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Essays About Journeys: Top 5 Examples and 7 Easy Prompts

Essays about journeys require recounting the events of your travel. Discover our guide with examples and prompts to help you write your essay.

No two journeys are the same, and various factors will always be at play. It’s the reason many documents their expedition through different mediums. Writing about journeys is similar to telling a real-life story that influenced your character or perspective. 

Writing essays about journeys helps to develop your writing and observation skills as you recall and pick the highlights of your travel. Sharing your experiences can entice readers to take on a journey themselves. So, aim to inspire with this exciting essay topic.

5 Essay Examples

1. the best journey in my life by suzanne pittman, 2. road trips: everything you need for a comfortable journey by car by anonymous on, 3. the first day of my journey to adulthood by anonymous on, 4. life is a journey essay by anonymous on, 5. long essay on train journey by prasanna, 1. reasons to go on a journey, 2. trip vs. journey, 3. how to enjoy long journeys, 4. my most memorable journey, 5. what makes a journey meaningful, 6. my dream journey, 7. a heroā€™s journey.

ā€œI had to save a lot of money because I wanted very much to go on this journey with my friends. We planned our trip to take us around Europe. We were going to stop in various parts of Europe with family members and friends.ā€

The essay mimics Pittman’s travel itinerary during her journey in Europe. She includes all the trip details from the first to the last day and makes the readers feel as if they’re traveling with them. Pittman also offers some travel tips to help anyone who wants to visit Europe on a budget. These tips include staying with friends and relatives and taking comfortable train rides despite long distances.

ā€œWith proper planning, everything else seems effortless. You need to consider all factors when planning in order for you to enjoy a successful, stress-free adventure.ā€

The author believes that the primary purpose of traveling is to relax and have fun. They use the essay to teach how to plan car trips properly. Travelers must learn to budget and estimate expenses, including accommodation, gas, activities, and food. Picking a transportation means is also crucial as one needs to consider factors such as capacity, range, and utility. 

ā€œAlthough things didnā€™t go how I planned Iā€™m still in college bettering myself and furthering my education. Anything is possible with a good support system and positive mindset.ā€

The essay narrates how the author’s journey into adulthood becomes a mini-vacation in Georgia after their top university rejects their enrollment. This rejection offers the opportunity to understand many great life lessons. Despite having five other universities to choose from, the writer realizes they only provide free tuition for the first semester. Ultimately, the author receives a full scholarship to a university closer to home.

ā€œAll people have the same journey to take ā€“ their life. As well as in the other journeys, there may be some inconveniences, disappointments and joys, and a lot depends on how we plan this particular journey and what attitude we develop towards it.ā€

In this essay, the writer shares that the best way to go on a life journey is with the most joy and minor damage you can endure. It’s constant work to continuously improve one’s life while developing positive qualities and thinking. But in doing so, you’ll have a solid foundation to achieve what you want out of life. However, the author still reminds the readers that they should always be ready to face unexpected events and deal with them in the best way possible.

ā€œThese days, people prefer traveling via airplanes because it is time-saving. But going by plane gets boring and monotonous. Train journeys are a relief from the monotony.ā€

For Prasanna, whether it’s a short or extended tour, a train journey offers an exciting travel experience. She talks about the local and regional trains in India, which are often overcrowded but still used by many as they are the cheapest, safest, and fastest mode of transport in the country. She also mentions that you’ll never get hungry when riding their local trains because of the vendors who sell Indian delicacies. 

7 Prompts for Essays About Journeys 

Essays About Journeys: Reasons to go on a journey

Everyone has different motives for traveling. Some go on a journey to appreciate beautiful sceneries, while some move to attend family or work-related gatherings. Some do so to run away from problems. For this prompt, research the common reasons to travel. You can also interview people on why they go on a journey and add any personal experiences. 

It’s a trip when a person travels from one point to another without any transfers. Meanwhile, a journey is a more extended voyage that includes transfers and several trips. Compare and contrast trips and journeys to make your readers understand their similarities and differences. You can also have the advantages and disadvantages of each in your paper.

If writing an essay sounds like a lot of work, simplify it. Write a simple 5 paragraph essay instead.

The idea of having a long journey and discovering new things is exciting. However, the excitement can disappear when youā€™re far away from home. This is especially true for longer and farther travels. This prompt will help readers have a safer, more affordable, and more enjoyable trip by discussing the best long-distance travel tips. You can present an imaginary itinerary with estimated costs to make the essay more digestible.

Write about an unforgettable journey you’ve had through this prompt. Include the purpose of your travel, how you planned it, and if your timetable was followed. Share what you’ll improve on next time to make your journey even better; you can also talk about your companions and the activities that make the adventure worthwhile.

Journeys become meaningful when they enrich lives. It can be because of the destination, the people you are with, or the travelā€™s goal. Use this prompt to suggest how journeys improve us as humans. You can section your piece based on an individual’s objectives. For example, someone who wants to recharge and get away from the city will find meaning in going to a location far from technology.

Essays About Journeys: My dream journey

Although traveling can be tiring, 43% of travelers appreciate the experience they gain. Think of journeys you desire to be in and add your reasons. Then, you can share your plan on how to make it happen. For instance, you want to tour Southeast Asia and visit countries like the Philippines, Vietnam, and Thailand. To make this dream journey come true, you’ll save for an entire year and work around a tight budget.

It’s normal to see the main character in a movie or novel go through a character arc before they become a true hero. Use this prompt to explain a hero’s journey and why the character must go through it. To give you an idea, Peter Parker was a shy and introverted kid who lived an everyday life before becoming Spider-Man. This makes him relatable to the audience and lets them understand his decisions in the following scenes.

For more examples, check out our guide to movies that follow the heroā€™s journey .

You can also talk about real-life heroes, such as doctors and firefighters. Interview someone with that profession and ask them why they decided to have their current career.

journey by essay

Maria Caballero is a freelance writer who has been writing since high school. She believes that to be a writer doesn't only refer to excellent syntax and semantics but also knowing how to weave words together to communicate to any reader effectively.

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A Journey By Train Essay

Train journeys are indeed thrilling and exciting. The foundation of the transportation system and a key factor in fostering a sustainable economy are trains. India's regional trains are frequently packed and have few seats available. Not only do trains offer comfortable, safe, and economical travel, they are also one of the foundations of the economy. Here are a few sample essays on a journey by train.

100 Word Essay On A Journey By Train

200 word essay on a journey by train, 500 word essay on a journey by train.

A Journey By Train Essay

One of the most thrilling travel experiences is taking a train. It often comes in two ways: overnight excursions and short day trips. Because getting to sit on window seats on trains is such pure joy, kids often love taking them. Train rides offer a break from the routine. Children lustily yearn for the variety of available foods when riding local trains, which are designed to travel small distances. India's regional trains may not seem to provide much comfort, yet for many they are essential elements of survival, given that they are the quickest and least expensive form of transportation.

The most typical thing in the modern world is a train trip. We all require transportation since we need to travel long distances for various reasons, be it leisure or work. Among all of the available transit options, trains turn out to be the most practical and cost-effective choice. We like and experience exhilaration while travelling by train.

We must have all travelled by train when on holiday with relatives. Train rides are highly thrilling, fascinating, and cosy. One of the most convenient and affordable forms of long-distance transportation is by train. It's amazing how learning about different cultures, geographies, languages, and cuisines can be enhanced by taking a train. The trip is similar to reading a book that includes everything you need to keep you occupied until you get there. The possibility to engage with people from diverse language and ethnic backgrounds is another benefit of travelling by train.

While travelling by train, one can pass time by reading a book, listening to music, viewing movies, or relaxing pleasantly. In conclusion, travelling by train is absolutely unique. The train trip is unlike any other in that it is distinctive. The experience of taking the train is undoubtedly rich and unforgettable.

One of the most amazing experiences we ever have is travelling by train. It is thrilling, teeming with adventure, and a treasured memory. A train ride is adventurous and there is little chance of getting bored, whether it is a short trip or an overnight one. Children especially enjoy taking train rides, for they are fascinating and exhilarating.

A train is more than simply a vehicle. It carries feeling, the excitement of progress and the rush of speed. A short train ride may still be exciting, adventurous, and happy. There is a thrill of being on time, the adventure of exploring local sites and the happiness of being able to travel comfortably and safely.

Trains Are More Than Transportation

Not only is a train a means of transportation, it links individuals and gives them access to resources like employment, communities, and commodities. It provides necessary social services. We frequently read in novels and periodicals about the wonderful experience of using trains. Our hearts are filled with adventure, pleasure, and delight as we read them.

Benefits Of Travelling By Train

One of the main benefits of travelling by train is comfort. Most importantly, there is freedom of movement within a railway car. Additionally, there may be plenty of foot room in trains. Passengers travelling longer distances by train can also sleep cosily within a train.

An additional significant advantage of train travel is the stunning scenery one gets to see enroute to their destination. One may take in the scenery while the train goes, including views of the countryside, farms, woods, factories, etc. This makes train trips more thorough than those by air. There are several ways to spend time on trains. One could read a book, chat with fellow passengers, watch movies, or even play games. Trains usually provide a friendly atmosphere as people often gel with their fellow passengers and form new friendships.

My Train Journey To Shillong

One of my uncles manages a tea plantation in Shillong. He invited my family to visit during the harvesting season. We decided to go for a vacation. We arrived at the Kolkata train station at 9 am on the scheduled day and bought 3 tickets for the 11 am train. The station has improved significantly since it first started. Coming from Kolkata, it was a lengthy journey.

During my journey on the train, many hawkers entered while I was inside the train. They were selling a variety of goods. Some were selling candies and snacks, others were selling copies of documents, perfumes, and so on. These local railway hawkers were known for their ability to outsell any copywriter with their own sales pitch. They did not use boring or lifeless sales pitches.

While selling goods, some people performed songs while others impersonated politicians. They had a really unique appreciation for books. This journey was one of my core memories as it was my first train journey ever. Me and my family had a lot of fun on the train journey from Kolkata to Shillong.

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A Journey by Train Essay | Short & Long Essays for Students

A Journey by Train Essay in English: In this article, you are going to learn how to write an essay on a journey by train in English. We’ve provided both long and short essays here. So, let’s begin.

A Journey by Train Essay/Paragraph

During last summer vacation, I went on a family trip to Puri with my family. This was my first long journey by train. We reached the Howrah railway station with all our luggage quite early. The train departed from Howrah at around 9 oā€™clock in the morning. When I looked outside everything was running behind, I loved that scene. The train was moving quite fast. The whole train was crowded.

After boarding, we had our breakfast. I always prefer a window seat, because I can enjoy beautiful nature from there. I was impressed by the beauty of the landscape. Watching the beautiful natural scenes outside gave me extreme happiness. The train finally reached the Puri station at 6 oā€™clock in the evening. It was an exciting train journey.

Essay on A Journey by Train

Also Read: A Memorable Day in My Life

Short Essay on A Journey by Train

Train journeys are always very exciting. We get to meet a lot of new people. Two weeks back had a train journey. The name of the train was Howrah-Dhanbad Black Diamond Express. My destination was Asansol. The train departed from Howrah around 6.40 in the morning. The weather was pleasant and I took a window seat.

Most of the passengers inside the train compartment were either reading a newspaper or sleeping. I started reading one of my favourite novels. The constant yelling of the hawkers forced me to close the book and look out of the window. Around 8.30 in the morning I bought a cup of coffee and a packet of biscuits from a hawker. Having small sips in the coffee concentrated on the visuals and images that changed rapidly outside the train compartment.

I noticed that concrete jungle have paved its way to lush green fields and ponds with trees surrounding them. Farmers were tilling children were going to school through the mud track. The ambiance outside was serene and in complete contrast with the atmosphere inside the train.

A Journey by Train Essay

Also Read: Essay on Visit to a Hill Station


Once I read a poem. I still remember some of  its lines as follows:

“All of the sights of the hill and the plain Fly as thick as driving rain; And ever again, in the wink of an eye Painted stations whistle by.” (From A Railway Carriage-RL Stevenson)

A journey by a speeding train is an exciting experience. The modern age seems to be obsessed with speed. So people prefer to travel by the railways than by road.

Description of the Journey:

One day, my father announced that we were going to visit Shantiniketan during the winter holidays. I was simply thrilled. On the scheduled day, we reached Howrah station in the morning. The Shantiniketan Express stood majestically at the platform. The station was humming with the din and bustle. There were rings of people before the ticket counters. We entered a compartment and settled down for the journey. I managed a seat beside a window. Soon the signal was green at the far end of the platform. Within a minute, the train began to move. We glided out of the station. Then it picked up speed.

As the train thundered on, I surrendered my ears to the rattle of the train wheels. They were making rickety-rackety sounds when they rolled over the tracks. I looked outside through the window to get a view of the Nature outside. The train was passing by harvested fields, meadows, brooklets, and small ponds. Through the window, the world outside looked like a motion picture. Everything looked very bright and pleasant in the morning sunshine.

I looked about my compartment. Father was flipping through a magazine. Mother was chatting with an elderly couple. The hawkers and vendors were selling various foodstuffs. A beggar was singing a song while begging. In the meantime, the train reached at Guskara station. After half an hour it reached Bolpur.

My Feelings:

I got spellbound to see the fantastic wild beauty of nature through the window. The greatness of God manifested in nature’s creations. I remembered some lines of a poem-

“The true pleasing spirits sight’s That may breed true love’s delights” (Nicholas Breton)

The breeze was gentle, fresh, glorious, and a pleasure to breathe. It was pouring into our compartment from outside. I sometimes lost my sense of individuality and seemed to expand through the window. Thus, I wanted to establish a magical link with nature.


Thus ended my first train journey. This journey was so pleasant that l experienced an intense high.

Read More: 1. Essay on a Visit to a Zoo 2. Essay on a Visit to a Historical Place 3. Essay on a Visit to a Book Fair

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Essay on Train Journey for Students and Children

500+ words essay on train journey.

First of all, a journey refers to traveling from one place to another. When it comes to journeys, train journeys take the top spot. A train journey certainly is a wonderfully joyous occasion. Furthermore, train journeys fill individuals with a feeling of intense excitement. This mode of the journey is best when the travel distance is long. A train journey creates an aura that cannot be experienced with other types of journeys.

Essay on Train Journey

My Experience of Journey by Train

I have always been an avid supporter of train journeys. My involvement with train journeys began in childhood . I live in Lucknow and from here I have undertaken many train journeys. Furthermore, since childhood, I have paid several visits to the hill station of Almora to meet my relatives. Almora is a hill station located in the state of Uttarakhand. Most noteworthy, Almora is situated in the Himalayan mountain region. Due to this, trains cannot travel directly to Almora. Consequently, Kathgodam is the last town station accessible by trains before the mountain range begins.

The trip from Lucknow to kathgodam is quite a lively experience. I have always ensured the reservation of my seats beforehand. So, my train journey begins from Lucknow railway station. As the train undergoes motion and leaves the Lucknow railway station, my excitement begins to rise. Moreover, as the train gathers speed, a thrilling feeling overtakes me.

My train journey from Lucknow to Kathgodam is probably 8-10 hours duration. However, I enjoy every minute of it in spite of the journey being so long. Furthermore, all along the journey, one can purchase items of food and drinks. I almost always purchase meals and refreshments at least twice in the journey.

When slumber overtakes me, I make use of the sleeping berth. I personally find sleeping on the train berth very comfortable. When I wake after a deep sleep, mountains are visible from a distance. Moreover, as the train approaches Kathgodam with menacing speed, the view of mountains gets bigger and bigger. Also, my amusement greatly rises as I see the Himalayas draw closer. Finally, as the train stops at Kathgodam, my delightful train journey comes to an end.

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Why Do I Like to Travel by Train?

Comfort is one of the biggest advantages of a train journey. Most noteworthy, one can move freely in a train cabin. Furthermore, in trains, there is a possibility of an ample foot room. Moreover, trains offer comfortable sleeping berths. All of this makes the train journey a relaxing experience.

Beautiful sightseeing is another noteworthy benefit of train journeys. As the train travels, one can enjoy the views of the countryside, farms, forests , factories, etc. This makes train journeys more comprehensive than journeys by air or road.

Train journeys offer a variety of opportunities to pass time. Furthermore, the train offers a sociable environment. In train journeys, conversations between passengers almost always take place. One can make new friends with traveling passengers on the train easily. Also, one can spend time in a handsome manner on a train journey. In a train journey, one can spend time reading something, listening to music, watching videos, sleeping/resting comfortably, etc.

To sum it up, train journeys are truly one of a kind. The train journey offers uniqueness like no other journey. Most noteworthy, the charm of such a journey is unmatchable. The train journey certainly offers an unforgettable rich experience.

Q1 Why does the writer sleeps so deeply in trains?

A1 The writer sleeps deeply in trains because he finds sleeping on the train berth very comfortable.

Q2 What makes train journeys so journeys so comfortable?

A2 Trains journeys certainly are very comfortable. First of all, one can move freely in a train cabin. Furthermore, there is ample foot room possibility and comfortable sleeping berths on the train.

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A Journey by Train Essay

The shrill whistle of the train is all that needs to straighten one up, and for many, travelling by train brings many strong memories. Any journey is sure to brighten up our day, but a train journey will indeed fill us with excitement and adventure. Whether short or long, train journeys have a special place in our hearts, and they will never leave you bored but instead make you crave more.

To get you started on a journey by train essay in English, we have compiled a beautiful one for your reference. It would be easier for you to write an essay on a journey by train with this sample essay.

A Journey by Train Essay

Experience of a Journey by Train

As a young kid, I usually jumped with enthusiasm whenever my parents planned a trip, as I loved travelling, especially by train. My journeys by train were always comfortable and unforgettable. I always looked forward to my vacations because that was the time when I got to visit my fatherā€™s ancestral home located in a remote village. Due to my fatherā€™s job, we were stationed in a town, and it was during my 10-day vacation that I was able to journey by train to meet my grandparents.

Normally, we start early in the morning as our train will leave at 7.30 am from Hasanpura station. Inside the train station, many porters circled my parents, demanding to carry our luggage. But we used to get past them to reach our platform and wait for a few minutes before the train arrived. Nonetheless, the wait is not dull as I get to observe many people around and listen to their chitter-chatter.

We kept our bags ready as we heard the announcement of the train arriving. After boarding the train and sitting near the window, I heard the station master blow the whistle and wave the green flag. Slowly, the train started moving, and once it left the platform, it sped up. From here begins my joyous ride on the train. The most exciting part of my train journey was the number of vendors that passed our berths, where I could eat some delicious snacks and buy some colouring books. The seat was spacious, and yet I jumped to the top berth to enjoy colouring or get a good sleep.

After some time, I sat by the window and took in the beautiful sights of the village. With blooming trees and working people on the fields, it was truly an attractive sight outside. If I were to travel by car or bus, I wouldnā€™t have been able to see these wonderful places as I easily became travel sick. But a journey by train enables me to enjoy each moment and experience.

Moral of the Essay

Even though we like all sorts of travel, it is the journey by train that makes it special. We would be able to feel nature at its best and interact with people from different backgrounds while travelling on a train. A journey by train essay for kids would undoubtedly enable them to think about their unique train journey experiences and help them to identify which aspect of the journey interests them more.

Explore more essays and other kid-friendly resources on BYJU’S website to make kids’ learning fun.

Are train journeys more comfortable than other means of transport?

Yes. Train journeys offer you the maximum comfort where you have the provision for sitting, standing or lying down. You can also move around freely, and there are convenient sleeping berths to relax.

Is it possible to carry our food while travelling on a train?

Indeed, trains allow you to pack your food and have it on the way to your destination. Also, many hawkers sell candies and snacks on the train as well as deliver food parcels. It is completely safe to buy from them.

How can we book tickets for a train journey?

It is wise to book your tickets at least 3 months in advance of your planned journey. You can either check online for tickets or visit the ticket counter at your nearest station.

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Essay On My First Journey By Train in 500 Words for School Students in English

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  • Apr 12, 2024

Essay On My First Journey By Train

Essay on my first journey by train: An interesting and enjoyable experience could be taking a train ride. Not only they are interesting, but travelling long distances by train is pocket-friendly and comfortable. I have enjoyed taking train trips to several locations in and outside India, and these experiences have left me with some of the best memories. These have been the most thrilling and tranquil moments that life can provide.

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Table of Contents

  • 1.1 My First Journey by Train
  • 1.2 Advantages of Journey by Train
  • 1.3 Disadvantages of Journey by Train
  • 1.4 Conclusion
  • 2 Paragraph on my first journey by train

Essay on My First Journey by Train in 500 Words

Travelling by train is so much fun, cosy, and interesting. Indian railways have made intercity and interstate journeys so interesting and smooth. My first journey by train was a once-in-a-lifetime experience that I will never forget.

My First Journey by Train

My first journey by train was from Delhi to Dehradun. This was a 6-hour 20-minute journey with my family, where we all laughed, ate lunch, and watched the beauty of the Ganga Plains. 

When I saw the New Delhi Railway Station, I had a mixed feeling of excitement and anxiety, nervousness and exhilaration. Everyone at the station was in a hurry, the platform was filled with passengers waiting for their train, and the classic Indian Railway announcement was over the speakers. 

As I stepped off the train in Dehradun, a sense of achievement swept through me. I was amazed not only by the destination but also by the amazing journey. My wanderlust was sparked by this first train trip, which was a treasure trove of experiences that left me with lifelong memories.

Advantages of Journey by Train

  • Trains let you stretch out and sleep on long journeys, unlike buses or cars.
  • There isn’t a luggage limitation. Unlike flying, where there is a weight limit, travelling by rail allows one to bring as much luggage as they desire.
  • Long trips are made more comfortable by the restrooms on trains.
  • On a train, one can work or study in comfort using a laptop. As a result, the time spent travelling can be used effectively.
  • Trains are much more cost-effective than taxis and aeroplanes. It is possible to travel large distances at a low price.

Disadvantages of Journey by Train

  • The requirement to arrange the trip and purchase tickets several days in advance is one of the main drawbacks of taking the train. This is not like travelling by bus or vehicle, where one can make plans and start the journey the next day.
  • Purchasing a ticket might be rather demanding. When purchasing tickets at the train station, customers must wait in queue for hours. Purchasing train tickets online also takes a lot of time because the railway booking website might occasionally become quite slow owing to high usage.
  • Although there are restrooms and washrooms on the trains, they are not as sanitary and clean as they ought to be.
  • There are several reasons why trains are frequently delayed. This can be very tiresome and irritating.
  • Train travel takes far longer than aeroplane travel. For people who have an urgent need to get somewhere, it is not a good alternative.

Travelling by train has its benefits and drawbacks. While making advance plans, purchasing tickets, and adhering to rigorous train schedules might be annoying, they also have certain benefits, such as comfortable travel and efficient use of time. I truly enjoy taking train trips, having taken several of them.

Quick Read: Essay Topics for in English

Paragraph on my first journey by train

Ans: Writing a journey-by-train essay requires you to organise your story. Set the setting, introduce any characters, and then give an overview of the events or characters. Explain the trip, mentioning the sights and sensations, and consider their importance or influence. Summarise your feelings and thoughts to close.

Ans: Travelling by train is affordable, cosy, and interesting. That alone is a whole experience. Rather than hurrying to reach where I’m going, I prefer to take my time when travelling by train. I’ve met a lot of new individuals and made a lot of friends on my rail journeys.

Ans: Grammar-wise, both travel by train and by train are acceptable. Depending on your preference, you may use either phrase. You could say, for instance, that you enjoy travelling by train or that you prefer to travel by rail.

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Essay on Train Journey in English for Children and Students

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Table of Contents

Trains are one of the best transport options for commuting long distances. Low fare, punctuality of time, and ease of travel make the journey by train, both economical and comfortable. Besides, there are several other advantages of travelling by train. You can relax, stretch, move around or even take a nap; something which could hardly be imagined while travelling in a car or bus.

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A journey on train also offers exclusive view of the landscape and culture as the train passes through the countryside. In journey across the states, one gets to see latterā€™s traditional dresses, agricultural crops and culture. One also gets the taste of local cuisine as it is served by the vendors in the railway stations and wagons. The journey is also entertaining as you can interact with fellow passengers from different regions and linguistic backgrounds.

Long and Short Essay on Train Journey in English

Below we have provided Long and Short Essay on Train Journey of varying lengths in English for your information and use.

These easy and simple Train Journey Essay will give you hands on experience of a train journey and its advantages.

After going through the essay you will be all praise about it and trains will become your favorite modes of transport.

These essays are good source of knowledge and will help you in your school assignments or essay writing/debate competitions etc.

Short Essay on A Journey by Train ā€“ Essay 1 (200 words)

A journey by train is among the most enjoyable journeys. I travel long distance quite often and have travelled via buses, trains as well as aeroplanes. While each of these journeys has its set of benefits, I personally love train journeys.

A journey by train is the best if you have enough time and have to travel long distance. This is the only means of transport that allows you to sleep comfortably during the journey. I prefer travelling at night. I can comfortably sleep in the train during my journey and wake up fresh and head to work during my official trips. One of my most memorable journeys by train was when I travelled from Delhi to Lucknow last year. I went to visit my relatives in Lucknow. During this train journey, I met a group of college students. The group was lively, cheerful and extremely friendly.

As I was sitting right besides them, they offered me some snacks and cold drink. They soon began conversing with me. They narrated some of their experiences and I shared mine. I also gave them career advice. The six hours journey passed very swiftly and we reached Lucknow. As we parted, we exchanged our phone numbers and promised to keep in touch.

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Essay on Train Journey ā€“ Essay 2 (300 words)


Train journeys are always fun. They have always excited me. I have been travelling via trains ever since my childhood. My maternal grandparents lived in Kanpur and we stayed in Delhi. We always travelled via night train to reach Kanpur. We visited them twice a year and I really looked forward to this trip not only because I loved meeting my grandparents but also because I really loved the train journey. My sister loved it as much and together we had a lot of fun.

My Most Memorable Train Journey

We mostly went there with our mother during our summer and winter vacations. However, once my aunt and cousins also accompanied us. This was one of the best train journeys of my life. We took to the top berth after having the delicious biryani our mother had cooked for us.

We had already planned that we will stay awake until late at night to enjoy the journey in each otherā€™s company. We began the fun by playing cards. As we finished a game or two, two boys sitting in the middle berth asked us if they could join us. Playing cards is always fun when there are greater number of players involved. So, we agreed. Our game became all the more exciting and we kept playing for about two- three hours. Since our compartment was occupied only by us and those two brothers and their parents, there was no fuss about turning off the lights.

After playing cards, we began a game of dumb charades. It was all the more fun. Since, we had been playing for almost four hours now, we felt hungry and it was snack time. We stealthily took out chips and biscuits from our bags. We chatted, cracked jokes and laughed heartily as we ate snacks. It was almost 2 at night when we decided to sleep.

This was indeed a great experience. I will remember this train journey all my life. I made memories to cherish forever.

Essay on My Train Journey: Best Experience ā€“ Essay 3 (400 words)

It was the month of September and the autumn break was about to begin in a few weeksā€™ time. Our first term exams had just been over and we were free from the burden of studies at least for a few days. Our school plans excursion trips to various places during the autumn break. I always wanted to go on such a trip and have fun with my friends.

My First Train Journey with Friends

While my parents allowed me to go on local school excursions, they had always been sceptic about sending me on out stationed trips. They thought I was too young and careless and thus feared sending me. I tried to convince them each year I saw the notice about these school trips pasted on the notice board but they refused. However, after a lot of persuading in class VII, my mother promised that she will send me when I reach class IX as I will grow older and become more mature by then.

So, last year I reminded her of her promise. Though reluctant, she agreed to send me on my school trip to Jaipur. She also convinced my father and he gave the written consent along with the amount that had to be deposited for the trip. My joy knew no bounds. Few of my close friends had also got consent from their parents and we were super thrilled about our trip. I was not only excited about visiting Jaipur but also about the train journey.

My Train Journey Experience

I was lucky to get the window seat. It was a day journey of around 5 hours and there was a lot to see outside the window. The sight of small sand hills, green fields and long roads fascinated me and I glued to the window for most part of the journey. For the rest of the journey, we played dumb charades and antakshari which was super fun. I just wished the journey never came to end. However, before we even realized, we reached the Jaipur station. As I roamed around from fort to fort in the Pink city, I dreamt of the train journey back to my home town as I thoroughly enjoyed train journeys. Our train journey back home was as much fun.

Train journeys have always fascinated me. I have gone on quite a few of them but this one was all the more special as I was accompanied by my friends. I am looking forward to more such train journeys.

Essay on My Awesome Train Journey ā€“ Essay 4 (500 words)

Train journeys have always fascinated me. Be it a day journey or a night journey I, always prefer travelling by train. During my day journey by train, I love sitting by the window to watch the view outside. I just love the sight of the green fields, huge trees, huts and water bodies. I can sit for hours watching this view from the moving train. What I like about the night journeys is that trains offer a lot of space and comfort. We can lie down comfortably and doze off to sleep. Sleeping in a moving train is an experience of its own and I just love it.

My Train Journey from Shimla to Kalka

While all my train journeys have been memorable there is one that I will cherish forever. This was my train journey from Shimla to Kalka. This train journey was like no other.

We had heard a lot about the Shimla ā€“ Kalka train journey and really wanted to experience it. It is said that the train comes under the world heritage list of UNESCO. However, since our plan was made all of a sudden, we could not get the tickets for travelling from Kalka to Shimla which was disappointing.

At first, we thought of cancelling or postponing the trip however then we decided to take a bus to Shimla. The tickets from Shimla to Kalka were available so we booked our return journey by the much talked about toy train that runs on this route. While I was all excited about my trip to Shimla and enjoyed every bit of it with my family, I was constantly dreaming about our journey back home as I couldnā€™t wait for the toy train experience.

My Awesome Train Journey Experience

We reached the station few minutes before the train departure time. I was thrilled looking at the train and couldnā€™t wait to board it. We soon kept our luggage in the train and sat on our seats. I grabbed the window seat to witness the scenic view outside. As the train started, I saw the mesmerizing view of the hills covered with pine trees. There was greenery all round. It had rained a night before and thus the flora looked even greener and fresh. It was a breathtaking sight.

The toy train covers a distance of 96 km and there was not a single moment when we got bored during this journey. There was so much to view and experience. The train travels at a slow speed and takes around 5-6 hours to reach Kalka so that we can experience the natural surroundings to the fullest. It goes through 102 tunnels and this makes the journey all the more amazing. It also passes over as many as 864 bridges and offers an experience which is one-of-its-kind. While I sat by the window for most part of my journey, I also went and stood by the train door for around an hour or so to have a closer look at the nature.

Every bit of my train journey from Shimla to Kalka was enjoyable. The experience was simply unmatched. Every train journey lover must experience this at least once in their life time. Nature lovers would love it all the more.

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Long Essay on Train Journey: Advantages and Disadvantages ā€“ Essay 5 (600 words)

Train journeys are preferred by many owing to the various benefits they offer. However, some people much rather prefer travelling by their own vehicle or buses to avoid the downside of the train journeys. At times, it becomes quite difficult to decide the mode of transport as all these have their own set of pros and cons. Here is a look at the various advantages and disadvantages of train journey:

Advantages of Train Journey

Here are the various advantages of train journey:

  • Space and Comfort

Train is one of the best means of transports if we look in terms of space and comfort. There is enough space to sit and even lie down, a privilege we donā€™t get in the buses, cars or planes. Kids can easily play board games. Group outings become all the more fun as we can enjoy various games and activities sitting face to face.

  • Long Journeys Made Easy

Since trains offer berths to sleep and washrooms to freshen up, travelling long distance via trains becomes quite easy. The washroom facility is especially one of the main benefits train journeys offer over bus and car journeys.

  • No Restriction on the Amount of Luggage

There is a limit to the amount of luggage one can carry in the aeroplane. Buses also do not have enough space to accommodate a lot of luggage. However, there is no such restriction during the train journeys. If you require carrying a good amount of luggage then train journeys are certainly the best.

  • Safe Option

Train is also considered a safer means to travel compared to buses, cars and aeroplanes. Travelling in hills is especially safer via trains compared to buses and cars.

  • Allows Productive Use of Time

You can easily take out your laptop and work on it while you are travelling via train. You can also read your book comfortably or indulge in other tasks such as knitting and sewing while travelling through train.

Disadvantages of Train Journey

Here are some disadvantages of train journey:

  • Planning Ahead

One of the main difficulties of travelling via train is that you have to plan your journey months or weeks before your travel date. It is difficult to get train tickets for trips that are planned instantly.

  • Difficulty in Reservation

Train reservation is a difficult task. You have to visit the railway station and stand in the queue for hours to get the tickets reserved which is extremely tiring. You can also get the ticket reserved online but that is again a tedious task as the train booking site is too slow.

  • Fixed Schedule

Trains run on a fixed schedule. You may be required to catch trains at odd times and this can be difficult at times. Delay in reaching the railway station even by a few minutes means missing the train and it is difficult to spend time on the railway station if you reach early.

  • Slower Option

Travelling a long distance by train means investing a day or two in journey is unlike planes which can cover same distance within few hours. So it is not a good option for students or working professionals who cannot take so many leaves and spend so much time on travelling.

  • Cleanliness Issue

While trains have washrooms which is considered to be a big plus of the train journeys these are mostly not maintained well. Un-kept and unclean washrooms are a big put off. Their use must be avoided as it can cause infection.

Thus, we see train journeys have a number of advantages however they also have certain disadvantages. While space, comfort and the facility to carry enough luggages attracts travellers to option for train journeys, difficulty of reservation and the need to plan the journey way ahead of the travel date makes them look for other options.

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Home ā€” Essay Samples ā€” Life ā€” Personal Experience ā€” From Struggles to Success: My Journey


From Struggles to Success: My Journey

  • Categories: Personal Experience

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Words: 789 |

Published: Feb 7, 2024

Words: 789 | Pages: 2 | 4 min read

Table of contents

Introduction, childhood struggles, a. family background, b. personal struggles, c. overcoming challenges, educational journey, a. school experience, b. academic struggles, c. achieving success, professional development, a. career path, b. career struggles, c. achieving career goals, personal growth, a. relationship struggles, b. self-discovery, c. achieving personal happiness, lessons learned, a. reflection on journey, b. life lessons, c. impact on present and future.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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A Journey by Train Essay for School and College Students

The train journey is always interesting to me. School and college students should learn about this. Here are a few ā€˜A Journey by Train Essaysā€™ for all. I hope these essays will assist you to learn more about this topic.

In This Blog We Will Discuss

A Journey by Train: Short Essay (100 Words) for Class 2, 3, 4

The journey is always full of fun and pleasure. Everyone loves to travel.Ā  Even I love to journey a lot. But I never went anywhere through a train. Thatā€™s why in my last school summer vacation, I visited my uncle in Delhi. Thatā€™s was an impressive experience for me. I was visiting him alone. I traveled a few hundred miles with a train. That was my first ever journey by train. I loved it and it was full of fun. Iā€™ve seen several new things and learned a lot. I realized the human life, the trouble and saw the natural beauty of our country.

A Journey by Train: Short Essay (200 Words) for Class 4, 6

I visited my uncle last month. My school broke up from 10 th June due to summer vacation. It was an amazing time to visit somewhere. We have an uncle on Kolkata, we decided to go there. My father wanted to hire a car. But I never traveled before by train, thatā€™s why I asked him to go Kolkata by train. He was agreed with me and bought four train tickets for us. In the day, we reached the train station before an hour of train departs.

I was a bit excited because it was my first time in any railway station. Most importantly I was waiting to experience my first ever journey by train. My younger sister Anika was also excited because itā€™s her first journey too. Finally, after one and half hour later the train came and we find our seat after a little trouble. There was too much pressure on passengers because everyone was leaving the cities because of vacation.

My sister took the window seat and after a while, I convinced her to seat there. I enjoyed a lot of seating beside the window. The natural beauty was impressive. That was a long journey but that was not boring at all. I enjoyed my first train journey a lot.

A Journey by Train: Essay (300 Words) for Class 7, 8

I love traveling and so my friends so. I have lots of friends in New Delhi. As a Mumbai person, I always wanted to visit the city of Delhi, but I was unlucky every time I planned and faced a problem. But this time, in my Diwali vacation, I planned and decided to visit Delhi. One of my Delhi friends were inviting me to spend the Diwali time in his place. So two of us finalized to visit Delhi.

According to our plan on the fixed day, we went to the Mumbai railway station and bought two tickets for Delhi. We had the experience of a long journey before. I have traveled over 30 hours at a time by train. Mumbai to Delhi is also a long journey. It takes almost 18 hours by train. So we were mentally prepared for the situation. After waiting for an hour at the railway station , we got our train. We found our seat and I sit on the window seat. But we exchanged the seat a couple of times during the whole journey. After leaving the urban area, we started to see the real natural beauty of India. I have never traveled before in this route, so everything was new to me. Thatā€™s why I enjoyed it a lot. My friend started reading a book. I also tried reading a book, but I didnā€™t concentrate, I just wanted to enjoy the beauty of outside.

The train journey is awesome because it gives you the opportunity to enjoy the beauty of real nature. On the train, I met with a Bengali guy named ā€˜Robinā€™. Now he is one of my best friends. So this is a way of making new friends too. After a long journey, finally, we reached Delhi station. My friend came to receive us. I texted our location. Then we hired a taxi to go to his home. That was an impressive experience for me. I would love to travel more and more in this route. Ā  Ā 

A Journey by Train: Essay (400 Words) For Class 9, 10

A journey is always fun and full of pleasure. I am a fun lover and love to travel across the country. A few weeks ago I experienced my first ever train journey in my life. Today I am going to share my all feelings and what Iā€™ve seen in that train journey. In my summer vacation, I thought to visit a naturally beautiful place. One of my uncles is working as a tea estate manager in Shillong. Itā€™s was a very long journey from Kolkata. Two of my friends joined me on this tour. They were asking me if I go anywhere, I should take them with me.

Finally, on the fixed date, we reach in the Kolkata railway station at 9 AM. We purchased three tickets for 11 AM train. Then we started to see the outside of the station. The station is really good and has been developed than before. The government is working really well. After waiting two and a half hours the train came and we find our seat within five minutes. The journey was so long and over 1000 KM and it took over a day. Thatā€™s why I told everyone to keep hard mentality. Thatā€™s was all of us first ever train journey, thatā€™s why I thought it was going to be tough for us. But in reality, we enjoyed the whole time a lot.

The train started after a couple of minutes and left the urban area soon. I was watching outside and enjoying the real natural beauty. Everyone knows that Shillong is an amazing place, especially as a naturally beautiful place. When our train came near Shillong, we were amazed to see the beauty of that place. All of us were traveling there for the first time. We were speechless literally. We exchanged the seat a couple of times. I sit in the window seat for a couple of hours. Itā€™s a good experience to sit in the window seat. If you sit there, you can enjoy so many beautiful things. So I suggest everyone to try getting a window seat in your first train journey.

Finally, after a long journey, we reached in Shillong. I will never forget the journey. It was absolutely amazing and awesome for me. We found our uncle waiting for us at the station because I informed him with a phone call. A journey by train is really fun and interesting. Everyone should try it.

A Journey by Train: Essay (500 Words) for College StudentsĀ 

The journey is always a pleasure, but the train journey is too much pleasure for me. I love the train journey a lot. I have traveled a lot with trains and found itā€™s really good for the body; itā€™s not boring at all. There is a minimum level of accident risk and high security for people. These are the top reasons that are why I love traveling on a train. Today I will share my last train journey experience with you. I was traveling from Sylhet to Chittagong, a long way.

My college got closed in the summer vacation and I decided to visit my sisterā€™s home with two of my friends in Chittagong. Chittagong is a very beautiful beach and port city in Bangladesh. According to the plan, we hired a taxi and reach Sylhet railway station at 8 AM on a specific day. We bought three tickets for the next express train from Sylhet to Chittagong. We waited for about two hours on the platform for the train. We were lucky that we bought the ticket faster; otherwise, I found lots of people who had not got the ticket. They bought a standing ticket rather than a seat. The reason is that was a vacation and people were leaving cities to spend holidays with their family.

When the train came into the platform, it took almost ten minutes to find out seats. The seating plan was pretty much confusing. I took the window seat. Finally, the strain started with a whistle. I was really happy about it. We were gossiping about sports and current vacation planning. We were having a few plans for what to do in Chittagong. We planned to stay there for three days and enjoy the Patenga Beach and top spots in the city. We left the urban area within ten minutes and I was impressed to see the beauty outside.

Sylhet is a land of beauty and lots of tea gardens. If you visit the train, you can see the real beauty of this division. The government has set up the train route between a national park with huge natural resources and beauty. I just love to travel across this area with the train. After two hours of gossiping and talking. One of my friendā€™s sleep and one started reading a book. I was still watching the beauty outside. Then finally I was tired and thought to take a nap. I asked my friend to take care of our goods. I slept for about an hour.

Finally, after nine hours of a long journey, we reached in the Chittagong station. We hired a taxi and went to my sisterā€™s home. This journey by train was really impressive for me. I will remember this day for a long time. I didnā€™t travel a lot with my friends that are why this journey was remarkable for me. I suggest everyone journey with a train and enjoy the real fun of traveling.

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journey by essay

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A Journey By Train Composition for JSC, SSC and HSC Examination

A Journey By Train Composition is important for class 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and for all classes students in Bangladesh, India, Pakistan, Nepal and other neighbours countries. All the Students should learn this composition. Today, I have given here two sample of " A Journey By Train Composition ". Both are very easy and I hope student will be able to learn and memorize these composition very quickly. 

In this article, you will read: 

  • A Journey By Train Composition
  • A Journey Recent You Have Enjoyed
  • A Journey You have Enjoyed
  • Write a composition on Journey by train you have enjoyed

Write a Composition on "A Journey by Train You have Recently Enjoyed"

A journey by train.

Journey is always fascinating. It charms our mind and make us happy. Journey is a break in our monotonous everyday life. After a journey we feel relaxed and fresh. Peace fills our heart after we have made a really wonderful journey.

I have recently made a journey by train with my friends. I received a letter from my uncle at Chattogram to attend the marriage ceremony of his daughter. I took some of my friends with me. Early in the morning I reached Kamalapur Railway Station where I found my other friends. The train came. We found seats in a carriage in the waiting train, saw our luggage put in, and then settled down for the journey. The guard blew his whistle and waved his green flag, the engine slowly began to move and we glided out of the station.

Everything that we were passing was pretty and so we amused ourselves by looking through the passed by green field, beautiful watery areas and wonderful hillocks. Everything seemed very windows. As the train winded away, eastwards, we could see a number of hills and mountains. We

bright and pleasant to us. From the train, we could see the clear, green waters and women and small boys and girls swimming happily and taking bath in the ponds and rivers.

At noon we took our lunch in the train. The dishes were not so bad. We took a lot. The journey was highly enjoyable. Some of my friends started to sing. Other passengers were also enjoying our childish attitudes. Some were enjoying the scenery of the way. Some people were also sleeping  or reading books. After all, all of us were enjoying the time in our own ways.

At last at 4 pm we reached Chattogram. The road was really wonderful. The journey seemed to me like a dream. However, when we reached Chattogram, we found my uncle waiting for us. He welcomed us and took to his residence. Thus our wonderful journey ended very beautifully.

It was really an exciting journey that filled my heart with thrill and excitement. I could never forget it  in my whole life. Whenever I recollect the memories of that day, I feel something extraordinarily wonderful is going to happen in my heart which I am unable to explain. I can only feel it and enjoy it.

Write a composition on Journey by Train / Write a composition on A Journey You have recently enjoyed    

(CB'12: CtgB '12: SB '09; DjB '14; BB 15)

A Journey by Train/ A Train Journey I've Recently Enjoyed 

A few days ago I made a journey by train from Dhaka to Chittagong. My destination was the residence of my uncle who lives in Chittagong now. On the occasion of my cousin's wedding ceremony I was invited with my parents to attend the wedding party. In this way an opportunity of train journey came to me.

On the fixed day we reached the Kamalapur Railway Station. Purchasing three tickets for Chittagong we got into the train. The bell rang and the guard blew his whistle and waved his green flag. With little jerk the train started to move on. At first the train moved on slowly. The speed of the train gradually increased. The station remained behind left. I looked outside through the window. We enjoyed beautiful green fields, orchard and trees on the both sides. We saw the farmers working in the field and cattle grazing here and there. In the meantime we entered Chittagong District and started enjoying the hills there. On the right the vast sheet of the water of the Bay-of-Bengal raised a sudden tremor in all the body of mine. I became thrilled. Gradually the sun was going to the western sky.

It was evening when we reached the Chittagong Station. My uncle was eagerly waiting for us at the station. We safely reached my uncle's residence.

It is the only train journey in my life till today. So that, the first as well as the recent train journey has overwhelmed me much. I have learnt many things from it. Because this journey was a new experience to me. I can not help recalling this journey often as the sweet memory of this journey has filled me with eternal joy.

A Journey by Train composition for Class 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10 in 250 words

A journey by train   .

Introduction : A journey by train is very pleasant and enjoyable. Journey is always interesting. It welcomes people of all classes. A few days ago, I made a journey by train from Dhaka to Chittagong.

Occasion: During the last summer vacation one of my friends invited us to his village home, Chittagong. So I along with my parents went there by train.

Description of my journey by train : On the fixed day, we reached the Kamalapur Railway station at 7:30 am. My father brought tickets. I took my seat by the window. The guard blew the whistle and the train began to move on. It started with a ratting sound. A gentle breeze entered into the compartment. I felt fresh and cold. Gradually the speed of the train increased. I peeped outside. The train was passing through the green fields. I fed my eyes with expanded sights and scenes. Trees and house seemed to run behind. We saw the farmer working in the fields. Cattle were grazing here and there. The train stopped at a station. I brought boiled eggs, bananas, magazines etc from the hawkers. When the train started from the station, I saw the hills of Chittagong. On the right, I saw the vast sheet of water of the Bay of Bengal. Gradually the sun was setting in the western sky. The golden rays of the declining sun fell on the water. The whole water of the Bay of Bengal turned reddish. The scenery was too much charming to give my mind into another fields. All these pleased me. In the midst of my reverie, the train reached Chittagong at 5 p.m I got down from the train. I saw hills on both the side of the railway line. I found my friend who came to receive me. Then, we safely reached my friend's house.

Conclusion : The journey gave us immense pleasure. The memory of the journey will remain ever fresh in heart.

A journey by train composition in 150 words for class 3, 4, 5 and 6. 

Composition on a journey by train.

I have travelled by train many times. But these were short Journeys. One day, my father told us that he is going to Dhaka on a business trip. He decided to take the whole family with him. We were thrilled to hear this good news. We packed our luggage and went to Chittagong Railway Station by train, as our real journey was to start from there. At Chittagong Railway Station, we boarded the Sonar Bangla Express for Dhaka. We travelled in a second class AC compartment.

The journey was very comfortable. We passed through many states. I looked out during the day and enjoyed the scenery all along. We saw cattle grazing, people working in the fields, beautiful flower Gardens and orchards of fruit trees. Our train made very few halts. Meals was served at regular interval. We enjoyed the delicious food.

The scenery along the Chittagong Hill tract was really very beautiful. Our train passed through many tunnels. At last we reached our destination. We can never forget our journey.

Shahabuddin Hridoy

Posted by: Shahabuddin Hridoy

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Paragraph with Bangla meaning

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Completing Story

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  • A Book Fair I have Visited Paragraph
  • A Book Fair Paragraph
  • A day labourer Paragraph
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  • A PICNIC Paragraph
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  • A Street Accident Paragraph
  • A Tea Stall Paragraph
  • A Village Doctor Paragraph
  • A Village Fair Paragraph
  • A Winter Morning Paragraph
  • Adolescence Paragraph
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  • Auto Paragraph
  • Bangabandhu Satellite Paragraph
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  • Climate Change Paragraph
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  • CoronaVirus Paragraph
  • Corruption Paragraph
  • Danger of smoking paragraph
  • Deforestation Paragraph
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  • Folk Music Paragraph
  • Gender Discrimination Paragraph
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  • Globalization Paragraph
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  • Higher Education in Bangladesh Paragraph
  • Historic 7th March Speech Paragraph
  • HSC 2023 Paragraph suggestion
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  • Important Paragraph for HSC
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  • Load-shedding Paragraph
  • Lockdown Paragraph
  • Metro Rail Paragraph
  • Mobile Phone Paragraph
  • Modern Technology Paragraph
  • Mujib Year / Mujib Borsho Paragraph
  • My Best Friend Paragraph
  • Newspaper Paragraph
  • Our Country Bangladesh Paragraph
  • Padma Bridge Paragraph
  • Pahela Baishakh Paragraph
  • Peace And Conflict Paragraph
  • Peace Movement Paragraph
  • Physical Exercise Paragraph
  • Population problem paragraph
  • Price Hike Paragraph
  • Road Accident Paragraph
  • Rohingya Crisis Paragraph
  • Sound Pollution Paragraph
  • SSC important Paragraph
  • Street Children Paragraph
  • Superstition Paragraph
  • Terrorism in the campus paragraph
  • Terrorism Paragraph
  • The 21st February Paragraph
  • The Importance of Learning English Paragraph
  • The Life of a Farmer Paragraph
  • Tree Plantation Paragraph
  • Victory Day Paragraph
  • An email to your friend describing how to use internet
  • Email to Your Friend Condoling at His Father’s Sudden Death
  • Write an email inviting your friend to come to visit the Sundarbans
  • Write an email to your father about your progress in studies and preparation for the exam
  • Write an email to your father describing your exam
  • Write an email to your father informing him of your result that has been published recently
  • Write an email to your foreign friend telling him about beauty of Bangladesh
  • Write an email to your friend about the duties and responsibilities of a good citizen
  • Write an email to your friend about the experience of visiting the Shat Gambuj Mosque
  • Write an email to your friend about the importance of games and sports
  • Write an email to your friend about your experience of a train journey
  • Write an email to your friend congratulating him for his good performance in a cricket match
  • Write an email to your friend congratulating him/her on his/her brilliant success
  • Write an email to your friend describing a historical place
  • Write an email to your friend describing about your country and its natural beauty
  • Write an email to your friend describing the co-curricular activities of your college
  • Write an email to your friend describing the prize giving ceremony of your college
  • Write An Email To Your Friend Describing Your Native Village
  • Write an email to your friend greeting him/her happy new year
  • Write an email to your friend inviting him to attend the wedding ceremony of your elder brother/ sister
  • Write an email to your friend inviting him to spend the summer vacation with you in your village home
  • Write an email to your friend narrating the sufferings of the flood affected people
  • Write an email to your friend telling him about taking food in a Chinese restaurant
  • Write an email to your friend telling him about your recent visit to Paharpur
  • Write an email to your friend telling him/her about the benefits of reading newspaper
  • Write an email to your friend thanking him whose home you have visited recently
  • Write an email to your mother about how you physically feel after recovery from an ailment
  • Write an email to your pen friend asking him/her to visit Bangladesh
  • Write an email to your pen friend informing him about the experience of visiting a book fair
  • Write an email to your younger brother about the importance of learning English
  • Write an email to your younger brother advising him not to adopt unfair means in the examination
  • Write an email to your younger brother advising him to be regular in studies
  • Write an email to your younger brother describing him the importance of ICT knowledge
  • Write an email to your younger brother describing the importance of physical exercise

Informal Letter

  • Write a letter about your preparation for the coming SSC exam
  • Write a letter describing how you have celebrated the Pohela Boishakh
  • Write a letter describing the importance of physical exercise
  • Write a letter of sympathy to your sick friend in hospital
  • Write a letter on how to improve proficiency in English
  • Write a letter to pen friend about food and food habit of Bangladesh
  • Write a letter to your father informing him of your mother’s illness
  • Write a letter to your friend about the annual prize giving ceremony of your school
  • Write a letter to your friend about your aim in life
  • Write a letter to your friend condoling him on his father’s death
  • Write a letter to your friend congratulating him on his brilliant result
  • Write a letter to your friend consoling him at his failure in the SSC examination
  • Write a letter to your friend describing the accident you have witnessed
  • Write a letter to your friend describing the bad effect of smoking
  • Write a letter to your friend discussing the importance of learning English
  • Write a letter to your friend inviting him to join the picnic
  • Write a letter to your friend inviting him/her to spend a few days with during the summer vacation
  • Write a letter to your friend telling him about the importance of reading newspaper
  • Write a letter to your friend telling him how you have spent the summer vacation
  • Write a letter to your friend thanking him for a birthday gift
  • Write a letter to your younger brother advising him to be sincere and attentive to his study


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Essay on ā€œA Journey by Busā€ Complete Essay for Class 10, Class 12 and Graduation and other classes.

A Journey by Bus

6 Best Essays on ” A Journey by Bus”

Essay No. 01

A journey by bus is dull and boring. Once we occupy a seat, we remain stationary there till we reach on destination. We cannot move freely in a bus. Heat in the summer and cold in winter make the journey troublesome and unbearable.

I seldom travel by bus, but this summer I had to travel by bus to Manali since the entire family was going on a summer vacation by bus. Our luggage was loaded on the roof of the bus and I managed to get a window seat, much to the envy of my cousins.

We left at 6 o’clock in the morning. The weather was quite pleasant. Sunshine was filtering in through the windows on the other side of the bus, so my side was quite cool. A cool breeze was blowing and it was very refreshing. All family members started chatting although a few elders tried to catch some sleep since everyone had woken up quite early.

We had packed sandwiches and cold drinks which we had for breakfast in the moving bus itself. It was a lot of fun since everyone had to pass the eatables on the bus. I was carrying storybooks, magazines and the morning newspaper with me. First I read the newspaper to catch up with the latest developments and then went through the magazine for some time.

It was lunchtime and we decided to stop at the roadside Dhaba is one of the villages of Punjab. The food was very delicious and different from what we eat at home. Everyone stretched their tired limbs and some people even lay down on the cots for some time.

After lunch, it became quite hot. I drew the curtain at the window and decided to sleep for some time. With a full stomach and rocking bus, I fell asleep within a couple of minutes. When I woke up I could not believe my eyes. The bus was negotiating steep curves and I realized that we had entered the hills. Tall trees cast their shadow on the road and a very fresh wind livened everyone up. The children started singing songs and the elders joined by clapping vigorously. It was getting chilly and we took out light woolen to cover ourselves. We refreshed ourselves with hot tea and started to enjoy the lovely scenery.

We could see terraced forms, small streams of water, and waterfalls running down the mountainside and the local hill people cheered whenever they saw our bus. There were apple orchards, plum trees, and tall chinar trees. It was like a dream come true and was just like the storybooks that we had read. As dusk started to fall, the conductor announced that we had reached our destination.

One didnā€™t know how time flew and this bus journey was very different from the usual dull and loving journeys. I will remember this bus journey all my life.

Essay No. 2

A Journey By Bus

It was a fine day. I decided to spend the evening at Connaught Place. I got ten rupees from my father. I left my house at 6 p.m. to catch the bus for Odeon. Ā 

I stood in the queue and waited anxiously for my turn in vain. I joined those who were struggling at the door of the bus. With great difficulty, I also got my chance to get on the bus. I got a seat. Hardly had I sat on my seat when I saw a very old man. He was standing near me. He looked very sad. I looked at him. I got up out of respect. I offered my seat to him. But to my great surprise, a fashionable young lady rushed towards the seat. She pressed herself into the seat. The poor old man looked at her helplessly. He had to keep standing. The lady felt no shame. She kept on looking at the poor old shamelessly. I felt very angry at her behavior.Ā Ā 

The passengers inside the bus were talking loudly. Some were talking about politics. Some were talking of soaring prices. Others were discussing their personal problems. The family quarrels were the subjects of their talk. I was looking outside thinking about the sad incident.

The journey was not long. It was quite short. By now our burs reached Pant Hospital. There may people got down. May others boarded the bus. As usual, the bus moved on. An old lady began to feel giddy. She requested a young man to provide her with his seat. This proud young man refused flatly. This was very bad. We should show respect to ladies. Young ladies also should offer their seats to old and sick people. Ā 

At the Ajmeri gate, three passengers got down. They paid the fare. The conductor did not issue tickets to them. I got a chance. I said to the conductor. ā€œMr. conductor, you did not issue tickets to the passengers. You are dishonest. ā€œWith these words, I pulled the chain. The bus stopped. I asked the conductor to tear the three tickets. The conductor was perplexed. Some other passengers called him a thief. I rebuked him. The dishonest conductor felt ashamed for his dishonest act. He tore three tickets and threw them out. Again the bust started.

The bus was now running in New Delhi. My destination was quite near. At Minto Road, the driver applied the brakes suddenly. He saved a cyclist. All the passengers got a jolt. My head struck against a ladyā€™s she cursed me. I kept silent. I got down at Odeon.

Essay No. 3

Delhi is a big crowded city. The Redline bus is the sole means of conveyance for the lower and middle-class people. Many people cover short distances on their bicycles. The rich people alone can afford to hire a scooter, a rickshaw, or a taxi because their charges are very high. The bus stops provide a busy scene at peak hours. The people stand there in queues and bear the scorching heat, the biting chill, and the raindrops pouring down. Waiting for the bus is the most unpleasant thing. One feels bored and disgusted. Everyone criticizes and curses the Redline owners and showers abuse on them and holds them responsible for the irregular bus services. The loose politics is discussed there and sometimes the same turns into a quarrel. A daily passenger of the Redline bus has a lot of bitter experiences to narrate if he has the time to do so and if there is somebody who finds the time to listen to him. The buses getting punctured or disorderly on the way tell upon the nerves of the office goers. The rude behavior of the conductors, the rash driving and the rush of the passengers, and the lack of direct buses are troublesome. However, early you may start for your duty, still to reach there in time is quite uncertain.

Last Sunday, I had a mind to see the film Jagriti at Natraj Talkies. My wife and children were pressing me hard for it and were waiting anxiously for the day. I had arranged to purchase the tickets in advance. The picture had to start at 3 p.m. It was not safe to reach the cinema hall on the two-wheeler. So I decided to hire a three-wheeled scooter. The scooter driver demanded Rs. 50, since the distance was 15 km. I had to change my mind and ultimately decided to travel by the Redline bus.

We stood in the queue at 1. p.m. It was lunchtime. There was no bus in sight. There was no breath of air, so the people were panting. Everyone was perspiring due to the scorching heat. We kept waiting for the bus impatiently for 45 minutes. A bus arrived. I asked my wife and children to board the bus. The driver stopped the bus a bit away. The people broke the queue and ran towards the bus. The bus was packed to its capacity. Luckily, I boarded the footboard. A few other passengers too got in. The conductor gave the bell and the driver started the bus. To my utter dismay, my wife and children were left behind. I asked the conductor to stop the bus. He showed no concern and paid no heed to my genuine request. He called me as a careless fellow. The bus had gathered speed. I had to jump off the running bus. I fell flat on the road. My clothes got soiled and torn. I got many bruises and got my ankle sprained. My children got worried and were crying. Anyhow, I reached them limping. My hair got powdered with dust. I was perspiring. My wife was in tears. She asked me to return home but how could I do that? I had spent Rs. 100 on the tickets and that amount would have gone waste. I cheered her up and picked up the courage for the next trial. It was 2-30. I was feeling pain. I had to take a glass of hot milk. There was no time to wash out the bloodstains from my clothes or to change my clothes. I was shocked to find my purse containing Rs. 160 missing. I did not break this news to my wife lest she should get more worried.

Luckily, an empty bus arrived there. I asked my wife and children not to lag behind that time. There were a great pushing and elbowing and somehow I forced them in. They occupied a seat and heaved a sigh of relief. I too got on the bus after some time. I asked my wife to purchase the tickets. I too sat on the seat. I noticed that one of the earrings of my wife was missing. My wife started weeping when I told her about it. We asked all the passengers and searched for the same near the seats. Then we left the seat and searched for the earring around the footboard and the ground but to no effect. Our seats too were occupied by our fellow passengers who were least concerned about our loss and injury. The tedious journey and the hollow preaching of the people only added to my grief. Our destination was near. I requested the driver very humbly to stop the bus. He gave a break. My wife and children had got down. I was limping in pain. The driver abused me for delaying the bus and started the same. I could not jump down that time. I was at the driver’s mercy. A few passengers came forward and forced him to stop the bus. He had to stop the bus against his will, half a furlong ahead. I joined my family bearing all the insults and pain.

The picture had started before we reached the hall. We could not enjoy the film since we had missed the introductory part. Only a little money was left with us for the cold drinks during the interval. The picture was over. We hired a scooter and made him the payment on reaching home.

I have come to the conclusion on the basis of my own bitter experience to avoid traveling by a Redline bus at peak hours especially when you are with your kids.

The Redline buses are mostly overcrowded. The conductors patronize pickpockets and men of loose morals. The honor of young ladies is always at stake. They present a scene of daily scuffles between the students and the conductors. Rash and reckless driving result in frequent accidents. Sometimes the drivers do not stop the bus at all and at other times they keep the bus standing for more than half an hour at the same place. A journey by a Redline bus is both time-consuming, uncomfortable, and risky for life. The conductors always try to overcharge the passengers.

Essay No. 4

Traveling by bus is the cheapest mode of travel. It is, therefore, the favourite transport of the poor people, and villagers, who prefer to travel by it. This in turn makes traveling a nightmare for a city dweller, which is not used to such kinds of the crowd. For some who are used to orderliness and cleanliness, a journey by bus is often very uncomfortable and full of hardships.

Last week there was a train strike and I had an Interview to attend. Left with no other option I had to travel by bus. On the appointed day when I reached the Bus Stand, I found that the ticket window was closed. I went and stood in the queue that had formed in front of it. It was a long wait. The window did not open for the next one hour. Luckily before people could grow restless, we saw the bus enter the terminal. As if on cue the ticket window opened. There was a mad rush to obtain tickets. People who until now were standing peacefully pushed and shoved each other to reach the counter. Some broke the queue and tried to forcefully buy the tickets. This made the people who were standing at the front of the cue to protest. And soon a scuffle ensued between some of them. Before they could resolve it, the bus gave a warning hoot. Somehow I managed to buy a ticket and board the bus.

The bus was an old one. The seats were torn. And fruit peels were strewn all over the floor. An old villager sat next to me. It appeared that he had come straight from his fields. Because he was smelling of manure and fertilizers. This smell was blown away from the wind that came through the broken window panes.

Soon the bus rolled out of the bus stand. When we came to the highway my neighbor in the bus lighted a beedi. I requested him to put it off. But my pleas fell into deaf ears. Fortunately, before the matters could get worse, he got down at the first stop. From there a young man got on the bus and sat down next to me. There-after the three hours of the journey destination went by like a second. And before I realized the bus had reached my destination.

My journey by bus had been a mixed bag of experiences. And yet I cannot say that I enjoyed it.

Essay No. 5

Most buses in the city are extremely crowded. The number of buses on the road is not enough to meet the demands of the growing population of the country. I am used to travelling in crowded buses but I would love to share my experience with you.

The ordeal of travelling in buses begins at the bus stop itself. Till the bus comes one has to wait patiently at the bus stop. There is every possibility that the bus might come late. Once the bus arrives all the passengers rush into it without giving the others a chance to get in. Lines are broken and there is a lot of pushing and pulling. Once one gets into the bus one is squashed from all four sides because people are standing in the aisle and all the seats are occupied.

Feet get trampled upon and no one even apologizes after stepping on your foot. It is almost impossible to buy a ticket because the conductor also is hidden somewhere behind all those people. People pass their money down the line and the ticket comes back to them the same way. Whenever the bus brakes there is a great push from the rear of the bus and all those standing in front begin to fall over each other. Pick-pockets, and eve-teasers have a great time doing their jobs while all this goes on. When the bus stop finally arrives everyone rushes out. There is pandemonium as the driver is told to stop. There is a lot of screaming and banging and shouting and if one manages to get down at the stop that one has to, it can be considered as a great achievement. Traveling on a crowded bus is an experience that can be and should be avoided if one can help it.

Essay No. 6

My uncle lives in Himachal Pradesh. He works in a bank in District Mandi. He got accommodation there provided by the bank. He had invited me to spend a holiday with him. So I decided to visit him during the summer vacation.

I got up early in the morning took up my bag and reached the ISBT Kashmir gate at 5 a.m. I boarded a DTC bus. I bought the ticket on the bus. At 5.30 a.m. it started moving out of the bus terminal.

As soon as it crossed the Delhi border it picked up speed. Soon it crossed Panipat and then passed by Karnal. At Shahbad it stopped for 15-20 minutes. The passengers got down and took snacks and drinks. Some went to the toilets.

The bus again resumed its journey. I looked out of the bus. We passed by fields and houses. At Ambala, a few passengers got down and some boarded the bus. Then it reached Chandigarh. It stopped there for ten minutes. Our next stop for lunch was a Kirtpur Sahib. There I had my lunch. Other passengers too did the same. After half an hour it again set out for is journey.

We passed by Swarghat. It is at a higher level. We were among the hills. The bus stopped for ten minutes. Some policemen boarded the bus and after checking the goods they got down.

Next, we reached Bilaspur. It was 2.30 p.m. The driver stopped the bus just for fifteen minutes. I ate some pakoras and took tea. Our journey again began at 2.45 p.m. I felt a cool breeze blowing I saw trees, houses on the top of hills, fields where crops had been grown. The scenery outside looked very beautiful. Below I saw water flowing calmly. Our next stop was Sunder Nagar. The bus went up in the town passengers got down it. A few local passengers boarded the bus.

The driver started the bus once again. We passed by many villages. Our bus along the Byasa River. Exact at 5.30 p.m. We were at the Mandi bus terminal. All the passengers got down one by one. My uncle was there to receive me. It was a nice journey.

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journey by essay


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It is such a good essay

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Very good essay

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Thanks for much help…. These are most important essay for hslc exam….

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It is a very good essay. Thanks for this essay

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A Journey By Train Essay

A Journey By Train English Essay

150 Words on A Journey By Train

I with a few of my friends made a long journey once from Karachi to Lahore. We had booked our seats a day earlier then we started. We were well advised in doing so, for when we reach the Karachi city station

We went to the platform no 2 where the train was to arrive. When the train arrived we manage to get to our seats. At last guard wave the green flag. The engine whistled and the train begins to move slowly out of station yard it gains a good speed.

There came the hawkers with various articles of food. Besides the hawkers there always came an endless number of beggars.

When we were passing through the desert, the desert of Sindh. It was quite suffocating because of the hot winds blowing from the desert. when the train reaches the plains of Punjab I felt the joy of traveling. after a long enjoyable journey, all of us were happy to reach Lahore.

200 Words on A Journey By Train

I with a few of my friends made a long journey once from Karachi to Lahore. We had booked our seats a day earlier then we started. We were well advised in doing so, for when we reach the Karachi city station. First, we found the booking office which was surrounded by a huge crowd of passengers. I think it would impossible for us to secure a ticket there in time to catch the train.

When we were passing through the desert, the desert of Sindh. It was quite suffocating because of the hot winds blowing from the desert. When the train reaches the plains of Punjab I felt the joy of traveling. Now we passed by green fields, canals and rivers, and beautiful scenery after a long enjoyable journey all of us were happy to reach Lahore we were also happy to be in the midst of our friends and relatives.

250 Words on A Journey By Train

When the train was in motion I had an opportunity of taking note of other passengers in the compartment one of them was an old and evidently pious man. He was telling a young man the benefits of the religion had conferred upon mankind.

When we were passing through the desert, the desert of Sindh. It was quite suffocating because of the hot winds blowing from the desert. When the train reaches the plains of Punjab I felt the joy of traveling. Now we passed by green fields, canals and rivers, and beautiful scenery after a long enjoyable journey all of us were happy to reach Lahore.

300 Words on A Journey By Train

When the train was in motion I had an opportunity of taking note of other passengers in the compartment one of them was an old and evidently pious man. He was telling a young man the benefits of the religion had conferred upon mankind. There was a couple who looked at everybody with contempt. They considered themselves superior to everybody. There was also a gentleman with his wife she sat huddled with her four children. it was difficult for her to control them

When we were passing through the desert, the desert of Sindh. It was quite suffocating because of the hot winds blowing from the desert. When the train reaches the plains of Punjab I felt the joy of traveling. Now we passed by green fields, canals and rivers, and beautiful scenery after a long enjoyable journey all of us were happy to reach Lahore. We were also happy to be in the midst of our friends and relatives.

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The Remarkable Journey of Gal Gadot

This essay about the remarkable rise of Gal Gadot, from her humble beginnings in Israel to becoming an international superstar. It explores her journey from serving in the Israel Defense Forces to her breakout role as Wonder Woman, highlighting her talent, resilience, and commitment to social causes. Gadot’s story is a testament to the power of perseverance and passion, inspiring audiences worldwide.

How it works

Gal Gadot, the Israeli actress, and model, burst onto the Hollywood scene with a remarkable journey that continues to captivate audiences worldwide. Born on April 30, 1985, in Petah Tikva, Israel, Gadotā€™s path to stardom is as inspiring as it is fascinating. From her early days serving in the Israel Defense Forces to becoming the embodiment of Wonder Woman on the silver screen, her story is one of resilience, talent, and sheer determination.

Growing up in Israel, Gadot displayed a natural affinity for the performing arts from a young age.

Despite her parentsā€™ initial concerns about pursuing a career in acting, Gadotā€™s passion for the craft was undeniable. After winning the Miss Israel beauty pageant in 2004, she caught the attention of casting agents and began to land roles in both Israeli and international productions. However, it was her portrayal of Gisele Yashar in the ā€œFast & Furiousā€ franchise that catapulted her to international fame.

Gadotā€™s breakout role came in 2017 when she starred as the iconic superhero Wonder Woman in the critically acclaimed film of the same name. Her portrayal of Diana Prince, a character known for her strength, compassion, and unwavering determination, resonated deeply with audiences around the world. Gadotā€™s performance was praised for its authenticity and depth, cementing her status as a leading lady in Hollywood.

Beyond her work in front of the camera, Gadot is also a vocal advocate for social and humanitarian causes. She has used her platform to speak out on issues such as gender equality, LGBTQ+ rights, and environmental conservation. In 2018, she joined forces with other prominent actresses to establish the Timeā€™s Up movement, aimed at combating sexual harassment and inequality in the entertainment industry and beyond.

In addition to her acting career and advocacy work, Gadot is also a devoted wife and mother. She married real estate developer Yaron Varsano in 2008, and the couple has two daughters together. Despite her busy schedule, Gadot prioritizes her family and strives to be a positive role model for her children, instilling in them the values of kindness, compassion, and perseverance.

As Gadot continues to make her mark on the world stage, her influence shows no signs of waning. With several highly anticipated projects in the works, including the sequel to ā€œWonder Woman,ā€ her star power and talent are set to shine brighter than ever before. Whether sheā€™s donning her iconic armor as Wonder Woman or speaking out on issues close to her heart, Gal Gadot remains an inspiration to millions, proving that with hard work, dedication, and a dash of magic, anything is possible.


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A Journey by Bus Essay & Paragraph

A journey by bus is a very simple journey. Since we usually travel by bus from one city to another. But sometimes this simple journey can be considered extraordinary. If the surrounding scenery is beautiful then a simple journey by bus can be pleasant and joyful. If you are a student, chances are you will be asked to write an essay or paragraph about a journey by bus in your school exams. Here are a few examples that will help you.

A Journey by Bus Essay & Paragraph

A Journey by Bus Essay in English

By: Haque ; Words: 400; For class 9-10/SSC

Introduction: A journey by bus is a very pleasant one. Though there are many modes of transportation, I prefer a journey by bus as it is faster than other vehicles. I had a journey by bus last month this year.

Time & Occasion of the Journey: It was the month of March. One of my uncles was transferred to Rangamati. He told me that the place is very beautiful. Every day many domestic and foreign tourists go there. So he invited me to visit him on one of my vacations. I have also heard praise for the beauty of Rangamati. So, I am glad to have the opportunity to see the place. One day I prepared for Rangamati with my five best friends. We decided to go there by bus.

Description of the Journey: On the appointed day we gathered at Muradpur Bus Terminal at about 6:30 a.m. Then we boarded a bus for Rangamati. The bus started its journey around 8 in the morning. When the bus started running, the passengers of the bus got busy with various activities. Some of the passengers were reading the newspaper, some were talking, some were reading books, some were eating nuts or juices, and most of them were enjoying the natural beauty by looking outside. The view from both sides of the bus was eye-catching. Most of the time the bus was running on a winding hilly road. There were steep hills of red soil on both sides of the bus. When the bus is near Rangamati, I see a river flowing along the steep side of the hilly road on the right. It offered an exquisite beauty to me. On the other bank of the river stood the lofty, hazy mountains. I could see the mountain tops covered with fog. It seemed to me that the mountains were ejecting steam. I was quite spellbound. In the river below I found many sailboats and barges plying up and down the river. They were carrying different goods. I also found many rafts of bamboos. People sitting on them were carrying them to different places for selling. At last, our bus reached Rangamati. It was about 11 a.m.

Destination: When the bus reached the station, we got down from the bus and hired three rickshaws to take us to my uncleā€™s house. It was about ten minutes’ journey to my uncleā€™s house. My uncle was overjoyed to see us.

Conclusion: Before that, I had no idea how beautiful a bus journey among the hills could be. The journey was a quite new experience for me. It will always remain fresh in my mind.

A Journey by Bus Paragraph, 150 Words

By: Haque ; For class 7-8/JSC; 14-03-’22

A journey by bus is a very simple journey. We usually travel by bus from one city to another. But sometimes this simple journey can be considered extraordinary. I have recently had such a wonderful bus journey experience. I went to Srimangal from Dhaka with some of my friends. The area is famous for its hills and tea gardens. We left at 8 in the morning and reached our destination at 2 in the afternoon. As soon as our bus entered Moulvibazar district, we saw rows of hills on both sides of the road. The road is crooked like a snake with mountains on both sides. The hills are wrapped in green tea plants. There was a natural waterfall not far from where we got off the bus. We wandered from hill to hill through the tea garden till evening. When the scenery around is beautiful, a journey by bus can be very pleasant, I realized that while visiting Srimangal.

About the Author


A teacher, writer and blogger, started allparagraph noting students search online for paragraphs on various topics, short and simple essays , edifying stories and other materials of study . In composing these lessons we have tried to use as simple language as possible, keeping young students in mind. If you find any text inappropriate, please let us know so we can make it more useful through necessary corrections and modifications. Thank you!

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The Impact of Bias on the Scholar-Practitioner's Doctoral Journey

Strategies to legitimize it.

This essay discusses the utilization of safeguard strategies, particularly Improvement Science principles, in the academic and professional writing of scholar-practitioners within EdD programs. These strategies bridge the gap between theory and practice, enabling graduate students to apply their scholarly insights meaningfully. The essay highlights the roles of bias, professional wisdom, positionality, and reflexivity in inquiry, empowering scholar-practitioners to develop authentic solutions to the problems of practice they encounter. Drawing on the recommendations of Perry and colleagues (2020), the essay emphasizes rigorous data collection, explicit theoretical frameworks, evidence of impact on practice, and transparent mitigation of biases. Strategies such as positionality and reflexivity statements, adoption of Improvement Science as a conceptual framework, critical questions as safeguards, and engagement with critical friend groups (CFG) enhance the integrity and rigor of scholar-practitioners' inquiries. By implementing these measures, scholar-practitioners foster a robust examination of problems of practice and contribute to the advancement of knowledge.

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journey by essay

229 episodes

Join *Detlef Schlich* , a visionary visual artist and ritual designer, as he navigates the complex intersections of art, science, and human consciousness. Based in West Cork and celebrated for his essays on shamanism, art, and digital culture, Detlef uses his expertise in performance, photography, painting, sound, installations, and film to explore creative processes with a diverse array of guests. *ArTEEtude* now expands its exploration to include art history and the scientific disciplines that touch upon art, such as psychology and neuroscience, bringing a deeper understanding of how art impacts and reflects our cognitive functions. Episodes also delve into a wider range of musical expressions, connecting melodies to the creative spirit. Each week, we not only promote and explore groundbreaking works but also engage directly with our listeners through *Q&A sessions* , where curiosity leads the dialogue. We dissect philosophical quirks, celebrate the minute yet significant details of the artistic endeavor, and connect deeply with the rhythms that drive creativity. In an era dominated by brief digital interactions, *ArTEEtude* offers an intimate portal to the vast ocean of the creative mind, inviting listeners to a journey where art meets science, and questions find answers. Join us as we uncover the layers of creativity and thought that define and sustain the artistic community. *ļ»æ* ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------

ArTEEtude: Unveiling the Spectrum of Art, Culture and Mind. West CorkĀ“s Art and Culture Podcast by Detlef Schlichā€Ŗ.ā€¬ Detlef Schlich

  • 5.0 ā€¢ 2 Ratings
  • MAY 12, 2024

#ArTEEtude 229: Detlef Schlich discovers the psychological Impact of Ritual Art"

Today, we take a step further into the mind itself. Weā€™re diving deep into the latest research in psychology to understand how ritual art isn't just something we observeā€”it's something that fundamentally influences and transforms us! Follow the links below to watch Ritual PerformanceWorld Saving: Art - A Social Performance by Detlef Schlich and Friends 2012/13 Owen Kelly, Alex Reissdorfer, Mick EileThe Magic Forest Keeper: Thomas WiegandtThe firestarter: Pim WijnmaalenThe colour thrower: Corina ThorntonThe drag queens: Suzanne, David and JensThe instinctor: Detlef SchlichDetlef Schlich & Corina Thornton in a visual essay about the human condition in times of transhumanism.The Last Human - Part 2 - Transcending Reality The Last Human - Part 3 - Mystical Engineers ā€˜Transodin's Tragedy' is a Film installation/artistic performance, exploring the emerging phenomenon of transhumanism in our digital age. Transodin represents a mythical character and a contemporary manifestation of transhumanism. He embodies the symbiotic relationship between human experience and technology. Boundaries between human beings and technology are lost in the 21. Century. Transodin's journey invites you to explore this fatalistic relationship in which humans are losing their spirituality, this journey is a triptych, where Transodin bears witness to the birth of a Transhuman. Transodin ā€“ Detlef Schlich The first Transhuman - Corina Thornton TransodinĀ“s Tragedy Part II - The Fall of Humanism TransodinĀ“s Tragedy Part III - The Acceptance of Fatalism WEBSITE LINKS Detlef SchlichInstagram Detlef Schlich ArTEEtude I love West Cork Artists Facebook Detlef Schlich I love West Cork Artists Group ArTEEtude YouTube Channels visual Podcast ArTEEtudeļ»æ Cute Alien TV official Website ArTEEtude Detlef Schlich Det Design Tribal Loop Download here for free Detlef SchlichĀ“s Essay about the Cause and Effect of Shamanism, Art and Digital Culture Support this podcast at ā€”

  • MAY 5, 2024

#ArTEEtude 228: Detlef Schlich explains the cultural significance and transformative power of ritual art across civilizations.

šŸŽ§ Dive into ArTEEtude Podcast Episode 228: Explore how ritual art shapes our cultural identity and personal expression. Link in bio! šŸŒšŸ‘† #ArTEEtudePodcastšŸ”„ Inspired by the incredible works of Detlef Schlich and the late Corina Thornton, this episode is a journey through time and art. #RitualArt #ArtHistoryFollow the links below to see some cherished moments with Corina.World Saving: Art - A Social Performance by Detlef Schlich and Friends 2012/13 Owen Kelly, Alex Reissdorfer, Mick EileThe Magic Forest Keeper: Thomas WiegandtThe firestarter: Pim WijnmaalenThe colour thrower: Corina ThorntonThe drag queens: Suzanne, David and JensThe instinctor: Detlef SchlichDetlef Schlich & Corina Thornton in a visual essay about the human condition in times of transhumanism.The Last Human - Part 2 - Transcending Reality The Last Human - Part 3 - Mystical Engineers ā€˜Transodin's Tragedy' is a Film installation/artistic performance, exploring the emerging phenomenon of transhumanism in our digital age. Transodin represents a mythical character and a contemporary manifestation of transhumanism. He embodies the symbiotic relationship between human experience and technology. Boundaries between human beings and technology are lost in the 21. Century. Transodin's journey invites you to explore this fatalistic relationship in which humans are losing their spirituality, this journey is a triptych, where Transodin bears witness to the birth of a Transhuman. Transodin ā€“ Detlef Schlich The first Transhuman - Corina Thornton TransodinĀ“s Tragedy Part II - The Fall of Humanism TransodinĀ“s Tragedy Part III - The Acceptance of Fatalism WEBSITE LINKS Detlef SchlichInstagram Detlef Schlich ArTEEtude I love West Cork Artists Facebook Detlef Schlich I love West Cork Artists Group ArTEEtude YouTube Channels visual Podcast ArTEEtudeļ»æ Cute Alien TV official Website ArTEEtude Detlef Schlich Det Design Tribal Loop Download here for free Detlef SchlichĀ“s Essay about the Cause and Effect of Shamanism, Art and Digital Culture Support this podcast at ā€”

  • APR 28, 2024

#Arteetude 227: šŸŒŸ "Shared Visions, Enduring Memories: My Creative Journey with Corina Thornton" šŸŒŸ

In this week's episode of "ArTEEtude," titled "Shared Visions, Enduring Memories: My Creative Journey with Corina Thornton," I open up about the irreplaceable loss of my dear friend and collaborator, Corina. We've shared countless moments where her vision and passion for art profoundly influenced not just the works we created but also enriched my personal life and perspective. R.I.P.Corina. Up to the Sky. Up into the Universe! Corina was not just a fellow artist; she was a beacon of inspiration in our community, always pushing the boundaries of creativity and companionship. I've poured my heart into this episode, sharing stories that I hold dear, and celebrating the legacy of a remarkable soul whose life was a testament to the transformative power of art. Follow the links below to see some cherished moments with Corina.World Saving: Art - A Social Performance by Detlef Schlich and Friends 2012/13 Owen Kelly, Alex Reissdorfer, Mick EileThe Magic Forest Keeper: Thomas WiegandtThe firestarter: Pim WijnmaalenThe colour thrower: Corina ThorntonThe drag queens: Suzanne, David and JensThe instinctor: Detlef SchlichDetlef Schlich & Corina Thornton in a visual essay about the human condition in times of transhumanism.The Last Human - Part 2 - Transcending Reality The Last Human - Part 3 - Mystical Engineers ā€˜Transodin's Tragedy' is a Film installation/artistic performance, exploring the emerging phenomenon of transhumanism in our digital age. Transodin represents a mythical character and a contemporary manifestation of transhumanism. He embodies the symbiotic relationship between human experience and technology. Boundaries between human beings and technology are lost in the 21. Century. Transodin's journey invites you to explore this fatalistic relationship in which humans are losing their spirituality, this journey is a triptych, where Transodin bears witness to the birth of a Transhuman. Transodin ā€“ Detlef Schlich The first Transhuman - Corina Thornton TransodinĀ“s Tragedy Part II - The Fall of Humanism TransodinĀ“s Tragedy Part III - The Acceptance of Fatalism WEBSITE LINKS Detlef SchlichInstagram Detlef Schlich ArTEEtude I love West Cork Artists Facebook Detlef Schlich I love West Cork Artists Group ArTEEtude YouTube Channels visual Podcast ArTEEtudeļ»æ Cute Alien TV official Website ArTEEtude Detlef Schlich Det Design Tribal Loop Download here for free Detlef SchlichĀ“s Essay about the Cause and Effect of Shamanism, Art and Digital Culture Support this podcast at ā€”

  • APR 21, 2024

#Arteetude 226: Detlef Schlich explores how art offers a refuge and acts as a powerful conduit for expressing and processing our deepest emotions.

In this weekā€™s episode of ArTEEtude, join Detlef Schlich as he delves into a deeply personal topic: finding solace in art during times of personal turmoil. Episode 226 explores how art offers a refuge and acts as a powerful conduit for expressing and processing our deepest emotions. From poignant stories to practical tips on engaging with art for emotional healing, this episode is a heart-to-heart on the transformative power of creativity. Tune in to reflect, heal, and connect through art. Link in bio! šŸŒ #ArTEEtudePodcast #ArtHeals #CreativeJourney #PodcastLifešŸŽØ Calling all artists and art lovers! Have you ever found comfort in creativity during challenging times? Share your stories and how art has been a sanctuary for you. Letā€™s inspire and support each other in our creative journeys! šŸ–ŒļøšŸ‘©ā€šŸŽØ #ArtCommunity #CreativeHealing #ArTEEtudeDetlef Schlich is a podcaster, visual artist, filmmaker, ritual designer, and media archaeologist based in West Cork. He is recognized for his seminal work, including a scholarly examination of the intersections between shamanism, art, and digital culture, as well as his acclaimed video installation, Transodin's Tragedy. He primarily works in performance, photography, painting, sound, installations, and film. In his work, he reflects on the human condition and uses the digital shaman's methodology as an alter ego to create artwork. His media archaeology is a conceptual and practical exercise in uncovering the unique aesthetic, cultural and political aspects of media in culture. WEBSITE LINKS Detlef SchlichInstagram Detlef Schlich ArTEEtude I love West Cork Artists Facebook Detlef Schlich I love West Cork Artists Group ArTEEtude YouTube Channels visual Podcast ArTEEtudeļ»æ Cute Alien TV official Website ArTEEtude Detlef Schlich Det Design Tribal Loop Download here for free Detlef SchlichĀ“s Essay about the Cause and Effect of Shamanism, Art and Digital Culture Support this podcast at ā€”

  • APR 14, 2024

#Arteetude 225: Detlef Schlich continues engaging with Julia Melzer and delves deeper into Julia's experiences with sobriety, her vibrant life on tour, and the broader implications of punk rock as both a music genre and a cultural movement. At the end w

In episode 225 of the ArTEEtude podcast, Detlef Schlich continues engaging with Julia Melzer, building on the themes introduced in the previous episode. This instalment delves deeper into Julia's experiences with sobriety, her vibrant life on tour, and the broader implications of punk rock as both a music genre and a cultural movement. Julia shares anecdotes from her recent tours in England and Germany, highlighting the camaraderie and challenges of touring with her band, Erection, in their beloved band bus, VALVY. She reflects on the unique energy of performing sober on stage, emphasizing the heightened connection to music and the audience this brings. The discussion then shifts to the punk rock scene's evolution and its enduring spirit in England. Julia and Detlef explore punk's role in fostering social commentary and activism, particularly within the feminist movement. They discuss how punk influences contemporary culture, touching upon its impact on fashion, attitude, and art beyond music. Listeners are treated to insights into Julia's personal inspirations and the significance of punk rock in expressing social and political themes through her music. The episode closes with listener questions, offering Julia's perspectives on the differences between the punk scenes in Germany and England, the impact of punk on the younger generation, and the fusion of punk ethos with personal and musical identity. Linktree Julia Melzer Julia MelzerFacebook Instagram Detlef Schlich is a podcaster, visual artist, filmmaker, ritual designer, and media archaeologist based in West Cork. He is recognized for his seminal work, including a scholarly examination of the intersections between shamanism, art, and digital culture, as well as his acclaimed video installation, Transodin's Tragedy. He primarily works in performance, photography, painting, sound, installations, and film. In his work, he reflects on the human condition and uses the digital shaman's methodology as an alter ego to create artwork. His media archaeology is a conceptual and practical exercise in uncovering the unique aesthetic, cultural and political aspects of media in culture. WEBSITE LINKS Detlef SchlichInstagram Detlef Schlich ArTEEtude I love West Cork Artists Facebook Detlef Schlich I love West Cork Artists Group ArTEEtude YouTube Channels visual Podcast ArTEEtudeļ»æ Cute Alien TV official Website ArTEEtude Detlef Schlich Det Design Tribal Loop Download here for free Detlef SchlichĀ“s Essay about the Cause and Effect of Shamanism, Art and Digital Culture Support this podcast at ā€”

  • APR 7, 2024

#Arteetude 224: Detlef Schlich engages in a captivating conversation with the return guest, Julia Melzer, an energetic singer in the punk rock band, shares insights into her journey and her personal and creative growth. At the end we listen to a song by

In episode 224 of the ArTEEtude podcast, host Detlef Schlich engages in a captivating conversation with the return guest, Julia Melser. Julia, an energetic singer in the punk rock band called Erection, shares insights into her journey, reflecting on the fast pace of life, the impact of aging on perception of time, and her personal and creative growth. The discussion delves into Julia's experiences with ADHD, her remarkable achievement of over 660 days of sobriety, and the therapeutic nature of songwriting during emotional highs and lows. Her music, influenced by the '80s punk scene, serves as a medium for expressing darker themes and personal struggles, offering a form of self-therapy. Julia also discusses her involvement in education, working with immigrant children aged 13 to 15, helping them integrate and learn the German language. This role highlights her commitment to social issues and her desire to make a positive impact on the world. The episode touches on the challenges of staying sober in the punk scene, the transformative power of music, and the unique energy and connection Julia feels while performing without the influence of alcohol. The conversation concludes with plans for a follow-up episode to address listener questions and continue exploring Julia's multifaceted life and career. Linktree Julia Melzer Julia MelzerFacebook Instagram Detlef Schlich is a podcaster, visual artist, filmmaker, ritual designer, and media archaeologist based in West Cork. He is recognized for his seminal work, including a scholarly examination of the intersections between shamanism, art, and digital culture, as well as his acclaimed video installation, Transodin's Tragedy. He primarily works in performance, photography, painting, sound, installations, and film. In his work, he reflects on the human condition and uses the digital shaman's methodology as an alter ego to create artwork. His media archaeology is a conceptual and practical exercise in uncovering the unique aesthetic, cultural and political aspects of media in culture.WEBSITE LINKS Detlef SchlichInstagram Detlef Schlich ArTEEtude I love West Cork Artists Facebook Detlef Schlich I love West Cork Artists Group ArTEEtude YouTube Channels visual Podcast ArTEEtudeļ»æ Cute Alien TV official Website ArTEEtude Detlef Schlich Det Design Tribal Loop Download here for free Detlef SchlichĀ“s Essay about the Cause and Effect of Shamanism, Art and Digital Culture Support this podcast at ā€”

  • All rights reserved by Detlef Schlich Ā©2020

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I love west cork artist podcast.

I have been enjoying the podcast and YouTube videos, itā€™s a very relaxed and fun atmosphere to work with. Thank you for inviting me to participate and enjoy your Artistic approach with Art .!!

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