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Sheridan Grant

Content Specialist

Sheridan is a writer from Hamilton, Ontario. She has a passion for writing about what she loves and learning new things along the way. Her topics of expertise include skincare and beauty, home decor, and DIYing.

Table of Contents

About Thesis Nootropics

Thesis Nootropics Review

Hands up if you guzzle five coffees a day to stay awake, have tried all the supplements in the book desperate to improve your headspace, and aren’t interested in prescribed medications. Designed to increase focus , Thesis nootropics might be for you. 

Thesis offers a customized blend of ingredients designed to optimize your cognitive function , with personalized details that tackle your specific needs. Nootropics boost brain performance in the same way a stimulant would, without the common negative effects. 

A study published in the Journal of Alzheimer’s Disease found that nootropics may help improve cognitive function in people with Alzheimer’s disease.

Interested in finding out more about the brand and how it works? Leaf through our Thesis Nootropics review. We’ll be your guide through the company and the process, as well as details on the treatments, highlights from customer reviews, answers to important FAQs, and more, to help you decide if it’s worth the try.

Pros and Cons

Thesis Nootropics Review

  • Multiple cognitive benefits: Thesis Nootropics offers a variety of blends that cater to multiple aspects of cognitive function.
  • Long-term effects: On top of short term benefits for daily life, Thesis nootropics ingredients are designed to impact the brain in the long-term.
  • Personalized recommendations: Thesis Nootropics makes personalized recommendations based on your goals and unique brain chemistry.
  • Potential side effects: The most common side effects to watch out for when you start taking Thesis Nootropics include heartburn, headaches, confusion, dizziness, loss of appetite, and digestive issues.
  • Need to stop taking if issues arise: If you experience a headache or an upset stomach that won’t go away while taking their nootropics, Thesis recommends that you stop taking them.

What is Thesis Nootropics?

Thesis Nootropics Review

Nootropics are nutrient compounds and substances that are known to improve brain performance , such as caffeine and creatine. They help with issues that affect motivation, creativity, mood, memory, focus, and cognitive processing.

Nootropics are the ideal addition to an already healthy lifestyle that consists of exercise, proper nutrition, and enjoyable activities.  Thesis nootropics are carefully formulated to target specific needs, ranging from energy to creativity. The brand focuses on safety, ensuring that all supplements adhere to FDA guidelines and go through multiple clinical trials. 

How Thesis Nootropics Works

Thesis Nootropics Review

With all that being said, you may be wondering how Thesis provides users with an option that is specific to their needs. Fortunately, the process is simple and hassle free. Here’s how it works:

  • Take the Thesis nootropics quiz
  • Answer questions about your basic information
  • Receive personalized recommendations 
  • Get your starter kit for $120 , or $79 monthly when you subscribe 

After that, you’ll select one formula to take each week, taking one day off in between each different option. You’ll also track your results in the daily journal over the month to see how they affect your daily life. 

From there, it operates as a subscription service. Users will be able to optimize their next shipment by telling the brand which formulas worked best.

If you don’t like any of the blends in your box, let the company know and they’ll switch it for something that’s a better fit for your lifestyle, genetics, and goals.

Thesis Nootropics Ingredients

Thesis Nootropics is a brand that offers personalized nootropics designed to enhance cognitive function and overall brain health. Their blends contain a variety of ingredients that are carefully chosen for their cognitive-boosting properties. Here are some of the key ingredients in Thesis Nootropics:

  • Cognizin (Citicoline) : Cognizin is a type of choline that is known for its ability to enhance cognitive function, including memory and focus.
  • L-Theanine : L-Theanine is an amino acid that is found in green tea, and is known for its ability to promote relaxation and reduce stress and anxiety.
  • Lion’s Mane Mushroom : Lion’s Mane Mushroom is a type of medicinal mushroom that is believed to have cognitive-boosting properties, including improved memory and focus.
  • Rhodiola Rosea : Rhodiola Rosea is an adaptogenic herb that is known for its ability to reduce stress and fatigue, and improve mental clarity and cognitive function.
  • Ashwagandha : Ashwagandha is an adaptogenic herb that is known for its ability to reduce stress and anxiety, and improve memory and cognitive function.
  • Phosphatidylserine : Phosphatidylserine is a type of phospholipid that is found in high concentrations in the brain, and is believed to support cognitive function, including memory and focus³
  • Alpha-GPC : Alpha-GPC is a type of choline that is known for its ability to enhance cognitive function, including memory and focus.
  • TAU (uridine): TAU is a blend of uridine, choline, and DHA, which is believed to support brain health and cognitive function.
  • Artichoke extract : Artichoke extract is believed to enhance cognitive function by increasing levels of acetylcholine, a neurotransmitter that is important for memory and learning.
  • Dynamine : Dynamine is a type of alkaloid that is believed to enhance cognitive function by increasing levels of dopamine, a neurotransmitter that is important for mood and motivation.

Overall, the ingredients in Thesis Nootropics are carefully chosen for their cognitive-boosting properties, and are designed to work together to enhance overall brain health and cognitive function.

Thesis Nootropics Health Benefits

Thesis Nootropics is a brand that offers personalized nootropics designed to enhance cognitive function and overall brain health. Their blends contain a variety of ingredients that are carefully chosen for their cognitive-boosting properties, and offer numerous health benefits. Here are some of the health benefits of Thesis Nootropics:

  • Increased cognitive energy : One of the key benefits of Thesis Nootropics is increased cognitive energy, which can help improve productivity, mental alertness, and motivation, as it contains cognizin .
  • Enhanced mental clarity : Another benefit of Thesis Nootropics is enhanced mental clarity,given from Lion’s Mane Mushroom which can help reduce brain fog and improve focus.
  • Improved memory and learning abilities : Thesis Nootropics contains ingredients that are believed to improve memory and learning abilities, like Phosphatidylserine , which can help users retain information more effectively.
  • Elevated mood : Thesis Nootropics may help elevate mood and reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, thanks to ingredients like L-Theanine and Ashwagandha .
  • Lowered stress levels : The adaptogenic herbs in Thesis Nootropics, such as Rhodiola Rosea and Ashwagandha , are known for their ability to lower stress levels and promote relaxation.
  • Boosted focus : Thesis Nootropics contains ingredients like Alpha-GPC and Artichoke extract , which are believed to boost focus and concentration.

While Thesis Nootropics offers numerous health benefits, it’s important to note that the long-term effects of nootropics are not yet fully understood and more research is needed.

3 Thesis Nootropics Bestsellers

Thesis energy review.

Thesis Energy Review

If you’re constantly struggling to keep up with the demands of your busy life, it might be time to try a natural energy booster like Thesis Energy. This powerful nootropic blend is specifically designed to increase energy, overcome fatigue, and build mental stamina.

Thesis Energy is caffeine-free, making it a great option for those who are sensitive to caffeine or looking for a natural alternative to traditional energy drinks. The Energy formulation is designed to help improve focus and mental clarity, increase cognitive energy, and reduce fatigue. Whether you’re facing a busy day at work, recovering after a night of poor sleep, or gearing up for an intense workout, Thesis Energy can help you power through.

Each ingredient in Thesis Energy is carefully chosen for its energy-boosting properties. The specific ingredients can vary depending on your needs, but they work together to help increase energy, improve mental clarity, and reduce fatigue.

To get the most out of Thesis Energy, take it every morning on an empty stomach. You can also take it again after lunch if you need an extra boost. It’s designed to help you tackle busy, hectic days, recover from poor sleep, and power through intense workouts.

If you’re tired of relying on coffee and energy drinks to get through the day, it might be time to give Thesis Energy a try. Check availability and start boosting your energy naturally today!

Thesis Creativity

Thesis Nootropics

If you’re someone who struggles with creativity or finds yourself feeling stuck in your creative endeavors, Thesis Creativity may be worth considering. This nootropic supplement is designed to help spark inspiration, enhance verbal fluency, and boost confidence in your own great ideas.

So what’s in Thesis Creativity? The ingredients may vary depending on your specific needs, but these ingredients work together to support stress management, memory function, mood regulation, and energy production.

By supporting stress management, memory function, and mood regulation, Thesis Creativity can help free up mental space for more creative thinking. Additionally, the caffeine and L-theanine combo can provide a boost of energy and focus without the jitters and crash that can come with caffeine alone.

To get the most out of Thesis Creativity, it is recommended to take it every morning on an empty stomach and again after lunch if you need an extra boost. This nootropic blend is particularly helpful for brainstorming and creative thinking, writing and creative projects, and public speaking and social situations.

As with any nootropic supplement, it’s important to note that the long-term effects of Thesis Creativity are not yet fully understood and more research is needed. It’s always a good idea to speak with a healthcare professional before adding any new supplements to your routine.

In summary, if you’re looking for a little extra help in the creativity department, Thesis Creativity may be a valuable addition to your nootropic lineup. Its unique blend of ingredients can help support mental clarity, mood regulation, and energy production, making it a valuable tool for any creative individual.

Thesis Logic

Thesis Logic Review

If you’ve been having trouble with your memory lately, such as forgetting what you had for lunch yesterday or struggling to recall common words, then Thesis Logic may be just what you need. This formula is designed to help enhance your processing speed, boost your memory, and deepen your thinking.

Thesis Logic is caffeine-free, making it a great option for those who are sensitive to caffeine. The formula is ideal for use during deep, focused work, complex problem-solving, research projects, and completing tedious tasks.

Taking Thesis Logic is easy – simply take it every morning on an empty stomach, and take it again after lunch if you need an extra boost. By incorporating Thesis Logic into your daily routine, you may notice improvements in your cognitive function and overall mental performance.

Who Is Thesis Nootropics For? 

Thesis Nootropics Review

Thesis nootropics are designed for a number of different specific needs, including anyone who wants to focus better, have more energy, and maintain mental clarity. All in all, the products are specifically formulated to improve day to day life and target your specific needs .

Thesis Nootropics Side Effects

Thesis Nootropics Review

While Thesis nootropics are designed to enhance cognitive performance and provide a range of benefits, it’s important to be aware of the potential side effects that can occur. As with any supplement, individual reactions can vary, and some people may experience side effects while others may not.

Some of the potential side effects of Thesis nootropics include:

  • Insomnia : Some nootropics contain caffeine or other stimulants that can disrupt sleep patterns and lead to difficulty falling asleep or staying asleep.
  • Blurry vision : Certain nootropics, such as those containing alpha GPC, have been linked to temporary blurry vision.
  • High blood pressure : Stimulant-based nootropics can increase blood pressure, which can be dangerous for people with hypertension or other heart conditions.
  • Fast heart rate : Similarly, stimulants can also increase heart rate, leading to palpitations or a rapid pulse.
  • Circulation problem s: Certain nootropics, such as vinpocetine, can affect blood flow and circulation, leading to issues like dizziness, nausea, or headaches.
  • Addiction : Some nootropics, such as those containing racetams, have been associated with the potential for addiction or dependence if used long-term.

It’s important to remember that not all nootropics will produce these side effects, and the severity of any reactions will depend on individual factors such as dosage, duration of use, and underlying health conditions. However, it’s always wise to discuss any potential risks with a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen.

Additionally, it’s important to follow dosage instructions carefully and not to exceed recommended amounts, as this can increase the risk of side effects. By being mindful of potential risks and using nootropics responsibly, users can reap the benefits of these supplements without experiencing adverse effects.

Thesis Nootropics Reviews: What Do Customers Think?

Thesis Nootropics Review

At this point in our Thesis nootropics review, it’s time to turn to what customers are saying. So, we sourced testimonials from the brand’s website, Reddit, and ZenMasterWellness. And spoiler alert, the Thesis nootropics reviews we came across have nothing but good things to say.

On takethesis.com , the brand earns 4.4/5 stars out of 7,956 reviews. One patron describes their particular blend as the perfect alternative to prescription meds :

“ I have been off stimulants for months now and these formulas are far superior. My husband and daughter both noticed the change and said I have been more productive, focused, less anxious, and more “thinking outside the box”. I have tried for years to get off stims and nothing would work .”

On Reddit, many reviewers share similar sentiments about how effective the products are. One buyer shares that they tried tons of different nootropics on the market, and Thesis stands out amongst the crowd . 

On ZenMasterWellness, one reviewer states that their blend provided the exact results they were looking for :

“ They offer notable improvements to how well I’m able to focus, stay on task, and grind when it’s time to grind. In practice, this usually looks like a clearer mind and an improved ability to just… chill. With the Clarity and Creativity blends, in particular, I just feel leveled out .”

Backed by clinical trials and real customer experiences, Thesis stands out in the world of nootropics and supplements. The personalized selections prove effective, while the quality ingredients live up to expectations. 

Is Thesis Nootropics Legit?

Thesis Nootropics Review

If you’re wondering if this brand offers products that are too good to be true, this Thesis nootropics review is here to say that it is the real deal .

The brand is backed by numerous clinical trials, which highlight how 86% of customers reported improvements in a wide range of cognitive challenges, while 89% noticed an improvement in their ability to reduce stress and maintain energy.

Is Thesis Nootropics Worth It?

Thesis Nootropics Review

Thesis is an appealing choice in the world of nootropics because it provides a completely customized selection based on your needs and goals. Plus, the ingredients are potent and ensure the best effects—and you only end up paying for the benefits you actually need.

With that in mind, this Thesis nootropics review deems the brand worth the try.


Here are some alternatives to Thesis Nootropics that you might find interesting:

  • Mind Lab Pro – This nootropic supplement is designed to improve cognitive function and mental performance. It contains 11 ingredients that work together to enhance memory, focus, and overall brain health.
  • Thorne Supplements : If you’re looking for high-quality, science-based supplements, Thorne is a great choice. Their products are designed with the latest research in mind and are rigorously tested for quality and purity. Some of their popular offerings include multivitamins, protein powders, and omega-3 supplements.
  • WeAreFeel Supplements : WeAreFeel is a supplement brand that offers a variety of products designed to support different aspects of your health. Their supplements are vegan-friendly and free from artificial colors, flavors, and preservatives. Some of their popular offerings include multivitamins, probiotics, and omega-3 supplements.
  • Neuro Gum : If you’re looking for a quick and easy way to boost your focus and energy levels, Neuro Gum is a great option. This gum is infused with caffeine and other natural ingredients that can help improve mental clarity and alertness. Plus, it’s sugar-free and comes in a variety of delicious flavors.
  • Neuriva Plus : Neuriva Plus is a brain supplement that’s designed to improve memory, focus, and cognitive performance. It contains a blend of natural ingredients, including coffee fruit extract and phosphatidylserine, that have been shown to support brain health. If you’re looking for a natural way to boost your cognitive function, Neuriva Plus is worth considering.

Thesis Nootropics Promotions & Discounts 

Thesis Nootropics Review

There aren’t currently any Thesis promos or discounts available. That being said, if you subscribe for recurring shipments of your recommended products, you’ll save $40 monthly .

Where to Buy Thesis Nootropics

Thesis Nootropics Review

At the time of this Thesis nootropics review, the products are exclusively available on the brand’s website, takethesis.com .

Is Thesis Nootropics vegan?  

Thesis nootropics are made with only vegan ingredients . That being said, while the brand has taken precautions to protect against cross contamination, the products are not certified vegan.

Is Thesis Nootropics gluten-free? 

On top of being vegan, Thesis products are made without gluten, eggs, or nuts . Again, while the brand strives to protect users against cross contamination, the products are not certified gluten free. 

What is Thesis Nootropics’ Shipping Policy?

If you’re anxiously awaiting your order from this Thesis nootropics review, you’ll be happy to hear that the company offers speedy shipping, sending orders out within 1 business day. After that, packages should arrive within only 1-3 business days . Costs are calculated at checkout.

At this time, Thesis is not able to offer international shipping. This Thesis nootropics review recommends following the brand on social media and signing up for the newsletter to stay up to date with shipping policies. 

What is Thesis Nootropics’ Return Policy?

If you find that your Thesis formula isn’t working out, the company requests that you contact them to make changes and adjustments to ensure you are able to receive the proper help.

If you would still like to make a return, follow these simple steps for a refund:

  • Submit your refund request
  • Ship the items back within 30 days of the original delivery
  • Send an email with your tracking number to the brand
  • Return any remaining product in their original packaging to: 

Thesis Returns 902 Broadway

6th Floor New York, NY 

Once your return has been received, a refund will be processed and email confirmation will be sent. It’s also important to note that the brand can only refund one month’s supply per customer and return shipping is the customer’s responsibility. 

How to Contact Thesis Nootropics

We hope you enjoyed this Thesis nootropics review! If you have any further questions about the brand or its products, you can contact them using the following methods:

  • Call 1 (646) 647-3599
  • Email [email protected]

902 Broadway Floor 6 New York, NY 10010

If you’re looking for other ways to boost your productivity via supplements, check out these other brands we’ve reviewed:

Thorne Supplements Review

WeAreFeel Supplements Review

Neuro Gum Review

Neuriva Plus Review

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What Is Thesis?

How does it work, thesis nootropics benefits, thesis blend breakdown, thesis energy benefits, clarity benefits, motivation benefits, logic benefits, creativity benefits, side effects, who should take it, who shouldn't take it, where can you buy it, other user reviews, how does thesis compare to other supplements, our verdict on thesis nootropics.

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  • ThesIs Nootropics Review

Thesis Nootropics Review (2024) Is It Worth The Hype?

James Cunningham, BSc, CPT

As a fitness coach, I've seen the impact of high-quality nootropic supplements on motivation and concentration during workouts.

Teaming up with my dietitian and 12 clients, we documented the significant cognitive benefits and general effects of Thesis over a period of four weeks.

Does it genuinely fulfill its promise of enhancing your mental performance and focus?

Before trying out the supplement, keep reading and find out if it's right for your mental wellness needs.

Close up shot of thesis nootropics products

Thesis is a stack of supplements that aims to improve cognitive function, mental stamina, mood, and overall mental energy levels.

Thesis nootropics' energy formula claims to boost energy levels while catering to individuals following a certified gluten-free diet, promoting positive habits and supporting nerve health.

What's particularly interesting about purchasing this stack is the Thesis algorithm.

It’s a set of questions that assess your personal needs to create a bespoke starter kit.

More on this shortly.

As a result, you get a recommendation from a couple of their products to provide personalized blends for nootropics.

Let’s learn more about how Thesis supplements work with your brain health.

CTA of Thesis Nootropics

Thesis Nootropics

Rated With Total Shape's Scoring System

A person checking out things on a laptop while in the kitchen

The Thesis experience begins with a questionnaire to assess your needs and goals, like improved physical and mental energy.

Based on your responses, the algorithm will recommend different Thesis blends to help you achieve your goals.

After going through the quiz, you get a recommended Thesis starter kit.

The five different products Thesis then recommends claim to work similarly to smart drugs by boosting your cognitive function and mood.

But unlike prescription medications, Thesis uses natural ingredients like vitamins, amino acids, minerals, and herbs.

“Nootropics, a greek word meaning 'Towards the Mind', are compounds that are both (1) neurologically active and (2) directly or indirectly enhance cognitive potential via increased capabilities (ie. reflexes), state of well-being, or learning potential.” - Kamal Patel, MPH, MBA at Examine.com

Once you are a Thesis customer, you can also set up a meeting with a Thesis coach to review your stack and the effects you are looking for and experiencing.

But does that make Thesis legit?

Let’s see what our detailed clinical research reveals.

A person in the gym stretching with Thesis Nootropics logo

The first thing that we got our testing team to do is to go through a full week of keeping an hourly journal to self-evaluate their mood, concentration, and cognitive function.

Then we put them through three weeks of taking their Thesis recommended stack and got them all to keep their hourly journaling going.

The first thing we noted was that the energy blend and creativity formula seemed to give our clients a good boost in brain performance.

And the folks that took the motivation blend a few hours before heading to the gym also found they were more focused on their workouts.

However, the majority of our test group highlighted that the effects seemed to wear off after about 4–5 hours.

We also noted that the logic formula didn’t provide a huge benefit, which could be down to a lack of a proven formula.

We also found that the Thesis nootropics cost can mount up if you want to stack a few of them.

  • Allows you to combine different product formulas for personal goals
  • Provides support from coaches to help you refine your stack
  • Positive impacts on mood and concentration levels
  • Some of the ingredients are not supported by reliable clinical trials
  • You may need to swallow quite a few capsules, depending on your particular blend

A dietitian writing down notes on a clipboard with Thesis Nootropics logo on the side

Thesis Nootropics offers a unique blend of ingredients that target thesis energy, thesis creativity, cellular function, and even skin health, making it a notable contender in the supplement industry.

For this part of the Thesis supplements review, I got my dietitian to help out and analyze the Thesis formula for each of the products.

We also tested the effects with 12 clients to see whether the marketing hype lives up to expectations.

Let's have a more detailed look at the features and benefits of each blend.

The idea behind Thesis Energy is to help people clear brain fog and feel more mentally energized.

To verify this, we paid close attention to the journal entries our testing team made in the afternoons. This is typically when people feel a slump.

What we found was that folks who took this supplement after lunch gained some mental clarity.

But it seems like the effect wears off after about four hours, so you don’t gain an all-day effect like with other nootropics.

Key Ingredients:

  • Choline: According to PubMed, this mineral may boost memory function and verbal fluency [ 1 ].
  • L-Theanine: A controlled trial posted in Nutritional Neurosciences suggests that this amino acid can work well with caffeine to increase alertness without causing jitters [ 2 ].
  • Caffeine: This stimulant can boost alertness, but you can get this from a morning coffee, so I’m not overly impressed that it’s added here [ 3 ].

CTA of Clarity Benefits

Thesis Clarity is another product that aims to improve neural communication and allow you to think more clearly and effectively.

Thesis Nootropics' clarity formula provides an extra boost of cognitive performance, targeting stress response reduction and improving sleep quality, all while delivering a healthy dose for enhanced mental clarity and improved ability.

We did note in our testing review that there seems to be an improvement in mental function for several hours after taking it.

But this also seemed to happen more with those testers who took the clarity and energy formula.

  • 7,8-DHF: Studies have shown that Dihydroxyflavone can cross the blood-brain barrier and act as a neuroprotective ingredient [ 4 ].
  • Alpha GPC: This is an ingredient that has been shown to protect against neurological decline [ 5 ].
  • Lion’s Mane: This mushroom is common in nootropics and has been shown to improve mental performance and creativity [ 6 ].

A large part of improving mental health comes down to how focused and motivated you are with daily tasks. Our clients who tested the Thesis Motivation noted that it seemed to help them remain more motivated during workouts.

But this doesn’t seem to happen if you take it in the morning and go to the gym later in the day. So you’d need to get your timing right.

  • L-Phenylalanine: Research has shown that this ingredient can help with signs of depression and improve overall mood [ 7 ].
  • Dynamine: Also known as Methylliberine, studies have highlighted that it can impact your mental well-being when combined with caffeine [ 8 ].
  • Forskolin: The interesting thing about this herbal ingredient is that it can improve blood flow to the brain for better focus and motivation [ 9 ].

CTA of Thesis Logic Benefits

For this product, we looked at what our clients noted in their journals when they were at work or studying. While they did find a boost in focus, none of them noted that it helped improve verbal fluency or problem-solving skills.

  • Ginkgo Biloba: This is a common ingredient in traditional medicine, but modern clinical trials have shown that it can help brain health through improved blood flow and anti-inflammatory properties [ 10 ].
  • Ashwagandha: This herb can have a direct impact on stress and memory, allowing you to think clearly and effectively [ 11 ].
  • Saffron: It’s the most expensive herb in the world, and studies have linked it to improved stress, mood, and cognitive capacity [ 12 ].

A few of our clients tried the creativity blends, but this is one of the products where most of them didn’t report any significant improvements.

Combinations with other products above did positively impact mood and stress, but we couldn’t find any comments where our clients highlighted that they felt more creative in their work or any other creatively demanding context.

  • Agmatine: This amino acid doesn’t just boost cognitive performance but may also help to protect brain cells against oxidative stress [ 13 ].
  • Zembrin: Research has shown that this herb can impact both stress and anxiety, but there’s no specific evidence that it can help with creativity [ 14 ].
  • Ginseng: This is a common ingredient in diet supplements as it can improve blood sugar levels, but that wouldn’t directly influence creativity [ 15 ].

A doctor pointing to a clipboard

We also asked all of our clients to provide any feedback they had on side effects related to the nootropic blends.

Overall, the majority of people found that it didn't cause any major issues.

We only noted that one person had a bit of a rash, which could have been a result of an allergic reaction to one of the ingredients.

We also found that it’s best not to take these capsules on an empty stomach. Ideally, take them within 20 minutes of eating a meal to avoid stomach upset.

Based on my personal experience, people who want to achieve a moderate boost in brain function may want to take nootropic supplements.

You would need to experiment with the timing as these capsules don’t provide effects for the entire day. But after about a week, you should be in a position to spread out the capsules for maximum effect.

You can also contact a coach directly for advice on timing. It's especially important when you have no prior experience in taking these supplements. However, a good starting point is to take the minimum and adjust from there.

A doctor checking up on a patient in a clinic

Based on our own experience, people with high blood pressure or neurological diseases shouldn’t take Thesis natural nootropics to enhance cognitive function.

In such cases, it’s best to have a doctor review your detailed medical history and the nootropic ingredients for any potential side effects.

Our testing team didn’t note any improvements whatsoever, and when we specifically asked them after the trial, none of them said they saw a noticeable difference.

You can buy Thesis Nootropics directly from the company website.

We generally recommend avoiding third-party retailers to ensure that you always get the real product, so this is a positive highlight.

We placed two orders, and the package arrived within four days, which is about average for nootropic supplement companies.

One thing to point out on the Thesis supplements shipping policy is that currently, the company doesn’t offer international shipping.

A person looking at papers inside a kitchen

We also had a look for other nootropic reviews online to see what users were saying.

“It gave me more energy. I have struggled with low energy and I felt like my old self again. I could get up & get things done.” - Laurie C., taketheseis.com
“After 1 month of using Energy, Creativity, Clarity and Logic pack, I do not note any difference in mindset. I opted for the non-caffeinated blends as I am not a big caffeine person to begin with so a caffeinated blend might show some improvement.” - Beefnug, Reddit
“I have been continuously nauseated every day using thesis packets. I have given it a week and a half and cannot handle the negative side effects. Disappointed.” - AdGroundbreaking5162, Reddit

Our Thesis scientific research suggests that it doesn’t compare well to our testing of three other products for improving cognitive function.

First of all, we looked at the results we have for Mind Lab Pro .

The one thing that stands out the most is that it seems to be effective for many more hours than Thesis, so the timing doesn’t become an issue.

The second one we compared is Onnit Alpha Brain . This nootropic supplement seems to provide a lot more focus and motivation, especially while you’re at the gym.

Compared to Gorilla Mind Smooth , Thesis doesn’t have the same effect on boosting energy and reducing stress.

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  • Avantera Elevate Review
  • Best Nootropics For Men
  • Best Nootropics For Women

Is It Safe To Take Thesis Nootropics Every Day?

Yes, it is safe to take Thesis Nootropics every day. We found Thesis to be generally easy to process, but you need to look out for allergies to any of the ingredients. A good way to do this is to ask your physician for advice since they will know whether these ingredients are good for your health.

Does Thesis Nootropics Contain Banned Ingredients?

No, Thesis Nootropics doesn’t contain any banned ingredients. All of the ingredients are based on minerals, amino acids, and herbs that won’t cause a positive drug test result.

Based on our feedback from a nutritionist and the test results with 12 clients, we don't recommend Thesis.

Not only do its effects wear off after a few hours, which makes timing your intake a problem, but it also burns a hole in your pocket for just a stack of three or four products.

Instead, I highly recommend one of the best nootropic brands we have tested so far: Mind Lab Pro .

Our results show that its effects last for most of the day and provide great clarity, energy, focus, and concentration, making it a favorite among clients of all age groups.

We Recommend This Instead

Mind Lab Pro

CTA of Mind Lab Pro

  • Great combination of herbs and amino acids that work as a cognitive enhancer
  • Added B vitamins to support red blood cell production and boosted energy levels
  • Great feedback from users that it can help with relieving anxiety
  • Get the BEST PRICE until the end of May
  • The capsules are not the smallest ones to swallow

About The Author

James Cunningham, BSc, CPT

James Cunningham is an author and dietary supplement connoisseur with a solid academic foundation, holding a BSc in Sport & Exercise Science from the University of Hertfordshire. Specializing in Performance Psychology, his expertise is backed by both rigorous study and practical experience.

As an author, James is committed to guiding his readers towards optimal health and performance, providing actionable insights and strategies through his writings.

James Cunningham, BSc, CPT

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Thesis Nootropics Review

Thesis has a range of targeted nootropics you can combine to optimize your results. our team will help you decide which ones are right for you..

Daniel Imperiale

Daniel is a senior editor and writer at Innerbody Research. After receiving his bachelor’s degree in writing, he attended post-graduate studies at George Mason University and pursued a career in nutritional science.

Matt Segar, MD

Dr. Segar is a cardiology fellow at the Texas Heart Institute and a member of Innerbody Research's Medical Review Board.

In this Review

Nootropics in general offer the potential to improve cognitive abilities and regulate mood without the need for a prescription. And while more research is necessary, current data suggests that they consist of ingredients that are generally safe and effective for healthy adults. 35 However, Thesis isn’t the only provider of high-quality nootropics, nor do they offer especially low prices. In this review, we'll compare and contrast Thesis’ six formulas and see how they stack up against a growing field of competitors.

Our Findings

  • You can feel most results within an hour
  • Products are third-party-tested for purity
  • All options available without stimulants
  • Outstanding phone support
  • Subscriptions include complimentary wellness coaching
  • Free shipping on all orders
  • Use code INNERBODY for 10% off your first order
  • Somewhat more expensive than competitors
  • Up to four large pills per dose

Despite the somewhat high price, we recommend Thesis to anyone looking for a nootropic subscription that can be tailored to their specific needs. The formulas from Thesis provide tangible benefits with minimal ingredients, and each formula is available with or without caffeine. Thesis also offers stellar customer service and delivers their product in individually packed doses you can take just about anywhere.

Special Offer: Take 10% OFF with code INNERBODY

Why you should trust us

Over the past two decades, Innerbody Research has helped tens of millions of readers make more informed decisions about staying healthy and living healthier lifestyles. As nootropics have become more important players in the supplements landscape, we’ve taken a serious look at the key players to see which ones are worthwhile.

Thesis exists in a class of nootropics that combines multiple nootropic ingredients to achieve specific goals. We’ve spent hundreds of hours researching and testing various nootropics, including both individual ingredients and combinations like Thesis offers. In researching Thesis and their competitors, our team has read more than 100 clinical studies examining the efficacy and safety of nootropic ingredients, and we’ve combined all of that knowledge with our experiences to create this review.

If you're curious about our team's experience using Thesis nootropics and wondering how the products will arrive at your door, we made this handy, 5-minute video summarizing those details:

Youtube Video

Additionally, like all health-related content on this website, this review was thoroughly vetted by one or more members of our Medical Review Board for accuracy.

How we evaluated Thesis

To evaluate Thesis, we examined the extensive research available on each ingredient the company uses and compared them to a growing marketplace of nootropics, many of which our testing team has tried over the past few years. Specifically, we assessed how effectively Thesis' formulas work, as well as their safety, cost, and the convenience of acquiring and taking them.

Ultimately, we found Thesis to be one of the more reliable companies in terms of product quality and customer care, even if they are among the more expensive nootropic brands. For any nootropic, you’re looking to create a noticeable effect in brain performance, and altering anything to do with that sensitive chemistry likely warrants a fair investment. The bargain bin is not typically where you want to shop for mind-enhancing substances.

We’ll get into a more direct comparison between Thesis and their competitors a little later, and you’ll see that the balance between their price and overall value is quite reasonable. For now, let’s look at each criterion in more detail.


Nootropic companies have a plethora of ingredients at their fingertips when they formulate their products. Some companies take a modern approach, focusing on the latest research into established Western medicines. Others look to the past, where ancient Chinese and Ayurvedic practices employed various botanicals to achieve cognitive effects. The best companies combine these approaches, using potentially beneficial ingredients that science supports.

Thesis takes this combined approach, employing just under three dozen ingredients from amino acids to ancient herbs across their six products. The company scores highly in effectiveness thanks to the ingredients they choose and the doses they offer for each, making it likely that you can notice their combined effects.

Individual results will vary due to everything from sleep patterns to diet, but most people should find benefits in at least one of Thesis' six formulas. Caffeinated formulas generally have more pronounced effects than stimulant-free versions, but the value of Thesis offering every formula with or without stimulants cannot be overstated.

One minor knock against Thesis is that, unlike some of their competitors, Thesis does not have a nootropic blend designed for improved sleep. Better sleep supports cognition and mood, so some companies offer formulas designed specifically for sleep promotion with ingredients like melatonin. That said, some of Thesis’ formulas contain lion’s mane or Zembrin (a branded form of Sceletium tortuosum that’s been shown to reduce anxiety and promote sleep). 2 3 And the amount of Zembrin used in Thesis’ Creativity and Confidence blends is the exact same amount used in these successful studies — 25mg.

Good nootropics are, unfortunately, a bit expensive. You can find less expensive options than Thesis, but their $79 monthly rate is right in the middle of what the market demands. You could also argue that the ingredient quality, customization options, and overall efficacy Thesis offers make it a superior value to many less expensive alternatives. Still, the price remains a sticking point for some.

Let's compare the monthly and per-dose costs with some of Thesis' closest competition. The prices below reflect subscription savings where available.

Three of the seven competitors included in the chart above are more expensive than Thesis, and another three are no more than $15 less expensive, revealing their generally average cost. Focus Factor — consistently our top budget pick among nootropics — costs much less than others in the field and includes many ingredients with associated clinical research. The downside is that increasing the number of ingredients (even when they seem to work) increases the odds of an adverse reaction.

TruBrain is the only company that truly compares to Thesis from a quality and variety standpoint. Other companies offer only one or two formulas, whereas Thesis and TruBrain each offer several more targeted products. TruBrain allows you to spend just $69 on your first jar when you subscribe — $10 less than Thesis — but that price shoots up to $119 every month after that, making Thesis the superior value.

When we consider the safety of any supplement, we look at available research into individual ingredients and compare those dosages with what the supplement offers. Whenever possible, we also test the product ourselves to observe its effects on us. Additionally, we look for safety standards in manufacturing that can provide added peace of mind, like third-party testing and compliance with the FDA’s Good Manufacturing Practices (GMP).

Thesis manufactures their products in GMP-compliant facilities and has third-party testing performed to assess the purity of each ingredient and formula. And the clinical research involving the lion's share of their ingredients reveals minimal risk profiles with few to no adverse effects reported. That said, ashwagandha isn’t safe for pregnant or breastfeeding individuals, and it can stimulate thyroid activity, so anyone with thyroid concerns (hyper- or hypothyroidism) or on medication to regulate thyroid function should be careful. 36 37

Thesis also limits their formulas to a handful of ingredients, which reduces the likelihood that any one of them would cause an adverse reaction. This is pretty typical of nootropics in Thesis’ class, but less expensive nootropics might try to convince you of their value by stuffing a single blend with several dozen components. That might increase the chances you feel some positive effect, but the side effect risk goes up by the same token.


Our convenience rating considers various aspects of a user's experience. It usually starts with the quality of a product's website design and whether or not its pages are easy to navigate. We also consider the presence of subscription systems that make reordering easier and money-back guarantees that protect your investment. A company's customer service is another vital aspect of convenience, especially if you need questions answered. The quality of an FAQ section, the availability of representatives via chat or phone call, and the responsiveness to email inquiries all play a part here.

Our convenience rating is also informed by the steps required to actually take the product. Nootropics often consist of large capsules, and doses can contain anywhere from 1-7 capsules, which is awful for anyone with difficulty taking pills. Smaller capsules, fewer capsules per dose, and simple dosing schedules are ideal. Thesis’ capsule count varies per formula, ranging from 2-4 mid-size capsules you can take 30 minutes before you might want or need their effects.

To summarize some important aspects of nootropic company convenience, let's look at which companies have large capsule counts, good money-back guarantees, and subscription systems.

Thesis also provides a service that few other companies offer: free consultations with in-house nootropic coaches. These experts can help you figure out the best time to take specific Thesis formulas and guide your experience so you can tell whether or not they're working for you. Follow-up consultations are also free as long as you subscribe to the product.

What are nootropics?

Nootropic is a term most people use to refer to any non-prescription supplement that can boost brainpower. 4 The technical definition is a little more nuanced — encompassing prescription medications like Ritalin and Adderall — but the supplement industry has largely co-opted it to categorize the new class of non-prescription products. The word loosely translates from its Greek origins to mean mind-changing, and the majority of ingredients in a given nootropic seek to alter the brain’s cognitive abilities, as well as its governance of mood and energy.

Most nootropic supplements contain botanical ingredients, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids that boast at least some clinical research connecting them with improvements in any of the following:

Compared to their prescription cousins, nootropic supplements aren't particularly strong. Still, limited clinical research indicates a tangible benefit to taking them.

What is Thesis?

Thesis is a supplement company with a focus on nootropics. Their founders each had experiences growing up with what would today be considered learning disabilities, and they credit nootropics for changing their lives. They make six distinct nootropic formulas, each with a specific ingredient profile.

Thesis differentiates themselves from their competitors in several critical ways:

  • They offer a starter kit containing a personalized combination of four blends.
  • You have the option to remove caffeine by request from any formula.
  • They provide some of the best phone support we've ever experienced.
  • Their targeted formulas conform to changing needs.

By providing you with a mix of formulas, Thesis gives you the ability to enhance the aspects of your cognitive and emotional life that need it the most on any given day. Maybe you know you have low energy levels on Mondays and Wednesdays, so you can take the Energy formula on those days. Maybe you want to devote your weekends to artistic pursuits. You can use the Creativity blend for that. Or you might find that one of their six blends works well for you in any situation. In that case, you can adjust your order to receive only that formula.

Thesis' customer service — particularly over the phone — is outstanding. While many customers might find chat support more convenient, our testers rarely waited more than a minute to speak to someone, and Thesis employs phone operators who are extraordinarily knowledgeable about the product and nootropics in general. Their email support is fine, and their chat support often redirects to an email inquiry. But that phone support is some of the best our testing team has experienced.

Is Thesis safe?

Most of the ingredients that Thesis uses in their nootropics exhibit minimal side effects in clinical research, so there’s a good chance that Thesis' various formulas will be safe for most people. But Thesis has nearly three dozen ingredients in their catalog, and not all of them will be safe for all users, including those who are pregnant or breastfeeding. Of course, the most important thing you can do is talk to your doctor before taking Thesis.

The most common side effects to watch out for when you start taking Thesis nootropics include:

  • Loss of appetite
  • Digestive issues

Thesis advises discontinuing their nootropics if you experience persistent headaches or an upset stomach.

Some Thesis products may present contraindications with certain prescription medicines. For example, ashwagandha has been shown to normalize thyroid hormone levels in people with hypothyroidism. 5 This has led some to believe that it could conversely cause thyrotoxicity in people with hyperthyroidism, though it’s worth noting that the study in question employed double the highest ashwagandha dose you’ll find in Thesis nootropics — the study used 600mg, and the ashwagandha dose in Thesis’ Creativity is 300mg.

Still, this should make abundantly clear the case for speaking with your doctor prior to taking Thesis. This is especially true considering the lack of research into the specific ingredient combinations you’ll find in Thesis products. There is also very little research looking into the risks of combining nootropic supplements with prescription stimulants such as Ritalin, Adderall, or Vyvanse.

Some side effects, such as jitteriness, can be attributed to the caffeine in Thesis formulas. The fact that you can elect to remove caffeine from any formula expands the company’s reach to anyone with caffeine sensitivities and those who really don’t want to give up their morning cup of coffee. If you want caffeine in your Thesis formula, we recommend trying it without having had any coffee first, so you can see how it affects you.

Insider Tip: If you’re not sure whether to get your formula with or without caffeine, we recommend getting it with caffeine. Thesis isolates the included caffeine in a single capsule separate from other ingredients. Caffeinated formulas cost the same as uncaffeinated ones, and you can always elect not to take the caffeine capsule (the smallest capsule in any formula, containing a white powder).

What are the ingredients in Thesis?

Thesis uses an impressive set of ingredients, many of which have been part of respectable clinical research. Not all of the effects they hope these ingredients provide have been proven with sufficient statistical significance or over multiple studies in different populations, but what we do know strongly suggests efficacy.

Here's a look at several Thesis ingredients that have encouraging research behind them:

Several studies on mice show that dihydrohonokiol-B (DHH-B) has potent anxiolytic effects. 6 That means it may be able to help combat anxiety. However, we can’t say this for sure since there haven’t been any studies conducted on humans yet, so any potential benefits are speculative at this time. 25 Converting the successful dose used in mice (1mg) to the equivalent human amount (4.86 mg) is about half the amount used in Thesis’ Confidence (10mg). 6

In numerous studies, ashwagandha has been shown to reduce stress and anxiety. 32 Thesis uses a branded KSM-66 ashwagandha, which has a high standardized count of withanolides — the component of ashwagandha responsible for its positive effects. 33 This ensures both efficacy and consistency from doses that align with those used in successful studies.

While every formula is different, you'll notice that each contains caffeine and L-theanine. The nootropic properties of caffeine are well established. 19 L-theanine — a non-stimulant derived from green tea — has been shown to smooth out the jittery effects of caffeine. You can easily have caffeine removed from any Thesis formula for no extra cost, which is unique in the nootropic market. The L-theanine will remain, as it has its own set of cognitive benefits in addition to its ability to tame caffeine. 20

Saffron offers multiple benefits, including increased levels of dopamine and glutamate, that are dose-dependent. Human studies have also shown positive effects on depression symptoms. Thesis’ Confidence uses 28mg, which is 2mg less than what was used in many of the studies on saffron’s antidepressant effects. However, one study did find success with as little as 15mg. 7

A review of more than 120 scientific articles looking into the cognitive effects of phosphatidylserine concluded that it “safely slows, halts, or reverses biochemical alterations and structural deterioration in nerve cells.” The study goes on to say that it “supports human cognitive functions, including the formation of short-term memory, the consolidation of long-term memory, the ability to create new memories, the ability to retrieve memories, the ability to learn and recall information, the ability to focus attention and concentrate, the ability to reason and solve problems, language skills, and the ability to communicate.” 34

Derived from a South African plant, Zembrin appears to provide cognitive and anti-anxiety effects as demonstrated in clinical studies on human participants that used the same 25mg dose found in Thesis Creativity and Confidence. 8

Synapsa is a patented form of Bacopa extract, a traditional Ayurvedic memory enhancer. Studies on humans resulted in statistically significant improvements in cognitive tests. The study used 150mg twice daily (300mg total), which is only 20mg less than the 320mg used in Thesis’ Logic. 9

7,8 DHF is a small molecular TrkB agonist that can easily cross the blood-brain barrier. It can increase brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF), a protein that improves neuroplasticity, learning, and memory. BDNF deficiencies are connected to numerous cognitive ailments as well. However, no human studies have been conducted. 26 In mice, 7,8 DHF appears to enhance spatial memory. When converting the effective dose for mice to humans, Thesis’ Clarity offers roughly 6mg more (about 24mg compared to Thesis’ 30mg). 27

Choline is a precursor to acetylcholine, a powerful neurotransmitter in the peripheral, autonomic, and enteric nervous systems. 10 One study on older adult human participants found that taking 187-399mg per day of choline reduced the risk of low cognitive functioning by nearly 50% compared to an intake under 187mg per day. 28 The CDP choline content in Thesis’ Energy is 300mg.

A 2010 clinical study on 485 older adult (over 55 years old) subjects found that 900mg per day of DHA improved memory and learning in those with age-related cognitive decline. 11 And another study in healthy adults 18-90 years old found that 580mg per day helped improve memory. 29 Unfortunately, the amounts used in many studies to improve cognitive function are quite a bit more than the 200mg (which is DHA and L-lysine combined) found in Thesis’ Logic.

Like choline, Alpha-GPC acts as an effective acetylcholine precursor. Studies also show that supplementation with Alpha-GPC can stave off exercise-induced reductions in choline levels. The effective amount used in the mentioned study is 200mg, which is less than half of what you’ll find in Thesis’ Clarity (500mg). 12

In addition to being an effective treatment for neuropathic pain, agmatine appears to have potent effects as an antidepressant. A five-year safety case report study concluded that there are no long-term side effect risks. Thesis’ Creativity only contains 250mg, which is well below the amount tolerated by study participants (2.67g per day). 13

Research into epicatechin indicates that it can enhance cerebral blood flow, delivering more oxygen to the brain to ensure it operates at its highest efficiency. The most effective dose for cognitive benefits appears to be over 50mg per day, and Thesis’ Clarity contains 278mg. 14

Lion's mane has been shown to increase nerve growth factor and promote neurite outgrowth of specific neural cells. It's a safe and reliable neurotrophic, but studies have debunked claims of neuroprotective properties. 15 A very small study of only 41 participants found that 1.8g of Lion’s mane may reduce stress and improve cognitive performance. 30 Thesis’ Clarity contains 500mg of Lion’s mane.

Hyperphenylalaninemia, a severe deficiency in phenylalanine, results in reduced dopamine, serotonin, and noradrenaline levels in the brain. 16 It can also alter cerebral myelin and protein synthesis. Supplementing with phenylalanine may provide neuroprotective benefits.

In a 2020 study, phenylalanine was a large component in a mix of seven amino acids that appeared to improve cognitive, psychological, and social functioning in middle-aged and older adults. Effective doses ranged from 0.85g to 1.7g of phenylalanine. A serving of Thesis’ Motivation contains 500mg, a bit under half of the average amount. 31

Examining the six formulas

Thesis has six nootropic formulas in their lineup (even though you can only choose up to four of them per box). Several other nootropic companies like TruBrain and BrainMD boast targeted lineups, as well, but Thesis is the Goldilocks of the bunch. Where BrainMD’s hyper-specific formulas rely on perhaps too few ingredients to make them worthwhile, many of TruBrain’s complex blends lack real specificity. With Thesis, you get targeted effects from numerous ingredients in moderately complex and reasonably priced combinations.

Each Thesis formula has a blend of ingredients that addresses specific needs. Their names give you a pretty big clue as to what the company intends each to do, but a closer look at their ingredients will help you understand how they achieve this.

Their formulas are:

Interestingly, the company thinks of its formulas as working well in pairs. You don't have to utilize them as such, but it's helpful to know how they view their most effective combinations. The following list details their purported combined benefits.

Enhances focus, eliminates brain fog, and lets thoughts flow naturally

Gets you going, keeps you going, and never crashes

Sparks new ideas, inspires extroversion, and revels in openness

You'll usually only take one formula at a time, but these pairs may act synergistically for specific personality types or cognitive needs.

Note that your first shipment of Thesis will contain six individually packed doses for four of these six formulas. Thesis chooses these formulas for you based on the results of an intake questionnaire, but you can make adjustments to that shipment on the customer dashboard before the shipment leaves their warehouse.

Let's take a closer look at each formula as they would appear with caffeine included.

Thesis Clarity

Thesis Clarity relies on 7,8 DHF (dihydroxyflavone), Alpha GPC (glycerylphosphorylcholine), epicatechin, and lion's mane to increase blood flow to the brain and stimulate the production of acetylcholine, a powerful neurotransmitter associated with learning, memory, and attention. It's particularly adept at cutting through brain fog.

Here's a look at Clarity's full ingredients list:

  • Alpha GPC: 500mg
  • Lion's Mane Mushroom: 500mg
  • Camellia sinensis tea leaf: 278mg
  • Dihydroxyflavone: 30mg
  • Caffeine: 100mg
  • L-Theanine: 200mg

One dose of Clarity consists of four capsules for the caffeinated formula and three capsules for the stimulant-free formula.

Thesis Logic

Thesis Logic contains triacetyluridine (TAU), which caters to the health of the entire central nervous system. It also uses phosphatidylserine to help facilitate communication between and protection of brain cells. 17

This is Logic’s complete ingredients list:

  • Ginkgo Biloba: 160mg
  • Theobromine: 100mg
  • Phosphatidylserine: 400mg
  • High DHA Algae: 200mg
  • Triacetyluridine: 30mg
  • Bacopa Monnieri: 320mg

One dose of Logic consists of four capsules for the caffeinated formula and three capsules for the stimulant-free formula.

Thesis Energy

Thesis Energy uses cysteine and tyrosine alongside caffeine to deliver a steady energy supply. It also includes TeaCrine, a branded form of theacrine, which partners with caffeine to affect adenosine signaling and prevent fatigue.

Here’s a full list of Energy’s ingredients:

  • Citicoline: 300mg
  • Mango leaf: 300mg
  • Theacrine: 100mg
  • N-Acetyl cysteine: 500mg
  • Indian trumpet tree: 100mg
  • N-Acetyl L-tyrosine: 300mg

One dose of Energy consists of three capsules for the caffeinated formula and two capsules for the stimulant-free formula.

Thesis Motivation

Blood flow and cellular function are at the core of Thesis Motivation . It employs artichoke extract, forskolin, and B12 to achieve these goals, with a healthy dose of phenylalanine for added focus and motivation.

Here's Motivation's full ingredients list:

  • L-Phenylalanine: 500mg
  • Methylliberine: 100mg
  • Vitamin B12: 1000mcg
  • Forskolin: 250mg
  • Artichoke: 450mg

One dose of Motivation consists of three capsules for the caffeinated formula and two capsules for the stimulant-free formula.

Thesis Creativity

Thesis Creativity aims to realign you with your inspiration by removing barriers caused by stress, anxiety, and depression. It contains ingredients with powerful anxiolytic properties and 5-HT reuptake inhibition.

Here's a look at Creativity’s ingredients list:

  • Alpha GPC: 150mg
  • Agmatine sulfate: 250mg
  • Panax ginseng: 200mg
  • Ashwagandha root: 300mg
  • Sceletium tortuosum : 25mg

One dose of Creativity consists of three capsules for the caffeinated formula and two capsules for the stimulant-free formula.

Thesis Confidence

Confidence is designed to work hand-in-hand with Creativity, using saffron and DHH-B from magnolia bark to increase dopamine levels and decrease anxiety. One fascinating ingredient in this formula is sage extract, which one 2021 study showed can help with various memory tasks, including name and face recognition. 18 It’s worth noting, though, that this study employed a 600mg dose compared to Thesis’ 333mg dose.

Here is Confidence's complete ingredients list:

  • Saffron: 28mg
  • Magnesium bisglycinate: 500mg
  • Sage: 333mg
  • Magnolia Bark: 10mg
  • Ashwagandha leaf & root: 120mg

One dose of Confidence consists of three capsules for the caffeinated formula and two capsules for the stimulant-free formula.

Our Thesis testing results

Our testing team has tried every Thesis formula (with and without caffeine) to determine their short- and long-term efficacy, at least at an anecdotal level. Here’s a quick summary of our experiences:

Clarity provided our testers with a combined sense of focus and mental ease, though we mostly found that it worked best from its second day forward. The very first dose is mildly effective, but it served us better as a loading dose. We had no crash from either caffeinated or uncaffeinated formulas.

Our testers found that Logic provided a similar experience as Clarity, increasing focus and mental acuity, but the caffeinated formula caused a crash in two of our testers. By excluding the caffeine, that crash can be avoided, though that comes at the expense of some efficacy.

We were very curious about how this formula would perform without the caffeine. Our testers had a noticeable increase in energy without jitteriness about one hour after taking Energy. The caffeinated version caused the worst crash of all the formulas, but we were pleased to find that the formula without caffeine still provided noticeable energy increases without a crash.

Our testers are generally a pretty motivated bunch, so we might not have been the best group to evaluate this particular formula. The testers who felt an uptick in a sense of motivation described it more like a feeling of being able to follow through on tasks with less distraction and completion anxiety.

Creativity, like Clarity, seemed to work better for our testers on its second and third days than on its first. Testers generally described a sensation similar to Motivation but without the feeling of being “on rails,” as one tester put it. It seems to allow for more curiosity and exploration, though not necessarily as much follow-through.

This is Thesis’ newest formula, so fewer of our testers have tried it. Among those who have, one tester with a mild case of social anxiety described feeling a bit more relaxed among groups of people. Testers preferred this formula without caffeine.

Thesis pricing, shipping, and returns

Thesis keeps their price structure decidedly simple. This is refreshing, considering the range of nootropics they offer. You don't have to worry about one formula costing you more than another. However, Thesis doesn't make a non-subscription approach economically feasible.

Every Thesis shipment — including the starter pack — consists of four small boxes, each containing six doses of a single formula. That’s 24 doses/month.

Here's how it works:

  • Any one-time purchase of a one-month supply, including the starter kit, costs $119.
  • When you subscribe, that monthly cost is only $79.
  • You can take an extra 10% off your first order with the coupon code INNERBODY

Subscriptions require an account with Thesis, which gives you access to a well-designed customer dashboard. This is where you can easily make formula adjustments, alter your shipping schedule, or cancel your subscription entirely.

Shipping from Thesis is free in the U.S., and the company offers a 30-day money-back guarantee. In our testing experience, we attempted a return on a second shipment into the subscription. While it isn’t the company’s policy to do so, they refunded our money and let us keep the product. This is similar to some other “Keep it” guarantees we’ve seen from competitors, and we appreciated it.

Getting started with Thesis Nootropics

Thesis' website is easy to navigate, but it is inconvenient that you must complete the signup questionnaire before accessing formula-specific pages. There are ways around this — like direct searching or just knowing the formula URLs — but we think reviewing formulas should be a little easier when you first get to the site. And you won’t be able to place an order for anything until you complete the questionnaire.

The user interface for managing your subscription is exceptionally intuitive. You can quickly adjust your formula combinations, specifying whether or not you want specific formulas to contain caffeine.

Setting up a subscription with Thesis is a straightforward process. Here are the basic steps:

  • Take the Thesis quiz . This will create a starter kit specific to your results. (You can also build a box from scratch if you know which formulas you want to try.)
  • Order your starter kit. We recommend going with the kit Thesis creates after your quiz, but if you change your mind, you can use the customer portal after placing your order to make any changes to the formula combination before it ships.
  • Set up a coaching consultation. This is an optional step, but we recommend it and encourage you to have your first consultation before your kit arrives.
  • Take your nootropics as needed. Most people can experience some of Thesis nootropics' benefits within a few hours of ingestion. Some ingredients and formulas may take a few days to produce results.
  • Refine your order. As you near the end of your first month, you can head over to the Thesis website and customize your next order to include the formula or formulas you like most.
  • Set up follow-up consultations as needed. These will help you refine your future orders and maximize your results.

When you subscribe to the starter kit, you will continue receiving that kit every month until you customize your order. Thesis divides their boxes into four six-dose supplies, and you can mix and match those supplies to suit your needs. For example, you could boost energy on the weekdays and creativity on the weekends by getting a one-month supply with 18 servings of Energy in three packages and six servings of Creativity in a single package.

Personalized insights and coaching

When you take the quiz on the Thesis website, you'll get personalized insights comparing your results to other quiz-takers and a data set developed from nearly 500 scientific studies. The parameters in your results cover don’t completely line up with their formulas, but they include:

These results inform the system to make recommendations for your starter kit. After you order, you can set up a consultation with a Thesis coach. These consultations are free, and you can have as many follow-up sessions as you like. Other companies have apps or online resources like blogs or courses to help you on your nootropic journey, but Thesis’ personalized coaching offers a unique approach and execution.

Consultation calls last around 15 minutes, though some of our testers had their sessions go longer as their coaches' schedules allowed. We received best practices information about taking nootropics that covered dose timing, formula application, and more. Some of our testers also received diet and exercise advice that coincided with their formulas.

Alternatives to Thesis

There are generally two tiers of products in the nootropics landscape. The lower tier consists of products that cost between $20 and $40. Many of these nootropics contain proprietary blends that obscure the exact quantities of ingredients, presumably so companies can use more of the least expensive components. Some companies in this tier disclose their ingredient quantities but may not source them from the highest quality suppliers or perform third-party testing of any kind.

Top brands in this tier include:

  • Onnit Alpha BRAIN
  • Moon Juice Brain Dust
  • Focus Factor

The second tier — where you'll find Thesis — consists of more expensive nootropics that spell their contents out clearly, use high-quality ingredients, and often perform third-party testing to ensure safety and potency. Top brands in this tier include:

  • Qualia Mind

Hunter Focus

We have a comprehensive breakdown of our top nootropics , but here's a concise breakdown of Thesis' most comparable competition.

TruBrain offers one of the widest varieties of nootropics of any company — one of the few catalogs that rivals the variety Thesis offers. They also have some novel and beneficial delivery methods for their nootropic ingredients. Those include energy bars and liquid shots that are outstanding for anyone with difficulty swallowing pills.

TruBrain offers their nootropics in a targeted fashion, not unlike what you get from Thesis. They formerly offered their targeted blends in shot form only, but now you can get any of these targeted blends in capsule or liquid shot form. The shots come in small 1oz pouches that make them easy to take anywhere.

TruBrain's targeted blends include:

This is TruBrain's original blend. It contains seven nootropics, including Noopept, a branded form of N-phenylacetyl-L-prolylglycine ethyl ester. This blend is caffeine-free.

The Strong blend is identical to the Medium formulation in contents and doses, but it also contains 100mg of caffeine.

The Extra Strong formula builds on the Strong blend by adding 150mg of adrafinil (2-(diphenylmethyl)sulfinyl-N-hydroxyacetamide). 21 This wakefulness-promoting substance may also help with weight loss and athletic performance.

TruBrain's Sleep formula contains just four nootropic ingredients: GABA, melatonin, 5-HTP, and a blend that TruBrain calls "functional oils."

Mellow is identical to the medium strength formula, but it adds the functional oil combination used in Sleep.

This formula contains Lion's mane, a mushroom that may promote neural growth , though human studies are necessary to determine if this is true. 22 Its other nootropic ingredients are rhodiola, guayusa, and rosehips.

A 30-day supply of TruBrain nootropic shots costs $89. That's $10 more than the subscription cost for a one-month supply of Thesis. Some of their shots contain caffeine, and others don't. If it already contains caffeine, there's no way to alter a TruBrain formula to be stimulant-free.

The first month of TruBrain capsules costs a bit less, coming in at $69. After your first month, however, the price goes up to $119. That makes Thesis the better value, but if you want the best possible nootropics for sleep support, it might be worth the extra money to check out TruBrain.

Qualia Mind is a brand under the Neurohacker Collective, a company that offers several products to address things like sleep quality, skin health, and vision. They have three nootropics available:

  • Qualia Mind Caffeine-Free
  • Qualia Mind Focus

Their original blend is comprehensive, consisting of nearly 30 ingredients in high doses. That means it's liable to provide you with noticeable effects. It also means you might not know which of those effects are coming from which ingredients, and some of the less beneficial components in your body may also have side effects you'd rather avoid.

The caffeine-free version is identical to the original formula but leaves the caffeine out. Qualia Focus is a more streamlined offering with only seven nootropic ingredients, including caffeine, L-theanine, and L-ornithine. 23

Initial shipments from Qualia Mind are significantly discounted, but after the first month, the price makes theirs one of the most expensive nootropics we've tested. For example, the first month of a subscription to Qualia Mind costs just $39. After that, it costs $139/month. And a one-time purchase is $159.

One inconvenient aspect of Qualia Mind is that a single dose consists of seven capsules, which can get tiresome even for people who don't have trouble swallowing pills. On the bright side, Qualia's 100-day money-back guarantee allows you to try it for a little over three months to determine if you can handle that kind of daily dosing.

Hunter Focus is one of three supplements in the Hunter stack alongside the company's Test and Burn supplements. The stack is intended for male use — Test is a testosterone supplement — but Focus and Burn are suitable for men and women.

Like Qualia Mind, Focus has a long list of ingredients in generous doses. In fact, one serving of Hunter Focus is like taking all six of Thesis' formulas at once. That said, the serving itself is difficult to swallow, as it consists of six large pills.

Another knock on Hunter is that they don't offer a subscription system. That means you can't get an extra discount, and you must remember to reorder when you're running low (theoretically, a nootropic like this should boost your memory). There's also no money-back guarantee to speak of, only a return policy with a relatively short window that only applies to unopened products.

One bottle of Hunter Focus costs $90, and shipping is $8.95 unless you buy more than one bottle at a time. The company will throw a fourth in for free if you buy three bottles at once. That's the only way to get any savings through Hunter.

Individual nootropic components

Many companies offer combinations of nootropic ingredients to perform specific brain-related tasks or even provide globally positive cognitive benefits. However, the scientific research behind most of these ingredients almost always includes just one rather than a combination. Some people prefer to try one at a time to minimize the potential for side effects and determine if one particular ingredient works for them. A few companies offer single-ingredient nootropic supplements for this specific purpose.

Our favorite company dealing in individual nootropic components is Nootropics Depot. They offer a wide variety of single-ingredient supplements and a few targeted blends. The prices are generally fair, with an average range running from $16-$70. A 30-day money-back guarantee covers every purchase, and you get free shipping on orders over $50.

Nootropics FAQ

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Specific nootropics affect different parts of the brain in their own ways. Some — like caffeine — reduce fatigue by blocking adenosine receptors, while others act to protect neural connections that are already present while possibly contributing to new neural growth. 24 Some also mitigate depression and anxiety, which frees up the brain to perform at its best.

Are nootropics safe?

The safety of a nootropic depends on the specific ingredients involved. Many are perfectly safe in the doses commonly employed by nootropic companies, but some can cause reactions like increased heart rate, gastrointestinal discomfort, headache, and even tremors. The smartest thing to do is to talk to your doctor before introducing any new supplement to your regimen.

Do nootropics really work?

Many nootropic supplements are noticeably effective — caffeine is a great example. Efficacy varies depending on the specific component or combination. Fortunately, a lot of companies offer money-back guarantees, so you can try their products to see if they work for you without much financial risk.

Will nootropics make me smarter?

Nootropics won't necessarily make you smarter, but many can increase your alertness, improve short-term recall, and promote neural growth and protection. That creates a great environment for learning if you apply yourself while using nootropics, and many ingredients can help you with the motivation it takes to do so.

How do you pronounce nootropics?

The 'noo' in nootropics comes from the Greek nous , which philosophers use to mean mind or intelligence. The 'tropic' in nootropic comes from the Greek tropikos , which relates to turning or changing. So, nootropic roughly translates to mind-changing. You pronounce the 'noo' like 'new' and the 'tropic' with a long O sound, like 'toe pick.'

Innerbody uses only high-quality sources, including peer-reviewed studies, to support the facts within our articles. Read our editorial process to learn more about how we fact-check and keep our content accurate, reliable, and trustworthy.

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Sponsored content | scottie scheffler arrested in alleged assault on police officer outside pga championship, then returns to play, sponsored content, sponsored content | best nootropics review. alpha brain vs. thesis vs. mind lab pro vs. qualia: do nootropics actually work, and which are the best supplements.

is thesis worth it reddit

Thesis is powered by the world’s largest data set on nootropics, formulated by a Yale graduate, and advised by neuroscientists from Yale and MIT. Its complex algorithm analyzes your responses to a short quiz to give you the four blends that have the highest probability of working for you. Each of Thesis’ blends contain a proprietary combination of functional mushrooms, choline, vitamins, and adaptogens to target specific needs, whether it be boosting focus and memory as well as fighting brain fog and increasing confidence in social situations.

If you wanted to test all the ingredients in Thesis on your own, it would take over six months, cost hundreds of dollars, and would not be likely to give you the same results. The company is so confident that you’ll find blends that work for you that they offer a 30 day money-back guarantee.

Thesis has helped over five hundred thousand people find nootropics that work for them, and the experience stands out from the crowd.

  • $79 for a subscription purchase (one month supply).
  • $119 for a one time purchase (one month day supply).
  • Thesis is the most sophisticated nootropics system that allows you to try over thirty high quality ingredients to find which work best for you.
  • The customized subscription service allows you to pay only for the benefits you need and the ingredients that work for you.
  • Thesis is the gold standard for safety. The ingredients are all third party lab tested and the blends are produced in cGMP facilities that follow the FDA’s Current Good Manufacturing Practice regulations.
  • Thesis provides complete ingredient and dosage transparency.
  • Thesis is the only company that includes a free coaching service in the subscription.
  • Thesis’ blends are formulated by a Yale graduate and advised by neuroscientists from Yale and MIT.
  • Thesis is more expensive than other nootropic supplement subscriptions.
  • Thesis has a longer and more complex trial process; you need to experience the full first month to understand which blends work best for you, but your results will be better.

Thesis Reviews: What Customers Are Saying

  • “I found this to be my go to energy solution from here on out. Thesis is the way to go. It’s easy to use packets keep me flowing all day. I have no trouble staying on schedule and completing my tasks throughout the day. I wish I would’ve had this stuff sooner. Great buy. You’ll love it!!” – Branden R
  • “Supplements are not my thing, but when I tried Thesis it was a big game changer for me! I was able to focus and tackle my task with gusto. I would definitely recommend if you’re needing an extra boost to get through a hectic work day!” -Sarah G
  • “I never really took vitamins or supplements and was originally hesitant to try nootropics. But working from home the last year has been a struggle. I would start with e-mails then next thing you know I was cleaning the apartment, then watching Netflix, then making something to eat, and it took soooooo much time to get back in front of my computer. I was looking for something that could help me get “in flow” or stay in flow for longer periods of time. I tried Clarity first and honestly the first couple days didn’t feel much. Only after a week did I start to notice I felt much more clear headed and could stay at e-mails MUCH LONGER. Clarity, Energy, and Motivation are my go-tos now…they give me an edge, but still feels like me.” -Carolyn H
  • “Thesis for the WIN! I’ve been using Nootropics for over 10 years. Tested several thousands dollars worth on Amazon to include Genius Consciousness, Neuro Shroom, NooFlow, Tru Focus, Qualia Mind and the original Qualia, Cellucor C4 Smart Sugar Free Energy Drink, Cognisurge, and tons more. Nooflow was actually the best with the first bottle. After that, didn’t get the same results. Ultimate (sic) started doing my own stacks buying bulk from Nootropics Depot. That said, Thesis has the best pre formulated nootropics I’ve taken and they work consistently. I’m currently using the Motivation, Energy, Creativity packs. So far, very, very good sustained results.” -RealTopTrader

Alpha Brain : Most Affordable Starter Nootropics

Alpha Brain

The Alpha Brain formula is a blend of ingredients that they don’t fully disclose and the herb Cat’s Claw:

  • Flow Blend and Cat’s Claw stimulate alpha brain production.
  • Focus blend optimizes acetylcholine levels, which helps learning ability and speeds mental processing.
  • Fuel blend encourages neural communication.
  • $68 for a subscription purchase (45 day supply).
  • $79 for a one time purchase (45 day supply).
  • Alpha Brain’s clinical trial has been published, which is rare in the nootropics space.
  • The formulas are more affordable than other options and provide an easy starting point for a nootropics novice.
  • A 90 day money back guarantee is included with every purchase.
  • Only one blend is offered to everyone, so there is no way to tailor the results to you or to dial up or down certain ingredients that work better or worse for you.
  • Alpha Brain uses proprietary blends, so the relative dosage of ingredients is not transparent and it is unclear how much of the formula represents filler ingredients.
  • There is no coaching or other support offered with the subscription service.

Alpha Brain Reviews: What Customers Are Saying

  • “I love Alpha Brain! I don’t like going a day without it! I have increased focus and cognitive function and am more productive in general.” -Jesse P
  • “Helps my brain articulate my busy days. Organization pro.” -Gareth
  • “I can’t really tell if it works. The ingredients seem good other than the proprietary blend aspect so we don’t know how much of each is in what. From testing days taking it and not, I can’t tell the difference, though I’m sure Alpha Brain works on very subtle levels. Anyhow, I have 2.5 months of Alpha Brain left so maybe I will realize that it indeed does work or doesn’t. Cheers :)” -Beet
  • “Didn’t feel much unless I had Alpha Brain with a cup of coffee. Coffee, or AB alone wasn’t doing much for me, but together, I experienced a bit more energy and better focus.” -Marco R

Mind Lab Pro : Gentle, Universal Nootropic

Mind Lab Pro

Top ingredients found in Mind Lab Pro’s blend include:

  • Lion Mane Mushrooms: improve mood and lower stress.
  • Maritime Pine Bark Extract: stimulates cellular regeneration and improves focus.
  • Bacopa Monnieri Extract: improves cognitive performance, boosts attention span, and aids stress management.
  • $69 for a one month supply.
  • $138 for a two month supply.
  • $207 for a four month supply (one month free).
  • Mind Lab Pro is an easy nootropic stack to take daily, with a pill burden of only two pills.
  • Mind Lab Pro provides transparency with dosage amounts of each ingredient included in the blend.
  • Mind Lab Pro blends are vetted with third party lab testing.
  • A 30 day money back guarantee is included with every purchase.
  • Mind Lab Pro’s blend features 11 strong ingredients, but because it is one set formula, there is no ability to change or remove quantities of ingredients in the formula if one does not work for you.

Mind Lab Pro Reviews: What Customers Are Saying

  • “I feel like I am sharper at work. Also, there is no acid reflux, which I have had with others.” -Amanda B
  • “Super for my Ph.D Student Job!” -Laurent T
  • “I feel an all over improvement to my well being. My thoughts are clearer and I just feel more motivated.” -Sue R
  • “I didn’t notice much besides a headache. Tried it mostly for a month. I am thinking more and more that it’s not worth stacking so many things.” -Senescence

Qualia Mind : Broadest Ingredient Profile

Qualia Mind

Here are a few of the ingredients found in Qualia Mind:

  • Artichoke Leaf Extract: increases cognitive performance and protects the brain from injury.
  • Theobromine: provides similar energy as caffeine without the negative side effects.
  • Ginkgo Biloba Leaf Extract: improves brain flow.
  • $59 for the first one month’s supply.
  • $119 for each subsequent month’s shipment.
  • $139 for a one time order.
  • Qualia features 28 ingredients in its single blend, including some more unique ingredients like tree extract.
  • Qualia provides transparency with dosage amounts of each ingredient included in the blend.
  • Qualia offers caffeinated and non caffeinated versions of the blend as well as a less expensive, simplified version of the blend in “Qualia Mind Essentials.”
  • A 100 day money back guarantee is included with every purchase.
  • Qualia takes a “one size fits all” approach. While the blend is packed with 28 great ingredients, if one ingredient doesn’t work for you, it will be very difficult to determine which ingredient that is, and the entire bottle will go to waste.
  • Qualia is more expensive than some of the other most popular nootropics supplement options, especially for just one blend.
  • Qualia has a greater pill burden than other brands do. The daily dose is seven pills a day.

Qualia Mind Reviews: What Customers Are Saying

  • “I like how this makes me feel and my mind is very active and clear.” -Lisa B
  • “Great so far. Works well, just rather expensive.” -Nikhil T
  • “In general, I consider pre-made stacks to be secondary in value to actually figuring out what works best for individuals specifically. That being said, for people who are too lazy / simply want 1 pill to cover all their basis (sic), my bet would be with Qualia.” -Brainstorm11
  • “This has really helped my brain at 75 years old.” -Ellen S

What are the Best Nootropics of 2022?

There are many nootropic supplement brands on the market, with Alpha Brain, Thesis, Mind Lab Pro, and Qualia leading the pack as the most popular brands. While Alpha Brain and Mind Lab Pro represent more affordable options for people who are new to nootropics, their “one size fits all” approach means that their blends might end up being a waste of money if one of the ingredients in the formulas doesn’t work for you.

Therefore, whether you’re exploring nootropics for the first time or are looking to level up your results, we recommend Thesis customized nootropic supplements . Thesis offers the most effective nootropics system available because it is customized to your goals, features potent and high quality ingredients, and requires you to pay only for the benefits you need. Thesis is also the only brand that prioritizes human conversation and education with the inclusion of a free nootropics coach to guide you through your subscription.

Thesis experience

Start your Thesis experience by taking the quiz to find your baseline.

Buy Thesis nootropics.

The news and editorial staff of the Bay Area News Group had no role in this post’s preparation.

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ChatGPT vs. ChatGPT Plus: Is a paid subscription still worth it?


When  GPT-4  was OpenAI's most powerful artificial intelligence large language model (LLM), paying for a subscription to ChatGPT Plus --  which costs $20 a month  -- made sense. But now that OpenAI announced the availability of GPT-4o, I'm not so sure. 

With this latest update, OpenAI revealed an omnimodel that makes GPT-4-level intelligence available for all, so you won't need a Plus subscription to access it. What's more, free users can now access features that were previously reserved for paid subscribers, including GPT Store access to use custom GPT bots; the Memory feature to give their conversations a sense of continuity; uploading photos and documents to discuss them with ChatGPT; browsing the web to give more current context; and advanced data analysis. 

Also: 6 ways OpenAI just supercharged ChatGPT for free users

These changes can make it hard to determine who will find free ChatGPT adequate and who should spring for a Plus subscription. As a ChatGPT Plus subscriber, I'll explain below in exactly which cases you should use one or the other. Once GPT-4o is widely available, I'll test it to see how it performs for free users and ChatGPT Plus subscribers and report if any further differences arise.

You should use ChatGPT Plus if...

1. you use chatgpt a lot more than the average user.

With GPT-4o giving free users many of the same capabilities that were only available behind a Plus subscription, the reasons to sign up for a monthly fee have dwindled but are not completely gone. Free ChatGPT users will be limited in the number of messages they can send with GPT-4o, depending on usage and demand; however, OpenAI doesn't specify exactly what that limit is. 

Also:  Microsoft Copilot vs. Copilot Pro: Is the subscription fee worth it?

OpenAI says ChatGPT will switch automatically to GPT-3.5 when free users reach their limit. ChatGPT Plus subscribers have five times the capacity of free users. Paid users will be able to ask GPT-4o five times as many questions as free users and will still have access to GPT-4 when they exceed their limit. We expect OpenAI will increase the limits for GPT-4o for both free and paid users. 

2. You can't wait

OpenAI says it is beginning to roll out GPT-4o to ChatGPT Plus, Team, and ChatGPT free users today, with Enterprise users coming soon. During the Spring Update live stream, OpenAI CTO Mira Murati announced that the new GPT-4o model and the rest of the updates will roll out iteratively to customers over the next few weeks. This means that only a fraction of ChatGPT users currently have access to the new features, with this number increasing shortly.

Also:  How to subscribe to ChatGPT Plus (and why you should)

If you don't want to wait until you get the new update in your account to use Plus features as a free subscriber, you can get a Plus subscription now to stave off the excitement. Note that you can cancel the subscription whenever you want.

ChatGPT Plus users also still get early access to new features that OpenAI rolls out, including the new ChatGPT desktop app for macOS. Soon, this early access will include the new Voice Mode that rolls out over the coming weeks. OpenAI also will launch a Windows version of the app later this year.

You should use free ChatGPT if...

1. you don't want to pay a monthly fee.

When GPT-4o is available, ChatGPT users will no longer need a Plus subscription to access most of the features that initially attracted subscribers. OpenAI is making GPT-4o available to all users, whether they are paying or not. 

ChatGPT free users will be able to access the multimodal GPT-4o with GPT-4-level intelligence, get responses from the web, use advanced data analysis, upload files and photos to discuss with the chatbot, access custom GPTs in the GPT Store, and have more helpful experience with Memory -- all of which used to be ChatGPT Plus benefits.

Although it's unclear whether free users can generate images natively in GPT-4o (OpenAI did not disclose this during the event), free users will have access to GPT bots in the GPT Store. If DALL-E access remains a Plus feature, free users can still access the DALL-E bot in the GPT Store. 

2. You're a casual ChatGPT user

There is no need to upgrade to a ChatGPT Plus membership if you're just a casual user who doesn't reach the usage limits of GPT-4o. The new GPT-4o model is rolling out to ChatGPT free users with usage limits beginning today, but OpenAI hasn't specified this limit. Plus users will have a message limit that is five times greater than that of free users, with Team and Enterprise users getting even higher limits.

Also:  ChatGPT vs. Bing Chat vs. Google Bard: Which is the best AI chatbot?

If you're a free user who doesn't use ChatGPT often and stays within the usage limit, you wouldn't get much benefit from a ChatGPT Plus subscription now. I expect OpenAI will amend the subscription benefits or the price as time passes and GPT-4o becomes widely available.

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Billie Eilish’s ‘Hit Me Hard and Soft’: All 10 Songs Ranked

The pop star's third studio album dropped at midnight May 17.

By Hannah Dailey

Hannah Dailey

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Billie Eilish

At just 22 years old, it’s hard to believe that Billie Eilish is already a veteran pop star who’s three albums and seven years deep into her career — but here we are. Hit Me Hard and Soft , her third and most skillful studio LP yet, arrived promptly at midnight Friday (May 17), bringing with it 10 new tracks about life under the spotlight, complicated friendships-turned-romances and Eilish embracing her sexuality.

From the emotional accountability on “Wildflower” to the self-scrutinizing “Skinny,” Eilish’s latest set finds her fully in possession of the narrative maturity she was grasping at on her 2021 sophomore effort Happier Than Ever , which spent three weeks atop the Billboard 200 . But with gothic allusions to death and criminal activity on songs like “Birds of a Feather” and “The Diner,” and shades of blue adding darker dimension to even the happiest moments on the album, the project also makes good on the star’s promise that Hit Me Hard and Soft would mark a return to the charms of her No. 1 hit debut record When We All Fall Asleep, Where Do We Go?

“This whole process has felt like I’m coming back to the girl that I was,” she told Rolling Stone in April of making the album with her brother and producer, Finneas, whose best work to date is displayed on HMHAS . “I’ve been grieving her. I’ve been looking for her in everything, and it’s almost like she got drowned by the world and the media. I don’t remember when she went away.”

Keep reading to see how Billboard ranks the songs on Eilish’s new LP Hit Me Hard and Soft , from worst to best, below.


The album’s penultimate track relies more on Finneas’ artful production tricks than it does on any lyrics or message, but it’s definitely a fun listen. Its fragmented pacing may also intentionally reflect the impatience Eilish feels with maintaining a relationship under the demands of her public-facing job, which she addresses on lines like, “I gotta be careful, gotta watch what I say/ God I hope it all goes away.”

"The Diner"

A feverish daydream of a song, “The Diner” marks a less-serious break in the album, akin to Eilish’s early hit “Bellyache,” on which she fantasized about toting her friends’ dead bodies around in the back of her car. This time, she imagines herself as a delusional stalker — perhaps even embodying one of her own rabid fans — breaking and entering into her target’s home in the hopes of someday getting married.

“I came in through the kitchen looking for something to eat,” she croons. “I left a calling card so they would know that it was me.”

Named after Studio Ghibli’s Spirited Away heroine, “Chihiro” has a lot going on. A groovy slap bass and distorted synth twinkles underscore one of the hookiest moments of the whole album, when Eilish sings, “Did you take my love away from me?” As a whole, though, the song creates more of a video game-ready ambience as opposed to obeying a more traditional structure.

"L'Amour de Ma Vie"

“L’Amour de Ma Vie” calls back to the cheekiness of Eilish’s earliest tracks, like “Bitches Broken Hearts” or “Party Favor.” “I need to confess I told you a lie,” she sings ruefully on the first half of the distinctly two-part track, “when I said you were the love of my life.”

On “Blue,” Eilish and Finneas reprise many of the motifs introduced throughout the album — similar to “Goodbye” on When We All Fall Asleep — including the glorious string break on the first track, “Skinny.” Swelling and cumulative, the album’s swan song is all about accepting circumstances for what they are, for all their beauty, pain and everything in between.

And yes, you heard her correctly at the very end. “When can they hear the next one?” Eilish asks in a matter-of-fact speaking voice, possibly hinting at a second album coming very soon.

“Lunch” finds Eilish fantasizing about a girl she wants to — as she puts it — eat for lunch, singing over an instantly addictive beat that eventually devolves into an all-out club-ready dance banger. It marks the musician’s first time explicitly expressing her attraction to women in a song, a task she takes on joyously and freely.

"Birds of a Feather"

“Birds of a Feather” is full of clichés; even its title is one of the English language’s oldest idioms. But coming from a young star whose fame was propelled by her quirky outfits, edgy lyrical subjects and brash interview responses, such a simplistic love song is actually quite refreshing. Critics of Eilish’s vibrato-heavy signature vocal style will be silenced upon hearing her belt with her full diaphragm on this sentimental track, which is perfectly primed for a placement in a summery teen rom-com or two.

Eilish opens Hit Me Hard and Soft with a song that bridges the reflection she did on Happier Than Ever about stardom and self-image with the more nuanced perspective she’s gained since then. Three years later, the star seems to have made peace with her station while still being honest about its drawbacks, describing it here as being like “a bird in a cage” or “a dog in a dog pound.”

“Twenty-one took a lifetime/ People say I look happy just because I got skinny,” she continues before letting listeners in on a little secret, one of the thesis statements of Hit Me Hard and Soft : “But the old me is still me/ And maybe the real me and I think she’s pretty.”

"The Greatest"

Fans of the back half of “Happier Than Ever” are bound to love “The Greatest.” It starts as an unimposing ballad about yearning for more appreciation and reciprocation in a relationship, but eventually ramps up into a cinematic rock free-for-all, in which Eilish once again lets loose for a moment of glorious belting. This time, Eilish takes overdue stock of her own self-worth, instead of just focusing on her ex’s shortcomings, making this a self-love anthem as much as it is a breakup song.


“Wildflower” boasts some of Eilish’s most mature songwriting yet, in terms of both craft and perspective. Soulful and gloomy, it makes telling a complex story look simple, with the singer quietly suffering as she comes undone obsessing over her partner’s ex-girlfriend.

Lyrics like “I’d never ask who was better/ ‘Cause she couldn’t be more different from me/ Happy and free in leather,” for instance, are both straightforward and visceral, while the line “I know you didn’t mean to hurt me/ So I kept it to myself” is devastating in context. And as opposed to some of the other standout songs on HMHAS , Eilish’s narration is the centerpiece, not the production.

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Is it worth upgrading to Apple’s M3 MacBook Pro?

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Apple’s M3 MacBook Pro line might just be the best laptop lineup on the planet. The sleek metal laptops are lightweight and super-powerful, yet they’re efficient enough to last 20 hours or more on a charge. That means some people will be able to go two or even three days without having to plug in their laptops. Apple did a fantastic job upgrading its latest models, but there’s one obvious problem with them: The prices.

There are two reasons why now is a very good time to upgrade to the M3 MacBook Pro. First, we still have a pretty long wait ahead of us for new Pro models with Apple’s upgraded M4 chip. And second, the entire lineup is on sale right now, so you can pick up an M3 MacBook Pro starting at $1,449 , a $150 discount. The 14.2-inch MacBook Pro with M3 Pro is $200 off at $1,799 , and the 16.2-inch MacBook Pro with M3 Pro is $249 off at $2,249.99 .

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Apple’s MacBook laptop lineup is far more complex now than it has ever been in the past. There are so many different models available, but I think that’s actually a good thing. MacBook Air and MacBook Pro models span a wide range of sizes and price points, so there’s something for everyone in Apple’s current laptop lineup.

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Powered by the Apple M3 chip, this laptop features an 8-core CPU and a 10-core GPU. Performance is so much more impressive than anything you’d find with a comparable Intel chip. Even now, with Apple’s M-series chips having been out for so long, they still strike the balance between power and efficiency better than any rival chipset.

Other key specs include a beautiful 14.2-inch Liquid Retina XDR display with up to 1,000 nits of brightness, a FaceTime HD camera, 8GB or 16GB of RAM, and up to 1TB of storage.

In addition to the M3 model, a few other MacBook Pro models are on sale right now.

Apple’s 14-inch MacBook Pro with M3 Pro retails for $1,999, but it’s down to $1,799 right now , thanks to a $200 discount.

Or, if you want an even bigger laptop, you’re looking at the 16-inch MacBook Pro with M3 Pro. This model is currently $249 off at $2,249.99 .

Apple’s M2 MacBook Pro 13-inch is even more compact than any of the M3 models, and it’s currently down to $1,199 on sale . That’s a $300 discount.

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Maren Estrada has been the Editor of BGR Deals since it launched in 2013. She has more than 20 years of experience testing more than 1,500 products, and reviewing a wide range of consumer electronics including mobile devices, smart home products, computers, and home appliances.

Previously, she was a leading consultant specializing in copywriting, product development, and new product launches.

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Reddit IPO: Billionaire Investors Are Getting Rich on the New AI Stock. Should You Buy Too?

After a long wait, Reddit (NYSE: RDDT) is finally a publicly traded company.

Shares of the social media stock soared on its debut Thursday as skepticism about its lack of profits gave way to enthusiasm for its potential in artificial intelligence (AI) as Reddit has sold itself on the value of its content for training large language models like ChatGPT.

Retail investors were mostly left out of the initial public offering (IPO) bonanza as Reddit shares priced the IPO at $34 but opened for trading at $47 a share, giving a windfall to investors who were able to buy the stock in the IPO or to those who owned it beforehand.

Among the most high-profile winners in the Reddit IPO was Sam Altman, the CEO of OpenAI, who has long had a close relationship with Reddit. He's been an investor in the social media start-up for several years; he also previously served on the board of directors and was even the CEO of the company for eight days.

Altman owns Reddit stock through various entities, and his stake in the social media stock was estimated to be worth $600 million after its opening-day pop. ARK Invest's Cathie Wood also piled into Reddit on its first trading day with her company's funds buying roughly 10,000 shares of Reddit, worth about $500,000.

It's worth paying attention to the moves that top investors like Altman and Wood make as they can have special insight into what's happening with the company or with new technologies like AI. Altman announced his investment in Reddit back in 2014, saying he had been a daily user of Reddit for nine years, dating back to the company's early days. He predicted that it could eventually have close to a billion users, which hasn't happened. At the time, artificial intelligence didn't seem to play a role in his investment, but it has since then, as Reddit is now licensing its data to OpenAI and others for training large language models like ChatGPT.

Can Reddit be a winner for you?

Reddit's unique position as a bridge between social media and AI is an intriguing one, and the company has aspirations to expand into industries like e-commerce as well, envisioning some of its subreddits becoming marketplaces.

However, investors should be clear-eyed about the risks in Reddit stock. The company has been operating for nearly 20 years, but it has never been profitable for a full year. CEO Steve Huffman seemed to help give the stock a boost in its first trading day as he pointed to profits in the second half of last year. He noted the company's improving unit economics and that its gross margin is nearly 90%. However, the company typically benefits from seasonality in the fourth quarter as advertising increases during the holiday season. More than half of the company's revenue went to research and development (R&D) last year, which includes salaries for engineers and other employees, as well as consulting services and other costs associated with R&D. It's unusual for a business to spend that much of its revenue on R&D, but that also may be a function of the company's accounting as it includes existing products as well as new ones.

It's unclear when Reddit expects to turn a profit, though Huffman's comments above hint that it could be sooner than expected.

Do the numbers add up?

Reddit's revenue grew by 21% last year to $804 million, and the company lost $87 million on a generally accepted accounting principles ( GAAP ) basis, though that was a substantial improvement from a loss of $158.6 million in 2022. However, after the IPO pop, Reddit stock isn't cheap, trading at a price-to-sales ratio of about 10, which is similar to Meta Platforms and modestly more expensive than Pinterest. But Meta is highly profitable, and even Pinterest is profitable on an adjusted earnings before interest, taxes, depreciation, and amortization ( EBITDA ) basis, which Reddit is not.

At this point, Reddit stock looks fairly risky and speculative. While the AI angle is intriguing, at this point, the stock needs the best-case scenario to materialize in order to deliver significant returns from here. Investors are better off waiting for a lower entry point or clearer evidence that Reddit is on its way to sustainable and growing profits.

Should you invest $1,000 in Reddit right now?

Before you buy stock in Reddit, consider this:

The Motley Fool Stock Advisor analyst team just identified what they believe are the  10 best stocks for investors to buy now… and Reddit wasn’t one of them. The 10 stocks that made the cut could produce monster returns in the coming years.

Stock Advisor provides investors with an easy-to-follow blueprint for success, including guidance on building a portfolio, regular updates from analysts, and two new stock picks each month. The Stock Advisor service has more than tripled the return of S&P 500 since 2002*.

See the 10 stocks

*Stock Advisor returns as of March 25, 2024

Randi Zuckerberg, a former director of market development and spokeswoman for Facebook and sister to Meta Platforms CEO Mark Zuckerberg, is a member of The Motley Fool's board of directors. Jeremy Bowman has positions in Meta Platforms and Pinterest. The Motley Fool has positions in and recommends Meta Platforms and Pinterest. The Motley Fool has a disclosure policy .

Reddit IPO: Billionaire Investors Are Getting Rich on the New AI Stock. Should You Buy Too?

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Reddit shares climb on ChatGPT deal with OpenAI

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By James Rogers

The partnership will bring Reddit's content to OpenAI's ChatGPT

Shares of Reddit Inc. rose about 12% in extended trading Thursday after the social-media platform announced a partnership with OpenAI.

The deal will bring Reddit (RDDT) content to OpenAI's ChatGPT and gives OpenAI access to Reddit's Data API. "This will enable OpenAI's AI tools to better understand and showcase Reddit content, especially on recent topics," Reddit said in a blog post.

As part of the partnership, Reddit will also bring new AI-powered features to Reddit's users and moderators. Additionally, OpenAI will become a Reddit advertising partner.

Related: Reddit shares soar on revenue beat, narrower-than-expected loss in first post-IPO results

Reddit counts OpenAI Chief Executive Sam Altman among its investors. The social-media platform recently announced its first quarterly results as a public company, reporting a revenue beat and a narrower-than-expected loss.

The company is no stranger to high-profile partnerships. Speaking during the first-quarter conference call last week, Reddit CEO Steve Huffman said that the company's "still nascent" data-licensing business continued to grow and evolve. The CEO also pointed to Reddit's deal with Alphabet Inc.'s (GOOGL) (GOOG) Google. The two companies have a longstanding relationship, and the Google deal, which is said to be worth $60 million a year, was deepened in February with a new cloud partnership.

Reddit shares, which ended Thursday's session down 5.5%, are up 11.8% since the company's IPO in March.

Related: OpenAI launches new 'flagship' GPT-4o model, touting improved speed and performance

Earlier this week, OpenAI unveiled GPT-4o, the privately-held company's latest flagship artificial-intelligence model, which it said offers improvements in speed and performance.

-James Rogers

This content was created by MarketWatch, which is operated by Dow Jones & Co. MarketWatch is published independently from Dow Jones Newswires and The Wall Street Journal.

(END) Dow Jones Newswires

05-16-24 2034ET

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    Telepathig. • 28 min. ago. i'm currently getting an MBA from WGU, so if you have any specific questions about that you can PM me! to answer your other questions though - you probably shouldn't be getting a 2nd bachelors, go for a masters. and yes, you can get a masters that's unrelated to your degree. my bachelors is completely ...

  14. Is it worth it? Or would I waste this many dice just to get it ...

    Or would I waste this many dice just to get it back? : r/Monopoly_GO. Is it worth it? Or would I waste this many dice just to get it back? Waste. Although I made that one I stopped right after to save my dice. 206K subscribers in the Monopoly_GO community. Official partners with Scopely for MonopolyGo!

  15. Senior Honors Thesis- Worth it?

    D. Mar 27, 2014. #4. I did one. Didn't get anything for it. In retrospect, probably a lot more work than it was worth. If you were going to go on and get a masters or phd where you'd have to do a thesis, it might be good experience. If you're going to get an MD, probably extra work without benefit. Mar 27, 2014.

  16. Is a masters worth it to offset a foreign degree in the US ...

    Probably very job dependent. I work in consulting for the mining industry and many many many people do just that. BS from Mexico or somewhere else in Latin America and get their MS in engineering from a US school and get picked up pretty quickly. Mining has a very hard time getting people so it may not be the same for something like logistics.

  17. How the AI potential of Reddit's user data has helped send its ...

    "However, one bullish thesis we see prevalent on [Stocktwits] is that the age of AI/LLMs [large-language models] has made Reddit data more valuable and gives the company a high-margin revenue ...

  18. Is the S10+ still worth it in 2024? : r/samsunggalaxy

    I'm planning to use it for the next 4 or 5 years as my main smartphone. I could get a refurbished one for around ₹25,000 ($250-300) or a used one for less than $150. I don't really mind the older UI and Android 12. I'm currently using a Galaxy M30. No. No , especially for that amount of time. Plus you are getting robbed at those prices. Nah man.

  19. ChatGPT vs. ChatGPT Plus: Is a paid subscription still worth it?

    OpenAI's new and improved GPT-4o model makes it harder to determine who'll find free ChatGPT adequate and who should spring for Plus. We break down your options to help you decide.

  20. Billie Eilish's 'Hit Me Hard and Soft': All 10 Songs Ranked

    Share this article on Reddit; Share this article on Linkedin; ... one of the thesis statements of Hit Me Hard and Soft: ... Eilish takes overdue stock of her own self-worth, instead of just ...

  21. Is it worth upgrading to Apple's M3 MacBook Pro?

    The M3 Pro is a big upgrade from the regular M3 in terms of power and performance. If you need the extra boost, this is a great option. Apple's 14-inch MacBook Pro with M3 Pro retails for $1,999 ...

  22. Reddit IPO: Billionaire Investors Are Getting Rich on the New AI ...

    Reddit's revenue grew by 21% last year to $804 million, and the company lost $87 million on a generally accepted accounting principles ( GAAP) basis, though that was a substantial improvement from ...

  23. Reddit shares climb on ChatGPT deal with OpenAI

    The partnership will bring Reddit's content to OpenAI's ChatGPT . Shares of Reddit Inc. rose about 12% in extended trading Thursday after the social-media platform announced a partnership with OpenAI.

  24. Nvidia Stock's Next Big Catalysts Could Come on May 22. Should You Buy

    Had you invested in the stock about five years ago and its price per share was, say, 15% higher than $39.90, or $45.89, your investment would now be worth $20,621.