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85 Critical Thinking Questions to Carefully Examine Any Information

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The ability to think critically will often determine your success in life.

Let’s face it. Every day, we are bombarded by news, social media updates, and an avalanche of information. If you take all of this at face value, it’s easy to be deceived, misled or ripped off.

That’s why it’s important to  develop a mindset that focuses on critical thinking . This is a skill that needs to be developed in the classroom. But it’s also a valuable life skill.

With that in mind, the following post will share 85 critical thinking questions you can use to increase your awareness about different problems by carefully examining available information. 

Let’s get started…

Table of Contents

What Are Critical Thinking Questions?

Critical thinking questions are inquiries that help you think rationally and clearly by understanding the link between different facts or ideas. These questions create a seemingly endless learning process that lets you critique, evaluate, and develop a depth of knowledge about a given subject. Moreover, you get to reinforce your viewpoints or see things in a new way.

We make decisions every day, whether at work or home. Adopting logical, rational, and practical approaches in addressing various issues requiring critical thinking is essential in decision-making. Therefore, before arriving at a decision, always ask yourself relevant questions and carefully analyze the matter’s pros and cons.

Critical Thinking Questions When in an Argument

When you make an argument using a critical thinking approach, you focus on justified claims that are valid and based on evidence. It helps one establish a strong argument.

  • Do I disagree with the other person? Might the person I'm arguing with be misinformed on what they are saying?
  • Would I be comfortable saying what I am telling him/her if I was in front of a group of people? 
  • What would happen if I lose this argument? Is engaging in this argument worth my time and energy? How will I feel if I lose?
  • Is there room for ambiguity or misinterpretation? Are we arguing because I didn't make my point explicit? Should I take my time to understand his school of thought?
  • Do I need some rest before saying something? Am I arguing because of other reasons other than the issues at hand? Do I need to take some time and cool down?

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  • Is it more important that I’m right? Am I trying to ask to prove an unnecessary point?
  • Is this argument inductive, deductive, or abductive? Is it a weak or strong argument that I need to engage in? Is it compelling or sound? 
  • Is my opponent sincere? Given that they are wrong, are they willing to admit that they are wrong? Can they depend on available evidence, wherever it leads?
  • Are my opponents only trying to shift their burden to me? What is the best way to prove them wrong without making them feel bad?
  • Are the people I'm arguing with only interested in winning, or are they trying to pass some information across and help me discover the truth?

Critical Thinking Questions When Reading a Book 

When you read a book, you probably ask yourself many “why” questions. Why is this a problem? Why did the character say that? Why is this important? The most challenging part of reading a book is assessing the information you are reading. These questions can help.

  • If I learn only two things from this book, what will they be? How will they help me? How will I apply them in my daily life?
  • What message are the authors trying to pass across? Are they making suggestions or providing evidence for their arguments?
  • Given that almost every book is about solving problems, what is the most prevalent issue that the author is trying to solve?
  • What is the author’s writing style? What strategy or master plan does the author employ to convey his/her main ideas throughout the book?
  • Do I have background information about the book’s topic? If so, how is what the author is saying different from what I already know?
  • What didn’t I understand from the book? Should I re-read the book to understand everything the writer is trying to convey?
  • Which sections of the book do I love the most, and why? Generally, do I like this book? Should I look for more books that are written by the same author?
  • If I had a chance to meet this book’s author, what questions would I ask him/her? What would I tell the writer about the book? Is it a great book worth recommending to your friends and family members?
  • Who are the main characters of the book? If there is only one main character, what overarching goal does the character accomplish?
  • In what ways did the protagonist change from the start of the book to the end? What caused the changes? Was the protagonist reckless in some ways? Which ways?

Critical Thinking Questions to Spot a Scam

Asking questions when you feel that a fraud or a scam is being presented to you is a good way to stretch your critical thinking muscles. Are you being emailed or messaged by a stranger? Or maybe there are other red flags you are unsure about. If so, ask these questions.

  • Does it seem to be too good to be true? Is this stranger pushy or trying to lure me into making a poor decision?
  • When trying out online dating: Is my new “friend” professing strong feelings towards me although we’ve only interacted for a few hours?
  • Why is a stranger calling me to ask about my Social Security Number (SSN), personal contact information, or bank details while claiming they are from the bank or a phone company? 
  • When buying products online, why does the seller ask me to pay for goods using an insecure payment option like Bitcoin or money order?
  • Does the email I have received have any spelling or grammatical errors? Is the language used overly formal or informal?
  • If I do a quick search about the exact words of the email I received, does Google indicate it's a fraud or scam?
  • Why should a stranger manipulate me using obvious questions like “Would you want to be rich or poor?” While they already know the answer?
  • Is the email asking me to download an attachment? Or click a link to some insecure website? 
  • Is the person trying to make me feel selfish or guilty for not sending them money, whether for a donation or buying a product? 
  • Is the stranger portraying a sense of urgency and using pressure tactics? Are they telling me that their family member needs urgent medical attention?

Critical Thinking Questions About Your Life

It can also help to ask yourself a few critical thinking questions about your life. This way, you can gather basic information and uncover solutions to problems you might not have otherwise thought of.

  • Where do I wish to be in a few years, probably two, three, or five years? What short-term and long-term goals should I set?
  • What have I achieved so far from the time I set my previous goals? What should I be grateful for?
  • Do I have any values that guide me in life? If so, what are these values? Am I always true to these values?
  • Am I always worried about what people around me think? Can I act independently without the need to meet social expectations?
  • What should people say about me at my funeral? Would they talk about how good I made them feel or how rich and flashy I was?
  • If I wasn't afraid of anyone or anything, what would I have done? What if I didn't have any fear in me?
  • If today was my last day, what extraordinary thing would I do? Can I do it right now?
  • What should I do with the things that matter the most to me? 
  • What things will make the greatest difference in my future life if I take action now?
  • How should I react when I feel unwanted by the people I love the most? Should I tell them?

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Critical Thinking Questions for a Debate or Discussion

When you are in the middle of a debate or discussion, you need to know that what you are saying is fact, have evidence to support your claim, and position yourself as an expert in what you are saying. Here are some critical thinking questions to ask when you are in a debate or discussion.

  • Is there fairness in this discussion? Is the moderator supporting one side? Do they want to make one side look stupid or wrong? 
  • What is the aim of this discussion? Is there a major problem that needs to be solved? If so, how can I help solve it?
  • Who are the people affected by this discussion? If they were here, what would they say?
  • Do my views on this discussion matter? If I raise my point, will I be redundant?
  • What am I supposed to learn from this debate, and how can I use what I have learned in my daily life?
  • Does the audience seem to be biased towards one side? Are they booing one side? What can I do even if it's our opponents being booed?
  • Who are the discussion panel members? What views have they held about this kind of discussion or any other related discussions in the past?
  • How can I make my point without being ambiguous? Before I speak, should I take down some notes to avoid any confusion during my speech?
  • Am I ready to apologize if I make a mistake during the discussion? If so, what are the limits?
  • What information does my team, or I need before this discussion? 

Critical Thinking Questions About Lying

Admitting when you are wrong, choosing not to cheat, and sharing constructive feedback are all ways to show your honesty. Here are some critical thinking skills to ask regarding lying.

  • Will the lie hurt those I am telling, or will it help them? What if being honest might cause my friend unnecessary pain?
  • Should I be the one telling this person a lie, or I let someone else do it? 
  • Will I be the one hurt if I tell this lie? Will my friend feel I am a betrayer? Will it affect our friendship?
  • Do they answer my questions in detail, or are they always trying to ignore and dodge the main problem?
  • What if I ask these people the same question using different terms and wording? Will they give me the same response?
  • Did the tone of my friend suddenly change after I asked him/her this question? Do they sound louder, faster, or slower compared to how they usually speak?
  • Does this person have something to gain by lying to me? What is their motive?
  • Does this person take a sudden pause or hesitate more than usual when responding to my question?
  • When I look at these people's faces, do their facial expressions match what they say?
  • Should I believe this person or not? What are my intuitions? Does it look like they are telling the truth?
  • Do they blink like other days when I ask them questions? Are they always trying to avoid direct eye contact?
  • Why do they seem uncomfortable when it’s just a normal conversation?  

Critical Thinking Questions When Presented With a Claim

Critical thinking is much more than just evaluating whether a claim is true or not. It also means a critical thinker reflects on what follows from true claims.

  • What does this claim mean, and what are its implications? What if it's a false claim?
  • Which of my morals, values, or beliefs do I have to give up to accept this claim?
  • Do professionals in this field agree or disagree with the claim that has been made?
  • Do they have evidence to back their claim? Which is the most robust evidence to support the claim?
  • What argument can I come up with to refute this claim? Or what is the best view that can support this claim?
  • Who is the primary source of the claim being made? Is the basis of the claim reliable?
  • Is it a claim, or it's just an opinion?
  • Is the claim likely to be 100% false, true, or partially true?
  • Am I allowed to refute the claim and table my evidence, or is it one-sided?

Critical Thinking Interview Questions

Critical thinking skills are valuable in any industry or field and for almost all roles. During a job interview, you will be asked questions so the potential employer can assess your skills and see how you use logic. Your critical thinking ability is just one vital part that can play into your professional development.

  • Is there a time you had to convince someone to use an alternate approach to solve a problem?
  • Have you ever had to make a difficult decision quickly?
  • How would you handle a situation where your supervisor handled something wrong or made a mistake?
  • What is one of the most difficult decisions you have ever had to make at work?
  • How would you solve a disagreement between coworkers when approaching a project?
  • Can you describe a time when you anticipated a problem ahead of time and took the appropriate steps to stop the problem from becoming an issue?
  • If you discover a cheaper way to do something or a better solution to a problem and try to explain it to your supervisor, but they don’t understand, what do you do?

Critical Thinking Questions for Kids

We can’t leave the kids out either. Critical thinking questions for kids get them thinking and talking. It also allows a parent to get to know their child better.

  • How many grains of sand do you think are on the beach?
  • What would happen if it stopped raining?
  • Do you think there is life on other planets?
  • Should children be able to set their own bedtimes?
  • How would you describe what a tree looks like without saying green or leaves?
  • Can you name five different emotions?
  • Can you talk for five minutes without uttering “um?”

What Are the Basic Principles of Critical Thinking?

Your critical thinking skills involve gathering complete information, understanding and defining terms, questioning the methods by which we get facts, questioning the conclusions, and looking for hidden assumptions and biases.

Additionally, we can’t expect to find all of the answers, and we need to take the time to examine the big picture of it all.

Here are the basic principles:

  • Disposition: Someone with critical thinking skills is often skeptical, open-minded, and practices fair-mindedness. They can look at different viewpoints and change positions if the evidence and reason lead them to do so.
  • Criteria: In order to think critically, one must also apply criteria. Certain conditions must be met before someone believes in something. The information needs to be from credible sources.
  • Argument: An argument is simply a statement or proposition that is shown with supporting evidence. When you use your critical thinking skills, you identify, evaluate, and construct your argument.
  • Reasoning: With critical thinking comes reasoning. You must examine logical relationships among the statements being made.
  • Point of View: Critical thinkers can see things from different perspectives and different points of view.

What Are Good Analysis Questions?

Analysis is a part of critical thinking that allows you to examine something carefully. Someone with analytical skills can examine the information presented, understand what that information means, and then properly explain that information to others. Analysis in critical thinking provides more clarity on the information you process.

When analyzing, you may ask yourself, “how do I know this,” how would I solve this problem,” and “why does it matter?”

Why Is Critical Thinking an Important Skill?

Critical thinking skills allow you to express thoughts, ideas, and beliefs in a better way. It also leads to improved communication while allowing others to understand you better. Critical thinking fosters creativity and encourages out-of-the-box thinking. This is a skill that can be applied to many different areas of your life.

For example, knowing the answers to critical thinking questions for a job interview will better prepare you for the interview. Many employers, during questioning, are likely to ask you critical thinking questions to assess if you have the ability to evaluate information effectively so you can make more informed decisions.

Final Thoughts on Critical Thinking Questions

Although it's common to get torn between making two or more choices, nobody wants to make the wrong decision. The only thing you can do to avoid this is use critical thinking questions to examine your situation. The answers to these questions will help you make informed decisions and help you comprehend crucial matters in your life. 

Want to learn more about critical thinking and decision-making using a real-life example? Here is  how Jeff Bezos uses critical thinking  to make some of the most challenging life decisions.

Finally, if you want to ask better questions, then watch this short, 20-minute course to learn how to have a great conversation with virtually anyone .

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100+ Critical Thinking Questions for Students To Ask About Anything

Critical thinkers question everything.

critical thinking discussion topics

In an age of “fake news” claims and constant argument about pretty much any issue, critical thinking skills are key. Teach your students that it’s vital to ask questions about everything, but that it’s also important to ask the right sorts of questions. Students can use these critical thinking questions with fiction or nonfiction texts. They’re also useful when discussing important issues or trying to understand others’ motivations in general.

“Who” Critical Thinking Questions

Questions like these help students ponder who’s involved in a story and how the actions affect them. They’ll also consider who’s telling the tale and how reliable that narrator might be.

  • Is the protagonist?
  • Is the antagonist?
  • Caused harm?
  • Is harmed as a result?
  • Was the most important character?

critical thinking discussion topics

  • Is responsible?
  • Is most directly affected?
  • Should have won?
  • Will benefit?
  • Would be affected by this?

critical thinking discussion topics

  • Makes the decisions?

“What” Critical Thinking Questions

Ask questions that explore issues more deeply, including those that might not be directly answered in the text.

  • Background information do I know or need to know?
  • Is the main message?
  • Are the defining characteristics?

critical thinking discussion topics

  • Questions or concerns do I have?
  • Don’t I understand?
  • Evidence supports the author’s conclusion?
  • Would it be like if … ?
  • Could happen if … ?
  • Other outcomes might have happened?
  • Questions would you have asked?
  • Would you ask the author about … ?
  • Was the point of … ?
  • Should have happened instead?
  • Is that character’s motive?
  • Else could have changed the whole story?

critical thinking discussion topics

  • Can you conclude?
  • Would your position have been in that situation?
  • Would happen if … ?
  • Makes your position stronger?
  • Was the turning point?
  • Is the point of the question?
  • Did it mean when … ?
  • Is the other side of this argument?
  • Was the purpose of … ?
  • Does ______ mean?
  • Is the problem you are trying to solve?
  • Does the evidence say?
  • Assumptions are you making?
  • Is a better alternative?
  • Are the strengths of the argument?

critical thinking discussion topics

  • Are the weaknesses of the argument?
  • Is the difference between _______ and _______?

“Where” Critical Thinking Questions

Think about where the story is set and how it affects the actions. Plus, consider where and how you can learn more.

  • Would this issue be a major problem?
  • Are areas for improvement?
  • Did the story change?
  • Would you most often find this problem?

critical thinking discussion topics

  • Are there similar situations?
  • Would you go to get answers to this problem?
  • Can this be improved?
  • Can you get more information?
  • Will this idea take us?

“When” Critical Thinking Questions

Think about timing and the effect it has on the characters or people involved.

  • Is this acceptable?
  • Is this unacceptable?

critical thinking discussion topics

  • Does this become a problem?
  • Is the best time to take action?
  • Will we be able to tell if it worked?
  • Is it time to reassess?
  • Should we ask for help?
  • Is the best time to start?
  • Is it time to stop?
  • Would this benefit society?

critical thinking discussion topics

  • Has this happened before?

“Why” Critical Thinking Questions

Asking “why” might be one of the most important parts of critical thinking. Exploring and understanding motivation helps develop empathy and make sense of difficult situations.

  • Is _________ happening?
  • Have we allowed this to happen?
  • Should people care about this issue?

critical thinking discussion topics

  • Is this a problem?
  • Did the character say … ?
  • Did the character do … ?
  • Is this relevant?
  • Did the author write this?
  • Did the author decide to … ?
  • Is this important?

critical thinking discussion topics

  • Did that happen?
  • Is it necessary?
  • Do you think I (he, she, they) asked that question?
  • Is that answer the best one?
  • Do we need this today?

“How” Critical Thinking Questions

Use these questions to consider how things happen and whether change is possible.

  • Do we know this is true?
  • Does the language used affect the story?
  • Would you solve … ?
  • Is this different from other situations?

critical thinking discussion topics

  • Is this similar to … ?
  • Would you use … ?
  • Does the location affect the story?
  • Could the story have ended differently?
  • Does this work?
  • Could this be harmful?
  • Does this connect with what I already know?
  • Else could this have been handled?
  • Should they have responded?

critical thinking discussion topics

  • Would you feel about … ?
  • Does this change the outcome?
  • Did you make that decision?
  • Does this benefit you/others?
  • Does this hurt you/others?
  • Could this problem be avoided?

More Critical Thinking Questions

Here are more questions to help probe further and deepen understanding.

  • Can you give me an example?

critical thinking discussion topics

  • Do you agree with … ?
  • Can you compare this with … ?
  • Can you defend the actions of … ?
  • Could this be interpreted differently?
  • Is the narrator reliable?
  • Does it seem too good to be true?

critical thinking discussion topics

  • Is ______ a fact or an opinion?

What are your favorite critical thinking questions? Come exchange ideas on the WeAreTeachers HELPLINE group on Facebook .

Plus, check out 10 tips for teaching kids to be awesome critical thinkers ., you might also like.

Examples of critical thinking skills like correlation tick-tac-Toe, which teaches analysis skills and debates which teach evaluation skills.

5 Critical Thinking Skills Every Kid Needs To Learn (And How To Teach Them)

Teach them to thoughtfully question the world around them. Continue Reading

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1,400+ easy topics for group discussion with your students, share this article.

Get over 1,000 group discussion topic ideas, and understand the key ways to have productive discussions with your students.

Are you searching for new ways to keep your students on their toes? Sometimes it can feel overwhelming always looking for new, fun, and upbeat ways to keep your students engaged and entertained in your group discussions. 

Helping your students feel compelled to participate in group discussions has proven to be beneficial in more ways than one – besides the fact that it can help strengthen the bonds of your community (whether it be online or in-person), group discussions are an important part of the learning process for students. 

Group discussions facilitate student interactions, helping them learn how to communicate effectively with others. They promote a deeper understanding and help increase long-term information retention. Group discussions can also help increase students’ attention and help maintain their focus by involving them in the learning process. 

In this article, we will discuss why group discussions are so beneficial to the learning environment. We’ve also included some templates with a ton of easy topics for group discussions that can help you build a strong learning environment for your students! 

Related: What Are Learning Communities?

If you know what you are looking for right away, feel free to jump around and explore right away: 

Skip ahead here:

  • Benefits of Group Discussion in Online Courses & Communities

Easy Topics for Group Discussion

Gd topics to avoid, how to have a successful group discussion.

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Benefits of Group Discussion in Online Courses & Learning Communities

While we already mentioned some of the major benefits of group discussions, we just want to highlight the importance of group discussions in online courses and communities.

The purpose of having interesting discussion topics in an online course is to provide opportunities for students to interact with each other, the content, and the instructor. 

There are already certain barriers to learning in an online community – such as self-motivation, distractions, and isolation to name a few – which is why it is even more crucial to engage your students in a fun and meaningful way! 

Sometimes it’s hard for more traditional classroom experiences to translate nicely to engaging online learning experiences. Introducing new topics to discuss in a group at the beginning of each class could be the key to making your online course effective. This is because social interactions (especially in the online learning community) foster meaningful connections and involvement between your students. 

Social elements like incorporating interesting topics to discuss in a group complement online courses because they enable social learning , peer-to-peer support, and student-to-instructor support. They also enable students to hold each other accountable for learning goals while creating a sense of community and belonging.

Adding different topics for group discussion in online learning communities is another great and effective way for students to collaborate and connect with one another. A learning community is a shared place for discussion, so why not spice up your interactions by throwing in some thought-provoking and interesting topics to discuss in a group? 

Online vs. in-person group discussion

Now that we’ve covered some of the benefits of group discussions in online courses and communities, let’s discuss whether it is better to have online or in-person group discussions. 

We find purpose and accountability in learning communities, regardless if they are from online or in-person group discussions. The style of traditionally learning in a classroom is currently being sidelined as the online classroom learning style has gained popularity in recent years. However, there are some upsides and downsides to each option, which we will cover. 

Online group discussion

  • 27% said they have trust in the knowledge of their peers in an online community.
  • 45% said they value diverse opinions. Online communities allow space for a respectful way to learn, and can change the way students see the world. 
  • 37% said they appreciate a non-intimidating/judgemental space in an online community. 
  • 37% said they value the shared collective experience/pursuit. 
  • 52% agree that it’s easier to find others who share interests and passions in a community online vs in-person.
  • People can participate from the comfort of their homes or offices – they don’t need to travel to a classroom, meaning there are also no travel costs or facility rental costs.
  • Students can join in no matter where they are in the world.
  • Participants need to have the correct technology – a computer with a webcam, and typically certain browser configurations. This can limit the population to only people who have this equipment, which narrows down the participant range.
  • It is sometimes difficult with the virtual format to capture the richness of people together in a room, reading each other’s body cues and participating in exercises that require more than just speaking back and forth.

In-person group discussion

  • Non-verbal cues are a rich data source and contribute to how others may respond when people are in the room together. 
  • Can incorporate a wider variety of written and brainstorming exercises such as having students team up and sketch out concepts together. 
  • The course instructor can pick up on non-verbal cues and facilitate the conversation more personally.
  • There may not be very diverse populations, as people are limited to which area and city the course is being held in.
  • Cost is a prohibitive factor to assembling a group – either because of moderator travel costs or facility rental costs.

Ultimately, the structure of the course – whether it is online or in-person – will depend on the nature of the course itself and the environment that the course instructor thinks will be the most beneficial for their students. 

If you are looking for some easy topics, here are a few ideas to get you started.

Favorite Online Resources

The first topic on our list is “What are your favorite online resources?”. This is a great question to get people talking about the different websites and tools that they use on a daily basis. It can also be a great way to find new resources that people may not be aware of. It’s an easy conversation started that can lead to more in-depth topics along the way.

  • What is your favorite website or app for travel planning?
  • What is your favorite website or app for finding new recipes to try?
  • What is your favorite website or app for productivity and organization?
  • What is your favorite website for learning new skills or information?

Thoughts On The Internet

If you’re looking for a topic that will get people thinking, then you might want to try “What are your thoughts on the current state of the internet?”. This is a great way to get people to share their thoughts and opinions on the current state of the internet, and it can also be a great way to start a discussion about how the internet can be improved.

  • The role of the internet in promoting freedom of speech and censorship
  • The funniest memes and internet trends
  • How has the internet changed the music industry?
  • The role of the internet in creating and fostering online communities
  • The role of the internet in education and the future of traditional learning methods

The Impact of Social Media On Our Lives

This is another great topic that can get people thinking and talking. Social media has had a huge impact on our lives, and it’s definitely something worth discussing. It’s a topic that tends to have differing opinions, so the conversation may include many talking points with opportunities to share real-life examples of the impact. You can ask questions referring to what others may have seen on social media like Facebook groups . These groups often have a growing discussion board that can influence opinions. 

  • The impact of social media on our communication skills and real-life relationships
  • The use of social media for cyberbullying and harassment
  • The impact of social media on the economy and job market
  • The most absurd social media and internet trends and phenomena

The Pros and Cons of Technology

This is a great topic for discussion, particularly because it’s something that we all use on a daily basis. We rely heavily on technology, so understanding how people view it, both the negative and positive sides, can be quite interesting. It’s also a great way to start a conversation about how we can use technology more effectively, and how we can avoid its negative effects.

  • The effects of technology on job security and employment opportunities
  • The impact of technology on our ability to communicate and form relationships
  • The role of technology in promoting and suppressing privacy and data security
  • The effects of technology on our attention spans and memory retention
  • The role of technology in promoting and suppressing entrepreneurship and innovation

The Changing Landscape of Education

This is a great topic for discussion, especially if you have an online community full of students or educators. Education is constantly changing, so it’s important to stay up-to-date on the latest trends. This discussion can help people learn about new changes in education, and it can also be a great way to get different perspectives on the issue.

  • The impact of technology on the education system and traditional learning methods
  • The impact of big data and personalization in education on student privacy and autonomy
  • The role of online education and distance learning in the future of education
  • The role of education in shaping the future
  • The future of virtual reality education

The Importance of Connection

This is a great topic for discussion, particularly in online communities. It can be easy to feel isolated when we’re spending so much time online, so it’s important to find ways to connect with others. This discussion can help people find ways to connect with others, and it can also be a great way to get different perspectives on the issue.

  • How can we create a sense of community in our neighborhood?
  • How can we support and connect with people who are going through difficult times?
  • How can we connect with people with different communication styles?
  • How do shared interests foster connections between people?

Things That Inspire Your Creativity

This is a great topic for discussion, particularly in online communities. It can be easy to feel uninspired when we’re spending so much time online, so it’s important to find ways to get our creative juices flowing. This discussion can help people find inspiration, and it can also be a great way to get different perspectives on the issue.

Whatever the context, it is helpful to structure the discussions in a way that defines boundaries for the process and provides some degree of closure within the classroom. Be sure the topics you choose are relevant to your community and that they will promote critical thinking and analysis among your members. With some thoughtful planning, you can use group discussion to build a strong online community .

  • The role of positive emotions and happiness in inspiring creativity
  • How does culture and diversity influence creativity?
  • What is the role of creativity in education?
  • What are some common myths about creativity?
  • How can creativity be used to solve real-world problems?

“Would you rather” questions

These always make for a great discussion, and sometimes the answers will surprise you.

  • Would you rather travel to the past or future?
  • Would you rather speak every language or communicate with animals?
  • Would you rather go on a beach vacation or a ski vacation?
  • Would you rather be invisible or be able to fly?

There are a few topics that you may decide to avoid when having a group discussion. These topics can be controversial, and they can often lead to arguments. Some examples of these topics include:

If you’re not sure whether or not a topic is appropriate for discussion, then it’s always best to err on the side of caution.

Before you start using these topics in your course, how you can approach the group discussion to ensure its success, whether online or in person. Here are a few tips:

Create an inclusive environment

The effective facilitation of a group discussion involves recognizing that there will be many different perspectives and different skills needed to create an inclusive environment. 

In order to do so, it’s important to consider the components of effective group discussions and the conditions that promote small group interactions and engagement. Discussion is a powerful technique for active learning, and a well-facilitated discussion allows students to explore new ideas while recognizing and valuing the contributions of others.

To create an inclusive environment…

  • Allow participants to introduce themselves (you can even set up an ice breaker to have pairs of students introduce each other)
  • Be clear about group expectations and intentions 
  • Use inclusive language 
  • Don’t hesitate to ask for clarification if a question or comment is unclear 
  • Treat every student with respect and consideration
  • Develop an awareness of barriers to learning (cultural, social, personal) 
  • Provide sufficient time and space for students to gather their thoughts and contribute to group discussions
  • Provide opportunities for participants to get into pairs to share their ideas in a one-on-one setting (some students may be more comfortable with this initially)

Create a process to begin and end the group discussion

To ensure that your group discussion is off to a great start, it’s important to have a plan for the conversation. Think about possibly creating an introduction process. This can be as simple as having everyone introduce themselves and their thoughts on the topic at the beginning of class. 

Have an idea of how you want to wrap up the discussion, especially if there are time constraints. It may be a good idea to summarize the solid points that were brought up throughout the discussion, and praise everyone for participating. This will help to keep the momentum going for the next group discussion, ensuring that your learning community continues to connect with each other.

Make sure everyone has a chance to speak

When leading a group discussion, the one thing you don’t want happening is for one student to monopolize the conversation completely – the benefit of having a group discussion is to listen and hear everyone’s unique perspective on the topic!

One of the most important aspects of a successful group discussion is making sure that everyone has a chance to share their thoughts and opinions. If certain parties are dominating the discussion, actively call on others as you moderate the discussion to give them the floor. You could even go alphabetically. This is especially useful to help engage students who are more shy and would rather not say anything at all. 

Encourage people to ask questions 

A great way to get people talking is to encourage student participation. This helps keep the flow of the conversation steady, as well as actively engaging people to listen and think critically. 

Getting students to ask or write down follow-up questions to share allows them to voice their own thoughts and opinions. It may also be beneficial for the instructor to initiate some questions to help bring out their students’ ideas further.

Have an open mind

In good group discussions, conflicts will sometimes arise. It’s important to remember that not everyone is going to have the same exact opinion as you, and that’s okay. What’s important is that you’re able to listen to other people’s thoughts and perspectives, and have an open mind. 

Keep discussions constructive and positive

At the beginning of each group discussion, clarify the goals of each discussion and establish some of the ground rules for the group.

This can include:

  • Allowing all students time to speak
  • Sharing personal experiences rather than making general statements about groups of people (stereotyping)
  • Encouraging others to add their reactions or ideas to build on someone’s comment
  • Keeping discussions on track by listing the questions to cover on the board or in the chat, and summarizing the discussion as it proceeds 

Plan topics for group discussions that will resonate with your students 

When you’re planning your group discussion, make sure to choose topics that will resonate with your community to ensure that the discussion will be engaging and beneficial for everyone involved.

Perhaps at the end of class, you can ask everyone to leave a question that they would like to discuss the next time you all meet together. 

Identify potential problems in group discussions

It’s probable that not all group discussions will go smoothly, depending on the group and the nature of the topic. 

Some potential problems in group discussions include:

  • Disengaged students. If you have members who are no longer active in your community, try to engage them by sending them private messages or starting a discussion on a topic that they’re interested in. Also provide opportunities for smaller group discussions. 
  • Students who talk too much. Try redirecting the discussion to another person or another topic. Alternatively, you may wish to reframe their comments, making them viable additions to the discussion.
  • A discussion that turns into an argument. The course instructor may need to take a strong position as moderator, preventing students from interrupting each other or speaking simultaneously. Also, they could list both sides of the argument, allowing for respectful rebuttals.

Give students feedback 

Let your students know how they did in the group discussion. Offering individual constructive feedback can help your students feel more included and motivated to participate even more during the next group discussion. 

Create discussion forums

Discussion forums are essential to learning communities because they give students a place to keep the conversation going and generate more ideas on the topic. Discussion forums also help foster connection and engagement between your students. 

Related: It’s Time to Tap Into Togetherness with Communities

Creating an Engaging Online Community with Group Discussions

Online communities can be a great way to bring your students together in one place where they can discuss course content, apply their learnings, and ask questions. This also helps you get a pulse check on what your audience wants to learn from you.

When building an online community, it’s important to outline community guidelines —helping to improve communication, avoid conflict, and prevent chaos in your community.

Group discussion can be a great way to build an online community if you can get students talking and thinking about different topics. Just remember to keep an open mind, be respectful, and make sure that everyone has a chance to speak. With these tips, you’ll be well on your way to having a successful group discussion.

If you’re still looking for more ideas for GD topics, keep scrolling! Or try one of our Group Discussion Topic Generators:

  • Current Latest Trending Topics for Group Discussion
  • Topics for Discussion in English for Esl Students
  • Discussion Questions for Students
  • Technology Discussion Question Topics
  • Globalization Discussion Questions
  • Self Esteem Discussion Questions
  • Gender Discussion Questions
  • Work Life Balance Discussion Questions
  • Diversity Discussion Questions
  • Self Care Discussion Questions
  • Discussion Questions for Middle Schoolers
  • Discussion Questions about Identity
  • Discussion Questions about Entrepreneurship
  • Discussion Questions about Womens Rights
  • Group Discussion for Mba Students
  • Group Discussion Topics for Mba Hr Students
  • Group Discussion Topics for Mba Finance Students

1400+ Group Discussion Topics Categorized

Animal welfare, diversity and inclusion, easy topics.

  • Elementary school students (age-related)

English literature

Favorite online resources, fostering good relationships, funny group discussion ideas.

  • Health and Fitness
  • High school students (age-related)


  • Kindergarten group discussion topics (age-related)

Personal hygiene

Solving disputes, the changing landscape of education, the impact of social media on our lives, the pros and cons of technology.

  • Thoughts on the Internet

Would you rather

Young adult discussion topics.

  • What is animal welfare and why is it important?
  • How can we promote awareness about animal welfare issues in our communities?
  • What role should governments play in protecting animal welfare?
  • Should animals have legal rights and protections?
  • How can we reduce the environmental impact of animal agriculture while still ensuring animal welfare?
  • Should animal testing be banned?
  • What is the impact of animal entertainment, such as circuses and zoos, on animal welfare?
  • How can we reduce the number of animals used for food, clothing, and other products?
  • How can we ensure that animals in research labs are treated ethically and with respect?
  • Should we prioritize animal welfare over economic interests in industries such as agriculture and tourism?
  • How can we encourage responsible pet ownership and prevent animal neglect and abuse?
  • How can we ensure that animals used for human consumption are raised and slaughtered in humane conditions?
  • Should we prohibit the breeding of certain breeds of animals for cosmetic purposes?
  • How can we reduce the impact of human activity on wildlife habitats?
  • Should we restrict the use of animals in sports and other entertainment activities?
  • How can we prevent the spread of diseases between animals and humans?
  • What is the impact of climate change on animal welfare?
  • Should we prohibit the use of animals in military operations and experiments?
  • How can we ensure that animals used in educational and scientific exhibits are treated humanely?
  • Should we restrict the use of animals in fashion and beauty industries?
  • What is the impact of animal trafficking and poaching on animal welfare?
  • Should we restrict the use of animals in rodeos and other similar events?
  • How can we ensure that animals used for therapy and service purposes are treated ethically?
  • Should we ban the use of animals in circuses and other traveling shows?
  • How can we prevent animal cruelty and abuse in the food industry?
  • What is the impact of animal overpopulation on animal welfare?
  • Should we restrict the breeding and sale of exotic animals as pets?
  • How can we prevent animal cruelty in the entertainment industry, such as in films and television shows?
  • Should we prohibit the use of animals in product testing for cosmetics and personal care products?
  • How can we ensure that animals used for transportation are treated humanely?
  • Should we restrict the breeding and sale of animals for sport hunting?
  • How can we prevent animal cruelty in puppy mills and other large-scale breeding operations?
  • Should we restrict the use of animals in scientific research and testing?
  • How can we prevent animal cruelty in the fur and leather industries?
  • Should we restrict the use of animals in tourism and entertainment activities, such as elephant rides and swimming with dolphins?
  • How can we ensure that animals used for religious practices are treated humanely?
  • Should we restrict the use of animals in pest control?
  • How can we prevent animal cruelty and abuse in the entertainment industry, such as in theme parks and water parks?
  • Should we restrict the use of animals in hunting and fishing for sport?
  • How can we ensure that animals used for food are raised and slaughtered humanely in small-scale farming operations?
  • What is the impact of factory farming on animal welfare?
  • Should we restrict the breeding and sale of animals for use in laboratory testing?
  • How can we prevent animal cruelty and abuse in the pet industry, such as in pet stores and breeding operations?
  • Should we restrict the use of animals in traditional medicine practices?
  • How can we ensure that animals used for wool and silk production are treated humanely?
  • What is the impact of deforestation on animal welfare?
  • What is marketing and why is it important?
  • How can marketing help businesses connect with customers?
  • What are some common marketing strategies used by businesses today?
  • How can businesses effectively use social media for marketing?
  • Should businesses focus more on digital marketing or traditional marketing methods?
  • How can businesses effectively use email marketing to reach customers?
  • What is the role of customer research in marketing?
  • How can businesses effectively use influencer marketing?
  • Should businesses focus more on B2B or B2C marketing?
  • How can businesses effectively use content marketing to build their brand?
  • How can businesses effectively use search engine optimization (SEO) to improve their online visibility?
  • How can businesses measure the success of their marketing campaigns?
  • What is the impact of customer reviews on marketing?
  • How can businesses effectively use video marketing to engage with customers?
  • Should businesses focus more on inbound marketing or outbound marketing strategies?
  • How can businesses effectively use paid advertising, such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads?
  • What is the role of storytelling in marketing?
  • How can businesses effectively use mobile marketing to reach customers on-the-go?
  • How can businesses use gamification in their marketing strategies?
  • How can businesses effectively use location-based marketing?
  • Should businesses focus more on direct marketing or indirect marketing strategies?
  • How can businesses effectively use customer feedback to improve their marketing efforts?
  • What is the impact of influencer fraud on influencer marketing?
  • How can businesses effectively use affiliate marketing?
  • How can businesses effectively use customer segmentation in their marketing strategies?
  • How can businesses effectively use referral marketing to grow their customer base?
  • What is the role of experiential marketing in today’s business world?
  • How can businesses effectively use chatbots in their marketing strategies?
  • Should businesses focus more on global or local marketing strategies?
  • How can businesses effectively use customer retention strategies in their marketing efforts?
  • What is the impact of customer data privacy on marketing?
  • How can businesses effectively use loyalty programs in their marketing efforts?
  • How can businesses effectively use augmented reality in their marketing strategies?
  • What is the impact of customer experience on marketing?
  • How can businesses effectively use customer service as a marketing tool?
  • How can businesses use user-generated content in their marketing efforts?
  • What is the role of personalization in marketing?
  • How can businesses effectively use chat marketing in their strategies?
  • How can businesses effectively use artificial intelligence in their marketing efforts?
  • Should businesses focus more on brand awareness or lead generation in their marketing strategies?
  • How can businesses effectively use native advertising in their marketing strategies?
  • How can businesses effectively use retargeting in their marketing efforts?
  • What is the role of video ads in marketing?
  • How can businesses effectively use customer advocacy in their marketing strategies?
  • How can businesses use data analytics to improve their marketing efforts?
  • How can businesses effectively use social listening to improve their marketing strategies?
  • Should businesses focus more on emotional marketing or rational marketing strategies?
  • How can businesses effectively use chatbots for customer service and support?
  • What is the role of mobile apps in marketing?
  • How can businesses effectively use customer reviews in their marketing efforts?
  • How can businesses use memes and viral marketing in their strategies?
  • How can businesses effectively use podcast marketing to reach new audiences?
  • Should businesses focus more on omnichannel or multichannel marketing strategies?
  • How can businesses effectively use direct mail marketing in the digital age?
  • What is the impact of customer experience on brand loyalty?
  • What is sales and why is it important for businesses?
  • What are some common sales techniques used by sales professionals today?
  • How can businesses effectively train their sales teams?
  • What is the role of customer relationship management (CRM) in sales?
  • How can businesses effectively use data analytics to improve their sales efforts?
  • Should businesses focus more on inbound or outbound sales strategies?
  • What is the role of customer service in sales?
  • How can businesses effectively use sales automation tools?
  • How can businesses effectively use social selling to connect with customers?
  • What is the impact of customer retention on sales?
  • How can businesses effectively use referral selling to grow their customer base?
  • Should businesses focus more on product knowledge or customer knowledge in their sales efforts?
  • What is the role of storytelling in sales?
  • How can businesses effectively use video selling to engage with customers?
  • How can businesses effectively use sales forecasting to plan for the future?
  • How can businesses effectively use sales enablement tools?
  • Should businesses focus more on B2B or B2C sales strategies?
  • How can businesses effectively use account-based selling to target specific customers?
  • What is the impact of customer experience on sales?
  • How can businesses effectively use upselling and cross-selling techniques?
  • Should businesses focus more on inbound or outbound prospecting strategies?
  • How can businesses effectively use customer feedback to improve their sales efforts?
  • What is the role of emotional intelligence in sales?
  • How can businesses effectively use value-based selling techniques?
  • How can businesses effectively use objection handling techniques in their sales efforts?
  • Should businesses focus more on relationship selling or transactional selling?
  • How can businesses effectively use storytelling in their sales pitches?
  • What is the impact of social proof on sales?
  • How can businesses effectively use customer personas in their sales efforts?
  • Should businesses focus more on inside sales or outside sales strategies?
  • What is the role of empathy in sales?
  • How can businesses effectively use competitive analysis in their sales efforts?
  • How can businesses effectively use social media for sales?
  • Should businesses focus more on product selling or solution selling?
  • How can businesses effectively use customer advocacy in their sales strategies?
  • What is the role of sales coaching in developing sales professionals?
  • How can businesses effectively use customer success stories in their sales pitches?
  • Should businesses focus more on consultative selling or transactional selling?
  • What is the impact of sales process optimization on sales?
  • How can businesses effectively use customer segmentation in their sales efforts?
  • How can businesses effectively use persuasive language in their sales pitches?
  • Should businesses focus more on inbound or outbound lead generation strategies?
  • What is the role of social listening in sales?
  • How can businesses effectively use sales funnels to guide customers through the sales process?
  • How can businesses effectively use customer data to personalize their sales pitches?
  • Should businesses focus more on account management or new business development in their sales efforts?
  • What is the impact of sales productivity on overall business success?
  • How can businesses effectively use sales promotions to drive sales?
  • Should businesses focus more on online sales or offline sales strategies?
  • What is the role of customer experience in post-sales support?
  • How can businesses effectively use sales contests to motivate sales teams?
  • Should businesses focus more on sales specialization or generalization?
  • What is the impact of sales pipeline management on sales success?
  • How can businesses effectively use email marketing for sales?
  • How can businesses effectively use virtual selling in the digital age?
  • Should businesses focus more on lead qualification or lead generation in their sales efforts?
  • What is the role of market research in sales?
  • How can businesses effectively use account-based marketing to support their sales efforts?
  • How can businesses effectively use storytelling in their sales follow-up efforts?
  • Should businesses focus more on price-based selling or value-based selling?
  • What is the impact of sales forecasting accuracy on overall business success?
  • How can businesses effectively use customer surveys to improve their sales efforts?
  • Should businesses focus more on product differentiation or brand differentiation in their sales strategies?
  • What is the role of networking in sales?
  • How can businesses effectively use sales collateral to support their sales efforts?
  • Should businesses focus more on lead nurturing or lead conversion in their sales strategies?
  • What is the impact of sales culture on sales success?
  • How can businesses effectively use customer testimonials to support their sales efforts?
  • Should businesses focus more on sales specialization or cross-functional collaboration?
  • What is the role of sales performance metrics in sales management?
  • How can businesses effectively use online advertising for sales?
  • Should businesses focus more on inbound or outbound account-based marketing strategies?
  • What is the impact of product packaging on sales?
  • How can businesses effectively use sales incentives to motivate their sales teams?
  • Should businesses focus more on inside sales or field sales strategies?
  • What is the role of product demos in sales?
  • How can businesses effectively use content marketing for sales?
  • Should businesses focus more on product features or customer benefits in their sales pitches?
  • What is the impact of sales coaching on sales performance?
  • How can businesses effectively use lead scoring to prioritize their sales efforts?
  • Should businesses focus more on sales specialization or sales generalization?
  • What is the role of sales territories in sales management?
  • Should businesses focus more on referral selling or cold calling in their sales strategies?
  • What is the impact of sales technology on sales productivity?
  • How can businesses effectively use chatbots for sales?
  • Should businesses focus more on relationship building or closing techniques in their sales efforts?
  • What is the role of sales incentives in improving customer loyalty?
  • How can businesses effectively use sales gamification to engage their sales teams?
  • Should businesses focus more on customer acquisition or customer retention in their sales strategies?
  • What is the impact of sales training on sales performance?
  • How can businesses effectively use customer success stories to support their sales efforts?
  • The role of art in society
  • The impact of technology on contemporary art
  • The evolution of art throughout history
  • The future of art and technology
  • The Influence of culture on Art
  • The importance of art education
  • The impact of public art on communities
  • The power of public art in creating social change
  • The value of art in mental health and wellbeing
  • The role of Museums in preserving art history
  • The relationship between art and politics
  • The impact of globalization on art
  • The Influence of religion on Art
  • The role of the artist in society
  • The ethics of art censorship
  • The power of art to create empathy
  • The impact of art on social justice movements
  • The relationship between art and science
  • The role of art in personal expression
  • The evolution of street art and graffiti
  • The impact of art on urban spaces
  • The influence of art on popular culture
  • The role of art in healing trauma
  • The importance of art therapy
  • The role of art in preserving cultural heritage
  • The impact of art on the economy
  • The future of virtual reality art
  • The ethics of art forgery and plagiarism
  • The power of art to bring people together
  • The role of art in environmental activism
  • The impact of art on tourism
  • The influence of art on fashion
  • The role of art in education
  • The impact of art on advertising
  • The relationship between art and literature
  • The evolution of art movements throughout history
  • The impact of color theory on art
  • The power of art to convey emotions
  • The role of art in documenting history
  • The influence of art on interior design
  • The impact of art on cultural identity
  • The role of art in social media
  • The ethics of cultural appropriation in art
  • The role of art in protest movements
  • The power of art to promote diversity and inclusion
  • The impact of art on fashion photography
  • The role of art in community development
  • The influence of architecture on art
  • The impact of art on fashion design
  • The role of art in marketing and advertising
  • The ethics of graffiti art and vandalism
  • The power of art to tell personal stories
  • The influence of art on theater and performance
  • The role of art in the digital age
  • The impact of art on video game design
  • The future of augmented reality in art
  • The role of art in political propaganda
  • The ethics of art ownership and copyright
  • The power of art to challenge societal norms
  • The impact of art on fashion illustration
  • The role of art in branding and identity
  • The influence of music on art
  • The impact of art on graphic design
  • The role of art in public speaking and presentations
  • The ethics of public art and community engagement
  • The power of art to inspire creativity
  • The impact of art on product design
  • The role of art in the beauty industry
  • The influence of nature on art
  • The impact of art on animation and film
  • The role of art in spiritual and religious expression
  • The ethics of art as a commodity
  • The power of art to promote self-reflection
  • The influence of art on product packaging
  • The role of art in branding and marketing
  • The impact of art on fashion advertising
  • The future of art in artificial intelligence
  • The role of art in video production
  • The influence of art on industrial design
  • The impact of art on public relations
  • The role of art in visual storytelling
  • The ethics of street art and property rights
  • The power of art to promote cultural understanding
  • The impact of art on web design
  • The role of art in event planning
  • The influence of art on packaging design
  • The impact of art on interior decorating
  • The role of art in journalism and news reporting
  • The ethics of cultural heritage preservation and restoration
  • The power of art to convey social commentary
  • The influence of art on fashion accessories
  • The impact of art on architecture and building design
  • The role of art in fashion styling and image consulting
  • The future of art in virtual and augmented reality
  • The ethics of art and cultural sensitivity
  • The power of art to promote social change and activism
  • The impact of art on product branding and marketing
  • The role of art in international diplomacy and relations.
  • What are some ways to overcome shyness or social anxiety and connect with others?
  • How can we build stronger relationships with our family members?
  • What are some effective ways to communicate and connect with coworkers?
  • How can we create a sense of community in our neighborhoods?
  • What are some ways to connect with people who have different cultural backgrounds?
  • How can we use social media to connect with others in a meaningful way?
  • How can we deepen our friendships and maintain strong connections with people?
  • What are some ways to connect with people who share our interests or passions?
  • What are some ways to build trust and create a safe space for sharing with others?
  • How can we be more empathetic and understanding in our interactions with others?
  • What are some ways to connect with people who have different political views?
  • How can we create a sense of belonging in groups or organizations?
  • What are some ways to connect with people in our local community?
  • How can we be more vulnerable and open in our relationships with others?
  • What are some ways to connect with people in different age groups?
  • How can we create a supportive environment for sharing personal experiences?
  • What are some ways to connect with people in different professions or industries?
  • How can we connect with people who have different lifestyles or values?
  • How can we practice active listening and show genuine interest in others?
  • What are some ways to connect with people through volunteering or community service?
  • How can we connect with people through shared hobbies or activities?
  • How can we connect with people who are geographically distant?
  • What are some ways to build positive relationships with our coworkers?
  • How can we connect with people who have different communication styles?
  • What are some ways to connect with people from different socioeconomic backgrounds?
  • How can we connect with people who have different religious or spiritual beliefs?
  • How can we connect with people who are experiencing loneliness or isolation?
  • What are some ways to connect with people who speak a different language?
  • How can we connect with people who are part of marginalized communities?
  • What are some ways to connect with people through acts of kindness or generosity?
  • How can we connect with people who have different personality types?
  • How can we build stronger relationships with our romantic partners?
  • What are some ways to connect with people who have different learning styles?
  • How can we connect with people through shared goals or aspirations?
  • How can we connect with people who have different abilities or disabilities?
  • What are some ways to connect with people who have different life experiences?
  • How can we build stronger relationships with our children or parents?
  • How can we connect with people who have different communication barriers?
  • What are some ways to connect with people through shared values or beliefs?
  • How can we build stronger relationships with our friends?
  • How can we connect with people who have different senses of humor?
  • How can we connect with people who have different dietary preferences?
  • What are some ways to connect with people through shared music or art?
  • How can we connect with people who have different opinions on controversial issues?
  • How can we build stronger relationships with our mentors or mentees?
  • How can we connect with people who have different relationship styles?
  • How can we connect with people who have different career goals or aspirations?
  • What are some ways to connect with people through shared travel experiences?
  • The role of cooking in cultural identity and tradition
  • The impact of technology and innovation on cooking techniques and recipes
  • The importance of using fresh, whole ingredients in cooking and meal preparation
  • The benefits and challenges of cooking with different diets, such as vegetarian, vegan, gluten-free, etc.
  • The role of cooking in building community and relationships
  • The history and evolution of cooking methods and cuisine
  • The benefits of cooking with family and friends, and the role of cooking in bringing people together
  • The impact of food waste and sustainability on cooking and meal planning
  • The importance of cooking skills and meal planning for healthy eating and living
  • The role of cooking in stress relief and self-care
  • The benefits and challenges of cooking with limited time and resources
  • The impact of social media and popular culture on cooking trends and styles
  • The importance of food presentation and plating in cooking and meal presentation
  • The benefits of cooking with seasonal and local ingredients
  • The role of cooking in economic and financial well-being, including meal planning and budgeting
  • The impact of cultural exchange and fusion in cooking and cuisine
  • The importance of knife skills and kitchen safety in cooking
  • The benefits and challenges of cooking for large groups and events
  • The role of cooking in exploring and understanding other cultures through food
  • The impact of food allergies and intolerances on cooking and meal planning
  • The importance of experimentation and creativity in cooking and recipe development
  • The benefits and challenges of cooking for one or cooking solo
  • The role of cooking in maintaining and improving mental and physical health
  • The impact of cooking and food education in schools and communities
  • The importance of cooking as a lifelong skill for personal and professional development.
  • The role of nature and the great outdoors in inspiring creativity
  • The impact of travel and new experiences on creativity and imagination
  • The effects of music, art, and literature on the imagination and creative expression
  • The impact of play and unstructured time on imaginative thinking and creative problem solving
  • The effects of mindfulness and meditation on creative thought and inspiration
  • The role of curiosity and exploration in stimulating creative ideas and solutions
  • The impact of social and cultural diversity on creative expression and innovation
  • The effects of collaboration and teamwork in inspiring creative solutions and ideas
  • The role of failure and setbacks in fostering creative growth and resilience
  • The impact of quiet time and solitude on the creative process and imaginative thinking
  • The effects of playfulness and humor on creative expression and problem solving
  • The role of storytelling and oral traditions in inspiring imaginative thinking and creative expression
  • The impact of physical activity and exercise on the imagination and creative thinking
  • The effects of mindfulness and being present in the moment on the imagination and creative thinking
  • The role of sleep and rest in fostering creative ideas and inspiration
  • The impact of surrounding oneself with positive and supportive people on creative expression and problem solving
  • The effects of taking breaks and allowing the mind to wander on the imagination and creative process
  • The role of creating a supportive and stimulating physical environment for creativity
  • The impact of taking on new challenges and learning new skills on imaginative thinking and creative expression
  • The effects of connecting with one’s passions and personal interests on creative expression and problem solving
  • The role of dreaming and the subconscious mind in inspiring creative ideas and solutions
  • The impact of overcoming obstacles and challenges on creative growth and resilience
  • The effects of nature and exposure to the elements on creative inspiration and problem solving
  • The role of experimentation and trying new things in fostering creative expression and innovative thinking.
  • What is creativity and how can we define it?
  • What are the benefits of creativity in our personal and professional lives?
  • How can we encourage creativity in the workplace or in school?
  • How can we overcome creative blocks and generate new ideas?
  • What role does environment play in fostering creativity?
  • How can technology be used to enhance creativity?
  • How can we balance structure and freedom to encourage creativity?
  • How can different forms of art inspire creativity in other areas of our lives?
  • How can collaboration lead to more creative ideas?
  • How can we measure creativity and its impact?
  • How can we use creativity to improve mental health and well-being?
  • What are some examples of innovative and creative companies?
  • How can we use creativity to promote sustainability and environmentalism?
  • How can we use creativity to improve communication and empathy?
  • How can we incorporate creativity into our daily routines?
  • What are some creative ways to approach problem-solving?
  • How can we overcome fear and take risks in our creative pursuits?
  • How can we use creativity to challenge and disrupt the status quo?
  • How can we use creativity to build community and bring people together?
  • What are some common obstacles to creativity and how can we overcome them?
  • How can we use creativity to express ourselves and our identities?
  • How can we use creativity to foster innovation and entrepreneurship?
  • How can we use creativity to improve our physical health and fitness?
  • How can we use creativity to bridge cultural and social divides?
  • How can we use creativity to explore and understand complex ideas?
  • What are some examples of successful creative projects or initiatives?
  • How can we use creativity to drive social and political change?
  • How can we use creativity to improve our relationships with others?
  • How can we use creativity to create memorable and impactful experiences?
  • How can we use creativity to inspire and motivate ourselves and others?
  • How can we use creativity to preserve and celebrate cultural traditions?
  • How can we use creativity to foster critical thinking and problem-solving skills?
  • How can we use creativity to create a better future for ourselves and others?
  • How can we use creativity to explore and express our emotions?
  • How can we use creativity to promote empathy and understanding?
  • How can we use creativity to create more inclusive and equitable societies?
  • How can we use creativity to improve our cognitive and intellectual abilities?
  • How can we use creativity to promote self-discovery and personal growth?
  • How can we use creativity to create more meaningful and fulfilling lives?
  • How can we use creativity to connect with nature and the environment?
  • How can we use creativity to promote positive social and cultural change?
  • How can we use creativity to promote innovation and progress in different fields?
  • How can we use creativity to improve our ability to adapt to change?
  • How can we use creativity to create new opportunities and possibilities?
  • How can we use creativity to overcome adversity and difficult circumstances?
  • How can we use creativity to promote healing and recovery from trauma?
  • The impact of implicit biases and stereotypes on diversity and inclusion
  • The importance of allyship and solidarity in promoting diversity and inclusion
  • The benefits and challenges of workplace diversity and inclusion initiatives
  • The role of education and awareness in promoting diversity and inclusion
  • The impact of historical and systemic discrimination on diversity and inclusion
  • The benefits and challenges of actively seeking out diverse perspectives and experiences
  • The importance of embracing and celebrating cultural differences in promoting diversity and inclusion
  • The role of diversity and inclusion in personal and professional development
  • The impact of media representation and media literacy on diversity and inclusion
  • The benefits and challenges of actively addressing privilege and power dynamics in promoting diversity and inclusion
  • The importance of open-mindedness and empathy in promoting diversity and inclusion
  • The role of language and communication in promoting diversity and inclusion
  • The impact of intersectionality on diversity and inclusion
  • The benefits and challenges of diversity and inclusion in community organizations and activism
  • The importance of actively promoting and advocating for diversity and inclusion in all areas of life
  • The role of technology and innovation in promoting diversity and inclusion
  • The impact of globalization and cultural exchange on diversity and inclusion
  • The benefits and challenges of promoting diversity and inclusion in education
  • The importance of encouraging diverse leadership and representation in all industries
  • The role of diverse representation in politics and government in promoting diversity and inclusion
  • The impact of personal experiences and narratives on diversity and inclusion
  • The benefits and challenges of creating inclusive and welcoming spaces for all individuals
  • The importance of examining and addressing personal biases in promoting diversity and inclusion
  • The role of diversity and inclusion in promoting overall equality and justice
  • The impact of individual actions and choices on promoting diversity and inclusion in communities and society.
  • The benefits of daily exercise
  • Ways to reduce stress
  • The importance of good sleep
  • The impact of social media on relationships
  • Budgeting and saving money
  • The benefits of volunteering
  • The effects of technology on work-life balance
  • Healthy eating habits
  • The benefits of traveling
  • The importance of hydration
  • The impact of the internet on communication
  • The benefits of mindfulness and meditation
  • Time management strategies
  • The importance of setting goals
  • The impact of technology on education
  • The benefits of reading
  • The importance of self-care
  • The effects of social media on self-esteem
  • The benefits of spending time in nature
  • The importance of emotional intelligence
  • The impact of social media on politics
  • The benefits of team sports
  • The importance of friendships
  • The effects of technology on personal relationships
  • The benefits of public speaking
  • The importance of positive thinking
  • The impact of social media on mental health
  • The benefits of community service
  • The importance of good leadership
  • The effects of technology on privacy
  • The benefits of networking
  • The importance of good communication skills
  • The impact of social media on body image
  • The benefits of continuous learning
  • The importance of time with family
  • The effects of technology on relationships with others
  • The benefits of having a support system
  • The importance of forgiveness
  • The impact of social media on personal branding
  • The benefits of creativity and innovation
  • The importance of public speaking skills
  • The effects of technology on productivity
  • The benefits of being organized
  • The importance of taking breaks
  • The impact of social media on personal relationships
  • The benefits of spending time alone
  • The importance of resilience
  • The effects of technology on memory retention
  • The benefits of public speaking and presentation skills
  • The importance of work-life balance

Elementary school students (age related)

  • The importance of kindness and empathy
  • The benefits of outdoor play
  • The role of imagination in creativity
  • The importance of eating healthy food
  • The benefits of having a positive attitude
  • The role of teamwork in solving problems
  • The importance of good hygiene
  • The benefits of physical activity
  • The role of honesty in building trust
  • The importance of helping others
  • The benefits of being grateful
  • The role of perseverance in achieving goals
  • The importance of being environmentally responsible
  • The benefits of creativity and self-expression
  • The role of cooperation in friendships
  • The importance of good manners and etiquette
  • The benefits of reading and learning
  • The role of positive self-talk in building confidence
  • The importance of empathy and understanding towards others
  • The benefits of kindness and compassion
  • The role of friendship in building strong relationships
  • The importance of being safe in daily life
  • The benefits of laughter and humor
  • The role of respect in building strong relationships
  • The importance of taking care of one’s body
  • The role of teamwork in group activities
  • The importance of being responsible and reliable
  • The benefits of practicing gratitude
  • The role of patience in achieving success
  • The importance of using one’s imagination
  • The benefits of creative problem solving
  • The role of resilience in overcoming challenges
  • The benefits of expressing oneself through art and music
  • The role of empathy in developing strong relationships
  • The importance of positive self-image
  • The benefits of practicing forgiveness
  • The role of trust in building strong relationships
  • The importance of healthy sleep habits
  • The benefits of teamwork and cooperation
  • The role of responsibility in daily life
  • The importance of positive role models
  • The benefits of physical activity and exercise
  • The role of goal setting in personal development
  • The importance of being environmentally conscious
  • The benefits of helping others and giving back
  • The role of good communication in resolving conflicts
  • The importance of healthy boundaries in relationships
  • The benefits of practicing empathy and compassion.
  • Who is your favorite English author and why?
  • Can literature influence society and culture?
  • How has English literature evolved over the years?
  • Is it necessary to have a degree in English literature to appreciate it?
  • Is the study of English literature relevant in today’s world?
  • Should English literature be taught in schools?
  • What is your favorite English novel and why?
  • Can literature be used as a form of escapism?
  • Is it important for authors to have personal experiences to write good literature?
  • Is it necessary for authors to write in a particular style?
  • Can literature be used to understand different cultures and perspectives?
  • Is it important for literature to have a moral message?
  • Is it necessary for literature to be entertaining?
  • Should literature be judged on its literary merit or popularity?
  • Can literature be used to promote social change?
  • Is it necessary for literature to reflect real-life issues?
  • Is the literary canon too focused on white male authors?
  • Can literature be considered a reflection of society?
  • Is it necessary for authors to have a particular writing process?
  • Can literature be used to improve empathy and emotional intelligence?
  • Should literature be used in therapy?
  • Is it important for literature to be historically accurate?
  • Is it necessary for literature to be timeless?
  • Is it important for literature to be relatable?
  • Is it necessary for literature to have a plot?
  • Can literature be considered a form of art?
  • Is it important for literature to be accessible to all?
  • Is the use of symbolism in literature important?
  • Can literature be used to improve language skills?
  • Should literature be free from censorship?
  • Is it important for literature to be culturally diverse?
  • Can literature be used to understand human nature?
  • Is it necessary for literature to have a moral lesson?
  • Is it important for literature to be optimistic?
  • Can literature be used to explore human emotions and relationships?
  • Is it necessary for literature to have a happy ending?
  • Should literature be used to inspire social activism?
  • Can literature be used to educate people about historical events?
  • Is it necessary for literature to have a protagonist and antagonist?
  • Should literature be used to teach critical thinking?
  • Is it necessary for literature to have a clear message?
  • Should authors be held responsible for the messages in their literature?
  • Can literature be used to explore political ideologies?
  • Is it necessary for literature to have a realistic portrayal of characters?
  • Can literature be used to explore the meaning of life?
  • Is it important for literature to be unique and original?
  • Can literature be used to explore the human psyche?
  • Is it necessary for literature to have a specific genre?
  • Should literature be used to explore controversial topics?
  • Can literature be used to understand the past and predict the future?
  • Can literature be used to promote tolerance and understanding?
  • Should literature be used to challenge societal norms?
  • Can literature be used to teach empathy and compassion?
  • Is it necessary for literature to have a specific structure?
  • Can literature be used to explore philosophical ideas?
  • Should literature be used to explore the supernatural?
  • Is it necessary for literature to have a resolution?
  • Can literature be used to explore the mysteries of the universe?
  • Should literature be used to explore the absurdities of life?
  • Can literature be used to explore the human condition?
  • Is it necessary for literature to have a hero’s journey?
  • The most useful online resources for students
  • The best online resources for learning a new skill
  • Online resources for remote work and collaboration
  • Online resources for mental health and wellness
  • The most helpful online resources for cooking and recipe ideas
  • The most informative online resources for current events and news
  • Online resources for budgeting and personal finance management
  • The most entertaining online resources for movies and TV shows
  • The best online resources for fitness and exercise inspiration
  • The most helpful online resources for travel and adventure planning
  • The most useful online resources for job search and career development
  • The most informative online resources for science and technology news
  • Online resources for self-improvement and personal growth
  • The most entertaining online resources for music and concerts
  • The most helpful online resources for shopping and fashion tips
  • The most informative online resources for sports news and analysis
  • The most useful online resources for language learning
  • The best online resources for art and design inspiration
  • The most helpful online resources for home improvement and DIY projects
  • The most informative online resources for political news and analysis
  • Online resources for spiritual growth and wellness
  • The most entertaining online resources for comedy and humor
  • The most useful online resources for car and vehicle maintenance
  • The best online resources for gardening and horticulture tips
  • The most helpful online resources for pet care and animal welfare
  • What is your go-to website for news and current events?
  • What is your favorite social media platform and why?
  • Do you have a favorite website or app for productivity or organization? If so, what is it?
  • What is your favorite website or app for entertainment?
  • Do you have a favorite website or app for staying healthy or fit? If so, what is it?
  • What is your favorite website or app for online shopping?
  • Do you have a favorite website or app for travel planning? If so, what is it?
  • What is your favorite website or app for booking events or activities?
  • Do you have a favorite website or app for language learning? If so, what is it?
  • What is your favorite website or app for music streaming?
  • Do you have a favorite website or app for discovering new books to read? If so, what is it?
  • What is your favorite website or app for watching movies or TV shows?
  • Do you have a favorite website or app for connecting with friends or family online? If so, what is it?
  • What is your favorite website or app for creating and sharing videos?
  • Do you have a favorite website or app for discovering new podcasts? If so, what is it?
  • What is your favorite website or app for finding and booking local services, such as haircuts or massages?
  • Do you have a favorite website or app for finding and booking travel accommodations? If so, what is it?
  • What is your favorite website or app for online banking?
  • Do you have a favorite website or app for finding and booking flights? If so, what is it?
  • What is your favorite website or app for finding and booking rental cars?
  • Do you have a favorite website or app for managing your finances or investments? If so, what is it?
  • What is your favorite website or app for job searching and career development?
  • Do you have a favorite website or app for learning about new technology or gadgets? If so, what is it?
  • What is your favorite website or app for discovering new podcasts? If so, what is it?
  • Do you have a favorite website or app for discovering and booking local events, such as concerts or festivals? If so, what is it?
  • What is your favorite website or app for finding and booking fitness classes or workouts?
  • Do you have a favorite website or app for finding and booking beauty services, such as manicures or facials? If so, what is it?
  • What is your favorite website or app for staying up-to-date on pop culture?
  • Do you have a favorite website or app for finding and booking outdoor activities, such as hiking or kayaking? If so, what is it?
  • What is your favorite website or app for learning about mental health and wellness?
  • Do you have a favorite website or app for finding and booking volunteer opportunities? If so, what is it?
  • What is your favorite website or app for discovering and booking travel experiences, such as tours or cultural activities?
  • Do you have a favorite website or app for finding and booking pet services, such as dog walking or pet grooming? If so, what is it?
  • What is your favorite website or app for finding and booking home services, such as cleaning or repairs?
  • Do you have a favorite website or app for finding and booking outdoor adventure experiences
  • The importance of effective communication in fostering good relationships
  • The benefits and challenges of setting and maintaining healthy boundaries in relationships
  • The role of trust and honesty in fostering good relationships
  • The impact of emotional intelligence on fostering good relationships
  • The benefits and challenges of active listening and empathy in relationships
  • The importance of mutual respect and understanding in fostering good relationships
  • The role of shared values and interests in fostering good relationships
  • The impact of past experiences and traumas on fostering good relationships
  • The benefits and challenges of overcoming conflicts and resolving disputes in relationships
  • The importance of maintaining individual autonomy and independence in relationships
  • The role of compromise and negotiation in fostering good relationships
  • The impact of effective time management and prioritization on fostering good relationships
  • The benefits and challenges of managing expectations and setting realistic goals in relationships
  • The importance of forgiveness and letting go in fostering good relationships
  • The role of self-awareness and self-reflection in fostering good relationships
  • The impact of social and cultural norms on fostering good relationships
  • The benefits and challenges of actively expressing gratitude and appreciation in relationships
  • The importance of physical and emotional intimacy in fostering good relationships
  • The role of transparency and open-mindedness in fostering good relationships
  • The impact of personal growth and development on fostering good relationships
  • The benefits and challenges of fostering good relationships with in-laws and extended family members
  • The importance of supporting and encouraging personal growth and success in relationships
  • The role of compromise and compromise in fostering good relationships
  • The impact of technology and social media on fostering good relationships
  • The benefits and challenges of promoting honesty, vulnerability, and authenticity in fostering good relationships.
  • The funniest movies and TV shows of all time
  • The most ridiculous fashion trends in history
  • The funniest jokes and puns you’ve ever heard
  • The most embarrassing moments you’ve experienced
  • The funniest pranks you’ve played or seen
  • The most ridiculous celebrity gossip and rumors
  • The funniest accents and impressions you can do
  • The most ridiculous names you’ve heard
  • The funniest autocorrect and typo fails
  • The most bizarre conspiracy theories you’ve heard
  • The most ridiculous superstitions and beliefs
  • The funniest quotes from comedians and celebrities
  • The most embarrassing personal habits you’ve noticed in others
  • The funniest animals and their antics
  • The most ridiculous trends and fads from your childhood
  • The funniest bloopers and outtakes from movies and TV shows
  • The most absurd laws and regulations you’ve heard of
  • The funniest jokes about different countries and cultures
  • The most ridiculous tech fails and glitches
  • The funniest nicknames and pet names you’ve heard
  • The most absurd celebrity interviews and appearances
  • The funniest parodies and mock commercials
  • The most ridiculous new year’s resolutions you’ve heard
  • The funniest pick-up lines and one-liners you’ve heard.
  • The most absurd internet challenges and trends
  • The funniest celebrity impressions and parodies
  • The most ridiculous product inventions and infomercials
  • The funniest jokes about different professions
  • The most absurd news headlines and articles
  • The funniest jokes about different languages and accents
  • The most ridiculous tourist attractions and roadside attractions
  • The funniest jokes about different cultures and customs
  • The most absurd fashion and beauty trends and products
  • The funniest jokes about different types of food
  • The most ridiculous wedding and baby shower trends
  • The funniest jokes about different types of sports
  • The most absurd reality TV shows and competitions
  • The funniest jokes about different types of hobbies and interests
  • The most ridiculous historical events and figures
  • The funniest jokes about different types of music and musicians
  • The most absurd TV and movie spin-off shows and sequels
  • The funniest jokes about different types of relationships and dating
  • The most ridiculous beauty and grooming products and rituals
  • The funniest jokes about different types of transportation
  • The most absurd urban legends and ghost stories
  • The funniest jokes about different types of weather and natural disasters
  • The most ridiculous fashion and beauty mishaps and fails
  • The funniest jokes about different types of pets and animals
  • The most absurd holiday and seasonal traditions and customs
  • The funniest jokes about different types of technology and gadgets
  • The most ridiculous business and marketing strategies and campaigns
  • The funniest jokes about different types of health and wellness practices
  • The most absurd historical and scientific discoveries and theories
  • The funniest jokes about different types of entertainment and media
  • The most ridiculous personal and lifestyle trends and fads
  • The funniest jokes about different types of fashion and beauty
  • The most absurd political and social movements and issues
  • The funniest jokes about different types of art and creativity
  • The most ridiculous environmental and sustainability efforts and causes
  • The funniest jokes about different types of travel and tourism
  • The funniest jokes about different types of education and learning
  • The most ridiculous personal and social norms and expectations
  • The funniest jokes about different types of work and careers
  • The most absurd philosophical and spiritual beliefs and practices
  • The funniest jokes about different types of history and heritage
  • The most ridiculous conspiracy theories and mysteries
  • The funniest jokes about different types of food and drink
  • The most absurd personal and social quirks and idiosyncrasies
  • The funniest jokes about different types of nature and the outdoors
  • The most ridiculous personal and social insecurities and anxieties

Health and fitness

  • The impact of technology and innovation on health and fitness practices
  • The importance of a balanced diet and nutrition for overall health and well-being
  • The benefits and challenges of incorporating physical activity into a busy lifestyle
  • The role of genetics and family history in health and fitness
  • The impact of stress and mental health on physical health and well-being
  • The benefits and challenges of mindfulness and meditation in promoting health and fitness
  • The importance of sleep for overall health and fitness
  • The role of community and social support in health and fitness practices
  • The impact of technology and screen time on physical and mental health
  • The benefits and challenges of outdoor and environmental fitness
  • The importance of injury prevention and recovery in fitness and physical activity
  • The role of fitness and physical activity in managing and preventing chronic conditions
  • The impact of cultural and societal influences on health and fitness practices and beliefs
  • The benefits and challenges of strength training and weightlifting for health and fitness
  • The importance of individualized and customized fitness plans for personal health goals
  • The role of health and fitness in personal and professional development
  • The impact of climate change and the environment on health and fitness
  • The benefits and challenges of group fitness classes and training programs
  • The importance of mental health and body image in overall health and fitness
  • The role of health and fitness in disease prevention and management
  • The impact of food culture and food industry on health and fitness
  • The benefits and challenges of performance-enhancing drugs and supplements in fitness
  • The importance of hydration and fluid intake for health and fitness
  • The role of health and fitness in promoting overall happiness and well-being
  • The impact of international travel and relocation on health and fitness practices and habits.

High school students (age related)

  • The impact of social media on society
  • The importance of diversity and inclusion
  • The benefits of college education
  • The role of technology in shaping the future
  • The impact of climate change
  • The importance of self-care and mental health
  • The benefits of volunteering and community service
  • The role of critical thinking in problem solving
  • The impact of politics on society
  • The importance of good time management
  • The role of teamwork in achieving success
  • The impact of fake news and misinformation
  • The importance of healthy relationships
  • The benefits of effective communication skills
  • The role of leadership in community development
  • The impact of social media on self-esteem
  • The importance of goal setting and personal development
  • The role of creativity and innovation in problem solving
  • The importance of stress management
  • The benefits of financial literacy and budgeting
  • The role of self-reflection in personal growth
  • The impact of technology on work-life balance
  • The importance of a healthy work-life balance
  • The benefits of civic engagement and community involvement
  • The role of perseverance in achieving success
  • The impact of the media on body image
  • The importance of a positive self-image
  • The benefits of community service and volunteerism
  • The impact of social media on privacy
  • The importance of self-expression and creativity
  • The role of positive thinking in personal development
  • The impact of technology on the environment
  • The importance of mental and emotional intelligence
  • The benefits of physical and mental well-being
  • The importance of setting and achieving personal goals
  • The benefits of continuous learning and self-improvement
  • The role of diversity and cultural understanding in a global society
  • The importance of strong personal relationships
  • The benefits of taking risks and stepping outside of one’s comfort zone
  • The role of accountability in personal development
  • The impact of the internet on privacy and security
  • The importance of maintaining a healthy work-life balance.
  • What is your favorite historical era and why?
  • Can we learn from history and prevent past mistakes?
  • How has history been taught and remembered differently in different cultures and countries?
  • Should history be rewritten to correct past inaccuracies and injustices?
  • How has technology changed the way we study and understand history?
  • How has historical fiction influenced our understanding of history?
  • Can historical events and figures be seen in shades of gray rather than black and white?
  • How has globalization impacted the study and understanding of history?
  • Should controversial historical figures and events be celebrated or condemned?
  • What role does propaganda play in shaping our understanding of historical events?
  • How has imperialism impacted the world’s history and current state of affairs?
  • Can history be used to predict the future?
  • What is the importance of preserving historical artifacts and landmarks?
  • How has the interpretation of history changed over time?
  • What can we learn from the study of history that can be applied to the present day?
  • How have historical events impacted social and cultural movements?
  • Should history be used to justify present-day actions and policies?
  • Can history be a source of inspiration?
  • How has the history of colonization impacted indigenous cultures and communities?
  • Should the study of history be mandatory in schools?
  • How has historical revisionism impacted our understanding of events and figures?
  • Can history be used to challenge present-day prejudices and biases?
  • How have gender and race influenced our understanding of history?
  • Should history be taught in a more objective or subjective manner?
  • How have historical events influenced art, literature, and culture?
  • How has the study of history impacted scientific and technological advancements?
  • How have historical events shaped the current political landscape?
  • Should history be taught in a global or regional context?
  • How have wars and conflicts impacted the world’s history and current state of affairs?
  • Can we learn from the mistakes of past leaders and societies?
  • How have historical events impacted international relations and diplomacy?
  • Should historical figures who committed atrocities be remembered and celebrated?
  • How has the study of history impacted our understanding of human nature?
  • Can we ever truly understand the motives and actions of historical figures?
  • How has the study of history influenced our understanding of religion and spirituality?
  • Should history be used to inspire activism and social change?
  • How have historical events impacted the natural environment and conservation efforts?
  • Can we learn from the successes and achievements of historical figures?
  • How has the study of history influenced our understanding of economics and trade?
  • Should history be used to inform policy decisions?
  • How has the history of medicine and healthcare impacted our current understanding and practices?
  • How have historical events shaped our understanding and treatment of mental health?
  • Can we learn from the mistakes of past civilizations and prevent their downfall?
  • How has the history of education impacted current systems and practices?
  • Should we prioritize the study of global or national histories?
  • How have historical events impacted human migration and displacement?
  • Can we learn from the successes and failures of past social movements?
  • How has the history of science and technology impacted our current understanding and practices?
  • Should historical events and figures be judged by present-day standards and values?
  • How has the study of history impacted our understanding and treatment of human rights and social justice?
  • Artificial intelligence and its impact on society
  • Climate change and global warming
  • The future of space exploration
  • The effects of social media on human interaction
  • The history and evolution of the internet
  • Ethical issues in biotechnology
  • Alternative energy sources
  • The impact of technology on job market
  • Privacy concerns in the digital age
  • The role of government in education
  • The importance of mental health
  • The role of media in shaping public opinion
  • The impact of the gig economy
  • The history of civil rights movements
  • The impact of globalization on local cultures
  • The effects of income inequality
  • The role of technology in healthcare
  • The future of transportation
  • The influence of advertising on consumer behavior
  • The impact of COVID-19 on the global economy
  • The role of social media in politics
  • The history and future of virtual reality
  • The effects of climate change on wildlife
  • The ethics of animal testing
  • The impact of automation on employment
  • The history of the feminist movement
  • The effects of economic sanctions
  • The role of technology in agriculture
  • The influence of peer pressure on young people
  • The impact of the music industry on society
  • The history and future of renewable energy
  • The ethics of genetic engineering
  • The impact of the digital divide on society
  • The role of technology in urbanization
  • The effects of fast fashion on the environment
  • The history and future of cybersecurity
  • The impact of political correctness on free speech
  • The role of social media in activism
  • The influence of artificial intelligence on human creativity
  • The impact of economic globalization on local businesses
  • The ethics of drones and autonomous weapons
  • The history and future of space tourism
  • The effects of online education on traditional education
  • The role of technology in disaster response and recovery
  • The influence of technology on interpersonal communication
  • The impact of gentrification on urban communities
  • The ethics of surveillance in a digital age
  • The history and future of renewable energy storage
  • The effects of income tax policies on the economy
  • The role of technology in solving global problems.
  • The impact of technology on society and daily life
  • The changing landscape of education and its effects on students and society
  • The pros and cons of social media and its impact on communication and relationships
  • The ethics and moral implications of new advancements in science and technology
  • The role of government and politics in shaping society and individual freedoms
  • Environmental concerns and sustainability efforts in the face of global climate change
  • The meaning and purpose of life and personal fulfillment
  • The effects of globalization and cultural exchange on society and identity
  • Mental health and wellness in the modern world
  • The impact of media and pop culture on attitudes and beliefs.

Kindergarden group discussion topics (age related)

  • The importance of sharing and taking turns
  • My favorite animals and why
  • The colors of the rainbow and how to mix them
  • My favorite foods and why
  • My family and where I live
  • The different seasons and what I like about each
  • My favorite toys and games
  • My favorite shapes and how to draw them
  • The different types of weather and how it affects us
  • My favorite books and stories
  • The importance of being polite and using kind words
  • My favorite numbers and how to count
  • The different types of transportation and how they work
  • My favorite fruits and vegetables and why they are good for us
  • My favorite things to do outside
  • My favorite songs and why
  • The importance of following rules and staying safe
  • My favorite animals and their habitats
  • My favorite art materials and how to use them
  • The different types of buildings and their functions
  • My favorite TV shows and movies
  • The importance of being active and moving our bodies
  • My favorite holidays and celebrations
  • The different types of plants and how they grow
  • The importance of good hygiene and keeping our bodies clean.
  • The role of math in everyday life and real-world applications
  • The challenges and benefits of learning and understanding higher-level math concepts
  • The impact of technology on the teaching and learning of math
  • The history and evolution of mathematical concepts and theories
  • The use of real-world problems and examples to enhance understanding of math
  • The importance of critical thinking and problem solving skills in mathematics
  • The role of math in fields such as science, engineering, finance, and economics
  • The benefits and limitations of using calculators and other technology in math education
  • The impact of cultural and societal attitudes on the perception and study of math
  • The relationship between math and creativity, including the use of visual and imaginative thinking in solving mathematical problems
  • The use of manipulatives and hands-on learning in math education
  • The role of group work and collaboration in enhancing understanding of math concepts
  • The impact of individual learning styles and preferences on the study and understanding of math
  • The benefits and challenges of teaching and learning math in a multilingual and multicultural classroom
  • The role of failure and persistence in enhancing math skills and understanding
  • The impact of math on society and advancements in areas such as medicine, transportation, and space exploration
  • The relationship between math and art, including the use of mathematical principles in artistic expression
  • The benefits of learning and using multiple methods and strategies in solving mathematical problems
  • The role of assessment and feedback in improving math skills and understanding
  • The impact of incorporating real-world data and statistics in math education
  • The importance of understanding the connections between math concepts and their applications
  • The role of prior knowledge and experiences in shaping math skills and understanding
  • The impact of parental and community involvement in math education and success
  • The benefits and challenges of integrating technology and digital resources in math education
  • The importance of ongoing professional development for math teachers to enhance their teaching practices and student outcomes.
  • Is music a universal language?
  • How has music evolved over the years?
  • Should music be considered an art form?
  • Can music influence your mood?
  • Is there a particular genre of music that you prefer?
  • How important is music in your life?
  • Is it possible for music to bring people together?
  • What role does music play in society?
  • Is it necessary to have a good voice to be a successful musician?
  • Is music becoming too commercialized?
  • Can music be used as a form of therapy?
  • Is the music industry too focused on looks and image?
  • Is it necessary for musicians to write their own songs?
  • Should music be taught in schools?
  • Is autotune ruining music?
  • Can music be used as a political tool?
  • Is the music industry inclusive enough?
  • Is it ethical to use samples in music?
  • Is streaming killing the music industry?
  • Should musicians be role models?
  • Is it important for a musician to be able to play an instrument?
  • Is classical music relevant in today’s world?
  • Should music be free?
  • Does music have a positive impact on mental health?
  • Should music be censored?
  • Is music becoming too explicit?
  • Is it necessary for a musician to have a gimmick?
  • Is music becoming too formulaic?
  • Can music be used to bring about social change?
  • Is it important for a musician to have formal training?
  • Is the Grammys the ultimate recognition of a musician’s talent?
  • Is it necessary for musicians to tour?
  • Is music becoming too digitized?
  • Is it necessary for a musician to have a good stage presence?
  • Can music be considered a form of self-expression?
  • Is it necessary for a musician to have a unique sound?
  • Should music videos be considered an art form?
  • Can music be used to promote peace?
  • Should musicians collaborate with artists from other genres?
  • Is it necessary for musicians to have a manager?
  • Is the music industry sexist?
  • Is it necessary for a musician to be a good performer?
  • Should musicians be involved in politics?
  • Is it necessary for musicians to be good songwriters?
  • Is it ethical for musicians to sell merchandise at their concerts?
  • Is it necessary for a musician to have a distinct look?
  • Should music critics be taken seriously?
  • Can music be used to bridge cultural divides?
  • Is it necessary for a musician to be able to read sheet music?
  • Should musicians be paid more for their work?
  • Is music becoming too repetitive?
  • Should musicians be judged on their personal lives?
  • Is it necessary for a musician to have a message in their music?
  • Is it necessary for a musician to have a good personality?
  • Should musicians be involved in charity work?
  • Is it necessary for a musician to have a strong social media presence?
  • Should music be used in advertising?
  • Is music becoming too focused on technology?
  • Should music festivals have more diverse lineups?
  • Is it necessary for a musician to have a brand?
  • Should musicians have a say in how their music is used?
  • Can music be used to raise awareness about social issues?
  • Is it necessary for a musician to have a certain image?
  • Should musicians be involved in fashion?
  • Is music becoming too political?
  • Should musicians have more control over their music?
  • The importance of hand washing in promoting personal hygiene
  • The benefits and challenges of maintaining a regular grooming routine
  • The role of dental hygiene in overall health and well-being
  • The impact of diet and nutrition on personal hygiene
  • The benefits and challenges of maintaining personal hygiene while traveling
  • The importance of showering and bathing in promoting personal hygiene
  • The role of hygiene in preventing the spread of illnesses and diseases
  • The impact of personal hygiene on social and professional interactions
  • The benefits and challenges of maintaining personal hygiene in communal living spaces
  • The importance of regular grooming of hair and nails in promoting personal hygiene
  • The role of personal hygiene in preventing body odor and bad breath
  • The impact of personal hygiene on self-esteem and confidence
  • The benefits and challenges of promoting personal hygiene for children and teenagers
  • The importance of personal hygiene in promoting mental and emotional well-being
  • The role of hygiene in preventing skin irritation and infections
  • The impact of environmental factors on personal hygiene
  • The benefits and challenges of promoting personal hygiene for individuals with disabilities
  • The importance of personal hygiene in promoting a healthy and clean living environment
  • The impact of hygiene habits on the longevity and health of personal items, such as clothing and bedding
  • The benefits and challenges of promoting personal hygiene in public spaces
  • The importance of personal hygiene in promoting a positive body image
  • The role of hygiene in maintaining a healthy vaginal and genital area for women
  • The impact of hygiene on overall hygiene and hygiene on the environment
  • The benefits and challenges of promoting personal hygiene for individuals with limited resources and access to personal care products.
  • The impact of scientific advancements on society and daily life
  • The ethics and morality of scientific research and experimentation
  • The role of science in understanding and solving global problems such as climate change and disease
  • The history and evolution of scientific theories and discoveries
  • The importance of interdisciplinary collaboration in scientific research
  • The role of technology and innovation in advancing scientific understanding
  • The benefits and challenges of science education and outreach to the public
  • The relationship between science and religion, and the perception of science in different cultures
  • The role of experimentation and observation in scientific inquiry
  • The impact of funding and resources on scientific research and discovery
  • The importance of critical thinking and skepticism in evaluating scientific claims
  • The benefits and limitations of computer modeling and simulation in scientific research
  • The role of science in shaping public policy and decision-making
  • The impact of science on industry and commerce, including the development of new products and technologies
  • The role of diversity and representation in science and scientific research
  • The relationship between science and art, including the use of scientific principles in artistic expression
  • The importance of communication and presentation skills in sharing and promoting scientific discoveries
  • The impact of science on global health and medicine, including the development of new treatments and vaccines
  • The role of science in exploring and understanding the natural world, including astronomy and geology
  • The benefits of cross-cultural exchange and collaboration in scientific research
  • The impact of science on energy and the environment, including alternative and sustainable energy sources
  • The role of science in understanding and exploring the human mind and behavior
  • The importance of science literacy and understanding among the general public
  • The impact of science on communication and information technology, including the development of the internet
  • The role of science in advancing our understanding of the universe and the origins of life.
  • The importance of effective communication in solving disputes
  • The benefits and challenges of using active listening and empathy in dispute resolution
  • The role of compromise and negotiation in solving disputes
  • The impact of emotions and biases on the resolution of disputes
  • The benefits and challenges of using mediation and alternative dispute resolution methods
  • The importance of understanding the root causes of disputes in finding a resolution
  • The role of power dynamics and fairness in solving disputes
  • The impact of cultural and social norms on resolving disputes
  • The benefits and challenges of using humor and levity in resolving disputes
  • The importance of identifying and managing expectations in solving disputes
  • The role of trust and transparency in solving disputes
  • The impact of past experiences and traumas on resolving disputes
  • The benefits and challenges of using data and facts in solving disputes
  • The importance of considering multiple perspectives in resolving disputes
  • The role of laws, regulations, and policies in resolving disputes
  • The impact of online and digital communication in resolving disputes
  • The benefits and challenges of seeking outside help and support in resolving disputes
  • The importance of taking responsibility and accountability in resolving disputes
  • The role of forgiveness and letting go in resolving disputes
  • The impact of personal beliefs and values on resolving disputes
  • The benefits and challenges of using positive reinforcement in resolving disputes
  • The importance of maintaining relationships and avoiding retaliation after resolving disputes
  • The role of patience and persistence in resolving disputes
  • The impact of personal growth and development on resolving disputes
  • The benefits and challenges of promoting long-term solutions and preventative measures in resolving disputes.
  • The impact of technology on traditional education methods and the classroom experience
  • The effects of standardized testing and high-stakes exams on student learning and motivation
  • The impact of budget cuts and decreased funding on the quality of education
  • The role of educators and schools in promoting diversity, inclusivity, and social justice
  • The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the education system and students’ learning experiences
  • The impact of the achievement gap and educational inequities on student outcomes and opportunities
  • The role of parents and families in supporting and participating in their children’s education
  • The effects of the increasing cost of higher education on student debt and access to opportunities
  • The impact of the growing emphasis on STEM education and the devaluation of the arts and humanities
  • The role of schools and educators in addressing and preventing bullying and harassment
  • The effects of the political climate and political debates on the education system and curriculum
  • The impact of the use of big data and personalization in education on student privacy and autonomy
  • The role of schools and educators in fostering critical thinking, creativity, and independent learning
  • The effects of the growing use of technology in education on student attention spans and focus
  • The impact of the growing push for vocational and trade schools on traditional four-year colleges and universities
  • The role of schools and educators in promoting mental health and wellness in students
  • The effects of the achievement gap and education disparities on the workforce and economic opportunities
  • The impact of the changing job market and workforce demands on the education system and curriculum
  • The role of schools and educators in promoting and supporting student engagement and activism
  • The effects of the growing emphasis on high-stakes testing and data-driven decision making on teaching quality and creativity
  • The impact of the use of standardized assessments and national standards on local control and autonomy of schools
  • The role of schools and educators in addressing the digital divide and unequal access to technology
  • The effects of the growing use of online resources and digital materials on the preservation of traditional knowledge and skills
  • The impact of the changing political climate and immigration policies on access to education for all students.
  • The effects of social media on self-esteem and body image
  • The role of social media in promoting and suppressing diversity and inclusivity
  • The effects of social media on our political beliefs and activism
  • The impact of social media on privacy and personal data security
  • The role of social media in promoting and suppressing mental health and wellness
  • The effects of social media on the traditional news media and journalism
  • The impact of social media on our ability to focus and concentrate
  • The role of social media in fostering online communities and support groups
  • The effects of social media on our understanding of the world and current events
  • The role of social media in promoting and suppressing entrepreneurship and innovation
  • The effects of social media on our attention spans and memory retention
  • The impact of social media on the entertainment industry and the distribution of creative content
  • The role of social media in promoting and suppressing freedom of speech and censorship
  • The effects of social media on the education system and traditional learning methods
  • The impact of social media on advertising and consumer behavior
  • The role of social media in promoting and suppressing political discourse and activism
  • The effects of social media on our ability to form and maintain romantic relationships
  • The impact of social media on the healthcare industry and access to medical information
  • The role of social media in promoting and suppressing environmental sustainability and eco-consciousness
  • The effects of social media on our sense of humor and comedic taste
  • The impact of social media on the criminal justice system and law enforcement
  • The role of social media in promoting and suppressing democracy and human rights.
  • The impact of technology on our ability to communicate and form real-life relationships
  • The role of technology in promoting and suppressing privacy and personal data security
  • The effects of technology on mental health and well-being
  • The role of technology in promoting and suppressing freedom of speech and censorship
  • The impact of technology on the entertainment industry and the distribution of creative content
  • The effects of technology on our physical health and fitness
  • The impact of technology on the economy and job market
  • The role of technology in promoting and suppressing environmental sustainability and eco-consciousness
  • The effects of technology on our political beliefs and activism
  • The impact of technology on the healthcare industry and access to medical information
  • The role of technology in promoting and suppressing diversity and inclusivity
  • The effects of technology on self-esteem and body image
  • The impact of technology on advertising and consumer behavior
  • The role of technology in promoting and suppressing democracy and human rights
  • The effects of technology on the traditional news media and journalism
  • The impact of technology on our understanding of the world and current events
  • The role of technology in promoting and suppressing mental health and wellness
  • The effects of technology on our ability to form and maintain romantic relationships
  • The impact of technology on the criminal justice system and law enforcement
  • The role of technology in fostering online communities and support groups
  • The effects of technology on our sense of humor and comedic taste.

Thoughts on the internet

  • The impact of social media on society and relationships
  • The role of the internet in shaping political discourse and activism
  • The effects of internet addiction and technology overuse on mental health
  • The role of the internet in spreading false information and misinformation
  • The impact of e-commerce and online shopping on brick and mortar businesses
  • The use of the internet for privacy invasion and government surveillance
  • The impact of the internet on traditional forms of media, such as newspapers and television
  • The effects of the internet on employment and job opportunities
  • The impact of the internet on relationships and dating
  • The use of the internet for cybercrime and hacking
  • The impact of the internet on cultural exchange and global interconnectedness
  • The effects of the internet on language and communication
  • The role of the internet in promoting and suppressing diversity and inclusivity
  • The impact of the internet on the economy and job market
  • The use of the internet for virtual reality and augmented reality experiences
  • The role of the internet in promoting and suppressing entrepreneurship and innovation
  • The impact of the internet on healthcare and access to medical information
  • The effects of the internet on environmental sustainability and eco-consciousness
  • The role of the internet in promoting and suppressing democracy and human rights
  • The impact of the internet on the entertainment industry and the distribution of creative content
  • The use of the internet for telemedicine and remote healthcare services
  • The role of the internet in the future of work and the impact on job security.
  • The impact of technology on personal well-being
  • The importance of self-care and self-compassion in promoting well-being
  • The benefits and challenges of mindfulness and meditation practices
  • The role of social connections and community in promoting well-being
  • The impact of stress and anxiety on personal well-being
  • The benefits and challenges of exercise and physical activity for well-being
  • The importance of sleep for overall well-being
  • The role of nature and the environment in promoting well-being
  • The impact of work-life balance on personal well-being
  • The benefits and challenges of spiritual practices and beliefs for well-being
  • The importance of relationships and communication skills in promoting well-being
  • The role of creative expression in promoting well-being
  • The impact of financial stability and financial planning on personal well-being
  • The benefits and challenges of volunteering and giving back for well-being
  • The importance of play and leisure activities for overall well-being
  • The role of personal values and purpose in promoting well-being
  • The impact of cultural and societal norms on personal well-being
  • The benefits and challenges of therapy and mental health support for well-being
  • The importance of self-reflection and personal growth for overall well-being
  • The role of humor and laughter in promoting well-being
  • The impact of travel and new experiences on personal well-being
  • The benefits and challenges of community involvement and activism for well-being
  • The importance of healthy boundaries and personal space for overall well-being
  • The role of gratitude and positive thinking in promoting well-being
  • The impact of media consumption and social media on personal well-being.
  • Would you rather have a superpower that allows you to read minds or one that allows you to become invisible?
  • Would you rather have a guaranteed job offer after graduation or have the opportunity to travel for a year before starting your career?
  • Would you rather have a job where you work with your hands or one where you work with your mind?
  • Would you rather have a job where you work independently or one where you work closely with others?
  • Would you rather have a job that is physically demanding or one that is mentally demanding?
  • Would you rather have a job with a lot of responsibility or one where you have less responsibility?
  • Would you rather have a job that allows you to be creative or one that is more structured?
  • Would you rather have a job with a set schedule or one that is flexible?
  • Would you rather have a job that is fast-paced or one that is more relaxed?
  • Would you rather work in an environment that is quiet or one that is more lively and social?
  • Would you rather have a job where you have to learn new things constantly or one that is more routine?
  • Would you rather work for a small company or a large corporation?
  • Would you rather have a job with a set salary or one where you get paid based on performance?
  • Would you rather have a job where you can work from home or one where you have to go into the office?
  • Would you rather have a job that involves a lot of travel or one where you can stay close to home?
  • Would you rather work in a job that allows you to help others or one that primarily benefits yourself?
  • Would you rather have a job where you work outdoors or one where you are indoors all day?
  • Would you rather have a job where you have to use your creativity or one where you have to use your analytical skills?
  • Would you rather work in a job that involves a lot of public speaking or one where you can avoid it?
  • Would you rather have a job that involves a lot of physical activity or one where you can sit at a desk?
  • Would you rather work in a job that allows you to dress casually or one where you have to dress professionally?
  • Would you rather have a job where you work with children or one where you work with adults?
  • Would you rather work in a job that involves a lot of math or one where you don’t have to use math?
  • Would you rather have a job that is challenging but rewarding or one that is easy but less fulfilling?
  • Would you rather work in a job where you have a lot of autonomy or one where you have to follow strict guidelines?
  • Would you rather have a job that involves a lot of creativity or one that is more analytical?
  • Would you rather have a job where you have a lot of interactions with people or one where you work more independently?
  • Would you rather have a job where you work during traditional business hours or one where you work during non-traditional hours?
  • Would you rather work in a job where you have to make a lot of decisions or one where you don’t have to make many decisions?
  • Would you rather work in a job where you have a set schedule or one where the schedule is more flexible?
  • Would you rather have a job where you get to work with animals or one where you don’t?
  • Would you rather work in a job where you have a lot of physical contact with others or one where you have less physical contact?
  • Would you rather travel to the past or the future?
  • Would you rather live without internet or live without air conditioning/heating?
  • Would you rather be a superhero or a villain?
  • Would you rather have a pet dragon or a pet unicorn?
  • Would you rather have the power to read minds or the power to teleport?
  • Would you rather always be 10 minutes late or always be 20 minutes early?
  • Would you rather have a photographic memory or have the ability to forget anything you want?
  • Would you rather be a famous musician or a famous actor/actress?
  • Would you rather live in a world without music or a world without movies?
  • Would you rather have a personal chef or a personal assistant?
  • Would you rather have the ability to speak any language fluently or be a master of every musical instrument?
  • Would you rather have the power of super strength or the power of telekinesis?
  • Would you rather have a personal chauffeur or a personal trainer?
  • Would you rather have the ability to talk to animals or the ability to speak any human language fluently?
  • Would you rather be a professional athlete or a successful business owner?
  • Would you rather live in a world where everyone can read minds or a world where everyone can fly?
  • Would you rather always have to speak in rhyme or always have to sing everything you say?
  • Would you rather have the ability to breathe underwater or the ability to fly underwater?
  • Would you rather be a character in a romantic comedy or a horror movie?
  • Would you rather live in a world where it never stops raining or a world where it never stops snowing?
  • Would you rather have a job that pays well but you hate, or a job that pays poorly but you love?
  • Would you rather be able to time travel but never come back to the present or be stuck in the present forever?
  • Would you rather have the power to heal any illness or have the power to bring the dead back to life?
  • Would you rather have the power to control the weather or have the power to control time?
  • Would you rather be able to speak every language in the world or be able to communicate with animals?
  • Would you rather be able to teleport anywhere in the world or be able to create any object with your mind?
  • Would you rather have the power to fly or have the power to become invisible?
  • Would you rather be able to travel to any fictional world or be able to bring fictional characters to life?
  • Would you rather live in a world with no technology or a world with no nature?
  • Would you rather be able to breathe fire or be able to breathe ice?
  • Would you rather be a famous author or a famous painter?
  • Would you rather have the ability to turn invisible or have the ability to walk through walls?
  • Would you rather be able to communicate with the dead or have the ability to see the future?
  • Would you rather be able to transform into any animal or have the power to control any animal’s mind?
  • Would you rather have a photographic memory or be able to instantly learn anything?
  • Would you rather be able to talk to plants or be able to talk to machines?
  • Would you rather be a famous scientist or a famous musician?
  • Would you rather be able to travel to any point in history or be able to travel to any point in the future?
  • Would you rather have the ability to breathe underwater or have the ability to swim as fast as a dolphin?
  • Would you rather be able to understand and speak all languages or be able to read minds?
  • Would you rather be able to move objects with your mind or have the power of super speed?
  • Would you rather be able to create illusions or have the ability to shape shift?
  • Would you rather be able to control fire or control water?
  • Would you rather have a flying car or a submarine car?
  • Would you rather be able to see in the dark or have night vision?
  • Would you rather be a famous athlete or a famous chef?
  • Would you rather be able to control the internet or control the media?
  • Would you rather live in a world with no books or a world with no movies?
  • The impact of social media on modern communication
  • The importance of mental health awareness
  • The benefits and drawbacks of remote work
  • The ethics of genetic engineering and gene editing
  • The future of renewable energy
  • The impact of technology on personal relationships
  • The influence of pop culture on society
  • The rise of entrepreneurship and the gig economy
  • The effect of music on mental health
  • The challenges and benefits of multiculturalism
  • The impact of climate change on the world
  • The ethics of artificial intelligence
  • The benefits and drawbacks of virtual reality
  • The future of healthcare technology
  • The impact of immigration on society
  • The role of religion in modern society
  • The effect of the internet on democracy
  • The ethics of space exploration
  • The future of cryptocurrency and blockchain technology
  • The impact of video games on mental health
  • The benefits and drawbacks of social welfare programs
  • The role of the media in shaping public opinion
  • The impact of aging populations on society
  • The ethics of genetically modified foods
  • The future of artificial organs and transplants
  • The influence of fashion on culture
  • The role of the family in modern society
  • The impact of automation on the job market
  • The benefits and drawbacks of a cashless society
  • The future of augmented reality
  • The ethics of human cloning
  • The influence of celebrities on society
  • The role of sports in society
  • The impact of poverty on education
  • The benefits and drawbacks of nuclear power
  • The future of self-driving cars
  • The ethics of assisted suicide and euthanasia
  • The impact of urbanization on the environment
  • The influence of social class on opportunities
  • The role of government in shaping society
  • The impact of income inequality on society
  • The benefits and drawbacks of renewable energy subsidies
  • The future of 3D printing
  • The ethics of animal rights and animal welfare
  • The influence of social norms on behavior
  • The role of community service in society
  • The impact of cyberbullying on mental health
  • The benefits and drawbacks of universal basic income
  • The future of smart homes and the internet of things
  • The ethics of censorship and free speech
  • The influence of the beauty industry on self-esteem
  • The role of volunteerism in society
  • The impact of natural disasters on communities
  • The benefits and drawbacks of gun control
  • The future of space tourism
  • The ethics of organ donation
  • The influence of technology on physical fitness
  • The role of charity in society
  • The impact of sexual harassment on mental health
  • The benefits and drawbacks of mandatory voting
  • The future of sustainable agriculture
  • The ethics of privacy in the age of social media
  • The influence of stereotypes on behavior
  • The role of philanthropy in society
  • The impact of substance abuse on society
  • The benefits and drawbacks of open borders
  • The future of space colonization
  • The ethics of embryonic stem cell research
  • The influence of peer pressure on decision-making
  • The role of activism in society
  • The impact of human trafficking on communities
  • The benefits and drawbacks of mandatory military service
  • The ethics of animal captivity in zoos and aquariums
  • The influence of gender roles on society
  • The role of social support networks in mental health
  • The impact of addiction on families
  • The benefits and drawbacks of free college education
  • The future of renewable materials and sustainable fashion
  • The ethics of surrogacy and reproductive technology
  • The influence of cultural appropriation on society
  • The role of forgiveness in healing relationships
  • The impact of cyberstalking and online harassment
  • The benefits and drawbacks of renewable energy storage solutions
  • The future of space debris management
  • The ethics of animal research and testing
  • The influence of beauty standards on body image
  • The role of mindfulness and meditation in mental health
  • The impact of homelessness on communities
  • The benefits and drawbacks of mandatory vaccination policies
  • The future of smart cities and urban planning
  • The ethics of biohacking and DIY biology
  • The influence of language on culture and identity.

This article was originally written August 2022, and was updated July 2023 to be even more helpful.

Colin is a Content Marketer at Thinkific, writing about everything from online entrepreneurship & course creation to digital marketing strategy.

  • 11 Best Community Management Courses
  • 12+ Online Community Statistics to Shape Your Community Strategy
  • 7 Ways to Monetize Your Online Community
  • 7 Steps To Building An Online Community (With Examples)
  • 875+ Online Community Name Ideas for Any Niche

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41+ Critical Thinking Examples (Definition + Practices)

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Critical thinking is an essential skill in our information-overloaded world, where figuring out what is fact and fiction has become increasingly challenging.

But why is critical thinking essential? Put, critical thinking empowers us to make better decisions, challenge and validate our beliefs and assumptions, and understand and interact with the world more effectively and meaningfully.

Critical thinking is like using your brain's "superpowers" to make smart choices. Whether it's picking the right insurance, deciding what to do in a job, or discussing topics in school, thinking deeply helps a lot. In the next parts, we'll share real-life examples of when this superpower comes in handy and give you some fun exercises to practice it.

Critical Thinking Process Outline

a woman thinking

Critical thinking means thinking clearly and fairly without letting personal feelings get in the way. It's like being a detective, trying to solve a mystery by using clues and thinking hard about them.

It isn't always easy to think critically, as it can take a pretty smart person to see some of the questions that aren't being answered in a certain situation. But, we can train our brains to think more like puzzle solvers, which can help develop our critical thinking skills.

Here's what it looks like step by step:

Spotting the Problem: It's like discovering a puzzle to solve. You see that there's something you need to figure out or decide.

Collecting Clues: Now, you need to gather information. Maybe you read about it, watch a video, talk to people, or do some research. It's like getting all the pieces to solve your puzzle.

Breaking It Down: This is where you look at all your clues and try to see how they fit together. You're asking questions like: Why did this happen? What could happen next?

Checking Your Clues: You want to make sure your information is good. This means seeing if what you found out is true and if you can trust where it came from.

Making a Guess: After looking at all your clues, you think about what they mean and come up with an answer. This answer is like your best guess based on what you know.

Explaining Your Thoughts: Now, you tell others how you solved the puzzle. You explain how you thought about it and how you answered. 

Checking Your Work: This is like looking back and seeing if you missed anything. Did you make any mistakes? Did you let any personal feelings get in the way? This step helps make sure your thinking is clear and fair.

And remember, you might sometimes need to go back and redo some steps if you discover something new. If you realize you missed an important clue, you might have to go back and collect more information.

Critical Thinking Methods

Just like doing push-ups or running helps our bodies get stronger, there are special exercises that help our brains think better. These brain workouts push us to think harder, look at things closely, and ask many questions.

It's not always about finding the "right" answer. Instead, it's about the journey of thinking and asking "why" or "how." Doing these exercises often helps us become better thinkers and makes us curious to know more about the world.

Now, let's look at some brain workouts to help us think better:

1. "What If" Scenarios

Imagine crazy things happening, like, "What if there was no internet for a month? What would we do?" These games help us think of new and different ideas.

Pick a hot topic. Argue one side of it and then try arguing the opposite. This makes us see different viewpoints and think deeply about a topic.

3. Analyze Visual Data

Check out charts or pictures with lots of numbers and info but no explanations. What story are they telling? This helps us get better at understanding information just by looking at it.

4. Mind Mapping

Write an idea in the center and then draw lines to related ideas. It's like making a map of your thoughts. This helps us see how everything is connected.

There's lots of mind-mapping software , but it's also nice to do this by hand.

5. Weekly Diary

Every week, write about what happened, the choices you made, and what you learned. Writing helps us think about our actions and how we can do better.

6. Evaluating Information Sources

Collect stories or articles about one topic from newspapers or blogs. Which ones are trustworthy? Which ones might be a little biased? This teaches us to be smart about where we get our info.

There are many resources to help you determine if information sources are factual or not.

7. Socratic Questioning

This way of thinking is called the Socrates Method, named after an old-time thinker from Greece. It's about asking lots of questions to understand a topic. You can do this by yourself or chat with a friend.

Start with a Big Question:

"What does 'success' mean?"

Dive Deeper with More Questions:

"Why do you think of success that way?" "Do TV shows, friends, or family make you think that?" "Does everyone think about success the same way?"

"Can someone be a winner even if they aren't rich or famous?" "Can someone feel like they didn't succeed, even if everyone else thinks they did?"

Look for Real-life Examples:

"Who is someone you think is successful? Why?" "Was there a time you felt like a winner? What happened?"

Think About Other People's Views:

"How might a person from another country think about success?" "Does the idea of success change as we grow up or as our life changes?"

Think About What It Means:

"How does your idea of success shape what you want in life?" "Are there problems with only wanting to be rich or famous?"

Look Back and Think:

"After talking about this, did your idea of success change? How?" "Did you learn something new about what success means?"

socratic dialogue statues

8. Six Thinking Hats 

Edward de Bono came up with a cool way to solve problems by thinking in six different ways, like wearing different colored hats. You can do this independently, but it might be more effective in a group so everyone can have a different hat color. Each color has its way of thinking:

White Hat (Facts): Just the facts! Ask, "What do we know? What do we need to find out?"

Red Hat (Feelings): Talk about feelings. Ask, "How do I feel about this?"

Black Hat (Careful Thinking): Be cautious. Ask, "What could go wrong?"

Yellow Hat (Positive Thinking): Look on the bright side. Ask, "What's good about this?"

Green Hat (Creative Thinking): Think of new ideas. Ask, "What's another way to look at this?"

Blue Hat (Planning): Organize the talk. Ask, "What should we do next?"

When using this method with a group:

  • Explain all the hats.
  • Decide which hat to wear first.
  • Make sure everyone switches hats at the same time.
  • Finish with the Blue Hat to plan the next steps.

9. SWOT Analysis

SWOT Analysis is like a game plan for businesses to know where they stand and where they should go. "SWOT" stands for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats.

There are a lot of SWOT templates out there for how to do this visually, but you can also think it through. It doesn't just apply to businesses but can be a good way to decide if a project you're working on is working.

Strengths: What's working well? Ask, "What are we good at?"

Weaknesses: Where can we do better? Ask, "Where can we improve?"

Opportunities: What good things might come our way? Ask, "What chances can we grab?"

Threats: What challenges might we face? Ask, "What might make things tough for us?"

Steps to do a SWOT Analysis:

  • Goal: Decide what you want to find out.
  • Research: Learn about your business and the world around it.
  • Brainstorm: Get a group and think together. Talk about strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
  • Pick the Most Important Points: Some things might be more urgent or important than others.
  • Make a Plan: Decide what to do based on your SWOT list.
  • Check Again Later: Things change, so look at your SWOT again after a while to update it.

Now that you have a few tools for thinking critically, let’s get into some specific examples.

Everyday Examples

Life is a series of decisions. From the moment we wake up, we're faced with choices – some trivial, like choosing a breakfast cereal, and some more significant, like buying a home or confronting an ethical dilemma at work. While it might seem that these decisions are disparate, they all benefit from the application of critical thinking.

10. Deciding to buy something

Imagine you want a new phone. Don't just buy it because the ad looks cool. Think about what you need in a phone. Look up different phones and see what people say about them. Choose the one that's the best deal for what you want.

11. Deciding what is true

There's a lot of news everywhere. Don't believe everything right away. Think about why someone might be telling you this. Check if what you're reading or watching is true. Make up your mind after you've looked into it.

12. Deciding when you’re wrong

Sometimes, friends can have disagreements. Don't just get mad right away. Try to see where they're coming from. Talk about what's going on. Find a way to fix the problem that's fair for everyone.

13. Deciding what to eat

There's always a new diet or exercise that's popular. Don't just follow it because it's trendy. Find out if it's good for you. Ask someone who knows, like a doctor. Make choices that make you feel good and stay healthy.

14. Deciding what to do today

Everyone is busy with school, chores, and hobbies. Make a list of things you need to do. Decide which ones are most important. Plan your day so you can get things done and still have fun.

15. Making Tough Choices

Sometimes, it's hard to know what's right. Think about how each choice will affect you and others. Talk to people you trust about it. Choose what feels right in your heart and is fair to others.

16. Planning for the Future

Big decisions, like where to go to school, can be tricky. Think about what you want in the future. Look at the good and bad of each choice. Talk to people who know about it. Pick what feels best for your dreams and goals.

choosing a house

Job Examples

17. solving problems.

Workers brainstorm ways to fix a machine quickly without making things worse when a machine breaks at a factory.

18. Decision Making

A store manager decides which products to order more of based on what's selling best.

19. Setting Goals

A team leader helps their team decide what tasks are most important to finish this month and which can wait.

20. Evaluating Ideas

At a team meeting, everyone shares ideas for a new project. The group discusses each idea's pros and cons before picking one.

21. Handling Conflict

Two workers disagree on how to do a job. Instead of arguing, they talk calmly, listen to each other, and find a solution they both like.

22. Improving Processes

A cashier thinks of a faster way to ring up items so customers don't have to wait as long.

23. Asking Questions

Before starting a big task, an employee asks for clear instructions and checks if they have the necessary tools.

24. Checking Facts

Before presenting a report, someone double-checks all their information to make sure there are no mistakes.

25. Planning for the Future

A business owner thinks about what might happen in the next few years, like new competitors or changes in what customers want, and makes plans based on those thoughts.

26. Understanding Perspectives

A team is designing a new toy. They think about what kids and parents would both like instead of just what they think is fun.

School Examples

27. researching a topic.

For a history project, a student looks up different sources to understand an event from multiple viewpoints.

28. Debating an Issue

In a class discussion, students pick sides on a topic, like school uniforms, and share reasons to support their views.

29. Evaluating Sources

While writing an essay, a student checks if the information from a website is trustworthy or might be biased.

30. Problem Solving in Math

When stuck on a tricky math problem, a student tries different methods to find the answer instead of giving up.

31. Analyzing Literature

In English class, students discuss why a character in a book made certain choices and what those decisions reveal about them.

32. Testing a Hypothesis

For a science experiment, students guess what will happen and then conduct tests to see if they're right or wrong.

33. Giving Peer Feedback

After reading a classmate's essay, a student offers suggestions for improving it.

34. Questioning Assumptions

In a geography lesson, students consider why certain countries are called "developed" and what that label means.

35. Designing a Study

For a psychology project, students plan an experiment to understand how people's memories work and think of ways to ensure accurate results.

36. Interpreting Data

In a science class, students look at charts and graphs from a study, then discuss what the information tells them and if there are any patterns.

Critical Thinking Puzzles

critical thinking tree

Not all scenarios will have a single correct answer that can be figured out by thinking critically. Sometimes we have to think critically about ethical choices or moral behaviors. 

Here are some mind games and scenarios you can solve using critical thinking. You can see the solution(s) at the end of the post.

37. The Farmer, Fox, Chicken, and Grain Problem

A farmer is at a riverbank with a fox, a chicken, and a grain bag. He needs to get all three items across the river. However, his boat can only carry himself and one of the three items at a time. 

Here's the challenge:

  • If the fox is left alone with the chicken, the fox will eat the chicken.
  • If the chicken is left alone with the grain, the chicken will eat the grain.

How can the farmer get all three items across the river without any item being eaten? 

38. The Rope, Jar, and Pebbles Problem

You are in a room with two long ropes hanging from the ceiling. Each rope is just out of arm's reach from the other, so you can't hold onto one rope and reach the other simultaneously. 

Your task is to tie the two rope ends together, but you can't move the position where they hang from the ceiling.

You are given a jar full of pebbles. How do you complete the task?

39. The Two Guards Problem

Imagine there are two doors. One door leads to certain doom, and the other leads to freedom. You don't know which is which.

In front of each door stands a guard. One guard always tells the truth. The other guard always lies. You don't know which guard is which.

You can ask only one question to one of the guards. What question should you ask to find the door that leads to freedom?

40. The Hourglass Problem

You have two hourglasses. One measures 7 minutes when turned over, and the other measures 4 minutes. Using just these hourglasses, how can you time exactly 9 minutes?

41. The Lifeboat Dilemma

Imagine you're on a ship that's sinking. You get on a lifeboat, but it's already too full and might flip over. 

Nearby in the water, five people are struggling: a scientist close to finding a cure for a sickness, an old couple who've been together for a long time, a mom with three kids waiting at home, and a tired teenager who helped save others but is now in danger. 

You can only save one person without making the boat flip. Who would you choose?

42. The Tech Dilemma

You work at a tech company and help make a computer program to help small businesses. You're almost ready to share it with everyone, but you find out there might be a small chance it has a problem that could show users' private info. 

If you decide to fix it, you must wait two more months before sharing it. But your bosses want you to share it now. What would you do?

43. The History Mystery

Dr. Amelia is a history expert. She's studying where a group of people traveled long ago. She reads old letters and documents to learn about it. But she finds some letters that tell a different story than what most people believe. 

If she says this new story is true, it could change what people learn in school and what they think about history. What should she do?

The Role of Bias in Critical Thinking

Have you ever decided you don’t like someone before you even know them? Or maybe someone shared an idea with you that you immediately loved without even knowing all the details. 

This experience is called bias, which occurs when you like or dislike something or someone without a good reason or knowing why. It can also take shape in certain reactions to situations, like a habit or instinct. 

Bias comes from our own experiences, what friends or family tell us, or even things we are born believing. Sometimes, bias can help us stay safe, but other times it stops us from seeing the truth.

Not all bias is bad. Bias can be a mechanism for assessing our potential safety in a new situation. If we are biased to think that anything long, thin, and curled up is a snake, we might assume the rope is something to be afraid of before we know it is just a rope.

While bias might serve us in some situations (like jumping out of the way of an actual snake before we have time to process that we need to be jumping out of the way), it often harms our ability to think critically.

How Bias Gets in the Way of Good Thinking

Selective Perception: We only notice things that match our ideas and ignore the rest. 

It's like only picking red candies from a mixed bowl because you think they taste the best, but they taste the same as every other candy in the bowl. It could also be when we see all the signs that our partner is cheating on us but choose to ignore them because we are happy the way we are (or at least, we think we are).

Agreeing with Yourself: This is called “ confirmation bias ” when we only listen to ideas that match our own and seek, interpret, and remember information in a way that confirms what we already think we know or believe. 

An example is when someone wants to know if it is safe to vaccinate their children but already believes that vaccines are not safe, so they only look for information supporting the idea that vaccines are bad.

Thinking We Know It All: Similar to confirmation bias, this is called “overconfidence bias.” Sometimes we think our ideas are the best and don't listen to others. This can stop us from learning.

Have you ever met someone who you consider a “know it”? Probably, they have a lot of overconfidence bias because while they may know many things accurately, they can’t know everything. Still, if they act like they do, they show overconfidence bias.

There's a weird kind of bias similar to this called the Dunning Kruger Effect, and that is when someone is bad at what they do, but they believe and act like they are the best .

Following the Crowd: This is formally called “groupthink”. It's hard to speak up with a different idea if everyone agrees. But this can lead to mistakes.

An example of this we’ve all likely seen is the cool clique in primary school. There is usually one person that is the head of the group, the “coolest kid in school”, and everyone listens to them and does what they want, even if they don’t think it’s a good idea.

How to Overcome Biases

Here are a few ways to learn to think better, free from our biases (or at least aware of them!).

Know Your Biases: Realize that everyone has biases. If we know about them, we can think better.

Listen to Different People: Talking to different kinds of people can give us new ideas.

Ask Why: Always ask yourself why you believe something. Is it true, or is it just a bias?

Understand Others: Try to think about how others feel. It helps you see things in new ways.

Keep Learning: Always be curious and open to new information.

city in a globe connection

In today's world, everything changes fast, and there's so much information everywhere. This makes critical thinking super important. It helps us distinguish between what's real and what's made up. It also helps us make good choices. But thinking this way can be tough sometimes because of biases. These are like sneaky thoughts that can trick us. The good news is we can learn to see them and think better.

There are cool tools and ways we've talked about, like the "Socratic Questioning" method and the "Six Thinking Hats." These tools help us get better at thinking. These thinking skills can also help us in school, work, and everyday life.

We’ve also looked at specific scenarios where critical thinking would be helpful, such as deciding what diet to follow and checking facts.

Thinking isn't just a skill—it's a special talent we improve over time. Working on it lets us see things more clearly and understand the world better. So, keep practicing and asking questions! It'll make you a smarter thinker and help you see the world differently.

Critical Thinking Puzzles (Solutions)

The farmer, fox, chicken, and grain problem.

  • The farmer first takes the chicken across the river and leaves it on the other side.
  • He returns to the original side and takes the fox across the river.
  • After leaving the fox on the other side, he returns the chicken to the starting side.
  • He leaves the chicken on the starting side and takes the grain bag across the river.
  • He leaves the grain with the fox on the other side and returns to get the chicken.
  • The farmer takes the chicken across, and now all three items -- the fox, the chicken, and the grain -- are safely on the other side of the river.

The Rope, Jar, and Pebbles Problem

  • Take one rope and tie the jar of pebbles to its end.
  • Swing the rope with the jar in a pendulum motion.
  • While the rope is swinging, grab the other rope and wait.
  • As the swinging rope comes back within reach due to its pendulum motion, grab it.
  • With both ropes within reach, untie the jar and tie the rope ends together.

The Two Guards Problem

The question is, "What would the other guard say is the door to doom?" Then choose the opposite door.

The Hourglass Problem

  • Start both hourglasses. 
  • When the 4-minute hourglass runs out, turn it over.
  • When the 7-minute hourglass runs out, the 4-minute hourglass will have been running for 3 minutes. Turn the 7-minute hourglass over. 
  • When the 4-minute hourglass runs out for the second time (a total of 8 minutes have passed), the 7-minute hourglass will run for 1 minute. Turn the 7-minute hourglass again for 1 minute to empty the hourglass (a total of 9 minutes passed).

The Boat and Weights Problem

Take the cat over first and leave it on the other side. Then, return and take the fish across next. When you get there, take the cat back with you. Leave the cat on the starting side and take the cat food across. Lastly, return to get the cat and bring it to the other side.

The Lifeboat Dilemma

There isn’t one correct answer to this problem. Here are some elements to consider:

  • Moral Principles: What values guide your decision? Is it the potential greater good for humanity (the scientist)? What is the value of long-standing love and commitment (the elderly couple)? What is the future of young children who depend on their mothers? Or the selfless bravery of the teenager?
  • Future Implications: Consider the future consequences of each choice. Saving the scientist might benefit millions in the future, but what moral message does it send about the value of individual lives?
  • Emotional vs. Logical Thinking: While it's essential to engage empathy, it's also crucial not to let emotions cloud judgment entirely. For instance, while the teenager's bravery is commendable, does it make him more deserving of a spot on the boat than the others?
  • Acknowledging Uncertainty: The scientist claims to be close to a significant breakthrough, but there's no certainty. How does this uncertainty factor into your decision?
  • Personal Bias: Recognize and challenge any personal biases, such as biases towards age, profession, or familial status.

The Tech Dilemma

Again, there isn’t one correct answer to this problem. Here are some elements to consider:

  • Evaluate the Risk: How severe is the potential vulnerability? Can it be easily exploited, or would it require significant expertise? Even if the circumstances are rare, what would be the consequences if the vulnerability were exploited?
  • Stakeholder Considerations: Different stakeholders will have different priorities. Upper management might prioritize financial projections, the marketing team might be concerned about the product's reputation, and customers might prioritize the security of their data. How do you balance these competing interests?
  • Short-Term vs. Long-Term Implications: While launching on time could meet immediate financial goals, consider the potential long-term damage to the company's reputation if the vulnerability is exploited. Would the short-term gains be worth the potential long-term costs?
  • Ethical Implications : Beyond the financial and reputational aspects, there's an ethical dimension to consider. Is it right to release a product with a known vulnerability, even if the chances of it being exploited are low?
  • Seek External Input: Consulting with cybersecurity experts outside your company might be beneficial. They could provide a more objective risk assessment and potential mitigation strategies.
  • Communication: How will you communicate the decision, whatever it may be, both internally to your team and upper management and externally to your customers and potential users?

The History Mystery

Dr. Amelia should take the following steps:

  • Verify the Letters: Before making any claims, she should check if the letters are actual and not fake. She can do this by seeing when and where they were written and if they match with other things from that time.
  • Get a Second Opinion: It's always good to have someone else look at what you've found. Dr. Amelia could show the letters to other history experts and see their thoughts.
  • Research More: Maybe there are more documents or letters out there that support this new story. Dr. Amelia should keep looking to see if she can find more evidence.
  • Share the Findings: If Dr. Amelia believes the letters are true after all her checks, she should tell others. This can be through books, talks, or articles.
  • Stay Open to Feedback: Some people might agree with Dr. Amelia, and others might not. She should listen to everyone and be ready to learn more or change her mind if new information arises.

Ultimately, Dr. Amelia's job is to find out the truth about history and share it. It's okay if this new truth differs from what people used to believe. History is about learning from the past, no matter the story.

Related posts:

  • Experimenter Bias (Definition + Examples)
  • Hasty Generalization Fallacy (31 Examples + Similar Names)
  • Ad Hoc Fallacy (29 Examples + Other Names)
  • Confirmation Bias (Examples + Definition)
  • Equivocation Fallacy (26 Examples + Description)

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Future Focused Learning

25 Real-World Discussion Topics for Learners to Explore Together

At the heart of every collaborative learning experience, you'll find lively and passionate discussions on the topics at hand. What kind of real-world discussion topics will engage and inspire learners to have such conversations?

In our work with schools, we've seen a positive learning revolution happening in global classrooms everywhere. Learners everywhere are being given significant problems with a real-world connection to tackle, and owning them from start to finish. Not only are they focused on solutions, but they're also using creativity and innovation to surprise teachers at every turn.

Above all, they are making meaningful interactions with each other as they work together to solve problems that matter. It all starts with constructive and lively discussions that let opinions be shared and voices be heard.

The following real-world discussion topics are some that you can build lessons from on a small or large scale. Let them serve as great conversation topics, or as the basis for deeper learning and problem-solving quests.

You can also use them for classroom debates, persuasive writing exercises, online polls, virtual collaborative discussions with other schools, and much more.

25 Real-World Discussion Topics for Learners 

What qualities do we need in a potential world leader that we've never had before? 

What alternate sources of energy might we need to turn to in the next 50 to 60 years, and how can we provide them?

How can we help people struggling in underprivileged regions of the world lead better lives?

How can we make our school better using what resources we have available?

Does our technology connect us more, or isolate us more? Why do you feel this way?

Why is having values and beliefs important and how can we form them independently?

What are some more engaging alternatives to homework that we could use in our class?

Which words or phrases do we overuse, and what would be some better ones?

Are schools designed more for male or female students? Why do you feel this way?

Of the two, which is more important: having talent or working hard? Why?

Is homeschooling better than traditional education? Why or why not?

What are the advantages of letting students direct their own learning?

Does classroom technology enhance how we learn, or is it just getting in the way? Why?

Does Facebook need a "Dislike" button? What would be the immediate and long-term effects of this feature?

How can we better protect ourselves in our online environments?

What is a "sellout", and what popular artists do you consider to be "sellouts" and why?

How do you define the term “perfection” in contrast to how it is portrayed in our pop culture media?

What are the benefits and consequences of questioning/challenging authority?

How can we best express ourselves even when we don’t know another’s language?

What is “art” and why do individual cultures place so much value on its continuing evolution?

How is our perception of good and evil shaped by our films, books, and video games?

Why is it crucial to consider the effects of our words and actions on other people?

Why is it necessary for long-term health and wellness to achieve balance in our lives, and how can we achieve it?

What personal qualities do you have that help you deal with conflict, challenge, and adversity?

Are there universal characteristics of belief systems that are common across all cultures? What are they and how can they bring us together?

critical thinking discussion topics

Author and keynote speaker, Lee works with governments, education systems, international agencies and corporations to help people and organisations connect to their higher purpose. Lee lives in Japan where he studies Zen and the Shakuhachi.

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Over 170 Prompts to Inspire Writing and Discussion

Here are all of our Student Opinion questions from the 2020-21 school year. Each question is based on a different New York Times article, interactive feature or video.

critical thinking discussion topics

By The Learning Network

Each school day we publish a new Student Opinion question, and students use these writing prompts to reflect on their experiences and identities and respond to current events unfolding around them. To introduce each question, we provide an excerpt from a related New York Times article or Opinion piece as well as a free link to the original article.

During the 2020-21 school year, we asked 176 questions, and you can find them all below or here as a PDF . The questions are divided into two categories — those that provide opportunities for debate and persuasive writing, and those that lend themselves to creative, personal or reflective writing.

Teachers can use these prompts to help students practice narrative and persuasive writing, start classroom debates and even spark conversation between students around the world via our comments section. For more ideas on how to use our Student Opinion questions, we offer a short tutorial along with a nine-minute video on how one high school English teacher and her students use this feature .

Questions for Debate and Persuasive Writing

1. Should Athletes Speak Out On Social and Political Issues? 2. Should All Young People Learn How to Invest in the Stock Market? 3. What Are the Greatest Songs of All Time? 4. Should There Be More Gender Options on Identification Documents? 5. Should We End the Practice of Tipping? 6. Should There Be Separate Social Media Apps for Children? 7. Do Marriage Proposals Still Have a Place in Today’s Society? 8. How Do You Feel About Cancel Culture? 9. Should the United States Decriminalize the Possession of Drugs? 10. Does Reality TV Deserve Its Bad Rap? 11. Should the Death Penalty Be Abolished? 12. How Should Parents Support a Student Who Has Fallen Behind in School? 13. When Is It OK to Be a Snitch? 14. Should People Be Required to Show Proof of Vaccination? 15. How Much Have You and Your Community Changed Since George Floyd’s Death? 16. Can Empathy Be Taught? Should Schools Try to Help Us Feel One Another’s Pain? 17. Should Schools or Employers Be Allowed to Tell People How They Should Wear Their Hair? 18. Is Your Generation Doing Its Part to Strengthen Our Democracy? 19. Should Corporations Take Political Stands? 20. Should We Rename Schools Named for Historical Figures With Ties to Racism, Sexism or Slavery? 21. How Should Schools Hold Students Accountable for Hurting Others? 22. What Ideas Do You Have to Improve Your Favorite Sport? 23. Are Presidential Debates Helpful to Voters? Or Should They Be Scrapped? 24. Is the Electoral College a Problem? Does It Need to Be Fixed? 25. Do You Care Who Sits on the Supreme Court? Should We Care? 26. Should Museums Return Looted Artifacts to Their Countries of Origin? 27. Should Schools Provide Free Pads and Tampons? 28. Should Teachers Be Allowed to Wear Political Symbols? 29. Do You Think People Have Gotten Too Relaxed About Covid? 30. Who Do You Think Should Be Person of the Year for 2020? 31. How Should Racial Slurs in Literature Be Handled in the Classroom? 32. Should There Still Be Snow Days? 33. What Are Your Reactions to the Storming of the Capitol by a Pro-Trump Mob? 34. What Do You Think of the Decision by Tech Companies to Block President Trump? 35. If You Were a Member of Congress, Would You Vote to Impeach President Trump? 36. What Would You Do First if You Were the New President? 37. Who Do You Hope Will Win the 2020 Presidential Election? 38. Should Media Literacy Be a Required Course in School? 39. What Are Your Reactions to the Results of Election 2020? Where Do We Go From Here? 40. How Should We Remember the Problematic Actions of the Nation’s Founders? 41. As Coronavirus Cases Surge, How Should Leaders Decide What Stays Open and What Closes? 42. What Is Your Reaction to the Inauguration of Joe Biden and Kamala Harris? 43. How Worried Should We Be About Screen Time During the Pandemic? 44. Should Schools Be Able to Discipline Students for What They Say on Social Media? 45. What Works of Art, Culture and Technology Flopped in 2020? 46. How Do You Feel About Censored Music? 47. Why Do You Think ‘Drivers License’ Became Such a Smash Hit? 48. Justice Ginsburg Fought for Gender Equality. How Close Are We to Achieving That Goal? 49. How Well Do You Think Our Leaders Have Responded to the Coronavirus Crisis? 50. To What Extent Is the Legacy of Slavery and Racism Still Present in America in 2020? 51. How Should We Reimagine Our Schools So That All Students Receive a Quality Education? 52. How Concerned Do You Think We Should Be About the Integrity of the 2020 Election? 53. What Issues in This Election Season Matter Most to You? 54. Is Summer School a Smart Way to Make Up for Learning Lost This School Year? 55. What Is Your Reaction to the Senate’s Acquittal of Former President Trump? 56. What Is the Worst Toy Ever? 57. How Should We Balance Safety and Urgency in Developing a Covid-19 Vaccine? 58. What Are Your Reactions to Oprah’s Interview With Harry and Meghan? 59. Should the Government Provide a Guaranteed Income for Families With Children? 60. Should There Be More Public Restrooms? 61. Should High School-Age Basketball Players Be Able to Get Paid? 62. Should Team Sports Happen This Year? 63. Who Are the Best Musical Artists of the Past Year? What Are the Best Songs? 64. Should We Cancel Student Debt? 65. How Closely Should Actors’ Identities Reflect the Roles They Play? 66. Should White Writers Translate a Black Author’s Work? 67. Would You Buy an NFT? 68. Should Kids Still Learn to Tell Time? 69. Should All Schools Teach Financial Literacy? 70. What Is Your Reaction to the Verdict in the Derek Chauvin Trial? 71. What Is the Best Way to Stop Abusive Language Online? 72. What Are the Underlying Systems That Hold a Society Together? 73. What Grade Would You Give President Biden on His First 100 Days? 74. Should High Schools Post Their Annual College Lists? 75. Are C.E.O.s Paid Too Much? 76. Should We Rethink Thanksgiving? 77. What Is the Best Way to Get Teenagers Vaccinated? 78. Do You Want Your Parents and Grandparents to Get the New Coronavirus Vaccine? 79. What Is Your Reaction to New Guidelines That Loosen Mask Requirements? 80. Who Should We Honor on Our Money? 81. Is Your School’s Dress Code Outdated? 82. Does Everyone Have a Responsibility to Vote? 83. How Is Your Generation Changing Politics?

Questions for Creative and Personal Writing

84. What Does Your Unique Style Say About You? 85. How Do You Spend Your Downtime? 86. Would You Want to Live to 200? 87. How Do You Connect to Your Heritage? 88. What Do You Think Are the Secrets to Happiness? 89. Are You a Sneakerhead? 90. What Role Have Mentors Played in Your Life? 91. If You Could Make Your Own Podcast, What Would It Be About? 92. Have You Ever Felt Pressure to ‘Sell Your Pain’? 93. Do You Think You Make Good Climate Choices? 94. What Does TikTok Mean to You? 95. Do Your Parents Overpraise You? 96. Do You Want to Travel in Space? 97. Do You Feel You’re Friends With Celebrities or Influencers You Follow Online? 98. Would You Eat Food Grown in a Lab? 99. What Makes You Cringe? 100. What Volunteer Work Would You Most Like to Do? 101. How Do You Respond When People Ask, ‘Where Are You From?’ 102. Has a School Assignment or Activity Ever Made You Uncomfortable? 103. How Does Your Identity Inform Your Political Beliefs and Values? 104. Are You an Orchid, a Tulip or a Dandelion? 105. Are You Having a Tough Time Maintaining Friendships These Days? 106. How Is Your Mental Health These Days? 107. Do You Love Writing or Receiving Letters? 108. What Has Television Taught You About Social Class? 109. Are You Easily Distracted? 110. What Objects Bring You Comfort? 111. What Is Your Favorite Memory of PBS? 112. Have You Ever Felt Embarrassed by Your Parents? 113. What Are You Doing to Combat Pandemic Fatigue? 114. Have You Ever Worried About Making a Good First Impression? 115. What Do You Want Your Parents to Know About What It’s Like to Be a Teenager During the Pandemic? 116. How Have You Collaborated From a Distance During the Pandemic? 117. How Important Is It to You to Have Similar Political Beliefs to Your Family and Friends? 118. How Are You Feeling About Winter This Year? 119. Which Celebrity Performer Would You Like to Challenge to a Friendly Battle? 120. How Mentally Tough Are You? 121. What Smells Trigger Powerful Memories for You? 122. What Are You Thankful for This Year? 123. Do You Miss Hugs? 124. Are You a Good Conversationalist? 125. What Habits Have You Started or Left Behind in 2020? 126. What Was the Best Art and Culture You Experienced in 2020? 127. What’s Your Relationship With Masks? 128. What Role Does Religion Play in Your Life? 129. How Will You Be Celebrating the Holidays This Year? 130. What Is Something Good That Happened in 2020? 131. What New Flavor Ideas Do You Have for Your Favorite Foods? 132. What Are Your Hopes and Concerns for the New School Year? 133. How Has 2020 Challenged or Changed You? 134. What Do You Hope for Most in 2021? 135. How Do You View Death? 136. What Is Your Favorite Fact You Learned in 2020? 137. What Are the Places in the World That You Love Most? 138. Have You Ever Experienced ‘Impostor Syndrome’? 139. How Well Do You Get Along With Your Siblings? 140. Do You Talk to Your Family About the Cost of College? 141. Do You Have a Healthy Diet? 142. How Do You Feel About Mask-Slipping? 143. Do You Believe in Manifesting? 144. How Do You Express Yourself Creatively? 145. What Are Your Family’s House Rules During the Covid Crisis? 146. What Online Communities Do You Participate In? 147. Have You Experienced Any Embarrassing Zoom Mishaps? 148. What Does Your Country’s National Anthem Mean to You? 149. Are Sports Just Not the Same Without Spectators in the Stands? 150. Would You Volunteer for a Covid-19 Vaccine Trial? 151. What ‘Old’ Technology Do You Think Is Cool? 152. Have You Ever Tried to Grow Something? 153. How Has the Pandemic Changed Your Relationship to Your Body? 154. How Do You Find New Books, Music, Movies or Television Shows? 155. Are You Nervous About Returning to Normal Life? 156. How Do You Celebrate Spring? 157. How Do You Talk With People Who Don’t Share Your Views? 158. Would You Want to Be a Teacher Someday? 159. What Would You Recommend That Is ‘Overlooked and Underappreciated’? 160. What Children’s Books Have Had the Biggest Impact on You? 161. What Is Your Gender Identity? 162. Have You Hit a Wall? 163. What Is the Code You Live By? 164. Do You Think You Have Experienced ‘Learning Loss’ During the Pandemic? 165. What Are the Most Memorable Things You’ve Seen or Experienced in Nature? 166. Do You Want to Have Children Someday? 167. What Have You Learned About Friendship This Year? 168. What Seemingly Mundane Feats Have You Accomplished? 169. Has a Celebrity Ever Convinced You to Do Something? 170. How Have You Commemorated Milestones During the Pandemic? 171. How Often Do You Read, Watch or Listen to Things Outside of Your Comfort Zone? 172. Do You Think You Live in a Political Bubble? 173. What Is Your Relationship With the Weight-Loss Industry? 174. What Have You Made This Year? 175. How Are You Right Now? 176. What Are You Grateful For?

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You can find even more Student Opinion questions in our 300 Questions and Images to Inspire Argument Writing , 550 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing and 130 New Prompts for Argumentative Writing . We also publish daily Picture Prompts , which are image-centered posts that provide space for many different kinds of writing. You can find all of our writing prompts, added as they publish, here .


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Critical Thinking Is About Asking Better Questions

  • John Coleman

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Six practices to sharpen your inquiry.

Critical thinking is the ability to analyze and effectively break down an issue in order to make a decision or find a solution. At the heart of critical thinking is the ability to formulate deep, different, and effective questions. For effective questioning, start by holding your hypotheses loosely. Be willing to fundamentally reconsider your initial conclusions — and do so without defensiveness. Second, listen more than you talk through active listening. Third, leave your queries open-ended, and avoid yes-or-no questions. Fourth, consider the counterintuitive to avoid falling into groupthink. Fifth, take the time to stew in a problem, rather than making decisions unnecessarily quickly. Last, ask thoughtful, even difficult, follow-ups.

Are you tackling a new and difficult problem at work? Recently promoted and trying to both understand your new role and bring a fresh perspective? Or are you new to the workforce and seeking ways to meaningfully contribute alongside your more experienced colleagues? If so, critical thinking — the ability to analyze and effectively break down an issue in order to make a decision or find a solution — will be core to your success. And at the heart of critical thinking is the ability to formulate deep, different, and effective questions.

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  • JC John Coleman is the author of the HBR Guide to Crafting Your Purpose . Subscribe to his free newsletter, On Purpose , follow him on Twitter @johnwcoleman, or contact him at

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Examples of Critical Thinking Questions for Students

By Med Kharbach, PhD | Last Update: May 11, 2024

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Critical thinking is an essential cognitive skill that entails the ability to reason, analyze, synthesize, and evaluate information. It goes beyond mere acquisition of knowledge. Instead, it involves deep, reflective thought, demanding us to question our assumptions, weigh evidence, and consider consequences. It’s about making clear, reasoned judgments. In essence, critical thinking is thinking about thinking, in a manner that allows us to improve the quality of our thinking.

In our daily lives, critical thinking helps us better understand ourselves, other people, and the world around us. It aids in problem solving, aids in the formation of beliefs and opinions, and encourages curiosity and creativity.

For example, when you’re faced with a major decision like purchasing a house, critical thinking enables you to weigh the pros and cons, assess the credibility of your sources of information, consider alternative options, and make a well-informed decision.

In professional situations, critical thinking is equally important. It helps us navigate complex work situations, make informed decisions, solve problems efficiently, and think creatively. For instance, if a company faces a decline in sales, critical thinking would help diagnose the root cause of the issue, evaluate different strategies to address the problem, and make effective decisions to rectify the situation.

The importance of critical thinking is particularly crucial for students. It provides them with the necessary skills to understand complex concepts, evaluate the credibility of sources, engage in thoughtful discussions, and develop reasoned arguments. It lays the foundation for lifelong learning and the ability to adapt to an ever-changing world.

This brings us to the concept of critical thinking questions . These are questions that are specifically designed to promote critical thinking. They go beyond factual inquiries, prompting individuals to analyze, synthesize, apply, and evaluate information. Critical thinking questions challenge the conventional wisdom and encourage individuals to think deeper, questioning the why’s and how’s.

They serve as a tool to spark intellectual engagement and stimulate thoughtful and reflective responses. As we delve further into this blog post, we will explore different types of critical thinking questions and how they can be applied in various contexts.

Related: Best TED Ed Lessons on Critical Thinking

Tips on Formulating Critical Thinking Questions

Creating good critical thinking questions involves understanding the basics of inquiry and knowing how to stimulate higher order thinking. Here are some tips and steps on formulating effective critical thinking questions:

Characteristics of Good Critical Thinking Questions:

  • Open-Ended: Good critical thinking questions are typically open-ended, meaning they don’t have a single, simple answer. They invite students to think deeply and come up with their unique insights.
  • Thought-Provoking: Effective questions challenge assumptions and encourage students to think creatively and critically. They provoke curiosity and exploration.
  • Promote Discussion: The questions should stimulate meaningful discussions. The responses to these questions should not end the conversation, but rather, foster a deeper exploration of the topic.
  • Clear and Understandable: The question should be framed in such a way that it is clear and easy to understand. Confusing questions can deter students from critical thinking.

Steps to Create Effective Critical Thinking Questions:

  • Identify Your Learning Goals: Start by figuring out what you want your students to learn or achieve. Your question should align with these learning goals.
  • Consider the Cognitive Level: Depending on the depth of thinking you want to stimulate, frame your questions accordingly. For instance, for higher order thinking, you might want to ask analysis, evaluation, or creation questions.
  • Draft Your Question: Begin drafting your question. Remember, the best questions are open-ended and require more than a yes or no answer.
  • Refine Your Question: Review your question. Is it clear? Does it promote discussion? Does it align with your learning goals? Refine as necessary.
  • Test Your Question: Try out your question with a few students or colleagues to see if it stimulates the kind of discussion you’re hoping for. Be open to further refining your question based on the results.

Keep in mind that the goal of asking questions is not to ‘stump’ the students, but to promote intellectual engagement and thought. The best questions often lead to more questions, igniting a passion for learning and exploration.

Types of critical thinking questions

Critical thinking questions can be divided into the following categories:

1. Analysis Questions

Analysis questions ask the respondent to break a concept or idea into its component parts for examination. These questions can help uncover underlying structures, patterns, or meanings. They often involve words like “compare”, “contrast”, “classify”, “divide”, etc.

Example: “Compare the political ideologies of democratic socialism and laissez-faire capitalism. What are the similarities and differences between them?”

2. Evaluation Questions

Evaluation questions call for the respondent to make a judgment about the value of something, based on defined criteria. They often use terms like “critique”, “justify”, “validate”, “defend”, etc.

Example: “Evaluate the effectiveness of the government’s pandemic response measures. What were the successes and shortcomings?”

3. Inference Questions

Inference questions require the respondent to go beyond what is explicitly stated and make logical conclusions or predictions based on the information provided. Key words often include “infer”, “deduce”, “predict”, “conclude”, etc.

Example: “Given the recent surge in online shopping trends, what can you infer about the future of brick-and-mortar retail stores?”

4. Application Questions

Application questions involve applying knowledge or concepts to new situations or contexts. These questions often involve “applying”, “utilizing”, “implementing”, or “executing” learned knowledge.

Example: “How would you apply the principles of conflict resolution that we studied to resolve a disagreement in your workplace?”

5. Synthesis Questions

Synthesis questions invite the respondent to combine different pieces of information, ideas, or concepts to form a new whole or propose a solution. Words often associated with these questions are “design”, “formulate”, “propose”, “create”, etc.

Example: “Based on your understanding of climate change and renewable technologies, propose a comprehensive strategy for a city to reduce its carbon footprint.”

These types of questions, when used in the appropriate contexts, can help foster a deep level of understanding and stimulate higher-level thinking.

Examples of Critical thinking Questions

Here are some examples of critical questions that you can use to stimulate students’ critical thinking skills, encouraging them to analyze, evaluate, and create new ideas based on what they’ve learned.

  • What do you think would happen if…?
  • Can you explain why…?
  • How would you solve this problem using different strategies?
  • Can you compare and contrast these two concepts?
  • How can you demonstrate your understanding of this concept in a different way?
  • How would you categorize these items, and why did you choose to do it that way?
  • What patterns or connections do you see in the information provided?
  • How might you interpret these findings from another perspective?
  • Can you design a…to…?
  • How would you prove or disprove this statement?
  • How can we improve…?
  • What would be the consequences if…?
  • Can you predict the outcome if…?
  • What is the relationship between…?
  • How can this be applied to other situations?
  • What are the possible solutions for…?
  • Why do you think that… happened?
  • How can we test the validity of…?
  • What alternative would you suggest for…?
  • How can you illustrate this concept in a diagram?
  • What would you recommend, and why?
  • How is this similar to…?
  • Can you make a general rule about…?
  • How would you evaluate…?
  • What evidence do you have for your claim?
  • What are the implications of…?
  • How does this contradict or confirm your understanding of…?
  • Can you think of an example where…?
  • How would you justify…?
  • What do you think is the significance of…?

In conclusion, critical thinking questions are an indispensable tool for stimulating and nurturing the intellectual capabilities of students. They’re not just questions, but sparks that ignite the curiosity, analytical ability, and problem-solving skills in a learner. They invite students to dig deeper, challenge their preconceptions, and engage with material on a more profound level.

These questions play a pivotal role in taking learning beyond the simple absorption of facts into the realm of true understanding and application. They prepare students for the complexities of the real world, honing their ability to analyze situations, make decisions, and innovate solutions.

As educators and teachers, fostering this skill in students through the strategic use of critical thinking questions should be a top priority. So, let’s continue to question, to probe, and to encourage our students to do the same, for it’s in the exploration of these questions that true learning lies.

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Meet Med Kharbach, PhD

Dr. Med Kharbach is an influential voice in the global educational technology landscape, with an extensive background in educational studies and a decade-long experience as a K-12 teacher. Holding a Ph.D. from Mount Saint Vincent University in Halifax, Canada, he brings a unique perspective to the educational world by integrating his profound academic knowledge with his hands-on teaching experience. Dr. Kharbach's academic pursuits encompass curriculum studies, discourse analysis, language learning/teaching, language and identity, emerging literacies, educational technology, and research methodologies. His work has been presented at numerous national and international conferences and published in various esteemed academic journals.

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75 Critical Thinking Essay Topics

Critical thinking requires students to think for themselves, question everything, and look at both sides of an issue before coming to a conclusion. In critical thinking essay writing, these same skills are applied to examine a topic more closely. In this type of essay, the writer must not only present their own opinion on the subject but must also back it up with evidence and reasoning.

Critical thinking essays can be challenging to write depending on the topic, course, and length of the assignment. However, there are some tips and tricks that can make the process a little bit easier. Take a look at our detailed guide breaking down the components of an excellent critical thinking essay, and consider using any of our 75 critical thinking essay topics at the end to get started.

Essential Things to Consider When Writing a Critical Thinking Essay

When writing a critical thinking essay, students must look past surface-level information and delve deeper into the subject matter. This requires a lot of research and analysis, which can be tough for some students. However, if you take the time to plan your essay and follow these tips, you should be able to write a great critical thinking essay that will impress your instructor.

1. Do Your Research

Before you can start writing your essay, you need to make sure that you have enough evidence to support your claims. This means doing a lot of research on your topic. Try to find reliable sources from experts in the field that you can use to back up your points. Once you have gathered all of your evidence, you can plan out your essay.

2. Create An Outline

An outline will help keep your thoughts organized and ensure that you don’t forget any vital information. Your outline should include a thesis, an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Each part of your outline should also have a few key details that you want to discuss to help make the writing process go smoothly.

3. Write A Thesis Statement

Your thesis statement is the most essential part of your essay. It should be a clear and concise statement that presents your argument. Your thesis statement should be included in your introduction and reaffirmed in your conclusion.

It is important to note that because this is a critical thinking essay, your thesis should be more than just a statement of fact. Instead, it should be an arguable claim that you will be defending throughout your essay.

For example, if you are writing about the death penalty, your thesis statement needs to be more than, “The death penalty is wrong.” This thesis doesn’t leave room for discussion or debate. A better thesis statement would be, “The death penalty is a violation of human rights and it should be abolished.” This thesis statement presents an argument that can be debated and discussed.

4. Write The Introduction

Your introduction should start with a hook that grabs the reader’s attention. You can use a surprising statistic, a quote, or a rhetorical question. After the hook, you should provide some background information on your topic. This will help orient the reader and give them context for your argument. Finally, you should end your introduction with your thesis statement.

5. Write The Body Paragraphs

Each body paragraph should start with a topic sentence that introduces the paragraph’s main point. The rest of the paragraph should be used to support this point with evidence and reasoning. You should have at least three body paragraphs in your essay, but you can have more if needed.

Pro Tip: Critical thinking essays examine and analyze – they don’t just restate facts. When presenting your evidence, be sure to discuss it critically. What are the implications of this evidence? How does it support your argument?

6. Write The Conclusion

The conclusion of a critical thinking essay should be just as strong as the introduction. You should start by restating your thesis statement. Then, you should provide a brief summary of the main points of your essay. Finally, you should end with a strong closing statement that leaves the reader thinking about your argument long after they finish reading, such as a call to action or a final thought-provoking question.

Citing Sources in a Critical Thinking Essay

Since this type of essay will rely on evidence and reasoning, it is important to use credible sources. Be sure to only use reliable sources from experts in the field. When you do use sources, be sure to cite them properly. This will show that you are using other people’s work ethically, and it will also help strengthen your argument by showing that you have looked at the issue from multiple perspectives.

Citing sources has many different rules that you will need to follow depending on the formatting style that you are using. The most common formatting styles are MLA, APA, and Chicago. Be sure to check with your professor to see which style they prefer before you start writing your essay.

When citing in MLA format, you’ll need to use in-text citations. These are brief citations included in the body of your essay whenever you use a source. The full citation for each source is listed in the Works Cited section at the end of your paper.

When citing in APA format, you’ll need to use in-text citations and a reference list. The in-text citations are brief citations included in the body of your essay whenever you use a source. The reference list is a list of all the sources that you used – usually included at the end of your paper.

When citing in Chicago style, you’ll need to use footnotes or endnotes. These are brief citations at the bottom of each page (footnotes) or the end of your paper (endnotes).

Any of these 75 critical thinking essay topics will help students struggling to find an arguable and interesting topic.

Critical Thinking Essay Topics About Social Issues

  • Is democracy the best form of government?
  • Is capitalism good or bad?
  • Is socialism a viable alternative to capitalism?
  • Does religion do more harm than good?
  • Should creationism be taught in schools?
  • Is the death penalty ethical?
  • Are zoos cruel?
  • Is it ethical to eat meat?
  • Is climate change real?
  • Who is responsible for climate change?
  • Should wealthy nations do more to help developing nations?
  • Is immigration a good or bad thing?
  • What are the root causes of terrorism?
  • Is terrorism ever justified?
  • Are gun laws too strict or not strict enough?
  • Is healthcare a human right?
  • Should abortion be legal?
  • What are the ethical implications of stem cell research?
  • What should be done about the global water crisis?
  • How can we best help refugees?

Critical Thinking Essay Topics About General Issues

  • Should people be judged by their looks?
  • Is it better to be single or in a relationship?
  • Are men and women equal?
  • Should parents be held responsible for their children’s actions?
  • Is it better to grow up with siblings or as an only child?
  • Should the drinking age be lowered?
  • Is drug legalization a good or bad idea?
  • What are the best ways to deal with stress?
  • How can we prevent bullying?
  • Are social media and technology making us more or less connected?
  • Should parents monitor their children’s internet use?
  • Should schools ban cell phones?
  • How can we reduce the number of teenage pregnancies?
  • What is the best way to deal with teenage rebellion?
  • Is homeschooling a good or bad idea?
  • Should all students be required to learn a foreign language?
  • Should schools start later in the morning?
  • Are there better alternatives to traditional schooling?
  • Is college tuition too high?
  • Should student loans be forgiven?
  • Should colleges be free to attend?
  • What are the best ways to prepare for a job interview?
  • How can we better retain employees?
  • What are the best ways to motivate employees?
  • How can we reduce workplace stress?
  • Should remote working be encouraged?
  • What are the pros and cons of globalization?
  • Is consumerism a good or bad thing?
  • How can we reduce our reliance on fossil fuels?

Critical Thinking Essay Topics About The Environment and Conservation

  • What are the best ways to reduce pollution?
  • Should we be doing more to conserve water?
  • How can we reduce food waste?
  • Is nuclear energy a good or bad thing?
  • What are the best ways to deal with climate change?
  • Is overpopulation a real problem?
  • What can we do to reduce our reliance on plastic?
  • Should we be doing more to protect endangered species?
  • How can we best preserve our natural resources?
  • What is the best way to deal with hazardous waste?
  • What are the best ways to reduce deforestation?

Critical Thinking Essay Topics About Technology

  • Should we be doing more to regulate the internet?
  • How can we best protect our privacy online?
  • What are the best ways to deal with cyberbullying?
  • Is social media a good or bad thing?
  • Are we too reliant on technology?
  • What are the best ways to deal with data breaches?
  • Should we be worried about artificial intelligence?
  • What are the best ways to deal with tech monopolies?

Critical Thinking Essay Topics About American Classics

  • Explore the theme of capitalism in Fight Club.
  • What is the significance of the title The Great Gatsby?
  • Is Atticus Finch a good father?
  • What is the significance of the title To Kill a Mockingbird?
  • Is Holden Caulfield a sympathetic character?
  • How does Steinbeck portray the American dream in The Grapes of Wrath?
  • How does Fitzgerald use symbolism in The Great Gatsby?

When writing on any of these 75 critical thinking essay topics, be sure to support your position with solid reasoning, examples, and evidence.

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Group 6

The Integrated Teacher

19 Short Stories and Questions For Critical Thinking

Apr 2, 2024

There have been rumblings in different online teacher groups recently about replacing novels with short stories and informational articles in middle and high school English classrooms. I have to admit I was shocked when I first read the comments because I am a book lover at heart, but since then, I’ve considered that there are several pros and cons to this approach.

Short stories and other smaller texts can provide a briefer timeline to complete tasks, and this process is helpful when there is already SO MUCH curriculum to cover. Short stories and related activities can also be more engaging for our students because of the exposure to diverse voices and themes! Using short stories and lessons provides students with amazing choices to meet their needs and preferences!

On the other hand, incorporating mainly short stories and other shorter passages means students’ already-pressed attention spans (as a result of social media influences and pervasive sources of technology) are reinforced. Plus, students miss out on the more complex stories within longer pieces of fiction that are, dare I say, life-altering! A novel can provide opportunities for sustained reading and layers for analysis that shorter pieces of literature like short stories and related texts cannot offer.

Ultimately, no matter where you find yourself on the issue, I think we can all agree that short stories and their counterparts can be vital, effective, and helpful in the modern classroom!

Continue reading for 19 Short Stories and Questions For Critical Thinking!!

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Table of Contents

19 Short Stories and Questions – Suggestions for Teaching Them

You don’t need to remove all novels to be able to include short stories and smaller passages like vignettes, articles, and narratives; there’s a time and place for all genres! But if you’re thinking about ways to include more short stories and fun activities, check out this list of 19 varied short stories and critical thinking questions as well as suggestions for teaching them in middle school and high school.

1.  “The Most Dangerous Game” 

“The Most Dangerous Game” is one of my absolute favorite short stories and overall plots to teach! This suspenseful short story by Richard Connell follows the harrowing ordeal of Sanger Rainsford, a skilled hunter who becomes the prey of a deranged aristocrat named General Zaroff. Stranded on Zaroff’s secluded island, Rainsford must outwit the cunning general in a deadly game of survival, where the stakes are life and death. 

the most dangerous game short stories and activities


  • You could focus on the setting (description of time and place) and examine how the setting changes throughout the story.
  • Students could learn about the plot (major events in the story) and list the major events and evidence as they read.
  • Define foreshadowing (hints for what will happen by the end of the story) and encourage students to hypothesize about what will happen after every page.
  • Analyze the character development (how a character changes over time) of Rainsford and highlight his traits/actions as you read along.


  • How does the setting contribute to the tension and suspense in the story?
  • How does the author use foreshadowing? How does the author hint at the danger Rainford is facing?
  • What inferences can you make about the main character and the changes he undergoes from the beginning to the end of the story?

If you want to teach plot elements and plot analysis , check out this lesson bundle for the story , which includes comprehension quizzes and a variety of activities!

2.  “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge”

Ambrose Bierce’s story is a gripping tale set during the American Civil War, where a Southern civilian named Peyton Farquhar faces execution by hanging after attempting to sabotage a Union railroad bridge. As Farquhar falls through the trapdoor, time seems to stretch, and he experiences a surreal moment, only to realize his grim reality. 

Integrating historical texts with other short stories and passages like “An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge” will make history come more alive and relevant for our students!

  • Teach about irony (when the opposite occurs from what is expected) and how it plays a role throughout the story.
  • Explain the term characterization (how a character is depicted) by looking at direct and indirect references while reading with your students.
  • Discuss the major themes (messages) of the story and how they connect to our modern era within a Socratic Seminar.
  • How does the author use characterization to convey Peyton Farquhar’s thoughts, emotions, and motivations?
  • What is the purpose of irony in this story? How does its use affect the reader’s interpretation and understanding of events?
  • What is the significance in our contemporary/real world of the themes of the story, including reality and fantasy, the passage of time, and the consequences of actions?

Ensure students’ understanding of the story with this set of reading questions that are perfect for state test prep, too !

an occurence at owl creek bridge short stories and questions

3.  “The Masque of the Red Death”

This chilling tale from Edgar Allan Poe is set in a secluded abbey where Prince Prospero and his wealthy guests attempt to escape a deadly plague known as the Red Death. Despite their isolation efforts, the guests are confronted with their own mortality as a mysterious figure in a blood-red mask appears.

If you have not read any short stories and poems from Poe, this story is a perfect journey into the horror genre!

  • The setting (description of time and place) plays a MAJOR role in the story, so following the Prince from room to room and highlighting the imagery (description that connects to the five senses) is very important when reading.
  • If you have not introduced mood  (emotion intended for the reader to experience), this story is PERFECT for delineating its progression from start to finish.
  • As students read, you might guide them through identifying various examples of  symbolism  (object, person, or place that represents something else); each room, objects within, and the “antagonist” is symbolic in some way!
  • How does the author convey the tone of the story? How would you, as the reader, describe the story’s mood?
  • What role does the plot structure (focus on the different rooms) play in shaping the reader’s understanding of the story?
  • What is the purpose of the symbolism in the story such as the clock and the masked figure?

Check out this EASY-TO-TEACH bundle , you can practice with your students, so they will feel more confident analyzing higher-level language in “The Masque of the Red Death!”

4.  “The Cask of Amontillado”

Another chilling tale from Poe is the classic story “The Cask of Amontillado.” This one is set during Carnival in an unnamed Italian city. The plot centers on a man seeking revenge on a ‘friend’ he believes has insulted him. If your students are anything like mine, they will relish the ending particularly!

This is just one more of Poe’s short stories and tales that will capture the mind of every reader!

  •  As you plan for this short story, be sure to encourage your students to analyze the changing setting (description of time and place); following Fortunato from scene to scene will help your students track what is really going on.
  • This story is the perfect moment to teach about dialogue (conversation within someone=internal and/or between someone and someone/thing else=external); Montresor certainly means more than what he SEEMS to say!
  • You might also offer a mini-lesson on the 3 types of irony and how each plays a role in the story: verbal (when a person says the opposite of what is really intended), situational (an action occurs that is the opposite from what the reader expects), and dramatic (a character expects a result, but the opposite occurs and the audience can tell what will happen)!
  • Describe Montresor. What are his motives and personality?
  • What inferences can you make about Montresor’s mindset based on his dialogue?
  • What is the purpose of the family’s motto and the carnival atmosphere? 

Check out this Short Story Activity & Quiz Bundle for Edgar Allan Poe’s “The Cask of Amontillado,” which contains questions and answers modeled after various reading standardized tests as well as pre-quiz reading comprehension questions, graphic organizers, and a writing activity to get students thinking critically about this classic short story involving REVENGE!

Want 7 more teaching ideas for one of Poe’s epic short stories and questions to go with it? Click below!

questions for the cask of amontillado

5.  “To Build a Fire”

This story by Jack London describes the treacherous journey of a man through the harsh Yukon wilderness during extreme cold. Despite warnings and the company of a loyal dog, the man’s arrogance and underestimation of nature’s power lead to a tragic end.

Short stories and ideas related to survival in nature are still relevant today! Who knows when you might get lost on a hike or crashland in no man’s land?

  • This story is PERFECT for a bit of  literary analysis  (examining the impact of various ideas, elements, or themes within a piece of literature); you could hone in on literary devices, characterization, theme, etc.!
  • Integrating clips from survival shows will help students see connections to the world and extend their thinking by comparing (recognizing similarities) and contrasting (recognizing differences) varied experiences!
  • Write a short narrative about surviving 24 hours in a different setting (description of time and place).
  • How does the author use irony? Provide an example and explain. 
  • What real-world connections can be made between this story and our contemporary life? 
  • What is the story’s message about preparedness and respecting nature?

Grab these engaging short stories and activities to make teaching this Jack London story stress-free!

6.  “The Cactus”

Told from the point of view of a young man at his former lover’s wedding, the narrator retells their story. Like most of O. Henry’s short stories and texts, this one has a twist that involves the titular cactus plant.

The ending will end in a bit of fun for your students!

  • Introduce diction (word choice) and its impact within the story by hyperfocusing on specific words within the story . Students can look up definitions, locate synonyms, create their own sentences, replace the words, etc.
  • Investigate twist endings (unexpected finish to a story); before reading the end of the story, ask students to guess why the girl “rejected” him. Some students may know the answer before reading it!
  • Describe the main characters. What similarities and differences are evident? How does this affect the story’s action?
  • What inferences can you make about Trysdale and his feelings about love and marriage?
  • What are the real and symbolic meanings of the cactus?

This resource packed with questions and answers, graphic organizers, and writing activities is sure to get your students thinking about this love story driven by misconceptions.

short stories and activities image

7.  “After Twenty Years”

This tale of friendship and betrayal focuses on the reunion of two old friends after twenty years apart on a New York City street corner. As they reminisce, something is revealed that demonstrates the reality of their bond as well as the choices they’ve made in life.

If you have not read O. Henry’s short stories and incorporated character analysis yet, this is your chance! The story is not long and can be completed in one to two class periods!

  • Sometimes, we ask students to visualize (create a picture) in their minds, but why not give them the opportunity to use their artistic skills to draw the two characters?
  • As students read, annotate for a description of each character; then, students can do a character analysis (investigation of the characters’ similarities and differences).
  • What type of irony is used in the story? How does its use affect your interpretation and understanding of the story?
  • How does the urban setting contribute to the mood of the story?
  • What is the story’s message about friendship and loyalty?

Examine the links between loyalty and duty with this set of resources designed specifically for this O. Henry story.

8.  “The Lottery”

“The Lottery” is the quintessential short story for middle school or high school English! Shirley Jackson’s “The Lottery” tells the story of an annual ritual that takes place in a seemingly idyllic town. When the townsfolk gather for the lottery drawing, a shocking turn of events demonstrates the dark side of human nature and their ties to (outdated) traditions.

  • Introduce the terms suspense (uncertainty and/or excitement leading up to a major event) and tension (anxiety or uneasy feelings experienced by characters). While reading, identify evidence that relates to each of these concepts and chat/write about their impact on meaning and plot.
  • Teach title (the name of the text) analysis. The title of “The Lottery” is perfect for teaching the impact of the title and audience expectations. Before reading, students may write what they believe the story will be about based on the title. After reading, students can complete a quick write responding to their previous expectations! You can do a text analysis for all short stories and poems!
  • What role does the plot structure play in building suspense and tension? (Consider the revelation of the lottery’s ‘prize’ in particular.)
  • What social commentary is being made through the story and its characters?
  • Describe Mr. Summers, Tessie, and Old Man Warner. What does the story reveal about their role in the community and their feelings about the lottery?

Give yours elf a breath of fresh air with this NO PREP curriculum that integrates test prep within the teaching of literature by using Shirley Jackson’s quintessential story!

the lottery short stories and activities

9.  “The Pedestrian”

This Ray Bradbury story follows a lone walker in a futuristic society in which everyone else is consumed by technology, particularly the television. One evening, the walker encounters a police car that questions his unusual behavior and the end is quite unexpected! (Most of Bradbury’s short stories and texts connect to the future and technology in some way!)

  • This story exemplifies Dystopian Literature (texts that include a supposedly perfect future society marred in some way by governmental or societal oppression). Using this story to introduce this type of literature is always fun for students because they will easily make connections to other dystopic short stories and poems!
  • Teach about mood (the emotional impact of a story’s description/action). The goal is to get students to deepen their critical thinking skills by recognizing how the mood changes and the purpose for that change!
  • How does the author use foreshadowing and suspense to build the mood of the story?
  • What is the central theme of the story? How might it connect with our current world?
  • What similes and metaphors does Bradbury use to describe the community and its members? What is notable about these comparisons?

With this resource about Bradbury’s “The Pedestrian,” you can just print and teach the lesson and activities with EASE! 

10.  “The Gift of the Magi”

This 1905 story by O. Henry relays a tale about a couple struggling to make ends meet. Throughout the story, they both figure out gifts to buy one another for Christmas and realize what love truly means!

  • Review character traits (how a character is depicted internally and externally). Log the traits of each character within the story and how they are important to the meaning of the story.
  • Extend (move beyond the text) critical thinking skills by encouraging students to think and write about other people. If they had $1,000 to spend on someone else, how would they spend the money and why?

the gift of the magi short stories and questions

  • How would you describe Della and Jim, and their relationship?
  • What values do the characters have, when you consider their actions and decisions?
  • Explain how dramatic irony is used in the story. Is it necessary? Is it effective? Why or why not?

This tale is a great addition to your short stories and questions unit around the winter holidays! Save yourself time at that time of the year with this lesson bundle . 

11.  “The Monkey’s Paw” 

“The Monkey’s Paw” is a classic horror story about the White family who come into possession of a mystical monkey’s paw that grants three wishes. Despite warnings, they use it and then face devastating consequences as a result.

  • Teach about the elements of the horror/suspense genre (Ex. Scary movies are typically dark, stormy, surprising, morbid, etc.).
  • Create a thematic statement (message relayed by the text in a complete sentence). There is no perfectly created theme (message) unless it is directly stated by the author; however, students can create a theme by supporting their ideas with evidence from the story!
  • What is the main theme of the story? Or how does the author communicate the themes of greed or fate? Is one stronger than the other?
  • Are Mr. and Mrs. White more alike or different from one another? How do you know?
  • Should we be afraid of the unknown? What message does the story share? Do you agree or disagree?

Examine W.W. Jacobs’ classic story with this set of questions and answers along with rigorous reading and writing activities . While it is ideal for a spooky season, the story is valuable for its ability to hook readers any time of year!

12.  “Lamb to the Slaughter” 

This classic story with a killer plot twist is about a woman who kills her husband and gets away with murder thanks to cooking a leg of lamb!

  • You could introduce the plot elements (exposition, rising action, climax, falling action, resolution), encourage students to identify major events to fit each element and write down textual evidence to support their ideas.
  • Complete a film analysis (examination of film techniques and their effects) to compare/contrast the short story with the classic Alfred Hitchcock television episode.
  • What is Mary Maloney’s state of mind? Does it remain the same or does it change throughout the story? Explain.
  • Is the resolution of the story satisfying? Why or why not? Why do you think the author ended it as he did?
  • How does irony contribute to the theme of deception in the story? Explain.

Spice up your middle school English or high school English class with this short stories and activities bundle for Dahl’s famous story!

13.  “The Tell-Tale Heart” 

Poe’s classic psychological thriller is narrated by an unnamed protagonist who insists on their sanity while recounting how they murdered an old man. The narrator is haunted by the sound of the victim’s beating heart, which ultimately drives him to confess to the crime despite not originally being a suspect. 

  • Teach symbolism (object, person, or place that represents something else) by focusing on the heart and eye . The author used these symbols in various ways!
  • Investigate psychology (the study of the human mind) as a part of the story. Determine what is fact and what is fiction within the narrator’s mind.
  • What does the story reveal about the human psyche?
  • What is the deeper meaning of the two key symbols in the story – the beating heart and the eye of the old man?
  • What role do the narrator’s inner thoughts play in the development of the plot?

the tell tale heart short stories and activities

This Short Story Comprehension Bundle offers quick (and effective!) ways to assess students’ learning and understanding of the story. It’s easy to use and will no doubt save you time too!

14.  “The Scarlet Ibis” 

Emotional short stories and their counterparts have a place as well in English classrooms! This short story by James Hurst about two brothers is a heartbreaking must-read. Through flashbacks, the unnamed narrator tells the life story of his younger sickly brother William Armstrong, who is nicknamed Doodle. And the end…well, you’ll see.

  • Define and explain the purpose of a flashback (referring back to the past within a story). Think about the implications of never thinking back on the past or always thinking about the past.
  • Complete a comparison chart between Doodle and the Ibis as you read along. Then, students can create a visual of each after they have ready by using their own evidence!
  • What is the meaning of the story’s title and the presence of a scarlet ibis in the story?
  • What is the central theme of the story? How do the events of the story support this chosen theme?
  • How does the author use personification for the storm? What effect does this have on the story?

This flexible resource features critical thinking questions and answers as well as writing and reading activities for students to explore Hurst’s heartbreaking story.

15.  “The Veldt” 

This science fiction story by Ray Bradbury was first published as “The World the Children Made” and it is quite fitting as a title! The story focuses on a futuristic world in which a video screen can be controlled and it turns out to be more than simple virtual reality! By the story’s conclusion, the world the children made is the downfall of their parents. 

  • Compare and contrast “The Veldt” with “The Pedestrian,” two short stories and dystopic texts by Ray Bradbury. Analyze the similarities and differences of both short stories and create a thematic statement that connects to both texts!
  • Make connections to our current reality in the 21st century. Locate research about the implications of technology on young people and integrate this information as you discuss this short story.
  • How does the author address the theme of technology versus humanity in the story? Do you agree with this commentary? Why or why not?
  • How does the nursery reflect the personalities of Wendy and Peter in this story?
  • Do you know the story of Peter Pan and his friend Wendy? What connections can you make between it and this story by Ray Bradbury?

Ray Bradbury’s classic short stories and similar passages are the BEST to teach in middle and high school English! With so much to dive into, they are sure to be a hit with your students. Grab this set of activities to extend your students’ engagement with rigorous reading and writing activities about “The Veldt.” 

16.  “The Necklace” 

A woman who longs for a life of luxury and elegance beyond her means faces consequences when she loses a borrowed necklace. Guy de Maupassant’s story ends with a twist that has the reader question the value of material possessions. 

  • I love comparing this short story with O. Henry’s “The Gift of the Magi.” You might choose to focus on the theme, characterization, setting, etc.
  • Summarize (writing about the main idea with details) each chunk of the story as you read with your students. Instead of asking students to write a paragraph, you could ask students to create each summary in only one sentence.
  • The story explores vanity, deception, and the consequences of striving for social status. Which theme do you think is the most important? Explain with support from the story.
  • Is Mathilde Loisel a likable character? Does this change during the story? Does it matter if the reader likes her? Why or why not?
  • What clues does the author provide throughout the story that foreshadow the twist at the story’s end?

Focus on the standards with this Short Story Lesson Bundle for “The Necklace” by Guy de Maupassant!

Need help with implementing activities for “The Necklace?” See below!


17.  “A Vendetta” 

Guy de Maupassant’s late-19th-century story is all about REVENGE. A mother is obsessed with creating a plan to avenge her son’s murder and she then puts the plan into action with a morbid outcome.

  • There are so many texts that involve REVENGE! Why not use this concept as a focus for a thematic unit (texts linked to a similar concept and/or message)? You could read “A Poison Tree,” “The Cask of Amontillado,” and “Lamb to the Slaughter” as well as “A Vendetta” with the intention of writing about all 4 for a comparison/contrast paper, presentation, or seminar.
  • Analyze the development (how a character changes over time) of the mother and the dog throughout the story; you might annotate for similarities and differences as well as their motivations!
  • What comment is the story making about the nature (or need) for justice? Do you agree or disagree? Why or why not?
  • What similes and metaphors does the author use to communicate the main character’s feelings about the vendetta?
  • How does the author use details to explain the main character’s thoughts, feelings, and motivation?

Add these activities for this lesser-known work to your short story plans. It’s sure to keep things fresh for your short stories and activities unit! 

18.  “Thank You, Ma’am” (also known as “Thank You, M’am”)

This heartfelt story by Langston Hughes tells the story of Luella, an older woman in the neighborhood, who is nearly robbed by a young man named Roger. In response to Roger, Luella brings him back to her home and treats him with an abundance of kindness, which has a profound effect on Roger.

This tale is at the top of the list for the BEST short stories and passages for upper middle and younger high school students!

  • Introduce perspective and/or point of view (how a story is told: 1st, 2nd, 3rd omniscient, 3rd limited, 3rd objective). Students might rewrite the story from another perspective or extend the story using the perspective of one of the main characters.
  • Review plot elements with a focus on the exposition (introduction to the characters, setting, and conflict), climax (highest point of interest/turning point of the story), and resolution (how the story is concluded and/or resolved in some way.) You could assign an activity surrounding each concept: visualization of the scene, a journal response to the event, or a short response focused on how the element is important to the overall theme!

thank you maam short stories and questions

  • Do you believe in second chances? What does the story say about second chances? 
  • How might the climax of the story also be seen as the turning point in Roger’s life?
  • How would you describe Mrs. Luella Bates Washington Jones? Are her actions expected or unexpected in the story? Consider from Roger’s and the reader’s point of view.

Click to check out all of the details for this BUNDLE with differentiated options , which includes a Test Prep Quiz (with varied options), Venn Diagrams, Graphic Organizers, and Writing Responses!! 

19.  “Click Clack the Rattle Bag”

This short story by Neil Gaiman is creepy and fun in the best ways possible! The narrator is taking care of his girlfriend’s little brother and walking him to bed when the child asks for a story. Instead of the narrator sharing a story, the boy shares about the Click Clacks who drink their prey and leave behind rattling bodies. The end is too good to be missed!

Short stories and plots like those in “Click Clack the Rattle Bag” will most certainly engage even your most struggling learners!

  • We all know that test prep can be tough as many reading passages are, well, boring! Why not accomplish some test prep with your students and incorporate 5 standardized test-related questions ? You could focus on theme, structure, order of events, characterization, etc.!
  • Help students make inferences (acknowledging and hypothesizing about the impact of details that are not directly referenced or stated) as the scene moves along. Students can analyze the change in the setting, the little boy himself, the story the boy is telling, and specific phrases from the story.
  • What details in the story contribute to its eerie atmosphere or mood? Or what figurative language devices does Neil Gaiman use to create a sense of suspense in the story? 
  • How does the author use ambiguity in the story? Is it effective or not? Explain.
  • What inferences can you make about the relationship between the narrator and the young boy?

click clack the rattle bag short stories and questions

This “Click Clack the Rattle Bag” Quiz Pack for middle and high school students uses the Common Core standards and contains questions and answers modeled after various state standardized tests! Make teaching this amazing short story by Neil Gaiman SIMPLE & EASY!

Why should we incorporate more short stories and activities in our teaching?

While I would never advocate replacing all novels with short stories and smaller texts, there is still something to be said about spending quality time with short stories and excerpts. 

Including short stories and standards-based activities is an ideal option to improve reading comprehension and develop skills, especially in middle and high school English classes!


short stories and questions unit

This  Short Stories and Test Prep Questions ULTIMATE BUNDLE with Lessons, Quizzes, and Activities uses the Common Core standards with reading comprehension QUESTIONS and ANSWERS for 18 short stories such as “The Most Dangerous Game,” “The Monkey’s Paw,” “The Tell-Tale Heart,” “After Twenty Years,” “The Gift of the Magi,” “The Veldt,” “The Lottery,” “The Pedestrian,” etc. modeled after various state reading exams.

Make teaching short stories and activities SIMPLE & EASY!

Just PRINT & TEACH with engaging short stories and lessons!!

Need more fun ideas for teaching short stories and corresponding activities? Check out my store Kristin Menke-Integrated ELA Test Prep !

critical thinking discussion topics


I primarily focus on  integrating multiple disciplines and subjects. The goal is to make teaching simplified and effective!

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Click below to download “13 Simple Strategies to make test prep a breeze!”

critical thinking discussion topics

85 Fun Critical Thinking Questions for Kids & Teens

students laughing as they answer critical thinking questions

Have you ever thought about using fun questions to practice critical thinking?

Students may need a little guidance to think their way through questions that lack straightforward answers.

But it is that process that is important!

How the Right Questions Encourage Critical Thinking

Every parent knows how natural it is for children to ask questions. 

It should be encouraged. After all, asking questions helps with critical thinking.

As they grow older, however, training them to answer questions can be equally beneficial.

Posing questions that encourage kids to analyze, compare, and evaluate information can help them develop their ability to think critically about tough topics in the future. 

Of course, critical thinking questions for kids need to be age-appropriate—even better if you can mix a little fun into it!

That’s what I hope to help you with today. I’ve organized the questions below into three different ages groups:

  • Upper elementary
  • Middle school
  • High school 

20 Questions: Exercises in Critical Thinking

Get a Question-Based Critical Thinking Exercise—Free!

Introduce critical thinking gently & easily with thought-provoking exercises.

Upper Elementary

Students in upper elementary grades can be reluctant to put themselves out there, especially with answers that seem weird. 

In some cases, such hesitancy is actually fear of differing from their peers (and a barrier to critical thinking ). 

But that’s exactly why it’s important to practice answering ambiguous questions. 

We want our children to stand firm for their beliefs—not cave to peer pressure. 

Additionally, students may feel uneasy about answering serious questions, uncertain of tackling “big” problems. 

However, with careful use of creative questions for kids, it’s possible to engage even the most reluctant children in this age group. 

The idea is to simply get them interested in the conversation and questions asked.

If you have an especially reserved student, try starting with the funny critical thinking questions. 

Humor is a natural icebreaker that can make critical thinking questions more lighthearted and enjoyable. 

Of course, most younger kids just like to be silly, so playing upon that can keep them active and engaged.

With that said, here are some great questions to get you started:

1. Someone gives you a penguin. You can’t sell it or give it away. What do you do with it?

2. What would it be like if people could fly?

3. If animals could talk, what question would you ask? 

4. If you were ice cream, what kind would you be and why?

5. Do you want to travel back in time? If yes, how far back would you go? If no, why not?

6. What could you invent that would help your family? 

7. If you could stay up all night, what would you do?

8. What does the man on the moon do during the day?

9. What makes something weird or normal? 

10. Can you describe the tastes “salty” and “sweet” without using those words?

11. What does it feel like to ride a rollercoaster?

12. What makes a joke funny?

13. What two items would you take if you knew you would be stranded on an island and why?

14. Do you have a favorite way of laughing?

15. What noise makes you cringe and cover your ears? Why?

16. If you could be the parent for the day, what would you do?

17. If you could jump into your favorite movie and change the outcome, which one would you pick and why?

18. If you could be invisible for a day, what would you do?

19. What makes a day “perfect”?

20. If you owned a store, what kind of products would you sell?

21. If your parents were your age, would you be friends with them?

22. Would you still like your favorite food if it tasted the same as always, but now had an awful smell?

23. What would you do if you forgot to put your shoes on before leaving home?

24. Who would you be if you were a cartoon character?

25. How many hot dogs do you think you could eat in one sitting?

26. If you could breathe under water, what would you explore?

27. At what age do you think you stop being a kid?

28. If you had springs in your legs, what would you be able to do?

29. Can you describe the color blue to someone if they’re blind?

Middle School

At this point, students start to acquire more complex skills and are able to form their own conclusions based on the information they’re given. 

However, we can’t expect deep philosophical debates with 12 and 13 year olds. 

That said, as parent-teachers, we can certainly begin using more challenging questions to help them examine and rationalize their thought processes. 

Browse the fun critical thinking questions below for students in this age range. 

You might be surprised to see how receptive middle school kids can be to such thought-provoking (yet still fun) questions .

30. What would happen if it really did rain cats and dogs?

31. What does it mean to be lucky?

32. If you woke up in the middle of a dream, where would you be?

33. Is it ever okay to lie? Why or why not?

34. If you were solely responsible for creating laws, what one law would you make?

35. What makes a person a good friend?

36. What do you think is the most important skill you can take into adulthood?

37. If you had to give up lunch or dinner, which would you choose? Why?

38. How much money would you need to be considered rich?

39. If you knew you wouldn’t get caught, would you cheat on a test?

40. If you could live anywhere in the world, where would that be?

41. What is your greatest strength? How is that an asset?

42. If you had an opportunity to visit the International Space Station, would you do it?

43. Is it better to keep the peace or speak your mind?

44. Imagine yourself as your favorite animal. How would you spend your day?

45. Would you be friends with someone who didn’t have the same values as you?

46. How much screen time do you think is too much?

47. Can you describe your favorite color without naming it?

48. If you suddenly became blind, would you see things differently?

49. Would you ever go skydiving?

50. Describe the time you were the happiest in your life. Why did this make you happy?

51. If you had a million dollars, what would you do?

52. If you had to move to a new city, would you change how you present yourself to others?

53. What do you need to do in order to be famous?

54. If you could rewrite the ending of your favorite book or movie, what changes would you make?

55. How would you tackle a huge goal?

56. How would you sell ice to an eskimo in Alaska successfully?

57. What makes you unique?

High School

Critical thinking takes on an entirely different role once students reach high school. 

At this age, they have a greater sense of right and wrong (and what makes things so) as well as a better understanding of the world’s challenges.

Guiding teens to delve deeper and contemplate such things is an important part of developing their reasoning and critical thinking skills. 

critical thinking discussion topics

Whether it’s fun questions about hypothetical superpowers or tough critical thinking questions about life, older teens typically have what it takes to think their way to a logical conclusion . 

Of course, use your discernment as you choose discussion topics, but here are some questions to help get you started:

58. How can you avoid [common problem] in the future?

59. Do you think it’s okay to take a life in order to save 5, 10, 20 or more people?

60. If you could go back and give your younger self advice, what would it be?

61. Is it better to give or receive a gift?

62. How important is it to be financially secure? Why?

63. If it was up to you, what one rule would you change in your family?

64. What would you do if a group of friends wanted to do something that you thought was a bad idea?

65. How do you know that something is a fact rather than an opinion?

66. What would it take to get you to change your mind?

67. What’s the most important thing in your life?

68. If money were of no concern, what job would you choose and why?

69. How do you know if you’re happy?

70. Do you think euthanasia is moral?

71. What is something you can do today that you weren’t able to do a year ago?

72. Is social media a good thing or not?

73. Is it right to keep animals in a zoo?

74. How does your attitude affect your abilities?

75. What would you do if you found out a friend was doing something dangerous?

76. If you could have any superpower, what would it be? Why?

77. What will life on Earth look like in 50 years?

78. Which is more important, ending world hunger or global warming?

79. Is it a good idea to lower the voting age to 16? Why or why not?

80. If the electrical power went out today, how would you cook if using wood wasn’t an option?

81. If you could magically transport yourself to any other place, where would that be and why?

82. When should teenagers be able to stay out all night?

83. Does the number zero actually exist?

84. What defines a generous person?

85. Does an influential person influence everyone?

Feel free to print out these fun critical thinking questions and incorporate them into your homeschool week!

critical thinking discussion topics

will your children recognize truth?

About the author.

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Jordan Mitchell

A unique tool for teaching critical thinking

Kialo Edu is a custom version of Kialo ( ), the world’s largest argument mapping and debate site, specifically designed for classroom use. Its clear, visually compelling format makes it easy to follow the logical structure of a discussion and facilitates thoughtful collaboration. Kialo’s mission is to promote well-reasoned discussion online, and to that end, Kialo is free for educators to use.

Use Kialo to help students get to the core of the issues they’re discussing

To put their knowledge into action

To sharpen their critical reasoning skills

To demonstrate their understanding

To engage constructively with each other

Take your classroom discussions online, break down complex subjects for students, and shake it up with new types of assignments.

What can you use Kialo for?

Host classroom debates.

Create discussions for your students, where they can put their knowledge into practice, develop their own views on classroom content, and consolidate what they’ve learned. In a Kialo discussion, every student has a voice – there’s no talking over each other, and students have the space to explore arguments at their own pace. Kialo’s collaborative platform encourages students to work together to find the best way to express each idea.

  • See Sample Classroom Debate Assignment
  • See Demo Classroom Debate

Assess learning

Assign students to write a Kialo discussion instead of an essay – or use Kialo discussions to outline larger writing projects. Kialo’s argument-tree structure leads students to consider counter-arguments, develop a logical outline of their argument, and visualize how their ideas fit together.

  • See Sample Essay Outlining Assignment
  • See Demo Essay Outline

Share knowledge

Write a discussion for your students to explore, and set out content in a clear and easy format. Link to additional sources and reading, challenge students to add arguments or question concepts.

  • See Sample Knowledge Sharing Assignment
  • See Demo Knowledge Sharing Exercise

How does Kialo work?

Explore complex issues.

With Kialo, discussions and debates are clearly visualized as an interactive tree of pro and con arguments. At the top of every discussion is the thesis , which is supported or challenged by pro and con claims. Each one of these claims can in turn branch into subsequent claims that support or challenge them.

Start a discussion

All discussions are private and can only be seen by those you choose to share them with. To start a discussion with your students, simply write a brief description and a thesis (or theses). Share the discussion with your whole class, or divide students into smaller groups.

Collaborate with your students

Each claim has a comment section underneath that allows you to give students feedback, suggest improvements, and ask questions without cluttering the surface of the discussion. Similarly, students can easily collaborate with each other to improve their arguments, examples, and phrasing.

Create teams for your classes

You can set up teams for each of your classes to easily share and organize the content you want your students to see. All content on is private, accessible only to the people you share it with.

See some of the ways you can use Kialo in your classroom

These features are just a small fraction of what you can do with Kialo. Find the application that works best with your teaching style.

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Critical Thinking: A Simple Guide and Why It’s Important

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Critical Thinking: A Simple Guide and Why It’s Important was originally published on Ivy Exec .

Strong critical thinking skills are crucial for career success, regardless of educational background. It embodies the ability to engage in astute and effective decision-making, lending invaluable dimensions to professional growth.

At its essence, critical thinking is the ability to analyze, evaluate, and synthesize information in a logical and reasoned manner. It’s not merely about accumulating knowledge but harnessing it effectively to make informed decisions and solve complex problems. In the dynamic landscape of modern careers, honing this skill is paramount.

The Impact of Critical Thinking on Your Career

☑ problem-solving mastery.

Visualize critical thinking as the Sherlock Holmes of your career journey. It facilitates swift problem resolution akin to a detective unraveling a mystery. By methodically analyzing situations and deconstructing complexities, critical thinkers emerge as adept problem solvers, rendering them invaluable assets in the workplace.

☑ Refined Decision-Making

Navigating dilemmas in your career path resembles traversing uncertain terrain. Critical thinking acts as a dependable GPS, steering you toward informed decisions. It involves weighing options, evaluating potential outcomes, and confidently choosing the most favorable path forward.

☑ Enhanced Teamwork Dynamics

Within collaborative settings, critical thinkers stand out as proactive contributors. They engage in scrutinizing ideas, proposing enhancements, and fostering meaningful contributions. Consequently, the team evolves into a dynamic hub of ideas, with the critical thinker recognized as the architect behind its success.

☑ Communication Prowess

Effective communication is the cornerstone of professional interactions. Critical thinking enriches communication skills, enabling the clear and logical articulation of ideas. Whether in emails, presentations, or casual conversations, individuals adept in critical thinking exude clarity, earning appreciation for their ability to convey thoughts seamlessly.

☑ Adaptability and Resilience

Perceptive individuals adept in critical thinking display resilience in the face of unforeseen challenges. Instead of succumbing to panic, they assess situations, recalibrate their approaches, and persist in moving forward despite adversity.

☑ Fostering Innovation

Innovation is the lifeblood of progressive organizations, and critical thinking serves as its catalyst. Proficient critical thinkers possess the ability to identify overlooked opportunities, propose inventive solutions, and streamline processes, thereby positioning their organizations at the forefront of innovation.

☑ Confidence Amplification

Critical thinkers exude confidence derived from honing their analytical skills. This self-assurance radiates during job interviews, presentations, and daily interactions, catching the attention of superiors and propelling career advancement.

So, how can one cultivate and harness this invaluable skill?

✅ developing curiosity and inquisitiveness:.

Embrace a curious mindset by questioning the status quo and exploring topics beyond your immediate scope. Cultivate an inquisitive approach to everyday situations. Encourage a habit of asking “why” and “how” to deepen understanding. Curiosity fuels the desire to seek information and alternative perspectives.

✅ Practice Reflection and Self-Awareness:

Engage in reflective thinking by assessing your thoughts, actions, and decisions. Regularly introspect to understand your biases, assumptions, and cognitive processes. Cultivate self-awareness to recognize personal prejudices or cognitive biases that might influence your thinking. This allows for a more objective analysis of situations.

✅ Strengthening Analytical Skills:

Practice breaking down complex problems into manageable components. Analyze each part systematically to understand the whole picture. Develop skills in data analysis, statistics, and logical reasoning. This includes understanding correlation versus causation, interpreting graphs, and evaluating statistical significance.

✅ Engaging in Active Listening and Observation:

Actively listen to diverse viewpoints without immediately forming judgments. Allow others to express their ideas fully before responding. Observe situations attentively, noticing details that others might overlook. This habit enhances your ability to analyze problems more comprehensively.

✅ Encouraging Intellectual Humility and Open-Mindedness:

Foster intellectual humility by acknowledging that you don’t know everything. Be open to learning from others, regardless of their position or expertise. Cultivate open-mindedness by actively seeking out perspectives different from your own. Engage in discussions with people holding diverse opinions to broaden your understanding.

✅ Practicing Problem-Solving and Decision-Making:

Engage in regular problem-solving exercises that challenge you to think creatively and analytically. This can include puzzles, riddles, or real-world scenarios. When making decisions, consciously evaluate available information, consider various alternatives, and anticipate potential outcomes before reaching a conclusion.

✅ Continuous Learning and Exposure to Varied Content:

Read extensively across diverse subjects and formats, exposing yourself to different viewpoints, cultures, and ways of thinking. Engage in courses, workshops, or seminars that stimulate critical thinking skills. Seek out opportunities for learning that challenge your existing beliefs.

✅ Engage in Constructive Disagreement and Debate:

Encourage healthy debates and discussions where differing opinions are respectfully debated.

This practice fosters the ability to defend your viewpoints logically while also being open to changing your perspective based on valid arguments. Embrace disagreement as an opportunity to learn rather than a conflict to win. Engaging in constructive debate sharpens your ability to evaluate and counter-arguments effectively.

✅ Utilize Problem-Based Learning and Real-World Applications:

Engage in problem-based learning activities that simulate real-world challenges. Work on projects or scenarios that require critical thinking skills to develop practical problem-solving approaches. Apply critical thinking in real-life situations whenever possible.

This could involve analyzing news articles, evaluating product reviews, or dissecting marketing strategies to understand their underlying rationale.

In conclusion, critical thinking is the linchpin of a successful career journey. It empowers individuals to navigate complexities, make informed decisions, and innovate in their respective domains. Embracing and honing this skill isn’t just an advantage; it’s a necessity in a world where adaptability and sound judgment reign supreme.

So, as you traverse your career path, remember that the ability to think critically is not just an asset but the differentiator that propels you toward excellence.

Critical thinking definition

critical thinking discussion topics

Critical thinking, as described by Oxford Languages, is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement.

Active and skillful approach, evaluation, assessment, synthesis, and/or evaluation of information obtained from, or made by, observation, knowledge, reflection, acumen or conversation, as a guide to belief and action, requires the critical thinking process, which is why it's often used in education and academics.

Some even may view it as a backbone of modern thought.

However, it's a skill, and skills must be trained and encouraged to be used at its full potential.

People turn up to various approaches in improving their critical thinking, like:

  • Developing technical and problem-solving skills
  • Engaging in more active listening
  • Actively questioning their assumptions and beliefs
  • Seeking out more diversity of thought
  • Opening up their curiosity in an intellectual way etc.

Is critical thinking useful in writing?

Critical thinking can help in planning your paper and making it more concise, but it's not obvious at first. We carefully pinpointed some the questions you should ask yourself when boosting critical thinking in writing:

  • What information should be included?
  • Which information resources should the author look to?
  • What degree of technical knowledge should the report assume its audience has?
  • What is the most effective way to show information?
  • How should the report be organized?
  • How should it be designed?
  • What tone and level of language difficulty should the document have?

Usage of critical thinking comes down not only to the outline of your paper, it also begs the question: How can we use critical thinking solving problems in our writing's topic?

Let's say, you have a Powerpoint on how critical thinking can reduce poverty in the United States. You'll primarily have to define critical thinking for the viewers, as well as use a lot of critical thinking questions and synonyms to get them to be familiar with your methods and start the thinking process behind it.

Are there any services that can help me use more critical thinking?

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Classroom activities and resources for D-Day and World War II

critical thinking discussion topics

June 6th marks the 80 th anniversary of D-Day, providing a valuable occasion to immerse your students in meaningful discussions on World War II topics. And as a free discussion platform designed for classroom use, Kialo Edu has the ideal classroom resources for you!

Our experts have created a collection of curriculum-linked World War II discussion topics that enable your students to build their substantive history knowledge while practicing disciplinary skills, such as critical thinking and source analysis.

Before we dive in, let’s discover some of the benefits of discussing history debate topics with your students.

Why are class discussions good for teaching students about history?

1. students construct their own knowledge and build independent learning skills.

In a Kialo discussion, students take the lead to actively shape conversations within a safe and supportive environment. This ownership motivates them to independently research, analyze, and organize information to build the discussion. In doing so, students construct their own substantive knowledge from their respective starting points, with educators providing additional guidance as needed.

2. Students practice critical thinking through collaboration

In Kialo discussions, students can ask questions, challenge assumptions, and analyze different viewpoints. This process of collaborative inquiry fosters critical thinking skills, as students learn to evaluate evidence, consider alternative interpretations, and develop well-reasoned arguments.

3. Students develop an emotional connection to the topic, prompting deeper comprehension

Discussions on historical events give students the opportunity to more deeply explore the experiences of the people who were directly involved. This fosters both a personal and emotional connection to the topic, motivating students to strengthen their understanding of these events and analyze their ongoing impact on people today.

Now, let’s explore how your students can meet history curriculum standards with our ever-expanding collection of World War II discussions.

Six engaging World War II discussion activities

1. was the treaty of versailles the main cause of world war ii.

Learning objectives: 

  • Students will be able to identify, analyze, and evaluate the relationship between multiple causes of World War II.
  • Students will be able to compare and contrast long- and short-term causes of World War II.

Develop students’ understanding of causation by having them examine the Treaty of Versailles in this Kialo discussion, focusing on its relationship to World War I and its subsequent influence on World War II.

As they investigate the terms of the treaty and its impact on Germany, students will deepen their understanding of the era’s political landscape and the multitude of factors that contributed to the outbreak of World War II.

Then, have students add claims to the Kialo discussion, comparing and contrasting the short- and long-term causes of the conflict. Students’ claims are displayed in a tree format, with connective lines showing the relationship between different causes.

This structure supports students in developing lines of reasoning , enabling them to draw informed conclusions on the main cause of World War II.

Was the Treaty of Versailles the main cause of World War II? —

2. Could the Allied Powers have prevented World War II?

Learning objective:

  • Students will be able to create relevant, structured, and evidentially supported accounts in response to the question.

Students can apply their knowledge of the causes of World War II to discuss whether the Allied Powers could have prevented the conflict. Start by recapping the political context and alliances of the era, clarifying the Allied and Axis Powers.

Next, have students conduct thorough research on whether the Allied Powers could have addressed issues such as Germany’s expansionism or economic instability more effectively to prevent the outbreak of war.

Then, students can use their findings to create a relevant, structured, and evidentially supported account — all within the discussion itself. They build their response by adding pro and con claims, while branching discussion format helps structure their ideas.

Adding supporting evidence is much easier for students than in a traditional history essay: Once they locate a useful source (either online or offline), students simply link it to a claim and add a citation, ensuring their viewpoints are well-supported.

Could the Allied Powers have prevented World War II? —

3. Should the US have entered World War II earlier?

Learning objective: 

  • Students will be able to make connections between one country’s perspective and international history

Students can explore the connections between US priorities in the 1940s and international history by investigating the evolving position of the US before and during World War II. They will be able to analyze how leaders balanced domestic pressures, such as the public preference for neutrality, against the increasing international threat of Axis aggression.

When students collaborate in this discussion, they will see supporting and opposing arguments appear side by side, meaning they are consistently invited to engage with other perspectives . Often those other perspectives will appear directly under their own arguments, challenging students to analyze their own as well as their peers’ positions, thus building their substantive knowledge on World War II and their critical thinking skills.

3. Should the US have entered World War II earlier? —

4. Were the Nuremberg Trials effective in delivering justice for war crimes?

  • Students will be able to use sources to analyze the historical context of the Nuremberg Trials, considering bias, accuracy, and reliability.

For students to build a complete picture of World War II, they should also explore the consequences of the conflict, such as the Nuremberg Trials. 

Students can use primary and secondary sources , including testimonies, recordings, and articles to analyze the historical context of these trials and engage with diverse perspectives on how people at the time perceived the trials. Here, it’s important for students to explore the neutrality of the trials by critically assessing the source material for bias , accuracy, and reliability.

To encourage honest contributions on this sensitive topic, educators can make the discussion anonymous . This means students can add claims and comments via randomized usernames, with their real identities viewable solely by educators — removing students’ fear of judgment and maximizing the range of perspectives in the discussion.

Were the Nuremberg Trials effective in delivering justice for war crimes? —

5. Should the Allied Powers apologize for war crimes in World War II?

Learning objectives:

  • Students will be able to contrast the consequences of war crimes for the Allied and Axis Powers.
  • Students will be able to distinguish between long-term and immediate causes and effects of a historical event.

Studying the Nuremberg Trials may lead students to believe that the Allied Powers were innocent of war crimes. So, discuss how evolving perspectives have prompted the reassessment of certain Allied actions as potential war crimes.

Have students research controversial Allied actions, such as the bombing of Dresden and the atomic bombings in Japan. Then, students should compare these actions’ immediate and long-term causes and effects with those of Axis war crimes.

Students should then contrast the consequences that the Axis and Allied Powers faced. This research can inform students’ claims on whether the Allied Powers should now apologize for their actions.

To encourage thoughtful and respectful contributions from students, assign them a suggester role in the discussion. This means educators must approve claims before they appear in the discussion, prompting students to reflect carefully on their ideas. Moreover, educators can address any misconceptions by using Grading and Feedback to give students individual feedback on their claims.

Should the Allied Powers apologize for war crimes in World War II? —

6. Did World War II significantly advance the rights of women in the countries involved?

  • Students will be able to use evidence to compare and contrast the long- and short-term effects of World War II on societal and gender roles.

In this discussion, students can explore the connection between military and social history, and gain insight into how past ideas and events can shape future ones.

They should use primary and secondary sources, such as diaries, letters, and historical analyses, to examine how women’s rights experienced short-term advancements during the war and evaluate if these rights were sustained in subsequent years. Sources should reflect the experiences of women from diverse backgrounds, giving students an understanding of women’s experiences across different segments of society.

Whereas a traditional discussion on this issue may be dominated by a few students, in a Kialo discussion, everyone can contribute simultaneously, maximizing engagement . Moreover, because the discussion is automatically saved, your students can continue to add to it over time as their knowledge develops, and you can use it as assessment evidence!

Did World War II significantly advance the rights of women in the countries involved? —

Kialo’s World War II discussions are an accessible and engaging way to respectfully remember the D-Day anniversary with your students while building their critical thinking skills . What’s more, all Kialo discussions are completely free and work with familiar learning platforms .

Once you’ve seen the impact of these discussions, we’re sure that you’ll want to explore more discussion topics with your students!

Simply head to our Topic Library which offers more than 500 free discussion prompts tailored to different age groups and curriculum subjects. We’d love to hear about your favorites! Contact us at [email protected] or on any of our social media platforms.

Want to try Kialo Edu with your class?

Sign up for free and use Kialo Edu to have thoughtful classroom discussions and train students’ argumentation and critical thinking skills.

Introducing the Winners of the 2024 Metcalf Awards, BU’s Top Teaching Honors

Professors from sph and cas recognized for mentoring and encouraging students to build critical thinking skills and friendships.

Photo: A composite image of three professors from Boston University. On the left is a woman smiling while wearing glasses and pearl earrings in addition to a suit with a blouse under. In the middle is a man smiling in a pullover sweater with buttons and a blue button up shirt under. On the right is a woman in a gray suit smiling at the camera.

Veronika Wirtz (from left), photo courtesy of Wirtz; Yuri Corrigan, photo by Jackie Ricciardi; and Alexis Peri, photo by Cydney Scott

Amy Laskowski

To ease his students into discussing the works of 19th-century Russian novelist Leo Tolstoy, Yuri Corrigan has figured out a few ice-breaker questions to get the class talking and thinking about the themes they’ll be exploring in the texts: “Do you ever feel like you’re watching your life from a distance, and not living inside of it?” or “Do you share your parents’ values?” 

Corrigan, a College of Arts & Sciences associate professor of Russian and comparative literature, hopes that by the time the class opens War and Peace or Anna Karenina , they’ll realize that the themes Tolstoy wrote about are ones we struggle with today. 

“In my class, I try to get the students to think about what a good conversation is,” says Corrigan, who grew up in an immigrant family in the Canadian province of Saskatchewan. “I think that helps students [realize] that we’re not there to take in ready-made information. We’re here to start a conversation with an author or with a text that will sustain us for years to come.”

Corrigan’s dedication to improving the classroom experience has earned him this year’s Metcalf Cup and Prize, the University’s highest teaching award. He will be honored at the 2024 Commencement ceremony on May 19 alongside two other faculty members—Veronika Wirtz, a School of Public Health professor of global health, and Alexis Peri, a CAS associate professor of history—the recipients of this year’s Metcalf Awards for Excellence in Teaching. 

Created in 1973, the Metcalf Cup and Prize and the Metcalf Awards for Excellence in Teaching are a gift from the late Arthur G. B. Metcalf (Wheelock’35, Hon.’74), a BU Board of Trustees chair emeritus and a former professor. The program gives $10,000 to the Cup and Prize winner and $5,000 each to the Metcalf Award winners. A University committee selects winners based on statements of the nominees’ teaching philosophy, supporting letters from colleagues and students, and classroom observations of the nominees.

Yuri Corrigan , College of Arts & Sciences associate professor of Russian and comparative literature

For Corrigan, teaching literature is an opportunity to break through the noise of TikTok, the 24/7 news cycle, and texting. He says his ultimate goal is to “cultivate long-term skills”—to encourage his students to be better writers and thinkers and “to foster moral and intellectual infrastructures for their daily lives.”

In reviewing Corrigan’s nomination packet, “the repeated feedback from students is that [his] courses changed their lives,” wrote committee chair Amie Grills, BU associate provost for undergraduate affairs, noting that faculty who observed his classes say he “performs magic.” In a supporting letter, a student wrote, ​​“Every time I take a class with him I come out with a new understanding and appreciation for life—what more could you ask for from a university experience during the most pivotal years of your life?”

Nominators made it clear that Corrigan cares about his students’ happiness and well-being as much as their academic careers. He organizes pods so that students have dedicated classmates to reach out to should a homework question arise, and then he mandates that the pods meet for coffee twice a semester. Before long, friendships form. 

“What I really strive for is that when I walk into the class, they’re not all silently looking at their phones,” Corrigan says. “If they’re engaged in conversation already, then something good is going on.”

Veronika Wirtz , School of Public Health professor of global health

During her grad school training at the University of London, Wirtz says, she had fantastic mentors who pointed her in career directions she hadn’t considered before. She strives to do the same today for her School of Public Health students through engaging classes incorporating tabletop exercises and lively discussion, visits from professionals working in the field, and thoughtful mentoring.

Wirtz has founded and coordinated several mentoring initiatives at SPH, including the Emerging Women Leaders program, which connects doctoral students with leaders in the public health sector. Her Metcalf nominators cite her ability to form lifelong relationships with many of her students and help them connect with other academic units at BU, the College of Engineering and the Pardee School of Global Studies among them.

“For me, it’s very important to genuinely engage and to get to know the students, just as I would engage with colleagues,” says Wirtz, an expert on ensuring access to medicines in developing countries. “I’ve had many encounters with students where they said, ‘Oh, wow! I didn’t know that I had that strength’ or ‘I didn’t know I could bridge those two disciplines.’ I think it is through these types of encounters and talks that you discover with them what they might want to do and how they can bring their strengths to the professional field.”

Before the start of each semester, Wirtz asks her new students to fill out a questionnaire so she can tailor the syllabus to their backgrounds and interests. “This makes them much more open to engaging in building a learning community…where people are inspired to come with questions and share.” 

Unsurprisingly, the Metcalf award isn’t Wirtz’s first teaching accolade. Just last year, SPH awarded her the Excellence in Research Mentoring Award and the Excellence in Teaching Award for Dedication to Student Learning.

In their evaluation, a student described Wirtz’s course as the best class they’d taken at SPH. “Veronika not just vocalized but showed that she prioritized our learning and our professional development,” the student wrote. “She created such a supportive learning environment” and helped “promote and spark amazing conversations.” In observing one of Wirtz’s classes, one Metcalf committee member noted, “I felt that people were there to figure out how to change the world.”

Alexis Peri , CAS associate professor of history

Peri, a historian who focuses on modern Russia and Eastern Europe (especially the Soviet period), says that when she started teaching, she was hyper-focused on ensuring her students memorized the content. But after teaching for more than 15 years, she says, she is “much more interested in seeing how students grow in their confidence and their ability to write and analyze.”

The Metcalf nominating committee says Peri’s creative assignments are one of the hallmarks of her teaching. One of her assignments challenged students to write fictional dating and social media profiles for famous historical figures, like Catherine the Great. In her Experiencing Total War class, Peri has the students form a historical character living through both World War I and World War II and then write installments of the person’s life, thinking about how the two wars would shape the way that person grew and developed through the decades. This semester, to help her students keep track of the timeline of President Vladimir Putin’s rise to power, Peri told her students to write the Russian dictator’s résumé. 

“We talked about what skills he would list as well as what things he might want to conceal on his résumé,” Peri says. “It was a more fun approach that yielded greater intellectual results and more thinking as a result.” She thinks creative work is one of the best ways to engage all aspects of a student’s intelligence and experience, she says, and it can be deceptively challenging, requiring a deeper level of thinking than memorization.

“Alexis is known among her students as an ‘engaging and thoughtful facilitator’ with a sensitive approach to heavy themes that helps students feel comfortable sharing ideas and learning together how to craft questions, hone research skills, and adapt to information and feedback,” her nomination letter says. “Many students shared that their writing skills transformed with her guidance.”

Peri says she approaches teaching the same way she works and writes as a historian—by telling stories and reconstructing not just what the world looked like and the events that happened, but also how it felt and why people reacted to it the way they did. 

“Once students connect to a story or a storyteller, then that opens up all of these possibilities for greater empathy with those who came before us and opens up a lot of possibilities for deeper understanding and appreciation,” she says. “It can also give them the ability to criticize and condemn on a more thoughtful level. So I think that there are all kinds of ways that reckoning with the past makes us more effective citizens and more effective people.”

Find more information about Commencement here

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  • Commencement 2024
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Photo of Amy Laskowski. A white woman with long brown hair pulled into a half up, half down style and wearing a burgundy top, smiles and poses in front of a dark grey backdrop.

Amy Laskowski is a senior writer at Boston University. She is always hunting for interesting, quirky stories around BU and helps manage and edit the work of BU Today ’s interns. She did her undergrad at Syracuse University and earned a master’s in journalism at the College of Communication in 2015. Profile

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There are 2 comments on Introducing the Winners of the 2024 Metcalf Awards, BU’s Top Teaching Honors

Congrats to all of the winners. I can attest to Prof. Corrigan’s “magical” teaching abilities. When we visited BU before my son chose to attend BU, Prof. Corrigan was one of the featured lecturers and gave a spellbinding and wry lecture on Dostoevsky. My son later took Prof. Corrigan’s class on the same subject and said it was one of his favorite classes at BU.

Congratulations to all and a special shout out to Yuri!

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  1. 10 Essential Critical Thinking Skills (And How to Improve Them

    critical thinking discussion topics

  2. Example Of Critical Thinking On Critical Discussion

    critical thinking discussion topics

  3. 10 ways to improve critical thinking

    critical thinking discussion topics

  4. How to Improve Critical Thinking

    critical thinking discussion topics

  5. 25 Critical Thinking Examples (2024)

    critical thinking discussion topics

  6. Critical Thinking Components of Discussion

    critical thinking discussion topics


  1. Critical Thinking 1 Units 1-4 Review Questions

  2. Critical Thinking Final (Discussion Board 8)

  3. Discussion and Critical Thinking Summer 2024 Class

  4. The New British Navy, Captained By The LGBTQ Vaxxed Degeneration. What the ship is going on Sal 👉

  5. discussion on thinking| how to develop critical thinking ||

  6. MAKU DIGRESSES: An Exercise in Humility


  1. 150+ Unique Debate Topics That Will Spark Epic Discussions

    Practicing debate is a personal growth powerhouse activity! It trains you to think deeply about a topic, communicate persuasively, and become flexible with your perspectives.It also trains your critical thinking and public speaking skills.. While two people could debate anything, finding the right topic can bring passion and inspiration to the conversation, where there is a fire in the room ...

  2. Questions to Provoke Critical Thinking

    Questions to Provoke Critical Thinking. Varying question stems can sustain engagement and promote critical thinking. The timing, sequence and clarity of questions you ask students can be as important as the type of question you ask. The table below is organized to help formulate questions provoking gradually higher levels of thinking.

  3. 85 Critical Thinking Questions to Carefully Examine Any Information

    Critical Thinking Questions for a Debate or Discussion. When you are in the middle of a debate or discussion, you need to know that what you are saying is fact, have evidence to support your claim, and position yourself as an expert in what you are saying. Here are some critical thinking questions to ask when you are in a debate or discussion.

  4. Critical Thinking Questions: The Big List for Your Classroom

    In an age of "fake news" claims and constant argument about pretty much any issue, critical thinking skills are key. Teach your students that it's vital to ask questions about everything, but that it's also important to ask the right sorts of questions. Students can use these critical thinking questions with fiction or nonfiction texts.

  5. 1,400+ Easy Topics for Group Discussion With Your Students

    Social elements like incorporating interesting topics to discuss in a group complement online courses because they enable social learning, peer-to-peer support, and student-to-instructor support. They also enable students to hold each other accountable for learning goals while creating a sense of community and belonging.

  6. 41+ Critical Thinking Examples (Definition + Practices)

    Put, critical thinking empowers us to make better decisions, challenge and validate our beliefs and assumptions, and understand and interact with the world more effectively and meaningfully. ... In a class discussion, students pick sides on a topic, like school uniforms, and share reasons to support their views. 29. Evaluating Sources.

  7. 25 Real-World Discussion Topics for Learners to Explore Together

    The following real-world discussion topics are some that you can build lessons from on a small or large scale. Let them serve as great conversation topics, or as the basis for deeper learning and problem-solving quests. You can also use them for classroom debates, persuasive writing exercises, online polls, virtual collaborative discussions ...

  8. Over 170 Prompts to Inspire Writing and Discussion

    You can find even more Student Opinion questions in our 300 Questions and Images to Inspire Argument Writing, 550 Prompts for Narrative and Personal Writing and 130 New Prompts for Argumentative ...

  9. 48 Critical Thinking Questions For Any Content Area

    The Ultimate Cheat Sheet For Digital Thinking by Global Digital Citizen Foundation is an excellent starting point for the 'how' behind teaching critical thinking by outlining which questions to ask. It offers 48 critical thinking questions useful for any content area or even grade level with a little re-working/re-wording. Enjoy the list!

  10. Critical Thinking Is About Asking Better Questions

    Summary. Critical thinking is the ability to analyze and effectively break down an issue in order to make a decision or find a solution. At the heart of critical thinking is the ability to ...

  11. Examples of Critical Thinking Questions for Students

    2. Evaluation Questions. Evaluation questions call for the respondent to make a judgment about the value of something, based on defined criteria. They often use terms like "critique", "justify", "validate", "defend", etc. Example: "Evaluate the effectiveness of the government's pandemic response measures.

  12. 75 Critical Thinking Essay Topics

    3. Write A Thesis Statement. Your thesis statement is the most essential part of your essay. It should be a clear and concise statement that presents your argument. Your thesis statement should be included in your introduction and reaffirmed in your conclusion. It is important to note that because this is a critical thinking essay, your thesis ...

  13. 20 Types Of Questions For Teaching Critical Thinking

    Probing questions also have different forms, including Emphasizing, Clarifying, Redirecting, Evaluative, Prompting, and Critical Analysis. Thinking Over Time Questions: Questions that reflect on an idea, topic, or even question over time. This can emphasize change over time and lead to cause/effect discussions about the changes.

  14. PDF Enhancing Critical Thinking through Class Discussion:

    the topic(s) of the discussion. When using the strategies outlined in this guide, discussion topics that include emerging foci of research and/or controversy are encouraged. Students may determine that their evidence informed stance on a topic (determined by way of critical thinking) is not reflective of present reality.

  15. What Is Critical Thinking?

    Critical thinking is the ability to effectively analyze information and form a judgment. To think critically, you must be aware of your own biases and assumptions when encountering information, and apply consistent standards when evaluating sources. Critical thinking skills help you to: Identify credible sources. Evaluate and respond to arguments.

  16. Values Discussion Questions

    This worksheet is designed to prompt discussion about values by asking in-depth questions that require exploration and critical thinking. Questions cover several topics, such as where values originate, how they change over time, and more. Learning about values is an engaging approach to goal setting, inspiring changes in behavior, and decision ...

  17. 19 Short Stories and Questions For Critical Thinking

    Table of Contents. 19 Short Stories and Questions - Suggestions for Teaching Them. 1. "The Most Dangerous Game". 2. "An Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge". 3. "The Masque of the Red Death". 4.

  18. 85 Fun Critical Thinking Questions for Kids & Teens

    Humor is a natural icebreaker that can make critical thinking questions more lighthearted and enjoyable. Of course, most younger kids just like to be silly, so playing upon that can keep them active and engaged. With that said, here are some great questions to get you started: 1. Someone gives you a penguin.

  19. Kialo Edu

    A unique tool for teaching critical thinking. Kialo Edu is a custom version of Kialo ( ), the world's largest argument mapping and debate site, specifically designed for classroom use. Its clear, visually compelling format makes it easy to follow the logical structure of a discussion and facilitates thoughtful collaboration.

  20. Edutopia

    Edutopia is a free source of information, inspiration, and practical strategies for learning and teaching in preK-12 education. We are published by the George Lucas Educational Foundation, a nonprofit, nonpartisan organization.

  21. PDF Questions to provoke thinking and discussion

    These resources provoke thinking and discussion in science lessons to consolidate and extend core curriculum knowledge and understanding. The topics link to the KS3 National Curriculum. Questions to provoke thinking and discussion These resources were created in a collaborative project between the University of Bristol, and science teachers and

  22. Critical Thinking: A Simple Guide and Why It's Important

    Critical thinking enriches communication skills, enabling the clear and logical articulation of ideas. ... Embrace a curious mindset by questioning the status quo and exploring topics beyond your immediate scope. Cultivate an inquisitive approach to everyday situations. ... Engage in discussions with people holding diverse opinions to broaden ...

  23. Using Critical Thinking in Essays and other Assignments

    Critical thinking, as described by Oxford Languages, is the objective analysis and evaluation of an issue in order to form a judgement. Active and skillful approach, evaluation, assessment, synthesis, and/or evaluation of information obtained from, or made by, observation, knowledge, reflection, acumen or conversation, as a guide to belief and action, requires the critical thinking process ...

  24. Classroom activities and resources for D-Day and World War II

    2. Students practice critical thinking through collaboration. In Kialo discussions, students can ask questions, challenge assumptions, and analyze different viewpoints. This process of collaborative inquiry fosters critical thinking skills, as students learn to evaluate evidence, consider alternative interpretations, and develop well-reasoned ...

  25. Full article: Investigating Residential Segregation Through Project

    Use with facility the Census and other primary and secondary governmental data sources as a tool for teaching critical thinking skills, civic engagement and the value of diversity. ... Students are prepared through a variety of assigned readings and short presentations to engage in conversations about critical questions, including the following ...

  26. Introducing the Winners of the 2024 Metcalf Awards, BU's Top Teaching

    Comments & Discussion. Boston University moderates comments to facilitate an informed, substantive, civil conversation. Abusive, profane, self-promotional, misleading, incoherent or off-topic comments will be rejected. Moderators are staffed during regular business hours (EST) and can only accept comments written in English.