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9 Writing Apps For Your College Assignments

When you are in college, writing can seem like a huge job. How can someone successfully manage and organize their thoughts when they have a lot of work to do? Do not be afraid! Lots of writing apps are out there that can help you write better and faster by working like your digital helper. Are you ready to start? Let’s look into these useful tools together.

Why You Need Writing Apps

Benefits of writing apps.

You might be wondering why all the fuss is about writing apps. Many people use writing apps instead of paper, but these apps are like superheroes in the world of writing. They come to your aid and help you fix your spelling, put your ideas in order, and even remember your homework.

The Modern Writing Toolkit

Imagine having a magic set of tools that changes based on what you need to write. In fact, these writing apps do just that. With features like real-time collaboration, grammar checking, and project management, they change and adapt to make sure you have everything you need to face your assignments head-on.

1. AssignmentBro

AssignmentBro is the first tool that stands out that you might want to use for your college assignments. This is a specialized do my assignment online service that helps college students handle and do well on their tasks. AssignmentBro stands out because it focuses on giving you help that is tailored to your needs.

2. Google Docs

Real-time collaboration.

When you want to work together, Google Docs is great. It’s easy to share your work and get comments in real time. Doesn’t that sound perfect for group projects?

Access Anywhere

Because Google Docs is in the cloud, you can view your work from anywhere at any time. No more forgetting to do homework at home!

3. Grammarly

Grammar and spelling checks.

In a way, Grammarly is like a kind but thorough English teacher. It helps you improve your work by finding and fixing mistakes that are simple to miss.

Enhancing Writing Style

Grammarly doesn’t just fix mistakes; it also offers ways to improve your style, which makes your writing clear and crisp. It’s like having a writing expert help you get better.

4. Evernote

Organizing your thoughts.

As you write, Evernote keeps your thoughts and notes in order, like a personal writing assistant. It’s like having a digital notebook that is well-organized and easy to carry around with you.

Ease of Access

You can easily get to your notes and thoughts from any device. Doesn’t it make the process of writing easier and more open?

5. Scrivener

For long assignments.

Scrivener is like the planner of writing apps; it helps you organize long, complicated tasks. It’s very helpful for working on theses and papers.

Powerful Writing Tools

Scrivener makes writing more organized and less stressful by giving you a lot of strong tools. You’ll feel like you have a writing warrior by your side, ready to fight the chaos of big tasks.

6. Hemingway App

Making your writing easy.

The Hemingway App is the best app for writing that is clear and to the point. You can think of it as a personal editor that cuts out words and sentences that aren’t needed, leaving your work clear and to the point.

Improvements to Readability

The app makes sure that your writing is clear and easy to understand, so your points and ideas stand out.

Workspace with Everything You Need

Notion is like a Swiss Army Knife; it gives you many ways to handle your writing jobs. It brings together different parts of your project, making sure that everything fits together and is well-organized.

Making Changes

With Notion, you can make your workspace fit your style and tastes by customizing it. It’s like having your own personal study space.

Managing a Project

Trello is the project manager you’ve always wanted. Making a plan and organizing your tasks will help you meet your due dates without any problems.

Writing with Others

Are you working on a group project? Trello makes working together easy and efficient, which encourages teamwork and unity.

9. FocusWriter

Writing without being distracted.

FocusWriter is a safe place for writers to work without being interrupted, which helps them concentrate and stay on task. It’s like going into a quiet room where you can be creative without any interruptions.

Customizable Backgrounds

Change the background and themes to fit your mood and tastes. This will make writing more comfortable and unique for you.

There are a lot of different writing apps out there, and each one is like a magic wand for writers. They help you plan, manage, and improve your writing, so you can turn in great assignments. So, are you ready to change the way you write?

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When You Write

Best Essay Writing Software: 16 Apps That Can Help You Write Perfect Essays

Nowadays, we have apps for almost anything. Writing apps though, are really unique and serve several practical purposes, such as essay writing for example.

Writing an essay isn’t as simple as typing a bunch of words and arranging them as paragraphs. Writing a perfect essay entails planning, maintaining structure, writing clear and impactful sentences, and using good grammar.

That’s why we have writing apps. So in this post, I’m going to cover all the best essay writing software tools that are available now.

Okay, let’s get into it!

Our Top 3 Essay Writing Software at a Glance

Prowritingaid, the 16 best essay writing apps.

Best Book Writing Software.

Scrivener is a book-writing software program developed—13 years ago—by an aspiring writer Keith Blount.

Scrivener is what you get when you combine a typewriter, ring binder, and a scrapbook and make a book writing software tool.

It has so many useful features that take your book or any other writing project from the outline to a finished draft. We’re talking of features like corkboards, pre-set formatting, templates, file importing, metatags, automated document listing, and a bunch of other important capabilities.

Scrivener can be used by novelists, scriptwriters, academics, lawyers, translators, journalists, and students.

Pricing: Scrivener for macOS costs $49, iOS is $19.99 , and Scrivener for Windows costs $45.

Best Grammar Checker.

As far as grammar checkers go, there’s no app better than this.

It’s perfect for checking your text for typos, punctuation, and spelling mistakes. 

But it goes further than that; it has several editing features that tackle issues such as passive voice, lengthy or complex sentences, offers broader vocabulary options, et cetera. It also has a plagiarism checker and furnishes you with writing stats and readability scores.

Grammarly has a free version but reserves the best features for its premium plans.

Pricing: Free and Paid. Grammarly Premium starts at $11.66, and Grammarly Business starts at $12.50.

Excellent Tool for Self-editing

ProWritingAid is one of Grammarly’s fiercest competitors and pretty much gives you what Grammarly gives you.

Just itty-bitty shallower, BUT way more affordable.

If you want a proofreading and grammar checker writing app that has the potential of helping you improve the overall quality of your writing, this is it!

ProWritingAid refines your writing by checking important elements of your writing such as ambiguous sentences, grammar, transitions, abstract words, overused words, etc.

Over time, you start to notice improvements in your writing, especially the way it flows.

Pricing: Free and Paid.

  • Monthly – $20
  • Yearly – $79
  • Lifetime – $399 

Best note-taking tool for Students

Evernote is a simple but excellent writing app that uses the idea of virtual notes. The virtual notes can be used in several ways: making book shopping lists, writing down essay ideas, and making notes on researched information.

The notes are backed up on Evernote’s servers, and you get about 60MB of storage space per account.

Pricing :  Free and Paid. The Premium plan costs $7.99 / month, and the Business costs $14.99/person/month.

Focus Writer

Free Alternative to MS Word.

I haven’t used this free word-processing app yet, but I’d seriously consider replacing my beloved MS Word with it.

It’s a very good alternative to MS Word; in fact, not only is it free and sufficient, it is available on almost all major platforms— Windows, Mac, and Android.

If you’re a student, I’d recommend this software, and you won’t have problems using the documents from this app because they’re saved in Rich Text Format so that most word processors can read them.

Pricing: Free.

Excellent for the Creative Stage of Writing

Before you write a good essay, you need to build the idea behind the essay first.

You need to add fresh to the bones before bringing the beast (of an essay) to life.

This tool helps you expand your original ideas into sub-ideas and construct full-fledged essays by using expressive, powerful flowcharts, process maps, and other diagrams.

Pricing: Free and Paid. The Awesome Plan costs $5/month, and the Organisation Plan is at $8/member/month.

Top-Notch Open-Source Tool

Manuskript is a tool perfect for organizing and planning stages of writing. It’s an open-source tool—for writers including novelists, journos, and academicians—that uses the snowflake method of writing to help you build your idea into a finished book; by helping you create the story step by step.

It has features for helping you keep track of notes on characters, plot, event,  and place in your story. Manuskript’s features include:

  • The Outliner, which lets you organize your ideas and little pieces of your story hierarchically; 
  • The Distraction-free mode gets rid of all distractions; 
  • Personal goal-setting features;
  • The Novel assistant utilizes the snowflake method to help you develop your basic ideas into a coherent plotline or a full-fledged story.

Pricing: Free


Fast Developing Tool

This is a different writing app altogether. It has a lot of features that are excellent for both fiction nonfiction writers. It has features that help with story elements, general notes, goals and targets, doc sharing, and stats.

Plus, you can also switch LivingWriter in and out of Dark Mode and focus mode.

One thing I like about LivingWriter is that it started with a single platform (web) but is now expanding rapidly.

It has iOS and Android applications, Full integration with Grammarly, Canva integration, and its desktop apps are 90% complete (according to the Living Writer Roadmap )

Yearly Plan – $96 billed once a year

Monthly Plan – $9.99 per month

Best Writing Tool for Apple Products

I don’t know about now, but Ulysses was big back then (like a dozen years ago or so).

The app is rich with features similar to the other word processing software. It comes with a Markup-Based Text Editor, a library for organizing notes and documents, features for setting writing goals, publishing capabilities, and many others.

Ulysses is perfect for both small essays and large academic ones.

Pricing : Ulysses has different pricing options for different regions but using the US plan, it costs $5.99 per month and $49.99 per year.

Hemingway Editor

An App Most Impactful Writing

The Hemingway Editor AKA Hemingway App is a simple tool for writers who want to write content that is easier to read but bold.

Hemingway does this by looking at elements of your writing such as adverbs, passive voice, phrases and words with simpler alternatives, hard-to-read sentences, very-hard-to-read sentences, and other “lexical atrocities.”

The web-based version is free, but the downloadable version (for Mac and Windows) is a paid tool.

Pricing: $19.99

Excellent Mind Mapping Tool

They used to call this app IMindMap. Ayoa is an essential tool in the planning stages of your essay writing.

You can create mind maps for your essays which help give direction when you start fleshing out your essay.

This mapping tool helps increase productivity because everything you need to write is already outlined. The fact every step is already planned and you know exactly what to write can also increase your daily word count.

Pricing : The Ayoa PRO plan costs $10/month and is billed annually. The Ultimate Plan costs $13/month and is also billed annually.

Best App for Multi-Lingual Essays

This is another incredible alternative to Grammarly.

For non-native English speakers, this is a pot of gold right here. It can check your text for grammar errors and translate Spanish, French, German. And many other languages.

As a grammar checker, the tool mainly looks at aspects such as verbs, adverbs, confused words, commonly misspelled words, etc.

Here’s a funny story about Ginger (Just happened today.) As I was using the web-based editor, I copied some texts on Ginger’s website and pasted them into the editor and the tool found one misspelled word. Their content writers must not have used Ginger.

I felt like Ginger’s content writers were like Drug dealers, you know, they followed rule number one of drug dealing. “ never get high on your own product.”   

  • Monthly Plan – $9.99
  • Yearly Plan – $74.88
  • Two-Year Plan: $119.76

Write Or Die

Best for Productivity Purposes.

This app has a name that sums up life for some of us.

Write or Die!

Write Or Die gives rewards, stimuli, and punishments if users set goals. This is what you need if you are a sloth like myself.

It gives you that needed push because the punishments—which include erasing current texts—can really scare the hell out of you and make you put an extra gear.

Pricing : Free and paid. $10 for macOS and Windows, and $1 for iOS.

Simplest Writing App

IA Writer is a distraction-free writing app that is more than perfect for writing short essays.

It has a very basic interface and uses plain text. As I said, there are no distractions because the IA writer also has a full-screen mode that fades out everything else but the line you are currently typing.

This minimalist writing app is available on Windows, Android, iOS, iPadOS, and macOS.

Pricing : Paid (offers free trials).

macOS- $29.99. has a 14-day trial

iOS &iPadOS – $29.99. No Free Trial.

Android – $4.99 /year or $29.99 once. Has a 30-day trial.

Windows – $29.99. Has a 14-day trial.

Hubspot Topic Generator

Best for Generating Topic Ideas.

This is a whole different menu right here.

It’s very different from the tools that I’ve listed in this post. This is why… you’re not going to use it to write. Instead, you use it to automatically generate writing ideas.

It’s a very simple tool; you input three words, and it provides you with nouns to generate a topic idea that you can use on your next writing project.

If you’re going to use this tool, it’s going to be during the very first stages of your writing project.


Best App for Academic Assignments

Manuscript (not to be confused with Manuskript from above) is an app for students and academics. This is a convenient tool that works with popular word processing apps, including Microsoft Word.

The reason why it’s perfect for academic writing is it excels at the referencing aspect of writing—citations, abbreviations, etc.

So, for class writing assignments and larger tasks like dissertations, this is the tool I’d recommend.

Pricing : Free

Simplenote is a note-taking tool that helps you keep all your notes in one place but accessible everywhere.

You can back up your notes, add tags, share the notes with collaborators, and publish your notes in Markdown format.

Supported Systems: Android, iOS, Windows, macOS, Linux.

Guide to the Best Essay Writing Apps in 2021

Things to consider when choosing essay writing software.

A good essay writing software has to do things that make your essay look delectable and sound convincing.

Here are some of the things that an essay writing software need to be able to help you with:


I already talked about organization at the beginning, so you already know how important it is. The essay writing app has to help you arrange your essay and ensure that it flows nicely. It needs to clear the chaos that would have existed had you not used that specific tool.

Grammatical correctness

This is crucial in any writing project. The essay writing software has to help you correct your grammatical and spelling errors.


The proofreading capabilities of a good essay writing app go beyond checking for grammar and spelling mistakes. It also has to excel at checking other aspects like overuse of adverbs, passive voice, run-on sentences, weak writing , and readability.

Writing software doesn’t have to cost an arm. Most of these apps have similar features and pretty much do the same things. A higher price doesn’t necessarily mean the app is good but in some circumstances, apps are pricey for a good reason.

What Features Should an Essay Writing App Have

So, to achieve the above requirements, what features does a writing software need to have?

Below are the most important features that a good essay writing software program MUST have.

Grammar and Spelling checker

To achieve the overall grammatical correctness of your essay, a writing app needs to have a grammar checking feature. If it doesn’t, being integrable with an efficient grammar checking tool is also convenient.

Sentence structure and flow reports

Again, I cannot overemphasize the importance of structure in essay writing. The structure should start from your sentences to your paragraphs and the whole essay. A good essay writing app needs to have features that check aspects of structure and flow.

Punctuation checker

We can’t have an essay littered with semicolons, commas, and hyphens looking like they’re lost. Punctuation might be one of the most underrated features but make no mistake, it’s essential for professional writing.

Plagiarism checker

A good essay has to be unique and original. Therefore, essay writing software has to make sure that the body of the essay does not contain any plagiarized content.

Writing Metrics

Stats like word count, words per minute, or the number of pages are important for tracking progress. School essays usually have a word or page count requirements, and writing software must be equipped with writing metrics so that the user is kept abreast of the distance covered.

Sentence quality checker

In the writing profession, Quality matters.  It doesn’t matter if you have reached the minimum word count but the essay is of poor quality.

Writing apps must be able to pick out sentences that need improving or deleting due to poor quality writing.

Why Should You Use Writing Software to Write Essays?

Writing software won’t write your essay for you, but the writing process is hard to manage and that’s what these tools do.

Here are the benefits of using writing software:

1. Planning and Outlining

Planning is an important element of a good essay writing process. Writing software tools come with features that help you plan before you start writing.

For example, Scrivener has a feature called corkboard, which is a good planning tool. It’s like a set of digital index cards, and each represents a section of writing.

With writing software, you can plan and outline before the actual writing starts, and you can go back to the outlines and notes while writing.

2. Productivity

Productivity is a big problem for most writers. Writers like myself just write without setting a lot of writing goals, so when we feel like writing, we need to be at our most productive levels.

For those that set daily goals, maintaining a daily word count is not easy.

For both kinds of writers, writing software can help increase productivity.

The software tools come with writing stats to help you keep track of your progress. They also have features for distraction-free writing.

Templates also help increase productivity. The templates make things easier and save you a lot of time (which would have been used setting things up).

3. Editing and Formatting

Writing software tools come with features that can flag spelling & grammar mistakes and other errors. They also offer solutions to these errors.

This is very important for your editing process—it makes the editing stage easier and faster.

This also helps in increasing productivity since editing is less laborious and speedy.

Usually when we write essays (especially academic ones), some formatting requirements come with them. Writing apps are furnished with most of the formatting rules and styles that essays (academic or otherwise) may require.

4. Organizing

Writing can be a messy process.

Most often than not, essays also require a lot of research. And again, we’re not saying that writing software will help you research.

But when you get all the bits of info needed for your essay, the apps will help you keep the researched content organized.

With these writing apps, you can have all of your research organized and easily accessible.

The thing about a disorganized writing process is that it is reflected in the flow and structure of the essay.

How to Effectively Use Essay Writing Software

Let me reiterate, essay writing apps won’t write your essays for you, neither will they be correct all the time.

To get the best out of them, you need to treat them as writing tutors or co-writers. If they suggest something useful, take it on board, and if you feel like the suggestion is a bit off point, disregard it.

What Is a Perfect Essay?

A perfect essay convincingly speaks to the reader. An essay is like an argument or a speech, and it has to have a readable flow or show direction.

Perfect essays must contain arguments, supporting ideas, and most importantly, evidence.  

To write a perfect essay, you need to:

  • Thoroughly plan the whole essay before you start writing.
  • Start writing your arguments using a clear structure.
  • Back up your points and refer to relevant sources if necessary.
  • Make sure that you infuse the information with creativity. There’s nothing exciting about a bunch of truths thrown into an essay using bland sentences.
  • Before you finish your draft, ensure that you’ve answered the question in your introduction and conclusion.

How can I write an essay on my phone?

Well, most of the apps listed here are available as mobile apps. If you feel it’d be okay to write on your phone, try out a couple of the apps on this list and see which one works better on mobile platforms.

I’d recommend using tablet computers as they have bigger screens than regular smartphones.

Final Words

There are just so many essay writing software tools nowadays that even though Scrivener and Grammarly top the list, stumbling on the best one for you is almost 1/1000 probable.

You have to try out these tools before purchasing them.

Just to say it for the one-thousandth time, essay writing apps won’t write your essays for you; YOU WILL.

Recommended Reading...

Best dictation software in 2024, scrivener vs word: which is the better book writing software, vellum vs scrivener: which is better for writing and formatting your book, write app review 2024: the best distraction-free writing app.

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10 apps that write essays for you + how to use them.

Writing essays can be hours of long work reading and writing. To help you hand your paper in faster, we’ve compiled the top 10 apps that write essays for you.

Published on Jun 04, 2024

By Krista Doyle

write assignments app

Writing essays is a skill you need to pass many high school classes and even college or university courses. However, not everyone has the greatest writing skills, and even then, great writers sometimes don’t have the time to write everything. 

Plagiarism is another common concern when in school and should be taken seriously, considering it can get you kicked out of education. Instead of paying a hefty fee for essay writing services, take advantage of the best essay writing apps available to help you score your next A+. 

Why software can help improve your essay writing

Using software, especially AI-powered platforms, can help streamline the writing process by offering features like templates, structured frameworks, content generation as well as grammar and spell-check.

Essay writing software allows you to organize your thoughts more effectively and often in a distraction-free work environment. They can also aid in enhancing the overall quality of your writing by offering savvy suggestions for improving sentence or paragraph structure, vocabulary usage and flow within your essays.

Benefits of essay writing software

  • Improved Organization: Essay writing software helps users organize their thoughts more effectively, creating a structured framework for their writing tasks.
  • Enhanced Productivity: These tools provide a distraction-free work environment, allowing writers to focus solely on their essays without any interruptions.
  • Content Generation: Some platforms like Jasper assist in generating content ideas, providing valuable insights and suggestions to kickstart the writing process.
  • Vocabulary Enhancement: By offering suggestions for alternative word choices, essay writing software helps enrich the vocabulary used in your essays.
  • Structural Guidance: These tools provide feedback on sentence and paragraph structure, helping users improve the overall coherence and flow of their writing.
  • Quality Improvement: Essay writing software contributes to enhancing the overall quality of your work by offering valuable tips and recommendations to refine your writing.

Elements of an A+ essay you can’t ignore

  • Clear Thesis Statement: An A+ essay must have a strong and clear thesis statement that presents the main argument or point of view.
  • Comprehensive Research: Extensive research with credible sources is crucial for providing in-depth analysis and supporting arguments effectively.
  • Proper Structure and Formatting: The essay should have a well-organized structure with a logical flow of ideas from introduction to conclusion.
  • Critical Analysis: Demonstrating critical thinking skills by evaluating information, presenting counter arguments, and offering insightful perspectives.
  • Originality: Strive for original ideas and unique perspectives to set your essay apart and showcase intellectual creativity.
  • Effective Use of Evidence: Incorporate relevant evidence and examples to strengthen arguments and demonstrate a deep understanding of the topic.
  • Meticulous Proofreading: Pay attention to grammar, punctuation, spelling, and overall writing mechanics to ensure clarity and coherence in your essay.

How to write a strong essay thesis

To write a strong essay thesis statement, you should begin by clearly identifying the main topic or argument of your essay. Your thesis statement should be concise and specific, providing a roadmap for the reader on what to expect in the rest of the paper.

Make sure your thesis is arguable and not a statement of fact. Next, consider the key points you want to make in support of your thesis. These points will guide the structure of your essay and should be logically organized for a coherent flow of ideas.

The final step in writing a strong essay thesis is to revise and refine it. This step is crucial because it allows you to improve the clarity, coherence, and overall effectiveness of your thesis statement.

During revision, pay attention to the language you have used and make sure it is precise and specific. Consider whether your thesis accurately reflects the main argument or topic of your essay.

The top 10 apps that write essays for you

We’ve found the top online apps and websites to help you decide on your thesis, collect your research, and help you through the paper writing process. Some of these apps are AI-based and can help you with the writing process, while others will help you improve your productivity and ability to gather information effectively.

  • Wordtune Read
  • Essay AI Lab
  • My Assignment Help Essay Typer
  • Paper Typer

Jasper is an AI writing tool with the power to write essays for you. The templates library is robust, allowing you to choose from many different styles and formats. Writing your next essay is as easy as inputting key information and clicking the ‘Generate now’ button!

From the dashboard, just ask Jasper for help writing an essay. From here, you can input all the important details of your essay, including its intended target audience (ie. college professors). This is key for optimizing academic writing that will be published online. 

Jasper template library

In the screenshot below, we asked Jasper for help on an essay about writing A+ essays. We shared some content information as well as our desired tone. Jasper delivered!

Jasper informative essay template

  • Optimizes written content for ranking on Google
  • Finishes your sentences for you
  • Has a Jumpstart learning center to learn even better ways to use Jasper
  • Includes over 50+ templates for different writing needs
  • Rated 5/5 stars in over 1000 reviews
  • Paid membership required

Pricing: Jasper offers several flexible pricing plans ranging from the $39/mo Creator plan to custom Business plans for an enterprise-level solution.

2. Papers Owl

Papers Owl Screenshot - Apps that Write Essays

This quick thesis statement generator makes the most out of the first few sentences of your essay. Add in your information and the AI generates a paragraph to introduce your essay.

  • Online website tool
  • No registration required
  • Receive three outputs each time
  • Requires that you know your thesis already — which requires prior research
  • You need one to two supporting statements already

Pricing: Free

coggle - apps that write essays for you

Coggle is a mind mapping app. These visual diagrams help you decide on your essay topic, organize all your points, and know which ideas are linked to each other. Coggle is available for iOS and Android devices and as a Google Chrome extension.

  • Available as an online website tool, browser extension, or app
  • Collaborate with up to three other people
  • Make unlimited mind maps
  • Download your map as a PDF or image
  • Most maps will be public
  • Requires registration
  • The free version has no custom line paths

Pricing: Free forever. Paid plans start at $5/month.

4.  Wordtune Read

Wordtune Read Screenshot - Apps that Write Essays

Wordtune’s app Wordtune Read reduces your reading time by summarizing paragraphs in long articles and essays. This example shows how Wordtune Read turns a long academic research paper into a three-minute read by summarizing essential points on the right.

Wordtune Read Screenshot - Apps that Write Essays 1

  • Summarizes long articles and documents
  • Allows users to upload a document or link to a research article
  • Users can export the summarized points as a Word document
  • Available as a Google Chrome extension
  • Can only export as a Word document

Pricing: Basic version is free, but there are options to upgrade. Paid plans start at $9.99/month.

5. Essay AI Lab

Essay AI Lab screenshot - Apps that Write Essays for you

Essay AI Lab searches the internet for relevant information for you and conveniently puts it all together in an essay. All you have to do is provide the guiding title and prompt. 

Essay AI Lab’s writing process allows you to choose each paragraph in your essay from tens of samples. This word processing tool is excellent for finding resources while writing your essay.

  • Includes citations and research references in APA or MLA format
  • You choose each paragraph for your essay
  • Paraphrases to eliminate any plagiarism concerns
  • Completely free to use
  • Requires registration to save or download your work
  • Rephrasing can change word meaning
  • Some citations come from blogs and news sources

6. My Assignment Help Essay Typer

My Assignment Help Essay Typer Screenshot - Apps that Write Essays for you

This word processing tool is very similar to Essay AI Lab but has a few more benefits. In addition to providing pre-written paragraphs on your topic, you can hire an expert at any point to jump in and help you finish your paper.

  • Includes other free tools like a summary generator and paraphrasing tool
  • App available for iPhone or iPad and Android devices
  • Works best as a research tool
  • Reviews claim they do not give refunds for failed services

Pricing: Free 

7. Paper Typer

Paper Typer Screenshot - Apps that Write Essays for you

Paper Typer writes you an entire essay in seconds after you tell it the subject of your paper. This AI essay writer app creates appropriate formatting for your essay as well. It offers headers and subheaders to write the best essay possible.

  • Entire paper in seconds
  • Unlimited sessions and edits
  • You can edit citations on the same site
  • Covers a wide range of information on the topic
  • Only works for simple subject topics
  • Fact-check needed to ensure proper citations
  • Edits required to prevent plagiarism

Pricing: Free for students.

8. Wordtune

Wordtune Screenshot - Apps that Write Essays for you

Wordtune upgrades your academic papers with professional writing using AI algorithms. This text editor uses AI to rewrite sentences and paragraphs up to 280 characters long. 

This tool works best to polish introductory or concluding sentences or summarize a long point. You can upgrade to the Premium plan to make your sentences more formal, more casual, longer, or shorter. 

  • Designed to improve the quality of your essays
  • Free version available
  • Has extensive customer support
  • Limited free membership
  • Won’t write essays for you; only improves pre-written text

Pricing: Free online. Premium plans start at $9.99/month for unlimited use.

9. AI Writer

AI Writer Screenshot - Apps that Write Essays for you

AI Writer is another fully AI essay writer. Write your title or headline on the homepage, sign-up, and receive access to an original draft, citations, and relevant SEO-friendly content. 

  • Free 1-week trial
  • Optimizes content for SEO
  • Has a 2-minute turn-around time
  • Saves up to 50% of your time compared to starting from scratch
  • Writes in English only
  • Membership required
  • Does not use all-academic sources
  • Reviewers say the essays are not high-quality

Pricing: Paid plans start at $29 per month.

10. Readable

Readable Screenshot -Apps that Write Essays for you

Readable is a web-based text analyzer that helps to improve your writing’s readability score. Readability refers to how complex your writing is. For example, college essays typically have a higher readability score than high school essays. The Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level is the academic standard for determining readability, which Readable uses in their analysis.

Improving your readability score can lead to clearer writing and higher grades.  

  • Offers a 7-day trial of ContentPro version
  • Grades your paper
  • Shares your word count as you write
  • Analyzes the Flesch-Kincaid Grade Level
  • Free version is very limited
  • Requires an account to download your work

Pricing: There’s a free version. Paid plans start at $8/month.

Write A+ essays with Jasper

While there are several apps that write essays for you available in the market, Jasper stands out for several reasons. 

Our AI writing assistant was designed to be your writing partner. Instead of generating content from a template, Jasper is a “thinking” app. It draws on its knowledge of 10% of the internet and writes naturally — almost like a human would.

You can use Jasper’s Blog Post Outline template for outlining and the Long-Form Assistant for essay writing. You can also take advantage of the Blog Post Introduction and Blog Post Conclusion templates for starting and finishing strong. 

You will get 100% unique content with Jasper — zero plagiarism. You only have to think about proofreading, using a spell-checker, or any final revisions.

What are you waiting for? Sign up for Jasper today.


Meet The Author:

Krista Doyle

Krista Doyle

Krista Doyle is a writer-turned-strategy-nerd based in Austin, TX. By day she manages content strategy and SEO right here at Jasper, by night she binges Netflix or continues her mission to find the best old fashioned in Austin, TX.

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College Info Geek

17+ Writing Apps to Brainstorm, Draft, Edit, and Publish Your Work

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For most of human history, writing tools were pretty basic. While there were important advances in technology such as the invention of paper, the printing press, and later the typewriter, it was all just physical marks on a physical medium at the end of the day.

Word processing software was a huge leap forward, forever changing the process of drafting and archiving. The core technology of word processing has remained more or less the same even into the 21st century, but we have seen major advances in the organizational and brainstorming tools available to writers.

The result is our current landscape, in which hundreds (if not thousands) of writing apps compete for your attention, all claiming to revolutionize the way you write.

Which apps are worth your time? This article will help you decide, exploring a variety of writing apps to improve the way you brainstorm, draft, edit, and publish your work.

Whether you’re a student, knowledge worker, or professional writer, you’ll find something useful below.

Mind map in Coggle app

Overview: A digital mind-mapping tool that’s great for brainstorming.

Mind-mapping is a powerful tool for brainstorming writing and drawing connections between ideas. Traditionally, the technique involves drawing shapes on paper and connecting those shapes with branching lines.

These days, however, you aren’t confined to making paper mind maps. Coggle lets you create digital mind maps that are saved to the cloud and accessible across devices. And unlike on paper, you can edit and rearrange the mind maps as much as you want without worrying about running out of space.

If you’re struggling to come up with writing ideas, then Coggle could be the creative boost you need.

Price: A free version is available with up to 3 private mind maps (and unlimited public ones). The paid version starts at $5 / month and includes unlimited private mind maps, extra shapes, and additional formatting options.

Platforms: Web

Evernote app interface

Overview: A long-standing writing and note-taking tool that’s still valuable today.

Evernote was the first note-taking and personal knowledge management app I ever used. I recall how mind-blowing it was at the time to create a searchable archive of notes, articles, PDFs, and whatever else I found interesting.

Since then, Evernote has exploded in popularity. While many other apps have emerged that claim to replace or surpass it, it remains a powerful tool for writers.

You can use it to take notes, write outlines, or even produce full drafts of essays or articles. You can also use Evernote’s Web Clipper to quickly save articles and other web pages to read later or access offline.

If you’re looking to create a “digital notebook” to hold your ideas and fuel your creativity, Evernote is an excellent choice.

Price: Most features are free. Evernote Premium is $7.99 / month and includes additional features for searching, sharing, and organizing your notes. Students can get 50% off their first year of Evernote Premium .

Platforms: Android, iOS, Windows, Mac, Web

Looking for more tools to take notes? Check out our guide to the best note-taking apps .

Google Docs

Google Docs app interface

Overview: The original collaborative, cloud-based writing app remains an invaluable part of many writers’ workflows.

Google Docs needs no introduction. When it was released, its collaborative, real-time writing and editing features were revolutionary. Now, such features are commonplace (even expected) in most cloud-based writing and note-taking tools.

Despite this, I’ve continued to use Google Docs for all of my professional writing, and it’s still the tool I recommend for everyday writing work.

The interface is clean, it automatically saves your work to the cloud, and the backing of Google means it’s unlikely to disappear (something you can’t say about the latest and greatest writing apps).

If you want a writing tool that just works, Google Docs is the app to use.

Price: Free

Platforms: Android, iOS, Web

Cold Turkey Writer

Cold Turkey Writer app interface

Overview: If you’re procrastinating on a writing project, Cold Turkey Writer will force you to focus.

Your computer is a powerful tool for writing, but it also includes lots of potential distractions such as social media, video games, Netflix, and Wikipedia rabbit holes. Cold Turkey Writer eliminates these distractions.

When you launch the app, you tell it your writing goal. This goal can be either a number of words or an amount of time spent writing. After you’ve done that, Cold Turkey will block every app on your computer (internet included) until you’ve met your writing goal.

This might seem extreme, but that’s why it’s so effective. When you remove other options, you’ll be amazed how much writing you produce.

Note that while Cold Turkey Writer is an excellent tool for producing distraction-free drafts, it doesn’t include many formatting options. So you’ll need to use it in conjunction with an app like Google Docs or Microsoft Word if you plan to print or publish your writing.

Price: Most features are free. A one-time payment of $9 (CAD) will get you additional formatting and theming features.

Platforms: Mac, Windows

Scrivener app sales page screenshot

Overview: A popular tool for long-form writing projects such as novels, screenplays, and dissertations.

Long-form writing presents unique challenges compared to writing essays, blog posts, or other short pieces. One of the main challenges is organization. How do you keep track of what you’ve written? And how do you arrange your writing into a cohesive whole?

Scrivener aims to solve these problems. It includes all the standard word processing features you’d find in an app like Word or Docs, but it also includes features for organizing, navigating, and editing your writing projects.

You can quickly see all your project’s chapters, sections, or scenes at a glance. And you can quickly rearrange these items to help you put together your final manuscript.

Other handy features include:

  • A virtual “corkboard” to help you plan your writing structure
  • The ability to split documents into smaller chapters or sections
  • Tools for displaying reference material such as images, PDFs, or web pages (without having to leave the Scrivener app).
  • Options for exporting your work as a PDF, Word Doc, or even a Kindle ebook.

Price: One-time purchase of $49 for a single desktop license (Mac or Windows). Students and academics can receive a discounted license for $41.65. The iOS app requires a separate purchase of $19.99. A 30-day free trial is also available.

Platforms: Mac, Windows, iOS

Novlr app interface

Overview: Aimed at novel writers, Novlr includes extensive tools to organize and track your long-form writing projects.

At first glance, Novlr seems similar to Scrivener. And while the two apps do share a lot of features in common, Novlr is different enough that it’s also worth considering.

To start, there’s the Novlr interface. Compared to Scrivener, it’s much more minimalist. However, don’t mistake this minimalism for a lack of features and power.

Novlr lets you see an overview of your writing sections and chapters as you work, and it constantly saves your writing (much like Google Docs). There’s also a “Focus Mode” that hides the interface so you can concentrate on the current chapter or section.

Most of the above features are available in Scrivener. Where Novlr really stands out is in its style and grammar checking features.

As you write, Novlr will show you suggestions for fixing grammar, spelling, and even making your writing more concise. And unlike a lot of writing apps that only mark errors or suggest corrections, Novlr includes explanations for each of its suggestions. This way, you can learn to be a better writer as you use the app.

Overall, I think Novlr is a better tool if you’re focused on novel or fiction writing, while Scrivener is better if you plan to write nonfiction. Scrivener’s tools for organization and research material are superior to Novlr’s, while Novlr is hyper-focused on being the best tool for novelists (and no one else).

Ultimately, both apps have free trials, so I encourage you to test out each and see which is better for your long-form writing needs.

Price: $100 per year or $10 month-to-month. A 2-week free trial is also available.

Platforms: Web (also works offline and on mobile devices)

Byword app interface

Overview: A simple Markdown writing app.

Byword is a Markdown text editor that aims to help you write faster. If you’re not familiar with Markdown, here’s a good explanation . Basically, it’s a way to write plain text that you can then quickly convert into HTML (saving you the hassle of manually writing HTML).

If that last paragraph made your eyes glaze over, don’t worry; there are plenty of other apps in this article for your needs. But if you regularly write for the web, learning Markdown (and using a Markdown editor such as Byword) can save you a lot of time.

Byword lets you write documents in Markdown and then export them as HTML, Rich Text, or a PDF. You can also export your writing directly to a publishing platform such as WordPress, Medium, Blogger, or Tumblr. If you already use Markdown (or want to learn it), then Byword is a tool you should look into.

Price: One-time purchase of $10.99 (Mac app) or $5.99 (iPhone and iPad app)

Platforms: Mac, iOS

Written? Kitten!

Written? Kitten! app interface

Overview: Get some extra writing motivation with pictures of kittens, puppies, or bunnies.

Writing the first draft is always the hardest part. If you need some motivation to get those words onto the page, then check out Written? Kitten!

This web app shows you a picture of a cute animal of your choice (kitten, puppy, or bunny) every time you write a certain number of words.

It’s a great tool if you need to write an essay of a certain length or if you have a goal to write a set number of words each day.

750 Words app showing writing statistics

Overview: A private, online journal that helps you build a daily writing habit.

“Write every day” is a common New Year’s Resolution, but it can be tricky to stick to. If you’re looking for an app to help motivate you, check out 750 Words .

As the name implies, 750 Words is an app that helps you build a habit of writing at least 750 words (about 3 pages) per day. When you log in to the app, you’ll see nothing but a place to write. As you type, the app keeps track of your progress and lets you know when you’ve passed 750 words. The app also saves your work so you can review it later, and everything is completely private.

In addition to the writing features, 750 Words shows you insights about your writing such as how many days in a row you’ve written, your average words per minute, and the mood you were in (based on the words you use).

Whether you’re looking to write as a creative exercise, to learn more about yourself, or because some stranger on the internet like me told you to, 750 Words is a great way to get your thoughts onto the page.

Price: Free for 30 days, then $5 / month.

Daily Page app sales page

Overview: Daily Page sends you a new writing prompt each day and gives you a distraction-free space to write.

Don’t know what to write about? Daily Page provides a solution.

Each day, the app emails you a different creative writing prompt. Just click the link in the email, sign in to the app, and write your entry. If you prefer free writing, the app gives you the option to do that as well.

In addition to the writing prompts and motivation, a subscription to Daily Page also gives you access to several writing courses on topics such as screenwriting, blogging, and storytelling. While I can’t vouch for the quality of the courses, it’s an interesting feature that you don’t see in a lot of other writing apps.

Price: $4.99 month-to-month or $47.88 / year.

Grammarly app interface

Overview: An app that checks (and automatically corrects) your grammar, spelling, and more.

The school system generally does a terrible job of teaching grammar. Combine that with the fact that English spelling is an illogical disaster, and it’s no wonder that we all struggle with writing “mechanics” to one degree or another.

The grammar and spell check tools in your word processor can help, but they still miss a lot of mistakes. This is where Grammarly comes in.

Grammarly checks your writing for mistakes in spelling, grammar, and usage. When it finds a mistake, it will highlight it and explain what’s wrong. You can then choose to accept the correction or ignore it.

To get the most out of Grammarly, I recommend installing the browser extension . With this, Grammarly will automatically check your writing everywhere from your email to Google Docs to online forms. Prefer to write offline? Grammarly also has standalone apps that you can paste your writing into, as well as extensions for Microsoft Word.

Even as a professional writer and editor with a degree in English, I use Grammarly every day. It speeds up the editing process and finds mistakes that spell check tends to miss. While its suggestions aren’t correct 100% of the time, it’s still a valuable tool for any kind of writing (except maybe poetry).

Price: All the features I described above are free. You can upgrade to Premium for $29.95 / month to get additional features such as vocabulary suggestions, plagiarism checks, and readability suggestions.

Platforms: Android, iOS, Mac, Windows, Web. Browser extensions are available for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge. A Microsoft Word extension is also available.

Hemingway interface

Overview: An app that helps you make your writing easier to read.

When you’re writing a draft, the thoughts often come out of your head in a jumble. During the editing process, it’s your job to make this jumble understandable. To help you out, I recommend the Hemingway app .

Hemingway’s goal is to remove anything unnecessary from your writing. This could be complex sentences, passive voice, adverbs, or big words. While none of these are “wrong” to use, removing them often makes your writing easier to read.

Whenever Hemingway encounters something it thinks you should remove, it will highlight it. Next to each highlight, you’ll see a suggestion for improvement. This could be anything from using a simpler word to shortening a lengthy sentence.

In addition to stylistic suggestions, Hemingway also displays some useful statistics about your writing, including readability, word count, and estimated reading time.

If you purchase the desktop version of Hemingway, you’ll get additional features such as the ability to publish directly to WordPress or Medium and the option to export your writing as HTML, Markdown, Word Doc, or PDF.

For maximum editing power, combine Hemingway with Grammarly.

Price: Web version is free. Desktop versions (Mac and Windows) are each $19.99.

Platforms: Mac, Windows, Web

Blurt interface

Overview: Blurt helps you build a daily writing habit while removing distractions and teaching you to be a better writer.

Do you love the writing experience of Medium, but are looking for some additional tools to help you focus? Then Blurt could be the app you’re looking for.

To start, Blurt asks you to define the project you’re working on. Options include a journal, blog post, book, newsletter, or essays. After you’ve defined your project, Blurt prompts you to set a daily writing goal for it. You can even specify the time of day you want to write, and Blurt will send you an email reminder to do it.

Once you’ve set your goals, it’s time to write. The Blurt editor is very minimal, with most formatting options hidden by default. As you write, Blurt offers spelling and readability suggestions. The readability suggestions are similar to those in Hemingway, including adverbs, difficult to read sentences, and even cliches.

If you find yourself getting distracted while writing, Blurt lets you launch a “Writing Session.” This session will challenge you to write for a set amount of time or to write a certain number of words. And if you struggle with self-editing, Blurt can blur your words as you type. This helps keep drafting and editing separate.

Finally, Blurt gives you the option to export your work to Medium, Twitter, Facebook, or Markdown (and it also supports Markdown syntax while writing).

Price: 15-day free trial, then $14.99 / month.

Quetext app interface

Overview:  A free, web-based plagiarism checker.

Plagiarism is a serious offense both in school and the professional world. Not only is it wrong, but it could damage your grade (or even get you expelled or fired in extreme cases).

Luckily, plagiarism is easy to avoid if you properly cite your sources and use a plagiarism checking tool like Quetext . Quetext uses advanced natural language processing to compare your writing to billions of documents across the internet. If the app detects any potential plagiarism, it will highlight it in your document.

Even if you don’t think your document contains plagiarism, it can’t hurt to check (particularly when there’s an app to make it so easy).

Price:  The Free plan includes 5 plagiarism checks per month (enough for most students). For unlimited plagiarism checks, citation suggestions, and priority support, you can upgrade to the Pro plan for $9.99 / month.

Platforms:  Web


Coffitivity app interface

Overview: Recreate the sounds of a coffee shop in the comfort of your home.

If you enjoy writing in coffee shops, then you should give Coffitivity a look. The app recreates the sounds of a coffee shop within your web browser. This allows you to feel like you’re in a coffee shop (and potentially focus better) without leaving your house.

In a time when many coffee shops are closed to the public, this is an especially valuable service. I like to mix the app’s sounds with instrumental music to create a more immersive experience, but that’s up to you.

And, of course, you’ll need to provide your own coffee.

Price: Free. For $9 / year you can get access to additional coffee shop sounds.

Brain.fm app interface

Overview: An app that uses specially-designed music to help you focus.

Listening to music is a common way to focus on all kinds of projects, writing and otherwise. However, listening to music while writing can be distracting, particularly if the music contains lyrics or interesting melodies.

Brain.fm solves this problem. The app uses a variety of compositional and sound design techniques ( backed by science ) to create music specifically for focusing.

When you sign in to the app, you tell it what your goal is: focus, relax, or sleep. Once you select your goal (which would typically be “Focus” for writing), you tell the app how long you want to focus. Brain.fm will then start playing music designed to help your brain enter a flow state .

I find Brain.fm to be especially helpful if I’m procrastinating or struggling to finish a difficult project. I recommend combining it with the Pomodoro technique for the ultimate focused writing experience.

Price: $6.99 / month or $49.99 / year. A free, 3-day trial is also available.

For more music to help you focus, listen to our study playlist .

Zotero app interface

Overview: A free tool for organizing academic sources and generating citations.

When you’re writing a thesis, dissertation, or research paper , it can be tricky to keep track of your sources. You could keep a list of them in a text document, but that relies on you remembering to update it. And when it’s time to cite your sources, it could take hours to assemble that list into a properly formatted bibliography.

To make it easier to manage your research, use Zotero . Zotero is an open-source app for collecting, organizing, and citing sources of all kinds.

Once you’ve installed the Zotero browser extension , you can quickly pull citation information from library pages, JSTOR, online journals, and just about any other digital source you can think of. The result is a database of sources that you can quickly search and reference.

And when it’s time to submit your final draft, Zotero can generate a bibliography or references section in the citation format of your choice (APA, Chicago, MLA, and thousands more ). The app also includes tools for collaborating on papers with other researchers, and you have the option to store all your Zotero data in the cloud.

Platforms: Mac, Windows, Linux, Chrome, Firefox, Safari

Honorable Mentions

Below, you’ll find a few other apps that I use regularly in my writing work. I didn’t give these their own sections because they’re either too specific to my work or have a waitlist. But I still think they’re super useful and worth a look:

  • Capitalize My Title – A web app that converts your titles to the proper “title case.” I use it to check the title and subheadings of my articles, but you can also use it to properly capitalize the titles of essays or research papers.
  • Roam Research – The app I use to take notes, journal, and record article ideas. While extremely powerful, I didn’t give Roam its own section because there’s currently a waiting list to access the app. You can learn more about Roam in our full review .
  • Docs to Markdown – This Google Docs add-on lets you export your work as HTML or Markdown. I use it when I’m transferring an article from Google Docs to WordPress. But it could also be a useful tool for copywriters or web designers.

Your Brain Is the Ultimate Writing App

I hope this article has helped you find an app to make your writing process more efficient, pleasant, or focused.

Ultimately, writing apps are just there to enable you as a writer. To get better at writing, you need to practice it, get feedback, learn, and repeat.

Looking for more apps to help you work better? Check out our list of the top productivity apps .

Image Credits: document open on MacBook

5 Essential Apps to Help You Write Your Assignments

write assignments app

Cite This For Me

Available on iOS and Android Don’t spend precious hours of your time looking up Harvard Referencing guides or agonising over where to put the full stops in your bibliography.

Cite This For Me is an app designed to save you time and effort when writing your assignments. Scan the barcodes of your books and journals to generate references. You can choose from over 7000 referencing styles and when you’re done, you can download your finished bibliography straight to your email.

Dragon Dictation

Available on iOS and Android Spend less time typing out your assignment, you can simply just speak it out loud!

Dragon Dictation is a voice recognition app that listens to you speak and converts the words into written text. They say it’s up to 5 times faster than typing. Think of the hours you could save writing your assignments! You can also use this app to send notes and reminders to yourself, or even record your lecture notes; useful for any student who is constantly on the go.

Available on iOS, Android and desktop Stay organised and never forget about the important tasks you need to complete.

Trello is a free productivity app that allows you to keep track of all your projects and stay organised. Create to-do lists, boards, and invite your friends and family to collaborate on your projects. This is a must-have app for any student wishing to condense their studying time and find a better work-life balance.

Be Focused, Clockwork Tomato and Pomodoro Tracker

Available on iOS, Android and desktop Use the most trusted techniques that allow you to complete your assignments faster.

The Pomodoro Technique is a time management hack that aims to provide you with the maximum focus, consequently allowing you to complete projects faster. The idea is that you work for 25 minutes, and then take 5 minutes break. There are versions available on iOS, Android and on your desktop that replicate this technique. Why not give it a try?

Anti-Social and Freedom

Available on Windows or Mac and iOS Overcome your procrastination issues. Anti-Social is an app available on Windows or Mac (for a small fee) with the aim of solving your procrastination problems. Similarly, Freedom is an app available on iOS offering the same service. We all know that a “quick 10 minute check” on Facebook can soon turn into an hour of solid procrastination. These genius apps lock you away from websites where you are likely to waste your time so you can concentrate on your work.

By using these 5 trustee apps, you can be sure to complete your assignments faster than ever! Utilise technology and get back to doing the things you love quicker. Download them now!

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Best free writing app of 2024

Bring your words to life with the best free writing apps

Best overall

Best for markup, best word alternative, best word processor, best for mac, best online, how we test.

The best free writing software makes it simple and easy to better manage and organize all your ideas, outlines, and projects. 

A close up of a person typing on a MacBook keyboard.

1. Best overall 2. Best for markup 3. Best Word alternative 4. Best word processor 5. Best for Mac 6. Best online 7. FAQs 8. How we test

Like the best free word processors , writing apps help you get your thoughts on the page without breaking the bank (or your train of thought). But we’ve also made sure they’ll make it easier to save, share, and sync all your documents and keep them safe, whether you need a desktop writing app for work, school, or play. 

If you struggle to stay focused, we’ve tested some of the best free writing apps come with distraction-free layouts or gamification challenges to keep you in the zone. We’ve also reviewed those built for professional document creation, with advanced business features such as speech-to-text transcription and online collaboration tools. 

Our picks cover the best apps for writing on the web, Windows, Mac, Android, and iOS - so you’re always ready whenever and wherever creativity strikes. 

literature and latte Scrivener 3

Scrivener: best writing software for authors Scrivener is packed with all the features a novelist needs, helping you track plot threads, store notes on characters and locations, structure your work and (most importantly) get some serious work done. It's not a free writing app like the tools below, but it's well worth the investment if your budget will allow it.

The best free writing app of 2024 in full:

Why you can trust TechRadar We spend hours testing every product or service we review, so you can be sure you’re buying the best. Find out more about how we test.

Website screenshot for FocusWriter.

1. FocusWriter

Our expert review:


Reasons to buy, reasons to avoid.

FocusWriter helps writers combat one of their biggest challenges: distractions. One of the best free writing software tools out there, it's specifically designed to let you just concentrate on your writing. 

The stripped-back interface is deliciously sparse - ideal for when you just need to get your head down and write - and not dissimilar to a moderately powerful version of Notepad, featuring support for TXT, basic, RTF, and ODT files. 

Even the toolbar is hidden until you actually need it. Just swoop your cursor to the top on the screen to reveal a barren menu, from basic formatting to themes and timers.

Features are light within the software, but FocusWriter isn’t made for heavy editing sessions. It’s designed to make the act of writing flow seamlessly onto the page. 

Elsewhere, the writing app boasts the ability to add themes and your own background images, which can help you stay motivated. 

The Daily Progress tool is a sweet extra, adding Duolingo-style gamification that lets you track your daily writing streak. For when it’s oh-so-easy to slip onto social media when you can’t find the perfect word, it’s a nice way to keep you within the app. 

Available for Windows, Linux, and macOS, the writing software also comes as a portable download, no installation required. So, you can pop it on a USB stick and plug it into any computer you’re working on. 

Read our full FocusWriter review .

  • ^ Back to the top

Website screenshot for Writemonkey.

2. WriteMonkey

WriteMonkey is another piece of free writing software that cuts down on the clutter to deliver uninterrupted writing sessions. 

The free word processor, cleverly described as zenware, is unbelievably pared back compared to more traditional writing apps. 

There’s very little in the way of distracting ‘screen furniture’, which means you’re better positioned to concentrate on the writing process. And absolutely nothing else. 

But don’t let that stripped-back approach fool you. As one of the best free writing apps, WriteMonkey is still rich with the sort of core features that matter to writers. 

However, most options are hidden in a context menu (so you’ll need to right-click to view it). It also only supports TXT files, which may limit those looking to read, write, or edit across multiple formats. It is, at least, a portable download, letting you take it wherever you need.

If you’ve enjoyed Markdown, the simplified text-editing language that lets you format, annotate, classify, and link as you type, then great. WriteMonkey’s inner workings will instantly chime. 

First-timers should spend a little time with this free writing software, to uncover that intuitive simplicity. 

Read our full WriteMonkey review .

Website screenshot for LibreOffice.

3. LibreOffice Writer

Writer, the open-source, free writing software, serves almost all general writing needs.

LibreOffice is a near-perfect example of free office software - a familiar, feature-rich take on the office suite. What the veteran software package lacks in Microsoft polish (its interface is undeniably old-fashioned, for starters), it makes up for in its price-point: free. For that, you get access to six tools: Calc, Impress, Draw, Base, Math, and Writer. 

Earning it a slot on our list of best free writing apps is the fact that LibreOffice Writer packs the full editing toolbox. 

This isn’t just a note-taking app for staving off distractions when you’re deep in the zone; it’s for when you’re in pure writer-mode. 

If you’re at all proficient with Microsoft Word, you won’t have any problems using the Writer software. Layouts and functions are almost identical, and there’s support for DOC and DOCX file types, making it efficient to switch out of the Microsoft garden.

This free writing app is ideal if you’re hunting for a tool that almost perfectly replicates the Word experience without the cost. 

Read our full LibreOffice review .

Website screenshot for Microsoft Word.

4. Microsoft Word

When it comes to word processors, Microsoft Word is probably the baseline against which all others are compared. It’s the one most of us use at school, home, and work. It’s familiar, comfortable - and it’s available free on the web and mobile devices. 

That may not be the best way to write your masterpiece (unless you’ve hooked up a Bluetooth keyboard). But it’s a great way to jot down ideas on-the-go. When we tested the browser-based version we found it could be a bit slow at first, and we were typing faster than the words appeared on screen. This settles down (mostly) after a minute or so. 

Microsoft’s free writing apps on Android and iPhone had no such issues. Using these was velvety smooth. We especially appreciated the option to switch between mobile view and desktop view, so we could gauge how the document would appear in full-screen. 

As with Google Docs, you’ll need to sign up with a Microsoft account. And, like Google, that also lets you use free versions of PowerPoint, Excel, and the like. While Word offers one of the best free writing app experiences, there’s no denying that the paid-for upgrade is superior, offering more tools, and a true desktop app. 

Read our full Microsoft Word review .

Website screenshot for Author.

Author promises to make it easier to ‘think, write, and cite’. It’s a promise capably delivered, with a clean interface and bags of writing features designed to make it easy to go from first draft to final copy. 

If you're an Apple user in search of the best free writing apps on macOS, this one demands your attention. 

Concept Maps is one of the best features. It’s a great mind-mapping tool to visualize and lay down all your thoughts while they’re fresh in your head without constraint. You can worry about whipping them into shape later. 

Students and report writers will appreciate Author’s ‘fast citing’ tools - speeding up assignment-writing by correctly adding and formatting citations, references, and contents. 

A paid-for upgrade of the writing software that offers exporting options is available. However, unless you need automatic formatting on export, you can stick with the free version. 

Website screenshot for Google Docs.

6. Google Docs

Google Docs is a great free writing platform for any writer. It’s an extremely clean, quick word processor available in the browser, on desktop, and phone and tablet apps. So, you can take notes wherever inspiration strikes. 

Docs is more or less Google’s spin on Microsoft Word. The interface is a bit more simple than the professional office software - although it’s no less powerful. 

You’ll find heaps of writing tools, including a pretty accurate speech-to-text transcription tool (just enunciate and don’t talk too fast). Keyboard shortcuts are very well-supported. 

For best results, you’ll need an internet connection, though documents can be used offline. They’ll be synced, and in our experience, that happens swiftly behind the scenes. 

To take advantage of the free writing app, you’ll need a Google account, which may be a deal-breaker for some - but that also opens up the rest of the Google-stuff in the Google-sphere, such as Sheets, Slides, and . With a free account, you get 15GB of storage, which should be more than enough for word documents. A Google One subscription upgrades your storage space, amongst other things. 

Additionally, Google Docs is great if you want to collaborate with one or more other writers. Just be warned to stay in Google Docs for that, because exporting the data into Word or other writing applications can result formatting errors.

Read our full Google Docs review .

What's the difference between a writing app and an AI writer?

AI writers vs writing apps - what's the real difference?

Artificial intelligence is growing in a big way - and when it comes to writing, it's ChatGPT that's been snatching all the headlines of late, with its ability to generate short- and long-form content based on user prompts.

Generally, an AI writer will write your content for you, based on its current learning (although often without 'understanding' the context). A writing app simply lets you write your way, in your own voice. 

Some platforms, such as Canva , have even integrated AI into its Canva Docs and Canva PDF Editor services. However. its Magic Write tool acts as a writing assistant, serving up suggestions and ideas, leaving real writers to work their magic on the content. Though usually hiding in the back-end, you can also find AI integrated in other ways across other the best PDF editor apps (and even the best free PDF editor apps, too).

As always with AI-generated content, whether it's the written word or an artwork masterpiece, human involvement is usually necessary and always desirable. Even if you're using the best AI writers out there, editing and proofreading is essential to give the content accuracy and emotional resonance.

How to choose the best free writing app for you

When deciding which free writing app is best, start by figuring out what sort of writing you want to do. 

Do you need a handy tool for quick scribbles and jotting down ideas here and there, or are you using the writing software to write and edit an epic novel? Tools like FocusWriter and Write Monkey are great for getting thoughts on the page without friction.

It’s also worth considering if you need a writing app with a distraction-free design, so you can concentrate on what really matters to you. Again, FocusWriter performs admirably here, but as a result, you lose core typography and editing functions. Unlike LibreOffice, this isn’t the best Microsoft Office alternative if you need those tools. In that scenario, it may be worth considering looking at some of the best free office software , which includes MS Word-style apps, alongside other tools similar to Excel, PowerPoint, and so on. 

Access is an important factor when using your writing software. A tool like Scribus needs to be downloaded to your machine. Lightweight apps like FocusWriter, however, offer a portable download that can be downloaded to a USB and carried with you. 

Check what file formats your chosen writing app supports, too. While some let you create and edit the common DOC and DOCX files, others only allow TXT or RTF documents.

But most of all, it’s important to choose the best free writing app for your unique creative flow. 

Testing the best free writing apps and software, we assess how easy it is to get your words down on the page with the least amount of friction. Portable writing apps rank high, because they let you use the program on whatever computer or laptop you’re using. 

We also look at performance for its intended audience. For distraction-free writing apps, do they really foster focus? For word processor-style software, does it offer good formatting and editing options? 

Most importantly, we expect to see free writing apps that are genuinely cost-free - no-one wants to stumble across hidden fees and charges in the contracts. 

We've listed the best laptops for writers .

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Steve is TechRadar Pro’s B2B Editor for Creative & Hardware. He explores the apps and devices for individuals and organizations that thrive on design and innovation. A former journalist at Web User magazine, he's covered software and hardware news, reviews, features, and guides. He's previously worked on content for Microsoft, Sony, and countless SaaS & product design firms. Once upon a time, he wrote commercials and movie trailers. Relentless champion of the Oxford comma.

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write assignments app

Best Writing Apps for Android in 2022

write assignments app

Whether you're writing essays for school, drafting updates for your blog, or just jotting notes, everybody needs a writing app. There's no shortage of them on the Play Store, and in theory it shouldn't be hard to find a good one — it's just a place to type, right?

Turns out there are quite a few useful features that you might want to look for when settling on a writing app. You probably want an app that syncs with other devices — Android or otherwise — so that you can pick up where you last left off. Diverse file support is good, too, for those times you need to export .doc files or PDFs.

Google Docs

Why you can trust Android Central Our expert reviewers spend hours testing and comparing products and services so you can choose the best for you. Find out more about how we test .

It's hard to argue with an app that comes pre-installed on most Android phones. Google Docs is an entirely cloud-based app that can be accessed from any machine that's signed into your Google account, and has full support for images, text formatting, and a wide array of file formats.

One of the best parts of Google Docs is its collaborative nature, with the ability to share your documents with others and even write simultaneously within the same file. You can even notate certain sections of a document with editor's comments for the other writers' reference. Best of all, it's completely free, without any in-app purchases or tiers to worry about.

Download: Google Docs (free)

Microsoft Word

write assignments app

Microsoft Word is another classic writing app, and it's one that you probably grew up using on your computer before smartphones were even around. Word works a lot like Google Docs, though it syncs to OneDrive rather than Google Drive (you can also set it to sync with Dropbox). The interface is familiar if you've used recent versions of Word on the desktop, and the app also serves as a PDF reader.

Some of the features, including custom headers/footers and file history, require an Office 365 subscription , so power users that need to meet specific formatting standards for, say, college essays, may not be able to get away with using Word for free. But for the majority of users, the free version should offer plenty of functionality and hold up to alternatives like Google Docs.

Download: Microsoft Word (free)

write assignments app

iA Writer is a fantastic writing app that focuses more on simplicity than formatting — though it does allow for the latter, as well. It features its own file browser for your documents, as well as the ability to sync your work to Google Drive or Dropbox, and best of all, it's cross-platform with support for iOS, Windows, and MacOS.

One of iA Writer's most unique features is its focus mode, which obscures the sentences you're not currently working on, but there's plenty of other great features like Markdown support, night mode, and the ability to publish directly to Medium. iA Writer is free on Android, but keep in mind that you'll need to shell out some cash to use it on your computer.

Download: iA Writer (free)

write assignments app

The go-to for nearly every college student, Evernote is an immensely popular writing app that's also equal parts organizer, planner, document scanner, to-do list, and much, much more. The interface can be a bit overwhelming at times, but in return, you get a wealth of features unmatched by the competition.

Evernote syncs your notes and files within its own cloud service, and offers apps for almost every device you can think of, as well as a web interface. Like the other note-taking apps in this list, you can export your writings as PDFs or other file formats, and Evernote can import from PDFs as well. If you shell out for Evernote Premium, you'll benefit from things like unlimited device access, offline notes, PDF annotation, and much larger storage.

Download: Evernote (free)

Which is your favorite?

Do you swear by one of the writers listed above? Or have you been using something else throughout the years? Let us know in the comments!

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Hayato was a product reviewer and video editor for Android Central.

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write assignments app

50 Best Free Study Apps for College Students: Ultimate List

write assignments app

How many times have you become frustrated when you had to pay for your favorite study app or when access to your most relied-upon website became paid-only?

Once? Twice? Dozens of times?

It’s time to say no to such frustrations. Because here at IvyPanda, we’ve gathered the best study services and apps for college students that are entirely free.

Keep reading!

  • The Best Time Management Apps for Students
  • The Best Online Collaboration Tools for Students
  • Critical Thinking Tools
  • Homework Apps and Websites
  • Digital Storytelling Tools and Websites
  • Citation Tools
  • Note Taking & Word Editors
  • The Best Apps For Students

Bonus: 11 Scholarship and Internship Websites

Use your time wisely: the best time management apps for students.

First and foremost, every student should learn how to manage their time efficiently . You take a lot of classes and have tons of homework and perhaps even a full-time or part-time job, which together may take up all of your time.

You may ask…

How can you possibly keep a study-life and work-life balance?

It is not as hard as it may seem because there are plenty of helpful time management apps for college students:

  • Google Calendar

Google Calendar Screenshot

This is probably one of the most popular time management products. Google Calendar has a traditional interface and may very well be a must-have app for every student. It is available on both Android and iOS platforms as well as online. Make your class schedule, plan your meetings, and share upcoming events with your friends.

Even better:

You can add descriptions, attach pictures or files to events, and set reminders.

Available on: iOS, Android, web

  • My Study Life

Mystudylife Website Screenshot

My Study Life is another cross-platform student planner that will help you organize your college schedule. The app supports both a traditional timetable and day/week rotation.

By the way…

Did we mention that it’s free?

Available on: iOS, Android, Windows Phone, Windows 8, web

  • Focus Booster

Focus Booster Screenshot

Have you ever procrastinated when doing your homework? If so, you should try the Pomodoro Technique for your studies. All you have to do is break your task into short time blocks (around 20 – 25 minutes each) and focus on your work. The Focus Booster app will help you keep your attention on the assignment, track the time, and create useful reports.

There is no Stop button!

The free version of the app allows for 20 sessions/month, including time tracking, the Pomodoro timer, and reporting.

Available on: iOS, Android, Windows, Mac, web

Rescuetime homepage

How much time do you spend surfing distracting websites instead of doing your writing assignment? RescueTime may become an indispensable app for you. Use its free version to better understand how you spend your time:

  • Keep an eye on the websites and applications you use while doing homework
  • Get a weekly report of your activity

There is also a premium pricing plan available for only $9/month, which will block distracting sites, keep a log of your accomplishments, and allow for the creation of detailed filters and reports.

Available on: Android, Windows, Mac, Linux

Todoist Website Screenshot

Keep an eye on all your tasks with this simple cross-platform tool. Todoist is a free online planner for students and anyone else who wants to stay organized. Use this tool to set up, track, and review your daily and weekly tasks.

Available on: Android, Windows, Mac, iOS, web

Collaborate With Your Classmates: The Best Online Collaboration Tools for Students

Teamwork and the ability to communicate with others are some of the most essential skills for your future.

You may be wondering: why are they so important?

And here is the deal…

Being able to work in a group gives you these benefits:

  • Improving your communication skills. To work on any problem, you have to communicate. You must be able to hear others’ opinions. This collaborative learning will become the perfect foundation for your future job, especially for teamwork with people of different backgrounds, religious beliefs, ethnicities, etc.
  • Learning how to trust others. When working on a group project, you have to collaborate with others. Of course, you may work without trusting your classmates. But if you want to finish your task quickly and efficiently, you have to learn how to trust your colleagues.
  • Immersing yourself in learning. Being heard in a small group gives you a feeling of value and prominence. Because your study experience will become more pleasant, you’ll be more eager to get more information on the topic at hand. Another way of acheving this benefit would be through visiting a database of college essay examples . Try it some time to get an extra source of inspiration.
  • Learning something new from your classmates. Two heads are better than one, so when working together, you will see different points of view on the raised question.
  • Becoming more confident. While working on a group project, you will get team support and be able to express yourself.

Why don’t you try one of these free tools for students for your next group project?

Padlet Website Screenshot

This tool allows you to create boards when working on group projects. On these boards, you can add comments, links, photos, audio files, and videos. And don’t forget to share them with your friends and classmates!

Available on: Chrome, iOS, Android, Kindle, web

Diigo Website Screenshot

Imagine that you have your own online library. You can create bookmarks and tag saved websites, and you can add text, notes, and reminders directly to any web page. And, of course, you can share it all with your mates!

Diigo Website Screenshot

Slack will take your group projects to the next level. Communicate with others, upload images and documents, and search through an archive of your team’s decisions, conversations, and work. 5 GB of file storage is included in the free version.

Available on: Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, Windows Phone

Trello Website Screenshot

It does not matter how big your project may be. Now you can forget about tons of sticky notes, dozens of emails, and the dreaded lost flash drive (the one with your completed group assignment). Trello is among the best study apps because it allows you to create a board, invite your friends, and add comments and attachments to Trello cards. This cross-platform tool is also great for brainstorming.

Available on: Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, Windows Phone, web

We Transfer Website Screenshot

WeTransfer allows you to share your files with others. All you have to do is upload a document, video, audio file, etc., and then send the link to your friends. The free version allows you to upload files up to 2 GB, with a link that expires in a week.

Available on: Mac, iOS, Android, web

Think Out of the Box: Critical Thinking Tools

Nowadays you have to deal with lots of information. Therefore, you should not be just a passive recipient of facts and news but rather an active learner.

In essence, you must be able to observe, analyze, evaluate, and solve problems using a systematic approach, not just your instinct or intuition.

Critical thinking involves a lot of skills: attention, analysis, evaluation, reflection, assumption, decision making, and problem-solving.

Critical thinking will help you.

Check out these critical thinking apps:

Xmind: ZEN Screenshot

Xmind is one of the best mind mapping apps. You can use it when working on any assignment to create a diagram and build out the logic of the project. The free plan allows you to create all kinds of charts. You can also get access to extended features with the Pro version for only $129.

Available on: Windows, Mac, Linux

Coggle - The clear way to share complex information.

Coggle is another great mental map app that allows you to create diagrams, take notes, analyze gathered information, and brainstorm your ideas. The free plan allows you to create unlimited public charts and image uploads, download your project as a PDF or image file, and share it with your classmates.

Available on: web

Fact Check Website Screenshot

One of the elements of critical thinking according to the Bloom’s Taxonomy matrix is evaluation. When writing an assignment, you have to review a lot of sources. SciCheck will help you avoid misleading scientific facts. And all you need to use this tool is a browser!

Elevate Brain Training Games

Elevate is an Android app that will help you increase your brain’s processing speed, improve your speaking and math skills, and boost your memory and attention. You will find 40+ games for your brain along with a performance tracker, workout calendar, and more!

Available on: Android

Ace Your Assignments: Homework Apps and Websites

If you’re like almost every other student, there will be a moment in your life when you ask yourself:

“How on earth will I be able to complete all these assignments?”

Studying in college involves a lot of homework. That’s why there are plenty of helpful apps for students to deal with all those assignments.

You may want to try some of these tools:

Photomath - Scan a math problem for an instant result.

Forget about struggling with your homework. Try Photomath, one of the coolest math apps for college students. Merely scan math problems with your smartphone and get an immediate answer.

Available on: iOS, Android

Socratic App Screenshot

Socratic is a digital tutoring app for your smartphone. Get homework help from teachers and other students. Just ask your question, and you will get an answer!

Supported subjects:

  • Anatomy & Physiology
  • Astrophysics
  • Earth Science
  • English Grammar
  • Environmental Science
  • Organic Chemistry
  • Pre-Algebra
  • Pre-Calculus
  • Trigonometry
  • U.S. History
  • World History

Quizlet - Simple tools for learning

Ace your studies by creating diagrams and flashcards or by exploring those made by other users. You can master your knowledge on any subject using the tool’s online version or download it to your phone.

  • Office Lens

Office Lens convert images to PDF, Word and Power Point.

Time to digitize all your notes! Use Office Lens from Microsoft and convert your notes, recipes, and even blackboard scribbles to Word, PowerPoint, or PDF.

Available on: Windows, Windows Mobile, Windows Phone, iOS, Android

  • Merriam-Webster Dictionary

Merriam Webster Screenshot

An extended vocabulary is essential for every student, no matter whether you are studying Humanities or Sciences. Learn new words, search for synonyms, and master your vocabulary using your smartphone or the dictionary’s browser version.

By the way:

If you are struggling with your assignments, do not hesitate to message IvyPanda ! You will get excellent homework help from an experienced Academic Expert.

Tell Your Story: Digital Storytelling Tools and Websites

Every day we tell stories to our relatives, acquaintances, and friends. Even essay writing for a class means storytelling.

So let’s take a closer look at digital storytelling and see what skills it will help you develop.

First of all, storytelling is about leadership. By participating in a digital storytelling project, you will learn how to engage, motivate, and convince your audience.

Carolyn Conforti-Browse quote.

It also develops your technical competency. Creating presentations and making videos requires a decent understanding of various interfaces and tools.

When working on a digital project, you will develop your critical thinking skills as you make a lot of decisions. You will have to think about your audience, how to persuade them in a limited amount of time, and so on.

You may want to try out one of these digital storytelling tools for students:

  • Storyboarder

Storyboarder - the best way to visualize your story.

This online storyboard generator from the Australian Center of Moving Images allows you to create your own video and share it with your friends. You can also check out the organization’s video library and download a free video for your project.

You can even learn from professionals! Watch video advice from Australia’s best screen professionals.

  • Make Beliefs Comix

Make Beliefs Commix website

Why not try to tell your story as a comic strip? Who says that digital storytelling has to be dull?

You can create your own story in a fun way. Also, you can find tons of ideas for your strips, writing prompts, and even some free ebooks. Make Beliefs Comix should definitely be listed among the most useful apps for students!

  • Adobe Spark

Adobe Spark - Create graphics, web pages and video stories in a minutes.

Are you searching for an outstanding tool to visualize your story? Try Adobe Spark. This app allows you to develop gorgeous web pages, custom graphics, and videos. All your projects will sync across your desktop, iPad, and iPhone.

Available on: iOS, web

WeVideo - storytelling tool for creating videos.

WeVideo is another simple but powerful digital storytelling tool for creating your videos. The app is available in both free and paid versions. The free version allows you create 5-minute videos with 480p resolution and 1 GB of file storage.

Available on: Chromebook, iOS, Android, web

Show Me - Creating tutorials.

With ShowMe, you can now create your own whiteboard, record a video, and share it with your friends. Moreover, you may want to check out their tutorial videos on the following subjects:

  • Art History
  • Contemporary Art
  • Music Theory
  • Musical Notes
  • Renaissance Art

Available on: Chromebook, iOS, Android

Don’t Steal, Cite: Citation Tools

Nobody wants to be accused of plagiarism. To avoid this, you should always cite your sources.

You may argue…

There are a lot of citation styles. How can I even remember them all?

Fortunately, you don’t have to! Use one of the citation builder apps or websites below:

  • Cite This For Me

RefMe - Referencing Made Easy.

Cite This For Me is a former RefMe app that allows you to create a citation in Harvard, APA, MLA, and several other styles simply by using your phone’s camera. All you have to do is scan a book’s barcode.

  • Mendeley Reference Manager

Mendeley Reference Manager

Mendeley is another completely free reference generator that is available on all platforms. Imagine having a whole library in your pocket. You can create citations in various styles with just a few clicks. Mendeley also offers a citation plugin that is compatible with Microsoft Word and LibreOffice. And you can access Mendeley from any web browser or mobile device.

Available on: Windows, Mac, Linux, iOS, Android, web

Zotero Screenshot

Zotero is among the must-have education apps for students. Like Mendeley, it has a plugin compatible with Word and LibreOffice.

Zotero supports over 8,000 citation styles!

Available on: Windows, Mac, Linux, web

Otto Bib - Bibliography Maker.

OttoBib is a clear and straightforward citation generator. Enter a book’s ISBN and get a citation. This app only supports the following citation styles: APA, MLA, Chicago, Wikipedia, and BibTeX.

  • Citation Machine

Citation Machine automatically generates citations in MLA, APA, Chicago and more.

Citation Machine is a powerful yet easy-to-use online app. It supports various citation styles. Choose the necessary style, adjust your search results, edit the information, and make a proper reference for your assignment.

Jazz Up Your Writing: Note Taking & Word Editors

A good note-taking app or word processor is a must-have for every student. It will help you concentrate on your studies instead of searching for a pen or piece of paper to write your ideas down.

And, of course, there is a plethora of digital tools for writing, both free and paid.

Choose from the best note taking apps and word processors:

Google Docs Website Screenshot

GoogleDocs is a simple but powerful word editor for all your needs. As you work on your text, all changes will be saved automatically. If your Internet connection is suddenly lost, you can still find the file in your Google Drive account.

Available on: web, iOS, Android

  • LibreOffice

Librare Office Website Screenshot

LibreOffice is a free alternative to the Microsoft Office Suite. Create documents, spreadsheets, presentations, diagrams, and charts on your computer or mobile device. LibreOffice is compatible with most popular document formats.

Available on: Linux, Windows, Mac, iOS, Android

Evernote Website Screenshot

If you are seeking the best apps for college students, you should try Evernote. You can use this tool to keep all your notes in one place or to serve as your handy assignment tracker―it syncs with your Google Calendar. You can also search among previous records and share them with your friends.

Available on: Windows, Mac, iOS, Android, web

This is ZenPen Website

What do you need to start writing?

Only your ideas and a text editor. ZenPen is one of the most minimalistic online text editors. No distractions—just you and your writing. By the way, you can also set a target word count to keep yourself on track.

Talktyper Screenshot

TalkTyper is another online text editor. You don’t even need to type! Just plug in your mic and start dictating. TalkTyper allows you to edit, print, share, email, and translate text. The app supports 37 languages.

Store Your Files Safely: The Best Apps For Students

How many times have you lost your flash drive or had your hard drive suddenly crash? Now is the time to take care of your files like you always meant to. You should try these apps and tools for file storage:

  • Google Drive

Google Drive Screenshot

Start uploading your files to Google Drive with 15 GB of free storage. Among this tool’s many features, it is worth noting the integration with Google Docs, Gmail, and Google+, which makes it one of the most useful apps for college students. Also, you may backup files from your computer or mobile device.

Dropbox Screenshot

Over 100 million users have chosen Dropbox as their primary cloud storage provider. Dropbox integrates into your computer’s operating system and creates a folder with the same name. When you place any file in this folder, it is automatically uploaded to the cloud server.

In fact, you do not even need a web interface! 2 GB of free online storage is provided.

You can create public links that are available to everyone, whether they are Dropbox users or not.

Icloud for safe and easy sharing.

iCloud is an exclusive cloud storage service for Apple users, whether they use the iPad, iPhone, iPod touch, or Mac.

The service saves your content and provides access to photos, calendars, contacts, and files on any device. Each new user gets 5 GB of disk space upon registering.

Available on: Mac, iOS, web

Save files and photo on OneDrive Website.

OneDrive is not just cloud storage. It supports a vast number of formats, and the service is integrated into a lot of applications. Needless to mention Office Online, which is one of the best online office packages.

5 GB of free storage space is available. You can also purchase additional space.

When you purchase certain devices or pay for a subscription to Microsoft Office 365, you’ll also get up to 5 TB of cloud space for free.

Idrive Screenshot

IDrive is another file storage service. Get 5 GB of free file storage under the free basic pricing plan. You can access your files from any device and share your docs to email, social networks, and SMS.

No student would refuse additional funding or financial aid, right? Billions of dollars in grants and scholarships are available to future and current students.

You don’t even have to be an outstanding scientist or sports star to apply. All you need is to spend some time on research.

Take a closer look at one of these websites to get started:

  • Scholars4dev

If you have ever dreamed about pursuing your education abroad, you should check out this website. Here you will find a lot of available scholarships and grants from both governments and institutions all over the world. No registration required.

Only a few steps separate you from 1.5 million scholarships. Every year, colleges throughout the United States offer thousands of scholarships for students that may cover all or part of your tuition and fees.

Register to get access to financial aid worth over $3.4 billion. Be prepared to get a lot of emails with scholarships you qualify for.

Use Niche to explore thousands of available scholarships. You may apply filters for states, majors, minorities, and more to narrow your search.

More than $10 billion in scholarships is waiting for your application. A lot of universities, colleges, foundations, and private companies are ready to pay for your education. All you have to do is fill out your profile on Cappex and find the scholarship that matches you best.

  • Scholarships.com

Paying for college can put you in serious debt. Don’t spend your own money—search for an award instead. Whether you’re only finishing up high school or are a current college student seeking a grant or financial aid, just complete a profile on Scholarships.com and apply for your perfect match.

Searching among millions of student-specific, merit-based, career-based, and other types of grants and scholarships has never been easier. You may browse a full list of awards or use the scholarship search available on Unigo.

Benefits of Internship in Small Companies.

Have you found your next summer internship? Or are you perhaps searching for one of your first student jobs ?

Then why don’t you check out these sites?

  • Internships.com

This website offers thousands of student internships. Filter the search results by a particular field, city, company, etc. and apply to your preferred firm.

Indeed is a great search engine where you can find your first work experience, internship, or even full-time job. All you need to do to start is fill in two fields. Moreover, you may upload your CV so that interested employers can contact you directly.

This is another cool website to explore internship and job opportunities in startups around the world. You can browse positions by state or role.

Start your career with The Muse, where hundreds of employers are waiting for you. You can filter the search results by role, location, job level, and company size.

  • Go Overseas

If you’re looking for a summer internship abroad, you should check this website first. Here you can find tons of internships, guides, information about international studies, and more. Furthermore, if you have questions about a particular program, you may ask travelers who have already participated in it.

What are your favorite apps for students? Tell us in the comments below!

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Free writing software: 24 tools to help you create better content, faster

Find the best brainstorming, researching, writing, and editing tools.

writing-editing-apps primary img

As a freelance writer, I try to keep my app costs lean, so I'm a sucker for free writing tools. But with so many writing apps on the market, it's hard to tell which free options are actually valuable.

I've done some of the legwork for you by bringing together some of the best free writing apps on the internet. All of the options listed here are tools the Zapier team or I have used and enjoyed.

For this roundup, I prioritized completely free tools and freemium apps with a forever free plan that was sufficient for actual regular use. Many of the options have paid plans, but those plans are generally geared toward power users.

The best free writing software at a glance

Free writing tools for brainstorming and organizing your thoughts, best free writing software for expanding your ideas.

MindMeister, our pick for the best free writing software for brainstorming with a mind map

Best free writing software for creating content outlines

WorkFlowy, our pick for the best free writing software for creating content outlines

Best free writing software for brainstorming together

Miro, our pick for the best free writing software for brainstorming together

You can even use Miro with Zapier (also free), so you can automate your brainstorming workflows. Here are a couple of ideas to get you started.

Create Miro widgets with new Trello cards

Trello logo

Add Miro cards from new rows on Google Sheets

Google Sheets logo

Best free writing software for brainstorming topics

Ryan Robinson's Keyword Research Tool, our pick for the best free writing software for brainstorming topics

Keyword Research Tool pricing: Free

Best free writing software for brainstorming ideas with AI

Example of ChatGPT, powered by the GPT-3.5 model, writing marketing copy for a newsletter: headlines, taglines, and call-to-actions.

ChatGPT pricing: Free; ChatGPT Plus is $20/month

Best free writing software for brainstorming out loud

Your computer's dictation software (MacOS, Windows)

Windows dictation software

If you process your thoughts best through speaking, there's a brainstorming app already on your computer. Boot up Windows 10 Speech Recognition on Windows or Apple Dictation on Mac to record your thoughts as you brainstorm out loud.

Windows 10 Speech Recognition and Apple Dictation pricing: Free

Free writing tools for research and note-taking

Best free writing software for keeping everything in one place.

Notion, our pick for the best free writing software for keeping everything in one place

Save new tasks in Google Tasks in Notion databases

Google Tasks logo

Add new Microsoft Outlook calendar events to Notion databases

Microsoft Outlook logo

Notion pricing: Free plan available; from $8/user/month for team plans

Best free writing software for finding free copies of paywalled research

Unpaywall, our pick for the best free writing software for finding free copies of paywalled research

Unpaywall pricing: Free

Best free writing software for transcribing interview and video content

oTranscribe, our pick for the best free writing software for transcribing interview and video content

oTranscribe pricing: Free

Best free writing software for collecting research from other people

Google Forms, our pick for the best free writing software for collecting research from other people

Create Trello cards from new Google Forms responses

Google Forms logo

Share Google Forms responses in a Slack channel

Slack logo

Google Forms pricing: Free

Free writing tools for solo and collaborative writing

Best free writing software for collaborative writing.

Google Docs, our pick for the best free writing software for collaborative writing

Create new Google Docs from text with new rows in Google Sheets

Google Docs logo

Create new Google Docs when Trint transcripts are ready

Trint logo

Google Docs pricing: Free

Best free writing software for messages and blurbs

WordCounter, our pick for the best free writing software for messages and blurbs

WordCounter pricing: Free

Free writing tools for editing

Best free writing software for finding the perfect word.

OneLook Reverse Dictionary and Thesaurus, our pick for the best free writing software for finding the perfect word

OneLook Reverse Dictionary and Thesaurus offers all the synonyms you could dream of like a regular thesaurus, but it stands out in its reverse dictionary capabilities. Enter a phrase—or even a full sentence—to get words that match that meaning. This feature comes in handy when you want to write more concisely or find that word that's on the tip of your tongue.

OneLook Reverse Dictionary and Thesaurus pricing: Free

Best free writing software for finding the right word—anywhere

Power Thesaurus, our pick for the best free writing software for finding the right word—anywhere

As a freelance writer, I find myself needing to switch up words when I write on various platforms across the internet. Power Thesaurus gives me synonyms, antonyms, definitions, and other forms of word assistance wherever I like to write. It can do the same for you—put it to use on its website, in your browser, on your phone, in Google Docs, in Word, and in Gmail.

Best free writing software for rewording what you write

Wordtune, our pick for the best free writing software for rewording what you write

Best free writing software for clear and concise writing

Hemingway, our pick for the best free writing software for clear and concise writing

Best free writing software for creating compelling headlines

CoSchedule, our pick for the best free writing software for creating compelling headlines

CoSchedule Headline Studio pricing: Free for basic features; from $8/month to buy "Premium Headline" credits that give you access to an SEO score, AI writing features, headline suggestions, and word banks for a certain number of headlines

Best free writing software for finding and removing cliches

Cliche Finder, our pick for the best free writing software for finding and removing cliches

Cliche Finder pricing: Free

Best free writing software for finding jargon in your text

De-Jargonizer, our pick for the best free writing software for finding jargon in your text

De-Jargonizer pricing: Free

Best free writing software for varying your wording and sentence length

Expresso, our pick for the best free writing software for varying your wording and sentence length

Expresso pricing: Free

Best free writing software for comparing your writing to AI content

GPTZero, our pick for the best free writing software for comparing your writing to AI content

Free writing tools for proofreading

Best free writing software for catching spelling and grammar mistakes.

Grammarly, our pick for the best free writing software for catching spelling and grammar mistakes

Best free writing tool for proofreading short-form content

ProWritingAid, our pick for the best free writing tool for proofreading short-form content

Best free writing tool for making MLA citations

EasyBib, our pick for the Best free writing tool for making MLA citations

EasyBib pricing: Free

Free writing software FAQ

Here are some questions lots of people have about writing apps and how to choose the right one.

What's a good free writing tool?

Tools like Google Docs and WordCounter are free forever and very functional. Other apps, like Grammarly or ProWritingAid, have free plans that offer basic features, with more advanced features available via a paid plan.

But there are a lot of free writing tools available that perform a wide variety of functions—everything from brainstorming to research and note-taking to writing to editing to proofreading.

What writing tool do most writers use?

There's a wide variety of writing tools out there, and which one a writer uses really comes down to preference. A lot of writers use Google Docs to write because they already use Google for so many other things—but some may prefer a tool like Notion, where they can combine writing with project management.

What makes a good writing tool?

In short, whatever helps you write! If a blank page and no distraction is what helps you actually get words down, then open a new Google Doc and go at it. If you need to organize your thoughts before you even think about writing, consider adding a brainstorming tool to the mix. Each writer's process is different, and it's all about finding tools that enable your writing, not add another roadblock to your process.

Sharpen your craft with your new toolkit

Related reading:

This article was originally published in June 2015 by Jane Callahan and has also had contributions from Jessica Greene. The most recent update was in August 2023.

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Melissa King picture

Melissa King

Melissa King is a freelance writer who helps B2B SaaS companies spread the word about their products through engaging content. Outside of the content marketing world, she sometimes writes about video games. Check out her work at melissakingfreelance.com.

  • Content marketing
  • Google Docs
  • Google Forms

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Top 6 Apps for Writing Your Assignments

write assignments app

The most memorable thing that first comes to mind when you try to describe the university life is studying. That’s true, even with a lot of other activities like going out with friends and traveling around, falling in love or getting your first job, studying is always first. Doesn’t matter how low is your part-time job salary, you’re always more disappointed because of the countless nights spent writing essays and getting ready for tests.

And, one cannot but fully agree that it’s impossible to go through college or university without any outside help. That’s just how hard studying is. And whatever were the ways you got through it – copying, cheating, using online assignment help or getting a tutor – now it’s a lot easier to do so without breaking any rules. If you need quick hands on writing help be sure to check out sites like cheapwritingservice.com .

We’re presenting you 6 best apps to make assignment writing a lot easier and quicker.

Best apps to help you make your assignment quicker

write assignments app

One of the essential apps for every student is Evernote, something that can save so much time on your hands. Unfortunately, you won’t be able to say that your assignment was eaten by the dog you own. It’s still for the best when you realize your computer broke down or your USB flash drive doesn’t work anymore.

Now you don’t even have to send all the assignments to your own email address because this app can be downloaded on both Apple and Android and more other devices. It synchronizes all the materials you upload and this way you can access any of your files from any device that has Evernote downloaded. It’s also useful for sharing important information between the users.

write assignments app

Something we’ve been using since childhood is now quickly converted into an app, and it became a lot more convenient and easy. For sure, all the words we looked up made it a lot more exciting in school, and now we simply have to see if we do not forget the right definitions. Yet, it will be just as useful now when you’re writing your assignment and need to use some complicated words for every sentence.

You can check your words and see examples of how to use them on the go. Moreover, it’s accessible on Android, Apple, and Windows, making it perfect for college students.

Dragon Dictation

write assignments app

Are you tired of typing when you need your coursework done very quickly? Do you want to get your work typed by someone else and feel like you’re a top-notch writer? Then Dragon Dictation is just for you. This application can literally listen to you talk and type all the information down while you’re simply having snacks or reading.

It’s very precise with wordings and easy to edit afterward. Speed is on the top, too, and it’s even faster than a person typing, so you’re saving quite a lot of time by using this application. You can download it on any device you want for free.

Sleep If You Can

write assignments app

Sleep If You Can is one of the apps that help you a lot on the night when you want to pull an all-nighter and decided to take a nap. Of course, sometimes you won’t even wake up because you simply hit snooze until your alarm doesn’t work anymore. Then you realize that it’s morning already and not you have to attend classes… with an unfinished assignment, which will fail your grade.

With this application, you will definitely wake up because it won’t turn off until you complete a certain mission. Missions are always random and can require you to jump several times or take a photo of something in your room. You will wake up and become a bit more energized, for sure. This app can be downloaded on Apple and Android devices.

Cite This For Me (RefMe)

write assignments app

In case you’ve ever had a problem with getting references and citations done, you don’t have to worry about it so much anymore as long as you have this amazing service on your mobile device. The most you have to do is just to take the book you’re using and scan the barcode on the back. The app will create an instant reference for you.

While it can be used on any platform including iOS and Android, it also has a huge list of citation and reference styles, so it’s impossible not to find the one you need in their library. Moreover, you can create a custom library for yourself to find everything you use frequently.

write assignments app

Perfect for brainstorming, XMind will help you organize your ideas and create roadmaps for your assignments, which will make it a lot easier in the process. It’s not free, having you pay almost $10 for 6 months, and you can only download it for iOS, but it’s still an amazing app for Apple users. Use several methods of capturing your ideas and do your best with simple or complicated charts.

With those applications, the average student’s life will definitely get rid of unnecessary complications. You’ll have your way with everything – typing your essays fast and saving or sharing files with your friends. And, keep in mind, if you need to take a quick nap, you’ll surely wake up in time with the best alarm for your smartphone we could find. Good luck!

If you like this, You'll love These.

  • What it Takes to Get Good Grades in College
  • The Power of Short Writing Assignments to Boost Creativity
  • Top Tips to Boost Your College Admission Applications
  • How to Ace Your Next School Year
  • How to Wow College Selection Panels With Your Admissions Essay
  • Ten Last-Minute Tips for Crushing the College Application Essay

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By infinigeek

Created by Andy Sowards - InfiniGEEK is the definitive geek community & Geeky Lifestyle site for Science, Tech, Gaming and Gadget fans, featuring news, reviews, videos, forums, and more. Be sure to subscribe so you don't miss any of the latest geeky awesomeness!

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for Education

  • Google Classroom
  • Google Workspace Admin
  • Google Cloud

Easily distribute, analyze, and grade student work with Assignments for your LMS

Assignments is an application for your learning management system (LMS). It helps educators save time grading and guides students to turn in their best work with originality reports — all through the collaborative power of Google Workspace for Education.

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  • Explore originality reports


Bring your favorite tools together within your LMS

Make Google Docs and Google Drive compatible with your LMS

Simplify assignment management with user-friendly Google Workspace productivity tools

Built with the latest Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI) standards for robust security and easy installation in your LMS

Save time distributing and grading classwork

Distribute personalized copies of Google Drive templates and worksheets to students

Grade consistently and transparently with rubrics integrated into student work

Add rich feedback faster using the customizable comment bank

Examine student work to ensure authenticity

Compare student work against hundreds of billions of web pages and over 40 million books with originality reports

Make student-to-student comparisons on your domain-owned repository of past submissions when you sign up for the Teaching and Learning Upgrade or Google Workspace for Education Plus

Allow students to scan their own work for recommended citations up to three times

Trust in high security standards

Protect student privacy — data is owned and managed solely by you and your students

Provide an ad-free experience for all your users

Compatible with LTI version 1.1 or higher and meets rigorous compliance standards

Google Classroom picture

Product demos

Experience google workspace for education in action. explore premium features in detail via step-by-step demos to get a feel for how they work in the classroom..

“Assignments enable faculty to save time on the mundane parts of grading and...spend more time on providing more personalized and relevant feedback to students.” Benjamin Hommerding , Technology Innovationist, St. Norbert College

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Discover helpful resources to get up to speed on using Assignments and find answers to commonly asked questions.

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Get a quick overview of Assignments to help Educators learn how they can use it in their classrooms.

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Get started guide

Start using Assignments in your courses with this step-by-step guide for instructors.

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Teacher Center Assignments resources

Find educator tools and resources to get started with Assignments.

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How to use Assignments within your LMS

Watch this brief video on how Educators can use Assignments.

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Turn on Assignments in your LMS

Contact your institution’s administrator to turn on Assignments within your LMS.

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Best Free Writing Apps in 2024

Showing 83 writing apps that match your search.

Apple Notes

Notes is the best place to jot down quick thoughts or to save longer notes filled with checklists, images, web links, scanned documents, handwritten notes, or sketches. And with iCloud, it's easy to keep all your devices in sync, so you’ll always have your notes with you.

Platforms: Mac, iPhone, iPad

Best for: Note-taking, Journal, Book, Story, Essay, Poetry, Blog, and Free

Website: https://apps.apple.com/us/app/notes/id1110145109

Base price:

Premium price:

★★★ Performance

★★★ Features

★★★ Accessibility

Also rated 3.3 ★ on the App Store

Reedsy Prompts

Join (probably?) the world's largest writing contest. Flex those creative muscles with weekly writing prompts.

Platforms: Online

Best for: Drafting, Book, Story, and Free

Website: https://blog.reedsy.com/creative-writing-prompts/

★★★★★ Performance

★★★★★ Features

★★★★★ Value

Make mind map documents that flow like your ideas.

Best for: Note-taking, Journal, Essay, Blog, and Free

Website: https://coggle.it/

★★★★ Features

Also rated 4.5 ★ on Capterra

Learn more about Reedsy Studio .


FocusWriter is a simple, distraction-free writing environment. It utilizes a hide-away interface that you access by moving your mouse to the edges of the screen, allowing the program to have a familiar look and feel to it while still getting out of the way so that you can immerse yourself in your work.

Platforms: Windows, PC

Best for: Drafting, Book, Essay, Journal, Poetry, Story, Blog, and Free

Website: https://gottcode.org/focuswriter/

Also rated 4.0 ★ on TechRadar


Ignite your creativity. Coach your brain to think creatively & spark brilliant ideas at work and in life.

Platforms: iPhone, iPad

Best for: Outlining, Journal, and Free

Website: https://brainsparker.com/

★★★★ Performance

★★ Accessibility

Also rated 4.7 ★ on the App Store

Writer Plus

Writer Plus is a writing application without the fuss and distraction of a traditional word processor, perfect for writing notes, novel, lyrics, poems, essay, draft on your phone or tablet.

Platforms: Android

Best for: Note-taking, Poetry, Story, Essay, and Free

Website: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=co.easy4u.w...

★★ Features

Also rated 4.6 ★ on Google Play

Writer Tools

With our writing tools you can track your progress thus far, plan your novel, write your novel and be able to focus on what matters for you the most: FINISHING THE DAMN BOOK!

Best for: Outlining, Worldbuilding, Book, Story, and Free

Website: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=net.ajp_gam...

Also rated 4.0 ★ on Google Play

Joplin is an open source note-taking app. Capture your thoughts and securely access them from any device.

Platforms: Android, iPhone, iPad

Website: https://joplinapp.org/

★★★★ Accessibility

Also rated 4.3 ★ on the App Store

Black Note is the black theme's notepad. It's the simple notes app.

Best for: Note-taking, Story, Book, Blog, Journal, Poetry, and Free

Website: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=notepad.not...

Also rated 4.8 ★ on Google Play

Written? Kitten!

The Internet's best write-reward system! Write one hundred words, get an image of a kitten!

Best for: Drafting, Book, Story, Essay, Journal, Poetry, Blog, and Free

Website: https://writtenkitten.co/

★★★★★ Accessibility

Slick Write

Slick Write is a powerful, free application that makes it easy to check your writing for grammar errors, potential stylistic mistakes, and other features of interest. Whether you're a blogger, novelist, SEO professional, or student writing an essay for school, Slick Write can help take your writing to the next level.

Best for: Editing, Proofreading, Essay, Blog, and Free

Website: https://www.slickwrite.com/

Also rated 4.4 ★ on Capterra


Enjoy a distraction-free writing experience, including a full screen mode and a clean interface. With Markdown, you can write now, and format later.

Platforms: Windows, Mac, PC

Best for: Drafting, Book, Story, Poetry, Journal, Blog, Essay, and Free

Website: https://ghostwriter.kde.org/

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Top University Apps Every Student Needs for Academic Success

  • Post author By John Mike
  • Post date May 30, 2024

write assignments app

https://unsplash.com/photos/turn-on-black-android-smartphone-MGuxRnjniuU Navigating college life can be challenging, with countless assignments, homework, and extracurricular activities vying for your attention. Balancing studying with social life and personal responsibilities often feels like juggling flaming torches. Luckily, technology can lend a hand, offering numerous apps designed to enhance your learning experience and keep you organized.

Among these essential tools, Essaypro.app stands out as a remarkable resource for students aiming to excel in their academic journey. This article explores various top university apps that can help students stay on top of their studies, manage their schedules, and ensure they achieve academic success.

In this guide, we will delve into the best apps every student should consider for managing their school life effectively. From organizing assignments to enhancing learning, these apps cover all aspects of academic life.

Organization and Productivity Apps

Todoist: keeping track of assignments.

One of the most crucial aspects of academic success is staying organized. Todoist is an excellent app for managing your assignments and keeping track of your to-do lists. With its intuitive interface, you can easily categorize tasks by subject, due date, or priority, ensuring that no assignment slips through the cracks.

  • Task categorization
  • Priority levels
  • Deadline reminders

Google Calendar: Scheduling Your Study Time

Google Calendar is a versatile tool that helps students schedule their study sessions, classes, and extracurricular activities. By setting up reminders and notifications, you can ensure that you never miss a class or a deadline.

  • Event scheduling
  • Reminders and notifications
  • Integration with other Google services

Study and Learning Apps

Quizlet: enhancing learning through flashcards.

Quizlet is a powerful app that turns studying into an interactive and engaging activity. It allows students to create digital flashcards for any subject, making it easier to memorize key concepts and terms. You can also access flashcards created by other students, which can be a valuable resource for homework and exam preparation.

  • Customizable flashcards
  • Access to a vast library of pre-made flashcards
  • Study games and quizzes

Khan Academy: Supplementing Your Education

Khan Academy offers a wide range of free courses and tutorials on various subjects, from math and science to humanities and economics. This app is an excellent resource for students looking to supplement their classroom learning with additional materials.

  • Video tutorials
  • Practice exercises
  • Personalized learning dashboard

Research and Writing Apps

Essaypro.app: your essay writing assistant.

When it comes to writing essays and research papers, Essaypro.app is a must-have tool for college students. This app offers a range of services, from proofreading and editing to providing writing tips and resources, helping students produce high-quality academic work.

  • Proofreading and editing services
  • Writing tips and resources
  • User-friendly interface

Grammarly: Polishing Your Writing

Grammarly is an essential app for anyone looking to improve their writing skills. It checks your documents for grammar, punctuation, and style errors, ensuring that your assignments and essays are polished and professional.

  • Grammar and punctuation checks
  • Style and tone suggestions
  • Integration with various platforms

Collaboration and Communication Apps

Slack: facilitating group projects.

Slack is a collaboration tool that makes group projects and team assignments more manageable. With channels dedicated to specific projects or classes, students can communicate effectively, share files, and keep track of their progress.

  • Channels for organized communication
  • File sharing
  • Integration with other productivity tools

Zoom: Virtual Classes and Meetings

Zoom has become a staple in the academic world, especially with the rise of virtual learning. It allows students to attend online classes, participate in study groups, and hold meetings with classmates and professors.

  • High-quality video and audio
  • Screen sharing
  • Breakout rooms for group work

In the modern educational landscape, leveraging technology is essential for academic success. The apps mentioned in this article, from organizational tools like Todoist and Google Calendar to study aids like Quizlet and Khan Academy, offer invaluable support for managing school life. Incorporating these apps into your daily routine can significantly enhance your productivity and learning experience.

Remember, the key to academic success is not just hard work but also smart work. Utilizing the best apps available can make your college journey smoother and more rewarding. So, explore these tools, find what works best for you, and take control of your academic future.

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Free tools to make your students better writers and readers .

Quill.org, a non-profit, provides free literacy activities that build reading comprehension, writing, and language skills for elementary, middle, and high school students.

Writing Across the Curriculum: Quill's nonprofit mission is to now build both reading and writing skills through free, OER content across the curriculum. Over the coming years, we will be building a library of free ELA, social studies, and science activities that engage students in deeper thinking through writing prompts that provide immediate feedback.

9 million students have written 2 billion sentences on Quill.

Quill Reading for Evidence

Provide your students with nonfiction texts paired with AI-powered writing prompts, instead of multiple-choice questions, to enable deeper thinking.

Students read a nonfiction text and build their comprehension through writing prompts, supporting a series of claims with evidence sourced from the text. Quill challenges students to write responses that are precise, logical, and based on textual evidence, with Quill coaching the student through custom, targeted feedback on each revision so that students strengthen their reading comprehension and hone their writing skills.

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Culture & Society Topics

photograph of a football

"Should Schools Have Grade Requirements for Student Athletes?"

Science Topics

photograph of a cow

"How Does Eating Meat Impact Global Warming?"

Social Studies Topics

photograph of the Statue of Liberty

U.S. History

World History

Under Development, Coming 2023

Quill Connect

Help your students advance from fragmented and run-on sentences to complex and well structured ones.

Using the evidence-based strategy of sentence combining, students combine multiple ideas into a single sentence. They then receive instant feedback designed to help them improve their clarity and precision.

Quill Lessons

The Quill Lessons tool enables teachers to lead whole-class and small-group writing instruction.

Teachers control interactive slides that contain writing prompts, and the entire class responds to each prompt. Each Quill Lessons activity provides a lesson plan, writing prompts, discussion topics, and a follow up independent practice activity.

Quill Diagnostic

Quickly determine which skills your students need to work on with our diagnostics.

The diagnostics cover vital sentence construction skills and generate personalized learning plans based on the student’s performance.

Flag of Spain

Quill Proofreader

Proofreader teaches your students editing skills by having them proofread passages.

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Quill Grammar

Students practice basic grammar skills, from comma placement to parallel structure.

Quill Grammar has over 150 sentence writing activities to help your students. Our activities are designed to be completed in 10 minutes so you have the freedom to use them in the way that works best for your classroom.

How Quill Works

Set up your classroom, without it.

You can quickly and easily set up your classroom in Quill by inputting student names or providing students with a unique code. If you use Google Classroom or Clever, you can automatically set up your classroom with one click.

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Decide if you want your students to proofread passages, combine sentences, or complete a diagnostic. Use our ten minute activities as building blocks during your classroom instruction.

Use easy-to-consume reporting

Use our reporting to spot trends and identify growth opportunities. Monitor comprehension on specific writing standards.

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The Best 50 Free Writing Software And Free Writing Apps

The best 50 free writing software and writing apps

Writers are spoiled for choice when it comes to free writing software, tools, and free writing apps.

Are you a blogger, author, content writer, or student?

You want the best creative writing tools and software that will do the job for you.

But you don’t want to pay a lot of money to be able to write more effectively. Read on to discover all the choices you have for software, programs, and apps to help you write better and more productively.

Article Contents

Your free tools and software choices

every free writing software or app you will ever need

There is no need for you to spend a penny to get some of the best free writing programs to help you write more productively and accurately.

You can choose and try so many terrific writing programs and tools today. You will find that most of them are unrestricted and will cost you nothing to use.

If you are looking for new apps and tools to improve your writing, you have come to the right place.

This page is regularly updated to bring you the biggest choice of free software and apps for writers.

It includes free writing apps for Windows, Mac, and Linux users.

You can find creative writing apps, grammar checking apps, word processors, mind maps, index cards, book writing programs, and productivity tools.

All of them will help you get on with what you do best, which is writing, of course.

There are also many lite versions of popular premium apps available that can offer you tons of fantastic features.

I have tried almost all the writing tools and apps in this article and use a lot of them every day.

Find the best free writing software and apps for you

free writing software and apps for new writers

You can find lots of writing software online, but you want writing apps that work best for you and your writing process and style.

With online writing software, I always start with a free version to make sure a new app does what I want it to do.

Very often, a free app will do everything I need.

But yes, sometimes I opt for a premium version to get all the features if it is really a fantastic tool.

It doesn’t matter if you are an author, a blogger, or an article writer.

Choosing the best tools for your writing needs will save you time, effort, and lots of money.

Free apps and writing software for students  are a huge bonus.

They will help you at school, college, or university.

For every type of writer, here are some of the very best free-to-use and freemium apps for you to make your choice.

Scan through my list of the best free writing software and apps below.

See if you can find a few new favorites to download for your laptop or to use online.

Please note that all the apps and software listed on this page are free to use.

However, some are a free version of a premium application, and in this case, the free version may be limited in features.

free grammar apps

6 Free writing apps for accuracy

The most essential writing app you always need must be a reliable grammar corrector and a spellchecker.

There are a lot of online apps to check, correct, and improve your writing.

For every writer, the options will be different depending on your writing style and needs. There is no one best or better choice.

Some writers might only need a simple online checker for blog posts, articles, or essays.

But for a content writer or author, it is different. You are probably looking for more developed programs and options.

In my case, I always use two programs to check my writing.

I use one for grammar and spelling and another for writing style and readability. It always pays to check and double-check your writing and sentence structure before you publish it online.

Here are six of the most popular free grammar apps to get you on your way. Each one will help you improve the quality and accuracy of your writing.

Try them all to see which one or two work best for you and your style or type of writing.

1. Hemingway Editor – Free

Hemingway Editor

I have a love-hate relationship with the Hemmingway Editor app.

The love is due to how quick and easy it is to check my readability score and grade.

The negative is that it always tells me to simplify my writing. It hates the passive voice, but that’s a good thing.

It is also a great tool for finding overused adverbs and difficult to read sentences.

It’s a simple app. But if you are looking for a free writing assistant, it is one of the handiest tools   a writer can have at their fingertips.

You can choose which Hemingway mode to use – either write or edit.

The online version is very convenient for checking up to a page or so of text. It gives helpful hints to improve your writing.

It’s one of the must-have free apps for any writer.

There is a paid version, but I am not sure it offers much value.

2. QuillBot – Free

quillbot logo

QuillBot Grammar Checker is a quick and easy free tool you can use to check your manuscript.

One of the best features is that you can use one-click corrections to fix your grammar, punctuation, and spelling very quickly.

Another advantage is that it has a generous word count limit. I tested it with a text of over 2,000 words, and it quickly analyzed all of my text.

You can probably check one chapter at a time with the tool.

You can check each underlined suggestion and make a quick correction. But it also has a “Fix All Errors” button.

I’m not sure I would trust it for a long text. But it could be useful for a shorter text.

To use the checker, simply paste in your text, or you can use it as an editor and type your text.

When you finish correcting your writing, copy and paste it into your word processor.

Quillbot has other features, but these are only available with the premium version.

However, the grammar checker is totally free to use and is an excellent tool for checking and correcting your writing.

There is also a free Chrome extension you can try.

3. ChatGPT – Free and Premium

ChatGPT to check writing

ChatGPT has to be on my list of free writing tools, but why is it under apps for accuracy?

Yes, it is a valuable and free tool for writers. You can use it as a writing prompt generator to inspire and generate ideas for new stories or articles.

You need only include keywords or phrases related to the topic you want to write about. ChatGTP will respond with various ideas and writing points to help you.

But you might not know that it can also help you correct your grammar and spelling.

All you need to do is start your prompt with, check the grammar and spelling:  then paste your text.

It will rewrite your text with the corrections.

You can also ask it to do other things. Ask it to change passive to active voice , and it will rewrite your text in all active voice.

Another use is to ask it to rewrite your text in a different point of view. Just ask it to rewrite in the second person .

However, don’t rely on it 100%.

It does an excellent job most of the time, but it doesn’t always get everything right, so make sure you proofread carefully.

AI writing tools are everywhere now, so writers can’t ignore them.

The free version of ChatGPT offers plenty of options with very few limitations.

So it’s probably one of the best tools to start learning how to use AI technology to help you with your ideas and writing accuracy.

Read more about how to use ChatGPT to correct your writing .

4. Grammarly – Free and Premium


Without a doubt, Grammarly is the number one online grammar checker.

For a lot of writers, it’s one of the best writing apps around.

I have used Grammarly for years now.

It is one online writing tool that I always have switched on in Chrome to use with my WordPress editor.

It works with so many sites, platforms, software, and applications. So it is always on and always helping me correct my writing in real-time.

Grammarly has a desktop app. It also has a plugin for Word in Microsoft Office for PC users.

You can use it in any web browser, with WordPress, and even on your social media sites. It also works on mobile devices as well as with an iOS Grammarly Keyboard app.

There is also support for Google Docs, but this feature is still in beta.

No matter what, when, or where you write, Grammarly will always help you write better and more accurately.

The browser version of Grammarly works very well for most users. However, a premium version is available for more advanced features to help you in your writing process.

You can read more in my Grammarly review .

5. Prowritingaid – Free and Premium


Prowritingaid is one of my favorite writing checkers for long-form writing.

You can use the free version of ProWritingAid.

It offers you a lot of functionality to help you write more accurately online using a simple Chrome extension to check your grammar and spelling.

Are you an author? Then you should consider all the editing and checking tools that are available with this app.

It is a superb writing aid for authors and writers of long-form content articles.

The premium version includes over twenty different writing analysis tools and reports. These will give you a wide range of suggestions for improving your writing.

There are also easy to use extensions available for Chrome, Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and Scrivener too.

It is my number one go-to editing tool when I need to work intensively on very long documents such as long-form articles or book manuscripts.

You can also read my full Prowritingaid review.

6. Grammar Lookup – Free

Grammar Look Up

Grammar Lookup is another good choice for an online grammar-checking app.

I used 3,000 words from one of my book manuscripts to test the app.

It started checking for grammar, spelling, and punctuation errors almost immediately. It is a good app for checking short-form writing, such as blog posts and short stories.

If you’re looking for a robust grammar app with a generous word limit, this one is well worth trying.

Again, like a lot of online writing tools, it is ad-supported.

Free Word Processors

12 Free word processors

The first name writers associate with word processing is almost always Microsoft Word.

Many writers, bloggers, and authors use it as their default writing tool, but it is definitely not cheap.

Depending on your country, the annual license for Office 356 can range from $60 – $100.

If you want to buy the one-time purchase version, which is called Office Home & Student, it can cost you as much as $150.

Microsoft Office is, as its name implies, software for office use. It includes Outlook, Excel, PowerPoint, and other programs. You will never use these software programs for creative writing.

Do you need to pay for all these extra programs to have a word processor to write a blog post, article, or short story?

What is the best word processor for writers? Are there any free alternatives equal to Word?

Yes. If you want to write, you can always find great word processors that cost you nothing to use. Often they come with many other options and tools that are better suited for writers.

Most of them will be suitable for your writing goals and any form of short creative writing project.

But you should note that a word processor is not the best app for writing a book. You can find better programs for authors in the next section of this article.

1. Google Docs – Free

Google Docs

Like Microsoft Office, Google Docs is a suite of office tools. The big difference, of course, is that Google Docs is available for free online.

If you are familiar with Word, you will have no problem adapting to Docs, the word processor component.

All the formatting options are very similar, as is the user interface.

Unlike some word processors, Docs has a word count so you can keep track of your word count goal.

I know that many writers, particularly content writers, use Google Docs because of the simplicity of sharing documents online.

Writing projects can be quickly and easily shared using Google Drive, which comes with 5 gigabytes of storage. It is usually plenty of storage space for writers. You can also use Docs offline .

If you write every day and collaborate with other writers, content editors, proofreaders, or editors, Google Docs allows you to collaborate easily.

There is no need to know what file format or program others are using.

As long as each person has a Google account, and who doesn’t, working together is very easy.

2. Apple Pages for Mac Users – Free

Apple Pages

If you are a Mac user and all you need is a word processor, Apple Pages can handle everything you could possibly need to do.

It really is the best free writing software for Mac.

Like Word, you can start with a blank document or use the template chooser.

Word processing in the page layout document view is easy to work with. All the text formatting, fonts, and writing tools are easy to find and use.

There is a spell checker, word and page count , and track change with an add comments option.

It also auto-saves directly to your hard drive or your iCloud drive when you are online. There is also the file duplicate function. It gives you very easy version control of your revisions and edits.

It is difficult to think of a standard feature or function in Word that is not available in Pages documents.

Pages also shines in one other area. It has much more control over images than Word.

One other big plus with Pages for authors is that you can export directly to epub. You don’t need to convert your file formats into another program.

Pages is one of the best writing programs for Mac users.

There is also a mobile app for iPad and iPhone. You can download it from the Mac App Store.

Related reading: Can Apple Pages Replace Microsoft Word For Mac?

3. MS Notepad and Mac TextEdit – Free

notepad end textedit

These two writing programs are already under your noses. They are installed by default on Windows and Apple computers.

They are both ideal little apps for writing blogs or short articles.

However, they are both worthy of mention because of their usefulness in converting to plain text.

Most word processors can add a lot of background code over the time you take to write a long document.

Cut and pasting, saving, deletions, forgotten tabs and spaces, and formatting changes all add up to a lot that can go wrong.

Because of all this code, there is a chance that the text might have issues when used online. This can be especially true if you use WordPress or publish ebooks.

The quickest and easiest way to clean a document, big or small, is to copy all the text into a plain text editor such as Notepad or TextEdit. Then, you can convert everything to plain text.

Then you can copy back the clean text into your blog editor or word processor for ebook formatting.

4. Libre Office – Free

Libre Office

I used Open Office for many years. It is an open-source project and is still available.

However, many writers now favor Libre Office.

These two office suites branched from the same development stable, so they have a lot of similarities.

Learning to work with Writer, which is the word processor, is easy.

However, it uses traditional and straightforward menus, toolbars, and icons but does not have the ribbon function found in Word.

In some ways, this is a good thing because it lets you get on with the writing process instead of hunting in ribbons for buttons.

If you want a word processor, and that’s all, Writer in Libre Office won’t disappoint you.

5. Word Online – Free

microsoft word online

Microsoft Word Online is a free web browser version of Word.

You can create, edit, and share Word documents, but it comes with relatively basic features compared to the paid desktop version.

But for students and part-time writers, it’s a handy free alternative.

One benefit is that you can use it on any device with a web browser, including computers, tablets, and smartphones.

You will need to create a Microsoft account, which is free. You also get 5GB of free storage.

Overall, it’s a worthwhile option for users who want a free and easy-to-use word processing software similar to Google Docs.

6. WPS Office – Free Edition

WPS Office

If you have used Microsoft Word or Google Docs, then you can work with WPS Office immediately.

Like other alternative word processors, it has all the standard features you would expect, and it works with most file types.

One of its key features is that it allows drag-and-drop paragraphs, which can be practical at times.

Another time-saving yet straightforward feature of WPS is tabbed documents.

While Excel has had this for years, Word has never had it, so working on two documents simultaneously is much more efficient in WPS.

WPS also has a cloud storage service with 1G for PC and iOS.

7. SoftMaker Free Office – Free

Free Office

Free Office gets a mention because it can export .epub. It is a convenient tool for self-publishers.

TextMaker is the word processor in this office suite.

However, unless you opt for the premium version, you cannot save in docx format.

But you can open and edit docx files.

Apart from that inconvenience, it has all the advanced features you would expect in a modern word processor.

It comes with advanced formatting options, the ability to create databases for bibliographies and footnotes, as well as track change.

8. Dropbox Paper – Free

Dropbox Paper

All you need is your free Dropbox account to use Dropbox Paper .

It is a word processor, but there is so much more you can do with this app.

The design is clean and simple, but there are so many features at your fingertips.

As well as being a text editor, you can add audio, images, YouTube videos, Slideshare documents, and Trello cards.

It really is a great free writing app for you to create documents and then share them with your team or online.

9. Focus Writer – Free

Focus Writer

FocusWriter is a simple, distraction-free writing environment.

It uses a full-screen hide-away interface that you access by moving your mouse to the edges of the screen.

It allows the program to have a familiar look and feel to it. But by getting everything out of the way, you can immerse yourself in your work.

It’s available for Linux, Windows, and Mac OS X.

10. Calmly Writer – Free


Calmly Writer has been designed to help you focus on writing.

As you start typing, all the distracting options disappear from the interface.

Calmly also includes a “focus mode” option, which highlights only the paragraph you are editing at the time.

If you are a writing minimalist, it could be a good choice for you.

It is a browser-based app, and there is a Chrome extension available.

11. Zoho Writer – Free

zoho writer

Zoho Writer is an online alternative to Microsoft Word.

You can sync between your PC or Mac, iPhone, Android, or iPad.

Almost everything you do in Word, you can do with this word processor. There are even collaboration tools.

You can import your existing Word documents and get to work.

There is also a plugin to link your Zoho documents to Word.

That’s not a bad deal for at all a gratis online writing tool.

12. Scribus – Free


Scribus is an open-source program for desktop publishing.

It gets a mention here because it is such a feature-rich cross-platform program.

Scribus is a page layout and desktop publishing program for Linux, FreeBSD, PC-BSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD, Solaris, OpenIndiana, Debian GNU/Hurd, Mac OS X, OS/2 Warp 4, eComStation, Haiku, and Windows.

Scribus supports professional publishing features, such as CMYK colors, spot colors, ICC color management, and versatile PDF creation.

Perhaps it is not a choice for most authors and bloggers. But you might have a desktop publishing need one day.

Free Book Writing Software

4 Free book writing apps

Are you ready to start writing a book? You need to hunt a little to find good writing programs for writing books and novels.

A writing app or author software for a book is entirely different from a word processor.

The best book writing programs consist of many elements.

You need plot timelines, character builders, and event tracking. It should also include note-taking and research-pinning tools.

Here are four of the best free book apps for writing, formatting, and publishing your books or ebooks.

There is a link to seven more free book writing programs at the end of this list.

1. Shaxpir – Free and Premium


For a dedicated book writing tool, Shaxpir gives you a lot of features in its free version.

The Manuscript Builder uses drag-and-drop tools to rearrange your manuscript. You can change the order and hierarchy of chapters and scenes. So you can find a structure that works for you.

You can set your goals and track your progress. You can also keep detailed notes about your characters, places, and events.

It also allows you to add margin comments as well as collect concept art.

There is also an in-built spellchecker.

As far as a book writing program or author app goes, Shaxpir offers you a   huge range of features.

It is available for Mac and PC with offline and cloud access.

2. Scrivener – Free Trial


Although Scrivener is not free, I have to include It in this list of apps because there is a generous trial available.

Scrivener is one of the best book writing software tools for authors and screenwriters.

It has an outliner for chapters and scenes, a corkboard, and index cards.

There is also side-by-side viewing, word count targets, and a full-screen editor, along with print, export, and publishing tools. It has everything any writer could ever need.

There is a 30-day trial period offered by Scrivener.

However, the trial period is counted by the days that you use the software. So, if you use it every second day, your trial period will last 60 days.

If you only write at the weekend, it will last you for a good few months.

Scrivener is available for download for both Windows and Mac. There are also iOS apps for iPhone and iPad.

To access your trial, click the Download Trial link.

3. Calibre Ebook Tool

Calibre ebook tool

Calibre is often called the Swiss Army Knife of ebook formatting tools.

There is so much you can do with Calibre.

But for most new authors, you will use it to convert your Word manuscript to mobi, epub, and pdf.

If you have some technical ability, you can also edit the epub or HTML files of your ebook.

It really is one of the most powerful ebook tools for authors.

It is available for download for PC, Mac, and Linux.

4. Kindle Create – Free

kindle create

If you are a self-publishing author on Amazon Kindle Direct Publishing (KDP), Kindle Create is a must-have app for you to use.

The program has improved a lot over the last couple of years. Initially, it was a little unstable, and its primary function was to help you format a Kindle book.

But stability is much better now, and Amazon has been slowly adding new features since it merged Createspace into KDP.

Kindle Create can now format both ebooks and paperback books. However, this latest option is still in beta.

It is so easy to format beautiful ebooks using Kindle Create.

Do you want more free book writing software?

Are you trying to find the best apps for writing your book?

Do you want the best novel writing tool that can help you work on individual chapters and scenes?

Here are seven choices for apps and free writing programs for you that are specifically designed for writing your book.

Read our review of nine free book writing programs for authors.

Free writing Apps For Bloggers

7 Free apps for bloggers

Are you a content writer or blogger? You need to work with ideas, keywords, data, headlines, and images all day long.

It pays to stay one step ahead of your competition. You are continually working on improving your content, search engine optimization (SEO), and SERP rankings.

There is no way you can do all this work without having the best tools for the job at hand.

Make your life a little easier with some of these blogging apps to help you write and rank better.

Here is a choice of seven of the best blogging tools for busy content writers and bloggers. All of them will save you hours of work every day.

1. Fyrebox – Free and Premium


You’re writing lots of content for your blog.

But wouldn’t it be great if you could engage your readers a little more in your post topics?

Well, you can with Fyrebox by creating a free interactive quiz.

All you need to do is create your free account, and then you can start designing your quiz in a few minutes.

There are templates to help you get started with pre-made quizzes for you to personalize.

A quiz is a great way to keep your readers on your blog for much longer by letting them participate in your blog post subject.

2. Hubspot Blog Ideas – Free


Hubspot’s blog topic generator is an old favorite for many writers.

All you need to do is enter a few nouns, and it will produce a list of blog title ideas for you.

It is such a handy tool to have when you are looking for new writing ideas.

3. Portent’s Idea Generator – Free


Do you need a cure for writer’s block?

I adore this blog topic generator app.

Portent is an easy and clever way to find new writing ideas.

It is an app primarily designed for bloggers to find headlines and titles, not a genuine headline analyzer. However, writers can use it to discover new ideas for any piece of writing.

All you have to do is input your base word or words, and then you can select a working title for a new writing prompt.

4. ShareThough Headline Analyser – Free


How engaging is your article headline?

Sharethrough must be my absolute favorite little app. Once you have a blog or article title idea, run it through this app to see how effective it will be in attracting readers’ attention.

You can edit as you go, and the app keeps a record of your variations so you can choose the best one.

The app’s blurb says: “Like the lead paragraph in a news story or thesis in an essay, your headline is your one true sentence: the single most important asset for capturing attention in the feed.”

5. Website Grader – Free

website grader

Website Grader is a quick and easy app to help you improve your blog.

Checking and optimizing your blog’s performance is essential if you want to increase your site traffic.

You should make sure that your website is easy for users to discover and easy for search engines to understand.

It is a quick app to check your page titles, headings, and meta descriptions.

It only takes a few seconds to run this performance check of your blog to see if you need to make any improvements.

6. Privacy Policy Generator – Free

privacy policy

Privacy Policy Generator is an app to help you write your privacy policy page for your blog.

You don’t even need to register or give your email address.

It is a time and money saver for all bloggers.

Just add your basic information, and the app will create the full text for your privacy terms.

All blogs should have a policy page about privacy to make sure that your site is GDPR compliant.

7. Canva – Free and Premium

canva logo blue

Now, this is not an app for writing articles. So it might not truly belong in a list of blog writing tools and programs.

But Canva is a fantastic tool for promoting your writing.

Canva is a free online tool for creating images.

Because Internet images you find on Google images are very often copyright protected, it is a much better idea to create your own unique images.

You can find and use stock images to upload to Canva that you can then design and transform into a unique image.

You can use Canva to create images for social media promotion, blog posts, Facebook headers, and even quick and dirty ebook covers.

While there is a paid option, the free version offers more than enough images, graphics, icons, shapes, and backgrounds for almost any image creation project.

It’s so useful; I sometimes feel a bit guilty because I use this app almost every day.

Free Writing Productivity Apps

10 Free productivity apps

There are so many facets to writing. It would be great if all you had to do were to write.

But we all know that a writer’s life consists of lots of tasks and distractions.

You have to be organized to be able to write. Just collecting and collating your ideas takes a lot of time in your day. Then there is your to-do list and probably a long list of pending items.

It would be great if there was an all-in-one help for a writer’s app. But until it ever eventuates, here is a selection of some of the best productivity apps for writers.

Hopefully, some of them will help you stay organized and perhaps save a little time that you can invest in writing.

1. Trello – Free and Premium


Trello must be one of the most popular apps for writers.

There is so much you can do to organize your writing projects, notes, and to-do lists. You can collaborate and assign tasks, start discussions, and so much more.

Trello is a beautiful as well as highly functional app. It is available for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, Internet Explorer, iOS, and Android.

2. Evernote – Free and Premium


Evernote is a popular application for lots of writers. It is one of the most popular note-taking apps, but it is much more.

Never let an idea escape when you are not at your keyboard. You can organize your thoughts, and create checklists and to-do lists.

There is also a handy web clipper that lets you save parts of web pages to help you with your writing research.

The free version comes with more than enough storage memory to suit most writers.

3. OneLook – Free


OneLook lets you describe a concept and get back a list of words and phrases related to that concept.

Your description can be anything at all: a single word, a few words, or even a whole sentence.

Type in your description and hit Enter to see all the related words.

This little writing app is a thesaurus on steroids.

4. Free Pomodoro Timer – Free


If you are a fan of the Pomodoro technique, to improve your productivity, you will need a Pomodoro timer .

There are many apps to choose from online.

But I like this one because it’s easy to set and to read. Nothing fancy, but effective.

5. Read-O-Meter – Free


How long will it take to read your article?

Find out with Read-O-Meter , and then you can add reading time to your blog post or article.

6. Wordcounter – Free


Wordcounter ranks the most frequently used words in your text.

You can use this browser app to see what words you are repeating too often and then make changes.

All you need to do is paste your text into the box. Then this little app will go to work and list all your repetitions.

7. Quetext – Free


Quetext is an online plagiarism checker.

Many paid apps feature checking plagiarism as a premium option.

But with this browser app, you can check your documents anytime you like.

8. Otter V0ice Notes – Free and Premium


Otter is a dictation-to-text app for iOS and Android.

All you need to do is hit the record button, start speaking, and watch your words appear in the app. It even adds in punctuation.

There are many paid and premium dictation apps, but Otter offers a generous free option of 600 minutes a month.

9. Freemind – Free


If you are into mind maps to develop story ideas, here is a software download for you.

Many authors use mind map apps to help write a book by keeping their ideas connected and logical.

Freemind is open-source mind-mapping software built in Java.

It is available for Windows, Mac, and Linux.

It has a wide variety of features, including location-based mind mapping, collaboration tools, restore sessions, and more.

10. DiffChecker – Free


Do you sometimes get into a tangle when editing different versions of a text?

What and when did you make a change? Is it nearly impossible to remember every edit you make?

Well, with DiffChecker , it is easy to compare two versions of a text and find the differences between them.

It is a browser app, but if you want to save your revisions (Diffs), you will need to create an account to log in.

Free writing apps - quick mentions

8 Quick mentions

The following software and writing apps are recent additions to this list.

They are not categorized. But all of them could be worth a look to see if they are a match for what you need in an app or program.

As they are quick mentions, you will need to investigate for yourself to see if they might be worthwhile.

1. Kindle Previewer – Free

Kindle Previewer logo

The Kindle Previewer application is a free desktop program that lets authors preview how their ebooks will appear on all Kindle devices.

It makes it easy to check your ebooks for different screen sizes, display orientations, and text font sizes.

2. Zotero – Free

zotero logo

Zotero is a free and easy-to-use program to help you with sources and citations.

You can collect, organize, cite, and share your research.

You can create references and bibliographies for any text editor directly with Word, LibreOffice, and Google Docs.

3. Reedsy Book Editor – Free

reedsy logo

It is also a writing program and editor.

4. NaturalReader – Free

natural reader

It’s often a good idea to read aloud when you proofread a draft text.

But with NaturalReader , you can create mp3 files from your text and then play them back to you. It makes it much easier to check your text for accuracy as you listen.

There is a generous free daily limit of 20 minutes for access to premium voices.

But if you select free voices, there is no restriction.

5. Bubbl.Us – Free

bubblus logo

When you want to mind map your ideas, it is easier with an app.

Bubbl.Us is a good choice if you want free mind mapping. You can share your maps with others and even on social media.

6. Pixabay – Free

pixabay logo

You’re right; this is not writing software. But I have to include Pixabay because I use it every day to find great free images for my blog.

There are many free stock image sites, but this one is my favorite because the choice of images is enormous.

7. Pixlr – Free

Pixlr logo1

Again, this is not a writing app. But when you need to edit an image for your blog or ebooks, then Pixlr might do the job for you.

There is a premium version, but the free version can perform most basic photo editing tasks.

8. DramaQueen – Free

DramaQueen logo

If you are writing scripts, this program could be what you are looking for.

With DramaQueen , you can format your script yourself or according to the official rules of the Writers’ Guild.

Fun Free Writing Apps

3 Fun free writing apps

Writers can sometimes be a serious bunch of people. But everyone needs to have a bit of fun from time to time.

To end my long list of apps for writers, here are three little apps to put a smile on your face.

Have fun, and enjoy being a writer.

1. Hipster Sound – Free


Do you have time to go to a café to relax and write?

If you don’t, you can bring the sounds of a Texas or Paris café to you with this cute little app.

Go to Hipster Sound , click play, pop in your air pods, and you will have all the ambient sounds you need to get your creative juices flowing. As an extra bonus, your coffee is on the house!

2. FlipText – Free


Okay, you are not going to use Fliptext often. But it is a fun and funny little writing tool.

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Yes, you can write upside down. Did you have to turn your screen upside down, or did you twist your neck in pain trying to read it?

3. The Most Dangerous Writing App – Free

dangerous writing app

The Most Dangerous Writing App is a fun little writing tool with a mean side to it.

You start by setting yourself a writing time of, say, five minutes. Then you start writing. But if you stop writing for more than five seconds, you lose everything you wrote.

However, if you get through your allotted time without stopping, your reward is that you can save your work.

Yes, that’s a seriously nasty little writing app. It is a brutal yet brilliant idea.

But if you treat it like a game, it can be a fun challenge and maybe a clever way to overcome writer’s block.

Summary of free writing apps

Summary of free writing software

For all writers, there are plenty of software, programs, publishing apps , and tools.

You can also find free book writing programs that work very well for any book project.

You don’t need to spend any money at all to get some of the best software and apps.

There are so many open-source and free software alternatives for word processors, book writing, short story writing, and spelling and grammar correction tools.

Are you ready to write your book or get started as a content writer or blogger?

Then the writing tools in the list above will be more than enough to get you off on the right foot.

All of them are user-friendly, as well as quick and easy to learn how to use.

Make your choices based on what you need and want to achieve as a writer and what you think you will need to succeed.

Then head off to the coffee shop with your laptop, or pump up Hipster Sound at home and start writing.

Related reading: Choose Your Writing Apps For iPad To Write Anywhere

About The Author

Avatar for Derek Haines

Derek Haines

More articles.

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28 thoughts on “the best 50 free writing software and free writing apps”.

Avatar for S Lawrie

No Ywriter? Easy to set up and use. Takes around two minutes to learn from installation. More important it’s free.

Avatar for Derek Haines

I have noted yWriter in our article about free book writing software.

Avatar for Yasmin Dapit

Thank you for this article. It’s very useful.

Avatar for James A. Ritchie

As an editor and writer for thirty years, I’m not at all fond of grammar and style programs. None of them work well at all for the people who need them most. Every one I’ve tied, including Grammarly, makes terrible mistakes, and if you follow the style these programs want you to follow, you’ll never be a good writer. I can tell in a page or two whether a writer has used and RELIED such a program, and it’s almost always an instant rejection.

These programs should only be used by writers who don’t really need them, except for those brain fart moments, or when a truly esoteric question of grammar pops up. As a writer, you MUST know grammar inside out, and you must know style inside out, or you won’t have a clue whether Grammarly, or any such program, be it for grammar or style, is lying to you.

At BEST, these programs produce cookie cutter style that may be technically correct, but that simply is not professional level writing. Such writing may make you a couple of dollars on a site such as Medium, and you may even sell a few copies of something on Amazon, but this is all you’ll do.

If you really want to be a professional writer, you MUST learn grammar inside and out. These programs can’t give you the grammar you need, and contrary to popular belief, it is NOT an editor’s job to correct a manuscript full of bad grammar. Ain’t gonna happen. Grammar is your job, not the job of a software program, and not the job of an editor. Period.

Nor can you leave style up to software, or to an editor. Software can’t give you professional level style, and an editor simply doesn’t have the time. An editor will correct minor mistakes here and there, overlooked brain farts, but that’s it.

If you really want to be a writer, forget such silly software. Plant your butt and learn grammar. For style, story, characterization, plot, and other such necessities, read five hundred novels and a thousand short stories, then write several novel or fifty short stories. If you have any talent at all, this will bring it out. If you lack talent, well, you need a new profession.

Avatar for Reeta Chauhan

This era of digitization has changed the publishing industry completely and is still revamping it . The book writing software and industries are a true companion for writers and editors. They are just making our work more easy and accurate. Totally agree with your article.

Avatar for Tom

I have a fixed income due to my disabilities. I plan to purchase a new computer but is Microsoft Home and Personal a very reputable writing program? Is a Dell computer highly recommended?

I write • plays • poetry • historical fiction • children’s picture books • essays • short fiction for children and adults

Thank you! :-)

Sorry, Tom. But I can’t help you with advice about buying a computer. You’d be better trying computer review sites.

Avatar for Fabio Martines

Hi Derek, I hope someone is interested in my Scribis Project, a series o free online editors dedicated to those who want to work quickly moving between dictionaries, thesauri and databases of sentences selected from the great classics. Based on what you type in the editor, you will get synonyms, collocations, intermediate concepts, semantic fields, and dozens of sentences that contain analogies, similarities, emotions and images. With another tool, Scribis Matrix, you can generate word matrices from the same dictionaries and thesauri.

Avatar for Stuart

Why no YWriter? It does everything important that scrivener can do, but it is free.

We do feature yWriter in our listing of free book writing software. So, we haven’t missed it. https://justpublishingadvice.com/choose-your-free-book-writing-software-for-your-new-book/

Avatar for Doug Walters

PowerWritingAid and Grammarly are not free programs. You have to pay expensive monthly subscriptions.

StyleWriter will make you a better writer and does not get a mention in your reviews!

Prowritingaid and Grammarly both offer free versions. But I will investigate Stylewriter.

Avatar for Babs

I use Grammarly on a daily basis and only the free version and I don’t feel I am missing out on anything. I also use the free version of pro writing aid, not as often but I’ve never encountered an instance where I have wished I had the paid version. A lot of paid apps have a really good free version of those apps too. This is a pretty perfectly crafted reply because of my free Grammarly lol

Avatar for Arianna

Very great article with many great Apps. Recently I discovered Neperos, it is very intuitive and gives you the possibility to style your article with multiple pictures.

Avatar for Peter Caffrey

I bought Prowritingaid for the Word add-in, but found one of the most important features, the ability to customise reports, doesn’t work. Contacting the Support team led to promises of an investigation followed by nothing. A reminder led to a promise the issue would be passed to a developer who,would be in touch, then nothing. If you want it work with Word, look elsewhere or you’ll pay for a non-functional product with no support!

Avatar for Lisa Lepki

Hi Peter, Lisa here from ProWritingAid. I’ve just been through our support inbox and can’t find any emails under the name Peter Caffrey.

Avatar for marquez_MPH

So far, I am enjoying 3 out of your 10 recommendations. Your reviews seem honest and unscripted-thank you for that.

Avatar for seo a5

The only serious free option for desktop publishing right now is Scribus. It’s software, not web-based. I’ve used it a few times and it’s pretty decent. Of course, I also have QuarkXPress, which I prefer. Hope that helps!

Avatar for L.R. Hackert

It was informational and I liked it very much.

Avatar for S. K. Gardner

I found this article to be informative. In search of one thing, I happily stumbled upon much more. Thanks!

Avatar for Craig Warhurst

Generally in life you get what you pay for so you should expect limitations from anything free. If you’re serious about writing then Scrivener is what you need. Yes, you have to pay for it but it costs about the same as a couple of takeaways and once you learn how to use it you’ll wonder how you lived without it. I agree about Canva, but I wouldn’t bother with anything else on the list!

Avatar for Krzysztof Busłowicz

There is free Windows alternative for Scrivener named Quoll Writer. Of course, it has some limitations but is a lot easier to use and gives you all essential features writer or journalist needs. Chapters, characters, items, linking, tagging, annotating and more. It has Idea Board and stats and readability indexes. Text formatting is basic but hey, it’s software for writers not for editors. You can export your texts as .docx or .epub and format them with Sigil or Calibre. I’m using it for couple of years.

Avatar for David Davies

Good article, but you don’t mention StyleWriter – a powerful program to change the way y0u write. It shows you how to write and edit like a professional.

Avatar for Pamela Staton

So thankful I found this site. All the info I need in one place and much simpler than what I was trying to work with. Especially great for a tech dummy like me.

Avatar for Aleta K Dye

Great post, informative and gives me some options to consider that I didn’t know about before. Thanks.

Avatar for Cary Richards

Great article, I love Canva, Couldn’t run my website without it! Thanks for this. I learned some things.

Avatar for patriciaruthsusan

Thanks for this informative post. :) — Suzanne

Avatar for Frank Szewczyk

This post is one of the best and most informative I have read in years on publishing for home-based writers. Through your post, I have discovered new resources that will make my writing life easier. Thanks!!!

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  • Apps & Updates

Ulysses writing app for Mac, iPad, and iPhone gets internal linking, history navigation, more

Avatar for Michael Potuck

Popular markdown-based writing app Ulysses has received a valuable update today that brings internal links for headings, history navigation, dark mode for WordPress publishing preview, and more. Here’s what’s new with Ulysses version 35 for Mac, iPad, and iPhone.

Ulysses launched the new update today and detailed the new features on its website . The two new headlining features are internal links and history navigation plus three bug fixes and a dark mode upgrade.

Here’s how Ulysses describes the new capabilities:

Internal Links

  • You can now link to any heading within a sheet.
  • Same sheet, other sheets, doesn‘t matter.
  • Just start typing into the regular URL field, and auto-complete will list matching headings.
  • You can quickly jump to such links (try CMD-click).
  • You can export those links (great for table of contents and personal knowledge bases).
  • We even import internal links from Markdown, DOCX and HTML files.

History Navigation

  • You can now jump back and forth between recently used sheets.
  • Navigate to the last edit.
  • Return to an internal link.
  • Go back to the previous sheet after using Quick Open.
  • We also added a “Go” menu for quickly jumping to the Library, your Inbox, and any of your projects.  macOS

Version 35 also squashes three bugs and offers dark mode for WordPress publishing preview:

  • Fixed restoring iCloud projects from backups (the iCloud backup wakeup).
  • Added Dark Mode to WordPress publishing preview (night owls rejoice; yayyyy…).
  • Fixed a bug where text would temporarily disappear when using a third-party input method (conspiracy theories debunked).  macOS
  • Fixed a crash when using {alignat} within an equation (aka “alignot”, haha).

Ulysses – an Apple Design Award winner – is a free download from the App Store with in-app purchases available for $5.99/month or $39.99/year to unlock all of the features.

FTC: We use income earning auto affiliate links. More.

Check out 9to5Mac on YouTube for more Apple news:


Ulysses is a powerful writing app available on M…

Avatar for Michael Potuck

Michael is an editor for 9to5Mac. Since joining in 2016 he has written more than 3,000 articles including breaking news, reviews, and detailed comparisons and tutorials.

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Satechi USB-C Charger (4 ports)

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Identity Provider Role Assignment

Learn how to map role data from identity providers to roles in your app.

On this page

Introduction, default role, delete roles, sample scenario, sso-based groups attribute, attribute-based role, a user is part of multiple groups, role assignment availability on directory sync.

A role represents a logical grouping of permissions, defining access control levels for users within your application. Roles are identified by a unique, immutable slug and are assigned to Directory Sync users through their group memberships. These role assignments can be configured on the WorkOS dashboard.

Configure roles

Roles can be created and managed in the Roles section of the WorkOS Dashboard .

Roles section WorkOS Dashboard

Role configuration occurs at the environment level. Each environment is seeded with a default member role, which is automatically assigned to every directory user. This default role cannot be deleted, but any role can be set as the default.

If you need to set default roles or other role configurations at the organization level, please contact us .

When a role is deleted, all users with that role, will be granted the default role. Role deletion happens asynchronously, so there may be a slight delay between deleting a role and updating all directory users.

To migrate from one default role to another, set the new default role and delete the old one. All directory users will then be reassigned to the new default role.

Group-based Role Assignment

Users are assigned to groups via the identity provider. Groups are typically synonymous with roles in your app. Therefore, IT admins will often map a group one-to-one to a role. This can be defined within the WorkOS dashboard for your application to receive automatic role updates.

Consider the fictional SaaS company HireOS . HireOS has integrated Directory Sync and supports group-based role assignment. For example, a HireOS customer would like to assign their engineering team to it. The customer’s IT admin would take the following steps:

  • Create a group “Engineering” using their identity provider.
  • Push the group to HireOS via the identity provider. This is configured in the identity provider admin console.

The developer on the WorkOS dashboard can then assign users of that group to the role “Viewer”.

  • Navigate to the directory page on the WorkOS dashboard.

The directory page on the WorkOS dashboard

  • Create an assignment for “Engineering” to the “Developer” role.

The role assignment dialog on the WorkOS dashboard

From this point on, all new users added to “Engineering will be given “Developer” role from the WorkOS API. The role will be in the directory user response .

Other forms of role assignment

Your customers will store role information in different forms, depending on their preferred provisioning workflow. WorkOS allows for flexibility in how you source role data, though these formats are not automated today and not available on the role property on the directory user response . You can fetch role data via two distinct mechanisms:

  • A custom-mapped role attribute from the directory user profile.
  • A groups attribute in the SSO user profile.

The type of mechanism needed will depend on the level of support for roles in your app, your app’s architecture, and your customer’s workflows:

This feature is currently in beta, contact customer support for more information.

If you have integrated WorkOS Single Sign-On , you can retrieve groups via the groups attribute in an SSO user profile . There are drawbacks to using SSO-based groups compared to the directory group approach, but it can be quick to set up in some cases.

You can use these group name(s) to map onto user roles in your app using JIT user provisioning.

Strictly using JIT user provisioning comes with a few caveats:

  • Your app won’t know groups ahead-of-time. As a result, you’ll have to explicitly tell your customer what to name the group(s), thus hardcoding the mapping. e.g., the “Engineering” group always maps to the e.g., “viewer” role in your app.
  • Your app will receive updates to this user’s group data only once they sign in with SSO again. This delay can allow unauthorized users to access resources using a stale role.
  • Apps often assign a user a default introductory role (instead of mapping the correct role) when using JIT user provisioning.
  • Your customer must explicitly map the SAML groups attribute in the SSO setup so that you can retrieve that attribute in the SSO profile.

For more information, see the JIT user provisioning guide .

You can use custom-mapped attributes if your customers do not use groups to establish and manage user roles.

You can create a custom-mapped attribute role (e.g., myRole ) in the WorkOS Dashboard under Configuration → Directory Sync. You can set the status of a role attribute to “Required” or “Optional”.

The newly created attribute will appear as a field in the Admin Portal . When setting up Directory Sync with their identity provider in Admin Portal, your customers can map this role field to a field in their identity provider. You’ll have to communicate with your customer what value(s) you expect in the custom-mapped attribute.

An example being that myRole should be one of "admin" , "viewer" , or "editor" . This allows your app to parse the myRole field value correctly.

Common edge cases

Having a user who belongs to multiple groups is a common scenario. For example, there might be a case where an employee Jane is an Engineering Manager and belongs to an “Engineering”, “Manager”, and “Admin” group. With group-based role assignment, the user will be assigned the role that has the highest priority defined

Identity provider role assignment through groups is only available through SCIM compliant and Google Workspace directories.

My stint as a poll worker: I have a whole new appreciation for folks helping run elections

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WASHINGTON – There was a hum as the ballot glided into the voting machine. I scanned a barcode and confirmed with the voter that the information on the screen was her precinct and, yes, that was her political party.

I pointed to the far side of the room where she would take her completed ballot. Then I stepped away, giving her privacy as she cast her ballot in the nation’s capital primary.

I helped my first voter that recent morning. This veteran journalist also became a poll worker.

For two days last week, I joined the ranks of thousands of poll workers across the country who help run elections in their communities. This army of retirees, students, neighbors – and yes journalists ‒ not only navigates voters through the process, but also help protect it.

I have a whole new appreciation for poll workers.

Prep for the polls: See who is running for president and compare where they stand on key issues in our Voter Guide

I must have interviewed hundreds of poll workers over the years questioning many about why they do it. I’ve talked to young folks who stepped up to do the work. I’ve written about election officials desperately recruiting poll workers. More recently, I’ve interviewed some afraid to do the job because of attacks against election workers.

It was at the suggestion of Thomas Hicks, a commissioner with the federal Election Assistance Commission , that I decided to see for myself what it’s like to work on the inside.

“I wish Americans who have skepticism about the process see the hard work that their neighbors put in to serve our country and democracy,’’ he told me. “Without poll workers, there is no election.”

District of Columbia election officials welcomed the idea. So along with nearly 1,700 of my Washington neighbors and others who work for the city government, we fanned out last week to 25 early voting centers a few days ahead of the June 4 primary.

Voting machines undergo rigorous testing

Weeks earlier in April, I waited in the lobby of the operations center until 10 a.m. when the public was allowed inside a huge room to watch technicians verify the accuracy of the voting machines.

“You can start,’’ someone yelled out.

Inside the brightly lit room, technicians stood in front of rows of electronic voting machines. They checked each machine wiping off any previous elections, verifying ballot information and making sure each complied with the Americans with Disabilities Act.

The process could take up to 30 minutes per machine depending on the information on the ballot. That day technicians would spend hours meticulously checking 94 machines that would later be sealed to await delivery to voting centers.

By election time, district technicians will have checked about 300 machines.

The verification process "is basically to demystify elections and then to just have complete transparency with the process,'' Monica Holman Evans, executive director of the District of Columbia Board of Elections, told me. "We're not trying to operate in the dark or operate in secrecy."

Poll workers go through training class

My journey as a poll-worker-in-training started in April with a mandatory four-hour training class.

By 9 a.m. that Tuesday, I joined about a dozen other would-be ballot clerks in a room with a white board and a big screen at the front of the class. We watched a video about cybersecurity and another about making sure polls were accessible.

“Transparency is built into the election process,’’ a person on the video told us.

There is no one system for running elections across the country. In Washington, voters affiliated with the Democratic Party, Republican Party or DC Statehood Green Party can vote in the primary. Others can only vote in the general election in November.

Unlike in many places, noncitizens in the nation's capital can vote for local elections. Officials also set up in-person voting at the Department of Corrections where 252 incarcerated people had voted by Thursday. Some served as poll workers.

Elections officials have ramped efforts to engage voters and recruit more poll workers, including turning to social media, radio and posting signs in Metro stations.

“There’s a lot that goes into elections behind the scenes,’’ Evans said. “I think that when people have a greater appreciation of everything that goes into elections, then that means they have a greater appreciation for us and what we do and for the electoral process.”

In the training class, instructors explained our role as ballot clerks and how to help voters cast their ballots using voting machines or paper ballots. The session included hands-on simulations.

I teamed with a classmate to test our new knowledge. We coached each other, sharing reminders about what we had just learned.

Then we returned to the classroom for a quiz!

'Our people died for the right to vote'

Lights were still low when I walked into the Takoma Recreation Center last Wednesday for the six-hour morning shift. It was so quiet in the community-room-turned-polling site.

I set up at a table with the bold ‘’ballot clerk’’ signs. Steps away were six voting machines.

Many of my fellow poll workers had served in the past and had mastered the machines. They knew where to steer voters. Me, not so much.

The day before I reread the 265-page spiral bound “Vote Center Operations Manual” officials gave us during training. I had aced the quiz after class, but couldn’t remember whether to put the ballot in the machine first or to first scan the barcode with the voter’s info. In my defense, the class was a month ago and I didn’t have a voting machine at home to practice on. I'm sticking with that.

Seasoned veterans kindly offered a mini refresher.

Others clearly were not new to this. I watched as Bernice Rink walked into the polling site, plopped her bag on a clerk table and greeted everyone on her way to sign in. She sported a name badge encased in a clear plastic cover. She told me later she’s had it for more than 20 years.

The 74-year-old poll worker had worked nearly every position – voter assistance clerk, registration clerk and ballot clerk. She particularly liked greeting voters.

“Have you voted today?’’ she would ask.

Rink said as a child she marched for voting rights in places like Selma, Alabama. That work, she said, isn't over. “We’re not treated equally yet,’’ she said. “It still takes a vote.”

For some, working the polls is also a way to make a few extra dollars. Poll workers here get paid $100 per six-hour shift, including the training class.

Nehanda Headley, 44, first worked at the polls years ago when she was a student at Howard University, a historically Black college in Washington, D.C. “I needed to pay for school,” she said.

These days, she also encourages others, especially young folks, to work the polls and to vote.

“Our people died for the right to vote,’’ she said. “It should be respected.’’

The few voters who did come to the center seemed excited. Some were downright appreciative. “Thank you for working the polls,’’ one voter told us.

At times there were more election workers than voters. Election officials said mail-in ballots, which were sent to all registered voters, contributed to less traffic at the polls.

A few voters trickled in to drop their mail-in ballots in a white box sealed with red tape. One voter told me she didn’t trust the postal service.  

Primaries also tend to attract fewer voters, officials said. Still, they said, that morning was extra slow.

“There’s usually a nice flow,’’ said Terri Butler, a site coordinator, who had worked three elections. (She also happened to be an instructor during my training class.) “It’s good that people are still voting. They’re just not coming in.”

Some wait to vote on Primary Day or Election Day in November, Butler explained. They come as a group and make it a celebration, then go out for lunch.

“They come in so happy,’’ she said.

Voters trickle in, but are excited to cast ballots

The next afternoon I was assigned to the Raymond Recreation Center where the gym had been converted to a polling site. Voters inserted completed ballots into a tabulator near a basketball hoop.

The huge gym felt cavernous with the four voting stations and eight voting machines. Election workers here also outnumbered voters.

Voters trickled in. There was a bicyclist wearing a helmet. A woman gripping her mail-in ballot. By the end of the day, only 71 people had cast ballots there during the early voting period.

At one point, a center employee (not part of the elections team) walked into the gym and announced that Trump had been found guilty. “I don’t know how ya’ll feel about that, but I’m happy!’’ she yelled.

No one reacted. Election sites are nonpartisan. But that was the most excitement all afternoon.

There were more quiet highlights during my short stint as a poll worker. I met many people who really cared about helping others vote. 

I’m going to donate my stipend to College Bound, a wonderful nonprofit that helps students prepare for college.

By the end of Thursday's shift, I had helped only a handful of voters, but I smiled when 30 minutes before closing a family with 8-year-old and 6-year-old sisters walked in. The parents were excited to show them how voting worked.

I learned too and I left with my own “I voted’’ sticker.

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‘Potential misconduct’ behind Judge Merchan’s several Trump trial assignments, Stefanik says

N ew York Republican Rep. Elise Stefanik sent a letter to New York officials on Tuesday arguing there may have been "misconduct" within the New York Supreme Court system to ensure Judge Juan Merchan presided over the unprecedented NY v. Trump trial .

"One cannot help but suspect that the ‘random selection’ at work in the assignment of Acting Justice Merchan, a Democrat Party donor, to these cases involving prominent Republicans, is in fact not random at all," Stefanik wrote in the letter, which she sent to the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct and the Office of the Inspector General of the New York State Unified Court System, warning of "potential misconduct." The Daily Mail first reported the letter Tuesday .

Stefanik pointed to how Merchan has overseen a handful of cases involving Trump or his allies , including the NY v. Trump case, the criminal trial against the Trump Organization in 2022 – a case that found the organization guilty of tax fraud – and is set to oversee the upcoming trial of Trump ally Steve Bannon.

"The simple answer to why Acting Justice Merchan has been assigned to these cases would seem to be that whoever made the assignment intentionally selected Acting Justice Merchan to handle them to increase the chance that Donald Trump, the Trump Organization, and Steven Bannon would ultimately be convicted," Stefanik continued in the letter.


Her letter called on the commission and the Inspector General to "investigate this anomaly to determine whether the required random selection process was in fact followed in the assignment of these criminal cases to Acting Justice Merchan."


She continued that if Merchan or other justices of the court violated assignment rules, she hopes the "Commission would subject them to the required discipline."

The letter comes the same day the defense and prosecution teams held closing arguments in the NY v. Trump trial. 

Last week, Stefanik filed an ethics complaint against Merchan for an alleged conflict of interest related to his daughter's role representing Democrat politicians and political action committees. Merchan's daughter is the president of Authentic Campaigns, a digital marketing agency that has included clients such as Rep. Adam Schiff, D-Calif.

Stefanik said in her complaint last week that she learned that the New York State Commission on Judiciary Conduct "privately cautioned [Merchan] in July over his illegal political donations to Biden and Democrats in 2020."

"This private caution has not deterred Judge Merchan’s judicial misconduct, as evidenced by this current complaint," she wrote. "Judge Merchan appears driven by Democrat partisanship and financial gain for his daughter."


Stefanik said it is "imperative that New Yorkers and all Americans have confidence that justice is being dispensed fairly in New York."

Trump has also railed against Merchan as a "conflicted" judge and previously called on him to recuse himself from the case, citing his daughter's work as a political consultant.


"Judge Juan Merchan, who is suffering from an acute case of Trump Derangement Syndrome (whose daughter represents Crooked Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, Adam ‘Shifty’ Schiff, and other Radical Liberals, has just posted a picture of me behind bars, her obvious goal, and makes it completely impossible for me to get a fair trial) has now issued another illegal, un-American, unConstitutional ‘order,’ as he continues to try and take away my Rights," Trump posted on Truth Social ahead of the trial kicking off.


Trump has since been placed under a gag order, which bans him from publicly speaking about witnesses or making remarks about court staff, DA staff or family members of staff. Following the gag order, Trump has taken to calling Merchan "conflicted" and "corrupt" but not going into great detail about Merchan's alleged corruption.

"We have a judge who’s highly conflicted. He happens to be corrupt. Yes, there is confliction. It’s the worst that anybody’s seen. Nobody has ever seen anything like it," Trump said Tuesday morning ahead of court.

Last week, Trump said Merchan could gain back "respect" if he dismissed the case.

"This case should be dropped by the judge. I think the judge, if he did, that … could gain the respect back. The appellate court has to step in, something has to happen. Think of it, the Republican Party, one of the two great parties, nominates somebody to be their candidate. And that candidate now has been sitting here for almost five weeks in a freezing cold icebox listening to this stuff," Trump said last Monday.

Fox News Digital reached out to the offices of the New York State Commission on Judicial Conduct and the Office of the Inspector General of the New York State Unified Court System on Tuesday evening but did not immediately receive responses. 

Original article source: ‘Potential misconduct’ behind Judge Merchan’s several Trump trial assignments, Stefanik says

Former President Trump and Judge Juan Merchan AP Images

NJ Primary Election 2024 results: President, Senate, Congress

3-minute read.

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New Jersey's primary election is Tuesday, June 4. Voters in both the Republican and Democratic parties are making their selections for candidates seeking the U.S. presidency, seats in the U.S. Senate and seats in the U.S. House of Representatives.

Election guide: Our guide to New Jersey's 2024 elections for president, senate, congress

Presidential election

Democratic party.

Candidate Votes Percenage

Joe Biden* 0 0%

Terrisa Bukovinac 0 0%

Uncommitted 0 0%

Republican Party

Candidate Votes Percentage

Donald Trump

U.S. Senate elections

Patricia Campos-Medina 0 0%

Lawrence Hamm 0 0%

Andy Kim 0 0%

Curtis Bashaw 0 0

Albert Harshaw 0 0

Justin Murphy 0 0

Christine Serrano Glassner 0 0

U.S. Congress: New Jersey 1st Congressional District

Donald Norcross Uncontested

Damon Galdo 0 0

Claire Gustafson 0 0

Theodore Liddell 0 0

U.S. Congress: New Jersey 2nd Congressional District

Tim Alexander 0 0

Rodney Dean 0 0

Carolyn Rush 0 0

Joseph Salerno 0 0

Jeff Van Drew Uncontested

Watch these races: In the New Jersey primary, more than the U.S. Senate is at stake

U.S. Congress: New Jersey 3rd Congressional District

Joe Cohn 0 0

Herb Conaway 0 0

Carol Murphy 0 0

Brian Schkeeper 0 0

Michael Faccone 0 0

Shirley Maia-Cusick 0 0

Rajesh Mohan 0 0

Gregory Sobocinski 0 0

U.S. Congress: New Jersey 4th Congressional District

Matthew Jenkins

Christopher Smith* 0 0

David Schmidt 0 0

U.S. Congress: New Jersey 5th Congressional District

Josh Gottheimer Uncontested

Mary Jo Guinchard 0 0

George Song 0 0

U.S. Congress: New Jersey 6th Congressional District

Frank Pallone* 0 0

John Hsu 0 0

Scott Fegler 0 0

Gregg Mele 0 0

U.S. Congress: New Jersey 7th Congressional District

Sue Altman Uncontested

Thomas Kean Jr.* 0 0

Roger Bacon 0 0

U.S. Congress: New Jersey 8th Congressional District

Rob Menendez* 0 0

Ravinder Bhalla 0 0

Kyle Jasey 0 0

Anthony Valdes Uncontested

U.S. Congress: New Jersey 9th Congressional District

Bill Pascrell* 0 0

Mohamed Khairullah 0 0

Hector Castillo 0 0

Billy Prempeh 0 0

U.S. Congress: New Jersey 10th Congressional District

Special election to fill the late Rep. Donald Payne Jr.'s nomination will be held in July.

Carmen Bucco Uncontested

U.S. Congress: New Jersey 11th Congressional District

Mikie Sherrill* 0 0

Mark DeLotto 0 0

Raafat Barsoom 0 0

Joseph Belnome 0 0

John Sauers 0 0

U.S. Congress: New Jersey 12th Congressional District

Bonnie Watson Coleman* 0 0

Daniel Dart 0 0

Thomas Jones 0 0

Darius Mayfield 0 0

*denotes incumbent


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