Essay on My Home 500+ Words

My home is more than just a place with walls and a roof. It’s where I feel safe, loved, and happy. In this essay, I’ll explain why my home is so special to me, sharing examples and reasons that make it a unique and wonderful place.

Comfort and Security

Home is where I feel the most comfortable and secure. It’s a place where I can relax, be myself, and let go of any worries. According to studies, having a comfortable and safe home environment is essential for our overall well-being. For instance, people who feel safe at home tend to have lower stress levels.

Family and Love

My home is filled with love and laughter, thanks to my family. It’s where we share meals, celebrate birthdays, and support each other. Experts say that a loving family environment in the home is crucial for a child’s emotional development and happiness. My home is the heart of our family.

Memories and Stories

Every corner of my home is filled with memories and stories. From the family photos on the wall to the cozy reading nook where I discover new adventures in books, these memories shape who I am. Studies show that homes filled with positive memories can create a sense of belonging and identity.

Creativity and Expression

My home is where I can explore my creative side. I have a special corner for my art supplies, where I create paintings, drawings, and crafts. It’s important to have a space where I can express myself, as it encourages creativity and personal growth. Experts emphasize the importance of fostering creativity in children.

Learning and Growth

My home is also a place of learning. It’s where I do my homework, read educational books, and discover new things. Research shows that a stimulating home environment can have a significant impact on a child’s academic success. Having a quiet, well-organized study space at home can improve concentration and learning.

Safety and Shelter

I’m grateful for the safety and shelter my home provides. It shields me from harsh weather, offers a warm bed, and keeps me safe from harm. Unfortunately, not everyone has a safe place to call home. Statistics reveal that millions of people around the world are homeless, highlighting the importance of having a home.

Responsibility and Care

Having a home also teaches me responsibility and the importance of taking care of my space. I help with chores, keep my room tidy, and water the plants in our garden. Experts say that teaching responsibility at home prepares children for life’s challenges and helps them develop valuable life skills.

Conclusion of Essay on My Home

In conclusion, my home is not just a building; it’s a place filled with love, comfort, and cherished memories. It’s where I feel secure, loved, and free to be myself. My home is a place of learning, creativity, and responsibility. It’s where I’ve grown, laughed, and shared countless moments with my family.

As a fifth-grader, I’ve learned that a home is not just a place; it’s the heart of our lives. It’s where I find solace and warmth, and it’s the backdrop for all my adventures. I know that not everyone is as fortunate as I am to have a loving home, so I cherish it even more. My home is a treasure, and I’ll always be grateful for the comfort and happiness it brings to my life.

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Essay on My Home

Students are often asked to write an essay on My Home in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on My Home


My home is my sanctuary, a place where I feel safe and comfortable. It’s a small yet cozy house situated in a peaceful neighborhood.

My room is my favorite part of the house. It’s filled with books, toys, and my personal belongings.

The Living Room

Our living room is where we gather as a family, watch television, and share our daily experiences.

The Kitchen

The kitchen, where my mother cooks delicious meals, is the heart of our home. It always smells wonderful.

In conclusion, my home is not just a building; it’s a place filled with love, care, and happiness.

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250 Words Essay on My Home

The concept of “home” transcends beyond the physical structure of bricks and mortar. It is a realm of comfort, familiarity, and emotional security, embodying personal space and freedom. My home, in particular, is a microcosm of my existence, reflecting my personality, values, and aspirations.

The Physical Structure

My home is a beautiful amalgamation of tradition and modernity. The architecture is a testament to our family’s eclectic taste, blending the vintage charm of wooden furniture with the sleek elegance of contemporary design. Each room, from the cozy living area to the tranquil bedrooms, exudes warmth and tranquility.

Symbol of Relationships

More than its physical attributes, my home is the embodiment of the relationships and memories nurtured within its walls. It is a place where love is unconditionally given and received, where disagreements are resolved, and where laughter and tears are shared. The kitchen, brimming with my mother’s culinary expertise, is the heart of our home, while the living room, filled with shared stories and laughter, is its soul.

A Sanctuary of Solitude

My home is also my sanctuary, a place where I can retreat from the world’s chaos. My room, in particular, is a sanctum of solitude, where I can introspect, meditate, and rejuvenate. It’s where I delve into the depths of literature, music, and art, enriching my intellect and creativity.

In essence, my home is more than a physical structure; it is a reflection of who I am and what I value. It is a sanctuary of love, comfort, and growth, a testament to my journey and evolution. It is, indeed, the place where my heart truly resides.

500 Words Essay on My Home

Introduction: the concept of home.

Home is much more than a physical structure consisting of walls, doors, and windows. It is an intimate space that nurtures our growth and development, serving as a sanctuary from the outside world. The concept of home is deeply intertwined with our identity, emotions, and experiences, shaping our understanding of comfort, safety, and belonging.

The Architecture of Memories

A home is the canvas on which we paint the story of our lives. Each corner holds a memory, each room echoes with laughter, debates, triumphs, and sometimes, tears. The kitchen, often the heart of the home, resonates with the aroma of shared meals and conversations. The living room, a space for communal engagement, is where we learn the art of social interaction. In our personal rooms, we explore our individuality, cherishing solitude and introspection. These spaces collectively shape our experiences, contributing to our personal growth and emotional well-being.

Home as a Reflection of Self

Our homes often reflect our personalities, interests, and values. The choice of decor, the arrangement of furniture, the books on the shelves, or the art on the walls provide a glimpse into our inner world. This personalization of space allows us to express ourselves freely, fostering creativity and authenticity. Moreover, the sense of ownership and control over our environment can instill a sense of security and self-confidence.

The Emotional Sanctuary

Home serves as an emotional sanctuary, providing a safe space to express and process our feelings. It is where we can be our most authentic selves, free from societal judgments and expectations. This emotional safety nurtures our mental health, empowering us to face life’s challenges with resilience. Furthermore, the bonds we form with family or housemates within these walls contribute to our social support system, crucial for our emotional well-being.

Home: A Catalyst for Personal Growth

The home environment plays a significant role in our personal development. It is where we learn our first lessons about love, trust, cooperation, and conflict resolution. The experiences we encounter within our homes shape our worldview, influencing our attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. Thus, home serves as a foundational platform for our intellectual, emotional, and social growth.

Conclusion: The Universality of Home

While the physical aspects of homes may differ across cultures and geographies, the emotional essence remains universal. Home is a symbol of safety, comfort, and identity. It is a repository of memories, a canvas for self-expression, and a catalyst for personal growth. Regardless of its size or location, the value of home lies in its ability to provide a nurturing space for us to grow, learn, and thrive. It is not just a place, but a feeling, a state of being, and a testament to our journey through life.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Importance of Old Age Homes
  • Essay on Homestay
  • Essay on Our National Game Hockey

Apart from these, you can look at all the essays by clicking here .

Happy studying!

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essay on my happy home

Simply Well Balanced

How to Make a Happy Home: 10 Habits That Make A Difference

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Every parent wants to raise their family in a happy home. But how do actually you make that happen? Today I am sharing 10 simple steps to create a home that is full of love and happiness.

A happy family at home

What really makes a happy home?

As a new mom I felt so much pressure to do everything “perfectly”.

Although my intentions were driven by my desire to create a happy home, I was misguided in my understanding of how to actually make that happen.

Like so many others I thought that in order to have a home full of smiles, laughter and love that it needed to be full of:

  • Tons of cute clothes
  • Magazine worthy furniture
  • And Pinterest perfect dinner parties

It wasn’t long until I realized that none of these things were “sparking joy” in our household. In fact, the exact opposite was happening.

And I don’t think I am alone in that realization.

Many mothers are drowning under the commercialized pressure to do it all in an attempt to have a happy family. 

In reality the tasks that we are spending our time and money on rob us of having a genuinely close and happy family.

Sound familiar?

Well, if you are on a mission to increase the happiness level in your home, you’ve come to the right place.

Keep reading to discover 10 practical strategies to reduce stress and increase the joy in your household.

How to Make Your Home a Happier Place

How to make a happy home.

When setting out on the mission to create a happy and more positive home for your family be sure to remember that this is not a complicated process.

You can create a happier and calmer home by prioritizing the 10 activities and habits that are listed below.

None of them require a lot of money, loads of time or extensive training.

You already have all the skills and abilities required to make this happen. All it takes is being more intentional with your time and energy.

One you establish these habits you may even be surprised to find that you have more time and energy available for your family because you are less stressed and spend less time running around to activities and events that are not essential.

Ready to see how you can start to create a happy home?

On to the list!

1. Establish Weekly Routines

Humans thrive on structure and routine; this is especially true of children. 

Ever wonder why your child’s teacher says they are perfectly behaved at school and yet they are absolute monsters at home? Most likely it is because of the structure and routine that is provided during the school day. During the school day every single thing that happens is predictable and routine:

  • Flag Salute

They all happen at the same exact time, every single day.

While your home is not a school, you can begin to reap some of the benefits from establishing predictable routines, or activities that happen at home every single week.

And this isn’t just my opinion, the positive impact of family routines is supported by psychologist and medical professionals.

Some examples of predictable routines are

  • Taco Tuesday
  • Family movie night
  • Saturday evening bike rides
  • or Sunday morning pancakes

These activities don’t have to be over the top or expensive. The only requirement is consistency. These predictable events will create a sense of rhythm and routine that happy families are familiar with.

2. Share Stories From Your Childhood

People connect through shared stories, and building that connection with your family is so important when it comes to making a happy home. Plus, kids find it fascinating to learn about life when you were their age. 

This can be as simple as light conversation in the car while stuck in traffic or stories shared around the dinner table.

3. Be Flexible

As mentioned before, routine is an important part of making your home a haven for your family. However, rigidity in your routines is a surefire way to stress everyone out. 

Routines are meant to serve your family and make life easier on everyone. Keep this in mind and be open to making changes when needed. 

4. Openly Express Affection

Sometimes openly expressing affection is viewed as a sign of weakness. This is absolutely untrue. Showing your family how much you love and care for them is absolutely necessary if you want to foster a happy home full of peace, joy, and contentment.

Don’t be afraid to tell your kids you love them before bed each night or give them a hug as they run out the door to activities. You’ll never regret letting them know how much they mean to you.

5. Do Activities Together

Spending quality time as a family is often known as the quintessential method to making a happy home. With today’s busy schedules, this time together can be hard to come by. 

The thing is, shared experiences don’t need to be complicated or time-consuming. Something as simple as a walk after dinner or a family game night once a week are great ways to start spending more time together.

If you want to take it a step further, you can sign up for a new activity together – rock climbing, bird watching, an art class….the possibilities are endless. Whatever you do, doing it together is key. 

Related Post: Family Fitness Challenges: How to have fun and get healthy together

6. Establish Family Traditions

When our kids are grown and look back on their childhood, they aren’t going to remember the flashy gifts or expensive gadgets they were given. They’re going to remember experiences and time spent with loved ones. 

Experiences don’t have to be extravagant to count either. A family gratitude jar in November, sipping hot cocoa while driving around looking at lights on Christmas Eve, or creating a vision board together to celebrate the new year are all simple and inexpensive activities you and your family can look forward to each year.

Related Posts:

  • Thanksgiving Traditions for Families: 8 Meaningful Ideas to Start This Year
  • The Best Christmas Traditions for Families

7. Focus on the Positive

When you’re focused on the negative, everything seems worse. 

Even if life is really hard right now, there’s always something to be grateful for – health, family, friends, food on the table, a job. 

Whatever it may be, turn your focus to the things that are good and your disposition will, no doubt, improve.

8. Eat Meals Together

Family meals around the table may sound cliche, but cliches are that for a reason. Shared meals together offer the opportunity to slow down and connect in the midst of a busy day. 

It doesn’t have to be dinner either. If everyone is running in separate directions in the evenings to sports and activities, try having breakfast together instead. 

Or if that isn’t possible, prioritize pizza and a movie on Fridays or Sunday family dinner. Whatever you do, make meals together a regular part of your week.

9. Create a Strong Bond

There can’t be enough said for communication and connection. By making these things a priority, you are building a bond that will not easily be broken. 

This is especially important as your kids enter the teen years and are surrounded by so many outside influences. You want them to be able to stand strong for their values and not give in to negative peer pressure. 

Forging a strong bond now will pay dividends in the years to come. 

10. Put Down the Devices and Talk to Each Other

This is sometimes easier said than done. We live in a world run on technology. We have phones pinging and laptops open on the counter so we can multitask while working and the TV on to keep kids occupied while we cook dinner. 

Sometimes though, it’s good to unplug and just enjoy each other’s company without screens splitting our attention. 

One easy way to do this is to collect everyone’s devices and put them in a basket during dinner. The first one to grab their phone or tablet gets dish duty! You can take it a step further and create a fun dinner tradition where you talk about the highs and lows of your day, or print out some fun conversation starters to really get everyone talking and laughing.

You can make your home a happier place

Though making a happy home can sometimes feel like an elusive goal, it’s actually very easy to achieve and maintain. By focusing on slowing down and really connecting with those in your household, you will find this just happens naturally.

Remember “people over possessions”. This is a simple rule to live by and one that will never fail you. When you put family first, everything else will fall into place.


  • Create a Peaceful Home: 12 Tips for Families
  • How to be a Happy Mom; 13 Real-Life Strategies that Work

10 Proven Ways to Make a Happy Home

essay on my happy home

Hi! I’m Lauren Tingley M.Ed. and Certified Family Life Expert who empowers overwhelmed families to thrive in their modern lives. As a veteran educator and mother, I understand the pressures and challenges of juggling careers, raising children, and having fun as a family. As an experienced home cook and parenting expert, I love sharing ideas for family-friendly meals, kid-friendly activities, and simplifying family life. My advice and ideas have been featured in major publications like Parents Magazine , Good Housekeeping , and . I’m passionate about connecting with mothers and inspiring them to create a simpler, more balanced life. Click here to learn more about my background, experience, and philosophies.

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Are you a mama who wants to learn how to create a home focused on quality time and fun as a family?

essay on my happy home


My House Essay: 700 Words, 600 Words, 500 Words, & 200 Words Essay On My House

Writing a ‘ my house essay ’ does not have to be troublesome. If you are a student trying to write an essay on this topic, then this article should be able to help you.

In this article, I have listed three references to an essay on my house. These three suggestions have different word limits (800, 600, 500, and 200 words.) you can choose your preferred reference based on your choice.

My House Essay: 700-800 Words

My House Essay_ 700-800 Words

Have you ever closed your eyes and pictured the perfect place? Maybe it’s a sandy beach with crashing waves, a bustling city full of lights, or a quiet forest teeming with life. For me, the perfect place isn’t somewhere far away; it’s right where I am – my house. It’s more than just bricks and mortar; it’s a place filled with memories, comfort, and the feeling of belonging.

My house isn’t the grandest or the fanciest. It might not win any architectural awards, but it has a charm all its own. It is a small two-storied house tucked away on a quiet street surrounded by a garden filled with seasonal flowers. At first glance, it looks like a charming old house with a creaky front door. No matter what it looks like from the outside, the inside holds a warmth that makes it truly special.

Stepping through the front door is like entering a different world. It might be the smell of freshly baked cookies wafting from the kitchen, the soft glow of a reading lamp in a corner, or the playful barks of a furry friend greeting you at the entrance. Each house has its own unique welcome, a sensory experience that instantly puts you at ease.

The heart of my house is probably the living room. It’s the place where everyone gathers, a space that’s seen in movie marathons, epic board game battles, and countless stories shared by the flickering light of the fireplace (or the warm glow of the TV!). This central space might be a formal living room with plush couches, a casual den filled with beanbags and pillows, or even a sunroom flooded with natural light. No matter the style, it’s the room where laughter and conversation flow freely.

The kitchen is more than just a place to cook; it’s the heart of many happy memories. It might be the aroma of your mom’s special dish filling the air, the sound of sizzling pancakes on a Saturday morning, or the chaos of baking a birthday cake with flour dusting everyone’s faces. It’s a place where families bond, sharing stories and laughter as meals are prepared. It’s the room where traditions are created, from helping grandma knead dough for her famous cookies to learning a new recipe with your dad.

Bedrooms, on the other hand, are individual havens. They are our personal sanctuaries, filled with things that reflect our personalities and interests. My room might be a haven for books and board games, a music lover’s paradise with posters and instruments, or a budding artist’s studio bursting with paints and sketches. It’s a space where we can relax, recharge, and be ourselves.

A house is more than just a room…

But a house isn’t just about the rooms; it’s about the memories that fill them. It’s the laughter echoing from birthday parties, the nervous butterflies before a school play practiced in the living room, the quiet moments spent reading a favorite book curled up in a corner. 

Each creak of the floorboards, each worn patch on the rug, tells a story. Maybe it’s the chipped mug you used for your first cup of hot chocolate, or the dent on the wall from an epic dodgeball tournament in the hallway. These imperfections aren’t flaws; they’re proof of life lived, stories etched into the very fabric of the house.

Of course, a house doesn’t come to life on its own. It’s the people who fill it with love, laughter, and warmth that make it a home. It’s the family meals shared around the table, the movie nights where popcorn spills and blankets get tangled, the quiet moments spent talking with a loved one. And It’s the feeling of safety and security, the knowledge that no matter what happens outside, there’s always a place where you are accepted and loved.

Sometimes, a house can be more than just a place with walls and a roof. It can be a refuge, a place to come back to after a long day, a space to celebrate victories and find comfort in times of need. It’s a constant presence in our lives, a silent witness to our growth and change. It’s a place where traditions are passed down, where dreams are nurtured, and where we learn what it means to belong.

So, the next time you step through your own front door, take a moment to appreciate the magic that surrounds you. It might not be a palace, but it’s your own special place – a place called Home.

My House Essay: 600 words

My House Essay_ 600 words

A house can be defined as a building of any size that has four walls and a roof and is used by individuals or families for shelter and living purposes. It is one of the most basic requirements of human beings apart from food, clean water, and oxygen. However, not many people have a house or even a roof over their heads to protect themselves from the natural elements like sun and rain. This is why I consider myself blessed that I live in a house made of bricks and cement which protects my family and me from the sun, wind, rain, and cold winds.

My Ancestral House in Chandannagar

Our house is in Chandannagar, a city in the Hooghly district of West Bengal. The house was built by my grandfather’s father during the 1930s and is more than 70 years old. It is an ancestral house that I share with my big joint family consisting of 15 members. 

There is a very interesting story associated with the house. My grandfather’s father used to work as an accountant for the zamindars of the Balagarh region. They were very pleased and impressed with my grandfather’s father because of the dedication and sincerity shown by him during the course of his employment with them. As a result, they gifted a handsome sum of money along with this land to my grandfather’s father upon his retirement. Our ancestral house which I am going to talk about here was built on this land.

A Short description of my Ancestral House

The house is three-storeyed and quite large. The house is U-shaped with an open courtyard in the middle. On either side of the courtyard, there are long pillars and red-floored verandahs. At one end of the courtyard, there is a small thakurdalan where rituals and pujas of different gods and goddesses are held throughout the year. 

There are two large staircases at either end of the ground-floor verandah leading to the upper floors. The house has 20 rooms in total and 10 bathrooms. Some of the rooms are set aside for guests and my cousins who have married and moved away, but frequently come to stay with us. 

In the ground floor, we have a sitting area, a kitchen and a dining area. The dining room is quite large and can hold 20 people at once. In addition to these three rooms, there are only two other rooms on the ground floor. On the first floor there are 10 rooms. My grandparents, parents, paternal uncles and aunts stay in this floor. My cousins and I have our rooms on the top floor. This is because we wanted some privacy from the elders. When all the cousins are here during festival times, we have lots of fun.

 We have a huge U-shaped terrace – from one end of the terrace we can see the road in front of our house and from the other end we can see the garden at the back of our house. Back when I was a kid, we had a clear view of our neighborhood and surrounding areas. But nowadays there are lots of apartment building around our house which blocks the view. 


I feel extremely lucky that I have a room of my own in my ancestral home which I share with my huge joint family. I feel safe and secure and the place holds a lot of beautiful memories of my childhood. It is a privilege that not many can enjoy. This is why I aim to take care of my ancestral home for as long as I can with or without my cousins’ help.

My House Essay within 500 words

My House Essay within 500 words

We should always be happy about the things we have – including the people close to us and our belongings. I live in India , where most people live below the poverty line; having a house equals almost everything. This essay is about my house, where I belong.

The Idea Of A House

A house is very important among some essential commodities (food, shelter, and clothing). Based on their requirement and living capacity, humans have constructed their houses in different styles and structures throughout the centuries. In the modern era, while some of us live in a ranch, duplexes, apartments, bungalows, or little huts.

But, no matter where we live, a house is where we feel at ease and safe. It is our shelter for ultimate safety, love, peace, and comfort. The idea of a house started in the ancient age when cavemen dwelled in caves. During this period, life was unrecognized and was not systematic. However, as the human species evolved, the need for houses became prominent with the population increasing.

Houses are built upon two different aspects – needs and imagination. The foundation needs to be strong to withstand any small natural disaster, and the construction should have different appearances based on how far we can imagine.

I was born in a village in West Bengal, India, and I live in a spacious house in the village. No, my house is not big like a bungalow. But it is spacious enough to accommodate ten family members. My father and my uncles inherited the house after my grandfather’s death, and we still live as one family.

We do not have a bedroom for each family member, but we manage the five medium-sized rooms we have. We have five bedrooms, two bathrooms, and two toilets at my home. However, there is only one kitchen where the meal for the entire family is cooked.

The house takes the shape of a square, with the bedrooms, kitchen, bathrooms, and toilets surrounding an open veranda facing the open sky. There is only one entrance to the house, and it leads straight to the main road in front of the house.

The surrounding of my house is full of different small and big trees like –Mango, Jackfruit, Bamboo, Neem, and more. Unfortunately, I had to leave my happy home and birthplace and come to the city for my job. Right now, I share a 2BH apartment with a friend.

Dream House

However, someday, I dream of returning to my home and renovating it into the house I dream of having. I want to renovate my house with lots of ventilation, a little space for a garden, spacious rooms, and clean water and electricity system. Most importantly, I will include a little balcony and a small library at my home.

A house is a place where we can be ourselves, and let our guard down. It is where we can feel loved, cared for, and feel at ease. Also, it is not always about the existence of a brick-and-mortar property; our family members or people who love us create a sense of feeling at home.

My House Essay within 200 words

My House Essay within 200 words

My house is a place where I feel the most comfortable and secure. It is a two-story building with a red roof and white walls. It is my safest place and where I want to spend the rest of my life.

The living room is cozy and inviting, with a comfortable couch, a TV, and a large window that lets in plenty of natural light . The kitchen is fully equipped with all the necessary appliances to cook my favorite meals. Upstairs, there are three bedrooms, including my own. My room is painted in a calming blue color and has a comfortable bed, a desk, and a bookshelf filled with my favorite books.

The backyard is my favorite place in the house. It has a swing, a small garden, and a large patio where I like to relax on sunny days. My house is not just a physical structure but a place that holds many of my precious memories and is a true reflection of who I am.

It is where I was born and grew up. All the fond memories of playing with my father, laughing, and sleeping on my mother’s lap are built around this house.

My House Essay within 100 words

My House Essay within 100 words

My house is the best place in the world for me. It is not the biggest house, and it does not have the amenities of a luxury house. My house is my favorite place because it is where I can be myself.

My house is a single-story house with two small bedrooms, a kitchen, and two small washrooms. One of the bedrooms has a small balcony, and there is a small living room where we watch TV, have dinner, and talk and laugh together.

Having a house is very important among all the essential commodities in life . It shelters us, gives us the safe space to be ourselves, and builds a sense of who we are and what we represent.

Bottom Line

Our houses play a big part in our lives. As if it is a character that shapes and builds our nature, character, and personality as human beings. If you want to write a ‘my house essay’, you can use the samples given in this article as a guide. There are three different word volumes based on your needs.

I hope that this article was helpful. However, please contact us in the comment section if you have any questions.

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Shahnawaz Alam

Shahnawaz is a passionate and professional Content writer. He loves to read, write, draw and share his knowledge in different niches like Technology, Cryptocurrency, Travel,Social Media, Social Media Marketing, and Healthcare.

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Essays About Happiness: 5 Essay Examples and 6 Writing Prompts

Being happy and content is essential to living a successful life. If you are writing essays about happiness, start by reading our helpful guide.

Whenever we feel positive emotions rushing through our heads, chances are we are feeling happy. Happiness is what you feel when you enter the house, the smell of your favorite food being cooked or when you finally save up enough money to buy something you’ve wanted. It is an undeniably magical feeling. 

Happiness can do wonders for your productivity and well-being; when you are happy, you are more energetic, optimistic, and motivated. So it is, without a doubt, important. However, do not become caught up in trying to be happy, as this may lead to worse problems. Instead, allow yourself to feel your emotions; be authentic, even if that means feeling a little more negative.

5 Top Essay Examples

1. causes of happiness by otis curtis, 2. how to be happy by tara parker-pope, 3. reflections on ‘happiness’ by shahzada sultan.

  • 4.  Happiness is Overrated by John Gorman

5. Toxic positivity by Suhani Mahajan

6 prompts for essays about happiness, 1. why is it important to be happy, 2. what is happiness to you, 3. the role of material things in happiness, 4. how does happiness make you more productive, 5. is true happiness achievable, 6. happiness vs. truth.

“If you don’t feel good about yourself you will have a similarly negative attitude towards others and education is one way of having good self-esteem, as it helps you to live life successfully and happily. Education is one way of getting that dream job and education is an essential cog in the wheel to living comfortably and happily. One English survey that included over 15,000 participants revealed that 81 percent of people who had achieved a good level of education had a high level of life satisfaction.”

Based on personal beliefs and research, Curtis’ essay describes different contributing causes to people’s happiness. These include a loving, stable family and good health. Interestingly, there is a positive correlation between education level and happiness, as Curtis cites statistics showing that education leads to high self-esteem, which can make you happier. 

“Socratic questioning is the process of challenging and changing irrational thoughts. Studies show that this method can reduce depression symptoms. The goal is to get you from a negative mindset (“I’m a failure.”) to a more positive one (“I’ve had a lot of success in my career. This is just one setback that doesn’t reflect on me. I can learn from it and be better.”)”

Parker-Pope writes about the different factors of happiness and how to practice mindfulness and positivity in this guide. She gives tips such as doing breathing exercises, moving around more, and spending time in places and with people that make you happy. Most importantly, however, she reminds readers that negative thoughts should not be repressed. Instead, we should accept them but challenge that mindset.

“Happiness is our choice of not leaving our mind and soul at the mercy of the sways of excitement. Happiness cannot eliminate sorrow, suffering, pain or death from the scheme of things, but it can help keep fear, anxiety, sadness, hopelessness, pessimism and other fathers of unhappiness at bay.”

Sultan discusses what happiness means to her personally. It provides an escape from all the dreariness and lousy news of daily life, not eliminating negative thoughts but keeping them at a distance, even just for a moment. She writes that to be happy; we should not base our happiness on the outcomes of our actions. We cannot control the world around us, so we should not link our happiness to it. If something doesn’t go our way, that is just how the world works. It is useless to be sad over what we cannot control.

4.   Happiness is Overrated by John Gorman

“Our souls do float across the sea of life, taking on water as they go, sinking ever so slightly — perhaps even imperceptibly — into despair. But our souls are not the bucket. Happiness itself is. And it’s the bucket we use to pour water out our souls and keep us afloat. What we really need is peace. Peace patches the holes in our souls and stops the leaking. Once we have peace, we will no longer need to seek happiness.”

In his essay, Gorman reflects on how he stopped trying to chase happiness and instead focused on finding peace in life. He writes that we are often so desperate looking for happiness that our lives become complicated, chaotic, and even depressing at times. He wants readers to do what they are passionate about and be their authentic selves; that way, they will find true happiness. You might also be interested in these essays about courage .

“That’s the mindset most of us have. Half of toxic positivity is just the suppression of 200% acceptable feelings such as anger, fear, sadness, confusion, and more. Any combination of such feelings is deemed “negative.” Honestly, mix ‘em up and serve them to me in a cocktail, eh? (Fine, fine, a mocktail. I reserve my right to one of those little umbrellas though.)

But by closing ourselves off to anything but positivity, we’re experiencing the same effects as being emotionally numb. Why are we doing this to ourselves?”

Mahajan writes about the phenomenon known as “toxic positivity” in which everyone is expected to be happy with their lives. It trivializes people’s misfortunes and sufferings, telling them to be happy with what they have instead. Mahajan opposes this, believing that everyone’s feelings are valid. She writes that it’s okay to be sad or angry at times, and the stigma around “negative feelings” should be erased. When we force ourselves to be happy, we may feel emotionally numb or even sad, the exact opposite of being happy. 

Essays About Happiness: Why is it important to be happy?

Many would say that happiness aids you in many aspects of your life. Based on personal experience and research, discuss the importance of being happy. Give a few benefits or advantages of happiness. These can include physical, mental, and psychological benefits, as well as anything else you can think of. 

Happiness means different things to different people and may come from various sources. In your essay, you can also explain how you define happiness. Reflect on this feeling and write about what makes you happy and why. Explain in detail for a more convincing essay; be sure to describe what you are writing about well. 

Essays About Happiness: The role of material things in happiness

Happiness has a myriad of causes, many of which are material. Research the extent to which material possessions can make one happy, and write your essay about whether or not material things can truly make us happy. Consider the question, “Can money buy happiness?” Evaluate the extent to which it can or cannot, depending on your stance.  

Happiness has often been associated with a higher level of productivity. In your essay, look into the link between these two. In particular, discuss the mental and chemical effects of happiness. Since this topic is rooted in research and statistics, vet your sources carefully: only use the most credible sources for an accurate essay.

In their essays, many, including Gorman and Mahajan, seem to hold a more critical view of happiness. Our world is full of suffering and despair, so some ask: “Can we truly be happy on this earth?” Reflect on this question and make the argument for your position. Be sure to provide evidence from your own experiences and those of others. 

In dystopian stories, authorities often restrict people’s knowledge to keep them happy. We are seeing this even today, with some governments withholding crucial information to keep the population satisfied or stable. Write about whether you believe what they are doing is defensible or not, and provide evidence to support your point. 

For help with this topic, read our guide explaining “what is persuasive writing ?”

For help picking your next essay topic, check out our top essay topics about love .

essay on my happy home

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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My Happiest Place Essay

After taking so much time on thinking of my happiest places I reached the result of home being my happeist place. The happiest place on the earth is the place where you are happy. A place where you can relax without any hurry or problem. A place that gives you peace, you may go out somewhere to find your happiest place, but for sure you will return back to your home and will find that your home is your happiest place. Every creature has a place hwere he feels more comfortable and happier than any other place. In your home you have your own place, the specific corner where you love to sit, which is maybe better than any disney ride. No matter how good a day spent out of the home a person always wanna come home. I always wait to go home everyday I’m outside. My home is a place …show more content…

A life without a home is useless and miserable. A house is not just a building made of bricks, cement, and iron rebars, the main essentials of turning a house into a home are unlimited love, 100% pure care for the loved ones, and a pinch of madness. A house is made a home by the people living there. Now, whether its your family members or the roommates in hostel. The care of the people living with you when you are sick or sad, is just amazing and that care increases the bond between you and the people even more. When you live with your family the most annoying thing in the house is your siblings, they irritate you so much, if you are living alone now you’ll be feeling lonely that why don’t you live your family, sibling’s annoyingness is the most irritating and amazing thing that you can expirience while being in a family. The most important reason why my happiest place is home, is because of my family, our family is a litle crazy but this craziness is thing that helps us in staying more happy and loving. Without my family, I don’t think that a house could be a home for me and I could ever find my happiest

Analysis Of A Long Way Gone By Ishmael Beah

The definition of 'home' is different for many people. Some people have no place to call home. To some, home is the place where family is at. To others, home is a state of mind, something completely resting on the beliefs or thoughts of the individual. The general idea of home is a place of safety and stability.

Dianne Ackerman The Round Walls Of Home Analysis

Every person has their own definition of home. In the story “The Round Walls of Home,” Dianne Ackerman is saying her home is the earth. She uses the word “round” because the earth does not have walls like normal homes, but the walls are the outside of the earth, making it round in shape. When most people describe their home they would mention the color of the walls, what sorts of belongings, and how many rooms. But, Ackerman describes her home as a, “big, beautiful, blue, wet ball.”

An Analysis Of Jeannette Walls The Glass Castle

Most of us are lucky enough to have a home. A place one can come to, and find those close to us. We often take this for granted, and stay blissfully unaware of how fortunate we are. Jeannette Walls’ life has been far from easy. From the day she was born, she and her family had combated constant forces of turbulence and order.

How Does Sanders Use Ethos In I Must Be Going

Life can be boring, especially when you might have lived in a certain place for so long. However, to have a place to call home is the most comfort feeling anyone can have, even if they have been moving their whole lives. But home, does not always mean a physical place, but the bond shared with people in that place. In Scott Russell Sanders essay, Homeplace, he expresses how people staying is good because one can truly respect or feel blessed of what they have received than to throw away the effort that once existed. Yet, Richard Ford’s

Essay On The Poisonwood Bible

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Into The Wild, By Jon Krakauer

As he goes across the country, he realizes that the concept of home isn’t just limited to a specific location. Matter of fact, he claims that the concept of home is subjective, stating, “The very basic core of a man's living spirit is his passion for adventure. The joy of life comes from our encounters with new experiences, and hence there is no greater joy than to have an endlessly changing horizon, for each day to have a new and different sun” (Krakauer 57). This quote shows Chris’s look on home as an ever-changing concept that is not just limited to one specific location or set of experiences. For Chris home is wherever he finds adventure and discovery, whether it’s on a deserted beach in Mexico or even in the deep Alaskan wilderness.

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Home In The Glass Castle

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Family Family is one of the greatest gift and blessing from the Lord. Without family you can not feel love, care , satisfaction and happiness. They are the most treasured blessing that no one can take away from us. It is also like a fragile thing you consider as the most precious gem in your whole life. Family is a basic unit in the society traditionally consisting of parents and children.

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  • Essay on My Home in 200, 300, 400, 500, 600 Words for All Classes

A very beautiful collection of My Home Essays. We have got an essay on every form, short and long. You can find a suitable one for your needs. I am sure you will find the best one for yourself. 

In This Blog We Will Discuss

Essay on My Home in 200 Words

We are a big family living together in a big house. I love to live with my family and that’s why I always enjoy living in my home. We live in a village near Ahmedabad. It’s a very beautiful village and only a 1 hour drive from the city . My grandfather built that two-storied building for the family.

We are a joint family still now. We have 13 family members in total. Still, now that’s a big building for us. There are 10 bedrooms and each bedroom has an attached toilet. The location of the house is near a small river. And when I come to my veranda on the west side, I can see a very beautiful natural view.

We have a good internet and electricity connection in our home. That’s why our life is not that much different from city life . Although, we don’t need to face all the traffic problems here. There are so many reasons why I love to live in my home.

This is the place where I find peace. Wherever I stay, I always feel homesick and I want to get back to my family. And I know everyone is like this because we have some extra affection for our home. 

My Home Essay in 300 Words


Home is where we are born, live, and spend the sweetest time of our life. We all love and enjoy living in our home. Today I am going to share lots of information about my home. I will tell you how much home looks and how we are living there. 

I live in a small village near Azamgarh, UP, India. My village is one of the most beautiful places here due to natural beauty. My father never intended to move from here because he loves to stay with the people of this village. 

We have a very big and old house here in the village. Because we are a joint family with my 4 uncles. My father is the oldest son of his dad and that’s why he controls everything. My uncles, aunties, and their kids are living here together with us. 

We are a big family. Our home was built almost 50 years ago. My grandfather built it by marble stone. This is one of the most beautiful homes in the village. It is two-storied and there are almost 25 rooms in the building. 

I love to live here a lot. There is a huge garden in front of the house. My father tries to paint the house every year, and that’s why it looks very beautiful. 

We have to spend a big amount of money on the maintenance of the home. I feel this house is the safest place for me and I feel a lot relieved when I am staying there. 


Everyone loves their home and they love to live there like me. It doesn’t matter how your home is, but everyone loves it. Because it’s the place where we were born, and it’s the place where our family lives. 

Essay on My Home in 400 


To me, my home is the best place to live in. The first reason behind it is my mother is here. We all have immense affection for our own home. We all have a home and we love to live there. Today I am going to share some important things about my home. 

My home is located in Bandra, Mumbai. My father built this home almost 20 years ago. This neighborhood was not that much crowded before and only a couple of buildings were here. But now it has been a really important place for the entire city. 

The value of land is pretty high here. We are very lucky that my dad made this building for us. It is a three-storied building. We live on the 2nd floor and the entire building is on rent. We make a good amount of money from this rent. 

We are living in a unit with two bedrooms. Each bedroom has an attached toilet. And there is an extra toilet too. There are very beautiful kitchen and a dining room. 

My mom keeps the entire home very neat and clean. Especially she keeps the living room very beautiful. The living room has some beautiful paintings and I love them a lot. 

My room is the most beautiful room in the entire building. My room is full of beautiful dolls, paintings, and different types of toys. My bed is very small but very beautiful. My dad bought that for me from Canada. 

I have a very beautiful veranda there and I can enjoy the beautiful outside view from there. My reading table and chair are also beautiful. I can use my computer there too. Overall it’s a very beautiful set up for me. 

Garden at Front of My Home:

There is a big and beautiful garden in front of our home. The garden is completely made by my dad. He has worked very hard for the garden. It has been so beautiful because of his hard work.

There are different types of flower plants in the garden. I love to work in the garden. It has added huge beauty in our home. I love the garden a lot. I am planning to add more plants there. 


That’s all about my home. I love my home very much and I love living there with my family. It’s a very important place for me because my family lives here. 

My Home Essay in 500 Words

My Home Essay in 500 Words

A home is a place where our heart is. We all love to be with our family and it’s only possible when we are living with our family. Today I am going to share all about my home. My home is very special to me.

My home is located in Banani, Dhaka. This is a very reputed area in the city. When my father came here to build this home, this place was not that much value and only a couple of buildings were here. 

But now it has been the most important place in the country. It is the perfect place for operating a business based on Dhaka. Our building is two-storied. We live on one floor and the other one is on rent. 

It was designed by a very good architect and the building structure is pretty good. We color it after a regular break and that’s how the entire building looks very beautiful. The people live here for rent, they are also very happy about our house. 

They always say that they love to stay here forever. We have got a good bonding with them. On our floor, we have two-bedrooms, three toilets, one kitchen, and a dining room. There is lots of space for the living room there. 

My parents decorated the room properly and made it a perfect living room. My room is one of the most beautiful parts of the entire building. I have got everything in the room. My veranda is on the west side and I can see a bit of a natural view from there. 

Sometimes I come out and sit there with a book in my hand. I have a big wardrobe to keep my clothes and a big bookshelf to keep my books. My computer table is also very beautiful. I love to work on that. 

We don’t have any cars, that’s why we don’t require any parking space. But we have enough parking space in front of our house. It will be required because we are planning to get a car soon. Overall, my home is amazing and very interesting to me. 

Why Do I Love to Be in My Home?

There are so many reasons why I love to stay in my home. First of all, I think I feel some extra comfort here. Everything is very easy and effortless here. I love to live with my family. 

And that’s another huge reason behind living in my home. When I go away from my home, I feel very homesick. I want to get back home as soon as possible.

Happiness doesn’t depend on the size of the house, but on the attitude of the family members. We are a very happy family living together happily with lots of love and fun. Our house may not have a lot of luxury but we feel very comfortable and safe here. 

Essay on My Home in 600 Words

Essay on My Home in 600 Words

‘Home is where the heart is’, it’s a famous quote about your own home or homeland. Almost everyone has their own home and they prefer to live in their home. In this essay, I am going to talk about my home.

I always think that my home is the best place for me to live in this world. We all feel special when we stay at home. When you go away for a few days or a week, you can realize how much you miss your home and get homesick. 

I have a very beautiful home. It was built by my father 10 years ago. It’s a two-storied building located in Delhi, India. My father shifted himself here with the entire family. He struggled a lot before building this house here. 

There are some beautiful things that I am going to share with all of you about my home. First of all, let’s talk about the rooms. We have a total of 10 rooms in the building. The terrace is very beautiful with lots of beautiful flower plants. 

My reading room and bedroom are on the 2nd floor. I love to live there. But our kitchen and dining room on the first floor. My parent’s bedroom is on the 2nd floor too. My elder brother and sister and my grandma live on the first floor. 

Our living room is also on the first floor. This is a very well decorated room with two beautiful sofa sets and a big screen Television. I love spending time in the living room. My sister made this room very special with her own interior knowledge. 

When any guest arrives at our house, we let them sit here. There are some mind-blowing paintings too on the wall. We have got a well decorated and complete kitchen. My mother and maid cook food there. My mom can cook delicious food. 

The dining room is pretty big and we all eat together there. My father never tolerated eating separately. My room is also very big and I try to keep it neat and clean always. My sister helps sometimes to keep my room organized. 

There are so many reasons that are why I love to be in my home. The first reason is my family. When I’m living in my home, I can stay with my family. And I love my family a lot. 

It is very easy to live with them. When I live outside of my home, I can feel how hard it is. Everything in my home is very familiar and known to me. I don’t need to go through any hardships while I’m here. Food is a huge issue for me. 

It’s hard for me to digest outside food. I love eating food that is cooked by my mom. My sister also cooks sometimes. She can cook well too.

Who Lives in My Home?

There are six members in my family. My two siblings, parents, and my grandmother . We’re a very small and sweet family. 

All members of my family are very caring and loving. They all love me a lot and that’s why my home has been more interesting for me. 

That’s all about my home. I love this place and that’s where I love to live. This is an amazing place for me. All the things that are related to my home are very fond of me. I can’t stop loving my home. Wherever I live I want to get back to my home. 

10 Lines Essay on My Home

Here is a beautiful and short 10 lines essay on my home. This short essay is very easy and important for the students. 

1. Home is where our heart is, and that’s a very true saying for us. We all love to be with our family in our home. 

2. My home is very beautiful, built by my grandfather. He is still alive with us. 

3. It’s a small but beautiful house. We are totally 5 members living in the home. 

4. There are a total three bedrooms in the house. My parents share one bedroom, and my brother shares one with me and another one is for grandpa. 

5. Every bedroom has an attached toilet. And there is an external toilet too. 

6. The kitchen is huge and it looks beautiful. 

7. My mom keeps the living room well decorated and there are some amazing paintings too. 

8. The other rooms are also very good in condition and my mom take care of the entire house. 

9. We are living a simple and happy life together. 

10. I love living in this home with my entire family and I find lots of peace on that. It has some extra comfort. 

How can I write about my house? 

If you want to write about your house, you can follow this beautiful ‘my home essays’. We have provided tons of simple and easy-to-learn examples for you. 

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Essay on My House in English: Check 300, 500 & 800 Words Essay

Home is where the heart is, and within the sanctuary of our homes lies a special place that holds memories, shelter, and comfort – my house. From the architectural style to the interior design, every aspect of the house speaks volumes about who we are and what we value. But beyond its physical attributes, the house holds a deeper significance in our lives. It’s where we create cherished memories, celebrate milestones, and forge bonds with loved ones. A house is more than just a place to live; it’s a symbol of stability, love, and the countless moments that make life worth living.

In this article, we’ll explore writing an essay on my house, exploring its significance, structure, and the role it plays in shaping our lives.

Table of Content

Important Terms for House

10 lines on my house, 500 word essay on my house, 800 word essay on my house.

Here are some terms that can help you write an essay on my house:

  • House: A building or structure where people live, providing shelter and accommodation.
  • Home: Not just a physical structure, but also a place of belonging, comfort, and emotional attachment.
  • Architecture: The art and science of designing and constructing buildings.
  • Interior Design: The arrangement and decoration of the interior spaces of a house to create a functional and aesthetically pleasing environment.
  • Floor Plan: A diagram showing the layout of rooms and spaces within a house, including dimensions and furniture placement.

Here are 10 lines that can help you write an essay on My House:

1. My house is a cozy place where I feel safe and happy.

2. It has a welcoming door and colorful flowers in the garden.

3. Inside, there’s a living room where my family plays games and watches TV together.

4. The kitchen smells delicious with Mom’s cooking, and I love helping her sometimes.

5. Upstairs, my bedroom is my favorite spot, filled with my toys and books.

6. From my window, I can see the trees and birds chirping in the morning.

7. Outside, there’s a swing where I love to play with my friends.

8. Sometimes, we have a barbecue in the backyard, and it’s so much fun!

9. My house is where I make lots of happy memories with my family.

10. I’m grateful for my house because it’s where I feel loved and cozy every day.

My small house may be tiny in size, but it is bursting with charm and coziness that make it a special place for me. Situated in a quiet corner of the neighborhood, my cute little house stands out with its colorful exterior and welcoming front porch that beckons visitors with its friendly vibe.

As I step through the front door, I am greeted by a snug living room that feels like a warm hug. The space may be small, but it is filled with love and laughter, making it the heart of our home. A comfy sofa sits against the wall, inviting me to sink into its soft cushions and relax after a long day at school. The kitchen, though compact, is a bustling hub of activity where delicious meals are cooked with care and shared with family. Every inch of space is cleverly utilized, from the neatly organized cabinets to the cozy dining nook where we gather for meals and conversations. The aroma of freshly baked cookies or simmering soup fills the air, creating a sense of comfort and warmth. Upstairs, my bedroom is a cozy retreat that reflects my personality and interests. The limited space has been transformed into a magical haven where I can dream, play, and unwind. A colorful bedspread adorns my bed, while shelves filled with books and toys add a touch of whimsy to the room.

One of the most delightful features of my small house is its backyard, a tiny oasis of greenery and tranquility where nature’s wonders unfold. A small garden patch blooms with vibrant flowers and fragrant herbs, attracting butterflies and bees that flit about in the sunshine. A swing set beneath a shady tree offers hours of fun and laughter as I soar through the air with glee. Despite its size, my small house is filled with big memories and moments that make it truly special. From family movie nights in the living room to impromptu picnics in the backyard, every corner of my house is alive with joy, love, and togetherness.

In conclusion, my small house may be petite in size, but it is grand in charm, coziness, and character that make it a cherished haven for me. Its compact layout encourages creativity and imagination in design, while its warm ambiance fosters a sense of comfort and belonging. My cute little house may be small on the outside, but it is mighty in love, laughter, and happiness – qualities that truly make it feel like home.

My house in Delhi is not a grand mansion, but a cozy middle-class home that holds a special place in my heart. Situated in a bustling neighborhood, it stands tall with four floors that offer ample space for my family and me to live, play, and create memories together. Despite its modest size, our house is filled with love, laughter, and warmth that make it a cherished haven for us.

As I walk through the front door of our house, I am greeted by a cozy living room on the ground floor that serves as the heart of our home. The walls are adorned with family photos and colorful artwork, creating a cheerful and inviting atmosphere. A comfortable sofa and a small coffee table sit in the center of the room, inviting us to relax and unwind after a long day at school or work.

The kitchen, located on the first floor, is a bustling hub of activity where delicious meals are prepared with love and care. The aroma of spices and cooking fills the air as we gather around the dining table to share stories and laughter. Despite its compact size, the kitchen is well-equipped with all the essentials needed to whip up our favorite dishes and treats.

Each floor of our house has its own unique charm and purpose. The second floor houses our bedrooms – cozy retreats where we rest and recharge after a busy day. My room is filled with my favorite toys, books, and posters that reflect my interests and personality. From my bed by the window, I can watch the world go by and daydream about adventures yet to come.

The third floor is a versatile space that serves as a family room where we come together to watch movies, play games, or simply spend quality time with each other. The walls are lined with shelves filled with board games, books, and family photos that tell the story of our lives. It is a space where memories are made and bonds are strengthened through shared experiences and laughter.

The fourth floor leads to our rooftop terrace – a hidden gem that offers panoramic views of the city skyline. From here, we can watch the sunset paint the sky in hues of orange and pink, listen to the sounds of the city below, or simply bask in the warmth of the sun on lazy afternoons. It is a peaceful retreat where we can escape the hustle and bustle of daily life and enjoy moments of tranquility together.

In conclusion, my house in Delhi may not be extravagant or luxurious, but it is filled with love, laughter, and cherished moments that make it truly special. Its four floors offer ample space for us to live, play, and grow together as a family. From cozy bedrooms to bustling kitchens, from family rooms to rooftop terraces, every corner of our house holds memories and experiences that shape who we are and bring us closer together. Our middle-class home may not be grand in size or stature, but it is rich in love, warmth, and happiness – qualities that truly make it feel like home for me and my family.

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My House Essay- FAQs

What is a house.

A house is a structure designed for human habitation, providing shelter, comfort, and privacy. It typically consists of rooms for living, sleeping, cooking, and other activities.

What are the different types of houses?

There are various types of houses, including single-family homes, apartments, townhouses, condominiums, and mobile homes. Each type has its own layout, size, and ownership structure.

What factors influence the design of a house?

The design of a house is influenced by factors such as location, climate, cultural preferences, budget, and the needs of the occupants. These factors determine aspects like architectural style, materials used, and layout.

How does a house contribute to our well-being?

A well-designed house can contribute to our physical, mental, and emotional well-being. It provides a safe and comfortable environment for rest, relaxation, and social interaction, promoting overall quality of life.

What are some common household maintenance tasks?

Common household maintenance tasks include cleaning, repairs, landscaping, and regular inspections of systems such as plumbing, electrical, and HVAC. These tasks help ensure the safety, functionality, and longevity of the house.

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The Composition of Happiness

Eng 1101 / hus 1101 learning community (fall 2014).

The Composition of Happiness

My Happy Place

Although it may sound boring my happy place is definitely my room. I tried to think of different places I have visited recently and in my past and although I have been to some interesting places in New York City, my room is my happiest. It’s the only place I have my own space and I can do whatever I want. I like having my own space and a place to think or just relax and my room is the perfect place for me to do that. Of course sometimes I want to get out and do things but I never get tired of coming home to my room! I have everything I could ever need to survive in there! I can watch movies, blast my music, read, eat etc.

When I was younger I always had to share rooms with my sister. We had bunk beds then we both had our individual beds but we were still in the same room. We don’t have a big age difference but we still both needed our space. Especially since at the time we were sharing we were at that stage where we hated each other. We spent so much time together it was unbearable! (only kidding) But now that we each have our own space to do what we want and breathe, we are really close. How ironic. I think this is another thing that contributes to me loving my room so much.

What makes being in my room enjoyable besides what I already stated is when my friends or cousins come over. Although they touch all my stuff, we always have fun whether it’s watching movies or just talking about stuff that’s bothering us or currently going on with us. We always find something to do when they come over.

I get tired of things easily so I change my room around a lot. My dad has painted my room at least 3 times in the past like 2 years. I always move my bed and dressers around simply because since I spend so much of my time in here whether it’s doing work or hanging out, i’m gonna get tired of seeing it the same exact way. I actually enjoy changing my room around because I change everything from sheets to the stuff I have on my walls or around my room. Everything is up to me and how I decide I want it to look which is cool. The only thing I don’t change in my room is it’s scent. Whether it’s fall or not my favorite scent is apply cinnamon. Although it’s usually thought of as a fall aroma, I have it in my room year around whether it’s spray or candles.

My room is just me. Everything about it is me as a person and who I am. I think it describes me well. It may sound weird or dramatic but it is. As much time as I spend in here I would only imagine it should. Although there are some beautiful historical places in NYC, this is why my room is my favorite.

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Happiness Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on happiness.

Happiness is something which we can’t describe in words it can only be felt from someone’s expression of a smile. Likewise, happiness is a signal or identification of good and prosperous life. Happiness is very simple to feel and difficult to describe. Moreover, happiness comes from within and no one can steal your happiness.

Happiness Essay

Can Money Buy You Happiness?

Every day we see and meet people who look happy from the outside but deep down they are broken and are sad from the inside. For many people, money is the main cause of happiness or grief. But this is not right. Money can buy you food, luxurious house, healthy lifestyle servants, and many more facilities but money can’t buy you happiness.

And if money can buy happiness then the rich would be the happiest person on the earth. But, we see a contrary image of the rich as they are sad, fearful, anxious, stressed, and suffering from various problems.

In addition, they have money still they lack in social life with their family especially their wives and this is the main cause of divorce among them.

Also, due to money, they feel insecurity that everyone is after their money so to safeguard their money and them they hire security. While the condition of the poor is just the opposite. They do not have money but they are happy with and stress-free from these problems.

In addition, they take care of their wife and children and their divorce rate is also very low.

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Happiness Comes from Within

As we now know that we can’t buy happiness with money and there is no other shortcut to happiness. It is something that you feel from within.

In addition, true happiness comes from within yourself. Happiness is basically a state of mind.

Moreover, it can only be achieved by being positive and avoiding any negative thought in mind. And if we look at the bright side of ourselves only then we can be happy.

Happiness in a Relationship

People nowadays are not satisfied with their relationship because of their differences and much other reason. But for being happy in a relationship we have to understand that there are some rules or mutual understanding that keeps a relationship healthy and happy.

Firstly, take care of yourself then your partner because if you yourself are not happy then how can you make your partner happy.

Secondly, for a happy and healthy relationship give you partner some time and space. In addition, try to understand their feeling and comfort level because if you don’t understand these things then you won’t be able to properly understand your partner.

Most importantly, take initiative and plan to go out with your partner and family. Besides, if they have plans then go with them.

To conclude, we can say that happiness can only be achieved by having positive thinking and enjoying life. Also, for being happy and keeping the people around us happy we have to develop a healthy relationship with them. Additionally, we also have to give them the proper time.

FAQs about Happiness

Q.1 What is True Happiness? A.1 True happiness means the satisfaction that you find worthy. The long-lasting true happiness comes from life experience, a feeling of purpose, and a positive relationship.

Q.2 Who is happier the rich or the poor and who is more wealthy rich or poor? A.2 The poor are happier then the rich but if we talk about wealth the rich are more wealthy then the poor. Besides, wealth brings insecurity, anxiety and many other problems.

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Home, Sweet Home: The Role of Home in Our Life

  • Categories: Hometown House

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Words: 993 |

Published: Oct 11, 2018

Words: 993 | Pages: 3 | 5 min read

Works Cited

  • Bruner, J. (1990). Acts of meaning. Harvard University Press.
  • Csikszentmihalyi, M. (1990). Flow: The psychology of optimal experience. Harper Perennial.
  • Friedman, S. D. (2016). Homesickness and adjustment in university students. Journal of American College Health, 64(5), 363-370.
  • Heidegger, M. (1971). Building dwelling thinking. In Basic Writings (pp. 346-363). Harper Perennial Modern Classics.
  • Hertzog, C., Kramer, A. F., Wilson, R. S., & Lindenberger, U. (2009). Enrichment effects on adult cognitive development: Can the functional capacity of older adults be preserved and enhanced?. Psychological Science in the Public Interest, 9(1), 1-65.
  • Hollingshead, A. B. (2017). The importance of home in the transitional process. Social Science & Medicine, 187, 165-173.
  • Kim, H. (2018). Home as a lived experience: A phenomenological exploration. Journal of Environmental Psychology, 55, 117-124.
  • Korpela, K. M., Ylén, M., Tyrväinen, L., & Silvennoinen, H. (2008). Determinants of restorative experiences in everyday favorite places. Health & Place, 14(4), 636-652.
  • Leyden, K. M., & Dunlap, R. E. (1976). Home as a behavioral setting. Journal of Social Issues, 32(4), 103-124.
  • Pink, S. (2009). Doing sensory ethnography. Sage.

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essay on my happy home


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The nipping cold hits my face as I stroll through the woods looking for the cabin that I grew up in. When I trudge through the crunchy snow it makes a sound like it is October with the crisp fallen leaves underneath my feet. Up ahead I soon spot the cabin made out of walnut wood. It looks so magnificent sitting up on top of the hill with the sun beaming its glistening rays from behind on each side. As I enter through the wooden gate surrounding the house I recall all the memories of Christmases before that were made in this house. I remember the good smells and sounds from years past and hope that they come back this year.

Home is something I didn’t even notice, or thought I’d miss, until I’d left for college. And then, I found myself longing for a home I hadn’t noticed was a home. Home feels warm, welcoming, like it should never be left. And yet, we have all left home. It used to be the middle roundtable with the four uncomfortable, a bit too large, chairs in the library. Between 11:10 and 11:40, everyday; home was lunch with my friends. Matt, on my right, and Clark on my left, scrambling to complete the homework due later that day. When I would nap, and my shoes would be stolen by Clark, only to wake up to find Matt had written quotes, not only onto the soles of them, but on my arms as well, in permanent marker. Home was the librarians fondly reprimanding Matt and me for eating in the library, yet still hating Clark for some inexplicable reason, or sneaking in without our school i.d.s, feeling so proud of ourselves when we didn’t have to sit outside. Aaron, relegated to the fourth, uneven chair, whenever he would occasionally visit, only for us to get into a long-standing argument over whether Gandalf or Dumbledore was more powerful, until Matt finally agreed with me, quoting the Silmarillion word for word. Which naturally progressed to quoting the movies at Aaron until he agreed, Clark confused and lost in the conversation. This inevitably led, to us lamenting about Clark not knowing any pop culture besides anime, then trying to boost his confidence, assuring he, out of any of us, wouldn’t

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Listed on Airbnb, Jessica’s home in Queens New York is bright, spacious and simple. With 2 levels, the house has a fully stocked kitchen, 2 large bedrooms and 2 showers and toilets for you and your family.

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In a small town called Whigham located in the southwest part of Georgia is a home numbered 201 in the middle of Harrell Avenue Northwest. The home is shaded by a mighty oak tree, its exterior is white in color with a forest green metal door and window trim painted forest green to match the door. On the outside this house is full of plant life, two domestic dogs that guard the home from morning to night, and wild animals living off the provisions of the land. The inside of the house is full of geckos, family, and love. This is the house I was raised in since my mother and father brought me home from Grady General Hospital in January 1991. This home will forever be my safety and my coziness.

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A Happy Home Essay Example

A Happy Home Essay Example

  • Pages: 2 (435 words)
  • Published: November 25, 2016
  • Type: Paper

A happy home is a home filled with happiness and joy. Everyone can have a happy home. A smile and a joke from any family members can make their home become happy. For me, a happy home does not need many family members. A family members of four can also create a happy home.

A happy home is a home which has no argument and fighting between the family members. There have solutions to solve all the problems. The family members are willing to sit down and discuss about their problems and feelings. A family discussion for ten minutes a day is very important. This is because to give a chance for parents and children to share about their feelings. This actually can make the family members know how they need to t

reat and care about other people.

Apart from that, happy home is a home which is full of forgiveness. It is very normal to see the family members shouting and fighting between each other. It is okay to have a fight with our brothers or sisters. However, we need to forgive each other after the fight. This is because we cannot be enemy with our siblings in our whole life. We still need to live together.

Of course, love is extremely important in a family. It is a basic need to build a family. Without love, we also cannot create a happy home. We need to love each other. It is very easy to show love to our family members. We can say ‘I love you’ to our father and mother. They are sure be very happy.

hug can also show love to them. Before leaving our house, we can hug our mother and father to tell them we will be safe outside. Therefore, a house full of love can make a happy home.

Moreover, a happy home is a home which can help us release our stress. Whatever stress and hardship we face outside the society, the moment we walk into our home, we can forget all them. The unhappiness diminished in the air when we enter our sweet home. This is because there are people who we love and care waiting inside the house. They can give us encouragement and strength to welcome our days again tomorrow.

A happy home is a place where we recover our wounds from pains. When we are sad, there are people to make us smile again. When we are angry, there are people who manage to calm us down. When we are lost, there are always people who guide us to the right path.

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  • My Dream House Essay in English for Students


Read My Dream House Essay on Vedantu

English is one of the leading languages ​​in the world. Since English is the language of international trade, English is a basic requirement for everyone. Not only that, you can also interact with people from all over the world. Today, fluency in English is one of the basic requirements for a trouble-free life. To be perfect in any language, you must be able to write, read, and speak. These skills include understanding the grammatical aspects of English, writing letters, essays, etc.

Essay-writing is a fun activity for every kid. Kids enjoy writing essays as it gives them creative freedom and allows them to express their thoughts. Essay writing has many benefits: it improves students’ command over the language, allows them to learn sentence formation, etc. Kids can get free essays on several topics on Vedantu’s site. 

My Dream House- An Essay 

I always imagine how my future house will be. A home is a place surrounded by the people one loves. A house is not made beautiful by its furniture or decor, but by the people that live inside it. My dream house should be a house that I can share with my family when I grow old. I always dream of a wooden house in the hilly areas. My dream house should be the one facing a small river. Through the windows, I could see the sun setting and disappearing into the mountains. My dream house would have a small garden where I will grow my own vegetables and fruits. 

The house that I fancy would be considerably big with four rooms and a spacious common area. My dream house should be comfortable for my parents, grandparents and siblings. The house should be equipped with all the modern amenities. It should have a big TV with a home theatre system and a Playstation attached to it. The walls of the house will have light colours that will make it appear bright. There will be sufficient light bulbs and lamps in every room. I also dream of a chandelier in the guest room and a big sofa where everyone will sit and enjoy watching TV together. My grandparents love reading. I wish that my dream house will have a reading space with lots of books.

I have a 3-year old pet dog called Tiger. I also want to have a small yet cosy space in my house for Tiger where he can sleep and relax when he grows old. The house will have beautiful interiors and will have all the facilities like a modern kitchen, three bathrooms, a staircase leading to the terrace, ACs, etc. My dream home should be the one where we all can live happily and comfortably.  


FAQs on My Dream House Essay in English for Students

1. Why should students write essays about My Dream House?

Essay writing is loved by all ages. When writing an essay on any topic, they can describe their chain of thoughts and ideas. Children must be able to understand the importance of home. Home is a symbol of togetherness and love. Writing an essay about my dream house gives students the opportunity to express their feelings about the dream house in simple words. My dream house essay tries to introduce children to the most important aspects of a home that they can include in their essay. Everyone has their own idea of ​​the perfect home. With this article, the experts try to write what a children's dream house looks like. Writing a short essay about my dream house encourages children to gather their thoughts and develop their own ideas about the subject. It develops better language skills and increases self-confidence. Therefore, writing essays has been a part of the curriculum since the formation years of children. 

2. What is a dream house?

Home is the dream of many people because it is one of the few things that give happiness and comfort to everyone. Dream homes can have designs that vary from person to person and this has led to many beautiful dream homes. A dream home should be a place where the person finds comfort, no matter where they go, they will find peace at that one place. A dream house is a place that a person dreams and each day wishes to be in that place. There are many essays on dream homes that can easily be found on the Vedantu website for the students to refer to. 

3. Why should students be encouraged to write essays?

An essay is written to convince someone about a certain topic or just to inform the reader. In order to convince or properly inform the reader, the essay must include several elements that are important to be convincing and logical. Essay writing is a very important part of the English curriculum because it understands how to describe something in words or how to express your point of view without losing its meaning. Essays are the most important way to understand the structure of writing and present it to the reader.

4. How does Vedantu help students write essays?

Writing an essay takes a little guidance and a lot of practice. To understand this, Vedantu offers students various essays on various topics to understand the proper way to write an essay. Students can refer to these essays and reproduce them in their own style to get a better test. On the Vedantu website, there are complete guidelines on how to write an essay and its types. These tips and ample examples available on the website are the perfect guide for any student to write an essay.

5. What perspectives should students keep in mind when writing an essay entitled My Dream House?

Home is a completely safe place to live with our family. We live with our parents, grandparents, and siblings and it is a place that gives us love and warmth. In this article, we'll review the essay ook, "My Dream Home," and understand the importance of a dream home from a toddler's perspective. When I write "My Dream home", the child needs to understand the importance of the dream house in his life. In addition, children should see the house as a symbol of human togetherness, a place where everyone learns the first steps in his life.

Need help organizing for summer? We tapped 'The Home Edit' stars for their recommendations

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The day I returned home after being kidnapped by Islamic terrorists

Beth and Tommy in Portaledge in a tent on the side of a cliff

Beth Rodden is a professional rock climber who, along with three other climbers, was kidnapped and held hostage by Islamic militants in 2000 while on a climbing trip in Kyrgyzstan. The following is excerpted from her new memoir, “A Light Through the Cracks,” about the day she returned home to the U.S. 

Amsterdam, August 2000

By the time my boyfriend, Tommy Caldwell, and I made it to Amsterdam’s gleaming, sterile airport, we had been passed along a half dozen times, like an important but increasingly well-worn package. Military helicopters had brought us and our other two climbing partners from base to base. We’d endured a surreal ride on a private jet from the last military base to the capital, Bishkek, traveling alongside the tipsy and jovial president of Kyrgyzstan. He’d patted us on the shoulders like a grandfather and claimed us long enough for a photo op and a speech to local media in a language we couldn’t understand. Then he handed the four of us off to the American embassy, which scrambled to find us flights home. A few days later, Tommy and I drove across the Kazakhstan border, in a hired car with a diplomatic escort, to the international airport in Almaty, and finally a commercial jet took us from Central Asia to the edge of the Atlantic. Now we had just one more flight to go.

Our tickets were a last-minute mess, and we needed to check on our connection. As we crossed the terminal, I carried a brown paper gift bag from the airport candy shop — despite what we’d been through, I still wanted to bring my older brother a present from this trip. I watched the families clustered around the gates, the lone business travelers perched at the bars, scanning each face around me. I’d been on edge through practically every step of the journey: The embassy in Bishkek had felt almost safe, but at the hotel where they’d sent us to get some sleep, I’d felt vulnerable and stayed vigilant.


In the airport, I was hungry again. When we’d made it to the second army base, the one that felt like a cluster of portable classrooms set down on a vast brown plain, we’d stuffed ourselves with barley and warm buttered bread, but I could not stay full. I had just eaten two chocolate croissants. Still, my stomach felt like a cavern. My brother didn’t really need a present, did he?

I ate half the chocolate in the bag before we got to our gate.

The line at the KLM Royal Dutch Airlines counter felt so orderly. The whole airport did. Just existing there felt like getting a big, soothing hug. When we’d boarded the flight in Kazakhstan, the passengers had formed no line. Everybody just pushed in a scrum toward the plane. Tommy and I stood frozen, like the good, shocked scouts that we were, and got lost in the flood. I felt so fragile, so extremely fragile, and so resigned to that fragile state.

We weren’t safe. That was obvious to me. No line, no order, no rule of law. I loved rules. People smoked openly on that first plane.

“Next,” the flight attendant said as we arrived at the counter. Her voice was as professionally cheerful as her uniform: light blue skirt, light blue jacket, white blouse underneath.

“We’re here to check in for our flight,” I said.

“Wonderful. May I please have your boarding passes?”

I mumbled something apologetic and handed her a few crumpled, dirty sheets of paper. “I think we have to get our seats and stuff from you.”

She pinched her brow as she read our mess of documents. She typed vigorously. I was sure this meant we weren’t going to make it home.

“Can you wait one second?” she asked, flashing a strained smile. She disappeared behind a wall.

Beth Rodden climbing a boulder

I looked at Tommy. He stared into the blank space where the woman had just been. I couldn’t tell if he was as scared as I was, if he was also monitoring the people pooling and flowing around us for any threat. I felt like I had grown an invisible antenna that vibrated continually, never at rest. Never letting me rest. A memory tried to surface inside me: a body in silhouette, sailing off a dark cliff. A crunch, and an exhale. I forced it back down.

Two blond attendants now appeared where there had been one.

“Can you tell me: Was it something KLM did?” the new flight attendant asked.

I looked back at Tommy. Did he know what she was talking about? Did she know what had happened? Tommy shrugged.

“Wait, what?” I said. “What was something . . . ?”

“Well, um, how to say this,” the flight attendant said. “It says on your tickets, ‘Emotionally distressed passengers, please take care.’ So, we are just wondering if it’s something KLM did.” She looked concerned and defensive in her caring, like a hospital billing manager. She didn’t want to know the answer, but she had to ask.

I didn’t want a stranger to try to comfort me, but I did feel the need to comfort her. So I said, “Oh no, definitely not. We were just kidnapped and we want to go home.”

I couldn’t believe how easily the sentence came out. We were just kidnapped . . . I’d never said it so plainly before.

The flight attendant exhaled all her breath at once, stunned and relieved. “Well, good,” she said.

Well, good?

“KLM does our best. How about business-class seats for you two?” She printed our fresh, flat boarding passes. Tommy and I boarded the plane.

We ate every meal and every snack that was offered to us on the long ride home. My hunger was like a portal opened into a galaxy — infinite, absolute. When I was in middle school, I used to watch my older brother, David, eat, stunned by the mountain of food he could consume. Now, it felt strangely freeing to eat with that type of abandon. I hadn’t done that since ninth grade, when I became obsessed with climbing.

I could eat, but I still couldn’t sleep. My anxiety kept me wide awake, and my wakefulness in turn meant I had nothing but space and time for the anxiety to spin itself tighter in my body. I kept wondering if the plane would crash. That seemed possible, maybe even probable, given how the rest of our trip had gone. An appropriate ending, in a way. I wondered if I’d be scared. What would Tommy say to me before impact? Would it hurt? Our backpack, stuffed at our feet, was filled with souvenirs purchased in a blur during our strange interlude in Bishkek, between our flight with the president and our diplomatic drive across the border. I had stuffed the paltry remains of the airport chocolate into our bag alongside the rest of the things we’d acquired: a hand-carved wooden chess set, a wool hanging. Proof that we’d done something major and been somewhere cool. What were we thinking?

Beth Rodden

The backpack that sat at our feet had been lost in transit when we’d first landed in Kyrgyzstan, full of hope for our climbing adventure, and was waiting for us, perversely intact, at the hotel in Bishkek after our escape. We’d left San Francisco with 20 expedition duffels, and all I had left was this backpack filled with trinkets from a country to which I’d never return. Maybe that was why we’d bought them, with the money Tommy had wadded up in his sock just before we were marched away from our camp at gunpoint. Maybe it was some attempt to fabricate a decent memory of the place.

My hands trembled the whole 12 hours to San Francisco. I knew I needed sleep, but if the plane did crash, wasn’t I supposed to be awake for that? I had no idea how to act, what to do or say or who to be when we saw our parents. I’d left as a 20-year-old girl full of herself, ready for the world, sure I was doing something extraordinary. I was living out the dream I’d stared at in the posters I hung on my bedroom wall: climbing to incredible heights in far-off places. My mother had hardly traveled, certainly not by my age. I’d felt so awfully superior as I’d walked down the jetway when we left. I didn’t even turn back to wave.

My parents had given me everything — pride, freedom, confidence. They trusted me. They trusted my decisions. They trusted the world. Now I was returning home a broken mess. I’d spoken to them a few times from the embassy in Bishkek, the words mainly drowned in my tears. I wanted to be small again, so small I could crawl through the phone into their arms, where they’d hold me and shush me and stroke my head. I wanted my mother to say, “Mama’s here, Mama’s here,” just like she always did when I was a girl. I wanted to shrink back into that little-girl body and lay my head in her lap and cry.

How was I supposed to carry myself getting off the jetway? Was the idea to act strong, like I was fine? I was weirdly good at that. Or should I literally run into their arms?

Now — how to do this? How was I supposed to carry myself getting off the jetway? Was the idea to act strong, like I was fine? I was weirdly good at that. Or should I literally run into their arms, like I had been dreaming of doing for the past eight days? I’d never spoken easily with my parents about feelings. They were so kind, so present, and gently but firmly on my team. But inside, I always felt nervous, like there was a line I was afraid to cross, like I needed to be tougher, solid, unbreakable. And even if I could lay my head in my mother’s lap and have her say, “Mama’s here,” would that still work to soothe me? I was not the same person I had been when I left. My thoughts flapped like the loose end of a film in an old-fashioned movie projector, the front reel spinning empty.

I looked over at Tommy. Maybe he’d know what to do. His head was slumped at a 45-degree angle to his chest, his mouth dropped open, snoring. He was sick. His brain was more lucid and less spastic than mine, but his body was breaking down. He had a fever. I envied Tommy’s oblivion. I felt so alone.

We landed. My palms were sweating, but Tommy’s hands felt strong. That felt like a plan: I’d hold his strong hand and we’d present a united front, though I hadn’t told him about my looping, flapping mind. I was trying to stay composed — for him, for me, maybe for my parents too. We collected our bag of souvenirs from under the airplane seats. The souvenirs promised our trip was normal. We were normal. I grabbed a free chocolate bar and a package of cookies from the plane’s galley as we exited. I never did anything like that, but now instead of saying, “Don’t eat that, Rodden,” I thought, “Just in case we don’t have any other food.”

I didn’t race off the plane like I had seen people do in movies, straight into their loved ones’ arms. Instead I walked so slowly that other passengers started passing us. I was desperate to return home, to the narrow twin bed in my parents’ house, on our quiet block filled with minivans and white Honda sedans, to replant myself in the flat farmland around Davis, California, to recommit to the safe wide sidewalks. I just didn’t know how. I wondered if people could tell we’d changed: if we walked differently or stood slightly less straight, if we’d absorbed so much fear and terror that we now emitted it.

Excerpted from “A Light Through the Cracks: A Climber’s Story,” by Beth Rodden. © 2024 Published by Little A Books, May 1, 2024. All Rights Reserved.

Beth Rodden is the author of “A Light Through the Cracks: A Climber’s Story,” out May 2024. 

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All About Reba McEntire New NBC Sitcom, Happy's Place

The network announced a series order of The Voice  Coach's new comedy.

essay on my happy home

Reba McEntire is returning to the sitcom universe !

On May 7, the official name of a new multi-cam comedy starring the country legend was revealed:  Happy's Place . It has also been confirmed that the show has been picked up for a series order from NBC. 

McEntire is an executive producer alongside Kevin Abbott, Michael Hanel, Mindy Schultheis, and Julie Abbott.

Happy’s Place is produced by Universal Television, a division of Universal Studio Group.

RELATED:  An Official Recap of Team Reba on The Voice Season 25

Read on for more details about the new comedy, below!

When does Reba's new show,  Happy's Place,  premiere on NBC?

Happy's Place  premieres fall 2024 on NBC and will occupy the Fridays slot at 8/7c. 

What is  Happy's Place  about?

"Bobbie (Reba McEntire) inherits her father’s restaurant and is less than thrilled to discover that she has a new business partner in the half-sister she never knew she had," a press release reads.

Reba Mcentire and Belissa Escobedo star in the pilot episode for Happy's Place

In the interview with  Entertainment Tonight , McEntire opened up about her experience filming  Happy's Place , and what fans should expect from the new show. 

"It's lots of fun. I love all genres of entertainment. But the sitcoms are so much fun, cause it's a brand new script every week. And you're just having fun. It's really hard memorizing dialogue you have to do, but it ain't my first rodeo. I do love it. And it's just playtime. We have a blast with it," she told the outlet.

She continued: "It's gonna be that heartfelt, fun, funny, laugh at our silliness. But also, [you'll] be touched with the heart in our show." 

Who is in the cast of  Happy's Place ? 

A split of Reba Mcentire and Melissa Peterman

Reunion alert! Along with McEntire,  Happy's Place  will feature another familiar face, Melissa Peterman.

You may recognize Peterman from McEntire's hit sitcom  Reba , which ran from 2001-2007. Peterman played Debra Jean, the dental hygienist who had an affair with Reba's on-screen husband, Brock. 

McEntire and Peterman also appeared together in projects  Young Sheldon ,  Working Class, The Hammer,  and  Baby Daddy . 

Along with this, McEntire's IRL boyfriend, Rex Linn , will be playing the role of the short order cook. "He is kind of the patriarch now that [the character's] daddy has died. Cause he has been with the tavern the longest," McEntire told  Entertainment Tonight  in a recent interview. 

Other actors   include Belissa Escobedo, Pablo Castelblanco, and Tokala Black Elk.

RELATED: Where Is The Voice Coach Reba McEntire From?

Originally published May 8, 2024.

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I'm 38 and single, and I recently realized I want a child. I'm terrified I've missed my opportunity.

  • I didn't want kids and didn't think I'd want to get married again after my divorce.
  • But recently I realized I actually do want to build a life — and a family — with someone. 
  • I'm almost 39, and I'm starting to panic about whether my chance to have a child has passed.

Insider Today

I can still picture it. I was 20, sitting on the kitchen countertop with my legs dangling over the cabinets. He was 21, leaning against the stove of the home he hoped we'd share. We'd been dating for nearly two years and were at a standstill.

I was clinging to my dream of moving five hours away to attend the design program at the Art Institute of Seattle. He wanted a simple life with children and home-cooked meals in the little resort town of Coeur d'Alene, Idaho, where we met in sixth grade .

That day in the kitchen, we decided to stay together, and we each gave up something to do that. I would no longer pursue design school and the big-city life I'd always dreamed of, and he'd forgo having children and a wife who prioritized homemaking. I made it clear to him that I did not see motherhood in my future and that he needed to be OK with that. Two years later, we married.

My now ex-husband wanted kids and a stay-at-home wife

My husband thought I'd change, and I thought I could change for him. I told myself that it was silly to go after my dreams and that I should be content in the pretty mountain town where I grew up.

But I grew resentful when he asked where dinner was or complained that his gym clothes hadn't been washed. I did little to hide my disdain for our small-town life. He was a good and hardworking man, but I don't think I made him feel that way.

We were young, foolish, and sweet, thinking our love would allow us to overcome our differences. We were also very wrong.

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Shortly after I turned 30, we divorced . We were both tired of sacrificing the things that were important to us for each other.

I didn't think I'd want to get married again or have kids

I told my friends and family I'd never get married again. I needed independence, a fulfilling career, and space to chart my own course, and I didn't think marriage fit into that vision. I was content to look toward a future without a husband, children, or the trappings of a "traditional" life.

I was also in no hurry to get into a serious relationship after my divorce. I was terrified of repeating my mistakes. Nevertheless, months later I stumbled into one that lasted 7 ½ years.

He was significantly older and wasn't interested in marriage or children, and we were focused on our careers. We expected little of each other aside from fidelity. We took trips, drank nice wine, and stayed out late. Without the expectations or duties of a shared mortgage or a family, we simply enjoyed our time together. When we were apart, we did our own things. Those were great, easy years.

It was an incredibly healing relationship, and, ironically, I started to become the woman my ex-husband had wanted. I enjoyed cooking, cleaning, and caring for someone when it was my choice and when it wasn't asked of me. I'd been so preoccupied with preserving my independence and caring for myself that I hadn't realized how much I could enjoy caring for someone else and allowing them to care for me.

I changed my mind about wanting to build a family with someone

I started to think I might want more than an easy, aimless relationship. I realized I might actually want to build a life from the ground up with someone who wanted the same thing. And while I knew that might take more work, it also felt like the type of connection worth pursuing.

I felt restless, and I couldn't ignore that what I wanted had changed. Though we were technically together, we were living our own lives. That was exactly what I had wanted and needed after my divorce, but autonomy was no longer my top priority. It felt like the relationship had run its course. He's a wonderful man, and we're still close, but we'd entered our relationship without intention or a shared vision of our future.

We broke up shortly before my 37th birthday. Over the following year and a half I dated around for the first time in my life. I broke hearts, had my own heart broken, and did in my late 30s what many people do in their 20s. I didn't know it then, but I was learning what I wanted and needed in a relationship. Ultimately, I want to build a life with another person, not simply join theirs when it's convenient.

I began to feel an incredible urgency to find the relationship and stability to see me through the second half of my life. To my amazement, I began seriously thinking about marriage and children — I hardly recognized myself.

I also began to feel selfish for spending so much time focusing solely on myself. I went from proudly proclaiming I was too self-centered to be bothered with a family to realizing there was more to life than independence and the pleasures of living for oneself. My very existence started to feel shallow and hollow.

I worry I'll end up alone, but I'm still hopeful

Now, months after that realization and at nearly 39, I feel panicked thinking I'll be a single, childless middle-aged woman. I worry that my youthful looks will fade and that I won't be able to attract the man I want to spend the rest of my life with.

If I sound desperate, it's because I honestly do feel a little desperate. At my age, I know that creating life may not be an option for me. And I worry that men who want a family aren't looking for a woman pushing 40. I get it; I'm no longer the ideal candidate for motherhood , and it's a scary truth. But I still hope to find someone who thinks I'm the ideal partner and create our family together.

I understand the appeal of life without the constraints of marriage or children; for many years I was quite satisfied living that way. I know people can live happy, purpose-driven lives without those things. I just don't believe I'm one of those people anymore. I know now that my purpose lies in having a husband and a family. I'm meant to care for more than myself.

I'm looking for my forever person and hoping he's looking for me, too.

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Guest Essay

I Love Facebook. That’s Why I’m Suing Meta.

An illustration of a person being forced by a blue blob to look at a feed on a cellphone.

By Ethan Zuckerman

Mr. Zuckerman is an associate professor of public policy at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where he is the director of the UMass Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure.

While it’s become fashionable to dump on the aging social media platform Facebook, I quite enjoy using it. Many of my high school and college friends use it to celebrate birthdays and share news of their children and their travels. Eight years ago, I reconnected with a college housemate on the platform, and last year we got married. Thanks, Facebook.

But like many people, I wish I had more control over how Facebook delivers my friends’ updates to me. Facebook’s inscrutable feed algorithm, which is supposed to calculate which content is most likely to appeal to me and then send it my way, forgets friends I want to hear from, becomes obsessed with people to whom I’m only loosely connected and generally feels like an obstacle to how I’d like to connect with my friends.

When the British software developer Louis Barclay developed a software workaround to address this problem, I was intrigued. Mr. Barclay’s tool — a piece of software known as an extension, which can be installed in a Chrome web browser — was simple. Christened Unfollow Everything, it would automate the process of unfollowing each of my 1,800 friends, a task that manually would take hours. The result is that I would be able to experience Facebook as it once was, when it contained profiles of my friends, but without the endless updates, photos, videos and the like that Facebook’s algorithm generates. I could curate my feed by following only those friends and groups I really still want to see updates from.

As nice as this tool would be for me, I saw in it a bigger purpose: If tools like Unfollow Everything were allowed to flourish, and we could have better control over what we see on social media, these tools might create a more civic-minded internet.

There are many serious concerns about what social media is doing to us individually, and to society. Congress has passed or proposed sweeping measures, from forcing a sale of TikTok to asking platforms to ensure young users aren’t harmed by the content they experience online. These broad measures do violence to freedom of expression, and they may put even more control over what we read and view in the hands of these powerful companies. If a court finds that users have a right to choose what they experience on social media, a new path forward is possible: We can decide how social media works for us and for our children through tools we can control.

Unfortunately, Mr. Barclay was forced by Facebook to remove the software. Large social media platforms appear to be increasingly resistant to third-party tools that give users more command over their experiences. Many of them, in fact, have stopped supporting third-party tools directly.

In 2023, Reddit and Twitter effectively prevented developers from using the companies’ data portals by imposing a pricing change that makes such tools impractically expensive. Some companies go even further by threatening developers who release their tools independently. In 2021, the developer of Swipe for Facebook, an Android app intended to provide a streamlined Facebook experience, said that the platform sent him a cease and desist letter, leading him to remove the product from the Google Play store. Another app, Simple Social, was also removed from Google’s store. Platforms like Facebook no doubt are concerned that these third-party apps could block ads or sponsored content, and may also be worried about losing valuable users.

After talking with Mr. Barclay, I decided to develop a new version of Unfollow Everything. And rather than wait to see whether Meta, Facebook’s parent, would take legal action against me, I — and the lawyers at the Knight First Amendment Institute at Columbia — asked a federal court in California last week to rule on whether users should have a right to use tools like Unfollow Everything that give them increased power over how they use social networks, particularly over algorithms that have been engineered to keep users scrolling on their sites. (Meta declined to comment for this article.)

The Stanford University scholar Francis Fukuyama and his colleagues refer to such tools as “middleware.” They make the point that a competitive market for these tools could be a more fine-grained way to improve social media than big-footed regulatory approaches. They also wrote that Congress would probably need to take action to require platforms to be more receptive to this sort of software.

My lab at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, is dedicated to creating user-empowering middleware to forge a future where you could choose to read Facebook through a filter that de-emphasized divisive political arguments and emphasized personal updates, or to read X through a filter that checked news headlines to see if they came from reliable journalistic outlets. Our goal is to let users pick the algorithms that filter out the content they don’t want to see and select content that interests them, rather than giving this power to platforms like Facebook.

Such tools are protected under Section 230 of the 1996 Communications Decency Act, which safeguards platforms like Facebook from direct liability for the behavior of their users and has been critical in allowing Facebook and others to build billion dollar businesses. But the remainder of the section often goes ignored. We argue that it establishes the rights of users, families and schools to self-police the content they encounter online, using technical means to block material they find objectionable. This protection should encompass tools like Unfollow Everything by anticipating the needs of users to assert control when the interests of content providers are not aligned with the interests of users.

Should the court in California rule in our favor, my lab will release Unfollow Everything 2.0 at no charge, and users will have the chance to participate in a study to examine whether their use of Facebook changes with the tool and whether they feel in more command of their experience.

A healthy internet is a balance between the intentions of the powerful companies that run it and the individuals who use it. Giving users more control is important to establishing more of an equilibrium in an online world that is increasingly out of kilter.

Ethan Zuckerman is an associate professor of public policy at the University of Massachusetts Amherst, where he is the director of the UMass Initiative for Digital Public Infrastructure. He is the author of “Mistrust: Why Losing Faith in Institutions Provides the Tools to Transform Them.”

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