Environmental Health and Safety Problem Solution Essay

The need for waste management is essential in assessing the requirements for properly managed waste in a community. Needs assessment process would involve checking the existing waste management strategies, identifying the areas of importance, focusing on the critical needs, and identifying possible solutions. Waste management involves supervising the gathering, ferrying, processing, discarding and recycling of waste materials formed by human activity.

If this waste is not well managed, it can be a threat to humans and the environment in general. Thus, needs assessment for managing waste would be conducted by observing the methods that can be used to control the negative effects of waste. Waste is classified into four classes namely solid, liquid, gaseous, and radio active. Each of these four classes has its own methods of discarding.

To begin with, observation of how landfills are managed is essential in assessing the need for waste management. Landfill is whereby waste is collected and buried in an isolated piece of land that is relatively far from residential areas such as quarries. The waste is then compacted and covered in order to keep rodents away and keep the waste intact. This is the cheapest method of discarding waste but its effectiveness relies on how the dumping site is planned and run.

There are several problems that are associated with landfills. Lemann (2008) argues that if the landfill is not planned well, it might attract rodents such as rats and mice and also debris from the dumpsite might be blown by wind into residential areas. Secondly, these dumping sites generate a gas that contains carbon dioxide and methane which is produced by decaying organic matter.

This gas has a fowl odor and does not support plants life. This gas can be extracted using perforated pipes and then burnt to generate electricity. Thus, without proper management of landfills in a community, the community is deemed to be affected by waste.

Another method of waste management that can be assessed is incineration. Incineration is the most appropriate method of discarding solid, liquid and gaseous waste. Its best suited for places where land is inadequate. In this method waste is discarded by burning or by exposing the waste matter to high temperatures referred to as thermal treatment. The waste is usually put in a furnace where it is burned to produce gas which is then used to produce electricity.

Recycling involves collecting waste bins and ferrying them to a recycling center. Once they arrive at the recycling center, they are graded according to the materials that are used to manufacture them. This is to ensure that waste that is made from a common material can be remanufactured to make new goods. Good examples of products that can be reused are aluminum cans, plastic beverage containers, computers, glass jars, PVC and papers.

Involving the Community in Needs Assessment Process

Biological reprocessing.

This is one of the methods that can be used to involve the community in needs assessment process. Organic waste for example food bits and pieces, plants and papers is reprocessed using biological absorption and composting to decay the organic waste which is then used as manure (organic fertilizer) in farms.

This process is used to increase the process of decaying the organic matter. During this process methane is extracted and is thereby used in producing electricity. This method has been found to be more efficient than the other methods of discarding waste.

Energy Retention

The energy contained in waste material can be recaptured by converting them into other forms of fuel. This means that the waste material can be used in homes as fuel for cooking food and also the gas that is obtained from decaying matter can be used as fuel in boilers that produce electricity in turbines.

The process of extracting this gas from organic waste is called gasification. The waste material is put into boilers that are tightly sealed to create high pressure. The boilers are then heated at very high temperatures which in return change the form of the waste from solid to liquid and lastly gas. The gas and the liquid are reprocessed to produce energy while the solid material is converted to active carbon.

Methods of Avoiding Accumulation of Waste

According to Vaughn (2009), there are several ways through which accumulation of waste can be avoided. The first one is by adopting the habit of continuous use of items that had been used previously. To add on to that all households and organizations should be encouraged to repair their broken items instead of replacing the item with a new one. By doing this, all dustbins will remain empty.

Manufactures too can contribute to avoiding accumulation of waste by coming up with products that can be reused. For instance plastic shopping bags should be replaced by cotton bags because cotton can be reprocessed to make another shopping bag.

Consumers can also participate in this campaign by not using disposable products such as plastic knives, plates, spoons and forks. Manufacturers should also use light materials in their products for instance in telecommunications industry lighter phones are more preferred than bulky ones because they are easy to carry around.

All companies that manufacture goods for local and external markets should be held accountable for the lifecycle of their goods from the time they are manufactured till they are fully exhausted. Individuals or organizations that will be found polluting the environment should be made to compensate for the damages they cause to the environment.

In conclusion, the pollution of air and water by discarding toxic materials and also polluting the soil by deforestation and emitting toxic gases that damage the ozone layer contribute to global warming which poses a great threat to human lives and those of other living things on planet earth.

Lemann, M.F. (2008). Waste Management . Switzerland: Peter Lang AG, International Academic Publishers.

Vaughn, J. (2009). Waste Management . Santa Barbara, California: ABC-CLIO, Inc.

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IvyPanda. (2018, May 16). Environmental Health and Safety. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environmental-health-and-safety/

"Environmental Health and Safety." IvyPanda , 16 May 2018, ivypanda.com/essays/environmental-health-and-safety/.

IvyPanda . (2018) 'Environmental Health and Safety'. 16 May.

IvyPanda . 2018. "Environmental Health and Safety." May 16, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environmental-health-and-safety/.

1. IvyPanda . "Environmental Health and Safety." May 16, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environmental-health-and-safety/.


IvyPanda . "Environmental Health and Safety." May 16, 2018. https://ivypanda.com/essays/environmental-health-and-safety/.

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  • Environmental Protection Essay


Essay on Environmental Protection

Environmental protection is improving, defending, and maintaining the quality of the environment. The main methods of environmental protection are recycling, reusing, and reducing; however, some other methods such as Green Energy production, green transportation development, and eco-friendly industrialization also exist. Not only residents but also businesses and industries should play their basic roles to improve the environment.

The History of Environmental Protection  

Humankind has always been concerned about the environment. The ancient Greeks were the first to develop environmental philosophy, and they were followed by other major civilizations such as India and China. In more recent times, the concern for the environment has increased because of growing awareness of the ecological crisis. The Club of Rome, a think tank, was among the first to warn the world about the dangers of overpopulation and pollution in its report "The Limits to Growth" (1972).

In the early days of environmentalism, people thought that the best way to protect nature was to set aside areas where humans would not disturb the environment. This approach, which is known as preservation, was given a major boost in the United States with the establishment of the National Park Service in 1916.

The modern environmental movement began in the 1960s when concerns about the negative impact of humans on the environment began to increase. In response to these concerns, governments around the world began to pass legislation to protect the environment. In the United States, for example, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) was established in 1970.

The Principles of Environmental Protection

There are three fundamental principles of environmental protection:

The precautionary principle: This principle states that if an activity has the potential to cause harm to the environment, then steps should be taken to prevent that harm even if there is no clear evidence that the activity is damaging.

The polluter pays principle: This states that the party responsible for causing pollution should be held responsible for cleaning it up.

The public right to know the principle: This principle states that the public has a right to know about any potential threats to the environment and what is being done to address them.

The goals of Environmental Protection

There are three main goals of environmental protection:

To protect human health: This is the most important goal of environmental protection because humans cannot survive without a healthy environment.

To protect ecosystems: Ecosystems are the foundation of life on Earth, and they provide many benefits to humans, such as clean air and water, food, and fiber.

To promote sustainable development: Sustainable development is a development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs.

Environmental protection is a practice that aims to protect the natural environment from the hands of individuals, organizations, and governments. It is the need of the hour because the Earth's environment is deteriorating every day, and the reasons are human beings. They are mishandling the Earth's environment to fulfill their needs. If it goes like this, then it is difficult to say that the future generation will have a safer environment to live in. Through this essay, you will learn the importance of environmental protection.

A Long Essay on Environmental Protection

It is imperative to protect our natural environment from deteriorating, and the only way to do that is through environmental protection. This process should be adopted by every country as soon as possible before it is too late. The objective of this process is to conserve all the natural resources and try to repair some parts of the environment that are possible to get repaired. The biophysical environment is getting degraded permanently because of overconsumption, population growth, and the rapid development of technology. This can be stopped if the government plan strategies to restrict these activities to perform in a controlled way. This environmental protection essay can be a great help for the students to understand the environment they are living in.

Voluntary Environmental Agreements

Voluntary environmental agreements are getting popular in most industrial countries. Through this free essay on environmental protection, one will learn more about this type of agreement. These agreements provide the companies with a platform where they are recognized if they are moving beyond the minimum regulatory standards for protecting the environment. These agreements support the development of one of the best environmental practices. For example, the India Environment Improvement Trust (EIT) has been working in this environment field since the year 1998. Through this environmental protection essay, one is getting so much to learn.

Ecosystems Approach

An ecosystem approach to environmental protection aims to consider the complex interrelationships of the ecosystem as a whole to the process of decision making rather than just focusing on specific issues and challenges. The environmental protection essay writing will give a more precise overview of this approach. The ecosystems approach aims to support the better transferring of information, develop strategies that can resolve conflicts, and improve regional conservation. This approach has played a major role in protecting the environment. This approach also says that religions also play an important role in the conservation of the environment.

International Environmental Agreements

In the present scenario, many of the Earth's natural resources have become vulnerable because of humans and their carelessness towards the environment across different countries. As a result of this, many countries and their governments have come into different agreements to reduce the human impact on the natural environment and protect it from getting deterioration. Through this environmental protection essay in English, one will get a much clearer view on this matter particularly.

The agreements made between different governments of various countries are known as International Environmental Agreements. This agreement includes factors such as climate, oceans, rivers, and air pollution. These agreements are sometimes legally bound, and in case they are not followed, it may lead to some legal implications. These agreements have a long history with some multinational agreements that were made in the year 1910 in Europe, America, and Africa. Some of the most well-known international agreements are the Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. Through this environmental protection essay, it is clear that governments are taking steps to solve the environmental issue, but it is not enough.

A Short Paragraph on Environmental Protection in English

Earth is a beautiful place to live in, with the most favorable environmental conditions for living beings. But we humans are making it vulnerable and are destroying our own homes with activities that are causing pollution at an increased rate. In this protecting the environment essay, 200 words will be explained properly on how to save the environment.

Environmental protection has become the need of the hour as it is getting destroyed each day. So, governments are making policies and are coming into agreements with other countries to come up with strategies that can protect the environment. Some companies also have the same aim of protecting the environment from the activities of humans.

In this short article on environmental protection, it is clear that if sudden steps are not taken then, our future generation will have to live in a polluted environment that is conserved very conserve difficult. Environmental protection is the key to a safe and secure future with a beautiful environment to live in. 

With pollution increasing each year and causing deterioration of the natural environment, it has become necessary to take steps to protect the natural environment. As we know that the reason for all these problems is humans, governments should make policies to restrict their activities that are causing harm to the environment. If they are not stopped urgently, then the world might see some catastrophic destruction in the coming years. For example, climate change has been a huge problem, and this is one of the causes of increased pollution. A secured future depends on the environment as a whole.


FAQs on Environmental Protection Essay

1. What are International Environmental Agreements?

International environmental agreements are legal contracts between countries that discuss the protection of the environment to provide better living to present and future generations. These include issues such as climate, oceans, rivers, air pollution, etc. we should always consider that if we harm our environment, then it can affect us as well, and we will become more vulnerable. If we do not take action now, it might get a lot worse. We need to be the generation that starts taking care of our planet and future generations!

2. What is the Kyoto Protocol?

The Kyoto Protocol is one of the most well-known and successful international environmental agreements that has been made in the past to protect the environment. This agreement between countries was made to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases which are causing damage to the ozone layer and climate change. With the help of Kyoto, protocol countries have reduced emission rates by 8% and are planning to reduce them more so that future generations can live in a healthy environment in which they can flourish.

3. What is the Paris Agreement?

The Paris Agreement was made in 2015 to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases and to stop climate change. This agreement is very important as it includes every country in the world, and all have agreed to work together to stop climate change. This is a huge step forward as it means that everyone is now working together to try to save our planet. If we try to solve these problems together, then we will have a chance to save our planet.

4. What is the Green Climate Fund?

The Green Climate Fund comes from an agreement made in 2010 to provide money for developing countries that are going through issues such as deforestation and air pollution by making them more sustainable. This fund has a goal of collecting 100 billion dollars by 2020 for supporting developing countries. If this can happen, then many lives can be saved, and we will be able to see a lot of positive changes in the coming years and decades so that we can see an improved environment.

5. What are some activities that harm the Environment?

Some activities that harm the environment include burning fossil fuels, deforestation, air pollution, and wastewater discharge. These activities harm not only the environment but also humans, and we must take action now to reduce the impact which we are causing. For example, the burning of fossil fuels is one of the main reasons for climate change and air pollution, which both have a huge impact on humans. If we stop these activities, then it will be a lot better for everyone!

6. How can we protect the Environment?

Environmental protection is very much required in today's time. Some of the ways to protect the environment are to reduce, reuse, recycle, conserve water, save electricity, clean up the community, educate people on pollution, conserve water, preserve soil, tree plantation, use long-lasting bulbs, and plant trees. Heaven these are the ways which help us to protect the environment from getting polluted.

7.  Why is Environmental Protection Important?

The ecosystem in which we live provides the natural services that are very much important to humans and other species for health, quality of life, and survival. So to protect that, environmental protection is very important. Hence, governments of various countries should make strategies to protect our natural environment from getting polluted.

Environment Safety Essay


Children might have seen the black smoke rising from the chimneys of factories and industries. Even the sight of dumping harmful chemicals into water bodies is disturbing for them, and they wonder how much harm we are doing to the environment . Through this environment safety essay, we can teach our children how to protect and save our environment.

Environment safety is the greatest need of today as the state of the environment is collapsing each passing day. We, humans, take everything we want from it, reaching a point where there will be no environment for the future generation to live in. Environment safety thus aims to reduce the damage done to the environment by following the best practices. This short essay on environment safety will be useful for children to understand more about the topic. They will also be able to write an essay by using this environment safety essay as a reference.

Environment Safety Essay

Importance of Environment Safety

In this part of the short essay on environment safety, we will see why it is important to follow proper environment safety measures. Humans have a long history of looting and plundering, and it is the same in the case of the environment as well. Surely, all the things made in factories or produced in industries make our lives smoother. But will it be fine to live in the same space, inhaling harmful gases and drinking untreated water ?

The environment safety essay teaches us that our actions can seriously affect the environment. So, to save our natural resources, we must bring down the human impact on them. The short essay on environment safety will delve into this matter deeply.

Both companies and individuals come forward in this mission to create a safe environment for all. Our environment is on the verge of degradation, and we are all responsible for it. Although we cannot undo the damage we have done, we can be more careful in how we treat the waste and not pollute the air.

Ways to Ensure Environment Safety

Since we have understood how making a product with less environmental impact will be beneficial, we will now see other ways to ensure environment safety in this short essay on environment safety. Environment safety is practised at the organisational level where the companies implement certain policies and rules to limit the disposal of pollutants in the environment. Through this, they also ensure the safety of employees and workers in the company.

Individuals working in factories and industries are often exposed to working in harsh conditions and with harmful chemicals. As they are at risk of getting many diseases, companies should put forward control solutions to minimise their exposure to such hazards. Substituting the harmful chemicals with less severe ones is another effective way to ensure environment safety. Besides, providing proper ventilation in the working areas could prevent the dispersion of contaminants.

The environment safety essay provided by BYJU’S will help children realise the significance of environment safety. They will be able to easily write an essay on the topic from the points discussed in this article.

Frequently Asked Questions on Environment Safety Essay

What is meant by environment safety.

Environment safety deals with a set of policies followed to ensure that the surrounding environment is free from danger and that people are safe to live or work there.

How will the short essay on environment safety help children?

Children will be aware of environment safety through this essay provided by BYJU’S. They will be able to speak or write on the topic as this essay is easily understandable and covers most of the important points.

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Essay on Save Environment

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  • Apr 24, 2020

Essay on Save Environment

Essay writing is an important part of the school curriculum, competitive exams like GRE , IELTS , TOEFL , etc. and higher education as well. One must know how to precisely select arguments, collect the data based on them and put it all together in their write-up. Usually, the essay topics given to students are based on the latest political, social and environmental issues. Due to the changes occurring in our surroundings, essays based on saving the Environment are becoming very popular. Keeping that in mind, this blog presents you some sample essays on Save Environment. 

Sample Essay 1 on Save Environment

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Sample Essay 2

Sample essay 3 on save environment.

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Environmental Issues Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on environmental issues.

The environment plays a significant role to support life on earth. But there are some issues that are causing damages to life and the ecosystem of the earth. It is related to the not only environment but with everyone that lives on the planet. Besides, its main source is pollution , global warming, greenhouse gas , and many others. The everyday activities of human are constantly degrading the quality of the environment which ultimately results in the loss of survival condition from the earth.

Environmental Issues Essay

Source of Environment Issue

There are hundreds of issue that causing damage to the environment. But in this, we are going to discuss the main causes of environmental issues because they are very dangerous to life and the ecosystem.

Pollution – It is one of the main causes of an environmental issue because it poisons the air , water , soil , and noise. As we know that in the past few decades the numbers of industries have rapidly increased. Moreover, these industries discharge their untreated waste into the water bodies, on soil, and in air. Most of these wastes contain harmful and poisonous materials that spread very easily because of the movement of water bodies and wind.

Greenhouse Gases – These are the gases which are responsible for the increase in the temperature of the earth surface. This gases directly relates to air pollution because of the pollution produced by the vehicle and factories which contains a toxic chemical that harms the life and environment of earth.

Climate Changes – Due to environmental issue the climate is changing rapidly and things like smog, acid rains are getting common. Also, the number of natural calamities is also increasing and almost every year there is flood, famine, drought , landslides, earthquakes, and many more calamities are increasing.

Above all, human being and their greed for more is the ultimate cause of all the environmental issue.

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How to Minimize Environment Issue?

Now we know the major issues which are causing damage to the environment. So, now we can discuss the ways by which we can save our environment. For doing so we have to take some measures that will help us in fighting environmental issues .

Moreover, these issues will not only save the environment but also save the life and ecosystem of the planet. Some of the ways of minimizing environmental threat are discussed below:

Reforestation – It will not only help in maintaining the balance of the ecosystem but also help in restoring the natural cycles that work with it. Also, it will help in recharge of groundwater, maintaining the monsoon cycle , decreasing the number of carbons from the air, and many more.

The 3 R’s principle – For contributing to the environment one should have to use the 3 R’s principle that is Reduce, Reuse, and Recycle. Moreover, it helps the environment in a lot of ways.

To conclude, we can say that humans are a major source of environmental issues. Likewise, our activities are the major reason that the level of harmful gases and pollutants have increased in the environment. But now the humans have taken this problem seriously and now working to eradicate it. Above all, if all humans contribute equally to the environment then this issue can be fight backed. The natural balance can once again be restored.

FAQs about Environmental Issue

Q.1 Name the major environmental issues. A.1 The major environmental issues are pollution, environmental degradation, resource depletion, and climate change. Besides, there are several other environmental issues that also need attention.

Q.2 What is the cause of environmental change? A.2 Human activities are the main cause of environmental change. Moreover, due to our activities, the amount of greenhouse gases has rapidly increased over the past few decades.

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Essay on Environment

Here we have shared the Essay on Environment in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 250, 400, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Environment in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Environment in 150-200 words

Essay on environment in 250-300 words, essay on environment in 500-1000 words.

The environment is our natural surroundings, encompassing air, water, land, and diverse ecosystems. It sustains life on Earth, providing essential resources and habitats for all living beings. However, human activities such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change are posing significant threats to the environment and its delicate balance.

Protecting the environment is crucial for our well-being and the planet’s sustainability. It requires collective action and individual responsibility. We must adopt sustainable practices, reduce pollution and waste, conserve resources, and support conservation efforts. By valuing and preserving the environment, we ensure a healthier and more prosperous future.

Governments, businesses, and individuals must work together to address these environmental challenges. Promoting renewable energy, implementing effective policies, and raising awareness about the importance of environmental conservation are key steps to protect our planet.

Preserving the environment is not just an obligation but also an opportunity to enhance our quality of life and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come. Let us embrace this responsibility and work towards creating a harmonious relationship with nature, respecting its intrinsic value and preserving its abundance for future generations.

The environment is the natural world around us, comprising the air we breathe, the water we drink, the land we live on, and the diverse ecosystems that support life. It encompasses everything from the smallest microorganisms to the largest forests and oceans. This essay briefly discusses the importance of the environment and the need for its protection.

The environment plays a crucial role in sustaining life on Earth. It provides us with essential resources, such as clean air, water, and food, and offers habitats for countless species. It regulates the climate, supports biodiversity, and contributes to the overall well-being of human beings and the planet.

Unfortunately, human activities have had a detrimental impact on the environment. Deforestation, pollution, habitat destruction, and climate change pose significant threats to ecosystems and biodiversity. These activities have resulted in the loss of species, degradation of ecosystems, and disruption of natural cycles.

To ensure a sustainable future, it is imperative that we take collective action to protect and preserve the environment. This includes adopting sustainable practices, reducing pollution and waste, conserving natural resources, promoting renewable energy sources, and supporting conservation efforts.

Individual actions, such as reducing carbon emissions, recycling, and conserving water, can make a significant difference. Additionally, governments, businesses, and organizations must implement policies and initiatives that promote environmental sustainability.

By valuing and protecting the environment, we not only safeguard the well-being of future generations but also enhance our own quality of life. Preserving the environment is essential for maintaining the balance of ecosystems, combating climate change, and ensuring a healthy planet for all living beings.

In conclusion, the environment is of utmost importance for the well-being of both humans and the planet. It provides essential resources, supports biodiversity, and regulates the climate. Protecting the environment is a shared responsibility that requires individual and collective action. By adopting sustainable practices and supporting conservation efforts, we can contribute to the preservation of our environment and ensure a sustainable future for generations to come.

Title: Environmental Conservation – Protecting Our Planet for Future Generations

Introduction :

The environment is the foundation of life on Earth, encompassing the air, water, land, and ecosystems that support all living beings. It provides us with vital resources, regulates the climate, and sustains biodiversity. This essay explores the significance of environmental conservation, the threats it faces, and the urgent need for collective action to protect our planet.

Importance of Environmental Conservation

The environment is vital for our well-being and the sustainability of the planet. It provides us with clean air to breathe, safe water to drink, and nutritious food to eat. Ecosystems support biodiversity and provide habitats for countless species, contributing to the overall health of our planet. The environment also plays a crucial role in regulating the climate, preserving natural cycles, and mitigating the impacts of natural disasters.

Environmental Threats

Human activities have led to various environmental threats that endanger ecosystems and biodiversity. Deforestation for agriculture, logging, and urbanization destroys habitats and contributes to climate change. Pollution from industrial activities, transportation, and improper waste disposal contaminates air, water, and soil. Climate change, primarily caused by the excessive release of greenhouse gases, results in rising temperatures, melting ice caps, and extreme weather events. These threats have far-reaching consequences for both the environment and human societies.

Conservation Strategies

To protect the environment, proactive conservation strategies are necessary. Sustainable practices, such as reducing waste, conserving resources, and promoting renewable energy sources, are key to mitigating environmental impacts. Reforestation and afforestation efforts are crucial for restoring habitats and combating climate change. Conservation initiatives, including protected areas, wildlife sanctuaries, and marine reserves, help preserve biodiversity and ensure the long-term sustainability of ecosystems.

Individual and Collective Responsibility

Environmental conservation is a shared responsibility that requires both individual and collective action. Individuals can contribute by adopting sustainable lifestyles, reducing their carbon footprint, and supporting eco-friendly initiatives. Governments play a vital role in implementing policies and regulations that promote environmental protection, investing in renewable energy infrastructure, and fostering sustainable practices in industries. International cooperation is essential to address global environmental challenges and promote knowledge-sharing and technology transfer.

Benefits of Environmental Conservation

Environmental conservation yields numerous benefits. Preserving ecosystems and biodiversity supports the health of our planet and ensures the availability of vital resources for future generations. Conservation efforts contribute to climate change mitigation, reducing the risks of extreme weather events and preserving natural carbon sinks. Protecting natural areas enhances opportunities for eco-tourism, generating economic benefits for local communities. Conservation also fosters a sense of connection to nature and promotes physical and mental well-being.

Conclusion :

Environmental conservation is crucial for the well-being of both humans and the planet. It is our responsibility to protect the environment, mitigating threats such as deforestation, pollution, and climate change. By adopting sustainable practices, supporting conservation initiatives, and advocating for effective policies, we can ensure a healthier and more sustainable future for all. Environmental conservation is not just an obligation; it is an opportunity to preserve the beauty and abundance of our planet for future generations. Let us strive to live in harmony with nature, valuing and protecting the environment that sustains us. Together, we can create a better, more sustainable world for ourselves and for future generations.

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Maintaining a Safe Environment, Essay Example

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Environmental safety is essential for everyone whether it is in a neighborhood, workplace or institutional setting such as churches and recreational facilities. Safety encompasses a number of features depending on the anticipated danger. This report discusses the plan that is used in my facility. An outline of the plan is professionally mounted close to exits in the building. There are three of them. The master plan with details can be found in the administrators’ office. In this age of increased technology, measures are now being taken to have this plan posted on the organization’s website. Two accrediting organizations that list safety as a guideline are National Association of Safety Professionals (NASP) and Joint Commission International: Patient safety Acreditation.


One facility policy that focuses on the patient safety guideline identified above relates to falls.  Risk of falling is one of the greatest hazards in any facility despite extensive building modification code enforcements. As such, apart from strict building code specification adherence, which was a requirement for licensing of the facility, management has established its own policy guideline pertaining to fall prevention for patients as well as employees. Slip and fall is a huge legal undertaking for which facilities can be sued by victims for large sums of money. Most falls occur in nursing homes and among people over 65 years of age.

My organization’s fall prevention policy encompasses evaluation of the environment, person’s condition and medication record. There is also a relationship of falls to restraining measures applied in keeping patients immobilized. This factor is accounted for in the policy blue print.   Next, falls are also classified and defined in the policy document as it relates to the institution. Upon admission and transfer of patients, staff is expected to conduct a fall risk assessment, which is documented in their file. The Morse fall risk assessment scale is applied in this evaluation. In cases of long term patients the Hendrich Fall Risk Assessment is added to the fall risk assessment policy protocol. This policy was designed by an administrative team led by the Chief Executive officer (CEO). It was last updated in July 2014.

This safety plan/policy was gradually implemented by the facility through staff orientation workshops and dissemination of information to employees followed by forum discussions. Policy changes are communicated through memos. Updates can be viewed by all staff either in the computerized system or posted in the building in strategic places. Employees are kept current with the policy through the same strategy.

This policy plan has been very effective since its implementation two years ago. For example, the number of serious falls has been reduced by 50% and the overall falls’ rate in the institution has been immensely limited by approximately 25%. However, while it is commendable for this organization, the aim is to reduce falls by a minimum of 5%, which is possible. Once patients’ fall risk assessment is accurate they should not fall. One deficit, which exists in the policy, however, is a fall prevention team, which periodically re-evaluates interventions, make recommendation and ensure implementation of adjustments.

In concluding, a plan, as the leader, that can be implemented to ensure a falls’ team functions within the organization, is first identifying and building the team. This team must be given specific responsibility for evaluating fall occurrences during a certain period such as monthly or every three months depending on the observations. Recommendations must be made to administration. This ought to be followed by training sessions organized to update existing policy.

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Table of Contents

Essay on Environment: The environment means the things that surround us. It is everything that makes up our surroundings and affects our ability to live on the earth. The air, water, land, plants, animals, solid wastes and other things that are surrounding us constitute our environment. Man and environment are closely intertwined and interact with each other. Man cannot exist without environment and environment cannot exist without man.

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Ancient humans lived closer to the natural environment and therefore they lived healthier and longer. But today we are surrounded by the artificial environment that we have created for ourselves – buildings, air conditioned rooms, streets, shopping complexes, vehicles emitting poisonous gases, dust etc.

It would hardly require a second thought to conclude that this self made artificial environment of ours is a harmful creation. Not only we are breathing pollution but also doing considerable damage to nature, in our expedition to grow materialistically, further aggravating the situation. The more we move away from our natural environment, the more we move away from health and longevity. In the following essays we will discuss in details, the meaning and significance of environment and how it could be protected.

Long and Short Essay on Environment in English

A clean environment is very necessary to live a peaceful and healthy life.

But our environment is getting dirty day by day because of some negligence of human beings.

It is an issue which everyone must know about especially our kids.

Use following Environment Essay for your kids and children to help them in completing their school project or essay writing competition.

Following Essay on Environment are written using very simple word and easy to understand English Language so that your children can easy understand it.

Environment Essay in 100 words

An environment is the natural surroundings which help life to grow, nourish and destroy on this planet called earth. Natural environment plays a great role in the existence of life on earth and it helps human beings, animals and other living things to grow and develop naturally. But due to some bad and selfish activities of the human beings, our environment is getting affected. It is the most important topic that everyone must know how to protect our environment to keep it safe forever as well as ensure the nature’s balance on this planet to continue the existence of life.

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Environment Essay 150 words

As we all are well familiar with the environment, it is everything which surrounds us naturally and affects our daily lives on the earth. Everything comes under an environment, the air which we breathe every moment, the water which we use for our daily routine, plants, animals and other living things, etc around us. An environment is called healthy environment when natural cycle goes side by side without any disturbance. Any type of disturbance in the nature’s balance affects the environment totally which ruins the human lives.

Now, in the era of advance living standard of the human being, our environment is getting affected to a great extent by the means of air pollution, noise pollution, deforestation, water pollution, soil pollution, acid rain and other dangerous disasters created by the human beings through technological advancement. We all must take an oath together to protect our natural environment to keep it safe as usual forever.

Environment Essay 200 words

Environment means all the natural surroundings such as land, air, water, plants, animals, solid material, wastes, sunlight, forests and other things. Healthy environment maintains the nature’s balance as well as helps in growing, nourishing and developing all the living things on the earth. However, now a day, some manmade technological advancement spoiling the environment in many ways which ultimately disturbs the balance or equilibrium of nature. We are keeping our lives in danger as well as existence of life in future on this planet.

If we do anything in wrong way out of the discipline of nature, it disturbs the whole environment means atmosphere, hydrosphere and lithosphere. Besides natural environment, a man made environment is also exists which deals with the technology, work environment, aesthetics, transportation, housing, utilities, urbanization, etc. Man made environment affects the natural environment to a great extent which we all must be together to save it.

The components of the natural environment are used as a resource however it is also exploited by the human being in order to fulfill some basic physical needs and purpose of life. We should not challenge our natural resources and stop putting so much pollution or waste to the environment. We should value our natural resources and use them by staying under the natural discipline.

Environment Essay 250 words

An environment includes all the natural resources which surround us to help in number of ways. It provides us better medium to grow and develop. It gives us all things which we need to live our life on this planet. However, our environment also need some help from all of us to get maintained as usual, to nourish our lives forever and to never ruin our lives. The elements of our environment are declining day by day because of the man made technological disaster.

We need to maintain the originality of our environment to continue the life on the earth, the only place where life is possible till now in the whole universe. World Environment Day is a campaign being celebrated for years every year on 5 th of June in order to spread the public awareness all over the world towards the environment safety and cleanliness. We must participate in the campaign celebration to know the theme of celebration, to know ways of saving our environment and to get aware about all the bad habits which declining the environment day by day.

We can save our environment in very easy manner with the little step taken by every person on the earth. We should reduce the amount of waste, throwing wastes properly to its place only, stop using poly bags, reuse some old things in new ways, repair and use broken things instead of throwing it away, see how much it would take to repair them, use rechargeable batteries or renewable alkaline batteries, make use of fluorescent light, rain water conservation, reduce water wastage, energy conservation, minimum use of electricity, etc.

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Environment Essay 5 (300 words)

An environment is gifted by the nature to nourish the life on the earth. Everything which we use to continue our lives comes under the environment such as water, air, sunlight, land, plants, animals, forests and other natural things. Our environment plays a very significant role in making possible the existence of healthy life on the earth. However, our environment is getting worse day by day because of the manmade technological advancement in the modern era. Thus, environmental pollution has become the biggest problem we are facing today.

Environmental pollution is affecting our daily lives negatively in various aspects of life such as socially, physically, economically, emotionally and intellectually. Contamination of the environment brings lots of diseases which human being may suffer whole life. It is not a problem of community or city, it is a worldwide problem which cannot be solved by the effort of one. If it is not addressed properly, it may end the existence of life a day. Each and every common citizen should involve in the environmental safety programme launched by the government.

We should correct our mistakes and selfishness towards our environment to make healthy and safe from the pollution. It is hard to believe but true that only a little positive movements by everyone may bring a huge change in the declining environment. Air and water pollution is leading our health on danger by causing various diseases and disorders. Nothing can be said healthy now a day, as what we eat is already affected by the bad effects of artificial fertilizers which reduces and weakens our body immunity to fight disease causing microorganisms. That’s why, anyone of us can be diseased anytime even after being healthy and happy.

So, it is a major worldwide issue which should be solved by the continuous efforts of everyone. We should participate in the World Environment Day campaign to actively participate in the environment safety event.

Environment Essay 400 words

All the natural things which makes life possible on the earth includes under an environment like water, air, sunlight, land, fire, forests, animals, plants, etc. It is considered that earth is the only planet in the universe having required environment for the life existence. Without environment we cannot guess life here so we should keep our environment safe and clean to ensure the life possibility in future. It is the responsibility of each and every individual living on the earth worldwide. Everyone should come forth and join the campaign for environment safety.

There are various cycles which happen regularly between environment and living things to maintain the nature’s balance. However, by any means if such cycles gets disturbed, nature’s balance also gets disturbed which ultimately affects the human lives. Our environment helps us and other forms of existence to grow, develop and flourish on the earth for thousands of years. As human beings are considered as the most intelligent creature made by the nature on the earth, they have lots of eagerness to know things in the universe which lead them towards the technological advancement.

Such technological advancement in everyone’s life put the life possibilities on the earth in danger day by day as our environment is destroying gradually. It seems that one day it becomes so harmful for life as the natural air, soil and water are getting polluted. Even it has started showing its bad effects on the health of human being, animal, plants and other living things. Artificially prepared fertilizers by using harmful chemicals are spoiling the soil which indirectly getting collected into our body through the food we eat daily. Harmful smokes created from the industrial companies on daily basis are polluting the natural air which affects our health to a great extent as we breathe it every moment.

In such busy, crowded and advanced life we must take care of such types of small bad habits on daily basis. It is true that only a small effort by the end of everyone can bring a major positive change towards our declining environment. We should not use the natural resources in wrong ways for just our selfishness and fulfil our destructive wishes. We should grow and develop science and technologies for the betterment of our lives but always be sure that it would not ruin our environment in future in anyways. We should be sure that new technologies would never disturb the ecological balance.

All the environment essay given above are written by the professional content writer under various words limit to help students. All the essay on environment are written very simply so that students of classes 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, etc can easily learn and successfully use in exam or essay writing competition. We have provided environment essays under the category of environmental issues. You can get essay on other environmental issues under same category such as.

Essay on Environment FAQs

What is the environment short essay.

A short essay about the environment explains its importance and how it affects our lives.

What is environment in 10 lines?

The environment is everything around us, including air, water, animals, plants, and the Earth itself. It supports life and needs protection.

What is environment 5 points?

The environment includes our surroundings, air, water, ecosystems, and the planet. It's essential for our well-being and must be conserved.

What is called environment?

The environment refers to the natural world around us, comprising everything in our surroundings, from the air we breathe to the land and creatures we share our planet with.

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Fred Fanning

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Essays on Safety, Health, and Environment

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Essays on Safety, Health, and Environment Paperback – November 11, 2011

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  • Print length 193 pages
  • Language English
  • Publication date November 11, 2011
  • Dimensions 6 x 0.44 x 9 inches
  • ISBN-10 1460970888
  • ISBN-13 978-1460970881
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Essays on Safety, Health, and Environment

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Safety Risk Management: Preventing Injuries, Illnesses, and Environmental Damage

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  • Publisher ‏ : ‎ CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform (November 11, 2011)
  • Language ‏ : ‎ English
  • Paperback ‏ : ‎ 193 pages
  • ISBN-10 ‏ : ‎ 1460970888
  • ISBN-13 ‏ : ‎ 978-1460970881
  • Item Weight ‏ : ‎ 9.4 ounces
  • Dimensions ‏ : ‎ 6 x 0.44 x 9 inches
  • #822 in Industrial Health & Safety
  • #919 in Technology Safety & Health
  • #34,316 in Business & Investing Skills

About the author

Fred fanning.

Fred Fanning worked for over 20 years as a Safety Professional. He authored a peer-reviewed book and two chapters published by the American Society of Safety Professionals (ASSP). He has also written nine paperbacks and four electronic books on occupational safety and health that he self-published. Fred has nearly fifty articles published in various journals and periodicals. He is an Emeritus Professional Member of the ASSP. He was recognized as the Safety Professional of the Year for the Northern Virginia Chapter of ASSP for 2014-2015. Fred earned the finalist award for his book Essential Safety Programs from Reader Favorite and the B.R.A.G. Award for his book Mystery at Devil's Elbow. He held the Certified Safety Professional certification from 1995 through 2010. Fred earned master’s degrees from National-Louis University and Webster University.

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Mr Greg's English Cloud

Short Essay: Safety First

A couple of short essay examples about safety first.

Table of Contents

Safety First Essay Example 1

Safety has always been an integral part of our lives, and it should be a top priority in any workplace or activity. It is essential to ensure that everyone involved in any activity is safe and secure from any potential harm. Accidents and injuries can occur anytime, anywhere, and they can be extremely harmful. Therefore, it is necessary to take proper precautions and follow safety guidelines to ensure a safe environment for everyone involved. In this essay, we will discuss the importance of safety in any workplace or activity and how proper training, equipment, and safety regulations can help prevent accidents and injuries.

Importance of Safety should always be a top priority in any workplace or activity. It is essential to ensure that everyone involved in any activity is safe and secure from any potential harm. Accidents and injuries can occur anytime, anywhere, and they can be extremely harmful. Therefore, it is necessary to take proper precautions and follow safety guidelines to ensure a safe environment for everyone involved. In any workplace, safety should be a part of the culture, and all employees should be trained to follow safety guidelines. It is essential to make sure that everyone understands the importance of safety and how it can help prevent accidents and injuries.

Proper training and equipment can help prevent accidents and injuries. In any workplace or activity, it is essential to provide adequate training to all employees and individuals involved. Proper training will help them understand the potential risks and hazards involved in the activity, and it will help them take necessary precautions to prevent accidents and injuries. Additionally, providing proper equipment and tools is equally important. Faulty or outdated equipment can be dangerous and can cause accidents and injuries. Therefore, it is essential to provide proper equipment and tools, and they should be regularly checked for any possible defects.

Safety regulations and guidelines should be followed to ensure a safe environment for everyone involved. In any workplace or activity, there are specific safety regulations and guidelines that need to be followed. These regulations and guidelines are put in place to ensure the safety of all individuals involved in the activity. It is essential to follow these regulations and guidelines to prevent accidents and injuries. Additionally, safety inspections should be conducted regularly to ensure that all safety guidelines are being followed. Any potential hazards and risks should be identified and addressed immediately.

In conclusion, safety should always be a top priority in any workplace or activity. It is essential to ensure that everyone involved in any activity is safe and secure from any potential harm. Proper training and equipment can help prevent accidents and injuries, and safety regulations and guidelines should be followed to ensure a safe environment for everyone involved. It is essential to understand the importance of safety and take necessary precautions to prevent accidents and injuries. By following safety guidelines and regulations, we can ensure a safe environment for everyone involved.

Safety First Essay Example 2

Safety is an important aspect of our everyday lives, and it should always be given top priority. It involves taking proactive measures to prevent accidents and hazards in various settings. In order to ensure safety, it is crucial to identify potential hazards and take necessary precautions. Safety training and education also play a significant role in promoting safe practices. Workplace safety regulations and policies are essential to protecting employees and creating a safe work environment. This essay will discuss the various ways in which safety first can be achieved, including identifying potential hazards, safety training and education, and workplace safety regulations and policies.

Safety first requires identifying potential hazards and taking proactive measures to prevent accidents. Hazards can be found in various settings, including the workplace, home, and outdoors. In the workplace, hazards can include electrical hazards, chemical hazards, slips, trips, and falls, and machinery hazards. Identifying these hazards and taking necessary precautions can prevent accidents and promote safety. For example, wearing appropriate personal protective equipment (PPE) can protect workers from electrical and chemical hazards. Implementing safety measures such as non-slip flooring and proper signage can prevent slips, trips, and falls. Regular maintenance and inspection of machinery can prevent machinery hazards. By taking proactive measures, potential hazards can be prevented, and safety can be ensured.

Safety training and education can help individuals understand and follow safe practices in various settings. Safety training and education can include topics such as fire safety, first aid, and emergency response. In the workplace, safety training can help employees understand the hazards they may encounter and how to prevent accidents. For example, fire safety training can teach employees how to use fire extinguishers and how to evacuate in case of a fire. First aid training can teach employees how to respond to medical emergencies. In addition to workplace safety training and education can also be applied in other settings, such as at home and in outdoor activities. By understanding and following safe practices, accidents can be prevented, and safety can be ensured.

Workplace safety regulations and policies are important for protecting employees and promoting a safe work environment. Workplace safety regulations and policies can include topics such as hazard communication, lockout/tagout procedures, and personal protective equipment requirements. These regulations and policies are designed to protect employees from hazards and promote a safe work environment. For example, hazard communication regulations require employers to inform employees of potential hazards in the workplace and provide appropriate training. Lockout/tagout procedures require the isolation of energy sources during maintenance and repair to prevent accidental start-up. Personal protective equipment requirements require employers to provide and ensure the use of appropriate PPE. By following workplace safety regulations and policies, employees can be protected from hazards, and a safe work environment can be maintained.

In conclusion, safety first is crucial for preventing accidents and promoting safety in various settings. Identifying potential hazards and taking proactive measures to prevent them, safety training and education, and workplace safety regulations and policies are all important aspects of achieving safety first. By following these measures, accidents can be prevented, and safety can be ensured. It is important to always prioritize safety in all aspects of our lives.

Safety First Essay Example 3

Safety is an essential aspect of any workplace, and it should always be a top priority. Companies that prioritize safety have a better chance of preventing accidents and injuries among their employees. It is essential to implement safety measures, conduct regular inspections, and provide training to ensure that the workplace is safe for everyone. This essay will discuss three essential steps that employers can take to ensure safety in the workplace.

The first step to ensuring safety in the workplace is implementing safety measures such as wearing protective gear and following safety protocols. Personal protective equipment (PPE) is essential in reducing the risk of injuries and accidents. Employers must provide their employees with the necessary PPE, such as hard hats, safety goggles, gloves, and safety boots. Employees should be trained on how to use the PPE correctly and be required to wear it at all times when working in hazardous environments. Safety protocols such as locking out machinery before maintenance and repair work can also help prevent workplace accidents.

The second step to ensuring safety in the workplace is conducting regular safety inspections and maintaining equipment and machinery. Regular inspections help identify potential hazards and ensure that equipment and machinery are functioning correctly. Employees should be trained on how to conduct safety inspections and report any issues that they identify immediately. Equipment and machinery should also be well-maintained to prevent breakdowns and accidents. Regular maintenance can help identify potential problems before they occur and ensure that equipment and machinery are functioning correctly.

The third step to ensuring safety in the workplace is educating employees and providing training on safety procedures. Educating employees on safety procedures can increase awareness and promote a culture of safety in the workplace. Employees should be trained on how to identify hazards, how to respond to emergencies, and how to use safety equipment correctly. Training should be provided regularly, and employees should be required to attend. Providing incentives for employees who prioritize safety can also help create a culture of safety in the workplace.

In conclusion, ensuring safety in the workplace is essential for the well-being of employees and the success of companies. Employers must prioritize safety by implementing safety measures, conducting regular inspections, and providing training to their employees. By taking these steps, companies can reduce the risk of accidents and injuries and create a safer workplace for everyone.

About Mr. Greg

Mr. Greg is an English teacher from Edinburgh, Scotland, currently based in Hong Kong. He has over 5 years teaching experience and recently completed his PGCE at the University of Essex Online. In 2013, he graduated from Edinburgh Napier University with a BEng(Hons) in Computing, with a focus on social media.

Mr. Greg’s English Cloud was created in 2020 during the pandemic, aiming to provide students and parents with resources to help facilitate their learning at home.

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essay on environment safety

Essay on Industrial Safety

essay on environment safety

After reading this essay you will learn about:- 1. Introduction to Industrial Safety 2. Losses Due to Accidents in Industries 3. Causes of Accidents in Industries 4. Factors Responsible for Accidents in Industries 5. Measures for Preventing Accidents in Industries

Essay # 1. Introduction to Industrial Safety :

Safety is very important aspect for any industry as an accident free work environment boosts the morale of the team members working in any hazardous situations. Recognising these facts industries involving various hazards and risks industries prepare their own safety policy, safety manual and have a separate department/section for safety so as to create proper aware­ness and provide the know-how-about the safety.

Adherence to the useful information, rules, and mandatory requirements governing the safety and guidelines will help prevent occupa­tional injuries and accidents which constitute an unavoidable and needless waste of human and material resources.

Safety means continuing and healthful living without injury. Safety is freedom from harm or the danger of harm. The word safety also refers to the precautions people take to prevent accidents, harm, danger, damage, loss and pollution. Safety also deals with improvement in working conditions for better health. Management is responsible to provide safe working condi­tion and individual’s safety.


All undesired events in a workplace which can give rise to death, ill health, injury, damage or other loss need to be thoroughly investigated, people are trained to safeguard against them, and need to be eliminated. Similarly, all hazards, i.e., source/situation capable of injury or ill health, damage too properly or workplace environment etc., should be identified and action plan drawn for safeguard against them.

It is not only sufficient to care of safety but other two inter-related aspects, viz., health (well-being of employees) and environment are also given equal importance and considerations. All these three elements i.e., safety, health and environment (also known as SHE) are inter-related and affect each other. For instance, if health of employee is not given due regards, it may lead to accidents.

If industry pollutes the environment around work place, it will affect health of employees which may ultimately affect production. It is only if health and environment are in control than safety can be ensured. Each industry, therefore, has certain obligations towards keeping good environment and also towards health of people.

Occupational health hazards means:

1. Conditions that cause legally compensable illness,

2. Any conditions in the workplace that impair the health of employees enough to make them lose time from work or to work at less than full efficiency.

Various health hazards that may cause sickness, impaired health or significant discomfort or inefficient in workplace are:

(a) Physical hazards like noise, vibration, thermal stress; radiations, ill lighting.

(b) Chemical hazards like dust, fumes, fibres, gases,

(c) Biological hazards,

(d) Ergonomics hazards,

(e) Mechanical hazards, and

(f) Psychological hazards.

For works which by their very nature expose workers to hazards, appropriate preventing measures should be taken to avoid any danger to the safety and health of workers, the preven­tive measures should place emphasis on the need to eliminate or reduce the hazard at the source.

Essay # 2. Losses Due to Accidents in Industries :

Now-a-days, serious attention is being paid in this matter, because now it has been clearly understood that these accidents cause heavy losses. In these losses, some are direct losses and are some indirect losses.

Direct Losses:

These are the losses to the employer, which he pays to the worker for compensation. Employer also pays for medical expenses incurred on the worker. This type of losses can be measured in terms of money.

Indirect Losses:

These indirect losses arise from the following sources:

1. Loss of time of the injured person.

2. Loss of time of his fellow workers, who stop work at the time of accident to help him or to show sympathy or for curiosity.

3. Loss of time of supervisors;

(a) In assisting injured worker;

(b) In investigation and preparing a report of accident;

(c) In making alternative arrangement;

(d) In selecting and training the new worker to fill the vacancy if accident causes death of the worker.

4. Loss due to damage caused to machines.

5. Loss due to reduction in the efficiency of the worker when he returns after recovery.

6. Loss due to the reduction in the efficiency of other workers due to fall in their morale.

7. Losses to the injured worker.

Injured worker suffers the following losses:

(a) Loss to his income.

(b) Loss due to medical expenditure,

(c) Pain felt by worker, which cannot be compensated.

Essay # 3. Causes of Accidents in Industries :

Majority of industrial accidents are due to transmission machinery (gears, belts, pulleys, couplings, shafting etc.); cutters, tools and clutch of cutting machines etc.

To minimise the accidents, it is necessary to know about the cause of accidents.

General causes for accidents are given below:

1. Accidents due to dangerous machines:

These accidents occur from boilers, pressure vessels, prime movers, transmission system etc.

2. Unsafe physical condition:

It includes improper guards, improper illumination, im­proper ventilation, unsafe clothing’s.

3. Moving objects:

Sometimes moving object or falling object causes accidents.

4. Personal factors:

Sometimes accidents occur due to some personal factors like lack of knowledge, physical weakness.

5. Unsafe acts:

It is violence of commonly accepted safe procedure.

These include:

(i) working at unsafe speed,

(ii) loading machines beyond capacity

(iii) not using safety devices, and

(iv) adopting unsafe procedure.

6. Electrical causes:

Some of the important causes are:

(a) Do not providing proper protecting devices.

(b) Not obeying proper instructions and not following safety precautions.

(c) Failure to use insulated pliers, screw-drivers and rubber gloves etc.

7. Exposure to harmful substances:

Injuries due to accidents are also caused due to expo­sure to harmful substances, like toxic gases, fumes, dust, vapour mist and aerosols.

Types of Industrial Accidents :

Industrial accidents may be divided in two general classes:

(a) Machinery Accidents:

These accidents are caused by inadequate safeguards of ma­chines.

(b) Non-Machinery Accidents:

These accidents are caused due to personal reasons such as age, physical weakness, inexperience and carelessness or from the plant conditions such as poor ventilation and illumination etc.

Machinery accidents can be reduced by providing safety guards on belts, gears etc.

Essay # 4. Factors Responsible for Accidents in Industries :

It has been seen that accidents are more frequent with younger persons.

(ii) Experience:

Rate of accidents for more experienced workers is less than those of less experienced workers.

(iii) Physical Condition:

Experiments have shown that minor illness like sore throat, headache etc. is responsible for accidents to a large extent. These small frequent illnesses are responsible for lowering general health.

(iv) Fatigue:

It has been seen that suitably arranged rest pauses reduce the number of accidents to a large extent. As these reduce the fatigue, therefore accidents which occur due to excess fatigue are reduced to a large extent.

Experiments have shown that when only one lunch-break is provided then accidents tend to increase with each successive hour of work in the morning and reaching a maximum approxi­mately at 11 A.M., then reduces in the noon.

Number of accidents again starts rising, reaching maximum value towards the later part of the afternoon but a slight drop in the last hour (prob­ably it occurs due to the fact that in this hour speed of work decreases and worker feels relaxed mentally that shortly after he will be free).

(v) Rate of Production:

This factor should also be considered while considering the cause of accidents. The study in this aspect shows that number of accidents increases with the in­crease in production but the proportion of accidents tends to decrease with the increasing pro­duction. That the rate of change in accidents per man-hour is less than the rate of change in production per man-hour.

(vi) Atmospheric Conditions:

Study has shown that accidents are found to be minimum at a temperature of 67.5°F (nearly 20°C). At higher temperatures, rate of accidents increases and after 24°C rate of accidents increases considerably.

(vii) Illumination:

Illumination also affects the accident liability. Dim illumination raises accident frequency. In day light, accidents frequency is less as compared to artificial illumina­tion.

Working Conditions affecting Health :

Working conditions also affect the work. When a worker is allowed to work in good working conditions then his efficiency increases a lot.

Bad environment or working condition may ulti­mately leads to:

(i) Physiological Fatigue;

(ii) Mental Fatigue i.e., feeling of boredom; and

(iii) Decreased efficiency resulting in reduced output. In earlier days, no attention was paid on the working conditions like illumination, humidity, air ventilation, tempera­ture etc. But its importance is now being realised.

(i) Mental Environment:

Good working conditions produce a good effect on the workers’ psychology in addition to greater efficiency. In such conditions, worker will always be ready to offer his services and co-operation. It is necessary for the success of an industry that workers should have good co-ordination.

A worker working in an atmosphere of badly ventilated and hot conditions will feel discom­fort and fatigue. His efficiency will decrease and he will not be able to take interest in the work.

Proper ventilation takes away the heat of human body, furnaces, boiler and other equip­ment thus reducing the effect of heat to some extent. Proper ventilation also removes damp­ness.

Arrangement of air fans in a systematic way also helps to achieve this object. Sometimes, air fans placed in wrong direction send air through furnace, hot parts of machines, etc. Thus transmitting the heat to the workers which they would have not received otherwise.

(ii) Illumination:

Poor illumination reduces the speed of work and results in strain on eyes and causes more accidents. Light should come from the right direction and of desired illumination.

In artificial light, glare is most common defect; it is harmful to the eyes. It also produces strain and headache. Spoilage of work also increases due to glare.

(iii) Hours of Work:

Working hours should be distributed uniformly over the week. A worker should get atleast one weekly holiday so that he can enjoy on that day, and feelings of fatigue and boredom from his mind are removed, and thus he may return on duty as fresh in next week.

Rest pauses also reduce mental fatigue of the worker and hence they should be properly distributed, i.e., at least 5 minutes break in one working hour and one lunch break should be allowed. Duration of rest may vary slightly depending upon the nature of work and working conditions.

(iv) Noise and Vibrations:

Too much noise and vibrations produce mental fatigue and reduce the efficiency of the worker. Although noise cannot be stopped totally for a running machinery but can be reduced by enclosing the source of noise, use of baffles and sound proof materials etc.

Its reduction is very necessary because it is very difficult to concentrate on the work in too much noise. Sometimes too much noise also adversely affects the hearing capacity of the workers. Noise and vibrations can also be controlled to some extent by proper maintenance, checking, lubrication, proper functions etc.

(v) Plant and Shop Layout:

Systematic layout is very helpful for reducing accidents, movement of the products etc. If the shop layout is such that it looks pleasant then worker will take more interest in his work. The layout should be such that material handling becomes economical and safe, and overcrowding is reduced.

Pas­sage for movement should be quite safe and space should be sufficient enough. It should be planned in such a way that every worker gets sufficient natural light in proper direction.

A well designed factory looks pleasing where worker feels proud in working and take more interest in his work. Therefore, factory should be kept clean, doors and windows should be properly coloured and walls should be white-washed so that atmosphere in the factory looks cheerful.

Essay # 5. Measures for Preventing Accidents in Industries:

To prevent the accidents, there is a need for consistent implementation of safety measures.

Some of the important safety measures helpful for preventing accidents are:

2. Safe Material Handling:

(a) Hoists, Cranes, Lifts etc. must be of sound construction. They must be tested periodi­cally and well maintained.

(b) Avoid fatigue of workers, use handling devices where possible.

(c) Ensure safety during handling.

4. Safe Activities in the Organisation:

Each organisation has some peculiarities. On the basis of working methods, its process, and other conditions accident prone activities, and places etc. identified: Past records also help in identification of such activities or areas. All out efforts must be made to reduce chances of accidents in these accident prone areas or activities.

6. General Measures:

i. Safety. By providing proper safeguards to the machines, accidents can be prevented. Some guards are built into a permanent casing, while some are attached afterwards.

ii. Fencing. Machines or their parts should be fenced, if it is not possible to provide safeguards.

iii. All boilers and other pressure vessels must be kept in proper condition. Safety valves, pressure gauges and water gauges etc. must be examined thoroughly at regular inter­vals.

iv. Hoists, cranes and lifts etc. must be of sound construction. They must be tested peri­odically.

v. Physical conditions. Sufficient illumination and ventilation should be provided. Floor should be free from oiliness and should be kept clean.

vi. Safety measures include special clothing for the protection of body, such as gloves, apron, goggles, etc. Loose clothing may be a source of danger.

vii. Repair work on marines should not be done when it is running.

viii. All the tools should be kept at their proper places.

ix. Chips should not be removed by hand.

x. Workers should be trained about correct procedures and they should be educated about safety precautions. Constant warning, publicity and play cards carrying slo­gans (as ‘safety-first’, Danger ‘440 volts’ etc.) are also helpful to reduce accidents.

xi. Fire hazard. To avoid the danger, inflammable materials should be kept away from general storage at a safe distance (minimum 50 ft. or 15.25 m). Fire extinguishers should be kept at suitable places.

xii. Prevention of electric accidents.

To prevent electric accidents following measures should be taken:

a. Electrical insulation should be periodically tested.

b. Use proper tools for testing and repairing.

c. Work should be done after switching the power off.

d. Use such safety equipment as insulated tools and rubber gloves etc. whenever necessary.

Essay # 6. General Precautions to Prevent Accidents in Industries :

Following are some of the common precautions which should be observed from industrial safety point of view, so as to prevent accidents:

1. Always remain alert, and in proper physical and mental condition.

2. Always wear right clothing for the jobs, wear safety glasses, gloves, footwear, hard hat etc. as per the job requirement. Do not wear ties, rings or watches etc. which can be caught by moving parts of the equipment.

3. Keep hands away from moving parts such as fan, V-belt, gears, drive shafts etc.

4. Before operation, make sure you are well conversant with the equipment and its operation.

5. Follow maintenance schedule.

6. Follow precautions suggested by the manufacturer.

7. Keep the machine and area clean.

8. Always keep a safe speed as per the working conditions and the job requirement.

9. Always use proper tools, and they should be free from grease and oil, and properly maintained.

10. Never check for leaks in a pressurised system with hand, as this may drive oil through pores under the skin.

11. Always keep guards and covers in position while operating a machine.

12. Do not perform maintenance work when machine is in operation.

13. Never put the machine on loads exceeding their capacities.

14. Machines should be carefully inspected at regular intervals.

15. Follow all the provisions laid down in various Acts.

16. Follow all the instructions as mentioned under heading ‘Preventive Measures’.

Hazard is a source or a situation with potential to cause harm in terms of human injury or ill-health, damage to property or environment or both. Hazards are identified in the performance of various activities, storage and handling of materials, and operation and maintenance of plants and equipment’s.

Hazard control is that function which is oriented towards recognizing, evaluating and working towards eliminating hazards and destructive effects found at the work-place.

Hazards may be classified as under:

1. Mechanical Hazards.

2. Electrical Hazards.

3. Chemical Hazards.

1. Mechanical Hazards:

These are responsible for the majority of the accidents in work situations, therefore every workplace and equipment should be properly examined for identify­ing mechanical hazards and for taking mitigating measures.

Common sources of mechanical hazards are:

(a) Unguarded or inadequately guarded moving parts or pits etc.

(b) Machine tools, hand tools, handling materials, lifting and other appliances.

(c) Improper ventilation, unsafe dress or apparel etc.

(d) Improper use of tools.

2. Electrical Hazards:

These may be due to contact of body with wire, cable or rail or from stroke of lightening. The immediate effect of this is shock which may be relatively mild or severe so as to cause death (electrocution) depending upon the strength of the current and/or the path it takes passing the earth through the body. Another result is burning and the burns may be severe and deep, especially with higher voltage.

Causes of the electric hazards may be of the following types:

(a) Electric shocks may be caused by an exposed live conductor or a faulty piece of equip­ment.

(b) A mobile crane boom, a man carrying or climbing an aluminium ladder, or vertical metal bars etc. can come in contact with overhead power lines, electric crane rails, open-faced substation switchboards etc.

(c) Other causes may be unskilled electricians, improper, instructions, defective wiring which may cause short circuit, poor installations, misuse or overloading.

(d) Ageing and attack by foreign materials causes insulation failures which causes elec­trical fires or cases of electrocution.

In such cases:

(a) Switch off the current.

(b) And/or remove casualty from the contact with current using insulated material and avoid receiving shock by the person rescuing the victim.

(c) Artificial respiration is given, if breathing has stopped.

3. Chemical Hazards:

The usage of chemicals with the resultant hazardous gases, vapours and fumes is one of the most dangerous industries.

The effects of noxious gases are:

(a) Simple asphyxiants, e.g., nitrogen gas, methane gas, carbon dioxide.

(b) Chemical osphysciants, e.g., carbon monoxide, hydrogen-sulphide, hydro-cyanic acid.

(c) Irritant gases, e.g., nitrogen dioxide or peroxide, flourine, hydrogen flouride, sulphur dioxide, ammonia.

(d) Organic metallic gases, e.g., assenic hydride.

(e) Inorganic metallic gases.

Several toxic chemicals and fluids are found in industries using sulphuric acid, nitric acid, soda, chloride of lime, chloride of phosphrous, sulphur chloride, phosphene chloride of zinc, nitrous chloride, iodine, artificial fertilizers, rubber, petroleum, tar etc.

Essay # 7. Safety Education and Training :

There should be proper facilities to impart training in safety measures to the worker. This can be accomplished by safety posters, safety films, safety contests and suggestions. These are useful to increase the interest of employees in accident prevention. The purpose of this training is to induce care in the use of dangerous tools or in carrying out risky operations.

Training manager identifies the training need of every person in the organisation with long range and short range planning. Training record is maintained for every employee and training requirements are reviewed regularly.

Safety training is an important factor in managing safety in any industry. Industrial con­cerns should provide as a minimum the following types of training:

2. Refresher Training:

Refresher Training should be conducted at regular intervals to ensure that all work­ers are kept up-to-date with safety requirements.

3. Specific Training:

Specific Training should be provided to the persons with safety related tasks such as crane operators, slingers, plant operators etc.

Essay # 8. Safety Efforts by Government :

In order to ensure industrial safety, government has made number of legislations like, the Factories Act 1948, Indian Electricity Act 1884, Mines Act 1952, Indian Boilers Act 1923; Workmen’s Compensation Act; Indian Electricity Act 1910; Petroleum Act 1934 which governs the safety of personnel and equipment in industrial units in the country.

But we know that legislation alone cannot ensure safety in industrial operations, unless effective approach to prevention of accidents and promotion of safety consciousness in industry is achieved.

This is possible by adopting proper control measures including safe designs of machines and processes, use of protection devices and personal protective equipment’s, effective safety procedures and practices as well as creation of self-regulating system on the shop-floor.

To assure safety to workers and eliminating chances of damage to machinery and equipment, Indian Standards Institute has done commendable job.

It lays down:

(i) Safety precautions to be taken during manufacturing operations.

(ii) Requirements for effective maintenance of tools and equipment’s.

(iii) Standards for proper layout, proper lighting and ventilation of factory building.

(iv) Guidance on safe welding and cutting, use of powered industrial trucks, belt convey­ors fire-fighting equipment’s.

(v) Standards and specifications of safe industrial operations and practices.

(vi) Classification of hazardous chemicals and use of accident prevention tags and picto­rial markings for handling and labeling of dangerous goods.

(vii) Safety codes for handling acids and other chemicals.

(viii) Safety requirements for personal protective equipment’s.

(ix) Standards for fire safety in industrial buildings and safety procedures to be followed in electrical work and use of electrical appliances in hazardous area and explosive atmosphere.

(x) Specifications for protective clothing, safety helmets, face shields and safety equipment are for eyes, ears, lungs, hands, feet and legs. These include eye and ear protec­tors, gas mask, gloves, safety boots and shoes for mines and heavy metal industries etc.

Essay # 9. Safety Programme :

Certain persons are made responsible for safety aspect in the organisation. Now-a-days, safety committee concept is becoming popular. A safety committee consists of executives, super­visors and shop floor workers. This also helps in creating safety consciousness. This is a body which deals all matters related to safety.

Safety programmes analyses causes of accidents, and takes remedial measures which aim at r educing accidents and losses which might occur due to them. Safety programme is a continu­ous process and minimises the factors related to personal and environmental which may cause accidents Safety equipment’s are provided to save employees from accidents. Special trainings are imparted to employees on safety aspects.

In order to create awareness, safety weeks are organised, safety instructions are displayed. It is also necessary to make necessary safety rules and enforce them.

For effectiveness of the safety programmes in an industry, it is necessary to identify the causes of accidents, study them, and take effective steps for their prevention.

For effectiveness of the plant safety programme, following areas should be covered:

i. Plant layout.

ii. House keeping.

iii. Maintenance of the equipment.

iv. Training programme for the employees.

v. Protective equipment requirement.

vi. Separate safety department, with proper communication system.

vii. Fire-fighting facilities.

Lack of training has been identified as one of the major causes of accidents. Safety aware­ness is the basic requirement for reducing accidents. Most of the accidents take place due to adoption of short cuts and/or ignoring the safety guidelines.

There is a need to prepare a safety manual which should include the mandatory use of personal protection equipment, safety aware­ness training programme, fire protection, first-aid, safety signages, accidenting reporting pro­cedure etc., each operation has its own hazards and a safety programme should be developed to mitigate the particular hazards.

Safety programme in an industry must receive the full support of an entire organisation beginning with top management and continuing down through the ranks to include the manag­ers, supervisors and workers.

In any safety programme, following are essential:

1. Secure full support of top management

2. Direct one executive of appropriate level to direct safety programmes.

3. Give publicity to safety programmes.

4. Develop a safety programme for each job.

5. Install safety programme, creating the competition with appropriate rewards for out­standing performance.

6. Train new employees.

7. Safety practice be made effective.

8. Promote good house-keeping.

9. Maintain adequate first-aid facilities.

10. Seek assistance from insurance companies.

Safety programme is carried out in following three phases:

1. Safety Awareness:

This includes educational, on-the-job instruction training, ergonom­ics, and job safety analysis techniques.

2. Safety Implementation:

Implementation of safety programme should be the responsi­bility of all concerned.

3. Safety Programme Maintenance:

This phase is necessary to maintain enthusiasm and energy levels which do not deteriorate with time.

Essay # 10. Factors Affecting Industrial Safety :

There are large numbers of factors affecting the safety, but they can be divided into following categories:

i. Equipment related factors.

ii. Work area related factors.

iii. Environmental factors.

Now-a-days equipment are manufactured keeping all safety aspects in mind, therefore, not much concentration is required for safety aspects related to equipment, except maintenance.

Factors related to other two categories are discussed here under:

1. Working Environment:

Working environment is the single biggest factor affecting safety aspects. It varies from concern to concern, and on the type of industry, and not always possible to establish ideal conditions. However serious efforts should be made to arrive at them.

Following are the range of ideal conditions for different environmental factors that are condu­cive to ideal working conditions:

i. Temperature:

(a) 20-22°C in winter

(b) 21-24°C in summer

ii. Humidity:

25—50 percent relative humidity

iii. Noise:

Conversation from a distance of one metro should be possible without extra effort.

iv. Ventilation:

0.6 cubic metre of fresh air per man or suf­ficient enough to remove odour

2. Lifting of Load:

Although most works are done mechanically in the process of manufac­turing, still many material handling works involving load lifting are done manually. It has been experienced that a man can easily lift about 22 kg and woman about 16 kg.

But while doing work continuously in a bent position even with a small load, there will be immense strains on spine and back muscles that may result in injury especially for aged workers. Therefore, efforts must be made to keep the material at a certain height so as to minimise the strain and fatigue.

3. Chemical Safety:

Many processing and manufacturing industries use chemicals in one or other form. The chemical are hazardous mainly for their toxicity, flash point below 100°F, their reactions when mixed with other chemicals, and their decomposition under heat.

Therefore, extra care should be made and recommended safe practices should be adopted for the receipts, storage, handling and disposal of chemicals and other hazardous materials. Where necessary respiratory devices, protective clothing, safety showers, and eye wash facili­ties should be used and located at suitable places, the use of exhaust hoods, air filtering and to provide protection from gases and air borne hazards.

4. Safety Equipment:

Personal, safety equipment’s are necessary to protect from any acci­dent, like hard hats for construction workers, safety goggles and shields for welders etc. Safety shoes, protective clothing, respirators are also used to protect from hostile environment.

Essay # 11. Personal Protection Equipment (P.P.E.) :

Personal protection equipment (PPE) is attached to the human body for protection against injury or harm. Human body is delicate and prone to injury by various industrial hazards. Use of PPE helps in minimising injury.

Safety management’s main objectives are to eliminate hazardous conditions, prevent acci­dents, and to minimise hazards. However, the PPE provides additional and essential back-up protection to the workers.

Sensitive parts of the body requiring protection include the following:

Sensitive to bright light, particles, dust, fumes.

Sensitive to noise, sound.

Sensitive to particles, chemical liquids/fumes/gases, flying objects

4. Nose, Lungs, respiratory system:

Sensitive to chemical fumes, dust, poisonous gases

5. Head and Neck:

Sensitive to flying objects, accidental hitting.

6. Arms hand and fingers:

Sensitive to accidental hitting, insertion in rotating part.

7. Leg and foot:

Sensitive to falling of objects, chemicals.

Sensitive to electric shock, heat and cold.

Sensitive to heat and cold.

Under various provisions of the Factories Act and rules thereunder suitable PPE is re­quired to be provided. Attempts are therefore made to design process of construction and generation of power efficiently and safely. Efforts should also be made to keep all hazards under control. It must be kept in mind that PPE do not eliminate the hazard, these are designed to interpose an effective barrier between a person and harmful objects, substances or radiations.

Suitable PPE meets the following requirements:

1. Adequate protection against the hazards.

2. Maximum comfort and minimum weight compatible with protective efficiency.

3. Durability and susceptibility of maintenance.

4. Construction in accordance with the accepted standards for performance.

List of Important Protection Equipment (PPE):

Protected Part and PPE

Essay # 12. First-Aid :

Although in factories, sufficient safety measures are taken to minimise accidents but acci­dents cannot be totally avoided and hence, proper first-aid facilities for common accidents such as fire, heat stroke, cuts etc. must be provided in every factory by the employers.

A first-aid box is provided in the charge of a responsible person, who must be always avail­able in working hours and he should be trained in first-aid.

Some firms have elaborate arrangements of stretcher service, ambulance arrangements, surgeries etc. in the works dispensary.

The workers as human being are entitled to every consideration at the hands of the man­agement and it lies in the administration to institute adequate precautionary and prompt first- aid towards its workers. And hence, it is essential that the management should be fully equipped to offer first-aid to the workers.

The specified contents of first-aid box in workshops employing more than 60 persons (as per Factory Act) are:

1. Twenty four small sterilized dressings.

2. Twelve medium size sterilized dressings.

3. Twelve large size sterilized dressings.

4. (10 gms) packets sterilized cotton wool.

5. One snake bite lancet.

6. One pair of scissors.

7. Twelve large size burn dressings.

8. Two (25 gms) bottles of potassium permanganate crystals.

9. One (100 gms) bottle containing two percent alcoholic solution.

10. One (100 gms) bottle of salvotative having the dose and mode of administration indi­cated on label.

11. One copy of first-aid leaflet.

12. Twelve rolled bandages 10 cm wide.

13. Twelve rolled bandages 5 cm wide.

14. Two rolls of adhesive plaster.

15. Six triangular bandages.

16. Two packets of safety pins.

17. A supply of suitable splits.

18. One townquet.

19. Eye drops.

Treatment for Electric Shock :

The following precautions must be observed while working on electrical works to protect against shocks:

1. Before working on “Live Mains” first switch off the supply of electricity to them.

2. If it is not possible to “Switch Off” the mains, see that your hands and feet are not wet

3. If a person gets an electric shock, rescue him with the help of an insulator. If the insulator is not available use your feet and not the hands to rescue him.

4. While working on high voltage, stand on bad conducting material.

If any person gets an electric shock, the following steps must be taken for his treatment:

Removal from the Contact:

If the person who is shocked by electricity is in contact with the electrical machine or an apparatus, then one person for saving him should stand on a dry wooden chair while removing the victim; otherwise pull him with the help of a dry coat, dry rope or coconut matting etc.

Preliminary Steps:

If the patient’s clothes are smouldering then those should be extin­guished If he is breathing he should be sent to the doctor. If not breathing artificial respiration methods should be adopted to recover him. Do not give him any liquid to drink.

Fire Protection :

1. Following precautions should be taken to avoid fire hazards on all oxy-acetylene cut­ting and welding:

(a) Keep hose and cylinder valves free from grease and oil.

(b) Keep cylinders away from stoves, furnaces and other sources of heat.

(c) Only ‘Gas Lighter’ should be used to light the torch.

(d) Avoid use of oxy acetylene flame in confined spaces.

(e) For testing of leakages, use only soap water and watch for bubbles.

(f) Valve protection caps should be in place when cylinders are not in use.

2. Gas cylinders should be kept upright in approved safe place where they cannot be knocked over, and well separated from furnaces and combustion materials. Loaded and empty cylinder should be kept in separate places.

3. Oxygen cylinders should not be stored in close proximity to acetylene cylinders. In no circumstances oxygen or acetylene cylinders should be stored under direct rays of Sun or in places where excessive rise of temperature is likely to occur.

4. Following precautions should be taken during electric arc welding and cutting:

(a) Welder and all persons working in the immediate vicinity should wear suitable coloured goggles unless the work is completely shielded.

(b) Persons should never look at an electric arc with the naked eye, as it may cause serious eye injury.

(c) Only heavy duty electric cable with unbroken insulation should be used, and all connections should be water-proof. Frequent inspections should be made.

(d) Before leaving the work, welder should switch off the power supply to the equip­ment.

5. Package containing paints, varnishes, lacquers or other volatile painting materials should be kept tightly closed when not in actual use, and should be placed where they will not be exposed to excessive heat, sparks, flame or direct rays of the Sun.

6. Dirty wiping rags, paint scrapings and paint saturated debris, should not be allowed to accumulate but should be collected and disposed of at frequent intervals.

7. Smoking, open flame, exposed heating elements, and other sources of ignition of any kind should not be permitted in paint stores or areas where spray painting is done.

8. Fire extinguishers of appropriate capacity should always be at hand where flammable paint and other materials are being mixed, used or stored.

9. The smoke and hot combustion products from a fire, being lighter than surrounding air tend to rise and on reaching the roof spread out on all sides and form a floating layer and the whole building is then filled up with hot smoky gases. The provision of properly designed and suitably located vents in adequate number helps the speedy removal of smoke and hot gas, thereby preventing spread of fire, besides reducing risks of explosion of unburnt gases which may cause extensive damages.

10. All combustible waste material, wood sealings, soiled rags etc. should be removed daily and burned in suitable burning areas. The saw mill and timber yard be kept free from accumulation to combustible debris.

11. It should be ensured that the clothes worn by the workmen be not of such nature as to increase the chances of their getting involved in accident to themselves or others. As a rule, wearing of loose garments should be prohibited.

12. Smoking should be prohibited in ail flammable storages viz. carpentry, paint shops, garrages, service station etc. “No Smoking” signs should be posted on all such areas.

13. Flammable liquids, lubricants etc. should be handled and transported in safety con­tainers and drums which can be tightly capped:

14. All electric installations should be properly earthed.

15. Following fire-fighting arrangements should be made:

(a) Fire extinguishers and fire buckets, painted red, be provided at all fire hazardous locations. The extinguishers should be inspected, serviced and maintained in ac­cordance with manufacturer’s instructions.

(b) In isolated locations (away from the cities), it will be necessary to provide for and install complete fire-fighting facilities including provision for fire tenders com­mensurate with the numbers, size and importance of equipment’s, buildings or supplies to be protected.

(c) Since portable hand extinguishers have limited capacity, full reliance should never be placed on them. Water in ample quantity and under adequate pressure should always be available for fire fighting

(d) Fire exit and fire alarm arrangements should be provided at all locations featur­ing hazards.

(e) All staff should be conversant with the use of all types of fire extinguishing appa­ratuses. Demonstrations and training in fire-fighting should be conducted at sufficient intervals.

Fire Fighting, Detection and Alarm System :

Fire-fighting systems include:

1. Water sprays system (sprinkler system):

Generally used for offices, stores, turbine- generators, transformer and boiler front areas.

2. CO 2 system:

These are used in enclosed areas, switchgear room, cable tunnels, and gas turbine/engine cells.

3. Dry chemical powder (DCP) system:

Dry chemical powder (DCP) system, used for control room, offices, electrical plant etc.

4. Foam system:

Foam system, used for fuel-oil storage tank protection.

5. Halon System:

This is used for computer room, cable tunnels, control-relay room and other light current auxiliary system rooms.

6. Hydrant system:

This is used for general use throughout the plant.

7. Water Hose-reels:

Used in offices, stores, and workshop corridors etc.

Total Fire Protection System includes:

1. Fire Detection systems.

2. Fire Alarm systems.

3. Fire Alarm and Control Panel.

4. Fire Hydrant System.

Smoke indicates presence of fire. Flame, light and heat confirm the presence of fire. Fire must be detected rapidly and it should be quenched before it grows. Fire is detected by the fire detection system comprising fire detectors.

The fire detectors are located in various zones of the plant, substations and are connected to the fire alarm and fire control panel located in the control room and to the automatic fire fighting system distributed in the plant.

The detection of smoke/fire, sounding of alarm and initiating the fire extinguishing action can be achieved by various methods. Fire detector system initiates fire alarm system. The operation of a fire detector is immediately indicated and buzzer is sounded on the respective zone window of the panel. This initiate operation of automatic fire fighting system in the af­fected zone.

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    essay on environment safety

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    essay on environment safety

  5. Essay on Environment Protection (1000+ words)

    essay on environment safety

  6. Save Environment essay in English Latest 2021-22

    essay on environment safety


  1. Essay on Industrial safety || Industrial safety Essay


  3. Save environment essay in English for students

  4. environment safety #my first responsibility #short

  5. Road Safety My Responsibility Essay writing in English, Paragraph or short note

  6. essay on electrical safety in kannad


  1. Environmental Health and Safety

    Environmental Health and Safety Problem Solution Essay. The need for waste management is essential in assessing the requirements for properly managed waste in a community. Needs assessment process would involve checking the existing waste management strategies, identifying the areas of importance, focusing on the critical needs, and identifying ...

  2. Environmental Protection Essay for Students in English

    Environmental protection is a practice that aims to protect the natural environment from the hands of individuals, organizations, and governments. It is the need of the hour because the Earth's environment is deteriorating every day, and the reasons are human beings. They are mishandling the Earth's environment to fulfill their needs.

  3. Environment Safety Essay

    The environment safety essay teaches us that our actions can seriously affect the environment. So, to save our natural resources, we must bring down the human impact on them. The short essay on environment safety will delve into this matter deeply. Both companies and individuals come forward in this mission to create a safe environment for all.

  4. Essay on Environment for Students and Children

    500+ Words Essay on Environment. Essay on Environment - All living things that live on this earth comes under the environment. Whether they live on land or water they are part of the environment. The environment also includes air, water, sunlight, plants, animals, etc. Moreover, the earth is considered the only planet in the universe that ...

  5. Essay on Save Environment: 5 Long & Short Samples

    Sample Essay 2. Essay on Save Environment As human beings, we exist because of environmental support. Had there be no air, no freshwater, no other natural resources, our existence would have been impossible. It is because of innumerable trees around us, we are able to breath fresh air. We eat when the process of photosynthesis takes place in ...

  6. Environmental Protection Essay

    500 Words Essay On Environmental Protection. On a larger scale, governments should create regulations that protect the environment in a comprehensive manner. This could involve implementing laws that limit carbon dioxide emissions, mandating energy efficiency standards for buildings and machines, creating protected areas for wildlife ...

  7. Essay on Environment and Human Health for Students and Children

    FAQs on Environment and Human Health. Q.1. Name some needs that are fulfilled by the environment: Ans. There are many needs that are fulfilled by the environment. We get food, shelter, oxygen, water, sunlight, air, and many more things. The most important thing we get from the environment is food. Because we cannot survive without food.

  8. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety

    Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety is a multi-disciplinary journal that focuses on understanding the exposure and effects of environmental contamination on organisms including human health. The scope of the journal covers three main themes. The topics within these themes, indicated below, include (but are not limited to) the following:

  9. Environmental Issues Essay for Students and Children

    Q.1 Name the major environmental issues. A.1 The major environmental issues are pollution, environmental degradation, resource depletion, and climate change. Besides, there are several other environmental issues that also need attention. Q.2 What is the cause of environmental change? A.2 Human activities are the main cause of environmental change.

  10. Essay on Environment: 150-250, 500-1000 words for Students

    You can use this Essay on Environment in any assignment or project whether you are in school (class 10th or 12th), college, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. Topics covered in this article. Essay on Environment in 150-200 words. Essay on Environment in 250-300 words. Essay on Environment in 500-1000 words.

  11. Essay on Environment

    Essay on Environment in English: An environmental essay is a commonly asked topic in most exams. It is meant to gauge the awareness of the candidates about the various environmental issues and their repercussions. ... In conclusion, such incidents can be prevented if proper care and safety measures were implemented. A seawall of adequate high ...

  12. Maintaining a Safe Environment, Essay Example

    For example, the number of serious falls has been reduced by 50% and the overall falls' rate in the institution has been immensely limited by approximately 25%. However, while it is commendable for this organization, the aim is to reduce falls by a minimum of 5%, which is possible. Once patients' fall risk assessment is accurate they should ...

  13. PDF Three Essays on Environmental, Social, and Governance ...

    The second essay examine whether the transparency of environmental and social (E&S) information affects financial analysts' forecast properties that reflect their information set. Focusing on a sample of non-financial and non-utility U.S. firms from the S&P 500 index, results

  14. Essay on Environment for Students in English

    We should participate in the World Environment Day campaign to actively participate in the environment safety event. Environment Essay 400 words. All the natural things which makes life possible on the earth includes under an environment like water, air, sunlight, land, fire, forests, animals, plants, etc. It is considered that earth is the ...

  15. Essay On Safety Health And Environment

    Essay On Safety Health And Environment. Better Essays. 1170 Words. 5 Pages. Open Document. 2.8 PILLAR 8 - SAFETY, HEALTH AND ENVIRONMENT. In this area focus is on to create a safe workplace and a surrounding area that is not damaged by our process or procedures. This pillar will play an active role in each of the other pillars on a regular basis.

  16. Essays on Safety, Health, and Environment

    Essays on Safety, Health, and Environment. Paperback - November 11, 2011. With the high cost of workplace accidents and injuries, collateral-additional duty safety specialists must be familiar with the safety programs that can prevent or control the hazards that cause them. Numerous concise essays on topics in Safety, Health, and Environment ...

  17. Short Essay: Safety First

    Safety First Essay Example 2. ... Workplace safety regulations and policies are essential to protecting employees and creating a safe work environment. This essay will discuss the various ways in which safety first can be achieved, including identifying potential hazards, safety training and education, and workplace safety regulations and ...

  18. Essay on Industrial Safety

    After reading this essay you will learn about:- 1. Introduction to Industrial Safety 2. Losses Due to Accidents in Industries 3. Causes of Accidents in Industries 4. Factors Responsible for Accidents in Industries 5. Measures for Preventing Accidents in Industries Essay # 1. Introduction to Industrial Safety: Safety is very important aspect for any industry as an accident free work environment ...