Python Operators Cheat Sheet

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Discover the essential Python operators and how to effectively use them with our comprehensive cheat sheet. We cover everything from arithmetic to bitwise operations!

If you’ve ever written a few lines of Python code, you are likely familiar with Python operators. Whether you're doing basic arithmetic calculations, creating variables, or performing complex logical operations, chances are that you had to use a Python operator to perform the task. But just how many of them exist, and what do you use them for?

In this cheat sheet, we will cover every one of Python’s operators:

  • Arithmetic operators.
  • Assignment operators.
  • Comparison operators.
  • Logical operators.
  • Identity operators.
  • Membership operators.
  • Bitwise operators.

Additionally, we will discuss operator precedence and its significance in Python.

If you're just starting out with Python programming, you may want to look into our Python Basics Track . Its nearly 40 hours of content covers Python operators and much more; you’ll get an excellent foundation to build your coding future on.

Without further ado, let's dive in and learn all about Python operators.

What Are Python Operators?

Python operators are special symbols or keywords used to perform specific operations. Depending on the operator, we can perform arithmetic calculations, assign values to variables, compare two or more values, use logical decision-making in our programs, and more.

How Operators Work

Operators are fundamental to Python programming (and programming as a whole); they allow us to manipulate data and control the flow of our code. Understanding how to use operators effectively enables programmers to write code that accomplishes a desired task.

In more specific terms, an operator takes two elements – called operands – and combines them in a given manner. The specific way that this combination happens is what defines the operator. For example, the operation A + B takes the operands A and B , performs the “sum” operation (denoted by the + operator), and returns the total of those two operands.

The Complete List of Python Operators

Now that we know the basic theory behind Python operators, it’s time to go over every single one of them.

In each section below, we will explain a family of operators, provide a few code samples on how they are used, and present a comprehensive table of all operators in that family. Let’s get started!

Python Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical calculations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, exponentiation, and modulus. Most arithmetic operators look the same as those used in everyday mathematics (or in spreadsheet formulas).

Here is the complete list of arithmetic operators in Python:

Most of these operators are self-explanatory, but a few are somewhat tricky. The floor division operator ( // ), for example, returns the integer portion of the division between two numbers.

The modulo operator ( % ) is also uncommon: it returns the remainder of an integer division, i.e. what remains when you divide a number by another. When dividing 11 by 4, the number 4 divides “perfectly” up to the value 8. This means that there’s a remainder of 3 left, which is the value returned by the modulo operator.

Also note that the addition ( + ) and subtraction ( - ) operators are special in that they can operate on a single operand; the expression +5 or -5 is considered an operation in itself. When used in this fashion, these operators are referred to as unary operators . The negative unary operator (as in -5 ) is used to invert the value of a number, while the positive unary operator (as in +5 ) was mostly created for symmetrical reasons, since writing +5 is effectively the same as just writing 5 .

Python Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables . They can also perform arithmetic operations in combination with assignments.

The canonical assignment operator is the equal sign ( = ). Its purpose is to bind a value to a variable: if we write x = 10 , we store the value 10 inside the variable x. We can then later refer to the variable x in order to retrieve its value.

The remaining assignment operators are collectively known as augmented assignment operators . They combine a regular assignment with an arithmetic operator in a single line. This is denoted by the arithmetic operator placed directly before the “vanilla” assignment operator.

Augmented assignment operators are simply used as a shortcut. Instead of writing x = x + 1 , they allow us to write x += 1 , effectively “updating” a variable in a concise manner. Here’s a code sample of how this works:

In the table below, you can find the complete list of assignment operators in Python. Note how there is an augmented assignment operator for every arithmetic operator we went over in the previous section:

Python Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare two values . They return a Boolean value ( True or False ) based on the comparison result.

These operators are often used in conjunction with if/else statements in order to control the flow of a program. For example, the code block below allows the user to select an option from a menu:

The table below shows the full list of Python comparison operators:

Note: Pay attention to the “equal to” operator ( == ) – it’s easy to mistake it for the assignment operator ( = ) when writing Python scripts!

If you’re coming from other programming languages, you may have heard about “ternary conditional operators”. Python has a very similar structure called conditional expressions, which you can learn more about in our article on ternary operators in Python . And if you want more details on this topic, be sure to check out our article on Python comparison operators .

Python Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to combine and manipulate Boolean values . They return True or False based on the Boolean values given to them.

Logical operators are often used to combine different conditions into one. You can leverage the fact that they are written as normal English words to create code that is very readable. Even someone who isn’t familiar with Python could roughly understand what the code below attempts to do:

Here is the table with every logical operator in Python:

Note: When determining if a value falls inside a range of numbers, you can use the “interval notation” commonly used in mathematics; the expression x > 0 and x < 100 can be rewritten as 0 < x < 100 .

Python Identity Operators

Identity operators are used to query whether two Python objects are the exact same object . This is different from using the “equal to” operator ( == ) because two variables may be equal to each other , but at the same time not be the same object .

For example, the lists list_a and list_b below contain the same values, so for all practical purposes they are considered equal. But they are not the same object – modifying one list does not change the other:

The table below presents the two existing Python identity operators:

Python Membership Operators

Membership operators are used to test if a value is contained inside another object .

Objects that can contain other values in them are known as collections . Common collections in Python include lists, tuples, and sets.

Python Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators in Python are the most esoteric of them all. They are used to perform bit-level operations on integers. Although you may not use these operators as often in your day to day coding, they are a staple in low-level programming languages like C.

As an example, let’s consider the numbers 5 (whose binary representation is 101 ), and the number 3 (represented as 011 in binary).

In order to apply the bitwise AND operator ( & ), we take the first digit from each number’s binary representation (in this case: 1 for the number 5, and 0 for the number 3). Then, we perform the AND operation, which works much like Python’s logical and operator except True is now 1 and False is 0 .

This gives us the operation 1 AND 0 , which results in 0 .

We then simply perform the same operation for each remaining pair of digits in the binary representation of 5 and 3, namely:

  • 0 AND 1 = 0
  • 1 AND 1 = 1

We end up with 0 , 0 , and 1 , which is then put back together as the binary number 001 – which is, in turn, how the number 1 is represented in binary. This all means that the bitwise operation 5 & 3 results in 1 . What a ride!

The name “bitwise” comes from the idea that these operations are performed on “bits” (the numbers 0 or 1), one pair at a time. Afterwards, they are all brought up together in a resulting binary value.

The table below presents all existing bitwise operations in Python:

Operator Precedence in Python

Operator precedence determines the order in which operators are evaluated in an expression. Operators with higher precedence are evaluated first.

For example, the fact that the exponentiation operator ( ** ) has a higher precedence than the addition operator ( + ) means that the expression 2 ** 3 + 4 is seen by Python as (2 ** 3) + 4 . The order of operation is exponentiation and then addition. To override operator precedence, you need to explicitly use parentheses to encapsulate a part of the expression, i.e. 2 ** (3 + 4) .

The table below illustrates the operator precedence in Python. Operators in the earlier rows have a higher precedence:

Want to Learn More About Python Operators?

In this article, we've covered every single Python operator. This includes arithmetic, assignment, comparison, logical, identity, membership, and bitwise operators. Understanding these operators is crucial for writing Python code effectively!

For those looking to dive deeper into Python, consider exploring our Learn Programming with Python track . It consists of five in-depth courses and over 400 exercises for you to master the language. You can also challenge yourself with our article on 10 Python practice exercises for beginners !

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Assignment Operators

Add and assign, subtract and assign, multiply and assign, divide and assign, floor divide and assign, exponent and assign, modulo and assign.

For demonstration purposes, let’s use a single variable, num . Initially, we set num to 6. We can apply all of these operators to num and update it accordingly.

Assigning the value of 6 to num results in num being 6.

Expression: num = 6

Adding 3 to num and assigning the result back to num would result in 9.

Expression: num += 3

Subtracting 3 from num and assigning the result back to num would result in 6.

Expression: num -= 3

Multiplying num by 3 and assigning the result back to num would result in 18.

Expression: num *= 3

Dividing num by 3 and assigning the result back to num would result in 6.0 (always a float).

Expression: num /= 3

Performing floor division on num by 3 and assigning the result back to num would result in 2.

Expression: num //= 3

Raising num to the power of 3 and assigning the result back to num would result in 216.

Expression: num **= 3

Calculating the remainder when num is divided by 3 and assigning the result back to num would result in 2.

Expression: num %= 3

We can effectively put this into Python code, and you can experiment with the code yourself! Click the “Run” button to see the output.

The above code is useful when we want to update the same number. We can also use two different numbers and use the assignment operators to apply them on two different values.

Python Operators: Arithmetic, Assignment, Comparison, Logical, Identity, Membership, Bitwise

Operators are special symbols that perform some operation on operands and returns the result. For example, 5 + 6 is an expression where + is an operator that performs arithmetic add operation on numeric left operand 5 and the right side operand 6 and returns a sum of two operands as a result.

Python includes the operator module that includes underlying methods for each operator. For example, the + operator calls the operator.add(a,b) method.

Above, expression 5 + 6 is equivalent to the expression operator.add(5, 6) and operator.__add__(5, 6) . Many function names are those used for special methods, without the double underscores (dunder methods). For backward compatibility, many of these have functions with the double underscores kept.

Python includes the following categories of operators:

Arithmetic Operators

Assignment operators, comparison operators, logical operators, identity operators, membership test operators, bitwise operators.

Arithmetic operators perform the common mathematical operation on the numeric operands.

The arithmetic operators return the type of result depends on the type of operands, as below.

  • If either operand is a complex number, the result is converted to complex;
  • If either operand is a floating point number, the result is converted to floating point;
  • If both operands are integers, then the result is an integer and no conversion is needed.

The following table lists all the arithmetic operators in Python:

The assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. The following table lists all the arithmetic operators in Python:

The comparison operators compare two operands and return a boolean either True or False. The following table lists comparison operators in Python.

The logical operators are used to combine two boolean expressions. The logical operations are generally applicable to all objects, and support truth tests, identity tests, and boolean operations.

The identity operators check whether the two objects have the same id value e.i. both the objects point to the same memory location.

The membership test operators in and not in test whether the sequence has a given item or not. For the string and bytes types, x in y is True if and only if x is a substring of y .

Bitwise operators perform operations on binary operands.

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python and assignment operator

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Simple assignment operator in Python

Different assignment operators in python.

Rajat Gupta

Software Developer

Published on  Thu Jun 30 2022

Assignment operators in Python are in-fix which are used to perform operations on variables or operands and assign values to the operand on the left side of the operator. It performs arithmetic, logical, and bitwise computations.

Assignment Operators in Python

Add and equal operator, subtract and equal operator, multiply and equal operator, divide and equal operator, modulus and equal operator, double divide and equal operator, exponent assign operator.

  • Bitwise and operator

Bitwise OR operator

  • Bitwise XOR Assignment operator

Bitwise right shift assignment operator

Bitwise left shift assignment operator.

The Simple assignment operator in Python is denoted by = and is used to assign values from the right side of the operator to the value on the left side.

This operator adds the value on the right side to the value on the left side and stores the result in the operand on the left side.

This operator subtracts the value on the right side from the value on the left side and stores the result in the operand on the left side.

The Multiply and equal operator multiplies the right operand with the left operand and then stores the result in the left operand.

It divides the left operand with the right operand and then stores the quotient in the left operand.

The modulus and equal operator finds the modulus from the left and right operand and stores the final result in the left operand.

The double divide and equal or the divide floor and equal operator divides the left operand with the right operand and stores the floor result in the left operand.

It performs exponential or power calculation and assigns value to the left operand.

Bitwise And operator

Performs Bitwise And operation on both variables and stores the result in the left operand. The Bitwise And operation compares the corresponding bits of the left operand to the bits of the right operand and if both bits are 1, the corresponding result is also 1 otherwise 0.

The binary value of 3 is 0011 and the binary value of 5 is 0101, so when the Bitwise And operation is performed on both the values, we get 0111, which is 7 in decimal.

Performs Bitwise OR operator on both variables and stores the result in the left operand. The Bitwise OR operation compares the corresponding bits of the left operand to the bits of the right operand and if any one of the bit is 1, the corresponding result is also 1 otherwise 0.

The binary value of 5 is 0101 and the binary value of 10 is 1010, so when the Bitwise OR operation is performed on both the values, we get 1111, which is 15 in decimal .

Bitwise XOR operator

Performs Bitwise XOR operator on both variables and stores the result in the left operand. The Bitwise XOR operation compares the corresponding bits of the left operand to the bits of the right operand and if only one of the bit is 1, the corresponding result is also 1 otherwise 0.

The binary value of 5 is 0101 and the binary value of 9 is 1001, so when the Bitwise XOR operation is performed on both the values, we get 1100, which is 12 in decimal.

This operator performs a Bitwise right shift on the operands and stores the result in the left operand.

The binary value of 15 is 1111, so when the Bitwise right shift operation is performed on ‘a’, we get 0011, which is 3 in decimal.

This operator performs a Bitwise left shift on the operands and stores the result in the left operand.

The binary value of 15 is 1111, so when the Bitwise right shift operation is performed on ‘a’, we get 00011110, which is 30 in decimal.

Closing Thoughts

In this tutorial, we read about different types of assignment operators in Python which are special symbols used to perform arithmetic, logical and bitwise operations on the operands and store the result in the left side operand. One can read about other Python concepts here .

About the author

Rajat Gupta is an experienced financial analyst known for his deep insights into market trends and investment strategies. He excels in providing robust financial solutions that drive growth and stability.

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6. Expressions ¶

This chapter explains the meaning of the elements of expressions in Python.

Syntax Notes: In this and the following chapters, extended BNF notation will be used to describe syntax, not lexical analysis. When (one alternative of) a syntax rule has the form

and no semantics are given, the semantics of this form of name are the same as for othername .

6.1. Arithmetic conversions ¶

When a description of an arithmetic operator below uses the phrase “the numeric arguments are converted to a common type”, this means that the operator implementation for built-in types works as follows:

If either argument is a complex number, the other is converted to complex;

otherwise, if either argument is a floating point number, the other is converted to floating point;

otherwise, both must be integers and no conversion is necessary.

Some additional rules apply for certain operators (e.g., a string as a left argument to the ‘%’ operator). Extensions must define their own conversion behavior.

6.2. Atoms ¶

Atoms are the most basic elements of expressions. The simplest atoms are identifiers or literals. Forms enclosed in parentheses, brackets or braces are also categorized syntactically as atoms. The syntax for atoms is:

6.2.1. Identifiers (Names) ¶

An identifier occurring as an atom is a name. See section Identifiers and keywords for lexical definition and section Naming and binding for documentation of naming and binding.

When the name is bound to an object, evaluation of the atom yields that object. When a name is not bound, an attempt to evaluate it raises a NameError exception.

Private name mangling: When an identifier that textually occurs in a class definition begins with two or more underscore characters and does not end in two or more underscores, it is considered a private name of that class. Private names are transformed to a longer form before code is generated for them. The transformation inserts the class name, with leading underscores removed and a single underscore inserted, in front of the name. For example, the identifier __spam occurring in a class named Ham will be transformed to _Ham__spam . This transformation is independent of the syntactical context in which the identifier is used. If the transformed name is extremely long (longer than 255 characters), implementation defined truncation may happen. If the class name consists only of underscores, no transformation is done.

6.2.2. Literals ¶

Python supports string and bytes literals and various numeric literals:

Evaluation of a literal yields an object of the given type (string, bytes, integer, floating point number, complex number) with the given value. The value may be approximated in the case of floating point and imaginary (complex) literals. See section Literals for details.

All literals correspond to immutable data types, and hence the object’s identity is less important than its value. Multiple evaluations of literals with the same value (either the same occurrence in the program text or a different occurrence) may obtain the same object or a different object with the same value.

6.2.3. Parenthesized forms ¶

A parenthesized form is an optional expression list enclosed in parentheses:

A parenthesized expression list yields whatever that expression list yields: if the list contains at least one comma, it yields a tuple; otherwise, it yields the single expression that makes up the expression list.

An empty pair of parentheses yields an empty tuple object. Since tuples are immutable, the same rules as for literals apply (i.e., two occurrences of the empty tuple may or may not yield the same object).

Note that tuples are not formed by the parentheses, but rather by use of the comma. The exception is the empty tuple, for which parentheses are required — allowing unparenthesized “nothing” in expressions would cause ambiguities and allow common typos to pass uncaught.

6.2.4. Displays for lists, sets and dictionaries ¶

For constructing a list, a set or a dictionary Python provides special syntax called “displays”, each of them in two flavors:

either the container contents are listed explicitly, or

they are computed via a set of looping and filtering instructions, called a comprehension .

Common syntax elements for comprehensions are:

The comprehension consists of a single expression followed by at least one for clause and zero or more for or if clauses. In this case, the elements of the new container are those that would be produced by considering each of the for or if clauses a block, nesting from left to right, and evaluating the expression to produce an element each time the innermost block is reached.

However, aside from the iterable expression in the leftmost for clause, the comprehension is executed in a separate implicitly nested scope. This ensures that names assigned to in the target list don’t “leak” into the enclosing scope.

The iterable expression in the leftmost for clause is evaluated directly in the enclosing scope and then passed as an argument to the implicitly nested scope. Subsequent for clauses and any filter condition in the leftmost for clause cannot be evaluated in the enclosing scope as they may depend on the values obtained from the leftmost iterable. For example: [x*y for x in range(10) for y in range(x, x+10)] .

To ensure the comprehension always results in a container of the appropriate type, yield and yield from expressions are prohibited in the implicitly nested scope.

Since Python 3.6, in an async def function, an async for clause may be used to iterate over a asynchronous iterator . A comprehension in an async def function may consist of either a for or async for clause following the leading expression, may contain additional for or async for clauses, and may also use await expressions. If a comprehension contains either async for clauses or await expressions or other asynchronous comprehensions it is called an asynchronous comprehension . An asynchronous comprehension may suspend the execution of the coroutine function in which it appears. See also PEP 530 .

Added in version 3.6: Asynchronous comprehensions were introduced.

Changed in version 3.8: yield and yield from prohibited in the implicitly nested scope.

Changed in version 3.11: Asynchronous comprehensions are now allowed inside comprehensions in asynchronous functions. Outer comprehensions implicitly become asynchronous.

6.2.5. List displays ¶

A list display is a possibly empty series of expressions enclosed in square brackets:

A list display yields a new list object, the contents being specified by either a list of expressions or a comprehension. When a comma-separated list of expressions is supplied, its elements are evaluated from left to right and placed into the list object in that order. When a comprehension is supplied, the list is constructed from the elements resulting from the comprehension.

6.2.6. Set displays ¶

A set display is denoted by curly braces and distinguishable from dictionary displays by the lack of colons separating keys and values:

A set display yields a new mutable set object, the contents being specified by either a sequence of expressions or a comprehension. When a comma-separated list of expressions is supplied, its elements are evaluated from left to right and added to the set object. When a comprehension is supplied, the set is constructed from the elements resulting from the comprehension.

An empty set cannot be constructed with {} ; this literal constructs an empty dictionary.

6.2.7. Dictionary displays ¶

A dictionary display is a possibly empty series of dict items (key/value pairs) enclosed in curly braces:

A dictionary display yields a new dictionary object.

If a comma-separated sequence of dict items is given, they are evaluated from left to right to define the entries of the dictionary: each key object is used as a key into the dictionary to store the corresponding value. This means that you can specify the same key multiple times in the dict item list, and the final dictionary’s value for that key will be the last one given.

A double asterisk ** denotes dictionary unpacking . Its operand must be a mapping . Each mapping item is added to the new dictionary. Later values replace values already set by earlier dict items and earlier dictionary unpackings.

Added in version 3.5: Unpacking into dictionary displays, originally proposed by PEP 448 .

A dict comprehension, in contrast to list and set comprehensions, needs two expressions separated with a colon followed by the usual “for” and “if” clauses. When the comprehension is run, the resulting key and value elements are inserted in the new dictionary in the order they are produced.

Restrictions on the types of the key values are listed earlier in section The standard type hierarchy . (To summarize, the key type should be hashable , which excludes all mutable objects.) Clashes between duplicate keys are not detected; the last value (textually rightmost in the display) stored for a given key value prevails.

Changed in version 3.8: Prior to Python 3.8, in dict comprehensions, the evaluation order of key and value was not well-defined. In CPython, the value was evaluated before the key. Starting with 3.8, the key is evaluated before the value, as proposed by PEP 572 .

6.2.8. Generator expressions ¶

A generator expression is a compact generator notation in parentheses:

A generator expression yields a new generator object. Its syntax is the same as for comprehensions, except that it is enclosed in parentheses instead of brackets or curly braces.

Variables used in the generator expression are evaluated lazily when the __next__() method is called for the generator object (in the same fashion as normal generators). However, the iterable expression in the leftmost for clause is immediately evaluated, so that an error produced by it will be emitted at the point where the generator expression is defined, rather than at the point where the first value is retrieved. Subsequent for clauses and any filter condition in the leftmost for clause cannot be evaluated in the enclosing scope as they may depend on the values obtained from the leftmost iterable. For example: (x*y for x in range(10) for y in range(x, x+10)) .

The parentheses can be omitted on calls with only one argument. See section Calls for details.

To avoid interfering with the expected operation of the generator expression itself, yield and yield from expressions are prohibited in the implicitly defined generator.

If a generator expression contains either async for clauses or await expressions it is called an asynchronous generator expression . An asynchronous generator expression returns a new asynchronous generator object, which is an asynchronous iterator (see Asynchronous Iterators ).

Added in version 3.6: Asynchronous generator expressions were introduced.

Changed in version 3.7: Prior to Python 3.7, asynchronous generator expressions could only appear in async def coroutines. Starting with 3.7, any function can use asynchronous generator expressions.

6.2.9. Yield expressions ¶

The yield expression is used when defining a generator function or an asynchronous generator function and thus can only be used in the body of a function definition. Using a yield expression in a function’s body causes that function to be a generator function, and using it in an async def function’s body causes that coroutine function to be an asynchronous generator function. For example:

Due to their side effects on the containing scope, yield expressions are not permitted as part of the implicitly defined scopes used to implement comprehensions and generator expressions.

Changed in version 3.8: Yield expressions prohibited in the implicitly nested scopes used to implement comprehensions and generator expressions.

Generator functions are described below, while asynchronous generator functions are described separately in section Asynchronous generator functions .

When a generator function is called, it returns an iterator known as a generator. That generator then controls the execution of the generator function. The execution starts when one of the generator’s methods is called. At that time, the execution proceeds to the first yield expression, where it is suspended again, returning the value of expression_list to the generator’s caller, or None if expression_list is omitted. By suspended, we mean that all local state is retained, including the current bindings of local variables, the instruction pointer, the internal evaluation stack, and the state of any exception handling. When the execution is resumed by calling one of the generator’s methods, the function can proceed exactly as if the yield expression were just another external call. The value of the yield expression after resuming depends on the method which resumed the execution. If __next__() is used (typically via either a for or the next() builtin) then the result is None . Otherwise, if send() is used, then the result will be the value passed in to that method.

All of this makes generator functions quite similar to coroutines; they yield multiple times, they have more than one entry point and their execution can be suspended. The only difference is that a generator function cannot control where the execution should continue after it yields; the control is always transferred to the generator’s caller.

Yield expressions are allowed anywhere in a try construct. If the generator is not resumed before it is finalized (by reaching a zero reference count or by being garbage collected), the generator-iterator’s close() method will be called, allowing any pending finally clauses to execute.

When yield from <expr> is used, the supplied expression must be an iterable. The values produced by iterating that iterable are passed directly to the caller of the current generator’s methods. Any values passed in with send() and any exceptions passed in with throw() are passed to the underlying iterator if it has the appropriate methods. If this is not the case, then send() will raise AttributeError or TypeError , while throw() will just raise the passed in exception immediately.

When the underlying iterator is complete, the value attribute of the raised StopIteration instance becomes the value of the yield expression. It can be either set explicitly when raising StopIteration , or automatically when the subiterator is a generator (by returning a value from the subgenerator).

Changed in version 3.3: Added yield from <expr> to delegate control flow to a subiterator.

The parentheses may be omitted when the yield expression is the sole expression on the right hand side of an assignment statement.

The proposal for adding generators and the yield statement to Python.

The proposal to enhance the API and syntax of generators, making them usable as simple coroutines.

The proposal to introduce the yield_from syntax, making delegation to subgenerators easy.

The proposal that expanded on PEP 492 by adding generator capabilities to coroutine functions. Generator-iterator methods ¶

This subsection describes the methods of a generator iterator. They can be used to control the execution of a generator function.

Note that calling any of the generator methods below when the generator is already executing raises a ValueError exception.

Starts the execution of a generator function or resumes it at the last executed yield expression. When a generator function is resumed with a __next__() method, the current yield expression always evaluates to None . The execution then continues to the next yield expression, where the generator is suspended again, and the value of the expression_list is returned to __next__() ’s caller. If the generator exits without yielding another value, a StopIteration exception is raised.

This method is normally called implicitly, e.g. by a for loop, or by the built-in next() function.

Resumes the execution and “sends” a value into the generator function. The value argument becomes the result of the current yield expression. The send() method returns the next value yielded by the generator, or raises StopIteration if the generator exits without yielding another value. When send() is called to start the generator, it must be called with None as the argument, because there is no yield expression that could receive the value.

Raises an exception at the point where the generator was paused, and returns the next value yielded by the generator function. If the generator exits without yielding another value, a StopIteration exception is raised. If the generator function does not catch the passed-in exception, or raises a different exception, then that exception propagates to the caller.

In typical use, this is called with a single exception instance similar to the way the raise keyword is used.

For backwards compatibility, however, the second signature is supported, following a convention from older versions of Python. The type argument should be an exception class, and value should be an exception instance. If the value is not provided, the type constructor is called to get an instance. If traceback is provided, it is set on the exception, otherwise any existing __traceback__ attribute stored in value may be cleared.

Changed in version 3.12: The second signature (type[, value[, traceback]]) is deprecated and may be removed in a future version of Python.

Raises a GeneratorExit at the point where the generator function was paused. If the generator function then exits gracefully, is already closed, or raises GeneratorExit (by not catching the exception), close returns to its caller. If the generator yields a value, a RuntimeError is raised. If the generator raises any other exception, it is propagated to the caller. close() does nothing if the generator has already exited due to an exception or normal exit. Examples ¶

Here is a simple example that demonstrates the behavior of generators and generator functions:

For examples using yield from , see PEP 380: Syntax for Delegating to a Subgenerator in “What’s New in Python.” Asynchronous generator functions ¶

The presence of a yield expression in a function or method defined using async def further defines the function as an asynchronous generator function.

When an asynchronous generator function is called, it returns an asynchronous iterator known as an asynchronous generator object. That object then controls the execution of the generator function. An asynchronous generator object is typically used in an async for statement in a coroutine function analogously to how a generator object would be used in a for statement.

Calling one of the asynchronous generator’s methods returns an awaitable object, and the execution starts when this object is awaited on. At that time, the execution proceeds to the first yield expression, where it is suspended again, returning the value of expression_list to the awaiting coroutine. As with a generator, suspension means that all local state is retained, including the current bindings of local variables, the instruction pointer, the internal evaluation stack, and the state of any exception handling. When the execution is resumed by awaiting on the next object returned by the asynchronous generator’s methods, the function can proceed exactly as if the yield expression were just another external call. The value of the yield expression after resuming depends on the method which resumed the execution. If __anext__() is used then the result is None . Otherwise, if asend() is used, then the result will be the value passed in to that method.

If an asynchronous generator happens to exit early by break , the caller task being cancelled, or other exceptions, the generator’s async cleanup code will run and possibly raise exceptions or access context variables in an unexpected context–perhaps after the lifetime of tasks it depends, or during the event loop shutdown when the async-generator garbage collection hook is called. To prevent this, the caller must explicitly close the async generator by calling aclose() method to finalize the generator and ultimately detach it from the event loop.

In an asynchronous generator function, yield expressions are allowed anywhere in a try construct. However, if an asynchronous generator is not resumed before it is finalized (by reaching a zero reference count or by being garbage collected), then a yield expression within a try construct could result in a failure to execute pending finally clauses. In this case, it is the responsibility of the event loop or scheduler running the asynchronous generator to call the asynchronous generator-iterator’s aclose() method and run the resulting coroutine object, thus allowing any pending finally clauses to execute.

To take care of finalization upon event loop termination, an event loop should define a finalizer function which takes an asynchronous generator-iterator and presumably calls aclose() and executes the coroutine. This finalizer may be registered by calling sys.set_asyncgen_hooks() . When first iterated over, an asynchronous generator-iterator will store the registered finalizer to be called upon finalization. For a reference example of a finalizer method see the implementation of asyncio.Loop.shutdown_asyncgens in Lib/asyncio/ .

The expression yield from <expr> is a syntax error when used in an asynchronous generator function. Asynchronous generator-iterator methods ¶

This subsection describes the methods of an asynchronous generator iterator, which are used to control the execution of a generator function.

Returns an awaitable which when run starts to execute the asynchronous generator or resumes it at the last executed yield expression. When an asynchronous generator function is resumed with an __anext__() method, the current yield expression always evaluates to None in the returned awaitable, which when run will continue to the next yield expression. The value of the expression_list of the yield expression is the value of the StopIteration exception raised by the completing coroutine. If the asynchronous generator exits without yielding another value, the awaitable instead raises a StopAsyncIteration exception, signalling that the asynchronous iteration has completed.

This method is normally called implicitly by a async for loop.

Returns an awaitable which when run resumes the execution of the asynchronous generator. As with the send() method for a generator, this “sends” a value into the asynchronous generator function, and the value argument becomes the result of the current yield expression. The awaitable returned by the asend() method will return the next value yielded by the generator as the value of the raised StopIteration , or raises StopAsyncIteration if the asynchronous generator exits without yielding another value. When asend() is called to start the asynchronous generator, it must be called with None as the argument, because there is no yield expression that could receive the value.

Returns an awaitable that raises an exception of type type at the point where the asynchronous generator was paused, and returns the next value yielded by the generator function as the value of the raised StopIteration exception. If the asynchronous generator exits without yielding another value, a StopAsyncIteration exception is raised by the awaitable. If the generator function does not catch the passed-in exception, or raises a different exception, then when the awaitable is run that exception propagates to the caller of the awaitable.

Returns an awaitable that when run will throw a GeneratorExit into the asynchronous generator function at the point where it was paused. If the asynchronous generator function then exits gracefully, is already closed, or raises GeneratorExit (by not catching the exception), then the returned awaitable will raise a StopIteration exception. Any further awaitables returned by subsequent calls to the asynchronous generator will raise a StopAsyncIteration exception. If the asynchronous generator yields a value, a RuntimeError is raised by the awaitable. If the asynchronous generator raises any other exception, it is propagated to the caller of the awaitable. If the asynchronous generator has already exited due to an exception or normal exit, then further calls to aclose() will return an awaitable that does nothing.

6.3. Primaries ¶

Primaries represent the most tightly bound operations of the language. Their syntax is:

6.3.1. Attribute references ¶

An attribute reference is a primary followed by a period and a name:

The primary must evaluate to an object of a type that supports attribute references, which most objects do. This object is then asked to produce the attribute whose name is the identifier. The type and value produced is determined by the object. Multiple evaluations of the same attribute reference may yield different objects.

This production can be customized by overriding the __getattribute__() method or the __getattr__() method. The __getattribute__() method is called first and either returns a value or raises AttributeError if the attribute is not available.

If an AttributeError is raised and the object has a __getattr__() method, that method is called as a fallback.

6.3.2. Subscriptions ¶

The subscription of an instance of a container class will generally select an element from the container. The subscription of a generic class will generally return a GenericAlias object.

When an object is subscripted, the interpreter will evaluate the primary and the expression list.

The primary must evaluate to an object that supports subscription. An object may support subscription through defining one or both of __getitem__() and __class_getitem__() . When the primary is subscripted, the evaluated result of the expression list will be passed to one of these methods. For more details on when __class_getitem__ is called instead of __getitem__ , see __class_getitem__ versus __getitem__ .

If the expression list contains at least one comma, it will evaluate to a tuple containing the items of the expression list. Otherwise, the expression list will evaluate to the value of the list’s sole member.

For built-in objects, there are two types of objects that support subscription via __getitem__() :

Mappings. If the primary is a mapping , the expression list must evaluate to an object whose value is one of the keys of the mapping, and the subscription selects the value in the mapping that corresponds to that key. An example of a builtin mapping class is the dict class.

Sequences. If the primary is a sequence , the expression list must evaluate to an int or a slice (as discussed in the following section). Examples of builtin sequence classes include the str , list and tuple classes.

The formal syntax makes no special provision for negative indices in sequences . However, built-in sequences all provide a __getitem__() method that interprets negative indices by adding the length of the sequence to the index so that, for example, x[-1] selects the last item of x . The resulting value must be a nonnegative integer less than the number of items in the sequence, and the subscription selects the item whose index is that value (counting from zero). Since the support for negative indices and slicing occurs in the object’s __getitem__() method, subclasses overriding this method will need to explicitly add that support.

A string is a special kind of sequence whose items are characters . A character is not a separate data type but a string of exactly one character.

6.3.3. Slicings ¶

A slicing selects a range of items in a sequence object (e.g., a string, tuple or list). Slicings may be used as expressions or as targets in assignment or del statements. The syntax for a slicing:

There is ambiguity in the formal syntax here: anything that looks like an expression list also looks like a slice list, so any subscription can be interpreted as a slicing. Rather than further complicating the syntax, this is disambiguated by defining that in this case the interpretation as a subscription takes priority over the interpretation as a slicing (this is the case if the slice list contains no proper slice).

The semantics for a slicing are as follows. The primary is indexed (using the same __getitem__() method as normal subscription) with a key that is constructed from the slice list, as follows. If the slice list contains at least one comma, the key is a tuple containing the conversion of the slice items; otherwise, the conversion of the lone slice item is the key. The conversion of a slice item that is an expression is that expression. The conversion of a proper slice is a slice object (see section The standard type hierarchy ) whose start , stop and step attributes are the values of the expressions given as lower bound, upper bound and stride, respectively, substituting None for missing expressions.

6.3.4. Calls ¶

A call calls a callable object (e.g., a function ) with a possibly empty series of arguments :

An optional trailing comma may be present after the positional and keyword arguments but does not affect the semantics.

The primary must evaluate to a callable object (user-defined functions, built-in functions, methods of built-in objects, class objects, methods of class instances, and all objects having a __call__() method are callable). All argument expressions are evaluated before the call is attempted. Please refer to section Function definitions for the syntax of formal parameter lists.

If keyword arguments are present, they are first converted to positional arguments, as follows. First, a list of unfilled slots is created for the formal parameters. If there are N positional arguments, they are placed in the first N slots. Next, for each keyword argument, the identifier is used to determine the corresponding slot (if the identifier is the same as the first formal parameter name, the first slot is used, and so on). If the slot is already filled, a TypeError exception is raised. Otherwise, the argument is placed in the slot, filling it (even if the expression is None , it fills the slot). When all arguments have been processed, the slots that are still unfilled are filled with the corresponding default value from the function definition. (Default values are calculated, once, when the function is defined; thus, a mutable object such as a list or dictionary used as default value will be shared by all calls that don’t specify an argument value for the corresponding slot; this should usually be avoided.) If there are any unfilled slots for which no default value is specified, a TypeError exception is raised. Otherwise, the list of filled slots is used as the argument list for the call.

CPython implementation detail: An implementation may provide built-in functions whose positional parameters do not have names, even if they are ‘named’ for the purpose of documentation, and which therefore cannot be supplied by keyword. In CPython, this is the case for functions implemented in C that use PyArg_ParseTuple() to parse their arguments.

If there are more positional arguments than there are formal parameter slots, a TypeError exception is raised, unless a formal parameter using the syntax *identifier is present; in this case, that formal parameter receives a tuple containing the excess positional arguments (or an empty tuple if there were no excess positional arguments).

If any keyword argument does not correspond to a formal parameter name, a TypeError exception is raised, unless a formal parameter using the syntax **identifier is present; in this case, that formal parameter receives a dictionary containing the excess keyword arguments (using the keywords as keys and the argument values as corresponding values), or a (new) empty dictionary if there were no excess keyword arguments.

If the syntax *expression appears in the function call, expression must evaluate to an iterable . Elements from these iterables are treated as if they were additional positional arguments. For the call f(x1, x2, *y, x3, x4) , if y evaluates to a sequence y1 , …, yM , this is equivalent to a call with M+4 positional arguments x1 , x2 , y1 , …, yM , x3 , x4 .

A consequence of this is that although the *expression syntax may appear after explicit keyword arguments, it is processed before the keyword arguments (and any **expression arguments – see below). So:

It is unusual for both keyword arguments and the *expression syntax to be used in the same call, so in practice this confusion does not often arise.

If the syntax **expression appears in the function call, expression must evaluate to a mapping , the contents of which are treated as additional keyword arguments. If a parameter matching a key has already been given a value (by an explicit keyword argument, or from another unpacking), a TypeError exception is raised.

When **expression is used, each key in this mapping must be a string. Each value from the mapping is assigned to the first formal parameter eligible for keyword assignment whose name is equal to the key. A key need not be a Python identifier (e.g. "max-temp °F" is acceptable, although it will not match any formal parameter that could be declared). If there is no match to a formal parameter the key-value pair is collected by the ** parameter, if there is one, or if there is not, a TypeError exception is raised.

Formal parameters using the syntax *identifier or **identifier cannot be used as positional argument slots or as keyword argument names.

Changed in version 3.5: Function calls accept any number of * and ** unpackings, positional arguments may follow iterable unpackings ( * ), and keyword arguments may follow dictionary unpackings ( ** ). Originally proposed by PEP 448 .

A call always returns some value, possibly None , unless it raises an exception. How this value is computed depends on the type of the callable object.

The code block for the function is executed, passing it the argument list. The first thing the code block will do is bind the formal parameters to the arguments; this is described in section Function definitions . When the code block executes a return statement, this specifies the return value of the function call.

The result is up to the interpreter; see Built-in Functions for the descriptions of built-in functions and methods.

A new instance of that class is returned.

The corresponding user-defined function is called, with an argument list that is one longer than the argument list of the call: the instance becomes the first argument.

The class must define a __call__() method; the effect is then the same as if that method was called.

6.4. Await expression ¶

Suspend the execution of coroutine on an awaitable object. Can only be used inside a coroutine function .

Added in version 3.5.

6.5. The power operator ¶

The power operator binds more tightly than unary operators on its left; it binds less tightly than unary operators on its right. The syntax is:

Thus, in an unparenthesized sequence of power and unary operators, the operators are evaluated from right to left (this does not constrain the evaluation order for the operands): -1**2 results in -1 .

The power operator has the same semantics as the built-in pow() function, when called with two arguments: it yields its left argument raised to the power of its right argument. The numeric arguments are first converted to a common type, and the result is of that type.

For int operands, the result has the same type as the operands unless the second argument is negative; in that case, all arguments are converted to float and a float result is delivered. For example, 10**2 returns 100 , but 10**-2 returns 0.01 .

Raising 0.0 to a negative power results in a ZeroDivisionError . Raising a negative number to a fractional power results in a complex number. (In earlier versions it raised a ValueError .)

This operation can be customized using the special __pow__() method.

6.6. Unary arithmetic and bitwise operations ¶

All unary arithmetic and bitwise operations have the same priority:

The unary - (minus) operator yields the negation of its numeric argument; the operation can be overridden with the __neg__() special method.

The unary + (plus) operator yields its numeric argument unchanged; the operation can be overridden with the __pos__() special method.

The unary ~ (invert) operator yields the bitwise inversion of its integer argument. The bitwise inversion of x is defined as -(x+1) . It only applies to integral numbers or to custom objects that override the __invert__() special method.

In all three cases, if the argument does not have the proper type, a TypeError exception is raised.

6.7. Binary arithmetic operations ¶

The binary arithmetic operations have the conventional priority levels. Note that some of these operations also apply to certain non-numeric types. Apart from the power operator, there are only two levels, one for multiplicative operators and one for additive operators:

The * (multiplication) operator yields the product of its arguments. The arguments must either both be numbers, or one argument must be an integer and the other must be a sequence. In the former case, the numbers are converted to a common type and then multiplied together. In the latter case, sequence repetition is performed; a negative repetition factor yields an empty sequence.

This operation can be customized using the special __mul__() and __rmul__() methods.

The @ (at) operator is intended to be used for matrix multiplication. No builtin Python types implement this operator.

The / (division) and // (floor division) operators yield the quotient of their arguments. The numeric arguments are first converted to a common type. Division of integers yields a float, while floor division of integers results in an integer; the result is that of mathematical division with the ‘floor’ function applied to the result. Division by zero raises the ZeroDivisionError exception.

This operation can be customized using the special __truediv__() and __floordiv__() methods.

The % (modulo) operator yields the remainder from the division of the first argument by the second. The numeric arguments are first converted to a common type. A zero right argument raises the ZeroDivisionError exception. The arguments may be floating point numbers, e.g., 3.14%0.7 equals 0.34 (since 3.14 equals 4*0.7 + 0.34 .) The modulo operator always yields a result with the same sign as its second operand (or zero); the absolute value of the result is strictly smaller than the absolute value of the second operand [ 1 ] .

The floor division and modulo operators are connected by the following identity: x == (x//y)*y + (x%y) . Floor division and modulo are also connected with the built-in function divmod() : divmod(x, y) == (x//y, x%y) . [ 2 ] .

In addition to performing the modulo operation on numbers, the % operator is also overloaded by string objects to perform old-style string formatting (also known as interpolation). The syntax for string formatting is described in the Python Library Reference, section printf-style String Formatting .

The modulo operation can be customized using the special __mod__() method.

The floor division operator, the modulo operator, and the divmod() function are not defined for complex numbers. Instead, convert to a floating point number using the abs() function if appropriate.

The + (addition) operator yields the sum of its arguments. The arguments must either both be numbers or both be sequences of the same type. In the former case, the numbers are converted to a common type and then added together. In the latter case, the sequences are concatenated.

This operation can be customized using the special __add__() and __radd__() methods.

The - (subtraction) operator yields the difference of its arguments. The numeric arguments are first converted to a common type.

This operation can be customized using the special __sub__() method.

6.8. Shifting operations ¶

The shifting operations have lower priority than the arithmetic operations:

These operators accept integers as arguments. They shift the first argument to the left or right by the number of bits given by the second argument.

This operation can be customized using the special __lshift__() and __rshift__() methods.

A right shift by n bits is defined as floor division by pow(2,n) . A left shift by n bits is defined as multiplication with pow(2,n) .

6.9. Binary bitwise operations ¶

Each of the three bitwise operations has a different priority level:

The & operator yields the bitwise AND of its arguments, which must be integers or one of them must be a custom object overriding __and__() or __rand__() special methods.

The ^ operator yields the bitwise XOR (exclusive OR) of its arguments, which must be integers or one of them must be a custom object overriding __xor__() or __rxor__() special methods.

The | operator yields the bitwise (inclusive) OR of its arguments, which must be integers or one of them must be a custom object overriding __or__() or __ror__() special methods.

6.10. Comparisons ¶

Unlike C, all comparison operations in Python have the same priority, which is lower than that of any arithmetic, shifting or bitwise operation. Also unlike C, expressions like a < b < c have the interpretation that is conventional in mathematics:

Comparisons yield boolean values: True or False . Custom rich comparison methods may return non-boolean values. In this case Python will call bool() on such value in boolean contexts.

Comparisons can be chained arbitrarily, e.g., x < y <= z is equivalent to x < y and y <= z , except that y is evaluated only once (but in both cases z is not evaluated at all when x < y is found to be false).

Formally, if a , b , c , …, y , z are expressions and op1 , op2 , …, opN are comparison operators, then a op1 b op2 c ... y opN z is equivalent to a op1 b and b op2 c and ... y opN z , except that each expression is evaluated at most once.

Note that a op1 b op2 c doesn’t imply any kind of comparison between a and c , so that, e.g., x < y > z is perfectly legal (though perhaps not pretty).

6.10.1. Value comparisons ¶

The operators < , > , == , >= , <= , and != compare the values of two objects. The objects do not need to have the same type.

Chapter Objects, values and types states that objects have a value (in addition to type and identity). The value of an object is a rather abstract notion in Python: For example, there is no canonical access method for an object’s value. Also, there is no requirement that the value of an object should be constructed in a particular way, e.g. comprised of all its data attributes. Comparison operators implement a particular notion of what the value of an object is. One can think of them as defining the value of an object indirectly, by means of their comparison implementation.

Because all types are (direct or indirect) subtypes of object , they inherit the default comparison behavior from object . Types can customize their comparison behavior by implementing rich comparison methods like __lt__() , described in Basic customization .

The default behavior for equality comparison ( == and != ) is based on the identity of the objects. Hence, equality comparison of instances with the same identity results in equality, and equality comparison of instances with different identities results in inequality. A motivation for this default behavior is the desire that all objects should be reflexive (i.e. x is y implies x == y ).

A default order comparison ( < , > , <= , and >= ) is not provided; an attempt raises TypeError . A motivation for this default behavior is the lack of a similar invariant as for equality.

The behavior of the default equality comparison, that instances with different identities are always unequal, may be in contrast to what types will need that have a sensible definition of object value and value-based equality. Such types will need to customize their comparison behavior, and in fact, a number of built-in types have done that.

The following list describes the comparison behavior of the most important built-in types.

Numbers of built-in numeric types ( Numeric Types — int, float, complex ) and of the standard library types fractions.Fraction and decimal.Decimal can be compared within and across their types, with the restriction that complex numbers do not support order comparison. Within the limits of the types involved, they compare mathematically (algorithmically) correct without loss of precision.

The not-a-number values float('NaN') and decimal.Decimal('NaN') are special. Any ordered comparison of a number to a not-a-number value is false. A counter-intuitive implication is that not-a-number values are not equal to themselves. For example, if x = float('NaN') , 3 < x , x < 3 and x == x are all false, while x != x is true. This behavior is compliant with IEEE 754.

None and NotImplemented are singletons. PEP 8 advises that comparisons for singletons should always be done with is or is not , never the equality operators.

Binary sequences (instances of bytes or bytearray ) can be compared within and across their types. They compare lexicographically using the numeric values of their elements.

Strings (instances of str ) compare lexicographically using the numerical Unicode code points (the result of the built-in function ord() ) of their characters. [ 3 ]

Strings and binary sequences cannot be directly compared.

Sequences (instances of tuple , list , or range ) can be compared only within each of their types, with the restriction that ranges do not support order comparison. Equality comparison across these types results in inequality, and ordering comparison across these types raises TypeError .

Sequences compare lexicographically using comparison of corresponding elements. The built-in containers typically assume identical objects are equal to themselves. That lets them bypass equality tests for identical objects to improve performance and to maintain their internal invariants.

Lexicographical comparison between built-in collections works as follows:

For two collections to compare equal, they must be of the same type, have the same length, and each pair of corresponding elements must compare equal (for example, [1,2] == (1,2) is false because the type is not the same).

Collections that support order comparison are ordered the same as their first unequal elements (for example, [1,2,x] <= [1,2,y] has the same value as x <= y ). If a corresponding element does not exist, the shorter collection is ordered first (for example, [1,2] < [1,2,3] is true).

Mappings (instances of dict ) compare equal if and only if they have equal (key, value) pairs. Equality comparison of the keys and values enforces reflexivity.

Order comparisons ( < , > , <= , and >= ) raise TypeError .

Sets (instances of set or frozenset ) can be compared within and across their types.

They define order comparison operators to mean subset and superset tests. Those relations do not define total orderings (for example, the two sets {1,2} and {2,3} are not equal, nor subsets of one another, nor supersets of one another). Accordingly, sets are not appropriate arguments for functions which depend on total ordering (for example, min() , max() , and sorted() produce undefined results given a list of sets as inputs).

Comparison of sets enforces reflexivity of its elements.

Most other built-in types have no comparison methods implemented, so they inherit the default comparison behavior.

User-defined classes that customize their comparison behavior should follow some consistency rules, if possible:

Equality comparison should be reflexive. In other words, identical objects should compare equal:

x is y implies x == y

Comparison should be symmetric. In other words, the following expressions should have the same result:

x == y and y == x x != y and y != x x < y and y > x x <= y and y >= x

Comparison should be transitive. The following (non-exhaustive) examples illustrate that:

x > y and y > z implies x > z x < y and y <= z implies x < z

Inverse comparison should result in the boolean negation. In other words, the following expressions should have the same result:

x == y and not x != y x < y and not x >= y (for total ordering) x > y and not x <= y (for total ordering)

The last two expressions apply to totally ordered collections (e.g. to sequences, but not to sets or mappings). See also the total_ordering() decorator.

The hash() result should be consistent with equality. Objects that are equal should either have the same hash value, or be marked as unhashable.

Python does not enforce these consistency rules. In fact, the not-a-number values are an example for not following these rules.

6.10.2. Membership test operations ¶

The operators in and not in test for membership. x in s evaluates to True if x is a member of s , and False otherwise. x not in s returns the negation of x in s . All built-in sequences and set types support this as well as dictionary, for which in tests whether the dictionary has a given key. For container types such as list, tuple, set, frozenset, dict, or collections.deque, the expression x in y is equivalent to any(x is e or x == e for e in y) .

For the string and bytes types, x in y is True if and only if x is a substring of y . An equivalent test is y.find(x) != -1 . Empty strings are always considered to be a substring of any other string, so "" in "abc" will return True .

For user-defined classes which define the __contains__() method, x in y returns True if y.__contains__(x) returns a true value, and False otherwise.

For user-defined classes which do not define __contains__() but do define __iter__() , x in y is True if some value z , for which the expression x is z or x == z is true, is produced while iterating over y . If an exception is raised during the iteration, it is as if in raised that exception.

Lastly, the old-style iteration protocol is tried: if a class defines __getitem__() , x in y is True if and only if there is a non-negative integer index i such that x is y[i] or x == y[i] , and no lower integer index raises the IndexError exception. (If any other exception is raised, it is as if in raised that exception).

The operator not in is defined to have the inverse truth value of in .

6.10.3. Identity comparisons ¶

The operators is and is not test for an object’s identity: x is y is true if and only if x and y are the same object. An Object’s identity is determined using the id() function. x is not y yields the inverse truth value. [ 4 ]

6.11. Boolean operations ¶

In the context of Boolean operations, and also when expressions are used by control flow statements, the following values are interpreted as false: False , None , numeric zero of all types, and empty strings and containers (including strings, tuples, lists, dictionaries, sets and frozensets). All other values are interpreted as true. User-defined objects can customize their truth value by providing a __bool__() method.

The operator not yields True if its argument is false, False otherwise.

The expression x and y first evaluates x ; if x is false, its value is returned; otherwise, y is evaluated and the resulting value is returned.

The expression x or y first evaluates x ; if x is true, its value is returned; otherwise, y is evaluated and the resulting value is returned.

Note that neither and nor or restrict the value and type they return to False and True , but rather return the last evaluated argument. This is sometimes useful, e.g., if s is a string that should be replaced by a default value if it is empty, the expression s or 'foo' yields the desired value. Because not has to create a new value, it returns a boolean value regardless of the type of its argument (for example, not 'foo' produces False rather than '' .)

6.12. Assignment expressions ¶

An assignment expression (sometimes also called a “named expression” or “walrus”) assigns an expression to an identifier , while also returning the value of the expression .

One common use case is when handling matched regular expressions:

Or, when processing a file stream in chunks:

Assignment expressions must be surrounded by parentheses when used as expression statements and when used as sub-expressions in slicing, conditional, lambda, keyword-argument, and comprehension-if expressions and in assert , with , and assignment statements. In all other places where they can be used, parentheses are not required, including in if and while statements.

Added in version 3.8: See PEP 572 for more details about assignment expressions.

6.13. Conditional expressions ¶

Conditional expressions (sometimes called a “ternary operator”) have the lowest priority of all Python operations.

The expression x if C else y first evaluates the condition, C rather than x . If C is true, x is evaluated and its value is returned; otherwise, y is evaluated and its value is returned.

See PEP 308 for more details about conditional expressions.

6.14. Lambdas ¶

Lambda expressions (sometimes called lambda forms) are used to create anonymous functions. The expression lambda parameters: expression yields a function object. The unnamed object behaves like a function object defined with:

See section Function definitions for the syntax of parameter lists. Note that functions created with lambda expressions cannot contain statements or annotations.

6.15. Expression lists ¶

Except when part of a list or set display, an expression list containing at least one comma yields a tuple. The length of the tuple is the number of expressions in the list. The expressions are evaluated from left to right.

An asterisk * denotes iterable unpacking . Its operand must be an iterable . The iterable is expanded into a sequence of items, which are included in the new tuple, list, or set, at the site of the unpacking.

Added in version 3.5: Iterable unpacking in expression lists, originally proposed by PEP 448 .

A trailing comma is required only to create a one-item tuple, such as 1, ; it is optional in all other cases. A single expression without a trailing comma doesn’t create a tuple, but rather yields the value of that expression. (To create an empty tuple, use an empty pair of parentheses: () .)

6.16. Evaluation order ¶

Python evaluates expressions from left to right. Notice that while evaluating an assignment, the right-hand side is evaluated before the left-hand side.

In the following lines, expressions will be evaluated in the arithmetic order of their suffixes:

6.17. Operator precedence ¶

The following table summarizes the operator precedence in Python, from highest precedence (most binding) to lowest precedence (least binding). Operators in the same box have the same precedence. Unless the syntax is explicitly given, operators are binary. Operators in the same box group left to right (except for exponentiation and conditional expressions, which group from right to left).

Note that comparisons, membership tests, and identity tests, all have the same precedence and have a left-to-right chaining feature as described in the Comparisons section.

Table of Contents

  • 6.1. Arithmetic conversions
  • 6.2.1. Identifiers (Names)
  • 6.2.2. Literals
  • 6.2.3. Parenthesized forms
  • 6.2.4. Displays for lists, sets and dictionaries
  • 6.2.5. List displays
  • 6.2.6. Set displays
  • 6.2.7. Dictionary displays
  • 6.2.8. Generator expressions
  • Generator-iterator methods
  • Examples
  • Asynchronous generator functions
  • Asynchronous generator-iterator methods
  • 6.3.1. Attribute references
  • 6.3.2. Subscriptions
  • 6.3.3. Slicings
  • 6.3.4. Calls
  • 6.4. Await expression
  • 6.5. The power operator
  • 6.6. Unary arithmetic and bitwise operations
  • 6.7. Binary arithmetic operations
  • 6.8. Shifting operations
  • 6.9. Binary bitwise operations
  • 6.10.1. Value comparisons
  • 6.10.2. Membership test operations
  • 6.10.3. Identity comparisons
  • 6.11. Boolean operations
  • 6.12. Assignment expressions
  • 6.13. Conditional expressions
  • 6.14. Lambdas
  • 6.15. Expression lists
  • 6.16. Evaluation order
  • 6.17. Operator precedence

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5. The import system

7. Simple statements

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Python - Assignment Operators

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Python Assignment Operator

The = (equal to) symbol is defined as assignment operator in Python. The value of Python expression on its right is assigned to a single variable on its left. The = symbol as in programming in general (and Python in particular) should not be confused with its usage in Mathematics, where it states that the expressions on the either side of the symbol are equal.

Example of Assignment Operator in Python

Consider following Python statements −

At the first instance, at least for somebody new to programming but who knows maths, the statement "a=a+b" looks strange. How could a be equal to "a+b"? However, it needs to be reemphasized that the = symbol is an assignment operator here and not used to show the equality of LHS and RHS.

Because it is an assignment, the expression on right evaluates to 15, the value is assigned to a.

In the statement "a+=b", the two operators "+" and "=" can be combined in a "+=" operator. It is called as add and assign operator. In a single statement, it performs addition of two operands "a" and "b", and result is assigned to operand on left, i.e., "a".

Augmented Assignment Operators in Python

In addition to the simple assignment operator, Python provides few more assignment operators for advanced use. They are called cumulative or augmented assignment operators. In this chapter, we shall learn to use augmented assignment operators defined in Python.

Python has the augmented assignment operators for all arithmetic and comparison operators.

Python augmented assignment operators combines addition and assignment in one statement. Since Python supports mixed arithmetic, the two operands may be of different types. However, the type of left operand changes to the operand of on right, if it is wider.

The += operator is an augmented operator. It is also called cumulative addition operator, as it adds "b" in "a" and assigns the result back to a variable.

The following are the augmented assignment operators in Python:

  • Augmented Addition Operator
  • Augmented Subtraction Operator
  • Augmented Multiplication Operator
  • Augmented Division Operator
  • Augmented Modulus Operator
  • Augmented Exponent Operator
  • Augmented Floor division Operator

Augmented Addition Operator (+=)

Following examples will help in understanding how the "+=" operator works −

It will produce the following output −

Augmented Subtraction Operator (-=)

Use -= symbol to perform subtract and assign operations in a single statement. The "a-=b" statement performs "a=a-b" assignment. Operands may be of any number type. Python performs implicit type casting on the object which is narrower in size.

Augmented Multiplication Operator (*=)

The "*=" operator works on similar principle. "a*=b" performs multiply and assign operations, and is equivalent to "a=a*b". In case of augmented multiplication of two complex numbers, the rule of multiplication as discussed in the previous chapter is applicable.

Augmented Division Operator (/=)

The combination symbol "/=" acts as divide and assignment operator, hence "a/=b" is equivalent to "a=a/b". The division operation of int or float operands is float. Division of two complex numbers returns a complex number. Given below are examples of augmented division operator.

Augmented Modulus Operator (%=)

To perform modulus and assignment operation in a single statement, use the %= operator. Like the mod operator, its augmented version also is not supported for complex number.

Augmented Exponent Operator (**=)

The "**=" operator results in computation of "a" raised to "b", and assigning the value back to "a". Given below are some examples −

Augmented Floor division Operator (//=)

For performing floor division and assignment in a single statement, use the "//=" operator. "a//=b" is equivalent to "a=a//b". This operator cannot be used with complex numbers.

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Python Enhancement Proposals

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PEP 572 – Assignment Expressions

The importance of real code, exceptional cases, scope of the target, relative precedence of :=, change to evaluation order, differences between assignment expressions and assignment statements, specification changes during implementation,,,, simplifying list comprehensions, capturing condition values, changing the scope rules for comprehensions, alternative spellings, special-casing conditional statements, special-casing comprehensions, lowering operator precedence, allowing commas to the right, always requiring parentheses, why not just turn existing assignment into an expression, with assignment expressions, why bother with assignment statements, why not use a sublocal scope and prevent namespace pollution, style guide recommendations, acknowledgements, a numeric example, appendix b: rough code translations for comprehensions, appendix c: no changes to scope semantics.

This is a proposal for creating a way to assign to variables within an expression using the notation NAME := expr .

As part of this change, there is also an update to dictionary comprehension evaluation order to ensure key expressions are executed before value expressions (allowing the key to be bound to a name and then re-used as part of calculating the corresponding value).

During discussion of this PEP, the operator became informally known as “the walrus operator”. The construct’s formal name is “Assignment Expressions” (as per the PEP title), but they may also be referred to as “Named Expressions” (e.g. the CPython reference implementation uses that name internally).

Naming the result of an expression is an important part of programming, allowing a descriptive name to be used in place of a longer expression, and permitting reuse. Currently, this feature is available only in statement form, making it unavailable in list comprehensions and other expression contexts.

Additionally, naming sub-parts of a large expression can assist an interactive debugger, providing useful display hooks and partial results. Without a way to capture sub-expressions inline, this would require refactoring of the original code; with assignment expressions, this merely requires the insertion of a few name := markers. Removing the need to refactor reduces the likelihood that the code be inadvertently changed as part of debugging (a common cause of Heisenbugs), and is easier to dictate to another programmer.

During the development of this PEP many people (supporters and critics both) have had a tendency to focus on toy examples on the one hand, and on overly complex examples on the other.

The danger of toy examples is twofold: they are often too abstract to make anyone go “ooh, that’s compelling”, and they are easily refuted with “I would never write it that way anyway”.

The danger of overly complex examples is that they provide a convenient strawman for critics of the proposal to shoot down (“that’s obfuscated”).

Yet there is some use for both extremely simple and extremely complex examples: they are helpful to clarify the intended semantics. Therefore, there will be some of each below.

However, in order to be compelling , examples should be rooted in real code, i.e. code that was written without any thought of this PEP, as part of a useful application, however large or small. Tim Peters has been extremely helpful by going over his own personal code repository and picking examples of code he had written that (in his view) would have been clearer if rewritten with (sparing) use of assignment expressions. His conclusion: the current proposal would have allowed a modest but clear improvement in quite a few bits of code.

Another use of real code is to observe indirectly how much value programmers place on compactness. Guido van Rossum searched through a Dropbox code base and discovered some evidence that programmers value writing fewer lines over shorter lines.

Case in point: Guido found several examples where a programmer repeated a subexpression, slowing down the program, in order to save one line of code, e.g. instead of writing:

they would write:

Another example illustrates that programmers sometimes do more work to save an extra level of indentation:

This code tries to match pattern2 even if pattern1 has a match (in which case the match on pattern2 is never used). The more efficient rewrite would have been:

Syntax and semantics

In most contexts where arbitrary Python expressions can be used, a named expression can appear. This is of the form NAME := expr where expr is any valid Python expression other than an unparenthesized tuple, and NAME is an identifier.

The value of such a named expression is the same as the incorporated expression, with the additional side-effect that the target is assigned that value:

There are a few places where assignment expressions are not allowed, in order to avoid ambiguities or user confusion:

This rule is included to simplify the choice for the user between an assignment statement and an assignment expression – there is no syntactic position where both are valid.

Again, this rule is included to avoid two visually similar ways of saying the same thing.

This rule is included to disallow excessively confusing code, and because parsing keyword arguments is complex enough already.

This rule is included to discourage side effects in a position whose exact semantics are already confusing to many users (cf. the common style recommendation against mutable default values), and also to echo the similar prohibition in calls (the previous bullet).

The reasoning here is similar to the two previous cases; this ungrouped assortment of symbols and operators composed of : and = is hard to read correctly.

This allows lambda to always bind less tightly than := ; having a name binding at the top level inside a lambda function is unlikely to be of value, as there is no way to make use of it. In cases where the name will be used more than once, the expression is likely to need parenthesizing anyway, so this prohibition will rarely affect code.

This shows that what looks like an assignment operator in an f-string is not always an assignment operator. The f-string parser uses : to indicate formatting options. To preserve backwards compatibility, assignment operator usage inside of f-strings must be parenthesized. As noted above, this usage of the assignment operator is not recommended.

An assignment expression does not introduce a new scope. In most cases the scope in which the target will be bound is self-explanatory: it is the current scope. If this scope contains a nonlocal or global declaration for the target, the assignment expression honors that. A lambda (being an explicit, if anonymous, function definition) counts as a scope for this purpose.

There is one special case: an assignment expression occurring in a list, set or dict comprehension or in a generator expression (below collectively referred to as “comprehensions”) binds the target in the containing scope, honoring a nonlocal or global declaration for the target in that scope, if one exists. For the purpose of this rule the containing scope of a nested comprehension is the scope that contains the outermost comprehension. A lambda counts as a containing scope.

The motivation for this special case is twofold. First, it allows us to conveniently capture a “witness” for an any() expression, or a counterexample for all() , for example:

Second, it allows a compact way of updating mutable state from a comprehension, for example:

However, an assignment expression target name cannot be the same as a for -target name appearing in any comprehension containing the assignment expression. The latter names are local to the comprehension in which they appear, so it would be contradictory for a contained use of the same name to refer to the scope containing the outermost comprehension instead.

For example, [i := i+1 for i in range(5)] is invalid: the for i part establishes that i is local to the comprehension, but the i := part insists that i is not local to the comprehension. The same reason makes these examples invalid too:

While it’s technically possible to assign consistent semantics to these cases, it’s difficult to determine whether those semantics actually make sense in the absence of real use cases. Accordingly, the reference implementation [1] will ensure that such cases raise SyntaxError , rather than executing with implementation defined behaviour.

This restriction applies even if the assignment expression is never executed:

For the comprehension body (the part before the first “for” keyword) and the filter expression (the part after “if” and before any nested “for”), this restriction applies solely to target names that are also used as iteration variables in the comprehension. Lambda expressions appearing in these positions introduce a new explicit function scope, and hence may use assignment expressions with no additional restrictions.

Due to design constraints in the reference implementation (the symbol table analyser cannot easily detect when names are re-used between the leftmost comprehension iterable expression and the rest of the comprehension), named expressions are disallowed entirely as part of comprehension iterable expressions (the part after each “in”, and before any subsequent “if” or “for” keyword):

A further exception applies when an assignment expression occurs in a comprehension whose containing scope is a class scope. If the rules above were to result in the target being assigned in that class’s scope, the assignment expression is expressly invalid. This case also raises SyntaxError :

(The reason for the latter exception is the implicit function scope created for comprehensions – there is currently no runtime mechanism for a function to refer to a variable in the containing class scope, and we do not want to add such a mechanism. If this issue ever gets resolved this special case may be removed from the specification of assignment expressions. Note that the problem already exists for using a variable defined in the class scope from a comprehension.)

See Appendix B for some examples of how the rules for targets in comprehensions translate to equivalent code.

The := operator groups more tightly than a comma in all syntactic positions where it is legal, but less tightly than all other operators, including or , and , not , and conditional expressions ( A if C else B ). As follows from section “Exceptional cases” above, it is never allowed at the same level as = . In case a different grouping is desired, parentheses should be used.

The := operator may be used directly in a positional function call argument; however it is invalid directly in a keyword argument.

Some examples to clarify what’s technically valid or invalid:

Most of the “valid” examples above are not recommended, since human readers of Python source code who are quickly glancing at some code may miss the distinction. But simple cases are not objectionable:

This PEP recommends always putting spaces around := , similar to PEP 8 ’s recommendation for = when used for assignment, whereas the latter disallows spaces around = used for keyword arguments.)

In order to have precisely defined semantics, the proposal requires evaluation order to be well-defined. This is technically not a new requirement, as function calls may already have side effects. Python already has a rule that subexpressions are generally evaluated from left to right. However, assignment expressions make these side effects more visible, and we propose a single change to the current evaluation order:

  • In a dict comprehension {X: Y for ...} , Y is currently evaluated before X . We propose to change this so that X is evaluated before Y . (In a dict display like {X: Y} this is already the case, and also in dict((X, Y) for ...) which should clearly be equivalent to the dict comprehension.)

Most importantly, since := is an expression, it can be used in contexts where statements are illegal, including lambda functions and comprehensions.

Conversely, assignment expressions don’t support the advanced features found in assignment statements:

  • Multiple targets are not directly supported: x = y = z = 0 # Equivalent: (z := (y := (x := 0)))
  • Single assignment targets other than a single NAME are not supported: # No equivalent a [ i ] = x self . rest = []
  • Priority around commas is different: x = 1 , 2 # Sets x to (1, 2) ( x := 1 , 2 ) # Sets x to 1
  • Iterable packing and unpacking (both regular or extended forms) are not supported: # Equivalent needs extra parentheses loc = x , y # Use (loc := (x, y)) info = name , phone , * rest # Use (info := (name, phone, *rest)) # No equivalent px , py , pz = position name , phone , email , * other_info = contact
  • Inline type annotations are not supported: # Closest equivalent is "p: Optional[int]" as a separate declaration p : Optional [ int ] = None
  • Augmented assignment is not supported: total += tax # Equivalent: (total := total + tax)

The following changes have been made based on implementation experience and additional review after the PEP was first accepted and before Python 3.8 was released:

  • for consistency with other similar exceptions, and to avoid locking in an exception name that is not necessarily going to improve clarity for end users, the originally proposed TargetScopeError subclass of SyntaxError was dropped in favour of just raising SyntaxError directly. [3]
  • due to a limitation in CPython’s symbol table analysis process, the reference implementation raises SyntaxError for all uses of named expressions inside comprehension iterable expressions, rather than only raising them when the named expression target conflicts with one of the iteration variables in the comprehension. This could be revisited given sufficiently compelling examples, but the extra complexity needed to implement the more selective restriction doesn’t seem worthwhile for purely hypothetical use cases.

Examples from the Python standard library

env_base is only used on these lines, putting its assignment on the if moves it as the “header” of the block.

  • Current: env_base = os . environ . get ( "PYTHONUSERBASE" , None ) if env_base : return env_base
  • Improved: if env_base := os . environ . get ( "PYTHONUSERBASE" , None ): return env_base

Avoid nested if and remove one indentation level.

  • Current: if self . _is_special : ans = self . _check_nans ( context = context ) if ans : return ans
  • Improved: if self . _is_special and ( ans := self . _check_nans ( context = context )): return ans

Code looks more regular and avoid multiple nested if. (See Appendix A for the origin of this example.)

  • Current: reductor = dispatch_table . get ( cls ) if reductor : rv = reductor ( x ) else : reductor = getattr ( x , "__reduce_ex__" , None ) if reductor : rv = reductor ( 4 ) else : reductor = getattr ( x , "__reduce__" , None ) if reductor : rv = reductor () else : raise Error ( "un(deep)copyable object of type %s " % cls )
  • Improved: if reductor := dispatch_table . get ( cls ): rv = reductor ( x ) elif reductor := getattr ( x , "__reduce_ex__" , None ): rv = reductor ( 4 ) elif reductor := getattr ( x , "__reduce__" , None ): rv = reductor () else : raise Error ( "un(deep)copyable object of type %s " % cls )

tz is only used for s += tz , moving its assignment inside the if helps to show its scope.

  • Current: s = _format_time ( self . _hour , self . _minute , self . _second , self . _microsecond , timespec ) tz = self . _tzstr () if tz : s += tz return s
  • Improved: s = _format_time ( self . _hour , self . _minute , self . _second , self . _microsecond , timespec ) if tz := self . _tzstr (): s += tz return s

Calling fp.readline() in the while condition and calling .match() on the if lines make the code more compact without making it harder to understand.

  • Current: while True : line = fp . readline () if not line : break m = define_rx . match ( line ) if m : n , v = m . group ( 1 , 2 ) try : v = int ( v ) except ValueError : pass vars [ n ] = v else : m = undef_rx . match ( line ) if m : vars [ m . group ( 1 )] = 0
  • Improved: while line := fp . readline (): if m := define_rx . match ( line ): n , v = m . group ( 1 , 2 ) try : v = int ( v ) except ValueError : pass vars [ n ] = v elif m := undef_rx . match ( line ): vars [ m . group ( 1 )] = 0

A list comprehension can map and filter efficiently by capturing the condition:

Similarly, a subexpression can be reused within the main expression, by giving it a name on first use:

Note that in both cases the variable y is bound in the containing scope (i.e. at the same level as results or stuff ).

Assignment expressions can be used to good effect in the header of an if or while statement:

Particularly with the while loop, this can remove the need to have an infinite loop, an assignment, and a condition. It also creates a smooth parallel between a loop which simply uses a function call as its condition, and one which uses that as its condition but also uses the actual value.

An example from the low-level UNIX world:

Rejected alternative proposals

Proposals broadly similar to this one have come up frequently on python-ideas. Below are a number of alternative syntaxes, some of them specific to comprehensions, which have been rejected in favour of the one given above.

A previous version of this PEP proposed subtle changes to the scope rules for comprehensions, to make them more usable in class scope and to unify the scope of the “outermost iterable” and the rest of the comprehension. However, this part of the proposal would have caused backwards incompatibilities, and has been withdrawn so the PEP can focus on assignment expressions.

Broadly the same semantics as the current proposal, but spelled differently.

Since EXPR as NAME already has meaning in import , except and with statements (with different semantics), this would create unnecessary confusion or require special-casing (e.g. to forbid assignment within the headers of these statements).

(Note that with EXPR as VAR does not simply assign the value of EXPR to VAR – it calls EXPR.__enter__() and assigns the result of that to VAR .)

Additional reasons to prefer := over this spelling include:

  • In if f(x) as y the assignment target doesn’t jump out at you – it just reads like if f x blah blah and it is too similar visually to if f(x) and y .
  • import foo as bar
  • except Exc as var
  • with ctxmgr() as var

To the contrary, the assignment expression does not belong to the if or while that starts the line, and we intentionally allow assignment expressions in other contexts as well.

  • if NAME := EXPR

reinforces the visual recognition of assignment expressions.

This syntax is inspired by languages such as R and Haskell, and some programmable calculators. (Note that a left-facing arrow y <- f(x) is not possible in Python, as it would be interpreted as less-than and unary minus.) This syntax has a slight advantage over ‘as’ in that it does not conflict with with , except and import , but otherwise is equivalent. But it is entirely unrelated to Python’s other use of -> (function return type annotations), and compared to := (which dates back to Algol-58) it has a much weaker tradition.

This has the advantage that leaked usage can be readily detected, removing some forms of syntactic ambiguity. However, this would be the only place in Python where a variable’s scope is encoded into its name, making refactoring harder.

Execution order is inverted (the indented body is performed first, followed by the “header”). This requires a new keyword, unless an existing keyword is repurposed (most likely with: ). See PEP 3150 for prior discussion on this subject (with the proposed keyword being given: ).

This syntax has fewer conflicts than as does (conflicting only with the raise Exc from Exc notation), but is otherwise comparable to it. Instead of paralleling with expr as target: (which can be useful but can also be confusing), this has no parallels, but is evocative.

One of the most popular use-cases is if and while statements. Instead of a more general solution, this proposal enhances the syntax of these two statements to add a means of capturing the compared value:

This works beautifully if and ONLY if the desired condition is based on the truthiness of the captured value. It is thus effective for specific use-cases (regex matches, socket reads that return '' when done), and completely useless in more complicated cases (e.g. where the condition is f(x) < 0 and you want to capture the value of f(x) ). It also has no benefit to list comprehensions.

Advantages: No syntactic ambiguities. Disadvantages: Answers only a fraction of possible use-cases, even in if / while statements.

Another common use-case is comprehensions (list/set/dict, and genexps). As above, proposals have been made for comprehension-specific solutions.

This brings the subexpression to a location in between the ‘for’ loop and the expression. It introduces an additional language keyword, which creates conflicts. Of the three, where reads the most cleanly, but also has the greatest potential for conflict (e.g. SQLAlchemy and numpy have where methods, as does tkinter.dnd.Icon in the standard library).

As above, but reusing the with keyword. Doesn’t read too badly, and needs no additional language keyword. Is restricted to comprehensions, though, and cannot as easily be transformed into “longhand” for-loop syntax. Has the C problem that an equals sign in an expression can now create a name binding, rather than performing a comparison. Would raise the question of why “with NAME = EXPR:” cannot be used as a statement on its own.

As per option 2, but using as rather than an equals sign. Aligns syntactically with other uses of as for name binding, but a simple transformation to for-loop longhand would create drastically different semantics; the meaning of with inside a comprehension would be completely different from the meaning as a stand-alone statement, while retaining identical syntax.

Regardless of the spelling chosen, this introduces a stark difference between comprehensions and the equivalent unrolled long-hand form of the loop. It is no longer possible to unwrap the loop into statement form without reworking any name bindings. The only keyword that can be repurposed to this task is with , thus giving it sneakily different semantics in a comprehension than in a statement; alternatively, a new keyword is needed, with all the costs therein.

There are two logical precedences for the := operator. Either it should bind as loosely as possible, as does statement-assignment; or it should bind more tightly than comparison operators. Placing its precedence between the comparison and arithmetic operators (to be precise: just lower than bitwise OR) allows most uses inside while and if conditions to be spelled without parentheses, as it is most likely that you wish to capture the value of something, then perform a comparison on it:

Once find() returns -1, the loop terminates. If := binds as loosely as = does, this would capture the result of the comparison (generally either True or False ), which is less useful.

While this behaviour would be convenient in many situations, it is also harder to explain than “the := operator behaves just like the assignment statement”, and as such, the precedence for := has been made as close as possible to that of = (with the exception that it binds tighter than comma).

Some critics have claimed that the assignment expressions should allow unparenthesized tuples on the right, so that these two would be equivalent:

(With the current version of the proposal, the latter would be equivalent to ((point := x), y) .)

However, adopting this stance would logically lead to the conclusion that when used in a function call, assignment expressions also bind less tight than comma, so we’d have the following confusing equivalence:

The less confusing option is to make := bind more tightly than comma.

It’s been proposed to just always require parentheses around an assignment expression. This would resolve many ambiguities, and indeed parentheses will frequently be needed to extract the desired subexpression. But in the following cases the extra parentheses feel redundant:

Frequently Raised Objections

C and its derivatives define the = operator as an expression, rather than a statement as is Python’s way. This allows assignments in more contexts, including contexts where comparisons are more common. The syntactic similarity between if (x == y) and if (x = y) belies their drastically different semantics. Thus this proposal uses := to clarify the distinction.

The two forms have different flexibilities. The := operator can be used inside a larger expression; the = statement can be augmented to += and its friends, can be chained, and can assign to attributes and subscripts.

Previous revisions of this proposal involved sublocal scope (restricted to a single statement), preventing name leakage and namespace pollution. While a definite advantage in a number of situations, this increases complexity in many others, and the costs are not justified by the benefits. In the interests of language simplicity, the name bindings created here are exactly equivalent to any other name bindings, including that usage at class or module scope will create externally-visible names. This is no different from for loops or other constructs, and can be solved the same way: del the name once it is no longer needed, or prefix it with an underscore.

(The author wishes to thank Guido van Rossum and Christoph Groth for their suggestions to move the proposal in this direction. [2] )

As expression assignments can sometimes be used equivalently to statement assignments, the question of which should be preferred will arise. For the benefit of style guides such as PEP 8 , two recommendations are suggested.

  • If either assignment statements or assignment expressions can be used, prefer statements; they are a clear declaration of intent.
  • If using assignment expressions would lead to ambiguity about execution order, restructure it to use statements instead.

The authors wish to thank Alyssa Coghlan and Steven D’Aprano for their considerable contributions to this proposal, and members of the core-mentorship mailing list for assistance with implementation.

Appendix A: Tim Peters’s findings

Here’s a brief essay Tim Peters wrote on the topic.

I dislike “busy” lines of code, and also dislike putting conceptually unrelated logic on a single line. So, for example, instead of:

instead. So I suspected I’d find few places I’d want to use assignment expressions. I didn’t even consider them for lines already stretching halfway across the screen. In other cases, “unrelated” ruled:

is a vast improvement over the briefer:

The original two statements are doing entirely different conceptual things, and slamming them together is conceptually insane.

In other cases, combining related logic made it harder to understand, such as rewriting:

as the briefer:

The while test there is too subtle, crucially relying on strict left-to-right evaluation in a non-short-circuiting or method-chaining context. My brain isn’t wired that way.

But cases like that were rare. Name binding is very frequent, and “sparse is better than dense” does not mean “almost empty is better than sparse”. For example, I have many functions that return None or 0 to communicate “I have nothing useful to return in this case, but since that’s expected often I’m not going to annoy you with an exception”. This is essentially the same as regular expression search functions returning None when there is no match. So there was lots of code of the form:

I find that clearer, and certainly a bit less typing and pattern-matching reading, as:

It’s also nice to trade away a small amount of horizontal whitespace to get another _line_ of surrounding code on screen. I didn’t give much weight to this at first, but it was so very frequent it added up, and I soon enough became annoyed that I couldn’t actually run the briefer code. That surprised me!

There are other cases where assignment expressions really shine. Rather than pick another from my code, Kirill Balunov gave a lovely example from the standard library’s copy() function in :

The ever-increasing indentation is semantically misleading: the logic is conceptually flat, “the first test that succeeds wins”:

Using easy assignment expressions allows the visual structure of the code to emphasize the conceptual flatness of the logic; ever-increasing indentation obscured it.

A smaller example from my code delighted me, both allowing to put inherently related logic in a single line, and allowing to remove an annoying “artificial” indentation level:

That if is about as long as I want my lines to get, but remains easy to follow.

So, in all, in most lines binding a name, I wouldn’t use assignment expressions, but because that construct is so very frequent, that leaves many places I would. In most of the latter, I found a small win that adds up due to how often it occurs, and in the rest I found a moderate to major win. I’d certainly use it more often than ternary if , but significantly less often than augmented assignment.

I have another example that quite impressed me at the time.

Where all variables are positive integers, and a is at least as large as the n’th root of x, this algorithm returns the floor of the n’th root of x (and roughly doubling the number of accurate bits per iteration):

It’s not obvious why that works, but is no more obvious in the “loop and a half” form. It’s hard to prove correctness without building on the right insight (the “arithmetic mean - geometric mean inequality”), and knowing some non-trivial things about how nested floor functions behave. That is, the challenges are in the math, not really in the coding.

If you do know all that, then the assignment-expression form is easily read as “while the current guess is too large, get a smaller guess”, where the “too large?” test and the new guess share an expensive sub-expression.

To my eyes, the original form is harder to understand:

This appendix attempts to clarify (though not specify) the rules when a target occurs in a comprehension or in a generator expression. For a number of illustrative examples we show the original code, containing a comprehension, and the translation, where the comprehension has been replaced by an equivalent generator function plus some scaffolding.

Since [x for ...] is equivalent to list(x for ...) these examples all use list comprehensions without loss of generality. And since these examples are meant to clarify edge cases of the rules, they aren’t trying to look like real code.

Note: comprehensions are already implemented via synthesizing nested generator functions like those in this appendix. The new part is adding appropriate declarations to establish the intended scope of assignment expression targets (the same scope they resolve to as if the assignment were performed in the block containing the outermost comprehension). For type inference purposes, these illustrative expansions do not imply that assignment expression targets are always Optional (but they do indicate the target binding scope).

Let’s start with a reminder of what code is generated for a generator expression without assignment expression.

  • Original code (EXPR usually references VAR): def f (): a = [ EXPR for VAR in ITERABLE ]
  • Translation (let’s not worry about name conflicts): def f (): def genexpr ( iterator ): for VAR in iterator : yield EXPR a = list ( genexpr ( iter ( ITERABLE )))

Let’s add a simple assignment expression.

  • Original code: def f (): a = [ TARGET := EXPR for VAR in ITERABLE ]
  • Translation: def f (): if False : TARGET = None # Dead code to ensure TARGET is a local variable def genexpr ( iterator ): nonlocal TARGET for VAR in iterator : TARGET = EXPR yield TARGET a = list ( genexpr ( iter ( ITERABLE )))

Let’s add a global TARGET declaration in f() .

  • Original code: def f (): global TARGET a = [ TARGET := EXPR for VAR in ITERABLE ]
  • Translation: def f (): global TARGET def genexpr ( iterator ): global TARGET for VAR in iterator : TARGET = EXPR yield TARGET a = list ( genexpr ( iter ( ITERABLE )))

Or instead let’s add a nonlocal TARGET declaration in f() .

  • Original code: def g (): TARGET = ... def f (): nonlocal TARGET a = [ TARGET := EXPR for VAR in ITERABLE ]
  • Translation: def g (): TARGET = ... def f (): nonlocal TARGET def genexpr ( iterator ): nonlocal TARGET for VAR in iterator : TARGET = EXPR yield TARGET a = list ( genexpr ( iter ( ITERABLE )))

Finally, let’s nest two comprehensions.

  • Original code: def f (): a = [[ TARGET := i for i in range ( 3 )] for j in range ( 2 )] # I.e., a = [[0, 1, 2], [0, 1, 2]] print ( TARGET ) # prints 2
  • Translation: def f (): if False : TARGET = None def outer_genexpr ( outer_iterator ): nonlocal TARGET def inner_generator ( inner_iterator ): nonlocal TARGET for i in inner_iterator : TARGET = i yield i for j in outer_iterator : yield list ( inner_generator ( range ( 3 ))) a = list ( outer_genexpr ( range ( 2 ))) print ( TARGET )

Because it has been a point of confusion, note that nothing about Python’s scoping semantics is changed. Function-local scopes continue to be resolved at compile time, and to have indefinite temporal extent at run time (“full closures”). Example:

This document has been placed in the public domain.


Last modified: 2023-10-11 12:05:51 GMT

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Python Assignment Operator

  • Introduction

Chained Assignment

Shorthand assignment, shorthand assignment operators, playground: assignment operator practice, assignment methods.

All assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. Wait, is there more than one assignment operator? Yes, but they're all quite similar to the ones you've seen. You've used the most common assignment operator, and its symbol is a single equals sign ( = ).

For example, to assign x the value of 10 you type the following:

Different Assignment Methods

You have used this assignment statement before to assign values to variables. Apart from this very common way of using it, a few other situations use the same symbol for slightly different assignments.

You can assign the same value to multiple variables in one swoop by using an assignment chain:

This construct assigns 10 to x , y , and z . Using the chained assignment statement in Python is rare, but if you see it around, now you know what that's about.

Shorthand assignments, on the other hand, are a common occurrence in Python code. This is where the other assignment operators come into play. Shorthand assignments make writing code more efficient and can improve readability---at least once you know about them!

For example, think of a situation where you have a variable x and you want to add 1 to that variable:

This works well and is perfectly fine Python code. However, there is a more concise way of writing the same code using shorthand assignment :

Check out how the second line in these two code snippets is different. You don't need to write the name of the variable x a second time using the shorthand operator += like in the example above.

Both code examples shown achieve the exact same result and are equivalent. The shorthand assignment allows you to use less code to complete the task.

Python comes with a couple of shorthand assignment operators. Some of the most common ones include the following:

These operators are combinations of familiar arithmetic operators with the assignment operator ( = ). You have already used some of Python's arithmetic operators, and you'll learn more about them in the upcoming lesson.

Play around and combine different operators you can think of with the assignment operator below.

  • Which ones work and do what you expect them to?
  • Which ones don't?

Summary: Python Assignment Operator

  • Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables
  • Shorthand assignment is the most commonly used in Python
  • The table summarizing the assignment operators is provided in the lesson
  • Chain Assignment : A method used to assign multiple variables at one
  • Shorthand Assignment : A series of short forms for manipulating data

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Operators are special symbols that perform operations on variables and values. For example,

Here, + is an operator that adds two numbers: 5 and 6 .

  • Types of Python Operators

Here's a list of different types of Python operators that we will learn in this tutorial.

  • Arithmetic Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Special Operators

1. Python Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used to perform mathematical operations like addition, subtraction, multiplication, etc. For example,

Here, - is an arithmetic operator that subtracts two values or variables.

Example 1: Arithmetic Operators in Python

In the above example, we have used multiple arithmetic operators,

  • + to add a and b
  • - to subtract b from a
  • * to multiply a and b
  • / to divide a by b
  • // to floor divide a by b
  • % to get the remainder
  • ** to get a to the power b

2. Python Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. For example,

Here, = is an assignment operator that assigns 5 to x .

Here's a list of different assignment operators available in Python.

Example 2: Assignment Operators

Here, we have used the += operator to assign the sum of a and b to a .

Similarly, we can use any other assignment operators as per our needs.

3. Python Comparison Operators

Comparison operators compare two values/variables and return a boolean result: True or False . For example,

Here, the > comparison operator is used to compare whether a is greater than b or not.

Example 3: Comparison Operators

Note: Comparison operators are used in decision-making and loops . We'll discuss more of the comparison operator and decision-making in later tutorials.

4. Python Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to check whether an expression is True or False . They are used in decision-making. For example,

Here, and is the logical operator AND . Since both a > 2 and b >= 6 are True , the result is True .

Example 4: Logical Operators

Note : Here is the truth table for these logical operators.

5. Python Bitwise operators

Bitwise operators act on operands as if they were strings of binary digits. They operate bit by bit, hence the name.

For example, 2 is 10 in binary, and 7 is 111 .

In the table below: Let x = 10 ( 0000 1010 in binary) and y = 4 ( 0000 0100 in binary)

6. Python Special operators

Python language offers some special types of operators like the identity operator and the membership operator. They are described below with examples.

  • Identity operators

In Python, is and is not are used to check if two values are located at the same memory location.

It's important to note that having two variables with equal values doesn't necessarily mean they are identical.

Example 4: Identity operators in Python

Here, we see that x1 and y1 are integers of the same values, so they are equal as well as identical. The same is the case with x2 and y2 (strings).

But x3 and y3 are lists. They are equal but not identical. It is because the interpreter locates them separately in memory, although they are equal.

  • Membership operators

In Python, in and not in are the membership operators. They are used to test whether a value or variable is found in a sequence ( string , list , tuple , set and dictionary ).

In a dictionary, we can only test for the presence of a key, not the value.

Example 5: Membership operators in Python

Here, 'H' is in message , but 'hello' is not present in message (remember, Python is case-sensitive).

Similarly, 1 is key, and 'a' is the value in dictionary dict1 . Hence, 'a' in y returns False .

  • Precedence and Associativity of operators in Python

Table of Contents

  • Introduction
  • Python Arithmetic Operators
  • Python Assignment Operators
  • Python Comparison Operators
  • Python Logical Operators
  • Python Bitwise operators
  • Python Special operators

Video: Operators in Python

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Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values.

In the example below, we use the + operator to add together two values:

Python divides the operators in the following groups:

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Assignment operators
  • Comparison operators
  • Logical operators
  • Identity operators
  • Membership operators
  • Bitwise operators

Python Arithmetic Operators

Arithmetic operators are used with numeric values to perform common mathematical operations:

Python Assignment Operators

Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables:


Python Comparison Operators

Comparison operators are used to compare two values:

Python Logical Operators

Logical operators are used to combine conditional statements:

Python Identity Operators

Identity operators are used to compare the objects, not if they are equal, but if they are actually the same object, with the same memory location:

Python Membership Operators

Membership operators are used to test if a sequence is presented in an object:

Python Bitwise Operators

Bitwise operators are used to compare (binary) numbers:

Operator Precedence

Operator precedence describes the order in which operations are performed.

Parentheses has the highest precedence, meaning that expressions inside parentheses must be evaluated first:

Multiplication * has higher precedence than addition + , and therefor multiplications are evaluated before additions:

The precedence order is described in the table below, starting with the highest precedence at the top:

If two operators have the same precedence, the expression is evaluated from left to right.

Addition + and subtraction - has the same precedence, and therefor we evaluate the expression from left to right:

Test Yourself With Exercises

Multiply 10 with 5 , and print the result.

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Fabric Spark job definition activity now available

Hd insight activity now available, modern get data experience in data pipeline.

Power BI tooltips are embarking on an evolution to enhance their functionality. To lay the groundwork, we are introducing the modern tooltip as the new default , a feature that many users may already recognize from its previous preview status. This change is more than just an upgrade; it’s the first step in a series of remarkable improvements. These future developments promise to revolutionize tooltip management and customization, offering possibilities that were previously only imaginable. As we prepare for the general availability of the modern tooltip, this is an excellent opportunity for users to become familiar with its features and capabilities. 

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Discover the full potential of the new tooltip feature by visiting our dedicated blog . Dive into the details and explore the comprehensive vision we’ve crafted for tooltips, designed to enhance your Power BI experience. 

We’ve listened to our community’s feedback on improving our tabular visuals (Table and Matrix), and we’re excited to initiate their transformation. Drawing inspiration from the familiar PivotTable in Excel , we aim to build new features and capabilities upon a stronger foundation. In our May update, we’re introducing ‘ Layouts for Matrix .’ Now, you can select from compact , outline , or tabular layouts to alter the arrangement of components in a manner akin to Excel. 

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As an extension of the new layout options, report creators can now craft custom layout patterns by repeating row headers. This powerful control, inspired by Excel’s PivotTable layout, enables the creation of a matrix that closely resembles the look and feel of a table. This enhancement not only provides greater flexibility but also brings a touch of Excel’s intuitive design to Power BI’s matrix visuals. Only available for Outline and Tabular layouts.

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To further align with Excel’s functionality, report creators now have the option to insert blank rows within the matrix. This feature allows for the separation of higher-level row header categories, significantly enhancing the readability of the report. It’s a thoughtful addition that brings a new level of clarity and organization to Power BI’s matrix visuals and opens a path for future enhancements for totals/subtotals and rows/column headers. 

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We understand your eagerness to delve deeper into the matrix layouts and grasp how these enhancements fulfill the highly requested features by our community. Find out more and join the conversation in our dedicated blog , where we unravel the details and share the community-driven vision behind these improvements. 

Following last month’s introduction of the initial line enhancements, May brings a groundbreaking set of line capabilities that are set to transform your Power BI experience: 

  • Hide/Show lines : Gain control over the visibility of your lines for a cleaner, more focused report. 
  • Customized line pattern : Tailor the pattern of your lines to match the style and context of your data. 
  • Auto-scaled line pattern : Ensure your line patterns scale perfectly with your data, maintaining consistency and clarity. 
  • Line dash cap : Customize the end caps of your customized dashed lines for a polished, professional look. 
  • Line upgrades across other line types : Experience improvements in reference lines, forecast lines, leader lines, small multiple gridlines, and the new card’s divider line. 

These enhancements are not to be missed. We recommend visiting our dedicated blog for an in-depth exploration of all the new capabilities added to lines, keeping you informed and up to date. 

This May release, we’re excited to introduce on-object formatting support for Small multiples , Waterfall , and Matrix visuals. This new feature allows users to interact directly with these visuals for a more intuitive and efficient formatting experience. By double-clicking on any of these visuals, users can now right-click on the specific visual component they wish to format, bringing up a convenient mini-toolbar. This streamlined approach not only saves time but also enhances the user’s ability to customize and refine their reports with ease. 

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We’re also thrilled to announce a significant enhancement to the mobile reporting experience with the introduction of the pane manager for the mobile layout view. This innovative feature empowers users to effortlessly open and close panels via a dedicated menu, streamlining the design process of mobile reports. 

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We recently announced a public preview for folders in workspaces, allowing you to create a hierarchical structure for organizing and managing your items. In the latest Desktop release, you can now publish your reports to specific folders in your workspace.  

When you publish a report, you can choose the specific workspace and folder for your report. The interface is simplistic and easy to understand, making organizing your Power BI content from Desktop better than ever. 

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To publish reports to specific folders in the service, make sure the “Publish dialogs support folder selection” setting is enabled in the Preview features tab in the Options menu. 

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Learn more about folders in workspaces.   

We’re excited to preview a new capability for Power BI Copilot allowing you to ask questions about the data in your model! You could already ask questions about the data present in the visuals on your report pages – and now you can go deeper by getting answers directly from the underlying model. Just ask questions about your data, and if the answer isn’t already on your report, Copilot will then query your model for the data instead and return the answer to your question in the form of a visual! 

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We’re starting this capability off in both Edit and View modes in Power BI Service. Because this is a preview feature, you’ll need to enable it via the preview toggle in the Copilot pane. You can learn more about all the details of the feature in our announcement post here! (will link to announcement post)  

We are excited to announce the general availability of DAX query view. DAX query view is the fourth view in Power BI Desktop to run DAX queries on your semantic model.  

DAX query view comes with several ways to help you be as productive as possible with DAX queries. 

  • Quick queries. Have the DAX query written for you from the context menu of tables, columns, or measures in the Data pane of DAX query view. Get the top 100 rows of a table, statistics of a column, or DAX formula of a measure to edit and validate in just a couple clicks! 
  • DirectQuery model authors can also use DAX query view. View the data in your tables whenever you want! 
  • Create and edit measures. Edit one or multiple measures at once. Make changes and see the change in action in a DA query. Then update the model when you are ready. All in DAX query view! 
  • See the DAX query of visuals. Investigate the visuals DAX query in DAX query view. Go to the Performance Analyzer pane and choose “Run in DAX query view”. 
  • Write DAX queries. You can create DAX queries with Intellisense, formatting, commenting/uncommenting, and syntax highlighting. And additional professional code editing experiences such as “Change all occurrences” and block folding to expand and collapse sections. Even expanded find and replace options with regex. 

Learn more about DAX query view with these resources: 

  • Deep dive blog:  
  • Learn more:  
  • Video:  

DAX query view includes an inline Fabric Copilot to write and explain DAX queries, which remains in public preview. This month we have made the following updates. 

  • Run the DAX query before you keep it . Previously the Run button was disabled until the generated DAX query was accepted or Copilot was closed. Now you can Run the DAX query then decide to Keep or Discard the DAX query. 

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2. Conversationally build the DAX query. Previously the DAX query generated was not considered if you typed additional prompts and you had to keep the DAX query, select it again, then use Copilot again to adjust. Now you can simply adjust by typing in additional user prompts.   

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3. Syntax checks on the generated DAX query. Previously there was no syntax check before the generated DAX query was returned. Now the syntax is checked, and the prompt automatically retried once. If the retry is also invalid, the generated DAX query is returned with a note that there is an issue, giving you the option to rephrase your request or fix the generated DAX query. 

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4. Inspire buttons to get you started with Copilot. Previously nothing happened until a prompt was entered. Now click any of these buttons to quickly see what you can do with Copilot! 

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Learn more about DAX queries with Copilot with these resources: 

  • Deep dive blog:  
  • Learn more:  
  • Video:  

We are excited to introduce you to the redesigned ‘Manage relationships’ dialog in Power BI Desktop! To open this dialog simply select the ‘Manage relationships’ button in the modeling ribbon.

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Once opened, you’ll find a comprehensive view of all your relationships, along with their key properties, all in one convenient location. From here you can create new relationships or edit an existing one.

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Additionally, you have the option to filter and focus on specific relationships in your model based on cardinality and cross filter direction. 

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Learn more about creating and managing relationships in Power BI Desktop in our documentation . 

Ever since we released composite models on Power BI semantic models and Analysis Services , you have been asking us to support the refresh of calculated columns and tables in the Service. This month, we have enabled the refresh of calculated columns and tables in Service for any DirectQuery source that uses single sign-on authentication. This includes the sources you use when working with composite models on Power BI semantic models and Analysis Services.  

Previously, the refresh of a semantic model that uses a DirectQuery source with single-sign-on authentication failed with one of the following error messages: “Refresh is not supported for datasets with a calculated table or calculated column that depends on a table which references Analysis Services using DirectQuery.” or “Refresh over a dataset with a calculated table or a calculated column which references a Direct Query data source is not supported.” 

Starting today, you can successfully refresh the calculated table and calculated columns in a semantic model in the Service using specific credentials as long as: 

  • You used a shareable cloud connection and assigned it and/or.
  • Enabled granular access control for all data connection types.

Here’s how to do this: 

  • Create and publish your semantic model that uses a single sign-on DirectQuery source. This can be a composite model but doesn’t have to be. 
  • In the semantic model settings, under Gateway and cloud connections , map each single sign-on DirectQuery connection to a specific connection. If you don’t have a specific connection yet, select ‘Create a connection’ to create it: 

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  • If you are creating a new connection, fill out the connection details and click Create , making sure to select ‘Use SSO via Azure AD for DirectQuery queries: 

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  • Finally, select the connection for each single sign-on DirectQuery source and select Apply : 

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2. Either refresh the semantic model manually or plan a scheduled refresh to confirm the refresh now works successfully. Congratulations, you have successfully set up refresh for semantic models with a single sign-on DirectQuery connection that uses calculated columns or calculated tables!

We are excited to announce the general availability of Model Explorer in the Model view of Power BI, including the authoring of calculation groups. Semantic modeling is even easier with an at-a-glance tree view with item counts, search, and in context paths to edit the semantic model items with Model Explorer. Top level semantic model properties are also available as well as the option to quickly create relationships in the properties pane. Additionally, the styling for the Data pane is updated to Fluent UI also used in Office and Teams.  

A popular community request from the Ideas forum, authoring calculation groups is also included in Model Explorer. Calculation groups significantly reduce the number of redundant measures by allowing you to define DAX formulas as calculation items that can be applied to existing measures. For example, define a year over year, prior month, conversion, or whatever your report needs in DAX formula once as a calculation item and reuse it with existing measures. This can reduce the number of measures you need to create and make the maintenance of the business logic simpler.  

Available in both Power BI Desktop and when editing a semantic model in the workspace, take your semantic model authoring to the next level today!  

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Learn more about Model Explorer and authoring calculation groups with these resources: 

  • Use Model explorer in Power BI (preview) – Power BI | Microsoft Learn  
  • Create calculation groups in Power BI (preview) – Power BI | Microsoft Learn  

Data connectivity  

We’re happy to announce that the Oracle database connector has been enhanced this month with the addition of Single Sign-On support in the Power BI service with Microsoft Entra ID authentication.  

Microsoft Entra ID SSO enables single sign-on to access data sources that rely on Microsoft Entra ID based authentication. When you configure Microsoft Entra SSO for an applicable data source, queries run under the Microsoft Entra identity of the user that interacts with the Power BI report. 

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We’re pleased to announce the new and updated connectors in this release:   

  • [New] OneStream : The OneStream Power BI Connector enables you to seamlessly connect Power BI to your OneStream applications by simply logging in with your OneStream credentials. The connector uses your OneStream security, allowing you to access only the data you have based on your permissions within the OneStream application. Use the connector to pull cube and relational data along with metadata members, including all their properties. Visit OneStream Power BI Connector to learn more. Find this connector in the other category. 
  • [New] Zendesk Data : A new connector developed by the Zendesk team that aims to go beyond the functionality of the existing Zendesk legacy connector created by Microsoft. Learn more about what this new connector brings. 
  • [New] CCH Tagetik 
  • [Update] Azure Databricks  

Are you interested in creating your own connector and publishing it for your customers? Learn more about the Power Query SDK and the Connector Certification program .   

Last May, we announced the integration between Power BI and OneDrive and SharePoint. Previously, this capability was limited to only reports with data in import mode. We’re excited to announce that you can now seamlessly view Power BI reports with live connected data directly in OneDrive and SharePoint! 

When working on Power BI Desktop with a report live connected to a semantic model in the service, you can easily share a link to collaborate with others on your team and allow them to quickly view the report in their browser. We’ve made it easier than ever to access the latest data updates without ever leaving your familiar OneDrive and SharePoint environments. This integration streamlines your workflows and allows you to access reports within the platforms you already use. With collaboration at the heart of this improvement, teams can work together more effectively to make informed decisions by leveraging live connected semantic models without being limited to data only in import mode.  

Utilizing OneDrive and SharePoint allows you to take advantage of built-in version control, always have your files available in the cloud, and utilize familiar and simplistic sharing.  

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While you told us that you appreciate the ability to limit the image view to only those who have permission to view the report, you asked for changes for the “Public snapshot” mode.   

To address some of the feedback we got from you, we have made a few more changes in this area.  

  • Add-ins that were saved as “Public snapshot” can be printed and will not require that you go over all the slides and load the add-ins for permission check before the public image is made visible. 
  • You can use the “Show as saved image” on add-ins that were saved as “Public snapshot”. This will replace the entire add-in with an image representation of it, so the load time might be faster when you are presenting your presentation. 

Many of us keep presentations open for a long time, which might cause the data in the presentation to become outdated.  

To make sure you have in your slides the data you need, we added a new notification that tells you if more up to date data exists in Power BI and offers you the option to refresh and get the latest data from Power BI. 


Direct Lake semantic models are now supported in Fabric Git Integration , enabling streamlined version control, enhanced collaboration among developers, and the establishment of CI/CD pipelines for your semantic models using Direct Lake. 

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Learn more about version control, testing, and deployment of Power BI content in our Power BI implementation planning documentation:  


Editor’s pick of the quarter .

– Animator for Power BI     Innofalls Charts     SuperTables     Sankey Diagram for Power BI by ChartExpo     Dynamic KPI Card by Sereviso     Shielded HTML Viewer     Text search slicer  

New visuals in AppSource 

Mapa Polski – Województwa, Powiaty, Gminy   Workstream   Income Statement Table  

Gas Detection Chart  

Seasonality Chart   PlanIn BI – Data Refresh Service  

Chart Flare  

PictoBar   ProgBar  

Counter Calendar   Donut Chart image  

Financial Reporting Matrix by Profitbase 

Making financial statements with a proper layout has just become easier with the latest version of the Financial Reporting Matrix. 

Users are now able to specify which rows should be classified as cost-rows, which will make it easier to get the conditional formatting of variances correctly: 

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Selecting a row, and ticking “is cost” will tag the row as cost. This can be used in conditional formatting to make sure that positive variances on expenses are a bad for the result, while a positive variance on an income row is good for the result. 

The new version also includes more flexibility in measuring placement and column subtotals. 

Measures can be placed either: 

  • Default (below column headers) 
  • Above column headers 

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  • Conditionally hide columns 
  • + much more 

Highlighted new features:  

  • Measure placement – In rows  
  • Select Column Subtotals  
  • New Format Pane design 
  • Row Options  

Get the visual from AppSource and find more videos here ! 

Horizon Chart by Powerviz  

A Horizon Chart is an advanced visual, for time-series data, revealing trends and anomalies. It displays stacked data layers, allowing users to compare multiple categories while maintaining data clarity. Horizon Charts are particularly useful to monitor and analyze complex data over time, making this a valuable visual for data analysis and decision-making. 

Key Features:  

  • Horizon Styles: Choose Natural, Linear, or Step with adjustable scaling. 
  • Layer: Layer data by range or custom criteria. Display positive and negative values together or separately on top. 
  • Reference Line : Highlight patterns with X-axis lines and labels. 
  • Colors: Apply 30+ color palettes and use FX rules for dynamic coloring. 
  • Ranking: Filter Top/Bottom N values, with “Others”. 
  • Gridline: Add gridlines to the X and Y axis.  
  • Custom Tooltip: Add highest, lowest, mean, and median points without additional DAX. 
  • Themes: Save designs and share seamlessly with JSON files. 

Other features included are ranking, annotation, grid view, show condition, and accessibility support.  

Business Use Cases: Time-Series Data Comparison, Environmental Monitoring, Anomaly Detection 

🔗 Try Horizon Chart for FREE from AppSource  

📊 Check out all features of the visual: Demo file  

📃 Step-by-step instructions: Documentation  

💡 YouTube Video: Video Link  

📍 Learn more about visuals:  

✅ Follow Powerviz :  

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Exciting news! Thanks to your valuable feedback, we’ve enhanced our Milestone Trend Analysis Chart even further. We’re thrilled to announce that you can now switch between horizontal and vertical orientations, catering to your preferred visualization style.

The Milestone Trend Analysis (MTA) Chart remains your go-to tool for swiftly identifying deadline trends, empowering you to take timely corrective actions. With this update, we aim to enhance deadline awareness among project participants and stakeholders alike. 

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In our latest version, we seamlessly navigate between horizontal and vertical views within the familiar Power BI interface. No need to adapt to a new user interface – enjoy the same ease of use with added flexibility. Plus, it benefits from supported features like themes, interactive selection, and tooltips. 

What’s more, ours is the only Microsoft Certified Milestone Trend Analysis Chart for Power BI, ensuring reliability and compatibility with the platform. 

Ready to experience the enhanced Milestone Trend Analysis Chart? Download it from AppSource today and explore its capabilities with your own data – try for free!  

We welcome any questions or feedback at our website: . Try it out and elevate your project management insights now! 

Sunburst Chart by Powerviz  

Powerviz’s Sunburst Chart is an interactive tool for hierarchical data visualization. With this chart, you can easily visualize multiple columns in a hierarchy and uncover valuable insights. The concentric circle design helps in displaying part-to-whole relationships. 

  • Arc Customization: Customize shapes and patterns. 
  • Color Scheme: Accessible palettes with 30+ options. 
  • Centre Circle: Design an inner circle with layers. Add text, measure, icons, and images. 
  • Conditional Formatting: Easily identify outliers based on measure or category rules. 
  • Labels: Smart data labels for readability. 
  • Image Labels: Add an image as an outer label. 
  • Interactivity: Zoom, drill down, cross-filtering, and tooltip features. 

Other features included are annotation, grid view, show condition, and accessibility support.  

Business Use Cases:   

  • Sales and Marketing: Market share analysis and customer segmentation. 
  • Finance : Department budgets and expenditures distribution. 
  • Operations : Supply chain management. 
  • Education : Course structure, curriculum creation. 
  • Human Resources : Organization structure, employee demographics.

🔗 Try Sunburst Chart for FREE from AppSource  

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Stacked Bar Chart with Line by JTA  

Clustered bar chart with the possibility to stack one of the bars  

Stacked Bar Chart with Line by JTA seamlessly merges the simplicity of a traditional bar chart with the versatility of a stacked bar, revolutionizing the way you showcase multiple datasets in a single, cohesive display. 

Unlocking a new dimension of insight, our visual features a dynamic line that provides a snapshot of data trends at a glance. Navigate through your data effortlessly with multiple configurations, gaining a swift and comprehensive understanding of your information. 

Tailor your visual experience with an array of functionalities and customization options, enabling you to effortlessly compare a primary metric with the performance of an entire set. The flexibility to customize the visual according to your unique preferences empowers you to harness the full potential of your data. 

Features of Stacked Bar Chart with Line:  

  • Stack the second bar 
  • Format the Axis and Gridlines 
  • Add a legend 
  • Format the colors and text 
  • Add a line chart 
  • Format the line 
  • Add marks to the line 
  • Format the labels for bars and line 

If you liked what you saw, you can try it for yourself and find more information here . Also, if you want to download it, you can find the visual package on the AppSource . 

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We have added an exciting new feature to our Combo PRO, Combo Bar PRO, and Timeline PRO visuals – Legend field support . The Legend field makes it easy to visually split series values into smaller segments, without the need to use measures or create separate series. Simply add a column with category names that are adjacent to the series values, and the visual will do the following:  

  • Display separate segments as a stack or cluster, showing how each segment contributed to the total Series value. 
  • Create legend items for each segment to quickly show/hide them without filtering.  
  • Apply custom fill colors to each segment.  
  • Show each segment value in the tooltip 

Read more about the Legend field on our blog article  

Drill Down Combo PRO is made for creators who want to build visually stunning and user-friendly reports. Cross-chart filtering and intuitive drill down interactions make data exploration easy and fun for any user. Furthermore, you can choose between three chart types – columns, lines, or areas; and feature up to 25 different series in the same visual and configure each series independently.  

📊 Get Drill Down Combo PRO on AppSource  

🌐 Visit Drill Down Combo PRO product page  

Documentation | ZoomCharts Website | Follow ZoomCharts on LinkedIn  

We are thrilled to announce that Fabric Core REST APIs are now generally available! This marks a significant milestone in the evolution of Microsoft Fabric, a platform that has been meticulously designed to empower developers and businesses alike with a comprehensive suite of tools and services. 

The Core REST APIs are the backbone of Microsoft Fabric, providing the essential building blocks for a myriad of functionalities within the platform. They are designed to improve efficiency, reduce manual effort, increase accuracy, and lead to faster processing times. These APIs help with scale operations more easily and efficiently as the volume of work grows, automate repeatable processes with consistency, and enable integration with other systems and applications, providing a streamlined and efficient data pipeline. 

The Microsoft Fabric Core APIs encompasses a range of functionalities, including: 

  • Workspace management: APIs to manage workspaces, including permissions.  
  • Item management: APIs for creating, reading, updating, and deleting items, with partial support for data source discovery and granular permissions management planned for the near future. 
  • Job and tenant management: APIs to manage jobs, tenants, and users within the platform. 

These APIs adhere to industry standards and best practices, ensuring a unified developer experience that is both coherent and easy to use. 

For developers looking to dive into the details of the Microsoft Fabric Core APIs, comprehensive documentation is available. This includes guidelines on API usage, examples, and articles managed in a centralized repository for ease of access and discoverability. The documentation is continuously updated to reflect the latest features and improvements, ensuring that developers have the most current information at their fingertips. See Microsoft Fabric REST API documentation  

We’re excited to share an important update we made to the Fabric Admin APIs. This enhancement is designed to simplify your automation experience. Now, you can manage both Power BI and the new Fabric items (previously referred to as artifacts) using the same set of APIs. Before this enhancement, you had to navigate using two different APIs—one for Power BI items and another for new Fabric items. That’s no longer the case. 

The APIs we’ve updated include GetItem , ListItems , GetItemAccessDetails , and GetAccessEntities . These enhancements mean you can now query and manage all your items through a single API call, regardless of whether they’re Fabric types or Power BI types. We hope this update makes your work more straightforward and helps you accomplish your tasks more efficiently. 

We’re thrilled to announce the public preview of the Microsoft Fabric workload development kit. This feature now extends to additional workloads and offers a robust developer toolkit for designing, developing, and interoperating with Microsoft Fabric using frontend SDKs and backend REST APIs. Introducing the Microsoft Fabric Workload Development Kit . 

The Microsoft Fabric platform now provides a mechanism for ISVs and developers to integrate their new and existing applications natively into Fabric’s workload hub. This integration provides the ability to add net new capabilities to Fabric in a consistent experience without leaving their Fabric workspace, thereby accelerating data driven outcomes from Microsoft Fabric. 

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By downloading and leveraging the development kit , ISVs and software developers can build and scale existing and new applications on Microsoft Fabric and offer them via the Azure Marketplace without the need to ever leave the Fabric environment. 

The development kit provides a comprehensive guide and sample code for creating custom item types that can be added to the Fabric workspace. These item types can leverage the Fabric frontend SDKs and backend REST APIs to interact with other Fabric capabilities, such as data ingestion, transformation, orchestration, visualization, and collaboration. You can also embed your own data application into the Fabric item editor using the Fabric native experience components, such as the header, toolbar, navigation pane, and status bar. This way, you can offer consistent and seamless user experience across different Fabric workloads. 

This is a call to action for ISVs, software developers, and system integrators. Let’s leverage this opportunity to create more integrated and seamless experiences for our users. 

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We’re excited about this journey and look forward to seeing the innovative workloads from our developer community. 

We are proud to announce the public preview of external data sharing. Sharing data across organizations has become a standard part of day-to-day business for many of our customers. External data sharing, built on top of OneLake shortcuts, enables seamless, in-place sharing of data, allowing you to maintain a single copy of data even when sharing data across tenant boundaries. Whether you’re sharing data with customers, manufacturers, suppliers, consultants, or partners; the applications are endless. 

How external data sharing works  

Sharing data across tenants is as simple as any other share operation in Fabric. To share data, navigate to the item to be shared, click on the context menu, and then click on External data share . Select the folder or table you want to share and click Save and continue . Enter the email address and an optional message and then click Send . 

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The data consumer will receive an email containing a share link. They can click on the link to accept the share and access the data within their own tenant. 

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Click here for more details about external data sharing . 

Following the release of OneLake data access roles in public preview, the OneLake team is excited to announce the availability of APIs for managing data access roles. These APIs can be used to programmatically manage granular data access for your lakehouses. Manage all aspects of role management such as creating new roles, editing existing ones, or changing memberships in a programmatic way.  

Do you have data stored on-premises or behind a firewall that you want to access and analyze with Microsoft Fabric? With OneLake shortcuts, you can bring on-premises or network-restricted data into OneLake, without any data movement or duplication. Simply install the Fabric on-premises data gateway and create a shortcut to your S3 compatible, Amazon S3, or Google Cloud Storage data source. Then use any of Fabric’s powerful analytics engines and OneLake open APIs to explore, transform, and visualize your data in the cloud. 

Try it out today and unlock the full potential of your data with OneLake shortcuts! 

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Data Warehouse 

We are excited to announce Copilot for Data Warehouse in public preview! Copilot for Data Warehouse is an AI assistant that helps developers generate insights through T-SQL exploratory analysis. Copilot is contextualized your warehouse’s schema. With this feature, data engineers and data analysts can use Copilot to: 

  • Generate T-SQL queries for data analysis.  
  • Explain and add in-line code comments for existing T-SQL queries. 
  • Fix broken T-SQL code. 
  • Receive answers regarding general data warehousing tasks and operations. 

There are 3 areas where Copilot is surfaced in the Data Warehouse SQL Query Editor: 

  • Code completions when writing a T-SQL query. 
  • Chat panel to interact with the Copilot in natural language. 
  • Quick action buttons to fix and explain T-SQL queries. 

Learn more about Copilot for Data Warehouse: Copilot for Data Warehouse is currently only available in the Warehouse. Copilot in the SQL analytics endpoint is coming soon. 

Unlocking Insights through Time: Time travel in Data warehouse (public preview)

As data volumes continue to grow in today’s rapidly evolving world of Artificial Intelligence, it is crucial to reflect on historical data. It empowers businesses to derive valuable insights that aid in making well-informed decisions for the future. Preserving multiple historical data versions not only incurred significant costs but also presented challenges in upholding data integrity, resulting in a notable impact on query performance. So, we are thrilled to announce the ability to query the historical data through time travel at the T-SQL statement level which helps unlock the evolution of data over time. 

The Fabric warehouse retains historical versions of tables for seven calendar days. This retention allows for querying the tables as if they existed at any point within the retention timeframe. Time travel clause can be included in any top level SELECT statement. For complex queries that involve multiple tables, joins, stored procedures, or views, the timestamp is applied just once for the entire query instead of specifying the same timestamp for each table within the same query. This ensures the entire query is executed with reference to the specified timestamp, maintaining the data’s uniformity and integrity throughout the query execution. 

From historical trend analysis and forecasting to compliance management, stable reporting and real-time decision support, the benefits of time travel extend across multiple business operations. Embrace the capability of time travel to navigate the data-driven landscape and gain a competitive edge in today’s fast-paced world of Artificial Intelligence. 

We are excited to announce not one but two new enhancements to the Copy Into feature for Fabric Warehouse: Copy Into with Entra ID Authentication and Copy Into for Firewall-Enabled Storage!

Entra ID Authentication  

When authenticating storage accounts in your environment, the executing user’s Entra ID will now be used by default. This ensures that you can leverage A ccess C ontrol L ists and R ole – B ased a ccess c ontrol to authenticate to your storage accounts when using Copy Into. Currently, only organizational accounts are supported.  

How to Use Entra ID Authentication  

  • Ensure your Entra ID organizational account has access to the underlying storage and can execute the Copy Into statement on your Fabric Warehouse.  
  • Run your Copy Into statement without specifying any credentials; the Entra ID organizational account will be used as the default authentication mechanism.  

Copy into firewall-enabled storage

The Copy Into for firewall-enabled storage leverages the trusted workspace access functionality ( Trusted workspace access in Microsoft Fabric (preview) – Microsoft Fabric | Microsoft Learn ) to establish a secure and seamless connection between Fabric and your storage accounts. Secure access can be enabled for both blob and ADLS Gen2 storage accounts. Secure access with Copy Into is available for warehouses in workspaces with Fabric Capacities (F64 or higher).  

To learn more about Copy into , please refer to COPY INTO (Transact-SQL) – Azure Synapse Analytics and Microsoft Fabric | Microsoft Learn  

We are excited to announce the launch of our new feature, Just in Time Database Attachment, which will significantly enhance your first experience, such as when connecting to the Datawarehouse or SQL endpoint or simply opening an item. These actions trigger the workspace resource assignment process, where, among other actions, we attach all necessary metadata of your items, Data warehouses and SQL endpoints, which can be a long process, particularly for workspaces that have a high number of items.  

This feature is designed to attach your desired database during the activation process of your workspace, allowing you to execute queries immediately and avoid unnecessary delays. However, all other databases will be attached asynchronously in the background while you are able to execute queries, ensuring a smooth and efficient experience. 

Data Engineering 

We are advancing Fabric Runtime 1.3 from an Experimental Public Preview to a full Public Preview. Our Apache Spark-based big data execution engine, optimized for both data engineering and science workflows, has been updated and fully integrated into the Fabric platform. 

The enhancements in Fabric Runtime 1.3 include the incorporation of Delta Lake 3.1, compatibility with Python 3.11, support for Starter Pools, integration with Environment and library management capabilities. Additionally, Fabric Runtime now enriches the data science experience by supporting the R language and integrating Copilot. 

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We are pleased to share that the Native Execution Engine for Fabric Runtime 1.2 is currently available in public preview. The Native Execution Engine can greatly enhance the performance for your Spark jobs and queries. The engine has been rewritten in C++ and operates in columnar mode and uses vectorized processing. The Native Execution Engine offers superior query performance – encompassing data processing, ETL, data science, and interactive queries – all directly on your data lake. Overall, Fabric Spark delivers a 4x speed-up on the sum of execution time of all 99 queries in the TPC-DS 1TB benchmark when compared against Apache Spark.  This engine is fully compatible with Apache Spark™ APIs (including Spark SQL API). 

It is seamless to use with no code changes – activate it and go. Enable it in your environment for your notebooks and your SJDs. 

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This feature is in the public preview, at this stage of the preview, there is no additional cost associated with using it. 

We are excited to announce the Spark Monitoring Run Series Analysis features, which allow you to analyze the run duration trend and performance comparison for Pipeline Spark activity recurring run instances and repetitive Spark run activities from the same Notebook or Spark Job Definition.   

  • Run Series Comparison: Users can compare the duration of a Notebook run with that of previous runs and evaluate the input and output data to understand the reasons behind prolonged run durations.  
  • Outlier Detection and Analysis: The system can detect outliers in the run series and analyze them to pinpoint potential contributing factors. 
  • Detailed Run Instance Analysis: Clicking on a specific run instance provides detailed information on time distribution, which can be used to identify performance enhancement opportunities. 
  • Configuration Insights : Users can view the Spark configuration used for each run, including auto-tuned configurations for Spark SQL queries in auto-tune enabled Notebook runs. 

You can access the new feature from the item’s recent runs panel and Spark application monitoring page. 

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We are excited to announce that Notebook now supports the ability to tag others in comments, just like the familiar functionality of using Office products!   

When you select a section of code in a cell, you can add a comment with your insights and tag one or more teammates to collaborate or brainstorm on the specifics. This intuitive enhancement is designed to amplify collaboration in your daily development work. 

Moreover, you can easily configure the permissions when tagging someone who doesn’t have the permission, to make sure your code asset is well managed. 

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We are thrilled to unveil a significant enhancement to the Fabric notebook ribbon, designed to elevate your data science and engineering workflows. 

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In the new version, you will find the new Session connect control on the Home tab, and now you can start a standard session without needing to run a code cell. 

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You can also easily spin up a High concurrency session and share the session across multiple notebooks to improve the compute resource utilization. And you can easily attach/leave a high concurrency session with a single click. 

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The “ View session information ” can navigate you to the session information dialog, where you can find a lot of useful detailed information, as well as configure the session timeout. The diagnostics info is essentially helpful when you need support for notebook issues. 

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Now you can easily access the powerful “ Data Wrangler ” on Home tab with the new ribbon! You can explore your data with the fancy low-code experience of data wrangler, and the pandas DataFrames and Spark DataFrames are all supported.   

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We recently made some changes to the Fabric notebook metadata to ensure compliance and consistency: 

Notebook file content: 

  • The keyword “trident” has been replaced with “dependencies” in the notebook content. This adjustment ensures consistency and compliance. 
  • Notebook Git format: 
  • The preface of the notebook has been modified from “# Synapse Analytics notebook source” to “# Fabric notebook source”. 
  • Additionally, the keyword “synapse” has been updated to “dependencies” in the Git repo. 

The above changes will be marked as ‘uncommitted’ for one time if your workspace is connected to Git. No action is needed in terms of these changes , and there won’t be any breaking scenario within the Fabric platform . If you have any further updates or questions, feel free to share with us. 

We are thrilled to announce that the environment is now a generally available item in Microsoft Fabric. During this GA timeframe, we have shipped a few new features of Environment. 

  • Git support  

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The environment is now Git supported. You can check-in the environment into your Git repo and manipulate the environment locally with its YAML representations and custom library files. After updating the changes from local to Fabric portal, you can publish them by manual action or through REST API. 

  • Deployment pipeline  

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Deploying environments from one workspace to another is supported.  Now, you can deploy the code items and their dependent environments together from development to test and even production. 

With the REST APIs, you can have the code-first experience with the same abilities through Fabric portal. We provide a set of powerful APIs to ensure you the efficiency in managing your environment. You can create new environments, update libraries and Spark compute, publish the changes, delete an environment, attach the environment to a notebook, etc., all actions can be done locally in the tools of your choice. The article – Best practice of managing environments with REST API could help you get started with several real-world scenarios.  

  • Resources folder   

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Resources folder enables managing small resources in the development cycle. The files uploaded in the environment can be accessed from notebooks once they’re attached to the same environment. The manipulation of the files and folders of resources happens in real-time. It could be super powerful, especially when you are collaborating with others. 

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Sharing your environment with others is also available. We provide several sharing options. By default, the view permission is shared. If you want the recipient to have access to view and use the contents of the environment, sharing without permission customization is the best option. Furthermore, you can grant editing permission to allow recipients to update this environment or grant share permission to allow recipients to reshare this environment with their existing permissions. 

We are excited to announce the REST api support for Fabric Data Engineering/Science workspace settings.  Data Engineering/Science settings allows users to create/manage their Spark compute, select the default runtime/default environment, enable or disable high concurrency mode or ML autologging.  

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Now with the REST api support for the Data Engineering/Science settings, you would be able to  

  • Choose the default pool for a Fabric Workspace 
  • Configure the max nodes for Starter pools 
  • Create/Update/Delete the existing Custom Pools, Autoscale and Dynamic allocation properties  
  • Choose Workspace Default Runtime and Environment  
  • Select a default runtime 
  • Select the default environment for the Fabric workspace  
  • Enable or Disable High Concurrency Mode 
  • Enable or Disable ML Auto logging.  

Learn more about the Workspace Spark Settings API in our API documentation Workspace Settings – REST API (Spark) | Microsoft Learn  

We are excited to give you a sneak peek at the preview of User Data Functions in Microsoft Fabric. User Data Functions gives developers and data engineers the ability to easily write and run applications that integrate with resources in the Fabric Platform. Data engineering often presents challenges with data quality or complex data analytics processing in data pipelines, and using ETL tools may present limited flexibility and ability to customize to your needs. This is where User data functions can be used to run data transformation tasks and perform complex business logic by connecting to your data sources and other workloads in Fabric.  

During preview, you will be able to use the following features:  

  • Use the Fabric portal to create new User Data Functions, view and test them.  
  • Write your functions using C#.   
  • Use the Visual Studio Code extension to create and edit your functions.  
  • Connect to the following Fabric-native data sources: Data Warehouse, Lakehouse and Mirrored Databases.   

You can now create a fully managed GraphQL API in Fabric to interact with your data in a simple, flexible, and powerful way. We’re excited to announce the public preview of API for GraphQL, a data access layer that allows us to query multiple data sources quickly and efficiently in Fabric by leveraging a widely adopted and familiar API technology that returns more data with less client requests.  With the new API for GraphQL in Fabric, data engineers and scientists can create data APIs to connect to different data sources, use the APIs in their workflows, or share the API endpoints with app development teams to speed up and streamline data analytics application development in your business. 

You can get started with the API for GraphQL in Fabric by creating an API, attaching a supported data source, then selecting specific data sets you want to expose through the API. Fabric builds the GraphQL schema automatically based on your data, you can test and prototype queries directly in our graphical in-browser GraphQL development environment (API editor), and applications are ready to connect in minutes. 

Currently, the following supported data sources can be exposed through the Fabric API for GraphQL: 

  • Microsoft Fabric Data Warehouse 
  • Microsoft Fabric Lakehouse via SQL Analytics Endpoint 
  • Microsoft Fabric Mirrored Databases via SQL Analytics Endpoint 

Click here to learn more about how to get started. 

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Data Science 

As you may know, Copilot in Microsoft Fabric requires your tenant administrator to enable the feature from the admin portal. Starting May 20th, 2024, Copilot in Microsoft Fabric will be enabled by default for all tenants. This update is part of our continuous efforts to enhance user experience and productivity within Microsoft Fabric. This new default activation means that AI features like Copilot will be automatically enabled for tenants who have not yet enabled the setting.  

We are introducing a new capability to enable Copilot on Capacity level in Fabric. A new option is being introduced in the tenant admin portal, to delegate the enablement of AI and Copilot features to Capacity administrators.  This AI and Copilot setting will be automatically delegated to capacity administrators and tenant administrators won’t be able to turn off the delegation.   

We also have a cross-geo setting for customers who want to use Copilot and AI features while their capacity is in a different geographic region than the EU data boundary or the US. By default, the cross-geo setting will stay off and will not be delegated to capacity administrators automatically.  Tenant administrators can choose whether to delegate this to capacity administrators or not. 

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Figure 1.  Copilot in Microsoft Fabric will be auto enabled and auto delegated to capacity administrators. 

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Capacity administrators will see the “Copilot and Azure OpenAI Service (preview)” settings under Capacity settings/ Fabric Capacity / <Capacity name> / Delegated tenant settings. By default, the capacity setting will inherit tenant level settings. Capacity administrators can decide whether to override the tenant administrator’s selection. This means that even if Copilot is not enabled on a tenant level, a capacity administrator can choose to enable Copilot for their capacity. With this level of control, we make it easier to control which Fabric workspaces can utilize AI features like Copilot in Microsoft Fabric. 

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To enhance privacy and trust, we’ve updated our approach to abuse monitoring: previously, we retained data from Copilot in Fabric, including prompt inputs and outputs, for up to 30 days to check for misuse. Following customer feedback, we’ve eliminated this 30-day retention. Now, we no longer store prompt related data, demonstrating our unwavering commitment to your privacy and security. We value your input and take your concerns seriously. 

Real-Time Intelligence 

This month includes the announcement of Real-Time Intelligence, the next evolution of Real-Time Analytics and Data Activator. With Real-Time Intelligence, Fabric extends to the world of streaming and high granularity data, enabling all users in your organization to collect, analyze and act on this data in a timeline manner making faster and more informed business decisions. Read the full announcement from Build 2024. 

Real-Time Intelligence includes a wide range of capabilities across ingestion, processing, analysis, transformation, visualization and taking action. All of this is supported by the Real-Time hub, the central place to discover and manage streaming data and start all related tasks.  

Read on for more information on each capability and stay tuned for a series of blogs describing the features in more detail. All features are in Public Preview unless otherwise specified. Feedback on any of the features can be submitted at    

Ingest & Process  

  • Introducing the Real-Time hub 
  • Get Events with new sources of streaming and event data 
  • Source from Real-Time Hub in Enhanced Eventstream  
  • Use Real-Time hub to Get Data in KQL Database in Eventhouse 
  • Get data from Real-Time Hub within Reflexes 
  • Eventstream Edit and Live modes 
  • Default and derived streams 
  • Route data streams based on content 

Analyze & Transform  

  • Eventhouse GA 
  • Eventhouse OneLake availability GA 
  • Create a database shortcut to another KQL Database 
  • Support for AI Anomaly Detector  
  • Copilot for Real-Time Intelligence 
  • Tenant-level private endpoints for Eventhouse 

Visualize & Act  

  • Visualize data with Real-Time Dashboards  
  • New experience for data exploration 
  • Create triggers from Real-Time Hub 
  • Set alert on Real-time Dashboards 
  • Taking action through Fabric Items 

Ingest & Process 

Real-Time hub is the single place for all data-in-motion across your entire organization. Several key features are offered in Real-Time hub: 

1. Single place for data-in-motion for the entire organization  

Real-Time hub enables users to easily discover, ingest, manage, and consume data-in-motion from a wide variety of sources. It lists all the streams and KQL tables that customers can directly act on. 

2. Real-Time hub is never empty  

All data streams in Fabric automatically show up in the hub. Also, users can subscribe to events in Fabric gaining insights into the health and performance of their data ecosystem. 

3. Numerous connectors to simplify data ingestion from anywhere to Real-Time hub  

Real-Time hub makes it easy for you to ingest data into Fabric from a wide variety of sources like AWS Kinesis, Kafka clusters, Microsoft streaming sources, sample data and Fabric events using the Get Events experience.  

There are 3 tabs in the hub:  

  • Data streams : This tab contains all streams that are actively running in Fabric that user has access to. This includes all streams from Eventstreams and all tables from KQL Databases. 
  • Microsoft sources : This tab contains Microsoft sources (that user has access to) and can be connected to Fabric. 
  • Fabric events : Fabric now has event-driven capabilities to support real-time notifications and data processing. Users can monitor and react to events including Fabric Workspace Item events and Azure Blob Storage events. These events can be used to trigger other actions or workflows, such as invoking a data pipeline or sending a notification via email. Users can also send these events to other destinations via Event Streams. 

Learn More  

You can now connect to data from both inside and outside of Fabric in a mere few steps.  Whether data is coming from new or existing sources, streams, or available events, the Get Events experience allows users to connect to a wide range of sources directly from Real-Time hub, Eventstreams, Eventhouse and Data Activator.  

This enhanced capability allows you to easily connect external data streams into Fabric with out-of-box experience, giving you more options and helping you to get real-time insights from various sources. This includes Camel Kafka connectors powered by Kafka connect to access popular data platforms, as well as the Debezium connectors for fetching the Change Data Capture (CDC) streams. 

Using Get Events, bring streaming data from Microsoft sources directly into Fabric with a first-class experience.  Connectivity to notification sources and discrete events is also included, this enables access to notification events from Azure and other clouds solutions including AWS and GCP.  The full set of sources which are currently supported are: 

  • Microsoft sources : Azure Event Hubs, Azure IoT hub 
  • External sources : Google Cloud Pub/Sub, Amazon Kinesis Data Streams, Confluent Cloud Kafka 
  • Change data capture databases : Azure SQL DB (CDC), PostgreSQL DB (CDC), Azure Cosmos DB (CDC), MySQL DB (CDC)  
  • Fabric events : Fabric Workspace Item events, Azure Blob Storage events  

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Learn More   

With enhanced Eventstream, you can now stream data not only from Microsoft sources but also from other platforms like Google Cloud, Amazon Kinesis, Database change data capture streams, etc. using our new messaging connectors. The new Eventstream also lets you acquire and route real-time data not only from stream sources but also from discrete event sources, such as: Azure Blob Storage events, Fabric Workspace Item events. 

To use these new sources in Eventstream, simply create an eventstream with choosing “Enhanced Capabilities (preview)”. 

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You will see the new Eventstream homepage that gives you some choices to begin with. By clicking on the “Add external source”, you will find these sources in the Get events wizard that helps you to set up the source in a few steps. After you add the source to your eventstream, you can publish it to stream the data into your eventstream.  

Using Eventstream with discrete sources to turn events into streams for more analysis. You can send the streams to different Fabric data destinations, like Lakehouse and KQL Database. After the events are converted, a default stream will appear in Real-Time Hub. To turn them, click Edit on ribbon, select “Stream events” on the source node, and publish your eventstream. 

To transform the stream data or route it to different Fabric destinations based on its content, you can click Edit in ribbon and enter the Edit mode. There you can add event processing operators and destinations. 

With Real-Time hub embedded in KQL Database experience, each user in the tenant can view and add streams which they have access to and directly ingest it to a KQL Database table in Eventhouse.  

This integration provides each user in the tenant with the ability to access and view data streams they are permitted to. They can now directly ingest these streams into a KQL Database table in Eventhouse. This simplifies the data discovery and ingestion process by allowing users to directly interact with the streams. Users can filter data based on the Owner, Parent and Location and provides additional information such as Endorsement and Sensitivity. 

You can access this by clicking on the Get Data button from the Database ribbon in Eventhouse. 

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This will open the Get Data wizard with Real-Time hub embedded. 

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You can use events from Real-Time hub directly in reflex items as well. From within the main reflex UI, click ‘Get data’ in the toolbar: 

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This will open a wizard that allows you to connect to new event sources or browse Real-Time Hub to use existing streams or system events. 

Search new stream sources to connect to or select existing streams and tables to be ingested directly by Reflex. 

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You then have access to the full reflex modeling experience to build properties and triggers over any events from Real-Time hub.  

Eventstream offers two distinct modes, Edit and Live, to provide flexibility and control over the development process of your eventstream. If you create a new Eventstream with Enhanced Capabilities enabled, you can modify it in an Edit mode. Here, you can design stream processing operations for your data streams using a no-code editor. Once you complete the editing, you can publish your Eventstream and visualize how it starts streaming and processing data in Live mode .   

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In Edit mode, you can:   

  • Make changes to an Eventstream without implementing them until you publish the Eventstream. This gives you full control over the development process.  
  • Avoid test data being streamed to your Eventstream. This mode is designed to provide a secure environment for testing without affecting your actual data streams. 

For Live mode, you can :  

  • Visualize how your Eventstream streams, transforms, and routes your data streams to various destinations after publishing the changes.  
  • Pause the flow of data on selected sources and destinations, providing you with more control over your data streams being streamed into your Eventstream.  

When you create a new Eventstream with Enhanced Capabilities enabled, you can now create and manage multiple data streams within Eventstream, which can then be displayed in the Real-Time hub for others to consume and perform further analysis.  

There are two types of streams:   

  • Default stream : Automatically generated when a streaming source is added to Eventstream. Default stream captures raw event data directly from the source, ready for transformation or analysis.  
  • Derived stream : A specialized stream that users can create as a destination within Eventstream. Derived stream can be created after a series of operations such as filtering and aggregating, and then it’s ready for further consumption or analysis by other users in the organization through the Real-Time Hub.  

The following example shows that when creating a new Eventstream a default stream alex-es1-stream is automatically generated. Subsequently, a derived stream dstream1 is added after an Aggregate operation within the Eventstream. Both default and derived streams can be found in the Real-Time hub.  

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Customers can now perform stream operations directly within Eventstream’s Edit mode, instead of embedding in a destination. This enhancement allows you to design stream processing logics and route data streams in the top-level canvas. Custom processing and routing can be applied to individual destinations using built-in operations, allowing for routing to distinct destinations within the Eventstream based on different stream content. 

These operations include:  

  • Aggregate : Perform calculations such as SUM, AVG, MIN, and MAX on a column of values and return a single result. 
  • Expand : Expand array values and create new rows for each element within the array.  
  • Filter : Select or filter specific rows from the data stream based on a condition. 
  • Group by : Aggregate event data within a certain time window, with the option to group one or more columns.  
  • Manage Fields : Customize your data streams by adding, removing, or changing data type of a column.  
  • Union : Merge two or more data streams with shared fields (same name and data type) into a unified data stream.  

Analyze & Transform 

Eventhouse, a cutting-edge database workspace meticulously crafted to manage and store event-based data, is now officially available for general use. Optimized for high granularity, velocity, and low latency streaming data, it incorporates indexing and partitioning for structured, semi-structured, and free text data. With Eventhouse, users can perform high-performance analysis of big data and real-time data querying, processing billions of events within seconds. The platform allows users to organize data into compartments (databases) within one logical item, facilitating efficient data management.  

Additionally, Eventhouse enables the sharing of compute and cache resources across databases, maximizing resource utilization. It also supports high-performance queries across databases and allows users to apply common policies seamlessly. Eventhouse offers content-based routing to multiple databases, full view lineage, and high granularity permission control, ensuring data security and compliance. Moreover, it provides a simple migration path from Azure Synapse Data Explorer and Azure Data Explorer, making adoption seamless for existing users. 

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Engineered to handle data in motion, Eventhouse seamlessly integrates indexing and partitioning into its storing process, accommodating various data formats. This sophisticated design empowers high-performance analysis with minimal latency, facilitating lightning-fast ingestion and querying within seconds. Eventhouse is purpose-built to deliver exceptional performance and efficiency for managing event-based data across diverse applications and industries. Its intuitive features and seamless integration with existing Azure services make it an ideal choice for organizations looking to leverage real-time analytics for actionable insights. Whether it’s analyzing telemetry and log data, time series and IoT data, or financial records, Eventhouse provides the tools and capabilities needed to unlock the full potential of event-based data. 

We’re excited to announce that OneLake availability of Eventhouse in Delta Lake format is Generally Available. 

Delta Lake  is the unified data lake table format chosen to achieve seamless data access across all compute engines in Microsoft Fabric. 

The data streamed into Eventhouse is stored in an optimized columnar storage format with full text indexing and supports complex analytical queries at low latency on structured, semi-structured, and free text data. 

Enabling data availability of Eventhouse in OneLake means that customers can enjoy the best of both worlds: they can query the data with high performance and low latency in their  Eventhouse and query the same data in Delta Lake format via any other Fabric engines such as Power BI Direct Lake mode, Warehouse, Lakehouse, Notebooks, and more. 

To learn more, please visit 

A database shortcut in Eventhouse is an embedded reference to a source database. The source database can be one of the following: 

  • (Now Available) A KQL Database in Real-Time Intelligence  
  • An Azure Data Explorer database  

The behavior exhibited by the database shortcut is similar to that of a follower database  

The owner of the source database, the data provider, shares the database with the creator of the shortcut in Real-Time Intelligence, the data consumer. The owner and the creator can be the same person. The database shortcut is attached in read-only mode, making it possible to view and run queries on the data that was ingested into the source KQL Database without ingesting it.  

This helps with data sharing scenarios where you can share data in-place either within teams, or even with external customers.  

AI Anomaly Detector is an Azure service for high quality detection of multivariate and univariate anomalies in time series. While the standalone version is being retired October 2026, Microsoft open sourced the anomaly detection core algorithms and they are now supported in Microsoft Fabric. Users can leverage these capabilities in Data Science and Real-Time Intelligence workload. AI Anomaly Detector models can be trained in Spark Python notebooks in Data Science workload, while real time scoring can be done by KQL with inline Python in Real-Time Intelligence. 

We are excited to announce the Public Preview of Copilot for Real-Time Intelligence. This initial version includes a new capability that translates your natural language questions about your data to KQL queries that you can run and get insights.  

Your starting point is a KQL Queryset, that is connected to a KQL Database, or to a standalone Kusto database:  

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Simply type the natural language question about what you want to accomplish, and Copilot will automatically translate it to a KQL query you can execute. This is extremely powerful for users who may be less familiar with writing KQL queries but still want to get the most from their time-series data stored in Eventhouse. 

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Stay tuned for more capabilities from Copilot for Real-Time Intelligence!   

Customers can increase their network security by limiting access to Eventhouse at a tenant-level, from one or more virtual networks (VNets) via private links. This will prevent unauthorized access from public networks and only permit data plane operations from specific VNets.  

Visualize & Act 

Real-Time Dashboards have a user-friendly interface, allowing users to quickly explore and analyze their data without the need for extensive technical knowledge. They offer a high refresh frequency, support a range of customization options, and are designed to handle big data.  

The following visual types are supported, and can be customized with the dashboard’s user-friendly interface: 

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You can also define conditional formatting rules to format the visual data points by their values using colors, tags, and icons. Conditional formatting can be applied to a specific set of cells in a predetermined column or to entire rows, and lets you easily identify interesting data points. 

Beyond the support visual, Real-Time Dashboards provide several capabilities to allow you to interact with your data by performing slice and dice operations for deeper analysis and gaining different viewpoints. 

  • Parameters are used as building blocks for dashboard filters and can be added to queries to filter the data presented by visuals. Parameters can be used to slice and dice dashboard visuals either directly by selecting parameter values in the filter bar or by using cross-filters. 
  • Cross filters allow you to select a value in one visual and filter all other visuals on that dashboard based on the selected data point. 
  • Drillthrough capability allows you to select a value in a visual and use it to filter the visuals in a target page in the same dashboard. When the target page opens, the value is pushed to the relevant filters.    

Real-Time Dashboards can be shared broadly and allow multiple stakeholders to view dynamic, real time, fresh data while easily interacting with it to gain desired insights. 

Directly from a real-time dashboard, users can refine their exploration using a user-friendly, form-like interface. This intuitive and dynamic experience is tailored for insights explorers craving insights based on real-time data. Add filters, create aggregations, and switch visualization types without writing queries to easily uncover insights.  

With this new feature, insights explorers are no longer bound by the limitations of pre-defined dashboards. As independent explorers, they have the freedom for ad-hoc exploration, leveraging existing tiles to kickstart their journey. Moreover, they can selectively remove query segments, and expand their view of the data landscape.  

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Dive deep, extract meaningful insights, and chart actionable paths forward, all with ease and efficiency, and without having to write complex KQL queries.  

Data Activator allows you to monitor streams of data for various conditions and set up actions to be taken in response. These triggers are available directly within the Real-Time hub and in other workloads in Fabric. When the condition is detected, an action will automatically be kicked off such as sending alerts via email or Teams or starting jobs in Fabric items.  

When you browse the Real-Time Hub, you’ll see options to set triggers in the detail pages for streams. 

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Selecting this will open a side panel where you can configure the events you want to monitor, the conditions you want to look for in the events, and the action you want to take while in the Real-Time hub experience. 

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Completing this pane creates a new reflex item with a trigger that monitors the selected events and condition for you. Reflexes need to be created in a workspace supported by a Fabric or Power BI Premium capacity – this can be a trial capacity so you can get started with it today! 

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Data Activator has been able to monitor Power BI report data since it was launched, and we now support monitoring of Real-Time Dashboard visuals in the same way.

From real-time dashboard tiles you can click the ellipsis (…) button and select “Set alert”

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This opens the embedded trigger pane, where you can specify what conditions, you are looking for. You can choose whether to send email or Teams messages as the alert when these conditions are met.

When creating a new reflex trigger, from Real-time Hub or within the reflex item itself, you’ll notice a new ‘Run a Fabric item’ option in the Action section. This will create a trigger that starts a new Fabric job whenever its condition is met, kicking off a pipeline or notebook computation in response to Fabric events. A common scenario would be monitoring Azure Blob storage events via Real-Time Hub, and running data pipeline jobs when Blog Created events are detected. 

This capability is extremely powerful and moves Fabric from a scheduled driven platform to an event driven platform.  

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Pipelines, spark jobs, and notebooks are just the first Fabric items we’ll support here, and we’re keen to hear your feedback to help prioritize what else we support. Please leave ideas and votes on and let us know! 

Real-Time Intelligence, along with the Real-Time hub, revolutionizes what’s possible with real-time streaming and event data within Microsoft Fabric.  

Learn more and try it today   

Data Factory 

Dataflow gen2 .

We are thrilled to announce that the Power Query SDK is now generally available in Visual Studio Code! This marks a significant milestone in our commitment to providing developers with powerful tools to enhance data connectivity and transformation. 

The Power Query SDK is a set of tools that allow you as the developer to create new connectors for Power Query experiences available in products such as Power BI Desktop, Semantic Models, Power BI Datamarts, Power BI Dataflows, Fabric Dataflow Gen2 and more. 

This new SDK has been in public preview since November of 2022, and we’ve been hard at work improving this experience which goes beyond what the previous Power Query SDK in Visual Studio had to offer.  

The latest of these biggest improvements was the introduction of the Test Framework in March of 2024 that solidifies the developer experience that you can have within Visual Studio Code and the Power Query SDK for creating a Power Query connector. 

The Power Query SDK extension for Visual Studio will be deprecated by June 30, 2024, so we encourage you to give this new Power Query SDK in Visual Studio Code today if you haven’t.  

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To get started with the Power Query SDK in Visual Studio Code, simply install it from the Visual Studio Code Marketplace . Our comprehensive documentation and tutorials are available to help you harness the full potential of your data. 

Join our vibrant community of developers to share insights, ask questions, and collaborate on exciting projects. Our dedicated support team is always ready to assist you with any queries. 

We look forward to seeing the innovative solutions you’ll create with the Power Query SDK in Visual Studio Code. Happy coding! 

Introducing a convenient enhancement to the Dataflows Gen2 Refresh History experience! Now, alongside the familiar “X” button in the Refresh History screen, you’ll find a shiny new Refresh Button . This small but mighty addition empowers users to refresh the status of their dataflow refresh history status without the hassle of exiting the refresh history and reopening it. Simply click the Refresh Button , and voilà! Your dataflow’s refresh history status screen is updated, keeping you in the loop with minimal effort. Say goodbye to unnecessary clicks and hello to streamlined monitoring! 

python and assignment operator

  • [New] OneStream : The OneStream Power Query Connector enables you to seamlessly connect Data Factory to your OneStream applications by simply logging in with your OneStream credentials. The connector uses your OneStream security, allowing you to access only the data you have based on your permissions within the OneStream application. Use the connector to pull cube and relational data along with metadata members, including all their properties. Visit OneStream Power BI Connector to learn more. Find this connector in the other category. 

Data workflows  

We are excited to announce the preview of ‘Data workflows’, a new feature within the Data Factory that revolutionizes the way you build and manage your code-based data pipelines. Powered by Apache Airflow, Data workflows offer seamless authoring, scheduling, and monitoring experience for Python-based data processes defined as Directed Acyclic Graphs (DAGs). This feature brings a SaaS-like experience to running DAGs in a fully managed Apache Airflow environment, with support for autoscaling , auto-pause , and rapid cluster resumption to enhance cost-efficiency and performance.  

It also includes native cloud-based authoring capabilities and comprehensive support for Apache Airflow plugins and libraries. 

To begin using this feature: 

  • Access the Microsoft Fabric Admin Portal. 
  • Navigate to Tenant Settings. 

Under Microsoft Fabric options, locate and expand the ‘Users can create and use Data workflows (preview)’ section. Note: This action is necessary only during the preview phase of Data workflows. 

python and assignment operator

2. Create a new Data workflow within an existing or new workspace. 

python and assignment operator

3. Add a new Directed Acyclic Graph (DAG) file via the user interface. 

python and assignment operator

4.  Save your DAG(s). 

python and assignment operator

5. Use Apache Airflow monitoring tools to observe your DAG executions. In the ribbon, click on Monitor in Apache Airflow. 

python and assignment operator

For additional information, please consult the product documentation .   If you’re not already using Fabric capacity, consider signing up for the Microsoft Fabric free trial to evaluate this feature. 

Data Pipelines 

We are excited to announce a new feature in Fabric that enables you to create data pipelines to access your firewall-enabled Azure Data Lake Storage Gen2 (ADLS Gen2) accounts. This feature leverages the workspace identity to establish a secure and seamless connection between Fabric and your storage accounts. 

With trusted workspace access, you can create data pipelines to your storage accounts with just a few clicks. Then you can copy data into Fabric Lakehouse and start analyzing your data with Spark, SQL, and Power BI. Trusted workspace access is available for workspaces in Fabric capacities (F64 or higher). It supports organizational accounts or service principal authentication for storage accounts. 

How to use trusted workspace access in data pipelines  

Create a workspace identity for your Fabric workspace. You can follow the guidelines provided in Workspace identity in Fabric . 

Configure resource instance rules for the Storage account that you want to access from your Fabric workspace. Resource instance rules for Fabric workspaces can only be created through ARM templates. Follow the guidelines for configuring resource instance rules for Fabric workspaces here . 

Create a data pipeline to copy data from the firewall enabled ADLS gen2 account to a Fabric Lakehouse. 

To learn more about how to use trusted workspace access in data pipelines, please refer to Trusted workspace access in Fabric . 

We hope you enjoy this new feature for your data integration and analytics scenarios. Please share your feedback and suggestions with us by leaving a comment here. 

Introducing Blob Storage Event Triggers for Data Pipelines 

A very common use case among data pipeline users in a cloud analytics solution is to trigger your pipeline when a file arrives or is deleted. We have introduced Azure Blob storage event triggers as a public preview feature in Fabric Data Factory Data Pipelines. This utilizes the Fabric Reflex alerts capability that also leverages Event Streams in Fabric to create event subscriptions to your Azure storage accounts. 

python and assignment operator

Parent/Child pipeline pattern monitoring improvements

Today, in Fabric Data Factory Data Pipelines, when you call another pipeline using the Invoke Pipeline activity, the child pipeline is not visible in the monitoring view. We have made updates to the Invoke Pipeline activity so that you can view your child pipeline runs. This requires an upgrade to any pipelines that you have in Fabric that already use the current Invoke Pipeline activity. You will be prompted to upgrade when you edit your pipeline and then provide a connection to your workspace to authenticate. Another additional new feature that will light up with this invoke pipeline activity update is the ability to invoke pipeline across workspaces in Fabric. 

python and assignment operator

We are excited to announce the availability of the Fabric Spark job definition activity for data pipelines. With this new activity, you will be able to run a Fabric Spark Job definition directly in your pipeline. Detailed monitoring capabilities of your Spark Job definition will be coming soon!  

python and assignment operator

To learn more about this activity, read  

We are excited to announce the availability of the Azure HDInsight activity for data pipelines. The Azure HDInsight activity allows you to execute Hive queries, invoke a MapReduce program, execute Pig queries, execute a Spark program, or a Hadoop Stream program. Invoking either of the 5 activities can be done in a singular Azure HDInsight activity, and you can invoke this activity using your own or on-demand HDInsight cluster. 

To learn more about this activity, read  

python and assignment operator

We are thrilled to share the new Modern Get Data experience in Data Pipeline to empower users intuitively and efficiently discover the right data, right connection info and credentials.   

python and assignment operator

In the data destination, users can easily set destination by creating a new Fabric item or creating another destination or selecting existing Fabric item from OneLake data hub. 

python and assignment operator

In the source tab of Copy activity, users can conveniently choose recent used connections from drop down or create a new connection using “More” option to interact with Modern Get Data experience. 

python and assignment operator

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Python Quiz

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Python Tutorial | Learn Python Programming

This Programming Language Python Tutorial is very well suited for beginners and also for experienced programmers. This specially designed free Python tutorial will help you learn Python programming most efficiently, with all topics from basics to advanced (like Web-scraping, Django, Learning, etc.) with examples.

What is Python?

Python is a high-level, general-purpose, and very popular programming language. Python programming language (latest Python 3) is being used in web development, and Machine Learning applications, along with all cutting-edge technology in Software Industry. Python language is being used by almost all tech-giant companies like – Google, Amazon, Facebook, Instagram, Dropbox, Uber… etc.

Writing your first Python Program to Learn Python Programming

There are two ways you can execute your Python program:

  • First, we write a program in a file and run it one time.
  • Second, run a code line by line.

Here we provided the latest Python 3 version compiler where you can edit and compile your written code directly with just one click of the RUN Button. So test yourself with Python first exercises.

Let us now see what will you learn in this Python Tutorial, in detail:

The first and foremost step to get started with Python tutorial is to setup Python in your system.

Python Tutorial

Below are the steps based your system requirements:

Setting up Python

  • Download and Install Python 3 Latest Version
  • How to set up Command Prompt for Python in Windows10
  • Setup Python VS Code or PyCharm
  • Creating Python Virtual Environment in Windows and Linux
Note: Python 3.13 is the latest version of Python, but Python 3.12 is the latest stable version.

Now let us deep dive into the basics and components to learn Python Programming:

Getting Started with Python Programming

Welcome to the Python tutorial section! Here, we’ll cover the essential elements you need to kickstart your journey in Python programming. From syntax and keywords to comments, variables, and indentation, we’ll explore the foundational concepts that underpin Python development.

  • Learn Python Basics
  • Keywords in Python
  • Comments in Python
  • Learn Python Variables
  • Learn Python Data Types
  • Indentation and why is it important in Python

Learn Python Input/Output

In this segment, we delve into the fundamental aspects of handling input and output operations in Python, crucial for interacting with users and processing data effectively. From mastering the versatile print() function to exploring advanced formatting techniques and efficient methods for receiving user input, this section equips you with the necessary skills to harness Python’s power in handling data streams seamlessly.

  • Python print() function
  • f-string in Python
  • Print without newline in Python
  • Python | end parameter in print()
  • Python | sep parameter in print()
  • Python | Output Formatting
  • Taking Input in Python
  • Taking Multiple Inputs from users in Python

Python Data Types

Python offers, enabling you to manipulate and manage data with precision and flexibility. Additionally, we’ll delve into the dynamic world of data conversion with casting, and then move on to explore the versatile collections Python provides, including lists, tuples, sets, dictionaries, and arrays.

Python Data Types

By the end of this section, you’ll not only grasp the essence of Python’s data types but also wield them proficiently to tackle a wide array of programming challenges with confidence.

  • Python List
  • Python Tuples
  • Python Sets
  • Python Dictionary
  • Python Arrays
  • Type Casting

Python Operators

From performing basic arithmetic operations to evaluating complex logical expressions, we’ll cover it all. We’ll delve into comparison operators for making decisions based on conditions, and then explore bitwise operators for low-level manipulation of binary data. Additionally, we’ll unravel the intricacies of assignment operators for efficient variable assignment and updating. Lastly, we’ll demystify membership and identity operators, such as in and is, enabling you to test for membership in collections and compare object identities with confidence.

  • Arithmetic operators
  • Comparison Operators
  • Logical Operators
  • Bitwise Operators
  • Assignment Operators
  • Membership & Identity Operators | Python “in”, and “is” operator

Python Conditional Statement

These statements are pivotal in programming, enabling dynamic decision-making and code branching. In this section of Python Tutorial, we’ll explore Python’s conditional logic, from basic if…else statements to nested conditions and the concise ternary operator. We’ll also introduce the powerful match case statement, new in Python 3.10. By the end, you’ll master these constructs, empowering you to write clear, efficient code that responds intelligently to various scenarios. Let’s dive in and unlock the potential of Python’s conditional statements.

  • Python If else
  • Nested if statement
  • Python if-elif-else Ladder
  • Python If Else on One Line
  • Ternary Condition in Python
  • Match Case Statement

Python Loops

Here, we’ll explore Python’s loop constructs, including the for and while loops, along with essential loop control statements like break, continue, and pass. Additionally, we’ll uncover the concise elegance of list and dictionary comprehensions for efficient data manipulation. By mastering these loop techniques, you’ll streamline your code for improved readability and performance.

  • Loop control statements (break, continue, pass)
  • Python List Comprehension
  • Python Dictionary Comprehension

Python Functions

Functions are the backbone of organized and efficient code in Python. Here, we’ll explore their syntax, parameter handling, return values, and variable scope. From basic concepts to advanced techniques like closures and decorators. Along the way, we’ll also introduce versatile functions like range(), and powerful tools such as *args and **kwargs for flexible parameter handling. Additionally, we’ll delve into functional programming with map, filter, and lambda functions.

  • Python Function syntax
  • Arguments and Return Values in Python Function
  • Python Function Global and Local Scope Variables
  • Use of pass Statement in Function
  • Return statemen in Python Function
  • Python range() function
  • *args and **kwargs in Python Function
  • Python closures
  • Python ‘Self’ as Default Argument
  • Decorators in Python
  • Map Function
  • Filter Function
  • Reduce Function
  • Lambda Function

Python OOPs Concepts

In this segment, we’ll explore the core principles of object-oriented programming (OOP) in Python. From encapsulation to inheritance, polymorphism, abstract classes, and iterators, we’ll cover the essential concepts that empower you to build modular, reusable, and scalable code.

  • Python Classes and Objects
  • Polymorphism
  • Inheritance
  • Encapsulation

Python Exception Handling

In this section of Python Tutorial, we’ll explore how Python deals with unexpected errors, enabling you to write robust and fault-tolerant code. We’ll cover file handling, including reading from and writing to files, before diving into exception handling with try and except blocks. You’ll also learn about user-defined exceptions and Python’s built-in exception types.

  • Python File Handling
  • Python Read Files
  • Python Write/Create Files
  • Exception handling
  • User defined Exception
  • Built-in Exception
  • Try and Except in Python

Python Packages or Libraries

The biggest strength of Python is a huge collection of standard libraries which can be used for the following:

  • Built-in Modules in Python
  • Python DSA Libraries
  • Machine Learning
  • Python GUI Libraries
  • Web Scraping Pakages
  • Game Development Packages
  • Web Frameworks like, Django , Flask
  • Image processing (like OpenCV , Pillow )

Python Collections

Here, we’ll explore key data structures provided by Python’s collections module. From counting occurrences with Counters to efficient queue operations with Deque, we’ll cover it all. By mastering these collections, you’ll streamline your data management tasks in Python.

  • OrderedDict
  • Defaultdict

Python Database Handling

In this section you will learn how to access and work with MySQL and MongoDB databases

  • Python MongoDB Tutorial
  • Python MySQL Tutorial

Python vs. Other Programming Languages

Here’s a comparison of Python with the programming languages C, C++, and Java in a table format:

Let us now begin learning about various important steps required in this Python Tutorial.

Learn More About Python with Different Applications :

Python is a versatile and widely-used programming language with a vast ecosystem. Here are some areas where Python is commonly used:

  • Web Development : Python is used to build web applications using frameworks like Django, Flask, and Pyramid. These frameworks provide tools and libraries for handling web requests, managing databases, and more.
  • Data Science and Machine Learning : Python is popular in data science and machine learning due to libraries like NumPy, pandas, Matplotlib, and scikit-learn. These libraries provide tools for data manipulation, analysis, visualization, and machine learning algorithms.
  • Artificial Intelligence and Natural Language Processing : Python is widely used in AI and NLP applications. Libraries like TensorFlow, Keras, PyTorch, and NLTK provide tools for building and training neural networks, processing natural language, and more.
  • Game Development : Python can be used for game development using libraries like Pygame and Panda3D. These libraries provide tools for creating 2D and 3D games, handling graphics, and more.
  • Desktop Applications : Python can be used to build desktop applications using libraries like Tkinter, PyQt, and wxPython. These libraries provide tools for creating graphical user interfaces (GUIs), handling user input, and more.
  • Scripting and Automation : Python is commonly used for scripting and automation tasks due to its simplicity and readability. It can be used to automate repetitive tasks, manage files and directories, and more.
  • Web Scraping and Crawling : Python is widely used for web scraping and crawling using libraries like BeautifulSoup and Scrapy. These libraries provide tools for extracting data from websites, parsing HTML and XML, and more.
  • Education and Research : Python is commonly used in education and research due to its simplicity and readability. Many universities and research institutions use Python for teaching programming and conducting research in various fields.
  • Community and Ecosystem : Python has a large and active community, which contributes to its ecosystem. There are many third-party libraries and frameworks available for various purposes, making Python a versatile language for many applications.
  • Cross-Platform : Python is a cross-platform language, which means that Python code can run on different operating systems without modification. This makes it easy to develop and deploy Python applications on different platforms.

To achieve a solid understanding of Python, it’s very important to engage with Python quizzes and MCQs. These quizzes can enhance your ability to solve similar questions and improve your problem-solving skills.

Here are some quiz articles related to Python Tutorial:

  • Python MCQs
  • Python Sets Quiz
  • Python List Quiz
  • Python String Quiz
  • Python Tuple Quiz
  • Python Dictionary Quiz

Python Latest & Upcoming Features

Python recently release Python 3.12 in October 2023 and here in this section we have mentioned all the features that Python 3.12 offer. Along with this we have also mentioned the lasted trends.

  • Security Fix: A critical security patch addressing potential vulnerabilities (details not publicly disclosed).
  • SBOM (Software Bill of Materials) Documents: Availability of SBOM documents for CPython, improving transparency in the software supply chain.

Expected Upcoming Features of Python 3.13

  • Pattern Matching (PEP 635): A powerful new syntax for pattern matching, potentially similar to features found in languages like Ruby. This could significantly improve code readability and maintainability.
  • Union Typing Enhancements (PEP 647): Extending type annotations for unions, allowing for more precise type definitions and improved static type checking.
  • Improved Exception Groups (PEP 653): A new mechanism for grouping related exceptions, making error handling more organized and user-friendly.

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  1. Python's Assignment Operator: Write Robust Assignments

    To create a new variable or to update the value of an existing one in Python, you'll use an assignment statement. This statement has the following three components: A left operand, which must be a variable. The assignment operator ( =) A right operand, which can be a concrete value, an object, or an expression.

  2. Assignment Operators in Python

    The Walrus Operator in Python is a new assignment operator which is introduced in Python version 3.8 and higher. This operator is used to assign a value to a variable within an expression. Syntax: a := expression. Example: In this code, we have a Python list of integers. We have used Python Walrus assignment operator within the Python while loop.

  3. Python Assignment Operators

    Python Assignment Operators. Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables: Operator. Example. Same As. Try it. =. x = 5. x = 5.

  4. Python Operators Cheat Sheet

    Python Assignment Operators. Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. They can also perform arithmetic operations in combination with assignments. The canonical assignment operator is the equal sign ( =). Its purpose is to bind a value to a variable: if we write x = 10, we store the value 10 inside the variable x.

  5. Python Assignment Operators

    Assignment operators in Python. The above code is useful when we want to update the same number. We can also use two different numbers and use the assignment operators to apply them on two different values. num_one = 6. num_two = 3. print(num_one) num_one += num_two. print(num_one) num_one -= num_two.

  6. Python Operators: Arithmetic, Assignment, Comparison, Logical, Identity

    Python Operators: Arithmetic, Assignment, Comparison, Logical, Identity, Membership, Bitwise. Operators are special symbols that perform some operation on operands and returns the result. For example, 5 + 6 is an expression where + is an operator that performs arithmetic add operation on numeric left operand 5 and the right side operand 6 and ...

  7. Different Assignment operators in Python

    Simple assignment operator in Python. The Simple assignment operator in Python is denoted by = and is used to assign values from the right side of the operator to the value on the left side.. Input: a = b + c Add and equal operator. This operator adds the value on the right side to the value on the left side and stores the result in the operand on the left side.

  8. 6. Expressions

    No builtin Python types implement this operator. Added in version 3.5. The / (division) and // (floor division) operators yield the quotient of their arguments. The numeric arguments are first converted to a common type. Division of integers yields a float, while floor division of integers results in an integer; the result is that of ...

  9. Python

    Python - Assignment Operators - The = (equal to) symbol is defined as assignment operator in Python. The value of Python expression on its right is assigned to a single variable on its left. The = symbol as in programming in general (and Python in particular) should not be confused with its usage in Mathematics, where it states th

  10. Assignment Operators in Programming

    Assignment operators are used in programming to assign values to variables. We use an assignment operator to store and update data within a program. They enable programmers to store data in variables and manipulate that data. The most common assignment operator is the equals sign (=), which assigns the value on the right side of the operator to ...

  11. Python Operators

    Python has seven types of operators that we can use to perform different operation and produce a result. Arithmetic operator. Relational operators. Assignment operators. Logical operators. Membership operators. Identity operators. Bitwise operators.

  12. Augmented Assignment Operators in Python

    The Python Operators are used to perform operations on values and variables. These are the special symbols that carry out arithmetic, logical, and bitwise computations. The value the operator operates on is known as the Operand. Here, we will cover Different Assignment operators in Python. Operators Sign Description SyntaxAssignment Operator = Assi

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    This shows that what looks like an assignment operator in an f-string is not always an assignment operator. The f-string parser uses : to indicate formatting options. To preserve backwards compatibility, assignment operator usage inside of f-strings must be parenthesized. As noted above, this usage of the assignment operator is not recommended.

  14. Python Assignment Operator

    Shorthand Assignment Operators. Python comes with a couple of shorthand assignment operators. Some of the most common ones include the following: Operator. Meaning. +=. Add the value on the right to the variable on the left. -=. Subtract the value on the right from the variable on the left.

  15. Python Operators (With Examples)

    Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables. For example, # assign 5 to x x = 5. Here, = is an assignment operator that assigns 5 to x. Here's a list of different assignment operators available in Python.

  16. Assignment Operator in Python

    The simple assignment operator is the most commonly used operator in Python. It is used to assign a value to a variable. The syntax for the simple assignment operator is: variable = value. Here, the value on the right-hand side of the equals sign is assigned to the variable on the left-hand side. For example.

  17. Python Operators

    Python Operators. Operators are used to perform operations on variables and values. In the example below, we use the + operator to add together two values: Example. print(10 + 5) ... Assignment operators are used to assign values to variables: Operator Example Same As Try it = x = 5: x = 5:

  18. python

    1. In python and other languages like C, "=" is a assignment operator and is used to assign a value to a variable. Example: a=2 # the value of a is 2. whereas "==" is Comparison operator and is used to check whether 2 expressions give the same value .Equality check returns true if it succeeds and else return false. Example: a=2 b=3 c=2.

  19. coding style

    In simpler form, this is also commonly used to designate a default... In fact, they produce concise one-line expressions that help to eliminate line noise from the code. This behavior is the basis for a form of the if/else ternary operator: A = Y if X else Z. edited Jan 5, 2012 at 19:40. answered Jan 5, 2012 at 19:12. joaquin. 84.4k 31 142 154.

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    The core of extensible programming is defining functions. Python allows mandatory and optional arguments, keyword arguments, and even arbitrary argument lists. More about defining functions in Python 3. Python is a programming language that lets you work quickly and integrate systems more effectively. Learn More.

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    This function takes three arguments.1) start: integer starting from which the sequence of integers is to be returned. 2) stop: integer before which the sequence of integers is to be returned. 3) step: integer value which determines the increment between each integer in the sequence. filter_none. Python.

  22. Using the "and" Boolean Operator in Python

    Python's and operator takes two operands, which can be Boolean expressions, objects, or a combination. With those operands, the and operator builds more elaborate expressions. The operands in an and expression are commonly known as conditions. If both conditions are true, then the and expression returns a true result.

  23. PDF CSE 1300

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    Faster workspace resource assignment powered by Just In Time Database Attachment; Data Engineering . Runtime 1.3 (Apache Spark 3.5, Delta Lake 3.1, R 4.3.3, Python 3.11) - Public Preview ; Native Execution Engine for Fabric Runtime 1.2 (Apache Spark 3.4) - Public Preview Spark Run Series Analysis ; Comment @tagging in Notebook ; Notebook ...

  25. Python Tutorial

    Assignment Operators; Membership & Identity Operators | Python "in", and "is" operator; Python Conditional Statement. These statements are pivotal in programming, enabling dynamic decision-making and code branching. In this section of Python Tutorial, we'll explore Python's conditional logic, from basic if…else statements to ...