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What Is The Difference Between Proposal And Presentation?

Manuela Brown

16. February 2023

the difference between proposal and presentation

Proposals and presentations are both important tools for communicating information and ideas in the field of planning and activities. However, there are distinct differences between proposals and presentations, and understanding these differences is crucial for effective communication and achieving desired outcomes. A proposal is a written document that outlines a plan of action and is intended to persuade a decision-maker to support a particular course of action, while a presentation is a verbal or visual communication that aims to inform and persuade an audience.

Proposals are often used in business and government settings to secure funding, resources, or support for a specific project, program, or initiative. They are typically formal documents that provide a detailed overview of the problem or need, the proposed solution, and the benefits and costs associated with the solution. Proposals are usually written in a persuasive tone and are designed to convince the reader that the proposed solution is the best course of action.

Presentations, on the other hand, are used to communicate information and ideas to a wider audience, often with the goal of informing or persuading the audience. Presentations can be delivered in a variety of formats, including in-person, via video conferencing, or through multimedia platforms such as slideshows or videos. They are typically less formal than proposals and are designed to engage the audience through the use of visuals, stories, and interactive elements.

In the field of planning and activities, proposals and presentations are often used in conjunction with one another. For example, a proposal may be used to secure funding for a project, and a presentation may be used to present the results of the project to stakeholders. Understanding the differences between proposals and presentations can help individuals and organizations to choose the right tool for their needs and to communicate information and ideas effectively.

Table of Contents

What Is Proposal?

A proposal is a written document that outlines a plan of action and is intended to persuade a decision-maker to support a particular course of action. In the field of planning and activities, proposals are often used to secure funding, resources, or support for a specific project, program, or initiative. They provide a detailed overview of the problem or need, the proposed solution, and the benefits and costs associated with the solution.

Proposals are typically written in a persuasive tone and are designed to convince the reader that the proposed solution is the best course of action. They often include an executive summary, a background section that provides context for the problem or need, a detailed description of the proposed solution, an analysis of the benefits and costs associated with the solution, and a conclusion that summarizes the key points of the proposal.

In addition to providing a written representation of the proposed solution, proposals also serve as a contract between the proposal writer and the decision-maker. The proposal outlines the expectations for the project, program, or initiative and provides a clear understanding of the responsibilities and expectations for both parties. This can help to minimize the risk of misunderstandings and ensure that all stakeholders are working toward the same goals.

Proposals are also a useful tool for tracking progress and evaluating the success of a project, program, or initiative. They provide a clear and concise representation of the plan of action, and they can be used to track progress and make changes as needed. By using a proposal, individuals and organizations can ensure that their efforts are focused in the right direction and that they are making progress toward their goals.

Finally, proposals are also a great tool for improving communication and collaboration. They provide a clear and concise representation of the plan of action, and they can be shared and modified as needed. By using a proposal, individuals and organizations can engage stakeholders, gather feedback, and make changes in real-time, which can help to improve the quality of their planning and activities.

What Is Presentation?

A presentation is a verbal or visual communication that aims to inform and persuade an audience. In the field of planning and activities, presentations are used to communicate information and ideas to a wider audience, often with the goal of informing or persuading the audience. They can be delivered in a variety of formats, including in-person, via video conferencing, or through multimedia platforms such as slideshows or videos.

Presentations are typically less formal than proposals and are designed to engage the audience through the use of visuals, stories, and interactive elements. They are often used to communicate complex ideas in a simple and understandable manner and to build support for a particular course of action. Presentations can also be used to educate stakeholders about the results of a project, program, or initiative and to provide an overview of the progress that has been made.

In addition, presentations are a great tool for improving communication and collaboration. They allow individuals and organizations to share information and ideas in real-time, and they can be adapted and modified as needed to meet the needs of the audience. By using presentations, individuals and organizations can engage stakeholders, gather feedback, and make changes in real-time, which can help to improve the quality of their planning and activities.

Presentations can also be used to build relationships and establish credibility. They provide a platform for individuals and organizations to showcase their expertise, knowledge, and experience, and they can be used to build trust and credibility with stakeholders. By using presentations, individuals and organizations can demonstrate their commitment to their work and their dedication to achieving their goals.

Finally, presentations are also a useful tool for tracking progress and evaluating the success of a project, program, or initiative. They provide a clear and concise representation of the information and ideas that have been communicated, and they can be used to track progress and make changes as needed. By using presentations, individuals and organizations can ensure that their efforts are focused in the right direction and that they are making progress toward their goals.

What Are The Similarities Between Proposal And Presentation?

Proposals and presentations are both important tools for communicating information and ideas in the field of planning and activities, and they have several key elements in common. Both proposals and presentations are used to inform and persuade stakeholders and to build support for a particular course of action.

One key element that proposals and presentations have in common is the use of clear and concise language. Both proposals and presentations should be written or delivered in a manner that is easy to understand and that clearly communicates the key points and ideas. This helps to ensure that the information and ideas are understood by the intended audience and that they are able to make informed decisions.

Another key element that proposals and presentations have in common is the use of visuals. Whether it’s through the use of slides, images, or videos, both proposals and presentations should use visuals to help communicate information and ideas. This helps to engage the audience, clarify complex ideas, and provide a visual representation of the information being presented.

In addition, both proposals and presentations should be well-structured and organized. They should have a clear and logical flow, and they should be easy to follow and understand. This helps to ensure that the information and ideas are communicated effectively and that the audience is able to understand the key points and ideas.

Finally, both proposals and presentations should be tailored to the needs of the audience. Whether it’s a decision-maker, a wider audience, or a specific group of stakeholders, both proposals and presentations should be customized to meet the needs and expectations of the audience. This helps to ensure that the information and ideas are communicated effectively and that the audience is able to make informed decisions.

In summary, proposals and presentations have several key elements in common, including the use of clear and concise language, the use of visuals, a well-structured and organized format, and a focus on the needs of the audience. Understanding these common elements can help individuals and organizations to choose the right tool for their needs and to communicate information and ideas effectively.

What Are The Differences Between Proposal And Presentation?

While proposals and presentations have several elements in common, there are also several key differences between the two. The most significant difference between proposals and presentations is the format in which they are presented. Proposals are written documents that outline a plan of action and are intended to persuade a decision-maker to support a particular course of action, while presentations are verbal or visual communications that aim to inform and persuade an audience.

Another difference between proposals and presentations is the level of detail and formality. Proposals are typically more detailed and formal than presentations and provide a comprehensive overview of the problem or need, the proposed solution, and the benefits and costs associated with the solution. Presentations, on the other hand, are usually less formal and provide a high-level overview of the information and ideas being presented.

The purpose of proposals and presentations also differs. Proposals are typically used in business and government settings to secure funding, resources, or support for a specific project, program, or initiative, while presentations are used to communicate information and ideas to a wider audience, often with the goal of informing or persuading the audience.

The audience for proposals and presentations also differs. Proposals are typically directed toward decision-makers, such as executives, managers, or government officials, while presentations are intended for a wider audience, such as stakeholders, employees, or customers.

Finally, the tone and style of proposals and presentations also differs. Proposals are written in a persuasive tone and are designed to convince the reader that the proposed solution is the best course of action, while presentations are designed to engage the audience and build support for a particular course of action.

In conclusion, proposals and presentations are both important tools for communicating information and ideas in the field of planning and activities, but they have several key differences, including format, level of detail and formality, purpose, audience, and tone and style. Understanding these differences can help individuals and organizations to choose the right tool for their needs and to communicate information and ideas effectively.

Conclusion: Proposal Vs. Presentation

In conclusion, proposals and presentations are both important tools for communicating information and ideas in the field of planning and activities. Proposals are written documents that outline a plan of action and are intended to persuade a decision-maker to support a particular course of action, while presentations are verbal or visual communications that aim to inform and persuade an audience.

Despite having several key elements in common, such as the use of clear and concise language, the use of visuals, and a focus on the needs of the audience, proposals and presentations also have several key differences, including format, level of detail and formality, purpose, audience, and tone and style.

It’s important for individuals and organizations to understand the differences between proposals and presentations in order to choose the right tool for their needs and to communicate information and ideas effectively. Whether you are seeking funding, resources, or support, or you are communicating information and ideas to a wider audience, understanding the differences between proposals and presentations can help you to achieve your goals and to improve the quality of your planning and activities.

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The Difference between a Proposal and a Presentation

(This article originally appeared on Deb Calvert’s blog )

In selling, these two words are often used interchangeably as if they have the same meaning. They don’t. This is more than a matter of semantics. Many sellers truly don’t understand the difference between a proposal and a presentation. Not knowing can leads to a lot of wasted time and wasted opportunities.

Maybe it will help to consider the dictionary definition of both words. They do have distinct meanings, and the words themselves set up a certain expectation for the buyer. Expecting a proposal and then getting a presentation often leaves buyers feeling disappointed.

A presentation is “an introduction, exhibition, display, demonstration or performance.” The word suggests that something will be shown or made known.

By contrast, a proposal is “a suggestion, recommendation or plan.” The word implies a certain level of personalization – after all, it is the word we use when an offer of marriage is made.

Sellers seem to get confused when they have a lot of materials and pitch elements available to them – collateral materials, sell sheets, pre-fabricated slideshows, product demos and samples, videotaped customer testimonials, etc. All this stuff, usually quite professional and eye-appealing, lacks the substance needed to be a proposal. Pre-made materials, produced by the marketing department, will always be the stuff of presentations, not proposals.

Of course, there is a right time, right place and right way to use presentation materials. But they don’t belong in proposals. I’ve worked with many sales professionals who have never drafted a proposal. But they think they are delivering proposals every time they take out marketing materials and a price quote. A presentation plus a price quote still does not equal a proposal.

First things first. The right time, place and way to make a presentation is when you are introducing, exhibiting, displaying, demonstrating or performing. All these actions require you to talk about and provide information related to the product or service you sell. That’s what they are for, and that’s all that they do.

Presentations ought to be made when you are speaking to group of people or are required to talk to many people briefly and as quickly as possible. Trade show and exhibition sellers, telemarketers and guest speakers at meetings make presentations. They do “show and tell” to describe what’s interesting about what they are selling.

A presentation is used to generate buyer awareness and interest. It might even trigger some buyer desire. But presentations seldom cause a buyer to take the final step in their process which is action. The act of buying isn’t the natural or typical response to a presentation.

That’s why sellers need to do more than make presentations. They need to make proposals. When a buyer sees or hears a specific suggestion, recommendation or plan, they will have more to consider and will be more likely to take action. The more specific the suggestion, recommendation or plan is, the better. Better yet is when that specific suggestion, recommendation or plan is linked directly to the needs or problems that this buyer is experiencing right now.

You can think of this as the difference between what the sales department does and what the marketing department does. Marketing provide product information to the masses. They have a generic message that is meant to appeal to a lot of people. But they aren’t closing sales. That’s why a sales team is needed, too. It’s the job of sellers to build on the buzz created by marketing and see the sale all the way through to the close. Marketing, through its presentation materials (distributed in various media and formats), can connect with the buyer early in the buyer’s process to generate awareness and stimulate interest, perhaps even desire.

Sellers can’t over-rely on the very same materials to advance the sale to a close. Those materials are not intended to build desire or prompt action. That’s because doing something for the masses is inherently limited. People buy when something is personalized for them. They need to have a suggestion, a recommendation or a plan that includes them.

Here’s an example we can all relate to. Marketing presentations like television commercials and online tools and magazine articles cause us to become aware of and perhaps even interested in new car models. You may become highly interested in a car you see at an auto show, and your desire may build up as you research the car and learn more about it. That’s why you stop by the dealership one Saturday.

What happens next is up to the sale team. If they hand you a brochure (produced by marketing) and start listing all the features you already know as if they are demonstrating or exhibiting the product, it’s unlikely that your desire will build. On the other hand, if a seller learns a little bit about your needs and makes some suggestions for the features you would like to have, your desire will build. You might even take the action of buying if the sales proposal (i.e. payment plan, recommendation of how to get behind the wheel and take ownership, etc.) is compelling enough.

Proposals pick up where presentations leave off, and when a seller stops short of personalizing and putting together a plan that seller often misses the opportunity to close a sale.

So remember, proposals are about the customer but presentations are all about your product. Make proposals in order to make more sales.


Common Sense In Selling: Difference Between Proposal and Presentation

In selling, these two words are often used interchangeably as if they have the same meaning. They don’t. This is more than a matter of semantics. Many sellers truly don’t understand the difference between a proposal and a presentation. Not knowing can lead to a lot of wasted time and squandered opportunities.

Maybe it will help to consider the dictionary definition of both words. They do have distinct meanings, and the words themselves set up a certain expectation for the buyer. Expecting a proposal and then getting a presentation often leaves buyers feeling disappointed.

A presentation is “an introduction, exhibition, display, demonstration or performance.” The word suggests that something will be shown or made known.

By contrast, a proposal is “a suggestion, recommendation or plan.” The word implies a certain level of personalization – after all, it is the word we use when an offer of marriage is made.

Sellers seem to get confused when they have a wealth of presentation components and pitch elements available to them – collateral materials, sell sheets, pre-fabricated slideshows, product demos and samples, videotaped customer testimonials, etc. All this stuff, usually quite professional and eye-appealing, lacks the substance needed to stand alone as a proposal. Pre-made materials, produced by the marketing department, will always be the stuff of presentations, not proposals.

Of course, there is a right time, right place and right way to use presentation materials. But they don’t belong in proposals. I’ve worked with many sales professionals who have never drafted a proposal. But they think they are delivering proposals every time they take out marketing materials and a price quote. A presentation plus a price quote still does not equal a proposal.

First things first. The right time, place and way to make a presentation is when you are introducing, exhibiting, displaying, demonstrating or performing. All these actions require you to talk about and provide information related to the product or service you sell. That’s what they are for, and that’s all they do.

Presentations ought to be made when you are speaking to group of people or are required to talk to many people briefly and as quickly as possible. Trade show and exhibition sellers, telemarketers and guest speakers at meetings make presentations. They do “show and tell” to describe what’s interesting about what they are selling.

A presentation is used to generate buyer awareness and interest. It might even trigger some buyer desire. But presentations seldom cause a buyer to take the final step in their process which is action. The act of buying isn’t the natural or typical response to a presentation.

That’s why sellers need to do more than make presentations. They need to make proposals. When a buyer sees or hears a specific suggestion, recommendation or plan, they will have more to consider and will be more likely to take action. The more specific the suggestion, recommendation or plan is, the better. Better yet is when that specific suggestion, recommendation or plan is linked directly to the needs or problems that this buyer is experiencing right now.

You can think of this as the difference between what the sales department does and what the marketing department does. Marketing provide product information to the masses. They have a generic message that is intended to appeal to a lot of people. But they aren’t closing sales. That’s why a sales team is needed, too. It’s the job of sellers to build on the buzz created by marketing and see the sale all the way through to the close. Marketing, through its presentation materials (distributed in various media and formats), can connect with the buyer early in the buyer’s process to generate awareness and stimulate interest, perhaps even desire.

Sellers can’t over-rely on the very same materials to advance the sale to a close. Those materials are not designed to build desire or prompt action. That’s because doing something for the masses is inherently limited. People buy when something is personalized for them. They need to have a suggestion, a recommendation or a plan that includes them.

Here’s an example we can all relate to. Marketing presentations like television commercials and online tools and magazine articles cause us to become aware of and perhaps even interested in new car models. You may become highly interested in a car you see at an auto show, and your desire may build up as you research the car and learn more about it. That’s why you stop by the dealership one Saturday.

What happens next is up to the sales team. If they hand you a brochure (produced by marketing) and start listing all the features you already know as if they are demonstrating or exhibiting the product, it’s unlikely that your desire will build. On the other hand, if a seller learns a little bit about your needs and makes some suggestions for the features you would like to have, your desire will grow. You might even take the action of buying if the sales proposal (i.e. payment plan, recommendation of how to get behind the wheel and take ownership, etc.) is compelling enough.

Proposals pick up where presentations leave off. When a seller stops short of personalizing and putting together a plan that seller often misses the opportunity to close a sale.

So remember, proposals are about the customer but presentations are all about your product. Make proposals in order to make more sales.

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A beginner's guide to presenting a proposal, pitch, or quote

Sales team meeting

Presenting a proposal in the business world can be as tough to do as it is important, whether it’s a business proposal, sales pitch, or a client quote. These proposals often involve face-to-face interactions with potential clients, or at minimum a video or phone call. That means it’s important to put your best face forward – quite literally.

Striking the right tone in your proposal can be tricky because you’ll often need to strike a careful balance between confidence, approachability, and honesty that persuades your audience while also putting them at ease. That’s no short order.

For many, there’s nothing more stressful than the thought of public speaking or presenting. If you want to get your proposal right, having a guide to help you along the way is invaluable. That’s why we put together a step-by-step guide to giving a proposal , from prep to presentation to follow-up.

A step-by-step guide to presenting a proposal

Most proposals, whether given in-person or virtually, can be broken down into three main stages: preparation , presentation , and follow-up . Let’s tackle each stage in turn:

Stage 1: Preparation

Preparation is vital. Having the right data to hand before you start writing is essential if you want to present a clear and compelling presentation.

Research your audience

As always, start with research . You need to understand who you’re talking to and leverage what you know about your audience from previous conversations. After all, if you’re presenting this shouldn’t be your first contact with them. You should be very familiar with their problems and challenges and ready to speak about how you can provide a solution or address them.

Do you already have an ideal customer profile you can reference? What about detailed notes from your previous discussions? You can also look to your marketing department for inspiration when it comes to the best, succinct ways to talk about your business.

Craft a clear agenda

Even if you’re only reviewing a simple client quote , setting an agenda is an important step. It can help you manage your time and give your audience clear expectations on what to expect from your meeting. They’ll typically be less likely to jump ahead asking unrelated questions if they know upfront you’re covering that topic later on. This is why you should also aim to send out your meeting agenda before your actual meeting.

A simple sample template might go something like this:

  • Overall summary of the meeting (main goal, introductions, etc.)
  • A brief review of background info (i.e., a short recap of previous convos or how the inspiration for the project)
  • Specifics such as budget and timeline
  • Next steps (i.e., clearly lay out what you’ll be doing and what the client/audience needs to do)
  • Open time for questions

This will vary depending on your presentation, but it’s a good jumping-off point if you aren’t sure where to start.

Select an appropriate presentation format

Once you’ve researched and laid out what you’ll need to cover, it’s time to choose the best way to present that information . Many people will rely on a slide show, deck, or PowerPoint because it’s a great, straightforward way to walk an audience through your talking points.

You should also choose a clear, attractive template for your slides that fits within your brand guidelines. Consider supplemental materials such as photos and videos, but be thoughtful about whether their inclusion will enhance your presentation or distract from it.

Looking for a digital way to present your case to clients or audiences you can’t meet with in person? What about a way for them to take the presentation with them afterward? In these cases, a custom microsite could be a great choice.

Put together your presentation

Piecing your presentation together is the final step of your preparation phase. When plugging in your information, remember that a deck is a visual medium, so keep the copy light and the images engaging . Use charts and graphs where appropriate and spend time making sure they’re easy to read and comprehend.

You should also keep the copy short, snappy, and in a font size that’s easy to read on screen. Don’t cram it full of copy just because you can. This is your opportunity to highlight your main points and drill home your most important stats. The final product should be polished, professional, and beautiful.

Stage 2: Presentation

Armed with your research, your PowerPoint, and your agenda, you’re finally ready to present!

Open by naming a challenge

Because you’ll have already researched your audience, you can open your presentation by naming the challenge that speaks to your prospect’s needs . This shows them not only that you’re interested in their problems, but that you understand them. It also gives your audience a hook that can grab their attention.

This step aims to set up an important pivot in order to progress to the next step: selling a solution.

Sell a solution, not a product

Next, pivot from naming a challenge to talking about the solution – namely: you, your product or service, or your proposal. By choosing to frame what you have to offer as a solution to a problem , you give your audience more reason to care about what you have to say and a stronger reason to buy in.

This is also the stage during which you should be carefully laying out the benefits. If you were to list the benefits without this context, your offering would be less likely to hit home with your audience. People are inherently selfish when they’re being sold to , whether it’s an idea or a product. They want to know how what’s being offered can help them , not just why it’s great.

Lay out the next steps

After you’ve made your case, walk your audience through what comes next. Is there a decision-making process they need to follow? A timeline for implementing your proposal? A shipping date to expect? Whatever it is, now is the time to make sure they understand what’s next. You should also lay out a roadmap outlining when you’ll next contact them to follow up.

Stage 3: Follow up

The presentation doesn’t end just because you’ve reached the end of the slides – the follow up is crucial to sealing the deal.

Follow up promptly

Following up is important, but doing so promptly is even more important. You want to give your presentation time to marinate with your audience, but not enough time for them to forget about it or lose interest. Aim to follow up with your audience immediately afterward if it’s a sales pitch, within 24 hours for a client quote , and 3–5 days later for a business proposal.

At the end of your presentation, suggest a specific date and/or time to follow up. The more specific you can be, the better.

Reflect on the presentation proposal process

Now that the hard work is done, take some time to reflect on how your presentation went so you can take notes for next time. Think about strategies that seemed to work well, as well as parts that may have not gone as hoped. Taking time to reflect will help give you a plan of improvement for your next presentation.

Present via a compelling digital experience with custom microsites from Zoomforth

Zoomforth makes it even easier to share your most compelling info with audiences with powerful microsites. The full media library makes it simple to include whatever assets you need, and everything is fully mobile compatible so you know it’ll look great however your audience is viewing it.

Want to find out if a microsite is a right fit for your campaign? Try a free demo of Zoomforth today !

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What It Takes to Give a Great Presentation

  • Carmine Gallo

the difference between proposal and presentation

Five tips to set yourself apart.

Never underestimate the power of great communication. It can help you land the job of your dreams, attract investors to back your idea, or elevate your stature within your organization. But while there are plenty of good speakers in the world, you can set yourself apart out by being the person who can deliver something great over and over. Here are a few tips for business professionals who want to move from being good speakers to great ones: be concise (the fewer words, the better); never use bullet points (photos and images paired together are more memorable); don’t underestimate the power of your voice (raise and lower it for emphasis); give your audience something extra (unexpected moments will grab their attention); rehearse (the best speakers are the best because they practice — a lot).

I was sitting across the table from a Silicon Valley CEO who had pioneered a technology that touches many of our lives — the flash memory that stores data on smartphones, digital cameras, and computers. He was a frequent guest on CNBC and had been delivering business presentations for at least 20 years before we met. And yet, the CEO wanted to sharpen his public speaking skills.

the difference between proposal and presentation

  • Carmine Gallo is a Harvard University instructor, keynote speaker, and author of 10 books translated into 40 languages. Gallo is the author of The Bezos Blueprint: Communication Secrets of the World’s Greatest Salesman  (St. Martin’s Press).

Partner Center

8 Best Tips for Business Proposal Presentations [+Examples]

John Hall

Updated: May 24, 2022

Published: February 16, 2022

Business proposal presentations are the culmination of a long sales process between you and your clients. If you don’t structure it correctly or take the time to craft one with care, you risk losing the client’s buy-in for your solution. So getting it right is essential.

consultant creating a business proposal presentation

In this article, we’ll look at several ways to improve your business proposal presentation (and pitch) and increase the odds that you’ll walk away with a new customer.

→ Download Now: Free Business Proposal Template

Business Proposal Presentation

A business proposal presentation is a document that outlines a business solution for a customer after a lengthy consultation process. It is presented to the customer in either PDF or PowerPoint format, and can be paired with a contract for immediate signing.

Other formats that may be accepted include Google Docs or Google Slides, but PowerPoint is the industry standard. The presentation is then delivered in person or through a video conferencing tool such as Zoom.

Rarely, if ever, is a business proposal presentation sent to the customer for asynchronous perusal. Rather, it’s presented live in a customer meeting . That will give you the opportunity to sell them even more on the solutions you offer and persuade them to make a decision within a reasonable time frame.

the difference between proposal and presentation

Free Business Proposal Template

Propose your business as the ideal solution using our Free Business Proposal Templates

  • Problem summary
  • Proposed solution
  • Pricing information
  • Project timeline

You're all set!

Click this link to access this resource at any time.

If you let the customer review the presentation on their own, it’s likely that they’ll lengthen the sales process and even put off making a decision.

When crafting your proposal presentation, there are a few quick best practices to keep in mind.

  • Personalize the presentation . While it’s totally fine to reuse a PowerPoint presentation template , you don’t want to accidentally include another business’ name on the deck. So be sure to go through every slide and personalize it for the customer’s goals and pain points.
  • Send a pre-meeting email with an agenda. To prepare your customer for the presentation, it’d be wise to send a pre-meeting email with a quick, scannable sales agenda detailing how the meeting will go. That way, you can set the right expectations and keep you both on track.
  • Plan your in-person customer visit. If you’re meeting the customer in person, there will be a few more elements at play, such as an office tour and even a colleague introduction. That can quickly lead to lost time, so use this guide to plan a customer visit that stays on track and helps you effectively sell your solution.
  • Pay attention to the design of the deck . Your clothes and demeanor may be in tip-top shape, but if your deck is messy and poorly designed, then the effectiveness of your points will be diminished. Use a PowerPoint template and check out a few sales presentation examples to inspire you.
  • Keep the presentation short and precise. Keep your presentation as short as possible, about 15 to 20 minutes. The longer you speak to your clients, the less they’ll remember.

Now, it’s time for your presentation. Let’s go over how you can execute it flawlessly.

How to Present a Business Proposal

  • Optimize your meeting time from the start.
  • Have a clear agenda.
  • Open up with the customer’s problems and challenges.
  • Pause and ask questions.
  • Lead with stories, not data.
  • Don’t read off of your PowerPoint slides.
  • Present your solution — and sell them a vision.
  • Establish a clear follow-up timeline at the end of the meeting.

1. Optimize your meeting time from the start.

When presenting a proposal, it’s important to remember that your clients are busy. They have other meetings to attend, phone calls and emails to return, and problems to solve. Time is their most precious asset. Here are a few tips to optimize the time you spend with your customers:

  • Arrive early . This is a no-brainer, but arrive to the meeting with at least ten minutes to spare, especially if it’s in person. Use this buffer to use the bathroom, rehearse your introduction, and even set up the meeting space.
  • Rehearse setting up the projector or sharing your screen before the meeting . If you’re carrying out a meeting in person, you don’t want to waste ten minutes figuring out how to project your laptop’s screen. Carry several adapters with you and have a fail-safe plan, such as bringing a tablet with a copy of the presentation. If the meeting is over Zoom, practice sharing your screen so that your notes aren’t visible.
  • Keep your introduction short. Leave space for banter and rapport, but keep your personal introduction short. Small talk should be reduced as much as possible — you shouldn’t spend twenty minutes talking about the weather, unless you sell a weather-related solution.

2. Have a clear agenda.

Your presentation must have a clear and compelling agenda, which you can share right at the start (in addition to having shared it over email before the meeting).

The meeting should begin with compelling reasons to consider your proposal and culminate with a specific request for the business. Here’s an agenda template you can use to structure your meeting:

  • Challenge/Opportunity. Begin your presentation by illustrating the opportunity or challenge that your client is overlooking. Make sure it’s compelling enough to motivate your client to listen to the rest of your presentation.
  • Benefits . Discuss the benefits that your client will achieve by adopting your solution. Use a customer case study or testimonial to support your point.
  • Plan . Present your plan or options to resolve the client’s challenge/opportunity.
  • Company . Briefly share your company’s background, including who your company helps with these issues.
  • Recommend . Before closing your presentation, be sure to ask for the client’s business. You might close by asking the client, “Do you believe that the solution that I’ve presented will effectively help you overcome your challenges and achieve your goals?”

In the presentation, include a few bullet points that outline these parts of the meeting, so that the client knows what to expect.

3. Open up with the customer’s problems and challenges.

As mentioned, you’ll begin the meeting with a challenge or opportunity. Don’t walk into the meeting and immediately start talking about yourself or your company or your products. If you do this, your client will immediately focus on cost and product features, often ending the meeting before you’ve had a chance to finish.

Instead, focus on re-emphasizing the customer’s challenges and pain points. Your clients want to know how they can beat their competitors, reach new customers, retain existing customers, and increase profit margins. But before you can sell them your product, you have to emphasize the graveness of the issue they’re facing and illustrate how their challenges will prevent them from achieving these goals.

For instance, if 30% of their customers are churning, and you sell a business solution that can help reduce churn, you might open up your presentation with how their revenue will continue to be impacted by this loss. This will emphasize the urgency of the problem and help you create a stronger pitch later.

4. Pause and ask questions.

After you’ve spoken for a few minutes, stop and ask your client a question. This is a great way to stay in control of the meeting while allowing your client to interact with the sales presentation.

Here are some questions that you might ask:

  • Have I summarized your challenges correctly?
  • Is there anything I’ve missed that you’d like to add?
  • Am I right in saying that you want to solve this problem in the next quarter?

5. Lead with stories, not data.

While clients value data, they are also realistic about what data can — and cannot — tell them. They’ve seen many projects fail despite the glowing research results, and they’ve seen projects succeed despite the lack of any data to back it up.

So, introduce stories first, then the data to back it up. Come to the presentation armed with customer experiences and competitor moves. Your clients are far more interested in what other businesses like them have experienced and what their competitors are doing. They’re not all that interested in the latest research study, but you can use a study to support your points and lend credence to an anecdote.

6. Don’t read off of your PowerPoint slides.

Let the deck complement your points. If you read directly off the slides, you’ll quickly bore your customer, and the impact of what you’re saying won’t land.

Keep your slides simple, too, so that you’re not tempted to read off of them. Most slides are far too complex — too much text, distracting designs, and unrelated images.

You should only put one picture and one line of text on a slide. No more. Your clients can only absorb so much at once, and if they’re too busy trying to sort out paragraphs upon paragraphs on the screen, most of what you’ll say will be missed.

7. Present your solution — and sell them a vision.

After you’ve re-established the business challenge and spoken to the customer’s pain points, it’s time to present your product or service as a solution. But it’s important to not stop here — you have to also sell them a vision of what their business will look like after they take care of the problem.

Will they experience increased sales? Streamlined processes? Better customer retention? And what will that look like a few years from now? Don’t exaggerate, but don’t be afraid to show them how your product can create a much positive future for their business.

8. Establish a clear follow-up timeline at the end of the meeting.

This is maybe the most important part of your business proposal presentation. Tell your customer what will happen after the presentation, so that there’s no ambiguity regarding next steps.

We highly recommend establishing a clear follow-up date. Don’t say, “I’ll follow up in about a week.” Instead, try, “Is it okay if I call you on Friday, May 10th?”

We also recommend creating a timeline after the follow-up call. For instance, you might say you’ll call on a certain date, and then you’ll send the contract over using a tool such as PandaDoc , Qwilr , or Proposify . Your contract will be in your customer’s hand for a week, and then on the following Wednesday, you’ll follow-up once again to see if the customer has any questions.

Adjust this timeline depending on your customer, sales cycle length , and industry. Such a short timeline might not suit a product that costs thousands of dollars and requires a yearly commitment. However, it might suit a product that only costs a few hundred dollars a year.

Feeling stumped? No worries. Below, we share some business proposal examples you can glean inspiration from.

Business Proposal Presentation Examples

1. moving malta forward.

business proposal presentation example: moving malta forward

This compelling presentation proposes a metro system for the city of Malta. It opens with a “Case for Change” and uses graphics and visuals to argue for the creation of a metro in the city. While it is text heavy, it includes plenty of information for Malta’s government to make a decision. That’s why it’s important to know your audience. If you’re proposing to a gubernatorial entity, then being comprehensive is important.

2. The Big Picture

business proposal presentation example: the big picture

This is another presentation that argues for the urban development of a district. Its most notable feature is its “At a glance” spread, which shows an overview of the plan from top to bottom, down to the impact the proposed changes will have on the city. In the same way, you can include at an at-a-glance slide in your presentation.

3. AMW Tech

business proposal presentation example: amw tech

This deck presents a business as opposed to a product, but it does everything right: It opens with an agenda and closes with a call-to-action (“Keep in touch with us”). Even something as simple as providing your contact information can be enough to prompt your customer to continue the conversation.

4. Microsoft Advertising

business proposal presentation example: microsoft advertising

This deck by Microsoft Advertising takes a slightly different approach: It starts with a quote from the Microsoft CEO, and then provides details about how the brand helps its customers. This works for a major brand like this one because the client may be interested in Microsoft as a whole as opposed to just one service. It’s important to know your audience in this respect, as well.

Creating a Compelling Business Proposal Presentation

Being able to effectively present proposals is key to your success. To be effective, get to the point and focus on vision and stories. Use PowerPoint or Keynote as supporting material and be sure to keep it short. Finally, your presentation should begin with compelling reasons to consider your proposal and culminate with a specific request for the business.

Editor's note: This post was originally published in July 2014 and has been updated for comprehensiveness.

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Make a Winning Business Proposal Presentation in 11 Steps

Learn how to create business proposal presentations that stand out and win deals. Apply battle-tested best practices and actionable tips from sales pros.


9 minute read

How to make a business proposal presentation

helped business professionals at:


Short answer

What makes a good business proposal presentation?

An outstanding business proposal presentation combines clarity, conciseness, and compelling storytelling.

It should be visually engaging, tailored to the audience's interests, and demonstrate a deep understanding of their needs, setting the stage for successful collaboration.

Your business proposal is your last chance to impress

Making a business proposal presentation is your money time at the end of a long, exhausting sales process with a prospective client. Losing your sale at this stage would be most painful.

It can be overwhelming when you realize how much is riding on this one proposal.

Sending out an ill-made business proposal puts you at risk of losing your client’s buy-in at the very last moment.

This situation is stressful for most people, but it doesn’t have to be. To make this process as stress-free as can be, I put together a guide on how to make a proposal presentation that will give you a leg up over your competitors.

Let's get started!

What does a business proposal presentation look like?

A business proposal presentation today goes beyond traditional slides filled with bullet points. It's a deck that blends text, compelling visuals, and even interactive elements like charts, graphs, and short videos.

This modern approach reflects how we engage with content in our digital age – visually and interactively.

Here's what a modern business proposal presentation looks like:

11 steps for making a winning business proposal presentation

Whether you’re selling products or services to prospective clients or pitching new ventures, business presentations are an everyday part of modern business.

Still, most business professionals don’t know how to do it right.

The reason why so many business proposal presentations fail is that not all elements of a successful business proposal presentation are in place. You can ensure your presentation impresses prospects every time by following the following best practices.

1) Do your research about the prospect

Before you set out to craft your business proposal presentation, you must conduct thorough research about the company you’re going to be pitching to.

Often, the difference between a knockout business presentation and a poor one is the level of confidence during the delivery. Carrying out a great deal of detailed research beforehand will give you the confidence needed to ace the presentation. Here's an example of how you can present your findings in a concise way:

Client snapshot slide example

The key pieces of information you need to get are:

What is the company size and sector?

What do their internal processes look like?

Who are the main decision-makers in the company?

Who are they selling their products and services to? Is it a B2B or B2C company?

What is your prospect’s most pressing problem?

What are they hoping to achieve?

What is your role in helping them reach these goals?

What is their allocated budget?

Have they ever used other industry solutions?

Finding the answers to these questions will ensure that your lead is qualified and allow you to bring up relevant insights during your presentation.

It will also make your prospect feel understood , which will capture their attention and boost your closing rate.

How to get information about your prospect

Making a discovery call

Visiting their website

Observing their social media accounts

Analyzing their competitors

B2B databases, such as G2 or Capterra

Data prospecting tools like ZoomInfo or Lusha

2) Personalize your proposal presentation

If you do your homework right and know who your potential client is, you will be able to deliver a tailor-made business proposal presentation.

Our research shows that by personalizing your proposal, you’re increasing the number of people who will read your deck in full by 68% as compared to generic presentations.

If you think about it, it makes perfect sense. Every single email that starts with “Dear Owner” or “Dear User” immediately goes to live in my Bin folder.

By including a personal note tailored to your recipient, you’re skyrocketing the chances of it living rent-free in their head instead.

4 main ways to personalize your business proposal presentation:

I) Add company-specific insights

This can be anything you learned while doing your research on the prospect or something they mentioned during a discovery call.

II) Include your client’s name and logo in every business proposal presentation

If you’re using a PowerPoint this means going in and manually adding the identifying info into the deck.

If you’re using Storydoc, then this can easily be streamlined for scale using dynamic variables that change specific info for specific recipients.

This feature swaps out your client’s details while the rest of your deck stays intact, and with a 10-second setup, you’re good to go.

Here's how it works:

Personalized proposal example

III) Include your prospect’s branding

If you’re using PowerPoint, then you’ll have to go in and change the design and visuals in your deck to fit your prospect’s branding. Alternatively, you can use a DIY tool like Snappa’s SVG editor or’s logo generator .

With Storydoc, you can automatically apply branding pulled from any given website just by providing the website address—including the brand’s colors and fonts.

This will make an impact on your prospect while requiring minimal effort on your part, let alone involving a designer.

Branded deck example

IV) Keep your proposal relevant at all times

When choosing client stories to share in your business proposal, stick to companies from a similar field.

Show a deep understanding of your prospect’s industry, key pain points, and competitors. This will make it easier for them to visualize what your solution can do for them.

3) Use a battle-tested presentation structure

It doesn’t matter if you’re in the last stage of your sales pipeline or still moving prospects down the funnel.

There are some common elements each business proposal presentation needs to have in order to perform exceptionally.

In our usage data we see presentations with similar business proposal structures outperform the rest time and time again.

What to include in a business proposal presentation

8 essential slides of a business proposal presentation:

1. Title page: This should include essential information such as your company's name, the client's name, and logo, along with the submission date.

2. Assessment or project overview: Here, clearly define the client's problem or need and outline your proposed solution. This section establishes the context and purpose of your proposal.

3. Executive summary: Offer a concise summary of your proposal, highlighting your unique value proposition. For tips on how to write one, read our 101 guide .

4. Methodology: The how to your what and why . In this part, you should explain the methods you’ll use to deliver on your promises and include a list of deliverables with a projected timetable.

5. Pricing: Provide a clear, transparent breakdown of costs for your services or products. Offering multiple pricing options can cater to different client needs or budgets.

6. Proof of qualifications: Showcase your credibility with evidence of past successes. Include case studies, testimonials, relevant certifications, and any industry awards you've received.

7. Team: Introduce the key team members who will be involved in the project. Highlight their skills and roles to build trust and confidence in your team's capabilities.

8. Next step: Conclude with a call-to-action detailing the next step a prospect is supposed to take after viewing your business proposal presentation.

4) Maximize your impact with a compact presentation

You may feel that the more information you include in your business proposal presentation, the higher your chances of sealing the deal are. But it’s the exact opposite.

The busier people get the narrower their attention spans. I can assure you that when faced with a bulky document, your prospects will either skim through it or not bother reading at all.

It’s more constructive to keep your presentation short and concise by including only the information most relevant to your prospect and with the biggest needed to finalize their decision to buy.

5) Avoid complex information and jargon

Complexity adds to cognitive load and any additional bit of information makes it harder to decide.

The best strategy for your business proposal would be to bring up only the most important aspects of your product or service that came up during the sales process.

You don’t have the time or attention to tell them everything. So tell them what really makes a difference.

Don’t get too technical

No matter how great the technology behind your solution is, I can assure you that most of your clients don’t care about the details. They care about the outcome your solution brings them, and what it’s going to cost them in time and money.

Sounds harsh? Sorry, but that’s the reality.

We don’t buy the latest iPhone because it has a pro 12MP camera system or a lens with a ƒ/1.8 aperture and 120° field of view. We buy it because we can take holiday photos for Instagram that will make Debra from HR green with envy.

Your customers are no different. They don’t need to have the same level of knowledge about your solution that you do. You will only confuse them by bombarding them with technical details.

Write in simple words and sentences

The extent of the attention your proposal will likely get is similar to that of an 8th grader. If you know your solution inside and out, you should be able to explain it simply.

Practice answering these questions as if asked by an 8th grader:

What does your company do and what makes you best qualified for the job?

What are your customers’ main pain points?

What is your proposed solution and how are you going to tackle the prospect’s problems?

What is the project timeline?

How much will it cost the prospect?

What are the gains for a prospect by choosing to work with you?

Who are the main team members that are going to work on this project?

What relevant experience do you have?

Refine your unique value proposition

Always remember that your ability to stand out is limited to your ability to deliver a simple and crisp value proposition. Simple is easy to understand and most importantly makes it easier to choose.

But there’s more! No matter what your business does, your biggest competitor is the status quo , where buyers choose to do nothing at all.

Seth Godin said in his seminal book This is Marketing that sales or marketing professionals are agents of change. But change takes time and effort. It’s easy for buyers to stick to what they have, even if it no longer serves them.

When talking about your product or service, don't just explain the benefits. Also show your clients what they might lose if they don't choose you, and explain the opportunity cost of doing nothing.

Here's a great video explaining how to write a UVP statement:

How to write a UVP statement

6) Provide social proof

At this point in the buyer’s journey, your lead should already trust you. If they didn’t, they would not proceed beyond the demo or even book a demo.

So why add social proof again at this late stage?

Well, big expenses make most people’s knees shake. Even if the money is not their own, they will be judged by their procurement (your solution) and the business impact it generates.

You need to have past clients vouch for you, to prove that it’s not your first rodeo and that your buyers can count on you to deliver.

Here are different types of social proof our clients used in their decks.

First up, a classic client testimonial:

Social proof for a business proposal pre

Then, client logos with the Capterra rating:

Social proof for a business proposal pre

And a mention in a reputable industry publication:

Social proof for a business proposal pre

7) Include case studies

Case studies are the dark horse of the business race. They’re the least used asset in B2B because of how work-intensive their production is. But, at the same time, case studies are the most effective type of marketing asset .

By not including a case study in your business proposal, you’re running the risk of potential clients finding out about your solution from other sources. Worst case scenario, those other sources are your competitors. If you feature a case study, you’re in control of the narrative. You can basically have your clients sell for you by covering the main value propositions in their own words.

Here's a case study example from our client:

Case study in a business proposal presentation

8) Position yourself as a consultant rather than a seller

It’s mostly true that people hate being sold to, but they love to buy.

Most buyers prefer to avoid meeting with salespeople and follow the self-serve route because they fear that salespeople will pressure or manipulate them into buying the wrong thing.

Sales are already losing big to self-service. A McKinsey survey from 2020 suggests that 70% of B2B buyers now look kindly on making self-serve buying decisions, even when considering solutions costing $500K and more.

But there is a way sales can always stay one step ahead of self-serve, and 10 steps ahead of the competition—shifting from being salesy to being consultative.

This means knowing the concerns and needs of your buyer and delivering the information they need to make an informed decision, even if it means (hope you're sitting down) not buying your product or solution because it’s not a good fit.

This approach was pioneered by Anthony Iannarino , and you can read more about How to be truly consultative on his website The Sales Blog.

9) Add videos to your business proposal

In this day and age, purely static content just won’t cut it anymore . If your slide contains walls of text, most people will skip it and move straight to the next part, or the next proposal.

Out of all visual aid types, videos are the most compelling. People get distracted very easily, so having a video that conveys the same message really helps keep them engaged.

Presentation statistics based on our extensive user data support the claim that video brings a positive impact —if you include a video in your cover slide, 32% more people will interact with your presentation.

The findings are even greater for other presentation sections.

By embedding *any* video in your presentation, you can increase the average reading time by 37% and increase the CTA click-through rate by 17% .

This proposal is a great example of effective video use:

10) Make the next step clear to your buyer

Including a clear call to action at the end of your business proposal presentation is crucial. As obvious as this must sound to some, many businesses fail to do this effectively.

If a prospective client reads the entire business proposal, they’re clearly interested in your value proposition. They may be ready to seal the deal.

The worst thing that can happen at this stage is if they don’t know how to proceed. It’s like building a supermarket without a checkout counter.

Here's an example of a smart CTA:

Next step in a business proposal presentation

What's not an effective call to action?

A text that tells your buyer to give you a call

An email link for requesting the documents needed for signing

Or a phone number they need to dial.

An effective call to action can be:

Embedding a calendar to let prospects book the next meeting

The option to download key documents (e.g. an NDA or a contract)

Sending prospects to explore more details about your solution (e.g. try out your tool or look at examples from your portfolio)

Embedding a digital signature for buyers to sign directly in your deck

An embedded payment module for buyers to pay directly from your deck

Here's another great example of a deck with an effective CTA:

Proposal accept button example

11) Move from legacy design to modern design

Most guides teach you how to make a business proposal using PowerPoint presentations. But, b y sending your business proposal presentation in PPT format, you’re giving leads something they’ve seen 1000 times over.

With sales closing rates declining for the past 5 years in a row, it’s a major risk to cling to the old ways.

When we analyzed over 100,000 sales and marketing presentations , we discovered that giving prospects presentations that can only be read majorly kills engagement.

If you want to succeed and grow your win rate you’ll have to move up to dynamic interactive proposal decks.

By giving readers interactive elements to “play around” with, you’re increasing the chances of your deck being read in full by 41% and the average reading time by 146% .

This is what static vs interactive looks like:

Static PPT example

How to create a business proposal presentation faster than ever with AI

Tell the AI assistant what kind of proposal you'd like to create.

Provide an overview of your company and your product or service.

Choose your preferred template .

Adjust the design to reflect your or your prospect’s branding in just a few clicks.

Add videos and dynamic storytelling content.

Personalize your business proposals for the specific buyer.

Integrate your sales tools into the deck, like Calendly or DocuSign .

Send the deck and see the data stream in.

Analyze your usage data to get deep insights into your sales process.

Optimize your decks based on what works and what doesn’t work for your prospects.

Interactive business proposal templates

We all know that putting together a proposal can be tough. It's like the final lap in a race where you've got to give it your all.

Interactive business proposal templates are like a roadmap, guiding you on how to structure your proposal so it looks professional and hits all the right notes.

The best part is that they're built to engage. Instead of sending over a standard document, you're bringing your proposal to life with dynamic animations, informative videos, and interactive elements.

Grab a template and see how it can transform your deck.

the difference between proposal and presentation

Hi, I'm Dominika, Content Specialist at Storydoc. As a creative professional with experience in fashion, I'm here to show you how to amplify your brand message through the power of storytelling and eye-catching visuals.

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the difference between proposal and presentation

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Stop losing opportunities to ineffective presentations. Your new amazing deck is one click away!

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Blog Business How To Create A Winning Business Proposal Presentation

How To Create A Winning Business Proposal Presentation

Written by: Krystle Wong Jun 28, 2023

How to create a business proposal presentation

In the corporate landscape, a good business proposal presentation can be a game-changer to seal the deal with your prospective client or investors.  

Think of your business proposal presentations as your chance to showcase your groundbreaking ideas, products or services to potential clients, investors and stakeholders. Whether you’re convincing investors to fund your dreams or clients to choose your services, creating a compelling presentation can make them go, “You know what? I’m sold!”

A good presentation simplifies the complex. It breaks down complicated concepts into bite-sized pieces that even those who are not in the industry can understand. I know I know, it’s no easy work and you’ve got enough on your plate — so let our selection of pitch deck templates take the load off the design work. 

Customizing a compelling business proposal presentation takes only minutes thanks to Venngage’s user-friendly drag-and-drop editor. Just so you know, some of our presentation templates are free to use and some require a small monthly fee. Sign-up is always free, as is access to Venngage’s online drag-and-drop editor.

Now that you’ve got one less thing to worry about, let’s get back to business on how to create and deliver a winning proposal presentation. 

Click to jump ahead:

What makes a good business proposal , 10 tips to create an effective business proposal presentation, 8 steps to deliver a winning business proposal presentation, create a business proposal presentation that will win over your clients with venngage.

If you’ve read our guide on how to write winning business proposals , you’ll know that a successful business proposal is one that answers the following questions: 

  • Who you are and what your company does
  • The problem your buyer is facing
  • The solution your company offers to alleviate the problem
  • How your company will implement this solution effectively
  • An estimate of resources (time, money, etc) required to implement the solution

Well, picture this: you’ve spent countless hours crafting a comprehensive business proposal that has the potential to revolutionize your industry. But here’s the catch – you need to condense all that information into a presentation that grabs attention, engages your audience and leaves a lasting impression. 

It’s not easy, but it’s also not impossible. If you have an important proposal presentation coming up, I highly recommend you check out this guide on how to summarize information for presentations . 

A good presentation gets things moving! Check out the top qualities of awesome presentations and learn all about how to make a good presentation to help you nail that captivating delivery.

Now, before we dive deep into the tips and tricks of creating and delivering a successful business proposal presentation, here are some business pitch examples to help you get inspired and win over new clients and investors. Alright, let’s get started!

Still working on your business proposal? Check out our selection of business proposal templates designed by our professional team.

In this competitive business environment, a good presentation gives you an edge over your competitors. It allows you to showcase your unique selling points, competitive advantages and differentiates you from others in the industry.  

Whether it is securing a new client, securing funding or obtaining a favorable business agreement, a successful presentation can ultimately bring significant opportunities and long-term business growth. 

Tip number one: always start with a solid presentation layout . Your presentation should emphasize the most important aspects of your business proposal, ensuring that they stand out and resonate with your audience. To do that, here are 10 tips along with some professionally crafted business proposal presentation templates to help you ace your next business proposal presentation. 

1. Crafting a compelling storyline

A strong narrative structure is the backbone of any successful proposal presentation. Start with a captivating opening that grabs attention and clearly articulates the problem or opportunity at hand. Present your solution with confidence, providing solid evidence and data to support your claims. Finally, conclude with a powerful call to action that leaves your audience inspired and ready to take the next steps.

A timeline graph can help you organize your ideas as you create a compelling storyline for your presentation and make your content more engaging.  Determine the important events or milestones that are relevant to your presentation topic. This will provide a sense of direction and structure for your storyline.

the difference between proposal and presentation

2. Focusing on the problem and solution

One of the keys to an effective business proposal presentation is highlighting the problem or challenge your audience is facing. Clearly communicate how your proposal provides a viable solution in bullet points, emphasizing the benefits and advantages it offers. Show your audience that you understand their pain points and present your proposal as the ideal answer to their needs.

This example of proposal presentation talked about the challenges that beginners face when going to the gym and how they provide the solution for it.

Problem Agitate Solution Pitch Deck Template - Problem

3. Using a consistent and professional template

To create a polished and cohesive visual experience, choose a clean and professional slide template that aligns with your brand colors. Consistency in design throughout the presentation not only enhances the overall look but also reinforces your professionalism and attention to detail.

the difference between proposal and presentation

Last-minute presentations are the worst, but don’t panic! Customize one of our professionally designed business presentation templates to save time and hassle.

4. engaging with visuals.

A picture is worth a thousand words and in the case of your proposal presentation, visuals can be your secret weapon. Visuals play a crucial role in capturing your audience’s attention and making complex information more digestible. Utilize charts, graphs, images and diagrams strategically to support your key points and reinforce your message. 

As a business owner, a well-thought-out finance pitch deck provides a platform to outline the business’s strategic direction and growth plans. It allows you to highlight your unique value proposition, competitive positioning, marketing strategies and expansion plans. Here’s a template I figured you could use:

the difference between proposal and presentation

No idea what goes into your financial pitch deck? This guide on how to make successful pitch decks for start ups might help. 

5. addressing potential objections.

Many business proposal presentations fail to anticipate potential objections or concerns audiences might have. Showing that you’ve considered challenges and providing persuasive counterarguments or solutions boosts your preparedness and increases the credibility of your proposal. Addressing objections head-on demonstrates your ability to handle potential hurdles and builds trust with your audience.

6. Using multimedia elements in your slides

To add depth and variety to your presentation, consider incorporating multimedia elements such as videos, audio clips, interactive charts or animations. These elements help illustrate concepts, showcase product demonstrations or provide real-life examples, making your proposal more engaging and memorable.

the difference between proposal and presentation

7. Incorporating interactive elements

Depending on the platform or setting of your presentation, incorporating interactive elements can enhance engagement. Live polls, Q&A sessions or group exercises encourage active participation, clarification and a deeper understanding of your proposal. Creating opportunities for interaction keeps your audience engaged and invested in the presentation.

8. Testing the readability and accessibility of your slides

Ensure that your slides are easily readable on different devices and screen sizes. Test for color blindness accessibility by using tools or viewing your presentation in grayscale. Consider incorporating alt text for images to make your presentation accessible to visually impaired individuals. Ensuring readability and accessibility demonstrates your commitment to inclusivity and professionalism.

the difference between proposal and presentation

Sometimes, using a simple presentation template makes all the difference as they promote effective communication, minimizes confusion and ensures that the audience can grasp the main points effortlessly. Try it out for your next presentation!

9. practice, practice and practice again.

Even the most well-prepared presentation can fall flat if you stumble through it. So, practice, practice and practice some more. Rehearse your presentation until you feel comfortable and confident. Pay attention to your tone, pace and body language. Incorporate pauses for emphasis, maintain eye contact and engage with your audience. I promise — the more you practice, the more comfortable and effective you’ll become as a presenter.

10. Ending with a memorable closing statement

Leave a lasting impression by crafting a memorable closing statement. Summarize the key benefits of your proposal, reinforce its importance or leave your audience with a thought-provoking quote. End your presentation with a call to action that inspires action and demonstrates the urgency of taking the next steps.

the difference between proposal and presentation

Ready to get started? Pick from these engaging presentation templates that can get your audience hooked on your presentation till the end.

Your business proposal presentation can be the key to securing new clients, partnerships or investment opportunities. That said, delivering a winning presentation requires careful planning, effective communication and a deep understanding of your audience’s needs. 

Follow these 8 essential steps to deliver a persuasive and impactful business proposal presentation:

Step 1: Understand the requirements

Before diving into your business proposal presentation, take the time to clearly understand the requirements. Familiarize yourself with the format, time limit, submission date and any specific guidelines provided by the audience or client. This ensures that you meet their expectations and deliver a presentation that aligns with their needs.

Step 2: Research your audience

To make a lasting impact, conduct thorough research on your audience. Gain insights into their industry, needs, challenges and goals. This information allows you to tailor your presentation to their specific interests, speak their language and demonstrate the relevance of your proposal. It will also help you show that you understand their pain points and present your solution as the perfect fit for their requirements.

For example, this business proposal presentation targets food entrepreneurs and manufacturers who are passionate about the plant-based lifestyle to attract franchisees for their local green ingredients franchise. 

the difference between proposal and presentation

Step 3: Plan your content

A well-organized presentation keeps your audience engaged and makes your proposal more compelling. Develop a clear and logical structure to help strengthen your message and deliver a winning business proposal presentation. Define the key points you want to convey and outline the flow of information and make sure your content effectively addresses the audience’s pain points and emphasizes the benefits of your proposal. 

The opening moments of your presentation hold immense power – check out these 15 ways to start a presentation to set the stage and captivate your audience.

Step 4: Create compelling slides

Design visually appealing slides that support your content and enhance its impact. Use a consistent template that aligns with your branding and maintains a professional look. Incorporate high-quality visuals such as relevant images, charts or graphs to convey information effectively. 

Creativity is important but keep the design clean, uncluttered and focused on conveying your message clearly. Remember, visually engaging slides capture attention and reinforce your professionalism.

the difference between proposal and presentation

Don’t know where to start? Here are 5 ways how you can design winner presentation slides . Or you could browse our library of creative presentation templates that’ll easily set your presentation apart from competitors.

Step 5: engage your audience.

Active audience engagement is key to a successful business proposal presentation. Encourage interaction throughout your presentation by asking thought-provoking questions, seeking input or incorporating interactive elements like polls or group exercises. Show genuine interest in your audience’s feedback and questions as this builds rapport and demonstrates that you value their perspective. Engaging your audience creates a dynamic and memorable experience.

Giving an online presentation? Here are some tips on how to adapt your in-person presentation into a virtual presentation that will leave a lasting impression. 

Step 6: communicate with clarity.

Focus on the key messages and benefits of your proposal. Clear communication is vital to conveying your ideas effectively, so be sure to use language that is easily understandable and free from jargon. Support your points with concrete examples or stories that resonate with your audience. By communicating with clarity, you ensure that your message is easily comprehensible and memorable.

the difference between proposal and presentation

Step 7: Adapt and respond

Flexibility is crucial when delivering a business proposal presentation. Pay close attention to your audience’s reactions, questions and feedback. Be prepared to adapt your presentation on the fly to address their specific needs and concerns. 

The trick is to listen attentively and respond thoughtfully, demonstrating your ability to cater to their requirements. This flexibility and responsiveness build trust and show that you genuinely care about meeting their expectations.

Step 8: Follow up

After concluding your presentation, don’t let the momentum fade away. Follow up with your audience to address any remaining questions, provide additional information or clarify any points. 

Following up with your audience helps maintain the relationship and keeps the conversation going. By staying in touch, you demonstrate your commitment to their success and increase the chances of moving forward with your proposal.

Have another round of presentations coming up? Give it your best with these tips on how to improve your presentation skills . 

A business proposal presentation is not just a chance to present your business idea; it’s a prime opportunity to showcase the unique value, potential and profitability of your business concept 

By following the tips and tricks in this article, I’m confident that business professionals like you can easily win over potential investors and prospective clients.

Venngage offers a wide range of pre-designed templates specifically tailored for business proposals. With the help of Venngage’s presentation maker , creating visually appealing and professional business proposal presentations becomes easier than ever.

Step 1: Sign up for a Venngage account (P.S. It’s free!). 

Step 2:  Browse through Venngage’s template library and choose a business presentation template that suits your needs (they’re all created by our expert in-house designers).

Step 3: Replace the placeholder text in the template with content from your business proposals.

Step 4: Customize your business presentation in just a few clicks with our user-friendly drag-and-drop editor tool. Modify various elements such as text, colors, fonts, backgrounds and layout. Enhance your presentation with visual aids such as images, icons, charts and graphs.

Step 5: Share your presentation publicly or upgrade to a business account to export the presentation to PowerPoint or PDF. You can also choose to present straight from Venngage’s presentation software.

Discover popular designs

the difference between proposal and presentation

Infographic maker

the difference between proposal and presentation

Brochure maker

the difference between proposal and presentation

White paper online

the difference between proposal and presentation

Newsletter creator

the difference between proposal and presentation

Flyer maker

the difference between proposal and presentation

Timeline maker

the difference between proposal and presentation

Letterhead maker

the difference between proposal and presentation

Mind map maker

the difference between proposal and presentation

Ebook maker

Pitch Deck vs. Proposal — Which One Do You Need?

Discover the differences between a Pitch Deck and a Proposal and choose the right tool for your business needs. Make informed decisions for success.

the difference between proposal and presentation

Welcome to the dynamic realm of business communication! As you embark on your journey through the intricacies of startups, investments, and effective presentation of ideas, you’ll likely encounter two pivotal terms: " pitch deck vs. proposal ." Fear not, for in this comprehensive article, we shall serve as your knowledgeable guide, unraveling the essence of these concepts.

Whether you’re a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned professional, we’re here to demystify the distinction between these two communication tools, aiding you in discerning which one aligns with your unique needs and the appropriate contexts to deploy them. Prepare to be enlightened!

What is a Pitch Deck?

Imagine you’re at a movie theater, and before the main film starts, there’s a short preview that captures your interest. Well, a pitch deck works the same way, but instead of a movie, it’s about your business or project. A  pitch deck is a visually engaging presentation that condenses your business idea, product, or service into a concise and compelling story. It’s like a snapshot of your entire venture, highlighting the crucial points.

When do you need a pitch deck? If you’re in front of  potential investors , partners, or stakeholders, you have limited time to make a lasting impression. That’s when a pitch deck becomes your best friend. It’s ideal for early-stage interactions when you want to quickly grab attention, explain your concept, and generate interest.

What is a Proposal?

Now, let’s move to the realm of proposals. Imagine you want to collaborate with another company or offer your services to a potential client. A proposal is like a detailed action plan outlining what you can bring to the table. It’s more extensive and informative compared to a pitch deck. A proposal delves into the nitty-gritty details of your approach, timeline, costs, and how you intend to solve a problem or fulfill a need.

When do you need a proposal? Imagine you’re bidding for a project, responding to a request for proposal (RFP), or even aiming to secure a contract. In these scenarios, a proposal becomes essential. It showcases your professionalism, understanding of the project, and how you’re the best fit for the job.

What are the Main Differences Between a Proposal and a Pitch Deck?

Let’s delve deeper into the main differences between a proposal and a pitch deck. These distinctions are vital in understanding how each tool serves a specific purpose in business communication.

  • A pitch deck is akin to the opening scene of a captivating movie. Its primary purpose is to intrigue and excite your audience, leaving them hungry for more. This tool creates a strong first impression and generates curiosity about your business, product, or idea. A pitch deck aims to kindle emotions and spark interest by focusing on the big picture, making your audience eager to dive deeper into the details.
  • On the other hand, its purpose revolves around presenting a comprehensive action plan to your audience. The goal of a proposal is not just to pique interest but to convince your audience to take a specific action. It’s about addressing the needs, concerns, and challenges of your potential clients or partners and demonstrating your ability to provide tailored solutions.
  • Pitch decks are like the opening act of a performance — they’re best suited for initial interactions. Whether you pitch to investors, potential partners, or at a networking event, a pitch deck shines in situations where brevity and impact are paramount.
  • Conversely, proposals are the main event, often utilized in more advanced stages of business interactions. This is where you lay out your detailed plan, showcasing your understanding of the project and your expertise in addressing specific challenges.
  • In terms of length, pitch decks are the quick sprinters of the communication world. Pitch decks typically consist of 10 to 15 slides , each carrying a succinct yet impactful message. The limited space forces you to distill your ideas into the most essential elements, ensuring that every slide contributes meaningfully to the narrative.
  • On the other hand, proposals embrace the role of the marathon runners. They span from a few pages for smaller projects to more extensive documents for complex endeavors. The length of a proposal is driven by the need to thoroughly address various aspects of the project, from goals and strategies to timelines and costs.

Audience Focus:

  • The audience focus sets pitch decks and proposals apart regarding their communication approach. A pitch deck aims to appeal to emotions and the larger vision. It speaks to your idea’s aspirations and potential impact, resonating with your audience on a visceral level.
  • Proposals, in contrast, are the workhorses of data-driven communication. They are tailored to address the specific needs and concerns of your audience. Proposals delve into the specifics, showcasing how your approach aligns with the client’s requirements and how your solutions will alleviate their challenges.

Creation Process:

  • Pitch decks are an exercise in visual storytelling. They rely heavily on visuals, minimal text, and impactful design. Each slide is carefully crafted to convey a key point or concept concisely. Visual aids like images, graphs, and charts enhance understanding and engagement.
  • Proposals require a more comprehensive and detailed approach. While visual elements can enhance proposals, the emphasis here is on content. This includes detailed explanations, methodologies, timelines, costs, and more. The creation process involves thorough research, strategic planning, and holistically crafting content that addresses the client’s needs.

Pitch Deck vs. Proposal — At What Stage Will You Need Them?

Pitch deck:.

When you are at the inception of a brilliant business idea, bursting with enthusiasm to share your vision with the world. This is precisely where the pitch deck takes center stage. When your concept is in its infancy, and you’re seeking to ignite interest, attract potential investors, or engage in preliminary networking, the pitch deck becomes your strategic ally. Its concise yet impactful nature allows you to convey the essence of your idea swiftly, leaving your audience eager to explore the intricacies. Whether it’s a startup pitch event, a casual conversation with a potential collaborator, or an elevator pitch, the pitch deck is your shining beacon in these early stages. It’s the gateway to capturing attention, sparking curiosity, and laying the foundation for deeper discussions.

As your business idea evolves into a tangible plan, ready to address specific challenges and deliver concrete solutions, the proposal emerges as your comprehensive companion. Your proposal takes the spotlight when a potential client seeks an exciting idea and a well-defined strategy to meet their needs.

When bidding for projects, responding to detailed requests for proposals (RFPs), or negotiating complex contracts, the proposal is your essential tool. It showcases your professionalism, meticulous understanding of the project’s nuances, and ability to tailor solutions to the client’s unique requirements. At this stage, your proposal becomes a roadmap, outlining what you can offer and the meticulous steps you’ll take to deliver exceptional results.

How can PitchBob Help to Create a Pitch Deck and Proposal?

When it comes to creating a pitch deck, PitchBob is your ally. It helps you structure your content, select visually appealing templates, and guide you in crafting a captivating narrative that leaves a lasting impression. While PitchBob excels in pitch deck creation, it’s important to note that proposal creation might require more tailored content, which PitchBob might not cover fully.

Congratulations! You’ve just become well-versed in the world of  pitch deck vs. proposal . Remember, a pitch deck is vital to intrigue and capture interest, while a proposal is your ticket to comprehensive communication and action. Tailor your choice based on your stage and communication needs, and you’re well on your way to acing your business interactions. Best of luck!

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Grad Coach

What (Exactly) Is A Research Proposal?

A simple explainer with examples + free template.

By: Derek Jansen (MBA) | Reviewed By: Dr Eunice Rautenbach | June 2020 (Updated April 2023)

Whether you’re nearing the end of your degree and your dissertation is on the horizon, or you’re planning to apply for a PhD program, chances are you’ll need to craft a convincing research proposal . If you’re on this page, you’re probably unsure exactly what the research proposal is all about. Well, you’ve come to the right place.

Overview: Research Proposal Basics

  • What a research proposal is
  • What a research proposal needs to cover
  • How to structure your research proposal
  • Example /sample proposals
  • Proposal writing FAQs
  • Key takeaways & additional resources

What is a research proposal?

Simply put, a research proposal is a structured, formal document that explains what you plan to research (your research topic), why it’s worth researching (your justification), and how  you plan to investigate it (your methodology). 

The purpose of the research proposal (its job, so to speak) is to convince  your research supervisor, committee or university that your research is  suitable  (for the requirements of the degree program) and  manageable  (given the time and resource constraints you will face). 

The most important word here is “ convince ” – in other words, your research proposal needs to  sell  your research idea (to whoever is going to approve it). If it doesn’t convince them (of its suitability and manageability), you’ll need to revise and resubmit . This will cost you valuable time, which will either delay the start of your research or eat into its time allowance (which is bad news). 

A research proposal is a  formal document that explains what you plan to research , why it's worth researching and how you'll do it.

What goes into a research proposal?

A good dissertation or thesis proposal needs to cover the “ what “, “ why ” and” how ” of the proposed study. Let’s look at each of these attributes in a little more detail:

Your proposal needs to clearly articulate your research topic . This needs to be specific and unambiguous . Your research topic should make it clear exactly what you plan to research and in what context. Here’s an example of a well-articulated research topic:

An investigation into the factors which impact female Generation Y consumer’s likelihood to promote a specific makeup brand to their peers: a British context

As you can see, this topic is extremely clear. From this one line we can see exactly:

  • What’s being investigated – factors that make people promote or advocate for a brand of a specific makeup brand
  • Who it involves – female Gen-Y consumers
  • In what context – the United Kingdom

So, make sure that your research proposal provides a detailed explanation of your research topic . If possible, also briefly outline your research aims and objectives , and perhaps even your research questions (although in some cases you’ll only develop these at a later stage). Needless to say, don’t start writing your proposal until you have a clear topic in mind , or you’ll end up waffling and your research proposal will suffer as a result of this.

Need a helping hand?

the difference between proposal and presentation

As we touched on earlier, it’s not good enough to simply propose a research topic – you need to justify why your topic is original . In other words, what makes it  unique ? What gap in the current literature does it fill? If it’s simply a rehash of the existing research, it’s probably not going to get approval – it needs to be fresh.

But,  originality  alone is not enough. Once you’ve ticked that box, you also need to justify why your proposed topic is  important . In other words, what value will it add to the world if you achieve your research aims?

As an example, let’s look at the sample research topic we mentioned earlier (factors impacting brand advocacy). In this case, if the research could uncover relevant factors, these findings would be very useful to marketers in the cosmetics industry, and would, therefore, have commercial value . That is a clear justification for the research.

So, when you’re crafting your research proposal, remember that it’s not enough for a topic to simply be unique. It needs to be useful and value-creating – and you need to convey that value in your proposal. If you’re struggling to find a research topic that makes the cut, watch  our video covering how to find a research topic .

Free Webinar: How To Write A Research Proposal

It’s all good and well to have a great topic that’s original and valuable, but you’re not going to convince anyone to approve it without discussing the practicalities – in other words:

  • How will you actually undertake your research (i.e., your methodology)?
  • Is your research methodology appropriate given your research aims?
  • Is your approach manageable given your constraints (time, money, etc.)?

While it’s generally not expected that you’ll have a fully fleshed-out methodology at the proposal stage, you’ll likely still need to provide a high-level overview of your research methodology . Here are some important questions you’ll need to address in your research proposal:

  • Will you take a qualitative , quantitative or mixed -method approach?
  • What sampling strategy will you adopt?
  • How will you collect your data (e.g., interviews, surveys, etc)?
  • How will you analyse your data (e.g., descriptive and inferential statistics , content analysis, discourse analysis, etc, .)?
  • What potential limitations will your methodology carry?

So, be sure to give some thought to the practicalities of your research and have at least a basic methodological plan before you start writing up your proposal. If this all sounds rather intimidating, the video below provides a good introduction to research methodology and the key choices you’ll need to make.

How To Structure A Research Proposal

Now that we’ve covered the key points that need to be addressed in a proposal, you may be wondering, “ But how is a research proposal structured? “.

While the exact structure and format required for a research proposal differs from university to university, there are four “essential ingredients” that commonly make up the structure of a research proposal:

  • A rich introduction and background to the proposed research
  • An initial literature review covering the existing research
  • An overview of the proposed research methodology
  • A discussion regarding the practicalities (project plans, timelines, etc.)

In the video below, we unpack each of these four sections, step by step.

Research Proposal Examples/Samples

In the video below, we provide a detailed walkthrough of two successful research proposals (Master’s and PhD-level), as well as our popular free proposal template.

Proposal Writing FAQs

How long should a research proposal be.

This varies tremendously, depending on the university, the field of study (e.g., social sciences vs natural sciences), and the level of the degree (e.g. undergraduate, Masters or PhD) – so it’s always best to check with your university what their specific requirements are before you start planning your proposal.

As a rough guide, a formal research proposal at Masters-level often ranges between 2000-3000 words, while a PhD-level proposal can be far more detailed, ranging from 5000-8000 words. In some cases, a rough outline of the topic is all that’s needed, while in other cases, universities expect a very detailed proposal that essentially forms the first three chapters of the dissertation or thesis.

The takeaway – be sure to check with your institution before you start writing.

How do I choose a topic for my research proposal?

Finding a good research topic is a process that involves multiple steps. We cover the topic ideation process in this video post.

How do I write a literature review for my proposal?

While you typically won’t need a comprehensive literature review at the proposal stage, you still need to demonstrate that you’re familiar with the key literature and are able to synthesise it. We explain the literature review process here.

How do I create a timeline and budget for my proposal?

We explain how to craft a project plan/timeline and budget in Research Proposal Bootcamp .

Which referencing format should I use in my research proposal?

The expectations and requirements regarding formatting and referencing vary from institution to institution. Therefore, you’ll need to check this information with your university.

What common proposal writing mistakes do I need to look out for?

We’ve create a video post about some of the most common mistakes students make when writing a proposal – you can access that here . If you’re short on time, here’s a quick summary:

  • The research topic is too broad (or just poorly articulated).
  • The research aims, objectives and questions don’t align.
  • The research topic is not well justified.
  • The study has a weak theoretical foundation.
  • The research design is not well articulated well enough.
  • Poor writing and sloppy presentation.
  • Poor project planning and risk management.
  • Not following the university’s specific criteria.

Key Takeaways & Additional Resources

As you write up your research proposal, remember the all-important core purpose:  to convince . Your research proposal needs to sell your study in terms of suitability and viability. So, focus on crafting a convincing narrative to ensure a strong proposal.

At the same time, pay close attention to your university’s requirements. While we’ve covered the essentials here, every institution has its own set of expectations and it’s essential that you follow these to maximise your chances of approval.

By the way, we’ve got plenty more resources to help you fast-track your research proposal. Here are some of our most popular resources to get you started:

  • Proposal Writing 101 : A Introductory Webinar
  • Research Proposal Bootcamp : The Ultimate Online Course
  • Template : A basic template to help you craft your proposal

If you’re looking for 1-on-1 support with your research proposal, be sure to check out our private coaching service , where we hold your hand through the proposal development process (and the entire research journey), step by step.

Literature Review Course

Psst… there’s more!

This post is an extract from our bestselling short course, Research Proposal Bootcamp . If you want to work smart, you don't want to miss this .

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Myrna Pereira

I truly enjoyed this video, as it was eye-opening to what I have to do in the preparation of preparing a Research proposal.

I would be interested in getting some coaching.


I real appreciate on your elaboration on how to develop research proposal,the video explains each steps clearly.

masebo joseph

Thank you for the video. It really assisted me and my niece. I am a PhD candidate and she is an undergraduate student. It is at times, very difficult to guide a family member but with this video, my job is done.

In view of the above, I welcome more coaching.

Zakia Ghafoor

Wonderful guidelines, thanks

Annie Malupande

This is very helpful. Would love to continue even as I prepare for starting my masters next year.


Thanks for the work done, the text was helpful to me

Ahsanullah Mangal

Bundle of thanks to you for the research proposal guide it was really good and useful if it is possible please send me the sample of research proposal

Derek Jansen

You’re most welcome. We don’t have any research proposals that we can share (the students own the intellectual property), but you might find our research proposal template useful:

Cheruiyot Moses Kipyegon

Cheruiyot Moses Kipyegon

Thanks alot. It was an eye opener that came timely enough before my imminent proposal defense. Thanks, again


thank you very much your lesson is very interested may God be with you


I am an undergraduate student (First Degree) preparing to write my project,this video and explanation had shed more light to me thanks for your efforts keep it up.

Synthia Atieno

Very useful. I am grateful.

belina nambeya

this is a very a good guidance on research proposal, for sure i have learnt something

Wonderful guidelines for writing a research proposal, I am a student of m.phil( education), this guideline is suitable for me. Thanks

You’re welcome 🙂


Thank you, this was so helpful.

Amitash Degan

A really great and insightful video. It opened my eyes as to how to write a research paper. I would like to receive more guidance for writing my research paper from your esteemed faculty.

Glaudia Njuguna

Thank you, great insights

Thank you, great insights, thank you so much, feeling edified


Wow thank you, great insights, thanks a lot

Roseline Soetan

Thank you. This is a great insight. I am a student preparing for a PhD program. I am requested to write my Research Proposal as part of what I am required to submit before my unconditional admission. I am grateful having listened to this video which will go a long way in helping me to actually choose a topic of interest and not just any topic as well as to narrow down the topic and be specific about it. I indeed need more of this especially as am trying to choose a topic suitable for a DBA am about embarking on. Thank you once more. The video is indeed helpful.


Have learnt a lot just at the right time. Thank you so much.

laramato ikayo

thank you very much ,because have learn a lot things concerning research proposal and be blessed u for your time that you providing to help us

Cheruiyot M Kipyegon

Hi. For my MSc medical education research, please evaluate this topic for me: Training Needs Assessment of Faculty in Medical Training Institutions in Kericho and Bomet Counties


I have really learnt a lot based on research proposal and it’s formulation

Arega Berlie

Thank you. I learn much from the proposal since it is applied


Your effort is much appreciated – you have good articulation.

You have good articulation.

Douglas Eliaba

I do applaud your simplified method of explaining the subject matter, which indeed has broaden my understanding of the subject matter. Definitely this would enable me writing a sellable research proposal.


This really helping


Great! I liked your tutoring on how to find a research topic and how to write a research proposal. Precise and concise. Thank you very much. Will certainly share this with my students. Research made simple indeed.

Alice Kuyayama

Thank you very much. I an now assist my students effectively.

Thank you very much. I can now assist my students effectively.

Abdurahman Bayoh

I need any research proposal


Thank you for these videos. I will need chapter by chapter assistance in writing my MSc dissertation


Very helpfull

faith wugah

the videos are very good and straight forward


thanks so much for this wonderful presentations, i really enjoyed it to the fullest wish to learn more from you

Bernie E. Balmeo

Thank you very much. I learned a lot from your lecture.

Ishmael kwame Appiah

I really enjoy the in-depth knowledge on research proposal you have given. me. You have indeed broaden my understanding and skills. Thank you

David Mweemba

interesting session this has equipped me with knowledge as i head for exams in an hour’s time, am sure i get A++

Andrea Eccleston

This article was most informative and easy to understand. I now have a good idea of how to write my research proposal.

Thank you very much.

Georgina Ngufan

Wow, this literature is very resourceful and interesting to read. I enjoyed it and I intend reading it every now then.


Thank you for the clarity

Mondika Solomon

Thank you. Very helpful.


Thank you very much for this essential piece. I need 1o1 coaching, unfortunately, your service is not available in my country. Anyways, a very important eye-opener. I really enjoyed it. A thumb up to Gradcoach

Md Moneruszzaman Kayes

What is JAM? Please explain.


Thank you so much for these videos. They are extremely helpful! God bless!

azeem kakar

very very wonderful…

Koang Kuany Bol Nyot

thank you for the video but i need a written example

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Request for proposal (RFP) presentation: A comprehensive guide

We cover everything from planning your presentation to delivering it with confidence.

Raja Bothra

Building presentations

girl explaining rfp presentation

Hey there, fellow presentation enthusiasts!

Are you ready to dive into the world of Request for Proposal (RFP) presentations?

Well, you're in for a treat. In today's digital age, creating a winning RFP presentation is crucial for businesses aiming to secure contracts, land new projects, and ultimately, thrive in their respective industries.

So, grab your digital pens and pointers, because we're about to embark on a journey through the ins and outs of RFP presentations.

What is a request for proposal (RFP) presentation?

Before we get too deep into the nitty-gritty of RFP presentations, let's ensure we're all on the same page. An RFP presentation is a key component of the proposal process. It's your opportunity to visually communicate your company's qualifications, expertise, and the proposed solution to potential clients or stakeholders. In essence, it's your digital pitch, aimed at convincing decision-makers that you're the best fit for the job.

Different types of RFP presentation

As you embark on your journey to master the art of Request for Proposal (RFP) presentations, it's crucial to understand the diverse types of presentations you might encounter. RFP presentations come in various forms, each designed to suit different scenarios and preferences. Let's dive into the world of RFP presentation formats:

Pre-planned vs. ad hoc RFP oral presentations

Pre-planned presentations : These are the most common type of RFP presentations. Typically, they are scheduled well in advance, allowing you ample time to prepare, rehearse, and fine-tune your material. Pre-planned presentations follow a structured format and are ideal for showcasing your expertise in a methodical manner.

Ad hoc presentations : While less common, ad hoc presentations may be requested when clients have specific questions about your proposal or when there are multiple highly competitive finalists. These presentations are typically shorter, less formal, and delivered on the spot. Ad hoc presentations demand quick thinking and the ability to adapt to unexpected inquiries.

In-person vs. virtual RFP oral presentations

In-person presentations : Traditional in-person RFP presentations require you to travel to the client's location, providing a face-to-face interaction. These presentations are often favored for their personal touch and the opportunity to establish a strong rapport with the audience.

Virtual presentations : In today's digital age, virtual RFP presentations have gained prominence, especially in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic. They are delivered online using platforms such as Zoom or Microsoft Teams. Virtual presentations offer the flexibility to connect with clients remotely, saving time and resources.

In addition to these primary RFP presentation types, you may also come across the following formats:

Demo Presentations: Are a powerful tool for showcasing your product or service in action. They provide a visual and interactive demonstration, allowing the client to gain a deeper understanding of how your solution can precisely meet their needs. This type of presentation can be especially effective in industries where visual representation is key.

Q&A Sessions: Are typically held at the conclusion of an RFP presentation. They provide clients with the opportunity to ask questions about your proposal, seek clarifications, and address any concerns they may have. This is an invaluable chance to demonstrate your expertise and show that you have a thorough understanding of your solution.

No matter which type of RFP presentation you are tasked with, the key to success lies in preparation and professionalism. Take the time to thoroughly understand the client's requirements, tailor your presentation to meet their specific needs, and approach each presentation with confidence and expertise. Your ability to adapt to different presentation styles and connect with your audience will be a significant factor in winning bids and securing valuable contracts.

What should a request for proposal (RFP) presentation include?

Now that we know what an RFP presentation is, what exactly should it include to leave a lasting impression? Here's a breakdown:

  • Introduction : Start by introducing your company. Who are you, and why are you a top-notch choice for this project?
  • Company background : Provide background information about your company, its history, mission, and values.
  • Team members : Highlight the key team members who will be involved in the project.
  • Qualifications : Showcase your qualifications, including relevant certifications and previous successful projects.
  • Presentation slides : Discuss the structure of your presentation. What are you going to cover, and how will it be organized?
  • RFP process : Explain the process you'll follow to respond to the RFP, including deadlines and milestones.
  • Bid details : Specify the bid details, such as pricing and payment terms.
  • Problem-solution statement : Clearly outline the problem your proposal addresses and how your solution solves it.
  • Evaluation process : Describe how your proposal will be evaluated and the criteria that will be used.
  • Conclusion : Sum up your proposal and express your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

How to structure an effective request for proposal (RFP) presentation

Structure is crucial for creating an impactful RFP presentation. Here's a suggested structure:

1. Introduction: Grab the audience's attention. Introduce your company and its mission. State the purpose of your presentation.

2. Company background: Provide an overview of your company's history and values. Highlight your company's strengths.

3. Team members: Introduce the key team members involved in the project. Emphasize their expertise and qualifications.

4. Qualifications: Showcase your company's qualifications and certifications. Mention past successful projects and clients.

5. Presentation slides: Explain the structure of your presentation. Detail what each slide will cover.

6. Rfp templates: Stress the importance of professional presentation design, visually appealing templates. Discuss how they enhance your presentation's impact.

7. RFP process: Describe the process you'll follow to respond to the RFP. Include deadlines and key milestones.

8. Bid details: Specify pricing, payment terms, and any other financial details.

9. Problem-solution statement: Clearly define the problem and how your solution addresses it. Provide evidence of your solution's effectiveness.

10. Evaluation process: Explain how your proposal will be evaluated. Detail the criteria and metrics that will be used.

11. Conclusion: Summarize your proposal's key points. Express your enthusiasm for the opportunity.

Do's and don'ts on a request for proposal (RFP) presentation

So, what should you do and what should you avoid when creating your RFPs presentation? Here's a handy list of do's and don'ts:

  • Do research : Thoroughly understand the client's needs and expectations.
  • Do be concise : Keep your presentation focused and to the point.
  • Do use visuals : Incorporate compelling visuals to enhance your message.
  • Do customize : Tailor your presentation to the specific RFP and client.
  • Do practice : Rehearse your presentation to ensure a smooth delivery.


  • Don't overload : Avoid overwhelming your audience with excessive information.
  • Don't ignore design : Neglecting the visual aspect can detract from your message.
  • Don't skip proofreading : Typos and errors can make your proposal appear unprofessional.
  • Don't miss deadlines : Always meet submission deadlines.
  • Don't overpromise : Be honest and realistic about what your company can deliver.

Summarizing Key Takeaways

  • Understanding RFP presentations : RFP presentations are a crucial part of the proposal process, serving as a digital pitch to communicate a company's qualifications and proposed solutions to potential clients or stakeholders.
  • Types of RFP presentations : There are various types of RFP presentations, including pre-planned vs. ad hoc and in-person vs. virtual presentations, each suited to different situations and preferences.
  • Additional presentation formats : Other formats include demo presentations and Q&A sessions, which offer opportunities to showcase products or services and address client inquiries.
  • Components of an RFP presentation : A comprehensive RFP presentation should include an introduction, company background, team members, qualifications, presentation slides, details of the RFP process, bid specifics, problem-solution statement, evaluation process, and a conclusion.
  • Effective presentation structure : A suggested structure for RFP presentations includes an introduction, company background, team members, qualifications, presentation slides, RFP process, bid details, problem-solution statement, evaluation process, and a conclusion.
  • Do's and don'ts : Follow best practices, such as thorough research, conciseness, visual elements, customization, and practice. Avoid overloading, neglecting design, missing deadlines, and overpromising in your RFP presentation.

1. What is the importance of a request for proposal (RFP) presentation in the bidding process?

A well-crafted RFP presentation is crucial to winning the bid. It allows you to showcase your company's background, expertise, and services in a persuasive manner, potentially attracting bidders to fund the project. An impactful RFP presentation can make the difference between success and failure.

2. How can I create an effective RFP presentation using powerpoint or google slides?

To create an impactful RFP presentation, you can utilize customizable content-ready RFP powerpoint templates or themes. These templates come with pre-designed slides and visuals that can help you give a clear idea of your company's capabilities and proposal. Whether you choose prezent, powerpoint or google slides, these templates can save you time and effort in creating a winning presentation.

3. What are the essential components of an RFP presentation?

An effective RFP presentation should include components such as the company's background information, a clear problem-solution statement, and the services offered. It should be based on the best practices for RFP presentations to attract the attention of your potential client and meet the specific criteria and metrics outlined in the original RFP.

4. How can I make sure my RFP presentation stands out from the competition?

To stand out in the RFP bidding process, it's a good idea to use professionally designed RFP powerpoint visuals and present an impactful proposal to your client. The presentation slides should look professional and align with the customer's RFP process. Additionally, you should believe in your business and ensure that your RFP presentation reflects your commitment to achieving the desired goal within the project.

5. How should I handle the oral proposal presentation at the end of the RFP process?

The oral proposal presentation, often the RFP finalist presentation, is a critical step. It's essential to use powerpoint or google slides to create a compelling presentation. You may request a sample RFP or RFP powerpoint template to guide you in creating a winning presentation. Make sure to follow the outline provided in the original RFP, including the presentation timeframe and content requirements, to maximize your chances of winning the bid.

Create your request for proposal presentation with prezent

Creating a compelling request for proposal (RFP) presentation is a critical aspect of any research project, and Prezent offers an invaluable tool to streamline this process. With Prezent's AI presentation tool, you can elevate your RFP presentations and achieve full brand compliance effortlessly. This innovative platform combines several elements crucial for an effective RFP presentation.

One of the standout features of Prezent is its brand-approved design capabilities. The platform allows you to manage documents with ease, ensuring that your RFP presentation aligns perfectly with your corporate brand and marketing guidelines. This ensures that every RFP you create is 100% on-brand, approved by your marketing team, and consistently reflects the values and identity of your organization. With Prezent, you can say goodbye to the challenges of creating RFPs that match your brand standards, as this platform simplifies the process, making it efficient and hassle-free.

In addition to the fantastic suite of features, Prezent can also help you save valuable time and resources. It can cut down presentation creation time by 70%, thanks to its extensive library of 35,000+ slides in your company's brand-approved design. You can master structured storytelling with access to over 50 storylines commonly used by business leaders. By instantly sharing and standardizing your RFPs, you can collaborate seamlessly with colleagues, both within and outside your company, all while reducing communication costs by a staggering 60%. Prezent truly empowers research professionals to create personalized RFP presentations that impress, reflect their brand, and streamline the process from start to finish.

So, go ahead and start crafting your RFP presentation masterpiece with the knowledge you've gained here.

Sign up for our free trial or book a demo today!

Happy presenting!

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Presentation or Proposal Software: Which Is Better For Your Sales Proposals

Presentation or Proposal Software: Which Is Better For Your Sales Proposals

If you’ve ever created a presentation or proposal, chances are you’ve likely used presentation software, such as Microsoft PowerPoint, Google Slides, or LibreOffice Impress. But have you ever considered an alternative way to create your proposals?

Presentation software’s strength is in enabling you to create visual presentations with customizable slides. However, proposal software starts with well-designed proposal templates that you can customize and then present, giving you an edge over your competitors.

In this post, we put presentation software and proposal software in a head-to-head comparison so you can decide which solution is best for you.

Presentation Software

The most popular presentation software is PowerPoint, which has been around for more than two decades. Business professionals, teachers, and speakers use it to create presentations by combining text, graphics, images, and other media on slides.

Strengths and Weaknesses

Presentation software is an excellent choice for businesses, considering most people are familiar with how to use it. However, it’s not the best option if you want your presentations to stand out from your competitors.

Also, multiple people use their templates, making it challenging to personalize your work. When prospective customers see a lack of individuality and creativity on your part, they might be less willing to invest in your business.  If they detect you’re unable to invest in your presentation to them, they might perceive you as unable to invest in the care and attention they need.

User and Client Experience

Presentation software, particularly PowerPoint, can be a great way to deliver your presentations. However,  it comes with some drawbacks. First, it’s challenging to collaborate with others on projects because you can share only your file library. If the storage amount exceeds its limitations (over 100 documents), you must pay for more space as an upgrade.

Second, some clients report that PowerPoint PDFs or files sent as an email attachment sometimes go to spam folders if they exceed the allowed attachment size.  When the files are so large, they won’t even open.

To ensure potential customers receive these types of online communications, you must send additional sales documents alongside any part presentations. This way, there’s no question about the kind of deal you’re offering.

Support and Training

Because Microsoft Office is one of the most popular online office platforms, it’s convenient to find additional support from other users. This widespread use has brought about many user-generated forums, YouTube how-to videos, and peer-to-peer help for those who need it. Google also has online help for Google Slides , and LibreOffice has online community support for Impress on its website.


PowerPoint seamlessly integrates with other Microsoft products and the different apps available on your computer, like charting software Lucidchart. Google Slides also integrates with applications such as Zapier,  but LibreOffice Impressions only works with LibreOffice applications.

Reporting and Tracking

Unfortunately, presentation software doesn’t have a way to determine how a client interacts with your email. You can only assume they’ve opened it and viewed what you sent, but there isn’t any other feedback.

PowerPoint is not available as a stand-alone product and must be bundled with other Microsoft Office products. A basic package that includes PowerPoint starts at $9.99 per month.

Google Slides is available with a Gmail account for free. It’s also available as part of a business plan at $12/month that includes other Google apps.

Impress is available free of charge with the download of LibreOffice.

Proposal Software

The proposal software industry is expected to more than double between 2019 and 2024. Proposal software, such as Zomentum Grow, simplifies the way technology partners do business from creating proposals to tracking and measuring them. See how Zomentum Grow compares to presentation software.

Proposal management software has many strengths. You can:

  • Create a proposal from scratch or use an existing template.
  • Present the proposal to your peers or prospective clients.
  • Customize proposals for your prospective clients.
  • Track the proposal immediately after you click Send.
  • Leverage your prospects to sign the proposal electronically.
  • Collect payments from the same tool and interface.

Proposals sent using Zomentum Grow use a dedicated link that prevents presentations from going into spam folders. Also, the internal workflow is more practical, with the final result looking more impressive and professional.

Unlike PowerPoint, flashy animations aren’t available between the slides. More features mean a broader learning curve for your teams. Personalizing the proposal and beautifying it is excellent, but adding more can be challenging until you are more familiar with the process.

With proposal software like Zomentum Grow, high-volume presentations are created quickly and efficiently. You get an organized content library so you can easily customize your proposals, or you can use the proposal software in its online version in the presentation mode. However, if necessary, you can download a PDF file of your proposal.

With Zomentum Grow, your prospects can comment and communicate with other stakeholders in the proposal while reading it. Through an interactive feature, you can add pricing tables or choose pricing options for the desired level of engagement, all without leaving the platform.

A few simple clicks quickly bring everything together. You can select how many recipients need e-signatures. You can also set reminders about deadlines and then wait patiently for your clients to review and sign your contract.

Zomentum Grow has a support team ready to assist you with your proposals or just answer questions about Zomentum Grow. You can reach our support team by phone, email, webchat, and through social media channels like Facebook and Twitter.

Proposal software is known for its integrations and flexibility in creating, sending, and monitoring your proposals and closing a deal. Zomentum Grow supports more than ten integrations, including Gmail, Outlook, Ingram Micro, Etilize, and Zapier, for different integrations to streamline your sales workflow and stay on top of your deals.

Proposal software like Zomentum Grow provides all the data and analytics you need to know how your prospects interact with your proposal. You get a chance for personalization, which isn’t possible with presentation software.

Zomentum Grow empowers you with proposal software metrics to help you track annual contract value (ACV) and understand the deal stages of your sales cycle.

Our current pricing plan is $99/MSP for up to two users billed monthly. Factors that influence the price include:

  • Features and integrations
  • Onboarding and training
  • Templates and asset setup

Create Your Proposals With Proposal Software from Zomentum Grow

For some people, the choice between presentation or proposal software is easy. They’re comfortable with Microsoft PowerPoint. Also, they don’t have any supplemental sales documents to create, so they use the product they’re familiar with for their team’s proposals.

However, if you’re looking at streamlining your workflow and enhancing collaboration between teams, choose Zomentum Grow. Zomentum Grow enables you to create professional proposals quickly and easily and customize recommendations for each customer. The software provides a variety of templates and samples to use and reuse, saving you time and resources to generate a proposal.

Plus, you can easily track and measure the success of your proposals. With this information, you can improve your proposal templates to make them more effective. Let Zomentum Grow take your prospects from proposal to sale.


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  • (n.) The act of presenting, or the state of being presented; a setting forth; an offering; bestowal.
  • (n.) exhibition; representation; display; appearance; semblance; show.
  • (n.) That which is presented or given; a present; a gift, as, the picture was a presentation.
  • (n.) The act of offering a clergyman to the bishop or ordinary for institution in a benefice; the right of presenting a clergyman.
  • (n.) The particular position of the child during labor relatively to the passage though which it is to be brought forth; -- specifically designated by the part which first appears at the mouth of the uterus; as, a breech presentation.

Example Sentences:

  • (1) By presenting the case history of a man who successively developed facial and trigeminal neural dysfunction after Mohs chemosurgery of a PCSCC, this paper documents histologically the occurrence of such neural invasion, and illustrates the utility of gadolinium-enhanced magnetic resonance scanning in patient management.
  • (2) It was tested for recovery and separation from other selenium moieties present in urine using both in vivo-labeled rat urine and human urine spiked with unlabeled TMSe.
  • (3) A report is presented of 6 surgically-treated cases of recurrent cervical carcinoma.
  • (4) The newborn with critical AS typically presents with severe cardiac failure and the infant with moderate failure, whereas children may be asymptomatic.
  • (5) The rash presented either as a pityriasis rosea-like picture which appeared about three to six months after the onset of treatment in patients taking low doses, or alternatively, as lichenoid plaques which appeared three to six months after commencement of medication in patients taking high doses.
  • (6) The authors have presented in two previous articles the graphic solutions resembling Tscherning ellipses, for spherical as well as for aspherical ophthalmic lenses free of astigmatism or power error.
  • (7) The neurologic or digestive signs were present in 12% of the children.
  • (8) These studies led to the following conclusions: (a) all the prominent NHP which remain bound to DNA are also present in somewhat similar proportions in the saline-EDTA, Tris, and 0.35 M NaCl washes of nuclei; (b) a protein comigrating with actin is prominent in the first saline-EDTA wash of nuclei, but present as only a minor band in the subsequent washes and on washed chromatin; (c) the presence of nuclear matrix proteins in all the nuclear washes and cytosol indicates that these proteins are distributed throughout the cell; (d) a histone-binding protein (J2) analogous to the HMG1 protein of K. V. Shooter, G.H.
  • (9) Weddellite calcification was associated with benign lesions in 16 cases, but incidental atypical lobular hyperplasia and lobular carcinoma in situ were present, each in one case.
  • (10) In some cervical nodes, a few follicles, lymphocyte clusters, and a well-developed plasmocyte population were also present.
  • (11) Single-case experimental designs are presented and discussed from several points of view: Historical antecedents, assessment of the dependent variable, internal and external validity and pre-experimental vs experimental single-case designs.
  • (12) We have previously shown that serotonin is present in secretory granules of frog adrenochromaffin cells; concurrently, we have demonstrated that serotonin is a potent stimulator of corticosterone and aldosterone secretion by adrenocortical cells.
  • (13) Among a family of 8 children, 4 presented typical clinical and biological abnormalities related to mannosidosis.
  • (14) Multiple overlapping thin 3D slab acquisition is presented as a magnitude contrast (time of flight) technique which combines advantages from multiple thin slice 2D and direct 3D volume acquisitions to obtain high-resolution cross-sectional images of vessel detail.
  • (15) The subcellular distribution of sialyltransferase and its product of action, sialic acid, was investigated in the undifferentiated cells of the rat intestinal crypts and compared with the pattern observed in the differentiated cells present in the surface epithelium.
  • (16) The data on mapping the episomal plasmid integration sites in yeast chromosomes I, III, IV, V, VII, XV are presented.
  • (17) In the present investigation we monitored the incorporation of [14C] from [U-14C]glucose into various rat brain glycolytic intermediates of conscious and pentobarbital-anesthetized animals.
  • (18) The purpose of the present study was to report on remaining teeth and periodontal conditions in a population of 200 adolescent and adult Vietnamese refugees.
  • (19) Among the groups investigated, the subjects with gastric tumors presented the greatest values.
  • (20) We present these cases and review the previously reported cases.
  • (n.) That which is proposed, or propounded for consideration or acceptance; a scheme or design; terms or conditions proposed; offer; as, to make proposals for a treaty of peace; to offer proposals for erecting a building; to make proposals of marriage.
  • (n.) The offer by a party of what he has in view as to an intended business transaction, which, with acceptance, constitutes a contract.
  • (1) We propose that this dependence on coexpression reflects the association between the LTA::STa hybrids and LTB subunits.
  • (2) Experiments are proposed by which to test these and related hypotheses.
  • (3) Senator Bernie Sanders of Vermont, who is also seeking the Democratic presidential nomination, recently proposed a bill that would ease the financial burden of prescription drugs on elderly Americans by allowing Medicare, the national social health insurance program, to negotiate with the pharmaceutical companies to keep prices down.
  • (4) Based on our results, we propose the following hypotheses for the neurochemical mechanisms of motion sickness: (1) the histaminergic neuron system is involved in the signs and symptoms of motion sickness, including vomiting; (2) the acetylcholinergic neuron system is involved in the processes of habituation to motion sickness, including neural store mechanisms; and (3) the catecholaminergic neuron system in the brain stem is not related to the development of motion sickness.
  • (5) We are pursuing legal action because there are still so many unanswered questions about the viability of Shenhua’s proposed koala plan and it seems at this point the plan does not guarantee the survival of the estimated 262 koalas currently living where Shenhua wants to put its mine,” said Ranclaud.
  • (6) "The proposed 'reform' is designed to legitimise this blatantly unfair, police state practice, while leaving the rest of the criminal procedure law as misleading decoration," said Professor Jerome Cohen, an expert on China at New York University's School of Law.
  • (7) A sensitive color reaction after two-dimensional TLC described earlier for zeranol determination in veal samples is proposed for the detection of the zeranol metabolite zearalanone and the mycotoxin zearalenone.
  • (8) Pedigree studies have suggested that there may be an inherited predisposition to many apparently nonfamilial colorectal cancers and a genetic model of tumorigenesis in common colorectal cancer has been proposed that includes the activation of dominantly acting oncogenes and the inactivation of growth suppressor genes.
  • (9) Proposals to increase the tax on high-earning "non-domiciled" residents in Britain were watered down today, after intense lobbying from the business community.
  • (10) Gardner proposed that anomalies at the exit of the fourth ventricle produce a communicating syringomyelia.
  • (11) It is proposed that microoscillations of the eye increase the threshold for detection of retinal target displacements, leading to less efficient lateral sway stabilization than expected, and that the threshold for detection of self motion in the A-P direction is lower than the threshold for object motion detection used in the calculations, leading to more efficient stabilization of A-P sway.
  • (12) The usefulness of the proposed method is obvious in cases where the composition of a precipitate on LM scale is to be compared with the LM appearance of the surrounding tissue.
  • (13) The schedule proposed is easy to use and reproducible.
  • (14) The proposed method appears to offer a more consistently accurate means of measuring EDV than previously suggested ultrasound methods.
  • (15) We propose that the results mainly reflect a variable local impact of infection control and that a much more restrictive use of IUTCs is possible in many wards.
  • (16) It is proposed that in A. brasilense, the PII protein and glutamine synthetase are involved in a post-translational modification of NifA.
  • (17) It is proposed that this "zipper-like" mechanism represents the normal cutting process of the septum during cell separation.
  • (18) We propose that during the detergent solubilization the acidic phospholipids protect the transport systems against denaturation by preventing delipidation.
  • (19) However, it does not and we therefore propose the presence of an unusual DNA conformation in these regions.
  • (20) We propose that, for a GC base pair in B conformation, there are two amino proton exchangeable states--a cytosine amino proton exchangeable state and a guanine amino proton exchangeable state; both require the disruption of only the corresponding interbase H bond.

Words possibly related to " presentation "








Words possibly related to " proposal "





University Libraries

Writing a dissertation or thesis proposal, what is a proposal, what is the purpose of a proposal.

  • Video Tutorials
  • Select a Topic
  • Research Questions
  • Search the Literature
  • Plan Before Reviewing
  • Review the Literature
  • Write the Review
  • IRB Approval

The proposal, sometimes called the prospectus, is composed mainly of the Introduction, Research Questions, Literature Review, Research Significance and Methodology. It may also include a dissertation/thesis outline and a timeline for your proposed research. You will be able to reuse the proposal when you actually write the entire dissertation or thesis.

In the graduate student timeline, the proposal comes after successfully passing qualifying or comprehensive exams and before starting the research for a dissertation or thesis.

Each UNT department has slightly different proposal requirements, so be sure to check with your advisor or the department's graduate advisor before you start!

  • Examples of Proposals from UTexas More than 20 completed dissertation proposals are available to read at the UT Intellectual Entrepreneurship website.
  • Dissertation Proposal Guidelines This document from the Department of Communication at the University of Washington is a good example of what you might be expected to include in a proposal.

The purpose of a proposal is to convince your dissertation or thesis committee that you are ready to start your research project and to create a plan for your dissertation or thesis work. You will submit your proposal to your committee for review and then you will do your proposal defense, during which you present your plan and the committee asks questions about it. The committee wants to know if your research questions have academic merit and whether you have chosen the right methods to answer the questions.

  • How to Prepare a Successful Dissertation Proposal Defense Some general tips for a proposal defense from

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  • Last Updated: Nov 13, 2023 4:28 PM
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The difference between a business plan and a business proposal

Whether you are in business, employment, or college pursuing a degree, understanding the basics of a business proposal is a skill that you must have. Most people use the terms business plan and business proposal interchangeably. These two documents are very different. A business plan is different from a business proposal in terms of content, structure, writing style, goals, and purpose. The most important difference to note is that a business plan is a written presentation of fact while a business proposal is a price quote and a call to action.

According to an article on , a business plan is a document that outlines a detailed description of how a business is set up. It is a 5-year plan of a business showing the company structure, products and services, market findings from research, marketing strategy, planned budget and financial projections. It can be simply defined as the factual and wide description of a business and its projections. A business plan can be drawn by a start-up as well as a going concern.

A business proposal is a purposeful sales document formulated to illustrate how a business will carry out a project, give the value of the project to the prospective client and ask for the client's business. Therefore, it is a document that a business submits to another enterprise or organization putting forward a business arrangement.

A business plan ideally comprises three elements: description of the business model, the marketing strategy and financial projections. It includes informative sections, specifically the executive summary, business description (products and services), marketing plan, industry analysis (competitor analysis), build-out plan, internal analysis, operations plan, leadership structure or introduction of management, and financial projections -- discussion of financial concern and projection of results. The opening page is the executive summary. It can be an intense abstract or a detailed but precise marketing tool to draw interest in the plan. The business plan is an informational document intended to factually showcase the company's operations, goals and potential.

According to Sean Kerner from Tech Republic, the format of a business proposal depends on whether it solicited or unsolicited. A solicited proposal and in response to an RFP should take the format called for in the RFP. Usually, this entails a quick description of the services and products offered by your business and clearly showing their relevance to the goals of the RFP, a replication of the scope of work, response to specific questions raised in the RFP and a quotation detailing materials, equipment, labor, delivery and other basics of the project outlay. An unsolicited business proposal may or may not take the same format. The intention is to create and develop a business opportunity, and so it is advisable to follow the same format or any other that is popular with the industry or business. Be keen to address all the questions that the potential client might have. With an unsolicited proposal, it is up to you to decide the structure. Whichever format you choose, ensure that the proposal is professional, highlights key areas of interest, presents a value proposition, is thoroughly researched and loaded with facts and with a call to action.

A business plan is required for two main reasons. It clearly defines the scope of the business and in the process clarifies your thinking as the proprietor of the business. It offers you information that had not been considered previously. Simply put, it documents the vision of the business and how it will be achieved. This guides the business towards a practical strategy to guide the business for the time-frame enclosed by the plan. It is the blueprint to success of the business. It outlines strategies for converting the ideas into core competencies. It also presents the financial projections of starting and operating the business as well as estimation of revenue generation from business activities. Secondly, it offers comprehensive business information for use by potential investors and employees, suppliers, accountants, attorneys and other stakeholders. The primary function for a business plan is to record and pass on information.

A business plan is also used to raise funds in form of a business loan, venture capitalist, angel investors or incubation. When approaching these money lenders you must present a thoroughly researched and realistic business plan. The investors need to be sure that you are confident and truthful about the market statistics and financial projections indicated in the report. A business plan should be as truthful as possible because it is the blueprint and vision of the company. It provides a checklist of whether the objectives of the business are on track. According to experts, a professional business plan requires about six weeks of in-depth research and preparation. It is not possible to whip one a day before your appointment with investors.

The reason for a business proposal can be well explained based on the type of the proposal. There are two major types of business proposals: invited and non-invited. An invited proposal is submitted in response to an advertisement from the buyer or client. For instance, organization and government agencies wanting to purchases services and products from private suppliers invite contractors to place their bids. Alternatively, some businesses ask for Request for Proposals (RFP) from a selection of suppliers that they willing to consider as a prospective partner. In each case, the business is competing against other bidders. It is in the interest of your business to present a competitive and compelling business proposal.

Non-invited or unsolicited proposals are submitted to potential clients even when they have not requested for one. In this scenario, you give suggestions to the company or organization to purchase services or products in return for funds. For instance, you can tender a proposal to develop an app for an organization or training services for its staff. The most important thing in both cases is to come up with well researched offer to convince buyers. A business proposal is limited to the scope of the specific project or need. In addition, it has a specific audience. The primary function for a proposal is to solicit or grow a business opportunity.

You can look a business plan as more of an internal document. A proposal on the other hand is an external document used for presenting or selling the business to an external player. A business plan guides the activities of the business internally in terms of marketing strategies and revenue projections that should be achieved. A proposal shows the external players such as governments, donors or business partners what the business is all about and how it intends to carry out a project at hand or use the opportunity to generate revue for both partners.

For more information, here is an article on how to write a business proposal . An Introduction to Business Plans

Win more clients by creating impressive digital business proposals, price quotes, and contracts using ClientPoint Software

If you want your business proposals, price quotes, and contracts to stand out above your competitors and give you the best chance at winning new clients, use ClientPoint's Proposal Software . It makes creating and formatting professional business proposals, price quotes, and contracts fast and easy.

Related Readings

Proposal writing tips, a business proposal checklist to help you win more clients, 8 reasons why paper-based business proposals are dead and digital business proposals are superior, what is a business proposal and how to write it for b2b sales.

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Offer vs Proposal: Understanding the Key Differences

Photo of Basir Saboor

Are you tired of feeling confused and uncertain when it comes to offers vs proposals? Do you find yourself wondering why some deals fall through while others succeed? Look no further, because we’re here to help! In this blog post, we’ll break down the key differences between offers and proposals.

An offer is a firm commitment to enter into a contract, whereas a proposal is a more tentative offer that may be withdrawn if not accepted.

Table of Contents

Offer Vs Proposal (Comparison Chart)

  • Agreement Vs Contract
  • Manager Vs Director
  • Tax Vs Audit

What is an Offer?

An offer refers to a specific proposal to enter into an agreement. It is the first step in the formation of a contract and must include certain elements to be valid. An offer typically includes an expression of willingness to enter into a binding agreement, identification of the parties involved, details regarding the proposed terms and conditions, and a statement of acceptance.

What is a Proposal?

A proposal refers to a document or presentation that outlines an idea, request, project plan, or other proposal and is typically submitted to a potential customer, client, partner, donor, or investor for consideration. 

A proposal usually includes an introduction outlining the purpose of the proposal and details of how it will be implemented. It also provides information about the proposer’s qualifications and experience related to the proposed project.

In other words, a proposal is more of a persuasive document. It is a way to convince the recipient of the potential and value of your project, while also outlining the steps and resources needed for successful completion.

Examples of an Offer and a Proposal

The key difference between an offer and a proposal is that an offer creates a legally binding contract, while a proposal does not. 

Example of an Offer: I hereby offer to sell you 100 shares of ABC Corporation stock at $10 per share. 

This offer is binding on both parties. If you accept this offer, you are agreeing to purchase the stock at $10 per share. If I accept your acceptance of this offer, I am agreeing to sell you the stock at $10 per share. This creates a legally binding contract between us. 

Example of a Proposal: I hereby propose to sell you 100 shares of ABC Corporation stock at $10 per share. 

This proposal is NOT binding on either party. If you accept this proposal, you are NOT agreeing to purchase the stock at $10 per share. If I accept your acceptance of this proposal, I am NOT agreeing to sell you the stock at $10 per share. This does NOT create a legally binding contract between us.

Key Differences Between an Offer and a Proposal

  • Origin – Offers are usually made in response to a request for proposal (RFP), whereas proposals are typically unsolicited.
  • Level of Details – Offers generally spell out all of the details of an agreement, including price, quantity, delivery date, and payment terms. Proposals, on the other hand, tend to be more general in nature and leave room for negotiation.
  • Withdrawal – It is typically easier to withdraw from a proposal than it is to back out of an offer. This is because an offer has been accepted by both parties, whereas a proposal has only been accepted by one party.
  • Validity Period – If an offer is not accepted within a certain period of time, it will typically expire. Proposals, on the other hand, can remain valid for weeks or even months.

comparison table comparing offer vs proposal

When to Use an Offer or a Proposal?

When you’re trying to win a new client or project, you will likely need to submit either an offer or a proposal (or both). But how do you know which one to use?

If there’s already an opportunity on the table and you want to put forward your best terms, an offer is the way to go.

If, on the other hand, you’re trying to create an opportunity – say, by pitching a new idea to a potential client – then you’ll want to use a proposal.

Of course, there are always exceptions to the rule. If you’re not sure which document is appropriate for your situation, it’s best to err on the side of caution and go with a proposal. After all, it can always be revised and tailored as needed once you’ve had a chance to learn more about the opportunity.

Understanding the key differences between an offer and a proposal is essential for anyone looking to enter into any sort of business agreement. Although both documents are similar in many respects, they also have different definitions and purposes. 

Knowing which document to use when negotiating a deal can make all the difference in ensuring successful outcomes. By understanding these distinctions, you’ll be better equipped to negotiate effectively and protect yourself from any potential legal issues that may arise down the line.

Photo of Basir Saboor

Basir Saboor

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What is Memorial Day? The true meaning of why we celebrate the federal holiday

For many Americans, Memorial Day is more than a long weekend and an unofficial start to the summer season. The real meaning of the holiday is meant to honor all U.S. soldiers who have died serving their country.

Originally called Decoration Day, Memorial Day's history goes back to the Civil War. It was was declared a national holiday by Congress in 1971, according to the U.S. Department of Veterans' Affairs.

Although Veterans Day in November also honors military service members, Memorial Day differs by honoring all military members who have died while serving in U.S. forces in any current or previous wars.

The late-May holiday has also evolved into an opportunity for Americans to head to the beach or lake , travel to see friends and family , or even catch a Memorial Day parade .

Here's what to know about the history and the reason behind why we observe Memorial Day.

Memorial Day weather: Severe storms could hamper your travel, outdoor plans for Memorial Day weekend

When is Memorial Day?

One of 11 federal holidays recognized in the U.S., Memorial Day is always observed on the last Monday of May. This year, the holiday falls on Monday, May 27.

Why do we celebrate Memorial Day?  

The origins of the holiday can be traced back to local observances for soldiers with neglected gravesites during the Civil War.

The first observance of what would become Memorial Day, some historians think, took place in Charleston, South Carolina at the site of a horse racing track that Confederates had turned into a prison holding Union prisoners. Blacks in the city organized a burial of deceased Union prisoners and built a fence around the site, Yale historian David Blight wrote in  The New York Times  in 2011.

Then on May 1, 1865, they held an event there including a parade – Blacks who fought in the Civil War participated – spiritual readings and songs, and picnicking. A commemorative marker was erected there in 2010.

One of the first Decoration Days was held in Columbus, Mississippi, on April 25, 1866 by women who decorated graves of Confederate soldiers who perished in the battle at Shiloh with flowers. On May 5, 1868, three years after the end of the Civil War, the tradition of placing flowers on veterans’ graves was continued by the establishment of Decoration Day by an organization of Union veterans, the Grand Army of the Republic. 

General Ulysses S. Grant presided over the first large observance, a crowd of about 5,000 people, at Arlington National Cemetery in Virginia on May 30, 1873.

This tradition continues to thrive in cemeteries of all sizes across the country. 

Until World War I, Civil War soldiers were solely honored on this holiday. Now, all Americans who’ve served are observed. 

At least 25 places in the North and the South claim to be the birthplace of Memorial Day. Some states that claim ownership of the origins include Illinois, Georgia, Virginia, and Pennsylvania, according to Veterans Affairs.

Despite conflicting claims, the U.S. Congress and President Lyndon Johnson declared Waterloo, New York, as the “birthplace” of Memorial Day on May 30, 1966, after Governor Nelson Rockefeller's declaration that same year. The New York community formally honored local veterans May 5, 1866 by closing businesses and lowering flags at half-staff. 

Why is Memorial Day in May? 

The day that we celebrate Memorial Day is believed to be influenced by Illinois U.S. Representative John A. Logan, who was elected to the U.S. House of Representatives as a Democrat in November 1858, and served as an officer during the Mexican War.

It is said that Logan, a staunch defender of the Union, believed Memorial Day should occur when flowers are in full bloom across the country, according to the  National Museum of the U.S. Army.

Congress passed an act making May 30 a holiday in the District of Columbia in 1888,  according to the U.S. Congressional Research Service.

In 2000, the National Moment of Remembrance Act – which created the White House Commission on the National Moment of Remembrance and encourages all to pause at 3 p.m. local time on Memorial Day for a minute of silence – was signed into law by Congress and the President.

What is the difference between Memorial Day and Veterans Day?

Memorial Day and Veterans Day both honor the sacrifices made by U.S. veterans, but the holidays serve different purposes.

Veterans Day, originally called “Armistice Day,” is a younger holiday established in 1926 as a way to commemorate all those who had served in the U.S. armed forces during World War I.

Memorial Day honors all those who have died.


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