Free Simple Business Plan Template

Helena Young

Our experts

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Your business plan is the document that adds structure to your proposal and helps you focus your objectives on an achievable and realistic target. It should cover every aspect of what your business journey will look like, from licensing and revenue, to competitor and sector analysis.

Writing a business plan doesn’t need to be a difficult process, but it should take at least a month to be done properly.

In today’s capricious business climate there’s a lot to consider, such as the impact of political challenges like Brexit. These details are especially important in today’s bad economy. Investors are looking for entrepreneurs who are aware of the challenges ahead and how to properly plan for them.

Below, you’ll find everything you need to create a concise, specific and authoritative business plan. So let’s get started turning your idea into a reality!

Click here to download your free Business Plan template PDF – you can fill in your own details and those of your business, its target market, your customers, competitors and your vision for growth.

Our below guide will give you detailed advice on how to write a quality business plan, and our PDF download above can give you a clear template to work through.

But, creating an effective business plan needs….planning! That’s where a high quality planning tool can help. business plan template

We recommend creating an account with monday to use this tool – there’s even a free trial . Doing so means you can start your entrepreneurial journey on the right foot.

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What to include in your business plan template

There’s a lot of information online about how to write a business plan – making it a confusing task to work out what is and isn’t good advice.

We’re here to cut through the noise by telling you exactly what you need to include for a business plan that will satisfy stakeholders and help develop a key identity for your brand. By the end, you’ll have a plan to make even Alan Sugar proud and can get started with the most exciting part – running your business.

Throughout this guide, we’ve featured an example business plan template for a new restaurant opening in Birmingham called ‘The Plew’. In each section, you’ll be able to see what the contents we’re describing would look like in a ‘real-life’ document.

Cover Page

What to include in your business plan:

  • Executive Summary
  • Personal summary
  • Business idea
  • Your product or service
  • Market analysis
  • Competitor analysis
  • Cash forecast
  • Operations and logistics
  • Backup plan
  • Top tips for writing a business plan
  • Business plan template UK FAQs

1. Executive summary

This section is a summary of your entire business plan. Because of this, it is a good idea to write it at the end of your plan, not the beginning.

Just as with the overall business plan, the executive summary should be clearly written and powerfully persuasive, yet it should balance sales talk with realism in order to be convincing. It should be no more than 1,000 words.

It should cover:

  • Mission statement  – what is your company’s purpose?
  • Business idea and opportunity – what unique selling point (USP) will you provide?
  • Business model – how will your business operate?
  • Business objectives – what are you aiming to achieve?
  • Target market – who is your customer base?
  • Management team – who are the owners/senior staff?
  • Competition – who are you competing against?
  • Financial summary – can you prove the business will be profitable?
  • Marketing strategy – what is your marketing plan and associated costs?
  • Timeline – how long will it take to launch/grow your new business?

It sounds like a lot – but don’t feel you have to spend hours putting this together. Here’s what the above information for an executive summary might look like when put into our example business plan template for ‘The Plew’:

Example of an executive summary in a business plan for a Birmingham restaurant called 'The Plew'

Startups’ business plan template example: executive summary

2. Personal summary

Investors want to know who they’re investing in, as much as what. This is where you tell people who you are, and why you’re starting your business.

Outline your general contact details first, giving your telephone number, email address, website or portfolio, and any professional social media profiles you might have.

Run through this checklist to tell the reader more about yourself, and put your business ambitions into context.

  • What skills/qualifications do you have?
  • What are you passionate about?
  • What is/are your area(s) of industry expertise?
  • Why do you want to run your own business?

Here’s what our two fictional co-founders of ‘The Plew’ might write in their personal summaries for our example business plan. CEO Gabrielle Shelby, has highlighted her expertise in the restaurant industry, while CFO Freya Moore outlines her accounting and finance knowledge.

Example of a personal summary in a business plan for a Birmingham restaurant called 'The Plew'

Startups’ business plan template example: personal summary

Richard Osborne, founder and CEO of UK Business Forums, says personality is important in a business plan.

“Having a strong, personal reason at the heart of your business model will help keep you going and give you the motivation to carry on,” he affirms.

3. Business idea

This section is essentially to offer a general outline of what your business idea is, and why it brings something new to the market.

Here, you should include your general company details, such as your business name and a  one-line summary of your business idea known as an  elevator pitch. This section should also list a few key business objectives to show how you plan to scale over the next 1-3 years.

We also recommend carrying out a SWOT analysis to tell investors what the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats are for your business idea. Think about:

  • Strengths: ie. why is this a good time to enter the sector?
  • Weaknesses: ie. what market challenges might you encounter?
  • Opportunities: ie. what demand is your product/service meeting in today’s market?
  • Threats: ie. how will the business be financed to maintain liquidity?

In the template below, you can see a breakdown of the above information for ‘The Plew’. At the top is its mission statement: “to craft an unforgettable dining experience in a chic atmosphere.”

Example of a business description in a business plan for a Birmingham restaurant called 'The Plew'

Startups’ business plan template example: business idea

Need a business idea? We’ve crunched the numbers and come up with a list of the best business ideas for startup success in 2023 based on today’s most popular and growing industries.

4. Your products or services

Now it’s time to explain what you are selling to customers and how will you produce your sales offering.

Use this section to answer all of the below questions and explain what you plan to sell and how. Just like your business idea outline, your answers should be concise and declarative.

  • What product(s) or service(s) will you sell?
  • Do you plan to offer new products or services in the future?
  • How much does the product or service cost to produce/deliver?
  • What is your pricing strategy ?
  • What sales channels will you use?
  • Are there legal requirements to start this business?
  • What about insurance requirements?
  • What is the growth potential for the product or service?
  • What are the challenges? eg. if you’re looking to sell abroad, acknowledge the potential delays caused by post-Brexit regulations.

What insurance and licensing requirements do you need to consider?

Depending on what your business offers, you might need to invest in insurance or licensing. Our How To Start guides have more details about sector-specific insurance or licensing.

Public Liability, Professional Indemnity, and Employers’ Liability are the most well-known types of business insurance. We’ve listed some other common other licensing and insurance requirements below:

In our example product/service page for ‘The Plew”s business plan, the founders choose to separate this information into multiple pages. Below, they outline their cost and pricing, as well as sales strategy. But they also include an example menu, to offer something a bit more unique and tantalising to the reader:

Example of an product / service page in a business plan for a Birmingham restaurant called 'The Plew'

Startups’ business plan template example: product list and pricing strategy

5. Market analysis

This section demonstrates your understanding of the market you are entering, and any challenges you will likely face when trying to establish your company.

This section pulls all of your target market and customer research together to indicate to stakeholders that you are knowledgable about the sector and how to succeed in it.

  • Who is your typical customer and where are they are based? Describe the profile of your expected customers eg. average age, location, budget, interests, etc.
  • How many customers will your business reach? Outline the size of your market, and the share of the market that your business can reach.
  • Have you sold any products/services to customers already? If yes, describe these sales. If no, have people expressed interest in buying your products or services?
  • What have you learned about the market from desk-based research? What are the industry’s current challenges, and how has it been affected by the economic downturn?
  • What have you learned about the market from field research? (eg. feedback from market testing like customer questionnaires or focus group feedback).

What is your marketing strategy?

Once you’ve highlighted who your rivals are in the market, you can provide details on how you plan to stand out from them through your marketing strategy. Outline your  business’ USP, your current marketing strategy, and any associated advertising costs.

‘The Plew’ identifies its target audience as young, adventurous people in their mid-30s. Because of the restaurant’s premium service offering, its audience works in a well-paid sector like tech:

Startups' example: market analysis in a business plan

Startups’ business plan template example: customer analysis

6. Competitor analysis

This section demonstrates how well you know the key players and rivals in the industry. It should show the research you have carried out in a table format.

Begin by listing the key information about your competitors. Don’t worry about sounding too critical, or too positive. Try to prioritise accuracy above all else.

  • Business size
  • Product/service offering
  • Sales channels
  • Strengths/weaknesses

Competitors will take two forms, either direct  or  indirect. Direct competitors sell the same or similar products or services. Indirect competitors sell substitute or alternative products or services.

Here’s a breakdown of the strengths, weaknesses, and opportunities, and threats presented by a competitor restaurant for ‘The Plew’ called Eateria 24. At the bottom, the founders have written what learnings they can take from the chart.

Startups' example: competitor analysis in a business plan

Startups’ business plan template example: competitor analysis

Check out our list of the top competitor analysis templates to download free resources for your business, plus advice on what to include and how to get started.

7. Cash forecast

Outline your financial outlook including how much you expect to spend, and make, in your first year

All of your considered costs can be put into one easy-to-read document called a monthly cash forecast. Cash forecasts contain:

1. Incoming costs such as sales revenue, customer account fees, or funding.

2. Outgoing costs such as staff wages or operating expenses. The latter can cover everything from advertising costs to office supplies.

For those firms which have already started trading, include any previous year’s accounts (up to three years) as well as details of any outstanding loans or assets.

Annual cash forecast: what is it?

By conducting 12 monthly cash forecasts, you can create an annual cash forecast to work out when your company will become profitable (also known as breakeven analysis) . You will break even when total incoming costs = total outgoing costs.

In your annual cost budget, make sure to also include month opening/closing balance.  This is important to monitor for accounting, particularly for year-end.

  • Opening balance = the amount of cash at the beginning of the month
  • Closing balance = the amount of cash at the end of the month

The opening balance of any month will always be the same as the closing balance of the previous month. If you are repeatedly opening months with a negative closing balance, you need to adjust your spending. Here’s an example of what ‘The Plew’s financials might look like in its first year of operation:

Example of an cash forecast in a business plan for a Birmingham restaurant called 'The Plew'

Startups’ business plan template example: cash forecast

8. Operations and logistics

Explain how your day-to-day business activities will be run, including key business partnerships around production and delivery.

A.) Production

List all of the behind the scenes information about how your business will operate. Include:

  • Management team – who do you plan to hire as senior staff and why?
  • Premises –  where will you be based? What will be the cost?
  • Materials –  what materials/equipment will you need to make your product/service?
  • Staffing –  how many employees will you hire? How much will they cost?
  • Insurance – what insurance do you need for production?

B.) Delivery

Detail how your customers will receive your product or service. Include:

  • Distribution –  how will you sell your product to customers?
  • Transport –  how will you transport the product/service to customers or partners?
  • Insurance –  what insurance do you need for delivery?

C.) Supplier analysis

Lastly, you should carry out a supplier analysis.  Write down 2-3 suppliers you plan to use as part of your business operations and evaluate them on factors like location and pricing.

In our example business plan for ‘The Plew’, the founders have chosen to present this information in an easily-digestible chart, breaking down the leadership and employees into two different areas: product development and operations.

Example of a page showing staffing information in a business plan for a Birmingham restaurant called 'The Plew'

Startups’ business plan template example: staffing section

9. Backup plan

Explain how you will manage any surprise losses if your cash forecast does not go to plan.

In the event that your business does not go to plan, there will be costs to incur. A backup plan outlines to potential investors how you will pay back any outstanding loans or debt.

In the short-term: 

If your cash-flow temporarily stalls, what steps could you take to quickly raise money or make savings? For example, by negotiating shorter payment terms with your customers.

In the long-term:

If you’ve noticed a drop in sales that seems to be persisting, what changes can you make that would improve cash flow longer term? For example, can you do more of your business online to reduce rent fees?

To placate investors even further, it’s a good idea to include details about potential support channels you can utilise (eg. a business network or contact) who might be able to help if you get caught in a sticky cash-flow situation.

Startups’ 5 top tips for writing a business plan

  • Keep your predictions realistic. Your business plan should showcase your knowledge of the sector and what’s achievable. It’s not about impressing investors with big numbers or meaningless buzzwords.
  • Don’t go over 15 pages. Business plans should be engaging, which means sticking to the point and avoiding a lot of long-winded sentences. Keep your executive summary to less than 1,000 words, for example.
  • End with supporting documents. Use your appendix to include product diagrams or detailed research findings if these are helpful to your business case.
  • Get a second pair of eyes. Everyone misses a spelling error or two – invite a trusted business contact or associate to look over your business plan before you send it anywhere.
  • Leave enough time to write! It’s exciting to think about getting your business up and running – but planning is an important step that can’t be rushed over. Spend at least a month on writing to get all the details correct and laid-out.

At, we’re here to help small UK businesses to get started, grow and succeed. We have practical resources for helping new businesses get off the ground – use the tool below to get started today.

What Does Your Business Need Help With?

Designing a business plan is very important for laying the foundation of your business. Ensure you spend an appropriate amount of time filling it out, as it could save you many headaches further down the line.

Once your plan is complete, you’ll then be ready to look at other aspects of business set-up, such as registering your company. Sound daunting? Don’t worry!

Our experts have pulled together a simple, comprehensive guide on How to Start a Business in 2024, which will tell you everything you need to know to put your new plan into action.

  • Can I write a business plan myself? Absolutely! There are plenty of resources available to help, but the truth is a business plan needs to reflect the owner's personal ambitions and passion - which is why entrepreneurs are best-placed to write their own.
  • How long should a business plan be? We recommend your business plan is kept to a maximum of 15 pages. Keep it short and concise - your executive summary, for example, should be no more than 1,000 words.
  • Is it OK to copy a business plan? While not technically illegal, copying a business plan will leave you in a poor position to attract investment. Customising your plan to your unique business idea and industry specialism is the best way to persuade stakeholders that you have a winning startup formula. is reader-supported. If you make a purchase through the links on our site, we may earn a commission from the retailers of the products we have reviewed. This helps to provide free reviews for our readers. It has no additional cost to you, and never affects the editorial independence of our reviews.

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Business plan templates

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You can also download a free cash flow forecast template or a business plan template on the Start Up Loans website to help you manage your finances.

Business plan examples

Read example business plans on the Bplans website.

How to write a business plan

Get detailed information about how to write a business plan on the Start Up Donut website.

Why you need a business plan

A business plan is a written document that describes your business. It covers objectives, strategies, sales, marketing and financial forecasts.

A business plan helps you to:

  • clarify your business idea
  • spot potential problems
  • set out your goals
  • measure your progress

You’ll need a business plan if you want to secure investment or a loan from a bank. Read about the finance options available for businesses on the Business Finance Guide website.

It can also help to convince customers, suppliers and potential employees to support you.

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Getting started with the business plan template

We’ll send you two types of business plan template – a one-pager and a multi-pager. Choose the one that’s right for you. They come with instructions to help fill them out.

Doing a business plan will improve your idea. It helps you think about your business from different points of view. The process will flag up unseen risks, but also new opportunities. Aside from helping refine your idea, a business plan will move it forward. It’ll give you a concrete set of steps to go from ‘I should’ to ‘I did’.

One-page business plan template

Great for making a start

Helps you pin down the main idea

Easy to update as things evolve

Multi-page business plan template

Ideal for nailing down the details

Required by most investors and lenders

Good if you face big startup costs

Tips to help with your business plan

Don’t obsess over every detail to start with. That will make the plan long and hard to change. Keep it short and concise initially.

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What are you looking for, how to write a business plan uk | free uk business plan template.

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AAT Business Finance Basics

  • 1. What is a business plan?
  • 2. Download: Free UK business plan template
  • 3. Getting started on a business plan
  • 4. How to structure a business plan step-by-step
  • 5. What content should a business plan include?
  • 6. UK business plan example 1: GreenTech Innovations
  • 7. UK business plan example 2: EcoBoutique
  • 8. UK business plan example 3: BizConsult Solutions
  • 9. Business plan writing tips

You’ve got the brilliant business idea, you might have even started setting up or running your business, but writing a business plan and creating business proposals are vital for the launch and growth of any venture. It’s a document where you can organise all your ideas, create a company description, make sure that you’ve considered and researched everything, and ultimately decide that the business is viable. Commitment to making a business plan is a commitment to the business. Read our guide and download your free business plan template. 

What is a business plan?

A business plan is a document that details all the future plans and predictions for your business. It will explain your ideas, map out how they’ll be put into practice and provide relevant information and facts including the business details, management plan, operating plan, marketing and sales strategy , financial projections, and operational and team specifics.  

A business plan is essential in helping you: 

The business plan is a living, working document that should be read and reviewed regularly. If there are multiple directors or partners in the business then they should all be in agreement with what the plan outlines, the detailed information in the plan, and what is written in the plan. You will also need to share it with potential investors. The business plan will formalise all the ideas and assumptions, keep you focused, and ensure that everyone is on the same page.

How long writing your business plan should take will depend on your business size, the complexities of it and what stage you’re at. The most important thing is that it’s user-friendly and doesn’t include any waffle. Get straight to the nitty-gritty so that your stakeholders are engaged when reading it and so that you are more likely to use and update it regularly. Your business plan will probably cover the first three to five years. It’s important to include all the right information (see the checklist below) but it’s not a document to spend too long on. It’s more important that you are spending time running the business.

There are lots of business plan examples out there but typically yours should include: 

  • What your business will do 
  • The business structure and operations  
  • Team members and their expertise 
  • Market analysis to see current and projected state of the market and industry
  • How your business will sell and market  
  • Startup costs and funding required 
  • Financial projections 
  • Legal requirements 

Writing a business plan will allow you to take a step back and look at the business more objectively, predicting potential issues in advance, such as financial forecasts, and coming up with solutions or a shift in how you originally thought that you would do something.

Download: Free UK business plan template

We want to take the stress out of writing a business plan. Our free downloadable UK business plan template will guide you on everything you need to include and get your business primed for success. 

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Getting started on a business plan

Before you begin to make your business plan, keep these three things at the forefront of your mind. 

Focus on what makes you unique

Be creative with your plan, shout about your unique selling proposition (USPs) and what makes you different. Represent your brand using language and visuals, and talk about why you and your team are best to run this business.

Don’t over complicate it

Keep it concise so that you can get on with running the business and so the business plan is an easily readable and usable document. Too much detail in the plan can become confusing.

Be realistic and honest

The business plan will give you an indication of where you’re supposed to be. Review it every few months, update it as you go and change your activities in line with it. It will be impossible for you to predict everything so just give it your best shot and be prepared to be flexible.

How to structure a business plan step-by-step

The business plan should follow this format with these six sections. 

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The executive summary should always be written last. Think of it as a one-pager giving an overview of all the best bits of your plan. If the executive summary doesn’t captivate and interest the reader then it’s unlikely that they will read the rest of your plan. 

Describe your what, where, who and why - including your product/service, brand, location, business model and size. 

This section will involve the most amount of research as you study the current and projected conditions of the market and the industry, and look at what your competition is doing , before making your own marketing plans . 

Explain the experience, skills and credentials of all the people involved. Why are they the right people to make this a success?

Detail your required facilities, premises, systems and software. 

This section translates everything into numbers - your startup and running costs, funding , revenue projections with a cash flow forecast . 

What content should a business plan include?

Take a look at these business plan sections in more detail to see examples of the sort of details you should include, depending on your type of business. In the next section, we’ve used this framework to create some UK business plan examples featuring three fictional small businesses. 

1. The executive summary

Give a topline description of:

  • In the most basic terms, what is the business? Is it a product or service? What does it do and how?
  • Why is there a need for this business?
  • What does this business do better than similar existing businesses?
  • What experience or skills do you have that will help make this business a success?
  • How will it make money?
  • Who will your customers be?
  • Who are your main competitors?
  • How will people find out about you?
  •  What is the opportunity for investors?

2. Business details and description

  • Describe your what, where, who and why – including your product/service, brand, location, business model and size.
  • Food (lunch / dinner)
  • Private hire for meetings / parties / events
  • Putting on own events (music, comedy)
  • Classes (e.g. cocktail making)
  • What will the legal structure of your company be (LTD, PLC, sole trader, partnership, charity, social enterprise)?

3. Marketing and sales strategy

4. management and employees.

  • Who will make up your team and what relevant skills and experience do they have?
  • Do you need to employ people?
  • What friends/family/business contacts do you have with skills that might be able to help you (preferably for free)?
  • Do you need to outsource anything?

5. Operational set up

  • What premises do you need? Where will they be? Where will you work from?
  • What assets/tools do you require (and which of these do you already have)?
  • Are there any licences that you require? Any other legal considerations?

6. Financial plan and projections

Uk business plan example 1: greentech innovations, 1. executive summary.

GreenTech Innovations is a tech startup developing advanced solar panel technology that increases energy efficiency by 20%. This business addresses the growing demand for affordable and sustainable energy solutions. We stand out with our patented technology and a team of experienced professionals. Our revenue model includes direct sales to consumers and partnerships with energy companies. Our customers are environmentally conscious homeowners and businesses. Competitors include SolarCity and SunPower, but our superior technology and lower costs offer a competitive edge. We will use digital marketing and industry trade shows to gain visibility. 

GreenTech Innovations, based in London, specializes in renewable energy products. Our core product is an innovative solar panel with higher efficiency and lower costs. Revenue streams include direct sales, energy company partnerships, and government contracts. We are structured as an LTD company.

Products/services/revenue streams:

  • High-efficiency solar panels
  • Installation services
  • Maintenance contracts
  • Licensing our technology to other manufacturers
  • Government and commercial contracts

Market conditions and competition: The renewable energy market is growing, driven by environmental concerns and government incentives. Competitors like SolarCity market themselves as premium providers; we will differentiate by offering better technology at a lower price. The UK market spends billions on renewable energy annually, with strong demand forecasted.

Target market: Our target market includes environmentally conscious homeowners and businesses. Ideal customers are tech-savvy, value sustainability, and are looking for long-term savings on energy costs.

The brand: Our brand stands for innovation and sustainability. Our mission is to make renewable energy accessible and affordable. We will communicate through a professional, approachable tone and prioritize customer education.

Sales and marketing plan:

  • Website with e-commerce capabilities
  • Social media campaigns
  • SEO and PPC advertising
  • Email marketing
  • Partnerships with green energy advocacy groups
  • Presence at trade shows and industry conferences

Our team includes Dr. Jane Smith (CEO), a solar energy expert with 20 years of experience, and John Doe (CTO), who holds several patents in solar technology. We plan to hire additional engineers, marketing professionals, and sales staff. Some tasks, such as legal and accounting, will be outsourced.

We need a manufacturing facility in London, equipped with state-of-the-art machinery for solar panel production. Our office will house our R&D lab, administrative offices, and logistics team. Necessary licenses include manufacturing and environmental permits.

6. Financial plan and projections costs:

  • Manufacturing equipment: £500,000
  • Initial inventory: £200,000
  • Facility lease: £100,000/year
  • Staff salaries: £300,000/year
  • Marketing: £100,000

Startup finance:  We seek £1 million in funding through equity investment and government grants.

Pricing: Our solar panels will be priced competitively at £500 per unit, with a 30% profit margin.

Projected accounts:

  • Year 1: Revenue £2 million, Profit £400,000
  • Year 2: Revenue £4 million, Profit £1 million
  • Year 3: Revenue £8 million, Profit £2.5 million

UK business plan example 2: EcoBoutique

EcoBoutique is a sustainable fashion retailer offering eco-friendly clothing and accessories. Addressing the rising demand for ethical fashion, we differentiate ourselves with unique designs and fair-trade practices. Our team, led by experienced fashion designer Emma Green, will operate from a flagship store in Manchester and an online platform. Our revenue model includes direct sales and partnerships. Our target customers are environmentally conscious consumers. Competitors include other sustainable fashion brands, but our commitment to quality and ethical sourcing sets us apart. We seek £500,000 in funding to establish our store and marketing efforts, promising growth and strong returns.

EcoBoutique, located in Manchester, sells sustainable clothing and accessories. Revenue streams include in-store and online sales, private events, and wholesale partnerships. The company will be structured as an LTD.

  • Sustainable clothing (organic cotton, recycled materials)
  • Accessories (bags, jewelry)
  • Private hire for fashion events
  • Online store
  • Wholesale to other retailers

Market conditions and competition: The sustainable fashion market is expanding rapidly. Competitors like Patagonia and People Tree use online marketing and brand loyalty strategies. The UK fashion industry sees significant consumer spending, with growing interest in sustainable options.

Target market: Our ideal customers are eco-conscious individuals aged 20-40, interested in fashion and sustainability.

The brand: EcoBoutique stands for ethical fashion and sustainability. Our mission is to provide stylish, eco-friendly clothing. We will use a friendly, informative tone and emphasize our commitment to fair trade.

  • Website with e-commerce and blog
  • Social media and influencer partnerships
  • Email newsletters
  • Community events and pop-up shops
  • Print advertising in eco-friendly magazines

Our team includes founder Emma Green, a fashion designer with a background in sustainability, and Liam Brown, our marketing manager with extensive retail experience. We will hire sales associates and an e-commerce manager. Some services, such as accounting and web development, will be outsourced.

We need a retail space in Manchester, designed with sustainable materials, and an e-commerce platform. Licenses required include retail and health & safety permits.

  • Store renovation: £200,000
  • Inventory: £100,000
  • Marketing: £50,000
  • Staff salaries: £150,000/year
  • E-commerce platform: £50,000

Startup finance: We seek £500,000 through a combination of loans, personal investment, and crowdfunding.

Pricing: Clothing items priced between £30-£150, with a 40% profit margin.

  • Year 1: Revenue £1 million, Profit £150,000
  • Year 2: Revenue £1.5 million, Profit £300,000
  • Year 3: Revenue £2 million, Profit £500,000

UK business plan example 3: BizConsult Solutions

BizConsult Solutions is a consulting firm offering business strategy and digital transformation services for SMEs. We address the need for modern, tech-savvy business solutions in a competitive market. Our experienced team, led by Sarah Lee, specializes in helping businesses innovate and grow. We generate revenue through consulting fees, workshops, and retainer agreements. Our target customers are SMEs across various industries. Competitors include larger consulting firms, but our focus on SMEs and personalized service sets us apart. We will use content marketing and networking to attract clients. We seek £300,000 in funding to establish our office and marketing activities, promising steady growth and high returns.

BizConsult Solutions, based in Birmingham, offers consulting services in strategy and digital transformation. Revenue streams include hourly consulting fees, retainer agreements, and workshops. The company will be structured as an LTD.

  • Business strategy consulting
  • Digital transformation services
  • Workshops and training sessions
  • Retainer agreements for ongoing support

Market conditions and competition: The consulting market is competitive, with demand for digital transformation services rising. Competitors include large firms like McKinsey and Deloitte, but they primarily target larger enterprises. We focus on SMEs, offering affordable, high-quality services.

Target market: Our target market is SMEs in various sectors, seeking to modernize their operations and strategies.

The brand: BizConsult Solutions is innovative and client-focused. Our mission is to empower SMEs to thrive through strategic and technological advancements. We will communicate through a professional and approachable tone.

  • Professional website with case studies and testimonials
  • Content marketing (blogs, whitepapers)
  • Webinars and online courses
  • Networking events and industry conferences
  • Email marketing and LinkedIn outreach

Our team includes Sarah Lee (CEO), with 10 years of consulting experience, and Michael O’Connor (CTO), an expert in digital transformation. We will hire additional consultants and administrative staff as needed. We will outsource web development and legal services.

We need an office in Birmingham, equipped with meeting rooms and collaborative workspaces. Essential tools include project management software and CRM systems. Required licenses include business operation permits.

  • Office setup: £100,000
  • Technology and software: £50,000

Startup finance: We seek £300,000 through a combination of bank loans and private investment.

Pricing: Consulting fees range from £100-£300 per hour, with retainer packages starting at £2,000 per month.

  • Year 1: Revenue £500,000, Profit £100,000
  • Year 2: Revenue £750,000, Profit £200,000
  • Year 3: Revenue £1 million, Profit £350,000

Business plan writing tips

Writing a business plan can take some time and some areas of the plan will be easier to tackle than others. 

  • Make initial notes every time you think of something and don’t worry if you can’t cover all points at the start.
  • When you are ready to start to write the plan, make sure you use sections and these are in a logical order.
  • It is important that your plan is simple, accurate and easy to follow if you are going to ask others to look at it.
  • Try to avoid jargon or terms that only people in your type of industry will understand.

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Business Plan Template.

While your company’s goals might be crystal clear in your head, going in without a formal business plan could make things tricky. If the idea of creating one seems daunting, don’t worry. With a free business plan template, you can be up and running in no time. 

Discover more about how to create your ideal business plan and download free templates to get started here. 

Download Your Free Business Plan Template. 

Download your own free business plan template and jump right into planning your next venture. You can download a free business plan template with Adobe.  

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Edit templates using Acrobat.

Explore Adobe’s online PDF editor . Add text, sticky notes, highlights, drawings and more to your PDF with ease. Work smart with Adobe. 

What you'll learn:

•   What is a Business Plan?

•   Why is a Business Plan important?

•   How to Write a Business Plan.

•   Download Your Free Business Plan Template.

What is a Business Plan?

Business plans define core business objectives and the strategies to achieve them, in the form of a written document. They’re key for all types of businesses - whether they’re small and medium-sized businesses (SMEs), start-ups or individual entrepreneurs.  

Generally, a straightforward and simple business plan template can be divided into the following five sections: 

  • Executive summary
  • Business description and structure
  • Market analysis and strategies
  • Organisation and management
  • Financial documents.

Why is a Business Plan important? 

A good business plan can be a vital tool, as it can act as a guide through each stage of starting your company. When you’re lost, it can be your compass to get back to the right track and help you and your team realign with the original vision. Think of it as a map pointing you from now to the future.  

It can also be a helpful document for the relevant external parties, such as investors or lenders.  

Here are some key benefits: 

  • Outline and Clarify Goals . Using a business plan template can help you to define and set goals, helping you to easily pitch them when required. It can serve as an excellent touchstone, too. 
  • Identify Issues . By clearly outlining plans ahead of time, you may be able to identify issues early - whether in the planning stage or based on the reality of deliverables versus the plan. 
  • Secure Financing . Being able to confidently lay out your goals, analysis, forecasted spending, personnel requirements and business structure is a great way to build confidence and potentially secure financing. 
  • Measure Progress . By comparing progress against your goals, you can get a sense of a project’s timescale and forecast for any potential disruptions or changes. This means you can stay on track and better adapt to any unknowns. It may help you plan for the future, too. 

How to Write a Business Plan.

Building upon a business plan template may seem daunting - but when you break it down, it’s no more intimidating than planning a trip. Just like a holiday, it requires preparation and organisation, but can be exciting. It’s a chance to see all your ideas come together into something coherent and actionable. 

Important Sections to Include in Your Business Plan Template.

  • Business, Products and Key Objectives . This lets you set an overall scope for your business plan and serves as a fundamental part of your company. 
  • Target Market and Competition . Analysing your target market and competition lets you make informed business decisions and can help to justify your plan. 
  • Sales and Marketing Plans . Detailing your sales and marketing plans can help you to arrange KPIs in the future and show how you’re utilising the data from your market research. 
  • Operational Plans . This section details the day-to-day running of your business, giving an in-depth outline of strategies for specific teams or supply chains. 
  • Personnel Structure . Writing a personnel structure gives you a sense of key responsibilities and requirements within the wider business. This can be an excellent place to take note of the skills that roles might require, what you already have and what you might need. 
  • Financials . Breaking down the operational costs and funding required for your business can help you to set future goals and secure backing if required. 

Having a PDF printable business plan template makes things easier when it comes time to format, print and share it with potential stakeholders. If you want to change the file format of your business plan, you can easily convert PDF to Word   and back again. 

Sharing your business plan as a PDF also allows for easy collaboration, with no subscription required and the ability to add comments, highlights and notes with our free online PDF editor tool .  

Top Tips for Your Business Plan.

Writing a business plan template is easier with these top tips, so you can get off to a smooth start - whatever your project. 

  • Be Realistic . Being realistic about your business plan means you can make informed decisions and will have minimal friction as the project progresses. 
  • Understand Your Market . By demonstrating an understanding of your market, you can better inform decisions and plan. It also makes your vision an easier sell. 
  • Keep it Concise . Don’t waffle on or obscure important facts in jargon. If you want to add additional detail, create an appendix to expand on areas. 
  • Stay Professional . This is key, as your business plan serves as a reference point both for internal operations and potential business. 
  • Review Your Business Plan . During the process of creating a business plan, certain details may change and mistakes can be made. Review your plan to ensure everything is correct and to double-check if anything needs to change with any new information during the process. You can easily edit business plans in PDF with Adobe Acrobat PDF editor online . 

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Business Planning Templates

The first step in planning your business venture, clarifying your ideas, aims and objectives, is to write a business plan.

Your plan is an essential document to ensure your ideas are feasible and is critical for banks. In addition, new suppliers and larger customers may require this document for credit checks. It's also helpful to track progress against your original targets.

Writing Your Business Plan - Downloads

We have three templates you can use to do your business plan kindly offered by SCORE and Bank of Scotland. There are two for preparing the narrative of your plan (One for a startup business and the other for an existing business) and a cash flow template.

  • Template for startup businesses: pdf startup template .
  • Template for existing businesses: pdf existing business template .
  • Financial planning spreadsheet for startup businesses: Excel financial plan template .

These free business plan templates can help you quickly write a business plan. First, you can download the templates as Adobe PDF files to your computer. Then, you can click each of the template links below to open now or right click your mouse to save for later use.

Basic Outline

A basic business plan outlines the answers to questions about your intentions, such as:

  • Is there a demand for your products?
  • How are you defining your customer demographics?
  • What are your explicit strengths and weaknesses?
  • Can you mitigate threats and exploit new market opportunities?
  • Are your competitors aggressive or passive?
  • Have you assigned key employees to your tactical plans?
  • How robust are your financial plans?

Structure of Business Plans

Here's the basic structure in summary from the downloads above:

Executive Summary

It's best to write this section last after you've prepared the rest of your plan because this is simply a summary of the whole plan. It should ideally be one page, but two pages are equally acceptable.

Business Purpose

This area covers the fundamentals of your business, including:

  • Mission statement
  • Company goals and objectives
  • Business philosophy
  • The industry you're in
  • Legal ownership and key employees

Products and Services

Describe your key products, services, pricing strategy and margins.

Marketing Plan

Detail your marketing activities, including market research, market trends, market size, external market economics, and barriers to entry. As your market is made up of customers, describe their characteristics.

You also need detailed information about your competitors and why you'll be able to take market share from them. And finally, you'll need information about your promotional activities to reach out and entice your potential customers to purchase your products.

Operations Plans

This part describes how you're going to produce your products together with distribution methods to get products to your customers and your wholesale suppliers.

Management and Staff

People are behind all successful businesses, so including the key people and advisors is essential.

Startup Costs Budget

If you're starting a new business, you should detail the costs you'll incur while starting up before the day to day operations commence. For most companies, this is the amount they'll need initial funding for to begin trading.

Financial Plans

Your financial plans should contain enough detail (i.e., monthly) for the first year, then quarterly or yearly for the following two years. You should include a profit and loss account, a cash flow forecast and a Balance Sheet together with a break-even analysis.

Additional Business Planning Help

Use the following sites to get additional business planning templates to assist starting your business.

  • Teneric planning templates
  • Check your startup costs

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Writing a business plan

Your guide to a successful business plan

A good business plan defines what you want to achieve and how you intend to achieve it. Our guide could help you write yours.

Define your business

It’s important that you define what type of small business you are so that everyone you work with understands what you’re trying to achieve. A comprehensive business plan is the best way to go about defining your business.

Your plan should include:

  • What your business will do
  • The products or services it will provide
  • How customers will access your products or services (eg in a shop, online or by phone)
  • Your approach to pricing
  • Your long and short-term objectives – including a series of benchmarks if possible that you can check your progress against

Know your customers

Make sure you know as much as possible about who will be buying from you. For example, if you’re marketing to consumers, here are some questions you might want to ask. Knowing the answers will help you promote your business much more effectively:

  • How old are they?
  • What do they do for a living?
  • What are their lifestyles like?
  • Do they already buy the product or service?
  • Why will they buy from you and no one else?
  • How will you tell them about your business?

Naming your business

The name you choose for your business should reflect the image you want to project to your market. Pick one that’s easy to pronounce and remember, but do some research first. Make sure your chosen name is not already in use, it’s available as a web address and will work on your business stationery. You may also consider looking into the name’s meaning in different countries and languages – especially if you see yourself expanding internationally in the future.

If you have the facilities, you could test various names to see how people from your proposed customer base react. There are companies that provide this service, or you could do it informally by asking friends and family.

Taking on staff

If you take on employees – even part-time – you’ll need to familiarise yourself with employment law and know how to get the best out of your staff. There are plenty of guides that will help you to understand the law and make decisions to suit your business, such as the number of employees you need, what you should offer them and if they will be contractors or permanent. Here are some key things to consider:

  • What are my responsibilities and what do I need to provide them with?
  • How will I make sure they are properly managed and trained?
  • What should I pay them and does it match with the pay offered for similar roles in the area?
  • Does it comply with the National Minimum Wage and National Living Wage?
  • How will they benefit my business and help me to achieve my goals?

Writing it all down

When you write your business plan, remember to be clear, realistic and concise. It’s important to consider that someone reading it in the future might not be familiar with jargon or more technical terms, so writing it in plain English is advisable. You should use research and, if possible, evidence, to support your conclusions and include an action plan. Nothing needs to be set in stone, however; business plans are dynamic documents – meaning that you should adjust your plan as your business develops. See our in-depth guide to writing a business plan  [PDF, 6.2MB]

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Business planning tips

On this page

Failing to plan is...well, you know the rest

To build a successful business, having a clear mission and specific goals is vital. The best way to do this is to write a thorough business plan setting out exactly how you're going to turn your dreams into reality.

Do's and don'ts when writing a plan

Do be realistic.

While it's important to show ambition, be realistic when projecting your results.

Do check for accuracy

It may be an old cliche, but you only get one chance to make a first impression. Make sure you triple check the accuracy of your content and ask a colleague or mentor to proof read it with a fresh pair of eyes.

Do your research

Make sure all research is up to date and accurate, and that any claims can be substantiated. You need to be aware of the good, the bad and the ugly!

Don't include your CV

Your business plan is about the company you intend to run, not ones you may have run in the past. A link to a completed LinkedIn profile will tell someone all they need to know about you.

Don't say you have no competition

There's always competition, the key is understanding your market and convincing your customers that your product is superior.

Don't start at the start

Start with an executive summary. This should be one page long and is your elevator pitch on paper.

6 steps to writing a business plan

Our in-depth six-step guide can help you put together a robust business plan and set you up for success or expansion.


A business plan is a written description of your company, your aspirations and ambitions, and the methods by which you can achieve your goals.

Creating a business plan gives you a clearer understanding of what you need to do to reach your objectives. By producing a detailed business plan containing facts, figures, statistics and a summary of your skills, you will give potential investors all the information they need to buy in to your proposal.

Getting started

Once you've decided to write a business plan, the next step is deciding what needs to be included. And remember, your plan should be flexible.

An executive summary exists to summarise your ambitions and approach in a concise way. This is not always an easy task, but it's a good way to ensure you remain focussed on both the bigger picture and your core ambitions.

Your business summary should

  • Describe your business - how you want it to grow, the niche you fill, why you think it can succeed
  • Describe the sector it sits in - if the sector is strong, where will you fit? If it's performing poorly how will you buck the trend?

Product summary

It's worth giving your product or service a section of its own. Outline what makes it different from similar offerings and discuss the reasons that you will succeed.

Aims, objectives and audience

You should cover:

  • Where do you want your idea to go and how are you going to get there?
  • In a year's time what shape will your business be in?
  • Will you have secured investment, or hired additional members of staff?
  • Will you be able to cope if you fail to hit projected financial targets?

It's vital that all of these factors are assessed prior to launching or expanding a business. Research carried out by the Chartered Management Institute (CMI) has discovered that over half (54%) of all UK businesses that fail within the first three years of operation do so because of poor management.

Get to know your audience

You must have an understanding of your core demographic and how you are going to engage them. The more intelligence potential investors can get from reading the plan, the better.

Operations and organisation

It's good to have a solid concept, strong product and ambitious goals, but to grow a successful company, you will also need a detailed understanding of job roles, company structure and the day-to-day running of your operation.

This section of the plan is often the most detailed. Overlooking just one of the below areas could be extremely harmful when it comes to launching a company or seeking investment.

Areas to cover

  • Location - where will you be based and why?
  • Suppliers - who are they and what are the contract terms?
  • Production - will anything be outsourced?
  • Distribution - how will you deliver your product?
  • Employees - how many do you need and what will they do?

Financial considerations

All aspects of your business plan are essential in their own right, but it's important to make sure the financial elements are accurate and in order.

Some entrepreneurs make the mistake of believing that because they are determined to succeed, they will be able to fund business growth by reinvesting the business' profits. However this rarely works, suppliers need to be paid prior to the customer getting their hands on the goods, meaning you will need some kind of initial investment or loan to cover supply costs.

  • What kind of financing you need
  • How much money you require
  • Whether you are willing to give away equity in the business in return for funding
  • When you will be able to pay back any loan you take out

How much, what for, and from where?

Always consider these three questions when planning your finances, and always be cautious in your answers.

Measuring success and risk

No business is guaranteed to succeed. Investors understand that handing any amount of money over to a startup is a risky decision, but it's important to reassure them. Highlight that you are aware of the risks, have plans in place to avoid pitfalls, and are willing to change course or adopt different methods should you need to.

Types of business risk

  • Compliance  - If you fall foul of laws and regulations, your business could fail before it has a chance to properly grow.
  • Operational  - Operational risk can come in many forms. It could relate to employee error or a water leak that damages equipment.
  • Financial  - Nearly all businesses will get into debt in their opening years, but it is how that debt is managed that is important.
  • Reputational  - Building customer confidence in your brand and rewarding them with a quality service is an essential ingredient for all businesses. 

Need a little more help?

You can find additional information and a range of business plan templates and examples on the website.

Get your business idea off the ground

From the start, you’ll need to think about your approach to running your business and what support you might need to make it happen.

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Step 1: Business Plan

What is a business plan.

A Business Plan is a written document that describes your core business objectives and how you plan to achieve them over a set period of time. It is designed to help you, and others, understand how you plan to generate money and make your business sustainable. A Business Plan often includes information about your goals, strategies, marketing and sales plans and financial forecasts. Read on below for more information about the key sections of a Business Plan.

Download your copy of the Business Plan template now. The document includes a Personal Survival Budget template and a Cash Flow Forecast template, which are also required for your application:

The guide is an annotated version of the Business Plan template with notes from our Business Advisers about what type of information, examples and evidence to include in order to help us understand you and your business. While we encourage you to use this Business Plan template, it is not mandatory and you are welcome to submit your own Business Plan template provided it details similar information.

Please note, the following documents should open on any device with a document viewer and editor but for the best user experience, we recommend editing this Business Plan template on a desktop.

Why is a Business Plan important?  

There are many great reasons why it is worth your time creating a Business Plan – even if you’re not quite ready to apply for a Start Up Loan. Here are just seven:

A Business Plan:

  • Provides a structured way of organising your thoughts and clarifying your idea.
  • Helps you set out your goals and spot any potential problems in achieving these goals.
  • Gives you a clear strategy to follow when things get busy.
  • Is often essential for securing external finance for your business (and is required if you’re applying for a Start Up Loan).
  • Allows you to measure your progress as you go along.
  • Ensures all of your team are working towards the same vision.
  • Helps you plan for the future.

Key sections of a Business Plan:  

A Business Plan can include whatever information you feel is required to best convey how you are planning to make your business sustainable and, when it comes to applying for a Start Up Loan, the following are the core sections we require.

Your business and key objectives: A brief description of your business and its core products or services. This section also includes a clear and concise overview of the goals your business is trying to achieve over a set period of time. Sometimes these are broken down as short, mid and long-term goals, but it helps if they’re measurable (how will you know if you have achieved this?) and realistic (can you achieve this with the money, resources and time you have?).  

If you are applying for a Start Up Loan, you will of course also need to detail how you intend to use the money if you’re successful. Our Loan Assessment team will want to see that the Start Up Loan will support your overall business objectives.

Your skills and experience: An overview of your experience as it relates to your business. If you’ve previously worked in a similar business, or have experience running another business, this will help provide confidence that you are in a good position to start up. Even if this is all brand new to you, think about any transferable skills you’ve developed, life experiences you’ve had or training you’ve completed that may be useful.

Your target customers, market and competition: A summary of key insights that demonstrate you have a strong understanding of your customers (and how to identify them), your market (and how to position yourself within it) and your competitors (and how to differentiate yourself from them on factors like price, quality, brand etc).  

Your sales and marketing plans: This section is all about how you are planning to attract customers. You might include information about where you’ll distribute your products, what your branding and logo will be and what pricing you’ll apply. Additionally, you will need to demonstrate how you will spread the word about your product/services in order to generate demand, such as using social media, exhibiting at a trade conference or investing in online advertising.

Your operational plans: This will be different depending on your business model, but may include information on where you’ll trade (like a home office or external premises), the number of staff you’ll need to employ, what their roles will be and any equipment or tools you’ll need to run your business. You can also use this section to detail any processes that are important to your operations, as well as any industry, tax or legal regulations related to your business. It’s also good to think about any risks you may face, how you will overcome them and what you will do if things don’t go to plan.

Financials Many business plans include a financial section, which outlines how you’ll fund all of the activities you’ve outlined and what revenue you expect to generate. Because we ask you to complete a Cash Flow Forecast as part of your Start Up Loan application, we don’t require too much detail on this in your Business Plan. Rather, these two documents should be complementary.

Check out our Cash Flow Forecast guide and template >>

Writing a Business Plan – our top tips:

The tips below have been prepared by our Business Advisers and Loan Assessment team to help you understand some of the key things that will strengthen your application. For more in-depth advice, read our guidelines on how to write a Business Plan .

  • Demonstrate that you understand your market and customer. For our Loan Assessment team to feel comfortable that your business plans are viable, they will want to see that there is a market who wants and needs your product/service, that you have thought about how you’ll set yourself apart from competitors and that you know how to attract your customers. Any market research you can do, like a simple online survey, looking up industry reports or interviews with potential customers will help.
  • Use evidence and examples to back up any statements you make. It’s always more powerful when you can prove what you’re saying with hard facts, whether it’s with a strong statistic, a customer quote, examples of similar activity or other research. It doesn’t have to be detailed – sometimes it will be sufficient to include a link to further information – but it will help our loan assessment team feel more confident that your business plan is viable.
  • Make sure everything ties together by linking every strategy to your core objectives. The purpose of a Business Plan is to show what your goals are and how you’re going to achieve them so remember to put your objectives at the heart of your plan. For example, if one of your goals is to generate 10 new sales per month, then in your marketing section you’ll need to think about how many sales each promotional channel needs to deliver in order to support this objective.
  • Consider any risks you face and how you will overcome them. Every business has risks so don’t shy away from referencing these in your business plan. Demonstrating that you are aware of your key risks. Having a clear plan for how to reduce or overcome these is something that will set your business plan apart and give our loan assessment team confidence that you’re ready for the challenge.  
  • Be as clear and concise as possible and avoid waffle. Remember, we’re not looking to see every single detail about how your business will operate, rather we just need to know enough information to give us confidence that you have a clear plan in place. You might like to use bullet points, graphs, tables and subheadings to help you keep your content focused and help you avoid the temptation to go into too much detail.  
  • Presentation matters: proof read, review and format your document. As with most things in life, first impressions count. Use clear headings, structure your document in a clear order and check you’ve used consistent fonts throughout. Remember, you don’t have to be a writer or a designer to prepare a professional looking document. Most importantly, double check that you haven’t made any spelling or grammatical errors. It can be a good idea to have someone proof read your work for you once you’re finished to pick up anything you might have missed.

Learn new skills

Start Up Loans has partnered with the Open University to offer a range of free courses.

A Business Plan can include whatever information you feel is required to best convey how you are planning to make your business sustainable and, when it comes to applying for a Start Up Loan, the following are the core sections we require (our Business Plan template includes them).

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4 Free Business Plan Templates: Where to find them and what you get

Business Plan Templates to Download

While some people argue about whether you need a business plan to be successful, you almost certainly will need one when opening bank accounts and seeking funding. Fortunately there are some good free business plan templates and advice online. Here we will review 4 of the best covering what you get and where to find them.

1) – The ‘write a business plan’ page of the UK government’s website includes advice and a selection of different business plan templates so you can select which one is best for your business.

2)      The Prince’s Trust – Although The Prince’s Trust specialise in supporting young people their business plan template is available to anyone. At 16 pages it is substantially shorter than the one from Business Link and is less formal in tone. The Prince’s Trust plan also goes into more depth on the logistics of how the company is going to work and the reasons for starting it up.

3)      Microsoft Word – Microsoft have a start-up business template which you can download. When you open it up in word it runs to 28 pages and is full of questions, advice and points to consider. Compared to The Princes Trust and Business Link plans it is a lot more text heavy and takes some reading. It is also a lot more focussed on the financials of the company than the other two plans, concentrating on accounts payable, pricing and other financial planning considerations.

4)      Your Bank – One of the main reasons people do a business plan is because their bank asks them to. If this is your motivation then it makes sense to use a template your bank will like. Our business banking partners HSBC have a business plan tool, Natwest have an online form and Barclay’s offer plenty of advice . Many of the other main UK banks also have templates or advice online. Using the bank’s own forms should mean that you tick all of the boxes and answer all of the questions they are likely to be looking at which can only help make your meeting go more smoothly.

Whichever template you choose it is important that you invest the time to get your plan right before you try to use it. Most of these plans require you to do a considerable amount of research into your target market, customers and competitors. Don’t leave it until the night before your bank meeting to get it done!

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