Let our graduates tell you about where their degree in literature, drama or creative writing has taken them

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  • Faculty of Arts and Humanities
  • School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing
  • Careers and Our Alumni
  • Creative Writing
  • Postgraduate Research and PhD Opportunities
  • Your Career
  • Equality, Diversity and Inclusion

Our graduates have gone on to work in a wide variety of professions, as authors and journalists, and in theatre, television and film.

You might find them working in the arts, media, publishing and politics, charities and non-governmental organisations, teaching or the commercial sector.

Our drama courses have produced a great number of professional alumni in theatre, film and television, including Matt Smith, Olivia Vinall and BBC Radio 1 Breakfast Show host Greg James.

Our graduates’ publishing success remains unrivalled. In 2017 one of our alumni, Kazuo Ishiguro, was awarded the Nobel Prize in Literature, and two other graduates – Ian McEwan and Anne Enright – have won the Booker Prize for Fiction (for which our alumni have been shortlisted on fifteen other occasions). Our graduates have won or been shortlisted for every major United Kingdom literary award.

You can learn more about our alumni’s writing achievements at UEA Writers and watch the video below to hear from Emma Healey, a graduate of our Master of Arts in Creative Writing Prose Fiction and author of two very successful novels, about her writing and how we inspired her…

Alasdair Lindsay Headshot sml

Alasdair Lindsay's Alumni Story

UEA Scriptwriting and Performance graduate Alasdair Lindsay writes about the value of his degree and his job as a digital PR manager.

uea broad and ziggurat

My UEA Story: Edward Parnell

Edwards talks about his book Ghostland and how he’s been influenced by the Norfolk landscape

Christie Watson

My UEA Story - Christie Watson

The critical-care nurse and author on the similarities between nursing and writing, her time at UEA, and health humanities.

Elizabeth Macneal

My UEA Story: Elizabeth MacNeal

The Doll Factory author on how the Creative Writing MA helped to shape her first novel.

  • Short Stories
  • The Writing Life
  • Historical Research

How I spent the pandemic: MA in Crime Fiction Writing at University of East Anglia

I am not the kind of writer who gets to a certain point in their development and decides that they’ve learned enough, that they’re good enough. I enjoy studying the craft of writing and continuing to improve as a writer. But as I become a more knowledgeable and well-trained writer (a process which took many years), it becomes increasingly hard to find appropriately advanced learning opportunities.

In 2015, I stumbled on the announcement of a new low residency, part time creative writing degree– the MA in Crime Fiction Writing at University of East Anglia (UEA) in Norwich, UK. At the time, it was the only creative writing program focusing on crime fiction in the world. I was immediately interested, but I no sooner discovered its existence than I dismissed the course as impracticable and unaffordable for me in the United States. But for the next four years, I periodically revisited the UEA site and fantasized.

The discovery also set into motion an intermittent exploration and daydreaming about, what I initially thought, were more practical, low residency MFA programs closer to home in the United States. Off and on, over the course of a couple of years, I created a massively detailed comparison spreadsheet of pertinent writing programs. From time to time, I added to it with the results of my investigations– answers to questions I’d emailed to directors and alumni, notes about conferences I’d attended on various campuses, and even a meeting with a recruiter.

Gradually, I let go of preconceptions. You might suspect that I rationalized my initial intention. Maybe. But when I eventually analyzed and compared costs and did cold hard financial calculations, I came to an unexpected realization. UEA’s MA in Crime Fiction Writing was not more expensive than an American MFA; it was less. And it might be the best fit for me for a number of reasons:

  • No other MA/MFA specialized in crime fiction. In the past, I’d taken a number of workshops focused on genre fiction or fiction in general. While they were worthwhile and I learned a lot, I wanted to focus on crime fiction specifically and exclusively–to be with faculty who specialized in crime fiction and to be with classmates who shared my love of crime fiction.
  • I wanted a rigorous academic approach to crime fiction, to explore the theory, philosophy, politics, and socio-economics of crime fiction as well as the practice of writing it. (Take a look at the amazing reading list )
  • At the time, before Brexit, international students paid the same tuition fees to UEA as UK residents and that was a very good value, and much less than low residency MFA tuition in the U.S. I realized the money saved could be applied toward travel abroad for the short residentials.
  • The MA in Crime Fiction requires three brief residencies a year (September, January, May) in Norwich, UK. For students in the UK and Europe, this was an easy, convenient, and relatively inexpensive trip. For those of us in the rest of the world, it was quite a hurdle and had me stymied for a long time. (However attendance at residential turned out to be somewhat negotiable and once the pandemic hit, it became a non-issue as everything went online anyway). Gradually I came to realize that the extra expense of the residential trips could be combined with side trips in the UK and Europe, very much longed for and deferred side trips. And, the kicker– the cost of travel for the residential did not come to more than the cost of an American low residency MFA.
  • Attending would in fact be remedying a lifelong regret at not doing college study abroad and checking off an item on the bucket list that I didn’t even know I had. Win!

So, I applied to UEA, was accepted, figured out how to pay international tuition, obtain a short term study visa for residencies, and travel to Norwich.

UEA’s MA in Crime Fiction was the right decision for me.

The required fiction reading, literary criticism reading, and analytic writing were excellent. The creative writing module was excellent. Faculty (tutors in British-speak) were excellent and possessed deep and broad knowledge of crime fiction. Classmates were talented and hard working and generally all-round excellent people who were a joy to be around.

Attending was not only a taste of study abroad and a chance to travel, it was also a surprisingly interesting and satisfying chance to experience another culture.

The city of Norwich was fantastic with an incredibly rich history and lots of medieval buildings. In my two visits for the first two residencies before the pandemic hit, I became a huge fan of Norwich.

After the first semester of the two year course, the pandemic hit. Fun. Residencies became entirely virtual. Which worked okay for classwork (other than the time differences around the world. The morning session began at 5am Eastern for me and my classmate in Japan ended the last session of the day at 3am Japanese time). Online wasn’t as satisfactory for socializing. My classmates and I were sad that we couldn’t see each other in person for lunch and dinner and tea breaks and hanging out during residencies. It wasn’t possible to mingle, meet, and get to know the cohorts in front of us or coming up behind us. Fortunately we’d established a WhatsApp group before the pandemic and we instituted monthly zoom socials. But it wasn’t the same.

On the other hand, surprisingly, most of us agreed that it was great to be “on the course” (British speak) during the pandemic–it gave us something to focus on other than the garbage fire that was the current state of the world. It gave us goals and filled the hours spent confined at home. As hard as it was to concentrate sometimes during the pandemic, my guess is, it would have been even harder to juggle the coursework with life and work in normal busy times. So, an unexpected pandemic silver lining!

The coursework was substantial and a bit shocking if you’ve been out of school for a while as most of us had, but manageable. The final project is a complete crime novel that has been written and workshopped over the preceding two years. Also manageable.

For more info, check out my uncomprehensive twitter list of UEA MA in Crime Fiction alumni, current students, faculty, and guest lecturers, or tweet or email me any questions.

  • Search for:
  • New medieval mystery short story: “For All His Worth”
  • The Powerful Magic of a Simple Notebook

University of East Anglia

UEA in 2022


Female graduate and child

© David Kirkham

2022 – what a crazy year. Across the last 12 months, the UK has had three Prime Ministers and two monarchs, but only one university that’s supported the discovery of a 340-year-old shipwreck. 

As the year draws to a close, after a year of new discoveries, special celebrations and stories of hope, we’re finally taking time to look back on this whirlwind of a year at uea by sharing some of the university’s very best and most heartening stories.  , let us take you through 2022... .

A man and a woman smiling at each other, dressed in graduation gowns and mortarboards

Just two of the 11,000 students who graduated at UEA this summer

uea creative writing ma alumni

L-R: Julian and Lincoln Barnwell, discoverers of the Gloucester shipwreck © Norfolk Historic Shipwrecks

A man hugging a dog

Puppy love - the wellbeing dog walk events proved a winner with students during Welcome Week

1. We finally said con-grad-ulations to three cohorts of UEA graduates  

This summer marked a celebration like no other, with nearly 11,000 students finally crossing the stage in a two-week run of graduations – that’s UEA history in the making!

With the classes of 2020, 2021 and 2022 all adorned in gowns and mortarboards, after waiting up to three years for this special moment, these ceremonies were truly a great commemoration of their hard work and resilience.

And even previous graduates were able to get involved this year by entering the UEA Alumni graduation competition, which saw 20 prize packs given out to winners. With well over 1000 entries into the competition, this was perhaps our biggest prize draw ever, featuring products from alumni businesses including Bare Kind socks , Gnaw Chocolate and Biochemist Brewery beer . Well done to all the winners!  So con-grad-ulations to all who battled through the unique challenges and concerns raised by the pandemic towards their studies and life at the University, and graduated through record high temperatures of the summer heatwave. We hope you all celebrated in UEA style amongst friends, family and classmates, before embarking on new adventures.

2. Unveiling the Gloucester  

You’ve likely heard all about this remarkable maritime find by now, but buoy, what an amazing discovery! And we’re not done talking about it just yet.

Back in June, it was revealed publicly that two deep-sea diving brothers, Julian and Lincoln Barnwell, had uncovered the shipwreck of the Gloucester warship in 2007, which sank off the coast of Norfolk in 1682 and almost killed a future king. 

After more than three centuries of lying on the seabed before its discovery, the shipwreck has now been hailed as the most important maritime find since the Mary Rose was raised in 1982. Let’s take a moment to let that sink in ...

But the uncovering isn’t over yet – in fact, there’s a grand unveiling next year to look forward to if you’re interested in marvelling at the ship’s mysteries for yourself. ‘The Last Voyage of The Gloucester: Norfolk’s Royal Shipwreck, 1682’ officially opens on Saturday 25 February 2023 at the Norwich Castle Museum & Art Gallery, featuring research from UEA and the latest technological innovations.

3. Bike rides, board games and Bake Off in week of welcome  

It gets bigger every year, it gets better every year and it’s our favourite week of the year. Welcome Week returned with a bang in 2022, and it had something for just about everyone.

It all started in unusual circumstances, with the funeral for Queen Elizabeth II being broadcast live on campus following her death the previous week, and events kept to a minimum on Monday as a mark of respect.

But thereafter it was pretty much non-stop welcome events, with a return for the Welcome Tent and a heady combination of – deep breath – a games and VR night, cooking and budgeting tutorials led by students, workshops on embroidery and building terrariums, a Beryl Bike sunset ride around Norwich, speed friending sessions, massages, yoga and even watchalongs for Ru Paul’s Drag Race and the Great British Bake Off all put on to help welcome students to UEA.

It was all over in what felt like a flash, and it all seems so long ago now, but it was another varied and colourful introduction to university life for UEA’s new students!

uea creative writing ma alumni

Bear with me - some of our graduates picked up cuddly companions this summer

4. Climbing club students braved the shave  

After being diagnosed with acute Alopecia Areta, Nina Hatton-Perkins, UEA’s Climbing President and third-year Biology student, was determined to overcome her feelings of shock and sadness by organising a head shaving fundraiser with her club members.

What started as just two people shaving their heads in support of Alopecia UK quickly grew to become an inspiring show of solidarity, when a supportive sports club rallied behind their president for a great cause .

The fundraiser ended up raising an incredible £1,050 in donations for the charity, to help support finding a cause and treatment for alopecia. Well done to Nina and everyone else who got involved!

5. Being mindful of mindfulness to tackle eco-anxiety

After a year of ever-changing weather, from the extremes of the summer heatwave to the cold winter chill, the presence of climate change has remained at the heart of some students’ worries now more than ever.

We hoped to help alleviate some of these concerns with the launch of our innovative, one-of-a-kind ‘Mindfulness and Active Hope’ course in November, which aims to help students manage their eco-anxiety. Designed by Norfolk and Waveney Mind, and co-produced by UEA students, the course combines mindfulness and the model of ‘Active Hope’ to offer support to those feeling climate-related grief and anxieties.

As hope becomes something we do, rather than what we feel, the University will continue supporting students in the new year.

See Environmental Science courses at UEA:

Link to Environmental Sciences courses webpage

© Dave Gutridge (The Photographic Unit)

6. A REF-reshing success  

Not that we like to crow too much about rankings but allow us this one time...

A little bit about the Research Excellence Framework (or ‘REF’ for short) - every seven or eight years national research body Research England carries out a major assessment of the research quality in UK universities, with universities up and down the land collecting and submitting hundreds of research projects to be given a star rating (up to 4*).

REF2021 was pushed back a year, but the results were worth the wait for UEA when they arrived in May. Ninety-one per cent of our submissions were judged to be either 4* (‘world-leading’) or 3* (‘internationally excellent’), above the national average of 84 per cent, and we were in the top 20 of the Times Higher Education’s REF2021 overall rankings. Our world-leading research ranged from documentaries about forced marriage to the decline in orchards .

Special congratulations to those involved in submissions for Agriculture, Food and Veterinary Sciences and Development Studies, for which UEA came top of the pile. But a huge (and we really do mean huge) amount of work goes into the submissions across the board – we included nearly 2,000 outputs all-in-all – so it’s really a massive thank you and well done to everyone involved in the whole process. 

Ten people standing together smiling after shaving their heads for charity

L-R: David Whyman, Oliver Powell, Joe Magrath, Martin Salazar, Benehad Ruritan, Nina Hatton-Perkins (centre), Tristan Jouault and Rebecca Harris © UEA Climbing

Four students sitting around a table in discussion

Behind the scenes with students co-designing the eco-anxiety course © Norfolk and Waveney Mind

A graphic with the words 'Top 20 Times Higher Education Overall Ranking'

UEA made the top 20 of the Times Higher Education's overall rankings for the Research Excellence Framework 2021

A student holding the blue and yellow Flag of Ukraine in The Square at UEA

A student holding the Flag of Ukraine in The Square at UEA

7. Love for Ukraine   

It has been a distressing and traumatic year for so many reasons for all of those connected with the conflict in Ukraine.

In times of great difficulty though, there are often stories of hope – and the UEA community has come together in its attempts to support Ukraine, whether through members of staff homing Ukrainian refugees, fostering new relations across Europe by partnering with our new twin university Vasyl Stefanyk Precarpathian National University, or creating new scholarships through our status as a University of Sanctuary.

A woman holding the blue and yellow Flag of Ukraine around her shoulders

Anastasiia Petrenko, a University of Sanctuary scholar, holding the Flag of Ukraine

Additionally, we opened up our University of Sanctuary scholarship programme to those fleeing the conflict in Ukraine. Anastasiia Petrenko joined UEA as a University of Sanctuary scholar, having fled her home of Rubizhne in Eastern Ukraine earlier this year. She is studying for an MA in International Development, and has just finished the first semester thanks to the scholarship, helping her achieve her dream of studying for a degree in the UK, and meaning she has been able to end a traumatic year with hope.

Our support will continue long after this year has concluded, and we hope for peace and prosperity for everyone involved in the conflict in 2023.

8. Wonders from down under keep Norfolk moving 

When you’ve been travelling for 23 hours, the last thing you want is to be confronted with a massive tailback on the final stretch of your journey...

But that’s exactly what happened to Axel Blitzman, Lachlan Salvador and Ace Lin as they arrived in Norfolk, as part of the Work Integrated Learning Programme exchange programme between UEA’s Norwich Business School and Deakin University in Melbourne, and got stuck behind a broken-down Ford Fiesta on a single carriageway of the A11.

In this case however, if you’re from Melbourne then you muck-in and regardless of the effects of any jetlag the three guys might have been suffering from, they got out and pushed the stricken vehicle a mile down the road to an exit lane, enabling traffic to start moving again.

So thanks Axel, Lachlan and Ace for keeping the county’s road network moving. We can only hope your compatriots show that level of generosity on the cricket field during next year’s Ashes series...

9. A triad of alumni made The Guardian's 'top 10 debut novelists'  list

Back in January, three of our Creative Writing MA alumni were chosen for The Guardian’s list of the top 10 debut novelists for 2022 – now that’s a triple success to start the year off right.

Ayanna Lloyd Banwo graduated in 2019, Daniel Wiles graduated in 2020 and Jo Browning graduated in 2004, with all three selected for what is the ninth year of The Guardian’s list of new novelists to watch out for.

Many previous novelists picked out are now best-selling authors, including Douglas Stuart for his debut novel ‘Shuggie Bain’, Gail Honeyman for ‘Eleanor Oliphant is Absolutely Fine’, and Sally Rooney – whose first novel was ‘Conversations with Friends’.

Ayanna’s achievements were also highlighted in ‘20 in 2020’, our list of UEA graduates who made outstanding contributions in the year 2020 . 

Ayanna Lloyd Banwo, celebrated author and UEA graduate from 2020 © Penguin Books

Ayanna Lloyd Banwo, celebrated author and UEA graduate from 2020 © Penguin Books

Related courses at UEA:

Someone writing with pen on paper

Panel three of the collaborative 'A Climate Mural for our Times' artwork created by Gennadiy Ivanov, detailing the years 501-1400 © Gennadiy Ivanov

Five men standing in front of the climate change mural

L-R: Dr Michael Taylor, Prof Trevor Davies, Gennadiy Ivanov, Cllr Alan Waters and Prof Tim Osborn standing in front of the climate mural in Norwich City Hall

Students walking throughout The Street at UEA

Junkyard market was a festive treat on campus for students

Artwork of a woman in medical uniform sitting down with a coffee cup in her hand

A self-portrait by Lena Ibrahim

10. Happy birthday to CRU

1972: the year of the birth of ABBA, The Godfather and the Volkswagen Beetle.

And it was also back in 1972 that the Climatic Research Unit (CRU) was first established on UEA campus, with an initial remit to ‘establish the past record of climate over as much of the world as possible, as far back in time as was feasible’.

By 1978, the unit had achieved an historic feat for climate science, the production of a global dataset of temperature observations over land. This was followed by adding the marine sector in 1986, thereby producing the first-ever global temperature record. To this day, CRU scientists are continuing to create datasets used worldwide by research and governmental institutions to track climate change.

To mark the unit’s half-century milestone , CRU held a celebratory event at the Plantation Gardens in Norwich in July, and teamed up with local artist Gennadiy Ivanov to unveil a 10m x 1.5m artistic mural based in the Norwich City Council chamber , which documented the change in global temperature over the last 65 million years – and is absolutely as dramatic and visually striking as it sounds. 

11. Cornering the markets   

What is it they say about markets on UEA campus? Something about waiting all year for one and then two turning up at once?  

Ok, probably no-one's ever said that – but November was still a great month for students, staff and visitors alike looking to buy food, gifts, clothing and plenty more. That’s because Junkyard Market, Norwich’s premier outdoor street food venue, and The Market, a new opportunity for local businesses and crafters to bring their products to campus, opened within a few weeks of one another. 

Junkyard were here for their festive takeover outside the LCR, providing pizzas, burgers and a selection of sweet treats, while The Market will be back in the New Year for anyone with produce to sell – it's discounted if you’re UEA alumni and free if you’re a student! 

12. Capital gains: Our public lecture series returned to London

After more than two years, the Lasdun Lecture series came back to London. And, for the first time, we held a lecture in the historic Royal Institution (famous for being the home of the BBC Christmas lectures) with UEA alumni, supporters, staff, students and the general public well represented.

The event (a joint venture between Public Engagement and Events and CreativeUEA), held on Thursday 26 May, focused on the intersection of medicine and the humanities and was an evening of exploration for this emerging field of research. It also featured a very special expert panel, along with an engaged audience asking some excellent questions. 

It was attended by more than 150 people and engagement was possible via livestream. You can still watch the event back on the UEA Public Events YouTube channel and hear from Prof Christie Watson, Dr Harriet Cooper and Prof Sally Hardy. We were also delighted to feature the artwork of Lena Ibrahim , an artist and junior doctor at the Norfolk and Norwich hospital (pictured), in conjunction with the event. 

We are pleased to be returning to the Royal Institution for more Lasdun Lectures in 2023. Topics will include the Gloucester shipwreck and climate narrative. Look out for booking in January! We look forward to seeing you there. 

UEA Ziggurats buildings made from Lego

UEA's Ziggurats made from Lego © Mark Hodgson

Ziggurats made of Lego blocks

Another angle of Mark's Lego masterpiece © Mark Hodgson

13. Ziggurats hosted their own block party  

But not that kind of party this time...

These blocks were carefully and lovingly put together by talented graduate Mark Hodgson (CSA, 1980-1983). Mark managed to construct a number of UEA’s iconic structures out of Lego, including the Ziggurat student accommodation buildings, and shared the pictures of them with us. Suffice to say, we were most impressed.

We salute you and your passion project Mark. As the Lego Movie would have it, everything is indeed awesome.

Ziggurat buildings at UEA, green grass

Mark's inspiration: The real-life Ziggurats © Red Tail Media

Quite the cause for commemoration, we hope you’ll agree – and thank you to everyone who’s been involved in any of our projects this year, whether it appeared in this list or not.

Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year – here’s to another successful 12 months to celebrate in 2023.

Discover more about the University of East Anglia, our courses and research at UEA.ac.uk

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MA Creative Writing Prose Fiction

University of east anglia uea, different course options.

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Course Summary

Tuition fees, entry requirements, university information, similar courses at this uni, key information data source : idp connect, qualification type.

MA - Master of Arts

Subject areas

Narrative Prose Writing

Course type

Our course will transform you as a writer, giving you a surer sense of the technical and emotional complexes that underpin any act of writing.

You’ll study the craft of prose fiction with an internationally excellent cohort of other writers, and you’ll be taught by an outstanding and committed faculty – which includes Andrew Cowan, Naomi Wood and Tessa McWatt, to name a few – alongside internationally recognised visiting writers – recent examples include Tsitsi Dangarembga, Margaret Atwood, Ali Smith, Caryl Phillips and Preti Taneja.

We will challenge you to explore your notions about writing and being a writer, provoking you into play, experimentation and risk, with the intention of making you the best writer you can be.

After this intensive year, you’ll leave the course confident of technique and craft, as well as your own voice. It’s no wonder that our students’ success is unparalleled, with many of our graduates going on to publish their own work – with others moving into publishing, journalism or teaching.

The MA Prose Fiction at UEA is the oldest and most prestigious Creative Writing programme in the UK. Solely focused on the writing of fiction, we take a rigorous and creative approach to enable you to develop your ideas, voice, technique and craft.

You’ll experience an intensive immersion in the study of writing prose fiction. You will take core creative modules but can also choose from a wide range of critical modules, and benefit from our proven strengths in modernism and creative-critical studies, among others.

Graduates of our MA Creative Writing Prose Fiction have enjoyed extraordinary success in terms of publications and prizes. Our alumni include Nobel Laureate Sir Kazuo Ishiguro, Baileys Women’s Prize-winner Naomi Alderman, Emma Healey and Tash Aw. The continuing success of our graduates means we are fortunate in being able to attract the best writers from around the world – writers like you.

While you are at UEA, the focus will very much be on exploring your creative potential, in a highly supportive and well-resourced environment.

In 2011, UEA’s Creative Writing programme was awarded the Queen’s Anniversary Prize for Higher and Further Education in recognition of our continuing excellence in delivering innovative courses at a world-class level.

UK fees Course fees for UK students

For this course (per year)

International fees Course fees for EU and international students

Bachelors (Hons) degree - 2.1 or equivalent preferred in any subject. Candidates are required to submit a portfolio of writing for assessment of between 3000 and 5000 words with their application. This could be part of a novel in progress or a piece or pieces of short fiction.

The University of East Anglia (UEA) is a world-renowned university known for its high standard across both taught and research postgraduate courses. Based in Norwich, in the county of Norfolk, the university has an excellent international reputation for the high standard of its research output. UEA is home to over 17,000 students, of which around 25% are postgraduate students. UEA is part of one of the biggest research communities in Europe... more

MA Creative Writing (Non-Fiction)

Full time | 1 year | 23-SEP-24

MA Creative Writing Crime Fiction (Part Time)

Part time | 2 years | 23-SEP-24

MA Creative Writing (Non-Fiction) (Part time)

‘Writers have known for centuries that Norwich is a dreamy city.’ – Ian McEwan

Deeply rooted in a dreamy city.

When Norwich became England’s first UNESCO City of Literature in 2012, author and UEA alumnus Ian McEwan said: ‘Literature has deep roots in the beautiful city of Norwich and it was a natural first choice for UNESCO.’ And he was right.

Once home to Julian of Norwich, the first woman to be published in English, the City of Stories became the UK’s first City of Refuge for persecuted writers and is where the National Centre for Writing is based. It’s a humming hub of history, writing, and creativity – the perfect place to host UEA Live.

uea creative writing ma alumni

New Writing Live

New Writing Live is the little sibling festival of UEA Live and is run, programmed and promoted entirely by UEA students. They are the bridge between UEA’s current student writers and those that are breaking into the world of professional authorship. Every New Writing Live event welcomes one or more alumni of Creative Writing UEA to share their recently published work alongside fresh work by the next generation of UEA writers. All events are free, fun and open to everyone. New Writing Live offers the chance to meet poets, playwrights, novelists and storytellers at every stage of artistic development, and to share, question and grow together as artists. We are pleased to support New Writing Live alongside newwriting.net

uea creative writing ma alumni

New Writing

New Writing is a collaboration between UEA Publishing Project and the School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing, home of the world-renowned UEA Creative Writing MA. It showcases new writing from UEA students, faculty and alumni, in the fields of fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, work in translation and critical writing, along with commissioned work from national and international literature projects. It is part of the UEA Publishing Project umbrella with ongoing support from UEA and the British Centre for Literary Translation.

Find out more

uea creative writing ma alumni

Publishing Project

UEA Publishing Project presently operates through four main imprints; Strangers Press, which publishes short stories in translation, from internationally acclaimed and newcomers alike; Boiler House Press, a literary publisher of fiction, poetry, non-fiction, and everything in-between; Egg Box Publishing, which is run in partnership with students to promote their work and help them gain experience in the field of publishing; and, most recently, Full Circle Editions, a publisher of writers and artists of the region with a strong local and oral history component, as well as exquisitely produced new versions of old classics.

uea creative writing ma alumni

British Archive for Contemporary Writing (BACW)

The British Archive for Contemporary Writing (BACW) holds the private archive of the Nobel Laureate, Doris Lessing, as well as literary material from prize-winning authors including Malcolm Bradbury, JD Salinger, Roger Deakin, Lorna Sage, Nadine Gordimer, Lee Child, and W.G. Sebald.

The BACW collection also includes more than 450 audio and video recordings of the UEA Literary Festival (now UEA Live). The collections are available to students and scholars, and to interested members of the public, by prior arrangement.

uea creative writing ma alumni

Creative Writing at UEA

Home to the UK’s first creative writing MA, the University of East Anglia has been at the forefront of pioneering excellence in creative writing for the past 50 years. With more published writers than any other institution in the UK, our esteemed, prize-winning alumni have become some of the most distinguished voices of the contemporary era.

In 2020-2021 we celebrated the past, interrogate the present and sparked debates about the future as we marked five decades as a global leader in creative writing. UEA Live’s 2020-21 programme paid tribute to the course and its legacy, with a series of events featuring alumni and past and present visiting professors of the creative writing course.

uea creative writing ma alumni


Waterstones in Norwich is the largest bookshop in England’s UNESCO City of Literature, offering students and all book lovers an ever-changing range of books.

For 25 years Waterstones have been hosting UEA Live book signings, giving our audiences the chance to meet their favourite authors in person. Their passionate team are always on hand with recommendations and advice. Books can be purchased from online  here .

uea creative writing ma alumni

National Centre for Writing

The National Centre for Writing celebrates and explores the artistic and social power of creative writing and literary translation. Their on-going programme of innovative collaborations engages writers, literary translators and readers, in projects that support new voices and new stories. They’re based at the historic Dragon Hall in Norwich, where workshops and mentoring are regularly available for writers at all levels, both face-to-face and online. Projects range from major international partnerships to vibrant festivals and the City of Literature strand of the Norfolk & Norwich Festival.

uea creative writing ma alumni

Photography by: Hannah Hutchins

VisitNorwich: City of Stories

VisitNorwich are a team of local and industry experts working alongside VisitBritain and VisitEngland to reach international and national networks. They are committed to bringing projections, suggestions and actions together, driving prosperity for everyone in our fine city. With an exciting, successful rebrand in 2019 leading their creative direction, they aim to promote the uniqueness and creativity of the city, making a big impact in the City of Stories. A not-for-profit, they’re part of Norwich Business Improvement District, and partly funded by Norwich City Council along with their own paid Partnership scheme.

uea creative writing ma alumni

Head East is a new year-long campaign celebrating the rich diversity of arts, culture and heritage in and around Norfolk and Suffolk. If you are looking for a great day out or experience across the counties – there is an abundance of places, spaces and events to explore close to home, for a day, an overnight stay or longer. With something for everyone, you can search for the latest news and updates at HeadEast_UK on Instagram or here on the Visit East of England website.

uea creative writing ma alumni

Hannah Hutchins

Noirwich Crime Writing Festival

The Noirwich Crime Writing Festival is the region’s largest annual celebration of crime writing and one of the fastest-growing literary festivals in the UK. Many incredible crime writers have attended the festival in recent years, including Val McDermid, Attica Locke, Yrsa Sigurdardottir, Louise Doughty, James Runcie, Lee Child, Ian Rankin, Peter James, Anthony Horowitz, Nicci French, Paula Hawkins and Benjamin Black.

Noirwich is about the reading and the writing of crime fiction. The festival explores how the genre works and where it is going, thanks to the unique connection with the University of East Anglia’s creative writing department. Find out more at www.noirwich.co.uk

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uea creative writing ma alumni

New Writing


… is a collaboration between UEA Publishing Project and the School of Literature, Drama & Creative Writing , home of the world-renowned UEA Creative Writing MA. It showcases new writing from UEA (students, faculty and alumni) along with commissioned work from national and international literature projects.

It began as a research project into the potential of online editorial and writing collaboration, funded by  The Arts and Humanities Research Council  (Knowledge Catalyst scheme) and National Centre for Writing, with the support of UEA Faculty of Arts and Humanities  and the Malcolm Bradbury Memorial Trust .

It now sits under the UEA Publishing Project umbrella with ongoing support from UEA and the  British Centre for Literary Translation.  We will publish new fiction, poetry, creative non fiction, work in translation and critical writing all year round.

Press : For all general press enquiries, please contact publishing[at]uea.ac.uk.

uea creative writing ma alumni


Mushens Entertainment Award announced for UEA’s Creative Writing MA in Crime Fiction

By: Communications

Mushens Entertainment Award announced for UEA’s Creative Writing MA in Crime Fiction

Leading literary agency Mushens Entertainment has partnered with UEA to offer the Mushens Entertainment Award, worth £3,000, for a student on the Creative Writing MA in Crime Fiction. The winner will be chosen based on the first 10,000 words of a students’ crime novel-in-progress, at the halfway point of the two-year course.      

The MA, founded in 2015, has established itself as the most successful such academic genre novel writing course in the world. Bestselling, award-winning graduates include Harriet Tyce, Emma Styles, Trevor Wood, Femi Kayode.  

Course Director, Prof Henry Sutton, said:  

‘ We’re thrilled to have a new partnership with leading literary agency Mushens Entertainment. This highly significant industry endorsement of the course will greatly enable more talented students to achieve the success they deserve.  

“We look forward to working with Juliet Mushens and her team, and to help shape the future of crime fiction.”  

The two-year, part time, low-residential course prides itself on accessibility, inclusivity and convention challenging approaches to creative writing and crime fiction .      

Juliet Mushens of Mushens Entertainment , said:  

“ The quality of UEA’s crime writing cohort is impressive: we’re delighted to be working with them to help support the next generation of talent. ”  

The Mushens Entertainment Award joins the MA’s other prize, the UEA Little, Brown Prize, awarded to the best full length crime novel by a graduating student.  

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He was born and lives in Belfast and has written a number of acclaimed novels including Burning Your Own, Fat Lad, Black Night at Thunder Mountain, The International, Number 5, That Which Was, The Mill for Grinding Old People Young, The Rest Just Follows and Gull. Iman, 1st year Marketing. Stop the insanity ! Uea creative writing anthology . Founded by Malcolm Bradbury and Angus Wilson in 1970, the course was the first of its kind in the UK. She is the author of four novels, The Hiding Place, which was short-listed for the Booker Prize and won the Geoffrey Faber Memorial Prize, Remember Me, shortlisted for the Arts Council Wales Book of the Year, Winterton Blue, which was published in. Damascus are in short story too explicit in both. English teaching of creative writing in the UK began writing UEA nearly fifty years ago, and we are still widely seen as the home of creative writing in this country. Fraser institute of the first degree in literature, classroom jobs available here. Get Instant Quality Info!. Write an essay. In Creative-Critical Writing, you will read and uea with ways of writing criticism, such as the essay, auto-commentary, conceptual writing, criticism as performance, inventive theoretical writing, alumni diaristic writing, which respond inventively to the literature they analyse by registering, in their own language, form, method and thinking. Trezza Azzopardi is a Lecturer in Creative Writing and a graduate of the UEA Creative Writing MA. Goldsmiths creative writing alumni - Trial Laboratory Work - Because We are Leaders. Four UEA alumni have recently received Northern Writers’ Awards.

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At the schlegels and creative writing. Catch Shey on tour over the following dates in the new year: – Norwich Arts Centre – 16th January 2019 – The Seagull Lowestoft – 24th January 2019 – Colchester Arts Centre – 13th February 2019. Ma at the ma crime fiction, 'the writing competition and writers. What they teach you will help you improve your grades. Kom dan naar onze koffiebranderij en ontdek jouw eigen, persoonlijke smaak. Uea Creative Writing Ma Alumni comments or requests to change this or that part of the document, our staff will instantly correct what is written, bringing Uea Creative Writing Ma Alumni the text in perfect form. Hi lizfairy!Great to hear of your interest in UEA and our MA Creative Writing course. The MA Prose Fiction uea creative writing ma application at UEA is the oldest and most creative writing developing characters prestigious Creative Writing programme in the UK. Course platform on ma at reading list free course content. Online writing service includes the research material as well, but these services are for assistance purposes only. , what is an analysis of an essay, primary homework help hindu gods, meaning of case study pdf.

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  1. Our Alumni

    You can learn more about our alumni's writing achievements at UEA Writers and watch the video below to ... The Doll Factory author on how the Creative Writing MA helped to shape her first novel. ... University of East Anglia, Norwich Research Park, Norwich, Norfolk, NR4 7TJ, UK | +44 (0) 1603 456161 . Go to our Facebook page Go to our Twitter ...

  2. UEA Creative Writing Course

    The University of East Anglia's Creative Writing Course was founded by Sir Malcolm Bradbury and Sir Angus Wilson in 1970. The M.A. has been regarded among the most prestigious in the United Kingdom. The course is split into four strands: Prose, Creative Non-Fiction, Poetry and Scriptwriting (which is Skillset accredited). All four result in an M.A. qualification upon successful completion of ...

  3. 50 years of creative writing at UEA

    2. CREATIVE WRITING AT UEA H. ome to the UK's first Creative Writing MA, the University of East Anglia has been at the forefront of pioneering excellence in creative writing for the past 50 ...

  4. UEA Creative Writing alumni achievements July-December 2022

    A festive round-up of UEA Creative Writing alumni achievements in the second half of 2022 . DEBUTS. Iona May (MA 2018) published her debut collection of poetry.. Eluned Gramich (MA 2012), Colleen Hubbard (MA 2015), Bikram Sharma (MA 2015), Rashmee Roshan Lall (MA 2016: PhD 2021), Taymour Soomro (MA 2016; PhD 2021), Neon Yang (MA 2016), Karen Angelico (MA 2019), Sussie Anie (MA 2019), Emma ...

  5. UEA Creative Writing alumni achievements January

    A round-up of UEA Creative Writing alumni achievements in the six months from 1 January 2022: DEBUTS. Sarah Barnsley (BA 1997) published a debut poetry collection.Cai Draper (MA 2018), Eve Esfandiari-Denney (current MA) and Imogen McHugh (current MA) published debut poetry pamphlets.. Ferne Arfin (MA 1995), Jonathan Page (MA 1995), J.M. (Jacqui) Burgoyne (BA 2006), Jo Browning Wroe (MA 2003 ...

  6. How I spent the pandemic: MA in Crime Fiction Writing at University of

    UEA's MA in Crime Fiction was the right decision for me. The required fiction reading, literary criticism reading, and analytic writing were excellent. The creative writing module was excellent. Faculty (tutors in British-speak) were excellent and possessed deep and broad knowledge of crime fiction. Classmates were talented and hard working ...

  7. Home [ueawriters.uea.ac.uk]

    Welcome to UEA Writers, our searchable database celebrating the achievements of our creative writing alumni and the array of former faculty staff, visiting professors, teaching fellows and tutors who have taught on our programmes. ... The University of East Anglia pioneered the teaching of creative writing in the United Kingdom and in 2020 we ...

  8. Creative Writing Prose Fiction, M.A.

    Overview. The Creative Writing Prose Fiction MA course from the University of East Anglia graduates have enjoyed unparalleled success in terms of publications and prizes. Our alumni include: Nobel Laureate Kazuo Ishiguro, Bailey's Prize-winner Naomi Alderman, Emma Healey and Tash Aw. Our continuing success means we are fortunate in being able to attract the best writers from around the world.

  9. UEA's year in stories 2022

    Back in January, three of our Creative Writing MA alumni were chosen for The Guardian's list of the top 10 debut novelists for 2022 - now that's a triple success to start the year off right. Ayanna Lloyd Banwo graduated in 2019, Daniel Wiles graduated in 2020 and Jo Browning graduated in 2004, with all three selected for what is the ninth ...

  10. MA Creative Writing Prose Fiction at University of East Anglia UEA

    Graduates of our MA Creative Writing Prose Fiction have enjoyed extraordinary success in terms of publications and prizes. Our alumni include Nobel Laureate Sir Kazuo Ishiguro, Baileys Women's Prize-winner Naomi Alderman, Emma Healey and Tash Aw. ... The University of East Anglia (UEA) is a world-renowned university known for its high ...

  11. UEA writers to create new digital works as part of 50th anniversary

    The University of East Anglia's Master of Arts in creative writing is the oldest in the country and the academic home to prize-winning alumni including Sir Kazuo Ishiguro, Ian McEwan and Emma ...

  12. Community

    New Writing is a collaboration between UEA Publishing Project and the School of Literature, Drama and Creative Writing, home of the world-renowned UEA Creative Writing MA. It showcases new writing from UEA students, faculty and alumni, in the fields of fiction, poetry, creative non-fiction, work in translation and critical writing, along with ...

  13. Creative Writing at UEA

    Creative Writing at UEA. The UK's first MA in Creative Writing was established at the University of East Anglia by the novelists Malcolm Bradbury and Angus Wilson in 1970. The UK's first PhD in Creative and Critical Writing followed in 1987. Creative Writing at undergraduate level has been taught informally since the 1960s and formally ...

  14. #NewWriting

    … is a collaboration between UEA Publishing Project and the School of Literature, Drama & Creative Writing, home of the world-renowned UEA Creative Writing MA.It showcases new writing from UEA (students, faculty and alumni) along with commissioned work from national and international literature projects.

  15. Mushens Entertainment Award announced for UEA's Creative Writing MA in

    Leading literary agency Mushens Entertainment has partnered with UEA to offer the Mushens Entertainment Award, worth £3,000, for a student on the Creative Writing MA in Crime Fiction. The winner will be chosen based on the first 10,000 words of a students' crime novel-in-progress, at the halfway point of the two-year course. The MA, founded ...

  16. Uea ma creative writing alumni

    Uea creative writing ma alumni Set up informal reading is the use the narrative environments. UEA also maintain close links with their creative writing alumni, who regularly visit UEA to give lectures, seminars and masterclasses. Help with an essay is no longer a problem, it is only necessary to entrust the work to real professionals from the text.

  17. Uea Creative Writing Ma Alumni

    477. Customer Reviews. 100% Success rate. Level: College, University, High School, Master's, PHD, Undergraduate. The experts well detail out the effect relationship between the two given subjects and underline the importance of such a relationship in your writing. Our cheap essay writer service is a lot helpful in making such a write-up a ...

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