Grade essays quickly and efficiently using our AI enabled grading tools

In addition to grading, get access to magic ai tools to help you with your school activities, useful features for all teachers.

automated essay grader for teachers

Essay Feedback

Error identification.

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Customize your rubrics

Summarizer and ai detector.

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Bulk Upload and Class Organizer

Magic school ai tools for your daily school tasks.

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Essay Grader Solution

automated essay grader for teachers

Responsive learning environments typically involve frequent formative assessments in order to gauge how well students are absorbing classroom instruction. In order to handle the corresponding high volume of paper grading, many teachers rely on test grader apps that can expedite the scoring process.

However, in English, history, and other humanities classes that tend to have more essay assignments, oral presentations, and project-based work, teacher-graded rubrics are a more effective approach to evaluating performance and comprehension. That appears to rule out standard bubble form graders for teachers in those subject areas, leaving them without any grading assistance at all.

Scoring with rubrics

Rubrics establish a guide for evaluating the quality of student work. Whether scoring an essay or research paper , a live performance or art project, or other student-constructed responses, rubrics clearly delineate the various components of the assignment to be graded and the degree of success achieved within each of those areas.

These expectations are communicated to the student at the beginning of the assignment and then scored accordingly by the teacher upon its completion. The dilemma that arises is how to simplify and speed up that grading process when score determination must be done directly by the teacher.


automated essay grader for teachers

Because GradeCam was the brainchild of experienced teachers, creating a solution for handling time-consuming rubric assignments was a priority. Obviously, there is a certain amount of teacher time required to score these assignments that simply can’t be avoided, but there is also a way to streamline this process and save time on the backend.

Rather than using student-completed answer forms like with regular tests, GradeCam allows teachers to create teacher-completed rubric forms that can be quickly and easily filled in using “The Bingo Method” and then scanned and recorded automatically. This speeds up the assignment and transfer of grades, as well as the data generation necessary to review and respond to areas of concern.

Easy Grader Highlights:

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Experience AI Grading Magic with Kangaroos.AI

Your go-to AI Grader Platform to Save Time

Embrace the future of education with AI Grader, blending advanced AI with customizable grading rubrics to streamline assessments and ensure academic integrity.

Interactive AI teacher assistant dashboard for educators to grade assignments

Grade Essays, Short Answers, Multiple Choices, and More with Kangaroos AI Grader

Our AI essay grader supports a wide array of assignment types, automating detailed grades and feedback for a comprehensive assessment of student understanding.

Interactive AI teacher assistant dashboard focusing on AI grader tools for educators

Uphold Academic Integrity with Kangaroos AI Teaching Assistant's Advanced Features

Set a new standard in the grading process with Kangaroos AI Teaching Assistants, incorporating AI detection and plagiarism tools to maintain honesty and fairness. AI teacher assistant in action, grading a student essay

Ensure Student Privacy and Data Security with Kangaroos AI Grader​ AI Grader prioritizes student privacy and data security, using advanced encryption to protect all assessments and feedback.

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5 Exciting Ways AI Essay Graders Are Transforming EdTech

Discover how AI essay graders are transforming educational assessments. Dive into practical AI paper grader examples and expert tips on improving AI grading.

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Discover the benefits of using an AI teaching assistant in the classroom. These user-friendly bots help teachers get work done in less time.

Explore the advantages of ai grading platforms, created to provide accurate ai grades and feedback on your students’ essays, multiple-choice questions, short answers, and more., ai detection.

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Find the top AI detection apps in the industry for teachers seeking to eliminate AI plagiarism from students’ essays.

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Welcome to EssayGrader – where innovation meets education! 📚 In the realm of education, where the demands on teachers seem endless, EssayGrader emerged as a beacon of relief, born from a singular vision: lightening the grading burden for teachers. Picture this: educators faced with a daunting 200-to-1 student-to-teacher ratio for a single writing assignment. It's a challenge we understand all too well. With the power of artificial intelligence at our fingertips, we crafted a solution that not only eases this load but transforms the entire grading experience. At the heart of our journey are 4 passionate individuals: Payton and Suraj, visionary software engineers, Chan, a world class product marketer, and Ashley, a dedicated English teacher. Together, they embarked on the mission to revolutionize how teachers approach grading. The result? EssayGrader, a groundbreaking product meticulously designed to save time and energy. It's astonishing: what used to take an average of 10 minutes per essay can now be expertly handled in just 30 seconds, marking a phenomenal 95% reduction in grading time. EssayGrader is more than just a tool; it's a testament to our unwavering commitment to educators. We've witnessed the exhaustion that plagues classrooms, and we set out to create something impactful. Through relentless dedication and numerous iterations, we've developed a product that resonates deeply with teachers – a tool they love and trust. But our journey doesn't end here. EssayGrader is a dynamic creation in constant evolution. We are not merely satisfied; we are driven to refine, improve, and adapt. How? By engaging with our users, the lifeblood of our community. Your insights fuel our innovation. We are steadfast in our promise to listen, learn, and implement changes that empower both educators and students. Together, we're not just envisioning the future of education; we're shaping it. Join us on this transformative expedition. Be a part of the EssayGrader family, where every click signifies progress, every grade transforms a student's journey, and every educator finds the support they deserve. Together, let's redefine education. Together, let's make a difference.

Meet the team

automated essay grader for teachers

Chan is responsible for the day-to-day operations at EssayGrader. He comes from a family of teachers. After completing his Comp Sci degree in the US, Chan founded a school for underprivileged children in India serving 700+ students. He loved teaching Math and Physics for high schoolers during this time. He then relocated to Canada, subsequently held positions in Product Management/Marketing and Sales Engineering at some of the world's largest software companies.

Photo of Suraj, team member of

Suraj is responsible for the technology behind EssayGrader. He has over 15 years of software development experience working with enterprise companies and tech startups. Suraj deeply cares about the people that work for EssayGrader and works hard to bring out the best in them. In his spare time, you can find Suraj spending time with his family and playing video games.

Photo of Payton, team member of

After noticing his wife Ashley's unreasonably heavy grading load, Payton came up with the idea to start EssayGrader. With over 10 years of software development experience, he was the original architect of the platform and now advises the software development team on continuous product improvements. In his free time, he enjoys playing video games, working out, and spending time with his family.

Photo of Ashley, team member of

Ashley is an amazing English teacher with over 10 years of experience. She regularly advises the EssayGrader team, drawing on her daily struggles as a teacher to help build a product loved by all teachers. In her free time, she enjoys watching TV, spending time with her family, and going out with friends.

AI Grader App | Easily Grade Assignments

Unlock the power of AI grading with our AI Grader App – the ultimate solution for educators seeking to streamline their grading process. Effortlessly grade assignments, save valuable time, and provide instant, personalized feedback to students.

The Best AI Graders for Automated Essay Evaluation

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In the dynamic landscape of education, teachers are increasingly turning to cutting-edge technologies to enhance their teaching methodologies. At the forefront of this revolution are AI graders, designed to automate and elevate the essay grading process. In this article, we will delve into the world of AI for grading, specifically focusing on the best AI graders and their role in automated essay evaluation.

Understanding AI Graders

AI graders, often referred to as automated grading systems, utilize advanced machine learning algorithms to assess and evaluate student essays. These systems bring efficiency to the grading process, providing instant feedback and insights for both teachers and students. This article explores the top contenders in the realm of AI essay grading.

Top Contenders in AI Essay Grading:

  • Key Features : Can grade assignments in multiple languages, catering to a diverse student population.
  • Benefits : Automates the grading process, significantly reducing the time teachers spend on marking assignments.
  • Key Features: Recognized as one of the best AI graders, Gradescope offers a sophisticated platform for automated essay evaluation.
  • Benefits: Quick and accurate grading, customizable rubrics, and insightful analytics to identify common misconceptions among students.
  • Key Features: Renowned for its plagiarism detection capabilities, Turnitin extends its functionality to AI essay grading, ensuring academic integrity.
  • Benefits: Enhances originality, provides in-depth feedback on writing quality, and supports automated grading for various writing formats.
  • Key Features: Integrates AI to provide detailed feedback on essays, enhancing student engagement.
  • Benefits: Automates feedback, reducing educator workload and fostering peer learning.
  • Key Features: Uses AI for consistent, unbiased grading across various subjects on the PaperRater platform.
  • Benefits: Offers immediate feedback, essential for large-scale online courses, and improves scalability.
  • Key Features: Known as one of the best AI graders for ChatGPT, offers 1000+ free AI graders and tools for teachers.
  • Benefits: AI graders that are easy for teachers to use, personalized rubrics, and excellent customer support.
  • Key Features: Integrated within the Canvas Learning Management System, SpeedGrader utilizes AI for efficient and seamless essay grading.
  • Benefits: Streamlined workflow, multimedia feedback options, and collaborative grading among educators.

Key Considerations for Teachers:

As educators explore the potential of AI graders for essay evaluation, several key considerations should guide their choices:

  • Accuracy: Assess the accuracy of the AI grader in evaluating diverse essay formats to ensure reliable and consistent results.
  • User-Friendliness: Choose an AI grader that is user-friendly, minimizing the learning curve for both educators and students.
  • Customization: Opt for platforms that allow customization of grading criteria and rubrics, aligning with specific teaching methodologies.
  • Integration: Select AI grading tools that seamlessly integrate with existing Learning Management Systems, fostering efficiency in overall workflow.

In the realm of education technology, AI graders are emerging as essential tools for teachers seeking to streamline and enhance the essay grading process . By incorporating the best AI graders into their teaching arsenal, educators can not only save time but also provide valuable, constructive feedback to students. As the landscape of automated grading systems evolves, teachers should carefully assess the available options to find the AI grader that aligns seamlessly with their teaching style and classroom needs. Embrace the transformative power of AI for teachers and elevate the educational experience for both educators and students alike.

Subscribe to our blog to receive regular updates on the latest advancements in AI education, practical tips for integrating technology in the classroom, and in-depth discussions on the evolving role of artificial intelligence in teaching.

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Susan Schneider, AI Expert for Teachers

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AI-powered grading for the classroom

Trusted by educators to grade student work and deliver personalized feedback instantly.

AutoMark empowers teachers to provide high-quality feedback

  • Step 1. Establish clear grading criteria by uploading your rubric, setting the foundation for consistent and meaningful feedback.
  • Step 2. Input student assignments seamlessly, enabling you to focus on providing personalized guidance and support.
  • Step 3. Generate detailed, constructive feedback that promotes student growth and achievement, fostering a culture of continuous improvement.

Graded response list

Generate Detailed Learning Insights

  • See which concepts your students are most struggling with.
  • Identify your students' most common mistakes and view targeted feedback.
  • Continuously adapt to your students' strengths and weaknesses.

Streamline Grading

Effortlessly grade assignments with tools that automatically align with educational standards.

FERPA & COPPA Compliant

Our commitment to safety ensures we never collect or store identifiable student data.

AI-Enhanced Feedback

Provide instant, AI-driven feedback to help students learn and improve more effectively.

Frequently asked questions

If you can’t find what you’re looking for, feel free to email our support team. We're always here to help.

How does grading automation work?

AutoMark uses advanced algorithms to grade assignments based on predefined answer keys and rubrics. It also offers partial credits for answers that are partially correct.

Can AutoMark handle different types of assignments?

Yes, AutoMark supports various types of assignments, including multiple-choice questions, short answers, essays, and more.

Can I customize the grading rubric in AutoMark?

Yes, you can customize the grading rubric to fit the specific requirements of your assignments.

Is AutoMark compatible with my school’s learning management system?

Yes, AutoMark is designed to be compatible with many widely-used learning management systems. If you encounter any compatibility issues, our support team will be glad to assist you.

Is my students data secure with AutoMark?

Yes, data security is our top priority. We follow best practices and strict security protocols to ensure the safety and confidentiality of your students’ data.

Can students access AutoMark directly?

Yes, students can access their performance dashboard directly in AutoMark, allowing them to see their grades and feedback.

How does pricing work?

AutoMark offers different pricing tiers based on the number of students and teachers. We also offer special pricing for educational institutions. You can find more details on our Pricing page.

What kind of customer support does AutoMark offer?

We offer 24/7 customer support to ensure all your needs and issues are addressed promptly.

What if I need to connect more students than the limit in my plan?

If you need to connect more students than the limit in your current plan, you can upgrade to a higher plan or contact us for a custom solution.

Revolutionize Your Writing Process with Smodin AI Grader: A Smarter Way to get feedback and achieve academic excellence!


For Students

Stay ahead of the curve, with objective feedback and tools to improve your writing.

Your Virtual Tutor

Harness the expertise of a real-time virtual teacher who will guide every paragraph in your writing process, ensuring you produce an A+ masterpiece in a fraction of the time.

Unbiased Evaluation

Ensure an impartial and objective assessment, removing any potential bias or subjectivity that may be an influence in traditional grading methods.

Perfect your assignments

With the “Write with AI” tool, transform your ideas into words with a few simple clicks. Excel at all your essays, assignments, reports etc. and witness your writing skills soar to new heights

For teachers

Revolutionize your Teaching Methods

Spend less on grading

Embrace the power of efficiency and instant feedback with our cutting-edge tool, designed to save you time while providing a fair and unbiased evaluation, delivering consistent and objective feedback.

Reach out to more students

Upload documents in bulk and establish your custom assessment criteria, ensuring a tailored evaluation process. Expand your reach and impact by engaging with more students.

Focus on what you love

Let AI Grading handle the heavy lifting of assessments for you. With its data-driven algorithms and standardized criteria, it takes care of all your grading tasks, freeing up your valuable time to do what you're passionate about: teaching.

Grader Rubrics

Pick the systematic frameworks that work as guidelines for assessing and evaluating the quality, proficiency, and alignment of your work, allowing for consistent and objective grading without any bias.

Analytical Thinking



Focus Point

Write with AI

Set your tone and keywords, and generate brilliance through your words

automated essay grader for teachers

AI Grader Average Deviation from Real Grade

Our AI grader matches human scores 82% of the time* AI Scores are 100% consistent**

Deviation from real grade (10 point scale)

Graph: A dataset of essays were graded by professional graders on a range of 1-10 and cross-referenced against the detailed criteria within the rubric to determine their real scores. Deviation was defined by the variation of scores from the real score. The graph contains an overall score (the average of all criterias) as well as each individual criteria. The criteria are the premade criteria available on Smodin's AI Grader, listed in the graph as column headings. The custom rubrics were made using Smodin's AI Grader custom criteria generator to produce each criteria listed in Smodin's premade criterias (the same criteria as the column headings). The overall score for Smodin Premade Rubrics matched human scores 73% of the time with our advanced AI, while custom rubrics generated by Smodin's custom rubric generator matched human grades 82% of the time with our advanced AI. The average deviation from the real scores for all criteria is shown above.

* Rubrics created using Smodin's AI custom criteria matched human scores 82% of the time on the advanced AI setting. Smodin's premade criteria matched human scores 73% of the time. When the AI score differed from the human scores, 86% of the time the score only differed by 1 point on a 10 point scale.

** The AI grader provides 100% consistency, meaning that the same essay will produce the same score every time it's graded. All grades used in the data were repeated 3 times and produced 100% consistency across all 3 grading attempts.

automated essay grader for teachers

AI Feedback

Unleash the Power of Personalized Feedback: Elevate Your Writing with the Ultimate Web-based Feedback Tool

Elevate your essay writing skills with Smodin AI Grader, and achieve the success you deserve with Smodin. the ultimate AI-powered essay grader tool. Whether you are a student looking to improve your grades or a teacher looking to provide valuable feedback to your students, Smodin has got you covered. Get objective feedback to improve your essays and excel at writing like never before! Don't miss this opportunity to transform your essay-writing journey and unlock your full potential.

Smodin AI Grader: The Best AI Essay Grader for Writing Improvement

As a teacher or as a student, writing essays can be a daunting task. It takes time, effort, and a lot of attention to detail. But what if there was a tool that could make the process easier? Meet Smodin Ai Grader, the best AI essay grader on the market that provides objective feedback and helps you to improve your writing skills.

Objective Feedback with Smodin - The Best AI Essay Grader

Traditional grading methods can often be subjective, with different teachers providing vastly different grades for the same piece of writing. Smodin eliminates this problem by providing consistent and unbiased feedback, ensuring that all students are evaluated fairly. With advanced algorithms, Smodin can analyze and grade essays in real-time, providing instant feedback on strengths and weaknesses.

Improve Your Writing Skills with Smodin - The Best AI Essay Grader

Smodin can analyze essays quickly and accurately, providing detailed feedback on different aspects of your writing, including structure, grammar, vocabulary, and coherence. By identifying areas that need improvement and providing suggestions on how to make your writing more effective, if Smodin detects that your essay has a weak thesis statement, it will provide suggestions on how to improve it. If it detects that your essay has poor grammar, it will provide suggestions on how to correct the errors. This makes it easier for you to make improvements to your essay and get better grades and become a better writer.

Smodin Ai Grader for Teachers - The Best Essay Analysis Tool

For teachers, Smodin can be a valuable tool for grading essays quickly and efficiently, providing detailed feedback to students, and helping them improve their writing skills. With Smodin Ai Grader, teachers can grade essays in real-time, identify common errors, and provide suggestions on how to correct them.

Smodin Ai Grader for Students - The Best Essay Analysis Tool

For students, Smodin can be a valuable tool for improving your writing skills and getting better grades. By analyzing your essay's strengths and weaknesses, Smodin can help you identify areas that need improvement and provide suggestions on how to make your writing more effective. This can be especially useful for students who are struggling with essay writing and need extra help and guidance.

Increase your productivity - The Best AI Essay Grader

Using Smodin can save you a lot of time and effort. Instead of spending hours grading essays manually or struggling to improve your writing without feedback, you can use Smodin to get instant and objective feedback, allowing you to focus on other important tasks.

Smodin is the best AI essay grader on the market that uses advanced algorithms to provide objective feedback and help improve writing skills. With its ability to analyze essays quickly and accurately, Smodin can help students and teachers alike to achieve better results in essay writing.

Š 2024 Smodin LLC

TopMarks USA - Automated Essay Grading and Scoring for Schools & Teachers

Automated essay grading for AP English, History, and Government & Politics; NY Regents and Texas STAAR; International Baccalaureate

Powerful handwriting to editable text conversion.

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Say hello to a faster, fairer method of grading

Input the essay or response.

After selecting the marking tool for the qualification/exam board/module of your choice, you simply input the essay or response, alongside the appropriate contextual data

Receive thorough written feedback

Using the most advanced artificial intelligence models, Top Marks generates incisive, specific and thorough written feedback, alongside actionable constructive criticism

Receive accurate, consistent numerical grades

Using a sophisticated ensemble of further algorithms, written assignments are given a grade that is greatly more accurate and consistent than human markers are able to deliver

Info Image One

Choose from a huge range of grading rubrics

Each grading rubric has been trained by an expert examiner. As a result, not only is the grading accurate and the feedback relevant, but it is also delivered in a format and style that allows students to make tangible improvements.

Why choose Top Marks?


Expertly Crafted Rubrics

Our unique grading rubrics & methods have been honed by the same team behind Accolade Press (the boutique publisher behind the unique study guide range geared towards high-achieving students). Accordingly, our AI grading yields exceptional results and feedback.


More Consistent than Chat Bots

Merely running an essay through popular chat bots will also lead to inconsistencies of up to 10 marks. We have developed a unique method that allows us to generate highly incisive feedback from large language models, while also ensuring far greater consistency when assigning a final grade (+/- 1.5).


More Consistent than Humans

According to OFQUAL research, human graders are deeply inconsistent: when presented with a 40 mark essay, the discrepancy between the highest and lowest mark awarded can be as large as 10 marks. With Top Marks AI, you can eliminate this uncertainty, and deliver consistent, fairer results.


Award Winning

The Top Marks AI team also oversee Accolade Tuition - the elite tuition agency that has been identified by the prestigious Spears Magazine as a leader in the field.


Plagiarism Integrations

Our grading tools run all content through a powerful AI detector, so teachers can have confidence that the material they are assessing is truly the students own.


Handwriting to Digital Text ( Watch The Video! )

Take handwritten scripts and quickly & accurately convert them into editable text with our industry-leading deciphering tool. Scanned scripts can now be digitised in a whole new way!

How Top Marks stands out from the crowd.


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10 Credits (approx. 5 grading requests)

Access grading rubrics for all qualifications

Download all results to Word

Handwriting to Text Converter

Stellar customer service

Starter Account

Put Top Marks through its paces

100 Credits (approx. 40 grading requests)

Premium Account

Unlock the full potential of Top Marks

225 Credits (approx. 90 grading requests)

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Meet our Director

After graduating with a First Class degree in English Literature & Language at UCL, Richard completed an M.Phil in American Literature at the University of Cambridge. Post university, Richard has spent over 10 years working as a private tutor, teaching both secondary and mature students. Over the past 3 years, Richard has overseen the rise of Accolade Press: a boutique academic publishing house with over 40 study guides on the market. Many of these books have been authored or co-written by academics from the UK's leading universities. Richard is also the author of four bestselling thriller novels (the Saul Marshall Thrillers, if you’re curious!). You can also check him out on TikTok, where his educational videos have garnered over a million views!


Start your free trial (with 10 credits) today!

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Best AI Essay Graders For Teachers and Students in 2024


You’ve probably heard about AI changing the way we drive cars or recommend movies, but what if I told you that it’s also transforming how students and teachers grade essays? As someone deeply entrenched in the world of education technology, I’ve observed firsthand how artificial intelligence is changing traditional teaching methods.

There are lot of free essay checkers and essay graders available that are backed by AI technology proving to be very handy for students and educators alike when it comes to saving time evaluating essays while giving critical and unbiased feedback.

Lets jump into the nuts and bolts of Best AI Essay Graders available for Teachers and Students alike.

Table of Contents

Top AI Essay Grader Tools

We went through a bunch of AI Essay Graders and come up with top 3 that really do the job they promise.

  • Efficient AI Essay Feedback for Educators:  EssayGrader
  • Improve Your Writing with Smart Essay Checker: QuillBot’s AI Essay Checker
  • Essay Grading for Students:  Smodin AI Grader

Here is quick overview and comparison between EssayGrader AI, Quillbot AI Essay Checker and Smodin AI Grader that we shortlisted from our list of AI essay graders:

Lets look at each one of these AI essay graders in detail and see what suits you best.

Also Explore: Textero AI – Best AI Essay Writer

1. EssayGrader


Efficient AI Essay Grading for Educators

  • AI – powered feedback for accurate evaluation
  • Comprehensive error detection for various writing aspects
  • Efficient bulk uploading for grading multiple essays at once
  • Custom rubrics creation to align with specific grading criteria
  • Summarizer feature to generate concise summaries from lengthy essays
  • AI content detector to identify artificially generated content

EssayGrader is a smart tool that helps teachers grade essays fast and well. It looks at student writing and spots mistakes in grammar, spelling, and how clear the writing is. Teachers can upload many essays at once, which makes grading quicker. They can even make their own rules for grading with custom rubrics.

With this software, teachers cut down grading time by a lot but still give students useful feedback. EssayGrader also sums up long essays to help find the key points quickly. Plus, it can tell if someone used AI to write an essay or just parts of it.

We think EssayGrader tops our list because it does so much to help teachers while making sure students learn from their work. Teachers have more time because they grade faster, and they know the advice they give is based on lots of learning from books and websites. Students get better at writing when they see what they need to fix. Classes stay organized too, as everything goes into its place without trouble. With all these good things about EssayGrader, it’s easy to see why we put it first!

Features of EssayGrader AI

  • AI-powered feedback: Get in-depth writing feedback using advanced software trained on a wide range of texts.
  • Error detection: Easily spot and fix grammar, punctuation, spelling, coherence, clarity, and style errors with detailed error reports and suggestions.
  • Bulk uploading: Save time by grading multiple essays at once for efficient assessment.
  • Custom rubrics: Tailor your grading criteria by creating custom rubrics to match specific requirements.
  • Summarizer: Quickly generate brief summaries of lengthy essays while highlighting important details and unique phrases.
  • Instant, detailed feedback with AI – powered error detection
  • Efficient grading of multiple essays at once with bulk uploading feature
  • Customized grading rubrics and concise essay summarization
  • Easy organization of student essays in classes for quick access
  • Limited language support: Might not fully accommodate essays in languages other than English.
  • Over-reliance on AI: Users may become dependent on the software and neglect their own understanding of writing principles.
  • Cost barrier: The price might be prohibitive for some users or institutions.

This product is best suited for teachers, professors, or tutors who want to enhance their grading process with AI technology.

Product Info


Price: Free To Try

2. QuillBot’s AI Essay Checker – Free Essay Grader


Improve Academic Writing with Smart Essay Checker

  • Instantly corrects grammar errors
  • Checks spelling and punctuation
  • Supports English, German, French, and Spanish
  • Uses AI for accurate corrections
  • Free to use with no usage limits

QuillBot’s AI Essay Checker is a smart tool that makes writing papers easier. Think of it as your personal helper that checks your work for mistakes. When you write essays, it’s easy to miss small errors like a comma or a wrong word. QuillBot spots these for you and even offers suggestions right away so you can fix them fast. For example, if you mix up “there” and “their,” QuillBot will show the right one to use.

What’s cool about this essay checker is how it can change words to fit different styles of English, like from US to UK style. If you write too much or need different words, there’s a button to help with that too! It also helps by showing where you often make mistakes so you can learn and get better at writing.

We picked QuillBot as number two on our list because while it does an awesome job checking grammar and helping with phrasing, other tools might give more feedback on the content quality itself. But if fixing grammar quickly is what you’re after, especially for schoolwork, QuillBot’s AI Essay Checker is a top choice – plus it’s free which makes it great for students!

Features of QuillBot’s AI Essay Checker

  • Finds grammar and spelling errors: QuillBot’s AI Essay Checker can catch mistakes in your writing, making sure your work is error-free.
  • Provides real-time correction suggestions: Get instant feedback on how to improve your writing as you type, helping you to write with more accuracy.
  • Converts between different English dialects: Easily switch between US and UK English, ensuring that your essay follows the correct language style.
  • Offers paraphrasing tool for alternative wording: Use the Paraphrase Text button to find different ways of expressing yourself, making your essay more diverse and engaging.
  • Highlights consistent mistakes for learning opportunities: QuillBot points out recurring errors so you can learn from them, improving your writing skills over time.
  • Instantly correct grammar and spelling errors
  • Seamlessly switch between US and UK English
  • Effortlessly rephrase sentences for better flow
  • Easily identify consistent mistakes for improved learning
  • Limited support for languages other than English
  • AI suggestions may not always capture the writer’s intended style or tone
  • Users may still need to manually verify and correct certain errors

This powerful AI Essay Checker is designed for students, writers and professionals who strive for flawless writing. It’s the perfect tool to help you improve your grammar, punctuation, and overall essay quality in real-time.


Price: QuillBot’s AI Essay Checker is a free tool, with unlimited essay checks.

3. Smodin AI Grader


Essay Grading for Students Needing Improvement

  • Real – time virtual tutor for writing guidance
  • Impartial and objective essay assessments
  • “Write with AI” feature to transform ideas into written content
  • Ability to upload documents in bulk for teacher evaluations
  • Custom assessment criteria for tailored evaluation processes
  • Consistent grading by AI every time

The Smodin AI Grader is a smart tool that acts like your own personal writing coach. It’s great because it gives you help right when you’re writing, so you can make your work better on the spot. If you’re worried about your teacher being tough, this grader won’t take sides—it scores your paper just by looking at what’s actually written.

Say goodbye to waiting for feedback on your essays! With the “Write with AI” feature, it’s like having a brainstorm buddy who helps turn thoughts into words quickly. This is super handy when you need to write lots of papers and want them all to shine.

Teachers love it too because they can grade loads of papers without getting tired. They can also decide what parts of an essay are most important and set up the Smodin AI Grader to look for those things specifically. Plus, every time they use it, they’ll get the same fair score which means no mix-ups or mistakes.

It earns its spot as No. 3 on our list because while it makes grading easy and fair, some folks might still prefer a human touch—especially for creative pieces where the writer’s voice is key. But overall, if improving or speeding up essay grading is what you’re after, this tool could be just what you need!

Features of Smodin AI Grader

  • Real – time virtual tutor provides instant help and guidance while writing, leading to improved writing skills.
  • Impartial and objective essay assessments ensure fair evaluation without any bias, enabling students to receive accurate feedback.
  • “Write with AI” tool transforms ideas into written content, making the writing process easier and more efficient.
  • Uploading documents in bulk for teacher evaluations saves time and streamlines the assessment process for educators.
  • Custom assessment criteria allow tailored evaluation processes, ensuring that individual student needs are met.
  • Real – time guidance from virtual tutor for writing help.
  • Impartial and objective essay assessments by AI.
  • Efficient transformation of ideas into written content with “Write with AI”
  • Customized assessment criteria for tailored evaluations.
  • Lack of personal interaction with a human teacher.
  • Potential for bias in the AI’s assessment algorithms.
  • Dependence on technology may hinder development of critical writing skills.

If you are a student looking for an unbiased and efficient way to improve your essay writing skills, Smodin AI Grader is the perfect tool for you. With its real-time virtual tutor and customized evaluation criteria, it caters to students who value fair and accurate grading without the hassle of manual corrections.


Price: Free To Try

Also Read: Best AI Tools for Homework in 2024

How AI is Changing Essay Grading

With the advancement of AI technology, ai graders for essays have become faster and more accurate than ever.

Speed and accuracy

Grading essays takes a lot of time. Teachers read each word and check for mistakes in grammar, ideas, and how the essay is put together. AI Essay Grader tools change this slow task into one that’s super quick.

AI essay checker programs can look through an essay and spot errors or things that are really good in seconds. Not only do they work fast, but they also score very close to what a human would give.

These smart systems use rules and rubrics to make sure every essay gets the same fair treatment. Each student gets feedback that is right on target, helping them see where they can get better without any wait time.

Instant Feedback and Progress Tracking

Students get instant feedback with AI essay graders. As soon as they turn in their work, the system checks it and tells them what’s good or what needs to be fixed. This helps them see where they can do better right away.

Teachers also use these tools to watch how students improve over time. They track changes in writing skills like grammar, proofreading, and creativity.

AI Essay Graders make sure every student knows how to grow after each essay. Kids don’t have to wait days for a grade anymore. With this tech, learning from mistakes happens fast which means students get better at writing quicker too!

Objective and constructive feedback

AI essay graders give fair and helpful comments to students. They read essays and point out mistakes without any biases. This means they treat all work the same way, just like a rubric would. These tools use  predefined rubrics to assess  writing based on standardized criteria, eliminating subjective bias.

They look for grammar issues, sentence structure, and how well ideas are shared.

Teachers can use these AI tools to give feedback that helps students learn. The tools say what’s good in an essay and what could be better. This helps students understand their mistakes and how to fix them next time.

It also shows teachers where they need to help more with writing skills.

When using AI essay grading tools, it’s important to consider the accuracy of the feedback provided. These tools rely on algorithms to assess grammar, language usage, and structure, but they may not always capture the nuances of a student’s writing style or intended meaning.

Therefore, educators should use AI-based feedback as a complement to their own evaluation rather than a replacement. Additionally, student writing improvement should be an ongoing focus when utilizing these tools.

While AI can provide instant feedback and identify areas for improvement, it’s essential for teachers to supplement this with personalized guidance and instruction tailored to each student’s specific needs.

In conclusion, AI essay grading tools are changing the way teachers assess student writing. With their speed, accuracy, and ability to provide objective feedback, these ai essay graders are streamlining the essay grading process.

To experience the benefits firsthand, we recommend trying out EssayGrader AI and QuillBot’s AI Essay Checker for efficient and accurate essay grading.

FAQs for Essay Grader AI Tools

What is an essay grader ai.

An Essay Grader AI is a tool that uses technology to check essays for grammar, capitalization, and readability to help students improve their overall writing.

Can the AI grader help with English exams?

Yes, an Essay Grader Ai can assist students in preparing for standardized tests and exams by checking their essay writing for errors and suggesting improvements.

Is it only about fixing mistakes or does the AI also comment on how I share my thoughts?

The Ai doesn’t just fix mistakes; it also looks at how you express your ideas to make sure they’re clear and easy to understand.


Founder @Appscribed and Chief Content Curator, i love the process of building startups. I love to talk to about SaaS ecosystem and anything that helps us understand and enjoy the rise of AI and its impact on the SaaS ecosystem. I have spent 18+ years in software industry building products from scratch, distribution and implementation of them across domains and geographies.

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Essay-Grading Software Seen as Time-Saving Tool

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Jeff Pence knows the best way for his 7th grade English students to improve their writing is to do more of it. But with 140 students, it would take him at least two weeks to grade a batch of their essays.

So the Canton, Ga., middle school teacher uses an online, automated essay-scoring program that allows students to get feedback on their writing before handing in their work.

“It doesn’t tell them what to do, but it points out where issues may exist,” said Mr. Pence, who says the a Pearson WriteToLearn program engages the students almost like a game.

With the technology, he has been able to assign an essay a week and individualize instruction efficiently. “I feel it’s pretty accurate,” Mr. Pence said. “Is it perfect? No. But when I reach that 67th essay, I’m not real accurate, either. As a team, we are pretty good.”

With the push for students to become better writers and meet the new Common Core State Standards, teachers are eager for new tools to help out. Pearson, which is based in London and New York City, is one of several companies upgrading its technology in this space, also known as artificial intelligence, AI, or machine-reading. New assessments to test deeper learning and move beyond multiple-choice answers are also fueling the demand for software to help automate the scoring of open-ended questions.

Critics contend the software doesn’t do much more than count words and therefore can’t replace human readers , so researchers are working hard to improve the software algorithms and counter the naysayers.

While the technology has been developed primarily by companies in proprietary settings, there has been a new focus on improving it through open-source platforms. New players in the market, such as the startup venture LightSide and edX , the nonprofit enterprise started by Harvard University and the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, are openly sharing their research. Last year, the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation sponsored an open-source competition to spur innovation in automated writing assessments that attracted commercial vendors and teams of scientists from around the world. (The Hewlett Foundation supports coverage of “deeper learning” issues in Education Week .)

“We are seeing a lot of collaboration among competitors and individuals,” said Michelle Barrett, the director of research systems and analysis for CTB/McGraw-Hill, which produces the Writing Roadmap for use in grades 3-12. “This unprecedented collaboration is encouraging a lot of discussion and transparency.”

Mark D. Shermis, an education professor at the University of Akron, in Ohio, who supervised the Hewlett contest, said the meeting of top public and commercial researchers, along with input from a variety of fields, could help boost performance of the technology. The recommendation from the Hewlett trials is that the automated software be used as a “second reader” to monitor the human readers’ performance or provide additional information about writing, Mr. Shermis said.

“The technology can’t do everything, and nobody is claiming it can,” he said. “But it is a technology that has a promising future.”

‘Hot Topic’

The first automated essay-scoring systems go back to the early 1970s, but there wasn’t much progress made until the 1990s with the advent of the Internet and the ability to store data on hard-disk drives, Mr. Shermis said. More recently, improvements have been made in the technology’s ability to evaluate language, grammar, mechanics, and style; detect plagiarism; and provide quantitative and qualitative feedback.

The computer programs assign grades to writing samples, sometimes on a scale of 1 to 6, in a variety of areas, from word choice to organization. The products give feedback to help students improve their writing. Others can grade short answers for content. To save time and money, the technology can be used in various ways on formative exercises or summative tests.

The Educational Testing Service first used its e-rater automated-scoring engine for a high-stakes exam in 1999 for the Graduate Management Admission Test, or GMAT, according to David Williamson, a senior research director for assessment innovation for the Princeton, N.J.-based company. It also uses the technology in its Criterion Online Writing Evaluation Service for grades 4-12.

Over the years, the capabilities changed substantially, evolving from simple rule-based coding to more sophisticated software systems. And statistical techniques from computational linguists, natural language processing, and machine learning have helped develop better ways of identifying certain patterns in writing.

But challenges remain in coming up with a universal definition of good writing, and in training a computer to understand nuances such as “voice.”

In time, with larger sets of data, more experts can identify nuanced aspects of writing and improve the technology, said Mr. Williamson, who is encouraged by the new era of openness about the research.

“It’s a hot topic,” he said. “There are a lot of researchers and academia and industry looking into this, and that’s a good thing.”

High-Stakes Testing

In addition to using the technology to improve writing in the classroom, West Virginia employs automated software for its statewide annual reading language arts assessments for grades 3-11. The state has worked with CTB/McGraw-Hill to customize its product and train the engine, using thousands of papers it has collected, to score the students’ writing based on a specific prompt.

“We are confident the scoring is very accurate,” said Sandra Foster, the lead coordinator of assessment and accountability in the West Virginia education office, who acknowledged facing skepticism initially from teachers. But many were won over, she said, after a comparability study showed that the accuracy of a trained teacher and the scoring engine performed better than two trained teachers. Training involved a few hours in how to assess the writing rubric. Plus, writing scores have gone up since implementing the technology.

Automated essay scoring is also used on the ACT Compass exams for community college placement, the new Pearson General Educational Development tests for a high school equivalency diploma, and other summative tests. But it has not yet been embraced by the College Board for the SAT or the rival ACT college-entrance exams.

The two consortia delivering the new assessments under the Common Core State Standards are reviewing machine-grading but have not committed to it.

Jeffrey Nellhaus, the director of policy, research, and design for the Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers, or PARCC, wants to know if the technology will be a good fit with its assessment, and the consortium will be conducting a study based on writing from its first field test to see how the scoring engine performs.

Likewise, Tony Alpert, the chief operating officer for the Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium, said his consortium will evaluate the technology carefully.

Open-Source Options

With his new company LightSide, in Pittsburgh, owner Elijah Mayfield said his data-driven approach to automated writing assessment sets itself apart from other products on the market.

“What we are trying to do is build a system that instead of correcting errors, finds the strongest and weakest sections of the writing and where to improve,” he said. “It is acting more as a revisionist than a textbook.”

The new software, which is available on an open-source platform, is being piloted this spring in districts in Pennsylvania and New York.

In higher education, edX has just introduced automated software to grade open-response questions for use by teachers and professors through its free online courses. “One of the challenges in the past was that the code and algorithms were not public. They were seen as black magic,” said company President Anant Argawal, noting the technology is in an experimental stage. “With edX, we put the code into open source where you can see how it is done to help us improve it.”

Still, critics of essay-grading software, such as Les Perelman, want academic researchers to have broader access to vendors’ products to evaluate their merit. Now retired, the former director of the MIT Writing Across the Curriculum program has studied some of the devices and was able to get a high score from one with an essay of gibberish.

“My main concern is that it doesn’t work,” he said. While the technology has some limited use with grading short answers for content, it relies too much on counting words and reading an essay requires a deeper level of analysis best done by a human, contended Mr. Perelman.

“The real danger of this is that it can really dumb down education,” he said. “It will make teachers teach students to write long, meaningless sentences and not care that much about actual content.”

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26 papers with code • 1 benchmarks • 1 datasets

Essay scoring: Automated Essay Scoring is the task of assigning a score to an essay, usually in the context of assessing the language ability of a language learner. The quality of an essay is affected by the following four primary dimensions: topic relevance, organization and coherence, word usage and sentence complexity, and grammar and mechanics.

Source: A Joint Model for Multimodal Document Quality Assessment

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EXPATS: A Toolkit for Explainable Automated Text Scoring

octanove/expats • 7 Apr 2021

Automated text scoring (ATS) tasks, such as automated essay scoring and readability assessment, are important educational applications of natural language processing.

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robots in disguise —

Some teachers are now using chatgpt to grade papers, new ai tools aim to help with grading, lesson plans—but may have serious drawbacks..

Benj Edwards - Mar 6, 2024 10:57 pm UTC

An elementary-school-aged child touching a robot hand.

In a notable shift toward sanctioned use of AI in schools, some educators in grades 3–12 are now using a ChatGPT-powered grading tool called Writable , reports Axios . The tool, acquired last summer by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt , is designed to streamline the grading process, potentially offering time-saving benefits for teachers. But is it a good idea to outsource critical feedback to a machine?

Further Reading

Writable lets teachers submit student essays for analysis by ChatGPT , which then provides commentary and observations on the work. The AI-generated feedback goes to teacher review before being passed on to students so that a human remains in the loop.

"Make feedback more actionable with AI suggestions delivered to teachers as the writing happens," Writable promises on its AI website. "Target specific areas for improvement with powerful, rubric-aligned comments, and save grading time with AI-generated draft scores." The service also provides AI-written writing-prompt suggestions: "Input any topic and instantly receive unique prompts that engage students and are tailored to your classroom needs."

Writable can reportedly help a teacher develop a curriculum, although we have not tried the functionality ourselves. "Once in Writable you can also use AI to create curriculum units based on any novel, generate essays, multi-section assignments, multiple-choice questions, and more, all with included answer keys," the site claims.

The reliance on AI for grading will likely have drawbacks. Automated grading might encourage some educators to take shortcuts, diminishing the value of personalized feedback. Over time, the augmentation from AI may allow teachers to be less familiar with the material they are teaching. The use of cloud-based AI tools may have privacy implications for teachers and students. Also, ChatGPT isn't a perfect analyst. It can get things wrong and potentially confabulate (make up) false information, possibly misinterpret a student's work, or provide erroneous information in lesson plans.

Yet, as Axios reports, proponents assert that AI grading tools like Writable may free up valuable time for teachers, enabling them to focus on more creative and impactful teaching activities. The company selling Writable promotes it as a way to empower educators, supposedly offering them the flexibility to allocate more time to direct student interaction and personalized teaching. Of course, without an in-depth critical review, all claims should be taken with a huge grain of salt.

Amid these discussions, there's a divide among parents regarding the use of AI in evaluating students' academic performance. A recent poll of parents revealed mixed opinions, with nearly half of the respondents open to the idea of AI-assisted grading.

As the generative AI craze permeates every space, it's no surprise that Writable isn't the only AI-powered grading tool on the market. Others include Crowdmark , Gradescope , and EssayGrader . McGraw Hill is reportedly developing similar technology aimed at enhancing teacher assessment and feedback.

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How AI Can Enhance the Grading Process

Artificial intelligence tools, combined with human expertise, can help teachers save time when they’re reviewing student work.

Photo of teaching writing on clipboard

After tucking my son into bed, I’m hit with the realization that since waking up at 6:00 a.m., I’ve not had a moment’s rest, nor have I managed more than brief exchanges with my wife. She’s deeply engrossed in grading sixth-grade math quizzes, a world away in her concentration. Shifting my focus, I dive into assessing a substantial stack of high school history essays, with a firm deadline to return them by tomorrow.

The punctuality I expect from my students is the same standard I set for myself in returning their assignments. Missing a deadline isn’t an option, unless unexpected events or an illness intervenes. In such cases, I may offer bonus points or postpone future deadlines. More than just a pledge, this is my commitment to their success, requiring their best effort and guaranteeing mine in return.

Enhancing Efficiency, Precision, and Fairness

Late that night, CoGrader —a new artificial intelligence (AI)–enhanced platform—piques my interest. A notification on social media directs me to their website, boasting a compelling promise: “Reduce grading time by 80% and provide instant feedback on student drafts.” The allure is heightened by the offer of a 30-day trial, free and without requiring a credit card.

Intrigued by this “AI copilot for teachers,” I sign up to see how its feedback stacks up against my own. I upload a student’s essay on Reconstruction, which I’ve already evaluated and annotated. The results astonish me with their accuracy and detail and are neatly presented in a customizable rubric.

“Your essay employs an organizational structure that shows the relationships between ideas, providing a cohesive analysis of the topic,” reads a portion of the written feedback. “You use transitions effectively to guide the reader through your argument.” This feedback mirrors my own observations, validating my assessment, and increasing my confidence in CoGrader.

CoGrader also deeply impresses me with its “Glow” section, which offers specific praise, and the guidance provided in its “Grow” counterpart, which provides similarly focused areas for improvement.

The inclusion of action items also fosters student inquiry, exemplified by one of the questions provided in my test upload: “How might you further enhance the connections between different sections of your essay to strengthen your argument?” This reflects my priority of encouraging critical thinking.

Even fatigued, I recognize that CoGrader’s value extends beyond saving time. By promising an “objective and fair grading system,” the platform provides a check against the unconscious biases that inadvertently influence grading, try as we might to curb them.

I dip into my caffeine stash and devote the rest of my waking hours to grading solo, yet I’m captivated by what CoGrader could offer me, my students, and the future of impactful feedback.

Annotated Feedback and Mitigating Teacher Guilt

The potential of CoGrader motivated me to contact its cofounder, Gabriel Adamante, to express my admiration and to get his thoughts about the rapidly advancing field of AI. I mentioned that I had expected something like CoGrader to emerge around the time of my son’s 10th or 11th birthday, not his fifth or sixth.

“I ask myself a lot of questions on what’s the responsible use of AI,” Adamante offered. “What is the line? I think we are living in the Wild West of AI right now. Everything is happening so fast, much faster than anyone would have expected. Like you said, you thought this would be five or six years away.”

I asked Adamante whether CoGrader, in this fast-paced environment, has plans to add annotated feedback on a student’s work.

“Honestly, I think we’re talking anywhere from three to five months until we do that,” Adamante said.

“That’s it?” I said in astonishment. “Really? I thought you were going to say three to five years.”

“No, no, no,” he replied. “It’s coming. It should come this year, in 2024. I won’t be happy if it comes in 2025.” 

Adamante acknowledged the dizzying effect of AI development, understanding the potential discomfort among educators.

“Of course teachers are mad when students use AI to do their work,” Adamante said. “That makes sense to me because the purpose of a kid doing the work is that they do the work. That’s the purpose. They should write to get practice. The purpose of a teacher grading is not that they grade. The purpose of a teacher grading is that they provide feedback to the student so that the student learns faster. The purpose of grading is not grading itself, whereas the purpose of writing an essay is writing an essay, because you’re practicing.”

Teachers who use CoGrader without reviewing the feedback contradict its intended purpose, which is to scaffold, but not replace, the human element, Adamante explained. He regularly communicates with educators, urging them to carefully read the comments instead of quickly clicking “approve” and moving on to the next submission. Taking time to read the results not only ensures that the teacher agrees, but also keeps the teacher informed about their students’ strengths and weaknesses.

Lessons Learned with ChatGPT 4 and Transparency

Following our conversation, I’ve remained mindful of applying Adamante’s insights to my current use of ChatGPT 4 to aid in providing written feedback . While I avoid asking it to generate feedback on my behalf, I do seek its assistance in clarifying my overarching comments and ensuring their coherence. With the paid subscription, I can even upload a Microsoft Word or PDF document for more precise and detailed assistance. I always meticulously review any output before sharing it with my students.

Adamante’s reminder highlights the importance of transparency in my use of AI to enhance feedback for my students. While I’m not particularly unsettled by my use of ChatGPT 4 as an assistance tool, I realize that I haven’t been as forthcoming about it as I should be regarding when and how I utilize it. I must delve into this matter within my stated classroom policies and through class discussions.

I want students to understand that I always thoroughly review their work and that employing AI to aid in providing feedback doesn’t diminish my dedication. Rather, it’s about finding the most effective way to leverage technology to support their growth as writers and learners. 

Reflecting on my discussion with Adamante, I’ve concluded that CoGrader’s precise feedback surpasses that of ChatGPT 4. Moreover, I foresee CoGrader further outshining it with the introduction of annotated feedback.

Now, if only I can get my wife on board with researching how AI can expedite and enhance her feedback on math work. We’d both get more rest and time together, before putting our son to sleep.


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  1. AI Essay Grader

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    About us. Welcome to EssayGrader - where innovation meets education! 📚 In the realm of education, where the demands on teachers seem endless, EssayGrader emerged as a beacon of relief, born from a singular vision: lightening the grading burden for teachers. Picture this: educators faced with a daunting 200-to-1 student-to-teacher ratio for a single writing assignment.

  9. The Ultimate Guide to Essay Graders for Teachers

    An essay grader is a software application designed to assess and evaluate written assignments, providing educators with a more efficient and streamlined grading process. Explore the best Essay Graders here. How Does it Work? Utilizing advanced algorithms and natural language processing, essay graders analyze the content, structure, and quality ...

  10. The Best AI Graders for Automated Essay Evaluation

    AI graders, often referred to as automated grading systems, utilize advanced machine learning algorithms to assess and evaluate student essays. These systems bring efficiency to the grading process, providing instant feedback and insights for both teachers and students. This article explores the top contenders in the realm of AI essay grading ...

  11. AutoMark

    AutoMark empowers teachers to provide high-quality feedback. Step 1. Establish clear grading criteria by uploading your rubric, setting the foundation for consistent and meaningful feedback. Step 2. Input student assignments seamlessly, enabling you to focus on providing personalized guidance and support. Step 3.

  12. AI Grader

    Elevate your essay writing skills with Smodin AI Grader, and achieve the success you deserve with Smodin. the ultimate AI-powered essay grader tool. Whether you are a student looking to improve your grades or a teacher looking to provide valuable feedback to your students, Smodin has got you covered. Get objective feedback to improve your essays and excel at writing like never before!

  13. TopMarks USA

    Premium Account. Unlock the full potential of Top Marks. $45.00. Per month. 225 Credits (approx. 90 grading requests) Access grading rubrics for all qualifications. Download all results to Word. Handwriting to Text Converter. Stellar customer service.

  14. Best AI Essay Graders For Teachers and Students in 2024

    Top AI Essay Grader Tools. We went through a bunch of AI Essay Graders and come up with top 3 that really do the job they promise. Efficient AI Essay Feedback for Educators: EssayGrader. Improve Your Writing with Smart Essay Checker: QuillBot's AI Essay Checker. Essay Grading for Students: Smodin AI Grader. Here is quick overview and ...

  15. EssayGrader

    EssayGrader is a tool powered by AI that provides accurate and helpful feedback based on the same rubrics used by the grading teacher. Its features include speedy grading, comprehensive feedback, estimated grades, focused feedback, organized essays, show, don't tell, and personalized approach. The tool offers an easy-to-use guide for better ...

  16. 5 Best Automated AI Essay Grader Software in 2024

    Project Essay Grade by Measurement Incorporated (MI), is a great automated grading software that uses AI technology to read, understand, process and give you results. By the use of the advanced statistical techniques found in this software, PEG can analyze written prose, make calculations based on more than 300 measurements (fluency, diction ...

  17. Vexis : Your AI Grader

    Vexis is your new AI powered grading system revolutionizing the grading process for the better. Your AI-Powered Grading System. Vexis is the ultimate grading game changer for educators. We're speeding up the grading process, freeing up your time to focus on teaching. Sync with your progress, secure your students' data, and enjoy unbiased ...

  18. Hey teachers, Automated Essay Grading is on our Doorstep!

    Here is how AI can grade student-generated text. 1. The teacher provides a writing prompt to students. Here is an example: Write a short essay expressing your thoughts on global warming. Discuss ...

  19. Essay-Grading Software Seen as Time-Saving Tool

    The first automated essay-scoring systems go back to the early 1970s, but there wasn't much progress made until the 1990s with the advent of the Internet and the ability to store data on hard ...

  20. AI based Automated Essay Grading System using NLP

    The goal is to provide a more efficient and accurate essay grading process, so the teachers can provide valuable feedback to students. The proposed work aims to develop an automated essay grading system using AI technology. The system will be able to analyze, and grade written essays by using natural language processing and machine learning ...

  21. Automated Essay Scoring

    1. Paper. Code. Essay scoring: **Automated Essay Scoring** is the task of assigning a score to an essay, usually in the context of assessing the language ability of a language learner. The quality of an essay is affected by the following four primary dimensions: topic relevance, organization and coherence, word usage and sentence complexity ...

  22. Some teachers are now using ChatGPT to grade papers

    Getty Images. 216. In a notable shift toward sanctioned use of AI in schools, some educators in grades 3-12 are now using a ChatGPT-powered grading tool called Writable, reports Axios. The tool ...

  23. How teachers started using ChatGPT to grade assignments

    Teachers are embracing ChatGPT-powered grading. A new tool called Writable, which uses ChatGPT to help grade student writing assignments, is being offered widely to teachers in grades 3-12. Why it matters: Teachers have quietly used ChatGPT to grade papers since it first came out — but now schools are sanctioning and encouraging its use.

  24. Using AI Grading Tools to Enhance the Process

    Late that night, CoGrader —a new artificial intelligence (AI)-enhanced platform—piques my interest. A notification on social media directs me to their website, boasting a compelling promise: "Reduce grading time by 80% and provide instant feedback on student drafts.". The allure is heightened by the offer of a 30-day trial, free and ...

  25. r/Teachers on Reddit: Automated Essay Scoring Software

    I'm starting my eleventh year of teaching English Language Arts. I've graded thousands of essays, from 9th grade to 12th grade. The process of grading, for me, always starts with correcting grammar. I have a hard time judging an essay for its merits when it's a hot mess of grammar mistakes.

  26. Teachers are using AI to grade essays. Students are using AI to write

    Meanwhile, while fewer faculty members used AI, the percentage grew to 22% of faculty members in the fall of 2023, up from 9% in spring 2023. Teachers are turning to AI tools and platforms ...