How to Craft your coaching business plan in 7 simple Steps (+ FREE Template)

business plan template for coaching business

January 4, 2024

May 8, 2024

coaching business plan

Are you eager to launch your coaching business but feeling overwhelmed about where to start?

You’re not alone! 

In this article, I’ll help you understand what a coaching business plan involves. I’ll provide you with a coaching business plan template and also teach you how to shape it so that it mirrors your vision and goals. I’ll walk you through every step to ensure you create a successful coaching business plan tailored to your niche.

Let’s dive into the world of business planning, where clarity meets strategy.

In Brief : How to Craft your coaching business plan in 7 simple Steps

  • Step 1: 📝 Executive Summary – Craft a compelling summary that encapsulates your business vision, mission, and core elements like the business name, owner, and location, setting the stage for what follows.
  • Step 2: 🗂️ Business Description – Detail your coaching services, niche, and operational mechanics. Explain how these elements work together to meet the needs of your clientele.
  • Step 3: 🔍 Market Analysis – Conduct a thorough analysis of your target market and competition. Use this data to tailor your services and pinpoint market opportunities.
  • Step 4: 📈 Create a Marketing Strategy – Develop a comprehensive marketing plan that includes digital and traditional methods to attract and retain clients, ensuring your brand stands out.
  • Step 5: ⚙️ Operations Plan – Outline your business’s operational structure, including the logistics of daily operations and the roles of your team members.
  • Step 6: 💰 Financial Planning – Forecast your business’s financial health with detailed budgeting, pricing strategies, and expected financial outcomes.
  • Step 7: 🚀 Review and Implement – Regularly review and refine your business plan to ensure it remains relevant and effective

Do You Need a Coaching Business Plan?

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A few years ago, I was just like you—excited yet baffled about the right steps to take in starting my coaching business. I dabbled in social media, attended conferences, tried podcasting, and explored various other avenues. 

Despite my efforts, the results were far from what I needed. It felt like I was constantly moving, but not in the right direction.

Then it clicked. I realized that diving headfirst into business without a well-thought-out plan was like sailing without a compass. 

So, I took a step back and started from scratch, this time with a clear strategy in mind. I laid out a business plan that not only guided my business to success but also continues to guide me today.

Starting a coaching business can be an exciting venture , but without a clear plan, it’s easy to lose direction and focus. A business plan helps you outline your business objectives and also provides a roadmap to achieve them. 

Here’s why a business plan is vital for a coaching business:

  • Clarity and Direction : A business plan defines your coaching business’s purpose and sets clear goals. This clarity guides your decisions and keeps you focused on long-term goals.
  • Understanding Your Market : Who are your potential clients? What are their needs and how can your coaching services meet those needs? Analyzing the market helps you tailor your offerings. It also helps you stand out from competitors. This ensures your services are in demand.
  • Attracting Investors and Funding : Investors want to know that their money is going into a venture. The venture must have a clear plan to make a profit. This will give potential investors the confidence to back your business.
  • Measuring Progress and Success : A business plan sets a baseline for measuring your progress. Setting clear goals and milestones helps you track progress and adjust strategies as needed. This ongoing review keeps you on track and informs smart decisions that drive your business forward.
  • Risk Management : All businesses, including coaching ones, face risks. A business plan helps predict and manage these risks, making it easier to handle challenges. It prepares you for economic downturns, shifts in consumer behavior, and new competitors. This proactive approach protects against unexpected problems.

How To Create Your Coaching Business Plan

A well-structured business plan outlines every critical component of your operation, from your business identity and client demographics to your financial management and growth strategy.

Before we jump straight into the coaching business template , let’s understand the structure of your coaching business plan:

coaching business plan

  • Step 1: Craft your Executive Summary
  • Step 2: Business Description
  • Step 3: Market Analysis
  • Step 4: Create a Marketing and Sales Strategy
  • Step 5: Operations Plan
  • Step 6: Financial Planning
  • Step 7: Review and Implement

1. Crafting Your Executive Summary

To start your coaching business, begin with a powerful executive summary in your business plan. This section is like the front cover of a book—it needs to captivate and inform.

Here’s how to craft an executive summary that sets the stage for a compelling business plan:

  • Business Name and Location : Clearly state the name of your coaching business and where you are based. This basic info introduces your business.
  • Services Offered : Describe the types of coaching you provide. You might specialize in life coaching, career coaching, or another niche. Give a snapshot of what you offer.
  • Mission Statement : Your mission statement should reflect the core values and purpose of your business. It tells your audience what your business stands for and what you aim to achieve.
  • Vision Statement : This is about the future. Where do you see your coaching business going? What impact do you want to make? Your vision statement paints a picture of the future you are working towards.
  • Goals and Objectives : Jot down your short-term and long-term objectives for your coaching business using the SMART criteria—Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound . Short-term goals might include reaching a certain number of clients. Or, they might include achieving a set income within the first year. Long-term goals could involve expanding your services nationally. Or, they could involve developing a franchise model.

2. Business Description

Here, you explain what your business does, how it operates, and what it aims to achieve.

This section gives context for the rest of the business plan. It helps stakeholders understand your business at a detailed level.

Choose Your Niche

Choosing a coaching niche and specifying your services are key . This sets your business apart.

Detail your target market. Whether you focus on life, executive, or health coaching, each meets unique client needs. Focus on demographics like age, profession, or specific challenges. Your coaching addresses those challenges.

Explain how your services are tailored to meet these needs, and discuss your business’s competitive edge. List your services in this field. Include personal coaching, group workshops, and online courses.

Also, showcase what makes you unique. For example, you might have a special coaching method. Or, you could be highly skilled in a popular coaching area.

Business Structure

The structure of your coaching business can greatly impact its operations and growth. You may operate as a sole proprietorship, a partnership, or a corporation. Each type has its own implications.

A sole proprietorship is easy to start and gives you full control. But it also leaves you fully liable for debts. On the other hand, a corporation shields you from debt and can attract investors. It does this through its structure and ability to sell shares. However, corporations face more rules and taxes.

Choose the structure that fits your business goals. Consider how it affects liability, taxation, and investment.

Business Model

Your coaching business can adopt various models to deliver its services, depending on your target market and your expertise:

  • One-on-One Coaching: Tailored specifically to individual clients to address personal or professional goals. This model allows for deep, personalized work and can be conducted in person, over the phone, or via video conferencing.
  • Group Sessions: These sessions bring together multiple clients who share similar goals or challenges. Group coaching is effective for workshops, seminars, and regular meetings, offering the added benefit of peer learning and support.
  • Online Courses: Providing digital courses allows clients to engage with your coaching material at their own pace. This model can include video lectures, downloadable resources, and interactive elements like quizzes or forums.

Value Proposition

What sets your coaching services apart is your unique value proposition.

For instance, your approach might integrate cutting-edge psychological research, or perhaps you offer a unique blend of strategies drawn from various disciplines such as mindfulness, behavioral science, and leadership training.

Maybe your services are particularly tailored to a niche market, such as startup entrepreneurs or corporate executives facing burnout.

Highlighting this uniqueness in your business plan helps potential clients and investors understand why your coaching services are not just necessary but highly desirable.

3. Market Analysis

A thorough market analysis is crucial. It helps you understand your environment. You can identify opportunities and challenges. Then, you can make strategies. These strategies use your strengths to meet market demands.

This part of your business plan will show the whole market. It will offer key insights. These insights will help you set real goals and grow in a lasting way.

Identify your Target Market

Identifying your target market involves defining the specific group of people who are most likely to benefit from your coaching services. Key aspects to consider include:

  • Demographics: Age, gender, profession, income level, and educational background. For instance, your services might cater primarily to mid-level professionals aged 30–50.
  • Psychographics: Values, interests, lifestyle, and personality traits. For example, this might include people who value personal development, are career-focused, and seek work-life balance.
  • Location: Whether your target market is local, regional, national, or global. Online coaching services can broaden your geographical reach compared to traditional in-person sessions.

Market Need

This section details the specific needs your coaching services address.

Are your clients looking for career advancement, personal growth, better stress management, or improved leadership skills?

Understanding these needs allows you to tailor your offerings effectively.

For example, if there is a high demand for stress management techniques among corporate workers in your area, your coaching could focus on mindfulness and resilience training.

Analyze your Competition

Analyzing your competitors helps you understand the current market landscape and identify what sets your coaching apart. Consider the following:

  • Who are your main competitors? Look at other coaching services in your niche.
  • What services do they offer? Understanding their offerings helps you spot gaps in the market.
  • What are their strengths and weaknesses? This can help you learn from their successes and capitalize on areas where they may fall short.

SWOT Analysis

A SWOT Analysis is a strategic method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

Use it to analyze your coaching business:

How to Craft your coaching business plan in 7 simple Steps (+ FREE Template) coaching business plan

  • Strengths: What advantages does your coaching business have? This could be a unique coaching methodology, a strong personal brand, or deep expertise in a niche area.
  • Weaknesses: What areas need improvement? This might include limited market presence or lack of full-time coaching staff.
  • Opportunities: Look for external factors that could be advantageous for your business. This could include increasing demand for mental health services or expanding into online coaching.
  • Threats: Identify potential challenges that could hinder your business’s success. These might include new competitors entering the market or changes in regulatory laws affecting coaching services.

4. Marketing and Sales Strategies

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An effective marketing and sales strategy is critical for the success of any coaching business. This part of your business plan outlines how you will attract and keep clients.

It details your approaches to reaching your target market and turning leads into paying customers. The right strategy boosts visibility. It also improves client engagement and loyalty.

A well-crafted marketing plan is essential. It sets clear goals and identifies the best tactics to reach them. It ensures your marketing is consistent, targeted, and effective. They help build brand recognition and trust.

Developing your coaching brand involves creating a distinctive identity that resonates with your target audience and sets you apart from competitors.

Key elements include:

  • Brand Message: What are the core messages you want to convey? This could be your commitment to helping clients achieve specific goals, like improving leadership skills or finding work-life balance.
  • Visual Identity: Includes your logo, color scheme, and overall visual style. These should reflect the tone and ethos of your coaching practice.
  • Brand Voice: How you communicate in written and spoken words, which should consistently reflect your values and appeal to your target audience.

Marketing Channels

To reach your potential clients effectively, utilize a mix of marketing channels tailored to where your audience spends their time:

  • Social Media: Platforms like LinkedIn, Instagram, and Facebook can help build community and engagement. Tailor your content strategy to each platform to maximize reach and engagement.
  • Speaking Engagements: Presenting at conferences or local events can establish you as an expert in your field and attract clients looking for proven guidance.
  • Networking: Building relationships through industry groups or local business events can lead to referrals and new client opportunities.
  • SEO: Optimize your website and content for search engines to attract organic traffic. Focus on keywords that potential clients might use to find coaching services.

Effective marketing can significantly boost your coaching business, attracting a steady stream of clients. It not only draws attention but also captures and retains interest

Sales Strategy

Converting potential clients into paying clients requires a clear sales process:

  • Initial Consultation: Offer a free or discounted initial consultation to introduce potential clients to your coaching style and the benefits of your services.
  • Follow-Up: After the consultation, follow up with a personalized message that summarizes how you can help them achieve their goals.
  • Special Offers: Consider time-limited offers or package deals to encourage sign-ups.

Set up a sales funnel. A sales funnel is a process that guides potential clients from their first interaction with your brand through various stages of engagement until they make a purchase.

It starts with awareness, often through your marketing efforts, and progresses to interest (engaging with content), decision (attending a consultation), and finally action (purchasing a coaching package). 

5. Operations Plan

The Operational Plan section of your business plan provides a detailed look at how your coaching business works. This section outlines the day-to-day operations that support your coaching business.

This includes preparing for client sessions, both scheduled and ad-hoc and follow-up activities for each session, client communication, and administrative tasks like scheduling, billing, and client records management. 

It’s important to specify how these tasks are handled and by whom, as well as any business hours or response time commitments you make to your clients.

Business Location

Where you operate your business significantly shapes how it runs. Specify whether you offer your coaching services online, offline , or in a hybrid model:

Technology Used

Technology is crucial in running a modern coaching business efficiently. List the specific technologies and software you utilize for various business functions:

  • Client Management Systems : Software for scheduling , session notes, and client progress tracking.
  • Communication Tools : Tools used for client communication, such as email platforms, video conferencing tools, and instant messaging apps.
  • Marketing and Sales Software : CRM systems for managing leads, marketing automation tools, and analytics platforms.

Staff and Resources

Finally, detail any staff or additional resources needed to operate your business effectively. This includes any administrative support, marketing personnel, or additional coaches. 

If you handle most operations solo, discuss any outsourced services you might need, such as virtual assistants, accountants, or IT support.

6. Financial Planning

The Financial Plan is a critical section of your business plan. It is crucial for both potential investors and for you as the owner.

It shows that your coaching business is financially viable. It gives a roadmap for financial success.

This section is crucial for securing funding. It shows you understand your business’s finances.

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Startup Costs

Outline all initial costs required to start your coaching business. This includes any licensing fees, initial marketing expenses, technology setup costs, office equipment, and any other expenditures necessary to launch your business.

Pricing Strategy

Set your prices for your coaching services based on the value you provide, the demands of your target market, and your competitors’ pricing. You can also offer different pricing tiers based on the length and depth of the coaching provided or discounts for upfront payments for a series of sessions.

Revenue Projections

Project your revenues over the next three to five years. Base these estimates on your market analysis, including expected client numbers, session pricing, and any additional revenue streams like workshops or online courses.

Break-even Analysis:

Calculate when the business expects to break even. This analysis should consider all fixed costs (like rent and salaries) and variable costs (such as session materials or payment processing fees) against expected revenue streams. The break-even point is the moment when total revenues equal total costs, indicating when the business starts to generate profit beyond recovering its initial and operational costs.

Think of it like this: if you have a lemonade stand, you need to know how many cups of lemonade you have to sell to pay for all your supplies and costs. The moment you’ve sold enough cups to cover all your expenses, you hit your “break-even point.” That means you’re not losing money anymore, and any more lemonade you sell after that starts to make you profit.

7. Review and Implement

Once you’ve finalized your coaching business plan, the next steps are critical: reviewing the plan carefully and implementing it effectively.

This ensures that your business is built on a solid foundation and is ready to adapt to challenges and opportunities. Here’s how to approach these important phases:

Reviewing Your Business Plan

  • Thorough Read-through: Start by reading your business plan thoroughly from start to finish. This helps you ensure that the plan is cohesive and all parts align well with each other.
  • Seek External Feedback: It’s invaluable to get perspectives from trusted mentors, industry peers, or potential investors. They can provide insights that you might have missed and suggest improvements. Consider feedback from people who understand the coaching industry as well as those who might be part of your target audience.
  • Revise for Clarity and Accuracy: Based on the feedback and your own assessments, make necessary revisions. This could involve clarifying certain sections, adding missing details, or correcting any inaccuracies. Ensure your financial forecasts and market analysis are realistic and based on the latest available data.
  • Finalize the Document: Once revisions are made, finalize the formatting, proofread for grammatical errors, and ensure that the document is professionally presented.

Implementing Your Business Plan

Now that your business plan is meticulously crafted, it’s time to bring it to life. This step might seem a bit overwhelming, but it’s essential for growing your coaching business.

The great news is, you’re not in this alone. We’re here not just to support you but to actively participate in your journey.

Our role extends beyond mere guidance; we’re here to help build your business. While you concentrate on what you do best—coaching and transforming lives—we’ll handle the operational details. From identifying your niche to marketing execution, we’ve got you covered .

As we wrap up, I hope the insights shared here have empowered you to create a structured and effective business plan for your coaching venture.

Crafting a solid plan is crucial, not just for guiding your business but for adapting as your enterprise grows.

If you have any questions about the business planning process or wish to share your own experiences and insights, feel free to leave a comment below.

Resources for your Coaching Business Plan

As a coach, it’s crucial to have the right resources at your fingertips.

We’ve put together a curated list to support your journey to craft your custom coaching business plan.

Your Custom Template

To get your FREE custom Coaching Business Plan Template, click on the “Download Your Coaching Business Plan” Button

Other resources

Financial planning and management tools.

  • QuickBooks : An accounting software ideal for small businesses to manage accounts with ease.
  • Mint : Helps with personal and business financial planning and budgeting.
  • Microsoft Excel / Google Sheets – Spreadsheet tools that are essential for financial analysis, including creating detailed financial projections and budgets.

Software and Online Platforms

  • LivePlan : This is an intuitive, user-friendly business plan software that guides you through the process of creating a detailed, investor-ready business plan. It offers templates, financial forecasts, and performance tracking tools.
  • Bizplan : Bizplan makes the process of writing a business plan more efficient through step-by-step guidance, templates, and a modern, user-friendly interface that simplifies financial forecasting and business modeling.
  • Enloop : This tool automatically writes and formats your business plan as you input information. It offers features like auto-generated financial reports and a real-time performance score to improve your plan.
  • SMART Goals – A framework for setting objectives that are Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound, ensuring well-defined and attainable goals.
  • SWOT Analysis – A strategic planning tool used to identify and understand the Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats related to business competition or project planning.
  • PEST Analysis – A framework for analyzing and monitoring the macro-environmental factors that may have a profound impact on an organization’s performance.
  • Business Model Canvas – A strategic management template for developing new or documenting existing business models across nine key components.
  • Value Proposition Canvas – A tool that helps businesses ensure that a product or service is positioned around what the customer values and needs.
  • “ Co-Active Coaching: Changing Business, Transforming Lives ” by Henry Kimsey-House, Karen Kimsey-House, Phillip Sandahl, and Laura Whitworth – This book provides a foundational philosophy for professional coaching.
  • “ Business Model Generation ” by Alexander Osterwalder & Yves Pigneur – A book that introduces practical tools for creating, analyzing, and reinventing business models, with visual methods for brainstorming.
  • “ The Lean Startup ” by Eric Ries – A book that introduces methodologies for developing businesses and products in an efficient way by managing and directing startup activities toward the markets.

Legal Resources for Small Businesses

  • U.S. Small Business Administration (SBA) : Information on business registration, legal structures, and licenses.
  • (for UK based businesses) : Guidance on starting and running a business in the UK, including legal obligations.

Each resource was chosen based on its practical utility, ease of access, and the most current information available.

From established industry platforms to cutting-edge tools and insightful publications, our editorial team has researched, fact-checked, and curated a diverse mix of resources to cater to various learning styles and needs.

This ensures you have access to the best tools and knowledge, helping you build a solid coaching business plan.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)

What are the steps of a business plan.

A coaching business plan includes the following steps – making a list of the strengths and weaknesses of the company, moving on to a SWOT analysis, outlining a short-term and long-term strategy, creating project benchmarks, and defining the key success factors. Another additional step is how to price the business and launch a new product.

What Must An Entrepreneur Do After Creating their Coaching Business Plan?

A list of tasks that entrepreneurs should complete after setting up their coaching business plan includes: obtaining startup capital, researching trade laws, reviewing business licenses, and choosing a company name.

What Is the Purpose of Writing a Business Plan Before Entering the Market?

Creating a coaching business plan before entering the market can prove beneficial because it allows entrepreneurs to look at the big picture of the company, from the way it will be run to its goals and general purposes. It also gives entrepreneurs an opportunity to look at what they need to do in order to successfully and efficiently run their business.

What Should I Include In A Business Plan?

Every business plan needs to include the questions and answers of these three fundamental issues: what do you want your company to accomplish, why should people buy what you sell, and how will you make it happen? It is important to take this opportunity to be very thorough with your business plan.

How to Make a Business Plan?

To make a business plan, you must know what kind of business you want it to be. You will need to research your market, competition, and finances. If you don’t, then you run the risk of running out of money or building a business that is unable to make a profit.

How Do You Draft A Coaching Plan?

You can draft a coaching plan through plenty of documents and templates that can be used as a guide to help you brainstorm and organize your own thoughts. One great resource is the Coaching Business Plan Workbook and Guide by Mary Baldwin and Amy Levin-Epstein.

How To Write A Business Plan Step By Step?

The precise step-by-step guide on how to write a business starts with first outlining what your business will be and what your long-term goal is. Next, it’s important to start with developing your company’s mission statement, detailing who your customer is and what they want. This is followed by conducting market research and researching your competition.

business plan template for coaching business


I’m Sai Blackbyrn, better known as “The Coach’s Mentor.” I help Coaches like you establish their business online. My system is simple: close more clients at higher fees. You can take advantage of technology, and use it as a catalyst to grow your coaching business in a matter of weeks; not months, not years. It’s easier than you think.

business plan template for coaching business

4 thoughts on “How to Craft your coaching business plan in 7 simple Steps (+ FREE Template)”

This article was very simple and easy to follow. Extremely helpful. Just starting out so needed this kinda help.

Hi J Dawn, I’m glad you got great value from this piece. And since you are just starting out, the webinar would be extremely helpful to you so do register

Thank you so much, very insightful especially as I’m starting my coaching business.

Keep up the great work!

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  • Coaching Solutions

How To Write A Life Coaching Business Plan: 5 Templates

Coaching Business Plan

If you’re passionate about helping others fulfill their potential and reach new heights, life coaching could be a truly rewarding career for you.

This guide will show you how to create a coaching business plan that will help you turn your ideas into reality, so that you can start creating value and deliver real results to your life coaching clients.

5 Tips For Starting Your Life Coaching Business

Starting out as a life coach can seem like a big move, and there’s plenty to consider. For many experienced life coaches, it’s balancing the support, guidance, and coaching theory side of things business admin that can be a little tricky.

Maybe you see yourself more as a development professional than an entrepreneur, or perhaps you’ve helped others professionally but never quite had your own practice.

Regardless of where you are in the coaching game, here are some tips that can help you get started building a life coaching business of your own: [1]

  • Decide on a clear, unique value offer. Life coaching is incredibly popular, and that’s not changing anytime soon. To distinguish yourself as a coach, think about the unique value you’ll create for your clients – what’s original about the results you can help them achieve, or how you help them get from A to B?
  • Consider accreditation. The right life coaching certification can arm you with useful skills and knowledge in your field while boosting your credibility as a coach. There are plenty of qualifications available online for coaches, and you may find one that goes a long way to enhance your marketability.
  • Set your business up, practically. Various states, regions, and countries have different systems for registering and starting an online coaching business. Make sure you allow time to collect or create all the coaching forms you’ll need to enroll and manage your clients.
  • Develop or curate your coaching resources. To practice, you’ll need tools such as life coaching worksheets , lessons, exercises, videos (if you’re using them), and more. Create a database of all the coaching tools you’ll need so you know just where to find them when you land your first client!
  • Create an online presence. Think about how you’ll reach out to clients, and prepare the things that will help you be discovered online. Some examples include a coaching website , social media profile, or listings in online coaching directories. A strategic way to approach this is by developing a marketing strategy, which covers all the ins and outs of how you’ll grow your visibility.

How To Write A Coaching Business Plan: 2 Examples

A coaching business plan should help you clarify why and how you’ll start and run your coaching practice, as well as the tools you’ll need to help others.

Creating a life coaching business plan might sound terrifying, don’t be put off. You can go into more detail if you prefer a comprehensive organizational roadmap, but your business plan should quite simply help you:

  • Clarify your “Why” – What is the ultimate purpose of your business? What is your desired future vision for your practice and clients?
  • Solidify your “How” – What are your coaching objectives/your mission? What approaches will you use to achieve them?
  • Determine your “What” – Understand the interventions, tools, lessons, or solutions that will help you on your mission.

Depending on the depth of detail you’d like to go into, you can break your plan up into more or fewer sections.

The following two coaching business plan examples illustrate this.

Example 1: Lean Life Coaching Business Plan

A lean business plan is ideal for explaining your coaching practice succinctly, or if you’re planning a small coaching business.

Using this USA Small Business Administration sample as a guide, your lean coaching plan might include the following headings: [2]

  • Business identity
  • Target client
  • Client pain points
  • Your solution
  • Your competition
  • Revenue streams
  • Marketing activities
  • Team and their key roles, and

Lean coaching business plans can be particularly helpful if you’re keen to refine and enhance your business plan as you learn and gain experience.

Example 2: Life Coaching Business Plan Template

This life coaching business plan template from Profitable Venture is a more comprehensive example, starting with an executive summary and ending with a startup expenditure budget. [3]

SWOT and market analyses are used for an in-depth assessment of potential opportunities, threats, and rivals in the coaching industry.

3 Helpful Templates and Samples For Your Plan

Here are a few good examples of coaching business plans, including some extra sections you might want to include:

  • 9 Steps to a Lean Life Coaching Business Plan from Coaching Online – this covers a few more sections such as your competition, marketing, and finances [4]
  • Traditional Business Plan from the USA Small Business Administration – a traditional business plan that may work well for larger coaching practices [5]
  • Business Plan Template for a Startup from – a 9-step template for new business owners. [6]

Creating A Business Plan For Your Online Coaching Business

Once you’ve decided on the most relevant format for your business plan, you’ll want to formalize it by writing it all down.

You will most likely be referring to it regularly, as you structure, run, manage, and grow your coaching practice, so it’s critical to keep your plan along with the rest of your business documents.

A quick, straightforward solution for most coaches is to create a digital business plan, as we’ve started to do below using Quenza:

Quenza Business Plan for Coaching

Using Quenza’s Activity Builder , you can create custom sections for each element in your plan, as well as text boxes for all the information that will go into your tool.

This helps you store your plan in your coaching portal alongside your Client profiles, activities, and other coaching tools, so your plan is always near at hand as you start to build your business.

To create your own coaching business plan using Quenza’s Activity Builder, simply:

  • Open and title a new Activity
  • Create sections for each header of your plan, and
  • Save your Activity to your Library when it’s done!

You can also print your plan as a PDF, or access and edit at any time on Quenza’s client app, as shown below:

how to start an online life coaching business Quenza

There’s no right or wrong way to create a coaching business plan template, so don’t be afraid to add in headers or sections as your plan grows. As long as your plan takes you through each milestone of building and running your business, you’re on the right path to creating a successful, growing practice.

Best App and Software For Your Coaching Business

Quenza is a state-of-the-art solution for coaching professionals, regardless of where you are in the process of running your business.

Not only can you plan out your business as a first-time coach, but Quenza’s tools can help you deliver solutions, stay in touch with clients, and even market your business as you gain traction.

With Quenza’s features, for example, you can:

  • Design, build, and deliver personal and group life coaching solutions
  • Craft coaching programs, curricula, or entire e-courses from your existing tools
  • Drip feed your solutions to coaching clients automatically, on a schedule
  • Create and customize all your coaching contracts , coaching agreements, and feedback forms
  • Collect and securely store all your clients’ data with Quenza’s HIPAA-compliant app and coaching platform
  • Offer clients a centralized online coaching portal
  • Stay in touch with and engage your clients throughout the course of your programs, using notifications, reminders, and multimedia,
  • Track, monitor, and evaluate your clients’ progress in real-time, and
  • Document your sessions with Quenza’s Client notes.

5 Unique Features Included in Quenza

We’ve already seen how important it is to carve out your niche as a life coach – and of course, you’re most efficient when you decide on your own workflow, processes, and style.

With Quenza’s custom features, you have all the flexibility you need to get creative with solutions and market yourself in a way that suits you.

For instance, you can make use of Quenza’s:

  • Multilingual client app – to translate your own or your clients’ Quenza app into 16 different languages, and custom brand colors
  • Group or private chat – to share feedback, reminders, or encouragement
  • White label feature – to promote your brand by adding your logo to tools, forms, and programs
  • Wheel of Life feature – to design personalized life Wheel of Life assessments , and
  • Expansion Library – for customizing popular and evidence-based coaching exercises without starting from scratch!

Final Thoughts

These tips, templates, formats, and examples will help you craft a strategic business plan that can get your coaching practice up and running – even if you’ve never started a business in your life.

If you have a template of your own to share with your fellow coaches, do let us know in the comments below.

We hope this article was helpful. Don’t forget to start your 30-day, 1 dollar Quenza trial for all the tools you need to bring your business plan to life!

Quenza’s practitioner tools will help you craft and deliver powerful online coaching solutions from any connected device, and contains everything you need to run your life coaching practice digitally for brilliant client outcomes.

  • ^ Truex, L. (2021). How to start a home-based coaching business. Retrieved from
  • ^ (2021). Sample Lean Business Plan. Retrieved from
  • ^ Profitable Venture. (2021). Life Coaching Business Plan Template. Retrieved from
  • ^ (2021). 9 Steps to a Lean Life Coaching Business Plan. Retrieved from
  • ^ (2021). Write Your Business Plan. Retrieved from
  • ^ (2020). Business Plan Template for a Startup Business. Retrieved from

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business plan template for coaching business

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How to Start Your Life Coaching Business Plan & Template

Life Coaching Business

Perhaps like many of us, you’re unsure where to start. Maybe you’re disillusioned by the lack of clear, actionable information available and have shelved your plans – for the moment, at least.

But don’t give in. Help is at hand.

This article introduces many of the answers to the question, “How do I start a life coaching business?”

In doing so, we borrow heavily from a book written by one of our founders at, Seph Fontane Pennock, The 7 Pillars of a Profitable Practice . It is a great read and highly recommended; however, this article offers a powerful starting point regardless, with actionable points, a business plan, and a free template.

This Article Contains

How to start your life coaching business, 3 requirements for setting up your practice, crafting your business model plan: a template, how to market and advertise your coaching business, 10 best names for coaching practices, building and promoting an online coaching business.

  • 10+ Software & Forms to Use in Your Practice

A Take-Home Message

Life coaching can have far-reaching and diverse positive impacts on clients’ lives (Clutterbuck et al., 2016).

Many of us have toyed with the idea of starting a life coaching business, helping people change health-related behavior, improve wellness, boost their careers, and strive for personal goals (Karmali et al., 2020; Mann et al., 2022).

You most likely feel you have something to give: highly transferable skills learned from harsh life lessons and/or expertise in psychology, learning, leadership, self-development, and communication.

Or perhaps you are simply great at making people feel so empowered that they stop being “stuck” and take the bold steps to overcome obstacles holding them back.

Whatever your reason and motivation, we will help you get there, and the best place to begin is right here.

Begin at the beginning!

We start by recognizing our barriers.

What’s stopping us? Most likely, it’s our mindset rather than something physical. The following beliefs are potential obstacles, blocking us before we even start:

  • Fear of failure : We are afraid we will not succeed.
  • Not enough time: “I would give it a try, but I simply don’t have enough time.”
  • Self-doubt: Our lack of confidence sabotages our entrepreneurial journey.

It’s not about ignoring the fear or letting it determine how we act; it’s about accepting it as an inherent part of our journey.

Accept fear as part of your journey.

Next, evaluate your existing time commitments. Prioritize your current tasks, dropping some of the nonessentials, and plan to set aside time to start your life coaching business. This is something you’ve dreamed of doing and aligns with your bigger life goals.

There will always be things to do, but by changing your mindset and prioritizing this dream, you will find the time to make it a reality.

Everyone has 24 hours in a day. What will you accomplish with yours?

Finally, recognize your feelings of self-doubt but don’t let them control you. Reflect on some of your past successes and reach out to those closest to you for their support, encouragement, and practical advice.

We’d like to share a great article with you that can help, as it includes tips for increasing your self-confidence. Have a look at What Is Self-Confidence? (+9 Proven Ways to Increase It) .

To build confidence, you have to practice confidence.

If we don’t start, we will never know

Now that we have faced our barriers and established a healthier relationship with them, it’s time to step outside our comfort zone and start the journey.

Who is our dream client?

We can’t be great at everything, so we need to narrow our focus and reach and find an authentic niche.

For example, perhaps you enjoy helping people in the workplace . So, maybe your dream client has worked for several years but now feels stuck in their career. They need help to reevaluate where they are, where they want to go, and how to change their mindset to move toward a more fulfilling career.

Once we’ve defined our ideal client, we can consider each of Seph’s seven pillars for starting and growing a coaching practice sustainably:

  • Pillar #1 – Promise We need to be able to make a pledge to our dream client. The five Ps will help: People : Who are we helping? Place : Where are we helping them? Problem : What are we helping them solve? Product : What will we use to do this? Price : What will we charge to do it?
  • Pillar #2 – Leads We need to attract more of the right sort of clients (ideally, they will contact us). We must think about how our dream client will find us, perhaps via YouTube, a blog post, a personal website, or social media (think LinkedIn, Instagram, Facebook, etc.).
  • Pillar #3 – Clients How will we convert leads into clients? It may involve screening out those who are not a good fit for our services (depending on our coaching philosophy ) and following up quickly with compatible ones.
  • Pillar #4 – Traffic Reducing the legwork associated with finding leads is crucial; ultimately, it gives us more time to help others.
  • Pillar #5 – Retention Attracting and converting new leads is vital, yet so is holding on to existing clients. What potential offers can we share with existing clients to maintain (or boost) engagement?
  • Pillar #6 – Products How can we generate more income without spending extra time? It might include offering group coaching sessions or additional training, downloadable PDFs, podcasts, or webinars.
  • Pillar #7 – Team We can’t achieve everything alone. Over time, a successful coaching business may expand and include dedicated staff performing those administrative activities that take our time away from coaching.

Best coaching platform

What is the best platform for a life coaching business?

Traditionally, life coaching was practiced face to face and involved a great deal of manual administration behind the scenes.

Thankfully, new technology and online platforms mean we can perform coaching remotely through video calls and set up meetings, share activities, and exercises, and take notes online (Ribbers & Waringa, 2015; Kanatouri, 2020).

Our very own Quenza has been designed by and for coaches, counselors, and therapists, and that is why we believe it is the best coaching platform out there. It allows life coaches to focus on client needs, goals, and overcoming challenges and is a scalable solution for a growing business.

Do you need a business license?

You do not need specific qualifications to set up as a life coach, but accreditation can boost potential clients’ confidence in your abilities.

However, obtaining a business license is required in some locations to provide life coaching services legally. If you’re unsure whether you need a license, check with your local government agencies or consult a lawyer or accountant familiar with your jurisdiction (Lumia, 2022; Blackbyrn, 2023).

3 Best life coaching certification programs

There are many life coaching courses available. However, the International Coaching Federation (ICF) is the world’s best-known and respected coaching program certifier.

We list three of our favorite life coaching certification programs, but many others exist.

Spend time researching the one that best matches your coaching plans, availability, and budget.

  • Coaching Out of the Box This fast track to ICF certification can help turn your dream of starting a life coaching business into a reality. It includes group and one-to-one coaching and certification and supports individuals as they obtain documented coaching experience.
  • Barefoot Coaching This ICF and university-accredited coach training offers online coaching expertise to develop the coaching skills required as a life coach, HR professional, or business leader.
  • Life Purpose Institute The institute offers the coaching tools and marketing expertise to build a life coaching practice plus the training hours required to get ICF credentials. The number of students in online courses is limited, and students can learn the skills needed to coach individuals, groups, and workshops.

For further training opportunities, see our articles, 19 Best Coaching Training Institutes and Programs and 8 Best ICF Coaching Certification Programs and Courses .

A life coaching business plan doesn’t need to be complicated and must remain current, capturing the key actions and challenges.

Use the Life Coaching Business Model Plan or one of our templates from our How to Write a Life Coaching Business Plan: 5 Templates article to create an initial plan.

In this example, we target people who feel stuck in their career or their life (or both).

Business identity

What is the business called? “Clarity Life Coaching”

Target client

Our target clients are individuals who feel stuck, lost, or uncertain in their personal or professional lives. We focus on mid-career individuals or those experiencing significant life changes, such as divorce or career transitions.

Client pain points

Our clients struggle with a lack of direction, feel overwhelmed, and lack clarity about their goals and values. They may feel stuck in unfulfilling jobs or relationships and experience high stress or anxiety.

Your solution

Clarity Life Coaching provides personalized coaching services to help individuals clarify their values, goals, and priorities. Our coaching process helps clients identify their strengths and areas for improvement, develop a plan to achieve their goals, and overcome obstacles that may stand in their way. We use various coaching techniques , including goal setting, visualization, and Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy.

Your competition

Several life coaching businesses in the local area provide similar services, but our unique approach and personalized coaching services set us apart from the competition. We focus on a highly customized coaching experience tailored to each client’s needs.

Revenue streams

Our revenue streams include one-on-one coaching sessions, group coaching sessions, and workshops on topics such as goal setting and stress management.

Marketing activities

We use online advertising, social media marketing, and partnerships with local businesses and community organizations. We will also attend local events and conferences to promote our services and network with potential clients.

Existing and future expenses include rent for our coaching space, coaching materials, advertising and marketing costs, and attending events and conferences.

Team and their key roles

The team will consist of one life coach responsible for providing coaching services, managing client relationships, and handling administrative tasks such as scheduling and billing.

Initial thoughts on milestones include:

  • Launching the business and securing our first clients within the first three months
  • Expanding our client base by 25% within the first year
  • Increasing revenue by 35% within the first year
  • Hosting a successful workshop or seminar within the first six months of operation

Help mid-career individuals gain clarity and direction and achieve their personal and professional goals.

Your plan will evolve and should be revisited regularly to grow and manage your life coaching practice.

Marketing your business

For many of us, marketing and advertising can fill us with fear – an unknown and confusing process.

So here are a few valuable pointers drawn from Seph’s The 7 Pillars of a Profitable Practice and Steve Chandler’s book How to Get Clients: New Pathways to Coaching Prosperity .

Your coaching website should be like a funnel

  • When your visitor arrives on your website, they should:
  • Know which problem you can help them solve or which goal you can help them achieve.
  • Find clear evidence of your successful track record.
  • Be confident in your abilities and experience.
  • Be provided with some upfront value (perhaps a free e-book).
  • Do not overcomplicate the website. Consider removing unnecessary content. The goal is for traffic to arrive as visitors and leave as leads (or sales).
  • Make use of a call-to-action, either:
  • Offer a giveaway in exchange for their name and email.
  • Allow them to sign up for their first (complimentary) coaching session.

Productive conversations

Productive conversations and creating relationships lead to new clients.

  • Make sure that you follow up on discussions promptly.
  • After an initial chat, ask the potential client to complete a prequalification survey.
  • Don’t leave them wondering. Tell them when they will receive a follow-up email.
  • Don’t be needy (even if you would like their business).
  • Be aware that the client will remember how you made them feel rather than precisely what you said.
  • Talk less about yourself and your coaching and listen more to their problems.

Online writing

Writing for a personal blog or elsewhere can increase your reach, get you in front of clients, and help others take you seriously. But remember:

  • Aim for quality over quantity – you are targeting the right kind of traffic.
  • Change your mindset from “How do I find more clients?” to “How do my dream clients find me?”
  • Know what people are looking for and create resources on that topic.
  • Earned reach is the organic attention that you receive. Perhaps you got a mention in a podcast or on a news website. Paid reach has a cost, such as Facebook and Instagram ads or using the Google Ads Platform. Consider both.
  • If you post on your website, consider your owned reach. You should appear in the search results, so get to know which keywords people are searching for when they look for help.

In The 7 Pillars of a Profitable Practice , Seph covers in more detail how to rank for keywords and create a content marketing plan that includes platforms with active audiences, such as:

  • The Huffington Post
  • Entrepreneur

Ultimately, your goal is for people with problems to find you so that you can help meet their needs.

Finding the right name for your coaching business is not easy. Too obvious, and it is either likely to be already taken or so bland that it will not be memorable.

One approach involves using AI to create life coaching business names . Use it or your own research to consider and evolve potential names, thinking about:

  • The customers’ first impression
  • The identity and brand of your business
  • The type of customer you wish to attract
  • How memorable the name is (and for the right reasons)
  • Whether the name is already being used

Here are 10 names to start you off:

  • Coaching for Success
  • The Successful Living Academy
  • Evolve Coaching
  • Courage Coaching
  • The Breakthrough Coach
  • The Change Academy
  • Coaching for Vitality
  • Abundant Life Coaching
  • Positive Change Coaching
  • The Courage Academy

Building a life coaching busines

The following articles offer more suggestions regarding how to build and promote an online coaching business.

  • How to Get Clients for Life Coaching [5 Strategies] provides more information and guidance on nailing your business’s value proposition, marketing funnel, and online and offline strategies.
  • How to Start an Online Coaching Business: Step-by-Step Plan is a practical guide for building a successful and profitable business.
  • How to Start a Life Coaching Business From Scratch explores what you will need and your first moves to becoming an online coach.

10+ Software & Forms to Use in Your Practice

There are several online platforms for coaching, many of which are introduced in the article 12 Best Online Coaching Platforms & Tools .’s dedicated coaching software Quenza is compelling and unique because it:

  • Is extraordinarily user friendly and intuitive
  • Uses the latest SSL encryption to store client results to ensure HIPAA and GDPR compliance
  • Is highly scalable, growing with your business
  • Stores forms as customizable templates
  • Securely delivers exercises and forms to clients
  • Enables form completion on mobile, tablet, or desktop
  • Nudges clients when they need a reminder to do something

In How to Send & Build Counseling Client Intake Forms Digitally , we explore how to create and share online forms using the Quenza platform.

Next, our two articles, Coaching Forms Toolbox: 17 Templates for Your Sessions and How to Create Feedback Forms: 3 Templates + Best Online Tool , explain how forms can be created from scratch, copied, or modified within the tool.

We suggest using the following forms:

  • Pre-coaching questionnaire
  • A self-contract to encourage client accountability
  • Life domain satisfaction questionnaire
  • Strength interview form
  • Session rating scale
  • Coach evaluation form
  • End of therapy evaluation

Many other templates exist, including ones for visualization, mindfulness, goal setting, and benefit finding.

Fear, time constraints, and self-doubt can hold us back from starting a life coaching business. Learning to accept our barriers and shift our focus from ourselves to our clients can dramatically improve our chances of success.

Learning from the experiences of successful business owners like Seph Fontane Pennock can provide valuable insights and help us create a profitable and impactful practice.

You most likely feel like you have something to give to your dream clients. You wish to create an opportunity for positive change in their lives while delivering on a personal vision for a life coaching practice.

Creating a clear and achievable business plan can be simple and will help you find your ideal clients and offer them a path to setting and striving toward their goals.

Having read this article and been inspired to start your life coaching business, why not look at The 7 Pillars of a Profitable Practice and use the many lessons Seph learned along his journey to inform your business plans and give your clients their best chance of success?

  • Blackbyrn, S. (2023, February 17). Does a life coach need a business license? Coach Foundation. Retrieved April 20, 2023, from
  • Clutterbuck, D., David, S. A., & Megginson, D. (Eds.). (2016). Beyond goals: Effective strategies for coaching and mentoring.  Routledge.
  • Lumia. (2022, August 4). Does a life coach need a business license and insurance? Lumia. Retrieved April 20, 2023, from
  • Kanatouri, S. (2020). The digital coach . Routledge.
  • Karmali, S., Battram, D. S., Burke, S. M., Cramp, A., Mantler, T., Morrow, D., Ng, V., Pearson, E. S., Petrella, R., Tucker, P., & Irwin, J. D. (2020). Clients’ and coaches’ perspectives of a life coaching intervention for parents with overweight/obesity. International Journal of Evidence Based Coaching and Mentoring , 18 (2), 115–132.
  • Mann, A., Leigh Fainstad, T., Shah, P., Dieujuste, N., & Jones, C. D. (2022). “It’s nice to know I’m not alone”: The impact of an online life coaching program on wellness in graduate medical education: A qualitative analysis. A cademic Medicine , 97 (11S), S166–S166.
  • Ribbers, A., & Waringa, A. (2015). E-coaching: Theory and practice for a new online approach to coaching . Routledge.

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Coaching Business Plan

Discover how a Coaching Business Plan can drive success in your coaching practice. Define the vision, identify the target audience, and strategize growth.

business plan template for coaching business

By Joshua Napilay on May 15, 2024.

Fact Checked by Ericka Pingol.

business plan template for coaching business

What is a Coaching Business Plan?

A coaching business plan is a comprehensive strategic blueprint that outlines the key goals, strategies, and tactics of a coaching business. This indispensable tool is crucial for anyone who intends to start or expand their coaching practice. The primary function of this plan is to serve as a detailed roadmap, directing the business toward its desired objectives while precisely delineating the steps required to achieve these goals.

The plan is typically divided into various sections, each focusing on a different aspect of the business. The first of these is the business description, which outlines the nature of the coaching practice, identifies the intended target audience, and articulates the unique value proposition that sets the business apart.

Next comes the market analysis. This involves an in-depth study of the potential clientele, a thorough examination of competitors, and a keen understanding of prevailing industry trends. This section provides valuable insights that inform the strategic direction of the coaching practice.

The organizational structure section provides a clear picture of the management hierarchy and staff roles, ensuring everyone understands their responsibilities and role in the larger business framework.

Following this is the product line or services section. This part describes the coaching services offered, helping potential clients understand what they stand to gain from engaging with the business.

The marketing and sales strategies section then outlines the comprehensive plans on how the business intends to attract, engage, and retain clients. This could include everything from digital marketing campaigns to referral programs.

The financial projections section estimates the business's income, expenditure, and profitability over a specific period. This vital component helps stakeholders understand the financial health and viability of the business.

Understanding and creating a coaching business plan can be a complex process, but luckily, resources like are available to guide you along the way.

If you want to improve the strategies at your Life Coaching business, check out this video:

Printable coaching business plan.

Download this Coaching Business Plan to create a thorough and detailed plan.

How does it work?

A coaching business plan provides a clear and structured blueprint for your coaching practice . It helps you define your vision, identify your goals, and devise strategies. Here's a step-by-step guide on how to use and fill out a coaching business plan:

Step 1: Executive Summary 

Start with an executive summary that provides an overview of your coaching business. This should include your business name, location, the services you offer, and your unique value proposition. Include keywords relevant to your business for SEO purposes.

Step 2: Business Description 

In this section, describe your coaching business in detail. Explain what type of coaching you provide (life coaching, business coaching, etc.), who your target audience is, and how your services will benefit them. Mention "Printable Coaching Business Plans" if your plan is intended to be printed and used offline.

Step 3: Market Analysis 

Carry out a market analysis to understand your competition and potential clients. Identify the needs and preferences of your target clients and how your services can meet these needs. Analyze your competitors and identify ways to differentiate your services.

Step 4: Organization Structure 

Outline the structure of your business. If you have employees, detail their roles and responsibilities. This step helps ensure everyone understands their part in your organization.

Step 5: Services 

Describe the coaching services you offer. Be clear and detailed so potential clients know exactly what they're getting.

Step 6: Marketing and Sales Strategies 

Devise a plan for attracting and retaining clients. This could involve social media marketing, content marketing, networking events, referral programs, etc.

Step 7: Financial Projections 

Finally, make financial projections for your coaching business. Estimate your income, expenses, and profitability over a specific period. This step is vital for understanding the financial viability of your business.

Coaching Business Plans Example (sample)

A coaching business plan is crucial for any aspiring or established coach. It outlines the blueprint for your coaching practice, detailing the strategies and tactics required to achieve your business objectives. Several examples of such plans can be found online in PDF format, providing a comprehensive view of a well-crafted coaching business plan.

For instance, a sample life coach business plan may include an executive summary, a detailed description of the business, market analysis, organizational structure, a list of services, marketing and sales strategies, and financial projections. Each section is meticulously laid out, offering a step-by-step guide to starting and growing a successful life coaching business.

A coaching business plan also often includes a SWOT analysis, outlining the business's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. It may also detail the coaching service's unique selling proposition (USP) and pricing strategy.

Coaching Business Plans PDF can be downloaded, printed, and used as a reference or template for creating your business plan. They offer valuable insights into the intricacies of running a coaching business, making the process less daunting for newcomers and more streamlined for experienced coaches.

Download this Coaching Business Plan Example:

Coaching Business Plans Example (sample)

When would you use this Template?

The Coaching Business Plan template is an invaluable resource that can be used in various scenarios by different practitioners in the coaching industry. Its comprehensive structure and detailed sections make it appropriate for various uses. Here are some instances when you might find this template particularly useful:

  • Starting a New Coaching Business: If you're launching a new coaching practice, this template can serve as your roadmap. It helps you define your business vision, identify your target audience, map out your services, and create a marketing strategy. It also aids in financial planning and forecasting.
  • Expanding an Existing Business: For coaches looking to grow their existing businesses, this template can guide you through the process. It can help you assess your current position, identify growth opportunities, plan new services, and develop strategies for attracting more clients.
  • Securing Funding or Investment: A well-prepared Coaching Business Plan is essential if you're seeking funding from investors or applying for a business loan. It gives potential investors a clear picture of your business, its profitability, and its growth potential.
  • Re-evaluating Business Strategy: The business environment is dynamic, and things can change rapidly. If you need to reassess your business strategy due to changes in market trends, competition, or client needs, this template can help. It allows you to systematically evaluate each aspect of your business and devise new strategies accordingly.
  • Educational Purposes: For students studying business or coaching, this template can serve as a practical tool for understanding how a coaching business operates. It provides insights into the planning and strategic thinking of running a successful coaching practice.

Streamlines Your Vision 

A Coaching Business Plan template helps to streamline your vision and goals. It provides a structure that guides you in detailing your business's mission, vision, and objectives, making it easier to communicate what you aim to achieve.

Enhances Strategic Planning 

The template aids in strategic planning. With sections for market analysis, marketing strategies, and financial projections, it ensures that you consider all crucial aspects when planning for your coaching business.

Saves Time and Effort 

A free coaching business plan template saves you the time and effort of starting from scratch. The pre-defined sections make filling easy, allowing you to focus more on the content and less on the format.

Facilitates Funding Acquisition 

A well-prepared business plan is vital when seeking investment or applying for loans. The template helps you present your business professionally and organization, increasing your chances of securing funding.

Promotes Accountability and Evaluation 

You can set clear goals and objectives for your coaching business with a business plan. This promotes accountability and allows regular evaluation of your business's performance against set targets.

Encourages Comprehensive Market Analysis 

The template encourages a comprehensive market analysis, including understanding your competition and identifying your target audience. This analysis is critical for making informed business decisions and strategizing effectively

Why use Carepatron as your Coaching Business Plan app?

Carepatron stands out as a premier Coaching Business Plan app for several compelling reasons. As a platform designed with the needs of coaches in mind, it offers a broad range of features that streamline creating, managing, and implementing a strategic business plan.

  • User-Friendly Interface: The interface of Carepatron is designed to be straightforward and intuitive, making it accessible to users of all levels of tech-savvy. The platform guides you through drafting your business plan with clear instructions and prompts, making it easy to input your information and develop a comprehensive strategy.
  • Powerful Collaboration Tools: Carepatron's robust collaboration features set it apart from other Coaching Business Plan Software. These tools enable real-time collaboration, allowing multiple stakeholders to simultaneously contribute to the business plan. This feature benefits coaching businesses with teams or partnerships, ensuring everyone is aligned and working towards the same goals.
  • Flexible Customization Options: With Carepatron, you're not confined to a one-size-fits-all template. The platform allows for extensive customization, enabling you to tailor your business plan to your coaching business's specific needs and goals. Whether you specialize in personal life coaching, corporate executive coaching, or health and wellness coaching, you can create a plan that accurately reflects your unique services and target market.
  • Uncompromising Data Security: Carepatron places a high priority on data security. The platform employs stringent security measures to protect your business plan and any other sensitive data against unauthorized access and breaches. You can have peace of mind knowing your information is secure.
  • Cloud-Based Accessibility: As a cloud-based platform, Carepatron allows you to access your business plan from any device, at any time, and from anywhere with an internet connection. This level of accessibility ensures you can work on your plan, review it, or share it with stakeholders whenever you need to.
  • Seamless Integration: Carepatron integrates seamlessly with various other tools and platforms, enhancing your productivity by streamlining your workflow. Whether you need to pull data from another system or want to connect your calendar for better planning, Carepatron makes it possible.

Life Coach Software

Blackbyrn, S. (2023, July 3). Coaching Business Plan In 10 Steps [Guide For 2023]. Coach Foundation .

Lavinsky, D. (2023a). Coaching Business Plan Template. Growthink .

Lavinsky, D. (2023b). Coaching Business Plan Template. PlanBuildr Business Plan Software .

Lavinsky, D. (2023c). Life Coach Business Plan Template [Updated 2023]. .

Procopio, J. (2023). How To Write a Business Plan for a Life Coaching Business + Free One-Page Life Coaching Business Plan - Bplans. Bplans: Free Business Planning Resources and Templates .

Sutton, J., PhD. (2023). How to start your life coaching Business Plan & template. .

Upmetrics. (2023, April 20). Coaching Business Plan Template (2023) .

Zhou, L. (2023, April 24). How to create a simple life coaching business Plan (2023). Luisa Zhou .

Commonly asked questions

Professional coaches across various fields, such as life, wellness, and executive coaching, primarily use a Coaching Business Plan. Additionally, partners, investors, and the executive team associated with a coaching business utilize this plan to gain clarity and focus on the business's vision, mission, and growth strategy.

A Coaching Business Plan is typically used at the startup phase of a coaching business to define its vision, mission, and strategy. However, it is also used during the expansion phase of the business, for regular business reviews, and when seeking investments or partnerships.

The Coaching Business Plan serves as a comprehensive roadmap for a coaching business. It helps define the business vision, identify the target audience, map out services, craft a marketing strategy, and plan finances. Additionally, it provides a snapshot of the business today and lays out the growth plan for the next few years.

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Coaching Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

Coaching Business Plan

You’ve come to the right place to create your Coaching business plan.

We have helped over 1,000 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans and many have used them to start or grow their Coaching businesses.

Below is a template to help you create each section of your Coaching business plan.

Executive Summary

Business overview.

Premier Health Coaching Services Is a startup health coaching company located in Seattle, Washington. The company is founded by Tracy Hoffman, a health coach who holds a Master of Science degree in Food Science and Nutrition from the University of Washington. She is a certified health coach in the state of Washington, and has successfully counseled over 300 clients during the past six years as a health coach employed by a corporate medical health plan provider. Her expertise has brought her “celebrity” status. Her blog and podcasts have brought over 20,000 followers as she speaks about nutrition and health matters. Her client base of over 300 clients has already committed to follow her when she makes this professional move to start her own company, Premier Health Coaching Services.

Premier Health Coaching Services will provide a comprehensive array of health-related products and services, including holistic care, skeletal and muscular alignments, sports nutrition, nutrition and diet support, balanced lifestyle counseling and other health services. This will be a broad-based service, meeting the needs of individuals from all walks of life and in all health-conditional lifestyles. Premier Health Coaching Services will be the top-performing health coaching company within the Seattle, Washington regional area.

Product Offering

The following are the services that Premier Health Coaching Services will provide:

  • Individual and group health coaching services
  • Nutritional and physiological body assessments
  • Skeletal and muscular alignments
  • Holistic healing: aromatherapy, acupuncture, massage
  • Physical therapist services
  • Weight assessment and counseling
  • Work-life balance alignments
  • Balanced lifestyle counseling
  • Product sales: nutritional supplements; health-related products

Customer Focus

Premier Health Coaching Services will target everyone in the Seattle, Washington regional area, including Bellingham and other outlying areas. In particular, they will target those individuals who seek assistance with physically therapeutic and lifestyle balance services. They will also target those individuals who are sports professionals and those who are dedicated to a sports lifestyle. Adults of all ages, including seniors, will be targeted as customers and Premier Health Coaching Services will address the needs and serve each individual with the best possible service and support team.

Management Team

Premier Health Coaching Services will be owned and operated by Tracy Hoffman. She has recruited her former associates, John Blackwell and Melissa Rodriquez, to become associates in leading her team.

Tracy Hoffman holds a Master of Science degree in Food Science and Nutrition from the University of Washington. She is a certified health coach in the state of Washington and has successfully counseled over 300 clients during the past six years as a health coach employed by a corporate medical health plan provider. Her expertise has brought her “celebrity” status, and her blog and podcasts have brought over 20,000 followers as she speaks about nutrition and health matters. Her client base of over 300 clients has already committed to follow her when she makes this professional move to start her own company, Premier Health Coaching Services.

John Blackwell is a well-known and much-admired health coach, overseeing 100 clients on a regular basis. He specializes in sports nutrition and already has the commitment from each client to follow him as he makes this professional move to Premier Health Coaching Services.

Melissa Rodriquez is much-beloved by her weight management and nutritional balance clients and is known for her emphasis on holistic solutions to health problems. Her client base of over 100 clients has committed to follow her as she makes this professional move to Premier Health Coaching Services.

Success Factors

Premier Health Coaching Services will be able to achieve success by offering the following competitive advantages:

  • Friendly, knowledgeable, and highly qualified team of professional health coaches, counselors, nutritional experts, and holistic care providers.
  • A comprehensive menu of services available during daytime and evening hours, including health coaching, lifestyle and nutritional coaching, holistic care, physical therapy and natural health and healing products.
  • Premier Health Coaching Services offers modest pricing, setting a price structure that best meets the health insurance plans of all individuals. Comparatively, the service is a lower-cost option than competitors.
  • Products offered, including nutritional supplements and natural health products, are priced lower than retail health food stores.

Financial Highlights

Premier Health Coaching Services is seeking $200,000 in debt financing to launch its Premier Health Coaching Services. The funding will be dedicated toward securing the location space and purchasing office equipment and supplies. Funding will also be dedicated towards three months of overhead costs to include payroll of the staff, rent, and marketing costs for the marketing campaigns. The breakout of the funding is below:

  • Office space build-out: $20,000
  • Office equipment, supplies, and materials: $10,000
  • Three months of overhead expenses (payroll, rent, utilities): $150,000
  • Marketing costs: $10,000
  • Working capital: $10,000

The following graph outlines the pro forma financial projections for Premier Health Coaching Services.

Premier Health Coaching Services Financial Projections

Company Overview

Who is premier health coaching services.

Premier Health Coaching Services is a newly established full-service coaching and health management company in Seattle, Washington. Premier Health Coaching Services will be the most reliable, total health-directed, and effective choice for clients throughout Seattle and the surrounding communities. Premier Health Coaching Services will provide a comprehensive slate of coaching services, natural health treatments, and natural products for all clients to utilize. Their full-service approach includes an extensive list of health and holistic-related services and products.

  Premier Health Coaching Services will be able to manage and service up to 50 clients at any time, with the ability to increase hours of operation to add more clients. The team of professionals are highly qualified, certified, and experienced in coaching, life-balance counseling and nutritional health. Premier Health Coaching Services removes all the headaches and issues of searching for and finding the right fit for the services of various coaches in multiple locations, as all services are now offered under one roof. In addition, Premier Health Coaching Services will be known for delivering the best customer service.

Premier Health Coaching Services History

Since incorporation, Premier Health Coaching Services has achieved the following milestones:

  • Registered Premier Health Coaching Services, Inc. to transact business in the state of Washington.
  • Has over 50 client contracts already in place with Premier Health Coaching Services. Has natural health providers in acupuncture, massage, aromatherapy, and physical therapy under long-term contracts.
  • Began recruiting a staff of assistants and office personnel at Premier Health Coaching Services.

Premier Health Coaching Services

The following will be the services Premier Health Coaching Services will provide:

Industry Analysis

The health coaching and related services industry is currently at $15,653M, and is expected to grow over the next five years to over $23,587M in 2028, with a CAGR of over 7% during the forecast years. This substantial increase will be due to clients who are increasingly aware and in need of better performance in physical activity, nutrition and eating habits, weight management, diabetes prevention, and medication adherence.

These specific areas are all covered under health coaching, group coaching and lifestyle coaching, which are increasingly in step with the continued growth and concern regarding these health-condition specific issues.

The growth will be driven by key players in the industry, such as major health insurance companies, governmental oversight and other agencies, who will adopt effective strategies to combat continuing health conditions. As they do; the industry sector is expected to expand further, presenting numerous opportunities for advancement.

Customer Analysis

Demographic profile of target market.

Premier Health Coaching Services will target those individuals requiring health coaching, nutritional counseling, holistic care and other natural services in Seattle, Washington. They will target former clients who may choose to contract for services with this new all-inclusive slate of services, those who are personal contacts through years of professional experience, corporations with employee health services under expiring contracts, and individuals who are referred by professionals throughout the region.

The precise demographics for Premier Health Coaching Services are:

Customer Segmentation

Premier Health Coaching Services will primarily target the following customer profiles:

  • Individuals seeking contracted health coaching and life counseling services
  • Insurance companies seeking expanded services for insured clients
  • Corporations seeking health service contracts on behalf of employees
  • Individuals seeking natural health and healing products

Competitive Analysis

Direct and indirect competitors.

Premier Health Coaching Services will face competition from other companies with similar business profiles. A description of each competitor company is below.

Pacific Health & Physical Therapy Group

Pacific Health and Physical Therapy Group provides muscular, skeletal and physical therapy for individuals who are referred to the service by employers under contract with the group. Contracts are yearly, endorsed by the corporate human resources managers. The group provides a variety of services for clients, including a therapy spa, physical therapy services, muscular and skeletal exercise routines, and other kinesiology-related services.

The promise by Pacific Health & Physical Therapy Group is to provide accurate, detailed plans to better the lives of their clients through muscular and physically therapeutic services. The emphasis is on corrective treatments, including exercise. The Pacific Health & Physical Therapy Group provides a 4-Step Treatment Plan that covers diagnosis; analysis of treatment; care routine; extended therapy. This is a plan that is personally designed for each client and care providers follow the plan during each client visit.

Seattle Physical Therapy Associates

Seattle Physical Therapy Associates is composed of ten physical therapists, each with a roster of clients who routinely book a minimum of twenty therapy visits each. This solidifies the basis for revenue for Seattle Physical Therapy Associates and creates an on-going program of increased health properties for clients as visits continue.

Seattle Physical Therapy Associates is focused on providing physical therapy; as such, the pricing for services is higher than other full-service centers. The motto is: Creating the Best Environment for Our Clients’ Best Results. Clients are treated at least twice a week, as physical therapy continues. As the favorite physical therapy group in Seattle, the company can demand higher pricing levels, and those levels are paid by primarily corporate clients, as a result.

Ballard Holistic Health Company

Ballard Holistic Health Company is headquartered in Ballard, located in northwest Seattle. The region is a mixed-population of older university students, young couples with children, and senior residents with longevity in the region. Housing is a mixture of condos converted to apartments, older single home dwellings and multi-use leased homes. The clientele for the Ballard Holistic Health Company is generally seeking holistic treatments as curative or preventative alternatives to western medicine. The company is housed in a former home, large enough to showcase natural health and healing products. Weekly classes directed to nutrition, healthy living styles, and vegan/vegetarian living topics are discussed in group sessions. Merchandise for sale includes books, tapes, vegan foods and protein alternatives, such as plant-based foods. Also offered are a wide array of natural health products and nutritional supplements.

Competitive Advantage

Premier Health Coaching Services will be able to offer the following advantages over their competition:

  • A comprehensive, all-inclusive menu of services available during daytime and evening hours, including health coaching, lifestyle and nutritional coaching, holistic care, physical therapy and natural health and healing products.
  • Products offered, including nutritional supplements and natural health products, are priced lower than direct competitors.

Marketing Plan

Brand & value proposition.

Premier Health Coaching Services will offer the following unique value proposition to its clientele:

  • Highly-qualified team of certified professionals who are able to provide a comprehensive slate of services and products to meet consumer demand for solutions for medical conditions, lifestyle choices, and other physical or mind-body needs.
  • Substantial number of long-term contracted clients, as well as corporate clients who utilize services for employees.
  • Reliable natural health and healing products sold below retail costs at competitive natural product stores.
  • Pricing structure for corporate and individual clients is modest and reasonable.

Promotions Strategy

The promotions strategy for Premier Health Coaching Services is as follows:

Word of Mouth/Referrals

Premier Health Coaching Services has built up an extensive list of contacts over the years by providing exceptional service and skilled expertise for clients. They have communicated to Premier Health Coaching Services that they will continue renewing their contracts because they are highly-satisfied with the services provided at the former place of business. Once advised by the professionals that they were leaving the former company, the clients were eager to sign new contracts to continue coaching services with Premier Health Coaching Services. Former and current clients were also willing to offer referrals and spread the word of the new company starting comprehensive services just ahead.

Professional Associations and Networking

Tracy Hoffman, John Blackwell and Melissa Rodriquez are each well-established within their chosen fields and will spread the word of the new startup within their professional associations. Networking among corporations within the region will also begin, as corporate clients can offer large, long-term contracts for employees who require multiple visits or treatments.

Social Media Marketing

With the high number of followers who track Tracy Hoffman, the use of social media marketing will be pivotal to the startup. Multiple social media marketing campaigns will be launched, identifying the professionals who are starting the company and inviting new followers to engage with each via posts and comments. Former and current clients will also be included in short video reels, offering testimonials regarding the service received by these professionals. A social media marketing manager will be hired for three months to cover the costs of startup campaigns.

Website/SEO Marketing

Premier Health Coaching Services will utilize the services of the social media marketing manager to create website content and images to announce the opening of the company. The website will be well organized, informative, and list all services that Premier Health Coaching Services is able to provide. The website will also list their contact information and link to an easy reservation site for clients to book appointments online. The social media marketing manager will also oversee SEO marketing tactics so that anytime someone types in the Google or Bing search engine “Seattle health coaching” or “natural health or holistic services”, Premier Health Coaching Services will be listed at the top of the search results.

The pricing of Premier Health Coaching Services will be moderate and on par with competitors so customers feel they receive value when purchasing their services.

Operations Plan

The following will be the operations plan for Premier Health Coaching Services. Operation Functions:

  • Tracy Hoffman will be the Owner and President of the company. She will oversee all staff and manage client relations. She has spent several months recruiting the executive staff: members:
  • John Blackwell, a well-known, certified, and much-admired health coach, will be the Vice President, overseeing 100 clients on a regular basis. He specializes in sports nutrition.
  • Melissa Rodriquez, a professional counselor in weight management and nutritional balance, will be the Strategic Manager. Her client base of over 100 clients has committed to follow her as she makes this professional move to Premier Health Coaching Services.
  • Gary Ragan, an accountant with ten years of experience, will become the Staff Accountant, providing all client accounting, tax payments, and monthly financial reporting.


Premier Health Coaching Services will have the following milestones complete in the next six months.

  • 5/1/202X – Finalize contract to lease company staff, client and workroom space
  • 5/15/202X – Finalize personnel and staff employment contracts for the Premier Health Coaching Services
  • 6/1/202X – Finalize contracts for Premier Health Coaching Services corporate clients
  • 6/15/202X – Begin networking at industry events
  • 6/22/202X – Begin moving into the Premier Health Coaching Services building location
  • 7/1/202X – Premier Health Coaching Services opens its office for business

Tracy Hoffman holds a Master of Science degree in Food Science and Nutrition from the University of Washington. She is a certified health coach in the state of Washington, who has successfully counseled over 300 clients during the past six years as a health coach employed by a corporate medical health plan provider. Her expertise has brought her “celebrity” status, as her blog and podcasts have brought over 20,000 followers. She is dedicated to nutrition and health-balance matters. Her client base of over 300 clients has already committed to follow her when she makes this professional move to start her own company, Premier Health Coaching Services.

Financial Plan

Key revenue & costs.

The revenue drivers for Premier Health Coaching Services are the fees they will charge to the clients for their services. Secondary revenue drivers will include the natural health and nutritional supplement products sold at the company location.

The cost drivers will be the overhead costs required in order to properly staff Premier Health Coaching Services. The expenses will be the payroll cost, rent, utilities, office supplies, and marketing materials.

Funding Requirements and Use of Funds

Premier Health Coaching Services is seeking $200,000 in debt financing to launch its health coaching and natural health service company. The funding will be dedicated toward securing the location space and purchasing office equipment and supplies. Funding will also be dedicated toward three months of overhead costs to include payroll of the staff, rent, and marketing costs for the social media marketing and association memberships. The breakout of the funding is below:

Key Assumptions

The following outlines the key assumptions required in order to achieve the revenue and cost numbers in the financials and in order to pay off the startup business loan.

  • Number of Contracted Clients Per Month: 1,200
  • Average Fees per Month: $50,000
  • Office Lease per Year: $100,000

Financial Projections

Income statement, balance sheet, cash flow statement, coaching business plan faqs, what is a coaching business plan.

A coaching business plan is a plan to start and/or grow your coaching   business. Among other things, it outlines your business concept, identifies your target customers, presents your marketing plan and details your financial projections.

You can easily complete your Coaching  business plan using our Coaching Business Plan Template here .

What are the Main Types of Coaching Businesses?

There are a number of different kinds of coaching businesses , some examples include: Business coaching, Career coaching, Life coaching, Performance coaching, and Wellness coaching.

How Do You Get Funding for Your Coaching Business Plan?

Coaching businesses are often funded through small business loans. Personal savings, credit card financing and angel investors are also popular forms of funding.

What are the Steps To Start a Coaching Business?

Starting a coaching business can be an exciting endeavor. Having a clear roadmap of the steps to start a business will help you stay focused on your goals and get started faster.

1. Develop A Coaching Business Plan - The first step in starting a business is to create a detailed coaching business plan that outlines all aspects of the venture. This should include potential market size and target customers, the services or products you will offer, pricing strategies and a detailed financial forecast.

2. Choose Your Legal Structure - It's important to select an appropriate legal entity for your coaching business. This could be a limited liability company (LLC), corporation, partnership, or sole proprietorship. Each type has its own benefits and drawbacks so it’s important to do research and choose wisely so that your coaching business is in compliance with local laws.

3. Register Your Coaching   Business - Once you have chosen a legal structure, the next step is to register your coaching business with the government or state where you’re operating from. This includes obtaining licenses and permits as required by federal, state, and local laws.

4. Identify Financing Options - It’s likely that you’ll need some capital to start your coaching business, so take some time to identify what financing options are available such as bank loans, investor funding, grants, or crowdfunding platforms.

5. Choose a Location - Whether you plan on operating out of a physical location or not, you should always have an idea of where you’ll be based should it become necessary in the future as well as what kind of space would be suitable for your operations.

6. Hire Employees - There are several ways to find qualified employees including job boards like LinkedIn or Indeed as well as hiring agencies if needed – depending on what type of employees you need it might also be more effective to reach out directly through networking events.

7. Acquire Necessary Coaching   Equipment & Supplies - In order to start your coaching business, you'll need to purchase all of the necessary equipment and supplies to run a successful operation.

8. Market & Promote Your Business - Once you have all the necessary pieces in place, it’s time to start promoting and marketing your coaching business. This includes creating a website, utilizing social media platforms like Facebook or Twitter, and having an effective Search Engine Optimization (SEO) strategy. You should also consider traditional marketing techniques such as radio or print advertising.

Learn more about how to start a successful coaching business:

  • How to Start a Coaching Business

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How to Write a Coaching Business Plan That Helps You Thrive + Template

May 17, 2023

The Coach Factory Team

a coach envisions his future business

New coaches often overlook the importance of having a business plan from the beginning , but this critical document will guide your business through its growth stages. It’s a strategic tool that helps you visualize your goals, track your progress, and provide a clear picture of your business’ vision, financial health, and operational needs.

Without a business plan, you’ll face the risk of wandering aimlessly in your coaching practice and struggling to achieve your goals. The absence of a well-defined plan may leave you vulnerable to various challenges and setbacks. 

You may find it difficult to attract and retain clients without a clear value proposition and targeted marketing strategies. You may also struggle with financial management, pricing your services appropriately, and tracking your progress towards revenue goals. 

Plus, the absence of a business plan can lead to a lack of focus, scattered efforts, and a sense of uncertainty about the direction of your coaching practice. Ultimately, without a business plan, you may miss out on valuable opportunities for growth and struggle to thrive in the competitive coaching landscape.

Whether you’re transforming your coaching side gig into a full-time venture or scaling up your existing coaching business, this article will walk you step-by-step through creating a detailed coaching business plan that will propel you toward success.

  • Why Your Coaching Practice Needs a Business Plan

A business plan guides your coaching business, directing you through your initial startup phase to growth and beyond. It helps you chart your course, establish milestones, and provide clear directions to your desired destination, similar to how a roadmap directs a traveler.

One of the most significant benefits of a business plan is its role in decision-making. When faced with decisions like introducing a new service or investing in advertising, your business plan provides the context and data to make informed choices. It helps align your decisions with your overall business objectives and strategies, ensuring that every step leads you closer to your goals.

How do I turn my coaching into a business?

If you’re already coaching and are ready to turn your hobby into a full fledged business, one of your first steps is to craft a business plan. As you work through the parts of the plan, you’ll be forced to make decisions about what to name your business , who is your desired clientele , what services you’ll offer , what kinds of expenses and revenue you expect, and how you’ll market the business.

Whether you run your coaching business as a side hustle or as a full time venture, as long as you are making money from coaching, you can officially call it a business. 

Can I write a business plan myself?

Yes, even a novice can write a simple business plan by working through the seven key elements: an executive summary, a company description, market analysis, organizational structure, sales and marketing, financial goals, and an appendix. Use the free 12-page workbook linked at the bottom of this post for a plug-and-play business plan template. 

How much does it cost to start a coaching business?

The costs for launching your coaching business can vary widely from a minimal few hundred dollars to a substantial investment of multiple thousands of dollars. When you dig into the financial parts of your business plan, you’ll be able to start listing the potential expenses you expect: certifications, website hosting and design, online video conferencing tools, hiring an accountant, etc. 

The good news is that you can start simply by offering online coaching to people in your current sphere of influence and as you generate income, branch out with additional features such as a coaching website or a client management system . There’s no need to put everything in place at once. You can build your business as you go, but the coaching business plan provides the blueprint to help you identify next steps. 

Can I make a living as a coach?

Yes, you can! If you have the primary traits that all coaches need and are willing to invest in your professional development and learn the basics of online marketing, you will likely attract enough ideal clients to earn a living wage. It’s not an easy path; it will take dedication to start your own coaching business, of course.  But over time, many coaches are able to generate six-figure annual salaries by doing what they love — helping others achieve their aspirations. These highest paid coaches tend to have the most expertise and work as business coaches. But there’s plenty of room for coaches of all niches and experience levels to find their ideal clients and serve them. As you continue coaching, you’ll refine your practice, find better clients, and be able to charge higher rates .

making a business plan for a new coaching business

  • Tips for Writing the 7 Key Elements of a Coaching Business Plan — With Workbook

Launching a coaching business requires more than just expertise in a specific niche. It demands a strategic approach and a clear vision for your business’s future. 

A well-crafted business plan has seven key elements, each of which serves a distinct purpose that aids in decision-making. These seven steps are included in a convenient PDF workbook format so you can record your thoughts and get started on your own business plan right away. Download yours and fill it out as you read the rest of this article that fleshes out the directions in the template.

1. Write an executive summary

The executive summary is the doorway to your business plan, providing a concise and enticing overview of your coaching business. It gives potential investors, partners, and other stakeholders a snapshot of your business, its goals, and how it intends to achieve them.

Here are five tips for writing an impactful executive summary.

Begin with the basics

No matter the setting, introductions are essential for making a great first impression. An introduction sets the stage and provides context for the following information. Start by providing basic information about your coaching business, like your business name , location, and specific coaching services.

Clearly state your business objectives

Are you looking to become a leading life coach in your region, or are you aiming to carve out a niche as a specialized career coach for professionals in the tech industry?

You must convey your business goals and give a time frame for achieving them. Although shooting for the stars is always important, your business plan goals should be simple enough to understand. So stick to setting goals that are specific, measurable, attainable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART).

Highlight your unique selling proposition (USP)

What makes your coaching business unique? Do you have a distinctive coaching methodology, special qualification, or experience that sets you apart?

Your USP is the core reason clients choose you over other coaches. It should be a central part of your branding and messaging to help attract and retain clients. When including it in your executive summary, dig deep to highlight aspects of your coaching business that help potential stakeholders see your value to the industry.

Outline your growth plan

Outlining your growth plan in your executive summary shows your ambition and forward-thinking approach to potential investors, partners, and stakeholders.

Briefly describe your plan for achieving your business objectives and expanding your coaching practice. Include any steps you plan to take in setting your business up for future success, like targeting new market segments, introducing new services, scaling your operations, and setting a flexible timeline for hitting certain milestones.

Write your executive summary last 

Even though the executive summary appears first in your business plan, you should write it last after completing the other sections. This way, you’ll accurately summarize the key points.

Remember, the executive summary is your chance to capture the reader’s attention and entice them to read the rest of your business plan. Make it compelling, informative, and engaging.

2. Create a company description

The company description is a comprehensive introduction to your coaching business. This section is where you set the stage, providing readers with an understanding of your services, target audience, business structure, and mission and vision. 

The more specific you are, the better.

Coaching Services

Start by defining the coaching services you provide. Describe your services in detail, whether you’re a life coach , career coach, or fitness coach. Explain the process, duration, and client expectations from each session. If you offer unique methodologies or techniques, highlight them.

Business Structure

Here, you’ll discuss the legal setup of your coaching business. Always include information about any staff you employ, like administrative help or other coaches, and their roles within your company. Are you a sole proprietor operating independently or set up as an LLC with partners or team members?

Target Audience

The people you want to help are central to your coaching business, so you must dedicate time and space to highlight them. Identify their demographics, such as age, gender, location, and income bracket. Additionally, it would help if you detailed things like their values, interests, and challenges.

Are they professionals seeking career advancement, individuals pursuing personal growth, or athletes aiming to improve performance?

The more detailed you are about your ideal client, the better you’ll tailor your services and marketing strategy.

Mission Statement

Your mission statement articulates your coaching business’s core purpose. It answers the question, “Why does your coaching business exist?” 

The mission statement should capture the essence of your coaching practice, the services you provide, and the value you deliver to your clients. It needs to be clear, concise, and compelling to your ideal client .

This mission guides every present decision and strategy in your business. It’s a constant reminder of your business’s purpose and the impact you aim to have on your clients’ lives. It helps to align your team’s efforts and fosters a sense of shared purpose.

Vision Statement

Unlike the mission statement, which focuses on the present and your business’s purpose, the vision statement is future-oriented. It embodies your aspirations and describes what ultimate success looks like for your coaching practice.

Your vision statement should inspire and motivate—it’s the big dream you’re working towards. It aligns you and your team (if you have one) around a common goal, creating a sense of unity and purpose.

Remember, keep your vision statement ambitious yet grounded in reality. Allow it to reflect the growth and impact you genuinely believe your coaching business can achieve in the future. A compelling vision statement will help you maintain focus and momentum as you build your coaching business.

life coaches work on crafting business plans by discussing the market

3. Conduct market analysis and research

Navigating the coaching industry without a clear understanding of the market is like wandering in a forest without a map. You may stumble upon some great discoveries, but you’ll probably spend much time circling back to familiar ground. The goal is to continue to move forward with as little friction as possible. 

The market analysis section of your coaching business plan serves as your compass and map to help you quickly learn and navigate the coaching industry.

Industry Overview

Begin with a broad overview of the coaching industry— this might include the industry’s current size, growth rates, and key trends or shifts in the industry. You can find much of this information through industry reports, market research firms, and business publications.

Competitor Analysis

Identify your main competitors and analyze their services, pricing, marketing strategies, and strengths and weaknesses. Gather this information through their websites, client reviews, and social media channels. Understanding your competition will help you find ways to differentiate your coaching business.

Market Trends

Being aware of and responsive to emerging market trends will allow you to tweak your services and marketing efforts to satisfy evolving client preferences. This foresight ensures your business stays relevant and remains a competitive player in the changing landscape of the coaching industry.

Shine a spotlight on key market trends that could steer the course of your coaching business. For example, if you notice the tide shifting towards remote work, this could signal a surge in demand for virtual coaching services.

Opportunities and Threats

Based on your industry overview, target market analysis, competitor analysis, and market trends, identify potential opportunities for your coaching business and any threats that could impact its success.

For example, an opportunity might be a growing demand for a specific type of coaching in your area, while a threat could be a high level of competition from other coaches in your niche. Detailing both will show you new ways to approach and solve potential issues while allowing you to explore new things.

4. Outline your organizational and managerial overview

The organization and management overview of your business plan outlines the structure of your business and the team running it. This section should clearly define who is involved in your coaching business, their roles, and why they are fit for these roles.

It’s an opportunity to showcase the expertise and capabilities within your coaching business, which can build confidence among potential clients, partners, and investors.

Are you a sole proprietor, or have you formed an LLC, a partnership, or a corporation?

Start by defining the legal structure of your business. This information is crucial as it impacts your taxes, liability, and other legal aspects.

Organizational Chart

If your business has more team members other than you, create an organizational chart that shows the hierarchy and relationships between different roles. This provides a visual representation of your business’s structure. Include snapshots of who’s in management and what your role entails.

Advisors and Support

If you have any advisors or support services involved in your business, such as an accountant, a lawyer, or a business coach, mention them here. They add credibility to your business and show that you have expert support in managing your coaching business.

7 elements of a coaching business plan - diagram

5. Craft a sales and marketing plan

Your business plan’s sales and marketing section outlines how you will attract and retain clients. It should detail your strategies for raising awareness of your coaching services, engaging prospects, and ultimately converting them into clients.

This section should be dynamic, adapting to your market’s changing needs and your business’s growth.

Marketing Objectives

Align your marketing goals with your overall business objectives.

For instance, if one of your business goals is to increase your client base by 25% over the next year, one of your marketing objectives might be to grow your email list by 50% in the same period. This would give you a larger pool of potential clients to engage with, supporting your overall goal of expanding your client base.

Also, detail how you plan to scale your marketing efforts as your business grows. Consider investing in more sophisticated marketing technology, hiring a marketing professional, or expanding into new marketing channels.

Target Market

Everything in your marketing plan has to appeal to your ideal client . Understanding their demographics, needs, and preferences will allow you to tailor your marketing messages effectively to gain their attention.

Marketing Strategies

Describe the marketing channels and strategies you plan to use. Mention everything from content marketing (blogging, webinars, ebooks), social media marketing (LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram, Twitter), email marketing, networking (industry events, local business groups), public speaking, or offering introductory coaching sessions. 

Explain why you believe these strategies will be effective for reaching your target market.

Marketing Funnel 

A marketing funnel is a pipeline that shows how potential clients will move from an initial encounter with your brand to purchasing your services and beyond. This section details your steps for converting a prospect into a client. Include aspects like initial consultations, proposals , a follow-up process, and the sale of a coaching package.

The systems or technology you use to facilitate this process, such as customer relationship management (CRM) software, is information that would validate the efficiency of your funnel, so remember to include it. 

Brand Development

Discuss how you will build your brand and information on developing your coaching website and creating a consistent brand identity across any directory listings and all your marketing materials and channels.

It would be best if you also detailed how you will position yourself as an expert in your field, such as publishing articles or speaking at events. This will give your coaching practice more credibility and make it easier for potential stakeholders to trust your vision. 

a life coach holds a stack of fifty dollar bills, symbolic of financial considerations of creating a business plan for a coaching practice

6. Financial goals and projections

Your coaching business plan’s financial goals section clearly shows your current financial status and future projections. It provides insight into the profitability and sustainability of your business, which is especially important if you are seeking investors or loans.

Remember, this section will likely require more research and preparation than other sections of your business plan. Be as accurate and realistic as possible in your projections. Consider seeking the assistance of a financial advisor or accountant to ensure that your financial plan is sound and realistic.

Financial Goals

Begin by outlining your financial goals. Remember to keep your goals within reasonable limits based on your current resources.

Do you plan to achieve a certain revenue target within a specified period by attaining a specific number of paying clients?

Startup Costs

Startup costs will not apply to every coaching business, but if you’re starting, itemize your startup costs. This could include costs for setting up your office, purchasing equipment, marketing expenses, professional fees (like licensing or certification), and other initial expenses.

Revenue Projections

Provide a detailed breakdown of your projected income. For a coaching business, this will usually involve estimating the number of clients you will serve, the price of your coaching packages, and any other income streams (like workshops, ebooks, etc. ).

Expense Projections

Similarly, outline your projected expenses. This could include rent (if you have a physical office), utilities, marketing costs, salaries (if you have employees), and other operational costs. Also, remember to account for less recurring costs like equipment upgrades or professional development.

Cash Flow Analysis

A cash flow statement shows how changes in balance sheet accounts and income affect cash and cash equivalents. It breaks the analysis down into operating, investing, and financing activities.

Break-even Analysis

This analysis shows when your business will be able to cover all its expenses and begin to make a profit. It’s essential to investors as it shows the viability of your business.

Funding Request

If you’re seeking funding, present your needs for the next 3-5 years. Explain why you need the funds and how they will help grow your business.

Financial Statement

If your business has been running for a while, include your current financial statement. It should provide a snapshot of your business’s financial health and include a balance sheet, income statement, and cash flow statement.

7. Beef up your coaching business plan with an appendix 

The appendices section of your business plan serves as a repository for any additional information or documents that support your business plan but don’t necessarily fit within the body of the plan.

These materials can provide extra depth and credibility to your business plan, allowing readers, such as potential investors, lenders, or partners, to dive deeper into certain aspects of your business if they wish.

Remember these three tips when organizing your appendix.

  • Only include relevant documents like certifications, awards, customer testimonials, letters of recommendation, detailed market research, patents, product pictures, legal documents, contracts, etc.
  • Create a table of contents to give readers a quick view of what’s in the appendix. Readers can then quickly locate the documents they’re interested in.
  • Include references to the appendix throughout your business plan to provide context and quick referencing.
  • Free Life Coaching Business Plan Template

A well-structured business plan is a vital first step for new coaches serious about building a thriving coaching business. By investing time and effort in developing your business plan, you create a strategic roadmap for your business and set the foundation for success. Your business plan will guide your decision-making, help you stay focused on your goals, and enable you to measure progress and make necessary adjustments.

Download our free 12-page Coaching Business Plan Template, designed specifically to help you navigate crafting an effective business plan. This template provides a clear framework and guidance on the essential elements to consider as you plan your coaching business.

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Written by The Coach Factory Team

We're a team of coaching enthusiasts who hire and work with coaches. Members of our team run businesses in the coaching industry or provide services that support coaches, and several of us are coaches ourselves.

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How Much Does It Cost to Become a Life Coach? Is It Worth It?

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Free Masterclass! 4 Simple Steps To Start Your Coaching Business Today

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Creating Your Rock-Solid Coaching Business Plan

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Here's the no-holds-barred truth...

Starting and running a successful business - any kind of business -- isn't easy.

It will probably be one of the hardest things you'll ever do, but it will also be one of the most satisfying things you will ever do.

coaching business

The good news is a coaching business that's based on a solid coaching business plan...

A plan that gives you clarity, focus, and direction...

A plan that's based on clear commitment...

Will take a lot of the sting - or obstacles and difficulties - out of the business-building experience.

Step #1 in creating a coaching business plan is about creating that commitment by finding the truth around why  you want to build a successful coaching business in the first place.

This may sound like a simple thing to do but don't be fooled... it's probably the most challenging step of all.

A lot of coaches believe the reason why they do what they do is because they want to serve others and make a difference in people's lives, but if we're really honest with ourselves, that's only half  the story.

If all you want to do with your coaching skills is to serve others, you'd do it for free and you wouldn't build a business around it and charge for your services.

Just to be clear...

This is definitely NOT a campaign to get you to coach for free! Charging for your coaching services and building a coaching business are awesome and it's the right thing to do.

How else would you be able to serve others powerfully if you can't make ends meet or are coaching after hours, leaving little to no time to your own wellbeing?

You have to make your coaching business sustainable if you want to make a living out of your passion. 

coaching business

The point of this step is to get you to reflect deeply and dig deeper around your  inner motivation for building a coaching business.

When you get to the REAL root of  why you want to build a business, why it matters to YOU and not just how you can help others, you'll strengthen your motivation and commitment.

You'll find that with strong commitment, you're able to continue along your journey, no matter what happens...

You're able to tap into a level of persistence and consistency that will allow you to overcome all of the challenges, risks and uncertainty that will come up when you start to build your business.

As you think about your commitment in this first step, don't feel like you need to focus on others and that you must be empathetic to what other people want and need all the time.

As master coach and co-founder of Evercoach, Ajit Nawalkha says...

coaching business

The following questions will help you connect with the heart of your  personal why... the needs and desires within you that don't have anything to do with anyone else.

Commitment is the step that holds all the other pieces in place in your coaching business plan and that's because no matter how awesome your plan is, it's not going to work if you're not deeply committed and focused on building a successful business.

Question #1

Think of a successful coach you admire. What are some of their awesome personal qualities and traits ? What is their business model? What kind of lifestyle do they have? (if you're not sure, Google to get some answers)

Note: When we admire someone, it's usually because we desire some of what they have. This question will help you identify your deepest desires as a coach.

Question #2

Describe an ideal day in your life as a coach. Start from the moment you wake up until the moment you fall asleep at night. Be as detailed as possible, you can add elements of your lifestyle, where you are, who you are with, be specific about times, etc.

Note: This question will give you hidden clues to what you're looking for in your coaching business and why you want to build your business. Is it a rich, luxurious life with lots of 1 st  class travel and a house by the beach? Is it plenty of time freedom or maybe it's working with well-known politicians and celebrities? Let yourself dream BIG!

Question #3

What are 5 to 10 of benefits you personally experience from your work as a coach? Maybe your work allows you to grow and transform as a human being, maybe it's that you get deep satisfaction knowing that you're making a difference in people's lives, maybe it's both.

Note: This question will focus your mind on some of the benefits you gain being a coach. This will help you discover why you want to make this your life's work.

Question #4

Now that you've completed questions 1 through 3, finish this sentence:

"I want to build a successful coaching business because..."

Note: List as many reasons as you want but try to make sure these reasons are related to you, your passion, your work, your lifestyle, your dreams, and your desires. Don't let yourself focus on other people... you have permission to be selfish!

coaching business

Here's one of the biggest conundrums of the 21st century...

The internet has linked us to more people than ever before in the history of humanity and at the same time, it's left us feeling lonelier than we've ever been.

Here's the thing...

coaching business

The internet creates an environment where we can reach people around the world and we can share our lives with them, but it does not nurture TRUE connections.

Deep, honest, vulnerable and powerful connections are the foundation of successful coaching.

So, what has this got to do with creating a coaching business plan?

Well, just about everything!

For one thing, people are hungry for connections. They want a coach who creates space for them to be themselves without fear of being judged or rejected.

More and more people want to feel seen, heard and understood in a real way and not just through mindless likes and shares on social media.

A successful coach is someone who has what it takes to build real connections with people both online and offline.

As you continue to build out your coaching business plan, spend time thinking about how you're going to inspire true connections with potential clients.

Are you going to reach out to them online?  Schedule an old-fashioned "coffee date" so you can get to know each other? Will you send them an email and follow up with a phone call?

If you're not sure, do a little research and check out what other coaches -- in your niche or area of expertise -- are doing to create connections in your space so you can kick start a stream of ideas and inspiration.

It's time to make some big picture choices on how and when you want to start creating real connections with potential clients.

This is an important segment in your business plan as it will help you make decisions around being visible and marketing your coaching services.

List all the online and offline methods you can think of to reach out and connect with potential clients. Be specific of what places or platforms you would use to find your ideal audience and approach them.

Note: For instance, if you're a health coach, you could aim to attend at least one a health-related industry conference each month. If you like connecting on social media , what are some of the Facebook groups you could become a part of?

How do you show up best when you're connecting with someone new? Do you love connecting online or do you prefer in-person meetups?

Note: When you've answered this question, check back on your list in Question 1 and circle specific methods that work best for you, based on your answers to this question. For instance if your list in question #1 included "attending live networking events", "running a weekend seminar" and "reaching out via DM on Instagram" and you know you're at your best when you connect in person, then you'd circle the first 2 methods but not the third.

What's ONE thing you can do by the end of today, or if you're reading this before bed, what's the one thing you can do in the morning to connect with at least 3 potential clients?

coaching business


You've identified your preferred channels of connection and maybe you've even already taken your first action step to reach out to potential clients.

coaching business

This is the segment in the business plan that most coaches absolutely love because they kick a$$ in this area!

We've arrived at the conversation phase of your business plan.

This is where the magic happens.

When you can have a conversation with a potential client, you need to direct your attention to 3 key elements:

coaching business


How can you make every, single conversation you have feel insightful, meaningful, and transformational for the potential client?

How can you take your language and conversational skills up to the highest levels?

The best coaches in the world also happen to be world-class listeners and conversationalists, and that's not a coincidence!

Coaches are in the business of creating transformations one conversation at a time.

So, keep in mind that with every conversation you have, you are also in the position to create transformation right there in the moment ..

This isn't about feeling pressured or stressed into changing lives in minutes although it has been known to happen!

It's actually about looking inside yourself and discovering the internal and external cues, triggers and environmental elements that allow you to show up as a master conversationalist, a master listener...

And a master coach.

At Evercoach, we teach coaches the art of practicing deep listening , asking powerful, perceptive questions that create a space for reflection and game-changing "a-ha" moments for clients.

You can learn more about deep listening and asking questions for life-changing conversations in one of our all-time popular courses on Evercoach -  Being an Exponential Coach

Knowing how to have great conversations with clients comes with deep thought, reflection and practice. The following questions will help you create a personal guideline to start meaningful, insightful, transformational conversations that you can include in your business plan.

What's a great opening question you can ask to trigger a deep conversation with a potential client?

Think of some of the game-changing conversations you've had in your own life - either with a coach or even with a friend. What are some of the powerful elements of those conversations, other than insightful, meaningful and transformational?

Note: When you've identified at least 3 elements, think about how you can include them in your next conversation with a potential client.

Identify 3 ways you can learn to take your listening, questioning and conversations skills up to the highest level. 

Note: You can check out our Youtube channel  and  Coaching Guides to get tons of free, high-value content will help you rapidly up-level your coaching skills - even if you're a brand-new coach.

T he 5-Step Coaching Business Plan

C reating  your rock-solid coaching business plan, build your thriving coaching business.

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How to write a coaching business plan template for beginners

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Table of contents

Life coaching is a promising and lucrative industry, and many coaches are now earning a significant amount of money with their tailored coaching business plans. If you, too, can help someone with your knowledge and life experiences, then it is the right time for you to start your own coaching business.

It is a smart idea to start your own coaching business, and there are several people out there who may need your help and can benefit from your experience. This guide will help you learn how to devise a business plan and make your mark in the coaching industry. Let's get right to it!

business plan template for coaching business

Note: If you are a coach, try Bonsai's full-suite of tools you can use to run your business. From task management, to time tracking, and tax, Bonsai's software has everything you need to manage your business. In fact, we have a whole library of pre-made templates to send coaching invoices , contracts and proposals. Try a 7-day free trial here .

business plan template for coaching business

What is a Coaching Business Plan?

If you want to create a coaching business, the first thing you need to do is to put together a business plan. Without a plan for your coaching business, you won't know what to do and in which order.

This is why it is absolutely necessary to have a foolproof life coaching business plan for a successful coaching business. Here is a step-by-step guide to help you get started on the right track.

Steps To Write A Life Coaching Business Plan

Here are all the steps you can use for a successful life coaching business.

Decide Your Vision

To tell your potential customers what you believe in and what your motive is, it is important to write down a vision and what motivated you to start this business.

This will help your customers understand why you want to deliver these services. Many customers consider coaches who are not just focused on their professional goals but also care for their students.

When writing the vision you need to add details such as what is the purpose behind your business and why should others care about it.

Work On Your Mission Statement

Every traditional business plan contains a mission statement and so should yours. A mission statement outlines what your business does. It can be described as the mission of your business.

The mission statement is not just important for your career coaching but it is also essential for your personal life. However, it is very important for you to be very transparent and crystal clear with your mission statement so your potential customers don't get mislead.

It can be difficult to write the mission statement on your own so it is best if you focus on answering things such as what are you hoping to accomplish at present and the future

Outline Your Coaching Services

Your business plan should include all the details of your business coaching details. Describe all your services in detail.

The details can include several things such as who are the recipients of your services. Each service may have a different recipient so it is essential for you to list all of them down. For instance, you can mention that a particular service is for middle-class parents or so on.

Other important details to include can be the pain points you will be catering to in your services. It is best to talk about the most powerful pain point right away so you have the attention of your customer segments instantly.

Your biggest aim should be to talk about something personal your audience is worried about and present your coaching as a solution.

Next, it is wise to include key features of your service. Doing this will help you attract customer attention and they will be interested to learn the exact steps that you will take to help the customers solve the problems they face.

Narrow Down Your Target Market

Now that you are done with the basics, let's move on to the next most important step. Identify your target audience using market research.

Knowing who your audience is very important and can help you come up with a very effective marketing plan. Without knowing who actually wants your service it can be difficult to appeal to the right kind of audience.

To understand what demographic needs your coaching you can use different research methods such as surveys, use reports and more.

This will help you identify all those people who suffer from the problems you are providing a solution for.

For instance, if you are providing coaching services to battle debt then your potential audience is a group of people who are in debt and can't seem to get out.

There are many advantages of identifying your customer base. Once you know who you are speaking to, you will know how to change or modify your coaching sessions to appeal to the audience in a better way.

Furthermore, it will also help you devise an effective marketing strategy designed exclusively for the target market.

Therefore, an in depth market analysis is essential to learn where your customers live, what their ages are and even what gender they fall under. The more detail you have the better it is as that can help you come up with a targeted marketing plan and coaching services.No

Note: if you are a coach, try Bonsai's full-suite of business tools to help you streamline your business. From invoice, tax, task, time tracking, to proposal templates for coaching , Bonsai has it all. Try a 7-day free trial here .

Design A Marketing Strategy

To get the attention of your audience and to market your coaching business it is important that you formulate a marketing strategy that will effectively help people notice your brand.

There are several marketing techniques you can use in your strategy but you need to make sure you choose the one that fits your coaching business the best.

Here are some of the common marketing techniques you can use to build your marketing strategy:

Search Engine Optimization

Search engine optimization is one of the most effective marketing strategies. Here, you can use different keywords and key phrases that will help your customers locate your website or services easily.

For instance, if you are providing coaching services for debt then you can smartly use different words in your content such as 'debt group coaching sessions' and every time a user searches for the term your content will pop up automatically.

Social Media Platforms

Social media platforms are the best place for you to talk about your coaching services. Most of us already have social media accounts and are very active on these platforms.

You do not need to go the audience to market your services, all you need to do is create a social media page and the audience will come to you.

However, you need to have an active presence there and share valuable content so your audience stays engaged. There are several social media platforms , choose the platforms where you can find most of your target audience.

For instance, if you are catering to the younger demographic then you can go for platforms such as Instagram and TikTok as these platforms have a higher population of the younger users.


If you want immediate results and go for a more direct solution then it is better if you opt for paid advertising.

If you pay for ads your services will reach your audience much quicker than they would otherwise. More importantly, paid advertising will only show the ads to the potential customers rather than random people. This means that you will have better outcomes and and can expand your growth plan.

However, paid advertising can be expensive and you may need help from experts. You can hire professionals to handle paid advertising on your behalf and make sure they do it effectively.

Blogging is one of the most common ways to create awareness in your audience. There are multiple ways you can blog about your coaching business. You can either get another blog to feature your business or you can start a blog of your own.

Blogs are a great way to deliver content to your audience and you can incorporate your coaching services in these blogs. These blogs should have valuable content that must link with your subject and help your audience in the longer run. It is a smart decision to make blogging an important part of your coaching practice.

Email Marketing

Email marketing is an effective marketing strategy as any. You can build a mailing list and then send regular emails about your coaching sessions.

You can also give your audience a brief overview of your services so you can grab their attention so they are interested in coaching and sign up for more.

In the future you can also use this list to introduce more product and services to your audience. Make sure you follow up on your emails for the best results.

Include Financial Projections

Other coaches in the business may tell you how important it is to think about financial planning . The coaching business needs money to fuel it and it is essential for you to be clear on how much of it you need.

List Down Coaching Resources Needed

You may need lots of resources when providing coaching and instead of learning about them as you go, make a list of the needed resources beforehand. This will help you be a great coach and be as effective as possible.

Why Is A Coaching Business Plan Important For You?

Without a coaching business plan, it can be very difficult for you to be on the right track, and you may end up making mistakes that could have been avoided easily.

It is better to enter the field with a plan rather than just diving into it right away! With the best business coaching plan, you can get your first client in no time.

Coaching Business Plan Template

If you are having difficulty coming up with a coaching business plan on your own, then you can also use a template and fill it according to your needs and the needs of the business.

There are lots of coaching business plan templates online for you to choose from. Just make sure you fill them out properly. Templates offer you a competitive advantage so you can get more customers.

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Bonsai is the best coaching tool on the market to run your business. With our software, you could easily edit pre-made templates to send coaching contracts , proposals, intake forms, invoices, and more. Not to mention we have time tracking and task management tools you could use to better organize your day-to-day duties.

Claim your 7-day free trial here .

Those who keep these tips and tricks in mind can have great coaching businesses and meet all professional goals. Just make sure you do not skip out on anything important, as that can affect your business model in the future. Good luck with your venture!

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6 tips for writing your coaching business plan (with templates).

You're getting into the coaching business because you know your stuff. But of course, expertise is only part of the equation. You need the right business structure and plan to back you up, as well.

In other words, you need a business plan for your coaching business. Ideally, that plan includes the structure of your coaching company, an overview of your audience, a plan for your website and coaching content, and an outline of how you'll market and sell your coaching services. These six tips can help you write your business coaching plan.

Why Do I Need a Business Coaching Plan?

As the founder of BPlans, Tim Berry, shares in a survey he did of thousands of business plan pro users , "Simply put, those who finished their business plans were about twice as likely to successfully grow their business, get investment, or land a loan than those who didn’t. You can see the numbers on the chart."

business plan template for coaching business

He breaks down the numbers behind the chart as follows:

business plan template for coaching business

A business plan for your online coaching business has two purposes: external and internal.

Externally , it's crucial for any stakeholders in your business. For example, if you're looking for investors in your business, they'll need to know you have a specific coaching business model and plan for how you'll grow your business to get their investment back. Anyone you want to serve in a leadership or board oversight role will probably want to know the same thing.

Internally , your business coaching plan is an important benchmark and guide post for all major decisions, from adding staff to building community . Use it to make sure that every strategic and budget decision you make aligns with your broader goal, context, and audience to stay on track and avoid getting sidetracked.

Coaching business plan templates any business can use

Rather than starting your document from scratch, consider using a coaching business plan template. This ensures that all the basic elements are included, and in the right format for your audience.

Some free coaching business plan templates include:

  • Life Coach Business Plan Template from
  • Health Coaching Business Plan Template from
  • Health Coaching Business Plan Template from
  • General Coaching Business Plan Template from
  • General Coaching Business Plan Template from

You can use a general coaching business plan template, or one specific to your niche. For example, health coaching business plans may need more nuanced information about the industry and working with a health coaching business plan template can ensure that some of this information is already included in the template.

How Do You Structure A Coaching Company? 

Before you start writing your plan, it's crucial to understand the best possible structure to outline in the business plan for your coaching business. This is where you define your niche, and how you plan to serve your clients in the best possible way.

When working within Profi, you can build and operationalize any number of business structures:

  •  Use the Profi Team plan to support teams of 2+ unlimited centralized B2B or B2C coaches in the same department and company, or servicing your client's team or company under the same business model. ‍
  • Use our Corporate plan to curate a marketplace of coaches doing specialized work in a centralized B2B or B2C structure, as our client Innovation Experts has done. Or use our Corporate plan to manage an entire coaching organization, including 2+ coaches and multiple teams of coaches, all managed on a custom, white-labelled domain working across your client's departments, teams, or companies.
  • Use our Network plan for anywhere from two to hundreds of independent coaches, trainers or consultants who buy subscribe to your platform (powered behind the scenes by Profi) and use it independently in their coaching businesses, as our client Ikigai Consulting has done .

The truth is that there is no single best coaching business structure because it all depends on your niche, abilities, and target audience. That said, at least a basic idea of how you want to build that structure can help with every tip mentioned below.

How do you structure a business plan for online coaching?

Business plans for online coaching should be structured differently than any other business coaching plans. However, some of the information included when specifically looking to write your business plan for online coaching might be unique, like focusing your industry analysis exclusively on virtual competitors. 

Tip #1: Start With the Background

The first full section of your business plan should include all the basics an internal or external stakeholder might want to know about you. That includes:

  • A name and a short description of your company
  • Your company's mission, vision, and values
  • Your value proposition—a one-sentence summary of why your clients should want to engage your services
  • A short description of the coaching niche you serve 
  • An outline of the business structure for your company
  • Any other background that stakeholders might find valuable.

No judgment or opinion needed in this section. Keep it straightforward and to the point to make sure any reader walks away with a clear idea of what they can expect from your coaching business.

Tip #2: Include an Industry Analysis

Next, it's time to start looking outward. What's the context in which your coaching business exists? Most business plans for coaching businesses include a comprehensive industry analysis that includes some of the key direct and indirect competitors within your coaching niche.

Direct competitors are other coaching businesses offering the same services as you to the same audience. Indirect competitors are alternatives your potential clients might have to hiring a business coach, like self-service learning solutions or internal training. 

When listing competitors, include their exact value propositions and price. The more detail included here, the more specifically you can set your own coaching services apart when looking to sell yourself.

Tip #3: Outline Your Target Customer

Any business coaching plan needs to include a clear outline of who your business is trying to reach. An in-depth audience profile, using templates like a buyer persona or ideal customer profile , can solve two goals in your business plan at the same time. 

First, it ensures that any stakeholder reading your coaching business plan can get a better understanding of your core focus. Second, it can help you answer a few important questions about how to create content, build your website, and market your coaching business.

Tip #4: Create Your Marketing Plan

Next, it's time to build your marketing and promotional outreach efforts. This section of your coaching business plan should answer the following questions:

  • What should be included in your coaching website? Your website should clearly highlight your expertise to build credibility, include thought leadership content, outline your services, and make it easy to demo your services or sign up for a session.
  • How do you create content for coaching? Define where you'll post content and use examples of good coaching content as inspiration for your own content marketing strategy. Utilize a paraphrasing tool strategically to identify synonyms and refine your unique voice for a powerful content marketing strategy.
  • How do you market your coaching business? Outline the promotional channels you'll use that align with your audience profile, your core messaging, and any branding information you have. 

Together, these three components can help you self yourself as a coach, building on the audience definition and industry analysis to stand out and grow your customer base.

Tip #5: Define Your Operations and Financial Plan

Your operations plan includes a clear outline of the daily operations that will help your business succeed. This is your chance to outline how you'll implement your business model. Include information like daily responsibilities for core staff, how clients can book sessions and what happens once they book, how you'll collect payments, and the coaching software that can help you streamline those operations.

Your financial plan can either be part of your operations or its own section. It should include your income statement, cash-flow statement, and balance sheet . Clearly outline your fixed and variable costs, and what revenue you'll need to cover them and be profitable.

Tip #6: Write the Executive Summary

It might be counterintuitive to end with what, in most business coaching plan templates, will be the first section of the plan. But it pays to leave the executive summary for last, after you've filled in all the details in the other sections.

For the executive summary of the business plan for online coaching, include 1-2 sentences covering the gist of each section. Keep the whole thing to a single page if possible. That way, you can make sure that even if someone only reads the first page of the business plan, they'll still come away with the core of everything they need to know.

Of course, the business plan is only the beginning of a successful coaching business. You'll also need to execute all the strategies outlined within it—the operational piece of it all. That's where Profi comes in.

Profi is a platform that's as simple as it is powerful, helping you streamline all of the operational processes that come with running a successful coaching business. Book a Demo with one of our Product Coaches today to learn how you can successfully execute your business plan by organizing coach bookings with your ideal customers, recording and sharing sessions, managing your team, co-hosting services, courses and programs, and simplifying your billing.

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Coaching Business Plan

business plan template for coaching business

Low startup costs, high earning potential, diverse clientele, and professional growth make coaching a rewarding career for new entrepreneurs. However, entering the marketplace without proper planning can put you and your business at risk.

Are you looking to start writing a business plan for your coaching business? Creating a business plan is essential to starting, growing, and securing funding for your business. So we have prepared a coaching business plan template to help you start writing yours.

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How to Write a Coaching business plan?

Writing a coaching business plan is a crucial step toward the success of your business. Here are the key steps to consider when writing a business plan:

1. Executive Summary

An executive summary is the first section of the business plan intended to provide an overview of the whole business plan. Generally, it is written after the entire business plan is ready. Here are some components to add to your summary:

  • Start with a brief introduction: Start your executive summary by introducing your idea behind starting a coaching business and explaining what it does. Give a brief overview of how your business will be different.
  • Market opportunity: Describe the target market in brief, and explain the demographics, geographic location, and psychographic attributes of your customer. Explain how your coaching business meets its needs. Clearly describe the market that your business will serve.
  • Mention your services: Describe in brief what services a customer can expect from your coaching center. Also, incorporate brief information mentioning the safety and security systems you implement, keeping consumer safety in mind.
  • Marketing strategy: Explain how you plan on marketing your services, including advertising, social media marketing, public relations, promotions, etc. Define your target market and how you will execute the marketing.
  • Financial highlights: Provide a summary of your financial projections for the center’s initial years of operation. Include any capital or investment requirements, startup costs, projected revenues, and profits.
  • Call to action: After briefly explaining your business plan, end your summary with a call to action, inviting potential investors or readers to the next meeting if they are interested in your business.

Ensure you keep your executive summary concise and clear, use simple language, and avoid jargon.

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2. Business Overview

Depending on your business’s details, you’ll need different elements in your business overview. Still, there are some foundational elements like business name, legal structure, location, history, and mission statement that every business overview should include:

  • The name and type of your coaching center: mention whether you are a coaching center focusing on personal, corporate, executive, or life coaching. Maybe, you offer online coaching services —so mention that.
  • Company structure of your coaching business, whether it is a sole proprietorship, partnership firm, or something else.
  • Location of your coaching center and why you selected that place.
  • Ownership: Describe the owners of your coaching center and mention their roles in running it. Who owns what shares in the corporation, and how each owner helps in the business?
  • Mission statement: Add a mission statement that sums up your coaching center’s objectives and core principles. This statement needs to be memorable, clear, and brief.
  • Business history: Include an outline of your coaching center’s history and how it came to be in its current position. If you can, add some personality and intriguing details, especially if you got any achievements or recognitions till now for your incredible services.
  • Future goals: It’s crucial to convey your aspirations and your vision. Include the vision of where you see your business in the near future and if you plan to open a new business franchise in the same city or state.

This section should provide an in-depth understanding of your coaching business. Also, the business overview section should be engaging and precise.

3. Market Analysis

Market analysis provides a clear understanding of the market your coaching center will run, the target market, competitors, and growth opportunities. Your market analysis should contain the following essential components:

  • Target market: Identify your target market and define your ideal customer. Know more about your customers and which services they prefer: personal coaching, educational coaching, corporate training, business consulting, group coaching sessions, or anything else.
  • Market size and growth potential: Provide an overview of the coaching industry. It will include market size, trends, growth potential, and regulatory considerations. Highlight the competitive edge and how your business is different from the rest.
  • Market trends: Analyze current and emerging trends in your industry, such as technological changes or customer preferences. Explain how your business will cope with all the trends. For instance, coaching for remote workers is on the rise after the Covid-19 pandemic; explain how your business will cope with it.
  • Regulatory environment: Describe any regulations or licensing requirements that affect coaching business, such as business registration, professional credentials, data privacy, business license, etc.

Some additional tips for writing the market analysis section of your business plan:

  • Use various sources to gather data, including industry reports, market research studies, and surveys.
  • Be specific and provide detailed information wherever possible.
  • Include charts and graphs to help illustrate your key points.
  • Keep your target audience in mind while writing the business plan.

4. Products And Services

A coaching business plan’s product and services section should describe the specific services offered to customers. To write this section should include the following:

  • Create a list of the services your coaching business will offer, including educational coaching, corporate training, business consulting, executive coaching, etc.
  • Describe each service: Provide a detailed description of what it entails, the time required, and the qualifications of the professionals who will provide it. For example, coaches are responsible for providing coaching services to students or clients.
  • Coaching Methodology: In all service descriptions, explain the methodology used. You should include information about the coaching process, how clients will be assessed, what techniques will be used, and how progress will be measured.

Overall, a business plan’s product and services section should be detailed, informative, and customer-focused. By providing a clear and compelling description of your offerings, you can help potential investors and readers understand the value of your business.

5. Sales And Marketing Strategies

Writing the sales and marketing strategies section means a list of strategies you will use to attract and retain your clients. Here are some key elements to include in your sales & marketing plan:

  • Develop your unique selling proposition (USP): Clearly define your coaching business’s unique selling propositions, which can be your services, expertise in the market, coaching methodology, online services, and so on. Determine what sets your business apart from the competition and what benefits your target market.
  • Determine your pricing strategy: Develop a pricing strategy that is competitive and affordable yet profitable. Consider offering promotions, discounts, or packages for your coaching services to attract new customers.
  • Marketing strategies: Develop a marketing strategy that includes a mix of online and offline marketing tactics. Consider social media, email marketing, content marketing, brochures, print marketing, and events.
  • Sales strategies: Mention your sales strategy as in – creating referral programs for your existing customers, offering free trial or consultation, hosting events and workshops, incentive programs for brokers, etc.
  • Customer retention: Describe how your business will retain customers and build loyalty, such as through loyalty programs, special events, or personalized service.

Overall, the sales and marketing strategies section of your business plan should outline your plans to attract and retain customers and generate revenue. Be specific, realistic, and data-driven in your approach, and be prepared to adjust your strategies based on feedback and results.

6. Operations Plan

When writing the operations plan section, it’s important to consider the various aspects of your business processes and procedures involved in operating a business. Here are the components to include in an operations plan:

  • Hiring Plan: Tell the staffing requirements of your coaching business, including the number of teachers, trainers, and coaches needed, their qualifications, and the duties they will perform. Also, mention the perks you will provide to your staff.
  • Operational Process: Outline the processes and procedures you will use to run your coaching center. It includes sales and marketing, staffing and management, curriculum and teaching methods, quality assurance and improvement, etc.
  • Facilities and Technology: Describe all the facilities and Technology used in your business operations, including internet connectivity, learning management system, library and resource center, accounting systems, etc.

By including these key elements in your operations plan section, you can create a comprehensive plan that outlines how you will run your coaching center.

7. Management Team

The management team section provides an overview of the individuals responsible for running the coaching business. This section should provide a detailed description of the experience and qualifications of each manager, as well as their responsibilities and roles.

  • Key managers: Describe your management team’s key members, roles, and responsibilities. It should include the owners, senior management, department manager, coaches, support staff, and other people involved in the business operations, including their education, professional background, and any relevant experience in the coaching industry.
  • Organizational structure: Describe the organizational structure of the management team, including reporting lines and how decisions will be made.
  • Compensation plan: Describe your compensation plan for the management team and staff, including salaries, bonuses, and other benefits.
  • Board of advisors: If you have a board of advisors for your business, then mention them along with their roles and experience.

Describe your business’s key personnel and highlight why your business has the fittest team.

8. Financial Plan

When writing the financial plan section of a business plan, it’s important to provide a comprehensive overview of your financial projections for the first few years of your business.

  • Profit & loss statement: Create a projected profit & loss statement that describes the expected revenue, cost of products sold, and operational costs. Your business’s anticipated net profit or loss should be computed and included.
  • Cash flow statement: Estimate your cash inflows and outflows for the first few years of operation. It should include client cash receipts, vendor payments, loan payments, and other cash inflows and outflows.
  • Balance sheet: Prepare a projected balance sheet, which shows the business’s assets, liabilities, and equity.
  • Break-even point: Determine the point at which your coaching business will break even or generate enough revenue to cover its operating costs. This will help you understand how much revenue you need to generate to make a profit.
  • Financing needs: Estimate how much financing you will need to start and operate your coaching business. It should include short-term and long-term financing needs, such as loans or investment capital.

Remember to be realistic with your financial projections and provide supporting evidence for your estimates.

9. Appendix

When writing the appendix section, you should include any additional information supporting your plan’s main content. This may include financial statements, market research data, legal documents, and other relevant information.

  • Include a table of contents for the appendix section to make it easy for readers to find specific information.
  • Include financial statements such as income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. These should be up-to-date and show your financial projections for at least the first three years of your business.
  • Provide market research data, such as statistics on the size of the coaching industry, consumer demographics, and trends in the industry.
  • Include any legal documents such as permits, licenses, and contracts.
  • Provide any additional documentation related to your business plans, such as marketing materials, product brochures, and operational procedures.
  • Use clear headings and labels for each section of the appendix so that readers can easily find the information they need.

Remember, the appendix section of your coaching business should only include relevant and essential information supporting your plan’s main content.

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This coaching business plan sample will provide an idea for writing a successful coaching plan, including all the essential components of your business.

After this, if you still need clarification about writing an investment-ready coaching business plan to impress your audience, download our coaching business plan pdf .

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Frequently asked questions, why do you need a coaching business plan.

A business plan is essential for anyone looking to start or run a successful coaching center. It helps to clarify your business, secure funding, and identify potential challenges while starting and growing your coaching business.

Overall, a well-written plan can help you make informed decisions, which can contribute to the long-term success of your coaching business.

How to get funding for your coaching business?

There are several ways to get funding for your coaching business, but one of the most efficient and speedy funding options is self-funding. Other options for funding are:

Small Business Administration (SBA) loan

Crowdfunding, angel investors, venture capital.

Apart from all these options, there are small business grants available, check for the same in your location and you can apply for it.

Where to find business plan writers for your coaching business?

There are many business plan writers available, but no one knows your business and idea better than you, so we recommend you write your coaching business plan and outline your vision as you have in your mind.

What is the easiest way to write your coaching business plan?

A lot of research is necessary for writing a business plan, but you can write your plan most efficiently with the help of any coaching business plan example and edit it as per your need. You can also quickly finish your plan in just a few hours or less with the help of our business plan software.

About the Author

business plan template for coaching business

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Upmetrics is the #1 business planning software that helps entrepreneurs and business owners create investment-ready business plans using AI. We regularly share business planning insights on our blog. Check out the Upmetrics blog for such interesting reads. Read more

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Websites for Coaches by Lovely Impact

How to Create a Simple Business Plan for Your Coaching Business

So… you’ve decided to start a coaching business? Or maybe to get more clarity within your current coaching business? Either way… congrats! The brainstorming phase is now over and it’s time to develop a plan of action. That’s right, it’s time to create your business plan!

Now before you freak out, take a deep breath. We are going to make this process as simple as possible for you. Unless you are applying for a loan, you do not need a traditional business plan. Do you know those crazy 300 page documents with all those charts? Yeah… those. We’re not going to make you do that! Together, we are going to create a short, sweet, but powerful mini-coaching business plan.

Inside this blog post you’ll learn:

✔️ Why you need a coaching business plan.

✔️ What to do before you start writing your plan.

✔️ What to include in your coaching business plan.

Why you need a coaching business plan.

A coaching business plan is really about clarity and focus for you, your partners, your investors, and your executive team. This plan will help you build a business that will support you financially, have an impact on those around you, and leave a lasting legacy you can be proud of.

The research you have to conduct to finalize a coaching business plan will help you peer into the future and predict different outcomes. Though it’s certainly not perfect, it helps you map out where you currently are and where you’re headed.

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Specifically, a business plan helps you…

  • Estimate total startup costs
  • Understand your target audience
  • Compete from the start
  • Anticipate challenges

Bottom line? A business plan helps keep you on track. It ensures that you focus your attention on the right things and helps you avoid mistakes that could sink you.

Ready? We’re going to walk you step-by-step through the process of creating a solid business plan.

What you need to know before you start writing a business plan.

At Lovely Impact, we are all about dreaming big. Have you seen our tagline? “Launch your coaching website. IMPACT THE WORLD.”

We truly believe truly in that mission. However, every coaching business has to start somewhere. Unfortunately, many business plans are wildly unrealistic. The initial excitement of starting the business often causes coaches to massively overestimate how successful they’ll be and underestimate the challenges they’ll encounter.

In order to be effective, a coaching business plan needs to be realistic. Before you launch, you want to be relatively confident that you have a good chance of succeeding.

In many ways, a business plan should help you decide whether your coaching niche and business idea will pan out. It’s possible that you may put together your business plan and then realize that the potential outcome isn’t as bright as you initially thought. That’s okay. It forces you to go back to the drawing board.

This is why taking the necessary time to do the market research, analyze your financial needs, and map out your strategy for the future is super important. Don’t look at being realistic as the thing that’s preventing you from dreaming big. View it as building a foundation for a successful, long-lasting business.

What to include in your coaching business plan

We want you to put a lot of thought into each section of your coaching business plan. To help, we’ve not only included a free download in our Free Resource Library , but we’ve also broken each part down for you:

Section 1: Mission Statement: Keep your mission statement concise and specific but make sure anyone reading it will have a full understanding of your business. Your mission statement should include what you do, how you do it, who you do it for, and what value or need you are serving.

Section 2: Executive Summary: In this section, you should describe your business in more detail. What type of business is it? Why did you start this business? What does it mean to you and your customers? What industries do you service?

Section 3: Products and Services: Here you’ll want to list out and describe all of the products and services your business will offer. But we want you to dig a little deeper by including pricing and materials needed to provide them to your customers.

Section 4: Targeted Audience: Now it’s time to describe your ideal customer. Include demographics, influencers, trends, where they are online, and more. Don’t get too obsessed with this. In chapter 3 we’ll be doing a deeper dive on marketing research.

Section 5: Customer Needs: What need is your business fulfilling? Here you’ll need to discuss the pain points and frustrations of your potential customers, and how your business will solve those problems.

Section 6: Customer Acquisition: In this part of the plan, you’ll discuss where your customers are and how you will reach them. Include social media platforms, forums, magazines they read, activities they frequent, etc. Explain how you will use these mediums to promote your business and reach your customers.

Section 7: Competitive Advantage: What makes your business so unique? This is where you explain why you are better than your competition, how your products and services stand out, and what make you different.

Section 8: Owner Passion: Here’s a section that many don’t add to their business plans, but that’s the point of this course right? Describing why you are personally passionate about this business is important to keep you motivated. Be sure also to include your three top qualities that you will put into your business.

Section 9: Finances: Here we go! Don’t panic. For this part, we will keep it very simple. What are your financial goals? How will you fund this business? Finally, what is the cost to start this business?

Section 10: Business Goals: For this part, list what goals you plan to accomplish in 6 months, one year, and five years from now.

Download our free the coaching business plan worksheet

Ready to get started writing your coaching business plan? Head on over to our free resource library and look for the “MINI COACHING BUSINESS PLAN”. This guided workbook goes along with this blog post and was developed to help you create a short, sweet, but powerful mini-coaching business plan.

Sign up here: >>

About The Author

Hey! I’m Tee, a brand and marketing coach and the Co-Founder & CMO at Lovely Impact, a website template shop for coaches. I help coaches grow their coaching businesses digitally. Here on our blog, my content focuses on web design, marketing, business, and social media strategy.

Tee, thank you so much for this article! I’m planning to download the mini coaching business plan because I love how you laid it out here!

Hi Laura! I’m so glad this helped 🙂 The mini coaching business plan is laid out exactly like this, so if the article helped the download will follow the same process.

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Life Coaching Business Plan

Start your own life coaching business plan

SummitRise Coaching

Value proposition.

SummitRise Coaching helps mid-career professionals find their purpose and navigate career transitions. Our tailored coaching programs provide the insights, confidence, and strategies to transform your life and open doors to new experiences.

The Problem

Mid-career professionals often feel unfulfilled or stuck but lack support to make a successful life transition. 

The Solution

SummitRise Coaching empowers mid-career professionals to navigate life transitions through customized guidance. Our tailored programs help clients discover purpose, build confidence, overcome obstacles, and reinvent their lives in a fulfilling new direction.

Target Market

  • Mid-career professionals, ages 30-50, earning $75K-$200K seeking life transition support. 5M prospects spending $3K-$10K/year.
  • Executives and managers interested in leadership and work-life balance. 3M prospects earning $125K-$300K, spending $5K-$15K/year.  
  • Entrepreneurs starting or advancing businesses. 500K prospects earning $75K-$150K, spending $2K-$7K/year.
  • Couples navigating life or relationship transitions together. 2M prospects with $100K-$250K combined income, spending $5K-$12K/year.

Competitors & Differentiation

Current alternatives.

  • Traditional counseling: Provides mental health benefits but lacks life transition support. SummitRise offers tailored strategies and accountability.
  • Outplacement firms: Focused on job search, not purpose reinvention. Generic, not customized services. SummitRise provides personalized solutions based on individual goals.
  • Free/low-cost life coaching: Impact may be limited. Fewer credentialed coaches and services. SummitRise has certified, experienced coaches and high-touch programs.
  • Online courses: Impersonal with little motivation or accountability. SummitRise combines digital learning with dedicated coach guidance focused on clients’ unique situations. Superior experience.

SummitRise Coaching stands apart through customized solutions and support for purposeful life reinvention.

  • Certified, experienced coaches with proven success guiding life transitions.
  • Personalized programs tailored to individual needs and goals.
  • Practical strategies and accountability for sustainable change.
  • Ongoing partnership through challenges and wins.

Our caring professionals provide guidance and motivation customized to your priorities so you can gain clarity, build confidence, and forge a fulfilling new direction.

Funding Needs

Here are funding needs, sales channels, marketing activities, financial projections, and milestones for SummitRise Coaching:

  • $10,000 for website, marketing materials, certification and training
  • $5,000 buffer for unforeseen initial costs   

Sales Channels   

  • Website and email newsletter  
  • Referral partners like therapists, career counselors, and mentors  
  • Media exposure and contributions to build authority  
  • Networking and live events  

Marketing Activities  

  • Search engine optimization for website  
  • Paid media (Google, Facebook, LinkedIn) targeting personas
  • Blog posts and email newsletter to share advice and resources  
  • Organic social media profiles and engagement, especially LinkedIn  
  • Public speaking at live and virtual events   
  • Strategic partnerships and networking  

Financial Projections  

With a focus on gaining initial clients through our proven introductory  offer and word-of-mouth referrals, SummitRise Coaching anticipates:

2022 $99,000       

2023 $138,873            

2024 $170,858


2022 $74,400 

2023 $103,400   

2024 $130,000

2022 $24,600                 

2023 $35,473               

2024 $40,858  

  • Earn life coaching certification (3 months)  
  • Build company website (2 months)           
  • Create marketing materials and brand identity (1 month)   
  • Set up business legal structure and insurance (1 month)
  • Define services and coaching program offerings (1 month)  
  • Build email list and following on social media (6 months)  
  • Continuously network, search for strategic partners (ongoing) 
  • Gain first private coaching clients (4-6 months)                
  • Run initial 6-week group program (8 months)         
  • Line up speaking engagements and media interviews (10 months)   
  • Reassess, gain feedback and adjust programs/offerings (12 months)       
  • Meet with a business advisor to plan growth (18 months) 
  • Consider bringing on additional coach(es) or admin support (24 months)     
  • Review progress and set next 3-year business goals (24 months)

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business plan template for coaching business


  • Business Coach
  • Career Coach
  • Leadership Coach
  • Stakeholder Centered Coach®
  • Goal & Development Planning
  • Digital Tools
  • Stakeholder Integration
  • Action Plans
  • Coaching Programs
  • Coach Matching
  • Scheduling Software for Coaches
  • Client Workspace
  • Resource Library
  • Team Engagements
  • Subscription & Session Packages
  • Showcase Page
  • Invoicing & Payments
  • Email Integration
  • LinkedIn Intergration
  • Contact Management
  • Prospect Management
  • Embedded Video Conferencing
  • Professional Development Log
  • Pricing Solopreneurs Pricing plans that help you grow and flourish as a solopreneur Businesses Agile pricing plans that keep up with your business’ needs

Creating a Simple Coaching Business Plan 101

Creating a Simple Coaching Business Plan 101

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Table of Contents

With an estimated market size of almost $20 billion , coaching continues to be one of the fastest growing sectors in the world. With more and more individuals and organizations understanding the true contribution and impact of coaching (boost in self-confidence, revenues, and an elevated workforce morale), the average yearly growth of the coaching industry stands at a healthy 6.7% with thousands of professionals looking at coaching as a lucrative, long term career option. There are approximately 71,000 certified coaches worldwide at this time – and that, we believe, says a lot!

If you have already taken the plunge (or are preparing to take one) and have chosen the very rewarding career of coaching, the next organic step will be to look at scaling your venture. You may have gotten in the profession with the noble thought of helping people maximize their potentials and become successful, but it is also your work and a major (if not primary) source of income for you! Making every effort to expand your client volumes and boost your revenues is absolutely necessary if you want to make your practice a continued success. 

So, venturing into developing your own coaching business can be a natural progression to your career. But just the idea of having your own coaching business is not enough. Once the brainstorming process is over, how do you move forward and put those ideas on paper and convert them into a viable coaching business plan? Read on to find out how you can create a simple but effective coaching business plan and the lasting impact that it can have on your career.

Why should you have a coaching business plan?  

You have done the groundwork, put in those extra working hours, got a fair bit of experience working as a coach and are now ready to move on to the next level (or you may be just starting out as a coach and feeling ambitious & confident enough to take on the responsibility of running your own coaching business). Naturally then scaling your coaching services is what comes to mind. And for that you need a feasible coaching business plan. But why must you have one? Well, the answer covers multiple reasons – why having a solid, well-thought out, strategically sound plan can give you the best chance at making a success of your coaching business. 

A good coaching business plan

  • Provides focus and clarity not just to you but also your other stakeholders regarding the business, its scope, start-up expenses, target clientele, expected competition, potential obstacles, possible income generation, and more.
  • Gives a fair idea of what to expect in the near future based on multiple outcomes that are discussed.
  • Keeps you on track and alert to the realities so that you concentrate on doing the right things and avoid missteps that could prove disastrous in the future. 

Things to know before you start putting down a coaching business plan

Now that you understand the importance of having a coaching business plan, there are some other factors to consider before you start charting out one:

  • Make sure that your coaching business plan is as close to reality as possible. In their newfound excitement of staring their own business, many coaches often lose track of ground realities and overestimate their would-be success and underestimate their challenges. 
  • Ensure that your coaching business plan lets you define your coaching niche – coaching is a vast segment that covers life coaching, executive coaching, leadership coaching, health & wellness coaching, personal coaching, to name a few. Based on your aptitude, knowledge, and experience, choose a niche that will give you the best chance for success as a coach. 
  • Conduct thorough research about the market and emerging opportunities, the industries that have a high demand for coaching and target audience who can actually pay for your services. 
  • Be honest about your financial reality (start-up costs, compare your assets & liabilities, the potential expenses that will be incurred against the potential income that will flow in, gauge if you can start out with your own seed capital or if you need to find external investors, financial goals to be accomplished in the next year as well as 5 years) and then map out your business strategy. 
  • Be prepared to be flexible – a business plan that seems brilliant at the scripting stage may not look as promising once all the pieces of the coaching business plan are in place. If that happens, don’t lose heart and go back to the drawing board, tweak and tinker until you come up with a realistic plan that will stand the test of time and will result in a successful and long-lasting business. Being realistic does not mean that you curb your big ambitions – it just means that you go in with your eyes wide open to both opportunity and challenges.

Creating a coaching business plan  

Creating a coaching business plan takes a lot of research, understanding of the business world, a clear analysis of your Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities & Threats, and the ability to turn ambitions into reality. It is the foundation on which the tower of your business will stand and flourish. 

1. Start your business vision

Write up a mission statement in clear and precise words that provides a detailed understanding of why you are in the business, the type of your business, your business operations and scope, the potential clientele that you wish to engage, the services and products that you will offer and how they will prove to be value additions to those who sign up, and more. This transparency in conveying your intentions can go a long way in establishing your credibility among existing as well as potential clients. 

2. Zero in on the most workable coaching model 

Getting the coaching model right is important as this is the basis on which you will take all the other business decisions, which will in turn impact your earnings. You need to decide if you want to opt for a one-on-one/personalized coaching (personal can be limiting in terms of reaching just one client against the time and effort expended), group coaching (little less time consuming with expanded client size), corporate coaching (business/executive/leadership coaching – where the organization pays a lumpsum for coaching their group of employees), hybrid coaching (a mix of online & offline) or even partially automated coaching (online questionnaires, exercises, surveys, feedback forms). 

3. Concentrate on your unique offerings 

As the data has shown, coaching is a lucrative profession, so, naturally the field will be overcrowded with hundreds of coaches offering their services. It may take extra effort and some unique offerings for you to stand out against your closest competitors, build your coaching business and also make a success out of it.  Saying you are good coach is not enough, you need to state your specialization for clients to notice you. 

Put down what your strengths are (for instance, conflict resolution, mergers & acquisitions, delegation) and what is the expertise you can provide to your clients that will make a discernible difference to their progress (how you have helped top executives complete successful career transitions that made a healthy difference to their work-life balance, for example). You need to understand your own business in depth, only then you can convince the client about your offerings.  

4. Organize your daily schedule 

Effective time management is one of the pillars of your eventual success. Having an organized schedule will mean that you not only make time for actual coaching but also for the peripherals (social media engagements, communicating with clients, updating your course materials, etc.) that are important for your coaching business. Prioritize your goals and then assign time slots for those activities as per importance. Tasks that need more attention (any client activities take top preference) should have regular markings in your schedule whereas lesser important activities can be scheduled once a week or fortnightly. Using an automated planner is a good choice rather than getting into it manually. 

5 . Invest in a good coaching management software 

Personally, handling clients as well as the demands of running a business is fine when your client size is small. But when you scale up your business and start expanding your clientele, it can get extremely difficult, not to mention exhausting, managing multiple demands manually. 

Investing in a comprehensive, fully automated business coaching management software that offers all the features – such as client & business management, sales & marketing, pricing options, coaching tools, etc. – under a single platform will make running your coaching business easy & efficiently and help deliver quantifiable & visible results for your clients and eventually help grow your business.

6 . Offer attractive coaching packages with multiple price points & duration

Not all clients are the same – their requirements and readiness to pay are different. In order to reach a wide audience, make sure that you offer attractive coaching packages with benefits, multiple pricing options as well as durations (you can list out the offerings and benefits of every coaching package, whether it’s 1-month, 3-month, 6-month or even yearly). Having a landing page where the client can reach you and take a look at all your various services & pricing choices will help your potential client make an informed choice about your coaching services and ascertain whether they are best suited to their requirements. 

7. Stick to a single coaching model that will succeed in the long run

The intent behind starting a business and creating a coaching business plan is that you want to scale up to the next level, with the aim of acquiring more clients and thus, more revenue. For that to happen, you need to zero in on a coaching business model and then stick to it. 

A coaching company model lets you be the owner of a business that employs multiple coaches who actually do the coaching alongside you and you get a percentage of the earnings as your profit. The upside is that you don’t need to spend all your time and energy coaching and can focus on business growth, but the downside is that if the client signed up for your name, they may feel short changed that they are not getting coached by you.  

A personalized coaching model is the most personal form of coaching where you deliver your coaching services to a single client in a session. The model works better for the coachee than the coach. The coachee gets the best out of the coaching process but the coach is unable to scale up their business as their time and effort are tied to one client. But by automating this coaching model (personalized questionnaires, feedback forms, assessment reports, etc.) the coach can scale this coaching model for repeated use for other clients as well. 

A productized coaching model focuses on creating a product that can be sold over and over again. Coaching courses, training modules, and other educational material that cover a host of relevant topics are examples of how coaching can be productized. These can be made available on your own website or published via learning platforms. This is one of the more popular coaching models as the products can be sold at a more affordable rate (as there’s no direct exchange of coach’s time for money) and can bought by as many clients as possible, thus widening your client base and ensuring a stable source of income. 

8. Prepare a goal tracker to monitor short-term goals 

Set small goals to achieve and create a short-term goal tracking sheet to monitor if those goals are being achieved. When you achieve smaller goals, you are automatically getting a step closer to attaining your final objective. The goal tracker helps you stay on the path, boosts your morale, and prevents feeling frustrated & getting pressurized by the larger goal. After all, the journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step forward!

9. Have a solid sales funnel in place 

This is a coaching business plan that you are preparing, so naturally the intent is to bring in as many clients as possible and generate higher profits. As with any business, a solid sales & marketing strategy is the key to making it a success. 

Having a top-notch sales funnel is important – identifying the target audience, understanding customer requirements, listing all the services & products that you offer the client, presenting a comparative analysis of how your services and products are better than your closest competitors, and actually onboarding clients. 

In addition, utilizing other marketing tools such as webinars, Facebook, LinkedIn, YouTube, blogs, vlogs, email & affiliate marketing, online forums & networks, etc., provide multiple platforms for your prospective clients to not only to become aware of your services but to also connect with you. How effective the sales funnel will be, depends on how much financial capacity you have for spending on advertising your business. 

10 . Create a strong brand for your coaching business 

A strong brand that is identifiable with quality offering is one of the best long-term assets that any business can have. An easily recognizable brand is your gateway to growing your business. While creating your coaching business brand, keep in mind a few factors such as its objective, the values you hope to convey, the assurances you are giving clients in terms of services, professional ethics and transparent business dealings.

Creating a lasting brand is not only about glossy and colour-coordinated websites and logos, it is about conveying your best qualities that enhance your credibility and brand recall to further your business growth. 

Setting up a business, running it smoothy, and making a success out of it is not an easy job, especially in this highly competitive industry. Benjamin Franklin summed it up aptly, ‘if you fail to plan, you plan to fail!’. Then why start a coaching business without a coaching business plan? Having a detailed coaching business plan is the foundation on which you can not only build but also scale up your venture. It gives you the required confidence, focus and clarity to shape a business that can provide for you monetarily and also help you leave a lasting impact as a sought-after coach. 


1. What is a coaching business plan? 

A coaching business plan is a framework that states your business purpose, objectives and the means to achieve those goals. It should include your unique service offering, target audience, coaching model, pricing strategy, sales & marketing approach, and proposals for business growth and expansion. It is important to have a solid coaching business plan in place before starting your business as it helps you understand the true current situation, make plans to move forward based on that reality, stay organized, avoid missteps and concentrate on the eventual business goals. 

2. Do you need certification to write a coaching business plan? 

It is not necessary to have certification to write a coaching business plan. If you have the necessary business background and experience, you can write one yourself or hire the services of an expert business coach to create one for you. 

Also, many coaching institutes offer programs and training on how to prepare a coaching business plan. You can choose to enrol in such a program and get certified on proper guidelines as well as learn the importance of having a sound coaching business plan.

About Simply.Coach

Simply.Coach  is an enterprise-grade coaching software designed to be used by individual coaches and coaching businesses. Trusted by ICF-accredited and EMCC-credentialed coaches worldwide, Simply.Coach is on a mission to elevate the experience and process of coaching with technology-led tools and solutions.  

business plan template for coaching business

Pallavi Godbole

business plan template for coaching business

An avid reader with love for books on history, sci-fi and popular fiction, Pallavi is a gifted content writer. She is also a keen listener of Indian semi & classical music. Currently, she juggles her duties of being a full-time mom with part-time content writing.

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Business Plan Template for Coaching

  • Great for beginners
  • Ready-to-use, fully customizable Subcategory
  • Get started in seconds

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Starting a coaching business can be an exciting and rewarding journey. But without a solid plan in place, it's easy to get lost in the sea of possibilities. That's why ClickUp's Business Plan Template for Coaching is here to guide you every step of the way!

With this template, you can:

  • Define your coaching goals and objectives to stay focused on your vision
  • Identify your target market and develop strategies to reach and attract clients
  • Create detailed financial projections to ensure profitability and sustainability
  • Outline your marketing and promotional plans to stand out in a competitive industry

Don't let the overwhelm of starting a coaching business hold you back. Use ClickUp's Business Plan Template for Coaching to map out your success today!

Business Plan Template for Coaching Benefits

A business plan template for coaching can provide numerous benefits for coaches and new coaching businesses, including:

  • Clarifying goals and objectives for the coaching practice
  • Outlining strategies and tactics to attract and retain clients
  • Identifying the target market and understanding their needs and preferences
  • Creating a roadmap for financial projections and budgeting
  • Developing a marketing plan to effectively promote the coaching services
  • Providing a structured framework to monitor progress and make necessary adjustments
  • Increasing the chances of securing funding or investment for the coaching business
  • Enhancing confidence and credibility when presenting the coaching practice to potential clients or partners.

Main Elements of Coaching Business Plan Template

Whether you're a seasoned coach or just starting out, ClickUp’s Business Plan Template for Coaching has everything you need to create a comprehensive roadmap for your coaching practice. Here are the main elements of this template:

  • Custom Statuses: Track the progress of each section of your business plan with statuses like Complete, In Progress, Needs Revision, and To Do.
  • Custom Fields: Use custom fields like Reference, Approved, and Section to add additional details and categorize different aspects of your business plan.
  • Custom Views: Access five different views to organize and visualize your business plan, including Topics for brainstorming ideas, Status for tracking progress, Timeline for setting deadlines, Business Plan for an overview of the entire plan, and Getting Started Guide for helpful tips and instructions.

With ClickUp's Business Plan Template for Coaching, you can easily outline your goals, strategies, target market, financial projections, and marketing plans to build a successful coaching practice.

How To Use Business Plan Template for Coaching

If you're a coach looking to create a solid business plan, the Business Plan Template in ClickUp can help you get started. Follow these 6 steps to make sure your coaching business is on the right track:

1. Define your coaching niche

The first step in creating your business plan is to clearly define your coaching niche. Determine what type of coaching you specialize in, whether it's leadership coaching, career coaching, or health coaching. This will help you target the right audience and tailor your services accordingly.

Use custom fields in ClickUp to define your coaching niche and keep track of your target audience.

2. Set your goals

Next, establish your goals for your coaching business. What do you want to achieve in the next year? Do you want to gain a certain number of clients, increase your revenue, or expand your services? Setting clear and measurable goals will give you direction and help you track your progress.

Use the Goals feature in ClickUp to set and track your coaching business goals.

3. Conduct market research

To create an effective business plan, you need to understand your target market. Conduct market research to identify your ideal clients, their needs, and their preferences. This will allow you to tailor your coaching services and marketing efforts to attract and retain the right clients.

Use the Table view in ClickUp to organize and analyze your market research data.

4. Develop your coaching offerings

Based on your market research and goals, develop your coaching offerings. Determine what services you will provide, such as one-on-one coaching sessions, group coaching programs, or online courses. Outline the benefits and pricing of each offering to clearly communicate the value to potential clients.

Create tasks in ClickUp to outline and plan your coaching offerings.

5. Create a marketing strategy

A strong marketing strategy is essential for attracting clients to your coaching business. Identify the most effective marketing channels to reach your target audience, such as social media, content marketing, or partnerships. Develop a marketing plan that includes specific tactics and a timeline for implementation.

Use the Calendar view in ClickUp to create and visualize your marketing strategy.

6. Monitor and adjust

Once your business plan is in place, regularly monitor your progress and make adjustments as needed. Keep track of your key performance indicators, such as client acquisition rates and revenue growth, and use this data to evaluate the effectiveness of your strategies. Make changes to your plan as necessary to ensure your coaching business continues to thrive.

Set up Automations in ClickUp to automatically track and analyze your coaching business metrics.

Get Started with ClickUp’s Business Plan Template for Coaching

Coaches or new coaching businesses can use this Business Plan Template for Coaching to outline their goals, strategies, target market, financial projections, and marketing plans in order to create a roadmap for building a successful coaching practice.

First, hit “Add Template” to sign up for ClickUp and add the template to your Workspace. Make sure you designate which Space or location in your Workspace you’d like this template applied.

Next, invite relevant members or guests to your Workspace to start collaborating.

Now you can take advantage of the full potential of this template to create a comprehensive business plan:

  • Use the Topics View to organize your business plan into different sections, such as goals, target market, marketing strategies, and financial projections
  • The Status View will help you track the progress of each section, whether it's complete, in progress, needs revision, or to-do
  • The Timeline View will allow you to set deadlines and milestones for each section of your business plan
  • The Business Plan View will give you an overview of your entire plan, allowing you to see how each section fits together
  • The Getting Started Guide View will provide you with a step-by-step guide on how to use the template effectively
  • Utilize the custom fields Reference, Approved, and Section to add additional information and categorize different parts of your business plan
  • Update statuses and custom fields as you work on each section to keep track of progress and ensure everything is on track
  • Business Plan Template for UX Designers
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  • On-Demand Demo
  • Integrations
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  • Native Time Tracking
  • Automations
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  • vs Airtable
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How To Start a Coaching Business: 5 Key Points


Coaching is in its golden age, with different statistics predicting an average market size of $4.5 billion by 2028 for online coaching platforms alone. Even if such numbers predict a bright future, it’s the best case if you want to start a coaching business because you’ve reached a point in your career or life where you have the passion to share your expertise and make a genuine impact on others. 

If you start as a coach trainer and schedule meetings with clients , you can earn your first money tomorrow; if you want to launch an online course, it might take months to get your first paying clients. So what is the best way to start a business as a coach?

Today, we’re sharing what we know about starting a coaching business, and hope some of the insights will help you get started!

Define Your Starting Point

To start a coaching business, it should be crystal clear to you what exactly you want to do, what your current level of expertise is, and what is the best method to employ it.

You should start doing even more research if you want to realize in which sphere you can get the most out of your knowledge and convert it into profit. 

You can try to do your research by answering questions like:

  • Which coaching sector is experiencing the most growth in your country? Is your expertise suitable for any of them? Is it worth upgrading your experience? 
  • How can your coaching expertise serve the local clients? Can you target international clients? Are you ready to provide coaching online or want to limit them to face-to-face meetings? 
  • Why are people searching for coaches in your area of expertise and what can you offer?
  • What is the main terminology for the coaching business you want to start? Do you have the needed certification?
  • What does a normal day of a coach in my sphere normally look like? Is it something I can/want to have?

Understand What Coaching Style Works Best for You

What is your coaching style, that is, what is the best way to share your knowledge? Do you want to write a book, create an online coaching course, or simply talk to people every day?

Modern web technologies can help maximize any of those styles with various coaching services delivery formats. Here are a few solutions to consider: 

Coach trainer

A coach trainer is a great option if you are looking to spend mornings facilitating coach training workshops or webinars, give lectures, participate in group discussions, practice coaching exercises, and provide feedback. You would normally work for a specific client or company. It may involve individual or group training. In this case, you can have a normal personal brand website.

Online course

Many learning management system software allow you to build a course once and sell it many times; you can also use external platforms like Udemy for it. It requires bundling in-depth courses with quizzes, assignments, and discussions. It works great for self-directed learners and passive income through coaching. Perfect for online tutors .

Membership community

Using dedicated platforms or your own website, it’s easy to build a loyal student base with exclusive content, live sessions, and member benefits. Good for recurring revenue and managing a growing student base.

Related article: 10 Best Membership Themes For WordPress: The Ultimate Guide    

E-commerce shop

Coaching is not about one-to-one training or live workshops only. You can also create various pre-made materials and sell them on your own site or using external platforms to offer clients educational materials like ebooks, tutorials, or study guides. It can be an extra source of income as well as the main one; the hardest thing in this case is marketing your product and getting your materials visible and trusted. 

Social media or blog

A coaching blog, podcast, or YouTube channel. If you want to create a popular brand and monetize your popularity, you can start with any of the already established popular platforms and regularly publish relevant content. It may take a lot of time to monetize it though.

Coaching Business Site Options

Based on the coaching style and content delivery format you prefer, you have different options to put those practices on your own website: 

  • Personal brand website. It can simply showcase your expertise, services, testimonials, and pricing, and provide ways to reach out to you.
  • Membership site. A powerful community where you can sell paid content, enable discussions, and run one-to-one and individual meetings. 
  • Personalized consultation scheduling. This will help you show your availability times and enable clients to book appointments. View our lists with popular coaching software . 
  • Classes and online courses . You can run online classes on your website.

Write a Business Plan & Calculate Initial Expenses

A good strategy for starting a coaching business is having a business plan. As the most basic option, this plan can be an outline of your main goals, practices, and expenses. For example:

  • Business overview with your coaching business niche specified.
  • Target market and its potential.
  • Specific coaching programs or services you offer.
  • Your coaching style and which software you would need to support it.
  • Briefly describe your initial marketing tactics.
  • Estimate your costs and describe revenue streams.
  • Briefly mention any future plans to expand your services or reach new markets.

Study Legal Resources

Like any other business, coaching comes with tax responsibilities, so you’ll also want to understand how to report your income to the government.

Coaching-related associations (e.g. Coach Federation or ICF) often provide legal resources and templates for their members, including sample contracts, privacy policy templates, and general legal guides for coaches. You can also search for legal information websites like the Small Business Administration (SBA) in the US or Taxation and the Custom Union in the EU.

Let’s Conclude

So is it hard to start a coaching business? This type of business is considered a relatively low-cost startup, but still requires a lot of dedicated work.

  • choose your coaching niche (career coaching, life coaching, health coaching).
  • develop your coaching programs (individual coaching, online courses).
  • choose your delivery method (podcast, membership site, in-person, online scheduling, blended, etc.).
  • identify your ideal client and understand their needs.
  • create your pricing strategy and learn the legal requirements.

Must-read articles on this topic:

  • How to Add a Scheduling System for Coach on WordPress
  • 15 Beautiful Coaching WordPress Themes (Free Included)

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Brian is a WordPress expert with a decade of developing experience & technical-writing. He enjoys blogging, movies & hiking.

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Crafting an effective business plan for coaches: financial forecasts and planning, learn how to craft an effective business plan for your coaching practice, focusing on essential financial forecasts and planning to ensure growth, manage risks, and optimize operations..

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Financial planning and forecasting are critical components of a successful coaching business. They provide a roadmap for your business's financial health, helping you navigate through potential pitfalls and capitalize on opportunities. Effective financial forecasting not only ensures the viability of your coaching business but also prepares you for growth and scalability.

Understanding Financial Forecasts and Planning

Financial forecasts involve estimating future revenues, costs, and profits to help make informed business decisions. Financial planning, on the other hand, uses these forecasts to set objectives, allocate resources, and assess financial risks. Together, they form a cohesive strategy that underpins your business operations.

Step 1: Assess Your Current Financial Position

Before you start forecasting, you need a clear understanding of where your business stands financially. This involves:

  • Analyzing your balance sheet : Look at your assets, liabilities, and equity.
  • Reviewing your income statement : Understand your revenue streams and expense categories.
  • Examining cash flow statements : Determine how cash moves in and out of your business.

This initial assessment will provide a solid foundation for accurate forecasts and effective planning.

Step 2: Project Your Revenue

Revenue projections are crucial for coaching businesses, where income can be unpredictable. Consider the following:

  • Client Retention Rates : Analyze past data to predict how long clients will stay and how much revenue they will generate.
  • New Client Acquisition : Based on your marketing strategies and market conditions, estimate the number of new clients you can realistically acquire.
  • Pricing Strategies : Evaluate if your current pricing strategy is optimal or if adjustments are necessary to increase client acquisition or retention.

Step 3: Estimate Your Expenses

Expenses in a coaching business can vary widely, so it's important to forecast them with as much accuracy as possible. Break down your expenses into fixed and variable costs:

  • Fixed Costs : These are expenses that don’t change much, such as rent, software subscriptions, and salaries.
  • Variable Costs : These costs fluctuate with the level of business activity, like marketing expenses, travel, and possibly, variable compensation for staff based on performance.

Step 4: Cash Flow Forecasting

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business. For coaches, managing cash flow can be challenging due to the often-irregular income streams. Your cash flow forecast should include:

  • Cash Inflows : All sources of business income, including payments from clients and any other income like interest or investments.
  • Cash Outflows : All expected payments, including expenses, taxes, and dividends if applicable.

This forecast will help you determine when you might need additional cash reserves or a line of credit to cover shortfalls.

Step 5: Scenario Planning

Scenario planning involves creating different "what-if" scenarios to understand how certain changes in your business environment could impact your financial health. For example:

  • Best-case scenario : If marketing efforts exceed expectations and client retention rates improve.
  • Worst-case scenario : If there is a sudden loss of a major client or an economic downturn affecting client investments in coaching.
  • Most likely scenario : Based on current trends and realistic expectations.

This exercise helps you prepare for uncertainty and makes your business more resilient.

Step 6: Set Financial Goals and Budget

Based on your forecasts, set clear, measurable financial goals for your coaching business. These could include revenue targets, profitability margins, or cost reduction objectives. Then, create a budget that supports these goals. Ensure your budget includes:

  • A marketing budget : To acquire new clients and retain existing ones.
  • An emergency fund : To cover unexpected expenses or economic downturns.
  • Investment in tools and training : To enhance your coaching services and operational efficiency.

Step 7: Monitor and Adjust

Financial forecasting and planning are not set-and-forget tasks. Regularly review your financial performance against your forecasts and budget. This could be monthly, quarterly, or annually, depending on your business size and complexity. Adjust your plans as necessary to stay on track with your financial goals.

Implementing Your Financial Plan

To effectively implement your financial plan:

  • Use financial management software : Tools like QuickBooks, FreshBooks, or Xero can help you keep track of your finances and generate reports easily.
  • Consult with financial experts : Regular meetings with a financial advisor or accountant can provide you with insights and help you stay aligned with your financial goals.
  • Stay informed : Keep up-to-date with market trends and economic factors that could impact your business.

Financial forecasting and planning are essential for the success of any coaching business. They help you anticipate future financial needs, prepare for potential challenges, and seize opportunities for growth. By following these steps, you can ensure the financial health and viability of your coaching practice, allowing you to focus more on what you do best—coaching and transforming lives.

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Health Coaching Business Plan Template

Written by Dave Lavinsky

health coach business plan

Health Coaching Business Plan

Over the past 20+ years, we have helped over 500 entrepreneurs and business owners create business plans to start and grow their health coaching companies.

If you’re unfamiliar with creating a health coaching business plan, you may think creating one will be a time-consuming and frustrating process. For most entrepreneurs it is, but for you, it won’t be since we’re here to help. We have the experience, resources, and knowledge to help you create a great business plan.

In this article, you will learn some background information on why business planning is important. Then, you will learn how to write a health coaching business plan step-by-step so you can create your plan today.

Download our Ultimate Business Plan Template here >

What is a Health Coaching Business Plan?

A business plan provides a snapshot of your health coaching business as it stands today, and lays out your growth plan for the next five years. It explains your business goals and your strategies for reaching them. It also includes market research to support your plans.

Why You Need a Business Plan for a Health Coaching Business

If you’re looking to start a health coaching business or grow your existing health coaching company, you need a business plan. A business plan will help you raise funding, if needed, and plan out the growth of your health coaching business to improve your chances of success. Your health coaching business plan is a living document that should be updated annually as your company grows and changes.

Sources of Funding for Health Coaching Businesses

With regards to funding, the main sources of funding for a health coaching business are personal savings, credit cards, bank loans, and angel investors. When it comes to bank loans, banks will want to review your business plan and gain confidence that you will be able to repay your loan and interest. To acquire this confidence, the loan officer will not only want to ensure that your financials are reasonable, but they will also want to see a professional plan. Such a plan will give them the confidence that you can successfully and professionally operate a business. Personal savings and bank loans are the most common funding paths for health coaching companies.

Finish Your Business Plan Today!

How to write a business plan for a health coaching business.

If you want to start a health coaching business or expand your current one, you need a business plan. The guide below details the necessary information for how to write each essential component of your health coaching business plan.

Executive Summary

Your executive summary provides an introduction to your business plan, but it is normally the last section you write because it provides a summary of each key section of your plan.

The goal of your executive summary is to quickly engage the reader. Explain to them the kind of health coaching business you are running and the status. For example, are you a startup, do you have a health coaching business that you would like to grow, or are you operating a chain of health coaching businesses?

Next, provide an overview of each of the subsequent sections of your plan.

  • Give a brief overview of the health coaching industry.
  • Discuss the type of health coaching business you are operating.
  • Detail your direct competitors. Give an overview of your target customers.
  • Provide a snapshot of your marketing strategy. Identify the key members of your team.
  • Offer an overview of your financial plan.

Company Overview

In your company overview, you will detail the type of health coaching business you are operating.

For example, you might specialize in one of the following types of health coaching businesses:

  • Fitness health coaching : Fitness health coaches work with clients to improve overall health by eating balanced meals and creating a comprehensive fitness plan.
  • Holistic health coaching: Coaches offer plant-based diets, along with integrated mind and body health platforms.
  • Wellness health coaching: Wellness health coaches concentrate on clients’ behavioral and mind-body integration.
  • Nutritional health coaching : Primarily focused on nutritional balance and performance in the body, nutritional health coaches work to reduce food allergies and other irritants to good health via selective eating plans.

In addition to explaining the type of health coaching business you will operate, the company overview needs to provide background on the business.

Include answers to questions such as:

  • When and why did you start the business?
  • What milestones have you achieved to date? Milestones could include the number of clients served, the number of cases with positive outcomes, reaching X number of successful clients, etc.
  • Your legal business Are you incorporated as an S-Corp? An LLC? A sole proprietorship? Explain your legal structure here.

Industry Analysis

In your industry or market analysis, you need to provide an overview of the health coaching industry.

While this may seem unnecessary, it serves multiple purposes.

First, researching the health coaching industry educates you. It helps you understand the market in which you are operating.

Secondly, market research can improve your marketing strategy, particularly if your analysis identifies market trends.

The third reason is to prove to readers that you are an expert in your industry. By conducting the research and presenting it in your plan, you achieve just that.

The following questions should be answered in the industry analysis section of your health coaching business plan:

  • How big is the health coaching industry (in dollars)?
  • Is the market declining or increasing?
  • Who are the key competitors in the market?
  • Who are the key suppliers in the market?
  • What trends are affecting the industry?
  • What is the industry’s growth forecast over the next 5 – 10 years?
  • What is the relevant market size? That is, how big is the potential target market for your health coaching business? You can extrapolate such a figure by assessing the size of the market in the entire country and then applying that figure to your local population.

Customer Analysis

The customer analysis section of your health coaching business plan must detail the customers you serve and/or expect to serve.

The following are examples of customer segments: individuals, families, and HR personnel in corporations.

As you can imagine, the customer segment(s) you choose will have a great impact on the type of health coaching business you operate. Clearly, individuals would respond to different marketing promotions than HR personnel in corporations, for example.

Try to break out your target customers in terms of their demographic and psychographic profiles. With regards to demographics, including a discussion of the ages, genders, locations, and income levels of the potential customers you seek to serve.

Psychographic profiles explain the wants and needs of your target customers. The more you can recognize and define these needs, the better you will do in attracting and retaining your customers.

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Competitive Analysis

Your competitive analysis should identify the indirect and direct competitors your business faces and then focus on the latter.

Direct competitors are other health coaching businesses.

Indirect competitors are other options that customers have to purchase from that aren’t directly competing with your product or service. This includes medical clinics, alternative healers, and fitness gyms. You need to mention direct competition, as well.

For each direct competitor, provide an overview of their business and document their strengths and weaknesses. Unless you once worked at your competitors’ businesses, it will be impossible to know everything about them. But you should be able to find out key things about them such as

  • What types of customers do they serve?
  • What type of health coaching business are they?
  • What is their pricing (premium, low, etc.)?
  • What are they good at?
  • What are their weaknesses?

With regards to the last two questions, think about your answers from the customers’ perspective. And don’t be afraid to ask your competitors’ customers what they like most and least about them.

The final part of your competitive analysis section is to document your areas of competitive advantage. For example:

  • Will you provide options for the uninsured?
  • Will you offer health products or services that your competition doesn’t?
  • Will you provide better customer service?
  • Will you offer better pricing?

Think about ways you will outperform your competition and document them in this section of your plan.

Marketing Plan

Traditionally, a marketing plan includes the four P’s: Product, Price, Place, and Promotion. For a health coaching business plan, your marketing strategy should include the following:

Product : In the product section, you should reiterate the type of health coaching company that you documented in your company overview. Then, detail the specific products or services you will be offering. For example, will you provide holistic health coaching with a balanced program of all components: mind, body, and spirit?

Price : Document the prices you will offer and how they compare to your competitors. Essentially in the product and price sub-sections of your plan, you are presenting the products and/or services you offer and their prices.

Place : Place refers to the site of your health coaching company. Document where your company is situated and mention how the site will impact your success. For example, is your health coaching business located in a busy retail district, a business district, or in a standalone office? Discuss how your site might be the ideal location for your customers.

Promotions : The final part of your health coaching marketing plan is where you will document how you will drive potential customers to your location(s). The following are some promotional methods you might consider:

  • Advertise in health and natural wellness magazines
  • Reach out to websites
  • Distribute flyers
  • Engage in email marketing
  • Advertise on social media platforms
  • Improve the SEO (search engine optimization) on your website for targeted keywords

Operations Plan

While the earlier sections of your business plan explained your goals, your operations plan describes how you will meet them. Your operations plan should have two distinct sections as follows.

Everyday short-term processes include all of the tasks involved in running your health coaching business, including answering calls, planning and providing coaching sessions, billing clients,  etc.

Long-term goals are the milestones you hope to achieve. These could include the dates when you expect to book your Xth session, or when you hope to reach $X in revenue. It could also be when you expect to expand your health coaching business to a new city.

Management Team

To demonstrate your health coaching business’ potential to succeed, a strong management team is essential. Highlight your key players’ backgrounds, emphasizing those skills and experiences that prove their ability to grow a company.

Ideally, you and/or your team members have direct experience in managing health coaching businesses. If so, highlight this experience and expertise. But also highlight any experience that you think will help your business succeed.

If your team is lacking, consider assembling an advisory board. An advisory board would include 2 to 8 individuals who would act as mentors to your business. They would help answer questions and provide strategic guidance. If needed, look for advisory board members with experience in managing a health coaching business or successfully running a small natural health store.

Financial Plan

Your financial plan should include your 5-year financial statement broken out both monthly or quarterly for the first year and then annually. Your financial statements include your income statement, balance sheet, and cash flow statements.

Income Statement

An income statement is more commonly called a Profit and Loss statement or P&L. It shows your revenue and then subtracts your costs to show whether you turned a profit or not.

In developing your income statement, you need to devise assumptions. For example, will you see 10 clients per day, and/or offer packaged sessions? And will sales grow by 2% or 10% per year? As you can imagine, your choice of assumptions will greatly impact the financial forecasts for your business. As much as possible, conduct research to try to root your assumptions in reality.

Balance Sheets

Balance sheets show your assets and liabilities. While balance sheets can include much information, try to simplify them to the key items you need to know about. For instance, if you spend $50,000 on building out your health coaching business, this will not give you immediate profits. Rather it is an asset that will hopefully help you generate profits for years to come. Likewise, if a lender writes you a check for $50,000, you don’t need to pay it back immediately. Rather, that is a liability you will pay back over time.

Cash Flow Statement

Your cash flow statement will help determine how much money you need to start or grow your business, and ensure you never run out of money. What most entrepreneurs and business owners don’t realize is that you can turn a profit but run out of money and go bankrupt.

When creating your Income Statement and Balance Sheets be sure to include several of the key costs needed in starting or growing a health coaching business:

  • Cost of equipment and office supplies
  • Payroll or salaries paid to staff
  • Business insurance
  • Other start-up expenses (if you’re a new business) like legal expenses, permits, computer software, and equipment

Attach your full financial projections in the appendix of your plan along with any supporting documents that make your plan more compelling. For example, you might include your office location lease or a list of insurance plans you accept.

Writing a business plan for your health coaching business is a worthwhile endeavor. If you follow the template above, by the time you are done, you will truly be an expert and understand how to start a health coaching business. You will understand the health coaching industry, your competition, and your customers. You will develop a marketing strategy and will understand what it takes to launch and grow a successful health coaching business.

Health Coaching Business Plan FAQs

What is the easiest way to complete my health coaching business plan.

Growthink's Ultimate Business Plan Template allows you to quickly and easily write your health coaching business plan.

How Do You Start a Health Coaching Business?

Starting a Health Coaching business is easy with these 14 steps:

  • Choose the Name for Your Health Coaching Business
  • Create Your Health Coaching Business Plan
  • Choose the Legal Structure for Your Health Coaching Business
  • Secure Startup Funding for Your Health Coaching Business (If Needed)
  • Secure a Location for Your Business
  • Register Your Health Coaching Business with the IRS
  • Open a Business Bank Account
  • Get a Business Credit Card
  • Get the Required Business Licenses and Permits
  • Get Business Insurance for Your Health Coaching Business
  • Buy or Lease the Right Health Coaching Business Equipment
  • Develop Your Health Coaching Business Marketing Materials
  • Purchase and Setup the Software Needed to Run Your Health Coaching Business
  • Open for Business

Where Can I Download a Free Business Plan Template PDF?

Click here to download the pdf version of our basic business plan template.

Our free business plan template pdf allows you to see the key sections to complete in your plan and the key questions that each must answer. The business plan pdf will definitely get you started in the right direction.

We do offer a premium version of our business plan template. Click here to learn more about it. The premium version includes numerous features allowing you to quickly and easily create a professional business plan. Its most touted feature is its financial projections template which allows you to simply enter your estimated sales and growth rates, and it automatically calculates your complete five-year financial projections including income statements, balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Here’s the link to our Ultimate Business Plan Template.

Don’t you wish there was a faster, easier way to finish your Health Coaching business plan?

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Since 1999, Growthink has developed business plans for thousands of companies who have gone on to achieve tremendous success.   Click here to hire someone to write a business plan for you from Growthink’s team.

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How to Build a Tailored Coaching Plan for Maximum Impact

Allison kirschbaum.

  • May 15, 2024

Table of Contents

person holding ballpoint pen writing in notebook

Crafting a solid coaching plan is vital for steering your clients toward success. In this guide, we’ll dive into the key elements and process of creating impactful life coach lesson plans, providing you with practical tips and a coaching plan template to streamline your coaching process. Let’s get started!

A coaching plan is like a tailor-made roadmap crafted by a life coach to help their clients hit their goals, whether it’s scoring a dream job, leveling up in life, or finding zen in their relationships. We’re talking specific goals, actionable steps, and a dose of motivation and accountability to keep things on track.

Importance of Having Life Coach Lesson Plans

In the competitive world of life coaching, just calling yourself a life coach and creating a business and marketing plan isn’t enough. You need a solid coaching plan to make sure both you and your clients succeed and here’s why.

  • For coaches , lesson plans are like roadmaps for each session – they outline what you want to achieve and how you’ll help clients get there. With a clear plan, you can keep sessions focused and effective while guiding clients toward their goals. 
  • For clients , having proper life coach lesson plans in place provides structure and accountability. With a plan set, clients have a better grasp on the purpose of each session and set clear goals to work toward. Plus, with a blueprint of their coaching journey, clients can track their success, see how far they’ve come, and keep themselves motivated. It’s all about staying on track and moving forward.

7 Key Elements of a Coaching Plan

A well-structured coaching plan offers guidance and direction for both coach and client. Here’s a breakdown of key elements to include:

1. Coaching Details

Let’s start with the basics: your coaching setup. We’re talking about how often you’ll meet, how you’ll connect (in-person, phone, video), and how long you’ll be partners. Clearing these upfront helps both the client and the coach stay focused and crush those goals together.

2. Goal-Setting

The next key element is setting clear and realistic goals that match the client’s values. To create effective and personalized life coach lesson plans, it’s important to explicitly pinpoint the relationship goal and the type of coaching needed. 

3. Challenges

Spotting the roadblocks and hurdles that could hinder your clients’ progress is another key component of developing a solid coaching plan. As a coach, you’ll guide your clients in recognizing and overcoming these obstacles, whether they stem from internal doubts or external constraints like time or resources. 

By addressing these challenges directly, your clients will be better equipped to push past them and achieve their objectives.

4. Action Steps

After pinpointing the client’s goals and hurdles, the next step is outlining clear action steps to advance toward those goals. Work with them to break down goals into manageable steps, set deadlines, and ensure they stay committed. Consistency is key to their success.

5. Personal Development

When you’re sketching out life coach lesson plans, keep in mind the power of personal growth. As a coach, your job is to help your clients spot areas where they can level up, make the most of what they’re already great at, and pick up fresh skills to ace their goals. Putting personal development front and center ensures they hit their targets and adapt as they go.

6. Accountability

In your coaching plan, setting accountability systems is a must. As a coach, you’ve got to make sure your clients stick to their goals, follow through with their plans, and keep moving forward. Keep in touch with them, track their progress, and keep that motivation strong!

7. Flexibility

Finally, flexibility is a crucial element in your coaching plan. Life throws curveballs, and as a coach, you’ve got to be ready to pivot when needed. Stay open to adjusting goals and action steps as situations change, keeping your coaching plan on track and effective for your client’s success.

How to Create a Tailored Coaching Plan

Whether you’re a seasoned coach or a beginner still figuring out how to become a life coach , it’s crucial to nail the right steps to ensure the plan is effective and personalized.

1. Fill-In General Information

To kick things off, gather some basic info about your client—like their background, lifestyle, and anything else that might affect how they approach coaching. Knowing their context will help you customize your coaching approach to fit their needs perfectly. 

Make sure to include the following:

  • Name and details
  • Frequency of sessions
  • Communication methods
  • Additional information

2. Establish Clear Goals

Now that you’ve got the basics down, it’s time to set some goals with your client. Ensure these goals are clear, measurable, and within a certain timeframe. With these goals in place, you can track progress and stay laser-focused on what needs to be done.

  • Goal : Develop leadership skills to qualify for a managerial position within 12 months.
  • Objective : Attend leadership training workshops and complete relevant online courses.
  • Timeline : Complete the first workshop within three months and enroll in online courses thereafter.

3. Assess Strengths and Weaknesses

The next thing to do is to help your clients recognize what they’re great at and where they need a little boost. Get them thinking about their skills, past experiences, and areas where they want to grow. This self-awareness will be the thing that shapes the perfect plan just for them.

  • Strengths : Strong communication skills, strategic thinking
  • Areas for Growth : Time management, delegation skills

4. Develop Actionable Steps

Once you’ve pinpointed your client’s strengths and weaknesses, it’s time to come up with practical steps they can take to reach their goals.

Life Coaching Tools & Worksheets

Using life coaching skills , along with tools and worksheets can make a big difference in crafting personalized life coach lesson plans. These handy resources let you and your client see how far you’ve come, keep tabs on your goals, and think about what’s working and what’s not. Vision boards, goal-setting sheets, and journal prompts are some cool options to explore.

  • Vision Board : Create a visual representation of career goals and aspirations.
  • Goal-Setting Template : Develop SMART goals for each coaching session.
  • Journal Prompts : Reflect on progress, challenges, and successes after each session.

Providing Accountability, Support, and Feedback

Keeping your client on track requires ongoing support, feedback, and accountability. Think regular catch-ups, progress check-ins, and open chats – adding these accountability systems to your coaching plan is key to keeping them motivated and heading toward their goals.

  • Weekly Check-Ins : Schedule brief phone calls to discuss progress and address any challenges. 
  • Feedback Sessions : Encourage open dialogue to gather feedback on coaching sessions and adjust the approach accordingly.
  • Milestones : By Week 4 of the coaching program, the client will establish and maintain a consistent exercise routine, exercising at least three times per week for a duration of 30 minutes each session.

5. Adjust and Adapt

And finally, as you journey through coaching, stay open to tweaking the plan as you go. No coaching plan is set in stone, so be ready to pivot based on what’s working and what isn’t. Keep in touch with your client regularly to ensure the plan stays relevant and keeps kicking goals.

  • Suggestions to improve the current coaching plan : Increase the frequency of coaching sessions during busy periods to maintain momentum, focus less on time management, and more on meditation.

a female coach speaks to two clients

5 Tips for Effective Coaching Plan Implementation

Here are five tips to help you effectively implement your coaching plan.

Tip 1: Have Consistent Communication

Stay connected with your clients. Regular communication keeps them up-to-date on progress, offers guidance, and tackles any hurdles they encounter. It’s all about building trust and a solid connection for coaching success.

Tip 2: Set Milestones

Keep your clients motivated by setting clear and achievable milestones. Break the plan into smaller goals they can hit in a set time. Celebrate each win to keep them pumped up and pushing forward toward their big goal.

Tip 3: Encourage Self-Reflection

Urge your clients to take a moment to look inward. It’s a powerful way for them to learn about themselves and figure out what’s holding them back. By reflecting on their thoughts and actions, they can grow and make some real positive changes in their lives.

Tip 4: Keep Learning

Keep on learning, coach! Read life coaching books , attend workshops and conferences, and get feedback from fellow coaches. Staying sharp and improving your game is an essential requirement for coaches to continuously give your clients the best support possible.

Tip 5: Have a Feedback Loop

Keep the conversation flowing with your clients. Ask for their feedback on what’s working and what needs tweaking in your coaching sessions. Use their input to fine-tune your approach and give them the best support possible on their journey to success.

Sample Coaching Plan Template

Don’t worry if you’re still unsure about creating your own life coach lesson plans— we’ve got a free coaching plan template right here for you. Feel free to modify and adjust as you go!

Coaching Plan Template

General Information

  • Name and Details: [Client’s name, contact info, address, age, etc.]
  • Frequency of Sessions: [Specify how often coaching sessions will occur]
  • Communication Methods: [How will you communicate with the client? In-person, phone, video, etc.]
  • Additional Information: [Any other relevant details about the client]

Coaching Goals

  • [List the client’s goals here]
  • General Assessment: [Describe how you’ll assess the client’s current situation]
  • Strengths: [Identify the client’s strengths]
  • Weaknesses: [Identify areas where the client needs improvement]

Action Steps

  • Timeline: [Specify the timeframe for achieving this goal]
  • Life coaching strategies, tools, and/or worksheets: [Detail specific strategies, tools, or worksheets to be used]
  • Milestones: [Set milestones to track progress]

Accountability and Support Systems

  • Relevant Tools, Software, and Resources: [List any tools, software, or resources that will aid in accountability and support]
  • How Systems Will Be Used: [Specify how these systems will be used to monitor the client’s progress]

Feedback Sessions

  • [Add information about how feedback sessions will be conducted]

Adjustments and Adaptations

  • [List down suggestions for adjustments or adaptations to the coaching plan to address any changes or lapses]

FAQs on Life Coach Lesson Plans

How do i determine the appropriate length of a coaching plan for my clients.

The length of a coaching plan varies based on each client’s goals and situation. Assess their needs before deciding how long it should be. Some may need just a few sessions, while others need ongoing support. Regularly check in to make sure the plan still fits their goals.

What if My Client’s Goals Change During the Coaching Process?

Don’t panic; clients often change their goals as life moves forward. As a coach, stay flexible and open to these shifts. Talk openly with your client to understand their new goals and update the coaching plan as needed. This might mean tweaking goals, timelines, or action steps to keep things on track.

What if I Encounter Resistance or Lack of Engagement From My Clients During the Coaching Process?

Sometimes, clients might not fully engage or resist the coaching process. It’s okay – everyone moves at their own pace. As a coach, create a supportive space for them to explore their goals. Listen carefully, ask questions, and offer feedback to keep them motivated. If you hit a roadblock, review the plan together to ensure it’s still on track with their needs.

Insure Your Life Coaching Business Today!

As we wrap up, keep this in mind: a well-built plan isn’t just a map—it’s the key to unlocking your client’s full potential and guiding them to their goals. With the practical tips and ready-to-use coaching plan template provided here, you’re all set to make your coaching journey smoother and achieve real results for your clients.

Now, it’s time to put your plan into action and start changing lives. Ready to level up your coaching game? Take the next step in your success journey by safeguarding your business with life coach insurance. Get your policy today !

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About the Author

Picture of Allison Kirschbaum

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  5. Coaching Business Plan & Example

    The Coaching Business Plan template is an invaluable resource that can be used in various scenarios by different practitioners in the coaching industry. Its comprehensive structure and detailed sections make it appropriate for various uses. Here are some instances when you might find this template particularly useful:

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    Milestones: By Week 4 of the coaching program, the client will establish and maintain a consistent exercise routine, exercising at least three times per week for a duration of 30 minutes each session. 5. Adjust and Adapt. And finally, as you journey through coaching, stay open to tweaking the plan as you go.

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  28. 15,000+ Templates

    Select from over 15,000 templates from the portfolio, business, fashion, technology, education, blog, and other trending themes. All templates are fully responsive and available for free. Last Updated: May 15, 2024. Digital Firm - Website Design.