turn in your homework

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How to Say “Do Homework” in Spanish

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Learning how to say “do homework” in Spanish is essential for students who want to communicate effectively with their Spanish-speaking peers or educators. In this guide, we will explore the formal and informal ways to express this phrase, along with some tips, examples, and regional variations. Whether you’re a student or a parent helping with homework, let’s dive into the various ways to express this in Spanish!

Formal Ways to Say “Do Homework”

If you need to express “do homework” in a formal context, such as when speaking to your teacher or addressing someone of authority, you can use the following phrases:

  • “Hacer la tarea” – This is the most common and neutral way to say “do homework” in Spanish. It is widely understood throughout the Spanish-speaking world. For example, you could say “Tengo que hacer la tarea” to mean “I have to do homework.”
  • “Realizar las tareas” – This phrase is slightly more formal and can be used interchangeably with “hacer la tarea.” It emphasizes the completion of multiple tasks or assignments. For instance, you may say “Debes realizar las tareas diariamente” which translates to “You must do the homework daily.”
  • “Cumplir con los deberes” – This expression is more commonly used in educational settings and emphasizes the responsibility of fulfilling academic duties. It is often used by teachers or educators when instructing students to do their homework. For example, a teacher may say “Deben cumplir con los deberes asignados” which means “You must complete the assigned homework.”

Informal Ways to Say “Do Homework”

If you are in a casual setting or speaking with a friend or classmate, you can use these informal phrases to say “do homework” in Spanish:

  • “Hacer la tarea” – Although this phrase is also commonly used in formal settings, it is perfectly acceptable to use it informally with friends or peers. For example, you can say “Vamos a hacer la tarea juntos” which means “Let’s do homework together.”
  • “Hacer los deberes” – This phrase is similar to “hacer la tarea” but may vary based on regional preferences. It is widely used in Spain and some Latin American countries. For instance, you may hear someone say “Voy a hacer los deberes ahora mismo” which translates to “I’m going to do the homework right now.”
  • “Hacer las tareas” – Used primarily in Latin America, this variation emphasizes multiple tasks or assignments. For example, you may say “Ya hice las tareas” which means “I’ve already done the homework.”
  • “Hacer los deberos escolares” – In certain regions, especially in Mexico, this phrase is specifically used to refer to school-related homework. It emphasizes the connection between school and homework. For instance, you could say “No puedo salir, tengo que hacer los deberes escolares” which means “I can’t go out, I have to do my school homework.”

Regional Variations

While the phrases mentioned above are widely understood, it is important to note that Spanish may vary from region to region. Different countries or even different regions within the same country may have their own expressions for “do homework.” Here are a few examples of regional variations:

In Argentina: “Hacer los deberes” or “Hacer la tarea” In Colombia: “Hacer la tarea” or “Hacer los deberes escolares” In Chile: “Hacer las tareas” or “Hacer los quehaceres escolares” In Mexico: “Hacer la tarea”, “Hacer las tareas” or “Hacer los deberes escolares”

Remember, while these regional variations exist, you can still be easily understood using the standard expressions mentioned earlier.

Tips for Learning and Using the Phrases

To effectively learn and use these phrases, consider the following tips:

  • Practice with flashcards: Create flashcards with the Spanish phrases on one side and their English translations on the other. Review them regularly to reinforce your learning.
  • Use the phrases in context: Incorporate the phrases into sentences or conversation. This will help you remember them in real-life situations.
  • Listen to native speakers: Listen to Spanish speakers using these phrases in natural conversations or educational contexts. This will help you grasp their pronunciation, intonation, and usage.
  • Watch Spanish educational videos: Online platforms such as YouTube offer educational videos in Spanish. Watching these can familiarize you with different ways of saying “do homework” and reinforce your understanding.
  • Practice speaking with a language partner: Find a language partner who can help you practice speaking in Spanish. Use the phrases during your conversations to improve your fluency.

By following these tips, you will gain confidence in using the phrases and be able to communicate effectively in Spanish when discussing homework.

Mastering how to say “do homework” in Spanish is essential for effective communication, especially in educational settings. In this guide, we explored formal and informal ways of expressing this phrase, along with regional variations. Remember to tailor your choice of phrase based on the context and the level of formality required.

Whether you choose to say “hacer la tarea” in a casual setting or “cumplir con los deberes” in a formal environment, practicing and incorporating these phrases into your language learning journey will help you confidently navigate homework discussions with Spanish speakers. ¡Buena suerte!

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Written by Joe Luke

Hola, I am Joe, your friendly neighborhood linguist! When I'm not teaching folks how to navigate the Spanish language, from basics such as "Hair" to unique phrases like "I am Craving", you'll catch me in the midst of grand bullfights, celebrating the "Brave Bull" in its native language. I'm a stickler for detail which explains my comprehensive translation posts. You could say my love for languages runs as deep as my passion for curl-ups and my fondness for a quiet night under the warm glow of a 'Spring Fever' in my 'Beach house'. So, let's break language barriers together.

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Homework [ˈhəʊmwɜ:k, am ˈhoʊmwɜ:rk] n school.

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What is the translation of "homework" in Spanish?

"homework" in spanish, homework {noun}.

  • volume_up tarea

homeworker {noun}

  • volume_up trabajador desde casa
  • trabajadora desde casa

homeworking {noun}

  • volume_up trabajo desde casa

do homework {vb}

  • volume_up hacer tarea
  • hacer deberes

Spanish translations powered by Oxford Languages

Homework noun, translations.

  • open_in_new Link to source
  • warning Request revision

do homework {verb}

Context sentences, english spanish contextual examples of "homework" in spanish.

These sentences come from external sources and may not be accurate. bab.la is not responsible for their content.

Monolingual examples

English how to use "homework" in a sentence, english how to use "homeworker" in a sentence, english how to use "homeworking" in a sentence, english how to use "do homework" in a sentence, english how to use "trabajador desde casa" in a sentence, english how to use "trabajo desde casa" in a sentence, english how to use "hacer tarea" in a sentence, english how to use "hacer deberes" in a sentence, collocations, "assigned homework" in spanish.

  • volume_up tarea asignada

"assign homework" in Spanish

  • volume_up asignar tareas
  • volume_up asignar la tarea

"homework assignment" in Spanish

  • volume_up asignación de tareas
  • volume_up Tarea

Synonyms (English) for "homework":

  • preparation
  • hometown boy
  • hometown crowd
  • hometown discount
  • hometown fans
  • hometown hero
  • hometown newspaper
  • hometown paper
  • hometown pride
  • homeward journey
  • homework assignment
  • homework assistance
  • homework completion
  • homework help
  • homework load
  • homework session
  • homeworking
  • homey feeling

Translations into more languages in the bab.la English-Portuguese dictionary .

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1 Translation result for homework in Spanish

Homework noun.


Example sentences of homework noun

  • • She started her English homework .

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How to Remember to Turn in Homework

Last Updated: November 29, 2021

This article was co-authored by Emily Listmann, MA . Emily Listmann is a private tutor in San Carlos, California. She has worked as a Social Studies Teacher, Curriculum Coordinator, and an SAT Prep Teacher. She received her MA in Education from the Stanford Graduate School of Education in 2014. This article has been viewed 50,191 times.

You’ve had enough of that soul-crushing stare your teachers hit you with when they find out you forgot your homework again. They silently shake their head as you tell them you finished it, and even enjoyed working on the assignment, but simply left it at home. Even worse, you get home and realize you had brought your homework to class but forgot to turn it in! Again! Fortunately, there are proven steps you can take to help you remember to turn in your homework.

Organizing to Boost Your Productivity

Step 1 Take organization seriously.

  • There is the classic two pocket, a side-folding folder in any color you can imagine, or adorned with the comic book hero, cartoon character, or sports team of your choice. One option is to get a few of these and use one for each of your classes.
  • If you have separate folders for each class, keep all of them with you throughout the school day, perhaps in a three-ring binder.
  • Alternatively, get yourself an accordion folder. These multi-pocketed wonders, usually equipped with a flap or other mechanism to ensure your materials stay where you put them, can immediately improve your organization. [1] X Research source
  • Take time twice a week to organize all your folders or online files. This way they’re kept clean on a regular basis.

Step 2 Label each pocket or sleeve.

  • Put any notes, handouts, worksheets, or assignment materials into the proper folder location as soon as you receive them, and keep them there whenever you’re not using them.
  • Keep your organizing materials with you. Bring your binder or accordion with you to every single class. This ensures you always have all of your assignments with you for every class.
  • For some extra tips, check out How to Be Organized in School.

Step 3 At the end of the school day, double check your bag.

  • Before school every morning, triple check your bag! There’s nothing worse than simply forgetting completed homework at home. Make sure you have your organizing materials with you, and that you placed you completed assignments in them.

Developing Strategies to Remember Your Homework

Step 1 Remember to actually turn in your homework.

  • As soon as you sit down, take your completed assignment out of its folder and place in on your desk in front of you. Keep it there until you are able to turn it in.
  • Get an extra folder exclusively for completed assignments and keep it in the very front of your binder. This way, you’ll be reminded of your completed assignments whenever you access any of your class materials.

Step 2 Keep and actively maintain a weekly day planner.

  • Always write down all of your homework assignments as soon as you are made aware of them. Be extremely detailed with the information you include. For example, jot down the chapters or page numbers of the textbooks or other materials associated with each assignment.
  • If your class has a syllabus or course schedule, enter all of the included due dates into your personal planner.
  • Include information regarding time slots you will not be able to work on homework, such as music or sports team practices, a babysitting gig, or family meals.

Step 3 Commit to a paper day planner.

  • Tangible planners are easier to update with quick additions or edits.
  • It’s always satisfying to cross a completed assignment off with an actual writing utensil.
  • Day planners are more appropriate for in-class use. Since you’ll often be assigned homework in class, and want to enter new assignments immediately, this is a particularly important factor.

Step 4 Set alarms to remind you about assignments.

  • Another great source of reminders is your teacher. If you struggle to remember to bring your homework to class, talk to your teacher about it. Your teachers will likely have some helpful advice, and can even remind you the day before homework assignments are due.
  • Your teachers will likely remind the whole class if you ask them to start reminding you, which may help your classmates remember their homework too!
  • Alternatively, find a friend who will be sure to hold you accountable and remind you what needs to be done.

Using Your Time More Efficiently

Step 1 Schedule blocks of time to work on your homework.

  • Think about how long it will take you to complete assignments and plan accordingly.
  • Schedule specific portions of larger projects separately.
  • If you struggle with finding large enough time slots to complete your homework, recognize that you need to make the time to do so. For instance, if you spend a good portion of each evening socializing with friends (online or in person), do all of your homework before you go out or get online.

Step 2 Get up earlier.

  • Kick starting your day will increase your productivity generally and prepare you for more efficient homework sessions. [2] X Research source
  • Stick with it. If you get in the habit of getting up a bit earlier, you’ll likely start going to bed earlier as well.
  • Don’t fall into the trap of staying up late working on homework, as your focus and productivity is greatly diminished late at night.
  • Don’t procrastinate your homework and try to finish it when you wake up in the morning. It will make your day more stressful and ruin your previous night’s sleep.

Step 3 Use study hall, a free hour, or homeroom to do homework.

  • Wear headphones and sit facing a wall if you’re prone to visual distraction.
  • Remind yourself that getting your homework done during school hours allows you to do whatever you want in your free time, including hang out with friends.

Step 4 Get a head start on your assignments.

  • If you are ever unsure of an assignment, ask your teacher about it as soon as you have a question.
  • Get a jumpstart on weekend homework on Thursday or Friday. If you know you’re going to need to do some homework over the weekend, try to get it done earlier so you can relax and enjoy yourself over the weekend as well.
  • Do not leave all of your weekend homework for Sunday.
  • Try to plan weekend social activities for Saturday, and dedicate at least a few hours of Friday evening to schoolwork. If you do end up with plans on a Friday night, make sure you set aside a few hours on Saturday to work on homework.

Staying Focused on Your Homework

Step 1 Find the study environment that works best for you.

  • Try studying in different environments to find the one that allows you to focus the best.
  • Avoid screens, especially TVs. This includes your phone. Put your phone in your bag and leave it there. Only check it during scheduled breaks.
  • Wear headphones (or earplugs). Whether in a library or coffee shop, headphones will help reduce the frequency of auditory distractions. Choose music that does not have lyrics, and is more ambient than bass-driven. Think “background music” when you’re making your selection, but know that you can still listen to music you enjoy.
  • If you’re studying at home, try to use a room in which you won’t be interrupted by family members or roommates. Let others know you intend to work on homework for a certain amount of time, and ask them to let you be.

Step 2 Study with friends.

  • The company of a friend can keep you from wondering what everybody else is up to, and can even make doing your homework feel like hanging out.
  • Avoid studying with friends who tend to interrupt a lot, or who have trouble focusing themselves. You can hang with whoever you want once your work is done!

Step 3 Make sure you have everything you need before you go somewhere to study.

  • Include a healthy snack, as well as a water bottle. Not having to get up for sustenance will keep you grinding through your homework for a longer period of time.
  • Don’t forget sticky notes. They’re weirdly helpful. Use them as visual reminders of important things to remember, and to keep pages in books you’re studying or otherwise referencing frequently.

Step 4 Take advantage of technology.

  • Computers can also help you organize. Familiarize yourself with web-based storage systems like Google Drive and Dropbox. These will allow you to save and access files from anywhere you have internet access. [3] X Research source
  • Use a flash drive too. Save all electronic files to both a web-based storage system and a thumb drive. Keep the drive with you at all times. (Get a thumb drive with a keychain attachment!) This way, even if you forget your hard copy, you can print another at school and eliminate the unfortunate “I forgot my homework” scenario.

Step 5 Take breaks.

  • Try a 10 minute break after every 50 minutes of focused work.
  • Use these breaks to go for a short walk, use the washroom, do a brief physical exercise (like stretching, push-ups, or jumping jacks), or to get a simple chore out of the way.
  • Do not allow yourself to get distracted by activities that will prevent you from going back to work or will get your mind out of study mode. For instance, don’t call someone you haven’t spoken with in a while or sit down with friends who are hanging out but not studying.
  • Reward yourself when completing assignments – but not before. If you’ve been itching for a bowl of ice cream, don’t dive into the freezer during a break. Instead, enjoy the ice cream once your homework is done for the evening and you can focus all of your attention – or none at all – on every bite.

Community Q&A

Community Answer

  • If you’re doing your best to organize, plan, and focus on your homework, but are still struggling to get it all done, talk to a school counselor or your parents. School counselors, in particular, are trained to help students, and they will be happy to work with you on strategies and options to improve your ability to succeed in school. Thanks Helpful 0 Not Helpful 1

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How do you say turn in homework in Spanish?

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Entregar la tarea.

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How do you say i have homework in spanish?

Tengo Deberes

How do you say homework in Spanish?

Translation: deberes OR tarea

How do you say turn in homework in French?

To turn in one's homework is "rendre ses devoirs" in French.

How do you say first i do a lot of homework in spanish?

Primeramente hago muchos deberes

How do you say 'do your homework' in Spanish?

¿Cómo se dice <<Hiciste tu tarea?>> Like that. "Hiciste tu tarea" is spanish for "Did you do your homework." (Google translator) Literallly translated, this means "You did your homework?", but that's the way that it's said.

How do you say lots of homework in Spanish?

Muchos deberes. Muuchas tareas.

How do you say homework board in spanish?

La tarea en Algebra. That's how it's spelled anyway. Can't help with pronunciation though

How do you say we get a lot of homework in spanish?

Translation: Nosotros tenemos mucha tarea

What is the translation of homework in Spanish?

'Homework' in Spanish is 'la tarea'.

How do you say in Spanish I'm sorry I don't do your homework?

"Lo siento, yo no me encargo de tu tarea" in Spanish.

How do you say 'i will begin the test' in spanish homework'?

This would be "Voy a empezar la prueba"

How do you say do we have any home work in spanish?

Do we have any homework? Tenemos alguna tarea?


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Fc barcelona considers shock management u-turn, reports relevo.

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FC Barcelona President Joan Laporta is considering a surprise managerial U-turn according to Relevo, ... [+] which cited anonymous sources.

FC Barcelona President Joan Laporta is considering another surprise management U-turn according to Relevo , which cited anonymous sources.

Recent months have seen head coach Xavi Hernandez announce he will resign on June 30 only to be convinced to reverse that decision following an April meeting with Laporta.

Just a month after agreeing to see out his contract until the same date in 2025, however, Xavi was dismissed before the weekend.

The main motivation for this was believed to be negative comments the legendary midfielder made about the club's dire economic outlook, and how it affects being able to complete with Real Madrid, but 3Cat also reported on there being clashes regarding which players to axe ahead of next season.

Regardless, the Xavi saga showed Laporta performing a U-turn and he may be about to do the same again in the coming weeks according to Relevo .

The Spanish outlet reports how Laporta is considering bringing back his former football department director Mateu Alemany, who was popular among fans for his dealings in the transfer market.

Alemany himself did his own backtracking when agreeing to join Aston Villa in spring last year, but then staying put in Catalonia.

Later in September, however, he indeed jumped ship once the transfer window closed, and has been out of work since while linked to a possible post at the Spanish Football Federation.

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As explained by La Vanguardia , Laporta rejigged the sports management department to appoint Deco, and offered Alemany a different role as the head of institutional relations which Alemany turned down.

Relevo writes that Alemany possibly coming back to Barca should not mean that Sporting Director Deco has to leave, however.

The pair were previously thought to be "incompatible", though the Portuguese stated that they aren't while he also has "appreciation and respect" for a "great professional" in Alemany.

Yet Relevo believes "a coexistence between the two seems highly unlikely" if the re-arrival of the former Mallorca president comes to fruition.

It goes without saying, however, that in a summer where Barca strives to finally free itself of its Financial Fair Play issues and return to the 1:1 rule, an expert in this area such as Alemany will be needed.

Alemany oversaw a number of much-needed departures during his tenure from March 2021 and September 2023, and also brought key players to the club including Robert Lewandowski and Raphinha.

Tom Sanderson

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Bilingual AI brain implant helps stroke survivor communicate in Spanish and English

The implant uses a form of ai to turn the man's brain activity into sentences, allowing him to participate in a bilingual conversation and "switch between languages.", by nicole acevedo | nbc news • published may 29, 2024.

Scientists at the University of California, San Francisco  have developed a  bilingual brain implant  that uses artificial intelligence to help a stroke survivor communicate in Spanish and English for the first time.

Nearly a dozen scientists from the university’s Center for Neural Engineering and Prostheses have worked for several years to design a decoding system that could turn the man's brain activity into sentences in both languages and  display them on a screen .

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An  article published May 20 in Nature Biomedical Engineering  outlining their research identifies the man as Pancho. At age 20, he became severely paralyzed as a result of a stroke he had in the early 2000s. Pancho can moan and grunt but can't articulate clear words. He is a native Spanish speaker who learned English as an adult.

Under the leadership of  Dr. Edward Chang , a neurosurgeon who serves as co-director of the Center for Neural Engineering and Prostheses, Pancho received a  neural implant in February 2019 , allowing scientists to start tracking his brain activity.

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By using an AI method known as a neural network, researchers were able to train Pancho's implant to decode words based on the brain activity produced when he attempted to articulate them. This AI training method basically allows the brain implant, known scientifically as a brain-computer interface device, to process data in a way that is somewhat similar to the human brain.

By 2021, the technology had significantly helped restore Pancho's ability to communicate,  but only in English .

“Speech decoding has primarily been shown for monolinguals but half the world is bilingual with each language contributing to a person’s personality and worldview,”  Chang's research group said on X . “There is a need to develop decoders that let bilinguals communicate with both languages.”

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However, the 2021 research served as the foundation to develop the decoding system that later made Pancho’s brain implant bilingual in Spanish and English.

Allowing a language switch based on preference

After discovering that Pancho's brain  had "cortical activity" across both languages  years after he became paralyzed, the scientists realized they could leverage that to train a bilingual brain implant without the need to train separate language-specific decoding systems.

"We leveraged this finding to demonstrate transfer learning across languages. Data collected in a first language could significantly expedite training a decoder in the second language,"  Chang’s research group said on X , because it is  based on the brain activity produced by  "the intended vocal-tract movements of the participant, irrespective of the language."

In 2022, the scientists sought out to prove that. They again used the artificial neural network to train Pancho's brain implant on the distinct neural activity produced by his bilingual speech.

According to their findings, Pancho was able to use the bilingual decoding system powering his brain implant to "participate in a conversation, switching between [both] languages on the basis of preference."

The study ultimately shows "the feasibility of a bilingual speech neuroprosthesis," or bilingual brain implant, and provides a glimpse into how this type of technology has the "potential to restore more natural communication" among bilingual speakers with paralysis, according to the May 20 article.

This story first appeared on  NBCNews.com . More from NBC News:

  • U.S. aid deliveries to Gaza by sea suspended after damage to temporary pier
  • Israel ordered to immediately halt Rafah offensive by top U.N. court
  • 'You are our hope': Palestinian students find strength in U.S. campus protests

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turn in the homework in spanish

to turn in the homework

how do you say to turn in?

If you mean "turn in the homework" the best choice is probably "entregar", which means something like "deliver" or "submit". The "in" part is not used in Spanish.

In the context of the original post, I would use entregar .

Por ejemplo

Tengo que entregar mañana mi tarea de la clase de ciencias.

Estoy de acuerdo con ellos. Entregar la tarea.

There are several meanings. It depends on the context...

Turn in: Girar hacia... , hacer un giro ; ir a dormir ; entregar ; encerrar un criminal a manos de la policía

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Palestinian prime minister visits Madrid after Spain, Norway and Ireland recognize Palestinian state

Joseph Wilson

Associated Press

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved

Spain's Prime Minister Pedro Sanchez, center, poses with Spain's Foreign Minister Jose Manuel Albares front row 2nd left and Middle Eastern foreign ministers at the Moncloa Palace in Madrid, Spain, Wednesday, May 29, 2024. Spain is hosting a meeting of the Foreign Ministerial Committee of Arabic and Islamic countries for Gaza a day after Spain, Norway and Ireland formally recognized a Palestinian state. (AP Photo/Manu Fernandez)

Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez met with Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa and leading officials from several Middle Eastern countries in Madrid on Wednesday after Spain, Ireland and Norway recognized a Palestinian state .

The diplomatic move by the three western European nations on Tuesday was slammed by Israel and will have little immediate impact on its grinding war in Gaza , but it was a victory for the Palestinians and could encourage other Western powers to follow suit.

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“On behalf of President (Mahmoud) Abbas and the government of Palestine, the people of Palestine, we warmly welcome Spain’s recognition of the state of Palestine,” Mustafa said afterward. “This recognition strengthens our resolve to continue our struggle for a just and lasting peace."

Mustafa was joined by Saudi Arabian Foreign Minister Prince Faisal bin Farhan, Qatari Prime Minister Sheikh Mohammed bin Abdulrahman Al Thani, Organization of Islamic Cooperation chairman Hussain Ibrahim Taha, and the foreign ministers for Turkey and Jordan, members of the group called the Foreign Ministerial Committee of Arabic and Islamic countries for Gaza. They also met with Spanish Foreign Minister José Manuel Albares.

More than 140 countries recognize a Palestinian state — more than two-thirds of the United Nations.

With Spain and Ireland, there are now nine members of the 27-nation European Union that officially recognize a Palestinian state. Norway is not an EU member but its foreign policy is usually aligned with the bloc.

Slovenia, an EU member, will decide on the recognition of a Palestinian state on Thursday and forward its decision to parliament for final approval.

“We salute Spain, and we salute Norway, Ireland and Slovenia for doing the right thing. We urge other European partners to do the same thing,” said Jordanian Foreign Minister Ayman Safadi.

The move to recognize a Palestinian state has caused relations between the EU and Israel to nosedive . Madrid and Dublin are pushing for the EU to take measures against Israel for its continued attacks on southern Gaza’s city of Rafah.

The decision by Spain, Ireland and Norway comes more than seven months into an assault waged by Israel following the Oct. 7 Hamas-led attack in which militants stormed across the Gaza border into Israel, killing 1,200 people and taking about 250 hostage. Israel’s air and land attacks have since killed 36,000 Palestinians, according to Gaza’s Health Ministry , which doesn’t distinguish between combatants and civilians.

Follow AP’s Israel-Hamas coverage at https://apnews.com/hub/israel-hamas-war

Copyright 2024 The Associated Press. All rights reserved. This material may not be published, broadcast, rewritten or redistributed without permission.

The building that collapsed on Mallorca, killing 4 people, lacked permits, authorities in Spain say

Spanish authorities say that a building housing a bar and restaurant that collapsed on Mallorca lacked the proper authorization

MADRID -- A building housing a bar and restaurant club that collapsed, killing four people on Mallorca, lacked the proper authorization, local authorities on the Spanish island said Tuesday.

Palma de Mallorca Mayor Jaime Martínez told reporters that it seems the collapse of a first-floor terrace was caused by excess weight and some poorly executed construction work on the building.

Two German women, ages 20 and 30, and a 33-year-old Spanish woman as well as a 44-year-old Senegalese man died last Thursday when the terrace buckled and came down. The Spanish woman worked in the club, they said.

“There should have been no activity on top (of the building),” fire department spokesman Eder García said.

The terrace damaged the street-level floor below as well as a disco area in the basement.

García said 21 people were on the terrace at the time of the tragedy. He said that combined weight of 12 Dutch people at a group of tables, plus the waiters serving them, appears to have overloaded the roof.

Palma is the capital of the Mediterranean island popular with tourists. The restaurant, called Medusa Beach Club, was located near the beach in an area that was packed with tourists.

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  1. Turn in your homework in Spanish

    Turn in your homework, and then we'll start today's lesson. Entreguen los deberes, y después empezaremos la lección de hoy. intransitive verb phrase. 3. (to hand in one's homework) a. entregar la tarea. If you don't hand in your homework on time, you'll lose points.Si no entregan la tarea a tiempo, van a perder puntuación. b. entregar los ...

  2. turn in homework

    la clase del día siguiente. If she was not at school, then she was engro ssed in her homework. Cuando no estaba en la escuel a, se en tregaba a sus deberes. Many translated example sentences containing "turn in homework" - Spanish-English dictionary and search engine for Spanish translations.

  3. Translation of "TURN IN YOUR HOMEWORK" in Spanish

    Translation of "TURN IN YOUR HOMEWORK" in Spanish. Always turn in your homework on time and do well on tests. Entrega tu tarea a tiempo siempre y estudia para los exámenes. Turn in your homework on time and pay attention in class. Entrega la tarea a tiempo y pon atención en clase.

  4. Translation of "I turn in my homework" in Spanish

    Translations in context of "I turn in my homework" in English-Spanish from Reverso Context:

  5. Turn in your homework

    Turn in your homework, Gwen. - I'm sorry, but I didn't do it.Entrega la tarea, Gwen. - Lo siento, pero no la hice. b. entrega los deberes. (informal) (singular) Turn in your homework by Friday, and I'll take a look at it.Entrega los deberes antes del viernes, y los miraré. 2. (imperativo; usado para dirigirse a varias personas)

  6. Translate "HOMEWORK" from English into Spanish

    noun. deberes mpl ⧫ tarea f. my geography homework mis deberes de geografía ⧫ mi tarea de geografía. to do one's homework (= schoolwork) hacer los deberes or la tarea; (figurative) documentarse ⧫ hacer el trabajo preparatorio.

  7. turn in

    turn [sb] in vtr phrasal sep. (inform on to the police) entregar a vtr + prep. She knew her brother had committed a crime, but she refused to turn him in. Ella sabía que su hermano había cometido un crimen, pero se resistió a entregarlo. turn in vi phrasal. informal (go to bed) (ES, coloquial) irse a la piltra expr.

  8. How to Say "Do Homework" in Spanish

    If you need to express "do homework" in a formal context, such as when speaking to your teacher or addressing someone of authority, you can use the following phrases: "Hacer la tarea" - This is the most common and neutral way to say "do homework" in Spanish. It is widely understood throughout the Spanish-speaking world.

  9. homework

    Translations for „homework" in the English » Spanish Dictionary (Go to Spanish » English) homework [ˈhəʊmwɜ:k, Am ˈhoʊmwɜ:rk] N SCHOOL. homework. deberes m pl. Usage examples with homework. do your homework! ¡haz los deberes! to help sb with his homework. ayudar a alguien a hacer sus deberes.


    homey. homey feeling. Translations into more languages in the bab.la English-Portuguese dictionary. Translation for 'homework' in the free English-Spanish dictionary and many other Spanish translations.

  11. I NEGLECTED to turn in my homework

    English term or phrase: I NEGLECTED to turn in my homework: I'm translating a form that teachers will use on occasions in which a students fail to complete or turn in homework. The student will have to chose between 3 different statements. The above statement is one of them. Thanks.

  12. I turn in the homework

    Translate I turn in the homework. See Spanish-English translations with audio pronunciations, examples, and word-by-word explanations.

  13. homework in Spanish

    tarea - task, job, homework. deberes - duty, obligation. asignación - allocation, appointment, designation, allowance, pay, homework, assignment. How to say homework in Spanish - Translation of homework to Spanish by Nglish, comprehensive English - Spanish Dictionary, Translation and English learning by Britannica.

  14. TURN IN in Spanish

    TURN IN translations: acostarse, entregar, devolver, delatar, entregar. Learn more in the Cambridge English-Spanish Dictionary.

  15. How to say "Homework" in Spanish

    This video demonstrates "How to say Homework in Spanish"Talk with a native teacher on italki: https://foreignlanguage.center/italkiLearn Spanish with Spanish...

  16. Spanish translation of 'homework'

    Spanish Translation of "HOMEWORK" | The official Collins English-Spanish Dictionary online. Over 100,000 Spanish translations of English words and phrases. TRANSLATOR. LANGUAGE. GAMES. SCHOOLS. BLOG. RESOURCES. ... They will turn down the music while they are doing their homework. The Guardian (2015)

  17. 4 Ways to Remember to Turn in Homework

    Keep it there until you are able to turn it in. Get an extra folder exclusively for completed assignments and keep it in the very front of your binder. This way, you'll be reminded of your completed assignments whenever you access any of your class materials. 2. Keep and actively maintain a weekly day planner.

  18. How do you say turn in homework in Spanish?

    Entregar la tarea. Q: How do you say turn in homework in Spanish? Write your answer...

  19. How do you say turn on the light in Spanish?

    In order to say 'turn on the light' in Spanish you have to say 'enciende la luz ' (singular) or 'enciende las luces ' (plural). In infinitive you would... See full answer below. Create an account.

  20. ‎I Hope This Email Finds You Well on Apple Podcasts

    I Hope This Email Finds You Well with Zac Garside, we demonstrate how to turn the mundane, everyday moments of your life and business into irresistible hooks that convert passive email subscribers into loyal fans and customers. ... Homework for Life Homework for Life. Matthew Dicks's incredible storytelling exercise.--- Send in a voice message ...

  21. FC Barcelona Considers Shock Management U-Turn

    Regardless, the Xavi saga showed Laporta performing a U-turn and he may be about to do the same again in the coming weeks according to Relevo.. The Spanish outlet reports how Laporta is ...

  22. Bilingual AI brain implant helps stroke survivor communicate in Spanish

    The implant uses a form of AI to turn the man's brain activity into sentences, allowing him to participate in a bilingual conversation and "switch between languages." ... He is a native Spanish ...

  23. to turn in the homework

    4 Answer s. If you mean "turn in the homework" the best choice is probably "entregar", which means something like "deliver" or "submit". The "in" part is not used in Spanish. In the context of the original post, I would use entregar. Por ejemplo.

  24. Palestinian prime minister visits Madrid after Spain, Norway and

    Spanish Prime Minister Pedro Sánchez has met with Palestinian Prime Minister Mohammad Mustafa and leading officials from several Middle Eastern countries in Madrid a day after Spain, Ireland and ...

  25. The building that collapsed on Mallorca, killing 4 people, lacked

    Two German women, ages 20 and 30, and a 33-year-old Spanish woman as well as a 44-year-old Senegalese man died last Thursday when the terrace buckled and came down. The Spanish woman worked in the ...