English Compositions

Short Essay on Diwali [100, 200, 400 Words] With PDF

In this lesson, you will learn how you can write short essays on Diwali . Here, I will write three different sets of essays in this session covering different word limits. 

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Short Essay on Diwali in 100 Words

Diwali is a major religious festival celebrated by Hindus around the world. This auspicious festival is associated with Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. Hindus believe that on the night of Diwali, Goddess Lakshmi comes down to earth to bless the people. So, people clean and decorate their houses and light ‘Diyas’ or oil lamps to welcome the Goddess into their homes.

They also wear new clothes, prepare a variety of sweet dishes and worship Goddess Lakshmi along with Lord Ganesha, the God of good fortune, and ask for their blessings. On the night of Diwali, people burst firecrackers, visit their friends and relatives, exchange sweets and have a great time. 

Short Essay on Diwali in 200 Words

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is a major religious festival celebrated by Hindus around the world. Diwali is a five-day-long festival and is celebrated in the Hindu month of Kartika. In the Gregorian calendar, it usually falls between mid-October to mid-November.

The festival is associated with Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity. Hindus believe that on the night of Diwali, Goddess Lakshmi comes down to earth to bless the people. So, people renovate, clean and decorate their houses as well as light ‘Diyas’ or oil lamps to welcome the Goddess. 

The first day of the festival is called ‘Dhanteras’. On this day, people worship Lakshmi as well as Kubera, the Lord of wealth. It is customary to buy gold and silver coins as well as new utensils on this day. The next day is ‘Narak Chaturdashi’. It is believed that the demon Narakasura was killed on this day.

On the third day of the festival or the day of Diwali, people wear new clothes, make rangolis, prepare sweet dishes and worship Goddess Lakshmi along with Lord Ganesha, the God of good fortune, and ask for their blessings. At night, people light oil lamps, burst firecrackers, visit their friends and relatives, exchange sweets and have a great time. The fourth day is Govardhan puja and the festival concludes with Bhai Dooj on the last day. 

Short Essay on Diwali in 400 Words

Diwali, also known as Deepavali or Divali and often referred to as the festival of lights, is a major religious festival celebrated by Hindus around the world. Diwali is a five-day-long festival and is celebrated in the Hindu month of Kartika. In the Gregorian calendar, it usually falls between mid-October to mid-November.

The festival is mainly associated with Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth and prosperity, but as different regions have different traditions and myths, Diwali is also connected to Ganesha, Kubera, Rama, Sita, Durga, Kali, Krishna, Yama and Dhanvantri. 

The first day of the festival is called ‘Dhanteras’. On this day, people worship Goddess Lakshmi as well as Kubera, the god of wealth and Dhanvantri, the God of medicine and Ayurveda. It is customary to buy gold and silver items as well as utensils on Dhanteras.

The next day is ‘Narak Chaturdashi’ or ‘Kali Chaudas’. It is believed that the demon Narakasura was killed on this day. It is also believed that 14 forefathers come to visit their living relatives on Narak Chaturdashi. So, people pray to gods for protection against evil as well as offer food and offerings to their forefathers.

The third and main day of the festival is Diwali. It is believed that on the night of Diwali, Goddess Lakshmi comes down to earth to bless the people. So, people clean and decorate their houses and light ‘Diyas’ or oil lamps to welcome the Goddess into their homes. They also wear new clothes, prepare a variety of sweet dishes and worship Goddess Lakshmi along with Lord Ganesha, the God of good fortune, and ask for their blessings.

In some parts of India, especially in West Bengal, the day is celebrated as Kali Puja and people worship Goddess Kali. Legends also say that on the day of Diwali, Lord Rama and Sita returned to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile. To celebrate their return, the people of Ayodhya lit thousands of oil lamps. Thus, many people also worship Rama and Sita along with Lakshman and Hanuman, on this day. 

The fourth day of the festival is celebrated as Govardhan puja and is associated with Lord Krishna. On this day, cows are worshipped and fed. The festival concludes with Bhai Dooj, a day to celebrate the beautiful bond between brothers and sisters. On this day, sisters invite brothers to their houses and prepare a lot of delicious dishes for them. They apply tika on their brother’s forehead and pray for their long life. In turn, the brothers give them gifts and promise to protect them for life. 

Diwali is a fun-filled festival and holds a lot of importance for Hindus. 

In today’s session, I have tried to write the essays in a very simple language for a better and easier understanding of all kinds of students. If you still have any kind of confusion regarding this context, let me know through the comment section below. Keep browsing our website for more such sessions on various important topics. 

Thank you. 

Essay on Diwali in English (150, 200, 300, 400 Words)

diwali essay 400 words

Diwali, often called the "Festival of Lights," is a widely celebrated and cherished festival in India. In this essay, we will explore the significance and traditions of Diwali in simple and easy-to-understand language.

Diwali is a prominent and much-awaited occasion, and people often search for "Diwali essay in English" to learn more about it. The festival represents the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. It is a time for joy, togetherness, and spreading love and positivity. Diwali typically lasts for five days, and each day holds a special meaning and ritual.

The highlight of Diwali is the lighting of oil lamps and candles, which adorn homes, streets, and public spaces, creating a mesmerizing, illuminated atmosphere. People exchange gifts, share sweets, and wear new clothes. Children eagerly look forward to Diwali for the treats they receive. As we delve deeper into this essay, we will learn about the stories, legends, and customs associated with Diwali, which make it a remarkable and culturally rich celebration in India. So, let's embark on this journey to discover the magic and significance of Diwali.

Diwali Essay In English 150 Words ( For Classes 4 And 5 Students)

Essays on Diwali in 150 words are suitable for class 4 and 5 students. This is one of the most important essays that comes in exams each year.

Diwali Essay in English 200 Words (For Classes 6,7 and 8 Students)

Diwali essays with a word limit of 200 words are important for English exams of 6,7, and 8-class students.

Diwali Essay in English 300 Words (For 9,10 and 11 Class Students)

Diwali essays in 300 words are important for class 9,10 and 11 class students for their English exams. This essay is frequently asked in the writing section of the English exam.

Diwali Essay in English 400 Words: (For Class 12 and Other Competitive Exams)

Diwali Essays in 400 words or more are important for class 12 boards English exams. It is also important for competitive exams to test the writing skills of students.

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Essay on Diwali

Here we have shared the Essay on Diwali or Deepawali in detail so you can use it in your exam or assignment of 150, 300, 500, or 1000 words.

You can use this Essay on Diwali in any assignment or project whether you are in school child (class 10th or 12th), a college student, or preparing for answer writing in competitive exams. 

Topics covered in this article.

Essay on Diwali in 150 words

  • Essay on Diwali in 250-300 words
  • Essay on Diwali in 500-1000 words

Diwali, the festival of lights, is a widely celebrated Hindu festival in India. It symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. During Diwali, homes are adorned with lights, rangolis, and decorations. Families come together, exchange gifts, and enjoy delicious sweets and snacks. Fireworks illuminate the night sky, adding to the festive atmosphere.

Diwali holds deep spiritual significance, commemorating Lord Rama’s return to Ayodhya after defeating the demon king Ravana. It also marks the beginning of a new year for many communities. Beyond its cultural and religious importance, Diwali promotes unity, joy, and compassion. It encourages people to spread happiness and love, transcending differences.

In conclusion, Diwali is a festival that brings people together, celebrates the triumph of good over evil, and spreads light and joy. It is a time to appreciate the blessings in our lives and to share happiness with others.

Essay on Diwali in 250-350 words

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most significant festivals celebrated in India. It holds immense cultural, religious, and social importance for people of the Hindu faith. The festival spans over five days and signifies the victory of light over darkness and good over evil.

Diwali is a time of immense joy and enthusiasm. The preparations begin weeks in advance as people clean and decorate their homes. Colorful rangolis, Diyas (earthen lamps), and decorative lights adorn every corner, creating a mesmerizing ambiance. The air is filled with excitement and anticipation as families come together to celebrate.

The festival is deeply rooted in mythology. It commemorates Lord Rama’s return to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile and his victory over the demon king Ravana. The lighting of lamps and the bursting of fireworks symbolize the triumph of light and righteousness. Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, is also worshipped during Diwali. People offer prayers and seek her blessings for a prosperous year ahead.

Diwali is not only a religious festival but also a time for social bonding and celebration. Families and friends exchange gifts, sweets, and heartfelt wishes. The festival brings people from diverse backgrounds together, fostering unity and harmony. It is a time to forgive past grievances, mend broken relationships, and spread love and joy.

However, in recent years, there has been a growing awareness about the environmental impact of Diwali celebrations. The excessive use of firecrackers contributes to air and noise pollution, harming both humans and the environment. Many people are now opting for eco-friendly celebrations by using less harmful alternatives like decorative lights and celebrating with eco-friendly fireworks.

In conclusion, Diwali is a vibrant and joyful festival that celebrates the triumph of good over evil. It brings families and communities together, spreading happiness, love, and prosperity. While celebrating, it is essential to be mindful of the environmental impact and embrace eco-friendly practices. Diwali is not just a festival of lights; it is a celebration of life, positivity, and the enduring spirit of goodness.

Essay on Diwali in 500 words

Title: Diwali – The Festival of Lights and Spiritual Significance


Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most prominent and widely celebrated festivals in India. It holds immense cultural, religious, and social significance for people of the Hindu faith. The festival spans over five days and signifies the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. This essay explores the various aspects of Diwali, including its historical, religious, and social significance.

Historical and Religious Significance

Diwali finds its roots in ancient Indian mythology and legends. The most well-known story associated with Diwali is the return of Lord Rama, along with his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana, to the kingdom of Ayodhya after 14 years of exile. Their return symbolizes the triumph of righteousness over evil. Lord Rama’s victory over the demon king Ravana is celebrated with great fervor during Diwali.

The lighting of lamps and bursting of fireworks during Diwali signify the removal of darkness and the spreading of light and positivity. The tradition of lighting Diyas (earthen lamps) and illuminating homes and streets represents the victory of good over evil and the triumph of knowledge over ignorance. It is believed that these lights guide Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity, into people’s homes.

Social Significance

Diwali is not only a religious festival but also a time for social bonding, family gatherings, and community celebrations. Families come together to clean and decorate their homes, exchange gifts, and share festive meals. The festival brings people from diverse backgrounds together, fostering unity, love, and harmony.

During Diwali, people visit their relatives and friends, exchanging sweets, dry fruits, and gifts as a token of love and affection. It is also a time to forgive past grievances and mend broken relationships, as the festival promotes the spirit of forgiveness, reconciliation, and compassion.

Cultural Celebrations

Diwali celebrations go beyond religious rituals. The festival is marked by colorful rangoli designs, vibrant decorations, and intricate patterns created with colored powders, flowers, and Diyas. Fireworks light up the night sky, filling the air with joy and excitement.

The festival also showcases the rich cultural heritage of India. Traditional dances, music, and performances are organized to entertain and engage the community. Diwali melas (fairs) are held, featuring various cultural activities, folk dances, and food stalls. These events provide an opportunity for people to come together, celebrate, and appreciate the diverse cultural tapestry of India.

Environmental Concerns

While Diwali is a time of celebration and joy, it is essential to address the environmental concerns associated with the festival. The excessive use of firecrackers contributes to air and noise pollution, which poses health hazards and disturbs the ecosystem. It is crucial for individuals and communities to adopt eco-friendly practices, such as minimizing the use of fireworks and opting for environmentally friendly alternatives like decorative lights and lamps.

Diwali, the festival of lights, holds immense cultural, religious, and social significance in India. It is a time of joy, togetherness, and the triumph of good over evil. Diwali celebrations embody the values of unity, love, forgiveness, and the spirit of giving. However, it is equally important to celebrate the festival in an environmentally responsible manner. By embracing eco-friendly practices, we can ensure that the essence of Diwali, as a festival of light and hope, is preserved for future generations to enjoy.

Essay on Diwali in 1000 words

Title: Diwali – A Celebration of Light, Joy, and Cultural Significance


Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most widely celebrated festivals in India and holds immense cultural, religious, and social significance. The festival stretches over five days, and each day has its own significance and rituals. Diwali is a time of vibrant celebrations, where people come together to illuminate their homes with lamps, exchange gifts, indulge in delicious sweets, and participate in various cultural activities. This essay explores the historical origins, religious significance, cultural traditions, social impact, and environmental considerations associated with Diwali.

I. Historical Origins of Diwali

The roots of Diwali can be traced back to ancient Indian mythology and various historical events. One of the most popular legends associated with Diwali is the story of Lord Rama’s return to Ayodhya after defeating the demon king Ravana. The people of Ayodhya celebrated Rama’s homecoming after 14 years of exile by lighting lamps, signifying the triumph of good over evil. Diwali also commemorates the victory of Lord Krishna over the demon Narakasura, symbolizing the triumph of righteousness and the eradication of darkness.

II. Religious Significance of Diwali

Diwali holds deep religious significance for Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs. For Hindus, it is a time to worship Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity. Devotees clean their homes and create intricate rangoli designs to invite the goddess into their households. Diwali is also associated with the worship of Lord Ganesha, the remover of obstacles, and the offering of prayers to seek divine blessings.

In Jainism, Diwali marks the spiritual enlightenment and liberation of Lord Mahavira, the 24th and last Tirthankara. Jains celebrate Diwali by offering prayers, visiting temples, and engaging in acts of charity and compassion.

For Sikhs, Diwali holds historical significance as it commemorates the release of Guru Hargobind Sahib Ji, the sixth Sikh Guru, and 52 other kings from imprisonment in the Gwalior Fort. This event represents the victory of truth and freedom.

III. Cultural Traditions and Celebrations

Diwali is not only a religious festival but also a time for cultural celebrations and festivities. The preparations for Diwali begin weeks in advance, as people clean their homes and decorate them with colorful rangoli designs, bright lights, and flowers. The lighting of diyas (earthen lamps) and candles is a significant aspect of Diwali, symbolizing the triumph of light over darkness.

During Diwali, families come together to perform puja (worship) rituals, exchange gifts, and share special meals. Traditional sweets and snacks, such as ladoos and gujiyas, are prepared and distributed among relatives, friends, and neighbors. The exchange of gifts signifies love, respect, and the strengthening of relationships.

Cultural performances, such as traditional dances like Garba and Bharatanatyam, music concerts, and plays, are organized during Diwali. These cultural activities showcase the rich heritage of Indian art and provide a platform for artists to display their talent.

IV. Social Impact and Community Bonding

Diwali serves as a unifying force, bringing people from different communities, religions, and backgrounds together. It is a time when families and friends come together to celebrate and bond. Diwali encourages individuals to visit their loved ones, exchange greetings, and share the joy of the festival.

The spirit of giving and sharing is strongly emphasized during Diwali. Many people extend acts of kindness by donating to charities, distributing food to the underprivileged, and supporting those in need. This collective effort to help others promotes empathy, compassion, and social cohesion.

Diwali also fosters a sense of unity and harmony among communities. People of different religions and cultures join in the celebrations, participating in events and exchanging cultural experiences. The festival acts as a platform for cultural exchange, fostering understanding and appreciation for diversity.

V. Environmental Considerations

In recent years, there has been growing concern about the environmental impact of Diwali celebrations. The excessive use of firecrackers during Diwali contributes to air and noise pollution, causing harm to human health and the environment. Additionally, the disposal of firework waste poses a significant challenge.

To address these concerns, there has been a shift towards eco-friendly Diwali celebrations. Many individuals and communities now opt for alternative ways to celebrate, such as using decorative lights, eco-friendly fireworks, and organic materials for rangoli designs. Awareness campaigns promote the use of environmentally friendly practices, encouraging people to celebrate Diwali in a responsible manner.


Diwali is a festival that encapsulates the essence of Indian culture, spirituality, and social values. It is a time when people come together to celebrate light, joy, and prosperity. Diwali’s historical origins, religious significance, cultural traditions, and social impact make it an integral part of Indian society.

As we celebrate Diwali, it is crucial to remain mindful of the environmental impact and embrace sustainable practices. By promoting eco-friendly celebrations and minimizing pollution, we can ensure that the essence of Diwali, as a festival of light and togetherness, is preserved for future generations to enjoy. Diwali serves as a reminder of the triumph of good over evil, the importance of unity, and the power of love and compassion in our lives.

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Diwali Essay

Diwali also called “Deepawali” is a major Hindu festival of India. The festival is celebrated with unequal zeal and pleasure by Hindus, throughout the country. It is celebrated to commemorate the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after an exile of 12 years. Rama is a very popular Hindu deity who is revered for his truthfulness and purity.

Hindus believe that his return was welcomed by the people of Ayodhya by lighting up the streets and houses by small earthen oil lamps; therefore, the Hindus celebrate the day as the festival of lights. Houses decorated with lights of different colours and sizes, earthen lamps glittering at the entrances and over the boundaries and railings make the view mesmerizing. People come out of their houses in new clothes and burn crackers and fireworks.

Speech on Diwali for School Students  |  Speech on Diwali for Teachers  |  Paragraph on Diwali

Long and Short Essay on Diwali in English

Diwali is a religious Hindu festival, celebrated as festival of lights by lighting lamps everywhere at homes, streets, shops, temples, markets, etc.

People of Hindu religion wait very eagerly for this special festival of Diwali . It is the most important and favorite festival of everyone especially for kids and children of the home.

Use following long and short essay on Diwali to make your kids smart enough at home or school and motivate them to know the history and significance of celebrating Diwali festival every year.

You can select anyone of these Diwali essay according to your need:

Short Essay on Diwali – Essay 1 (200 Words)

Diwali is one of the main festivals of Hindus. The preparation for Diwali celebration begins weeks before the festival. People begin with the preparations by cleaning their houses and shops. Every nook and corner of the houses, shops and offices is cleaned before Diwali. These are then decorated with lights, lamps, flowers and other decorative items.


People shop for new clothes, home decor items and gifts for their loved ones on this festival. The markets are flooded with variety of gift items and sweets around this time. It is a good time for the businessmen. It is also a good time to bond with our near and dear ones. People visit each other around this time and exchange gifts as a part of the celebration.

On the day of Diwali, people light up their houses with diyas, candles and lights. They also make rangoli and decorate their houses with flowers. The ritual of worshipping Goddess Lakshmi and Ganesha is followed in every Hindu household on the occasion of Diwali. It is said that this brings in prosperity and good luck.

Also known as the festival of lights, Diwali is all about worshiping the deities, burning crackers, having sweets and making merry with the loved ones. It is considered to be one of the most auspicious days in the Hindu calendar.

Essay on Diwali – Festival of Lights and Gifts – Essay 2 (300 Words)


Diwali is also known as Deepawali meaning a row of diyas. The festival is celebrated with great zeal throughout India. It is celebrated each year to commemorate the return of Lord Rama to his kingdom, Ayodhya. A series of rituals are performed to celebrate this festival.

Festival of Lights

Lighting diyas is one of the main rituals of this Hindu festival. People buy beautiful earthenware diyas each year and illuminate their entire house as a part of Diwali celebration. It is said that the entire town of Ayodhya was lighted with diyas to welcome Lord Rama, Laxman and Sita. People continue to follow this ritual even today. This is a way to please the deities.

The houses, marketplaces, offices, temples and all the other places are illuminated with lights on this day. Candles, lamps and decorative lights are also lit up to add to the beauty.

Rangolis are made and diyas are placed in between these beautiful creations of art to enhance their look.

Exchange of Gifts

Exchanging gifts is one of the main rituals of the Diwali festival. People visit their colleagues, neighbours, relatives and friends and present gifts to them to strengthen their bond. The Hindu culture teaches us to live in harmony with one another. Diwali, one of the main Hindu festivals, promotes the feeling of brotherhood and unity amid diversity.

While exchanging sweets and boxes of dry fruit was common in the earlier times, these days people look for unique and innovative gift items. Numerous kinds of Diwali gifts are available in the market these days.

People also purchase gifts for their employees and house helps. Many people also visit orphanages and old age homes and distribute gifts there.

People await Diwali all year long and the preparations for its celebration begin almost a month before the festival. People gleefully perform all the rituals associated with it.

Essay on Diwali Celebration – Essay 3 (400 Words)

As per the Hindu calendar, Diwali falls on the new moon (amavasya) during the Kartik month. This is considered to be one of the most auspicious times in the Hindu religion. People wait for this time of the year to start a new business, shift to a new house or purchase a big asset such car, shop, jewellery, etc. A number of mythological stories are associated with the celebration of this festival. People belonging to different regions of India celebrate it for different reasons. However, it calls for a grand celebration everywhere.

Cleaning and Decoration

Diwali celebration begins with the cleaning of the houses and work places. From washing curtains to cleaning the fans, from cleaning every corner of the house to discarding the useless old stuff – Diwali is the time for a thorough cleaning of the houses as well as work places. Many cleaning agencies offer special discounts and offers around Diwali and make good business.

People also shop for various home decor items to redecorate their places. The houses are decorated with diyas, lights, lanterns, candles, flowers, drapes and many other decorative items.

Sharing the Joy

People visit their relatives, neighbours and friends. They exchange gifts and spend time with each other. Many people host Diwali parties to celebrate the festival with their loved ones. The joy of celebration doubles up this way.

Many residential societies organize Diwali parties to celebrate the occasion. It is a great way to rejoice in the festival.

Worshipping the Deities

Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha are worshipped during the evening hours. People wear new clothes and offer prayers to the deities. It is believed that worshipping Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha on this day brings in wealth, prosperity and good luck.

Burning of Fire Crackers and Increasing Pollution

Fire crackers are also burnt as a part of Diwali celebrations. Large numbers of crackers are burnt on this day each year. While it offers momentary pleasure, its repercussions are extremely harmful. It adds to air, noise and land pollution. Many people suffer due to the pollution caused.

Diwali without fire crackers would be much more beautiful. The newer generations must be sensitized about the harmful effects of burning crackers and should be encouraged to celebrate this festival without fireworks.

Diwali, also known as the festival of lights, is a mark of the Hindu tradition. It is celebrated with joy and enthusiasm by the Hindu families year after year. It is time to spread joy, love and laughter and not pollution.

Essay on Why do we Celebrate Diwali? – Essay 4 (500 Words)

Diwali falls sometime between the mid of October and mid of November. It is one of the main festivals of Hindus. The festival is celebrated for different reasons in different parts of India. A number of rituals form a part of the Diwali celebrations. Illuminating houses with diyas and candles and worshiping Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha are among the main rituals.

Why Do we Celebrate Diwali?

While it is largely believed that Diwali is celebrated to rejoice the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya, many other folklores and mythological stories are associated with it. Here are some of the reasons why this festival is celebrated.

The Return of Lord Rama

It is believed that on this day, Lord Rama returned to his hometown Ayodhya after staying in exile for fourteen long years. He was accompanied by his brother Lakshman and wife Sita. Sita was abducted by the demon, Ravana. She was kept as a hostage in his kingdom until Lord Rama defeated him and brought her back. As Lord Rama, Lakshman and Sita returned to Ayodhya, the people were thrilled and excited.

The entire town was illuminated with diyas. Sweets were distributed and people made merry. This is how we continue to celebrate this day even today.

The Harvest Festival

In some parts of the country, Diwali is considered to be a harvest festival. This is because it is the time when rice is cultivated. Since, India is mainly an agricultural economy this is the time for celebration. Grand celebration is held at this time. The festival holds special importance for the farmers.

The Legend of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi

It is said that King Bali had imprisoned Goddess Lakshmi. It was on this day that Lord Vishnu disguised himself and set the Goddess free from the evil king. The day thus calls for a celebration. In many parts of the country, people celebrate Diwali to rejoice the return of Goddess Lakshmi.

The Birth of Goddess Lakshmi

It is said that Goddess Lakshmi was born on the new moon of the Kartik month. Thus, in certain regions, Diwali is celebrated to rejoice the birth of Goddess Lakshmi who is worshipped during the evening hours on this day. Goddess Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity and the Hindus hold high regard for her.

The ritual of worshipping Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha is followed in every Hindu household on the day of Diwali.

No matter what the reason, Diwali is celebrated with immense enthusiasm across India as well as some other countries. Cleaning the house, shopping for new clothes, sweets and gifts, decorating the house, illuminating lamps, offering prayers, burning fire crackers and meeting loved ones are some of the rituals followed on Diwali.

Diwali brings us closer to our near and dear ones. People of all age groups await this festival and look forward to celebrate it with their loved ones. Every member of the family takes active part in the Diwali celebration. People religiously follow all the rituals that form a part of the Diwali celebrations and pass them on to the next generations.

Essay on Diwali, Pollution and Eco-friendly Diwali – 5 (600 Words)

Diwali is the time to meet and greet our loved ones, prepare delicious sweets, wear new clothes, redecorate the house and worship Goddess Lakshmi. It is also the time to burn fire crackers. While all the Diwali rituals are beautiful and pious, burning fire crackers to rejoice the day is not appreciated much. This is because it adds to the pollution in the atmosphere.

Diwali Celebrations

Diwali is being celebrated in India since the ancient times. It is a day to celebrate the victory of light over darkness. This is because as per Hindu mythology, this was the day when Lord Rama returned to his kingdom Ayodhya after staying in exile for 14 years. He returned victorious after killing the demon, Ravana and freeing Sita from his clutches.

The effigies of Ravana are burnt across India on Dussehra each year. It marks the victory of good over evil. Diwali falls twenty days later. The houses and marketplaces are illuminated with beautiful diyas and lights to celebrate Diwali. Rangolis are made and decorative items are used to enhance the beauty of these places. People decorate their houses after cleaning them thoroughly to welcome Goddess Lakshmi who is worshipped on this day. It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi; the Goddess of wealth, only visits places that are clean and beautiful.

People visit each other and exchange gifts as a part of the Diwali celebrations. Many people host house parties on this day. It is a great time to bond with our relatives and friends. Many offices and residential societies host Diwali parties a day or two before the festival.

Children especially look forward to burn fire crackers on this day. They gather around and rejoice the festival by burning different kinds of crackers.

Diwali Pollution: A Matter of Concern

Diwali is an auspicious day. The entire atmosphere is filled with the air of festivity and joy around this time. However, it eventually fills with pollution. The fire crackers burnt on this day are a complete put off. Burning crackers is said to be a ritual on Diwali. People burn thousands of crackers in the name of ritual on this day each year. This results in the increase in pollution levels in the atmosphere. The sky turns hazy and the consequences are harmful. It gives way to many health problems. This is especially unsafe for asthmatic patients, heart patients, pregnant women, elderly people and infants. It is difficult to step out on Diwali as well as days after the festival.

The burning of crackers does not only pollute the air but also causes noise pollution. It is particularly disturbing for sick and elderly people, small kids, students and animals.

Eco-Friendly Diwali: A Good Idea

It is high time we must behave as responsible citizens and stop burning crackers to celebrate Diwali or any other occasion for that matter. We must celebrate eco-friendly Diwali.

We must say no to crackers and advise those around us to do the same. Parents must take this as their responsibility to tell their kids about the negative repercussions of burning crackers. Kids must also be sensitized about the same in the schools. This will help in bringing down the fire works on Diwali.

Apart from the measures that people can take at their end, it is important to put a check on the sale of fire crackers. The government must intervene for the same. The production and sale of fire crackers must be banned or at least some restriction should be put on the same.

Diwali is a sacred festival. We must maintain its sanctity by celebrating it the right way. We should refrain from burning crackers owing to the harmful effects it has on the environment that ultimately impacts life on Earth.

Diwali Essay – 6 (1000 words)

Diwali is the most significant Hindu festival celebrated all over the India in the autumn season every year. The spiritual significance of this festival indicates the victory of light over darkness. It is a five days long festival celebrated by the people with huge preparations and rituals. It falls every year in the month of October or November. Many days ago of the festival, people start cleaning, renovating and decorating their homes and offices. They purchase new dresses, decorative things like diyas, lamps, candles, puja materials, statue of God and Goddess and eating things especially for Diwali.

People do worship of God Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi for getting wealth and prosperity in their life. They perform puja on main Diwali with lots of rituals. After puja, they get involved in the fireworks activities and then distribute gifts to each other among neighbors, family members, friends, offices, etc. People celebrate Dhanteras on first day, Naraka Chaturdasi on second day, Diwali on third day, Diwali Padva  (Govardhan Puja) on fourth day, and Bhai Dooj on fifth day of the festival. It becomes official holiday in many countries on the day of festival.

Celebration of Diwali with Family without Crackers

Diwali is my favorite festival of the year and I celebrate it with lots of enthusiasm with my family members and friends. Diwali is called as the festival of lights because we celebrate it by lighting lots of diyas and candles. It is a traditional and cultural festival celebrated by each and every Hindu person all over India and abroad. People decorate their houses with lots of candles and small clay oil lamps indicating the victory of good over evil.

Family members spend their most of the day time in preparing house (cleaning, decorating, etc) to welcome the festival with grand evening party. Neighbors, family members, and friends gets collected in the evening party and enjoy the party with lots of delicious Indian dishes, dance, music, etc all through the night. Houses look very attractive in white wash, candle lights and rangolis. High pitch music and fireworks makes the celebration more interesting.

People go to their home by taking off from their job, offices and other works; students also book their train around three months ago to easily go to their home on Diwali festival because everyone wants to celebrate this festival with their family members in the home town. People generally enjoy the festival by feasting, bursting crackers and enjoying the dance with family and friends.

However, it is prohibited by the doctors to got outside and enjoy firecrackers especially people suffering from lung or heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, etc. Such people have to knock the doctor’s door because of consuming highly saturated food and sweets in high amount and lack of exercises and pollution caused by crackers in these days.

Significance of Diwali

Diwali festival is celebrated by the people with great revelry and lots of fun and frolic activities. It becomes the happiest holiday for Indian people in the year and celebrated with significant preparations. It is the festival of high significance for Indian people during which people clean their homes, decorate, do shopping, buy new things including gifts, kitchen utensils, appliances, cars, golden jewelry, etc and perform so many rituals.

There are many ancient stories, legends, and myths about celebrating this festival. Girls and women of the home do shopping and make rangolis in creative patterns on the floors near to the doors and walkways of home. There are little variations in the celebration of this festival according to the regional practices and rituals.

The spiritual significance of this festival symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and victory of good over evil. It is celebrated to honor the Goddess of wealth, Lakshmi and God of wisdom, Ganesha. Its religious significance varies according to the region all through the country. Somewhere, it is celebrated to honor the returning of Rama, Sita and Lakshmana to their home after long exile period of 14 years (according to Hindu epic Ramayana).

Some people celebrate it to remember the return of Pandavas to their kingdom after 12 years of Vanvas and one year of agyatavas (according to Hindu epic Mahabharata). It is also believed that it was started celebrating when Goddess Lakshmi was born after churning the ocean by the gods and demons. Diwali celebration also indicates the start of a new Hindu year in the west and some northern parts of India. It is celebrated by the people of Sikh religion to mark the Bandi Chhor Divas by lighting up the Golden Temple. It is celebrated by the people of Jain religion to mark the Nirvana attained by the Mahavira.

Pollution on Diwali

Together with the Diwali celebration, there is indirect increase in the environmental pollution all over the world because of the bursting of various types of firecrackers during this festival. Such firecrackers are very dangerous as they release toxic pollutants like sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, carbon dioxide, and so many etc which gets intermingled into the air and causes variety of ailments like asthma, bronchitis, hypertension, etc. It affects the people of all age group however those people who already suffer any type of ailment. Together with the human beings, it also affects the lives of animals, birds and other living beings due to air and noise pollution.

Now-a-days, there is a campaign run by the government to celebrate pollution free Diwali all over the country. Schools and various organizations also organizes various demonstrations prior to the celebration to educate and aware students for pollution-free festival. Environment and pollution departments also do many efforts by publishing pollution free news in the various newspapers to aware people and curb noise and air pollution because of firecrackers. Bursting sound-emitting firecrackers has been banned by the Supreme Court especially during 10 pm to 6 am.

Air and water pollution is also caused by the decay of remnants of fireworks and deluge of garbage like empty bottles, papers used to light off rockets, gift wrappers, dried flowers, etc at the nook and corners of the city. We all should practice celebrating the pollution free Diwali every year in order to save and enjoy the natural beauty of environment forever.

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🪔Essay on Diwali in English: Samples 150, 250, & 500 Words  

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  • Apr 30, 2024

essay on diwali

Diwali is one of the biggest festivals of India which is celebrated with great fervour. The festival is also known as Deepavali, a beautiful Indian festival that is a symbol of good over evil. The word ‘Diwali’ has been derived from the Sanskrit word ‘Deepavali’ which means row of lights. Therefore, during Diwali, people decorate their homes with lights, candles and diyas to showcase how lights have the power to erase the darkness from the world.

According to Hindu mythology , Diwali marks the return of Lord Rama from the exile of 14 years. According to the Hindu Calendar, Diwali is celebrated in the month of Kartika. If you are a student and struggling to write an essay on Diwali in English, then this blog will help you greatly.

Keep on reading further to get ideas to write a good essay!

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Table of Contents

  • 1 Essay on Diwali in 150 Words
  • 2 Essay on Diwali in 250 Words 
  • 3.1 When is Diwali Celebrated in India?
  • 3.2 5 Days of Diwali Celebration
  • 3.3 How is Diwali Celebrated in India?
  • 4 Short Essay on Diwali in English

Diwali is the most important Hindu festival that is celebrated with great enthusiasm in India. This festival symbolises an important life learning that goodness will always overpower evil instincts. Weeks before Diwali, preparations for it get underway. To begin the preparations, people start cleaning up one’s home and workspace. After this people decorate their homes and offices with lights, lamps, flowers, and other ornamental elements.

As part of the festivities, people purchase new Diwali outfits , house furnishings, and presents for their loved ones. Around this season, the markets are overrun with a wide array of gifts and delicacies. Furthermore, Diwali presents an opportunity to strengthen ties with loved ones.

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Essay on Diwali in 150 Words

Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is one of the most celebrated and significant festivals in India . It symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. The festival typically lasts for five days and is marked by the lighting of oil lamps, or diyas, and colourful decorations in homes and streets.

People clean and decorate their houses, exchange gifts, and prepare special sweets. The highlight of this festival is the bursting of fireworks, which fills the night sky with vibrant colours. Families also worship deities, with Goddess Lakshmi , the goddess of wealth, being a central figure during the celebrations.

Beyond the festivities, Diwali holds cultural, religious, and social importance. It fosters a sense of unity and togetherness, as families come together to celebrate. Additionally, the festival carries deep spiritual significance for different communities, including Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs, each marking it for various reasons.

The festival of lights brings prosperity to the lives of people and the nation.

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Essay on Diwali in 250 Words 

Diwali is the most popular celebration in India which is regarded as the “festival of lights” and represents the spiritual message of the power of light over darkness and knowledge over ignorance. The holiday of Diwali is mostly associated with Hinduism, although it is also joyfully observed by Sikhs and Jains. This festival’s spiritual importance represents the triumph of good over evil and light over darkness. Lakshmi, the goddess of riches, and Ganesha, the god of wisdom, are honoured at this celebration. Throughout the nation, its religious significance differs depending on the location. It is commemorated somewhere to honour Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana coming home after a lengthy 14-year exile (according to the Hindu epic Ramayana).

Some people commemorate it in remembrance of the Pandavas’ return to their realm following 12 years of exile and 1 year of Agyatavas, as described in the Hindu epic Mahabharata. It is also thought to have begun when Goddess Lakshmi was born following the gods and demons’ churning of the seas. The western and some northern regions of India celebrate Diwali to mark the beginning of a new Hindu year. 

Five days are devoted to celebrating Diwali. These five days are Dhanteras, Naraka Chaturdashi, Lakshmi Pooja, Govardhan Pooja, and Bhai Dooj. Diwali is a festival where people worship Saraswati, Lakshmi, and Lord Ganesha. On this day, worshipping the goddess Lakshmi is thought to bring success and wealth. People lit candles and diyas after evening puja to spread light. Cleaning homes, stores, and workplaces begin many days before Diwali.

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Diwali Essay in 500 Words 

Throughout the year people wait for the beautiful festival of Diwali. Regarded as one of the biggest festivals for Hindus, Diwali also known as Deepavali, symbolises the victory of good over evil. According to the famous Hindu epic Ramayana, Lord Rama along with his wife and brother – Sita and Laxman,  came back to Ayodhya after completing the exile of 14 years. 

When is Diwali Celebrated in India?

According to the Hindu calendar, Diwali occurs on the Amavasya, or new moon, of the Kartik month, 20 days after the Dussehra celebration . In the Hindu religion, this is one of the most fortunate periods. People wait till this time of year to launch a new company, move into a new home, or buy a large asset like a car, store, jewellery, etc. This event is celebrated due to many mythical tales. People from various parts of India celebrate it for various reasons. But it is usually a massive celebration everywhere.

This beautiful festival is celebrated on a large scale as people start engaging in the festivities weeks before the festival. Some of the common things that are part of Diwali festivities include cleaning and decorating homes and workspaces, buying new clothes, gifts, etc. 

5 Days of Diwali Celebration

Diwali is considered a festival of five days as  Dhanteras is observed on the first day of the festival, followed by Naraka Chaturdasi on the second, Diwali on the third, Diwali Padva (Govardhan Puja) on the fourth, and Bhai Dooj on the fifth. On the day of the event, many nations declare it a public holiday.

How is Diwali Celebrated in India?

People worship on Diwali to get wealth and prosperity in their lives, people worship the gods Ganesha and Lakshmi. On the day of Diwali, they perform puja with numerous rites. Following puja, people give gifts to their neighbours, relatives, friends, coworkers, etc. One of the primary customs of the Diwali holiday is gift exchange. To deepen their bonds, people pay visits to their coworkers, neighbours, relatives, and friends and give them gifts. 

In addition to the lights and joyous surprises and gifts, Diwali is a time for introspection and making the necessary changes for the next year. To celebrate Diwali, people from all ages, religions, and castes gather together. People embrace one another and mix enthusiastically during this moment.

In essence, Diwali sheds light on who we truly are. The Diwali lights also signify a time for eradicating all of our evil intentions and ideas and leaning forward for a more profound, inward illumination. The Diwali festival represents the rebirth of the soul. During Diwali, one is inspired to make changes to become a healthy and moral individual who is more spiritual and productive at work.

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Short Essay on Diwali in English

Diwali is a popular festival of Hindus which is regarded as the festival of light. It is celebrated in the Hindu month of Kartik and comes 20 days after Dussehra. Diwali marked the return of Lord Rama, Sita and Laxman back to Ayodhya after completing the exile of 14 years. Diwali festivities include cleaning and decorating homes and workspaces, exchanging gifts and eating mouth-watering sweets and food. 

Diwali is an important festival for Hindus as according to the famous epic Ramayana, Lord Rama came back to Ayodhya after completing 14 years of exile and defeating Ravana. This beautiful festival of lights symbolizes that goodness will always prevail over evil. 

The five days of Diwali are Dhanteras , Naraka Chaturdasi, Laxmi Puja , Govardhan Puja , and Bhai Dooj . 

Relevant Blogs

This was everything about the essay on Diwali! To read more interesting essay-writing blogs like this one, keep following Leverage Edu . 

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Essay on Diwali 2023: Long and Short Paragraphs and 10 Lines on Deepavali

Diwali essay in english: happy diwali check here essay on diwali, short paragraph on diwali, easy diwali essay in english 10 lines for kids, diwali essay in english 300 words, long diwali essay in english and eco-friendly diwali essay in english for diwali 2023. download all the essays in pdf format for free..

Pragya Sagar

How do you start a Diwali essay?

One of the best ways to start your Diwali essay is with a short and sweet Diwali wish for the reader.

Then, introduce how diwali is celebrated.

Talk about the history of diwali and its signifiance.

Essay on Diwali 2023

In this article, school students and college youngsters will find easy, short and simple essay on Diwali in English. These Diwali essays are suitable for grades 5th to 10th, 11th, 12th and beyond school as well. Download all the essays in PDF format for free from the link given at the end.

Diwali Essay in English 10 lines

Line 1: Diwali, is also known as 'Deepavali' or the 'Festival of Lights’.

Line 2: It also marks the beginning of New Year for many cultures in India.

Line 3: It signifies the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after defeating Ravana, symbolising the victory of good over evil and light over darkness. 

Line 4: People light diyas - earthen oil lamps and adorn their homes with colourful rangolis. 

Line 5: On Diwali, people clean their homes and decorate with flowers and colourful rangoli.

Line 6: Neighbours and families exchange gifts and sweets amongst each other .

Line 7: Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha are worshipped.

Line 8: Diwali is a five-day long festival. 

Line 9: Choti Diwali is celebrated one day before Diwali.

Line 10: Diwali is a symbol of good over evil and promotes unity and brotherhood.

Short Essay on Diwali in 200 Words

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is a beloved and widely celebrated festival in India, symbolising the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance. Spanning five days, it begins with Dhanteras when homes are cleaned, new clothes and utensils are bought. The second day, Naraka Chaturdashi or Choti Diwali, marks Lord Krishna's victory over Narakasura with oil lamps. The main day, Diwali, worships Goddess Lakshmi for wealth and prosperity, lighting homes with oil lamps, rangoli, and fireworks. Govardhan Puja and Bhai Dooj follow, honoring Lord Krishna and sibling bonds.

Gift exchanges and traditional sweets like ladoos, barfis, and jalebis are integral to Diwali, symbolizing love, respect, and stronger bonds. Hindus celebrate Rama's return after defeating Ravana, Jains mark Mahavira's nirvana, and Sikhs commemorate Guru Hargobind Ji's release on Bandi Chhor Divas.

Environmental concerns have led to eco-friendly celebrations, emphasizing diyas and natural decorations to reduce the carbon footprint.

Essay on Diwali in 300 Words

Diwali, also known as Deepawali, is a significant and joyful Hindu festival celebrated with great fervor. Falling typically in the months of October or November, Diwali holds immense cultural and religious importance as it commemorates the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after his heroic victory over the demon king Ravana, symbolising the eternal triumph of good over evil.

During Diwali, homes go through an amazing change. They are made super-clean and look beautiful with colorful decorations. People put lots of lights, pretty flowers, and beautiful designs made of coloured powder outside their homes. It's a time when people love to give and receive gifts. They also wear new and fancy clothes, which makes everything feel even more festive and happy.

The main day of Diwali involves heartfelt prayers and rituals dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha, the divine patrons of wealth, prosperity, and wisdom. Devotees seek their blessings for a life filled with abundance and enlightenment.

Clay diyas, radiant with an array of colors, are lit in every corner of households, symbolizing the victory of light and hope over darkness and despair. Traditionally, firecrackers were used to drive away evil spirits; however, growing concerns about their environmental impact and health effects have led to more eco-conscious celebrations.

Essay on Diwali Festival in 400 Words

Diwali, or Deepavali, is an auspicious and cherished festival celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm across India. It is a festival that signifies the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance. Typically spanning five days, Diwali is a time when families come together to engage in various customs, rituals, and traditions that have deep cultural significance.

Diwali usually falls in October or November. The festivities commence with Dhanteras, the first day, when people engage in thorough cleaning and adorn their homes. This day is also marked by the purchase of new clothes and utensils. The second day, known as Naraka Chaturdashi or Choti Diwali, is observed by lighting oil lamps to commemorate Lord Krishna's victory over the demon Narakasura. The third day, which is the main Diwali day, is dedicated to the worship of Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity. Homes are adorned with oil lamps, vibrant rangoli designs, and fireworks light up the night sky to celebrate the triumph of light. This day symbolizes the removal of spiritual darkness and the ushering in of prosperity and good fortune.

The fourth day of Diwali is Govardhan Puja, commemorating Lord Krishna's lifting of the Govardhan Hill to shield villagers from a rainstorm caused by Lord Indra. The fifth and final day is Bhai Dooj, a day dedicated to honoring the bond between brothers and sisters.

Diwali holds religious significance for various communities. Hindus celebrate it as the return of Lord Rama after vanquishing the demon king Ravana. Jains view it as the day Lord Mahavira attained nirvana, and Sikhs commemorate it as Bandi Chhor Divas, signifying Guru Hargobind Ji's release from imprisonment.

Long Essay on Diwali Celebration

Diwali is one of the most significant and widely celebrated festivals in India. It holds immense cultural, religious, and social importance, bringing people from all walks of life together in a spirit of joy and unity. This festival signifies the victory of light over darkness, good over evil and knowledge over ignorance.

Diwali typically falls in October or November. The preparations for Diwali begin weeks in advance, with families eagerly awaiting this grand festival. Homes are thoroughly cleaned and decorated and new clothes and utensils are purchased. This practice not only prepares the physical surroundings but also symbolises the inner purification of individuals and their homes.

The five-day celebration commences with Dhanteras, the first day. On this day, people worship Lord Dhanvantari, the Hindu god of medicine, and Ayurveda. It is also considered auspicious to purchase gold and silver on Dhanteras, as it is believed to bring good luck and prosperity.

The second day, Naraka Chaturdashi, is celebrated to commemorate the victory of Lord Krishna over the demon Narakasura. People wake up early and take an oil bath to purify themselves. They then light oil lamps and candles all around their homes and offices.

The third day is the main Diwali day, also known as Lakshmi Puja. This day is dedicated to the worship of Goddess Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity. Families come together to perform special prayers and pujas to seek blessings for a prosperous year ahead. Homes are adorned with oil lamps, colorful rangoli designs, and flowers. In the evening, people burst firecrackers to celebrate the victory of good over evil.

The fourth day of Diwali is known as Govardhan Puja or Padwa. On this day, people worship Lord Krishna for lifting the Govardhan Hill to protect the villagers from Lord Indra's wrath. People also visit their relatives and friends and exchange gifts and sweets.

The fifth and final day of Diwali is Bhai Dooj, also known as Yama Dwitiya. This day is dedicated to celebrating the bond between brothers and sisters. Sisters prepare special dishes for their brothers and apply a tilak (vermilion mark) on their foreheads. Brothers, in return, give gifts to their sisters.

Long Essay on Diwali, Pollution Free and Eco-friendly Deepavali in 600 Words

Deepawali, also known as Diwali, is one of the most popular and auspicious festivals celebrated in India. Also known as the festival of lights, it marks the victory of good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair. Diwali is celebrated on the darkest night of the Hindu lunar month Kartika, which usually falls in October or November.

The word Diwali is derived from the Sanskrit word Deepavali, which means "a row of lamps." The festival is celebrated by lighting diyas (oil lamps) and candles all around the house and office. This symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and the triumph of good over evil. Diwali is a significant festival for Hindus all over the world. It is a time to celebrate the victory of good over evil, knowledge over ignorance, and hope over despair. The festival also marks the beginning of the new Hindu year.

Diwali is also celebrated to commemorate the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after defeating the demon king Ravana. Rama was exiled from Ayodhya for 14 years, and his return was marked with great joy and celebration. The people of Ayodhya lit diyas and decorated their homes to welcome him back. Another reason why Diwali is celebrated is to honor Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth and prosperity. People perform Lakshmi Puja on Diwali night to seek her blessings for wealth and good fortune.

Diwali is a time for families and friends to come together and celebrate. People clean and decorate their homes, buy new clothes, and prepare delicious food. On Diwali night, people gather to light diyas, perform Lakshmi Puja, and exchange gifts. Diwali is also a time for families and friends to come together and celebrate. It is a time to forgive and forget, and to start fresh. The festival is also a time to give and receive, and to spread joy and happiness. Diwali is also a time for giving back to the community. People donate to charities and help those in need. The festival is a reminder to be grateful for our blessings and to share them with others.

Diwali is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy all over India. People start preparing for the festival weeks in advance. They clean their homes, decorate them with lights and rangolis, and buy new clothes. On Diwali night, people light diyas and candles all around their homes and offices. They also perform Lakshmi Puja to seek her blessings for wealth and good fortune. After the puja, people exchange gifts with their family and friends. People prepare delicious food and sweets, and share them with their loved ones.

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness about the environmental impact of Diwali celebrations. People are now more conscious about using eco-friendly ways to celebrate the festival.

Eco-friendly Diwali, also known as "Green Diwali," is an environmentally conscious approach to celebrating the festival of lights. It involves minimising the harmful environmental impacts associated with traditional Diwali practices. People choose to use eco-friendly alternatives, such as clay diyas (oil lamps) instead of electric lights, to reduce electricity consumption. Additionally, eco-friendly fireworks, which produce fewer pollutants and noise, are gaining popularity. Rangoli designs made from natural materials and organic, biodegradable decorations contribute to a cleaner and more sustainable celebration. Eco-friendly Diwali aims to preserve the environment, reduce air and noise pollution, and promote a more responsible and harmonious way of celebrating this cherished festival.

Paragraphs on Diwali

Diwali celebrations, five days of diwali, what are the five days of diwali 2023.

Day 1: Dhanteras, Friday, November 10, 2023

Day 2: Naraka Chaturdashi or Choti Diwali, Saturday, November 11, 2023 

Day 3: Diwali and Lakshmi Pooja, Sunday, November 12, 2023

Day 4: Govardhan pooja, Monday, November 13, 2023

Diwali 2023 Wishes in English

1. "May the festival of lights fill your life with happiness and prosperity. Wishing you a sparkling and joyous Diwali!"

2. "Happy Diwali! May your life be illuminated with the divine blessings of Lord Rama."

3. "Wishing you a Diwali filled with love, laughter, and all things bright and beautiful. Have a wonderful celebration!"

4. "Wishing you a safe and prosperous Diwali! Let the brightness of Diyas light up your world with success and happiness."

Why Do We Celebrate Diwali?

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  • How do we celebrate Diwali 10 lines? + On Diwali, people light diyas - earthen oil lamps and adorn their homes with colourful rangolis. We clean our homes and decorate it with flowers. Neighbours and families exchange gifts and sweets amongst each other as a symbol of good will, well being and best regards. Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha are worshipped on this day.
  • When are diwali holidays in 2023? + Diwali 2023 is on Sunday November 12, 2023. However, the 1st day of Diwali is Dhanteras on Friday, November 10, 2023. Day 2 is Naraka Chaturdasi (Chotti Diwali) on Saturday, November 11, 2023. Day 3 is the Lakshmi Puja or Diwali on Sunday, November 12, 2023. Day 4 is Govardhan Puja on Tuesday, November 14, 2023. Lastly, Day 5 is Bhai Dooj on Wednesday, November 15, 2023.
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Essay on Diwali for School Students and Children

500+ words essay on diwali.

First of all, understand that India is the land of festivals. However, none of the festivals comes close to Diwali. It is certainly one of the biggest festivals in India. It is probably the brightest festival in the world. People of different religions celebrate Diwali. Most noteworthy, the festival signifies the victory of light over darkness. This also means the triumph of good over evil and knowledge over ignorance. It is known as the festival of lights. Consequently, there are bright lights all over the whole country during Diwali. In this essay on Diwali, we will see the religious and spiritual significance of Diwali.

Essay on Diwali

The Religious Significance of Diwali

The religious significance of this festival has differences. It varies from one region to another in India. There is an association of many deities, cultures, and traditions with Diwali. The reason for these differences is probably local harvest festivals. Hence, there was a fusion of these harvest festivals into one pan-Hindu festival.

According to the Ramayana, Diwali is the day of the return of Rama. This day Lord Rama returned to Ayodhya along with his wife Sita. This return was made after Rama defeated demon King Ravana. Furthermore, Rama’s brother Lakshmana and Hanuman also came back to Ayodhya victorious.

There is another popular tradition for the reason of Diwali. Here Lord Vishnu as an incarnation of Krishna killed Narakasura. Narakasura was certainly a demon. Above all, this victory brought the release of 16000 captive girls.

Furthermore, this victory shows the triumph of good over evil. This is due to Lord Krishna being good and Narakasura being evil.

Association of Diwali to Goddess Lakshmi is the belief of many Hindus. Lakshmi is the wife of Lord Vishnu. She also happens to be the Goddess of wealth and prosperity.

According to a legend, Diwali is the night of Lakshmi wedding. This night she chose and wed Vishnu. Eastern India Hindus associate Diwali with Goddess Durga or kali. Some Hindus believe Diwali to be the start of a new year.

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The Spiritual Significance of Diwali

First of all, many people try to forgive people during Diwali. It is certainly an occasion where people forget disputes. Therefore, friendships and relationships get stronger during Diwali. People remove all feelings of hatred from their hearts.

diwali essay 400 words

This light festival brings peace to people. It brings the light of peace to the heart. Diwali certainly brings spiritual calmness to people. Sharing joy and happiness is another spiritual benefit of Diwali. People visit each other’s houses during this festival of lights. They do happy communication, eat good meals, and enjoy fireworks.

Finally, to sum it up, Diwali is a great joyful occasion in India. One cannot imagine the delightful contribution of this glorious festival. It is certainly one of the greatest festivals in the world.

diwali essay 400 words

FAQs on Diwali

Q.1 Why there is are differences in the religious significance of Diwali?

A.1 There certainly are differences in the religious significance of Diwali. This is due to the local harvest festivals. These festivals certainly came together to form one pan-Hindu festival.

Q.2 Tell how Diwali brings prosperity?

A.2 Diwali brings prosperity as Hindu merchants open new account books on Diwali. Furthermore, they also pray for success and prosperity.

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Essay on Diwali

Essay On Diwali

Diwali is not only an Indian festival but also a way to peep into Indian culture and tradition. If you are still unaware of this festival called Diwali and want to get an insight into what Diwali is all about? Then, you have halted at the right station.

Essay on how I celebrate Diwali | Dhanteras Essay 2023

Short and Long Essay on Diwali 2023

Let us dive in to discover the essence of this festival and how it touches the lives of people of India as social, global, and mythological. Here are short, mid and long length essay for class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and class 12 in English in 100, 150, 200, 250, 300, 500 words.:

Diwali Essay 10 Lines

1 – “Diwali” is a festival of luminescence celebrated in India.

2 – It falls on the new moon in the Karthik month.

3 – Diwali depicts the triumph of good over bad.

4 – Diwali is considered as one of the primary festivals celebrated in India.

5 – The advent of Diwali marks from ‘Dhanteras’ which is considered as day one of this five-day-long festival.

6 – The next day is celebrated as ‘Chhoti Diwali’ followed by ‘Diwali’ as the third day.

7 – On the fourth day falls ‘Govardhan puja’ and ‘Bhai duj’ as the last day of the Deepawali celebration.

8 – During Diwali, people buy new clothes, clean homes, and decorate by candles, diyas, lights, Kandil, and Rangoli.

9 – Every year after Diwali it is reported in media that about hundreds of million-dollar money is pumped in during Diwali.

10 – Diwali is a festival of happiness, calmness, and peace. It teaches us brotherhood and building a healthy relationship with nature.

Essay on Diwali (250 – 300 Words)


“Diwali” is a festival of luminescence celebrated in India. According to the Hindu calendar ‘Panchangs’, it falls on the new moon in the Karthik month. Generally, the festival of Diwali lasts for five days. Diwali depicts the triumph of good over bad. Diwali is considered as one of the primary festivals celebrated in India.

According to Ramayana, Lord Ram defeated Ravana and returned Ayodhya after fourteen years of exile. To welcome Lord Ram and Mata Sita, citizens of Ayodhya decorated the whole city and lit the diyas as their feeling of happiness towards Lord Ram. Since then the tradition to celebrate this victory of good over evil became the festival of light called “Diwali”.

Diwali Celebration in India

In India, the advent of Diwali marks from ‘Dhanteras’ which is considered as day one of this five-day-long festival. The next day is celebrated as ‘Chhoti Diwali’ followed by ‘Diwali’ as the third day. On the fourth day falls ‘Govardhan puja’ and ‘Bhai duj’ as the last day of the Deepawali celebration. During Diwali, people buy new clothes, clean homes, and decorate by candles, diyas, lights, Kandil, and Rangoli.

The festival of Diwali is enjoyed by every age group of people, especially children. It is so because children get a chance to burn crackers, eat delicious sweets, and long merry time with their family and friends. The businessmen, merchants, and traders close their old Account books and start with a new account book. On the day of Diwali, people worship Lord Ganesha and goddess Lakshmi in order to bring wealth and happiness in their life.

Diwali is not just a festival to celebrate but also symbolizes the sharing of happiness with everyone. Diwali also teaches us the moral of life that truth always wins. So, we must speak the truth and embrace the goods of speaking truth.

Long Essay 2 (400 Words) – Diwali: Pros and Cons as a Festival in this Modern Era

With the rise of globalization, festivals are also not immune to the effect of globalization. Today, Diwali as a festival is not only celebrated within the boundaries of the country but also celebrated globally. As Indians living across the globe, so they carry their festivals too. We Indians love to enjoy the festival of Diwali.

Seeing the aura of this festival, people of foreign origin have also started to celebrate Diwali. Diwali is especially recognized as a festival of wealth, money, shopping, light, and bursting of a high number of crackers. Though it gives us extreme pleasure after the celebration, it also brings post-Diwali side effects. Let us discuss a few pros and cons of Diwali.

Pros of Diwali Festival

Economical Significance: Diwali is not all about lights, but it also opens a door for shopping periods in India. Every year after Diwali it is reported in media that about hundreds of million-dollar money is pumped in during Diwali. People from every section of society spend a good amount of money. The festival is related to the goddess Lakshmi, who is a symbol of wealth and prosperity. People spend their money on buying gold, silver, steel utensils, and other auspicious metals as their item of purchase.

Along with this, people also spend in buying consumer electronics, clothes, sweets, and other similar luxury items. The other channel where the economy sees a heavy surge in online shopping. ASSOCHAM, a trade organization in India estimated that two-third of Indians households would spend between Rs. 5000 and Rs. 10000 on average. These various activities contribute to the economy flow and circulation of money in the market.

Global Mode of Cultural Exchange: Exchange of trade between countries brought them together on multiple platforms. Most of the countries have their embassies located in the capital city of India. These embassies have ambassadors as the face of their countries. On the occasion of the Diwali celebration, the government of India organizes various cultural exchange programs where high dignitaries, leaders of worldwide, and politicians come together to enjoy the uniqueness of Diwali.

Cons of Diwali Festival

Pollution: The major concern that arises from the celebration of Diwali is air pollution. Every year, there is a surge in the air quality index after Diwali night. Due to air pollution caused by the smoke of firecrackers, many birds die after this. Elderly people often complain about various breathing problems. High sound-producing crackers have a bad effect on pregnant women, heart patients, and smaller children.

Diwali is a festival of happiness, calmness, and peace. It teaches us brotherhood and building a healthy relationship with nature. So, let’s celebrate this Diwali as eco friendly and convey a message of prosperity in everyone’s life.

diwali essay 400 words

Long Essay 3 (500 – 600 Words) – Diwali Celebration in Context of Different Religions

Today for most of us, “Diwali” is only a festival of light, partying, shopping, and taking a break from our working life. Apart from all these, we don’t give heed to its real significance what the festival of Diwali holds. Diwali has a vivid history and significance to different people belonging to other castes, religions, demography, and livelihood. The festival of Diwali has its root just after the inception of the earth. So, let us now explore how Diwali plays an integral role in developing as humans and providing us our own Indian style of living.

Diwali in Hinduism

1. Treta Yuga: Treta Yuga is remembered for the most significant event of the incarnation of Lord Vishnu as Lord Ram. It is believed that kingdom of Ayodhya was ruled for almost eleven thousand years by Lord Rama, who was known as the 7 th avatar of Lord Vishnu. This prosperous period is also called “Ram Rajya”. During this period, Lord Ram went for fourteen years of exile along with Mata Sita and his younger brother Lakshman. But during their stay, demon-king Ravana abducted Mata Sita. To bring back Mata Sita, Lord Ram defeated demon- king Ravana and send a message of victory of good over evil.

2. Dwapar Yuga: The Yuga talks about the incarnation of Lord Vishnu as Lord Krishna. In this Yuga, Lord Krishna killed Narakasura and freed about 16000 girls from his captivity. This act of Lord Krishna also gave a message of the triumph of good over evil.

3. Other Vedic sources: ‘Padma Purana’ reveals that during Samudra Manthan (churning of the heavenly ocean of milk) between Devtas (god) and demon (asuras), goddess Lakshmi was born.

Diwali in Jainism

According to Harivamsha Purana, Diwali in Jainism is referred to as Dipika. The Diwali day also talks about the Mahavira, twenty-fourth Jain Tirthankara, and Mahavira attainment of Moksha. The New Year for Jain’s falls on pratipada i.e. the next day of Diwali. Few sources of Jainism also mentions about Gautama swami, the chief disciple of Mahavira, attaining omniscience.

Diwali in Sikhism

For Sikhs, the celebration of Diwali represents the day on which the sixth guru, Shri Hargobind Ji was released from the prison along with 52 other princes from the famous Gwalior Fort under the reign of Mughal Emperor Jahangir. That’s why; the day is celebrated as Bandi Chhor Divas by lighting up thousands of lamps at the golden temple, Amritsar.

Diwali in Buddhism

It is believed emperor Ashoka was so moved by the mass killing in the war of Kalinga held in 263 B.C that he converted to Buddhism. To mark this incident the day is regarded as Ashoka Vijayadashami.

Other Historical Significance

According to king ‘Harsha’, in the 7th century, Diwali is a festival where lamps were lit and gifts to newly engaged brides and grooms of the period were given as a token of love. Rajashekhara, an eminent Sanskrit poet under the court of Gurjara Pratiharas, described Diwali as the season of whitewashing, cleaning, decoration of houses, and the illumination of streets with oil lamp by the people of the town. On the agricultural front, Diwali is observed as a post-harvest festival for celebrating the rewards reaped through the harvest following the onset of the monsoon in the subcontinent region.

Decoding Ancient Inscriptions

In ancient times, Sanskrit was used as the main language for inscription. Excavation at various sites in India found Sanskrit inscription on stone and copper, indicating about Diwali. Terms like Dipotsava, Dipavati, Divali, and Divalige were used in the inscriptions.

India is considered as the land of cultural heritage, tradition, and festivals. Among festivals, Diwali is a festival that proves to be a common link between all the civilizations that have existed on the earth. So, Diwali not only holds India’s integrity but also plays a major role in defining ancient Indian history.

FAQs: Frequently Asked Questions

Ans . Diwali is called Bhai Phonta in west Bengal.

Ans . Mustard oil is used in lighting the earthen lamps in Diwali.

Ans . ‘Thalai Deepawali’ is celebrated in the Tamil Nadu state of India.

Ans . The festival of Diwali in Sikhism is called ‘Bandi Chhor Divas’.

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Diwali Essay in English And Hindi for Students

Diwali Essay: Diwali is one of the greatest festivals in India. It is also called festivals of light. On this day we decorate our home, sharing sweets and gifts and burn cracker. learn more about Diwali Essay in the article given below.

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November 10, 2023

Diwali Essay

Table of Contents

Diwali Essay:  Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is one of the most celebrated and eagerly awaited festivals in India. It marks the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil, and the entire country is bathed in a warm, radiant glow during this time. The festival typically lasts for five days, with each day holding its own significance and traditions.

In India, it is known by different names like Deepavali, Deepotsav, Laxmi Puja, Kali Puja, etc. On Diwali, everyone lights up their homes with lamps and makes pretty designs on the floor with colored powders. We also set off fireworks to make the sky look beautiful. Diwali is special because it reminds us that good things, like light and goodness, are stronger than bad things, like darkness and evil. Families get together, share yummy food, and give each other presents. We also pray for good luck and prosperity from Goddess Lakshmi. Diwali is not just a festival; it’s like a giant hug that brings people closer and makes everything feel bright and happy.

Diwali Essay in English

Diwali: Festival of Lights

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is a vibrant and joyous festival celebrated with immense enthusiasm in India. The festival is a symbol of the victory of light over darkness and good over evil, carrying profound significance in Hindu culture.

The Meaning Behind Diwali

The term “Diwali” is derived from the Sanskrit words “deepa” (lamp or light) and “avali” (a row). The essence of the festival lies in the illumination of lamps, candles, and diyas (oil lamps), representing the dispelling of darkness and the ushering in of light.

Preparations and Purification

Weeks before the main celebration, households undergo a thorough cleaning and decoration process. This symbolic purification not only cleanses the physical space but also signifies a renewal and reflection, both spiritually and personally. The belief is that Goddess Lakshmi, the harbinger of wealth and prosperity, visits homes that are clean and well-lit during Diwali.

The Grand Celebration Day

The main day of Diwali is marked by elaborate rituals and prayers. Families come together to seek divine blessings, with temples adorned with lights and the air filled with the sweet scent of incense. Fireworks illuminate the night sky, adding a spectacular touch to the festivities.

Unity in Diversity: Regional Celebrations

One of the fascinating aspects of Diwali is the diverse ways it is celebrated across India. Different regions have their own customs and traditions, adding a rich tapestry of cultural celebrations to the festival. While the northern parts of India commemorate the return of Lord Rama, the southern regions associate Diwali with the victory of Lord Krishna.

The Joy of Giving and Sharing

Gift exchanges and the sharing of sweets are integral parts of Diwali. These traditions symbolize the spirit of giving and sharing, fostering a sense of community and strengthening social bonds. Families also indulge in the preparation of a variety of delicious sweets and snacks, adding a gastronomic delight to the festivities.

Beyond Borders: A Universal Celebration

While Diwali is rooted in Hindu traditions, it transcends religious boundaries. People of various faiths across the country participate in the celebrations, embracing the universal message of triumph over darkness and the celebration of light. This inclusivity fosters unity and harmony among diverse communities.

Environmental Consciousness: A Modern Shift

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness about the environmental impact of fireworks during Diwali. Many individuals and communities are opting for eco-friendly celebrations, choosing to illuminate their homes with diyas and candles. This shift reflects a collective responsibility towards the environment and a commitment to sustainable practices.

Diwali is not just a festival of lights; it is a celebration of life, joy, and the eternal triumph of good over evil. As lamps glow and fireworks light up the night sky, Diwali serves as a powerful reminder that, no matter how dark the night, light will always prevail. The festival brings people together, fostering a sense of unity, shared happiness, and a brighter, more hopeful future.

Diwali Essay in English 10 Lines

Check the 10 Lines on Diwali Essay in English given below:

  • Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a joyous celebration that holds a special place in the hearts of millions.
  • It symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness and good over evil, Diwali brings families and communities together in a dazzling display of unity.
  • On the Diwali occasion, we worship and welcome the goddess Laxmi for prosperity.
  • The festival spans five days, each with its own significance. Homes are adorned with colorful rangoli, vibrant decorations, and, of course, rows of twinkling diyas. These oil lamps not only illuminate the surroundings but also represent the inner light that dispels ignorance and fosters knowledge.
  • Diwali is a time for feasting and sharing. Families come together to prepare delicious sweets and savory treats, exchanging them with neighbors and friends.
  • In this light festival, the air is filled with the aroma of spices and the sound of laughter as people gather to celebrate the bonds that make life brighter.
  • Fireworks paint the night sky during Diwali, adding a spectacular touch to the festivities. While the colors and lights mesmerize, the underlying message is one of hope and renewal. It’s a reminder that even in the darkest moments, there’s always the potential for a radiant transformation.
  • Beyond the glittering celebrations, Diwali is a time for introspection and self-improvement. It encourages individuals to reflect on their actions, seek forgiveness, and strive for a better, more compassionate life. The emphasis on inner light extends beyond the external festivities, promoting a holistic approach to personal growth.
  • Diwali’s significance is not confined to any particular religion or region; it transcends boundaries and brings people of diverse backgrounds together.
  • It’s a beautiful tapestry woven with the threads of diversity, emphasizing the universal values of love, kindness, and the pursuit of knowledge.

Diwali Essay in English 150 Words

Diwali is a big celebration for Hindus. People get ready for it weeks before it happens. They start by cleaning their homes and shops really well. They make everything look nice with lights, lamps, flowers, and other pretty things.

During Diwali, people buy new clothes, home decorations, and gifts for their friends and family. The stores are full of different gifts and yummy sweets. This time is good for businesses, and it’s a chance to spend time with the people we care about.

On Diwali day, houses are lit up with diyas, candles, and lights. People also make colorful rangoli to decorate their homes. Everyone prays to Goddess Lakshmi and Ganesha for good luck and prosperity.

Diwali is also called the Festival of Lights. It’s about worshipping gods, lighting fireworks, eating sweets, and having fun with loved ones. It’s a very special day in the Hindu calendar.

Diwali Essay in English 400 Words

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most widely celebrated festivals in India and holds great cultural and religious significance. The festival, marked by dazzling lights, joyous festivities, and vibrant decorations, is observed by Hindus, Jains, and Sikhs across the world. In this essay, we will delve into the reasons behind celebrating Diwali, its historical roots, and its broader significance.

Diwali, derived from the Sanskrit word “Deepavali,” means a row of lights. The festival is a symbolic triumph of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance. It typically lasts five days, with the third day being the main celebration. People illuminate their homes with diyas (oil lamps), candles, and colorful lights, creating a spectacular visual display that symbolizes the victory of light over darkness.

Historically, Diwali has its roots in various legends and religious narratives. One such legend is the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after defeating the demon king Ravana. The people of Ayodhya welcomed him by lighting lamps, and this tradition continues today as a symbol of the victory of righteousness over evil.

In another context, Diwali is also associated with the worship of Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. It is believed that on the night of Diwali, she visits homes that are well-lit and decorated, bringing prosperity and good fortune. People clean and decorate their homes, buy new clothes, and prepare delicious sweets to welcome her.

The festival also holds significance for Jains as it commemorates Lord Mahavira’s attainment of nirvana. Sikhs celebrate Diwali to mark the release of their sixth Guru, Guru Hargobind Ji, from imprisonment.

Beyond its religious roots, Diwali fosters a sense of unity and togetherness among people. Families come together to celebrate, exchange gifts, and share festive meals. It is a time for forgiveness, gratitude, and spreading joy to others. Diwali also serves as an opportunity for charity, with many individuals contributing to the well-being of those less fortunate.

Diwali is a multifaceted festival that embodies the spirit of joy, triumph, and unity. Its celebration is deeply rooted in religious and historical contexts, making it a significant cultural event. The lighting of lamps not only brightens the physical surroundings but also symbolizes the dispelling of ignorance and the triumph of knowledge. Diwali, with its rich traditions and cultural significance, continues to be a cherished festival that brings people together in the spirit of light and happiness.

Diwali Essay in Hindi

शीर्षक: दीपावली: प्रकाश और आनंद का त्योहार

दीपावली, जिसे दीवारों का त्योहार भी कहा जाता है, भारत में सबसे अधिक मनाए जाने वाले त्योहारों में से एक है और इसका महत्वपूर्ण सांस्कृतिक और धार्मिक महत्व है। चमकदार प्रकाश, आनंदमय उत्सव, और रंगीन सजावटों के साथ चिह्नित इस त्योहार को पूरे विश्व में हिन्दू, जैन, और सिखों द्वारा मनाया जाता है। इस निबंध में, हम दीपावली को क्यों मनाते हैं, इसके ऐतिहासिक नींवों पर, और इसके व्यापक महत्व पर चर्चा करेंगे।

दीपावली, संस्कृत शब्द “दीपावली” से लिया गया है, जिसका अर्थ है प्रकाश की पंक्ति। यह एक प्रतीकात्मक रूप से प्रकाश की विजय, अच्छाई की विजय, और अज्ञान की विजय को दर्शाता है। इसकी सामान्य अवधि पाँच दिन है, जिसमें तीसरे दिन का मुख्य उत्सव है। लोग दीयों (तेल के बत्तियां), मोमबत्तियां, और रंगीन बत्तियों से अपने घरों को सजाते हैं, जो अंधकार के बनावट की जीत का प्रतीक है।

ऐतिहासिक रूप से, दीपावली की जड़ें विभिन्न किस्सों और धार्मिक कथाओं में हैं। इसमें से एक कथा है भगवान राम के अयोध्या लौटने की, रावण राक्षस को हराने की। अयोध्या के लोगों ने उनका स्वागत दीयों से किया, और यह परंपरा आज भी उनकी श्रेणीयता की जीत का प्रतीक के रूप में जारी है।

दूसरे संदर्भ में, दीपावली का संबंध धन और समृद्धि की देवी लक्ष्मी की पूजा के साथ भी है। माना जाता है कि दीपावली की रात को वह उन घरों को चकाचौंध पर्वत करती हैं जो अच्छी तरह से प्रकाशित और सजाया गया है, धन और समृद्धि लेकर। लोग अपने घरों को साफ-सफाई करते हैं और सजाते हैं, नए कपड़े खरीदते हैं, और स्वागत में स्वादिष्ट मिठाई बनाते हैं।

यह त्योहार जैन लोगों के लिए भी महत्वपूर्ण है क्योंकि इसमें भगवान महावीर के निर्वाण की स्मृति है। सिख धर्म के अनुयायियों के लिए भी दीपावली का आयोजन किया जाता है, जिससे उनके छठे गुरु, गुरु हरगोबिंद जी के कारागार से मुक्ति का स्मृति है।

धार्मिक मूलों के आलावा, दीपावली लोगों के बीच एकता और सद्भावना का भाव बढ़ाती है। परिवार सभी एक साथ मनाते हैं, उपहारों का आदान-प्रदान करते हैं, और उत्सवी भोजन को साझा करते हैं। यह क्षमा, कृतज्ञता, और दूसरों के साथ आनंद साझा करने का समय है। दीपावली एक धरोहर के रूप में भी कार्य करती है, बहुत से व्यक्तियों ने असहाय लोगों के कल्याण के लिए योगदान किया है।

समाप्त में, दीपावली एक बहुपरकारी त्योहार है जो आनंद, विजय, और एकता की भावना को अंगूठा छूने वाले त्योहारों में से एक बना रहता है। इसका उत्सव न केवल धार्मिक और ऐतिहासिक संदर्भों में गहरा है, बल्कि यह ज्ञान की जीत और अज्ञान की हार की प्रतीक भी है। रोशनी का यह त्योहार न केवल भौतिक आस-पास को चमकाता है, बल्कि यह ज्ञान की जीत का भी प्रतीक है। दीपावली, अपनी समृद्धि और सांस्कृतिक महत्व के साथ, एक प्यारा त्योहार है जो लोगों को प्रकाश और खुशी की भावना में एक साथ लाता है।

Diwali Essay FAQs

Diwali is known as the 'Festival of Lights.' During this celebration, people light lamps and set off fireworks. It's a special festival that marks the happy return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after rescuing his wife Sita from the demon king Ravana.

Diwali is like a super fun party where we celebrate with lights and colorful decorations. It's all about happiness and togetherness. We light lamps to remember a brave prince named Rama who saved his wife, Sita, from a tricky demon king named Ravana.

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Essay on Diwali (100, 150, & 500 Words)

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most important and vibrant festivals celebrated in India and among Indian communities around the world. Diwali is also known as the Festival of Lights because of the tradition of lighting lamps, candles, and fireworks that brighten up the dark nights. This festival usually takes place between October and November, depending on the Hindu lunar calendar .

Diwali is not only a festival but also a symbol of hope, joy, and community spirit. It marks the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance. The festival brings families and friends together in a spirit of celebration and togetherness. It fills the hearts of people with joy and the streets with a multitude of colorful decorations, sweets, and the sounds of firecrackers. Diwali is a time to express happiness and gratitude, and it creates an atmosphere of warmth and love everywhere it is celebrated.

Table of Contents

Essay on Diwali 100 Words

Diwali, also known as the festival of lights, is a significant Hindu festival celebrated in India and around the world. It falls in the month of October or November. It marks the triumph of good over evil and the victory of light over darkness.

diwali essay 400 words

During Diwali, people light up their homes with earthen lamps and colorful lights. They clean and decorate their houses, exchange gifts, and share sweets with family and friends. The festival also includes worshipping deities like Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha for prosperity and blessings.

Fireworks and crackers add excitement to the celebrations. Diwali brings joy and happiness, fostering a sense of unity among people of different communities.

Essay On Diwali 150 Words For Class 6

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is a joyful festival celebrated mostly in India. It is also known as the Festival of Lights. This wonderful celebration takes place between October and November each year, based on the Hindu lunar calendar.

diwali essay 400 words

During Diwali, people light up their houses and streets with lamps, candles, and fireworks. These bright lights represent the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. The festival is full of excitement and happiness.

Families and friends come together to share food, particularly sweets, and gifts. People also clean and decorate their homes, hoping to bring good luck and blessings. Children enjoy this festival a lot as they get to wear new clothes and play with fireworks.

Diwali is not just a festival, it is a time that brings hope, joy, and togetherness. It is a special occasion that spreads love and happiness, teaching us to value our relationships and to be grateful for our blessings.

Diwali Essay in English 500 Words

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most widely celebrated festivals in India. It holds immense significance in Hindu culture and is celebrated with great enthusiasm and joy. This festival usually falls in the months of October or November, depending on the Hindu lunar calendar. Diwali is a time of joy, lights, sweets, and the spirit of togetherness.

The significance of Diwali lies in its various mythological and historical stories. One of the most popular legends associated with Diwali is the return of Lord Rama, along with his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana, to their kingdom of Ayodhya after defeating the demon king Ravana. The people of Ayodhya welcomed their beloved prince by lighting oil lamps, which is why the festival is known as the “Festival of Lights.”

Preparations for Diwali begin weeks in advance. People clean and decorate their houses to welcome Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Beautiful rangoli designs made of colored powders and flowers adorn the entrance of homes, adding to the festive charm. New clothes are bought, and people exchange gifts and sweets with friends and relatives.

On the day of Diwali, the celebrations start in the evening. Homes and streets are illuminated with earthen lamps, candles, and colorful electric lights, creating a mesmerizing sight. Bursting of firecrackers adds to the excitement, although nowadays, there is a growing awareness of the harmful effects of excessive fireworks on the environment and health.

One of the most important aspects of Diwali is the Lakshmi Puja. People worship Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha, seeking their blessings for prosperity, wealth, and wisdom. Families gather together for the puja, offering prayers, and performing rituals to invoke the blessings of the deities.

Another significant tradition during Diwali is the exchange of sweets and gifts. It symbolizes the spirit of giving and sharing happiness with others. Special Diwali sweets like ladoos, kaju katli, and jalebi are prepared and distributed among friends and family.

Apart from the religious and cultural aspects, Diwali also has social and economic significance. For businesses and shopkeepers, it marks the beginning of the new financial year. People purchase new items, especially gold and silver, as it is considered auspicious to do so during Diwali. The festival also boosts the economy through increased sales and consumer spending.

While Diwali is primarily a Hindu festival, it is celebrated by people of various faiths and communities in India. It promotes a sense of unity and harmony among people from different backgrounds, fostering the spirit of brotherhood.

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness about celebrating eco-friendly Diwali by avoiding excessive use of firecrackers. People are encouraged to use eco-friendly and biodegradable decorations to reduce environmental pollution and keep the festivities sustainable.

In conclusion, Diwali is a beautiful festival that brings joy, lights, and togetherness in the lives of people. It represents the victory of good over evil and the triumph of light over darkness. The spirit of Diwali lies in spreading happiness, sharing love, and embracing the diversity that enriches the cultural fabric of India. As we celebrate this auspicious occasion, let us remember the true essence of Diwali and strive to make it a festival of lights and joy for everyone around us.

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diwali essay 400 words

Diwali Essay in English- Read Essay on Deepawali_0.1

Diwali Essay in English- Read Essay on Deepawali

We supplied informative essay on Diwali festival.Kids can take some ideas from this Diwali essay in English sample and write a few lines while learning how to structure sentences.

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Table of Contents

Diwali is one of India’s most recognized festivals, celebrated for its joy and splendor. In this post, we made an insignificant effort to write an intriguing and informative essay about the prosperous Diwali festival. We hope that these Diwali festival English essays are useful to young learners who need to write an essay on this topic.

Diwali Essay

Diwali is one of the most exciting and beautiful festivals in India. It is also known as Deepavali, which means “a row of lights.” Diwali is a festival that brings happiness and lights into our lives.

Diwali has a special story behind it. It celebrates the return of Lord Rama to his kingdom after defeating the demon king Ravana. People were so happy that they lit up the whole city with diyas (small lamps) to welcome him.

Diwali is a time of joy and fun. Families clean and decorate their homes with lights and rangolis. Rangolis are colorful patterns made on the floor using colored powders or flowers.

At night, the sky sparkles with fireworks. Everyone wears new clothes and prays to Goddess Lakshmi for good luck and prosperity. We also exchange gifts and sweets with friends and family. It is a time when everyone comes together and enjoys.

Diwali is not just about lights and crackers. It teaches us about the victory of good over evil and light over darkness. It reminds us to be kind and do good things.

Diwali is my favorite festival because it is full of colors, lights, and happiness. I love seeing everyone smiling and having a great time.

Diwali is a beautiful festival that brings people together. It fills our hearts with joy and our homes with light. Let’s celebrate Diwali in a safe and happy way!

Essay on Diwali

Children can take some ideas from this Diwali essay sample and write a few lines while learning how to structure sentences and improving their English writing abilities. Aside from that, when requested to write an essay on Diwali, children have a great time since they get to share their joyful memories of the holiday. Diwali is a joyous occasion that is commemorated with loved ones and is defined by fun, food, and new beginnings. Sharing greetings and gifts with their loved ones, they get to meet their family, friends, and relatives.

Essay on Diwali in English 10 Lines

A 10-line Essay on Diwali in English is written here. It is the simplest and easiest that you can use while writing a Diwali Essay.

  • Diwali is one of the largest and most celebrated Hindu holidays, enjoyed with great zeal and happiness.
  • Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, represents the prevailing of light over darkness.
  • This celebration is popular among children since it provides a lot of joy and excitement for everyone.
  • Lighting oil lamps, known as ‘Diyas,’ is a traditional way of honouring Lakshmi, the goddess of riches. Apart from this people also decorate their houses with lamps.
  • Rangoli is used to decorate dwellings during Diwali. Families get ready for Diwali by cleaning and adorning their homes with lights and colourful rangolis. Coloured rice, sand, and flower petals are used to create colourful designs on the ground.
  • People do ‘Lakshmi Puja,’ or prayers, to seek blessings for prosperity and success.
  • Symbolizing a new beginning and the joyful spirit of the holiday, wearing new clothes is an integral component of the celebration.
  • Fireworks are set off to celebrate the joy of Diwali.
  • People pay visits to family members, neighbours, and friends. They give each other gifts and spend time together.
  • Many individuals throw Diwali parties to celebrate the season with their friends and family. This way, the delight of celebrating is multiplied.

Diwali Essay in English 200 Words

Diwali occurs between the middle of October and the middle of November. Diwali comes on the new moon (Amavasya) of Kartik month, according to the Hindu calendar. In the Hindu religion, this is regarded as one of the most fortunate periods.

Diwali is a Hindu celebration commemorating Lord Ramchandra. It’s because Lord Rama returned to the place of Ayodhya following being absent for 14 years. When Rama returned, the people of Ayodhya lit oil lamps to express their joy at seeing him and to celebrate his victory.

Before Diwali, each and every corner of homes, shops, and offices is thoroughly cleaned. These are then embellished with lights, lamps, flowers, and other ornaments. On Diwali, people decorate their homes with diyas, candles, and lights. They also make rangoli and utilize flowers to beautify their homes. People wait for this time of year to begin a new business, move to a new residence, or buy a large asset such as a car, shop, jewelry, and so on.

Diwali, additionally referred to as the festival of lights, is all about worshipping the deities, lighting crackers, eating sweets, and celebrating with loved ones. People pay visits to family members, neighbours, and friends. They give each other gifts and spend time together. Many individuals throw Diwali parties to mark the season with their friends and family.

Essay on Diwali 250 Words

One of the most important Hindu holidays Diwali, is celebrated across all states of India. The holiday is widely observed throughout India. It is observed every year to commemorate Lord Rama’s homecoming to his kingdom of Ayodhya.

To commemorate this holiday, a number of ceremonies are conducted. Weeks before the holiday, preparations for the Diwali celebration begin. People begin their preparations by dusting their homes and businesses. At this festival, people buy new clothes, home furnishings, and gifts for their loved ones. Around this season, the marketplaces are swamped with a variety of gift items and sweets. It is an excellent time for businessmen. It is also a nice time to spend with our loved ones.

As part of the celebration, people pay visits to one another and exchange presents. One of the important ceremonies of this Hindu celebration is the lighting of diyas. Every year, people buy beautiful ceramic diyas and use them to brighten their entire house as part of the Diwali celebration. On the occasion of Diwali, every Hindu household performs the practice of worshipping Lakshmi, the Hindu goddess of wealth, and Ganesha. This is thought to bring riches and good fortune.

One of the key rituals of the Diwali festival is the exchange of gifts. People pay visits to coworkers, neighbors, family members, and friends and give them presents to enhance their bonds. In the Hindu calendar, it is regarded as one of the most fortunate days.

Diwali Essay in English 400 Words

Sample 3 -Diwali Essay in English 400 Words is given below.

Introduction: What is Deepavali?

Deepavali, or Diwali, represents one of India’s most important celebrations. It’s the Festival of Lights, and everyone is filled with joy and excitement. Diwali promotes philanthropic acts and reminds people to share their wealth with those in need. Thousands of glittering candles and colorful lights flood the sky and residences on Diwali nights.

When will be it celebrated this year?

Diwali is traditionally celebrated between October and November. Diwali will be held from Sunday, November 12th  to Tuesday, November 14th, 2023 this year.

Why is Diwali celebrated?

Diwali commemorates the 14-year exile of Lord Rama, the bride Sita, and his devoted brother Lakshmana. According to legend, people lighted oil lamps, or diyas, so they could direct them safely. Lord Rama is a prince who is a symbol of honesty and righteousness as well as a superb archer. Lord Rama, his devoted wife Sita, and his devoted brother Lakshmana were exiled for 14 years.

But, at the time, Sita had been captured by Ravana, the demon king, who drew her out from Lakshmana’s guarded circle. A fierce battle followed, and Lord Rama fought Ravana and rescued Sita with the assistance of an army of monkeys and an epic bridge.

Lord Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana arrived in their kingdom that is Ayodhya, after an extensive and difficult exile. The population of Ayodhya was pleased at the news of their arrival and wished to celebrate their glorious return. To commemorate their beloved prince’s return and to illuminate his route, the people of Ayodhya lighted oil lights, or diyas, throughout the kingdom. These lamps not only lit up the area, but they also represented the triumph of light over darkness. This is when the Diwali notion comes into play.

How is Diwali celebrated?

The main goal of Diwali is to promote joy and light. Oil lamps, candles, and colorful lights are used to decorate homes. It’s similar to a huge, glittery Christmas tree, but with a lot more colors. It’s entertaining to watch crackers illuminate the sky during Diwali. During this event, families and friends enhance their relationships by sharing festive feasts and sharing gifts, and sweets. Wearing new clothes is part of the celebration, representing a new beginning and the festival’s upbeat spirit. During Diwali, families assemble to perform special prayers and rites. It’s a time for introspection and thanksgiving.

Conclusion & Happy Diwali! Diwali is an occasion to gather with family, friends, and even outsiders to celebrate. It’s a swirl of colors, lights, sweets, and joy. Finally, Diwali is more than only cleaning and adorning homes; it is also a time to clean up your life by accepting and erasing past sins.

Essay on Diwali for Class 1 to 6

The essay on Diwali is part of their course syllabus for class 1 to 6. here we give simple and easy essay for the students

Diwali Essay Introduction

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most awaited and vibrant festivals in India, celebrated with great fervor and joy. It is a festival of lights that symbolizes the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance. This auspicious occasion brings together people from various walks of life to celebrate unity, peace, and prosperity.

Diwali Historical Significance

Diwali has several historical and mythological connotations. One of the most popular beliefs is that it marks the return of Lord Rama, along with his wife Sita and brother Lakshmana, to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile and a victorious battle against the demon king Ravana. To welcome them, the people of Ayodhya lit their homes and streets with diyas (earthen lamps). This tradition continues as a symbol of the triumph of good over evil.

Diwali Cultural Importance

Diwali is a pan-Indian festival, celebrated by Hindus, Jains, Sikhs, and some Buddhists, each with their unique customs and traditions. For many, it is a time for worshiping deities, with Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha being the most revered during Diwali. The festival signifies the start of a new business year, so traders and businessmen inaugurate their accounts on this day.

Diwali Festivities and Celebrations

The celebration of Diwali extends over five days, with each day having its significance, rituals, and modes of celebration. Homes and commercial spaces are cleaned and decorated with lights, diyas, and colorful rangolis. Families gather to perform religious rituals, exchange gifts, and share sweets and festive meals. Fireworks and crackers are a prominent feature, lighting up the night sky in a multitude of colors.

Diwali Environmental and Social Impact

In recent years, there has been a growing awareness of the environmental impact of Diwali, particularly concerning the use of firecrackers. Efforts are being made to celebrate an eco-friendly Diwali by reducing noise and air pollution. Socially, Diwali serves as a time to strengthen family bonds and community ties, emphasizing sharing and caring, especially for the less fortunate.

Diwali Essay Conclusion

Diwali, with its universal themes of victory, unity, and illumination, transcends religious boundaries, bringing people together in a celebration of life’s inherent goodness and hope. As the days light up the night, hearts are filled with joy, homes with warmth, and the world seems a little brighter. Diwali thus remains not just a festival of India but a global celebration of harmony and happiness.

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Monisa Baral

Hi buds, I am Monisa, a postgraduate in Human Physiology (specialization in Ergonomics and Occupational health) with 1.5 years of experience in the school education sector. With versatile writing skills, I provide educational content to help students find the right path to success in various domains, such as JEE, NEET, CUET, and other entrance exams.


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Diwali Essay in English for Students

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Table of Contents

Essay on Diwali: Diwali, also called Deepavali, is a festival celebrated throughout India. It’s a special Indian festival that shows how good conquers evil. People in India celebrate Diwali with lots of excitement. This festival represents happiness, togetherness, and success. It also remembers when Lord Ram returned from his exile, which is a story in the epic Ramayana. The word “Diwali” comes from the Sanskrit word “Deepavali,” which means a row of lights. During Diwali, people light lamps, usually made of clay, all around their homes and offices. This symbolizes the triumph of light over darkness. Typically, Diwali falls in October or November, about 20 days after Dussehra, following the Hindu month called Kartika.

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Target Exam ---

This is an Indian festival that signifies the triumph of good over evil. It’s a celebration that Indians enjoy with lots of excitement. This festival is all about happiness, peace, and success. It also signifies the homecoming of Lord Ram after his time in exile, as told in the Ramayana story.

This religious celebration symbolizes the victory of good over bad and the triumph of light over darkness. People all around India mark Diwali by lighting clay oil lamps and adorning their homes with colorful and various-sized lights. These bright lights turn streets in India into a beautiful and captivating view.

Long and Short Essay on Diwali in English

Diwali is a religious Hindu festival, celebrated as a festival of lights by lighting lamps everywhere at homes, streets, shops, temples, markets, etc.

People of the Hindu religion wait very eagerly for this special festival of Diwali . It is the most important and favorite festival, especially for kids and children of the home.

Use the following long and short essays on Diwali to make your kids smart enough at home or school and motivate them to know the history and significance of celebrating the Diwali festival every year.

You can select anyone of these Diwali essays according to your need:

Essay on Diwali

  • Diwali is one of the most celebrated festivals in India, known for its joy and splendor.
  • Also called the Festival of Lights, Diwali signifies the triumph of light over darkness.
  • Families prepare for Diwali by cleaning their homes and decorating them with lights and colorful rangolis.
  • Lighting oil lamps or ‘diyas’ is a traditional practice that honors Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth.
  • People perform prayers, known as ‘Lakshmi Puja,’ to seek blessings for prosperity and success.
  • Firecrackers are burst to celebrate the joy of Diwali, although there’s a growing emphasis on noise-free and eco-friendly crackers.
  • Sharing festive meals and exchanging gifts and sweets strengthen bonds between family and friends.
  • Wearing new clothes is part of the celebration, symbolizing a fresh start and the festival’s joyous mood.
  • Diwali encourages charitable acts, reminding individuals to share their good fortune with those in need.
  • Overall, Diwali is a time of joy, celebrated with loved ones, and marked by fun, feasting, and hopeful beginnings.

Short Essay on Diwali in English 200 words

Diwali is one of the main festivals of Hindus. The preparation for the Diwali celebration begins weeks before the festival. People begin with the preparations by cleaning their houses and shops. Before Diwali, every nook and corner of the houses, shops, and offices are cleaned. These are then decorated with lights, lamps, flowers, and other decorative items.

People shop for new clothes, home decor items, and gifts for their loved ones at this festival. The markets are flooded with a variety of gift items and sweets around this time. It is a good time for businessmen. It is also a good time to bond with our near and dear ones. People visit each other around this time and exchange gifts as a part of the celebration.

On the day of Diwali, people light up their houses with diyas, candles, and lights. They also make rangoli and decorate their houses with flowers. The ritual of worshipping Goddess Lakshmi and Ganesha is followed in every Hindu household on the occasion of Diwali. It is said that this brings prosperity and good luck.

Also known as the festival of lights, Diwali is all about worshiping the deities, burning crackers, having sweets, and making merry with loved ones. It is considered one of the most auspicious days in the Hindu calendar.

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Diwali Essay in English 300 Words

Diwali is also known as Deepawali, meaning a row of diyas. The festival is celebrated with great zeal throughout India. It is celebrated each year to commemorate the return of Lord Rama to his kingdom, Ayodhya. A series of rituals are performed to celebrate this festival.

Festival of Lights

Lighting diyas is one of the main rituals of this Hindu festival. People buy beautiful earthenware diyas each year and illuminate their entire house as a part of the Diwali celebration. It is said that the entire town of Ayodhya was lighted with diyas to welcome Lord Rama, Laxman, and Sita. People continue to follow this ritual even today. This is a way to please the deities.

The houses, marketplaces, offices, temples, and all the other places are illuminated with lights on this day. Candles, lamps, and decorative lights are also lit up to add to the beauty.

Rangolis are made, and diyas are placed between these beautiful art creations to enhance their look.

Check: Ayodhya Ram Mandir

Exchange of Gifts

Exchanging gifts is one of the main rituals of the Diwali festival. People visit their colleagues, neighbours, relatives, and friends and present gifts to them to strengthen their bond. The Hindu culture teaches us to live in harmony with one another. Diwali, one of the main Hindu festivals, promotes the feeling of brotherhood and unity amid diversity.

While exchanging sweets and boxes of dry fruit was common in earlier times, these days, people look for unique and innovative gift items. Numerous kinds of Diwali gifts are available in the market these days.

People also purchase gifts for their employees and house helps. Many people also visit orphanages and old age homes and distribute gifts there.

Diwali Essay in English 400 Words

As per the Hindu calendar, Diwali falls on the new moon (Amavasya) during Kartik month. This is considered one of the most auspicious times in the Hindu religion. People wait for this time of the year to start a new business, shift to a new house or purchase a big asset such car, shop, jewelry, etc. A number of mythological stories are associated with the celebration of this festival. People belonging to different regions of India celebrate it for different reasons. However, it calls for a grand celebration everywhere.

Diwali is a festival to honor Lord Ramchandra. It’s because a long time ago, Lord Rama came back to the city of Ayodhya after being away for 14 years. While he was away, he had to fight with some bad creatures and a strong king named Ravana who ruled a place called Lanka. When Rama came back, the folks in Ayodhya lit oil lamps to show how happy they were to see him and to celebrate that he won.

Cleaning and Decoration

Diwali celebration begins with the cleaning of the houses and workplaces. From washing curtains to cleaning the fans, from cleaning every corner of the house to discarding useless old stuff – Diwali is the time for thorough cleaning of the houses as well as workplaces. Many cleaning agencies offer special discounts around Diwali and make good business.

People also shop for various home decor items to redecorate their places. The houses are decorated with diyas, lanterns, candles, flowers, drapes, and many other decorative items.

Sharing the Joy

People visit their relatives, neighbours, and friends. They exchange gifts and spend time with each other. Many people host Diwali parties to celebrate the festival with their loved ones. The joy of celebration doubles up this way.

Many residential societies organize Diwali parties to celebrate the occasion. It is a great way to rejoice in the festival.

Worshipping the Deities

Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha are worshipped during the evening hours. People wear new clothes and offer prayers to the deities. It is believed that worshipping Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha brings wealth, prosperity, and good luck on this day.

Burning of Fire Crackers and Increasing Pollution

Firecrackers are also burnt as a part of Diwali celebrations. Large numbers of crackers are burnt on this day each year. While it offers momentary pleasure, its repercussions are extremely harmful. It adds to air, noise, and land pollution. Many people suffer due to the pollution caused.

Diwali without firecrackers would be much more beautiful. The newer generations must be sensitized about the harmful effects of burning crackers and should be encouraged to celebrate this festival without fireworks.

Essay on Diwali in English 500 Words

Diwali falls sometime between the mid of October and mid of November. It is one of the main festivals of Hindus. The festival is celebrated for different reasons in different parts of India. A number of rituals form a part of the Diwali celebrations. Illuminating houses with diyas and candles and worshiping Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha are the main rituals.

Why Do We Celebrate Diwali?

While it is largely believed that Diwali is celebrated to rejoice in the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya, many other folklores and mythological stories are associated with it. Here are some of the reasons why this festival is celebrated.

The Return of Lord Rama

It is believed that on this day, Lord Rama returned to his hometown Ayodhya after staying in exile for fourteen years. He was accompanied by his brother Lakshman and his wife Sita. Sita was abducted by the demon Ravana. She was kept as a hostage in his kingdom until Lord Rama defeated him and brought her back. As Lord Rama, Lakshman and Sita returned to Ayodhya; the people were thrilled and excited.

The entire town was illuminated with diyas. Sweets were distributed, and people made merry. This is how we continue to celebrate this day even today.

The Harvest Festival

In some parts of the country, Diwali is considered to be a harvest festival. This is because it is the time when rice is cultivated. Since India is mainly an agricultural economy, this is the time for celebration. A Grand celebration is held at this time. The festival holds special importance for the farmers.

The Legend of Lord Vishnu and Goddess Lakshmi

It is said that King Bali had imprisoned Goddess Lakshmi. On this day, Lord Vishnu disguised himself and set the Goddess free from the evil king. The day thus calls for a celebration. In many parts of the country, people celebrate Diwali to rejoice in the return of Goddess Lakshmi.

The Birth of Goddess Lakshmi

It is said that Goddess Lakshmi was born on the new moon of Kartik month. Thus, in certain regions, Diwali is celebrated to rejoice in the birth of Goddess Lakshmi, who is worshipped during the evening hours on this day. Goddess Lakshmi is the Goddess of wealth and prosperity, and the Hindus hold high regard for her.

The ritual of worshipping Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha is followed in every Hindu household on the day of Diwali.

No matter what the reason, Diwali is celebrated with immense enthusiasm across India as well as some other countries. Cleaning the house, shopping for new clothes, sweets, and gifts, decorating the house, illuminating lamps, offering prayers, burning firecrackers, and meeting loved ones are some rituals followed on Diwali.

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Essay on Diwali, Pollution, and Eco-friendly Diwali in 600 Word

Diwali is the time to meet and greet our loved ones, prepare delicious sweets, wear new clothes, redecorate the house and worship Goddess Lakshmi. It is also the time to burn firecrackers. While all the Diwali rituals are beautiful and pious, burning firecrackers to rejoice the day is not appreciated much. This is because it adds to the pollution in the atmosphere.

Diwali Celebrations

Diwali has been celebrated in India since ancient times. It is a day to celebrate the victory of light over darkness. This is because, as per Hindu mythology, this was the day when Lord Rama returned to his kingdom Ayodhya after staying in exile for 14 years. He returned victorious after killing the demon Ravana and freeing Sita from his clutches.

The effigies of Ravana are burnt across India on Dussehra each year. It marks the victory of good over evil. Diwali falls twenty days later. The houses and marketplaces are illuminated with beautiful diyas and lights to celebrate Diwali. Rangolis are made, and decorative items are used to enhance the beauty of these places. People decorate their houses after cleaning them thoroughly to welcome Goddess Lakshmi, who is worshipped on this day. It is believed that Goddess Lakshmi, the Goddess of wealth, only visits places that are clean and beautiful.

People visit each other and exchange gifts as a part of the Diwali celebrations. Many people host house parties on this day. It is a great time to bond with our relatives and friends. Many offices and residential societies host Diwali parties a day or two before the festival.

Children especially look forward to burning firecrackers on this day. They gather around and rejoice in the festival by burning different crackers.

Diwali Pollution: A Matter of Concern

Diwali is an auspicious day. The entire atmosphere is filled with festivity and joy around this time. However, it eventually fills with pollution. The firecrackers burnt on this day are a complete put-off. Burning crackers is said to be a ritual on Diwali. People burn thousands of crackers in the name of a ritual on this day each year. This results in an increase in pollution levels in the atmosphere. The sky turns hazy, and the consequences are harmful. It gives way to many health problems. This is especially unsafe for asthmatic patients, heart patients, pregnant women, elderly people, and infants. It is difficult to step out on Diwali as well as days after the festival.

The burning of crackers pollutes the air and causes noise pollution. It is particularly disturbing for sick and elderly people, small kids, students, and animals.

Eco-Friendly Diwali: A Good Idea

We must celebrate eco-friendly Diwali.

We must say no to crackers and advise those around us to do the same. Parents must take this as their responsibility to tell their kids about the negative repercussions of burning crackers. Kids must also be sensitized about the same in schools. This will help in bringing down the fireworks on Diwali.

Apart from the measures people can take at their end, it is important to check the sale of firecrackers. The government must intervene for the same. The production and sale of firecrackers must be banned, or some restrictions should be put on the same.

Diwali Essay in English 1000 words

Diwali is the most significant Hindu festival celebrated all over India in the autumn every year. The spiritual significance of this festival indicates the victory of light over darkness. It is a five days long festival celebrated by the people with huge preparations and rituals. It falls every year in the month of October or November. Many days ago of the festival, people start cleaning, renovating, and decorating their homes and offices. They purchase new dresses, decorative things like diyas, lamps, candles, puja materials, statues of God and Goddesses, and eating things, especially for Diwali.

People worship God Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi to get wealth and prosperity in their life. They perform puja on the main Diwali with lots of rituals. After puja, they get involved in the fireworks and distribute gifts among neighbors, family members, friends, offices, etc. People celebrate Dhanteras on the first day, Naraka Chaturdasi on the second day, Diwali on the third day, Diwali Padv a (Govardhan Puja) on the fourth day, and Bhai Dooj on the fifth day of the festival. It becomes an official holiday in many countries on the day of the festival.

Celebration of Diwali with Family without Crackers

Diwali is my favorite festival of the year, and I celebrate it with lots of enthusiasm with my family members and friends. Diwali is called the festival of lights because we celebrate it by lighting lots of diyas and candles. It is a traditional and cultural festival celebrated by each and every Hindu person all over India and abroad. People decorate their houses with lots of candles and small clay oil lamps, indicating the victory of good over evil.

Family members spend most of the day preparing the house (cleaning, decorating, etc.) to welcome the festival with a grand evening party. Neighbors, family members, and friends get collected at the evening party and enjoy the party with delicious Indian dishes, dance, music, etc., all through the night. Houses look very attractive in white wash, candle lights, and rangolis. High-pitch music and fireworks make the celebration more interesting.

People go to their homes by taking off from their job, offices, and other work; students also booked their train around three months ago to easily go to their homes on Diwali festival because everyone wants to celebrate this festival with their family members in the home town. People enjoy the festival by feasting, bursting crackers, and enjoying the dance with family and friends.

However, it prohibited doctors from getting outside and enjoying firecrackers, especially people suffering from lung or heart diseases, hypertension, diabetes, etc. Such people have to knock on the doctor’s door because of consuming high amounts of highly saturated food and sweets, lack of exercise, and pollution caused by crackers these days.

Significance of Diwali

The people celebrate the Diwali festival with great revelry and lots of fun and frolic activities. It became the happiest holiday for Indian people and is celebrated with significant preparations. It is a festival of high significance for Indian people. People clean their homes, decorate, shop, buy new things, including gifts, kitchen utensils, appliances, cars, golden jewelry, etc., and perform many rituals.

Many ancient stories, legends, and myths about celebrating this festival. Girls and women of the home do the shopping and make rangolis in creative patterns on the floors near the home’s doors and walkways. There are little variations in the celebration of this festival according to the regional practices and rituals.

The spiritual significance of this festival symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and the victory of good over evil. It is celebrated to honor the Goddess of wealth, Lakshmi, and the God of wisdom, Ganesha. Its religious significance varies according to the region all throughout the country. Somewhere, it is celebrated to honor the return of Rama, Sita, and Lakshmana to their home after a long exile period of 14 years (according to the Hindu epic Ramayana).

Some people celebrate it to remember the return of Pandavas to their kingdom after 12 years of Vanvas and one year of agyatavas (according to the Hindu epic Mahabharata). It is also believed that it was started celebrated when Goddess Lakshmi was born after churning the ocean by the gods and demons. Diwali celebration also indicates a new Hindu year in the west and some northern parts of India. It is celebrated by the people of the Sikh religion to mark the Bandi Chhor Divas by lighting up the Golden Temple. It is celebrated by the people of the Jain religion to mark the Nirvana attained by the Mahavira.

Pollution on Diwali

With the Diwali celebration, there is an indirect increase in environmental pollution worldwide because of the bursting of various firecrackers during this festival. Such firecrackers are very dangerous as they release toxic pollutants like sulphur dioxide, carbon monoxide, etc., which get intermingled into the air and cause a variety of ailments like asthma, bronchitis, hypertension, etc. It affects people of all age groups; however, those who already suffer from any ailment. Together with human beings, it also affects the lives of animals, birds, and other living beings due to air and noise pollution.

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Essay on Diwali FAQs

How is diwali celebrated for class 2.

Diwali is celebrated by lighting lamps, decorating homes, and bursting fireworks. It's a joyful time for families to come together.

What is Diwali short notes for kids?

Diwali, also called the Festival of Lights, is a special Indian festival. People celebrate it with lights, sweets, and happiness.

How to write an essay for Diwali?

To write an essay on Diwali, you can start with an introduction, describe how it's celebrated, its significance, and end with your thoughts or wishes.

How do we celebrate Diwali?

Diwali is celebrated by lighting oil lamps, sharing sweets, exchanging gifts, and enjoying firecrackers with family and friends.

Why Celebrate Diwali?

Diwali is celebrated to honor the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. It brings people together to share happiness and love.

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diwali essay 400 words

Essay on Diwali in 500+ Words

essay on diwali

Essay on Diwali- India is a land of festivals and each festival has its own significance. These festivals are a unique way to teach people the basic values of humanity. Diwali is also among these widely celebrated festivals of India that bring the families and friends together.

Diwali is a festival of Hindu religion. However, people of other religions too celebrate Diwali. It is a festival of light as Diwali refers to “a row of diya or light”. Diwali teaches victory of good over evil, darkness over light and knowledge over unawareness. Read the below essay on Diwali to know significance, why and how to celebrate Diwali. Also Read |  Essay on Pollution

Why do we celebrate Diwali?

We celebrate Diwali on the full moon of Kartik month, as per the Hindu calendar. It is celebrated to express joy and happiness as on this day Lord Rama returned back to Ayodhya, along with Goddess Sita and Lakshman, from exile of 14 years. During this period, Lord Rama defeated Ravana. Also Read |  Essay on My School

Another belief about Diwali is that Goddess Lakshmi married to Lord Vishnu on this day. Some religious books also mentioned that Krishna, an avatar of lord vishnu, killed Narakasura, who imprisoned 16000 girls. Krishna set those girls free by killing Narakasura.

How is Diwali Celebrated?

People celebrate diwali by worshiping Lord Ganesha, Goddess Lakshmi and Saraswati. It is believed that on this day, worshipping Goddess Lakshmi brings prosperity and success. After evening puja, people lit diyas and candles to spread light. The preparation for Diwali starts many days before the festival, with the cleaning of houses, shops and the workplace. People also decorate their homes with rangoli and colourful lights. Also Read |  Essay on Mahatama Gandhi

The celebration of diwali includes wearing new clothes, making and eating delicious dishes, firing crackers, and more. However, from the past few years, the government put limitations on burning crackers as they cause lots of air and noise pollution. Hence, nowadays people celebrate eco-friendly diwali. 

Learning from Diwali

No matter how big or strong the evil is, good always wins. Truth and knowledge are the base of a happy life. Another important learning of Diwali is that cleanliness brings prosperity and wealth, hence people should keep themselves and their homes clean not only from outside but also inside. Also Read- Essay on Internet

Essay On Diwali in 100 Words

Diwali, also known as the Festival of Lights, is a significant Hindu festival celebrated with great joy and enthusiasm across India and other parts of the world. It marks the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. During Diwali, people decorate their homes with colorful lights, lamps, and rangoli designs. They exchange gifts, sweets, and greetings with family and friends. Fireworks are lit to symbolize the triumph of light over darkness. Diwali also holds religious significance, with prayers offered to Goddess Lakshmi for prosperity and wealth. It is a time of unity, joy, and renewal, bringing communities together in celebration.

Essay On Diwali in 200 Words

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most widely celebrated festivals in India and is observed by Hindus, Sikhs, Jains, and some Buddhists. It signifies the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.

The festival usually lasts for five days and is marked by various rituals and traditions. People clean and decorate their homes with colorful rangoli designs, diyas (earthen lamps), and lights to welcome the goddess Lakshmi, the symbol of wealth and prosperity.

On the day of Diwali, families come together to perform puja (prayers) to seek the blessings of the gods and goddesses. They offer sweets, fruits, and flowers as offerings and light diyas to illuminate their homes.

Fireworks are a significant part of Diwali celebrations, symbolizing the victory of light over darkness and driving away evil spirits. The night sky lights up with colorful displays, filling the air with joy and excitement.

Diwali is also a time for exchanging gifts and sweets with loved ones, strengthening bonds and spreading happiness. People wear new clothes, visit friends and relatives, and enjoy festive feasts together.

Beyond the religious and cultural significance, Diwali holds a deeper meaning of inner light, spiritual awakening, and the triumph of righteousness. It is a time for reflection, renewal, and gratitude, reminding us to strive for goodness and spread love and kindness in the world.

Overall, Diwali is a time of joy, unity, and celebration, bringing communities together in the spirit of harmony and hope.

10 Lines on Diwali

  • Diwali, also known as Deepawali, is a most awaited festival of Hindus.
  • It is celebrated on the full moon of Kartik month.
  • Diwali is a five day celebration that starts with Dhanteras, 3 days before Diwali and ends with Bhai Dooj, 2 days after Diwali.
  • The meaning of diwali is “row of diya or light”.
  • On Diwali, Lord Rama returned to their home along with Goddess Sita and Laxman.
  • It is celebrated 20 days after Dusshehra. 
  • Diwali is celebrated to signify the victory of good over evil.
  • In Jainism, Lord Mahavir received salvation on Diwali.
  • Diwali is celebrated by decorating homes, burning fire crackers, eating sweets and delicious dishes and more.
  • A few days before Diwali, people start cleaning their house so that Goddess lakshmi will shower her blessing by sending wealth and prosperity to their home.

Essay on Diwali- Tips to make a compelling essay

To get good marks in exams or assignments, students should follow the below given tips to write essay on diwali. Essay about diwali should have all the reasons why and how we celebrate Diwali.

  • Make short sentences. This will help in eliminating grammatical errors. Also, increase the readability of the Diwali essay.
  • Highlight or underline the important facts on diwali.
  • Essay on diwali should have short paragraphs or pointers so that it looks tidy.


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Diwali Essay in English 150 Words, 200 Words, 250 Words, 300 Words, 400 Words and 500 Words

Diwali Essay in English

Diwali Essay in English is one of the most important essay topics for students as this festival is celebrated across the country. On the occasion of Diwali students are asked to write essay on Diwali, so to help students, here we have written 6 sets of Diwali Essay in English 150 Words, 200 Words, 250 Words, 300 Words, 400 Words and 500 Words . Lets see these sets of Diwali Essay in English.

Diwali Essay in English 150 Words

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is the Festival of Lights celebrated with great enthusiasm and fervor in India and by Indian communities worldwide. It symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil.

Homes are cleaned, and colorful rangoli designs adorn doorsteps. Oil lamps, known as diyas, are lit to welcome prosperity and happiness. Families exchange gifts and sweets, strengthening bonds.

The religious significance of Diwali varies across regions. In North India, it marks Lord Rama's return to Ayodhya after defeating Ravana. In South India, it's dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi.

Fireworks light up the night sky, creating a mesmerizing spectacle. Diwali transcends religious boundaries, fostering unity and diversity.

Diwali Essay in English 200 Words

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of India's most significant festivals. Celebrated with immense zeal and fervor, it signifies the victory of light over darkness and good over evil.

Preparations for Diwali begin weeks in advance. Homes are thoroughly cleaned, and decorative rangoli designs are created at entrances. Oil lamps, candles, and fairy lights adorn homes, creating a magical ambiance.

The festival's religious significance varies across regions. In North India, Diwali commemorates Lord Rama's return to Ayodhya after defeating Ravana. In South India, it is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity.

Diwali is a time for families to come together, exchange gifts, and share delicious sweets and meals. Fireworks and firecrackers light up the night sky, symbolizing the triumph of light over darkness.

Beyond its religious significance, Diwali fosters unity and diversity. People of various faiths and backgrounds come together to celebrate, promoting harmony and goodwill.

Diwali Essay in English 250 Words

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of India's most celebrated festivals, and its significance extends beyond religious boundaries. This Festival of Lights symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil.

The preparations for Diwali begin well in advance. Homes are cleaned and decorated with colorful rangoli designs and traditional oil lamps called diyas. People buy new clothes and exchange gifts as a gesture of love and goodwill.

The religious significance of Diwali varies across regions. In North India, it marks Lord Rama's return to Ayodhya after defeating Ravana, and people lit lamps to welcome him. In South India, it's dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, the deity of wealth and prosperity.

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The heart of Diwali lies in the exchange of gifts, sweets, and greetings among family and friends. Traditional dishes are prepared, adding to the festive spirit.

One of the most awaited aspects of Diwali is the spectacular display of fireworks and firecrackers that light up the night sky. This tradition adds to the festival's vibrancy and joy.

Diwali transcends religious boundaries, bringing people of diverse faiths and backgrounds together. It's a time for cultural performances, dances, music, and social gatherings, promoting unity and harmony.

In conclusion, Diwali is not just a festival; it's a celebration of light, love, and togetherness. It spreads happiness, fosters goodwill, and serves as a reminder that goodness will always triumph over darkness.

Diwali Essay in English 300 Words

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most significant and popular festivals in India. It is celebrated with great fervor and enthusiasm, signifying the victory of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance.

Diwali typically spans five days of celebrations. The preparations begin well in advance as people clean their homes, decorate them with lamps, candles, and rangoli (decorative designs made with colored powders), and shop for new clothes and gifts. This festival is a time for families to come together, strengthen bonds, and share joy.

The religious significance of Diwali varies across regions and communities. In North India, it commemorates Lord Rama's return to Ayodhya after defeating the demon king Ravana, and people light lamps to welcome him. In South India, it is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity, with prayers for her blessings. Some regions celebrate Lord Krishna's victory over the demon Narakasura.

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The heart of Diwali celebrations lies in the exchange of gifts, sweets, and greetings. Families prepare delicious traditional dishes and sweets, making it a gastronomic delight. The bursting of fireworks and firecrackers fills the night sky with dazzling displays of light and color, creating a magical ambiance.

Diwali transcends religious boundaries and brings people of different faiths and backgrounds together. It is a time for cultural performances, dances, music, and social gatherings, promoting unity and harmony.

In addition to its religious and cultural significance, Diwali carries a profound message of hope and optimism. It reminds us that even in the darkest times, the light of goodness and knowledge will ultimately prevail. Diwali serves as a reminder to strive for righteousness, kindness, and the eradication of ignorance from our lives.

In conclusion, Diwali is more than just a festival; it is a celebration of life, love, and unity. It spreads happiness and positivity, making it one of the most cherished festivals in India and among Indians worldwide.

Diwali Essay in English 400 Words

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most prominent and eagerly anticipated festivals in India. Celebrated with immense zeal and enthusiasm, it is a festival that transcends religious and regional boundaries, bringing people of all backgrounds together. Diwali is known as the "Festival of Lights" because it symbolizes the victory of light over darkness and good over evil.

The preparations for Diwali typically start well in advance. People clean and decorate their homes, making them look bright and inviting. The use of colorful rangoli designs at doorsteps and the illumination of oil lamps, or diyas, is a common practice. These rituals are not just about aesthetics; they hold deep symbolic value. The diyas signify the triumph of light and knowledge over ignorance and darkness.

The religious significance of Diwali varies across India. In North India, it marks the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after his victory over the demon king Ravana. The people of Ayodhya lit lamps to welcome their beloved prince back home. In South India, Diwali is dedicated to the worship of Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. Her blessings are sought for a prosperous year ahead. In other regions, it commemorates Lord Krishna's victory over the demon Narakasura.

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One of the central aspects of Diwali is the exchange of gifts, sweets, and greetings among family and friends. It's a time when people express their love and affection through thoughtful gestures. Elaborate feasts are prepared, showcasing the diverse and delectable cuisines of India.

A highlight of Diwali is the mesmerizing display of fireworks and firecrackers that light up the night sky. The colorful explosions and crackling sounds create an enchanting atmosphere, symbolizing the triumph of good over evil and the dispelling of darkness.

Beyond its religious and cultural aspects, Diwali is a festival of unity and diversity. It brings people of various faiths and backgrounds together, fostering harmony and goodwill. The celebrations often include cultural performances, dances, music, and social gatherings, making it a time for joyous merriment.

In conclusion, Diwali is not just a festival; it's a celebration of life, love, and the indomitable spirit of humanity. It serves as a reminder that no matter how dark the times may seem, light will always prevail. Diwali spreads happiness, strengthens bonds, and encourages us to strive for goodness and righteousness in our lives. It is a beautiful expression of India's rich cultural heritage and a testament to the enduring power of hope and positivity.

Diwali Essay in English 500 Words

Diwali, also known as Deepavali, is one of the most celebrated and revered festivals in India. It is a festival that transcends religious and cultural boundaries, bringing people from various backgrounds together to celebrate the triumph of light over darkness, good over evil, and knowledge over ignorance. In this essay, we will explore the significance of Diwali, its history, customs, and the joyous celebrations that accompany it.

Significance of Diwali

Diwali holds profound spiritual and cultural significance in India and among the Indian diaspora worldwide. It is celebrated to honor different deities and commemorate various legends, depending on regional variations. However, the central theme remains the same – the triumph of light over darkness.

Lord Rama's Return: One of the most popular legends associated with Diwali is the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after defeating the demon king Ravana. The people of Ayodhya lit oil lamps to welcome him and celebrate his victory, symbolizing the victory of good over evil.

Goddess Lakshmi: In some regions, Diwali is dedicated to Goddess Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth and prosperity. It is believed that she visits homes on this day, bringing good fortune to those who have kept their houses clean and well-lit.

Lord Krishna: For some, Diwali marks the victory of Lord Krishna over the demon Narakasura. His triumph is celebrated with fireworks and the lighting of lamps.

Jain Tradition: Jains commemorate Diwali as the day Lord Mahavira attained nirvana (liberation). It is a time for self-reflection and seeking spiritual enlightenment.

Diwali Customs and Traditions

Diwali preparations begin weeks in advance, and the festival lasts for five days, with each day having its own significance and rituals.

Cleaning and Decorating: People clean their homes and decorate them with colorful rangoli (decorative designs made with colored powders), diyas (oil lamps), and candles. This is done to welcome the deities and to create a festive atmosphere.

Dhanteras: The first day of Diwali is known as Dhanteras, during which people buy gold or silver items and utensils as a sign of prosperity.

Choti Diwali (Narak Chaturdashi): On the second day, people light lamps and celebrate the victory of Lord Krishna over Narakasura. Fireworks are a common sight on this day.

Main Diwali: The third day is the main Diwali celebration when families come together to perform puja (worship) and exchange gifts. Delicious sweets and traditional dishes are prepared for this occasion.

Govardhan Puja: In some regions, the fourth day is dedicated to the worship of Govardhan Hill, associated with Lord Krishna's lifting of the hill to protect villagers from a rainstorm sent by Lord Indra.

Bhai Dooj: The fifth day, Bhai Dooj, celebrates the bond between brothers and sisters. Sisters pray for their brothers' long and healthy lives, and brothers give gifts in return.

Joyous Celebrations of Diwali

The atmosphere during Diwali is filled with joy, warmth, and unity. Families and friends come together to celebrate, exchange gifts, and share delicious meals. Fireworks light up the night sky, creating a breathtaking spectacle. The sound of firecrackers and the glow of lamps and candles create a mesmerizing ambiance.

Diwali also extends beyond religious boundaries, as people of different faiths join in the celebrations. It is a time for social gatherings, cultural performances, and spreading love and goodwill.

Diwali, the Festival of Lights, is a beautiful celebration of light, love, and togetherness. It reminds us of the eternal truth that goodness will always triumph over darkness. This festival is not only a time for religious observance but also an occasion to strengthen bonds, share happiness, and embrace the diversity that makes India a truly remarkable nation. As the lamps flicker and the fireworks light up the night sky, Diwali continues to shine as a beacon of hope, joy, and unity for people around the world.

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Diwali Essay in English (400+ Words)

by StoriesRevealers | Jun 27, 2023 | Essay in English | 0 comments

Diwali essay

Among many other festivals celebrated in India, Diwali is one of the most important festivals in the Hindu religion it signifies the victory of light over darkness we celebrate it throughout the country with joy and happiness. 

So, in this Diwali essay, we will discuss the importance of the Diwali festival in the Hindu religion and why we celebrate it.

Diwali Essay

Diwali is a festival of light, in which people from different locations went back to their homes to celebrate the Diwali festival together with their family. 

Why we Celebrate Diwali

Diwali is celebrated in India every year on the full moon of kartik month because the Lord Sri Ram came back to the Ayodhya with Mata Sita and Laxman Ji after spending 14 years of exile, people of Ayodhya lighten up series of diyas to celebrate his victory and return to the Ayodhya. Deepawali is a Hindu word that means an array of earthen lamps.

Importance of Diwali Festival for Hindus

During the exile period, Lord Rama fought with many evils and demons but his great victory was on the king of Lanka, Ravan for the freedom of Sita Mata we all celebrate that day as Vijayadashami or most commonly named as Dashara. After 20 days of dashara, he went back to Ayodhya and we all celebrate that day as Diwali. It symbolises the victory of light over darkness. 

How we Celebrate Diwali

Diwali is celebrated with joy and happiness people come together to enjoy the Diwali festival markets are full of decoration items, earthen lamps, sweets, and gifts, companies provide bonuses to their employees to celebrate Diwali. The preparation for the Diwali festival starts a week ago people start cleaning and decorating their houses and roads with fairy lights, earthen lamps, rangoli, flowers, candles, etc we also wear new clothes to celebrate the Diwali festival. On this day we worship Laxmi Mata and Lord Ganesh for wealth and prosperity. After worshiping their is also a customer to exchange gift to your friends and family, 

Children also burst firecrackers and sparklers but we should avoid bursting firecrackers as it harms our environment and the residual of firecrackers also ruin our hard work in cleaning our places.

Diwali is a festival of light and we should celebrate it with joy and happiness with our friends and family but we should also avoid the use of firecrackers to save our environment.

That’s all for this essay on Diwali.

Let me know what you like the most about the Diwali festival in the comment section below.

Thanks for reading, have a nice day.

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Diwali Essay in English for Class 4, 5, and 8th For Students & Kids

Dear student here you can get a complete Diwali Essay in English for Class 4, 5, and 8th For Students & Kids in 120, 150, 400, 500, and 1000 words for all classes.

Diwali Essay in English

Diwali Essay In English 10 Lines For Class 1, 2 And 3 In 120 Words

  • Diwali is the festival of victory of light over darkness
  • Diwali is a famous hindu Festival.
  • It is the festival of lights.
  • It comes in October or November.
  • On this day Lord Rama came back From exile.
  • We clean our house on Diwali.
  • We decorate our house with diyas.
  • We make rangoli in our house.
  • At night we worship goddess Laxmi.
  • It is the festival of joy and happiness.

diwali essay in english 10 lines

Diwali Essay in English 20 Lines For Class 4, 5, 6 and 7th

  • Diwali is a famous festival of the Hindus.
  • It is also known as “Deepawali”.
  • Diwali is the festival of light and happiness.
  • This festival is celebrated all over India.
  • Diwali is a five days long festival.
  • It begins with the first day known as “Dhanteras”.
  • It falls in the month of October or November every year..
  • Diwali is the celebration of the return of Lord Rama to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile.
  • On this day the people of Ayodhya lighted Diya to welcome him.
  • This festival marks the victory of light over darkness.
  • People start the preparation a week before to celebrate Diwali. 
  • Houses, shops, streets are cleaned and diyas, candles or decorative Lights Are illuminated.
  • Diwali is also called the “festival of lights”.
  • Firecrackers are brust and children get lots of joy. 
  • Everybody were new cloths on Diwali
  • People distribute sweets among friends and relatives.
  • Lord Ganesha and Goddess Lakshmi are worshipped for prosperity and wealth.
  •  This festival makes people forget their cares and worries sometimes.
  • We get long school holidays to celebrate Diwali.
  • Last day of this festival is called “Bhai Dooj”.

diwali essay in english 20 lines

Diwali Essay in English 120, 150, 400, words

Diwali Diwali is one of the most beautiful festivals of India. It is also known as “Deepawali” which means Series of lights. This festival comes in the month of October or November. Diwali is a five days festival. On this day, Lord Rama came back to Ayodhya after 14 years of exile. On this day, we decorate our house with diyas, rangoli and flowers. We share sweets with friends and relatives on Diwali. At night, we worship Goddess Laxmi and Lord Ganesha. Diwali marks the victory of light over darkness and good over evil. Diwali is a festival of love, unity, and happiness.

Diwali essay in English 500 and 1000 words for class 8, 9 and 10th

Diwali is a happy festival of India. It is also known as Deepawali means rows of lighted lamps. This festival is celebrated in the month of October or November every year. Lord Rama came back to Ayodhya on this day. He lived in exile for fourteen year. During this exile period, he fought with demons and the demon king Ravana who was the powerful ruler of Lanka. When he came back to Ayodhya, people lighted lamps. The people were very happy on his return. They did not sleep for the whole night on this day.

When Diwali comes people decorate their houses, shops with colorful lamps, rangolis, flowers, etc. They prepare sweet dishes to eat and distribute them to relatives and friends.

Diwali is a five days long festival. 

It begins with the first day known as Dhanteras or Dhanatrayodashi. This day is celebrated as the birth anniversary of Lord Dhanvantari, the teacher and the father of Ayurveda.

The second is narak Chaturdashi or Choti Diwali. On this day people wake up early and apply aromatic oils on them before taking a bath.

The third day is the main Diwali festival. Laxmi puja is performed on this day. 

The fourth day is Govardhan puja or Padwa. On this day people make a small hillock usually of cow dung, symbolizing Goverdhan and worship it.

The fifth and last day is Bhai Dhuj. On this day sisters pray for their brother’s long and happy life. 

Diwali is a holy festival. we must not do anything wrong at this festival. We express love to all. Diwali is the festival of love, unity and happiness. The festival brings joy and hence, Diwali is my favorite festival.

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Diwali Essay in English 400-500 Words [All Class]

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Diwali Essay in English 400-500 Words for students of all classes. Diwali is considered to be the most important festival in india as it directly releates to the Lord Rama life. Deepawali is celebrated when he came from exhile after 14 years.

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Dosto yaha aap दीवाली par nibandh prapt kar sakte. Sabhi students is nibandh ko apme school Competitions ya college me use kar sakte ha.

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Diwali Essay in English 400-500 Words

People of Hinduism wait very eagerly for this special festival of Diwali. It is the most important and favorite festival of everyone from children to elders. Diwali is the most important and famous festival of India. Which is celebrated every year simultaneously throughout the country. After defeating Ravana, Lord Rama returned to his kingdom Ayodhya after a long period of exile of 14 years. 

People celebrate this day very enthusiastically.  On the day of Lord Rama’s return, the people of Ayodhya had lighted their homes and streets to welcome their Lord with great enthusiasm. It is a sacred Hindu festival symbolizing the victory of good over evil. It is also celebrated by the Sikhs to commemorate the release of their 6th Guru, Shri Hargobind Ji from the Gwalior jail by the Mughal Emperor Jahangir.

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Diwali Essay in English 400-500 Words [All Class]

On this day the markets are decorated with lights like a bride to make it look like a wonderful festival. The market is crowded on this day, especially the sweet shops. Children get new clothes, crackers, sweets, gifts, candles, and toys from the market. People clean their houses and decorate them with lights a few days before the festival. According to Hindu calendar, people worship Goddess Lakshmi and Lord Ganesha after sunset. They pray to God and Goddess for more blessings, health, wealth and a bright future. They make delicious dishes of food items and sweets on all five days of the Diwali festival. People play dice, card games and many other types of games on this day. They get close to good activities and overcome bad habits.

The first day is known as Dhanteras or Dhantravaradashi which is celebrated by worshiping Goddess Lakshmi. People say aarti, devotional songs, and mantras to please the Goddess. The second day is known as Naraka Chaturdashi or Chhoti Diwali celebrated by worshiping Lord Krishna as he killed the demon king Narakasura. The third day is known as Main Diwali Day which is celebrated in the evening by worshiping Goddess Lakshmi, distributing sweets and gifts among relatives, friends, neighbors and burning firecrackers. Worshiping Lord Krishna on the fourth day is known as Govardhan Puja. People worship cow dung at their door. The fifth day is known as Yama Dwitiya or Bhai Dauj which is celebrated by brothers and sisters. The sisters invite their brothers to celebrate the festival of Bhai Dauj.

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दिवाली पर निबंध: 400 शब्दों में जानिए दिवाली का महत्व और उसका मनाने का यह सरल तरीका


Essay on Diwali in Hindi 400 Words

दिवाली पर निबंध 400 शब्द में.

इस पोस्ट मे शुभ दिवाली के शुभ अवसर पर  Happy Diwali   के लिए  Diwali Essay In Hindi 400 Words   शेयर कर रहे है ,  जिस निबंध को C lass 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 के विद्यार्थियों के लिए लिखी गई है। जिसे इन कक्षा के छात्र अपनों के साथ शेयर  कर सकते है ,   तो चलिये अब 400 Words On Diwali In Hindi Essay  –  दीपावली पर निबंध 400 शब्दों में  को जानते है।

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Essay on Diwali In Hindi 400 Words

दिवाली जो की हमारे भारत देश में मनाया जाने वाला सबसे बडा़ त्यौहार है। यह त्योहार भगवान श्रीराम के 14 वर्षो के वनवास के पश्चात अयोध्या मे वापस लौटने की खुशी मे पूरे अयोध्या मे घर घर, गली मुहल्ले, हर जगह दीये जलाए गए थे, जिससे पूरा अयोध्या स्वर्ग के समान जगमगाने लगा था, इस तरह हर साल दीये इस शुभ दिन दीये जलाया जाने लगा, जिसे हम सभी दिवाली के त्योहार के रूप मे मनाते है।

दिवाली का त्यौहार हर किसी के लिए खुशियां लेकर आता है, फिर चाहे वो बड़ा हो या बच्चा। हर कोई इस त्यौहार को बड़ी ही धूम धाम से मनाता है। साथ ही स्कूलों, कॉलेजों, दफ्तरों आदि में भी दीवाली का त्यौहार बहुत ही उल्लास के साथ मनाया है, दीपावली का ये त्यौहार साल में एक बार आता है जो कि अक्टूबर या नवम्बर की माह में होता है, दीपावली कार्तिक मास की अमावस्या को मनाया जाता है,

Table of Contents

दीवाली के कुछ हफ्ते पहले से ही लोग आते ही लोग अपने घर की साफ-सफाई भी करते है। फिर दिवाली के दिन नए कपड़े पहनते है, मिठाई खाते हैं, दीप जलाते है, पटाखे जलाते हैं, लक्ष्मी-गणेश भगवान की पूजा करते हैं, और एक दूसरे को दिवाली की मिठाई बांटते है, और एक दूसरे को दिवाली की शुभकामना देते है, और मिलजुलकर इस तरह दिवाली का त्योहार मनाते है,

ऐसा भी कहा जाता है कि दीपावली के दिन साफ सफाई रखने से लक्ष्मी का वास होता है। इसीलिए दीपावली के दिन धन की देवी लक्ष्मी माँ और गणेश जी की पूजा होती है. और माँ लक्ष्मी जी के आशीर्वाद से घर मे सुख शांति और वैभव प्राप्त होते है, इसलिए दिवाली के दिन माँ लक्ष्मी और गणेश जी विशेष अर्चना किया जाता है।

दरअसल दिवाली का पर्व एक दिन का न होकर पंचदिवसीय पर्व हैं. इसका प्रथम दिवस धनतेरस के रूप में जाना जाता हैं. इस दिन कुबेर और धन्वन्तरि का जन्म हुआ था. मान्यता है कि इस दिन खरीददारी करने से धन 13 गुणा बढ़ जाता हैं. इसका दूसरा दिन छोटी दीपावली का होता हैं इसके पीछे मान्यता है कि इस दिन कृष्ण ने नरकासुर का वध कर अधर्म पर धर्म की विजय दिलाई थी.

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दिवाली का त्योहार कुल 5 दिनो के लिए मनाया जाता है, जो की दिवाली के दो दिन फले से दिवाली के दो दिन बाद तक रहता है, जिसे हर दिन अलग अलग नामो से दिवाली के इस त्योहार को मनाया जाता है, दिवाली त्यौहार के इन सभी पांच दिनों में खाद्य पदार्थों और मिठाई के स्वादिष्ट व्यंजन बनाते हैं, लोग इस दिन पासा, कार्ड गेम और कई अन्य प्रकार के खेल खेलते हैं। वे अच्छी गतिविधियों के करीब आते हैं और बुरी आदतों को दूर करते हैं।

दिवाली को पूरे भारत में खूब धूमधाम से मनाया जाता है, यहा तक कि दिवाली  सिर्फ भारत में ही नहीं बल्कि भारत के बाहर रहने वाले विदेशो मे भी भारतीय और अन्य धर्म के लोग भी बहुत धूम धाम से मनाते हैं…

उसी परम्परा को आगे बढ़ाते हुए हम हर साल दिवाली का उत्सव बड़ी धूमधाम से मनाते हैं. इस दिन धन की देवी माँ लक्ष्मी की पूजा आराधना की जाती हैं. इस तरह यह एक खुशियों का पर्व है जो हमारे जीवन में आनन्द बिखेर जाता हैं.

हर त्योहार का अपना महत्व हैं. जिस प्रकार ईद मुसलमानों में भाईचारे का त्यौहार माना जाता हैं. उसी प्रकार दीपावली भी स्नेह का त्योहार हैं. इस दिन सभी व्यक्ति अपने इष्ट मित्रों से मिलते हैं. और उन्हें शुभकामनाओं सहित मिठाई आदि भेट करते हैं. सांस्कृतिक पर्व की दृष्टि से यह त्योहार पौराणिक परम्पराओं को बनाए रखने वाला हैं.

तो आप सभी को यह  दिवाली  के लिए निबंध – Essay on Diwali in Hindi 400 Words  खूब पसंद आया होगा, तो आप अपने विचार कमेंट मे जरूर बताए और  दिवाली पर निबंध 400 शब्दों में –  Diwali Essay In Hindi 400 Words  को शेयर भी लोगो के साथ जरूर करे। और अंत मे आप सभी को  हैप्पी दिवाली –  दिवाली की ढेर सारी शुभकामनाए।

दिवाली 2023 के लिए अन्य पोस्ट :- 

  • दिवाली 2023 पर निबंध
  • दिवाली पर अनमोल विचार
  • Poetry Kavita Poem on Diwali in Hindi 2023
  • दिवाली पर नारे
  • दिवाली पर हिन्दी मे कविता
  • Diwali Lights Quotes Hindi
  • दिवाली (Happy Deepawali 2023) पर पोयम
  • Diwali Quote in Hindi for Family Friends
  • Diwali Quotes 2023 Hindi for Friends, Dosti
  • 10 Lines On Diwali In Hindi
  • 400 Words On Diwali In Hindi Essay
  • Diwali Essay
  • Diwali Essay Hindi
  • Diwali Essay In English
  • Diwali Essay In Hindi
  • Diwali Essay In Hindi 400 Words
  • Diwali Essay In Hindi Class 3
  • Diwali Essay In Hindi Class 4
  • Diwali Essay In Hindi In 400 Words
  • Diwali Hindi Essay
  • Diwali Par Nibandh
  • Essay On Diwali
  • Essay On Diwali Festival
  • Essay On Diwali In English
  • Essay On Diwali In Hindi
  • Few Lines on Diwali in Hindi
  • Hindi Essay
  • Hindi Essay Diwali
  • Hindi Essay On Diwali
  • Short Essay On Deepawali In Hindi
  • Write Essay On Diwali
  • गणतंत्र दिवस पर निबंध 400 शब्द In Hindi
  • दिपावली पर निबंध
  • दिवाली निबंध
  • दिवाली पर निबंध
  • दिवाली पर निबंध 400 शब्द
  • दिवाली पर निबंध कैसे लिखें
  • दिवाली पर निबंध हिंदी में
  • दीपावली पर निबंध
  • दीवाली पर निबंध
  • मेरा प्रिय त्योहार दिवाली पर निबंध हिंदी

Diwali FAQs: दिवाली से जुड़े महत्वपूर्ण प्रश्न और उनके उत्तर: दिवाली के बारे में सब कुछ जानें

दिवाली क्यों और कैसे मनाई जाती है पूरी जानकारी और रोचक तथ्य, 2023 में दिवाली कब है जानिए तारीख और महत्वपूर्ण तिथियाँ.

Bahut hi Sundar Diwali nibandh. Happy Diwali

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Essay On Diwali In Hindi (100, 200, 300, 500, 700, 1000 Words)

दीपावली निबंध 1 (100 शब्द) :.

हम भारत देश में रहते हैं जिसे अपने सौंदर्य और त्यौहारों की वजह से जाना जाता है इन्हीं में से एक त्यौहार दीपावली होता है। इस दिन को भगवान राम की रावण पर अथार्त ज्ञान की अज्ञान पर जीत के रूप में मनाया जाता है। दीपावली को सर्दियों के समय अक्तूबर या नवंबर में कार्तिक मांस की अमावस्या के दिन बहुत ही धूम-धाम से मनाया जाता है।

इस दिन भगवान श्री राम राक्षस रावण का वध करके और 14 वर्ष का वनवास काटकर अयोध्या वापस आये थे जिसकी खुशी में अयोध्यावासियों ने घी के दीप जलाए थे। दीपावली के आने से कुछ दिनों पहले से ही लोग अपने-अपने घरों की साफ-सफाई करने लगते हैं और अपने घर को पूरी तरह से पवित्र कर देते हैं।

इस दिन सभी लोग नए-नए कपड़े पहनकर घरों में लक्ष्मी पूजन करते हैं जिसके बाद सभी लोग मिठाईयां बांटते हैं और पटाखे जलाते हैं। हर घर में अलग-अलग तरह के व्यंजन और पकवान बनाए जाते हैं। इस दिन बहुत से लोग शराब पीते हैं, जुआ खेलते हैं, लड़ाई-झगड़ा करते हैं जिसकी वजह से पर्यावरण भी दूषित होने लगता है जो अच्छी बात नहीं है।

दीपावली निबंध 2 (200 शब्द) :

हम भारत देश में रहते हैं जिसे अलग-अलग धर्मों में एकता, संस्कृति, रीति-रिवाजों और अलग-अलग उत्सवों की वजह से जाना जाता है। भारत देश में सभी धर्मों के त्यौहारों को महत्व दिया जाता है जिस प्रकार हिंदुओं के पर्व दीपावली को महत्व दिया जाता है। दीपावली त्यौहार को कार्तिक मांस की अमावस्या के दिन मनाया जाता है क्योंकि इसी दिन भगवान श्री राम 14 वर्ष का वनवास काटकर अपने देश अयोध्या लौटे थे।

श्री राम के आने की खुशी में लोगों ने दिए जलाकर पूरी अयोध्या नगरी को जगमगा दिया था। दीपावली का अर्थ होता है दीपों की पंक्ति जिसमें दीयों को एक पंक्ति में जलाया जाता है। इस दिन के महत्व के रूप में लोग यह कहते हैं कि अगर इस दिन घरों, दुकानों और कार्यालयों की अच्छी तरह से साफ-सफाई की जाए तो लक्ष्मी जी का प्रवेश होता है।

इस दिन को बेहतर बनाने के लिए लोग नए कपड़े, पटाखे, बर्तन, साज-सज्जा के सामान खरीदते हैं। दीपावली के दिन लोग नए कपड़े पहनकर सबसे पहले लक्ष्मी पूजन करते हैं जिसके बाद सभी लोग आपस में गले मिलते हैं और मिठाईयां बांटते हैं। बच्चे पटाखे जलाकर अपनी खुशी व्यक्त करते हैं। इस तरह से ओग भगवान श्री राम के प्रति अपनी खुशी और प्रसन्नता प्रकट करते हैं।

दीपावली निबंध 3 (300 शब्द) :

भूमिका : भारत में सभी धर्मों का बहुत महत्व है लेकिन हिन्दू धर्म की दीपावली को सभी धर्मों में बड़ी धूम-धाम से मनाया जाता है। दीपावली को सिर्फ भारत देश में ही नहीं बल्कि विदेशों में भी बहुत ही उत्साह और महत्व के साथ मनाया जाता है।

इस दिन को इतना महत्व भगवान श्री राम की रावण पर और अच्छाई की बुराई पर जीत की वजह से मिला है। जिस दिन भगवान श्री राम 14 वर्ष का वनवास काटकर अयोध्या वापस लौटे थे तो अयोध्यावासियों ने रात को दिन में बदलने के लिए दिए जलाए थे जिसकी वजह से पूरी अयोध्या जगमगाने लगी थी इसलिए इस दिन को सभी लोग दीपावली के रूप में मनाते हैं।

लक्ष्मी पूजन : दीपावली आने की खुशी में लोग अपने घरों, कार्यालयों, दुकानों और कारखानों में अच्छी तरह से साफ-सफाई करते हैं जिससे उनके जीवन के हर अँधेरे को दूर करने के लिए लक्ष्मी जी उनके जीवन में प्रवेश करें। रात के समय लोग नहा-धोकर नए कपड़े पहनते हैं जिसके बाद समय के साथ लक्ष्मी पूजन करके गणेश, लक्ष्मी और सरस्वती जी को याद किया जाता है।

दीपावली के दिन सभी लोग बहुत से मजेदार खेल खेलते हैं, स्वादिष्ट व्यंजन खाते हैं और पटाखे जलाकर इस दिन को बहुत ही खास बना देते हैं। इस दिन सभी जगहों चाहे वह सरकारी कार्यालय हो या सडक सभी को साफ करके अच्छी तरह से सजाया जाता है। इस दिन सभी लोग दिए, मोमबत्ती, लड़ी लगाकर अपने घरों को सजाते हैं। इस दिन लोग एक-दूसरे को उपहार देते हैं, मिठाईयां खिलाते हैं और दीपावली की बधाई देते हैं।

उपसंहार : कोई भी त्यौहार उस देश का इतिहास होता है ठीक उसी तरह से भारत का एक इतिहास को दीपावली त्यौहार के रूप में हर साल याद किया जाता है। इसे भारत में एकता के रूप में देखा जाता है। दीपों के त्यौहार को दीपावली को अलग-अलग नामों से जाना जाता है जो बहुत ही आनंद और उत्साह के साथ मनाया जाता है। यह त्यौहार इतना पवित्र और महत्व वाला होता है कि किसी भी व्यक्ति को न्य जीवन जीने के लिए उत्साह प्रदान करता है।

दीपावली निबंध 4 (400 शब्द) :

भूमिका : दीपावली एक ऐसा त्यौहार है जिसे भारत के साथ-साथ बहुत से अन्य देशों में भी मनाया जाता है जहाँ पर भी भारतीय लोग रहते हैं। जब कोई व्यक्ति अपने अज्ञान रूपी अंधकार को हटाकर उसपर ज्ञान रूपी उजाले को प्रज्ज्वलित करता है तो उसे एक बहुत ही असीम और आलौकिक आनंद का अनुभव होता है।

दीपावली भी इसी तरह का त्यौहार है क्योंकि इस दिन भगवान श्री राम अथार्त ज्ञान ने रावण रूपी अज्ञान को पराजित किया था। राम जी के वनवास से वापसी के लिए लोगों ने पूरी अयोध्या नगरी को फूलों, दीपों और रंगों से बहुत ही अच्छी तरह से सजाया था। जिसकी वजह से इसे दीपावली नाम दे दिया गया और हर साल मनाया जाने लगा।

दीपावली का इतिहास : दीपावली त्यौहार को अक्तूबर या नवंबर के महीने में कार्तिक मांस की अमावस्या के दिन मनाया जाता है क्योंकि इस दिन का हमारे भगवान श्री राम से बहुत ही गहरा संबंध है। इस दिन भगवान श्री राम ने लंकापति रावण को मारकर सीता माता को पुनः प्राप्त किया था।

सीता माता के साथ वनवास काटकर वापस लौटने की खुशी में उनकी प्रजा ने घी के दीए जलाकर अमावस्या की रात को पूर्णिमा में बदल दिया था। इस दिन लोगों ने पूरी अयोध्या नगरी को दुल्हन की तरह सजाया था और वहां के बाजारों में बहुत ही भीड़ थी क्योंकि श्री राम के वापस आने की खुशी में लोग मिठाईयां, कपड़े, खिलौने, पटाखे और उपहार खरीद रहे थे।

दीपावली का दिन : दीपावली का त्यौहार आने से कुछ दिनों पहले से ही लोग उत्साहित होने लगते हैं और अपने घरों और आसपास की साफ-सफाई करें ताकि उनके घर में किसी तरह की अशुद्धि न रह सके। इस दिन लोग बहुत ही खुश रहते हैं और एक-दूसरे को बधाई देते हैं।

इस दिन लोग अपने बच्चों के लिए खिलौने, मिठाईयां, बर्तन, कपड़े और पटाखे खरीदते हैं। इस दिन लोग अपने-अपने घरों और काम की जगहों को सजाते हैं। रात के समय लोग अपने-अपने घर में लक्ष्मी पूजन करते हैं जिसके बाद वे अपनी कला का भी प्रदर्शन करते हैं। इस दिन सभी लोग अपने आपसी द्वेष और क्लेश मिटाकर एक-दूसरे को गले लगाते हैं और मिठाईयां खिलाते हैं।

उपसंहार : दीपावली भारत में सभी धर्मों के द्वारा मनाया जाने वाला एक त्यौहार है क्योंकि यह सभी के लिए खुशी और आशीर्वाद लेकर आता है। इस त्यौहार की वजह से हर साल लोगों को बुराई पर अच्छाई की जीत का एक नया सत्र सीखने को मिलता है।

किसी भी तरह का पर्व हमें उसके भूत में ले जाता है और हम फिर से एक बार उसके पीछे के कारणों को याद कर पाते हैं। यह एक बहुत ही अच्छा तरीका होता है अपने पुराने समय या अपने देश के अतीत को स्मरण करने का।

दीपावली निबंध 5 (500 शब्द) :

भूमिका : भारत एक त्यौहारों का देश है जिसमें हर महीने कोई-न-कोई त्यौहार या जयंती मनायी जाती है लेकिन इन्हीं में से एक त्यौहार दीपावली होता है जो एक बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण त्यौहार है। दीपावली त्यौहार के पीछे बहुत सी धार्मिक और सांस्कृतिक मान्यताएं हैं। इस त्यौहार को मनाने के पीछे एक बहुत ही खास कारण है जो भगवान श्री राम से संबंधित है।

इस दिन भगवान श्री राम ने असुर रावण का वध किया था और अपनी पत्नी सीता को रावण की कैद अथार्त लंका से आजाद कराया था। यह पर्व वर्षा ऋतू के जाने के बाद शीत ऋतू के शुरू होने की ओर संकेत करता है। इस त्यौहार को पांच दिनों तक मनाया जाता है जिसमें धनतेरस, छोटी दीपावली, बड़ी दीपावली, गौधन, भाई दूज आदि त्यौहार एक के बाद एक मनाए जाते हैं।

दीपावली का अर्थ : दीपावली दो शब्दों से मिलकर बना है जो संस्कृत से लिया गया है जिसका अर्थ होता है दीपों की पंक्ति या दीपों से सजी हुई पंक्ति। इस दिन बहुत सारे दीप और मोमबत्तियां जलाई जाती हैं जिसकी वजह से इस दिन को रौशनी का त्यौहार और दीपोत्सव भी कहा जाता है।

Also Read : दिवाली पर निबंध , दिवाली से जुडी कुछ महत्वपूर्ण बातें

इस दिन को मनाने के पीछे वैसे तो बहुत सारी कथाएं होती हैं लेकिन सबसे प्रमुख श्री राम चंद्र जी की असुर रावण पर जीत की कथा है। अमावस्या के दिन बहुत अधिक अँधेरा होता है जिसे दूर करने के लिए दीपों से घरों को सजाया जाता है और अँधेरे को दूर भगाया जाता है। दीपावली के दिन गणेश और लक्ष्मी पूजन किया जाता है जिससे घर में सुख-शांति का प्रवेश हो सके। इस दिन भगवान श्री कृष्ण ने महारस लीला का आयोजन किया था जिसकी वजह से भी इस दिन का महत्व और भी बढ़ गया था।

दीपावली का महत्व : दीपावली को पूरे भारत में बहुत ही खुशी और धूम-धाम से मनाया जाता है। इस दिन को अंधकार पर प्रकाश, बुराई पर अच्छाई, अज्ञान पर ज्ञान की जीत के रूप में मनाया जाता है।

इस दिन को सभी लोगों के द्वारा बहुत ही सुंदर और पारंपरिक तरीके से मनाया जाता है जिसका भारत की आर्थिक दृष्टि से बहुत महत्व होता है क्योंकि दीपावली के त्यौहार पर लोग खिलौने, बर्तन, सोना, आभूषण, मिठाईयां, कपड़े आदि की खरीददारी करते हैं और पैसा खर्च करते हैं जिसकी वजह से भारत को भी बहुत लाभ होता है।

इस दिन का महत्व राम, पांडव आदि की वजह से बढ़ जाता है। आज के दिन गणेश, लक्ष्मी और सरस्वती जी की पूजा की जाती है क्योंकि आज के ही दिन समुद्र मंथन हुआ था जिसमें लक्ष्मी जी का जन्म हुआ था जिसकी वजह से आज के दिन लक्ष्मी जी की पूजा की जाती है।

बच्चों की दीपावली : दीपावली त्यौहार का नाम सुनते ही बच्चों के चेहरे खुशी से झूमने लगते हैं। सभी बच्चे इस त्यौहार में होने वाली सभी गतिविधियों और प्रतियोगिताओं में बढ़ चढ़कर भाग लेते हैं। दीपावली के दिन स्कूलों में अध्यापकों के द्वारा बच्चों के लिए सजावट, रंगोली प्रतियोगिता, खेल प्रतियोगिता आयोजित की जाती हैं जिसमें बच्चे बहुत ही उत्साह के साथ भाग लेते हैं।

स्कूलों में दीपावली त्यौहार के कार्यक्रम बहुत दिनों पहले से ही शुरू होने लगते हैं। दीपावली के दिन का बच्चों के लिए बहुत अधिक महत्व होता है क्योंकि इस दिन घर के बड़े बच्चों के लिए मिठाईयां, खिलौने, पटाखे, कपड़े और उपहार खरीदते हैं जिसकी वजह से बच्चों को बहुत अधिक प्रसन्नता होती है।

उपसंहार : दीपावली के दिन का धार्मिक और सांस्कृतिक रूप से बहुत महत्व होता है क्योंकि हमारे इतिहास की वजह से आज हम खुश और संपन्न रहते हैं। इस दिन को और अधिक उत्साहित और सुरक्षित बनाने के लिए जितना हो सके बच्चों को ऐसी चीजों से दूर रखना चाहिए जो प्रदूषण या स्वास्थ्य को नुकसान पहुंचाती हों।

आजकल हम देखते हैं कि लोग पटाखे छोड़कर प्रदूषण फैलाते हैं और कभी-कभी तो बड़े-बड़े पटाखों को छोड़ते समय बच्चों को चोट लग जाती है। कभी-कभी तो बच्चे जल भी जाते हैं और बच्चों की मृत्यु भी हो जाती है। हम सभी को अधिक-से-अधिक कोशिश करनी चाहिए कि हम कम शोर, प्रदूषण और जोखिम लेकर इस दिन को और अधिक महत्व दें।

दीपावली निबंध 6 (600 शब्द) :

भूमिका : भारत देश में बहुत से त्यौहार मनाए जाते हैं जो अलग-अलग धर्मों द्वारा मनाए जाते हैं। इन सभी त्यौहारों में से सबसे महत्वपूर्ण त्यौहार होता है दीपावली जिसे प्रकाश का पर्व, जश्न-ए-चिराग, रौशनी का पर्व आदि नामों से जाना जाता है। इस त्यौहार को दीपों या रौशनी के त्यौहार के रूप में मनाया जाता है क्योंकि यह पर्व सभी के लिए भरोसा और उन्नति लेकर आता है।

दीपावली के त्यौहार को बहुत अधिक महत्व इसलिए दिया जाता है क्योंकि इस त्यौहार को श्री राम चंद्र जी के घर लौटने की खुशी में लोगों ने तरह-तरह की मिठाईयां बांटी और आतिशबाजी करके अपनी खुशी को प्रकट किया था जिसके बाद इस दिन को दीपावली त्यौहार के नाम से प्रति वर्ष मनाया जाने लगा।

दीपावली की परंपरा : दीपावली के त्यौहार को बुराई पर अच्छाई और अंधकार पर प्रकाश की विजय का प्रतीक मन जाता है क्योंकि यह पर्व लोगों में प्रेम और एक-दूसरे के लिए स्नेह की भावना का विकास करता है। दीपावली के त्यौहार को व्यक्तिगत और सामूहिक दोनों रूप से बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण माना जाता है।

दीपावली के त्यौहार को भारत के साथ-साथ अन्य देशों में भी अलग-अलग परंपराओं और रीति-रिवाजों के साथ मनाया जाता है। सभी लोगों में दीपावली की बहुत ही उमंग होती है क्योंकि इसमें वे अपने मन की चीजें जैसे – खाना, मिठाईयां, कपड़े, खिलौने, आदि सभी खरीदते हैं। इस दिन सभी लोग अपने घर के साथ-साथ अपने मनों की भी सफाई करते हैं ताकि उनके घर के साथ-साथ उनके मन में किसी भी तरह की कोई गंदगी या हीन भावना न रह सके।

दीपावली का वर्णन : दीपावली के त्यौहार को अक्तूबर या नवंबर यानि कार्तिक मांस की अमावस्या के दिन मनाया जाता है क्योंकि इस दिन भगवान श्री राम चंद्र 14 वर्ष का वनवास काटकर अयोध्या नगरी वापस लौटे थे। दीपावली के त्यौहार को पांच दिनों तक मनाया जाता है जिसमें पहले दिन को धनतेरस कहते हैं जिसमें धन के देव कुबेर जी की और अहोई माता की पूजा की जाती है।

धनतेरस के दिन सभी जगह पर बर्तनों की दुकानों को देखा जा सकता है क्योंकि लोग अपने घर में नए बर्तनों को खरीदकर उनकी पूजा करते हैं। दूसरे दिन को छोटी दीपावली कहते हैं क्योंकि इस दिन लोग अपने घर की सारी गंदगी को बाहर निकालकर उसे पवित्र करते हैं।

तीसरे दिन को दीपावली कहा जाता है जिसे लोग बड़े ही उत्साह और धूम-धाम से मनाते हैं। चौथे दिन को गोवर्धन के नाम से जाना जाता है जिसमें भगवान कृष्ण और गोबर की पूजा की जाती है। पांचवे दिन को भाई दूज कहते हैं जिसमें बहनें अपने भाईयों की आरती करती हैं और मिठाईयां खिलाती हैं।

दीपावली की बुराईयाँ : किसी अच्छे और खास उद्देश्य को लेकर बने त्यौहार में भी कालांतर में विकार पैदा हो जाते हैं। जो लोग लक्ष्मी जी की पूजा धन की प्राप्ति करने के लिए करते हैं वहीं पर कुछ लोग इनकी पूजा जूआ खेलकर भी करते हैं। जूआ खेलना एक प्रथा मानी जाती है जिसे पुराने समय से ही खेला जाता रहा है।

इससे समाज व पावन पर्वों के लिए एक कलंक के समान होता है। आज के समय में लोग बहुत अधिक बंब और पटाखे फोड़ते हैं जिसकी वजह से वायु प्रदूषण, भूमि प्रदूषण, जल प्रदूषण, ध्वनि प्रदूषण बहुत अधिक मात्रा में बढ़ जाता है। प्रदूषण होने की वजह से व्यक्ति को जीवन जीने में बहुत परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ता है।

लक्ष्मी पूजा का इतिहास : रामायण से पहले इस पर्व या त्यौहार को महालक्ष्मी पूजा के नाम से मनाया जाता था क्योंकि इस दिन जब समुद्र मंथन हुआ था तो देवी लक्ष्मी का जन्म हुआ था जिसकी वजह से इस दिन को महालक्ष्मी पूजा के नाम से मनाया जाता था।

इस दिन जो भी व्यक्ति अपने घर की साफ-सफाई रखते हैं और मन से देवी लक्ष्मी जी की आराधना करते हैं तो देवी लक्ष्मी उससे प्रसन्न होकर उस पर अपनी कृपा बरसाती हैं इसलिए इस दिन घर को साफ व स्वच्छ किया जाता है।

इस दिन लोग लक्ष्मी जी के गीत, आरती, मंत्र उच्चारण करते हैं जिससे वे लक्ष्मी जी को प्रसन्न कर सकें। लक्ष्मी जी धन की अधिष्ठात्री देवी होती हैं जिसकी वजह से उन्हें धन का प्रतिक माना जाता है।

उपसंहार : दीपावली के दिन भगवान गणेश, लक्ष्मी और सरस्वती जी की पूजा की जाती है क्योंकि कोई भी शुभ कार्य या त्यौहार मनाने में सबसे पहले गणेश जी की पूजा की जाती है क्योंकि उन्हें शुभ शुरुआत के देवता, लक्ष्मी जी को धन की देवी और सरस्वती जी को ज्ञान की देवी माना जाता है। दीपावली की रात के समय सभी लोग अपने घरों के दरवाजे खोलकर सोते हैं क्योंकि उन्हें यह उम्मीद रहती है कि आज के दिन उनके घर में लक्ष्मी जी का वास होगा।

दीपावली निबंध 7 (700 शब्द) :

भूमिका : भारत एक ऐसा देश है जहाँ पर अलग-अलग धर्मों को मानने वाले लोग रहते हैं जिसकी वजह से उनमें अनेकता में भी एकता दिखाई देती है। भारत में चाहे कितने भी धर्म हों या त्यौहार हों उन्हें पूरा भारत मिलकर मनाता है उसी तरह से हिंदुओं का त्यौहार दीपावली भी बहुत ही महत्वपूर्ण त्यौहार है जिसे सभी जगह पर अलग-अलग त्रिकोण से मनाया जाता है क्योंकि सभी लोगों के नजरिए अलग-अलग होते हैं वे अपने नजरिए के हिसाब से ही अपने पर्व को मनाने में खुशी महसूस करते हैं।

दीपावली क्यों मनायी जाती है : दीपावली एक ऐसा त्यौहार है जिसका नाम सुनते ही लोगों में खुशी और उत्साह का संचार होता है क्योंकि इसे एक ऐसा त्यौहार माना जाता है जो हर व्यक्ति को एक शुद्ध और नया जीवन जीने के लिए प्रेरित करता है।

दीपावली पर्व को कार्तिक मांस की अमावस्या को मनाया जाता है क्योंकि इस दिन को भगवान श्री राम के वनवास से वापस आने की खुशी में उनकी प्रजा ने अमावस्या के दिन को पूर्णिमा में बदल दिया था इसी वजह से इस दिन को याद रखने के लिए इसे हर साल दीपावली के नाम से मनाया जाने लगा।

स्वच्छता का प्रतीक : जहाँ पर दीपावली के त्यौहार को खुशी और उत्साह का त्यौहार माना जाता है वहीं पर इसे रौनक, ज्ञान, अंतःकरण के साथ-साथ स्वच्छता का भी प्रतीक माना जाता है।

जब घर की सफाई अच्छी तरह से नहीं की जाती है तब घरों में मच्छर, खटमल, पिस्सू, कीड़े, आदि अपना घर बना लेते हैं लेकिन दीपावली के दिन सभी लोग अपने-अपने घरों में साफ-सफाई करके अपनी घर को पूरी तरह से पवित्र कर लेते हैं जिसकी वजह से इस त्यौहार पर चारों तरफ स्वच्छता दिखाई देती है इसीलिए इसे स्वच्छता का प्रतीक माना जाता है।

दीपावली की तैयारी : दीपावली त्यौहार की तैयारियां बहुत से लोग दीपावली से नौ या दस दिन पहले ही करना शुरू कर देते हैं। दीपावली से पहले लोग अपने घरों की साफ-सफाई के साथ-साथ अपने घरों की लिपाई-पुताई करवाते हैं।

लोग अपने घर की साज सज्जा के लिए सभी प्रकार के सामान खरीदते हैं। दीपावली के त्यौहार पर लोग नए बर्तन, कपड़े, खिलौने, मिठाईयां, पटाखे, रंगोली के रंग आदि खरीदते हैं। दीपावली के दिन लोग अलग-अलग तरह की मिठाईयां और पकवान बनाते हैं, अपने घरों पर दीए और मोमबत्ती लगाकर घर को सजाते हैं।

महापुरुषों का निर्वास दिवस : दीपावली के त्यौहार को मनाने के पीछे बहुत सी पौराणिक कथाएं हैं। दीपावली के दिन जैनियों के तीर्थकर महावीर स्वामी जी ने निर्वाण प्राप्त किया था जिसकी वजह से जैनों के लिए इस दिन का बहुत अधिक महत्व है।

स्वामी दयानंद और स्वामी रामतीर्थ जी भी आज के ही दिन निर्वाह को प्राप्त हुए थे। आज का दिन आर्य समाज और सिक्खों के लिए बहुत अधिक महत्वपूर्ण होता है। हिंदुओं के लिए दीपावली का बहुत अधिक महत्व होता है क्योंकि इसी दिन श्री राम चंद्र जी अपना 14 वर्ष का वनवास काटकर वापस आए थे।

पूजा की विधि : दीपावली के दिन लक्ष्मी जी की पूजा की जाती है क्योंकि आज के दिन लक्ष्मी जी का जन्म हुआ था इसलिए अगर कोई लक्ष्मी जी को प्रसन्न कर देता है तो उस पर उम्र भर लक्ष्मी देवी की कृपा बरसती है। आज के दिन पूजा के लिए लक्ष्मी माँ की तस्वीर बनाई जाती है जिसपर चांदी का या किसी भी तरह का सिक्का लगाया या चिपकाया जाता है।

आरती की थाली में कुछ पैसे, सोने, रोली, चावल, हल्दी, घी, प्रसाद, शक्कर, मोली, खील, बतासे, आदि रखे जाते हैं जिसके बाद पूरी विधि के साथ लक्ष्मी जी की पूजा की जाती है जिसमें लोग मुख्य रूप से गीत, आरती, भजन आदि गाते हैं। पूजा के बाद सभी लोगों को प्रसाद बांटा जाता है और एक-दूसरे को दीपावली की बधाई दी जाती है।

उपसंहार : आप सभी लोग दीपावली तो मनाते हैं लेकिन उसके अंदर जो अर्थ छुपा होता है उस अर्थ को समझना भूल जाते हैं। दीपावली पर्व के अंदर एक अर्थ छिपा हुआ है जो हमें अपने अंदर के अंधकार को मिटाकर उसकी जगह पर प्रकाश करना होता है।

दीपावली के त्यौहार पर कभी-कभी ऐसा होता है कि लोग अपने आपसी लड़ाई-झगड़े की वजह से अपने बच्चों को दूसरे बच्चों के साथ खेलने और बधाई देने से रोकते हैं जिसकी वजह से रिश्तों में और इंसानियत में भी कोसों की दूरी हो जाती हिया जिसके बाद किसी को कुछ भी प्राप्त नहीं होता है।

दीपावली निबंध 10 (1000 शब्द) :

भूमिका : हम सभी लोग भारत के वासी है जिसने अनेक महापुरुषों को जन्म दिया है। भारत के अतीत ने बहुत से त्यौहारों और धर्मों में एकता का रूप स्पष्ट किया है। भारत में बहुत से त्यौहार मनाए जाते हैं लेकिन हिंदुओं का पर्व दीपावली बहुत अधिक महत्वपूर्ण होता है क्योंकि यह पर्व हमें उसके आदिकाल में ले जाता है।

इस पर्व को मनाने के पीछे बहुत से धार्मिक और आर्थिक महत्व छुपे हुए हैं। दीपावली त्यौहार को मनाने के पीछे का उद्देश्य है भारत में सामाजिक एकता को बढ़ावा देना क्योंकि इसमें सभी लोग आपसी भेदभाव भूलकर एक-दूसरे के गले लगकर दीपावली की बधाई देते हैं।

दीपावली का अर्थ : प्राचीन काल में संस्कृत भाषा अधिक बोली जाती थी जिसकी वजह से उस समय इस दिन को संस्कृत भाषा में दीपावली का नाम दिया गया था क्योंकि इसका अर्थ दीपों की पंक्ति है जो अयोध्यावासियों ने दीपों को पंक्तियों में जलाकर सिद्ध किया था इसी वजह से इस दिन को दीपावली के नाम से जाना जाता है।

इस शब्द के पीछे एक अर्थ छुपा हुआ है जो हमें बुराई पर अच्छाई की, अज्ञान पर ज्ञान की, अस्वच्छता पर स्वच्छता की, अंधकार पर प्रकाश की विजय का संदेश देता है। इस दिन लोग दीपों को पंक्ति में जलाकर अँधेरे को मिटाने की कोशिश करते हैं क्योंकि वे अँधेरे को चीरकर सभी को प्रकाशमय बनने के लिए प्रेरित करते हैं।

दीपावली का इतिहास : लंकापति रावण एक असुर था जिसने सीता माता का अपहरण किया था। श्री राम ने उस लंकापति रावण को मारकर सीता माता को पुनः प्राप्त किया था जिसे दशहरे के नाम से मनाया जाता है जो दीपावली से 21 दिन पहले आता है।

दशहरे के अगले दिन श्री राम ने अपने भाई भरत से मिल्न किया था और उसे गले लगाया था जिसकी वजह से इस दिन को भरत मिलाव का नाम दिया गया था। इसके बाद दीपावली के दिन भगवान श्री राम, सीता माता और भाई लक्षमण अपना चौदह वर्ष का वनवास काटकर अयोध्या लौटे थे जिसकी खुशी में लोगों ने घी के दीपक जलाकर उनका स्वागत किया था।

दीपावली पर साफ-सफाई : दीपावली के दिन से कुछ दिनों पहले से ही लोग साफ-सफाई करने लगते हैं लेकिन बहुत से लोग तो ऐसे होते हैं कि वे दशहरा आने के पश्चात घर की साफ-सफाई, लिपाई पुताई करवाने लग जाते हैं ताकि उनका घर साफ और स्वच्छ दिखे।

ठीक प्रकार और अधिक दिनों में सफाई करने की वजह से घर में कई तरह के कीट, मच्छर, पक्षी अपना स्थान बना लेते हैं जिन्हें दूर करने के लिए ठीक प्रकार से साफ-सफाई की जरुरत होती है। इस दिन लोग अपने घर की साफ-सफाई करने के साथ-साथ अपने घर की साज-सज्जा की भी अच्छी तरह से व्यवस्था करते हैं।

दीपावली की तैयारियां : दीपावली के दिन से पहले लोग अपने घर की साफ-सफाई करके उसे स्वच्छ और पवित्र कर लेते हैं ताकि उनके घर में शं की देवी लक्ष्मी जी का वास हो सके। दीपावली के दिन के उपलक्ष में बाजारों में बहुत भीड़ पाई जाती है क्योंकि ऐसे समय में लोग नए कपड़े, मोमबत्तियां, खिलौने, पटाखे, बम्ब, मिठाईयां, रंगोली बनाने के रंग, बर्तन और घर को सजाने के लिए बहुत से सामान खरीदते हैं जिसकी वजह से लोगों को बहुत से लाभ होते हैं। दीपावली के दिन लोग अपने घर पर लक्ष्मी पूजन, मिस्ठानों, व्यंजनों आदि की संपूर्ण रूप से तैयारियां करते हैं।

बच्चों की दीपावली : दीपावली का त्यौहार बच्चों के लिए अधिक महत्व रखता है क्योंकि दीपावली का नाम सुनते ही बच्चों के मन में मिठाई, खिलौने, कपड़े, पटाखे आदि के बारे में विचार आने शुरू हो जाते हैं।

दीपावली के लिए स्कूलों में बच्चों के लिए बहुत सी प्रतियोगिताएं जैसे – दौड़, साज-सजावट की प्रतियोगिता, रंगोली प्रतियोगिता, खेल प्रतियोगिता, कहानी प्रतियोगिता आदि की व्यवस्था की जाती है जिसमें बच्चे बढ़-चढ़कर भाग लेते हैं और विजेता को बहुत ही सम्मान के साथ उपहार दिए जाते हैं। इसके अतिरिक्त बच्चों के लिए आतिशबाजी और पटाखों को लेकर उन्हें सावधानी बरतनी भी बताई जाती है।

दीपावली का आर्थिक महत्व : दीपावली के त्यौहार का जितना धार्मिक महत्व होता है उतना ही इसका आर्थिक महत्व भी होता है क्योंकि दीपावली के त्यौहार पर लोग बहुत सी चीजें खरीदते हैं जिससे बाजारों में बहुत अधिक भीड़ होती है।

दीपावली के दिन लोग नए कपड़े, घर का सामान, उपहार, आभूषण आदि खरीदते हैं क्योंकि आज के दिन खरीददारी और खर्च करने को बहुत अधिक शुभ माना जाता है जो धन और समृद्धि की देवी लक्ष्मी जी के आगमन का संकेत होता है। इस दिन को भारत में सोना और आभूषण खरीदने का दिन माना जाता है क्योंकि आज के ही दिन सभी लोग अपने खर्च की चरम सीमा पर होते हैं।

लक्ष्मी पूजन : आज के दिन जब देवों और राक्षसों के द्वारा समुद्र मंथन किया गया था तो उस समुद्र मंथन के दौरान देवी लक्ष्मी जी का जन्म हुआ था जिसकी वजह से आज के दिन को महालक्ष्मी पूजा के नाम से जाना जाता था और इसी वजह से आज के दिन धन की देवी लक्ष्मी जी की भी पूजा की जाती है।

कार्तिक मांस की अमावस्या को रात के समय देवी लक्ष्मी की पूजा की जाती है उनकी आरती, गीत और भजन गाकर उन्हें प्रसन्न किया जाता है। पूजा होने के बाद सभी लोगों में प्रसाद बांटा जाता है और एक-दूसरे को दीपावली के पर्व की शुभकामनाएं और बधाईयाँ दी जाती हैं।

दीपावली की बुराईयाँ : दीपावली के त्यौहार का एक दूसरा पहलू भी होता है जिसे हम जाने-अनजाने हर साल बढ़ावा देते रहते हैं। इस दूसरे पहलू में आतिशबाजी और पटाखे फोड़ना आता है। इन सभी चीजों का दीपावली के त्यौहार से कोई लेना देना नहीं है लेकिन फिर भी लोग इसे बढ़-चढकर प्रयोग करते हैं।

इन सभी का कोई ऐतिहासिक या पौराणिक वर्णन नहीं है कि प्राचीन काल में भी पटाखे और आतिशबाजी की जाती थी लेकिन इन सभी की वजह से हर साल प्रदूषण में बढ़ोतरी होती है। इस दिन लोग पैसे को धूल समझकर उससे जूआ खेलते हैं जो ठीक नहीं होता है। आज के लोग अपने कुछ क्षणों के मजे के लिए पर्यावरण के साथ खिलवाड़ करने से पीछे नहीं हटते हैं और अपने जीवन को भी खतरे में डाल लेते हैं।

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