
Who are they?

Who is Vincent van Gogh?

You might know the name Van Gogh, but do you know who he really was?

Vincent van Gogh Sunflowers 1888 National Gallery, London

The man who painted Sunflowers

Vincent van Gogh is one of the world’s most famous painters. When you start school, one of the first artworks that you will ever look at is probably Van Gogh’s Sunflowers . This painting is very famous. Look at its bright yellows and the way each of the fourteen sunflowers are painted differently. Van Gogh painted Sunflowers for the room in the yellow house he was renting in Arles, France. His friend, the painter Paul Gauguin, was coming to visit and Van Gogh wanted to redecorate.

Why is he so famous?

Vincent van Gogh Starry Night over the Rhone 1889 Musée d'Orsay, Paris

Today, most people know the name Vincent van Gogh. However, when he was alive, he was not very famous at all. Since his death, he has become one of the most successful painters in history. People across the world have admired his unique style. If you look closely at his paintings, the brushstrokes are broken up. It is as if you can see each time Van Gogh put his brush on the canvas. Do you like this style?

In total, Van Gogh made around 2,100 artworks. So, if you only know Sunflowers , there are many more paintings by him to discover.

What inspired him?

Vincent van Gogh The Bedroom 1889 Musée d'Orsay, Paris

Van Gogh was born in the Netherlands, but travelled across Europe. He went to France, Belgium and England. When he was in London, he was inspired by all the art he saw in galleries. Van Gogh’s brother, Theo, worked in an art gallery and introduced Van Gogh to many artworks. Van Gogh was interested in painters who were painting everyday life.

When he was 27, he decided to become an artist. Up until then, he had been a teacher, a shop assistant and had dreams of working for the Church. All of these experiences inspired his art.

Why did he die so young?

Vincent van Gogh Self Portrait, Autumn 1889 National Gallery of Art (Washington, USA)

It is a really sad story. Van Gogh struggled with mental health problems. This meant that he sometimes felt very angry or sad and was not able to control his emotions. Sometimes, he would harm himself and have blackouts. Van Gogh used painting as a way to express his emotions and way to help with his illness.

Van Gogh’s did not get the help he needed and there was not the same understanding of mental health as there is today. Van Gogh felt alone and was not able to handle the pressure of his emotions. He died by suicide. He was only 37. It is sad to think of all the wonderful artworks he could have painted had he gotten better.

What did he paint?

Vincent van Gogh Farms near Auvers (1890) Tate

Van Gogh liked to paint the places he visited. When you look at his paintings, you can almost imagine you are there with him. In Farms near Auvers , the bright greens make you feel like you are standing in the French countryside. This painting was made towards the end of Van Gogh’s career. Earlier, he had used darker colours. As he grew older, he liked using lighter colours.

Van Gogh also liked painting portraits. He said that portraits were

'the only thing in painting that moves me deeply’

Van Gogh painted portraits of many different people he met, but he really liked painting portraits of himself. He made over 30 self-portraits. You can also try and paint your own self-portrait. Try looking at yourself in the mirror or in a photograph to get you inspired.

Vincent van Gogh The Oise at Auvers (1890) Tate

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Biography of Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh

Van Gogh received a fragmentary education: one year at the village school in Zundert, two years at a boarding school in Zevenbergen, and eighteen months at a high school in Tilburg. At sixteen he began working at the Hague gallery of the French art dealers Goupil et Cie., in which his uncle Vincent was a partner. His brother Theo, who was born 1 May 1857, later worked for the same firm. In 1873 Goupil's transferred Vincent to London, and two years later they moved him to Paris, where he lost all ambition to become an art dealer. Instead, he immersed himself in religion, threw out his modern, worldly book, and became "daffy with piety", in the words of his sister Elisabeth. He took little interest in his work, and was dismissed from his job at the beginning of 1876.

Van Gogh then took a post as an assistant teacher in England, but, disappointed by the lack of prospects, returned to Holland at the end of the year. He now decided to follow in his father's footsteps and become a clergyman. Although disturbed by his fanaticism and odd behavior, his parents agreed to pay for the private lessons he would need to gain admission to the university. This proved to be another false start. Van Gogh abandoned the lessons, and after brief training as an evangelist went to the Borinage coal-mining region in the south of Belgium. His ministry among the miners led him to identify deeply with the workers and their families. In 1897, however, his appointment was not renewed, and his parents despaired, regarding him as a social misfit. In an unguarded moment, his father even spoke of committing him to a mental asylum.

Vincent, too, was at his wits' end, and after a long period of solitary soul-searching in the Borinage he decided to follow Theo's advice and become an artist. His earlier desire to help his fellowman was an evangelist gradually developed into an urge, as he later wrote, to leave mankind "some memento in the form of drawings of paintings - not made to please any particular movement, but to express a sincere human feeling."

His parents could not go along with this latest change of course, and financial responsibility for Vincent passed to his brother Theo, who was now working in the Paris gallery of Boussod, Valadon et Cie., the successor to Goupil's. It was because of Theo's loyal support that Van Gogh later came to regard his oeuvre as the fruits of his brother's efforts on his behalf. A lengthy correspondence between the two brothers (which began in August 1872) would continue until the last days of Vincent's life.

When Van Gogh decided to become an artist, no one, not even himself, suspected that he had extraordinary gifts. His evolution from an inept but impassioned novice into a truly original master was remarkably rapid. He eventually proved to have an exceptional feel for bold, harmonious color effects, and an infallible instinct for choosing simple but memorable compositions.

In order to prepare for his new career, Van Gogh went to Brussels to study at the academy, but left after only nine months. There he got to know Anthon van Rappard, who was to be his most important artist friend during his Dutch period.

In April 1881, Van Gogh went to live with his parents in Etten in North Brabant, where he set himself the task of learning how to draw. He experimented endlessly with all sorts of drawing materials, and concentrated on mastering technical aspects of his craft like perspective, anatomy, and physiognomy. Most of his subjects were taken from peasant life.

At the end of 1881 he moved to The Hague, and there, too, he concentrated mainly on drawing. At first he took lessons from Anton Mauve, his cousin by marriage, but the two soon fell out, partly because Mauve was scandalized by Vincent's relationship with Sien Hoornik, a pregnant prostitute who already had an illegitimate child. Van Gogh made a few paintings while in The Hague , but drawing was his main passion. In order to achieve his ambition of becoming a figure painter, he drew from the live model whenever he could.

In September 1883 he decided to break off the relationship with Sien and follow in the footsteps of artists like Van Rappard and Mauve by trying his luck in the picturesque eastern province of Drenthe, which was fairly inaccessible in those days. After three months, however, a lack of both drawing materials and models forced him to leave. He decided once again to move in with his parents, who were now living in the North Brabant village of Nuenen, near Eindhoven.

In Nuenen, Van Gogh first began painting regularly, modeling himself chiefly on the French painter Jean-Francois Millet (1814 - 1875), who was famous throughout Europe for his scenes of the harsh life of peasants. Van Gogh set to work with an iron will, depicting the life of the villagers and humble workers. he made numerous scenes of weavers. In May 1884, he moved into rooms he had rented from the sacristan of local Catholic church, one of which he used as his studio.

At the end of 1884 he began painting and drawing a major series of heads and work-roughened peasant hands in preparation for a large and complex figure piece that he was planning. In April 1885 this period of study came to fruition in the masterpiece of his Dutch period, The Potato Eaters

In the summer of that year, he made a large number of drawings of the peasants working in the fields. The supply of models dried up, however, when the local priest forbade his parishioners to pose for the vicar's son. He turned to painting landscape instead, inspired in part by a visit to recently opened Rijksmuseum in Amsterdam.

Photo of Vincent van Gogh's Birthplace

I feel - a failure. That's it as far as I'm concerned - I feel that this is the destiny that I accept, that will never change. ”

He nevertheless continued working hard during his two months in Auvers, producing dozens of paintings and drawings. On 27 July 1890, Vincent van Gogh was shot in the stomach, and passed away in the early morning of 29 July 1890 in his room at the Auberge Ravoux in the village of Auvers-sur-Oise. Although official history maintains that Van Gogh committed suicide, the latest research reveals that Van Gogh's death might be caused by an accident.

Theo, who had stored the bulk of Vincent's work in Paris, died six months later. His widow, Johanna van Gogh-Bonger (1862 - 1925), returned to Holland with the collection, and dedicated herself to getting her brother-in-law the recognition he deserved. In 1914, with his fame assured, she published Vincent van Gogh's letters between the two brothers.

Vincent Van Gogh's Tomb

The Starry Night

Café terrace at night, vincent van gogh's letters, van gogh self portrait, the starry night over the rhone, wheatfield with crows, the night cafe, the potato eaters, the yellow house, almond blossom, the church at auvers, at eternity's gate by vincent van gogh, portrait of dr. gachet, portrait of the postman joseph roulin by vincent van gogh, self portrait with bandaged ear.


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VAN GOGH His life and works.

Published by Emilie Zemanová Modified over 5 years ago

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VAN GOGH His life and works

Vincent van Gogh Born in Netherlands Oldest of 6 kids Many unsuccessful jobs Very poor Brother Theo supported him Often didnt eat much to buy.

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Vincent van Gogh

Vincent van Gogh was one of the world’s greatest artists, with paintings such as ‘Starry Night’ and ‘Sunflowers,’ though he was unknown until after his death.

vincent van gogh painting


Who Was Vincent van Gogh?

Vincent van Gogh was a post-Impressionist painter whose work — notable for its beauty, emotion and color — highly influenced 20th-century art. He struggled with mental illness and remained poor and virtually unknown throughout his life.

Early Life and Family

Van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853, in Groot-Zundert, Netherlands. Van Gogh’s father, Theodorus van Gogh, was an austere country minister, and his mother, Anna Cornelia Carbentus, was a moody artist whose love of nature, drawing and watercolors was transferred to her son.

Van Gogh was born exactly one year after his parents' first son, also named Vincent, was stillborn. At a young age — with his name and birthdate already etched on his dead brother's headstone — van Gogh was melancholy.

Theo van Gogh

The eldest of six living children, van Gogh had two younger brothers (Theo, who worked as an art dealer and supported his older brother’s art, and Cor) and three younger sisters (Anna, Elizabeth and Willemien).

Theo van Gogh would later play an important role in his older brother's life as a confidant, supporter and art dealer.

Early Life and Education

At age 15, van Gogh's family was struggling financially, and he was forced to leave school and go to work. He got a job at his Uncle Cornelis' art dealership, Goupil & Cie., a firm of art dealers in The Hague. By this time, van Gogh was fluent in French, German and English, as well as his native Dutch.

He also fell in love with his landlady's daughter, Eugenie Loyer. When she rejected his marriage proposal, van Gogh suffered a breakdown. He threw away all his books except for the Bible, and devoted his life to God. He became angry with people at work, telling customers not to buy the "worthless art," and was eventually fired.

Life as a Preacher

Van Gogh then taught in a Methodist boys' school, and also preached to the congregation. Although raised in a religious family, it wasn't until this time that he seriously began to consider devoting his life to the church

Hoping to become a minister, he prepared to take the entrance exam to the School of Theology in Amsterdam. After a year of studying diligently, he refused to take the Latin exams, calling Latin a "dead language" of poor people, and was subsequently denied entrance.

The same thing happened at the Church of Belgium: In the winter of 1878, van Gogh volunteered to move to an impoverished coal mine in the south of Belgium, a place where preachers were usually sent as punishment. He preached and ministered to the sick, and also drew pictures of the miners and their families, who called him "Christ of the Coal Mines."

The evangelical committees were not as pleased. They disagreed with van Gogh's lifestyle, which had begun to take on a tone of martyrdom. They refused to renew van Gogh's contract, and he was forced to find another occupation.

Finding Solace in Art

In the fall of 1880, van Gogh decided to move to Brussels and become an artist. Though he had no formal art training, his brother Theo offered to support van Gogh financially.

He began taking lessons on his own, studying books like Travaux des champs by Jean-François Millet and Cours de dessin by Charles Bargue.

Van Gogh's art helped him stay emotionally balanced. In 1885, he began work on what is considered to be his first masterpiece, "Potato Eaters." Theo, who by this time living in Paris, believed the painting would not be well-received in the French capital, where Impressionism had become the trend.

Nevertheless, van Gogh decided to move to Paris, and showed up at Theo's house uninvited. In March 1886, Theo welcomed his brother into his small apartment.

In Paris, van Gogh first saw Impressionist art, and he was inspired by the color and light. He began studying with Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec , Camille Pissarro and others.

To save money, he and his friends posed for each other instead of hiring models. Van Gogh was passionate, and he argued with other painters about their works, alienating those who became tired of his bickering.


Vincent Van Gogh Fact Card

Van Gogh's love life was nothing short of disastrous: He was attracted to women in trouble, thinking he could help them. When he fell in love with his recently widowed cousin, Kate, she was repulsed and fled to her home in Amsterdam.

Van Gogh then moved to The Hague and fell in love with Clasina Maria Hoornik, an alcoholic prostitute. She became his companion, mistress and model.

When Hoornik went back to prostitution, van Gogh became utterly depressed. In 1882, his family threatened to cut off his money unless he left Hoornik and The Hague.

Van Gogh left in mid-September of that year to travel to Drenthe, a somewhat desolate district in the Netherlands. For the next six weeks, he lived a nomadic life, moving throughout the region while drawing and painting the landscape and its people.

Van Gogh became influenced by Japanese art and began studying Eastern philosophy to enhance his art and life. He dreamed of traveling there, but was told by Toulouse-Lautrec that the light in the village of Arles was just like the light in Japan.

In February 1888, van Gogh boarded a train to the south of France. He moved into a now-famous "yellow house" and spent his money on paint rather than food.

Vincent van Gogh completed more than 2,100 works, consisting of 860 oil paintings and more than 1,300 watercolors, drawings and sketches.

Several of his paintings now rank among the most expensive in the world; "Irises" sold for a record $53.9 million, and his "Portrait of Dr. Gachet" sold for $82.5 million. A few of van Gogh’s most well-known artworks include:

'Starry Night'

Van Gogh painted "The Starry Night" in the asylum where he was staying in Saint-Rémy, France, in 1889, the year before his death. “This morning I saw the countryside from my window a long time before sunrise, with nothing but the morning star, which looked very big,” he wrote to his brother Theo.

A combination of imagination, memory, emotion and observation, the oil painting on canvas depicts an expressive swirling night sky and a sleeping village, with a large flame-like cypress, thought to represent the bridge between life and death, looming in the foreground. The painting is currently housed at the Museum of Modern Art in New York, NY.


Van Gogh painted two series of sunflowers in Arles, France: four between August and September 1888 and one in January 1889; the versions and replicas are debated among art historians.

The oil paintings on canvas, which depict wilting yellow sunflowers in a vase, are now displayed at museums in London, Amsterdam, Tokyo, Munich and Philadelphia.

In 1889, after entering an asylum in Saint-Rémy, France, van Gogh began painting Irises, working from the plants and flowers he found in the asylum's garden. Critics believe the painting was influenced by Japanese woodblock prints.

French critic Octave Mirbeau, the painting's first owner and an early supporter of Van Gogh, remarked, "How well he has understood the exquisite nature of flowers!"


Over the course of 10 years, van Gogh created more than 43 self-portraits as both paintings and drawings. "I am looking for a deeper likeness than that obtained by a photographer," he wrote to his sister.

"People say, and I am willing to believe it, that it is hard to know yourself. But it is not easy to paint yourself, either. The portraits painted by Rembrandt are more than a view of nature, they are more like a revelation,” he later wrote to his brother.

Van Gogh's self-portraits are now displayed in museums around the world, including in Washington, D.C., Paris, New York and Amsterdam.

Vincent van Gogh Self-Portrait

Van Gogh's Ear

In December 1888, van Gogh was living on coffee, bread and absinthe in Arles, France, and he found himself feeling sick and strange.

Before long, it became apparent that in addition to suffering from physical illness, his psychological health was declining. Around this time, he is known to have sipped on turpentine and eaten paint.

His brother Theo was worried, and he offered Paul Gauguin money to go watch over Vincent in Arles. Within a month, van Gogh and Gauguin were arguing constantly, and one night, Gauguin walked out. Van Gogh followed him, and when Gauguin turned around, he saw van Gogh holding a razor in his hand.

Hours later, van Gogh went to the local brothel and paid for a prostitute named Rachel. With blood pouring from his hand, he offered her his ear, asking her to "keep this object carefully."

The police found van Gogh in his room the next morning, and admitted him to the Hôtel-Dieu hospital. Theo arrived on Christmas Day to see van Gogh, who was weak from blood loss and having violent seizures.

The doctors assured Theo that his brother would live and would be taken good care of, and on January 7, 1889, van Gogh was released from the hospital.

He remained, however, alone and depressed. For hope, he turned to painting and nature, but could not find peace and was hospitalized again. He would paint at the yellow house during the day and return to the hospital at night.

Van Gogh decided to move to the Saint-Paul-de-Mausole asylum in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence after the people of Arles signed a petition saying that he was dangerous.

On May 8, 1889, he began painting in the hospital gardens. In November 1889, he was invited to exhibit his paintings in Brussels. He sent six paintings, including "Irises" and "Starry Night."

On January 31, 1890, Theo and his wife, Johanna, gave birth to a boy and named him Vincent Willem van Gogh after Theo's brother. Around this time, Theo sold van Gogh's "The Red Vineyards" painting for 400 francs.

Also around this time, Dr. Paul Gachet, who lived in Auvers, about 20 miles north of Paris, agreed to take van Gogh as his patient. Van Gogh moved to Auvers and rented a room.

On July 27, 1890, Vincent van Gogh went out to paint in the morning carrying a loaded pistol and shot himself in the chest, but the bullet did not kill him. He was found bleeding in his room.

Van Gogh was distraught about his future because, in May of that year, his brother Theo had visited and spoke to him about needing to be stricter with his finances. Van Gogh took that to mean Theo was no longer interested in selling his art.

Van Gogh was taken to a nearby hospital and his doctors sent for Theo, who arrived to find his brother sitting up in bed and smoking a pipe. They spent the next couple of days talking together, and then van Gogh asked Theo to take him home.

On July 29, 1890, Vincent van Gogh died in the arms of his brother Theo. He was only 37 years old.

Theo, who was suffering from syphilis and weakened by his brother's death, died six months after his brother in a Dutch asylum. He was buried in Utrecht, but in 1914 Theo's wife, Johanna, who was a dedicated supporter of van Gogh's works, had Theo's body reburied in the Auvers cemetery next to Vincent.

Theo's wife Johanna then collected as many of van Gogh's paintings as she could, but discovered that many had been destroyed or lost, as van Gogh's own mother had thrown away crates full of his art.

On March 17, 1901, 71 of van Gogh's paintings were displayed at a show in Paris, and his fame grew enormously. His mother lived long enough to see her son hailed as an artistic genius. Today, Vincent van Gogh is considered one of the greatest artists in human history.

Van Gogh Museum

In 1973, the Van Gogh Museum opened its doors in Amsterdam to make the works of Vincent van Gogh accessible to the public. The museum houses more than 200 van Gogh paintings, 500 drawings and 750 written documents including letters to Vincent’s brother Theo. It features self-portraits, “The Potato Eaters,” “The Bedroom” and “Sunflowers.”

In September 2013, the museum discovered and unveiled a van Gogh painting of a landscape entitled "Sunset at Montmajour.” Before coming under the possession of the Van Gogh Museum, a Norwegian industrialist owned the painting and stored it away in his attic, having thought that it wasn't authentic.

The painting is believed to have been created by van Gogh in 1888 — around the same time that his artwork "Sunflowers" was made — just two years before his death.

Watch "Vincent Van Gogh: A Stroke of Genius" on HISTORY Vault

Edgar Allan Poe


  • Name: Vincent van Gogh
  • Birth Year: 1853
  • Birth date: March 30, 1853
  • Birth City: Zundert
  • Birth Country: Netherlands
  • Gender: Male
  • Best Known For: Vincent van Gogh was one of the world’s greatest artists, with paintings such as ‘Starry Night’ and ‘Sunflowers,’ though he was unknown until after his death.
  • Astrological Sign: Aries
  • Brussels Academy
  • Nacionalities
  • Interesting Facts
  • Some of van Gogh's most famous works include "Starry Night," "Irises," and "Sunflowers."
  • In a moment of instability, Vincent Van Gogh cut off his ear and offered it to a prostitute.
  • Van Gogh died in France at age 37 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound.
  • Death Year: 1890
  • Death date: July 29, 1890
  • Death City: Auvers-sur-Oise
  • Death Country: France

We strive for accuracy and fairness.If you see something that doesn't look right, contact us !


  • Article Title: Vincent van Gogh Biography
  • Author: Biography.com Editors
  • Website Name: The Biography.com website
  • Url: https://www.biography.com/artists/vincent-van-gogh
  • Access Date:
  • Publisher: A&E; Television Networks
  • Last Updated: March 4, 2020
  • Original Published Date: April 3, 2014
  • As for me, I am rather often uneasy in my mind, because I think that my life has not been calm enough; all those bitter disappointments, adversities, changes keep me from developing fully and naturally in my artistic career.
  • I am a fanatic! I feel a power within me…a fire that I may not quench, but must keep ablaze.
  • I get very cross when people tell me that it is dangerous to put out to sea. There is safety in the very heart of danger.
  • I want to paint what I feel, and feel what I paint.
  • As my work is, so am I.
  • The love of art is the undoing of true love.
  • When one has fire within oneself, one cannot keep bottling [it] up—better to burn than to burst. What is in will out.
  • For my part I know nothing with any certainty, but the sight of the stars makes me dream.
  • I do not say that my work is good, but it's the least bad that I can do. All the rest, relations with people, is very secondary, because I have no talent for that. I can't help it.
  • What is wrought in sorrow lives for all time.
  • What I draw, I see clearly. In these [drawings] I can talk with enthusiasm. I have found a voice.
  • Enjoy yourself too much rather than too little, and don't take art or love too seriously.
  • But I always think that the best way to know God is to love many things.

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The Life and Works of Van Gogh

Explore the life of van gogh through his works of art. travel to different galleries to see his iconic paintings..

This story was created for the Google Expeditions project by Smarthistory, now available on Google Arts & Culture

Beginnings: The Art That influenced Van Gogh

While many people know Van Gogh’s masterpieces, fewer are familiar with his early work and his artistic development. In 1880, at age 27, Vincent Van Gogh decided to become an artist.

He had been art dealer (thanks to a family connection), a teacher, and then, with increasing religious fervor, a missionary in a poor coal mining district in Belgium. Always emotionally troubled, Van Gogh threw himself into art with feverish commitment.

Van Gogh was inspired by Lhermitte’s depictions of rural life and he asked his brother Theo to send reproductions of Lhermitte’s work. This painting is typical—a sympathetic scene of peasant life depicting three generations. Van Gogh’s own early subjects included peasants and miners.

Jules Breton was an artist Van Gogh admired. He specialized in images of peasants. The harsh subject of a poor girl is softened by her blue shirt, the green grass, and her restful pose. She sits in profile but looks directly at us.

Unlike the painting by Breton, this woman is older and bends forward at work harvesting potatoes. Her labor is expressed by the angular arm that breaks the horizon. The colors muddy like the soil. Van Gogh’s is a less sentimental view of peasant life.

Van Gogh, Early Years

Van Gogh’s early works are dark and very different from paintings like Starry Night and so many other brightly colored landscapes, portraits, and still-lifes that we know so well.

Theo van Gogh, Vincent’s brother, who was an art dealer in Paris, criticized the darkness of these early works and urged his brother to brighten his palette. That would happen in 1886, when Van Gogh traveled to Paris and saw the work of the Impressionists but these paintings are earlier.

Van Gogh wrote his brother, “...these folk,...tilled the earth themselves with these hands they are putting in the dish,...they have honestly earned their food.” To viewers used to sentimental paintings this was coarse, but Van Gogh wanted “a real peasant painting.”

Still Life with Bible (October 1885 - 1885) by Vincent van Gogh Van Gogh Museum

Van Gogh’s father, a minister, died suddenly in 1885. This is his father’s bible. The closed book is Zola’s novel The Joy of Life. The tension between these volumes mirrors Van Gogh’s own conflict between his father and his life as an artist.

Bank of the Seine (May 1887 - July 1887) by Vincent van Gogh Van Gogh Museum

Van Gogh in Paris 1886-87

Here is the Van Gogh we recognize. At this time, Impressionist painters like Monet and Renoir explored the effects of light using brilliant colors and loose brushstrokes.

On the long wall to the right are paintings that demonstrate that Van Gogh has absorbed the lessons of Impressionism. On the far wall, two brightly painted canvases show that Van Gogh had also been looking at Japanese art—another important influence for artists at this time.

Here is Van Gogh the Impressionist. Well-dressed figures enjoy a day in a Parisian park. The bright colors are Impressionist while the small touches of paint recall the Neo-Impressionist Seurat, who had taken the art world by storm the previous year.

Models are expensive, but a mirror is cheap. Van Gogh painted 29 self-portraits in Paris. He became more daring, learning to use color expressively. Here, Van Gogh paints part of his beard orange, and his right eye with a touch of turquoise.

Van Gogh at the Art Institute of Chicago

This is a good time to visit the Art Institute of Chicago and take a look at a gallery containing some important later works by Van Gogh and the artist, Paul Gauguin (among others).

Van Gogh is thinking about complementary colors—colors on opposite sides of the color wheel (red and green, blue and orange, yellow and violet). Here, the artist contrasts blues and oranges in the background, and reds and greens in his jacket.

The Bedroom (1889) by Vincent van Gogh (Dutch, 1853-1890) The Art Institute of Chicago

Van Gogh moved to Arles in the South of France. In this painting, color is expressive and independent of nature. Van Gogh described the wood of the bed and chairs as “the yellow of fresh butter.” Van Gogh has found his own voice.

Van Gogh in Saint Remy

Van Gogh suffered most of his life from depression, bouts of anger, and unreasonable behavior. In December 1888 he fought with the artist Gauguin and cut off part of his ear.  He was admitted to a hospital, but his illness worsened.

Soon after, he admitted himself to an asylum in Saint-Rémy-de-Provence. It is impossible to know for certain what the artist suffered from—he was diagnosed with a form of epilepsy. Despite his prolonged suffering, he was a remarkably productive artist.

Van Gogh painted several reapers—a lone harvesters. Death is often personified as a reaper and Van Gogh was aware of this association. The colors of his clothing match the violet hills and pale lime-green sky, he appears as part of nature.

Van Gogh admired artists who used color in a revolutionary way, and he read numerous books on color theory. Here the blues against yellow and orange express his ambition to be a “...colorist such as there hasn’t been before.”

Van Gogh in Auvers-sur-Oise

We’re in the Van Gogh Museum, in a gallery containing paintings from the end of Van Gogh’s life (he was just 37 when he died).

He spent the last period of his life in the village of Auvers-sur-Oise, about 20 miles northwest of Paris and a place well-known to other nineteenth century artists, who lived and worked there. Van Gogh died of a gunshot wound to his chest (most likely suicide).

The painting in the center, and the one to the right, represent wheatfields. There are no human figures and no trees. The countryside—nature—was restorative, Van Gogh called it “healthy and fortifying” but it was also isolating.

Wheatfield with crows (July 1890 - 1890) by Vincent van Gogh Van Gogh Museum

In this painting of a wheatfield, the sky darkens and crows fly across the horizon. Pathways diverge but lead nowhere. This is one of the artist’s last paintings (his final canvas, Tree Roots, is to the right).

We are staring directly down into a tangle of tree roots. Passionate about art, and suffering from illness, Van Gogh left an amazing body of work, rooted in the late 19th century concern for depicting nature and our personal response to it.

Which Books did Vincent van Gogh Read?

Van gogh museum, a brother like no other: theo and vincent van gogh, vincent van gogh's love life, vincent van gogh's love life.

vincent van gogh

Vincent Van Gogh

Nov 12, 2014

150 likes | 650 Views

Vincent Van Gogh. By: Al Jazi Al Thani 7B. A brief introduction into the life of Vincent Van Gogh. Vincent Van Gogh was born in the year 1853 in Groot-Zundert, Holland. His Father was a Pastor and he lived in quite a religious environment.

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Presentation Transcript

Vincent Van Gogh By: Al Jazi Al Thani 7B

A brief introductioninto the life of Vincent Van Gogh Vincent Van Gogh was born in the year 1853 in Groot-Zundert, Holland. His Father was a Pastor and he lived in quite a religious environment. He started off no where but then began to study art and loved it. He used his talent to make others happy. The picture of him to the left I took of a site and really like because to me I feel like I can see his mood at the time through the picture and I think that is a remarkable thing for a portrait to have.

Becoming an Artist Between the years 1860 and 1880 Vincent Van Gogh decided to become an artist. He had to sadly unsuccessful romances during that time. He also moved from job to job until he finally decides to stay on Belgium and study art. So he can give people happiness in the form of beauty. During his life he created many extremely famous pieces of art some examples of these is a painting he did using a medium of either oil pastel or oil paints to paint a landscape of a building next to a lovely and creative starry sky. His painting was mainly made up of the colors blue and black using some white to paint the stars. As well as tinting and shading different parts of the sky to make it look more realistic. Also to me I believe that the colors black and white aren’t actually colors but merely something they use to change another color that makes me feel like they are the scariest and sadist of all the the colors. Because even though some people say they are real colors not everybody does.

Paris In the year 1886 Vincent van Gogh went to Paris to join his Brother Theo who at the time was managing Goupil’s Gallery. During his time there Vincent studied with a person named Corman and then met Pissarro, Monet, and Gauguin. Then Was able to begin lightening up his dark pallet, he used quick short brushstrokes and then began his impressionists period. His nervous behavior combined with painting all day threatened his health as well as mad him a bad companion. After that he chose to go south to Arles to found an art school, he hoped his friends would join him with his ideal. Luckily one of Van Gogh's friends, Gauguin did join him. Sadly a nearing the end of 1888 there was a disastrous incident which caused to Gauguin to leave Arles. That incident also caused Van Gogh to cut off a bit of his ear lobe. He kept hovering between fits of lucidity and madness before going to an asylum in Saint Remy for treatment.

Famous piece of work One of his most famous pieces of work during the early Dutch periods was called “The Potato Eaters” that was painted in the year 1855. This picture is extremely detailed which is always a good thing so people can see the even the small parts in a scene. Sometimes in a painting you cant tell the difference in gender because of the lighting so I just want to tell you that this is a painting consisting of one male and four females.

About the Image He darkened this are so it would be more realistic. This Painting is a portrait of people four females one male sitting around a square table eating potatoes. While painting this I feel Van Gogh was calm and concentrated as best he could. Looking at the extreme detail of the picture I can tell that he worked on it for quite a while and continuously tried to make it better and add more details and shading. He had a good proportion because the size of the table compared to the people is pretty good it looks almost as if he took a picture. To make hat possible he tinted and shaded the picture as best he could to match the composition in front of him.

About the Image He even drew the glow of the light bulb in this painting. His composition is also good because when you look at the people you can see all of them at different angles and he added an extraordinary amount of detail which would take a long time add.His medium was either oil pastel or oil paint on a canvas. When he painted the picture he paid attention to the small details and even used a bit of his own emotions in the feeling. During that time it was very dark and painting such a fantastic piece of work was BIG.

Why I chose the potato eaters. I chose The potato eaters as the painting I talk about because it was the painting which made Vincent Van Gogh famous and until now people still remember his name as a magnificent artist. If it wasn’t for that piece I believe Vincent might not have gotten his big break.

Quotes Love many things, for therein lies the true strength, and whosoever loves much performs much, and can accomplish much, and what is done in love is done well. It is better to be high-spirited even though one makes more mistakes, than to be narrow-minded and all to prudent. It is not the language of painters but the language of nature which one should listen to. . . . The feeling for the things themselves, for reality, is more important than the feeling for pictures. The best way to know God is to love many things.

Quotes Great things are not done by impulse, but by a series of small things brought together. I feel that there is nothing more truly artistic than to love people I put my heart and my soul into my work, and have lost my mind in the process.  I wish they would only take me as I am.

Bibliography "The Potato Eaters." Vincent Van Gogh Biography. Web. 05 Oct. 2011. <http://www.vincentvangoghart.net/The-Potato-Eaters.html>. incent Van Gogh Biography Overview." Vincent Van Gogh Gallery - Welcome! Web. 05 Oct. 2011. <http://www.vangoghgallery.com/misc/overview.html>.

Bibliography Famous Vincent Van Gogh Quotes -ThinkExist." Find the Famous Quotes You Need, ThinkExist.com Quotations. Web. 09 Oct. 2011. <http://www.thinkexist.com/english/Author/x/Author_4279_1.htm>.

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Vincent  Van Gogh

Vincent Van Gogh

Subject: History

Age range: 5-7

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7 December 2014

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This editable 40-slide PowerPoint includes a student-friendly biography of Vincent van Gogh and several slides of his paintings, generally presented in chronological order, with the title and date of the works.

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Biographical details are at the beginning of the slideshow and at intervals throughout the slideshow. More graphic details about van Gogh's life (such as his ear mutilation and his cause of death) are excluded from the biography to make it more age-appropriate for younger classes. Details such as his state of poverty, disagreements with Gauguin, mental health struggles, and time in an asylum are mentioned in an age-appropriate way. This PowerPoint is editable, so teachers may add or omit information to best suit their students.

This PowerPoint is appropriate for a 30-40 minute class period, depending on the age of the students and how much class discussion takes place. Suitable for all grade levels - elementary through introductory/intermediate high school classes.

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van gogh biography ppt

Van Gogh Biography

Vincent Van Gogh was born near Brabant in Southern Holland on March 30, 1853, the oldest son of a Dutch minister, he grew to become one of the most well known and influential artists of the 19 th century.  Van Gogh tried his hand at several different vocations including working for Goupil & Co., an art dealer, at the age of 16 with his 4 years younger brother Theo, teaching as an assistant in Ramsgate, and acting as a layman preacher in a poor coal mining district in Belgium, before finally deciding to become an artist at the age of twenty-seven.  His early works are dark portraying downtrodden city dwellers as well as Dutch peasants at work. 

Van Gogh’s relationship with his younger brother, Theo, was well documented in the vast number of letters the brothers sent each other.  Van Gogh’s letters to his brother and to other artists provide insight into the life of the painter. 

In 1886, Van Gogh moved to Paris where he lived with his brother, now the manager of Goupil’s, who financially supported the artist.  In Paris Van Gogh became familiar with the work of the Impressionists and Neo-Impressionists.  He befriended Pissarro , Monet , and Gauguin .  Van Gogh began to lighten his color palette and experimented with different shorter brushstrokes.  His works changed from peasant workers to images of Paris, portraits, self-portraits, and images of flowers. 

In 1888, at the age of 35, Van Gogh moved from Paris to Arles where he had dreams of starting a community of artists.  Theo continued to support him financially and tried to sell his artwork.  Fellow artist Paul Gauguin joined him for a short time however, the two frequently had disagreements and Gauguin soon left.  Van Gogh threatened Gauguin with a razor and ended up cutting off a portion of his own ear.  Struggling with fits of madness Van Gogh spent time in an asylum in Arles and then in Saint Remy.

Van Gogh spent much time in the asylum at Saint Remy though it was later believed that he suffered from epilepsy.  While there he painted some 150 paintings.  Upon his release in 1890 he went to Auvers-sur-Oise where he was under the care of physician and painter, Dr. Paul Gachet.  In two months Van Gogh was averaging a painting a day.  At the age of 37, Van Gogh attempted suicide, while in a wheat field he shot himself in the chest.  He died two days later with his brother at his side.  Six months later Theo died as well and was buried next to his brother in the small church at Auvers-sur-Oise.

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  15. PPT

    Vincent Van Gogh. Nov 12, 2014. 150 likes | 650 Views. Vincent Van Gogh. By: Al Jazi Al Thani 7B. A brief introduction into the life of Vincent Van Gogh. Vincent Van Gogh was born in the year 1853 in Groot-Zundert, Holland. His Father was a Pastor and he lived in quite a religious environment. Download Presentation.

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    Subject: History. Age range: 5-7. Resource type: Worksheet/Activity. File previews. ppt, 2.81 MB. doc, 24.5 KB. doc, 24 KB. Simple information power point about Vincent Van Gogh. Includes images of his paintings the Bedroom, Starry night, Sunflowers and Red Vineyard.It also includes a comprehension worksheet based on the power point.

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    Answer to Question 1 • What was Vincent Van Gogh's life summary? Vincent Van Gogh was born on March 30, 1853 and died on July 29, 1890. Vincent Van Gogh is often known for being the greatest Dutch painter sense Rembrandt even with the fact that Van Gogh became famous after his death. Van Gogh began his artistic career when he was in his twenties. He had also moved to Paris in 1886 and ...

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    Teach your students all about Vincent van Gogh with this 40-slide PowerPoint presentation on his life and work, plus an accompanying art lesson!This project will help students create unique artwork inspired by Vincent van Gogh's The Starry Night. Students learn about emphasis, movement, and warm/coo. 2. Products. $5.75 $7.25 Save $1.50.

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    luis425. Entertainment & Humor Education. 1 of 21. Van gogh power point - Download as a PDF or view online for free.

  20. Van Gogh Short Biography

    Vincent Van Gogh was born near Brabant in Southern Holland on March 30, 1853, the oldest son of a Dutch minister, he grew to become one of the most well known and influential artists of the 19 th century. Van Gogh tried his hand at several different vocations including working for Goupil & Co., an art dealer, at the age of 16 with his 4 years ...

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  22. Vincent Van Gogh Style Art Presentation

    This template is perfect for art enthusiasts, art historians, or anyone looking to explore and appreciate the unique and expressive works of Van Gogh. Features. 26 Unique slides. Fully editable and easy to edit in Microsoft Powerpoint, Keynote and Google Slides. 16:9 widescreen layout.

  23. Vincent van gogh

    May 24, 2011 • Download as PPT, PDF •. 6 likes • 3,584 views. Tan Cm. Education. Download now. Vincent van gogh - Download as a PDF or view online for free.