StandOut CV

Art Student resume example

Andrew Fennell photo

Are you an art student ready to take the world by storm and show off your incredible talents?

Then you need a resume that paints a perfect picture of your skills, studies, and past art projects.

But if you’re staring at your screen like a blank canvas and you don’t know where to start, this guide is for you. Check out our top tips and art student resume example below.

Resume templates 

Art Student Resume Example

Art Student Resume 1

From the Art Student resume example  above, you can see the kind of information your resume will need to include, and the layout you will need to create for an easy-reading experience.

The rest of this guide will show you how to apply this format to your own unique situation, and create a resume that will attract the best employers in your industry.

resume builder

Art Student resume layout and format

Formatting and structuring your resume correctly is key to landing job interviews.

Your resume needs to look attractive, but more importantly it needs to be easy for recruiters and hiring managers to read and digest the information.

These tips will help you to do that:

How to write a resume

Formatting your resume

  • Length: As recruiters have a limited amount of time to review each resume they see, keep your resume to 2 pages or less to increase the chances of it being thoroughly reviewed.
  • Font & readability : The key to a good resume is readability. To make your resume easy to read, use a clear and uncomplicated font, and break up the text with bullet points and short paragraphs.
  • Layout: A visually appealing resume is important, but don’t forget about functionality. To ensure a functional design, use bold headings and borders to organize the page into clear sections.
  • Photos: It’s not mandatory to add a photo to your resume in the USA but it if you’re applying to organizations within the creative fields, it can be beneficial.

Quick tip: Achieving a professional look for your resume can be difficult and time-consuming. If you want to create an attractive resume quickly, try our quick-and-easy Resume Builder and use one of their eye-catching resume templates.

Resume formatting tips

Resume layout

Your resume should include the following sections to give recruiters the information they require:

  • Name and Contact Details – Place your contact information at the top of your resume to make it easy for employers to get in touch with you.
  • Resume Summary – Write a brief introduction at the beginning of your resume that summarizes your most important qualifications and highlights why you are the ideal candidate for the job.
  • Skills Section – Include a concise list of your most relevant and impressive skills to quickly grab the attention of potential employers.
  • Work Experience – List your previous work experiences in reverse chronological order, including any volunteer work or college placements.
  • Education – List your educational qualifications and any professional training you have received.
  • Additional Information – This section is optional, but you can include details about your interests, hobbies, or any other relevant information that can make you stand out from other applicants.

Here’s what to add to each section of your Art Student resume.

Contact Details

Contact details

Make it easy for hiring managers to contact you by adding your contact details to the top of your resume.

Keep this section small to save space and include the following.

  • Name and profession title
  • Telephone number – Ideally your cell phone so you can answer quickly.
  • Location – Add your general location such as LA or New York
  • Email address – Use a professional looking one with no nicknames.

You can add a link to your LinkedIn profile if you have one – you do not need to include personal details like date of birth or marital status.

Art Student Resume Summary

Start your resume with a bang by adding a powerful summary to the top, summarizing your most valuable skills and experience.

This short paragraph is your chance to show recruiters why you are a perfect fit for the job and encourage them to read more of your resume.

resume profile

How to create a resume summary that will excite recruiters:

  • Keep it short: To capture a recruiter’s attention and keep them interested in your resume, limit your summary to 4-7 lines as you only have a few seconds to make an impression
  • Tailor to target jobs: To tailor your resume to your target jobs, it’s essential to closely analyze the job description and include as many relevant skills as possible.
  • Avoid using cliches: To capture the attention of recruiters you must provide factual information, such as hard skills and qualifications, and avoid using empty phrases like “ Go-getter who thinks outside the box .”

Art Student resume summary example

What to include in your art student resume summary.

  • Summary of your experience: Provide an overview of the type of work you have done in the past and the impact you have made at previous employers.
  • Relevant skills: Instantly showcase your suitability for Art Student jobs by including your skills that are highly relevant to them.
  • Qualifications: If your job requires any qualifications such as a professional course or a college degree, mention it briefly in your summary.

Quick tip: Choose from hundreds of pre-written summaries across all industries, and add one to your resume with one-click in our quick-and-easy Resume Builder . All written by recruitment experts and easily tailored to suit your unique skillset and style.

Core skills section

Underneath your summary, write a core skills section to make your most relevant skills jump off the page at readers.

It should be made up of 2-3 columns of bullet points of your relevant skills.

Before you do this, look over the job description and make a list of any specific skills, specialisms or knowledge required.

Then, make sure to use your findings in your list. This will paint you as the perfect match for the role.

Core skills section resume

Best skills for your Art Student resume

Drawing – Sketching, shading, and creating accurate representations of objects or figures.

Painting – Working with various painting mediums, such as acrylics, oils, or watercolors, and creating visually appealing compositions.

Sculpting – Shaping and manipulating various materials, such as clay or wood, to create three-dimensional artworks.

Digital Art – Using digital art tools and software, such as Adobe Photoshop or Illustrator, to create digital illustrations or designs.

Color Theory – Utilizing knowledge of color mixing, harmony, and contrast to create visually engaging artworks.

Composition – Arranging elements within an artwork to create a balanced and visually appealing composition.

Perspective – Accurately depicting three-dimensional space and creating the illusion of depth in artworks.

Art History – Maintaining familiarity with art movements, artists, and styles throughout history, providing a foundation for artistic inspiration and context.

Critical Thinking – Analyzing and evaluating artworks, techniques, and concepts, fostering a deeper understanding and appreciation of art.

Creativity – Thinking innovatively, generating unique ideas, and expressing individual artistic vision.

Quick tip: Our quick-and-easy Resume Builder contains thousands of in-demand skills for every profession that can be added to your resume in seconds – saving you time and greatly improving your chances of landing job interviews and getting hired.

Work experience

Congratulations on successfully capturing the recruiter’s interest with your attention-grabbing summary! Now, it’s time to showcase your workplace impact by providing a detailed list of your previous job experiences and achievements.

If you have significant experience, consider highlighting the most recent few years to condense this section. However, for junior job seekers, it’s essential to include as much relevant experience as possible, including volunteering and school work placements.

Work experience resume

Structuring your jobs

Resume job descriptions contain lots of information, so its crucial to structure them well.

Use the structure below to ensure hiring managers can consume the information easily.

Role descriptions

Job outline

Begin each job with a short summary of who the organization is, where you sit within it, and what the main goal of your position is.

Key responsibilities

Next, write up a punchy list of your daily duties and responsibilities, using short bullet points.

Describe how you apply your skills and contribute to the running of the employer’s business – highlighting skills which are applicable to your target jobs.

Key achievements

Round off each job by adding some impressive achievements you made in the role.

Anything you’ve done that has made a big impact on your employer will make a good impression, think; generating revenue, saving costs, or improving a product.

Quantify your achievements with number where possible e.g. “reduced call wait time by 10%”

Example job for Art Student resume

Participate in community art projects to gain real-world experience and further enhance professional development, for a leader in the world of visual arts featuring undergraduate, graduate, and certificate programs.

Key Responsibilities

  • Collaborate with peers, lecturers, and other industry professionals in critiquing sessions and group projects, contributing unique perspectives to creative endeavors.
  • Continuously hone skills by exploring various mediums, techniques, and styles with different as paint, clay, online tools, or mixed media.
  • Gather inspiration through studying contemporary trends and discovering new theories.
  • Apply critical thinking and analytical competencies to product meaningful artwork with a strong conceptual foundation.

Quick tip: Create impressive job descriptions easily in our quick-and-easy Resume Builder by adding pre-written job phrases for every industry and career stage.

Education section

Towards the bottom of your resume, add your education section.

Here you should list your professional qualifications and academic record, such as high school diplomas or college degrees.

If you have lots of work experience, you can keep this section brief (because recruiters will be more interested in your career. If you have little/no experience then you should bulk this section up with plenty of detail.

Additional information

The bottom of your resume is a place to add any “additional info”

Any other info that didn’t fall into any of the previous sections can be added here.

If you have hobbies that are related to your profession or any awards or publications – add them here.

Writing your own winning Art Student resume

Crafting a strong Art Student resume can be a daunting task, but implementing the steps outlined above will significantly increase your chances of securing multiple interview opportunities.

Good luck with your job search!

Enhancv > Resume Examples > Freshers

The Ultimate 2022 Resume Format for Freshers Guide [Expert samples from over 100,000 users]

Top 5 tactics to create the best fresher resume format:.

  • Don’t simply list what coursework and internships you’ve done. It helps a hiring manager if they can learn about the important things you did in those roles (e.g. started ACM student chapter in Mumbai around Artificial intelligence and control theory)
  • Make sure that you use the right resume buzzwords and avoid the bad ones
  • Modify your resume to match the interests of the organization you are applying to
  • Don’t be vague, paint a complete picture of who you are and how you are a good for the job
  • Design your resume with care and make sure your most valuable work catches recruiter’s attention
  • Don’t build a 10+ page resume just to show everything you’ve ever done. Remember, it is your resume, not your biography

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How to create the best fresher resume format?

Make it one page.

In case you don’t know, there is a generally accepted industry standard on resume page length. Ideally, it should be one page for every 10 years of experience. Given that you’re about to graduate and have just started working, you should really only have a one page resume . A one page resume is not only more organized, but quickly helps a recruiter identify your key skills and shortlist you. Imagine getting 100 ten page resumes every day. Going through that is like reading a 1,000 page book!

Make your resume relevant to the role

Don’t underestimate your skills just because you lack work experience. One technique you can try is breaking down the job into 5 different parts and see how you can reflect in your resume that you have covered some (or all) parts. This increases the relevance of your resume to a hiring manager significantly. For example, to apply for a Junior software engineer role you can easily break it down to 5 parts. First is programming language, second is algorithmic knowledge, third is quality/scalability, fourth is GIT/JIRA (i.e. deployment tools), and fifth is database. Now, if you crafted a resume that reflects you mastering 3 programming languages, being proficient with well known algorithms and having used deployment tools. By doing so, you are creating the exact fresh resume format that a hiring manager is looking for!

Show your experience

A majority of employers out there want to see the difference you can make to their organization. Sadly, most freshers don’t account for this when they craft their resume or even while sending job applications. From your volunteering experience to your internships, try to show what you did and the impact it made. Use exact numbers when possible. If you’ve taken relevant coursework, certifications - make sure you don’t miss these important details. Proactively promoting your experience is often the most important factor to a positive assessment of your resume.

Conduct a resume review

  • Spelling and grammar mistakes
  • Inconsistent punctuation
  • Broken website links
  • Incorrect contact information
  • Long or unclear sentences

Secure impactful references

References can have a huge impact on your application. They are also a critical part of application tracking systems (ATS) that a vast majority of large organizations use. References in resume formats can be of two types: References of someone within the target organization, and references of a well known industry professional. If you get referred by an existing employee of the organization, your resume has a much higher chance of landing you an interview. And, if you cite the reference of a well known industry professional, your resume will definitely land you an interview.

10 sections recruiters and hiring managers are looking for in a fresher resume format

resume format for freshers arts and science students

1. Your Resume Header

Your resume’s header is the first thing that any recruiter will see. Typically, a header has contact information, website link(s), a linkedin profile, and other social links. Make sure that your contact information is up to date, and only add emails that look professional. Ideally, a professional email looks something like '[email protected]'. Also, keep the number of things in your resume format header to a minimum. Your goal is to give recruiters a quick sense of who you are and how to contact you, not overwhelm them with a lot of information.

2. Personal Summary

A personal summary and a fresher resume don’t exactly match all of the time. Almost 90% of freshers write a summary like this in their resume: “My goal is to grow professionally and contribute to your esteemed organization and learn more” This doesn’t work for many reasons. First, this doesn’t say anything about what you really want to do. Second, it fails to convey relevance your resume to the job. And, third, it makes you sound passive and shows a lack of enthusiasm. A better version of a personal summary (for a design related role) would go in depth, connect your skills and goals with the role that you are applying for. Here’s an example: “To become one of the best UX designers in the world by practising minimalism, design systems with optimized onboarding for large scale software products. I have a keen interest in UX research, information architecture, and motion designs which drive my desire to accomplish great things in my career.” As you can clearly see, a hiring manager that looks at this professional summary will now understand who you are and what your motivation is for applying to the role. They will be more likely to take notice and evaluate your resume carefully. Mission accomplished!

  • Relevant to the role you’re applying for
  • Recognizable within your target industry
  • A mix of both soft and hard skills
  • Software skills (proficiency with AutoCAD)
  • Planning and management skills (Expert in SAP SCS planning)
  • Predictive Analytics (Implementing customer lifecycle analytics using Tableau)
  • Market research (Identifying the right, most profitable customers)
  • Inventory management (keeping record of SKUs and managing demand supply pipeline)
  • MS Word and Google docs
  • Your typing speed (unless you are applying to be a typist)
  • Anything that’s not relevant to the role you are applying for

Resume format example

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Create the best version of your undefined resume.

4. Your Experience

Underestimating work experience is something that’s common across most fresher resumes. A lot of companies that hire freshers usually look for relevant projects or coursework. A relevant example of experience could be something that you did in your coursework, lab, projects or during your internship and can count as a professional grade working experience.

Best resume format

5. Education

A lot of job requirements clearly demand a level of education (undergraduate, post graduate, PhD). Clearly listing them out in a way a recruiter can quickly understand helps your job application in getting closer to being shortlisted. When you add your education to your resume, make sure to mention the important and relevant coursework in it. For example, if you are a mechanical engineering student, highlighting that you’ve gone through Production Planning helps you to be seen as a more relevant candidate for an Automotive Engineering role.

Best fresher resume

6. Languages

  • English : IELTS CEFR B2
  • Tamil : Native Language
  • Hindi : Fluent in reading, writing and speaking
  • German : Full professional proficiency (ILR scale)

Best resume format for freshers

7. Most Proud Of

Did you do something in your college life that you’re incredibly proud of? Adding this section helps you standout from other applicants. After testing it with 100,000+ resume applications, it has proven to be very effective. Freshers can usually add things like a college project, an open source contribution, an achievement in sports, a fellowship, published research papers, etc to name a few.

Resume format for job

8. Life Philosophy

So far, most of the sections we’ve gone through were more focused on your work-related skills. But, hiring is also about cultural fit. Take this chance to be more impactful with your resume format. Fortunately, showcasing your life philosophy doesn’t take much. You can simply reflect it by including a quote from a significant figure or a quote that you live by.

Latest resume format for freshers

9. Certificates and Courses

Often, freshers undergo a number of certification and other courses during college. These courses and certificates can often help you gain first hand experience and prepare you well for your professional career. They are often critical in crafting a winning fresher resume format.

Resume format for freshers engineers

10. References

We spoke about using references and how including them is a part of the best fresher resume format. When you write your references section, ensure to add their name, designation, a contact number and email information.

Resume format examples

How to get a referral for the role you want after graduating

As a fresher, you should try to leverage your existing networks to gain job referrals. A job referral is an incredibly powerful way to land a job as referrals often standout from the rest of job applications. If you are unsure on where to get started, your college alumni, your professors and your social network (Linkedin, Facebook, etc) could be the first place. Here’s a detailed guide to getting job referrals (email outreach template included!) that just might come in handy to get job referrals.

Check out our guide on getting referrals for any job you’re applying for.

Trying to land an interview? Check out more winning resume examples for inspiration

resume format for freshers arts and science students

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How To Write a Resume for Arts Students - BA & MA [15 Examples]

Even with a lower preference in the job market, art students have a fair chance to get a job that compensates for their skills.

With hiring trends shifting from qualification based to skilled-based, getting a degree or diploma from a reputed college or university does not confirm you a job anymore.

Despite the shift, it is still a struggle for art students to find high-paying jobs. Candidates with professional degrees are still preferred by employers worldwide. Even with a lower preference in the job market, art students have a fair chance to get a job that compensates for their skills.  

The first step is developing employable skills

The second one is having a resume that strongly presents your case.  

A resume is like a snapshot of your skills and potential, illuminating your worth to a company if hired. Thus, it’s necessary to write a thoughtful resume for winning your first job interview. You have landed in the right place where you will get a step-by-step guide to writing a resume that stands out.

This blog will guide you through:

  • The correct resume format for arts students
  • Various sections of a resume for arts students
  • Tips to make your arts resume stand out
  • Skills for your arts resume
  • Top rated arts resumes on Resumod

The Correct Resume Format for Arts Students

The first thing is to choose the best format for your resume. There are three common formats for writing a resume, each having specific intentions and impacts. Let’s see their role and how they work to help you choose the right format for your needs:

#1 Chronological Resume Format

This format is best suited for individuals who hold a rich working experience to showcase in their resumes. Here, all the experiences are mentioned in chronological order from the latest at the top and the oldest at the bottom, becoming the main focus of the resume.

As a new graduate especially for art students having very few internship opportunities, a lack of representable experience is common. Thus, a chronological resume doesn’t make the best choice.

#2 Functional Resume Format

This is a skill-oriented format. With this format, the aim is to highlight your skills, not the length of your experience.  

You do not organize your experience based on the chronology, but rather on your skills. For instance, you have had jobs in multiple fields. You will position your experiences as per the category, rather than your employment date.  

#3 Hybrid Format

This is a mixture of both chronological and functional resume formats. It makes a perfect choice for art students. Your lack of experience is backed by your skill set, increasing your relevancy to the job.

Thus, mention your skills and any relevant experience such as internships or summer camps.


Various Sections of a Resume for Arts Students

There are a lot of doubts in a student's mind while writing a resume. The whole process can be really stressful if you don’t know what and how much content to add to your resume. However, we have compiled some common techniques useful to write an organized and standing-out resume.

Contact Details

No resume is complete without contact details. These come on the top.

Write your official full name and phone number, along with your email address and LinkedIn profile (if possible) credentials and your current address. Avoid using vague email addresses and nicknames. Keep everything concise and professional.

Objective Statement

Make your objective, also known as a “statement of intent” relevant to the job, by mentioning a few key responsibilities in it.

For an arts resume, make your objective statement skill-based and talk about the core skills that you'll require during your job role.  

Your educational status says a lot about you despite your experience. Many candidates mention their education status at the bottom which decreases its overall intentional impact.  Therefore, do not hesitate to write your education section at the top, right after the objective statement.

If you have internships that directly support your future job, then make space for those in the bottom.

resume format for freshers arts and science students

Tailor your education by following these simple steps:

  • Add your educational status in chronological order, from the latest/pursuing to the oldest.
  • Mention the complete name of your institution, along with the year of graduation or total tenure spent during graduation. Write the expected year if you are still pursuing the course.
  • Describe key areas of your study that you overtook while studying. It could be anything based on your projects, research, or academic achievements.

Projects, Research, and Published Writings

Most Arts students are required to submit some research papers or theories at some point related to their study area during graduation. It could be in the form of group projects or assignments.  

Use them to your benefit by writing them in your resume.

Write the topic of the project or research paper and describe your outcome in a separate para limited to 2-3 lines only.

However, make sure that you only add the most relevant ones, based on the profile’s requirements. Keep it concise and relevant.

Skills & Competencies

Normally flexing is bad, but there is no harm in flexing your skills while writing a resume. However, write only those skills relevant to the job profile. It also helps in trespassing the automated process of resume rejection based on skills.

Read the job description carefully and list out key skills keywords. Write them down under your skills section.

Extracurricular Activities

Extracurricular activities are your holy grail. They give you brownie points for being outside the classroom and developing your interest areas.

You never know, your engagement in a college society might land you a sales job.  


Tips to Make Your Arts Resume Stand Out

  • Make your resume organized and easily readable. Only choose professional fonts like Arial and the correct font size.
  • Do not repeat the skills and keep them limited to 10-12 skills only.
  • The best way to make use of your education is by mentioning your learning from the various courses undergone and describing how they can help you with the applied position.
  • Mention your GPA, but only if it is impressive and you can back it up. Don’t mention otherwise.
  • Include a combination of soft skills like communication, problem-solving, quick thinking, etc, and technical skills like MS Office, foreign languages, editing, content writing, etc. This gives a balance to your personal and professional qualifications.

Recruiters do notice these small things, making you stand out and way more relevant than others candidates.

Skills for your Arts Resume

  • Legal Writing
  • Legal Research
  • Client Relations
  • Law Office Support
  • Records Management
  • Word Processing and Data Entry
  • Database Management
  • Proofreading & Editing
  • Legal Terminology
  • Legal Advisory
  • Proofreading
  • Legal Documents Writing
  • Content Development
  • Media Relations
  • Market Research
  • Marketing Metrics
  • Multi-Channel Advertising
  • Researching and Outlining
  • Google Analytics
  • Operational Support
  • Human Resource Management
  • Business Operations Management
  • Early Childhood Education
  • Creative Lesson Planning & Unit Design
  • Early Literacy Programs Development
  • Curriculum  Development
  • Cooperative & Experiential Learning
  • Performance Learning Objectives
  • Learner Engagement & Assessment
  • Classroom Management Strategies
  • Organization

Ready to Create

  • Collaboration
  • Traffic and Statistics Monitoring
  • Content Optimization
  • Team Collaboration
  • Planning and  Coordination
  • Graphic Designing
  • Lifestyle Writing
  • Online Publication Management
  • Photography
  • HR Policies & Procedures
  • HR Department Leadership
  • Orientation & Onboarding
  • Recruitment Lifecycle Management
  • Training & Development
  • Attendance Management
  • Leave Planning and Implementation
  • Termination and Exit Processes
  • HR Program/ Project Management
  • Performance Management
  • Benefits Administration
  • Employee Relations
  • Professional Development
  • Instructional Material Development
  • Team Coaching
  • Assignment Development
  • Department Collaboration
  • Student Evaluation
  • Staff Coordination
  • Instructional Design
  • Training Materials Creation
  • Course Content
  • Learning Management System
  • Project Management
  • Training Program Development
  • Business Growth
  • Market & Competitor Research
  • UX / UI Improvement
  • Marketing Funnel Management
  • Revenue Generation
  • Product Improvement
  • Team Leadership
  • Product Adoption
  • Cross-Functional Collaboration
  • Communication skills
  • Modern Classroom Technology
  • Experiential Learning
  • Problem-solving
  • Critical thinking
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Innovative Learning Methodology
  • Curriculum Development
  • Relationship Building
  • Web-Based Learning
  • Team Building
  • Cost Containment
  • Staff Training
  • Safety Management
  • Customer Service
  • Quality Assurance
  • P&L  Management
  • Indian History
  • Faculty Collaboration
  • Lecture Delivery
  • Classroom Management
  • Research & Thesis Development
  • Student Records Management
  • Media Relations and  Outreach
  • Public Speaking
  • Communication
  • Campaign Development
  • Interview Research
  • Social Media Marketing
  • Press Releases
  • Editorial Opinions
  • Speech Writing
  • Presentation Skills
  • Program Coordination
  • Health & Safety
  • Practice Session Planning & Improvement
  • Sports Coaching & Mentorship
  • Sports Management
  • Team Sponsorship Activation
  • Player Development
  • Sport Ethics
  • Managing Sports Team's Finances
  • Documentation
  • Negotiation
  • Attention to Detail
  • People Engagement

Top Rated Arts Resumes on Resumod

Resume of legal writer.

resume format for freshers arts and science students

Check the full resume of a legal writer in text format here

Resume of advertising operations coordinator

resume format for freshers arts and science students

Check the full resume of advertising operations coordinator in text format here

Resume of preschool teacher

resume format for freshers arts and science students

Check the full resume of preschool teacher in text format here

Resume of magazine editor

resume format for freshers arts and science students

Check the full resume of magazine editor in text format here

Resume of HR manager

resume format for freshers arts and science students

Check the full resume of HR manager in text format here

Resume of instructional designer

resume format for freshers arts and science students

Check the full resume of instructional designer in text format here

Resume of curriculum designer

resume format for freshers arts and science students

Check full resume of curriculum designer in text format here

Resume of growth product manager

resume format for freshers arts and science students

Check the full resume of growth product manager in text format here

Resume of online English teacher

resume format for freshers arts and science students

Check the full resume of online English teacher in text format here

Resume of F&B manager

resume format for freshers arts and science students

Check the full resume of F&B manager in text format here

Resume of History professor

resume format for freshers arts and science students

Check the full resume of History professor in text format here

Resume of PR Coordinator

resume format for freshers arts and science students

Check the full resume of PR Coordinator in text format here

Resume of telemarketer

resume format for freshers arts and science students

Check the full resume of telemarketer in text format here

Resume of Sports Coach

resume format for freshers arts and science students

Check the full resume of  sports coach in text format here  

Resume of fundraiser

resume format for freshers arts and science students

Check the full resume of fundraiser in text format here


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Simple Resume Template

Impress hiring managers and schools with a clean-cut, classic resume that makes your strengths and achievements shine.

Professional Resume Template


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Cool Resume Template

With its compelling icons and thoughtful use of color, the Cool resume template is a top choice for anyone looking to create an attention-grabbing resume.

Modern Resume Template

Charm hiring managers and schools with an ultra-modern student resume that instantly conveys why you’re a candidate worth interviewing.

Contemporary Resume Template


You want to be a leader of tomorrow, so shouldn't your student resume look equally forward-thinking? The Contemporary’s eye-catching but refined looks can help you prove you’re a trailblazer.

Awesome Resume Template

Effortlessly stand out from the crowd with the Awesome resume template’s unique two-column design and easy-to-read format.


How to Write a Resume Objective or Summary for your Student Resume

In order to impress schools and hiring managers from the get-go, your resume needs to have a strong opening section. That’s why we strongly recommend including a resume summary at the top of your resume, underneath your contact information.

In the past, applicants for schools or jobs could choose between writing a resume objective or a resume summary. Now, resume experts generally agree that including a resume objective is no longer in line with best practice. The reason is that a resume objective essentially highlights your goals as a candidate. In contrast, a resume summary conveys how you will be able to support the school or company you’re applying for to meet their goals.

So what exactly is a resume summary, then? A resume summary is the first major section of your resume. It should succinctly present the case for why you’re an ideal candidate for the position or school you’re applying for. 

As it should only be two to four sentences long, you will need to focus only on your most relevant qualities and attributes that make you an attractive candidate or prospective student.

In order to write a strong resume objective or summary, you must make two things crystal clear:

  • What the academic or professional position is you are applying for 
  • What makes you the best person to fulfill it

Let’s start with the first part. You should clearly state the purpose of your application. For example, you may wish to:

  • Study at a particular college or join a particular program/course 
  • Be hired for a job at a college fair or internship fair 
  • Be hired as an entry-level worker or summer worker

Next, you must summarize some of the standout qualities and attributes that make you worth considering for the given role. The qualities and attributes you highlight should be directly relevant to the role and should be expanded on in the other sections of your resume. You can mention such things as your:

  • Educational background
  • Academic achievements
  • Soft and hard skills
  • Work experiences
  • Volunteer work
  • Any other standout achievements

Try your best to use keywords from the job advertisement or school application to demonstrate that you possess the very qualities and attributes the hiring manager or school is looking for. 

Keywords are words or phrases within a job ad or school application that represent what the hiring manager or school are looking for from their ideal candidate. Keywords can include particular competencies, skills, experiences, attributes, studies, and so on.

How to Write a Work Experience Section for your Student Resume

The work experience section is perhaps the resume section that students dread the most when creating their high school resume or college resume. The reason is that many students don’t know where to begin or may not have held a job before. 

The good news is that writing a compelling work experience section really isn’t as difficult as it seems - even if you’ve never been in the working world before. In either case, the most important thing is to make sure your work experience section sounds as relevant as possible to the given job or educational opportunity you are applying for. 

If you don’t have any work experience at all, don’t stress! You can instead focus on your: 

  • Volunteer work 
  • School activities
  • Side projects

Spend time brainstorming how to present these experiences in a way that makes them as relevant as possible to the job or school you are applying for. 

For example, did you demonstrate any soft or hard skills that will be useful to the role or your studies? Or maybe you achieved something that showcases what an excellent employee or student you will be? Remember, framing is everything when it comes to your resume! You can do this by integrating keywords that apply to your experiences throughout this section. This will help you to work out what professional experiences will capture the hiring manager or school’s attention. 

However, be sure to steer clear of ‘keyword stuffing’! This term is used to describe when people unnaturally add keywords to their resume in order to game the system. Always integrate keywords in a natural-sounding way and only use those that genuinely apply to your skills and experiences. 

It’s also important to think about this section as a way to showcase your very best professional achievements in each past position. That is, instead of just listing what you did, focus on conveying how your actions and skills made a positive difference.

In order to make your achievements shine, you will need to: 

  • Start each one with a verb (action word).
  • Make them short and snappy: Stick to one sentence each.
  • Quantify them using numbers, percentages, and examples where possible.

For each position you include in this section, you will need to state the title you held, the company name, and the dates you worked there.

If you’re unsure of how to format your work experience section, simply use one of our expert-designed resume templates and our resume builder to ensure you get it right. You can also check out the expert tips for writing your work experience section we’ve included within our resume builder .

How to Write a Skills Section for Your Student Resume

Just like your work experience section, your resume’s skills section should be as relevant as possible to the position or educational opportunity you are applying for. 

Analyze the job ad or school application to identify skill-based keywords. You may wish to print out the job ad or school application and physically highlight these words to make it easier for you to work out which keywords to focus on.

Keep in mind that there are two types of skills to look out for:

  • Soft skills: Those related to your interpersonal or communication skills.
  • Hard skills: Technical, practical skills.

You will need to include a balance of both to show that you’re a well-rounded candidate. Think carefully about which ones are most applicable to your skillset and the job or school at hand, and list 6 to 8 of the most relevant ones in this section. 

Don’t forget you will also need to integrate skills throughout your work experience section too.

If you’re finding it hard to come up with relevant skills to add to your high school or college resume, don’t worry. Our resume builder has hundreds of examples of skills you can simply click and add to your resume.

Again, if you want to see how to effectively format this section, check out one of our many resume templates.

How to Write an Education & Coursework Section for your Student Resume

Your education & coursework section is one of the most important sections in your high school resume or college resume.

Even if an application does not specifically ask you to share your educational background on your resume, it is generally expected that you will. After all, your studies help to paint a picture of your knowledge, skills, interests, and academic abilities. 

As you can see from our library of resume templates, there are a few different ways that you can format your education & coursework section. That said, the general format of this section is as follows: [High School or College Name]

[Dates attended] 

[Subject studied (optional)]

If you want to guarantee you don’t make any formatting errors, just use our resume builder to create your resume! 

How to Write an Awards & Achievements Section for your Student Resume

Want to take your student resume to the next level? Adding an awards & achievements section is an easy way to capture attention. 

Before you say, “But I don’t have any awards or achievements!” take a moment to think back on your studies so far. Chances are that you have much more to highlight than you first realize. Here are a few ideas to get you thinking:

  • Your GPA (If 3.5 or higher)
  • Being part of the student body
  • Academic awards
  • Professional awards
  • Valedictorian and Dean’s lists
  • Being in the top X% of your class/course
  • Professional achievements e.g. selling X amount of products or increasing profits by Y%
  • Relevant school/college societies or groups you are part of
  • Scholarships
  • Any journals you have been published in or research papers you have written
  • Relevant non-profit work you have completed (such as volunteering and fundraising)

So how can you correctly format this section of your resume?

You can list each award or achievement, along with the date you received/achieved it and any other specifics that would help the person reading it better understand why the award or achievement is relevant. 

If you are short on space, you can feature your academic awards and achievements in your education & coursework section instead.

Related Student Resume Examples & Samples

Take a look at the following tried-and-tested resume examples and samples for inspiration.

When you’re ready to make your own impressive high school or college resume, our state-of-the-art resume builder will guide you every step of the way.

resume format example

College Student Resume

resume format example

High School Student Resume

resume format for freshers arts and science students

Internship Resume


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. Computer Science Engineer Fresher's Resume Template

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resume format for freshers arts and science students

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resume format for freshers arts and science students

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Your fresher resume should focus high...

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Your fresher resume should focus on volunteer work and internships that you have done through your college years. Recru...

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A blend of skills and knowledge - that is what a Polytechnic job is all about and that is exactly what your Polytechnic fresher resume should reflect. Since the focus is more on your practical knowledge rather than bookish knowledge, you need to frame your fresher resume accordingly. It should draw attention to your college projects, your contribution to it and the internships you might have do...

resume format for freshers arts and science students

For a fresher, we would recommend a resume to a maximum of 1 page displaying all the important skill set & capabilities as per the job requirements.

Follow the above tips to create resume for a fresher job.

Selecting a good format for a resume might be tricky sometimes on the basis of the job you’re applying for & the kind of position you hold.

Best resume format preferred by employers should contain Summary, Core Competencies, Internships/Trainings/Work Experience, Qualifications, Skills.

You also need to make sure that the formats are ATS (Applicant Tracking System) optimized, so that the resumes have higher chances of getting shortlisted during ATS screening.

You can create a free resume using the Resume builder tool having 50+ Resume templates with different formats to choose for graduates.

resume format for freshers arts and science students

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Life Science Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the life science job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

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15 Life Science resume templates

Life Science Resume Sample

Read our complete resume writing guides

How to tailor your resume, how to make a resume, how to mention achievements, work experience in resume, 50+ skills to put on a resume, how and why put hobbies, top 22 fonts for your resume, 50 best resume tips, 200+ action words to use, internship resume, killer resume summary, write a resume objective, what to put on a resume, how long should a resume be, the best resume format, how to list education, cv vs. resume: the difference, include contact information, resume format pdf vs word, how to write a student resume, regional solution sales director life science resume examples & samples.

DCG Health & Life Science Market Analyst & Business Planning Grad Intern Resume Examples & Samples

Life Science Associate Partner Resume Examples & Samples

Global Life Science General Manager Resume Examples & Samples

Solution Sales Manager Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

Life Science Project Manager Resume Examples & Samples

QA Leader, Life Science Service Enterprise Resume Examples & Samples

Life Science Sales Specialist Consumables Resume Examples & Samples

Health & Life-science Industry Resume Examples & Samples

Customer Consultant Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

Solutions Sales Manager Life Science UK Resume Examples & Samples

Basic Life Science Research Associate Resume Examples & Samples

Life Science Technician Resume Examples & Samples

Life Science Research Asst Resume Examples & Samples

Managing Director, Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

VP, Account Executive Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

Field Project Manager Life Science Automation Resume Examples & Samples

Northern European Life Science Automation Application Team Leader Resume Examples & Samples

Life Science Sales Account Manager Resume Examples & Samples

Director of Consulting, Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

Inside Solution Sales Manager Life Science Maeu Resume Examples & Samples

Life Science Solutions Architect Resume Examples & Samples

Life Science Research Associate Resume Examples & Samples

Principal Engagement Mganager, Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

Life Science Rsch Prof Resume Examples & Samples

Manager Within R&D & Experience From Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

Clinical Research Associate Trainee Program for Life Science Graduates Early Talent Resume Examples & Samples

Commercial Director, Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

Life Science Industry Leader Resume Examples & Samples

Sales Representative Life Science Automation Resume Examples & Samples

Life Science Marketing Transformation Senior Manager Resume Examples & Samples

Engagement Lead Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

Client Partner Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

Senior Underwriter, Technology & Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

Account Manager Life Science for Germany Resume Examples & Samples

Life Science Product Manager Resume Examples & Samples

Regional Marketing Manager Life Science Group Central Europe Resume Examples & Samples

Technical Sales Representative Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

Account Executive Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Achieve account sales goals of assigned territory
  • Develop customer relationships and account strategies for existing and future product portfolio
  • Achieve professional sales using sales, planning, presentation and financial skills with sophisticated decision makers and work with other field force members when necessary
  • Ensure adequate territory coverage as per company guidelines
  • Promote all annual marketing plans within given timelines
  • Handle administrative activities in timely and complete manner including entering current information into CRM
  • Manage expenses as per guidelines

Managing Consultant, Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage, lead and execute projects from medium to large size (over $100K), delivering the best results to customer within the deadlines and budget by driving project members
  • Understand customer needs and find the best solution within Clarivate Analytics Professional Services capability to develop a suitable & strong proposal which can create difference from competitors
  • Keen to changes in industry and policy in the local and global pharmaceutical and healthcare field to grasp issues surrounding our customer and being able to lead discussion with customers and present expertise in public
  • Work with global life science professional services experts in UK and US to leverage global resources to develop strong business in Japan
  • Professionally represent the company at all times
  • A marketing research professional who designs research plan, and create research reports with data analysis, graphics, and documentation based on customer requirements
  • Minimum of five years relevant work experience & project management within Pharmaceutical/healthcare industry
  • Minimum of three years for people management
  • Excellent proposal writing and report writing skills
  • High level skill in using Microsoft excel (familiar with use of excel formula), powerpoint and word
  • Fluent in Japanese and English in speaking, listening, writing, and reading
  • Good team player / self starter with the ability to work using own initiative
  • Quantitative analysis skills & basic statistical knowledge: e.g. multiple regression analysis, factor analysis, being able to develop a forecasting models
  • Experience of presenting work to senior clients and stakeholders
  • Experience of writing reports which has been published or disclosed in public

Cloud Lead Practitioner Life Science Exp Resume Examples & Samples

  • Business development lead with prior experience in lead generation and opportunity development in Life science
  • Ability to work closely with Cognizant teams, alliance partners and customer teams to drive complex cloud sales cycle to closure
  • Ability to forecast revenue, coordinate for resource fulfillment and SOW management
  • Should be able to create and nurture excellent relationships with alliance partners and customers
  • Ability to present to CXO level management articulating benefits of cloud adoption
  • Prior experience in AWS and/or Microsoft Azure cloud required
  • Self-starter who can drive multiple pursuits independently and motivate teams to work together
  • Ability to understand the ROI from adopting cloud and articulate this to customer
  • The right candidate must have demonstrated consecutive quarterly and yearly quota achievement in complex selling environments utilizing a solution selling model
  • Proficiency Legends
  • 1+ years lab experience in cell biology and with knowledge of basic virology
  • Experience in diagnostic lab employing PCR analysis
  • Experience working collaboratively with others in an academic lab environment

Business Analyst Life Science Solutions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist in building convincing business cases for Elsevier Life Science Solutions products and projects
  • Create robust and complete set of functional requirements and communicate them to team members
  • Implement strategies for gathering, reviewing, and analyzing product requirements
  • Prioritize requirements and create conceptual prototypes and mock-ups
  • Contribute to the improvement of the Product Management team as a whole
  • University degree, preferably in a Life Sciences field
  • Experienced in working in an international environment
  • Strong time management and analytical & organizational skills (structured way of working)
  • A prolific communicator
  • Fluent spoken and written English, conversational German is a plus

Life Science Senior Quality Assurance Auditor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Project Qualification/Validation Plans (QP/VP)
  • System Requirement Specifications (SRS)
  • System Configuration Specification (SCS)
  • Test Scripts
  • Qualification/Validation Summary Reports (QSR/VSR)
  • As assigned by the Quality Assurance Supervisor and/or Quality Assurance Manager, the Quality Assurance Auditor will conduct quality assurance reviews of account operations to include, but not limited to
  • Change Control
  • Corrective and Preventative Actions (CAPA)
  • Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs)
  • Records archival
  • Maintain a working relationship with account project and delivery team members to assure that compliance operations are aligned with business objectives and client expectations
  • Bachelor's degree (B.A./B.Sc.) or equivalent from four-year College or University in a scientific discipline or related field
  • Training in GxP (Good Clinical Practice, Good Laboratory Practice, or Good Manufacturing Practice) regulations and quality assurance principles
  • Training in infrastructure qualification in the life science industry
  • Training in computerized system validation in the life science industry
  • Training in electronic record keeping and electronic signature (ERES) regulations and associated regulatory agency guidance
  • A minimum of 5 years experience in the life science industry (pharmaceutical, biotechnology, medical device firm, contract research organization)
  • Basic knowledge regarding the components of a quality management system in a life science firm
  • Basic knowledge of regulatory requirements for infrastructure qualification and/or software validation projects within the life science industry
  • Previous quality assurance experience preferred
  • Strong communication and writing skills required

Senior Project Manager Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ensuring accurate compilation and approval of estimates and proposals adhering to the LQI sales process
  • Production of project schedules using Microsoft Project and thereafter the use of internal tracking sheet to monitor activity and production
  • Close monitoring of projects by the comprehensive and effective use of standardised server project folder structure and thorough filling of project assets and documentation, budgets, change orders, resource request forms, handover documents, MDS, Status.xls, status sheets, timely invoicing and payment tracking
  • Project planning and the demonstration of risk assessment planning, best process identification implementing best methodology and communication to project teams
  • The identification and implementation of ‘value added’ service to clients
  • Effective verbal and written communication with client, local offices, freelancers and internal project team members
  • Monitoring and mentoring of project managers and associates
  • Training and development of new and junior members of team
  • Identification of process advancements and identifying potential solution implementations
  • Resolution of client and project issues
  • Conference call leading with existing clients and for potential new clients
  • Elevation point for associates for project and client issues
  • Account growth
  • Client satisfaction levels assessed by feedback
  • Numbers and levels of quality issues
  • Effectiveness in advancing technology solutions
  • Degree in either Life Science or a business related area or equivalent work experience
  • 5+ years of Life Sciences project management experience
  • 5+ years of budget management experience
  • Extensive localisation knowledge involving all aspects – Engineering, DTP, translation, testing and translation tools and methods
  • Experience growing accounts
  • Strong written/verbal business communication and presentation skills
  • Customer service experience
  • Ambitious and with a desire to learn and progress
  • Analytical and organized problem solving abilities
  • Able to meet deadlines and work under pressure

Life Science Digital Customer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum of 4 years Patient Services strategy and design skills
  • Patient service vendor collaboration
  • Patient research
  • Health outcomes analysis
  • Technology solution enablement for patient care services

Product Sales Specialist Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s Degree or significant selling experience in a medical, healthcare or technical field (e.g. biomedical engineering, medical physics) or Life Sciences field
  • Previous experience in the Healthcare Industry
  • Ability to interface with both internal team members and external customers as part of solutions based sales approach
  • Ability to energize, develop and build rapport at all levels within an organization
  • Strong capacity and drive to develop career
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in local language as well as good command of English
  • Ability to synthesize complex issues and communicate in simple messages
  • Excellent negotiation & closing skills
  • Able to travel
  • Valid motor vehicle license
  • EU Work Permit
  • Proven and progressive previous experience in sales/services/promotion to C-suite and technical decision makers e.g. CEOs, Strategic Planning Directors, Facilities/Estates managers, Biomedical Engineers, nursing staff, medical specialty staff (Anesthesiology, Radiology, Intensive care, Nuclear Physicists etc.)
  • A minimum of three years of laboratory experience with human samples is desired
  • Experience planning and performing molecular biology procedures is highly desired
  • Experience and knowledge of planning and performing the following items is highly desired

Risk Advisory Life Science Advisory Resume Examples & Samples

  • We offer you a varied and challenging role in a quickly growing company
  • You will handle business and IT consulting projects on client’s site and analyse the requirements on business side
  • You will support/moderate Risk assessment sessions to help our clients identify risks associated to an IT system and support/monitor execution of associated mitigations
  • You will conduct testing, documentation and change management activities
  • You will gain in-depth complex business processes and system environment expertise
  • You will manage business development activities
  • As a member of our highly motivated, multicultural team, you can expect new challenges every day
  • Master’s degree from a university or technical college in Computer Sciences or Natural Sciences
  • Extensive experience in Computer Systems Validation projects
  • Knowledge of the FDA 21 CFR Part11, regulations and guidelines (GLP;GCP:GDP etc)
  • Understanding of Quality Risk Managemen
  • Experience in User Requirement Specification (URS) and testing
  • Handling of product category 3, 4 & 5 from specification to verification under GAMP5Design/Installation/Operation/Performance Qualification (DQ, IQ, OQ, PQ)
  • Enthusiasm for new ideas and innovative solutions
  • You find working with various stakeholders, daily challenges and exciting projects rewarding
  • You are happy to travel in the area of Switzerland and EU
  • You communicate confidently in German and English. Any further languages would be an advantage

Manager of Life Science & Healthcare Consulting Resume Examples & Samples

  • Prepared project plan to meet objectives within established budget and timeline and recognizes when plans should be adjusted to meet objectives
  • Ensures that teams' work meets quality assurance standards and that all relevant risks have been identified and appropriately addressed
  • Prioritizes tasks on the team based on relative importance, delegating to the right resources, based on role, experience and skill level
  • Appropriately engage with more senior personnel on the case (e.g., Directors, Partners)
  • Scans for business development/add-on sales opportunities; organizes these efforts under direction of others
  • Builds Productive, long-term, relationships with clients and colleagues, across a broad network , based on mutual respect
  • Supports team members' development needs through formal and informal coaching and knowledge sharing
  • Master's degree with related major, preferable MBA from a top-tier institution
  • Minimum 4 years of consulting experience from a top-tier firm with deep knowledge of the industry
  • Fluent in English and Mandarin in both oral and written
  • Demonstrated ability to deliver complex projects
  • Proven capabilities for team development and coaching
  • Emerging business development skills
  • Proven core consulting skills including: slide design, document story lining, problem solving, analytics, modelling
  • Technical skills: strong written and oral communications ability, foster open dialogue amongst the team, strategic thinking, strong organizational capability
  • Meet or exceed revenue targets in the assigned territories with the goal of growing the business year to year
  • Attend & Organize exhibitions/in house seminars/workshops/Pharma & Biotech Organizations
  • Ability to demonstrate and present all Analytical Instrument Group products
  • Organize sales appointments using the existing database or cold calling and prospecting
  • Keep customer database up to date
  • Provide company with accurate and timely forecasts and metrics for the appropriate territories and product lines utilizing Pivotal
  • Built relationships with Engineering companies
  • Degree in Chemistry /Chemical Engineering / Biotechnology or equivalent knowledge and experience
  • A successful track record selling analytical instrumentation products, ideally into Pharmaceutical Industry
  • Possession of driving license
  • Working experience or knowledge of Instrument validation and cleaning validation
  • Outstanding communication and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to prioritize and work within stringent deadlines
  • Construction experience
  • Strong focus on Quality and documentation management
  • Experience in sites and commissioning activities
  • Goal oriented self-starter
  • Development skills with high integrity
  • Competency in a European language

Life Science Consultant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Deliver insightful analysis by following a structured and logical approach to secondary data collection, collating disease- and market-specific data and assessing the key drivers of market movement
  • Under the direction of project directors, assist in and eventually lead the development of primary market research materials
  • Conduct primary market research interviews and develop concise reports of all findings
  • Develop complex forecast models in Microsoft Excel
  • Participate in project delivery either via teleconference or in-person client meetings and assist in communicating all findings to the client
  • Work with more senior members of the Consulting team to develop project proposals and actionable work plans that reflect the client’s needs
  • 3-5 years of experience with information-based consulting or 3-5 years of experience as a business analyst within the healthcare, medical device and/or pharmaceutical industries
  • A Bachelor’s degree, preferably in the fields of life-science, math, or finance; a Master’s degree (MBA or MSc) is an advantage but not essential
  • An ability to work well as part of a team, showing flexibility and the capacity to multi-task across a range of projects with varying degrees of complexity
  • A can-do attitude and the ability to stay motivated and look for solutions when problems/challenges arise
  • Commercial awareness, communication skills, rigor in analysis and reporting, flexibility and cultural sensitivity are key factors for a Consultant’s success
  • Experience and practical knowledge of mouse eye histological phenotyping is desired
  • Excellent written and verbal skills with background in English instruction, scientific writing and grant editing
  • Knowledge of mouse ocular anatomy
  • Technical skills for microscopy, image capture, image editing
  • Experience with online database

Medimmune Life Science Architect Resume Examples & Samples

  • Establish working relationships with the MedImmune customer organization to develop an in-depth understanding of business priorities and early insight into changing needs in order to inform and shape IT demand
  • Contribute to technical development efforts originating from the IT portfolio, participate in IS/IT initiatives and provide active guidance for better planning and decision making in programs/projects and services
  • Assess and review architecture work, in programs/projects/services, and support a balance between the immediate short-term and the strategic long-term perspectives
  • Use specialist knowledge and understanding of the MedImmune business area direction and priorities to drive innovative solutions to issues and challenges faced by the customer area
  • Develop capabilities (methods, processes, best practices, etc.) in at least one of the architecture, system development/implementation, or technical/system engineering capabilities
  • Drive solution evaluation and selection decisions, buy vs. build decisions, and early-phase project estimates which contribute to the creation of business case
  • Architect and design comprehensive sets of solutions that meet business requirements and are aligned to AstraZeneca standards, providing subject matter expertise to ensure business opportunities are identified and realized
  • Ensure that architecture decisions support both business and IT strategy, and that architectures delivered are compliant with relevant AZ architecture standards, blueprints and roadmaps
  • Guide and support architects and engineers (including third party suppliers) in the development and documentation of IS/IT architectures for complex and business critical projects
  • Contribute to the development of architecture and engineering standards, roadmaps (1-5 years) and blueprints for one or more architecture focus areas or business domains
  • Demonstrated understanding of the processes, stages, activities, and decision points in either preclinical or clinical areas
  • Demonstrated understanding of the interdependencies between the deliverables of the various functions
  • Comfortable with key decision points
  • Ability to apply knowledge to solve problems and knows when to enlist help from others
  • Established knowledge or some experience with working in a specific disease or therapy area
  • Established knowledge of scientific domain(s) and/or some experience working in the scientific domain
  • A good understanding of the scientific theory of the scientific domain
  • A good understanding of the techniques and approaches applied in the scientific area of expertise and how to interpret to derive useful information

Sales Engineer Life Science Automation Resume Examples & Samples

  • Sales experience
  • Knowledge in sales Lab automation processes
  • IT literacy
  • Advanced degree in scientific education
  • Customer relations and teamwork experience
  • Knowledge in life science research market is an asset

Basic Life Science Research Scientist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ph.D. in life science or related discipline and experience in immunology required
  • Strong experimental design and data analysis skills; familiarity with flow cytometry, immunology techniques, molecular biology and cloning. Experience with high-throughput sequencing a plus
  • Must be a self-starter, self-motivated, adaptable, and able to work with minimal direction in a change-oriented environment
  • Strong organizational, collaborative, and time management skills
  • Ability to convey complex technical information to a diverse group of people

Applications Specialist Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Experience in working with advanced fluorescence and microscopy products is a must
  • Sales experience in selling products of a technical nature is desirable but not mandatory
  • In-depth knowledge of the microscopy market is also highly desirable
  • A minimum of two years related microscopy experience in a laboratory is essential
  • Experience with dealers is desirable
  • Approximately one year of previous laboratory experience in molecular and/or cellular biology is required. Basic technical writing beneficial but not required
  • Must be capable of and willing to pay strict attention to detail, including following written and oral instruction. Familiarity with the following experimental techniques preferred
  • General computer skills, experience with databases
  • Ability to work under deadlines with general guidance is essential

Sales Manager, Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manages, hires, leads, motivates and trains the team to achieve the highest sales performance, customer service, and productivity. The Sales Manager is personally accountable to close deals when necessary
  • Completes annual reviews and Goal Setting for the for the assigned Life Science (LS) team members
  • Leads the professional development of the LS team
  • Drives sales growth by providing strategic and tactical feedback driving business quality improvement, overcoming problems, and developing the team’s sales techniques and skills
  • Drives territory growth via a consultative sales process leveraging critical planning, goal setting, implementation and regular “Sales Metric Portal” reviews
  • Improves sales and profitability margins within each account manager’s assigned territory through account acquisition, margin enhancement, product sales strategy, value add offering, and sales tactics
  • Secures the existing account base by enhancing customer contact and contract relationships with key decision makers, and buying influencers
  • Actively reviews and addresses territory Accounts Receivable balances to help minimize Airgas working capital investment and financial risk
  • Meets and consults with key stakeholders (e.g., Area VPs, District Managers, Senior Leaders, National Accounts, etc.) to optimize bi-directional communication and planning
  • Improves existing business practices through the use and management of Airgas Product Specialists, vendor partners, current industry best practices, innovative marketing strategies, and other regional and national available resources
  • Develops annual and strategic sales budgets and plans
  • Leverages all tools such as sales meeting, sales campaigns, and other strategic sales efforts
  • Ensures effective collaboration, teamwork, and communication with internal teams relative to sales plans, programs and issues, customer successes, customer failures, new customer developments and other customer specific information. Partners with and participates in (where appropriate) the operations and branch continuous improvement initiatives to enhance the customer experience
  • Ensures compliance with all company policies & procedures, including, but not limited to Equal Employment Opportunity, workplace violence, drug-free workplace, and other internal and external policies to provide associates, and external customers with a quality and safe work environment
  • Supports and maintains a Safety First culture. Responsible for ensuring a safe environment at all Airgas facilities
  • Other projects/initiatives as assigned
  • Four-year college degree from an accredited institution in Business, Accounting, Finance, Marketing, Sales Management, Engineering, or related field
  • In lieu of degree requirement, may consider an equivalent amount of education and experience as a trade-off
  • Minimum of three (3) years of increasing responsibility in a business to business sales-related or sales operations position to include prior experience managing a team and a P&L or comparable experience in gases or the Life Science industry
  • A track record of achieving profitable sales growth is required
  • A reputation for strong leadership skills and the capability of developing and managing a team of experienced sales professionals and technical subject matter experts with a strong emphasis on customer excellence and customer-focused results is required
  • Versatility to function effectively in a fast paced and changing business environment
  • Excellent motivational skills
  • Ability to analyze a business opportunity, and develop a successful sales strategy to acquire new business & increase customer wallet share
  • Demonstrated knowledge of business and accounting concepts including but not limited to Return on Investment (ROI), Profit & Loss (P&L) statements, balance sheets, interest and leasing calculations, and margin responsibilities
  • Tough-minded, take charge change agent who challenges the status quo and acts with a sense of urgency
  • Strong interpersonal skills with the ability to influence others and to create cross-functional alignment
  • Must possess excellent communication skills, especially in the development of actions plans and to ensure accountability and follow through
  • Ability to make highly effective oral and written presentations and proposals to all levels of management
  • Working knowledge of SAP preferred
  • Employee may be required to remain stationary for extended periods of time
  • Employee may occasionally be required to transverse through office and/or manufacturing locations
  • Employee will frequently be required to actively listen and exchange information
  • Employee will be required to observe and assess information received via computer
  • Requires use of computer, telephone and operation of a motor vehicle
  • May occasionally be required to transport up to 60 pounds with appropriate tools
  • Frequent regional travel (up to > 80% of work time)
  • Some overnight travel required
  • Must have reliable, appropriate transportation
  • Job requires visitation of to various Airgas and customer sites, which have varying environments/conditions, layouts, and accessibility

Senior IT Project Manager Within Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Contribute with project management expertise in the sales phase
  • Initiate projects by identifying and setting up the project organisation, resources and delivery structure
  • Plan and execute the projects on all levels: Detailed planning and follow-up, reporting on milestones
  • Establish and manage project scope and overview, create structure and define and manage risk and issues
  • Manage stakeholders (Communicate and report on all relevant levels at the customer and internally at NNIT including in the Steering Committees)
  • Ensure a high level of customer satisfaction
  • Ensure projects are delivered according to the business cases including invoicing
  • Run the projects according to NNIT project model based on PMI
  • Contribute to the development of the project management discipline and community in NNIT
  • You have a strong Project Management tool-box
  • 8+ years of project management experience with in IT preferably with an IT vendor/provider
  • Experience with delivering to pharma and/or life science customers particularly delivering according to GxP requirements
  • You have a strong customer focus
  • You relate well to people, possess the necessary empathy and understand how to motivate your team
  • You can work independently with a large personal drive while also securing project results through personal leadership
  • Knowledge and experience in using all major Project Management disciplines with possible knowledge of Prince2 and/or PMI-Standard. Certification is not a requirement, but we urge our PMs to be certified within a short timeframe
  • You hold a Master’s degree and you are fluent in English, written and oral
  • At least two years of previous laboratory experience or two years of college coursework in related scientific discipline required. Bachelor’s degree with concentration cell and molecular biology desired
  • Careful observation and objective assessment skills are required
  • Must be capable of and willing to pay strict attention to protocols, including following written and oral instruction
  • Previous experience with hair cell culture techniques, confocal imaging, mice colony maintenance, and bioinformatics computing is a plus
  • Organizational, computer (PC & Apple), detail oriented skills are desired

Life Science Account Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Increase Perkin Elmer’s market share by identifying new customers
  • Plan face to face meetings with new and existing customers
  • Develop specific annual growth plans in designated account(s)
  • Network within designated account(s) to fully understand their needs
  • Monitoring overall customer satisfaction with our products and services
  • A degree or equivalent in Life Sciences or similar
  • Sales training will be given to laboratory technicians/scientists who have used relevant instrumentation in industry or academia

Technology & Life Science Underwriter Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum of 3 years with Commercial Underwriting experience; Technology UW experience preferred but not required
  • Bachelor degree preferred or equivalent combination of education and work experience required
  • Must be able to work independently
  • Strong analytical skills and the ability to pay attention to detail to create risk based underwriting decision including risk acceptance and pricing decisions
  • Strong presentation and negotiation skills
  • 4 year college degree preferred
  • Excellent organizational/time management skill

Life Science Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Review and help generate product documentation pertaining to the engineering product, drawings, equipment manual, hardware and software documentation including initial release and subsequent revisions
  • Enter/Update Cost Analysis for equipment manuals, hardware and software documentation
  • Modify or edit equipment manuals and broachers in English language
  • Use the following software Citrix, Oracle, SSQ web site, AutoCAD, Adobe Acrobat, Frame Maker, PageMaker, Autho Submission site, Large Scale transfer, Poly VIEW, Paint.Net, Nero, Lightscribe technology, As400, PLM, Life Sciences Steris data base
  • Assist the product launching for Life Sciences products
  • Support to manufacturing process from Life Sciences
  • Support to enter or elaborate the engineering to new orders for Life Sciences products
  • Review the Report 5545 daily
  • Submittal tracking LS report daily
  • Experience with software engineering development tools, such as, Microsoft Office, AutoCAD, Page Maker 7or equivalent, frame maker 12 or equivalent, Acrobat Adobe, Access data base, MS Project
  • Bilingual capable to have business conversations

High Potential Trilingual With Life Science Degree Resume Examples & Samples

  • Act as contact for project team and study sites
  • Perform CRF review, query generation and resolution against established data review guidelines, under direct supervision on Covance or client data management systems, as assigned by management
  • Assist with generation and reconciliation of queries to investigative sites/clients to resolve problem data
  • Assist with the management of study supplies and organize shipments
  • Create, update, track, and maintain study-specific trial management files, tools, and systems
  • Assist the local project team members with other administrative activities as required (e.g. payments to investigators, correspondence with clients, preparation of status reports, and organization of investigators’ meetings)
  • Co-ordinate meetings with clients, investigators, and project team, including taking minutes
  • Ensure compliance with Covance SOPs, FDA, ICH, and GCP regulations for clinical conduct in all aspects of daily work
  • Provide input in writing Monitoring Conventions as assigned
  • Assist in submissions and notifications to Ethics Committees and Regulatory Authorities
  • General On-Site Monitoring Responsibilities
  • Trilingual in French /Dutch and English in oral and written
  • University/college degree (life science preferred), or certification in a related allied health profession from an appropriately accredited institution (e.g., nursing certification, medical or laboratory technology)
  • In lieu of the above requirement, candidates with one (1) or more years of relevant clinical research experience in pharmaceutical or CRO industries may be considered

System Software Engineering Specialist Life Science Customer Collaboration Resume Examples & Samples

  • Typically requires, MSc or PhD degree in a technical discipline, such as applied physics and/or Computer Science/Embedded Systems Biomedical Engineering or any combination that shows the experience needed for this role
  • Must demonstrate clear ability to develop and communicate effective integration software for complex, high-performance subsystems and components
  • Able to clearly identify a roadmap/ plan and roll out between the customer site and the development site in Eindhoven, the Netherlands/
  • Preference for development experience on top of highly-integrated, high-performance systems used in life science capital equipment or related industries
  • Able to work on diverse objectives and problems where analysis of situation or data requires an evaluation of identifiable factors
  • You will stationed at the customer’s site, and are willing to travel 30% of the time to Eindhoven, the Netherlands
  • Agile/Scrum Development
  • Model Driven designs and Domain Specific languages
  • TDD, Unit testing
  • State-of-art C++ C#
  • Python incl. scientific libraries (e.g. Numpy, Scipy)

Project Manager Life Science Facilities Design Build Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to lead a project and design effort from concept design through start-up
  • Oversees the preparation of plans, specifications and contract documents
  • Administers overall facility (site, buildings, infrastructure) design and construction, solves design problems proactively and collaboratively through client and design team interface
  • Manages all client communications and client expectations
  • Manages project timelines, budget, scope, change and risk throughout the project execution
  • Ability to evaluate project progress and adjust critical path for scope completion and budget adherence required
  • Interfaces and coordinates with local authorities having jurisdiction (AHJ’s). Reviews, interprets and applies the Building Code in compliance with the application
  • Interfaces with the Construction Manager and Site Manager to resolve design coordination details and any constructability issues as well as assists with the value engineering effort
  • Prepares proposals and participates in sales presentations
  • Minimum 8+ years of relevant project management and engineering experience executing capital projects covering schematic design, design development, plan check and permit acquisition, construction documents, contract documents and construction administration services
  • Experience in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, and medical device projects preferred
  • Exposure to and a working knowledge of a broad range of engineering disciplines including civil/site work, structural, architectural, mechanical systems (refrigeration, chillers, cooling towers, boilers, hot water, domestic water, compressed air, plumbing and HVAC), and electrical power distribution
  • Plant engineering experience is a plus
  • Execution of projects within an A/E/C design firm
  • Developed specifications, interfaced with and coordinated multidiscipline teams, both on-site and remotely, particularly in private industry
  • Facility, utility design projects for manufacturing and distribution clients
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills for formal presentations, maintaining client relationships and interacting with our valued team members
  • Strong computer skills including Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Microsoft Project

Life Science Sales Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Achieve and exceed monthly and annual pipeline, orders and sales targets, strategic and unit sales mix objectives, profit goal and market share goals
  • Actively prospect both within and outside Leica Biosystems customer base and follow up leads to consistently and continually increase pipeline volume and quality
  • Actively manage existing Leica Biosystems Accounts in order to achieve maximum customer satisfaction and maximize sales potential through repeated business
  • Develop and maintain an accurate weekly forecast of sales projects substantiated by accurate documentation and planned follow up actions
  • Identify all key stakeholders in sales projects and then develop and execute strategies and tactics to successfully win business in a way that provides sustained value to both customer and LBS
  • Collaborate with LBS EU SU colleagues to identify and develop opportunities across the entire LBS portfolio products in order to deliver increased customer value
  • Identify and manage the planning and execution of relevant trade shows and customer-focused events e.g. seminars and workshops
  • In collaboration with colleagues, initiate, coordinate and participate in demos at customer sites
  • Develop territory-based reference site customers for demo visits by prospective customers
  • Actively input, maintain and manage sales projects in SFDC
  • Promote and negotiate service contracts with customers at time of purchase of instruments
  • Continually develop knowledge of products, market and industry trends, competition and customer strategies for potential development
  • Actively participate in development of the territory annual operating plan
  • Develop knowledge and skills and understanding of solution portfolio
  • Develop and implement business plan for achievement of pipeline, revenue and market share targets
  • Be in a position to work independently and with the skills necessary to conduct introductory product demonstrations solo
  • Develop and maintain relationships with territory network of customers and key accounts and try network of customers and share targets
  • Conduct agreed volume of face to face customer meetings and on site or reference site demo’s per week
  • Involve and build relationships with Country personnel (internal, Sales, Technical Specialists, Marketing, Technical Services, Shared Services and Business Unit) to understand the requirements and key factors of success of the business
  • Develop knowledge and skills for the utilization of effective Leica Biosystems sales tools such as SFDC
  • Proven track record of sustained growth in a territory, selling complex workflow-changing solutions to Life Science customers
  • Strong commercial awareness: an understanding of capital sales, rental reagent sales and leasing agreements
  • Life Science industry: knowledge of technologies, processes and selling/purchasing within the territory. It would be advantageous for the candidate to have an appreciation and high level understanding of where pathology imaging could impact the challenges of R&D in the Life Sciences, particularly histology and cytogenetics
  • Financial acumen: budgets, forecasting, providing quotations, responding to tenders and managing priorities to meet revenue targets
  • Strong knowledge and understanding of the Life Science IT
  • Understands business on a European scale and that different approaches work in different places
  • Language requirement – Local Language + English
  • Tenacity/Do What It Takes
  • Sense of urgency
  • Traction Counts, Make an Impact
  • Strategic and Tactical
  • Detail-orientated
  • Provides onsite and remote support for Airgas’s supply chain solution (referred to as Life Science) for gases, and safety products. Installs, trains, repairs & trouble-shoots (on-site, phone, email, and remote) for both internal and external customers
  • High School Diploma or GED Required. Two to four year college degree preferred
  • Must have prior inventory management, customer service, sales and/or PC help desk related experience
  • Ability to provide administrative support for a Database Management System (DBMS)
  • Must have knowledge of software and hardware installation
  • Communicates effectively both verbally and in writing; listens effectively and clarifies information as needed; works well with others in a team environment across the organization knowing who to engage to achieve results. Uses candor and sensitivity in their dealings with others
  • Ability to build effective relationships with all levels and roles in the organization and to work well both independently and as part of a team
  • Excellent analytical and creative problem solving skills with the ability to make independent decisions based on investigation and judgement as well as ability to discern when to escalate issues
  • Strong client-service and continuous improvement mindset
  • Self-starter; self-motivated; operates with a sense of urgency; ability to work independently and under pressure to meet deadlines
  • Demonstrated planning skills and outstanding personal relationship skills
  • Ph.D. in biology or related discipline and experience in laboratory required
  • Strong experimental design and data analysis skills; familiarity with laboratory techniques such as RIA, ELISA, western blot, rtPCR, immunohistochemistry, primary cell culture, protein and metabolite assays, and real-time PCR techniques
  • Specific experience working with adipose tissue and cultured adipocytes is strongly desired

Life Science Business Development Consultant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Consultative sales of Analytical Services and other Patient-Reported Outcome tools
  • Strategize with marketing staff on how to generate leads and build market position
  • Track, qualify, and sell to leads
  • Maintain client and contact databases via NAV internal reporting systems to identify trends
  • Follow up with prospective customers and manage each relationship through the sales cycle
  • Cold call prospect lists to generate leads
  • 5+ years of sales experience in healthcare, particularly pharmaceutical with proven record of meeting sales quota
  • Proficiency in MS Office applications & CRM system
  • Ability to travel 10% of the year
  • Self-motivated, proven drive to succeed and ability to achieve results
  • Demonstrated organizational skills with the ability to multitask
  • Strong, professional telephone presence
  • Demonstrated proactive and strong customer relations skills
  • Exceptional negotiation skills
  • Patient Report Outcomes experience
  • CRM experience with Microsoft Dynamics (NAV) Navision
  • Contract Research Organization service / sales experience

Account Manager, Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Meet or exceed business goals of our commercial targets for the territory
  • Drive the tactical implementation of the business plan – including sales to new accounts, successful introduction of new products, and the retention of current customer
  • Maintain effective customer relationships and assure continued market penetration and profitability by making in depth calls to end user and purchasing contacts
  • Work to drive product sales to support supplier partnerships and actively promote core products and value added services
  • Work closely with fellow sales team members within the customer, e.g. Specialist representatives
  • Develop and maintain a rounded understanding of the sales positioning of Thermo Fisher Scientific and its products within the various markets in which we operate. Using this knowledge, effectively leverage the strengths and breadth of the organization by building and maintaining an effective network of connections within the Thermo Fisher Scientific organization
  • Establish relationships with key suppliers and negotiate improved terms as and when possible to increase profitability to the company
  • A Masters of Science degree, preferably within microbiology or similar
  • Some years of relevant commercial experience after degree
  • Laboratory experience across a wide range of sectors including pharmaceutical, industrial and academic segments would be an advantage, particularly where there is a sound understanding of the current marketplace for laboratory equipment, consumables and/or chemicals
  • Strong business acumen shown in previous roles
  • The ability to compile and analyze customer feedback
  • The right personality to work in a team environment and influence/motivate other team members
  • Love being on the road visiting clients. Most customers are within the Oslo-area but you are happy to travel when needed
  • Proficient user of Word, Excel and PowerPoint a must, sales force automation a plus
  • Fluent English language as well as Norwegian

Grade Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Effective communication skills, both verbal and written
  • Flexibility, organization, decision making and problem solving skills
  • Interpersonal skills with diverse populations in-person and on the telephone
  • Knowledge of APS community, computer system, financial procedures, and legal requirements
  • Ability to meet deadlines, work on multiple projects, and coordinate the work of others
  • Knowledge of District policies on immunization, medication, first aid, emergencies and child abuse/neglect
  • Knowledge of all laws, regulations and guidelines affecting teachers and students
  • Knowledge of effective classroom management techniques
  • Ability to maintain positive relationships with students, parents, community members and staff
  • Bachelor’s degree
  • Current New Mexico teaching certificate in specified field
  • Current endorsements dependent upon specific positions may be required
  • Additional requirements may be applicable for specific positions

Life Science Project Manager to Grow Nnit Germany Resume Examples & Samples

  • Proven track record from engagements within life science
  • Entrepreneurial spirit and the desire to participate in growing an ambitious IT company together with a team of like minded colleagues
  • Strong drive and passion for life science
  • Good insight and understanding of applications, systems and data within on or more of the areas R&D, clinical or regulatory

Sales Manager for Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Leverage industry knowledge and existing contacts to accelerate the commercialization of the Aramus Single Use bag by driving adoption with the industry’s top bioprocessing end users, OEMs and fabricators
  • Ensure Entegris meets or exceeds its growth and revenue targets especially for Aramus and as well for the other products which are applicable in the Life Science industry (Cynergy product lines, liquid containers, sensing and controls)
  • Working with Regional Director, create and coordinate strategies and processes (i.e. MH blue sheets, Technical Review Meetings, Share Point lists, Gold Charts, …) to rapidly develop business at global Biotechnology accounts within EMEA
  • Drive customer intimacy by integrating Business Unit personnel into customer relationship with Voice-of-Customer (VOC) sessions, expanding trials/evaluations and providing feedback into the organization on market trends and competitive knowledge
  • Participate in planning and implementing Trade Shows and assuming the lead responsibility for organizing meaningful customer meetings and events related to the Aramus SU Bag
  • Develop and implement regional business plans for expansion/maintenance as part of key account strategies
  • Maintain in-depth knowledge of customer's business, organizational structure, business processes and financial structure
  • Understand strengths and weaknesses of key competitors and leverages this knowledge in assigned accounts
  • Manage activities of territory to ensure high level of customer service
  • Manage our dedicated Life Science network of EMEA sales channel partners and customer business agreements
  • Apply knowledge to solve common and complex business issues
  • Exercise judgement and manage company assets effectively and within established parameters (inventory, payment terms)
  • Develop and maintain relationships with industry experts to understand trends and new business opportunities
  • Align the Life Science technology road map in core developments to the technology goals of assigned customers
  • 3-5 years of Single Use market expertise with emphasis on SU Bag
  • Access and influence with key SU decision-makers
  • Technical aptitude and experience selling within Life Science market
  • Strong strategic selling management skills
  • Ability to travel up to 50% in EMEA
  • Self-starter, enthusiastic, team player, committed, honest and effective
  • Excellent language skills in English and in German or French
  • Strong communication /presentation skills
  • One year of employment experience in laboratory work or equivalent training (e.g., one year of college science) is required
  • Work requires the ability to follow detailed instructions and keep accurate records
  • Experience with photography and image processing, trouble shooting and problem solving especially as it pertains to equipment
  • Maintain transgenic mouse populations, set up breeding and weaning; ear tag mouse and tail mouse for genotyping
  • Digest mouse tail, extract DNA, set up and perform PCR, run agrose gel electrophoresis and interpret results for genotyping
  • Maintain cell cultures, to prepare, stain and observe histology sections under microscope
  • Maintain detailed record from genotyping and other experiments in words, charts and/or images, to analyze and interpret the results
  • The incumbent will independently perform skilled techniques that require delicate manipulation and/or fine adjustments. S/He will draw upon previous laboratory experience with the test or equipment to detect if something is wrong with the procedure and may make procedural changes or modify techniques. S/he may be expected to complete general mathematical analysis. This position requires a high level of responsibility and independence. Work is performed routinely without direct supervision, however all work is reviewed and discussed with supervisor
  • Must be capable of and willing to pay strict attention to detail, including following written and oral instruction. Familiarity with the following experimental techniques desired

Sales Account Manager Life Science Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage all User Group activity by product as required
  • Work with FEI Service to achieve excellent customer satisfaction
  • Typically requires 5 years of sales experience in a related product area
  • Ability to travel to customer sites and factory locally and internationally

Sales Account Manager Life Science France North Resume Examples & Samples

  • Understand all budget issues at each customer and take strategic action
  • Excellent, enthusiastic, clear communication skills to a diverse audience is critical to the success of this position
  • Ability to work in good cooperation within an account team

Sales Account Managere Life Science UK South Resume Examples & Samples

  • Own all sales/ account management responsibilities of specified FEI products to all sites including resolving any issues
  • Manage the sales booking process
  • Highly developed negotiation skills for customer interaction and closure of sales and other issues

Temporary Life Science Research Assistant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Prepare samples for researchers and clients throughout Stanford and the world
  • Manage sample submissions through iLab and liaise with clients on the progress of their samples
  • Prepare and perform lab experiments in support of research projects based on knowledge of scientific theory

Life Science Research Assistant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor's degree in related scientific field. Preferably in biology or a field studying behavior. Experience working with non-human primates desired
  • General computer skills (e.g. email, web, Microsoft Excel) and ability to quickly learn and master computer programs, databases, and scientific applications
  • Excellent organizational skills and demonstrated ability to complete detailed work with attention to detail

Life Science Application Process Engineer Resume Examples & Samples

  • Establish and maintain communication with all stakeholders to keep track of the latest workflow insights (e.g. Thermo Fisher Application Engineers, Thermo Fisher R&D, Customers in Pharmacy/Universities/Research Institutes)
  • Design workflows architecture in order to keep sequences and interdependencies in control and provide customers the fastest route from sample to result (a 3D reconstruction)
  • Document the instructions in our authoring tool, which exports the workflows to the App
  • Validate workflows in a lab environment (e.g. sample preparation, vitrification, electron microscopy)
  • Requires a Molecular Biology / Life Sciences Bachelor degree, or higher
  • Excellent, enthusiastic, clear communication skills, both in writing and speech – proven ability to interact with a diverse audience is critical to the success of this position
  • Excellent interfacing and teaching skills
  • Affinity with software development is a pré
  • Affinity with microscopy is a pré
  • Ability to interact with cross-functional and cross-cultural teams
  • Ability to travel frequently both within Europe and intercontinentally and possession of a valid passport (up to 20%)
  • The LST position requires at a minimum completion of high school, with one year’s work experience in a basic science lab, and /or 1 year of college level science background
  • Computer proficiency and excellent organizational skills are required
  • Must be accurate, efficient, reliable, have excellent record keeping abilities and have good communication skills

Director of Sales, Life Science Group Resume Examples & Samples

  • An intense focus on the customer
  • A deep knowledge and understanding of the Canadian market gained from a minimum of 5 years’ experience in Canada
  • Ideally the candidate would have sales experience in the life Science/Genetic Analysis capital equipment market selling to Academic, Government and Clinical customers
  • The successful candidate must demonstrate outstanding leadership and sales management characteristics
  • He/She will embody a strong personal character coupled with a broad business acumen and intellect, vital competencies essential to navigating complex and dynamic market conditions
  • He/She will have a successful track record of managing and growing a sales organization
  • The successful candidate will be a decisive business leader that will thrive in a fast-paced business culture
  • Additionally, our successful candidate will have a demonstrated ability to identify commercial opportunities and develop aggressive and innovative sales strategies to capitalize on those opportunities
  • He/She will have the ability to think clearly and critically, articulate a vision, and inspire others to follow
  • He/She will be a risk-taker who is willing and able to make dispassionate and objective decisions based on hard data as well as soft data
  • Implement the commercial strategies, ensuring alignment with the global and regional plans. Achieve the business and strategic objectives – these must be competitive from both an industry and regional perspective
  • Regularly monitors customers’ needs and Thermo Fisher Scientific’ product offerings to ensure needs are understood by team members and key Thermo Fisher Scientific departments and, appropriate levels of service and responsiveness are provided to accounts
  • Develops and maintains an up to date knowledge of markets, products, and buying practices required to effectively compete in the global Life sciences market
  • Uses comprehensive knowledge of customer activities and goals to develop, deliver and coach team to deliver high impact strategic selling presentations promoting Thermo Fisher Scientific solutions
  • In addition the Canada Leader will be responsible for driving growth of the LSG business via our channel partners, particularly Fisher Scientific
  • The Canada leader will work closely with the different divisional leaderships to define strategy and marketing plans for the region, and then develop detailed sales execution plans to deliver against revenue and growth expectations in the current year as well as over a 3 year horizon
  • BS/BA required in Biology, Molecular Biology, Biochemistry or related discipline (Masters, MBA or PhD desirable but not required)
  • Proven track record at Senior District Manager or Director Level with track record of results delivery, and demonstrated leadership potential
  • Demonstrated capability to develop sales strategy and translate strategy into a tactical plan that achieves and drives top line growth with experience in a business with a minimum of $100M in revenue
  • Possesses experience in: team management, sales strategies and personal selling effectiveness, analytical and problem solving skills, communication skills, client relationship management skills, industry/market analysis skills, and business planning skills
  • Proven ability to work effectively in a highly networked internal company environment and adept at building strong long term relationships with key stakeholders to ensure alignment and produce robust execution plans
  • Experience selling life science/genetic analysis capital equipment to Government , Academic and Clinical markets
  • Proven ability to manage multiple priorities and projects in a cross-functional, matrixed environment

SG Senior Manager Technology Digital Solution Architect Life Science Industry Resume Examples & Samples

  • A good honors Degree, preferably at postgraduate level, in Information Technology, Business Information Systems, Business, mathematics or related disciplines
  • Experience in Big 4 or MNC Consulting firm will be preferred
  • Prior experience in a Pre-Sales or Solutions Architect role, working with regional clients
  • Strong understanding of technical skills and experience in Digital technologies like eCommerce, Content Management, Social, Mobility and/or Analytics
  • Demonstrate strong design and development skills with the ability to learn new technologies and tools quickly
  • Technology or product specific specialization is preferred
  • Project experience in ASEAN region
  • Strong experience and knowledge in Life Science industry
  • Strong analytical skills, excellent oral and written communication skills in English, be self-motivated, and be able to work in stressful situations with changing priorities
  • Excellent problem solving skills, ability to think out-of-the-box, work under pressure and tight project timelines
  • Drive, tenacity, client focused and results oriented
  • Proven demonstration of sound business acumen, teamwork and leadership qualities
  • Willingness to work outside of office base and most of all…
  • An appreciation of the consulting lifestyle and ability to travel (both locally and abroad) is a pre-requisite to fit to our short-term and long-term project assignment

Life Science Business Development Executive Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage the overall relationship and communication with key clients and have full command of their business model, application landscape and how Perficient solutions deliver value
  • Manage and execute the entire end-to-end selling process, working closely with the Perficient delivery team (initial lead inquiry, qualification of opportunities, requirements gathering, project scope definition, effort estimation, proposal development, SOW creation, contract negotiation and closing)
  • Develop and manage key relationships with Life Science Industry clients and Partner Alliance personnel to drive additional new business and provide proper communication on account activity
  • Leads and manages customer engagement opportunities from lead generation, to deal review, to negotiations and closing a deal
  • Ability to travel to client sites where needed (up to 50% travel)
  • 10+ years of services sales or professional consulting experience within Life Sciences companies
  • A proven track record of achieving and exceeding revenue objectives in complex solutions environment at Fortune 500 clients (preferably Life Sciences clients)
  • Knowledge of/experience with structured sales methodologies, e.g., Strategic Selling, Solution Selling, SPIN, Power based Selling, Target Account Selling
  • Able to partner with clients to understand their organizational needs and recommend solutions that add value to their business
  • Strong verbal, written communication, and listening skills; strong customer service and interpersonal skills
  • Excellent collaboration and team-building skills

Life Science Resesarch Professional Resume Examples & Samples

  • MS or higher level degree preferred
  • At least 1 year experience
  • Experience with CRISPR, lentivirus genetic techniques
  • Proficiency in mouse colony management including breeding and genotyping
  • Proficiency in scientific writing in English
  • Comprehensive understanding of scientific principles
  • Proficiency in cell culture techniques such as growing and passaging cells
  • Experience and training in handling human cells/blood samples for DNA and RNA purification
  • Experience with database programs for storing and tracking data/samples
  • Prior experience with mouse models of disease

Ambitious Line Manager to Join our Life Science Solutions Resume Examples & Samples

  • Drive lead generation and customer sales through close interaction with your team, department and other parties in NNIT
  • Actively develop and lead your team
  • Build up strong customer relationship with our existing and new customers, domestic and internationally
  • Contribute to develop our consultancy capabilities and consultancy services
  • Develop Life Science Solutions within our pre-clinical, clinical and regulatory domain offerings portfolio to match market and customer expectations
  • Develop Cloud based offerings and services
  • Build mutually beneficial and collaborative relationship with our partners
  • Build and develop our near-shore project delivery capability and our international consultancy capacity
  • Manage project delivery and manage customer engagements
  • Actively deliver on own consultancy and project assignments while working together with your team
  • Build and maintain your team’s competencies and skills
  • Achieve customer satisfaction and business targets
  • Contribute to answering customer RfIs/RfPs
  • Contribute to the Life Science Solutions strategy work

Related Job Titles

resume format for freshers arts and science students

HR Cabin

Resume for Freshers Degree Students | Download Word

If you have completed your under graduation or going to complete your final year then you must be ready with a beautiful resume. As fresher you have to focus on highlighting your skills and knowledge in your resume .

As a fresher you can limit your resume to 1-2 pages, in most cases, a one-page resume will be enough. If you have any project work and experience of any part-time jobs then you can add an additional page.

Here are some sample fresher resume formats for undergraduate students, which you can download in Word format.

Freshers Resume Format 1 (B.Com Degree)

Degree fresher resume for B.Com students in Word

Download more sample B.Com fresher resume formats

Freshers Resume Format 2 (B.Sc Computer Science)

Degree fresher resume for computer science student download

Fresher Resume Format 3 (B.Sc BioTechnology)

Degree fresher B.Sc biotechnology student resume download

Fresher Resume Format 4 (BBA students)

Degree fresher resume for BBA students in Word download

Fresher Resume Format 5 (BA Students)

Degree fresher resume for BA students in Word

Tips: How to Write a Resume for First Job with  No Experience

1. Career objective / Profile summary: 

You can start your resume either with a career objective or profile summary.

A career objective means a simple statement that tells what you are looking for and a profile summary means a short introduction about your skills, experience, and knowledge.

As a fresher it is better to mention the career objective, once you start getting experience then you can replace it with a profile summary.

But in case you have any specialized skills or any part-time job experience then you can mention the profile summary as well. 

2. Educational Qualification

Mention your educational details immediately after the career objective or profile summary.

Mention your higher educational details first and then the rest of the educational details.

3. Project work 

If you have done any project work then mention those project details, such as topic name, company name, and a few important points about the project.

If you haven’t done any project or are not sure about your project work then you can ignore this part. Because the interviewers may ask questions related to your project if you mention them in your resume.

4. Key skills related to Job

This is the most important part that plays an important role in catching the attention of the employer. Most freshers will ignore this part by thinking that they don’t have any skills.

Before writing your key skills read the job description carefully and try to identify any few skills which you already possess. There are some skills you can learn in one or two days. So try to identify those types of skills and update them in your resume.

5. Technical Skills: 

Mention any of your computer skills such as MS office, coding, etc. If you are looking for a technical job then you will definitely learn some skills at the end of your education.

Even if you are looking for a non-technical job, still learning some basic computer skills like MS Word and Excel will become an added advantage to you.

6. Other Skills

Write any other skills which you have such as good communication skills, leadership skills, quick learning, adaptability, interpersonal skills, etc.

7. Hobbies & Interests

Mention whatever hobbies & interests you have, remember the interviewer may ask questions related to your hobbies, so be genuine about them

Some examples of hobbies to be mentioned in your resume are reading books, playing cricket, blogging, drawing, etc.

Best hobbies and interest for freshers in resume 

Keep your resume simple and short. As a fresher 1-2 pages resume will be enough. Use simple fonts like Arial, Times New Roman, Segoe UI, Calibri, etc…

And it is always better to edit your resume, whenever you apply for a new job depending upon that particular job requirement.

Function type of resumes is best for freshers as it focuse mainly on the skills. Once you start getting experience then you can convert it to the chronological type of resume, which focuses more on experiences.

Yes, it will be enough. Even experienced candidates also should keep their resume to 1-2 pages. It saves the time of interviewers.

Yes, but you need to develop your skills which are required by the MNCs. You can find those details in their job notifications.

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resume format for freshers arts and science students

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17 Computer Science (CS) Resume Examples for 2024

Stephen Greet

  • Computer Science (CS) Resumes
  • CS Student Resumes
  • CS Resumes by Experience
  • CS Resumes by Role

Writing Your Computer Science Resume

When you’re a computer science student looking for an internship or your first full-time role as a developer, deciding what to include in a  good resume  and how to format it correctly can be challenging.

We analyzed countless computer science resumes and chose the top 17 examples to help you get started. No matter if you’re looking for your first real-world coding job or are a seasoned campaigner, we have a computer science cover letter and resume designed to match where you’re at in your career.

The hardest part of resume writing is figuring out how to do a resume. Our  resume tips ,  resume maker,  and free  Word resume templates  have helped developers  get interviews at companies like Facebook and Microsoft,  so they’re a great place to start.

Computer Science Resume Example

Microsoft Word

Google Docs

Computer science resume example

Why this resume works

  • If you’ve already had an internship or related work experience (as a research assistant, for example), you want to highlight that experience at the top of your computer science resume. Lead with your strengths, and if you have the experience, that’s a real asset.
  • Hiring managers review a lot of resumes for CS internships and entry-level roles. Don’t be afraid to let your personality shine! Your activities outside the classroom can help you stand out if you have a unique interest.
  • Starting with a  resume outline example  can help guide you in how to include a project or two on your final resume.

Computer Scientist Resume Example

Computer scientist resume example with 5 years of work experience

  • Your computer scientist resume should build upon any related experience, perhaps as an entry-level computer support specialist. Your experience coupled with a four-year degree can open a career path for you.
  • Use any previous education and experience as a launchpad to land your next computer science role. 

Computer Science Student Resume Example

Computer science student resume example

  • Browse through our  free resume templates  on Google for some inspiring designs suited for little to no experience. 
  • Employers understand that people looking for their first programming role won’t have relevant work experience to discuss. In this case, strive to demonstrate your interest in computer science through personal projects and what you did outside of class during your school years.
  • At this point, your education is your greatest strength, so be sure to list all the relevant classes you’ve taken that make you a great fit for the role to which you’re applying.

Computer Science Internship Resume Example

Computer science internship resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Don’t list too many skills. A hiring manager wants to know your strengths. It’s much better to list two to three languages or tools you’re really strong in than ten you wouldn’t be able to answer questions about in an interview.
  • List work experience, even if it’s not directly related to computer science. It shows you can handle responsibility and are reliable. Combining this with the  technical skills on your resume  can give you an advantage over the competition.

Computer Science Major Resume Example

Computer science major resume example with project experience

  • The CS courses you’re studying will give an employer a better picture of what theoretical knowledge you’re well versed in and can bring to your first job.

Computer Science No Experience Resume Example

Computer science no experience resume example with other work experience

  • The details of a personal project—like one where you designed and developed a portfolio website—are a great addition to your computer science no experience resume.

Entry-Level Computer Science Resume Example

Entry-level computer science resume example

  • This means finding a  professional resume template  that includes your education, relevant skills, projects you’ve worked on, and any relevant internship experience, plus leveraging a cover letter generator to complement your application.
  • To make the case you’ll have a real impact as a full-time developer, you should quantify the impact of your internship achievements. Numbers make a much stronger case than words, so using them will set your resume apart.

Entry AGS Desktop Publisher Resume Example

Entry ags desktop publisher resume example

  • As a desktop publisher, you use publishing software to create various documents and products, including financial reports, business proposals, books, newspapers, newsletters, packaging, tickets, and business cards. You format and combine text, numerical data, photographs, illustrations, charts, and other visual elements.
  • Analyze locally available job descriptions and take note of consistent skill requirements. These requirements serve as a physical roadmap of what to include in your resume.
  • Specialize using the physical roadmap from the local analysis mentioned above to create an aspirational checklist of what to learn/continue learning to be maximally effective.
  • Career objectives  exist to support and enhance whatever work experience you list. Instead of opting for a lengthier resume that includes irrelevant experience, your entry AGS desktop publisher resume can use a career objective to instill confidence in the reader and prove that you have a proven, albeit short, history of driving value.

Entry-Level Android Developer Resume Example

Entry-level android developer resume example with 8 years of experience

  • As an aspiring developer, your  entry-level Android developer resume  has options for showcasing your available skillset.
  • The key here isn’t reinventing the wheel but creating something dynamic and unique that can’t be easily replicated with a few Google searches and a video tutorial.
  • Some internships require a fully completed degree to be in hand before starting. Although this is becoming more uncommon with the introduction of online coding trade schools (boot camps), research needs to be done regarding individual markets and locations.

Senior Computer Vision Scientist Resume Example

Senior computer vision scientist resume example with 7 years of experience

  • Your senior computer vision scientist resume should be steeped in well-documented data and reporting. When updating the  resume skills  list on your resume, there are two primary sources from which you can collect data.
  • The first source is the company’s list of required skills from the job description. This list provides the exact skills needed to excel in the role.
  • The second way is to look at desired job titles in a specific geographic location. After evaluating the market’s desired skill requisites, adjustments can be made to showcase expertise to the general “heartbeat” of what employers in the area are seeking.
  • Emphasize specific bullet points with KPIs that complement and enhance the general “heartbeat” of the desired market.

Computer Repair Technician Resume Example

Computer repair technician resume example with 6 years of experience

  • Leverage your resume’s side column to display your handy proficiencies as a computer repair technician. We’re talking about software programs and hardware like TeamViewer, digital multimeter, Driver Booster, iFixit Pro Tech Toolkit, and more—a list of at least 10 can sweep recruiters off their feet, but don’t go beyond 15. Also, it would be particularly advantageous for your appeal to illustrate the applications of these tools in different settings.

Computer Programming Resume Example

Computer programming resume example with 8 years of experience

  • So, what else can you do to ensure that your computer programming resume impresses recruiters? Well, an elegant template with subtle color accents would add flair to your application. Also, this format gives your piece the room to balance text and white spaces for a formal outlook.

Computer Engineering Resume Example

Computer engineering resume example with 11 years of experience

  • Take this direction, and demonstrate your numbers in production errors and hardware costs (cue: 27% reduction in production errors and reducing hardware costs by 18%).

Computer Technician Resume Example

Computer technician resume example with 8 years of experience

  • Be sure to highlight these achievements in your resume all while integrating quantifiable metrics to add credibility to your achievements, making yourself a strong candidate.

Computer Science Teaching Assistant Resume Example

Computer science teaching assistant resume example with 5 years of experience

  • Your  computer science teaching assistant resume  should contain the key sections recruiters need to see. It may be tempting to include other sections, many projects, or even non-relevant work experience when writing your academic resume, but that can greatly hurt your chances of being interviewed.
  • The most important sections are skills, work experience, education, and relevant projects.
  • For example, “Engaged with industry to maintain 100% fluency in the area of focus and provide opportunities for students to work on industry projects.”
  • In the eyes of the reader, this bullet point means you will not need a lot of training and will bring immediate value to the company when hired.

Computer Science & Engineering Teacher Resume Example

Computer science tutor resume example with 12+ years of experience

  • Adding a summary gives you the chance to reinforce your abilities with software engineering, curriculum development, and teaching, overall increasing your chances of landing an interview.
  • Don’t forget to customize your  skills section  in addition to the other sections on your resume; check the job description for skill keywords you can include to catch any recruiter’s eye.

Computer Science Tutor Resume Example

Computer science tutor resume example with 3 years of experience

  • For example, you could include experience that involves working with students, colleagues, and school administration.
  • You should also include soft skills, even though they’re difficult to quantify. Scan the job description to find soft skill keywords you can use in your  skills section  or work experience.
  • Projects are a good way to demonstrate your tech knowledge, especially if you have limited work experience. However, projects are formatted slightly differently than work experience; use our  resume outline example  to show you how to add relevant projects to your resume.
  • Your skills section is vital for demonstrating your technical abilities – include the software and tools you’re comfortable using and especially include any tools that are listed on the job description.

Related resume guides

  • Data Analyst
  • Data Science Resume
  • Java Developer
  • Data Engineer

Job seeker works on blue laptop, holding hand to head in question of how to build job application

Early in your computer science career, you must keep your resume to one page. As such, real estate on your resume is valuable. You should only include a  resume objective  if it adds value and increases your chances of getting an interview.

So, what is a resume objective for a computer science student? It’s a statement that succinctly states your skills, what you’re looking for in the job you’re applying for, and how you’ll add value in that role.

That sounds like a lot, but it’s not that bad in practice. You should keep it to two to three sentences and customize it to each role for which you apply. Here are a couple of examples from the resumes above:

  • “I’m looking for an internship where I can utilize my experience with natural language processing and building web apps for non-technical users to further the mission of Coursera in democratizing education across the world.”
  • “Industrious recent computer science graduate with a zeal for innovation. Seeking a position at Sikka Software, where the strategic focus on delighting users aligns with my creativity and desire to enhance social events through technology.”

Alternatively, if you’ve built some valuable experience, you may want to consider a  resume summary statement . Only include one if you can successfully and specifically highlight your greatest career accomplishments. 

resume format for freshers arts and science students

Projects on your computer science resume

When you’re looking for a computer science internship or your first full-time role as a developer, projects are a must-have on your resume.

These can either be projects you completed as part of a class or something you went out and built on your own. Projects are the best way to show a potential employer that you can take what you learned in class and apply it to the real world.

More than that, they’re a great way to demonstrate your interest in coding outside of your classwork. In your projects, mention exactly what you built and the languages/ libraries you used. Here are some examples:

Social media scheduler

  • Built a responsive web app using Django and Node that allowed users to schedule social media posts across Instagram and Twitter
  • Utilized the Twitter API and Instagram API
  • Built features using scikit-learn in Python that learned what time of day maximized engagement with social media posts which increased the overall user engagement rate by 15% 
  • Released app for free for University of Pittsburgh students, and it quickly grew to over 500 monthly active users
  • Used: Javascript, Python, SQL, HTML/CSS

Poker simulation

  • Built a full-stack web app to allow users to simulate and visualize outcomes of poker hands against opponents of different play styles using open-source cards.js on the front-end
  • Utilized sci-kit learn in Python to simulate possible outcomes under different scenarios that the users chose

Create my free resume now

  • Fresher Computer Science Resume Example

Resume Examples

  • Common Tasks & Responsibilities
  • Top Hard & Soft Skills
  • Action Verbs & Keywords
  • Resume FAQs
  • Similar Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Fresher Computer Science Resumes:

  • Developing software applications using programming languages such as Java, C++, Python, etc.
  • Writing and debugging code for software applications.
  • Designing and implementing algorithms for software applications.
  • Developing user interfaces for software applications.
  • Testing and debugging software applications.
  • Developing databases and data structures for software applications.
  • Developing web applications using HTML, CSS, JavaScript, etc.
  • Developing mobile applications using Android, iOS, etc.
  • Developing software tools and utilities.
  • Developing software libraries and frameworks.
  • Developing software for embedded systems.
  • Developing software for distributed systems.

Speed up your resume creation process with the AI-Powered Resume Builder . Generate tailored achievements in seconds for every role you apply to.

Fresher Computer Science Resume Example:

  • Developed a web application using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript, resulting in a 95% user satisfaction rate and a 10% increase in website traffic within the first month of launch.
  • Collaborated with a team of 5 developers to design and implement algorithms for a software application, resulting in a 30% reduction in processing time and a 20% increase in accuracy.
  • Debugged and tested software applications using Java and Python, identifying and resolving 100% of reported bugs within a 24-hour timeframe.
  • Developed a mobile application using Android Studio, resulting in a 4.5-star rating on the Google Play Store and over 10,000 downloads within the first month of launch.
  • Designed and implemented a database for a software application using SQL, resulting in a 50% reduction in data retrieval time and a 15% increase in system performance.
  • Collaborated with a team of 3 developers to develop software tools and utilities, resulting in a 25% increase in team productivity and a 10% reduction in development time.
  • Wrote and debugged code for a software application using C++, resulting in a 99% code coverage rate and a 5% reduction in system crashes.
  • Developed a software library using Python, resulting in a 30% reduction in development time and a 20% increase in code reusability.
  • Developed software for embedded systems using Assembly language, resulting in a 100% success rate in meeting project deadlines and a 15% reduction in system errors.
  • HTML, CSS, and JavaScript
  • Android Studio
  • Algorithm design and implementation
  • Debugging and testing
  • Team collaboration
  • Software tools and utilities development
  • Code optimization
  • Embedded systems programming
  • Assembly language
  • Database design and implementation
  • Mobile application development
  • Web application development
  • Software library development
  • Code reusability
  • Project management
  • Problem-solving

Top Skills & Keywords for Fresher Computer Science Resumes:

Hard skills.

  • Programming Languages (e.g. Java, Python, C++)
  • Data Structures and Algorithms
  • Object-Oriented Programming (OOP) Concepts
  • Database Management Systems (DBMS)
  • Web Development (HTML, CSS, JavaScript)
  • Operating Systems (Windows, Linux, Unix)
  • Network Security and Cryptography
  • Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
  • Cloud Computing (AWS, Azure, Google Cloud)
  • Mobile Application Development (Android, iOS)
  • Software Development Life Cycle (SDLC)
  • Debugging and Troubleshooting

Soft Skills

  • Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
  • Attention to Detail and Accuracy
  • Time Management and Prioritization
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Communication and Presentation Skills
  • Teamwork and Collaboration
  • Creativity and Innovation
  • Analytical Thinking and Data Interpretation
  • Leadership and Decision Making
  • Customer Service and Support
  • Self-Motivation and Initiative
  • Learning Agility and Continuous Improvement

Resume Action Verbs for Fresher Computer Sciences:

  • Collaborated
  • Implemented
  • Troubleshot

Generate Your Resume Summary

resume format for freshers arts and science students

Resume FAQs for Fresher Computer Sciences:

How long should i make my fresher computer science resume, what is the best way to format a fresher computer science resume, which keywords are important to highlight in a fresher computer science resume, how should i write my resume if i have no experience as a fresher computer science, compare your fresher computer science resume to a job description:.

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Fresher Computer Science job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Complete the steps below to generate your free resume analysis.

Related Resumes for Fresher Computer Sciences:

Fresher software developer, fresher software engineer, computer science intern, entry level programmer, junior software developer, entry level software engineer, entry level software developer, entry level computer science.

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Social Sciences Student Resume Examples & Writing Guide for 2024

Martin Poduška — Editor in Chief / Resume Writer

To earn a job in the social sciences while still a student, it is crucial to write a resume that captures the best examples of your academic and professional attributes.

In this guide, you will learn simple and key steps to writing a resume as a social sciences student. Keep reading to learn about:

  • How to choose the best resume format for your experience level
  • Why write a resume summary as a social sciences student
  • What types of social sciences skills to include on a resume
  • How to describe relevant work experience on a resume
  • Where to list your educational credentials and academic achievements
  • Where to find the best job search resources for social sciences students

Still looking for a job? These 100+ resources will tell you everything you need to get hired fast.

Human Resources Intern Resume Example

1. How to choose the best resume format for your experience level

Whenever you write a resume of any kind, the first thing you must decide is which resume format will best fit your needs . There are 3 main formatting options:

  • Reverse-Chronological: The reverse-chronological resume focuses primarily on work experience, making it the largest and most central section of the document. While this format is the standard expected by most employers, it is not always the ideal choice for current students who lack an extensive formal work history.
  • Functional: Functional resumes remove the focus from work experience. Instead, this type of resume will place greater emphasis on education, skills, and unpaid experience. This makes the functional format a great choice for current students, as it allows an applicant to prioritize their academic experiences and achievements more.
  • Hybrid: A hybrid resume combines elements of both the reverse-chronological and functional resumes. Rather than having one focal section, a hybrid resume will spread the focus of the document out evenly between all sections. This makes this format a good choice for applicants who have a mix of academic and professional experience.

Choose your preferred template and make your resume shine.

Use artificial intelligence to create your resume — FAST!

2. why write a resume summary as a social sciences student.

A resume summary is a short statement at the beginning of a resume that helps to introduce an applicant to the employer. In this summary, you should strive to include your best professional attributes, such as key specializations or notable accomplishments.

Having a well-written summary on your resume is important, as it helps you to make your resume more memorable and stand out from the competition.

To better illustrate how to write an effective resume summary, we have provided a weak example below, followed by a correction and explanation:

Incorrect social sciences student professional profile example

Social Sciences Student with degrees in Sociology and Political Science. Member of the campus voting organization that helps students register to vote. Led a campus-wide study on the correlation between political awareness and voting participation.

Why is this incorrect?

In this example, the applicant includes decent details that could be compelling if they only had more detail and context. Whenever you write a resume summary, you want to be as specific as possible so that the information stands out to employers and encourages them to read further.

Corrected social sciences student professional profile

Social Sciences Graduate Student, with dual Bachelor’s degrees in Sociology and Political Science. Co-President of the Campus Voting Outreach program which achieved a 25% increase in the number of students registered to vote on campus. Conducted a campus-wide study on the correlation between political awareness and voting participation that was published in the American Journal of Sociology.

Why is this correct?

In this corrected example, the applicant offers much better information regarding their degrees and experience in a leadership role for a campus organization, going as far as to list a very specific accomplishment achieved within this role. They end the summary with a highly impressive academic accomplishment, making this summary much more effective overall.

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3. What types of social sciences skills to include on a resume

As a social sciences student, you will likely want to showcase as many of your social and interpersonal skills on your resume as possible. However, it is important to not only include but also distinguish your technical skills from your interpersonal ones.

Interpersonal skills can be both learned and inherent. They affect how you interact with the people and world around you. Comparatively, technical skills must be obtained through education or training and often deal with more complex actions and activities, such as knowing how to conduct a social experiment.

Keeping this in mind, let’s look at the following examples of technical and interpersonal skills that look great on a Social Sciences Student’s resume:

The best technical skills to put on your social sciences student resume

  • Research methods
  • Planning & conducting experiments
  • Data collection & analysis
  • Knowledge of specific disciplines (psychology, sociology, etc.)
  • Cognitive science
  • Clinical reasoning
  • Computer literacy
  • Project management
  • Conducting field studies
  • Writing formal papers & reports

Effective interpersonal skills for your social sciences student CV

  • Strong personal & professional ethics
  • Cultural awareness & sensitivity
  • Verbal & written communication
  • Active listening
  • Problem-solving
  • Observational awareness

4. How to describe relevant work experience on a resume

When you are still a student, chances are that you will not yet have enough formal work experience to create a super in-depth work experience section.

However, if you have academic experiences such as internships, assistantships, or required clinical hours, these can all work as good substitutes for actual jobs in your work history. To describe your past experience effectively, it is essential to include as many quantifiable and specific details as possible.

Here is an example of a work experience entry from a social sciences student’s resume

American Museum of Natural History, New York, NY | Anthropology Intern August 2021 to May 2022

  • Assisted Head Museum Anthropologist in categorizing archaeological remains according to region, culture, and age of origin.
  • Collaborated with 5 other interns to design and develop a new cultural exhibit for the museum, helping to raise over $5k in profit to be donated to charity.
  • Participated in the museum’s annual conference on anthropology, assisting museum staff by maintaining a conference schedule and taking keynote presentation notes.

5. where to list your educational credentials and academic achievements

In general, to practice the social sciences you will need a minimum of either a bachelor’s or master’s degree depending on which discipline you choose to pursue. Including these credentials on your resume is done by creating a dedicated education section .

When you are still a student, it is important to include all of your degrees on your resume, even if they are not yet complete. To list an ongoing degree, you simply need to state that the degree is “In Progress,” as well as list your expected date of graduation.

Furthermore, your education section is where you can list your academic achievements, such as graduation honors or key academic roles.

Here is an example of a well-crafted education section on a social sciences student’s resume

Georgetown University, Washington, D.C. M.S. in Psychology

  • In Progress, Expected Graduation: December 2022

University of Virginia Charlottesville, VA B.S. in Psychology

  • Graduated: May 2019, Summa Cum Laude
  • Dean’s List | 2017, 2018, 2019  

6. Best job search resources for social sciences students

For ambitious social sciences students, knowing where to look can shape the trajectory of your job search. Here are some must-have resources to help you land your dream role:

  • University career services: Before broadening your search, tap into the resources of your own institution. Career services offices often provide resume reviews, career workshops, and job listings tailored for social science students.
  • Job search platforms: Websites such as Indeed , LinkedIn , and Glassdoor list a multitude of opportunities fit for a social sciences graduate. Be sure to set up personalized job alerts to stay ahead of the game.
  • Specialized job boards: Look for websites like or Idealist that specifically cater to social sciences and related fields. You are likely to find opportunities more attuned to your degree and interests.
  • Networking events: Join career fairs and networking events, whether in person or online. Engaging directly with potential employers can make a lasting impression.
  • Professional associations: Depending on your area of study, joining relevant professional associations such as the American Sociological Association or the American Political Science Association can provide access to exclusive resources and job listings.
  • Mentorship programs: Seek mentorship opportunities provided by your university or associations. A mentor can provide valuable industry insights, help hone your career path, and possibly even provide job leads.

Remember, in the diverse field of social sciences, having a well-rounded approach to job hunting can open a wealth of opportunities. With these resources at your disposal, you'll be well on your way to launching a successful career.

Social Sciences Student Resume FAQ

Focusing on your educational background, coursework, and academic projects is crucial. Also, highlight any internships or volunteer work related to your field. Extracurricular activities demonstrating transferable skills can also be included.

As a student or recent graduate, keeping your resume to one page is generally recommended. However, if you have extensive relevant experience or achievements, a two-page resume may be appropriate.

Absolutely. Tailoring your resume to each specific job demonstrates to hiring managers that you've seriously considered how your skills and experiences align with the role's requirements. 

Very important. Hiring managers and Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) often scan for keywords related to the specific role. Be sure to include relevant keywords from the job description in your resume.  

The inclusion of an 'Interests' or 'Activities' section can help demonstrate characteristics that may not be evident from your work or academic experience. It's particularly beneficial if these interests relate to your chosen field, or show a commitment to community service, leadership potential, and other valuable skills.

Martin Poduška — Editor in Chief / Resume Writer

Martin Poduška

Martin is a resume expert and career advice writer at Kickresume. In his five years at Kickresume, he has written hundreds of in-depth, painstakingly researched resume advice articles and, as chief editor, he has also edited and revised every single article on this website. Tens of thousands of job seekers read Martin’s resume advice every month. He holds a degree in English from the University of St Andrews and a degree in Comparative Literature from the University of Amsterdam .

All student resume examples

  • Formal Sciences Student
  • High School Student
  • Humanities Student
  • Student Internship
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  • Professions And Applied Sciences Student
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Click here to directly go to the complete computer science student resume sample

What do employers look for in a computer science student resume?

A computer science student resume is generally written by CS Graduates and CS Students who are still pursuing the course.

As such, employers are inclined to look for your academic details, relevant projects, and internship experience in a computer science student resume.

But most importantly, employers look for signs of exceptionalism in your computer science skills (such as coding and website designing) and your technical skills.

For which you should present a list of the programming languages you know, databases you are familiar with, and software you can work with.

We will help you learn how to put this information effectively in your computer science resume.

But before we begin, here's a summary of our Computer Science Student Resume Blog:

  • Write achievement-based internship sections and mention relevant certifications.
  • Add the details of the project that you have been a part of or led successfully.
  • Use one-liner points to communicate the details of your professional experience and past internships.
  • Provide URL links to your personal websites or profiles like Kaggle, GitHub, etc.
  • Write an impeccable computer science student resume objective for computer science student jobs & internships.
  • Organize your resume using the right resume format for computer science students.

. . . all so you can get the entry-level CS job or internship of your dreams!

Now that you have a rough idea of what to put in your computer science student resume, let's discuss what you can do to perfect it:

  • How to create an ATS-compliant resume?
  • What format to use for framing your computer science student resume?
  • How do I write a resume for computer science student?
  • How to list education details in a resume?
  • What skills should I put on my resume computer science?

What is a good objective for a computer science resume?

We have also provided relevant computer science student resume examples for each section. This is aimed at helping you understand what each section of your computer science resume should look like when perfected.

That said, feel free to use our Online Resume Builder to revolutionize your resume. It has an in-built computer science student resume example template that is pre-filled & optimized.

What is an ATS-Compliant Computer Science Student Resume?

The Application Tracking System is the first hurdle on your way to landing your dream job.

It helps the recruiters in selecting only those resumes wherein the required skills and experience are easily identified by the ATS.

To ensure that your resume gets past the ATS you need to curate a resume that has the right content reflecting all those requirements that have been mentioned in the job description given out by employers.

  • Compare your resume of computer science student with the provided job description.
  • Include the skills that you possess and have been mentioned in the JD as requirements.
  • Use words and phrases that relate your suitability to the targeted job profile.

To write an impeccable computer science student resume, go through the resume tips we have compiled for you.

Choose the Right Format for Your Computer Science Student Resume

Choosing the right resume format for computer science students should be the top priority. Why?

Because resume formats are important. They help you effectively shape the best resume for computer science student. As such, you need to choose the ideal computer science student resume format for you.

We advise you to use the reverse chronological resume format to structure your resume.

Here's why it is the best resume format for computer science student:

  • It helps you present information in reverse order. This means that your most recent work or internship experience is displayed first, following by your education details and so on.
  • This format helps you showcase your most relevant information first. As such, it helps you make a relevant resume for computer science student fresher.
  • Secondly, this resume format is the preferred format for recruiters. It is also the most commonly used resume format, making it reader-friendly.
  • This means that if you choose this computer science student resume format, you will be able to write a recruiter's preferred resume type.


You can also read about the other two resume formats to get an in-depth understanding of the importance of picking the right resume format:

Enhance Your Computer Science Student Resume Presentation Using Relevant Sections

Writing a resume for a computer science student is not as difficult as it might seem. All you have to do is present information using the following resume sections:

  • Personal Information
  • Profile Title
  • Summary/Objective
  • Internships
  • Project(s) (if any)
  • Certifications (if any)


Make sure you use the above-mentioned order to organize your sections.

Doing this will help you write a presentable resume for a computer science student.

It might not seem this way, but presentation matters.

Without resume sections , your resume will be a poorly composed document with randomly arranged data. This badly presented information will hamper the readability of your computer science resume.

Without a good presentation, you can't make a reader-friendly resume. And without a reader-friendly resume, your resume would be less likely to get read & evaluated in totality. Meaning: you won't get shortlisted for the job.

Additionally, feel free to use our Online Resume Builder . It is designed to ace the resume perfection test and help you write an optimized computer science resume.

It comes with a huge library of pre-filled resume templates and industry-wise resume examples to serve as perfect referring points for curating an impeccable computer science resume.

Perfect the Header Sections of Your Computer Science Student Resume

The header sections of a resume comprise of three things:

  • Resume Header

Your job here is to perfect them all.

Let's begin.

Computer Science Student Resume: Header

Here are some resume tips for the resume header of your computer science student resume:

  • Don't label your resume with a generic 'CV' or 'Resume'.
  • Instead, write your real full name at the topmost part of your computer science resume in a 16-20 font size .
  • The idea is to use a relatively larger font size for your resume header so that a recruiter can instantly identify that the resume belongs to you.
  • If you have a middle name, write your first name, followed by the first initial of your middle name in capital letters, followed by your last name. Example "Lana M. Davis"

Here's a computer science student resume example illustrating the ideal resume header:


This is a snapshot of a computer science student resume template that we have made using our Online Resume Builder .

For more computer science student resume examples like this, read on.

Computer Science Student Resume: Personal Information

Next comes the personal information section.

Don't be fooled. The personal information section does not mean that you should flood unnecessary & extremely personal details in your resume for computer science student fresher.

The goal of this section is to help a recruiter get in touch with you. As such, you should include only contact-specific details such as:

  • Updated mobile number
  • Professional email ID
  • Current Location


Hiration Pro Tip : In addition to basic contact details, you can also attach an URL to your online portfolio if you have one. (Kaggle, GitHub, LinkedIn, etc.)

Read our Blog on perfecting the resume contact information to master the ins and outs of this section.

Here's a computer science student resume example showcasing a well-written personal information section.


Use our computer science student resume template to make an impeccable resume with perfectly optimized sections.

Computer Science Student Resume: Profile Title

A profile title is important in more ways than one. For example, it communicates the following details about you:

  • Job designations held
  • Place of work
  • Duration of your work

Since you are writing a resume for a computer science student, you are likely to have no work experience. In this situation, your profile title can be written in the following manner:

  • Computer Science Graduate (if you have graduated)
  • Computer Science Student (if you are still pursuing the course)
  • Former Programming Intern & Computer Science Graduate (if you have graduated + done an internship)

If you fall into the third category, don't write 'Programmer' just to appear more experienced or authentic!

Hiration PRO TIP : Incorrectly presenting your job title can lead to a loss of credibility. Recruiters are bound to catch your bluff sooner or later, so make sure you accurately present this data.

Here's a resume example showing a correctly written profile title for a CS Graduate who has internship experience:


In the meanwhile, get your existing resume for computer science student fresher reviewed by our Resume Experts at Hiration.

With an overall experience of giving valuable resume reviews to 3,000+ clients globally, our service is designed to give you the resume help you need.

Present your Computer Science Internship Details effectively

As a CS Graduate or Student, you probably don't have the actual professional experience to boast about in your computer science resume.

This leaves you with your internship.

If you don't have internship experience, get one.

If you have done an internship in the past, talk about it effectively in your resume for computer science student fresher jobs.

Perfecting this section can dramatically elevate your shortlist chances. Meaning: you need to perfect it at all costs.

Here are three ways to do it:

  • Frame one-liner points
  • Use the STAR format
  • Practice Grouping & Highlighting


Use one-line points. Not paragraphs.

They make your resume of computer science student more reader-friendly and comprehensive.

Don't believe us?

Here are two computer science student resume examples to prove this argument.

We want you to observe them closely.


Computer Science Student Resume Example 1



Computer Science Student Resume Example 2


Framing One-Liner Points: Analysis

You can make the following observations from the two computer science student resume examples we have outlined above:

Conclusion: As compared to a lengthy paragraph, the one-liner point makes more sense and the recruiters will easily understand your roles and responsibilities right away.


Making reader-friendly content will go to waste if you don't back up with text worth reading. In other words, you need to optimize each one-liner point.

You can achieve this by implementing the STAR format at each point;

  • situation : The situation/backdrop/context of your contributions
  • task : The actual task that was assigned to you
  • action : The strategy you used to execute the assigned task
  • result : The result/outcome of your action in the form of an achievement figure

Instead of saying something as basic as this:

Wrote codes as part of my internship

Using the STAR format helps you make the same statement more impactful:

Wrote codes for ~3 computer programs with 100% accuracy

Do you see what we did there?

Adding numbers and expanding the details helped us add more legitimacy to the work done. It also helped us communicate the depth of the Intern's programming responsibility.


Now that you know how to make reader-friendly content that is worth the read, it is time to ensure that no recruiter ignores it.

Grouping & highlighting helps you achieve this.

Here are two computer science student resume examples to demonstrate this point.




Grouping & Highlighting: Analysis

We can draw the following conclusions from the computer science student resume examples we have discussed above:

Conclusion: By listing all the similar points under relevant groups you can easily organize your one-liners. The bold words and phrases make it easier for recruiters to identify your potential right away.

Make sure to start every point using a power verb to enhance the effectiveness of your sentences.

Computer Science Student Resume Sample for Internships

Read our Blog on perfecting the work experience section to learn intricate secrets for composing the professional experience & internship sections.

Here's a computer science student resume sample illustrating the perfect internship section for your resume for computer science student fresher jobs:


Moving on, get an expert opinion on your sample resume for computer science student jobs.

Provide Your Academic Details in the Education Section

The education section of your resume is an important section.

This is where you should put important academic details such as:

  • Name of the school/university you have attended.
  • Name of the courses you have pursued.
  • The location of your school/university.
  • Enrolment and graduation dates in month & year format .

Refer to Hiration's Guide on how to list education on your resume to read an exhaustive guide on how to correctly curate the education section.

Here's a resume sample showcasing the ideal education section for your resume.


Outline Your CS Skills Under a Distinct Key Skills Section

For those of you who are writing a resume for a computer science student, it is crucial to give a glorious presentation of your CS skills.

You need to make your skills highly visible in your computer science resume.

Recruiters should be able to identify your skills in one go.

Using a distinct 'key skills' section with a 'technical skills' subsection is a great way to achieve this.

Doing this helps you show the tools you are adept at and the work you can do - all in one glance.

Hiration PRO TIP : The key skills section of your computer science resume should be crisp and to the point. Do not use phrases like 'experienced in' or 'expertise in' to endorse your CS skills.

Read our Resume Skills Guide to learn how to use this section to your advantage.

Here's a computer science student resume example to visually demonstrate how to correctly put together this section:


Curate an Effective Objective for Your Computer Science Student Resume

What should your computer science student resume objective look like?

How long should your computer science student resume objective be?

And most importantly when should you include a resume objective ?

  • Your resume objective should be crisp and written in 3-4 lines.
  • It should actively advocate your skills in your functional niche/industry.
  • It should be constructed with the end goal of convincing a recruiter that you are the ideal fit for the given job.
  • To write an effective computer science student resume objective, draft it at the end after concluding the rest of your resume.

Write a computer science student resume objective to communicate your willingness to contribute towards organizational growth rather than highlighting your achievements and demands.

Here's a perfectly composed resume objective for computer science student resume:


You can also go through our guide on resume summary .

Resume Review Service

You don't have to be an expert resume writer to write an impeccable computer science student resume. Let us do the heavy lifting for you.

Our Resume Review Service is a premium service that gives you the resume help you need & more. We provide section-wise resume tips and offer valuable feedback based on the following parameters:

  • ATS Compliance
  • Global Compatibility
  • Content Relevance
  • Recruiter Friendliness
  • Design Compatibility
  • Conversion Scope
  • Performance Assessment
  • Resume Formatting (font, margins, the order of sections, etc.)
  • Compliance with industry norms

Online Resume Builder

Hiration's Online Resume Builder is a bundle of joy and a stepping stone for shortlisting success.

The power of AI backs our resume-building tool. We designed it to transform your computer science student resume into a shortlist magnet.

How do we achieve this?

Here is a list of the features that come with our resume building tool:

  • Auto bold feature
  • 25+ resume designs
  • LIVE resume score
  • JD-resume matcher
  • Option to save unlimited resumes
  • Intuitive next text suggestion
  • Full rich-text editor
  • 1-click design change
  • A sharable link
  • LIVE resume editor
  • Unlimited PDF downloads
  • 100+ pre-filled resume templates

Hiration Cover Letters & Other Services

Hiration's Cover Letter Builder provides:

  • 10+ ready to use templates
  • 15+ designs
  • Freedom to customize templates
  • Create multiple cover letters
  • Easy downloading

Make sure to check out the following services provide by Hiration:

  • Digital Portfolio Builder
  • LinkedIn Review
  • Interview Preparation

Computer Science Student Resume Sample

Here's a perfect sample resume for computer science student jobs:

  • Microsoft Office tools: Excel, Visio
  • Languages: Java, C++, VB.NET, HTML, JavaScript, CSS, Python, and AJAX
  • Tools & Techniques: SQL and ORM technologies
  • Developed & deployed computer apps and coded & tested programs for 3+ software and 5+ mobile applications
  • Formulated codes and tested them periodically to ensure desirable results and fixed bugs in the existing ones
  • Collaborated with the Product, Design, & Marketing teams to understand user needs & developed 5+ products
  • Coordinated with Business Analysts/Developers to develop software designs, program specifications & test cases
  • Resolved user-submitted problems & questions and documented the same for future reference
  • Assisted in performing upgrades to make sure that the software & systems are secure; improved the efficiency by 17%
  • GPA: 4.5/5.0
  • Microsoft Certified Solutions Developer | Microsoft | Jan '19
  • Languages : English, Spanish and German

The provided resume template for computer science student is from our Online resume Builder and is the best resume for computer science student with a higher chance of getting shortlisted by recruiters.

Key Takeaways

Here are the key takeaways of our Computer Science Student Resume 2023 Blog:

  • Use the reverse chronological resume format.
  • Organize information using relevant sections in your computer science resume.
  • Write your real full name in the largest font size at the extreme top part of your resume for a computer science student. Doing this will give your resume a unique identity of its own.
  • Include your contact details in the personal information section. Additionally, include a link to your online work portfolio if you have one.
  • Write your profile title as 'Computer Science Graduate'. If you are currently doing an internship, write your profile title in this manner: 'Computer Science Graduate & Programming Intern'.
  • Use a distinct section to endorse your CS skills - both technical & non-technical.
  • Keep your computer science student resume objective both crisp & effective. Stick to a 3-4 lines paragraph and highlight profile-specific career achievements.
  • To get shortlisted, perfect the internship section at all costs.
  • To improve the readability, use one-liner points . To draw attention to your key highlights in each point, mark them in bold.
  • Present your education details . Write your GPA score if you have performed outstandingly well. If you were not a top performer, leave out your GPA scores.
  • Write a list of your certifications if you have done any. Leave out those certifications that are not relevant to your target profile.

Now that we have reached the end of this blog, make use of all the computer engineering resume examples and computer engineering resume samples that we have provided in this blog as it can help you in writing a great resume.

Go to Hiration resume builder and create a professional resume for yourself. Additionally, reach out to us at [email protected] and you can get 24/7 professional assistance with all your job & career-related queries.

resume format for freshers arts and science students

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resume format for freshers arts and science students

Top 16 Arts Resume Objective Examples

Photo of Brenna Goyette

Updated July 22, 2023 13 min read

A resume objective is a brief statement that goes at the top of your resume and explains why you are qualified for the job. When writing a resume objective for an arts position, it's important to include information about your skills, experience, and qualifications that relate specifically to the position. Include details about any relevant certifications or awards you have earned in the field as well as any professional development activities you have participated in. For example, if you are applying for an assistant curator position at a museum, you might include something like: "To leverage my education in art history and curatorial experience to contribute to the success of [Museum Name], while continuing to develop my curatorial skills." Additionally, think about how your unique experiences can benefit this particular organization and be sure to highlight them. For example: "To bring my passion for art and knowledge of contemporary trends to [Organization Name], helping them create engaging exhibitions that will attract new audiences."

Arts Resume Example

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Top 16 Arts Resume Objective Samples

  • To utilize my creative talents and passion for the arts to contribute to an established organization.
  • To obtain a position in the arts field that allows me to use my creativity and experience.
  • Seeking an opportunity to use my artistic skills and knowledge in a professional setting.
  • To join a team of creative professionals as an artist and contribute to the development of innovative projects.
  • Looking for a challenging role in the arts industry where I can apply my creative skills and knowledge.
  • To secure a position in the arts sector that will allow me to develop my artistic abilities further.
  • To gain employment in an art-related role that will enable me to express my creativity and passion for art.
  • Seeking an opportunity to work with a team of artists on projects that require creative thinking and problem solving.
  • To utilize my strong background in the visual arts to create unique works of art that are both aesthetically pleasing and meaningful.
  • Seeking an entry-level position in the arts field where I can learn from experienced professionals while contributing fresh ideas.
  • Looking for a job as an artist where I can use my talent, skill, and knowledge to create beautiful works of art.
  • Searching for a role as an artist which allows me to explore different mediums, techniques, and styles while developing new ideas.
  • Aiming for a career in the visual arts which enables me to combine traditional methods with modern technology for greater impact.
  • Pursuing a position as an artist where I can collaborate with other professionals on projects that require imagination, innovation, and passion for artistry.
  • Seeking employment as an artist where I can bring out my full potential by utilizing both traditional and modern approaches when creating artwork.
  • Applying for a role as an artist which will allow me to demonstrate my expertise in various mediums while exploring new ways of expressing myself through art.

How to Write an Arts Resume Objective

An arts resume objective is a concise statement that outlines your career goals and highlights the skills you bring to the job. This section of your resume should be tailored specifically to the job you’re applying for, so it’s important to get it right. Here are some tips on how to write an effective and engaging arts resume objective:

Start by identifying your primary goal. What type of job are you looking for? Are you hoping to secure a position as an artist in a gallery or museum? Are you hoping to teach art classes? Knowing what type of position you want will help you craft an appropriate objective statement.

Next, consider the skills and experience that make you uniquely qualified for the role. What strengths do you have that could benefit this particular employer? Think about any relevant education, awards, or certifications that demonstrate your capabilities as an artist. Be sure to include any technical skills related to digital art or graphic design that might be needed for the job.

Finally, make sure your objective statement is clear and concise. Avoid vague language like “seeking a challenging opportunity” and instead focus on specific qualifications and skills that make you well-suited for the job. Also, be sure to keep it brief; no more than three sentences should suffice.

By following these tips, you can create an effective and engaging arts resume objective that will help draw attention from employers and increase your chances of landing an interview. With a well-crafted objective statement, employers will know why they should invest in your talents – so don’t forget to include yours!

Related : What does an Arts do?

Key Skills to Highlight in Your Arts Resume Objective

In the competitive field of arts, your resume needs to stand out and showcase not only your talent but also the key skills that make you an exceptional candidate. The objective section of your resume is a critical area where you can highlight these skills. This section serves as an introduction to your professional persona, allowing potential employers to quickly understand your strengths and capabilities. In this section, we will discuss the key skills that are highly valued in the arts industry and how you can effectively highlight them in your arts resume objective.

1. Photoshop

Having Photoshop skills is essential for a job in the arts as it demonstrates proficiency in digital design and image manipulation. This skill is crucial for tasks such as creating and editing artwork, designing promotional materials, retouching photographs, and more. It shows potential employers that you are capable of producing high-quality visual content, which is often a key component of jobs in the arts sector. Including this skill in your resume objective can help to highlight your technical abilities and show that you are well-equipped to handle the demands of the role.

2. Illustrator

Illustration skills are crucial for a job in the arts because they demonstrate the ability to visualize and create concepts, which is often a key aspect of artistic roles. These skills show that you can effectively communicate ideas through visual means, contribute to project development, and enhance final products with creative designs. They also indicate proficiency in using various illustration tools and software, which could be essential for many art-related jobs. In a resume objective, mentioning your illustration skills can highlight your creativity, technical abilities, and commitment to delivering high-quality artistic work.

3. InDesign

InDesign is a crucial skill for an arts-related job because it's a powerful tool used for creating and editing graphics, layouts, and other visual designs. It allows professionals to produce high-quality artwork that can be used in various mediums such as print, digital media, and advertising. Having this skill on a resume shows potential employers that the candidate has the technical ability to create visually appealing work, understands design principles, and can effectively use industry-standard software. This could make them more efficient and productive in their role.

4. Procreate

Procreate is a popular digital illustration app used by artists for creating high-quality artwork. It's a skill that is needed for an arts-related job because it demonstrates the candidate's ability to use modern tools and technology in creating art. This can be particularly useful in roles such as graphic design, animation, or digital artistry where Procreate is often used for sketching, painting, and designing. Having this skill could make a candidate more appealing to employers who value technological proficiency and adaptability in their employees.

5. Lightroom

A resume objective for a job in the arts often requires a skill like Lightroom because this Adobe software is widely used for editing and managing digital images. It's particularly essential for photographers, graphic designers, and other visual artists. Mastery of Lightroom demonstrates technical proficiency, attention to detail, and an understanding of aesthetics—all key qualities in the arts sector. Furthermore, it shows potential employers that you can efficiently handle tasks related to photo manipulation and enhancement, which can be crucial in many art-related jobs.

AutoCAD is a computer-aided design software that allows users to create detailed, precise 2D and 3D drawings. In the field of arts, it's often used by artists, designers, architects, etc., to visualize their ideas and designs. Having AutoCAD skills on a resume shows potential employers that you have technical proficiency and can handle complex design tasks. This skill is particularly important for roles that require designing and creating visual representations of concepts or projects. It also indicates your ability to use technology to improve efficiency and accuracy in your work.

Blender is a powerful open-source 3D creation suite that allows users to create animation, visual effects, 3D printed models, and more. For a job in the arts, particularly in fields like animation or graphic design, proficiency in Blender could be incredibly beneficial. It demonstrates that the candidate has technical skills and experience with industry-standard software. This could make them more efficient at their job and enable them to produce high-quality work. Furthermore, it shows that they are committed to staying updated with the latest technology and tools in their field.

8. CorelDRAW

CorelDRAW is a highly versatile graphic design software that can be used to create logos, layouts, and illustrations. For someone in the arts field, proficiency in CorelDRAW demonstrates their ability to create visually appealing designs and effectively communicate concepts or ideas. This skill is essential for a resume objective as it showcases the candidate's technical abilities and their potential to contribute creatively to projects.

9. After Effects

After Effects is a digital visual effects and motion graphics software used in the post-production process of film making, video games and television production. This skill is essential for an Arts job title because it enables professionals to create and integrate high-quality visual and audio effects, animations, design compositions and motion graphics into their artwork or projects. It shows potential employers that the candidate has advanced technical abilities, creativity, attention to detail, and can enhance the visual impact of various multimedia content. Therefore, it can make a resume stand out in competitive fields like graphic design, animation, videography or digital media production.

Maya is a leading 3D computer graphics software used by professionals in the field of visual effects, animation, and game development. Having proficiency in Maya demonstrates that you possess advanced technical skills, creativity, and the ability to create high-quality digital content. This skill is crucial for an Arts job role as it allows you to execute complex projects effectively and efficiently. Including this on your resume objective shows potential employers that you are capable of meeting industry standards and can contribute significantly to their creative team.

Top 10 Arts Skills to Add to Your Resume Objective

In conclusion, your arts resume objective should effectively showcase your unique blend of skills, making you stand out as a candidate. These skills should align with the job requirements and demonstrate your ability to excel in the role. Remember, the objective is often the first thing a potential employer reads, so make it count by highlighting your most relevant and impressive skills. Tailoring this section to each specific job application can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview.

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Common Mistakes When Writing an Arts Resume Objective

Writing an effective arts resume objective is a critical component of any job search. Unfortunately, many job seekers make some common mistakes that can cost them the opportunity to be considered for an interview or even a job offer. This essay will discuss the most common mistakes when writing an arts resume objective and how to avoid them.

One of the biggest mistakes job seekers make when writing their arts resume objective is making it too generic. Many resumes contain objectives that simply state “seeking a challenging position in the field of art” with no additional information about what type of position they are looking for or what skills they have that would make them successful in that role. A more effective approach is to be specific about the type of role you are seeking and highlight your unique qualifications and experiences that make you well-suited for it.

Another mistake often made when crafting an arts resume objective is not tailoring it to the job description. Job seekers should read through each posting carefully and tailor their objectives to reflect how their background meets the specific requirements listed in that particular opening. This shows employers how your experience relates directly to what they are looking for and sets you apart from other applicants who didn’t bother to customize their objectives.

Finally, some applicants fail to include enough detail in their objectives, leaving employers with little understanding of who they are as a professional artist or why they are applying for this particular job. A good rule of thumb is to include at least two key points in your objective statement, such as your areas of expertise or past successes, which demonstrate why you would be a valuable asset to their organization.

By avoiding these common mistakes when crafting an arts resume objective, job seekers can ensure that their application stands out from the crowd and increases their chances of landing an interview or even a job offer.

Related : Arts Resume Examples

Arts Resume Objective Example

A right resume objective for Arts should focus on specific skills and experience that will help you to succeed in the Arts field, while a wrong resume objective should simply state your desires without highlighting any relevant qualifications.

Editorial staff

Photo of Brenna Goyette, Editor

Brenna Goyette

Brenna is a certified professional resume writer, career expert, and the content manager of the ResumeCat team. She has a background in corporate recruiting and human resources and has been writing resumes for over 10 years. Brenna has experience in recruiting for tech, finance, and marketing roles and has a passion for helping people find their dream jobs. She creates expert resources to help job seekers write the best resumes and cover letters, land the job, and succeed in the workplace.

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