presentation of certificate script

Award Ceremony Script: Tips and Examples for a Memorable Event

  • March 8, 2023
  • Education , Emcee , Goodness , Program

Award Ceremony Script

Table of Contents

Award ceremony script.

We’ve all been to award ceremonies, those special events where people come together to recognize outstanding achievements. The ceremony is a crucial element of the occasion – celebrating success and recognition for the honorees. But what goes into crafting a successful award ceremony script? It takes more than just a few words on paper; it requires thoughtful consideration of the event’s audience and purpose. In this article, we’ll explore the components that go into creating an effective and engaging award ceremony script.

Several elements are involved in creating an impactful script, from choosing the right words to set the tone. With careful planning, you can ensure that everyone attending feels welcome, honored, and appreciated. Additionally, you should consider the atmosphere of your event and consider how best to communicate your message to truly capture its essence.

Finally, it’s important to remember that every award ceremony is unique. Whether you’re honoring individual accomplishments or celebrating a milestone achievement as an organization, no two ceremonies will be alike – so make sure your script reflects your specific event! With this guide, you’ll be well-equipped to craft an effective award ceremony script that will leave everyone feeling inspired and proud.

Sample Program Script “Award Ceremony Script”

Welcome to the 2023 Awards Ceremony , celebrating excellence in [field/industry] . We have an exciting day planned for you, filled with inspiring stories of triumph, dedication, and perseverance.

To begin, please welcome [MC/host name] , who will be your guide for the day.

[MC/host name] : Good day, ladies and gentlemen, and welcome to the 2023 Awards Ceremony. It’s an honor to be here with all of you tonight as we celebrate the incredible achievements of our nominees and winners.

Before we begin the presentation of awards, I would like to take a moment to recognize our sponsors, without whom this event would not be possible. [Name sponsors and thank them for their support.]

Now, let’s get down to the business of the day. We have an impressive lineup of nominees this year, each of whom has made significant contributions to [field/industry] . It’s my pleasure to introduce the first category of the day, [category name]. Please give a warm welcome to our presenters, [presenter names].

[Presenter 1] : Thank you, [MC/host name] . It’s an honor to be here tonight to present the award for [category name]. Our nominees this year have demonstrated exceptional talent, skill, and dedication to their craft.

[Presenter 2] : That’s right, [Presenter 1]. And the nominees for [category name] are [list nominees and provide a brief description of their achievements].

[Presenter 1] : And now, without further ado, the winner of the [category name] award is… [open envelope and announce winner’s name] . Congratulations!

[Presenter 2] : Well done, [winner’s name]! Would you like to say a few words?

[Winner’s name] : Thank you so much for this incredible honor. I want to dedicate this award to [thank specific people, organizations, or causes] . I could not have achieved this without their support and encouragement. Thank you again.

[MC/host name] : Thank you, [Presenters 1 and 2], and congratulations again to [winner’s name]. Our next category is [category name] , which honors [description of category]. Please welcome [Presenters 3 and 4].

And so the day continued, with each presenter announcing the nominees and winners of their respective categories. The ceremony also featured performances by [name of performer/entertainment act] and a special tribute to [name of honoree/cause]. As the day drew to a close, the MC/host returned to the stage for the final remarks.

[MC/host name]: What an incredible day it has been! I am in awe of the talent and achievements we have celebrated here tonight. To all of our nominees and winners, congratulations, and thank you for inspiring us with your hard work and dedication.

Before we wrap up, I would like to thank our event staff and volunteers, who worked tirelessly to make this day possible. And once again, thank you to our sponsors for their support.

As we say goodnight, let’s remember the power of perseverance and the importance of recognizing excellence. Thank you for joining us and have a safe journey home.

Event Planning

When it comes to event planning, a lot goes into ensuring it runs smoothly. From selecting the date and location to crafting the script, every detail needs to be carefully considered.

First, let’s start with the basics: selecting the date and location. This can often be the most difficult part of event planning, as you need to make sure everyone is available on that particular day. You also need to consider any other events that might be happening in the same area and try to avoid scheduling conflicts. Once these details are sorted out, it’s time to move on to the script.

Writing a script for an award ceremony can be quite tricky as you want it to reflect both your organization’s values and also make sure all attendees enjoy themselves. It’s important to create a balance between recognizing those who have achieved success and providing entertainment for guests. Consider adding some features such as music, drama, or comedy acts, depending on what suits your organization best.

Now that you’ve got all of the details in place, it’s time to finalize your script and get ready for your award ceremony! Make sure you go over it several times before the big day so you can iron out any issues or typos that may arise. With a well-planned script ready, your event should run smoothly, and everyone will have an enjoyable experience!

Venue Set Up

Once the script is finalized, it’s time to prepare the venue for the award ceremony. This involves setting up seating arrangements, decorations, and any other necessary items. It’s important to make sure everyone has a comfortable place to sit and that the decorations look inviting and in keeping with your organization’s brand. Additionally, you’ll want to ensure enough refreshments are available throughout the event.

To ensure everything goes smoothly on the day of the event, assign someone responsible for overseeing all of the venue setup tasks. This person should double-check that everything is in place before guests arrive and be available throughout the event in case any issues arise. It’s also a good idea to plan for any potential problems by having extra supplies at hand, just in case.

Once all of these preparations are complete, you’re ready for your award ceremony! With a well-thought-out script and a properly prepared venue, your guests will feel welcomed and entertained during their time at your event. Make sure to thank everyone involved in making it possible; after all, an award ceremony only works if everyone involved does their part!

Program Content

Now that the venue has been set up, it’s time to focus on what will be included in the program content of the award ceremony. The script should include an introduction of your organization and a brief overview of why you are hosting the event. It’s also important to recognize any special guests or honorees who will be present.

Next, you’ll want to provide details about any awards that are being handed out. This could include a description of the criteria for each award, as well as biographical information about each recipient. If you’re awarding multiple prizes, make sure you have enough time allotted for each award presentation so that all recipients get their due recognition.

Finally, it’s important to close out your event with a few words of thanks and appreciation for everyone involved. Make sure everyone knows how much your organization values their contributions and hard work by highlighting specific achievements or moments during the ceremony. When guests leave feeling appreciated and inspired, they’ll remember your event long after it ends and will be eager to come back next year!

Inviting Guests And Speakers

At this stage, it’s time to extend invitations to those who need to be present at the award ceremony. Invitees should include any special guests or honorees, as well as any speakers who will give presentations or remarks. You’ll want to make sure these individuals are aware of the event specifics, such as the date, time, and location.

It’s also important to consider inviting members of the media to cover the event. This may help increase visibility for your organization and help spread the word about your mission and goals. Be sure to provide them with all relevant information in a timely manner so that they have enough time to plan their coverage accordingly.

Finally, you’ll want to reach out to those in your organization who will be responsible for setting up the venue and coordinating other logistics for the event. Having a plan in place ahead of time is key for ensuring that everything goes smoothly on the day of the ceremony. Make sure everyone involved knows what they should be doing and when they should do it!

Emcee Instructions

Once you’ve invited all the necessary guests and speakers, you’ll need to assign someone to serve as an emcee for the ceremony. It’s important to provide thorough instructions for the person who will be in charge of introducing presenters, keeping track of time, and leading the audience through the event.

Begin by giving them a detailed rundown of the event’s agenda. This should include information such as the order in which speakers will appear and any remarks they plan to make. You’ll also want to provide specific cues on when they should introduce each speaker, such as clapping or playing a particular song.

The emcee should also be given notes on how to interact with the audience throughout the ceremony. Make sure they know how to encourage active participation from attendees and keep everyone engaged in what is happening on stage. Additionally, they should understand their role in conveying your organization’s message during their interactions with those in attendance.

It’s essential that your emcee is well-prepared before taking center stage. Be sure to review these instructions with them prior to the award ceremony so that everything goes off without a hitch!

Awards Presentation

Now that all the introductions have been made and the emcee is well-prepared, it’s time to move on to the awards presentation. This part of the ceremony is a great opportunity to recognize individuals or groups who have made significant contributions to your organization.

Start by having the emcee explain why each award recipient is being honored and what they have done to deserve recognition. Be sure to include any remarks from members of your organization about why their work has been so impactful. This will help create a more meaningful moment for everyone involved.

As you present each award, give a short speech that celebrates the accomplishments of the recipient and acknowledges their efforts. Allow them time to say a few words before moving on to the next person or group. If possible, include photos or videos that illustrate their achievements during this part of the ceremony as well.

Encourage audience applause and thank everyone for taking part in this special event. Make sure that you take a few moments at the end of the ceremony to thank all of your guests, speakers, and award recipients once again for helping make this occasion memorable!

Music And Lighting

Music and lighting play an important role in any award ceremony. The right music can set the tone and add to the overall atmosphere of the event. Lighting, on the other hand, helps create a focal point in each room and can be used to draw attention to different elements during your ceremony.

When selecting music for your event, consider what kind of mood you want to create. Do you want something upbeat or calming? Something traditional or modern? Make sure to pick songs that fit with the theme of your ceremony and reflect the accomplishments you are celebrating.

Lighting is also key to creating a memorable experience for your guests. Consider adding spotlights or up-lighting around the stage area for award presentations, or using color-changing lights for added effect. These techniques will help make your ceremony feel more professional and engaging for everyone in attendance.

No matter what type of music or lighting you select, remember that it should enhance – not overpower – the moment. When done correctly, both can be used to emphasize special moments throughout your event and create an atmosphere that celebrates success!

Timing Considerations

When planning an award ceremony, timing is a key factor to consider. It’s important to ensure that each element of your event flows smoothly and that you don’t run out of time before everyone has been recognized. Here are some tips when it comes to timing:

First, plan the order of events carefully. Schedule time for each award presentation, speeches, and any other activities. This will help you stay on track throughout the event. Consider assigning someone to keep an eye on the clock so they can alert you if you’re running behind schedule.

Second, allow ample time for questions or remarks from recipients after their awards have been presented. You want them to be able to share their thoughts with the audience without feeling rushed or pressured. Finally, be sure to leave extra time at the end of your program in case it runs longer than expected or something unexpected happens.

In summary, paying attention to timing before and during your event will help keep everything running smoothly and ensure everyone is properly recognized for their achievements.

Pre-Recorded Video Clips Or Photos

Another important element to include in your award ceremony is pre-recorded video clips or photos of each recipient. This can be a great way to add a personal touch and make the event more memorable.

When using this idea, it’s important to plan ahead and allow enough time for the videos or photos to be created before the event. Additionally, you’ll need to figure out how the videos will be displayed during the ceremony. Will they be projected on a screen? Or will you have someone manually show them one by one?

Either way, make sure that you give yourself plenty of time to test out any technical aspects of your plan prior to the event. This will help ensure that everything runs smoothly when it comes time for the awards presentation.

Additionally, if there are any long-distance recipients who won’t be able to attend in person, having their video clip or photo shown during the ceremony can help make them feel included and appreciated despite their absence.

After Party Ideas

To cap off the award ceremony in style, why not consider planning an after-party? This can be a great way to give the recipients and their guests a chance to celebrate their accomplishments and have fun.

When organizing an after party, you’ll want to think about what kind of atmosphere you’d like to create. Do you want it to be more formal or laid-back? Would it make sense to include food and drinks? Or would you prefer for everyone to just mingle and chat?

The decorations are also something to consider. You could go with something simple like balloons and streamers, or add some extra pizzazz with custom banners or light displays. These details will help create a festive atmosphere that will make the event truly memorable for your guests.

Once you’ve worked out all of these details, all that’s left is for your recipients to enjoy their well-deserved recognition—and have a great time doing it!

Frequently Asked Questions

How much should i budget for the event.

When budgeting for an event, it’s important to consider the scope of the event and what you’ll need to make it successful. There is no one-size-fits-all answer to how much you should budget for an event, but there are certain factors that can help guide your decision.

First and foremost, think about your end goal. What do you want to achieve out of this event? Depending on the scope of the outcome you’re hoping for, your budget may vary. For example, if you’re looking for a more elaborate setup with high-end decorations and catering services, that will naturally require more resources than an intimate gathering with fewer decorations and simpler snacks.

You’ll also need to think about any additional costs associated with the event. Will there be a fee for renting out a space or any other equipment? Do you need to hire performers or speakers? All of these expenses should be accounted for in order to ensure that your budget is adequate. Remember that some things may be more expensive than expected; having a bit of extra money in the budget can help cover unexpected costs.

In determining how much money should be allocated towards the event, it’s important to remember that no two events are alike. Consider all the components involved and determine what would best suit the occasion while staying within a reasonable budget. With careful planning and thoughtful consideration of all aspects involved, you’ll be able to create an enjoyable experience without breaking the bank.

What Type Of Awards Should I Present?

Deciding what type of awards to present is an essential part of planning an award ceremony. There are many different types of awards that can be given out, ranging from certificates and trophies to plaques and medals. It is important to choose the right type of award so it will be meaningful and appreciated by the recipient.

When selecting the types of awards, it’s important to consider the occasion, budget, and audience. For example, if it’s a corporate event with a large budget, a nice trophy or plaque might be appropriate. On the other hand, if it’s a school event with a limited budget, certificates may be more suitable. Additionally, you should tailor the awards according to your audience; for instance, things like medals or unique gifts might make sense for younger recipients while elegant crystal pieces may be preferred by older awardees.

It’s also important to think about how many awards you plan on giving out. Depending on how many people you plan on honoring during the ceremony, you may need multiple variations of each award type so everyone receives something special and unique. You can customize awards as well by adding logos or special messages that commemorate their achievement. It is these details that will make your award ceremony memorable and successful!

What Are Some Good Ways To Engage The Audience?

Engaging the audience is an important part of putting on a successful award ceremony. There are several things you can do to make sure your guests are entertained and involved in the event. One great way to get people involved is to have them vote on different awards or categories. This allows them to feel like they have some control over the outcome and makes the ceremony more fun for everyone.

You can also encourage participation by having people give short speeches, stories, or jokes about the winners. This will help keep people engaged and interested in what’s happening on stage. Additionally, if you have a big enough venue, you could even try hosting a game or two that involves audience members competing against each other for prizes related to the event.

Finally, music can be used as a powerful tool for engaging your audience. Consider playing some songs from popular artists who are relevant to the occasion and encouraging everyone to sing along or dance together as a group. This will create an atmosphere of unity and entertainment that will make your award ceremony unforgettable for all those involved!

How Do I Ensure The Event Runs Smoothly?

Ensuring an event runs smoothly is a priority for any organizer. It’s important to plan ahead and consider every detail for a successful outcome. There are several steps that can be taken to make sure the ceremony goes as planned.

First off, it’s beneficial to create a timeline and checklist of all the tasks that need to be completed. This will help to keep track of all the necessary details, such as setting up chairs and audio equipment, providing refreshments, or printing out programs. It’s also important to involve volunteers or staff in the process so that everyone knows what needs to be done and when.

Another way to make sure things run smoothly is to have a rehearsal before the event starts. This will help ensure that everyone involved – from speakers and performers, to technical people – knows their roles and how they should interact during the ceremony. Allowing time for a dress rehearsal will also give participants an opportunity to work out any kinks before showtime.

Finally, it’s essential to have someone who can act as coordinator on the day of the event. They should be in charge of checking that everything has been set up correctly, making sure all audio equipment is working properly, and overseeing any last-minute changes that may arise due to unforeseen circumstances. Having someone with good project management skills in this role will help ensure that the ceremony runs according to plan without any unexpected hiccups or delays.

What Do I Need To Consider When Selecting A Venue?

Selecting the right venue for an event is a crucial part of the planning process. It can mean the difference between a successful event and one that falls flat. When selecting a venue, there are several considerations to keep in mind.

First, you’ll want to ensure the venue is large enough to accommodate your guests. If you’re expecting a large crowd, it’s important to make sure the space will be able to comfortably hold everyone who will be attending. Additionally, you need to think about how accessible the venue is; if it’s not easily reached by public transport or doesn’t have plenty of parking available, this could cause problems on the day.

Next, consider any additional features that may be needed such as catering services or audio-visual equipment. You don’t want to be caught short when it comes time for the event so make sure that all necessary amenities are available at the chosen venue. Finally, take into account any restrictions on noise levels or other regulations which may apply at different venues; these need to be taken into consideration before making your final decision.

When selecting a venue for an event, it’s important to ensure that it meets all of your needs from size and accessibility through to additional amenities and regulations. Taking each of these factors into account beforehand will help guarantee that your award ceremony runs smoothly and successfully on the day.

To ensure that your award ceremony is a success, it’s important to take into account several aspects. Firstly, you need to consider your budget and decide how much you can afford for the event. Secondly, think about what type of awards you want to present and how best to engage the audience during the ceremony. Lastly, selecting an appropriate venue is key in ensuring everything runs smoothly.

Once all these elements are covered, you’ll be ready to host a successful award ceremony! With careful planning and attention to detail, you’ll be able to throw an event that everyone will remember fondly.

At the end of the day, it’s all about creating a memorable experience for everyone involved. So go ahead and create an amazing day that celebrates the people or organizations who deserve recognition – they won’t forget it!

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Award Certificate Wording

An award certificate has many uses. The award certificate wording used on the certificate can vary based on the situation. Each of our free certificate templates comes with sample wording however, you might want to replace the sample text with your own text.

certificate wording

The following certificate wording text can help you write a certificate of appreciation , a certificate of recognition , and a certificate of completion .

Certificate of Appreciation Wording

The most commonly used format for a certificate of appreciation has the wording “Certificate of Appreciation” at the top of the certificate and centered on the page. Below this, the standard format includes “Presented to” with the recipient’s name, followed by “Presented by” and the name of the certificate issuer. The date and signature go at the bottom.

Here are some sample certificate of appreciation words for various purposes:

Generic Certificate of Appreciation

This type of certificate is a go-to document that can work in nearly any type of situation where you want to recognize what someone has accomplished. It can be used for schools, sports, or in a professional setting. The generic certificate of achievement should list the name of the recipient along with the name of the person or organization awarding the certificate. It should also have a brief explanation of why the certificate is being awarded. It’s also important to include the date of the award. Many people also like to add the location of the award, especially if the certificate is being presented at a special event.

Certificate of Appreciation for Employees

A certificate of appreciation for employees is similar to the generic certificate. But because you’re using it to award employees for specific goals met on the job, it gives you the option to customize the certificate for your particular business. You can add a background that represents your company’s colors or motto. This type of certificate also allows you to customize the text based on the specific achievement of the employee.

Certificate of Appreciation Wording for Employees

  • This award certificate is presented to [Recipent’s Name] with great appreciation for your extraordinary service and dedication at [Company Name].
  • Presented to [Recipent’s Name] for her valuable contribution toward the successful implementation of our company’s excellent quality assurance programs.
  • Awarded to [Recipent’s Name] in appreciation of the outstanding service rendered as field consultant for our company’s corporate planning division.
  • This certificate is awarded to [Recipent’s Name] in recognition of valuable service in the Legal Department. We sincerely appreciate your contribution to our company’s success.
  • Presented to [Recipent’s Name] in recognition of his outstanding performance and dedicated service while serving as president of the Marketing Division. Your valued contribution to our company is a constant source of pride.
  • Presented to [Recipent’s Name] in appreciation of your diligence, dedication, and efforts.

Years of service certificate wording

  • This is to certify that [Employee’s Full Name] Has completed [Number of Years of Service] of Outstanding Service To [Organization Name]. In recognition of your unwavering commitment, dedication, and exceptional contributions over the years. Your steadfast loyalty and hard work have played a significant role in our success and growth. We express our deepest appreciation for your continued support and service. Your enthusiasm and dedication have inspired us all.
  • In Recognition of [Number of Years of Service] Years of Dedication and Commitment. This certificate is awarded to acknowledge your exceptional service and unwavering dedication to [Organization Name]. Your journey with us has been marked by excellence and a commitment to our shared goals. Throughout your tenure, you have consistently demonstrated the values of [Organization Name] and have been an inspiration to your colleagues. Your contributions have been invaluable to our success, and we are truly grateful. We extend our heartfelt appreciation and look forward to many more years of collaboration and achievement together.
  • Certificate of Appreciation Presented to [Employee’s Full Name] In Recognition of [Number of Years of Service]. Your dedication and commitment to [Organization Name] have been truly remarkable. Thank you for your valuable contributions and continued service.
  • This certificate is awarded to [Employee’s Full Name]. In recognition of [Number of Years of Service]. Your loyalty and dedication have made a lasting impact on [Organization Name]. We appreciate your years of service and commitment.

Certificate of Appreciation Wording for Volunteers

  • Awarded to [Recipent’s Name] for volunteering to serve as a community developer with [Organization Name]. Your time and effort is much appreciated.
  • This certificate is awarded to [Recipent’s Name] for your dedication, hard work, and efforts in [Name of the program].
  • Awarded to [Recipent’s Name] for dedicating time and effort as a [Position] with [Company Name]. We will always appreciate your input.
  • This certificate is awarded to [Recipent’s Name] for serving as a volunteer in the capacity of [position title]. We appreciate your dedication, hard work, and efforts.
  • Awarded to [Recipent’s Name] for outstanding efforts in the volunteer program.

Certificate of Recognition Wording

The certificate of recognition has a similar format to the certificate of appreciation. Important items like the names and the reason for the certificate are centered on the page and in large print. The date and signature of the issuing party are in smaller print at the bottom.

Sample Certificate of Recognition Text

Here are some recognition award wording examples:

  • This is to certify that [Recipent’s Name] has shown exceptional performance in our training program. The skills and knowledge she demonstrated are an important contribution to the success of our program.
  • Proudly awarded to [Recipent’s Name] for being a member of the board of directors of [company name] for ten years now. Your efforts are highly appreciated.
  • This is to certify that [Recipent’s Name] has shown exceptional performance in our PR training program. We wish you all the best for a successful career ahead!
  • This certificate has been awarded to [name] for exceptional performance in the customer service department. The skills and knowledge she demonstrated are an important contribution to the success of our company.
  • Presented to [Recipent’s Name] for showing outstanding accomplishments in our sales department.

Generic Certificate of Recognition

A generic certificate of recognition can be used for school, work, or any situation where you want to recognize someone’s efforts. It provides a tangible document to show what the recipient did to be recognized. The document should include the reason for the award, along with the names of the recipient and the person issuing the award.

Student certificate of recognition

A student certificate of recognition has a similar design to the generic option but is specially designed to recognize academic achievements. It includes all the information previously mentioned, but may also include the grade of the student, the subject in which they are being recognized, and other personal information specific to the circumstances.

Sample student recognition awards wording:

  • This certificate is awarded to [Student Name] for outstanding performance in class.
  • This certificate is presented to [Student Name] for commendable and consistent progress in all his/her classes.
  • The principal, teachers, and the students of [School Name] are proud to present this certificate to [Student Name] for excellent performance in all her subjects.
  • Awarded to [Student Name] by [School Name], in recognition of outstanding performance and participation in sports during the year 2022-2023
  • Presented to [Student Name] for the commendable and consistent progress in all her/his classes.
  • Citizenship Award Certificate of Citizenship This certificate is awarded to [Student’s Name] for demonstrating exceptional character, respect, and responsibility, and for being a role model to fellow students. Date [School’s Name] [Principal/Teacher’s Signature]
  • Leadership Award Certificate of Leadership This certificate is presented to [Student’s Name] in recognition of exemplary leadership qualities, outstanding service, and positive influence on peers and the school community. Date [School’s Name] [Principal/Teacher’s Signature]
  • Most Improved Student Award Certificate of Most Improved Student This certificate is awarded to [Student’s Name] in recognition of remarkable progress and improvement in academic performance, showing dedication and perseverance. Date [School’s Name] [Principal/Teacher’s Signature]

Certificate of Completion

A certificate of completion is designed to provide proof that someone completed a course, a program, or an event. These certificates can be used in a professional setting, for school courses, or for other uses. They have the same basic information with the reason for the certificate at the top, usually in bold and noticeable font, with the names of the recipient and issuer centered underneath.

Generic certificate of completion

A generic certificate of completion shows that the recipient completed an assigned task, class, course, or another event. The generic certificate can be used in many situations and it allows you to customize the document based on the event. These certificates are simple to make and can include as little or as much information based on the circumstances. A certificate of completion should include the date the task was completed along with some basic info on what was accomplished.

Certificate of Achievement Wording

Certificate of achievement wording examples.

  • This certificate is proudly presented to [name] for an honorable achievement in [title]
  • This is to certify that [Recipent’s Name] has performed exemplary in [achievement or task title].
  • Our organization is honored to award [Recipent’s Name] full certification as an [title].
  • Proudly awarded to [Recipent’s Name] in recognition of the outstanding performance and [title] achievement throughout the [title] period.
  • This certificate has been presented to [Recipent’s Name] for becoming the first [title]. We thank him/her a lot for the contribution he/she has made to make our cause successful and wish him/her the best in his/her future endeavors.
  • This award is presented to [Recipent’s Name] for outstanding achievement in [title] during the [event name] held at [place] from [date] to [date].

Sample Winner Certificate Text

  • This certificate has been awarded to [Recipent’s Name] for sailing above the competition to become the winner in [competition name] held at [place] on [date].
  • This is to certify that [Recipent’s Name] took the winning position during the [contest name] held at [place]
  • This certificate is awarded to [Recipent’s Name] for winning the [contest name] that took place at [location] from [date] – [date].
  • This certificate has been presented to [name] for taking first place during the [year] [competition name] held at [location].
  • This certificate is presented to [Recipent’s Name] in recognition of his/her outstanding effort in [competition name].

Certificate of Excellence Wording

Here are some certificate of excellence wording examples:

1. Academic Achievement:

This Certificate of Excellence is proudly presented to

in recognition of outstanding academic achievement during the [School Year/Semester]

Your dedication to learning, exemplary performance, and commitment to excellence have set you apart as a shining example for others to follow.

Certificate of Academic Excellence

This certificate is awarded to

in recognition of outstanding academic achievement during the

In appreciation of your dedication to learning, exemplary performance, and commitment to excellence, we hereby acknowledge your exceptional accomplishments.

Your unwavering pursuit of knowledge and your consistent pursuit of excellence have set a commendable standard for your peers to aspire to. Your academic achievements are a testament to your hard work and dedication.

2. Employee Performance:

This Certificate of Excellence is awarded to

in appreciation of your exceptional dedication, exemplary performance, and unwavering commitment to our organization’s success.

Your hard work and dedication have consistently exceeded expectations, making a significant impact on our team and our mission.

3. Volunteer Service:

Presented to

in gratitude for your selfless dedication and outstanding contribution to our community.

Your tireless efforts and unwavering commitment have made a meaningful difference in the lives of many.

4. Sports or Athletic Achievement:

This Certificate of Excellence is proudly awarded to

for demonstrating extraordinary skill, sportsmanship, and determination in [Sport/Activity].

Your hard work, perseverance, and dedication to your sport have led to remarkable achievements that inspire us all.

5. Leadership and Innovation:

in recognition of your exceptional leadership, innovative thinking, and invaluable contributions to our organization.

Your vision, dedication, and commitment to excellence have paved the way for success and growth.

6. Artistic or Creative Achievement:

This Certificate of Excellence is presented to

for demonstrating outstanding creativity, artistic talent, and a commitment to excellence in [Art Form].

Your artistry and passion have enriched our lives and the world around us.

7. Customer Service Excellence:

for consistently providing exceptional customer service and exceeding customer expectations.

Your dedication to delivering outstanding service has made a lasting positive impression on our customers and our organization.

Feel free to customize the wording to suit the individual or organization you are recognizing and to add any relevant details such as the date and signatures.

How to Change the Award Wording

When you open our free certificate maker, you will see sample award wording for each template. To change the award wording, double-click on the text and replace it with your own text.

presentation of certificate script

How to Use Award Certificates to Motivate Students

School certificates, certificate templates, graduation certificates, certificates for kids.

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How to Present an Award

Last Updated: May 7, 2023 Fact Checked

This article was co-authored by Patrick Muñoz and by wikiHow staff writer, Danielle Blinka, MA, MPA . Patrick is an internationally recognized Voice & Speech Coach, focusing on public speaking, vocal power, accent and dialects, accent reduction, voiceover, acting and speech therapy. He has worked with clients such as Penelope Cruz, Eva Longoria, and Roselyn Sanchez. He was voted LA's Favorite Voice and Dialect Coach by BACKSTAGE, is the voice and speech coach for Disney and Turner Classic Movies, and is a member of Voice and Speech Trainers Association. This article has been fact-checked, ensuring the accuracy of any cited facts and confirming the authority of its sources. This article has been viewed 106,347 times.

Giving out an award is a huge honor, so you likely want to do a great job. When you’re presenting an award, it’s important to keep the focus on the winner rather than yourself. Start your award speech by introducing the award and what it’s for. Then, announce the winner and why they won. Additionally, make sure that your information is accurate and concise.

Writing and Practicing Your Speech

Step 1 Make sure you know how to say the recipient’s name correctly.

  • If the person knows about the award, talk to them directly to verify that you have correct information.
  • If the award is a surprise, you can still talk to the person, but be vague about the reason. It may be helpful to talk to people who know them well, like a coworker, supervisor, classmate, teacher, or close relative.

Step 3 Avoid talking about yourself during the award speech.

  • For instance, don’t say things like, “I taught her everything she knows,” “This is a great day for me because I hired her,” or “I always knew he was going places.”

Step 4 Keep your speech short to keep the focus on the award.

  • This is especially true if the winner will have a chance to give an acceptance speech. You don’t want to eat into the time they have for their speech.

Step 5 Practice your award speech so you know it fits within your time limit.

Variation: You might also film your speech so you can look for areas that you can tighten up or improve.

Introducing the Award

Step 1 Check that the award is correct and right side up before going onstage.

  • For instance, you might cradle a statue or plaque between both of your hands.
  • If the award is an unframed certificate, you might carry it on open palms or keep it in a folder to protect it until you hand it out.

Step 3 Explain what the award recognizes and who is giving it.

  • You might say, “Every year we honor an employee who went above and beyond for our clients. This award celebrates the sacrifices and dedication of one employee who exemplified our company values over the past year.”

Variation: If you're presenting the award because of your position or credentials, briefly introduce yourself and your position to establish your credibility. This boosts the prominence of the award.

Step 4 Praise the hard work of everyone considered for the award.

  • Say, “This has been our most successful year as a company, and it’s because of the hard work and dedication of our entire team. Each of you deserves credit for helping us get to this point, but one employee’s achievements stand out from the rest.”

Announcing the Winner

Step 1 Begin with a funny or personal story about the recipient.

  • You could say, “The first time I met this person it was on a video conference. They’d traveled across the world for a business trip, but a client needed to meet that day. Instead of rescheduling, this person stayed up late into the night so they could attend the client meeting over Skype.”
  • If you’re going for a funny story, you might say, “What we do around here is serious work, but that doesn’t mean we can’t have fun. The person who’s receiving this award knows how to make people laugh. When we were going through our audit last quarter, they put a smile on everyone’s face by putting rubber ducks in the fountain outside our office. It was a small gesture, but it helped us get through a difficult week.”

Step 2 List the person’s accomplishments first if the winner is a surprise.

  • Say, “This award goes to a person who lives our values. They put clients first and never hesitate to help a coworker in need. This year they made 30% of our sales and completed half of our customer service calls. On top of that, they’re the only employee in the history of the company to ever receive a business opportunity grant. Please applaud for the winner of the VIP Award, Ms. Alison Dean.”

Tip: Ideally, the audience should slowly realize who’s name you’re about to call.

Step 3 Announce the winner’s name first if it’s a special award.

  • You might say, “Today we’re here to honor Diego Lopez for his efforts to build a new community center. Mr. Lopez organized fundraisers, energized the community, and overcame obstacles to bring hope to his neighborhood. Thanks to his efforts, 75 students are currently enrolled in after-school programs at the center, and a new program for the elderly is set to open next week.”

Step 4 Congratulate the winner on receiving the award.

  • You might tell them, “Congratulations on this well-deserved accomplishment.”

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Here Are 25+ Examples of the Best Certificate Wording

Have you yet to decide what to write on your certificate? Here you have ready-made texts. Just copy and paste it!

Ola Kozielska avatar

Author Ola Kozielska

Updated: April 23, 2024

Here Are 25+ Examples of the Best Certificate Wording cover image

Ola Kozielska

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The words that describe a certificate need to be as unique as the hands that hold it. But using these few words to convey what you have in mind can be more challenging than it looks.

Here are sample texts for your certificate tailored to celebrate every success of your recipients. Copy and paste them!

Why right certificate wording is so important?

Certificate wording is just a few sentences (usually one or two) in which you must fit all the most critical information about the certification. This section describes what the certificate is all about and what its recipients achieve by receiving it.

Your certificate's text shows the official recognition and significance of the document. A well-crafted statement can help you achieve emotional impact and make your recipient feel appreciated.

Don’t have a certificate design yet? Crafting certificates with Certifier is a piece of cake. Sign up for free and get your dream certificate. (Certifier automates the sending process as well!)

Blue CTA certificate

Text samples of perfect certificate wordings

So here they are – the examples of certificate wording for your certificate that you can easily use as your blueprint. Make them your inspiration. Take it, copy it, and then tweak it using your creativity.

Certificate of Appreciation

With the certificate of appreciation , you want to show your gratitude to the receiver. It should express your thankfulness for the recipient’s hard work and unwavering commitment. The message should be written in a way that makes them feel special.

Certificate of appreciation text samples.

#1 Academic dedication

This certificate is proudly presented to [recipient name] . Thank you for your dedication to the academic community. You have become an exceptional member of [university] whose deeds will forever leave a beautiful mark.

#2 Gratitude for outstanding work

In recognition of reaching an all-time sales record for their departmental division, we gladly award this Certificate of Appreciation in Sales to [recipient name] for [her/his/their] outstanding efforts in generating leads and closing sales. It is our pleasure to have [recipient name] on our sales team, and we wish [her/his/their] much-continued success in your bright future.

#3 The appreciation for passion

This certificate is proudly awarded to [recipient name] . Your passion for contributing has been a source of endless inspiration. With great admiration, we present this gesture of gratitude. Your heartfelt efforts for [company] have not gone unnoticed."

#4 High school diploma

You've nailed it! Waving goodbye to textbooks and exams, we proudly present this diploma to [recipient name] . Your hard work paid off and now step into a world of endless opportunities.

#5 University degree

With your nose to the grindstone, you've reached a milestone. This certificate is proudly given to [recipient name] . Embrace this degree in [academic title] as a symbol of diligence, wisdom, and triumph over every academic challenge.

See how to make a certificate of appreciation in this video:

Certificate of Achievement

With the certificate of achievement, you celebrate the success and accomplishment of the receiver. It illustrates their hard work and determination to reach the goal. It's a moment of joy that will forever be a part of their memory. Include it in your certificate message.

Certificate of achievement wording.

#6 Sports achievements

This Certificate of Achievement in [sports category] is awarded to [recipient name] . Your exceptional skill, relentless dedication, and spirited teamwork have led our [team name] to victory. Keep shining!

#7 Arts and creativity successes

Your canvas reflects your soul, your dance, and the rhythm of your heart. We applaud your creative spark with this Certificate of Achievement. This certificate is awarded to [recipient name] for [his/her/their] creative brilliance and artistic achievement in [art form] . Your work continues to inspire and captivate.

#8 Academic achievements

Brains and brilliance! You've cracked the code of success. With pride and admiration, we present this certificate to [recipient name] . Your outstanding achievements in [subject or course] reflect your intelligence and persistence. Keep going!

#9 Certificates to volunteers

In honor of your tireless volunteer efforts, we award this Certificate of Achievement to [recipient name] . Your kindness and dedication have made a world of difference, and your outstanding Service inspires us all.

#10 Leadership qualities

Recognizing the outstanding leadership qualities of [recipient name] . This Certificate of Achievement is awarded with pride. Your vision, guidance, and ability to motivate others have driven our [team name] to success. Through thick and thin, we are grateful for your guidance.

Certificate of Recognition

The recognition certificate is an affirmation of the role and exceptional work. Show your recipient what they have brought to your organization or community to make them feel valued.

Certificate of recognition text samples.

#11 Employee of the Month

You're the star of the stage. With great pleasure, we award this Employee of the Month certificate to [recipient name] for constantly surpassing expectations and displaying exceptional dedication to our [company name] .

#12 Years of dedicated service

Like a vintage wine, the value grows. This Certificate of Recognition is awarded to [recipient name] . We celebrate your [number of years] ongoing commitment to [company name] . Your dedication has made us who we are today.

#13 Remarkable contribution

With deep respect, we award this certificate to [recipient name] for your valuable contribution to [project or cause] . Your work has touched lives and made us proud.

#14 Exceptional performance

You are rising above and beyond! Recognizing [recipient name] for your remarkable effort to [project or cause] . Your outstanding performance has truly made a difference.

#15 Community engagement

This certificate is awarded to [recipient name] in recognition of your high level of community involvement. Your efforts to build connections, foster relationships, and positively impact [community name] reflect the spirit of collaboration and compassion.

Certificate of Completion

Certificates of completion confirm that the recipient has successfully completed a course, training program, or project. It marks a significant step in their personal or professional development – and says a lot about their drive to complete the program.

Certificate of training text sample wording.

#16 Training program

You came, you learned, you won! Congratulations to [recipient name] for completing the [training program] . This certificate reflects your growth during this training program and the expertise you got in [training subject] .

#17 Personal development

Recognizing [recipient name] for successful completion of the [workshop name]. Your eagerness to grow and develop new skills has not only benefited your professional life but has also been an inspiration to others in the workshop. Your journey toward self-improvement is commendable, and we are honored to have been a part of it.

#18 Specialized skill development

Awarded to [recipient name] for completing the [course name] . Your dedication to mastering this skill has expanded your capabilities, and we are excited to see how you will apply this knowledge in your future endeavors.

#19 Internship completion

Awarded to [recipient name] for completing the [internship program name] . We are glad that you have taken your first steps in our company. Your hard work and dedication have been invaluable to our team.

#20 Language course completion

This certificate is proudly presented to [recipient name] for completing the [language course name] . Your commitment to learning and mastering a new language is an achievement of intellectual growth destined to serve you well in the future.

Certificate of Participation

Even if the particular event or course does not qualify as a competition, a certification of participation can be given to your recipient as a thank you. You can express gratitude for their engagement and active role, e.g., in a workshop or marketing conference . Let them know how grateful you are for choosing your services. And leave a lasting impression.

Certificate of attendance wording.

#21 Workshop attendance

Congratulations to [recipient name] for your active attendance and contribution to [workshop name] . Your participation brought life to our discussions and enriched the experience of all. Thank you.

⭐️ If you're looking for more inspiration on workshop certificate wording, here's a link to the workshop certificate templates hub.

#22 Conference participation

Voicing thoughts, sharing wisdom, connecting minds. This certificate appreciates [recipient name] lively involvement in the conference. Your perspectives and collaboration added depth to our event.

#23 Science Fair participation

This certificate is awarded to [recipient name] for your commendable participation in the [event name] . Your innovative project and scientific curiosity have contributed to the success of this event and inspired those around you.

#24 Cultural festival involvement

Awarded to [recipient name] for spirited participation in the [event name] . Your engagement in promoting and celebrating cultural diversity has added richness and joy to our community gathering.

#25 Team-building retreat

This certificate is presented to [recipient name] to appreciate your enthusiastic participation in our [event name] . Your creativity and team spirit played a crucial role in making this event both – enjoyable and successful. Thank you.

Expert tips for crafting the best certificate wording

Keep a few things in mind when creating the certificate text. Check out this list to verify that you get all the important details to make your message stand out.

Make it clear and precise

No one likes a confusing message. Avoid fancy words and keep them plain and easy to understand. Use straightforward language and avoid unnecessary jargon to guarantee the meaning is clear.

Less is more

Don't overdo certificate text with words. The more precise you are, the more influential the message. So keep it short and sweet. Convey the message in as few words as possible. Excessive wording can only blur the point.

Fit the text in the space

You've got a space to fill, but you don't want it to look all cramped or too empty. Check that the text fits comfortably in the layout. Play around with fonts and sizes until it looks just right.

Stay formal but friendly

The certificate is a formal document – that’s for sure. But you don't need to sound like a robot. Keep it professional and warm. You can still reflect on the significance and respect associated with the certificate in a friendless manner.

Give the context

Provide the reader with context so they understand what the certificate covers. For example, if the certificate is given after attending a mobile development course, highlight that with appropriate skill tags. They'll catch the recruiter's eye (helpful for those looking for a job in a mobile application development company !).

Watch out for mistakes

Typos and grammar slip-ups can really ruin the show. Give it a good once-over, or ask somebody to check it. It's crucial to proofread your certificate to ensure there are no mistakes and that it is polished from every angle.

Don't use generic phrases

Your recipients acknowledge something unique, so make the words memorable too. Steer clear of those tired, old phrases that don't say much. Explain what the certificate gives the recipients, what type of expertise they get, etc., so that the reader gets a brief overview of what this certificate means.

Let the words do the talking

Now you know what is the magic behind creating the certificate text that conveys the message you want to include. With no fuss.

Remember, you're celebrating someone's hard work or special moment. Put some heart into your certificate wording, have fun, and you'll come up with a certificate that your recipients will treasure.

What do you write on a certificate?

What is the best wording for a certificate of appreciation, how to write a certificate example, how do i write a certificate of achievement, what wording should i use for a recognition certificate for outstanding accomplishments, can free certificate templates be customized with specific certificate text for academic excellence.

Ola Kozielska avatar

Content designer. At Certifier, Ola crafts user-friendly content that makes complex information easy to grasp.

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Award Presentation Speech

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Jim Peterson has over 20 years experience on speech writing. He wrote over 300 free speech topic ideas and how-to guides for any kind of public speaking and speech writing assignments at My Speech Class.

award presentation speech

Presentation Speech Topics For Award Ceremonies

Presentation speech template including eleven speech topics for presenting an award, prize or gift to a happy recipient leading to a brief photo opportunity in the end. Bear in mind that you have to be short and sweet epitomizing. Each of the public speaking speech topics take two or three sentences maximally. The layout in this tutorial helps an enchanted public speaker to set up a good and aesthetically ceremonial award presentation.

  • The first remark you have to make is a commenting to the occasion. Refer why you are here together, refresh their memories a bit by stipulating why this is such a special day. Enforce the power of the delightful purpose of this meeting, and the happy recipient.
  • Explain in your presentation speech what the award represents. Be brief, since the audience has read the invitation and publicity material. Describe these underlying elemental public speaking power factors:
  • Describe the organization you are representing. Tell why you are privileged to present. Make your speech personal, offer personal thoughts, experiences and feelings.
  • Praise the recipient. Present outstanding contributions, achievements or records that are relevant. Adapt them to the goals and meaning of the ceremonial special occasion .

Explain why the contributions are outstanding or unique. What offers did it take the winner? Refer to special qualifications and to similarities with other recipients.

Again: keep it short – 3 minutes for your award speech will do most of the time. Although it even can be somewhat shorter.

  • Mention the reasons for choosing her or him as recipient. Link the contributions to the meaning of the honor.
  • Make a concluding characterization by telling a compelling story or anecdote in the presentation speech text.
  • Ask if the receiver will come forward and declare her or him the winner.
  • Link the previous speech topics to what the prize gift stands for. Tip: read the inscription out loud and show the golden medal, the engraved plaque, the recognition trophy cup, or the certificate words.
  • At the end of your address congratulate her or him.
  • Hand over the award, prize, diploma, certificate or gift card.
  • Shake hands with the person or group being honored. Schedule a brief photo opportunity and smile to the camera! After the ceremony you could allow a small interview to invited journalists.

Finally, of course give the winner the opportunity to speak after your award presentation speech address. And start clapping your hands to express your honest approval after she or he has completed the thank you phrases.

Keep smiling all the time.

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  • Tell a story about the significance of the award.
  • Pronounce names of the recipients correctly.
  • Provide background on the recipient.
  • Hold the award respectfully and hand it to the recipient as if it were a treasure.
  • Wait to invite the recipient to the lectern until you formally introduce them.
  • Stand so the audience can see the recipient and the award clearly.

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Trophies, Plaques and Medals at K2 Awards

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How to Present Plaques and Awards

employee presentation

So, you’ve browsed our collection of award plaques and found the perfect one to customize. Now it’s time to figure out just how you’re going to present these trophies and awards.

Acknowledging someone (or multiple someones) with an award is a special gesture. It should be celebrated as such with a planned event or ceremony. Whether the occasion is a fancy affair or an intimate get-together, it should be organized and thought out. But unless you’ve done it before, planning how to present an award to someone can be a daunting task. But it doesn’t have to be all that scary or stressful.

Follow our easy tips for how to present an award and you’ll be calm, cool and collected all ceremony long, right up until the final round of applause.

1. Schedule a Time in Advance to Present the Award

Whether your awards ceremony is honoring one person or 50, you need to prepare well enough in advance so that potential or already announced recipients can attend to accept their plaques .

Consider all the details:

  • Where will the event take place?
  • What is the dress code?
  • What kind of food or beverages will be served?
  • How many people will be invited?

It’s a nice gesture to try to include as many people as possible for the event. Whether you allow award recipients to invite their own guests or you invite their loved ones as a surprise, it will mean a lot to any honoree. Having friends, family, team members or fellow employees at the event for support is a nice, caring touch and will make the award winner feel that much more special.

2. Write a Short Award Presentation Speech and Practice

Take some time to really consider the person or people that you’re honoring. Write down what you want to say, keeping it brief and enthusiastic. Make sure to include the reason each person is receiving the plaque or award and explain what it represents.

Then, when your speech or notes are complete, practice…and practice some more. Present it to family and friends to get their reactions and opinions. Allow yourself enough time to make any needed changes or rewrites. You can even film yourself to assess your speech and polish any potentially rough edges.

3. Designate Someone to Take Pictures

This one is extremely important. Make sure to designate a reliable person to take pictures of the award recipient(s) as they accept their award(s). It’s a nice gesture to make sure your honorees have photographs to remember the occasion. It also allows the recipient's friends and family to relax and fully support them as they receive their awards, rather than fumbling with a camera during the excitement and missing the moment.

By taking photographs, you or the honoree(s) can share the ceremony with those who may not have been able to attend, or you can even include the photos in a newsletter, the local newspaper or an email.

4. Invite the Recipient to Stand Next to You When Making the Presentation

No matter who is being honored, if you’re handing out sports plaques or professional awards, you should invite each recipient to stand next to you when you make your presentation. This detail allows the honoree to feel even more special on their big day.

5. Shake Their Hand or Give Them a Hug

Make sure to end the award presentation with a handshake or hug with each recipient. It’s one final acknowledgement of their accomplishments and a nice way to show that they’re appreciated within the office, team or community.

K2 TIP : For a fun way to share the awards ceremony, make sure people take photos to capture the event and tag K2 Awards on social media. You can even create your own custom hashtag that attendees can use for the ceremony!

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Home PowerPoint Templates Shapes Certificate of Completion Presentation Template

Certificate of Completion Presentation Template

The Certificate of Completion Presentation Template is a collection of creative cool PowerPoint backgrounds for reward and recognition presentations. You can use these colorful PowerPoint templates in both business and school settings. Let’s say you want to acknowledge the job well done or acknowledge someone’s completion of a course. The certificate of completion creative PowerPoint templates offer appealing designs that you can customize to congratulate employees. Use these modern PowerPoint templates for certificates in meeting sessions to publicly recognize the outstanding achievements of individuals. It is a good way to boost the morale of employees and encourages them to strive for excellence.

The certificate of completion is an ideal PowerPoint template for educational institutes. Skill development business trainers and teachers use ppt presentation templates when awarding certificates to students upon successful completion of the course. For professional-looking certificates, the creative certificate PowerPoint template design provides minimalist designs with colorful and attractive graphics. When you want to show appreciation for employee’s valuable contributions to business or projects, use certificate templates to celebrate performance, assuring they are on a path to success. The template can be used for topics such as employee engagement, customer engagement, training, etc.

The Certificate of Completion Presentation Template includes six slides of editable certificates. You can download these slides and choose the best PowerPoint background templates for award ceremony seminars, or online Google Slides templates. These certificate downloadable PowerPoint themes offer four pre-design color options and creative board styles. Users, however, can change the colors of simple PowerPoint themes and boards to match with their professional presentation templates’ color scheme.

Presentation for Certificate of Completion

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    Download this certificate text sample →. #11 Employee of the Month. You're the star of the stage. With great pleasure, we award this Employee of the Month certificate to [recipient name] for constantly surpassing expectations and displaying exceptional dedication to our [company name]. #12 Years of dedicated service.

  6. Award Presentation Speech • My Speech Class

    Again: keep it short – 3 minutes for your award speech will do most of the time. Although it even can be somewhat shorter. Mention the reasons for choosing her or him as recipient. Link the contributions to the meaning of the honor. Make a concluding characterization by telling a compelling story or anecdote in the presentation speech text.

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  9. How to Present Plaques and Awards

    5. Shake Their Hand or Give Them a Hug. Make sure to end the award presentation with a handshake or hug with each recipient. It’s one final acknowledgement of their accomplishments and a nice way to show that they’re appreciated within the office, team or community.

  10. Certificate of Completion Presentation Template - SlideModel

    Skill development business trainers and teachers use ppt presentation templates when awarding certificates to students upon successful completion of the course. For professional-looking certificates, the creative certificate PowerPoint template design provides minimalist designs with colorful and attractive graphics.