Portfolio presentation templates

Showcase your best work — and impress future employers or clients — with our collection of free templates for your portfolio presentations.

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A PowerPoint deck showing a photography portfolio.

How to use PowerPoint to create a portfolio

november 14, 2023

A white Microsoft logo set on a pink and orange background.

by Microsoft Create team

A portfolio is an opportunity to put your best foot forward. Whether you’re applying to a creative role, beginning a new chapter in your education, or are looking to showcase your talents, it is important to present your experiences in an eye-catching way that will attract notice. Microsoft PowerPoint is a robust tool that emphasizes the visual, so it makes for a fitting platform to showcase your finest work. Think of your portfolio like a visual resume, and with dozens of professionally designed PowerPoint templates , Pinterest templates , and social media templates to choose from and personalize, you can find the perfect way to present what you’ve done.

Tell your story

Every portfolio tells a story—whether it’s chronological and starting from your earliest work, or thematic and illustrating the myriad projects you may have worked on over the course of many years. Depending on the roles you’re applying for, you might need a different template to convey your career’s path.

For example, if you’re applying to an art school, you can show the trajectory of how you have grown as an artist and gained experience from your various roles. If you are creating an image-heavy portfolio, you can denote your experiences with filler slides, in order to separate the different eras in your history. When choosing images, it’s better to lean on larger-sized images, which you can then crop or resize within PowerPoint.

Example of a PowerPoint portfolio that incorporates large images.

Conversely, if you are applying for a technical role, you can outline the different roles you have held, and expand on your specific parts in detail. Here, your PowerPoint portfolio adheres closely to the format of a resume , where your portfolio can be broken up into education, experience, skills, training, and other common resume sections. Screenshots of your online work also make for tangible examples of your work that elevate an otherwise staid list of titles and links.

Present a visual narrative

PowerPoint templates make for an attractive, easily customizable starting point to build a portfolio. Different templates emphasize images over text or bullet points—one of the ways that PowerPoint portfolios are versatile enough to be tailored to your creativity. Because PowerPoint can hold plenty of slides, you won’t be limited by page lengths such as in a traditional resume.

Most people are visual learners, and a portfolio is a way for people to learn about you and your work. Therefore, the principles of good design come into play: where your audience will draw their visual attention, and what they see first, will matter when creating slides with biographical details or slides that prominently feature images.

Include a compelling biography

Starting with your title page, place your name in a large, eye-catching font. Then, add a profile picture—especially one that shows you in your best light. This will go alongside your biographical details, which can be at the front of a portfolio, to serve as an introduction, or near the end, if you want to introduce your work first and let it speak for itself.

Example of a biography page in a PowerPoint portfolio.

Here are key elements in writing a bio that is clear, concise, and easy to read by your audience:

The key to a successful portfolio is careful consideration of the details that comprise your personal and professional life. Staying organized can save you a lot of time or confusion when creating your portfolio. Lastly, a portfolio offers more room and opportunities to let your personality shine through, especially compared to a resume or job board posting. By starting with the right PowerPoint portfolio template , you can begin to put your passions on display and find your ideal audience.

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Creative Portfolio Template

As a creative professional, you need a creative portfolio that does it all: a resume that helps you stand out from the crowd, highlights your best work, and shows off your educational background or technical skills. First impressions are vital and an eye-catching portfolio that shows off your best work is sure to have a positive impact.

With our creative portfolio template, you can spotlight your work and skills, as well as show off your creative style. You’ll impress potential clients and employers with a readable, eye-catching creative portfolio that’s easy to customize. 

Use our creative portfolio template to:

  • Showcase your past work
  • Highlight your professional skills
  • Connect with potential clients

Make a great first impression with your creative portfolio presentation

Highlight your work, skills, and personality with a well-designed creative portfolio. Some potential slides to include in your creative portfolio presentation are:


Tips for Customizing Your Creative Portfolio Template

To make the most out of your creative portfolio template, try the following tips.

Your work looks great, but did it meet the needs of the client? Explain what the project goal was and how you fulfilled it in a short text caption.

Your portfolio doesn’t have to include every project you’ve ever completed. Make it easy for clients and employers by keeping it brief and showcasing only your best work.

Before showing off your completed creative portfolio template to an employer or client, proofread it again and again for spelling and grammatical errors. Have someone else proofread it, too.

Someone who is looking at your portfolio will most likely want to contact you. Don’t forget to leave your email address or phone number in your presentation.

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Other presentation templates

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  • Mother's day
  • Father's day
  • Visual chart
  • Architecture
  • Social media
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Portfolio Presentation Design Templates

Popular template categories

  • Infographics
  • White papers
  • Letterheads
  • Newsletters
  • Business cards
  • Human resources
  • Certificates
  • Invitations
  • Table of contents
  • Magazine covers
  • Price lists
  • Album covers
  • Book covers
  • See All Templates
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UX Portfolio Presentation: How to Structure and Present Your UX Portfolio on a Job Interview

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Anett Illés

presentation portfolio examples

During the job application process, you will have to present your work twice. First , remotely, when you submit your portfolio. Second , in person, when you get invited for an interview. Both are important and also correlated: Your portfolio will get you to the interview, where your UX portfolio presentation will land you the job.

Since your portfolio is involved in all stages, you can save lots of time and energy if you prepare it right at the beginning of your job or internship-seeking efforts . If you have a great portfolio, you can send it out with applications and use it to present during interviews .

A UX portfolio presentation is about showing your future employer and team that you can articulate your ideas, process, and concepts in a clear and concise style. You will give similar presentations to stakeholders when you get hired, so this is a crucial part of the hiring process.

The thought of presenting in a high-pressure situation could be scary. But remember that you have been preparing for this since you started working on your UX portfolio. With a little practice, you will nail the presentation and land the job!

Banner showing a screen with an open portfolio

UX leads and recruiters want to hear about your

  • Role : What were your responsibilities in the project?
  • Team : How and who you worked with? (stakeholders, developers, designers, product managers, etc.)
  • Design story : What ideas lay behind your design?
  • Design decisions : How you translated business or user needs into your design?
  • Way of thinking : Why you did what you did during the project?

A case study is the best format to present your work, as it provides wholesome answers to all these questions. Fortunately, a good UX portfolio is made up of case studies.

How to prepare for the presentation?

Forget about printed-out slides! Why would you waste paper when you can bring your computer or tablet to the interview? You can ask any HR manager or team lead: They prefer digital presentations. After arriving at the venue, just ask for the wi-fi password at the reception and you are set.

Screenshot of Max's ux portfolio and a case study

Case studies

Putting together a case study is the best preparation for a portfolio presentation. By the time you are finished, all threads will connect in your mind and you will know the conclusion they lead to. Also, when your thoughts are collected, your interviewers will find it easier to follow along.

For a start, create an outline from the stages listed in your case study. Just remember that you might not have time to present every little detail, so consider the following questions:

  • Which parts are necessary for comprehension?
  • Which part is the most powerful?
  • Which part can help you get the job at hand?

If you spend enough time on your case study, you will know which parts best represent your skills.

Once you know what you want to say, you just have to practice saying it aloud. Do not underestimate the effects of a rehearsal! The more you rehearse the more relaxed and confident you’ll feel. The goal is for you to present a project from beginning to end without having to look at your notes or reading from your case study. In a few attempts, you will be there!

How to structure a UX portfolio presentation in an interview?

Storytelling is at the heart of an outstanding UX portfolio presentation. We collected ten steps with examples to help you present the story of your design in a compelling way. Keep in mind that these examples come from different projects. (You can also see more UX portfolio examples and UX case study examples at UXfolio .)

1. Introduce yourself and give an overview

Start the presentation by introducing yourself, your role, and your specialization. Tell your interviewers what excites you the most about your job and what are your areas of expertise. Then prepare the interviewers for the presentation by breaking down how you’ll structure it.

Finish the introduction by talking about the projects in your portfolio. Share some information about the field (e.g., healthcare, sports) and the project type (e.g., redesign, purchase flow), but do not go into detail yet!

2. Tell which project is your favorite and why

UX leads and recruiters want to hire passionate problem-solvers who can handle the entire design process. So, it is likely that they will ask you to give a walkthrough of your favorite project. You should choose one that excites you and highlights most of your skills.

Before you get into the gist of it, set up the stage by answering the following questions:

  • Why is this your favorite project?
  • What is the project about?
  • Who is it intended for?

Overview of a mock project

3. Talk about the team setup, your role, and activity in a project

Talk about your role and place in the team. Many candidates forget that for most positions they must be effective team workers. There is no better way to prove that than talking about your role as part of a whole.

A section about your role and your team

4. Explain the main challenge

With the background information covered, it is time to reveal the challenge that will tie your design story together. It could be anything from a business issue to a user pain. Just explain it in detail!

Explaining the challenge in a UX case study

5. Describe your process

Start with a brief outline then describe your design process step-by-step without going into too much detail. You don’t have to over-explain every technical detail. Your interviewers are aware of the basics. Instead focus on your why-s, to reveal your thought processes and reasons.

illustrating the design process

6. Mention UX methods and user insights

Listing UX methods without context is the biggest mistake applicants make. For each method, you must share how it influenced your design, otherwise, it is pointless to mention them. Another colossal mistake is forgetting about users after the intro. It is User Experience for a reason, so share what you learned about them and how!

UX methods as part of a presentation

7. Show your solution

When talking about your solution, reflect back to the challenge that you have introduced at the beginning of your presentation. Talk about the pros and cons of all the potential solutions that you have considered and explain why you chose the one you did.

8. Elaborate on one major design decision

This is your moment to shine! You can prove your potential by explaining an impactful or unexpected design decision you took. Underpin your decision with the user needs or pains that necessitated it.

Showcasing a major design desicion

9. Showcase the results

After hyping up the solution in the previous section, it is time to reveal it: Show final screens, feature statistics, and quote the stakeholders. Statistics are particularly important since they prove that your work contributes to shared goals.

10. Share your learnings

Finish the UX portfolio presentation with learnings to show your willingness to grow as a designer. Take an assumption you had when the project started and tell your interviewers how it changed by the end. Even better, tell how these learnings have influenced your process: “Since this project, I always do [this thing in that way] for this reason.”

Banner showing a screen with an open portfolio

Considerations during a UX portfolio presentation

An enormous part of your success depends on the structure of your UX portfolio presentation. However, we cannot deny the importance of the way you are presenting it. Always consider the following things:

  • Time. Consider time as early as the planning phase. It makes a major difference if you have 10 minutes or 30 to showcase your work. Have a plan ‘A’ and ‘B’.
  • Complexity. Present your work in an easy-to-understand way.  You can also give a layout to your interviewers. If the project is in a field with lots of jargon and complex concepts, keep their use to a minimum or explain them in brief.
  • Show excitement. Design leads want to work with passionate people who love and care about what they do.
  • Come prepared and open to common UX designer interview questions. If they ask you about the details, they want to know more about you and your way of thinking – a good sign! They won’t judge you on your design decisions, as they don’t have enough information to do so. They just want to see you have made conscious, well-thought-out decisions.
  • Open the floor for questions. Your interviewers will have questions regardless, so this is more of an act of courtesy.
  • Ask for feedback. Show your openness and your desire to improve. If you can, take some notes as well! And don’t forget to thank them for their time.

Remote UX portfolio presentation tips

More and more companies are open to remote interviews, which some find a blessing, others a curse. The problem is that it is much harder to make a lasting impression remotely than in person. But it is possible! Start by sorting out the basics:

Clean up your act and your room

Though you will be logged in from home, dress up and groom yourself as you would for a regular interview. Tidy up your room too, or at least the part that they will see. The goal is to appear composed.

Close your tabs, bookmarks, and windows

Let’s be honest: when someone shares their screen, our eyes get drawn to their open tabs and open windows. It’s human nature. So, before your presentation starts, close your tabs and sort out bookmarks! They slow down your computer, and you can get lost in them in front of your potential employer. Such a situation can be very frustrating, and it can lead to you losing momentum. Don’t forget about your windows and notifications either!

Test your equipment

Before the interview begins, give a restart to your computer to make sure it’s not overworked. Presenting while your screen is lagging can ruin the entire experience. So, make sure that your camera and microphone are working. Clean your screen and the lens of your camera so you can see and be seen. Finally, find a comfortable angle and good lighting.

Look into the camera and nod

From time to time, look into the lenses of your camera. This the digital equivalent of keeping eye contact with your interviewers. Also, when they are talking to you, nod lightly, so they can see that you hear what they are saying. The rest of your interview should go just as an in-person interview would.

Start building your portfolio today!

UXfolio is the easiest way to build a sleek UX portfolio and case studies. It will help you tell your design story with guiding questions and writing prompts. What’s more, UXfolio provides plenty of stunning solutions for you to showcase your wireframes, prototypes, and UIs. Try UXfolio free today!


10 Best Graphic Design Portfolio Examples + Templates

Every designer has a portfolio that acts as their online resume. It’s what you use to win clients, show off your skills, and differentiate yourself from the other designers.

Graphic design portfolio websites usually look similar. There are elements and sections that are fairly common among them. But, there are a few who go above and beyond to make their portfolios look incredible. And wow their potential clients. This post is all about those designer portfolios.

In this list, you’ll find some of the best graphic design portfolio examples for your inspiration. As an added bonus, we also listed some graphic design portfolio templates that you can use to quickly setup a portfolio website of your own.

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Rui Ma Design


When talking about graphic design, the first thing that comes to your mind is visuals. And this design portfolio makes use of it quite well to make a great first impression.

The portfolio for the US-based Rui Ma design agency features nothing but big and beautiful visuals. The website showcase the agency’s best work in a fullscreen layout with minimum use of text.

Key Takeaways From This Portfolio

  • Choosing the right images to preview your portfolio items is important
  • Using big images is not enough. The way you arrange them on the website also matters
  • Masonry layout is better at showcasing images than a normal grid layout
  • Make sure to have just as great-looking single project page designs

Recommended Portfolio Template: Oscar

Oscar - Template for Startups, Portfolio & Agency

Oscar is a modern HTML template you can use to design portfolios for agencies and startups. Even though it doesn’t look exactly like the Rui Ma website, it has all the key elements of professional portfolio design.

Lois Ansa

The portfolio for the French graphic designer, Lois Ansa is a thing of beauty. It’s made up of a color palette of just two colors— red and white.

The portfolio can be explored one slide at a time. And each slide is presented to you with stylish animations. Even though it uses minimal colors, the website itself is attractive enough to get you to explore the entire portfolio.

  • You don’t have to use lots of colors to make a design attractive
  • When used properly, white space can help highlight your portfolio items
  • Animations can help improve interactions
  • The right font can give a bold look to your portfolio design

Recommended Portfolio Template: Atail

Atail – Unique Portfolio Template

Similar to Lois Ansa’s website, Atail is a website template that also features a slide-based portfolio design. It also comes with a minimalist layout that utilizes white space quite well.


Jim Stahn’s stunning graphic design work is showcased beautifully in a grid layout website. The well-organized, user-friendly interface keeps the focus on his design work.

Jim loves building satisfying graphic design experiences and is passionate about finding exciting, imaginative ways to communicate ideas. Which is clearly shown through the portfolio design.

  • Minimal design highlights the portfolio items quite well
  • Lightweight design offers faster load times
  • Has stylish single page layouts for each case study

Recommended Portfolio Template: Pixpa


This portfolio website is built with the Pixpa online website builder. It allows you to build beautiful portfolio websites without having to worry about any coding. It includes many pre-built templates for you to choose from as well.



We’re not quite sure about what Cathrine was going for with the font choices. But we appreciate the use of vintage-inspired colors and the gradually fading background of this portfolio.

Cathrine Understrup is a freelance branding and graphic designer specializing in low-fi visuals. As you can see, the design of the portfolio is crafted based on the trends of the industry she specializes in.

On a side note, the use of emojis throughout the design makes the portfolio look more fun and entertaining.

  • A quick introduction works as a great header for freelance portfolios
  • Your font choice can say a lot about your creative skills
  • Don’t be afraid to use pop culture elements like emojis in your design

Denton Design

nate denton design

Sometimes, you can say a lot using a single image than showcasing all your projects on the website homepage. That’s exactly what Nathan Denton was going for with his portfolio website.

As a creative director who handles all aspects of graphic and web designs, Nathan was obviously aiming for a more subtle and simple design. Which is why this portfolio homepage features just a large background image with a title and a couple of links. Even the portfolio page of the website uses text titles instead of images to list the projects.

  • With the right background image, you can set the tone for your entire website
  • Creating the site around a theme makes the portfolio look more professional
  • Get creative with design elements like using egg-shaped icon backgrounds and interactive mouse cursor designs

Recommended Portfolio Template: Blon

Blon - Personal Portfolio Template

This portfolio template also utilizes big image backgrounds with bold titles. It’ll help you create a similar portfolio website with large visuals.

Another Colour

another colour

Different creatives use minimalism in different ways. Some use blank space to add a minimal look while others use minimal images and colors. This portfolio uses both.

The Australian design agency Another Colour has a portfolio website that has a very unusual style of design. It features a very simple design that uses bright and colorful gradients. It fits well with the brand name as well.

  • Bright and colorful gradients can help attract more attention
  • There are more than one way to create minimalist designs
  • Animations and effects like auto-scrolling help add personality to your site



Integrating specific art styles and trends also helps make your portfolio stand out and adding a personality to your website. The portfolio for Neuebel&Mark leverage this strategy quite well.

This portfolio website uses a unique style of design taking inspiration from Art Nouveau and vintage design trends. Since the agency specializes in type design, their choice of color and layout fits perfectly with the branding as well.

  • Colors can be used to highlight your text and content more effectively
  • Using trends is a great way to personalize your portfolio
  • Get creative with the shapes and layout of the website

Recommended Portfolio Template: Ukko

Ukko - Personal Portfolio HTML Template

Ukko is a portfolio template that also uses a trendy layout featuring a classic vintage design. It’s perfect for creating a freelance designer portfolio.

Samuel Scalzo

Samuel Scalzo

The dark color theme is a popular trend that we see all around the web. Especially with dark modes introduced to mobile and desktop operating systems, the trend is catching on quickly to websites as well.

Samuel Scalzo, a graphic designer from Belgium, also uses a dark color theme to showcase his work on the portfolio. And it seems to match perfectly with the style of his artworks.

  • The dark color theme is great at highlighting visual content
  • Keep a minimal color palette when using dark designs
  • Typography takes a bigger role in dark mode websites

Recommended Portfolio Template: Bleak

Bleak - Personal Portfolio Template

This creative HTML template comes with a dark color theme. It’s specifically crafted for graphic designers with a modern and elegant look and feel.

Adam Sandoval


The split-screen layout is another popular style of design used in portfolio websites. This particular portfolio website uses the trend in a creative way mixed with animations to make the site experience feel like watching a slideshow.

Graphic designer Adam Sandoval uses a very clever color scheme across his website. The color yellow is often used to attract attention, according to color psychology. The design itself and the website user experience also fits well with the overall design.

  • Leverage color psychology to your advantage
  • Showcasing portfolio items with details side-by-side helps save website space and offer a better user experience
  • Big bold titles help attract attention

Recommended Portfolio Template: Aria

Aria Creative Split Screen HTML Template

Aria is a modern portfolio template that features the same split-screen layout. Except this design has a fixed design but you can customize it to add more sections.

Studio Fables

studio fables

Sometimes an old-school, classic grid design is the perfect way to showcase your portfolio in a simple way. This portfolio website shows you how it’s done.

The French graphic design agency Studio Fables uses a classic portfolio design featuring a grid-based content layout. When clicking on a portfolio item, it opens up an entire page with more details about each project. It’s old-school but works quite well.

  • Classic layouts are perfect for simple portfolio designs
  • Grid layouts help showcase more items in a small space
  • You can design a great portfolio website with just one color

Recommended Portfolio Template: Remark

Remark - Multi Concept Portfolio & Agency Template

Remark is an HTML template that comes with a classic grid portfolio design. Graphic designers can use it to show off lots of images without cluttering the website.

Root Studio


This portfolio website belongs to the UK-based graphic design agency Root Studio. At first glance, it looks like an ordinary website but it has a clever header design that makes this site special.

That Giraffe on the homepage is not an image. It’s actually a video on a loop that fits in perfectly with the website design as well as the brand. The rest of the portfolio design looks quite nice as well.

  • Creative header designs can make your entire portfolio look more amazing
  • Bright and vibrant colors will make your designs pop
  • Casual and friendly website copy can also improve the user experience

Recommended Portfolio Template: Elio

Elio - Creative Portfolio HTML5 CSS3 Template

Elio is a creative HTML template for making portfolios. It may not come with animated Giraffes but it features all the perfect elements for creating professional portfolio websites.

Designing a killer portfolio website takes a lot of creative thinking. Use our tips for improving your portfolio and explore more examples in our best personal portfolio websites list.

Home Blog Business How To Make an Interview Portfolio (Examples + Templates)

How To Make an Interview Portfolio (Examples + Templates)

Cover for How to Make an Interview Portfolio Article

Are you planning your upcoming job interview? If so, it’s important to stay in touch with what recruiters require to showcase your abilities and professional experience in the best format possible. Interview portfolios become a vital asset for any aspiring candidate, as they allow potential employees to showcase their career information in a comprehensive format, much more detailed than traditional curriculum vitae presentations. 

In this article, we will learn how to make an interview portfolio in terms of content and maximize our chances by using PPT templates to create breathtaking graphics. 

Table of Contents

What is an Interview Portfolio?

Structure of an interview portfolio, personal and contact information.

  • Resume and Cover Letter

Proof of Qualifications and Certifications

Work samples, professional recommendations and references, achievements and awards, graphics in interview portfolios.

  • How Do You Make a Portfolio for a Job Interview Using PowerPoint

Regular Updates and Maintenance of the Portfolio

Final words.

An interview portfolio is a collection of things that show off your skills and achievements. Usually, when we hear portfolio , we think of artists with big black folders showing their artwork. But now, portfolios are used in many different fields. It is a way to show who you are as a professional. It is like a record of all the good things you have done at work or in school [1] . It includes tangible evidence of your accomplishments and presents what you have achieved. It acts as proof of your ability to acquire new skills and knowledge.

An interview portfolio goes beyond a traditional resume as it offers a deeper insight into your capabilities. In a career development plan , creating a portfolio helps you get ready for interviews because it makes you think deeply about your career experiences and achievements [2] . When you’re getting prepared for an interview, this process helps you pick out specific experiences that have taught you essential skills for the workplace. At the same time, developing an interview portfolio allows you to see how well your qualifications match the job requirements of your interest. While expanding your interview portfolio, choosing work samples and skills that show you are a good fit for the job you want is important. You can even make different portfolios for jobs you’re interested in [2] . By reflecting on various skills for a job, you might realize there are some skills you need to work on. A portfolio helps you to figure out exactly which skills you need to improve. This can enhance your confidence during the interview, and you can talk more confidently about your goals.

When creating a portfolio for a job interview, it’s essential to include various materials that collectively highlight your skills.

  • Resume or CV
  • Certifications and training
  • Transcripts
  • Testimonials and personal branding elements
  • Professional Recommendations

Structure of an interview portfolio

Depending on your field, you can include specific items in your portfolio to show what you know and can do accurately. Your portfolio can end up being quite significant because of all the things you include. However, it is not appropriate to go through every single item with the employer during an interview. A better idea is to pick out certain things from your portfolio to make a smaller version just for the interview. This smaller portfolio can be shown during the interview to prove skills relevant to the job.

When making a portfolio for a job interview, provide updated contact information. This includes your full name, professional email address, phone number, and LinkedIn profile URL.  A professional headshot also enhances your portfolio by giving it a personal touch. Additionally, you can also add a concise personal branding statement that can establish your unique identity as an applicant.

Personal branding has a significant impact on career success. 85 % of hiring managers say that a job candidate’s personal brand affects their hiring choices [3] . Your personal brand should present what you’re good at, build trust, and show what makes you unique in your current or desired field. A well-written personal brand can decide whether you’re a good fit for the job you’re applying for.

To understand it better, we will use the job interview portfolio of an IT candidate as an example.

presentation portfolio examples

Resume and Cover Letter 

Another vital element of your interview portfolio is your resume and cover letter. A resume summarises your career path, focusing on essential skills, experiences, and accomplishments. On the other hand, a cover letter is a personalized message expressing your interest in a particular job. Both are submitted together.

In a resume, you should highlight your information in an organized and professional manner.  At the same time, you have to customize your cover letter based on the specific requirements of each job you are applying for. Your cover letter highlights how your background aligns with the job posting requirements. This includes explaining your interests in the company that will contribute to its success [4] . Therefore, it would be great to elaborate on relevant points from your resume and express how you would be a valuable addition to their team.

Job interview portfolio slide

Evidence of your qualifications and certifications enhances your credibility as a potential candidate in your interview portfolio. Whether it is a bachelor’s degree, a certificate, or a professional endorsement, they present your dedication in a relevant field. For instance, in the technology sector, certifications like CompTIA A+, Cisco CCNA, or AWS Certified Solutions Architect hold great value in highlighting specialized abilities. Make sure to truthfully present your qualifications and furnish any required paperwork to support your claims.

For example:

John’s Portfolio includes his Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and certifications in Agile Development and AWS Certified Solutions Architect. These credentials validate his expertise in software development and cloud computing, making him a strong candidate for IT infrastructure or application development roles.

Certifications in interview portfolios

Work samples also portray your capabilities and accomplishments in your interview presentation . We suggest choosing projects or assignments that show your skills and achievements relevant to the position you’re applying for.  Provide a reflection statement for every sample included in the portfolio [2] . This statement should briefly describe the sample item and the context in which it was created. Additionally, the reflection statement should offer a detailed list of the competencies developed by the sample. This part of the reflection is crucial as it details the specific skills and abilities highlighted by each portfolio element. Thus, a work sample is a valuable tool in the interview process.

Software developers may include code samples or links to GitHub repositories highlighting their coding proficiency. Network administrators would select diagrams or documentation outlining infrastructure projects they’ve managed.  It is essential to annotate each work sample to provide context and highlight your contributions.

For Example:

John’s work samples include a web application he developed using React.js and Node.js, demonstrating his proficiency in full-stack web development. He also includes a case study detailing a network infrastructure upgrade project he led, highlighting his ability to design and implement scalable IT solutions.

A strong endorsement from a trusted source can significantly enhance your credibility and make a positive impression during the hiring process. Compared to references, recommendations are more in-depth [5]. A reference agrees to provide you with a positive recommendation for a job or program.

You can choose references who are familiar with your recent work. They can provide specific examples of your strengths and accomplishments. You must obtain permission from each reference before including their contact information in your portfolio. An excellent option for a reference could be your current supervisor, colleague, or professor from your college [6] . It is important to present references organizationally, including their name, job title, company, and contact information. 

John’s interview portfolio includes positive recommendations from his previous supervisors and colleagues, highlighting his strong work ethic, technical expertise, and collaborative nature. One of his supervisors writes ,

Recommendation letter for an interview portfolio

Subject: Recommendation for John Doe

Dear Hiring Manager,

I am writing to highly recommend John Doe for the Software Engineer position at your company. As John’s professor for his Thesis at XYZ University, I can attest to his outstanding abilities and dedication to his studies. John consistently excelled in his thesis, demonstrating a deep understanding of software development principles and techniques. His practice projects, like designing a complex e-commerce platform, showcased his exceptional coding skills and problem-solving abilities. What sets John apart is his proactive approach to learning and his eagerness to tackle new challenges.

Beyond his technical skills, John is an excellent communicator and a collaborative team player. He consistently contributed valuable insights during group projects and mentored his peers to help them improve their coding abilities. I do not doubt that John’s combination of technical expertise, passion for software development, and strong work ethic make him an ideal candidate for the Software Engineer position at your company. I wholeheartedly endorse him for this role and believe he will be a valuable asset to your team.

Please feel free to contact me if you need further information or clarification regarding John’s qualifications.

Prof. Jane Smith

Assistant Professor of Computer Science

XYZ University

Email: [email protected]

Phone: (123) 456-7890

Add it to your interview portfolio if you have succeeded in your field. Highlighting your recognitions or awards will prove your value. Achievements such as receiving industry certifications or being recognized for outstanding performance contribute to your credibility in the field. You can include achievements and awards to reinforce your qualifications for the job position.

When explaining achievements and awards, focus on their relevance to the job position and how they describe your capabilities and accomplishments. Highlight any specific skills that were instrumental in earning the recognition. You can also explain how they align with the requirements of the role you’re applying for. Whether it’s a technical accomplishment, leadership recognition, or customer service award, emphasize its impact on your professional development and your ability to contribute effectively to the organization.

John’s interview portfolio features several notable achievements and awards, including winning first place in a regional coding competition and receiving the “Employee of the Year” award at his previous company. These achievements underscore John’s technical prowess, problem-solving abilities, and leadership skills, which are highly relevant to the Senior Software Engineer position he’s applying for at ABC Tech. By showcasing these recognitions, John reinforces his qualifications and positions himself as a top candidate.

They choose the proper portfolio format, whether physical or digital, which is crucial in making a favorable impression during an interview. However, it also depends on the hiring manager or the nature of the job when deciding on the format. Physical portfolios leave a strong impression and provide a hands-on experience. On the other side, digital portfolios offer flexible and simple sharing. The selection depends on the expectations of the industry and company culture.

Regardless of the format chosen, ensure that your interview portfolio maintains a neat, organized, and professional appearance. We suggest using high-quality materials for physical portfolios, such as a professional binder or portfolio case. The applicant must ensure that all documents are well-organized and easy to navigate. For digital portfolios, a visually appealing layout is essential. All files should be appropriately labeled and easily accessible.

How to make a portfolio for a job interview

How Do You Make a Portfolio for a Job Interview Using PowerPoint 

Using PowerPoint templates can be an effective way to create an attractive digital interview portfolio. You can choose a template that complements your content and goes well with your personal branding. Whether it is a PowerPoint or Google Slide Template , you can easily customize it to include your name, contact information, and any relevant branding elements. However, you must ensure readability and avoid overcrowding slides with too much text or graphics. Keeping the design clean and straightforward gives a professional look.

In order to save time and effort, we’ll give you a list of the best-suited Interview Portfolio PPT templates.

1. Curriculum Vitae Job Interview Template for PowerPoint

presentation portfolio examples

Present all the information regarding your professional accomplishments, certifications, work experience, etc., in a highly visual format. Minimalistic slides with bold color combinations – make your career stand out!

Use This Template

2. Interview Portfolio Chronological Resume Template

presentation portfolio examples

If you’re looking for ideas on creating a portfolio for a job interview, this template can simplify the process with a one-idea-per-slide approach. Available in light and dark layouts.

3. Minimalistic Interview Portfolio Slide Deck

presentation portfolio examples

This slide deck includes several placeholder images across the slides, ideal for showcasing work experience for job seekers in creative careers. It is designed for job seekers looking to create a minimalistic portfolio for an interview.

4. Animated Interview Portfolio Resume Slide Deck

presentation portfolio examples

Make your job interview an outstanding experience by using animated slides. This interview portfolio deck is fully compatible with all PowerPoint versions and helps you articulate your information thanks to a clean layout and animated effects.

5. Job Interview Portfolio Box Slide Template

presentation portfolio examples

With three distinctive areas in which to fill your information, these creative slides can convey your information in an extremely concise format.

6. One-Pager Curriculum Vitae Template for PowerPoint

presentation portfolio examples

We conclude this list with this sleek one-pager template to turn your Word-format CV into a powerful slide that leaves a lasting impression. Presenters can customize the color scheme to their preferred choices. Available in light and dark format.

Tips for Presenting the Portfolio During an Interview

When presenting your portfolio during an interview, prepare in advance to ensure a smooth and professional delivery. There are a few tips to remember;

  • Practice discussing each section of your portfolio and be ready to provide context and insights into your work samples, achievements, and qualifications.
  • You have to be early to the interview to set up your physical portfolio
  • If you’re using a digital portfolio, check whether it is accessible on your device.
  •  Confidence is also necessary when discussing your materials, and be prepared to answer any questions as needed.

It is crucial to regularly update your interview portfolio to maximize its impact during the job search. As your skills, experiences, and achievements progress, you may keep incorporating these developments into your portfolio. This will enable you to display your qualifications to prospective employers effectively. Besides, consistent updates will guarantee that your portfolio remains a valuable asset for highlighting your proficiency.

Review your resume, cover letter, work samples, qualifications, and achievements periodically to ensure they accurately reflect your current skills and experiences. You can seek feedback from mentors, peers, or industry professionals to gain insights into areas for improvement and make necessary changes.

Creating a professional portfolio for an interview is a strategic investment in your job search success. From perfecting your CV and choosing suitable samples of your work to showcasing your portfolio with poise during interviews, each stage is crucial in making you a unique applicant in the eyes of potential employers. Remember to regularly update and maintain your portfolio to ensure its relevance and effectiveness in the ever-evolving job market.

[1] Interview Portfolios. https://www.sph.umn.edu/current/careers/students/resources/interviewing/interview-portfolios/

[2] Simmons, A. & Lumsden, J.  Preparing a Portfolio. https://career.fsu.edu/sites/g/files/upcbnu746/files/Preparing%20a%20Portfolio_0.pdf

[3] Joubert, S. (2024) Tips for Building Your Personal Brand, Graduate Blog. https://graduate.northeastern.edu/resources/tips-for-building-your-personal-brand/

[4] Work on my Resume, Cover Letter, and Portfolio. The WCSU Career Success Center. Available at: https://www.wcsu.edu/careersuccess/resumes/ (Accessed: 15 March 2024).

[5] https://ischool.sjsu.edu/career-blog/do-you-need-reference-or-recommendation-heres-how-tell

[6] References and Recommendations. https://career.engr.psu.edu/students/basics/references.aspx

presentation portfolio examples

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presentation portfolio examples


11 digital portfolio examples that’ll inspire your own

  • Ana Cvetkovic
  • 11 min read

Get started by: Creating a portfolio →  | Getting a domain →

digital portfolio examples

They say that comparison is the thief of joy, but in the case of digital portfolio examples, comparison can be quite useful. Exploring how fellow professionals showcase their achievements can inspire fresh ideas that might take your portfolio to the next level.

By studying other online portfolios, you can learn how to make a website  that highlights your best work and paves the way for your next break. Along with these 11 digital portfolio examples that come from Wix users of a variety of disciplines, we’ll share our feedback on why they’re effective and provide a step-by-step guide for how to make your own.

Ready to make a digital portfolio website ? Get started with Wix today.

11 examples of digital portfolios

Kayla Arianne: model digital portfolio example

Rossi Home: interior designer digital portfolio example

George Byrne: photographer online portfolio example

Lauryn Higgins: writer digital portfolio example

Gregory Perreault: academic digital portfolio example 

Cami Ferreol: graphic designer digital portfolio example

Matt Lewis: videographer digital portfolio example 

BLYNK Social: marketer online portfolio example 

Marco Mori: animation digital portfolio example

Sasa Elebea: illustrator digital portfolio example

Tim Bengel: artist online portfolio example

01. Kayla Arianne: model digital portfolio example

Gone are the days of lugging around a book overflowing with tear sheets and test shots to go-sees. Instead, your modeling portfolio  will become your all-in-one showcase. 

Take a cue from Kayla Arianne’s website. The “portfolio” page displays her best shots in a masonry grid, giving casting agents a book that’s easy to scan. When a photo catches an agent’s eye, they can click to enlarge it. In the “digitals” section, Kayla has digitized her comp card, complete with a makeup-free headshot, silhouette shots and measurements.

When creating a modeling portfolio , let your work speak for itself. We like how Kayla’s portfolio includes minimal text so casting agents can focus on her images.

Explore Wix’s fashion website templates  today.

model digital portfolio example

02. Rossi Home: interior designer digital portfolio example

Interior designers know the power of a well-crafted portfolio—it's not just a collection of beautiful spaces, but a key tool in attracting new clients. Your interior design portfolio  should be more than a gallery of images; it should serve as a reflection of your creativity and expertise.

Rossi Home’s portfolio does so much more than just show off beautiful images. Its in-depth design questionnaire showcases the team’s expertise while engaging potential clients in their own project planning. Including a mandatory question about budget cleverly filters out visitors who are not serious about their design needs.

While photos of your projects are essential, remember they can be space-hungry in your portfolio. To keep your portfolio sleek yet informative, take a page from Rossi Home's playbook. Use image carousels to display your work without overwhelming the viewer. This technique lets you share the breadth of your designs without sacrificing the elegance of your presentation.

Find a Wix architecture and interior design website template  that puts your best work forward.

interior design digital portfolio example

03. George Byrne: photographer online portfolio example

As a photographer, your portfolio is your visual symphony, and its design should play a supporting role, allowing your photos to shine. A minimalist approach ensures that your work, not the website's design, captures the viewer's attention.

By giving his portfolio an off-white background and an understated navigation system, George Byrne lets his pastel-hued snapshots do all of the talking. The photographer smartly uses PDFs of publications that have featured his work, drawing attention to glowing press coverage of his work. 

If you’re thinking of monetizing your art, follow George’s lead and add an eCommerce component to your photographer portfolio . With Wix, you can easily set up an online store  equipped with print-on-demand  functionality. This approach would not only display your talent but also serve as a direct channel to engage with and sell to your audience.

Browse Wix’s selection of photography website templates  today.

photography digital portfolio example

04. Lauryn Higgins: writer digital portfolio example

Gone are the days when writers could make a living writing a weekly column for just one publication (we’re looking at you, Carrie Bradshaw). Today’s freelance writers use their digital portfolios to curate and share their best articles, blog posts, stories, poems and more from various publications.

Journalist Lauryn Higgins’ writing portfolio is a master class on how to sell yourself. Her homepage bio highlights her impressive professional accomplishments, which include two Pulitzer Prizes and a professorship. Lauryn markets herself further by dedicating an entire page to her award-winning works.

As you embark on creating your digital writing portfolio (see writing portfolio examples ), remember to streamline the process for potential clients. Following Lauryn's example, offer a downloadable PDF version of your resume. This makes it effortless for prospective employers to save, review and circulate your credentials among key decision-makers.

Put your best work forward by starting with a literary arts website template  from Wix.

writing digital portfolio example

05. Gregory Perreault: academic digital portfolio example 

An academic portfolio is essential for showcasing your scholarly achievements, reflecting on your learning journey and enhancing your professional opportunities. The key to building a great one is to consider your audience and find a sweet spot that blends professionalism with a dash of your unique personality.

Journalism professor Gregory Perreault’s portfolio exemplifies this balance. Gregory highlights his career with a detailed biography covering his present and past roles, a comprehensive list of his publications and dedicated pages for his professional work. His personality is woven into the portfolio's fabric, evident in the bold teal blue background and personal photos from professional events.

Teachers catering to different educational environments and audiences can play even more with design elements. If you’re a kindergarten teacher, for example, you could decorate your portfolio with a more vibrant color palette and even include some of your students’ doodles.

Wix’s education website templates  are designed for professionals at all levels of academia.

academic digital portfolio example

06. Cami Ferreol: graphic designer digital portfolio example

Your digital portfolio as a graphic designer is a direct reflection of your creative skills. Therefore, you’ve got the layered challenge of making a unique site that doesn’t overshadow your work samples.

By using typography to engage visitors, Cami Ferreol shows off what she can do and lets her digital portfolio take center stage. Instead of featuring an image, Cami’s hero fold uses one of Wix’s animation effects to captivate viewers and introduce herself as a multifaceted professional in one sentence.

Remember, graphic design is fundamentally about solving problems creatively. When building your own graphic design portfolio , consider giving a glimpse into your creative process. Cami does this brilliantly by incorporating videos that show her sketching logo designs with a Sharpie. This showcases her raw creative process as well as her proficiency in logo design. Moreover, a simple yet impactful logo made from her initials acts as a testament to her skill in creating memorable brand identities.

Customize one of Wix’s graphic design website templates  today.

graphic design digital portfolio example

07. Matt Lewis: videographer digital portfolio example 

Bite-sized content is all the rage these days, so traditional reels don’t pack the same punch that they once did. With that in mind, consider breaking up your reel into short clips that interested parties can browse through on your digital portfolio. 

See this in action on one of the best portfolio websites  we’ve seen: Matt Lewis’s . The video editor displays his work in a gallery of clips that play automatically when you hover your mouse over them. The added benefit of this approach is that it functions as a visual resume—you can see at a glance that Matt has worked on notable films, such as The Lighthouse and Uncut Gems . 

If you want to imitate Matt’s creative video display, make sure to select a captivating still for each of your video clips. Additionally, ensure that your clips stop playing as soon as your visitor moves their mouse away to prevent the annoying experience of multiple clips playing at once.

Use Wix’s film and TV website templates  to let clients press play on your best work.

videography digital portfolio example

08. BLYNK Social: marketer online portfolio example 

It’s a widely recognized phenomenon that fantastic marketers often struggle to promote themselves. If this hits you right where it hurts, look to BLYNK Social for an example of how to get it right.

BLYNK Social’s portfolio bursts with personality and a results-driven approach, mirroring the case studies featured on their site. Their branding stands out with bold, dopamine-inducing colors like hot pink, candy apple green and baby blue. Their friendly tone of voice emanates from every piece of text on the site.

If you're aiming to craft a marketing portfolio  that draws more business, take a page out of BLYNK's book and let your satisfied clients do the talking. Incorporate testimonials into your homepage, much like BLYNK's stylized speech bubbles, to give prospective clients a glimpse of the positive experiences others have had with your services.

Boost your business with an advertising and marketing template  from Wix.

marketing digital portfolio example

09. Marco Mori: animation digital portfolio example

Marco Mori's animation portfolio is an exemplar of modern design principles, deftly incorporating a dark mode aesthetic. The dark background not only brings a sleek and professional look but also ensures that the colors and details of each piece pop, allowing for a more immersive viewing experience. The choice of a dark theme aligns with current design trends and speaks to an audience accustomed to media-rich, visual content, making it as easy on the eyes as it is engaging.

Each project is given the spotlight it deserves with an enlarged presentation, allowing viewers to appreciate the intricacies and nuances of the animator’s work without the distraction of a cluttered interface. This focused presentation mimics the experience of a gallery viewing, inviting potential clients to pause and absorb the visual storytelling in each piece. It's a digital equivalent of placing work on an easel, where the art commands the viewer's full attention.

Crucially, this animation portfolio  is not just a static gallery; it's interactive. Clicking on an image takes the viewer to a dedicated page that houses all the assets of the showcased project along with the creator’s commentary. This adds depth to the visuals, offering insights into the animator’s creative process and the story behind each project.

Make your digital art portfolio stand out by customizing a Wix graphic design website template.

animation digital portfolio example

10. Sasa Elebea: illustrator digital portfolio example

Sasa Elebea’s portfolio paints a vivid picture of a graphic designer who is not only proficient in her craft but also well-versed in the art of self-promotion. Her press page is a standout feature, acting as a testament to her industry recognition and professional acclaim. It's a smart move that adds weight to her portfolio, showcasing her work through the lens of various reputable publications. 

Sasa’s logo is another element that speaks volumes. It encapsulates her brand identity in a simple, yet powerful visual that is likely memorable and easily recognizable. This kind of branding is crucial for standing out in a competitive field and for creating a lasting impression.

The inclusion of a chat box introduces an interactive dimension to Sasa’s online presence, inviting engagement and providing immediate avenues for communication. This feature conveys her availability and willingness to connect with visitors, whether for potential projects, collaborations or just casual inquiries. It's an excellent tool for building relationships and ensuring her illustrator portfolio  is both seen and interactively experienced.

Want to create a portfolio for your work? Check out Wix’s art and illustration website templates .

illustrator digital portfolio example

11. Tim Bengel: artist digital portfolio example

The internet has transformed art accessibility, diminishing the exclusive role of museums and galleries as art world gatekeepers. This digital era has opened doors for artists like multimedia artist Tim Bengel , whose portfolio doubles as his virtual gallery. By arranging his art into thematic collections on separate pages, Tim creates a virtual experience akin to moving through different rooms in a gallery, complete with easy navigation and smooth transitions highlighting his fondness for gold in his work.

In this new landscape where traditional gatekeepers are fewer, artists have more opportunities to showcase their talent. However, they also face the challenge of distinguishing themselves in a crowded field. To make a mark, it's vital to build a personal brand alongside displaying your artwork. Tim Bengel sets a fine example of this by enriching his digital portfolio with videos and press coverage, showcasing his art, his journey and his distinct presence in the art world.

Get started with one of Wix’s visual arts website templates  today.

artist digital portfolio example

How to create a digital portfolio checklist

To help you channel the inspiration you've gotten from these digital portfolio examples, we've compiled a digital portfolio checklist to guide you as you build your own. 

01. Choose a platform

Your digital portfolio is the virtual stage for your professional story. As such, the platform you choose to build this type of website  on is just as crucial as the work itself. When selecting a platform, scrutinize the customization options it offers. Can you add animations that bring your work to life? Does it provide branding tools like a logo maker to help you carve out your unique digital signature?

Beyond aesthetics, assess the platform's functional capabilities. Look for features like AI text generators for crafting compelling copy, forms for easy contact, or even e-commerce systems if you plan to sell your work. For educators and coaches, the ability to integrate courses could be a game-changer.

Ease of use is paramount—you want a platform that you can navigate and update effortlessly, allowing you to spend more time creating and less time troubleshooting. While cost is always a consideration, weigh it against the platform's ability to elevate your work. A higher investment might yield richer dividends in how professionally and effectively your portfolio represents you.

Sign up for Wix  today and follow this guide as you build your portfolio.

02. Select and build your content

Next, curate the work samples that you want to display on your digital portfolio. Gather high-quality samples that demonstrate the type of work you want to do more of, rather than just the type of projects that you currently take on. For example, if you’re a model who does a lot of commercial work but wants to be booked for more editorial photoshoots, focus on gathering samples of your work in print or online publications.

In addition to showcasing your best work, enrich your digital portfolio with elements that narrate your professional story. 

A captivating bio that can help you connect with viewers

A CV that illustrates your experience and skills 

Contact information for potential clients or collaborators

Testimonials that serve as powerful endorsements and enhance your credibility

If applicable, a clear list of services and rates that set transparent expectations

03. Decide on an appealing structure

Now comes the creative part: deciding how to showcase your work in a way that maximizes its impact. This step goes beyond mere aesthetics; it's about choosing a format that truly complements and enhances your specific medium. 

For instance, if you're an illustrator, a grid layout might be ideal to display your projects, allowing each piece to stand out while forming a cohesive visual story. On the other hand, if you're an academic, a resume-style list could be more effective.

04. Give your portfolio a unique twist

Your digital portfolio is a reflection of you, so make it stand out with distinct branding. To make it truly stand out, infuse it with distinct branding elements that resonate with your unique style. This could mean different things depending on your chosen platform and industry. 

If you're a creative professional, consider adding a headshot that captures your personality. Custom fonts can also add a touch of individuality, speaking volumes about your style and approach. 

Don't overlook the power of color, either—using your brand colors consistently throughout the portfolio can create a cohesive and memorable visual experience. And if you have a logo, prominently displaying it not only reinforces your brand identity but also adds a professional touch.

Use the Wix Logo Maker  to make your digital portfolio stand out.

05. Spread the word

Once your digital portfolio is ready, it's time to share it far and wide. Share it with your professional network by linking to it on your LinkedIn profile. Add a touch of professionalism to your email signature by including the link there as well. Don't forget to showcase it on your social media profiles, where it can reach a wider audience. 

Want to demonstrate to potential clients that you prioritize customer service? Consider adding a QR code to your business card so that your portfolio is just a scan away. 

Create your custom QR code easily with Wix's user-friendly QR code generator .

Key elements of a digital portfolio

A strong digital portfolio should act as a showcase of your skills and experience. To achieve that you'll need to consider including the following elements:

About Me:   A brief introduction highlighting your career goals, unique selling points and contact information. This should be informative but concise.

Work samples:   This is the core of your portfolio. Choose high-quality pieces that best represent your abilities.  For fields like design, photography, or illustration, focus on impactful visuals. Writers can showcase excerpts of their written work and programmers might include code snippets or links to functional projects.

Project descriptions:  Briefly explain the context and goals of each project you showcase. Briefly highlight the challenges you faced and the solutions you implemented.

Skills section:   List your key skills and relevant technologies you've mastered. Consider using progress bars or icons to visually represent your proficiency level.

Testimonials:   Positive quotes or short testimonials from past clients or employers can add credibility to your work.

Clean design:   Keep your portfolio visually appealing and easy to navigate. Use a consistent color scheme and well-organized layout. Check it's mobile-friendly for on-the-go browsing.

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18 of the best design portfolio examples

The best design portfolios come in all shapes, sizes and formats.

Studio Thomas website that says 'design for bold brands'

Getting your portfolio right is vital – it can be the difference between getting hired or not. If you need to update yours, we definitely think looking at a few examples is a good place to start, which is why we've collated this list of the best design portfolios around.

We've included portfolios from creatives of different disciplines, including illustrators, studios and freelance designers. Each excels in different elements, for example, while one may have stunning aesthetics, another may have a brilliant user experience. 

To start building your design portfolio, you need a platform to create it on. In which case, you can see our best website builder post or you can head over to the best portfolio templates or WordPress portfolio themes , which have pre-existing templates. But for now, just scroll down to indulge in some of the best design portfolios, listed in no particular order.

Top design portfolio examples for inspiration

01. bruno simon.

Screenshot of design portfolio created as a driving video game

Paris-based creative developer Bruno Simon has approached his portfolio in an unexpected way. You can actually drive a virtual car between his projects and experience using a keyboard. In 2019, it won Site of the Year at  awwwards , and it's not hard to see why. We wouldn't recommend this type of portfolio to everyone, but if you can make the design of your portfolio show off the skills you want to highlight, then you should.

Gust design portfolio with text saying creative strategy

Gus is a creative strategy company rather than a straight design site, but we think there are plenty of lessons to be learned from its brilliant site. It's cleverly laid out on a grid, and strikes an irreverent tone while giving the reader exactly what they're looking for, with an easy to navigate UX. We particularly like the ' frequently asked questions ' section.

03. Good Habit

Good Habit design portfolio

London branding and design studio, Good Habit , has a fun and fresh portfolio that beautifully displays its work. A plainer Studio section outlines what the studio does, while the brands section displays projects with large format photography intermixed with sections of texts. It really works.

04. Studio Feixen

Studio Feixen, one of the best design portfolios

This Switzerland based design studio is absolutely jam-packed full of fun and characterful work. Studio Feixen perfectly showcases its vibrant work with a mix-match style portfolio that abstains from a 'less-is-more' approach. Despite the examples being framed in a range of different sized shapes on the portfolio page, the site still looks cohesive.

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05. RoAndCo

Design portfolio: RoAndCo

Founded by creative director Roanne Adams, NYC-based RoAndCo offers beautifully crafted design, branding and creative direction to clients in fashion, beauty, tech and lifestyle. Viewing RoAndCo’s portfolio is an experience in itself, in keeping with the studio's work ethos. Projects are presented in an editorial-like fashion, allowing the viewer to flick through split-screen images, animated web presentations and full-screen video. It's a carefully considered design portfolio and a pleasure to view, whether you're browsing on a computer or a mobile device. 

06. Robin Mastromarino

Design portfolios: Robin Mastromarino

Paris-based interface designer Robin Mastromarino employs some neat UI animation touches to keeps things fresh on his design portfolio site. His projects appear as though they're on a wheel, juddering into view, which is an engaging effect. The images in each case study respond to scrolling by warping slightly. It's an effect that we wouldn't recommend for every creative, but for a UI design specialist, this strikes the right note and gives a taster of what the designer can do. 

07. Active Theory

Design portfolios: Active Theory

Entering Active Theory 's portfolio website is like visiting a whole other world. It employs a moody, almost cyberpunk aesthetic throughout, and to great effect. From the atmospheric homepage animation with mouse-activated glitch effects to the trippy About page, the setting all gels together to form a cohesive package. The studio keeps things cleaner for its project pages. Each example features a full-screen animation overlaid with a short blurb and relevant links to further information, including detailed case studies hosted on Medium.

08. Raw Materials

Raw Materials portfolio site screenshot of 3D models of people

Raw Material' s site is a feast for the eyes. The Work section is particularly fun, with more detail on projects shown through diagrams and images. We also like the 3D models in the 'Hello' section, which also appear in 'Contact'. Overall it's a fun fresh site that makes the studio stand out from the crowd.

09. Velvet Spectrum

Design portfolio

Velvet Spectrum is the online moniker of visual artist and designer Luke Choice. He shows that simplicity can also make an impact on his homepage, which shows a montage of uber-colourful thumbnails that lead through to visually arresting super-size examples of his work for maximum impact. The black background keeps things clean and helps the work stand out. It makes for a simple but highly effective design portfolio.

10. Locomotive

Design portfolios: Locomotive

Locomotive , a studio based in Quebec, Canada, specialises in crafting digital experiences, so it's taken care to make its design portfolio site an all-round delightful and engaging experience. Playful, entertaining animations bring the site to life, and not just on the homepage. It seems like thought and effort has been put into every detail. Little surprises keep the viewer's interest while they browse through the site, making this a perfect example of how animated flourishes can be used effectively without them becoming gimmicky or distracting.

11. Studio Thomas

Design portfolio

Named after its two creative directors, Thomas Austin and Thomas Coombes, Studio Thomas in East London creates visual communication for both physical and digital worlds. Its portfolio is a superb example of Brutalist web design with plenty of neat touches. Projects are presented in an orderly but eye-catching way with clear visuals and wireframe models. The site perfectly reflects the studio's explorative and experimental attitude, and it backs up the studio's claim to offer "design for bold brands."

12. Buzzworthy Studio

Buzzworthy Studio, one of the best design portfolios

Describing itself as a "badass digital studio in Brooklyn", Buzzworthy Studio really needed to come up with the goods to back up that claim, and happily, its portfolio does the job. It features dazzling web techniques from the off. Bold typography and animation combine to grab your attention, and a strong eye for aesthetics ensures that viewers stick around to explore all of Buzzworthy's projects. It's one hell of a calling card.

13. Xavier Cussó

Xavier Cussó design portfolio, one of the best design portfolios

This stunning portfolio site for Barcelona-based designer Xavier Cussó was built by Burundanga Studio. It shows off Cussó's work with bold colours, in-your-face typography and practically every animation and parallax scrolling trick in the book. But that doesn't make it feel overloaded. The animation makes and impact and maintains the viewer's attention throughout.

14. Merijn Hoss

Merjin Hos portfolio landing page

Illustrator and artist Merijn Hoss takes a more pared-back approach, but his design portfolio is still very effective. Hoss creates beautifully detailed psychedelic works of art, but his profile presents his work in quite a simple, clean format. It's one of the most traditional approaches we've included on this list of design portfolios and isn't nearly as flashy as some of the previous examples, but it works well because the colourful thumbnails really pop out of the gallery's white background, putting the focus on the artist's work. Click the thumbnails, and large project images and a short description are revealed. Hoss's design portfolio is proof that you don't need all the bells and whistles to make an impact.

15. ToyFight

Design portfolio: ToyFight

Manchester-based studio ToyFight uses a number of whizzy effects – from parallax scrolling to animated transitions and even 3D rendered versions of the studio's founders fighting each other. All of this could threaten to overwhelm the work on show, but seeing as it's been executed with such visual humour and panache, the site is a joy to explore. This is a good lesson in how personality can also sell creatives'  work.

16. Made Thought

Made Thought design portfolio, one of the best design portfolios

The London and New York-based contemporary branding and design studio Made Thought shows that bigger can definitely be better with a portfolio that's impossible to ignore. With an onslought of text and images facing you straight away, that then gives way to stunning examples of work. It certainly feels modern, aided by the fact the studio regularly updates its portfolio site to keep it looking fresh.

17. Malika Favre

Malika Favre's design portfolio

Illustrator Malika Favre uses a full-screen edge-to-edge tapestry of thumbnails to entice visitors into viewing her vibrant artwork in more detail. The colours and layout already draw attention, while the arrangement of animated pieces within still artworks serves even more to keep eyes on the screen. Once clicked, the thumbnails reveal a full-screen gallery presentation of the work featured. It's displayed on complementary coloured backgrounds that show off her work to great effect and makes for a bold, colourful presentation that grabs the viewer's attention.

18. Yul Moreau

Design portfolio: Yul Moreau

Born in Seoul, based in Paris and "raised by the '80s", Yul Moreau has a portfolio site that grabs your attention from the off with its splendidly garish background montage of retro video. This single-pager does a brilliant job of showcasing the art director's work, combining video, images, clever scroll effects and detailed text explanations to give a complete overview of his work.

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Ruth spent a couple of years as Deputy Editor of Creative Bloq, and has also either worked on or written for almost all of the site's former and current print titles, from Computer Arts to ImagineFX. She now spends her days reviewing mattresses and hiking boots as the Outdoors and Wellness editor at T3.com, but continues to write about design on a freelance basis in her spare time. 

  • Rosie Hilder

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15 Inspiring Teaching Portfolio Examples (Plus How To Create Your Own)

Show them what you’ve got.

Collage of teaching portfolio examples, including traditional digital portfolios

Every teacher, from the newly licensed to those with years of experience, should have a teaching portfolio. It summarizes your career and achievements in ways that go far beyond a resume. But this valuable tool isn’t just for those who are actively job-searching. Here’s why and how to create and maintain your own, plus lots of helpful teaching portfolio examples for inspiration.

What is a teaching portfolio?

A teaching portfolio is a tool that highlights your strengths as an educational professional. It can be a binder of paper-based materials, neatly organized and presented. Or, as is increasingly more popular these days, it can be digital, including videos and other multimedia elements. Most teachers use portfolios when they’re interviewing for a new position as a way to demonstrate their abilities and achievements.

Why should you create a teaching portfolio?

If you’re actively searching for a new job, you probably already have a portfolio on hand. You can take it with you to interviews to show real examples of yourself in action—lesson plans, pictures and video, notes from kids and parents, and more. These can all help potential employers get a more thorough picture of you as a candidate.

But even teachers who aren’t currently job-searching should keep their teaching portfolio up-to-date. By documenting your professional development, you can show you’ve met the criteria for a promotion or other opportunity for advancement. Plus, it pays to be prepared. Creating and updating a teaching portfolio takes time, and it’s much easier to add to yours a little bit at a time than to build a brand-new one from scratch if you’re suddenly facing the job market again.

More than that, though, updating a portfolio gives you a chance to reflect on your achievements and identify opportunities for improvement. You get a chance to look over your entire journey as an educational professional and celebrate your successes. This can be a real benefit during those times when being an educator is a little more challenging than you bargained for.

What does a strong teaching portfolio include?

Example of teacher portfolio (How to Become a Teacher)

Source: Sharing Kindergarten and Teach Starter

Every teaching portfolio is different. The goal is to show your experience from many angles, and highlight your achievements. Try to include quality real-life examples to prove the points you want to make about yourself as an educator. Here are some common elements to consider:

Philosophy of Education

Each teacher should give some thought to the question “What is your teaching philosophy?” Include it at the beginning of your portfolio, and ensure the examples you provide throughout support that philosophy. See 30 Philosophy of Education examples here to get you started.

Career Summary

This is similar to a resume but can provide much more detail. This is the place to show the subjects, grades, and ages you’ve taught, with lists of topics and material you covered. Be sure to highlight any courses you built from scratch, plus any significant professional development you’ve completed.

Teaching Samples

Here’s the place to include a few particularly strong lesson plan examples and samples of materials like worksheets you personally created. For digital portfolios, include a few well-chosen videos of you in action in the classroom.

Student Work

While you don’t want to stuff your portfolio full of endless student projects and materials, you should choose some representative samples that you’re particularly proud of. Include some work that shows how you provide feedback to help students improve, such as proposed edits on essay drafts or notes on incorrect answers.

Evaluations and Communications

This section is the place for positive communications like thank-you notes from parents and students, as well as statements from colleagues or supervisors about your achievements. Include student evaluations, as well as any documentation you have showing student progress under your instruction.

Professional Achievements

Have you published articles in a journal or written a textbook? Do you have a thriving TeachersPayTeachers store or a blog with thousands of followers? Show off your influence in this section of your portfolio. Plus, list any awards, honors, speaking engagements, committees, and other ways you’ve been recognized for excellence.

How do I choose materials for my portfolio?

When you start putting together your teaching portfolio, keep in mind that the goal is to provide evidence of your teaching experience from a wide range of sources. As you gather and organize material for your portfolio, you’ll get a better sense of what you want to include. Here are some tips to help you get started:

  • Be honest: When you’re putting together your teaching portfolio, you don’t want to exaggerate your experience or qualifications. You don’t need to look perfect! Your portfolio should be an accurate and fair representation of your teaching career. Tell the world all about your successes, but don’t omit the losses. Instead, focus on how you’ve learned from negative experiences. 
  • Choose wisely: Include materials that show the many aspects of your teaching. Be selective and put some real thought into this. It’s much better to have a strong set of well-chosen materials than a large collection of documents that are unfiltered and overwhelming to the reader.
  • Get organized: Your teaching portfolio should have a clear structure that makes it easy for readers to find what they want to review. Include a table of contents and headers to keep everything in order.

Teaching Portfolio Examples

Still not sure how to start, or looking for new ideas? Check out these top-notch teaching portfolio examples from real educators. Each has its own style and reflects the personality of its creator. You’re sure to find some inspiration!

Personal Website Portfolio

Digital or online teaching portfolio

This digital portfolio has a clean presentation with simple navigation. The professional appearance really helps to sell this person as a potential hire. With strong examples, lesson plan samples, and videos, this teacher presents herself in the best possible light.

Learn more: Gretchen Seibel

Traditional Teacher Portfolio

Pages from a teaching portfolio example of an elementary school teacher, showing pictures of her classroom

If you’re looking for examples of a traditional teaching portfolio, this one is organized in a binder with lots of pictures and samples of work. We love the “A Peek Into My Classroom” section, which shows various areas like learning centers, seating setups, and more.

One caveat: This teacher includes an “About Me” page with information about their religion and family status. We don’t advise including that sort of information in your own portfolio, as this can potentially lead to illegal discrimination in hiring practices. Keep your portfolio focused on your career, and let your personality show through your achievements and examples.

Learn more: Sharing Kindergarten

Google Sites Portfolio

digital teaching portfolio example

Digital portfolios should be well organized and make it easy for people to learn more about you. Share the link on your resume or cover letter, and bring a tablet or laptop with you to interviews so you can show it off there too. Primary Paradise has tons of great tips for creating a quality portfolio using Google Sites, a free and easy hosting option.

Learn more: Primary Paradise

Free Editable Portfolio

editable teaching portfolio example

Finding a template that you can customize to your liking can save so much time. This template from Teach Starter is free! It also includes sections on behavior management, parent communication, assessment and tracking, and teacher collaboration. This example has lots of in-depth sections, and you can choose the ones you want to include.

Learn more: Teach Starter

Portfolio Templates for Elementary

Two page spread from an elementary teacher's portfolio, showing parent communication examples

This completely customizable template is available for purchase on TpT. Reviewers note that it helped them create and organize their own stand-out portfolios. Just remember to make sure your own personality and achievements really show, regardless of the template.

Learn more: The Lemonade Stand Teacher

Digital Professional Teaching Portfolio

A digital teaching portfolio example showing social studies and economics lesson plans

This digital portfolio example includes an array of subjects, helping to show this teacher’s diverse experience. Lots of quality images help illustrate her achievements.

Learn more: Megan Carnaghi

Art Teacher Portfolio

This art teacher portfolio would also work for other “special” teachers, like those who teach music, physical education, and more.

Print Student Teacher Portfolio

In this video, a teacher who was newly hired into her first role shows off the portfolio that landed her the job. If you’re just finishing up your student-teaching experience, this example is for you.

Digital Student-Teacher Portfolio

Page from a digital teaching portfolio, sharing the teacher's Teaching Philosophy

Check out this example of a digital portfolio for a student teacher looking for their first job. This example highlights a teaching philosophy, student work, classroom management, reference letters, and more.

Learn more: Cassandra Burke Teaching Portfolio

Well-Organized Portfolio

Teaching portfolio example showing colorful organizational tabs and an introductory cover page

When you’re using your portfolio during an interview to help illustrate a point, you don’t want to be fumbling through the pages to find what you need. The colorful tabs in this binder make it a lot easier to navigate. Be sure you know your portfolio’s contents inside and out, so you can refer to it easily and naturally.

Learn more: Luckey Frog Learning

Substitute Teacher Portfolio

Sarah Chessman substitute teacher portfolio

Not looking for a full-time position? Or are you looking to transition from part-time to something more permanent? This teaching portfolio created by Sarah Cheesman might be perfect for you! Not only does it cover substitute teaching work, it highlights other related professional experiences as well.

Learn more: Sarah Cheesman

Hybrid Teaching Portfolio

Two pages from a traditional-style teaching portfolio that's been turned into a PDF

This traditional-style portfolio has been digitized into a PDF, so it can be accessed from anywhere. It’s extremely comprehensive, with lots of valuable information for potential hiring schools to consider.

Learn more: Holly Factora’s Portfolio

World Language Teacher Portfolio

Teacher portfolio website showing positive student feedback examples

If you teach a world language or specialty class, this example may be more helpful to you. This Spanish teacher included comments from students and information on engaging class activities.

Learn more: Tyson Hazard, Spanish Instructor

Portfolio Update

In this YouTube video, a third-year teacher reviews what she included in her portfolio when she was searching for her first job. Throughout the video, get tips on revisiting and updating your teaching portfolio.

Experienced Teacher Portfolio

In this video, a teacher with several years of experience shows off her detailed portfolio. An awesome feature in this portfolio is the use of a QR code to link to a digital website or portfolio!

Looking for more? Here’s How To Become a Teacher, From Choosing a College to Landing a Job.

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Make a terrific impression and highlight your talents, skills, and achievements using these teaching portfolio examples as inspiration.

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Here at Slidesgo we think that art is one of the most beautiful things in this world. Art is in our DNA, so we’d like to help our fellow artists boost their portfolios with this new free template we’ve just designed.

You’ll find it very easy to display your experience and studies thanks to our simple but effective layouts. An elegant portfolio makes an impression on everybody, so the typography we’ve chosen for titles conveys just that. You’ll need to include pictures of your work, and that’s why we’ve set up some slides in such a way that you can exhibit your masterpieces easily. The main colors are light gray and a reddish gray, which provide a formal look to the presentation. Start editing this template to create your own digital portfolio and show what you’re capable of.

Features of this template

  • A formal template with an elegant title font and minimalist layouts
  • 100% editable and easy to modify
  • 17 different slides to impress your audience
  • Contains easy-to-edit graphics and maps
  • Includes 1000+ icons and Flaticon’s extension for customizing your slides
  • Designed to be used in Google Slides and Microsoft PowerPoint
  • 16:9 widescreen format suitable for all types of screens
  • Includes information about fonts, colors, and credits of the free resources used

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