102 Water Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

Water pollution essays are an excellent way to demonstrate your awareness of the topic and your position on the solutions to the issue. To help you ease the writing process, we prepared some tips, essay topics, and research questions about water pollution.

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Water’s ready availability in many locations makes it an easy choice for a variety of purposes, from cleaning to manufacturing to nuclear reactor cooling. However, many companies will then dump water, now mixed with waste, back into rivers or lakes without adequate cleaning, leading to significant environmental pollution.

However, there are other types of harm, such as noise pollution, which are less obvious but also dangerous to sea life. It is critical that you understand what you should and should not do during your writing process.

The stance that big manufacturing industries are the sole culprits of the damage done to the world’s rivers and oceans is a popular one. However, do not neglect the effects of other water pollution essay topics such as microorganisms.

Microbes can spread dangerous illnesses, making them a danger for both water inhabitants and the people who then use that water. Furthermore, they can eat up oxygen if left unchecked, starving fish and other water organisms and eventually making them die out.

Such situations usually result from agricultural practices, which can lead to powerful nutrients entering the water and enabling algae and other microorganisms to grow excessively. An overly lively environment can be as harmful as one where everything is threatened.

With that said, industrial manufacturers deserve much of the attention and blame they receive from various communities. Construction of dedicated waste-cleaning facilities is usually possible, but companies avoid doing so because the process will increase their costs.

You should advocate for green practices, but be mindful of the potential impact of a significant price increase on the global economy. Also, be sure to mention more exotic pollution variations in your types of water pollution essay.

Provide examples of noise pollution or suspended matter pollution to expand on the topic of the complexity of the harm humanity causes to the ecosphere.

You should show your understanding that there are many causes, and we should work on addressing all of them, a notion you should repeat in your water pollution essay conclusions.

However, you should try to avoid being sidetracked too much and focus on the titles of pollution and its immediate causes.

If you stretch far enough, you may connect the matter to topics such as the status of a woman in Islam. However, doing so contributes little to nothing to your point and deviates from the topic of ecology into social and religious studies.

Leave the search for connections to dedicated researchers and concentrate on discussing the major causes that are known nowadays. By doing this, you will be able to create an excellent and powerful work that will demonstrate your understanding of the topic.

Here are some tips for your writing:

  • Be sure to discuss the different types of pollution that is caused by the same source separately. Surface and groundwater pollution are different in their effects and deserve separate discussions.
  • Focus on the issues and not on solutions, as an essay does not provide enough space to discuss the latter in detail.
  • Be sure to discuss the effects of pollution on people and other land inhabitants as well as on water creatures.

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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 102 Water Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/water-pollution-essay-examples/

"102 Water Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/water-pollution-essay-examples/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '102 Water Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "102 Water Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/water-pollution-essay-examples/.

1. IvyPanda . "102 Water Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/water-pollution-essay-examples/.


IvyPanda . "102 Water Pollution Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/water-pollution-essay-examples/.

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  • Water Pollution Essay


Water Pollution and How it Harms the Environment

Global pollution is a problem. Pollution can spread to remote areas where no one lives, despite the fact that urban areas are typically more polluted than the countryside. Air pollution, water pollution, and land pollution are the three main categories of pollution. Some contaminated water has a terrible smell, a muddy appearance, and floating trash. Some contaminated water appears clean, but it contains dangerous substances that you can't see or smell.

Together, developed and developing nations must fight to conserve the environment for present and future generations. Today, we dig deep into the subject of Water Pollution. This article can be an introduction to water pollution for kids as we will read many things such as the causes of water pollution further in the article.

What is Water Pollution?

Water contamination occurs when pollutants pollute water sources and make the water unfit for use in drinking, cooking, cleaning, swimming, and other activities. Chemicals, garbage, bacteria, and parasites are examples of pollutants. Water is eventually damaged by all types of pollution. Lakes and oceans become contaminated by air pollution. Land contamination may contaminate an underground stream, a river, and ultimately the ocean. As a result, trash thrown on an empty lot can eventually contaminate a water source.

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Water Pollution

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The water cycle, called  the hydrological cycle, involves the following steps:

Evaporation- Because of the sun's heat, the water bodies such as oceans, lakes, seas etc., get heated up, and water evaporates in the air, forming water vapours.

Transpiration- Like evaporation, the plants and trees also lose water from them which goes to the atmosphere. This process is called transpiration.

Condensation- As the water evaporates, it starts to become cool because of the cold atmosphere in the air and because of this cooling down of water leads to the formation of clouds.

Precipitation- Because of the high movements of the wings, the clouds start to collide and then fall back to the earth’s surface in the form of rain. Sometimes they also fall back in the form of snow, hail, sleet etc., depending upon the temperature.

Runoff or Infiltration- After precipitation, the water either flows to the water bodies called runoff or is absorbed into the soil, called infiltration.

Causes of Water Pollution

There are many reasons for water pollution. Some of the reasons are directly affected by water pollution and some indirectly. Many factories and industries are dumping contaminated water, chemicals, and heavy metals into major waterways as a result of direct water pollution. 

One more reason for water pollution is the use of modern techniques in farms. Farmers apply nutrients such as phosphorus, nitrogen, and potassium in the form of chemical fertilizers, manure, and sludge. It causes farms to discharge large quantities of agrochemicals, organic matter, and saline drainage into water bodies. It indirectly affects water pollution.

Pollutants can be of various types such as organic, inorganic, radioactive etc. Water pollutants are discharged either from one point from pipes, channels etc., which are called point sources or from various other sources. They can be agricultural areas, industries etc., called dispersed sources. 

Some of the major forms of water pollutants are as follows:

Sewage- Domestic sewage from homes contains various forms of pathogens that threaten the human body. Sewage treatment reduces the risk of pathogens, but this risk is not eliminated. 

Domestic sewage majorly contains nitrates and phosphates, and excess of these substances allows the algae to grow on the surface of water bodies. Due to this, the clean water bodies become nutrient-rich water body and then slowly, the oxygen level of water bodies reduces. This is called eutrophication or cultural eutrophication (if this step rapidly takes place by the activities of humans). This leads to the early death of water bodies.

Toxins- The industrial or factory wastes that are not disposed of properly and contain chemicals such as mercury and lead are disposed of in the water bodies making the bodies toxic, radioactive, explosive and cancerous.

Sediments- Sediments are the result of soil erosion that is formed in the water bodies. These sediments imbalances the water bodies ecologically. They also interfere in the reproductive cycle of various aquatic animals living in the water.

Thermal pollution- Water bodies get polluted because of heat, and excess heat reduces the oxygen level of the water bodies. Some of the species of fish cannot live in such water bodies with very low oxygen levels. The disposal of cold waters from the power plants leads to increased thermal pollution in the water bodies.

Petroleum oil pollution- The runoff of oil into the water bodies, either accidentally as happened in 2010 in the Gulf of Mexico, or intentionally, leads to an increase in water pollution.

As water is an important element of human health, polluted water directly affects the human body. Water pollution causes various diseases like typhoid, cholera, hepatitis, cancer, etc. Water pollution damages the plants and aquatic animals present in the river by reducing the oxygen content from the water. Polluted water washes the essential nutrients which plants need out of the soil and also leaves large amounts of aluminium in the soil, which can be harmful to plants. 

Wastewater and sewage are a by-product of daily life and thus produced by each household through various activities like using soap, toilets, and detergents. Such sewage contains chemicals and bacteria which are harmful to human life and environmental health. Water pollution also leads to an imbalance in our ecosystem. Lastly, it also affects the food chain as the toxins in the water bodies are consumed by aquatic animals like fish, crabs etc., and then humans consume those animals forming turmoil. 

Sometimes our tradition also becomes a cause for water pollution. Some people throw the statues of deities, flowers, pots, and ashes in rivers.

There are various standards to define water quality standards. Water meant for swimming may not be clean enough for drinking, or water meant for bathing may not be good for cooking. Therefore, there are different water standards for defined:

Stream standards- Standards that define streams, lakes, oceans or seas based on their maximum use.

Effluent standards- Define the specific standards for the level of contaminants or effluents allowed during the final discharge of those into the water bodies.

Drinking water standards- Define the level of contamination allowed in water that will be supplied for drinking or cooking in the domestic areas.

Different countries regulate their water quality standards through different acts and amendments.

While many of the solutions for water pollution need to be applied on a broader macro-level for that individual, companies, and communities can have a significant and responsible impact on the water quality. Companies, factories have to dispose of leftover chemicals and containers properly as per the product instructions. Farmers also have to reduce the use of nitrates and phosphates from fertilizers, pesticides, and contamination of groundwater. 

The Swachh Bharat Mission of the government had led to reduced groundwater contamination. Under the Namami Ganga program, the government has initiated several major projects to clean Ganga. Along with all these steps, conservation of water is the very basic and important step towards water conservation and should be followed globally, treatment of sewage before their disposal in the water bodies and using environment-friendly products that do not form toxins when dissolved in water. These are some small steps that have to be taken into consideration by every human being.

As we all know, “Water is life’s matter and matrix, mother and medium. There is no life without water.” We have to save water. We must keep the water clean. If everyone will follow their responsibility against water to protect it from getting polluted then it will be easy to get clean and healthy drinking water. Clean water is a must for us and our kids' present, future, and healthy environment. 

We cannot just live with contaminated waters filled with toxins and no oxygen. We cannot see our wildlife being destroyed and therefore, immediate steps have to be taken by groups of people to first clean the already contaminated water bodies and then keep a check on all the surrounding water bodies. Small steps by every individual can make a huge difference in controlling water pollution.

Water Pollution Prevention

Conserve Water 

Our first priority should be to conserve water. Water wasting could be a big problem for the entire world, but we are just now becoming aware of it.

Sewage Treatment 

Cleaning up waste materials before disposing of them in waterways reduces pollution on a large scale. By lowering its dangerous elements, this wastewater will be used in other sectors or in agriculture.

Usage of Eco-Friendly Materials

We will reduce the amount of pollution produced by choosing soluble products that do not alter to become pollutants.

Water contamination is the discharge of pollutants into the water body, where they dissolve, are suspended, are deposited on the bottom, and collect to the point where they hinder the aquatic ecosystem's ability to function. Water contamination is brought on by toxic compounds that easily dissolve and combine with it and come from factories, municipalities, and farms.

Healthy ecosystems depend on a complex network of organisms, including animals, plants, bacteria, and fungi, all of which interact with one another either directly or indirectly. In this article, we read about water pollution, its causes and prevention. With this, we have come to the end of our article, in case of any other doubts, feel free to ask in the comments.


FAQs on Water Pollution Essay

1. What are the effects of water pollution?

Water pollution has a great impact on human health. Water pollution kills. It's been recorded that in 2015 nearly 1.8 million people died because of water pollution. People with low income are exposed to contaminated water coming out from the industries. Presence of disease causing pathogens in drinking water are the major cause of illness which includes cholera, giardia, and typhoid. Water pollution not only affects human health but also our environment by causing algal bloom in a lake or marine environment. Water pollution also causes eutrophication which suffocates plants and animals and thus causes dead zones. Chemicals and heavy metals from industrial and municipal wastewater contaminate waterways and harm aquatic life.

2. What are the causes of Water pollution?

Water being a universal solvent is vulnerable to pollution as it dissolves more substances than any other liquid on earth. Therefore, water is easily polluted. Toxic substances from farms, towns, and factories readily dissolve into water and mix with it, resulting in water pollution. Agricultural pollution is one of the major causes of contamination in rivers and streams. The use of excessive fertilizers, pesticides, and animal waste from farms and livestock operations lets the rain wash the nutrients and pathogens—such as bacteria and viruses—into our waterways. The other major cause of water pollution is used water,  termed as wastewater which comes from our sinks, showers, toilets and from commercial, industrial, and agricultural activities. It's been reported that the world's 80% wastewater flows back into the environment without being treated or reused. Oil spills and radioactive waste also cause water pollution to a great extent.

3. How to prevent water pollution?

It is important to keep our water bodies clean so we can take the following preventive measures to prevent from water pollution:

Chemicals like bleach, paint, paint thinner, ammonia, and many chemicals are becoming a serious problem. Dumping toxic chemicals down the drain or flushing them down the toilet can cause water pollution. Thus, proper disposal is important. Also, household chemicals need to be recycled.

Avoid buying products that contain persistent and dangerous chemicals. Buying non-toxic cleaners and biodegradable cleaners and pesticides cut down on water pollution.

Prevent from pouring fats or greasy substances down the drain as it might clog the drain resulting in the dumping of waste into yards or basement which can contaminate the local water bodies.

4. What is the role of medical institutions in polluting the water?

Pharmaceutical pollution affects aquatic life and thus there is a need to take preventive measures. Consumers are responsible for winding up pharmaceutical and personal care products in lakes, rivers, and streams. There's a lot of unused and expired medication that can potentially get into the water if not disposed of properly.

5. What are the major kinds of pollution?

The three main types of pollution are air pollution, water pollution or soil pollution. Some artificial pollution is also there, such as noise pollution. Factors leading to such pollution include:

Air Pollution: Industrial emissions, fires, traffic and transportation, burning of chemical waste, etc.

Water Pollution: No proper sewage disposal, pesticides in farms leaking into water bodies, industrial waste dumped into water bodies, etc.

Soil Pollution:  Oil spills, acid rains, irresponsible disposal of trash, chemical waste, etc.

Noise Pollution: Honking of horns, construction activities, loud parties, etc.

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Essay on Water Pollution: Samples in 200, 500 Words

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  • Updated on  
  • Mar 23, 2024

Essay on water pollution

Essay on Water Pollution: Water pollution occurs when human activities introduce toxic substances into freshwater ecosystems such as lakes, rivers, oceans, and groundwater, leading to the degradation of water quality. The combination of harmful chemicals with water has a negative impact on these ecosystems. 

Various human actions, particularly those affecting land, water, and underwater surfaces, contribute to this pollution, disrupting the natural supply of clean water and posing a significant danger to all forms of life, including humans.

Table of Contents

  • 1 What is Water Pollution?
  • 2.1 Contaminants 
  • 2.2 Solution 
  • 3.1 Reasons for Water Pollution
  • 3.2 Methods of Water Pollution Management
  • 3.3 Real-Life Encounter

Also Read: Types of Water Pollution

What is Water Pollution?

When many pollutants such as garbage, chemicals, bacteria, household waste, industrial waste, etc get mixed in the water resources and make the water unfit for cooking, drinking, cleaning, etc. it is known as water pollution. Water pollution damages the quality of water. lakes, water streams, rivers, etc may become polluted and eventually they will pollute the oceans. All this will directly or indirectly affect the lives of us humans and the animals deteriorating our health.

Essay on Water Pollution in 200 Words

Water is plentiful on Earth, present both above and beneath its surface. A variety of water bodies, such as rivers, ponds, seas, and oceans, can be found on the planet’s surface. Despite Earth’s ability to naturally replenish its water, we are gradually depleting and mishandling this abundant resource. 

Although water covers 71% of the Earth’s surface and land constitutes the remaining 29%, the rapid expansion of water pollution is impacting both marine life and humans. 


Water pollution stems significantly from city sewage and industrial waste discharge. Indirect sources of water pollution include contaminants that reach water supplies via soil, groundwater systems, and precipitation. 

Chemical pollutants pose a greater challenge in terms of removal compared to visible impurities, which can be filtered out through physical cleaning. The addition of chemicals alters water’s properties, rendering it unsafe and potentially lethal for consumption.


Prioritizing water infrastructure enhancement is vital for sustainable water management, with a focus on water efficiency and conservation. 

Furthermore, rainwater harvesting and reuse serve as effective strategies to curb water pollution. Reclaimed wastewater and collected rainwater alleviate stress on groundwater and other natural water sources. 

Groundwater recharge, which transfers water from surface sources to groundwater, is a well-known approach to mitigate water scarcity. These measures collectively contribute to safeguarding the planet’s water resources for present and future generations.

Here is a list of Major Landforms of the Earth !

Essay on Water Pollution in 500 Words

The term “water pollution” is employed when human or natural factors lead to contamination of bodies of water, such as rivers, lakes, and oceans. Responsible management is now imperative to address this significant environmental concern. The primary sources of water contamination are human-related activities like urbanization, industrialization, deforestation, improper waste disposal, and the establishment of landfills.

Reasons for Water Pollution

The availability of freshwater on our planet is limited, and pollution only increases this scarcity. Every year, a substantial amount of fresh water is lost due to industrial and various other types of pollution. Pollutants encompass visible waste items of varying sizes as well as intangible, hazardous, and lethal compounds.

Numerous factories are situated in proximity to water bodies, utilizing freshwater to transport their waste. This industrial waste carries inherent toxicity, jeopardizing the well-being of both plant and animal life. Individuals living close to polluted water sources frequently suffer from skin problems, respiratory ailments, and occasionally even life-threatening health conditions.

Water contamination is also intensified by urban waste and sewage, adding to the problem. Each household generates considerable waste annually, including plastic, chemicals, wood, and other materials. Inadequate waste disposal methods result in this refusal to infiltrate aquatic ecosystems like rivers, lakes, and streams, leading to pollution.

Methods of Water Pollution Management

Raising awareness about the causes and consequences of water pollution is crucial in significantly reducing its prevalence. Encouraging community or organizational clean-up initiatives on a weekly or monthly basis plays a pivotal role. 

To eradicate water contamination completely, stringent legislation needs to be formulated and diligently enforced. Rigorous oversight would promote accountability, potentially deterring individuals and groups from polluting. Each individual should recognize the impact of their daily actions and take steps to contribute to a better world for generations to come.

Real-Life Encounter

My affection for my town has always been heightened by its abundant lakes, rivers, and forests. During one of my walks alongside the river that flowed through my village, I was struck by the unusual hues swirling within the water. The once-familiar crystal-clear blue had been replaced by a murky brown shade, accompanied by a potent, unpleasant odour. Intrigued, I decided to investigate further, descending to the riverbank for a closer look at the source of the peculiar colours and smells. Upon closer inspection, I observed peculiar foam bubbles floating on the water’s surface.

Suddenly, a commotion behind me caught my attention, and I turned to witness a group of people hastening toward the river. Their frantic shouts and vigorous gestures conveyed their panic, prompting me to realize that a grave situation was unfolding. As the group reached the river, they were confronted with the distressing sight of numerous lifeless fish floating on the water’s surface. 

Following a comprehensive investigation, it was revealed that a local factory had been releasing toxic chemicals into the river, resulting in extensive pollution and the devastation of the ecosystem. This investigation left me stunned and disheartened, acknowledging the significant effort required to restore the river to its own form.

Related Reads:-     

A. Water pollution refers to the contamination of water bodies, such as rivers, lakes, oceans, and groundwater, due to the introduction of harmful substances. These substances can include chemicals, industrial waste, sewage, and pollutants that adversely affect the quality of water, making it unsafe for human consumption and harmful to aquatic life.

A. The primary sources of water pollution include city sewage and industrial waste discharge. Chemical contaminants from factories and agricultural runoff, as well as oil spills and plastic waste, contribute significantly to water pollution. Runoff from paved surfaces and improper waste disposal also play a role in introducing pollutants into water bodies.

A. Water pollution has far-reaching consequences. It poses a threat to aquatic ecosystems by harming marine life, disrupting food chains, and damaging habitats. Additionally, contaminated water can lead to the spread of waterborne diseases among humans. Toxic chemicals in polluted water can cause serious health issues, affecting the skin, and respiratory systems, and even leading to long-term illnesses. 

This brings us to the end of our blog on Essay on Water Pollution. Hope you find this information useful. For more information on such informative topics for your school, visit our  essay writing  and follow  Leverage Edu

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Aditi Gupta

A bachelors in Journalism and Mass Communication graduate, I am an enthusiastic writer. I love to write about impactful content which can help others. I love to binge watch and listen to music during my free time.

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American Oceans

Ocean Pollution Art: 7 Inspiring Pieces

Polluted oceans are dangerous for marine life and humans. Unfortunately, too many people see pollution in the water and on our beaches simply as a gross side-effect of a day at the shore, and not enough people have actually registered the consequences this pollution has on the environment and ecosystems.

ocean pollution art from pollution in the water

Artists around the world are using ocean pollution to create artwork that hopes to inspire change and action. Check out 17 pieces of ocean pollution art below.

7. One Beach Plastic by Richard & Judith Lang

Richard Lang and Judith Shelby Lang have been collecting plastic pollution on the shores of Kehoe Beach in the Point Reyes National Seashore, California, since 1999.

water pollution essay drawing

They take these plastic bits and curate beautiful, colorful works of art. Check out some more of their art here .

6. Natural Plasticity by Jana Cruder & Matthew LaPenta

California based artists Jana Cruder and Matthew LaPenta use post-consumer plastics to create larger-than-life, inflatable art sculptures.

            View this post on Instagram                         A post shared by The Bottle Project (@naturalplasticity)

These 20-30 foot sculptures are representative of many single-use plastics people use every day like plastic water bottles, plastic coffee containers, and straws.

The large inflatable sculptures are installed in places that aren’t usually accustomed to art in order to grab and hold the viewers attention.

It’s hard to miss a 30 foot inflatable plastic water bottle on your walk into work! Check out more of their inspiring work by following them on Instagram or checking out their website .

5. Bristol Whales by Sue Lipscombe

“Bristol Whales” designed by Sue Lipscombe is an art installation that depicts a whale diving into a sea of plastic water bottles.

bristol whales art scultpture

The whale was created by using locally grown willow and single use plastic water bottles collected from the Bristol 10k and Bath Half Marathon.

The piece begs the viewer to think about the threat of plastic pollution in our oceans and its effects on marine life. To learn more about this piece click here .

4. Washed Up by Alejandro Durán

Washed Up: Transforming a Trashed Landscape uses international debris that washes up on the Caribbean coast of Mexico.

            View this post on Instagram                         A post shared by Washed Up Project (@washedupproject)

The installation and photography project, started by Alejandro Durán, has been able to identify plastic waste from fifty-eight nations that have ended up on Mexico’s coast.

The pieces are meant to shed light on the current environmental crisis and hopefully change our relationship with consumer and single-use plastic waste. To learn more about Alejandro’s project, visit alejandroduran.com .

3. Sea Globes by Max Liboiron

“Sea Globes” by Max Liboiron use plastics that come from the Hudson River in south Brooklyn and coal from a now shuddered landfill. The landfill is now submerged at high tide and closed in the 1930s.

Sea Globes by Max Liboiron

The genuine sea globes (similar to a snow globe) are accurate representations of NYC waterfront environments, with sea life and plastic floating inside a glass mini world. Click here to learn more about this piece.

2. Evolución Tóxica by Alvaro Soler Arpa

Alvaro Soler Arpa’s project “Evolución Tóxica” imagines plastics impact on the evolution of animals. Arpa uses wire, animal bones, and plastic pollution to create fictional creatures.

evolucion toxica arpa

These disturbing creatures engage a viewer to think about the planet’s current plastic pollution crisis and the actual impact it has on evolution.

Will we one day evolve to make use of the plastic molecules that will eventually become part of our DNA? Read more about this project here .

1. Washed Ashore by Various Artists

“Washed Ashore”, founded by Angela Haseltine Pozzi, is an educational nonprofit that creates are using garbage collected on the Oregon coast.

            View this post on Instagram                         A post shared by The Washed Ashore Project (@washedashoreart)

The garbage collected is used to create larger than life sculptures of animals that are endangered due to the rise in ocean pollution.

So far, they have used 26 tons of garbage to create 70 sculptures that are on display across the country. To learn more about Washed Ashore, visit washedashore.org .

Why Is Ocean Pollution Such a Big Deal?

Ocean pollution is not just gross for beach-goers, but detrimental to marine life. Pollution that finds its way into the ocean can include liquids (such as oil, bleach, pesticides, etc), trash (especially plastics), and some even constitute carbon dioxide as a pollutant (as it acidifies the ocean and changes the ecosystem). 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Climate Change (@_environmentalactivist)

However, as most artists find it relatively difficult to work with oil and carbon dioxide, plastics and other trash are their main focus. And there is a LOT of plastic in the oceans to work with.

By 2050, scientists project that ocean plastic will outweigh all of the fish in the ocean. While this may seem surprising, shocking, or even flat out unbelievable, it is important to know that 17.6 billion pounds (or eight million metric tons) of plastic is released into the ocean every single year.

For perspective in ocean terms, 17.6 billion pounds is the same as 57,000 blue whales – the largest animal to have ever existed.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Sea Shepherd Darwin (@sea_shepherd_darwin)

Ocean pollution does not just take up space, either. It has serious consequences on marine ecosystems. 

Marine animals are constantly ingesting plastics that look like food: for example, plastic bags looks very similar to some jellyfish , which is a major food source of sea turtles.

This mistaking plastic for food can either cause animals to choke, or can lead to starvation as the plastic slowly fills their stomach.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Ocean Wikipedia (@oceanwikipedia)

Entanglement is also very common, as many marine creatures may not see that they are swimming into a plastic trap.

This can lead to suffocation if below the surface of the water, and it can make some animals easy prey to ocean predators.

If you don’t care much for sea creatures, remember that as trash washes up onto the shore it also affects animals of the land and sky.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by @s.t.o.p.c.n.d

In fact, studies show that 44% of seabirds either have ingested plastic or have plastic attached to them somehow.

Plastic in the ocean can also negatively affect humans. As sea animals consume plastics, they may absorb some of the chemicals of plastics into their body and bloodstream.

If humans eat these animals, they could be consuming the chemicals of plastic themselves. Plastic toxins have been linked to many diseases, including some cancers and birth defects.

Pollution Art: The Solution

Well, maybe not the solution, but it certainly helps the issue of ocean pollution! Not only does pollution art put plastics that washed up on the shore to good use, but it also helps educate viewers on just how much plastic is in the oceans.

What is Pollution Art?

Pollution art is usually artistic displays of plastics that are found on beaches: most displays resemble marine creatures that are affected by the plastic in the ocean. 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Dawn (@dawnslight.flower)

These displays are used to educate the public about ocean pollution . They often help to impact viewers who have yet to grasp just how dangerous ocean pollution is.

Sometimes the models are situated on beaches, which creates a humbling effect for beachgoers and helps encourage people to not leave their trash behind when they leave.

Pollution Art Artists

There are a handful of known artists who create pollution art. The most famous artist is likely Angela Hasteline Pozzi, founder of the non-profit organization Washed Ashore.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by The Green Seeds Project (@thegreenseedsproject)

The organization, which is based in Oregon, has collected and cleaned tons of plastic pollution from beaches with the goal of turning it into educational art.

Washed Ashore has displayed pollution art at the Smithsonian Museum of Natural History and at the Smithsonian National Zoo.

Displays are also planted outside, often overlooking beaches to ensure maximum effect. Other artists include Steve Mcpherson, Gilles Cenazandotti, Pam Longobardi, Alvaro Soler Arpa, and Tess Felix. 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by ??????? ??????? (@drusilamarques)

It is important to note that not all artists create large model displays of sea creatures. Some choose to make an impact through photography, humans models, and two-dimensional arrangements.

Famous Pollution Art Exhibits, Models, and Projects

While there are numerous artists who have participated in educating audiences about plastic pollution through art, there are a few exhibits and displays that are more well-known due to them doing an exceptional job impacting viewers. 

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Carolin (@mydesignexperiments)

One display known as “Vida Toxia” (translated Toxic Life) by artist Alvaro Soler Arpa is a series of fourteen sculptures made of plastic pollution and animal bones.

The combination of the two “art supplies” tends to shock viewers, and helps them to see the reality of the dangerous situation.

Pam Longobardi’s project, the Drifters Project, uses plastic that washes ashore in order to create models and art pieces.

View this post on Instagram A post shared by Amy Parry (@amyparryprojects)

She also uses photography to better spread the impact of her project to distant audiences.  Washed Ashore has had many famous exhibits since it was founded.

One of them is “Washed Ashore: Art to Save the Sea,” which features 17 “sculptures.” Another is “Turtle Ocean,” which shows a hawksbill turtle (which is an endangered species ) swimming through a coral reef made of plastics.

Pollution art is more than just a cool way to reuse plastic: it is a way to educate audiences on the consequences plastic has on the marine ecosystem.

The goal of pollution art is usually to encourage audiences to think hard about their actions and twice before doing something irresponsible with their trash.

With so many artists and exhibits becoming popular in the media, pollution art may become a more common sight in the near future.

If you want to do something to help the oceanic environment or assist pollution art artists in their work, volunteering for beach cleanups is a great place to start: artists and organizations usually pick up the trash after cleanups are complete.

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  • Ocean Facts

The Environment

Water pollution.

Water pollution and trash

  • Pollution in the water can reach a point where there isn't enough oxygen in the water for the fish to breathe. The fish can actually suffocate!
  • Sometimes pollution affects the entire food chain. Small fishes absorb pollutants, such as chemicals, into their bodies. Then bigger fishes eat the smaller fishes and get the pollutants too. Birds or other animals may eat the bigger fishes and be harmed by the pollutants. One example of this was the use of the insecticide (bug killer) DDT. When birds of prey ate fishes that were infected with it, they would lay eggs with thin shells. The population of birds of prey began to drop until DDT was banished.
  • Sewage can also cause major problems in rivers. Bacteria in the water will use oxygen to break down the sewage. If there is too much sewage, the bacteria could use up so much oxygen that there won't be enough left for the fish.
  • Water pollution from major events like acid rain or oil spills can completely destroy marine habitats.

No dumping water pollution sign

  • Sewage - Even today sewage is flushed directly into streams and rivers in many areas around the world. Sewage can introduce harmful bacteria that can make people and animals very sick.
  • Farm animal waste - Waste from large herds of farm animals such as pigs and cows can get into the water supply from the runoff of rain and large storms.
  • Pesticides and herbicides - Pesticides are often sprayed on crops to kill bugs and herbicides are sprayed to kill weeds. These strong chemicals can get into the water through runoff of rain storms. They can also contaminate rivers and lakes through accidental spills.
  • Construction, floods, and storms - Silt from construction, earthquakes, floods, and storms can lower the oxygen content in the water and suffocate fish.
  • Factories - Factories often use a lot of water to process chemicals, keep engines cool, and for washing things away. The used waste water is sometimes dumped into rivers or the ocean. It can be full of pollutants.
  • Save water - Fresh and clean water is a precious resource. Don't waste it! Take shorter showers, ask your parents not to water the lawn, make sure the toilet isn't running, and don't leave the faucet running.
  • Don't use weed killer - Ask your parents if you can pull the weeds in the yard so they don't need to use weed killer (an herbicide).
  • Scrape your plates clean into the trash and don't put grease into the kitchen drain.
  • Trash - Always pick up your trash, especially when at the beach, lake, or river.
  • Soap from washing your car can run down the street drain and cause water pollution.
  • Only around 1% of the Earth's water is fresh water. The rest is salty and we can't drink it.
  • Around 40% of the rivers and lakes in the United States are too polluted for fishing or swimming.
  • The Mississippi River carries around 1.5 million tons of pollution into the Gulf of Mexico each year.
  • Between 5 and 10 million people die each year from water pollution related illnesses.
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Water Conservation Essay

500+ words essay on water conservation.

Water makes up 70% of the earth as well as the human body. There are millions of marine species present in today’s world that reside in water. Similarly, humankind also depends on water. All the major industries require water in some form or the other. However, this precious resource is depleting day by day. The majority of the reasons behind it are man-made only. Thus, the need for water conservation is more than ever now. Through this water conservation essay, you will realize how important it is to conserve water and how scarce it has become.

water conservation essay

Water Scarcity- A Dangerous Issue

Out of all the water available, only three per cent is freshwater. Therefore, it is essential to use this water wisely and carefully. However, we have been doing the opposite of this till now.

Every day, we keep exploiting water for a variety of purposes. In addition to that, we also keep polluting it day in and day out. The effluents from industries and sewage discharges are dispersed into our water bodies directly.

Moreover, there are little or no facilities left for storing rainwater. Thus, floods have become a common phenomenon. Similarly, there is careless use of fertile soil from riverbeds. It results in flooding as well.

Therefore, you see how humans play a big role in water scarcity. Living in concrete jungles have anyway diminished the green cover. On top of that, we keep on cutting down forests that are a great source of conserving water.

Nowadays, a lot of countries even lack access to clean water. Therefore, water scarcity is a real thing. We must deal with it right away to change the world for our future generations. Water conservation essay will teach you how.

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Water Conservation Essay – Conserving Water

Life without water is not possible. We need it for many things including cleaning, cooking, using the washroom, and more. Moreover, we need clean water to lead a healthy life.

We can take many steps to conserve water on a national level as well as an individual level. Firstly, our governments must implement efficient strategies to conserve water. The scientific community must work on advanced agricultural reforms to save water.

Similarly, proper planning of cities and promotion of water conservation through advertisements must be done. On an individual level, we can start by opting for buckets instead of showers or tubs.

Also, we must not use too much electricity. We must start planting more trees and plants. Rainwater harvesting must be made compulsory so we can benefit from the rain as well.

Further, we can also save water by turning off the tap when we brush our teeth or wash our utensils. Use a washing machine when it is fully loaded. Do not waste the water when you wash vegetables or fruit, instead, use it to water plants.

All in all, we must identify water scarcity as a real issue as it is very dangerous. Further, after identifying it, we must make sure to take steps to conserve it. There are many things that we can do on a national level as well as an individual level. So, we must come together now and conserve water.

FAQ of Water Conservation Essay

Question 1: Why has water become scarce?

Answer 1: Water has become scarce due to a lot of reasons most of which are human-made. We exploit water on a daily basis. Industries keep discharging their waste directly into water bodies. Further, sewage keeps polluting the water as well.

Question 2: How can we conserve water?

Answer 2: The government must plan cities properly so our water bodies stay clean. Similarly, water conservation must be promoted through advertisements. On an individual level, we can start by fixing all our leaky taps. Further, we must avoid showers and use buckets instead to save more water.

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  • Biology Article
  • Water Pollution Control

Water Pollution And Its Control

Water is one of the most vital natural resources on earth and has been around for a long time. In fact, the same water which we drink has been around in one form or the other since the time of the dinosaurs.

The earth has more than two-thirds of its surface covered with water. This translates to just over 1 octillion litres (1,260,000,000,000,000,000,000 litres) of water distributed in the oceans, rivers, lakes and streams.

water pollution essay drawing

That is a lot of water, however, less than 0.3% is accessible for human consumption. As commercialization and industrialization have progressed, that number continues to dwindle down. Furthermore, inefficient and outdated practices, lack of awareness and a plethora of other circumstances have led to water pollution.

Also Read: How Can We Conserve Water?

Water Pollution

  • Water pollution
  • Modern Epidemic

Minamata Incident

  • Ganges River

What is Water Pollution?

Water pollution can be defined as the contamination of water bodies. Water pollution is caused when water bodies such as rivers, lakes, oceans, groundwater and aquifers get contaminated with industrial and agricultural effluents.

When water gets polluted, it adversely affects all lifeforms that directly or indirectly depend on this source. The effects of water contamination can be felt for years to come.

Also Refer:  Types of Pollution

Sources Of Water Pollution

The key causative of water pollution in India are:

  • Urbanization.
  • Deforestation.
  • Industrial effluents.
  • Social and Religious Practices.
  • Use of Detergents and Fertilizers.
  • Agricultural run-offs- Use of insecticides and pesticides.

Water Pollution – A Modern Epidemic

Causes of Water Pollution

One of the primary causes of water pollution is the contamination of water bodies by toxic chemicals. As seen in the example mentioned above, the dumped plastic bottles, tins, water cans and other wastes pollute the water bodies. These result in water pollution, which harms not just humans, but the whole ecosystem. Toxins drained from these pollutants, travel up to the food chain and eventually affect humans. In most cases, the outcome is destructive to only the local population and species, but it can have an impact on a global scale too.

Nearly 6 billion kilograms of garbage is dumped every year in the oceans. Apart from industrial effluents and untreated sewage, other forms of unwanted materials are dumped into various water bodies. These can range from nuclear waste to oil spills – the latter of which can render vast areas uninhabitable.

Effects Of Water Pollution

The effect of water pollution depends upon the type of pollutants and their concentration. Also, the location of water bodies is an important factor to determine the levels of pollution.

  • Water bodies in the vicinity of urban areas are extremely polluted. This is the result of dumping garbage and toxic chemicals by industrial and commercial establishments.
  • Water pollution drastically affects aquatic life. It affects their metabolism, and behaviour, and causes illness and eventual death. Dioxin is a chemical that causes a lot of problems from reproduction to uncontrolled cell growth or cancer. This chemical is bioaccumulated in fish, chicken and meat. Chemicals such as this travel up the food chain before entering the human body.
  • The effect of water pollution can have a huge impact on the food chain. It disrupts the food chain. Cadmium and lead are some toxic substances, these pollutants upon entering the food chain through animals (fish when consumed by animals, humans) can continue to disrupt at higher levels.
  • Humans are affected by pollution and can contract diseases such as hepatitis through faecal matter in water sources. Poor drinking water treatment and unfit water can always cause an outbreak of infectious diseases such as cholera, etc.
  • The ecosystem can be critically affected, modified and destructured because of water pollution.

Water Pollution - Minimata Disease

The Minamata Incident marked one of the worst cases of water pollution

In 1932, a factory in Minamata City, Japan began dumping its industrial effluent – Methylmercury, into the surrounding bay and the sea. Methylmercury is incredibly toxic to humans and animals alike, causing a wide range of neurological disorders.

Its ill effects were not immediately noticeable. However, this all changed as methylmercury started to bioaccumulate inside shellfish and fish in Minamata Bay. These affected organisms were then caught and consumed by the local population. Soon, the ill effects of methylmercury were becoming apparent.

Initially, animals such as cats and dogs were affected by this. The city’s cats would often convulse and make strange noises before dying – hence, the term “dancing cat disease” was coined. Soon, the same symptoms were observed in people, though the cause was not apparent at the time.

Other affected people showed symptoms of acute mercury poisoning such as ataxia, muscle weakness, loss of motor coordination, damage to speech and hearing etc. In severe cases, paralysis occurred, which was followed by coma and death.  These diseases and deaths continued for almost 36 years before they could be officially acknowledged by the government and the organisation.

Since then, various control measures for water pollution have been adopted by the government of Japan to curb such environmental disasters in the future.

Pollution of the Ganges

Some rivers, lakes, and groundwater are rendered unfit for usage. In India, the River Ganges is the sixth most polluted river in the world. This is unsurprising as hundreds of industries nearby release their effluents into the river. Furthermore, religious activities such as burials and cremations near the shore contribute to pollution. Apart from the ecological implications, this river poses a serious health risks as it can cause diseases like typhoid and cholera.

Pollution of the Ganges is also driving some of the distinct fauna to extinction. The Ganges River shark is a critically endangered species that belong to the order Carcharhiniformes. The Ganges River dolphin is another  endangered species of dolphin that is found in the tributaries of the Ganges and Brahmaputra rivers.

As per a survey, by the end of 2026, around 4 billion people will face a shortage of water. Presently, around 1.2 billion people worldwide do not have access to clean, potable water and proper sanitation. It is also projected that nearly 1000 children die every year in India due to water-related issues. Groundwater is an important source of water, but unfortunately, even that is susceptible to pollution. Hence, water pollution is quite an important social issue that needs to be addressed promptly.

Control Measures of Water Pollution

Water pollution, to a larger extent, can be controlled by a variety of methods. Rather than releasing sewage waste into water bodies, it is better to treat them before discharge. Practising this can reduce the initial toxicity and the remaining substances can be degraded and rendered harmless by the water body itself. If the secondary treatment of water has been carried out, then this can be reused in sanitary systems and agricultural fields.

A very special plant, the Water Hyacinth can absorb dissolved toxic chemicals such as cadmium and other such elements. Establishing these in regions prone to such kinds of pollutants will reduce the adverse effects to a large extent.

Some chemical methods that help in the control of water pollution are precipitation, the ion exchange process, reverse osmosis , and coagulation. As an individual, reusing, reducing, and recycling wherever possible will advance a long way in overcoming the effects of water pollution.

Further Reading:

Frequently Asked Questions

What is sewage treatment.

Wastewater treatment or sewage treatment generally refers to the process of cleaning or removing all pollutants, treating wastewater and making it safe and suitable for drinking before releasing it into the environment.

What are the main steps in sewage treatment?

There are four main stages of the wastewater treatment process, namely:

  • Stage 1: Screening
  • Stage 2: Primary treatment
  • Stage 3: Secondary treatment
  • Stage 4: Final treatment

What are the main causes of water pollution?

The main causes of water pollution are attributed to

  • Industrial activities
  • Urbanization
  • Religious and social practices
  • Agricultural runoff
  • Accidents (such as oil spills, nuclear fallouts etc)

What are the effects of water pollution?

Water pollution can have disastrous consequences on the ecosystem. Furthermore, toxic chemicals can travel through the food chain and get into our bodies, causing diseases and death.

To learn more about water pollution, causes, effects, preventive measures and other important environmental concerns (such as eutrophication), visit us at BYJU’S Biology.

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Essays on Water Pollution

Hook examples for water pollution essays, "the hidden peril: unveiling the depths of water pollution" hook.

"Beneath the serene surface of water lies a hidden peril. Dive into the depths of water pollution, uncovering the threats to our environment, wildlife, and health."

"From Crystal Clear to Murky: The Transformation of Water Bodies" Hook

"Once-pristine water bodies now bear scars of pollution. Explore the transformation of lakes, rivers, and oceans from crystal clear to murky, and the factors responsible."

"A Taste of Contamination: The Effects of Polluted Water on Health" Hook

"What we drink and consume affects our health. Discuss the alarming consequences of consuming contaminated water, from diseases to long-term health issues."

"Industrial Giants and the Price of Progress: Pollution's Impact" Hook

"Industrialization has brought progress, but at a cost. Analyze the role of industries in water pollution and their responsibility in mitigating environmental damage."

"The Ripple Effect: How Water Pollution Impacts Ecosystems" Hook

"Water pollution's effects ripple through ecosystems, disrupting fragile balances. Explore its impact on aquatic life, biodiversity, and the delicate web of life."

"Turning the Tide: Solutions for Combatting Water Pollution" Hook

"It's not too late to turn the tide against water pollution. Discuss innovative solutions, policies, and individual actions aimed at safeguarding our water resources."

"Guardians of the Waters: Inspiring Stories of Environmental Activism" Hook

"Meet the guardians of our waters—environmental activists who dedicate their lives to fighting pollution. Share their inspiring stories of dedication and change."

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Water pollution is the release of substances into subsurface groundwater or into lakes, streams, rivers, estuaries, and oceans to the point where the substances interfere with beneficial use of the water or with the natural functioning of ecosystems.

Some of the primary sources water pollution are: domestic sewage, solid waste, toxic waste, sediment, thermal pollution, petroleum (oil) pollution.

Water pollution can result in the degradation of aquatic ecosystems, spread of gastrointestinal diseases and parasitic infections, eutrophication, and ocean acidification.

Around 70% of industrial waste is dumped to water. 80% of the water pollution is caused due to domestic sewage. More than 6 billion pounds of garbage, mainly plastic end up in the oceans every year. 15 million children under the age of five years die every year from diseases caused by drinking contaminated water. The Ganges river in India is considered the most polluted river in the world.

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IELTS Writing Task 2/ Essay Topics with sample answer.

Ielts essay # 1321 - water pollution has become an increasing problem, ielts writing task 2/ ielts essay:, water pollution has become an increasing problem over the past few decades., what causes water pollution how can we prevent this problem.

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10 Lines on Water Pollution

Water is one of the vital resources for the sustenance of life on this planet. Only 1% of water on earth is suitable for drinking but increasing water pollution is diminishing the sources of fresh and clean water. The increasing water pollution is also posing a threat to the aquatic animals and a global threat to our ecosystem. Water is getting polluted majorly by the human activities. The increasing industrialization and urbanization without any proper disposable mechanism is making the water polluted and affecting the biodiversity of our planet.

Ten Lines on Water Pollution in English

10 lines, 5 lines, 20 lines, few lines and sentences on Water Pollution are given below in the form of few sets for the students of Class 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 and 6 in very easy language. Just go through them and get your needed one:

1) The contamination of water resources leads to water pollution.

2) Direct disposal of industrial waste into the rivers makes the river water toxic.

3) House hold drainage contains serious pathogens which might spread epidemics when disposed in rivers.

4) Heavy metals like Arsenic present in the rocks and soil make the water contaminated and lead to ground water poisoning.

5) The fertilizers and pesticides used in agricultural activities can also affect surface as well as the ground water.

6) The Oil Spill process releases a huge amount of crude petroleum in sea affecting marine ecosystem.

7) Water pollution can cause many serious diseases like cholera, typhoid, dysentery and even poisoning.

8) According to a WHO report around 842000 deaths occur every year due to the water borne diseases.

9) There should be a proper waste disposal system if we want to fight water pollution.

10) Avoiding wastage of water and keeping our surrounding clean could help us keep the water clean and safe.

10 Lines and Sentences on Water Pollution

1) Introduction of impurities and toxic chemicals into water causes Water Pollution.

2) Industrial and human waste disposal is the prime cause of the water pollution.

3) The littering of plastic in the lakes and rivers has made the river water dirty and toxic.

4) The religious rituals and dead body remains have highly polluted our holy rivers.

5) The increase in water pollution has not only affected humans but also a cause of extinction for many marine species.

6) The high amount of mercury in river water adversely affects the hormonal changes of the marine species leading to major shifts in their behavior.

7) The increasing chemical content in the river water is absorbed by the aquatic animals hampering the overall food chain.

8) The water from the rivers is sometimes also used for irrigation purpose thus contaminating agricultural produce.

9) Government should take drastic steps to restrict the direct disposal of waste into the rivers or seas.

10) The quality of drinking water should be checked on timely basis to avoid spread of epidemics.

10 Lines on Water Pollution

5 Lines on Water Pollution

1) Polluted Water is water mixed with several hazardous elements, wastes, and impurities.

2) Water pollution destroys the aquatic ecosystem.

3) Drinking polluted water can cause harmful diseases.

4) Millions of people don’t have water to drink.

5) Water pollution is a serious concern for the entire world.

20 Lines on Water Pollution

1) Around 2.5% of water out of the total 70% available water on earth is in the form of fresh water.

2) Approximately, 70% of the total industrial waste is drained in the water bodies.

3) Every year, around 7 billion pounds of urban plastic waste gets dumped into the oceans.

4) As per the WHO report, over 250 million people across the globe die every year by drinking contaminated water.

5) Asia is the continent which has the most number of polluted rivers in the world.

6) Most of the ground water of the world is contaminated with Arsenic which is highly toxic.

7) The polythene bags and plastics in the oceans are a major cause of deaths and extinction for marine species.

8) The extinction rate of marine animals is believed to have five times more than that of the land animals.

9) The major man made pollutants responsible for water pollution are pathogens, organic matters, heavy metals, sediments etc.

10) WHO has launched various programmes to fight water pollution by setting up many stringent rules and regulations.

11) Increasing industrialization and reducing water sources has made the issue of water pollution worse.

12) Around 900 million people across the globe do not have any access to clean and safe water.

13) Governments, civil societies along with the youths have to collectively fight against the increasing water pollution.

14) Water conservation is one of the best methods to fight water pollution so that clean water is made available to everyone.

15) Think twice before throwing anything down the sink and avoid throwing oils, chemicals, paints etc.

16) Draining of industrial residues and waste into the river should be completely banned by the government.

17) Polythene bags and plastic goods should not be disposed off in rivers or seas; instead they should be recycled and reused.

18) Use of pesticides and fertilizers should be highly reduced so that they do not contaminate surface and ground water.

19) The urban waste water should be properly treated before draining into rivers so that it does not affect the aquatic species.

20) Water is the main source of life hence it is our prime responsibility to save it from water pollution so that pure water is available to our future generations.

If the water pollution is not controlled and our lake and rivers are not cleaned then it’s obvious that third world war will be fought for water. The natural sources of clean and fresh water are diminishing day by day.

We have to avoid these circumstances before it leads to some unfortunate incidents. We as an individual and as a youth can do a lot to control water pollution and spread awareness about it. Our smaller steps taken today can make huge difference in near future.

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Water Pollution Essay

Water is a necessity for all life forms present on this planet. Animals need water to quench their thirst, plants need water to draw nutrients from the soil and keep nourished, and people need water for a variety of activities like drinking, cooking, cleaning, and washing, to mention a few. Even though water is so important to us, there are many practices which humans follow which are making fresh water scarce. Water pollution is when the substances that make the water contaminate the sources of the water. Chemicals, garbage, bacteria, and parasites are examples of pollutants. Eventually, every kind of pollution finds its way into the water. Here are a few sample essays on "water pollution".

Water Pollution Essay

100 Words Essay On Water Pollution

Water is necessary for our survival and to live a healthy and happy life. Everyone is familiar with the picture of people living in misery in nations without access to water, such as Africa. It's time for everyone to wake up and understand how important water conservation is. Human species couldn't survive in a world without water. All plants and animals fall under this same category. In fact, without water, the entire planet will suffer. Water bodies, including lakes, rivers, seas, oceans, and groundwater, have all been contaminated. Water bodies become contaminated when waste from homes, factories, and other buildings enters them.

As stated, water pollution is a severe issue that can be catastrophic for all living beings, including humans, plants and animals. We must comprehend the value of water in our life and the need to preserve it. There are numerous easy ways to prevent water waste, including taking shorter showers, watering plants with RO waste, cleaning cars with a wet cloth rather than a hose, etc. To gather rainwater, we must also employ the rainwater harvesting technique. In this way, we can conserve water.

200 Words Essay On Water Pollution

On Earth, water is abundant. Both above and below the surface of the Earth, it exists. Rivers, ponds, seas, and oceans are just a few of the water bodies found on the surface of the Earth. Even though our world can replenish its own water, over time, we are destroying and abusing the abundance of water present. Even though 70% of the surface of the Earth is covered by water and 30% by land, the rapidly expanding water contamination impacts marine life and humans. Everyone is beginning to be concerned about the uneven distribution of water on Earth and the rising demand for it due to the growing population.

Contaminants | City sewage and commercial waste discharge are two of the most harmful factors contributing to water contamination. Contaminants that reach the water supply through soils or groundwater systems, as well as through rain, are examples of indirect sources of water pollution. The chemical contaminants are more dangerous and challenging to remove from a water body than the visible impurities, which can be easily eliminated by physical cleaning or filtering. Water's characteristics are altered when chemicals are added, making it dangerous to use and perhaps lethal.

Solution | To prevent water pollution, there are several steps we, as citizens and the government, can take. Since water efficiency and conservation are essential elements of sustainable water management, enhancing water infrastructure must be prioritised. Intelligent irrigation systems and solar desalination are excellent examples of clean technology for managing and conserving water.

Also, Rainwater harvesting and reusing is an excellent method to prevent water pollution. Groundwater and other natural water sources can be under less stress because of reclaimed wastewater and rainwater gathering. It is common knowledge that one way to avoid water scarcity is through groundwater recharge, which enables water to move from surface water to groundwater.

500 Words Essay On Water Pollution

Although water is essential to every living thing on the planet, Humans still indulge in activities that make water a scarce resource. When a body of water—such as a river, lake, ocean, etc.—becomes polluted due to human activity or a natural source, the term "water pollution" is used. Water contamination is now a significant environmental issue that requires responsible management. Water contamination is caused primarily due to human activities such as urbanisation, industrialisation, deforestation, trash dumping, and landfills.

Causes Of Water Pollution

On the earth, fresh water is extremely limited, and pollution is making it much more so. We lose millions of litres of fresh water each year to industrial pollution and other forms of pollution. Pollutants include both large and small items of obvious trash as well as intangible, dangerous, and deadly compounds.

Many factories are located close to water sources, and they transport their waste there using fresh water. This industrial waste is poisonous by nature and endangers both the flora and fauna's health. People close to polluted water bodies have been seen to have significant skin, respiratory, and occasionally even life-threatening health illnesses.

Urban garbage and sewage are other significant contributors to water contamination. Each household generates tons of waste annually, including plastic, wood, chemicals, and other substances. This trash reaches our aquatic bodies, such as rivers, lakes, and streams, and pollutes them without an effective waste disposal system.

How To Manage Water Pollution

By educating people about the causes and impacts of water pollution on life and the environment, water pollution might be significantly reduced. People need to participate in cleanup initiatives when a community or organisation cleans up the waterways every week or at least once a month. To completely eradicate water contamination, strict legislation must also be created and adequately enforced. Strict oversight will increase accountability and may deter individuals and groups from polluting. We should all be aware of our daily activities and take measures to help the world become a better place for future generations.

Real-Life Experience

I have always loved my town as it has many lakes, rivers, and forests. One day, as I walked along the river that ran through my village, I couldn't help but notice the strange colours swirling in the water. It wasn't the crystal clear blue that I was used to seeing. Instead, the water was a murky brown, and there was a strong, foul smell emitting from it. Curious, I decided to investigate further. I made my way down to the riverbank and peered into the water, trying to get a closer look at what was causing the strange colours and smells. As I looked more closely, I saw that strange foam bubbles were floating on the surface of the water.

Suddenly, I heard a noise behind me and turned to see a group of people rushing towards the river. They were shouting and waving their arms, and I could see the panic on their faces. I quickly realised that something was very wrong. As the group reached the river, they saw that the water was teeming with dead fish floating belly up on the surface. The smell of rotten fish was overpowering, and it was clear that something had seriously polluted the river.

After a thorough investigation, it was determined that a local factory had been releasing toxic chemicals into the river, causing widespread pollution and destruction of the ecosystem. I was shocked and saddened by this discovery, and I knew it would take a lot of work to clean up the river and restore it to its former glory.

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water pollution essay drawing

Water Pollution Essay

500+ words water pollution essay, the causes and effects of water pollution and how to prevent it.

Water pollution or aquatic pollution is the contamination of water bodies like oceans, rivers, ponds, lakes etc with pollutants. These pollutants enter the water bodies and contaminate as a result of human activities like industrialization, urbanization, oil spills etc. Water is one of the most important resources that makes the earth a perfect place to sustain life. Once it’s contaminated, it negatively affects and reduces the ability of water to provide the ecosystem services it usually provides.

Two thirds of the earth’s surface is covered by water and humans have managed to pollute it. Water pollution poses a serious threat to the existence of life on this planet. It can lead to water-borne diseases, degrade the quality of water and the soil in the surroundings, damage aquatic ecosystems etc. Since water is one of the most important resources for sustaining life, we should prevent and put a stop to water pollution.

Learn more about what causes water pollution and how it affects the environment in this water pollution essay. 

Water Pollution Essay: Causes Of Water Pollution

Changing the properties of water, whether it’s biological, chemical or physical and reducing the quality of water is called water pollution. Water pollution is mainly caused due to human activities. Here is a list of causes for water pollution:

  • Domestic waste: Domestic waste is one of the primary causes of water pollution. Sewage from cities and towns are released directly into water bodies without any treatment. Even treated sewage is not completely safe and still pollutes the water.
  • Industrial waste: Waste from factories, refineries and other industrial operations are also a major source of water pollution. Some industries release toxic waste like poisonous, radioactive, explosive, carcinogenic (causing cancer) etc into water bodies. These toxic chemicals are very difficult to get rid of and cause severe damage to the ecosystem.
  • Chemicals: Industrial waste is not the only source of water pollution. Pesticides, insecticides and other chemical fertilizers used in agriculture also cause water pollution. Even soaps and detergents are contaminants that cause water pollution. Oil spills, plastic and solid waste are also another major source of water pollution.

Contaminated water has lasting effects on the environment. Learn more about the effects of water pollution in this water pollution essay.

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Water Pollution Essay: Effects Of Water Pollution

Water is vital for all living beings. All humans, plants and animals depend on water for their survival. Consuming contaminated water can have disastrous consequences. Here are some of the effects of water pollution:

  • Water-borne diseases: Polluted water is not fit for consumption or any kind of use. It could spread water-borne diseases like typhoid, cholera, hepatitis etc.
  • Damage to the ecosystem: Contaminated water can destroy ecosystems and affect the ecological balance. It could lead to the death and extinction of several aquatic animals and plants. Contaminated water can also lead to soil infertility.
  • Eutrophication: Water pollution also leads to eutrophication. The increased amounts of chemicals in the water leads to the growth of algae. The algal layer encourages bacterial growth and reduces the oxygen level. This harms aquatic life adversely.
  • Adverse effects of the food chain: Several humans and animals consume aquatic animals and plants. The aquatic life in a contaminated water source carries the toxins and pollutants. Consuming aquatic life from a contaminated water source can indirectly cause the humans and animals to ingest the toxins and pollutants. This could have adverse effects on their health.

Water pollution can have disastrous consequences for life on earth. Learn more about ways to prevent water pollution in this water pollution essay.

Water Pollution Essay: Ways To Prevent Water Pollution

We have only one planet we can call home, so we need to learn to prevent and stop water pollution. Contaminating water sources will lead to water scarcity and a polluted, inhospitable land. Preventing water pollution is the only way to protect ourselves from dire consequences. Here are some simple steps that help prevent water pollution:

  • Sewage Treatment: Sewage treatment removes pathogens and toxins to a large extent. Additionally, finding more environment-friendly solutions to dispose of waste also reduces water pollution.
  • Use environment-friendly products: Most products used today are laden with harmful chemicals. Shifting to more environment-friendly products like detergents, organic farming methods etc reduces water pollution.
  • Water conservation: Water pollution is fast leading to water scarcity. Conserving water helps reduce water shortages and water pollution. 
  • Waste management: Irresponsible waste management is one of the major causes of water pollution. Proper waste disposal and reduced use of plastics and not littering reduces water pollution.

We all need access to clean and safe drinking water to survive on earth. So, we need to ensure that we put a stop to water pollution to save the planet and continue to exist on earth.

Frequently Asked Questions On Water Pollution

What is water pollution.

Water pollution is the contamination of water with waste, toxins, chemicals etc, which renders it unsafe for use. Water pollution is mostly caused due to human activities.

What are the effects of water pollution?

Water pollution can have catastrophic consequences for the ecosystem. It leads to the spread of water-borne diseases, poisoning, loss of ecosystems, soil infertility, ecological imbalance, eutrophication etc.

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Essay on Water Pollution

Students are often asked to write an essay on Water Pollution in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Water Pollution


Water pollution is a major issue in today’s world. It involves the contamination of water bodies such as rivers, oceans, lakes, and groundwater.

Water pollution is primarily caused by human activities. Industrial waste, sewage, oil spills, and littering are common causes.

Water pollution harms aquatic life and disrupts ecosystems. It also poses health risks to humans who consume contaminated water.

Preventing water pollution requires collective efforts. We need to reduce waste, recycle, and enforce stricter pollution laws.

In conclusion, water pollution is a serious issue that needs immediate attention for the health of our planet.

Also check:

  • 10 Lines on Water Pollution
  • Paragraph on Water Pollution
  • Speech on Water Pollution

250 Words Essay on Water Pollution

Water pollution is an escalating problem with far-reaching implications for the health of both ecosystems and human populations. It involves the contamination of water bodies such as rivers, oceans, lakes, and groundwater due to human activities, leading to a deterioration in water quality.

The Causes of Water Pollution

Water pollution arises from various sources, including industrial waste, agricultural runoff, and domestic sewage. Industrial waste often contains harmful chemicals and heavy metals, while agricultural runoff is replete with pesticides and fertilizers. Domestic sewage, on the other hand, is a source of pathogens and organic pollutants.

Impacts of Water Pollution

The effects of water pollution are manifold and severe. It disrupts ecosystems, leading to the loss of biodiversity and the death of aquatic species. Moreover, it poses significant health risks to humans, causing diseases like cholera and dysentery. Polluted water also affects agriculture, reducing crop yield and quality.

Solutions to Water Pollution

Addressing water pollution requires a multi-pronged approach. Legislation and enforcement are necessary to regulate waste discharge from industries and agriculture. Technological solutions, such as wastewater treatment and recycling, can also play a pivotal role. Additionally, public awareness and education about water conservation and pollution prevention are essential.

In conclusion, water pollution is a pressing issue that warrants urgent attention. By understanding its causes and impacts, and by implementing effective solutions, we can safeguard our water resources for future generations. The responsibility lies with each one of us to ensure the purity and sustainability of this vital resource.

500 Words Essay on Water Pollution

Water pollution is an escalating global concern that threatens the health of our planet and its inhabitants. It refers to the contamination of water bodies such as rivers, oceans, lakes, and groundwater, caused by human activities. This pollution affects not only the quality of water but also the broader ecosystem, impacting both aquatic and terrestrial life forms.

Water pollution can be attributed to a myriad of sources, broadly categorized into point sources and non-point sources. Point sources relate to pollutants directly discharged into water bodies from identifiable locations such as factories, sewage treatment plants, and oil spills. Non-point sources, on the other hand, are diffuse and harder to control, including agricultural runoff, urban runoff, and atmospheric deposition.

Industrial activities are a significant contributor to water pollution. The unchecked dumping of toxic waste materials into water bodies leads to a drastic degradation in water quality. Similarly, agricultural practices contribute significantly to water pollution through the use of synthetic fertilizers and pesticides. These chemicals leach into groundwater or are washed into rivers and lakes, leading to nutrient pollution.

The Consequences of Water Pollution

The effects of water pollution are devastating and far-reaching. It disrupts ecosystems, affecting both flora and fauna. Polluted water can lead to the extinction of aquatic species and destruction of aquatic habitats. Moreover, the bioaccumulation and biomagnification of pollutants in the food chain can have severe health effects on all organisms, including humans.

Water pollution also poses a significant threat to public health. Contaminated water is a breeding ground for waterborne diseases such as cholera, dysentery, and typhoid. With over 780 million people lacking access to clean water, the health impact is substantial and disproportionately affects vulnerable populations.

Addressing Water Pollution

Addressing water pollution requires a multi-faceted approach. Strict enforcement of environmental regulations is crucial to curb industrial discharge of pollutants. Additionally, promoting sustainable agricultural practices can reduce the amount of chemical runoff entering our water bodies.

Technological innovation also plays a vital role in combating water pollution. Advanced wastewater treatment methods can effectively remove pollutants, while technologies such as remote sensing can help monitor water quality in real-time.

Public awareness and education are also key in addressing this issue. By understanding the causes and effects of water pollution, individuals can make informed decisions and contribute to the solution, whether through responsible consumption, waste disposal, or advocacy.

Water pollution is a pressing issue that requires immediate and sustained attention. While the situation is dire, it is not insurmountable. Through collective action, stringent regulations, technological advancements, and increased awareness, we can mitigate water pollution and safeguard our water resources for future generations. The fight against water pollution is not just an environmental obligation, but also a prerequisite for our survival and well-being.

That’s it! I hope the essay helped you.

If you’re looking for more, here are essays on other interesting topics:

  • Essay on Land Pollution
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water pollution essay drawing

Angelo and Mya: a Tale of Friendship and Discovery

This essay about Angelo and Mya explores their friendship and adventures in a picturesque town. Angelo, a quiet boy, and Mya, an adventurous girl, bond over shared explorations and creative pursuits. Their discovery of a hidden cave with ancient artifacts brings them local fame. Despite their successes, they always return to their secret spot, cherishing the friendship that transformed their lives and inspired others.

How it works

Angelo and Mya had been neighbors for as long as they could remember, living in a quaint, picturesque town nestled between rolling hills and verdant forests. Despite their close proximity, they had never interacted much beyond polite nods and occasional greetings. Angelo was a quiet, introspective boy who preferred the company of books and nature, while Mya was a vivacious and adventurous girl, always seeking out new experiences and friends.

One summer afternoon, their paths converged in a way that would change their lives forever.

Angelo was exploring a hidden trail he had discovered in the forest behind their houses. He had his sketchbook in hand, hoping to capture the serene beauty of the woods. As he wandered deeper into the forest, he heard a rustling sound followed by a cheerful giggle. Curiosity piqued, he followed the noise and stumbled upon Mya, who was in the midst of an impromptu treasure hunt.

“Hey, Angelo! Want to join me?” Mya called out, waving enthusiastically.

Angelo hesitated for a moment, then nodded, intrigued by the prospect of an adventure. They spent the afternoon searching for hidden “treasures” – unusual rocks, colorful feathers, and other natural curiosities. As they explored, they talked and laughed, discovering that they had more in common than they had ever realized.

From that day on, Angelo and Mya became inseparable. They spent their days exploring the forest, playing games, and sharing stories. Angelo introduced Mya to the joys of drawing and painting, teaching her how to capture the beauty of their surroundings on paper. In return, Mya taught Angelo about the thrill of adventure, encouraging him to step out of his comfort zone and embrace new experiences.

One sunny morning, they decided to venture further into the forest than they had ever gone before. Armed with a map, a compass, and a backpack filled with snacks, they set off with a sense of excitement and anticipation. The deeper they went, the more magical the forest seemed. Sunlight filtered through the canopy, casting dappled shadows on the forest floor. Birds chirped merrily, and the air was filled with the scent of pine and wildflowers.

After a few hours of hiking, they stumbled upon a clearing with a small, crystal-clear pond at its center. The water shimmered in the sunlight, and colorful fish darted about beneath the surface. It was a place straight out of a fairy tale, and they decided to make it their secret spot.

As they sat by the pond, dipping their feet in the cool water, they talked about their dreams and aspirations. Angelo confided in Mya about his desire to become an artist, to travel the world and capture its beauty through his drawings. Mya, in turn, shared her dream of becoming an explorer, to discover new places and uncover hidden wonders.

Their bond grew stronger with each passing day, and they became each other’s confidants and biggest supporters. Angelo’s drawings became more vibrant and expressive, inspired by their adventures and Mya’s boundless energy. Mya, meanwhile, developed a newfound appreciation for the beauty in the details of the world around her, thanks to Angelo’s keen eye for observation.

One day, as they were exploring their secret spot, they noticed something unusual. A narrow, overgrown path led away from the clearing, beckoning them to follow. Curiosity piqued, they decided to see where it led. The path wound through the forest, leading them to a hidden cave entrance.

With hearts pounding with excitement, they cautiously entered the cave. Inside, they found a treasure trove of ancient artifacts – pottery, tools, and even some rudimentary drawings on the cave walls. It was a discovery beyond their wildest dreams, and they knew they had to share it with the world.

They carefully documented their findings and presented them to the local museum. The discovery caused a sensation, attracting historians and archaeologists from far and wide. Angelo and Mya were hailed as local heroes, their names etched in the annals of the town’s history.

Despite the newfound attention, Angelo and Mya remained the same – two friends bound by their love of adventure and discovery. They continued to explore, always seeking out new experiences and uncovering hidden wonders. Their friendship, forged in the heart of the forest, became a beacon of inspiration for others, proving that sometimes the greatest discoveries are made not alone, but with a trusted friend by your side.

As the years went by, Angelo and Mya pursued their dreams with unwavering determination. Angelo’s artwork gained international acclaim, his paintings capturing the beauty and wonder of the world in a way that touched the hearts of many. Mya, true to her adventurous spirit, became a renowned explorer, her discoveries and expeditions making headlines around the globe.

Yet, no matter how far they traveled or how successful they became, they always returned to their secret spot by the pond. It remained their sanctuary, a place where they could reflect on their journey and the friendship that had shaped their lives.

In the end, Angelo and Mya’s tale of friendship and discovery became a timeless story, one that reminded everyone of the magic that could be found in the world – and the importance of sharing that magic with a friend.


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Angelo and Mya: A Tale of Friendship and Discovery. (2024, Jun 01). Retrieved from https://papersowl.com/examples/angelo-and-mya-a-tale-of-friendship-and-discovery/

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"Angelo and Mya: A Tale of Friendship and Discovery." PapersOwl.com, Jun 01, 2024. Accessed June 2, 2024. https://papersowl.com/examples/angelo-and-mya-a-tale-of-friendship-and-discovery/

"Angelo and Mya: A Tale of Friendship and Discovery," PapersOwl.com , 01-Jun-2024. [Online]. Available: https://papersowl.com/examples/angelo-and-mya-a-tale-of-friendship-and-discovery/. [Accessed: 2-Jun-2024]

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