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Original BBC documentary storytelling, bringing award-winning journalism, unheard voices, amazing culture and “unputdownable” audio. New episodes every week from The Documentary, Assignment, Heart and Soul, In the Studio, BBC OS Conversations and The Fifth Floor.

The Documentary Podcast BBC World Service

  • Society & Culture
  • 4.3 • 1K Ratings
  • 16 MAY 2024

Heart and Soul: Glorifying God through wine

When Father Père Basile was 12 years of age, he started thinking of a religious life. But it never crossed his mind that he would someday be living in a cloistered abbey in the south of France producing wine. This monastery has incredible history as it is the site of the oldest papal vineyard in the world, dating back to the 14th Century. When Pope Clement V moved the papal capital from Rome to Avignon in France, his palace needed a steady stream of wine and so the vineyard was planted in Le Barroux. Presenter Colm Flynn travels to the abbey to meet Fr Père Basile, and hears his amazing story of growing up as the son of wealthy, world-travelling diplomats, and turning his back on that to pursue a deeper calling in life.

  • 15 MAY 2024

Bonus: The Global Story

A bonus episode from The Global Story podcast. EncroChat: The crime family brought down by their violent messages. The Global Story brings you one big story every weekday, making sense of the news with our experts around the world. Insights you can trust, from the BBC, with Katya Adler. For more, go to bbcworldservice.com/globalstory or search for The Global Story wherever you get your BBC podcasts. This programme contains descriptions some of you may find upsetting.

  • 14 MAY 2024

Bonus: Lives Less Ordinary

A bonus episode from the Lives Less Ordinary podcast. Manni Coe’s brother Reuben has Down’s syndrome, and had become isolated and non-verbal in a UK care home during the Covid pandemic – so he decided to stage a lockdown rescue mission. For more extraordinary personal stories from around the world, go to bbcworldservice.com/liveslessordinary or search for Live Less Ordinary wherever you get your BBC podcasts. Presenter: Jo Fidgen Producer: May Cameron

  • 13 MAY 2024

Assignment: Return of the Benin Bronzes

In 1897 British colonial forces attacked and looted the ancient Kingdom of Benin in what is now southern Nigeria. Thousands of precious objects were taken, including stunning sculptures made of bronze, brass, ivory and terracotta. Some were decorative, some were sacred. Known collectively as the Benin Bronzes, they were famed for their craftsmanship and beauty. The majority ended up in museums around the world. But ever since, Nigerians have been demanding their return. The Bronzes became symbols of the wider global campaign for restitution by former colonial powers. Now finally, some have been handed back. Peter Macjob travels to Nigeria to track the return of the Bronzes, and find out what it means for Nigeria to have these lost treasures come home.

  • 12 MAY 2024

Crime and punishment in South Africa

Outside of a war zone, South Africa is one of the most dangerous places in the world. The country’s murder rate is now at a 20-year high. With trust in the police falling, communities say they have no option but to defend themselves. BBC Africa Eye’s Ayanda Charlie joins two volunteer units, a team of farmers near Pretoria, and a group in Diepsloot, a poor township near Johannesburg. We see the risks they take, and ask who holds patrols accountable.

  • 11 MAY 2024

In the Studio: Cressida Cowell

Enter the magical world of children’s writer Cressida Cowell. She created the hugely successful How to Train Your Dragon series, which continues to excite children across the globe and has been turned into Oscar nominated animated films. For her latest series, Cressida explores teenage magic and Iron Age warriors. As she works on the illustrations for the second book in this new trilogy, The Wizards of Once: Twice Magic, she gives fellow children’s author Michael Rosen an insight into how she creates these worlds.

  • © (C) BBC 2024

Customer Reviews

Podcasts in this series vary a lot in style, so it’s difficult to give a single rating. Some are great, especially when it’s an in-depth coverage of a topic (one about the conflict in Algeria stood out especially). I don’t like the more human-interest stories. And I especially hate when they use fake foreign accents in translations.

A Real Mixed Bag of a Podcast

Some episodes are very informative, e.g. Capitol Building Insurection then, you have the most recent episodes titled 'world of wisdom' - something of a misnomer, I didn't find anything wise about these two episodes. Just a bunch of people focused on themselves and their 'problems'. Update (10/04/2024): Most recent episode 'Joselyn Bell Burnell' This in wrong podcast feed, it belongs in Womens Hour.

Very disappointing.

Four episodes of Murder in Mayfair that go nowhere? Thirty minutes maximum. What totally turned me off was all the fawning rubbish about Charles Windsor. By all accounts an unpleasant man sponging off our money. Time for a series about Republicanism with same kid gloves for balance.

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Susan Sontag’s essay Regarding the Pain of Others was dissected by Allan Little for Sunday Feature.

The week in audio: Sunday Feature; 1Xtra Talks With Richie Brave; Assignment

A sombre week as BBC presenters pondered war reporting ethics, George Floyd’s death, and a decade of conflict in Syria

Sunday Feature: Regarding the Pain of Others (BBC Radio 3) | BBC Sounds 1Xtra Talks With Richie Brave (BBC 1Xtra) | BBC Sounds Assignment (BBC World Service) | BBC Sounds

Today, on Radio 3’s Sunday Feature , the vastly experienced journalist Allan Little considers Susan Sontag’s 2003 essay Regarding the Pain of Others . In the essay, Sontag wonders about the ethics of war journalism, particularly photography. Do pictures of the horrors of war engage the viewer or make us turn away?

Little has spent decades reporting from places such as Sierra Leone and Bosnia. He met Sontag in Sarajevo (she was making a theatre piece – a previous Radio 3 documentary, Afterwords , discusses this); they drank whisky and became friendly. Little’s subject isn’t Sontag, however. Over 45 packed minutes he picks at the idea of war reporting being neutral, unframed “reality”, and also that such reporting might change the way the world works. He describes how he and other reporters are driven by the belief that “we could move people – we could move you listening now – to compassion and even action”. The US war correspondent Martha Gellhorn is quoted: “The idea [is] that the act of witnessing could end suffering.”

Little talks to photographer Alixandra Fazzina , who often walks away from the frontline to look elsewhere. “Over the last 20, 30 years,” she says, “every image you find is of a screaming lady in a veil over a dead body… a man looking exhausted over a gun. These are images that have become cliches.” Zaina Erhaim, a journalist from Syria, describes how, even now, she is asked: “Who do you prefer – Assad or Isis?” “As if there is no 22 million people who have the right to something else,” she says.

These dedicated and brave reporters are trying to tell us about human suffering, but they end up contributing to established biases. Professor Katie McLaughlin looked at past issues of Vogue in which Lee Miller’s war photographs were published alongside fashion spreads. “These pieces are beautifully put together,” McLaughlin says. “The seamlessness of it… It was an ongoing aesthetic, and there’s something quite terrifying about that.”

This was a deeply moral programme, fascinating and troubling. Is it possible to understand what it is like to live in a war zone? Can anyone understand if they haven’t been there, stayed there, lived their everyday lives under the threat of death? I remember Little’s report from 1991 , when the US air force bombed a shelter in Baghdad that housed more than 1,000 women and children. Some war photographers now take photos not in the belief that they will be published and change the world, but as evidence that could be used in a future prosecution for international war crimes.

Last week, 1Xtra Talks With Richie Brave marked the anniversary of George Floyd’s murder. Hosts Brave, DJ and producer Seani B and podcaster Kelechi were reporting from a different frontline, one that white people – even now – can find hard to imagine. Some, in fact, find it so hard that they refuse to believe it exists. Brave read out a message from a troll, and answered it with snap and passion.

Seani B.

Seani B, who won a Broadcasting Press Guild award for the searing show he did with DJ Ace last year in the immediate aftermath of the murder, described the complicated emotions he felt on winning. “What bothered me is that somebody had to lose their life for me to be even be considered for an award like that. I’ve been broadcasting in this building for 19 years… it had to take the pain of George Floyd’s family members for me to even be able to express myself, to even be heard.” Ray BLK sang What’s Goin’ On for the 50th anniversary of the release of Marvin Gaye’s seminal LP of the same name. She sang it beautifully .

On the World Service’s Assignment , reporter Lina Sinjab has been looking back on a decade of conflict in Syria. Damascus is her home town, and her first programme, which went out last week, replayed her on-the-spot audio diaries, made in 2013 during her final days there. Assad supporters would take to the streets and march about chanting “Viva Assad” or “Burn the country down!” After a while, said Sinjab, they just shouted “Burn the country down”. Last week’s episode revisited Tim Whewell’s 2016 programme on the members of Aleppo’s Mare’a football team, who were once champions of their province. Unmissable.

At the moment, BBC radio’s current affairs team is being cut to ribbons and rebranded as “longform audio”. Senior journalists are being forced to leave, and programmes such as Assignment and the vital Grenfell Tower Inquiry Podcast may never exist in the same way again. Even if an audience can’t work out the right reactions to such reporting, the BBC should continue to ensure these brave journalists, and the producers who support them, are able to keep doing their jobs.

Three new shows with a twist

The System

The System Radio 4/BBC Sounds The twist of this new thriller, written by Ben Lewis, is partly the story, which is mysterious and addictive, but also its scheduling. Radio 4 has given over its Friday afternoon drama slot to a new strand of drama, Limelight . If you want to binge an entire series of Limelight , go to BBC Sounds, otherwise it will unfold week by week on 4. Forthcoming series include a real-life story about a house that vanished from the west coast of Ireland. The System is beautifully soundscaped, convincingly acted, and tackles an interesting topic: modern masculinity and how it can lead to fringe views.


Cheat! Apple Podcasts Hosted by award-winning Vice reporter and former philosophy teacher Alzo Slade , this new series looks at, yes, you guessed it, cheating. Who cheats and why do they do it? The opening two episodes concern a group of seemingly upstanding Atlanta teachers. Unfortunately, they took their head’s succeed-at-all-costs approach to heart and ended up ensuring their students got good results by telling them the answers to questions. They wanted to help the pupils, who came from difficult backgrounds, and they did so. This is a story of race and class; compare and contrast with Felicity Huffman et al. No child left behind.

All Day Pop Master

All Day PopMaster Radio 2/BBC Sounds Tomorrow, Ken Bruce takes his quiz – for many, the very best part of his Radio 2 show – the beating heart, the USP – and turns it into a celebrity all-dayer. Various famous people (as defined by Radio 2: don’t expect a YouTuber or a basketball star) are joining in, including Jeremy Vine, Richard Osman and Vernon Kay, all competing against the Radio 2 DJs. The inaugural ADPM event took place last year and was deemed such a success that this year’s was a shoo-in. If you’re a true PopMaster obsessive, try BBC Sounds’ One Year Out – the PopMaster Stor y , in which Bruce is interviewed by Rob Brydon, who does an imitation of Bruce. The world is weird, isn’t it?

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  • War reporting
  • George Floyd
  • Middle East and north Africa
  • BBC World Service

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Assignment - Singing Morocco's new identity - BBC Sounds

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    Border Stories, part 2: Coyotes and kidnap. Tales of kidnap and extortion from those who risk everything to enter the US from Mexico. 26 mins. 21 Mar 2024. Border Stories, part 1: Zero Tolerance ...

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    BBC Sounds - Assignment - Available Episodes. Assignment. Investigations and journeys into the heart of global events from BBC correspondents. Episodes (1077 Available) Cyprus: The battle over songbird slaughter. How killing migrating birds became a multi-million dollar criminal business.

  3. ‎The Documentary Podcast on Apple Podcasts

    Original BBC documentary storytelling, bringing award-winning journalism, unheard voices, amazing culture and "unputdownable" audio. New episodes every week from The Documentary, Assignment, Heart and Soul, In the Studio, BBC OS Conversations and The Fifth Floor.

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  6. The week in audio: Sunday Feature; 1Xtra Talks With Richie Brave

    Sat 29 May 2021 12.00 EDT. Sunday Feature: Regarding the Pain of Others (BBC Radio 3) | BBC Sounds. 1Xtra Talks With Richie Brave (BBC 1Xtra) | BBC Sounds. Assignment (BBC World Service) | BBC ...

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    Assignment - Zimbabwe's worker exodus - BBC Sounds. ... BBC Sounds. Assignment. Zimbabwe's worker exodus Zimbabwe's worker exodus. Released On: 17 Aug 2023. Available for over a year. Why tens of thousands of Zimbabweans are fleeing their country to work in the West Read more. More episodes. Programme Website.

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    How to reference audio visual sources - Harvard referencing - LibGuides at University of South Wales. Referencing images. Book illustrations, diagrams or tables. Photographs - prints/slides. Photographs online. Photographs in online collections (e.g. Flickr) If you include a photograph or diagram for example in your text you should include a ...

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    Assignment - Singing Morocco's new identity - BBC Sounds. Assignment. Singing Morocco's new identity Singing Morocco's new identity. Released On: 31 Aug 2023. Available for over a year. The young female stars of Gnawa music now challenging the boundaries of Moroccan identity Read more.

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