring, and explain what exactly is making it drag. But it's overstepping for an editor to tell you exactly how to change it.
  • An editor should point out where your prose is unclear or vague. But it's completely inappropriate for the editor to rewrite that section of your essay.
  • An editor should let you know that a section is light on detail or description. But giving you similes and metaphors to beef up that description is a no-go.


Proofreading (also called copy-editing) is checking for errors in the last draft of a written work. It happens at the end of the process and is meant as the final polishing touch. Proofreading is meticulous and detail-oriented, focusing on small corrections. It sands off all the surface rough spots that could alienate the reader.

Because proofreading is usually concerned with making fixes on the word or sentence level, this is the only process where someone else can actually add to or take away things from your essay . This is because what they are adding or taking away tends to be one or two misplaced letters.

Laser focus. Proofreading is all about the tiny details, so the ability to really concentrate on finding small slip-ups is a must.

Excellent grammar and spelling skills. Proofreaders need to dot every "i" and cross every "t." Good proofreaders should correct spelling, punctuation, capitalization, and grammar. They should put foreign words in italics and surround quotations with quotation marks. They should check that you used the correct college's name, and that you adhered to any formatting requirements (name and date at the top of the page, uniform font and size, uniform spacing).

Limited interference. A proofreader needs to make sure that you followed any word limits. But if cuts need to be made to shorten the essay, that's your job and not the proofreader's.


A bad proofreader either tries to turn into an editor, or just lacks the skills and knowledge necessary to do the job.

Some signs that you're working with a bad proofreader are:

  • If they suggest making major changes to the final draft of your essay. Proofreading happens when editing is already finished.
  • If they aren't particularly good at spelling, or don't know grammar, or aren't detail-oriented enough to find someone else's small mistakes.
  • If they start swapping out your words for fancier-sounding synonyms, or changing the voice and sound of your essay in other ways. A proofreader is there to check for errors, not to take the 17-year-old out of your writing.


What Do Colleges Think of Your Getting Help With Your Essay?

Admissions officers agree: light editing and proofreading are good—even required ! But they also want to make sure you're the one doing the work on your essay. They want essays with stories, voice, and themes that come from you. They want to see work that reflects your actual writing ability, and that focuses on what you find important.

On the Importance of Editing

Get feedback. Have a fresh pair of eyes give you some feedback. Don't allow someone else to rewrite your essay, but do take advantage of others' edits and opinions when they seem helpful. ( Bates College )

Read your essay aloud to someone. Reading the essay out loud offers a chance to hear how your essay sounds outside your head. This exercise reveals flaws in the essay's flow, highlights grammatical errors and helps you ensure that you are communicating the exact message you intended. ( Dickinson College )

On the Value of Proofreading

Share your essays with at least one or two people who know you well—such as a parent, teacher, counselor, or friend—and ask for feedback. Remember that you ultimately have control over your essays, and your essays should retain your own voice, but others may be able to catch mistakes that you missed and help suggest areas to cut if you are over the word limit. ( Yale University )

Proofread and then ask someone else to proofread for you. Although we want substance, we also want to be able to see that you can write a paper for our professors and avoid careless mistakes that would drive them crazy. ( Oberlin College )

On Watching Out for Too Much Outside Influence

Limit the number of people who review your essay. Too much input usually means your voice is lost in the writing style. ( Carleton College )

Ask for input (but not too much). Your parents, friends, guidance counselors, coaches, and teachers are great people to bounce ideas off of for your essay. They know how unique and spectacular you are, and they can help you decide how to articulate it. Keep in mind, however, that a 45-year-old lawyer writes quite differently from an 18-year-old student, so if your dad ends up writing the bulk of your essay, we're probably going to notice. ( Vanderbilt University )


Now let's talk about some potential people to approach for your college essay editing and proofreading needs. It's best to start close to home and slowly expand outward. Not only are your family and friends more invested in your success than strangers, but they also have a better handle on your interests and personality. This knowledge is key for judging whether your essay is expressing your true self.

Parents or Close Relatives

Your family may be full of potentially excellent editors! Parents are deeply committed to your well-being, and family members know you and your life well enough to offer details or incidents that can be included in your essay. On the other hand, the rewriting process necessarily involves criticism, which is sometimes hard to hear from someone very close to you.

A parent or close family member is a great choice for an editor if you can answer "yes" to the following questions. Is your parent or close relative a good writer or reader? Do you have a relationship where editing your essay won't create conflict? Are you able to constructively listen to criticism and suggestion from the parent?

One suggestion for defusing face-to-face discussions is to try working on the essay over email. Send your parent a draft, have them write you back some comments, and then you can pick which of their suggestions you want to use and which to discard.

Teachers or Tutors

A humanities teacher that you have a good relationship with is a great choice. I am purposefully saying humanities, and not just English, because teachers of Philosophy, History, Anthropology, and any other classes where you do a lot of writing, are all used to reviewing student work.

Moreover, any teacher or tutor that has been working with you for some time, knows you very well and can vet the essay to make sure it "sounds like you."

If your teacher or tutor has some experience with what college essays are supposed to be like, ask them to be your editor. If not, then ask whether they have time to proofread your final draft.

Guidance or College Counselor at Your School

The best thing about asking your counselor to edit your work is that this is their job. This means that they have a very good sense of what colleges are looking for in an application essay.

At the same time, school counselors tend to have relationships with admissions officers in many colleges, which again gives them insight into what works and which college is focused on what aspect of the application.

Unfortunately, in many schools the guidance counselor tends to be way overextended. If your ratio is 300 students to 1 college counselor, you're unlikely to get that person's undivided attention and focus. It is still useful to ask them for general advice about your potential topics, but don't expect them to be able to stay with your essay from first draft to final version.

Friends, Siblings, or Classmates

Although they most likely don't have much experience with what colleges are hoping to see, your peers are excellent sources for checking that your essay is you .

Friends and siblings are perfect for the read-aloud edit. Read your essay to them so they can listen for words and phrases that are stilted, pompous, or phrases that just don't sound like you.

You can even trade essays and give helpful advice on each other's work.


If your editor hasn't worked with college admissions essays very much, no worries! Any astute and attentive reader can still greatly help with your process. But, as in all things, beginners do better with some preparation.

First, your editor should read our advice about how to write a college essay introduction , how to spot and fix a bad college essay , and get a sense of what other students have written by going through some admissions essays that worked .

Then, as they read your essay, they can work through the following series of questions that will help them to guide you.

Introduction Questions

  • Is the first sentence a killer opening line? Why or why not?
  • Does the introduction hook the reader? Does it have a colorful, detailed, and interesting narrative? Or does it propose a compelling or surprising idea?
  • Can you feel the author's voice in the introduction, or is the tone dry, dull, or overly formal? Show the places where the voice comes through.

Essay Body Questions

  • Does the essay have a through-line? Is it built around a central argument, thought, idea, or focus? Can you put this idea into your own words?
  • How is the essay organized? By logical progression? Chronologically? Do you feel order when you read it, or are there moments where you are confused or lose the thread of the essay?
  • Does the essay have both narratives about the author's life and explanations and insight into what these stories reveal about the author's character, personality, goals, or dreams? If not, which is missing?
  • Does the essay flow? Are there smooth transitions/clever links between paragraphs? Between the narrative and moments of insight?

Reader Response Questions

  • Does the writer's personality come through? Do we know what the speaker cares about? Do we get a sense of "who he or she is"?
  • Where did you feel most connected to the essay? Which parts of the essay gave you a "you are there" sensation by invoking your senses? What moments could you picture in your head well?
  • Where are the details and examples vague and not specific enough?
  • Did you get an "a-ha!" feeling anywhere in the essay? Is there a moment of insight that connected all the dots for you? Is there a good reveal or "twist" anywhere in the essay?
  • What are the strengths of this essay? What needs the most improvement?


Should You Pay Money for Essay Editing?

One alternative to asking someone you know to help you with your college essay is the paid editor route. There are two different ways to pay for essay help: a private essay coach or a less personal editing service , like the many proliferating on the internet.

My advice is to think of these options as a last resort rather than your go-to first choice. I'll first go through the reasons why. Then, if you do decide to go with a paid editor, I'll help you decide between a coach and a service.

When to Consider a Paid Editor

In general, I think hiring someone to work on your essay makes a lot of sense if none of the people I discussed above are a possibility for you.

If you can't ask your parents. For example, if your parents aren't good writers, or if English isn't their first language. Or if you think getting your parents to help is going create unnecessary extra conflict in your relationship with them (applying to college is stressful as it is!)

If you can't ask your teacher or tutor. Maybe you don't have a trusted teacher or tutor that has time to look over your essay with focus. Or, for instance, your favorite humanities teacher has very limited experience with college essays and so won't know what admissions officers want to see.

If you can't ask your guidance counselor. This could be because your guidance counselor is way overwhelmed with other students.

If you can't share your essay with those who know you. It might be that your essay is on a very personal topic that you're unwilling to share with parents, teachers, or peers. Just make sure it doesn't fall into one of the bad-idea topics in our article on bad college essays .

If the cost isn't a consideration. Many of these services are quite expensive, and private coaches even more so. If you have finite resources, I'd say that hiring an SAT or ACT tutor (whether it's PrepScholar or someone else) is better way to spend your money . This is because there's no guarantee that a slightly better essay will sufficiently elevate the rest of your application, but a significantly higher SAT score will definitely raise your applicant profile much more.

Should You Hire an Essay Coach?

On the plus side, essay coaches have read dozens or even hundreds of college essays, so they have experience with the format. Also, because you'll be working closely with a specific person, it's more personal than sending your essay to a service, which will know even less about you.

But, on the minus side, you'll still be bouncing ideas off of someone who doesn't know that much about you . In general, if you can adequately get the help from someone you know, there is no advantage to paying someone to help you.

If you do decide to hire a coach, ask your school counselor, or older students that have used the service for recommendations. If you can't afford the coach's fees, ask whether they can work on a sliding scale —many do. And finally, beware those who guarantee admission to your school of choice—essay coaches don't have any special magic that can back up those promises.

Should You Send Your Essay to a Service?

On the plus side, essay editing services provide a similar product to essay coaches, and they cost significantly less . If you have some assurance that you'll be working with a good editor, the lack of face-to-face interaction won't prevent great results.

On the minus side, however, it can be difficult to gauge the quality of the service before working with them . If they are churning through many application essays without getting to know the students they are helping, you could end up with an over-edited essay that sounds just like everyone else's. In the worst case scenario, an unscrupulous service could send you back a plagiarized essay.

Getting recommendations from friends or a school counselor for reputable services is key to avoiding heavy-handed editing that writes essays for you or does too much to change your essay. Including a badly-edited essay like this in your application could cause problems if there are inconsistencies. For example, in interviews it might be clear you didn't write the essay, or the skill of the essay might not be reflected in your schoolwork and test scores.

Should You Buy an Essay Written by Someone Else?

Let me elaborate. There are super sketchy places on the internet where you can simply buy a pre-written essay. Don't do this!

For one thing, you'll be lying on an official, signed document. All college applications make you sign a statement saying something like this:

I certify that all information submitted in the admission process—including the application, the personal essay, any supplements, and any other supporting materials—is my own work, factually true, and honestly presented... I understand that I may be subject to a range of possible disciplinary actions, including admission revocation, expulsion, or revocation of course credit, grades, and degree, should the information I have certified be false. (From the Common Application )

For another thing, if your academic record doesn't match the essay's quality, the admissions officer will start thinking your whole application is riddled with lies.

Admission officers have full access to your writing portion of the SAT or ACT so that they can compare work that was done in proctored conditions with that done at home. They can tell if these were written by different people. Not only that, but there are now a number of search engines that faculty and admission officers can use to see if an essay contains strings of words that have appeared in other essays—you have no guarantee that the essay you bought wasn't also bought by 50 other students.


  • You should get college essay help with both editing and proofreading
  • A good editor will ask questions about your idea, logic, and structure, and will point out places where clarity is needed
  • A good editor will absolutely not answer these questions, give you their own ideas, or write the essay or parts of the essay for you
  • A good proofreader will find typos and check your formatting
  • All of them agree that getting light editing and proofreading is necessary
  • Parents, teachers, guidance or college counselor, and peers or siblings
  • If you can't ask any of those, you can pay for college essay help, but watch out for services or coaches who over-edit you work
  • Don't buy a pre-written essay! Colleges can tell, and it'll make your whole application sound false.

Ready to start working on your essay? Check out our explanation of the point of the personal essay and the role it plays on your applications and then explore our step-by-step guide to writing a great college essay .

Using the Common Application for your college applications? We have an excellent guide to the Common App essay prompts and useful advice on how to pick the Common App prompt that's right for you . Wondering how other people tackled these prompts? Then work through our roundup of over 130 real college essay examples published by colleges .

Stressed about whether to take the SAT again before submitting your application? Let us help you decide how many times to take this test . If you choose to go for it, we have the ultimate guide to studying for the SAT to give you the ins and outs of the best ways to study.

Want to improve your SAT score by 160 points or your ACT score by 4 points?   We've written a guide for each test about the top 5 strategies you must be using to have a shot at improving your score. Download them for free now:

Anna scored in the 99th percentile on her SATs in high school, and went on to major in English at Princeton and to get her doctorate in English Literature at Columbia. She is passionate about improving student access to higher education.

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How to Study English

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If you grew up in an Anglo-Saxon country (e.g. United States, United Kingdom, Canada, etc.), speaking English probably comes as naturally as breathing. However, for many native speakers, reading and writing in English isn’t so natural.

Learning how to communicate effectively in written English requires a lot of education and study.

Below we’ll introduce you to several strategies and skills that will help you improve (and enjoy) your study of the English language – both inside and outside of the classroom.

Read daily.

If you want to improve your ability to read, then read. Spend at least 20 minutes a day reading books, newspapers, online blogs, poems, etc. The greater the variety of reading you do, the better.

Regular reading will not only improve your ability to read, it will also improve your ability to write in English. In fact, there is no other activity that will improve your ability to read and write in English faster than reading a little each day.

You’ll be surprised how quickly your vocabulary grows, your reading fluency and comprehension improve, and how much better you’re able to write just by reading a little each day.

Avoid burnout.

Unless you’re a reading buff, studying English can be boring and tedious. Especially for those of us who already know how to speak English. How many kids do you hear talking about how much they enjoy their English class? Not many.

Among middle and high school age students, English is one of the least favorite academic subjects. When studying English, set clear study time limits. The key is to be consistent. A little study each day is far better than a lot at once.

Don’t attempt to read an entire novel overnight. Don’t try to learn all the English grammar rules in a week. Take it slow and easy. Read a little each day. Learn a little more each day. Doing too much at once just leads to burnout.

Don’t cram.

A study produced by the University of California Los Angeles suggested that for 9 out of 10 students spacing out learning is far more effective than cramming. Cramming rarely works. And when it does, it’s short lived.

At best cramming leads to short-term rote memorization gains but rarely leads to meaningful learning and understanding. In most cases, the disadvantages of cramming outweigh the advantages.

Cramming is especially problematic when it causes a student to sacrifice sleep. Students who sacrifice sleep in order to study more than usual are likely to perform worse academically, not better, the following day.

Get extra help.

If you want to improve your writing and mastery of English, then ask for help from your teacher or get an English tutor. English, especially written English, is one of those subjects that is difficult to “figure out” on your own.

Learning how to write correctly is far easier, and more productive, when you’re able to learn from those who’ve mastered this skill.

Take good notes.

Note taking is an important strategy for success in any academic subject, but it is particularly important when learning to read and write English. Note taking is essential to the study of English for several reasons.

First, note taking forces you to write things down. As you write down important concepts, rules and ideas they move from your short-term to your long-term memory.

Second, good note taking requires active listening which forces you to pay close attention to what is being taught and what’s meaningful.

Finally, you can use your notes to review and prepare for English exams.

The following are tips for taking good notes.

  • Make sure your notes are clear and accurate.
  • Focus your notes on what the teacher indicates is important.
  • Come to class prepared and having completed all assignments.
  • Compare your notes with those of other students.
  • Try to avoid distractions (talking with friends, sitting where there is noise, etc.)
  • Make sure your notes are organized (see the The Cornell System for Taking Notes )
  • Use abbreviations and symbols for long words to save time.
  • Write legibly so your notes are useful to you later.
  • Review your notes immediately after class and then again before your next class.
  • Write down any questions you have.

For more information on taking notes read Improving Your Note Taking .

Pay attention in class.

Regardless of whether you’re in high school or attending college, go to class and pay attention. Paying attention in class seems like a no brainer, but it’s a big reason students struggle in English.

Not only do you need to learn English, you need to learn what it is that your teacher or instructor finds important. There is a science to English reading and writing, but the subject is also a bit objective at times.

If you want to perform well in your class, you need to learn what it is that your instructor is looking for. The best way to do this is by attending class and paying attention.

Take advantage of online study guides.

There are a variety of online study guides designed to help students with English reading, writing and literature. Some of these include Cliff notes, Sparknotes, and Jiffynotes, to name just a few.

These guides are chock-full of notes and information on English literature. They provide summaries, interpretations, essay tips, helpful hints, video tutorials and Old-to-Modern-English translations.

Online study guides provide information that can help you better understand your textbooks, essay assignments and classroom lectures.

Form a study group.

Forming a study group is an effective strategy for improving your performance in your English class and earning a good grade. Forming a good study group will help you (1) improve your note taking, (2) learn from the knowledge and unique insights of other students, (3) develop a support system, (4) cover more material and (5) make learning English more fun.

The following are a few tips for forming an effective study group.

  • Keep your study group to between 4 and 6 people.
  • Select group members who are responsible and dedicated.
  • Find a study area for your group that is free from distractions.
  • Keep study sessions under 2 to 3 hours.
  • Plan to meet with your study group at the same time and place each week.

You can learn more about developing an effective study group by reading Using Study Groups .

Ask questions.

If there is one thing I learned from watching Big Bird on Sesame Street it is that, “Asking questions is a good way of finding things out!” This couldn’t be more true with respect to learning and studying English. If you have a question, ask your teacher or a fellow student.

Make sure you’ve come to class prepared and that you’re not asking questions you should already know the answer to from completing your textbook assignment, but when you don’t understand something, ask.

Even if your question seems stupid to you, never hesitate to ask. The only stupid question is that one not asked. If you feel uncomfortable asking your question during class, stay after and ask the teacher in private – but ask.

Prepare for exams in advance.

If you’ve kept up with your textbook readings, have attended class, taken good notes, and completed all assignments as they’ve been assigned, you should be ready to ace your English exam. Notwithstanding, we recommend that you start reviewing for your exam at least four weeks in advance.

Meet with your study group each week, review your notes and essays, and make sure to get a good night’s sleep the day before the exam. Again, avoid cramming at all costs. It will only stress you out and cause you to lose precious sleep time.

Other English study resources.

In addition to the strategies we’ve provided above, we recommend reviewing the tips and strategies provided by the following websites:

  • English Syntax and Sentence Structure
  • Guide to Grammar and Writing
  • How to Read Poetry

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How to Speak English Fluently: 33 Easy Tips

Do you want to learn how to speak English well?

Read on for 33 solid tips that will help you speak English more fluently, in less time.

Our team includes language learners from different countries who picked up English as a second language as well as native English teachers, so these are all based on our own experiences.

From pronunciation practice to handy online resources, consider this your roadmap to becoming confident speaking English. 

1. Get Clear on What Fluency Means

2. immerse yourself in english every day  , 3. accept that english grammar has a lot of exceptions, 4. use mirroring to answer english questions, 5. focus on whole phrases instead of single words, 6. learn intonation, body language and gestures, 7. use speech-to-text for text messaging, 8. talk yourself through everyday activities, 9. memorize and use conversation starters, 10. share your opinions online, 11. get direct feedback, 12. read along with podcasts, 11. learn some english slang, 12. look out for common pronunciation issues , 13. pay attention to the sounds native speakers use , 14. record your own english-language audiobooks , 15. record what you want to learn, then listen to it throughout the day, 16. think directly in english instead of translating, 17. set specific language goals, 18. figure out your weak spots, 19. don’t be afraid to make mistakes when talking, 20. record your mistakes , 21. review and test yourself often, 22. practice using new words right away , 23. expand your vocabulary with spaced repetition, 24. learn basic grammar rules  , 25. but don’t worry too much about grammar , 26. get comfortable first with the english words you know, 27. learn from everyone who speaks english, 28. hire a personal tutor, 29. make sure to use resources appropriate for your level, 30. consider a big move, 31. pre-plan conversations that you’ll need to have, 32. sing some karaoke, 33. remind yourself why you want to speak english, helpful resources for learning to speak english fluently, faqs about how to speak english well, and one more thing....

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how to speak english fluently

You know that you want to become fluent in English, but what does that mean?

There are two parts to fluency: knowing the language and knowing how to produce the language.

Being fluent means that you can use the English language comfortably. You can communicate freely and you can have conversations with native speakers without having to constantly look for help.

Fluency can also be seen in how you speak. You can know plenty of English vocabulary, but if you have to pause or repeat a lot when speaking, your fluency might not be so obvious to someone. If you speak very slowly or in a very flat, unemotional manner, then you won’t sound very fluent, either.

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On the other hand, sounding fluent doesn’t mean you actually are speaking good English.

To be fluent in English, you need to master both the language and how you speak it!

There’s often an expectation that you must know a certain number of words for fluency. But it’s important to remember that you can’t just study the words and grammar. It can be scary, but you’ll also need to practice speaking.

The tips below will help you master your speaking skills so that you can speak proper English and sound good doing it. Don’t forget how important both features of fluency are!

To read about how many words you need to know to be considered fluent, read this post:

  • Interactive subtitles: click any word to see detailed examples and explanations
  • Slow down or loop the tricky parts
  • Show or hide subtitles
  • Review words with our powerful learning engine

online education english essay

Studying English for an hour once a week isn’t usually enough to make any real progress. The best way to quickly improve your English is to spend at least a few minutes practicing every day.

There’s a special language learning method called “immersion.” With immersion, you try to surround yourself with the language as much as you can in your day-to-day activities. You want English to become part of your daily schedule so that you’re frequently learning and practicing until it becomes natural to hear and speak the language.

You can create immersion in a lot of fun, creative ways, besides just constantly studying English from a book or a course! You can switch your phone settings to the English language. You can start watching and listening to English movies and songs, keep an English diary or volunteer in a place where English is required.

Immerse yourself in English as much as possible every time you study. Challenge yourself to listen to, read and even say things in English that you think might be too difficult for you. If you want to speak English fluently, you need to make it an essential part of your everyday life.

Watching authentic movies and videos can help with this, by exposing you to the natural sounds of the language.

FluentU takes authentic videos—like music videos, movie trailers, news and inspiring talks—and turns them into personalized language learning lessons.

You can try FluentU for free for 2 weeks. Check out the website or download the iOS app or Android app.

P.S. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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how to speak english fluently

Sometimes, you can find patterns in English grammar, but other times English doesn’t make sense at all.

For example, why are “read” (pronounced reed) and “read” (pronounced red) the same word, but said differently depending on whether you’re speaking in the past or present tense? Or why is “mice” the plural of “mouse,” but “houses” is the plural of “house”?

  • Learn words in the context of sentences
  • Swipe left or right to see more examples from other videos
  • Go beyond just a superficial understanding

online education english essay

Unfortunately, there are many exceptions to English rules. It’s easy to get stuck on learning how to speak English properly if you try to find a reason for everything. Sometimes, English is just weird! So the best thing to do is just memorize the strange exceptions and move on.

A monkey holds up a mirror to its face

Listen carefully when someone asks you a question in English and you’ll answer perfectly every time. English questions are like mirrors:

  • Does he…..? → Yes, he does .
  • Can she….? → Yes, she can .
  • Is it….? → No, it isn’t .

If someone asks you a question and you’re not sure how to answer, start by thinking about the words used in the question. The person has already said most of the words you need to make your answer.

Instead of just memorizing English grammar, start to look for patterns like this one. There are a lot of simple ways to “cheat” and make it easier to remember the right words.

how to speak english fluently

Speaking English fluently means being able to express your thoughts, feelings and ideas. Your goal is to speak English in full sentences, so why not learn it in full sentences?

You’ll find that English is more useful in your everyday life if you study whole phrases, rather than just vocabulary and verbs. Start by thinking about phrases that you use frequently in your native language, and then learn how to say them in English.

A woman waves on a video call

True English fluency is about more than just vocabulary and grammar. If you can figure out intonation , body language and gestures, you’ll really look and sound like a native speaker.

  • FluentU builds you up, so you can build sentences on your own
  • Start with multiple-choice questions and advance through sentence building to producing your own output
  • Go from understanding to speaking in a natural progression.

online education english essay

Intonation is the “rise and fall” or tone changes in how a person speaks. Body language is how a person uses their own body to support (or go against) what they mean. Gestures are hand and body movements that work together with what someone is saying.

It’s not easy to learn these three things because they seem very natural. One way to learn is to just watch how native English speakers communicate with each other.

One way to study these aspects of the language is by hiring an English teacher, if that’s in your budget. Another is watching YouTube videos, if you can avoid getting distracted with other videos.

A man reads a text message on his smartphone

You can practice speaking English even when you’re texting people. Just speak your texts instead of typing them!

You may need to change your settings to enable speech-to-text first. Then, find the “speech” option on whatever keyboard you’re using. Often, you just need to tap a microphone icon on the right side of the keyboard.


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  • Covering all the tricky edge cases, eg.: phrases, idioms, collocations, and separable verbs
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online education english essay

But what if most of your communication is with friends and family in your native language? Microsoft Translator has a way around this. Check to see if your native language is included in Microsoft’s Conversations feature—if it is, you can speak out loud in English, and have your words automatically translated into text in your native language.

Your chat partner can speak in your native language and have their words show up for you in English. This way, you get English speaking (and reading) practice while having the conversations you’d be having anyway.

cooking pasta

Think about all the things you might do that have a beginning, a middle and an end. For example, following a recipe when cooking dinner or putting together a piece of furniture.

Try writing out instructions for a process in English and make them as simple as possible.

For cooking something, your instructions might start like this:

  • Peel the garlic.
  • Dice the garlic.
  • Peel the onions.
  • Slice the onions.

Once you have your instructions, follow them. In the meantime, say what you’re doing out loud. For example, “Now I’m cutting up the onions. Uh oh, my eyes are starting to water!”

online education english essay

A more challenging version of this would be to keep an audio diary. Record yourself on your phone describing your day or a specific experience, from beginning to end. This would force you to learn words that you often use in everyday life (or think about!), and you’ll also get more comfortable with speaking smoothly.

Two men talk in a cafe

You might miss out on opportunities to practice English speaking if you just can’t think of anything to say.

An easy solution to this is to memorize conversation starters or ideas for beginning conversations. You can find lots of these online. For example, here’s a list of 250 conversation starters from Conversation Starters World.

Of course, you wouldn’t want to use all of these at any moment. It would probably seem weird if you just walked up to someone and said, “What three words best describe you?” But memorizing some ideas will help you feel better about talking to people in casual situations or to keep conversations going when talking to exchange partners .

how to speak english fluently

To really learn English speaking, you need to learn how to express yourself in English. Even if you have ideas for conversations, it can be hard to know how to put them into your own words.

You can practice this by participating in conversations online. Posting on social media, leaving comments on articles or writing reviews are all good approaches.

Goodreads is a site where people leave their thoughts about books they’ve read. Writing about books and movies is always a nice way to practice sharing your opinions in English, because they give you a lot to think about!

But if you don’t have time to do this, there are simpler options: Watch a short video on YouTube and leave a comment underneath it. Post short opinions on Twitter about anything. There are many options for practicing your English skills before you speak out loud!

Two women doing a language exchange

To improve your speaking, you can ask directly for feedback. Since you usually can’t do this with casual conversations, it might be worth setting up a language exchange , where you can ask the person to tell you directly if any of your sentences sound awkward or unnatural. 

There are even apps for this, like Go Correct where you can connect with English teachers. HelloTalk also allows you to chat (or voice call) in English, and then your conversation partner will literally mark out your mistakes. 

For self-studying, you can work on your grammar and sentence constructions when speaking by typing out a simple message or paragraph. Try running this through Grammarly to check your grammar. Afterwards, correct any mistakes you might have made, then try reading everything out loud! 

Woman listening to music

Podcasts and audiobooks don’t just make for amazing English listening practice —they can help with your speaking too! Most of the top English podcasts have word-for-word transcripts.

What you can do is download the transcript and then try reading the first few lines out on your own. Then play the podcast while reading along out loud, matching the speed and accent of the speaker. This is a handy technique that’s called shadowing, which can really help with your intonation and pronunciation. 

Of course, choose a podcast that matches the type of English you’re learning. This would usually be American or British English since you’ll also have to imitate the accent! 

While you should be focusing on learning standard English, it can be helpful to know English slang words and phrases so that you can “stay current” and understand modern English speech. Slang is always present, especially online , so you can’t really avoid seeing it.

Knowing slang , idioms and other casual expressions can improve real English fluency, because they can let you follow along with the kinds of conversations that happen today.

If you want to learn some great English slang, check out this post and this helpful video:

Learn popular American slang words with this guide, which covers must-know terms like “hype,” “bae” and “simp.” You’ll find these all over the internet (and even…

A group of friends sitting around and talking

While there’s no single “correct” English, if people have trouble understanding you, it’ll be hard for you to speak confidently.

There’s no magic to improving pronunciation—you just need to learn the mechanics, and then practice. It’s all about how you move your mouth and use your lips, tongue and throat. For this, you should watch native speakers while they’re talking and observe not just what they say, but how they say it.

It’s also helpful to know about well-known pronunciation issues . Sounds like th and r  are difficult for a lot of English learners, but your native language has a major impact on your pronunciation. Try looking up the most common pronunciation mistakes made by speakers of your native language!

To read more about English pronunciation rules, check out this post:

English pronunciation can seem tricky, but with this guide, you will be able to speak clearly in no time! This post will take you through the 25 most important English…

how to speak english fluently

When most students listen to a native English speaker, they focus on understanding what all the words mean. This is definitely important, but there’s a lot more you can learn from listening.

If you listen closely to English speakers, you’ll notice that sometimes vowels in English are pronounced as uh, such as in “th e “ , “ a gain” and “reas o n” . This is called the schwa sound . It’s the most common sound in the English language, but most English learners don’t notice it, which leads to sounding a bit different from a native speaker.

In English, words also aren’t pronounced in a disconnected way. Sometimes one word flows into another —for example, “leave it” and “no idea” both sound like they have no spaces between the words. Native speakers do this a lot!

Try to remember these details the next time you speak and your English will begin to sound more natural.

how to speak english fluently

When we think of practicing a language, we often think of putting ourselves in situations where we have to use the language. But the truth is, a lot of confidence and fluency come from actually speaking. This technique can help you do a lot more of that.

Think about your favorite books. Even if you don’t have any favorite books that were written in English, you can probably find some in English translations. For example, the Harry Potter series has been sold all over the world.

Take any English-language book that you already enjoy, and record yourself reading it in English. This will take you a while, of course. But it’s a way to practice your English pronunciation every day in a way that’s fun and interesting for you.

Once you finish recording the book, you’ll have a homemade audiobook of it to listen to, which will give you a way to practice your listening skills, too.

A woman records herself reading a text

Use the same technique described above to learn English in general while also practicing your speech.

For example, let’s say that you’d like to get better at talking to waitstaff. Maybe you see a blog post that includes examples of English conversations to have in restaurants . Instead of just reading the post and trying to remember the examples, record yourself reading it!

This will give you multiple opportunities to remember the material: when you first read it, when you read it out loud and when you listen to yourself reading it later.

A woman deep in thought

Stop thinking of yourself as someone who is learning English, and start thinking of yourself as someone who speaks English. It’s a small change, but it’ll make you feel more confident and help you to better use the English you already know.

This also means you need to start thinking in English. If you want to say the word “apple” in English, for example, you probably think of the word in your native language first, and then try to think of the correct word in English. Instead, try imagining a picture of an apple, and then just think of the English word “apple.”

Real fluency happens when you stop mentally translating conversations. This is the biggest step from learning English to just being an English speaker!


Fluency is a very high level to reach and will take a long time to achieve, so “becoming fluent” can be a pretty unclear goal. Having such a big, non-specific target won’t be helpful in planning out your studies.

That’s why you should think of more concrete and obvious goals that can lead you to fluency. By themselves, they may seem like small steps, but all together they’ll provide a steady path in your English learning journey.

Good goals should be specific and achievable. When setting a goal, you should decide exactly what you want to learn, and how long you want to spend learning it.

Here are some examples of good goals:

  • Learn 30 new English words in 30 days
  • Have a conversation with a native English speaker this week
  • Learn to conjugate five irregular verbs before your next tutoring lesson
  • Perfect your pronunciation of 10 words over the weekend (then ask a native speaker to tell you how you did!)

Make sure that the goals you set are reasonable and challenging enough to keep you motivated . You want to achieve your goals without over-stressing yourself!

A man holds his hand over his face after making a mistake

You might find some parts of the English language are especially difficult for you. These “weak spots” can be anything: grammar usage, pronunciation, sentence formation and so on. It’s important that you find out what they are so that you can focus on improving them.

English does have a lot of tricky features, and some can be even trickier depending on your native language. Pay attention to what you’re having problems with and dedicate more studying to it.

You want to make sure you improve in all parts of the English language without lagging behind in any of them.

To read more in depth about common errors in English, check out this post:

Read this to learn the 26 most common mistakes in English, why people make them and how to correct them. This guide includes common grammar errors, like subject-verb…

A woman holds her hands up to her head after making a mistake

Sometimes, it can be difficult to put all those rules and words together into a simple sentence. Don’t let the fear of saying something wrong stop you from speaking at all.

Even if you think you’re making a mistake, keep speaking anyway. Most of the time, people will understand what you’re trying to say, even if you make a mistake.

Plus, the more you speak, the easier it gets, and the faster the right words will come to mind.

To read about some common mistakes when speaking a new language, check out his post:

how to speak english fluently

Don’t be afraid to make mistakes… but also make sure that you understand them!

When you know that something went wrong in your English conversation, make a note of it (in your mind or, better yet, on paper). In your own time, study what exactly made you trip up. Did you use the wrong vocabulary? Was something pronounced incorrectly? Maybe you were using the wrong tense in your sentences?

Mistakes are inevitable and necessary, but to lower the chance of repeating the same mistakes, you must learn (and not run away!) from them.

A man taking an examination in a classroom

Reviewing what you learn is just as important as, well, actually learning!

Without proper review, you can easily forget a lot of previously learned material. This can greatly slow you down in your path to fluency because advanced English constantly builds upon basic, easier concepts. That’s why you must frequently test your skills.

You can review your learning in a number of different ways. You can make your own vocabulary quizzes , do translation exercises or have quick training sessions with a speaking partner. There are also online resources that you can use for review .

You should also think about when to review. Maybe you want to review right after you finish a new topic or after completing a whole unit of study. Or maybe you want to be extra studious and just review every time you study English!

Your reviews and tests will help you see your progress in English. Seeing how much you’ve improved can greatly increase your motivation to learn!

If you want to find out some free websites for testing yourself, check out this post:

A close-up on a dictionary page

There’s an expression in English: “Use it or lose it,” which basically means if you don’t practice an ability, you might forget it. This idea can be used to help you remember new English vocabulary.

The best way to remember a new word is to use it right away so that it stays in your memory. When you learn a new word, try to say it in sentences a few times over the next week and you’ll be less likely to forget it.

Sometimes, you may learn a word or phrase that might not be immediately useful to you. It’s okay to not focus on memorizing that vocabulary right away, especially if there are other more important things to learn.

Do you want to find out the most common 1028 English words? Then check out this post:

The most common words in English, when added to your vocabulary, can give your communication skills an instant boost! Read on for a list of 1,028 words you will most…

Rows of repeating orange stadium seats with one man sitting

Aside from using new words on your own, there’s a trick to remembering English vocabulary for good and making your reviews efficient: spaced repetition. 

Anki Logo

If you keep it up, you’ll avoid a common pitfall: learning new words—and then forgetting them. 

No need to keep track of this manually too! There are flashcard apps like Anki  that make reviewing automatic, and many language learning apps with flashcards already have this feature. 

To read more about spaced repetition, read this post:

Scrabble tiles laid out reading "choose your words"

Speaking English confidently also means having a good grasp of grammar. While you can pick up grammar just from listening and reading a lot of English, studying grammar intentionally still helps. You’ll probably have to memorize irregular verbs , which aren’t very predictable when they change tenses.

Other tricky grammar topics include subject-verb agreement —for example, saying “he smile” instead of the grammatically correct “he smiles.” Here are other tricky topics that confuse even native speakers sometimes:

  • Your vs. You’re
  • Fewer vs. Less

Since it’s easy to forget a new grammar concept, you can get it to stick faster in your mind with quizzes and exercises. Most grammar books, including “ English Grammar in Use”  and “Practical English Usage” , have exercises that you can work through. There are also tons of exercises and drills online about practically every grammar topic. 

To read more about English grammar rules, see this post:

Check out these top 12 English Grammar tips that can help you avoid common mistakes and speak like a natural! Whether you’re a learner or a native speaker, these tips will…

worrying about grammar

While you should still devote some time to studying grammar, don’t worry too much about having to get it right all the time. The key to learning a language is finding a balance between studying and practicing. Speaking English fluently isn’t the same as knowing perfect English grammar—even native English speakers make grammar mistakes!

Fluency is about being able to communicate. That’s why it’s also important to go out and practice your writing, reading, listening and speaking skills in the real world. As you keep practicing, you can learn plenty of grammar rules along the way.

A pile of magnetic English words

When you’re writing and saying your own sentences, focus on using the words you’re already familiar with. You may want to use more difficult, advanced English words to sound more fluent, but you should stay true to your skill level and keep practicing what you already know.

Make sure that you’re “comfortable” with the English you use, instead of just trying out new, unfamiliar words just because you want to. Doing so can lead you to say incorrect or strange things.

Of course, you do want to learn more and more words and skills to advance. We recommend studying a new word for a little while in context (in sentences and videos) before you use it in real conversations.

Learn the 300 most used words in English here:

Are you looking for an English vocabulary list of common words? Click here to find out 300 useful English words, including nouns, verbs, adjectives and more. If you master…

Language Exchange

You don’t have to only learn English from textbooks and teachers—anyone who speaks English can help you practice.

Imagine how you’d feel if someone asked you, in your native language, how to pronounce something. Would you be angry? No! You’d probably be happy to help, just like most English speakers are happy to help you.

If you know any English speakers, whether it’s a friend or co-worker, take advantage of the opportunity to practice and learn from them. Make sure to also ask any specific questions you have and be open to feedback.

A tutor helping a student in a computer lab

Sometimes you have to “throw money at the problem.” This common English idiom means that sometimes, you have to invest in your future. And because this future is about speaking English, it may be a wise investment to hire a personal language tutor.

It’s like having a teacher to yourself for hours at a time. You can ask literally any question you want and get an immediate answer, and you don’t have to follow a textbook unless you want to.

To learn about some amazing websites for hiring an English tutor, read this post:

Find English tutors online to guide you on your language-learning journey with this 2024 guide! Read on for 16 excellent websites for finding a suitable English tutor…

A row of old books on a table

Tailoring learning materials to your own proficiency ensures that you’re not overwhelmed by complex content or bored by material that is too basic. This approach promotes a balanced and gradual progression, allowing learners to build a solid foundation before advancing to more challenging concepts.

Level-appropriate resources also help learners stay engaged and motivated, fostering a positive learning experience. By gradually increasing the complexity of language input, learners can develop their skills in a systematic manner, leading to improved comprehension, vocabulary acquisition and overall language proficiency. 

To find out where to get some great online English resources, check out this post:

Free online English courses are a convenient and accessible way to learn the language at your own pace. Check out these 26 resources you can get online for free (or mostly…

Sydney Opera House along Sydney Harbor in Australia

This isn’t for everyone, I know, and there are many, many considerations you need to deal with before moving, but I can promise you this: there’s no faster way to learn English than by being completely immersed in an English language culture. 

You’ve got lots to choose from. The United States of America, of course, but also the United Kingdom, South Africa, Australia , Canada and plenty of smaller countries too: Antigua and Barbuda, the Bahamas, Barbados, Belize, Dominica, Grenada, Guyana, Ireland, Jamaica, Malta, New Zealand, St. Kitts and Nevis, St. Lucia, St. Vincent and the Grenadines and lastly, Trinidad and Tobago.

To learn about even more English-speaking countries, check out this post:

How many countries speak English? To date, we count 96 countries that speak English as a native language, an official language, or a lingua franca in the context of…

A group of students sits on the grass and talks

Thinking ahead about potential topics, relevant vocabulary and common phrases allows you to feel more confident and prepared during conversations. This proactive approach helps alleviate anxiety and enhances their ability to express themselves more effectively.

Pre-planning also encourages you to anticipate potential challenges in communication, enabling you to strategize solutions in advance.

Additionally, it allows individuals to focus on specific language aspects they aim to improve, such as pronunciation or grammatical structures. 

To find out some basic conversations to have in English, see this post:

English small talk is easy to learn. It will help you fill in silences and make other people happy to chat with you. All you need are these seven great topics, and you…

A woman singing karaoke on stage

Yes, really.

Singing karaoke provides a relaxed and enjoyable environment for practicing pronunciation and intonation. Singing along to English songs helps you develop a natural feel for the rhythm and melody of the language, improving your overall oral communication skills.

Karaoke also exposes learners to a variety of vocabulary and colloquial expressions found in song lyrics, contributing to an expanded understanding of conversational English.

Additionally, it fosters a sense of confidence and comfort with the language, as singing allows learners to express themselves creatively.

To read more about learning through karaoke, see this post:

Put your English studies to music with these awesome karaoke resources! Don’t like the crowd? These musical programs can be used at home or on the go!

A group of friends holding their hands up at sunset on a beach

No matter what your reason is for wanting to learn English, from work, academics, friendships, dating or travel, this is your number one motivator!

If you remind yourself each day why you’re learning English, you’ll be much more likely to stick with it.

So write it down, put it on your bathroom mirror or fridge and think about this reason every day. Believe me, it works.

To read about some of the best reasons to learn English, check out this post:

Why learn English? There are plenty of great reasons! Yes, learning English can be difficult, but it is extremely valuable. Check out these 13 reasons why learning English…

The English Speaking Practice app


This app lets you practice having basic conversations in English. It’s really simple to use!

Just choose a subject that you want to hear a conversation about. Then, listen to the conversation. After that, you can take a quiz to test your understanding, or use the “Record” tab to practice speaking.

Decide which person in the conversation to speak for, and go through the dialogue talking as them. You can then save the recording and play it back.

The SayHi translation app


This is a simple voice translation app that you can use to have bilingual conversations. However, you can also use it as a quick way to look up translations or to practice speaking, as long as the app has an option for your native language.

Set up the translator for a conversation between English and your native language. Then, try speaking English and see how your English translates. This will give you an idea of how well the app understands your English speech.

Also, if you ever forget how to say something in English, you can speak your native language into the mic and see how it translates into English. This can be much faster than using a dictionary!

Preply for Private Tutoring

Preply logo

Preply, an online language learning platform, is a valuable resource for English language learners looking to enhance their speaking skills.

Choose a suitable tutor by reviewing profiles and trying trial lessons for compatibility. Consistency is crucial, so schedule regular lessons for continuous improvement. Come prepared with topics or questions to ensure focused learning.

Actively engage in conversations during lessons, embracing mistakes as part of the learning process. Supplement Preply lessons with external resources like language apps or podcasts.

Practice English outside of lessons through activities like watching movies or reading books. Seek constructive feedback from tutors, addressing common mistakes. Expand vocabulary by discussing various topics during lessons and exploring recommended materials. Leverage Preply’s platform features, such as chat options and lesson reviews, for enhanced communication and progress tracking. 

American superhero movies and TV

Watching English-language movies and TV, in general, is a good way to get used to natural speech.

American superhero movies and TV series are especially great for learning English because they’re meant to appeal to a wide audience, sometimes including children. This means that it’s usually pretty easy to figure out what’s going on.

Another reason why superhero stories are easier to understand is that they tend to be very dramatic and emotional. Characters will often talk about what’s happening in a very loud and obvious way.

While there’s a lot to choose from, a good way to start is with some of the CW network shows that are available on Netflix, like “The Flash” and “Black Lightning.” These shows have a lot of talking in them, and focus a lot on relationships between characters. You can keep up with them for multiple seasons and become used to the way different characters talk to each other, all while being entertained by exciting storylines.

The English TV YouTube Channel

This YouTube channel has a bunch of videos that you can use to hear different types of English speech and conversation. For example, this video  includes over 50 minutes of multiple conversations between native English speakers.

The audio in this video and others like it on the English TV YouTube channel are actual recorded conversations. American English is the dialect of English mostly used in these conversations, but there are examples of British English and Australian English , as well.

These conversations are also spontaneous (done without a script, natural), so this is the way that English is actually spoken by native speakers. There’s a bit of slang used, but these conversations will help build your listening skills so that you can understand English speech in real life.

Loecsen Learn English


This is a free online English course with a big focus on speaking. To practice your English speaking, scroll down to “Start a new quiz.” You’ll then be able to choose from different lists of phrases that you can listen to and repeat.

When you repeat a phrase using the microphone on your computer, you get to see if the program is able to understand your speech. This is useful even if you already know the material in the lessons because you get a chance to speak English out loud and practice your pronunciation.

How can I improve my English pronunciation?

  • Practice regularly by listening to native speakers, mimicking their pronunciation.
  • Use pronunciation guides, online resources, or language learning apps for targeted exercises.
  • Record yourself speaking and compare it to native speakers to identify areas for improvement.

What are some effective ways to expand my English vocabulary?

  • Read widely in English, including books, articles and online content.
  • Make use of flashcards or vocabulary apps to memorize and review new words.
  • Engage in conversations with native speakers to encounter and learn new words in context.

How can I overcome the fear of speaking English in public?

  • Start by practicing with friends or language exchange partners in a supportive environment.
  • Gradually expose yourself to larger groups or join conversation clubs to build confidence.
  • Remember that making mistakes is a natural part of the learning process and an opportunity for improvement.

What are some effective strategies for improving English fluency?

  • Engage in regular conversations with native speakers or fellow learners.
  • Watch movies, TV shows or listen to podcasts in English to improve comprehension and fluency.
  • Set aside dedicated time each day for language practice, focusing on speaking and listening skills.

Are there specific tips for learning English as a second language?

  • Immerse yourself in English-speaking environments whenever possible.
  • Take advantage of language exchange programs or conversation partners.
  • Use language learning apps and online platforms to supplement traditional learning methods.

How can I maintain consistency in learning and practicing English?

  • Create a schedule and set realistic, achievable language-learning goals.
  • Integrate English into your daily life, such as labeling items in your home in English.
  • Stay motivated by celebrating small achievements and tracking your progress over time.

If you’re wondering how to improve your English speaking skills, there isn’t one easy answer.

Learning how to speak English fluently isn’t something that happens overnight. Because of this, it’s important to have tools and techniques ready for practicing every day.

Ultimately, if you have activities that you enjoy and that require you to speak English, your skills will improve more and more over time.

Try the resources and suggestions above, and pay attention to how they make you feel. Which ones help your confidence? Which ones seem to help you speak English over longer periods of time?

Use the methods that work for you, and your speaking will come together naturally.

If you like learning English through movies and online media, you should also check out FluentU. FluentU lets you learn English from popular talk shows, catchy music videos and funny commercials , as you can see here:


If you want to watch it, the FluentU app has probably got it.

The FluentU app and website makes it really easy to watch English videos. There are captions that are interactive. That means you can tap on any word to see an image, definition, and useful examples.


FluentU lets you learn engaging content with world famous celebrities.

For example, when you tap on the word "searching," you see this:


FluentU lets you tap to look up any word.

Learn all the vocabulary in any video with quizzes. Swipe left or right to see more examples for the word you’re learning.


FluentU helps you learn fast with useful questions and multiple examples. Learn more.

The best part? FluentU remembers the vocabulary that you’re learning. It gives you extra practice with difficult words—and reminds you when it’s time to review what you’ve learned. You have a truly personalized experience.

Start using the FluentU website on your computer or tablet or, better yet, download the FluentU app from the iTunes or Google Play store. Click here to take advantage of our current sale! (Expires at the end of this month.)

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Tefl preparation classes.

Online TEFL (Teaching English as a Foreign Language) classes are live courses designed to train individuals to become qualified English language teachers for non-native speakers. These classes offer the flexibility of learning from anywhere with an internet connection, and often include interactive activities and opportunities for practical teaching experience.

TOEFL preparation classes

Online TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language) classes are live courses that provide preparation and practice for the TOEFL exam, which measures English language proficiency for non-native speakers. These classes offer the convenience of studying from anywhere with an internet connection and provide access to study materials, practice tests, and expert guidance to help students achieve their desired TOEFL score.

TESOL preparation classes

Online TESOL (Teaching English to Speakers of Other Languages) classes are virtual courses that offer training and certification for individuals who want to teach English to non-native speakers. These classes provide a flexible and convenient way to learn about teaching techniques, curriculum development, and classroom management, with the opportunity to gain practical teaching experience. Graduates of TESOL classes can pursue a range of teaching positions in various educational settings around the world.

Aug 3, 2022

Dynamic classes with differents topics to choose. Each topics's content has exercises like speaking and writting. I like the teacher's method, is clear to explain each topic and she answer every question you ask her.

I enjoy lessons with Caroline. It's always well-organized, we have new topics every lesson and have interesting discussions. Caroline is really kind and you can feel very comfortable on her classes. She usually creates a good atmosphere and corrects your speaking mistakes without any pressure. I really like this speaking classes and I'm happy to find this opportunity to practice my speaking skills here.

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Cbse has released an advisory for students and parents against the misleading information about the syllabus, resources, and sample question papers for the 2024-25 academic session..

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The official advisory reads, 'It has come to our notice that certain online portals and websites are circulating outdated links and unverified news related to sample question papers, curriculum, CBSE resources, and activities. These links and news falsely claim to provide updated information for the session 2024-25'. 'In the interest of the public, we wish to emphasise that information from unauthorised sources can be misleading and may cause unnecessary confusion among schools, students, parents, and other stakeholders,' it added.

(With agencies input)

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  4. Essay on Online Education

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  5. Essay on online education (Pros & Cons)

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  6. Essay On Online Education In English || @edurakib

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  1. Essay On Online Education: In 100 Words, 150 Words, and 200 Words

    Also Read: English Essay Topics Also Read: How to Write an Essay in English Also Read: Speech on Republic Day for Class 12th Essay on Online Education in 100 words. Online education is a modern educational paradigm where students access instructional content through the internet.

  2. Online Education Essay in English (200-250) Words Paragraph & PDF

    Download Online Education Essay PDF: Online Education Essay in English. Online Education Essay in English (200-250) words. Today's Essay on Online Education covers an important subject. There are different types of essays about online education in English for students and children in this post.

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  4. Short Essay on Online Education [200, 500 Words] With PDF

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  6. Benefits of Online Learning

    Online learning has many benefits for high-tech companies: As the companies use different methods to design, transport, select, manage and extend their business, etc. online teaching process is instrumental for them. They can give valuable guidance, pieces of training for their employees without the need for them to be absent for long which ...

  7. Essays About Online Learning: Top 6 Examples And Prompts

    In his essay, Mullins discusses why more students prefer online learning. First, it lessens expenses, as students learn from the comfort of their rooms. Second, it helps students avert the fear of talking to strangers face-to-face, helping them communicate better. 3.

  8. Argumentative Essay: Online Learning and Educational Access

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  10. The effects of online education on academic success: A meta ...

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  11. What Students Are Really Thinking About Online Learning

    Diana Lopez is a junior at Luther Burbank High School: As a student, my online learning experience hasn't been great. This new learning system has its perks, such as more time to do assignments ...

  12. Essay on Online Education: 150-250, 500-1000 words for Students

    Essay on Online Education. You can use this Essay on Online Education in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. Topics covered in this article. Essay on Online Education in 150-250 words. Essay on Online Education in 300-450 words.

  13. The Beginner's Guide to Writing an Essay

    Come up with a thesis. Create an essay outline. Write the introduction. Write the main body, organized into paragraphs. Write the conclusion. Evaluate the overall organization. Revise the content of each paragraph. Proofread your essay or use a Grammar Checker for language errors. Use a plagiarism checker.

  14. Online Education Essay

    Benefits. Online education essay explains that it offers numerous benefits for both students and educators. For students, it provides an opportunity to learn at their own pace and can help them save money on tuition, transportation, and housing expenses. It also allows students to engage in a more interactive learning process and to develop ...

  15. Essay on Online Education in English for School and College Students

    10 Lines Essay on Online Education (100 - 120 Words) 1) The process to acquire education using the internet is known as online education. 2) Internet is the bone of Online Education. 3) The concept of online education existed years back. 4) It saves vulnerable time and money of students.

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  19. Online Education Esaay in English »

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  20. Scribbr

    Whether we're proofreading and editing, checking for plagiarism or AI content, generating citations, or writing useful Knowledge Base articles, our aim is to support students on their journey to become better academic writers. We believe that every student should have the right tools for academic success.

  21. PDF Essay Writing in Online Education: introducing an iterative peer

    online education to increase a chance of collaborative learning and feeling of engagement among large number of students in online education. In this system, each student will write an essay on an assigned topic, then review peer student's essay. Students will be encouraged to employ ideas from peer's essay and comments from feedback to ...

  22. Getting College Essay Help: Important Do's and Don'ts

    Have a fresh pair of eyes give you some feedback. Don't allow someone else to rewrite your essay, but do take advantage of others' edits and opinions when they seem helpful. ( Bates College) Read your essay aloud to someone. Reading the essay out loud offers a chance to hear how your essay sounds outside your head.

  23. 10 Surprising Benefits of Online Learning in 2024

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  24. How to Study English

    Forming a good study group will help you (1) improve your note taking, (2) learn from the knowledge and unique insights of other students, (3) develop a support system, (4) cover more material and (5) make learning English more fun. The following are a few tips for forming an effective study group. Keep your study group to between 4 and 6 people.

  25. Best Essay Writing Courses Online with Certificates [2024]

    In summary, here are 10 of our most popular essay writing courses. Getting Started with Essay Writing: University of California, Irvine. Academic English: Writing: University of California, Irvine. Writing in English at University: Lund University. Writing in the Sciences: Stanford University.

  26. How to Speak English Fluently: 33 Easy Tips

    33. Remind Yourself Why You Want to Speak English. No matter what your reason is for wanting to learn English, from work, academics, friendships, dating or travel, this is your number one motivator! If you remind yourself each day why you're learning English, you'll be much more likely to stick with it.

  27. English as a Second Language

    US Higher Education: A Local Introduction; Tips for Writing in North American Colleges; Plagiarism and ESL Writers: An Overview; Writing for Global Business Audiences: An Introduction; Writing for an Indian Business Audience; Writing for a Chinese Business Audience; Understanding Writing Assignments; Writing for a North American Business Audience

  28. Online English Classes: Language courses for everyone

    Yuri S. Speaks () $60. per lesson. 4.91. 265 reviews. This is The BEST Method For Learning English - A lot of people have tried to learn English by studying grammar, reading books, watching movies or TV shows, but still lack confidence and fluency when speaking English.

  29. CBSE cautions students, and parents against fake online sample papers

    CBSE has released an advisory for students and parents against the misleading information about the syllabus, resources, and sample question papers for the 2024-25 academic session.