What Makes a Good School Culture?

  • Posted July 23, 2018
  • By Leah Shafer

A photo of adult hands and child hands holding a heart on a blue table

Most principals have an instinctive awareness that organizational culture is a key element of school success. They might say their school has a “good culture” when teachers are expressing a shared vision and students are succeeding — or that they need to “work on school culture” when several teachers resign or student discipline rates rise. 

But like many organizational leaders, principals may get stymied when they actually try to describe the elements that create a positive culture. It's tricky to define, and parsing its components can be challenging. Amid the push for tangible outcomes like higher test scores and graduation rates, it can be tempting to think that school culture is just too vague or “soft” to prioritize.

That would be a mistake, according to  Ebony Bridwell-Mitchell , an expert in education leadership and management. As she explains, researchers who have studied culture have tracked and demonstrated a strong and significant correlation between organizational culture and an organization’s performance. Once principals understand what constitutes culture — once they learn to see it not as a hazy mass of intangibles, but as something that can be pinpointed and designed — they can start to execute a cultural vision.

A culture will be strong or weak depending on the interactions between people in the organization. In a strong culture, there are many, overlapping, and cohesive interactions, so that knowledge about the organization’s distinctive character — and what it takes to thrive in it — is widely spread.

At a recent session of the  National Institute for Urban School Leaders  at the  Harvard Graduate School of Education , Bridwell-Mitchell took a deep dive into “culture,” describing the building blocks of an organization’s character and fundamentally how it feels to work there. 

Culture Is Connections

A culture will be strong or weak depending on the interactions between the people in the organization, she said.  In a strong culture, there are many, overlapping, and cohesive interactions among all members of the organization.   As a result, knowledge about the organization’s distinctive character — and what it takes to thrive in it — is widely spread and reinforced.  In a weak culture, sparse interactions make it difficult for people to learn the organization’s culture , so its character is barely noticeable and the commitment to it is scarce or sporadic.

  • Beliefs, values, and actions will spread the farthest and be tightly reinforced when everyone is communicating with everyone else. In a strong school culture, leaders communicate directly with teachers, administrators, counselors, and families, who also all communicate directly with each other.
  • A culture is weaker when communications are limited and there are fewer connections. For example, if certain teachers never hear directly from their principal, an administrator is continually excluded from communications, or any groups of staff members are operating in isolation from others, it will be difficult for messages about shared beliefs and commitments to spread. 

Culture Is Core Beliefs and Behaviors

Within that weak or strong structure, what exactly people believe and how they act depends on the messages — both direct and indirect — that the leaders and others in the organization send. A good culture arises from messages that promote traits like collaboration, honesty, and hard work.

Culture is shaped by five interwoven elements, each of which principals have the power to influence: 

  • Fundamental beliefs and assumptions , or the things that people at your school consider to be true. For example: “All students have the potential to succeed,” or “Teaching is a team sport.”
  • Shared values , or the judgments people at your school make about those belief and assumptions — whether they are right or wrong, good or bad, just or unjust. For example: “It’s wrong that some of our kindergarteners may not receive the same opportunity to graduate from a four-year college,” or “The right thing is for our teachers to be collaborating with colleagues every step of the way.” 
  • Norms , or how members believe they  should  act and behave, or what they think is expected of them. For example: “We should talk often and early to parents of young students about what it will take for their children to attend college.” “We all should be present and engaged at our weekly grade-level meetings.”
  • Patterns and behaviors , or the way people  actually  act and behave in your school. For example: There are regularly-scheduled parent engagement nights around college; there is active participation at weekly team curriculum meetings. (But in a weak culture, these patterns and behaviors can be different than the norms.)
  • Tangible evidence , or the physical, visual, auditory, or other sensory signs that demonstrate the behaviors of the people in your school. For example: Prominently displayed posters showcasing the district’s college enrollment, or a full parking lot an hour before school begins on the mornings when curriculum teams meet.

Each of these components influences and drives the others, forming a circle of reinforcing beliefs and actions, Bridwell-Mitchell says; strong connections among every member of the school community reinforce the circle at every point.

More on School Culture

  • See Part II of our story, which moves from "what makes school culture" to "how to build it."

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Cutting Edge | Culture & Education: A Strategic Investment for Inclusive and Sustainable Development

culture and education essay

New capacities and skills are required to navigate these shifts and shape inclusive, peaceful, and sustainable societies. Harnessing the synergies between culture and education better equips societies – through formal and non-formal education, including Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET), as well as lifelong learning – to be more agile and resilient to rapidly-changing environments. Through developing creative skills in cultural and artistic fields, it opens up new avenues to boost livelihoods in the creative economy and forge much-needed adaptation and innovation skills across other sectors. Culture enriches the education system making its content and context relevant. Culture should therefore pervade and enrich pedagogies, educational contents and learning contexts as a positive resource. It connects people to their history and heritage, gives a sense of meaning and self-confidence, and nurtures qualities of empathy and critical thinking. Equally, education supports culture-related activities, employment and institutions. This co-dependence of culture and education is vital to human development and advances several areas of development in a cross-cutting way. It contributes to both achieving the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) and addressing gaps in SDG implementation, notably with regard to sustainability.

Leveraging UNESCO’s mandate in culture and education

UNESCO is the only United Nations agency with a mandate in culture and education , which is built into the UNESCO Constitution that affirms that culture and education are essential for the dignity of humanity. Building on its mandate in education, UNESCO has focused its commitment to raising global awareness about the nexus between culture and education, notably in three complementary strategic directions: driving the global efforts to achieve Sustainable Development Goal 4 on quality education for all; stimulating global reflection on knowledge and the future of education; and promoting education for sustainable development (ESD) and GCED. Through these efforts, UNESCO advances quality education for all through leading the global coordination of SDG 4 and to ensure the achievement of the new global vision for education as set out in the 2030 Agenda. Launched in September 2019, The “Futures of Education Commission: Learning to Become” advances a broad consultative process on how knowledge and learning can shape the future of humanity and the planet, and recognizes cultural diversity as a fundamental feature of strong societies. As the lead UN agency for Education for Sustainable Development (ESD), UNESCO manages, coordinates, implements and monitors the global framework ESD for 2030, and supports culture as an important component that informs the cognitive, social, emotional and behavioral dimensions of learning. Equipping learners of all ages with competencies and the skillset to be informed, engaged and empathetic citizens are central priorities of UNESCO‘s work in GCED, which supports Member States in the development of appropriate education policies, contents, teaching practices and enabling learning environments. The Organization also monitors progress of Sustainable Development Goal Indicator 4.7.1 through periodic reviews of the implementation of the 1974 Recommendation concerning Education for International Understanding, Co-operation and Peace and Education relating to Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms, for which a working group has recently been established.

Education is built into UNESCO’s normative framework in culture to support the promotion of cultural diversity, strengthen heritage conservation and broaden creative horizons. UNESCO’s 2001 Universal Declaration on Cultural Diversity encourages linguistic diversity and access to digital technologies, and states that education that respects cultural identity is a guarantee of cultural rights. All UNESCO’s main Culture Conventions have educational components among their provisions, thereby demonstrating the solid normative basis for harnessing the synergies in these domains. As a direct response to the 1972 World Heritage Convention, the World Heritage Education Programme (WHE) was created to provide young people with the knowledge, skills and networks to become involved in heritage protection and conservation through various activities and initiatives, including youth fora, international volunteering, educational kits and capacity-building training. Through incorporating intangible cultural heritage - or living heritage - in formal and non-formal education, links with local communities can be strengthened, which is, in turn, integral to safeguarding strategies in the context of the 2003 Convention for the Safeguarding of the Intangible Cultural Heritage. UNESCO has stepped up its engagement in this area by recently launching an online Clearinghouse on living heritage and education , which provides an open-access platform to tools, resources and case studies from around the world. Education has been increasingly reflected in developments of the 2005 Convention on the Protection and Promotion of the Diversity of Cultural Expressions. This includes underlining the importance of the inclusion of culture in educational delivery in relation to sustainable development, and the role of education in the Guidelines on the Implementation of the Convention in the Digital Environment , approved in 2017. The pedagogical function of museums is central to the 2015 Recommendation concerning the protection and promotion of museums and collections, their diversity and their role in society, which also emphasizes the role of museums in developing education policy. These instruments call on countries to ensure that culture and education directly contribute to the advancement of human rights, development and peace.

culture and education essay

UNESCO spearheads an interdisciplinary and intersectoral approach to culture and education to reinforce quality education and ensure that education systems equip learners with the relevant knowledge, skills, attitudes, values and behaviours. This approach is structured around four axes of work: enrich learning contents and approaches through culture; promote respect for cultural diversity based on human rights; broaden perspectives of sustainable development; and harness and strengthen adaptability skills. Cooperation is strengthened in these domains to provide solid policy advice and technical support. This also includes reinforcing the role of cultural institutions and museums as spaces of non-formal education and life-long learning, including educational programmes related to the UNESCO Culture Conventions and Recommendations.

Despite this momentum, the potential of the culture and education alliance remains underrecognized and underutilized. Education systems may not be structured in a way that can readily adapt to rapidly-changing contexts and societal needs. Perceived hierarchies may exist between formal and informal education systems. There can be tensions between culture and education that may stem from education systems established under colonial rule, and educational policies may be slow to adapt to the evolving environment and societies. Culture is often insufficiently mobilized in learning processes, contents and pedagogies. In addition, culture and the arts are often at the margins of education systems, or perceived as a luxury addition, which is subsequently mirrored in political will and investment despite the high financial dividends produced by the cultural and creative sectors across the world. Furthermore, historically, progress has long been enshrined in educational and cultural advances that are synonymous with human progress rooted in critical thinking and ensuring that there is no opposition between technological and humanistic progress. From the perspective of teaching, educators may lack the training needed for pedagogies that fully engage cultural dimensions and ensure that it is relevant and meaningful. Therefore, in moving forward, concerted efforts are needed to ensure that education is comprehensive and relevant, and that people of all ages have access to the tools and pedagogies needed to flourish in today’s societies and to shape their futures.

Rethinking the culture and education nexus

Developing the synergies between culture and education re-evaluates traditional pedagogic frameworks and generates new perspectives for learning. Education is cultural by essence, as it is influenced by environment, history, identity and culture. On the one hand, culture enhances the plurality and richness of learning processes, pedagogical spaces and approaches, and ensures comprehensive education that is contextually relevant. On the other, education is a powerful vehicle for strengthening knowledge across culture, promoting cultural diversity and supporting future generations in employment, innovation and critical thinking. Harnessing the mutual benefits of culture and education creates opportunities to advance individual and collective development aims.

There is ample evidence that culture enhances the quality of education and facilitates learning outcomes, offering an in road to meeting diverse learning needs and approaches. Culture not only creates context, boosts meaning and relevance, but improves academic outcomes, critical thinking skills and learning motivation. Integrating linguistic diversity into curricula has also generated positive dividends in learning. In Mozambique, the recognition of Mozambican languages, culture and history was laid out in the country’s education law in 2018. Linguistic diversity has provided a conduit for inclusion of indigenous peoples in education, such as in Belize, where three community high schools have been created for the transmission of Maya and Garifuna language, cultural practices and beliefs. Indigenous knowledge systems, intercultural education, culture diversity, arts education and heritage education draw upon intersecting dimensions of culture and education, and can offer potential avenues to incorporate cultural education programmes in formal education settings.

culture and education essay

Learning is no longer focused on formal settings in schools. It can be online, in cultural institutions, such as museums, through cultural tourism, or in local communities through intergenerational learning, among others. UNESCO has expanded the education offer through its working partnership with Massive Online Open Course (MOOC) and Coursera, providing professional courses in areas from tourism management of UNESCO World Heritage sites to ICTs in education for teachers, leaders and policymakers. Museums, as centres of formal and informal education, increasingly provide spaces for cultural transmission, intercultural and inter-generational dialogue. In China, for example, museum education is integrated in primary and secondary education systems, while in Indonesia, the Batik Museum in Pekalongan is a key partner in non-formal education and training of Indonesian batik textiles, thus instrumental in ensuring its sustainability. This is also reflective of the greater recognition of the pedagogical role of museums around the world, not only as spaces of non-formal education and life-long learning, but in their capacity to spark debate and encourage the public to ask questions about social issues and develop critical thinking. In Mali, the National Directorate for Cultural Heritage (DNPC) contributes to raising youth awareness of cultural heritage through educational guided tours to cultural sites and spaces. Spaces, contexts and stakeholders involved in learning are enlarged through integrating cultural dimensions. Taken together, the changing nature and purpose of education shows that today, more than ever, learning is a continued process, and societies need the knowledge and skills to adapt to continuingly- and fast-evolving contexts.

culture and education essay

Safeguarding living heritage offers ways of embedding diversity in pedagogical approaches and systems. As part of the UNESCO-EU project “Teaching and Learning with Living Heritage” carried out in 10 school teams from the ASPnet schools in the European Union, a set of resource and guidance materials for teachers were produced. Such efforts show how culture and education can work together and expand the scope and variety of pedagogies as a result of investing in culture. Experiences around the world carried out by Member States illustrate alternative modes of integrating culture in formal, non-formal and informal education, generating a multiplying effect that has benefits for both education and safeguarding strategies. For example, it provides a conduit to strengthening community education and locally-led initiatives, which reinforce connections with local communities and contexts. Nevertheless, while these actions demonstrate that education is diversifying, it is not sufficiently captured.

Online access to culture – ranging from museum sites, social media, television and radio – has opened up new avenues for learning and sharing culture, and has enlarged access to online content and educational resources. For instance, Hmong artisan women in Northern Thailand have benefited from training in digital and entrepreneurship skills to help safeguard their living heritage through the UNESCO project “Women e-nspire Culture”. During the pandemic, numerous initiatives emerged that accelerated digital transitions to ensure the continuation of learning. Since its launch at the outset of the COVID-19 pandemic the “Shaghafi” platform, launched by the Jordanian Ministry of Culture, has offered 150 courses in visual arts, music, handicrafts, theatre, prose and poetry. Despite the great strides that have been achieved through digital technologies, not all people are able to access the benefits of the digital age; a deficit that was brought to the fore during the pandemic.

Innovation and creative skills are a prerequisites for the future workforce. The cultural dimension of education is necessary to build these competences, and in turn create opportunities for employment and economic growth. Livelihoods can be boosted by linking the arts and heritage to non-formal educational settings through vocational and professional skills training by also engaging local communities and their ownership of local culture. In response to the lack of professional recognition of heritage specialists, UNESCO has developed a “Competence Framework for Cultural Heritage Management” to help guide universities in designing qualification standards, training programmes and curricula in cultural heritage management and conservation. The contribution of TVET to developing cultural professions and skills cannot be underestimated. From graphic design and web creation to music and fashion, TVET can provide important skills in entrepreneurship and self-employment for young people, and contributes to developing the creative economy. The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD)’s Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA) will this year measure students’ innovation and creativity, thus pointing to the increasing recognition of the transversal importance of skills in innovation and creativity in broader policy frameworks.

24 million children & youth globally are at risk of not returning to learning due to the economic impact of the crisis (UNESCO)

Arts education can be a major catalyst for both developing these skills, and advancing education outcomes in other areas of education curriculum. In this respect, UNESCO follows two main approaches: learning the arts and learning through the arts. In recent decades, these efforts have been strengthened, beginning with the 1972 Faure Report and the series of World Culture Reports that acted as important turning points in a shift in understanding and awareness of the interwoven nature of education, arts, creativity and culture. Between 1999 and 2010 global momentum in arts education was punctuated by two world conferences on arts education, and the development of the UNESCO Road Map for Arts Education in 2006, and the Seoul Agenda in 2010. More recently, resolutions adopted by UNESCO’s General Conference on World Art Day and on Arts Education have served to reinforce “the links between artistic creations and society, and […] highlight the contribution of the arts to sustainable development. In April 2021, the UNESCO Executive Board approved the United Arab Emirates-led decision "A Framework for Culture and Art Education," to enhance cooperation between culture in education across a range of disciplines, from heritage to the cultural and creative industries (CCI), including digital technologies.

culture and education essay

Arts and cultural education are essential for the protection of cultural rights and creating the building blocks for inclusive societies. Culture and education can be a way to overcome social, economic and gender inequalities, and fight against stereotypes, extremism and discrimination. In Myanmar, the government has taken major steps towards curriculum reform, in part to counter decades of education being instrumentalized to suppress ethnic diversity. Living together with other cultures is a skill set required in diverse societies to advance human rights as well as peaceful, inclusive and sustainable development – an approach that has notably been harnessed at regional and sub-regional levels. The strategy on culture and education for regional integration of the The Central American Educational and Cultural Coordination (CECC/SICA) launched in 2020 aims to guide countries of the region in developing educational models that integrate culture for sustainable and peaceful cooperation and integration. In contexts of insecurity, fragility, and political and social and social tension, culture can support the positive transformative power of education. In the Sahel, culture acts as a powerful lever to improve the relevance of education in countries, such as through engaging local content in teaching. More broadly, in Africa, culturally-adapted education has also been recognized as a way to address the tensions and stigma left by the impacts of colonialization, while looking to the future and the potential of the continent.

Culture and education connects learners to their communities, heritage and environment, strengthening cultural identity and a sense of belonging. From early childhood education through to lifelong learning, this union promotes the appreciation of cultural diversity, creative expression, heritage and the environment. Countries around the world approach this through formal to informal education systems. Japan has a long-standing commitment to incorporating heritage in the national formal education system, and an intangible cultural heritage curriculum is provided at all stages of Japanese education. Meanwhile in Algeria, the Ahellil of Gourara, inscribed on UNESCO’s 2003 Representative List of the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Humanity is taught in schools in the region where it is practiced. By strengthening quality education through culture, it acts as a “win-win” situation that both ensures sustainable solutions for promoting cultural diversity and improves heritage safeguarding.

Harnessing the links between culture and education is being channeled as a way to broaden the understanding of sustainable development. The Centre for Artistic Research of the National University of Costa Rica recently launched an awareness and capacity-building programme on the links between art and the SDGs in order to familiarize professional artists and students with the concepts of the 2030 Agenda so they can better understand how they can contribute as artists to sustainable development. Within the Finnish school setting, the Upper Secondary Education National Core Curriculum, introduced in 2019, integrates culture for sustainable development and transversal competences that are implemented across all teaching subjects. This set of competences includes culture, creativity, ethics, well-being and the environment. In March 2021, the NGO Eco Centre DELFIN joined with the Regional Development Agency for Herzegovina (REDAH) and two primary schools in the cities of Risan, Montenegro, and Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, to carry out an informal educational programme aligned with national goals in education for sustainable development. The learning content included environmental protection, natural and cultural resources and climate change, benefitting some 420 students and teachers in the two cities.

culture and education essay

Cities and local authorities can be crucial players in forging innovative solutions that bridge culture and education. UNESCO cities' networks, such as the Creative Cities Network (UCCN) and the Global Network of Learning Cities (GNLC), have experimented with ways to to build skills and foster job creation by supporting vocational training in the cultural sector, notably targeting vulnerable populations. Ouagadougou (Burkina Faso), a Creative City of Crafts and Folk Art, created the Reemdoogo as an incubator for training and performance facilities in the music sector, while Santos (Brazil), a Creative City of Film, supports the employment of vulnerable youth through its Creative Ecofactory, an initiative focused on woodwork. Likewise, several creative cities of gastronomy have joined together in the Youth4Food project to align learning with the jobs of tomorrow across the food value chain. UNESCO Learning Cities have engaged with local cultural centres as spaces for learning and intercultural dialogue, and to establish volunteer schemes to boost the inclusion of vulnerable populations, such as the elderly and persons with disabilities, in cultural activities and training workshops. Hanghzhou (China) has built on its commitment to lifelong learning by introducing a "15 minute cultural cycle concept" that ensures that each citizen has access to cultural resources, such as museums, theatres and libraries, within a 15 minute radius of their homes.

Curriculum, as well as curriculum-related matters, such as teaching and learning materials, classroom practices and assessment, need to be approached differently and in a systemic way. Business as usual needs to be replaced with creative solutions and flexible innovations. (UNESCO)

Given the changing needs of education, teachers are being prepared for the increasing diversity of education contexts. However, many education systems lack experienced arts teachers who may have limited connection to the wider community of artists. As highlighted in the recent European Council conclusions on equity and inclusion in education and training in order to promote educational success for all, teachers must be highly competent and equipped with the skills, competences and background knowledge needed to understand and tackle educational disadvantage and to teach in increasingly diverse, multilingual and multicultural environments. In Pakistan, UNESCO has collaborated with the provincial departments of education and tourism to integrate heritage into teaching modules and engage youth from local communities around selected sites in heritage entrepreneurship. Local communities living within the historic Rohtas Fort, a UNESCO World Heritage property, have been engaged in workshops based on heritage education, skills development and tour guide training. Turning to Ecuador, teachers of the technical arts baccalaureate and complementary arts baccalaureate are set to receive training in cultural industries, cultural entrepreneurship, cultural management and creativity through the course “InnovArte: arts education teachers for change”, which will be launched in June 2021 and will be rolled out virtually.

Moving forward building on the synergies between culture and education

Culture and education are the foundations of human and societal development, whose combined dynamism has cross-cutting benefits that contribute to achieving all 17 SDGs. Together, culture and education generate the human capital for tomorrow, shape peaceful societies that respect and celebrate cultural diversity, and expand education models that are anchored in sustainable principles. Such synergies should be approached from both sides: by integrating dimensions of culture into education, and by incorporating educational and pedagogical approaches into the cultural sphere.

Policymakers today are increasingly looking to engage alternative and innovative approaches to strengthening education outcomes and thereby contribute to development. This momentum has increased in recent years, reflecting the growing conviction among Member States of the mutual benefits of culture and education. Concretely this has been demonstrated in regional and international processes, such as the aforementioned CECC/SICA sub-regional strategy, by positioning culture and education as a central tenet of the G20 process launched under the Italian presidency, and a growing number of strategic decisions by UNESCO’s governing bodies in this area of work.

Integrating culture in education should be recognized, systematized and harnessed as a crucial inroad to re-imagining education. This entails tapping into diverse cultural contents that can support and enrich learning experiences, and provide relevancy to learning contexts. Culture contributes to the cultivation of knowledge, skills and values, as well as the creation of job and professional opportunities, thereby strengthening pathways towards sustainable development. Such engagement should be further supported by investment in data collection and analysis to strengthen evidence-based policies and actions.

culture and education essay

Central to this discourse, education curricula must be first and foremost culture-sensitive and -responsive, which should be supported by adequate financial resources and capacity development. Such a broadened purview of culture and education in the formal school setting requires a widened stakeholder engagement, including a stronger inter-ministerial collaboration between ministries of education and culture, and the participation of cultural actors and institutions, such as museums, artists, cultural professionals and bearers of traditional knowledge in communities.

In the wake of UNESCO’s landmark initiative on the Future of Education, it is equally imperative to reinvent the notion of schools by expanding places of learning to include cultural institutions and digital platforms. Such reflections spearheaded by UNESCO involve all actors in societies, with teachers, students and parents at the forefront of these efforts. For instance, from September 2020 until February 2021, UNESCO's Associated Schools Network (ASPnet) mobilized over 2,500 school leaders, teachers, students and their parents from around the world to engage in reflections about education in the future related to sustainable development (ESD) and global citizenship (GCED). As digital transformation continues, it offers diverse means and opportunities to learners that extend beyond the conventional definition of schools, where four walls are no longer the only parameters for assimilating knowledge and skills. We need to draw on the many stakeholders, including museums and digital platforms, as well local communities, to create a pool of learning resources, and recognize them alongside teachers in supporting learning by all.

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Culture and the Arts in Education: A Review Essay

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In memoriam of Elliot Eisner, I wish to commend his book Educating artistic vision for advancing a distinction between contextual and essential arguments that has become classical to justify the purposes of the arts in education. Contextual arguments typically focus on transferring artistic qualities to non-artistic school areas, and aim at achieving extrinsic outcomes such as higher academic results, a better school climate, an improved cognitive development and the like. Essential arguments, are those that deal with intrinsic artistic qualities like the development of aesthetic awareness, the exploration of feeling and emotion as ways of interpreting reality, the capacity to make good judgments in the absence of fixed rules, the opportunity to rejoice in the making of a work that renders the inexhaustible variety of human experience. Although it is difficult to deny the prevalence of contextual arguments in the public and political debate on the purposes of the arts in education, as of recent there has been a renewed development of essential-oriented proposals coming from the fields of art education and philosophy of education. To name four, we can consider John Baldacchino’s claim that artistic practice is a doing that constantly needs to unlearn itself, demanding a permanent revisitation of its purposes and expectations; Tyson Lewis’ rediscovery of Giorgio Agamben’s work as a means to emphasize rhythm and playfulness in education; Constantijn Koopman’s “art as fulfillment” as the crystallization of the most noble human traits that emerge through the arts; and Claudia Ruitenberg’s “art-that-is-other” as a warning of the pedagogical power that remains hidden in artworks that seem difficult to work with. Out of those positions, “art as fulfillment” and “art-that-is-other” show a conceptual complementarity that is worth developing further. The reason is twofold: First, although straightforward in their argumentation, I see the risk of simplifying both as contradictory arguments that would seek something like the benefits of “good art” and “bad art” respectively. Second, I find a rich opportunity in tracing some of the differences and convergences amongst these kinds of positions as a way of stimulating new relationships between the different kinds of arguments that advocate for the arts in education. Accordingly, this paper will begin by presenting Koopman’s “art as fulfillment” and Ruitenberg’s “art-that-is-other”. First, it will show the theoretical foundations that assist both authors in developing their arguments; then it will propose two art works as means to portray the central aspects of each position. Second, I will discuss a convergence and divergence between “art as fulfillment” and “art-that-is-other”: On the one hand, I will argue that both aim at insight although in an immediate and delayed manner respectively. While Koopman promotes intersubjective resemblances between viewer and work, Ruitenberg pursues the conscious awareness of the epistemic structures that condition how we know what we know about art. On the other hand, I will claim that they each assume a different perspective on art interpretation. While Koopman emphasizes the opportunity of meaning making through art, Ruitenberg criticizes the very possibility of identifying forms of knowledge in art.

culture and education essay

Art, Artists and Pedagogy

Christopher Naughton

This volume has been brought together to generate new ideas and provoke discussion about what constitutes arts education in the 21st century, both within the institution and beyond. Art, Artists and Pedagogy is intended for educators who teach the arts from early childhood to tertiary level, artists working in the community, or those studying arts in education from undergraduate to Masters or PhD level. From the outset, this book is not only about arts in practice but also about what distinguishes the ‘arts’ in education. Exploring two different philosophies of education, the book asks what the purpose of the arts is in education in the 21st century. With specific reference to the work of Gert Biesta, questions are asked as to the relation of the arts to the world and what kind of society we may wish to envisage. The second philosophical set of ideas comes from Deleuze and Guattari, looking in more depth at how we configure art, the artist, and the role played by the state and global capital in deciding on what art education has become. This book provides educators with new ways to engage with arts, focusing specifically on art, music, dance, drama and film studies. At a time when many teachers are looking for a means to re-assert the role of the arts in education this text provides many answers with reference to case studies and in-depth arguments from some of the world’s leading academics in the arts, philosophy and education.

Bernard McMullan

Abbey J MacDonald

Harvard Educational Review

Rubén Gaztambide-Fernández

In this essay Rubén A. Gaztambide-Fernández uses a discursive approach to argue that mainstream arts in education scholarship and advocacy construes “the arts” as a definable naturalistic phenomenon that exists in the world and is available to be observed and measured. In the course of his analysis, he examines how this construction is employed through what he calls the rhetoric of effects as part of the mainstream discourses used in arts in education research today. He describes how this positivistic rhetoric masks the complexity of those practices and processes associated with the arts, limiting the possibilities for productively employing such practices in education. In addition, he explores how discourses of the arts both arise out of and continually reify hierarchical conceptions of artistic practices in education and broader society. He concludes by proposing an alternative rhetoric of cultural production, arguing that moving toward this new way of understanding practices and processes of symbolic creativity is critical for expanding our vision for the arts in education.

Dean Kenning

Carl Andre's opposition between an activating art and a pacifying culture becomes the impetus for wider reflections on artistic autonomy and agency with special reference to how fine art is taught at college. I propose that artistic agency might better be accounted for and enacted by conceiving of it not as something set against or at a distance from culture in general, but 'as' culture. Through an overview of various institutional and discursive accounts of artistic production which describe the ways in which art is itself influenced and determined by external factors, and an extended analysis of Raymond Williams theory of culture as 'collective advance', I propose that fine art education needs to confront the question of contemporary art's wider cultural embeddedness, and the political culture of art itself-a politics based in the nature of the social relationships art practice engenders.

The Quarterly Journal of Music Teaching and Learning

David J . Elliott

Arts Education Policy Review

Art, Artists and Pedagogy: Philosophy and the Arts in Education invites readers into a lively discussion of cur- rent issues in arts education, offering a philosophical ground on which to consider, or re-consider, broad pol- icy questions concerning the nature and purpose of the arts to education and twenty-first century life.

Christopher Klopper

In this chapter three vignettes are presented that look at the various ways arts education knowledge has been embodied into practice. The vignettes are explored in a holistic way, providing consideration to a broad range of multidisciplinary aspects of arts education. Each of the vignettes uses old knowledge, new knowledge and borrowed knowledge to help inform the implementation of the arts. As we read these stories we are able to reflect on the future practice of arts education in school classrooms and be inspired to tap into the educational possibilities and potential.

Learning in the Disciplines: In proceeding of: the 9th International Conference of the Learning Sciences, ICLS '10, At Chicago, IL, USA,, Volume: 1

Kylie Peppler , Heidi Davis

Traditionally, learning scientists have paid little attention to the discipline of the arts as the more prominent focus has been on science and mathematics. Despite this, the learning sciences could benefit from further understanding how the arts offer alternative methods of inquiry, representation, and understanding. At the same time, leaders in the field of arts education are calling for more research in areas that intersect with the learning sciences, pointing to the mutually synergistic ways that the two fields could inform one another. Guided by feminist communitarian methodology, this paper brings together a review of a wide body of research in the field of arts education, spanning affective, cognitive, social, and transformative effects of the arts. Insights are shared for how the arts as a discipline can inform the study of learning and, conversely, point to ways in which learning scientists can contribute to the field of arts education research.


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How Culture Impacts Education, Essay Example

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Cultural tendencies influence the manner children get involved and take part in their education. The below essay will examine Bordieu’s thesis of social reproduction in the light of previous course readings and personal experiences.

Bordieu and Passerson (204-205) state that family habitus is influenced by culture and class. As culture and knowledge is distributed on an institutional scale. As Tzanakis summarizes the thesis: “cultural capital actively reproduces social inequalities”.

The reading of Gladwell’s (250) analysis of Marita’s situation and the bargain she enters, the thesis the authors would like to prove through the case and personal experience review, interviews with family members is that cultural and family legacy, as well as class creates a unique situation for every child related to their opportunities within the education system. Social and cultural inequalities exist in the society and they create unequal opportunities for children from various backgrounds.

Theories and Literature Related To Culture and Education

There are various theories related to “normal”school behavior for children from either collectivist or individualist cultures. The teaching staff who have little awareness about knowledge related to culture might understand the behavior of a student from a collectivist society and culture. Such kind of differences can be the basis of educators to imprecisely judge children from a number of cultures which are disappointingly disrespectful or behaved. Adding to this, since the cultural differences are quite firm to perceive, children may find out themselves admonished by their instructors who fail to recognize what they did that caused anxiety. This essay talks and discusses excerpts from different views on the cultural effect on education. As a case study for this essay will focus on the viewpoint of my Asian friends and American European friends, their inherited cultural impact on their children’s education using the social reproduction theory.

Social reproduction theory is one tool used by sociologists to describe the impact of  cultural, linguistic, and social class stereotyping in the educational system. It is suggested by proponents of this theory that public institutions automatically assign societal roles based on stereotypes that influence children’s choices. This social or cultural influence can impact children’s choices and self-image.

Several theories were introduced to explain the relationship between socialization and perceptions related to education. Levitan offers descriptions of common stereotypes about lower socioeconomic classes and minorities. He describes common perceptions as  being “related to age, race, household type, and educational attainment. According to stereotypes in education, the author (Levitan) finds that stereotypes are based on generalization of statistics. He states that  Blacks are  thrice as likely to be poor than Whites. Families headed by women are five and a half times as likely to be poor as all other families. Adults with less than 12 years of schooling experience are five times more likely to suffer from poverty than those with some college education” (Levitan 7). This implies that minority groups are conditioned to be disadvantaged by the society and educators believe they have lower chances to academic success.

Burciago suggests that public education today is successful in reaching a good deal of the population—the white, middle to upper socioeconomic classes . However, it is failing to provide an equal education to several overlapping groups: people in the lower socio economic strata in the United States and people who represent linguistic minorities (Bourdieu).

Another idea, introduced by Levitan concludes that “when children are told by well-meaning people that they cannot be expected to succeed like other children because of the deficiencies of their environment, then they fail” (Levitan 179). Often students mark their discontent with the institution’s lowered standards by refusing to attend classes or by dropping out altogether. Thus, children are pushed towards failing instead of getting encouragement from the educational institutions. Some children, however, decide to go against this social positioning  like Marita and strive to do better by looking for a school with better standards. Still, the influence of educators is needed to encourage children and give them self-belief.

Influence of Culture

I would like to discuss the influence of culture on education next. When determining the worth of getting education, participation styles cannot be overvalued. As an example, in the Asian countries the students are shy in the class. On occasions, these children – because of their unique cultural diversity – intend to keep quiet in the classroom.  For them, making an eye contact with the instructors teaching in the class is considered to be inappropriate. In distinction to this, in most European and American students are taught to give value to active classroom discussions. Also,looking directly in the teacher’s eye in western cultures is considered to demonstrate respect, while their teachers visualize students’ participation as a symbol of competence and engagement. Similarly, different cultures look at education strategies from a different perspective. Some parents believe that most of the things taught in school are not useful in real life situations, therefore, they do not encourage their children to learn them.

In the case outlined by Gladwell, the author states that “KIPP is, rather, an organization that has succeeded by taking the idea of cultural legacies seriously (252). The emphasis of the above statement is on “cultural legacies”. Acceptance of diversity and showing the way to succeed despite different chances and social inequalities, described by Bordieu and Passerson (204-205), is the key to improving education outcomes. Gladwell (255) also confirms that the attainment (mental capabilities) of children do not show a great difference based on low, middle and high social classes. However, their attainment level differences increase throughout the years spent in educational institutions. This phenomenon called “achievement gap” (Gladwell 256) certainly has cultural and social aspects alike. Children’s attainment is determined buy their home environment; whether or not they have the time, space, opportunity and motivation to study. Further, their parents’ attitude towards learning, achievements and school will influence their thinking. Still, the role of schools and educators is not negotiable: they need to work on understanding the socialization patterns of children, their perceptions, cultural and economic aspirations, attitudes towards learning to empower them. I have overcome the above “achievement gap” through my personal aspiration. However, the role of the librarian who supported me in the process, as well as the role of my teachers after discovering my interest in specific subject is also important.

Marita does not follow the path of her mother, who never went to college and is a single mom. She is determined. However, it is possible that her motivation is to “do better” than her mother and get out of the Bronx neighborhood. She simply understands that she has a serious chance to do so, through education provided by KIPP. She no longer belongs to the group of Korean minorities living in Bronx. She gave up a part of her identity. As the author puts it: “her community does not give her what she needs”. (Gladwell 266) Therefore, Gladwell states that Marita decides with another life because her circumstances and environment do not satisfy her.

Personal Perspective

I started school as a child who struggled with reading and writing. I attended a public school first and 80 percent of the children were from ethnic minority groups. Further, in my elementary school, over 60 percent of the children were receiving reduced or free meals, just like in the main school of Marita’s case. I did not feel like I was getting enough support from educators, and children in the neighborhood did not speak a lot of English; they did not care about school, either. I was, however, lucky to be motivated by my parents. They did realize the existence of inequalities and told me to grab every opportunity to get education, status and respect by the time I grow up.

After a discussion with my mother about a neighbor who had to give up her children because they caused trouble on the street and she could not provide them with the right support, she told me that I had a choice. She said: “I know you grew up with these kids. I know that they do not care about school. This does not mean that you have to be the same. There are two ways of dealing with inequality: accepting it and behaving accordingly or fighting it. You can have a chance and change your life.”

That was the time when I started to care about school. Like Marita, I had to enter a “bargain”. Instead of playing on the street after school, I went to the local library. We did not have many books at home, but there was a solution. I had to walk about 20 minutes each day, but my mother knew that I was safe there. I made friends with a Hispanic librarian who gave me advice on what to read and how to improve my language skills. Later, I saved up my pocket money I had for sweets to buy a computer access card. This was when I found educational resources that helped me. My grades went up. My teachers started to listen to me. They enrolled me to special classes. My journey paved with sacrifices towards college began.

If my mother’s attitude towards life, work and learning was different, I would have settled with the lifestyle, culture and neighborhood I was born into. But my mother wanted me to succeed. She did not want me to work hard for little money, like her. I was passed on the idea of my mother that education is power. While my mother could not help me at home with my homework, she encouraged me to seek help and educate myself.

Steele states that “deep in the psyche or American educators is a presumption that black students need academic remediation or extra time to overcome background deficits” (77). Such predetermined notions alleged by educators and administrators concerning the rational abilities of people of color or latest immigrants comprise a variety of cultural prejudice or stereotyping or expected learner behavior. Negative expectations by the instructors are murmured by the students who, in turn, take on the expected attributes. It is a self-fulfilling prophecy chat the instructor impose on the students.

Research has justified that the self-fulfilling foresight also sometimes works in the reverse way. In other words, “superior expectations have led to superior performance” (Levitan 179). In fact, “when they are told that their intellectual abilities are no different from anyone else’s, that they are expected to succeed and encouraged to do so, then they do succeed” (Levitan 179). However, positive stereotypes are often as harmful as negative stereotypes.

Tatum suggests that preconceived ideas like, “Orientals will do well in math, and, “women are good in languages, while men are good in math and science, have “negative effects because they deny a person’s individuality” (3). These misconceptions are more prevalent than is expected and are infinitely more harmful to the student than is believed. For instance, when African-Americans enter the classroom (especially in the inner-city), both the teacher and the students expect them to be intellectually slower and a great deal more violent and dangerous than other students (Rist). In fact, “society is preconditioned to see the worst in them” (Steele 74). This focus on racial preconceptions leads African-American students to act defensively.

To conclude with I would like to state that the theory of Bordieu about social reproduction is confirmed on the large scale. Students like Marita and me have to reject the impact of peer pressure and they need more determination. Students from a well-off upper middle class family would not have to wake up early; their parents would drop them off at school or have a babysitter. If my mother could afford books and a personal computer, I would not have had to walk to the library every day after school. However, the ability of overcoming these difficulties is based on one’s values, perception and parental influence, support. When support from schools (KIPP) and parental motivation meet, students’ pre-determined learning outcome inequalities can be overcome.

Works Cited

Bourdieu, Pierre. “Cultural Production and Social Reproduction.” Bourdieu, Pierre. New York: Oxford University Press, 1977. 56-68.

Bourdieu, P. and Passeron, J. C. “Reproduction in Education, Society and Culture”  1977. Print.

Burciago, J. A. “Forty-five Percent of Latinos Don’t Complete School” In: S. Farkas (eds) Changes and Challenges: City Schools in America . 1983. Print.

Levitan, S. “Programs in Aid of the Poor” 6 th Ed. 1990. Print.

Rist, Ray C. “Student Social Class and Teacher Expectations: The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy in Ghetto Education” Harvard Education Review. 1970. Print.

Roger, Carl R. “Client-Centered Therapy: Its Current Practice, Implications and Theory” 2003. Print.

Steele, C. “Race and the Schooling of Black Americans” n.d. Web.

Tzanakis, M. “Bourdieu’s Social Reproduction Thesis and The Role of Cultural Capital in Educational Attainment: A Critical Review of Key Empirical Studies” Educate 2011. Print.

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Culture and Education

Culture and Education

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Culture and Education (C&E) is a peer-reviewed journal publishing articles that explore the ways culture and education shape human development. With all respect to other theoretical approaches, C&E takes the cultural-historical approach originated (but not limited to) in works of Vygotsky, Luria and Leontiev as a theoretical stance. The cultural-historical approach taken in the journal views culture not only as the realm of human customs, values and beliefs, but also as a variety of historically rooted forms of being human; complex and dynamic forms of human production through different types of activity. Education is seen as including both formal and informal institutions and a variety of cultural practices and activity systems (school/preschool education, play pedagogy, indigenous education, health education, family education, professional education, special education, etc.). Education is both universal, and at the same time it is context-specific. Cultural practices involving creativity and social interactions are similarly both universal and specific. Educational practices are by definition cultural practices, and the journal particularly welcomes studies that link culture, education, and human development.

Cultura y Educación (C&E) es una revista de artículos revisados por pares que publica artículos que exploran las vías por las que la cultura y la educación dan forma al desarrollo humano. El enfoque histórico-cultural de la revista contempla la cultura no solo como el dominio de las costumbres, valores y creencias humanos, sino también como una variedad de formas de lo humano históricamente arraigadas; formas complejas y dinámicas de producciones humanas con base en distintos tipos de actividades. En esta visión, la educación incluye tanto instituciones formales e informales como una variedad de prácticas culturales y sistemas de actividad (educación escolar/preescolar, pedagogía del juego, educación indígena, educación para la salud, educación familiar, educación profesional, educación especial, etc.). La educación es al mismo tiempo universal y específica del contexto. Las prácticas culturales, incluyendo la creatividad y las interacciones sociales, son igualmente universales y específicas. Las prácticas educativas son por definición prácticas culturales, y la revista acogerá con particular interés aquellos estudios que vinculen cultura, educación, y desarrollo humano.

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1. What do we publish?

1.1 Aims & Scope

Before submitting your manuscript to Culture and Education, please ensure you have read the Aims & Scope:

Culture and Education (C&E) is a peer-reviewed journal publishing articles that explore the ways culture and education shape human development. The cultural-historical approach taken in the journal views culture not only as the realm of human customs, values and beliefs, but also as a variety of historically rooted forms of being human; complex and dynamic forms of human production through different types of activity. Education is seen as including both formal and informal institutions and a variety of cultural practices and activity systems (school/preschool education, play pedagogy, indigenous education, health education, family education, professional education, special education, etc.). Education is both universal, and at the same time it is context-specific. Cultural practices involving creativity and social interactions are similarly both universal and specific. Educational practices are by definition cultural practices, and the journal particularly welcomes studies that link culture, education, and human development.

Types of articles admitted for consideration include research reports, position papers, accounts of teaching experiences, and descriptions of ground-breaking educational projects.

Both empirical and theoretical research papers are welcome, but all papers must demonstrate methodological rigor. High level qualitative and quantitative research papers are welcome. There will be no restrictions when it comes to age ranges or social settings. Data may come from ethnographies, experimental approaches, intervention studies, case studies, interviews, questionnaires, etc.

The Journal does not publish reliability and validity studies of assessment instruments.

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C&E is primarily aimed at researchers and professionals working in schools and universities, but also those working in social, family, and community projects. We welcome contributions from workers in all educational and cultural fields, including psychology, anthropology, linguistics, sociology, communication, and all areas of educational research. The journal publishes all content in English and Spanish.

Important notice: as of 2021, only English-language manuscripts are accepted for review.

Los tipos de artículos admitidos para evaluación incluyen informes de investigación, artículos de posición, descripciones de experiencias didácticas, y descripciones de proyectos educativos innovadores.

Se aceptan artículos de investigación empírica y teórica, pero todos deben demostrar rigor metodológico. Serán bienvenidos aquellos artículos de investigación tanto cualitativa como cuantitativa que muestren alto nivel de calidad. No hay restricciones en cuanto a grupos de edad o contextos sociales. Los datos pueden provenir de etnografías, enfoques experimentales, estudios de intervención, estudios de caso, entrevistas, cuestionarios, etc.

La revista no publica estudios de validez y fiabilidad de instrumentos de evaluación.

Las propuestas de Números Monográficos serán bienvenidas.

Los autores pueden publicar sus artículos en Acceso Abierto Oro en esta revista.

Lea las Instrucciones para Autores para más información sobre cómo enviar su manuscrito.

Cultura y Educación va dirigida fundamentalmente a investigadores y profesionales del ámbito escolar y universitario, pero también para aquellos que trabajen en proyectos sociales, familiares y comunitarios. Las aportaciones de los profesionales de todos los ámbitos educativos y culturales serán bienvenidas, incluyendo psicología, antropología, lingüística, sociología, comunicación, y todas las áreas de la investigación educativa. La revista publica todos sus artículos en inglés y español.

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Essay on Relationship Between Education and Culture

Relationship between education and culture.

In following few paragraphs we will discuss and relationship between education and culture. Both the education and culture and closely related and have its impact and our lives

Teachers take the responsibility of educating the youth of a nation. They have to look after their all-round development. Teachers are the ultimate builders of a nation. While a nation without a culture cannot be differentiated from other nations, hence, it is proved that the process of teaching, learning is a much strong way/mean of the culture to flourish. The teachers are also supposed to translate and to practice a country’s educational theories and policies by implementing them in a real and practical situation.

Above all, as in the process of education, History is being studied which is the main and basic record of culture, hence it cannot be denied that it is being nourished by education. Similarly, the purposeful and befitting education helps in the strength and spread of culture. The needs of the society, whether religious, social, cultural or psychological, all are fulfilled only by education. Mrs. Tanveer Khalid while narrating the interdependence of education and Culture says that one of the important functions of education is the conservation of culture. Continuity in man’s social life is possible through this process. The valuable cultural heritage, which has accumulated a vast store of human knowledge and experience, is transmitted to the coming generations through education, otherwise each generation would have to go over them again. Culture includes arts, sciences, religions and the social customs developed gradually by many people contributing to it. It has to be conserved and transmitted to the youth for their own benefits because past benefits are useful in learning the new ones.

It is the oriental type of education which is, simply, aimed at the recapitulation on the past. In the education system of the primitives, the educational aims were identical to those of their parents. The youth aimed to learn what they expected to do as adults. What they expected to do as adults was exactly the same that their parents have been doing. Thus the aim of education was to conserve their culture or to enhance further the amount of their social experiences. In fact group survival was not only the group aim but the individual aim as well.

It is generally believed that even those early civilizations which had advanced far beyond the primitive level were distinctly conservative in their educational aims. So far the ancient Chinese is concerned, it had an educational system which aimed at the perpetuation of a static social order. The early Occidental civilization of Greece also reflected some of the conservative perceptions of the Orient. The aim of Spartan education, for example, was conservative. In Sparta, social survival depended largely upon the military ability of the Spartans. Consequently the chief aim of their education was identical with the military virtues, such as courage, respect and obedience for superiors, patriotism and loyalty to the state etc.

To conclude, it is advisable to say that whether it was the education of the old or New Greek period or Homeric or Spartan period, it has been a main instrument of conserving as well as nurturing human culture. Similarly, may it be a very barbarian culture and civilization but still the process of education is visible there. All activities, according to the prevailing conditions have been seen throughout all these ages, which supported education. Neither culture nor education can survive in isolation. They will have to go along with each other for so many years to come. All the discussion shows a strong relationship between education and culture.

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Culture And Education Essay Example

Type of paper: Essay

Topic: Influence , Education , Middle East , Politics , Culture , Students , Family , Tribe

Published: 12/18/2019


Culture and education

Culture is one of the basic units that dictate a person’s way of living and approach to certain situations in life. It usually incorporates norms and taboos which outline the way the people of a certain community live as a unit and as an individual. This makes culture to have great influence on education of people from a community (Ralph, 1969). Therefore, we are to explore the influence of culture on education in one African tribe, the Zulus from South Africa.

The Zulus is a tribe from South Africa which can be further classified as a Bantu tribe. The tribe has some cultural aspects that still persist even to today. One of the persistent aspects is polygamy and female circumcision. The traditions of this community generally make females appear less important compared to their male counterparts (www.everyculture.com/wc/Rwanda-to-Syria/Zulu.html).

On the traditions and customs of the community, the people of Zulu are farmers by nature who believe in making sure that all ladies are married and the marriage arrangements are made without consideration of the female’s opinion. The males are supposed to kill a lion so as to pass from childhood to adulthood. The king or leader of the tribe who is assisted by a council of elders who serve as advisers is the law of the tribe and has the power to be with any lady regardless to whether she is married or not. This kind of treatment on leaders is still present in the tribe (www.everyculture.com/wc/Rwanda-to-Syria/Zulu.html). This is the reason why the South African president has of late married another wife presumed to be younger than the first born of the president.

One of the taboos in the tribe is involvement of a woman with many men. The cultural law considers this a very serious crime that may call for a lethal sentence. This makes the females even more fearful than men (www.everyculture.com/wc/Rwanda-to-Syria/Zulu.html). This male chauvinism has greatly influenced education in the tribe. The males are given a prior consideration compared to their female counterparts. This has led to lower numbers of female experts in any field resulting in male dominated institutions. The boys schools are also more compared to girls schools within the tribe‘s area of residence (Shell, 2009).

The educational perspectives in the tribe allow males to dominate the lead positions in many educational institutions. This is due to the fact that males are given a higher priority in education by denying the girl child higher education. This is done by inconsiderate selection without looking at the difference in psychology between the males and females (Shell, 2009).

United States is one of the countries that have diversified cultural backgrounds. T has cultural influence from United Kingdom, Sweden,

France and Germany. This is due to the fact that the US was a home for the Immigrants. This makes the different cultures to have different influences on the education of USA (Kroeber, 1939).

One of the predominant cultural influences on education in the US is the difference in school for the whites and the blacks. Though the educational content is similar, the different schools stress on different contents. This makes the education in US to be inadequate on some issues and overstressed on others (Kroeber, 2009).

Though the education is influenced by culture, the federal government tries to harmonize it. The different cultures cause children to attend public schools, private schools or home schools. Some cultures prefer home schools while others prefer public schools. In most cases, the black Americans attend public schools while the white counterparts attend private and home schools. In class performance, there is no great disparity though most African learners tend to have an upper hand (peter, 2011).

In conclusion, cultural influence on education is felt mainly due to the preconceived perceptions that the people hold in their minds. Therefore, so as to reduce cultural influence on education, it would be advisable for the government to create a virtual uniform culture which addresses all the cultures in the country. By this, the government would have increased the control on education. It would also lead to reduced rejection of education by some culture due to neglect of some cultural aspects. The government should also enlighten the population on the need from equal education rights of children from both sexes.


Kroeber, L. 1939. Cultural and Natural Areas of Native North America. University of California Press.

Ralph L. 1969. Current Anthropology "Culture: A Human domain” Princeton Press Inc. Shell, E. 2009. Cheap: The High Cost of Discount Culture. Penguin Press. Peter, S. 2011. American Utopia and Social Engineering in Literature, Social Thought, and Political History. Princeton Inc.


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Introduction Social exclusion refers to a condition in which people cannot engage effectively in commercial, interpersonal, governmental, and cultural activities and the mechanism that results in and sustains this condition. Social inequality exists when different social ranks or classifications within a group or community have unequal chances and advantages (Groeger,...

Four Main Components of CQ Assessment

Introduction Cultural intelligence is an important element for any person working with foreigners and especially for individuals fulfilling their Great Commission abroad. As noted by Tim Chang and Ashley Chang, people with the desire to promote the global church must embrace any kind of culture shock and put God first...

Addressing Diversity in Inclusive Classroom

When working with different types of people, it becomes essential to consider their background. To treat everyone equally and fairly, one needs to be aware of cultural, economic, or racial differences or similarities. While it can be confusing and challenging to understand how others see and approach the world, building...

Transition From Middle to High School Among Latino Youth

Biblical Support The U.S Latino is ranked as the fastest-growing minority population based on the 2011 U.S. Census (Vasquez-Salgado & Chavira, 2014). This implies that soon, the labor force will be highly flooded with Latinos. However, illiteracy levels among Latinos can highly affect the future workforce. Additionally, the research indicates...

Cultural Diversity and Multicultural Education

Cultural diversity is presented as one of the most important aspects of modern society. Education, in turn, has always been an institution for displaying cultural education and the diversity of different civilizations, which defines people. Taking into account cultural characteristics is essential not only from an educational point of view....

Multiculturalism and Its Impact on Education

I believe that the messages that women of color bring to our college campus are the same as the importance and benefits of cultural diversity. Appropriate positive messages on multiculturalism are essential to ensure successful communication between students on our campus. Discussing the advantages and impact of diversity is necessary...

Maintaining Your Own Integrity as a Professional Nurse

Integrity is essential for society as it keeps the relationships between individuals, helps make ethically correct decisions, builds careers, and profoundly influences people. Such behavior is a deliberate honesty with others, therefore it shows a person’s moral solid principles (Perfetto, 2019). In the nursing career, integrity is vital for caregiving...

Intercultural Education and Ethnocentrism in Prospective Teachers

Multiculturalism remains one of the crucial aspects of teaching in a diverse community, which is why teachers need to consider intercultural education as the means of eliminating their own cultural biases. Thus, educators can approach the needs of diverse learners from a place of sincere engagement in their progress and...

Prejudice Reduction at Multi-Cultural School

These days, multicultural education appears to be a common sight. This approach is applied in numerous educational institutes, from schools to universities. However, some problems regarding attitudes to different ethnicities and races may arise, especially in elementary school. Usually, children have a variety of prejudices against students, which may be...

Economic Development Perspectives for Africa

For the decades, Africa was combined into a single “country,” which is a false opinion about this continent. However, many African countries became automatically judged as poor and with no possibilities to build a strong economy. While the vast majority of individuals claim about the African backwardness in almost every...

The District’s Academic Issue and Role of Teachers and Joint Activities

Introduction The problem of academic achievement differences between students from low-income homes or minority backgrounds and students from high-income home or nonminor backgrounds has become acute. It is essential to come up with a possible solution and plan that the appointed School Improvement Plan (SIP) team will provide and implement....

Multicultural Considerations in Early Learning

Abstract This article is devoted to studying the influence of the multicultural approach in early education on student performance. Globalization leads to a noticeable increase in cultural diversity in society. Multicultural methodology becomes an inseparable part of modern educational systems and provides a wide variety of opportunities. The paper discusses...

Organizational Behavior of University of Regina

Different Ways of Communication Between Professor and Students in Canada than that in Asia The communication between students and professors is generally defined by the cultural norms and traditions of the region. Thus, Asian students regard tutors from the position of disciples, while European and American students regard their tutors...

Cultural Factors Contributing to Student Stress

Background Stress among students studying in countries that are not their own is one of the major distressing factors caused by issues related to culture. Of greatest importance in this study are Saudi Arabia students studying in Australia who face immense stress caused by culture-related factors. It is from this...

The Use of Main Means of “Connecting Parts” by B. Obama

“A More Perfect Union” written by Barack Obama is a very important article urging the Americans to think over the problem of racism and to unite the whole nation. As far as this text serves as the appeal it is very important to pass the main idea to the readers...

Students are Drawn to Virginia Commonwealth University’s Diversity

Argument In its quest for distinction, Virginia Commonwealth University (VCU) has achieved considerable diversity, which attracts students from diverse religious, racial, and ethnic backgrounds across the world owing to its inclusive climate and learning environment. Summary The diversity of VCU is a major factor that attracts students from diverse racial,...

Learning Styles and Typologies of Cultural Differences: A Theoretical and Empirical Comparison

The article “Learning Styles and Typologies of Cultural Differences: A Theoretical and Empirical Comparison” offers meaningful lessons to the reader. The article describes how learning styles differ from one culture to another. Different cultures tend to have unique learning abilities. Teachers and students from different backgrounds should consider how learning...

Cost Sharing in Education in Developing Countries

Developing countries with no or limited cost sharing Overall, it is possible to distinguish a group of countries that reduce cost sharing to the minimum. In particular, one can speak about the countries of the Persian Gulf. These states have been able to generate significant revenues from oil exports. Moreover,...

Ongoing Fight to Defend Public Education

The issue of reforms in education is an ongoing process as policymakers endeavors to address the ever-evolving dynamics in the sector. Part of this process entails creating an environment that caters to the needs of all learners in the system. Testing students’ level of understanding and progress is an integral...

Cultural Groups and Educational Attitudes

Jehovah’s Witness and Mormon cultural groups have unique attitudes towards education in general and different educational activities. Although knowledge is vital for cultural groups, some of them have specific views on educational organizations. This paper will analyze two cultural groups’ opinions on education and its process, highlight the areas that...

Hostos Community College and Its History

Introduction The Board of Higher Education created the Hostos Community College in 1968 to serve the educational needs of the Hispanic and Puerto Rican community living in South Bronx. It was to be one of the units under the City University of New York system (Roman 1). Although the institution...

Addressing School Discipline Techniques

Introduction The social adaptation of younger students takes place in a collective interaction with peers, and the school environment is optimal for continuous communication and the acquisition of the necessary cognitive skills. However, regarding behavioral aspects, children’s personal differences can be obstacles to maintaining a favorable microclimate. Teachers often encounter...

Professional Learning Community and School Culture

Introduction The benefits of a professional learning community (PLC) to school culture can be hardly underestimated. Due to the efforts by teachers and the other school workers within a PLC process their schools become better educational and pedagogic establishments. In the following paper, the results of the researches done by...

Eliminating Socio-Cultural Barriers for Asian Students

Communication plays an essential role in people’s lives and it can be considered as a highly complex idea with a multitude of critical components, such as structure, features, and functions. The process of communication includes key elements of transmitting a message and its comprehension, which leads to coordinated evaluation of...

The Article “Looking Beyond the ESL Label” by Diane Boothe

Diane Boothe (2000), in her article “Looking Beyond the ESL Label,” explores equal educational opportunities for children from various ethnic groups. The author considers the most common problems these children face when entering a new educational environment. She dwells on the cultural challenges of non-native speakers, the connection between health...

School Standardization, Ethnocultural and Socioeconomic Background

School standardization, applied to both curricula and testing protocols, is intended to increase the overall level of education, as well as allow students from lower-performing schools better opportunities to achieve more equitable outcomes. Although some studies have shown standardization programs to have the intended beneficial effects, because of their failure...

Post-Structural and Post-Colonial Developments in Education

Introduction At the outset of the XXI century, which has been called a century of globalization, there is much evidence of a revitalization of the field of comparative and international education. Post-modern tendencies in the development of educational thought led to the development of comparative education theories (Rust 1991). Structural...

Responsive Positive Behavior Interventions in School

Elizabeth Dara Cramer’s article, “Implementing Culturally Responsive Positive Behavior Interventions in Supports in Middle School Classrooms,” highlights best practices for cultural responsiveness in the classroom. In most cases, learners in the middle class find it hard to learn because of the subtle assumptions filled with cultural bias from their teachers....

Fostering Cultural Awareness in Education

Introduction Belonging to a particular cultural group has a close connection with educational attitudes and even academic merit. Several scholars have explored the relationship between education and cultural groups and investigated how they impact each other. It can be useful to explore the attitudes that representatives of Islam culture and...

Ongoing Fight to Defend Public Educaction

Introduction The issue of education reform has continued to attract the attention of many stakeholders, including education theorists, parents, policymakers, and government leaders or agencies. Within the past two decades, new concepts have emerged that appear to support the establishment of more parochial or private learning institutions of choice. This...

Cultural Differences in School, College, and University

Introduction Culture is a central part of everyone’s life and identity. Everyone belongs to a culture he or she learned from their parents and environment. Children begin to develop a cultural identity early, and it is well established by 5 years of age. However, different cultures have different views on...

Ethical Treatment of Diversity on Campus

Diversity is one of the main features of modern education and tutoring. The leader (administrator, teacher, tutor, etc.) plays a crucial role in the diversity management on campus creating a friendly and positive climate and atmosphere in this social setting. There are differences of gender, socioeconomic class, sexual orientation, disability,...

Physical Injury Bullying in High School

Introduction Bullying refers to the act of “intimidating a weaker person or to make them do something against their will” (Bulach, Fulbright, & Williams, 2003). In most cases, it involves some form of physical injuries. Bullying is also associated with emotional and mental effects on the affected persons. It occurs...

Civil Rights for Disabled Students

Disability in institutions of higher learning has been a challenge to institution’s administration, faculty members and students (Gabel & Miskovic, 2014). The challenge can be attributed to the fact that there is limited information regarding the the rights of people with disabilities, as well as how to treat them. The...

Berggruen Prize Essay Competition: A platform for global thinkers

Berggruen Prize Essay Competition: A platform for global thinkers

  • Monetary award: Win a $25,000 USD cash prize!
  • Languages: Open to essays written in English and Chinese.
  • Theme on Planetarity: Reflect on our interconnected relationship with each other, nonhuman others, and the planetary whole.
  • Deadline: June 30th, 2024.

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culture and education essay


  1. Business paper: Education essay sample

    culture and education essay

  2. Essays on Importance of Education [Free Essay Examples]

    culture and education essay

  3. Why Is Education Important?

    culture and education essay

  4. Exploring Culture: Characteristics, Types, and Significance Free Essay

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  5. Language and Culture: A Reflective Analysis Free Essay Example

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  6. Essay On The Importance Of Education [Short & Long]

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  1. Relationship between Culture and Education (B.ed 2nd sem) explained by Namita

  2. An Essay on Education

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  4. Culture and Education

  5. 2.3.2 Relationship between Culture and Education///Culture and Education

  6. Importance of Education || Essay on importance of Education in English


  1. Culture and education: looking back to culture through education

    Culture and education are complex phenomena and their causal relationship is of a "chicken or the egg" character. There is of course a great debate over what constitutes both "education" and "culture", let alone their relationship with one another. The essays in this issue of Paedagogica Historica are not consistent in their ...

  2. (PDF) Impact of Culture on Education

    These factors include the level of education, the type of information, cultural conditions and experiences experienced by the community (Notoatmodjo, 2010; Kapur, 2018; Yanti, et al, 2020). In ...

  3. What Makes a Good School Culture?

    A good culture arises from messages that promote traits like collaboration, honesty, and hard work. Culture is shaped by five interwoven elements, each of which principals have the power to influence: Fundamental beliefs and assumptions, or the things that people at your school consider to be true. For example: "All students have the ...

  4. Culture and Education Essay Examples and Topics

    Indeed as the definition is rightly put, practicing our culture is akin to cultivating our lives, with the help of tools and symbols that the society has bestowed on us. Others are of the opinion [...] Pages: 10. Words: 3218. We will write. a custom essay specifically for you by our professional experts.

  5. Culture and Education: Sage Journals

    Culture and Education (C&E) is a peer-reviewed journal publishing articles that explore the ways culture and education shape human development. With all respect to other theoretical approaches, C&E takes the cultural-historical approach … | View full journal description. This journal is a member of the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE).

  6. The Importance of Multicultural Education

    The Importance of Diversity & Multicultural Awareness in Education. Drexel University School of Education. Cultural diversity in the classroom is on the rise. In 2014, U.S. public schools hit a minority majority milestone with Latino, African-American, and Asian students having surpassed the number of white students.

  7. Learning Language, Learning Culture: Teaching Language to the Whole

    Educating the "whole person," when teaching language, requires engaging with the cultural ways of life within which that language lives. People use language to participate in and to create social, emotional, and ethical activities. Ignoring this and treating language as a decontextualized set of facts and techniques misses the opportunity ...

  8. Cutting Edge

    Culture & Education: A Strategic Investment for Inclusive and Sustainable Development The COVID-19 pandemic has devastated the culture and education sectors worldwide. Widespread lockdowns have heavily impacted access to culture and the livelihoods of cultural professionals, calling for policies that promote cultural diversity and boost mechanisms for improved social and economic conditions.

  9. Culture and the Arts in Education: A Review Essay

    Numerous tributes to Smith's work cite how he has remained steadfast to his well-articulated vision of excellence through various cycles of reform in art education. Culture and the Arts in Education: Critical Essays on Shaping Human Experience is a compilation of essays that span nearly three decades from 1977 to 1995.

  10. Cultural History and Education: Critical Essays on Knowledge and

    1. History, the Problem of Knowledge, and the New Cultural History of Schooling Thomas S Popkewitz, Miguel A Pereyra and Barry M Franklin 2. Texts, Images and Memories: writing 'New' Histories of Education Antonio Novoa 3. 'A New Cultural History of Education': A Developmental Perspective on History of Education Research Heinz-Elmar Tenorth 4. Politics and Culture in the Making of History of ...

  11. The Importance Of Culture In Education

    The Importance Of Culture In Education. Decent Essays. 1100 Words. 5 Pages. Open Document. Studying about the human culture lets us look into other cultures from an up-close and more personal perspective to understand their culture from there stand point. We must use a different approach, as anthropologists who conduct their research by ...

  12. How Culture Impacts Education, Essay Example

    Introduction. Cultural tendencies influence the manner children get involved and take part in their education. The below essay will examine Bordieu's thesis of social reproduction in the light of previous course readings and personal experiences. Bordieu and Passerson (204-205) state that family habitus is influenced by culture and class.

  13. Culture and Education

    Culture and Education (C&E) is a peer-reviewed journal publishing articles that explore the ways culture and education shape human development. The cultural-historical approach taken in the journal views culture not only as the realm of human customs, values and beliefs, but also as a variety of historically rooted forms of being human; complex ...

  14. Essay on Relationship Between Education and Culture

    In following few paragraphs we will discuss and relationship between education and culture. Both the education and culture and closely related and have its impact and our lives. Teachers take the responsibility of educating the youth of a nation. They have to look after their all-round development. Teachers are the ultimate builders of a nation ...

  15. Culture And Multicultural Education Education Essay

    The six goals of multicultural education are: cultural pluralism, educational fairness, individual relations, cross-cultural competency, incorporation of studies on ethnic groups and global issues, and social reconstruction. Multicultural education in the United States of America focuses on teaching students the skills needed in order to gain ...

  16. Culture And Education Essays

    Culture is one of the basic units that dictate a person's way of living and approach to certain situations in life. It usually incorporates norms and taboos which outline the way the people of a certain community live as a unit and as an individual. This makes culture to have great influence on education of people from a community (Ralph, 1969).

  17. Free Culture & Education Essay Examples & Topic Ideas

    Diversity in Elementary School Learners. Words: 1197 Pages: 5. Free culture & education essay examples written by A+ students. Chalky Papers offers the most extensive collection of education essays on the Internet.

  18. Education and Culture Essay

    Better Essays. 1943 Words. 8 Pages. Open Document. Education and Culture. I believe that schools have hidden cultural agendas, stemming from their policy makers collective cultural backgrounds, which controls what curricula is used, and how knowledge is taught within the system. I further believe that not all students fit the cultural mold ...

  19. Islam, Culture, and Education : Essays on Contemporary Indonesia

    Islam, Culture, and Education reveal comments and explicit stance on many of the latest issues in Indonesia, such as radicalism and harmony of religion, the language and education policies, culture, bureaucracy, and politics, as well as the various are typical in Indonesia, such as mudik and ideas in developing ethnic literature.

  20. Essay on the Relationship between Culture and Education

    This specialized educational system is term as 'school'. Above we have seen that culture has its unending impact on the development of one's personality. Education is intimately relation with development of personality. Therefore, the kind of education depends upon the nature of culture of the Society. We have to note that 'school' is ...

  21. Culture and education: looking back to culture through education

    Introduction. Culture and education are complex phenomena and their causal relationship is of a "chicken or the egg" character. There is of course a great debate over what constitutes both "educa-tion" and "culture", let alone their relationship with one another. The essays in this issue of Paedagogica Historica are not consistent ...

  22. Education And Culture Essay

    Education And Culture Essay; Education And Culture Essay. 880 Words 4 Pages. At least I have friends from many parts of Indonesia." This was what my friend said to me when he told me a story about his classmate who came from another part of Indonesia. He told me that his friend from NTT would bring him a traditional bag after the holiday.

  23. Comparative Analysis of Teaching Methods: A Cross-Cultural Study of

    DOI: 10.62051/wcv6k943 Corpus ID: 268914990; Comparative Analysis of Teaching Methods: A Cross-Cultural Study of Chinese and American Educational Systems @article{Lu2024ComparativeAO, title={Comparative Analysis of Teaching Methods: A Cross-Cultural Study of Chinese and American Educational Systems}, author={Yulong Lu}, journal={Transactions on Social Science, Education and Humanities Research ...

  24. Berggruen Prize Essay Competition: A platform for global thinkers

    Education News: The Berggruen Institute introduces the prestigious annual Berggruen Prize Essay Competition, offering a $25,000 USD prize for thinkers, writers, and i