it manager resume objective examples

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it manager resume objective examples

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13 IT Manager Resume Examples That Work in 2024

Stephen Greet

IT Manager Resume

  • Mid-Level IT Manager Resumes
  • Senior IT Manager Resumes
  • IT Manager Resumes By Role
  • Writing Your IT Manager Resume

You can manage technical teams and ensure projects are on time and within budget to deliver software that delights end-users.

You’re a great IT manager; you shouldn’t also have to be great at  writing cover letters or resumes. It can be tough to talk about your technical skills and experience in the right way when either creating or  cleaning up your resume .

Don’t worry—we’ve got you! These IT manager resume samples have helped pros like you  land highly-coveted jobs with companies like Stripe and Uber,  so they’re a great place for you to begin  making a resume  you can feel good about in 2024.

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It manager resume example with 8 years of experience

Why this resume works

  • When you’re an IT manager with a few years of experience under your belt, your IT manager resume must highlight major projects from your past roles. It’s much better to talk about the high-level projects you worked on instead of the smaller one-offs.
  • Be sure to mention the scope and impact of your past projects in numbers. Quantifying the impact of your work is the quickest and most impactful way of convincing the person reviewing your resume that you’ll have a similarly large impact in the role for which you’re applying.
  • Your  resume objective  should accomplish two things: it should quickly highlight your experience and summarize what you’re looking for in your next IT manager role.

IT Production Support Manager Resume

It production support manager resume example with 5 years of experience

  • As an IT production support manager, it’s vitally important that you demonstrate your ability to provide support through your technical expertise when talking about your work experience.
  • Suppose you don’t have a lot of experience and you’re worried about space on your IT production support manager resume . In that case, you should highlight any side projects, activities, or even  resume-worthy hobbies  that you started or worked on to demonstrate your competency. These can be open-source projects, projects for school, or projects you undertook on your own.
  • Highlight your accomplishments in support roles to quickly make the case to the hiring manager that you deserve an interview. Did you improve the efficiency of ticket resolution? Build tools to improve customer satisfaction? Make the case that you have a track record of using your technical ability to improve efficiency in a production environment.

IT Services Manager Resume

It services manager resume example with 4 years of experience

  • If you’re having difficulty, consider how many people you managed, mean time to repair, KPI metrics, and how much you boosted efficiency or revenue. You can also check our  free resume examples  for helpful tips!
  • Sometimes, applicants forget to include a  resume skills section  or don’t realize the importance of having one.
  • Skills are important because recruiters often use applicant tracking systems (ATS) to filter out candidates who may not be a good fit.
  • ATS works by removing applicants whose resumes don’t include enough keywords from a pre-selected list of words and skills. Including 6-10 of your most relevant skills will help ensure your resume isn’t thrown out before a real person has a chance to review it.

Senior IT Project Manager Resume

Senior IT project manager resume example with 13 years of experience

  • In this exceptional senior IT project manager resume, notice how the candidate insists on keeping a clean record of security while at the same time keeping systems running optimally. Choosing such an approach sets you apart from the rest.

IT Infrastructure Manager Resume

IT infrastructure manager resume example with 9 years of experience

  • One thing that this IT infrastructure manager resume does exceptionally well is highlighting team and resource management skills. These achievements present you as a team leader and someone employers would easily hire.

Senior IT Manager Resume

Senior it manager resume example with 7 years of experience

  • For example, your senior IT manager resume should highlight your first work experience (like the automation of repetitive tasks, with your second work experience detailing your lead in the budgeting process). This is a clear increase in responsibility.
  • Again, use metrics when defining the scope of the projects you managed. These metrics can be revenue, budget, team size, and customer adoption. Numbers draw the hiring manager’s eye and are more convincing and easy to read than extensive text.
  • Your resume objective  should summarize your career while also demonstrating what you’re looking for in your next IT role. Don’t forget to tailor your objective to each position you apply for by mentioning that company by name!

IT Project Manager Resume

It project manager resume example with 8 years of experience

  • As an IT project manager, you need to quickly highlight the projects you’ve successfully managed in your past roles. Again, be sure to quantify your impact whenever possible.
  • For example, “Created alignment with executive leadership…” shows you can communicate and work alongside leadership teams to achieve desired outcomes through the projects you manage.

IT Application Manager Resume

It application manager resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Demonstrate this command in your work experience section and make it count! Don’t sweat it if you’re fuzzy on these details; try our  free resume helper  to get all of your sections in tip-top shape.
  • If you’ve had the opportunity to manage other team members, explicitly mention the size of those teams on your IT application manager resume . People management experience will help you stand out amongst the hundreds of other applicants for the role you’re applying for.
  • Be sure to talk about the size of the applications you worked on, either revenue or number of users. Also, mention the teams you worked with to build these applications (engineering, executive leadership, or sales). 

IT Program Manager Resume

It program manager resume example with 9 years of experience

  • When you’ve got lots of work history, we recommend ordering it in a  reverse-chronological resume format  to emphasize increased job responsibilities throughout your career.
  • Job titles you held early in your career may no longer have a place on your resume, particularly if you held the position 10+ years ago. Save it for the interview!

IT Operations Manager Resume

It operations manager resume example with 13 years of experience

  • We don’t always recommend using a  resume summary ; that said, do include it if you boast 10+ years in your field or have some noteworthy specializations you’ve honed over the years.
  • If you’re short on time or can’t tailor your summary to every  job description , it’s best to leave it off your IT operations manager resume altogether.
  • Tailoring includes listing the specific job title, company name, and your brag-worthy expertise within this short paragraph.

IT Asset Manager Resume

It asset manager resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Use active verbs like “monitored” and “evaluated” to start your work experience bullet points.
  • Enlist numbers to discuss your impact: for example, the money you saved and any reductions you made in security breaches.
  • Try an appealing  resume template  that visually matches your qualifications.
  • Opt for professional colors like dark blue or gray to express stability, reliability, and order. Just don’t overdo it. A touch of color goes a long way, and our  handy resume checker  goes even further in removing all doubt!

IT Delivery Manager Resume

IT delivery manager resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • It’s best to have a combination of skills such as GitLab, Google Workspace, TestRail, and Splunk together. This shows the employer that you’re well-versed in managing various IT aspects of a system and can test and monitor software releases with detail.

IT Audit Manager Resume

IT audit manager resume example with 10+ years of experience

  • Start designing your IT audit manager resume by choosing the official template to stand out as a formal and serious candidate. Next, highlight quantified bullet points from your career that have created a great impact like “18% decrease in audit discrepancies.”

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4 Ways to Polish Your IT Manager Resume

Laptop screen with yellow paint roller shows BeamJobs enhancements for job seekers' career materials

Suppose you’re interested in having a career in the information technology industry. In that case, the most sought-after position is IT manager, which involves administering and monitoring all of the information technology systems that a company has. These systems are separated into software, hardware, and networks.

Working as an IT manager will make information systems more efficient and productive. More and more businesses are placing IT at the core of what they do, which means IT managers are more in demand than ever.

Despite the high demand for IT managers, most businesses will only hire people who have sent in a stellar resume. If you have the qualifications needed to land a job as an IT manager, you mustn’t overlook your resume. If your IT manager resume contains incorrect grammar, poor punctuation, or wordy descriptors, you may not even be considered for the position. When you’re trying to polish your IT manager resume, focus on the following:

  • Emphasize the IT manager skills that you’ve cultivated
  • Design your resume for the ATS
  • Make sure that your formatting is perfect
  • Quantify the impact that you’ll have on the company
  • Customize your resume for each job

it manager resume objective examples

1. Focus on your IT manager skills

When you’re trying to  create the perfect resume , it’s highly recommended that you focus on your IT manager skills. Keep in mind that recruiters at top companies can receive hundreds of resumes for a single position in a short time, which is why it’s important that your IT manager resume is well-written, easy to digest, and highlights necessary pieces of information.

As recruiters weed through resumes, they take numerous steps to sort them. The main steps most recruiters adhere to when sorting resumes include:

  • 1. Sending the resume through an applicant tracking system software to scan for prerequisites and filter those resumes that don’t fit
  • 2. Reviewing a candidate shortlist and inspecting the information that an ATS could miss
  • 3. Sending the strongest applications to the hiring team for further review
  • 4. Contacting top candidates for interviews

Before sending in your resume, you must understand how applicant tracking software works. After your resume reaches the company you’re applying to, the first thing that occurs is a scan through the ATS, a type of software that searches for specific keywords in the resume and gets rid of applicants who don’t offer the skills the position requires. If you want to beat the ATS, it’s highly recommended to input the essential skills section into your resume.

While you can include hard and soft skills in various ways, a simple method for listing the right skills is to review five to seven job descriptions of IT managers. These descriptions should contain terms and phrases that relate to various hard and soft skills. Placing these skills into your resume should make it easier to get through the ATS. The most important skills to include in an IT manager resume include:

  • Project management
  • Understanding of SDLC, JavaScript, and Python software
  • Analytical thinking
  • Agile and lean methodologies
  • APIs, network infrastructure, server infrastructure

These  resume skills  are essential because they cover most of the technologies, management methodologies, and expertise you’ll need when performing everyday IT management tasks.

IT manager resume skills.

2. Format your IT manager resume correctly

Your IT manager resume format is also essential for your ability to obtain a job for this specific position. In general, your contact information, job title, skills, and education details should be included. Your name should be in a larger font at the top of the page. Avoid fancy colors or overly-playful font styles.  Keep it classic and professional .

The  resume format  you use matters because recruiters and managers have a basic structure in mind when sorting through resumes, which means that  resumes that aren’t formatted correctly could be rejected  immediately.

Some tips and suggestions to follow when formatting your resume:

  • Your resume should be one page
  • Use bullet points for work experience
  • Mention the IT manager role you’re seeking
  • Avoid using icons and images
  • Don’t have any grammatical or punctuation errors
  • Determine if an objective/summary is needed

These suggestions will help you make your resume format ATS-friendly, which substantially increases the likelihood that your resume will get through the ATS software, after which recruiters will review it. Remember that three resume formats can be used when making an IT manager resume: reverse-chronological, functional, and combination/hybrid.

Each format has its own set of pros and cons, of which you should be aware. For instance,  the reverse-chronological format is the most popular option in 2024  and is preferred by most recruiters. However, this format isn’t great for someone lacking extensive work history.

If you’re applying for an IT manager position, you likely have at least some work history, which would make the reverse-chronological format ideal for your situation. While the functional format effectively emphasizes position-related skills, recruiters aren’t as familiar with the layout, which could weigh against you when resumes are being sorted.

Writing an IT manager resume objective

When you’re applying for an IT manager position, it’s possible to include a  resume objective  or summary. Even though these statements are optional and aren’t always beneficial, there are some situations where you would benefit from placing a summary or objective in your IT manager resume.

A  resume summary  is a statement that consists of two to three sentences that summarize your skill set and work experience. If you’ve been working in the IT industry for many years, a summary can help you highlight the knowledge and expertise you’ve developed over that time.

A resume objective can also be comprised of two to three sentences but is focused more on the qualifications you have and why you’re interested in the IT manager role. Along with prominently displaying the experience you’ve cultivated, a resume objective helps tell recruiters exactly what you’re looking for in an IT manager role.

Even though a resume objective or summary can help you land a job in some situations, you don’t have to include one of these statements on your resume. Recruiters tend to spend 10 seconds or less looking at a resume, which means that it’s important that they get to the resume’s skills, work experience, and education areas before they lose interest. If your resume objective is vague or difficult to parse, you could hurt your chances of getting the job.

  • “Ample experience managing projects in past jobs. I want to earn a job that allows me to implement my skills.”
  • “IT manager with 6+ years of experience using Python and managing IT projects that increased company revenue by $1.5M. I’m searching for a position that allows me to collaborate with Apple analysts, developers, and company executives.”

IT Junior Program Manager career objective

3. Give data and statistics to show your impact as an IT manager

The most effective way to  craft your IT manager resume  is to provide data and statistics that display the impact you’ve had as an IT manager in your recent positions. Above all, recruiters want to see quantitative data to determine how hiring you will benefit the company’s bottom line.

Quantifying the work you’ve done will allow you to set yourself apart from the competition. Many fellow applicants will have similar qualifications and experience, which is why it’s important to find a way to put your resume ahead of the rest. When writing the bullet points for your job description, make sure that you avoid any vague generalizations. Some ways to quantify your impact as an IT manager:

  • Mention how much revenue increased as a result of the technical projects you worked on at a previous job
  • Discuss the large-scale IT projects you managed and how they came in under budget by a specific amount
  • Describe how improvements you made to network servers enhanced application speed by a certain percentage
  • Talk about an IT project you managed that involved developing a software application that can handle millions of concurrent users
  • List how many hours each week you spent troubleshooting

A few examples of strong bullet points for past work experience include:

  • Met 95% of project deadlines by mitigating all engineering hurdles and roadblocks
  • Provided remote troubleshooting to customers over the phone with a 90% success rate, resolving calls in less than 7 minutes
  • Managed 3 essential projects that facilitated more than $5 million in annual revenue

it manager resume objective examples

4. Tailor your resume for each IT manager job

The fourth method you can use to  polish your resume  is to tailor it to each specific IT manager position. You shouldn’t use a one-size-fits-all approach when  writing your resume . While such an approach allows you to send out more resumes in a short time, recruiters can tell when applicants have made a careless or hasty effort.

Even though it takes longer, tailoring your resume to every IT manager position you apply to will make your resume stand out when viewed by recruiters. You can perform extensive customization on your resume in the following sections:

  • Job description bullet points
  • Objective/summary sections

IT manager resume

You can customize your resume for an IT manager role by providing in-depth information about your experience as an IT manager. As mentioned previously, use quantitative data to talk about the teams you’ve managed, how much revenue you drove, and how the projects you led benefited the company. The skills you emphasize should include those needed for the IT manager position, which extends to knowledge of various operating systems and project management skills.

IT project manager resume

When applying for an IT project manager job, detail the projects you’ve managed in previous employment. Include quantitative data that displays how successful these projects were. Along with hard skills, make sure that you include soft leadership skills essential for a project manager, including delegating tasks to team members and communicating with executive leadership during a project.

Senior IT manager resume

When customizing your work experience bullet points, it’s important to  show  how your responsibilities have increased from position to position. Metrics are a great way to customize your senior IT manager resume. These metrics can include everything from saving on the budget and revenue to customer adoption and team size. Including a detailed objective can also inform recruiters  why  you want the position in a manner that could set you apart from other applicants.

IT production support manager resume

When applying for a support manager job, you should customize your IT production support manager resume by highlighting  how  you used your technical expertise to provide IT support in previous employment. Even if you don’t have extensive experience, you should mention any tasks you’ve performed that display your technical expertise, including developing software that enhanced customer satisfaction and increased efficiency with ticket resolutions.

IT application manager resume

If you’ve worked with or managed IT applications in the past, customizing your IT application manager resume for this specific position involves showing how you implemented new features and improved applications in your previous roles. Consider mentioning the number of users for the previous applications you developed. If you have some experience as an application manager, note how many team members you managed at a given time.

IT program manager resume

Some of the most important skills for your IT program manager resume include budgeting knowledge, project management skills, negotiation capabilities, and strategic thinking. If you’ve had multiple IT jobs over the past 10-15 years, it’s important to show how your responsibilities have increased as you’ve moved from one role to another. Start with the last job you had, using the reverse-chronological format.

IT services manager resume

When applying for an IT services manager role, numbers are essential and help customize your IT services manager resume. The metrics you use to highlight past success as a services manager include time-to-repair, the number of people you oversaw, KPI metrics, and revenue boosted. Your skills should emphasize networking infrastructure, technical reporting, digital security, and troubleshooting, all of which could be keywords that applicant tracking software seeks.

IT operations manager resume

As an IT operations manager, you will be responsible for ensuring that all services and infrastructure work securely and reliably. You can customize your IT operations manager resume by going into detail about the tech projects and processes you’ve overseen in past jobs. Any experience in data analytics and cyber security should also be highlighted in the work experience or resume objective sections.

IT asset manager resume

As an IT asset manager, you will be tasked with managing and protecting all of the company’s IT assets, including processes, systems, and hardware. Important skills include asset procurement, asset lifecycles, international logistics, and forecasting.

You should customize each aspect of your IT asset manager resume to showcase your leadership abilities and above-the-board integrity. Include any statistics or information in your work experience showing that you’re trustworthy when handling company assets.

it manager resume objective examples

Key points for your IT manager resume

Polish and perfect your IT manager resume:

  • Focus on your IT manager skills and keywords to get through the ATS
  • Format your IT manager resume properly by using bullet points whenever possible, keeping it to a single page, and using the reverse-chronological order
  • Write an IT manager resume objective or summary if you intend to customize it to the role
  • Provide prospective employers with data, statistics, and metrics that highlight your dynamite impact as an IT manager

Great job in taking your IT manager resume seriously! You cared enough to stick with us to the end, but it’s the beginning of a bright future for you.

If you need any help with your resume, we invite you to use our  free resume checker  to upload your current resume and check it against our AI-powered tips. You can also benefit from our  resume builder , making it a cinch to develop an effective resume from scratch.

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  • Information technology
  • IT manager objectives and summaries

IT manager

IT manager Objectives and summaries

30 IT manager objectives and summaries found

A well-written objective or summary on your resume can be the difference between getting rejected, or getting invited for an interview. Copy any of these IT manager objective or summary examples, and use it as inspiration for your own resume. All examples are written by certified resume experts, and free for personal use.

Learn more about: objective vs. summary

Scrum master

Summary examples.

Self-driven, energetic, and collaborative scrum master with project management experience and thorough understanding of Agile scrum methodologies. Efficient, organized, and proactive coordinator with excellent communication skills, business acumen, and ability to meet goals within fast-paced environments. Collaborative and supportive team player with team-building and relationship management competencies.

Creative and process-driven Certified Scrum Master with 12+ years of experience in guiding multiple teams using Agile/Scrum practices while delivering quality software and solutions to the organization. Establishes Scrum processes and ceremonies in the team-of-team model. Excellent communication and prioritization skills while thriving in an ambiguous, time-constraint, and matrixed environment. Deep understanding of the software development lifecycle as well as client discovery, design, UAT, and deployment phases.

Self-motivated, innovative, and certified scrum master (CSM) with 7 years’ leadership experience and certified Scrum Alliance designation. Knowledgeable and proficient project manager with ability to lead cross-functional teams while ensuring adherence to Agile methodologies and best practices. Analytical and intuitive collaborator able to liaise with business leaders, stakeholders, and internal / external clients.

Objective examples

Dedicated, efficient, and motivating scrum master with 3 years’ project management experience, eager to partner with a company focused on long-term growth and technical innovations. Collaborative team player and organizer looking for an opportunity for personal growth and long-term success.

Innovative and proficient scrum master looking to leverage project management experience and strong problem-solving skills to support complex projects and continuous improvement for a notable company. Analytical researcher able to pursue further certifications in Agile and scrum methodologies as needed.

Organized, detail-oriented, and ambitious scrum master eager to leverage team leadership skills and certified scrum master certification (CMS) to drive process improvement sprints and champion Agile methodologies to improve interdepartmental efficiency for an established and innovative business.

Strategic, client-focused Senior Information Technology Manager with 10 years of success in designing, developing, implementing, and supporting software, hardware, and networking solutions internationally. Built cost-effective and well-designed solutions to ensure optimal system performance across multi-million-dollar company growth. Commended for the ability to transcend barriers between technology, creativity, and business, by aligning and engaging quickly with upper management and developers.

Tech-savvy IT Manager with over three years of coordinating the support, updating, and rollout of business-critical IT solutions. A results-focused leader with an impeccable track record of leveraging KPIs to develop quality enhancement and cost-saving strategies. Proven capacity to handle complex business and technical problems and work effectively with individuals at all levels.

Strategic IT executive who has supervised the tech side of business transformations, along with mergers and acquisitions. Leads and secures the total cost of ownership, cost reductions for technology spend, and institutionalizes strategic category sourcing. Talent for launching programs related to IT Infrastructure, IT Operations, WAN Technologies, Data Center Operations, Hybrid-cloud, and Cloud Migration. Transforms underperforming IT departments from cost centers to business drivers.

Seeking an IT manager role within ABC Company to utilize experience in implementing technical solutions in cost reduction, quality improvement, and technical staff performance.

Transformational IT Manager with a successful track record in developing sophisticated applications and managing the technical aspects of company operations. Seeking a management position within a reputable firm to improve staff performance and slash costs.

Seasoned IT Manager seeking technical management roles within the banking industry. Offering proven expertise in technical operations coordination and a track record of surpassing stakeholder expectations.

IT director

Motivational IT leader with 10+ years’ project management and team leadership experience. Driven solutions manager with history of leading enterprise-level migration initiatives, software implementation, and global IT system launches. Cross-functional operations manager able to direct technology teams and head Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC) projects from conception through to completion.

Accomplished, flexible, and proactive IT director with a proven track record coordinating architecture implementation and deployment operations for several notable tech companies. Collaborative and motivational team leader with excellent written communication skills, a solution-oriented approach towards client consultations, and a passion for promoting talent development.

Results-driven IT leader with applicable Bachelor of Science degree in Information Technology and Certified Associate in Project Management (CAPM) certification. Confident and detail-oriented team leader able to drive critical infrastructure architecture and implementation efforts. Reliable Subject Matter Expert (SME) effective at multi-tasking to drive technical projects, manage IT teams, and support business needs.

Professional and dedicated IT director well-versed in providing tailored technology solutions to meet client needs. Seeking to partner with organization with ambitious expansion and improvement goals, bringing ability to direct management operations and coordinate high-level IT projects.

Motivated and disciplined technology leader seeking company with aspirations in operational performance improvement with room for professional growth. Accomplished IT professional eager to apply skills in software architecture and system administration towards advancing large scale IT goals.

Seasoned technology leader seeking opportunities to leverage 15+ years’ experience coordinating complex system automation projects and lead enterprise-level initiatives to support company growth. Ambitious innovator ready to support process improvements and head data infrastructure programs.

IT project manager

Performance-driven Project Manager who leads teams to design and implement successful IT projects that align business and IT objectives and deliver rapid results. Proven track record of success in managing complex IT modernization and system integration projects. Sophisticated software development and engineering skills with genuine enthusiasm for resolving business challenges through technical innovation. Devise strategies to align multiple disciplines, coordinating efforts between business groups, and driving complex systems integration for robust, high-quality solutions.

Results-oriented IT Project Manager with three years of experience in full-cycle management of large-scale IT projects. Track record of delivering projects within the time, quality, and cost parameters. Able to manage development teams of up to 40 (in-house and remote), control costs, strategically allocate resources and resolve technical problems.

Process-driven IT Project Manager with 10+ years of experience leading the end-to-end project delivery of B2B, OTT, and SAAS solutions for high profile, multi-industrial. Adept at maintaining focus on achieving bottom-line results while formulating and implementing advanced technology and business solutions to meet a diversity of needs. Inspirational leader with a talent for building top-performing IT teams empowered by best processes to deliver projects on time and within budget. Keeps enterprises agile by adopting new technologies and develops high-impact strategies.

Results-driven Manager looking for an IT project management position within the financial services sector to utilize strategic planning, technology implementation, and team leadership expertise.

Resourceful IT Project Manager seeking a position at start-up tech firm to utilize strategic project planning expertise in revitalizing the project management function.

Seeking an IT Project Manager position with ABC Company, offering three years’ experience in delivering multi-million-dollar projects within the constraints of time, quality, and costs.

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Resume examples

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Resume examples

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10 IT Manager Resume Examples for Your 2024 Job Search

IT Managers have expertise in managing technology, processes and teams. Similarly, a great IT Manager resume is organized, well-structured, and outlined with evidence of leadership skills. In this guide, we'll review 10 impressive IT Manager resumes to help you position yourself for success in 2023.

it manager resume

Resume Examples

Resume guidance.

  • High Level Resume Tips
  • Must-Have Information
  • Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important
  • Writing an Exceptional Resume Summary
  • How to Impress with Your Work Experience
  • Top Skills & Keywords
  • Go Above & Beyond with a Cover Letter
  • Resume FAQs
  • Related Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on IT Manager Resumes:

  • Create systems and network architecture to ensure the company’s IT infrastructure is updated and up-to-date
  • Develop, implement and manage a plan to protect the company’s data and systems from external threats
  • Manage SaaS vendors and hardware maintenance contracts to ensure the maximum performance of IT infrastructure
  • Develop training and support programs for staff to ensure understanding of new healthcare IT technologies
  • Establish new systems and applications to increase productivity and efficiency
  • Monitor and review performance of IT system and operations to anticipate problems
  • Plan, lead, and schedule IT projects to meet company objectives
  • Work with project team to set objectives, review progress and report project results
  • Train and supervise technical and non-technical staff
  • Provide guidance for purchasing of computer hardware, software, and supplies
  • Administer networks and infrastructure, including servers and firewalls
  • Coordinate with vendors and other departments to ensure seamless operation and maintenance of IT infrastructure
  • Manage IT budget and ensure cost savings initiatives are implemented
  • Maintain and support IT Service Level Agreement
  • Manage data backups, network security, system performance and"

You can use the examples above as a starting point to help you brainstorm tasks, accomplishments for your work experience section.

IT Manager Resume Example:

  • Led the design and implementation of a new IT infrastructure, resulting in a 20% increase in system uptime and a 15% reduction in IT costs.
  • Successfully managed multiple IT projects, resulting in a 25% increase in project completion rate and a 20% increase in project success rate.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to deliver on-time and on-budget projects and initiatives.
  • Implemented and managed IT projects, resulting in a 10% increase in project completion rate and a 15% increase in project success rate
  • Developed and executed IT strategies, resulting in a 15% increase in system performance and security
  • Worked with cross-functional teams to develop and execute on-time and on-budget projects and initiatives
  • Assisted in the management of IT projects, resulting in a positive impact on the company's overall performance
  • Demonstrated strong attention to detail, resulting in a 25% decrease in errors
  • Provided support to senior IT managers, resulting in a positive impact on the company's overall performance
  • IT Infrastructure Design
  • Project Management
  • Proactive Planning and Execution
  • System Administration
  • Strategic Decision Making
  • Cost Control
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration
  • IT Project Development
  • Data Analysis and Modeling
  • Security Implementation
  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Risk Analysis and Management
  • Problem Resolution
  • System Testing and Evaluation
  • Troubleshooting and Technical Support
  • Software Installation and Upgrade
  • Database and Network Management
  • Agile Project Methodologies
  • Automation and Process Improvement
  • Computer Science
  • Management Information Systems

Assistant IT Manager Resume Example:

  • Implemented strategy that achieved an 83% reduction in IT system downtime over 12 months.
  • Optimized budget by 25%, reducing operating costs and increasing efficiency.
  • Developed advanced data backup and disaster recovery procedures, which increased system resilience by 96%.
  • Streamlined the IT user support process, reducing request resolution time by 33%
  • Consolidated hardware and software resources, eliminating redundancies and saving $75,000 in annual costs
  • Developed and implemented new protocols for network security and access control, reducing security incidents by 50%
  • Spearheaded the creation of a new IT Operations Center, completing setup in 3 weeks and increasing uptime across systems by 41%
  • Led team trainings on IT operational processes and best practices, resulting in an average efficiency rate of 76%
  • Led successful deployment of new enterprise resource planning system, increasing staff productivity by 25%
  • Strategic Planning
  • Process Optimization
  • Budget Management
  • Data Backups & Disaster Recovery
  • Network Security & Access Control
  • IT Operations & Best Practices
  • System Deployment & Implementation
  • Team Leadership & Training
  • Cost Reduction & Efficiency Improvement
  • Information Technology

Entry Level IT Manager Resume Example:

  • Developed data-driven metrics to optimize network performance and ensure 99.5% uptime across the enterprise IT Services.
  • Collaborated with senior IT personnel for the successful implementation of an IT security system, reducing risk of security threats by 15%.
  • Installed and maintained computer systems and networks, ensuring that all standards for IT operations and processes were met.
  • Constructed an extensive database documentation to training and manage junior IT staff, resulting in a 10% increase in efficiency.
  • Led the development and rollout of a new inventory control system, reducing IT costs by 8%.
  • Established clear communication lines between the IT department and stakeholders and maintained updated records to facilitate company-wide understanding.
  • Created preventative measures to protect against system outages and data loss, resulting in improved customer service satisfaction and minimizing downtime by 20%
  • Spearheaded a project related to IT systems and process improvements, boosting productivity by 8%
  • Provided technical advice, best practices and troubleshooting to stakeholders, resulting in faster resolution to IT-related issues
  • IT Project Management
  • Systems Administration
  • Data Analytics
  • Network Security
  • System Architecture and Design
  • Inventory Control
  • Process Improvement
  • Database Administration and Management
  • IT Networking
  • Systems Troubleshooting
  • Cloud Computing
  • Training and Development
  • Data Management
  • Service Desk Support
  • Technical Writing

IT Technical Manager Resume Example:

  • Led IT teams in the successful adoption and integration of sophisticated new technologies to bolster daily operations
  • Designed and executed cost-effective vendor contracts that established long-term financial viability of the organization
  • Facilitated standardized backup solutions and maintenance processes that improved system uptime by 18%
  • Devised an effective project management strategy that resulted in the successful implementation of 3 enterprise-wide network solutions
  • Refined and implemented system security protocols to maintain GDPR and SOC 2 compliance
  • Established an efficient help desk system to reduce time to fix technical issues by 40%
  • Developed innovative technical solutions that enabled the organization to stay competitive with industry trends
  • Provided consistent technical guidance to various teams and departments on best practices for optimization
  • Utilized reliable diagnostic skills to troubleshoot and resolve a wide range of IT issues
  • Vendor Negotiation
  • Network Solutions Architecture
  • System Security Protocols
  • Help Desk System Creation
  • Risk Assessment Analysis
  • Technical Problem Solving
  • Data Backup Solutions
  • IT Compliance Standards
  • Software/Hardware Installation
  • System Administration/Management
  • User Training/Support
  • System Troubleshooting
  • Software Upgrades/Patches
  • Data Analysis/Reporting
  • Disaster Recovery Planning
  • Network Performance Monitoring

IT Helpdesk Resume Example:

  • Implemented security protocols, monitored and maintained company systems, and resolved user issues before escalations with an average response time of 6 minutes
  • Evaluated and introduced new IT solutions, including hardware and software, to increase employee productivity by 30%
  • Developed and trained end-users on company-specific applications and software that decreased help desk tickets over 45%
  • Reduced total system downtime by 40% through successful diagnostic and preventive maintenance on systems, networks, and applications
  • Researched and successfully integrated a cloud-based system to streamline operations and improve customer service
  • Flawlessly maintained and updated inventory of IT resources, troubleshooting any issues and providing solutions in a swift and effective manner
  • Constructed and launched video tutorials and user guides to help end-users on how to use the system with improved accuracy and efficiency
  • Assisted in the installation and configuration of various software and hardware, ensuring minimal error and zero downtime
  • Consistently exceeded expectations for end-user onboarding, providing them with technical support and training and leading to a 95% customer satisfaction rating
  • Network troubleshooting and diagnostics
  • System/Server administration
  • Data/System security protocols
  • End-user support & training
  • Remote IT Infrastructure management
  • System integration and configuration
  • Cloud computing and storage
  • Installation of hardware and software
  • Antivirus, anti-malware and malware removal
  • Network monitoring and performance optimization
  • User account administration & management
  • Network and system scripting
  • Documentation and user guides creation
  • Scripting & Automation technologies
  • Incident handling & resolution
  • Helpdesk ticketing software
  • IT asset inventory management
  • Video conferencing & remote access tools
  • VoIPand telecommunication techniques
  • Change & Problem Management principles

IT Intern Resume Example:

  • Implemented improved processes in setting up workstations to ensure efficient troubleshooting of network connections
  • Prepared comprehensive IT policies and procedures to ensure operational best practices
  • Monitored network performance and quickly identified and troubleshooted outages to prevent any disruption in service
  • Answered end user inquiries pertaining to computer hardware and software, providing timely solutions to ensure minimal downtime
  • Developed, documented and maintained corporate webpages and intranet to ensure up-to-date content
  • Assisted with software implementation, testing and training, leading to successful adoption of new IT initiatives
  • Gathered and analyzed application requirements from stakeholders, providing clear directions and insight to projects
  • Supported auditing of IT operations to ensure consistency in the quality of services
  • Recommended potential improvements for current and future IT projects, leading to increased user efficiency and cost-savings
  • Network Administration
  • IT Troubleshooting
  • Software Implementation
  • Technical Support
  • Web Development
  • Problem Solving
  • Data Analysis
  • Documentation
  • Quality Assurance
  • User Training
  • Software Testing
  • End User Support
  • Auditing Procedures
  • System Monitoring
  • Requirements Gathering
  • Recommendations

IT Service Manager Resume Example:

  • Orchestrated the implementation of Availability, Capacity ,Security, and Incident Management processes, resulting in a significant reduction of service delivery issues and improved customer satisfaction
  • Led incident and problem management initiatives which resulted in a 30% decrease in service downtime
  • Designed and directed an effective communication and feedback system to allow for better collaboration between IT service department, customer service, and other departments
  • Hired, scheduled and trained 7 IT staff, executing a detailed improvement plan that drove efficiencies and productivity within the IT service department
  • Implemented a change control process which reduced costs and risks associated with alterations to IT infrastructure
  • Established and maintained key vendor relationships to ensure that most up-to-date and cost effective solutions are in place
  • Analyzed data to identify trends and develop strategies to increase IT service performance
  • Produced and distributed comprehensive monthly IT service reports to operations and senior management
  • Created and enforced service management policies and standards based on applicable regulations, maximizing compliance and minimizing risk
  • IT Service Delivery
  • Availability Management
  • Capacity Management
  • Security Management
  • Incident Management
  • Problem Management
  • IT Staff Training & Development
  • Change Control Processes
  • Vendor Management
  • Knowledge of IT Regulations & Compliance
  • Data Analysis & Reporting
  • IT Service Policy & Standard Implementation
  • Risk Assessments & Mitigation
  • Team Leadership
  • Communication & Interpersonal Skills
  • Service Level Management
  • Problem-solving & Critical Thinking
  • Organizational & Time Management Skills
  • Detail-oriented & Quality Assurance
  • Automation & Optimization
  • Information Systems

IT Support Manager Resume Example:

  • Enhanced organization’s IT infrastructure by implementing secure authentication system, resulting in strengthened protection of confidential data
  • Led the successful migration of existing IT systems to the cloud, increasing operational efficiency and reducing downtime by 30%
  • Trained and mentored 5 IT support team members, creating a more productive and knowledgeable IT support staff for the organization
  • Developed IT policies and procedures that improved security and compliance company-wide; achieved top-level performance standards within 6 months
  • Reduced IT service delivery time by 20% through the automation of certain tasks and equal distribution of workload across the team
  • Created a helpdesk system model that improved customer service and resolution time of user issues by 40%
  • Established and maintained datasets for performance monitoring of IT systems, ensuring uninterrupted operations and use
  • Utilized latest security protocols and best practices to implement improved disaster recovery and business continuity strategies
  • Significantly reduced technical expenses by negotiating contracts with 3 major vendors to supply $200,000 of IT system and resource upgrades
  • Cloud Migration
  • IT System Management
  • IT Security & Compliance
  • Automated Task Management
  • Training & Mentoring
  • Helpdesk System Modeling
  • Performance Monitoring
  • Disaster Recovery & Business Continuity Strategies
  • Technical Troubleshooting
  • Networking & Infrastructure
  • Customer Service
  • Data Analysis & Platform Optimization
  • Documentation & Report Writing
  • ITIL Framework
  • System Design & Architecture
  • Leadership & Team Building
  • Problem Solving & Decision Making
  • Interpersonal & Communication Skills
  • Budget Management & Cost Control
  • Business Management

IT Support Specialist Resume Example:

  • Provided comprehensive technical support and maintenance to 50+ end-users across the organization, resolving hardware, software and network issues in a timely fashion
  • Reduced helpdesk tickets by over 25% with the implementation of a remote access system
  • Collaborated with team to update and maintain Windows & Mac operating systems and installed and configured applications across the organization
  • Troubleshot complex network and hardware issues, isolating the source of problems and implementing the most cost-effective solutions
  • Assisted in staff training and mentoring initiatives to onboard over 25 new users onto the system
  • Offered comprehensive and detailed documentation of IT processes and procedures to better facilitate understanding and usage within the organization
  • Quantum leaped helpdesk resolution times with the deployment of automated IT systems
  • Performed regular backups and disaster recovery procedures to ensure data security and system integrity
  • Optimized network performance and addressed IT security issues to ensure compliance with industry standards
  • System installation and maintenance
  • Network administration
  • Security management
  • Diagnosis and troubleshooting of IT issues
  • End-user support
  • Remote support
  • Backup and recovery operations
  • IT standard compliance
  • Automated IT systems
  • Helpdesk management
  • Training and mentoring
  • Performance optimization
  • Network monitoring and optimization
  • Documentation and recordkeeping
  • Time management and problem-solving ability
  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Knowledge of computer hardware, software and peripherals
  • Knowledge of IT standards and protocols
  • Knowledge of customer service best practices.

Senior IT Manager Resume Example:

  • Spearheaded the successful implementation of a new network architecture that increased system performance by 36%, cutting energy consumption costs by 22%
  • Led team of six on a software evaluation project, researching options and weighing legal, financial, and technical considerations
  • Chosen software decreased operating costs by 15%
  • Developed comprehensive IT security policies and protocols, driving compliance with industry components and best practices
  • Achieved 999% SLA adherence
  • Sourced and negotiated the purchase of cutting-edge hardware and software resources, saving the organization over 20% in operational costs
  • Drove the successful deployment of a new strategic IT plan focused on maximizing ROI and eliminating redundancies
  • Recruited, trained, and mentored a team of 7 junior IT professionals, significantly improving the quality of customer service
  • Network Architecture Design
  • Software Management
  • IT Security Policies and Protocols
  • Resource Sourcing and Negotiating
  • IT Planning & Strategy
  • Recruiting and Training
  • IT Budget Management
  • Technology Trend Analysis
  • Online Collaboration Platforms
  • System Performance Optimization
  • Regulatory Compliance
  • Change Management
  • Risk Management
  • Documentation Creation
  • Mathematics

Digital Transformation Specialist Resume Example:

  • Strategic Planning & Execution
  • Data Analytics & Business Intelligence
  • Artificial Intelligence & Machine Learning Integration
  • Customer Experience Enhancement
  • CRM Systems Implementation
  • ERP Systems Implementation
  • Cybersecurity Measures
  • Vendor Management & Negotiation
  • Cloud Computing Solutions
  • Performance Metrics & KPI Development
  • Digital Culture Advocacy
  • Staff Training & Development
  • Technology Adoption & User Proficiency
  • Cost Reduction Strategies
  • Service Level Agreement (SLA) Management
  • Leadership & Team Building
  • Communication Skills
  • Problem-Solving
  • Innovation Management
  • Continuous Improvement

IT Technician Resume Example:

  • Technical support and troubleshooting
  • IT service management (ITSM)
  • Knowledge of ticketing systems
  • Network administration and performance tuning
  • Security protocols and cybersecurity measures
  • Data backup and disaster recovery planning
  • System monitoring and proactive maintenance
  • Software and hardware upgrades
  • IT project management
  • Vendor management and negotiation
  • Training and staff development
  • Process automation and optimization
  • Operating system deployment and management
  • Cost reduction and budget management
  • Adaptability and continuous learning

Helpdesk Technician Resume Example:

  • Streamlined the ticketing process by implementing a new categorization system, reducing average resolution time by 30% and improving user satisfaction ratings by 20%.
  • Developed and conducted a series of workshops on cybersecurity best practices, leading to a 40% reduction in user-related security incidents over a six-month period.
  • Played a pivotal role in a company-wide software upgrade for over 500 workstations, completing the project two weeks ahead of schedule and with zero downtime during operational hours.
  • Orchestrated the transition to a remote support model, increasing the helpdesk's case handling capacity by 35% while maintaining a 95% issue resolution rate.
  • Implemented a proactive maintenance schedule that decreased system outages by 25%, ensuring higher availability and reliability of IT resources.
  • Collaborated with the IT team to roll out a self-service portal, which reduced the volume of routine helpdesk requests by 50% and allowed technicians to focus on more complex issues.
  • Reduced call wait times by 15% and improved first-call resolution rates to 85% through the optimization of helpdesk workflows and resource allocation.
  • Managed the end-to-end user onboarding process for over 300 new employees, ensuring a seamless integration into the company's IT ecosystem and a 98% satisfaction rate.
  • Initiated a quarterly review of the helpdesk's knowledge base, updating over 200 articles and increasing the use of self-help resources by users by 60%.
  • Technical Support & Troubleshooting
  • Knowledge of IT Service Management (ITSM) Tools
  • Customer Service Excellence
  • Problem-Solving Skills
  • Knowledge Base Development
  • Process Automation
  • Remote Support Proficiency
  • System Maintenance & Optimization
  • IT Infrastructure Knowledge
  • Cybersecurity Awareness & Training
  • Network Reliability & Performance Tuning
  • Software Deployment & Management
  • Inventory Management
  • Policy Development & Implementation
  • Time Management
  • Adaptability to Change
  • Team Collaboration
  • Documentation Skills

High Level Resume Tips for IT Managers:

Focus on technology expertise:

As an IT Manager, the bulk of your resume should showcase the technology-specific skills and expertise you can bring to the position. Be sure to call out your experience with hardware and software, as well as programming and networking. Highlight project successes:

Explain the complete range of IT projects you’ve managed, and emphasize the most successful or impactful initiatives your team achieved. For each project, include key metrics that demonstrate the reach and effect of your success. Demonstrate problem-solving capabilities:

IT Managers must be able to identify problems, diagnose solutions, and execute on strategies that guarantee results. Emphasize how you’ve demonstrated those capabilities in past projects and how you can leverage those skills for the job you’re applying for. Showcase planning and organizational skills:

IT Managers must have strong organizational and planning abilities to ensure technology systems and projects stay on track. Highlight your experience with time and budget management, negotiations with vendors, and overseeing team workflow. Stay up to date on the industry:

Mention any relevant certifications and/or industry qualifications, such as certifications from IT vendors and other relevant tech organizations. Demonstrate that you stay on top of the latest developments in the IT world.

Must-Have Information for a IT Manager Resume:

Here are the essential sections that should exist in a it manager resume:

  • Contact Information
  • Resume Headline
  • Resume Summary or Objective
  • Work Experience & Achievements
  • Skills & Competencies

Additionally, if you're eager to make an impression and gain an edge over other it manager candidates, you may want to consider adding in these sections:

  • Certifications/Training

Let's start with resume headlines.

Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important for IT Managers:

It manager resume headline examples:, strong headlines.

IT Manager with 4+ Years of Experience in Data Infrastructure

Forward-thinking IT Manager Skilled in Process Improvement

Good headlines provide details as to the position, work experience, and specific skills held by the person applying. The first example highlights the person's specific job title of IT Manager and four years of experience in the field of data infrastructure. The second example emphasizes the IT Manager's ability to think ahead and ensure process improvement.

Weak Headlines

Accomplished Expert in IT

Experienced and Skilled IT Manager

On the other hand, bad headlines lack detail and showcase generic skills, such as the first example which simply states

Accomplished Expert in IT. The second example does provide the job title, but omits details regarding the IT Manager's experience and skillset.

Writing an Exceptional IT Manager Resume Summary:

Resume summaries are an important section for IT Managers to include on a resume because it's an opportunity to encapsulate the most important skills, experience, and accomplishments in their career, related to the individual role they are applying for. Resume summaries are one of the most read sections of a resume and are an effective way to make a case for yourself as a great fit for the position. For IT Managers, a resume summary is particularly important because it should emphasize the technical and managerial skills required for the role.

Here are some tips for how you can you leverage your summary most effectively:

  • Highlight your technical and managerial skills: Be sure to list the technical and managerial skills that make you the ideal candidate for the job. Examples could include your knowledge of coding languages, software development, and experience managing IT teams.
  • Showcase relevant accomplishments: Use your resume summary to showcase any relevant accomplishments that demonstrate how you have used your skills to achieve success in the past.
  • Tailor it to the job: Make sure to tailor your resume summary to the specific job you are applying for. This will help the employer quickly assess if you have the right skills and experience for the job.
  • Keep it succinct and to the point: As a best practice, keep your resummary under 4 sentences.

IT Manager Resume Summary Examples:

Strong summaries.

  • Experienced IT Manager with 4+ years of experience in leading IT projects and teams. Skilled in coordinating resources, developing and implementing IT strategies, and managing vendors to ensure successful project completion.
  • Proactive IT Manager with 4+ years of experience in overseeing IT operations and providing technical guidance. Adept at using predictive analytics and process optimization tools to improve efficiency and reduce costs.

Why these are strong:

  • Both summaries are concise, feature the required experience, and provide specific examples of skills and expertise. This provides the reader with a clear understanding of the IT Manager's abilities and experience.

Weak Summaries

  • Experienced IT Manager with 4+ years of experience. Skilled in IT projects and teams.
  • IT Manager with 4+ years of experience. Adept at coordinating resources and developing IT strategies.

Why these are weak:

  • These summaries are too vague and lack detail. They do not provide any concrete examples of the IT Manager's experience or abilities, which would give the reader a better sense of their qualifications.

Resume Objective Examples for IT Managers:

Strong objectives.

Recent IT graduate seeking to leverage my knowledge of database programming and system administration to join a cutting-edge IT team and drive forward innovative and successful DevOps projects.

Aspiring IT Manager keen to use my enthusiasm and problem-solving skills to develop and maintain cost-effective IT systems in support of a team’s success.

  • What makes the great objectives great is that they explicitly and concisely demonstrate the candidate’s knowledge, technical skills and enthusiasm. Each objective statement demonstrates how the candidate can contribute to the team, in terms of their knowledge and skills.

Weak Objectives

Looking for an IT Manager job in order to freshen up my resume and build more years of experience.

Eager to improve the current IT structure and upgrade technology to streamline the process.

  • What makes the poor objectives poor is that they are too vague and lacking in detail. The first one does not focus on the skills the candidate has, but rather on the benefits they can receive. The second is too general and does not explain what specific skills or knowledge the candidate has.

Generate Your Resume Summary with AI

Speed up your resume creation process with the ai resume builder . generate tailored resume summaries in seconds., how to impress with your it manager work experience:, best practices for your work experience section:.

  • Make sure to list out your direct accomplishments rather than your day-to-day responsibilities to give potential recruiters a clear understanding of your technical ability and the positive impact you had on the organization.
  • Highlight the technologies and systems you have managed and implemented.
  • Describe challenges that you solved, initiatives you drove, and strategies that you used to increase efficiency and quality of IT systems.
  • Describe projects that demonstrate your ability to lead a team, manage resources and maintain control of tight deadlines.
  • Explain the tools and methodologies that you used to achieve success.
  • Remind recruiters of the number of systems or networks that you were able to manage simultaneously.
  • Discuss investment cost savings and risks you identified and addressed to maintain security of vital data and systems.
  • Use a consistent formatting approach that sets you apart from the competition.
  • Use bolded words and action verbs to draw attention to your roles and accomplishments.
  • Include sufficient information but refrain from using too much technical jargon which may be off-putting to lay people.
  • Make sure to keep the resume concise and use bullet points as often as possible.

Example Work Experiences for IT Managers:

Strong experiences.

Led a team of 10 developers in the design, development, and implementation of a custom software solution, resulting in a 30% increase in efficiency for the company.

Successfully managed a budget of $2 million for an IT infrastructure upgrade project, which included hardware, software, and cloud services, resulting in improved system reliability and better data security.

Developed and implemented an IT service desk system that streamlined the company's support processes, reducing downtime and increasing employee productivity.

Oversaw the migration of the company's entire IT infrastructure to the cloud, resulting in cost savings and improved scalability and accessibility.

Developed and implemented IT policies and procedures that were aligned with industry standards and regulations, resulting in improved data security and compliance.

Led a team in the development of an enterprise-wide data analytics system that provided real-time insights for the executive team, resulting in better decision-making and improved business outcomes.

  • These work experiences demonstrate the IT Manager's leadership, project management, and technical skills, as well as their ability to align IT with business goals and objectives. The examples show successful implementation of large-scale projects, effective management of teams and budgets, and ability to develop and implement new IT systems and policies that improved the company's efficiency, security, and compliance. Additionally, the bullet points are quantifiable, with specific metrics and results that show the impact of the IT Manager's work on the company.

Weak Experiences

Led a project to develop a new software system for the company, but it was delivered months late and over budget

Failed to communicate effectively with the development team, leading to misunderstandings and rework

Did not establish clear project goals and timelines, which caused confusion and delays

Managed a team of IT professionals, but turnover was high and morale was low

Did not provide adequate training or support for team members, resulting in poor performance and frequent errors

Failed to recognize and address employee concerns, leading to low job satisfaction and productivity

  • Both of these work experiences demonstrate poor project management and leadership skills. The first experience shows that the IT manager did not effectively manage a project, which led to delays and cost overruns. The second experience highlights the negative impact of poor management on team members, leading to high turnover and low morale. Hiring managers value IT managers who can effectively manage projects and teams to achieve organizational goals, and these experiences do not demonstrate those skills.

Top Skills & Keywords for IT Manager Resumes:

Top hard & soft skills for it managers, hard skills.

  • Project management
  • Security architecture
  • System design and development
  • Risk management
  • Data analysis
  • System architecture
  • Troubleshooting
  • Software development
  • Database administration
  • System automation

Soft Skills

  • Strategic Thinking
  • Interpersonal Skills
  • Adaptability
  • Decision Making
  • Detail-Oriented

Go Above & Beyond with a IT Manager Cover Letter

It manager cover letter example: (based on resume).

Dear Hiring Manager, I am excited to apply for the IT Manager position at [Company Name], and I believe my experience and skills make me an ideal candidate for this role. My track record in IT management speaks for itself. I have led the design and implementation of new IT infrastructures, resulting in a 20% increase in system uptime and a 15% reduction in IT costs. Additionally, I have successfully managed multiple IT projects, resulting in a 25% increase in project completion rate and a 20% increase in project success rate. As a collaborative team player, I have a proven track record of working with cross-functional teams to deliver on-time and on-budget projects and initiatives. I have also developed and executed IT strategies that have resulted in a 15% increase in system performance and security. My attention to detail has been instrumental in my success in managing IT projects, resulting in a 25% decrease in errors. I have also provided support to senior IT managers, making a positive impact on the company's overall performance. I am confident in my ability to make significant contributions to your team, and I am excited about the opportunity to bring my expertise and experience to your organization. ‍

Thank you for considering my application. I look forward to the opportunity to discuss my qualifications further. Sincerely, [Your Name]

A cover letter is a valuable tool for any job seeker, and this is especially true for IT managers. IT management is a highly competitive field, and a cover letter can help you stand out from other applicants. It can showcase your communication skills, highlight your relevant experience, and demonstrate your enthusiasm for the position.

While a resume provides a summary of your skills and experience, a cover letter allows you to personalize your application and connect with the hiring manager on a deeper level. It's an opportunity to tell your story, explain why you're passionate about IT management, and show how you can add value to the organization.

Here are some of the key reasons for pairing your IT manager resume with a cover letter:

  • It demonstrates your communication skills: As an IT manager, communication is key. Your cover letter provides an opportunity to showcase your ability to write clearly and concisely, and to convey your ideas effectively.
  • It shows your enthusiasm for the position: A well-written cover letter can demonstrate your passion for the role and the organization. This can make a big difference in the hiring manager's decision-making process.
  • It highlights your relevant experience: Your cover letter allows you to explain how your skills and experience align with the requirements of the job. This can help the hiring manager understand why you're a good fit for the role.
  • It sets you apart from other applicants: A well-crafted cover letter can help you stand out from other applicants who may have similar experience and qualifications.

We understand that writing a cover letter may seem daunting, but it doesn't have to be. Remember that the cover letter is an extension of your resume, so you can use the same format and content as your resume. It's also a chance to address any gaps or questions that the hiring manager may have after reading your resume.

Tips for aligning your cover letter with your resume:

  • Use the same header as your resume: This will help the hiring manager identify your application as a complete package.
  • Align the content of your cover letter with the requirements of the job: Use the job description as a guide to highlight your relevant skills and experience.
  • Use keywords from the job posting: Incorporate relevant keywords from the job posting to help your application get past applicant tracking systems (ATS).
  • Keep your cover letter concise and focused: Aim for one page and avoid repeating information from your resume.
  • Proofread carefully: Errors in your cover letter can undermine your credibility, so make sure to proofread carefully before submitting your application.

Resume FAQs for IT Managers:

How long should i make my it manager resume.

The ideal length for an IT Manager's resume should be between one and two pages. Aim for one page if the applicant has less than 10 years of relevant work experience, or two pages if they have more. Keep the content to-the-point and relevant to the specific job you are applying for so that the prospective employer can glean all important details quickly. And be sure to proofread [thoroughly] to ensure that everything is clear, accurate and free of errors.

What is the best way to format a IT Manager resume?

For a compelling IT Manager resume format, focus on delivering a well-structured layout. Include a clear header, professional summary, and relevant sections such as skills, education, and experience. Make sure each section is presented in a consistent, easily readable format. Whenever possible, utilize keywords to emphasize achievements and create an eye-catching resume.

Which IT Manager skills are most important to highlight in a resume?

IT Managers should be sure to include several important hard skills in their resumes. Examples include technical skills like coding, and database management; project and time management abilities; and interpersonal skills like communication, collaboration and problem-solving. Technical Skills: These are essential skills that those in the IT industry need in order to improve systems, develop applications, and troubleshoot problems. Examples include information systems, programming and coding, database management, networking systems, cloud computing, and desktop support. Project and Time Management: IT Managers are responsible for managing projects and overseeing deadlines. They need to be able to manage multiple tasks and be able to prioritize which tasks are most important. Interpersonal Skills: IT Managers are in constant communication with clients and colleagues. As such, they need to have excellent interpersonal skills. These include communication, collaboration, problem-solving, team-work, and leadership abilities. By including these hard skills in their resumes, IT Managers can showcase all the abilities they bring to the table and effectively show why they are the best candidate for the job.

How should you write a resume if you have no experience as a IT Manager?

If you have no experience as a IT Manager, start your resume with a brief but descriptive summary highlighting your technical skills and your education. Include any internships and volunteer experience you may have had, relevant technical training, or any certifications you have earned. Focus on transferable skills acquired outside of your professional experience to highlight your experience in IT management. Finally, include your contact information so employers can easily find and reach out to you.

Compare Your IT Manager Resume to a Job Description:

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the IT Manager job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Related Resumes for IT Managers:

Assistant it manager resume example, entry level it manager resume example, it helpdesk resume example, it intern resume example, it service manager resume example, it support manager resume example, it support specialist resume example, it technical manager resume example, senior it manager resume example, it manager resume example, more resume guidance:.

IT Analyst

  • Resume Examples

Information Technology / IT Manager Resume Examples & Tips

You’re on top of things when your team gets a code red, don’t let your career crash to a BSOD in the meantime. Ensure your IT manager resume is updated and ready to go. Here’s how.

Bart Turczynski

Is your IT manager resume the Windows of resumes?   The result of years of minor tweaks, additions, and last-minute patches?

You need a resume that’s clean, efficient, and uncompromising on features.

The kind of IT manager resume that’ll get you interviews and help you land your dream job.

In this guide:

  • An IT manager resume example better than four out of five out there.
  • How to create the perfect IT manager job description for a resume.
  • How to write a resume for IT manager jobs that stands out.
  • Expert tips and examples to boost your chances of landing an IT manager job.

Save hours of work and get a job-winning resume like this. Try our resume builder for free. Start by choosing a resume template .

Create your resume now

it manager resume example

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Looking to branch out or move up in IT? We have the guides you need:

  • Program Manager Resume—Examples
  • Assistant Manager Resume—Examples
  • Project Coordinator Resume—Examples
  • Project Manager Resume—Examples
  • IT Director Resume—Examples
  • Consultant Resume—Examples
  • Computer Technician Resume—Examples
  • Web Designer Resume—Examples
  • Cyber Security Resume—Examples
  • Technical Resume Examples
  • Technical Writer Resume—Examples
  • Technical Support Resume—Example
  • Tutor Resume—Examples
  • Manager Resume—Examples
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IT Manager Resume Example

Jeff Casselman

Personal Info

Phone: 954-925-7152

E-mail: [email protected]

Proactive IT manager with 6+ years’ experience overseeing computing functions for both IT and financial companies. Seeking to bring IT, project management, and leadership skills to bear on developing AxonTap’s IT infrastructure. At Ashley Insurance, led 10+ infrastructure builds in new facilities and improved staff utilization by 17%.


Ashley Insurance, San Jose, CA

March 2017–present

  • Hired, trained, and developed a team of seven IT professionals.
  • Led 10+ infrastructure builds in new facilities, including two new server rooms.
  • Oversaw the management of equipment and parts inventories worth $3,000,000+.
  • Improved staff utilization by 17% through project assignments, training, and load balancing.

IT Program Manager

Pat Shots LLC, San Jose, CA

April 2015–February 2017

  • Managed up to eight projects simultaneously while maintaining high customer service standards.
  • Maintained dynamic roadmaps to increase agility by 10%, deliver 15% more value, and drive innovation 5% faster.
  • Managed and optimized the flow of critical path MVP features by 5–20%.
  • Provided bi-weekly recommendations and advice to senior management on IT solutions critical to organizational functions.


BS in Information Science and Data Analytics, San Jose State University


  • Pursued a passion for computer science coursework.
  • Maintained a 3.85 GPA.
  • Red Hat Enterprise Linux
  • Oracle Taleo
  • Atlassian JIRA
  • Spanish – Advanced
  • Italian – Beginner

Key Skills 

  • Software development
  • Enterprise resource planning
  • Disaster recovery planning
  • Vendor management
  • Management skills
  • Time management
  • Leadership skills
  • Coordination
  • Communication

Now here’s how to write an IT manager resume that gets results:

1. Choose the Best Format for Your IT Manager Resume

Picture this:

Your information technology manager resume is among 43 others on a recruiter’s laptop.

They all used ATS resume templates and resume keywords so they've passed the automatic screening. So now she has to go through them manually and whittle them down to a more “interviewable” number.

Her first pass involves a lot of scanning and skimming and not much focused reading at all.

If a resume doesn’t look the part and doesn’t seem to have all the information she needs, it gets cut.

Make sure yours makes it through!

Make your resume format clean and clear:

IT Manager Resume Format

  • Use the reverse-chronological resume format —it’s a resume style recruiters expect to see.
  • Go with a professional-looking resume font , like a Noto or Garamond in 11–12 pts.
  • Leave your resume margins at one inch and make good use of white space.
  • Keep the length of your IT manager resume sensible . How long can your resume be ? Go for a two-page resume only if you have 10+ years’ experience.
  • Include  at least the following resume sections: Resume Header , Profile, Work Experience, Education, and Skills.
  • Make your resume ATS-scannable. Perfect resumes are easy to scan for automated bots. So choose a simple resume template . You might want to try LaTeX resume templates if you’re familiar with the tool.

Expert Hint: You might think that anything other than PDF for your resume is madness, but people have their reasons for preferring other formats. Sometimes even *.docx. Always check the job ad and follow any instructions you find there.

2. Write a Compelling IT Manager Resume Objective or Summary

How you start your resume depends on your experience level.

Got experience relevant to an IT manager resume?

Then start with a resume professional summary .

  • One adjective (efficient, reliable, flexible)
  • Job title (Information Technology Manager, IT Manager)
  • Years of experience (3+, 7+)
  • How you hope to help (reduce IT costs, improve server efficiency)
  • Two or three of your most impressive achievements (managed equipment and parts inventories, increased agility by 10%)

These information technology manager resume examples show how:

IT Manager Resume Summary

Striking, no?

The first example pulls ahead by:

  • Being concrete
  • Quantifying each achievement
  • Focusing on what the candidate can do for the employer.

No experience in IT management?

No problem—

Write a career objective statement to shift focus onto related IT and management achievements that point to IT manager skills.

These IT manager resume examples show do vs don’t:

IT Manager Resume Objective—Examples

The second one is as enticing as forced updates:

It’s low on concrete information, puts numbers to nothing at all, and focuses on what the candidate hopes to gain.

Expert Hint: Writing a profile for your resume can be tricky. Leave writing it to the very end, though, and it’ll be much easier to do a great job.

3. Create the Perfect IT Manager Resume Job Descriptions and Skills Section

Nothing says “I can do this” like:

“I’ve done this before” —

And that’s exactly what your job descriptions are for.

How to write job descriptions for IT manager's resume:

  • Take a moment to re-read the job ad.
  • Flag the IT manager skills and duties mentioned in it.
  • Think through times you’ve used those skills to perform similar duties.
  • Write bullet points that describe and quantify those resume achievements .

Sample IT Manager Resume Job Descriptions


  • Hired, trained, and developed a team of IT professionals.
  • Led infrastructure builds in new facilities.
  • Oversaw the management of equipment and parts inventories.
  • Improved staff utilization through project assignments, training, and load balancing.

Small tweaks, big difference.

The first example is focused on quantifying the benefits the candidate brought to their employer.

The second one at least manages to make good use of resume power words ( led, improved, etc.).

Low on relevant work experience?

Include relevant accomplishment statements from non-IT jobs instead.

Expert Hint:  How to show promotions on a resume ? Describe each position separately under one company name.

You’ll need to include one more thing in your resume :

A resume skills section .

The IT manager skills below are just an example—

Your skills list will be strictly based on:

  • Your actual skill set
  • What the job ad requires.

Aim for a mix of hard and soft skills .

IT Manager Resume Skills

Hard Skills

  • Project management
  • Strategic planning
  • Business management
  • Product management

Soft Skills

  • Critical thinking
  • Decision making
  • Flexibility
  • Organization
  • Problem solving

The ResumeLab builder is more than looks. Get specific content to boost your chances of getting the job. Add job descriptions, bullet points, and skills. Easy. Improve your resume in our resume builder now .


create your resume now

Nail it all with a splash of color, choose a clean font, and highlight your skills in just a few clicks. You're the perfect candidate, and we'll prove it. Use our resume builder now .

4. Make Your Education a Feature in Your IT Manager Resume

Education is an important factor in becoming an IT manager.

Keep the basics simple:

  • List your degrees (with majors), school names, and years attended.
  • Add bullet points that speak to IT and management skills.

This information technology manager resume example shows how:

Information Technology Manager Resume Example—Education Section

Low on work experience?

Overclock your education section by including projects, courses, and accomplishments that point to your IT manager skills.

5. Wire Up Your IT Manager Resume with Added Sections

Less is more—

That’s the resume-writing mantra, but:

You’ll sell yourself short if you stick to just the basic resume sections .

So add one or two extra sections:

  • Additional Activities
  • Foreign Languages
  • Professional Development Courses
  • List of Activities, Hobbies, and Personal Interests
  • Volunteering
  • Certifications on a Resume
  • Professional References

These two IT manager resume examples show 1 vs 0:

IT Manager Resume Examples—Extra Sections

  • LibreOffice (Writer, Calc, and Impress)
  • Microsoft Office Online (Word, Excel, and Powerpoint)
  • Microsoft Windows
  • Various technical IT programs

Wrong, meet right.

The first example is relevant and specific.

The second one—not so much.

There’s just one more step:

Learn how to write a cover letter.  Submitting a resume without an IT manager cover letter is like writing a BASH script without a shebang. And if you’re going to email it, make your cover letter not longer than half a page.

Double your impact with a matching resume and cover letter combo. Use our cover letter generator and make your application documents pop out.


create your cover letter now

Want to try a different look? There's 21 more. A single click will give your document a total makeover. Pick a cover letter template here .

For an information technology manager resume that gets interviews:

  • Use the IT manager resume template given at the outset. It’s clean and complete.
  • Put IT manager achievements  in your resume profile, work history, and education sections to show what you’re capable of.
  • Choose the right IT manager skills. You have two filters:the job ad and your actual skill set.
  • Write an IT manager cover letter. Use it to showcase your passion and experience.

Got any questions about writing the best IT manager resume possible? Leave your questions, comments, and feedback down below and we’ll be sure to get back to you.

About ResumeLab’s Editorial Process

At ResumeLab, quality is at the crux of our values, supporting our commitment to delivering top-notch career resources. The editorial team of career experts carefully reviews every article in accordance with editorial guidelines , ensuring the high quality and reliability of our content. We actively conduct original research, shedding light on the job market's intricacies and earning recognition from numerous influential news outlets . Our dedication to delivering expert career advice attracts millions of readers to our blog each year.

Bart Turczynski

Bart, published by the Financial Times, Hewlett-Packard, CareerBuilder, and Glassdoor, ensures ResumeLab articles are based on scientific data and in-depth studies.

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IT Manager Resume Examples

Need help writing your resume? We’re here to help with our collection of IT Manager resume examples you can easily edit for your job search.


  • IT Manager Resume Summary Examples
  • IT Manager Resume Work Experience Examples
  • IT Manager Resume Skills Examples
  • Examples of Additional Resume Sections
  • Examples of Resume Formats
  • Don’t Forget Your IT Manager Cover Letter
  • Similar Resume Examples

IT Manager resume summary examples

Most hiring managers only do a seven-second scan of your resume . If they don’t see what they’re looking for in your professional summary, they’re probably skipping to the next person.

A professional summary is a two-to-three-sentence paragraph that sells your top achievements as a IT Manager and best qualifications for the job at hand.

Recent grads, career-changers and those without much work experience would be better served by writing an objective statement which mentions your goals for a position and the skills that you do have.

Below, we’ll share examples of IT Manager professional summaries for different job candidates.

Good example:

“ A highly experienced IT Manager with over 10 years of experience in developing and implementing innovative solutions to improve operational efficiency. Proven track record of leading teams to successfully deliver projects on time and within budget. Possess excellent problem-solving skills, strong communication abilities, and a passion for technology.”

Why this example passes:

  • Feature candidate’s success statistic to grab attention. Numbers add detail about how big the results you deliver are, e.g., test scores, passing rate and more.
  • Shows career length, 11 years.
  • Mentions employer-desired skills: student motivation and interactive lessons.

Bad example:

“ Experienced IT Manager with extensive knowledge of computer systems and networks. Skilled in troubleshooting and problem solving. Committed to delivering high quality customer service.”

Why this example fails:

  • Doesn’t include any numbers that quantify it manager’s performance
  • Uses vague descriptions and skills.
  • Doesn’t include years of teaching experience.

The fastest way to write your professional summary

Showcase your selling points as a IT Manager with an attention-grabbing professional summary generated by our Resume Builder ! It’s an automated tool that will suggest best-use phrases and content-rich sentences you can customize.

Enter the details about the job title you held. The builder comes preloaded with auto-suggested phrasing written by resume experts.

Then, just pick from these suggested phrases that best frame your experience and customize them to your liking!

All you have to do is choose the summary phrases that best frame your experience. It’s like having a professional do it for you!

Our Resume Builder will help you write a custom IT Manager resume in 15 minutes! However, if you want to give your resume more dedicated attention, you can also employ our professional writing services to kickstart your search for an IT Manager role confidently.

The reviews are in!

See what they’re saying about us on trustpilot., it manager resume work experience examples.

One of the most important sections in any resume is the work experience . Writing a work experience section that demonstrates you have what it takes to thrive in the job is crucial to writing a good resume . Recruiters want to see your unique achievements, so leave the generic job duties out. Use the following examples to understand better how to write this section.

Rolling Meadows Middle School I Rolling Meadows, IL I 8/2018-current

  • Spearheaded the successful implementation of a new enterprise-wide IT system, resulting in a 25% reduction in operational costs
  • Oversaw the development and maintenance of IT infrastructure, ensuring a secure and reliable network for the organization
  • Managed a team of 10 IT professionals, providing technical guidance and support to ensure optimal performance
  • Developed and maintained IT policies and procedures to ensure compliance with industry standards and regulations.
  • Numbers and statistics add detail and quantify the results this it manager delivers: 4% improvement and a class size of 20-25.
  • Good use of strong words and active language.
  • References specialized value cahier provides with “individualized lesson plans.”

Emily Dickinson Elementary I Redmond, WA I 4/2022-present

  • Managed IT team
  • Worked with software applications
  • Troubleshot computer problems
  • Assisted users with technical issues
  • Lacks numbers or statistics.
  • Describes general tasks, not teaching achievements or career highlights.
  • Uses active verbs, but doesn’t focus on results.

IT Manager resume skills examples

Here are 18 sample skills for it manager:

  • Quality Assurance
  • Team Collaboration
  • Technical Troubleshooting
  • Change Management
  • Team Development
  • Documentation Management
  • Documentation And Reporting
  • Information confidentiality
  • Technology planning
  • Technical support scheduling
  • Technical support oversight
  • BYOD program administration
  • Technical onboarding design
  • Local access network planning
  • Asset oversight
  • Operating system management
  • Cybersecurity best practices
  • Risk mitigation planning

You should sprinkle skills and abilities throughout your resume. Include them in your professional summary, work experience blurbs and a dedicated skills section .

Examples of additional resume sections

Your resume must include the five main sections: contact information, professional summary, work experience, skills and education . However, you can also add different sections to show off more achievements.

Here are some examples of optional it manager resume sections that you could add to provide greater detail:

  • Certifications
  • Accomplishments
  • Additional skills

Including additional sections that help you convince employers you’re the best fit for the position. However, be selective about what qualifications you include, and eliminate any that don’t respond to the job’s specific requirements.

Examples of resume formats

Combination, chronological.

The main difference among them is whether or not they give more visual weight to your work history or to your skills section. The format you should select for your resume is based on your years of work experience as a it manager.

How to choose a resume format

0-3 Years of experience

Functional formats

  • Focus on skills.
  • Best for first-time it manager who lack work experience.
  • Good for people re-entering workforce.
  • May omit dates in the work history section.


  • Skills listed above work experience.

3-10 Years of experience

Combination formats

  • Balance skills and work history.
  • Ideal for mid-career it manager.
  • Suitable for career changers and people seeking promotion.
  • Skills next to or above work experience.

10+ Years of experience

Chronological formats

  • Put the most focus on work history.
  • Best for it manager with a long, steady career.
  • Most popular format.
  • Preferred by recruiters.
  • Work experience listed above skills.

Don’t forget your it manager cover letter

A cover letter works hand-in-hand with your resume to make a stronger case for why you deserve the job.

We always recommend submitting a cover letter with your resume because it’s a great way to increase your chances of getting hired.

Cover letters are a supplemental document to your resume that allows you to do many things, such as provide more context on your work experience or the achievements listed on your resume. You can share your career story and how you envision progressing. And you can even add more accomplishments you couldn’t fit on your resume!

Writing a full-page cover letter also shows your critical thinking, attention to detail and communication skills. Sure, it’s extra work, but it pays off, primarily if you use our Cover Letter Builder .

Our Builder will create a completely personalized cover letter from the information on your resume or write it from scratch considering your job title and years of experience. You’ll be done in 15 minutes or less!

If you want more examples of what to include in your cover letter, you can browse all cover letter examples available.

Don’t forget to tie it all together in a stylish yet professional design, which you can find in our cover letter templates library.

Finally, check out our blog article on How to Write a Cover Letter for a deep dive into cover letters.

Similar resume examples

Want to see more resume examples for jobs related to it manager?

Client Server Technician

Computer Lab Assistant

Desktop Support Analyst

Email Support Professional

Functional Analyst

More IT Manager resume examples

  • Help Desk Assistant
  • Manual Quality Assurance Tester
  • IT Project Coordinator
  • Software Project Leader
  • Scrum Master
  • Support Technician
  • System Support Representative
  • Technical Project Manager
  • Technical Support
  • Technical Support Manager
  • Technical Support Specialist

Creating a Resume increases your chances of getting a job by 100%.

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Resume Worded   |  Proven Resume Examples

  • Resume Examples
  • Manager Resumes

9 IT Manager Resume Examples - Here's What Works In 2024

Want to be an information technology manager in 2023 your resume is a key part of your application. below, we’ve compiled three resume templates that will help you land your dream it manager role, along with other knowledge you’ll need to gain that extra edge against the competition. (google docs and pdfs attached)..

Hiring Manager for IT Manager Roles

IT Managers are strategic, technologically savvy leaders who can successfully guide their team through the challenging and ever-evolving landscape of information tech. You are responsible for leading the smooth operation of the computer and information systems for your organization, so you must have tactical business smarts, fantastic people manager qualities, and deep technical expertise. You are, essentially, the organization’s subject-matter expert when it comes to all things information tech. Almost all companies today rely heavily on a well-developed information technology network, and great IT Managers are in high demand in 2023. However, according to hiring studies, the technology job market is getting increasingly competitive as well, and it can be tough to land the job you want. That’s why it’s important to use your IT Manager resume to effectively showcase your unique abilities -- but it can be tricky to figure out how to organize all of your technical experiences onto one page. We’ve done the research for you to see what works in 2023. Below we’ve curated three stellar IT manager resume templates that you can use to land your dream role.

IT Manager Resume Templates

Jump to a template:

  • IT Infrastructure Manager
  • IT Security Manager
  • Senior IT Manager
  • IT Asset Manager

Jump to a resource:

  • Keywords for IT Manager Resumes

IT Manager Resume Tips

  • Action Verbs to Use
  • Bullet Points on IT Manager Resumes
  • Related Engineering Resumes

Get advice on each section of your resume:

Template 1 of 9: IT Manager Resume Example

As an IT Manager, you'll be responsible for overseeing and managing the information technology projects in a company. With the rapid growth of technology and its increasing importance in various industries, IT Managers have become a key player in ensuring smooth operations and staying current with recent advancements. Resumes are crucial in the IT world, as they help showcase your technical skills, experience, and ability to lead and manage complex projects. To create an impressive IT Manager resume, you should focus on demonstrating your technical expertise while also highlighting your leadership and management abilities. In addition, it's essential to stay up-to-date on industry trends and showcase how you've adapted to and utilized these changes in previous roles you've held.

IT Manager resume showcasing technical skills and project achievements.

We're just getting the template ready for you, just a second left.

Tips to help you write your IT Manager resume in 2024

   highlight your technical skillset.

As an IT Manager, your technical skills are vital. Make sure your resume emphasizes your expertise in various programming languages, software, hardware, and other IT tools. Include specific certifications and training to show you're well-equipped to handle the technical aspects of the job.

Highlight your technical skillset - IT Manager Resume

   Showcase successful projects and achievements

Demonstrating your ability to lead and manage IT projects is crucial. Include examples of successful projects you've overseen, highlighting the scope, budget, timeline, and outcomes. Quantify your achievements by mentioning any improvements in efficiency, cost savings, or increased functionality that resulted from your leadership.

Showcase successful projects and achievements - IT Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your IT Manager resume

Template 2 of 9: it manager resume example.

IT Managers who have several years of experience in the industry should make sure to emphasize their project accomplishments in previous positions. Aim to detail a few projects that have had a large impact on the organization you were at, as opposed to listing every single project you worked on. Additionally, IT management is a heavily project-driven position, so you’ll want to quantify your work with relevant project scope metrics.

IT Managers with a few years of experience should emphasize their experience and past relevant accomplishments.

   Highlight past IT project experience

When picking the projects to highlight on your resume, it’s best to include a few projects where you contributed significantly to the success of the project, instead of a project that might sound impressive, but where you only played a smaller role. In interviews, you will likely be asked to expand upon the projects in your resume, and you’ll want to be able to speak extensively on how you contributed using your IT Management skills.

Highlight past IT project experience - IT Manager Resume

   Use metrics to quantify your impact with IT accomplishments

When writing out the bullet points for your IT manager resume, use numbers to show the relevant skills and qualifications you’ve developed over the years. Read through the job description to see what the organization is looking for and tailor your resume accordingly. For example, if they sound like they’re looking for an IT Manager who can help tighten up the department budget, emphasize projects in the past where you helped with the financial side of things.

Use metrics to quantify your impact with IT accomplishments - IT Manager Resume

Template 3 of 9: IT Infrastructure Manager Resume Example

The IT Infrastructure Manager role revolves around overseeing an organization's network and server infrastructure. With the rising trend of remote work, this position has become essential in ensuring secure and efficient connectivity. As you write your resume, it's critical to spotlight your ability to handle the complexities of the evolving IT landscape. For instance, the recent rise in cyber-attacks means a hiring manager will undoubtedly appreciate your expertise in cybersecurity. In this dynamic sector, there's more emphasis on staying updated with cutting-edge technology rather than fixating on traditional qualifications. So, in terms of your resume, it's more about demonstrating your adaptability and continuous learning prowess. Also, remember to highlight your accomplishments that showcase your leadership abilities and strategic planning skills.

A well-structured resume for IT Infrastructure Manager showcasing technical proficiency and leadership skills.

Tips to help you write your IT Infrastructure Manager resume in 2024

   highlight your technical proficiencies.

You should specifically highlight your expertise with various network & server technologies, cloud platforms, and cybersecurity measures. Make sure to mention the size and scope of the infrastructures you've managed.

Highlight your technical proficiencies - IT Infrastructure Manager Resume

   Emphasize on Strategic Planning and Leadership

The role of an IT Infrastructure Manager goes beyond technical skills. Hiring managers want to see your ability to lead teams, plan strategically, project management proficiency, and manage resources effectively. Make sure you have quantifiable achievements illustrating these skills.

Emphasize on Strategic Planning and Leadership - IT Infrastructure Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your IT Infrastructure Manager resume

Template 4 of 9: it infrastructure manager resume example.

As an IT Infrastructure Manager, you'll be responsible for overseeing a company's IT systems while ensuring optimal performance and security. Things like cloud solutions and virtualization have changed the game, so staying current on industry trends is crucial. Companies often look for candidates with up-to-date knowledge and a proven track record in managing complex IT environments. A well-crafted resume is vital in this field, as it allows you to showcase your technical expertise and management capabilities to potential employers. In this competitive job market, your resume should demonstrate a strong understanding of current IT trends and solutions. Employers want to feel confident in your ability to manage and maintain their IT infrastructure – and it all starts with a well-rounded resume.

IT Infrastructure Manager resume example

   Highlight relevant certifications

As an IT Infrastructure Manager, it's essential to showcase recent and industry-recognized certifications on your resume. Certifications like ITIL, PMP, and AWS Solutions Architect validate your expertise and commitment to staying current in your field.

Highlight relevant certifications - IT Infrastructure Manager Resume

   Emphasize infrastructure projects

In your work experience section, emphasize your involvement in key infrastructure projects. Highlight your role in planning, designing, implementing, and managing various IT systems, showcasing your ability to adapt and excel in various environments. This demonstrates your hands-on experience and project management skills.

Emphasize infrastructure projects - IT Infrastructure Manager Resume

Template 5 of 9: IT Infrastructure Manager Resume Example

If you’re applying for a more specific IT manager role, like an Infrastructure Manager, use this template when applying to jobs. An IT Infrastructure Manager specializes, not just in IT, but specifically in the design, maintenance and installation/retirement of the organization’s information infrastructure. Like an IT Manager, you will oversee staff in ensuring the smooth operation of the company’s hardware and software, so you’ll need to tailor your resume to the skills and qualifications needed for such a role.

When applying for an IT Infrastructure Manager role, emphasize relevant technical skills and experience.

   Tailored infrastructure management experience/skills

Infrastructure management requires specialized knowledge and experience in the industry. As you put together the work section of your IT Infrastructure Manager resume, include the relevant technical skills, operating systems, and software/hardware that you are familiar with. It’s particularly important here to read through the job description and make sure that your resume reflects the posting. For example, if the posting requires experience with a certain type of ERP software, include that in your skills section and expand on it in your work experience.

Tailored infrastructure management experience/skills - IT Infrastructure Manager Resume

   Highlight people management experiences

Since you’ll be managing other staff and engineers in the organization, hiring managers will want to ensure that you have both the technical know-how of an engineer as well as the strategic perspective of a higher-level manager. Include instances where you trained other team members or led them through a successful project. As always, include quantifiable metrics as much as possible, e.g. led 10 engineers, accomplished $xx in cost savings.

Highlight people management experiences - IT Infrastructure Manager Resume

Template 6 of 9: IT Security Manager Resume Example

As an IT Security Manager, you play a crucial role in protecting an organization's data and digital assets. With cyber threats continuously evolving, companies look for experienced professionals who can stay ahead of these challenges. Resumes are important in this industry because they demonstrate your specialized skills and experience, making you stand out from others in the highly competitive IT security field. In recent years, there has been a significant increase in high-profile data breaches, which is why organizations are placing more emphasis on hiring qualified IT Security Managers. Your resume must showcase your expertise in this area to make a lasting impression on potential employers.

IT Security Manager resume example

Tips to help you write your IT Security Manager resume in 2024

As an IT Security Manager, industry certifications play a significant role in showcasing your competencies. Include relevant certifications like Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP), Certified Information Security Manager (CISM), or Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) on your resume to demonstrate your commitment to best security practices.

Highlight relevant certifications - IT Security Manager Resume

   Showcase specific security projects

To stand out as an IT Security Manager, it's crucial to highlight your hands-on experience. On your resume, focus on specific security projects or initiatives you've led. Provide details of the project scope, your role, and the outcomes achieved, such as risk reductions, cost savings, or improved security postures.

Showcase specific security projects - IT Security Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your IT Security Manager resume

Template 7 of 9: it security manager resume example.

An IT Security Manager specializes in all things security for an organization’s information technology, including protection, disaster recovery, virus detection, security breach response, and more. Especially for certain industries such as health or finance, it is of the utmost importance for companies to properly protect sensitive customer data. When crafting your IT Security Manager resume, emphasize your expertise in the cybersecurity space and detail your relevant skills and certifications.

IT Security Managers should emphasize their past skills and experience in cybersecurity.

   Detail past security project accomplishments

It’s important to demonstrate your competence throughout past positions in maintaining the integrity of computer systems and infrastructure. Like an IT Manager or IT Infrastructure Manager, this position is heavily project-oriented, so you should outline successful projects where you made an impact on the organization. Include aspects of the project such as scope and outcome, and be specific as you can with details.

Detail past security project accomplishments - IT Security Manager Resume

   Highlight technical cybersecurity skills

Cybersecurity is a highly specialized skill, and the soundness of a company’s information security is extremely important in many industries. Make sure to carefully read through the job description to see what kind of software, languages, and/or hardware that the organization uses to manage their information. When hiring for this role, recruiters are looking for extensive experience and a clear understanding of what the role entails, and you’ll want to reflect that in your resume.

Highlight technical cybersecurity skills - IT Security Manager Resume

Template 8 of 9: Senior IT Manager Resume Example

Senior IT managers have many of the same functions as managers in other fields, except they specialize in the IT industry. Managerial tasks you can expect include budgeting, supervising staff, coordinating resources, ensuring targets are met, etc. While you may mainly be performing managerial tasks, you do need to have expertise in IT and more specifically, the IT products your company offers. This will allow you to manage your teams more effectively. Take a look at this successful resume sample.

A senior IT manager resume sample that highlights the applicant’s strong IT background and managerial experience.

Tips to help you write your Senior IT Manager resume in 2024

   show a strong it background..

Do not make the mistake of highlighting your managerial and leadership experience at the expense of highlighting your IT background. Recruiters need to know that you understand IT and their IT products and that you are knowledgeable enough to support their IT teams. So include IT experience even if you were not a manager in those positions.

   Use managerial action verbs.

Action verbs are powerful tools to shape your experience section. Paint yourself as a manager and leader by using leadership action verbs like ‘supervised’, ‘championed’, and ‘oversaw’.

Use managerial action verbs. - Senior IT Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your Senior IT Manager resume

Template 9 of 9: it asset manager resume example.

An IT asset manager manages the company's IT assets which are usually hardware. You will manage the sourcing of the assets, their installation, their maintenance, and eventually their replacement. This position requires a range of skills including negotiation skills, communication skills, and IT skills. Recruiters will expect to see a background in IT and a history of handling IT assets. Take a look at this successful resume sample.

An IT asset manager resume sample that highlights the applicant’s wide skills range and relevant certifications.

Tips to help you write your IT Asset Manager resume in 2024

   include skills needed for the entire asset lifecycle..

Show recruiters that you can manage assets throughout their lifecycle by including skills for all stages from the strategy development and budgeting stage, to the improvement and maintenance stage.

Include skills needed for the entire asset lifecycle. - IT Asset Manager Resume

   Highlight asset management certification.

Show recruiters that you have in-depth knowledge of asset management by listing any asset-related certification you may have. This applicant has a CITAM certification.

Highlight asset management certification. - IT Asset Manager Resume

Skills you can include on your IT Asset Manager resume

As a hiring manager who has recruited IT managers at top companies like Google, Amazon, and Microsoft, I've seen countless resumes over the years. In this article, I'll share some key tips that make the best IT manager resumes stand out. These tips come from my own experience reviewing resumes and interviewing candidates, as well as insights from other hiring managers in the tech industry.

   Highlight your experience leading IT projects

Employers want to see that you have hands-on experience managing IT projects from start to finish. On your resume, include specific examples of projects you led and the results you achieved.

  • Led a team of 12 engineers to migrate company infrastructure to AWS, reducing costs by 30% and improving system reliability
  • Managed the development and launch of a new mobile app, which gained 500,000 users within the first 6 months

Quantify your achievements whenever possible to give a clear picture of your impact. Avoid vague statements that don't convey the scope of your work, like:

  • Worked on some IT projects
  • Helped with app development

Bullet Point Samples for IT Manager

   Demonstrate your technical expertise

While IT managers are not always hands-on with coding, it's important to show that you have a strong technical foundation. Highlight your proficiency in relevant technologies, tools, and methodologies.

  • Expert knowledge of cloud platforms including AWS, Azure, and GCP
  • Experienced with Agile development methodologies like Scrum and Kanban
  • Proficient in programming languages such as Java, Python, and C++

Be specific about your level of expertise. Using words like "expert" or "proficient" is better than vague terms like "familiar with" or "knowledge of".

   Showcase your leadership and people management skills

IT managers are responsible for leading and motivating teams. Your resume should demonstrate your ability to manage people effectively.

  • Directly managed a team of 15 software engineers, providing coaching and mentoring to help them grow in their careers
  • Led cross-functional teams of up to 20 people, including developers, designers, and product managers
  • Conducted performance reviews and provided constructive feedback to team members

Avoid generic statements that don't convey your actual management responsibilities, such as:

  • Worked with a team of developers
  • Collaborated with other departments

   Emphasize your experience with IT budgeting and vendor management

IT managers are often responsible for managing budgets and working with vendors. Highlight any experience you have in these areas.

  • Managed an annual IT budget of $5 million, consistently coming in under budget while meeting all project goals
  • Negotiated contracts with vendors, saving the company over $200,000 per year
  • Evaluated and selected new software tools and platforms based on business requirements and cost-benefit analysis

Be specific about the size of budgets you managed and the results you achieved. Avoid vague statements like:

Helped with IT purchasing decisions

   Tailor your resume to the job description

Every company has different needs and priorities for their IT manager role. Carefully review the job description and tailor your resume to emphasize the skills and experiences that are most relevant.

For example, if the job description emphasizes experience with cybersecurity, you might include bullets like:

  • Implemented a comprehensive security monitoring system that reduced incidents by 50%
  • Developed and delivered cybersecurity training to over 500 employees

If the job focuses more on IT strategy and planning, you could include:

  • Created a 3-year IT roadmap aligned with overall business objectives
  • Conducted a thorough assessment of current systems and identified opportunities to improve efficiency and reduce costs

   Include relevant certifications and education

While experience is the most important factor for IT manager roles, relevant certifications and education can also help your resume stand out. Some certifications that are particularly valuable for IT managers include:

  • Project Management Professional (PMP)
  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP)
  • ITIL Foundation Certification
  • AWS Certified Solutions Architect
  • Scrum Master Certification

If you have a master's degree in a relevant field like computer science, information systems, or business administration, be sure to include that as well. However, don't feel that an advanced degree is an absolute requirement - many successful IT managers have worked their way up through experience alone.

Writing Your IT Manager Resume: Section By Section

  header, 1. put your name on the first line.

Start your header with your full name on its own line. Use a larger font size than the rest of your contact details to make your name stand out.

Use your full name as it appears on your government ID and other official documents:

  • John A. Smith
  • Emily Johnson

Avoid nicknames or shortened versions of your name:

  • Johnny Smith

2. Include essential contact details

After your name, add key contact details on a single line:

  • Phone number
  • Professional email address
  • Location (City, State)
  • LinkedIn URL

Use separators like vertical lines or bullets to keep your header looking clean:

John Smith | 818-123-4567 | [email protected] | New York, NY |

Avoid listing your full mailing address, as it's not necessary early in the hiring process. And double check that your email address and LinkedIn URL are professional and up-to-date.

3. Optionally include your target job title

If you have space, consider adding your target job title as the last line of your header. This quickly communicates the type of position you're seeking.

For an IT manager role, you could use titles like:

  • IT Director

Keep your job title short and avoid adding fluff words:

  • Experienced IT Manager Seeking New Opportunities
  • Results-Driven IT Leader

Remember, the rest of your resume will expand on your qualifications. The header just needs to give a concise snapshot.


A resume summary, also known as a professional summary or career summary, is an optional section that appears at the top of your resume, just below your contact information. While it's not a mandatory component, a well-crafted summary can provide valuable context and highlight your most relevant qualifications, especially if you're a career changer or an experienced professional. However, it's crucial to avoid using an objective statement, as it focuses on your goals rather than how you can benefit the employer.

When writing your IT manager resume summary, focus on showcasing your technical expertise, leadership skills, and notable achievements. Tailor your summary to the specific requirements of the job you're applying for, and use metrics to quantify your impact whenever possible. Keep it concise and objective, avoiding any subjective claims or soft skills that aren't backed up by evidence.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for an IT Manager resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your IT Manager resume, or figure out if you need one, please read IT Manager Resume Summary Examples , or IT Manager Resume Objective Examples .

1. Highlight your technical expertise

As an IT manager, your technical skills are crucial to your success in the role. Use your summary to showcase your proficiency in relevant technologies, tools, and methodologies. For example:

  • Experienced IT manager with a strong background in cloud computing, virtualization, and network security
  • Proficient in Agile project management, ITIL, and DevOps practices

Avoid making vague or generic statements that don't demonstrate your specific expertise, such as:

  • IT professional with experience in various technologies
  • Skilled in managing IT projects and teams

2. Emphasize your leadership and management abilities

IT managers are responsible for leading and coordinating the efforts of their teams. Use your summary to highlight your leadership experience and management style. For example:

Results-driven IT manager with 10+ years of experience leading cross-functional teams in the development and implementation of complex IT solutions. Proven track record of delivering projects on time and within budget, while fostering a collaborative and innovative work environment.

Avoid using buzzwords or making subjective claims about your leadership skills, such as:

  • Dynamic leader with a proven track record of success
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills

3. Quantify your achievements with metrics

To make your summary more compelling, use metrics to quantify your achievements and demonstrate your impact. This could include:

  • Managed a team of 15 IT professionals, delivering projects with an average ROI of 20%
  • Implemented cloud migration strategy, reducing infrastructure costs by 30% and improving system uptime to 99.9%

Avoid making claims without providing supporting evidence, such as:

  • Successfully managed multiple IT projects
  • Improved system performance and reliability

By using specific numbers and percentages, you provide concrete evidence of your abilities and make your summary more engaging to potential employers.


Your work experience section is the heart of your resume. It's where you show hiring managers how you've applied your skills to make an impact for your previous employers. It needs to be compelling and convincing to stand out from other candidates.

Here are the key things you should do when writing an effective work experience section for an IT manager resume:

1. Focus on your IT leadership accomplishments

Emphasize the times you've successfully led IT projects, teams, or initiatives. Hiring managers want to see evidence of your leadership abilities.

  • Spearheaded migration of company infrastructure to AWS cloud, reducing IT costs by 30% and increasing uptime to 99.99%
  • Led team of 12 engineers to deliver new microservices platform, enabling product team to ship new features in 1 week vs. 2 months

Quantify your accomplishments with metrics to give them context and impact. Avoid simply listing your day-to-day responsibilities:

  • Managed team of software engineers
  • Responsible for cloud infrastructure and DevOps

2. Showcase your technical skills

While IT management roles are more focused on leadership, it's still important to highlight your technical expertise. Mention the specific technologies, tools, and methodologies you've used to demonstrate your technical credibility.

Implemented DevOps best practices using Chef, Jenkins, and Datadog, increasing deployment frequency from 1/week to 10/day while reducing change failure rate by 8x.

However, be selective about the technical skills you include. Focus on those most relevant to the job you're applying for and that showcase your ability to use technology to drive business outcomes.

Use a skills section or summary at the top of your resume to make your key IT manager skills stand out. Our Score My Resume tool can help identify important skills you may be missing.

3. Highlight your progression and promotions

Show how you've progressed in your IT management career by highlighting your promotions and increased responsibilities. This demonstrates your ability to grow and take on more complex challenges.

Compare this:

  • IT Manager, XYZ Corp, 2018-2022
  • Senior IT Manager, XYZ Corp, 2022-Present
  • Associate IT Manager, XYZ Corp, 2016-2018

The second example, which lists positions in reverse chronological order, makes your career progression clearer. It also uses more specific job titles that show your increasing seniority.


The education section of your IT manager resume should be concise yet impactful. It's an opportunity to showcase your relevant academic background and certifications that qualify you for the role. Here are some key tips to keep in mind when crafting this section:

How To Write An Education Section - IT Manager Roles

1. Put education at the top for entry-level candidates

If you're a recent graduate or entry-level candidate, place your education section above your work experience. This is because your academic achievements and coursework are likely to be your strongest selling points.

Here's an example of how to format your education section:

Bachelor of Science in Computer Science University of ABC, City, State Graduation Date: May 2023 Relevant Coursework: Database Management, Network Security, Software Engineering

2. Keep education brief for experienced professionals

For mid-level to senior IT managers, your work experience and accomplishments should take center stage. Keep your education section concise, typically just 1-2 lines long.

Poor example that takes up too much space:

  • Master of Science in Information Technology Management
  • XYZ University, City, State
  • Graduation Date: May 2010
  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science
  • University of ABC, City, State
  • Graduation Date: May 2008

Instead, simplify it like this:

  • MS in Information Technology Management, XYZ University
  • BS in Computer Science, University of ABC

3. Include relevant certifications

In the IT field, certifications demonstrate your expertise and commitment to staying current with industry trends. Add relevant certifications to your education section or create a separate "Certifications" section if you have several.

Some valuable certifications for IT managers include:

  • Certified Scrum Master (CSM)

When listing certifications, include the full name, acronym, and date earned (if recent).

Action Verbs For IT Manager Resumes

IT managers must have deep technical knowledge of a company’s electronic needs while also possessing leadership and operational savvy to successfully develop the company’s information technology network. It’s important to stress these skills through your action verbs -- for example, use words like “led” and “strategized” to emphasize your leadership skills. As you’re choosing action verbs for your IT Manager resume, try not to use generic verbs -- they can hurt rather than help your resume. Use strong and powerful verbs that can create an image in your mind about the great work you did. Tip: to quickly get a list of more powerful action verbs, read through various relevant job descriptions to see what kind of action verbs companies tend to use when they’re looking to hire IT Managers in your industry.

Action Verbs for IT Manager

  • Administered
  • Prioritized
  • Recommended
  • Conceptualized
  • Restructured
  • Consolidated

For more related action verbs, visit Software Engineering Action Verbs .

For a full list of effective resume action verbs, visit Resume Action Verbs .

Action Verbs for IT Manager Resumes

Skills for it manager resumes.

When you find the IT Manager roles you want to apply to, make sure to read the posting carefully and to do some research on the company. Required skills in the information technology world often vary widely by industry/technology/company, or even by role. In order to make sure your IT Manager resume stands out, try to figure out what technology stack the company is using and what skills they typically hire for on their technical side, and tailor your resume to fit the bill. For example, if the posting mentions that they work heavily with libraries like Apache Ant, you’ll definitely want to include that in your Skills section, or even talk about in your work experience section, to describe a project where you utilized it. One thing to note, however, is that you shouldn’t include a skill just because the posting lists it. As mentioned above, emphasize projects that you made an impact in so you can speak to your contributions when asked in an interview.

  • IT Management
  • Windows Server
  • Network Administration
  • Active Directory
  • System Administration
  • IT Service Management
  • IT Strategy
  • Virtualization
  • Project Management
  • Microsoft Exchange
  • Change Management
  • Information Technology
  • Disaster Recovery
  • Integration
  • IT Operations
  • Troubleshooting
  • Vendor Management
  • Technical Support
  • Business Analysis
  • Network Security

How To Write Your Skills Section On an IT Manager Resumes

You can include the above skills in a dedicated Skills section on your resume, or weave them in your experience. Here's how you might create your dedicated skills section:

How To Write Your Skills Section - IT Manager Roles

Skills Word Cloud For IT Manager Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on IT Manager job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more 'important' it is.

Top IT Manager Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

Resume bullet points from it manager resumes.

You should use bullet points to describe your achievements in your IT Manager resume. Here are sample bullet points to help you get started:

Developed an Excel macro and standardized reporting templates, resulting in efficient data collection and a 35% reduction in turnaround time

Performed a gap analysis by conducting a current state assessment to understand the inefficiencies associated with the existing manual business process

Managed user engagement analytics strategy, providing first insight into how users interact with our apps on their tablets and mobile devices

Developed new management dashboard to evaluate individual team performance by revenue segment

Analyzed 1500+ responses to a consumer survey to evaluate brand perception and customers' willingness to pay

For more sample bullet points and details on how to write effective bullet points, see our articles on resume bullet points , how to quantify your resume and resume accomplishments .

Other Engineering Resumes

An entry-level IT auditor resume template, including extracurricular activities

Maintenance Technician

A maintenance manager resume template that uses strong action verbs.

Quality Engineer

A resume for a Supplier Quality Engineer focusing on industry-specific experience and data analysis skills.

  • Software Engineer Resume Guide
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  • Programmer Resume Guide
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  • DevOps Resume Guide
  • Full Stack Developer Resume Guide
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IT Manager Resume Guide

  • Cyber Security Resume Guide
  • Salesforce Resume Guide
  • Quality Assurance Resume Guide
  • Quality Engineer Resume Guide
  • Electrical Engineer Resume Guide
  • System Administrator Resume Guide
  • Scrum Master Resume Guide
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  • Engineering Manager Resume Guide
  • Software Tester Resume Guide
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  • Platform Engineer Resume Guide
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  • C, C++, and C# Developer Resume Guide
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  • Project Engineer Resume Guide
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  • Packaging Engineer Resume Guide
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  • ETL Developer Resume Guide
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  • Maintenance Technician Resume Guide
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  • Implementation Specialist Resume Guide
  • Software Architect Resume Guide
  • PHP Developer Resume Guide
  • Biomedical Engineer Resume Guide
  • Robotics Resume Guide
  • Chief Digital Officer Resume Guide
  • Innovation Resume Guide
  • Security Analyst Resume Guide
  • IT Auditor Resume Guide
  • Director of Software Engineering Resume Guide
  • Environmental Engineer Resume Guide
  • Technology Director Resume Guide
  • Director of Information Technology Resume Guide
  • AWS Resume Guide
  • Director of Engineering Resume Guide
  • Materials Engineer Resume Guide
  • UAT Tester Resume Guide
  • IT Manager Resume Example
  • IT Infrastructure Manager Resume Example
  • IT Security Manager Resume Example
  • Senior IT Manager Resume Example
  • IT Asset Manager Resume Example
  • Tips for IT Manager Resumes
  • Skills and Keywords to Add
  • Sample Bullet Points from Top Resumes
  • All Resume Examples
  • IT Manager CV Examples
  • IT Manager Cover Letter
  • IT Manager Interview Guide
  • Explore Alternative and Similar Careers

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it manager resume objective examples

33 Impressive IT Objective Resume Statement Examples

Information technology is a thriving field, and highly qualified job candidates are in strong demand. With the number of positions growing and the applicant pool growing even faster, you need to do everything you can to make your resume stand out from the competition. One easy and effective way to do that is with a strong objective statement, a quick summary sentence at the top of your resume that outlines your goals and intentions in an easy-to-read format.

Whether you’re a seasoned professional or just starting out in the field, here are some sample objective statements you can tailor for your own resume.

Experienced IT Objective Statements

  • Experienced IT professional possessing a thorough and methodical approach to tech troubleshooting seeking new position in database management, eight years of progressive experience in data security and records management.
  • To obtain a position within the Web Content Management team at World Wide Websites, hoping to continue to grow from existing four years of experience with user interface design and backend content management. Seeking connection with a thriving and energetic IT management firm, possessing six years of experience with network development and telecommunications.
  • Hoping to take the next step in an IT career dedicated to providing excellent customer service and network care, willing to bring 14 years of prior experience troubleshooting major technical and network issues to bear.
  • IT professional specializing in database security and management, with two years of experience managing multiple clients and continually learning the latest trends in security and database architecture.
  • Licensed and certified industry professional willing to leverage five years of experience in a new role with the One Byte at a Time team, published in industry trade journals and recognized at national data management conferences for work in network security.
  • Dedicated and talented professional with cast knowledge of information systems management, possessing 12 years of relevant industry experience plus a recent doctoral degree in Information Architecture.
  • Looking to join the Web Design and Management team as an IT Specialist in the Harbour Court Tech Support family, with industry training in Agile project management and information security.
  • Freelance website developer looking for the next step in a successful IT career, with three years of experience developing end-to-end solutions for personal and business customers, including full e-commerce implementation and data security protocols.
  • Creative and passionate web developer with six years of technical experience hoping to advance a thriving career, seeking to make a positive impact for area businesses and community leaders.
  • Fifteen years’ experience in providing reliable technology solutions for numerous small and medium businesses, hoping to continue growing the reputation of Clear Line of Sight Technology Solutions in the local community as Senior Technology Manager.
  • Looking to advance after eight years of progressive learning and experience in information technology, specializing in data management and security as a Database Administrator, seeking to enter the Data Mining Department of Clairvoyant Insights.
  • Hoping to provide quality support and equipment to all departments as a Technology Solutions Professional, boasting nine years of experience with staff troubleshooting and network hardware implementation.
  • Seeking transition to a small IT company after one year in tech service department of large regional corporation, hoping to bring a personal touch to technology service and solutions for all employees.
  • To become Penn Callison & Harcourt’s newest IT Administrator, with seven years of experience in maintaining business networks with a proven record of zero data breaches and consistent uptimes with access to sensitive company and team documents.

Entry-Level IT Objective Statements

  • Recently completed major industry certifications in programming and database management, hoping to become a Technology Services Trainee with Network Depot Services.
  • Recent graduate of Information and Communication Technology undergraduate program, looking for real-world experience in coursework focused on Web Design and Content Marketing.
  • Looking to bring strong attention to detail and commitment to timely delivery to a position in the IT Services department, willing to work nights and weekends based on service scheduling needs.
  • Thoughtful and attentive professional hoping to gain valuable experience with the High Tower Tech team as a Network Administrator, hoping to transition to a full-time position in maintaining corporate network access for all departments and teams.
  • Data management service tech seeking to join the IT support team in a full-time capacity, intensive knowledge of data management needs and willingness to work on-call as needed.
  • Recently graduated with Bachelor’s degree in Information Technology and Project Management, seeking employment as a Data Security Manager to improve network access quality and integrity of valuable customer data.
  • To gain invaluable experience from established industry leaders at the Up and Running Solutions team while completing degree in Database Management and pursuing relevant industry certifications.
  • Aspiring technology professional with a desire to learn and hone skills, seeking full-time employment in database management or content management with the opportunity to service multiple client accounts.
  • Excited to contribute to the success of Ballinger Technologies as the next Information and Network Security Tech team member, with recent industry certifications in Network Security and Telecom Programming.
  • Conscientious professional with extensive customer service experience looking to continue providing quality technology solutions, willing to go the extra mile to wow customers with timely and friendly service.
  • Committed to advancing the tech services sector in the Carrollton community as an IT professional, looking to join a firm that offers quick and friendly services to businesses in the Holton County area.
  • Looking to bring advanced organization and technology solutions to businesses that need database and content management services, knowledgeable about relevant CRM solutions and systems.
  • Aspiring IT professional looking for full-time employment in Website Design and Management, knowledgeable in numerous coding and design languages and able to customize existing platforms to suit client needs.
  • Knowledgeable and passionate tech professional seeking full-time employment with Glass Door Technologies, committed to excellence in the field of Telecommunications and Network Security.
  • Seeking real-world experience after completing a Bachelor’s degree while continuing education for a Master’s degree in Information Security Technology, hoping to implement theories in practical settings while providing quality customer service.

Career Change IT Objective Statements

  • Website designer with ten years of growing experience in backend development looking to transition full-time to a social media programming role, with full knowledge of data security and infrastructure requirements for an effective online media platform.
  • To enter a management-level position after amassing 16 years of valuable frontline knowledge and experience in data management and security, hoping to lead teams and manage specialists in the most effective ways to suit client needs.
  • Transitioning from executive management of a technology supply company to a Technology Services role in Barrett’s Technology Solutions, hoping to bring quality technology solutions to 20 years’ worth of valuable client relationships.

These objective statements are perfect for any IT professional. Just add in your own experience, and you’re good to go!


IT resume objective examples

Learn the pros and cons when writing a it resume objective..

Looking to apply to the top IT jobs ? Creating an IT resume objective gives you a way to show a hiring manager what you want to do and how you will benefit the company.

Although a resume objective is less common than a career summary nowadays, this simple yet pointed statement can show employers exactly what you bring to the table. These statements need to be short and sweet, and should include the company name and/or position you're applying for, as well as your skills or experience.

Why use an objective?

There are pros and cons to using an objective statement. Although many hiring managers and professionals find objectives outdated, when it's done properly, this section of your resume helps you stand out from the crowd by showing your skills and goals in a succinct manner. If you target your objective properly, you'll stay in the mind of every hiring manager who sees it.

What are good IT resume objectives?

It's important to create a different resume objective for each job you're applying to. It should speak to the specifics of the company—hiring managers know how to sniff out generic objectives. These are some examples of strong IT resume objectives:

"To fulfill the system administrator role at CyberSolutions using my 12 years of experience and extensive knowledge of Server 2008, SharePoint, and Active Directory, as well as my time management and problem solving skills."

While this objective statement is a little on the long side, it is well executed because it shows your experience on specific programs that the company uses and targets the company directly. It also shows the skills that are required for the position.

"To leverage my knowledge of IT systems to create and maintain the networks for Global Run, utilizing my MCSE, LPIC, and RHCE certifications."

This objective statement focuses on the certifications used by IT professionals. When creating your IT objective statement, including these certs can help show that you not only know the industry, but have extensive understanding of how specific systems work.

As you're creating your resume, it's important to pay special attention to your objective. The more information you can include in this statement while keeping it short, the better your resume looks to hiring managers. Having a great IT resume objective will get your resume to the top of the stack.

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Top 18 IT Project Manager Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 7, 2023 14 min read

A resume objective is a short statement that outlines your career goals and ambitions in relation to a particular job. For an IT project manager position, the resume objective should emphasize your management experience and technical skills. When writing a resume objective for this type of role, be sure to include specific examples of successful IT projects you have managed in the past, as well as any relevant certifications or qualifications you possess. Additionally, it is important to demonstrate your knowledge of the company and its mission in order to show that you are the right fit for the job. For example: "Experienced IT Project Manager with 10+ years of experience managing successful projects from concept to completion. Possess PMP certification and extensive knowledge of Agile methodology. Seeking a role at ABC Company where I can leverage my expertise and help achieve their mission."

IT Project Manager Resume Example

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Top 18 IT Project Manager Resume Objective Samples

  • To leverage my expertise in IT project management to drive successful delivery of projects and exceed customer expectations.
  • To secure an IT Project Manager position with a reputable organization where I can utilize my experience in successfully managing complex projects.
  • Seeking a challenging role as an IT Project Manager to apply my knowledge and experience to help the organization achieve its goals.
  • To contribute to the success of an organization through effective IT project management.
  • To use my extensive knowledge of project management processes, tools and techniques to manage multiple projects efficiently and effectively.
  • To provide innovative solutions for project planning, execution, monitoring and control while ensuring quality deliverables within timelines.
  • To utilize my skills in software development life cycle, agile methodology and risk management to ensure successful completion of projects on time and within budget.
  • To lead a team of professionals in delivering high-quality projects by utilizing best practices in project management.
  • Looking for an opportunity as an IT Project Manager where I can apply my proven track record of successful delivery of large-scale projects while meeting deadlines and budget requirements.
  • Seeking a position as an IT Project Manager where I can utilize my experience in developing strategies for successful execution of complex projects with minimal disruption to business operations.
  • To use my strong leadership skills, technical knowledge and problem solving abilities to ensure timely completion of all assigned tasks within budget constraints.
  • Aiming for a role as an IT Project Manager that will allow me to build upon existing strengths while developing new skillsets necessary for success in this field.
  • Desire a challenging role as an IT Project Manager where I can use my organizational skills, attention to detail, communication abilities and problem solving aptitude to achieve desired results.
  • Aiming for a position as an IT Project Manager that will enable me to utilize my expertise in managing end-to-end software development lifecycle from concept through implementation while providing exceptional customer service at all times.
  • Looking for a role as an IT Project Manager that will allow me to use my experience in leading cross-functional teams towards successful completion of various initiatives within established timelines and budgets.
  • Seeking a position as an experienced IT Project Manager that will enable me to contribute towards the growth and success of the organization through efficient project management processes and practices.
  • Seeking a challenging role as an IT Project Manager that will require me to utilize my deep understanding of software engineering principles along with excellent communication skills while managing multiple teams simultaneously

How to Write an IT Project Manager Resume Objective

Writing a resume objective as an IT Project Manager can be a daunting task. Your objective should be concise, clear, and compelling. It should grab the attention of potential employers and make them want to read more about you. Here are some tips on how to write an effective IT project manager resume objective:

1. Start by outlining your skills and experience. In your resume objective, highlight the specific qualifications that make you the ideal candidate for the job. Include any relevant certifications or other accomplishments that demonstrate your expertise in project management.

2. Describe what you bring to the company. Let potential employers know how your skills and experience will benefit their organization specifically. Focus on how you can help them reach their goals and objectives.

3. Be specific about what kind of role you’re looking for. Make sure to mention if you’re looking for a permanent position or something more short-term or contract-based. This will help employers understand what kind of commitment they can expect from you if they decide to hire you.

4. Make sure your objective is concise and succinct – no more than two sentences long, ideally! Keep it focused on relevant information that will give employers a good idea of who you are as an IT project manager without getting too wordy or repetitive.

By following these tips, you will be able to craft an effective IT project manager resume objective that will attract the attention of potential employers and make them want to learn more about your qualifications!

Related : What does an IT Project Manager do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your IT Project Manager Resume Objective

In the competitive field of IT Project Management, your resume objective needs to stand out and effectively communicate your relevant skills and experiences. This section, 'Key Skills to Highlight in Your IT Project Manager Resume Objective', will provide you with a comprehensive guide on how to showcase your unique abilities that make you a strong candidate for the role. From technical expertise to leadership capabilities, we will discuss the essential skills that potential employers look for in an IT Project Manager and how you can articulate them effectively in your resume objective.

1. Agile methodologies

Understanding and applying Agile methodologies is crucial for an IT Project Manager as it enables efficient project management by promoting adaptive planning, evolutionary development, early delivery, and continuous improvement. This skill is needed in a resume objective to show potential employers that the candidate can lead and manage IT projects effectively, respond quickly to changes, and deliver value to customers promptly. It also demonstrates the candidate's ability to work in fast-paced, dynamic environments where flexibility and collaboration are key.

2. Scrum framework

Understanding and utilizing the Scrum framework is crucial for an IT Project Manager as it helps in managing complex software and product development. It uses incremental, iterative work sequences that are commonly known as sprints. This skill is necessary for a resume objective because it showcases the candidate's ability to effectively lead and manage a team, streamline processes, enhance productivity, and deliver projects on time within the scope. It also demonstrates their knowledge of Agile methodologies which is often preferred in many IT environments.

3. Kanban implementation

Kanban implementation is a vital skill for an IT Project Manager as it demonstrates the ability to effectively manage workflow, streamline processes, and increase efficiency within a team. This skill is crucial in reducing waste, balancing demand against available capacity, and prioritizing tasks based on their importance. It shows potential employers that the candidate can lead teams using proven methodologies to deliver IT projects on time and within budget.

4. DevOps practices

A resume objective for an IT Project Manager should include the skill of DevOps practices because it demonstrates the candidate's understanding of software development and IT operations. This skill is crucial for improving collaboration between teams, automating processes, and enhancing software quality and efficiency. It shows that the candidate can manage complex IT projects effectively by integrating development and operations teams, reducing errors, minimizing downtime, and accelerating product delivery.

5. JIRA proficiency

JIRA proficiency is a crucial skill for an IT Project Manager as it allows them to effectively manage and track the progress of various projects. JIRA is a popular project management tool used in many IT companies. It helps in planning, tracking, and releasing software, which are all critical aspects of an IT Project Manager's role. Having this skill can demonstrate to potential employers that the candidate is capable of efficiently managing multiple tasks and teams, ensuring timely delivery of projects. This can significantly contribute to achieving the company's objectives.

6. Microsoft Project expertise

Microsoft Project is a project management software that helps in developing a plan, managing resources, analyzing workload, and tracking progress. As an IT Project Manager, having expertise in Microsoft Project would be crucial for effectively planning and executing IT projects. This skill demonstrates the ability to utilize industry-standard tools to manage complex projects, ensuring they are completed on time and within budget. Including this skill in a resume objective would show potential employers that the candidate is capable of leading and managing IT projects efficiently.

7. Risk management

Risk management is a crucial skill for an IT Project Manager as it involves identifying, assessing, and controlling threats to an organization's digital assets. These could include a wide variety of potential problems such as data breaches, system failures, or project overruns. An IT Project Manager with strong risk management skills can help ensure that projects are completed on time and within budget while minimizing potential disruptions. This skill demonstrates to potential employers that the candidate is proactive, strategic in their approach to problem-solving, and capable of protecting the company's digital resources effectively.

8. Stakeholder communication

Effective stakeholder communication is crucial for an IT Project Manager as it ensures that all parties involved in a project are on the same page. This skill helps to manage expectations, provide updates, and address concerns promptly. It also aids in decision-making processes, risk management, and conflict resolution. Including this skill in a resume objective shows potential employers that the candidate is capable of maintaining open lines of communication and managing relationships with stakeholders effectively, which is key to the successful delivery of IT projects.

9. Resource allocation

A resume objective for an IT Project Manager should include the skill of resource allocation because it demonstrates the ability to effectively manage and distribute resources in a way that ensures project success. This skill is crucial in IT project management as it involves assigning the right personnel, technology, and budget to each task or phase of a project. It shows potential employers that the candidate can strategically plan and optimize resources to meet project goals and deadlines, thus enhancing efficiency and productivity.

10. Budget control

An IT Project Manager is often responsible for overseeing and managing the financial aspects of a project, including the allocation and use of funds. Demonstrating a skill in budget control in a resume objective shows potential employers that you have the ability to effectively manage resources, reduce unnecessary costs, and ensure projects are completed within their financial limits. This can be particularly attractive to companies looking to maximize efficiency and profitability.

Top 10 IT Project Manager Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, your IT Project Manager resume objective should effectively showcase a blend of technical and soft skills that make you the ideal candidate for the role. This section is a pivotal part of your resume as it gives potential employers a quick snapshot of your capabilities and how they align with their needs. Remember, it's not just about listing skills, but demonstrating how these skills have been applied in past roles to drive success. Tailoring this section to each specific job application can significantly increase your chances of securing an interview.

Related : IT Project Manager Skills: Definition and Examples

Common Mistakes When Writing an IT Project Manager Resume Objective

The objective of a resume is to give potential employers an idea of what you can bring to the table, and an IT Project Manager resume should be no different. Unfortunately, many job seekers make common mistakes when writing their project manager resume objectives that can cost them the job they are applying for. In this essay, we will discuss some of the most common mistakes made when writing an IT Project Manager resume objective and how to avoid them.

The first mistake people make is not being specific enough in their objective. A resume should always be tailored specifically to the position you are applying for, so it’s important to include details about the specific skills and experiences you have that make you a good fit for the role. Instead of simply stating “seeking a challenging position as an IT Project Manager” or “looking for a career in project management”, try something like “seeking a challenging position as an IT Project Manager with experience in Agile methodology and software development lifecycle management”. This way, you are letting employers know exactly what kind of skills and qualifications you bring to the table.

Another common mistake is using generic language or buzzwords that do not convey any real value. Phrases like “proven track record” or “results-driven professional” may sound impressive but they don't actually tell employers anything about your abilities or experiences. Rather than stating these types of phrases, focus on providing concrete examples of your accomplishments such as “successfully managed 15 software development projects within budget over two years” or “achieved 90% customer satisfaction rating on all projects completed in past year”. This type of language will give employers a much better understanding of your capabilities and show them that you have tangible results to back up your claims.

Finally, another mistake people often make when writing their IT Project Manager resume objectives is failing to highlight their unique strengths and qualities that set them apart from other applicants. Your objective should not just be about what you want from the job; it should also demonstrate why you are capable of doing it better than anyone else. For example, instead of saying something generic like “seeking a challenging position as an IT Project Manager with strong leadership skills” try something more specific such as “seeking a challenging position as an IT Project Manager with 10+ years experience leading complex projects from concept to completion using Agile methodology”. This way, employers will know immediately that you have both the experience and expertise needed for the job at hand.

In conclusion, there are several common mistakes people make when writing their IT Project Manager resume objectives which can significantly reduce their chances of getting hired for the job they are applying for. To avoid making these mistakes, focus on being specific about your qualifications and experiences related to the particular role; avoid generic language or buzzwords; and highlight your unique strengths and qualities that set you apart from other applicants. By following these tips, you will be able to craft an effective IT project manager resume objective that will help get your foot in the door with potential employers!

Related : IT Project Manager Resume Examples

IT Project Manager Resume Objective Example

The right resume objective for an IT Project Manager should focus on the applicant's technical skill set and ability to manage complex projects, while the wrong resume objective may focus more on generic skills or simply list job duties.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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  • Resume Examples
  • IT Project Manager Resume Examples 2024 (Sample & Guide)

IT Project Manager Resume Examples 2024 (Sample & Guide)

Oliwia Wolkowicz

Our customers have been hired by:

You know scopes, assessments, and systems like the back of your hand. There’s not an IT project on this side of the Google servers that you can’t handle. But the hiring manager doesn’t know that.

And here you are with an incredible opportunity at your fingertips, and the opportunity cost is high. The best way to cash in—a perfect IT project manager resume. Good news is that it’s super simple. All you have to do is read on.

Want to save time and have your resume ready in 5 minutes? Try our resume builder. It’s fast and easy to use. Plus, you’ll get ready-made content to add with one click. See 20+ resume templates and create your resume here .

IT Project Manager Resume Example

Sample resume made with our builder— See more resume samples here .

Are you looking for a different IT job? Check out our other dedicated guides to informational technology:

  • Information Technology (IT) Resume
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Sample IT Project Manager Resume

Carmen Benjamin

[email protected]


Resume Summary

Energetic IT Project Manager with 8+ years of experience in planning, controlling, executing, and closing various IT projects. Managed all phases of $14M deployment of CMS for Lyndl Inc. and closed before deadline. Achieved 70% process time savings through implementing process automations and IT upgrades at ZynTec. Keen to leverage expertise at BrynBot.

Work Experience

IT Project Manager

  • Managed a team of 15+ IT experts from all over the world.
  • 90% of IT projects were completed ahead of schedule and within budget.
  • Patched/upgraded 800+ servers, applications and databases.

Key Achievement

  • Managed $14M deployment of CMS at 15% less cost than budgeted and 2 weeks ahead of schedule.
  • Managed a team of 8+ IT experts including developers and UX.
  • Created SAP system for new affiliate which supported 150 key users.
  • Delivered budget management program to manage $250M marketing budget.

2011-2013, M.A. Business Administration

New York University

2009-2011, B.A. Front End Web Development

  • UX/UI & digital products
  • Project management
  • Time management
  • Excellent knowledge of all major operating systems
  • Strategic planning

Additional Information

  • PMP certification — Project Management Institute
  • IT Service Management
  • Spanish — B2

How to write an IT project manager resume:

1. Choose the Best Format for Your IT Project Manager Resume

An IT project manager is responsible for large scale IT projects. They make sure that complex IT projects such as technology updates and deployments run smoothly, are on time, and within budget. The purpose of your IT project manager resume is to show recruiters that you have the know-how and the experience to complete any IT project.

But nowadays, the market is filled with both IT experts and project managers who all claim they can do your job.To top it off, you have less time than it takes to turn your computer on to impress a hiring manager with your resume. 

To turn the recruiter into a key stakeholder of your IT career, you need to follow these resume formatting rules :

  • Get your resume contact information right from the start. Make sure to check your social media footprint and optimize your LinkedIn profile and sync them.
  • Out of all resume styles , the best format for IT project managers is the chronological layout . This is the layout that puts your professional experience at the forefront and it’s the one that most hiring managers recognize. It’s also a super ATS-friendly resume format .
  • Use a resume font that is legible and modern. Don’t forget to leave plenty of white space on the page to make your text really stand out.
  • Save your IT project manager resume in PDF to make sure that your resume layout doesn’t open up looking like a disaster.

At this point you might also be wondering how long your resume should be . If you have several years in IT project biz, go for two pages. Otherwise, one-page resume template should do the trick.

OK, so let’s break down this project into manageable chunks, section by section.

2. Write an IT Project Manager Resume Objective or Resume Summary

Introduce yourself through your resume profile , or more specifically, a resume objective or summary. It’s a short and sweet summary of qualifications at the top of your IT project manager resume that lays down the groundwork of why you’re the best person for the job. 

Use a career summary if you’ve been down in the project trenches for more than a couple of years:

  • First jot down the key points in your experience and IT project skills as well as accomplishments.
  • Then choose 3-4 leads and add those into your IT project managers resume summary section.

If you’re an entry-level IT project manager, opt for the career objective :

  • Underline the knowledge and skills you’ve gathered to date and how well you’d fit in.
  • Think of transferable skills and quantifiable achievements from other gigs you’ve had. 

There’s no need to crash this section with data overload. Keep it 3-4 sentences long max and tailor it to the job description of the position you’re applying for.

Use resume keywords to pass the ATS scan. Check: What are Resume Keywords?

3. Create the Perfect IT Project Manager Resume Job Description

Plain and simple, your resume experience section needs to be saying that you’re the employee upgrade the company is looking for. So:

  • List your most current position and then just go back in time with previous positions.
  • Make sure each entry includes: job titles , company name, dates of employment, and no more than 6 bullet points.
  • Limit the number of bullet points as you go back in time with your experience. Have up to 3 for positions far in the past .
  • Start each bullet point with an action verb .
  • Don’t ramble on like a bad meeting. Focus on quantifiable achievements and not just a laundry list of duties and responsibilities.
  • Tailor your IT project manager experience section to match the position you’re gunning for.
  • Write up any stints when you were self-employed in this resume section as well.

It’s a little like coding—there’s no room for irrelevant info here.

Read more: How Far Back Should a Resume Go

4. Make Your IT Project Manager Resume Education Section Shine

Who cares about your education? Well, actually a lot of people do and it will definitely give you an ROI boost.

Here’s how to nail your education section:

  • If you have several years of job experience opt for only listing the following: college/university name and location, years you studied, degree, major and minors .
  • Have limited experience? Sprinkle your education resume section with achievements from your college days. Make sure to keep them relevant to the job description and list no more than 4-6 items.

Graduated cum laude? Check how to put it on your IT project manager resume: How to List Latin Honors on a Resume

5. Highlight Your IT Project Manager Skills

This is where you highlight the IT project management skills that make you so excellent at your job so you need to get it right. After all, it’s the IT project manager’s skill set that can ultimately determine the future success of projects .

  • Create a master list of all the job skills you have—this means soft skills and hard skills , technical skills , and any other relevant skills you’ve got on your hard drive.
  • Pick the IT technical project management skills that are most relevant by using the job ad as a guide. Include them in your IT project manager resume. Get a level up if you can mention IT infrastructure manager skills that your education and experience sections can prove.
  • Don't forget—project managers in IT need to showcase their hard skills  but equally important are your soft skills because you deal with people on a daily basis.

IT Project Manager Resume Skills

  • Programming languages
  • IT Architecture
  • Cost control
  • Risk and quality management
  • Negotiation skills
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Organizational skills
  • Decision-making skills
  • Problem-solving skills
  • Time management skills
  • Communication skills
  • Computer skills
  • Management skills

When making a resume in our builder, drag & drop bullet points, skills, and auto-fill the boring stuff. Spell check? Check . Start building a  professional resume template here for free .

A view from the Zety resume creator indicating the process of populating the work experience section and a range of pre-written resume descriptions proposed for the particular position.

When you’re done, our professional resume builder will score your resume and our resume checker will tell you exactly how to make it better.

6. Add Extra Sections to Your IT Project Manager Resume

You’re checking box after box of acceptance criteria, but you’re not in the closing phase just yet. Show them that you’re the candidate to hire with extra resume sections.

  • Include language skills . In today’s globalized world, they’re essential to being a great project manager.
  • Add  volunteering , achievements and awards , programming projects , and even hobbies and interests if they’re relevant. You never know what might end up playing in your favor.

Pro Tip : There are lots of opportunities to grow your portfolio through freelance gigs. Show up with a flimsy portfolio and hiring managers will be coming up with a 404 error before you say a word. See more: How to List Projects on a Resume

7. Attach a Cover Letter to Your IT Project Manager Resume

If you’re thinking if you should include a cover letter , then let’s make it super clear—yes, you do. 50% of hiring managers expect to get it.

So write the best IT project manager cover letter that will have you at the top of the value tree with the following tips:

  • Use a sleek, modern cover letter format .
  • Use a “hook” to start your cover letter right.
  • Show that your experience and job skills translate into exactly what they need.
  • Use a call to action to end your cover letter .

It’s easy to, but don’t go overboard and write a novel. The ideal length of an effective cover letter is 1 page.

Read more: How to Write a Great Project Manager Cover Letter

Plus, a great cover letter that matches your resume will give you an advantage over other candidates. You can write it in our cover letter builder here.  Here's what it may look like:

A matching pair of professional employment documents, including a resume and cover letter, developed with the Zety resume editor using the Modern resume template, which has a two-column layout and decorative rectangles in the header and footer regions.

See more cover letter templates and start writing.

And once you have all that sent, remember to follow up on your job application ! If you’re going to sit there and wait for things to happen then how will they believe you have what it takes to manage multiple projects?!

That’s the rundown of a successful IT project manager resume.

Thanks for reading. Have any insider tips or tricks to share about creating the perfect information technology project manager resume? Share them in the comments below!

About Zety’s Editorial Process

This article has been reviewed by our editorial team to make sure it follows Zety's editorial guidelines . We’re committed to sharing our expertise and giving you trustworthy career advice tailored to your needs. High-quality content is what brings over 40 million readers to our site every year. But we don't stop there. Our team conducts original research to understand the job market better, and we pride ourselves on being quoted by top universities and prime media outlets from around the world.


Oliwia Wolkowicz

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it project manager resume example template simple

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It’s Always a Good Time to Rewrite Your Resume

  • Another action
  • Something else here

Colored tiles spelling TIME TO IMPROVE

When was the last time you rewrote your resume? Resumes can get out-dated in both their content and style of presentation very quickly. You need to tend to it like it’s a garden: prune judiciously and cultivate the perennials. You never know when life could throw a curveball your way in the form of a sudden job loss or an exciting new job opportunity. Read on as we break down some tips and strategies to optimize your resume.

Less is More

“Brevity is the soul of wit” holds true for resumes too. A very common resume writing mistake is to overstuff it with information. It’s easy to fall prey to the notion that listing your ENTIRE work history will make you look like a more impressive candidate. What actually happens is that the information you want to highlight gets drowned out by everything else. You don’t want to make a prospective employer have to hunt for critical information. Keep things concise and only list job history and qualifications that are either directly  relevant  to the position you’re seeking or displays that you’ve received training/experience in a skill-set that could be an asset for this role. Don’t list a barista job you had in high school unless it actually relates to the position you wish to seek.

“You can, however, include transferable skills gained from previous positions,” said  Gina Pinch , Rio Salado Faculty Chair for Business, Management, and Public Administration. “For example, maybe a high school job taught you communication or technology skills.”

In terms of page count,  don’texceed two pages . For an entry-level position, a one-page resume that gets to the point can make a good first impression. If you’re looking to move into a new field or you’re applying for a more advanced position, an additional page can give room to share more of your skills and background. If your resume is going to be more than one page, make sure that the most important information is on the first page. There’s always the possibility that employers won’t read the second page, so the second page should be reserved for “optional but good to know” information. Save the essential “this is why you should hire me” pieces for the front page.

Unlock Opportunity With Keywords

Before you submit your resume to an employer, look at the job description carefully. The language used to describe the position could contain  keywords  that will make your resume standout. If there’s a skill mentioned in the listing and you have it, make sure to include it in your resume. Check the requirements/qualifications section to see if are pieces  you have not listed on your resume. Adding these keywords can make a big difference. For starters, it shows that you took the time to read the description (you’d be surprised how many people fail this crucial step). The other reason is that many companies use  applicant tracking software (ATS)  to filter out resumes that haven’t been optimized with the right keywords. Taking the time to revise your resume so it’s tailored to appeal specifically to the company you’re applying to will increase your chances of a human reading it.

“Also, be sure to proofread your resume carefully,” Pinch said. “You want to present your best self.”

Keep it Clean

Presentation is important in all walks of professional life. A resume that uses wacky  fonts , is riddled with typos and spelling errors, and is structured poorly won’t make it to the finish line. Take the time to polish your resume so that it looks clean and appealing. Stick to standard fonts like Arial, Calibri, Georgia, Helvetica or Times New Roman. A font that’s too elaborate or abstracted in its design could actually make it  harder for an ATS to read your resume . This is also why you should avoid using graphics in resumes as those can also confuse an ATS and potentially trigger an auto-rejection.

Going back to the earlier point on brevity:  too much text  can be a huge turn-off for hiring managers. Big blocks of text can be intimidating. Make sure you leave some empty space on the page. Use bullet points and numbered lists, utilize headers like H2’s to create subsections, and/or insert horizontal lines to break up the page and create a schematic that’s easy to follow.

Highlight Your Special Skills

Work history and job training/professional development are the most important elementsto convey on a resume, but don’t forget to include other details like  soft skills ,  professional associations ,  volunteer  experience, or technical certifications. These extra bits of information could be the difference makers that set you apart from other candidates. The golden rule in this case is to ask yourself what kind of story you want to tell an employer- what kind of self-portrait are you trying to paint- and then only utilizing the elements of your personal and professional history that are necessary to tell that story. If you want to emphasize your public speaking skills by mentioning your theater background or those years spent in Toastmasters, put that in there. Maybe your passion for playing music reflects your ability to collaborate with others. 

Remember: only include what helps you. Never put down anything that would confuse an employer or make them ask “why are they telling me this?” You don’t need to pad out your resume with extraneous information: you only have a limited amount of space to tell your story, so use that space wisely.

Should I Use A.I. to Write My Resume?

Many people are using A.I. tools to write and revise their resumes. These tools have  pro’s and con’s  to them. One advantage to using A.I. for creating resumes is that it can generate templates and outlines for you to work with very quickly. If you’re someone who has trouble with layouts or structuring your writing, this could take a lot of the frustration out of the process. A.I. tools can also be used to scan your resume and the job description you’re applying to for keywords. A keyword search like that can be a fast and efficient way of narrowing your focus so you know what to add to your resume. 

The downside to A.I. tools is that the text generated is very dry and characterless. While a resume isn’t exactly a thrill-ride to read, there may be places within it to convey some passion, some spark of personality (particularly in the mission/objective section). If it reads like dull, uninspired language to you, it’s going to read exactly that way (or worse!) to a hiring manager. The other big issue with A.I. is that it could generate false information about you. You have to edit it very carefully to ensure everything is accurate. Remember that an  A.I. lacks the ability to judge  or understand degrees of relevance in what it is “writing”: it doesn’t understand what is more important to highlight. 

Article by Austin Brietta

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  1. Top 16 IT Manager Resume Objective Examples

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  2. 13 IT Manager Resume Examples That Work in 2024

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  3. IT Resume Objectives: 12 Examples from real IT professionals

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  4. IT manager

    Objective examples. Dedicated, efficient, and motivating scrum master with 3 years' project management experience, eager to partner with a company focused on long-term growth and technical innovations. Collaborative team player and organizer looking for an opportunity for personal growth and long-term success. Copy to clipboard 43.

  5. Top 17 Information Technology Manager Resume Objective Examples

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  6. IT Manager Resume Objective Examples

    IT Project Manager (Career Changer) Madrid, Spain • [email protected] • +1-234-567-890. Copy. Objective. Transitioning from a successful career in Operations Management, where managed a portfolio of 20+ projects and reduced operational costs by 25%.

  7. IT Manager Resume Examples [+Template and 25 Tips]

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  8. 13+ IT Manager Resume Examples [with Guidance]

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  9. Top 7 IT Manager Resume Objective Examples

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  10. IT Manager Resume Examples & Writing Tips (2024)

    Bringing forth a motivated attitude and the ability to establish strong relationships. Expert tip. Tailor your summary for the ATS software. The summary is one of the places the ATS focuses on most when scanning your resume for keywords. Make sure to use the exact wording from the job decription.

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  14. 54+ Good Resume Objective Examples & Writing Guide

    College student resume objective. Hardworking college freshman majoring in International Business. Gained communication skills as a part-time barista throughout all four years of high school. Confident I can make a positive impact on prospective students and increase enrollment as a Tour Guide at Regent University.

  15. How to Write a Manager Resume Objective (With Examples)

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  16. 6 Great IT Manager Resume Examples

    Your resume must include the five main sections: contact information, professional summary, work experience, skills and education. However, you can also add different sections to show off more achievements. Here are some examples of optional it manager resume sections that you could add to provide greater detail: Languages. Certifications.

  17. IT Manager Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

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  19. 33 Impressive IT Objective Resume Statement Examples

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  20. IT Resume Objective Examples

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  22. IT Project Manager Resume Examples 2024 (Sample & Guide)

    Otherwise, one-page resume template should do the trick. OK, so let's break down this project into manageable chunks, section by section. 2. Write an IT Project Manager Resume Objective or Resume Summary. Introduce yourself through your resume profile, or more specifically, a resume objective or summary.

  23. 430+ Resume Examples for Any Job or Experience Level

    Business. Your business resume should be structured cleanly, use formal colors, and be loaded with professional achievements. The following business resume examples show you how it's done. Human Resources (HR) 6. Entry Level HR Resume. HR Business Partner Resume. HR Coordinator Resume. HR Generalist Resume.

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    10. General labor resume objective. "Adaptable and reliable general laborer with strong skills in woodworking, job site cleanup, lifting and carrying heavy objects, written and oral communications, basic math and physical stamina seeks position that provides steady employment and growth opportunities.".

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