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  • Operations Manager Resume Guide & Examples

Sales Operations Manager Resume Examples: Proven To Get You Hired In 2024

Hiring Manager for Sales Operations Manager Roles

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Sales Operations Manager Resume Template

Download in google doc, word or pdf for free. designed to pass resume screening software in 2022., sales operations manager resume sample.

A Sales Operations Manager is a crucial role in any sales-driven organization, as they are responsible for streamlining sales processes and improving sales team performance. In recent years, companies are placing greater emphasis on data-driven decision-making, so showcasing your analytical skills on your resume is key. When crafting your resume for this role, remember to emphasize your ability to manage sales operations, develop sales strategies, and optimize overall team performance. In addition to your strong sales background, it's important to demonstrate your expertise in managing complex tasks and cross-functional teams. Companies are increasingly looking for candidates with a blend of sales management and operations experience, so make sure you highlight those qualities in the resume.

A well-crafted Sales Operations Manager resume highlighting data analysis and process improvement expertise.

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Recruiter Insight: Why this resume works in 2022

Tips to help you write your sales operations manager resume in 2024,    showcase data analysis expertise.

As a Sales Operations Manager, your ability to analyze sales data and draw meaningful insights is key to improving team performance. Be sure to highlight your experience with data analysis tools and the tangible results you've achieved through data-driven decision-making.

Showcase data analysis expertise - Sales Operations Manager Resume

   Mention process improvement initiatives

Sales Operations Managers are responsible for identifying and implementing process improvements to optimize sales team efficiency. Be sure to include examples of process improvement initiatives you've led or participated in and emphasize any improvements in sales performance or efficiency as a result.

Mention process improvement initiatives - Sales Operations Manager Resume

Some companies employ sales operations managers to oversee their sales teams. These managers have a myriad of responsibilities, including training new sales staff, fostering communication between employees and clients, and streamlining sales processes. When you’re seeking one of these roles, your resume should show that you have some background in sales as well as management.

Sales operations manager resume with sales background, management experience, and performance metrics

   Focuses on sales and management experience

This resume sample focuses on the right kinds of work experience for the job. In addition to a previous sales operations management position, there are two sales manager positions, which suggest a strong foundation in sales. There are also plenty of examples within the bullet points that show management skills.

Focuses on sales and management experience - Sales Operations Manager Resume

   Highlights measurable results relating to sales ops managers

Operations managers get evaluated on the results they achieve, and the same is true for sales professionals. Having concrete figures to show for your work (e.g. “increased overall departmental sales by 10% in a single year”) helps quantify what you accomplished and shows potential employers what you may be able to do for their companies.

Highlights measurable results relating to sales ops managers - Sales Operations Manager Resume

Sales Manager Resume Sample

Operations manager resume sample.

As a hiring manager who has recruited sales operations managers at companies like Salesforce, HubSpot, and Oracle, I've seen countless resumes for this role. The best ones always stand out by highlighting the right skills and experience in a clear and impactful way. Here are some tips to make your sales operations manager resume shine:

   Showcase your experience with CRM systems

Sales operations managers often work closely with CRM systems like Salesforce, HubSpot, or Microsoft Dynamics. Highlight your experience with these tools on your resume.

Weak resumes might mention:

  • Used Salesforce to manage customer data
  • Worked with HubSpot CRM

Instead, quantify your experience and show the impact:

  • Implemented Salesforce CRM for a 50-person sales team, resulting in a 20% increase in sales productivity
  • Managed HubSpot CRM for a $10M ARR SaaS startup, supporting 25% year-over-year revenue growth

Bullet Point Samples for Sales Operations Manager

   Highlight your analytical skills with examples

Sales operations managers need strong analytical skills to optimize the sales process. Use specific examples to showcase your abilities.

Don't just say:

  • Analyzed sales data to find opportunities for improvement
  • Created reports and dashboards for the sales team

Instead, give concrete examples of your impact:

  • Analyzed sales funnel data to identify a 35% drop-off in the demo-to-trial conversion stage, leading to a new sales script that increased conversions by 15%
  • Built a real-time sales dashboard in Tableau that helped the team spot and address performance issues, resulting in a 10% increase in quota attainment

   Demonstrate cross-functional collaboration

Sales operations managers often collaborate with marketing, finance, and other teams. Show how you've worked cross-functionally to drive results.

Weak resumes might say:

  • Collaborated with marketing on lead generation initiatives
  • Worked with finance to create sales forecasts

Make your examples more impactful:

  • Partnered with marketing to launch an account-based marketing program that generated $2M in pipeline from target accounts
  • Collaborated with finance to build a new sales forecasting model that improved forecast accuracy by 30%

   Quantify your impact on sales performance

Ultimately, sales operations managers are judged on their ability to improve sales performance. Use metrics to show your impact.

Avoid vague statements like:

  • Helped increase sales revenue and productivity
  • Supported the sales team in exceeding their quotas

Instead, use specific numbers:

  • Implemented a new lead scoring system that increased sales-qualified leads by 25% and closed deals by 15%
  • Optimized sales territories and quotas, resulting in a 20% increase in quota attainment and a $5M increase in annual revenue

   Tailor your resume to the job description

Every company has different needs and priorities for their sales operations manager. Tailor your resume to the specific job you're applying for.

Don't use a generic summary like:

Experienced sales operations manager looking for a new challenge

Instead, highlight the specific skills and experience the job requires:

Sales operations manager with 5+ years of experience driving revenue growth and operational efficiency for SaaS companies. Expertise in Salesforce administration, sales forecasting, and cross-functional collaboration.

   Show your leadership and project management skills

Sales operations managers often lead projects and initiatives. Highlight examples of your leadership and project management abilities.

  • Led a team of sales operations analysts
  • Managed projects to improve sales processes

Make your experience more compelling with specifics:

  • Led a team of 5 sales operations analysts to support a 100-person global sales organization
  • Managed a $500K project to implement a new sales performance management system, completing it on time and under budget

Writing Your Sales Operations Manager Resume: Section By Section


A resume summary for a Sales Operations Manager is optional, but can be a valuable addition if you have extensive experience or are making a career change. It should provide a brief overview of your most relevant qualifications and achievements, without repeating information found elsewhere in your resume.

When writing your summary, focus on your key strengths and accomplishments that align with the requirements of the Sales Operations Manager role. Highlight your ability to optimize sales processes, analyze data, and drive revenue growth. Avoid using generic buzzwords or soft skills, and instead, showcase your unique value proposition.

How to write a resume summary if you are applying for a Sales Operations Manager resume

To learn how to write an effective resume summary for your Sales Operations Manager resume, or figure out if you need one, please read Sales Operations Manager Resume Summary Examples , or Sales Operations Manager Resume Objective Examples .

1. Highlight your sales operations expertise

When crafting your summary, emphasize your expertise in sales operations and how it has contributed to the success of your previous employers. Showcase your ability to streamline processes, implement sales tools, and drive efficiency.

Consider the following examples:

  • Sales Operations Manager with 7+ years of experience optimizing sales processes and driving revenue growth through data-driven insights.
  • Proven track record of implementing CRM systems and sales enablement tools, resulting in a 20% increase in sales productivity.

Avoid generic statements that lack specificity, such as:

  • Experienced Sales Operations Manager seeking a new opportunity.
  • Results-oriented professional with a passion for sales.

2. Tailor your summary to the target role

When applying for a Sales Operations Manager position, it's essential to tailor your summary to the specific requirements of the role and the company. Research the organization and identify the key skills and experiences they are seeking in a candidate.

For example, if the job description emphasizes experience with a particular CRM system or sales forecasting methodology, highlight your expertise in those areas:

Accomplished Sales Operations Manager with a proven track record of implementing Salesforce CRM and driving accurate sales forecasting using the MEDDIC methodology. Skilled in analyzing complex data sets to identify opportunities for growth and efficiency improvements.

By tailoring your summary to the target role, you demonstrate your understanding of the company's needs and showcase how you can contribute to their success.


In your work experience section, you need to show hiring managers how you've directly impacted the company's bottom line and growth. It's not enough to simply list your daily responsibilities. Focus on your key wins, and whenever possible, use numbers to quantify your impact.

Let's look at a few ways you can make your work experience section stand out as a sales operations manager:

1. Highlight sales metrics and KPIs

The best way to catch a recruiter's attention is by focusing on the metrics and KPIs that matter in sales. Instead of simply listing your responsibilities, showcase your impact:

  • Responsible for sales forecasting and territory planning
  • Managed Salesforce CRM and created reports for sales team

Quantify your achievements to stand out:

  • Implemented new territory planning strategy that increased annual sales by 15%
  • Automated Salesforce reporting process, saving 10+ hours per week

2. Use strong sales action verbs

When describing your work experience, choose powerful action verbs that are relevant to sales:

  • Exceeded sales targets by 20% for 3 consecutive quarters
  • Spearheaded initiative to streamline sales process, resulting in 25% shorter sales cycles
  • Collaborated with marketing to align messaging, increasing lead-to-customer conversion rate by 10%

Avoid generic, overused verbs like 'managed', 'handled' or 'responsible for'. Instead, use strong, specific verbs like exceeded, generated, spearheaded, etc.

Action Verbs for Sales Operations Manager

3. Showcase sales tools and technologies

Modern sales is driven by technology. Highlight your expertise with popular sales tools:

  • Administered Salesforce CRM for a 50+ person sales team, creating custom dashboards to track key metrics
  • Integrated HubSpot and Salesforce to streamline lead management process
  • Implemented Outreach sales engagement platform to automate sequences, increasing rep productivity by 20%

Avoid simply listing the tools. Provide context on how you've used them to drive efficiency and results.

4. Demonstrate cross-functional leadership

Sales operations is a cross-functional role. Highlight how you've collaborated with and led other teams:

Partnered with Finance to create new sales compensation plans, resulting in 10% increase in attainment of sales targets while reducing overall comp costs by 5%.

Compare that to a generic description:

Worked with Finance team on compensation plans.

The first example demonstrates leadership and quantifies the business impact of the initiative.


Your education section is a key part of your sales operations manager resume. It shows hiring managers that you have the knowledge and training to excel in the role. Here are some tips to make your education section stand out.

How To Write An Education Section - Sales Operations Manager Roles

1. Include relevant coursework for entry-level roles

If you're a recent graduate applying for entry-level sales operations manager jobs, you may not have a lot of work experience yet. In this case, including relevant coursework can help show that you have the right skills and knowledge for the role.

For example:

  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, XYZ University, 2021
  • Relevant Coursework: Sales Management, Business Analytics, Supply Chain Management, Marketing Research

2. Keep it brief if you're experienced

If you have several years of sales operations experience, your work history is more important than your education. In this case, keep your education section short and to the point.

MBA, Harvard Business School BS in Marketing, UCLA

Avoid listing things like:

  • Relevant coursework from 10+ years ago
  • High school education if you have a degree
  • Graduation year if it was a long time ago

3. Add sales ops certifications

Certifications show your expertise in key sales operations areas. If you have any, include them in your education section or in a separate "Certifications" section.

Some examples:

  • Certified Sales Operations Professional (CSOP)
  • HubSpot Inbound Sales Certification
  • Salesforce Certified Administrator

Make sure to include the full certification name and the organization that granted it. You can also note the year you earned it if it was recent.


Your skills section is one of the most important parts of your resume as a sales operations manager. It's where you highlight your top abilities that are relevant to the job you're applying for. Hiring managers and recruiters will scan this section to quickly assess if you have the right mix of skills they need.

Here are some key tips to keep in mind when writing your skills section:

How To Write Your Skills Section - Sales Operations Manager Roles

1. Understand how applicant tracking systems work

Many companies today use Applicant Tracking Systems (ATS) to automatically screen resumes. These systems scan your resume for specific keywords related to the job description to determine if you're a good match.

To improve your chances of passing the ATS, carefully review the job description and naturally include relevant keywords in your skills section. For example, if the job description mentions 'Salesforce CRM', make sure to list that skill if you have it.

CRM : Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive Analytics : Tableau, Google Analytics, Excel Sales Tools : Outreach, Gong, Clari

Not sure if your skills section is optimized? Try running your resume through an AI-powered tool like Score My Resume from Resume Worded. It will analyze your resume across 30+ key criteria, including your skills section, and provide instant, expert feedback to improve it.

2. Categorize your skills by type

Grouping your skills into categories makes it easier for hiring managers to quickly see the different types of skills you bring to the table. Common categories for a sales operations manager could include:

  • CRM : Salesforce, Microsoft Dynamics, HubSpot
  • Analytics : Excel, Tableau, SQL
  • Sales Enablement : Outreach, Gong, Clari
  • Productivity : Asana, Trello, Slack

Avoid lumping all your skills together in one long list, which can be overwhelming to read. Categorizing skills shows you understand what's important for the role.

Stuck on which skills to prioritize? Analyze the job description using a tool like Targeted Resume by Resume Worded. It will show you the most important keywords to include based on the specific job.

3. Focus on hard skills and tools

As a sales operations manager, you'll be expected to have mastery of various hard skills, tools and methodologies. Emphasize these technical skills over soft skills. For example:

Skills: CRM : Salesforce, HubSpot, Pipedrive Analytics : Tableau, Google Analytics, SQL Sales Tools : Outreach, Gong, Clari Process : Sales forecasting, territory management, discount approval

Avoid listing soft skills like 'communication' or 'leadership'. Instead, demonstrate these through your work achievements.

Skills: Leadership, hardworking, strong communicator, sales operations, team player

When in doubt, always choose technical skills that are mentioned in the job description. Recruiters will be scanning for those to quickly assess your qualifications.

4. Be specific and use common industry terms

Avoid being vague or using outdated skills that could flag you as out of touch. For example:

Skills: Microsoft Office, SalesLogix CRM, ACT!, Goldmine

Instead, be specific and current:

Skills: CRM : Salesforce Sales Cloud, Salesforce CPQ, Salesforce Maps Reporting : Salesforce Reports & Dashboards, Excel, SQL Enablement : Outreach, Highspot, Gong, Clari

Using precise skills shows your industry knowledge. And remember, quality over quantity. Focus on your strongest skills that match the job; don't list everything you've ever used.

Not sure if you're using the right terminology? Browse resumes of other sales operations managers in your industry to see how they list their skills. This can give you ideas for your own resume.

Skills For Sales Operations Manager Resumes

Here are examples of popular skills from Sales Operations Manager job descriptions that you can include on your resume.

  • Strategic Planning
  • Merchandising
  • Forecasting
  • Sales Operations
  • Retail Sales
  • Multi-Unit Management
  • Sales Management

Skills Word Cloud For Sales Operations Manager Resumes

This word cloud highlights the important keywords that appear on Sales Operations Manager job descriptions and resumes. The bigger the word, the more frequently it appears on job postings, and the more likely you should include it in your resume.

Top Sales Operations Manager Skills and Keywords to Include On Your Resume

How to use these skills?

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Sales Operations Manager Resumes

  • Template #1: Sales Operations Manager
  • Template #2: Sales Operations Manager
  • Template #3: Sales Operations Manager
  • Template #4: Sales Manager
  • Template #5: Operations Manager
  • Skills for Sales Operations Manager Resumes
  • Free Sales Operations Manager Resume Review
  • Other Manager Resumes
  • Sales Operations Manager Interview Guide
  • Sales Operations Manager Sample Cover Letters
  • Alternative Careers to a Operations Manager
  • All Resumes
  • Resume Action Verbs

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resume sales operations manager

  • • Oversaw a team of analysts to enhance predictive sales modeling, increasing forecast accuracy by 25% year-over-year.
  • • Implemented a new CRM system which improved customer interaction tracking and boosted sales productivity by 30%.
  • • Developed comprehensive training programs for sales staff that led to a 15% increase in team efficiency.
  • • Collaborated with cross-functional stakeholders to realign sales territories based on analytical insights, resulting in a 20% increase in overall sales territory coverage.
  • • Standardized data-driven reporting mechanisms to streamline analysis, saving the company approximately 200 hours annually.
  • • Championed a customer-centric initiative that led to a 10% improvement in customer satisfaction scores.
  • • Led a project to consolidate multiple data sources into a single analytics platform, enhancing data accessibility for stakeholders.
  • • Directed quarterly business performance reviews, providing strategic insights that informed organizational decision-making.
  • • Managed the integration of sales and marketing data, improving lead qualification processes by 35%.
  • • Reduced reporting times by implementing automation tools, which allowed the team to focus on strategic tasks.
  • • Coordinated with finance and sales departments to optimize budget allocation for marketing campaigns, increasing ROI by 18%.
  • • Analyzed sales trends to assist in developing territories, which boosted sales efficiency by 10%.
  • • Created a streamlined process for inventory management, reducing stockouts by 20%.
  • • Supported sales team with ad-hoc reporting and analytics, contributing to a 15% reduction in decision-making time.
  • • Facilitated the implementation of a new KPI dashboard to monitor sales performance, increasing visibility and accountability.

5 Sales Operations Manager Resume Examples & Guide for 2024

Your sales operations manager resume should demonstrate a solid track record of sales process management. Highlight your experience in optimizing sales teams and increasing revenue. Include your expertise in data analysis and forecasting. Show how your skills have led to actionable strategies and improved sales operations.

All resume examples in this guide

resume sales operations manager


resume sales operations manager

Resume Guide

Resume Format Tips

Resume Experience

Skills on Resume

Education & Certifications

Resume Summary Tips

Additional Resume Sections

Key Takeaways

Sales Operations Manager resume example

As a sales operations manager, one challenge you may encounter on your resume is effectively showcasing your ability to optimize sales processes as well as leading a team to exceed sales targets. Our guide will provide you with tailored examples and actionable tips to highlight your strategic management skills, ensuring that your resume stands out to potential employers.

  • Utilize real-life examples to refine your sales operations manager resume;
  • Effectively write the experience section of your sales operations manager resume, even if you have minimal or no professional experience;
  • Incorporate the industry's top 10 essential skills throughout your resume;
  • Include your education and certifications to highlight your specific expertise.

If the sales operations manager resume isn't the right one for you, take a look at other related guides we have:

  • Small Business Manager Resume Example
  • Planning Manager Resume Example
  • Supply Chain Business Analyst Resume Example
  • Healthcare Business Analyst Resume Example
  • Division Manager Resume Example
  • Library Manager Resume Example
  • Marketing Account Manager Resume Example
  • Library Director Resume Example
  • Business Planning Manager Resume Example
  • Claims Manager Resume Example

Is there a correct way to format your sales operations manager resume?

This is a tricky question. While skimming over your resume, recruiters will be looking at your experience and the message your profile conveys. That's why your resume format needs to be clear and concise, serving to supplement and organize your experience. Professional best practices point that the best sales operations manager resumes:

  • Follow the reverse chronological order, where the most recent experience items are presented first . This is to keep your expertise succinct and to show recruiters your career growth over the years;
  • Have a clearly defined header that includes all relevant contact information and a portfolio or a LinkedIn link. In some countries, it is acceptable to include a professional photo , so that your application is more memorable;
  • Feature the most important sales operations manager resume sections towards the top, e.g. summary, skills, and experience. That way, recruiters can immediately find information that is relevant to the role;
  • Take up no more than two pages - and two pages are the exception for more experienced professionals. Keep your expertise to the point and use your sales operations manager resume real estate wisely .
  • Selecting modern, yet simple fonts, e.g. Rubik, Lato, etc., would help your application stand out;
  • Many candidates stick with the tried-and-tested Arial or Times New Roman, but you'd want your sales operations manager resume to be a bit more unique;
  • The ATS can read all serif and sans-serif fonts, so you should avoid fancy, formal script (or cursive) fonts.

Upload & Check Your Resume

Drop your resume here or choose a file . PDF & DOCX only. Max 2MB file size.

Showcase any ongoing or recent educational efforts to stay updated in your field.

Sales Operations Manager resume sections to answer recruiters' checklists:

  • Header to help recruiters quickly allocate your contact details and have a glimpse over your most recent portfolio of work
  • Summary or objective to provide an overview of your career highlights, dreams, and goals
  • Experience to align with job requirements and showcase your measurable impact and accomplishments
  • Skills section/-s to pinpoint your full breadth of expertise and talents as a candidate for the Sales Operations Manager role
  • Education and certifications sections to potentially fill in any gaps in your experience and show your commitment to the industry

What recruiters want to see on your resume:

  • Demonstrated experience in sales forecasting and pipeline management.
  • Proven track record in developing and optimizing sales processes and strategies.
  • Experience with Customer Relationship Management (CRM) and sales enablement tools.
  • Strong analytical skills to interpret sales performance and market trend data.
  • Ability to lead and collaborate with cross-functional teams to achieve sales objectives.

Creating your sales operations manager resume experience to catch recruiters' attention

Remember that for the sales operations manager role, hiring managers are looking to see how your expertise aligns with their requirements. Here's where your resume experience section can help out. Make sure you:

  • Include mainly roles that are relevant to the sales operations manager job you're applying for;
  • Don't go too far back in your experience - recruiters will only care what you did a decade ago if it's really important for the sales operations manager role;
  • Each bullet you include should say what you did, followed by the skills you used and the actual end result of your efforts;
  • Quantify each of your achievements with numbers and possibly the overall effect it had on the organization;
  • Highlight transferrable skills - or personal skills you've attained thanks to past jobs - that could be applicable within your potential workplace. This would showcase your unique value as a professional.

Formatting the experience section of your resume doesn't have to be an over-the-top deep dive into your whole career. Follow the sales operations manager resume examples below to see how industry-leading professionals are presenting their experience:

  • Oversaw the implementation and management of a new CRM system, increasing sales tracking efficiency by 40%.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to streamline the sales process, cutting down the sales cycle by 25%.
  • Developed and executed sales strategies that led to a 20% year-over-year increase in qualified leads.
  • Managed a sales operations team of 15, achieving a 30% increase in overall team productivity through targeted training programs.
  • Introduced advanced analytics for sales forecasting, improving accuracy by 35% and aiding in more informed decision-making.
  • Led the deployment of territory management optimization techniques that contributed to a 15% rise in sales rep quota attainment.
  • Designed and instituted a comprehensive reward system that reduced staff turnover by 20% and propelled team morale.
  • Directed the assessment and restructuring of sales commission plans, ensuring alignment with business goals and fair compensation.
  • Pioneered a sales data analysis project that identified underperforming products, leading to a strategic withdrawal and resource reallocation.
  • Drive the adoption of sales automation tools that have increased the sales team's outreach capacity by 50%.
  • Cultivate partnerships with marketing to synergize lead generation efforts, resulting in a 25% uptick in sales-qualified leads.
  • Coordinate global sales initiatives that contribute to a consistent 30% annual growth in international market share.
  • Masterminded a predictive sales performance model that improved quarterly revenue projections by 22%, enhancing strategic planning.
  • Implemented a sales enablement platform that equipped the sales force with real-time intelligence, improving win rates by 18%.
  • Spearheaded a sales operations reorganization that improved operational efficiency by aligning teams with market opportunities.
  • Executed a multi-channel sales approach that drove an additional $2M in annual revenue through direct and indirect sales channels.
  • Optimized the lead-to-close process, enhancing conversion rates by 10% through targeted sales funnel improvements.
  • Championed a sales dashboard development that provided granular insights into team performance metrics, boosting productivity by 20%.
  • Directed a comprehensive sales enablement program which increased upsell and cross-sell success rates by 30% across the sales team.
  • Conducted extensive market research that informed the development of a strategic sales plan to enter two new key geographic markets.
  • Transformed the sales operations infrastructure with the introduction of cloud-based tools, reducing cost by 20% while enhancing scalability.
  • Developed a set of key performance indicators that allowed for real-time tracking of sales activities, leading to a 12% performance improvement.
  • Facilitated the creation of a streamlined proposal generation process, reducing the turnaround time by 35% and improving customer response rates.
  • Steered the transition towards a value-based selling approach, equipping the sales team with the necessary tools and training, catalyzing a 25% uplift in deal value.

Quantifying impact on your resume

  • Include the percentage by which you increased sales revenue in your previous roles to demonstrate direct financial contribution.
  • State the number of cross-departmental projects you led to highlight leadership and collaborative skills.
  • Mention the specific number of new sales processes or tools you implemented to show innovation and efficiency improvements.
  • Quantify the size of the teams you've managed to indicate your management capabilities.
  • Detail the number of sales reports and dashboards you've created or managed to exhibit analytical prowess.
  • Specify the amount of cost savings achieved through operational improvements or vendor negotiations to display financial acumen.
  • Describe the growth percentage of the sales pipeline that you contributed to for demonstrating your ability to expand business opportunities.
  • List the number of training sessions or workshops you've conducted to prove your commitment to team development and knowledge sharing.

Action verbs for your sales operations manager resume

Target Illustration

What if you don't have any experience?

There are two very common scenarios about candidates with less experience. They are either:

  • Fresh out of college in search of a sales operations manager role
  • Transferring over from a completely different field

Both of these types of candidates still have a shot at landing their first job in the industry.

All they need to do about the experience section of their sales operations manager resume is:

  • Consider their strengths - would the outcomes of their previous roles or niche skill sets impress recruiters? Feature those towards the top of your resume
  • Exclude any and all irrelevant experience items - remember that at the end of the day, you're telling a story that aims to align with the ideal candidate for the sales operations manager job
  • Win recruiters over with personality - perhaps your ambition, dreams, and diligence would make you the perfect fit for the sales operations manager role. Dedicate resume space to detail your personality traits by showcasing how they've helped you succeed in past roles
  • Tailor your experience to specific job requirements - ensure your sales operations manager resume answers the advert in the best way possible.

Recommended reads:

  • When You Should (And Not) Add Dean's List On Your Resume
  • How To List Certifications On A Resume (Examples Included)

If the certificate you've obtained is especially vital for the industry or company, include it as part of your name within the resume headline.

Popular sales operations manager hard skills and soft skills for your resume

Apart from assessing your professional expertise, recruiters are on the lookout for whether your skills align with the job.

Your profile would thus be assessed in regard to your:

  • Hard or technical skills - your ability to perform on the job using particular technologies or software
  • Soft skills - how you adapt, communicate, and thrive in different environments.

Both types of skills - hard and soft skills - are important for your resume, so make sure to create a dedicated skills section that:

  • Lists up to five or six skills that align with the job advert.
  • Integrates vital keywords for the industry, but also reflects on your personal strengths.
  • Builds up further your skills with an achievements section within which you explain what you've achieved thanks to using the particular skill.
  • Aims to always quantify in some way how you've used the skill, as it's not enough to just list it.

What are the most sought out hard and soft skills for sales operations manager roles?

Check out the industry's top choices with our two dedicated lists below:

Top skills for your sales operations manager resume:

Salesforce CRM

Data Analysis

Pipeline Management

Sales Forecasting

Performance Reporting

Market Research

Sales Process Optimization

Project Management

Strategic Planning

Business Acumen





Attention to Detail

Time Management


Motivational Skills

The more time and effort you've put into obtaining the relevant certificate, the closer to the top it should be listed. This is especially important for more senior roles and if the company you're applying for is more forward-facing.

What are the best certificates to add to your sales operations manager resume + how to curate your education section

The education and certification resume sections are the underdogs of your sales operations manager resume.

They showcase to recruiters that you've invested plenty of time to gain valuable and specific know-how, vital for growth.

As far as the resume education section is concerned:

  • Detail only advanced education, specifying the institution and timeframe.
  • Indicate your forthcoming graduation date if you're in the midst of your studies.
  • Consider omitting degrees that don't align with the job's requirements.
  • Offer a description of your academic journey if it underscores your notable achievements.

When curating your degrees and certificates on your sales operations manager resume:

  • Select only accreditation that matters to the role
  • Niche knowledge that could help you stand out as a candidate (as is within the past few years), should be listed towards the top of your resume
  • Include any pertinent data for credibility (e.g. institute name, graduation dates, etc.)
  • Irrelevant degrees and certifications shouldn't make it on your resume. Those include your high school diploma and any specializations that have nothing to do with the technical or soft skills that are required for the job

As a final note, if you feel tempted to exclude your education or certification from your resume, don't.

These two sections could help you have a better competitive edge over other candidates - hinting that your professional journey in the industry may be for a longer period of time.

Recruiters find all of these sales operations manager credentials impressive:

The top 5 certifications for your sales operations manager resume:

  • Certified Sales Operations Professional (CSOP) - The Sales Management Association
  • Certified Professional in Sales Operations (CPSO) - National Association of Sales Professionals (NASP)
  • Certified Sales Leader (CSL) - Sales Management Association
  • Certified Inside Sales Professional (CISP) - American Association of Inside Sales Professionals (AA-ISP)
  • Strategic Sales Operations Professional Certificate - SOCAP, The Society of Consumer Affairs Professionals in Business

If you failed to obtain one of the certificates, as listed in the requirements, but decide to include it on your resume, make sure to include a note somewhere that you have the "relevant training, but are planning to re-take the exams". Support this statement with the actual date you're planning to be re-examined. Always be honest on your resume.

  • Should You Include Eagle Scout On Your Resume?

The sales operations manager resume summary or objective: integrating keywords, achievements, and more

Deciding whether to include a resume summary or an objective in your sales operations manager resume is crucial. Both serve as key introductory elements at the top of your resume, encapsulating your profile in up to five sentences and incorporating relevant keywords from the job advert.

Here are the key differences between the two:

  • The resume summary focuses on aligning your achievements and experience with the job requirements. It provides recruiters with a snapshot of your expertise , helping you stand out as an ideal candidate for the role.
  • The resume objective, on the other hand, centers on your career goals and aspirations , detailing how the role aligns with your career progression. It's particularly suitable for candidates with less professional experience or those new to the job market.

Below are examples demonstrating best practices in utilizing the resume summary and/or objective to make a strong first impression with your sales operations manager resume.

Resume summaries for a sales operations manager job

  • Seasoned Sales Operations Manager with over 12 years of experience optimizing sales processes and enhancing team productivity across the technology sector. Proven track record in developing and executing strategic plans that have resulted in a 20% increase in sales efficiency. Skilled in Salesforce CRM, data analysis, and market trend forecasting, aiming to leverage expertise to drive sustained revenue growth.
  • Dedicated Sales Operations Professional transitioning from a successful 10-year tenure in financial services management. Excelled in data-driven decision-making and process optimization, boosting client acquisition rates by 30%. Seeking to bring a wealth of knowledge in analytics and cross-functional team leadership to enhance the sales infrastructure of a growth-oriented tech enterprise.
  • An ambitious professional with a passion for sales and marketing strategy, making a career shift from a 5-year role in hospitality management. Excelled at driving customer satisfaction and revenue in a competitive market. Eager to apply analytical skills and a customer-centric approach to foster a high-performance sales environment in a dynamic tech company.
  • With 15 years in strategic sales leadership and a stellar record of exceeding quotas by at least 25% annually, this expert is ready to bring a wealth of knowledge to optimize sales operations. Mastery of CRM systems, predictive analytics, and team mentoring has consistently driven results, showcasing a deep understanding of the complexities of the sales pipeline and client retention strategies.
  • Aspiring to apply my fresh perspective and enthusiasm for tech sales to a forward-thinking company. Eager to develop advanced skills in sales process optimization and analytics, committed to contributing to a team achieving ambitious sales targets and driving market share growth. Possess strong interpersonal skills and a deep desire to learn from industry leaders.
  • Recent graduate with a Bachelor's in Business Administration, eager to translate theoretical knowledge into practical sales operations success. Keen to apply analytical skills, an understanding of sales metrics, and a collaborative attitude to support a thriving sales team and contribute to organizational growth. Passionate about adopting new technologies and eager to learn from experienced sales professionals.

Bonus sections for your sales operations manager resume

Looking to show more personality on your sales operations manager resume? Then consider including a couple of extra sections.

They'd benefit your application by highlighting your most prominent:

  • Industry recognitions ;
  • Community efforts ;

Key takeaways

Securing your ideal job starts with crafting a compelling sales operations manager resume. It should not only highlight your professional strengths but also reflect your personality. Key aspects to remember include:

  • Choose a clear, easily editable format, allowing more time to focus on the content of your resume;
  • Emphasize experience relevant to the job, focusing on your impact on the team;
  • Opt for a resume summary if you have extensive professional experience, and a resume objective if you're just starting out;
  • Include technical skills in the skills section and interpersonal skills in the achievements section;
  • Recognize the importance of various resume sections (e.g., My Time, Projects) in showcasing both your professional abilities and personal traits.

sales operations manager resume example

Looking to build your own Sales Operations Manager resume?

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Sales Operations Manager Resume Samples

A Sales Operations Manager is responsible for training and directing the sales team members as a way to increase the company’s profit. The Sales Operations Manager Resume mentions the following duties and tasks – recruiting sales staff , writing reports for senior managers, ensuring meeting of sales targets , taking responsibility to meeting all legal compliances, resolving customer payment issues, participating in customer and order resolution, identifying forecast inaccuracy, facilitating data review, developing sales strategies , and emerging market opportunities.

Those seeking this role must depict on the resume the following skills and abilities – sales skills, managerial experience, supervisory skills, and leadership skills. Familiarity with process management and reporting are also needed. Many entry-level cadres are open to undergraduate students, while senior-level positions necessitate a master’s degree and several years of relevant work experience.

Sales Operations Manager Resume example

  • Resume Samples
  • Sales Operations Manager

Sales Operations Manager Resume

Summary : Performance-driven operational strategist with a stellar track record of success and 19+ years' experience delivering on contract procurement and account management, revenue growth as well as operational development initiatives.

Skills : Marketing Strategy, Sales Management, Marketing Management, Sales Operations, Human Resources, Facilities Management, Operations Management, Training & Development, Risk Management, Organization, Brand Management, Product Management.

Sales Operations Manager Resume Model

Description :

  • Managed the BPO sales operations alliance for multiple clients in the mobility and satellite entertainment verticals.
  • Responsible for multi-million dollar internal sales execution strategies through the management of Sales Development Funds (SDF) and staff development actions.
  • Worked with multi-levels of operations staff to manage threat level performers in Key Performance Indicators (KPI) using cluster performance reporting to drive incremental improvements resulting in month over month 5%-30% sales increases to deliver on client directives and exceed contractual obligations.
  • Directed/Facilitated call type transition coaching to ensure sales and customer experience level skills retained during transition preventing attrition do to failure to achieve desired results.
  • Collaborated cross departmentally with Recruiting and Training to uncover deficiencies, promote issue identification and resolution in order to maintain a robust foundation in support of the site sales goals - Provided recommendations for improvement in order to obtain better results.
  • Played a key role and collaborated directly with the client to ensure their sales goals were being expressed and met, provided weekly updates and progress reports/presentations during conference calls and sales meetings.
  • Continuously designed new training tools, role plays, workshops, etc to support the optimal learning experience and to reinforce and develop leadership coaching skills and consultative sales representatives sales skills.

Sr. Sales Operations Manager Resume

Summary : Strong organization skills, Unyielding negotiating skills, persuasive, persistent, and resolute. Exceptional ability to problem solve, offer solutions, and manage a successful outcome using my 7 years of managerial and leadership skills.

Skills : MS Office Applications, Excel, Powerpoint, Word, Logistics Management.

Sr. Sales Operations Manager Resume Model

  • Structure sales operations, including the hiring and management of 27 Depot Managers and staff of 50 temporary personnel in 32 distribution facilities; review account territories to ensure achievement of geographical distribution coverage.
  • Analyze current sales trends and market demands to determine product distribution levels appropriate to each location.
  • Plan and coordinate facility relocation projects; conduct extensive research to identify regional locations offering most cost effective options to support distribution needs; analyze overall financial impact on potential business revenue including current regional transportation and logistics costs.
  • Work in collaboration with corporate Real Estate Department in developing and/or renewing lease contracts; oversee reconstruction efforts to ensure maximization of all available space and increase overall storage capacities.
  • Develop and administer annual operating budget of $5.8 million based on analysis of current business trends and projected expenses.
  • Facilitate inspections of distribution facilities to ensure compliance with all FDA and OSHA regulations.
  • Establish operational policies and procedures; develop and execute training and orientation programs for new staff to ensure adherence to all corporate policies and procedures.
  • Successfully established cross functional emergency response program to accelerate production operations in anticipation of forecasted major weather events.

Jr. Sales Operations Manager Resume

Objective : Energetic, committed and innovative team player, self-motivated and focused on achieving goals. Strong analytical skills, experienced in numerous merchandising and marketing initiatives, directly contributing to improved business performance. Effective interpersonal skills, excellent public speaker and communicator. Highly organized, adaptable and focused.

Skills : Results Driven, Proven sales track, Relationship selling,.

Jr. Sales Operations Manager Resume Template

  • Developed training materials and responsible for communication of strategy to over 300 sales center employees across 4 global locations, enabling increased sales.
  • Tested, analyzed and tracked results of various sales strategies, including scripting tests, to optimize sales strategies and improve key operational metrics such as conversion.
  • Partnered with call center managers and key partners to align strategies.
  • Created all continuous education training for agents on new offers, sales techniques, and system changes, leading to improved sales associate effectiveness.
  • Responsible for managing all aspects of nationwide promotional marketing and sales program that supported over 10,000 partner employees across 11 partner sites.
  • Compiled in-depth analysis of key metrics and performance across the program; conceived and managed reports and metrics for the group which drove continuous improvement for the team.
  • Spearheaded website management including content and creative development resulting in increased traffic to a website.
  • Forged key relationships with an external partner, collaborating to increase participation in the program to drive sales.

Sales Operations Manager III Resume

Summary : Seeking a challenging position in Operations that allows me to contribute my vast experience, problem solving abilities, and analytical skills in a growing corporation.

Skills : Project Management, Account Management, Operations Management, Contract Management, Staff Development, Staff Management, Process Development, Operational Excellence, Planning, Inventory Management, Procurement.

Sales Operations Manager III Resume Sample

  • Successfully managed the integration of multiple Sales Operations teams for different multi-million dollar brands into one team responsible for several different entities.
  • Submit vendor agreements for our 25-30 largest customers for legal review to proactively redline any potential areas of risk and/or exposure and to work with both Customer Service and Logistics to ensure company's ability to satisfy all service level requirements.
  • Updated position profiles, complete with work instructions, for the entire department.
  • Create accruals for all brands, validating deductions, and working jointly with the Finance Team to gather supporting documentation to dispute any unapproved promotions and/or chargebacks and report to executive management all variances and their root causes.
  • Create various financial and distribution reports for senior management Customer Service Manager Improved efficiencies and processes in all measurable areas while reducing payroll by over 25%.
  • Successfully disputed deductions with Wal-Mart and on a consistent and ongoing basis.
  • Ensured the timely entry of all orders, invoice creation, and validation of deductions and chargebacks.

Sales Operations Manager II Resume

Summary : A dynamic, creative, dedicated Business Administration and Merchandise Marketing professional with: Strong oral and written communication skills, Sales analysis, target market and trend research.

Skills : Tech Savvy, Computer Technician, Audio Visual Technician.

Sales Operations Manager II Resume Template

  • Managed the planning, development, and implementation of all sales processes while serving as liaison to communicate and bridge customer needs into a robust system.
  • Partnered with all functional areas and led process development and enhancement meetings.
  • Complied and managed the publication of all procedures.
  • Frequent interface with Global Operations to ensure alignment.
  • Successfully analyze the organization's critical business requirements, identify deficiencies and potential opportunities, developed innovative and cost-effective solutions for enhancing competitiveness, increasing revenues, and improving customer service offerings.
  • Project leader and Innovator of the company's web based "Engine Sales Configurator" from initial development through application launch and implementation.
  • Collaborated and partnered with North America Sales team ensuring systems and processes where in place and meeting goals to secure and maintain business.
  • Advised and educated Sales and Application Engineers on system and process changes / improvements resulting in faster turnaround time to the customer, improving communication by 35% internally.

Objective : Versatile, bilingual professional committed to delivering best business practices that support development and enhance operations and supply chain execution.

Skills : Microsoft exel, Forecasting, Leadership Development, Customer Service, Presentation Skills, Management.

Sales Operations Manager III Resume Template

  • Support the operation of the global sales function for the start-up Financial Services Industry Business Group Utilize to assists with opportunity management, deal lifecycle activities, approvals, and closing won deals; oversee the monthly business close process and reporting.
  • Collect and evaluate sales data and analyzes economic conditions to measure the attainment of sales objectives.
  • Assist sales organization in providing technical and administrative information regarding services.
  • Develop performance & procedural presentation materials to share and used by the leadership team.
  • Manage the coordination of compensation activities, including commission plans and bonus program.
  • Designed a Commission document repository using SharePoint allowing Sales Operations & Sales Leaders to quickly and efficiently locate sales commission information.
  • Recommended changes to policies and established procedures that lead to an efficient bonus program to ensure top contributors are rewarded in a timely manner.
  • Manage quota assignment, deal signings forecasts, renewal projections, new business revenue outlook.

Sales Operations Manager I Resume

Headline : Thirteen plus years of professional business leadership experience looking to obtain a sales management position with a progressive, value-driven organization that will allow me to use my proven leadership and sales skills while continuing to learn and grow professionally.

Skills : Enterprise Software, Leadership, Sales, Sales Management, Salesforce.Com, Sales Operations, Wireless, SAAS, IAAS, Data.

Sales Operations Manager I Resume Example

  • Developed sales and marketing target customer database.
  • Created efficient, effective national sales territories across multiple channels resulting in 155% increase in booked sales.
  • Responsible for growing and managing 3x pipeline, consistently exceeding quarterly plan/stretch bookings targets & delivering within 5% of forecast.
  • Responsible for providing business metric analysis with proactive, value add reporting and identifying/implementing operational best practices.
  • Worked closely with sales leadership and marketing to realign sales process to mirror the buyer's journey, including identifying role/stage related content, appropriate resources, assets and observable outcomes for each stage.
  • Redesigned sales onboarding process, reducing time to productivity by 2 weeks for AE, AM & Lead Generation roles.
  • Responsible for developing and managing accurate monthly/quarterly quota/commission structure and reporting.
  • Negotiated, implemented and managed (Sales Cloud/Service Cloud) across entire sales, marketing and customer service teams transitioning from a homegrown CRM solution.

Sales Operations Manager/Supervisor Resume

Headline : Highly accomplished operations and call center manager. With extensive experience in strategic planning, operations practices, and process re-engineering. Proven record of success by streamlining delivery of products and services, improving operational efficiencies, reducing costs, and increasing profitability. Adept at identifying and creating new business opportunities, implementing departmental goals, ensuring compliance with company objectives, and surpassing production expectations.

Skills : Communication dealing with internal and external staff.

Sales Operations Manager/Supervisor Resume Example

  • Created a new group Sales Operations, with 12 assistant account managers located in three sites Albany, Melville and Downstate in a two month period without any disruption to the business.
  • The assistant account managers provide daily support for service, product benefit and claim issues for all labor and government, fed, state, city groups as well as all large commercial groups.
  • Incorporated the Implementation process into the group for all new large groups for GHI and HIP products.
  • Improved the processing time to implement a group by 50% from 15 to 20 business days to 5 to 10 business days.
  • The team is processing and implementing all groups timely and accurately 100% of the time.
  • Created a user guide for new business/renewal and implementation process for the team.
  • This is a live document that gets updated as processes or workflows change or expand due to business needs.
  • Created a status report for all supporting groups like group administration, enrollment underwriting and pharmacy to track progress for all groups that are being implemented on that given month.

General Sales Operations Manager Resume

Headline : Recognized and respected for meticulously decisive processes and operational development prowess that leads to sustained organizational growth. Exceptional communicator, skilled at developing highly productive relationships with vendors, clients/customers and stake holders.

Skills : Microsoft Office, SAP.

General Sales Operations Manager Resume Template

  • Assist in hiring, directing, training, and establishing business controls to support daily operations through effective on site management.
  • Develop new business and penetrating business opportunities within our current customer base.
  • Focus on employee performance management, quality tactical management processes, and cost control methodologies within the operations to achieve company goals & profit levels; continued business growth; and long term relationships with customers and carriers.
  • Meet daily customer metrics goals, budget adherence, labor and asset management, and developing operational improvement programs to drive efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Trained over 50 new brokers with resources to perform their jobs effectively and efficiently.
  • Coached, mentored, and developed up to 22 direct reports to increase the bench strength and flexibility of the team.
  • Increased new business goals by implementing new sales strategy.
  • Supported key performance indicator metrics by leading, coordinating, mentoring and overseeing the activities and workflow of staff.

Business and Sales Operations Manager Resume

Objective : More than 10 years of experience of Sales (Retail/B2B, Operations, and Management) 5 years of recruiting experience (University and Corporate level). Strengths include: leadership, excellent communications skills, relationship building.

Skills : Bilingual, Sales, Negotiation, Account Management, Management.

Business and Sales Operations Manager Resume Format

  • Manage a team of 6 including Sales Executive and the On-boarding team.
  • Create new partnerships with different associations and business to create new leads opportunities Introduce new Technology to the company such as Marketo.
  • Implement the utilization of Salesforce as part of the Sales Operations.
  • Expose brand to a National and International level by creating and managing marketing strategies Create new exposure of the brand by the creation of new campaigned marketing, pricing strategies and establishment of sales objectives.
  • Created new Marketing materials such as company folder, flyers, Expos, Conventions and company sales brochures.
  • Built strong and lasting business relationships with key partners and negotiated contracts on behalf of investors.
  • Recommended process improvements concentrated on cost reduction and increased efficiency based on Lean Management principles.
  • Negotiate Contracts with vendors and clients Increase Sales 60% in the first 3 months on being promoted to Sales Operations Manager.

Practice Sales Operations Manager Resume

Summary : Professional with 10 years' experiences in global logistics, sales operations, supply chain and project management is seeking a challenging and rewarding position in Logistics, operations, supply chain or sales operations with a top-tier forward thinking company.

Skills : Excellent Interpersonal, Analytical, Problem Solving And Decision Making Skills., Bilingual - English And Spanish., High Computer Proficiency, Including With MS Office Applications, UltiPro, And 60wpm Typist., E-Verify & Long Term Care Certified.

Practice Sales Operations Manager Resume Sample

  • Developed, implemented and managed internal compliance by monitoring daily sales activities.
  • Conducted unannounced inspections and investigated periodically to assess the staff readiness and identified where corrective actions were needed.
  • Established and executed specific initiatives outlined by sales agreements with appointed health insurance carriers.
  • Investigated customer complaints and coordinated action plans with the sales department.
  • Responded to BBB customer complaints and other official complaints requested by insurance carriers, often resulting in issuing refunds and compensation to customers.
  • Compiled reports to analyze monthly customer churn rates to determine the level of customer service the organization was providing and reported data through various Excel charts and logs to corporate management.
  • Forecasted and tracked key account metrics and performance indicators to evaluate the performance of each health insurance sales agent to ensure optimal sales and quality standards.

Summary : Ambitious self-starter who excels at creating, developing, and implementing product-specific integrated marketing initiatives, along with effectively evaluating needs to attract appropriate consumers and achieve outstanding retention rates.

Skills : Microsoft Office Suite Salesforce.Com Net Promoter Score Excel Powerpoint Presentations Project Management Critical Thinking.

Sales Operations Manager Resume Sample

  • Evaluated channel operational needs and developed team and individual action plans.
  • Coached and developed Regional Operations Team.
  • Led team to drive key performance indicators and productivity through Regional and Area programs.
  • Provided support for front line systems including testing, training, and implementing system enhancements.
  • Collaborated with Regional and Area contacts to ensure compliance with established procedures including inventory, discounting, returns, systems, and reporting.
  • Managed projects in support of new location openings, moves, and closings for retail and indirect channels, averaging ten projects per year that included merchandising, inventory, systems, and training.
  • Served as main regional liaison to Midwest Area Operations contacts.
  • Oversaw handset repair programs including replacement devices, software updates, memory transfer devices, minor repairs, and technician revenue generation at 37 retail locations across a three state region.

Table of Contents

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Sales Operations Manager Resume Examples (Template & 20+ Tips)

Create a standout sales operations manager resume with our online platform. browse professional templates for all levels and specialties. land your dream role today.

Sales Operations Manager Resume Example

This article provides a comprehensive example of an effective resume for a Sales Operations Manager. It offers insight into the relevant qualifications, experience, and best practices when crafting a successful resume in this field. It will help you create an impactful resume that highlights your strengths and showcases your abilities for the role.

We will cover:

  • How to write a resume , no matter your industry or job title.
  • What to put on a resume to stand out.
  • The top skills employers from every industry want to see.
  • How to build a resume fast with our professional Resume Builder .
  • What a resume template is, and why you should use it.

What does a Sales Operations Manager do?

A Sales Operations Manager is responsible for managing the daily operations of a company's sales department. They ensure that sales goals are met, analyze sales data, develop processes and procedures to improve efficiency, and manage the sales team. They also provide guidance and support to sales personnel, create training and development plans, and monitor performance metrics.

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  • Store Assistant Manager Resume Sample
  • Business Coordinator Resume Sample
  • External Wholesaler Resume Sample
  • Experienced Insurance Sales Agent Resume Sample
  • Advertising Coordinator Resume Sample
  • Security Analyst Resume Sample
  • Customer Success Manager Resume Sample
  • Commercial Project Manager Resume Sample
  • Marketing Communications Specialist Resume Sample
  • Executive Personal Assistant Resume Sample
  • Supervisor Resume Sample
  • Customer Account Representative Resume Sample
  • Ecommerce Manager Resume Sample
  • Trading Assistant Resume Sample
  • Automotive Sales Manager Resume Sample

What are some responsibilities of a Sales Operations Manager?

  • Developing and implementing sales operations strategies and initiatives to achieve organizational objectives.
  • Analyzing sales data to identify trends and opportunities for improving performance.
  • Creating and managing performance metrics, dashboards, and reporting.
  • Coordinating with cross-functional teams to ensure alignment of sales operations with other departments.
  • Identifying and resolving issues and bottlenecks in sales operations.
  • Developing and managing processes to streamline sales operations.
  • Analyzing customer and market data to develop pricing and sales strategies.
  • Developing and managing training programs to ensure sales teams are up-to-date on product knowledge.
  • Developing and maintaining effective relationships with internal and external stakeholders.

Sample Sales Operations Manager Resume for Inspiration

Name: John Doe

Address: 123 Main Street, Anytown, US

Phone: 555-123-4567

Email: [email protected]

John Doe is an experienced Sales Operations Manager with a proven track record of increasing efficiency and revenue within the sales department. He has a strong aptitude for problem solving and finding innovative ways to optimize sales processes. John has exceptional communication and interpersonal skills, enabling him to lead teams and build strong relationships with customers. He is a highly organized and detail-oriented professional, with the ability to manage projects from start to finish.

Work Experience:

  • Sales Operations Manager - ABC Corporation - Anytown, US (2015-Present)
  • Managed a team of 10 sales representatives and increased revenue by 20% in the first year.
  • Developed strategies to optimize sales process and analyze customer data to increase customer retention.
  • Maintained relationships with customers to ensure customer satisfaction.
  • Created reports to track team performance and organized weekly team meetings.
  • Senior Sales Representative - XYZ Corporation - Anytown, US (2012-2015)
  • Performed sales calls to potential and existing customers.
  • Identified customer needs and created custom solutions to meet customer requirements.
  • Maintained an average closing rate of 75% and exceeded sales goals by 20% in the first year.
  • Developed sales plans to increase customer acquisition and identified new markets.
  • Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - Anytown University - Anytown, US (2009-2013)
  • Sales Process Optimization
  • Project Management
  • Customer Relationship Management
  • Data Analysis


  • Project Management Professional (PMP)
  • Certified Sales Professional (CSP)

Languages: English, Spanish

Resume tips for Sales Operations Manager

Creating a perfect, career-launching resume is no easy task. Following general writing rules can help, but it is also smart to get advice tailored to your specific job search. When you’re new to the employment world, you need Sales Operations Manager resume tips. We collected the best tips from seasoned Sales Operations Manager - Check out their advice to not only make your writing process easier but also increase your chances of creating a resume that piques the interest of prospective employers.

  • Highlight your experience in sales operations, including any relevant certifications or awards.
  • Include relevant details about your experience working with data and metrics.
  • Detail your knowledge of relevant software, including CRM platforms and analytics tools.
  • Outline your skills in project management, budgeting, forecasting, and reporting.
  • Highlight any successes in streamlining sales processes or improving operational efficiency.

Sales Operations Manager Resume Summary Examples

A Sales Operations Manager Resume Summary or Resume Objective is an important way to make an impression on a hiring manager. It gives the reader a brief overview of your professional experience, skills, and qualifications in a few sentences or bullet points. It quickly highlights the strengths you bring to the role, and gives the employer an insight into who you are and why you’re the best candidate for the job. It’s also a great way to showcase your accomplishments and demonstrate why you’d be a valuable asset to the company. For Example:

  • Experienced Sales Operations Manager with 10+ years of success in sales operations, process optimization, and customer service.
  • Proven track record of driving revenue growth while ensuring customer satisfaction.
  • Highly organized and analytical professional with a deep understanding of sales operations and customer service.
  • Exceptional problem solving and communication skills, able to build strong relationships with customers.
  • Recognized for creating and implementing successful sales initiatives which increase customer loyalty.

Build a Strong Experience Section for Your Sales Operations Manager Resume

Building a strong experience section for a sales operations manager resume is important because it is the primary way to demonstrate your qualifications and capabilities to a potential employer. It should provide an overview of your past work experience, highlighting your successes and accomplishments. A strong experience section will also show your knowledge of the sales industry, as well as your ability to lead teams, manage operations, and develop strategies. It should also include any awards or recognition you have received for your work. By building a strong experience section for your resume, you will make it easier for employers to see how you could be an asset to their organization. For Example:

  • Managed the day-to-day operations of a sales team of 10+ professionals for a Fortune 500 organization.
  • Developed and implemented strategic sales plans to exceed annual revenue targets.
  • Conducted weekly sales meetings to review performance metrics and discuss opportunities.
  • Created and implemented innovative sales process improvements to increase efficiency.
  • Analyzed sales data to identify trends and optimize future sales strategies.
  • Developed and implemented comprehensive training programs for new sales personnel.
  • Negotiated contracts with vendors to secure favorable prices and terms.
  • Designed and maintained customer relationship management (CRM) system.
  • Developed and maintained key performance indicators (KPIs) to measure sales performance.
  • Maintained and improved business relationships with existing customers.

Sales Operations Manager resume education example

A Sales Operations Manager typically needs a bachelor's degree in business, marketing, finance, or a related field. In addition, most employers prefer candidates who have some experience in sales, customer service, or operations management. They also benefit from having strong analytical, problem-solving, and organizational skills. Advanced certifications, such as a Certified Sales Operations Professional (CSOP) designation, can also be beneficial. Here is an example of an experience listing suitable for a Sales Operations Manager resume:

  • B.S. in Business Administration, University of California, Berkeley, CA
  • M.S. in Business Administration, Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA
  • Certified Professional in Supply Management (CPSM)
  • Certified Salesforce Administrator

Sales Operations Manager Skills for a Resume

Adding skills to a Sales Operations Manager Resume is important as it helps to showcase the hard and soft skills that make you a great candidate for the job. Skills help employers understand your capabilities and demonstrate how you can add value to their organization. Skills are important for a Sales Operations Manager as they provide an overview of your abilities, such as knowledge of CRM systems, project management, data analysis, communication, problem solving, and organizational skills. These skills can be further demonstrated in your work experience section. Soft Skills:

  • Interpersonal
  • Negotiation
  • Communication
  • Organizational
  • Problem Solving
  • Time Management
  • Distribution Network
  • Negotiation Skills
  • Product Knowledge
  • Sales Forecasting
  • Account Management
  • Financial Planning
  • Strategic Planning
  • Team Building
  • Leadership Skills

Common Mistakes to Avoid When Writing a Sales Operations Manager Resume

In this competitive job market, employers receive an average of 180 applications for each open position. To process these resumes, companies often rely on automated applicant tracking systems, which can sift through resumes and eliminate the least qualified applicants. If your resume is among the few that make it past these bots, it must still impress the recruiter or hiring manager. With so many applications coming in, recruiters typically give each resume only 5 seconds of their attention before deciding whether to discard it. Considering this, it's best to avoid including any distracting information on your application that could cause it to be thrown away. To help make sure your resume stands out, review the list below of what you should not include on your job application.

  • Not including a cover letter. A cover letter is a great way to explain why you are the best candidate for the job and why you want the position.
  • Using too much jargon. Hiring managers do not want to read a resume full of technical terms that they do not understand.
  • Omitting important details. Make sure to include your contact information, educational background, job history, and any relevant skills and experiences.
  • Using a generic template. Take the time to customize your resume to the job you are applying for. This will show the employer that you are serious about the position.
  • Spelling and grammar errors. Always double-check your resume for typos, spelling mistakes, and grammar errors.
  • Focusing too much on duties. Make sure to include accomplishments and successes to show the employer that you are a great candidate.
  • Including personal information. Avoid including any personal information such as age, marital status, or religious beliefs.

Key takeaways for a Sales Operations Manager resume

  • Extensive knowledge of sales operations processes and procedures
  • Strong understanding of CRM systems and software
  • Excellent communication and interpersonal skills
  • Highly organized and detail-oriented
  • Ability to analyze and interpret data
  • Proven ability to manage multiple projects
  • Ability to effectively collaborate with cross-functional teams
  • Proficiency in MS Office suite

Create CV

Sales Operations Manager Resume Examples

Writing a great sales operations manager resume is important because it is one of the first things a potential employer will see when they are considering you for a position. It is your opportunity to make a good first impression and sell yourself as the best candidate for the job.

Create your resume Select from 7 professional resume templates

If you're looking for inspiration when it comes to drafting your own sales operations manager resume, look no further than the samples below. These resumes will help you highlight your experience and qualifications in the most effective way possible, giving you the best chance of landing the sales operations manager job you're after.

Sales Operations Manager Resume Example

or download as PDF

Essential Components of a Sales Operations Manager Resume

A compelling Sales Operations Manager resume is a critical instrument in your job search arsenal, showcasing your expertise, professional history, and value proposition to prospective employers. It should be meticulously crafted to highlight your proficiency in sales methodologies, analytical prowess, leadership capabilities, and technological adeptness in sales tools.

In the following sections, we delve into the pivotal elements of a resume, discussing their significance and content inclusion. Our objective is to guide you in creating a standout resume that enhances your prospects of securing your desired Sales Operations Manager position.

1. Contact Information

Ensure your resume begins with clear and accurate contact information , as this is the conduit for potential employers to reach out for interviews or further discussion regarding your application. Place this information prominently at the top of your resume.

How to List Contact Information for a Sales Operations Manager Resume

Include your full name, phone number, professional email address, and optionally, a link to your LinkedIn profile. Ensure your email address is professional, and your voicemail message is appropriate and informative.

2. Professional Summary

The professional summary is a succinct overview of your career highlights, skills, and accomplishments. Tailor this section to resonate with the Sales Operations Manager role, emphasizing your relevant experience and expertise.

"Dynamic Sales Operations Manager with over ten years of experience leading sales teams and enhancing operational efficiency. Demonstrated success in developing strategies that elevate productivity and revenue growth. Adept at leveraging data analytics for trend forecasting and sales strategy adjustments. Recognized for cultivating strong client and team relationships."

Customize your professional summary to align with the specific job you're targeting, showcasing your unique skill set and experience.

3. Skills and Competencies

Your resume should convincingly present your skills and competencies, particularly those pertinent to a Sales Operations Manager role. This section is your opportunity to demonstrate why you are the ideal candidate for the position.

  • Leadership Skills: Highlight your ability to guide your team towards achieving sales targets and fostering a positive work environment.
  • Analytical Skills: Showcase your proficiency in interpreting complex sales data and utilizing CRM systems and sales analytics tools.
  • Communication Skills: Emphasize your capacity for clear communication with various stakeholders, influencing your team's performance.
  • Strategic Planning: Describe your experience in formulating sales strategies based on market analysis and organizational objectives.
  • Problem-Solving Skills: Provide examples of your ability to address and resolve challenges efficiently.
  • Project Management: Mention your experience in overseeing projects that improve sales processes or implement new systems.
  • Customer Relationship Management (CRM): Indicate your familiarity with CRM platforms such as Salesforce or HubSpot.
  • Financial Acumen: Demonstrate your understanding of financial metrics and budget management.
  • Negotiation Skills: Cite instances where your negotiation abilities have been instrumental in securing deals or resolving conflicts.
  • Tech Savvy: Highlight your competence with digital tools like data analysis software or project management applications.

Adapt your resume to reflect the unique skills required by the employer's job description.

Related : Sales Operations Manager Skills: Definition and Examples

4. Work Experience

The work experience section is a cornerstone of your resume, illustrating your career trajectory in sales operations management.

  • Order of Time: List your roles in reverse chronological order, detailing company names, positions held, and dates of employment.
  • Pertinent Experience: Focus on experiences directly related to sales operations management.
  • Accomplishments: Quantify your achievements with specific metrics where possible, such as percentage increases in sales or cost reductions.
  • Skill Application: Show how you've applied key skills in previous roles to drive success.
  • Sector Experience: If you have cross-sector experience, highlight this to demonstrate versatility.
  • Problem Resolution: Cite examples of how you've addressed significant challenges or turned around underperforming operations.
  • Team Leadership: Illustrate your effectiveness in managing and developing teams.
  • Tech Skills: Mention your proficiency with CRM software and other digital tools.
  • Training & Growth: Include your involvement in training initiatives or personnel development programs.

Ensure this section is well-organized and easy to scan, as employers often review resumes quickly.

5. Education and Certifications

The "Education and Certifications" section validates your academic background and specialized knowledge, which are essential for a Sales Operations Manager role.

A bachelor’s degree in Business Administration, Marketing, Finance, or a related field is typically required, while an MBA or similar advanced degree can be advantageous. Professional certifications such as CSLP, CPSP, or CISP can distinguish you from other candidates by demonstrating your commitment to ongoing professional development.

Project management certifications like PMP or CAPM are also valued, as they indicate strong organizational and leadership skills. Proficiency in CRM software is often a prerequisite, so be sure to mention any relevant software skills.

List your educational qualifications and certifications in reverse chronological order, including institution names, degrees, majors, and graduation dates. For certifications, provide the issuing organization, certification name, and the date obtained.

Related : Sales Operations Manager Certifications

6. Achievements and Awards

The "Achievements and Awards" section showcases your professional accomplishments and industry recognition, providing concrete evidence of your capabilities and dedication.

List significant career milestones and awards, emphasizing their impact on your organizations. Use measurable results to substantiate your successes and include any industry or professional accolades.

Keep this section current with your latest achievements, demonstrating continuous professional growth.

7. References

References can validate your professional qualifications and character through the lens of those who have worked closely with you.

Select references who can attest to your qualifications for a Sales Operations Manager position, such as former supervisors, colleagues, or clients. Always obtain permission before listing someone as a reference.

Provide at least three references, including their names, job titles, companies, contact information, and a brief description of your professional relationship.

Consider stating that references are available upon request if you prefer not to list them directly on your resume.

While often overlooked, references are a vital component of your resume, offering potential employers insights into your work ethic and performance beyond the written document.

Related Resume Examples

  • Sales Operations Analyst
  • Operations Manager
  • Transportation Operations Manager
  • IT Operations Manager
  • Network Operations Manager
  • Hotel Operations Manager

Resume Builder

  • Software Developer
  • Quality Assurance
  • Software Teacher
  • Software Nurse
  • Software Accountant
  • Software Marketing Specialist

Cover letters Builder

Sales Operations Manager Resume Example & Writing Guide

Sales Operations Manager Resume Example

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Sales operations manager resume sample, sales operations manager.

A highly motivated, results-driven Sales Operations Manager with over 7 years of experience in managing the sales operations, driving sales strategies and improving sales processes. Possess an impressive track record of meeting and exceeding sales targets, developing new territories, and building strong relationships with customers. Adept at collaborating with cross-functional teams to support sales initiatives and deploying best practices.

Professional Experience

  • ABC Company - Sales Operations Manager (2018 - Present)
  • Lead a team of 5 sales operations specialists to ensure that the sales team is productive, efficient, and competitive.
  • Played a key role in implementing Salesforce CRM system, resulting in increased efficiency in the sales process and better analytics.
  • Developed and implemented sales strategies that resulted in a 20% increase in sales year-over-year.
  • Analyzed sales data to identify trends and areas for improvement, resulting in the development of new sales initiatives and trainings.
  • Worked closely with the finance team to ensure sales orders and contracts were accurately documented and processed in a timely manner.
  • XYZ Company - Sales Operations Specialist (2015 - 2018)
  • Played a critical role in streamlining the sales process by developing and implementing new sales policies and procedures.
  • Managed the sales pipeline and provided regular reports to the sales team and senior management.
  • Collaborated with various teams to ensure that the sales team had the necessary tools and resources to succeed.
  • Assisted in the onboarding and training of new sales team members.
  • PQR Company - Sales and Marketing Associate (2012 - 2015)
  • Assisted the sales team in achieving their targets through analysis and reporting of sales data.
  • Developed and implemented marketing campaigns and strategies to increase the company's visibility and brand awareness.
  • Managed the company's social media presence to engage with customers and drive traffic to the company's website.
  • Bachelor of Business Administration - XYZ University (2012)
  • Graduated Magna Cum Laude.
  • Recipient of the Dean's Award for Excellence in Business.

References available upon request.

Avoid Jargon

Unless it's a common term in your field, avoid using jargon or acronyms that the hiring manager may not understand. Stick to clear, plain language.

Sales Operations Manager Resume Writing Guide


A Sales Operations Manager is a crucial role in any organization that sells products or services. This position requires a unique set of skills and experience, which should be highlighted on your resume. If you're looking to apply for a Sales Operations Manager position, your resume should be well written and carefully crafted to showcase your talents.

1. Begin with a Summary Statement

The first section of your resume should be a summary statement that outlines your experience, skills, and goals. Your summary statement should be brief and to the point, highlighting your qualifications and what you can bring to the table. This section should be tailored to the job you're applying for so that it stands out to the hiring manager.

  • Highlight your experience and achievements in previous roles
  • Showcase your skills in sales management, operations, and data analysis
  • State what you're looking for in your next role and how you can add value to the organization

2. Showcase Your Sales Operations Skills

As a Sales Operations Manager, you'll be responsible for managing sales processes, analyzing data, and developing strategies to increase sales. Your resume should showcase your experience in these areas.

  • Highlight your experience in managing sales teams
  • Showcase your experience with sales processes such as lead generation, pipeline management, and forecasting
  • Show that you have experience in data analysis, including forecasting, sales analytics, and reporting
  • Demonstrate your experience with CRM systems such as Salesforce, Hubspot, or Zoho

3. Detail Your Leadership and Management Skills

As a Sales Operations Manager, you'll be responsible for managing both people and processes. Your resume should highlight your leadership and management skills, showcasing how you've led and developed teams in the past.

  • Demonstrate your ability to lead and motivate sales teams
  • Highlight your experience in training and developing employees
  • Show that you have experience in setting goals and objectives and measuring success
  • Highlight your experience in coaching and mentoring

4. Use Metrics and Results to Back Up Your Experience

Your resume should be full of metrics and results that show how you've contributed to the success of your previous employers. Use data to back up your experience and show that you're results-oriented.

  • Highlight your contributions to sales growth, whether that's through increasing revenue, improving sales efficiency, or increasing win rates
  • Show that you've been able to improve processes and workflows, such as by reducing the sales cycle, increasing lead conversion rates, or improving sales forecasting accuracy
  • Use examples to showcase how you've improved the customer experience, such as through improving response times, implementing better communication processes, or increasing customer loyalty

A well-crafted Sales Operations Manager resume can help you stand out in a crowded job market. By highlighting your experience, skills, and achievements, you can showcase your value to potential employers. Use these tips to create a resume that showcases your experience and makes you a top candidate for a Sales Operations Manager position.

Common Resume Writing Mistake

Lying or exaggerating.

Honesty is critical on your resume. Any form of lying or exaggerating about your experience or skills could lead to consequences when the truth is discovered.

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Sales Operations Manager resume examples

A modern resume example for a Sales Operations Manager position. Based on the best resume writing practices.

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Average Sales Operations Manager Salary

What is the pay by experience level for sales operations manager, career paths.

Explore the most common career paths for Sales Operations Manager. Thickness and color of lines indicates popularity of movement from one job to the next. Visit our career path planner to research other job paths.

  • Director Of Sales Operations View salaries
  • Senior Sales Operations Manager View salaries
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Save time with our easy 3-step resume builder. No more writer’s block or formatting difficulties in Word. Rapidly make a perfect resume employers love.

To impress your future employer, be creative and professional. Use our pro tools and advice to win

Without the comprehension of basics, the building of a Sales Operations Manager curriculum vitae can be useless and eat up lots of time to no purpose. We can share useful advice on creating a resume and examples of ready terms used within our advanced Retail resume forms.

Common Key Skills and Action Verbs for Sales Operations Manager

Good job applicants for the job position in Retail understand how to achieve the attention of any recruiting agent by filling their resumes with the so-called action verbs and expressions of the job-relevant talents they've acquired through the years of work. This technique assures the most efficient consequence of your application form in the event the skills and talents you incorporate into your curriculum vitae successfully heed the requirements of the Sales Operations Manager job. We've structured a list of this kind of terms for your benefit: relationship development, production management, staff training/development.

Key Skills & Proficiencies

Action verbs, choose power words to make sales operations manager resume stand out.

It is found that bringing particular keywords and phrases to the resume will allow you to access the career as a Sales Operations Manager much faster and less demanding. We've figured out what keywords you may have to include in your CV to increase your outcomes should you want a position of a Sales Operations Manager: client account management, technical sales, coaching and mentoring.

Phrases To Use

Best sales operations manager resume objective examples.

In some cases, candidates are likely to neglect the power of an objective statement in their personal curricula vitae or even skip it. Still, if detailed noticeably, it will be a great method and a fundamental element: indicate it at the outset of your Sales Operations Manager CV and accentuate your enthusiasm and comprehension of the corporation and the Retail.

How To Use Resume Examples To Create A Job-winning Resume


It is no longer news that you need to submit a professional resume if you want to improve your chances of getting the job you crave. In this article, you will find out how resume examples can help you with this challenging task. Over the years, statistics have shown that many job seekers find the act of resume writing difficult. Creating resumes that can win you the job you desire can be challenging, especially if you are writing your first resume. However, thanks to the emergence of information technology, you can now say goodbye to the struggles that come with crafting a resume from scratch. Now, there are a wide variety of tested and proven job-winning online resume samples on different resume builders available for you to choose from. This makes it much easier for you to write resumes that will convince hiring managers to give you the job. As you keep reading this article, you will find answers to the following questions:

  • What are Resume Examples?

How do I create my own resume with Resume Examples?

How do professional resume examples work, why do we suggest using resume examples, what are the things i should pay attention to when searching for a resume example, can i edit resume examples according to my needs.

Let's get right into the details!

What are Resume Samples?

As the name implies, they are ideal examples of what resumes in different industries look like. For instance, they provide you with suitable resume structures and recommended details to include in your resume. Additionally, they also show you the most effective way to portray your skills and experience to your potential employer. With the aid of these samples, you can create your resume faster and boost your chances of getting the job that you crave. This is why we have gone all out to show you how you can use them to edge out your competition (other job seekers). You will also discover some key details about resumes. Read on!

If you want to prove to your potential employers that you are the perfect fit for a vacant position, you need to create a perfect resume or cover letter. However, there is good news. You don't need to rack your brain to write a job-winning resume. All you have to do is visit a reliable online resume builder, follow a few simple steps, and best. These resume builders give you access to many ideal examples of industry-related resumes you can easily refer to when creating yours. Resume samples provide you with the perfect guide you need to craft a readable and relevant resume. Here is how you can use them to create your own resume:

  • Choose samples with resume formats suitable for a specific job or industry.
  • Observe how the names and contact information are included and follow suit
  • Include your resume objective or summary, following the pattern
  • Take a look at how the skills are highlighted and do the same
  • Get keywords from the sample and use them in your own resume
  • Mention your education using the structure in the example
  • Pay attention to the font style and use the same when creating your resume
  • Make sure you proofread your resume to confirm if it aligns with the sample you used

After doing this, you can rest assured that you have created a professional resume.

Before explaining how these examples work, let's clear air. They should not be mistaken for resume templates that are ready-made document format designed to help job-seekers portray their career achievements, skills, education, and work experience to their potential employers in an organized and attractive way. Now, the purpose of an example is to provide you with sufficient context, general best practices, and insight on what a resume for a specific industry looks like. Once you have an idea about how writing a specific or targeted resume works, you can improve the way you write your resume. This is how they work in helping you achieve your goals of writing a job-winning resume.

Here's why we recommend you use them:

  • Makes writing a top-notch resume Easier

Most of them are written by resume experts

  • Helps you to avoid the mistakes most job seekers make

Saves you time

Makes writing a top-notch resume easier.

Writing a professional resume is easier when you use a resume example. It's no longer a hidden secret that some job seekers know little to nothing about creating a resume or cover letter. If you fall under this category, that's no problem at all. Not everyone is great at putting words on paper. So, don't feel bad because you struggle with this aspect. It isn't all doom and gloom.

Here's what you can do to make things better:

Look for samples of resumes related to the industry or position you are applying for and use them as a guide when writing yours. This will improve your ability to write a job-winning resume quickly.

When you use them, you are simply following a laid-down blueprint on the right way to write a resume suitable for any industry. This is because the options you will find on resume builders are crafted by resume experts. These experts possess vast knowledge about the do's and don'ts when it comes to writing a resume. They understand perfectly well what hiring managers look out for when they screen job resumes. For this reason, they ensure that the examples they make available to you on the resume builders are easy to read and well-formatted. They make it possible for you to draw the attention of any employer to your skills, experiences, and accomplishments. You can be sure that writer's block is a thing of the past when you use them as your guide. And the best part is this — you will be able to create a resume that will leave a lasting impression on your potential employers.

Helps you to avoid the mistakes that most job seekers make

One way to avoid the mistakes that most job seekers make is to use a guide for writing resumes. According to experts' opinions, most job seekers make spelling and grammatical errors. In the eyes of your potential employers, these mistakes are red flags that can prevent you from getting the job you crave. Using examples to create your own resume can help you cut out mistakes because you need to pay attention to every detail. By doing this, you can avoid the errors your competitors will likely make in their resumes. This gives you the upper hand.

Writing a resume from scratch takes a lot of time. But it gets better when you use samples because you get to save yourself a few minutes or hours of brain-racking. All you have to do is find a resume ideal for the industry of your choosing and use it to your advantage. Besides saving you time, you won't need to go through as much stress as you would have if you had to start from scratch.

Making a decision to use examples when crafting your resume is one step in the right direction. But before you settle for an example, here are a few things you should consider during your search:

  • Ensure they are industry-related resume
  • The resume format (Chronological, Functional, or Combination Resume Format). Make sure it is the perfect fit for the position you are applying for.

When it comes to resume writing, you control the situation completely. It is up to you to create a great resume that is well-suited to a particular position or industry. You can use this opportunity to transform your previous job experience into a sensation and catch the eye of your potential employers. If you want to pull this off easily, you can edit samples of resumes. The sole purpose of an example is to provide you with the right context required to craft a resume for a certain industry or job title. Every tip, resume format, or phrase you will find is designed to help you target industries specifically and show your worth. It helps you to prove to your employers that you are a professional who understands the demands of a position and the goal of the company. With the aid of this guide, you can easily draw the attention of the company's management to your skills, dedication, knowledge, and expertise. Regardless of the industry, you plan to begin or continue your career in, there is an example available for you to use. This implies that if you want to impress employers in industries like Information Technology, Real Estate Management, Accounting, and many others, there is one for you to edit according to your needs. No one is left out.

Final Words

So far, we have shared with you all you need to know when using these helpful tools to create your resume. It's now up to you to use all we have shown and explained to you to your advantage. Remember, although writing a great resume can be tasking, you can rest assured that if you use samples on industry-related resumes the writing experience will be much easier. We wish you success in your job hunting.

Targeting other Retail? See one of our examples:

  • Fashion Merchandiser
  • Operation Supervisor
  • Library Director
  • Store Sales Associate
  • Supermarket Manager
  • Sales Support Representative

Most popular Resume Examples:

Learn from people who have succeeded in their job hunt

  • Journeyman Electrician
  • Junior Accountant
  • Kitchen Manager
  • Overnight Stocker
  • Cosmetic Manager
  • Merchandise Associate
  • Cash Application Specialist
  • Presentation Specialist
  • Retail Store Supervisor
  • Telecommunications and Wireless

Sales And Operations Manager resume examples for 2024

A sales and operations manager's resume should highlight their ability to manage business operations, lead teams, and drive sales growth. They should demonstrate their ability to plan merchandise replenishment, manage inventory, and optimize sales performance. They should also showcase their expertise in managing vendors and maintaining positive customer relationships. According to Ken Corbit Ph.D. , Assistant Professor of Professional Practice in Marketing at Texas Christian University, "Holistic knowledge mastery in your industry and strategic question-based selling can contribute to increased earning potential." Andrea Dixon Ph.D. , Executive Director, Center for Professional Selling, Frank and Floy Smith Holloway Endowed Professorship in Marketing, President, University Sales Center Alliance 2019-2021 at Baylor University, adds that "growth in revenue or quota attainment for the overall team and long-term performance indicators such as investment metrics and the percent of their unit promoted to managerial roles in the organization" should be highlighted on a sales and operations manager's resume.


Sales And Operations Manager resume example

How to format your sales and operations manager resume:.

  • Align the job title on your resume with the applied position for a sales and operations manager role.
  • Highlight achievements rather than responsibilities in your work experience section.
  • Follow the advice of recruiters and hiring managers to fit your resume on one page.
  • Dr. Angela Woodland Ph.D. , Professor at Montana State University, suggests that data analytics skills are in high demand for sales and operations managers. A desirable job candidate should be able to import large data sets, clean data, manipulate data, interrogate data, and draw conclusions from the data. Additionally, the job candidate should be able to prepare informative and easy-to-follow data visualizations of the results.
  • Christine Tonnis , Assistant Professor and Co-op Adviser at the University of Cincinnati, recommends that engineering graduates consider obtaining a certificate from the University of Cincinnati College of Engineering & Applied Sciences. Great choices for a certificate would be Data Science, Cyber Operations, or Biomedical Informatics.

Choose from 10+ customizable sales and operations manager resume templates

Choose from a variety of easy-to-use sales and operations manager resume templates and get expert advice from Zippia’s AI resume writer along the way. Using pre-approved templates, you can rest assured that the structure and format of your sales and operations manager resume is top notch. Choose a template with the colors, fonts & text sizes that are appropriate for your industry.

Sales And Operations Manager Resume

Sales And Operations Manager resume format and sections

1. add contact information to your sales and operations manager resume.

Sales And Operations Manager Resume Contact Information Example # 1

Dhruv Johnson

[email protected] | 333-111-2222 |

2. Add relevant education to your sales and operations manager resume

Your resume's education section should include:

  • The name of your school
  • The date you graduated ( Month, Year or Year are both appropriate)
  • The name of your degree

If you graduated more than 15 years ago, you should consider dropping your graduation date to avoid age discrimination.

Optional subsections for your education section include:

  • Academic awards (Dean's List, Latin honors, etc. )
  • GPA (if you're a recent graduate and your GPA was 3.5+)
  • Extra certifications
  • Academic projects (thesis, dissertation, etc. )

Other tips to consider when writing your education section include:

  • If you're a recent graduate, you might opt to place your education section above your experience section
  • The more work experience you get, the shorter your education section should be
  • List your education in reverse chronological order, with your most recent and high-ranking degrees first
  • If you haven't graduated yet, you can include "Expected graduation date" to the entry for that school

Check More About Sales And Operations Manager Education

Sales And Operations Manager Resume Relevant Education Example # 1

Bachelor's Degree In Business 2002 - 2005

Ohio State University Columbus, OH

Sales And Operations Manager Resume Relevant Education Example # 2

Bachelor's Degree In Business 2003 - 2006

University of Maryland - College Park College Park, MD

3. Next, create a sales and operations manager skills section on your resume

Your resume's skills section should include the most important keywords from the job description, as long as you actually have those skills. If you haven't started your job search yet, you can look over resumes to get an idea of what skills are the most important.

Here are some tips to keep in mind when writing your resume's skills section:

  • Include 6-12 skills, in bullet point form
  • List mostly hard skills ; soft skills are hard to test
  • Emphasize the skills that are most important for the job

Hard skills are generally more important to hiring managers because they relate to on-the-job knowledge and specific experience with a certain technology or process.

Soft skills are also valuable, as they're highly transferable and make you a great person to work alongside, but they're impossible to prove on a resume.

Example of skills to include on an sales and operations manager resume

Customer service is the process of offering assistance to all the current and potential customers -- answering questions, fixing problems, and providing excellent service. The main goal of customer service is to build a strong relationship with the customers so that they keep coming back for more business.

Salesforce is an American cloud-based software company based in San Francisco, California. This company provides customer relationship management services that enable the customers to be closer to the company. It gives the company detailed information about each customer, including marketing, sales, commerce, and services. Salesforce also helps market a product to attract more buyers, and helps win more customers by targeting the right audience.

CRM stands for Customer relationship management and it is a complete process through which a business or organization monitors and administers its interactions with the customers. A process in which large amounts of data are collected through marketing via a company's website, polls, surveys, and other social media applications. The basic goal of CRM is to target the right audience for their product, and then fulfill their needs, to increase the sales and revenue of the company.

Sales organization is part of a firm or company's entire business organization, which is focused on the distribution of goods. The sales organization is responsible for the efficient allocation of goods and services to the client. This is also defined as the group of individuals working together to market a product and sell to consumers or clients. And the sales organization is tasked with planning and controlling activities to include recruitment, orientation, and training of employees and the assigning to their tasks, supervision, and motivation to perform well.

Product knowledge is the skill of having better information and knowledge about the product you are selling. Product knowledge is essential for the employees of the companies so they can communicate and inform the customers about the product. Having great product knowledge is essential for a better sales pitch and to give the customer a better and complete idea of the product that will influence him to buy the product eventually.

Logistics is a complete organization and implementation of a problem. Logistics are often considered in a complex business operation, as some works need detailed plannings. Logistics are also used in military action.

The operations that carry out the inner working of an organization are called business operations. From creating products, to marketing them, business operations play a vital role in every step.

Top Skills for a Sales And Operations Manager

  • Sales Operations , 11.9%
  • Customer Service , 11.1%
  • Salesforce , 8.4%
  • Other Skills , 61.6%

4. List your sales and operations manager experience

The most important part of any resume for a sales and operations manager is the experience section. Recruiters and hiring managers expect to see your experience listed in reverse chronological order, meaning that you should begin with your most recent experience and then work backwards.

Don't just list your job duties below each job entry. Instead, make sure most of your bullet points discuss impressive achievements from your past positions. Whenever you can, use numbers to contextualize your accomplishments for the hiring manager reading your resume.

It's okay if you can't include exact percentages or dollar figures. There's a big difference even between saying "Managed a team of sales and operations managers" and "Managed a team of 6 sales and operations managers over a 9-month project. "

Most importantly, make sure that the experience you include is relevant to the job you're applying for. Use the job description to ensure that each bullet point on your resume is appropriate and helpful.

  • Generated over 1M in supply and hardware sales on an annual basis.
  • Consulted with C-level decision makers and IT directors to formulate customized technology solutions including hardware, software and services.
  • Deepened current customer partnerships and established new revenue opportunities by developing relationships with C-Level decision makers for small to medium businesses.
  • Worked with procurement officers and IT managers to influence SOW's and RFQ's.
  • Implemented strategic sales methodology to expand/create partnerships at C-levels in accounts resulting in 13% YOY growth in business for 2012.
  • Monitored par inventory levels via FIFO method; tracked food waste and recommended best practices.
  • Directed runners and servers to deliver complete orders.
  • Prepared food for main dishes, appetizers, soups, dressings & garnishes.
  • Cleaned and sanitized kitchen and works areas, ensuring compliance with ServSafe procedures and health regulations.
  • Used proper food handling, storage and sanitation techniques at all times (HACCP).
  • Maintained a system called
  • Partnered with existing logistics, operations, and property management to streamline and re-engineer processes.
  • Co-designed and managed DellHost's first CRM (customer relationship management) tool and other ongoing training programs.
  • Developed and presented PowerPoint presentations to customers delivering company products and services.
  • Launched Sprint's largest fixed wireless, high speed Internet service, beaming into homes and businesses in the Chicago area.
  • Prepared work schedules ensuring that personnel coverage supported projected sales targets.
  • Administered enhancement prioritization with region counterparts, Area Operations, and IT.
  • Worked in unison with director implementing strategies that improved quality and on-time performance for T1 service delivery from Maine to Manhattan.
  • Implemented efficient operational systems and processes to organize store functions, which accelerated manager response time for approval forms.
  • Accelerated and accomplished full complement of Verizon Wireless products and services.

5. Highlight sales and operations manager certifications on your resume

Specific sales and operations manager certifications can be a powerful tool to show employers you've developed the appropriate skills.

If you have any of these certifications, make sure to put them on your sales and operations manager resume:

  • Certified Sales Professional (CSP)
  • Sales Management
  • Professional Certified Marketer (PCM)
  • Project Management Professional (PMP)
  • Certified Manager Certification (CM)
  • Certified Management Accountant (CMA)
  • International Accredited Business Accountant (IABA)
  • Certified Professional, Life and Health Insurance Program (CPLHI)
  • Automotive Sales Professional
  • Certified Economic Developer (CEcD)

6. Finally, add an sales and operations manager resume summary or objective statement

A resume summary statement consists of 1-3 sentences at the top of your sales and operations manager resume that quickly summarizes who you are and what you have to offer. The summary statement should include your job title, years of experience (if it's 3+), and an impressive accomplishment, if you have space for it.

Remember to emphasize skills and experiences that feature in the job description.

Common sales and operations manager resume skills

  • Sales Operations
  • Customer Service
  • Sales Process
  • Project Management
  • Process Improvement
  • Sales Organization
  • Product Knowledge
  • Strong Analytical
  • Business Operations
  • Customer Satisfaction
  • Sales Performance
  • Revenue Growth
  • Account Management
  • Business Development
  • Sales Support
  • Inventory Control
  • Sales Training
  • Lead Management
  • Sales Strategies
  • Human Resources
  • Sales Reports
  • Business Processes
  • Direct Reports
  • Pricing Strategy
  • Business Plan
  • Google Drive
  • Sales Growth
  • Sales Associates
  • Territory Planning
  • Sales Revenue
  • Loss Prevention
  • Opportunity Management
  • Enterprise Sales
  • Trade Shows
  • Cash Control
  • Training Programs
  • Inventory Management
  • Customer Retention
  • Customer Support
  • Customer Relations

Sales And Operations Manager Jobs

Links to help optimize your sales and operations manager resume.

  • How To Write A Resume
  • List Of Skills For Your Resume
  • How To Write A Resume Summary Statement
  • Action Words For Your Resume
  • How To List References On Your Resume

Updated April 25, 2024

Editorial Staff

The Zippia Research Team has spent countless hours reviewing resumes, job postings, and government data to determine what goes into getting a job in each phase of life. Professional writers and data scientists comprise the Zippia Research Team.

Sales And Operations Manager Related Resumes

  • Area Operations Manager Resume
  • Branch Sales Manager Resume
  • Director Of Sales And Operations Resume
  • District Sales Manager Resume
  • General Sales Manager Resume
  • Inside Sales Manager Resume
  • Market Sales Manager Resume
  • Marketing And Operations Manager Resume
  • Office And Operations Manager Resume
  • Regional Sales Manager Resume
  • Sales And Marketing Manager Resume
  • Sales Manager Resume
  • Senior Operations Manager Resume
  • Senior Sales Manager Resume
  • Train Operations Manager Resume

Sales And Operations Manager Related Careers

  • Area Operations Manager
  • Branch Sales Manager
  • Director Of Sales And Operations
  • District Manager
  • District Sales Manager
  • General Sales Manager
  • Inside Sales Manager
  • Market Sales Manager
  • Marketing And Operations Manager
  • Office And Operations Manager
  • Product Manager/Sales
  • Regional Manager
  • Regional Sales Manager
  • Sales And Marketing Manager
  • Sales Manager

Sales And Operations Manager Related Jobs

What similar roles do.

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  • Sales And Operations Manager Resume

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  • Sales Operations Manager

5 Amazing sales operations manager Resume Examples (Updated 2023) + Skills & Job Descriptions

Build your resume in 15 minutes, sales operations manager: resume samples & writing guide, henry ingram, employment history.

  • Manage sales operations team and provide guidance and support
  • Train and support sales teams in sales operations processes
  • Develop and implement sales operations processes and procedures
  • Identify areas of improvement and develop strategies to increase efficiency
  • Design and maintain an effective customer relationship management system
  • Analyze sales data and identify opportunities for improvement
  • Analyze sales performance and monitor KPIs
  • Develop and maintain relationships with key stakeholders

Do you already have a resume? Use our PDF converter and edit your resume.

  • Create and manage customer segmentation strategies
  • Collaborate with other departments to ensure effective sales operations
  • Develop and maintain sales budgets and pricing models
  • Monitor and analyze customer trends and market conditions

Kenny Watson

Professional summary.

  • Create and manage incentive programs

Oscar Evans

  • Monitor and evaluate sales performance against goals

Not in love with this template? Browse our full library of resume templates

resume sales operations manager

Table of Content

  • Introduction
  • Resume Samples & Writing Guide
  • Resume Example 1
  • Resume Example 2
  • Resume Example 3
  • Resume Example 4
  • Resume Example 5
  • Jobs Description
  • Jobs Skills
  • Technical Skills
  • Soft Skills
  • How to Improve Your Resume
  • How to Optimize Your Resume
  • Cover Letter Example

sales operations manager Job Descriptions; Explained

If you're applying for an sales operations manager position, it's important to tailor your resume to the specific job requirements in order to differentiate yourself from other candidates. Including accurate and relevant information that directly aligns with the job description can greatly increase your chances of securing an interview with potential employers. When crafting your resume, be sure to use action verbs and a clear, concise format to highlight your relevant skills and experience. Remember, the job description is your first opportunity to make an impression on recruiters, so pay close attention to the details and make sure you're presenting yourself in the best possible light.

sales operations manager

  • Managed Customer Service Team, Inside Sales professional and Receptionist /Administrator. 
  • Handled escalations from Customer Service calls and emails; offered solutions and problem-solving options to benefit the customer and company alike. 
  • Supported external Regional Business Managers, Warranty and Returns Department, Training Managers and Technical Support Department. 
  • Reviewed Departmental budget and approved all customer credit requests. 
  • Effectively solved customer challenges with resolution that both satisfies the customer and maintained profit for the company. 
  • Worked closely with Production, Operations, Shipping, Purchasing, Credit, Quality, Warranty, IT and Finance departments at numerous locations. 
  • Identified and created work instructions and procedures to streamline and enhance processes.  
  • Achieve sales objectives based on company and local market goals
  • Contact new and existing clients to discuss needs to Approved Vendor List, bidding and introduce new product
  • Manage 100+ accounts while running front office as first contact to all accounts
  • Negotiate pricing with factory in order to solidify relations with customer
  • Liaison between Sales Engineers, warehouse, factory and customer
  • Web-editing; with drawings and technical writing to keep website up to date
  • Facilitated ordering procedures for Build of Materials mainly for cables current to industry 
  • Managed key accounts with €11M revenue responsibility and initiated programs & services to achieve goals.
  • Developed and implemented organizational policies and procedures for the firm.
  • Developed and promoted accountability to encourage and empower employees to invest in their future. 
  • Attended meetings with Senior Management and Executive team within the organization. 
  • Participant in both departmental and cross brand project meetings for overall business improvements, re-branding and organizational restructuring. 
  • Provided employees with guidance in handling difficult or complex problems or in resolving escalated complaints or disputes. 
  • Trained and instructed employees in job duties and company policies.

sales operations manager Job Skills

For an sales operations manager position, your job skills are a key factor in demonstrating your value to the company and showing recruiters that you're the ight fit for the role. It's important to be specific when highlighting your skills and ensure that they are directly aligned with the job requirements, as this can greatly improve your chances of being hired. By showcasing your relevant skills and experience, you can make a compelling case for why you're the best candidate for the job.

How to include technical skills in your resume:

Technical skills are a set of specialized abilities and knowledge required to perform a particular job effectively. Some examples of technical skills are data analysis, project management, software proficiency, and programming languages, to name a few. Add the technical skills that will get hired in your career field with our simple-to-use resume builder. Select your desired resume template, once you reach the skills section of the builder, manually write in the skill or simply click on "Add more skills". This will automatically generate the best skills for your career field, choose your skill level, and hit "Save & Next."

  • Data Analysis
  • Project Management
  • Customer Service
  • Presentation
  • Written Communication
  • Social Media
  • Troubleshooting
  • Quality Assurance
  • Supervisory
  • Risk Management
  • Database Management
  • Financial Management
  • Visualization
  • Business Acumen
  • Process Improvement
  • Relationship Management

How to include soft skills in your resume:

Soft skills are non-technical skills that relate to how you work and that can be used in any job. Including soft skills such as time management, creative thinking, teamwork, and conflict resolution demonstrate your problem-solving abilities and show that you navigate challenges and changes in the workplace efficiently. Add competitive soft skills to make your resume stand-out to recruiters! Simply select your preferred resume template in the skills section, enter the skills manually or use the "Add more skills" option. Our resume builder will generate the most relevant soft skills for your career path. Choose your proficiency level for each skill, and then click "Save & Next" to proceed to the next section.

  • Communication
  • Interpersonal
  • Time Management
  • Problem Solving
  • Decision Making
  • Critical Thinking
  • Adaptability
  • Organization
  • Public Speaking
  • Negotiation
  • Conflict Resolution
  • Attention to Detail
  • Self-Motivation
  • Stress Management
  • Collaboration
  • Strategic Thinking
  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Flexibility
  • Reliability
  • Professionalism
  • Computer Literacy
  • Documentation
  • Relationship Management.

How to Improve Your sales operations manager Resume

Navigating resume pitfalls can mean the difference between landing an interview or not. Missing job descriptions or unexplained work history gaps can cause recruiters to hesitate. Let's not even talk about the impact of bad grammar, and forgetting your contact info could leave your potential employer hanging. Aim to be comprehensive, concise, and accurate.

  • Develp and implement sales operations processes and procedurs
  • Collabrate with other departments to ensure effective sales operations
  • Design and mantain an effective customer relationship management system.
  • Identifye areas of improvent and develope stratergies to increse efficieny
  • Collaboratee with otheer departments to ensuree effective sales operatins
  • Managee sales operatins team and provide guidace and suport
  • Mointor and analize customer trends and market conditons
  • Create and mannage incentive programs
  • Develop and maitain relationships with key stakeholdeers

Avoid Spelling Mistakes and Include your Contact Information

Missing contact information prevents recruiters from understanding you're the best fit for the position..

  • Make sure you're not missing contact information on your resume. That should include your full name, telephone number and email address.
  • Make sure to use a professional email address as part of your contact information.
  • Highlight your contact information and double check that everything is accurate to help recruiters get in touch with you.

How to Optimize Your sales operations manager Resume

Keep an eye out for these resume traps. Neglecting to detail your job roles or explain gaps in your career can lead to unnecessary doubts. Grammar blunders can reflect negatively on you, and without contact information, how can employers reach you? Be meticulous and complete.

Pauline King

  • Manage sales reporting and forecasting

Unexplained Year Gaps and Missing Job Experiences are a No-no

Gaps in your resume can prevent recruiters from hiring you if you don't explain them..

  • It's okay to have gaps in your work experience but always offer a valid explanation instead of just hiding it.
  • Use the gap to talk about positive attributes or additional skills you've learned.
  • Be honest and straightforward about the gap and explain it using a professional summary.

sales operations manager Cover Letter Example

A cover letter can be a valuable addition to your job application when applying for an sales operations manager position. Cover letters provide a concise summary of your qualifications, skills, and experience, also it also gives you an opportunity to explain why you're the best fit for the job. Crafting a cover letter that showcases your relevant experience and enthusiasm for the Accounts Payable role can significantly improve your chances of securing an interview.

Esteemed Recruitment Team

I am writing to express my interest in the Senior Sales Operations Manager position at Oracle. As a Sales Operations Manager with 4 years of experience in Sales myself, I believe I have the necessary skills and expertise to excel in this role.

Growing up, I always had a fascination with Business Development. As I pursued my education and gained experience in this field, I realized that this was where I could make the most impact. I have had the opportunity to work on things throughout my career like personal projects and voluntary work, which have developed in me a deep understanding of the challenges and opportunities in this field. I am excited to bring my passion and expertise to the role at and help your organization achieve its goals.

I appreciate the opportunity to apply for the Senior Sales Operations Manager position. I am committed to making a positive impact on the world, so I am thrilled about the opportunity to join your team and work towards achieving our shared goals for the betterment of everyone.

Showcase your most significant accomplishments and qualifications with this cover letter. Personalize this cover letter in just few minutes with our user-friendly tool!

Related Resumes & Cover Letters






Looking to explore other career options within the Sales field?

Check out our other resume of resume examples.

  • Entry-level Sales Resume
  • Salesman Resume
  • Sales Specialist Resume
  • Sales Representative Resume
  • Sales Person Resume
  • Sales Engineer Resume
  • Sales Director Resume
  • Sales Coordinator Resume
  • Sales Consultant Resume
  • Pharmaceutical Sales Rep Resume
  • Car Salesman Resume
  • Sales Associate Resume
  • Sales Operations Manager Resume
  • Sales Manager Resume
  • Door To Door Sales Resume
  • Student Ambassador Resume
  • Gaming Resume
  • Career Change Resume
  • Athlete Resume
  • Sales Resume
  • Outside Sales Resume
  • Medical Sales Resume
  • Insurance Sales Resume
  • Inside Sales Resume
  • Technical Sales Resume
  • Sales Support Resume
  • Lead Generation Resume



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22 Operations Manager Resume Examples for Your 2024 Job Search

Operations managers are great at streamlining processes and ensuring that all tasks are completed efficiently. As an operations manager, your resume should be just like an operations plan. It should be organized, efficient, and tailored to the needs of the employer. In this guide, we'll review X operations manager resume examples to help you land your dream job in 2023.

operations manager resume

Resume Examples

Resume guidance.

  • High Level Resume Tips
  • Must-Have Information
  • Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important
  • Writing an Exceptional Resume Summary
  • How to Impress with Your Work Experience
  • Top Skills & Keywords
  • Go Above & Beyond with a Cover Letter
  • Resume FAQs
  • Related Resumes

Common Responsibilities Listed on Operations Manager Resumes:

  • Develop and implement operational strategies and processes to improve efficiency and effectiveness
  • Establish and maintain operational policies and procedures
  • Monitor and analyze operational performance to identify areas of improvement
  • Oversee the daily operations of the organization
  • Manage and motivate staff to ensure high performance and productivity
  • Develop and manage budgets and financial plans
  • Ensure compliance with relevant laws and regulations
  • Develop and implement strategies to reduce costs and increase profits
  • Monitor and review performance of staff and take corrective action when necessary
  • Coordinate with other departments to ensure efficient operations
  • Develop and implement customer service standards and procedures
  • Monitor customer feedback and take appropriate action

You can use the examples above as a starting point to help you brainstorm tasks, accomplishments for your work experience section.

Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a new inventory management system, resulting in a 25% reduction in inventory costs and a 15% increase in order fulfillment speed.
  • Managed a team of 20 employees, improving overall productivity by 20% through effective coaching and performance management.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to streamline the supply chain process, reducing lead times by 30% and improving on-time delivery rates by 25%.
  • Managed a budget of $5M, reducing operational costs by 10% through effective financial planning and budget management.
  • Implemented a new customer service training program, resulting in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction scores and a 10% reduction in customer complaints.
  • Developed and implemented a new safety program, resulting in a 50% reduction in workplace accidents and injuries.
  • Developed and implemented a new quality control program, resulting in a 30% reduction in product defects and a 20% increase in customer satisfaction scores.
  • Managed a team of 15 employees, improving overall productivity by 25% through effective coaching and performance management.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to implement a new ERP system, resulting in a 15% increase in efficiency and a 10% reduction in operational costs.
  • Inventory management
  • Team management
  • Coaching and performance management
  • Cross-functional collaboration
  • Supply chain optimization
  • Budget management
  • Financial planning
  • Customer service training
  • Safety program development
  • Quality control
  • ERP system implementation
  • Process improvement
  • Time management
  • Strategic planning
  • Project management
  • Data analysis
  • Risk management
  • Vendor management
  • Change management
  • Lean Six Sigma

Retail Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a new inventory management system, resulting in a 25% reduction in stockouts and a 15% increase in sales.
  • Analyzed store performance metrics and identified areas for improvement, resulting in a 10% increase in customer satisfaction scores and a 5% increase in average transaction value.
  • Lead store teams in the execution of promotional activities and special events, resulting in a 20% increase in foot traffic and a 10% increase in sales during the holiday season.
  • Managed store budgets and ensured cost-effectiveness, resulting in a 10% reduction in operational costs and a 5% increase in profit margins.
  • Developed and implemented policies and procedures to ensure compliance with company standards, resulting in a 100% compliance rate during internal audits.
  • Maintained relationships with vendors and suppliers, negotiating favorable terms and reducing procurement costs by 15%.
  • Monitored and evaluated employee performance and provided feedback and coaching, resulting in a 20% increase in employee satisfaction scores and a 10% reduction in turnover rate.
  • Developed and maintained relationships with local community organizations, resulting in a 15% increase in customer traffic and a 10% increase in sales.
  • Analyzed customer feedback and developed strategies to improve customer satisfaction, resulting in a 10% increase in customer satisfaction scores and a 5% increase in repeat business.
  • Store performance analysis
  • Promotional planning and execution
  • Policy and procedure development
  • Compliance management
  • Vendor and supplier relationship management
  • Employee performance evaluation
  • Coaching and feedback
  • Community engagement
  • Customer satisfaction analysis
  • Strategy development
  • Sales forecasting
  • Team leadership
  • Problem-solving
  • Communication and negotiation
  • Adaptability
  • Conflict resolution

Sales Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a sales incentive program that increased sales team productivity by 25% and resulted in a 10% increase in revenue within the first quarter.
  • Analyzed sales performance data and identified areas of improvement, resulting in a 15% increase in customer retention rates and a 20% increase in upsell opportunities.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to streamline sales operations processes and procedures, reducing order processing time by 30% and improving customer satisfaction scores by 15%.
  • Managed and coordinated sales operations activities, resulting in a 20% increase in customer onboarding efficiency and a 25% reduction in order processing errors.
  • Developed and maintained sales operations reports and dashboards, providing real-time visibility into sales performance metrics and enabling data-driven decision-making.
  • Implemented sales operations training programs, resulting in a 30% improvement in sales team knowledge and skills and a 20% increase in sales productivity.
  • Developed and implemented sales operations strategies that increased sales efficiency and effectiveness by 35% and resulted in a 10% increase in revenue within the first year.
  • Managed and coordinated sales operations budget and forecast, resulting in a 15% reduction in operational costs and a 20% increase in profitability.
  • Collaborated with other departments to align sales operations processes with company goals and objectives, resulting in a 25% improvement in cross-functional communication and collaboration.
  • Sales strategy development and implementation
  • Sales performance analysis and reporting
  • Sales process optimization and streamlining
  • Cross-functional collaboration and communication
  • Sales operations budgeting and forecasting
  • Sales incentive program design and management
  • Customer retention and upselling strategies
  • Sales operations training and development
  • Data-driven decision-making
  • Sales team management and coordination
  • Sales operations reporting and dashboard creation
  • Customer onboarding and order processing efficiency
  • Sales productivity improvement
  • Operational cost reduction and profitability management

Business Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a new customer service strategy that resulted in a 25% increase in customer satisfaction scores and a 10% decrease in customer complaints within the first year.
  • Managed a project to streamline the supply chain process, resulting in a 15% reduction in inventory costs and a 20% increase in on-time delivery rates.
  • Collaborated with the finance team to create and manage a budget that reduced operational costs by 10% while maintaining high levels of service quality.
  • Lead a team of cross-functional stakeholders to develop and implement a new employee training program, resulting in a 30% increase in employee productivity and a 20% decrease in employee turnover.
  • Managed a project to implement a new CRM system, resulting in a 15% increase in sales revenue and a 10% increase in customer retention rates.
  • Collaborated with external vendors to negotiate new contracts, resulting in a 15% reduction in costs and a 10% increase in service quality.
  • Developed and implemented a new performance management system, resulting in a 20% increase in employee engagement and a 15% increase in productivity.
  • Managed a project to improve the company's online presence, resulting in a 25% increase in website traffic and a 20% increase in online sales revenue.
  • Collaborated with the HR team to develop and implement a new employee benefits program, resulting in a 10% increase in employee satisfaction and a 5% decrease in employee turnover.
  • Budgeting and financial management
  • Supply chain management
  • Customer service strategy
  • Team leadership and collaboration
  • Employee training and development
  • Performance management
  • CRM system implementation
  • Vendor management and contract negotiation
  • Online presence and digital marketing
  • Employee benefits and HR collaboration
  • Cross-functional stakeholder management
  • Data analysis and reporting

Amazon Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a new inventory management system, resulting in a 25% reduction in stockouts and a 15% increase in on-time delivery rates.
  • Lead a team of 50 associates to achieve a 98% accuracy rate in order fulfillment, exceeding company standards and improving customer satisfaction scores by 10%.
  • Implemented a new training program for associates, resulting in a 20% reduction in training time and a 30% increase in productivity.
  • Managed a team of 100 associates to achieve a 99% accuracy rate in inventory management, reducing inventory holding costs by 20%.
  • Developed and implemented a new scheduling system, resulting in a 15% reduction in overtime costs and a 10% increase in productivity.
  • Implemented a new quality control program, resulting in a 25% reduction in customer complaints and a 20% increase in customer satisfaction scores.
  • Lead a team of 75 associates to achieve a 99% accuracy rate in order fulfillment, exceeding company standards and improving customer satisfaction scores by 15%.
  • Implemented a new vendor management program, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs and a 10% increase in supplier performance.
  • Order fulfillment
  • Training and development
  • Scheduling and resource allocation
  • Safety and risk management
  • Cost reduction and efficiency improvement
  • Customer satisfaction and relationship management
  • Data analysis and performance metrics
  • Process improvement and implementation
  • Time management and prioritization
  • Communication and collaboration
  • Problem-solving and decision-making

IT Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented disaster recovery plans, resulting in a 50% reduction in downtime during system outages.
  • Managed IT vendor relationships, negotiating contracts and reducing costs by 15% while maintaining high service levels.
  • Trained and mentored IT staff, resulting in a 25% increase in team productivity and a 10% decrease in employee turnover.
  • Monitored and maintained IT systems, networks, and applications, achieving a 99.9% uptime rate and ensuring high levels of customer satisfaction.
  • Managed and coordinated IT projects and initiatives, completing projects on time and within budget, resulting in a 20% increase in project success rate.
  • Researched and recommended new technologies, leading to the adoption of cloud-based solutions and reducing operational costs by 30%.
  • Developed and maintained IT operations policies and procedures, ensuring compliance with security policies and procedures and reducing the risk of security breaches by 40%.
  • Overseen the installation, configuration, and maintenance of hardware and software, resulting in a 25% reduction in system downtime and a 15% increase in system performance.
  • Troubleshot and resolved IT system and network issues, reducing the average resolution time by 50% and improving overall system reliability by 30%.
  • Disaster recovery planning
  • IT staff training and mentoring
  • IT systems monitoring and maintenance
  • Project management and coordination
  • Technology research and recommendation
  • IT operations policy development and compliance
  • Hardware and software installation and configuration
  • Troubleshooting and issue resolution
  • Network administration and security
  • Cloud-based solutions implementation
  • IT budgeting and cost reduction
  • Customer satisfaction and service level management
  • IT risk management and mitigation
  • System performance optimization

Call Center Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new quality assurance program that resulted in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction scores and a 15% decrease in call handling time.
  • Developed and implemented a training program for call center staff that resulted in a 25% increase in first call resolution rates and a 10% decrease in customer complaints.
  • Collaborated with key stakeholders to develop and implement a new call routing system, resulting in a 30% increase in call volume capacity and a 20% decrease in wait times.
  • Managed a budget of $3M for call center operations, achieving a 10% cost reduction through process improvements and vendor negotiations.
  • Developed and implemented a new performance management system for call center staff, resulting in a 15% increase in employee engagement and a 10% decrease in turnover.
  • Collaborated with IT to implement new call center technology, resulting in a 25% increase in call center efficiency and a 20% decrease in system downtime.
  • Developed and implemented a new customer service policy that resulted in a 15% increase in customer satisfaction scores and a 10% decrease in customer complaints.
  • Managed a team of 50 call center staff, achieving a 20% increase in productivity through coaching and performance management.
  • Collaborated with marketing to develop and implement a new customer feedback program, resulting in a 25% increase in customer feedback response rates and a 15% increase in customer retention.
  • Quality assurance management
  • Training program development and implementation
  • Call routing system design and implementation
  • Budget management and cost reduction
  • Performance management system development
  • Call center technology implementation
  • Customer service policy development
  • Team management and coaching
  • Customer feedback program development
  • Stakeholder collaboration
  • Vendor negotiation
  • Employee engagement strategies
  • Customer retention strategies
  • Call center efficiency optimization

Transportation Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new transportation route optimization strategy, resulting in a 15% reduction in transportation costs and a 20% increase in on-time deliveries.
  • Developed and maintained relationships with transportation vendors, negotiating contracts that resulted in a 10% reduction in transportation costs.
  • Managed and coordinated the loading and unloading of goods, reducing loading times by 25% and increasing overall transportation efficiency by 30%.
  • Monitored and managed transportation operations performance, implementing new KPIs that resulted in a 15% increase in overall transportation efficiency.
  • Developed and implemented transportation operations policies and procedures, resulting in a 20% reduction in safety incidents and a 10% increase in customer satisfaction.
  • Analyzed and optimized transportation routes and schedules, reducing transportation costs by 10% and improving on-time delivery rates by 15%.
  • Developed and implemented strategies to improve transportation operations, resulting in a 25% increase in overall transportation efficiency and a 15% reduction in transportation costs.
  • Monitored and managed the performance of transportation staff, implementing new training programs that resulted in a 20% increase in staff productivity and a 10% reduction in safety incidents.
  • Monitored and analyzed customer feedback and complaints, implementing new customer service initiatives that resulted in a 15% increase in customer satisfaction.
  • Route optimization
  • Contract negotiation
  • Loading and unloading coordination
  • Performance monitoring
  • KPI implementation
  • Safety management
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Transportation cost reduction
  • Staff management and training
  • Customer service initiatives
  • Analytical thinking
  • Communication skills
  • Decision-making

Logistics Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new inventory management system, resulting in a 25% reduction in inventory holding costs and a 15% increase in order fulfillment accuracy.
  • Developed and executed a transportation optimization strategy, reducing transportation costs by 20% and improving on-time delivery performance by 10%.
  • Lead a cross-functional team to implement a new warehouse layout and process flow, resulting in a 30% increase in warehouse efficiency and a 25% reduction in labor costs.
  • Managed the selection and implementation of a new third-party logistics provider, resulting in a 15% reduction in transportation costs and a 20% improvement in delivery performance.
  • Developed and executed a supplier performance management program, resulting in a 10% reduction in supplier lead times and a 5% improvement in supplier quality.
  • Implemented a new process for managing customer returns, reducing return processing time by 50% and improving customer satisfaction scores by 15%.
  • Developed and implemented a new process for managing international shipments, resulting in a 20% reduction in customs clearance times and a 10% reduction in transportation costs.
  • Lead a cross-functional team to implement a new warehouse management system, resulting in a 30% increase in warehouse efficiency and a 20% reduction in inventory holding costs.
  • Developed and executed a cost-saving initiative to consolidate shipments, resulting in a 15% reduction in transportation costs and a 10% reduction in carbon emissions.
  • Transportation optimization
  • Warehouse layout and process design
  • Third-party logistics provider selection
  • Supplier performance management
  • Customer returns management
  • International shipping and customs clearance
  • Warehouse management system implementation
  • Cost-saving initiatives and consolidation strategies
  • Cross-functional team leadership
  • Risk management and mitigation
  • Negotiation and vendor management
  • Quality control and assurance
  • Regulatory compliance
  • Environmental sustainability
  • Customer service and satisfaction

Hotel Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new customer service training program that resulted in a 25% increase in positive guest feedback and a 10% increase in overall customer satisfaction scores.
  • Developed and executed a marketing campaign that increased occupancy rates by 15% during the off-season, resulting in a revenue increase of $500,000.
  • Managed a team of 50 staff members and reduced turnover rates by 20% through implementing employee recognition programs and providing opportunities for professional development.
  • Negotiated contracts with vendors and suppliers, resulting in a 10% reduction in operational costs and a savings of $100,000 annually.
  • Implemented a new inventory management system that reduced waste and improved efficiency, resulting in a 15% decrease in inventory costs.
  • Developed and implemented a safety and security protocol that improved guest and staff safety and reduced incidents by 30%.
  • Developed and implemented a revenue management strategy that increased revenue by 20% within the first year.
  • Implemented a new housekeeping system that improved room turnover time by 10% and increased guest satisfaction scores by 15%.
  • Managed a renovation project that resulted in a 25% increase in room rates and a 20% increase in occupancy rates.
  • Customer service excellence
  • Revenue management
  • Marketing and promotions
  • Staff management and development
  • Vendor and supplier negotiations
  • Safety and security protocols
  • Budgeting and cost control
  • Housekeeping and maintenance management
  • Time management and organization
  • Interpersonal and communication skills
  • Analytical and strategic thinking
  • Adaptability and flexibility

Regional Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a regional training program that increased employee productivity by 25% and reduced onboarding time by 30%.
  • Identified and resolved operational issues in a timely manner, resulting in a 15% increase in customer satisfaction scores.
  • Lead and managed a regional operations team to ensure compliance with company policies and procedures, resulting in a 100% compliance rate.
  • Developed and implemented operational strategies to improve efficiency and productivity, resulting in a 20% reduction in costs and a 15% increase in revenue.
  • Monitored and analyzed regional operations performance metrics, identifying process improvements that reduced delivery times by 25% and increased team productivity by 30%.
  • Managed regional budgets, reducing expenses by 10% while maintaining high levels of service quality.
  • Developed and maintained relationships with key stakeholders in the region, resulting in a 20% increase in business partnerships and a 15% increase in revenue.
  • Identified and implemented process improvements to reduce costs and increase efficiency, resulting in a 25% reduction in operational expenses and a 20% increase in productivity.
  • Monitored and analyzed customer feedback to identify areas of improvement, resulting in a 10% increase in customer satisfaction scores and a 5% increase in customer retention rates.
  • Strategic planning and execution
  • Operational efficiency and productivity improvement
  • Performance metrics analysis and reporting
  • Team leadership and management
  • Process improvement and optimization
  • Stakeholder relationship management
  • Customer satisfaction and retention
  • Compliance and risk management
  • Excellent communication and negotiation skills
  • Adaptability and resilience

FedEx Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a new inventory management system, resulting in a 25% reduction in inventory costs and a 15% increase in order fulfillment efficiency.
  • Analyzed performance metrics and identified areas of improvement in customer service, leading to the implementation of new training programs and a 10% increase in customer satisfaction scores.
  • Lead and motivated a team of 20 employees to achieve a 98% on-time delivery rate and a 20% increase in productivity over a one-year period.
  • Managed the development and implementation of new safety protocols and procedures, resulting in a 30% reduction in workplace accidents and injuries.
  • Developed and managed a budget of $5M, reducing operational costs by 15% through strategic vendor negotiations and process improvements.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and implement new processes and procedures, resulting in a 20% increase in operational efficiency and a 10% reduction in order processing time.
  • Developed and implemented a new customer feedback system, resulting in a 25% increase in customer satisfaction scores and a 15% increase in customer loyalty.
  • Managed and coordinated daily operations for a team of 50 employees, achieving a 99% on-time delivery rate and a 20% increase in productivity over a two-year period.
  • Developed and implemented strategies to improve operational efficiency and reduce costs, resulting in a 15% reduction in operational costs and a 10% increase in order fulfillment efficiency.
  • Performance analysis
  • Customer service improvement
  • Safety protocol development
  • Customer feedback analysis
  • Operations coordination

Senior Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a new operational strategy that increased efficiency by 25% and reduced costs by 20% within the first year.
  • Lead a team of 15 operations staff, resulting in a 10% increase in team productivity and a 15% improvement in overall team satisfaction scores.
  • Established and maintained relationships with key vendors and suppliers, resulting in a 30% reduction in supply chain costs and improved delivery times.
  • Managed and optimized a $5M operational budget, resulting in a 15% reduction in costs and a 10% increase in revenue.
  • Identified and resolved operational issues in a timely manner, resulting in a 20% improvement in customer satisfaction scores and a 25% reduction in customer complaints.
  • Developed and implemented operational policies and procedures, ensuring compliance with relevant laws and regulations and reducing legal risks by 30%.
  • Analyzed and improved existing processes and procedures, resulting in a 20% reduction in operational costs and a 15% increase in efficiency.
  • Developed and implemented strategies to improve customer service, resulting in a 25% increase in customer satisfaction scores and a 20% increase in customer retention rates.
  • Coordinated with other departments to ensure efficient operations, resulting in a 30% reduction in cross-departmental conflicts and a 10% increase in overall team collaboration.
  • Operational strategy development and implementation
  • Budget management and optimization
  • Process improvement and efficiency enhancement
  • Team leadership and motivation
  • Cross-departmental collaboration
  • Risk management and compliance
  • Problem-solving and issue resolution
  • Performance measurement and analysis

Healthcare Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a new patient satisfaction survey system, resulting in a 25% increase in overall satisfaction scores within the first year.
  • Managed a team of 15 staff members and ensured compliance with all applicable laws and regulations, resulting in zero compliance violations during annual audits.
  • Implemented cost-saving measures, including renegotiating vendor contracts and optimizing staffing levels, resulting in a 10% reduction in operational costs.
  • Developed and implemented a quality assurance program, resulting in a 30% reduction in medical errors and a 20% increase in patient safety scores.
  • Managed a budget of $5M and developed financial plans to support organizational goals, resulting in a 15% increase in revenue and a 10% reduction in expenses.
  • Coordinated with other departments to streamline processes and improve efficiency, resulting in a 20% reduction in patient wait times and a 15% increase in patient throughput.
  • Managed and coordinated a project to implement a new electronic health record system, resulting in a 40% reduction in documentation errors and a 30% increase in provider satisfaction scores.
  • Analyzed and reported on operational performance metrics, identifying areas for improvement and implementing strategies to improve efficiency, resulting in a 25% reduction in overtime costs and a 20% increase in productivity.
  • Developed and maintained operational policies and procedures, ensuring compliance with all applicable laws and regulations and improving overall organizational efficiency.
  • Healthcare management
  • Quality assurance
  • Budgeting and financial planning
  • Compliance and regulatory knowledge
  • Electronic health record (EHR) implementation
  • Policy development and implementation
  • Patient satisfaction and safety
  • Staffing optimization

Assistant Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a new scheduling system that reduced labor costs by 15% and increased productivity by 20%.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to streamline inventory management processes, resulting in a 25% reduction in excess inventory and a 10% increase in on-time delivery.
  • Implemented a customer feedback program and developed strategies to improve customer satisfaction, resulting in a 15% increase in customer retention.
  • Managed a team of 20 employees and oversaw daily operations, resulting in a 95% on-time delivery rate and a 10% increase in overall productivity.
  • Developed and implemented a new training program for employees, resulting in a 20% increase in employee satisfaction and a 5% decrease in employee turnover.
  • Collaborated with vendors and suppliers to negotiate contracts and reduce costs, resulting in a 10% reduction in operational expenses.
  • Developed and implemented new operational policies and procedures, resulting in a 30% increase in efficiency and a 20% reduction in errors.
  • Managed budgets and financial plans, resulting in a 5% increase in revenue and a 10% reduction in expenses.
  • Developed and implemented a new quality control program, resulting in a 25% reduction in defects and a 15% increase in customer satisfaction.
  • Operations management
  • Scheduling and planning
  • Team management and leadership
  • Vendor and supplier negotiation

Warehouse Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new inventory management system, resulting in a 25% reduction in stockouts and a 15% increase in inventory accuracy.
  • Developed and executed a safety training program, resulting in a 50% decrease in workplace accidents and injuries.
  • Reduced shipping costs by 20% by negotiating new contracts with carriers and optimizing shipping routes.
  • Managed a team of 20 warehouse staff, achieving a 95% on-time delivery rate and a 98% order accuracy rate.
  • Implemented a new order picking process, resulting in a 30% increase in productivity and a 20% reduction in labor costs.
  • Developed and executed a cost-saving initiative, resulting in a 10% reduction in overall warehouse expenses.
  • Developed and implemented a new warehouse layout, resulting in a 40% increase in storage capacity and a 25% reduction in order fulfillment time.
  • Reduced inventory carrying costs by 15% by optimizing inventory levels and implementing a just-in-time (JIT) inventory system.
  • Implemented a new quality control process, resulting in a 20% reduction in product defects and a 10% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Warehouse layout optimization
  • Safety training and compliance
  • Shipping and logistics coordination
  • Order picking and fulfillment
  • Cost reduction and budgeting
  • Just-in-time inventory systems
  • Customer satisfaction and service
  • Staff training and development

Security Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a comprehensive security awareness program, resulting in a 50% reduction in security incidents caused by employee error.
  • Conducted regular security audits and vulnerability assessments, identifying and addressing critical vulnerabilities before they could be exploited by attackers.
  • Managed a team of 5 security analysts, providing coaching and mentorship that resulted in a 25% increase in team productivity and a 15% decrease in incident response time.
  • Implemented a new security incident response process, reducing the average time to detect and respond to security incidents by 40%.
  • Collaborated with the IT department to implement a new security information and event management (SIEM) system, resulting in a 30% increase in the organization's ability to detect and respond to security threats.
  • Conducted a successful penetration testing exercise, identifying and remediating critical vulnerabilities that could have resulted in a data breach.
  • Developed and implemented a new security policy framework, resulting in a 20% improvement in compliance with security policies and procedures.
  • Managed the implementation of a new intrusion detection system, reducing the number of successful attacks on the organization's systems by 50%.
  • Developed and maintained relationships with external security vendors, resulting in a 15% reduction in the cost of security solutions and services.
  • Security policy development and implementation
  • Security awareness training and education
  • Security auditing and vulnerability assessments
  • Incident response management
  • Team leadership and mentorship
  • Security information and event management (SIEM)
  • Penetration testing and vulnerability remediation
  • Intrusion detection and prevention systems
  • Vendor management and negotiation
  • Risk assessment and mitigation
  • Network security architecture
  • Cyber threat intelligence
  • Data privacy and protection
  • Crisis management and business continuity planning

Marketing Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a new marketing automation platform, resulting in a 25% increase in lead generation and a 20% increase in conversion rates.
  • Collaborated with sales and marketing teams to create and execute a targeted email campaign, resulting in a 30% increase in open rates and a 15% increase in click-through rates.
  • Managed a team of 5 marketing operations specialists, providing coaching and mentorship that led to a 10% increase in team productivity and a 15% improvement in team satisfaction scores.
  • Managed a $1.5M marketing operations budget, optimizing spend and achieving a 10% reduction in costs while maintaining campaign effectiveness.
  • Developed and implemented a new customer segmentation strategy, resulting in a 15% increase in customer engagement and a 10% increase in customer retention rates.
  • Collaborated with external vendors to implement a new analytics tool, resulting in a 20% increase in data accuracy and a 25% increase in actionable insights.
  • Developed and implemented a new CRM system, resulting in a 30% increase in lead quality and a 20% increase in sales pipeline velocity.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to design and execute a new social media campaign, resulting in a 40% increase in social media engagement and a 25% increase in website traffic.
  • Managed a team of 8 marketing operations specialists, providing leadership and guidance that led to a 15% increase in team productivity and a 20% improvement in team satisfaction scores.
  • Marketing automation platform expertise
  • Email campaign management
  • Customer segmentation strategy development
  • Vendor collaboration and management
  • Analytics tool implementation
  • CRM system development and implementation
  • Social media campaign management
  • Data-driven decision making
  • Marketing performance measurement
  • Marketing technology integration

Distribution Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new inventory management system, resulting in a 25% reduction in stockouts and a 15% increase in order fulfillment accuracy.
  • Developed and executed a cost-saving initiative by optimizing transportation routes and reducing transportation costs by 20%.
  • Improved customer satisfaction by 10% through the implementation of a new customer service training program for distribution center staff.
  • Managed a team of 50 employees, achieving a 95% on-time delivery rate and reducing order processing time by 30%.
  • Reduced operational costs by 15% through the implementation of a new energy-efficient lighting system and equipment upgrades.
  • Lead a cross-functional team to implement a new warehouse management system, resulting in a 20% increase in productivity and a 10% reduction in labor costs.
  • Developed and executed a continuous improvement program, resulting in a 15% reduction in order processing time and a 10% increase in inventory accuracy.
  • Improved vendor relationships by negotiating new contracts and reducing costs by 10%.
  • Warehouse management systems
  • Cost reduction and optimization
  • Transportation and route planning
  • Continuous improvement initiatives
  • Vendor relationship management
  • Cross-functional team collaboration
  • Order processing and fulfillment
  • Energy efficiency and sustainability
  • Performance metrics and KPI tracking

Entry Level Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a new inventory management system, resulting in a 25% reduction in excess inventory and a 15% increase in on-time delivery to customers.
  • Analyzed operational performance metrics and identified areas for improvement, leading to the implementation of new processes that resulted in a 10% increase in productivity and a 5% reduction in operational costs.
  • Managed and coordinated daily operations, ensuring compliance with applicable laws and regulations and maintaining positive relationships with vendors and suppliers.
  • Implemented strategies to improve customer service, resulting in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction scores and a 10% increase in repeat business.
  • Managed and monitored budgets and expenditures, identifying cost-saving opportunities that resulted in a 5% reduction in operational costs.
  • Developed and maintained relationships with vendors and suppliers, negotiating favorable terms and conditions that resulted in a 10% reduction in procurement costs.
  • Developed and implemented operational policies and procedures, resulting in a 15% increase in operational efficiency and a 10% reduction in errors.
  • Managed and trained a team of staff, resulting in a 20% increase in productivity and a 15% reduction in turnover.
  • Analyzed and resolved operational issues, resulting in a 10% reduction in customer complaints and a 5% increase in customer retention.
  • Performance metrics analysis
  • Cost reduction strategies
  • Procurement negotiation
  • Operational efficiency
  • Issue resolution
  • Customer retention

Branch Operations Manager Resume Example:

  • Implemented a new customer service training program that resulted in a 25% increase in customer satisfaction scores within the first quarter.
  • Developed and executed a marketing campaign that increased branch revenue by 10% over a six-month period.
  • Streamlined financial transaction processes, reducing transaction times by 15% and improving accuracy by 20%.
  • Managed a team of 15 staff members, resulting in a 20% increase in team productivity and a 10% decrease in staff turnover.
  • Developed and implemented a cost-saving initiative that reduced branch expenses by 15% over a one-year period.
  • Improved compliance with regulatory requirements by implementing new policies and procedures, resulting in a 100% pass rate on all audits.
  • Developed and executed a process improvement initiative that reduced customer wait times by 30% and increased customer satisfaction scores by 15%.
  • Managed a budget of $1M, resulting in a 5% increase in revenue and a 10% decrease in expenses.
  • Developed and maintained relationships with key stakeholders, resulting in a 20% increase in customer referrals and a 15% increase in customer retention rates.
  • Marketing and sales strategy
  • Process improvement and streamlining
  • Cost reduction and budget management
  • Relationship building and stakeholder management
  • Financial transaction processing

Operations Supervisor Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a new scheduling system that increased staff productivity by 25% and reduced overtime costs by 20%.
  • Collaborated with the safety department to create and implement new safety protocols, resulting in a 30% reduction in workplace accidents.
  • Identified and resolved operational issues related to inventory management, resulting in a 15% reduction in inventory costs.
  • Managed a team of 20 employees and implemented a new training program that increased employee satisfaction by 25% and reduced turnover by 15%.
  • Developed and implemented a new quality control system that reduced defects by 20% and increased customer satisfaction by 15%.
  • Collaborated with the finance department to develop and implement a budget plan that reduced operational costs by 10% while maintaining quality standards.
  • Developed and implemented a new performance evaluation system that increased staff productivity by 20% and reduced absenteeism by 15%.
  • Collaborated with the IT department to implement new technology solutions that improved operational efficiency by 30% and reduced downtime by 25%.
  • Identified and resolved operational issues related to supply chain management, resulting in a 10% reduction in supply chain costs and a 15% improvement in delivery times.
  • Staff scheduling
  • Safety protocols implementation
  • Budget planning
  • Performance evaluation
  • Technology implementation
  • Communication
  • Customer service

Operations Coordinator Resume Example:

  • Developed and implemented a new scheduling system that increased on-time delivery rates by 25% and reduced overtime costs by 20%.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to streamline workflow processes, resulting in a 15% increase in productivity and a 10% reduction in errors.
  • Implemented customer feedback surveys and used data analysis to identify areas for improvement, resulting in a 30% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Managed and coordinated a project to implement a new inventory management system, resulting in a 40% reduction in stockouts and a 25% increase in inventory turnover.
  • Developed and implemented a new training program for employees, resulting in a 20% increase in employee retention rates and a 15% increase in employee satisfaction scores.
  • Collaborated with external vendors to negotiate contracts and reduce operational costs by 15%.
  • Developed and implemented a new quality control system, resulting in a 20% reduction in defects and a 10% increase in product quality ratings.
  • Collaborated with cross-functional teams to develop and implement a new customer service strategy, resulting in a 25% increase in customer retention rates and a 20% increase in customer satisfaction ratings.
  • Managed and coordinated a project to implement a new CRM system, resulting in a 30% increase in sales and a 20% increase in lead conversion rates.
  • CRM systems

High Level Resume Tips for Operations Managers:

Must-have information for a operations manager resume:.

Here are the essential sections that should exist in an Operations Manager resume:

  • Contact Information
  • Resume Headline
  • Resume Summary or Objective
  • Work Experience & Achievements
  • Skills & Competencies

Additionally, if you're eager to make an impression and gain an edge over other Operations Manager candidates, you may want to consider adding in these sections:

  • Certifications/Training

Let's start with resume headlines.

Why Resume Headlines & Titles are Important for Operations Managers:

Operations manager resume headline examples:, strong headlines.

  • Dynamic Operations Manager with a proven track record of optimizing supply chain processes and reducing costs by 20% in the manufacturing industry.
  • Strategic Operations Manager with expertise in implementing lean methodologies and driving continuous improvement initiatives, resulting in a 25% increase in productivity.
  • Visionary Operations Manager with a focus on customer satisfaction and quality control, leading cross-functional teams to achieve ISO 9001 certification and a 95% customer satisfaction rating.

Why these are strong:

  • These resume headlines are strong for Operations Managers as they highlight key skills and achievements that are highly valued in the industry. The first headline emphasizes the candidate's ability to optimize supply chain processes and reduce costs, which is a crucial factor in the manufacturing industry. The second headline showcases the candidate's expertise in implementing lean methodologies and driving continuous improvement, which is essential for increasing productivity. Finally, the third headline emphasizes the candidate's focus on customer satisfaction and quality control, which are critical factors in achieving ISO 9001 certification and maintaining high customer satisfaction ratings. Overall, these headlines effectively communicate the candidate's strengths and accomplishments in their field, making them stand out to hiring managers.

Weak Headlines

  • Experienced Operations Manager with Strong Leadership Skills
  • Skilled Operations Manager with Expertise in Process Improvement
  • Operations Manager with a Focus on Cost Reduction

Why these are weak:

  • These resume headlines need improvement for Operations Managers as they lack specificity and fail to highlight the candidate's unique achievements or contributions. The first headline mentions experience and leadership skills, but doesn't provide any context or results. The second headline highlights expertise in process improvement, but doesn't showcase any measurable achievements or certifications. The third headline mentions a focus on cost reduction, but fails to provide any examples of cost savings or efficiency improvements.

Writing an Exceptional Operations Manager Resume Summary:

Operations manager resume summary examples:, strong summaries.

  • Strategic Operations Manager with 10 years of experience in supply chain management, driving process improvements and cost savings initiatives. Skilled in leading cross-functional teams and implementing lean methodologies, resulting in a 30% reduction in lead times and a 20% increase in productivity.
  • Detail-oriented Operations Manager with a background in logistics and inventory management, overseeing the successful delivery of over 1,000 shipments per month. Proficient in implementing quality control measures and streamlining warehouse operations, resulting in a 25% reduction in errors and a 15% increase in on-time delivery rates.
  • Customer-focused Operations Manager with 8 years of experience in the hospitality industry, leading teams to deliver exceptional guest experiences. Adept at managing budgets and optimizing operational efficiency, resulting in a 10% increase in revenue and a 15% decrease in guest complaints.
  • These resume summaries are strong for Operations Managers as they highlight the candidates' relevant experience, key strengths, and quantifiable achievements. The first summary emphasizes the candidate's expertise in supply chain management and their ability to drive process improvements and cost savings initiatives. The second summary showcases the candidate's attention to detail and success in logistics and inventory management, resulting in improved quality control and delivery rates. Lastly, the third summary demonstrates the candidate's customer-centric approach and their impact on revenue and guest satisfaction in the hospitality industry, making them a valuable asset to potential employers.

Weak Summaries

  • Operations Manager with experience in overseeing teams and managing budgets, seeking a new opportunity to utilize my skills in a challenging environment.
  • Experienced Operations Manager with a background in various industries and a proven track record of success, looking for a new challenge in a dynamic organization.
  • Operations Manager with a focus on process improvement and cost reduction, committed to driving operational efficiency and delivering results.
  • These resume summaries need improvement for Operations Managers as they lack specific achievements or examples of how the candidate has contributed to the success of their previous organizations. The first summary provides only a general overview of the candidate's experience, without mentioning any specific accomplishments or industries. The second summary mentions a "proven track record of success" but doesn't provide any quantifiable results or details on the candidate's successes in managing teams or budgets. The third summary mentions a focus on process improvement and cost reduction, but doesn't provide any examples of how the candidate has achieved these goals or the impact they have had on the organizations they have worked for.

Resume Objective Examples for Operations Managers:

Strong objectives.

  • Results-driven and detail-oriented Operations Manager with experience in supply chain management and process improvement, seeking a challenging role to leverage my skills in optimizing operations, reducing costs, and enhancing customer satisfaction in a fast-paced environment.
  • Highly organized and proactive Operations Manager with a background in logistics and inventory management, looking for an opportunity to apply my expertise in streamlining processes, managing teams, and implementing best practices to drive operational excellence and achieve business goals.
  • Strategic and analytical Operations Manager with a proven track record of success in project management and cross-functional collaboration, seeking a leadership position to utilize my skills in data analysis, process optimization, and team development to deliver exceptional results and drive business growth.
  • These resume objectives are strong for up and coming Operations Managers because they showcase the candidates' relevant skills, experience, and achievements, while also demonstrating their eagerness to take on new challenges and contribute to the success of the organization. The first objective emphasizes the candidate's results-driven approach and expertise in supply chain management, which are important attributes for an Operations Manager. The second objective showcases the candidate's organizational skills and experience in logistics and inventory management, making them a promising fit for a role that requires attention to detail and process optimization. Lastly, the third objective highlights the candidate's strategic thinking and project management skills, demonstrating their ability to lead cross-functional teams and drive business growth through data-driven decision-making.

Weak Objectives

  • Seeking an Operations Manager position where I can utilize my skills and experience to contribute to the success of the company.
  • Recent graduate with a degree in Operations Management seeking an entry-level position in the field.
  • Aspiring Operations Manager with some experience in project management, looking to develop my career in the operations industry.
  • These resume objectives need improvement for up and coming Operations Managers because they lack specificity and don't effectively showcase the unique value or skills the candidates possess. The first objective is generic and doesn't provide any information about the candidate's background, passion, or relevant experience. The second objective only mentions the candidate's degree and doesn't provide any information about their skills or experience. The third objective hints at some experience in project management, but it doesn't mention any specific achievements, education, or industries the candidate is interested in. All three objectives could benefit from more specific information about the candidate's skills, experience, and passion for the operations industry.

Generate Your Resume Summary with AI

Speed up your resume creation process with the ai resume builder . generate tailored resume summaries in seconds., how to impress with your operations manager work experience:, best practices for your work experience section:.

  • Focus on quantifiable achievements and metrics: Use numbers, percentages, and data to demonstrate how you improved operational efficiency, reduced costs, increased productivity, or improved customer satisfaction.
  • Describe how you led operational initiatives from conception to implementation: Outline the steps you took, challenges you faced, and the results you achieved.
  • Highlight any successful collaborations: Describe how you worked with cross-functional teams to achieve operational goals and improve processes.
  • Demonstrate your understanding of operational processes: Showcase your knowledge of supply chain management, logistics, inventory management, and quality control.
  • Call out any awards, recognition, or unique accomplishments associated with your operational achievements.
  • Mention any customer feedback or success stories relating to your work.
  • Use industry-specific language: Ensure that the language you use is familiar to HR, recruiters, and hiring managers in the operations field. Avoid using jargon that may not be understood by those outside the industry.

Example Work Experiences for Operations Managers:

Strong experiences.

Successfully implemented lean manufacturing principles, resulting in a 20% reduction in production time and a 15% increase in overall product quality.

Led a team of 50 employees in a high-volume manufacturing facility, achieving a 95% on-time delivery rate and reducing employee turnover by 25% through effective coaching and mentoring.

Developed and implemented a comprehensive safety program, resulting in a 50% reduction in workplace accidents and a 30% decrease in workers' compensation claims.

Successfully managed a $5M budget for a large-scale logistics project, delivering the project on time and under budget while maintaining a 98% customer satisfaction rate.

Implemented a new inventory management system, resulting in a 25% reduction in inventory carrying costs and a 20% increase in inventory accuracy.

Led a team of 20 customer service representatives, achieving a 90% customer satisfaction rate and reducing response times by 50% through process improvements and training initiatives.

  • These work experiences are strong because they demonstrate the candidate's ability to lead teams, implement process improvements, and achieve quantifiable results. The use of specific metrics and action-oriented language highlights the candidate's impact on the organization and their ability to drive success in their role as an Operations Manager.

Weak Experiences

Managed the day-to-day operations of a manufacturing facility, ensuring production targets were met and quality standards were maintained.

Conducted regular safety audits and implemented corrective actions to minimize workplace accidents.

Coordinated with cross-functional teams to identify process improvements and implement changes to increase efficiency.

Oversaw the logistics and supply chain operations for a retail company, managing inventory levels and coordinating with vendors to ensure timely delivery of goods.

Developed and implemented standard operating procedures to streamline processes and reduce costs.

Analyzed data and generated reports to identify trends and make data-driven decisions.

  • These work experiences are weak because they lack specific details and quantifiable results. The bullet points provide a general overview of the tasks performed without demonstrating the impact of the individual's work or the benefits brought to the company. To improve these bullet points, the candidate should focus on incorporating metrics to highlight their achievements, using more powerful action verbs, and providing clear context that demonstrates their leadership qualities and direct contributions to successful outcomes.

Top Skills & Keywords for Operations Manager Resumes:

Top hard & soft skills for operations managers, hard skills.

  • Supply Chain Management
  • Project Management
  • Lean Six Sigma Methodologies
  • Quality Control and Assurance
  • Inventory Management
  • Budgeting and Financial Analysis
  • Logistics and Transportation Management
  • Vendor and Supplier Management
  • Process Improvement
  • Risk Management
  • Data Analysis and Reporting
  • Facility Management

Soft Skills

  • Leadership and Team Management
  • Communication and Presentation Skills
  • Collaboration and Cross-Functional Coordination
  • Problem Solving and Critical Thinking
  • Adaptability and Flexibility
  • Time Management and Prioritization
  • Decision Making and Strategic Planning
  • Conflict Resolution and Negotiation
  • Process Improvement and Optimization
  • Attention to Detail and Accuracy
  • Data Analysis and Interpretation
  • Resource Management and Budgeting

Go Above & Beyond with a Operations Manager Cover Letter

Operations manager cover letter example: (based on resume).

Dear Hiring Manager at Company Name,

I am excited to apply for the Operations Manager position at your company. With my extensive experience in operations management, I am confident that I can contribute to the success of your organization.

In my most recent role, I developed and implemented a new inventory management system that resulted in a 25% reduction in inventory costs and a 15% increase in order fulfillment speed. Additionally, I managed a team of 20 employees and improved overall productivity by 20% through effective coaching and performance management. I also collaborated with cross-functional teams to streamline the supply chain process, reducing lead times by 30% and improving on-time delivery rates by 25%.

In my previous roles, I managed budgets of up to $5M and reduced operational costs by 10% through effective financial planning and budget management. I also implemented new customer service training programs that resulted in a 20% increase in customer satisfaction scores and a 10% reduction in customer complaints. Furthermore, I developed and implemented new safety programs that resulted in a 50% reduction in workplace accidents and injuries.

I am confident that my experience in developing and implementing quality control programs, managing teams, and collaborating with cross-functional teams to implement new systems and processes will make me a valuable asset to your organization. I am excited about the opportunity to contribute to your company's success and look forward to discussing my qualifications further.

Thank you for considering my application.

[Your Name]

As an Operations Manager, you understand the importance of attention to detail, effective communication, and strategic planning. These skills are essential for success in your role, and they are also critical for crafting a compelling cover letter to accompany your resume. A cover letter is an extension of your resume, an opportunity to showcase your relevant experience and demonstrate your passion for the role. Contrary to common belief, crafting a compelling cover letter doesn't have to be an arduous task, and the benefits far outweigh the effort required.

Here are some compelling reasons for submitting a cover letter as an Operations Manager:

  • Personalize your application and showcase your genuine interest in the company and role, highlighting your experience in operations management and how it aligns with the company's goals.
  • Illustrate your unique value proposition and how your skills in operations management align with the specific job requirements, demonstrating your ability to improve processes, reduce costs, and increase efficiency.
  • Communicate your understanding of the company's needs and how you plan to address them, highlighting your experience in managing teams, implementing new systems, and driving change.
  • Share success stories and achievements that couldn't be accommodated in your resume, demonstrating your ability to lead teams, solve complex problems, and deliver results.
  • Demonstrate your writing and communication skills, which are essential for Operations Managers, showcasing your ability to communicate complex ideas clearly and concisely.
  • Differentiate yourself from other applicants who might have opted not to submit a cover letter, demonstrating your commitment to going above and beyond to secure the role.

In summary, submitting a cover letter as an Operations Manager can significantly increase your chances of landing an interview by showcasing your relevant experience, unique value proposition, and passion for the role. It is an opportunity to personalize your application, communicate your understanding of the company's needs, and differentiate yourself from other applicants.

Resume FAQs for Operations Managers:

How long should i make my operations manager resume.

An Operations Manager resume should ideally be one to two pages long. The length of the resume depends on the individual's experience and the complexity of their work history. For Operations Managers with less than 10 years of experience, a one-page resume is usually sufficient to showcase their skills, accomplishments, and relevant work history. This allows the hiring manager to quickly assess the candidate's qualifications and determine if they are a good fit for the role. For those with more than 10 years of experience or a more complex work history, a two-page resume may be necessary to provide a comprehensive overview of their career. This allows for more detailed information about their achievements, skills, and work history, which can be particularly important for senior-level Operations Manager roles. Regardless of the length, it is crucial for Operations Managers to ensure their resume is concise, well-organized, and focused on their most relevant skills and accomplishments

What is the best way to format a Operations Manager resume?

The best way to format an Operations Manager resume is to focus on clarity, organization, and highlighting relevant skills and experiences. Here are some key elements to consider when formatting your resume: 1. Choose a clean and professional layout: Use a simple font like Arial or Calibri, and keep the font size between 10-12 points. Use consistent formatting for headings, bullet points, and spacing throughout the document. 2. Start with a strong summary statement: Begin your resume with a brief summary statement that highlights your key skills, experiences, and accomplishments as an Operations Manager. This should be tailored to the specific job you are applying for and should grab the attention of the hiring manager. 3. Emphasize relevant work experience: List your work experience in reverse chronological order, starting with your most recent position. Focus on your accomplishments and responsibilities as an Operations Manager, using quantifiable metrics whenever possible (e

Which Operations Manager skills are most important to highlight in a resume?

As an AI language model, I don't have personal experience or opinions, but I can provide a general answer to your question. When it comes to highlighting skills on a resume for an Operations Manager position, it is important to focus on skills that are relevant to the job. Some of the key skills that Operations Managers should highlight on their resume include: 1. Leadership skills: Operations Managers should have strong leadership skills to effectively manage teams and drive results. 2. Analytical skills: Operations Managers should be able to analyze data and make informed decisions based on that data. 3. Communication skills: Operations Managers should be able to communicate effectively with team members, stakeholders, and customers. 4. Project management skills: Operations Managers should have strong project management skills to effectively plan and execute projects. 5. Problem-solving skills: Operations Managers should be able to identify and solve problems quickly and efficiently. 6. Time management skills: Operations Managers should be able to manage their time effectively to meet deadlines and achieve goals. 7. Technical skills: Operations Managers should have a good understanding of the technical aspects of their job, such as software and equipment. By highlighting these skills on their resume, Operations Managers can demonstrate their ability to effectively manage teams, analyze data, communicate effectively,

How should you write a resume if you have no experience as a Operations Manager?

If you have no experience as an Operations Manager, you can still create a strong resume by highlighting relevant skills and experiences that demonstrate your ability to manage operations effectively. Here are some tips: 1. Focus on transferable skills: Look for skills and experiences from your previous roles that can be applied to an Operations Manager position. For example, if you have experience in project management, budgeting, or team leadership, highlight these skills on your resume. 2. Emphasize your education: If you have a degree in a related field such as business, management, or operations, make sure to highlight this on your resume. You can also include any relevant coursework or certifications that demonstrate your knowledge of operations management. 3. Highlight relevant experiences: Even if you haven't worked as an Operations Manager, you may have experiences that are relevant to the role. For example, if you have managed a team or worked in a fast-paced environment, highlight these experiences on your resume. 4. Use keywords: Make sure

Compare Your Operations Manager Resume to a Job Description:

  • Identify opportunities to further tailor your resume to the Operations Manager job
  • Improve your keyword usage to align your experience and skills with the position
  • Uncover and address potential gaps in your resume that may be important to the hiring manager

Related Resumes for Operations Managers:

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IT Manager

Sales Operations Manager Resume Sample

The resume builder.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Work Experience

  • Monitor and review key account Open-to-Buy forecasts and provide recommendations/action plans to cross-functional teams and management
  • Develop and manage processes for Sales to review Seasonal Prebooks by territory and account- Review with management shortfalls by account and possible opportunities for increased bookings as well as identify upside opportunities on category basis
  • Work with Visual Merchandising to plan fixture strategies and approve requests
  • Review territory/account growth strategy and appropriate fixture investments to retailers
  • Working with sales managers to plan and execute sales contests
  • Establish territory and rep targets that are aligned with monthly sales goals
  • Work with Finance to ensure accurate monthly forecasts, accruals and rep compensation
  • Communicate effectively to sales leadership on sales team’s successes, challenges and execution plans for solving those challenges
  • Serve as the primary focal point for dealdesk requests from sales in order to ensure compliance with process and to route and obtain the necessary approvals from finance, legal, executives, etc
  • Serve as a Subject Matter Expert for Ustream sales process and approvals matrix including supporting sales on account/territory coverage
  • Ensure visibility for appropriate stakeholders and sales management if disputes are identified and escalated
  • Providing ongoing trainings and governance to the approvals matrix and dealdesk process
  • Making administrative updates in SFDC and communicating these updates to the Commissions team
  • Support and enable sales in forecasting and pipeline management
  • Think outside of the box on improving overall sales processes and governance of our sales tools
  • Develop strategic partnership with management and cross-functional teams as well as peers to enable sales around updates and changes in sales processes
  • Job has some variety in terms of customer contact and needs
  • Incumbent follows well-established store practices and procedures
  • Decisions are made within specific store policy constraints
  • Errors in judgment could affect the profitability of the store by affecting customer satisfaction, employee morale and performance or affect the accuracy of cash register transactions
  • Develop an in-depth knowledge of Implant Direct’s core products via successful completion of Sales Effectiveness training program, and utilize this knowledge to successfully lead Sales Support operations
  • Provide optimal support to Sales team to ensure that the team consistently meets or exceeds daily sales performance metrics
  • Work closely with VP, Sales – US to create and maintain a world-class sales culture, focused on delivering results and driving strategy by providing ongoing coaching and development through analysis and leverage of performance metrics data

Professional Skills

  • Well developed and excellent relationship building and influencing skills at all levels including conflict resolution skills
  • Strong Influencing skills and negotiating skills
  • Strong Excel skills including reporting and presentation skills to support business requirements
  • Strong organizational skills and demonstrated ability to multi-task effectively within a high-pressure environment while meeting strict deadlines
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills in English, great interpersonal skills
  • Strong analytical skills and fit with Excel. Advanced Microsoft PowerPoint skills required
  • Strong leadership skills and organization navigation skills; ability to lead a cross-function team and deliver major projects within deadline

How to write Sales Operations Manager Resume

Sales Operations Manager role is responsible for analytical, excel, business, organizational, interpersonal, presentation, advanced, leadership, microsoft, organization. To write great resume for sales operations manager job, your resume must include:

  • Your contact information
  • Work experience
  • Skill listing

Contact Information For Sales Operations Manager Resume

The section contact information is important in your sales operations manager resume. The recruiter has to be able to contact you ASAP if they like to offer you the job. This is why you need to provide your:

  • First and last name
  • Telephone number

Work Experience in Your Sales Operations Manager Resume

The section work experience is an essential part of your sales operations manager resume. It’s the one thing the recruiter really cares about and pays the most attention to. This section, however, is not just a list of your previous sales operations manager responsibilities. It's meant to present you as a wholesome candidate by showcasing your relevant accomplishments and should be tailored specifically to the particular sales operations manager position you're applying to. The work experience section should be the detailed summary of your latest 3 or 4 positions.

Representative Sales Operations Manager resume experience can include:

  • Work with Area Sales Directors and Regional Sales Managers to motivate and drive performance of the Sales team. Consistently ensure that business and behavior is conducted in alignment with Implant Direct and Danaher core values
  • Evaluate existing and future CRM and other automated sales tool functionality, recommend best practices and prescribe rollout plans, including: socialization, training, communication, testing, and release management
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills, both written and verbal. Able to work well in fast paced and deal with changing priorities
  • Strong organisational skills with an ability to manage competing priorities and tight deadlines regularly
  • Strong project, time, and resource management skills with proven success influencing customers and team members
  • Strong analytical skills – experience producing, consuming, and acting on analyses

Education on a Sales Operations Manager Resume

Make sure to make education a priority on your sales operations manager resume. If you’ve been working for a few years and have a few solid positions to show, put your education after your sales operations manager experience. For example, if you have a Ph.D in Neuroscience and a Master's in the same sphere, just list your Ph.D. Besides the doctorate, Master’s degrees go next, followed by Bachelor’s and finally, Associate’s degree.

Additional details to include:

  • School you graduated from
  • Major/ minor
  • Year of graduation
  • Location of school

These are the four additional pieces of information you should mention when listing your education on your resume.

Professional Skills in Sales Operations Manager Resume

When listing skills on your sales operations manager resume, remember always to be honest about your level of ability. Include the Skills section after experience.

Present the most important skills in your resume, there's a list of typical sales operations manager skills:

  • Excellent and effective verbal and written communications skills, including the ability to effectively advise senior leadership
  • Strong attention to detail, strong multi-tasking abilities and good organizational skills
  • Good project management skills, and demonstrable skills of achieving results through cross-functional teams
  • Strong mathematical skills / statistical skills (data sets, variance, hypothesis testing)
  • An excellent understanding of P&L drivers; solid planning /forecasting skills
  • Strong analytical/business modelling skills including proven ability to convert raw data into actionable business insights

List of Typical Experience For a Sales Operations Manager Resume

Experience for senior sales operations manager resume.

  • Effective problem resolution skills with strong resolve to make difficult decisions that are good for the organization
  • Strong interpersonal skills to work effectively with internal and external customers
  • Advanced Excel skills and good PowerPoint skills required
  • Strategic thinker and driver. Strong analytical skills and business acumen. Ability and passion to analyze, set priorities, and solve complex problems
  • Operate as an effective tactical and well as strategic thinking skills
  • Organizational skills and communication skills
  • Excellent communication skills (verbal and written, including facilitating and presenting) required
  • Excellent reporting skills with Excel and reporting tools such as Power BI, Dynamics or Salesforce, Tableau, etc
  • Excellent communication skills including the ability to influence and negotiate with senior internal stakeholders

Experience For Sales & Operations Manager Resume

  • Highly analytical with strong administration, planning and organisational skills
  • Demonstrated ability to effectively manage cross-functional and interdepartmental communications and communications processes
  • Summarize to executive management along with strong powerpoint skills
  • Excellent organization skills and structured work approach
  • Strong leadership skills to drive projects to completion
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills, with an ability to communicate with a wide range of team members and job functions

Experience For Regional Sales Operations Manager Resume

  • Excellent communication skills; ability to articulate vision and influence stakeholders by understanding their perspectives and speaking their language
  • Strong consulting and relationship-building skills
  • Strong Analytical Skills & working with Excel, Tableau and other reporting tools
  • Strong analytical skills in interpreting data to recommending actions
  • Strong project management skills set, leading projects with cross-functional team members in sales/marketing/care/IT/finance/HR
  • Excellent communication skills – able to create and give engaging presentations to all levels including the Executive leadership team of TSV
  • Strong critical thinking, troubleshooting and analytical skills
  • Excellent analytical and problem solving skills with the ability to think strategically
  • Prior experience in business operations, sales or related experience, primarily in the area of project management and implementing process improvements

Experience For National Sales Operations Manager Resume

  • Excellent analytical/problem solving skills with the ability to interpret data
  • Professional working experience, thereof 7+ in operations or related area; Prior people management experience
  • Excellent sales facing skills – as the daily interface for multiple operational activities
  • Superior analytical + Excel skills, including strong ability to identify and solve highly ambiguous problems
  • Excellent presentation and communications skills; ability to assimilate complex concepts and clearly articulate business value
  • Leadership, strong organizational & communication skills

Experience For Global Sales Operations Manager Resume

  • Good interpersonal skills and comfortable with working with sales people and senior management teams up to VP level in a global organization
  • Strong inter cultural skills
  • Experience working with top-class sales skills vendors
  • An enthusiastic self-starter with excellent communication and influencing skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to build close relationships and interact with colleagues at all levels of the organization, in person and remotely
  • Strong analytical, program management, training and negotiation skills
  • Excellent oral, written and power point communication skills

Experience For After Sales Operations Manager Resume

  • Strong MS Excel and PowerPoint skills, proficient in all other applications such Word, Visio, Outlook, etc
  • Job specific Competencies & Skills. Strong business acumen
  • Strong leadership skills and the ability to lead through influence and contribution
  • Strong analytical skills and ability to derive insights
  • Strong excel skills set to retrieve and analyze data from disparate sources
  • Excellent Excels and Analytical Skills

Experience For Sales Operations Manager, SSA Resume

  • Strong communication skills both written and presentations
  • Strong PC skills required (MS Office, particularly Excel and/or Access)
  • Experience in sales in FMCG company on managerial position as unit manager or channel manager & a track record of strong frontline management experience
  • Excellent communication skills, includes verbal, written and presentation forms. Mastery in Russian and English is required
  • Strong stakeholder engagement skills internally and externally
  • Detail-oriented with excellent project management, organizational, and analytical skills
  • Outstanding communication skills and tact
  • Experience leading operations teams, including experience using data to drive projects that enhance sales performance

Experience For Digital Sales Operations Manager Resume

  • Knowledge of coding techniques in SAS (or R or Python), SQL and VBA, and advanced Excel skills. Comfort with reporting production and automation techniques
  • Demonstrated experience managing outside vendors
  • Efficiently and effectively facilitate and drive to meeting closure
  • Intermediate to Advanced Excel based modeling skills
  • High teaming skills, open to feedback and can do attitude
  • Data-driven decision maker with outstanding analytical skills; ability to translate quantitative data into actionable recommendations
  • Language skills: Fluent English and Fluent German is required
  • Analyze performance metrics data and leverage it to effectively coach and develop sales processes

Experience For Americas Sales Operations Manager Resume

  • Great communication skills, written and spoken
  • Proven experience working with IT and Sales teams
  • Demonstrated experience in using CRMs, marketing automation and other tools
  • Work experience; 2+ years of team management experience
  • Demonstrated Salesforce experience
  • Experience in sales and at least 2 year sales management experience

Experience For Sales Operations Manager, Timberland Resume

  • Advanced computer skills including Mac, Excel, Powerpoint, and Google Products
  • Advanced skills in MS PowerPoint and Excel
  • Industry experience in B2B technology or software; knowledge/experience in the HCM/HR/cloud tech industry an asset
  • SFE Reporting, Data Analysis & Maintenance, Sales Incentive, communication with Sales & Marketing teams, coach associates on analytical capability and skills
  • Proven experience within either Consulting, Banking, Finance or Sales Ops
  • Total 8+ year working experience with 5+ year experience in commercial planning, analytics & operations (order management)
  • Strong Retail Link experience including CPFR, Decision Support, Scorecarding and Metrics and administration
  • Problem solving and analysis experience with experience solving business problems (commercial, operational, organizational)

List of Typical Skills For a Sales Operations Manager Resume

Skills for senior sales operations manager resume.

  • Excellent IT skills required – SAP, Sales quoting tool (i.e. BMI), (required at least 1 year of experience in SF)
  • Strong project management, administration and prioritization skills
  • Excellent interpersonal and communication skills with a proven ability to build trusting business relationships
  • Excellent organizational skills with strong business acumen who takes the initiative and can work independently or within a team to achieve established goals
  • Good interpersonal skills – team working, networking and influencing
  • Drive training initiatives, including sales skills training, effective use of and general process & procedures
  • Team leading skills in a global environment, experience in directly supervising employees
  • Experience in effectively interfacing and managing sales force – preferably in start-up environment
  • Strong computer skills, including spreadsheet modeling and data warehouse interaction

Skills For Sales & Operations Manager Resume

  • Proven problem solving, analytical skills customer focus, and creative problem solving
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills including proper grammar and spelling
  • Excellent IT Skills including working knowledge of Microsoft Word and Excel
  • Demonstrates active listening skills, using both verbal and non-verbal styles
  • Excellent analytical skills and an analytical problem-solving approach
  • Good knowledge transferring skills
  • Strong verbal and written communication skills, proficient in interacting with Senior Leadership

Skills For Regional Sales Operations Manager Resume

  • Have excellent verbal presentation skills by simplifying the complex
  • Good decision-making skills, ability to manage project work
  • Strong analytical, interpersonal, organizational and critical thinking skills
  • Proven track record of effectively interacting with senior level executives (i.e. C-suite)
  • Excellent MS Excel skills (Filtering, PivotTables, V-Lookup)
  • Excellent MS Excel skills (Filtering, Pivot Tables, V-Lookup)
  • Depth of problem solving skills and experience in process and systems management

Skills For National Sales Operations Manager Resume

  • The ability to prioritize and plan work effectively
  • Very good leadership and team management skills
  • Excellent written and verbal communication skills; particularly over the phone and email given the frequent interactions with remote employees
  • Strong business modeling and information management skills
  • Good ability of business analysis and training skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills with a customer focus
  • Self-motivated, results-oriented individual with a proven track record of exceptional analytical and presentation skills

Skills For Global Sales Operations Manager Resume

  • Problem resolution skills, strong initiative and ability to create and improve processes
  • Proven experience handling conflicting priorities in a high growth environment
  • Budgeting, forecasting and accounting skills required
  • Amazing organizational skills and the ability to be a self-starter
  • Proven experience in conducting deal reviews and strategic pricing working with the sales function

Skills For After Sales Operations Manager Resume

  • Proficient PC skills using MS Office and other various programs including presentation software. Advanced Microsoft Excel and PowerPoint capabilities required
  • Ensures that team members are effectively communicating and collaborating with outsourced resources
  • Advanced Excel skills, including working with large sets of data
  • Good understanding and experience dealing with different customer channels, product mix and multiple brands
  • Manage the regular meeting cycles with each supplier ensuring actions are clearly document and managed effectively
  • Process mapping and basic skills in continuous improvement & Lean techniques
  • Solid understanding of sales drivers and behavior and good knowledge of VMWare’s markets and offer
  • Prior experience managing a CRM and Sales Operations within the mortgage industry is required

Skills For Sales Operations Manager, SSA Resume

  • Native English speaking and written levels of English are very important and a good level of mathematical skill is required
  • Operate in a fast-paced environment and adapt to changing priorities and demands
  • Demonstrated experience working through complex business analysis and partner with internal clients with a consultative approach
  • Proven experience driving digital operations
  • Expert Excel skills and ability to manipulate data
  • Can effectively manage their time
  • Can effectively deal with ambiguity
  • Superior interpersonal and relationship management skills
  • Good skill in operating Microsoft office(Excel, PPT, etc)

Skills For Digital Sales Operations Manager Resume

  • Experience with hands-on experience in sales processes, forecasting, sales analytics and sales incentive payments
  • Effectively interact with senior management on a regular basis
  • Effectively communicate sales results and/or information related to the Inside Sales team performance to appropriate departments
  • Knowledge of broader GE strategies and priorities; familiarity with individual GE business’ products, strategy and priorities
  • Excellent report creation experience and analytical approach to discover and track important business insights
  • Understanding and experience of managing a bid
  • Understanding of organisational dynamics, operating experience with large and complex organisations

Skills For Americas Sales Operations Manager Resume

  • Reporting – creation, validation and distribution of all regional and divisional sales reports
  • Understanding and experience with customer segmentation, differentiation and solution selling
  • Experience managing people (mentoring, delegating, reviewing work, and coaching staff)
  • Experienced using Salesforce including data collection, manipulation, reporting and dashboarding
  • Experience implementing Sales strategy, recruiting, training and enablement efforts

Skills For Sales Operations Manager, Timberland Resume

  • Experience working with senior executives in establishing a cadence of reporting on sales performance, client insights, and market analysis
  • Creative problem solver who thrives on challenges, accustom to working in a fast paced environment on multiple projects, prioritizing and meeting deadlines
  • Drive high priority initiatives including (but not limited to) strategic planning, territory optimization, process optimization, forecast modeling
  • Extensive experience in a quantitative field in a consulting, strategic planning, sales/business operations or marketing operations role
  • Experience in disciplines that involve engineering, marketing, product/business management, sales, manufacturing, and finance
  • Maintain a solid knowledge of the Company’s underlying technology, the range of existing products and consulting services
  • Have a good understanding of business governance models (business reviews, what’s important, relevant reporting)
  • Experience with planning and tracking operational results

List of Typical Responsibilities For a Sales Operations Manager Resume

Responsibilities for senior sales operations manager resume.

  • Strong organizational skills and demonstrated ability to multi-task effectively while meeting strict deadlines
  • Strong analytic & communication skills & Organizational Skills
  • Excellent analytical skills with proven track record
  • Strong analytical skills and working knowledge of incentive compensation analytics; plan simulations, fairness analysis and projection methodologies
  • Good communication and skills to engage senior management
  • Excellent communication skills with high self-confidence
  • Effective written and oral communication skills, ability to establish rapport and credibility

Responsibilities For Sales & Operations Manager Resume

  • Multicultural and International experience and skills (mandatory for MECA, WEA, EAP, CER)
  • Build strong relationships with go-to-market internal stakeholders and effectively manage expectations
  • Possess a high level of maturity with excellent organizational skills
  • Outstanding communications and project management skills
  • Assist the sales team in driving sales growth strategies and ensuring those strategies are adopted effectively by all sales team members

Responsibilities For Regional Sales Operations Manager Resume

  • Conduct or support Leadership Development and Selling Skills training as necessary
  • Work experience in a quantitative field or equivalent educational experience preferably in the digital media or online advertising space
  • Distinctive problem solving and analysis skills, ability to solve complex and diverse business problems (commercial, operational, organisational)
  • Prior working experience in or exposure to APAC region
  • Related experience and/or training; or equivalent combination of education and experience

Responsibilities For National Sales Operations Manager Resume

  • Advanced Excel, SQL and Powerpoint skills
  • Superior Microsoft skills - Excel (pivot tables, vlookups), Powerpoint, Word; SQL / Tableau proficiency also desirable
  • Sales and marketing operation management experience, or equivalent professional experience (i.e. consulting)
  • Plan and effectively allocate resources to provide required support to Bus in collaboration with BU Heads
  • Strong Microsoft Excel and Word experience required

Responsibilities For Global Sales Operations Manager Resume

  • Maintaining a good working knowledge of the uses, capabilities and reporting features of
  • Clearing house / prioritization for our regional needs with our OPT’s help
  • Experience creating reporting via Salesforce and other reporting tools (Power BI, Tableau)
  • Work experience in a consulting firm, investment banking or private equity firm or in a corporate development or strategy role
  • Good understanding of Order Intake Booking, Market knowledge within the power industry

Responsibilities For After Sales Operations Manager Resume

  • Promotion effectiveness tracking (new/opening/upgrade/clearance etc.)
  • Experience in Management Consulting, Sales Operations, Business Operations or Investment Banking
  • Manage ad-hoc requests and multiple projects simultaneously, while operating in a high temp environment with ever changing priorities and tasks
  • Demonstrated proficiency in using data to drive business results and problem-solving mind is required
  • Develop a training curriculum, certification and/or process that makes the Cadillac dealer experience a differentiating benefit

Responsibilities For Sales Operations Manager, SSA Resume

  • Proven track record leading teams and driving collaboration among stakeholders
  • Solid understanding of call center technology, terminology and environment
  • Proven track record of increasing sales in a phone based environment
  • Build effective working relationships with internal team members across multiple function
  • Experience of working within the Internet, Technology or SAAS space
  • Good working knowledge in MS Office Application
  • Experience as an Analyst/Mgr working in high-technology, preferably semiconductor sales
  • Experience in one of the global top tier strategy consulting companies

Responsibilities For Digital Sales Operations Manager Resume

  • Organize, facilitate, and lead working teams and process workshops as needed to drive effective cross-functional collaboration
  • Experience in a Sales Operations, Finance or other analytical role
  • Experience in Sales Operations or Business Operations
  • Extensive experience in and related CRM tools
  • Advanced experience with systems tools such as Excel, Microstrategy, Tableau and
  • Demonstrated proficiency in using data to drive business results

Responsibilities For Americas Sales Operations Manager Resume

  • High levels of motivation and a strong work ethic/professionalism
  • Participate in Hill’s field team region meetings, sharing knowledge about Petco systems/operations and procedures to make TM's most effective
  • Two years sales or sales management experience
  • Proven ability to work as a change agent and challenge the status quo
  • Works closely with sales management to optimize the effectiveness of the team’s technology investments
  • Fluent in the use of MS Office and ideally with experience of using the ‘Navision’ system
  • Develop best practices to optimize and consolidate end to end business processes

Responsibilities For Sales Operations Manager, Timberland Resume

  • Significant data analytics, reporting and interpretation experience to support sales operations
  • Innovative problem solver-resolve issues and challenges with strong sense of urgency
  • Knowledge and experience with Microsoft Excel, Power Point and Project
  • Provide consistent metrics to understand and improve business performance and productivity (sales efficiency and effectiveness)
  • Professional experience in sales activity
  • Previous Sales Experience within Industry (or similar industry)

Related to Sales Operations Manager Resume Samples

Assistant / sales manager resume sample, operations sales manager resume sample, sales assistant manager resume sample, associate director / sales resume sample, assistant director sales resume sample, franchised sales resume sample, resume builder.

Resume Builder

  • Resume Experts
  • Search Jobs
  • Search for Talent
  • Employer Branding
  • Outplacement
  • Resume Samples

Sales Operations Resume Samples

The guide to resume tailoring.

Guide the recruiter to the conclusion that you are the best candidate for the sales operations job. It’s actually very simple. Tailor your resume by picking relevant responsibilities from the examples below and then add your accomplishments. This way, you can position yourself in the best way to get hired.

Craft your perfect resume by picking job responsibilities written by professional recruiters

Pick from the thousands of curated job responsibilities used by the leading companies, tailor your resume & cover letter with wording that best fits for each job you apply.

Create a Resume in Minutes with Professional Resume Templates

Resume Builder

  • Create ad hoc reports for senior level management as well as work on various sales related projects
  • Assist in the development and management of sales and marketing processes and programs
  • Assist sales management team in establishing 5-year sales growth plans by channel of distribution, product category, season, and top account
  • Provide occasional support to District Managers and Regional Managers within the market
  • Provide daily administrative assistance to sales operations director and manager
  • Territory Management, hierarchy management, opportunity management and staff transfers
  • Assist with high volume support cases to resolve issues and work closely with Sales Management on necessary approvals for customer credit/debit requests
  • Working with the SCOE to develop, analyze, evaluate, present, and make recommendations to management
  • Manage Compensation Plan process and work with management to assist in quota and revenue target setting
  • Assist with the compensation planning for the regional sales team; Help establish and manage commission plans and monitor quota performance
  • Identify, validate, and execute opportunities for sales performance improvements
  • Develop and manage compensation plan performance reporting
  • Provide end-user support for CRM – incumbent will provide day-to-day support for end user questions on sales force automation, lead management, and training
  • Work to continually improve the quality and quantity of management information material
  • Manage a team of 10 people responsible for the support functions essential to sales force productivity. Responsibilities include reporting sales results versus goals, compensation plan governance, budget activity oversight, management of lead distribution, travel logistics, site coordination, management of key processes such as business review (RISE) governance, space management/optimization, CRM/sales tool development and project management
  • Work closely with sales management to inspect sales process quality and prioritize opportunities for improvement
  • KPI Management: Manages the collection of sales data and key performance indicators (KPIs)
  • Represents Wolters Kluwer: Develops and maintains knowledge of WK products, industry trends and general business and financial acumen through various sources and initiatives
  • Ensure systems and resulting information is useful and effective for the sales team and management. Communicate Best Practices across the Americas Field Sales and Management teams
  • Produce high quality work with strong attention to detail in numbers, communication, change management and project management
  • Gather continuous feedback from salesforce and sales leadership to find opportunities to improve sales process and manage implementation of necessary modifications
  • Highly adaptable, and possess a strong work ethic
  • Excellent communication skills, and comfortable speaking to diverse cliental
  • Excellent sales and commercial knowledge and experience
  • Ability to relate to sales professionals
  • Strong and practical experience in data mining, creating tables, views, procedures, functions using SQL Server
  • Oral and written proficiency in the English and spoken ability in Hindi, Urdu, Telugu language
  • Understanding and utilization of basic project management, quality and process improvement methodologies
  • Excellent communication skills, work ethic and the ability to work well individually as well as in a global virtual team environment
  • Knowledge of Retail Math
  • Solid skills with business applications like Excel and Powerpoint

15 Sales Operations resume templates

Sales Operations Resume Sample

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  • Direct interaction with NBC Universal's Digital Advertising Sales Team and Clients to ensure campaign fulfillment
  • Interact with sales marketing/ site leaders to schedule campaigns for calendar based sponsorships and events
  • At least 1 year experience in online media is preferred. Sales Operations experience highly desired
  • Familiarity with ad-serving systems (FreeWheel, DFP-Premium, Vindico, MediaMind, etc.)
  • Innovative thinker with acute awareness of managing competing initiatives
  • Extensive problem solving skills
  • Self-motivation and resourcefulness
  • Proficiency in MS Word, Excel, Outlook and PowerPoint
  • Interact with sales marketing/site leaders to schedule campaigns for calendar based sponsorships and events
  • Prior experience trafficking in an ad server (DoubleClick DFP, FreeWheel and Mocean preferred)
  • Familiarity with a front end order management system preferred
  • Excellent client relationship & interpersonal skills

VP, Digital Ad Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • 7-10 years digital media experience with minimum 4-5 years managing direct reports with demonstrated success
  • Strong Excel, PPT, ad software (DFP-Premium, FreeWheel) and rich media (PointRoll, Sizmek, etc.) proficiency
  • Preferred 4 year college degree
  • Must be covered by Solutions, NBCUniversal's Alternative Dispute Resolution Program. (Internal Only)
  • Willingness to travel and work overtime, and on weekends with short notice
  • Must be willing submit background investigation
  • Self-directed team player who has a strong sense of urgency and proven ability to get results through effective leadership
  • High attention to detail, able to multi-task and meet deadlines with excellent follow through
  • Experience working with multiple teams and supporting a large sales organization

Senior Coordinator, Digital Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work closely with sales, inventory management, marketing and product development teams to review, resolve and respond to each inbound request
  • Will take lead on Live Video Sponsorships and execution across sports properties
  • Familiarity with ad-serving systems (DoubleClick DART, Atlas, Freewheel, Autitude, etc.)
  • Proficiency in MS Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint, HTML, Javascript, Photoshop and Flash
  • Strong analytical and interpersonal skills with ability to work independently and collaboratively
  • Effective interpersonal skills
  • Ability to thrive in a continuously changing environment
  • Strong knowledge of the media business and emerging video product landscape
  • Ability to set goals, meet deadlines, and successfully manage multiple assignments concurrently
  • Strong focus on teamwork and self-starter
  • Will take lead on Live Video Sponsorships and execution
  • At least 1 year experience in online media is required
  • At least 1 year digital sales/ad operations experience is required
  • Fluency in the language of digital media: impressions, CTR, CPMs, eCPMs, etc
  • Fluency in the language of online measurement: uniques, pageviews, visits, referrers, etc
  • Proficiency in the Microsoft Office Suite (Outlook, PowerPoint, Excel (including formulas))
  • Keen problem-solving and troubleshooting abilities
  • Must be detail-oriented and have the ability to thrive in a fast paced environment

Ad Sales Operations Coordinator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage all aspects of the accounts from the order entry level to the reconciliation/billing level
  • Provide the necessary information to the regions or external sales representatives, like creative specs, inventory, availability and campaign performance
  • Maintain central filing system for accounts maintained
  • Provide excellent customer service to external sales reps
  • Act as a liaison between external sales reps and other internal departments (i.e. Traffic, Programming, Finance, Online AdOps and Digital Content to ensure sites and sections are tagged correctly for digital campaigns execution)
  • Liaison between client and sales person to handle timely campaign delivery and creative production
  • Ensure the proper execution of sponsored elements
  • Maintain daily communication with ad sales, external sales reps and internal departments to guarantee the proper airing of commercials & digital campaigns
  • Manage and communicate online and email inventory availabilities on a weekly basis
  • Maintain online position inventory and traffic of all campaigns
  • Proactively monitor campaign delivery, communicating AdOps department in order to optimize as needed to make impression guarantees
  • Run launch and post-campaign reports for timely and direct distribution to clients
  • Continually deliver proactive recommendations for better and more effective delivery
  • Drive process enhancement to build best-in-class ad operations workflow

Associate, Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop and foster Retailer IT relationship – constant communication with the Retailers regarding the rollout of the Clinique Skin Diagnostic and any current connectivity issues
  • Provide direction to CDW (integrator) on RMA direction and priorities. Prioritize based on business need (ie: special events, grand openings, Senior management visits)
  • Lead and direct any Clinique Skin Diagnostic replacements
  • Clinique NA point person for conference calls with Blue Ocean development team and CDW (integrator)
  • Point person for damaged or non-functioning Clinique Skin Diagnostic s at POS
  • Resource for issues with the Clinique Skin Diagnostic for the Clinique Consultants at POS
  • Work with Blue Ocean development team to evaluate RMA’s and determine next steps
  • Develop communication and follow-up with Field on software updates and compliance
  • Work with Blue Ocean development team regarding “pulse check” on units at POS
  • Maintain Master Clinique Skin Diagnostic list – provide door counts and ipad counts to Blue Ocean development team for Senior Management reporting and for sales reporting
  • Manage 3G billing; review, monthly IRG bills and detail Retailer/Clinique charges. Investigate “non-Retailer” charges and determine course of action to remedy
  • Prepare manual invoices for Retailer chargebacks for monthly IRG charges/site surveys
  • Manage the operating budget for the Clinique Skin Diagnostic and provide updates to the Finance team
  • Manage “Master Spreadsheet” with Blue Ocean development team and CDW
  • Responsible for Quickbase database management – building queries, creating reports, and manual updating of inventory
  • Create FAQs and Instruction Manuals for new features, fixes, and informational use
  • Responsible to assist with application testing with Blue Ocean development team
  • Work with retail helpdesk to ensure integrity of RMA database
  • Find alternative solutions to repair processes and work with integrator to implement optimal solutions
  • Manage Canadian rollout (direct contact with Retailers, Canada Sales Operations team)
  • Manage Fashion Group rollout (direct contact with Retailers, Fashion Group sales team)
  • Manage Travel Retail rollout (direct contact with Retailers, Travel Retail Marketing team)
  • Manage the uniform usage by Field Executives
  • Develop and enter semi-yearly Uniform Budget based on quantity recommendations from Finance, and consultant count
  • Maintain the Uniform website size availability and grant access to AEs
  • Constant communication with Uniform vendor, at all levels, to keep track of inventory and to ensure we do not run out of individual sizes
  • Compile and submit weekly Manual Uniform orders to the Uniform vendor for Associate Consultants
  • Excellent organizational skills and communication skills
  • The ability to work autonomously and multi-task
  • A balance of business skills and IT expertise
  • Knowledge of IOS profile building

Director of Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage the Employee Shoe Program
  • Manage sales sample distribution for US and Canada sales team
  • Develop and manage annual departmental budget
  • Strongly customer centric
  • Demonstrated skill in business planning
  • Strong problem-solving, analytical and collaborative skills
  • Ability to communicate with all levels of management in a professional manner
  • Multi-task on projects with the ability to prioritize projects in a fast-paced environment
  • Intermediate knowledge of MS Excel, MS PowerPoint and MS Access required
  • Must be detail oriented with the ability to fulfill responsibilities with minimal supervision
  • Strong analytical and problem solving skills. Ability to synthesize data into comprehensive reports for all levels of staff
  • Ability to develop new procedures, polices and reporting tools to simplify and improve operations
  • Capable of working in a fluid working environment
  • Minimum of 10 years’ experience in footwear or apparel industry, with 5 years of management experience. Specialty and Department Store experience a plus
  • B.A./B.S. in business or technical area required. Advanced degree desirable
  • Successful track record of working with upper management

Sales Operations Coordinator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Coordinate with B2B team to launch site for each selling season
  • Work with Sales and Planning department to determine excess inventory
  • Manage the sales sample process. Coordinate with sales agencies on sample distribution and managing the sample disposal process
  • Assist in event planning - sales meetings, go-to-market meetings, tradeshows and other activities
  • Strong proficiency with Excel and Power Point
  • Strong time management and attention to detail skills, ability to prioritize multiple projects
  • Bilingual English/French is strongly preferred
  • Manage compilation and final sign off of quarterly footwear catalogs
  • Assist in the maintenance and insure the integrity of the quarterly US Footwear price list through auditing of RMA and systems and through regular communication with US Merchandising, Product Marketing Managers and development personnel
  • Update reps on catalog status throughout catalog timeline through Weekly Communications
  • Post and communicate each catalog’s latest versions by the end of each day that it becomes available
  • Knowledge of MS Word, Excel, and Outlook a must
  • Knowledge of RMA, PLM System, SAP system a plus. Microsoft Access and Power point experience a plus
  • Bachelor’s Degree preferred or three years work experience. Footwear and apparel background a plus

Senior Analyst Ad Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead communication and coordination with Finance, Accounting and Ad Sales & Marketing (budget owners), especially at month-end and during forecast, budget and long-range planning periods, to ensure recorded financials accurately reflect performance and departmental strategies. Guide compliance with company policies, SAP coding and billing procedures
  • Build, manage and analyze Ad Sales Expense forecasts, budgets and long range strategic plans that reflect the most current strategies and information. Prepare and communicate comprehensive monthly/quarterly/yearly variance reports for Finance, Accounting and senior leaders within Ad Sales & Marketing
  • Analyze various sources of information (e.g. BI, SAP, NCS, Callidus) to interpret actual performance and trends. Utilize problem solving skills to provide direction and recommend alternatives that improve processes, optimize business performance, and/or drive general efficiencies
  • Assist in developing and preparing presentations for Sales Management summarizing submitted plans, actual performance, important trends, proposed changes and/or any other topics of importance
  • Maintain the Ad Sales pacing and compensation software, Callidus, including account assignments, report validations, training materials, discrepancy research and plan updates. Communicate and coordinate with Sales, Accounting, IT, and Business Operations to maintain system and data integrity
  • Develop, test and implement comp plan/incentive changes into the Callidus system. Monitor success of changes and perform analyses that will guide future modifications and improvements
  • Help define and evolve incentives to drive behaviors that align with company priorities and financial goals. Prepare periodic incentive tracking to determine success of incentives
  • Establish solid relationships with ad sales staff, budget owners and peers in various ESPN departments that leverage or guide ad sales expenses (e.g. Finance, Accounting, Digital Media, Business Operations). Become a key contact for all commission, sales pacing and ad sales expense related questions
  • Minimum of 3 years of accounting / finance experience and/or sales compensation plan experience
  • Experience with Microsoft Excel required
  • Extremely detailed oriented and solid organizational skills
  • Ability to balance and prioritize multiple projects and work in a fast-paced, changing environment
  • Ability to work and solve problems independently
  • Experience in speaking with senior management
  • Experience with representing and promoting fair ground, especially when speaking with strong and influential sales reps
  • Respect for corporate confidentiality

Sales Operations / Sales Assistant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Execution of all Sales Operations functions throughout the quote to cash process
  • Work with sales team to manage sales pipeline and initiatives
  • Support sales force, as needed, to optimize sales force productivity by reducing cycle time and ensuring accurate revenue capture
  • Ensure sales orders are entered, implemented, and billed correctly by working with sales, implementations, contracts, billing and other internal groups
  • Assist sales force to resolve billing and contract issues in a timely fashion
  • Work directly with the team leaders, regional managers, and sales operations to improve speed and accuracy of current processes
  • 1-2 years of experience at Bloomberg - including exposure to SOR/ORD, PROS, and CUST
  • Familiar with internal ticketing systems
  • Expert excel user (including advanced formulas and pivot tables)
  • Exceptional verbal and written communications skills with ability to work well with colleagues at all levels and across functions with professional attitude
  • Keen quantitative ability to conduct detailed analysis of complex data and translate the results into actionable deliverables and messages
  • Ability to execute complex sales processes with excellent attention to detail
  • Ability to work in a fast-paced, continually evolving environment
  • Takes ownership of assigned projects and prioritizes appropriately
  • Direct interaction with NBC Universal's Digital Media Advertising Sales Team and Clients to ensure campaign fulfillment
  • Attraction to continuous change and a demonstrated ability to thrive in a continuously changing environment
  • At least 1 year experience in online media, preferably with sales operations experience
  • Assist Sales team with various projects
  • On call support is required for after hours ad-related emergencies
  • Demonstrated ability to set goals, meet deadlines, and successfully manage multiple assignments concurrently
  • At least 2 years experience in online media, preferably with sales operations experience
  • Familiarity with ad-serving systems (FreeWheel, DoubleClick DART, Atlas, etc.)
  • Strong knowledge of the media business

Executive Director, NA Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Management of allocation of saleable launch forecasts through Launch Forecasting Workbench and collateral through Passport. Maintains strong knowledge of systems to continue to improve the process
  • Work closely with North America Marketing team to ensure programs are allocated based on marketing strategies
  • Weekly approval of Launch Re-orders (includes inventory and forecast analysis, evaluation of weekly sales and WOS at POS)
  • Analyze monthly forecast and roll forecast for all launch products with Demand Planning
  • Develop monthly estimate of Launch Re-order dollars and provide to Executive Director of Inventory Replenishment for orderwriting estimates
  • Provide Online and Fashion Groups with launch product forecasts for orderwriting estimates
  • Provide OE’s with launch product forecasts and map out re-order weeks for orderwriting estimates
  • Update the Clinique Order Form seasonally
  • Sales Ops lead for critical sku rationalization/reduction project
  • This will entail collaboration with NA Marketing, Global Marketing, Product Development, Region Demand Planning, OE’s, and Merchandising
  • Evaluate effectiveness of tiers and recommendations for improvements
  • Work with NA/Global Marketing on recommendations for sku cuts
  • Ensure all price increases are updated in the system
  • Responsible for Discontinued List distribution to the field and education teams. Bi-monthly calls with forecasting, GBSC and Basic Business team to review discontinued dates and potentially move out dates based on current inventory/demand
  • Evaluate WOS at POS and recommended stop ship dates
  • Ensure discontinued dates align with merchandising updates
  • Need to secure replacement shades for all discontinued items from Product Development or Global Marketing
  • Monthly meetings to review forecasts by segment of basic sku’s and new launches
  • Track shipment status of all launches and communicate revenue implications
  • Attend Retailer Market presentations
  • Assist NA Marketing with sample forecasts based on programming needs/historical programs
  • Attend weekly merchandising meetings to gain understanding of launch elements
  • Provide sample forecasts to demand planning based on mailer programming
  • Brand lead in resource allocation regional focus. Ensuring brand is in alignment with affiliate strategy of moving resources
  • Tester Maintenance
  • New Account Openings
  • Oversee NAO Tester orders and ensure timely delivery to stores
  • Clinique Skin Diagnostic
  • Oversee Clinique Skin Diagnostic rollout and maintenance in US including expense and capital budget management
  • Assist Fashion Group, TR and Canadian teams with the Clinique Computer rollout
  • Position requires 10+ years related experience
  • Must be analytical, detailed oriented and experienced in working with, and supporting, a field sales force

Sales Operations Assistant Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide coaching and development to a direct report team of approximately 30 Cast Members to achieve higher levels of cast and guest service by communicating job expectations and planning, monitoring, appraising, and reviewing job contributions
  • Improve and build process efficiencies across all functions of the operation with a focus on the guest experience, operational effectiveness, and resource utilization
  • Minimum 2 years experience as Guest Service Manager
  • Demonstrated commitment to the Four Keys Basics
  • Proven experience in an operations environment
  • Demonstrated leadership ability, including strong partnering, coaching and mentoring skills
  • Excellent strong written and verbal communication skills
  • Demonstrated commitment to cast members
  • Demonstrated ability to manage the operation and teach it to cast members
  • Demonstrated ability to lead and monitor cast performance and operational improvements
  • Demonstrated business acumen along with a passion for superb guest service and cast excellence
  • Proven knowledge and expertise with a variety of computer programs including MS Excel, Word and PowerPoint
  • Proven experience and strong understanding of the sales process
  • Experience with continuous improvement processes
  • Demonstrated ability to manage conflict
  • Experience managing vendor relationships
  • Proven knowledge and expertise with operations software and customer relationship management programs
  • Practical experience with IT systems

Sales & Operations Coordinator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Track budget and expenses for group. Maintain unit budget files, liaise with accounting department on requirements
  • Ensure proper process and procedure for efficient adherence to corporate payroll, accounting and administrative needs. Process payroll for hourly employees. Coordinate travel requests. Track and distribute AR reports. Process and submit department and GM expenses
  • Other tasks as assigned, such as scheduling meetings or lunches. Backing up other unit admins, answering incoming calls
  • Coordinate and track APT requirements. New customer account creation for sales reps, paperwork for new rates, manual pricing adjustments with IT department. Provide backup admin support when reps are on travel or out of office. Liaise with international sales staff on requirements and responses. Disseminate final approved sales collateral material to sales staff
  • Maintain and supervise Google Docs and forecasting and sales module, supply report
  • Track and coordinate sale-able inventory for newsletters, online ad spots, webcasts, whitepapers and special sponsorship opportunities. Develop and maintain an inventory module for this on Google Docs
  • Assist on marketing projects as assigned
  • Event planning for annual conference and other events
  • Coordinate requirements and schedules on special sponsor-related projects, such as webcasts, whitepapers, agency catalogue/guides. Liaise with web department and online marketing manager on requirements and email marketing, liaise with sponsors, content and sales team on project kick-off and follow-up
  • Other special project coordination as assigned, such as potential intern program, social media projects, special editorial project coordination, special circulation projects

Equity Structured Products Sales & Operations Associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • Follows compliance regulations to process Structured offerings from announcement to final settlement
  • Request, review and maintain Structured Products termsheets with the counterparties prior to trading
  • Ensure proper approvals from legal, risk, and compliance as required prior to trading. Responsible for maintenance and control of the database of the approved termsheets
  • Development and review of marketing materials and sales plans for Structured Products
  • Strive to improve existing process to enhance standards and grow business. Identify and address control gaps in the procedures and business practices and aim at closing gaps
  • Manages relationships with Financial Advisors through service support
  • Assists with retail branch inquiries, marketing, and ticketing
  • Develops, maintains, and monitors pricing models and initiates trade corrections/price improvements as necessary. Must be able to initiate/escalate conversations/negotiations with senior representatives of counterparties
  • Various compliance/internal audit inquiries
  • Assists with annual budget process and inquiries
  • Maintains and enhances existing Financial Advisor relationships and expands the ESP network of Advisors through the creation of new relationships
  • Analyzes participating accounts, to ensure that Financial Advisors are providing quality placement of ESP offerings with their retail clients
  • Develops and maintains the departmental intranet page on company’s intranet and provides input into redesign as needed
  • Partners with other internal departments to leverage product sales and generate new business opportunities
  • Meets with external senior corporate executives to review company capabilities with a focus on retail distribution strengths and strategy
  • Maintains regular contact with senior manager and other internal customers to identify, research and resolve issues
  • Assists with the development of processes and procedures to ensure efficient and timely work flow
  • Performs periodic reporting on work progress, project completions and additional ad-hoc reporting as required
  • Ensures effective coordination occurs between assigned functional area and other areas
  • Prepares and delivers written and oral presentations to senior management
  • Advanced concepts, principles and practices of FINRA compliance regulations, trading regulations and accounting principles
  • Advanced investment concepts, practices and procedures used in the securities industry
  • Advanced concepts, principles and practices of Investment Banking
  • Financial markets, products, financial advisory function and investment process
  • Problem solving sufficient to effectively analyze, research and resolve inquiries in a timely manner
  • Problem solving and the ability to think independently sufficient to market ideas
  • Analyzing and interpreting financial statements
  • Analytical skills sufficient to assess and explain events in the market
  • Defining high standards of quality and evaluating products, services, and own performance against those standards
  • Establish and maintain effective working relationships at all levels of the organization
  • Attend to detail while maintaining a big picture orientation
  • Interpret and apply policies and identify and recommend changes as appropriate
  • Identify required tasks, develop timelines and execute
  • Bachelor’s Degree (B.A.) in Finance, Accounting, Business or a related field and minimum of five (5) years of experience in the financial services industry

Regional Sales Operations Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support regional Sales teams and EU Sales Management through
  • implementation, adoption and continuous improvement to support sales enablement
  • Client segmentation analysis
  • Sales performance reporting & planning
  • Management of Client data quality & integrity
  • Development of Management Information & Dashboards
  • Extensive working experience to deliver highly professional and insightful business support to the EU sales region
  • Previous Sales Operations experience within an international sales environment
  • Highly numerate and proficient managing complex sales management information and pivots in Excel
  • Highly experienced in the use of, including reports & dashboards
  • Experience of working with SAP advantageous
  • Experience in implementing & managing data quality and integrity initiatives or programmes

Sales Operations Admin Asst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Providing excellent customer service within the Canadian marketplace while working within the Canada sales operations team
  • Work closely with the sales reps to assist in the process of the sales cycle, from order entry to shipping and follow-up with the customer
  • Assist in phone support, customers ordering requests and all other office related duties
  • Maximize product fulfillment on orders
  • Calling accounts to receive extensions, substitute styles, approval to pre-ship
  • Work with outside departments such as accounting, production and the distribution center
  • Entering orders
  • Order maintenance
  • Issuing RAs
  • Checking status on open orders
  • Remedying order/shipping issues
  • Writing up SHRs and submit for approval as needed
  • Other customer service issues/requests
  • Solid typing and computer skills necessary (Knowledge of Microsoft Office a must)
  • French verbal & written skills are a plus
  • Knowledge of SAP preferred
  • Must be detail oriented and able to multi task
  • Retail/customer service experience a plus
  • Must be able to work well in a team and also be self-sufficient
  • Organization, priority control and phone skills are required
  • Must enjoy working in a fast paced environment

Senior Sales Operations Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support Sales Management by preparing data for presentations and status reports
  • Leverage business intelligence tools, existing CRM, financial systems to automate existing reporting and develop new reports and dashboards for the Sales Management based on requirements gathered
  • Collaborate, coordinate, and communicate across departments regarding data availability and the delivery of management reports
  • Compile information from various sources into comprehensive documents and manipulate large amounts of data from varied sources; combine and conceptualize information to recommend solutions including to identify opportunities for efficiencies and automation for presentations such as embedded data refreshes
  • Transform raw data into meaningful and useful information to reveal operational and performance insights in particular revenue reporting and analysis for Sales Management, and to enable effective strategic and tactical decision making
  • Analyze reports and performance data to provide assessments of trends, and to identify and explain variances from goals and prior periods, and to identify indicators of possible performance issues or changes in future business activities
  • Produce regular, periodic, and ad hoc business analytics and other reports for Sales Management
  • Assist with the design of new management reports and analytics and/or provide suggestions on streamlining existing reports
  • Increase effectiveness, accuracy, and speed of all reporting/analytics requirements by automating reporting requirements
  • Develop and present recommendations to Sales Management, identify, develop and articulate compelling qualitative and quantitative business cases for metrics and reporting that are not currently measured
  • Act as subject matter expert for reporting tools, providing assistance to global Sales Operations team where necessary
  • Identify ways to accommodate adhoc reports, recommend existing reports for utilization, and recognize potential automation opportunities
  • Manage to the WW Sales organization budget and analysis of WW Sales P& L view
  • Develop systems and processes to manage payout, commission statements and issue resolution
  • Work with Finance and HR to ensure requisite payout approvals are obtained and payouts are made accurately and timely

Manager of Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Partner with Sales and Executive management to develop and refine the metrics to track sales team performance
  • Proactively work with Sales, Sales Operations, and Finance to implement, and maintain CRM, ensuring data integrity and alignment with internal accounting system of record
  • Develop and deliver weekly analysis & reporting necessary for forecasting
  • Monitor the assigned sales organization’s compliance with required standards for maintaining CRM data
  • Partner with, and iterate quickly with, multiple internal clients across the organization (Sales, Marketing, Finance, and Client Services) to enhance effectiveness of sales organization
  • Manage collection of market and business intelligence to support market and pricing strategy, and provide reports to stake holders
  • Manage sales operations analysts
  • Create, maintain and communicate all sales process documentation, Sales Portal, and materials in support of training
  • 3+ years of experience managing sales operations, including team management, in a rapidly growing enterprise software company. Prior experience as a sales professional a plus
  • Comprehensive understanding of all elements of the sales process. &#96
  • Experience in a key role in at least one CRM implementation
  • Proficiency with CRM, including Salesforce (SFDC), with the ability to setup reporting & dashboard reports, and perform basic administration, research and analysis without direct supervision
  • Advanced proficiency at Microsoft Excel (i.e., VLOOKUP, Pivot tables, macros, etc.)
  • Strong written & verbal communicate skills, with confidence to communicate at all levels within the Sales organization
  • Strong project management and scheduling skills
  • Attention to detail and absolute focus on quality of work
  • Ability to multi-task and work competing priorities
  • Positive, self-starter who will take initiative
  • Bachelor’s Degree required; MBA plus

Sales Operations Associate Latam Resume Examples & Samples

  • Business and Strategic Planning: Support senior management in strategic, business and operational planning and ensure decisions are in line with the global sales organization’ approach
  • Ensure we have strong plans at a market (sub-region, country), vertical and account level
  • Provide business analytic strength to help drive initiatives critical to ongoing growth
  • Provide sophisticated research and analysis (e.g, market/industry/competitive trends and insights) for the business leadership to support decision-making
  • Support quota setting process for the Sales Teams in the Region
  • Support Sales teams with planning and operational requests
  • Lead statistical analysis on product performance to drive insights & recommendations
  • Automation and efficiency: Focus on process and continuous improvement of core projects through automation and process enhancement
  • Project manage the development of centralized tools that sales teams can use to extract data / insights for daily business management in an automated manner
  • Reporting: Partner with the sales channels to drive accurate analysis around product adoption and revenue performance
  • Support sales strategies and client recommendations based on robust analysis of user and advertiser behavior
  • Strategic projects and initiatives: Drive operational excellence in the Sales organization through identification and execution of opportunity areas that create efficiency, remove obstacles, or create improved processes and approaches to the business

Sales Operations Associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support the goal and quota setting process for the Global Gaming team
  • Create and maintain key data sets and reporting to track and manage the performance of Facebook’s largest advertiser/agency partners
  • Ability to meet and interact with Facebook employees across multiple areas of the company (Sales, Finance, Business Intelligence, etc.)

Head of Sales Operations Ad Tech & Product Marketing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Build the newly formed Sales Ops Team for AdTech and PMM, which includes establishing three new teams
  • SalesOps for Advertiser Ad Tech (e.g., Atlas)
  • SalesOps for Publisher Ad Tech (e.g., LiveRail, Audience Network)
  • Product Marketing Sales Ops support
  • Design the team and hire the right talent and instilling a culture of accountability and fun
  • Be a great business partner for AdTech and Product Marketing leaders on all business and operational activities
  • Support senior management in strategic, business and operational planning and ensure decisions in line with the global sales organization’s approach
  • Lead specific initiatives to help achieve business goals, partnering with cross-functional teams across the organization
  • Drive operational reviews and rhythm of the business leading business analysis, including revenue, customer and market analysis
  • Develop strong collaborative relationships with key stakeholders across the company and represent the Functions with Cross-Functional teams
  • Provide sophisticated in-depth research (industry trends and analyses, institutional analyst reports, recent news, etc.) for the business leadership
  • People management and team leadership

Senior Manager, Region Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • 7 - 10 years relevant experience required
  • 1 - 3 years Management experience
  • Prior professional indirect automotive experience of 5+ years as Business Development Manager, or comparable automotive captive or bank professional field/sales position that has called directly upon dealerships
  • Commercial credit related experience within automotive industry
  • Retail credit related experience within automotive lending industry
  • Ensure that individual and team objectives are aligned with the Corporate Strategy by using the Performance Management Process and Personnel Development plans
  • Provide the necessary support to the Business Development Managers to achieve the annual objectives for Retail and Lease Penetration, Used Vehicle Volume, Ancillary products and the acquisition of new wholesale business
  • Act as on-going liaison between the Region and the operational teams in the Service Centers, Headquarters and with our Volkswagen and Audi Brand partners
  • Assist the Region Director by creating and designing incentives to be launched at the District level to achieve mutual objectives
  • Monitor the Region’s retail/lease portfolio performance in the areas of delinquency & loss in concert with the Commercial Credit team
  • Ensure that all necessary retail & wholesale legal documentation is properly executed and tracked. Also, ensure that Commercial Credit policies are followed through the use of equity-verifications and monitoring financial requirements as approved
  • Provide on-site supervision during the takeover of new accounts & buy-sell deals to ensure the accurate & timely assumption of collateral
  • 7-10 years of relevant experience required
  • 1-3 years of management experience required

Manager, Region Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provides critical leadership to ensure proper communications and workflow for the customer support team
  • Facilitates training of new hires as well as provide ongoing training and/or materials to existing sales support team to develop and improve skills and performance
  • Analyses past and current sales performance and data on industry trends
  • Coordinates pilot testing of new Sales Operations or Support initiatives
  • Oversees the preparation of statistical reports that measure sales activities, service levels and quality metrics on a daily basis
  • Analyze current reporting to keep management abreast of variance on sales and makes recommendations to maximize revenue
  • Works with other in the development of sales quotas, recommending changes to current sales techniques, procedures or promotional efforts based on research and new trends
  • Provides input on the development of marketing plan for various sales channels
  • Monitors quality of work output of the support team
  • Establishes and maintains cross-functional relationships to maximum sales revenue
  • May participate in the development of annual operating budgets and re-forecasts as necessary
  • Monitors and ensures compliance with all standard policies
  • Provides local support for compensation, sales contests, sales quality, etc

Sales Operations Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Reviews customer account records in our database (SFDC)
  • Researches key data points for each account and adds/corrects the data in our database
  • Key data points include: dealer nameplates (makes), dealer type (franchise/independent), account type (domestic/import), and dealer lot size
  • Additional record cleansing includes managing out-dated sales opportunites and uncoverted leads
  • Previous CRM experience a plus
  • Ability to understand key business data points related to automotive industry
  • Ability to research customers using a variety of sources
  • Prior experience managing data a plus
  • Experience and proficiency preferred in Word, Outlook, and Excel
  • Must be comfortable working under pressure and meeting tight deadlines
  • Ability to work on multiple projects
  • Superior organizational skills, good follow through and sense of urgency
  • Strong problem solving skills with demonstrated ability to find solutions without specific step-by-step instructions
  • Possess above average verbal and written communications skills
  • Ability to read, write, speak, and understand English
  • High School diploma or equivalent, 6+ years sales administration experience
  • BA/BS degree preferred, accepted in lieu of equivalent years of experience
  • Outdoor, Apparel or Footwear Industry experience preferred
  • Experience with, NetEnforcers, Insight, JD Edwards desired

Director International Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Define, measure, and report on global Sales productivity/efficiency initiatives
  • Sales Process & Optimization: Direct a program of continuous process improvement for our sales teams by looking to uncover areas of inefficiency and recommend and drive solutions to increase sales productivity and overall effectiveness. Safeguard sales productivity by identifying time sinks, both with internal processes and externally with customer facing activities
  • Systems & Tools: Identify sales efficiency and capability gaps and work to solve those gaps via technology enhancements. Work with the CRM and other back office tool administrators to enhance and optimize sales utilization and efficiency
  • Sales Programs: Oversee and administer all change management initiatives within the sales organization. Ensure that the sales force is properly engaged, informed for all changes that impact them. Ensure tools, compensation programs and training programs are all aligned and updated to accommodate the changes w/in the sales organization
  • Reporting: Develop full reporting suite to ensure that our sales leadership team can effectively monitor sales capacity and productivity across all roles
  • Develop, mentor, and maximize the potential of team members
  • 5+ years’ experience in sales operations
  • 2+ years Management experience
  • Bachelors Degree required, Business or related discipline
  • Strong verbal and written communications skills and ability to communicate to Senior Leadership and Executive Management
  • Large scale cross functional project management
  • Strong strategic thinking and analytical skills
  • Ability to work as part of a team, as well as independently, to accomplish team goals
  • Demonstrated leadership, resource and people management experience
  • Ability to resolve complex problems
  • Demonstrated knowledge of business industry
  • Ability to operate independently and innovate. A results-oriented outlook with the ability to prioritise and deliver key initiatives
  • Demonstrated expert analytical skills
  • Ability to resolve complex problems and to translate complicated concepts into easily understood terms

Analyst Ii Sales Operations, Americas Resume Examples & Samples

  • 4-6 years of banking experience preferred
  • Experience with sales of consumer mortgage and home equity recommended
  • FINRA Series 6 & 63 Securities License required within 90-days of hire; Series 65 and Life/Health Insurance licenses within 180 days

Sales Operations Internship Resume Examples & Samples

  • The ability to work as part of a cross functional team; as well as individually - in order to drive issues to resolution
  • Ability to excel in an ambiguous environment
  • Customer-oriented
  • Must be enrolled in an MBA or Masters Program in Engineering or related fields
  • Must have at least 3 months of working experience in the technology industry
  • Must have at least 3 months of working experience with Microsoft Office

Sales Operations Quality & Loyalty Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Understanding our sales operations customer, partner and sales satisfaction surveys, the target audience and the outcomes
  • Identifying key customer, partner, sales challenges and plans to address them Participate in quality improvement projects
  • Being able to prioritize them and generate develop robust action plans to support process or program improvements
  • Generating and publishing business reports
  • Coordinating activities across stakeholders, driving process improvements and adherence to accuracy standards
  • Leading a sales, customer and/or partner program
  • Administering an internal employee program designed to increase sales, customer and/or partner satisfaction and loyalty
  • First-level university degree
  • Typically up to 2 years of related experience in IT/business operations
  • Basic knowledge of HP products, services and processes
  • Basic understanding of core HP businesses and business value
  • Basic understanding of HP customers and partners
  • Excellent communication skills (i.e. written, verbal, presentation). Mastery in English and local language as well as other languages as required
  • Microsoft Office proficiency - including PowerPoint, Office, Word, Excel and Outlook
  • Microsoft Project, Visio and SharePoint skills a plus
  • Bachelor’s degree (completed prior to start date) in business, operations, engineering, computer science, mathematics, statistics, or related fields
  • Excellent numeric and analytic skills
  • Ability to understand complex issues and drive full resolution quickly

Sales Operations Business Intelligence Consultant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Supports Project Manager during requirement gathering by preparing BI solution specifications and realistic time estimates for development
  • Consults the BI project teams on best technology, solution and architecture within given project limitations
  • Prepares new/modified processes for successful move to production of developed BI solutions including but not limited to documentation, job scheduling and automation
  • Provides advanced (ie. 2nd level) support for developed solutions as needed in case of any issues
  • Participates in organization-wide BI process improvement initiatives to fine tune our BI delivery approach and best practices
  • Supports regular analytical needs for our business stakeholders (ie. data mining, data analytics, etc.)
  • Follows standard project management and quality improvement methodologies in process improvement approaches
  • Between 2 and 5 years of experience in Business Intelligence Projects and Development
  • First-level university degree or equivalent experience; may have advanced university degree (computer science or comparable business / technical experience or equivalent)
  • Mastery in English (written, verbal, presentation) is a must

Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Understands and Participates in all phases of the Business Intelligence / Software Development Lifecycle (SDLC)
  • Develops BI solutions (frontend and backend, incl. data security), actively participates in solution testing and drives bugfixing to guarantee high quality of BI solutions
  • Communicates project status, issues and proposes solutions / workarounds clearly and succinctly to project, operations and / or stakeholder team
  • Actively trains our helpdesk and operations team during move to operations at the end of every project
  • Contributes to solution deployment and end user training by providing solution documentation, supportive training documents
  • Experience in working at a large corporation / enterprise in a virtual / global environment is a plus
  • Demonstrated project management, problem solving and analytical skills, understanding of the basic software development lifecycle

Sales Operations Leader Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide leadership and direction for all group Medicare plans
  • Optimize business performance by coordinating with network, sales, compliance for all business purposes, and provide leadership and direction for all functions
  • Collaborate with sales and account management on labor relations strategy
  • Support teams with organized labor including building and brand awareness
  • Develop strategies that will influence sales for retention and for growth
  • Influence others in a highly matrixed environment
  • Understand Humana’s marketplace, industry, and Medicare regulatory environment assuring all functions are running properly
  • Build cohesive team by establishing clear direction, goals, and responsibilities
  • Prior experience in the health solutions industry and knowledge of Medicare
  • Background in operations, compliance, or related field
  • Progressive and visionary leadership experience
  • Ability to drive strategy and vision
  • Master’s Degree in Business Administration or a related field

VP of Ww Federation Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Set strategy and direction Coordinate global sales coverage and drive local sales execution. High level management of contract and pricing strategy
  • Oversee day to day operations of the Global Teams by reviewing sales strategies, forecasts and participating in customer meetings
  • Establish a highly strategic, thoughtful and deliberate organization within the existing framework of our transactional and metrics oriented business model
  • Typical primary responsibilities include expanding and developing the Federation account programs, elevating executive relationships, and accelerating the adoption of VMware solutions. Responsible for significant key partner relationship management and development including EMC, VCE and Pivotal
  • Must be enrolled at a University/College or Graduation date must be within the last six months – if still enrolled, must be in Junior or Senior year
  • Strong ability to communicate both orally and in writing
  • Strong interpersonal skills, a comfort working directly with Executives and international colleagues
  • Ability to manage deadlines
  • Knowledge of Microsoft PowerPoint, Excel, and Word
  • Familiarity with general sales and marketing concepts
  • General interest in global and U.S. automotive industry

Sales Operations Summer Internship Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist in the creation of the Material Master Customer information database
  • Assist with cost saving initiatives project
  • Confirm catalog distribution list individuals and qtys
  • Audit leftover sample ordering and shipping
  • Purge, cleanup, and organize catalogs
  • Audit seasonal sample channel file
  • Audit channels in the sample system
  • Run daily material data reports
  • Research image issues in order to support sales needs
  • Support Ops RMM needs
  • Knowledge of MS Word, Excel, Outlook, IE a must
  • Microsoft Access and Power point experience a plus
  • The individual must have the ability to manage multiple projects, have a strong attention to detail, the ability to resolve issues and offer improvements, and effectively prioritize workload
  • Must also possess excellent written and verbal communication skills and be a team player
  • Pursuing a bachelor’s degree at a four-year college or university
  • Knowledge/experience in footwear, apparel industry a plus
  • 3-5 years in a similar position
  • Bilingual: French and English (spoken and written)
  • Organized and know how to prioritize
  • Multitasking and able to work under pressure
  • Good knowledge of Microsoft Office
  • Knowledge of People Soft V9 (an asset)
  • Account Executive Training inclusive of RM tools, Quatro and SFDC
  • Coordination with HR partner on new hires
  • Owner of all Sales Support Functions and Personnel
  • Office Support for A/S role and any other AEs that desire to work in office
  • Product Packaging Creation (Areas of Interest, Digital and Posters etc)
  • Rate Support
  • Last Minute Avails Notification
  • SFDC Report Generation
  • Ownership of Renewals
  • VP of Sales back up on client meetings
  • Coordination between real estate, operations, finance and production for sales team
  • Real Time Inventory Analysis
  • Distribution and Monitoring of AE monthly, quarterly and annual goals
  • Coordination of client brainstorming sessions
  • Finance/Revenue Management
  • Ownership of Rate Planning with RM
  • Lead on biweekly RM points
  • Distribution and High Level Analysis of Data for the team
  • A/R distribution and Monitoring
  • Account Ownership Lead
  • Commission Expert for branch and coordination with Finance regarding Commission Distribution
  • Budget Creation
  • QBR Data Collector
  • Monthly Flash Updates
  • Operations/Production/Real Estate
  • Production shifts from Creative Department to this Position
  • P/I monitoring
  • Printer Utilization Reports
  • Coordination with Operations on Vinyl Issues
  • MOPS status distribution
  • Real Estate Coordination on new builds, removals, vegetation issues and power issues
  • POP Ownership
  • Coordinates RUSH buys with all departments
  • Inventory Issue Coordination between departments

Assistant Gm, Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support the General Manager, Sales Operations (GSOM) in all responsibilities and activities related to the achievement of objectives and assigned tasks
  • Ensure that Sales Volumes & Customer Sales Satisfaction strategies are in alignment with Profitability objectives at both the wholesale & the retail level for the Region
  • Direct the activities of assigned Sales Operation Managers (SOM’s) to create & implement Sales, Customer Satisfaction & Distribution strategies that support the Region’s Sales & SSI targets
  • Ensure that all actions positively impact Brand Integration & are in alignment with both new & on-going programs
  • Directly support the GSOM in any and all activities pertaining to the achievement of the Region’s assigned objectives
  • Direct & manage assigned SOM’s including the recruitment & development & mentoring of team members
  • Assist in the development & implementation of Volkswagen Sales strategies for new cars, CPO, Fleet & customer satisfaction
  • Assist in the preparation, presentation & monitoring of Regional incentive budgets
  • Assist in developing tools & training for Field, Sales Trainers & Dealer network
  • Develop Sales strategies with the Operations Managers to drive implementation of these strategies towards the achievement of Sales objectives
  • Monitor & evaluate sales trends & general market conditions and take appropriate action to ensure achievement of business plan objectives
  • Lead monthly & annual Sales Planning processes of assigned Areas & adjust Area forecasts as required
  • Take part in monthly Regional sales planning meetings
  • Ensure that assigned SOMs are accurate & complete in forecasting, vehicle ordering & allocation of vehicles & provide input on models & option mixes & production volumes to the forecasting process
  • Provide recommendations for model & option mixes & participate in the recommendation of production volumes based on determined requirements
  • Ensure that Dealers are planning & ordering sufficient vehicle inventory, with the right mix, to achieve their Sales targets
  • Direct & manage activities & work flow of assigned SOM’s, including Sales Planning & Incentives, Certified Pre-Owned & Fleet & Vehicle Distribution
  • Work with the GSOM & GFOM to ensure synergies & alignment
  • Implement Dealer standards, performance metrics & compensation programs
  • Manage the effective & efficient use of the Vehicle Incentives Budget
  • In conjunction with Operations Managers, ensure appropriate & timely action is taken to improve the performance of the Dealer network towards achievement of Sales & Market Share objectives
  • 10 - 15 years of experience in automotive industry in a sales, finance, strategic, and business development capacity
  • Demonstrated success in developing & implementing successful sales, profit & marketing programs

Sales Operations Associate, Atlas Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support the goal and quota setting process for the Global Accounts Team
  • Project manage the development of centralized tools that Sales teams can use to extract data / insights for daily business management in an automated manner
  • Product adoption analyses: provide analytics in support of new or enhanced products, including KPIs, goals, and adoption rates across advertisers

Sales / Operations Assistant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Attend and record minutes for weekly production/sales meetings
  • Type minutes from weekly meeting and update account lists (filed on, master, etc)
  • Send call-ins to the VP Sales
  • Assist in the flow of processing contracts. Scan contracts, enter contracts into Quattro, email countersigned contracts to clients and save scanned contracts to the shared drive
  • Collect information to send weekly and monthly reports to Indy Go
  • Assist in tracking ticket usage and distribution
  • Keep account lists updated as changes are made by sales manager
  • Miscellaneous projects as assigned by division president and sales manager
  • Enter completed work orders (return postings) in Quattro and run operations production reports to check return postings (entered and scanned)
  • Enter rotary moves into excel spreadsheet
  • Make vinyl inventory tags from completed work orders
  • Assist other operations personnel in tracking vinyl inventory list (toss, returns, etc)
  • Assist other operations personnel with MOPs (creating and closing)
  • Order and track all materials
  • Greet all guests that enter our building in a professional and friendly manner
  • Sort and distribute mail
  • Create and edit excel spreadsheets for special projects
  • Assist in reporting and tracking of operations safety reports
  • Candidate must be fully proficient in all Microsoft Office products, including Word, Outlook, Power Point, and Excel
  • Candidate must be friendly, positive, willing to take on additional assignments and tasks, be able to work with a variety of personalities and interests, and conduct themselves as polished, professional, and honest associates
  • Candidate should possess superior interpersonal (oral and written) skills, excellent analytical and organizational skills

Director of Transformation Sales & Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • 5+ years of experience in managing high-performing teams
  • 5+ years of experience in operations leadership role (Manager or Director)
  • Skilled in multi-tasking and leading several projects simultaneously
  • Experience in driving organizational change
  • Ability to drive diverse teams to solutions on complex issues, including internal and external partners
  • Proven ability to interact & collaborate across multiple disciplines in order to accomplish common goal
  • Ability to utilize metrics/analytics to identify opportunities and measure results
  • Strong organizational, project management and analytical skills

Director, Global Renewals Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Sales reporting
  • Quarterly target setting
  • Deal desk activities
  • Sales analytics
  • QBR planning
  • Account & territory planning
  • Finance alignment
  • Quota & commission planning
  • Partner reporting

Director, Americas Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Account growth
  • Achieving revenue targets for delivered revenue
  • Billable utilization
  • Success delivery of the project portfolio
  • Customer satisfaction
  • Being a trusted advisor to the practice, PMO & account teams
  • Providing thought leadership
  • Owns the forecast for the assigned opportunities
  • On-going opportunity identification
  • Delivery partner management
  • Resource planning across assigned projects
  • Deal reviews
  • Liaison with sales account managers
  • Status calls with accounts managers who have in-flight projects
  • Collecting IP produced during project delivery
  • Managing customers, VMware consultants, external partners and project managers
  • Escalation of technical and commercial issues
  • Rolled up portfolio level reporting
  • Define and manage overall project risks and take corrective action in a proactive manner to mitigate those risks
  • Provide clear and timely communication regarding the status of the portfolio – schedule, budget, progress to date, risks etc. - to relevant stakeholders
  • Drive continuous improvement of project processes – methodology, templates, best practices etc. based on lessons learned from projects
  • Experience in a sales or customer service role required
  • Footwear experience preferred
  • High level computer proficiency required
  • Advance Microsoft Excel skills preferred (lookup functions, array formulas, pivot tables and data management)
  • Strong business analysis skills with propensity to suggest and drive solutions
  • Propensity to “up-sell”
  • Comfortable with team based work structure
  • Ability to demonstrate flexibility
  • Ability to manage multiple projects and shift priorities in a fast paced environment
  • Demonstrates initiative, is conscientious and provides complete follow through on aspects of responsibility

Senior Director, Store Sales & Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Meet/exceed assigned sales performance goals and profitability criteria
  • Work towards transforming retail store culture from customer service to sales/retention customer service
  • Set and hold direct reports accountable for achieving minimum performance standards
  • Held to a high level of accountability for all roles and responsibilities
  • Full P&L responsibility and accountability
  • Ensure all in store Cash Handling/Inventory control procedures are followed and in compliance
  • Responsible for headcount tracking and hiring within all locations
  • Develop, implement, and monitor a store prospecting plan to increase sales
  • Facilitate and participate in weekly staff training sessions and or meetings to increase knowledge, create high levels of motivation, and inspire team to achieve results
  • Establish and monitor retail store and kiosk work schedules and staffing issues to effectively manage payroll expenses
  • Partner with management to promote Retention efforts, increase competition awareness, overcome objections, and bridge gaps of opportunities
  • Exhibit a high level of leadership presence within all aspects of the business and other internal departments
  • Operate with a 'Shirt Sleeves' mentality while keeping focus on the macro view at all times
  • Analyze various business reports for trend analysis and strategic planning purposes
  • Effectively manage retail store employees, including coaching, administering discipline, etc
  • Must have a minimum of 5 -7 years leadership experience in a retail sales environment or equivalent experience in an MSO environment; preferably at least 5 years' experience in telecom or cable/broadband field; or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • Assist with target setting, goal transfers and quarter end sales compensation process
  • Own relationships with sales organization, serve as a second voice of sales within Aol
  • Own weekly revenue pipeline and reporting accuracy and controllership. This person must acquire the ability to explain the methodology behind forecasts and supporting data
  • Serve as Sales organization’s liaison to product team. We are in the process of re-vamping our instance, you will have major input and opportunity to influence this effort
  • Help integrate newly acquired businesses by implementing excellent sales revenue management practices, and serving as their voice within Aol
  • Own internal operations relationships with sales organization, serve as a second voice of sales within Aol
  • Produce innovative executive summaries and internal reports that will help teams digest data and focus on the material takeaways
  • Serve as point of controllership in Xactly sales compensation tool. Manage all sales compensation issues, Commission Compensation Plan, and Commission payments
  • Work extensively within Aol Advertising homegrown systems and files (ADX and goaling) to maintain seller and account mappings
  • Provide ad hoc reporting and business analysis for West/Central sales teams as needed
  • Highly motivated, detail oriented ability to multi-task in a fast paced environment, ability to work independently, ability to meet organizational objectives and deadlines, ability to work in a team environment
  • Very strong communication, analytical and interpersonal skills as well as experience in dealing with Senior Executives in a one on one fashion
  • Advanced skill set with Microsoft Office with a high degree of proficiency in Excel and Access
  • Willingness to travel to various parts of the country, as needed

Sales Operations Representative Resume Examples & Samples

  • Deal strategy construction and documentation
  • Salesforce reporting as required
  • Gather Market Intelligence and report to the team
  • Sales and or marketing background
  • Degree qualifications preferred or industry experience
  • Preparing sales materials and client recap presentations
  • Organizing and managing complex media plans across multiple forms of media
  • General office duties
  • Utilize MS Office Suite at an EXPERT level
  • Presentation/design work via Adobe Photoshop or similar image editing software
  • Organized, detail-oriented
  • A flair for marketing
  • Strong writing, telephone and interpersonal skills
  • Ability to professionally interact with clients, account executives, and management
  • Ability to assist in fulfillment of projects internally with stations and with external partners
  • Desire to grow into sales/marketing role
  • Willingness and enthusiasm to learn, excel and win!
  • Media IQ helpful
  • Maintain data and pipeline integrity by working closely with the sales team and the Salesforce Administrator
  • Provide ad-hoc reporting and analysis from our CRM tool
  • Collaborate with cross-functional teams to improve overall operations process
  • Work on other ad-hoc projects as required
  • Bachelors degree in business or related field required with strong academic credentials
  • Proactive, creative, independent problem solver
  • Highly proficient in MS Excel and MS PPT. Advanced Excel skills such as pivot tables and ability to analyze large amounts of data are a must
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills, as well as strong documentation skills; ability to communicate professionally across all levels of the organization
  • Extremely well organized with a consistent and thorough attention to details
  • Ability to multi-task, prioritize a variety of tasks and meet deadlines
  • Experience with or other CRM tools a strong plus

Analyst, Global Accounts Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead Management, Order Tracking and Opportunity Creation on SFDC or equivalent CRM
  • Managing - Forecast, Pipeline and general Account information
  • Managing Sales and Partner Systems
  • Strong work ethic and sense of responsibility
  • Minimum of a Bachelor's degree from a 4 year college or university
  • A minimum of 4 years experience in a dealer facing role (of those 4, a minimum of 3 years experience working with sales/service/rental/parts/used operations in machinery and/or construction equipment industry)
  • Demonstrated ability to work independently, to communicate effectively and to influence others in the work group, dealer personnel and customers
  • 35% minimum travel
  • Prior experience in field assignments
  • Experience working with dealer profit and loss statements
  • Experience performing gap analysis
  • Experience in working with dealers on growth initiatives
  • Experience in working with agricultural customers and developing solutions for this segment
  • Assist with requirements and execution of the new SFDC instance
  • Establish and maintain a process for new account setup to include service level agreements on key deliverables
  • Maintain new and termed user role and profile and make sure it aligns to their responsibilities
  • Ensure account and agency hierarchy is current and update to date on a daily basis and establish a clean process with the master data team
  • Monitor bad data throughout the SFDC instance and create reports to proactively manage the quality of the data
  • Create reporting around key metrics like stalled opportunities, blue-bird deals and deals past their close or start date
  • Build seller and manager level dashboards around key metrics and make sure key stakeholders know how to use those reports
  • Primary interface with core SFDC team around new features, changes and enhancements to the tool
  • Work extensively within Aol Advertising homegrown systems and files to maintain seller and account mappings between those tools and SFDC
  • Partner with the internal AOL tech teams to create the requirements and views for Tableau reporting that can be displayed in the SFDC interface

Sales Operations Assistant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintaining contract file room - creating new files; filing contracts; updating file folder labels, archiving old files as needed and coordinating off-site storage/retrieval for archived files
  • Scanning executed agreements into CRM system; preparing contracts for signature and coordinating contracts to be executed by New York headquarters
  • Assisting with acknowledgment letters and handling distribution of contracts to customers when a paper copy is required
  • Performing account database updates in MDM and CRM systems
  • Compiling billing notices daily for review and approval by sales operations administrators
  • Managing station sales transfer process; importing transfer data into CRM system; creating buyer and seller letters and tracking return of assignment agreements
  • Handling sales operations cases through
  • Assisting with processing of election sales orders and agreements
  • Distributing monthly commission summaries to sales team staff
  • Preparingsales materials and client recap presentations
  • Organizingand managing complex media plans across multiple forms of media
  • Sales order input and sales contract reconciliations
  • Processing of Travel & Expense reports
  • Generaloffice duties
  • UtilizeMS Office Suite at an EXPERT level
  • Abilityto thrive in a fast-paced environment
  • Organized,detail-oriented
  • Aflair for marketing
  • Collegedegree
  • Minimumof one year prior broadcast sales experience
  • Strongwriting, telephone and interpersonal skills
  • Abilityto professionally interact with clients, account executives, and management
  • Abilityto assist in fulfillment of projects internally with stations and with externalpartners
  • Teamplayer and straight-forward communicator with a get-it-done attitude
  • Desireto grow into sales/marketing role
  • Willingnessand enthusiasm to learn, excel and win!
  • MediaIQ helpful
  • Ad hoc analysis of model specific actual positioning / equipment / price
  • Long term competitor analysis regarding positioning / equipment / price
  • Creation of index comparisons
  • Analysis of price developments within the market / segments
  • Verification of surcharges within our product range
  • Support regarding monthly index reporting
  • Must be enrolled at a University/college of Graduation date must be within the last six months
  • English fluent is spoken and written
  • Experience in pricing department required
  • Experience in comparing vehicle based on indexation
  • General understanding, how Volkswagen Group / Brand is structured
  • Previous knowledge regarding programs like Autoplanner / PriceOnline / Polknside / PIN Explorer is desireable

Sales Operations / Finance Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • 2-4 years’ experience in data analysis and financial modeling
  • Advanced knowledge of Salesforce and of Excel
  • Background in media and advertising and/or previous experience supporting a sales organization
  • Strong communications skills. Ability to respond well and quickly to questions from users, as well as the ability to anticipate needs and prepare to meet them
  • Experience collecting and analyzing data and presenting recommendations to management
  • Experience working across multiple teams and departments to achieve goals
  • Self-motivated, with ability to deliver under pressure while managing multiple projects
  • Serve as Sales organization’s liaison to product team. We are in the process of re-vamping our instance; you will have major input and opportunity to influence this effort
  • Help integrate newly acquired businesses by implementing excellent sales revenue management practices
  • Own internal operations relationships with sales organization, and help break down revenue barriers
  • Produce innovative executive summaries and internal reports that will help teams digest data and focus on the material takeaways and action items
  • Serve as point of controllership in Xactly sales compensation tool. Manage all sales compensation issues, Compensation Plan, and incentive payments

Sales Operations Co-op, Kohler Engines Resume Examples & Samples

  • Currently pursuing a four year degree within related field of study
  • To qualify for the co-op program, a student must be able to work a seven to nine month period
  • Employment involves working 40 hours per week in areas related to field of study and project work
  • 1) Assist Sales team in managing store’s administrative and sales
  • Diploma in Business Management or related disciplines
  • Minimum 2 years relevant experience in the retail/ beauty/ hospitality industry
  • IT savvy and good working knowledge on computer software(eg. Microsoft Excel, Power Point & Word)
  • Experience with SAP is an advantage
  • Excellent coordination and organization skills. Attention to detail for accurate work. Highly adaptable person able to perform a variety of tasks, multi-tasker, and able to change assignments quickly on short notice
  • Good interpersonal skills, ability to function in a fast-paced environment. Works well with Team and a large organization of multi-level colleagues
  • Ability to organize and communicate in a meticulous fast paced environment with the assistants and different teams

ATV Sales Operations Coordinator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manage inventory availability
  • Work with clients to obtain assets to test and traffic media placements
  • Maintain Activation Calendar for all elements on branded partnership campaigns
  • Monitor campaigns to ensure delivery and make optimization recommendations
  • Create all necessary campaign reporting
  • Coordinate with finance on billing
  • Provide data-driven impact analysis to assess campaign effectiveness and value to the business
  • Stay on top of all YouTube media related policies and changes
  • Continually evaluate new social platforms, trends, and strategies to evolve and improve our social product offering and maintain best practices
  • Prospecting new sales leads through extensive research
  • Adding lead information to our CRM
  • Targeting specific industries and geographical areas
  • Creating a training guide on the best practices for prospecting leads
  • Cleaning and maintaining our existing lead distribution system
  • Hard-worker
  • Proficiency in Excel
  • A self-starter with strong problem solving abilities
  • Ambition, strong work ethic, and willingness to learn
  • Sharp, professional demeanor
  • Excellent communication and follow-through
  • Ability to take ownership of assigned responsibilities and campaigns
  • Desire to track and report on trends and outcomes
  • Able to roll with the punches in a dynamic environment
  • Create fashion styles in ACS operating system and maintain those fields determined by the business
  • Create AA’s to provide visibility to demand down to the style/color level
  • Create pre-pack configurations based on customer need
  • Work with supply chain on challenges related to delivery procurement, any deliveries that pose potential risk need to be reviewed and escalated to Sales Ops manager as needed
  • Create seasonal sample styles in ACS operating system
  • Complete CM alerts immediately upon receipt of email notification
  • Request and track pick off sample requests from the sales team
  • Provide style / color minimums to sales team during monthly demand review
  • Participate in the business to understand the strategies, challenges, & new program requests
  • Update any special vendor marking requirements in special data tables
  • Create and provide UPC’s to catalog for customer booking
  • Monitor Garment PO’s to ensure no issues with vendor marking; this includes linking customer PO to garment PO for customer specific requirements
  • Once orders are placed, move style packages into appropriate stage for PDM download
  • Review weekly RFID reports to ensure product is marked accurately
  • Review Sample inventories on quarterly basis with manager, transfer samples when necessary
  • IMA – item maintenance application – synchronize data with customers, monitor, and maintain with customer, communicate with Strategic services when necessary, escalate to manager when issues arise
  • 2+ years of Operations experience
  • High math aptitude
  • Strong organizational skills
  • Able to handle multiple tasks at one time
  • Good follow-up skills
  • Be able to work well under pressure
  • Prior experience in a sales support role
  • Team player: ability to build strong relationships and work across teams
  • Detail-oriented; problem solver
  • Strong Excel skills and presentation development in Powerpoint are critical
  • Knowledge of Media landscape strongly preferred
  • Works closely with Field Sales Reps to develop a strong pipeline of new prospects through email and call campaigns
  • Assist in regional campaign deployments
  • Build and cultivate prospect relationships by initiating communication and conducting follow-up in order to qualify the lead
  • Manage transition process from lead to the appropriate sales rep
  • Manage data integrity by consistently documenting activities and updating records using our CRM
  • Keep current with Amplify’s products, services and pricing
  • Research territory trends, competition and funding sources to strategically increase sales leads
  • Prepare CRM reports
  • Serve as the Order Processing backup as needed
  • 1+ years of work experience in Sales/Lead Generation
  • Self-starter, quick learner, strong organizational and time management skills
  • Previous experience or interest in working in education
  • Highly motivated individual with strong interpersonal skills, superb organizational skills and immaculate attention to detail
  • Brief and prepare Assurance Market Leader and additional key stakeholders ahead of internal business review meetings
  • Actively monitor and analyse audit wins and losses, providing weekly and quarterly updates to assurance leadership
  • Work alongside BD leadership to develop and implement new ways of measuring BD performance and pipeline management
  • Work with BD and Assurance leadership to manage the business through analysis and interpretation of the sector specific and overall pipeline
  • Work with SSL leaders to gain better understanding of their Sub-Service Lines
  • Promote cross selling in sectors and service lines
  • Bachelor’s degree or equivalent (preferable quantitative)
  • Experience of business development
  • Competent understanding of business issues and professional services
  • Ability to identify opportunities and take actions to build strategic relationships with partners, senior managers, the leadership team, and other regions, teams or departments to help achieve business goals A
  • Excellent time and project management skills, with the ability to manage multiple projects simultaneously
  • Stakeholder management and influencing skills at senior level
  • Flexible, team player
  • Excellent analytical skills, and in-depth attention to detail
  • Excel and modelling skill set

Temporary Sales Operations Assistant Resume Examples & Samples

  • At least 2 years of experience in customer service
  • Experience with a B2B system is a plus
  • College degree preferred & appreciated
  • Full Circle experience preferred
  • Detail-oriented and ability to multi-task a must
  • Prioritize and handle multiple tasks with varying deadlines
  • Utilize multiple resources to determine best course of action
  • Make timely decisions with good judgment
  • Sense of urgency in completing work
  • Microsoft Word and extensive Excel experience is a must
  • Organized and able to communicate clearly and concisely in a variety of formats; Email, written correspondence, phone
  • Making changes, additions, and alterations in the SAP CRM system
  • Making comparisons of lists and systems (e.g. Excel, SAP CRM, etc.)
  • Adjusting data in the back-end tool for SAP CRM
  • Pulling lists of data
  • Other administrative tasks
  • Collaborates with sales leaders to drive practices and programs to improve sales effectiveness and KPIs
  • Develops key performance metrics and dashboards that help the sales organization focus on performance drivers around opportunities, pipeline and overall sales productivity
  • Insertion orders: Build IOs for custom media programs and complex digital programs in a timely and consistent manner, bringing in appropriate parties to confirm deliverables and ability to execute
  • Reconciliation/campaign management: Manage changes and edits to existing IOs as campaign deliverables/campaign delivery necessitate throughout campaign execution. Work with Ad Ops and Accounting to reconcile campaigns at end of month
  • Sponsorship contracts: Manage execution of sponsorship contracts
  • Managing sales order management software (OMS) and Salesforce CRM system, including implementation of this new software upon hire. Act as liaison between Competitor Group and OMS vendor, managing relationship and implementing changes within OMS as new products are added or existing products undergo changes
  • Manage training processes and create sales rep educational tools/guides. Train new sales reps, sales managers and account managers on how to use OMS and other sales tools (Google Docs, intranet, etc.)
  • Build relationships with sales team, treating sales reps as your client and elevating customer service provided to sales team while ensuring everyone on the team is following processes and procedures appropriately
  • Present methods for booking new opportunities and best practices for how to use OMS as new products are offered
  • Makes recommendations to management on approaches to increase sales performance and productivity
  • Coordinates marketing support for the sales team through email campaigns targeted at clients
  • 3-5 + years of experience in media, marketing, sponsorship, sales analysis and/or accounting
  • Strong knowledge of media planning and digital media
  • Enjoys living in spreadsheets and extremely detail-oriented
  • Passion for learning new technologies/software
  • Ability to educate and explain new processes to peers; strong written and verbal presentation skills
  • Proficiency in, DFP, Adobe CS, Google Docs and Microsoft Office
  • Experience with direct response marketing
  • Support sales team by managing the Salesforce quote creation, contract process, and preparation of customer facing documents
  • Manage account creation, Salesforce opportunity close out, and facilitate sending documents to customer for signature
  • Process quotes & contracts within stated Service Level Agreements, ensuring accuracy of the documents being delivered to the customer
  • Possess an understanding of product and customer requirements for accurate quote and contract creation
  • Attention to detail required for monitoring of data integrity of opportunities, quotes, and contracts
  • Partner with sales to guide & assist with processes as needed
  • Maintain and update accurate records of contract request statuses
  • Must have a flexible schedule due to high volume processing times (end of month/quarter/etc.)
  • Sales Helpdesk & Internal Issue Escalation
  • Marketing Alignment
  • Assist with Quotes and Orders
  • Assist with account setup
  • Assist with sales training
  • Briefing coordinator
  • Support administrative needs of Sales leaders

Professional Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provides reporting for assigned sales organization. Performs analyses including budgeting, trend analysis, pipeline forecasting, financial modeling and variance of sales data against forecast
  • Assists with the delivery of sales management training to the sales force. Assists other sales operations personnel to establish content, prerequisite skills and knowledge for trainees
  • Reviews pipeline forecast for accuracy and updates accordingly
  • Gathers and maintains pipeline metrics and forecasts to enable the business to measure progress against targets. Tracks quota for sales professionals for assigned organization
  • Collects budget, forecast and other sales information; interprets, summarizes, and uploads information to sales systems to provide information about profit and loss
  • Assists sales organization with the budgeting process by working with managers and sales leaders through the development process of each budget
  • Assists with identifying leads to sale force to ensure potential opportunities are researched in a timely manner
  • Zero or more years of business development, sales or related experience
  • Interpersonal and presentation skills for interacting with team members and prospective clients

Sales Operations & Finance Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Order management: Accurate management and execution of all retail channel orders, and serving as a day-to-day point of contact for our retail partners on all operational and financial matters ranging from order submission/acceptance through delivery and returns
  • Demand and supply insights: Analyze historical trends and develop context by building ongoing relationships with our retail partners to critically assess incoming sales order requests and help inform stock allocation decisioning by Marketing & Sales
  • Pricing and terms: Maintain price books and catalogue of standard sales terms for the retail channel
  • Participate in negotiations with retail partners to ensure operational and financial considerations are properly attended to
  • KPI/scorecard reporting: Build regular sales channel/vendor metrics and reporting for Sales & Marketing that drive performance accountability and help shape our teams’ business strategies
  • Process improvement: Continually identify ways in which we can improve and simplify the operational and financial aspects of our retail sales order and fulfillment processes
  • National Sales RepPak entry (agencies, advertisers, Sales Reps, assignments)
  • Process & issue monthly national discrepancy analysis and summary reports for Columbine, Orion, & IBMS stations
  • Process & issue monthly local discrepancy summary reports for Columbine, Orion & IBMS stations
  • Process quarterly "no credit" national discrepancy reports for Columbine, Orion & IBMS stations
  • Process monthly credited preemption reports for Columbine, Orion & IBMS stations
  • Ensure paid programming cue sheets are received in association with contracts & start dates
  • Update Sales Team accounts chart bi-monthly
  • Maintain photocopier/scanner/printer for Sales Operations
  • Backfill for Sales Sponsorship Coordinator vacation, absence
  • Process PSAs across various systems upon advice from Corporate Communications
  • Work with instructors to create and maintain training materials and prep for upcoming training sessions
  • Interact with various departments
  • High school diploma at a minimum with graduation from a post-secondary institution of equivalent preferred
  • Excellent Excel, Word, PowerPoint skills
  • Proficient in Columbine, VCI, and RepPak systems
  • Excellent English verbal & written skills
  • Knowledge of sales & marketing processes

Sales Operations Executive Resume Examples & Samples

  • Excellent English language skills (verbal and written) essential
  • Fluency (verbal and written) in Mandarin
  • Clear and consistent judgment
  • Strong administrative and organizational skills
  • The ability to work effectively with other people at all levels
  • Excellent database skills including Excel, PowerPoint and Word
  • Experience with CRMs such as Salesforce is preferred
  • Strong Excel, Powerpoint and Access skills, with particular focus on financial modeling and the use of advanced features of spreadsheets
  • Experience with is strongly preferred
  • Experience with Peoplesoft Financials is preferred
  • Highly organized and ability to work on multiple projects at once
  • Excellent interpersonal and organization skills required
  • MBA candidate strongly preferred
  • Responsible for maintaining exceptional order book quality, requiring knowledge of (including, but not limited to): EDI Processes, Contract Management, Credit Policies, and Business Intelligence Reporting
  • Remain in constant communication with Sales Representatives and customers in an effort to provide
  • 5 + years retail and/or customer service experience
  • Microsoft Office required; Excel proficiency a must
  • Must be able to work well within a team environment and also be self sufficient
  • Looking for people who are able to work alongside local teams, communicative, and committed to driving sales business
  • Manage the entire sales performance and reporting
  • Support CMD customers with order entry, confirmations, tracking and credit information
  • Monitor all flow of goods
  • Complete Sales reports and CMD commission reports
  • Coordinator shows and the showrooms with regards to samples, shipping and logistics
  • Sales reporting and analysis
  • 2 + years of corporate sales experience required
  • Bachelor degree highly preferred or equivilant work experience
  • High proficiency in Excel is required
  • Excellent communication and multi tasking skill
  • Confident collaborator

Sales Operations Coordinator, Latin Resume Examples & Samples

  • Monitor and maintain open order book for assigned group of international distributors and customers
  • Provide advanced notice of delivery issues and partner with sales to negotiate order book changes
  • Eager to learn all product lines, assortments, and key styles
  • Collaborate with accounting to monitor and resolve credit issues
  • Create cases in to resolve issues and work closely with sales management on necessary approvals for customer requests
  • Work closely with other Specialty and Key Sales Operations Coordinators
  • Login to accept general inbound Sales Operations Calls daily
  • Fluent in Spanish – verbal & written
  • Microsoft Office required
  • Experience supporting EDI customers preferred
  • Must be organized, detailed oriented and able to multi-task
  • Must enjoy a fast paced environment with many demands

Sales Operations Program Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Base knowledge of the W3C’s Web Content Accessibility Guidelines v2.0
  • Exposure to current tools used by people with disabilities (screen readers and other assistive technologies)
  • Experience with accessibility evaluation and validation software
  • Understanding of input and output modes used by people with disabilities
  • Familiarity with compliance requirements - state, Federal, international
  • Excellent communication, administrative, and organizational skills; computer literate (Microsoft Word, Excel, email); detail oriented, ability to manage and prioritize simultaneous responsibilities; strong interpersonal skills and ability to develop relationships with internal personnel and external contacts
  • Proven ability to work in a demanding, multicultural environment, across time zones and across and within foreign media environment and cultures, demonstrated sensitivity to multicultural environments and ability to communicate with multicultural clients groups, plus; a flexibility to adapt to a work schedule that accommodates multiple cultures, time zones, and territories, including the ability to be a fast learner of multiple foreign customs and regulations
  • Position will have keen ability to understand and re-assess on a constant basis the day, week, and year’s priorities, and handle matters accordingly as well as the ability to work in a team and communicate priorities and needs internally as well as externally. Client-first attitude and ability to be service oriented

Co-ordinator, Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with Adsales, ad sales rep and the Senior to ensure the smooth and accurate delivery of a commercial schedule to the Presentation department. This will involve the responsibility to correctly input the commercial copy as per the agencies instructions
  • Check for any sales campaigns booked on 2 MENA channels that will carry a programme timing restriction as per Turner regulation
  • Updating the airtime sales system (Landmark TBC) with this information to ensure Adsales campaign do not fall foul of this rule. Informing Presentation of airtime slotted carrying any programme restrictions to avoid juxta promotional scheduling
  • The setting up of the commercial break schedule for two of the MENA channels into the Landmark TBC system prior to the monthly autobook run ensuring Turner compliance in accordance to commercial minutage
  • Preparing weekly and monthly reports for inventory available and inventory sold
  • Support CMD customers through order entry and order confirmations, tracking and credit information
  • Work with outside sales representative, factory, the Fossil art department and the customer on custom projects
  • Collaborate internally with accounting department, compliance, sales support, planning, and the warehouse in order to ensure orders ship with accuracy and speed
  • Daily monitor all flow of goods from SAP to Fossil warehouse and domestic/international factories
  • 2+ years of corporate sales or customer service experience required
  • Bachelor degree highly preferred or equivalent work experience
  • SAP experience highly preferred
  • Excellent communication and multi-tasking skills
  • Opening and closing MOD shifts at the Saratoga Springs DVC Preview Center as well as satellite offices at Boardwalk, Animal Kingdom Kidani and The Polynesian Villas and Bungalows
  • Maintaining daily OP sheet for payroll and attendance reconciliation, distribution and tracking of daily tour incentives while also working various areas within the Operation
  • Proven experience in making decisions as well as giving feedback for development and communication purposes
  • Ability to lift 20 pounds and be receptive to prolonged periods of standing
  • Well seasoned and has the competencies’ to deliver great results for our company
  • Bachelor’s Degree or HS Diploma with equivalent working experience is required
  • 8+ years of progressive business, general management, operations, user experience and/or sales experience required
  • 5+ years of managing people, teams and operations with a minimum of 3+ years managing direct reports at the Manager and above
  • 5+ digital, automotive and/or software experience orequivalent experience and work in a like environment with related activities required
  • Demonstrated advanced communication skills (verbal, written and presentation) required
  • Proven experience presenting to, collaborating with and partnering with all levels of employees with a focus on Senior Leadership and the C-Suite level
  • Proven experience and ability to provide high-level approach to site management with both a quantitative as well as qualitative focus
  • Proven experience and results of driving process change to enable teams to work more effectively
  • Previous experience identifying, communicating and inspiring an organization around the next generation of user experience and product offerings
  • Proven ability to implement, execute, multi-task and meet aggressive deadlines
  • Written and verbal communications skills
  • Business etiquette
  • Advanced working knowledge of Excel; Word; Powerpoint
  • Client Service experience

Senior Professional Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Delivers sales management training to the sales force. Assists other sales operations personnel to establish content, prerequisite skills and knowledge for trainees
  • Reviews pipeline forecast for accuracy and updates accordingly. Assists in ensuring there is coordination between sales professionals and operations on the sales process
  • Assists in forecasting and maintaining an accurate picture of performance against the agreed sales plan and overall performance within the defined offering, to include credit reviews

Director, Xfinity Home-sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Collaborate with Sales, Marketing, Product, Business Ops, Tech Ops, National Customer Operations, and other stakeholder groups to identify opportunities to derive incremental Xfinity Home Security connects
  • Program Manage key improvement initiatives drawing clear project schedules, provide regular project updates, host weekly meetings, manage templates, documents, and contact lists
  • Work with cross functional teams to ensure goals are met in a timely and organized fashion
  • Summarize updates for communication to senior management / executive leadership
  • Demonstrate excellent program management skills and directly own specific strategic initiatives if necessary, to ensure successful delivery of projects on time, in line with budget expectations and in line with strategy
  • 2-3 years of customer service and/or sales related administrative experience preferred
  • Strong Microsoft Office skills, desktop publishing skills a plus; 50-55 wpm keyboarding
  • Must be able to juggle multiple assignments
  • Must be able to prioritize assignments in order to meet deadlines
  • Ability to be a creative problem solver
  • Must work well with minimum supervision
  • Must be able to lift and move boxes weighing at least 35 lbs

Sales Operations Allocation & Fulfillment Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for coordinating Allocation and Fulfillment for the Americas region including strategic analysis and ERP configuration
  • Collaborate with demand planning to analyze oversold materials and provide chase recommendations
  • Partner with global fulfillment to provide air freight recommendations according to sales priorities
  • Partner with inbound logistics to monitor supply and prioritize receipts
  • Collaborate with distribution center to streamline deliveries processing
  • Notify Sales Operations of material number changes, procurement date changes, and any supply chain delays
  • Monitor all materials on quality block and provide weekly status updates
  • Analyze daily OPT report to monitor 3rd party logistics performance to contract service levels
  • Collaborate with Customer Compliance to monitor, report, and collect 3PL chargebacks
  • Provide various ARUN configuration scenario planning to maximize supply and improve on-time performance
  • Process Quiksilver retail and direct channel RTVs (SAP/WMS/NSB Stock Balance)
  • Run weekly shipping performance reports and track risks for the region
  • Conduct ongoing maintenance of standardized operational guidelines and process controls, and support adherence to those guidelines
  • Works cross-functionally to gain commitment and alignment on all initiatives
  • Adhoc reporting and other requests as deemed necessary to achieve business objectives
  • 5 + years relevant experience
  • SAP experience required
  • Customer-friendly and solution-oriented team player

Manager, Xfinity Communities Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Creates and maintains client master data including margin analysis,prepared sales measurements and reports, processed transactions,returns, and exchanges according to Company guidelines
  • Provides overall direction of the Product Sales Support & Analysisteam to drive lead generation, sales force database management, salesreporting, and production/control of presentations and proposals
  • Interfaces with appropriate internal groups (i.e., Accounting,Finance, Sales, Operations, IT, and Legal Affairs) to ensure proper
  • Manage Monthly MDU AE contract intake process for New Builds, Winbacks, Renewals, Bulks & Compensation Agreements (includes: intake, review, VP sign-off, recordation, client copy distribution, etc.)
  • Process monthly commissions for MDU AE Staff, FIND Staff, CAR Staff and satisfy all Business Assurance audit needs
  • Update/Maintain Construction Tracker files for New Build, Winback & Rewire Activity
  • Vet Gratis Account Requests that they either meet contract obligation or meet CA eligibility requirements
  • Maintain DIRECT database integrity with ACSR
  • Prep/Schedule/Staff/Track Bulk Upgrade activity and events, including provisioning/coding/set-up of specialty equipment
  • Process Door Fee/Rev Share payments. Partner with Finance to forecast fees monthly
  • Update Units Cabled activity
  • Process termination requests and follow-up with decline/acceptance correspondence
  • Coordinate debulk activities including property coding changes and 30-day resident notices
  • Respond to Competitor Violation reports and coordinate cease/desist activity
  • Manage and coordinate response to EROne Ticket inquiries; Respond to customer escalation requests; and coordinate ad-hoc responses/calls
  • Publish reports for monitoring performance (forecast, exposure, 90-day performance, scorecard, etc.)

Director of Sales Operations & Marketing Resume Examples & Samples

  • Create systems for Luxe’s regional marketplaces
  • Develop marketing programs and plans for Luxe’s national sales efforts
  • Assist in managing Luxe’s extensive events program
  • Engage in all aspects of Luxe’s brand and digital strategies
  • Must possess effective communication and analytical skills
  • Familiarity and experience with spreadsheet software, as well as general computer skills, preferred
  • Monitor and maintain orders for assigned group of sales representatives and customers in Canada (French Speaking Required)
  • Become a subject matter expert for your territory and advocate for your accounts
  • Standard Sales Support Tasks (including, but not limited to): data entry for manual orders, order maintenance, order status updates, and ad-hoc reporting
  • Connect with Sales Management and Sales Representatives daily to resolve outstanding requests – never down time
  • Follow policies and procedures to guarantee that customers are notified of all issues/risks related to orders at least 45 days before the requested delivery dates
  • Build sales tools and provide product recommendations based on ATP (Inventory Available-To-Promise)
  • Identify sales opportunities within territory and build plan to meet replenishment goals
  • Create cases in to resolve issues and work closely with Sales Management on necessary approvals for customer requests
  • Work closely with other Specialty and Key Account Sales Operations Coordinators to help the team balance workloads
  • Fluent in French; exceptional business communication skills required
  • Microsoft Office required; MS Excel proficiency required
  • Self-starter with positive outlook
  • A minimum of seven years of experience
  • B2B experience
  • Manufacturing industry experience
  • Support in booking of commercial campaigns on air as sold
  • Ensuring airtime bookings are correct and sent to Presentation Department in a timely fashion ready for transmission
  • Support in liaising with the AdSales Agency when needed to ensure all material is in house and in time for on-air transmission Uploading AsRuns on a daily basis to be matched with the commercial break schedule
  • Providing support to the Sales Department as needed for editing briefs and/or presentations
  • Traffic digital campaigns with an emphasis on video and display advertising. Testing campaign creative, accurately trafficking ads, and analyzing performance reports to monitor campaign delivery
  • Interest in kids and teenage television is required
  • Able to work as part of a team, demonstrating a proactive and creative approach to problem-solving
  • Meticulous attention to detail, patience and the ability to prioritize/organize workload to meet deadlines
  • Familiar with Microsoft Office Suite such as Excel and PowerPoint
  • Degree-educated with a Bachelor's degree in Communication Science or Business Economics
  • Excellent communication skills and English fluent
  • Strong interpersonal skill and ability to communicate effectively
  • Able to work in fast pace environment
  • Highly adaptable person who is able to perform a variety of tasks and change assignments quickly on short notice
  • Good working knowledge of computer software eg. SAP, Microsoft Excel, Word and Powerpoint
  • Meticulous and Accurate

Sales Operations Associate, SMB Resume Examples & Samples

  • Understand and highlight daily, weekly, and quarterly revenue trends
  • Lead analysis on product performance and adoption to drive insights
  • Lead the book of business construction process for the Sales Teams in the region
  • Project manage the development of localized tools and dashboards that Sales teams can use to extract data and insights
  • Analyze vertical and sub-vertical performance over time and identify levers for driving revenue growth
  • Support sales teams on medium and long-term planning including revenue potential, product focus, resourcing and org design
  • Identification of operational improvements based on review of current processes through documentation of process and data flows
  • Regular communication with regional Sales Operations teams to understand needs and foresee future needs for centralised operations in order to be ready for future demands
  • Experience and understanding of information flow strategies and best practices when working with data
  • Ability to manage and work on a wide variety of projects simultaneously
  • Data Analytics and Insight into Sales and Operations through a variety of tools including Tableau, SQL and Excel
  • Partner with the Sales Operations team to drive accurate and consistent metric and KPI usage
  • Design & build new dashboards to aid in improving commercial performance through actionable analysis by Sales Operations and Sales teams around the world
  • Revenue analysis: Analyse current channel, vertical, and sub-vertical performance and identify levers for driving revenue growth
  • Partner and influence numerous functions in the business, including BI/IT, HR, Marketing and Finance to ensure coordination of business projects and ensure future needs of Sales Management are addressed
  • Develop new policies that solve for stronger alignment and standardisation while allowing for flexibility and speed in sales processes
  • Highly proficient in logic based skills and languages such as SQL, Excel, VBA in order to be self-sufficient in deploying new processes and procedures
  • Microstrategy and Anaplan experience highly preferred
  • Capable of learning new logic/programming languages to continue to enhance Facebook's Sales processes on Facebook's platform of technologies and 3rd party solutions
  • Project manage the development of centralized tools, ranging from dashboards, multi-dimensional modelling and spreadsheets, that Sales teams can use to extract data / insights for daily business management in an automated manner or formalise Sales processes

Sales Operations, Workspace Hospitality Resume Examples & Samples

  • Extensive project management involving close, collaborative working relationships with our external partners (dealers, hospitality partners and Inscape sales) as well as our internal cross-functional Workspace and Hospitality teams
  • Supports Director of Sales + Marketing in managing inbound and outbound leads for the Workspace + Hospitality businesses: screening customer inquiries; responding to day to day customer questions; preparing quotations; assisting in development and production of special sales proposals and presentations
  • Supports Director in maintaining a vibrant & healthy relationship with customers, and external partners (dealers, hospitality partners and Inscape sales)
  • Generates reports as needed to analyze sales data; manages/updates CRM tools
  • Coordinates operational activities including : furniture mock ups, special events, expositions + trade shows and photo shoots
  • Collaborates with Director to research and explore industry trends and identify consumer insights that can inform product development
  • Continually evaluate communications process in order to streamline information and develop effective, efficient formats
  • 3+ years in a related position with progressive responsibility
  • Ability to consistently implement several projects simultaneously in a fast paced environment
  • Ability to develop effective and productive working relationships with business partners
  • Strong PC/Mac skills including Word, Excel, Page Maker and Access

Zone VP Field Sales & Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Provide written and verbal coaching to associates in order to build confidence and motivate them to call on senior McDonald’s (customer) executives on a local and national level
  • Lead cross functional (Finance, Marketing, Supply Chain Operations) internal McDonald’s Division interactions and external McDonald’s owner operator, supplier, senior leadership, and diversity owner operator association(s) engagement
  • Steward The Coca-Cola Company system cross-functional team members to develop and implement business plan/solutions that meet the McDonald’s (customer) needs and drives beverage category incidents
  • Manage and implement a multi-state regional strategic and financial business plan
  • Lead initiatives and communication within the Coca-Cola Company system to ensure the Company speaks with one voice in the messages delivered from various parts of the system
  • Provide (10) direct reports (US Region Directors) with leadership development, direction, sales management, customer engagement, and coaching to achieve work objectives and improve performance and capabilities
  • Create and implement people development plan and ongoing management routines with US Region Directors within multi-state region
  • Application of Brand Knowledge: Ability to integrate the Coca-Cola Company brands with customers’ brands using brand knowledge
  • Connecting with Customers Process and Tools Application: Ability to apply the Coca-Cola Company tools and processes (i.e. Call Plan, Opening Statements, etc.) and demonstrate a deep and personal commitment to create premier customer relationships
  • Monitor and maintain orders for assigned group of sales representatives and customers within our Key Account base
  • Responsible for maintaining exceptional order book quality, requiring knowledge of (including, but not limited to): EDI Processes, Contract Management, Credit Policies, and Business Intelligence Reporting capabilities
  • Best-in-class service levels
  • Follow policies and procedures to guarantee that the Sales team and customers are notified of all issues/risks related to order quality at least 45 days before the requested delivery dates
  • Collaborate with Operations, Fulfillment, and Logistics teams to deliver products on-time and in-full
  • Work closely with other Specialty and Key Account Sales Operations Coordinators
  • Connect with Sales Management and Sales Representatives daily to resolve any outstanding requests
  • Monitor and quickly respond to all direct phone or email requests from customers
  • Partner closely with project/initiate owners to ensure all deliverables are understood
  • Attend sales/marketing/content meetings; manage communication with Turner legal teams
  • RFP analytics
  • Assist in the development and maintenance of the pre and post sales processes
  • Plan, coordinate and communicate with senior managers from various departments

Director Retail Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to manage in a large and complex organizational structure
  • Talent for leading through influence
  • Consensus building skills
  • Deep understanding of technology and business strategies
  • Executive presence and professional communication style
  • Sales & CRM Technology experience
  • Consulting experience

Senior Director of Sales & Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop plans and strategies for developing business and achieving the company’s sales goals
  • Create a culture of success and ongoing business and goal achievement
  • Manage the sales teams, operations, and resources to deliver profitable growth while proactively working to improve and strengthen the cadence and productivity of the sales team
  • Manage the use of budgets
  • Hire and develop sales staff
  • Become known as an employer of choice and a sales force that top salespeople want to join
  • Define and coordinate sales training programs (on-boarding and on-going) that enable staff to achieve their potential and support company sales objectives
  • Manage customer expectations and contribute to a high level of customer satisfaction
  • Define sales processes that drive desired sales outcomes and identify improvements where and when required
  • Put in place infrastructure and systems to support the success of the sales function
  • Compile information and data related to customer and prospect interactions
  • Monitor customer, market, and competitor activity and provide feedback to company leadership team and other company functions
  • Work closely with the marketing function to establish successful support, channel, and partner programs; to launch new solutions and campaigns; collaborate on outbound marketing strategies to improve awareness, drive demand, and build sales pipeline
  • Participate in special projects and perform other duties as assigned
  • Control Sales tools’ efficiencies and performance, in order to support sales in their selling priorities and requirements. Proactively plan and critique sales tools usage based on corresponding business initiatives
  • Identify further sales processes and sales force systems and application needs, build business cases, and propose/deliver solutions with a cross functional team
  • Design sales process and systems training for sales and home office personnel and deploy in most efficient and effective manner
  • Coordinate the maintenance and enhancement of Sales tools in accordance with system requirements and sales reps’ needs in order to efficiently roll out and develop enhancements that proactively support our sales goals
  • Maintain open communication with counterparts across brands in order to leverage business practices and keep our sales tools standardized
  • Work closely with IT on system performance, system accuracy and on ideas for enhancements
  • Insure sales tools offer effective selling collateral and information
  • Maintain accurate sales rep and account access to tools (inventory segments, B2B, systems)
  • Set up new reps laptops and tools and train according to individual required timelines. Present and rollout all Sales Tool Strategy deliverables by each assigned project deadline
  • Assist in the finalization of all ranged imagery by each catalog deadline
  • Offer tools and system efficiencies that optimize Customer Service, Sales reps, and the US Operations department's productivity, providing acrruate and available data and processes with correct system compliance, thus impacting order entry and servicing customers
  • Initiate the review and sign off process for each weekly communications document. Follow up with all Home Office parties in order to finalize and communicate by each weekly deadline
  • Knowledge of RMA, SAP systems, SFA tools and wholesale process a plus. Microsoft Access and Power point experience a plus
  • Bachelor’s Degree preferred or three years work experience
  • Process Customer ebook and Print on Demand (POD) Billing Files
  • Bachelor’s Degree preferred, or equivalent work experience
  • Three plus years sales support experience
  • High level organizational and follow up skills required
  • Strong analytical skills and the ability to find and track patterns in data
  • Ability to quickly learn and adapt to new software
  • Excellent Microsoft Excel and Access skills
  • Excellent communication skills, both verbal and written
  • Must be able to prioritize and reprioritize as needed. Multi-tasking is essential in this role
  • Self-motivation and ability to work without constant supervision
  • Willingness to take ownership of and be accountable for providing customized, elite support
  • Knowledge of EDI process critical
  • Understanding of Enterprise Data Warehouse critical to be able to write and update reports, as needed

Sales Operations Rep Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum Associate Degree
  • Touch typing
  • Excel fluency
  • Understands ERP MRP (SAP, JDE, MAS90, Epicor, MYOB for example)
  • Excellent communication skills clearly and concise by email, telephone and face to face
  • High level of English, Spanish a plus
  • 1-2 years in consumer packaged goods
  • Coordinate sales forecasting, planning, and budgeting processes used within the sales organization. Proactively monitor and strive to maintain high levels of quality, accuracy, and process consistency in the sales organization’s planning efforts
  • Sales Pipeline & Forecast Management to drive forecast accuracy and predictability against bookings targets
  • Create weekly, monthly, quarterly sales analytics with recommendations and insights on trends, and recommendations on where to optimize and where to accelerate
  • Create customer success scorecarding benchmarks and analytics including churn metrics, expansion, and renewal data
  • Create analytics, calculate commissions and participate in compensation design
  • Understand and evaluate current process and pipeline metrics and recommend improvements
  • Lead Segmentation, Territory Design, Account Assignments & Goal development
  • Provide sales performance reporting and analysis. Deliver actionable insights to sales leadership
  • Lead recurring and ad-hoc analysis to enable well informed executive decision making
  • Primary connection to marketing for demand generation, segmentation, lead routing, and business development
  • Variable Compensation Plan design, approval and implementation in coordination with Finance team
  • Sales Expense Budget Management to maximize impact and results inside of budget
  • Salesforce Strategy & Improvement planning including usability, workflows, reporting, etc
  • Fully own and manage sales technology, systems, process, strategy & deployments
  • Provide executive support (create decks, reports and participate in executive meetings)
  • Proactively identify, develop and drive longer-term strategies and initiatives that will deliver sales productivity and growth
  • Motivate, lead and develop a lean sales operations team

Inside Sales Operations Coordinator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Precise attention to detail
  • Team-player with selfless attitude
  • Professional demeanor and attire
  • High level of integrity and trust
  • Ability to be self-directed and make independent decisions
  • Ability to quickly adapt to change
  • Working knowledge and CRM skills preferred
  • Manage the Commercial Customer Data Base
  • Acts as a liaison in information exchange
  • Develop a system to control the account changes requests from internal
  • Monitor territory account disputes and ad-hoc requests
  • Business and Technical Business Process Workflow: analyzing, developing and refining business process workflows within NSX Specialist Product areas: work with appropriate departments to develop required tools and documentation
  • Manage Quota-setting and compensation for AMER NSX Specialist Product Teams; composition of Commission plans and payouts on achievement. Address Field questions relating to Quotas and Commission
  • System oriented with strong analytical tool skills; thorough SFDC, Excel, Commission tools
  • Strong organizational, analytical, and problem-solving skills

Smartwool Sales Operations Coordinator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s degree in Business or a related field preferred
  • 2+ years' Customer Service, Outdoor Industry experience preferred
  • 2+ years' experience managing Account Details
  • Proven ability to develop cross divisional and external relationships
  • Expert in Microsoft Excel
  • Proven process management skills
  • Strong leadership, interpersonal and team building skills
  • Demonstrated results in executing multiple projects on a seasonal basis
  • Ability to travel (10% travel)

Sales Operations Finance Director Resume Examples & Samples

  • Lead the Sales Operations Steering Committee, a newly-formed committee consisting of key leaders from Sales, Finance and IT. Drive standardized and optimized processes and tools across all business units and throughout the end-to-end process from sales planning to collections
  • Partner with the Sales organization to conduct financial analysis and develop strategic insights that drive business decisions. Ensure business unit financial and operating decisions are based on accurate and standardized financial metrics, and apply financial expertise to inform overall strategy and business direction
  • Partner with Sales, Operations and Finance to structure and review new business opportunities, and implement standard tools and metrics in the deal review process, ensuring that financial metrics (margins, growth, returns, etc.) in complex deals are appropriately and consistently understood by business partners
  • Partner with Sales, Operations, Finance and Legal to define standards and implement tools for contract administration, including approval of contract terms and timely and accurate accounting and billing
  • Partner with cross-functional teams beyond Sales to provide financial and business leadership to support business decisions. In addition to the Sales team, build key partnerships with Sales Operation, Marketing, Product, Engineering, Legal, Finance and Accounting to ensure all dependencies are considered
  • Partner with the company’s accounting team for month-end and quarter-end close reporting, driving internal processes to maintain and improve predictability of financial results. Recommend and develop policies, procedures and systems to meet Company objectives
  • Prepare various financial analyses relating to sales opportunities, sales pipeline, sales compensation, and related metrics as requested by senior leadership
  • Minimum 10 years of experience in finance and accounting with emphasis on budgeting, forecasting, planning, financial analysis, and modeling with relevant experience as an FP&A business partner
  • 5+ years Sales Operations experience
  • Ability to analyze and interpret data to develop insights and recommendations that synthesizes information across functions and perspectives
  • Excellent communication, interpersonal, collaboration and consultative skills. Inquisitive and positive mindset in approaching complex problems. Experience managing a team
  • Ability to influence through clear presentation and communication of complex data analysis. Ability to recognize and employ appropriate interaction styles and methods to achieve the desired outcome
  • Experience with CRM, CPQ and CLM tools is required
  • Knowledge of internal proprietary order system and or ability to learn quickly
  • Knowledge of industry sales process norms and Contract market as it relates to hospitality project sales and cycles
  • Microsoft Office skills as it relates to Outlook, Word, Excel, PowerPoint and Access at an intermediate level
  • Experience with web based CRM tools a plus
  • Ability to travel overnight to offsite meetings and other events as required
  • 3-5 years in a professional sales team environment in a support function with inter-department communication responsibilities
  • Interpersonal skills and ability to connect with people is crucial as this is a long term relationship driven business
  • Ability to communicate and convey both sensitive and difficult information, internally and externally, in a professional manner
  • Personality of a high energy and professionally mature focused individual with high work production standards and work ethic
  • Commitment and ability to work in a self-driven and team focused environment with a growing company a must
  • Organized and detail oriented in all manners of work methods
  • Ability to drive process results and effective team unity by utilizing stellar follow up and focused and dedicated care

Sales Operations Mgr Resume Examples & Samples

  • 5+ years’ experience in highly demanding and analytical environment with a service orientation including consulting, finance, etc
  • Preferred experience supporting executives in financial planning/analysis or sales operations analysis
  • Master’s degree in Business a plus
  • Demonstrated track record in providing financial decision support to a sales organization
  • Demonstrated ability to manage conflict effectively
  • Demonstrated ability to drive results through influence
  • Strong analytics skills
  • Strong MS Office Skills (proficiency in Excel, Word, PowerPoint, SharePoint) and Sales Operations Tools such as SFDC (CRM)
  • Professional attitude and service orientation
  • 35% - Lead the strategic alignment and annual operating plan in collaboration with the Senior Leadership Team and business unit commercial leaders
  • Improve the customer experience to become world class commercial organization
  • Determine the best segments and customers to target for Cargill given our current and/or potential portfolio
  • Provide regular insights into the foodservice industry as related to trends, customers, segments, and consumers. Actively represent Cargill Foodservice at industry events and trade shows as necessary
  • Manage, assess and recommend outside tools and data to enable to the sales team to be more effective and efficient
  • 25% - Develop and enable a consistent brand experience for our customers within our segmentation: McDonald’s, Strategic Few, Critical Core and business development
  • Determine how the business operations team needs to be structured in order to best support our sales team; influence our business unit commercial teams as they evaluate their structure with current strategic work across the CPS and FIBI enterprises
  • Evaluate technology solutions to develop differentiated sales process for customers requiring a lower “touch” and focus our sales team’s time on strategic and/or large multi-category customers. Collaborate with sales leaders to establish a more efficient process for reaching and selling smaller, regional customers
  • Enable the sales team to be more externally focused while supporting a consistent brand to the marketplace
  • 25% - Provide leadership and direct supervision for the business operations team, which consists of 5 customer marketing and process support performers
  • Develop and execute plans to improve customer processes across the 10 business units, ex: pricing, customer service
  • Continue to build on customer segmentation and determine what tools and resources are needed to execute seamlessly for each segment
  • Provide direction and vision for annual sales meeting
  • Oversee team as they lead collaborative functional teams including the Marketing Advisory Team (MAT) and Foodservice Process Council
  • Partner with Cargill Foodservice Director of Communications to align message across the organization, and continue to build and execute the communication plan
  • 15% - Collaborate with McDonald’s Leadership Team to determine the marketing needs for the MBU and build necessary capabilities. Assist the McDonald’s leadership in marketing projects that cover the global organization
  • Bachelor’s degree in Business, Marketing, Operations or Communciations
  • 10 + years of professional business experience in a commercial organization
  • 2 + years of supervisory or indirect influence experience
  • Proven ability to behave in accordance with Cargill values and ethics
  • External focus: ability to build trust and strong relationships internally and externally; able to influence at all levels of the organization; able to bring in an external viewpoint
  • Service mind-set: strong willingness to serve and support others
  • Commercial acumen: ability to process, analyze, and understand business drivers; strong conceptual thinking ability and ability to navigate ambiguous business environment
  • Experts: ability to quickly built process and insight expertise in Cargill Foodservice portfolio; strong communication, presentation and organization skills
  • Authentic leader, ability to deal with conflict, communicate in an open and honest manner
  • Visionary: ability to see beyond immediate responsibilities to the bigger picture strategy for the customer, business unit or segment, self-starter and strategic thinking/problem solving skills
  • Passion for progress: aggressively seeks to improve processes; continuously looks to make things better for the customers, business units and team members, ability to lead strategic planning process
  • MBA/ Master’s degree in Strategic Communications
  • 3 + years strategic planning, strategic communications, or process management experience
  • Marketing Academy or other marketing training
  • Knowledge of Business Excellence process
  • Sales experience or other customer portal systems

Sales Operations Senior Resource Resume Examples & Samples

  • Facility management
  • Cost center P&L responsibility
  • Day-to-day warehouse operations management and issue resolution
  • Annual operating plan development for the zone
  • Partnering with local and regional sales team to improve sales and service while reducing costs
  • Ensure the accurate forecasting, ordering and managements of all inventories
  • Monitor Sales Operations performance against key indicators and identify tactics to improve performance
  • Compliance with internal and external regulatory policies and programs
  • Team and individual leadership and development
  • Develop team to solve and own day-to-day operational issues
  • Ability to lead a team based approach to decision making
  • Effective coaching, facilitation, presentation, and team building skills

Supervisor, Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for the creation, support and improvement of sales reports, dashboards, scorecards and key performance indicators
  • Efficiently analyze sales and acquisition cost performance to identify trends, gaps and opportunities
  • Develop monthly sales and acquisition costs forecasts by calculating current run rates, correcting variances and incorporating adjustments to business plan
  • Investigate and report on variances between actual acquisition costs versus plan and forecasts. Investigation and reconciliation of expense items may include reading and interpreting general ledger detail, reviewing invoices, contracting someone in accounting, sales leadership and external vendors
  • Determine accrual amounts for larger expense items and report these amounts to Finance
  • Report on early customer churn
  • Participate in developing annual sales and acquisition cost plan/budget
  • Calculate and report monthly sales commissions. Identify and report on unusual variances
  • Assist sales leadership in developing sales agent reporting tools such as sales agent productivity and pay reports
  • Responsible for managing less sales analysts who are responsible for supporting our Retail & Events sales teams in TX and the East. Support includes
  • Producing outputs from SAP, SimplySmart and EPNet databases and analyze to assess team performance and identify issues or opportunities
  • Generating weekly reports covering sales activity and including key performance indicators such as total active headcount and sales by agent, team, venue, venue-type, day-of-week, geography, and product
  • Producing, validating, and distributing for approval commission files for compensation of part-time and full-time employees as well as third-party staffing vendors and retail partners
  • Verifying accuracy of invoices, add coding and submit to accounts payable for processing
  • Analyzing and submit retail-store scheduling requests, and produce outputs for accurate payment of rent and/or performance-based partner compensation
  • Preparing spreadsheets, graphics, and word documents as required for reporting, analysis, documentation, and presentations
  • 3-5 years work experience required, preferably in the deregulated energy market. Quantitative analysis, reporting and fact based decision making experience is valued
  • Knowledge of SAP system and connectivity of various SAP modules
  • Knowledge of accounting principles and practices a plus
  • Committed to providing accurate reporting and assessments
  • Proficient in SQL Server Management Studios (Reporting Services experience a plus)
  • Experience analyzing sales and finance data
  • Oversee the development of dashboards, scorecards and metrics, dissemination and communication to the appropriate stakeholders
  • Detail-oriented and highly organized
  • Proven commitment to delivering results on-time
  • Comfort with ambiguity; ability to work with incomplete data; able to provide ‘directionally correct’ results when appropriate
  • Strong interpersonal relationship skills; resilience and tenacity to juggle multiple competing interests and drive to a resolution
  • Excellent oral and written communication skills. Ability to present data in a crisp and easy to understand format
  • Capable of working independently and on a team; flexibility to work in fast-paced, lean environment; effective at managing multiple issues simultaneously; able to adapt quickly to new situations
  • High integrity, energy, enthusiasm and tenacity
  • Collect, analyze, evaluate and report on sales, service and/or vertical results
  • Recommend operational process improvement on report production and analysis
  • Perform ongoing comprehensive reviews of existing processes and reporting in order to suggest enhancements; develop new reporting metrics to provide insight into the
  • 7+ years of experience related to financial and/or revenue analysis, metrics and reporting

TSS Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Entry professional position for the Sales Support functions, assists with the planning and execution of a limited number of sales support activities for projects / seller client opportunities/ assignments associated with brands, offerings, solutions, services or industries
  • They are assigned to a sales support unit and/or business unit, working on projects and programs defined by higher-level professionals and management
  • They assist in supporting the efforts of the field sales teams for the purpose of fulfilling their responsibilities to sell and install IBM offerings, solutions, and services. Includes assisting with effective sales support and optimization of pre-sales activities
  • Includes assisting in efficiently delivering a range of end-to-end sales related services to the field sales force, including the sales related activities associated with pre-sales support, solution design and delivery, proposal preparation, terms and conditions selection, and the coordination between the various support functions
  • As appropriate, professionals assigned to the Business Management role will assist in the development and interpretation of business plans, measurements of actual results against expectations, and measuring and analyzing volumes and revenues for brands, industries and geographies
  • Responsibilities may include business analysis and decision support and working within reporting systems including forecasting, budgeting/ resource planning, pricing and contracts, sales execution reporting, etc
  • Assumes additional responsibilities as assigned
  • Responsible for setting and managing to revenue goals, planning, reporting, quota setting and account management, sales process optimization, sales training, daily/weekly/monthly forecasting and consultant on recruiting and selection of sales force talent
  • Responsible for the overall productivity and effectiveness of the assigned sales organization
  • Work closely with internal and external stakeholders (General Managers and Sales Reps, Content Directors, Events team, Finance, Sales Analysts, Sales Assistants, etc.) to ensure the appropriate objectives and priorities are enabled within the sales organization supported
  • Directs sales forecasting, planning, and budgeting processes used within the sales organization. Proactively monitors and strives to maintain high levels of quality, accuracy, and process consistency in the sales organization’s revenue reporting efforts
  • Responsible for managing and developing sales management (GM’s) and their teams to hit individual and team sales targets each month through effective prospecting, outreach and closing
  • Oversee the forecasting, revenue projections and performance to budgets
  • Proactively identifies opportunities for sales process improvement. Works closely with sales management to inspect sales process quality and prioritize opportunities for improvement. Assists sales management in understanding process bottlenecks and inconsistencies. Facilitates an organization of continuous process improvement
  • Manages the sales organization’s compliance with required standards for maintaining CRM data. Works closely with sales management to optimize the effectiveness of the firm’s technology investments (ELAN)
  • Coordinates training delivery to sales, sales management, and sales support personnel in the sales organization supported
  • Improve ROI related to tradeshows and outside events
  • Minimum 5-7 Years in sales and/or team management
  • Revenue responsibility
  • Achievement of sales, revenue, and profitability for the business unit supported
  • Proven accountability for the on-time implementation of sales organization quotas and performance objectives
  • Proven accountability for the thorough implementation of sales organization-impacting initiatives
  • Proven efficiency in allocation of technology, support, and training resources impacting the sales organization
  • Proven accountability for accurate and on-time reporting essential for sales organization effectiveness
  • Analyze data and find trends in data from disparate data systems
  • Create and maintain reporting systems to enable standardized information and reports
  • Ad Hoc reporting and analytics
  • Expert level knowledge of Microsoft Excel
  • 3 to 6 years experience analyzing data and creating reports
  • High-tech industry experience not required

Sales Operations Process Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Design and implement highly efficient Sales processes for our commercial teams and associated stakeholders to follow
  • Clearly and effectively communicate with team members on all related commercial processes and best practices
  • Provide excellent, full-cycle sales support to our commercial teams, including guidance on pricing, contracting methods, pipeline management, budget plans and associated analytics
  • Directly collaborate with our finance and legal teams to build and communicate best practices to our sales teams to ensure successful contract development and execution
  • Design and implement efficient training modules for our commercial teams to ensure sales excellence for Flatiron and outstanding support for our clients
  • Provide helpdesk support to our clients relating to specific finance project
  • Ensure client calls are answered in a professional manner and on time
  • Escalate any complex issues/questions to the appropriate Account Manager
  • Work closely together with the core Sales Operations and Finance teams
  • Detail oriented and client focused personality

Sales Operations Account Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Demand/Supply Analysis (including all sites)
  • Quality escalation management (tactical execution)
  • Inventory Management (Aged, Excess, and EOL)
  • Serve as a partner to Sales Customer Team
  • Product transition fulfillment execution
  • Logility forecast entry (understanding of trend analysis and future projections)
  • Management and Maintenance of Backlog and FGI (include reconciliation with Production Planning)
  • New Hub coordination
  • Customer quarterly rebate impact and support (as necessary)
  • Stock balancing (stock rotations)
  • Research and respond to customer inquiries
  • Supply commitments
  • Shipper direction and execution (including I/C shipments)
  • Invoicing issue resolution
  • New Product pilot/risk build management
  • Participates in process/tool improvement projects
  • Concept of customer manufacturing/material management (DGR, supplier management, CM/ODM management)
  • Monitors customer satisfaction and implements appropriate actions to close gaps
  • Ability to explain and communicate reasoning for forecasts, changes, attainment
  • 3-5 years of experience in account management, sales operations, or supply chain operations in Technology
  • Prior forecast management or equivalent experience
  • Strong business acumen and general knowledge of storage & IT industry
  • Ongoing development in strategic thinking and decision making expertise
  • Attention to detail (self-monitoring)
  • Fundamental oral and written communication skills
  • Basic project management and influencing skills
  • Capable of multi-tasking and managing multiple activities
  • Ability to work under pressure and maintain quality of detailed work while meeting competing and inflexible deadlines; ability to perform repetitive tasks
  • Prior OEM Experience
  • Technical proficiency (Seagate systems and data analysis applications)
  • Support Account Executives including but not limited to deal structure questions, order processing and ensuring orders are in compliance with policies
  • Review submitted proposals and order forms for completeness, accuracy, and conformance to policies
  • Activate eligible contracts and orders utilizing internal tools, complete compensation transaction to ensure accurate timely commission payments
  • Manage attrition requests. Working with Finance to determine appropriate accounting treatment for any credits due to customer
  • Monitor contracts due to expire and work with sales and renewal teams to ensure uninterrupted service and revenue stream
  • Manage donation application queue including fulfillment of product donation to nonprofits
  • Assist with all application requests, including communication with nonprofits on the status of their request
  • Respond to phone and email inquiries from sales and external customers regarding Donation and Discount Program. Route email requests to necessary staff for response
  • Create and maintain adhoc reporting as needed
  • Managing the approval of deliverables
  • Track promotion from sale through program completion
  • Provide regular updates on changes in direction, guarantee, and deliverables
  • Becoming an expert in promotional suite of products
  • Skilled at project tracking
  • 1- 3 years work experience required
  • Knowledge of html
  • Strong ability to be responsible, accountable and result-driven
  • Familiarity with websites and tech savvy

Sales Operations Senior Representative Resume Examples & Samples

  • May act as a resource for others
  • May coordinate others' activities
  • Must be available to travel up to 20% within the New York City area
  • Intermediate level of proficiency with Microsoft Office (Word, Excel, PowerPoint, and Outlook)
  • Previous experience supporting a sales team
  • Previous experience working within an office environment
  • Bilingual fluency in English and Spanish
  • Coordinate sales forecasting, planning, and budgeting process used within the sales organization. Proactively strives to maintain high levels of quality, accuracy and process consistency in the sales organizations planning efforts
  • Provides input to the design, manages the administration and effectiveness of the sales compensation plan and goal system to support increased revenue production
  • Understand the entire process and work flow of the sales processes, proactively identify opportunities for optimizing and automating manual processes. Works closely with sales management in understanding process bottlenecks and inconsistencies. Facilitates an organization of continuous process improvement
  • Design, evaluate and identify tools, processes and technology for implementation to optimize sales force effectiveness and productivity
  • Monitors the sales teams’ compliance with required standards for maintaining CRM data and other sales applications. Works closely with sales management to optimize the effectiveness of the company’s technology investments
  • Manage and maintain the data required working with the analytics team for reporting and data analysis for sales force tracking, goal setting, sales force effectiveness, KPI’s, customer segmentation, territory planning and activity planning to drive strategic and tactical decisions for Vice President of Sales and other key leaders
  • Supports the equitable assignment of sales force goals and ensures goals are optimally allocated to all sales resources
  • Manage sales spending budget activities, reporting and forecasting
  • Maintain and update employee/customer satisfaction programs and reporting for strategic and tactical decisions to further enhance sales/customer experience
  • Interacts with all necessary departments to effectively communicate SOP’s and processes for efficient implementation and effectiveness
  • Manage the technical and administrative aspects of the E-RFP and lead platforms for efficiency and reporting. Update annual agreements timely and ensure turnover to marketing for execution
  • Manage the renewal of key partnerships and vendor agreements timely to ensure business efficiency and continuity
  • Manage the team members responsible for key travel logistics and site inspection logistics to optimize the overall customer engagement and lead generation sales activities
  • Working with key department leaders, managers and Sr. Executives on cross functional projects and technology initiatives
  • Development of the current version of the CRM tool into new versions and the continuous maintenance of the CRM
  • Performing sanity checks on the content of the CRM and do corrections where appropriate or ask the content owner update the affected information
  • Providing all kind of reports and dashboards from the CRM tool in the context of the business environment as required
  • Assist with billing/invoicing
  • Assist with Project reviews
  • Assist with Budgeting, Forecasting and Long Term Planning
  • Prepare recurrent and ad-hoc reports, analyses and presentations as required
  • Plan, schedule, prepare and host of business related meetings

Sales Operations Program Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Sales On-Boarding and Enablement
  • Tools and sales process – enabling use and working with SFDC Business Applications (BA) to define requirements and ensure implementation
  • Provide Sales incentive plans and quota assignments to new hires and BA ensuring SFDC set up
  • Territory assignment and transfers. Including Territory assignments and historical restatement and reporting
  • Define personal dashboards and reports for RSM/AVP visibility/hierarchy
  • Identify License requirements and liaison with SFDC BA
  • (SFDC)
  • Data Management: provide the business with clean, accurate and complete sales information and analytics including customer intelligence reporting and data mining
  • Analytics, reporting and administration –develop accurate reports and dashboards to enable sales leaders to drive growth; provide intelligent analysis of the raw data such as customer segmentation, vertical markets, industries, etc
  • Develop Quantitative Sales Metrics including: Quota attainment, cross product selling, hit rates, pipeline metrics including aging, daily snapshots, growth, etc., forecast accuracy (sales and demand) using (SFDC)
  • Opportunity reviews ensuring appropriate information is provided and working with the Sales team and Sales Support to update as needed
  • Identify SFDC enhancements and work with BA to ensure implementation
  • Manage Sales Programs (Examples: Channel Deal Registration review, TeS Referral, Joint Selling, SPIFFs, Partner Referrals)
  • Document Sales Program rules and responsibilities and ensure adherence to program requirements
  • Review and report on the SFDC opportunities Sales programs and assigned to the appropriate sales person
  • Ensure opportunities are tagged appropriately for reporting
  • Provide reports for Ambition Boost for Strategic Accounts, including reporting on current opportunities status vs. Quota
  • Monitor and maintain SFDC fields related to the Sales Programs
  • Business Reviews and Customer Meetings
  • Work closely with sales management to create reports and provide data to prep Business Reviews and Account reviews
  • Work closely with Sales Managers to address contract issues or concerns and to ensure the timeliness of contract review for Pricing, T&C’s, etc
  • Process and Procedural Documentation
  • Drive sales process consistency and technology adoption
  • Proactively identify opportunities for Sales and Sales Operations process improvement. Work closely with sales management to review sales process quality, prioritize and implement improvements
  • Assist sales management in understanding process bottlenecks and inconsistencies
  • Additional Areas of Responsibility
  • Collaborate with Marketing regarding initiatives impacting the Sales teams: Integration with Marketing Automation initiatives specific to SFDC, assist with providing data required for MARCOM programs
  • Collaborate with Sales Support Reps regarding pre-sales support activities: Quoting, POC, customer reports; assist with ensuring clean, bookable orders
  • Manage Price Book distribution for the Americas for Internal and partners
  • Manage Incentive Compensation Plans, ensuring timely exchange of monthly data for Accounting, calculate eligibility and payments, review and distribute reports, answers inquiries from Sales, initiate data investigation and communicate resolution
  • 50% Contract Entry & Execution
  • Builds relationships with internal departments (sales, finance, product line management, and customer service) to enable high performance with the contracting process
  • Responsible for daily contract entry across a set of specific customer segments or geographies
  • Responsible for on-going customer master data set-up needs within ERP systems and the accuracy of records
  • 25% Systems and Data Management/Process Optimization
  • Identify solutions to problems with current processes and procedures
  • Understand best practices and internal/external benchmarks; provide recommendations for improvement and optimization of processes, procedures and development of metrics
  • Co-owner of sales contract and customer master data related commercial business processes and alignment with ERP systems – insuring that all sales operations and customer service team members are clear on functional process steps and the greater connection and impact to other functions
  • Support growth of business-wide sustainability programs through data management between business functions
  • 25% Contract Performance & Control
  • Point of control for all sales contract, insuring that all contracts are entered on-time, aligned with terms, and confirmed with customers through mail / e-mail
  • Ensure appropriate and effect resolution in collaboration with the sales team of customer contract disputes
  • In collaboration with sales / csr teams, identify and execute updating of contracts based within CCCNA contract policies on need to roll forward, weighted average, eliminate residual balances, and application of storage and working capital charges
  • Develop deep insights of CCCNA contract performance and policy expectations and help drive accountability for policy expectations within the business
  • Bachelor’s degree or at least 3 years of equivalent professional work experience
  • Excellent interpersonal communications skills
  • Demonstrated organizational and prioritization skills
  • Demonstrated problem solving skills with a customer service focus
  • Demonstrated proficiency with computer systems
  • Demonstrated ability to influence without direct supervision
  • Experience in managing customer complaints
  • On a routine basis, essential duties of the position may require the ability to climb stairs, kneel, squat, bend and twist
  • Customer Service or Sales Operations experience in Food Manufacturing environment
  • ERP experience: preferably in SAP
  • Lead Global Sales managers in development and execution of Regional Sales MOS through monthly Sales Reviews and regional SFDC data for Airlines MOR
  • Improve usage of data/sales tools in association with IT
  • Sales Incentive Plan Management for diverse Sales Channels
  • Develop, Execute and Maintain processes and effectively utilize CRM tool to build reports, analytics & dashboards
  • Train global sales team in usage of CRM tool to supply accurate information in support of developed processes
  • Create ad hoc data and reports as requested by the sales organization and business leaders
  • Understanding of the sales processes
  • Expertise in MS-Excel, MS-PowerPoint & MS-Access
  • Familiarity with CRM tools ( preferred)
  • Demonstrated experience in analysis and actionable insights
  • Excellent spoken and written communication in formal English, along with an ability to comprehend international accents
  • Experience in building working relationships in cross-cultural / remote / matrixed teams
  • Self-driven, confident & ability to ask the right questions to anticipate and understand business context and needs and respond to the same
  • Responsive to requests
  • Ability to deliver without supervision
  • Excellent analytical skills accompanied by consistent, reliable work that is organized, thorough and precise
  • Develop reporting tools to support sales objectives
  • Identification of opportunities for improvement with sales operations processes
  • Analyzing and Forecasting
  • Manage and support adoption of CRM
  • Manage Integrated Delivery Networks
  • Maintain pricing and effectively track sales performance
  • Project Management - Manage multiple projects simultaneously
  • Responsible for quality, accuracy and timeliness of standard reporting and developing best practices
  • Conduct root cause analysis for continuous process improvements and creation of automation tools to support various business partners
  • Make suggestions and think critically about proposed programs and/or process changes, and provide recommendations for improvement. A continuous improvement focus is highly desired
  • Analyze and communicate relevant information and insights to senior leaders
  • Interface with IT teams to maximize the effectiveness of various sales reporting tools and databases
  • Business related undergraduate degree required or MBA preferred with 4-6 years’ experience in sales/marketing operations, finance or sales analytics roles
  • CRM experience (preferably with working knowledge of administration, reporting, dashboards and end-user functionality BI experience
  • Excellent system skills using SQL and/or other business reporting tools
  • Experience with Enterprise reporting tools (OBI,, Tableau, Domo, etc)
  • Experience with Mobile Applications (iOS, android)
  • Expert skill level in Microsoft Excel, Access and PowerPoint software
  • Exceptional attention to detail, good work ethic, desire to learn and be challenged, self-driven and motivated
  • Strong collaboration and relationship building abilities
  • Excellent attention to detail, time management and prioritization skills
  • Motivated, self-starter, with a solid work ethic, ability to manage change, and a “can-do” attitude a must
  • Maintaining contract file room - creating new files; filing contracts; archiving old files as needed and coordinating off-site storage/retrieval for archived files
  • Scanning executed agreements into CRM system; preparing contracts for signature and coordinating contracts for execution
  • Assisting with the creation of acknowledgment letters and handling distribution of contracts to customers
  • Compiling billing notices daily for review and approval
  • Distributing monthly commission summaries to sales staff
  • A proactive and highly personable individual with experience in sales support / sales order administrations and/or sales operations positions
  • Minimum a Diploma Holder in Business Administration
  • Good Interpersonal and communications skills
  • Good knowledge in MS office Applications especially Excel and Powerpoints
  • Able to work in a team as well as independently
  • Patient & Meticulous with the ability to multi-task and work in a fast-paced environment
  • Preference will be given to candidates who can start work immediately
  • Work well across all levels at all times and an effective team player who share information
  • 0-2 years of pharmaceutical industry experience
  • Microsoft Excel
  • Must work with meticulous accuracy and be able to manage multiple assignments with timely output
  • Strong written and oral communication skills needed to communicate technical data effectively to field sales team and across multiple internal functions
  • Pursuing a Bachelor's degree in Business, Sales, or related field
  • GPA of 3.0 or higher (based on a 4.0 scale)
  • Strong interest in automotive industry

Sales Operations Trainee Resume Examples & Samples

  • UNRAE market coverage reports: support management of dealer network in the system and data submission to supplier
  • Dealer performance presentations & summaries: collection of data concerning the main KPIs (MS%, volume bonus etc.)
  • Support development/phase test of new functionalities in TCar
  • Qlikview reporting maintenance: upload of BP and RF data concerning contracts, retails etc
  • Qlikview new reports: implementation & debugging support
  • Sales KPIs reports: update & daily distribution by email (contracts, retail, order&stock, wholesale)
  • Quantitative incentive bonus program: monthly follow-up and closing management support
  • Qualitative incentive program (DOP): weekly reports, updating and follow-up support
  • Development of "on demand" reports and analysis supporting field force, sales operations department and internal customers
  • Support all data entry activities done by FFAS
  • Engineering / Economical Degree

Sales Operations Business Partner Resume Examples & Samples

  • Facilitate the annual territory design, planning and quota allocation process with the EMEA sales force in accordance with the policies and tools established
  • Review attainment trends for segments and regions and reviews results with sales management with insights designed to drive productivity and efficiency in the selling process
  • Utilize the centralized resources within Sales Operations to provide answers & solutions for the EMEA region
  • Provide the required reporting, analytics & business intelligence to support strategic & tactical initiatives
  • Assumes joint responsibility with EMEA sales management for process compliance
  • Ensures appropriate bookings, pipeline and forecast reports and dashboards are made available to sales & service management. Alerts managers of non-compliance to ensure accuracy and cleanliness
  • Drives the forecast review process with the assigned Sales Management leader
  • Supports the annual compensation plan design and communication to ensure correct plan types are allocated to the sales reps
  • Enables the sales force so that dashboards, reports, compensation mechanics and initiatives are fully understood
  • Assists sales and service leadership team with project coordination, lead to revenue, KPI tracking and associated performance management
  • Supports the effective use of to measure & improve sales force productivity/compliance
  • Supports Sales Management team with new employee setup/admin tasks
  • Consults with the Sales Management to manage periodic sales territory, hierarchy and sales rep changes to ensure appropriate mapping into our sales systems
  • Attends EMEA sales management meetings on a regular basis to provide updates on relevant Sales Operations initiatives and developments
  • Leads and supports selected broader Sales Operations initiatives and projects
  • Provide interface to Marketing and Finance organizations
  • A bachelor's degree and 7 years of professional work experience (or a master's degree and 5 years of professional work experience) is required
  • 7-12+ years of work experience in Sales Operations with significant exposure to sales management teams in a B2B software or technology company
  • Experience working in the EMEA market
  • Candidates must be willing to travel up to 10% of the time
  • Sales Operations competence (forecasting, planning, sales systems, reporting, processes and methodologies, compensation and quota management)
  • General understanding of Sales and BI Systems and domains relevant to specific processes & practices
  • Experience with financial modeling and analytical tools such as Excel, SQL databases, etc. Experience using and analytics tools
  • Program/project management experience
  • Ability to conduct sophisticated and creative analysis, yet translate those results to easily digestible insights, messages, communications, and presentations
  • Ability to handle multiple tasks simultaneously, manage conflicting priorities and to complete assignments under aggressive time constraints
  • Demonstrated ability to be productive with minimal supervision. Must be results oriented and able to move forward without complete information
  • Ability to work effectively in a matrixed environment with diverse audiences, management levels, cultures, and personalities
  • Trusted advisor with excellent communication and presentation skills
  • Strong drive and will to succeed
  • Flexibility and ability to adjust on the fly to new demands; knows when to demonstrate a sense of urgency
  • BS/BA required; MBA a plus
  • Direct Sales experience a plus
  • Experience working with international teams where English is not their primary language
  • Facilitate the annual territory design, planning and quota allocation process with the APAC sales force in accordance with the policies and tools established
  • Utilize the centralized resources within Sales Operations to provide answers & solutions for the APAC region
  • Assumes joint responsibility with APAC sales management for process compliance
  • Attends APAC sales management meetings on a regular basis to provide updates on relevant Sales Operations initiatives and developments
  • Experience working in the APAC market

Director, Global Inside Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work as the “right hand”, “go to person” for the VP of Worldwide Corporate and Inside Sales in driving forecasting and monitoring of current sales and pipeline trends and results
  • Support the VP of Worldwide Corporate and Inside Sales directly in managing the reporting and processes for both the sales development representatives (SDRs) and the CORP Account Executives
  • Work directly with Directors and Managers of Sales and sales operations leads to consistently and predictably exceed sales goals
  • Partner with Sales Management on business planning and strategy for their respective sales areas
  • Participate in weekly, quarterly and annual sales planning by preparing and supporting the delivery of specific sales coverage, forecasting analytics, reports and key dashboards
  • Work with internal front and back office departments throughout each selling quarter to resolve open items and close CORP segment sales opportunities ensuring all necessary paperwork is in place prior to deal closure
  • Support the end-of-quarter sales effort by assisting in driving all sales orders and approvals through internal processing
  • Supports sales team with needs related to processing through internal systems and processes (e.g. (SFDC), (IDSC),, and other tools and systems
  • Work closely with the deals desk and product management to facilitate optimum deal structuring to ensure best value for the company while maximizing quota attainment
  • As part of the sales operations team, support the sales ops team in any and all activities that require additional Sales ops support
  • 3-5 years experience in sales, sales operations, finance or other analytical role
  • Preferred experience in working in a similar role or in a Sales Operations Managerial role
  • Bachelor degree in business or finance (completed or in process MBA preferred)
  • Must have a ‘can do’ attitude and have an internal strong sense of urgency
  • Ability to multi task and manage multiple competing priorities
  • Demonstrated ability to take initiative and work independently to deliver exceptional results
  • Coordinate sales forecasting, planning, and budgeting processes used within the sales organization
  • Proactively monitor and strive to maintain high levels of quality, accuracy, and process consistency in the sales organization’s planning efforts. As needed, coordinates planning activities with other functions and stakeholders within the firm
  • Support the assignment of sales force quotas and ensures quotas are optimally allocated to all sales channels and resources
  • Work to ensure all sales organization objectives are assigned in a timely fashion
  • Proactively identifiy opportunities for sales process improvement
  • Facilitate an organization of continuous process improvement
  • Recommend revisions to existing metrics and measurements, or assists in the development of new reporting tools as needed
  • Support the implementation of enabling technologies, including CRM, to field sales teams. Monitors the assigned sales organization’s compliance with required standards for maintaining CRM data
  • Coordinate Sales enablement training delivery to sales, sales management, and sales support personnel in the sales organization supported
  • Work with Accounting, Finance, and Human Resources, provides assistance with sales incentive compensation administration on an as-needed basis, or when required to arbitrate or clarify the application of sales compensation program policies and procedures
  • Direct and support the consistent implementation of company initiatives
  • Accountable for the thorough implementation of sales organization impacting initiatives
  • Accountable for accurate and on-time reporting essential for sales organization effectiveness
  • Four-year college degree from an accredited institution
  • Four years of prior Sales Operation management experience
  • Two years sales or sales management experience in a business-to-business sales environment
  • Strong proficiency in
  • Experience in working with performance management and commission applications
  • Strong PC proficiency
  • Responsible for maintaining quality brand image and excellent customer service with end user consumers, requiring knowledge of (including, but not limited to): consumer warranty processes, credit/debit management, promotional product ordering, order form creation, and business intelligence reporting capabilities
  • Standard Sales Support Tasks (including, but not limited to): data entry for manual orders, order maintenance, order status updates, order form creation, and ad-hoc reporting
  • Remain in constant communication with Product Management/M&D teams to enhance product knowledge in an effort to provide best-in-class service levels for all warranty claims
  • Follow policies and procedures to guarantee that all consumer inquiries and issues are up to date and resolved in the required time frame
  • Eager to learn all product lines, assortments, and key styles for a complete understanding on warranty process and replacement product opportunities
  • Identify opportunities in warranty process for faster turn time in resolving customer issues
  • 1 + years retail and/or customer service experience

Sales Operations Consultant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Leverages knowledge and prior experience to develop appropriate solutions
  • Develop overall engagement work plan (internal&external), and ensure that assigned tasks and responsibilities are accomplished in a timely manner
  • Plan, organize and control multiple responsibilities and resources to achieve project objectives
  • Recognize and anticipate scope issues and communicate to client and team changes to the work plan
  • Manages projects with limited oversight, using standard project management methodologies
  • Leads project teams through complex projects. Identifies issues and works to facilitate resolution. Prioritize work
  • Anticipate project issues, assess alternatives, and take appropriate measures to resolve in a professional, tactful manner
  • Communicate engagement status, progress and impact to line of business management
  • Supports change management efforts
  • Minimum five (5) years of related experience
  • Minimum six (6) years of related experience
  • Master's degreein related field
  • Ensuring there is a standard KP Sales Operations Process that models the behavior & activities of a high-performing and compliant sales operations organization
  • Developing and maintaining a systematic means for monitoring sales operations processes that are compliant, valid & adhere to standard practices
  • Identifying root-causes of adoption challenges
  • Consistently performing end-to-end process optimization
  • Monitoring sales agent compliance training

Senior Sales Operations Consultant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Manages complex projects or multiple projects of moderate complexity
  • Leads overall engagement work plan, and ensure that assigned tasks and responsibilities are accomplished in a timely manner
  • Plan, organize and control multiple responsibilities and resources to achieve project objectives with competing priorities
  • Recognize and anticipate scope issues and communicate to client and team changes to the work plan. Leads mitigation to address issues
  • Manages projects with little to no oversight
  • Demonstrate Execution Excellence through systematic thinking & approach
  • Manages to how one project or recommendation may impact or interfere with others
  • Demonstrates execution excellence. Establishes deliverable structure and content outline. Ensure deliverables meet business objectives, design specifications and quality standards. Build follow-up mechanism/maintenance plan into project deliverables to ensure that changes to be implemented will be sustainable
  • Leads change management efforts
  • Minimum seven (7) years of related experience
  • Minimum eight (8) years of related experience
  • Health care or health insurance industry knowledge preferred
  • Responsible for receiving, processing and routing incoming sales orders
  • Assist with management and maintenance of for account, deal, order, and sales support requests
  • Review inbound signed revenue contracts, and check for accuracy/validation. Confirm commercial terms have been approved by relevant departments. Confirm legal has approved any non-standard legal terms
  • Book approved revenue contracts within, triggering invoicing and service provisioning
  • Interface with sales reps on any items that need to be changed/clarified on the order
  • Work, cross-functionally, with Sales, Legal, and Finance departments in regards to orders and process
  • Track pending orders status, and follow up to insure timely response
  • Provide monthly analysis of fulfillment of orders compared to specified rules – pending report
  • Assist the Legal and Finance teams in resolving order, delivery and billing discrepancies as needed
  • Weekly reconciliation with Finance team in regards to orders
  • Inform internal/external customer about ordering process
  • Responsible for performing general and specific administrative support tasks involved in the sales function including but not limited to data entry, fulfilling requests, filing, faxing, scanning documents, and compiling data
  • Experience with both Channel and Direct Sales models is required
  • Bachelor's degree or equivalent
  • 2-3+ years of experience supporting a fast paced team or working within a sales team/organization
  • Ability to convert analytical findings to actionable steps
  • Effective prioritization, organization and multi-tasking skills
  • knowledge a must
  • DocuSign knowledge a plus
  • Advanced knowledge of Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint
  • In-depth understanding into workings of sales processes
  • Excellent English oral and written communication skills. Other language as a plus
  • Experience dealing with customer issues, challenges, complaints, and having the savvy to escalate when appropriate

Senior Sales Operations Data Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assure business intelligence systems provide timely and relevant data to support decision making
  • Identifies opportunities to continuously improve (and redesign where needed) sales reporting
  • Leading process improvement initiatives to improve overall team efficiency, accuracy and ability to identify/prevent errors
  • Build and maintain strong rapport with Group sales management and other key customers to ensure ongoing decision support needs are met
  • Understand Stewart’s business environment and requirements and leverage strategic field insights to drive sales operation initiatives aligned with the Company strategy
  • Provides encouragement to team members, including communicating team goals
  • Assists management with team member training
  • Answers team member questions, helps with team member problems, and oversees team member work for quality and guideline compliance
  • Analyze and interpret the results of data modeling experiments
  • Aggregated reporting, trend/gap analysis, benchmarks, and insights
  • Proficient in the use of query and reporting analysis tools
  • Standardize data collection by developing methods for database design to collect data for centralized data warehouse
  • Extract data from databases and data warehouses for reporting and to facilitate sharing between multiple data systems
  • Must know their audience and be able to articulate findings to that audience
  • It is imperative that the data scientist must be able to provide results in a manner that is totally transparent and clear including methods used
  • Meet with and / or solicit employees, as necessary, to resolve data quality issues
  • Provide analytical reporting support to business management (Standard and Ad-hoc)
  • English at a high level- the job requires fluent English
  • Team player, Agility, Responsiveness
  • Experience coordinating with multiple interfaces including Sales, Manufacturing, Marketing, NPI, Finance, etc
  • Advantage – knowledge at - Oracle ERP and
  • 2-4 years of experience in the sales operation/ inside sales/ purchasing industry
  • Managing the sales data to insure it is clean, accurate, and complete
  • Strong time management and analytical skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to interact with all levels of personnel within the organization
  • Must have at least 1 to 3 years of Salesforce Experience
  • Create and maintain standardized dashboards and reports with operational and financial KPIs
  • Support business owners’ finance needs, especially during Problem Solving Processes (PSP’s)
  • Create and drive adoption of new business and system processes for operational efficiency
  • Provide data and analysis to support territory design and quota assignments
  • Make business recommendations driven by data intelligence
  • Review and approve CRM and CPQ tool updates on behalf of the Sales teams
  • Create SOPs and training to educate business owners on navigation and interpretation of reports
  • Coordinates and ensures processing of specific request (sales reports or tracker, UPC codes, pictures, MBO etc….)
  • Partners with the Account Management teams to address and resolve all issues regarding customer billing issues, PO and shipping
  • Liaises with credit department to address all credit-related customer issues as required by the Account Manager
  • Researches, resolves and responds to questions regarding invoice discrepancies and accounts on credit hold
  • Interacts with each and every department on behalf of the Account Manager to filter all requests received and distribute accordingly. Collects back response and information and provides to the respective manager
  • Collects orders from Account Managers and interacts with Customer Service to ensure orders are being processed in a timely manner from the Account Managers
  • Works with Allocation Manager and Distribution Center to ensure timely shipping of orders
  • Works with Credit Department to remove credit holds, retrieve payment information needed (status of account, pay now, past due, etc.)
  • Works with Customer Maintenance to update/change/revise any detail to the profile of the customer (ie: bill to/ship to addresses, contact info, billing terms, all specifications of the customer)
  • Works with Distribution to open/close new accounts, approval for brands, and saturations to carry lines in specific territories
  • Works with Discount and Commissions Department to ensure customer receives correct discounts as well as billing documents are accurate
  • Works with Inventory Planning to provide current status of sku’s (new, limited editions, obsolete). Performs transfers of inventory and daily/weekly allocations to maximize fill rates of orders
  • Works with BI to generate weekly/daily/monthly/recurring reports
  • Resolves Grid and/or Pricing Issues
  • Provides RA to the Account Managers
  • Monitors the forecast daily and coordinates its weekly achievement
  • Provides UPC information to the Account Managers for their customers
  • Coordinates invoice copies and order updates to the Account Managers
  • 2+ years related work experience
  • Strong PC skills; proficient in Outlook, Excel, Word and PowerPoint, Internet
  • Ability to work independently and multi-task with limited supervision
  • Strong interpersonal skills; ability to work well with all levels of internal leadership and staff
  • Places a high priority on responsiveness
  • Past experience with retail or buying
  • GXS Catalogue knowledge
  • Facilitate and manage all Sales Operations related projects to conclusion. This includes but is not limited to scheduling meetings; manage schedules, tasks, actions, to closure; and interfacing with other functions/organizations as required to deliver the project on time and complete
  • Coordinate the Sales & Operations Planning (S&OP) Monthly Program. Create and manage the S&OP Sharepoint site to ensure all the information is available on the site when required for all those who need to access it. Document and follow up on any actions
  • Manage programs for Liebert Services by coordinating the activities of Service Marketing, Product Services Marketing, Marketing Communications and Sales to meet organizational targets
  • Develop, maintain, and enforce the Sales Operations Program Management process
  • Develops and oversees the implementation of the technology roadmap for the Sales organization through the evaluation of business goals and identification of business problems to propose best-in-class solutions
  • Closely liaise with IT to ensure IT projects are in alignment with the needs of the business and stay on track based upon the master project prioritization schedule
  • Facilitate cross-functional planning and project execution, ensuring the right “Service” is delivered at the right cost, on time, achieving customer satisfaction
  • Provide executive-level program updates to senior management and executive sponsors
  • Monitor team schedules and ensure coordination of activities on the critical path
  • Develop reporting and tracking programs to assure projects are on target for schedule and cost
  • Identify key issues, risks and contingency plans and drive decisions to ensure that projects do not slip
  • Work with management of different operating functions to identify and obtain required resources to adequately staff projects
  • Develop and maintain project management process documentation
  • Design and build organizational capabilities, including structure and individual roles and responsibilities, as required to successfully complete assigned projects
  • Achieve milestone dates for including stage gate review dates
  • Benchmark practices and performance against established standards. Obtain certifications or other regulatory compliance where appropriate
  • Performs other related duties as needed
  • Provide leadership for Program Management Team to complete projects per schedule, on budget, and to the scope defined
  • Implement ongoing improvements to project management processes
  • Bachelor in Business or related degree
  • At least 6 years within Sales, Sales Operations, or other directly related professional experience
  • At least 3 years Managerial or Program Manager Experience
  • Demonstrates ability to negotiate and compromise in the best interests of the company/consumer
  • Ability to work in a matrix environment and accomplish work through others who are not direct reports
  • A broad-based general management background is essential. Knowledge of engineering and manufacturing processes and procedures is key
  • Knowledge of accounting, purchasing and computer operations is helpful
  • Excellent people and communication skills, including leading meetings, influencing others and delivering presentations
  • High level of attention to detail is required for this position to ensure that the data presented is accurately, correctly and aligned with the needs of the business
  • Must be technically proficient with Microsoft Project application or equivalent as well as Microsoft Office suite i.e. Excel, Word, Outlook, Project, PowerPoint
  • Manages multiple projects/tasks simultaneously. Demonstrates ability to plan, set priorities, organizes and coordinates work with others
  • Work with sales managers to drive KPIs throughout the sales funnel
  • Improve forecasting methodologies and accuracy
  • Facilitate SLA discussions and policy changes across sales and marketing
  • Review current and future vendors and tools to improve sales productivity
  • Advise on SFDC and Marketo projects from a sales perspective
  • Optimize sales processes and drive adoption of best practices
  • Assist with sales territory, quota, and headcount planning
  • Manage and monitor workflow of sales operations team
  • Collaborate with members of the greater Cisco Security org on integration strategy
  • Ability to work across different teams with ease
  • Experience in a fast-paced sales organization
  • Highly analytical and detail-oriented
  • High degree of empathy to accurately represent sales in strategic discussions
  • Excellent time management/organizational skills
  • experience is a must
  • SFDC certified admin a plus
  • Marketo experience

Senior Director, Oracle Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • 10+ years of Sales Operations experience, preferably in a high tech company
  • CRM implementation experience required
  • Strong reporting/analytical experience
  • Proficient in Excel, PowerPoint, Word

Gsco Sales Operations Team Leader Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ensure the team is adequately staffed at any given point in time to accommodate the work volume
  • Ensure the new team members are duly trained before they are live on chat by conducting pre go-live assessment on the process and tool knowledge possessed by the trainees
  • Should act as a “go-to” person for the team for any kind of operational and work related issues that they might encounter during the course of their employment
  • Monitor live chats and provide instant feedback on ways of improvements to the agents
  • Ensure the team is up-to-date with new changes in the process/tools supported by providing clear cut instructions/information to the team through regular huddle room meetings
  • Conduct regular one to one with staff members to provide them constructive feedback on their performance
  • Should duly notify the management of any challenges/issues affecting the work supported by facts and figures
  • Should keep the management informed on P1/ high priority bugs
  • Implementing new initiatives and making sure all staff understand them and abide by them
  • Taking action to correct dysfunctional behavior
  • Be the source of motivation to the team
  • Recognize and celebrate team and team member accomplishments and exceptional performance
  • Facilitate problem solving and collaboration
  • Intervene when necessary to aid the group in resolving issues
  • Would be the 1st level of escalation point for the reps and ensure the escalation is duly addressed with priority and at most care preventing further escalation
  • Should encourage and appreciate feedback from the team members that’s focused on any kind of improvement
  • Quality Assurance – Should keep a tab on the quality of work performed by the team members by proactively reviewing teams chats/incidents against the pre-determined quality parameters and providing the continuous and consistent feedback
  • Currently pursuing a Bachelors Degree
  • Must have a graduation date on or after Sept 1, 2017
  • Outstanding interpersonal and communications skills
  • Highly proficient in Excel, Google and / or Access
  • Excellent thought leadership
  • Ability to work independently and within tight timelines
  • A person who also possesses the following: a self-motivator, good time management skills, solid organizational skills, & excellent presentation skills
  • A high degree of integrity is required to safeguard sensitive information and data
  • Demonstrate an ability to develop and maintain a strong working relationship with customers, peers and other departments
  • Demonstrate an ability to learn company system applications such as HSOE, Oracle, Business Objects and
  • Ability to understand and manage specific customer portals such as Retail Link, Vendor Central & Margin Maker Program
  • Strong communication and follow-up/follow-through skills
  • Ability to verbally express ideas and suggestions
  • Work closely with the Indiana warehouse to ensure all purchase orders are shipped in a timely manner and according to customers’ specifications
  • Ability to fully understand customer’s logistical needs
  • Respond to all customers inquiries sent via email, chat or phone in a timely manner which include but not limited to: providing tracking information on purchase orders, shipment variances, accounting discrepancies, missing packing slips, missing invoices, customer accruals, submitting invoices for payment and VIR trackers
  • Running and analyzing of reports in Business Objects as it relates to your account(s) such as Customer Sell Thru reports, Identifying Top Selling Sku’s and Open Order reports
  • Ability to seek additional training needed to conduct business
  • Ability to take the initiative in personal growth and development
  • Understand and communicate vendor compliance issues
  • Authorize and correct all EDI orders in a timely manner
  • Ability to communicate and set up customers on EDI
  • New Product Information (NPI) set up to customers
  • Ability to understand Belkin products and categories
  • Maintain a positive work atmosphere by acting and communicating in a manner so that you get along with customers, clients, co-workers and management
  • Fulfill responsibilities under ISO 9001 and 14001; understand and fully support IS0 system
  • Comply with Health and Safety requirements of Belkin
  • Perform all other duties as assigned and required
  • Full Microsoft Suite of Programs (Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint)
  • Familiarity with Oracle ERP system preferred
  • Knowledge of modern office methods, procedures and techniques
  • Minimum of six months experience working in an office
  • Maintain an excellent attendance record
  • Basic to intermediate math skills
  • Good written and oral skills, including proper grammar and spelling
  • Liaise with Account Receivables to ensure prompt resolution of client payment or contractual issues including refunds, unapplied cash receipts
  • Participate in vendor reconciliations to ensure clients are receiving the correct products
  • Checking and managing the sending of notice of renewals to make sure clients will receive this in a timely manner
  • Experience with a plus
  • University / College degree is a must, with 2-4 years post education professional experience
  • Fluency in English is a must, any second language (Japanese, Mandarin, Cantonese) is highly appreciated

Director, Digital Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • A minimum of 7 years of Ad Operations experience
  • Ad serving/ad technology expertise in industry tools including DFP, Operative, Canoe and Freewheel
  • Strong understanding of digital Live Video streaming process
  • Ability to analyze and solve complex problems and improve processes
  • Excellent organization, multi-tasking and prioritization skills
  • Must be an exceptional manger that has demonstrated ability to lead teams, promote team-based behaviors, fostering cultural change and results orientation; strength in working both independently and across cross-functional/matrix teams
  • Expert understanding of common digital platform capabilities including desktop, mobile, video required as well as web technologies and technical architectural needs including HTML5, CSS3, Responsive Design

Director, Segment Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Identify the opportunity for growth via improvements driven within Sales Productivity and/or Efficiency
  • Develop data-driven plan to capitalize upon growth opportunity
  • Present recommended plan to leadership, compellingly delivered with clear business case logic
  • Execute plan in leadership of Segment Sales Operations team and/or in conjunction with Division, Region or National partners
  • Evaluates actual results against expected performance and communicates areas for improvement
  • Establishes, evaluates, and implements performance metrics for functions supervised. Measures and analyzes actual performance and makes recommendations for improving profitability where needed
  • Hires, trains, evaluates, coaches, and counsels staff

Sales Operations, Data Stewardship Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Maintain profile data for customers including physicians, other healthcare providers, treatment centers, clinics hospitals and payers
  • Monitor incoming requests, research data issues / discrepancies, make decisions, implement changes in internal systems, communicate decisions back to field teams and closeout requests
  • Work collaboratively with the team to execute incoming requests from Sales
  • Work with field teams to understand and solve their customer data issues and questions
  • Validate profile data provided by field teams for new customers
  • Use Alkermes customer relationship management (CRM) application to update customer profiles and generate reports
  • Monitor sample requests in Veeva CRM
  • Provide standard and ad hoc reports to Alkermes functional areas
  • Provide other support to field teams
  • Experience supporting pharmaceutical field sales preferred
  • Experience with Veeva/ CRM preferred
  • Opening and closing MOD shifts at the Saratoga Springs DVC Preview Center as well as satellite offices at Boardwalk, Animal Kingdom Kidani, the Polynesian Villas and Bungalows, and Disney Springs
  • Maintaining daily OP sheet for payroll and attendance reconciliation, distribution and tracking of daily tour incentives, while also working various areas within the Operation
  • Demonstrated strong ability to manage conflict resolution
  • Ability to lift 25 pounds and prolonged periods of standing
  • Sales Contract Administration
  • Raising standard ADP Contracts
  • Coordination for all ad hoc legal administration
  • Provision of contract amendments to standard T&C’s
  • Provision of Streamline out of scope amendments
  • Additional Service Addendums
  • Recoding and monitoring of all contracts within shared are in accordance with the structure required
  • All of the above to be compliant with ADP policy and SOX compliance and within the standard 4 hour SLA
  • Other duties as required, including
  • Create and maintain and RFI database
  • Manage client reference database
  • Maintain the territory list so that all changes are tracked and signed off by the MD and DVP of Sales
  • Monthly analysis and calculation of Telemarketing and Associate Lead Referral payments
  • Active participation in cover for other members of the Sales Operations team
  • Any other work as required by the Sales Operations Manager
  • Ability to deal with confidential information
  • Concern for accuracy
  • Interpersonal Awareness
  • Team Work and cooperation
  • Negotiation
  • Communications and influencing
  • Flexibility to travel in the UK for various meetings
  • Professional, friendly manner and experience of working with people at all levels
  • Innovation and problem solving
  • Planning and Strong organisational skills
  • At least 2 years experience working in a Sales Secretarial/Administration role
  • To be able to work on own initiative
  • To be able to work well under pressure
  • Have an excellent understanding of English Grammar
  • Excellent Attention to detail

Sales Operations Incentive Specialist Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support development, maintenance and modification of current and future incentive plans
  • Support analysis of incentive plans, SPIFF programs and exception committee compensation requests
  • Review incentive plans and ensure proper application for commission and bonus payments
  • Calculate quota eligibility and make recommendations for incentive process efficiency
  • Gather and manage incentive discrepancies and project manage to resolution
  • Detailed tracking and management of current and upcoming plans for processing modification
  • Administration of commissions and quota regarding monthly processing deadlines
  • Application of contracts to determine commission / quota amounts including cancellations and reconciliations
  • Monthly, Quarterly, and annual balancing with Compensation Center of Excellence
  • Timely resolution to commission and bonus payment processing inquiries
  • Training of Business Unit field staff as requested and administration of Sharepoint site
  • 5+ years prior experience with incentive plan support, analysis and administration
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Office Suite is required with emphasis on advanced Excel (pivot tables, V-lookups, etc…) and PowerPoint skills
  • Experience with CRM database software preferred; SalesLogix and/or
  • Exceptional verbal, written and time management skills
  • Strong interpersonal skills and the ability to work both independently and within a team environment; fosters close cooperative relationships with peer leaders, sales, service and vertical leaders
  • Experienced in handling changing, fast-paced and challenging job demands
  • Strong decision making and problem solving skills using “out of the box” thinking
  • Proactively identify, recommend, and apply valued-added solutions and processes in a timely manner
  • Ability to manage large volumes of work within multiple systems

Sales Operations Management Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Serve as first-level support to the field for CRM and sales process related inquiries by identifying and resolving the issue or escalating to the appropriate contact as necessary
  • Assist the sales team in managing their territories by handling reassignment requests, acquiring proper approvals and providing insight on account distribution in their respective patches
  • Manage lead assignment rules and ensure the correct reps are receiving leads
  • Help provide insight for the field by managing ad-hoc dashboard and reporting requests
  • Proactively identify and resolve data integrity issues in the CRM
  • Perform user audits on various sales tools to ensure system adoption and proper license allocation

Associate Director of Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Builds relationships and serves as the primary point of contact for overall and day to day service delivery for a large complex client
  • Represents client internally and coordinates with other functions to implement client systems, complete projects, and address ongoing service needs. Also will work with internal partners to develop and build strategies that ensure compliance with service expectations and requirements
  • Oversees activities of a dedicated client management team
  • Serves as the operational manager for administrative services for assigned client, managing the overall delivery of benefits and services
  • This function includes oversight of the implementation of new business, account rounding and management of changes to the most complex, strategic and profitable accounts
  • Contributes to growth and profitability by providing administrative expertise Maintains responsibility for and ownership of all results
  • Provides superior customer service to internal and external customers
  • Investigates, analyzes and develops creative solutions to client specific problems related to systems, claims, networks, providers, eligibility, ID cards, billing, banking, etc. through active cross functional team participation
  • Coordinates the Account Management Team to implement the most efficient processes possible
  • In conjunction with the Strategic Account Executive and the Underwriter, provides effective benefit consultation for plan revisions, managed care strategies, product development, policy and procedure changes, legislative changes and claim cost control
  • Orchestrates all activity required to properly install business onto all United HealthCare systems regard
  • Oversees timely delivery of customer communication (i.e., correspondence, and fulfillment materials), ID cards, provider directories, enrollment kits, customer communication materials, contracts and certificates
  • Serves as resource / role model to other Client Managers and AMT members
  • Responds to external and internal requests for management information
  • Leads effective meetings with the customer and with internal United HealthCare partners
  • 5+ years in client facing role within the healthcare insurance industry
  • Must have excellent communication skills - both oral and written
  • Must have strong project management skills
  • Superior client mgt skills
  • Knowledge of the health insurance industry, products and services and the managed care environment with strong preference given to applicants with National Accounts experience
  • Strong personal computer skills including word processing, database management and spreadsheet applications
  • Leadership skills preferred
  • Will be responsible for researching account hierarchy and required data fields in Salesforce
  • Use sources such as Hoovers, account websites and published lists to identify duplicates, verify the ultimate parent account and to validate account data
  • Will be responsible for overseeing twice daily synchronization efforts between sales and finance systems
  • This position supports Salesforce data integration and MDM initiatives
  • Be part of a group of individuals dedicated to maintaining and enhancing the overall quality of client data assets
  • Uphold data quality expectations and ensure compliance
  • Ensure that realistic quality expectations are consistent with business processes
  • In addition, ensure that the data conforms to the quality expectations of the organization
  • Uses pertinent data and facts to identify and solve a range of problems within a given set of data
  • Investigates non-standard requests and problems, with some assistance from others
  • Prioritizes, documents and organizes own work to meet deadlines
  • Provides explanations and information to others on topics regarding Salesforce data
  • 6+ months experience in data analysis and cleansing
  • Strong skills in MS Excel and some understanding of relational database principles
  • Ability to be flexible and work with ambiguity
  • Ability to work as a member of a team and assist team members as required by varying business priorities and objectives
  • Strong Cognitive skills - including problem solving, decision making and analysis and strong general understanding of business processes and systems

Sales Operations, Associate Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Work with Open Channel (OC) National Account Managers (NAM) leads to develop, register and track open channel sales promotions and performance
  • Review and confirm customer purchase orders (PO) and manage forecast and orders through delivery to customers
  • Manage the OC team ATL/BTL budget and track event/program performance and payment to key accounts
  • Support NAMs in the collection of Proof of Performance data from OC customers to support MDF payments, and preparation of internal MDF/ATL/BTL reports to the finance team
  • Manage processing of invoice payments to open channel accounts in a timely manner and in coordination LG finance team
  • Manage MDF registrations,approvals, and reports, track sales promotions, approvals, and payment processing
  • Product forecasting, PO management, and product delivery

Sales Operations & Kip Coordinator Resume Examples & Samples

  • Coordination, collection and synthesis of the Middle East Region Reports
  • Monthly Order Intake Report (MOIR)
  • Contribution to Business Operational Reports (BOR) by providing the necessary information about the key opportunities and set-ups
  • Quarterly Marketing and Sales Reports (QMSR) within SITCOM
  • Contribution to various marketing analysis based on GCRM data
  • Coordination between managers and Commercial Operations analysts within the Region
  • An understanding of Thales activities, or ability to acquire this knowledge quickly
  • Organizational skills /arrangement
  • Financial reporting concepts
  • An ability to work with an international team and similarly in a self-reliantly way. The position involves periods of rigorous and complex analysis
  • Ability to deliver data clearly and concisely, in both languages French and English
  • Experience and knowledge of GCRM, Excel and other Windows/software applications
  • Managerial skills with attention to details
  • Diploma of Commerce or Administration or equivalent
  • Manage CRM data integrity and continued hygiene
  • Develop, document and enforce sales team processes to enable accurate and timely data
  • Develop and implement solutions that enhance the current CRM implementation and the ability to collaborate cross-functionally
  • Collaborate with cross-functional business partners to create and implement operational efficiencies and process improvements
  • Develop meaningful metrics in CRM that align with company goals and initiatives
  • Work with sales management to increase forecast accuracy and data integrity
  • Provide reports and analytic support to sales management
  • Assist with ad hoc projects and data analysis as needed
  • Manage territory assignments for a fast growing, dynamic sales force
  • Provide support to end users and handle requests in a timely manner
  • Provide CRM coaching and training

Sales Operations Director Resume Examples & Samples

  • Extensive reporting: regular weekly and ad hoc on Sales progress, Pipeline Scorecard, Opportunity Roadmap, Sales contest administration , Rep Rankings, KAM/salesperson level performance reporting
  • General sales management; create Sales success stories
  • Optimize oneCRM usage; training; feedback to global; troubleshoot
  • Member of the global SMO team
  • Manage administration of Client Satisfaction, Client Segmentation, sales training; developing and managing prospect lists
  • Additional responsibilities include assisting with commission and variable comp plans (design, calculation); marketing coordination for small social events; evaluating and recommending tools; account planning support

Sales Operations & Analytics Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • 2016 graduates or with a completed degree by June 2017
  • Bachelor’s degree with MBA candidates preferred
  • High level of proficiency in Excel including pivot tables
  • Experience with different database platforms such as Oracle Essbase
  • High level of proficiency in MS office suite including Outlook, Powerpoint and Word
  • Previous work experience or sustained internships in related businesses and/or functions
  • Ability to break down and solve complex problems in a high-energy, fast paced environment
  • Good organizational skills, including prioritization and time management
  • Top-tier academic performance at the undergraduate and/or graduate level
  • Preferred Majors: Business, Computer, Data Engineering, Economics, Finance, Science, Statistics
  • Knowledge of supply chain management and forecasting/demand planning
  • Ability to think and act both strategically and tactically

Sales Operations Systems Development Resume Examples & Samples

  • Broad knowledge of company operational processes
  • Intermediate understanding of core company businesses and the revenue cycle
  • Solid communication skills (i.e. written, verbal, presentation). Mastery in English and local language as well as other languages as required
  • Sound knowledge and experience in process area and able to suggest process improvements
  • Based on the signed contracts, provide Sales Coverage with opportunity management support including all aspects of the opportunity entry, cancellations for both new and renewal opportunities, act as point of control to ensure correct booking of sales revenues in Sales Force
  • Permission and set delivery of products, data and software, resolves product delivery issues
  • Work closely with Financial Planning and Analysis on questions related to internal and external revenue reporting
  • 3-4 years' post education professional experience
  • Highly motivated with the ability to work independently, with initiative and to demonstrate ownership for projects
  • Minimum eight years hotel sales and marketing experience and at least five years as a Director of Sales and Marketing
  • Sales experiences to multiple market segments and geographic origins
  • Examples: Corporate volume market, USA MICE, Wholesale (not OTA) non-Asia, etc
  • Must be assertive to drive change within hotel and corporate office environments
  • Business planning, budgeting, and oversight
  • Experience at multiple brands other than Hyatt a plus

Sales Operations Associate, Global Accounts Resume Examples & Samples

  • Support the Global Accounts team with key planning and operational asks
  • Lead the goal and quota setting process for the Global accounts team, and develop/track KPI's to for product adoption and revenue performance
  • Monitor the performance of Facebook’s largest advertising partners
  • Project manage the development of centralized tools that the Global Accounts team can use to extract data/insights for daily business management
  • Bachelor’s degree in an analytical field (e.g. Economics, Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics or Statistics)
  • 5+ years of experience in strategy or operations projects at a consulting firm/corporate strategy team/operations team (or 3+ years of same experience with MBA)
  • Analytical, presentation and communication skills and ability to influence across levels of management
  • Excel modeling skills
  • Maintain user roles and profiles, security settings and sharing rules
  • Participate in best practices with regards to system maintenance, configuration, development, testing, data integrity, etc
  • Design, document, build, test and deploy enhancements to Salesforce standard and custom objects, custom fields, formulas, validation rules, page layouts, workflows, alerts, reports and complex dashboards within Salesforce
  • Research changes in upcoming releases and provide recommendations when necessary to enhance efficiency and productivity
  • Participate in user requirement sessions and document user requirements to address changing business needs
  • Support third party solutions that bring additional capabilities to the Salesforce implementation
  • Participate in Org cleanup activities with team (analyze use of custom fields, data clean up, etc.)
  • Administer and maintain CRM system – act as administrator for system, managing configuration, including aspects such as role hierarchy, user profiles, field requirements, workflows and approvals, validation rules and reports
  • Coordinate Information Requests & Special Projects – incumbent will coordinate responses to requests for information as requested by and Sales leadership
  • Monitor & Enhance Sales Process Effectiveness – incumbent will participate in projects to improve HERE’s sales processes and implement enhancements
  • Maintain sales metrics – incumbent will identify critical issues impacting operations and strategy. Analyze sales results on metrics including productivity, account trends and segment trends
  • Conduct market analysis – incumbent will gather research data from external sources
  • Bachelor’s degree required (marketing, business, finance)
  • Expertise in as an administrator
  • 3-5 years’ experience working in sales and marketing support role
  • Experience in a technically complex environment
  • Detail and goal oriented
  • Ability to manage multiple tasks independently
  • Proficient in MS Office suit (Excel, PowerPoint, Word)
  • Some experience with Microsoft Access preferred
  • At least 5 years’ experience in business partnering in Sales Operations i.e. partnering with a Sales leaders, helping Sales leaders drive the business and initiatives, identifying areas of opportunity, coordinating activities, drawing conclusions for multiple inputs, deployment of sales resources (territory alignment etc.), compensation experience, etc
  • Significant experience navigating incentive compensation conversations and reporting
  • Ability to understand, interpret, and present complex data to senior level audience
  • Provide end-user support for
  • Manage global commission calculation and payment process
  • Administer Xactly compensation management tool
  • Maintain and create dashboards for effective communication across the organization
  • Updates to
  • Project manage support process for global sales ops team. Includes conducting weekly team meetings, providing status updates to stake holders
  • Produce and maintain documentation and communication of policies and processes to sales teams
  • Project manage logistics for internal meetings
  • Enable expense forecasting and PO management
  • Previous experience as a administrator is strongly preferred
  • Apply professional knowledge of many of the sales-related activities and processes to assigned sales support activities. Understands organizational and seller client priorities, needs and plans, and effectively utilizes resources to help ensure the effective support of seller's requests
  • Analyzes the cause of issues and concerns for assigned projects and programs and formulates solutions by using non-traditional approaches
  • Identifies opportunities as they apply to assigned projects and programs and recommends procedures or practices as they are related to those opportunities
  • Engaged as an independent professional, Interfaces with other members of the department and sellers/sales teams during the performance of assigned deals, projects and programs
  • Applies professional knowledge of specific offerings/solutions
  • Demonstrates the skill proficiency levels for this position
  • Working Hours: local with flexibility to take calls according to US working hours
  • Ability to absorb professional knowledge quickly and develop skills
  • Relevant sales experience min 3 years
  • Draw upon professional concepts to collaborate with others to carry out assigned duties
  • Bachelor’s degree in Marketing or Business management
  • Attention to detail and take ownership where required
  • Experience with Microsoft Office (Word, PowerPoint, Excel, Outlook)
  • Excellent command of spoken and written English (C2 level)

Sales Operations & GTM Director The North Face Resume Examples & Samples

  • Strategic planning (15%)
  • Work with VP Sales to craft top down view and collate the EMEA 1-5 year strategic business plans for all Markets and Strategic Key Accounts based on the EMEA strategic priorities, making sure all departments and countries are aware and aligned with the plans in order to support them
  • Measure & track success through KPI scorecard metrics to be implemented Q1
  • Build the Category Leadership approach and intelligence hub for TNF and implement with Zalando SportScheck, AS Adventure Group and Intersport
  • Manage the business: (35%)” develop and implement an integrated GTM sales strategy for EMEA and support the aim of a sustainable and profitable long term business
  • Works seamlessly with the GTM alignment team on behalf of sales
  • Develop and lead the sales EMEA GTM sales processes (planning, alignment, target planning, execution & measurement) and liaise with the country Sales Directors
  • Attends key seasonal product and marketing meetings. Supports EMEA sales team in preparation of the Sales meeting and leads the end to end launch planning/budgeting driving all communication pertaining to any sales or legal process and policy updates
  • Identifies with GBT and Strategy team what enabling sales tools and technologies are required to enable the sales teams. Works closely with sales management to optimize the effectiveness of the firm’s technology investments e.g. DCM or virtual sampling
  • Ensure that the seasonal segmentation grid enables differentiation for all channels, markets and SKAs by recommending the implementation of effective relevant brand and sales strategies, channel strategies and in addition SMU programs when needed to VP Sales and Director SKAs
  • Support the preparation of the entire pre-line meeting process with relevant strategic key accounts and feedback needs, gaps to the business – products, pricing, phasing of introductions (propose fine tuning to forecasts and report to product and marketing any further needs)
  • Work with VP Sales to create next evolution of trade terms and the implementation of commercial T&C (KDT) strategy for each key account based on volume, quantitative growth, sales programs and qualitative growth
  • Support the preparation required to harmonize mark-ups across EMEA – Q1
  • Ensure and manage efficiently the sell in preparation including sales tools, sample distribution, sales operations team support, G2N management and re-order management end to end process
  • Build and coordinate sales programs – re-order drives, TBD and MO initiatives by channel
  • Provides market and product feedback and needs to product merchandising team
  • Develop a complete sales reporting dashboard building a team to ensure all levels are catered for including the monitoring of business, channel, account, market progress by tracking seasonal pre bookings orders, re-orders, GTN performance, shipping, sell through, inventory levels of TNF in trade
  • Forecasting and targeting :(30%) Ensuring the team stays on track and can fully analyse performance and early identification of gaps to plan
  • Coaching and leading: (20%) Elevate our sales operations team’s professionalism by ensuring and reaching best possible standards in terms of business processes, financial approach and alignment on all topics with finance, samples, selling tools, data capture, management of extended range and B2B portal which must become a great enabler of sales and a way to nurture our accounts and educate them towards our brand values
  • Influencing
  • Work closely with VP Sales, Director SKAs, CMs, CS, Supply Chain, Finance, Product, D2C and Marketing to keep the Sales agenda (process, focus, support) as a top priority
  • Meet on weekly basis with VP sales sharing business progress and aligning on priorities
  • Ability to work with functional groups and different level of employees throughout the organization
  • Self-motivated; able to work independently to complete tasks and respond to department requests and to collaborate with others to utilize their resources and knowledge to identify quality solutions
  • Keen attention to detail and complex problem solving abilities
  • Creative problem solver who can dive into fine details to solve a big picture problems; analytical thinker
  • At least 3 years working towards a Bachelor’s degree in a business-related field required
  • Knowledge of and its platform preferred
  • Proficiency in Microsoft Excel required; proficiency in Microsoft Word and PowerPoint preferred
  • Experience documenting and analyzing processes, procedures, and/or policies preferred
  • Support to Sales during pre-sales negotiations (quotations, bid preparation, contract review)
  • Serve as primary POC for major OEM account, including pricing and part number set up, order management and reporting
  • Interacts with Marketing, Operations, Manufacturing, Technical Support, Planning and Field Service and other functional groups to drive the process from quote to order fulfillment
  • Global pricing implementation and execution. Maintain price files in SAP, obtain management approval and update customer facing price lists as required
  • Daily coordination of all customer-facing activities related to instruments and reagent quotes and order management, including follow-up and resolution
  • Receives and reviews customer purchase orders to ensure they meet finance standards and are SOX compliant. Review and validate terms and conditions, escalate as appropriate
  • Reviews contracts/bids and follow-up required action items for on time submission
  • Order confirmation and processing in SAP
  • Coordinate with Logistics to ensure timely and correct delivery
  • Order invoicing in compliance with revenue recognition policy
  • Sales Operations reports and analysis (management reports, audit reports, daily booking and shipment reporting)
  • Audit compliance (document controls, process controls, reports, cooperation with external Auditors)
  • Ability to create and publish customer reporting, including shipments, bookings and backlog
  • Initiate returns goods authorizations, product replacement orders and/or credits
  • Participates in and supports specific projects, as directed
  • Objectively, systematically, and comprehensively monitors and evaluates project deliverables
  • Administers the support service for a project
  • Acts as project liaison by representing the project activities as needed with stakeholders and responds to requests for information or action regarding project implementation
  • Prepares deliverables and tracking documents for meetings. Updates and maintains tracking tools regularly throughout implementation phase of projects
  • Assists in the development, organization, and maintenance of paper and electronic files related to the project and provides materials support throughout the implementation phase
  • Coordinates and assists with arrangements related to special projects, such as scheduling meetings and conference calls and preparing any required materials in relation to meetings
  • Acts as recording personnel in project meetings, to include the preparation and distribution of meeting minutes and summaries, and prepares correspondence, to include memos, letters, reports, presentations, agendas, meeting materials, and minutes
  • Completes ongoing operational tasks that support sales and account management activities, including, but not limited to, lead assignments, ad hoc reporting and broker administration
  • Minimum three (3) years of administrative services experience required
  • Experience or proficient with MS Access and MS Project preferred
  • Monitor aging leads and assist Reps and Area Sales Managers as needed
  • Monitor aging opportunity pipeline and communicate to Sales Representatives and Area Sales Managers as needed
  • Set up webinars and organize training schedules and relevant communications
  • Maintain and regularly update territory management
  • Ensure sales incentive plan forms are submitted to field compensation team and help coordinate questions/ answers related to plan payouts
  • Assist administering sales contests
  • Monitor Chatter activity through the blog and assist when needed
  • Upload product, marketing, compensation plans and training materials to libraries and SharePoint folders as needed
  • Attend key meeting and scribe notes to organize actions and activities
  • Track new hire reports and coordinate onboarding activities with field sales hiring manager
  • Collaborate with field sales manager and training manager to ensure proper training curriculum is identified and enrollment is complete

GRS Sales & Operations Plan Leader Resume Examples & Samples

  • Bachelor’s Degree from an accredited university or college
  • Minimum of 5 years of experience in manufacturing or operations
  • Demonstrated strong verbal and written communications skills
  • Strong business, commercial, and financial acumen
  • Demonstrated ability to lead and drive significant change
  • Strong customer-orientation and focus
  • Excellent analytical skills and decision making skills
  • Demonstrated ability to work with cross-functional stakeholders to optimize results
  • Demonstrated ability to effectively coach and mentor talent
  • Prior experience with repair processes, customer fulfillment, business planning, and/or related processes
  • Program Management Skills; ability to create and execute against a framework for successful remediation of identified business challenges
  • Strong Excel skills, with focus on modeling
  • Leadership Skills; act as Chief-of-Staff for supported teams
  • Demonstrated organizational skills with the ability to successfully work across functions
  • Bachelor’s degree; MBA strongly preferred
  • Support ad hoc, scenario-based modeling requests, including what-if pricing scenarios and profitability analysis
  • Conduct annual benchmark refinement to understand and evaluate customer sales potential
  • Create, apply, and refine market sizing benchmarks for product groups
  • Identify and rank target accounts
  • Monitor and enforce pricing approval limits and formalize pricing decisions and approvals
  • Maintain and monitor contract commitment details in Pricing Program solution
  • Support monthly review sessions for accounts tracking below commitment and document/enforce decisions
  • Provide Sales team with list of quarterly account targets & upcoming contract renewals
  • Maintain standard product master and product groupings across Finance, Marketing, and Sales teams
  • Assist in creating financial models to measure profitability of contract renewals or incremental sales incentive programs
  • BS/BA with at least 2-4 years of experience supporting Finance and/or Sales Operations management functions
  • Proven ability to adapt and manage effectively in fast paced challenging environment and manage multiple, and oftentimes competing, priorities
  • Exceptional communication skills – both written and verbal – and active listening skills
  • Ability to organize, prioritize, and meet deadlines
  • Be able to complete tasks from start to finish and take ownership of work
  • Ability to work with all levels of employees; in team settings and independently
  • Proficiency in Microsoft products including Excel, Word, Access, and Power Point
  • Contract compliance tool, JDE, MicroStrategy

Sales Operations Internship Emeai Resume Examples & Samples

  • Providing first level end user support for reports, tools and processes across EMEAI
  • Be a project team member for key activities related to sales processes aimed at improving effectiveness and efficiency
  • Develop communication material on process effectiveness for various stakeholders, e.g. regional management

Sales Operations Supervisor Resume Examples & Samples

  • Leads a successful Sales Operations team ensuring effective execution and delivery of all sales operations processes and procedures
  • Works with Sales team to create and maintain a culture, focused on delivering results by providing ongoing coaching and development of the team
  • Works with Sales team to motivate and drive performance
  • Works closely with Account Manager and Customer to drive strategy through discussions with Sales Team
  • Partners with Sr. Manager to analyze performance metrics data and leverages it to effectively develop the sales operation team
  • Acts as a liaison/partner between the Sales Team and other internal functions
  • Attends customer meetings promoting the connection between Luxottica and Customers in all the function beside sales
  • 3+ years’ experience in a sales operations or sales/customer support environment
  • Solid experience within the fashion and the consumer goods industries
  • Able to develop constructive and effective relationships with direct report team, cross-functional partners and external customers
  • Create standard and custom reporting packages and dashboards for business leaders and sales team; establish yourself as the go-to person for all sales data and reports
  • Serve as administrator for Companys sales CRM program, and assist in design and implementation of new CRM system
  • Track, analyze and report on key metrics for standardized weekly, monthly and quarterly updates
  • Interpret external market data to identify opportunities and efficiencies for Kratos Enterprise Sales in the media marketplace
  • Design and own processes to ensure compliance with established rules and policies
  • Create ad-hoc reporting for new projects and business needs as they arise
  • Work with sales and finance leadership to create insightful KPIs/metrics, build better coverage and deployment models, and improve overall sales ops processes
  • Develop and monitor the Sales budget and provide regular reporting to department heads
  • Wrangle data from multiple sources and databases to inform your analyses
  • Understand, document and communicate business rules, data and standard operating procedures
  • Comfortable with mediating and resolving data based disputes among sales teams and sales people, as necessary, with proven ability to weigh both sides of an argument and make an objective decision
  • 5+ years of experience supporting a sales organization in a sales operations or finance capacity
  • High level of analytical ability with experience coordinating complex decision-analysis
  • Skilled at developing & presenting executive-level communications and data visualization
  • Proven business partner capable of influencing others
  • Expert level experience with Excel for pivot tables, spreadsheets, and other advanced functions; PowerPoint
  • CRM experience (Sugar,, etc.)
  • Experience designing and building reports and dashboards leveraging multiple data sources
  • Bachelors degree required; with strong academic performance in Business, Finance, Mathematics, Statistics, Economics, Engineering or other quantitative field
  • Passion for supporting a sales organization and for understanding the sales process
  • Ability to bring creativity to the position while striving for continuous improvement
  • A passion for independent learning and personal development
  • Capable of exercising sound judgment and to instill confidence
  • Meticulous attention-to-detail
  • Technical aptitude - Ability to quickly learn new systems
  • Ability to adapt to internal policies/ processes / procedures and changing direction of a task/project
  • Outgoing, professional and articulate; great customer & communications skills
  • Must be reliable and heavily resourceful in solving issues
  • Amiable, professional and enjoys daily interaction with peers and client groups; natural ability to form professional relationships with all levels and departments within the company
  • Travel required - 25%
  • Must be enrolled at a University/College or Graduation date must be within the last six months
  • Enrolled or graduated Bachelor/Master in industrial engineering or business administration
  • English (fluent, business fluent)
  • Experience with SAP and Modules favored
  • Communicative & team-minded
  • MS Excel, Word and PowerPoint
  • Generate presentation material for business partners
  • Collaborate with other sales operations teams and cross functional teams to drive business alignment
  • Manage the quarter-end close process to enable sales team to achieve bookings targets
  • Help align all major processes to global Center of Excellence standards
  • Subject matter expert on corporate cross functional projects and initiatives
  • Develop and manage key operational dashboards & status reports for sales management
  • Minimum 3+ years’ experience supporting a high performance sales team required
  • Good understanding and knowledge of sales processes, forecasting and pipeline management and reporting
  • Excellent organizational, troubleshooting and problem solving skills with high attention to details
  • Self-starter with a high degree of ability to work autonomously in a fast-paced environment as well as being a strong team player
  • Exceptional communication skills (written & verbal) in English
  • Understanding of the current situation on sanctions
  • Flexibility, with a team orientation and willingness to pitch in across disparate areas as needed
  • Ability to effectively manage many priorities and adjust as priorities change
  • Experience with Siebel CRM and Salesforce
  • Advanced MS Office (Outlook and Excel) skills
  • High level of integrity and ethics
  • Experience with implementing process or policy changes
  • Good business acumen and judgment and demonstrated ability to work closely and build sustainable business partnerships with Sales organizations
  • Grow our intelligence of the Global 2000 via research and data analysis
  • Design and send communications to the sales organization
  • Learn to build reports and dashboards using Netsuite and Salesforce
  • Prepare content for sales presentations
  • Pursuing a degree in Business Administration, Marketing, or related field
  • 0 GPA or higher
  • Experience using Microsoft Office suite (Word, Excel, Powerpoint)
  • Positive attitude and willingness to learn
  • Ability to work onsite 40 hours per week
  • Sales Processes Develops and maintains a deep understanding of LIS sales processes, tools, customers, and the industry as a whole; maintains a high-level mastery of all processes and procedures (e.g., rules of engagement, sales forecasting, target setting, territory mapping)
  • Sales Process Implementation: Establishes and drives the implementation of sales processes and tactics
  • Data Evaluation: Manages the evaluation and interpretation of data; identifies trends that signal new opportunities or challenges/dangers; converts data trends into actionable sales processes and tactics
  • Training: Drives the sales training function to maximize sales effectiveness
  • Direct Reports: Manages a team of direct reports
  • Budget Management: Manages and controls departmental expenditures
  • Special Projects: Participates in organizational activities to meet or exceed company objectives
  • Compensation Design: Provides necessary analytics and support during design process; works with Director of Compensation, Sales Leaders, and Finance
  • Bachelor’s degree in Business, Sales/Marketing, or related discipline
  • A minimum of 10 years of sales (operations and/or management) experience
  • A minimum of 4 years of experience working in sales operations and leading a team in sales operations
  • Extensive experience in Sales, Sales Reporting, and Sales Analysis
  • Extensive experience with corporate team activities including cooperative development of successful programs executed by field sales
  • Extensive first-hand experience with progressive sales automation systems and demonstrated ability to improve sales productivity, based on use of sales automation
  • Expert level skills with Microsoft Office Suite
  • Proficiency with Customer Relationship Management programs (
  • Solid experience presenting to large groups of senior executives
  • Advance level usage of Excel
  • Advance level usage of SalesLogix
  • Experience with various CRM systems
  • Extensive knowledge of processes and systems utilized
  • Extensive experience working with Sales Management Software

OU Sales Operations Admin Resume Examples & Samples

  • Spoken and written English language
  • Strong knowledge of Excel (pivot tables, functions)
  • Ability to prepare and check correctness of documents
  • Place outbound calls to existing customers who are eligible for promotions, and also receive inbound calls about devices and price plans
  • Win back business from former customers by influencing them about how our great products and solutions meet their unique needs
  • Actively listen to customers while using company-provided tools to recommend the best solutions for them
  • Grow revenue by selling products and services that fit customer’s needs in a non-commissioned, fast paced environment
  • Build customer relationships – earn their loyalty and trust
  • Be accountable for meeting sales performance and customer experience metrics

Head of Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Designs, implements, and manages sales forecasting, planning, and budgeting processes. Establishes high levels of quality, accuracy, and process consistency in planning, forecasting, and budgeting approaches used by the Sales organization
  • Refine and standardize sales processes across the organization to improve operational efficiency, sales productivity and customer satisfaction
  • Provides leadership to the Sales organization, and counsel to the CRO in implementing Sales organization objectives that appropriately reflect the strategic goals of the business
  • Develops, administers and communicates commission plans and SPIFF development and tracking. Ensures that commission plans are evaluated annually to ensure that they are in keeping with the goals of the company
  • Assists in the development of the sales plan. Prepares forecasts and KPI reporting for the sales leaders, CRO, and upper management, for use in organizational planning, financial forecasting, budget setting and strategic planning
  • Implement and continuously reinvigorate the technologies, systems and other tools that provide stable and usable systems that increase sales efficiency and effectiveness, primarily
  • Reports and tracks performance against plan for all aspects of the sales group across a variety of key performance metrics. Reports may require combining data from several systems into a comprehensive set of reports. Implements metrics to generate data and tracking for decision-making
  • Provides knowledge and experience-based leadership to the business (particularly sales, finance and marketing) to guide effective decision-making and continuous improvement
  • Maintains accurate order and sales standard reporting
  • Provides leadership and direction to develop Sales training and enablement programs
  • 10+ years’ experience in Sales environment and Sales Operations roles
  • B.A. or B.S. in Business or Finance
  • Strong financial acumen and experience managing orders & revenue forecasting, sales productivity metrics, and sales expense planning
  • Strong Global Sales operations experience
  • Experience with or similar CRM and quoting tools
  • Strong project management, planning, and organization skills, including ability to handle multiple projects simultaneously in a fast-paced environment
  • Continuous improvement attitude; ability to suggest and implement best practices
  • Effective managing change and operating in dynamic business environment
  • Strong executive communication skills

GE Digital Inside Sales Operations Leader Resume Examples & Samples

  • Ability to anticipate complex, critical business issues, synthesize disparate and large amounts of data and pinpoint appropriate action. Provide leadership with timely reports, including pipeline and sales trend analysis, performance to quota, deal tracking and more
  • Working knowledge in “new age” modern inside sales models and techniques (i.e., social selling, data and analytics driven selling) including experience supporting the successful onboarding of new sales talent and supporting the rollout of new sales tools and processes
  • Experience supporting inside sales leadership in a large multi-cultural environment across multiple markets, appropriate skilled people, differing cultures, language skills, timing of customer engagement, and more
  • A hands-on, sleeves rolled up style with team-building expertise
  • University degree required in an analytical field (e.g. computer science, engineering, mathematics or statistics) or equivalent knowledge and experience. Advanced degree a plus
  • A keen listener. Ability to forge relationships in a highly influencer-driven culture. Possesses strong motivational and well-developed influencing skills
  • Proven years of experience in a quantitative sales operations role in an enterprise software company
  • Ability to support business analytics and read situations well. Capable of developing compelling strategies around analytics that deliver results
  • Strong excel skills and the ability to speak and write clearly, concisely and compellingly
  • Skilled in identifying problems and opportunities, using logic, a team approach, and creative “outside the box” thinking to map and bring about solutions
  • Gather and use data to inform decision making and persuade others. Works effectively in an unstructured environment requiring new perspectives and creative approaches

Sales Operations Intern, Wyndham Hotel Group Resume Examples & Samples

  • Assist Process & Technology team with various projects including, but not limited to, review and optimization of CRM data entry and report builder for Global Sales organization
  • Support creation, automation, and integration of process, tools and systems supporting the sales organization
  • Develop method to track and monitor effectiveness of new process, system, and tools
  • Help sales operations team with ad-hoc administrative activities, project tasks, reporting and analysis as needed
  • Reports to Sr. Manager, Sales Operations
  • Analyze and report on account level sales data in order to identify trends, strengths and weaknesses, and refine sales strategy. Provide insights to the North American sales and marketing leadership teams regarding changes in account buying behavior and provide opportunities for business response to improve the financial performance of the business
  • Prepare and analyze sales incentive compensation payout calculations for US and Canadian Sales Forces in a timely manner, while maintaining data integrity. Prepare and analyze bonus projections versus target payouts for each sales force. Prepare bonus books with payout sheets and summaries along with validation data and exceptions for review meetings with senior management. Ensure bonus books are signed by senior management and submitted to Payroll by specified deadlines. Respond to all bonus payout inquires. Load and maintain sales volume quotas/targets in the CRM system and bonus sheets. Maintain a log for bonus exceptions which includes New Hires, LOAs, separations, trainers, and manual adjustments
  • Support the Senior Manager of Sales Operations and CRM in the development and management of the sales incentive compensation process, including plan development / publication, target setting methodology, payout calculation design, sales incentive compensation automation, reporting/monitoring/analysis design, and field education
  • Responsible for the continued evolution of sales reporting for North America commercial operations. Structure reports to allow end user exploration of data and facilitate self-service analytics with flexible data selection criteria and "drill down" capabilities. Continue to evolve the set of standing published reports to respond to evolving business needs in a dynamic marketplace
  • Support the Senior Manager of Sales Operations and CRM in targeting / segmentation and sales force resizing / alignment projects by working with the field sales forces, outside vendors, and presentation preparation. Is responsible for data acquisition, analysis, and reporting
  • Responsible for ad hoc analysis and creating executive PowerPoint Presentations, spreadsheets, graphs, and reports for meetings with the Regional Sales Teams and Specialty Pharmacies
  • Support the Master Data Steward in working with IT to test CRM system upgrades and alignments, and to validate that changes have implemented correctly. Responsible for the creation, follow-up, and testing of IT solutions for identified CRM system issues
  • Be the Master Steward of the zip to territory files, including overseeing the updating of the CRM system (COMPASS) for zip/territory changes
  • Support the Senior Manager of Sales Operations and CRM and senior sales management to develop year end award criteria. Responsible for the development and calculations to determine award winners
  • Work on ad hoc projects and with external consultant / vendors as required
  • Bachelor's Degree in Finance, Marketing, or related field required.MBA preferred
  • 8 years professional experience with data management and analysis
  • 5years experience in sales incentive compensation, targeting/segmentation, sales force sizing/alignment, sales analysis, and reporting
  • Pharmaceutical, medical device, or healthcare sales operations experience preferred
  • Advanced MS Excel, Access, PowerPoint skills required
  • Business process and system experience with transactional sales data systems such as SAP, Oracle CRM, Model N, or similar systems preferred
  • Experience working with sensitive and confidential material required
  • Experience working with multiple levels of in-house management (to VP level), as well as field based personnel and management required
  • Experience with SQL, Tableau, QlikView, or other visual analytics tools preferred
  • Detail oriented, analytical abilities, communication skills, creative thinking, process management ability, able to work with little supervision, organizational skills, customer focus, ability to make decisions, problem solving skills, manage consultants/vendors
  • Prepare price models for tender response and bids
  • Pricing for complex solutions
  • Provision of general pricing guidance
  • Understanding the competitive pricing landscape
  • Understanding all applicable pricing programs
  • Review and reporting on Margin
  • Pricing Program recommendations
  • Facilitating customer Price Book set up in Insight
  • Support in preparing Business Case ROI’s
  • Ensure compliance with contractual obligations
  • Adhoc tasks as required

Sales Operations Channel Manager NA Resume Examples & Samples

  • Responsible for managing a team of Sales Operations Specialists situated across North America & EMEA to deliver quality support to the Field Sales organization that increases sales productivity and effectiveness
  • Provide strategic and operational support to the Xilinx Distribution Field Sales organization in North America & EMEA
  • Conduct analyses to gain deeper insights into our business and help sales management understand how to scale, manage and grow the business predictably and profitably
  • Strategize and manage the development of sales processes, policies and procedures
  • Communicates key process information, deadlines, task definition, etc. to groups within the sales organization
  • Lead projects and initiatives focused on improving productivity and simplifying processes throughout the Channel sales organization and with Xilinx Distribution partners
  • Partner with Channel Sales leadership to establish metrics to monitor and report salesforce productivity and efficiency metrics
  • Generate QBP, XBM, BoD and other management presentations for the North America & EMEA Channel Sales leaders that give Xilinx Board of Directors and executive management an insight into the business
  • Proactively implement enabling systems and process infrastructure to optimize the effectiveness of technology investments and give Channel Field Sales more customer facing time
  • Continuously research and remain knowledgeable of industry trends and competition
  • Administer, manage and report on revenue forecasting methodology and automation/forecasting tools; drive adoption of forecasting tools and dashboards within respective regions
  • Ensure timely and accurate collection, analysis, formatting, management, and dissemination of sales data. Monitor the accuracy and efficient distribution of sales reports and other intelligence essential to the sales organization
  • Partner with Channel Sales Management on business planning and strategy for their respective sales areas
  • Team Management: hire, manage, coach and develop direct reports
  • Bachelor’s degree with a minimum of 7-8 years of work experience in sales operations, finance, marketing analytics or similar functions in the semiconductor industry with direct management experience – Distribution semiconductor experience in NA & EMEA very much preferred
  • Strong track record of motivating and leading a team of individuals to ensure that all sales activities are documented and completed
  • Strong communication skills and management presence. Ability to manage programs and processes globally and across geographical regions
  • Superior problem solving skills. Must be able to accurately compile and synthesize both quantitative and qualitative data
  • Experienced in presentations to senior executives across different functions in the organization
  • Must have strong analytics and spreadsheet skills (Excel)
  • Must have experience with CRM systems and Sales Ops processes
  • Demonstrated ability to re-engineer operations processes and teams
  • Assistant to Operations Sales Manager
  • Coordinate travel arrangements and expenses for Operations & Sales Manager
  • Manage field supply inventory, inclusive of business card orders
  • Manage and distribute office correspondence received or sent via parcel (USPS, FedEx, UPS)
  • Compile information from districts/regions and provide summaries to Operations & Sales Manager
  • Assist with new DM training- organize travel, schedule, and training meetings
  • Coordinate and process translations of sales and operations documents for ISC
  • Generate basic sales reports as needed
  • Create presentations, spreadsheets, guides, surveys and other documents as needed
  • Organize company meetings
  • Create regular communications for Sales Operations and manage email distribution lists
  • Manage Sales Operations intranet pages and communities
  • Coordinate fixture supply orders and maintenance in stores
  • Support with travel and expense follow up
  • Support technical service device management and back up for trouble shooting
  • Customer service management and coordination
  • Support with international & SBU projects as needed
  • Support with implementation of international, national and regional initiatives
  • Bachelor’s degree in business or other related area
  • Minimum of 2 years of experience in a professional office environment
  • Background in Retail and/or Sales Operations preferred
  • Advanced skills in MS Office programs – Power Point, Excel, Word, Outlook
  • Strong organizational skills - ability to execute tasks and meet deadlines with successful and timely results
  • Strong interpersonal skills - ability to maintain the highest level of professionalism at all times when interacting with internal and external customers
  • Self-starter and quick learner - ability to work and think independently without constant guidance or direction
  • Applies good judgement and critical thinking skills to produce high quality work

Sales Operations Team Leader With English Resume Examples & Samples

  • Interpret day-to-day business objectives and prepare/execute operational practices/work programs
  • Ensure proper execution of processes by team
  • Review all incoming work for clarity, provide clear work directions, e.g., receive requests for assistance from the field, determine level of assistance required and respond appropriately
  • Demonstrate expert knowledge of processes and related systems to effectively perform responsibilities
  • May make decisions about the day-to-day operation of the group, including management of work assignments and information between shifts as well as approach regarding workload, equipment, staffing, and scheduling. Includes adjusting work hours as necessary
  • At least 3 years of work experience in department of Finance and Accounting
  • Previous experience in finance and accounting
  • Coaching/mentoring skills
  • Strong organization skills, attention to detail and follow through to resolve any outstanding issues
  • Advanced written and verbal communication skills; manages internal and external/client communications with individuals at all levels
  • Ability to motivate and develop people with a variety of development goals with minimal assistance from direct manager
  • Bachelor’s degree in related field (finance, accounting, economics, etc.) required
  • Minimum 2-4 years’ experience in financial modeling or analysis
  • Strong Excel knowledge with the capability to develop complex formulas to identify root causes or data patterns. Access knowledge a strong plus as is experience with Anaplan software
  • Attention to detail, analytical mindset, and comfortable analyzing large sets of data
  • Ability to build relationships with business partners and proactively assess needs of the business
  • Ability to work independently and execute across multiple groups
  • Experience using, Microstrategy/Apollo , Anaplan, AS400/Sunrise systems and other NAC platforms
  • Ability to effectively lead cross-functional teams
  • Background in compensation, quota-setting and territory management a plus
  • Proficient in working with and analyzing large amounts of data

Sales Operations Summer Associate Resume Examples & Samples

  • Channel Management: Development, execution, management, and measurement of all client segment business plans
  • Sales Plans & Initiatives: Collaboration with Insights & Analytics, Marketing, Investment Services, and the Sales Initiatives Group to ensure the development and adoption of sales force ready messaging and literature and tools to successfully drive sales through go-to market programs
  • Segmentation & Metrics:Develop targeted segmentation approach to drive lead generation and sales, adopt quantifiable metrics to gauge the success of all sales and marketing initiatives, and develop management dashboards to track sales progress and overall client segment effectiveness
  • Conference and Forum Strategy: Creating Capital Group sponsored forums for our key intermediaries and plan sponsors, and recommending industry conference attendance in accordance with the sales strategies and year-over-year budgets for each client segment

Ophthalmics Sales Operations & Insights Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • 70%: Development and implementation of Sales Insights Best Practices, slide presentations, and extensive analysis and data gathering
  • 15%: Coordination with and support for US Head of Sales on Sales Insights needs, as requested
  • Minimum 3 years Sales Analytics experience
  • Ability to work well with others

Senior Sales Operations Partner Resume Examples & Samples

  • Advanced organizational and project management abilities. Ability to coordinate and execute multiple projects simultaneously
  • Demonstrated ability to collaborate and work effectively in a team environment, including both LAC regional teams and global teams. Ability to forge solid internal and external customer relationships
  • Self-directed with a start-up mentality. Resourceful, innovative, and adaptable. Comfortable in a rapidly evolving environment, and skilled in change management
  • Solid commercial acumen. Displays the highest ethical standards and impeccable character

Global Senior Sales Operations Business Partner Resume Examples & Samples

  • 3-5 years relevant professional experience in sales operations, sales support, and/or sales in a business-to-business sales organization. Experience preferred in the travel/GDS industry, a SaaS vendor, or the software industry
  • 3 years of experience in performing regional sales operations processes. Global experience is a plus
  • Knowledge and experience with best practices for sales operations process and sales effectiveness metrics
  • Advanced written and verbal communication skills, including summarizing information for executive consumption
  • Demonstrated ability to collaborate and work effectively in a team environment, including both regional and global teams. Ability to forge solid internal and external customer relationships
  • Work in partnership with the sales management team, develop the business strategy for the region and ensure that the appropriate operations support mechanisms are in place, well managed and meet the needs of the business
  • Works with data analytics to develop annual sales targets for 750+ sales executives
  • Monitor, drive and hold accountable the sales leadership in meeting these sales targets
  • Develop and drive sales process optimization
  • Compile sales standards for all aspects of our sales organization
  • Manage, monitor, review and report regional activity against Key Performance Indicators, identifying trends and any issues and raise with the management team
  • Identify productivity trends across the region and use insight from reporting to create and drive efficient processes to improve productivity
  • Work with the Head of Sales Excellence and finance partner to produce the budget per the yearly planning cycle, clearly expressing the needs of the region and challenging anomalies
  • Represent the region in global sales operations and Sales Excellence oriented projects such as those related to tools or processes. Work collaboratively within project teams and communicate status, actions and aims to the region as per the requirements of the project
  • Provide reporting and analytics for the range of operational requirements- forecast and forecasting process, pipeline metrics, productivity metrics and KPIs. Use internal CRM and other systems to provide clear and concise data
  • Analyze and present sales force trends through the appropriate means-spreadsheet, presentation, discussion
  • Can require some non-standard hours as interaction in other time zones is required. Must be able to periodically work non-standard hours in the office or from home
  • Strong project management and communication skills are critical, as is the ability to manage, organize, and prioritize multiple projects and meet competing deadlines
  • Bachelor in Marketing, Business, Communication or equivalent combination of education and experience
  • 4-5 years or relevant work experience in a Sales Operations role within a Global organization would be ideal
  • Experience with managing and reporting of sales data using CRM systems is important. A thorough understanding of how to effectively use one or more CRM systems such as Oracle, Salesforce, SAP, etc. is critical
  • Experience analyzing sales trends, providing guidance and recommendation to managers
  • Familiarity with AE, GCs and/or the Fire, Security or Building Automation industries is helpful but not required
  • Possess strong customer service skills, pays attention to details, demonstrates strong interpersonal and communication abilities, tremendous at document organization, and is highly proficient in writing and editing
  • Working in and responding to an environment of rapid change, anticipating and responding early to organizational needs
  • Understanding of financial management, business investment and budget planning

Managing Director of Sales Operations Resume Examples & Samples

  • Collaborate with Marketing on improving the efficiency and effectiveness of Lead & Demand Generation
  • Collaborate with Finance on sales compensation design along with revenue, budget and margin planning
  • Work with Product on improving customer satisfaction and gaining visibility into product performance
  • 10+ years’ experience in a Sales Operations role in the past
  • Demonstrated ability to build a sales architecture
  • Ability to display strong self-initiative and support recommendations with sound thinking and fact-based evidence (data, research, best practices, etc.)
  • Proven record of meeting/exceeding established goals
  • Puts the Customer First: Has a relentless focus on the customer. Understands what the customer wants and how to best deliver the experience
  • Develops Continuously: Continuously seek opportunities to improve self and others. Leads with trust, honesty and commitment to hire, coach and develop partners to achieve their potential
  • Achieve Results: Understands what drives overall business success and is accountable to prioritize and deliver quality results. Demonstrates knowledge of core products and processes to get results. Anticipates obstacles and takes action to prevent or minimize their impact

Sales Operations MBA Intern Resume Examples & Samples

  • Automation and efficiency: Develop standard processes and tools/dashboards that can be scaled centrally
  • Current First Year MBA Student with a graduation date between December 2017 and August 2018
  • Experience leading strategy and operations projects at a consulting firm or in a corporate strategy/operations team
  • Distinctive problem solving and analysis skills, ability to solve complex and diverse business problems (commercial, operational, organizational)
  • Project management and influencing experience
  • Heavy experience with Excel and Powerpoint
  • Permanent U.S. work authorization required as company sponsorship is not available

Sales Operations Advanced Analyst Resume Examples & Samples

  • Operational relationship with Distributors to reduce errors, improve data quality and improve overall processing time
  • Actively participate in team meetings, work progress presentations, compliance projects and SAP readiness projects
  • Execute standard reports and when necessary ad hoc reports
  • Conduct data analytics and provide supporting synopsis. Apply knowledge and expertise to resolve complex data issues
  • Provide leadership for application and process support through collaboration with IT and internal/external customers to improve current processes and remove barriers to increase data effectiveness across businesses
  • Work with Compensation and Conformance teams to ensure Distributors are providing point-of-sale data that meets the compliance requirements and data is compensation ready
  • Act as the primary point of contact for focused distributors and provide necessary training for uploading point-of-sale data and error resolution
  • Proactively identify process improvement opportunities and communicate to Sales Operations Supervisor
  • Review metrics with Sales Operations Supervisor and discuss progress made, improvements needed and action plans
  • Share knowledge and expertise with team members to further team efficacy
  • Three (3) years of experience as a Business Analyst working in chargebacks, sales, pricing, information technology, and/or finance
  • Three (3) years of experience working with data and having direct contact with the customer
  • Three (3) years of experience with MS Excel, pivot tables, and formulas
  • Minimum of three (3) years of experience within a Business Services is preferred
  • Knowledge of POSE application, InfoCenter, EOC upload tool, BOXI, Microsoft Office Suite, CHIPS, SARA
  • Lead the work done by operations analysts and external vendors
  • Lead territory alignment, call planning & targeting and field based technology planning activity across the enterprise
  • Plays a strategic role in assessing the effectiveness of operations on the commercial organization
  • Identify preferred operations support and technology vendors and manage vendor relationships so as ensure optimal support for field based personnel
  • Lead enterprise-wide projects, which may include
  • Executive Presence. Strong, confident, someone who is a peer to, and can be an intellectual and strategic “sparring partner” with UCB senior executives
  • Leadership and Coaching. A good coach; skilled at identifying and developing talent, and leading a team. Skilled at both motivating, praising and giving clear, actionable feedback—e.g., someone who frequently gives both appreciative and constructive feedback to direct reports, peers and more senior leaders
  • Communication. A clear, thorough and practical communicator. Someone who communicates frequently and proactively. Strong written, verbal and non-verbal communication skills
  • Business Acumen. Strategic and analytical. Good at analyzing businesses and competitors, making connections and seeing opportunities. Someone who understands (or can quickly get up to speed on) the market dynamics and details of healthcare, patients and pharmaceutical businesses
  • Innovation. Someone who will come up new ideas and guide teams to be innovative. Someone with experience leading and influencing individuals, teams and organizations to move beyond typical approaches and take appropriate risks
  • Learning Agility.A quick learner. Able to ask the right questions. Comfortable with ambiguity. Ability to process and make connections between different, sometimes ambiguous or contradictory data
  • Decisive. Someone who can make decisions quickly. Ability to help teams and senior executives prioritize ideas, distilling them into strategies and tactics that can be executed by UCB to create more patient value
  • Ambition. Driven to deliver. Self-starter/self-motivated. Has the ability and desire to become a more senior leader at UCB
  • A minimum of 10+ years of relevant business experience required. 5+ years’ experience in an operations role is preferred. Prior experience in incentives, operations, marketing, sales, business analytics, and/or strategic planning preferred. Business/market experience and specialty pharmaceutical industry is preferred, but not required
  • Develop, improve, produce and distribute management information including the production of ad hoc requests ensuring accuracy at all times
  • Produce and distribute reports following collation and analysis of identified data within agreed timescales
  • Update agency data following new appointments, broker changes and movements including the application of Networks and other organisations
  • Deliver and maintain data and support for the Broker Alliance Programme
  • Support and maintain the data in and integrity of Broker Relationship Management systems
  • Maintain and update broker commission and panel structures across all systems
  • Calculate nonstandard broker remuneration payments for approval by others
  • Review, analyse, report and implement Governance and Compliance requirements
  • Support the implementation of new systems and processes including providing internal and external Access Support facilities to brokers as part of ZTrade
  • Understanding of business needs within broker Sales & Distribution
  • Relevant Business Qualification and/or Knowledge
  • Responsible for own workloads
  • Deliver against tight time schedules for a wide range of activities
  • Management Information production and interpretation expertise
  • Excellent Organisational skills, incorporating time management
  • Flexibility in working environments with the ability to attend occasional meetings away from the usual workplace
  • Interact at all business levels both internal and external
  • Ability to balance regulatory and business requirements
  • Knowledge and appreciation of relevant legislation, compliance and regulatory issues
  • Assist with matters of sales and sales support. Provide sales and activity reports, plan tracking and advise senior leadership regarding trends, and other issues
  • Coordinate and conduct presale visits on behalf of Regional Sales Directors
  • Receive phone calls with prospective customers, conduct screening process regarding financial capability, and organize travel requirements to address the prospects needs and expectations
  • Assist Regional Sales Director to ensure all are aware of current state of affairs at Textron Aviation, with regards to aircraft availability, providing requested information, training, etc
  • To work with and support the regional Sales goals that align with Global Strategy and help enable the sales team to achieve annual order intake targets and all Sales KPIs
  • To assist and support the sales governance across EMEA region
  • Assisting with the forecasting process
  • Running CRM reports, analyzing data
  • Assisting with validations process
  • Adhoc administrative duties, including the organization of travel, producing packs, processing expenses for the team
  • Become a CRM super user after 6 months in the roles
  • Customer order administration
  • Creating or verifying data for accuracy and completeness
  • Updating key customer data
  • Target customer Research
  • Appointment setting
  • Proposal support
  • Familiar with productivity tools, such as Excel, Word, PowerPoint
  • Experience using CRM systems such as is beneficial
  • Demonstrated affinity for the customer and for selling
  • Strong attention to detail and excellent follow through

Assoc Sales Operations Spec Resume Examples & Samples

  • Collaborate with in field sales team to support them and manage queries with respect to processes and programs that SRC are briefed and trained on
  • Opportunity Registration data updates (status, data accuracy)
  • Opportunity Registration Approval SLA Reports
  • Support partner enrollment process - Review applications, Receive approvals, Approve New Partners, Process re-leveling within PartnerNet
  • Participate in portal UAT testing as needed as an SME
  • Ideally has worked within a sales administration and/or order management within a multinational or technology environment

Sales Operations Executive Assistant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Principle Duties and Responsibilities
  • Work closely with Sales Managers to address CDA issues or concerns and to ensure the timeliness of CDA review
  • Maintains current database of all contracts, CDA’s and other contractual documents
  • Facilitates the completion of RFI documents and ensures correct and timely submission
  • Act as a liaison/partner between the Sales Team and Salesforce Administration as needed
  • Coordinates weekly cold call session review calls and documents all related data
  • Provides monthly summary report of cold call data
  • Coordinates monthly calls to support CCCS BD project
  • Support QBR’s administrational needs and possibly in attendance
  • Build and report monthly sales pipeline
  • Provide assistance to all sales reps as needed
  • Assist others in the sales department on special projects as needed
  • TWork with administrator to maximize system usage and capability
  • Performs related duties as assigned
  • Sales and performance analytics reporting as requested
  • May be required to travel domestically and internationally on occasion
  • Coordinate with Marketing to provide trend analysis and industry focus
  • Excellent organizational skills; attention to detail
  • Excellent integration, implementation and management skills
  • Working knowledge of computers necessary to operate effectively with company systems and programs. Proficiency in Word, Excel, Salesforce
  • Interpersonal skills sufficient to develop and maintain cooperative working and business relationships with others
  • Acts as a focal point for all customer agreements that need to be channeled between Trapollo Sales and Cox Legal. Performs quality assurance and verification of all sales agreement documentation packages prior to initial submission to Cox Legal
  • Tracks the Contract/Agreement documentation package as it move through the review cycle
  • Archives final signed Contract/Agreement documentation in the Trapollo Document Management System
  • Assists the Sales Department and Program Specialist with processing of all orders
  • Works with the Territory Sales Manager and Program Specialist to obtain additional Customer Contact Information required to process contracts and get them set up for billing and invoicing. (Invoicing & Billing, Vendor Management, etc.). Works with Trapollo Finance to insure that all required documents are obtained from the Territory Sales Manager to process orders/contracts
  • Receives sales leads from marketing and the Trapollo website. Enters information into the Trapollo CRM system
  • Distributes sales leads to the appropriate Trapollo Territory Manager
  • Processes request for quotes and orders for low volume product purchases
  • Contact customer to review order details and accuracy and/or requesting updated documents or signature (complex orders)
  • Assists Trapollo Sales Management with the tracking and reporting of Prospects, Sales Cycle Stages, and Forecasts
  • 3+ years of professional experience required in related field (i.e. Administrative, Data Entry, Project Management, Inside Sales, Sales Operations, etc.)
  • Requires knowledge of order entry systems
  • Requires knowledge of Customer Relationship Systems (CRM)
  • Proficient in Windows based applications (Word, Excel and Powerpoint)
  • High Intermediate to Expert Level of Proficiency with Excel
  • Works effectively with teams throughout organization
  • High School or GED equivalency
  • Assist Sales personnel in meeting and exceeding their goals. Serve as a primary resource for Consultants to understand content/product offerings, FindLaw policies, order processing, credit, promotions, incentives and procedures for all pre-sale issues
  • Keep channels of communication open between Sales/Management and internal departments within FindLaw/Super Lawyers and Thomson Reuters
  • Act as an information resource and assist in problem solving all issues. When necessary and appropriate, communicate pricing and product information to customers directly. Provide feedback to internal departments to facilitate the development of new products and promotions
  • Consult with management on the effect of policies and procedures on FindLaw/Super Lawyers goals and assist in developing and implementing policy and procedure changes in a fair and consistent manner. Ensure that profitable business is being secured on behalf of the company
  • Perform projects or problem solve as directed by Sales Operations management, particularly regarding printing of field collateral and logistical support for sales meetings
  • Responsible for maintaining and enhancing internal web-portal for FindLaw
  • Provide direction for Regional Sales Managers, Sales Consultants, Associate Publishers, by monitoring sales activities, training and implementing policies and procedures. Serve as a consultant to FindLaw/Super Lawyers on best practices and knowledge sharing on new products and promotions
  • Provide direction for personnel by training them on PIC, SAM Portal and other policies, procedures, promotions, campaigns, etc
  • Provide direction to any administrative assistants or temporary workers that may be assigned to Sales Operations
  • Must be able to work a 9:30 A.M. – 6:00 P.M. CST shift
  • Two years sales or account management experience in direct sales environment
  • Demonstrated proficiency managing initiatives and project management experience
  • Experience with coordinating testing of incremental technology releases
  • Comprehensive knowledge of FindLaw/Super Lawyers products/processes
  • Strong knowledge of SAP, Excel, MS Office Systems
  • Must be adept at problem solving and communicating with the field, account management, customers, and internal management
  • Solid understanding and experience with detailed technology projects
  • Four-year college degree in an analytical discipline (Finance, Accounting, Economics, etc.) required
  • At least one year of work experience is required. Work in analytical space such as finance, operations, sales, IT preferred
  • Some Excel proficiency required
  • Good communication skills is important
  • Interest in learning advanced programming language (such as VBA, SQL etc.) and other tools (such as Access) strongly preferred
  • Pipeline management. Actively monitor, analyze, and report on the sales pipeline. Coordinate the complete sales reporting and analytics delivery for all markets and sales tiers
  • Deliver analytics to address full 360 views on opportunities through the various sales process steps, opportunity velocity, conversion rates from Design Wins to Volume Production and Revenue, etc
  • Conduct quantitative analysis and modeling including, but not limited to, territory alignment, resource planning, ROI, trending, identification and assessment of opportunity and risk, regressions, correlation, cannibalization and probability modeling
  • Business partnering and support of our Global Markets Group
  • Report generation, metrics tracking, and on-going analytics. Identify operational and performance metrics to measure sales performance, maintain data quality, and drive reporting accuracy
  • Long-term forecast tracking & analysis of pipeline to meet long-term revenue goals
  • Identify and execute recommendations for process efficiency based on issues raised by Executive and Senior Leadership team as well as Sales and Markets Teams. Provide requirements, feedback, and testing for system/application infrastructure improvements. Act as a key liaison for the GSM organization for GSM-impacting projects
  • Develop and implement sales training/field enablement programs as it relates to project rollouts
  • Support continued growth of Business Intelligence (Reporting and Analytics) piece of the on-going CRM roadmap to provide business and informational support to Xilinx management and help them make sound data-driven business decisions
  • Operating cadence / Rhythm of business
  • BA/BS required in an analytical field (e.g. Computer Science, Engineering, Mathematics, Business or related field)
  • 8+ years of work experience required in Sales Finance, Sales Analytics, Sales Operations, and/or Strategy consulting, or 6+ years with MBA/Master’s degree
  • Generate all standard quotes from templates and work with legal team to generate addendums to document non-standard request and terms
  • Prepare and submit the documents for the German Public/Private Tenders, follow-up on all necessary translations
  • Ensure all quote request meets company discounting, regulatory, and approval policies and procedures
  • Reviews customer signed contracts and purchase orders for accuracy, freight terms, transportation methods, terms and conditions, and any other unique customer requirements
  • Resolves any discrepancies with sales team and customer prior to order entry
  • Convert valid signed contracts to sales order within AX ERP system
  • Work with site planning and manufacturing to ensure that all customer specific configured parts are captured for fulfillment
  • Updates status of orders-in-process as required
  • Resolve any quote/order questions with sales team and or site planning team
  • Participate in periodic meetings that impact fulfillment
  • Run ad-hoc analysis from CRM or ERP to help sales team
  • BS/BA in Business Administration
  • Previous experience involving all or a combination of the following areas of responsibility is preferred: tender management, order administration, contracts administration and order fulfillment
  • German mother tongue and fluency in English required. Spanish knowledge would be an asset
  • Proficiency with Word, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, CRM/ERP applications
  • Dynamics AX and MS CRM experience preferred
  • Must be detailed oriented and have good organizational skills
  • Must be positive, enthusiastic, self-starter and be able to work as part of a team
  • Highly analytical, problem-solver and sound decision-making skills
  • Strong communication ability and must be able to communicate and work with cross functional stakeholders
  • Proven ability to multitask and manage time effectively
  • 5 years in a similar environment
  • Candid business man
  • Obsession with numbers, analysis insights, processing
  • Understanding of business processes with customer first attitude
  • Leadership role towards own large team, but also towards other stakeholders in the company
  • Empathy for other stakeholders in company with goal for company wide alignment
  • Being able to work in an international environment
  • Occasional travel to other Barco sites
  • Reporting to Senior VP EMEA
  • Excellent verbal and written communication skills in English, other languages are a benefit
  • Own, create and execute on plans for programs that drive retention and double digit growth across the channel
  • Interface with business leaders and resources on development and delivery of programs
  • Design, define and implement the program based on observations, feedback and analytics
  • Provide cross functional program support to QB sales team
  • Identify new areas to prospect for new clients to drive growth across the channel
  • Collaborate and coordinate procedural requirements across other business/product lines to help AE’s find the best resources for prospects
  • Establish processes to collect and conduct key analytics to drive business initiatives
  • Make prioritized recommendations based on estimated return and/or benefit to the business
  • Identify and manage process and technology enhancements as related to i) Processes, Policies and Procedures around all client interactions, and ii) Client usage and retention and integration into client delivery model
  • Bachelor’s required, Master’s preferred
  • 5 plus years business experience, including 2+ years technology, consultative sales or consulting environment
  • Strong business program and process management, financial and operations analysis skills
  • Ability to develop and execute operational strategies and to develop/establish the framework, infrastructure and process to support those strategies
  • Strong influence/ communication skills and proven ability to drive teamwork in a matrix environment
  • Experience in working in databases (building databases preferred)
  • Proficient in Microsoft Office business suite (especially advanced Excel/PPT skills)
  • Knowledge and experience in working with Gartner resources highly desirable

Senior Sales Operations Representative Resume Examples & Samples

  • Design Registration
  • POS & Inventory Reporting
  • POS Maintenance
  • PCN, PDN, InfoNote
  • Inventory Write Downs
  • Commission Split Table
  • EPOS Maintenance
  • EDI Maintenance
  • Provide back-up as needed to related areas (i.e. Pricing)
  • Other related duties assigned by management (i.e. special projects/initiatives)

Sales Operations Systems Manager Resume Examples & Samples

  • Project management of sales compensation plans and IT systems that support sales compensation administration for 900+ sales representatives of Nuance Communications, Inc
  • Partner with key business and technical stakeholders across the organization to assess business impacts of sales compensation plan design and system implementation
  • Develop the project charter, scope, plan, schedule and budget for Xactly sales compensation systems – annual plan changes, enhancements and upgrades
  • Use knowledge of sales compensation system, order management and provisioning operations and systems to identify impact of new product rollouts, process and/or system changes and strategic initiatives of the organization
  • Design, analyze and model new or revised sales compensation plans
  • Manage all Xactly system designs / redesigns to accommodate for user requirement, changing business requirements and go to market strategy, plan changes and analytical requirements
  • Ensure sales compensation plans are properly administered, enforced and reported on internally
  • Implement quality assurance processes; and manage integrity of the sales compensation system to drive accuracy of payouts, ease of access and effectiveness of the Sales Compensation Plan
  • Required Experience & Skills
  • Working directly with sales reps and customers to design new kits/modules and implementing changes to existing kits/modules
  • Customer contact for manufacturing exceptions, components changes, kit changes, kit design questions and kitting solutions
  • Liaison between customer and Presource business owners
  • Drive profitability through kit analysis (gross profit opportunities)
  • Inventory management of custom procedure trays from order placement to region/customer receipt. Managing and coordinating finished goods inventory and coordinating with scheduling to ensure the highest possible service to customers while meeting inventory goals
  • Min 4 years general business experience, preferred
  • Computer proficiency in Microsoft Office products (Access, Excel, Outlook, PowerPoint, Word)
  • Completes work independently receives general guidance on new projects
  • Purchase material in assigned product groups using MRP reports and analysis
  • Purchase order entry and submission to suppliers/vendors
  • Verify PO acknowledgements
  • Resolve problems regarding deliveries and discrepant materials
  • Resolve invoice discrepancies
  • Purchase material in other than assigned areas in the absence of other purchasing personnel
  • Responsible for minimizing backorders, and improving on time delivery, with optimal inventory levels
  • Manage projects to ensure Supply Chain resources support customer demand
  • Expedite materials and services to maintain on-time delivery
  • Use MRP and reporting to identify past due PO's and demand fluctuations
  • Respond to requests from Manufacturing and Planning
  • Confer with vendors on order status to eliminate delays
  • Schedule route pickups and deliveries
  • Basic understanding of operations, cost systems and procedures; the ability to develop, interpret and present cost data to aid in controlling current and future operations
  • Ability to interpret and draw conclusions from financial / business information
  • High level understanding of data management and costing analysis
  • Highly skilled in Microsoft office tools such as Access, Excel, and Power Point

Sales & Operations Trainee Resume Examples & Samples

  • Schedule delivery and pick up of equipment
  • Finalize sales from all inbound inquiries and successful outbound telemarketing
  • Provide customers with expert advice on the selection, operation and maintenance of all the various types of equipment
  • Generate, process, analyze and review the daily business reports
  • Support all team members
  • 1 to 2 years of previous inside or business-to-business sales experience within the industrial, equipment rental or construction sectors
  • Retail sales background within the home improvement, light industrial or telecommunications markets are preferred
  • Ability to drive/operate multiple types of vehicles and equipment
  • Ability to engage in natural verbal interaction with customers
  • Able to walk into unfamiliar environments and adjust rapidly to the setting
  • Multi-task on multiple assignments within a fast-paced environment
  • Solid and proven computer skill set (knowledge of MS Office is preferred)
  • Answer customer calls and concerns
  • Ability to effectively work on multiple assignments in the fast paced environment of the construction industry
  • An attention to detail

Sales & Operations Coordinator Trainee Resume Examples & Samples

  • Fast track Management Program
  • Maximize sales revenue for branch through excellent customer service on existing orders
  • Close sales from inbound inquiries and successful outbound telemarketing
  • Provide customers with expert advice on equipment selection, operation and maintenance
  • Process daily business reports
  • Ability to effectively work on multiple assignments in the fast paced environment of the construction industry in mutiple locations
  • Must have a valid drivers license and excellent driving record
  • Ability to drive multiple types of vehicles
  • Ability to engage in verbal interaction with customers
  • Ability to walk in unfamiliar environments

Expert Sales Operations Consultant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Develop and coordinate exceptional proposals and RFP responses
  • Serve as the quarterback for all Canadian proposals and bid responses – everything that is created in response to an RFP and unsolicited proposals
  • Coordinate and identify required 3rd party partners, negotiate w/ 3rd party partners, gather requirements/info from these partners and incorporate that info into our bids and proposals
  • Lead all coordination effort for Canadian bid response
  • Create content and write proposal content, work closely with marketing and the RFP coordinators to meet the time-lines and dates required for the RFPs
  • Research and evaluate the prospects needs and strategy, with direction from the sales team, create the winning story and identified differentiators: Clearly articulate: “Why Allscripts?”
  • Develop the win strategy based on the “Why Allscripts?” and drive the value proposition through the entire bid process and deliverable
  • Executes against plan and shows progress toward individual and team goals, as well as communicate effectively to internal clients while maintaining a positive and productive attitude
  • Maintain current knowledge of Products and Solutions from both a technical standpoint and selling standpoint
  • Liaison with senior Product and Solution Management staff to maintain knowledge and content libraries
  • Assist with deal qualification (discovery) and strategy
  • Assist with completing RFP/RFI, as Subject Matter Expert and Creator/Writer
  • Assesses and determines areas of a proposal that may represent a potential liability to the organization and works with Legal, Commercial Operations, and other relevant departments to gain agreement on acceptable terms for the business and the client
  • Escalates opportunities that are not getting due attention and could potentially cause lost revenue to the business if not resolved in a timely manner
  • Identifies and reports on deals crucial to meeting the Order Intake and Revenue Targets of the business
  • Works with Field Sales and Sales Engineering Teams to facilitate proposal development via a list of defined criteria
  • Gathers business and technical requirements and interprets needs
  • Manages communications and feedback from Sales Executives related to proposal processing and quality
  • Coordinates and manages Deal Review Process to ensure accuracy and compliance to business expectations at time of proposal presentation by the field to the client
  • Obtains the necessary approvals for procedural and legal compliance
  • Contributes to the design and execution of process improvement initiatives surrounding deal review, lease qualification and purchase order generation, and contract element validation
  • Supports revenue recognition and contract clearance via order intake processing and associated
  • Responds to qualified RFPs/RFIs to ensure internal resources are used appropriately and effectively
  • Provides a central point-of-contact for the collection of data throughout the RFP/RFI lifecycle working in tandem with the Corporate RFP Coordinator
  • Works closely with internal subject matter experts (SMEs) throughout the RFP process
  • Produces completed RFP
  • Coordinates demo resources in order to maximize bookings working in tandem with the sales team
  • Responsible for helping to maintain version control of documents by using relevant tools (e.g. SharePoint, RFP database tools)
  • Demonstrate proficiency in documentation tools (e.g., Adobe, MS Office Word, Excel, Visio, etc.), image capturing tools (e.g. SnagIt, Paint Shop Pro, Adobe Photoshop) and graphics tools
  • Maintaining and implementing processes for production and Quality Assurance activities
  • Support Sales projects by managing small to mid-size RFP opportunities, including managing Sales, Services, Product, Legal, and Finance staff to meet client requests
  • Acts as a liaison between Sales and other Allscripts departments to ensure RFP/RFI response compliance
  • Reviews and determines areas of RFP or proposal that may represent a potential liability to the organization, and works with Legal, Operations, and other stakeholders to gain agreement on acceptable terms for the business and the client
  • Supporting Sales, lead and coordinate the due diligence process and activities to close contracts. Including managing clarification questions, gathering information from legal, support, development, operations, and sales to secure the contract
  • Schedule and coordinate contract reviews and negotiations, maintain issues lists and lead resolutions
  • Manage and support marketing initiatives and events
  • Work closely with Strategic Marketing to create compelling programs
  • Stay informed of industry trends, competition and new opportunities
  • Undergraduate degree is required
  • Graduate degree is an asset
  • 8 -10 years sales operations experience
  • Strong working knowledge of the Canadian healthcare market required
  • Relationships with Canadian healthcare entities strongly preferred
  • Background in business development, enterprise sales / operations, marketing or advertising
  • Strong sales operations / sales support expertise
  • Acts as a liaison between Sales, prospects, and corporate departments to insure compliance and timely completion of tasks
  • Bachelor’s degree in business, economics, statistics, physics, finance, or equivalent experience (strong math expertise)
  • Typically requires 2 - 4 years experience in quoting/pricing - analytical background/training
  • Proficient in Oracle
  • Advanced Excel skills (pivot tables, H-look-ups, V-look-ups)
  • Knowledge of Allscripts Sunrise solution preferred
  • Knowledge of acute EHR workflows is preferred
  • Quoting/sales support/operations expertise is preferred

Sales & Operations Assistant Resume Examples & Samples

  • Minimum 3 years operations, sales, and administration experience
  • Ability to prioritize and multi-task in a fast paced environment
  • Bilingual (Spanish) a plus

Sales Operations Managers Resume Examples & Samples

  • Communication and influencing
  • Direct sales experience preferred
  • International sales or operational experience preferred
  • Ability to manage, in a matrix, a diverse group of people and responsibilities
  • Proven ability to develop a strong positive culture, including a focus on personal development
  • Extensive experience in managing operational aspects of sales and in people management
  • Experience in strategic and operational planning
  • Excellent computer skills are essential, with working knowledge of Windows/Microsoft Office 97/2000, (Word, Excel, Access, PowerPoint)
  • Ability to coordinate the preparation of reports including gathering, integrating, compiling, and analysing data from several sources
  • Excellent numerical skills
  • Be able to prioritise and work to tight timelines
  • Ability to interact effectively with people at all levels, including senior/executive management, external suppliers, customers and individual contributors
  • Executive presentation skills

Indigo / PWP Sales Operations Internship Resume Examples & Samples

  • Proactive compliance analysis / SOR assessment
  • Do and follow-up non-recurrent updates (translations, implementation in countries and control)
  • MCT Tool Alerts – run tool, control metrics and perform analysis weekly. Suggest improvements
  • Documentation of processes and update
  • Generate documents/backup support where needed
  • Automate documents (indirect POs)
  • Shipment releases clean-up and PDL keeping
  • Drakkar tester
  • Bachelor Degree in Business Administration/ Economics or Industrial Engineering (studying 4th course or Master)
  • Excel high level

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resume sales operations manager

Sales Operations Manager

Job posting for sales operations manager at rhombus.

Founded in 2016, Rhombus is on a mission to make the world a safer place with our centralized platform that combines intelligent cameras, sensors, and AI analytics to help organizations improve safety and operations at scale. We have a solid product-market fit, customers love us, and our solution makes a profound impact and difference in the world.

Rhombus was created by industry veterans and is also backed by incredible investors who believe in transforming the world of physical security with enterprise-grade technology that's accessible to any organization. 

Who You Are

Here at Rhombus, everyone plays a critical role in achieving our mission to make the world safer with simple, smart, and powerful physical security solutions. No matter what team you’re on, the work you do here makes a positive impact across the globe.

Rhombus is seeking a Sales Operations Manager to optimize our sales processes, enhance sales productivity, and ensure the efficient execution of sales strategies. The ideal candidate is organized, analytical, and systematic in their approach to solving problems. This individual will work closely with sales teams, marketing, finance, and other cross-functional departments to drive operational excellence and support the achievement of sales targets.

  • Manage sales processes, tools and CRM systems to streamline sales operations and ensure consistent and accurate use of sales technologies
  • Provide sales teams with the necessary tools and information to succeed including, sales collateral, playbooks, and other sales resources
  • Monitor key performance indicators (KPIs) via dashboards and reports to track sales performance against targets
  • Develop and maintain sales performance metrics, dashboards, and reports to align with overall company objectives and strategies
  • Identify opportunities for process improvements and lead initiatives to implement best practices within the sales organization
  • Design and manage sales compensation plans and incentive programs to motivate and reward sales team members / to drive desired sales behaviors
  • Partner with finance team and ensure accurate sales forecasting, budgeting, territory planning, and commission calculations to align with financial goals
  • Provide support and guidance to sales team members on operational and strategic issues
  • Bachelor’s degree in Business, Marketing or related field
  • 3-5 years of experience in sales operations, sales management, or relevant work experience
  • Strong understanding of CRM systems and sales performance metrics
  • Proficiency in data analysis and industry standard SaaS reporting tools (e.g., Excel, Salesforce)
  • Ability to interpret complex data across multiple platforms to generate actionable insights
  • Excellent analytical, organizational, and problem-solving skills
  • Strong communication and interpersonal skills, with the ability to work effectively with cross-functional teams
  • Proven ability to successfully manage multiple projects and prioritize tasks in a fast-paced environment
  • Experience at a B2B SaaS startup or similar industry is a plus
  • Salesforce Lightning Admin or Expert is preferred

This is a hybrid position based in Sacramento, CA. Candidates must be able to commute to the office as needed.

Compensation Range

$80,000 - $120,000

Additional forms of compensation, depending on the role, include uncapped commission, sales incentives, discretionary bonuses, and equity in the company. Individual pay is determined based on the candidate's primary work/hiring location and additional factors, such as skills and experience, and relevant education, certifications, or training. Further details about compensation for the role can be discussed during the interview process.

What You Can Expect

Competitive Salary & Equity Options

Flexible Schedule & Paid-Time Off

Excellent Healthcare Coverage

Generous Family Leave Policy

WFH & Workspace Supplies

Career Growth & Professional Development

Dog-Friendly Office & Pet Insurance

What We Value

Customers Come First : We're obsessed with improving our users' lives and constantly question how we can i mprove upon what already exists.

One Team : Innovating in the physical security industry can't be accomplished by just a single person, which is why we collaborate with exceptional individuals who inspire us to be our best.

Think Greater :   We believe the best ideas can come from anywhere. We strive to create an open environment where individuals can contribute and make an impact.

Act with Integrity :   We believe honest communication is key to success. We conduct business the way it should be - with high ethical standards and to always do what's right.

Rhombus is an Equal Opportunity Employer. We are committed to creating a diverse and inclusive workplace that reflects the communities we serve. We encourage applicants from all backgrounds and experiences to apply. We actively promote diversity, equity, and inclusion in our hiring practices and throughout our organization.

Build a Safer Future with Us!

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Report this Job Estimation for Sales Operations Manager in Sacramento, CA

$139,190 - $202,447

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Business Development Skill

  • Top Community Development Executive Income Estimation: $148,675 - $380,954
  • Account Manager V Income Estimation: $161,471 - $224,889

Competitor Analysis Skill

  • Product/Brand Management Senior Manager Income Estimation: $164,792 - $228,602
  • Product/Brand Management Analyst V Income Estimation: $165,139 - $216,076

Job openings at Rhombus

Not the job you're looking for here are some other sales operations manager jobs in the sacramento, ca area that may be a better fit., we don't have any other sales operations manager jobs in the sacramento, ca area right now..

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Adventure Operations , Rocklin, CA

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American Fidelity Sales Careers , Folsom, CA


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  7. Sales Operations Manager Resume Examples and Templates

    A compelling Sales Operations Manager resume is a critical instrument in your job search arsenal, showcasing your expertise, professional history, and value proposition to prospective employers. It should be meticulously crafted to highlight your proficiency in sales methodologies, analytical prowess, leadership capabilities, and technological ...

  8. Sales Operations Manager Resume Example & Writing Guide

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