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  • Technical Support Resume Guide & Examples

Technical Support Engineer Resume Examples: Proven To Get You Hired In 2024

Hiring Manager for Technical Support Engineer Roles

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  • Technical Support Engineer
  • IT Support Specialist
  • System Administrator

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  • Technical Support Engineer Resume Tips

Technical Support Engineer Resume Template

Download in google doc, word or pdf for free. designed to pass resume screening software in 2022., technical support engineer resume sample.

Researching and resolving customer issues regarding computer systems and software comes in the job description of a technical support engineer. They have additional tasks such as designing software, developing maintenance plans, and configuring systems to ultimate optimizations as well! Due to the intensely technical nature of this job, you need to have a bachelor's degree in Engineering along with work experience as a tech support engineer. Your knowledge of API and web services counts as a plus point because it makes you helpful to the corporate. Here’s a template of a technical support engineer resume:

A successful resume example template for the title of technical support engineer displays how to create a good resume.

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Recruiter Insight: Why this resume works in 2022

Tips to help you write your technical support engineer resume in 2024,    mention personal projects that showcase your range of skills..

Recruiters want to know if you can handle an array of systems and software (pun intended). Your resume should be rich in showcasing personal projects that use multiple programming languages and technology like NoSQL, Support Tickers, Project management, and Servers.

Mention personal projects that showcase your range of skills. - Technical Support Engineer Resume

   Include career highlights that show an attentive and team-working attitude.

Being tech-savvy is not the only thing that you need to work effectively as a technical support engineer. The work experience portion of your resume should include instances where you can mention your teamwork attitude. Use words such as “led”, “resolved”, “overcame” and “created” to highlight these instances.

Include career highlights that show an attentive and team-working attitude. - Technical Support Engineer Resume

IT Support Specialist Resume Sample

System administrator resume sample.

As a hiring manager who has recruited technical support engineers at companies like Google, Microsoft, and Apple, I've seen firsthand what makes a resume stand out. The following tips will help you craft a compelling resume that showcases your skills and experience in the best possible light.

   Highlight your technical skills

Employers want to see that you have the technical skills necessary to succeed in the role. Be sure to highlight your proficiency in:

  • Operating systems like Windows, macOS, and Linux
  • Networking protocols such as TCP/IP, DNS, and DHCP
  • Troubleshooting tools like Wireshark and Splunk
  • Scripting languages such as Python, Bash, and PowerShell

Don't just list the skills, but provide specific examples of how you've used them. For instance:

  • Resolved 150+ technical issues per week using advanced troubleshooting techniques and diagnostic tools like Wireshark
  • Automated common support tasks using Python and Bash scripts, reducing average ticket resolution time by 30%

Bullet Point Samples for Technical Support Engineer

   Quantify your impact

Numbers speak louder than words. Whenever possible, quantify your achievements to show the impact you've had in previous roles. Compare:

  • Provided technical support to customers
  • Maintained a 98% customer satisfaction rating while handling 50+ support requests daily
  • Reduced average ticket resolution time by 25% through process improvements and automation

The latter examples provide concrete evidence of your abilities and show employers the value you can bring to their organization.

   Showcase your soft skills

Technical skills are important, but soft skills are equally crucial for success in a technical support role. Highlight your ability to:

  • Communicate complex technical concepts to non-technical users
  • Work collaboratively with cross-functional teams
  • Remain calm and professional under pressure
  • Continuously learn and adapt to new technologies

For example:

Collaborated with development teams to identify and resolve complex software issues, ensuring 99.9% system uptime for over 10,000 users

This showcases your communication, teamwork, and problem-solving skills in a real-world context.

   Tailor your resume to the job

One size does not fit all when it comes to resumes. Tailor your resume to the specific job you're applying for by:

  • Using keywords from the job description
  • Highlighting relevant skills and experience
  • Removing irrelevant information

For instance, if the job requires experience with cloud technologies, emphasize your work with platforms like AWS or Azure. If the company uses a specific ticketing system, mention your familiarity with it.

Tailoring your resume shows employers that you've taken the time to understand their needs and are a strong fit for the role.

   Include relevant certifications

In the technical support field, certifications can be a valuable way to demonstrate your expertise and commitment to professional development. Some common certifications include:

  • CompTIA A+, Network+, and Security+
  • ITIL Foundation
  • Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Expert (MCSE)

When listing certifications on your resume, be sure to include the full name of the certification, the issuing organization, and the date you earned it. For example:

  • CompTIA A+ Certification | CompTIA | June 2020
  • ITIL Foundation Certification | Axelos | March 2022

   Demonstrate your problem-solving skills

At its core, technical support is about problem-solving. Employers want to see that you have the ability to diagnose issues, think critically, and find creative solutions. Use your resume to highlight specific examples of how you've tackled complex problems in previous roles.

For instance:

  • Investigated and resolved a critical system outage affecting 5,000+ users, identifying a previously unknown software bug and implementing a patch to prevent future occurrences
  • Developed a troubleshooting guide for common network issues, reducing average resolution time by 40% and empowering junior technicians to handle more complex cases

These examples demonstrate your analytical thinking, technical expertise, and ability to make a real impact in a support role.

Writing Your Technical Support Engineer Resume: Section By Section


A resume summary for a Technical Support Engineer role is optional, but can be useful if you want to provide additional context or highlight key skills and experience that may not be immediately obvious from the rest of your resume. It's a brief paragraph at the top of your resume that gives an overview of your professional background and qualifications.

However, it's important to avoid using an objective statement, which is an outdated resume element that focuses on what you want from an employer, rather than what you can offer them. Instead, use the summary to showcase your most relevant skills, experience, and achievements that align with the Technical Support Engineer position you're targeting.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Technical Support Engineer resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Technical Support Engineer resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Technical Support Engineer Resume Summary Examples , or Technical Support Engineer Resume Objective Examples .

1. Highlight technical support skills

When writing your Technical Support Engineer resume summary, focus on your most relevant technical skills and experience. Highlight your expertise in troubleshooting, problem-solving, and customer support.

For example, instead of using generic statements like this:

  • Experienced Technical Support Engineer with a proven track record of success
  • Hardworking and dedicated professional with strong communication skills

Use specific examples that showcase your technical support abilities:

  • Technical Support Engineer with 5+ years of experience troubleshooting complex hardware and software issues for enterprise clients
  • Skilled in remote desktop support, network diagnostics, and customer communication to resolve tickets efficiently

2. Tailor your summary to the job

While it's important to highlight your overall qualifications in your resume summary, you should also tailor it to the specific Technical Support Engineer position you're applying for. Review the job description carefully and identify the key skills, experience, and qualifications the employer is looking for.

Then, incorporate those elements into your summary. For example, if the job emphasizes experience with certain software or systems, mention your expertise with those specific tools.

Technical Support Engineer with 3+ years of experience providing software and hardware support for XYZ Company's enterprise products. Skilled in troubleshooting issues with ABC software suite, remote desktop support, and documenting solutions in the company's knowledge base. Committed to delivering exceptional customer service and resolving complex technical problems efficiently.


Your work experience section is the most important part of your technical support engineer resume. It's where you show hiring managers how you've applied your technical skills to solve customer issues, improve processes, and deliver results.

In this section, we'll cover what to focus on in your work experience section, and share examples of what to do (and what to avoid).

1. Use strong technical support action verbs

When describing your work experience, use powerful action verbs that highlight your technical support skills and accomplishments. Avoid generic phrases like 'responsible for' or 'participated in'. Instead, use verbs that show you took ownership and drove results.

  • Troubleshot and resolved complex hardware and software issues for clients
  • Diagnosed system failures and implemented solutions to improve uptime
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop knowledgebase articles and training materials

Also, avoid repeating the same verbs over and over. Vary your language to keep your bullet points engaging.

Action Verbs for Technical Support Engineer

2. Quantify your technical support achievements

Numbers jump off the page and grab attention. Whenever possible, include metrics that demonstrate the impact of your technical support work. Share things like:

  • Number of support tickets or cases handled daily/weekly/monthly
  • Average resolution time for tickets
  • Customer satisfaction scores
  • Percentage by which you reduced ticket backlog or improved first call resolution rate
Resolved an average of 50+ support tickets per week while maintaining a 98% customer satisfaction rating and averaging a 15-minute resolution time.

3. Highlight your technical skills and tools

Hiring managers want to see evidence of the specific technical skills and tools required for the job. As you describe your work experience, naturally incorporate technologies, systems and processes you've worked with.

  • Provided level 1-3 support for Windows, Mac, and Linux operating systems
  • Maintained, updated and patched Windows servers and endpoints using Active Directory and SCCM
  • Used Zendesk to manage, prioritize and resolve support tickets

Avoid simply listing skills without context, like this:

  • Technical skills: Windows, Linux, Zendesk, Active Directory, SCCM

4. Show your career progression

Hiring managers love to see growth and progression on your resume. If you've been promoted, taken on increasing responsibilities, or worked on progressively more complex technical issues, make that clear.

One way to do this is by breaking out different roles within the same company, like this:

ABC Company Senior Technical Support Engineer (2018-Present) - Led a team of 5 support engineers... - Developed and delivered training... Technical Support Engineer (2016-2018) - Provided level 2 technical support... - Resolved an average of 40 tickets per week...

If you haven't had formal promotions, you can still show progression through your achievements and the skills you've developed over time.


The education section of your technical support engineer resume should be concise and highlight your relevant academic background. It's an opportunity to showcase your qualifications and demonstrate your commitment to learning and professional development in the tech support field.

How To Write An Education Section - Technical Support Engineer Roles

1. List your degrees in reverse chronological order

Start with your most recent or highest degree first. Include the name of the institution, the degree earned, and the year of graduation.

Here's an example of how to format your education:

  • Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, XYZ University, 2018
  • Associate of Applied Science in Information Technology, ABC Community College, 2016

Avoid listing outdated or irrelevant education, such as:

  • High School Diploma, Anytown High School, 2010

2. Highlight relevant coursework and projects

If you're a recent graduate or have limited work experience, you can strengthen your education section by including relevant coursework, projects, or academic achievements.

Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, ABC University, 2020 Relevant Coursework: Network Administration, Database Management, Cybersecurity Senior Project: Developed a mobile app for IT service management

Avoid listing generic or unrelated coursework, such as:

  • Introduction to Psychology
  • English Composition I

3. Include certifications and professional development

Showcase your commitment to learning and staying up-to-date with industry trends by listing relevant certifications and professional development courses in your education section.

  • CompTIA A+ Certification, 2019
  • ITIL Foundation Certificate in IT Service Management, 2020

Avoid listing outdated or irrelevant certifications, such as:

  • Microsoft Office Specialist, 2012

4. Tailor your education section for senior-level positions

If you're a senior-level technical support engineer with extensive work experience, your education section should be brief and focused on your most relevant and impressive academic achievements.

Here's an example of a concise education section for a senior-level candidate:

Master of Science in Computer Science, XYZ University Bachelor of Science in Information Technology, ABC University

Avoid listing graduation dates or outdated education, such as:

Associate of Applied Science in Computer Information Systems, DEF Community College, 1995


Your skills section is one of the most important parts of your technical support engineer resume. It's where you showcase your technical expertise and knowledge to potential employers. To make your skills section stand out, follow these tips:

How To Write Your Skills Section - Technical Support Engineer Roles

1. Highlight relevant technical skills

As a technical support engineer, you need to have a wide range of technical skills. Focus on the skills that are most relevant to the job you're applying for. Some examples of technical skills to include are:

  • Operating Systems : Windows, Linux, macOS
  • Networking : TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, VPN
  • Programming Languages : Python, Java, C++
  • Troubleshooting Tools : Wireshark, Ping, Traceroute

Make sure to list the specific technologies and tools you're proficient in. Avoid generic terms like "programming" or "networking" without listing the specific skills.

2. Categorize your skills

Grouping your skills into categories can make your skills section more organized and easier to read. For example:

Operating Systems : Windows 10, Linux, macOS Networking : TCP/IP, DNS, DHCP, Cisco IOS Databases : MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle Scripting : Python, Bash, PowerShell

Avoid a disorganized skills section like this:

Technical Skills: Windows, Linux, Python, TCP/IP, MySQL, Cisco, Java, Active Directory, Wireshark, Microsoft Office

3. Use proficiency levels strategically

Indicating your proficiency level for each skill can give employers a better idea of your expertise. For example:

Python (Expert) Java (Advanced) C++ (Intermediate) Ruby (Beginner)

However, only use proficiency levels if you're confident in your abilities. Don't claim to be an expert in a skill if you only have basic knowledge. It's better to leave off the proficiency level than to overstate your abilities.

4. Optimize for Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS)

Many companies use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to filter resumes based on keywords. To make sure your resume passes through the ATS, use the exact keywords and phrases from the job description in your skills section.

For example, if the job description mentions "experience with Cisco networking equipment," make sure to include "Cisco" in your skills section. Don't just list "networking equipment" without mentioning the specific brand.

Skills For Technical Support Engineer Resumes

Here are examples of popular skills from Technical Support Engineer job descriptions that you can include on your resume.

  • Troubleshooting
  • Customer Service
  • Project Management
  • Software Installation
  • Technical Support
  • Telecommunications
  • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
  • IT Service Management

Skills Word Cloud For Technical Support Engineer Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Technical Support Engineer job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more likely you should include it in your resume.

Top Technical Support Engineer Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

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Resume Guide: Detailed Insights From Recruiters

  • Technical Support Resume Guide & Examples for 2022

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Technical Support Engineer Resumes

  • Template #1: Technical Support Engineer
  • Template #2: Technical Support Engineer
  • Template #3: IT Support Specialist
  • Template #4: System Administrator
  • Skills for Technical Support Engineer Resumes
  • Free Technical Support Engineer Resume Review
  • Other Engineering Resumes
  • Technical Support Engineer Interview Guide
  • Technical Support Engineer Sample Cover Letters
  • Alternative Careers to a Technical Support Engineer
  • All Resumes
  • Resume Action Verbs

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  • Support Engineer Resume Example

Resume Examples

  • Common Tasks & Responsibilities
  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
  • Resume FAQs
  • Similar Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Support Engineer Resumes:

  • Responding to customer support tickets and providing solutions for technical issues
  • Documenting troubleshooting steps and customer interactions in a knowledge base or CRM system
  • Collaborating with product development teams to report bugs and suggest improvements based on customer feedback
  • Creating and updating technical documentation, manuals, and support guides for end-users
  • Conducting remote sessions to diagnose and resolve complex software or hardware problems
  • Providing training to customers on how to use products or services effectively
  • Monitoring system performance and proactively addressing potential issues
  • Participating in the development and delivery of product updates and patches
  • Assisting with the onboarding of new users by setting up accounts and providing initial guidance
  • Testing new features and tools before they are rolled out to ensure they are user-ready
  • Working with the support team to develop strategies for improving customer satisfaction and reducing response times
  • Engaging in continuous learning to stay updated on product changes and industry best practices

Speed up your resume creation process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to.

Support Engineer Resume Example:

  • Customer service excellence
  • Technical troubleshooting and diagnostics
  • Knowledge base development
  • Process optimization
  • Incident management
  • Product testing and feedback analysis
  • Interdepartmental collaboration
  • Training program design and delivery
  • System performance monitoring
  • Software patch development and deployment
  • Technical documentation and guide creation
  • Remote support and diagnostic techniques
  • User experience enhancement
  • Client relationship management
  • Proactive issue detection and resolution
  • Time management and prioritization
  • Communication and interpersonal skills
  • Analytical and problem-solving abilities
  • Adaptability to new technologies and trends
  • Self-service support facilitation

Top Skills & Keywords for Support Engineer Resumes:

Hard skills.

  • Troubleshooting and Problem-Solving
  • Technical Support
  • Customer Service
  • Network Administration
  • System Administration
  • Database Management
  • Scripting and Automation
  • Software Installation and Configuration
  • Hardware and Software Troubleshooting
  • Knowledge of Operating Systems (e.g., Windows, Linux)
  • Virtualization Technologies
  • IT Security and Data Privacy

Soft Skills

  • Communication and Interpersonal Skills
  • Problem Solving and Troubleshooting
  • Customer Service and Relationship Management
  • Technical Aptitude and Knowledge
  • Attention to Detail and Accuracy
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Time Management and Prioritization
  • Collaboration and Teamwork
  • Empathy and Patience
  • Analytical Thinking and Data Analysis
  • Continuous Learning and Self-Development
  • Stress Management and Resilience

Resume Action Verbs for Support Engineers:

  • Troubleshot
  • Collaborated
  • Implemented
  • Investigated

Generate Your Resume Summary

l3 support engineer resume

Resume FAQs for Support Engineers:

How long should i make my support engineer resume, what is the best way to format a support engineer resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a support engineer resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a support engineer, compare your support engineer resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Support Engineer job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Complete the steps below to generate your free resume analysis.

Related Resumes for Support Engineers:

Technical support engineer, it support specialist, desktop support engineer, it support analyst, systems engineer, it service manager, it support manager, network engineer.

  • Resume Builder
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  • Resume Formats
  • Resume Examples
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  • Cover Letter Examples
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  • FAQ’s

IT Support Engineer Resume Examples

Writing a resume for an IT Support Engineer role can be daunting, especially when you are trying to showcase your technical aptitude and highlight your relevant work experience. Crafting a strong resume is a key component of the job search process, helping you stand out from the competition and present yourself in the best light possible. This guide can help you create a compelling resume for IT Support Engineer roles, and provide you with examples to help you get started.

If you didn’t find what you were looking for, be sure to check out our complete library of resume examples .


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IT Support Engineer

123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]

I am an experienced IT Support Engineer with 6+ years of experience in supporting IT systems, managing personnel, and troubleshooting hardware and software issues. My expertise lies in deploying, maintaining, and troubleshooting computer networks and systems. I possess excellent interpersonal, communication, and problem- solving skills. I am comfortable working in both Windows and Mac operating systems and have a deep understanding of local area networks (LANs). In addition, I have a proven track record of providing outstanding technical support to customers.

Core Skills :

  • Good knowledge of Windows and Mac Operating Systems
  • Ability to troubleshoot hardware and software problems
  • Skilled in supporting IT systems and networks
  • Strong problem- solving and communication skills
  • Excellent customer service skills

Professional Experience : IT Support Engineer, ABC Company, 2014- Present

  • Provide technical support to customers and employees
  • Install, configure, and maintain computer hardware and software
  • Troubleshoot network and system issues
  • Implement security measures for networks and systems
  • Develop and implement IT policies and procedures
  • Train users on the use of hardware and software

Education : Bachelor of Science in Computer Science, ABC University, 2014 Certificate in Networking, ABC College, 2012 Certificate in IT Support, ABC Institute, 2011

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IT Support Engineer Resume with No Experience

Recent college graduate with a Bachelor of Science in Information Technology and a commitment to providing quality IT support. Enthusiastic about troubleshooting IT issues and providing end- user support, with a strong desire to learn and grow.

  • Excellent communication skills
  • Knowledge of IT systems and software
  • Excellent problem- solving and troubleshooting skills
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Ability to stay up to date with new technologies


  • Respond to customer inquiries in a timely and efficient manner
  • Troubleshoot IT issues and provide solutions
  • Install and configure hardware, software, and networks
  • Ensure all IT systems are functioning properly
  • Provide training and technical support to end users
  • Research and recommend new technology solutions
  • Maintain documentation and records of system updates and repairs

Experience 0 Years

Level Junior

Education Bachelor’s

IT Support Engineer Resume with 2 Years of Experience

Results- oriented IT Support Engineer with two years of experience in providing technical advice and solving hardware, software and network related issues. Skilled in customer service, information systems and problem solving. Able to provide timely and effective solutions to complex technical problems. Excellent communication, organizational and project management skills.

  • Technical Support
  • Hardware/Software Troubleshooting
  • Network Maintenance
  • Remote Access
  • Data Backup/Restoration
  • Customer Service
  • PC/Server Configuration
  • Problem Solving
  • Time Management

Responsibilities :

  • Installed, configured and troubleshoot hardware, software, and network related issues
  • Provided technical assistance to customers over the phone and in person
  • Provided remote technical assistance to customers
  • Resolved hardware and software issues in a timely manner
  • Created and maintained detailed documentation of hardware and software configurations
  • Performed regular maintenance on hardware, software and network systems
  • Assisted in the training and development of end users
  • Developed and implemented system and network security policies
  • Monitored server performance and network health
  • Managed user accounts and application access

Experience 2+ Years

IT Support Engineer Resume with 5 Years of Experience

I am an experienced IT Support Engineer with 5 years of experience providing hardware and software technical assistance and troubleshooting. I have excellent troubleshooting, customer service, and problem- solving skills. I have an eye for detail and am capable of working independently or as part of a team. I possess solid knowledge of Windows and Mac OS, networking, and server administration. I am confident that I could be an asset to any organization that I work with.

  • Strong knowledge of Windows and Mac OS
  • Experience with server administration
  • Solid understanding of networking
  • Extensive troubleshooting and problem- solving skills
  • Ability to work independently or as part of a team
  • Attention to detail
  • Provide technical assistance and troubleshooting to customers
  • Resolve hardware and software issues
  • Install, configure, and maintain computer systems
  • Perform system updates and upgrades
  • Monitor server performance and status
  • Resolve network and connectivity issues
  • Maintain documentation and update system configurations
  • Develop and implement security policies

Experience 5+ Years

Level Senior

IT Support Engineer Resume with 7 Years of Experience

Dedicated, professional IT professional with 7+ years of experience in IT support, software development and systems engineering. Possesses advanced knowledge of a broad range of programming languages and platforms, including C++, Java, JavaScript, and Python, as well as Microsoft SQL Server and Oracle. Experienced in troubleshooting, problem resolution and software development. Possesses effective communication skills and excellent customer service skills.

  • Software Development
  • Systems Engineering
  • Troubleshooting
  • Programming Languages
  • Database Management
  • Provided technical support for in- house systems, software and hardware.
  • Resolved customer inquiries, both in person and over the telephone.
  • Developed software applications and systems for clients, including database management and scripting.
  • Installed and configured computer networks for clients.
  • Created detailed documentation for complex procedures and processes.
  • Assisted in the maintenance, troubleshooting and repair of server and computer systems.
  • Provided training and ongoing support to end users.
  • Performed routine system administration tasks, including user account setup and maintenance.

Experience 7+ Years

IT Support Engineer Resume with 10 Years of Experience

A highly motivated and experienced IT Support Engineer with over 10 years of experience in providing software and hardware related technical support to both customers and client organizations. Skilled in troubleshooting and resolving complex network issues, maintenance of IT assets, and providing IT support for multiple operating systems. Experienced in managing and configuring IT infrastructure, and in implementing various IT solutions.

  • Hardware & Software Troubleshooting
  • Windows Server & Desktop Support
  • Network Maintenance & Management
  • IT Asset Management
  • Technical Customer Support
  • IT Infrastructure Configuration
  • Systems Implementation & Automation
  • Data Security & Backup Solutions
  • Provided technical support to customers in need of assistance with varied software and hardware related issues.
  • Performed troubleshooting and resolved complex network issues.
  • Provided IT support for multiple operating systems.
  • Managed and configured IT infrastructure.
  • Implemented various IT solutions.
  • Monitored, updated, and maintained all hardware and software assets.
  • Assisted with the installation and configuration of hardware and software products.
  • Configured and maintained data backup solutions.
  • Performed system security management and data security operations.
  • Provided technical support and guidance to customers.
  • Assisted with network management and maintenance.
  • Performed system automation and deployment.

Experience 10+ Years

Level Senior Manager

Education Master’s

IT Support Engineer Resume with 15 Years of Experience

Highly experienced IT Support Engineer with 15 years of hands- on experience in troubleshooting, configuring, and repairing a wide range of network infrastructure devices and software applications. Skilled in implementing, maintaining, and administering data networks, while working collaboratively with various departments and external vendors. Adept at meeting SLAs and providing timely resolution to customer issues. Proven ability to work independently and in team environments.

  • Networking & Infrastructure Administration
  • Active Directory & Group Policy Management
  • Systems Design & Architecture
  • Network Security
  • System Troubleshooting & Maintenance
  • Technical Support & Documentation
  • Vendor Relations & Negotiation
  • Deployed, configured and maintained Windows Servers and workstations, LAN/WAN and other network devices
  • Managed and maintained Active Directory, Group Policy, and other user and system resources
  • Analyzed and troubleshooted a variety of technical issues related to server, workstations, and network infrastructure
  • Ensured system stability, reliability, and compliance with latest security standards
  • Assisted with the design and implementation of corporate data/voice networks
  • Provided 24/7 technical support to end users and other IT staffs
  • Drafted and maintained technical documentation and procedures

Experience 15+ Years

Level Director

In addition to this, be sure to check out our resume templates , resume formats ,  cover letter examples ,  job description , and  career advice  pages for more helpful tips and advice.

What should be included in a IT Support Engineer resume?

When applying for an IT Support Engineer role, having an effective resume is crucial to make a great first impression on potential employers. Here are the top components to include in an IT Support Engineer resume:

  • Work Experience: List your work experience in order of relevance, starting with your most recent job. Include the name of the employer, job title, dates employed, and a brief overview of your job responsibilities.
  • Technical Skills: List the operating systems, programming languages, hardware, and other IT-related skills that you are proficient in.
  • Certifications: Include any IT-related certifications that you have achieved.
  • Education: List your educational background including degrees and any specialized IT training.
  • Personal Projects: List any personal or open-source IT projects that you have completed.
  • Soft Skills: Include any transferable skills that you possess such as problem solving, communication, and interpersonal skills.

By including these components in your IT Support Engineer resume, you can present yourself as an experienced, qualified professional who is ready to hit the ground running in a new position.

What is a good summary for a IT Support Engineer resume?

An IT Support Engineer resume should focus on the candidate’s skill in troubleshooting and resolving complex technical issues, as well as their experience with a variety of hardware and software systems. They should have a good understanding of networking, be able to work independently and as part of a team, and have strong problem-solving and analytical skills. The resume should also highlight the candidate’s ability to effectively communicate with users and colleagues, as well as their proficiency in writing technical documentation. Candidates should include any certifications or experience they may have related to their field, as well as any relevant education or training.

What is a good objective for a IT Support Engineer resume?

A IT Support Engineer plays a critical role in keeping businesses running and up to date on hardware and software. Having a good objective on a resume can help to capture the attention of potential employers and set the tone for the rest of the resume. A good objective for a IT Support Engineer resume should highlight the candidate’s technical expertise, ability to troubleshoot and solve problems, customer service experience, and desire to learn and stay up to date with the newest technology.

Here are some examples of objectives for a IT Support Engineer resume:

  • Utilize my 5+ years of customer service and technical experience to provide high quality IT support to clients
  • Proactively identify and resolve technical issues and maintain optimal performance of all systems
  • Leverage my experience in network configuration, software and hardware installation, and system troubleshooting to provide excellent IT support
  • Effectively communicate technical requirements and solutions to non-technical users
  • Develop customer service skills to understand customer needs and determine the best solutions
  • Remain current on the latest developments in IT and use that knowledge to provide the best possible service

How do you list IT Support Engineer skills on a resume?

When writing your resume, leveraging the right set of IT Support Engineer skills can help you stand out from the competition. Depending on the job description and your experience, there are certain skills you should include in your resume to demonstrate your expertise. In this blog, we’ll discuss a list of IT Support Engineer skills to consider including on your resume.

Generally, IT Support Engineers should possess strong technical analysis, troubleshooting, and problem-solving skills. As an IT Support Engineer, you’ll be responsible for helping users navigate technology, providing technical support and training, and resolving any technical issues that arise.

To get started on your resume, first consider what type of IT Support Engineer role you’re applying for. Once you have identified the role you’re applying for, you can start to build out your list of IT Support Engineer skills.

Below are some of the most important IT Support Engineer skills to list on your resume:

  • Technical Troubleshooting: Ability to identify and resolve software, hardware, and networking issues.
  • User Support: Ability to provide technical assistance and user support to customers and users.
  • Hardware Maintenance: Ability to configure, repair, and replace hardware components.
  • Network Maintenance: Proficiency in configuring, monitoring, and maintaining networks.
  • Database Administration: Knowledge of database concepts and the ability to create, maintain, and troubleshoot databases.
  • Operating Systems: Knowledge of different operating systems, including Windows, Linux, and Mac OS.
  • Cloud Computing: Ability to manage and configure cloud-based systems and applications.
  • Security: Knowledge of data security protocols and best practices.
  • Communication: Strong verbal, written, and interpersonal communication skills.

By including these IT Support Engineer skills on your resume, you can show potential employers that you have the technical know-how and skillset to be a successful IT Support Engineer.

What skills should I put on my resume for IT Support Engineer?

A resume for an IT Support Engineer role should include a well-rounded set of skills that showcase your technical abilities and knowledge. Here are some of the skills you should include on your resume:

  • Troubleshooting: Identify, assess, and resolve technical issues quickly and efficiently.
  • Analytical Thinking: Analyze customer’s problems and provide tailored solutions for them.
  • Communication: Communicate technical solutions in a clear and concise manner to customers.
  • Networking: Have a good understanding of networking components and systems.
  • Technical Documentation: Create user manuals and technical documents for customers.
  • Customer Service: Provide customer service that meets customer’s needs and expectations.
  • Project Management: Manage multiple projects and tasks simultaneously.
  • System Administration: Install, configure, and maintain servers, systems, and networks.
  • Security: Implement security protocols to ensure customer data is secure.

Key takeaways for an IT Support Engineer resume

Writing a resume can be challenging for many job seekers, and IT Support Engineers, in particular, may be unsure of how best to showcase their skills and experience. As an experienced IT Support Engineer, you have a lot to offer potential employers. To effectively communicate your value, you need to highlight your technical skills and other relevant experiences in a clear and concise manner.

When crafting your resume, you should consider the following key takeaways to ensure that your qualifications stand out:

  • Highlight Your Technical Knowledge: IT Support Engineers are required to understand and troubleshoot a variety of complex technologies. Showcase your technical knowledge by highlighting the specific technologies that you are proficient in. For example, you might include details about your experience with Linux, Windows, and Mac OS systems, as well as others.
  • Demonstrate Problem Solving Skills: Employers are looking for IT Support Engineers who can identify, diagnose, and resolve problems quickly and efficiently. Highlight your problem solving skills by demonstrating the types of challenges you have faced and how you have successfully resolved them.
  • Showcase Your Communication Skills: IT Support Engineers also need to be able to communicate complex technical information in an easy-to-understand manner. Showcase your communication skills by highlighting your ability to explain technical concepts to non-technical individuals.
  • Include Related Experience: IT Support Engineers often come from a variety of backgrounds. If you have experience in related fields, such as customer service or help desk support, be sure to include it in your resume. This can help you stand out from other applicants and demonstrate your versatility.

By following these key takeaways, you can ensure that your resume stands out from other applicants and effectively showcases your skills and experience as an IT Support Engineer.

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Resume template

  • • Resolved over 300 complex customer software issues, achieving a 95% customer satisfaction rating and contributing to the team's target of reducing client complaints by 30%.
  • • Implemented a streamlined process for monitoring and resolving tickets in Jira, reducing average ticket resolution time by 20%.
  • • Assisted in developing and deploying updates for corporate systems, which decreased system downtime by 15% during peak usage hours.
  • • Provided data gathering and reporting solutions for 5 key projects, ensuring accurate data was available for decision-making.
  • • Played a key role in a team that delivered a software enhancement ahead of schedule, resulting in a 10% increase in system efficiency.
  • • Coordinated successfully with development teams on 10 major projects to implement testing and deployment plans.
  • • Developed and maintained Java applications, successfully reducing the codebase by 20% while maintaining functionality.
  • • Optimized SQL queries for the product, decreasing loading times by 25% and enhancing the user experience.
  • • Lead a small team in implementing consumer REST APIs, which increased system interoperability by 40%.
  • • Formulated continuous integration practices that improved deployment frequency by 50%, resulting in faster time-to-market for new features.
  • • Managed version control with Git for a team of 10 developers, ensuring smooth workflow and minimization of code conflicts.
  • • Contributed to a key project which increased the efficiency of backend processes by 35% through performance tuning and code optimization.
  • • Collaborated on 3 enterprise-level software products, enhancing functionality and user satisfaction.
  • • Automated repetitive tasks using scripting, which saved approximately 10 hours of manual work per week for the development team.
  • • Mentored 2 junior developers, improving their productivity by 20% and boosting team output.

5 Software Support Engineer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your software support engineer resume must clearly highlight your technical proficiency. Include specific programming languages and troubleshooting methodologies you're adept with. Demonstrate your ability to effectively communicate complex solutions to non-technical users. Employers value a software support engineer who excels at customer interaction and resolution documentation.

All resume examples in this guide

l3 support engineer resume


l3 support engineer resume

Resume Guide

Resume Format Tips

Resume Experience

Skills on Resume

Education & Certifications

Resume Summary Tips

Additional Resume Sections

Key Takeaways

Software Support Engineer resume example

As a software support engineer, articulating your technical problem-solving skills and customer service experience on a resume can be a challenge due to the complexity and variety of your daily tasks. Our guide is tailored to help you distill these multifaceted responsibilities into clear, impactful bullet points that will capture the attention of hiring managers in the tech industry.

  • software support engineer resumes that are tailored to the role are more likely to catch recruiters' attention.
  • Most sought-out software support engineer skills that should make your resume.
  • Styling the layout of your professional resume: take a page from software support engineer resume examples.

How to write about your software support engineer achievements in various resume sections (e.g. summary, experience, and education).

  • Java Web Developer Resume Example
  • Software Test Analyst Resume Example
  • Azure Devops Engineer Resume Example
  • GCP Devops Engineer Resume Example
  • Staff Software Engineer Resume Example
  • Web Application Developer Resume Example
  • Senior Java Developer Resume Example
  • Senior Web Developer Resume Example
  • Software Test Engineer Resume Example
  • Software Developer Resume Example

Creating the best software support engineer resume format: four simple steps

The most appropriate software support engineer resume format is defined by precision and a systematic approach. What is more, it should reflect upon how your application will be assessed by recruiters. That is why we've gathered four of the most vital elements to keep in mind when designing your resume:

  • It's all about presenting how your experience or skills align with the job. Use the reverse-chronological resume format , if your expertise is relevant to the software support engineer role. Otherwise, select the functional skill-based resume format or the hybrid resume format to shift the focus to your skill set.
  • Resume header - make sure you've filled out all relevant (and correct) information, like your contact details and link to your portfolio.
  • Resume length - unless you've over a decade of applicable expertise in the field, stick with a one-page resume format. If you'd like to present more of your professional experience, go up to two pages.
  • Resume file - submit your software support engineer resume in a PDF format to ensure all information stays in the same place.

Upload & Check Your Resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

If the certificate you've obtained is especially vital for the industry or company, include it as part of your name within the resume headline.

Don't forget to include these six sections on your software support engineer resume:

  • Header and summary for your contact details and to highlight your alignment with the software support engineer job you're applying for
  • Experience section to get into specific technologies you're apt at using and personal skills to deliver successful results
  • Skills section to further highlight how your profile matches the job requirements
  • Education section to provide your academic background
  • Achievements to mention any career highlights that may be impressive, or that you might have missed so far in other resume sections

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Proven experience in troubleshooting software issues and resolving customer problems.
  • Familiarity with software support tools and ticketing systems like Zendesk, JIRA, or ServiceNow.
  • Strong understanding of programming languages, database systems, and operating systems relevant to the role.
  • Excellent communication skills, both written and verbal, with the ability to explain complex technical issues to non-technical users.
  • Demonstrated ability to learn new technologies quickly and maintain current knowledge of industry trends and best practices in software support.

Writing your software support engineer resume experience

Within the body of your software support engineer resume is perhaps one of the most important sections - the resume experience one. Here are five quick tips on how to curate your software support engineer professional experience:

  • Include your expertise that aligns to the job requirements;
  • Always ensure that you qualify your achievements by including a skill, what you did, and the results your responsibility led to;
  • When writing each experience bullet, ensure you're using active language;
  • If you can include a personal skill you've grown, thanks to your experience, this would help you stand out;
  • Be specific about your professional experience - it's not enough that you can "communicate", but rather what's your communication track record?

Wondering how other professionals in the industry are presenting their job-winning software support engineer resumes? Check out how these software support engineer professionals put some of our best practices into action:

  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive support strategy for complex software applications, decreasing average resolution time by 20%.
  • Trained and mentored a team of 5 junior support engineers, improving the team's overall efficiency by 30% and fostering a collaborative work environment.
  • Led a cross-departmental initiative to streamline the integration of customer feedback into the software development lifecycle, enhancing product quality and customer satisfaction ratings by 15%.
  • Spearheaded a project to automate routine support tasks using Python scripts, resulting in a 35% reduction in manual workload and increasing service speed.
  • Closely collaborated with the product development team to identify and fix recurring software bugs, reducing customer reported incidents by 25%.
  • Introduced a new system for tracking and analyzing support ticket data, leading to more informed decision making and a 10% improvement in customer issue resolution time.
  • Orchestrated the migration of support documentation to a new centralized knowledge base, increasing accessibility and use by support staff by 40%.
  • Delivered exceptional customer support for enterprise software solutions, consistently achieving a customer satisfaction score above 90%.
  • Managed critical support cases for high-value clients, ensuring smooth operation of their business-critical systems and preserving key accounts.
  • Led the deployment and end-user training for a region-wide CRM software update, successfully onboarding 700+ users with minimal disruption to operations.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to customize software solutions according to client needs, enhancing user experience and increasing repeat business by 20%.
  • Authored a monthly newsletter on software optimization, sharing best practices and tips across the company, improving team knowledge and productivity.
  • Launched an AI-powered chatbot to handle common support queries, providing instant responses to 50% of incoming requests and freeing up support staff for more complex issues.
  • Instrumental in piloting a remote diagnostics and issue resolution program, enhancing service capabilities and customer satisfaction for a user base spread across 30 countries.
  • Managed the transition of the support team to a fully remote setup during the global health crisis, ensuring uninterrupted service and maintaining a 97% issue resolution rate.
  • Played a pivotal role in rolling out a new cloud-based support system, leading to a 50% increase in team accessibility and a 15% climb in customer satisfaction scores.
  • Designed and conducted product-specific training workshops for clients, aiding in the seamless adoption of new software features by thousands of users.
  • Implemented a performance tracking system for the support team that identified key areas for process improvement, resulting in a 70% increase in issue resolution effectiveness.
  • Initiated a quarterly review process for support protocols, aligning practices with the latest software updates and mitigating potential user issues proactively.
  • Managed a client portfolio with over 50 enterprise accounts, providing tailored support and maintaining a client retention rate of over 95%.
  • Integrated user experience feedback into the product lifecycle, contributing to the development of features that reduced customer support inquiries by an average of 10%.
  • Developed a multilingual support framework that expanded service capabilities to non-English speaking clients, increasing market reach and customer base by 25%.
  • Facilitated inter-departmental communication workflows to improve response times for critical issues, cutting down resolution time by an average of 50% for priority cases.
  • Contributed to the revamp of the internal ticketing system, which improved tracking precision and led to a 30% improvement in service delivery metrics.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Include the number of support tickets resolved weekly or monthly to demonstrate workload management.
  • Indicate the percentage reduction of issue resolution time after process improvements you implemented.
  • Highlight the number of users or clients supported to showcase the scale of your responsibilities.
  • State the percentage increase in customer satisfaction or service level agreement (SLA) adherence to show impact on customer experience.
  • Mention the volume of documentation or knowledge base articles you authored, indicating your contribution to self-service success.
  • Quantify the amount of training sessions or workshops conducted to showcase your role in education and team skill enhancement.
  • Count the number of software applications or tools you are proficient in to emphasize your technical versatility.
  • Specify any reductions in recurring incidents or problems due to the proactive measures you took, showcasing preventive problem management.

Action verbs for your software support engineer resume

Target Illustration

What if you don't have any experience?

There are two very common scenarios about candidates with less experience. They are either:

  • Fresh out of college in search of a software support engineer role
  • Transferring over from a completely different field

Both of these types of candidates still have a shot at landing their first job in the industry.

All they need to do about the experience section of their software support engineer resume is:

  • Consider their strengths - would the outcomes of their previous roles or niche skill sets impress recruiters? Feature those towards the top of your resume
  • Exclude any and all irrelevant experience items - remember that at the end of the day, you're telling a story that aims to align with the ideal candidate for the software support engineer job
  • Win recruiters over with personality - perhaps your ambition, dreams, and diligence would make you the perfect fit for the software support engineer role. Dedicate resume space to detail your personality traits by showcasing how they've helped you succeed in past roles
  • Tailor your experience to specific job requirements - ensure your software support engineer resume answers the advert in the best way possible.

Recommended reads:

  • How to List GPA on Your Resume
  • Perfecting the Education Section on Your Resume

List your educational qualifications and certifications in reverse chronological order.

Software Support Engineer skills and achievements section: must-have hard and soft skills

A key principle for your Software Support Engineer resume is to prominently feature your hard skills, or the technologies you excel in , within the skills section. Aim to list several hard skills that are in line with the job's requirements.

When it comes to soft skills, like interpersonal communication abilities and talents , they're trickier to quantify.

Claiming to be a good communicator is one thing, but how can you substantiate this claim?

Consider creating a dedicated "Strengths" or "Achievements" section. Here, you can describe how specific soft skills (such as leadership, negotiation, problem-solving) have led to concrete achievements.

Your Software Support Engineer resume should reflect a balanced combination of both hard and soft skills, just as job requirements often do.

Top skills for your software support engineer resume:

Programming languages (e.g., Java, Python, C#)

Database management (e.g., SQL, NoSQL)

Operating systems (e.g., Windows, Linux, macOS)

Networking fundamentals

Troubleshooting and debugging

Familiarity with software development lifecycle (SDLC)

Knowledge of support ticketing systems (e.g., JIRA, Zendesk)

API usage and integration

Version control systems (e.g., Git)

Understanding of software deployment and configuration



Customer service orientation

Analytical thinking

Patience and empathy

Attention to detail

Teamwork and collaboration


Time management

Continuous learning and improvement mindset

What are the best certificates to add to your software support engineer resume + how to curate your education section

The education and certification resume sections are the underdogs of your software support engineer resume.

They showcase to recruiters that you've invested plenty of time to gain valuable and specific know-how, vital for growth.

As far as the resume education section is concerned:

  • Detail only advanced education, specifying the institution and timeframe.
  • Indicate your forthcoming graduation date if you're in the midst of your studies.
  • Consider omitting degrees that don't align with the job's requirements.
  • Offer a description of your academic journey if it underscores your notable achievements.

When curating your degrees and certificates on your software support engineer resume:

  • Select only accreditation that matters to the role
  • Niche knowledge that could help you stand out as a candidate (as is within the past few years), should be listed towards the top of your resume
  • Include any pertinent data for credibility (e.g. institute name, graduation dates, etc.)
  • Irrelevant degrees and certifications shouldn't make it on your resume. Those include your high school diploma and any specializations that have nothing to do with the technical or soft skills that are required for the job

As a final note, if you feel tempted to exclude your education or certification from your resume, don't.

These two sections could help you have a better competitive edge over other candidates - hinting that your professional journey in the industry may be for a longer period of time.

Recruiters find all of these software support engineer credentials impressive:

The top 5 certifications for your software support engineer resume:

  • Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate (AZ-104) - Microsoft
  • CompTIA IT Fundamentals (ITF+) - CompTIA
  • Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP) - (ISC)²
  • Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) Foundation Certification - AXELOS
  • Certified Support Manager (CSM) - HDI

If you failed to obtain one of the certificates, as listed in the requirements, but decide to include it on your resume, make sure to include a note somewhere that you have the "relevant training, but are planning to re-take the exams". Support this statement with the actual date you're planning to be re-examined. Always be honest on your resume.

  • How to List Expected Graduation Date on Your Resume

Should you write a resume summary or an objective?

No need to research social media or ask ChatGPT to find out if the summary or objective is right for your software support engineer resume.

  • Experienced candidates always tend to go for resume summaries. The summary is a three to five sentence long paragraph that narrates your career highlights and aligns your experience to the role. In it you can add your top skills and career achievements that are most impressive.
  • Junior professionals or those making a career change, should write a resume objective. These shouldn't be longer than five sentences and should detail your career goals . Basically, how you see yourself growing in the current position and how would your experience or skill set could help out your potential employers.

Think of both the resume summary and objective as your opportunity to put your best foot forward - from the get go - answering job requirements with skills.

Use the below real-world software support engineer professional statements as inspiration for writing your resume summary or objective.

Resume summaries for a software support engineer job

  • Seasoned Software Support Engineer with 8 years of experience specializing in troubleshooting complex software systems, in-depth knowledge of Java and Python, and a proven track record of reducing system downtime for TechGlobal Inc. by 30%. Eager to leverage technical expertise to facilitate smooth operations and user satisfaction.
  • Expert in providing client-focused software support and possessing a strong suite of programming skills inclusive of C# and SQL, this professional has dedicated 10 years to mastering system solutions that resulted in a ‘Best Support Agent’ recognition at Innovatech Solutions.
  • Former Network Administrator with a robust understanding of hardware and protocols now seeking to transfer 5 years of problem-solving skills to a Software Support Engineering role. Keen on applying knowledge in Linux environments and scripting to enhance software performance and user experience.
  • Transitioning from a successful 6-year career in systems analysis, this adept professional is bringing forth advanced analytical skills and a proficiency in developing SQL queries aiming to thrive in software support and contribute to the optimization of software systems.
  • Eager to embark on a career as a Software Support Engineer with a focus on utilizing superb problem-solving abilities and a passion for technology to provide exceptional user support. Proactive in learning and deeply committed to developing expertise in software applications and systems.
  • Aspiring Software Support Engineer with a genuine interest in technology and customer service, striving to apply an enthusiastic approach to learning and contributing to the maintenance and enhancement of software solutions with a relentless commitment to user satisfaction and operational excellence.

More sections to ensure your software support engineer resume stands out

If you're looking for additional ways to ensure your software support engineer application gets noticed, then invest in supplementing your resume with extra sections, like:

  • Publications;

These supplementary resume sections show your technical aptitude (with particular technologies and software) and your people skills (gained even outside of work).

Key takeaways

  • Impactful software support engineer resumes have an easy-to-read format that tells your career narrative with highlights;
  • Select a resume summary or objective, depending on what sort of impression you'd like to leave and if your accomplishments are relevant to the job;
  • If you don't happen to have much industry expertise, curate additional gigs you've had, like contracts and internships, to answer how your experience aligns with the software support engineer job;
  • Be specific about the hard and soft skills you list on your resume to define your niche expertise and outcomes of using those particular skills;
  • Always tailor your resume for each software support engineer application to ensure you meet all job requirements.

software support engineer resume example

Looking to build your own Software Support Engineer resume?

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  • Resume Examples

5 Elements Every Cover Letter Outline Needs

How to edit and proofread your resume professionally to get hired, choose your employer, don't let the employer choose you, resume headings to stand out in 2024, how specific should a resume be, how to create a first year elementary school teacher resume.

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Technical Support Engineer resume examples for 2024

Technical support engineer resume research summary. We analyzed 3,471 technical support engineer resumes to determine which ones land the most jobs. Below you'll find example technical support engineer resumes that can help you get an interview (and a job offer) from companies like Juniper Networks and Ericsson. Here are the key facts about technical support engineer resumes to help you get the job:

  • The average technical support engineer resume is 525 words long
  • The average technical support engineer resume is 1.2 pages long based on 450 words per page.
  • Technical support is the most common skill found on resume samples for technical support engineers. It appears on 15.0% of technical support engineer resumes.

After learning about how to write a professional resume for a technical support engineer, make sure your resume checks all the boxes with our AI resume builder .


Technical Support Engineer resume example

How to format your technical support engineer resume:.

  • Match the job title on your Technical Support Engineer resume to the applied position.
  • Highlight achievements instead of responsibilities in your work experience section.
  • Most recruiters and hiring managers prefer a one-page Technical Support Engineer resume.

Choose from 10+ customizable technical support engineer resume templates

Choose from a variety of easy-to-use technical support engineer resume templates and get expert advice from Zippia’s AI resume writer along the way. Using pre-approved templates, you can rest assured that the structure and format of your technical support engineer resume is top notch. Choose a template with the colors, fonts & text sizes that are appropriate for your industry.

Technical Support Engineer Resume

Professional technical support engineer resume example

Resume tips to land the job:.

  • Choose work experience over an objective statement for your Technical Support Engineer resume, especially if you want to fit your resume on one page. However, senior level Technical Support Engineer resumes can be two full pages long
  • Use short, succinct bullet points in your Technical Support Engineer resume to describe your accomplishments, making it easy for recruiters to understand your key achievements in 30 seconds. Start each bullet point with a verb such as 'Solved', 'Improved', or 'Implemented'.
  • According to Dwight Elliot, Professor: Information Management, Cybersecurity & Law at Palm Beach State College, 'Being an asset to the company' is crucial for Technical Support Engineers. Constantly improve your technical skills, and strive to understand the employer's point of view to maximize your contribution to the organization.

Technical Support Engineer resume format and sections

1. add contact information to your technical support engineer resume.

Technical Support Engineer Resume Contact Information Example # 1

Montgomery, AL 36043| 333-111-2222 | [email protected]

2. Add relevant education to your technical support engineer resume

Your resume's education section should include:

  • The name of your school
  • The date you graduated ( Month, Year or Year are both appropriate)
  • The name of your degree

If you graduated more than 15 years ago, you should consider dropping your graduation date to avoid age discrimination.

Optional subsections for your education section include:

  • Academic awards (Dean's List, Latin honors, etc. )
  • GPA (if you're a recent graduate and your GPA was 3.5+)
  • Extra certifications
  • Academic projects (thesis, dissertation, etc. )

Other tips to consider when writing your education section include:

  • If you're a recent graduate, you might opt to place your education section above your experience section
  • The more work experience you get, the shorter your education section should be
  • List your education in reverse chronological order, with your most recent and high-ranking degrees first
  • If you haven't graduated yet, you can include "Expected graduation date" to the entry for that school

Check More About Technical Support Engineer Education

Technical Support Engineer Resume Relevant Education Example # 1

Master's Degree In Computer Networking 2014 - 2015

DeVry University Oakbrook Terrace, IL

Technical Support Engineer Resume Relevant Education Example # 2

Bachelor's Degree In Computer Science 2005 - 2008

DePaul University Chicago, IL

3. Next, create a technical support engineer skills section on your resume

Your resume's skills section should include the most important keywords from the job description, as long as you actually have those skills. If you haven't started your job search yet, you can look over resumes to get an idea of what skills are the most important.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing your resume's skills section:

  • Include 6-12 skills, in bullet point form
  • List mostly hard skills ; soft skills are hard to test
  • Emphasize the skills that are most important for the job

Hard skills are generally more important to hiring managers because they relate to on-the-job knowledge and specific experience with a certain technology or process.

Soft skills are also valuable, as they're highly transferable and make you a great person to work alongside, but they're impossible to prove on a resume.

Example of skills to include on an technical support engineer resume

Technical support or tech support are the services provided by any hardware or software company to users. They help in solving the technical difficulties the customers face with their products or services. Moreover, the tech support employees maintain, manage, and repair the IT faults. They are also responsible for resolving the network problems, installing and configuring hardware and software.

Customer service is the process of offering assistance to all the current and potential customers -- answering questions, fixing problems, and providing excellent service. The main goal of customer service is to build a strong relationship with the customers so that they keep coming back for more business.

Troubleshooting is the process of analyzing and fixing any kind of problem in a system or a machine. Troubleshooting is the detailed yet quick search in the system for the main source of an issue and solving it.

Java is a widely-known programming language that was invented in 1995 and is owned by Oracle. It is a server-side language that was created to let app developers "write once, run anywhere". It is easy and simple to learn and use and is powerful, fast, and secure. This object-oriented programming language lets the code be reused that automatically lowers the development cost. Java is specially used for android apps, web and application servers, games, database connections, etc. This programming language is closely related to C++ making it easier for the users to switch between the two.

Linux is a Unix-like operating system. Just like Windows, Mac OS, and IOS, Linux is an operating system used by millions across the globe. Android itself is powered by the Linux operating system. Linux manages all the hardware resources that are associated with your computer. The software is famous because of the protection it grants from viruses, malware, and crashes. The Linux operating system is entirely free and is an open-source software meaning it can be altered by those equipped with the knowledge to code.

A database is a collection of data and information which makes it easy to view, access, and manage. Databases save a lot of time and can store huge amounts of data. Databases make sorting data easier and stores it in certain fields which narrows the searching criteria. A database usually contains tables, graphs, and columns to display data.

In technical terms, OS stands for "Operating System". It is a software that is used to run programs on the computer. An operating system acts as a link between the user and the hardware components. Windows, macOS, iOS, Linux are examples of an operating system.

Top Skills for a Technical Support Engineer

  • Technical Support , 15.0%
  • Customer Service , 8.4%
  • Troubleshoot , 6.6%
  • Java , 4.8%
  • Other Skills , 65.2%

4. List your technical support engineer experience

The most important part of any resume for a technical support engineer is the experience section. Recruiters and hiring managers expect to see your experience listed in reverse chronological order, meaning that you should begin with your most recent experience and then work backwards.

Don't just list your job duties below each job entry. Instead, make sure most of your bullet points discuss impressive achievements from your past positions. Whenever you can, use numbers to contextualize your accomplishments for the hiring manager reading your resume.

It's okay if you can't include exact percentages or dollar figures. There's a big difference even between saying "Managed a team of technical support engineers" and "Managed a team of 6 technical support engineers over a 9-month project. "

Most importantly, make sure that the experience you include is relevant to the job you're applying for. Use the job description to ensure that each bullet point on your resume is appropriate and helpful.

  • Expedited problem research and possible resolution/workaround Outlook and other email clients configuration.
  • Configured and deployed desktop environments in accordance with company best Responsible for providing technical and sales assistance to team members.
  • Performed first-level core troubleshooting on software system problems and delivered accurate technical solutions.
  • Identified and resolved vulnerabilities via USAF retina scans after installing various windows operating systems.
  • Conducted training courses in Information Technology Infrastructure Library (ITIL) at the Foundations and Maters level.
  • Provided 2nd line support for the following UNIX O/S software: HP-UX 10.20, AIX 4.2.1, Solaris 2.7.
  • Discussed issues/concerns with vendors (including Microsoft, Reuters, and Cisco) to form viable solutions.
  • Re-imaged machines when required, on request or own judgment.
  • Fixed VPN and token connection issues for remote users.
  • Conducted training and provided troubleshooting assistance as needed.
  • Coordinated with development team and Thunderbolt device vendors for verification testing with new system products.
  • Authored knowledgebase articles on customer-facing engineering issues distributed live on the intranet and internet.
  • Enforced quick and dependable troubleshooting resolutions for computer software and hardware issues associated with custom integration accounts.
  • Managed, validated, and approved vendor engineering change requests.
  • Exceeded Intel POR memory speed/voltage settings for selected configurations.
  • Imaged, deployed, and maintain the laptop(s) and desktop(s) used in the enterprise environment.
  • Deployed e-Business client applications to the desktop computers using Tivoli Software Distribution.
  • Provided excellent suppose to internal and external customers.
  • Provided remote and onsite troubleshooting, support, tasking and escalation as required.
  • Used powershell commands to manage domain controllers.

5. Highlight technical support engineer certifications on your resume

Specific technical support engineer certifications can be a powerful tool to show employers you've developed the appropriate skills.

If you have any of these certifications, make sure to put them on your technical support engineer resume:

  • Cisco Certified Network Associate (CCNA)
  • Master Certified Electronics Technician (CETma)
  • CCNP Service Provider Operations (CCNP)
  • Cisco Certified Entry Networking Technician (CCENT)
  • Certified Network Computer Technician (CNCT)
  • Software Engineering Master Certification (SEMC)
  • Microsoft Certified Systems Engineer (MCSE)
  • Dell Certified Systems Expert (DCSE)
  • Microsoft Certified Desktop Support Technician (MCDST)
  • Engineer In Training Certification (EIT)

6. Finally, add an technical support engineer resume summary or objective statement

A resume summary statement consists of 1-3 sentences at the top of your technical support engineer resume that quickly summarizes who you are and what you have to offer. The summary statement should include your job title, years of experience (if it's 3+), and an impressive accomplishment, if you have space for it.

Remember to emphasize skills and experiences that feature in the job description.

Common technical support engineer resume skills

  • Technical Support
  • Customer Service
  • Troubleshoot
  • Customer Issues
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Customer Support
  • Technical Issues
  • Technical Problems
  • Provide Technical Assistance
  • Strong Customer Service
  • Problem Resolution
  • Technical Assistance
  • Remote Troubleshooting
  • Windows Server
  • Technical Troubleshooting
  • Excellent Interpersonal
  • Virtualization
  • Software Support
  • Network Troubleshooting
  • Customer Sites

Professional technical support engineer resume templates

Technical Support Senior Engineer Resume

Technical Support Engineer Jobs

Links to help optimize your technical support engineer resume.

  • How To Write A Resume
  • List Of Skills For Your Resume
  • How To Write A Resume Summary Statement
  • Action Words For Your Resume
  • How To List References On Your Resume

Technical Support Engineer resume FAQs

What are some technical skills to put on a resume for electrical engineering, search for technical support engineer jobs.

Updated April 25, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

Technical Support Engineer Related Resumes

  • Administrative Technical Support Resume
  • Computer Support Technician Resume
  • Customer Support Engineer Resume
  • Customer Support Technician Resume
  • Desk Support Technician Resume
  • Desktop Support Technician Resume
  • Network Support Engineer Resume
  • Network Support Technician Resume
  • Technical Support Agent Resume
  • Technical Support Associate Resume
  • Technical Support Coordinator Resume
  • Technical Support Specialist Resume
  • Technical Support Technician Resume
  • Technical Support Trainer Resume
  • Technician Support Tier Resume

Technical Support Engineer Related Careers

  • Administrative Technical Support
  • Computer Support Technician
  • Customer Support Engineer
  • Customer Support Technician
  • Desk Support Technician
  • Desktop Support Technician
  • Information Technology/Support Technician
  • Network Support Engineer
  • Network Support Technician
  • Software Support Technician
  • Systems Support
  • Technical Specialist
  • Technical Support Agent
  • Technical Support Associate
  • Technical Support Coordinator

Technical Support Engineer Related Jobs

Technical support engineer jobs by location.

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  • Technical Support Engineer University Place
  • Zippia Careers
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  • Technical Support Engineer Resume

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Production Support Engineer Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the production support engineer job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

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Resume Builder

  • Assists in post-implementation and continuous-improvement efforts to enhance performance and improve future outcomes
  • Work on ITIL concepts like (Incident management, Change management and Problem management)
  • Incident management and problem management, join Bridge lines ,provide timely updates ,troubleshooting production issues, vendor engagement
  • Manage the daily workload based on priorities and Maintain SLA's to provide quality services to end users
  • Work with our sustainment team to organize, plan, manage and execute new releases
  • Document and create new knowledge base to provide the most effective solutions to application issues. Solutions can be new code development, defect fixes
  • Provide documentation and make technical presentations to management
  • Strong partnership Development, Account Managers and Production Support Team
  • Analyze monitor calibration reports and workstation logs to identify and solve calibration errors
  • Create and maintain documentation on the platform, such as platform details, playbooks, escalation procedures, and any other that becomes a necessity
  • Provides support to customer/user inquiries or concerns regarding our products or services
  • Assist with the installation of desktop computer systems, including complex setups that include several monitors, computers, zero clients, and peripherals for a single user
  • May provide after hours on-call production support
  • Creation of current state of system flow that will be used as an artifact for future development and troubleshooting
  • Co-ordinate offshore development and manage day to day activities
  • Perform functional and performance testing of solutions
  • Research and evaluate current and upcoming technologies and frameworks
  • Participate in PoCs (Proof of Concept) and help the Department with selection of Vendor Solutions, Technologies, Methodologies and Frameworks
  • Maintain documentation of production schedules, production run-books, and assist in documenting operational best practices
  • Ensure that all facets of the Operations Command Center are executed by approved procedural documentation
  • Perform code migration to the production environment
  • Lead projects with the aim of improving product quality and production profitability
  • Demonstrable knowledge of ITIL or Service Management; Cloud implementations (AWS/Softlayer); APM tools
  • Exhibit a strong sense of urgency for high severity incidents. Able to assess the customer impact and provide tactical solutions
  • Excellent communication skills. Demonstrate ability to communicate effectively with both technical and non-technical individuals
  • Adaptability and ability to work under pressure
  • Exhibit a strong sense of teamwork and inclusiveness. Respond to requests and inquiries from users within the pre-determined timeframe of our service level agreement
  • Implement Devops best practices and document processes to maintain high availability detailed notes for audit purposes
  • Experience with providing generic solutions and avoid re-occurring of incidents and proactively monitor the production environment and identify the potential incidents
  • Experience performing electrical engineering design of CCA, EO or RF Seeker/Sensor, or electronic subsystem including; circuit design, CCA assembly, electrical test and production support
  • Experience in user interaction in banking support environment. Has good experience working with and taking the lead with other teams in investment banking environment

15 Production Support Engineer resume templates

Production Support Engineer Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

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  • Provide comprehensive technical knowledge to productions from show start-up to post-production
  • Provide oversight to ensure that appropriate connectivity to The Walt Disney Studios is established (e.g. Dailies, digital review and/or scene and shot collaboration of VFX elements, etc.)
  • Collaborate effectively with other Technology teams (i.e. Disney EIT, Systems Engineering, Software Engineering, Technical Services & Support, Post Production Engineering) to ensure the shows are adequately supported leveraging the skills and technical solutions established by the Studio technology teams (e.g., network and storage services, workflow automation, etc.)
  • Provide knowledge and advice of any specialized network acceleration and global network data transport applications that can leverage these technologies to the unique demands of each show
  • Knowledge of non-linear editing type systems, and advise on any new technologies that may be of use for production, creative and editorial staff
  • Help provide workflow processes as needed throughout the production process from camera test through principle photography and final delivery to mastering/DI providers (e.g., camera capture of RAW data, on-set data storage and back-up sub-systems; data transmission to vendors and Studio functions, etc.)
  • Participate in the design and support of both physical and digital workflow processes and procedures on a show by show basis. Assist other parts of technology in the overall design of these systems, as well as oversee efforts to implement; encourage adherence to these workflows
  • Oversee the initial canvassing, qualification and technical evaluation of on-location production facilities domestically and internationally and encapsulate this information into a “production readiness document” assist in determining the show’s readiness to embrace digital production methodologies
  • Closely align, with all Technical Support teams (i.e. TSE’s) that configure, deploy and support any desktop systems and servers embedded within key Motion Picture Production departments
  • Serve as Primary PSE technical liaison with 3rd party technical services providers, when necessary. This includes managing day-to-day service delivery, Service-Level-Agreements (SLAs) on a per show basis, resource management and escalation policies, and all operation procedures and processes
  • Help define the actual production pipeline supporting the methodologies
  • Participate in Purchase Order processing when necessary
  • Extensive experience in providing all aspects of technical production support, both in-the-field and in a Studio setting
  • Minimum 6-15 years experience in show technical support or front-end user support, with knowledge preferably in a live-action, visual effects, or animation production setting
  • Knowledge of how shows are supported both on-set and in a Studio setting
  • A complete, thorough knowledge of Macintosh architectures, servers, desktop and laptop support paradigms, including peripheral devices (iPads, iPhones, etc.)
  • Full and complete experience in the installation, configuration and maintenance of computers and associated servers, and other related equipment, devices, and systems, in a motion picture production setting
  • Must have a complete knowledge of Linux/Unix, Windows and Mac
  • Knowledge and understanding of Script-based tools
  • Extensive knowledge of Systems hardware (e.g., firewalls, uninterruptible power supplies, miscellaneous servers, and disk and tape libraries)
  • Knowledge of non-linear editorial systems
  • Extensive knowledge of local and networked file systems (e.g. NFS, DFS, NTFS)
  • Extensive knowledge of data transport tools (e.q. Signiant, Aspera), including how to debug problems
  • Ability to support High-Availability systems
  • Expert knowledge of operating system administration (e.g., Windows, Unix, and Linux), with the ability to configure desktop systems from “shrink-wrap” to the client’s desk
  • Extensive, expert knowledge of large-scale clustered storage technologies (e.q. Isilon)
  • Experience supporting a multi-tiered file system
  • Knowledge of data compression and data integrity tools
  • Knowledge of different types of cameras systems (Sony, ARRI, RED, Canon, etc…)
  • Extensive knowledge with data storage technologies (e.g. NAS, SAN, Clustered, Tape)
  • Extensive knowledge with systems tools and protocols (e.g. SNMP, OpenView, Nagios, iperf, Zabbix)
  • Knowledge of security protocols and practices
  • Extensive experience with Entertainment Industry supply-chain methodologies
  • Excellent customer-service orientation and understanding of the nuances of production support in-the-field
  • Able to multitask in a highly complex, diverse, production environment
  • Able to quickly prioritize decisions given incomplete and conflicting knowledge
  • Ability to assist in prioritization across a team of PSE’s
  • A thorough working knowledge of Digital Review systems (i.e. Pix, 5htKind, etc. and other digital tool kits) required
  • Must be able to configure all laptop/desktop systems from “bare bones/shrink wrap”, to a fully configured system

Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Technical Skills: An advanced understanding of the Unix operating system, specializing in Linux and Solaris platforms, as well as programming languages such as PERL, Java, SQL, and shell scripting languages. Candidates must have a strong interest and aptitude for quickly learning new technologies and proprietary systems as required. Candidate should have a working knowledge of some Web technologies, partially java web applications
  • Engineering: Preform upgrades, enhancements and onboarding of web technologies including Apache, Jboss and Squid
  • Problem Determination/Resolution: Evaluates situations and effectively recommends and/or implements solutions in an accurate and timely basis using both good technical and business judgment
  • Flexibility: Is able to multitask, maintain composure in high-stress / high-visibility situations and change priorities as needed to accommodate a very dynamic business support model
  • Communications: Can engage in clear and concise communications both verbally and in writing. Effectively interacts in a cooperative and pleasant manner with colleagues
  • Shift Work: Is willing to work a rotating schedule that will include second shift, weekends and holidays, and alternate (Tues-Sat or Sun-Thurs) schedules as required depending upon coverage scenarios required by the global team
  • Project Management and Analysis: Is able to plan and execute projects working collaboratively with end users (which may include Development teams and business-side managers). Uses various tools (such as Microsoft Excel, Visio, and PowerPoint) to conduct analysis on system performance, root cause diagnostics, and systems’ / applications’ design to understand and improve the operating quality of production environments
  • Ideally a four-year degree specializing in Computer Science, MIS, Mathematics, Physics, or Engineering
  • Exposure to (or strong interest in) Agile Methodologies
  • Prior working experience in financial services is preferred but not essential

Post Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Managing projects and prioritizing workflow for media personnel, problem solving technical and operational challenges and file management of media assets
  • Assessing of applied technologies while researching new technologies for post
  • Determine and document workflow policies and procedures, tape digitizing, and other post related duties
  • Problem Determination/Resolution: Supporting and troubleshooting both batch processing and interactive user applications to ensure the high availability of the Aladdin Environment
  • Flexibility: Is able to handle multiple issues from multiple users and prioritize in terms of criticality, which to focus and resolve first. Also, being able to escalate to during critical outage scenarios, whether planned (Disaster Recovery Tests) or unplanned
  • Communications: Engage in clear and concise communications both verbally and in writing. Effectively interacts on command bridges and calls to ensure all global team members are constantly informed
  • Shift Work: Is willing to work a rotating schedule depending upon coverage scenarios required by the global team
  • A four-year degree specializing in Computer Science, MIS, Mathematics, Physics, or Engineering. Exposure to (or strong interest in)
  • Agile Methodologies and at least 1-2 years prior working experience in financial services is preferred
  • Technical Skills: An understanding of the Unix operating system, as well as programming languages such as PERL, Java, SQL, and
  • Shell scripting languages
  • Candidates must have a strong interest and aptitude for quickly learning new technologies and proprietary systems as required
  • Represent Design Engineering in Production Factory
  • Respond to, own & resolve engineering related production issues
  • Coordinate with design engineers as well as members of other teams (production, manufacturing, quality, supply chain, etc.) to address factory issues
  • Provide technical leadership for production changes, trials and deviations
  • Plan and conduct tests & analyses
  • Recognize, champion and implement cost reductions, product & process improvements
  • Communicate relevant factory status & lessons learned back to the broader design team
  • Work with NOC and Operations Engineering in identifying and correlating production problems seen with programmatic services and applications the team supports. These problems come in as support tickets and are of a timely sensitive nature
  • Communicate clearly back to the relevant parties when an issue arrives
  • Identify the work needed to fix the issue and either fix or work with other developers and QA to get the issue resolved
  • Excellent communicator and self-starter
  • Enthusiasm for open source technologies
  • Provide support for the Sony Network Entertainment Platform
  • Investigate, troubleshoot, and triage complex production software/application/service issues and misuse
  • Identify and escalate issues or root causes of systemic issues; lead, facilitate or participate in prompt resolution
  • Understand and take responsibilities for all operational workflows and standard operating procedures, down to a granular, detailed level
  • Create/maintain comprehensive support and process documentation
  • Interface with international Sony groups and external parties to provide application support
  • Fulfill business support service requests (troubleshooting, log reviews, etc.)
  • Systems, applications, and performance monitoring
  • Utility/tools development to improve support processes
  • BA/BS in Computer Science or related technical field or equivalent practical experience
  • Customer service mentality - calm, customer-oriented communication
  • Programming experience in Java or C++ and/or strong scripting skills (Ruby, Bash, or Python)
  • Experience troubleshooting complex systems and applications on *nix platforms
  • Experience supporting web applications in Java, Tomcat and LAMP stacks
  • Experience with application monitoring tools, such as Nagios, CA Wiley, Splunk
  • Experience in 24×7 production operations and participate in a periodic on-call rotation
  • Capable of quickly troubleshoot complex problems, understanding dependencies and deducing the root issue
  • Proficient in using command line tools to quickly triage and fix production issues then conduct root cause analysis
  • Self-starter and able to work with limited supervision
  • MS degree in computer science and/or 6 years relevant work experience, including in a high-volume or critical production service environment as well as experience leading short projects
  • SQL and/or MySQL experience
  • Excellent analytical skills, coupled with a strong sense of ownership, urgency and drive
  • Good understanding of software development processes
  • Understanding of PCI DSS Environments and Security
  • Strong troubleshooting and QA skills

Production Support Engineer Software Support Resume Examples & Samples

  • Collaborate cross-functionally with all Operational Engineering teams to troubleshoot production and development systems, application, and toolset issues. Identify critical problems that occur on a regular basis and design/implement scalable, long term solutions
  • Generate reports and analyze data to ensure quality and measurability to drive performance gains across aforementioned systems and toolsets, including the ownership of bug fixes, monitoring refinements, and code design/implementation across various platforms
  • Partner with on/offshore business and engineering groups to manage and streamline daily support tickets – track, analyze, and manage them to closure
  • Driving performance gains across applicable aforementioned tools and systems. This will include the ownership of bug fixes and monitoring refinements, as well as influencing code design and implementation across various platforms
  • Assisting in the implementation and release of new features including documentation design and operational oversight of systems
  • Building and continually refining monitoring tools and reporting strategies as it relates to operational software platforms and operations
  • Participate in off-hours on-call support rotation and as a subject-matter escalation point for off-hours incident resolution
  • Experience with OO programming (PHP/Java/C/C++/C#), MySQL and SQL
  • Experience with the following technologies a plus: Git/SVN, Hive, Python, Zabbix, RabbitMQ, Jenkins
  • Experience working in an Agile-based environment
  • Work on some of the most complex challenges in large scale computing by utilizing your skills in data structures, algorithms, and object oriented programming
  • Provide Level 2 Incident Management support for customer facing web applications with a goal of meeting business service levels. Take ownership of critical issues, enlist proper representation from other IT support teams and drive towards resolution
  • Automate manual enterprise operations tasks and optimize business process to reduce workloads & create proficiencies
  • Monitor and maintain operational readiness of Enterprise Applications including AWS hosted applications and provide 24/7 support as needed
  • Support Autodesk enterprise growth and ensure stability through maintenance activities on Tibco and other Enterprise Applications
  • Design, develop, re-factor, optimize, and enhance web application software utilizing Java and other open source technologies
  • Work with open source tools, create API, rich dashboards and implement proactive monitoring
  • Support the technology associated with Russell's daily operations in a timely manner to manage risk and ensure a reliable, scalable, production environment
  • Ensure internal data integrity which includes daily global pricing, security master and many forms of trade data; also provide timely support for issues regarding Russell enterprise data, including data analysis, setup, troubleshooting, data queries, data changes, and reporting
  • Provide coverage for change management of both internally developed and vendor provided systems, including ensuring that quality assurance and testing of systems and subsystems are accomplished prior to moving changes to production; responsible for approving changes to the Russell production environment, practicing changes in a lower environment and ensuring all changes and processes are properly documented
  • Support oversight to ensure that Russell systems are fully supported 24/7: this includes managing the primary application and infrastructure monitoring platform and configuring new checks when needed
  • Determine technology support needs and assess availability of resources: this includes attending and participating in project meetings, participating in sprint stand-ups with the project team(s) and engaging any additional resources in a proactive manner
  • Coordinate technology efforts with Corporate IT and the business units; this position is heavily involved in any core infrastructure or software changes to ensure they are performed in the most risk-free manner possible
  • Bachelor's degree required, in Management Information Systems or related is preferred
  • 2 years of experience with Microsoft SQL Server Querying
  • 2 years of experience with Windows Server Administration (IIS/Windows Services)
  • 2 years of experience with Help desk and/or deskside support
  • Microsoft PowerShell or other Scripting language
  • Experience in a 24/7 environment possibly including On-Call responsibilities
  • Strong documentation skills (knowledge base)
  • Strong interpersonal, oral and written communication and collaboration skills
  • Ability to effectively adapt to rapidly changing technology and apply it to business needs
  • Ability to manage time and effort effectively across concurrent/competing priorities
  • Demonstrated commitment to proactive, ongoing, self-directed education in subject matter area
  • Effectively collaborate with peer group to innovate and implement solutions that meet group objectives
  • Managing incidents and requests related to the support of the applications within the Go To Market area of Russell
  • Managing the release and change management processes within the Go To Market function
  • Managing on-call responsibilities on a rotation basis within the support team
  • College Degree in Computer Science, Management Information Systems or Finance
  • Experience supporting the Sitecore application
  • Experience working in a DevOps role/organization
  • Experience working on a service/help desk or within a similar, client facing, role
  • Experience working on IT related projects
  • Experience working within SQL or similar Database technologies
  • Experience supporting a 24/7 environment
  • High level of communication
  • Proven problem solving skills around technical issues
  • Supporting the technology associated with the daily operations within Russell in a timely manner to manage risk and ensure a reliable, scalable, production environment. Provide timely on-call support. Also responsible for interfacing with internal and external auditors requests
  • Providing coverage for change management of both internally developed and vendor provided systems. This includes ensuring that quality assurance and testing of systems and subsystems are accomplished prior to moving changes to production. An ASM is responsible for approving changes to the Russell production environment and ensuring all changes and processes are properly documented
  • Ensuring internal data integrity which includes daily global pricing, security master and many forms of trade data. Also providing timely support for issues regarding Russell enterprise data, including data analysis, setup, troubleshooting, data queries, data changes, and reporting
  • Supporting oversight to ensure that Russell systems are fully supported 24/7. This position will participate in planning and maintaining Business Continuity for internal systems
  • Managing vendor relationships, including planning for and organizing release updates, new installs, new equipment and software requests in conjunction with Corporate IT, business unit staff and vendor contact
  • Managing internal batch processes and data integrity, including pricing, security master, and trade data
  • Determining technology support needs and assessing availability of resources
  • Coordinating technology efforts with Corporate IT and the business units
  • Providing support to business units in trouble shooting data issues and reaching resolution
  • Partial responsibility for vendor relationship management, including managing release cycles
  • Partial responsibility for decisions affecting the operational state of the internal production computing environment within Russell
  • Experience working in a DevOps role/organization preferred
  • Bachelor’s degree required (Computer Science, MIS or Finance.)
  • 2-4 years experience in the investment management business preferred
  • 2-4 years experience in/on IT related projects
  • Understanding of software development process, change management, and project management
  • Broad technical knowledge of client server, intranet, networking, and SQL relational database systems. Powershell is a plus
  • Experience supporting a 24/7 environment is a plus
  • Knowledge of audit processes and procedures
  • Ability to troubleshoot and resolve data related issues
  • Strong analytical and business problem solving skills
  • Ability to multi-task and handle interruptions
  • Ability to apply technology to practical business solutions
  • Assertive, self-motivated and self-directed
  • Ability to contract and negotiate with vendors, internal and external

IT Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support, maintain and improve the production IT systems
  • Assist and advise users to get the most out of the systems
  • Highest educational level and grade for Maths and English Language
  • Elegibility status to live and work in Australia
  • Availability / notice period from current position
  • Customer service and communication skills and experience
  • Extensive knowledge of UNIX-like operating systems (e.g. Linux and FreeBSD)
  • Excellent written and oral communication skills with the ability to effectively communicate highly-technical concepts in lay terms
  • Excellent ability to process and concisely share relevant information in a timely fashion
  • Ability to prioritize, respond to, report on and complete multiple, simultaneous requests
  • Ability to work on occasional evenings and weekends
  • Ability to work under or behind desks and in server rooms
  • Ability to lift and manipulate objects weighing up to 35 lbs
  • Linux/Unix command-line experience
  • Demonstrable experience of supporting Futures and Options across multiple asset classes
  • Understanding of how systems/components work together (i.e. OS, applications, network, database)
  • Familiarity with TCP/UDP and ability to troubleshoot issues by analyzing tcpdump/pcap/wireshark files
  • Must have experience with the FIX protocol along with trading platforms including market data and order entry
  • Java and middleware technology understanding
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office, advanced abilities with Excel
  • Hadoop knowledge a plus
  • Shell Programming, Python, R, SQL, or VBA a plus
  • Experience in Windows Server & SQL Server technologies
  • Comfortable with Networking (i.e. firewall, proxy, IPSEC), Active Directory, & Digital Certificate management (i.e. SSL)
  • Knowledge in Attunity Repliweb, Python, Oracle, and Geneos ITRS are a plus
  • Ability to exhibit a strong sense of urgency for high severity incidents and to assess the customer impact and provide tactical solutions
  • Knowledge in global custody functions a plus
  • Exposure to Back and Front Office Operations in investment banking environment
  • Ability to identify risks and mitigation
  • Ability to lead the efficiency improvement ideas and provide required leadership to the team for the same. Provide necessary examples to the team for efficiency improvements
  • Skills to proactively identify cross functional or technical issues
  • Ability to suggest and implement ideas for enhancing the customer experience and implementing best practices for cost saving
  • Provides on call support for triaging problems and coordinating with various support teams across the organization and carryout activities related to incident and problem management
  • Communicates with line of business and management the overall status and health of the application
  • Looks for areas of improvement in monitoring, application stability, and speed of determining root cause
  • Performs trouble shooting, analysis, research and resolution using advanced query and programming skills. Conducts root cause analysis
  • Work closely with Technology Infrastructure Teams, Development & Testing Teams in supporting Integrated / Independent releases, software/hardware upgrades, server upgrades etc
  • Real-time restoration and triaging of issues impacting technical services (application/infrastructure) to bank customers and partners in a timely manner while keeping partners advised of significant progress or challenges during the restoration period
  • Assesses initial severity, gather impacts, creates tickets, engages necessary support teams, and escalates as necessary to ensure timely restoration
  • Participate in DR and Resiliency
  • 5+ years of relevant IT experience (Production Support, SDLC- Waterfall / Agile) out of which 3 years preferably in financial services industry
  • Candidate must have experience working as L2 application support team member
  • Able to Support users on complex technical issues, data issues, problems related to supported app
  • Must be a self-starter, motivated, innovative, capable of providing technical solutions
  • Flexible enough to work for extended hours and on weekends as needed to handle high priority issues, production recoveries, provide support to Dev & Infrastructure Releases
  • Must be willing and able to express new ideas, concerns and opinions directly to wider team in team meetings face-to-face and via remote-working tools
  • Hands-on experience in Incident and problem management
  • Understanding in depth the business processes supported by the system

Associate Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Serve as front-line support for diagnosing problems with users desktop environment, including hardware and connectivity issues
  • Identify and communicate patterns of problems
  • Assist with monitor standards and display evaluations/demos
  • Evaluate and test desktop components, including zero clients, KVM's, Cintiqs, vertical mice, etc
  • Assist with special projects, such as annual monitor survey
  • Typically assigned to more complex platform systems
  • Establishes production runs, ensuring that appropriate job control language, run documentation and data files are available
  • Creates job set-ups
  • Provides software configuration management for host and off host platforms in the realm of change deployment, change execution, job scheduling, release management, and release implementation
  • Trouble –shoots and restores service to multiple applications, Networks and system using industry accepted techniques and procedures
  • May design, code, benchmark test, debug and document programs
  • Applications generally involve utility programs, job control language, macros, subroutines and other control modules
  • Performs impact analysis to output data processing based on user and client requirements
  • Analyzes documentation supporting changes in a complex production environment
  • Will communicate status of operations to allow for immediate response to service disruptions
  • Serves as an escalation point for more complex issues
  • Performs additional job duties as required
  • Provide second level product technical support as point of escalation for our Operations team
  • Plan, document and deploy financial software applications to our ASP on Windows and Unix/Linux based systems
  • Collaborate with development and software testing teams throughout the release process
  • Manage production hardware and software resources including coordinating maintenance and outages with infrastructure group
  • Team members currently each spend one week a month on call to help with off-hour emergencies and maintenance activities
  • BE (Bachelor of Engineer in IT/ Computers/ Electronics *)
  • MCA (Master in Computer Application)
  • Fresh Graduate / Less then a years experience
  • Basic understanding of Windows/Unix Scripting
  • Ability to write basic SQL queries
  • Excellent problem-solving/troubleshooting skills, fast learner
  • Basic understanding of Java
  • Database experience a plus – Oracle/MSSQL
  • Ability to self-manage your own projects
  • Experience or interest in Finance a plus
  • 2+ years of experience with Microsoft SQL Server and querying and extracting transform load (ETL)
  • 2+ years of experience with Microsoft Access, database querying and analysis, import and export, and conversion
  • 1+ years of experience with Microsoft Windows Server System Administration in a production environment
  • 1+ years of experience with developing reports, including Crystal Reports, Microsoft Access, or similar reporting experience
  • 1+ years of experience with Microsoft Internet Information Services
  • 1+ years of experience with Tier 2 technical support
  • 1+ years of experience with Microsoft Office Excel, pivot tables, and data analysis
  • Microsoft Windows Server Platform Certification, including MCSA, MCSE, or MCP
  • DoD 8570 IAT Level I Certification
  • Around 7-12 years experience senior resource with expertise on application development and production support
  • Primary Technology skills needed are c#,, Web API, WCF, SQL DB, Web services, TFS
  • Take ownership of production environment
  • Manage bugs fixes, enhancements and features
  • Manage production issue escalations from Level 2 support team
  • Perform ongoing maintenance and change management
  • Use troubleshooting skills to investigate and identify root causes of reported severity 0 and severity 1 & 2 issues
  • Propose solutions to remediate issues and work with other team members to implement fixes
  • Identify and propose processes to eliminate recurring production support issues
  • Provide 24/7 on-call rotational support
  • Responsible for delivering metrics as per defined SLA and workload analysis
  • Manage volume drivers to ensure high production availability
  • Performs the role of Production Support for First Data platforms
  • Involved in requirements gathering, impact analysis, high level estimates, incident management, implementation, daily production review, release meetings, problem management and production implementation support
  • Creates change request records, implementation strategy and plans
  • Owns work plans for projects
  • Resource assignment for project work request
  • Resolves client queries, production problems and incidents
  • Provide responses, artefacts and supporting documents for RFP (Request for Proposal) for major & complex projects
  • Ensures incident records are resolved within required SLAs/OLAs and that the quality of work is to customer specifications and expectations
  • Ensures incident records, escalated out of the department, are tracked through to resolution and that those resolutions are well documented for future reference
  • Be available for after hours on call duties on a rotating roster and also after hours onsite work for project implementation and system or application outages where required
  • Server support experience: task monitoring, job scheduling, basic troubleshooting
  • Exposure to web applications
  • Exposure to application servers: WebSphere, Tomcat
  • Shell/Perl Scripting
  • Public key/Certificate/SSH crypto knowledge
  • Java exposure: heap dumps,stack trace
  • Unix/Linux/Windows server experience
  • SQL/database concept
  • Understanding of network
  • Dynamic individual with a can-do attitude
  • Perform tier-1 production support including triaging the user requests, providing on-hands, online and telephonic support to users during laboratory business hours
  • Escalate the production issues to QA and Development teams appropriately
  • Provide documentation on production support procedures and policies
  • Monitor production support and identify technical and procedural improvements
  • Develop a high level of expertise on the software applications and any corresponding physical infrastructure
  • Participate in production support review meetings with stakeholders and recommend changes for existing procedures and workflows
  • Good understanding of software development environments
  • Perform test case writing and testing for production hot fixes
  • BA/BS in computer science, biotechnology or any engineering stream, or any equivalent work experience
  • Research or Diagnostic Laboratory experience is a strong plus
  • Work experience with any software bug tracking tools
  • Superior communication and customer service skills
  • Compensation
  • Competitive salary, commensurate with experience, and a benefits package that includes: Medical, Dental, Life and Disability insurance, 401(k) plan, bonus plan, paid vacation and holidays
  • Troubleshooting hardware and process issues down to CCA and component levels
  • Resolution of issues on production lines and in testing (including suppliers)
  • Performing analog and digital circuit analysis and characterizing and modeling electrical signals of electronics subsystems in simulation
  • Identifying and instantiating circuit card and subassembly design updates
  • Minimum 2 years of experience supporting Production and/or Test of electrical sub-systems in a manufacturing environment
  • Knowledge of RF, analog, digital, and/or mixed signal circuit design and analysis
  • Experience in Root-Cause Corrective Action investigations
  • Knowledge and experience proposing and implementing Engineering Change Notices
  • Experience in resolving production issues with suppliers and sub-tier suppliers
  • Experience in applying Statistical Process Control (SPC) methods in achieving production yield improvements
  • Knowledge of printed circuit board fabrication and circuit card assembly processes and related industry specifications
  • Experience with any of the following tools: Mentor Graphics DxDesigner, PSPICE, System Vision, MATLAB, MathCad, IDL, Computer Simulation Technologies (CST), Microwave Design Studio, High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS) and Advanced Design System (ADS)
  • Leadership of small technical teams, including technical oversight and direction, cost estimation, tracking & reporting, coordination and preparation of detailed technical team reports
  • Familiarity with missile communication transceivers and data links, inertial measurement units (IMU) and Global Positioning System (GPS) receiver subsystems
  • Experience with subsystems integration and test
  • Experience with test equipment, test automation scripting, test conduction, sensor control
  • Experience with post test flight analysis
  • Test problem investigation experience
  • Lead electrical engineering activities performing integration, test and debug activities on complex circuit card assemblies
  • Minimum 6 years of experience supporting Production and/or Test of electrical sub-systems in a manufacturing environment
  • Leadership of small technical or cross-functional teams including; technical oversight and direction, cost estimation, tracking & reporting, coordination and preparation of detailed technical team reports
  • Knowledge and experience with Material Review Board, Process Configuration Board, Configuration Control Board and Failure Review Board processes, proposing/defending and implementing Change Notices

Principle RF Subsystems Integration & Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Novel packaging techniques to achieve minimum cost, size and weight
  • Leading the integration and testing of Complex RF subsystems
  • Please Note: This position can be a salary grade level E05 (Principal Electrical Engineer) or E06 (Sr. Principal Electrical Engineer), based upon the applicant's qualifications as they relate to the skills, experience and responsibility requirements of the position
  • Minimum 8 years of experience supporting Production and/or Test of electrical sub-systems in a manufacturing environment
  • Experience performing integration and testing of RF component, RF Seeker/Sensor, and/or RF electrical subsystem
  • Experience performing electrical engineering design of CCA, RF Seeker/Sensor, or electronic subsystem including; circuit design, CCA assembly, electrical test and production support

Senior RF Subsystems Integration & Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum 4 years of experience supporting Production and/or Test of electrical sub-systems in a manufacturing environment

RF Subsystems Integration & Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • RF Seekers: design, manufacture and test
  • Familiarity with RF Seeker components including antennas, transmitters, receivers, and transceivers
  • Performing subsystem RF analyses
  • Characterizing and modeling RF signals of RF components and subsystems in simulation
  • Experience with any of the following tools: High Frequency Structure Simulator (HFSS), Advanced Design System (ADS), SystemVue, SystemVision
  • Monitor and Troubleshoot Concur-owned application issues
  • Windows AD management
  • Ready to work in challenging environment and should quickly adjust to the change
  • Working on research and development to trouble shoot daily app issues and maintain the SLA’s/OLA’s
  • Host various meetings with stakeholders as required
  • Creating and hosting Global P1 Incidents
  • Find and recommend fixes in application code bases
  • Communicate with management and stakeholders
  • Working on maintenance, deployments, alerts, releases
  • Working on documentation
  • Perform production acceptance, including placing software into production and managing the build process
  • Suggest and Improve build processes and methodologies
  • Other functions as required in the performance of Concur daily business requirements
  • Co-curricular activities

SQL Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide exceptional support to internal teams in regards to any system issues that have been escalated to the Production Engineer Team in accordance to Service Level Agreements
  • Properly document results of analysis and obtain internal team and external clients/partners’ sign-off on solutions and/or processes
  • Serve as a liaison between the Development team, QA team, DBA’s and Professional Services
  • Conducting training sessions for internal teams and clients/partners via web and in person
  • Participate on special projects and teams when required
  • Develop documentation when required
  • Take part in meetings with clients’ technical personnel as required
  • Document the resolution of all production incidents
  • Open service requests (SRs), research issues, and see to potential break-fix/ bugs
  • Provide tuning/performance/management of environments, provide monitoring, and review reports for environment sizing, proactive monitoring, and memory usage
  • Address operational efficiencies, including ongoing work to address operational issues, and set up reports, jobs, backups, and load balancers
  • Provide asset management, including the inventory of all servers, which apps are running on which server, and the current version of both software (application) and the server OS
  • Coordinate underlying OS issues, interacting/communicating with the DSC team for upgrades, patches, network issues, virtual machine requests, and more
  • Provision physical/virtual machines, make requests, provide specifications, test the set-up, and carry out other tasks
  • Provide operational upgrades to resources, including disk, RAM, and server monitoring
  • Set up and test new releases/capabilities, setting up sandbox environments to do so
  • Support application releases (IQ/OQ process documentation) and provide communication and coordination of the application management schedule/release management process
  • Serve as a key resource for the setup of demos, including environments, access, data needs, resources, timelines, and more
  • Play a role in integrated testing needs, those testing activities that require interaction between at least three applications (source, target, and middleware); you will also coordinate tasks across multiple environments and support deployment across platforms

Non Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Define the overall Non Production Support strategy
  • Interface with Global Development leads with respect to testing and supporting their applications
  • Assist Global test environment management and ownership of test data ensuring support of test efforts and schedules
  • Oversee global deployment of new software releases when necessary
  • Own global communication of status of the test environments to project teams and management, which includes blocking issues, risks and changes that may affect the project deliverables and project schedules
  • Bachelors Degree in MIS, Computer Science or related discipline
  • Equity business knowledge – Cash, Prime, Derivatives
  • Knowledge of UNIX / LINUX shell; basic SQL; and Scripting language Perl or Python is mandatory
  • Ability to multi-task effectively
  • Solid understanding of release management methodology, processes and procedures
  • Strong ability to lead process enhancement activities for development, training, metrics and assurance
  • Monitor the production errors and report/fix them before impacting clients and maintain client satisfaction
  • Work on deployments, monitor vendor changes that impact CONCUR products, communicate information to respective teams for resolution with research data
  • Manage the daily workload based on priorities and Maintain SLA's to provide quality services to end users
  • Coordinate with Application Development Team to successfully deploy software releases in Production environments
  • Meet the assigned goals and KPI’s, Maintain the Maturity Model process to achieve the set targets and record knowledge base documents
  • Work on automating manual process and learn new products and provide support as per organizations need
  • Provide 24×7 operational support on holidays and weekends
  • Bachelor’s degree/BE/B-Tech or relevant
  • Strong Knowledge on SQL/Oracle databases
  • Experience in production support filed with ITIL concepts
  • Quality service and support
  • Ensure a high availability to support and advice our users
  • Management of production issues and requests
  • Acknowledgment of the incoming cases, ensure the right qualification, prioritization and resolution reactivity
  • Ensure support coverage for users in accordance with APS service coverage agreed on the perimeter
  • Analyze and identify the recurrent root causes and patterns and propose permanents fixes, enhancements or training plans for users
  • Ensure an accurate and complete tracking of the activity
  • Use and promote ITEC and PRD tools, processes and standards (Self service, EZ Post Mortem, etc...)
  • Perform daily checks and apply recovery and troubleshooting procedures strictly
  • Ensure an accurate and clear communication to users and partners
  • Coordination and communication
  • Escalate issues and other topics to the right team when needed
  • Maintain a good collaboration with worldwide PRD teams and partners (DEV, GTS)
  • Update and Share production information with the other team members (especially during follow-up meeting like white board, PRD/DEV/GTS…)
  • Ensure a good follow-up and understanding of the new features and functionalities
  • Collect, analyze and work to provide solutions for projects, client/partner initiatives, day to day issues and other related responsibilities
  • Become an expert in all facets of the Fieldglass’ proprietary services procurement application
  • Demonstrate an ability to be productive with minimal supervision, have a focus on service and the foresight to understand future impacts current changes may have on the Fieldglass application and/or clients’ business processes
  • The ability to rationalize the impact of multiple concurrent issues/requests and prioritize work accordingly
  • An independent sense of motivation to continuously improve themselves and the environment
  • An intuitive problem solving ability which leads to solution alternatives that reflect the analyst’s diverse foundation of knowledge, skills and experiences
  • The confidence, focus, and adaptable communication style required to effectively coordinate restoration efforts for high-impact technology incidents
  • Operating systems: Solaris, Linux, Windows
  • Scripting languages: Unix Shell, Perl, Python
  • SQL (Intermediate level: multi-table joins, grouping results, etc...)
  • Grid computing and batch management
  • Well rounded understanding of infrastructure disciplines (network, server, storage, messaging)
  • First point of contact for business requests and reported impact
  • Monitoring and alerting of critical trading system environments
  • Release implementation and post-release testing
  • Build and maintain strong partnerships with business stakeholders, application development personnel, and infrastructure contacts
  • Troubleshooting of complex systems issues
  • Proactive identification and resolution of problem hotspots
  • Development of tools and driving efficiency/stability improvements
  • Accurate tracking of support effort to enable effective management reporting
  • Enforcement of change management policy

Junior Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Troubleshooting data-production system and application problems
  • Investigating issues and root cause analysis, resolution of issues
  • Basic database administration, periodic application administration tasks
  • Documenting system functionality, configuration and maintenance tasks
  • Software application deployment and training to technical operators/users
  • Responsible for prioritizing, scheduling, and completing all work following established policy and guidelines in an assigned territory

Ngpf HPC Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with operations on producability changes
  • Assist the IPT to process engineering changes for producability
  • Align manufacturing process capability to design/blueprint requirements
  • Ensure raw material is ordered and delivered on time
  • Ensure manufacturing starts on time using demonstrated lead-times
  • Review process capability data from suppliers
  • Identify any risks and put plans together to ensure delivery is met
  • Process improvement of manufacturing processes
  • 10+ years engineering or manufacturing experience. Operations, producability, delivery and engineering background is a plus. Effective project management, communication and presentation skills required

EE Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Troubleshooting systems or CCAs that fail electrical or environmental test, and entering instructions for repair to the shop’s manufacturing control system
  • Investigating root cause and corrective action for test failures
  • Generating change requests for production hardware
  • Participating or leading teams tasked with improvement of test yields or test cycle time reduction
  • Supporting efforts aimed at reducing engineering support costs
  • Seek out and address problems
  • Perform duties with minimal supervision but under factory guidance for priorities
  • Manage priorities and actions in a rapidly changing environment
  • Efficiently determine failure causes and address high failure problems
  • Professional-level skill in the use of computers for office tasks, research, documentation, and presentations
  • Success with challenging engineering projects, including effective communication of project results in written reports and presentations
  • Experience and skill with EE lab equipment such as multimeters, signal sources, oscilloscopes, spectrum analyzers, and logic analyzers
  • Ability to plan and undertake root cause investigations and determinations
  • Ability to participate in or lead teams
  • Experience with designing or supporting production of electro-optical systems or CCAs
  • Experience working in a Raytheon factory environment
  • Skill in negotiating team solutions to problems
  • Ability to plan and undertake method improvements
  • Experience with programming Microsoft Excel or Microsoft Access applications
  • Programming skills in languages such as C++ and Java
  • Familiarity with EO products
  • Experience reading drawings
  • Experience reading specification documents
  • Experience and skill with data collection and analysis tools such as LabVIEW, MATLAB, MathCAD, or Mathematica
  • Experience and skill with EE design tools such as Mentor Graphics or Cadence
  • Experience and skill with EE simulation and analysis tools such as PSpice, Agilent ADS, Ansoft HFSS, Sonnet, or Zeland IE3D

Bidm Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Supports applications, revising, updating and providing documentation as required
  • Researches, prepares detailed specifications, defines, designs, develops, tests, debugs, installs, and modifies computer software in various platforms in a complex and integrated systems environment
  • Provides technical assistance to staff including interpretation of specifications
  • Researches new developments in hardware and software. Maintains currency in techniques and tools enabling system proficiencies and performance improvements
  • Performs systems integration testing and user acceptance testing as required by software development lifecycle
  • Performs other duties as assigned or requested
  • Bachelor's Degree BS in IS, Computer Science or a related field
  • 3-5 years information technology experience
  • Ability to analyze, develop and implement complex programming solutions
  • Documenting technical design and business requirements
  • Work effectively alone and in a team environment with quality and timely results
  • Continuously monitor the platform for operational excellence elements for process improvements
  • Create SQL queries and understand SQL scripts
  • Parse, analyze, and understand system log files
  • Customer Service orientation with the ability to effectively interact with users of all levels
  • Able to proactively address system issues that have potential impact for the corporation
  • Strong research, analytical, and troubleshooting skills
  • Support after hours coverage/escalation
  • Perform production deployments of software and DB changes
  • Knowledgeable of all operational and maintenance
  • 3-5 yrs. Professional technical management of Microsoft Server products
  • BA Degree in Computer Science or related field or equivalent experience
  • 3+ years of professional experience with Windows Server (2008-2012) in a highly-available environment
  • 3+ years of experience hosting .NET on IIS through version 8.5 in a highly-available configuration. (bonus points for SaaS experience!)
  • Experience with Linux platforms in a highly-available environment
  • Experience with public cloud operations (AWS/Azure/RackSpace)
  • Experience working with VMWare or similar private virtualization platforms
  • Experience with TLS and certificates
  • Programming/scripting expertise
  • Experience with configuration management and automation technologies
  • Experience with configuration and management of systems monitoring and management systems
  • General knowledge networking fundamentals including diagnostics with Windows/Linux tools
  • General knowledge of firewalls, switches and load balancers
  • General knowledge of SQL server with the ability to formulate queries as required
  • This position is eligible for the Employee Referral Bonus Program
  • Linux experience ideally in an Enterprise environment using RedHat or similar
  • Ability to read SQL Queries
  • 2+ years of Application Support
  • Experience with File Transfers, interface and connectivity issues are advantageous
  • Basic Windows 2008 Server

EU Non Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Interface with Global Development leads, from AVP to Managing Directors, with respect to testing and supporting their applications
  • Assist defining consistent global detailed daily procedures to assist with the completion of all required tasks
  • Set up global consistent process to monitor processes and update start, stop, and monitoring scripts when necessary
  • Oversee troubleshooting of problems and either solve or serve as point of escalation
  • 3+ yrs experience with environment support
  • The person must possess wide and deep technology knowledge. Experienced in using Enterprise Service Bus, SOA, classic ASP, and middle-wares such as Tibco RV or Solace etc
  • Part of Non Prod Support team at Prague
  • Own and drive environment improvement initiatives and setup processes to interface with global NPS teams and other stakeholders for follow the sun global support
  • Assist in setting up global consistent process to monitor processes and update start, stop, and monitoring scripts when necessary
  • 8+ yrs experience with environment support
  • Ability to manage small team
  • Learn the High Voltage Battery System to effectively represent the interests of the design team when interacting with all stakeholders involved in manufacturing (Manufacturing Engineering, Production, NPI, Quality, Supply Chain, etc.)
  • Provide nuanced engineering judgment and guidance to the factory on questions of design intent – refining engineering specifications when needed for update and/out ambiguity reduction
  • Respond to, own & resolve engineering related production issues including, but not limited to
  • BS in Mechanical Engineering with exceptional command of engineering fundamentals and strong engineering intuition
  • Proactive, self-starter with the ability to thrive in a fast paced environment with rapidly shifting priorities
  • Hands-on problem solving skills – experience doing so in a manufacturing environment is a plus
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills including an innate ability to recognize the needs of the various stakeholders involved
  • Strong organization and documentation skills including correspondence & reports
  • Experience with any or all of the following is a plus
  • Monitor process and quality ensuring a continuous flow. Uses technical training to make improvements in the process utilizing constant communication, involving team members and all production support disciplines
  • Eliminate equipment downtime by tracking problems to their root cause and correcting them
  • Make control modifications as needed to production equipment in assigned area
  • Adapt new products to existing or new production equipment
  • Act as a team floater. Maintain own certification and competence on all tasks required of the team
  • Assigns off line tasks such as attendance, line schedule, data entry, supplies etc
  • Accountable for the team's achievement of goals concerning quality and productivity
  • Facilitate assignment of off-line tasks such as attendance, line schedule, data entry, supplies etc
  • You are ridiculously reliable and able to work onsite in Boston every day
  • You have deep knowledge of networking topology and protocols
  • Your background includes supporting a Linux environment, including shell scripting
  • You have experience conducting and documenting Disaster Recovery tests, strategies and procedures
  • You have verifiable experience with hardware/software configuration and installation
  • You have thick enough skin to maintain your composure through a crisis situation and relay information about the incident to the CTO, President of Capital Markets and other SVP’s that will need information about what happened and what was done to prevent it from happening again
  • Assessing and troubleshooting an incident and providing a workaround
  • Works closely with development, infrastructure and other technology teams to quickly troubleshoot, triage and resolve issues
  • Follow all standard operating procedures consistently
  • Assuring the highest levels of availability for all monitored applications and products including general site availability and response time
  • Adhering to and following policies and procedures outline in the Operational Level Agreement (OLA)
  • Escalating incident to support areas and IT management based on thresholds set in the OLA. Monitoring the progress of escalated incidents
  • Creating and updating incidents accordingly within the ticket tracking system with detailed incident and resolution information. Notifying appropriate personnel and customers (internal and external) upon issue resolution
  • Categorizing incidents correctly and assessing/negotiating the urgency and impact of a reported or discovered incident
  • Matching multiple incidents and creating new problem error reports as well as matching incidents against known problems and errors
  • Responsible for critical customer impacting incident/outage notifications using predefined outage notification templates. Initiating and coordinating conference bridges for outages
  • Responsible for morning and evening overall system status reports as well as the proper turnover of incident tickets to the next shift
  • Working with partners to resolve issues
  • Bachelor’s Degree (or equivalent experience)
  • 3-5 yrs of experience in an Support/Operations role
  • Basic knowledge of Microsoft technologies (Server 2003,2008,2012, IIS 6.0/7.5, MSMQ)
  • Working knowledge of Linux, network protocols, Monitoring Tools, Nagios, Ticketing System
  • Basic networking knowledge
  • Detail and process oriented
  • Excellent presentation and communications skills
  • Must be available to work on weekends
  • Effectively document problems and their resolutions
  • Assist other Disney Technical staff with technical upgrades and new installations, in conjunction with 3rd party integrators and other third party providers
  • Follow the agreed change control process for all planned technology changes making sure that all work is documented and any changes updated on the relevant wiring/ cable schedules, workflow drawings and project documentation
  • Undertake preventative maintenance to ensure maximum system availability whilst managing and documenting the maintenance cycle
  • Alternatively educated to A level standard with a demonstrable track record in broadcast support
  • They will be technically competent across a wide range of broadcast related areas
  • Ideally working in the TV industry with a major broadcaster or post production facility and will have worked previously in a post production support role

Senior Saas Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Using our defect tracking system, work with Guidewire customers to understand any issues they report
  • Work with our development group members in a collaborative, team oriented fashion to isolate, diagnose, and resolve customer issues in a timely fashion and meeting service level agreements (SLAs)
  • Manage critical customer issues and facilitate communication between customers and R&D Engineering/Professional Services
  • Use our sophisticated and industry leading configuration tools to resolve customer change requests
  • Manage all hosting provider activities, including network and system changes, upgrades, patching, trouble shooting, change management, and configuration
  • Attend periodic customer meetings
  • Use source control tools such as SVN to manage deployments of code to production
  • Support client through testing of upgrades and enhancements from UAT to Production
  • Manage deployments according to best practices including installing (post-release) maintenance pack bundles and hot-fixes
  • 5-8 years of experience with direct customer interaction supporting Internet-based applications in Production environments
  • Ability to work collaboratively with Product Development, Professional Services teams and members of SaaS Operations to solve customer problems
  • Possess computer programming or software application coding skills (Java programming experience is preferred)
  • Experience with Rich Internet Technologies (HTML5 , AJAX or Flash)
  • Experience with Jira, SVN, Maven, Nagios, Cloud technologies and Virtual Machines is a plus
  • Experience with Agile/Scrum development is a plus
  • Bachelor Degree in Computer Science or equivalent
  • Reports directly to the Digital Banking Level 2 Support Manager
  • Performs production support, troubleshooting and maintenance (defect resolution)
  • Maintain multiple local environments for debugging systems
  • Remotely and locally debug code for multiple applications using the Bottomline standard tools on BT technology and architecture
  • Work cooperatively with Level 1 Support to gather issue information and educate them on new issues and solutions
  • Develop data repair scripts to address urgent client issues
  • Work with the Implementations and Delivery Teams on defect resolution and solution delivery
  • As an active member of the development community, utilize and promote best practices
  • Develop new technical skills and learn industry knowledge
  • Participate in process improvement efforts
  • Developing web applications using Ajax
  • GIT, Subversion
  • Developing banking and financial applications
  • Working professionally with customers
  • Agile Development Methodology
  • Works closely with software engineering, production engineering and other technology teams to quickly troubleshoot, triage and resolve issues
  • Creating and updating incidents accordingly within the ticket tracking system with detailed incident and resolution information. Notifying appropriate personnel upon issue resolution
  • Assist Engineering teams to improve application stability with the development and implementation of application monitors and alerts
  • Bachelor’s Degree with 3 years of experience
  • Experience with ITIL practices, specifically relating to Incident and Problem management
  • Working knowledge of Application servers (e.g. Jboss, Tomcat)
  • Working knowledge of scripting languages (e.g. Bash, Python)
  • Support technical solutions and alternatives to meet business requirements in adherence with MasterCard standards, processes and best practices
  • Lead day to day system development and maintenance activities of the team to meet service level agreements (SLAs) and create solutions with high level of innovation, cost effectiveness, high quality and faster time to market
  • Accountable for full systems development life cycle including creating high quality requirements documents, use-cases, design and other technical artifacts including but not limited to detailed test strategy/test design, performance benchmarking, release rollout and deployment plans, contingency/back-out plans, feasibility study, cost and time analysis and detailed estimates
  • Perform system maintenance, production incident problem management, identification of root cause, remediation of the problems and on-call pager support schedule. Select appropriate technical frameworks and solution delivery methodology. Adapt to the technical artifact templates per the needs of the project and technology. Contribute ideas to help ensure that required standards and processes are in place. Maintain solution and technology road maps
  • Collaborate with Vendor Resources for Support of Products
  • Conduct brownbag sessions on new and upcoming technologies, methodologies and application appropriate frameworks. Ensure knowledge transfer of vendor technology to MasterCard staff. Provide technical training to the other team members
  • Follow and promote Quality Assurance and Quality Control processes in the department. Actively look for opportunities to enhance standards and improve process efficiency. Mentor and guide other team members during all phases of the SDLC. Ensure adequate test coverage in Unit Testing, System Testing/Integration Testing and Performance Testing. Perform Quality Inspections and Walkthroughs through out the SDLC including Requirements Review, Design Review, Code Review and Security Review to ensure compliance with MasterCard standards

Senior Application Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Configuration, optimization and integration of data governance tools
  • Support of development, test, and production environments with responsibility for uptime and overall system performance
  • Support of the Data Governance tools suite running in Linux environments
  • Coordination of downtime with the application support team and perform upgrades and install patches and hot fixes
  • Data governance tools user account management
  • Ensuring developer/user compliance with environment strategy including devising monitoring methodologies and/or processes
  • Data quality reporting job configuration & administration

Fal Addc Ag Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Represent TAODT in those forums requested to contribute; e.g. Program Meetings, development groups via MFTs, etc
  • Coordinate with the different GBP the development of VSM and implementations of actions to achieve the AG2 goals
  • Coordinate the MFT associated with TIP (Tactical Improvement Plan) and develop as Production representative some of the actions
  • Coordinate and supervise the Housekeeping and FOD politics
  • Manage a multifunctional team with different departments and partners
  • Actuate as Focal point for Equipment’s NFF improvement
  • Run some of the projects related to TAKT40
  • Support the Boom functional Test phase as expert in boom
  • Run activities in AG2 associated with new tech developments (Future Factory, Digitalization…)
  • Contributes to Production excellence by managing and leading the Production tools (lean, Quest, etc.)
  • In the aircrafts with pending’s works, manage the final closure of them and also the relation with AG customer
  • At least 5-10 years of experience in a related area

Principal RF Subsystems Integration & Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Failure analysis / root cause determination and corrective action implementation
  • Please Note: This position can be a salary grade level Principal Electrical Engineer or Sr. Principal Electrical Engineer based upon the applicant's qualifications as they relate to the skills, experience and responsibility requirements of the position
  • Ability to trade cost, performance, and packaging approaches for RF seekers
  • Knowledgeable in the RF hardware lifecycle from requirements definition and architecture development through integration and verification, and production support
  • Technical writing and formal presentation experience
  • Experience in applying SPC methods in achieving production yield improvements
  • FRACAS processes
  • Shift engineer supporting post production operations
  • Accurately communicate via internal ticketing system
  • Perform maintenance of post-production systems
  • Monitor platform systems and be responsible the technical escalation process
  • Available for out of hours work when required
  • Adopting best practice with regard to broadcast / editing technologies
  • Work alongside Media Managers and Editors
  • Work alongside the Broadcast Projects Team to help deliver major projects
  • Ability to adapt with changing technologies
  • Experience as an Post Production Engineer or Edit Assistant preferred
  • Own the end to end delivery of key features and functions for major system enhancements
  • Design and develop high quality, secure, scalable software solutions based on technical requirements specifications and design artifacts within expected time and budget
  • Ensure code is easily maintainable and tracked in version control system
  • Participate in architectural decisions and product roadmapping
  • Research, create and evaluate technical solution alternatives for the business needs
  • Assist in examining commercially available and forthcoming industry technologies related to area of expertise. Research on current and upcoming technologies and application appropriate frameworks and provide recommendations to Management. Perform PoCs (Proof of Concept) and help Department in the selection of Technology. Proactively create and maintain solution and technology road maps
  • Ensure adequate test coverage in Unit Testing, System Testing/Integration Testing and Performance Testing. Perform Quality Inspections and Walkthroughs throughout the SDLC including Requirements Review, Architecture Review, Design Review, Code Review and Security Review to ensure compliance with MasterCard standards. Support collection and reporting of project and software metrics. Actively look for opportunities to enhance standards and improve process efficiency
  • Support small project test plans
  • Develop, document, and implement minor repair and rework procedures
  • Prove-out and implement new tools, fixtures, and assembly aids used in the manufacturing process
  • Generate work instructions and other process documentation
  • Provide engineering recommendations for process improvements. Analyze and implement those shown to yield positive results
  • Adhere to project schedule; communicating to Engineering any risks to project execution and recommendations
  • Engineering degree – ME, EE, MET, MfgE
  • Production/Operations Engineering experience
  • Knowledge and experience with equipment operation - electronics assembly and mechanical assembly processes
  • Four or more years of production process support experience
  • Ability to work off-shifts and weekends when necessary
  • Strong communication skills and ability to work with diverse workforce
  • 7+ years of progressive experience as a Senior Software Development and Production Support Engineer or in a related occupation
  • Analysis and development using various database systems such as SQL Server and Mongo DB. Expert level knowledge of relational databases is mandatory
  • Very good understanding of Operating Systems (Linux (Unix) and Windows)
  • Understanding of basic networking concepts (e.g. TCP/IP, http, DNS, Application Servers and their function)
  • Experience in one or more scripting languages (e.g. Power Shell, Perl, Shell Scripts)
  • Using standardized XML messaging systems including REST and SOAP
  • Troubleshooting performance issues, web applications, Windows services, and MVC applications in C# and .NET and Java
  • Strong knowledge of .net Framework (Required) and Java (Desired) with flexibility to learn new technologies
  • Source formats including XML, XSL, and XSLT
  • Performing ETL operations using ETL tools such as SSIS and SSRS
  • Implementing object-oriented concepts such as Polymorphism, Inheritance, Abstraction and Encapsulation using programming languages C# and Java
  • Troubleshooting and resolving database issues using SQL Server database
  • Creating stored procedures, views, functions, and database objects using SQL server database
  • Communication protocols including http, TCP/IP, and FTP (File Transfer Protocol)
  • Experience working with Source Code Control - Branching, Merging of Source code using tools e.g. GIT, Perforce, SVN etc
  • Report fixing/custom report generating
  • Advanced user configuration options
  • Support and use of advanced application functions at request of users
  • A core understanding of the Credit business and product knowledge specifically aimed at the trading of corporate bonds, CDS, Index and Structured Credit trading
  • Strong research, investigation and evaluation skills, with a structured approach to problem solving
  • Proven ability as a member of a team to communicate technical and production-related concepts to a broad range of technical and non-technical staff
  • Ability to work and effectively prioritise in a highly dynamic work environment that includes a global focus
  • Results oriented and highly flexible, team player
  • Utilizes extensive technical knowledge and excellent communication skills to ensure projects and tasks are completed on time and lead team members to excellence
  • Lead and support complex troubleshooting efforts across various technologies and services across a broad spectrum of applications. The issues in scope will typically have impacts at a portfolio or enterprise level
  • Influence Senior Support engineers to address their technical hurdles and challenges in supporting a broad range of applications
  • Partner with application development teams to actively understand their development and technology stacks, application architecture, infrastructure requirements and identify the gaps in their implementations
  • Lead application technology roadmaps, testing and proof of concepts, and solution validation. Participate in system design improvements and performance enhancements
  • Translate production support non-functional requirements into implementation stories and tasks for development teams
  • Collaborate with application development teams in order to make design, data and content management decisions as appropriate. May collaborate with Agile Software Architects, Product Owners or teams to scope and estimate costs for Production Support participation
  • Participate in the Scrum teams, retrospective meetings and sprint planning sessions. Activities in scope would include design reviews, sharing and reviewing relevant non-functional requirements, testing of capabilities etc
  • Mentor and educate other team members on best practices, approaches, and techniques associated with various development methodologies
  • Continuously share best practices and improve processes across the various portfolios? teams including the implementation of automation capabilities Ensure efficient use of CI/CD processes and tools with special attention to characteristics like reuse, scalability, resilience and performance of the migration solutions
  • Experience supporting various SDLC phases (Waterfall or Agile); Experience working with Agile development shops & use of Agile tools & techniques such as KANBAN &SCRUM. DevOps, CI/CD experience
  • S. Electrical Engineering or Electrical Practical Engineer
  • Minimum two years of experience in managing manufacturing line or Production floor support
  • Familiar with Linux OS installations/backup and with Perl scripts
  • Experience in HW problems diagnostic or in board design
  • ICT / JTAG designing

Tier Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for the production operations of an enterprise Ecommerce SaaS platform that is
  • Create internal documentation and Perform knowledge-sharing presentations to tier3 and tier2
  • At least 5 years of hands-on application support experience in a SaaS or web company, working
  • Perform operational duties including database backups, application server health, service recycling
  • Identify and resolve operational issues (e.g. batch failures, network issues, client data feed errors)
  • Monitor server performance, memory utilization, CPU, file systems, databases, batch jobs
  • Maintain operational documentation, e.g. incident tracking and run books
  • Produce metric reports including daily production status
  • Review Client support tickets and requests under service SLAs
  • Partner with other technical teams to resolve level 2 and level 3 issues (i.e. application support, DBs and data center related issues). Document issues in customer support portal
  • Provide on-call off hour support and work during non-prime shift hours
  • 2 to 3.5 years’ experience in production support experience in with Cloud-Based hosting administration, management and performance tuning under high availability SLA environment
  • Knowledge in Actimize solutions is a bonus
  • Experience with Unix, Linux, Windows, Tomcat, SSH, PGP and basic scripting skills
  • Experience with SQL Server, Oracle and MySQL
  • Proficiency with Perl/Windows scripting and regular expressions
  • Experience with and understanding of complex process and data flow
  • Ability to effectively and proactively communicate (both written and verbal) to various Actimize groups and Actimize clients on a daily basis
  • Experience with application debugging, performance, scalability
  • Familiarity with standard application security compliance best practices
  • Knowledge of fault detection and resolution processes
  • Experience working successfully independently and with other team members as well as developers
  • Ability to multi-task as required and provide rapid support in production
  • Must be able to provide on-call off hour support and work during non-prime shift hours
  • Propose solutions with resource and time estimation. Work on system developments
  • Work on maintenance on the existing systems
  • 3+years of working experience in IT function
  • Interacts and participates on all P1 Production issue calls and drives the root causes analyses
  • Ensures all servers/applications are monitored on an on-going basis with alerts including CPU, memory, storage, network and security issues and performance tuning
  • Monitors the technical team who keep the site up and going 24/7/365
  • Triages issues reported by various teams
  • Creates tickets, assigns and manages trouble tickets to the technical team
  • Tracks progress with both the technical team and the client business teams
  • Provides regular status updates to the client management team
  • Ensures the applications are highly available for the business users and eliminate any obstacles or road blocks
  • Proactively interacts with the project teams and coordinates cross-team collaboration
  • Coordinates and utilizes the onsite and offshore teams to support multiple applications
  • Coordinates updates from cross-continental teams
  • Availability to work late evening/mornings, as the role interacts with various global teams
  • Experience with/Exposure to FrontEnd Technologies JavaScript, HTML
  • Experience in working with monitoring tools such as NewRelic, Splunk is required
  • Experience with eCommerce framework like Oracle ATG a plus
  • Experience working on BCC, CSC tools is a plus
  • Experience working Managing, Administrating JIRA required
  • Bachelor's Degree in C.S. or equivalent
  • 7 + minimum years’ experience required
  • Excellent communication skills both oral and written
  • Strong interpersonal skills, including cross-cultural competency
  • Highly organized and detail-oriented
  • Coursework and/or experience successfully developing applications/automation for Windows platforms using Microsoft technologies
  • Excellent debugging skills across a variety of integrated platforms
  • Strong written and verbal communications, teamwork, and problem-solving skills are necessary
  • Ability to interact and communicate successfully with business partners and technology teams
  • Coursework and/or experience developing with Java, C#, .Net, HTML5, JavaScript, PowerShell
  • Coursework and/or experience developing services – preferably REST services
  • Self-starter who can grasp difficult concepts and large architectures
  • Strong estimation skills with ability to provide reasonable estimates
  • Understanding of the DevOps philosophy and a passion for iterative product improvement
  • Experience developing hosted client server applications
  • BS or MS in computer science or related technical field/or equivalent experience
  • Familiarity with Agile methodologies
  • Experience with Atlassian suite of products
  • Experience with ITSM framework and tools, such as Remedy or ServiceNow
  • Experience with LINQ, Angular, MongoDB
  • Associates degree required and Bachelor’s preferred in Mechanical, Electrical or Electromechanical field
  • With Associates degree- 5 years’ experience and with Bachelor’s degree -0-3 years’ experience in production / process maintenance or related technical position
  • Knowledge of electrical and machine repair
  • Excellent mechanical and electrical troubleshooting and analytical skills
  • Material Handling and Machine Automation industry experience preferred
  • Ability to provide good and timely quality results under pressure
  • Good analytical, problem solving, interpersonal and communication skills
  • Hands on experience on engineering methods such as FMEA, SPC, Pareto Analysis, Control Charts, Poka Yoke, 8D methodology and DoE is a plus
  • Preferably familiar with assembly equipment such as die attach, solder, cleaning, wirebond and gel filling
  • Teamworker with good communication skills to motivate improvements and drive the Change
  • Highly motivated and able to work independently
  • Hands on engineer, will work in front of the tool most of the time
  • Good analytical and problem solving, interpersonal, and communication skills
  • Demonstrating flexibility in approach and ideas, responds positively and supports changes in procedures, process, technology, responsibility and assignments
  • Master preferred /Bachelor required (university) degree in Electrical or Electromechanical Engineering - preferably with focus on power electronics and information engineering
  • 5 years’ experience as an electrical test engineer or in the field of Process or Equipment engineering, in a high technology/ high volume manufacturing, preferred semiconductor packaging environment
  • Measurement, Test equipment and Machine Automation industry experience preferred
  • Ability to provide good quality results under pressure and in a timely manner
  • Good analytical and structured problem solving, interpersonal, and communication skills
  • Hands on experience on engineering methods such as FMEA, SPC, Pareto Analysis, Control Charts and 8D methodology is a plus
  • Good knowledge of electrical and mechanical measurement methods and instruments, power electronics and circuit technology
  • Database setup and maintanance with good knowledge in SQL programming
  • Experience in Statistica, LabView and Visual Basic programming is preferred
  • Knowledge of data protocols and database structures used in industrial production equipment
  • Assist in Installation/Configuration of Operating Systems and Third Party products that run on the SGI AEGIS-Video™ and SGVideo™ Central Monitoring Systems
  • Able to test and debug system related problems
  • Support Customer Migrations
  • Organize, support and maintain Video Test Lab equipment
  • Assist in documenting and providing training for all video related projects
  • Work with Quality Assurance and Development to provide systems support
  • Perform Quality Assurance on product releases
  • Good Customer Support Skills
  • Ability to work with others in a team environment as well as work with the customer
  • 35% Travel Domestically and International
  • Ability to take Accountability and Responsibility for Onsite projects
  • SQL Server 2005/2008/2012
  • Red Hat, Fedora Core 4, Core 6, Core 9, Cent O/S and Ubuntu Linux
  • Crystal Reports and SQL Server Reporting Services
  • Lite-Speed and Windows Log Shipping, SQL Clustering, Mirroring and AlwaysOn Replication
  • HP ProLiant Servers (Blade and Rack-mounted), Cisco Switches, Routers and Firewalls
  • IP Cellular CDMA Modems
  • Assist defining the overall Non Production Support strategy
  • Communication of status of the test environments to project teams and management, which includes blocking issues, risks and changes that may affect the project deliverables and project schedules
  • Cooperate with EqDevOps on the strategic deployment strategy and get involved in the analysis phase and cooperate with EqDevOps and RTB teams in order to come up with the strategic, flexible and automatic deployment toolset to move all of our application estate to cloud
  • Extend the NPS Portal that was previously built by Prague NPS team to support all environments and all applications and integrate it with the BATHS framework too so that the availability of all the applications in Equities is well known and visible to everyone
  • Ability to support global QA team
  • Ensure all operational logs and journals on all events, reported issues, warnings, alerts and alarms are correctly documented, escalated, and executed within applied service levels
  • Maintains operational documentation, processes, management and diagnostic tools, ensuring that services are maintained at the agreed levels
  • Ensure compliance in process document creation, reviews, and record evidence of statistical sampling of incident tickets for required audit programs
  • Ensure that maintenance tasks are completed as per procedural documentation for scheduled BAU tasks and client specific infrastructure
  • 0 – 18 months relevant work experience
  • Good communication, interpersonal, and analytical skills
  • Basic knowledge of development and support methodologies / architectures
  • Basic understanding of various platforms (e.g. Unix, Windows, Linux)
  • Basic Understanding of SQL and scheduling
  • Associate’s or Bachelor’s degree preferred
  • Familiar with different tool sets
  • File processing to include verifying data quality and identification and communication of file variances and potential issues
  • Maintain and adhere production schedules to include ad-hoc requests
  • Ensure compliance and production standards by attend final code review meetings to determine production readiness (e.g. validate coding standards against the production readiness checklist, etc.)
  • Able to assist in developing and documenting job related procedures
  • Strong understanding of various platforms (e.g. Unix, Windows, Linux)
  • Strong Understanding of SQL and scheduling
  • Strong understanding of different tool sets
  • Data Security Standards (e.g. PCI, PII, etc.)
  • Source Code Control (e.g. CVS, TFX, etc.)
  • Strong understanding of Operational best practices
  • Strong time management
  • Able to manage and/or oversee 3 or less resources
  • 2+ months relevant work experience
  • Good knowledge of development and support methodologies / architectures
  • Good understanding of various platforms (e.g. Unix, Windows, Linux)
  • Good Understanding of SQL and scheduling
  • Good understanding of different tool sets
  • Data file transfer (e.g. SFTP, Connect Direct, etc.)
  • Data Manipulation (e.g. Unix awk, etc.)
  • Good Understanding of Operational best practices
  • Detail oriented and ability to multi-task

Lead Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Troubleshoot failures and determine best course of action
  • 8+ years relevant work experience
  • Able to drive the development of job related documentation and procedures
  • Excellent Understanding of SQL and scheduling
  • First contact for any testing problem
  • Provide onsite tier 1 support for tests, test infrastructures and tests setup
  • Introduction and training of new tests
  • Conduct test debugging and failure analysis whenever needed
  • Familiar with Linux OS installations
  • Attempt to solve as many issues as possible, escalate issues in a timely manner to application and / or infrastructure subject matter experts when appropriate
  • Work with production support staff (L2 and L3), development and QA regarding issue/resolution
  • Supporting and monitoring of the firm’s internal systems
  • Assist with automating processes to achieve efficiency and streamlined support
  • Liaise with development and infrastructure teams, prioritize tool enhancements, and coordinate and participate in software/new version releases
  • Uplift environment management tools to reduce risk and streamline efficiency
  • Collaboration with other technical support engineers, utilize expertise to help others in order to most quickly facilitate solutions for the customer
  • Minimum 3+ years of production support experience
  • Experience with Java, Spring framework, Hibernate, Linux, and SQL technologies
  • Experience with EmberJS preferred, but if candidate doesn’t possess this skill, he/she should have experience in at least one major javascript UI framework like AngularJS, ReactJS, ExtJS, Backbone etc and willingness to learn EmberJS
  • Building and debugging java and javascript applications
  • Strong analytical skills and temperament to resolve complex issues
  • Able to work in a fast-paced global team
  • Detail oriented, demonstrating thoroughness and strong ownership of work
  • Experience in financial services companies will be added advantage
  • The candidate, will need experience with JCL, IAM/VSAM file management, Mainframe and scheduling (CA7), in addition to Frist Vision experience
  • Scheme processing and set up skills are a necessity , as are Debit, Credit and ATM processing knowledge Candidate should be able to manage small projects independently, create statistical reporting for batch jobs and operation area that can be used to increase performance whilst reducing incidents
  • This person will need to work with peers in development team in order to have technical input to new projects and to ensure standards are adhered to
  • The role will require working on some weekends and on occasions evenings. Candidate will need to be on call at which time could be contacted OOH to support any P1 incidents
  • Troubleshoots and documents software product defects escalated from various support groups
  • Assists with the deployment of product hot fixes and other related solutions
  • Documents solutions for use by support staff
  • May act as a liaison between various support groups and development
  • May produce metrics based reporting for reported database problems and environmental concerns
  • May document product defects for submission to the software development team
  • May track resolution of product defects and/or system performance problems
  • Act as regional escalation for all day-to-day issues impacting the plant
  • Create, drive and manage KPIs and real-time monitoring dashboards to ensure optimal system performance
  • Proactively identify areas for stability improvement in the software/hardware stack as well as operational processes
  • Ensure quality management of incidents and proactive follow-ups to issues
  • Engage and collaborate with a diverse set of stakeholders and partners – external vendors, internal application development and support teams, infrastructure teams , and business stakeholders to name a few
  • Help drive platform evolution – leverage past experience in KDB or similar large scale data capture / analysis tools
  • Manage the on-boarding of new applications/functions to the platform
  • Ensure resiliency of the platform through managed DR/SR/HA events. Identify and partner with development staff to eliminate single points of failure in the environment
  • Collaborate with teams distributed globally, including a 24x5.5 team located in India
  • Perl/Unix Shell Scripting
  • SQL skills - Sybase, MS-SQL and Oracle
  • Monitoring software - Geneos, Splunk, APM
  • Familiarity with basic networking concepts TCP/ FTP
  • KDB+ database experience (or similar ‘big data’ analysis tool) a significant plus
  • Past development roles / skills a significant plus - in particular Python or Java programming
  • Past experience in Java a plus
  • Problem solving skills - natural inclination towards problem resolution
  • Self driven & proactive
  • Customer Service Orientation - build positive working relationships with customers at all times providing realistic information and managing their expectations
  • Problem solving - Ability to understand complex component/system/service interactions and look for causes and provide solutions
  • Gain deeper knowledge and expertise in Enterprise Operations and various solutions that we have developed
  • Work on Host Management Console and Client Job processing in CTE
  • Implements and maintains enterprise-wide system tools and ensures scalability
  • Leads the research and evaluation of deeper investigations on client issues
  • Work on Production and test databases- SQL, MySQL, Oracle
  • Facilitating the handling of Global P1 issues
  • Monitor and Troubleshoot various Concur Applications
  • Work on and administrate Nagios, Zenoss, and Pingdom monitoring tools
  • Working on maintenance, Deployments, Releases. Restores
  • Define and develop new innovative ways to work on our processes and find and recommend fixes in application Code bases
  • Take up challenges in owning various tasks and documentation
  • Work closely with your peers on product and various teams to integrate your offerings into our products and tech stacks there by facilitating information sharing and cross-pollination of ideas between various departments
  • Identify problems that can be solved with automation and initiate the process
  • Influence through expert knowledge and leadership across the broader organization
  • Bachelor’s Degree in Computer Science, Electronics, Statistics, and Electrical Engineering (BE, BCA, BSc, BCom. or any related technical field plus significant knowledge in the area of IT)
  • 1+ years of relevant industry / academia experience in Enterprise/Support Operations
  • ITIL certification details if available
  • Certifications on any IT related topics such as MCSE, CCNA, SQL, is a plus
  • Confidence building and working in Event Driven Architectures
  • 2) Jira 2 years
  • 3) SQL queries, Scripts 2 years
  • 4) release mgt 2 years
  • Responsible for production monitoring, triage, code investigations and data updates for all ConnectiveRx applications
  • Perform initial triage of production incidents to identify code or data issues
  • Create and test database scripts to correct data anomalies
  • Identify and develop synthetic monitoring capabilities to identify application issues before external impact occurs
  • Interface with Application Development Engineers to communicate issues and suggest remediation
  • Communicate status of production tickets to internal and external stakeholders
  • Serve as release manager for software deployments
  • Demonstrated Linux aptitude or experience
  • Excellent attention-to-detail
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills with the ability to effectively communicate highly-technical concepts in lay terms
  • A desire to work on a collaborative team
  • Ability to provide the highest-quality customer support from start to finish
  • Experience supporting various SDLC phases (Waterfall or Agile)
  • Experience working with Agile development shops & use of Agile tools & techniques such as KANBAN &SCRUM
  • DevOps, CI/CD experience Working knowledge of revant ticketing system; UNIX command line & UNIX scripting; Window O/S; Autosys job management for scheduling, monitoring & reporting; Oracle/sybase scripting Middleware technologies, JBOSS, Apache Global Load Balancers; Tibco/ESB
  • Typically assigned to more complex platform systems. Establishes production runs, ensuring that appropriate job control language, run documentation and data files are available
  • Creates job set-ups. Provides software configuration management for host and off host platforms in the realm of change deployment, change execution, job scheduling, release management, and release implementation
  • Trouble shoots and restores service to multiple applications, Networks and systems using industry accepted techniques and procedures
  • May design, code, benchmark test, debug and document programs. Applications generally involve utility programs, job control language, macros, subroutines and other control modules
  • Performs impact analysis to output data processing based on user and client requirements. Analyzes documentation supporting changes in a complex production environment
  • Serves as an escalation point for more complex issues and escalations which involve troubleshooting technical issues and resolving data/configuration issues
  • Collaborate with multiple internal teams across disparate groups to resolve client support escalations
  • Collaborate with Product Management and Engineering to review software enhancements and provide design feedback

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l3 support engineer resume

Production Support Engineer Resume Sample

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Work Experience

  • Experience developing Java applications
  • Experience building or supporting highly available Tibco applications
  • Linux shell scripting or PERL programming experience
  • SQL / NO-SQL / General Database experience
  • Provide analysis and support for projects and requests, including negotiation andcoordination with other teams and IS project teams regarding issues and the ability to meet delivery targets
  • Collaboration with geographically and culturally diverse cross-functional teams
  • Provide project management support for smaller projects, wave of sprint based initiatives
  • Consult with management on business needs, process improvement opportunities and operational effectiveness
  • Responsible for all levels of administration, documentation and support of regional and global migration activities
  • Involvement in a rota to ensure adequate coverage across all desks. Current hours of coverage provided by the team are from 07:00 until 21:00
  • Ad-hoc Weekend working to support critical business initiatives such as application rollouts, infrastructure changes or Disaster Recovery tests
  • Work or co-op experiences in an electronic Design and/or testing/troubleshooting experiences in manufacturing environment
  • Solid knowledge of TCP/IP, routing, switching
  • Working knowledge with Linux, routers, switches and firewalls
  • Knowledge of general quality control procedures and methodologies
  • Write script to run function or reliability test
  • Analysis and solve problem
  • Provide production support run book and SOP documentation for assigned production applications of complex systems
  • Work with technical teams Network/Windows/Unix/DBA resources and achieve timely results
  • The ability to work with business teams in the execution of project related and process related activities
  • Develop on process improvement opportunities
  • Distribute project workload effectively within the team, with other teams and external groups to meet committed dates
  • Understand future directions and enhancements of assigned application and process
  • Develop and report metrics associated with system performance and project execution progress
  • Actively participate or lead local / global projects efforts as required by IT Management
  • Actively seek and lead process improvements activities either locally or globally as required

Professional Skills

  • Strong communication skills, including excellent writing and presentation skills
  • Strong performance and tuning experience Excellent communication skills are required
  • Strong troubleshooting skills / optimization skills
  • Excellent people skills, experience leading and collaborating in a multi-disciplinary, diverse, and dynamic team environment
  • Strong organisation skills, including the ability to prioritise and delegate as necessary and work to tight deadlines
  • Strong communication, prioritization and problem solving skills
  • Excellent knowledge of personal computing, communication, collaboration and troubleshooting skills

How to write Production Support Engineer Resume

Production Support Engineer role is responsible for technical, presentation, leadership, software, design, customer, troubleshooting, business, database, documentation. To write great resume for production support engineer job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Production Support Engineer Resume

The section contact information is important in your production support engineer resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Production Support Engineer Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your production support engineer resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous production support engineer responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular production support engineer position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Production Support Engineer resume experience can include:

  • Establish good working principals for how to address concerns quickly and effectively
  • Strong organizational and leadership skills, self-motivated and focussed on achieving set goals
  • Excellent communication-, problem solving- and presentation skills
  • Proven experience in strong communication and managing multiple stakeholders
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills and able to communicate with all levels of management
  • Good support, implementation and delivery skills

Education on a Production Support Engineer Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your production support engineer resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your production support engineer experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Production Support Engineer Resume

When listing skills on your production support engineer resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical production support engineer skills:

  • Clear communications skills, attention to detail, and strong organizational skills
  • Experience with IT production support with strong troubleshooting abilities to effectively diagnose root cause of technical issues
  • Strong analytical capability, and good organizational skills
  • Strong Networking / IT skills. Ability to troubleshoot connection issues, understanding how to work remotely on distant environments
  • Strong relationship management skills and the ability to build collaborative working relationships
  • Experience working effectively with technical and non-technical personnel

List of Typical Experience For a Production Support Engineer Resume

Experience for senior production support engineer resume.

  • Excellent interpersonal skills & diplomatic abilities
  • Strong scripting skills - Python / Powershell / Perl / etc
  • Strong SQL skills and knowledge of various databases
  • Strong communication skills and ability to work with a diverse workforce
  • Good communication skills with ability to articulate the technical aspects to L2/L3 teams
  • Strong experience supporting systems/ applications using Tomcat and Apache web servers
  • Work effectively in a fast paced and demanding environment troubleshooting complex systems

Experience For Associate Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Solid experience 4+ years with Stratus/OpenVOS command line interface, including proficiency with VOS macro scripting language
  • Good English reading skill
  • Communicate effectively to various levels of Sr. Management -- Technology and Business
  • Effectively interact with co-workers, internal users and their business contacts
  • Work independently on multiple projects, Ability to multi-task effectively
  • Experience using Splunk, including writing SPL queries and creating dashboards

Experience For Junior Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Experience with managing incoming technical troubleshooting
  • Strong working knowledge in scripting
  • Experience in developing and/or debugging application code
  • Strong analytical structured problem solving and decision making abilities
  • Strong knowledge of Unix (Solaris and RHEL) and various types of scripting (shell, perl, xml, javascript)
  • Good knowledge of server builds, operating system and software application installation in physical and virtual environments

Experience For IT Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Good knowledge of Java programming language, Java server, Struts
  • Good knowledge of shared storage concepts, including SAN and NAS
  • Total experience working in Production Support & Application Support Environments
  • Proven ability to lead initiatives end-to-end, coordinating others in order to deliver
  • Basic knowledge and experience working in Linux environment

Experience For Post Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Excellent technical report writing and handover documentation is required to assist support management
  • Strong ability for independent work completing projects
  • Professional experience developing web-based software is required
  • Experience working with technical applications in an IT organization
  • Quickly develop excellent working relationships with internal technology leads
  • Strong understanding of complex business processes/functions
  • General experience with networking

Experience For Senior Saas Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Comprehensive experience with Splunk search terms and ability to do correlations between data sets and data indexing
  • Identify and define typical reporting requirements to standardize client experience and ensure consistency and quality
  • Experience supporting enterprise customers
  • Previous experience working in a technical helpdesk/service center
  • Strong infrastructure knowledge in Linux / Unix, Windows, Databases (Sybase, DB2 &Oracle), Storage, Networking and Web Technologies
  • Experience in manufacturing environment
  • Have worked in an Agile environment and obtained a good understanding of scrum/kanban
  • Experience with Sequence Manufacturing Work Instructions
  • Previous experience and detailed understanding of electronic board design and manufacture

Experience For Non Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Production/Operations Engineering experience
  • Proven history of optimizing business processes to maximize efficiency
  • Experience working with remote colleagues, suppliers or producers
  • Development experience in developing
  • Experience of Deploying Applications
  • Experience working in a remote office
  • Experience analyzing system logs, event logs, crash dumps, SQL Trace files, within a Windows or Linux environment
  • Experience in Agile development techniques, including Scrum
  • Experience with scheduling tools such as Control M and/or Autosys

Experience For Fal Addc Ag Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Experience in one or more of the following: JIRA, Pirana and Autocad is advantageous
  • Good report writing and handover documentation is required to assist support management and to be dedicated to minimise the re-active
  • Experience working with Juniper firewalls and switches
  • Good to have C, C++, Java J2EE technology stack and web technologies /, Python, Go, Perl, Ruby or shell scripting (Unix/Linux)
  • Experience of maintaining Pro Tools systems an advantage
  • Application development or engineering experience
  • Experience with Monitoring Tools such as Splunk, Wily, DynaTrace or Geneos

Experience For Principal RF Subsystems Integration & Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Development Experience in an Advanced Programming Language such as Java or C++
  • Experience working with Continuous Integration Systems (TeamCity, Octopus, Jenkins)
  • Solid understanding of incident/problem and release management methodology
  • Experience with highly critical production environments
  • Good ability to troubleshoot network connection issues and application issues
  • Good knowledge of SQL and database concepts, preferably Sybase, and JDBC protocols
  • Experience with monitor solutions such as Zabbix, Nagios, Cacti, or Solarwinds

Experience For SQL Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Proven ability to handle complex situations in a fast paced environment
  • Excellent communication and reactionary/triage instincts
  • Experience, in design, manufacturing and/or quality of electromechanical products
  • Strong understanding of mechanical & electrical principles
  • Experience in Reporting and Analysis

List of Typical Skills For a Production Support Engineer Resume

Skills for senior production support engineer resume.

  • Strong Linux command line skills, Unix Shell Scripts, SQL knowledge
  • Excellent professional verbal and electronic communication skills
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills to deal with both internal and external customers
  • Excellent verbal, written and executive level presentation skills
  • Using your iOS, Android, API, and client-side UI skills to solve critical customer technical escalations to R&D from our Technical Support organization

Skills For Associate Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Using your Java, database, and web API and UI skills to solve critical customer technical escalations to R&D from our Technical Support organization
  • Strong experience supporting, maintaining and troubleshooting Web Applications
  • Demonstrated solid technical understanding of engineering principles and procedures
  • Aptitude for learning and complex problem solving, advanced analytic skills
  • Unparalleled troubleshooting and problem-solving skills
  • BS in engineering discipline (Preferably Mechanical, Electrical, or Manufacturing) or relevant work experience; with 0-3 years experience
  • BS in engineering discipline (Preferably Mechanical, Electrical, or Manufacturing or relevant work experience) with 0-3 years experience

Skills For Junior Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Great customer service, communication and teamworking skills
  • Keep technical skills and knowledge of Equifax enterprise technology platforms and service offerings current by closely working with core engineers
  • Strong application development experience in developing highly scalable and available systems
  • Strong experience troubleshooting JVM performance
  • Support and customer facing experience. Experience with financial customers an advantage
  • Solid experience in Windows and Linux or other UNIX based OS and networking systems

Skills For IT Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Strong experience in problem and change management reporting and processes
  • Experience in Network Support 5 years of experience in Field Computer Technician
  • Able to document effectively support solutions
  • Progressive information technology experience with full application development life cycle and systems integration experience
  • Strong experience with jboss, Tibco AMX, Tomcat, TC, Apache, Websphere, and Pivotal Cloud Foundry
  • Strong Linux/Unix and Redhat experience

Skills For Post Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Solid experience working with big data elements like server logs, user URL’s, etc
  • Communicate effectively to various levels of Sr. Management – Technology and Business
  • Understand the requirements and process to effectively transition design changes, new designs, or deviations into production
  • Participate effectively in process improvement teams and complete any assigned actions
  • HTML5/Angular JS Development skills
  • Scripting experience with Python, Bash or Shell scripting languages
  • Creating effective metrics to measure production test flow and yields
  • Experience managing a trading production support team at a top Investment Bank, Hedge Fund or other leading Financial Services institution

Skills For Senior Saas Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Experience in working with Hadoop based Big Data platform like Hortonworks Data Platform; Understanding and working knowledge of Ambari, Yarn, Hive
  • Experience in writing and maintaining Windows and/or Shell scripting
  • Experience in troubleshooting issues with different framework to handle backend data feed processing, scheduling, encryption and feed communication
  • Experience with implementing monitoring solutions and scripts, familiarity with monitoring REST, SOAP based web services
  • Knowledge and experience in proposing and implementing engineering change notices
  • Experience in performance tuning especially tuning complex queries, stored procedures, functions, and indexing strategies
  • Define and optimize test parameters through the employment of good engineering methodology like understanding products and test equipment
  • Experience with building or supporting Cloud Technology such as AWS, Cloud Foundry or Google Cloud

Skills For Non Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Experience in writing and troubleshooting Oracle PL/SQL code
  • Experience writing and ensuring compliance with production SOPs
  • Working experience with Java - ie. production support, testing, developer, etc
  • Experience deploying and troubleshooting LAMP and Tomcat solutions
  • Experience working with various video formats, transcoding, and DRM

Skills For Fal Addc Ag Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Experience working within ticket tracking and change management environments
  • Design engineering experience using Creo
  • Software engineer experience and/or site reliability engineering in one of the following languages: COBOL, JCL, CICS
  • Design and manufacturing engineering experience
  • Experience developing applications and coding in Java

Skills For Principal RF Subsystems Integration & Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Experience utilizing MAntis ticketing system
  • Experience troubleshooting problems caused by software, scripting or hardware errors
  • Experience in developing web-based transactional applications using Java
  • Experience in working with technical data and understanding complex technical terminology
  • Demonstrate initiative through recommending innovative solutions and continuous improvements to existing processes
  • Define and optimize process parameters through the employment of good engineering methodology like DoE
  • Experience working with IIS
  • Able to balance the apparent conflicting demands of business priorities, deadlines, quality and budget

Skills For SQL Production Support Engineer Resume

  • An excellent understanding of the television signal chain, specifically SD-SDI, HD-SDI, UHD and SMPTE 2022
  • A good understanding of control systems and comms systems
  • An excellent knowledge of personal computing
  • Experience supporting risk P&L systems
  • Experience with financial markets and trading processes
  • Excellent work ethic – willing to be on-call nights/weekend
  • Experience with any of the following tools: PADS Dx Designer, PSPICE, LTSPICE, MATLAB, Computer Simulation Technologies (CST)

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Production Support Engineer Resume

Responsibilities for senior production support engineer resume.

  • Oversee the initial canvassing, qualification and technical evaluation of on-location production facilities domestically and internationally and encapsulate this information into a “production readiness document” assist in determining the show’s readiness to embrace digital production methodologies
  • Closely align, with all Technical Support teams (i.e. TSE’s) that configure, deploy and support any desktop systems and servers embedded within key Motion Picture Production departments
  • Strong analytical skills and ability to learn quickly on the job
  • Experience administering and supporting software applications, preferably data-related
  • Experience supporting business facing applications
  • Monitor and maintain existing production support, working closely with the operate & software engineer teams
  • Provide education/Coaching to the operate support/software engineering teams
  • Broad experience in supporting diverse database environments is beneficial

Responsibilities For Associate Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Provide 1st and 2nd level technical support to our index business stakeholders, building strong relationships
  • Experience supporting an enterprise environment
  • Experience with computer-based video editing systems (i.e. Final Cut, Avid, Smoke, etc), and other post-production related equipment
  • Maintain and update Skill Matrix for Staff competency and provide training
  • Strong interest in learning Agile development practices
  • Experience in working with vendor applications
  • Experience developing enterprise solutions on SQL server and Oracle database platform
  • Experience in transitioning developed or purchased applications into the support environment

Responsibilities For Junior Production Support Engineer Resume

  • BS or MS in Engineering, related discipline, or equivalent work experience
  • Experience of using delivery technologies such as Aspera, Signiant etc
  • Experience providing end-user IT support for Windows 7
  • Extensive related IT experience including
  • Experience working with Oracle SQL
  • Strong knowledge of system & software architecture, object-oriented design and working knowledge of microservice architecture
  • Knowledge and experience with equipment operation - electronics assembly and mechanical assembly process including robotic assembly cells and vision systems

Responsibilities For IT Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Production/Operations Engineering experience in an internship and/or co-op position
  • Experience working with a VMware Virtual Infrastructure cluster
  • Strong knowledge of custom alerts and ability to integrate with data housed in disparate data sources to create workflow driven alerting
  • Experience with Unix and Mac OS
  • Flexible nature with the ability to prioritize and handle multiple tasks simultaneously
  • Excellent customer-service and follow-through
  • Experience in Application Technical Support

Responsibilities For Post Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Experience in Network Support
  • Experience in Field Computer Technician
  • Experience installing custom/proprietary applications under Windows Server environments
  • Experience with highly critical production environments. Understanding the importance of production environments (test, deploy, smoke/confidence test)
  • Triage and prioritize customer tickets from Customer Support team
  • Experience with various OS such as Windows and Linux
  • Layer 1-4 network administration experience

Responsibilities For Senior Saas Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Experience with Application Performance Management (APM) or AppDynamics
  • Infrastructure and middleware support experience
  • Strong academic background with graduation in a relevant technical field
  • Work closely with a variety of client teams and internal business units to achieve operational efficiency and effectiveness
  • Javascript and java experience
  • Experience in Enterprise tools like NagiosXI, Zenoss, Pingdom, and New Relic

Responsibilities For Non Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Experience in technical support, software development, implementation, analytics, business intelligence, or a related field
  • Successful work experience in large online and/or offline transactional business
  • Technical experience in software design, development and product support
  • Experience with change management, risk management, governance and portfolio management
  • Good technical background with mechanical and electrical knowledge
  • Application Development or Production Support experience
  • 6+years IT experience in database/application area
  • Experience supporting Internet-based applications in Production environments
  • Have a background as a software engineer with at least 5+ years of hands on experience (ideally with ETL, UNIX & scheduling)

Responsibilities For Fal Addc Ag Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Lead Member of Technical Staff: 7-9 years of experience
  • Principal Member of Technical Staff: 10+ years of experience
  • Ph.D. in Computer Science with 2 years of experience in the field OR
  • Master in Computer Science with 4 years of experience OR
  • Experience of production line follow up and equipment maintenance
  • Experience of production equipment and tester
  • Strong technical and operational knowledge of broadcast video equipment such as tape machines, routers, and signal converters

Responsibilities For Principal RF Subsystems Integration & Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Associate Member of Technical Staff: 0-2 years of experience
  • Member of Technical Staff: 3-5 years of experience
  • Senior Member of Technical Staff: 5-7 years of experience
  • IT experience

Responsibilities For SQL Production Support Engineer Resume

  • Often leads scope prioritization for development teams as product owner for customer issues
  • Maintain day-to-day production activities, monitor and prioritize workflow and schedules
  • Strong background in Linux/Unix
  • Experience with ETL development (preferably Informatica)
  • Experience with OrCAD electronic design tools

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We provide IT Staff Augmentation Services!

L3 network engineer resume.

  • A Network Engineering Professional with over 8 years of experience in network design, implementation, troubleshooting and managing of large - scale enterprise networks. I provided Level-2 support for Network Operations Center's team as per the organizational requirement.
  • Extensive experience of working on network equipment such as Cisco routers, Cisco switches, Cisco firewalls and F5 Load balancers
  • Experience in Configuring and aggregating FEX (2148, 2248, and 2232) switches to the NEXUS aggregator switches (5548, 5596, 5020 and 5010) and NEXUS 7018.
  • Experience in working on advanced features like VPC, VDC in Nexus and VSS in Catalyst 6500
  • Expertise in implementing gateway redundancy protocols like HSRP and GLBP.
  • Extensive experience in configuring and troubleshooting various Switching protocols which includes VTP, STP, RSTP, PVST, MSTP, creating VLANS and Ether Channel (PAgP, LACP) and implemented inter-VLAN routing besides creating SVI’s and VLAN Trunking using 802.1q.
  • Proficiency in configuring, troubleshooting various Routing Protocols (BGP, OSPF, EIGRP, RIP, STATIC) and management of routes using manual summarization, default-routes and redistribution.
  • Experience in implementation of offset-list for route manipulation and Access Control Lists, Route-maps, Distribute lists & Prefix- lists for route filtering.
  • Experience Implementing Cisco ASA (5512/5550/5585 ) series firewalls and configured DMZ interfaces to restrict traffic flow.
  • Network security including TACACS+, NTP, TFTP and SNMP.
  • Hands on experience with Cisco IOS upgrades on different Cisco devices and modules.
  • Experience in configuring ACLs, NAT, Subnetting, VLSM, Syslog Server, DHCP Server, DHCP relay on Cisco routers.
  • Good understanding on Wireless LAN Controller.


Cisco Routers: 2600, 2900, 3600, 3800, 7200 and 7600

Cisco L2 & L3 Switches: 2900, 3560, 3750, 4500, 4900 and 6500

LAN Technologies: Ethernet, Fast Ethernet, and Gigabit Ethernet, VLAN, Inter-VLAN Routing, VTP, STP, RSTPWAN Technologies Frame Relay, PPP, HDLC, (E1/T1/E3T3)

Network Security: Cisco ASA (5512/5550/5585 ), ACL, IPSEC.

OS products/Services: DNS, DHCP, Windows (2000/2003/2008, XP)

Routing Protocols: RIP v1/v2, OSPF, EIGRP, BGP, PBR, Route Filtering, Redistribution, Summarization, and Static Routing.

Gateway Load Balancing: HSRP, VRRP, GLBP

Network Mgmt. Tools: Wire shark, Net flow Analyzer, Cisco Works, SNMP, SYSLOG

Security Server Protocols: TACACS+, LDAP, RADIUS


L3 network Engineer



  • Responsible and resolving escalated tickets in complex situation where business critical applications are running.
  • Troubleshooting the different issues where complex routing and switching expertise are required.
  • Build complete new hospital environment having 4500-x VSS, NEXUS 5576 & 2248 VPC FEX. Access layer switch 4510 chassis and stacks of WS-C U.
  • LAN and WAN design & implementation for existing and new environment. IP Subnetting and allocation ordering required BOM.
  • Ordered bill of material (BOM) for a new hospital and worked on cabling parts along with the SFP’s.
  • MPLS, Internet and METRO turn up and hitless upgrade on a 4500-X VSS without any downtime.
  • Worked on MPLS complex routing changes on BGP, OSPF & EIGRP where P2P circuits are implemented and preferred.
  • LAN refreshment making a NON VSS 4500 replacing with 6510 VSS and replacing all end of life switches to 3850 switches and depend on the requirement and port density replacing 4500 chassis.\
  • LAN refreshment including design & implementation from collapse core to 3-tier architecture and WAN redundancy with a new service provider.
  • Worked on cisco for bring outside vendors to communicate via VPN. Build GRE tunnels by connecting ASR9001 to the core for all different migration.
  • Worked on servers migration and understanding the VMware and virtualization which connected to End of life and End of support switches from 3560, 3750, 3850 etc. which are having no dual power source to the Nexus-5x as part of power redundancy.
  • Go-Live for a new hospital covering all the requirements for the client.
  • Pre-requisite network survey for the juniper environment, where juniper 4200-X, Nortel 5548, Aruba 6000 wireless control .wireless survey with floor maps to check the signal strength.
  • Worked on DMZ environment along with security team where PALO ALTO’s are in place for our network. Involving in F5 load balancing too and represent same on VISIO.
  • Implemented Switches and Routers based on customer requirements
  • Worked on Multicast based on application requirements and UCS chassis connection

L3 Network Engineer

Confidential, Houston, TX

  • Implementation of Cisco Security manager 4.5 for managing all the firewalls right from installation, roles assigning, backups, HA and deployment. Involved in project planning and reviewing based on the requirements and deploying within the existing network.
  • Need to provide Knowledge Transfer (KT) sessions to the team who work on firewalls and explain them how to handle and work with CSM 4.5.
  • Worked with the data center planning groups, assisting with network capacity and high availability requirements.
  • Designing and implementing test labs for the testing on CSM.
  • Configured ASA 5525, 5540 and 5550 to ensure high-end security on the network with ACLs and Firewall.
  • Created and design network layout and documented network system design with detail information using Visio software.
  • Designing and configured Gigamon420for our network and deployed successfully in our data center as a replacement of fluke taps.
  • Worked on Nexus platform7018, 5K series (5548, 5020 and 5010) and FEX (2248, and 2232) and deployed VPC, VDC and OTV and successfully implemented VSS on the Cisco switches.
  • Deployed catalyst switches 6500, 4508, 4500 and 3750 in the distribution and access layer.
  • Part of team implemented data center disaster recovery and responsible for configuration and testing purpose before production.
  • Installand upgrade Cisco network switch and router IOS software
  • Involved in managing the Routing Protocols OSPF and BGP on 7200 and 7600 and on ASR.
  • Tested various BGP attributes like local p, MED, Weight and replicated customer issues in the testing environment lab
  • IP Allocation for all applications and servers with high availability throughout the company.
  • Involved in providing access to user machines and partners outside our network by SSL and IPSec VPN tunneling.

L2 Network Engineer

  • Responsible for entire LAN and WAN maintenance and troubleshooting of the company network. Involved in the Team of Data Center Operations to perform duties like administration and deployment of Cisco Routers and Switches according to the organization requirements.
  • Involved in project planning and reviewing based on the requirements and deploying within the existing network.
  • Idea on VMware and vitualization during the windows migration on 2003.
  • Reviewing all changes to network configuration for technical accuracy and provide solutions to Multi-Protocol Network problems.
  • Configured and managed VLANs, 802.1Q Trunk, RPVST+, Inter-VLAN routing, HSRP and LAN security for Layer-2 and Layer-3 switching domains as per the organization's requirement plan.
  • Deployed Nexus 2000 series Fabric Extenders, Nexus 5000 series Fabric Interconnects and 7000 series switches. Deployed features like VPC, VDC, FEX links & OTV.
  • Involved in managing the Routing Protocols OSPF and BGP.
  • IP Allocation for all applications and servers with high availability throughout the company. Configured ASA 5540 to ensure high-end security on the network with ACLs and Firewall. worked on ACS 6004 console server (Avocent - Cyclades console server ) for authentication through TACACS+.
  • Involved in designing WAN infrastructure for redundancy in case of link failure.
  • Responsible for technical evaluation, troubleshooting, overall project management, problem solving and turn-up of the service with the ISP.

Network Engineer

  • Played responsible role for implementing, engineering, & level 2 support of existing network technologies / services & integration of new network technologies / services
  • Configured and managed 2600, 3500, 7613 Cisco Routers and 4500 and 6500 series Cisco Switches
  • Configured RPVST+ for loop prevention and VTP for Inter-VLAN Routing and configuring switch for 802.1x port based authentication
  • Implemented port aggregation & link negotiation using LACP and PAGP
  • Involved in design, implementation and configuration of HSRP for load balancing on L3 switches on different location of office on the switched network
  • Worked on installation, maintenance, and troubleshooting of LAN/WAN ( NAT, DHCP, TCP/IP)
  • Carried out route redistribution BGP to OSPF& manipulated route updates using distribute lists, route-maps & administrative distance, and offset-lists
  • Configured Access List (Standard, Extended, and Named) to allow users all over the company to access different applications and blocking others
  • Configured Client VPN technologies including Cisco’s VPN client via IPSEC
  • Troubleshot issues and outages on Trunks and Router interfaces and firewalls extensively
  • Provided technical assistance for LAN/WAN management and complex customer issues
  • Assisted Network Engineer in the installation and configuration of firewalls
  • Performed on-call support for installation and troubleshooting of the configuration issues
  • Provided Technical support for improvement, up gradation, and expansion of the existing network architecture

Associate Network Engineer

  • Responsibilities included taking care of the IP Addressing in the organization which included designing new subnets based on the requirements.
  • Involved in implementing & Designing the switched network. Configured STP, VTP and DOT1Q in switching network.
  • Created VLAN & Inter-VLAN Routing with Multilayer Switching.
  • LAN Cabling in compliance of CAT5 standards infrastructure like Racking and Stacking
  • Assisted in Troubleshooting LAN connectivity and hardware issues.
  • Maintained Redundancy on Cisco 2600, 2800 and 3600 routers with HSRP.
  • Performed RIP, OSPF, EIGRP routing protocol administration
  • Involved in monitoring the performance of the network, thereby identifying the bottlenecks in the network, troubleshooting the connectivity problems using Ping, Trace route, and Telnet.
  • Involved in troubleshooting IP addressing issues and Updating IOS images using TFTP.
  • Worked on troubleshooting customer related issues related to router configuration, L1/L2 issues.
  • Daily responsibilities included monitoring network connectivity, administration of the remote location, assisted in design guidance for infrastructure upgrade.
  • Installed Wireless Access Points WAPs at various locations in the company.
  • Analyzed and studied Client requirements to provide solutions for network design, configuration, administration and security.

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l3 support engineer resume

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l3 support engineer resume


  1. Sample Resume For L3 Support

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  3. Sample Resume For L3 Support

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    Work History. Level 3 Technical Support Engineer, 12/2019 to Current. Nasuni - Denver, CO. Change Management -Experience with planning,coordinating and follow up approvals ,implementation of technical changes . Problem Management - Worked to identify the root cause on reactive/Proactive problems and prevent them .

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    Provide 2nd Level Support.Monitor incident management queue. Create problem records and perform root cause analysis. Perform proof of concept solution validation and complex issue reproduction while interfacing with engineering, product management, and quality assurance teams. Work closely with the scrum master and peer engineers to plan ...

  3. Technical Support Engineer Resume Examples for 2024

    Then, incorporate those elements into your summary. For example, if the job emphasizes experience with certain software or systems, mention your expertise with those specific tools. Technical Support Engineer with 3+ years of experience providing software and hardware support for XYZ Company's enterprise products.

  4. Technical Support Resume Sample & Job Description [20 Tips]

    Seeking to provide expert technical support to enterprise organizations as the L3 tech support engineer at QuantX Group. Work Experience. IT Technical Support Specialist L2/Tier 2 January 2017-November 2019 ... Same on technical support engineer resumes. Here, the "first few words" come in the form of a heading statement, known as either ...

  5. Support Engineer Resume Samples

    Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples. Install and configure computer systems, diagnose hardware and software faults and solve technical and application problems. Act as the point of escalation when issues arise and direct them where most appropriate. Liaison between the Vancouver and Sydney IT support teams.

  6. Level 3 Support Engineer Resume Sample

    Check Out one of our best level 3 support engineer resume samples with education, skills and work history to help you curate your own perfect resume for level 3 support engineer or similar profession. LiveCareer-Resume. Builders. Resume Builder. Create a professional-level resume with ease. 30+ dazzling design options!

  7. How To Write a Technical Support Engineer Resume

    Here are seven steps for writing your support engineer resume: 1. Read the job description. Read the job description for the job you're seeking before you write your draft. It's important to understand the details and requirements of the position so that you can customize your resume for the specific job. This might increase the likelihood that ...

  8. 2024 Support Engineer Resume Example (+Guidance)

    As a Support Engineer, your resume should highlight your technical skills, problem-solving abilities, and customer service experience. Here are some keywords and action verbs you might want to consider: 1. Technical Skills: Mention the specific technologies, software, and hardware you are proficient in.

  9. Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples for 2024

    Find the best Support Engineer resume examples to help improve your resume. Each resume is hand-picked from our database of real resumes. Builders. Resume Builder. Create resume in a few steps - done in minutes. ... Provided L2-L3 support, including escalation management on Sun x86, SPARC, Storage and OS;

  10. Technical Support Engineer Resume Examples for 2024

    Here is an example of a measurable achievement for a technical support engineer quantifiable resume: " Implemented a new ticketing system that improved customer response times by 25%. As a result, customer satisfaction scores increased by 15%, and the number of escalated issues decreased by 30%.".

  11. Support Engineering Resume Samples

    Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates. CHOOSE THE BEST TEMPLATE - Choose from 15 Leading Templates. No need to think about design details. USE PRE-WRITTEN BULLET POINTS - Select from thousands of pre-written bullet points. SAVE YOUR DOCUMENTS IN PDF FILES - Instantly download in PDF format or share a custom link.

  12. What does a L3 Support Engineer do? Role & Responsibilities

    Yes, support engineers get paid well. The average salary of a support engineer is $120,339 per year. However, some can make even more depending on their experience level and where they work. Engineers can pursue advanced positions within companies, such as a senior support engineer. This can help increase their salary up to $159,710 per year.

  13. Level 3 Technical Support Specialist Resume Sample

    Jessica Claire. Montgomery Street, San Francisco, CA 94105 (555) 432-1000 [email protected]. Summary. Technical support specialist with 4 years in technical and customer support roles. Effectively identifies problems using advanced troubleshooting skills. Skilled at resolving complex network issues.

  14. 7 Best Technical Support Engineer Resume Examples for 2024

    Technical Support Engineer Resume with No Experience. Recent graduate with strong computer engineering knowledge, an eagerness to learn, and excellent customer service skills, looking for an entry- level technical support engineer role. Skills. Strong knowledge of computer hardware and software. Excellent communications and customer service skills.

  15. Application Support Engineer Resume Sample

    Senior Application Support Engineer. 01/2016 - PRESENT. Boston, MA. Provide Level 1 and 2 support (24x7) of Scottrade's in-house and 3rd party distributed production applications, as well as deployment of new software, upgrades and application code to remediate known defects. Effectively escalate to Level 3 in-house and 3rd party support ...

  16. 7 Best IT Support Engineer Resume Examples for 2024

    IT Support Engineer. 123 Main Street | Anytown, USA 99999 | Phone: (123) 456-7890 | Email: [email protected]. I am an experienced IT Support Engineer with 6+ years of experience in supporting IT systems, managing personnel, and troubleshooting hardware and software issues.

  17. 5 Software Support Engineer Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

    Your software support engineer resume must clearly highlight your technical proficiency. Include specific programming languages and troubleshooting methodologies you're adept with. Demonstrate your ability to effectively communicate complex solutions to non-technical users. Employers value a software support engineer who excels at customer ...

  18. Technical Support Engineer resume examples for 2024

    The average technical support engineer resume is 525 words long. The average technical support engineer resume is 1.2 pages long based on 450 words per page. Technical support is the most common skill found on resume samples for technical support engineers. It appears on 15.0% of technical support engineer resumes.

  19. Production Support Engineer Resume Samples

    EE Production Support Engineer Resume Examples & Samples. Troubleshooting systems or CCAs that fail electrical or environmental test, and entering instructions for repair to the shop's manufacturing control system. Investigating root cause and corrective action for test failures. Generating change requests for production hardware.

  20. Support Engineer Resume Sample

    Support Engineer. 12/2012 - 06/2017. Boston, MA. The Escalation Manager has responsibility for Customer Executive level contact and communication surrounding alignment and sign off on de-escalation strategy, as well as update communication paths. Create internal/external content for Successfactor's knowledge base.

  21. Production Support Engineer Resume Sample

    Production Support Engineer. 09/2012 - 09/2017. San Francisco, CA. Responsible for all levels of administration, documentation and support of regional and global migration activities. Involvement in a rota to ensure adequate coverage across all desks. Current hours of coverage provided by the team are from 07:00 until 21:00.

  22. Apply for L3 Support Engineer Jobs Today

    Senior Environmental Engineer. Sylvamo 3.4. Ticonderoga, NY 12883. $88,700 - $147,900 a year. Full-time. Monday to Friday + 2. Easily apply. Provide technical support for overall Environmental Management System. This position also serves as a lead consultant for other environmental engineers at the….

  23. L3 network Engineer Resume

    L3 Network Engineer Resume. 2.00 /5 (Submit Your Rating) Hire Now. SUMMARY: A Network Engineering Professional with over 8 years of experience in network design, implementation, troubleshooting and managing of large - scale enterprise networks. I provided Level-2 support for Network Operations Center's team as per the organizational requirement.