
Essay on Photography as a Hobby

Students are often asked to write an essay on Photography as a Hobby in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Photography as a Hobby

The joy of photography.

Photography is a fantastic hobby. It allows us to capture moments, express creativity, and explore the world around us.

Learning and Creativity

Photography helps us to learn about light, color, and composition. It also encourages creativity as we look for unique perspectives.

Preserving Memories

Photographs help us to remember special moments. They can bring back feelings and details that might otherwise be forgotten.

Exploring the World

Photography encourages us to explore. We might seek out new places to capture, or find beauty in everyday scenes.

Sharing and Connecting

Sharing photographs can help us to connect with others. We can tell stories, share experiences, and express emotions through our images.

250 Words Essay on Photography as a Hobby


Photography, once exclusive to professionals, has become a widespread hobby thanks to technological advancements. The rise of digital cameras and smartphones has democratised the art, allowing anyone to experiment with light, angles, and composition.

The Power of Photography

Photography is more than just capturing images. It’s a creative outlet that allows for self-expression and storytelling. The power of a photograph lies in its ability to freeze a moment in time, preserving emotions and details that might otherwise be forgotten.

Benefits of Photography as a Hobby

Photography offers numerous benefits. It enhances observational skills, as a good photograph often requires noticing subtle details. It encourages patience and focus, as the perfect shot might require waiting for the right light or moment. Additionally, photography can serve as a therapeutic outlet, providing a way to express feelings or experiences that are difficult to articulate in words.

Exploring Different Genres

The world of photography is wide and diverse. There are numerous genres to explore, from landscape and wildlife photography to portrait and street photography. Each genre requires different skills and perspectives, providing ample opportunities for learning and growth.

In conclusion, photography as a hobby is a rewarding pursuit that offers a unique blend of creativity, technical skill, and personal expression. Whether you’re capturing a stunning sunset, a candid moment, or a carefully composed still life, each photograph is a reflection of how you see the world.

500 Words Essay on Photography as a Hobby

Introduction to photography as a hobby.

Photography, a hobby that has gained immense popularity in recent years, is an art form that transcends the barriers of language and culture. It’s a way of capturing moments, preserving memories, and expressing one’s perspective. As a hobby, it offers an engaging and creative outlet that can be pursued by anyone, regardless of age or background.

The Art of Seeing

Photography as a hobby is more than just taking pictures; it’s about developing an ‘eye’ for the extraordinary in the ordinary. It forces individuals to observe their surroundings with a degree of mindfulness and detail that often goes overlooked. This practice of closely observing and capturing the world around us can lead to a deeper appreciation for life’s nuances, fostering a sense of wonder and curiosity.

Skills and Knowledge

Pursuing photography as a hobby necessitates the acquisition of a unique set of skills and knowledge. Understanding the technical aspects, such as aperture, shutter speed, and ISO, is crucial for capturing high-quality images. Moreover, knowledge of composition techniques, like the rule of thirds or leading lines, can significantly enhance the aesthetic value of pictures. This continuous learning process keeps the hobby challenging and engaging.

Expressing and Communicating

Photography also serves as a powerful tool for self-expression. Through their lenses, photographers can convey emotions, tell stories, or make social commentaries. This ability to communicate visually can provide a sense of fulfillment and purpose, making the hobby even more rewarding.

Community and Connection

The photography community is a vibrant and diverse space, filled with individuals who share a passion for the craft. Engaging with this community, whether through photography clubs, online forums, or exhibitions, can offer support, inspiration, and opportunities for collaboration. This sense of connection can enrich the experience of photography as a hobby.

Health Benefits

Beyond the artistic and social benefits, photography as a hobby can also contribute to one’s well-being. The act of going out to take photographs encourages physical activity. Additionally, the focus required to compose and capture a shot can have a meditative effect, reducing stress and promoting mental health.

In conclusion, photography as a hobby is a multifaceted pursuit that offers numerous benefits. It cultivates a unique perspective on the world, encourages continuous learning, facilitates self-expression, fosters community, and promotes health. As such, it is a hobby well worth considering for anyone seeking a creative and rewarding pastime.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

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photography my hobby essay

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Essay on My Hobby Photography | [My Hobby Essay]

Hello, friends today we have come up with an essay on My Hobby Photography . In this essay, I have told about how I got into this hobby and have explained why photography is my passion.

My hobby photography image

My Hobby Photography

There are always many interesting activities going on all around us, and among such activities, one may be our hobby, the thing we love to do the most without getting bored is our hobby. And my hobby is photography.

Photography is my favorite hobby. I got into photography when I was given my first camera as a gift from my parents on my 13th birthday. At first, I didn't know much about how to use a camera, but I was very much interested in the camera. I quickly started learning more about photography and started experimenting with different techniques. As days passed I kept on mastering new things about photography and I am still learning new things as it excites me the most.

One of the things I love about photography is how it allows me to be creative. I enjoy capturing moments and objects in an interesting and unique way. I also enjoy editing my photos and adding different filters and effects to create a particular mood or atmosphere.

In a world that can often feel overwhelming and chaotic, taking photos allows me to slow down and focus on the beauty and detail in the world around me in just one frame of a picture. It also allows me to express myself in a way that words often cannot do.

My passion for photography has been appreciated by others as well. I often upload my pictures on social media like Instagram and Facebook, I had some of my photos featured in local exhibitions and I have even sold a few of my prints. It is always a great feeling to know that others enjoy and appreciate my work. It makes me feel happy when others appreciate me and follow me for photographs I post.

In addition to being a creative outlet, photography is also a great way to document the world around us. I love taking photos of landscapes, cityscapes, and interesting architecture. Photography allows me to capture moments and places that I can look back on and remember fondly.

Photography is not just a hobby but one can make leaving out of it by just being creative and taking decent photographs. I have been paid by many brands for their product photoshoot. Good quality and unique pictures have demand in the online market where good value is provided for the art. My passion for photography has been paying for what I love to do, it's just like a cherry on the cake for me.

Overall, photography has been a deeply rewarding hobby for me, and I look forward to continuing to explore and grow in this field. Whether I am capturing a stunning landscape, a candid portrait, or a still-life composition, I am always striving to create beautiful and evocative images that tell a story and inspire emotion. I am grateful for the opportunities that photography has given me, and I am excited to see where this passion will take me in the future.

Friends, do you like to click photos? and is it your hobby to do so, do tell us in the comment section below.

This essay on my hobby photography can be used by students of class 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th, 5th, 6th, 7th, 8th, 9th, 10th, 11th, and 12th. This essay can be used by students for their educational purpose.

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Top 12 Reasons to do Photography as a Hobby

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Pursuing photography as a hobby can be very fulfilling, inspiring, and relaxing. No matter what kind of equipment or camera you have, you have the potential to become a great photographer . Even a smartphone camera is enough!

Here are a few reasons why adding photography as a hobby to your list is a wonderful idea.

photography my hobby essay

Reasons to Pursue Photography as a Hobby

1. photography can help you capture memories.

A small boy playing in the garden with a sprinkler

Knowing how to use your camera in any situation is a superpower. You can use this ability to document your life and capture beautiful pictures wherever you like.

The more you work on these abilities, the more you’ll improve. You can think of it as a constant cycle of personal development.

Make sure that you experiment with lots of genres. You can start with landscape , macro , portrait , and street photography. The more skills you develop, the more confident you’ll feel.

2. Taking Photos for Yourself Is Stress Relieving

A couple sitting outside under the stars

While pursuing photography as a career has its perks, it can get stressful. If you only take photos for yourself, you’ll be able to enjoy the wonders of photography without having to worry about money.

In general, photography as a hobby can be a great source of comfort, especially if you do it on your own. For example, going for a walk to take landscape photos will expose you to fresh air and help you connect with nature.

Going out to take photos with friends will let you socialise and be creative at the same time.

When you take photos, you can’t look at your Instagram feed or answer e-mails. Your camera forces you to be present and focus on your creative side only. This is one of the best ways to refresh your mind and get rid of stress.

3. You Can Express Yourself in New Ways

An edited image with falling leaves manipulated to look like butterflies

Every art form has its unique advantages. Even if you’re already an artist or love working on DIY projects, you’re bound to discover something new in photography.

Photography as a hobby can be instantly gratifying, especially if you find the perfect moment to capture. It can challenge you in many ways, depending on the genre you choose.

For example, macro photography can help you notice more beauty in details.

4. You Can Connect With a Whole World of New People

A man holding a camera phone with his self portrait on the screen

The photography community is very large and diverse. There are Facebook groups, Instagram pages, and international meet-ups for photographers.

If you’re an absolute beginner, you could find it helpful to join a specific group for beginners in portraiture, for example. You can also reach out to your favourite photographers and ask for advice when you feel lost.

Being a part of a group will make you feel important, supported, and involved. It might also help you get through creative blocks and make you more comfortable with the idea of sharing your work online.

5. Taking Photos Might Inspire You to Go out More Often

A person standing on the edge of a mountain

Spending more time outside for yourself is rarely a bad idea.

No matter what you decide to photograph, you’ll probably have to go outside to have a photoshoot. You might have a specific location in mind you want to shoot in, a friend you’d like to have a photoshoot with or any other motivation.

Photography as a hobby can bring more excitement to your life. You’ll be more active, more creative, and more knowledgeable about photography .

You’ll also become more aware of what’s going on outside of your usual routine.

6. You’ll Be a Lifelong Photography Student

Two small children sitting in the kitchen wrapped in blankets

There are many experienced photographers out there, but there is always room for more improvement.

You’ll always discover more things to learn and understand in photography. This could be anything from new photography camera equipment to new shooting techniques .

Being a lifelong photography student doesn’t mean taking tests for the rest of your life. It means that no matter how much you learn, there will always be something new to inspire and motivate you.

This will inevitably make your photography journey an endless and exciting one.

7. Photography Skills Can Help You in Other Areas of Life

Yellow tulips in a field

You’ve probably already noticed that photography is way more than just taking pictures with a camera. The more photos you take, the more open-minded and creative you’ll become.

If you work in an office, photography might improve the way you communicate with others. It can also help you get through boring days if you take a few shots with your camera in your coffee lunch break. Also, it makes you appreciate things you didn’t notice before in your office space.

If your job is somehow related to art , photography as a hobby might help you approach your work from a different perspective.

The techniques you learn can influence the way you design products, paint people, and so on.

8. Photography Will Force You to Be More Curious

Reflection in a car wing mirror showing a man holding a camera

There are many inspiring photographers, techniques, and ideas available, both online and offline. As soon as you become a photographer , you’ll have access to all these perks.

The more styles, documentaries, and artists you discover, the more curious you’ll be. This curiosity will drive you to pursue this form of art even more.

This can have significant long-term effects. The more curious you are, the more creative opportunities you’ll find.

9. Your Photos Might Make Someone’s Day

A girl shyly covering her face while laughing

Even as a hobby, photography has the power to lift people’s spirits and help them look at things from a different perspective . Your photography can also inspire people to start taking photos themselves.

This doesn’t mean that you have to take conceptual or controversial photos . As long as you’re passionate about what you do, it’s likely that you’ll inspire someone out there.

You can take this further by writing short captions for your pictures. A caption could be an inspirational quote, stories about your shooting process, or a simple introduction.

This can help you connect with other photography enthusiasts on a deeper level.

10. You Can Make Some Extra Money by Selling Your Photos Online or Having Photoshoots

A small child sitting in a field with a pet bulldog

Hobbies need to be relaxing and fulfilling, so money isn’t every hobbyist’s top priority. However, you can earn some extra money when you have even a little photography experience.

You can sell your photos to stock photo agencies or private individuals. This might increase your chances of getting featured in magazines or on book covers.

If you’re a portrait photographer , you can take photos of couples and families for some money. If you’re a fan of wedding photography , you can work as a second shooter (or a photographer’s assistant). This will give you both experience and extra money.

With time, you might notice that this is more fulfilling than taking photos for yourself. In that case, you might want to consider becoming a professional photographer .

11. Photography Will Teach You How to See Potential in Seemingly Insignificant Things

Two hands holding a small tray with three small plants on top

When you take photos, you focus on compositions, details, and other technical factors. These things determine whether your images end up looking dull or outstanding.

By focusing so much on things like framing, you’re rewiring your brain. The more you do this, the easier it will be to find interesting details in places that others don’t pay attention to.

Portrait photographer Kai Böttcher is a great example of someone who sees potential in props and locations that might seem ugly at first.

Most of his props are very cheap, even though his images suggest otherwise.

12. Your Camera Will Be Your Lifelong Companion

A man holding a camera, only his outline can be seen due to the bright sunlight

Inspiration may come and go, and life may completely change, but your camera will always be with you. Photography as a hobby is an opportunity to document every part of your journey, no matter how small it may be.

Painting, drawing, or sculpting are also great ways to express yourself, but photography is one of the quickest ways to document something important.

As long as your camera is with you wherever you go, it will be your lifelong companion for life.

No matter what kind of job you have, where you live, or what camera you have, you can pursue photography as a hobby. If you’re already interested in it, you can become a photographer anytime.

Embrace your creative side and take photos of everything you love. You’ll quickly discover a whole new world of exciting possibilities out there.

For more creative tips, why not check out how to make a photo journal or shooting nighttime event photography next!

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Essays About Photography: Top 5 Examples Plus Prompts

Discover the joy of photography by reading our guide on how to write essays about photography, including top essay examples and writing prompts. 

It is truly remarkable what pictures can tell you about the time they were taken and their subjects. For example, a well-taken photograph can expose the horrors of conflict in a war-torn country or the pain endured by victims of racial persecution. At the same time, it can also evoke a mother’s joy after seeing her newborn baby for the first time. Photography is crucial to preserving precious moments that deserve to be remembered.

Photography can be considered a form of art. So much intent is put into a picture’s composition, subject, angle, and lighting. There is a lot of talent, thought, and hard work that goes into photography to produce such thought-provoking images, 

If you are writing essays about photography, you can start by reading some examples. 


5 Essay Examples To Inspire You

1. why photography is a great hobby by lillie lane, 2. the importance of photography by emily holty, 3. why i love photography by bob locher.

  • 4.  The Shocking History Of Death Photography by Yewande Ade
  • 5. ​​Fashion photography by Sara Page

5 Helpful Prompts On Essays About Photography

1. what is your favorite thing to photograph, 2. why is photography so important, 3. should photography be considered an art form, 4. different types of photography, 5. interpretations of photographs.

“Be imaginative when writing your shots. Photography is about the impact of your chances. The odds are good that nobody will care to check over your picture When it is an item in a background. Discover how to produce a fantastic photograph, and take these skills and use them.”

Lane gives readers tips on taking better photos in this essay. These include keeping balance, choosing a subject widely, investing in certain pieces of equipment, and using the appropriate settings for taking pictures. She stresses that photos must appear as natural as possible, and following her advice may help people to get good pictures. 

“No matter where you go photography plays into your life somehow. We don’t realize how big of an impact photography truly has on us until we see the details of our life hidden in a photograph. When you flip through your photo album and start looking for those details you suddenly realize you are truly blessed. A photograph keeps a moment frozen in time so we have it forever. Something like joy becomes clearer as we look deeper into the photograph.”

Holty does an excellent job of describing what makes photography so appealing to many people. You can take a picture of anything you want if you want to remember it, and photos help us look at the intricacies and details of what we see around us every day. Photography also helps us keep memories in our heads and hearts as time passes by, and most of all, it allows us to document the greatness of our world. It is ever-present in our lives, and we will keep taking photos the more adventures we have. 

“Every day in normal circumstances people take thousands of pictures of the Grand Canyon. It takes very little thought to realize that few if any of these pictures will be in any way noteworthy above pictures already taken. But that said, they are OUR pictures, our personal affirmation of the wonderful scene stretched out below us, and that gives them a special validity for us.”

Locher reflects on the role photography played in his life and why he enjoys it so much, partly due to his spirituality. He previously worked in the photographic equipment business and rekindled his love for photography in his 60s. Photography, to him, is a way of affirming and acknowledging God’s creations around him and appreciating the natural world. He also briefly discusses the importance of equipment and post-editing; however, no photo is perfect. 

4.   The Shocking History Of Death Photography by Yewande Ade

“In fact, it was easier for the photographer if the dead person was in a sleeping position because there would be no need to put him or her in an appropriate position or prop the eyes open. The restful pose gave some families comfort because it made them believe that their loved one(s) had passed on happily and to a more peaceful realm. It gave the semblance of death as a painless act like sleep.”

An interesting phenomenon in the history of the camera is post-mortem photography, in which deceased people, usually children, were posed and made to look “alive,” to an extent, so their loved ones could remember them. This was done as a way of mourning; the subjects were made to look as if they were merely asleep to give their loved ones comfort that they had passed on peacefully and happily. Eventually, a reduction in the death rate led to the end of this practice. 

5. ​​ Fashion photography by Sara Page

“Modern fashion photography differs because photographers aim to be extraordinary with their work, they know that extra ordinary will interest the audience much more It is extremely evident that fashion photography has changed and developed throughout the years, however there is not just reason. It is clear that fashion photography has changed and developed because of advancements in technology, change in attitudes and the introduction of celebrities.”

Page’s essay focuses on the history of fashion photography and some techniques used in practice. It dated back to 1911 and astonished the public with glamorous photos of people wearing perfectly-styled outfits. As the years have gone on, photographers have taken the lighting of the photos more into account, as well as their settings. In addition, editing software such as Photoshop has allowed even better photos to be produced. Fashion photography has only become more extravagant with the current social culture. 

In your essay, write about your favorite subject when you take pictures- is it people, landscapes, objects, or something else? Explain why, give examples, and perhaps elaborate on your camera settings or the lighting you look for when taking photos.  

Photography is an important invention that has helped us immensely throughout the years- how exactly? Explain why photography rivals painting and why it is essential. Then, write about its importance to you, the entire world, and humanity. 

Some say photography pales compared to the intricacies of music, painting, sculpture, and even cinema and should not be considered a form of art. For an interesting argumentative essay, determine whether photography is genuine art or not and defend your position. Explore both sides of the topic and give a strong rebuttal against the opposing viewpoint. 

Essays about photography: Different types of photography

From street photography to food photography to portraiture, many different types of photography are classified according to the subject being captured. Write about at least three types of photography that interest you and what they entail. You may also discuss some similarities between them if any. Check out our list of the top CreativeLive photography courses .

Like other works of art, a photograph can be interpreted differently. Choose a photo you find exciting and describe how you feel about it. What is being portrayed? What emotions are being evoked? What did the photographer want to show here? Reflect on your chosen work and perhaps connect it with your personal life. 

For help with your essays, check out our round-up of the best essay checkers . If you are interested in learning more, check out our essay writing tips !

photography my hobby essay

Martin is an avid writer specializing in editing and proofreading. He also enjoys literary analysis and writing about food and travel.

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My Favorite Hobby: Photography

Photography has always been one of my favorite hobbies. When I take pictures, it’s like seeing things in a new perspective literally and figuratively. you can go up to a flower and see the texture of the petal or put a caterpillar on your finger and see the little hairlike things on it’s body. Thing about the camera and the lens is that it lets you see people, places, etc. in a whole new perspective and it helps to see things from a different view. From photography, I realized that getting a different view of things means you have a more open mind to the world. Which is why it’s always been my favorite hobby.

I hope people will read my article and will take what i say and try to see for themselves how photography gives you a new persepective.

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Home / Samples / Art / Essay Sample: Essay on My Favourite Hobby Photography

Essay Sample: Essay on My Favourite Hobby Photography

Title: Exploring the World Through the Lens: My Favourite Hobby – Photography


Hobbies play a significant role in our lives, offering a means of escape from the daily grind, a source of joy and creativity, and a way to express our individuality. Among the multitude of hobbies available, one that has captured my heart and soul is photography. Photography is more than just a pastime; it is an art form, a means of self-expression, and a window to the world. In this essay, I will explore the captivating world of photography, discussing its origins, its evolution, its impact on me personally, and the broader significance it holds in today’s society.

Chapter 1: The Origins of Photography

Photography, as we know it today, is the result of centuries of experimentation and innovation. Its roots can be traced back to ancient civilizations where the concept of capturing images through the use of light and shadow was first explored. However, it was not until the 19th century that photography as a medium truly began to take shape.

The invention of the camera obscura, a device that projected an image onto a surface, marked a significant milestone in the history of photography. This precursor to the modern camera allowed artists to trace the outlines of scenes and objects, paving the way for the development of more advanced photographic techniques.

The true breakthrough came in 1839 when Louis Daguerre introduced the daguerreotype, a process that produced highly detailed and permanent images. This invention revolutionized the way we see and document the world, giving birth to photography as a distinct art form.

Chapter 2: The Evolution of Photography

Since its inception, photography has undergone a remarkable evolution. From the early black and white images of the 19th century to the high-definition, color-saturated photographs of today, the medium has continuously evolved and adapted to changing technologies and artistic trends.

The introduction of film photography in the late 19th century allowed for the mass production of photographs, making photography accessible to a wider audience. This era saw the emergence of iconic photographers like Ansel Adams and Henri Cartier-Bresson, whose work still inspires photographers today.

The digital revolution of the late 20th century marked another pivotal moment in photography’s history. Digital cameras replaced film, offering photographers greater flexibility and control over their images. The advent of smartphones with powerful built-in cameras has further democratized photography, turning almost everyone into potential photographers.

Chapter 3: My Personal Journey with Photography

My fascination with photography began at a young age when I received a simple point-and-shoot camera as a gift. I remember the excitement of capturing my first images, the thrill of waiting for the film to be developed, and the joy of holding tangible memories in my hands. Little did I know that this hobby would become a lifelong passion.

As I delved deeper into the world of photography, I started experimenting with different genres and techniques. I explored portrait photography, landscape photography, macro photography, and more. Each new subject and style offered a unique challenge and a chance to expand my skills.

Photography has not only allowed me to document the world around me but has also served as a form of self-expression. Through my photographs, I can convey my thoughts, emotions, and perspectives. It has given me a voice without the need for words.

Chapter 4: The Significance of Photography in Modern Society

In today’s digital age, photography plays a central role in our lives. Social media platforms are flooded with millions of photos daily, showcasing everything from personal milestones to global events. Photography has become a universal language, transcending cultural and linguistic barriers.

Photography has also become a powerful tool for advocacy and social change. Photojournalism, for instance, has the ability to bring attention to important issues, evoke empathy, and spur action. Iconic images like the “Napalm Girl” and “Tank Man” have left an indelible mark on history, demonstrating the enduring power of a single photograph.

Furthermore, photography has immense commercial value, driving industries such as advertising, fashion, and tourism. Professional photographers are in demand for their ability to capture images that can sell products, promote destinations, and tell compelling stories.

In conclusion, photography is not just a hobby; it is a lifelong passion and a means of self-expression. Its rich history, evolution, and significance in modern society highlight its enduring relevance and importance. Through the lens of a camera, we can explore the world, capture memories, and share our unique perspectives. Whether you’re a professional photographer or simply someone who enjoys taking snapshots, photography has the power to enrich our lives in countless ways. As I continue to explore the world through my camera lens, I am reminded of the profound impact this hobby has had on my life, and I look forward to the endless possibilities it holds for the future.

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23 Photo Essay Ideas and Examples (to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing!)

A Post By: Kevin Landwer-Johan

Ideas for compelling photo essays

Looking for inspiration? Our 23 photo essay ideas will take your photography skills to new heights!

A single, strong photograph can convey a lot of information about its subject – but sometimes we have topics that require more than one image to do the job. That’s when it’s time to make a photo essay: a collection of pictures that together tell the bigger story around a chosen theme.

In the following sections, we’ll explore various photo essay ideas and examples that cover a wide range of subjects and purposes. From capturing the growth of your children to documenting local festivals, each idea offers an exciting opportunity to tell a story through your lens, whether you’re a hobbyist or a veteran professional.

So grab your camera, unleash your creativity, and let’s delve into the wonderful world of photo essay examples!

What is a photo essay?

Simply put, a photo essay is a series of carefully selected images woven together to tell a story or convey a message. Think of it as a visual narrative that designed to capture attention and spark emotions.

Karen woman portrait

Now, these images can revolve around a broad theme or focus on a specific storyline. For instance, you might create a photo essay celebrating the joy of companionship by capturing 10 heartwarming pictures of people sharing genuine laughter. On the other hand, you could have a photo essay delving into the everyday lives of fishermen in Wales by following a single fisherman’s journey for a day or even a week.

It’s important to note that photo essays don’t necessarily have to stick to absolute truth. While some documentary photographers prefer to keep it authentic, others may employ techniques like manipulation or staging to create a more artistic impact. So there is room for creativity and interpretation.

Why you should create a photo essay

Photo essays have a way of expressing ideas and stories that words sometimes struggle to capture. They offer a visual narrative that can be incredibly powerful and impactful.

Firstly, photo essays are perfect when you have an idea or a point you want to convey, but you find yourself at a loss for words. Sometimes, emotions and concepts are better conveyed through images rather than paragraphs. So if you’re struggling to articulate a message, you can let your photos do the talking for you.

Second, if you’re interested in subjects that are highly visual, like the mesmerizing forms of architecture within a single city, photo essays are the way to go. Trying to describe the intricate details of a building or the play of light and shadows with words alone can be challenging. But through a series of captivating images, you can immerse your audience in the architecture.

And finally, if you’re aiming to evoke emotions or make a powerful statement, photo essays are outstanding. Images have an incredible ability to shock, inspire, and move people in ways that words often struggle to achieve. So if you want to raise awareness about an environmental issue or ignite a sense of empathy, a compelling series of photographs can have a profound impact.

Photo essay examples and ideas

Looking to create a photo essay but don’t know where to start? Here are some handy essay ideas and examples for inspiration!

1. A day in the life

Your first photo essay idea is simple: Track a life over the course of one day. You might make an essay about someone else’s life. Or the life of a location, such as the sidewalk outside your house. 

The subject matter you choose is up to you. But start in the morning and create a series of images showing your subject over the course of a typical day.

(Alternatively, you can document your subject on a special day, like a birthday, a wedding, or some other celebration.)

woman with a backpack getting on a train photo essay ideas

2. Capture hands

Portraits focus on a subject’s face – but why not mix it up and make a photo essay that focuses on your subject’s hands?

(You can also focus on a collection of different people’s hands.)

Hands can tell you a lot about a person. And showing them in context is a great way to narrate a story.

people on a train

3. Follow a sports team for a full season

Sports are all about emotions – both from the passionate players and the dedicated fans. While capturing the intensity of a single game can be exhilarating, imagine the power of telling the complete story of a team throughout an entire season.

For the best results, you’ll need to invest substantial time in sports photography. Choose a team that resonates with you and ensure their games are within a drivable distance. By photographing their highs and lows, celebrations and challenges, you’ll create a compelling photo essay that traces their journey from the first game to the last.

4. A child and their parent

Photographs that catch the interaction between parents and children are special. A parent-child connection is strong and unique, so making powerful images isn’t challenging. You just need to be ready to capture the special moments as they happen. 

You might concentrate on a parent teaching their child. Or the pair playing sports. Or working on a special project.

Use your imagination, and you’ll have a great time with this theme.

5. Tell a local artist’s story 

I’ve always enjoyed photographing artists as they work; studios have a creative vibe, so the energy is already there. Bring your camera into this environment and try to tell the artist’s story!

An artist’s studio offers plenty of opportunities for wonderful photo essays. Think about the most fascinating aspects of the artist’s process. What do they do that makes their art special? Aim to show this in your photos.

Many people appreciate fine art, but they’re often not aware of what happens behind the scenes. So documenting an artist can produce fascinating visual stories.

artist at work with copper

6. Show a tradesperson’s process

Do you have a plumber coming over to fix your kitchen sink? Is a builder making you a new deck?

Take photos while they work! Tell them what you want to do before you start, and don’t forget to share your photos with them.

They’ll probably appreciate seeing what they do from another perspective. They may even want to use your photos on their company website.

hot iron in crucible

7. Photograph your kids as they grow

There’s something incredibly special about documenting the growth of our little ones. Kids grow up so quickly – before you know it, they’re moving out. Why not capture the beautiful moments along the way by creating a heartwarming photo essay that showcases their growth?

There are various approaches you can take, but one idea is to capture regular photos of your kids standing in front of a distinct point of reference, such as the refrigerator. Over a year or several years, you can gather these images and place them side by side to witness your childrens’ incredible transformations.

8. Cover a local community event

A school fundraiser, a tree-planting day at a park, or a parade; these are are all community events that make for good photo essay ideas.

Think like a photojournalist . What type of images would your editor want? Make sure to capture some wide-angle compositions , some medium shots, and some close-ups.

(Getting in close to show the details can often tell as much of a story as the wider pictures.)

9. Show fresh market life

Markets are great for photography because there’s always plenty of activity and lots of characters. Think of how you can best illustrate the flow of life at the market. What are the vendors doing that’s most interesting? What are the habits of the shoppers?

Look to capture the essence of the place. Try to portray the people who work and shop there.

woman at the fresh market

10. Shoot the same location over time

What location do you visit regularly? Is there a way you can make an interesting photo essay about it?

Consider what you find most attractive and ugly about the place. Look for aspects that change over time. 

Any outdoor location will look different throughout the day. Also think about the changes that occur from season to season. Create an essay that tells the story of the place.

11. Document a local festival

Festivals infuse cities and towns with vibrant energy and unique cultural experiences. Even if your own town doesn’t have notable festivals, chances are a neighboring town does. Explore the magic of these celebrations by documenting a local festival through your lens.

Immerse yourself in the festivities, arriving early and staying late. Capture the colorful displays and the people who make the festival come alive. If the festival spans multiple days, consider focusing on different areas each time you visit to create a diverse and comprehensive photo essay that truly reflects the essence of the event.

12. Photograph a garden through the seasons

It might be your own garden . It could be the neighbor’s. It could even be the garden at your local park.

Think about how the plants change during the course of a year. Capture photos of the most significant visual differences, then present them as a photo essay.

lotus flower

13. Show your local town or city

After spending several years in a particular area, you likely possess an intimate knowledge of your local town or city. Why not utilize that familiarity to create a captivating photo essay that showcases the essence of your community?

Delve into what makes your town special, whether it’s the charming streets, unique landmarks, or the people who shape its character. Dedicate time to capturing the diverse aspects that define your locale. If you’re up for a more extensive project, consider photographing the town over the course of an entire year, capturing the changing seasons and the dynamic spirit of your community.

14. Pick a local cause to highlight

Photo essays can go beyond passive documentation; they can become a part of your activism, too!

So find a cause that matters to you. Tell the story of some aspect of community life that needs improvement. Is there an ongoing issue with litter in your area? How about traffic; is there a problematic intersection?

Document these issues, then make sure to show the photos to people responsible for taking action.

15. Making a meal

Photo essay ideas can be about simple, everyday things – like making a meal or a coffee.

How can you creatively illustrate something that seems so mundane? My guess is that, when you put your mind to it, you can come up with many unique perspectives, all of which will make great stories.

plate of Thai curry photo essay ideas

16. Capture the life of a flower

In our fast-paced lives, it’s easy to overlook the beauty that surrounds us. Flowers, with their mesmerizing colors and rapid life cycles, offer a captivating subject for a photo essay. Try to slow down and appreciate the intricate details of a flower’s existence.

With a macro lens in hand, document a single flower or a patch of flowers from their initial shoots to their inevitable wilting and decomposition. Experiment with different angles and perspectives to bring viewers into the enchanting world of the flower. By freezing these fleeting moments, you’ll create a visual narrative that celebrates the cycle of life and the exquisite beauty found in nature’s delicate creations.

17. Religious traditions

Religion is often rich with visual expression in one form or another. So capture it!

Of course, you may need to narrow down your ideas and choose a specific aspect of worship to photograph. Aim to show what people do when they visit a holy place, or how they pray on their own. Illustrate what makes their faith real and what’s special about it.

photo essay idea monks walking

18. Historic sites

Historic sites are often iconic, and plenty of photographers take a snapshot or two.

But with a photo essay, you can illustrate the site’s history in greater depth.

Look for details of the location that many visitors miss. And use these to build an interesting story.

19. Show the construction of a building

Ever been away from a familiar place for a while only to return and find that things have changed? It happens all the time, especially in areas undergoing constant development. So why not grab your camera and document this transformation?

Here’s the idea: Find a building that’s currently under construction in your area. It could be a towering skyscraper, a modern office complex, or even a small-scale residential project. Whatever catches your eye! Then let the magic of photography unfold.

Make it a habit to take a photo every day or two. Watch as the building gradually takes shape and evolves. Capture the construction workers in action, the cranes reaching for the sky, and the scaffolding supporting the structure.

Once the building is complete, you’ll have a treasure trove of images that chronicle its construction from start to finish!

20. Document the changing skyline of the city

This photo essay example is like the previous one, except it works on a much larger scale. Instead of photographing a single building as it’s built, find a nice vantage point outside your nearest city, then photograph the changing skyline.

To create a remarkable photo essay showcasing the changing skyline, you’ll need to scout out the perfect vantage point. Seek high ground that offers a commanding view of the city, allowing you to frame the skyline against the horizon. Look for spots that give you an unobstructed perspective, whether a rooftop terrace, a hillside park, or even a nearby bridge.

As you set out on your photography expedition, be patient and observant. Cities don’t transform overnight; they change gradually over time. Embrace the passage of days, weeks, and months as you witness the slow evolution unfold.

Pro tip: To capture the essence of this transformation, experiment with various photographic techniques. Play with different angles, framing, and compositions to convey the grandeur and dynamism of the changing skyline. Plus, try shooting during the golden hours of sunrise and sunset , when the soft light bathes the city in a warm glow and accentuates the architectural details.

21. Photograph your pet

If you’re a pet owner, you already have the perfect subject for a photo essay!

All pets , with the possible exception of pet rocks, will provide you with a collection of interesting moments to photograph.

So collect these moments with your camera – then display them as a photo essay showing the nature and character of your pet.

Woman and elephant

22. Tell the story of a local nature preserve

Ah, the wonders of a local nature preserve! While it may not boast the grandeur of Yosemite National Park, these hidden gems hold their own beauty, just waiting to be discovered and captured through the lens of your camera.

To embark on this type of photo essay adventure, start by exploring all the nooks and crannies of your chosen nature preserve. Wander along its winding trails, keeping an eye out for unique and captivating subjects that convey the essence of the preserve.

As you go along, try to photograph the intricate details of delicate wildflowers, the interplay of light filtering through a dense forest canopy, and the lively activities of birds and other wildlife.

23. Show the same subject from multiple perspectives

It’s possible to create an entire photo essay in a single afternoon – or even in a handful of minutes. If you don’t love the idea of dedicating yourself to days of photographing for a single essay, this is a great option.

Simply find a subject you like, then endeavor to capture 10 unique images that include it. I’d recommend photographing from different angles: up above, down low, from the right and left. You can also try getting experimental with creative techniques, such as intentional camera movement and freelensing. If all goes well, you’ll have a very cool set of images featuring one of your favorite subjects!

By showcasing the same subject from multiple perspectives, you invite viewers on a visual journey. They get to see different facets, textures, and details that they might have overlooked in a single photograph. It adds depth and richness to your photo essay, making it both immersive and dynamic.

Photo essay ideas: final words

Remember: Photo essays are all about communicating a concept or a story through images rather than words. So embrace the process and use images to express yourself!

Whether you choose to follow a sports team through a thrilling season, document the growth of your little ones, or explore the hidden treasures of your local town, each photo essay has its own magic waiting to be unlocked. It’s a chance to explore your creativity and create images in your own style.

So look at the world around you. Grab your gear and venture out into the wild. Embrace the beauty of nature, the energy of a bustling city, or the quiet moments that make life special. Consider what you see every day. What aspects interest you the most? Photograph those things.

You’re bound to end up with some amazing photo essays!

Now over to you:

Do you have any photo essay examples you’re proud of? Do you have any more photo essay ideas? Share your thoughts and images in the comments below!

23 Photo Essay Ideas and Examples (to Get Your Creative Juices Flowing!)

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Kevin Landwer-Johan

Kevin Landwer-Johan is a photographer, photography teacher, and author with over 30 years of experience that he loves to share with others.

Check out his website and his Buy Me a Coffee page .

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Doug Ash Photography

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Photography Is My Passion: 14 Undeniable Reasons to Love It

Last updated on July 23, 2023 by Doug Ash

It always starts as something that grabs your attention. First, it is a hobby; eventually, it increases your curiosity and leads you down a path where you become obsessed with it. In general terms, we call it ‘having a passion’ and for me, photography is my passion!

If I say that words aren’t enough to express how much I love this art form, it wouldn’t be wrong. Photography is my chosen medium of creative expression. I use it to communicate with the world and show people how I view it. From stunning landscapes to the occasional amazing family portraiture, I love capturing the world in pictures!

photography is my passion

You may find it surprising that I had my fears when I was just starting out as a photographer, and still do in some cases. Photography for beginners is challenging, especially when you want to capture beautiful shots but don’t know how. However, if you stick to the path and let your passion guide you, I can guarantee you will fall in love with photography just like I did!

Reasons Why Photography Is My Passion

If you are a beginner looking for some motivation, this is a good place to start:

1. Infinite Possibilities

As a photographer, you will develop a keen eye to notice slight changes in the world around you. Every day will invite you to explore something new, even if the things around you do not change in dramatic or obvious ways. That’s the beauty of photography! It opens up doors with an infinite number of possibilities that you can capture with your camera. It’s all about the details.

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2. Challenging, Yet Rewarding

Photography is my passion because it seems like an impossible task at first until you capture that perfect shot. As a beginner, you imagine the shot in front of you, but the camera does not capture it the way you see it. That’s when the process quickly becomes frustrating. Yet, once you figure out how to play with your composition and adjust the settings in your favor, and not let your fears overwhelm you, the same challenge becomes rewarding.

3. Memorable Moments

It’s one of the reasons most people love photographs. They can relive the same moment that made them happy once. However, for photographers, it holds a different meaning. The memory of their captured shot is more than just the scene in the photo. The experience of the captured image is what they love.

4. Interpretations

Photography for beginners is just another hobby at first. You see something worth capturing and take the shot. However, when you show it to other people, you realize not everyone interprets the photo like you did. Through the learning process, you can come to learn the different layers of meaning behind a single photograph.

5. Being in the Present

Photographers have this urge to find the next best shot, freeing their minds from past worries and being in the present. You are focused on everything around you, trying to find all those little details, making you truly live in the moment. It is a gift for me to live in the present, and it can be a gift for you too.

6. The Process

Yet another reason to love photography is that it’s not rushed. Beginners often get tangled in the technical details of capturing a photograph. While the details are essential, it’s never the reason you capture breathtaking shots.

Figuring out the kind of shot you want to take, adjusting your camera settings, and “setting the scene” is something truly investing in. The resulting shot is what makes it worth it.

7. Response from People

Your camera captures the moment you thought was worth sharing with the world. Once you share it, you can experience the most beautiful thing—an emotional response from people who understand what you want to say with the picture.

Can be on Instagram or some other form of social media, or even prints. Catching someone’s eye as they walk by one of your prints or hearing “You took that!?!”, never gets old. (…in most instances lol)

8. Self-Expression

Photography is my passion because I use it to express myself. People find different ways to share their emotions and thoughts with the world. Some express themselves as dancers, while others as writers. Photographers use images to show people how they see everything around them.

9. Mindset of a Storyteller

A picture is worth a thousand words, remember? As a photographer, you can make that happen! Photography is the kind of pursuit that will help you become a better storyteller.

When you focus on the surroundings and notice everything around you, stories will appear themselves. You will see them and gladly capture them with your camera. It’s something, as a landscape photographer, I feel I do really well. I hike and get outside a lot, and by being a good storyteller, I am able to help viewers see what I see. I can deliver an experience to them.

10. Capturing Emotions

Some photographers find happiness in the smiles and tears in the sorrow they capture with the lens. Photography is a great way to capture how they see humans and their emotions for those who love observing people in their daily lives. Photographers become intuitive above reading people when they see them through the lens.

person holding lit up umbrella at night

11. Capturing Nature

When you anticipate a perfect shot and wait in silence for that moment to arrive, the whole experience becomes unforgettable. Photography holds a different meaning for everyone. If you are inspired by nature , photography can be a way to appreciate what you like and share with others how beautiful this world is.

12. Ultimate Control

Unexpected situations occur all the time. You have to deal with mood swings, weather conditions, broken stuff, etc. Misfortune can’t be avoided, but one thing you can become capable of doing is controlling how the photographs turn out.

Whether it’s the lighting, location, switching up lens, or your response to whatever misfortune happens. For some, having that ultimate control is another reason for being passionate about photography.

13. Connect with People

As a photographer, you could meet many people every day and learn their life stories. They can share the hidden gems of their local town and help you find a place that has never been captured before!

Or maybe they share a touching story that helps you take a better, more in-tuned picture. Anything is possible when you pack your camera bag and connect with people who have stories to share.

14. Travel All You Want

Wanderlust can make people realize how amazing photography can be! Whether it is people from a foreign land or the colors of the setting sun , whatever you capture becomes meaningful. It’s one of the reasons why landscape photography is my passion. You can go wherever it takes you and find beauty in everyday life.

All photographers have different reasons to love this art form. Some like to capture their family’s best moments, while others use their photographs to capture the breathtaking beauty of nature. No matter what you choose to photograph, this is one creative pursuit that will enrich you in more ways than one.

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Paragraph on My Hobby Photography – by Jenny

photography my hobby essay


Hobbies are of different kinds and it is one that you would be loving and enjoying to do the most. Of all the hobbies that we see and hear, I love Photography the best.

Photography is an art and it just captures the beauty of the moment in all its best. Though it does not require great skills, it does require an understanding to capture wonderful shots.

Photography as a Hobby:

Photography is a vast subject, there are so many subjects to choose from on which to master and which one would enjoy. I love to click mostly the natural ones or the ones that gives me a perfect satisfaction of where I am in. To get good shots, one needs to understand a few concepts of photography like lighting techniques, backgrounds, arrangements and so on, so that when the outcome is done, you get a wonderful shot. Practicing is another method to get your shots to the perfect, the more you practice on your choice of interest, the more better your shots would become. In order to make my shots good , I did take up short courses to learn in detail so that I understand how to take good shots and great snaps that look natural and wonderful.

Photography has elevated my imagination senses and also patience level as I have to wait long for a good and right capture. Photography is something that develops over a period of time and with a good imagination sense and right kind of equipment, it is quite easy to capture those wonderful and cherished moments of life, which could never be bought back in reality.


A good photographer would always be in search of good sceneries or events to capture good moments and I am happy to be one among them. I just love shooting, be it outdoor or indoor as I have developed the skill through years of practice.


Photography is something that just does not happen overnight. One has to devote time and develop patience and learn the art of good photography. The more I learn, the more I love it and this is one hobby that I am truly in love with and that which I enjoy the most.

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Essay on My Hobby for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my hobby.

Hobbies play a very important role in our lives. They occupy our minds when we are free and also make us happy. Hobbies are our escape from the real world that makes us forget our worries. Moreover, they make our lives interesting and enjoyable. If we look at it, all our hobbies are very useful for us. They teach us a lot of things about different stuff. They also help in expanding our knowledge.

Benefits of Having a Hobby

In today’s fast and competitive world, we often get time for ourselves. Over time, our schedule gets very dull and monotonous. That is why we need to indulge in something in between to keep our minds fresh and active. What’s better than a hobby for this? One of the main benefits of having a hobby is that it is a major stress-buster. You actually enjoy doing it and it satisfies your soul.

Essay on My Hobby

In other words, without a hobby, your life becomes an unhealthy cycle lacking any excitement or spark. Hobbies offer you a great opportunity to take a break and forget the worries of your life. They allow you to explore yourself and realize your potential in different areas.

Moreover, hobbies can also be a source of extra income. For instance, if you like painting, you can actually sell your art to make some extra money. Likewise, if you have a knack for dancing, you may teach dance classes to people on your holidays. This way your hobby a benefit you both spiritually and financially as well.

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My Favourite Hobby

If I were to pick one favourite hobby of mine out of the many I have, I will definitely pick gardening. I developed a taste for dancing when I was very young. The way my feet moved to the rhythm of the music convinced my parents that I was a born dancer. Dancing is very uplifting as well as economical.

I have always had a love for music and dance. However, I never realized the utter joy they bring to humans. Dancing gives us a lot of exercises. It teaches us to move our body rhythmically and feel the beat of every song. This kind of physical exercise is extremely delightful and enjoyable.

Moreover, dance also taught me how to stay strong and push my limits. I have had many injuries while dancing, too many bruises and cuts but that didn’t stop me from pursuing it further. In fact, it pushes me to do my best and realize my potential more than ever.

I have enrolled in dancing classes because I wish to make my hobby my career. I feel we all should do things which we enjoy doing. Everyone is running after money and in this race, they give up their likings and preferences. I have learned from this race and decided to not take part in it. I wish to take the road less traveled by and take on challenges most people don’t dare to.

In short, my hobby of dancing makes me feel alive and well. It is the only thing I look forward the most to. Thus, I hope to achieve my dream of being a professional dancer and making way for people who wish to make careers out of their hobbies.

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Essay on My Hobby

Hobbies are a part of us. Our hobbies signify the activities we spend our time doing the most. Every individual has got some talent in them which they express through their hobbies and develop some kind of expertise in that thing.

Hobbies are an essential part of human life as they stimulate growth and sometimes the growth and that hobby turns into a passion. Hobby can be a way of learning things and gaining knowledge about different things. People with hobbies usually keep to themselves entertained by doing what they love the most.

In this article, there are 4 sets of different hobbies in four different essays of 150, 250, 350 and 500 words. The essays given below are in an easy and simple language for the kids, children and students to understand more quickly and develop great writing skills.

Table of Contents

My Hobby Essay 150 Words

One of my favourite hobbies is clicking photos. I love to capture every single moment happening in front of me. My father is a wildlife photographer, he taught me how to hold a camera and focus on the object. I get goosebumps after seeing my father’s clicked pictures, I feel like the photos are alive, they have so much of reality in them.

I am too small to be a photographer but it is my dream to be like my dad and turn this hobby of mine into a passion. Photography is the art of capturing the moment you are into. You can capture the live moment of the whole scenario into a picture. This is what I love the most about photography.

It’s a way to express something. I click pictures everywhere I go, my dad gives me the camera and I take photos. Wherever we go, wherever we travel the camera stays with me.  Photography is my passion and I will soon turn this into an occupation. I want to be an artist and a photographer in future.

Essay on My Hobby

My Hobby Essay 250 Words

Hobbies are the activities that we like to do the most in our free time or make free time for them. Hobbies represent the things which we love doing the most. My favourite hobby is reading. I spend my free time reading different books and there is an urge in me to finish the book as soon as I can. The maximum time I take in completing one book is one week.

I developed this habit of reading from my mother. When I was small she used to read me several books and told me reading is a great habit and I should try to read too. Now I know it’s the most amazing thing in my life. Reading books has benefited me by improving my English vocabulary and writing skills. This habit has several advantages like it makes your IQ sharp and improves your language and vocabulary skills.

My mother helps me out when I find difficulty in understanding the tough words. When she is not around I search the difficult words in the dictionary. I have read so many English books. My favourite genres are sci-fi and fiction. It’s a good habit for everyone as it makes a person learn and know about different things and open new perspectives.

People should try to read more often as it increases our confidence and makes us smart. I never get bored of reading. Book Reading is good for everyone and is the best hobby ever as you gain a lot of knowledge and learn new things by reading books.

 My Hobby Essay

Essay on My Hobby 350 Words

Hobbies are an integral part of humans, people love to do one thing or another in their free time which makes them happy. Hobbies are a good way of spending time. It makes a person productive and stimulates growth. Just like others, I have my hobbies too.

My favourite hobby is writing. I love to write in my free time only when I have peace. I have had this habit of writing since I was in 3rd grade. I got this habit from my grandmother. She is an educated lady and she loves to write. She inspired me to write poetries and small quotes.

Something is always going on in the universe. The way in which we can freely express ourselves is either by living freely or by writing our emotions down. If you ever feel too heavy in heart or stressed, try gathering the words and ink them down on a sheet of paper.

There’s a famous quote written by Anne Frank which states that, “I can shake off everything as I write; my sorrows disappear, my courage is reborn.” This statement means that when a person writes, everything changes as the pain gets lesser and the courage develops. Anne Frank is my favourite writer. Writing has helped me in improving my language skills.

It has also helped me in gaining self confidence. I even maintain diaries. I write every day at night in my diary. In my diary I write about myself, my friends & family, how my day passed and what productive I did in my whole day. Sometimes I re-write fictional stories from my school books.

It is a great hobby as it improves our spelling errors. I don’t write to pass my time, I write to pour my heart out in pages. It makes me feel relaxed and stress-free. Everyone and everything inspires me to write more. Writing makes us smarter and increases our IQ efficiently.

I never get bored of this hobby, it keeps me busy and productive throughout the day. In this way, I spend my time studying and writing. It is my dream to become a writer like William Shakespeare and Anne Frank. Hopefully I will become one if this habit stays with me forever.

My Hobby Essay 500 Words

Hobbies are an essential part of human lives. They represent a person’s personality and skills. The best thing about having a hobby is that you become productive and creative in your own way. Different people have different hobbies and different activities that they like to do in their free time.

I love to play cricket the most and it is one of my favourite hobbies. I have other hobbies too except for playing cricket like painting and sketching. Hobbies make a person creative and artistic. For anyone interested in sports, cricket is the best game.

Cricket is a sport that is widely played across the globe and it is played by everyone irrespective of their caste, creed or colour. I have been playing cricket since I was seven years old. I spend my time playing cricket in the evening with my neighbourhood friends.

We divide in a team of 11 vs 11 and play cricket. Cricket is a popular game and it has got its diversity because it is played by almost everyone. My older friends taught me how to play cricket when I was young. Not only did they help me practice but also corrected me and told me the tricks about spinning the ball and swinging the bat so that you don’t get out easily.

My love for this hobby has now turned into a dream and soon I will convert this passion into an occupation. I want to be a cricketer when I grow up. I have played four regional cricket tournaments organised by some institution. Playing has leveled up my confidence.

It has changed my physical appearance and I feel more fit after so many years of playing this sport. Now I teach my brother how to play cricket with efficiency. People also make careers in the field of cricket as the cricketers earn huge amounts of money by just playing.

That’s the reason why cricket is my favourite hobby and it is my ambition to be a cricketer in future. When I get free classes I go to play cricket in my school with my classmates. I am the favourite student of my sports teacher as I am always punctual, I never come late in my practice sessions and work hard to win the game. My favourite cricket player is Virat Kohli.

There is a famous saying by Virat Kohli where he says that “No cricket team in the world depends on one or two players. The team always plays to win.” We always play to win. I pray to lord everyday to increase my strengths and diminish my weaknesses so that I can conquer this dream of mine and make it a reality.

Playing is a very healthy hobby. It not only increases our stamina and immunity but also makes us look good by changing our physique. Playing is indeed a. great habit and there is no age limitation for anyone to play. It keeps the individual healthy, energetic and active throughout the day.

Moreover, it releases stress, tension and makes our mood good. Playing is a great source of entertainment and fun. Everyone should play one or another sport to stay healthy and fit. I love playing Cricket more than anything else and my family also supports me to make this as a career.

In conclusion, I would say that hobbies are indeed the most important parts of human lives. Without them a person is incomplete. Hobbies relax a person’s mind. Hobbies are a good way of spending time. Hobbies can be a great way of entertainment also.

Here we end this with providing you the best four essays on the four different hobbies for an individual. I hope these essay help you out.

Essay on Childhood Memories

Essay on Blood Donation

Essay on Morning Walk

Essay On Poverty

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Savvino-storozhevsky monastery and museum.

Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery and Museum

Zvenigorod's most famous sight is the Savvino-Storozhevsky Monastery, which was founded in 1398 by the monk Savva from the Troitse-Sergieva Lavra, at the invitation and with the support of Prince Yury Dmitrievich of Zvenigorod. Savva was later canonised as St Sabbas (Savva) of Storozhev. The monastery late flourished under the reign of Tsar Alexis, who chose the monastery as his family church and often went on pilgrimage there and made lots of donations to it. Most of the monastery’s buildings date from this time. The monastery is heavily fortified with thick walls and six towers, the most impressive of which is the Krasny Tower which also serves as the eastern entrance. The monastery was closed in 1918 and only reopened in 1995. In 1998 Patriarch Alexius II took part in a service to return the relics of St Sabbas to the monastery. Today the monastery has the status of a stauropegic monastery, which is second in status to a lavra. In addition to being a working monastery, it also holds the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum.

Belfry and Neighbouring Churches

photography my hobby essay

Located near the main entrance is the monastery's belfry which is perhaps the calling card of the monastery due to its uniqueness. It was built in the 1650s and the St Sergius of Radonezh’s Church was opened on the middle tier in the mid-17th century, although it was originally dedicated to the Trinity. The belfry's 35-tonne Great Bladgovestny Bell fell in 1941 and was only restored and returned in 2003. Attached to the belfry is a large refectory and the Transfiguration Church, both of which were built on the orders of Tsar Alexis in the 1650s.  

photography my hobby essay

To the left of the belfry is another, smaller, refectory which is attached to the Trinity Gate-Church, which was also constructed in the 1650s on the orders of Tsar Alexis who made it his own family church. The church is elaborately decorated with colourful trims and underneath the archway is a beautiful 19th century fresco.

Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral

photography my hobby essay

The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is the oldest building in the monastery and among the oldest buildings in the Moscow Region. It was built between 1404 and 1405 during the lifetime of St Sabbas and using the funds of Prince Yury of Zvenigorod. The white-stone cathedral is a standard four-pillar design with a single golden dome. After the death of St Sabbas he was interred in the cathedral and a new altar dedicated to him was added.

photography my hobby essay

Under the reign of Tsar Alexis the cathedral was decorated with frescoes by Stepan Ryazanets, some of which remain today. Tsar Alexis also presented the cathedral with a five-tier iconostasis, the top row of icons have been preserved.

Tsaritsa's Chambers

photography my hobby essay

The Nativity of Virgin Mary Cathedral is located between the Tsaritsa's Chambers of the left and the Palace of Tsar Alexis on the right. The Tsaritsa's Chambers were built in the mid-17th century for the wife of Tsar Alexey - Tsaritsa Maria Ilinichna Miloskavskaya. The design of the building is influenced by the ancient Russian architectural style. Is prettier than the Tsar's chambers opposite, being red in colour with elaborately decorated window frames and entrance.

photography my hobby essay

At present the Tsaritsa's Chambers houses the Zvenigorod Historical, Architectural and Art Museum. Among its displays is an accurate recreation of the interior of a noble lady's chambers including furniture, decorations and a decorated tiled oven, and an exhibition on the history of Zvenigorod and the monastery.

Palace of Tsar Alexis

photography my hobby essay

The Palace of Tsar Alexis was built in the 1650s and is now one of the best surviving examples of non-religious architecture of that era. It was built especially for Tsar Alexis who often visited the monastery on religious pilgrimages. Its most striking feature is its pretty row of nine chimney spouts which resemble towers.

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