How to write a perfect essay

Need to write an essay? Does the assignment feel as big as climbing Mount Everest? Fear not. You’re up to the challenge! The following step-by step tips from the Nat Geo Kids Almanac will help you with this monumental task. 

Sometimes the subject matter of your essay is assigned to you, sometimes it’s not. Either way, you have to decide what you want to say. Start by brainstorming some ideas, writing down any thoughts you have about the subject. Then read over everything you’ve come up with and consider which idea you think is the strongest. Ask yourself what you want to write about the most. Keep in mind the goal of your essay. Can you achieve the goal of the assignment with this topic? If so, you’re good to go.


This is the main idea of your essay, a statement of your thoughts on the subject. Again, consider the goal of your essay. Think of the topic sentence as an introduction that tells your reader what the rest of your essay will be about.


Once you have a good topic sentence, you then need to support that main idea with more detailed information, facts, thoughts, and examples. These supporting points answer one question about your topic sentence—“Why?” This is where research and perhaps more brainstorming come in. Then organize these points in the way you think makes the most sense, probably in order of importance. Now you have an outline for your essay.


Follow your outline, using each of your supporting points as the topic sentence of its own paragraph. Use descriptive words to get your ideas across to the reader. Go into detail, using specific information to tell your story or make your point. Stay on track, making sure that everything you include is somehow related to the main idea of your essay. Use transitions to make your writing flow.

Finish your essay with a conclusion that summarizes your entire essay and 5 restates your main idea.


Check for errors in spelling, capitalization, punctuation, and grammar. Look for ways to make your writing clear, understandable, and interesting. Use descriptive verbs, adjectives, or adverbs when possible. It also helps to have someone else read your work to point out things you might have missed. Then make the necessary corrections and changes in a second draft. Repeat this revision process once more to make your final draft as good as you can.

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What is Opinion Writing for Kids? A Beginner’s Guide

What Is Opinion Writing For Kids

Opinion writing is a form of writing where you express your thoughts and feelings about a particular topic. It is a way to share your perspective on a subject and persuade others to see things from your point of view. Opinion writing is an important skill for kids to learn, as it helps them develop critical thinking and communication skills.

In opinion writing, you are encouraged to express your ideas and beliefs in a clear and concise manner. You can write about anything that interests you, from your favorite book to a current event. The key is to support your opinion with evidence and facts, and to present your argument in a logical and persuasive way. By learning how to write opinion pieces, kids can become more confident and effective communicators.

Understanding Opinion Writing

Definition of opinion writing.

Opinion writing is a type of writing in which you express your opinion or point of view on a topic. It is a way of sharing your thoughts, feelings, and beliefs about a particular subject. In opinion writing, you are not just presenting facts, but also your own perspective on the topic. You can use evidence and examples to support your opinion, but your main goal is to convince the reader of your point of view.

Importance of Opinion Writing

Opinion writing is an important skill for kids to learn because it helps them develop critical thinking, communication, and persuasive skills. By expressing their opinions, kids learn how to organize their thoughts, use evidence to support their arguments, and communicate their ideas effectively. Opinion writing also helps kids develop empathy and understanding of different viewpoints, as they learn to consider other perspectives and respond to opposing arguments.

In addition, opinion writing can be a fun and engaging way for kids to express themselves creatively and explore their own interests and passions. It can be a way to share their thoughts on a variety of topics, from current events and social issues to books, movies, and video games.

Overall, opinion writing is an important skill that can benefit kids in many ways. By expressing their opinions and learning how to persuade others, kids can develop their communication skills, critical thinking abilities, and creativity.

Components of Opinion Writing

Opinion writing is a type of writing where you express your thoughts and feelings about a particular topic. It is important to know the components of opinion writing so that you can write a clear and effective piece.

Stating Your Opinion

The first component of opinion writing is stating your opinion. This means that you need to clearly state what you think about the topic you are writing about. You can do this by writing a thesis statement, which is a sentence that summarizes your opinion.

For example, if you are writing about whether or not kids should have to wear school uniforms, your thesis statement might be, “I believe that kids should not have to wear school uniforms because it limits their self-expression.”

Supporting Your Opinion

The second component of opinion writing is supporting your opinion. This means that you need to provide reasons and evidence to support your opinion. You can do this by using facts, statistics, examples, and personal experiences.

For example, if you are writing about why you think kids should not have to wear school uniforms, you might provide reasons such as:

  • School uniforms limit kids’ self-expression
  • School uniforms can be expensive for families
  • School uniforms do not necessarily improve academic performance

Concluding Your Opinion

The final component of opinion writing is concluding your opinion. This means that you need to wrap up your piece by restating your opinion and summarizing your reasons and evidence. You can also provide a call to action or a final thought.

For example, if you are concluding your opinion piece about school uniforms, you might write something like:

“In conclusion, I believe that kids should not have to wear school uniforms. By limiting self-expression and being expensive for families, school uniforms do not necessarily improve academic performance. It’s important for schools to consider alternative dress codes that allow for more individuality and creativity among students.”

Examples of Opinion Writing for Kids

Opinion writing is a type of writing where you express your thoughts and feelings about a particular topic. It is an opportunity for you to share your personal perspective on a subject, and it can be a fun and engaging way to practice your writing skills. Here are a few examples of opinion writing for kids:

Example 1: Movie Reviews

Movie reviews are a great way to practice opinion writing. After watching a movie, you can write a review sharing your thoughts and feelings about the film. You can talk about the plot, the characters, the setting, and anything else that stood out to you. Remember to use evidence from the movie to support your opinion, and to be respectful of other people’s opinions if they disagree with you.

Example 2: Book Reviews

Book reviews are similar to movie reviews, but instead of writing about a movie, you write about a book. You can talk about the characters, the plot, the writing style, and anything else that you liked or didn’t like about the book. Again, it’s important to use evidence from the book to support your opinion, and to be respectful of other people’s opinions.

Example 3: Editorial Writing

Editorial writing is a type of opinion writing where you write about a current event or issue. You can express your thoughts and feelings about the topic, and you can also suggest solutions or ways to address the issue. Editorial writing can be a powerful way to make your voice heard and to advocate for change.

Remember, when writing an opinion piece, it’s important to have a clear thesis statement that states your opinion, to use evidence to support your opinion, and to be respectful of other people’s opinions. With practice, you can become a skilled opinion writer and share your unique perspective with the world.

Tips for Writing an Opinion Piece

Writing an opinion piece can be a fun and exciting way to express your thoughts and ideas. Here are some tips to help you write a great opinion piece.

Choosing a Topic

The first step in writing an opinion piece is to choose a topic that you feel strongly about. It could be something you have experienced, seen, or heard about in the news. Make sure it’s a topic that you can research and gather information on to support your argument.

Using Persuasive Language

When writing an opinion piece, it’s important to use persuasive language to convince your reader of your point of view. Use strong and clear language to express your ideas and opinions. Use examples and evidence to support your argument and make it more convincing.

Staying Focused

It’s important to stay focused on your topic and not get sidetracked. Make sure your writing stays on topic and doesn’t wander off into other areas. Use clear and concise sentences to get your point across.

In summary, writing an opinion piece can be a great way to express your thoughts and ideas. Choose a topic that you feel strongly about, use persuasive language, and stay focused on your topic. With these tips, you can write a great opinion piece that will get your message across.

In conclusion, opinion writing is a fun and creative way for kids to express their thoughts and feelings about a particular topic. By using persuasive language and strong arguments, kids can convince their readers to agree with their point of view.

Remember, when writing an opinion piece, it’s important to clearly state your opinion and provide reasons to support it. Use examples and evidence to back up your arguments and make sure to address any counterarguments that may arise.

Additionally, it’s important to consider your audience and their perspective. Think about what they may already know or believe about the topic and tailor your writing to appeal to them.

Overall, opinion writing is a valuable skill for kids to develop as it encourages critical thinking, effective communication, and confidence in expressing one’s own ideas. So go ahead and start writing your own opinion pieces – your voice matters!

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Kids Who Learn

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Expository Writing for Elementary School Children

When your children come home from school with an expository writing assignment, your first thought as a parent might be, "Huh?" Expository writing is the moniker given to the kinds of writing assignments that simply used to be known as a report. And as such, expository writing, or writing reports, is simultaneously probably the most straightforward and the most challenging kind of assignments that kids will get in elementary school.

Understanding Expository Writing

The ability to write in an expository manner is a component of many careers, and as such, it's an important skill for your child to master.

Expository writing is used to describe, explain, define, or otherwise inform a reader about a specific subject. It’s devoid of opinion or unnecessary descriptive language.

Young students are typically taught to prepare expository writing by following a five-step model. For children just learning to organize their thoughts and write them down, the steps may consist of sentences. Older children may use paragraphs.

The first sentence or paragraph of an expository writing assignment will convey the main idea of the piece. If it's a paragraph, it should include a topic sentence that conveys the thesis clearly, without taking a position or resorting to opinion. The following three sentences or paragraphs will contain supporting details to buttress the main idea. The fifth sentence or paragraph will provide a summary of the piece, or conclusion, often restating the thesis or main idea.

Why It's a Challenge for Students

Unlike other writing assignments that children may get in school, which are designed to inspire them to use words and grammar in a proper fashion, the expository writing assignment has an overarching goal in addition to correct grammar and spelling.

Expository writing provides a challenge to the student because they must be able to organize their thoughts, follow a plan, and in higher grades, conduct research to support their thesis. Fulfilling these kinds of goals, in addition to spelling and using grammar correctly, asks children to think on multiple levels.

In particular, children who may be adept at grammar and spelling may struggle with conveying their thoughts in an organized fashion.

Younger children can be introduced to expository writing simply by having them write journalistically without forming opinions. The teacher might bring in a box of unfamiliar objects and ask students to describe them in writing. Descriptive writing is a great way to start students writing in a neutral tone. Children could compare opposites in writing , describing a summer day's activities versus a winter day's.

For older children, the time-honored book report is a classic exercise in expository writing. Students choose a book and craft a thesis about or a position on it. A topic sentence might identify what kind of book it is, or the kinds of readers for whom the book may be of interest and why. Subsequent sentences back up this assertion.

One good way to help older kids in their use of expository writing is to remind them to address the who, what, when, where, and why of the topic they've chosen. All five components may not always apply, but remembering to think about each of these aspects can help students write a compelling report.

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Thesis statement facts for kids

In an essay or research paper, a thesis statement is a statement at the start or the end of an introduction that shows the reader the argument of the essay. A thesis statement gives concise information about what the whole essay is about, including the topic of the paper. It is usually just one sentence but it may have more than one sentence. The thesis statement is explained further using body paragraphs. Thesis statements are not obscure, because obscurity happens when a "writer is himself not quite sure of his meaning. He has a vague impression of what he wants to say, but has not, either from lack of mental power or from laziness, exactly formulated it in his mind, and it is natural enough that he should not find a precise expression for a confused idea.” ( W. Somerset Maugham ). Clarity and unity of a thought in an essay flows from a good thesis statement. Rubrics of a good essay involve good sentence development and formation acceptable to grammatical standards and relevant word choices organized in forms of phrases, clauses and sentences.


The thesis statement is developed, supported, and explained in the course of the paper by means of examples and evidence . Thesis statements help organize and develop the body of the writing piece. They let readers know, what the writer's statement is and what it is aiming to prove. A thesis statement does not necessarily forecast organization of an essay which can be more complex than its purpose.

The thesis statement will reflect the kind of paper being written. There are three kinds of papers: analytical, expository, and argumentative. The structure of a thesis statement depends upon the nature of controlling essay type. In simple terms, first a thesis statement will have a main topic sentence formed from questioning the topic, then the writer's statement regarding the topic sentence, and finally ends with the specific supporting points detailing the writer's statement for justifying its relation with the topic sentence. In general, it should have a supportable opinion (specific/focused) and clear intent for the essay.

  • This page was last modified on 16 October 2023, at 16:53. Suggest an edit .

Talking with Trees- Elementary Social Emotional Learning Books and Curriculum Teaching Resources

What is Empathy?

A definition of empathy in simple words for children

What is Empathy? An empathy definition for kids.

Empathy is being able to understand how someone else is feeling.

What is empathy? Empathy is being able to know how someone else is feeling, even when you aren't in the same situation. Sometimes, in more simple words, we call empathy being able to "put yourself in someone's shoes" and see things from their view. Why is empathy important? Empathy is the first step in having positive relationships because it helps us understand and relate to others. Empathy has two parts, shared emotion and seeing other perspectives. Both parts of empathy are ways in which we make the effort to understand other people and share an emotion with them.

Empathy is being able to understand how someone else feels.

  • when you feel an emotion with someone, even if you're not in the same situation
  • when you see things from someone else's perspective

For more about empathy, scroll down:

  • Empathy- Shared Emotion and Seeing other people's views
  • Why empathy is important
  • How do you build your ability to feel empathy
  • What's the difference between empathy and sympathy

Rooted in Decency Book on Shared Values / Good Character Traits

Empathy Definition Part 1: Shared Emotion

First, empathy is about sharing an emotion with someone, or feeling the way they feel, even if you aren’t in the same situation. When you feel an emotion along with someone, even if you aren’t directly affected by whatever is causing their situation, that’s empathy. Empathy Example 1: Have you ever felt sad with a friend just because he was sad? That’s empathy! So for example, if you feel sad with your friend because he didn’t make the soccer team (even though you aren’t affected by him not making the team)… that’s empathy. Sharing his sadness is a kind of empathy. Empathy Example 2: Have you ever been with a friend who just got a new toy and she’s so excited about it and you get super excited too? If you are feeling excited because you know how great it can feel to get a new toy (even though you didn’t get a toy and you aren’t playing with the toy)… that’s empathy. Being excited with your friend is a kind of empathy.

Picture of two girls feeling empathy

Empathy Definition Part Two: Understanding someone else’s way of seeing something

The second part of a definition of empathy is about being able to understand someone else’s way of looking at a situation, even if you see it differently. We often call this “putting yourself in someone else’s shoes” and it means you see things from their point of view, or from their perspective. Having empathy means you can step back from the way you see a situation and think about how someone else might feel from their side of the story. Empathy Example 1: Have you ever thought a game was really fun but your friend felt it wasn’t fair? If you saw your friend was bothered by the game and understood she wasn’t having a good time even though you were… that’s empathy. You showed empathy by understanding how things felt from her side of the situation. Empathy Example 2: Have you ever noticed that your dad is frustrated while he’s tidying up some of your toys? You had fun playing with the toys and don’t mind them laying on the floor. But you think about it from your dad’s perspective and realize that he doesn’t like how it feels to have a messy space and he feels frustrated at having the extra work of tidying it up. When you look at the situation from your dad’s side of the story (from his perspective) and understand how he might be feeling… that’s empathy.

Empathy example- child having fun but making a mess for mom

Why is empathy important

Empathy is really important for how we get along with people. Whether you can be a good friend, get hired for a job, be successful with a team of others… all of those things depend on being able to understand how other people might see a situation and how they are feeling. Empathy is at the root of all healthy relationships. It helps you know how your actions affect others, what actions you need to take to be a good friend or teammate, and it helps you understand more about the people and the world around you.

How do you build your ability to feel empathy?

If you want to understand empathy and build your ability to understand others, here are some great tools to start. (Try this free printable Empathy Lesson Plan .)

1. Understand the concept of empathy.

These videos about empathy show people expressing empathy in real life situations.

2. Develop the ability to read facial expressions and body language.

To understand how someone else is feeling, we need to read the cues that they give us. What does it mean if someone is frowning? What if his arms are crossed? What if someone’s eyebrows are high on her forehead? A great way to build empathy is to read picture books and look at the illustrations. What cues do the characters give that reveal how they are feeling?

3. Practice putting yourself in someone else’s shoes

Find something you and a friend don’t agree on. Try having a discussion about it as if you are the other person. What might that friend say to convince you of his point of view?

What's the difference between empathy and sympathy?

You may be wondering, “What’s the difference between empathy and sympathy?” Empathy is when you feel someone’s emotions along with them. Sympathy is when you care that someone is in a difficult situation and offer them comfort, but you don’t necessarily feel anything about it yourself. For example, if your friend loses her iPad and you feel really sad along with her… that’s empathy. If your friend loses her iPad and you tell her “Wow, that's a bummer,” but you don’t feel bad yourself, that’s showing sympathy. With empathy, you have a more personal understanding or share someone else's emotions. With sympathy you are offering comfort even though you aren’t personally feeling emotion along with them.

What is Empathy Worksheets- Predicting emotions

More Definitions

  •   What is Conscience?
  •   What is Empathy?
  •   What is Honesty?
  •   What is Grit?
  •   What is Perseverance?
  •   What is Respect?
  •   What is Responsibility?
  •   What is Self-esteem?
  •   What is Character?
  •   What are Social Skills?

author Colleen Doyle Bryant

Colleen Doyle Bryant

Colleen Doyle Bryant is the author of five books and more than 50 learning resources about making good choices for the right reasons. Her Talking with Trees series for elementary students and Truth Be Told Quotes series for teens are used in curricula around the world. Rooted in Decency , Colleen’s most recent release, written for an adult audience, explores how the decline in common decency is affecting wellbeing, and how we can build more trust and cooperation. Learn more at

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What is mental health in simple words?

  • What does good mental health look like?
  • How to nurture a child's mental health

How to explain mental health to a child

In general, as a society, we don’t really think about mental health for children all that much. Typically we only start considering it when it goes wrong and some physical or emotional problem shows up under the broad term “mental illness”. 

Mental health is about how we think, how we feel, and how we behave . The overall health and wellbeing of a child is very dependent on their mental health. Around one in six kids in the UK have mental health problems such as depression, anxiety, or behaviour disorders . 

Just as with physical, or “bodily” health, good and bad mental health for children is influenced by a whole variety of factors, some you can control and some you can’t. Getting help with child mental health problems can be a long, difficult and frustrating process. Taking care of the emotional well being of a child as they grow is easier than fixing issues down the road.

What does good mental health look like? 

If you’re asking yourself “what is emotional well-being in a child?”, think about good mental health as kids being the most positive version of themselves rather than just being free of mental illness. 

What is mental health for kids?

When it comes to factors for good mental health for kids, here are some good mental health examples to consider:

  • Mentally healthy children achieve developmental milestones (such as learning to talk, to share, to help with the housework) in good time and reach their full potential
  • They learn how to relate to and get on well with other people
  • They like themselves, enjoy life, and are happy most of the time
  • They are productive and contribute to their communities
  • They make positive choices and are enthusiastic about challenges and trying new things
  • They deal with stress, sadness, and anger well, solve their problems in a constructive way and recover from setbacks easily

How to nurture a child's mental health 

The first step to creating good health and wellbeing in childhood is to ensure your kids have their essential needs met. On top of the basics like hydration, a healthy diet and warm clothes , strategies to support a child with mental health include allowing time and space to play , opportunities for exercise , and socialising. These are all crucial to improving the emotional well-being of a child.

At different stages of development, the factors for good mental health for kids can change. Fostering good mental health starts from birth. 🌻

Mental health definition for kids: Having a good relationship with you

The relationship between you and your child forms the basis of good mental health for life. A positive, trusting, and secure bond between parent and child is important to build a character strong enough to survive life’s highs and lows. 

It may sound obvious, but holding and cuddling your baby is the first step on your child’s journey to good mental health. When you hold your child, their body and yours release powerful hormones which encourage bonding and feelings of safety and security , all important foundations for good self-esteem in later life. When they’re older, hugs and smiles can go a long way.

Giving a little one lots of praise and attention is important for future emotional well-being. Let them know that you love them no matter what happens. Even if they don’t understand your words, they will respond positively to your tone , body language, and attitude.

Set aside some time every day to have a good chat with your kid and catch up on everything happening in their lives. It’s important to ask them about their experiences at school. Children sometimes don’t tell you much about their day because they assume there’s a conspiracy between the teacher and their parents and you know everything that goes on in class anyway, either via Whatsapp or parent-teacher telepathy! You may have to coax the information out of them slowly. 

Don’t be afraid to talk with them about their feelings. Being open about feelings both positive and negative is important for positive mental health and it helps if kids learn to recognize and manage emotions early in life. Try to show understanding and let them know that it’s normal to experience a mix of emotions at different times and that it is an example of good mental health. However, let them know that we shouldn’t let our emotions control us and that we need to consider the feelings of other people too. This is a good way of explaining mental health to a child.

Mental health definition for kids: Building independence and self-reliance

As kids grow, it is important to allow them to try new things and explore their surroundings a bit more. This is the key to increasing self-confidence and positive mental health for children. 

Let your child start taking care of themselves when they begin to assert their independence. Things like letting them feed themselves (despite the mess!), brush their own hair, or wash themselves are great ways to build self-confidence and self-esteem.

To encourage independence you can start offering your child a short list of options when it comes to things that affect them. For example give them the responsibility to make decisions by themselves about what to wear, what to eat or what order to do certain things in. 

Start letting your kids help out with the housework . Let them try simple things like wiping the table, brushing the floor, or dusting. Even if they leave things dirtier than when they started, with some praise and patience they’ll soon learn to do better and both you and they will benefit in the long run. 

Gently encourage them to try things that they might be apprehensive about. Learning to try new things is a skill that will open up many worlds for them and allow them to reach their full potential. Avoid reinforcing fears and phobias by giving in too quickly to reluctant behaviours.

Mental health definition for kids: Boosting self-esteem and self confidence

School can be a tough place for any kid and with the huge class sizes common these days it’s easy for children to get lost in the crowd. Acknowledging your child’s progress and achievements at school is critical for building good self-esteem. 

Focus on the positive behaviour that led to the success rather than on natural talents or skills. It’s better, in the long run, to praise your child for working hard than for being naturally intelligent. 

If your child is struggling academically, use kindness and empathy to help them overcome their challenges. Your child might also benefit from 1:1 tutoring. Book a free trial lesson with GoStudent today and give your child the extra support they need.

Begin actively discussing and agreeing small, achievable goals for your kid to work towards. 

These don’t have to be related to school but can be things like skills they would like to learn or hobbies they are interested in pursuing . Such goal-setting can help them build a sense of achievement and learning to plan and work independently towards objectives creates strong mental health for children. 

Mental health definition for kids: A healthy approach to discipline

When your child misbehaves , make sure they understand it is the behaviour that is unwanted, not them. It’s very easy to get angry at your kids, but they may believe such anger is directed at who they are rather than what they have done. On top of this, put the emphasis more on praising the desired actions than condemning the bad actions and show them what they are supposed to do next time. 

Be clear in what is acceptable and what is not and enforce your rules consistently so your kid always knows where they stand. As they grow up you can remove or relax some of the rules. You could start a family tradition of officially lifting more restrictions every birthday!

Mental health definition for kids: Activities to exercise minds and bodies

Spending time with your child doing things they enjoy is another one of the important strategies to support a child with mental health.

Books , board games, puzzles, sports, music, arts and crafts are the perfect tools for developing healthy little minds. These activities help them learn about the world and about their own strengths and limitations.

All kids like to move and have loads of energy to burn off. Make sure they have time and a safe space to run, jump, climb and go a little bit crazy . Let them try new sports regularly until they find something they like. Good physical fitness is fundamental for good mental health.

For young kids, playtime is most effective when they’re bright-eyed and wide awake, they will be more able to learn and focus their attention on the activity. A tired or crabby kid will not appreciate demands to play. 

Try not to treat TVs, tablets, phones, and other screen devices as free babysitters . The effects on children’s mental health of even short times spent on screens are still being studied and bear in mind that some of the most successful technology professionals send their kids to schools where tablets, phones, and laptops are basically banned until students enter their teenage years. It's best to reserve screen time for when it can really make a positive contribution to your child's development.

Mental health definition for kids: Curiosity that is encouraged

Kids can ask a thousand questions an hour and sometimes it can be hard to keep up with all their interrogations. However, it’s important to encourage this curiosity as it is an essential tool for them to build up an accurate picture of the world and work out how they fit into it. 

If you don’t have time to answer everything in the moment, get them to write down their questions in a Big Book of Questions or record their ideas into your phone and make some time later to sit down together and go through their queries. Do some research online to find out if anyone has already answered their most difficult questions. 

This is a great way to make your child feel like their interests matter and a very constructive and educational way for you to spend some quality time together. You can help them by turning the tables and routinely asking them lots of questions to get them thinking about things. 

Mental health definition for kids: Strong socialisation skills

Early infancy sets the groundwork for positive lifelong socialisation patterns which are essential for good mental health. 

Socialisation begins with simply talking to an infant which calms them and strengthens the bond between the both of you. When your little one babbles nonsense sounds, repeat their sounds and add real words to your reply to help them practice their language skills. Singing, playing music, and reading to your child will also help them develop an understanding of sound and language. 

With school on the horizon, the ages of 3 and 4 are a really crucial period for learning to play well with other children. Cooperation, sharing, and friendship are social skills they start that will help them through school and beyond. Look for opportunities to get your child together with others at local events, playgroups, and clubs.

With older children, take an interest in their friends, give them time to spend together outside school and meet their parents .

Continue to strengthen your kid’s socialisation skills through family game times or taking part in local community events such as charity fundraisers or sports days.

Mental health definition for kids: Having a mentally healthy parent or carer

If you’re reading our articles, you’re an active and interested parent who really cares about doing the best for their child. Don’t forget to take care of yourself as well! A parent with good mental health is as important as any other factor, but one that’s easy to overlook. 

Make sure you get some time to yourself every now and then. Don’t give up all your hobbies and interests in the quest for perfect parenthood. Maintaining your own space in the world helps you keep things in perspective, provides a social support network, and allows you to let off steam. 💗


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  1. essay

    The meaning of essay. Definition of essay. Best online English dictionaries for children, with kid-friendly definitions, integrated thesaurus for kids, images, and animations. Spanish and Chinese language support available

  2. Essay Facts for Kids

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  3. How to write a perfect essay

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  4. Essay Writing: Lesson for Kids

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  5. The Ultimate Essay Writing Guide for Kids

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  6. Narrative Essay: Lesson for Kids

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  7. What is Opinion Writing for Kids? A Beginner's Guide

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  9. Expository Writing for Elementary School Children

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  10. Expository Writing Lesson for Kids: Definition & Examples

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  11. Thesis statement Facts for Kids

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  12. Child-Friendly Schools

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  14. weather

    Weather is the daily state of the atmosphere, or air, in any given place. Climate is the average of weather conditions in an area over a long period. The weather is important to people. It affects their comfort, their food supply, and even their safety.

  15. Mental Health Definition for Kids

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  16. poetry

    Poetry is a type of literature , or artistic writing , that attempts to stir a reader's imagination or emotions. The poet does this by carefully choosing and arranging language for its meaning, sound, and rhythm. Some poems, such as nursery rhymes , are simple and humorous. Other poems may try to express some truth about life, to tell a story, ...

  17. How to Write an Opinion Piece: Lesson for Kids

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  19. Essay Definition Kid Friendly

    Essay Definition Kid Friendly | Best Writing Service. #24. I ordered a paper with a 3-day deadline. They delivered it prior to the agreed time. Offered free alterations and asked if I want them to fix something. However, everything looked perfect to me. Relax and Rejoice in Writing Like Never Before. Individual approach.

  20. Essay Definition Kid Friendly

    Essay Definition Kid Friendly. Jam Operasional (09.00-17.00) +62 813-1717-0136 (Corporate) +62 812-4458-4482 (Recruitment) Featured Samples. 2640 Orders prepared. Nursing Business and Economics Psychology Management +86.

  21. Essay Definition Kid Friendly

    Our essay help exists to make your life stress-free, while still having a 4.0 GPA. When you pay for an essay, you pay not only for high-quality work but for a smooth experience. Our bonuses are what keep our clients coming back for more. Receive a free originality report, have direct contact with your writer, have our 24/7 support team by your ...

  22. Essay Definition Kid Friendly

    Essay Definition Kid Friendly. I am very happy with... Any paper at any academic level. From a high school essay to university term paper or even a PHD thesis. Margurite J. Perez. #13 in Global Rating. 2062. Finished Papers. Level: College, University, High School, Master's, PHD, Undergraduate.