Start Being an Ideal Male Today

presentation oil

Hey there, it’s Dr. Magill here, and I’m so excited for you to start your journey with me.

Below, you’ll find instructions for all our products.

And if you have more questions, or want to check out any of our other products, you can find all of that below too.

Email me at [email protected] . You can also call us at (877) 993-6638 or outside the US at +1 (307) 459-2744, 24 hours a day. Me and my team answer our support requests within 15 minutes most of the time, so it’s best to just shoot me an email.

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These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

How do I apply Most Wanted Man?

All you need is a few spritzes on your neck, your chest, maybe your hair...

Some guys prefer 8 to 10 spritzes, while other guys only prefer 2 to 3.

Can I apply it to clothes?

Yes. I actually prefer applying Most Wanted Man to my clothes instead of my skin, but it’s all personal preference depending on the guy.

How often do I put it on?

You only need to apply Most Wanted Man once or twice a day.

How long does the scent last? Do I have to reapply?

The scent typically lasts 8 to 10 hours. You may want to reapply after that, especially if you’ve been working out, doing physical labor, or getting busy in the bedroom.

How do I store Most Wanted Man?

Most Wanted Man should be stored in a cool, dry place -- preferably not in your bathroom. The bathroom gets a lot of moisture and heat from the shower and is never a good place to keep a cologne.

Does Most Wanted Man contain animal products?

All of the ingredients used in Most Wanted Man are "cruelty free" accords that contain much of the same chemistry as the wild naturals, but without hurting animals.

How much will this improve my life?

I think you’ll find that wearing just a few spritzes of this cologne makes women start looking at you in a totally different way…

When you go to the gym and work out, women are watching you, using the equipment close to you, maybe even asking you for pointers…

And when you’re out with your wife or girlfriend, she can’t keep her hands off you...she wants everyone around to know you’re hers and only hers…

Everywhere you go, your natural scent will be amplified and drawing women in like moths to a flame…

And you will feel a confidence you’ve never felt before but always wanted.

Should I keep using this even after I’m thrilled with the results?

Most Wanted Man only works when you’re wearing it…

So the longer you wear it, the better things will be!

I suggest that if you want to keep having to fend off beautiful women, you keep wearing Most Wanted Man.

Otherwise, you may find yourself back at square one… striking out with the wrong women while the right women pass you by…

Interested in any of these other products?

If you’d like to check out any of our other incredible pro-male products and supplements, you can find out everything you need to know here:

  • Presentation Oil
  • Urgent Libido Assist
  • Urgent Prostate Assist
  • Urgent Male Assist
  • Urgent Blood Sugar Assist
  • Urgent Brain Assist

Presentation Oil is a cosmetic penis oil designed to improve things in tone, appearance, and sensitivity downstairs in a man.

It may be used topically on the penis once, twice or even three times a day.

Many men tell us that they like to continue using the product because they feel that they get more benefits the longer they use it.

The ingredients in Presentation Oil are designed to help a man where and when he needs it the most!

It is best not to cycle Presentation Oil. Use it steadily.

How much is the right amount to use?

Use about 20 drops, VERY gently rub it on, twice a day.

Discontinue use if a rash or irritation develops.

During intercourse or masturbation?

You can use Presentation Oil as a lubricant for masturbation.

You should not use it as a sexual lubricant during intercourse.

You can have applied it prior to intercourse, but if your penis is dripping with Presentation Oil there is a slight chance it may cause a little irritation during intercourse.

It’s unlikely, but it is possible, so I suggest you do NOT use it as a personal lubricant for intercourse.

Cautions to think about

Avoid it if you have an open wound or broken skin. Don’t swallow it.

  • Most Wanted Man

Urgent Libido Assist is a nutritional supplement designed to support healthy male libido and to support production of healthy semen levels.

The ingredients in Urgent Libido Assist are designed to work together and benefit the body more and more over time.

It is best not to cycle Urgent Libido Assist. Use it steadily.

How does it work?

Urgent Libido Assist contains "Super C" type vitamin C (ascorbyl palmitate), which is fat soluble.

Vitamin B6 P5P is the active form that may lower prolactin levels.

A healthy form of zinc may help support healthy testosterone levels.

Shilajit in a form that is very low in heavy metals has been used for thousands of years for healthy male libido, as has Tongkat Ali.

DHEA and pregnenolone work to help support healthy levels of male hormones.

Organic garlic and ginger powder may lower serotonin levels which may support healthy semen levels, and boron may support healthy testosterone.

How much is a good serving size?

Take one capsule once per day.

With or without food? In the mouth or just swallow?

You can take Urgent Libido Assist either on an empty stomach, or with food. Either way is just as effective.

If you are on any medications, please ask your doctor before taking Urgent Male Assist.

Urgent Prostate Assist is a nutritional supplement designed for supporting healthy prostate function in men. I’ve found that the longer I use it, the more I benefit.

Each and every ingredient in Urgent Prostate Assist is designed to work together in this unique combination to benefit the prostate more and more over time.

It is best not to cycle Urgent Prostate Assist. Use it steadily.

Urgent Prostate Assist contains ingredients that have the power to infiltrate the prostate cells and lend support to antioxidant activity, while also helping to protect the prostate against low oxygen (tissue hypoxia).

Urgent Prostate Assist may also help men lower estrogen levels and potentially raise testosterone levels.

How much should you use?

Take one to two capsules per day, preferably after meals. You can take one capsule twice a day, or take two at once.

Urgent Prostate Assist has the potential to lower estrogen levels and possibly raise testosterone levels in men.

It can thin the blood a little because of the tocopherols that it contains. That is normally not a problem, but if you are having surgery, or if you are on blood thinners, you should consult your doctor before taking Urgent Prostate Assist.

In fact, it is a good practice if you are on any medication to let your doctor know about Urgent Prostate Assist to make sure it is okay to take.

Urgent Male Assist is a nutritional supplement designed to support healthy male function.

The ingredients in Urgent Male Assist are designed to work together and benefit the body more and more over time.

It is best not to cycle Urgent Male Assist. Use it steadily.

Urgent Male Assist is designed to help support healthy sexual function by providing a key combination of supportive nutrients. It is intended to support healthy blood flow and reduce harmful calcium deposits in blood vessels. It is also quite possible that the ingredients support male health in other ways.

Take 1 to 10 drops, once or twice a day.

Some men find one drop twice a day is perfect, while other men find 20 drops twice a day is the right amount and is perfectly safe.

You can take Urgent Male Assist either on an empty stomach, or with food. Either way is just as effective.

You can keep it in your mouth for a minute and swish it around. I think it’s tasty (it’s just that way!)

My Urgent Male is gritty, is it supposed to be?

Urgent Male Assist has been helping men for many years and we have thousands of loyal customers.

If you are one of those who has used this product before, you will recognize that the latest batch is a little "gritty."

The reason is that despite the high cost, this lot has been super loaded with a lot more K2 MK4 which is pro-testosterone and helps reduce blood vessel plaque... but K2 MK4 isn't water soluble.

So, we suggest mixing it better by gentle shaking, then emptying the dropper by gently discharging it into the bottle, then taking up some freshly-shaken Urgent Male Assist and using that.

Urgent Male Assist may not be appropriate if you are taking blood thinners such as Warfarin because Urgent Male Assist contains vitamin K2 MK4. Ask your doctor before taking it if you are on blood thinners.

Urgent Blood Sugar Assist is a nutritional supplement designed to support healthy blood sugar levels.

For many men, it has an almost immediate effect. Many men tell us that they like to continue using the product because they feel that they get more benefits the longer they use it.

The ingredients in Urgent Blood Sugar Assist are designed to work together to benefit the body more and more over time.

It is best not to cycle Urgent Blood Sugar Assist. Use it steadily.

Urgent Blood Sugar Assist contains ingredients that can help support healthy blood sugar levels in men, and help the body build up cellular energetics to a more healthful and youthful level.

Some of the ingredients are designed to help reduce inflammation inside the body, and to support enzyme reactions that may be sluggish.

Unlike other products, it is made with very pure ingredients and contains no harmful excipients, no titanium oxide, no silicon dioxide, no microcrystalline cellulose.

The capsule is vegetarian and there are no animal ingredients whatsoever.

Take two capsules per day, preferably after meals. It is best to space the servings apart, say one after breakfast and one after dinner.

Always ask your doctor before taking any supplement, especially if you are under a doctor’s care, or have any illness or medical condition.

Urgent Brain Assist is a nutritional supplement designed with the aim of supporting a healthy mind and memory.

When I use it, I feel the effect right away. And people tell me that they like to continue using the product because they feel that they get more benefits the longer they use it.

All the ingredients in Urgent Brain Assist are designed to work together to benefit the body more and more over time.

It is best not to cycle Urgent Brain Assist. Use it steadily.

However, you can also use it when you want to fire up the mind and memory for a special project, presentation, or maybe even before a date or a family event.

Urgent Brain Assist contains ingredients that are designed to help increase beneficial neurochemicals in the brain that are associated with recall and mental acuity.

These neurochemicals normally fall as we age, so Urgent Brain Assist is designed to help keep these key neurochemicals high.

Take two capsules per day, preferably after meals. You can take one capsule twice a day, or take two at once.

Urgent Brain Assist contains ingredients that may "thin" the blood slightly.

That is normally not a problem, but if you are having surgery, or if you are on blood thinners, you should consult your doctor before taking Urgent Brain Assist.

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[Updated 2023] Top 20 Oil and Gas PPT Templates to Keep your Industry Up and Running!

[Updated 2023] Top 20 Oil and Gas PPT Templates to Keep your Industry Up and Running!

Gunjan Gupta


The oil and gas industry is the largest sector in terms of dollar value as it produces energy for several other automated activities. The extraction and refining of these two natural resources pave the way to the generation of a long list of petroleum products like fuel, gasoline, plastics, asphalt, pharmaceuticals, and others. This industry is also a significant contributor to the GDP (gross domestic product) of many nations, hence, it is a crucial element in the global economy’s framework. 

Investors and individuals looking to enter this field can be quickly overwhelmed by the million possibilities, complex jargon and unique metrics used throughout the sector. To help you cope with this issue, we have come up with 20 pre-designed oil and gas PPT templates. These templates have been designed to help anyone understand and present the fundamentals of the oil and gas industry comprehensively. Also, use these templates to explain the key concepts as well as standards of measurement in front of the senior decision-makers and close more deals. 

Let us dive in!

Oil and Gas PPT templates to Download 

Template 1: Oil and gas industry outlook case competition PowerPoint presentation slides

Gas and oil companies have always been the most successful businesses in the world. If you are running an oil company, this template is the right fit for you. This PPT Deck provides top-of-the-line slides to measure up your company against the competition and help you explain the fundamental process of importing and export of crude oil with ease. Apart from this, you can also utilize this template to present some facts and figures in front of your stakeholders, thus showing the overall positioning and profits of your organization. 

Oil and gas industry outlook case competition powerpoint presentation slides

Download Oil And Gas Industry Outlook Case Competition

Template 2: Coronavirus impact assessment and mitigation strategies in the oil and gas industry complete deck

More than 90% of the vehicles in the world run on oil. Also, a majority of our daily needs are dependent on oil, be it traveling, fulfillment of energy requirements or use of various substances. Therefore, a content-ready PPT template about the impact COVID-19 had on the oil and gas industry is really helpful. This PPT slide can help you deliver the assessment of the damage caused and present the strategies to mitigate it to your stakeholders. Moreover, you can edit this slide any which way, to suit your personal needs as it is fully customizable. 

Coronavirus impact assessment and mitigation strategies in oil and gas industry complete deck

Download Coronavirus impact assessment and mitigation

Template 3: Covid business survive adapt and post recovery for oil and gas industry complete deck

Other than food and water the most commonly used resource is oil and just like every other business, COVID shook the pil and gas business hard. Present information about the strategies to survive, adapt and recover after being hit by the Covid-19 policies worldwide. Apart from this, you can use this as an introductory slide to give a brief overview of your oil and gas refinery undertakings. 

Covid business survive adapt and post recovery for oil and gas industry complete deck

Download Covid business survive adapt and post recovery

Template 4: Oil and gas refinery in working

This template can serve as a blueprint to explain the working of any oil and gas refinery with ease. Fit for every industrialist, this template will help you design a great presentation with ease whether it is academic, business-oriented or related to environmental issues. You can also use this template to showcase the steps of protecting this natural energy resource from depletion. Energy conservation pointers can also be comprehensively explained by including this slide into the work culture.   

Oil And Gas Refinery

Template 5: Oil rig drilling machine with locations

You can use this template for any small scale or large scale industry depending upon your requirement. This template is built keeping into consideration the needs and requirements of the user and so it is fully responsive and editable. It can be adopted by oil and gas companies looking to expand their horizon and establish trust and loyalty in their audience. 

Oil Rig Drilling Machine

Download Oil Rig Drilling Machine With Locations

Template 6: Oil and gas rig in the middle of the sea

Oil governs modern economies nowadays and is used to manufacture many other products like ink, perfumes, plastic, medicine, dyes, running cars and airplanes. If you require delivering a presentation on oil, global warming, renewable sources, energy conservation, etc. then this template is an ideal set for you. Download, make the changes and deliver your presentation with full confidence and agility.   

Oil And Gas Rig

Template 7: Oil and gas rig image

Use this Oil and Gas Rig extraction PPT template to create professional presentations effortlessly. With various editable layouts and design elements, this template will prove to be a great choice for anybody designing presentations related to subsoil, rig, pie, petroleum, extraction of oil and similar other topics. You can easily download this template and enhance your overall productivity with it. 

Oil And Gas Rig Image

Download Oil And Gas Rig Image

Template 8: Oil and gas factory image with smoke

Utilize this oil and gas factory PowerPoint template to create impressive presentations whether they are business-oriented or academic. You can also showcase the mechanism and operational efficiency of oil and gas factories with this resourceful slide. The environmental hazards of this factory can also be displayed with this editable layout. With custom-made design elements, this PPT is a great choice for topics like energy conservation, environment, building, smoke, pollution, and others of the lot. 

Oil And Gas Factory

Download Oil And Gas Factory Image With Smoke

Template 9: Oil and gas rig with flames from the chimney

Explain the offshore drilling structures and their types using this template. Showcase the entire mechanism of an offshore drilling system visually with this attractive layout. The upstream and downstream process of the reservoir and drilling process can also be elucidated using this slide, the content of which can be altered as per your individual requirements. This template is a good start to save, lots of time, energy and money as it is pre-designed and intuitively created. So, download it now to get started. 

Oil And Gas Rig

Download Oil And Gas Rig With Flames From Chimney

Template 10: Oil and gas filling station

Fuel is an important source to keep our transportation up and running. Use this oil and gas filling PPT template to showcase various stations in the city. Map out the various oil and gas filling stations for the customers’ ease and comfort with this editable layout. You can also use this slide to demonstrate the structure of a gas filling station and explain its entire mechanism to your audience. 

Oil And Gas Filling Station

Download Oil And Gas Filling Station

Template 11: Oil and gas extractor icon with pump and meter

This template is a perfect set for industrial groups or organizations, manufacturing companies, steel, engineering, gas, petroleum amongst others. Petrol pumps can use this icon template to demonstrate the process of filling the vehicles and inspire trust in the customers. Apart from this, it can also be used to showcase your licensed petrol pump and its overall functioning to the government officials. 

Oil And Gas Extractor Icon

Download Oil And Gas Extractor Icon With Pump And Meter

Template 12: Oil gas economic PowerPoint presentation slide template

This template is designed for all the gasoline stands selling petrol and eco-friendly fuel. You can also use this template to explain the various types of services offered by your gas filling station be it full service, minimum service or self-service depending upon the business dwellings. Additionally, present your fuel quotations in this template that are susceptible to changes. Since this template can be edited and customized it is fit for all your industrial dwellings. Engage your audience with this gas filling station PPT slide which can be incorporated in any business presentation. 

Oil Gas Economic PowerPoint Presentation Slide

Download Oil Gas Economic PowerPoint Presentation Slide Template

Template 13: Mining oil and gas extraction KPI dashboard showing steam to oil ratio and oil reserves

Oil and gas companies require a large amount of data to make better data-driven decisions. This template can prove to be very useful in providing insights related to oil and gas reserves, extraction units, revenue generation, oil production, etc. It can also help you understand both internal and external factors such as gas price volatility, changes in taxation, regulation, rise in alternative energy resources and others. Since the design of this slide is fully responsive, you can alter it as per your business needs. 

Oil And Gas Extraction KPI Dashboard

Download Mining Oil And Gas Extraction KPI Dashboard Showing Steam To Oil Ratio And Oil Reserves

Template 14: Mining oil and gas extraction KPI dashboard showing average production costs and energy consumption

Oil and gas companies need to track large amounts of data and often in real time. Monitoring several different areas can be quite overwhelming, thus we have designed this mining oil and gas extraction dashboard PPT for you. Use this slide to evaluate key metrics like production cost, energy consumption, and other similar ones at one single place. Since this template is so responsive to all your needs and requirements it will help you meet your goals very easily. 

Mining Oil And Gas Extraction KPI Dashboard

Download Mining Oil And Gas Extraction KPI Dashboard 

Template 15: Huge offshore oil drilling rig

Offshore structures are used across the globe for a variety of functions and water depths. Present a general overview of all the aspects of offshore drilling including right planning, transportation, fabrication, installation, commissioning of petroleum platforms and others using this fully resourceful template. You can also explain the basic fundamentals of the types of offshore structures, with this editable layout. 

Huge Offshore Oil Drilling Rig

Download Huge Offshore Oil Drilling Rig

Template 16: Offshore oil rig drilling platform

Use this template to discuss the three primary types of offshore oil rigs. This template can also be useful to show the locations of various oil rigs and their mechanism to your workforce. Since, offshore drilling poses a lot of environmental challenges, you can use this template to present an overview of all of them to create awareness. This is a very intuitively designed template, so you can alter all its elements to make it fit your business. 

Offshore Oil Rig Drilling Platform

Download Offshore Oil Rig Drilling Platform

Template 17: Oil rig central processing platform

Use this template to introduce upstream and downstream offshore drilling facilities like exploration, appraisal, development, and others. This PPT slide can be used to explain the complex structure of an oil rig and its subtypes depending upon the needs of the user. It also comes in an editable format, so you can make changes as and when necessary to suit your personal needs. 

Oil Rig Central Processing Platform

Download Oil Rig Central Processing Platform

Template 18: Supply vessel leaving oil rig

You can incorporate this template in your business and academic presentations to showcase the various tasks of a supply vessel in the supply chain. Elaborate more on the offshore supply vessel sizes and their uses in various activities with this fully responsive layout. Explaining multiple concepts is far easier with this pre-designed template as it has a very attractive layout, perfect to grab the immediate attention of the audience. 

Supply Vessel Leaving Oil Rig

Download Supply Vessel Leaving Oil Rig

Template 19: Six oil and gas icons with flames and fuel drop

Just like any other industry, the oil and gas industry also has a few icons that can help you showcase different factors. In this template, we have included 6 icons symbolic of various factors. You can either use these icons separately to display various determinants or use them with one-other to explain various concepts with ease. Since these icons are fully editable, you can change all the elements whether that is color, font, shape, size, and others as deemed fit. 

Six Oil And Gas Icons

Download Six Oil And Gas Icons With Flames And Fuel Drop

Template 20: Evening view of oil producing rig

Showcase the process of exploring, extracting, storing and processing petroleum with this oil rig PPT template. Present an overview of the offshore drilling challenges and their impact on the environment by employing this fully editable slide. You can either use this PPT layout in conjunction with your business and academic presentations or present it as it is depending upon your needs. 

Oil Producing Rig

Download Evening View Of Oil Producing Rig

Now that you have gone through our best oil and gas templates, all that’s left for you is to download and watch them give a boost to your business! 

What are oil and gas?

Oil and gas are natural resources that are extracted from the Earth's subsurface. Oil is a liquid hydrocarbon that is commonly used as fuel for transportation, heating, and electricity generation. It is also used to produce a variety of petrochemical products, including plastics, lubricants, and fertilizers. Gas, on the other hand, is primarily composed of methane and is often used as fuel for heating and cooking. It can also be used to generate electricity and is an important feedstock for the production of petrochemicals. Oil and gas exploration and production are complex processes that involve drilling wells, extracting the resources, and transporting them to processing facilities or end-users. The oil and gas industry is a crucial component of the global economy, providing jobs, energy, and raw materials for a wide range of industries.

What are the 3 stages of oil and gas?

The three stages of oil and gas are exploration, production, and refining:

  • Exploration: In this stage, geologists and geophysicists study the Earth's subsurface to identify potential oil and gas deposits. This involves analyzing rock formations, seismic data, and other geological information to locate areas where oil and gas may be present. Once a potential site is identified, exploratory drilling is carried out to confirm the presence and quantity of oil and gas reserves.
  • Production: Once an oil or gas deposit is discovered and confirmed, the production stage begins. This involves drilling wells and extracting resources from the ground. The extracted oil and gas are then transported to processing facilities, where they are separated and refined into different products.
  • Refining: The refining stage involves processing crude oil into a range of products, including gasoline, diesel fuel, and other petrochemicals. The refining process involves distillation, where crude oil is heated and separated into different components based on their boiling points. These components are then further processed and blended to create the final products that are used in various industries, including transportation, manufacturing, and agriculture.

What are the different types of oil & gas?

There are several different types of oil and gas, each with its own unique properties and characteristics. Here are some of the most common types:

  • Crude oil: This is the most commonly known type of oil and is a liquid hydrocarbon that is extracted from underground reservoirs. Crude oil is a mixture of different hydrocarbons and may contain impurities such as sulfur.
  • Natural gas: This is a naturally occurring gas made up primarily of methane, although it may also contain other hydrocarbons such as ethane, propane, and butane. Natural gas is often found alongside oil deposits and can be extracted from underground reservoirs or from shale rock formations through hydraulic fracturing.
  • Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG): LPG is a mixture of propane and butane gases that are liquefied through compression. It is often used as a fuel for heating and cooking in homes and businesses.
  • Gasoline: Gasoline is a refined product of crude oil and is used primarily as a fuel for transportation. It is a volatile, highly flammable liquid that is blended with other additives to improve its performance.
  • Diesel fuel: Diesel fuel is also a refined product of crude oil and is used as fuel for heavy-duty vehicles and equipment. It has a higher energy density than gasoline and is often used in applications that require more power and torque.
  • Jet fuel: Jet fuel is a specialized type of kerosene that is used to power jet engines in airplanes. It is a highly refined product of crude oil and must meet strict specifications for quality and performance.

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4 thoughts on “[updated 2023] top 20 oil and gas ppt templates to keep your industry up and running”.

Gunjan Gupta

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If you suffer from any of the symptoms below, the problem may be age-related sensitivity loss.

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8 Key Pro-Male Ingredients in This Unique Combination Can Naturally Help You Maintain Your Youthful Appearance And Pleasure

Dr. ari magill, m.d., board-certified physician.

Dr. Magill attended medical school at University of Texas South Western Medical, and he’s a little different as far as doctors go. Unlike most doctors, Dr. Magill treats patients while conducting clinical research too. And for the past 13 years, he’s been researching natural remedies men can use to live healthier, happier, sexier lives.

Special Introductory Offer: UP TO 58% OFF WHILE SUPPLIES LAST

Hi, it's dr. ari magill m.d. here....

...and I think all men can agree that protecting the sensitivity and youthful appearance of our manhoods as we age is of the utmost importance...

But what most men don't realize is that there is a far larger problem going on that leads to feeling less and less down there as time goes on...

...and it has nothing to do with "natural" aging -- in fact, this problem I'm about to uncover affects all kinds of men...

So to understand if this might include YOU , please keep reading below ↓↓↓

If you suffer from any of these symptoms...

If you are struggling with any of these symptoms and not sure why , chances are you are suffering from the big problem I'm about to discuss:

  • Loss of penile sensitivity
  • Things look smaller
  • Loose, saggy prune skin around testicles
  • Drooping skin
  • Coming too soon
  • Not feeling as much even during intercourse or masturbation
  • Struggling with intimacy
  • Enjoying sex less
  • Lack of masculine confidence
  • Ashamed to take off pants

2 Key Facts Men Need to Know

Believe it or not, all of these symptoms can stem from one big problem ...

But first you need to understand two key facts, and the first key fact is this...

A man's reduced sensitivity down there can easily be reversed -- no matter how old you are .

I know it's possible because as I've gotten older, I've started feeling less and less down there...

As in less sensation, less pleasure.

But I always assumed it was just my cross to bear and a part of getting older.

Well that all changed when I discovered that I'm not the only guy who's lost sensitivity...

Which leads me to the second key fact you must understand -- it happens so slowly and gradually that most guys don't even realize this is happening.

They think their loss of enjoyment during sex, or their reduced confidence, is just a natural part of aging...

But one study says that by the time men get to be in their 60s, they feel 70% less than they used to...

Here's the Big Problem

The big problem is this -- it turns out that men are losing sensitivity because of chafing and irritation down there -- I call it Age-Related Sensitivity Loss , or ARLS .

To find out if you're suffering from ARLS just take this quick test...

Go near a bright lamp in your bedroom or living room and examine yourself carefully...

presentation oil

Chances are you're seeing dry , cracked skin ...

Almost like cracks and canals.

This is skin that's been desensitized after decades of rubbing and chafing, and daily wear and tear...

Until one day, men can barely feel anything at all...

You see, every single day, your sensitive skin is rubbing against your sheets, your clothing...

All this rubbing is replacing sensitive layers of skin with desensitized skin, like a thin callus.

It happens so slowly and gradually that most guys never realize what's happening.

It's almost like a sunburn...when you're out in the sun you're enjoying your summer day, not thinking about your skin.

Hours can go by, and you'll feel completely fine...until you go back inside.

You sit down to rest after a long day...and suddenly you realize that your burnt skin is screaming out for the aloe vera.

Well the same thing is happening to men down there...

And like a sunburn, most men never realize until it's too late.

Because it happens gradually over time...

It's like grains of sand in an hourglass. You never notice each individual grain of sand falling...

presentation oil

But you certainly notice when the hourglass is only half full or close to empty!

And that's what happened to me when I discovered that this rubbing and chafing I was dealing with was hurting my sensitivity...

Which begs two very important questions that I will answer right now...

Question #1: Why hasn't my doctor told me this?

This is something you won't hear from your doctor and it's not because your doctor is a bad person...

Most doctors just don't learn about this stuff in medical school.

Nowadays, Big Pharma controls the medical boards and the medical schools, so they just teach doctors to prescribe their drugs and expensive procedures.

Doctors no longer have the time to read medical studies between seeing patients, so they don't know about how chafing and irritation can cause so much damage to the male member.

So when a man goes to his doctor complaining of reduced sensitivity and less pleasure during intercourse, the doctor usually just shrugs and tells him it's a natural part of getting older.

So millions of men with reduced sensitivity have no idea that the problem is chafing and irritation ...

Question #2: Is it possible to restore your youthful appearance and youthful pleasure?

Time for the good news -- the answer is YES!

I've discovered that men need certain key nutrients to help nourish the delicate skin and protect it from rubbing, chafing, even aging...

...and naturally restore youthful appearance and pleasure ...

So this is one of the driving forces behind this special oil I've created for men...

At first, I created this oil and tested it on myself. Then I started testing it on others.

Then I wanted to be absolutely sure. So I enlisted the help of noted board-certified dermatologist Dr. Rodrigo Martin...

Dr. Martin suggested we test the oil on 4 dozen people to make sure it is totally safe.

So under Dr. Martin's watchful eye, over 4 dozen people tested it repeatedly on their skin and the report came back from Dr. Martin -- safe and healthy.

And now I'm realizing that so many men could use the jolt to sensitivity and pleasure from my penis oil -- so why not share?

I wanted these important benefits for my penis oil...

presentation oil

#1 : It should help make things look more prominent

Effective moisturizing and toning can add a lot below the belt, and here's why...

Picture a small, dry, shrunken-up sponge sitting by the sink...

Well when that ratty old sponge is bone dry, it's thin , right...

But when you soak that thin, dry, brittle sponge in water... what happens?

That thin, bone dry, shrunken old sponge fills right up and gets plump and big again, that's what happens.

Something very similar happens to the penis when you moisturize properly...

Moisturizing and toning spruces up the whole package, making it look bigger , better , and more engorged .

...and you even feel bigger inside of her, which is where you're really winning...

#2 : It should make things tighter and more youthful-looking.

Never wrinkly...the last thing I want is loose and old-looking skin ...

...nobody likes prune skin.

So I want to be tight down there with less loose skin hanging.

I'm going for that "tight as a glove" feeling... and here's why...

presentation oil

Tighter skin is more sensitive skin.

When skin becomes rough, wrinkly prune skin, it just isn't as sensitive anymore.

It's like when you get a callus from working hard with your hands. Extra layers of skin form to protect your sensitive skin underneath from pain.

But you don't want that protection down there.

You want to feel EVERYTHING.

So picture how it was when you were you felt everything, even the slightest of touches...

The skin was younger, tighter... more sensitive than old prune skin.

So tight skin is what I want...

#3 : It should help with sensitivity down there.

This is a big one.

Because men who aren't feeling much will struggle with intimacy, and it will hurt their relationships with women.

So I want an oil that can basically turn a popsicle into an ice cream cone.

That's what I call it when I'm not feeling much -- like I have a numb frozen popsicle.

And I don't know about you, but I don't want a popsicle, I want an ice cream cone.

Think about it... an ice cream cone brings way more pleasure and satisfaction than a popsicle.

An ice cream cone is much more filling and delicious.

presentation oil

A popsicle is really just a colored stick of water with a tiny bit of flavoring added in.

Better than nothing, but disappointing all the same.

So it's a no brainer for me -- I don't want a popsicle, I want an ice cream cone.

And I know my wife prefers ice cream too... I think everybody does!

Yet another reason why I'm using this special oil...

#4 : It should make the ride last longer.

I also want my oil to help me enjoy the ride for longer.

And to do that, I need to feel as much as I can... I need to be sensitive to all of the pleasurable feelings going on.

To me, it's sort of like riding a roller coaster...

When you're on the roller coaster, all you're thinking about is the one big drop.

That moment when you crest the big hill and go plunging downward... filled with a feeling that takes your breath away...

Many people just close their eyes and hold on for dear life.

And then it's over, just like that .

All too soon, you're climbing out of the ride and you wish it had lasted longer.

And it can last longer -- as long as you heighten your sensitivity to enjoy every single moment of the ride, not just the big plunge.

presentation oil

If you're highly sensitive to all the feelings the ride produces, you'll get so much more out of it.

Every bend, every loop...every little hill will feel HUGE .

You'll be smiling ear to ear the entire time, sucking up every second of good feeling it produces.

And when the ride finishes, you'll be on a high, feeling energized and satisfied.

It will feel like the ride lasted so much longer because you had so much fun.

So that's my goal -- I want to help make the ride last longer, or at least make it feel like it does.

#5 : It should help keep your skin feeling thin and sensitive.

You know that thick skin you can get on the palms of your hands when you're doing physical labor or lifting free weights or holding a tool for a long time?

presentation oil

Notice that when you poke or prod those areas of thick skin, you don't feel very much...

Kinda numb almost.

I mean, you could probably stick a pin into that thick skin and not even feel it.

And that's because those extra layers of skin lower sensitivity.

It acts as a protective barrier, almost like you're wearing a thick glove.

And believe it or not, the same sort of thing can happen below the belt...

The skin down there won't get leathery or calloused like the palms, but it will still thicken because of dry skin.

Most men can't even feel the extra layers of skin down there, but they're still there, usually toward the tip.

And just like when you lift weights or play guitar, the more we move and chafe , the more calloused the skin will get down there.

And as we know now, thicker skin is less sensitive skin .

Which is why men stop feeling as much pleasure and sensitivity during intimacy.

Remember how I told you I was dealing with annoying chafing and rubbing below the belt?

Well that also makes the skin more thick and less sensitive down there.

So when I set out on this mission, my goal was to increase the skin's lubrication potential... Because lubrication allows the extra layers of skin to shed, so they're not needed anymore.

The lubrication is enough. And then skin can be softer and feel thin again, restoring sensitivity once more.

The body's natural oils come to the rescue once you reset the skin's lubrication potential.

I like to think of it as "resetting" things below the belt. Like getting a callus treatment for your hands or your feet after lots of use.

The skin down there will be left feeling soft and thin again, and you're feeling so much more than before.

#6 : It should nourish and help sustain the skin.

What many men don't realize is how harsh soap can be on the skin.

Did you know that soap disrupts the delicate balance of hormones in the skin?

Soap is what's known as an endocrine disruptor...

And that's not good for men... not at all.

For that reason, I wanted to do something that would actually protect the skin and nourish it against the assaults of constant soap and showering.

presentation oil

So this oil I've created, one of the ingredients comes from jungle coconuts .

This oil nourishes the skin directly.

The result is that when you use this oil made from jungle coconuts, the skin drinks in this oil like a sponge...

...and it can actually help improve sensitivity, which can make it easier to resist the assaults of soaps and personal care products.

So you can continue showering as often as you want and your skin should still always feel and look its youthful best, in all areas...

I understand most guys will still use soap down there.

So my goal was to formulate an oil to protect the skin against the damage caused by soap by replenishing skin cells and encouraging healthy oil excretion, which help the body protect itself against harmful soaps.

#7 : It should contain ingredients that are safe.

Many, if not most, personal care products for guys contain harmful ingredients that are endocrine disruptors and that may be unhealthy.

For example, one of the most common ingredients found in most personal care products is paraben .

What's wrong with paraben?

If you ask me, everything.

Many scientists think paraben acts like estrogen.

And I don't believe that any men should be putting estrogen-type substances on their skin.

Some other personal care products for men contain harmful oils that break down into lipid peroxides and release scads of free radicals that damage your body.

Not good for the skin at all, especially not below the belt.

Other ingredients can include tea tree oil or lavender oil. And you may think these are natural and safe...

But here's what I've found wrong with certain oils like tea tree and lavender...

These are called "aromatic" oils.

Most aromatic oils are actually estrogenic in their actions.

Lavender oil and some of those other aromatic oils are especially estrogenic.

presentation oil

And I don't want any estrogenic oil coming near my skin, especially not in sensitive areas...

So for that reason, I paid very, very close attention to every ingredient in this oil of mine.

I've made sure that my oil does not contain any ingredients that shouldn't be in there or that may be disruptive or harmful.

There are zero parabens unlike many personal care products...

... no estrogenic oils...

And no harmful excipients... so no harmful titanium dioxide, no silicon dioxide, no magnesium stearate, no BHA, no BHT, no polysorbate 80.

None of that . I wouldn't touch those with a ten foot pole, so I don't ask you to either.

Because last, but certainly not least...

#8 : It should be healthy for men.

Most importantly, when I formulated this oil, I wanted it to be healthy for a man to use below the belt.

And by healthy, I don't just mean safe, but beneficial for men in multiple ways.

So not only do I want it to be something that makes a man feel more and more over time... that the more I use it, the more I feel things getting better for me down there...

...I also want it to help support and protect my own natural oils and hormones that make things work great down there.

So when I started to mix up ingredients and test things out, I came up with an amazing breakthrough that I intend to patent -- and in just a moment, I'm going to share this breakthrough solution with you.

But first... I want to briefly share what I've discovered about other so-called solutions out there...

Here's why my breakthrough solution is better than anything else on the market

  • Helps with Sensitivity
  • Longer Lasting Ride
  • Boosts Confidence
  • Protects Against Daily Wear and Tear
  • Dermatologist
  • Zero Parabens or Excipients

So as you can see my solution is the ONLY one to...

  • Help with sensitivity
  • Create a longer-lasting ride
  • Boost confidence
  • Protect against daily wear and tear
  • Be dermatologist tested
  • Have zero parabens or excipients

So you can rest assured knowing there's nothing else in the world quite like my breakthrough solution...

My solution is designed to make things look better and feel better, and nourish and sustain the skin down there...

...letting you maintain your youthful appearance and youthful pleasure, for longer and longer and longer because of how confident you will feel.

Which is why I'm calling my solution Presentation Oil.

Introducing presentation oil: the essential penis oil for men.

Presentation Oil is an all-natural oil that helps to make a man proud of how things look and feel down there, and be confident when presenting himself to a woman.

So that's why I call it Presentation Oil .

And if you ask me, I'm quite happy with the oil I've created...

And if it works, I can share it with tons of other men and they can solve their problems down there naturally on their own...

...without having to resort to dangerous chemicals or risky procedures.

Because one thing you should know about me is that I'm a bit of a maverick as far as doctors go...

I prefer natural methods whenever possible.

I'm not in this for the money, or for the free dinners and gifts from the big pharmaceutical companies...

I'm here to help men help themselves, naturally, the way God intended. And we can do that by using natural ingredients from the Earth.

So I researched hundreds of ingredients and ordered as many as I could get my hands on to test each and every one.

presentation oil

It took me months and months to go through them all.

I was still seeing patients and having to fulfill the rest of my duties in the hospital, so it was a lot of hard work.

But it is completely worth it because I end up with 8 pro-male ingredients that I know would combine to make one powerful oil.

Each and every one of these ingredients are natural, safe, and used in thousands of other skin care products...

But never before have all of these ingredients been combined into one impressively potent and fast-acting oil for men to use below the belt.

And every ingredient is 100% natural and safe with no harmful side effects .

But before you take action on this very special introductory offer, I want you to understand why Presentation Oil works so well...

presentation oil

Fractionated coconut oil

This special type of coconut oil is made from healthy fatty acids .

It absorbs quickly into the skin as a powerful moisturizer, leaving the skin looking soft and smooth. And it won't clog your pores.

It's great for sensitive skin, especially below the belt.

Caprylic triglyceride

This colorless fatty oil has been researched for potent antibacterial, antifungal, and anti-inflammatory properties.

But what's really special about caprylic triglyceride is that the results suggest it can replenish the skin while creating a natural barrier on the skin's surface...

This extra barrier is more resistant to moisture loss and can help prevent dryness.

It's oily, but non greasy -- and I added it to my formula because it helps thicken the other ingredients in this oil to be easier to apply.

I find it provides a nice slipperiness to the skin that makes my sensitivity higher...

The first thing to know about squalane is that it's a hydrogenated version of squal ene , a compound produced naturally by our sebaceous glands.

The hydrogenation process makes squalane more shelf-stable than squalene and easier to use as an oil.

On its own, squalane doesn't feel greasy and acts like an emollient when applied to the skin.

That means that it can squeeze into the spaces between skin cells and make skin feel smoother.

In doing so, it can also help keep moisture locked in by sealing that outer layer of skin tight.

And tighter, smoother skin feels more sensitive , remember?

Glyceryl stearate

This wax-like substance is a fatty acid that comes from palm kernel, olives, or coconuts.

It's main benefit is how it binds moisture to the skin.

This reduced rate of water evaporation helps to lubricate , condition, soften , and smooth the skin.

Research indicates it is absorbed by the body, which uses it to fortify the skin to fight against damage caused by free radicals.

Through this process it helps reduce the appearance of wrinkly prune skin.

And for stabilization purposes, glyceryl stearate helps oil and water-based ingredients mix together, which I find makes oils easier to apply.

Retinyl palmitate

A fantastic form of vitamin A , retinyl palmitate is already found naturally in the body, specifically in the skin.

It's an antioxidant with anti-aging properties that can help nourish dry skin .

It causes the cells on the epidermis—the outermost layer of the skin—to rapidly turnover and replenish.

This sounds sinister, but it makes way for new cell growth underneath.

This results in smoother skin with less discoloration and overall more even tone.

Retinyl palmitate also hinders the breakdown of collagen while stimulating new collagen.

When applied directly, it delivers retinoids to the skin which plumps up collagen, reduces the appearance of wrinkles, and improves the appearance of the skin overall.

Ascorbyl palmitate

This form of vitamin C acts like a skincare superstar.

Ascorbyl palmitate increases collagen production which rejuvenates the skin, making it more youthful-looking.

It also lessens discoloration of the skin, which can make things look more presentable down there.

And all the damage that can occur from toxins in soaps and detergents and lotions -- ascorbyl palmitate can reduce this damage by delivering important antioxidants to the skin.

So I included a generous amount in Presentation Oil , and it's the highest quality ascorbyl palmitate out there.

Tocopheryl acetate

Tocopheryl acetate is a specific form of vitamin E that has been shown to be very good for skin.

It's a strong antioxidant first and foremost -- so this makes it a powerful anti-aging ingredient with soothing properties.

And it promotes healthy skin by deeply moisturizing the skin's surface from the inside out.

Moisturized skin is less likely to wrinkle and prune-up, which is why I included tocopheryl acetate in this special formula.

It follows, then, that by keeping my skin down there super moisturized, healthy, and hydrated...

...I will start feeling more sensitivity than I have in years...

Glycyrrhetinic acid

This is a fascinating skin conditioning agent that can be isolated from licorice plants.

It has anti-inflammatory effects which keeps the skin calm from irritation from chafing.

Most importantly, it can improve feeling and skin sensitivity over time.

Scientists believe it can also play a role in brightening and improving the look of an uneven skin tone, which can do a lot for presentation.

Best of all, Presentation Oil is from Ideal Male Labs...

Ideal Male Labs was founded with the vision of helping men improve their lives, and live healthier and hopefully longer lives...

...with better satisfaction and performance in the bedroom...

Our Beliefs: The Four Core

1. We believe in the body's natural healing power, the wisdom of the body. 2. We believe that supplements pure and natural can assist men in living their best. 3. We believe in using the finest most pure products possible. 4. We believe in helping men live long and live well, so they can hopefully avoid any need for medical care at all.

Frankly, I don't know any other oil like Presentation Oil .

In order to maintain purity and quality, we have Presentation Oil made in a limited run in a 100,000 square-foot FDA-approved facility with every single drop containing only the ingredients we say it does.

Why do I make a big deal out of this?

Because so many people that package oils add all sorts of harmful excipients and additional ingredients in their formulations.

I think these are impurities and these may actually be harmful. They are called excipients.

And I think that I would prefer to take a liquid that does not have these excipients, these impurities.

So I did not include them in Presentation Oil .

Doctor Recommended:

"As a medical doctor, I took an oath and I believe this oath is a solemn pact to help men stay young, healthy, and virile. And -- I think I speak for all men here -- maintaining my God-given sexual abilities as I age is one of the most important things I care about. That's why I love Presentation Oil and recommend it to so many men.

I personally hand-picked each and every ingredient for Presentation Oil , only choosing the highest-quality ingredients in the correct quantities and proportions for maximum effectiveness, and they're free of anything harmful you don't want in your body. This oil is truly one-of-a-kind and cannot be bought anywhere else. I believe in this oil so much that I've signed on to help spread the word to as many men as possible.

And today, I'm sharing with you a very special introductory offer..."

presentation oil

Very Special Introductory Offer Today -- Up to 58% Off

Youthful sensitivity and appearance depends on healthy, nourished skin.

And now you understand why I consider Presentation Oil to be simply essential for your male pleasure...

...and to keep men feeling young and confident in the bedroom...

1. Presentation Oil is designed to make things look better and feel better, and nourish and sustain the skin down there with its unique combination of pro-male ingredients.

2. These same powerful ingredients in Presentation Oil also directly support a man's penile health in other ways, giving men a big health boost.

There's nothing else like it, and because you can feel how fast and how well it works, you'll soon agree that it's worth every penny at its regular price.

However, right now you can get Presentation Oil for as low as $39 a bottle with our best money-saving package!

That's an amazing savings of up to 58% off, and we guarantee it's the lowest price anywhere.

(We cannot, however, guarantee this special price will be available after today. So, if interested, please order yours ASAP!)

PLUS 3 Bonuses Worth Over $218

Free Shipping

3. 15 FREE Bonus Reports From Leading Health Researcher Matt Cook

My good friend and leading health researcher, Matt Cook , has helped over 40,000 men reclaim their health and virility with simple, natural remedies. Matt believes in Presentation Oil so much that he's agreed to share 15 of his best discoveries with you for FREE today when you grab a bottle. Here's a sneak peek of what you're getting from Matt Cook:

presentation oil

Dressing for Undressing Did you know that women wear 1 of 2 things when they want to be seduced by a man? I call it a Woman's White Flag because it's her sign of surrendering herself to you for the evening, and I'm showing you how to spot it in seconds...

presentation oil

Right Under Her Nose I've perfected a 30-Second Hygiene Habit that makes me smell particularly appealing to the opposite sex! In fact, it gets women approaching me all the time. My wife gets mad when women hit on me in the grocery store -- but it's not my fault, it's my scent, LOL!

presentation oil

Matt's Manscaping Guide Women care how we look down there...So I'm sharing a few simple tips for making the whole package look better down there, like the 4 Minute Manly Makeover -- where with just a razor and a mirror, you can make things look up to 2 inches bigger!

presentation oil

Boost Your Romantice Appetite with This Apéritif I've come up with a 5 O'Clock Cocktail that stimulates my drive and gives me a huge appetite for my wife. It contains a few forgotten nutrients that men need for a teenage drive, nutrients that are best consumed in liquid form BEFORE you eat dinner...

presentation oil

The Simple Powder That Boosts Your T Most men don't know that there are 3 toxic poisons draining men of their testosterone! So I'm showing you one simple powder that neutralizes these toxins, so you're protected no matter what you're exposed to. It even has the potential to raise T by 33% or more!

presentation oil

Instant Muscles (Yes for Real) There's one single supplement that men are taking that is letting them eat whatever they want without gaining an ounce of fat. Instead... lean, strong muscles are being revealed without any exercise at all! I call it the Fat Blaster .

presentation oil

5 Words For Triggering Desire I've discovered One Simple Phrase that gets a woman in the mood and taking her pants off in record time! This is a phrase that triggers an automatic response in impulse they can't deny...

presentation oil

Younger Women Code I've nailed down 3 specific locations where single guys can always meet young, beautiful, available women. And these 3 Places to Meet Young Available Women are not your typical pick-up spots like a bar or a restaurant...

With Ideal Male Labs , you're always protected by our 60-day money-back guarantee .

If for any reason you are unsatisfied with your purchase, you can get a full and immediate refund even on empty bottles, up to 60 days after securing your order today., order your presentation oil now ↓↓↓.

With Presentation Oil you're getting...

  • Features caprylic triglyceride , which results suggest can replenish the skin while creating a natural barrier on the skin's surface. I find it provides a nice slipperiness to the skin that makes my sensitivity higher...
  • Features glyceryl stearate which binds moisture to the skin, reducing the rate of water evaporation helps to lubricate , condition, soften , and smooth the skin. Through this process it helps reduce the appearance of wrinkly prune skin.
  • Contains tocopheryl acetate , a powerful anti-aging ingredient with soothing properties. It promotes healthy skin by deeply moisturizing the skin's surface from the inside out so I will start feeling more sensitivity than I have in years...
  • A total of 8 pro-male ingredients , with NO herbs ...only important substances found to be important cofactors for men and for male sexual function
  • Manufactured in a GMP-certified, organic facility , and third party tested to ensure purity and potency
  • Simple to take -- apply just once a day
  • 60-day full money-back guarantee
  • 3 free bonuses worth over $218
  • Up to 58% off today on this page

How Much Should I Order?

  • Each bottle of Presentation Oil provides you a full 30-day supply . And the way this works is by building up gradually in the skin... it takes time to feel the full effects. The longer most men take Presentation Oil , the better things get. But if you stop using it, time will have the upper hand... So men who are new to Presentation Oil choose to get 3 to 6 bottles to get the maximum benefits.
  • Most guys order an extra bottle or two for a friend -- another reason to consider multiple bottles.
  • These sales prices are only guaranteed for today , so it makes sense to stock up now as sales prices won't last. It takes a good 10 weeks to get this made, and it's constantly sold out. So ordering more bottles now ensures you won't be stuck without Presentation Oil .
  • These are the guaranteed lowest prices you'll find anywhere for Presentation Oil -- and you can't buy this supplement anywhere else !

3 bottles of Gut Reg

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Includes 3 free gifts.

presentation oil

FAQ (Frequently Asked Questions)

Q: how much should i buy today.

This special sale is only available for a limited time, so it makes sense to stock up now, especially considering this is the lowest price on Presentation Oil you'll find anywhere.

And you should know, Presentation Oil can't be found in the store like other supplements. It's exclusively made my Ideal Male Labs, a highly reputable company that formulates every bottle with care and precision.

And just to warn you, we were only able to make 3,000 bottles of Presentation Oil right now because of the expense and they are going very fast... Last time we had a product like this, it sold out and men were disappointed for months afterwards.

It takes a good 10 weeks to get this made, and it's constantly sold out...and I don't want you to miss out on a whole new world of sexual opportunities... With all that in mind, we highly recommend stocking up and saving more today with our 3- or 6-bottle options.

Q: What specifically makes Presentation Oil the best oil of its kind?

Presentation Oil was thoughtfully formulated for men with a unique combination of 8 pro-male ingredients to help you maintain your youthful appearance and youthful pleasure, for longer and longer and longer.

And unlike other oils, Presentation Oil does not contain any parabens or estrogenic oils! There are also zero excipients in Presentation Oil . It only contains ingredients that I feel safe using and that are good for men.

Plus, here are 11 guarantees that come with Presentation Oil that you won't find anywhere else...

Ways We Guarantee the High Quality of

Presentation oil.

I’m sure you’ve heard of vitamins, herbs, and other nutritional products that flunked lab tests. Here at Ideal Male Labs, we guarantee that NEVER happens.

In fact, our manufacturing process guarantees purity, potency, and quality in 11 different ways:

presentation oil

We use suppliers that test each lot they give us for purity and safety -- with a Certificate of Analysis by a prominent well-know lab.

presentation oil

We manufacture in a GMP (Good Manufacturing Practices) certified facility that gets regular inspections.

presentation oil

We test every ingredient before we use it.

presentation oil

Batches of our products have multiple quality checking processes in place and are shipped and stored in qualified facilities .

presentation oil

Every batch is tested for microbes including mold, yeast, staph, and salmonella -- along with heavy metals including lead, mercury, and arsenic.

presentation oil

Whenever possible, we source materials from U.S., UK, or European suppliers.

presentation oil

We test for the presence of key ingredients in the correct quantities on every batch we make.

presentation oil

We pay special attention to details such as capsule types and bottle materials and packaging -- for maximum safety and shelf life.

presentation oil

We avoid harmful excipients that our competitors have in their supplements, and we use non-GMO whenever possible.

presentation oil

We never conduct animal testing of any kind.

presentation oil

We use ingredients that we’ve determined are effective by scientific studies.

Q: What are the ingredients and amounts used in the formula?

presentation oil

Q: Is Presentation Oil Natural?

UYes, Presentation Oil is completely natural, made from various vitamins, fully saturated oils, and other natural ingredients found in nature and in a man's body.

As something that men will put on below the belt, I am driven to only use natural ingredients.

The oils are fully saturated for safety, and as you already know, it's much better because saturation makes the oil effective even if you're sweating down there.

Q: How often do I put it on?

Applying Presentation Oil once per day is designed to give you a full coating of moisturizing, revitalizing, toning and health-giving that seeps into the tissues to make things look and feel tighter, more sensitive, and more handsome.

Q: How long will one jar last me?

One bottle will last you for a whole month.

Q: How much will this improve my life?

You already know that vitamins and nutrients are key to a man's long-term health.

Now you can go even further -- you can simply apply my Presentation Oil and be prepared for her making a lot of oohs and ahhs...

The oil's nutrients are absorbed directly below the belt for maximum effectiveness and benefit.

Hopefully you will once again feel that " tight as a glove " feeling...

...and with restored sensitivity, your eyes may just roll back in bliss.

Because you're sensitive now, you feel more and it seems to last much longer.

Q: Should I keep using it even after I'm thrilled?

As men like us age, things do get loose and wrinkly down there.

Presentation Oil helps to keep things looking tight and looking good, but if you stop using it, time will have the upper hand...

Q: Is it safe to order online from your website?

Yes. We use a 256-bit secure ordering server so you are protected the same as if you were ordering from or any other trusted Web site.

Q: What if this oil doesn't work for me?

If for any reason at all you are unsatisfied with your purchase, just let us know, and we will issue a prompt and courteous refund even on empty bottles. You're always protected by our industry best 60-Day Money Back Guarantee.

PLUS even more bonus reports of an intimate nature, especially for couples...

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Source: Company website retrieved 24-June 2019

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This page reviewed 7-12-19 by Ari Magill, MD

Welcome to the revolution in men’s skincare – Presentation Oil by Dr. Ari Magill

Are you longing for a skincare product specifically designed for men’s unique needs? Do you desire an oil that leaves your skin looking youthful, prominent, and well-nourished? Well, your search is over! Introducing Presentation Oil, an innovative skincare solution that’s destined to be a game-changer in men’s skincare.

As a board-certified physician, Dr. Ari Magill had a vision – to create a skin oil for men that would deliver the benefits of natural, potent ingredients sourced straight from the Earth. With Presentation Oil, that vision has come to life.

Why Presentation Oil?

You might be asking why you should switch to Presentation Oil. The answer is simple – it’s not just an oil, but a daily skincare regimen designed to bring out the best in your skin. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Prominence: Enhanced skin texture, leaving it looking vibrant and youthful.
  • Tightness: Helps tighten skin, reducing the appearance of wrinkles and fine lines.
  • Increased Sensitivity: Helps rejuvenate and restore skin’s natural sensitivity, making every touch a joy.
  • Long-lasting Moisture: Provides long-lasting hydration to prevent dryness and keeps skin smooth all day long.
  • Nourishment: Packed with natural ingredients that nourish your skin, promoting its overall health and vitality.
  • Safety: Created with safety as a top priority, using ingredients that are gentle and non-irritating on the skin.

The Power of Natural Ingredients

Presentation Oil is a blend of meticulously handpicked ingredients known for their potent skin benefits. These include:

  • Fractionated Coconut Oil: Offers intense hydration and has anti-aging properties.
  • Caprylic Triglyceride: Helps to restore skin’s surface and resist moisture loss.
  • Squalane: Known for its exceptional hydrating capabilities and antioxidant properties.
  • Retinyl Palmitate: Encourages cell growth and renewal, leading to smoother, youthful skin.
  • Glyceryl Stearate: Acts as a lubricant on the skin’s surface, giving it a soft and smooth appearance.
  • Ascorbyl Palmitate: A form of Vitamin C, it helps protect against free radicals and supports collagen production.
  • Tocopheryl Acetate: A potent form of Vitamin E, it protects the skin from environmental stressors and has anti-aging effects.

Join the revolution in men’s skincare.

Embrace the natural power of Presentation Oil and say hello to skin that’s well-nourished, youthful, and vibrant.

Try Presentation Oil today!

Suggested Use: Apply a small amount into your palm and then rub it into the desired area and gently massage into the skin until fully absorbed. Use once or twice daily for optimal results.

Application size: 1 Pump

Applications per bottle (estimated): 180


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  1. Start Being an Ideal Male Today

    Presentation Oil is a cosmetic penis oil designed to improve things in tone, appearance, and sensitivity downstairs in a man. It may be used topically on the penis once, twice or even three times a day.

  2. Presentations

    Presentations | doTERRA Essential Oils. Product. Essential Oils. Wellness. Kits and Collections. Other Products. Education. Class PowerPoints. Natural Solutions. Download slides to use for your classes to create a beautiful presentation.

  3. 11 Essential Oils: Their Benefits and How To Use Them

    Reduce anxiety and pain. Reduce inflammation. Reduce nausea. Relieve headaches. Advertisement. Here are some common essential oils and their benefits: Lavender oil. Lavender is Dr. Lin’s go-to oil. “It’s gentle and has a lot of benefits. You can use it in a variety of ways,” she says.

  4. [Updated 2023] Top 20 Oil and Gas PPT Templates ...

    Template 1: Oil and gas industry outlook case competition PowerPoint presentation slides. Gas and oil companies have always been the most successful businesses in the world. If you are running an oil company, this template is the right fit for you.

  5. About Us

    About Us. At Ideal Male Labs, LLC, we believe that caring for your appearance starts from within. That inspired us to create Presentation Oil – a cosmetic formula that utilizes the power of botanicals to reveal your healthiest, most confident self every day. Our proprietary blend combines antioxidants, essential fatty acids, and plant-based ...

  6. Triple Your Animal Attraction

    Q: What specifically makes Presentation Oil the best oil of its kind? Presentation Oil was thoughtfully formulated for men with a unique combination of 8 pro-male ingredients to help you maintain your youthful appearance and youthful pleasure, for longer and longer and longer.

  7. Your Guide to Plant Oils

    2 /13. Lavender is one of the most popular oils. You’ll find it in many perfumes and soaps. Studies have found that it reduces stress. Others suggest it eases pain and stops hair loss. But there ...

  8. Welcome to the revolution in men’s skincare

    Presentation Oil is a blend of meticulously handpicked ingredients known for their potent skin benefits. These include: Fractionated Coconut Oil: Offers intense hydration and has anti-aging properties. Caprylic Triglyceride: Helps to restore skin’s surface and resist moisture loss.