Essay on My Aim in Life with Quotations for Students

Essay on my aim in life with quotations and outline for class10 & class 12.

Here you will find an essay on My Aim in Life with Quotations and Outline for the students of F.A, FSC, B.A and BSC. My Aim in Life Essay with Quotes is important for all the classes. If you are preparing for the exams, you shouldn’t miss this essay. Outline of the Essay on My aim in life is also available at the start of the game and you will find the quotations in the other parts of this essay. You can also see the Essay on My Ambition in Life .

Essay on My Aim in Life with Outline

  • Ambition is a guiding star in our life.
  • The Choice of the profession is an uphill task for a Youngman.
  • The future profession must be selected keeping in view the taste and talent of the person.
  • The general perception of the civil administration is bad.
  • Objective to join the civil administration.
  • Determination for achievement.

“Hitch your wagon to a star” (Emerson)

Ambition is a guiding star in our life. It inspires us to achieve noble ideals in life. It stimulates our energy, courage and enthusiasm. Without ambition, life becomes dull, drab and boring. Those who have no definite aim in their lives, cannot rise in life.

“Great ambition is the passion of a great character.” (Napoleon)

It is an uphill task for a Youngman to decide about his profession. Many desire to be rich or to become businessmen. Some persons dream of becoming leaders, politicians and social reformers while most of the students aspire to become engineers, doctors, lawyers, military officers and scientists.

“This one step – choosing a goal and

Sticking to it – changes everything.” (Scott Reed)

Everyone has his own dreams but the future profession must be selected keeping in view the taste and talent of the person. Then, what do I want to be? I have decided to become a C.S.P officer because it is according to my taste and temperament. I am active, energetic and daring by nature. I have the ability to express myself impressively. At present, I am a student of intermediate and after my graduation, I shall appear in the Public Service Commission’s Competitive exams for this post.

Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally. (David Frost)

The general perception of the civil administration is, no doubt, bad in our society. There is much corruption and exploitation there. Most of the civil servants accept bribes and demand money from the guilty person. People often condemn them for mismanagement and corruption.

In spite of the bad reputation of the civil administration, I have decided to become a C.S.P officer. I do not want to join it for wealth, powers and pleasure. I have a mission to reform my society. It is suffering from corruption, lawlessness and unrest. I wish to root out all the evils of our society. I have some effective plans to correct society. My job as a C.S.P officer will help me a lot in the achievement of my goal.

“Ingenuity, plus courage, plus work, equals miracles.” (Bob Richards)

My father wanted to see me as a doctor. He had been talking of it since my childhood. But, I did not like the medical profession, because it was not in accordance with my taste temperament. I told my father that I wanted to become a C,.S.P officer. I put up my case with arguments.  So, he allowed me to choose my profession according to my will.

I know that it is not a child’s play to become a C.S.P officer. I shall have to make an extraordinary effort to fulfil my dreams. I am ready to make any sacrifice for it. I am determined to leave no stone unturned to achieve my aim.

“The mould of man’s fortune is in his own hand” (Bacon)

Here the Essay Ends, if you are looking for Short Essay on My Aim in life for Junior Classes, Click Here .

My Aim In Life Essay with Quotes and Outline for Matric, F.A, FSC, BA and BSC

Aim or ambition in life is inevitable. It gives us direction for our efforts to achieve it. It is like the guiding star. If a man is unaware of his destination, his struggle in life will be fruitless.

There can be as many aims or ambitions or dreams as men. Some want to become doctors. Some are ambitious to become Engineers. Some wish to become civil officers. Some are keen to become army officers. Some desire to be writers, novelists, playwrights or poets. Thus ambition or aim varies from person to person.

My aim or ambition or dream of life is to become a Professor of English. There are some reasons for which I want to adopt the profession of teaching at the college level. These are:

Teaching is a very noble profession. The best people in the world are those who teach others. This is the only profession which enables a man to serve his nation properly. A teacher is like a ladder. Like the ladder, the teacher remains at the same place but helps others to rise in life. It is, therefore, better to become a doctor-maker, an engineer-maker or an officer-maker instead of becoming himself a doctor or an engineer or an officer.

It is an acknowledged fact that only men increase the dignity and greatness of a nation. Such men are produced in educational institutions. I am fond of reading, writing and teaching. This profession will assist me to lead the life of a scholar. I am ambitious to become a professor of English because English literature is my favourite subject.

I am taking a deep interest in my studies. Having adopted the profession of teaching, I hope to produce and prepare such men as would be of great service to the nation. Being a teacher, I can also serve my nation by writing such books as can build the character of my people and make them good citizens.

To conclude, aim or ambition or dream of life occupies great importance in human life. A man or a nation cannot make progress in the world in the absence of aim or ambition or dream of life. I am fully satisfied with my aim or ambition or dream of becoming a professor of English as it suits my taste and nature. I am really proud of my aim of becoming a college teacher.

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Students Can Write the Same Essay under the following Titles

Essay on Aims in life    (or)

Essay on My ambition in life  (or)

The dream of my life Essay(or)

The  profession of my choice  (or)

The profession I want to choose  (or)

My future as I would like it to be  (or)

Teaching as a procession of my choice

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Essay on My Aim in Life

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  • Updated on  
  • Apr 15, 2024

Essay on My Aim in Life

Writing an essay is like searching for your inner self. Have you ever wondered why professors or your teachers assign you these writing tasks ? Why don’t they simply ask you to express yourself in oral form? The logic behind their asking you to write an essay is fairly simple. It is easy for you to express yourself more logically when you write an essay. By assigning you an essay task, your teachers are trying to help you develop your writing skills, vocabulary , and your unique writing style. Essays form an integral part of many academic and scholastic exams like SAT, and UPSC among many others. It is a crucial evaluative part of English proficiency tests as well like IELTS , TOEFL , Duolingo , and many more. In this blog, we will learn how to write an essay on My Aim in Life.

This Blog Includes:

Why should you have an aim in life, how to achieve your aim, essay on my aim in life in 100 words, essay on my aim in life in 200 words, essay on my aim in life in 500 words, essay on my aim in life to become a doctor, essay on my aim in life to become a teacher, essay on my aim in life to become an engineer.

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A man with no career goals in life will never be successful. All of his goals will be shattered or fail at some time. He walks with a limp in his daily existence. In life, it is essential to have a realistic objective or goal. It will give your existence a new layer of meaning. When you accomplish it, you will be able to discover your true purpose in life and set an example for others on how to live life to the fullest. Not only that but completing your objective will bring you and your family a great deal of joy and happiness.

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The first and most important job is to exercise extreme caution when making a decision. A goal leads to the correct career. So, here are a few steps to remember at every stage of your existence.

  • Be proactive at all times
  • Keep a healthful and balanced lifestyle
  • Keep pessimism at bay
  • Procrastination should be avoided
  • Increase your skills
  • Accept your mistakes
  • Seek professional advice
  • Consider your ultimate destination
  • Keep track of your accomplishments
  • Maintain your concentration

The aim in life is really important because an aimless person is like a rudderless ship in the sea and does not know the direction of their destination. Likewise, if we also don’t have an aim in our life, we won’t know where to reach. So if you want to be successful and do something in your life then you just need to pick an aim. There are so many aims in human life. I have an aim also. I want to become a professor. I hope I will be able to become a professor one day and I will study hard for it.

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The aim in life is really important because an aimless person is like a rudderless ship in the sea and does not know the direction of their destination. Likewise, if we also don’t have an aim in our life, we won’t know where to reach. I always wanted to be a professor and now my family is inspiring me to become a professor too. My parents are really supportive and they respect my decision. My favourite subject is English . My teachers are really helpful and they help me a lot to understand everything on this particular subject. They also guide me a lot about future decisions.

Ms. Divya is my English professor and she knows about my future plans. She always inspires me to do better and work harder. The reason behind My Future Plan: I have a few specific reasons for my future plan. I was once explaining some doubts of my classmates and I realized that I really like explaining and teaching. After my English Honours degree, I will prepare for the Master’s degree. I am pretty much confident about that and I know I will work hard to pursue my dream. Everyone should have a reasonable aim in their life that will help them to reach success.

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The aim in life is really important because an aimless person is like a rudderless ship in the sea and does not know the direction of their destination. Likewise, if we also don’t have an aim in our life, we won’t know where to reach. Thus to achieve it one has to overcome many obstacles and setbacks from time to time. I always wanted to be a professor and now my family is inspiring me to become a professor too. My parents are really supportive and they respect my decision. I have seen lots of my friends want to become a professor, and some of them want to pursue an MBA . There are a lot of aims and goals available that students can choose in their lives. Right now in this world, the top trending professions are Doctor, Teacher, Programmer, Designer, Architect, Marketer, Supervisor, Manager, Engineer, etc. Maybe you have something unique in you and you want to pursue that. So different people adopt different aims according to their inclinations, tastes or perceptions about life. My teachers are really helpful and are always guiding and helping me with my future plans. 

They have always inspired me to do better and work harder. I was once explaining some doubts to my classmates and I realized that I really like explaining and teaching. Later, I experienced teaching while doing an internship with an NGO. I went to a slum and taught kids there. I felt a different kind of satisfaction after teaching them. At that time I realized that I had never felt happier than this and decided to become a professor. I am one who enjoys exploring new places and getting to know new cultures, languages, and cuisines, and working as a professor offers many chances for me to develop those interests. After my English Honours degree, I will prepare for the Master’s degree. Then I am planning to take the UGC NET exam . Another big plus is the working hours that academia can offer, which are frequently more flexible than in other professions.

The biggest advantage of being a professor is that I find jobs in many places worldwide. I am really honest and passionate about my aim in life. It is surely a long journey but I will try my best to reach my goal and I suggest everyone do the same. According to me, timely execution of an action plan with a proactive attitude is the key to success. One of the best ways to stay motivated is by visualizing the change and likewise by achieving step-by-step milestones.

My aim in life is to grow to be a doctor in the future. I believe that medicine is one of the noblest professions to pursue in the world. I belong to a family of doctors and just like my mother, I aspire to be a neurosurgeon. The study of neurology and its impact on our behaviour, personality, and character is what intrigues me the most about the field. My curiosity towards the medical world and ambition to be a doctor is what motivates me to study harder and more diligently. The study of medicine is not easy but it opens up a whole new world of interaction. Learning about basic cell function to discovering the mechanisms of our brain is a fascinating journey. As a school student, I wish to excel in certain subjects like biology, chemistry, physics, maths, and psychology so that I can pursue my dream of becoming a doctor and a neurosurgeon. I hope to participate in different charities, health clinics, and services to gain the relevant skills one needs to be a doctor. I wish to work upon my social and communication skills because good communication is the backbone of every industry. I have the confidence and hope that one day I will achieve my aim in life to become a doctor.

“A good teacher can inspire hope, ignite the imagination, and instil a love of learning.” Teachers are the foundation of a good society, they not only facilitate learning but also inspire children to follow their dreams and goals in life. This is why my aim in life is to become a teacher. My teachers have had a tremendous impact on my life, they taught me to believe in myself and follow my path no matter what. I wish to inculcate this belief and nurture it. Becoming a teacher can help me spread this knowledge and belief of believing in one’s ability to achieve their goals, to be individualistic and creative. I believe that I can be a good teacher because of my experience, humility, and caring nature. I possess all the skills and qualities that a promising teacher should possess. I hope one day I get the opportunity to follow my passion for teaching and educating the world in the future.

My aim in life is to become an engineer. Belonging to a family of engineers I have aspired to become a mechanical engineer like my father. Efforts anyone puts in becoming an engineer will be the best investment ever. I will face many challenges at work but it will open an array of opportunities for me around the world. My curiosity towards the engineering world and ambition to be an engineer is what drives me to study harder and more diligently. I have started to prepare myself for this journey from the school level. Engineering is all about creating new products and bringing up changes in the existing ones for better functioning. I have started participating in various Olympiads, competitions to level up my knowledge and turn my passion into a career. I hope one day I get the opportunity to follow my passion for engineering and bring a change in the future.

Relevant Blogs

The aim of my life is a common essay topic for students. It focuses on their ambitions, goals, and what they aspire to be when they grow up. It is a great learning and language exercise for school students.

The best answer is to provide a representation of your ambitions and ideal life. Students can talk about why they wish to pursue a particular course or career and how it aligns with their future ambitions.

The aim of a student should be to learn and improve upon their existing knowledge systems.

The word aim means something that you intend to do or a purpose in life.

My life aims to become a pilot.

An essay should be at least 100 words long.

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We hope this blog gives you an idea about how to write and present an essay on My Aim in Life that puts forth your opinions. For more information on such informative topics for your school, visit our essay writing and follow Leverage Edu .

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Nikita Puri

Nikita is a creative writer and editor, who is always ready to learn new skills. She has great knowledge about study abroad universities, researching and writing blogs about them. Being a perfectionist, she has a habit of keeping her tasks complete on time before the OCD hits her. When Nikita is not busy working, you can find her eating while binge-watching The office. Also, she breathes music. She has done her bachelor's from Delhi University and her master's from Jamia Millia Islamia.

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  • My Aim in Life Essay in English for Students


Essay on My Aim in Life for Students

Essay writing is an essential skill that every student must have because words are the weapon of an educated man. Because by effectively using words you can make changes that are not possible otherwise. And therefore, in the English subject, the students are always required to write an essay.

An essay is a creative writing skill, and it is an important skill for the students to develop at an early stage of their life. Because it enables the students to express themselves in such a manner that it becomes easy for others to understand them in a better manner. Therefore, here we have provided a sample essay on the topic of, My Aim in Life. 

Essay writing is a pretty creative skill to develop at a very young age for every kid. Writing an essay or learning how to write an essay invokes interest in them from a tender age. Hence every parent should encourage and guide their kid about how to write an essay. 

Here we have provided a sample essay on ‘My Aim in Life’ for a reference that you can use to guide your kids or your kids can use it directly by using our website or downloading our app. There are many more essays on various topics that are also available on our site/ app in PDF format at absolutely free of cost. Download and use these as per your convenience. 

My Aim in Life

An aimless person is just like a ship without any direction. You cannot move forward without having an aim or goal in your life. Everyone has their own aim. Everyone’s aim is different from others. Having a potential goal in life helps you to define your existence. Not only that, but a goal or several goals also help one in understanding their career goals and life goals.

Why Should you have an Aim in Life?

An aimless man can never be successful in his life. All of his goals will either be shattered or fail at a certain point. He limps in his way of life. It is crucial to have a realistic aim or goal in life. It will add a new layer of meaning to your life. 

Once you can achieve it, you will be able to find the true purpose of life and set an example for others on how to live life in the best possible way. Not only that but also achieving your goal successfully will bring immense joy and happiness in your life and for your family as well. 

How to Choose the Right Aim for You?

Generally, a person chooses their ambition or goal by getting inspired by the people surrounding them. Parents or teachers or relatives play a very crucial role in selecting an aim. Choosing the right goal as per your aptitude will help you to drive your life towards the right path. But one small mistake or choosing a wrong goal can shatter that. Hence everyone must be cautious while making this decision. 

Your aim defines your career path. So, it could be really difficult to choose a career path at a very young age, it could be possible that a person fails to reach his goal after a certain point in time. But fixing the mistake and taking the right decision at that moment will show you light in the right direction. Therefore, do not give up hope and keep trying. And, be ambitious.  

How to Achieve That?

The first and foremost task is you have to be very careful while making the decision. An aim leads towards the right career. So, here are a few steps that you must remember in every phase of your life.

Always be Proactive

Maintain a healthy and balanced life

Stay away from negativity

Avoid procrastination

Gain more knowledge

Embrace your failures

Get expert opinions

Visualize your final destination

Track your progress

Stay focused

Every person decides at some point what he wants to become. And, in this era of modernization, I am aiming to become a doctor. Not just because my mom is a doctor but also it is a noble profession. 

Many people aspire to become an engineer, architects, dancers, interior designers etc. Amid all the other professions, there are some particular reasons behind my preference for becoming a doctor. 

A doctor is a person who saves others’ lives by treating them well. He helps people in curing all the diseases by giving them the required medicine or through surgery or various other procedures. Not only curing people by treatment but also a doctor must offer hope and joy to the patient and his family in times of difficulty. 

No One would be able to survive in this world if there was no doctor. Nothing could be greater than saving someone’s life and spreading joy in the world. 

However, it is not easy to become a doctor. I have to overcome a lot of hurdles to gain success. First I have to study hard and then I have to clear the medical entrance examination to secure a seat in a medical college first and then complete the programme to reach my goal. 

I want to be a doctor because I want to help those who cannot afford the cost of treatment of many difficult diseases. I have a goal of opening a hospital of my own that will be equipped with all the modern medical instruments. And those who require treatment but can’t afford the cost of it will be able to get treated in my hospital. I idolize Dr Devi Shetty, the well known cardiac surgeon. Hence I have decided to embark on this journey.

It is a long journey. But I am quite ambitious and I will put in a lot of hard work to fulfill my goal.

Characteristics of a Good Essay

It must be concise: Essays must always be concise. It does not mean that the essay is supposed to be the short one, but it must be of the length required to convey the idea, no more no less. In this instance, the idea of Aim in the life of the student.

It must be clear: Essays are supposed to be clear; it means the main argument or the central idea of the essay must be clear and not vague, and the same goes for each of the sentences of the essay.

For example, in the topic, My Aim in Life, if the student is writing, My aim in life is to become a doctor, then the next sentence must be something that adds meaning to it, such as because I like to help the people, and not something irrelevant, such as, I like singing.

It is very important to be successful in your life. Hence, fixing a goal and staying focused is crucial in your life. So, making a proper plan from a young age and timely execution along with the right attitude are the ultimate keys to success.


FAQs on My Aim in Life Essay in English for Students

1. Why is having an aim important?

If we want to travel from one place to another then the first thing we must know is the final destination, otherwise we may keep walking and walking, and at last we get tired without reaching anywhere. And the same goes for the aim in life, if you know your aim in life then you can make a map to reach there, and therefore you can avoid wasting the time on wrong pursuits of life, instead, you can give your complete focus to your aim.

2. What aim should I have in life?

Every person has a different aim in their life; therefore, the only person who can decide about the aim of your life is you and no one other. Because the life of each individual is different and so are the circumstances of their lives, which to a certain extent affects the aim of the individual. But on the other hand, you must develop a habit of reading the lives of great people such as Nelson Mandela, because doing so can inspire you and help you find your dream.

Also, if you wish you can read about Nelson Mandela here on Vedant u.  

3. How can I achieve My Aim in Life?

Achieving an aim in life is not an easy task. You need to develop many virtues, and many good qualities and habits in your life to fulfill that aim. But the three basic things you must always take care of are:

Patience: As already said, it takes time to set a goal in life. Rome was not built in a day, hence you must wait and have patience.

Consistency: Always be consistent at whatever you are doing, if you are aiming to become a doctor, then you must work consistently in that direction.

Hard Work: No great result can be produced without great efforts, hence you have to work hard to achieve your aim in life.

4. Why is it necessary to write an essay on a topic such as My Aim in Life?

As said earlier, writing is a skill that students need to develop to express themselves. But before expressing oneself the important thing is to know oneself. And hence writing forces the students to know themselves, especially the topics such as My aim in life. Also, it makes them think and imagine the possible scenarios of their lives, and therefore it helps in the cognitive development of the child. Also, a topic such as My aim in life helps the students in being clear about their lives.

5. Why should I use the essay on My Aim in Life, provided by Vedantu?

Vedantu has a team of expert teachers who prepare all the study materials that Vedantu provides. And hence it is prepared very carefully, and the same goes for the essay on the topic, My aim in life. Since our expert teachers know the capabilities of the students according to their class, the essay is written accordingly. Also, this essay serves as an example of how to write an essay on such a topic. Additionally, the essay is available for download in a PDF file format, and it is free of cost.

My Aim in Life Essay

My Aim in Life Essay With Quotations

by Pakiology | Apr 17, 2024 | Essay | 1 comment

Explore the role of passion, dedication, and service in the pursuit of happiness and fulfillment in this thought-provoking essay on the topic of my aim in life. Read about the importance of pursuing our passions and helping others along the way.

Page Contents

My Aim in Life Essay 1

My aim in life essay 2, quotations for my aim in life essay.

Life is a journey filled with opportunities and challenges, and each individual has a unique destination to reach. The destination is not just a physical place, but rather a state of mind that represents one’s goals, aspirations, and purpose. This journey is what we call life, and it’s up to us to chart our own course and determine our own destiny. The aim of life is what gives meaning and direction to our existence. It is what drives us forward and motivates us to strive for greatness. In this essay, we will delve into the topic of my aim in life, and explore the role of passion, dedication, and service in the pursuit of happiness and fulfillment.

The great philosopher Aristotle once said,

“Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.”

The same can be said for our life’s aim. If we pursue a career or endeavor that aligns with our passions, then we are more likely to put in the necessary effort and dedication to achieve success. This is because we are drawn to what we love, and our passions give us the drive and motivation to work hard. Moreover, when we follow our passions, we are more likely to experience a sense of fulfillment and satisfaction in our lives. As Confucius said,

“Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.”

However, it’s important to note that simply having a passion is not enough. We must also have the dedication and commitment to turn our passions into a reality. This requires hard work, discipline, and a willingness to take risks. In the words of the famous writer, J.K. Rowling,

“It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.”

Thus, to achieve our aim in life, we must be willing to take chances and embrace challenges, even if it means we may sometimes stumble along the way.

In addition to pursuing our passions, it is also important to consider the role of service in our lives. Whether it be volunteering, donating to charity, or simply lending a helping hand to those in need, serving others is a crucial aspect of personal fulfillment. By helping others, we not only make a positive impact on their lives but also enrich our own. As the famous humanitarian, Mother Teresa, once said,

“I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.”

By serving others, we can make a difference in the world and feel a sense of purpose and satisfaction in our own lives.

In conclusion, my aim in life is to pursue my passions and help others along the way. This requires hard work, dedication, and a willingness to take risks, as well as a commitment to serving others. By following our passions and giving back to the world, we can live lives filled with happiness, fulfillment, and meaning. As the great poet, Robert Frost, once said,

“The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”

My Life’s Purpose: A Journey of Passion, Dedication, and Service

Life is an intricate tapestry of experiences, opportunities, and challenges, and within this grand tapestry, each of us holds a unique thread that we weave into our individual narratives. Our journey through life is not merely a passage of time; it’s a profound exploration of self-discovery and purpose. This essay seeks to delve into the depths of my aim in life, a pursuit that defines my existence and drives me toward a life filled with passion, dedication, and service to others.

Aristotle, the great philosopher, once proclaimed, “Pleasure in the job puts perfection in the work.” These words resonate deeply with me, as they encapsulate the essence of my life’s aim. I firmly believe that aligning one’s career or life’s purpose with their passions is the key to unlocking boundless potential. When we are passionate about what we do, we are naturally inclined to invest unwavering dedication and effort into our endeavors. Passion is the spark that ignites our inner fire, propelling us forward even in the face of adversity.

Moreover, when we pursue our passions, we experience a profound sense of fulfillment and contentment. Confucius astutely noted, “Choose a job you love, and you will never have to work a day in your life.” This timeless wisdom emphasizes that a life driven by passion is a life devoid of the burdensome toil often associated with work. Instead, it becomes a joyous and purposeful journey where challenges are welcomed as opportunities for growth.

However, passion alone is not the sole ingredient for success. It must be coupled with unwavering dedication and commitment. J.K. Rowling, the renowned author of the Harry Potter series, wisely observed, “It is impossible to live without failing at something unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.” Dedication entails persistently pushing boundaries, embracing failures as valuable lessons, and having the courage to step out of one’s comfort zone. It’s the determination to turn dreams into reality, regardless of the obstacles encountered along the way.

In addition to pursuing our passions and dedicating ourselves to our chosen paths, an essential facet of a meaningful life lies in service to others. Acts of service, whether through volunteering, charitable giving, or simply extending a helping hand, hold the power to enrich our lives in profound ways. Mother Teresa’s timeless wisdom reminds us, “I alone cannot change the world, but I can cast a stone across the waters to create many ripples.” Each act of kindness, no matter how small, has a ripple effect that touches not only the lives of others but also our own.

Service is the embodiment of empathy and compassion, traits that connect us to the greater human experience. It provides us with a sense of purpose beyond our individual pursuits and aligns us with a collective journey toward positive change. Through service, we contribute to the well-being of society and, in doing so, find deeper fulfillment within ourselves.

In conclusion, my aim in life revolves around the convergence of passion, dedication, and service. I believe that by pursuing my passions with unwavering commitment, I can not only achieve personal success but also inspire positive change in the world. It requires embracing challenges, learning from failures, and continuously pushing the boundaries of what is possible. Additionally, it entails recognizing the profound impact of serving others and understanding that our individual threads are woven into the larger tapestry of humanity. Ultimately, by following this path, I aspire to lead a life brimming with happiness, fulfillment, and purpose, echoing the sentiment expressed by Robert Frost, “The purpose of life is not to be happy. It is to be useful, to be honorable, to be compassionate, to have it make some difference that you have lived and lived well.”

Here are some quotes that could be used in an essay about one’s aim in life:

“The purpose of life is to live it, to taste experience to the utmost, to reach out eagerly and without fear for newer and richer experience.” – Eleanor Roosevelt
“The best years of your life are the ones in which you decide your problems are your own. You do not blame them on your mother, the ecology, or the president. You realize that you control your own destiny.” – Albert Ellis
“Your time is limited, don’t waste it living someone else’s life.” – Steve Jobs
“The only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs
“The meaning of life is to find your own purpose.” – Confucius
“The journey of a thousand miles begins with one step.” – Lao Tzu
“The two most important days in your life are the day you are born and the day you find out why.” – Mark Twain
“The only thing that will stop you from fulfilling your dreams is you.” – Tom Bradley
“Success is not the key to happiness. Happiness is the key to success. If you love what you are doing, you will be successful.” – Albert Schweitzer
“Your work is going to fill a large part of your life, and the only way to be truly satisfied is to do what you believe is great work. And the only way to do great work is to love what you do.” – Steve Jobs

What is an aim essay?

An aim essay is a written piece in which an individual writes about their aspirations, goals, and objectives in life.

What is the aim life paragraph?

An aim in life paragraph is a short section in which someone writes about their purpose, direction, or ambition in life.

What is the best aim in life?

The best aim in life is subjective and varies from person to person, as it depends on individual values, interests, and experiences. Some may find fulfillment in their career, while others may prioritize relationships, personal growth, or serving others.

How can I write my aim in life essay?

To write an aim in life essay, you can start by reflecting on your passions, skills, and values, and think about how you want to use these to make a positive impact in the world. You can also consider your long-term goals and how you plan to achieve them. It’s helpful to be specific and include examples, while also keeping your writing concise and focused.

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My Aim In Life Essay for Students and Children

500+ words essay on my aim in life .

It is a well-known fact that a person without an aim is a person without a life. All the creatures in this universe have one or another specific aim. It is common for all things. As the human is the best creature among them all, he has been given a right to select what he wants to do in his life. The mindset of each and every person is of its own type. Therefore, his aim in life will also be different from others.

Life is God’s greatest blessing; nevertheless, if there is no purpose and aim, life is useless and meaningless. Every one of us is born with a mission. It is essential to have a goal in life. If you want to pursue something in your life, you must have a goal. Student life is the ideal time to set goals. A person with a defined objective outperforms someone who does not have a goal in life. And if you don’t know what you want, you’ll never be motivated to work hard. To live a good life and deal with challenges, we need a proper plan. As a result, it is critical for everyone to have a life goal.

my aim in life essay

What is the Aim?

In a generic term purpose or goal is an aim. A person in his childhood might want to be a famous astronaut or a movie star or a police officer or something like that.  Aim means to intend, to try, or to aspire. Each aim generally starts with a declaration of setting the goal, then breaking it into smaller pieces over a set timeline. Thus to achieve it one has to overcome many obstacles and setbacks from time to time.

Importance of aim in life:

There is a popular saying that a man without an aim is like an aim without a rudder. It means a ship without a rudder faces danger. Thus similarly a man without aim cannot reach towards his goal of life. He stumbles in his way of life.

So every person must have a definite aim. So, the aim of life is to give your life a purpose and meaning. Certainly, it is done by finding out what truly matters to you. Your purpose is to create more joy in life or to show others how you can live your life in the best possible manner.

How to find your Aim?

If you try to accomplish things that aren’t meant for you, that doesn’t offer you a sense of belonging and don’t provide you inner peace and happiness, you’re not in the correct field. You are not pursuing your goals and passions.

Everyone is unique in their own way. One may excel in academics while the other may be skilled in photography. Some people are born to aid the needy, others with bright brains, still others to pursue art and architecture, and still others simply write their way through life and become authors.

Simply close your eyes and think about something you appreciate the most on a larger scale, and that’s all there is to it. That is your life’s passion and goal. All you have to do is get closer to the part and shoot at it. By just following your passion, you can make your goal a reality.

Primary Aim in life:

A person can set the aim of his life by applying various parameters in life. Some of these maybe –

  • To live with a specific purpose and passion every day
  • To live for others by helping them.
  • To become a great father, mother, son or daughter.
  • To become a wildly successful entrepreneur and businessman
  • To live a healthy, active and fit life
  • To live with financial freedom in life.

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Types of Aim:

Different people have different aims. Some people may want to become a doctor while others may want to start their own business. Likewise if engineering appeals, to some, the army may be the attraction for others. Some aim at becoming a teacher while social service or politics suits others. So different people adopt different aims according to their inclination or taste or perception about life.

How to Choose the right Aim of life?

It is the responsibility of the parents and the teachers to persuade their wards to select a profession according to their aptitude. Thus one can say that the right aim means right life and the wrong aim means wrong life. So, we should be very cautious while deciding on our aim.

Certainly, this is the most difficult problem that a young man faces is the selection of a profession.  If a person does not choose his aim rightly, he will be always misfitted in his life. Thus, the best aim would be for one in which one feels happy always and he can do something worthwhile. Also at the same time, he assures about bright prospects in life.

Everyone should set a goal that is personal to them and will always inspire them to reach new heights. Therefore, don’t follow the mob and mimic the ambitions of friends.

How to Achieve the Aim in Life?

We should never make wealth or power the end of our existence, whether we succeed or fail in accomplishing our aim. We must never chase the celebrity bubble. Our goal should be to achieve our set aim solely for our own good, for our own enjoyment and satisfaction.

Some non-avoidable points which must be remembered are-

  • Be Proactive
  • No More Negativity
  • Always be balanced
  • Fully Focused
  • Break it down
  • Embrace failure
  • Tell everyone
  • Get help and guidance
  • Track your progress
  • Visualize the end result
  • Reset the action plan based on feedback

We should also jot down and make a list of all our aims to be achieved. This activity will help you in a lot many ways. A few of them are:

  • It may help you live longer and be healthier.
  • If others ask, you will be an inspiration to them.
  • It will be a guide to the best version of yourself.
  • Your aim preferences will be prioritised based on your requirements.
  • It will serve as a progress tracker as you work your way up the achievement ladder.


Thus it is a fact that setting an aim and acting to achieve it is very important for a successful life. Everyone must start working towards it. The timely execution of an action plan with a proactive attitude is the key to success. One of the best ways to stay motivated is by visualizing the change and likewise by achieving step by step milestones.

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My Aim in Life Essay For Students: 100, 200 & 500 Words Essay

Writing an essay is equal to exploring your inner self. Teachers have a very straightforward justification for requesting you to write an essay. Writing an essay makes it simple for you to communicate yourself more rationally.

The lecturers are attempting to assist you in developing your writing abilities, vocabulary, and distinctive writing style by giving you essay assignments. Essays are a required component of many academic and scholastic tests, including the UPSC and SAT. It is also an essential evaluation component of English proficiency exams, such as the TOEFL, Duolingo, and IELTS.

Table of Content

Essay on My Aim in Life in 100 words

Essay on my aim in life in 200 words, essay on my aim in life in 500 words, what is the aim, importance of aim in life, how to find your aim, types of aim, how to choose the right aim of life, how to achieve the aim in life.

My aim in life is to become a doctor. I want to serve humanity by providing medical care to those in need. Healing the sick and alleviating their suffering is my passion. I aspire to make a positive impact on society and contribute to the well-being of others. Becoming a doctor requires dedication, hard work, and compassion, qualities that I am committed to cultivating. I believe that pursuing this noble profession will not only fulfill my personal aspirations but also allow me to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others.

My aim in life is to become a successful entrepreneur. I envision myself creating innovative solutions to address societal challenges and make a positive impact on the world. As an entrepreneur, I aspire to build a business that not only generates profits but also contributes to the greater good. I am passionate about entrepreneurship because it allows me to exercise creativity, take risks, and pursue my vision for a better future. I am committed to acquiring the necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in the business world, including leadership, problem-solving, and adaptability. By pursuing my aim of becoming an entrepreneur, I hope to leave a lasting legacy and inspire others to pursue their dreams.

My aim in life is to become a teacher. I believe that education is the key to unlocking opportunities and empowering individuals to reach their full potential. As a teacher, I aspire to inspire and motivate students to excel academically and personally. I want to create a nurturing and supportive learning environment where students feel valued and encouraged to explore their interests and passions. By instilling a love for learning and fostering critical thinking skills, I hope to prepare students for success in life and contribute to building a brighter future for society. Becoming a teacher requires patience, empathy, and dedication, qualities that I am committed to cultivating. I am passionate about making a positive difference in the lives of others and believe that education is the most powerful tool for driving social change. Through my work as a teacher, I aim to empower future generations to become compassionate, responsible, and engaged members of society.

An aim in life is like a guiding star that directs our efforts and shapes our journey towards success and fulfillment. It is the beacon that illuminates our path, providing clarity and purpose to our endeavors.

Having a clear aim in life is crucial for personal development and growth. It gives us a sense of direction, motivating us to strive harder and overcome obstacles. An aim provides focus, helps in prioritizing tasks, and ensures that our efforts are aligned with our aspirations. Without a defined aim, we may wander aimlessly, lacking purpose and satisfaction in life.

Discovering one’s aim in life is a process of self-reflection and exploration. It involves identifying our passions, interests, and values, as well as understanding our strengths and weaknesses. Engaging in activities that resonate with us and seeking guidance from mentors can also help in clarifying our aim.

Primary Aim in life

Our primary aim in life is the overarching goal that defines our purpose and drives our actions. It encompasses our long-term aspirations and reflects what we ultimately strive to achieve. Whether it’s pursuing a career, making a difference in society, or achieving personal fulfillment, our primary aim serves as the cornerstone of our life’s journey.

Aims can vary greatly from person to person, depending on individual values, aspirations, and circumstances. They can be categorized into various types such as career goals, educational aspirations, personal development objectives, and societal contributions. Each type of aim contributes to different aspects of our lives, shaping our overall growth and fulfillment.

Choosing the right aim in life requires careful consideration and introspection. It involves aligning our aspirations with our talents, passions, and values, ensuring that our aim is both meaningful and achievable. Assessing our strengths and weaknesses, seeking advice from mentors, and exploring different options can help in making an informed decision about our life’s aim.

Achieving our aim in life requires dedication, perseverance, and resilience. It involves setting clear goals, formulating action plans, and consistently working towards them. Staying focused, overcoming setbacks, and adapting to challenges are essential in the pursuit of our aim. Seeking support from mentors, acquiring relevant skills, and remaining adaptable to change can also facilitate our journey towards achieving our aim.

In conclusion, having a clear aim in life is essential for personal fulfillment, growth, and success. It provides direction, purpose, and motivation, guiding us through life’s journey and helping us realize our full potential. By identifying our aim, setting goals, and striving towards them with determination, we can chart a path towards a meaningful and fulfilling life. Let us embrace the power of aim-setting and embark on a journey towards realizing our dreams and aspirations.

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My Aim In Life Essay- FAQs

What is the best answer for aim in life.

The best answer for aim in life varies for each individual but generally involves a combination of personal passion, societal contribution, and self-fulfillment. It should reflect one’s aspirations, values, and long-term goals, guiding their actions and decisions towards a purposeful and meaningful life.

How do I write an essay about my aim in life?

To write an essay about your aim in life, start by reflecting on your passions, interests, and long-term goals. Define your aim clearly and concisely, explaining why it is important to you and how you plan to achieve it. Organize your essay with an introduction, body paragraphs discussing your aim and its significance, and a conclusion summarizing your main points.

What is the biggest aim in life?

The biggest aim in life is subjective and varies from person to person. It could be achieving personal fulfillment, making a positive impact on society, or leaving a lasting legacy. Ultimately, the biggest aim in life is one that brings a sense of purpose and fulfillment, guiding individuals towards their highest aspirations and deepest desires.

Why is aim important in life?

Aim is important in life because it provides direction, motivation, and purpose. It gives individuals a sense of clarity about their goals and aspirations, guiding their actions and decisions towards achieving them. Aim also helps in prioritizing tasks, staying focused, and overcoming obstacles, leading to personal growth and fulfillment. Without a clear aim, individuals may feel lost or directionless, lacking motivation and meaning in their lives.

What is full form of AIM?

The full form of AIM varies depending on the context. In the context of messaging and communication technology, AIM stands for AOL Instant Messenger, a popular instant messaging service. However, in the broader sense, AIM can stand for “Ambition, Inspiration, Motivation,” reflecting key elements of goal-setting and personal development.

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My Aim In Life Essay

While writing this essay, students should focus on the goals they set for themselves and strive to become a better version of themselves. My aim in life essay discusses how to set priorities, why they are important, and how we should do our best to accomplish them. In addition to highlighting how to remain consistent and achieve your life goals, the article also provides insights into why your personal goals are extraordinary for you. Students can use this to write a personal essay about their goals and career path based on this.

Table of Contents

My Aim In Life Essay 150 Words

As a child, I always wanted to be a doctor. It has been my dream since I was a child. A person must know where they want to go in life, and what he hopes to become when he grows up. Once one knows what someone aspires to be, he can work hard to achieve it.

My parents are very happy with my decision and wish me all the success and hope that I will achieve my ambition. I am always concerned when my friends and family members are sick, and I feel like caring for them. My intention is to establish a clinic in my village once I receive my medical degree. There are no good doctors in the village. Due to the lack of medical facilities, a large number of people die there, and I would like to provide them with medical assistance.

It is not my intention to become a doctor just to make money. I will ensure that the poor should not be deprived of treatment because of a lack of money. I will treat my patients gently and considerately. With dedication, determination, and devotion, I am sure that I will succeed in fulfilling my ambition. I shall encourage people to maintain hygiene and cleanliness.

My Aim In Life Essay

My Aim In Life Essay 250 Words

Throughout my life, I have a dream of serving my motherland in a uniform. As a pilot, I wish to join the Indian Air Force or Navy, protecting my country from its enemies. The sound of an aircraft moving across the air makes my heart race. The sheer power of the aircraft can also be felt through the rumble over the ground. Flying in a fighter plane is my ultimate goal. The Balakot airstrike inspired me to become a naval pilot through Operational Trident during the war with Pakistan. A real hero is someone you earn, not the one you see in the movies or TV shows. To be a real hero, you have to earn a uniform that gives you real powers and not imaginary ones. In the end, I want to see myself in the uniform as soon as possible.

What made me choose to join the military as my life’s goal?

A sense of systematicity, organization, and discipline inspired me to join the forces. Rather than the mundane civilian life, it is the action involved in the military that draws me there. Having radio contacts in the services is beyond cool to me. The way they communicate is fascinating in its own way. It is always appealing to me to see the colors of the uniform, whether it be green, white, or blue. The authorization to kill an enemy is the cherry on top. Armed personnel are provided with advanced gear and machinery. Guns and weapons are included in this machinery.

My opinion is that life in the forces is far more satisfying and adventurous than civilian life. I also enjoy adventure sports like skydiving, river rafting, scuba diving, mountaineering, etc. In every step of the services, I have the opportunity to engage in action. I don’t want to take advantage of these privileges for the privileges that armed personnel enjoy, but I cannot ignore these benefits. For me, the vehicles are an important aspect. My first step would be to get one for myself.

My Aim In Life Essay

My Aim In Life Essay 500 Words

It is important to have an aim in life, because an aimless person is like a rudderless ship in the sea that has no idea where they are headed. As well, if we do not know where we should be in life, we will not know where to go. I have always wanted to be a professor, but my family is inspiring me to do the same. I have overcome many obstacles and setbacks from time to time. My parents are really supportive and respect my decision.

A lot of my friends wish to become professors, and some wish to become MBAs. There are so many aims and goals students can choose from in their life. Doctors, educators, programmers, designers, architects, marketers, supervisors, managers, engineers, and other top trending professions are the ones in the world right now. Maybe you have something unique in you and you are interested in pursuing it. Consequently, different people adopt different goals according to their inclination or taste or perception of life. I am grateful to my teachers for their guidance and assistance.

Once, I explained some doubts to my classmates and realized I enjoyed explaining and teaching. They have always inspired me to work harder and do better. Later, I had the opportunity to teach while doing an internship with an NGO. I taught kids in a slum. My experience gave me a different kind of satisfaction. As a result, I decided to become a professor because I had never felt happier than that.

Working as a professor gives me many opportunities to develop my interests in discovering new places and learning about new cultures, languages, and cuisines. Therefore, I am the one who enjoys exploring new places and getting to know new cultures, languages, and cuisines. Aside from my English Honours degree, I intend to pursue a Master’s degree. Following that, I intend to take the UGC NET exam. Academia has a number of advantages, including flexible working hours that are generally different from other professions.

Being a professor has the biggest advantage of finding jobs across the globe. The road to my goal is surely long, but I will try my best to accomplish it, and I recommend that everyone do the same. My greatest advantage is that I am honest and passionate about what I want out of life. By visualizing the change and achieving milestones along the way, I believe I can stay motivated to succeed. Executing an action plan in a timely manner with a proactive attitude is key to success.


It is my personal goal that I would like to achieve in life. I am honest and passionate over the goal I have set for myself and I urge everyone to strive as hard as they can to achieve it.

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My aim in life essay

My aim in life essay 17 Models

My aim in life essay – for students , it is an important topic for every student. We provide several templates of 100, 150, 200 – 500 words, to help students write My aim in life essay – for students .

Goals differ from one person to another, everyone has a goal that they seriously strive to achieve. Setting goals is the first step on the road to success. When you set your goal, it is easy to achieve it with minimal effort.

It is possible to achieve great goals when we work hard, and the use of the experiences of others helps us a lot in overcoming obstacles.

Life has no meaning without having valuable goals that we work to achieve. The goal is the end we want to reach. A conscious person is the one who realizes what he wants to do in his life, and what his future aspirations and dreams are. Topics suitable for the fifth and sixth grades of primary school, and the first, second, and third grades of middle school and high school.

 My aim in life essay – for students

There is no doubt that every student has set his goal, which is to succeed with excellence in study, and to join the university he prefers to study at. Therefore, students choose at the secondary level the section that qualifies them for university study, and this is setting goals.

Some students prefer to study literary subjects, and their goal is to enroll in theoretical faculties, such as studying law, languages, history, and others. While others prefer to study scientific subjects in order to join practical colleges such as medicine, pharmacy and science. Some students prefer to study mathematics in order to enroll in the College of Engineering or the Institutes of Technology and others.

Thus, the student can direct his efforts to achieving the goal, and in My aim in life essay – for students , I will write a paragraph about the definition of the goal and the importance of defining our goals.

Aim definition

The aim is the end that you want to reach in the end. For example, if a person wants to be a doctor in the future, he must strive to achieve this goal by studying scientific subjects and excelling in his studies, achieving success in exams, joining medical school, and studying seriously. Thus, he can eventually achieve his goal and become a successful doctor in his work.

I like the saying: “ The ultimate goal of life is action, not knowledge. Science without action is nothing. We learn in order to act .” Thomas Huxley

It is noticeable that this person was able to define his goal and study the scientific materials that qualify him to join the Faculty of Medicine. Thus, it saves time and effort.

But when we do not define our goals, there is confusion and great effort in sub-things that are far from the goal. We may reach our aim in the end after tiring and passing a long time, or we may not reach our aim, and this is considered a major failure.

The importance of aim setting

Determining the goal is one of the most important success factors, because it helps us determine the right path that we must take. I like this saying: “ The straight path only leads to the goal .” Andre Geed. Therefore, I set my aim precisely, and in fact I have several goals that I want to achieve in the future.

These goals are related to the job that I want to work in in the future, my place of residence, my marriage and the formation of a family, my economic status, owning a house and a car.

There is no doubt that the goals are many and I cannot achieve them at the same time, so I care about priorities. For example, now my most important goal is to achieve great success in my studies, and therefore I am working to achieve this goal by studying seriously, seeking the help of my teachers, attending school regularly, relying on myself to obtain knowledge and learn more information through the Internet.

All of this will help me achieve my goal at this stage, which is to excel in my studies. In My aim in life essay – for students , I will explain that every stage of my life has a specific goal. But this goal leads to another bigger goal, until I reach my greatest aim in life.

My aim in life essay – for students 300 words

I want to be a doctor in the future, because the work of a doctor is important in all societies. The doctor provides a great humanitarian service, in addition to the fact that the doctor has a good social status.

When I set my career goal, it became easy for me to plan in a good way to achieve this goal. Therefore, I joined the science department in high school, and studied science subjects such as chemistry, physics and biology.

I like to know biology very much, it is an interesting subject, I have read a lot about the human body, how the body systems work, what are the diseases that affect humans, and how to treat them. All this information will be useful to me in the future when I go to medical school.

The information we search for ourselves cannot be forgotten by the passage of time. Learning is a continuous process that does not stop at a certain stage, because science develops with the increase in scientific research and the advancement of technological means that are used in scientific research.

Therefore, we must follow what science has reached in terms of new inventions and recent discoveries in the field in which we want to work in the future.

After completing my high school studies, I will study at the Faculty of Medicine, in order to achieve my career goal, which is to be a doctor. In My aim in life essay – for students , I will explain my economic goal in the future. I like the saying : “ Glory lies in a person’s attempt to reach a goal, not in reaching it. ” Mahatma Gandhi.

My aim in life essay – for students 150 words

I am a hardworking person and I like to work seriously, so I want to have money to help me live a life of some luxury, because a person who is serious about his work should enjoy some vacations to entertain himself and enjoy nature.

Therefore, I want to work seriously, and to travel on vacations to other countries, in order to enjoy watching archaeological sites, or enjoy natural scenery, shopping, entertainment, and others. And I believe that: “ The goal that needs unhealthy means to reach it… is not the right goal. ” Albert Camus.

One of my most important economic goals is to have a hospital, because this will help me provide distinguished medical services, in addition to that it will greatly improve my economic condition.

The work of the doctor is a great humanitarian work, and we cannot dispense with the work of doctors in peace or war. It is an essential job in all societies, and the importance of the doctor’s job has emerged during the spread of the Corona epidemic (Covid-19).

My future social goal / 100 words

I am a social person, I like to live with my family, so I want to get married, have children, and have a family. Therefore, I want to own a big house in a coastal city, and to live in this house with my wife and children, and my father and mother. I want to achieve a happy life for all of my family members. Living with the family provides us with great happiness, as we feel loved and psychologically reassured. I also want my wife to be kind. I love cooperation and making others happy. In My aim in life essay – for students , I will talk about my aim in life in general.

My aim in life essay – for students |200 words

My aim in life in general is to be a useful person who does a great job of serving others. I want to live a happy life, have a good job, and do great service to people. I believe a lot in this saying: “ Do your work well and you will achieve your hope. ” The philosopher Plato

I also want to have a family, to own a house and a car, and to have a bank account with a large amount of money, so that I can provide for all the needs of my family.

My aim in life is to live in peace without fear. Great goals certainly take a lot of effort, I am very ambitious and will overcome any obstacles in the way of my success.

“ The goal that we pursue without appreciating the obstacles, without fearing the dangers, is a goal that can never be reached .” Alvaro Motis.

Life is a set of experiences, and every path we take is a mixture of sadness and joy, optimism and despair, ease and difficulty. The road to success is difficult and full of obstacles, so I am able to endure and face obstacles, through strong will and determination to achieve my goals.

“ Clarity of purpose  causes reassurance and leads to happiness” . Goethe, a playwright and poet. I promised myself to walk forward on the path of success, and I will not back down, no matter what difficulties I face, I will overcome them, and turn failure into success. I never like despair, I believe that great goals are not impossible, but they require determination, will and good planning.

At the end of My aim in life essay – for students , I presented the definition of the goal, and that it is the end that we want to reach in the end. The importance of setting a goal to reduce effort and time. Setting a goal makes us focus on achieving it without branching out in ways that do not lead us to achieving the goal.

There is a main goal in my life, but in order to achieve this goal there must be interim goals, which ultimately lead to achieving the main goal in my life.

“ Failure is not achieving our goals, but failure is that we do not try to reach the goal. ” Che Guevara. I believe that the path to success is difficult, and therefore I must give up despair completely, and plan well to achieve my goal with minimal effort, and I must seek the help of experienced people, and find a solution to any problem I encounter, continuing to work seriously that leads to achieving the goal.

At the end of My aim in life essay – for students , I hope you have benefited, and I appreciate your comments.

My aim in life essay 846 words

My goal in life is to become a person of value to society, a person whose abilities can be relied upon, and to become one of the effective personalities that help its society in building and progressing, and to have great energy and ability to develop, so that I can progress and excel continuously.

Undoubtedly, there are many people who do not have a goal or a destination that they seek to reach, and these I liken them to a ship that has no destination, which does not reach anywhere.

Unlike people with will and goals, they can achieve many things in their lives, and these achievements are very suitable for them. I will explain this in my aim in life essay.

For a long time, I had many ideas, such as what is the purpose of life, and other similar thoughts, but I was able to identify the problem that I do not have a specific goal until I have ambition to achieve it, so I should have known well what my goal is, and what is an effective personality of value in the society I want to be like.

Until I was able to reach that the doctor is one of the influential personalities, especially if he works in an important and sensitive specialty that helps others to live their lives normally, without suffering or pain.

In order for me to reach this goal, I must stick to my dream no matter what obstacles I face, and I must prepare myself well to excel in study until I reach this goal.

I know very well that this goal is different from other goals that do not require effort and dedication since childhood, and that I will face many obstacles in improving and developing myself in study.

The wonderful thing about this job is that it brings you a good reputation and great fame whenever you apply for it, and you have many people who trust you and know your experience, which makes them leave you the judgment in diagnosis and treatment with confidence. It was explained in my aim in life essay. 

There is the social aspect, that the character of the doctor is loved by everyone, children or adults, as he represents one of the respected personalities in society who imposes himself on everyone, and obtains everyone’s love, which gives the person a good aura, and great approval for his role in society.

It also contains many skills that the doctor learns from his graduation until his last working day in this profession, so it is very interesting for me, because it does not have a specific or known ceiling in learning, treatment and creativity.

Therefore, it represents a great challenge for me, and this is one of the qualities that I love in myself, the challenge and not being afraid of the unknown, in addition to my love for development and progress, especially the improvement of the tools, inventions, or treatment methods available to me, It was explained in my aim in life essay. 

It is also one of the jobs that a person can gain many ideas through his work environment, get to know many different nationalities, meet people with a high level of intellectual progress, and can gain many useful points from them.

It is also a wonderful environment to work, where there are many superior people, who are always striving to progress and reach the best possible result, which creates a competitive atmosphere always, and there is always an incentive to research, progress, learn and use the latest and best methods.

Although it is a wonderful job and has a lot of achievements to be proud of, but it includes a lot of risks and a lot of failure that a person will face, It was explained in my aim in life essay. 

I realize how difficult it is, but I see a wonderful side to it, which is facing reality and accepting it. The doctor gives his best, and he seeks to treat the patient or provide the best possible result, and until he can do this, he will face some failures and obstacles that he will learn from and make him strong so that he can continue and work without getting bored.

With the same previous thought, short articles can be built, and this is what you will find  in the upcoming models, which will include some of the article’s strengths while merging them into easy phrases to suit all educational stages to make the topic easy.

Dear student, a basic form was submitted for the topic on my aim in life essay, In addition to many other models such as, ambition, on my aim in life, on my aim in life to become a lawyer, my future ambition is to be a doctor, on my aim in life to become a singer, on my aim in life to become a soldier, on my aim in life to become a pilot, short paragraph.

I hope you have benefited from my aim in life essay

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My Aim in Life Essay Quotations: Inspiring Reflections

Hye everyone, hope you are doing well. I am very glad to tell you that I got some My Aim in Life Essay Quotations. In this article, we explore some quotes from My Aim in Life Essay and aspirations, then reflect on their significance in shaping our dreams.

Quotation Exploration:

Let’s kick things off by pondering a few inspiring quotes in the form of a PDF that resonate with the essence of setting life goals and pursuing our dreams:


These quotes make me think about what I want to do in life. They remind me to believe in myself and enjoy what is important to me. Even when things get tough, I can stay working to reach my dreams and make the most of my time.


My Aim in Life Essay Quotations are like little reminders to keep going and stay working to yourself. I hope they inspire you too!

Closing Note:

Thanks for hanging out and talking about goals and dreams with me and don’t forget to share these quotes with your friends, family members, and every one who wants to do any thing in his life. Let’s keep believing in ourselves and working towards our dreams !

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My Aim in Life Essay with Quotations for 2nd year

Updated at Oct 03, 2023 | by Admin

my aim in life essay

Life without aim is like an endless race with no directions, having an aim in life is very important as it helps to maintain discipline, to be focused and gives you the directions to go about life. Basically, I see life as a coin which has two sides, one is called personal life and the other one is professional life and my aim in life is different for both of them. I believe that everyone should have different aims for both professional and personal lives. Aims should be bigger and humanitarian rather than self centered.

"Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star." – W. Clement Stone

In my professional life, I want to be a digital marketing expert and I want to master every aspect of this field. After acquiring expertise in digital marketing, I want to share my knowledge and experience with as much people as I can. It is because digital market places are the fastest growing markets of this age and every large business is going towards making a digital presence. This is why, I believe that to survive and compete in the modern world, one should acquire quality technical education because technology has progressed to an immense level and it continues to develop day after day.

"Education is the most powerful weapon which you can use to change the world." — Nelson Mandela

In my personal life, I simply want to be a better person for all the people around me including my family, my friends, my colleague and for the society where I grew up. I want to be known as the most courteous person around them because courtesy is one of the primary teachings of my mother who is my favorite personality.

"Politeness costs nothing and gains everything." - Lady Montague

Why Aim in life is important:

Setting a clear aim or goal is the first step towards achieving something. Without having a clear goal in mind, one can reach nowhere. Aim is very important to live a disciplined and focused life, it also gives you the directions to go about life. Discipline, focus, proper direction and hard work these are the keys to success.

How to achieve your aim:

Once you set an aim, then you have to analyze what I have to do to achieve it. Secondary things can vary depending upon your aim but the primary keys to achieve an aim are:


Discipline is perhaps the biggest key to success, it enables you to live your life in a more organized way by following set of rules. Maintaining discipline is very important if you want to achieve the aim of your life. People who are disciplined, they live a healthy life and they have a proper work routine. This helps them to keep moving forward towards their goal day after day and eventually, they achieve it at some point.

"Discipline is the bridge between goals and accomplishment". Jim Rohn

To achieve your aim, you have to be focused. Keep focusing on the process that can take you to your goal and try to have a full control over your mind. People who keep focusing on their aim, they get to know more about it and they perform better than those who get distracted by several things and lose their focus.

"Focus on the journey, not the destination. Joy is found not in finishing an activity but in doing it." Greg Anderson

Directions are also very important, when you are try to achieve something, you must know the right way. Mentors play a very crucial role in providing right directions. Whatever you want to achieve in life, find someone who has already achieved it. Let say, you want to be a doctor, go find an experienced doctor and ask them about their journey and what are the most effective practices that you can do to be a good doctor. Having right directions save your efforts and time.

"Mentoring is a brain to pick, an ear to listen, and a push in the right direction." John C. Crosby

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How to write the perfect "my aim in life" essay!

How to write the perfect “my aim in life” essay!

Essay writing is a crucial part of your academic life and demonstrates your intelligence in a topic. essay writing is also an excellent tool to gain relevant research skills. here is a guide to writing an essay on the topic ‘my aim in life’, table of contents, how to write an effective essay on the topic ‘my aim in life’, how do i write the introduction of an essay titled ‘my aim in life’, how do i write the body of my essay on ‘my aim in life’ , how do i write the conclusion of my essay titled ‘my aim in life’, key takeaways.

Essay writing is often regarded as one of the most important activities you will have to participate in throughout your academic career. Writing often demonstrates how well you have learned a language, your knowledge, your research skills, and the ability to communicate effectively. 

An essay often includes a broad range of topics including women empowerment, social justice, pollution, and iconic figures such as Mahatma Gandhi. 

Learning how to write the perfect essay can help you put your thoughts across as clearly and confidently as possible.  Keep reading to learn more about how you should approach writing an essay on the topic “my aim in life”!

When diving into an essay writing task, you will first need to decide the basic structure of your ‘my aim in life’ topic. 

Conventionally, the basic structure of an essay consists of an introduction, a body, and a conclusion. Once your structure has been established, it becomes easier for you to organize the information and thoughts you have on the subject. 

A well-structured essay will consist of a coherent set of ideas that are successfully molded into formal content supported by logic. One of the key points to note about essays is that they are linear and present only one idea at a time. This ensures that the information is organized and expressed lucidly.

essay on my aim life with quotations

A good essay will have an opening paragraph demonstrating a detailed thesis or a single idea. The evaluation of an essay begins immediately with the opening paragraph. 

Therefore, the statement needs to be interesting, strong, and effective. 

One of the best ways to begin the introduction is with a ‘hook’ that catches the reader’s attention and motivates them to continue reading. 

The next few sentences of the introduction will build on the topic ‘my aim in life’, and will move on to the thesis statement which announces the purpose of the essay. 

Here is an example of how you can craft the introduction of your ‘my aim in life’ essay – 

It is a fact that a person without an aim is a person who moves through life without motivation and purpose. With or without their knowledge, every person has an inherent aim in life which is the purpose of their lives. The aim can be anything from achieving a goal to becoming a person in the future with remarkable potential. With this essay, I will be exploring what my aim in life is and how I can make my dreams a reality!

My Aim In Life Essay In Short Words

The paragraph that follows your introduction and forms the majority of your essay on ‘my aim in life’ is referred to as the body.

Depending on what you want to accomplish with your essay, each paragraph of the body can range between 2 to 8 sentences in length. The body of your essay should represent the key points with relevant information and data to support your assumptions. 

Ideally, each paragraph of the body should contain a single idea that is introduced in the first sentence and is supported by the subsequent sentences. 

Here is an example of how to write a paragraph for the body of your ‘my aim in life’ essay – 

My aim in life is to become a doctor. I realized I wanted to become a doctor during my childhood when I was brought up in a village. The 

villagers fell ill often and did not have access to adequate healthcare facilities and professionals. I want to be able to contribute to my community with my knowledge and expertise. Therefore, I aim to become a doctor and return to my village to establish a foundation in health services for all the villagers.

The conclusion of your essay is the final part of the content. The essay effectively summarizes all of your ideas presented in the introduction & body paragraphs. 

The conclusion is also written to demonstrate how the ideas stated in the introduction relate to the body paragraphs and general thesis of the essay. 

Ideally, the conclusion should begin with a brief and should be followed by a one-sentence summary of the thesis. 

Here is an example of a concluding paragraph to an essay on your aim in life – 

In conclusion, realizing my aim in life has become a fundamental part of my motivation to do well in academics. Spending time recognizing why I wanted to be something has allowed me to approach everyday life with a proactive attitude!

  • Essay writing is a crucial part of language learning and development. Being able to write an essay demonstrates how good your written skills are. 
  • Essay writing is also a skill that is tested in the selection process for colleges . 
  • Being able to write an essay is as simple as structuring the information clearly and concisely.
  • A good essay will have a clear introduction, body, and conclusion. 
  • Learn how to write a good essay on the topic ‘my aim in life’ with the guidelines and examples provided in this blog! 

Was this blog informative? If yes, please share your thoughts in the comments below. Click here to reach out to us for more information on how to write an essay titled ‘my aim in life’. We would be happy to assist you with your queries!

Liked this blog? Read next: How to write the perfect discipline essay?

Q1. How do I know if my source is reliable? 

Answer – A good source will have the necessary credentials listed. This can help you recognize if the information you write about is trustworthy or not. 

Q2. How many times should I proofread my essay? 

Answer – Proofreading your essay properly once is more than enough to spot any errors that can be eliminated before submission. Consider going through your essay at least a couple of hours after completing the concluding paragraph for maximum effectiveness. 

Q3. How many sentences make up a business essay paragraph, on average? 

Answer – Business writing tends to have shorter paragraphs that are usually 4 to 5 sentences in length.

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essay on my aim life with quotations

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Minds Quotes

70 Quotes On Aim in Life to Help You Achieve Your Goals

70 Quotes On Aim in Life to Help You Achieve Your Goals

When it comes to Quotes on Aim in Life , there are plenty of options to choose from. But some examples perfectly capture the essence of what it means to live a good life. It’s important to have goals and aspirations, but it’s just as important to enjoy the journey along the way. There will be ups and downs, but always keep your eyes on the prize. The journey is just as important, if not more important than the destination.

Quotes on aim in life revolve around what gives someone purpose. People go through life looking for a reason to keep going and some sort of inspiration to hold onto. For some, Quotes on Aim in Life are that light at the end of the tunnel, something to make them feel not so alone in the world. There are an endless number of quotes out there to help you set an aim in life. So it’s important to find the ones that truly resonate with you.

Some great Quotes on Aim in Life can be motivational, inspirational, and simply make you feel good. A lot of famous people have said amazing things that can be applied to our lives. Here are some of the best quotes on aim in life to help motivate and inspire you.

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Quotes on Aim in Life

There are many types of quotes that can inspire you, but today we will focus on quotes about aiming high in life. Quotes on Aim in Life will encourage you to chase your dreams and not be afraid to dream big.

Quotes are a great way to make a point and get your feelings across. They can be about anything and everything, and everyone loves a good quote. People are often lost and do not know what to do in life. They search for some source of inspiration that will show them the way. A lot of people find inspiration in quotes. Quotes give people a sense of direction and help them set their goals in life. Here are some Inspirational Quotes on Aim in Life that matter to get you thinking.

“A small aim is a crime; have a great aim.” – A. P. J. Abdul Kalam
“Cultivation of the mind should be the ultimate aim of human existence.” – B. R. Ambedkar
“Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither.” – C. S. Lewis
“The great aim of education is not knowledge but action.” – Herbert Spencer
“Don’t aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.” – David Frost
“If the highest aim of a captain were to preserve his ship, he would keep it in port forever.” – Thomas Aquinas
“We did it ourselves.” – Lao Tzu
“The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short, but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.” – Michelangelo
“The aim of argument, or discussion, should not be victory, but progress.” – Joseph Joubert
“Aim for the sky, but move slowly, enjoying every step along the way. It is all those little steps that make the journey complete.” – Chanda Kochhar
“Aim above morality. Be not simply good, be good for something.” – Henry David Thoreau
“Keep a cool head and maintain a low profile. Never take the lead – but aim to do something big.” – Deng Xiaoping
“My aim, then, was to whip the rebels, to humble their pride, to follow them to their inmost recesses, and make them fear and dread us. Fear is the beginning of wisdom.” – William Tecumseh Sherman
“I want to be motivational and inspirational for everybody: my big aim is for more women on bicycles.” – Marianne Vos
“Hire people who are better than you are, then leave them to get on with it. Look for people who will aim for the remarkable, who will not settle for the routine.” – David Ogilvy
“To aim and hit, you need one eye only, and one good finger.” – Moshe Dayan
“Only aim to do your duty, and mankind will give you credit where you fail.” – Thomas Jefferson
“Fame comes and goes. Longevity is the thing to aim for.” – Tony Bennett
“For lunch, I aim for a lean protein, some starch, and leafy greens, which are full of magnesium.” – Deshaun Watson
“I don’t aim for perfection. But I do want to try and come up with something interesting.” – Kate Bush
“Happiness is the target one only has to aim at to miss.” – John Cooper Clarke
“My aim in life isn’t so much the pursuit of happiness as the happiness of pursuit.” – Charles Saatchi
“Your aim will be knowledge and wisdom, not the reflected glamour of fame.” – Abbott L. Lowell
“Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.” – W. Clement Stone
“Art aims to represent not the outward appearance of things, but their inward significance.” – Aristotle
“A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.” – Bruce Lee
“A leader is best when people barely know he exists when his work is done, his aim fulfilled, they will say.”

Quotation About My Aim in Life

Quotation about My Aim in Life can provide motivation and inspiration on days when everything seems against you. From changing our thinking about the day-to-day ups and downs to learning how to readjust your expectations and set aside your preconceptions, these great life quotes teach you so much about how we can try to better our lives.

A quotation is a spoken or written phrase that is memorable due to its wisdom, truth, or eloquence. A good Quotation About My Aim in Life can be motivating, insightful, and inspiring. It can also make you think about life in a new way.

“If you aim at nothing, you’ll hit it every time.” – Zig Ziglar
“I still believe that if you aim to change the world, journalism is a more immediate short-term weapon.” – Tom Stoppard
“We aim above the mark to hit the mark.” – Ralph Waldo Emerson
“There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want, and after that to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second.” – Logan Pearsall Smith
“The ultimate aim of the ego is not to see something, but to be something.” – Muhammad Iqbal
“Aim for the sky and you’ll reach the ceiling. Aim for the ceiling and you’ll stay on the floor.” – Bill Shankly
“I aim to put down on paper what I see and what I feel in the best and simplest way.” – Ernest Hemingway
“The aim of a joke is not to degrade the human being, but to remind him that he is already degraded.” – George Orwell
“The grand aim of all science is to cover the greatest number of empirical facts by logical deduction from the smallest number of hypotheses or axioms.” – Albert Einstein
“For me, I aim to just be as good as possible. If people do look up to me, I have to set the best example I can.” – Dua Lipa
“My life has no purpose, no direction, no aim, no meaning, and yet I’m happy. I can’t figure it out. What am I doing right?” – Charles M. Schulz
“Those who aim at great deeds must also suffer greatly.” – Plutarch
“What is your aim in philosophy? To show the fly the way out of the fly bottle.” – Ludwig Wittgenstein
“Pursue one great decisive aim with force and determination.” – Carl von Clausewitz
“Marketing aims to know and understand the customer so well the product or service fits him and sells itself.” – Peter Drucker
“Not failure, but low aim, is a crime.” – James Russell Lowell
“All I ever aim to do is make beautiful evening wear.” – Jenny Packham

My Aim in Life Quotations in English

My Aim in Life Quotations in English can be a great source of inspiration. It’s important to set goals for ourselves and work towards them, but we shouldn’t let anyone or anything stand in our way. Everyone has a different aim in life, but for you, it is to make a difference. You want to be someone that people can look up to and trust. Here are some Quotes on Aim in Life from great authors and famous people around the world.

“Life aims to live and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware.” – Henry Miller
“I believe in the saying, ‘If you aim at nothing, you’re going to hit nothing.’ So if you don’t set goals, then you have nowhere to go.” – Taylor Lautner
“Awards are an encouragement. An award is not something we aim at while making a film.” – Vetrimaaran
“If you play for a team like Chelsea, Real Madrid, Barcelona, Bayern Munich, or PSG, the aim is always to win the Champions League.” – Thibaut Courtois
“Singleness of purpose is one of the chief essentials for success in life, no matter what may be one’s aim.” – John D. Rockefeller
“Having an aim is the key to achieving your best.” – Henry J. Kaiser
“You need to realize that you must have something to aim for, something to drive you.” – Rohit Sharma
“If I’ve made money from music, it was never my aim to do that. I didn’t do it to become famous.” – Vangelis
“Fanaticism consists of redoubling your effort when you have forgotten your aim.” – George Santayana
“The aim, if reached or not, makes great the life: Try to be Shakespeare, leave the rest to fate!” – Robert Browning
“I never thought of myself as unlucky. When you aim high, it’s tough to get there unless something fortunate happens.” – Henry Cavill
“Scientific advancement should aim to affirm and improve human life.” – Nathan Deal
“Medicine aims to prevent disease and prolong life, the ideal of medicine is to eliminate the need for a physician.” – William J. Mayo

This article features a collection of some of the best quotes on aim in life. Quotes on Aim in Life was a compilation of thoughts on what it means to have a purpose in life. Each quote was chosen to inspire and motivate you to achieve your goals. If you are looking for motivation, be sure to check them out. LIKE, COMMENT, and SHARE this post if these quotes spoke to you.

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My aim in life | an essay for 2nd year students.

My Aim in Life Essay

My Aim in life

             What makes life dreary is the want of motive .

To live without ambitions and desires is impossible. Everybody has his own dreams and goals to fulfill in his future life. The aim is significant in life to bring all the energies to one point. It is like a guiding star. It provides directions for our attempts. As Robert Browning says:

              The aim, if reached or not makes a great life.

It is our desires and ambitions, which give us the stimulus to work and act. They are the main source of inspiration. We must select our future career keeping in view our taste, temperament, and ability. A prince may have a dream to be a king and a king may have the aim to be an emperor.

Quotation on desire & ambition

There are as many aims as men. Some want to be doctors. Others to be engineers. Some wish to be civil and military officers. Others to be poets and writers. As far as my aim in life is concerned. I desire to become a professor of English.

Teaching is not a paying profession. Teachers are the low-paying community all over the world. Their services are not considered. That is why this becomes the cause of low pay. There are many reasons that I choose this profession of teaching.

First, teaching is not a paying profession. Teachers all over the world are those who teach others. To me, this profession is the only profession in which a man can serve his nation in the best possible manner.

Engineering may build grand buildings, roads, and massive dams. Doctors may become the cause of life or a cause of death for patients. Civil and military officers may boast of their services to the nation. However, could they be so without the guidance of their teachers?

A teacher is an engineer maker, a doctor maker, and an officer maker. He is like a ladder, which remains at its place but helps others to climb higher and higher. It is only the men that glorify the nation. These men are made in the teaching institution.

Secondly, I am suited to this profession. I am fond of reading and teaching. I feel happiness in solving problems and explaining them to others. By adopting the profession, I will be able to lead a life of learning.

Thirdly, some persons may ask if I want to be a professor, then why a professor of English. The answer is that English literature is my favorite subject. A man can serve his nation well if he is interested in his work and only then, he can inspire his students.

Quotation about a good teacher

Realization of such a noble ambition is possible only when a man devotes all his time to studies. Keeping this in view, I work hard and make an intensive study of English literature. Whatever, others think of my aim, I am contented with is according to my taste and nature. As Wordsworth says.

         A noble aim faithfully kept, is a noble deed.

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Anila Ibrahim

An educationist, web content writer, equipped with an LLB and a Master’s degree in English Literature, as well as a Master of Philosophy in Entrepreneurship. I have a comprehensive understanding of both the English language and the educational landscape. This academic background empowers Anila to deliver content that is not only informative but also thoroughly researched.

14 thoughts on “ My Aim in Life | an Essay for 2nd Year Students ”

Thank U mam for everything AP hme English ki hr cheez define kerti h or urdu me translate kr k smjhati h jis leye hme bohat achi smaj Ati h and isi leye ap meri favourite teachers me se 1 ho❤

Brilliant lines…

Thanx student.More content is in the will be benefited with that.

Superb so interesting

Thank U mam apne essay bohat acha write kiya h or define to is se b acha kiya h or jo aim apne us me write kiya h wo actually hi mera aim h ke me professor bnana chahti hun pr ye mere father ka dream h ke me English ki professor bnoo😊and this essay is according to my aim and mind

That's very nice.every person should have aim and work to fulfil that aim

thanx student,wait for the more data

Mam ap nei jo qutations hmein dei thn un se kafi help mili the. Mam ap nei selfwriting skills hum studnts mn promote kein. JzakAllah

Good morning mam assalam o Alaikum and jumma MUBARAK🥰

Weldone anila keep it up.your's is very helpful for the student

Good morning Mam g

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Aim Of Life Quotes

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W. Clement Stone quote: Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.

Aim for the moon. If you miss, you may hit a star.

essay on my aim life with quotations

Life is not a problem to be solved, but an experience to be had.

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive

essay on my aim life with quotations

There are two things to aim at in life: first, to get what you want; and after that, to enjoy it. Only the wisest of mankind achieve the second.

If you aim at nothing, you will hit it every time.

A great goal in life is the only fortune worth finding.

The aims of life are the best defense against death.

A goal is not always meant to be reached, it often serves simply as something to aim at.

Life is not a problem to be solved, but a reality to be experienced.

The aim of life is self-development. To realize one's nature perfectly - that is what each of us is here for.

Happiness is the meaning and the purpose of life, the whole aim and end of human existence.

Michelangelo quote: The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too...

The greatest danger for most of us is not that our aim is too high and we miss it, but that it is too low and we reach it.

Things must be felt with the heart.

Aim at heaven and you will get earth thrown in. Aim at earth and you get neither.

Helen Keller quote: The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or...

The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched - they must be felt with the heart.

Maya Angelou quote: My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and...

My mission in life is not merely to survive, but to thrive; and to do so with some passion, some compassion, some humor, and some style

The aim of life is to live, and to live means to be aware, joyously, drunkenly, serenely, divinely aware.

The aim of life is to be fully born, though its tragedy is that most of us die before we are thus born.

The aim of life was meat. Life itself was meat. Life lived on life. There were the eaters and the eaten.

The greater danger for most of us lies not in setting our aim too high and falling short; but in setting our aim too low, and achieving our mark.

But to believe that getting stuff is the purpose and aim of life is madness.

Our plans miscarry because they have no aim. When a man does not know what harbor he is making for, no wind is the right wind.

The aim of life is appreciation; there is no sense in not appreciating things; and there is no sense in having more of them if you have less appreciation of them.

Genuine inner freedom is the ultimate aim of life. It is the unspoken goal of every thought you have and every action you take.


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English Compositions

An Essay on My Aim in Life to Become a Doctor [With PDF]

A doctor is a very responsible position, there are several of students wanna become a doctor to serve the people of the country, in this note today, we are covering an essay on my aim to become a doctor, so let’s dive into the essay!


What do you want to be when you grow up?

That is a question I came to hate as I grew up and started school. All my parent’s friends, any time we would or they would visit, would ask me that question. As a young child, I would make something up and say stupid things like I want to be a professional football player.

Or I would say that I wanted to be a circus performer . I got a kick out of their reactions when they heard those answers. The responses may not have been serious but eventually, it got my parents’ friends to quit asking me what I wanted to be when I grew up.

Then I hit my teen years and I started to see the serious nature behind that question and that realization got me thinking. What was I going to do with my life? I do not care for sports that much so being a professional athlete was out and I hate the circus so that career was off my list.

As I thought I explored my strengths and saw that I genuinely cared about people and I could stand the sight of blood. Then it hit me, I could be a doctor. My grades have always been good and people told me that I was very smart and both qualities were needed to become a doctor.

So I set my sights on being a doctor for the rest of my life. As I study I keep that one goal in mind. It is hard work but one day I will be able to enter medical school and learn how to be a doctor.

What I like about being a medical professional is not the money that is involved. The big money does not come to many doctors until they have become quite specialized and famous. There are lots of doctors that make very little money and seem quite content.

What really appeals to me is the positive contribution doctors make in society. They have the knowledge and talent to make a real difference in someone’s life. Plus, they can go to just about any country and practice their craft.

There always seems to be a need for doctors no matter where you go. That is a very attractive feeling to have. Being needed makes a person feel really good about themselves. Especially since there are so many specialties one can choose to work in.

Don’t get me wrong, I have not looked at this profession with rose-colored glasses on. I know that there is a negative side that takes its toll on doctors. Patients do not always get well, their family members get angry and treatments do not always go as planned and doctors get sued.

Those negatives aspects just motivate me to be the best doctor I can be and learn everything I can so I can avoid such situations if possible. My aim to be a doctor is quite legitimate and strong.

That is because I also see that profession as very rewarding. Not financially, although that does help some, but in the aspect that I can make a difference no matter where I practice medicine. If I focus and concentrate on helping my patients and they get better, then I have done my job.

The look on my patients’ faces when I give them the good news is more than enough inspiration and reward. Words cannot express such a feeling when you have helped someone and they are genuinely grateful.

All of these elements make my aim to be a doctor a legitimate goal and helps keep me honest. An honest doctor is the best one to have to look after you as you never get lied to and people can have confidence in him.

That is another reason for my aim to be a doctor. I like the idea that people can have confidence in me.

I hope you like this short essay presentation on “My Aim in Life to Become a Doctor”. Feel free to share your thoughts in the comment section regarding this essay, I will love to hear some words from you guys!

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¡Hola Papi!, Does My Grandmother Need to Know I’m Gay?

Ahead of mother’s day, the advice columnist john paul brammer (a.k.a. ¡hola papi) has a reminder: loving your abuela doesn’t have to mean telling her everything..

This transcript was created using speech recognition software. While it has been reviewed by human transcribers, it may contain errors. Please review the episode audio before quoting from this transcript and email [email protected] with any questions.

Love now and always.

Did you fall in love last time?

Love is stronger than anything.

For the love of —

And I love you more than anything.

(SINGING) What is love?

Here’s to love.

From “The New York Times,” I’m Anna Martin. This is Modern Love. Today on the show author and advice columnist, John Paul Brammer. John Paul has built his career answering people’s burning questions about love and relationships in his column Hola Papi.

Hola, Papi, I suck at first dates. Hola, Papi, is my crush just leading me on? Hola, Papi, is it a bad idea to live with my ex? Hola, Papi, I came out. No one cares.

The column runs in New York Magazine, but it didn’t start there. It began on a blog started by Grindr.

Grindr is an app that is known for young gay professionals seeking love. And I’m putting that nicely. [LAUGHS]

Is that their official tagline?

Not at all.

Young gay professionals.

That’s what I tell people — that’s what I tell straight people when I’m back in Oklahoma.

To decode what John Paul’s saying, Grindr is a hookup app mostly used by gay men. And to him, that felt like the perfect place to source a ton of problems.

I’m using the inexhaustible well of gay drama here. So I was like, oh my God, I’ll never run out of stuff to write about.

What kind of questions did you get?

There were ones that were as simple as, like, I moved to a big city and I still can’t find friends or a boyfriend and I’m lonely. But then there were ones that were really quite dire, like oh, I’m into my coworker and he’s giving me some signs that he might be into me as well, but we’re in a country where homosexuality is illegal and I don’t know what to do. And I’m sitting there, like, I’m sitting there in a coffee shop in Chelsea like, I don’t know how to answer this.

Wow. I mean, so how would you respond?

I don’t want to try to pass myself off as a therapist or an expert, but I kind of drew on my own background of, OK, well, who are the people who gave me advice when I was first coming into the gay community? I’d just come out. I was getting the lay of the land. Who were my mentors? And it was really informal in Oklahoma. They were just guys at the gay bars that I met and there were old queens there who would kind of take me under their wing and be like, here’s how we do things. Here’s the kind of guys to look out for. And I thought, OK, I can do that. I can be an informal mentor figure that you meet at a bar.

OK, so John Paul, before we get into the essay you chose to read today, I wanted to ask you about a question you got recently that’s very timely, because it’s Mother’s Day this week. It was from someone who called herself Helicopter Mom. And she writes that her son is 29, he has his first real boyfriend, and she feels super protective of him. So the question she asks you is, what is the best way I can support my son while he’s navigating his first relationship?

Yeah. It just sounded like she was really afraid of the human condition, which is that in the human condition, we’re vulnerable creatures. We’re going to get hurt in life. And I think that when we love someone, especially a child, I have to imagine, and you take a look at the world that they’re stepping into and you just wish that you could shield them from things and you wish that you could protect them from harm.

But making peace with that is sort of a — it can be really difficult to do. But I think trying to make the case to this mom that we learn to live by living, and it’s through disappointment and hardship that we open ourselves up to wisdom and change and growth.

Do you remember a specific moment where your own mom or grandma was overpowered by their protective impulse for you, kind of like Helicopter Mom in this letter?

Oh gosh, yeah. And it’s not super characteristic of my mom. But I grew up in rural Oklahoma, very rural area. And I went to college like an hour and a half away. And so I was able to visit all the time. And so I finally got a writing job after I graduated that was going to take me to DC. And I was going to move pretty far away. I mean, that’s a big leap from rural Oklahoma.

And I think that it made my mom kind of nervous, because both she and my dad accompanied me to my first trip to DC. And I was going to meet my roommates, but my mom just had to go with me, like absolutely. It was like, no, I want to make sure that you’re going to be in a place that’s safe and I want to see these people for myself. And something about having five roommates around my age in this new big city really spooked her, I think. And so I did bring my mom, and believe it or not, they did not ask me to live with them.

That is so sweet of your mom to support you, even if she’s nervous about your decision to move. And John Paul, you’re actually kind of helping me out, because that story reminds me of the Modern Love essay you chose to read today.


It’s by Kevin Hershey. But in his case, Kevin is watching his grandmother make a big decision that he has to accept. And like your mom, Kevin’s way of supporting his grandmother through her decision is by being there for her along the way. The essay’s called, “Young, Gay, and Single Among The Nuns and Widows.”

And before we hear the essay, do you think you could come up with an Hola Papi pen name for Kevin? Kind of like Helicopter Mom. I know I’m putting you on the spot. I know you can do it. I can also brainstorm with you.

OK, yeah, so my mind immediately needs to play with the nun aspect of the whole thing. So —

What about Getting Nun, but it’s N-U-N, like not having sex, but then —

Oh, that’s a really, really good one. I’m jealous that that one didn’t come to my brain. Yes, I mean, it has to be Getting Nun.

Getting Nun. The Hola Papi pen name for Kevin Hershey is Getting Nun. That’s again N-U-N. It’ll make sense once we hear John Paul read the essay. How about you take it away?

“Young, Gay, and Single Among the Nuns and Widows” by Kevin Hershey.

When I graduated from college in Portland, Oregon, eight years ago, I dreamed of taking my Spanish major and spirit of adventure and moving abroad, where I would quickly acquire a gay lover who would introduce me to new languages, foods, and sex. Instead, I moved back home to Saint Paul, Minnesota, and into my Irish grandmother’s Catholic senior living apartment, where she and I barely spoke and where she, at least, didn’t eat. At 90, having lived a long and healthy life, she had decided to die by starvation, and I had decided, at my mother’s request, to be there for her.

My grandmother had moved to the United States from Ireland 65 years earlier. While she spoke with a thick brogue and still chose tea over coffee, she did not glory in tales of the beautiful country she had left behind. Sean and Jimmy hated Ireland, she would often say about my brother and cousin, who had studied there in the early 2000s. It rained the whole time and their feet were never dry.

Of course, all I heard is how much they love their semesters in Ireland. They never complained about having wet feet. But my grandmother had left that dank, gray island, brutalized by British imperialism, and never looked back.

She landed in New York City, the bright and bustling opposite of her slow, sea washed homeland. She wore pink linen pantsuits and turquoise floral tops, never beige Irish wools or long, plaid skirts. She preferred pasta with red sauce to potatoes and brown bread. And then having reached 90, she had decided to die with seemingly as much confidence and determination as when she left her home country. Having been healthy her entire life and still blessed with the full ability to walk, talk, and cook, my grandmother stopped eating.

There was no discussion in the family as to whether we would force feed her or somehow coerce her into living more years that her body could have managed. She simply remained in her chair, draped in rosaries, waiting for what she believed to be her next step, heaven.

My grandmother’s matter of fact death announcement came a month after my college graduation. As the jobless and largely aimless person I was back then, except for the aim to experience new languages, foods, and sex, I became the most obvious candidate to be there for my grandmother during her final weeks.

And so for the next six weeks, I spent my days shouting over the TV — she was no longer using her hearing aids — as she peacefully lay in bed and starved herself to death. In the morning, we would listen to public radio. Or I would. She probably couldn’t hear. And I would make eggs and toast and put them on a plate for her, knowing that she would wordlessly refuse to eat. Within an hour, I would be eating them myself.

I would follow a recipe for Irish soda bread I found on yellowing newspaper in her drawer, only to eat half of it myself and pass the rest out to the neighbors, mostly nuns who were thrilled to get bread from a real Irish kitchen.

In the evening, an old Italian priest would knock on the door and deliver the blessed wafer, which my grandmother took solemnly on her tongue. I took it too, not because I believe it to be the flesh of Christ, but because I knew it was the only way to share a meal with my grandmother.

Needless to say, my living situation was not at all conducive to gay sex or most other sins, so I had none to confess before swallowing the wafer. I quickly learned how the human body can function with little food. For several days, we would walk together down the hall to daily Catholic mass. While the other mass attendants wore threadbare slippers and even bathrobes, my grandmother even in the face of death wore suits splashed with tropical patterns and a glistening gold watch at her wrist.

Far from my gay South American fantasy, I found myself single and surrounded by the pasty white faces of nuns and widows. No men were in my daily life other than the bloody, crucified, well-muscled, and oddly sexy Christ hanging above the altar.

Despite how close we were, especially as I saw her through to her end, my grandmother didn’t know I was gay, and I didn’t tell her.

Within weeks, she could no longer get dressed up or walk down the hall to mass or leave treats for the neighbors. Her pearly white skin turned dishwater gray. Her piercing green eyes became as cloudy as the sea she had once crossed.

Perhaps out of religious fervor or simply a need to cover up the smell of decay, the priest lit a tall, red candle depicting Jesus with his crowned heart of flame popping out of his chest. Like lace curtains barely concealing Irish poverty, the rose scented candle did little to hide the aroma of death that permeated the room.

One day as my grandmother lay in bed, the funeral of Margaret Thatcher flashed across the screen. Having not spoken in days, my grandmother nodded at Thatcher’s face on the screen and said, “I won’t be seeing her in heaven.”

Like many Irish people, my grandmother had never forgiven Margaret Thatcher for her hard line stance on keeping the North of Ireland in the United Kingdom, particularly her infamous indifference toward Bobby Sands, who died on hunger strike while interned by Thatcher’s government. I don’t know if my grandmother saw the parallel that, like the Freedom Fighter Sands, she too was on a hunger strike, against aging in her case.

My grandmother stayed alive for six weeks without food, almost as long as the 66 days Sands lived on hunger strike at age 27. Her death left me again jobless and without purpose, single, living with my parents, and full of that driftless feeling that you’re afraid will never pass when you’re in your early 20s.

I tried my best via Grindr to make it seem like I hadn’t just spent the past several months in a Catholic senior living community going to daily mass while seeing my grandmother to her death.

I never told most of the men I met about that, neither then nor in the years that followed.

On my first date with Matin, though, I immediately opened up in a way I never had before. Something in his warm, brown eyes said that I didn’t have to lie. As we walked through Central Park, he told me lovingly about his Muslim Iranian parents and the various foods, prohibitions, and celebrations that seemed to govern their lives. I knew that me, he was no stranger to prayers and incense, candles, prayer beads, and rituals for rituals sake.

We shared a kiss in the park, and I invited him for a drink. He said he would love to but that he had promised to bring his grandmother Iranian food in the hospital. “There’s no way she’s eating the American hospital food,” he said with a laugh. “If I don’t go, she’ll starve.” As I watched him walk away to fulfill his family duty, I was filled with a calm curiosity that I had never felt after a first kiss.

Years later, Matin and I have taught each other our grandmother’s cooking. He has filled our kitchen with scents of saffron and sumac, and he has learned to love Irish soda bread with Kerrygold butter. Despite his halal diet, we don’t let a Saint Patrick’s Day pass without blood puddings, bangers, and Guinness.

My grandmother died not knowing I was gay. It’s not that I thought she would object. It just didn’t come up, and I didn’t raise it. Matin’s grandmother, still living, doesn’t know he’s gay either. She comes from a country where homosexuality can be a death penalty crime. Mine left a land where Catholicism once ruled that then became the first nation to legalize same sex marriage through popular vote.

Many straight people can’t imagine hiding a core part of their identity from their loved ones, and some gay people would surely consider Matin and me to be cowards for not being honest with our grandmothers, for not trusting them with the knowledge of our true selves and say it isn’t real love if you’re keeping such a major part of yourself hidden.

My only response is that love is complicated and diverse. In many immigrant families, it’s intertwined with duty and care. For Matin, love is in the passed down Persian rugs, the five daily prayers, and the perfectly browned rice at the bottom of the pot. For me, it was being there to comfort my dying Irish grandmother as she chose to leave in the manner she wanted, cursing Margaret Thatcher’s name to the end.

John Paul, you read that so beautifully.

I mean, it’s almost bizarre how much I recognize in my own life here.

After the break, John Paul on the things he never told his grandmother and why she still knew him better than anyone else. Stay with us.

OK, so John Paul, you just read the essay “Young, Gay, and Single Among the Nuns and Widows” by Kevin Hershey. And you said that there were some striking similarities between Kevin’s story and your own. Tell me more about that.

So I come from a Mexican American background and a very Catholic background as well. And I never came out to either my abuela or my abuelo before they died. I tried to come out a couple times to my abuela, but she kind of had selective dementia where she would just kind of forget certain things. So one time I kind of ventured and said, I think I’m gay. And she turned to me and she was like, you know, mijo, Rachel Maddow is a handsome woman and then just moved on and kind of forgot again.

What a response.

Yeah, an all timer, for sure. And then also strangely, my abuela, also a very strong willed woman, she chose to die in kind of the same manner that Kevin’s grandmother chose to die. She just was — she was very stubborn and she was like, nope, I’m done, and she stopped eating. And we kind of believed her, because when she says that she feels a certain way or that she’s going to do something, it is impossible to change her mind. And so we knew that that’s how she was going to go. And obviously, there’s just a lot here that I was like, wow, that’s from my life.

I want to go back to this moment where you said you kind of tried to come out to your abuela. Did you say several times? So that time that you mentioned was not the only time?

Like once or twice, but it was always a probing question. Similarly to Kevin, I kind of thought this isn’t something that I really need them to know. We were so set in what our daily lives look like and the way that we knew each other and the kind of love that we shared. And I understand what he’s saying when he said that some would say that that’s cowardly or that she never knew the true me. But I just don’t see it that way, because I think that with my family and with my grandparents, I almost inhabited a truer me than I do here in New York, where I’m kind of out and about.

Tell me more about what you mean by that.

The moment when you really come out to a beloved family member, that’s a big moment, right? It’s a moment where you’re like, yes, we have entered a new phase of our relationship. But I guess what I’m talking about is more subtle and kind of just more ingrained into the everyday nature of things.

And so there are facets of me back when I lived at home and with my grandparents that I haven’t communicated to anyone else on Earth. And I think it’s just as sacred, it’s just as important, and it’s just as central to who I am than any other part of it. And so I shared something very special with my grandparents that I just never felt the need to bring this other part into it, I guess.

Is there a moment you can remember where you felt like you were being your true self with your grandparents, like a self that people in your community in New York don’t see as much?

So when I was a kid, my grandparents, my abuelos, they were poor their whole lives, but the way they lived their life looked very different than the way that I live mine. And so seeing what they did to cope and seeing the little life hacks that they would implement in their house that was sort of falling apart and the way they would steal food from buffets, which it sounds like you wouldn’t be able to steal food from buffets, but they found a way.

No, I mean, I know exactly what you’re saying. Bringing Tupperware to the Golden Corral. I understand that. Yeah, totally.

Exactly. So little things like that. And that’s a huge part of my identity. That’s what my childhood looked like. And when I meet people here in New York — and just the other day, I was at this nice literary party thing and having a really good time. There is this aspect of where I come from and my past, the things I’ve seen and the things I know and the things I understand that another person here just wouldn’t be able to wrap their brains around.

And it’s something that I don’t really communicate to just everyone. And so that was a version of me that my grandparents fostered and that they knew really well and that they said hello to every morning. And it’s intimate. It really is. And it’s important.

Yeah. I mean, I love what you’re saying. Your sexuality is just one piece of who you are and your grandparents knew all these other parts of you so deeply and so well. I think that’s really beautifully put. So I guess I wonder, do you think we have a duty to show our true selves to the people we love?

Yeah. So I would actually say that it kind of goes both ways. So when we come from immigrant backgrounds or we come from, in my case, my abuelos, they spoke Spanish. They knew a lot about Mexico. That’s where their families were from. There was a lot I didn’t know about them. So it wasn’t just like, oh, I’m gay and I’m keeping the secret from them. There was just so much about the intricacies of their inner lives that were not made privy to me.

And there is a narrative in place where it’s just like, oh, the immigrant grandparents suffered so that their grandchildren could have a nice, comfortable life. And in that narrative, their lives get kind of papered over and they get utilized as a way to be like, oh, well it was all leading up so that I could live the life I have. And so I’m not saying that it’s narcissistic or self-absorbed or anything.

But I am saying that your grandparents probably also have things about themselves that you haven’t seen and that you don’t know. And so it’s not like you’re the only one holding a secret or whatever. We all have things that go uncommunicated even with people that we love. And so I would say no, I don’t think that that makes you cowardly. I think that that makes you just a complicated human being like everyone is.

Is there something that you learned about your own abuela maybe later on in life that surprised you, that kind of jolted you out of that narrative?

Oh gosh. Well, it’s difficult, because — and I won’t speak for every Mexican family, but at least in my case, my grandparents were fabulists. So every time I talked to them about their origin stories or where they come from, it just changed every single time. I’m pretty sure one time my abuelo just completely ripped off the plot of “Coco” to talk about who my great grandfather.

It’s a great movie, yeah. It’s a great movie.

Yeah he was just like, oh, and mijo, your great grandfather, he was an amazing musician and he fought in the revolution and he played for the new president. But no, it was so hard to get the truth out of them. But it’s funny. We do have running jokes about abuelito, yeah, he was probably gay. I remember he passed not too long ago, like a few months ago.

And my mom sent this picture to us all of my abuelito in the military. And he is sitting on a bed with another man and he looks happier than we have ever seen him in our lives. And we’re all just like, man, that’s why he loved the military, huh? He was just like — all to say there are things that we just don’t know about our grandparents. He was so into fashion. One thing that we quote all the time is that one time my sister wore this striped shirt or something and my abuelito was just like, stripes? Really?

No. Grandparents can be so savage. They can really be — they can just cut you to your core. But it’s interesting what you’re saying. Those moments where our grandparents give us a glimpse into who they are as people. Those comments or those quips or those stories or whatever, they make us realize there’s so much we don’t know about them even if we’re super close with them. In the author Kevin Hershey’s case, even if we live with them, even if we care for them. There’s still so much we have to discover about the people we’re closest to. I think that’s a really important thing, a really beautiful thing to remember.

John Paul, thank you so much for this conversation. What a treat.

Thank you for having me. It was a blast.

Modern Love is produced by Julio Botero, Christina Djossa, Reva Goldberg, Davis Land, and Emily Lang. It’s edited by our executive producer, Jen Poyant, Reva Goldberg, and Davis Land. The Modern Love theme music is by Dan Powell. Original music by Dan Powell, Marion Lozano, Rowan Niemisto, Carole Sabouraud, and Pat McCusker.

This episode was mixed by Daniel Ramirez. Our show was recorded by Maddy Masiello and Nick Pitman. Digital production by Mahima Chablani and Nell Gallogly. The Modern Love column is edited by Daniel Jones. Miya Lee is the editor of Modern Love projects. I’m Anna Martin. Thanks for listening.


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Hosted by Anna Martin

Produced by Julia Botero ,  Christina Djossa ,  Reva Goldberg ,  Emily Lang and Davis Land

Edited by Jen Poyant ,  Davis Land and Reva Goldberg

Engineered by Daniel Ramirez

Original music by Dan Powell

Listen and follow Modern Love Apple Podcasts | Spotify | Amazon Music

“i said [to my abuela], ‘i’m gay.’ and she turned to me and she was like, you know, mijo, rachel maddow’s a handsome woman.”.

essay on my aim life with quotations

John Paul Brammer writes the “¡Hola Papi!” advice column for The Cut at New York magazine, answering questions like, “ Why am I dreaming about sex with a man when I’m a lesbian? ” Or, “ What if my partner judges me for writing smut? ” This candor has given John Paul an intimate connection with his readers. However, as today’s episode reveals, he doesn’t think we necessarily need that level of openness with all of our loved ones.

Ahead of Mother’s Day, Brammer reads an essay about a recent college graduate who sets out to spend the summer exploring his sexuality, but whose plans are derailed by his duty to his grandmother. It’s called “ Young, Gay and Single Among the Nuns and Widows ” by Kevin Hershey. Brammer says it’s “bizarre” how much this essay resonates with his own life.

Links to transcripts of episodes generally appear on these pages within a week.

Modern Love is hosted by Anna Martin and produced by Julia Botero, Reva Goldberg, Emily Lang and Christina Djossa. The show is edited by Davis Land and Jen Poyant, our executive producer. The show is mixed by Daniel Ramirez and recorded by Maddy Masiello and Nick Pitman. It features original music by Pat McCusker, Dan Powell, Marion Lozano, Carole Sabouraud, Rowan Niemisto and Diane Wong. Our theme music is by Dan Powell.

Special thanks to Larissa Anderson, Kate LoPresti, Lisa Tobin, Daniel Jones, Miya Lee, Mahima Chablani, Nell Gallogly, Jeffrey Miranda, Isabella Anderson, Reyna Desai, Renan Borelli, Nina Lassam and Julia Simon.

Thoughts? Email us at [email protected] . Want more from Modern Love ? Read past stories . Watch the TV series and sign up for the newsletter . We also have swag at the NYT Store and two books, “ Modern Love: True Stories of Love, Loss, and Redemption ” and “ Tiny Love Stories: True Tales of Love in 100 Words or Less .”



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    Ahead of Mother's Day, Brammer reads an essay about a recent college graduate who sets out to spend the summer exploring his sexuality, but whose plans are derailed by his duty to his ...