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  • Summer Vacation Essay for Students in English


Summer Vacation Essay on English


Summer vacation is a time when students can relax and enjoy their free time. It is a time to catch up on rest, spend time with family and friends, and explore new hobbies or interests. For many students, summer vacation is also a time to continue learning and improving their English skills. This article will provide information about Essay on Summer Vacation, ways to spend Summer Vacation. Parents should encourage their children to read, write and practise speaking English during the summer break or take them for an outing to have fun and enjoy the sun.

Essay on Summer Vacation

Summer holidays have an important place in every person's life. especially in children's lives.

Summer is the hottest season of the year, children enjoy it very much. It is a very interesting and entertaining season for them as they get a chance to eat their favorite fruits and ice cream. They also enjoy long school closures during the summer holidays.

Summer vacation is an important time for children. This is a very happy time for them. During these holidays, children can do all that they are interested in. They have fun living with their parents, brothers and sisters through the holidays. Summer holidays are the happiest of students' lives. Because they got some rest from going to school for some time.

There are many other important things in summer vacations along with getting relief from the heat. After the exams are over, the students feel exhausted and are not interested in studying, hence, they need rest to improve their health and viability after a long year of study.

Everyone gets to learn something in the summer holidays, whether they are grown-ups or children. Everyone has their own way of celebrating the summer vacation, some like to go on a picnic with their family, some go to foreign countries and some go home and enjoy it.

Most of the girls like to play badminton, football etc. during summer vacation while boys like to play cricket in the open field. During the season there are many fruits which can be enjoyed only in summer. These fruits help to make the summer holiday more interesting, drinking fresh fruit juice and drinking fresh fruit in the body produces freshness in the body.

Everyone already plans something for the summer holidays. Especially kids start making new plans a few months in advance to make their summer holidays exciting. The summer holidays are a great relief for everyone, that's why everyone tries to make it memorable.

Ways of Spending Vacation

Some children make good use of leave by applying tutoring in their weak subject and make it better. Summer holidays become a summer fun for children who are happy when the last bell rings at school. Summer holidays become the happiest moments for children as they get a long break from the daily busy lives of school and school work. Some people go to the countryside for vacations or to visit some historical and recreational places. The time has come to get away from homework and be entertained by a good trip from home to the city, hill stations, and other quiet places to happily defeat the heat.

Benefits of Summer Vacation

The purpose of summer vacations is to give the students a little rest from the summer season. Excessive heat can cause a lot of damage, so summer vacation is the best option to study and give them a break from the heat and assist the children to recover in weaker subjects See you. Everyone usually has their own way of spending the summer vacation, but most people prefer to go to cold places. Summer vacation gives the students an opportunity to visit new places, increase their general knowledge, and get time for school project work.

Children get an opportunity to spend time with their family members as well as to understand and have fun with them.

Overall we can say that the summer vacation is very important for the complete development of all.

A Place to Visit During Summer Vacations

There are a number of destination options to visit and spend quality time with family. You can book your vacation ticket online via the reputed portals make my trip,, go ibibo etc. some good place falls in: 

Kullu Manali

Munnar (Kerala)



Above are a few options to choose your destination for summer vacation. It's good to spend special quality time with family and loved ones once a year apart from any workload.

Every child looks forward to the summer holidays as a time of rest and relaxation. Summer vacations provide an opportunity for children to catch up on schoolwork, visit new places and spend time with family members. Children can also improve their skills by taking tutoring classes during the summer break. There are many places to visit and enjoy during summer vacations. The most important thing is to enjoy and make the most of this time.


FAQs on Summer Vacation Essay for Students in English

1. How Can Parents Make Summer Vacation Enjoyable for Kids?

Parents should plan some fun activities and take their children to interesting places. They can also arrange for a tutor to help the child prepare for the next academic year. Parents should also ensure that the child gets plenty of rest. The summer vacation is usually quite long. Parents should plan activities that are suitable for all family members to ensure that they have a great time together. This will also help the parents to spend time with their children. Exploring new places and spending quality time with family is a good way of making the summer vacation memorable. This will make a positive impact on the child's academic performance when school resumes because the child will have had a good break with family and will, therefore, be ready to work harder and succeed academically.

2. Where Should One Go for Summer Vacations?

There are a number of places that one can visit for summer vacations. Some people prefer to go to the countryside, while others prefer to go to the city or visit hill stations. There are also a number of places in India that are worth visiting during the summer vacation. Some of these places include Kullu Manali, Shimla, Chandigarh, Darjeeling, Nainital, Munnar (Kerala), Ooty and Kodaikanal. These places offer a variety of activities that are perfect for summer vacations. They also offer a respite from the heat. People can enjoy sightseeing, trekking, boating, fishing and a lot more while enjoying their summer holidays. Doing physical activities in cooler climates is a good way to beat the heat and have some fun. Parents can also take their children to historical sites like museums, art galleries and zoos. All these places provide an interesting and educational experience for the whole family.

3. What Kind of Activities Can Children Do in Summer Vacation?

There are a number of fun activities that children can do during the summer vacation. These include going to the beach, swimming, playing games, visiting amusement parks, going for hikes and camping. Children can also read books, watch movies or play computer games. It is important for parents to ensure that their children get plenty of rest and exercise during the summer vacations in order to stay healthy. The activities will improve the child's physical and mental health. The child will also get to know his or her family members better and have some fun memories to cherish for a long time.

4. How Can We Make Summer Vacation Interesting for Kids?

There are a number of ways in which parents can make summer vacation interesting for their children. One way is to plan activities that are suitable for all family members. This will help the family to bond and have some fun together. Parents can also take their children to interesting places that offer a variety of activities. These places include theme parks, hill stations, beaches and historical sites. Children can also participate in summer camps that offer a variety of activities such as sports, arts and crafts, music and dance. These camps provide a lot of fun and learning opportunities for children. They also help the children to make new friends. These activities will help the children to stay active and have a great time during the summer vacation.

5. What Are the Advantages of Summer Camps?

Summer camps offer a variety of advantages for children. These include learning new things, making friends, developing skills and having fun. Children can learn new things such as how to swim, play a musical instrument or ride a bike at summer camps. They can also develop important skills such as teamwork, leadership and communication skills. Children can also have lots of fun playing a variety of games, doing arts and crafts or singing songs. In addition to learning new things and developing skills, children will also have the opportunity to meet other children from different backgrounds. This diversity will help them learn about different cultures and broaden their minds. Parents should encourage their children to participate in summer camps as it helps the child's physical, social, emotional and cognitive development.

6. Why Summer Vacation is Good for Students?

Summer Vacation is quite recreational activity for children, it gives them a break from regular routine i.e. homework, school, classwork etc. a kind of quality time spent with family rejuvenates children mind and make them fresh for further studies post vacations. In that case, both parents and children get a break from their busy life. This is why summer vacation is important and its really meant to celebrate by any means.

7. Importance of Summer Camps for Children?

summer camps enhance children inner traits so they can come forward to as a volunteer to perform. There are the modes to make them extrovert and make them socialize with others, during camping they explore new things, find adventure, also experience some basic home activities.

8. What Makes Summer Vacation Apart From Winter Vacation?

In summer vacation children have ample time to indulge in various activities of their choices, whereas in winter vacation there is no such options left.  During summer vacation you can plan for long holidays while in winter vacations because of the short span of time you can plan to move out of city as well.

Summer Vacation Essay Samples

Low Cost, Fast Delivery, and Top-Quality Content: Buy Essay Now and Achieve Academic Excellence for Less!

Writing a summer vacation essay is not as amusing as summer vacations themselves. However, when a teacher starts dumping these essays on you, you need to find a way to help the muse strike and get working on these. Sometimes you can’t even afford to rely on online help for certain tasks. That is when you are on your own. It’s time to let your inner writer out and hone some of these skills so you’re independent and can write the best essay about my summer vacation.

We understand that certain vacation essays can be super tricky. However, we want to make writing fun, exciting, and wholesome; hence we are here with some great samples for you. You can get a great idea by reading these pre written essays , and they will help you understand how to approach them correctly. Vacation essays need ideas, skills, and correct grammar to write great vacation writings.

Article structure

Short Essay on My Summer Vacations in English

essay on summer vacation

Summer is the warmest time of the year, and children love it. It’s a fun and exciting time since they get to eat their preferred fruits and ice cream. They also benefit from extended school closures during these holidays.

The holiday is a key phase for young kids. It is a joyous occasion for them. Throughout these vacations, youngsters can do whatever they want. They enjoy spending the vacations with their mom and dad, brothers, and sisters. Summer vacation is the happiest time in students’ lives because they had a break from attending school for a while.

These breaks are extremely important apart from getting away from the heat. Just after tests, students are completely drained and uninterested in learning; therefore, they require rest to improve their health and effectiveness after a hard year of study.

Everyone begins to learn something during the break, whether they are adults or children. Everyone has their way to commemorate the warm holiday; some like to go on a barbeque with their family, others travel to overseas nations, and still, others remain at home and appreciate it.

Most girls prefer to play racquetball, soccer, and other sports during the summer holiday, whereas boys like to play cricket on the empty ground. Several fruits can only be relished during the warmer months, and these fruits contribute to making the summer vacation more exciting. Drinking fresh berries smoothies and eating fresh fruit in the body produces vitality in the body. So I love my summer vacations.

Essay Sample on What I Did This Summer

how I spend my summer vacation essay

If there’s one word that every student loves to hear is “Vacations” because let’s be real, that’s the best time of the year, is it not? The days out almost endlessly before you with nothing like deadlines to meet and quizzes to prepare for on your mind. And if there’s someone who loves vacations more than anyone else, it’s me. And Oh boy, did I have the time of my life the last summer break I got and here is what I did this summer!

As soon as I got done with my exams, the durst thing I did was heave a huge sigh of relief and collapsed on my bed, exhausted from all the work I’d had to put in the semester. After a quick nap (Okay, not so short rest, I dozed off for four hours), I got up and immediately decided to start planning on how I was preparing to spend my vacations. I called my best friend Ali, with whom I had planned a trip since the school year, and immediately started planning and sorting out the details.

We agreed on a trip to the northern areas of the country and began preparations for it immediately. Two of our other very close friends and we were due to leave by the end of the week, and with barely five more days to go got packing immediately. We left by train on a hot Friday afternoon and reached a cool hill station away from the hot and humid city.

And saying that we enjoyed ourselves on that trip would be nothing short of an understatement.

From white water rafting to trekking on narrow mountain trails, we did it all. And before we knew it, our trip came to an end. With a rather sad heart but with numerous memories made to cherish, I came back rather unfortunate that the trip had come to an end but still rather happy that I still had a month and a half worth of lazing around left to do after spending probably the best two weeks on my life up north with my closest buddies.

Now here’s a fun fact about myself. I’m an avid football player, and with my university course load and those pesky exams, I hadn’t gotten much time to play the sport I was so dearly in love with. However, a few days after I returned, the club I played for had registered to participate in a local league, which I was excited about. And in a few days, the tournament kicked off with us cruising through the tournament’s group stages. In the meantime, I had also decided to start with a new hobby – Baking. However, needless to say, that enthusiasm of mine didn’t last very long (two burnt cakes long to be very precise), and thus I decided to focus my attention on some that were, let’s just say, more my cup of tea!

I also promised to make sure I was productive this summer break, so I decided to start a social internship, much to my parent’s delight. I filled the application forms, and the next thing I knew, I breezed through the interview and was due to start the following week. And let me tell you, that was probably one of the best experiences; working with kids at the hospital was an eye-opener for me as to his we take our health for granted. Seeing the smiles on the little kid’s face would leave me feeling accomplished from inside, and I found happiness in the fact that I was finally giving back to the community.

With my internship ending and the tournament coming to a close as well (which we managed to win, thanks to a thrilling penalty shoot-out in the final), my summer break had come to an end too. And as upset, I was at having to go back to my boring life of assignments and exams, I was very pleased that this summer was one of the finest I’ve ever had. I wish I get an opportunity to experience such times every single year.

Tips for Writing a "What I Did on Vacation" Essay

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  • M.Ed., Education Administration, University of Georgia
  • B.A., History, Armstrong State University

Are you required to write an essay about your summer vacation or your holiday break? This can be a tough assignment to tackle at first glance. But if you think about it, there are lots of interesting things that happen on your vacation that others might enjoy reading about. The key to success is to zero in on the experiences, people, or situations that made your vacation unique.

Summer vacation can be busy or lazy, funny or serious. You may have traveled with your family, worked every day, fallen in love, or coped with a difficult situation. To start your essay, you'll need to choose a topic and tone.

Family Vacation Essay Topic Ideas

If you traveled with your family, you may have some great stories to tell. After all, every family is crazy in its own way. Want some proof? How many Hollywood films have themes about family holidays or trips? Those films are popular because they enable us to glimpse inside the crazy family lives of others. Alternatively, you may have a more serious story to tell.

Consider these funny topics:

  • Why I'll Never Go Back to (insert place name)
  • How (insert name) Drove Me Crazy in Five Days
  • Traveling to (insert city) Then and Now
  • The Hazards of Traveling With a (person or thing)
  • Why You Shouldn't Take a Dog to (insert place)
  • I Left (insert city) But My (lost item) Stayed
  • Why I Couldn't Sleep in (place name)

If your family vacation involved something more serious, think about one of these topics:

  • The Love I Left Behind in (insert place)
  • Saying Good-Bye to (insert person or place)
  • Exploring (place's) Secrets
  • An Emotional Trip

Summer Job Essay Topic Ideas

Not everyone gets to spend the summer having fun; some of us have to work for a living. If you spent your summer at a job, chances are you met a lot of interesting characters, dealt with complicated situations, or even saved the day once or twice. Here are some ideas for summer job topics:

  • The Boss's Day Off
  • The Customer From Hell
  • What I Learned from My Customers
  • Why I'll Never Go Into the ___ Business
  • Six Things I Learned on the Job

How to Write the Essay

Once you've chosen your topic and your tone, think about the story you want to tell. In most cases, your essay will follow a typical story arc:

  • The hook (the funny, sad, or scary sentence that grabs the reader's attention)
  • The rising action (the beginning of your story)
  • The climax (the most exciting moment in your story)
  • The denouement (the aftermath or ending to your story)

Start by writing out the basic outline of your story. For example, "I started cleaning a guest's room and found that they'd left behind a wallet with $100 in cash. When I turned it in without taking a single dollar for myself, my boss rewarded me with a $100 gift certificate and a special award for honesty."

Next, start fleshing out the details. What was the room like? What was the guest like? What did the wallet look like and where was it left? Were you tempted to just take the money and turn in the wallet empty? How did your boss look when you handed her the wallet? How did you feel when you got your reward? How did others around you react to your honesty?

Once you've told your story in all its detail, it's time to write the hook and conclusion. What question or thought can you use to grab your reader's attention? For example: "What would you do if you found a wallet loaded with cash? That was my dilemma this summer."

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Best topics on Vacation

1. My Unforgettable Summer Vacation: a Tapestry of Memories

2. Personal Vacation Experience of Unveiling the Wonders of Asia

3. Miraculous Vacation on the Beach: a Serenade of Sun and Sea

4. My Favorite Vacation with Grandparents: Timeless Bonds and Memories

5. My Best Vacation: a Memorable Experience That I Won’t Forget

6. My Dream Vacation – the Escape to the Enchanting Maldives

7. Ideal Vacation: Celebrating Brotherhood with My Brothers

8. Perfect Vacation in Winter: a Journey to Snowy Wonderland

9. My Unforgettable Vacation: a Personal Journey Etched in Time

10. Memorable Vacation with Family: a Journey of Joy and Togetherness

11. How to Plan a Vacation Trip: Correct Navigation of the Process

12. The Most Memorable Vacation in My Life: Visting Costa Rica

13. Beach Vacation with Friends in Italy: Sun, Sand and La Dolce Vita

14. Reasons Why Implementing Year-round Schooling Is A Bad Idea

15. Finding The Appropriate Vacation Place For Spring Break

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How to Write a Summer Vacation Essay

Summer break is a great time to kick back, relax and enjoy yourself and, if you’re lucky, to go on an awesome trip! But how can you translate your amazing vacation into a narrative essay for English class or work it to fit a common application prompt? Here’s some tips to help you out:

Save Mementos From Your Summer

Even if you’re not the sentimental type, make sure to document your summer travels. Take pictures, write diary entries, save train stubs. This is the best way to ensure that you’ll remember your summer well enough to look back and write about it later.

Write an Outline Before Writing Your Essay

Regardless of whether you spent your summer break in Madison, Wisconsin or Madrid, Spain, you should plan out what you’re going to write before diving in. Make a list of what you’ve done over the summer so that you can later narrow down a focus for the essay itself. Keep in mind that the best essay topics aren’t always on the most exciting activities an essay about getting stuck in traffic on the way to the airport on the way to Denver could work better than an essay on hiking the Grand Canyon and looking out at the incredible view.

Be Specific

Since you’re going to keep a record of your trip and come up with an outline before writing your essay, you should be able to put some detail into your essay. Be as specific as possible when it comes to your word choice. If you’re talking about some gelato that you ate in Italy, don’t say that it was “delicious.” Instead, say that it was “creamy and chocolatey, with a note of vanilla.”

Focus on Feelings About Your Trip, Not What You Did

If you spent the summer on the beach in Cape Cod, you shouldn’t write about what you did. You should write instead about how you felt while there. An essay that reads “I went to beach, then had lobster for dinner” is not quite as exciting as one that goes, “As I went for a walk on the beach, I thought about how lucky I was to be able to enjoy nature.” Feelings translate better into text than events, and you should try to place those feelings into context.

Stick to Writing About a Small Moment

With any essay you write especially a short one it’s important to focus a narrow moment in time. Don’t write about your entire week in Paris. Instead, write about the moment you got lost in the city at midnight and fumbled your way home in the dark. You don’t have to pick a particularly glamorous moment from your trip, but you should pick one that meant something to you.

Edit Your Essay Carefully

The shorter the essay, the more important precision is. Regardless of length, make sure to carefully read over what you’ve written to make sure every sentence conveys the message you most want displayed. The editing process matters just as much as the writing process, even if it seems less so.

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  • Kids Learning
  • English Essays for Kids
  • How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay for Kids

Summer vacation is the most awaited time of the year in the lives of students. It gives them an opportunity to take a break from their daily routine, relax and enjoy their time with family and friends. Every year, students eagerly await their summer vacations with the hope of doing something worthwhile that liberates them from the monotonous and regular routine of school and studies. For kids, writing an essay on how I spent my summer vacation gives them a wonderful opportunity to reminisce and express what they enjoyed about their vacation.

In this article, we bring you – How I spent my summer vacation essay that mentions the essence of summer vacation in a student’s life and the experiences that they share after enjoying a wonderful vacation away from their hectic schedule.

Download FREE PDF of How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay For Kids

How i spent my summer vacation essay for kids.

  • I have a lot of fun during my summer vacation. I do new things.
  • I love doing art work and playing with my friends.
  • During my summer vacation, I visited my grandparents.
  • My cousins and I played outside all day.
  • Our grandfather loves gardening. We help him water the plants.
  • Our grandmother makes tasty food.
  • Our grandmother tells us stories at bedtime.
  • We play hide and seek on the terrace.
  • Our grandfather tells us stories about the moon, stars and the sun.
  • I love visiting my grandparents.
  • I love spending time with my family during our vacations.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay 100 Words

Holidays are an incredible time for us to visit hilly destinations with the family. The summer season is an excellent time for us to take stress-free excursions and get close to nature, which we are unable to do in our busy schedules for the entire year. Last year I visited my grandparents and stayed there for 15 days. The cool thing about the summer holidays is discovering and creating new things in the village. While enjoying my stay, I also learned some new things that expanded my knowledge. I spent the rest of the holidays playing games and cooking under my mother’s supervision.

Liked the above How I spent my summer vacation paragraph? Children can also attempt to write a few lines or a paragraph on how I spent my summer vacation and mention what they loved about their vacation. Want to explore more such mind-boggling stuff? Are you wondering where you can find more such interesting English essay topics for kids ? We’ve got you covered! You can visit our Kids Learning section, where you can find a huge array of resources such as worksheets, stories, poems for kids, GK questions, etc. and make your child fall in love with learning.

recent summer vacation essay

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My Memorable Summer Vacation Essay: Unforgettable Adventures

From sandy beaches to mountain peaks: a journey of fun, exploration, and relaxation.

Summer vacation is a special time of the year that brings joy, relaxation, and adventure. Whether you spend your summer break traveling, exploring new hobbies, or simply enjoying some downtime, also it’s a time to recharge and create memories that will last a lifetime. In this blog, we invite you to join us on a journey through the different experiences of summer vacation with our summer vacation essay. From the excitement of a road trip to the mountains to the tranquility of a beach getaway to the cultural immersion of city exploration, we’ll share inspiring and entertaining stories of how people spend their summer breaks. So, get ready to escape the routine and embrace the summer spirit with us.

Table of Contents

Summer Vacation Essay Mind Map

Here’s a mind map outlining the different aspects of the summer vacation essay:


  • Reasons for going on a summer vacation
  • Exploring the Island
  • Local markets
  • Local cuisine
  • Island culture
  • Vibrant colors and unique architecture
  • Beaches and Water Sports
  • Crystal clear waters
  • Soft sandy beaches
  • Scuba diving

how to spend my summer vacation essay

Scuba Diving

  • Warm sunshine and cool ocean breeze
  • Mountain Hiking
  • Scenic views of the island
  • Lush greenery
  • Chirping birds
  • A refreshing change from city life
  • Relaxation and Spa Treatments
  • Reflexology
  • Calming ambiance
  • Expert service
  •  Local Festivities
  • Local festival
  • Street parades
  • Mingle with locals and make new friends
  • Overall experience
  • Refreshed and rejuvenated
  • Look forward to future vacations

Summer Vacation Essay

Sun, Sand, and Adventure: My Summer Vacation Experience

Summer vacation essay introduction

Summer is always the perfect time of the year to take a break from routine life and explore new places. This year, I had the opportunity to go on a summer vacation to an exotic island with my family. The trip was full of fun, adventure, and relaxation.

Exploring the island

The first day of our vacation was spent exploring the island. We visited the local markets, tried the local cuisine, and also learned about the island’s culture. The vibrant colors and unique architecture of the local buildings left us mesmerized.

Beaches and water sports

The highlight of our trip was spending time at the beach. The crystal clear waters and soft sandy beaches were a sight to behold. We indulged in water sports such as snorkeling, scuba diving, and jet skiing. Moreover, the warm sunshine and cool ocean breeze rejuvenated our spirits.

Mountain hiking

One of the days, we decided to go on a mountain hike. The scenic views of the island from the top were breathtaking. We were surrounded by lush greenery and chirping birds. It was a refreshing change from the hustle and bustle of city life.

Relaxation and spa treatments

After days of exploring, we decided to unwind and relax. We indulged in spa treatments such as massages, facials, and reflexology. The calming ambiance and expert service left us feeling pampered and also rejuvenated.

Local festivities

The island was hosting a local festival during our stay. We were lucky to experience the festivities first-hand. Additionally, the street parades, music, and fireworks were a feast for the senses. It was an excellent opportunity to mingle with the locals and make new friends.

In conclusion, our summer vacation was a delightful experience filled with adventure, relaxation, and also exploration. It was a welcome break from our routine lives, and we returned home feeling refreshed and rejuvenated. I look forward to more such vacations in the future.

How to Spend My Summer Vacation Essay

Summer vacation is the perfect time to relax, recharge, and have fun. With so many options available, it can be overwhelming to decide how to spend the summer break. In this essay, I will share some ideas on how to spend my summer vacation.

One of the best ways to spend the summer is by traveling. Exploring new places and experiencing new cultures can be an enriching and also rewarding experience. Whether it’s a road trip or a flight to a new destination, traveling can create memories that last a lifetime.


Moreover, volunteering is a great way to give back to the community and make a positive impact. There are numerous organizations and causes that require volunteers, such as animal shelters, environmental groups, and soup kitchens. Spending the summer volunteering can be a fulfilling and also meaningful experience.

Learning a New Skill

In addition to this, summer vacation can be the perfect time to learn a new skill. Whether it’s learning a new language, taking a cooking class, or improving a musical instrument, the possibilities are endless. Developing a new skill can be a great way to boost confidence and also creativity.

Spending Time Outdoors

The summer season is also perfect for spending time outdoors. Activities such as hiking, camping, swimming, and playing sports can be a great way to stay active and enjoy the fresh air too. Spending time outdoors can also have mental health benefits such as reducing stress and anxiety.

How i spent my summer vacation essay

Relaxing at Home

Sometimes, the best way to spend the summer vacation is by simply relaxing at home. Taking a break from the stress and responsibilities of daily life can be refreshing and rejuvenating. Spending time reading, watching movies, or pursuing a hobby can be a great way to unwind and recharge.

Summer vacation essay conclusion

In conclusion, summer vacation can be a great opportunity to have fun, learn new things, and recharge. Whether it’s traveling, volunteering, learning a new skill, spending time outdoors, or relaxing at home, there are countless ways to make the most of the summer break. The most important thing is to choose activities that bring joy and also fulfillment.

How I Spent My Summer Vacation Essay

Summer vacation is a time to relax, have fun, and create memories. This year, I was fortunate enough to have the opportunity to travel and explore new places. In this essay, I will share how I spent my summer vacation.

Road Trip to the Mountains

summer vacation road trip

Firstly, my summer vacation began with a road trip to the mountains with my family. We spent several days hiking, exploring nature, and also enjoying the breathtaking views. We even had the opportunity to go whitewater rafting, which was an exhilarating experience.

Visiting National Parks

After our mountain adventure, we traveled to several national parks. We visited Yellowstone and Yosemite, and also the Grand Canyon, among others. Each park had its unique features, and we also enjoyed learning about the history and geology of each location.

Beach Getaway

After our national park adventure, we took a break from nature and spent a few days at the beach. We enjoyed swimming in the ocean, building sandcastles, and also relaxing in the sun. In short, it was a great opportunity to unwind and enjoy the beauty of the ocean.

Exploring Cities

summer vacation essay exploring cities

Our final stop was in several cities along the East Coast. We visited New York City, Washington D.C., and Boston, among others. Then we enjoyed exploring the museums, historical sites, and cultural landmarks. We also had the opportunity to try local cuisine and immerse ourselves in the city’s atmosphere.

Spending Time with Family and Friends

Throughout my summer vacation, I was able to spend quality time with my family and friends. We created memories that will last a lifetime, from hiking in the mountains to exploring the city streets.

Conclusion of summer vacation essay

In conclusion, my summer vacation was an incredible experience that allowed me to explore new places, learn about different cultures, and create unforgettable memories. I was grateful for the opportunity to spend time with my loved ones and experience the beauty of nature and city life. I will cherish these memories for years to come.

Summer Vacation Essay 10 lines

summer vacation essay 10 lines

Summer Vacation Essay 10-lines

Here’s a summer vacation essay in 10 lines/points:

  • Summer vacation is a time of freedom, fun, and also relaxation.
  • It’s the perfect opportunity to take a break from school or work and enjoy some downtime.
  • Some people choose to travel and explore new places during their summer break.
  • Others prefer to stay close to home and spend time with family and friends.
  • Outdoor activities such as hiking, swimming, and camping are popular choices during the summer months.
  • Moreover, summer vacation is also a great time to learn new skills or pursue hobbies and interests.
  • Many people use their summer break to volunteer and give back to their community.
  • However, relaxation and self-care are important aspects of summer vacation, as it’s a time to recharge and rejuvenate.
  • Summer vacation memories last a lifetime, and it’s important to cherish the experiences and connections made during this time.
  • Whether you’re traveling the world or enjoying a staycation, summer vacation is a time to embrace the joy and freedom of the season.

How I Spend My Summer Vacation Essay in 100 Words

Summer vacation is the perfect time to relax, have fun, and make memories. Traveling, volunteering, learning a new skill, spending time outdoors, and relaxing at home are all great ways to spend the summer break . Whether it’s exploring new places, giving back to the community, developing new talent, enjoying the outdoors, or taking a break from daily life, the possibilities are endless. However, the most important thing is to choose activities that bring joy and also fulfillment. In short, summer vacation is a valuable opportunity to recharge, refresh, and create memories that will last a lifetime.

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Essay on Summer Vacation for Students and Children

500+ words essay on summer vacation.

During the middle of the summer season , a holiday period is called summer vacations. Also, all the colleges and schools become closed due to high temperature during the summer months (Half may and complete June and sometimes first one or two weeks of July). Also, the kids relax and enjoy this time of the years as they do not have to go to school or colleges. Most of the children either go to a cool place like a hill station or visit their native village to have fun with cousins, and friends. Apart from that, some kids choose to stay at home and join hobby classes or learn new skills. In this essay on summer vacation, we are going to discuss various ways of enjoying summer vacation.

Essay on Summer Vacation

Things You Can Do In Summer Vacation

Overall summer vacation is a long period of time for someone to get bored with them. But you can do a lot of things that will keep you interested and busy during the holidays. Here we are going to discuss various activities that you can perform in your summer vacation apart from going on trips.

  • You can join any activity classes or summer camp. Also, they will give you activities on a daily basis so that your interest remains with you.
  • Also, you can make a new habit like reading , writing , collecting, and observing. These habits not only prove useful in your future life but also improve your knowledge.
  • Apart from that, you can join sports clubs to learn your favorite sports like swimming, athletics, boxing, and taekwondo, etc.

Places That You Can Visit

Most of the people either visit their native village or go to the cool hill station with the family. But visiting the same place multiple times can become quite boring after a few years. Also, if you go to different places every summer vacation then you can learn new things about those places. Also, you can see new and famous things or places of that location.

recent summer vacation essay

Summer is a month of hotness and you want to stay indoors as much as possible. But if you will show a little courage to stand in the sun then you can travel a lot of places in your life. Also, the vacation covers a period of almost 2 months and within this time you can visit your native village or town and also can travel to a new place.

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Ways Of Enjoying Summer Vacation

Anyone can enjoy summer vacations the way they like but according to me the best way to enjoy summer vacation is to learn or read something. Also, learning and reading not only help you in your school and college life but also proved very useful in the future. But everyone has their opinion about enjoying the summer vacation. On one hand, there are people who like to go outdoor and on the other, there are people who like to spend their entire time indoors.

Summer vacation is a quality time of the year for children. So, they should try to utilize that time not only in playing games but also doing some activities that will make them more active. Also, at this time they can do anything they want to do. They can enjoy this quality time with their parents, friends, and neighbors.

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Narrative Essay: My Favorite Summer Vacation

recent summer vacation essay

Each summer is beautiful for me because I spend it with my family. I am well aware that people my age spend their summer vacations with friends, partying all the time. But, after an entire year away from my family, I must admit I would always choose to spend a summer vacation with my family rather than friends. After all, my friends are what I get back to when the vacation time ends.

If someone asks me to choose one perfect vacation that is better than all the rest, I’d have to choose my trip to the Lakedale Resort at Three Lakes, Washington. The place was perfect for a modern camper – combining an Airstream trailer rental, canvas tent and log cabins, and surrounded by three marvelous lakes.

But, this is not my favorite summer vacation just because of the location. We have visited so many wonderful places during the summers, I am pretty sure some even looked better. What I do remember is the fun.

This is probably because of the three lakes, but the choices we had for activities were so many, we couldn’t possibly do everything before we went back home. I remember how much we fought over what we are going to do. My father wants us to do group activities when we go on summer vacation because ‘’It wouldn’t be a family vacation if we don’t stick together’’.

So, if you came and watched us on our family vacations in the summer, you would see two very bored parents just sitting next to their children when they are doing some kid activities. You could also see us trout fishing with them because my dad loves fishing.

This year that I am talking about, we fought for a long time about the trout fishing activity. We wanted to do canoeing, so we agreed that they will come with us on his, and we would go fishing with them. As it turned out, we had more fun on the fishing expedition than we had canoeing. For our dad, it was the opposite.

We fell in the water because this was our first time canoeing and we had no idea what we were doing. Both my sister and I were soaking wet because we fell exactly eleven times. Since my dad has done this in the past, they had a blast!

When the time came to go fishing, we were devastated by the idea that we’d have to spend an entire day looking for trout when there were so many things we could do. I honestly preferred just sitting near the fire pit on a picnic table all day, rather than waiting for a trout to catch my father’s bait.

However, luck was on my side that day. Fishing turned out to be such a fun activity, I am now convincing my dad to do it every summer. My dad was not so lucky. He spent over five hours just waiting and waiting, got sunburned and therefore had a fever all night. After a couple of hours of no fish caught whatsoever, he kept moving towards me in the hope that he will get lucky, too. But, the fish just seemed to run away from him and catch on my fishing rod instead.

The next day we decided to be a little less active since my father already had a tough night with the fever and the stress. We stayed near the cabin and joined those organized activities like cooking on a campfire and making tie-dyed shirts. We didn’t separate for even an hour and had the times of our lives.

This was way before I left home to go study in another city. For a family who cannot stand each other and fights all the time at home, it was a miracle how well we agreed and how fun our summer vacation was. Every summer we spend together is like this now, but now it is not such a strange thing. After over half a year of being separated and not living together, we would be happy if someone put us in one room for an entire month. That year, this was the strangest and most unexpected twist.

I will always remember that summer with my family. I don’t think I’ll be forgetting about the other places and vacations, too, but this is the summer when I understood that there is nothing more important than family. Whenever a friend jokes about my summer vacationing when I tell them I won’t be joining them this year too, I just remember that summer and everything seems right.

I don’t think I’ll ever envy my friends for spending their vacation partying. I will pity them for being away from their family once again because holidays and vacations are best spent with the people you love most. What I do know at this point is that when I have my own family, I will take them to that same spot and set the same rules as my father. I hope my fishing experience will be terrible as his, and they will fall in love with it.

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Essay on Summer Season: 100, 250, and 450 Words for School Students

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  • Updated on  
  • Feb 27, 2024

Essay on Summer Season

Summer Season is a time of joy, long vacations, and excitement. This most-awaited warm season brings with it physical and emotional comfort for everyone. Tropical and sub-tropical countries like India, Mexico, Thailand, etc. experience warm weather with long days and clear skies. 

During the summer season, students are asked to write an essay on summer season. Such topics require you to highlight your personal experiences of how you spent your summer season. You can talk about the places you visited, skills or hobbies you learned, the food you ate, etc. You must know that an essay on summer season is academic writing, where your teacher will evaluate your writing skills based on your ability to express your thoughts, ideas and experiences creatively. On this page, we will be providing you with some samples of essay on summer season in 100, 200, and 300 words.

Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Summer Season in 100 Words
  • 2 Essay on Summer Season in 250 Words
  • 3.1 Trips in Summer Season
  • 3.2 New Hobbies to Learn
  • 3.3 Benefits of Summer Season

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Essay on Summer Season in 100 Words

‘This summer season, I visited my maternal grandmother’s house. In Hindi, me and my sister call her ‘nani’ —every summer season we pay our visit to her and enjoy the natural beauty of the village. Everything about my grandmother’s home and village excites me. From the morning echoes to the evening breeze, days are filled with excitement and cherished memories. 

One of the best things I liked about the hot summer season was eating large watermelons with the entire family. Our grandfather used to buy us watermelons, which my mother served to all of us. I plan to visit my grandmother’s house every summer season.’

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Essay on Summer Season in 250 Words

The summer season is the time of the year when we get time off work, study, school, and our daily routine. It is a time to enjoy, learn new hobbies, build interest, and focus on goals. This summer season I visited a hill station called Dharamshala in the state of Himachal Pradesh. This city is known for two things; the home of the Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama and its scenic beauty. 

Summer seasons are a break from our daily school and work routine. It allows us to cast aside the regular work schedule and spend some quality time with our loved ones. This break from routine is crucial for mental and emotional well-being, providing a chance to recharge and return with renewed energy.

The summer season is a great opportunity to explore new places and learn about new cultures. From scenic road trips to cold breezes on the beach, the summer season offers the ideal backdrop for exploration. 

We can indulge in recreational activities and hobbies that we are not able to focus on due to daily life hustle. The summer season can also encourage us to indulge in outdoor activities, as the warm weather and longer days are good for our physical and mental health. 

Summer season can be considered a season of joy, exploration, and rejuvenation. It offers a respite from the demands of daily life, allowing us to reconnect with ourselves, our families, and the world around us.

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Essay on Summer Season in 450 Words

The summer season holds an important place in our lives as it allows us to reconnect with ourselves and the people around us. In tropical and subtropical countries like India, the summer season lasts for around 2 months, from May to June. This is the hottest time of the year as the sun is vertically overhead on the Tropic of Cancer, the imaginary line 23.5 degrees north. 

Summer vacation provides relief from daily school and work life and an opportunity to spend quality time with our friends and family. During these hot summer months, a lot of people visit hill stations, beaches, their relatives, and other popular tourist places.’

Trips in Summer Season

Everybody loves traveling. What else can be the best time than the summer season to visit the ice-capped Himalayas or the backwaters of Kerala, there are plenty of places to visit. The summer season is important for both children and adults. Children wait all year long for the summer season, as they want to enjoy life, play outdoors, and eat ice creams and fruits. 

During the summer season, schools also organize trips, where students travel to cold places and enjoy fun activities like mountain climbing, hiking, trekking, etc. Some of the popular summer trip destinations are:

  • Mahabaleshwar

New Hobbies to Learn

‘Learning new hobbies and indulging in creative activities is a great way to spend your summer season. A lot of parents encourage their children to learn new hobbies, like joining music lessons, art classes, football and cricket coaching, etc. Practicing new hobbies during the summer season can greatly improve our skills and we can stand out from the crowd. Here are some fun-loving hobbies to learn during the summer season.’

  • Yoga and meditation
  • Outdoor activities
  • Photography 
  • Music Lessons
  • Dance classes
  • Art Classes
  • Piano lessons

Benefits of Summer Season

‘Summer season is not just about long trips and new hobbies. There are many benefits of the summer season. Summer season provides a break from the routine and allows individuals to relax, unwind, and recharge. We can explore new places with our friends and family, allowing us to spend quality time with our loved ones. Traveling during the summer season can expose us to different perspectives and broaden our horizons.

We can enhance our knowledge and creativity by visiting educational trips, workshops, or cultural experiences. The combination of relaxation, new experiences, and increased social interactions can positively impact mental health. The long summer season can result in increased productivity and prevent burnout.

Summer season is an important time of year for all the reasons mentioned above; relief from our daily schedule, quality time with family and friends, focus on our goals, learning new hobbies, etc.’

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Ans: The summer season is the time of the year when we get time off work, study, school, and our daily routine. It is a time to enjoy, learn new hobbies, build interest, and focus on goals. This summer season I visited a hill station called Dharamshala in the state of Himachal Pradesh. This city is known for two things; the home of the Tibetan spiritual leader Dalai Lama and its scenic beauty.

Ans: Writing an essay on summer season is a great way to express your thoughts, ideas, and experiences in creative and imaginative ways. It can also serve as a way to communicate your thoughts with the audience.

Ans: Understanding the topic and setting your tone accordingly is the first step when writing an essay. Your audience will better understand and connect with your essay if the tone in your writing is understandable to them. To support your arguments, provide appropriate evidence and reasons. Checking for grammatical errors is also important. Once the final draft is complete, go through the entire essay and read it aloud.

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With an experience of over a year, I've developed a passion for writing blogs on wide range of topics. I am mostly inspired from topics related to social and environmental fields, where you come up with a positive outcome.

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Summer vacation is the long-awaited time of joy, long holidays, trips, and relaxation. Summer vacation allows us to spend time with our family, go on trips, and take off from work or school. Children enjoy summer vacation by indulging in fun and creative activities. Children learn new hobbies like music, art, dance, and sports practice—during summer vacation. In short, everybody enjoys summer vacation in their own way.

An essay on summer vacation is an academic activity assigned to students after or during their summer vacation. In an essay on summer vacation, you are required to highlight the importance of summer vacation, fun activities to do, hobbies and skills to learn, places you visited, etc. Let’s dig into some samples of essays on summer vacation to give you an idea of how it is done.

Table of Content

Essay on Summer Vacation for Class 2

Essay on summer vacation for class 3, essay on summer vacation for class 4, essay on summer vacation for class 5, summer vacation essay 100 words, essay on summer vacation 200 words, summer vacation essay 250 words.

Summer Vacation is the best time of the year. In summer vacations, schools are closed and we enjoy long vacations. We go on trips and play football, cricket, badminton, and other sports.

This summer vacation, we visit the Juhu beach in Mumbai. I built sandcastles and splashed in the waves. We also drank a lot of coconut water, which is good for our health in the hot summer.

From there, we visited my grandmother’s house in Navi Mumbai. Every year, my grandmother prepares chocolate cookies for me and my sister. We gifted her a pair of shoes as her old ones had worn out.

From there, we went to the Shivaji Maharaj Waterpark, where we enjoyed a lot in the long water slides. Then we had a great lunch at the nearby dhaba.

Overall, my summer vacation was full of joy and happiness. I’ll never forget my summer vacation. It was the best time ever!’

‘Summer vacation is a holiday time. I love summer vacation as there is no school and no homework for the 2 months. I can sleep in late and play football and cricket all day. I can watch TV, eat ice cream, and mangoes and enjoy all day.

This summer vacation I took a swimming lesson. My father bought a swimming costume for me and from 4 to 5 PM every day, I had swimming lessons at the nearby sports complex.’

Every day, after swimming classes, we have yummy ice cream cones on hot evenings. Sometimes, we even make popsicles at home!

Before dinner, I used to play with my dog, Coco. At night, we sit outside and watch the fireflies light up the dark sky. My grandma tells me stories about her childhood summers.

Summer vacations are full of fun and adventures. Now, they are coming to an end I am going to miss this precious time.’

‘Summer vacation is one of my favourite times of the year. There are so many things we can do during summer vacation without worrying about school and homework. We can play outside all day, eat pizza, ice cream and mangoes, watch cartoons and movies, learn new hobbies and go on vacation.’

‘This year, my family and I went on a road trip to the mountains. There were amazing views of rivers flowing and wild animals in the jungle. We stayed at a hotel in the mountains and had tasty food.’

‘From there, we visited my grandmother’s house. My grandmother is the best cook in the world. He makes tasty buttermilk and some local dishes. My grandmother had an old radio where we listened to old Bollywood songs. At night, she used to tell us interesting stories about mountains and how beautiful life is.’

‘After coming from my grandmother’s house, I joined music lessons. I like playing the guitar and it makes me look cool. This new skill is very important to me and I like playing the guitar every day.’

‘At last, I just want to reminisce all the beautiful memories of my summer vacation and the great time I had. My summer was a perfect mix of nature, family, friends, and endless fun. I can’t wait for the next one!’

‘Summer vacation is a time of joy, happiness, long vacations and relaxation. I love summer vacation as I can do a lot of fun things without worrying about school and homework.’

‘This summer vacation first completed my school homework. With homework completed, I was able to completely focus on playing games, watching TV and long trips. We visited on a trip to Kerala. The beautiful beach, green valleys and backwaters was an amazing experience. We were lucky to witness the Nehru Boat Race in the Vembanad Lake, and I was so excited to cheer all the competitors.’

‘After coming back from the trip, I wanted to learn a new skill, so my father enrolled me in cricket coaching. Near my house, there is the South Indian Cricket Statidum, where I used to practice every day from 4 PM to 6 PM. After exhausting from cricket practice, my father would buy me a glass of banana shake.’

‘I also visited my grandmother’s house in Bangalore. Visiting my grandmother during summer vacation has been like a tradition. She holds a special place in our hearts. She told us stories, baked cookies, and we played games. Family time is the best time!’

‘In the end, my summer vacation was fantastic! I did so many cool things with family and friends. Can’t wait for the next one!’

Summer vacation is the most awaited time for students. It’s a break from school when we can have fun, relax, and spend time with loved ones. We often travel to different places, enjoy outdoor activities, and pursue our hobbies. It’s a time to recharge and make memories that last a lifetime.

Summer vacation is a special time of the year for students. It’s a time when we can take a break from our studies and enjoy the sunny weather. During summer vacation, I love to spend time outdoors, playing with my friends and family. We often go on picnics, visit parks, or go swimming in the nearby lake.

Apart from outdoor activities, summer vacation also gives me the opportunity to pursue my interests and hobbies. I spend a lot of time reading books, painting, and exploring new things. It’s a time of self-discovery and personal growth.

One of the best things about summer vacation is the chance to travel to new places. Whether it’s a road trip to the mountains or a beach vacation with family, every trip leaves me with wonderful memories.

In conclusion, summer vacation is a time of fun, relaxation, and exploration. It’s a time to make the most of every moment and create lasting memories with loved ones.

Summer vacation is the best time of the year for students like me. It’s a time when we can finally relax and have fun after a long year of studying hard. During summer vacation, I get to spend quality time with my family and friends. We often go on trips to different places, like the beach or the mountains, where we can enjoy nature and create wonderful memories together.

Apart from traveling, I also like to indulge in my favorite hobbies, such as reading books, playing outdoor games, and learning new skills like painting or cooking. Summer vacation gives me the freedom to explore my interests and try out new things without the pressure of schoolwork.

Overall, summer vacation is a time of joy, relaxation, and adventure. It allows me to recharge my batteries and come back refreshed for the new school year ahead.

This was all about an essay on summer vacation. we hope the above-listed essay samples will help Class 2, 3, 4 and 5 students with their essay writing assignments. For more information on such creative essay topics, visit GeekforGeeks.

Also Read : Essay on My Mother: 10 lines, 100 Words and 200 words essay Essay on My Family: Short, 10 Lines, 100 Words Essay

Essay on Summer Vacation- FAQs

How do you write a summer vacation essay.

Start with a basic introduction explaing what summer vacation are. Then begin by explaing how you spend your summer vacation. Keep your essay to the point. Making it humorous can be a great option to keep your audience engage. Try to avoid grammatical mistakes.

What are some lines on summer vacation?

Summer vacation is the best time of the year. Summer vacation means no worries about school and homework. Summer vacation brings joy, happiness, tasty food, long trips and family time. Children and adults both enjoy summer vacation with great enthusiasm. Summer vacation is like a festival, where each day is celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm.

How do I spend my summer holiday essay 100 words?

During my summer holiday, I had an amazing break filled with exciting adventures. I explored beautiful beaches, building sandcastles and playing in the waves. A road trip to the mountains showcased breathtaking scenery and glimpses of wild animals, making me feel like a true explorer. Camping under the starry sky was an unforgettable experience, complete with marshmallow roasting and family stories. Days at the amusement park brought laughter, thrills, and cotton candy delights with friends. Grandma’s house provided warmth, delicious cookies, and board games. Movie nights and popcorn added cosy relaxation. Overall, my summer holiday was a perfect blend of fun, family, and discovery.

What is a short paragraph for summer vacation?

Summer vacation is the best time of the year. This is a percious time filled with sunny days, outdoor adventures, and precious moments with family and friends. Whether it’s building sandcastles at the beach, exploring new places, or simply enjoying lazy afternoons with a good book, summer allows us to unwind and recharge. The break from school routines brings a sense of freedom, giving us the opportunity to create lasting memories and embrace the beauty of nature. From picnics in the park to late-night movie marathons, summer vacation is a magical time that brings smiles and happiness to everyone.

What is the purpose of essay writing?

Essay writing is an important part of academic writing, which serves as a way to communicate ideas, thoughts, expressions and experiences on the given topic. Students can show their creativity in essay writings. Academic essays require research on the particular topic. This can encourage students to explore an in-depth. This process fosters critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to synthesize information.

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My last vacation essay

My last vacation essay 13 models

Short essay on summer vacation , contains a lot of information about how to spend the vacation and also the places I went on last vacation, and all that information you will find here in My last vacation essay .

My last vacation essay

Vacation is something wonderful and enjoyable and you can use it to spend enjoyable and useful times that make you feel relaxed  and all that gives you a push forward so that you can complete your work or study, all of this you will find here in My last vacation essay .

  My last vacation

When the exams are over, the parents start looking for places to spend their vacation with family. They need to take a break from work and the continuous pressure of life in order to try to recharge the body so that they can continue to work actively.

I am a person who loves to travel to different countries and to know different cultures and traditions. I have traveled in the past vacation to many different countries and I enjoyed very much to know about these countries. I will tell you about these countries  and the advantages of each country of them.

Jordan has a Mediterranean climate; in the winter, temperatures often reach 1 ° C, rain falls and sometimes snow falls;  So it is advisable to visit Aqaba and enjoy its warm atmosphere and beautiful beach, and visit the famous Wadi Rum and pink Petra carved in rock.

 While in the summer temperatures reach an average of 30 degrees Celsius, so it is recommended to visit the mountain highlands in the Ajloun and Jerash, where the temperature is moderate.

The Egyptian Arabic Republic

 It contains many famous and ancient tourist sites,  You can go on a trip to Cairo to enjoy the ancient monuments of the region, such as churches and ancient mosques.

 Visiting the pyramids located in Giza is one of the greatest built by the Pharaohs. But avoid sunny and hot days to enjoy exploring the pyramids, walking the desert sands, riding horses and camels, and taking a tour of the Khufu ship or the sun boat.

I really enjoyed visiting all of these areas ,and took advantage of a lot of information that I did not know before, and I hope that everyone goes to these picturesque areas.

My last trip essay

My last trip was to the Maldives. I woke up one day to a loud voice from my mother who was happy and asked us to come.

So I told her what’s going on, Mom, she simply said (Write your name).We are going on vacation to the Maldives. Gosh, there’s this crazy, jumping, happy, dancing moment.

We all talked to my father before that we wanted to go to the Maldives, but because of his permanent work, we could not go. So it was surprising to go on vacation outside the town, especially to the Maldives.

I am very happy with this trip. I enjoyed a lot of swimming in the wonderful turquoise water, which you can see the smallest details through.

We stayed on the island of Mali, which is one of the most beautiful places in the Maldives. Where there are some exciting  areas .

I also enjoyed very much visiting Isidhu and spending all night there. The place was very cool, candles near the water and sitting on the floor everything was great. I liked this place very much and the drinks also.

At the end of the trip, we went to the National Museum, where I enjoyed learning a lot about some wonderful information about the former civilization of the Maldives and its origins.

It was great to have a trip like this and I hope to do it again.

Write a paragraph on my last vacation

My last vacation was so amazing. My name is(..). I study in class (..). I loved the last trip that I and my family took. We went to visit and entertain cancer patients. We agreed to go on vacation for my father and mother, and bring some presents for young children so that they are happy with it. We already knew about such visits from a family member.

My father told us that there is a social responsibility in our visits to cancer patients. And that there is respect for time and we should not prolong our visit. We must go with a smile and carefully choose the type of dress and speech so as not to affect the psyche of others.

My father also warned us not to show any kind of pity, because that affects the patient’s psychology very much. So it was very important that we pay attention to all these things.

We went there and all our concern was to add a smile to them and to help them through support and love. We spent the day with them but my happiest moment was when I managed to make the first person I met smile. That upset me so much.

This day is one of the most beautiful days for me, and it was a very useful holiday because it makes us feel the suffering of others. I would very much like to repeat this visit and support them a lot and make friendships with them.

Short paragraph on my last vacation

My last vacation was very interesting as I was able to participate in one of the activities that I dreamed of participating in for a long time.

I love to play tennis a lot. I joined one of the small clubs in my area to learn this game and train until I can become professional.

The coach told us that there is an upcoming tournament and we can participate in it to determine our level. So I loved joining so much and told him I wanted to join.

Indeed, I was able to participate and train well before the tournament to raise my level of concentration and improve my general level.

At the time of the championship, I was fully prepared, and I went and played with confidence and happiness, despite feeling a little scared, but I quickly recovered myself and managed to win and get the third place. I am looking forward to improving my level in the upcoming tournaments and achieving first place.

Paragraph about last vacation

Last vacation I was able to enjoy a lot visiting my grandfather’s town and gathering to attend a relative’s wedding. I enjoyed a lot getting to know my family members, talking and getting close to my ancestors.

They miss us so much because of the distance between us. We live in the city of (type the city name here). My grandfather lives in the city of (type the name of the city). So we travel there by train,

I really loved riding the bullet train and seeing the countries between us. I really liked the simple life in their city. There are many green spaces and wide spaces, and there is no big traffic congestion like my city.

I was able to learn to use the kite, and I found that all of my relatives enjoy playing it more than electronic games, and they race to raise it high in the air, and the person who can lift it the most is the victor.

So I liked it so much I laughed and had fun and ran a lot more than ever. I would very much like to try again.

Describe Your Last Vacation

My last vacation did not have many outings and activities, or traveling abroad due to the Corona pandemic. But I can describe it as wonderful because the family members were able to gather and enjoy some simple games and talk.

It was a special holiday filled with popcorn and sweets and watching modern movies. I enjoyed a lot of playing cards with my father and my grandfather who was a big fraud and I didn’t know about that. He made me laugh a lot and I learned some tricks from him.

I loved sitting at home this holiday too because I was able to help my mum make more food and learned some great new recipes.

I find that it is a wonderful vacation despite the absence of my friends around me or being in luxury places or tourism in other cities . We enjoyed the simple things and the holiday went by without any problems.

Essay about my last vacation

There is no doubt that I liked my last vacation very much, as I was able to get to know my family members from my father’s side during this vacation.

He had many relatives living in the same town but we don’t know each other or even know what we look like, So my father decided to take me and my younger sister and go to stay in the family house and invite the family to gather and get acquainted, so that the younger generations can get to know their relatives and their children, and make friendship.

So we stayed at my grandfather’s house near the lake and enjoyed a lot of barbecue and some fun activities. I would very much like to repeat this experience. It is good to feel that you are with your family and get to know them.

What i did during last vacation essay

Every year I learn a lot of experiences, both good and bad, from which I gain some experience. The last vacation was the best for me, because I was able to benefit a lot from it and learn some new skills that may benefit me in the future, such as learning how to prepare  sweets.

Last holiday I was able to participate in a training course to teach the preparation of sweets professionally. I was able to take back a lot from it as I learned to prepare all kinds of dough, learned how to prepare the cream and coordinate the cake to look completely professional.

I was very happy to learn this craft and I feel that in the future I can benefit from it in one way or another. I am thinking of creating a website or a YouTube channel and posting recipes and preparation methods to teach others Through it.

I work to improve my speaking and public speaking skills and gain some fame in this specialty. Maybe it will be my field of work in the future.

My last vacation with my family

It is great to take advantage of the time we spend in a gathering with the family, especially if it is long. I can say that the last holiday was a long time gathering with my family members due to the spread of the Corona virus.

Therefore, staying in homes was semi-compulsory by the state, and going out only for necessities, and preventive measures must be taken before leaving and returning.

Therefore, there were dangers to my father or mother whenever they went out to fetch food or any other living requirements. So I am very grateful to them.

It was great to be with my family for a long time. In the beginning, it was very difficult and there was some negative energy because we used to go out and do many outdoor activities.

But after a while, sitting became more comfortable, and we became involved in some home activities and hobbies, which helped in soothing the atmosphere, and getting out of boredom and depression.

I really enjoyed doing some activities with my mum like doing yoga, preparing famous meals and playing cards. I found her very cool at that and I didn’t know it, she always beats us and knows a lot of good tricks and moves.

Write about your last vacation

My last vacation was not very interesting, despite the slow return to life after the spread of the deadly Corona virus, however, many families still avoid going out, mixing, and exposing their children or themselves to danger.

Therefore, I could not do many of the normal activities that I used to do before, we only watch TV, play some video games and talk on the Internet.

Certainly there are some happy moments that happen inside the house when all the family members gather and prepare some entertaining meals. We can then perform some games or scenes to add a nice family atmosphere. But I can’t wait to get back to normal life and get out and discover life and gain some new skills and experiences.

My last vacation essay for class 5

My last vacation was special and wonderful. We are now in the summer. There are many places to go and enjoy, such as amusement parks, the beach, picnics in the streets, clubs and cinemas. It was a great vacation, I enjoyed a walk with my family, whether on the beach or in the city.

I learned some new games from my brothers, and my father and we raced a lot. He made me win in some races to make me happy with that.

I also enjoyed going with my mother to shop and buy vegetables, she taught me how to choose some good fruits and vegetables.

I am very happy when I feel that I have learned something new, so I feel that the time I spend is valuable and that I have a role in society. I hope to continue learning and developing.

How did you spend your last vacation essay

I spent the last holiday of this year wandering with some of my close friends, going swimming or playing some electronic games, or playing soccer. Some days we went cycling in town, talking to some friends.

It was a nice vacation and I enjoyed it a lot after what we went through from the Corona crises, not mixing, no wandering and sitting at home.

So it was great to go out and walk with friends and feel the return to normalcy again. And there are some group activities we can do.

How I enjoyed my last vacation essay

The last vacation was a lot of fun and had a lot of funny activities that I enjoyed. I also made some fun new friends, and got to hang out with them a few times, where we could go to the beach and enjoy the sunshine and  swim.

We enjoyed camping and sitting by the fires, eating some snacks while talking and having fun. It was definitely a great vacation more than  the past two years, breathing, meeting new people, gaining some new skills, developing myself, and feeling more confident and fun than I was before.

We have already provided you with My last vacation essay, and you can read more about the vacation through the following link:

  • My summer vacation essay

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Artificially Intelligent Help for Planning Your Summer Vacation

Travel-focused A.I. bots and more eco-friendly transportation options in online maps and search tools can help you quickly organize your seasonal getaway.

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The home page for the Layla travel-planning site, which shows a photo of a woman next to the word “LAYLA” in big type, above a search box showing the query “I need a beach vacation without sharks or tourists.”

By J. D. Biersdorfer

J.D. Biersdorfer has been using smartphone apps for travel since the summer of 2007.

The summer travel season starts in just a few weeks, but if you are looking for software that goes beyond simply booking flights and hotels, you’re in luck. Search engines enhanced by artificial intelligence can help with your research and outline full itineraries. Certain older apps have recently been updated to suggest more eco-friendly travel options. And keeping it all organized on your phone is easier than ever. Here’s an overview.

Using an A.I. Travel Agent

General-purpose A.I.-powered search tools and chatbots like Google’s Gemini spin up a list of things to do on your vacation when asked, but A.I. bots that are fine-tuned for travel queries are often more comprehensive. These bots scout destinations, plan itineraries, search for accommodations and flights, map out road trips and do more — grabbing a lot of information at once and saving you all that time-consuming web trawling.

Give the software your specifics — like destination, length of stay, interests — and see what it suggests. Many A.I. helpers are free to use if you sign up for an account, but some charge a subscription fee for premium services; your app store has specifics.

Layla , formerly Roam Around, is one of the free vacation-oriented A.I. helpers you can find online, and it has teamed up with travel sites that include Skyscanner , Get Your Guide and . If you prefer land-based car and camper journeys, Roadtrippers (free trial; $60 year) includes real-time traffic and air-quality information along with route planning. And old stalwarts like Tripadvisor and Expedia are now using A.I.-generated vacation builders.

But as others have also noted, while A.I. travel planners have much potential, many are still works in progress and usually display disclaimers admitting so.

A.I. bots have been known to offer generic advice like “enjoy lunch at a local restaurant,” suggest activities that are out of season or too far apart, repeatedly recommend the same restaurant, consistently steer you to their advertisers or point you to locations that have closed. If you ask different bots the same question, you may get nearly identical suggestions, all scraped from the same tourism websites.

Still, A.I. travel apps are improving as they learn, and can be useful for the trip research and coordination phase. Just be sure to double-check the bot’s work before you commit to a plan.

Finding Earth-Friendly Options

There’s no shortage of apps for booking transportation to your destination. But if you want to keep the environment in mind, recent updates to Google’s Maps and Search apps now suggest routes and methods that lower your personal impact on the planet.

Google for the past few years has been pointing people to flights with lower carbon emissions , alternative train routes , fuel-efficient driving directions and eco-friendly hotels . It is now expanding its walking, biking and public transit suggestions alongside car routes in several major cities and adding more electric-vehicle charging information. Google Flights shows jet emissions estimates . Google Search has a “consider taking the train” nudge with rail routes and prices under certain flight results.

Apple’s Maps app also shows mass transit , walking and cycling options for getting around town, along with charge-friendly routes for electric vehicles . However, the default apps on your phone are not the only aids. Third-party software for directions and sustainable travel abound.

For example, Citymapper, which covers most major cities in the United States, Europe and Asia, includes environmental impact statistics on some trips. Its directions often include accessibility options that avoid stairways , along with routes for the fastest, cheapest or easiest way to get where you’re going; Citymapper is free with in-app purchases.

Other apps available for those seeking environmentally minded vacations include Bikemap for community-sourced cycling routes around the world, HappyCow for vegan and vegetarian travelers and Tap Hydration and Water Stations to locate sources for refilling reusable water bottles.

Keeping Organized

If you don’t already have software for consolidating your trip information, your phone’s default apps can help. Electronic boarding passes, hotel reservations and advance tickets can be quickly added to the digital wallet on your phone; a pragmatic paper backup tucked in your bag is insurance. Google and Apple offer to automatically add reservations and events from email and messages to your calendar .

Free services like TripIt (and its phone apps ), TripCase (also with Android or iOS apps) and Wanderlog automatically put all your travel information in one place, typically by scanning the information in your confirmation emails. TripIt Pro , a $50-a-year subscription version, adds more features like seat, fare and airline-points trackers, as well as international travel tools and regional risk alerts like those for extreme weather that can affect airline schedules and public safety .

A.I. bots and travel apps will continue to evolve and, hopefully, make vacation planning even easier in the future. Just don’t forget to occasionally put the phone down and enjoy your time off once you get there.

J.D. Biersdorfer has been writing about consumer technology for The Times since 1998. She also creates the weekly interactive literary quiz for the Book Review and occasionally contributes reviews. More about J. D. Biersdorfer

Explore Our Coverage of Artificial Intelligence

News  and Analysis

As experts warn that A.I.-generated images, audio and video could influence the 2024 elections, OpenAI is releasing a tool designed to detect content created by DALL-E , its popular image generator.

American and Chinese diplomats plan to meet in Geneva to begin what amounts to the first, tentative arms control talks  over the use of A.I.

Wayve, a London maker of A.I. systems for autonomous vehicles, said that it had raised $1 billion , an illustration of investor optimism about A.I.’s ability to reshape industries.

The Age of A.I.

A new category of apps promises to relieve parents of drudgery, with an assist from A.I.  But a family’s grunt work is more human, and valuable, than it seems.

Despite Mark Zuckerberg’s hope for Meta’s A.I. assistant to be the smartest , it struggles with facts, numbers and web search.

Much as ChatGPT generates poetry, a new A.I. system devises blueprints for microscopic mechanisms  that can edit your DNA.

Which A.I. system writes the best computer code or generates the most realistic image? Right now, there’s no easy way to answer those questions, our technology columnist writes .


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    This can encourage students to explore an in-depth. This process fosters critical thinking, analytical skills, and the ability to synthesize information. Summer Vacation Essay for Classes 1 to 5. Find long and short essays of 100, 150, 200, 250, 300 and 400 words on Summer Vacation.

  20. My Last Vacation Essay 13 Models

    My last vacation essay for class 5. My last vacation was special and wonderful. We are now in the summer. There are many places to go and enjoy, such as amusement parks, the beach, picnics in the streets, clubs and cinemas. It was a great vacation, I enjoyed a walk with my family, whether on the beach or in the city.

  21. Summer Vacation with My Family

    Download. Essay, Pages 2 (437 words) Views. 66189. It such a great vacation to have my family during vacation days. I know that everybody is always looking for a class to end even a school year just started, because this is the time that I unwind from the stress that I get during the class hours. During summer vacation I always tend to be lazy ...

  22. My Summer Vacation Essay

    Personal Narrative Essay: My Summer Vacation. My summer Vacation My summer vacation started even before school ended. Since this boy from montreal came to us called serguei. We were excited that he is coming but a week after he started getting annoying and not fun.

  23. Artificially Intelligent Help for Planning Your Summer Vacation

    Travel-focused A.I. bots and more eco-friendly transportation options in online maps and search tools can help you quickly organize your seasonal getaway. By J. D. Biersdorfer J.D. Biersdorfer has ...