
Essay on Dress Code

Students are often asked to write an essay on Dress Code in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

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100 Words Essay on Dress Code

What is a dress code.

A dress code is a set of rules about what you can wear. Schools, offices, and clubs often have dress codes. They help people look neat and proper for different places. For example, your school might ask you to wear certain colors or types of clothes.

Why Dress Codes Matter

Dress codes are important because they create a sense of unity. When everyone wears similar clothes, it can make people feel like they belong to a group. In jobs, it helps customers know who to ask for help.

Pros and Cons

Having a dress code means everyone knows what to wear without thinking too much. But, some people feel dress codes limit their freedom to express themselves through their clothes.

Dress Code Tips

When you follow a dress code, make sure your clothes are clean and fit well. If you’re not sure what to wear, ask a teacher or a friend. Always try to look your best within the rules.

250 Words Essay on Dress Code

A dress code is a set of rules about what clothes people can wear. Schools, offices, and some events ask people to follow a dress code. This means everyone wears similar kinds of clothes. It keeps things fair and makes sure no one feels left out because of what they wear.

Types of Dress Codes

There are many types of dress codes. For example, in school, you might have to wear a uniform. This is a special set of clothes that all students wear. At a party, there might be a fancy dress code, which means you need to wear your best clothes. In offices, the dress code is often formal, which means suits for men and dresses or suits for women.

Dress codes are important because they help people know what is okay to wear. They can make sure that no one’s clothes cause a problem or distract others. In school, a dress code can help students focus on learning instead of what everyone is wearing.

Dress codes have good and bad sides. A good side is that they can make everyone feel equal. A bad side is that sometimes people feel they can’t express themselves with their clothes. It’s important to find a balance so that people can feel comfortable and still follow the rules.

Dress codes are about wearing the right clothes for the right place. They help keep things fair and respectful. It’s good to follow the dress code, but it’s also important to feel good in what you wear.

500 Words Essay on Dress Code

A dress code is a set of rules about what clothes people can wear. Schools, offices, and different events often have dress codes to make sure everyone looks proper and respects the place or event they are at. For example, your school might ask you to wear certain colors or types of clothes so that all students look alike and no one feels left out because of what they wear.

Why Do We Have Dress Codes?

Dress codes are important because they help keep things fair and orderly. In schools, if everyone wears the same type of clothes, it can stop students from feeling bad if they don’t have the latest or most expensive clothes. Dress codes in the workplace make sure that everyone looks professional and ready to work. They also help customers know who to ask for help because the workers are dressed in a certain way.

There are many kinds of dress codes. Some are very strict, like a uniform that all students must wear. Others are more relaxed, just asking people to wear smart clothes or avoid certain items like flip-flops or hats. At formal events, you might have to wear a suit or a dress. Each dress code is made to fit the place or event it is for.

Pros of Dress Codes

There are good things about having a dress code. It can make choosing what to wear easier because you know what is expected. It can also make everyone feel like they belong to a group, like their school or company. Dress codes can also teach us about respect and how to dress appropriately for different situations.

Cons of Dress Codes

But, not everyone likes dress codes. Some people feel that they can’t express themselves or show who they are through their clothes. They might think that dress codes are too strict or that they don’t have a say in what they can wear. Sometimes, if a dress code is not thought out well, it might not be fair to everyone.

Following Dress Codes

When there is a dress code, it’s important to follow it. If you’re not sure what you can or can’t wear, it’s a good idea to ask a teacher or someone in charge. They can explain the rules to you. Remember, dress codes are not there to make life hard but to make sure everyone is dressed right for the place or event.

Dress codes are all around us and they play a big role in how we dress for different places and events. They have good points, like making everyone feel equal and looking proper, but they can also have downsides if people feel they can’t be themselves. It’s important to understand why dress codes exist and to follow them while also thinking about how they affect everyone. Whether you’re going to school, work, or a special event, knowing about the dress code can help you fit in and feel comfortable.

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Dress Code, Essay Example

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The aim of the present paper is to summarise exploration of the concept of dressed for success in the working environment. In this context, attention was paid to the meaning of this concept, meaning of dress code in an interview and casual environment. The importance of Casual Fridays and its limitations were also outlined. Appropriate conclusions were given in the end of the paper.

Key words : dress code, dressed for success, interview working place, confidence.

Human life can be characterised in various ways, but the most common and accurate description would be – diversity and uniqueness. Human beings aim at self-expression and preservation of individuality; that is why we often wear shocking clothes at youth and modify our bodies with piercing and tattoos. On the other hand, there not a single human being which would crave for happiness and universal human values in this or that way. Thus, it can be argued that we all want success. The concept dressed for success originated in the context of the aforementioned human desire to be unique and individual, but still successful and happy according to general standards. The essence of the concept is not in the idea of wearing formal clothes to work or interview in order for people to take you seriously but in the idea of corresponding to the formal or required dress code by one’s intelligence and personal characteristics (Marcketti and Farrell-Beck 2008). In other words, clothes should not only be appropriate in terms of the chosen company’s guidance, but also should correspond to person’s self-perception and self-expression. It should be comfortable for the person to be himself/herself and still remain a professional.

Inability of new specialists to understand a difference between professional look corresponding to the situational requirements and exaggeration of formalities is usually one of the mistakes on interviews. The interviewees want to look older and more professional so much that they forget this dress style might be an exaggeration for this exact occasion.  For instance, wearing an evening suite with black t shinny shoes might be quite fancy on the pram, but would not be appropriate on the job interview. The best solution for a job interviews could have been if not a full suite, than formal trousers, white or blue shirt and not even necessarily a tie (Boyadjian 1999).

The most important in this case, is that clothes should fit, be clean and well-presentable and that the person should be used to wearing it. There is nothing worse when, in addition to interview questions, a candidate should also worry about tight shoes or the feeling of the new shirt (King 2007). In this context, extreme formalisation might speak in the favour of interviewees’ lack of confidence and individuality. In this context, the person should wear something he or she is expected and expects to wear to work on the everyday basis. In the companies where employees do not have to deal with people, like IT specialist and call centre employees, the everyday dress code might be more casual than in financial or academic institutions. Thus, the best advice for the new employee is to read company dress code guidance and see which part of wardrobe should be used more often. The best solution is to wear neutral, professional clothes. For instance, neutral, casual wear might be Oxford shirts, sweaters, blouses, dresses and skirts so far their length is not one inch above knee (Boyadjian 1999).

From the personal perspective, one of the best inventions in corporate business is casual Friday. It does not only give employees an opportunity to relax a little bit and get ready to the upcoming weekend, but also shows the company’s appreciation of its staff and general human attitude. In case of casual Fridays, the most important thing to remember is that you are still at work and should look professional, though with less pressure on clothes aspect of professionalism (King 2007). Thus, one should not forget that this is still a working place and not a holiday. In other words, it is advisable not to exaggerate in self expression. It is not appropriate to wear torn jeans, T-shirts, sport hoodies, mini-skirts and any clothes that expose various parts of body (Marcketti and Farrell-Beck 2008). It is also unadvisable to have any piercing or tattoos exposed.   All they might look great on the beach, they are inappropriate in the working environment. Although all these rules and prescriptions might be quite confusing for a starting employee, the work place policy guidance explains everything and makes life and work much easier.

Overall, from all mentioned above, it can be concluded that in order to succeed at work and look professional, initial awareness of company’s expectations is essential. Self-confidence, logic and understanding of limits are the best companions of a successful companion both on an everyday basis, Casual Fridays and during the leisure time.

Boyadjian Berge (1999). Create Fun @ Work, Improve Your Productivity, Quality of Life and Morale. Long Beach: Knowledge Capture and Transfer.

King, Larry (2007). Dressed for Success. Times , 169.20, 16-17.

Marcketti S. B. and Farrell-Beck J.(2008). ‘Look Like a Lady; Act Like a Man; Work Like a Dog’, Dress (Costume Society of America) , 35, 49-69.

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School Dress Codes and Self-Expression Essay

The need to introduce dress codes in all educational institutions can be listed among the most widely discussed topics regarding students’ rights. Today, many researchers against the introduction of strict rules for school children refer to creative ability and self-expression in their arguments. Dress codes, and especially school uniforms, urge students to wear clothes that they do not choose. To some extent, it runs counter to the freedom of expression protected by the First Amendment (“School dress codes,” 2017).

Self-expression is extremely important for teenagers, but not all its forms are socially acceptable. Instead of letting children wear clothes that they want, about two-thirds of schools in the United States utilize dress code policies that are rather strict (“School dress codes,” 2017). In the context of dress codes, self-expression remains a tricky question. However, it does not always involve wearing something really provocative or even offensive, such as clothes with controversial slogans. Many children who do not belong to subcultures just want to choose their favorite colors or express their mood with the help of clothes, and prohibiting it does not seem just.

Self-expression can also be related to socialization and differences between social groups, and dress codes attempt to create “artificial” uniformity. Being urged to wear only approved clothes, students are deprived of an opportunity to understand the differences between social groups and the unique problems of their social class. For instance, practices banning certain hairstyles popular among racial minorities are still used in some institutions “that were exclusively white” two decades ago (Chutel, 2018, para. 4).

Thus, some dress code rules can be regarded as harmful because they decrease the visibility of racial and ethnic minorities. Importantly, this tendency is true for social classes; when all children are dressed the same, social inequality becomes less visible, but it does not disappear.

In the modern world, dress codes are also used to promote the “right” relationships between men and women, which makes them harmful for the latter. For example, many types of clothes popular among female students (especially during hot weather) are considered to be “sexually suggestive” (“School dress codes,” 2017, para. 7). According to the proponents of such rules for teenage girls, short skirts and similar clothes contribute to sexual crime in schools (“School dress codes,” 2017). As a result, female students are objectified and shamed based on their clothing choices.

Despite the popularity of arguments about creativity, school dress codes are believed to have a variety of advantages related to their initial intended purposes. One of the functions of school uniforms is to minimize differences in appearance and, therefore, improve student safety (“School uniforms,” 2018). At the same time, the positive impact of dress codes is related to students’ academic performance (Daniels, 2005). By creating uniformity, stricter rules manage to distract children from “showing off their wealth” or demonstrating subculture or religious affiliation (“School uniforms,” 2018, para. 4).

Given the ability of these restrictions to reduce conflicts and prevent educational stratification, more attention is paid to the acquisition of knowledge during lessons. The positive effects of measures for creating uniformity were observed in a variety of experiments. After the implementation of school uniform policies in a school district in California, fights between students decreased by more than fifty percent, and even more, significant decreases were observed in drug usage (“School uniforms,” 2018). Thus, the positive effects of uniforms should also be acknowledged.

Chutel, L. (2018). Dress codes that restrict natural hairstyles harm black students . Web.

Daniels, S. (2005). School dress codes are necessary and constitutional . Web.

School dress codes . (2017). Web.

School uniforms . (2018). Web.

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IvyPanda. (2021, May 27). School Dress Codes and Self-Expression. https://ivypanda.com/essays/school-dress-codes-and-self-expression/

"School Dress Codes and Self-Expression." IvyPanda , 27 May 2021, ivypanda.com/essays/school-dress-codes-and-self-expression/.

IvyPanda . (2021) 'School Dress Codes and Self-Expression'. 27 May.

IvyPanda . 2021. "School Dress Codes and Self-Expression." May 27, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/school-dress-codes-and-self-expression/.

1. IvyPanda . "School Dress Codes and Self-Expression." May 27, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/school-dress-codes-and-self-expression/.


IvyPanda . "School Dress Codes and Self-Expression." May 27, 2021. https://ivypanda.com/essays/school-dress-codes-and-self-expression/.

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Dress Code Essay Examples

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