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PTE Essay Template: The best PTE essay format for a full score [January 2024 updated]

write essay

There is a ready-made PTE essay format which you can use in the PTE Academic test for a full score! There is a memory technique for remembering this as well.

This may sound surprising, but if you can memorize the PTE essay template provided here, you need not learn how to write essays. This PTE essay writing template is up-to-date and has been tried in multiple tests recently.

What is the PTE Writing test?

The first thing to understand is that the Writing section of the  Pearson PTE Academic  test, has two types of questions, one of which is Write Essay. Most often, there is only one such question in the exam, but sometimes there may be two.

The time limit for one question is 20 minutes . Time will not be carried over to another question if you finish the PTE essay question early. The length of the essay has to be between 200 and 300 words .

Look at some sample PTE essay questions below:

studying using laptops

The best PTE Essay Format

The PTE test is assessed by a computer , therefore there are certain metrics that the system judges the answer against. If the essay fulfils all the criteria, then it will get the full score regardless of how good or bad the actual content of the essay is.

The following PTE essay format has been designed to hit the full score in each of the criteria.

In this PTE essay writing format, replace the parts marked with “ [topic keyword] ” with the keywords from the essay prompt. The keyword could be the main topic word of the essay, or it could also be a phrase. It is best if you select a couple of phrases from the question and use them randomly throughout the format.

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PTE Essay Sample

practice pte essay format on computer

Technique for memorizing this format

The PTE essay format here has been designed with a lot of effort so that it can definitely score the full score in the test as per the marking criteria of 2023. So, it is best to memorize this word for word.

A memory technique called acrostic has been used to make it easier to remember this PTE essay template. The PTE essay writing format has ten sentences in total. The initial letters of the sentences are in alphabetical order . The first sentence begins with an “A”, the second with a “B”, the third with a “C”, and so on.

If you ever get stuck while typing this PTE essay writing template during the test, you can recall the next sentence by using the letter of the next sentence.

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How is the PTE essay judged?

In short, the essay is judged across seven indicators.

The full raw score of 3 is achieved in Content if the answer sufficiently deals with the prompt. The several places in the PTE essay format that have been marked as [topic keyword] , where we enter the topic of the essay, will ensure this.

We get 2 out of 2 in Form if the essay is between 200 and 300 words long. The PTE essay writing template provided here is 230 words long provided that the topic keyword used is a single word. A two-word topic can also be used making the essay 247 words long, while a three-word topic will make it 264 words long.

In order to get marks in the benchmark of Development, structure and coherence , several discourse markers have been used.

There are no grammatical errors in the provided PTE essay template, and it has been written using a wide range of complex grammatical structures to meet the standard for Grammar .

The PTE essay writing format has been deliberately written with an application of wide range of precise language composition so that specifications for a high General linguistic range score is met.

A broad range of words and expressions have been utilized in the creation of the PTE essay template so as to get a high score for Vocabulary .

Finally, there are no spelling mistakes in the PTE essay format here which guarantees we lose no marks in the yardstick of Spelling .

To learn more about the PTE marking system, click here »

Collection of latest PTE Essay questions

Here we have compiled a list of frequently asked questions in the PTE Write Essay section. Feel free to download the pdf file for your future use.

More examples of PTE Essay Format used

Try not to repeat the same word or phrase in every place where we insert the keyword in the PTE essay template. You should use different words in different places as in the following PTE essay sample.

albert einstein portrait

Final thoughts on PTE Essay Template

There are different PTE essay formats which can all get high scores in the PTE test. The fact of the matter is that the template needs to fulfil the criteria as set by the PTE scoring system.

Memorize the PTE essay template given above, and just write the exact answer in the test. It is advisable to practice typing out this PTE essay writing format on a computer in 20 minutes every single day till the day of the test.

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This week, I got low marks in writing in the PTE exam because I used the Language Academy essay template. The same is also applicable to Describe Image and Retell Lecture in speaking. Are there any changes in the marking algorithms? Is it still safe to use your essay template as well as DI & RL templates?

Gaurav Thapa

If you have used templates from Language Academy and still got low marks, the reason might not be the template. Score for Writing does not only depend on the essay question but also on questions from Reading and the Listening sections. Therefore, just changing the format will not mean the scores will change. However, you can freely use the format provided here. My students use them regularly and get good scores. For more information, check this link:

Arshdeep Singh

Essay template


Is this template working on November

It is definitely working Abhijit. Best of luck.


is this template working i have examon next month so please can you tell me that this template is going to work properly or not ? please

Feel free to use this template Gurman. It works 100 percent.


Have you given exam did you use this?

Hi will this template work till February 2025

As long as no changes are made by Pearson, this template should work forever. However, we update the format from time to time just to refresh things.


I am going to take PTE next week. Can I still use this template in WE and still have a good score up to this time?


If you can type an essay without making any mistakes in grammar and spelling, any format would work. Heck, you can even type random nonsense and get good score in the test. The AI only detects typing accuracy and keywords.

Thank you for your reply.

Hi did you used this template. Is it working?


Hi, I just watched one youtube video about the latest change in PTE 2023 (he just uploaded on 23/9/2023). He mentioned that ONE WORD template seems to give you lower marks than full-sentence template, is that true?

It is not correct Adam. You can safely use the template provided here.


Hi admin I have heard many people said that using this type of template will make you get 0 score. I’m just afraid if this still works bc I want to ensure that I at least get a good score in writing essays

You will not get 0 if you use this format. You can see many comments here of candidates who used this template and scored well. In fact, I am a PTE instructor, and my students have been using this format successfully for a long time. If you can type this format correctly without any mistakes, I can guarantee that you will ace your essay question.


hi Gaurav, is this format still working in 2024?

Yes. Go ahead and use it. Good luck.


Thanks for sharing, but can we use the terms advantages/ disadvantages, cause/ effect and problems/solution in one assay? Don’t we have to put them according to the type of assay question?

You can use this format as it is.

Nikhil Singh

how do you know that template is working or not in a real PTE exam?

My students are still using this format in their tests with good results. So, you can be assured that this works.

how do you know that template is working in real PTE exam?


This template definitely works. I took my PTE exam on last Monday and scored a perfect 90 in all sections while using this essay template.

Congratulations Oswin.


Hi gaurav thanks for the template, just wanted to ask if we put in the keywords as you mentioned as in the following essay, some websites and even grammly gives grammar errors, as the keywords need to start with “the” or “a” for that matter. can you help ?

A serious amount of worldwide attention has been drawn to the topic of “the” use of car . Because of the existence of evidence in favor of as well as against the approval of “an”  alternative means of transportation , the issue of “the” environment  has been a point of critical concern. Consequently, this essay is going to be about  alternative means of transportation , and I will implore the advantages and disadvantages of  use of car  with the assistance of likely causes, effects, and solutions in order to reach a resolution on  environment  with the help of reasons and examples.

Due to the preponderance of positive arguments regarding  alternative means of transportation , people have embraced the significant role that the matter of  environment  plays and the merits of the situation about  environment . Essentially, we cannot ignore that the question of  environment  is decisive. For instance, there are people who analyze the pros of  use of car  along with the causes before acceptance.

Generally, along with the demerits of  use of car , the impacts also demand careful analysis. Here, we cannot overlook that certain assertions give rise to the idea that the consequence of  use of car  is terrible as there are plenty of examples where inadvertent implications of  alternative means of transportation  have been discovered.

In conclusion, despite the claims put forward in this essay, it is apparent that the impact and the outcome of  use of car  are disputable. Just examining the merits of  alternative means of transportation  is futile because there are refutations relating to  use of car  which muddle the case.

Thank god Grammarly isn’t used to check PTE essays. Omitting articles in places where they are absolutely essential is a big mistake. However, in the essay template here, articles can safely be avoided because the structures are correct with or without one. Yes, inserting the articles as you have pointed out makes the sentences better, but the sentences are not wrong without the articles.

🙂 thanks bro, appreciate your prompt reply.


this template is not working dont use it

You should know that the Essay question carries very low marks in terms of the overall Writing score in the PTE test. Out of 90, this question does not even carry 12 marks. The most important questions for Writing are Write from Dictation in the Listening section and the two types of Fill in the Blanks in the Reading section. Learn more about PTE marking here:

dude my all other mudule was write i just got 50% in extended writing

Resham Magar

Check your writing man. You misspelled “module” and “right” even in this comment. I seriously doubt if you can type correctly. Maybe that is the reason you did not score well.


this template is not working in language academy application. but i was putting this template in apeuni , i got 15 /15marks.

Sir can i use this template without any risk? because it will 2nd attempt Paper.

The most important thing to know is that Essay question carries only a small amount of marks in the PTE test. Write from Dictation, Summarize Spoken Text, and Fill in the Blanks questions are more important. Even if you get the full score in Essay question, your overall Writing score might still be less. Please keep that in mind.

As far as Essay questions are concerned, this template will get you the full score. Different practice softwares like ApeUni and Language Academy have their own system of marking, but this format is perfectly designed to get the full score in the actual PTE test.

Hi did you use is it working?

and one of my friend used other template and he got 80% in extended writing


Hi, Gaurav I have memorized the old template, Can I use old templete? Thanks…

Yes. I made this new format just for a change. You can still use the old one.

Seudy El

Hi, I was wondering if this template is worked for band 7 or more?

This works for a full score. But remember Writing marks depend on other questions as well.

Shahin Javed

Is it really work in real exam ?

Sanket Patel

Can i use this template in real exam? I am afraid if this template goes wrong for me plz guide me in proper way.

This template is working as of August 2023. Please feel free to use it.

is this template still works ? Because i’m going to give exam in next week

It works Dikshit. Please share your experience after your results.

im giving exam at 29th i will let you know what ever it is

did you use this template during your real PTE test?

Hi did you write this essay your exam and does this essay works please tell me.


This template doesn’t give direct examples and rationale arguments or reasons related to the main topic. will not that impact the score in terms of content, logic, coherence and cohesion? Is it really safe to use it despite all of that? and what about plagiarism, if other students use it on the same exam, the algorithm will not caught them?

The algorithm used by PTE does not detect the things you have mentioned. So, please be assured that this template works. To know more about how the PTE software works, visit this page:

Radhika Bishta

How much template in this PTE essay


HI Admin, your essay template is working, please let me know I’m going to memorize it, i used a different essay template in my first exam and did not work.

It works Alex, so don’t worry about using it. However, remember that doing well in the essay question alone will not get you a high score in the test.

thank you so much for your reply, how many formats are, and can i use it for any topics, eg, problem or adv, disadv and agree, disagree

You can use this format here for any type of essay. Best of luck.

God bless you, I will share my experience after the exam.


hi bro, how about your exam especially about your essay? is this template works?

hello, did you use this template? how’s your exam?


Hi Ali, how did your exam goes? Did the template works? planning to take the exam this October.


“It has long been a subject of discussion whether (topic) or not. In my opinion, the former notion has several elements ……”

does this essay template still work?

I am not sure which essay template you are talking about. But, if it did work in the past, then it should also be working now. Unlike several claims made online, you can use whichever format you like provided that there are no grammatical or spelling mistakes.

But if you want to be on the safe side, you can use the format provided here. Best of luck.


Do not use this template. I got very low mark from writing because of this. Such a scam

I am so sorry to hear about your score Lou. But have you considered that the essay question alone contributes very low marks for the overall Writing score? In fact, out of 90, only about 11 marks depend on essay question. Instead of Write Essay questions, Write from Dictation and Summarize Spoken Text questions are more important for the Writing section.

Ketan patel

is it workable i m afraid to use it. My exam on 7th july

Feel free to use it Ketan. My students have used this format as recently as last Sunday to get a good score in the test.

Hi did you use this template, does it works?


Is this Template Still Working?

Yes it is. The rumor that old templates are not working may be true, but this template is a new one.


I used this template in the real PTE test yesterday. Sadly, I think it doesn’t work. I got 75 in writing. I have checked all the grammars for every keywords in the essay too. However, I got 2 essays. Is it because I use the same templates for both of the essays? I will write without template in the future.

I am sorry to hear that you got only 75 in Writing. Although 75 is a good score, I think you needed 79+. Anyway, the reason is not using this template twice. You should remember that Writing score in the PTE test depends not only on Write Essay question but also on Summarize Written Text, Reading and Writing Fill in the Blanks, Summarize Spoken Text, Listening Fill in the Blanks and Write From Dictation. So, you have to do well in those questions as well to get a high score in Writing. To understand PTE scoring better, go to this link:

Same this template doesn’t work I got 62 but other parts like speaking and reading i Got 80+


I have my test tomorrow. Please assure me it is still working as I know some templates don’t work anymore.

It works like a charm Jessica. But always remember, only using this format cannot guarantee the full score in Writing. You have to put more effort on Write from Dictation, Summarize Spoken Text, Fill in the Blanks, and other questions.


How many essay writing appear in the exam?

Sometimes you get one, while other times you get two. You can use the same template twice if you get two essay questions. Go to this page for a complete breakdown of the PTE test format:

Thanks Gaurav


Hello,every body. is the template useful for PTE test to get high band in writing ? and not as plagiarism ? However, this is first time for me to do this test if some one get high band when used this template pleas let me know thank you


Don’t worry bro. Just don’t make any mistake while typing this format.

Ok .Thank you for your response 🌸


this template is very useful in PTE exam…. and thanks

I appreciate your feedback Sachin.


The above essay template is still working or not?

Test takers have used this essay format as recently as May 2023 for a perfect score in PTE. So go ahead and use it in your own test. Best of luck.

Thanks for your response.

In June 2023 anyone using the same template because many YouTube videos are saying one word template is not working? In June 2023 two essays instead of one appear in writing module?

You can use this or any other similar template in the PTE test. The template can have one-word topic or multiple words. The only things that matter are correct grammar and spelling.

Also, you might get one or two essays in the test. It is randomly decided, so it depends on your luck.

If two essays appear in the exam we can use the same template or we can use different templates for both essay?

You can use the same format twice.

Amanda Carosella

Can this PTE structure be used for a agree/disagree essay or problem solving essay or any other type of essay it would be?

Yes this structure can be used for any essay type asked in the PTE test. You just need to use the right keywords. Best of luck.


Hi Gaurav, please confirm is this essay templet is still working?? I am planning to give PTE test soon. I have tried with multiple essays and this templet is very usable.

Just wanted to confirm once can I use this in the PTE exam?

Prompt response will be highly appreciated.

Dear Gunjan, as of May 2023, test takers are still using this template in the PTE test and reporting a high score in the Writing section. So, don’t hesitate to use it in your own test.

However, you should keep in mind that only Essay questions will not get you a high score in the Writing section. Write from Dictation, Reading & Writing: Fill in the Blanks, Summarize Spoken Text and Summarize Written Text questions carry more marks for Writing than Essay questions.

Anyway, good luck for your test.


I don’t get this sentence. To understand easily can you rephrase? For example, there are individuals who analyze the benefits of [topic keyword] along with the causes before adoption.

Here you go: Before adopting (something), people analyze its benefits and causes.

Thank you for answering my question. Does this “something” need to be a keyword?

Yes. Best of luck for your PTE preparation.


Has anyone tested this strategy on a real PTE exam?


yes, i used the templates and got 90 on writing


Kindly, are you surely this template still working?


Yes, it works.

Ayman Amin

Is the essay templet still working or no ?


It works. This PTE essay template will get you the full score.

Yes it works perfectly fine. Using this template will definitely get you the full score on this item.

abu haraira

[email protected] kindly contact me


What if I just use the same keyword always instead of changing. can I get a high score ? in two examples you changed the keywords. is it necessary? thanks

You can use the same keyword if you don’t feel like changing it. It doesn’t matter.

thanks, I’m exercising with APEuni and following your template, using the same keyword for all the sentences, I’m getting 14/15 which is pretty good for me. I’m loosing one point on Development, structure and coherence almost all the time.

Although you are getting 14/15 on ApeUni, you will get full 15 on the actual PTE test. Best of luck.


Isn’t this plagiarism? Won’t the computer notice?

Honestly speaking, it is plagiarism. Ideally, a test taker should learn how to write an argumentative essay alongside using correct grammatical structures and appropriate vocabulary. However, my personal experiments as well as those done by others all over the world have proved that you can use a ready-made template in the test. In fact, everyone can use the same template over and over again, but the computer doesn’t care.

Therefore, it is up to the candidate appearing for the PTE test to decide whether they want to go the proper route by improving their essay writing ability or simply “cheat” the test by copying this format provided here. If the essay fulfils the criteria mentioned in this article, you can score good in the test. Plagiarism, it seems, isn’t a criteria.


is it workable i m afraid to use it

It is perfectly fine to use this ready-made essay in your own PTE test. It has been tried in the actual test with success. However, you should remember that only doing this question perfectly doesn’t mean you will get full score in the Writing module. There are other questions to worry about as well. Refer to this page for more details:


Such an easy PTE essay template to remember. Thank you so much.

I am happy that you liked my PTE essay template.


Sir I am not good in Reading please give me the tricks

If you are not already very good in answering Reading questions, you can start learning all the rules of grammar. Most questions are based on your knowledge of grammar. However, if you don’t have much time, you can practice all the past questions, which are easily available online. Most questions in the test are repeated. Best of luck. no longer supports Internet Explorer.

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PTE Academic Exam – Sample Essay template

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pte writing essay template pdf free download

Best PTE Essay Writing Template For Full Score


The PTE academic exam is a comprehensive assessment of language proficiency, and one crucial component is the writing test. Understanding how to approach the PTE essay writing section can significantly impact your overall score. In this article, we will delve into the best PTE essay writing template designed to help you achieve a full score.

PTE Writing Essay Test Overview

The PTE writing section evaluates your ability to communicate ideas effectively in written form. Understanding the nuances of this section is vital, as it contributes significantly to your overall PTE score. 

PTE Essay Writing task is the second assignment in the writing segment, part of Section 1 of the PTE exam – Speaking & Writing . The time allocated for this section ranges from 54 to 67 minutes. The duration of the PTE Writing section is slightly over half of the total time, depending on the number of questions in the writing part. You receive a topic, typically 2 to 3 sentences long, and your task is to compose a persuasive or argumentative essay on it. Each PTE essay question allows 20 minutes for your response. Usually, there is one essay question in the PTE test, but occasionally, you might encounter two questions. Stay calm; you are required to tackle both questions.

Exploring PTE Essay Types

The PTE writing test presents various essay types, each requiring a unique approach. Understanding these types is fundamental for effective preparation. The essay types include:

Promotional Image

Argument: Present a viewpoint on a specific issue, supported by evidence and reasoning.

Describe: Illustrate a particular situation, object, or process in detail.

Respond to a question: Answer a provided question with clarity and coherence.

Advantages or Disadvantages: Evaluate the positive and negative aspects of a given topic.

Also Read: PTE Retell Lecture Template To Ace Your Speaking Test

PTE Writing Essay Scoring

Scoring in the PTE essay section is based on several factors, including Content, Form , grammar, General linguistic, vocabulary, spelling and overall Development, Structure & Coherence . Familiarizing yourself with the scoring criteria is essential for crafting essays that meet the test requirements.

Unlocking the Best PTE Essay Writing Template

Now, let’s unlock the secrets of the best PTE essay writing template. A well-structured template serves as a roadmap, ensuring your essay is organized, logical, and addresses all aspects of the prompt.

Essay Template:

One of the prevailing trends in contemporary society is the sudden surge in the assertion that _<Essay Statement>_ . This essay aims to explore the pros and cons of the above statement, which is closely tied to the notion that _<Essay Statement>_ , employing a practical perspective.

To start with, there are numerous arguments supporting my position. Among them, a crucial point not only entails societal improvement but also encompasses the positive development of individuals worldwide. Other aspects influenced by this topic include _<Keyword 1>_, _<Keyword 2>_, and _<Keyword 3>_. The myriad benefits associated with this perspective not only contribute to personal success and effectiveness but also enhance efficiency, productivity, and overall quality of life with remarkable efficacy and convenience.

Another pivotal aspect of the above statement is its potential to foster flourishing, progress, and excellence across various fields and disciplines. Consequently, considerations of _<Keyword 4>_, _<Keyword 5>_, and _<Keyword 6>_ are also integral to the overall assessment. Additionally, adherence to such a system is essential for individuals to broaden their horizons, refine skills, and cultivate qualities like commitment, dedication, and perseverance. Therefore, it is apparent why many endorse the idea that _<Essay Statement>_ .

In conclusion, I believe that the concerned authority is commendably taking proactive measures to educate the stakeholders about the adverse consequences of the statement that _<Essay Statement>_ . All stakeholders are being urged to comply with relevant laws, rules, and regulations to foster prosperity, productivity, efficiency, and a positive global environment.

How to Use PTE Essay Template?

First, get the ‘ Essay Statement ’ from the question. You can get 90-100% of the ‘ Essay Statement ’ from the given question. So, don’t worry about it.

Question: “ Acquiring knowledge of past events holds no worth for us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree?”

Essay Statement: “ Acquiring knowledge of past events holds no worth for us living in the present. ”

Question: “A few believe in relishing their earnings in the present , while others advocate for saving for a future time . What is your opinion?”

Essay Statement: “ Relishing earnings in the present instead of saving for a future time .” [look at the statement yourself, and see what is different from the question.]

Question: “The environment holds significance. Is it more beneficial for children to be brought up in the countryside than in a large city ? To what extent do you agree with this statement?”

Essay Statement: “ It is more beneficial for children to be brought up in the countryside than in a large city ” [converted the question into a normal sentence]

Now, find out 5-7 keywords related to the ‘ Essay Statement ’. It will be better if the half (2 to 3) of the keywords are about pros and the other half (2 to 3) are about cons. That’s it!

Essay Statement: “Acquiring knowledge of past events holds no worth for us living in the present.”

  • Preventing mistakes
  • Gaining wisdom
  • Informed decision
  • Selective bias
  • Time-consuming
  • Irrelevance risk

Essay Statement: “Relishing earnings in the present instead of saving for a future time.”

  • Immediate joy
  • Spontaneous fun
  • Memorable moments
  • Future security
  • Financial stability
  • Risk mitigation

Essay Statement: “It is more beneficial for children to be brought up in the countryside than in a large city.”

  • Simpler lifestyle
  • Community bond
  • Cleaner air
  • Isolation risk
  • Job opportunities
  • Limited options

Step 3: Finally, we’ll just fill up the blanks appropriately. We will do this the ‘Example of usage’ section.

Also Read: PTE Describe Image Template and Strategies to Achieve High Score

Sample Answer for PTE Essay Question Answer-1

Example 1: “Acquiring knowledge of past events holds no worth for us living in the present. Do you agree or disagree?” Example Answer:

One of the prevailing trends in contemporary society is the sudden surge in the assertion that acquiring knowledge of past events holds no worth for us living in the present [essay statement]. This essay aims to explore the pros and cons of the above statement, which is closely tied to the notion that acquiring knowledge of past events holds no worth for us living in the present , employing a practical perspective. To start with, there are numerous arguments supporting my position. Among them, a crucial point not only entails societal improvement but also encompasses the positive development of individuals worldwide. Other aspects influenced by this topic include preventing mistakes, gaining wisdom, and informed decision [keywords 1, 2, and 3]. The myriad benefits associated with this perspective not only contribute to personal success and effectiveness but also enhance efficiency, productivity, and overall quality of life with remarkable efficacy and convenience. Another pivotal aspect of the above statement is its potential to foster flourishing, progress, and excellence across various fields and disciplines. Consequently, considerations of selective bias, time-consuming, and irrelevance risk [keywords 4, 5, and 6] are also integral to the overall assessment. Additionally, adherence to such a system is essential for individuals to broaden their horizons, refine skills, and cultivate qualities like commitment, dedication, and perseverance. Therefore, it is apparent why many endorse the idea that acquiring knowledge of past events holds no worth for us living in the present . In conclusion, I believe that the concerned authority is commendably taking proactive measures to educate the stakeholders about the adverse consequences of the statement that acquiring knowledge of past events holds no worth for us living in the present . All stakeholders are being urged to comply with relevant laws, rules, and regulations to foster prosperity, productivity, efficiency, and a positive global environment.

Sample Answer for PTE Essay Question Answer-2

“A few believe in relishing their earnings in the present, while others advocate for saving for a future time. What is your opinion?” Example Answer:

One of the prevailing trends in contemporary society is the sudden surge in the assertion that relishing earnings in the present instead of saving for a future time [essay statement]. This essay aims to explore the pros and cons of the above statement, which is closely tied to the notion that relishing earnings in the present instead of saving for a future time , employing a practical perspective. To start with, there are numerous arguments supporting my position. Among them, a crucial point not only entails societal improvement but also encompasses the positive development of individuals worldwide. Other aspects influenced by this topic include immediate joy, spontaneous fun, and memorable moments [keywords 1, 2, and 3]. The myriad benefits associated with this perspective not only contribute to personal success and effectiveness but also enhance efficiency, productivity, and overall quality of life with remarkable efficacy and convenience. Another pivotal aspect of the above statement is its potential to foster flourishing, progress, and excellence across various fields and disciplines. Consequently, considerations of future security, financial stability, and risk mitigation [keywords 4, 5, and 6] are also integral to the overall assessment. Additionally, adherence to such a system is essential for individuals to broaden their horizons, refine skills, and cultivate qualities like commitment, dedication, and perseverance. Therefore, it is apparent why many endorse the idea that relishing earnings in the present instead of saving for a future time . In conclusion, I believe that the concerned authority is commendably taking proactive measures to educate the stakeholders about the adverse consequences of the statement that relishing earnings in the present instead of saving for a future time . All stakeholders are being urged to comply with relevant laws, rules, and regulations to foster prosperity, productivity, efficiency, and a positive global environment.

Sample Answer for PTE Essay Question Answer-3

Example 3:  

“The environment holds significance. Is it more beneficial for children to be brought up in the countryside than in a large city? To what extent do you agree with this statement?” Example Answer: Try it yourself.  

You can also practice PTE essay writing questions in One PTE for free.

In conclusion, mastering the art of PTE essay writing is achievable with the right strategy. By understanding the test format, scoring guidelines, and utilizing the best PTE essay writing template, you can significantly enhance your chances of scoring a full mark.

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PTE Essay Writing: Templates, Topics, Proven Tips & More

Posted on 07/08/2023 by Moni PTE Magic

Not all students are born with the ability to write persuasively and logically in all topic types. That is why you need to equip yourself with PTE essay templates to stay on track and earn the best score on your writing test.

PTE essay templates are a concise yet effective tool for unleashing the full potential of your ideas and presenting them with utmost clarity and precision.

Without any further ado! We will delve into five ready-made PTE essay templates with proven tips and samples to help you produce well-organized and compelling essays.

We have compiled the most up-to-date PTE essay writing templates tested in multiple PTE tests. Therefore, you can be confident to memorize them for a full score.

(Read our Vietnamese version here )

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PTE essay writing overview & scoring guidelines

pte essay writing template

Before moving to detailed PTE essay writing templates, let’s understand this writing task first!

PTE essay writing overview

Writing an essay is the second task of the PTE writing task . This task assesses test-takers’ ability to produce a written response in an academic context.

Test takers have 20 minutes to complete the essay. During this time, they need to plan their response, organize their ideas, and write a well-structured essay with a clear introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion.

PTE scoring guidelines

The PTE Essay has partial credit scoring. There is no credit for no answer or an irrelevant one. This question type does not affect your reading, listening, and speaking scores.

Pearson will evaluate and score your essay through seven factors , including

Content gets a score based on how you solve every aspect of the given topic. You will not earn points if your essay fails to address the topic.

  • Development, structure, and coherence

These factors are graded based on how you develop and organize your ideas.

A well-developed PTE essay should have an introduction, two body paragraphs, and a conclusion relevant to the topic with details, examples, and explanations. You should express ideas clearly, logically, and smoothly between paragraphs.

PTE essay has a word limit of 200 to 300 words. Writing fewer than 200 or more than 300 words will lower your score. You will receive a zero if you write fewer than 120 or more than 380 words.

  • General linguistics

This criterion focuses on clear and straightforward communication. You should highlight the main points and creatively implement ideas. You can get a maximum of points for general linguistics if your essay accurately expresses your views.

  • Grammar usage

Grammar is scored by evaluating sentence structure, verb tenses, subject-verb agreement, articles, and prepositions, punctuations, the use of capital letters, and more.

PTE assesses how well you use a variety of words and phrases in your essay to explain your views appropriately and concisely.

PTE assesses your ability to spell common words correctly. PTE Academic accepts English spelling conventions from the United States, the United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada.

The table below will help you better understand how the PTE algorithm assesses your essay using the above scoring parameters.

  • PTE study and preparation tips for maximizing your scores

PTE essay writing template 

Before diving into each topic type, first memorize the following PTE essay template:

Introduction template

  • Give some background information about the topic (one sentence).
  • Paraphrase the question. This means you repeat the essay question in your own words (one sentence).
  • Present your argument. Write out what you will argue about and which side you will choose (one sentence).

Body template

This part consists of two paragraphs following the same template. Furthermore, you can add a counterargument paragraph to acknowledge and address opposing viewpoints or arguments to the one presented in the essay.

Paragraph 1:

  • Explain the first key idea.
  • Present supporting ideas for what you’ve discussed above
  • Give an example/evidence/data/research to support this
  • Conclude the paragraph

Paragraph 2:

  • Follow the same approach as paragraph 1. But you have to express the second idea in this paragraph.

Conclusion template

The conclusion provides a summary of your response.

  • Summarize two main ideas discussed in paragraphs 1 and 2, and restate your argument from the introduction.
  • Give your personal opinion.

PTE Universal  Essay Template


Currently, there is a heated debate among people about _____. Although it can be asserted that _____, I believe that the disadvantages outweigh the advantages. In this essay, I will explain my point of view by analyzing both sides of the argument.

Body Paragraph 1

There are a number of reasons why_____. One of them is that _____. It can equally be claimed that______. It should also be noted that______.

Body Paragraph 2

Those who argue for_____take a different stance, claiming that it can be advantageous. Firstly, it is said that______. Then, there are concerns about_____.

While there are strong arguments on both sides of the debate, my personal view is______. I would highly recommend that_____.

5 topic types with sample essays

You may encounter the following five essay topic type s in the PTE Writing section:

Agree or disagree

You must either agree or disagree with the point of view in the topic question. Support your point of view using explanations and/or examples from your personal experience or observations.

Sample Agree or Disagree Essay Question:

“The majority of television news being reported is bad news: wars, famines, accidents and crime. Some people think that television news should be a mixture of good and bad news.

Choose whether you agree or disagree with this statement and discuss why you chose that position.”

Essay Template:


The media plays a part in how we receive knowledge and information from all across the world. Some people believe that the news we watch should include both negative and positive current events. In this essay, I will argue that a balance of good and bad news is the best solution for us.

Body Paragraph 1:

As human beings, we seek a good view of ourselves in the media. We need to observe examples of good human behavior so that we can emulate it to align with our values and beliefs. For example, witnessing humans treat each other with respect and kindness can result in an audience acting on these positive concepts. By sharing encouraging stories, we may help to develop a more resilient and strong society.

Body Paragraph 2:

Bad news often serves as a record of the violent and harmful actions and behavior happening throughout the world on a minute-by-minute basis. It is a true depiction of how humans treat one another, and watching it on the news warns us about the risks that many people are facing every day. For example, ongoing conflicts, political instability, diseases, and climate change are all continuous. If we want to address these challenges, we must constantly remind ourselves of their existence.


This essay has argued that while a real portrayal of today’s news is vital to remind us daily of the never-ending issues that many humans confront, showing instances of helpful solutions may more effectively drive a positive change in our society. To be more reflective of current events and successful in shaping society, I believe that the balance of television news should be good rather than bad. 

Discuss two opinions

You have to discuss two sides of the argument in body paragraphs 1 and 2. Finally, state which one is the best in the conclusion. Write on both sides to gain as many points as possible.

Sample Discuss Two Opinions Essay Question:

“Some people think that the teenage years are the happiest times of most people’s lives. Others think that adult life brings more happiness, in spite of greater responsibilities. Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.”

Essay Template :

Many people recall feeling very restricted as teenagers, and that becoming an adult generally meant being happier than they were. However, it seems that those same people frequently yearn to return to their childhood as soon as they encounter the pressures of maturity. This shift in attitudes may start a debate about which age groups are the happiest.

It is possible to make a convincing argument that children and teens are the most joyful and delighted groups of people. Indeed, one may argue that children hold no or little responsibility for their activities. As a result, the young can engage in whatever activity they want, unless it is immediately dangerous. In addition, young people have more leisure time and make more friends than adults. Thus, their life may be full of easygoing fun with their peers, leading to high levels of happiness.

Body Paragraph 2 (Viewpoint 2 – Enhanced social interactions):

On the other side, other people claim that the older they become, the more satisfaction they get out of life. In my opinion, this viewpoint is also fairly reasonable. Becoming an adult often involves enjoying the freedom of choice and action that the younger generation does not have. This independence, when combined with experience and a deep awareness of one’s own interests and motivations, can lead to highly satisfying and meaningful lives, complete with excellent careers, interesting hobbies, and loving families.

In conclusion, I would say that both periods of life have their joys and sorrows and how happy people of different ages feel greatly depends on each individual. Still, think that life can and should be enjoyed at any age.

Causes and Effects

You have to analyze the reasons behind a particular phenomenon or event (causes) and discuss the consequences or outcomes resulting from those causes (effects).

Sample Causes and Effects Essay Question:

“Young people in the modern world seem to have more power and influence than any previous young generation. Why is this the case? What impact does this have on the relationship between old and young people?”

In the last few decades, the nature of young people has shifted dramatically. The naive and vulnerable youth of the past have become stronger and more independent in recent years much to the chagrin of the elders.

The root cause for this development is the tremendous rise of communication. Most young people nowadays have access to internet, smartphones, computers and televisions. As a result, they learn a lot about the world at a young age. Additionally, the availability of education and career options has given them financial and intellectual independence. While it was formerly unusual for children to spend time away from home for school or work, it is now an expected component of every child’s life.

However, it has been noticed that today’s youth are being criticized for being increasingly lazy and rude. However, a close study would show that this charge is false. Previously, children were completely reliant on their parents until they reached middle age, and adults had the last word in all matters. However, financial freedom and world knowledge have enabled young people to make intelligent and autonomous judgments, which frequently contradict the traditional views of the older generation.

In conclusion, it seems that shifts in young people are inescapable as a result of developments in lifestyle and technology. To adapt to changing situations, one must adjust oneself. What is required is improved communication between the old and young generations.

Problems and Solutions

You have to discuss a specific problem or issue and propose effective solutions to address it.

Sample Problems and Solutions Essay Question:

“The issue of unemployment among young people is a growing concern. Discuss the problems stemming from youth unemployment and propose effective solutions.”

The Earth is changing at a tremendous pace, which has physical and emotional consequences for us. Everyone needs a healthy atmosphere to be healthy and strong. Our Mother Earth is in jeopardy due to natural disasters. Today, we must take careful look at some of the most pressing environmental difficulties we are facing, as well as the answers to these problems.

Human activities are causing an alarming increase in environmental damage. There are several environmental issues that demand immediate action. Global warming, overcrowding, pollution of air, water, and soil, depletion of natural resources, deforestation, waste disposal, melting polar ice caps, genetic engineering, increasing sea levels, and a variety of other issues are wreaking havoc on our ecosystem.

The government, organizations, and individuals must work together to eliminate the risks to our society before it is too late. Every individual can consume less power by turning off lights when they are not in use or by switching to use LED bulbs. Multinational corporations perceive forests as a chance to make a lot of money by selling lumber while neglecting the long-term detrimental consequences. The government should enact strict regulations requiring businesses to follow such criteria, as well as educate the public about the dangers of environmental change. It should be underlined that it is everyone’s obligation to safeguard our environment.

Different environmental protective actions should be carried out across the world, and here is how little acts joined together may play a huge part in saving our planet. As a result, let us work together to ensure a clean environment for ourselves and future generations through the concept of sustainable development.

Advantages and Disadvantages

You have to discuss the positive aspects and negative aspects of a specific subject or issue.

Sample Advantages and Disadvantages Essay Question:

“In some countries, people are forced to retire when they reach a certain age. What are the advantages and disadvantages of this? Give reasons for your answer and include any relevant examples from your own knowledge or experience.”

In certain nations, persons who reach retirement age are required to leave their jobs. This phenomenon has both beneficial and bad consequences, which will be discussed in this essay.

The main purpose of such a government policy is stringent regulation of human workforce’s productivity and performance. It comes to reason that older personnel will take more time to complete their tasks. Moreover, it is typically safer to keep younger staff members at employment where health and focus are essential. For example, work at the conveyor commonly necessitates quick reactions, strong eyesight, and physical stamina, all of which humans tend to lose over time. If companies did not require the elderly to retire, the chance of working accidents related to human factors would remain rather high.

Body Paragraph 2 (Disadvantages of renewable energy sources):

On the other hand, employers frequently underestimate the talents, expertise, and potential of experienced professionals who have retired, even if they may still be valuable and have a professional flare. They may offer guidance on specific issues that they have dealt with for the majority of their life. An excellent example of this statement would be medical practitioners, whose expertise is clearly more important than rookie trainees.

In conclusion, forced retirement is reasonable in terms of workplace safety and successful completion of assigned responsibilities. However, this policy ignores the benefits of retaining experienced staff, such as utilizing their knowledge and skills in complex situations that require in-depth research and ingenuity.

PTE essay writing tips

Memorizing PTE essay templates may not be enough without applying some of the following practical writing tips to maximize your score:

  • Read the given subject carefully and identify the topic type. Avoid focusing on one point so much and losing sight of the big picture.
  • Always plan and outline your essay before writing.
  • Stay on track to address the essay prompt and avoid going off-topic or providing irrelevant information.
  • Ensure you write formally and academically, avoiding colloquial language or slang.
  • Avoid using pointers or bullet points.
  • Write in short, concise paragraphs.
  • Avoid using too complicated vocabulary. Keep it simple.
  • Do not repeat the same point again and again.
  • Enhance your academic vocabulary. Try to use synonyms to diversify your language.
  • Always leave time to proofread your essay and make any necessary improvements. Look for errors in grammar, spelling, and coherence.

A sample list of PTE essay topics

Practice time! We’ve gathered a sample topic list for each PTE essay type.

Agree or disagree essay topics

  • Online education is as effective as traditional classroom learning. Discuss your opinion on this statement.
  • The government should provide financial incentives to encourage the use of electric vehicles. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • Advertising aimed at children should be banned. Discuss your opinion on adopting the
  • The benefits of space exploration outweigh the costs. Do you agree or disagree?
  • Plastic bags should be banned to protect the environment. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

Discuss two opinions essay topics

  • Using animals in entertainment, such as circuses and theme parks, has divided opinions. Discuss the ethical considerations and arguments for and against using animals for entertainment.
  • The increasing popularity of remote work has raised debates about its long-term effects on productivity and work-life balance. Discuss both the advantages and disadvantages of remote work arrangements.
  • Online shopping has revolutionized the retail industry but it also poses challenges for traditional brick-and-mortar stores. Discuss the impact of online shopping on physical retail stores and consumer behavior.
  • The impact of globalization on cultural diversity is a topic of discussion. Discuss globalization’s positive and negative effects of globalization on cultural identity and traditions.
  • The use of smartphones in schools has both advantages and disadvantages. Discuss the benefits and drawbacks of allowing students to use smartphones in educational settings.

Causes and Effects essay topics

  • Analyze the causes and effects of increasing rates of divorce in modern society.
  • Discuss the causes and effects of climate change and its impact on the environment and human life.
  • Examine the causes and effects of high levels of unemployment in a specific country or region.
  • Explore the causes and effects of the opioid epidemic in certain communities.
  • Discuss the causes and effects of the declining bee population and its implications on the ecosystem and agriculture.

Problems and Solutions essay topics

  • Discuss the problem of plastic pollution in oceans and propose effective solutions to mitigate its impact on marine life and the environment.
  • Analyze the increasing traffic congestion problem in urban areas and suggest practical solutions to alleviate the issue.
  • Examine the problem of cyberbullying among young people and propose measures to address and prevent online harassment.
  • Discuss the problem of food waste in households and restaurants and propose strategies to reduce food wastage and promote food sustainability.
  • Analyze the problem of lack of access to clean drinking water in certain regions and suggest solutions to improve water availability and quality.

Advantages and Disadvantages essay topics

  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using renewable energy sources to combat climate change.
  • Analyze the advantages and disadvantages of social media in today’s society.
  • Examine the benefits and drawbacks of online education compared to traditional classroom learning.
  • Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of genetic engineering in agriculture.
  • Analyze the pros and cons of using artificial intelligence (AI) in various industries and its impact on employment.

Mastering PTE essay templates provides a solid foundation for achieving success in the PTE writing section. Thanks to these efficient templates, you can effectively structure your essays, showcase your language proficiency, and express your ideas with clarity and coherence.

Have you memorized the essay templates yet? If yes, it’s time to test with our list of sample topics. Contact us if you need extra PTE practice tests to enhance your overall performance

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Moni PTE Magic

My name is Moni, and I am a seasoned PTE teacher with over 6 years of experience. I have helped thousands of students overcome their struggles and achieve their desired scores. My passion for teaching and dedication to my student’s success drives me to continually improve my teaching methods and provide the best possible support. Join me on this journey toward PTE success!

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pte writing essay template pdf free download

  • 22 Mar 2023

pte writing essay template pdf free download

  • Task - Write a 200–300 word essay on a given topic.
  • Skills assessed - Writing
  • Prompt length - 2-3 sentences
  • Time to answer - 20 minutes

You have  20 minutes to write your essay .

The Word Count at the bottom of the screen counts the number of words you write. Make sure to write a  minimum of 200 words,  but  no more than 300 words.

There are also cut, copy, and paste buttons which you may choose to use while constructing your response.

Cut:  Select text from your answer that you wish to remove and left-click “Cut”.

Copy:  Select text from your answer that you wish to copy and left-click “Copy”.

Paste:  Place the cursor where you wish to paste the cut/copied text and left-click “Paste”.

pte writing essay template pdf free download

Start by analyzing the task:

Before you write anything,  note keywords  in the prompt.  Find out the topic, what key points you should focus on  to answer the question  and any points of view to present  and discuss:

pte writing essay template pdf free download

Analyze the essay prompt so you know how to answer:

Essay prompts can be written in a number of ways. For example, you may need to  discuss whether you agree or disagree  with a statement:

pte writing essay template pdf free download

You may have to  consider how different groups of people might feel  about a particular situation:

pte writing essay template pdf free download

Content:  Does your response address the topic? Content is scored by determining if all aspects of the topic have been addressed in your response. The appropriateness of the details, examples, and explanations used to support your point of view is also scored. If your essay does not address the topic, you will not receive any score points for your essay on any of the seven factors. Your essay will be scored zero. The best responses are on topic, contain logical and specific information, and answer any questions asked. They also support any arguments with details, examples, and/or explanations.

Development, structure, and coherence:  Does your response demonstrate good development of ideas and a logical structure? Development, structure, and coherence are scored according to the organization of your response. A well-developed response uses a logical organizational pattern, connects ideas, and explains these connections. The best responses contain multiple paragraphs and have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion that relate to the topic of the essay. Within paragraphs, ideas are clearly presented and supported with details, examples, and/or explanations. Transitions between paragraphs are smooth.

Form:  Does your response meet the length requirement of between 200 and 300 words? Form is scored by counting the number of words in your response. You will receive full credit if your essay is between 200 and 300 words. Writing less than 200 words or more than 300 words will decrease your score. If your essay contains less than 120 words or more than 380 words, you will not receive any score points for your essay on any of the seven factors. Your essay will be scored zero.

General linguistic range:  Does your response use language that precisely conveys your ideas? General linguistic range is scored by determining if the language in your response accurately communicates your ideas. This includes your ability to provide clear descriptions, change emphasis, eliminate ambiguity, express subtleties in meaning, and use stylistic features to communicate meaning. You are more likely to receive full credit if you use complex sentence structures and vocabulary correctly, rather than consistently using simple sentence structures and vocabulary. This is because complex ideas are often expressed with complex sentence structures and vocabulary. The best responses use language that highlights key ideas, creatively expresses opinions, and ensures clear communication.

Grammar usage and mechanics:  Does your response demonstrate correct grammatical usage and consistent control of standard written English? Grammar usage and mechanics are scored by examining sentence structure, punctuation, and capitalization. The best responses contain high proportions of grammatically correct complex sentences that clearly communicate the intended meaning.

Vocabulary range:  Does your response demonstrate command of a broad vocabulary range? Vocabulary range is scored according to the variety of words in your response and their appropriateness in an academic environment. Synonyms, idiomatic expressions, and academic terms are also assessed if appropriate. The best responses use precise academic terms and avoid repetition by using synonyms and idioms where appropriate.

Spelling:  Does your response demonstrate correct and consistent use of a single spelling convention?

  • Partial credit scoring applies to Write Essay. No credit is given for no response or an irrelevant response.
  • This question type affects the scoring of the following: writing, grammar, spelling, vocabulary, and written discourse.
  • Your listening and speaking skills are not tested by this question type, and your reading skills are only used to read the instructions and the prompt.


 Be mindful of the instructions, for example, the world limit of 200-300 words.    Read the subject well and know the kind of question it is.     Make sure that you write in the correct academic English language.     Try not to write in pointers or bullets.    Write in clear and compact paragraphs.     Stay away from a language that is excessively complicated. Keep it simple.    Plan your essay before you start writing. Many individuals use up all available time composing their essays since they keep changing their ideas on the part of their argument.    Use a good structure. Because you won’t be able to decide, compose, and check everything within 20 mins.    Brush up on your academic vocabulary! It is very important to use good vocabulary when writing an essay.    When you have composed your essay, leave a couple of moments to read what you’ve written, and make further upgrades. It is quite often conceivable to improve what you have composed the first run through. In your last read, pay special attention to these things.    Watch what you have composed carefully on the given subject. It isn't remarkable for test-takers to lose their way after the main passage. Try not to get into one point so much that you miss the general picture.     Ensure you don't repeat a similar point again and again. When you start an argument, create it completely and afterward close it. Try not to continue bouncing to it in the resulting passages.     Check for grammar mistakes, appropriate sentence structures, punctuation, and so on.
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pte writing essay template pdf free download

PTE Core Writing Templates: Task 1 and 2

These task 1 and task 2 writing templates for the PTE Core exam will ensure you score a 90! Use all the right words and phrases to gain CLB 9.

PTE Core Writing Templates: Task 1 and 2 (Complete Words and Phrases!)

This blog goes in details with all the PTE Core writing task 1 and 2 templates that you need to secure a score of 90! CLB 9 or 10 is not easy but if you simply COPY/PASTE these words and phrases into your paragraphs, you will have no issues in getting the best scores!

Check out this video for the complete verbal description while keeping this page open to review: 

Learn the best PTE Core Writing Task 1 and Task 2 templates using this guide. Copy/Paste the words and phrases in your actual exam for the best marks!

PTE Core Writing Task 1 Template:

Summary section (10 minutes and 25-50 words):.

The difficulty here is summarizing everything within 25-50 words! However, the template below will ensure that you are able to fit everything within the given space.

(Introduce the subject here)… given …

OPTIONAL (the third sentence is not always needed): Overall/Conclusively/Surely/Due to this/Consequently,

Task 1 SAMPLE Question:

Summarize the following task in 25-50 words. You will have 10 minutes for this task.

Course Update – Business Degree Program Modifications

At Barr Green University, we pride ourselves on delivering high-quality education and staying attuned to the evolving needs of both our students and the broader societal landscape. This responsiveness is a cornerstone of our academic offerings’ popularity, as it allows us to continuously enhance our degree programs.

With this ethos in mind, we are now refining our Business degree program. The revision involves a strategic reduction in the number of finance-oriented courses to make room for an increased emphasis on management subjects. Our goal is to craft an exceptional Business curriculum that aligns with the vital skills and knowledge that today’s businesses and employers value most. We are optimistic that this updated Business degree will significantly broaden the professional opportunities available to our graduates.

For additional details about the revamped course, please follow the ‘click here’ link.

Warm regards,

Barr Green University

Task 1 SAMPLE Answer:

Bar Green University is launching its Business Degree Program, given its track record of quality courses and adaptability. Moreover , with our candidates’ career goals in mind, we are focused on delivering courses targeting employer-specific needs. Consequently , management-based courses will be the main focus, steering away from some financial courses.

15-hour All-Inclusive PTE Core Course!

PTE Core Writing Task 2 Template (9 minutes and 100-120 words)

Sample pte core writing task 2 question:.

Read a description of a situation. Then write a report about the situation. You will have 9 minutes. You should aim to write at least 100 words. Write using complete sentences.

You work for a tech company that has noticed a decrease in productivity among remote workers. Write a report to Mr. Jackson, head of the Human Resources Department, giving three suggestions for ways that the company can improve remote work productivity.

Your ideas must come from the following three themes:

  • technology and tools
  • employee engagement
  • work-life balance

You should include all three themes. Provide supporting ideas for your suggestions.

Email (formal):

For PTE Core Writing task 2, ensure that there are 5 paragraphs with (ideally) one sentence in each. You do not need addresses, dates, or subject lines. Just start with “Dear _______”. Also, ensure the ending salutation (email convention) is included!

  • The reason behind my email is to address
  • (Direct start – give the first reason here) … (USE A SEMICOLON HERE AND ADD ANOTHER CLAUSE).
  • Furthermore,
  • Conversely,/Conclusively,/Interestingly,/Conspicuously, 
  • I eagerly anticipate a positive reply from you on this matter, given its …

Yours Sincerely,

Why do students always fail PTE Core? This course not only explains that but GUARANTEES your results or your MONEY-BACK! With 100,000 copies sold, check out why this course has internet’s best reviews (IMMEDIATE ACCESS AVAILABLE):

Pte core writing task 2 template, email (informal):.

Make sure to keep the tone informal and casual here. If you are too formal, you will lose marks!

Dear (first name),

  • How is life? I have not had the chance to get back to you sooner. My apologies!
  • I needed to talk to you about … 
  • Considering …, ….
  • I guess that’s all on my mind for now. Talk to you later!

Best regards,

First name only

Conclusion: PTE Core Writing Templates:

Overall, you want to ensure you are using complex sentences, advanced words and phrases, unique phrasing and proper structuring. Don’t worry! We will mention details on all of this in our upcoming blogs so be sure to subscribe to HZad Education’s blog!

All the best!

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pte writing essay template pdf free download

What is the Best Writing Essay Template for PTE?

Struggling to find the right PTE essay template? Check out our full article to write your essay with confidence and clarity.

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About the article

Out of the four sections that PTE includes [reading, speaking, writing, and listening], PTE Writing is considered to be the most difficult task as it requires one to write one’s own opinion on a given topic in 200-300 words in just 20 minutes. Students find it difficult because they are required to express their thoughts, ideas, and arguments clearly and coherently within the given time frame. The content written is scored not just on the basis of the content generated but also on grammar, punctuation, tenses, vocabulary, and usage of linkers. If you want to understand it better, use the best writing essay template for PTE while practicing. 

What is the PTE Writing Essay task?

In this task, you are presented with a topic or prompt, and you are required to write an essay in response. The essay should express your thoughts, ideas, and arguments clearly and coherently within the given time frame.

Here's an overview of the PTE essay writing task:

  • Task Description: You will typically receive a written prompt or statement that presents a particular issue, topic, or argument. The prompt may ask you to provide your opinion on the topic, argue for or against a specific point, or analyze a given situation.
  • Time Limit: The time allocated for this task is 20 minutes, including the time to read the prompt, plan your essay, and write it.
  • Word Limit: The word limit is between 200 to 300 words. Your goal should be to remain within this limit. Practicing through a writing essay template for PTE can help you in this.
  • Scoring Criteria: Your essay is scored based on various factors, including content, organization, grammar, vocabulary, spelling, and coherence. The content should be relevant and address the topic appropriately.
  • PTE Essay template: Your essay should follow a standard structure with an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Ensure that your essay is well-organized and presents a clear argument or viewpoint. 
  • Grammar and Vocabulary: Pay attention to your grammar, vocabulary, and sentence structure. Use a range of vocabulary and complex sentence structures to showcase your language skills.
  • Spelling and Punctuation: Carefully proofread your essay for spelling and punctuation errors. Errors can affect your score.
  • Opinion Essays: If the prompt asks for your opinion, provide a clear stance in the introduction and support it with relevant reasons and examples in the body of your essay. But make sure to have complete knowledge about the PTE writing format before you start writing.
  • Argumentative Essays: In argumentative essays, present a clear argument and provide evidence or examples to support your viewpoint. Address potential counterarguments as well. An Agree disagree essay template PTE can help you with writing these essays in a better way.
  • Relevance: Ensure that your essay is directly related to the given prompt and that your arguments and examples are on-topic. Use the right Essay template for PTE for practice
  • Coherence: Your essay should be logically structured and easy to follow. 
  • Use transitional or connected words for coherence like: furthermore, moreover, additionally, in addition, not only... but also, however, on the other hand, conversely, nevertheless, in contrast, similarly, likewise, in the same way, just as, so, compared to, therefore, as a result, consequently, because, since, etc.
  • Edit and Review: If time allows, review and make any necessary edits to your essay before submitting it.

Remember that the essay writing task in the PTE exam is designed to assess your ability to express ideas in writing and demonstrate effective communication skills in English. So, understand the Writing template for PTE before beginning your preparation.

What are the different types of PTE essay sample topics? 

In the PTE (Pearson Test of English) Academic exam, there are two types of essay questions that may come in the Writing section:

Argumentative Essay (or Opinion Essay): In this type of essay, you will be presented with a topic or statement, and you need to express and support your opinion on it. In case you need help with these essays, seek help from the right PTE writing template. You should provide arguments, examples, and counterarguments, if applicable. Your task is to persuade the reader to agree with your viewpoint. It's essential to present a clear and structured argument while demonstrating your English language proficiency.

Argumentative PTE Essay Sample Topics:

  • Should governments invest more in renewable energy sources to combat climate change?
  • Is online education as effective as traditional classroom learning?
  • Should college education be free for all students?
  • Are mobile phones a distraction or a valuable educational tool in schools?
  • Should fast food advertising be banned to address the issue of childhood obesity?

Descriptive Essay (or Explanatory Essay): In this type of essay, you will be given a topic or subject, and your task is to describe, explain, or provide information about it. The focus is on presenting facts, details, and a comprehensive understanding of the topic. Your writing should be clear, organized, and informative. 

Descriptive PTE Essay Sample Topics:

  • Describe the impact of social media on modern society.
  • Explain the process of photosynthesis and its importance in the plant kingdom.
  • Describe the cultural significance of a major festival in your country.
  • Explain the structure and function of the human digestive system.
  • Describe a historical event that had a profound impact on your country.

To make this process easier, let’s go around some points and evaluate the most effective method to write the PTE essay in the given time. 

What is the strategy to write a PTE essay?

Step 1: content generation.

Read the PTE Writing question carefully and understand the requirements of the essay by reading the instructions. Once the question is clear to you, draw some points for your essay. 

Step 2: Formation and sentence construction

Have a clear PTE essay template in your mind for the essay structure. It can be categorized as follows:

  • Paragraph 1 - paraphrasing of statement + brief introduction
  • Paragraph 2 - viewpoints according to the instruction 
  • Paragraph 3 - additional viewpoints according to the instructions
  • Paragraph 4 - conclusion for the PTE Essay

Once the template is clear to you, start framing your sentences for each paragraph and give your viewpoints as required by the instructions in the question. You should add some examples in PTE Writing paragraph 2 and paragraph 3  to support your answer. 

Step 3: Re-check your essay 

Keep aside 1-2 minutes at the end to scan the essay that you just wrote and modify it in whichever way is required. This can help you to correct any spelling mistakes, typos, punctuation, or grammar errors that might be present in your answer. 

What is the PTE essay template to follow? 

A lot of times, students get confused about how to start the introduction of the PTE essay, even if they have great points in their minds for the upcoming paragraphs. Let's learn the most effective way to write the introduction paragraph, which will help you to build the first paragraph in a blink of an eye.

An ideal introduction paragraph consists of two things - a well-paraphrased question statement and a thesis statement. Keep this PTE essay template in mind whenever you start your essay.

Step 1: Paraphrase the question statement

Firstly, start the introduction paragraph by paraphrasing your question statement. Paraphrasing means to re-write the question stated in a different way. To achieve this, we can make use of the following methods:

  • Paraphrase the main keywords in the question statement. Try to think about synonyms of the main keywords and use them in the paraphrased statement. For example, if your question statement contains the word 'important', you can rephrase it using the synonyms - vital, integral, crucial, pivotal, indispensable, etc. Writing a template for PTE can help you practice this in a better way.
  • Change some of the parts of speech. You may change some of the prepositions, adjectives, adverbs, or conjunctions that are present in the PTE Writing question. Make sure that after changing them, the sentence is grammatically correct. For example, changing linking words such as and, because, for, of, etc according to the statement. 
  • Change information in Active voice to passive voice. In this method, you have to change the word order of the sentences from active voice to passive voice. It is a great tip to boost your PTE Overall score. The sentence construction order for active voice is - subject - verb - object. A reference of active voice is: Some people believe that...... [some people - subject, believe - verb, that.... - the notion being described in the statement is the object]. In passive voice, the structure of the sentence is reversed i.e. object- verb-subject. The same sentence would be written as follows: It is believed by many that... [ It - refers to the object, believed - verb, by many - subject] 
  • Turn simple sentences into complex sentences. You can use conjunctions or linkers to group two sentences and form a compound or complex sentence. This will also portray your range of grammar in your answer. The conjunctions/linkers that can be used are: and, but, because, although, moreover, however, albeit, since, as, etc. 
  • Combine or divide thoughts to change the structure of the sentence. You can use this strategy to restructure the PTE Essay statement. This simply means to divide the ideas and write them in a different order as given in the question statement. For instance, you can change the sentence order of the question statement. 

PTE Sample Essay:

Let's look at a sample question statement and its paraphrased answer: 

Question statement: 

“Successful sports stars and glamorous film stars are role models for youngsters. Use specific reasons and examples to support your opinion.”

Paraphrased statement: 

It is believed by many that celebrities leave an ever-lasting impression on teenagers and act as role models for young people.

Step 2: Add a thesis statement:

A thesis statement gives the introduction to your ideas which you are going to discuss in the PTE Writing essay.  It also addresses the instructions which are present in the question. To write a thesis statement, address the instructions and answer them in 1-2 sentences. The thesis statement gives the reader some clarity about the theme of the essay and the context as well. 

Let's build the thesis statement for the given question, but don't forget to use a PTE essay template pdf for a thorough understanding:     

Thesis statement according to the given instruction:

In my opinion, these prominent figures possess the ability to profoundly shape people's lives and provide the motivation needed to strive for their aspirations.

By combining the paraphrased and thesis statements, we can form the introduction paragraph.

Introduction paragraph for the given question statement:

It is believed by many that celebrities leave an ever-lasting impression on teenagers and act as role models for young people. In my opinion, these prominent figures possess the ability to profoundly shape people's lives and provide the motivation needed to strive for their aspirations.

Following a structured manner can make it easier to form the introduction paragraph and start your answer in the PTE Essay. Lastly, practice these steps for some sample questions of PTE essays to enhance your writing skills.

In case you are seeking professional help for your PTE preparation, enroll in Yuno Learning’s online PTE Academic live classes . We offer the best PTE Training, that too in the comfort of your home.

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Most Common PTE Writing Essay Topics With Answers With PDF [FREE DOWNLOAD]


  • Updated on  
  • Mar 11, 2024

pte writing essay topics with answers pdf

PTE Writing Essay Topics: PTE test takers must stay up to date on the most recent PTE writing essay topics to construe well-articulated, coherent, and comprehensible essay responses. In this blog, we’ve provided a comprehensive list of the most prevalent PTE writing essay topics, along with their answers (PDF). PTE test takers can go through these topics to get a drift of how to write good PTE writing essays and score higher. That being said, read the complete blog to learn more about PTE writing essay topics. 

This Blog Includes:

Latest pte writing essay topics in 2024, pte writing essay topics: sample questions with answers (download pdf) , 5+ tips to ace your pte writing essays .

PTE Writing essays can be a huge obstacle for exam candidates. PTE essays generally need test takers to write well-articulated essay responses that are not just cohesive in structure but also understandable to readers. Keeping track of these prevalent subjects could help you score higher on PTE Writing Essays, potentially distinguishing you from your peers. Here are the current PTE Writing Essay themes for 2024 that you should be familiar with. Have a peek. 

  • Tobacco, mainly in the form of cigarettes is one of the most widely used drugs in the world. Over a billion adults legally smoke tobacco every day. The long-term health costs are high- for the smokers themselves, and for the wider community in terms of health care costs and lost productivity. Do Governments have a legitimate role in protecting citizens from the harmful effects of their own decisions to smoke, or are such decisions up to an individual?
  • In some countries around the world, voting is compulsory. Do you agree with the notion of compulsory voting?
  • Any new technological development in the recent years is a boon or curse for the society in general- 
  • It is argued that getting married before finishing school or getting a job is not a good choice. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  • Parents should be held legally responsible for their children’s acts. What is your opinion? Support it with personal examples.
  • Marketing strategy for big companies should be placed on offers and discounts, and in what ways this can impact their reputation.
  • What is the best invention of the last 100 years, the computer, antibiotics, the aeroplane, and explain why?
  • Do you think that the place where the person grew up influences his accomplishments? Explain with an example.
  • Dangerous activities like extreme skiing, bungee jumping etc. And whether u support them or not. 
  • Does television remove our loneliness or not?
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PTE Writing Task Essay Topics: PTE test takers attempting the writing section of the exam must be familiar with the common topics and questions generally asked in the exam. That being stated, one should solve as many sample questions as possible to get a drift of the common topics and themes and how to answer them correctly. Here are some sample questions (with answers) for PTE Writing Essays that you should go through to have a solid understanding of the task.

PTE Writing Essay Preparation : Writing PTE Essays might seem like a hurdle, but fret not! With the right preparation and consistent practice, you can reach the summit and achieve stellar scores. Here are some of the best tips to help you ace your PTE writing essays. 

  • Don’t just focus on one type of essay topic. Look for practice prompts that cover argumentative, problem-solving, and discussion/opinion essays. This will help you become adaptable to the format used in the PTE test.
  • The PTE writing section is timed at 20 minutes. Practice writing essays under exam conditions to build speed and manage pressure during the actual test.
  • Strong vocabulary and accurate grammar are essential for achieving a high score. Brush up on your grammar skills and build your vocabulary by learning new words and phrases related to different topics.
  • The PTE essay should follow a basic structure: Introduction, Body Paragraphs (usually 2), and Conclusion.
  • Aim for a word count between 200-300 words. Going outside this range can affect your score.
  •  Before submitting your essay, take at least 2-3 minutes to proofread it carefully. Look for typos, grammatical errors, and clarity in your writing.
  • Familiarize yourself with the criteria used to score the PTE writing essay. This will help you focus on areas that will get you the most points. 
  • Make sure to include all the keywords from the essay prompt in your writing. This shows the examiner you understand the question.
  • Use transition words and phrases to connect your ideas and create a smooth flow in your essay.
  • Avoid using slang or informal language. Maintain a professional tone throughout your essay.

So that was all about the PTE writing essays. Hope the blog has answered your queries regarding the topic. 

Ans. The PTE Writing section includes two tasks: Summarise Written Text and Essay. Both tasks in the PTE Writing part are computer-based, with you typing your comments on a keyboard. After reading the text, test takers are required to provide a one-sentence summary of the passage. Students should keep the word count of their PTE writing essays around 200-300 words. 

Ans. With PTE Academic Online, you can take your test at home, in an office, or wherever you have a quiet, private space. PTE Academic Online uses the exact same test content, scoring and format as PTE Academic in a test centre.

Ans: The overall score in the PTE ranges from 10 to 90 and is based on your overall performance in the PTE exam.

Build a plan with Leverage Edu‘s Leverage Live classes and our top trainers and strengthen your English score as well as your application so that you can secure your spot in your dream college. Reach out to Leverage Edu on 1800572000 and schedule a free session today .

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Shubham Das

Shubham Das has been working as an educational content writer for the past two years and has a background in filmmaking & screenplay/ teleplay writing. He is fascinated by the human psyche, literature and cinema.

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PTE online practice platform with scored Mock tests

Free online PTE mock test

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This article introduces our free online PTE mock test, meticulously crafted to closely mimic the actual PTE Academic exam. The striking resemblance between our mock tests and the official PTE practice platform underscores our team’s comprehensive understanding of the test. Unlike the official PTE test, our practice test delivers an instant score report at the test’s conclusion, eliminating the 24-hour wait.

Once the test commences, similar to the real exam, pausing or stopping is not permitted. Completion of the test is necessary to obtain the score report, which typically takes around two hours.

Getting Started

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Before beginning the speaking section, ensure your PC’s microphone and sound system are functioning correctly and grant the website permission to access your microphone.

During the speaking section, potential lags may occur depending on your Internet connection’s upload speed. If lagging persists beyond 30 seconds, refresh the page once.

Like the official PTE Academic test, a 10-minute break precedes the listening section’s start. You can opt to take the break or proceed to the next section.

Accessing Your Score Report

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Upon completing the final part of the listening section, a score report is generated in PDF format for download and future reference. Participating in our online “Free trial sessions” allows us to analyze your results. As an indicator of our mock test’s predictive accuracy, achieving an average score of 68 or above typically corresponds to at least three skills scoring above 79 in the official PTE test. To take our free PTE mock test, click “Take the free PTE mock test now.”

Free PTE mock test

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To master the strategies for excelling in the PTE Academic test, consider enrolling in our personalized one-on-one Zoom classes. Additionally, take advantage of our complimentary scored PTE mock test and access real PTE materials on our practice platform. Visit our website at for more information.  

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Check the Difference between PTE vs IELTS vs TOEFL| Top Differences

The purpose of the PTE, TOEFL, and IELTS is to assess your English language proficiency when you apply to international universities. These exams test the ability to read, understand, speak, write, and also listen to the English language and then grade you accordingly. Certain set scores are required.

In this article, we will be going through the various differences between IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE, which is easier, and which is better.


IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE: Know the Difference

Table of Content

  • What is IELTS?
  • What is TOEFL?
  • What is PTE?
  • Format Comparison of IELTS, TOEFL, and PTE Exams
  • Score Differences
  • How to Choose the Right Exam?

Advantages and Disadvantages of IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE

Ielts vs toefl vs pte: chart of differences.


What is the Basic Difference between IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE?

In summary, the primary distinction among IELTS, TOEFL, and PTE lies in their examination format. While all three assess English speaking, listening, reading, and writing skills for non-native speakers, they vary in their mode of testing.

IELTS involves both computer-based and face-to-face examination formats. This may pose challenges for individuals with strong English skills but limited social and public speaking abilities, potentially affecting their performance.

On the other hand, PTE and TOEFL are entirely computer-based tests, offering a slight advantage as most test-takers are accustomed to writing on computers.

Another key difference lies in the evaluation process. IELTS papers undergo both computerized and human assessment, TOEFL papers are evaluated by both systems, and PTE papers are solely assessed by computers. Each system has its advantages, choosing between them is a matter of personal preference.

What are the IELTS, TOEFL, and PTE Exams?

In comparing IELTS, TOEFL, and PTE, it’s important to understand the basic nature of each test:

  • International English Language Testing System (IELTS): IELTS is widely regarded as the primary exam for English proficiency assessment. It consists of four sections: reading, writing, listening, and speaking, each graded on a scale from 0 to 9. The overall IELTS score is the average of these sections. While IELTS is widely accepted globally, it’s also considered the most challenging.
  • Test of English as a Foreign Language (TOEFL): TOEFL, the oldest English language test, is accepted internationally. It includes four sections and is slightly more challenging than IELTS. Each section is scored from 0 to 30, with a total TOEFL score out of 120. A score above 100 is generally considered good.
  • Pearson Test of English (PTE): Similar to IELTS and TOEFL, PTE also has four sections and evaluates English proficiency on a scale from 10 to 90. A score above 76 is typically considered good. Many test-takers find PTE to be the least difficult among the three tests when comparing IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE.

PTE vs IELTS vs TOEFL: Which Exam Should You Choose?

The choice of the exam depends significantly on individual circumstances:

For students:

  • Verify the test requirements and acceptance criteria of your university or program.
  • Assess the costs and ensure they fit your budget.
  • Research the preparation required for each test and compare it with your available time.
  • Consider the result release time, ensuring it aligns with your application deadlines.
  • Opt for a test that offers broader recognition and validity if other factors are inconclusive.

For immigrants/employees:

  • Consult your visa or job provider regarding their preferred exam.
  • Evaluate the costs involved.
  • Consider the preparation time required and compare it with your schedule.
  • Compare result turnaround times with your timeline.
  • Choose a test that requires minimal preparation and boosts your confidence given your busy schedule.

While all three tests are internationally recognized, selecting the most suitable one is crucial. For individuals considering multiple institutions or countries, ensure all accept the chosen test. Additionally, assess the validity period of scores to align with your preferences effectively.

Scoring of PTE vs IELTS vs TOEFL 

The main distinction between IELTS and PTE lies in their scoring systems. TOEFL scores are straightforward as each of its four sections is graded out of 30 points.

In contrast, both PTE and IELTS provide overall scores encompassing all sections.

IELTS scores range from 1 to 9 bands, with a score of 7 or higher regarded as good. PTE scores range from 0 to 90, with a score of at least 65 considered good.

While there’s no direct equivalence between the two, when comparing PTE and IELTS scores, it’s commonly understood that achieving 7 bands in IELTS is akin to scoring 65 in PTE. Similarly, scoring 9 bands in IELTS is considered equivalent to achieving 86 or above in PTE.

Reading Section of IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE 

In the IELTS reading section, candidates encounter three passages containing a total of 40 questions, covering various tasks like multiple-choice, matching information, diagram labeling, and true or false questions. The allotted time for this section is 60 minutes, and the distribution of questions across tasks may vary.

On the TOEFL reading test, candidates engage with 3-4 passages focusing on different topics such as comparison/contrast or cause-effect. Each passage is followed by 10 questions, and the duration for this section can range from 54 to 72 minutes, depending on the number of passages provided. Scores for this section range from 0 to 30.

In the PTE reading section, candidates have 32 to 40 minutes to complete tasks such as filling in the blanks, re-ordering paragraphs, and answering single-answer multiple-choice questions based on passages presented during the test.

Listening Section of IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE

In the IELTS listening section, candidates encounter 40 questions distributed across 4 tasks, to be completed within a 30-minute timeframe. They listen to 4 recordings played only once, featuring various voices with native-speaker accents, including one-on-one conversations or monologues on different topics. Question types include multiple-choice, matching, map or diagram labeling, form completion, note completion, summary completion, and short answers.

The TOEFL listening section consists of 3 to 4 lectures, some accompanied by classroom discussions, each lasting approximately 3-5 minutes. Additionally, there are 2-3 conversations, each lasting 3 minutes. Following each lecture or conversation, candidates answer 6 and 5 questions respectively. The accents featured are those of native speakers from across North America.

In the PTE listening section, the duration can vary from 45 to 57 minutes. Tasks include summarizing written text, filling in blanks, selecting missing words, highlighting incorrect phrases, and writing from dictation. This section follows a distinct pattern compared to the other two tests.

Speaking Section of IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE

In the IELTS speaking test, candidates engage in an interview with the examiner lasting 11-14 minutes and comprising three tasks. The first task typically involves a personal introduction or interview, lasting about 4-5 minutes. In the second task, candidates receive a task card with a topic to discuss, for which they have 1 minute to prepare notes and 1-2 minutes to speak. Task three delves deeper into the previous topic, lasting 4-5 minutes. Occasionally, the speaking test may be conducted on a separate day.

For TOEFL, the speaking section includes 4 tasks. The first task is an independent one where candidates express their opinion on a familiar topic with 30 seconds of preparation time. Then, there are 3 integrated tasks based on reading and listening, each with 1 minute of preparation time. The total time allocated for this section is 17 minutes, with scores ranging from 0 to 4 points, converted to a scale of 0 to 30.

PTE combines its speaking and writing sections, which will be addressed in the following topic.

Writing Section of IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE

In the IELTS writing test, candidates face two sections within a total test duration of 60 minutes. The first section involves interpreting visual data, such as graphs or pie charts, and writing a summary of around 150 words. The second section requires candidates to write an essay of precisely 250 words on a given topic or argument.

For TOEFL, the writing section comprises two tasks. The first task is integrated, involving reading and listening, and must be completed within 20 minutes. The second task is independent, requiring candidates to express their opinions on a given topic in 30 minutes. Scores range from 0 to 5 points, converted to a scale of 0 to 30.

In PTE, the speaking and writing sections together last approximately 77 to 93 minutes. The exam starts with a personal introduction, followed by tasks like reading aloud, sentence repetition, lecture retelling, and answering short questions. Additionally, candidates have 20 minutes to write an essay spanning 200-300 words.

Major Differences Between IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE

Here’s the comparison of IELTS, TOEFL, and PTE exams:

The following table lists the advantages and disadvantages of IELTS vs TOEFL vs PTE:

Which is more widely accepted?

Determining which of the three exams is more widely accepted globally is challenging since they are all recognized by thousands of institutions worldwide. However, each exam holds an advantage over the others in different countries based on the English proficiency criteria set by institutions.

For example, universities in the United States typically prefer TOEFL for assessing the language skills of international applicants. On the other hand, institutions in the United Kingdom, Australia, Canada, and Germany tend to favor IELTS, while those in Australia and Europe often prefer the PTE exam. Therefore, the choice of which entrance exam to take largely depends on the specific country and institution to which you are applying.

Also Check:


Which exam offers a face-to-face speaking test.

IELTS offers a face-to-face speaking test, allowing for direct interaction with an examiner.

Which exam provides quick score reporting?

TOEFL offers instant score reporting online, typically within 6 days of the test date.

Which exam uses an automated scoring system?

PTE uses an automated scoring system, ensuring consistency and objectivity in scoring.

Which exam offers both Academic and General Training formats?

IELTS offers both Academic and General Training formats, catering to different purposes such as academic admission and immigration.

Which exam is primarily administered as a computer-based test?

TOEFL is primarily administered as a computer-based test, offering greater flexibility and convenience for test takers.


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    Participating in our online "Free trial sessions" allows us to analyze your results. As an indicator of our mock test's predictive accuracy, achieving an average score of 68 or above typically corresponds to at least three skills scoring above 79 in the official PTE test. To take our free PTE mock test, click "Take the free PTE mock ...

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