Thank You for Inviting Me (or Us) Templates With 21 Example Messages

Thank You for Inviting Me

Being invited to a wedding, party, dinner, someone’s home, to do something fun, or another event can feel wonderful.

This post will help you respond to the invitation and show your appreciation and gratitude.

The wording for your reply will vary depending if you plan to attend, not attend, or write a thank-you message after attending the occasion.

You’ll want to respond promptly if the person that invited you needs to know in advance if you plan to attend or not before the event date.

The templates will help you get started and will work for most situations. With most thank you notes, the wording is the most challenging part, so some examples are provided following the templates.

There are more “thank you for inviting me” examples in these posts for specific occasions:

  • Dinner or dinner party
  • Thanksgiving dinner
  • Wedding or wedding reception invite
  • Party (general – not birthday)
  • Graduation Party Invitation
  • Housewarming Party
  • Birthday Party Invitation
  • Christmas or Holiday Party

How To Say Thank You For Inviting Me Templates

Depending on what the invite was for, your response can be formal or casual. For a causal reply, you may not need to put the date in your message. 

Here are three templates to help reply to an invitation.

Responding before the event and attending

Dear [Name],

Thank you for inviting me to [me/us] on [date]. [I/We] will be there and [list any family or additional people that are going with you (if they were also invited)]. [I/We] look forward to seeing you soon.

Sincerely (or another closing),

[Your name]

Responding before the event and not attending

Thank you for inviting [me/us] to [event] on [date]. [I/We] will unfortunately not be able to attend.

[Depending on your relationship and the event, you may or may not want to add a sentence that explains why you are not attending].

After attending

Thank you for inviting [me/us] to [event]. [I/We] had a wonderful time! We enjoyed [whatever you enjoyed at the event]—[Maybe another sentence with a compliment].

Thanks again (or another closing),

Note: If you are thanking someone for having you over to their house, read this post .

Thank You for Inviting Me Examples

Note: If you did fun things other than seeing a movie with your friend, you could substitute the movie with that event in most of these examples.

  • Thanks for inviting me to go to the movie with you last weekend. I enjoyed spending time with you and discussing the movie afterward. It’s nice to spend time with someone who enjoys the same kind of movies as me. I had fun.
  • Thank you for inviting me to see a movie with you. Unfortunately, I can’t go this Friday. Could we try for next Friday?
  • The movie was great last weekend! [Say something about the movie]. I had fun going with you and having dinner afterward. Thanks so much for inviting me.
  • I am very excited you invited me to see a movie with you on Saturday. You are a good friend, and I look forward to spending the evening together.
  • Thank you for inviting me to see [Movie Name]. No one in my family wants to see it, so I’m glad you do. I will meet you in the parking lot 30 minutes before it starts.

Thanks for the Invitation – Attending

Note: The examples in this section are for when you’ve received an invitation and are responding before the event date.

  • Thanks for the invitation to your [event] at [venue]. I am happy to attend and will see you there. My husband will not be able to come.
  • I received the invitation for the play date at the park on Saturday, May 18. I am happy to say that we will be there. The kids are looking forward to playing with your kids and any others that will be joining. Thank you for including us!
  • We will be able to attend church with you this Sunday. Thank you for inviting us. I am interested in learning more about the culture and beliefs of your church. We will meet you in the parking lot at 8:45.
  • Thank you again for inviting me to the convention. I am excited to go with someone who likes [convention topic]. I will meet you at your house on Friday at 6 AM to drive together.
  • Thank you for inviting me to the tradeshow. I am looking forward to seeing what each company has to offer. I will meet you and the other guys in the lobby around 7 AM.

Thanks for the Invitation – Need to Decline

Note: The examples in this section are when you respond before the invite date to let the host know you can’t make it. 

Here are different ways to say thank you for inviting me but I can’t come. 

  • Unfortunately, I cannot attend the cooking class with you on June 2oth. The menu looks great, and I would enjoy learning those recipes, but I cannot take that day off of work. Thank you for inviting me, and I hope it works out another time for me to join you.
  • Thank you for inviting us to visit you on your birthday. However, we will not be able to come that day as we are watching Violet, our daughter’s baby, that weekend. She will stay the night with us! I hope you have a great birthday and will stop by sometime soon.
  • Thanks for inviting us to church with you this Sunday. I appreciate your kindness. We can’t make it in person this week, but we will look for the replay on YouTube so that we can discuss the sermon with you. Can you meet for dinner on Wednesday?
  • We cannot attend [kid’s name] soccer game, but thanks for inviting us! We enjoy watching him plan when we are in town. But that morning, we have already committed to having brunch what my son and his family.
  • Thanks for inviting us to go camping with you. We love the outdoors, and your hospitality was fantastic. However, we have other plans for that weekend. We may be able to go later in the summer.

Thanks for the Invitation – Already Attended

Note: This section is for writing the thank you message after attending whatever you were invited to.

  • Thank you for inviting us to your house. Getting all of our friends together for a game night was very fun. And [game] is so much fun with a large group. I hadn’t seen [person’s name] in over a year and was happy to catch up with them. The charcuterie board was excellent and looked beautiful.
  • Your cooking is a delight. Thanks for inviting me over for dinner and making homemade [what they made]. It was the best! It’s my pleasure to try out your new recipes, and I enjoy your hospitality.
  • Thank you so much for inviting me to have coffee with you. I enjoyed visiting and was happy to catch up and hear about your family. The coffee at [Place] was much better than I expected.
  • Thank you for inviting me to go camping with you. Sleeping in the woods is an experience I will remember. Everything was so peaceful and quiet. And everyone at the campsite helped me out whenever I asked. The food made over the campfire tasted so good. I want to go with you again sometime.
  • I want to thank you for inviting me to the art class with you from the bottom of my heart. I had no idea that I would love painting! Painting is my new favorite hobby. I will host you at my house sometime so we can paint together and visit.

Thanks for the Invite – Short Messages

There may be times when you want to achnowelege the invitation with a short messages. These messages could be a great reply to an invite received via text. Then you can follow-up later to let them know if you are accepting or declining the invitation. 

  • Thank you for inviting me! I will see you soon.
  • Thanks for the invitation. Your kindness is appreciated. 
  • I appreciate you for thinking of me! 
  • Thank you for inviting us! We will get back to you soon. 
  • You’re a great friend. Thank you for inviting us. 
  • Thanks for the invite. I’m sorry to say that I can’t come. 
  • Thank you for visiting note examples

Heidi Bender

Author: Heidi Bender

Title: writer, expertise: thank you notes.

Heidi Bender is a writer and author who founded Tons of Thanks. She aims to help people write thank-you notes by providing examples and tips. She is the author of She is the author of A Modern Guide to Writing Thank-You Notes.

Thank Someone For a Speech or Presentation

It seems everyone I talk to wants me to express appreciation for your inspiring presentation last week. Your years of research, your depth of understanding of user interfaces, and your ability to present the subject in such an interesting way produced one of the most memorable evenings in our group's history. I personally appreciated your approach to anticipating users' intents. The subject intrigues me, and I plan to learn more. Please consider adding our group to your annual speaking tour. You are always welcome at our conference.

Thank you for speaking to the Doe Alumni yesterday evening. We are grateful for the time and effort you took to share your thoughts and experiences with the Doe Development office.

Since we are entering a new growth phase on our campus, your comments were very timely. I believe we can benefit immediately from the methods you suggested for recruiting more members. Your enthusiasm is contagious, and we hope to use your suggestions in our next campaign. Thank you again for your contribution.

Thank you for your stimulating speech at last month's meeting of the Springfield Genealogical Society. Your comments were especially helpful to those doing research in the British Isles. Many members were at a standstill in their progress, and your talk seemed to provide much needed help. Thanks again for a truly memorable evening. We hope you can join us again.

Please accept our sincere appreciation for the outstanding presentation you made to the Springfield Women's Club about your experiences in China. It was very interesting to hear about your experience teaching in the university there. Your stories about your Chinese colleagues were fascinating. The slides you showed gave us a close look at the land, culture, and people that we couldn't have gained in any other way. Thank you so much for sharing your time and experiences with us. We all agreed that your lecture was the most interesting we have had this year.

I would like to personally thank you for your presentation to the Kansas Education Association Conference in October. Judging from the comments of those who attended, the conference was very successful. Most of the credit goes to you and the others who gave such interesting presentations.

We hope that you will want to be involved in our conference next year. We will send you a call-for-presenters form as we get closer to next year's convention. We were pleased to have your participation in this outstanding conference, and we thank you for your valuable contribution.

Thank you for taking the time to speak to our student body on the dangers of drug abuse. I felt that your remarks on prescription drug use and abuse were especially timely.

We truly appreciate parents like you who are willing to give their time and talents to enrich the lives of our young people.

I appreciated the remarks you made at the City Council meeting on Tuesday. You had clearly researched the subject, and many of us felt that yours was a voice of sanity in the midst of an emotional and divisive discussion. I wish that more people would try to see all sides of the issues that come up.

No matter how the final vote goes, I want you to know that what you said had a significant impact on many of us. Thank you.

How to Write this Thank-You Letter: Expert Tips and Guidelines

Whether you are writing a thank you note out of duty or from your personal desire to express thanks, use a sincere tone. Mention specific details and show that the speech or presentation did have an effect.

  • Thank and compliment the speaker(s) or presenter(s).
  • Express congratulations for an excellent performance, and point out some of the more memorable parts. If the performance was only mediocre, simply thank the person(s) for participating in the program.
  • Close with a second compliment or expression of appreciation.

Write Your thank-you in Minutes: Easy Step-by-Step Guide with Sample Sentences and Phrases

1 thank and compliment the speaker(s) or presenter(s)., sample sentences for step 1.

  • On behalf of the members of the local Chamber of Commerce, I want to thank you for your insightful presentation yesterday.
  • As chairperson for our County Fair entertainment committee, I want to thank your dance group for their delightful performance. They won the hearts of the entire audience.
  • Many thanks for addressing our group on your unwed mothers' program. You are doing a wonderful service.
  • The members of our book club would like to thank you for speaking to us last Thursday.
  • Your lecture on new technologies for the 21st Century at our symposium last week was very interesting and informative; in fact, it was the highlight of the evening.
  • Thanks for an excellent presentation. Your address to our company yesterday evening has everyone talking today.
  • Thank you for the inspiring sermon that you delivered on Easter Sunday. Your message was exactly what I needed to hear.

Key Phrases for Step 1

  • appreciate the time you took
  • for being with us
  • for sharing your
  • for an outstanding presentation
  • for participating so effectively
  • for your thought-provoking
  • for your delightful
  • for helping us recognize
  • for providing us with
  • for accepting this assignment
  • highlight of the
  • hold you in such high regard
  • how much we appreciated
  • interesting and informative
  • know how busy you are
  • many thanks for
  • on behalf of the
  • thank you for
  • volunteering your time to
  • want you to know how much
  • was exactly what I needed to hear
  • was very kind of you to
  • was a pleasure to listen to
  • would like to extend my thanks

2 Express congratulations for an excellent performance, and point out some of the more memorable parts. If the performance was only mediocre, simply thank the person(s) for participating in the program.

Sample sentences for step 2.

  • Your talk was particularly appropriate at this time when we are considering new initiatives for expanding growth. Many of us were especially interested in your analysis of water resources available to sustain growth.
  • I believe the quality and variety of their dances have set new levels of expectation for future performers.
  • Several in our group have expressed appreciation for the information you presented on adoptions and educational counseling. Most were unaware of the services that are available.
  • We know how busy you are, so we are grateful that you would take the time to prepare and spend an evening with us.
  • Our audience was intrigued by the new possibilities for global communication. We truly are becoming a global village.
  • Several of our people are looking at ways that we might implement some of your suggestions. The consensus is that they would like you to return next year as a follow-up to this event. Let me know if that is a possibility for January.
  • Often we are too close to our problems to view them with the clarity that someone else would. I recognize now that I must change the way I respond to my daughter's challenges.

Key Phrases for Step 2

  • a very stimulating experience
  • appreciated your participation
  • audience was intrigued by
  • consensus of opinion is
  • everybody is talking about
  • found ourselves identifying with
  • has given rise to
  • have a wonderful gift for
  • held the children's attention
  • identifying ways to apply
  • informative and enlightening
  • look forward to implementing
  • made a lasting impression on
  • most were unaware that
  • several in our group have
  • the time you took to
  • touched on so many critical areas
  • were particularly intrigued by
  • were so pleased with
  • were enthralled by your
  • were especially interested in
  • were previously unaware of
  • your insights into

3 Close with a second compliment or expression of appreciation.

Sample sentences for step 3.

  • Thanks again for helping to make our monthly meeting so rewarding.
  • We hope you will be able to join us again next year.
  • Thank you for helping us become more aware of the problems and the ways we can help solve them.
  • We hope you will consent to speak to us again, perhaps next year.
  • Many thanks from all of us.
  • I am grateful for the time you spend in careful preparation to present us with meaningful weekly sermons.

Key Phrases for Step 3

  • a most worthwhile experience
  • able to join us again
  • accept our invitation to
  • carry on the tradition of
  • for making our meeting so
  • for so generously volunteering to
  • hope you will be able to
  • hope you will consent to
  • innovative approach to
  • it was a privilege to
  • look forward to
  • many thanks from all of us
  • played a major role in
  • so many people benefited from
  • such a special occasion
  • to bring us this important message
  • to share your expertise
  • was a superb presentation
  • was the high point of
  • wish to invite you to

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Thank You for the Invitation: Graciously acknowledging your generosity

A Guide to Expressing Appreciation: Learn the art of writing an invitation thank you letter and make a lasting impression. Discover tips and sample notes to gracefully thank your hosts for their generosity and thoughtfulness

Expressing Gratitude for Invitations

When we receive an invitation, it's important to express our gratitude in a meaningful way. Whether it's for an event, dinner, interview, or any other occasion, saying 'thank you' shows appreciation for the thought and effort put into the invite. In this guide, we'll explore various ways to thank someone for extending an invitation, from writing a thank you note to expressing thanks in person. Discover how to convey your appreciation sincerely and effectively, making the host feel valued and welcomed. Saying 'thank you for the invitation' goes a long way in building and maintaining positive relationships in both personal and professional settings.

ai generated image

Thank You for Attending Our Event

This email is needed to thank someone for attending an event hosted by the sender.

Appreciation for Your Attendance

This email is needed to express gratitude to someone for attending an important event, such as a conference, seminar, or celebration.

Thank You for Joining Our Virtual Event

This email is needed to express gratitude to individuals who participated in a virtual event, such as a webinar, online training, or virtual conference.

Gratitude for Your Participation

This email is needed to thank individuals for their participation in a workshop, training session, or educational event organized by the sender.

Thank You for Attending Our Product Launch

This email is needed to express appreciation to individuals who attended a product launch event hosted by the sender.

Appreciation for Your Presence at the Fundraiser

This email is needed to thank individuals for their attendance and support at a fundraising event organized by the sender.

Thank You for Being Our Guest Speaker

This email is needed to show appreciation to an individual who served as a guest speaker at an event hosted by the sender, such as a conference, seminar, or panel discussion.

Thank You for Attending Our Networking Event

This email is needed to express gratitude to individuals who attended a networking event organized by the sender, such as a business mixer, industry conference, or social gathering.

Top Tips for Crafting a Memorable Thank You Letter

When writing an invitation thank you letter, it's important to express gratitude sincerely and promptly. Ensure your message is personal and specific to the event or gift you received. Keep it concise and heartfelt. Remember to mention the recipient by name and close with a warm sentiment. Here are some tips:

  • Start with a sincere expression of thanks for the invitation or gesture.
  • Reference specific details from the event or gift to show you appreciate the thought put into it.
  • Personalize the message by mentioning a shared memory or experience from the event.
  • Use a warm and friendly tone to convey your appreciation genuinely.
  • Consider handwritten notes for a more personal touch.
  • Proofread your letter to check for any errors before sending it.
  • Include a future invitation or meetup suggestion to maintain the relationship.
  • End the letter with another expression of gratitude and well wishes.
  • Send the note promptly after the event to show your appreciation in a timely manner.

In conclusion, expressing gratitude for an invitation is essential in building and nurturing relationships. A simple thank you note goes a long way in showing appreciation for the thoughtfulness and generosity of the host. Remember to acknowledge the time and effort put into extending the invitation. Take this opportunity to strengthen connections with those who have welcomed you into their events, gatherings, or meetings. For more tips on crafting the perfect thank you letter for any occasion, consider exploring additional resources on etiquette and communication. Thank you for reading and happy writing!

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Writing a Better Event Invitation Thank-you Letter

Table of Contents

An  invitation thank you letter  is a formal response to an event invitation. Those who receive an invitation to an event will often write an event thank-you note to express gratitude to the host for inviting them.

When sent before an event, they serve as an acknowledgment and acceptance of the invitation. It’s a way to let organizers know that you are aware of their event. It also demonstrates that you understand the specific details of the event you are invited to. 

white paper and brown envelope

Thank-you letters are also a way to confirm your attendance at an event.

When sent after an event, they become similar to hospitality thank-you letters. Their main purpose is to thank a host for accommodating them. 

Why is it Important?

Event invitation thank-you letters are important because they are a way to demonstrate good manners, gratitude, and appreciation to the host. Most often, attendees send event invitation thank-you emails after an event as a way to note their satisfaction with their experience.

More importantly, event invitation thank-you notes are a way to nurture your relationship with the hosts. It shows your interest in joining them again, and it encourages them to invite you to future events. 

Basic Format for an Invitation Thank-you Letter

The best way to temper your message and maintain a proper tone is to follow a basic format. This will enable you to focus on the specific objectives of each section of your thank-you letter. It’s an effective way to ensure that you deliver a clear message and you avoid writing an unnecessarily lengthy message. The general format is as follows:

  • Thank-you Statement 
  • Anticipation Statement (Looking forward to ______)

Pre-Event Thank-You Letter

If you’re sending a letter before an event, make sure to confirm your attendance if you plan to join the event. Be sure to mention this in your  anticipation statement . This will act as an RSVP for the event. In turn, this will aid organizers in fulfilling logistics-related tasks such as seat reservations, food rations, and others. 

You can also use this letter to request clarification on certain event details.

Post-Event Thank-You Letter

When sending a thank-you letter after an event, focus on describing the positive things about your experience. This will make your message more genuine and sincere. 

Invitation Thank You Letter Examples

Below is a simple demonstration of the format we just showed you. Try to gain inspiration from these two sample letters:

Before an Event:

Thank you for inviting me to your housewarming party at [address] on [time and date]. I want to let you know that I’d be happy to attend this occasion with my family. 

After an Event:

Thank you for inviting me to your housewarming party. We had a great time meeting your family. We loved the food and the company. I’d like to reciprocate the gesture by inviting you to our home whenever you’re free. 

Kind regards,

The Bottom Line

An invitation thank you letter can be sent before or after an event. Their focus, function, and tone shift depending on when you send them. If you send them before an event, they serve as an RSVP. You can also request confirmation of event details.

If sent after an event, invitation thank-you letters function as hospitality thank-you letters. They thank the host for the pleasant experience. These letters are vital to maintaining a good relationship with the host . Write them well.

Writing a Better Event Invitation Thank-you Letter

Pam is an expert grammarian with years of experience teaching English, writing and ESL Grammar courses at the university level. She is enamored with all things language and fascinated with how we use words to shape our world.

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How To Write a Thank You for The Invitation Email: Samples Included


There’s something undeniably special about receiving a thoughtful invitation. It might be an invitation to a birthday party, a wedding, a graduation ceremony, or any other event, the gesture itself shows that someone values and cherishes your presence. Believe me, there are a lot of people who wish to be invited to these things but they aren’t. According to research conducted by Dr. Robert A. Emmons , a leading expert on gratitude, people who regularly practice gratitude experience higher levels of happiness, improved relationships, and increased feelings of social support. When you’re invited to share in your friends, family or relatives’ special moments, be sure to appreciate them and let them know you are grateful. And what better way to do that than through a heartfelt “thank you” message?

In this blog post, we’ll teach you how to write a sincere and warm Thank You for the Invitation email and provide you with some templates you can replicate matching different occasions like birthday parties, weddings, graduation ceremonies etc.

Strategies For Crafting The Perfect Thank You For The Invitation Email

Crafting the perfect Thank You for the Invitation email is an art that can elevate your gratitude to a whole new level. Here are some strategies to help you express your appreciation in a heartfelt and sincere manner:

1. Start with Warmth

When you begin your email, imagine you’re greeting your dear friend at the doorstep of their home. Picture that warm smile you exchange when you haven’t seen each other in a while. That’s the feeling you want to capture in your opening line. Address the host by their name, and add a touch of personalization. Use phrases like “I hope this finds you well” or “I trust you’ve been doing great” to show that you care about their well-being.

2. Be Specific

Share your excitement about the event or occasion. Maybe you’ve been eagerly looking forward to the wedding because you know how much love the couple shares. Or perhaps you can’t wait to celebrate a milestone birthday because you’ve been through many cherished memories together. Mentioning specific details about the event helps them understand just how much you value their invitation.

Examples of The Perfect Thank You Email After A Presentation

3. Show Gratitude

This is why you are writing the email in the first place, so you need to let them know how much you are grateful for being invited to the occasion. Let your emotion show in your email. The same way you will feel when sitting across from the host, looking into their eyes, and expressing your heartfelt thanks. That’s how you should express yourself in the letter. Be genuine and straightforward in your gratitude. You could say something like, “Thank you from the bottom of my heart for inviting me,” or “I’m incredibly grateful for the opportunity to be a part of this special day.”

4. Let Your Thoughtfulness Show

If your host went out of their way to include a personal note in the invitation, or if they took the time to accommodate any dietary restrictions you have? Acknowledge these little acts of thoughtfulness in your email. For instance, you might say, “Your sweet note in the invitation touched my heart,” or “I truly appreciate you considering my dietary preferences.”

5. Ensure You Use Heartfelt Words

When you use heartfelt words, you let the host feel the depth of your emotions. Imagine you’re giving a heartfelt toast, and the words just flow naturally from your heart. Incorporate phrases like “I cherish the memories we create together,” or “I’m truly touched by your kindness.”

6. Be Polite and Respectful

Please don’t forget to be polite and show respect in your email. Even though, you might be writing to friends and family, make sure you are polite. Use phrases like “please” and “thank you” throughout your message. If the occasion is formal, consider using “Dear [Host’s Name]” and a more formal tone. It’s like being on your best behaviour while visiting someone’s home.

7. Sign Off with Warmth

Just like you end a heartfelt conversation with a warm hug or a friendly handshake, end your email with a warm closing. Use a phrase that reflects your emotions, like “Sending you lots of love and thanks” or “With heartfelt appreciation.” And don’t forget to sign your name with a touch of warmth and familiarity.

Thank You For Getting Back To Me Email Samples

When Are You Required To Write A Thank You Letter for Invitation

When it comes to expressing gratitude for an invitation, the occasions are varied and plentiful. Let’s explore some of the instances where writing a thank-you letter for an invitation is not only thoughtful but also expected:

1. Social Events

From birthday parties and weddings to baby showers and dinner gatherings, when friends and loved ones extend invitations to celebrate life’s milestones, showing appreciation through a thank-you letter is a beautiful gesture.

2. Job Interviews

An invitation to attend an interview signifies that an employer is interested in getting to know you better. In the professional realm, writing a thank-you email for the interview invitation demonstrates your professionalism, gratitude, and a keen interest in the position.

3. Business Events

In the corporate world, invitations to conferences, seminars, workshops, and networking events are quite common. Sending a thank-you letter for such invitations not only shows appreciation for the chance to enhance your skills and knowledge but also reflects well on your business etiquette.

4. Speaking Engagements

If you’ve been invited to share your expertise as a speaker at a conference, seminar, or workshop, writing a thank-you letter is a must. It showcases your appreciation for the platform and acknowledges the trust placed in your knowledge and abilities.

5. Formal Dinners and Receptions

Whether it’s a government function, an embassy event, or a formal dinner party, a thank-you letter is a gracious way to show your gratitude for the invitation and convey your enjoyment of the event.

6. Graduations and Academic Events

Invitations to graduation ceremonies, academic achievements, or awards ceremonies deserve heartfelt thanks. Expressing your gratitude for these educational milestones can show your recognition of the support you’ve received on your journey.

Thank You for The Invitation Email Letter Sample

We have gathered some sample letter templates you can replicate or use when sending a thank you for the invitation email to friends, colleagues, job prospects, etc.

Sample 1. Thank You Letter for Birthday Party Invitation

This is a template of a thank you for the invitation letter for a birthday party.

Sample 2: Thank You Letter for Job Interview Invitation:

Here is another template that can be used when you have been invited for a job interview.

Sample 3: Thank You Letter for Speaking Engagement Invitation

If you have been invited to a conference, seminar, workshop, or networking event, here is a template that can help you get started.

Sample 4: Thank You Letter for Graduation or Academic Event Invitation

Here is a general template you can use when you have been invited to a graduation ceremony, academic achievements, or awards ceremony.

In conclusion, expressing gratitude through a well-crafted Thank You for the Invitation email is a courteous gesture and an opportunity to leave a lasting impression on the sender. In today’s fast-paced digital world, composing a thoughtful message can make all the difference in building and nurturing meaningful connections.

About The Author

thank you letter for presentation invitation

Opeyemi Olagoke

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thank you letter for presentation invitation

  • 7 important 'thank you' notes to send after your event: templates & tips

7 important 'thank you' notes to send after your event: templates & tips


  • Last Updated : February 7, 2024

A paper with 'thank you' written in different languages on a typewriter.

Well, folks, the curtains have closed, the lights have dimmed, and the last stragglers have finally stumbled out the door—your event is officially over! But before you kick off your heels and pop the champagne, it's time to show some love to the stars of the show: all the people who made it a success.

As an event planner, connections are key to keep pulling off successful events. Taking time to send thank-you messages to everyone can be the secret sauce to strengthen relationships and build a network of awesome connections for future endeavors.

In this article, we’ll provide you with email templates and guidelines to help you craft your thank-you notes. These are sure to reflect your appreciation and strengthen your relationships with key stakeholders. So, grab your pen (or keyboard), and let's get ready to dish out some heartfelt gratitude.

Writing Guidelines 

When writing your email, it's important to do so in a way that is both professional and personal. These guidelines will help you strike that balance and craft a thoughtful message that event participants will appreciate.


Personalize your email’s subject line and greeting with each recipient's name to make them feel valued. This also increases the likelihood of them opening the email!


Send the thank-you email as soon as possible after the event. The longer you wait, the less impact the message will have.


Express sincere gratitude for the recipient's participation and contributions to the event. Highlight the positive impact they had on the event's success.


Acknowledge the recipient's specific contributions to the event, such as their presentation, support, or participation.

Invitation for future collaboration 

Invite the recipient to participate in future events or collaborate on future projects. This can help build a relationship and increase the likelihood of future collaborations.


Maintain a professional tone and avoid using overly casual language or slang.

Attention to detail 

Check for errors and typos before sending the email. This shows that you value the recipient's time and attention.

Streamline communication with event tech

Beyond templates, consider incorporating event management software for drafting, scheduling, and sending event emails to key stakeholders. A good tool will provide:

Pre-designed templates: Choose from a library of professional email templates tailored to different audiences (speakers, sponsors, attendees, etc.).

Personalization tools: Insert custom fields like names, companies, and specific contributions for a more personal touch.

Scheduling and automation: Schedule emails to be sent automatically after the event or at specific intervals.

Segmentation and targeting: Send targeted emails to specific groups of stakeholders based on their roles, interests, or attendance data.

Benefits of using event tech software:

Save time and effort: Automate repetitive tasks and avoid manual email drafting.

Improve efficiency and accuracy: Personalize emails at scale and avoid human error.

Gain valuable insights: Track email performance and make data-driven decisions.

Without any further ado, on to the templates!


When writing to your speakers, it's always a good idea to show them you paid attention. If the speaker had a particular style or way of delivering the presentation that impressed you, make sure to mention it. Did their energy pump the room up? Was their sense of humor sharper than a chef's knife? Did their speaking tone give you goosebumps in all the right places? Let them know that you noticed and appreciated their unique style.

And speaking of appreciation, if your attendees had some positive feedback to share about the speaker, make sure to pass it along! It's like a virtual high-five, a way of saying "Hey, you nailed it!".

Dear [Speaker Name],

I hope you're doing well! I wanted to thank you for being a speaker at [eventName].

Your presentation on [topic] was received very well by our audience. Many attendees also mentioned that it was one of the highlights of the event.

To give you an idea of the feedback we received, I have compiled some of the attendee feedback here [insert link].

I also wanted to let you know that we have created an on-demand video of your session so attendees who couldn’t make it to your session can watch it later. Please feel free to share it with your network or display it on your portfolio as well.

Thank you again for being a part of [event name]. It was an absolute pleasure working with you, and I hope we get to collaborate again in the future.

Please keep in touch and let us know if there's anything we can do to support you and your endeavors.

Best regards,

[Your Name]

[Your Organization]


No attendees, no event—it's as simple as that! So don't forget to thank them for being a part of your event. A well-crafted thank-you email can not only show your appreciation but also gently nudge them towards taking further action.

Don't hesitate to add a Call to Action—after all, they're already interested in what you have to offer! Invite them to join your mailing list, follow your social media channels, or give feedback through a survey.

And why stop there? If you have any exciting post-event activities planned like a LinkedIn Live or a networking session, let them know! Who knows, maybe they'll be keen to keep the conversation going and take their involvement with your brand to the next level.

Dear [Attendee Name],

Thank you for attending [event name]! Firstly, we want to hear from you. Your opinion is incredibly important to us, and we want to make sure that we continue to deliver experiences that exceed your expectations. Please take a few minutes to complete our survey [Insert link to survey].

We have some exciting post-event networking activities planned, including a LinkedIn Live session where you can connect with fellow attendees and speakers to discuss the event's key takeaways [insert details about the networking activities and any links to registration or other information].

As we revisit the event, we wanted to share some highlights with you, along with a few photos that capture the spirit of the day [Insert a brief summary of some of the highlights from the event and attach photos].

Once again, thank you so much for being a part of our event and community. We're grateful for your support, and can't wait to see you again soon!

A thank-you email to a sponsor is probably the most essential one you will write because they empowered you to pull off an event of that scale. Let them know exactly how their contribution made a difference. Numbers, feedback, and social media stats will do the trick! Be sure to ask how the event benefited your sponsors too, from their experience at the event to their ROI.

Include any photos or videos from the event that showcase the sponsor's logo or branding. This is a great way to show the sponsor the visibility they received through their support.

Dear [Sponsor Name],

I wanted to take a moment to thank you for sponsoring [Event Name]. Your support and partnership played a key role in the success of our event, and we appreciate your participation.

I hope you're happy with the brand visibility you got from the event. I'm also adding a few photos and videos from the event that showed your brand well so you can use them in your campaigns.

We wanted to follow up and ask for your feedback on your experience as a sponsor. Did you feel that your ROI was worthwhile? Did the co-marketing campaign help you achieve your goals? Any feedback you can provide would be greatly appreciated, as we are always looking for ways to improve our future events.

Also, I wanted to let you know that we're currently offering the same sponsorship package for next year's event. If you sign up now, you can lock in the same price and ensure your spot as a sponsor.

Once again, thank you for your support of [Event Name]. We value our relationship with you and hope that we can continue to work together in the future.

Warm regards,


Vendors do a lot of the heavy-lifting when it comes to putting the event together, so don't overlook thanking them for their support. Give them a shout-out for the specific items or services they provided. After all, it's the little things that count, like a perfectly crafted hors d'oeuvre or a stunning floral arrangement that makes the room pop.

You can offer to write them a review or recommendation to help boost their business. This way, you get to strengthen your professional relationship while also giving them the props they deserve.

Dear [Vendor Name],

I wanted to drop a quick note to say thanks for your awesome service at [Event Name] on [Event Date]. Your flexibility and willingness to go above and beyond to make sure everything was taken care of was greatly appreciated. The event wouldn't have been such a success without your help.

Thanks again for being such an amazing partner to work with. I'm excited to work together in the future.

Staff and Volunteers 

Let's celebrate the real MVPs—your team! We all know that event planning can be downright chaotic at times, but having hardworking and passionate people on your side makes all the difference. Encourage them to continue to be involved in future events, as their dedication and commitment are invaluable.

Highlight outstanding contributions. Take note of any volunteers or staff members who went above and beyond their duties and mention them specifically. This lets them know that you noticed their hard work and are grateful for it.

Dear [Staff/Volunteer name],

I hope you've had some time to unwind and recharge after [event name]. I wanted to take a moment to personally thank you for your incredible efforts in making the event a success.

From the very beginning, it was clear that we had a great team of passionate individuals who were committed to making this event unforgettable. Your creativity, professionalism, and tireless work behind the scenes truly made all the difference.

Throughout the event, I was constantly amazed by [insert your feedback - e.g. your positive attitude, your willingness to go above and beyond, your unwavering commitment to excellence, etc]

It was an absolute privilege to work with you, and I feel grateful to have you on our team.

Thank you again for everything that you have done. I am looking forward to our next adventure together!

With gratitude,


Want to make a big splash with your events? It's all about cultivating a good relationship with the press. After all, they're the ones who can help spread the word and generate buzz like nobody's business.

So if media coverage helped take your event to the next level, be sure to give them a shout-out and let them know just how much you appreciate their support. And if they need any extra details or quotes for their article, don't hesitate to offer your help.

Remember, a little love for the press goes a long way. So let's show them some appreciation and keep those waves rolling in!

Dear [Media Personnel],

On behalf of our entire team, I wanted to take a moment to express our gratitude for your coverage and support of [event name].

[If there was any pre-event PR, thank them for that here—e.g. Your coverage of the event provided valuable exposure and helped us spread the word about our mission and goals.]

If you need any further information or quotes from attendees for your news article, please do not hesitate to reach out. We would be happy to assist you in any way we can.

We also hope that you found the event to be informative and enjoyable. If you have any feedback on the event or suggestions for future events, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Again, we are grateful that you took the time to attend and report on the event. We value your partnership and look forward to working with you in the future.

A thank-you email is more than just a polite gesture. It's a powerful tool to foster goodwill, receive valuable insights, and improve future events.

So, whether you're sending a note to your speakers or your attendees, remember to be specific and personalize these templates to suit each person. And who knows? Your gratitude could lead to some exciting collaborations and partnerships down the road.

But wait, there's more! Thank-you notes are just the tip of the iceberg when it comes to event communication. As an event planner, your inbox can quickly become a whirlwind of emails – from initial invites to attendee follow-ups. Don't get lost in the chaos! Our comprehensive email resource blog  serves as your one-stop shop for every email you'll ever need, throughout the entire event lifecycle.

Explore a curated list of pre-written templates, for each crucial stage of event planning. From the early days of sending save-the-dates to crafting registration confirmations and last-minute reminders, we've got you covered.

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Marketer by day, geek extraordinaire by night—You can often find me at gig nights or the philosophy sections of bookstores. In my free time, I usually got headphones on, lost in an audiobook or podcast while indulging in my latest hobby, aka hyperfixation du jour. I like to travel to make feline friends everywhere I go. Sometimes I write. Join me as I navigate through the event industry!

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thank you letter for presentation invitation

The Number 1 Letter Writing Website in the world

Thank You Letter for Invitation

Last Updated On October 26, 2020 By Letter Writing Leave a Comment

A thank you letter is written to follow an invitation letter to an occasion or event. Such a letter is written by an entity or an individual who has received an invitation to an occasion. This letter is addressed to the event organizer or host individual or organization.

A thank you letter is an acknowledgment of receipt to the invitation letter sent by an organizer of an event. It is a letter to show appreciation for being invited to the occasion and demonstrates an understanding of the details about the event and the objectives. A person invited to an event can also use this letter to confirm attendance for the event.

Tips for writing a thank you letter of invitation

  • Indicate politely your acceptance to the invitation
  • Illustrate interest in the occasion
  • Indicate confirmation to attend the event
  • Extend appreciation for the organizer involving you in the event
  • Discuss details about the occasion and demonstrate a good understanding
  • If you have any inquiries about the event, highlight them here
  • Tailor the language  and content of the letter depending on the occasion or recipient
  • Provide your contact information
  • Keep it brief and concise

Thank You Letter for Invitation Templates

When invited to a party, it is a good gesture to give a note of thanks. Here is a free thank you letter for invitation template and sample letters that you can customize to write a polite letter to the event host.


Date (date on which letter is written)



Dear _________________,

It is with great pleasure that I write to appreciate you for invitation dated ____________. Thank you for inviting me to attend ____________ party. I am happy to meet you and your family under such joyous circumstances. Our families are close and I would like to maintain the good relationship.

Additionally I wish to inform you that I would like to attend the ____________ party which is scheduled for ____________ (date) at ____________ and the venue at ____________. This will be a day of celebration that I would love to share with you and your family. I extend my help to you in any way that I can.

Kindly share with me the theme of the day so that I can make the necessary arrangements. Here is my email address ____________ and mobile number ____________ where you can reach me with updates or changes regarding this party.

I am eager to attend this ____________party and share happiness with you and your family. I look forward to this beautiful and significant celebration.

Yours Sincerely,


____________ ____________

Date (Date on which letter is written)

___________ ___________

Sub: _______________________________________

Dear ___________________, (Mr/Mrs.)/(Sir/Madam)

Thank you for inviting us to………….(Name of the event). All of us will be delighted to come. We always enjoy the celebrations at your place. We remembered the ………. (Name of the event) party last year. We had a lot of fun back then.

I want to thank you for inviting us over and making us a part of such a beautiful evening. We have always found you both to be amazing hosts and would certainly be there for ……………….(Name of the occasion) to bless and wish you all.

Looking forward to spending a memorable evening together.

Warm regards,

Thank You Letter for Invitation Samples

When you want to express appreciation for being invited to a party, you write a thank you letter. Check out a good example of a sample thank you letter for an invitation that you can use for reference.

Cornell Perkins,

647 W. Gartner Street

Coram, NY 11727

United States

Date:____________ (Date on which letter is written)

DAAD Alumni Network

Normand Hutchinson,

8320 1st Road

Prior Lake, MN 55372

Sub; Thank you note for an invitation

Dear Mr. Hutchinson,

I hereby write this letter to extend my appreciation for your invitation to take part in the DAAD Alumni Network Annual Ceremony. I am very grateful for being part of the alumni network and benefiting from a scholarship from your organization which has enabled me to pursue a successful career. I am happy to accept your invitation to the annual celebrations this year.

I wish to confirm that I would be delighted to join you as you celebrate the achievements of the DAAD Alumni Network which will take place at DAAD headquarters on 17 th March 2020 at 9 am. I am very proud to be a DAAD alumnus and I will be a good ambassador of the organization. Kindly reach me on my mobile 302-420-7292 in case of additional information or changes. I look forward to coming to celebrate with you.

Yours Truly,

Cornell Perkins

Sub: Thanks for the invitation

Dear Mr. Rogers,

Thank you for inviting us to your son’s birthday party. All of us will be delighted to come. The kids always enjoy birthday parties at your place. We remembered the party last year. We had a lot of fun back then.

I want to thank you for inviting us over and making us a part of such a beautiful evening. We have always found you both to be amazing hosts and would certainly be there for your son’s special day to bless and wish him.

(Mrs. and Mr. Farera).

Thank You Letter for Invitation Email Formats

When writing a note to thank someone for inviting you to an occasion, it is important to mention that you to have a good time. See the thank you letter for an invitation in an email format that you can use.

Dear Mr. Craig,

I am writing this letter to express my gratitude for the invitation to the conference on Marine Litter and Micro-plastics. I was very humbled by your invitation and I wish to confirm that it would be a great pleasure to attend this conference. My Ph.D. research is related to this topic and I believe it will complement my research and findings.

I hereby confirm that I will be taking part in the conference that will be taking place in Bonn, UN Headquarters from 3 rd to 4 th March 2020 from 8 am to 5 pm. I have been working on micro-plastics and I would like to expand my knowledge on this topic. Additionally, it is an opportunity to network with people who are in a similar research field.

Kindly send me a copy of the program of the conference to my email [email protected] at your earliest to that I can make the necessary arrangements for my travel. Thank you for giving me this opportunity to strengthen my research knowledge.

I hope to see you on this day as we share our research findings on micro-plastics.

Best Wishes,

Jewel Nunez

Dear Pauline,

Your book launch party was great! The discussion was quite interesting, and the food and décor were just delightful. Rita and I had fun, and so we thank you for inviting us over.

Look at you now – a successful writer. I truly am very proud of you. It seems not so long ago that you put your head out the car window trying to read every street sign we pass by. You were still learning to read and write back then. Oh, how time flies. I wish you all the best, my little sister!

I can’t wait for Thanksgiving when we could already see you and our dear niece. We haven’t seen Danny for a long time, too, so do tell us if he would be able to make it. It would be nice if we were to celebrate all together – our whole family.

We thank you again for your hospitality and a pleasant evening. Pass on my love to my sweet niece, and do take care!


Love and Tale

It is an important gesture to send a thank you letter for an invitation to a party or occasion in such a letter, one must demonstrate an understanding of the details about the occasion and its objectives. This letter can be tailored casually or formally depending on the purpose of the event. You may also ask questions or request clarification about the event. Keep the letter brief and concise.

Related Letters:

  • Birthday Party Invitation Letter
  • Invitation Letter
  • Wedding Invitation Thank You letter
  • Invitation Acceptance Thank you Letter
  • Invitation to Surprise Party Letter
  • How To Write An Invitation Letter
  • Personal Invitation Letter
  • Indian Marriage Invitation Letter to a Friend
  • Christmas Party Invitation Letter
  • Marriage Invitation Letter to Friends
  • Invitation Letter For Sales
  • Official Invitation Letter
  • Sample Christmas Party Invitation Letter
  • Letter of Invitation – Business
  • Invitation Letter for a Charity Program
  • Wedding Invitation Letter
  • Informal Invitation Letter
  • Marriage Invitation Letter
  • Sample Invitation Letter
  • House Warming Party Invitation Letter
  • Effective Invitation Letter
  • Invitation Messages

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60 Thank You Messages for Attending the Event (Heartfelt Appreciation Notes)

By Editorial Team on November 23, 2023 — 14 minutes to read

A heartfelt thank-you message is a great way to express gratitude to guests who attended your event. It makes your attendees feel valued and shows appreciation for their time and effort. Crafting a thoughtful message also fosters goodwill and strengthens relationships, which can lead to long-lasting connections. Here are some examples of thank-you messages:

Example 1 : If you hosted a conference or seminar, try a message like this:

Dear [Guest Name], Thank you for attending our [Event Name] conference. We hope you found the sessions useful and left feeling inspired to excel in your field. Your presence and active participation added immense value to the event, and it wouldn’t have been the same without you. Warm regards, [Your Name]

Example 2 : For a wedding or a family event, consider a more personalized message:

Dear [Guest Name], We’re grateful that you could join us in celebrating our special day. Thank you for your warm wishes and generous gift. Your presence made our wedding even more memorable, and we’re lucky to have you in our lives. With love, [Your Name]

When writing thank-you messages, focus on these key points:

  • Personalization : Address the recipient by their name and include specific details about the event.
  • Gratitude : Express genuine appreciation for their attendance and the positive impact it had on the event.
  • Highlights : Mention crucial moments or points of interest that stood out during the event.
  • Call to action : If applicable, invite the attendees to future events or encourage them to provide feedback.

Thank-you messages for attending an event

A heartfelt thank-you message can go a long way in expressing your appreciation for someone’s presence at your event. A well-crafted note can not only strengthen relationships but also create a lasting impression on your attendees. Here are some examples of messages you can use to show your gratitude:

  • Thank you so much for taking the time to attend our event. Your presence made it even more special, and we’re grateful for your support.
  • We are so glad you could join us for the event! Seeing familiar faces like yours makes the experience truly memorable. Thank you for being there.
  • Your company during the event was a delight, and we appreciate you making the effort to attend. Your participation contributed to its success.
  • We just wanted to say thank you for attending our event. Your energetic vibe and enthusiasm added an extra spark to the occasion.
  • Thank you for taking your valuable time to be with us. Your support and presence have left a lasting impression on everyone involved, and we hope to see you in future events.

Thank-you messages for an invitation to an event

  • Thank you for inviting me to [event name]. I appreciate the opportunity to connect with like-minded professionals and learn more about [mention the key topic/theme of the event].
  • I had a fantastic time at [event name] and am grateful for the invitation. Your event was insightful and engaging, providing valuable knowledge that I’ll apply in my daily work. Thanks again!
  • Your invitation to [event name] truly made a difference. The event was a wonderful experience, and I’m excited to implement new ideas and strategies discussed during the sessions. Warmest thanks!
  • I am genuinely grateful for the chance to attend [event name]. The information shared and the connections made have enriched my understanding of [mention relevant industry]. Thank you for this amazing opportunity.
  • Last week’s [event name] was a blast! Your hard work and attention to detail made it an unforgettable experience. Thank you for extending the invitation, and I look forward to attending future events.

Thank-you messages for coming to an event

  • Thank you for coming to our [event name]! Your presence truly made the evening special.
  • We’d like to express our deepest gratitude for your attendance at [event name]. Your support means the world to us.
  • Your energy and enthusiasm at [event name] made a difference, and we appreciate you joining in the festivities!
  • We can’t thank you enough for taking the time to be part of our event. Your contribution helped make it a great success.
  • It was such a pleasure to see you at [event name]. We couldn’t have done it without your involvement, and we’re truly grateful for your support.

Post event thank-you messages

  • Thank you for attending our event! We truly appreciate your support and hope you enjoyed your time.
  • Your presence at the event made a significant impact, and we’re grateful for your contribution.
  • We’re so glad you could join us for the event, and we hope to see you at future gatherings!
  • Your participation made the event a great success, and we’re thankful for your valuable insights.
  • We loved hearing your thoughts during the panel discussion – thank you for sharing your expertise with us!
  • Thank you for bringing your positive energy and enthusiasm to the event – it was contagious!

Feel free to include a call-to-action in your message, as a way to foster continued interaction with the attendee, such as asking for their feedback or inviting them to stay connected through newsletters or social media:

  • We’d love to hear your feedback on the event – please feel free to share any thoughts or suggestions with us.
  • Don’t forget to connect with our LinkedIn or Facebook page to stay updated on our upcoming events and news.

Thank-you messages for participation in an event

  • Dear [Name], we can’t thank you enough for your participation in our [event name]. Your expertise and knowledge truly added value to the experience for everyone involved.
  • We appreciate your commitment and enthusiasm during the event. Your presence made a significant difference, and we’re grateful for your support.
  • Thank you for attending and contributing to the success of our event. We couldn’t have achieved it without you, and we’re looking forward to the next opportunity to collaborate with you.

Try to personalize your messages by mentioning specific highlights, moments, or anecdotes from the event. This brings warmth to the message and helps the recipient establish a stronger emotional connection to the event.

For example:

  • Your presentation on [topic] at our [event name] was both informative and engaging. We’ve received incredibly positive feedback from the attendees, and we think you played a key role in making the event a hit.
  • We’re grateful for your participation in the panel discussion on [topic]. Your insights and perspectives were valuable to our audience, and your expertise greatly contributed to the overall success of the event.

You may also choose to send group messages to multiple attendees if appropriate. Just remember to keep it sincere and personalized to make each recipient feel valued.

  • A huge thank-you to all of our wonderful attendees for making [event name] a success! Your presence, enthusiasm, and eagerness to learn truly made a difference, and we look forward to seeing you at future events.
  • Thank you all for your significant contributions to our recent event. We sincerely appreciate your support, and we hope you found it rewarding and enjoyable. We couldn’t have done it without each and every one of you.

Thank-you messages for a successful event

  • Thank you for attending our event last week! Your presence truly made it memorable and your contribution was invaluable. We hope to see you at future events.
  • We are so grateful for your participation in our fundraiser! Your support has made a significant impact on our cause, and we look forward to collaborating again in the future.
  • Your enthusiasm and engagement made our workshop a great success! We appreciate your time and effort and hope the event was just as beneficial to you as it was to us.
  • We want to extend our heartfelt thanks for joining our conference. Your insights and expertise enriched the discussions and made it a truly collaborative experience.

“Thank you for attending the event” message examples

  • Dear [Attendee’s name], Thank you for attending our [event name]! Your presence added to the event’s success, and we truly appreciate your support. We hope you enjoyed your time and gained valuable insights. Looking forward to seeing you at our next event! Best regards, [Your name]
  • Hi [Attendee’s name], We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for your participation in [event name]! It was a pleasure to have you there, and your contributions made a significant impact. We hope to see you at future events. Warm regards, [Your name]
  • Hello [Attendee’s name], Thank you for joining us at [event name]! Your enthusiasm and engagement were vital to making the event a success. We trust you had a memorable experience and look forward to your continued support at upcoming events. Sincerely, [Your name]
  • Dear [Attendee’s name], A huge thank you for being a part of our [event name]! Your input and presence were greatly appreciated, and the event would not have been the same without you. We hope you left with valuable knowledge and connections. See you at the next event! Kind regards, [Your name]
  • Hi [Attendee’s name], We’re grateful for your attendance at [event name] and for the positive energy you brought. Your support means a lot to us, and we hope you found the event rewarding. Can’t wait to see you at our next gathering! Take care, [Your name]

Examples of thank-you messages for event attendees

Sending a thank-you message to your event attendees is a great way to show your appreciation and create a lasting bond. Here’s a list of example phrases to inspire you in composing your own message:

  • Thank you for attending our event! Your presence made it truly memorable.
  • We appreciate your time and effort for being part of our event. We couldn’t have done it without you!
  • Your participation and enthusiasm truly made a difference. Thank you for making our event a success.
  • We are grateful for your support and attendance at our event. We hope you enjoyed it as much as we did.
  • Your energy and engagement contributed to the success of our event. Thank you for joining us!
  • It was a pleasure having you at our event. We hope to see you at our future gatherings.
  • Thank you for making time to attend our event. We appreciate your support and contributions.
  • We are grateful for your commitment and dedication to our cause. Thank you for attending our fundraiser.
  • Your presence and contributions made our conference a hit. We look forward to working with you again.
  • We couldn’t have asked for better guests at our event. Thank you for your company and support!

Don’t forget to personalize your thank-you messages by mentioning specific details or moments from the event that made it unique. This adds a genuine touch and makes your attendees feel valued. You can also include a call to action, such as inviting them to follow your social media accounts or share their thoughts about the event using a specific hashtag. No matter what you choose to include, make sure your message comes from the heart and shows your gratitude for their participation.

Catering to Various Audiences

Your guests are an integral part of your event, and showing gratitude for their attendance can help solidify your relationship with them. Take the time to craft a heartfelt message that thanks them for making the time to attend. You could say something like:

Dear [Guest’s Name], Thank you for joining us at the [Event Name]! Your presence added a lot to the atmosphere, and we are so grateful to have shared this experience with you.

Event Staff

Acknowledging the hard work of the event staff is crucial for maintaining a positive environment and building rapport with those who helped make your event a success. A sincere message of gratitude can make them feel valued. Consider a message like:

Dear [Staff Member’s Name], We cannot thank you enough for your dedication and effort in making the [Event Name] a success. Your hard work is truly appreciated, and we could not have done it without you.

Sponsors play an important role in the success of an event by providing financial support and resources. Express your gratitude with a personalized message that highlights their collaboration and contributions. For instance, you can use this template:

Dear [Sponsor’s Name], We are immensely grateful for your generous support and collaboration in making the [Event Name] possible. Your contributions helped create a memorable experience for everyone involved.

Elements of An Effective Thank-You Message

A successful thank you message can make a significant impact on your event attendees. Here are some guidelines for crafting a heartfelt message that shows your appreciation:

  • Personalize your message. Address each recipient by their name to display genuine gratitude. Using their name demonstrates that you took the time to write a unique message and increases the likelihood of leaving a positive impression.
  • Another point to focus on is providing specific details about the event. Mention memorable moments or highlights to remind the attendees of the experiences they had. This will help create a lasting connection with your event and encourage future participation.
  • Express genuine gratitude by reflecting on the effort the attendees put into attending your event. Acknowledge their time, travel, or other commitments they may have made to be part of your gathering. A well-thought-out message highlights your recognition and appreciates their presence.
  • Don’t forget to offer a call-to-action (CTA) in your message. This can be an invitation to future events, suggesting they share photos or stories from the event, or inviting them to follow you on social media. A relevant CTA sparks engagement with your brand or organization and helps to maintain a connection beyond the event.
  • Keep the tone friendly and supportive throughout your message. This encourages a sense of camaraderie among attendees and reinforces the positive atmosphere of your event. It also indirectly reflects well on you as the organizer, nurturing relationships for future collaborations.

Examples of Post-Event Thank You Messages

1. For a business event

Dear [Attendee’s name], Thank you for attending our [event name] on [date]. Your presence greatly contributed to the success of the event, and we hope the information and insights shared will prove to be valuable for your professional growth. We look forward to seeing you at our future events! Best regards, […]

2. For a fundraiser

Hi [Attendee’s name], We would like to extend our heartfelt thanks for your support at the [event name] on [date]. Your generous contribution and participation have brought us closer to achieving our goal. We couldn’t have made it this far without compassionate individuals like you. Stay tuned for updates on our cause! Sincerely, […]

3. For a workshop or seminar

Dear [Attendee’s name], We appreciate your attendance at the [event name] on [date]. Your active participation and curiosity have helped shape a productive and engaging learning experience for all. We hope you can apply the new knowledge and skills in your endeavors, and we’re excited to see you at our upcoming events! Best wishes, […]

4. For a celebration or party

Hey [attendee’s name], Thank you for celebrating with us at the [event name] on [date]. Your presence added a special touch to the occasion, and we hope you had a wonderful time. We’re grateful to have shared these memories with you and look forward to many more in the future! Take care, […]

5. For a conference or summit

Dear [Attendee’s name], We are grateful for your attendance at the [event name] held on [date]. Your participation in various sessions, discussions, and networking events contributed to making the conference a dynamic and fruitful experience. We’re excited to continue fostering a strong community and hope to see you at our next event! Kind regards, […]

A sincere, personalized message will leave a lasting impression on your attendees and encourage them to participate in future events.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a short and professional way to thank guests for attending an event.

A brief and professional thank you message can be as simple as: “Thank you for attending our event! Your presence was greatly appreciated, and we hope you found it informative and valuable.”

How can I express gratitude for someone’s presence at a meeting?

Expressing gratitude for someone attending a meeting can be done with a message like: “We’re grateful you could join us for the meeting today. Your insights and contributions made a significant difference, and we look forward to working together more in the future.”

What are some catchy phrases to appreciate an event’s attendees?

Here are some catchy phrases you can use to show appreciation to the attendees of your event:

  • “Your presence brought life to our event!”
  • “Thank you for adding your spark to the occasion!”
  • “Grateful for your participation in making this event a success!”

Feel free to get creative and personalize these phrases to reflect your event’s theme or the unique atmosphere of the gathering.

How can I convey my thanks to clients who attended an event?

Thanking clients who attended an event is essential to maintain strong relationships. You can convey your appreciation with a message like: “We are grateful for your attendance at our event. Your continued support and collaboration mean the world to us. We hope you enjoyed the experience, and we look forward to serving your future needs.”

What is an example of a casual thank you message for event attendees?

A casual thank you message can be as simple and friendly as: “Hey, thanks for coming to our event! We had a blast having you there, and we hope you did too. Let’s catch up soon!”

How do you write a simple and friendly thank you note for people who came to an event?

A simple and friendly thank you note can be written as follows: “Thank you for joining us at our event! We truly appreciate your presence and support. It was a pleasure having you there, and we hope you enjoyed the experience as much as we did.” Remember to personalize the message to reflect your event and the attendees’ unique contribution or connection to the gathering.

  • 120 Examples: Heartfelt Thank-You Messages and Phrases
  • 180 Thank You Messages: Uplifting Words to Express Gratitude
  • Perfect Ways to Say "Thank You for the Opportunity" (Examples)
  • 35 Heartwarming Thank-You Note Examples to Show Your Appreciation
  • Interview Follow-up Email Examples (1-2-3 weeks)

thank you letter for presentation invitation

How To Write A Professional Thank You Email (25 different use cases)

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Did you know including a simple “thank you” email in your outbound strategies can jump response rates by almost 53.5% ? 

While sending a thank you email is an expression of gratitude, it’s also a conversation re-starter. Especially for sales and marketing teams, it’s an essential strategy to maintain positive relationships with clients.

A study shows thank you emails have one of the highest open rates at 42%!

Want to learn how to write a thank you email but not sure how to stand out? Refer to the following guide based on real-time use cases and copy-pastable email examples. 

But first, let’s understand what a thank you email is all about.

Table of Contents

Professional thank you email: what is it, and how to write a professional thank you email

When you’ve received a client referral, met a potential client at a business event, or successfully delivered a client project, regardless of the magnitude of the occasion, a thank you email is a quick way to show appreciation.

Thank you emails should be part and parcel of your business communication. 

Imagine you’re at the receiving end of thank you emails. A teammate sends you an email thanking you for your significant role in a project’s completion. It instantly lights up your day. Not only that, you’re motivated to continue pursuing the partnership and giving it your best.

Some tips on what should go into your thank you emails:

  • Write a short and sweet thank you email highlighting specific details and the reason for sending the email.
  • Include a personalized subject line. For example, “ Stefan, it was wonderful meeting you! ”
  • Ensure you don’t send a cookie-cutter message. Add the intention behind thanking the recipient, for example, after an event, conversation, or project they were a part of.
  • Write crisp text, avoid sounding salesy, and double-check for typos and grammatical errors to show professionalism. 

But wait. We know sending professional thank you emails is not this simple. So we’ve collected 25 different use cases of sending thank you emails to improve your personal connections. 

Let’s get into it.

25 examples of professional thank you emails

We’ve divided the examples into four different use cases so you can jump to your preferred section and get sending winning thank you emails:

  • Sending thank you emails to your clients
  • Sending thank you emails to your partners
  • Sending thank you emails to your boss
  • Sending thank you emails to your colleagues  

How to write a professional thank you email to your clients  

Let’s go over seven different client occasions to send thank you emails and make a difference:

1. After a business event: 

You’ve just attended a business event and networked with executives and potential clients in your industry. But thanks to us humans’ memory limitations, most clients forget the important conversations they had at an event. 

So what’s the best memory refresher? Sending a personalized thank you note as an email reminding your potential clients of the incredible discussions you had with them at the event. 

A well-structured, to-the-point thank you email also helps you continue the conversation further and get to know a prospect better. 

A thank you email to a client after a business event example:

Subject line: Derek, it was lovely meeting you! Hi Derek, It was a pleasure talking to you at the SaaS Insiders event. I loved your presentation about AI and could not stop raving about it to my colleagues.  Would you like to have this conversation over a quick Zoom meeting this Friday?  Thanks again for your talk. Looking forward to meeting with you again soon. Thanks, Jack

Bonus tip: Potential clients may not always check their emails or respond to them. So, as a rule of thumb, try reaching them over other channels, too. For example, use LinkedIn to send a personalized thank you note along with an email. 

Expandi lets you send such requests at scale by tying up emails and LinkedIn and automating the whole process. 

how to write a professional thank you email

Expandi’s Smart Sequences allows you to set up workflows based on several scenarios and outcomes. For example , if the prospect fails to respond to your first ‘thank you’ email, you can set up an automated LinkedIn message and an email to be sent after 1-2 days as a follow-up.

2. After a purchase or a transaction: 

If your client has recently purchased with your business or engaged in a transaction, send them a short thank you email as a token of appreciation. After all, they deserve one for placing their trust in your services.

Moreover, a post-purchase thank you email sets the tone for communicating transaction details, providing necessary next steps, or even offering up-selling opportunities.

Here’s an example:

Subject line: Thanks for the purchase, we’re glad to have you onboard! Hi Mary, We’re excited to have you as a part of our agency! We cannot wait to bring you incredible results and watch your business grow.  For the next steps, please sign our contract here . Please feel free to reach us if you have any questions. You can access our free resources to learn more about our processes and services.  Thanks again for trusting us! [signature]

3. On special occasions: 

Track your clients’ birthdays, anniversaries, holidays, or major milestones to send them a sweet note congratulating and thanking them for their valuable relationship. 

Your clients will love the gesture and continue supporting your efforts. 

Subject line: Warm birthday wishes! Hey John, Happy birthday! Hope your upcoming year is filled with joy and many new and existing opportunities. Want to take a moment and thank you for your sincere support and friendship over the last year. Hope we continuously collaborate and work on many more projects together.  Thank you once again for your incredible support! [signature]

4. Referrals or recommendations:

If a client has made an effort and referred you to a job or a person, a short and simple thank you note is a polite way to appreciate them. Sending a thank you email persuades them to continue referring your services to others in their network.

Subject line: Thanks for the referral, Jack! Hi Jack, Thanks for referring me to John at Company X. Just got off a sales call with them, and they had great things to say about you. I was super proud of the fact that I worked with you!  I sincerely appreciate your support and for taking the time to recommend me to your network. I’ll keep you posted on the call’s progress. Thank you, [signature]

5. Feedback or testimonials:

If clients have gone out of their way to provide feedback or a testimonial, ensure you express gratitude with a personalized email thanking them. 

This small yet significant gesture instills mutual trust, urges them to continue working with you, and makes way for more valuable feedback.

Subject line: Thank you for the testimonial 😊 Hi Carol, Cannot thank you enough for taking the time to drop in a testimonial.  Heartfully appreciate your prolonged support and hope to continue this partnership for years to come! Thanks again for trusting our services! [signature]

6. Client appreciation events: 

Did you just host a successful client appreciation event? Then consider sending the participants a thank you email for their active participation. 

Sending a thank you email post-event continues the conversion beyond an event, thus developing a healthy bond between businesses and clients. 

Subject line: Thanks for attending last night’s session! Hi Joe, Thank you for actively being a part of our community and attending the networking event yesterday! Meeting you in person and knowing you’re a football fan was a pleasure. Hoping to stay connected and continuing our prolonged collaboration.  Cheers! [siganture]

7. Successful project completion: 

If you’ve successfully brought a project to completion and delivered it to a client, you should consider sending a thank you email to them. 

Picture this: The client is already ecstatic about the project’s successful completion, and sending a thank you email may be just what they need to continue their collaboration for future projects.

Subject line: Thanks for your support in bringing Project X to completion! Hello Jane, Glad to inform the completion of Project X within the expected timeline! As always, you’ve been of great help. Your expert insights and ideas are something we’ll always look up to. We hope to continue working with you for many other future projects and bringing you incredible results! Thanks again! [signature]

How to write a professional thank you email to partners 

Want to thank your partner(s) but have no idea how? Let’s discuss six different occasions to thank your partners for their valuable friendship and show gratitude:

1. Successful collaboration: 

If you and your partner have successfully handed off a client project or hit a shared goal, consider sending them a thank you email and making their day.

For example, highlight their personal contribution that helped the project kick-off, acknowledge the value they brought to the partnership, etc. Doing so lays the ground for hitting many more business goals. 

Subject line: We did it, Steve! Thanks for the partnership. Hey Steve, Project X is now done and dusted and all set to be kicked off. You had a major role in this, and cannot thank you enough! Your ideas and sales outreach expertise brought so much to the table that our clients loved every bit of our approach. Cannot wait to work on more projects with you and hit many more sales goals.  Thanks again, and see you soon! [signature]

2. Partnership anniversary: 

Long-term partnerships are priceless. Sending a thank you email for your partnership anniversary sets the stage for mutual respect, friendship, and trust.

In the thank you email, thank them for their continued efforts, trust, and collaboration throughout the years. Make it more interesting by reflecting on some major milestones you’ve achieved together, letting them take a walk back memory lane.

Subject line: Here’s to our incredible journey – celebrating our partnership anniversary! Hello Team X, Today marks five years since our partnership started! My team and I take this opportunity to express our heartfelt gratitude for your trust and friendship all through these years, We’ve had some major ups and downs along the way. But that didn’t stop us from achieving our goals together.  Thank you for your invaluable contribution. Without your team and leadership’s feedback and expertise, we wouldn’t have made it this far. Here’s to many more years together as partners and friends! Cheers! [signature]

3. Referrals or introductions: 

If you had a partner who referred clients or other partners to your business, don’t forget to drop them a sincere thank-you email.  

Keep them posted on the outcomes so they are proud of their decision and continue referring you to others in their network. 

Subject line: Thanks for the awesome referral! Hi Dylan, Reaching out to thank you for connecting me with Mike from Operations. I really appreciate you going out of your way and introducing me to your network. Happy to inform you that I’ve been in touch with Mike, and we’re hoping to get on a call soon. Will keep you posted on the happenings! Once again, appreciate your efforts. Let me know if I can refer you to someone too. Thanks, [signature]

4. Support during challenging times:

A helping hand during a challenging situation or period deserves utmost recognition. And if you had a partner support you during hard times, let them know what the gesture meant to you with a thank you email.

A thank you email in this situation further strengthens the bond with your partners. You can also add a thank-you gift in return for their assistance. 

Subject line: Forever grateful for your support during the pandemic Hi Mike and Team, We hope this email finds you well. We at Company X want to thank you for your unwavering support during the recent pandemic.  We will forever be grateful for the incredible, non-stop commitment and support during this challenging time. Thank you for sharing your resources with us. It helped us deliver projects on time with no client complaints. Please accept our vouchers as a token of appreciation. Thanks again for standing by us. Hoping to continue this healthy partnership for years to come. Warm regards, [signature]

5. Special occasions:

Is your partner’s birthday or a long-due vacation coming up? Did your partner company reach a major milestone? Whatever the reason may be, ensure you whip up a personalized thank you email to wish them well.

Subject line: Enjoy your well-deserved vacation, Stefan! Hi Stefan, I know a vacation is long due for you. Hope you enjoy every minute of it and make beautiful memories. Thanks for everything you did in the last quarter. We constantly hit our sales and marketing goals thanks to your awesome commitment.  Looking forward to working on many more such targets once you’re back. Until then, have fun! Thanks, [signature]

6. Partnership renewal or extension 

Expressing gratitude with a thank you email is essential when you’ve extended a partnership or contract. 

It sets the tone for future communications and shared goals. Let them know you’re excited about reaching new feats and continuing the friendship. 

Subject line: Celebrating our extended partnership Hi Mike and Team at Agency X, My team and I are super excited to continue our partnership and friendship with you all.  Thank you for instilling trust in us. We wouldn’t do it without your support and commitment.  Cannot wait to see what’s to come in the following years! Here’s to the best partners and friends 🥂 Wishing us all more success and growth. Thank you and best regards, [signature]

How to Write a Professional Thank You Email to Boss

There are many ways to thank your boss besides a promotion. We have six ways for you to express gratitude to an awesome boss:

1. Recognition or praise: 

Did your manager or a lead leave glowing performance feedback or recognize your work? You know how these points play a key role in getting a raise. 

So it only makes sense to thank them for their encouragement and immense trust in your skills.

Subject line: Thanks for the awesome feedback, Jack Dear Jack, I just reviewed your feedback and cannot thank you enough for those encouraging words. You’ve always been a huge motivator for me to perform my best at work. And no doubt, your encouragement and guidance have made a massive difference to my skills and professional growth.  Thanks again for your never-ending support! Best regards, [signature]

2. Promotion or raise: 

A promotion or a raise is a testament to your incredible skills that your boss trusts. Ensure you commend them for their faith in your contribution with a short thank you email.

Write about how you see this as an opportunity to grow as an individual and a professional. State your undying commitment to perform better and contribute to the team’s success. 

Subject line: Thanks for the promotion, Mike! Hi Mike, Writing this email to thank you for promoting me to Marketing Lead. I’m aware your feedback played a big role in my promotion. Thanks for trusting my skills and being my guiding force for the last couple of years.  I assure you I will continue doing great work in my new position and make you proud! Please let me know if there are any specific areas I must focus on in my new position. I’m excited to work with you in the new role and learn more. Thanks again! Warm regards, [signature]

3. Mentorship: 

If you’ve received helpful guidance or mentorship from your boss, a thank you email is the best way to recognize their efforts and time spent. 

Make the email more specific by adding instances where their advice has helped you the most.

Subject line: Grateful for your valuable advice, John Dear John, Thanks for your unwavering support ever since I’ve joined your team. I always look up to you for inspiration and advice. Our recent discussion on what career skills I should upskill to has been extremely helpful. Glad to inform you that I’ve already signed up for the Marketing course as suggested by you. I will keep you updated on my course completion. Grateful to have you as my boss! Thanks, [signature]

4. Opportunities for growth or learning:

Did your boss recently refer you to a training program, workshop, or conference? Such career-oriented events are a gold mine of opportunities. 

And sending a thank you email is an excellent way to express gratitude for choosing and investing in you.

Subject line: Thanks for choosing me to attend ConX, Jane! Dear Jane, I just finished attending the ConX held at Northeastern University.  And I must say, it was a great experience meeting top executives in our industry and interacting with them. And the credit goes to you for choosing me as the company’s representative. Thank you so much for the incredible opportunity and for trusting me to represent our company.  Please let me if we can discuss the conference over a call.  Thanks again for the opportunity, Jane. Hoping to talk soon. Warm wishes, [signature]

5. Support during challenging times: 

If your boss lent a helping hand during a challenging time, send a thoughtful thank-you email to make their day and acknowledge their kindness.

Include how their support has significantly impacted your personal or professional life and how you’re forever grateful for the support.  

Subject line: Thanks for your kindness, Jake. You’re the best boss!   Dear Jake, Writing this email to thank you for extending my medical leave. As you know, things have been rough, and now I’m glad to let you know I’ve fully recovered. Thanks for the empathy and kindness you’ve shown in understanding my situation. The extended leave has ensured I focus on my health and wellbeing.  I’m super glad to join work this Monday and work alongside the team.  Once again, thank you for accommodating my medical leave! Warm regards, [signature] 

6. Thank you email for leaving a job:

Leaving a job and want to appreciate your boss for the support? A thank you email can do the trick. 

Subject line: It’s been a fun ride – thanks to you, Jill Hello Jill, As you’re aware, today is my last day at the company.  Wanted to take a moment and pen this email to you for your extreme support and motivation throughout my tenure here.  You’ve provided me with some amazing opportunities over the years that helped me grow as a professional. I look forward to staying in touch with you and hope our paths cross soon. Thanks again! Best regards, [signature]

How to Write a Professional Thank You Email to Colleagues

Appreciating each other in a workplace is essential to building a strong relationship and achieving goals together. We have six examples of how to write thank you email to colleagues and encourage them:

1. Help or support on a project: 

If you have a co-worker who’s helped you finish a challenging project or offered guidance in any way, make it a point to thank them in an email. 

Your co-workers will cherish your message and gladly help you with upcoming tasks. 

While writing an email, mention specific instances your colleagues worked on and the outcomes. Keep the tone friendly and positive. 

Subject line: Could not have done it without you, Alex! Hey Alex, Hope you’re having a great day! Writing this email to thank you because the client at Bank Z loved the presentation you helped me with. The entire team couldn’t take their eyes off the deck and its simplistic design.  I’m glad I reached out to you for help. I must say, your design skills are exceptional. Looking forward to working on more such projects with you soon. Feel free to let me know if you need any help! Thanks, [signature]

2. Collaboration and teamwork: 

A positive work atmosphere is a result of individuals engaging and collaborating effectively. 

So if you’re a boss or manager looking to appreciate each of your team members for their outstanding teamwork, consider sending them a sweet thank you email.

Subject line: Keep up the team spirit, Ben! Hi Ben, Writing this to thank you for making a tremendous contribution to our team. You’re a great sport and always take on challenging tasks with ease. I see the team loves learning from you and that you’re always open to help. Also, thanks for the recent project completion. You’ve shown exceptional team spirit. Hope you continue to help and collaborate with the team and grow together. Let’s talk soon! Thanks, [signature]

3. Going above and beyond:

If you have a colleague who’s gone out of their way to help you or the team in any way, consider sending them a thank you email to make their day.

Highlight their thoughtfulness in helping out and how their actions have made a huge impact.  

Subject line: Grateful for your help and dedication  Hi Mary, Hope this email finds you well. Wanted to take a minute and thank you for everything you’ve done last week for our team. Despite your busy schedule, appreciate your willingness to help my team fix the bug, leading to on-time product delivery. On behalf of my team, I thank you from the bottom of my heart for your kind gesture. Please feel free to let me know if there’s any help you may need in the future. Best regards, [signature]

4. Support during a challenging time: 

Did a kind-hearted colleague help you combat a difficult time? Then they deserve a thank you email from you.

Subject line: Thanks for lending a helping hand, Jake! Hi Jake, Thank you for always being a wonderful colleague and an aide during my challenging time. I wouldn’t have made it this far if not for you and your quick financial support. Thanks for giving me hope and understanding the situation.  I’m forever grateful to you. If you need any kind of help at work, please do not hesitate to let me know.  Thanks again for your friendship! Best regards, [signature]

5. Training or mentorship: 

Sometimes colleagues are great mentors who help you make important decisions at work or in your personal life. And it’s only fair to thank them for being extra outgoing and influencing your career growth.

Subject line: Thanks to the best mentor! Hi Alex, Wanted to take a moment and thank you for your thoughtful mentorship over the last month. You were generous enough to invest your time and effort in coaching me when I was lost in finding my fit at work. Also, appreciate your patience and knowledge. Thank you once again for being an incredible mentor, human being, and friend. I hope to make it up to you someday, hopefully soon! Thanks, [signature]

6. Celebrating achievements or milestones: 

A colleague might’ve hit a personal goal, such as a work anniversary or a much-awaited promotion. Whatever the reason may be, it calls for a thank you email to celebrate their achievements together.

Subject line: Congrats on your fifth year with us. You’ve been amazing! Hi Mark, Congratulations on your work anniversary! Cannot believe it’s been five years since you joined us. Time surely flies when you’re having fun at work. You’ve been an integral part of the team; our clients adore your work. Thank you for all your hard work and dedication.  Wishing you many more amazing years at our company and massive success. Thanks, [signature]

We hope you found the perfect example to use for writing a professional thank you email. 

A thank you email can do wonders in fostering a healthy work relationship with your bosses, clients, colleagues, or partners. Use it well, and remember to personalize it to make a better impact.

But let’s face it. Most of your clients or partners are busy and often forget to respond to emails.

In such a case, Expandi’s Smart Sequences come to your rescue.

Build and automate emails and LinkedIn messages to receive more responses for your efforts!

Learn more on and sign up for the 7-day free trial today . 

1. How do you send an official thank you email?

Follow these steps to send an official thank you email:

  • Write in formal language and be precise.
  • Personalize the message and add specifics.
  • Write a precise and personalized subject line.
  • Mention why you’re thanking them clearly.
  • Check for typos or grammatical errors.

2. How do you say thank you professionally in an email?   

You can say:

  • Thank you for your valuable advice.
  • Thanks for being a great mentor.
  • Appreciate your efforts in bringing the project to completion.
  • Your guidance has helped me immensely – thank you.
  • Thank you for your time.


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Thank You Letter After Presentation: How To, Templates & Examples

Thank You Note After Presentation

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You have just delivered or attended a presentation and are wondering what to do now? You are at the right place. In this article, we will guide you on what to do after a presentation. To start with, you need to thank the person to whom you delivered the presentation or who delivered the presentation to you. There are a number of ways of doing this. You can thank the person verbally or through a written thank you note or letter. Though verbal words might not stay forever, written letters are eternal. So it is always a better idea to thank the recipient with a letter. 

Thank you notes after the presentation are useful in reminding the recipient about you. It acts as a follow up after the presentation. Your thank you note will make your clients, potential customers and others aware of your kind gesture of showing gratitude. However, writing a thank you note after the presentation is not so easy. It is a technical follow up letter that should be written with due care and diligence. To help you with writing a perfect note of thanks, we have prepared a guide. 

In this guide, we will go through what a thank you note is, when it is needed and we will also learn how to write it. The next part of this article has 6 sample letters to help you. You can take hints from the samples and write your personal thank you note.

What is a Thank You Letter After Presentation?

A note of thanks is required after you give a presentation or take one. This letter can be written to show your gratefulness and appreciation towards someone. It is a formal letter written in a formal format. It acts like a follow up note with those who attended your presentation. The recipients of this letter can be your prospective clients so it is very important to write this letter. This follow up thank you letter will also remind them about your presentation and might increase your chances of getting noticed. 

Through this letter, you can also give more information to your clients and say anything that you couldn;t say during the presentation. You can subtly suggest your client to consider your offer again. Writing this letter will make you stand out and help strengthen your relationship with the recipient. If this letter is for a sales presentation, it can increase your chances of closing the deal. If this letter is for any other presentation, it will reflect your appreciation and gratitude towards the recipient of the letter.

You can send this letter as a handwritten note or as an email. Emails are more common in the business world so you may choose to send a thank you email to the recipient. However. If you are writing this letter to someone you have a personal relationship with and want to be remembered, then you may consider giving them a handwritten letter. 

When is a Thank You Letter After Presentation Required?

A thank you note after the presentation is needed after the presentation is completed. It can be written in various situations. Some of them are described below:

  • This letter can be written when someone who gave the presentation would like to thank the person who took the presentation.
  • It can be written when someone from the group giving a presentation wants to thank the teammates for their support and hard work. 
  • You can write this letter as an attendee to the one giving the presentation to say thanks for their efforts. 
  • The school or college teacher can write it to the students giving a presentation to thank them for spreading awareness and knowledge on the topic. 
  • A sales person can write this as a follow up letter after giving a presentation to a client or prospective customer.
  • You can write this letter to thank the employee who gave a presentation in the meeting for any project.
  • The person who was presenting can write it to the attendees to thank them for taking out time to attend the presentation.

These are some situations when you can write a thank you note after a presentation. 

Check out our next section to learn how to write a good thank you note.

Tips to Write an Effective Thank You Letter After Presentation

This section will guide you on how to write a thank you letter that is effective.

  • Begin this letter with words of gratitude. As you are writing this letter to thank someone for investing their time with you, you should start it by saying so. 
  • You should use a catchy subject line and be very specific in writing the subject line. The subject of the letter or email determines if it will be opened or might go unnoticed. So you should make sure to write something that can make your letter get noticed.
  • Follow the format of a formal letter while writing this note. As this thank you note is usually written for formal conversations, you should ensure that you follow the correct format.

A sample formal letter format is given below

Address of the Sender

Email Address of the Sender

Name of Recipient

Address of the Recipient

Subject: Thank You for _____ Presentation Letter

Dear ______ (Name of the Recipient)

(Body of the Letter)


Sender’s Full Name

  • You should try to include a short presentation summary in your letter. This will remind the recipient about your presentation. Use this summary to highlight anything that you would like the recipient to focus on.
  • Follow up with the recipient by asking them if they liked the presentation or not. You can also answer any questions that they might have through your letters.
  • Keep this letter short and concise. Most people do not have the time to read longer letters so it is advisable that you keep your letter short.
  • Finish the letter with a professional ending note. You can use ‘Sincerely’ as the ending note. Also make sure to sign the letter in your name. You can use your stamp also.   
  • Make sure to use the right salutations in the letter.

Following these tips will make sure that your letter is effective and well- written.

Sample Thank You Letters After Presentation

We have curated 6 thank you letter samples that you can send after presentations. You can use these letters to get help for writing your letter or you can even send these templates after making some customizations in them.

Sample 1- Thank You Letter after presentation to team members

Sample Thank You Note After Presentation

Name of Receiver

Address of the Receiver

Subject: Thank You Letter for Presentation

With this letter, I would like to thank you for giving your valuable time and input in making this presentation. With all of your efforts and hard work we were able to deliver our presentation on time and in perfect manner.

The audience and judges enjoyed our presentation a lot. And because of your dedication, we won the award for best presentation last night. It feels great to work with an amazing team like you. I am grateful to work with such a great team.

Once again, I would like to thank you for your efforts. Hope to present our business at more such seminars in the near future.

Sample #1 for Thank You Letter After Presentation

Sample 2- Thank You Note After Presentation to the Employee

Subject: Thank You Letter for presentation

I would like to thank you for delivering such an outstanding and amazing presentation last Monday. I am grateful to have an employee like you who is such a wonderful speaker. I am pleased to have you as a team member. Thank you for taking the initiative by participating and presenting our companies on such a big platform. Your work deserves appreciation.

Thank you once again for presenting our company’s values and aspects in all business conferences in such an interactive manner.

Sample #2 for Thank You Letter After Presentation

Sample 3- Thank You After Presentation to Attendees

With this letter I want to thank you for attending my presentation yesterday. I hope my presentation on ‘Drug Abuse’ will create a difference in everyone’s views. I am amazed to see how most of the people are not aware of illegal usage of drugs in our country. I am grateful to have such an amazing guest like you who has motivated me to speak on social topics and create awareness.

Thank you for inspiring me and supporting me in this cause. The kind of appreciation and moral support that you have given as an audience is invaluable. I hope to conduct a few more presentations for you on some major social topics. Once again, thank you.

Sample #3 for Thank You Letter After Presentation

Sample 4- Thank You Note After Presentation for Sales Follow Up

Thank you for giving me such a great opportunity to share my business proposal with you over yesterday’s lunch meeting. Thank you for expressing your interest in our new project. I hope your doubts and points are now solved after yesterday’s presentation.

As per our discussion, I will send you the email listing the required documents which you need to submit before October XX,XXXX.

I look forward to hearing from you. Hoping for a positive response from your side. Thank you once again for taking out valuable time from your hectic schedule to attend the presentation.

Sample #4 for Thank You Letter After Presentation

Sample 5- Thank You After Presentation to Presenter by College Principal

Subject: Thank You Letter after Presentation

On behalf of my college management, I would like to thank you for speaking and presenting your ideas on ‘Sustainable development’. All the students enjoyed the presentation and they seemed very motivated. Your thoughts were very inspiring and insightful for everyone. Your way of presenting your important thoughts with a bit of humour made the event more interesting.

Once again, thank you for sharing your innovative ideas and thoughts with us. I would like to thank you for giving our college an opportunity to host you. We look forward to hosting many such events in our college having you as presenter.

Sample #5 for Thank You Letter After Presentation

Sample 6- Thank You Note to Boss After Presentation

I would like to take a minute to thank you for giving me such a golden opportunity to deliver the presentation in front of our client. Thank you for trusting me and keeping faith in me and giving me such an important project. It is an amazing experience to work with you and learn new skills from you.

Your valuable feedback is very much inspiring and insightful. Thank you for sharing your ideas.  

Thank you so much once again for being a supportive and ever guiding boss. Hope to see myself working with you and taking this company to great heights in the coming future.

Sample #6 for Thank You Letter After Presentation

Invitation Acceptance Thank You Letter: How To, Templates & Examples

thank you letter for presentation invitation

Thank You Letter After Job Fair: How To, Templates & Examples

© 2023 Mail To Self

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thank you letter for presentation invitation

For companies

Dec 21, 2022

Reply to an interview invitation email with 4 samples and a template

In this guide on how to reply to an interview invitation email, we show you how to create effective messages that will make the best impression

Blog writer

Lawrie Jones

Table of contents

How to write an interview invitation reply email

Congratulations, you’ve been invited in for an interview by email. But what do you write in reply?

In this guide on how to reply to an interview invitation email, we show you how to create effective messages that will make the best impression. We demonstrate the principles in 4 interview email reply samples.

OK, so we can’t guarantee you’ll get the job (only you can do that). But by following Flowrite’s step-by-step guide and using our samples, you’ll give yourself a great chance.

Why reply to an interview invite email?

If you’ve been selected for an interview, you’ll receive an official email invite. It’s the way the process works. You can file this away and save it for later, but it’s better to respond immediately with a positive reply – even if you can’t make the appointment time. 

Replying to an email interview is expected by the interviewer or employer. They’ll want to ensure that the panel members have a chance to grill the best candidates and make the best choice for their business.

Replying promptly enables them to do their job and help you get your new job!

There are 3 core principles to any email interview invite reply:

  • First, be prompt – Send your response as quickly as possible. This will secure your slot or enable you to swap it for a more suitable date or time.
  • Be polite – Make a great first impression by being clear, courteous, and polite. It’s exactly what they’d expect from their new employee.
  • Be professional – Now is not the time for jokes or attempting to be funny. Instead, stick with the formal approach (but don’t forget to be a little friendly, too).

We illustrate how this works with our samples below. However, before we get to that, we break down the interview email reply into three simple steps.

Invitation reply email format

It’s easy to fire off an email and say, “Thanks, I’ll see you soon,” – but that hardly establishes the best impressions.

So instead, you’ll want to follow our principles about (be prompt, polite, and professional) structuring your reply emails in a way that delivers all the information the recipient needs.

You can break down the invitation reply email format into three steps: the subject line, email body, and ending.  

1. Reply to invitation email subject line

There are two ways to create a subject line replying to an email invitation. The easiest way to respond is to click reply and use the original subject line. 

That’s fine, but you have other options, including creating your own. How? 

Here are a few examples:

  • Interview confirmation – (Name)
  • (Name) – Interview confirmation
  • Interview confirmation – (Job title) – (Name)
  • (Time & Date) – (Job title) – Interview confirmation 

These subject lines are suitable if you can attend an interview, but what if you can’t? In these situations, creating a new email chain with a new subject line is more effective. You have several options. Here are a few examples:

  • (Job little) – Can we rearrange my interview?
  • Interview change request – (Job title)
  • (Name) – Interview change request

2. Reply to invitation email body

Start your email with an acknowledgment and a thank you. It’s the polite and professional thing to do.

  • Thank you for inviting me for an interview for the (Job role) position. I can confirm that I would like to accept and that the date and time are suitable.

You could end your email here, but you’ll want to provide additional information and ask any questions you might have. This could include asking about anything you might need to bring, when to arrive, or where to park. You may also have questions about technology, presentations, and more.

  • I’m excited about the opportunity. I would like to confirm some details before I arrive. Can you let me know (ask what you need to know!)?
  • I’ve received your request to prepare a presentation. Can you please let me know what technology will be available on the day and what format I need to use?

There may be other things you need to ask, including whether travel costs will be covered. In addition, you may have specific requests if your interview is being conducted online (Zoom or Teams, for example) or if you’ve been asked to provide proof of professional qualifications, for example. 

You’ll need to adapt these examples to fit, but always follow the guidelines and be prompt, polite, and professional. 

3. How to end an invitation reply email

So, you’ve said thank you, confirmed your attendance, and asked any questions – now it’s time for the last remarks and a professional sign-off. And don’t forget to include your contact details.

  • I’m looking forward to meeting you on (date). Please contact me if you have any questions or need to change the details of my interview. You can contact me at (contact details).

Finish with a sign-off (many thanks, kind regards, look forward to meeting you, etc.). Now it’s time to start prepping for the big interview!

Reply to interview invitation email examples

Let’s get into the email interview request replies. These messages follow the structure outlined above and bring them to life with real-life samples you can edit and use as the basis for your replies.

Examine how we’ve written these messages and apply these principles to your own messages. Be a leader, not a follower!

1. Reply to the interview invitation email sample 

This is a solid interview invitation email that focuses on the basics. You won’t win prizes for creativity, but it ticks all the boxes by being polite and professional. It’s up to you to ensure it’s sent as soon as possible.

2. Interview confirmation email reply sample 

This confirmation reply to interview invitation email is longer than the previous example because it allows you to clarify any and all details you need before the interview.

This interview confirmation email reply is suitable for invites that ask you to complete a presentation, perform a task, or provide additional details. It’ll ensure you have everything you need to perform in the interview.

3. Reply to second interview invitation email sample 

A second interview is likely to be the last step before an appointment. You’ll have met the individual before and have established a personal relationship – which means you can be a little less formal.

Don’t go too far, but be positive, enthusiastic, and friendly!

4. Reply to interview invitation to reschedule sample

If the date or time of an interview request doesn’t suit you, you can ask to reschedule. While there are no guarantees this will happen, a prompt, polite, and professional interview rescheduling request will give you the best chance.

The critical thing to remember is that if you can’t make a date or time, always provide several alternatives that you can 

  • Bullet points are an excellent way to provide dates and times

Reply to invitation email template

The examples above are all suitable for a cut-and-paste approach, but they may only provide some of what you need.

If that’s the case, you can use this reply to the invitation email template, which provides a framework for you to construct your own email invitation replies.

You can also use Flowrite's email writer to reply to invitations with just a few clicks:

Flowrite uses artificial intelligence to turn short instructions into ready-to-send emails and messages across the web.

Start your free trial below and see the magic for yourself:

Final words

It’s never easy to get an interview, so if you’ve secured one, you’re doing great – so don’t mess it up with a bad reply to an interview email.

Always follow our advice and ensure responses are prompt, polite, and professional. Be sure to check spelling, grammar, and formatting before sending.

If you’re struggling to find the right words, then sign-up to Flowrite to supercharge your communications. Try it for youself below:

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thank you letter for presentation invitation

Decline invitation

Reply to: "

Ciao Jackie,

‍ I heard you're on holiday in Palermo. We are celebrating my grandson Johnny's new movie premiere on Saturday in Vitelli. Do you want to join our little party? ‍

Received message

reject invitation congratulations to johnny

Generate a reply

Generate an outreach

thank you letter for presentation invitation

Interview invitation

Dear Hiring Manager, ‍ Reading your job posting on LinkedIn for a Content Marketing Manager piqued my interest. Your description of the work responsibilities closely match my experience, so I am excited to submit my application for your consideration. ‍ In my current position as an Content Lead for BookSum, I write articles for the company website, manage the editing and posting of articles of our guest post program, manage the social media presence of the company, and write and sent out a weekly newsletter. Within six months I've grown the subscriber base of the newsletter by 40%. ‍ My resume is attached. If I can provide you with any further information on my background and qualifications, please let me know. I look forward to hearing from you. Thank you for your consideration. Sincerely, Jess Smith

interview next tue at 4 pm PST via Zoom?

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Victoria Police presentation on youth crime criticised for 'racist' focus on 'African gangs'

The first email landed just after 1:30pm on the final day of May last year.

"I want to provide the feedback that the language, tone, and imagery of the second presentation this morning was very racist," it read.

"I assume formal feedback will be provided to Victoria Police but wanted to flag my concerns."

The internal email from Victoria's justice department was about a recent presentation by police, which had been pitched as a "really impactful" look at the youth gang landscape in Victoria. In the aftermath, attendees complained they should have been warned beforehand they would see "someone get stabbed to death".

Warning: This story contains references to racial slurs.

The presentation followed a three-day conference on gangs which had attracted law enforcement officers from America, England, Italy and New Zealand.

Dozens of public servants from the Department of Justice and some from the premier's department had been invited to take part.

The two-and-a-half-hour session started well, with police staff outlining details of the state's 47 youth gangs and 607 known members and their approach to disrupting them.

But the second half left staff "disturbed", "upset" and "extremely affected", according to more than 200 pages of internal departmental documents obtained by the ABC under Freedom of Information laws.

Police later apologised for the presentation, but denied it was racist.

'Very graphic and violent footage'

The day before the presentation, an email went out warning that Victoria Police had advised there would be "graphic footage that some attendees may find confronting" and that people might want to "excuse themselves" if they found it distressing.

In the aftermath, multiple staff said the warning was insufficient for what was shown.

One staff member said to put it "bluntly", police "should have said, 'We are about to show you someone get stabbed to death.'"

Victoria Police told the ABC its warnings gave people "ample opportunity" to leave the presentation.

Internal emails from the justice department said "explicit videos and even CCTV footage of a murder was shown", along with "very graphic and violent footage" from a "range of serious violent incidents including stabbings and still images involving young people and adults allegedly involved both as victims and perpetrators".

On eight separate occasions in the documents, the word "gratuitous" is used to describe the graphic content shown.

In one person's handwritten notes from the session, they questioned why they were watching a murder. The attendee wrote: "Unclear purpose of showing [this] video is." 

Among the audience were people who knew both victims and offenders.

"Some of those in attendance are also members of our vibrant African and South Sudanese Australian communities, including those who personally knew the victims of serious assaults and who were shown video in the presentation of these assaults," one email said.

While several people acknowledged the "traumatic experiences" officers faced, and the need for policy makers to "understand the practical and operational realities" of frontline police work, they didn't think the presentation helped achieve this.

A photo of a police officer wearing a belt around their waste with a gun holstered to their hip.

One person commented they were "disturbed" by "the casual way the violent imagery was discussed" and another said the commentary was "upsetting … flippant, and racist in several points."

It is unclear how many of the attendees complained based on the consolidated feedback provided in the emails, but the secretary of the department described it as "significant staff concerns".

Victoria Police says it received "a combination of both positive and negative feedback" following the presentation.

'Utterance of racial slurs' and a focus on 'African gangs'

It wasn't just the graphic videos and photos that left people "disturbed".

Department emails said the second presentation "focused almost exclusively on offending by African background Australian young people and adults", without "any explanation or evidence as to why".

Attendees contrasted that with the first presentation delivered during the same session, which also referenced Caucasian and Afghan-Australian offenders.

One attendee recalled a slide in the second presentation that featured pictures of two young men of African background handcuffed on the ground.

"The presenter went on to say that one of these men had been found to not be involved in the incident at all," they said. "I question why the image of this person's face was kept in the presentation."

Multiple attendees complained that the presenter referred to a 13-year-old as an "offender for life", laughed "inappropriately" when identifying people in prison, made comments "trivialising family violence", and used the 'n-word'.

The slur was reportedly used by the presenter when reading a social media post that wasn't on the screen, "meaning there was a deliberate decision to use that word which would otherwise not have been seen/heard by the audience," one attendee said.

One staff member's notes of the presentation said, "'n-word'… completely gratuitous" and the photos were "all POC [people of colour], no blurred faces" including one of a "bloody wound to face" and one of someone "in a pool of blood".

Police said, "with hindsight" it accepted that "reading out social media posts from gang members containing certain words may have been offensive to a number of individuals and this was not our intent."

A blue and white Victoria Police sign outside a building.

Members of the department's South Sudanese Australian Youth Justice Expert Working Group, who were at the session, said the "utterance of racial slurs" needed to be denounced and that the focus on people of African background should be "called out as racist or, at the very least, noted that it was received as racism by many members of the audience".

The Department of Justice refused a request from the ABC to speak with the chair of the working group.

That the presentation was "solely focused on African gangs" was raised during the session, according to one person who emailed their managers.

"One person posted a question asking whether 'youth gangs is an African young people issue only or was this presentation designed to focus on one group.' This question was not answered," another attendee wrote. 

Another person's notes of the session disagreed, they said the presenter acknowledged white gang members, but said "memberships of non-Caucasians is over represented".

A third person said it "bordered on racial profiling" and lamented a lack of awareness "that ethnicity is not the true common denominator".

"We expect that the longer‐term corporate memory of Victoria Police provides ample evidence that the common denominator is poverty, marginalisation, pre‐existing trauma and/or cultural barriers," they wrote. "Accordingly, it is not a surprise that offending may be temporarily elevated amongst ethnic groups associated with recent mass migration trends."

Victoria's Crime Statistics Agency data shows the number of offenders under 24 who were born in Sudan and South Sudan has fallen in the past few years, from 508 in 2020/21 to 258 in 2022/23.

That's compared to the 13,973 youth offenders who were born in Australia.

However, nearly 18 per cent of youth offenders did not have their country of birth recorded, and data on the  ethnic identity of known offenders is not available .

A tight upper-body shot of Victorian figure Andrew Ohide.

The new chair of the South Sudanese Community Association in Victoria, Andrew Ohide, said he could not comment on the presentation but that it was difficult for young people who were unfairly judged by police or members of the public when they were with a group of friends, saying it was "rubbish" and "not helpful".

"For a community to be safe, we need to look to each other and see all of us as Australian," he said.

He said if people did the wrong thing, he expected police to act, but he worried the public and the media often focused on offenders from an African background.

"When they're [involved in] positive things, you call them Australian, but when they cause any minor problem, now — it's South Sudanese," he said.

Acting chief commissioner apologised to department secretary, documents show

Just after 6pm on the day of the presentation, senior justice department staff were emailed a summary of concerns and complaints regarding the presentation.

One deputy secretary replied that it was "disappointing and shocking".

Another wrote: "It seems a massive backward step by VicPol. A response is clearly warranted."

They emailed staff who had attended, "to acknowledge and apologise for the distress, anger, and disappointment that the presentation has caused" and tell them the material "did not reflect [the department's] values".

A close-up headshot of Victorian police officer Neil Paterson

Two days after the presentation, justice department secretary Kate Houghton and then-acting police chief commissioner Neil Paterson had "a few conversations".

If the secretary stuck to the speaking notes prepared for the call, she raised concerns about gratuitous use of graphic and violent footage, unacceptable language and commentary, racial profiling, and the potential misuse of CCTV footage from correctional facilities.

A follow-up email went out to attendees that afternoon saying: "The Acting Chief Commissioner has apologised and confirmed that action will be taken to address the concerns raised. The Secretary would like to thank you for having the courage to raise that this presentation was not acceptable."

Then-acting chief commissioner Neil Paterson also made an apology to a member of the South Sudanese Australian Youth Justice Expertise Working Group, which one working group member described as "both sincere and assuring".

"He apologised on behalf of the VicPol and asked me to convey his apologies to the team," the group member wrote in an email, adding Mr Paterson "said it was inappropriate to give such a graphic presentation" particularly "to those who might know some of those young [people]".

Victoria Police declined an interview with the ABC, but did respond to a series of questions in a statement.

"While everything presented depicted the realities of the job and the youth gang situation, we understand the content may have been confronting for people who do not work in a policing environment," it said.

A photo of two police officers standing next to each other in high-vis. Their heads are not in the photo.

It said the footage was not "shown to be gratuitous but rather to demonstrate the factual reality" of what "police are confronting on a regular basis".

The statement pushed back against allegations of racism or racial profiling.

"To be clear, there was no racism in the presentation, nor did Victoria Police employees focus on any specific ethnicity or group but rather criminal offending examples."

The Chair of Criminology at the University of Melbourne, Associate Professor Diana Johns said she wasn't surprised to hear about the presentation and the concerns that were raised.

"These are not the everyday things that most of us live with, they're exceptions.

"Yet, the world of policing, very often there's a focus on violence and a normalisation of the things that police see each day, in their working day, that normalises both the violence and the violent response to violence," she said.

She claimed "every city in the world, policing is racialised" and said the community needed to listen to the experiences of young people of colour.

"Police accountability is absolutely critical — police accountability in terms of having independent oversight, in terms of having mechanisms for police to be held accountable when they do the wrong thing, but also to be accountable to their communities they're serving."

Attendees question motivation for presentation

The documents obtained by the ABC suggest some attendees interpreted the presentation as a "scare campaign" attempting to dissuade department staff from supporting a rise in the minimum age of criminal responsibility or bail reforms.

One person was typing notes while the police session was underway.

They started out detailed, but during the second presentation they had largely descended into a serious of questions, including: "What do these phrases mean?", "Rubbish family violence thing?", "Know your audience?", "Bit propaganda-ish?".

The notes finish with one final thought: "What is the purpose of your presooooo"

a photo of a group of police officer's legs in work pants and work boots.

Another attendee said "there was no constructive discussion of what tools/levers police were lacking other than that we shouldn't be making their lives harder by changing bail, raising the age etc".

The invitation to the session was targeted at people working on raising the minimum age of criminal responsibility, which is currently 10, but is set to increase to 12 by the end of the year.

Victoria Police said the presentation was requested by some Justice Department staff who had attended the international gangs conference.

"The purpose was to give employees an insight into the youth gang environment, including some of the challenges police face, impacts on community, and the considerable efforts being made to manage, engage and divert these young people before they escalate into more serious offending," its statement said.

You can read a letter of complaint to the Acting Chief Commissioner below:

  • X (formerly Twitter)
  • Race Relations

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thank you letter for presentation invitation

  • Either you are writing an appreciation letter because of your work or because of your personal will to communicate your gratitude, you should always use a genuine tone. Point out particular details and that the talk or presentation did have an impact.
  • Tell the speakers or the presenters for the job well done and thank them.
  • Congratulate them for the great work and elaborate some of the most important and memorable parts. If the talk or presentation was so-so, just thank the person for taking part in the program.
  • End the letter with another praise or expression of gratitude.


[Letter Date]

[Subject: Normally bold, summarizes the intention of the letter] -Optional-

Dear [Recipients Name],

I offer you my sincere appreciation to you for taking the time to make the presentation to our annual conference last month. The whole conference was a success, but most people commented on how outstanding your presentation was. I feel that the overall success of the conference was in a large part down to your talk. I would consider it an honor if you would agree to attend next year's conference and undertake another excellent presentation for us. You made this year's event truly memorable.

Sincerely, [Senders Name] [Senders Title] -Optional-

[Enclosures: number] - Optional - cc: [Name of copy recipient] - Optional -

Thank you letter to someone for a presentation. Sample letter.

Further things to consider when writing thank you letters to speakers, performers

Further things to consider when writing thank you letters to speakers, performers

Thank You Letters

Thank-you letters are letters written to politely acknowledge a gift, service, compliment or an offer. Simply put, these are letters you write to express your gratitude and appreciation for someone's thoughtful actions. You can send a thank-you letter after personal events, an interview, networking events, after receiving a gift or donation, etc. A thank-you letter is always special in that it lets the recipient know that what he/she did was greatly valued and appreciated. The letter should be sent promptly and when the events are still fresh so that it can be more meaningful. Thank-you letters should be warm, personal, and sincere. Begin with the two magical words "Thank you," and address the recipient in a way that feels most natural. Be clear about what you are thanking the person for. Let the recipient know why his/her specific gift or actions are cherished and why they are important to you. Inquire after the recipient's well-being and share some information about your life. Let him/her know that you are thinking about him/her and mention the next time you may want to meet. To wrap things up, thank the recipient again and let him/her know that you value his/her friendship.

Letters to Speakers, Performers

Letters to speakers and performers are letters written to people who give speeches at public events and those who entertain audiences. Whether you are organizing a special event, business conference, or graduation ceremony, the speakers and performers you invite will be among the primary attractions. They can give valuable insights and add prestige to your organization. Whatever the theme of your event, the speakers and performers must be suitable for the event as well as the audience. The best speakers and performers are usually booked months in advance. Therefore you should ideally send your invites six to twelve months prior to your event. Well-drafted letters to speakers and performers will ensure that the parties involved understand all the details of the event. Begin with the right address and salutation. Introduce yourself and mention the objective of your letter. Be specific about what you expect from the recipient. Include relevant information such as date, time, and venue of the event. If applicable, mention any financial arrangements regarding any travel expenses, the fee for the recipient, or honorarium. Include the date for a response and your contact details. Close the letter on a positive note. You may attach the event's program.

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    Sending an invitation thank you letter after being invited to a wedding, conference, house party, or any other type of event shows your gratitude and appreciation for the consideration that you have received. Invitation thank you letters are usually written by an entity or an individual after receiving an invitation to an event. Depending on the type of event, the letters can either be ...

  4. 20 Thank You for Inviting Me Messages

    Thank you for inviting me or us message examples. Includes 3 templates for declining the invitation, attending, or for after the event.

  5. Thank Someone For a Speech or Presentation

    Whether you are writing a thank you note out of duty or from your personal desire to express thanks, use a sincere tone. Mention specific details and show that the speech or presentation did have an effect.

  6. Invitation Thank You Letter

    Expressing gratitude: How to write a thoughtful invitation thank you letter or note. Learn the best ways to thank someone for their invitation, whether it's for an event, dinner, interview, or any other occasion. Find helpful tips and sample thank you notes to make a lasting impression

  7. Thank You Letters for Invitations to Events: How to Craft the Perfect

    As a token of gratitude, thank you letters for invitations can strengthen relationships and leave a positive impression on others. Not only do these letters showcase your impeccable manners, but they also give you an opportunity to get personal and share your thoughts on the event. By thoughtfully addressing the invite and expressing appreciation, you're likely to make the host feel valued ...

  8. Writing a Better Event Invitation Thank-you Letter

    An invitation thank you letter is a formal response to an event invitation. Those who receive an invitation to an event will often write an event thank-you note to express gratitude to the host for inviting them.

  9. How To Write a Thank You for The Invitation Email

    In this blog post, we'll teach you how to write a sincere and warm Thank You for the Invitation email and provide you with some templates you can replicate matching different occasions like birthday parties, weddings, graduation ceremonies etc.

  10. Thank You Letter for Invitation: How to, Templates & Examples

    This article covers various aspects of writing a thank you letter for invitation. We have got some tips to write perfect thank you letters for invitation along with some sample letters. The sample thank you letters for invitation can be used in different situations and can be customized as per needs.

  11. 7 important 'thank you' notes to send after your event ...

    Learn how to write effective thank-you emails with templates for speakers, attendees, sponsors, vendors, staff, & media. This is how you build a network of connections for future collaborations.

  12. Thank You Letter To Guest Speaker: How To, Templates & Examples

    I thank you from the bottom of my heart for taking time from your busy schedule to be the guest speaker at our seminar. Your presence and wise words helped magnify our cause in the best possible way. Our seminar was a huge success. All thanks to your enlightening words that inspired so many people out there.

  13. How To Write a Thank-You Email After a Successful Event

    Learn why it is important to send a thank-you email after an event, discover tips for how to craft one and read an example that you can use as a guide.

  14. Thank You Letter for Invitation

    A thank you letter is an acknowledgment of receipt to the invitation letter sent by an organizer of an event. It is a letter to show appreciation for being invited to the occasion and demonstrates an understanding of the details about the event and the objectives. A person invited to an event can also use this letter to confirm attendance for ...

  15. 60 Thank You Messages for Attending the Event (Heartfelt Appreciation

    A heartfelt thank-you message is a great way to express gratitude to guests who attended your event. It makes your attendees feel valued and shows appreciation for their time and effort. Crafting a thoughtful message also fosters goodwill and strengthens relationships, which can lead to long-lasting connections. Here are some examples of thank-you messages: Example...

  16. How To Write A Professional Thank You Email (25 different use cases)

    Learn how to write a professional thank you email with 25 different use cases. Discover the power of gratitude in business communication and boost response rates by almost 53.5%. This guide offers real-time examples and copy-pastable email samples to maintain positive relationships with clients, partners, bosses, and colleagues. Say thanks in a meaningful way and foster a healthy work environment.

  17. How To Write a Business Thank You Letter (With Examples)

    Learn how to write a business thank you letter in nine steps, explore multiple sample letters and discover the value of sending professional letters.

  18. Thank You Letter After Presentation: How To, Templates & Examples

    Thank you notes after the presentation are useful in reminding the recipient about you. It acts as a follow up after the presentation. Your thank you note will make your clients, potential customers and others aware of your kind gesture of showing gratitude. However, writing a thank you note after the presentation is not so easy. It is a technical follow up letter that should be written with ...

  19. Thank you letter to someone for a speech or presentation

    Either you are writing an appreciation letter because of your work or because of your personal will to communicate your gratitude, you should always use a genuine tone. Point out particular details and that the talk or presentation did have an impact.

  20. 32 Professional Thank You Email Templates for Any Occasion

    Need to send a thank you email but not sure how to word it professionally? Read on to learn how, or grab one of the 32 templates we prepared for you.

  21. How to reply to interview invitation email

    In this guide on how to reply to an interview invitation email, we show you how to create effective messages that will make the best impression

  22. Free and customizable thank you templates

    Browse our free templates for thank you designs you can easily customize and share.

  23. Victoria Police presentation on youth crime criticised for 'racist

    The day before the presentation, an email went out warning that Victoria Police had advised there would be "graphic footage that some attendees may find confronting" and that people might want to ...

  24. Thank you letter to someone for a presentation. Sample letter

    Either you are writing an appreciation letter because of your work or because of your personal will to communicate your gratitude, you should always use a genuine tone. Point out particular details and that the talk or presentation did have an impact.