Map Viewer Classic in ArcGIS Online Deprecation

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Map Viewer Classic is built on the ArcGIS API for JavaScript version 3.x that will be retired in July 2024 . Due to the underlying ArcGIS API for JavaScript 3.x retirement, Map Viewer Classic will also be retired in ArcGIS Online and ArcGIS Enterprise. Below are more details on the specific retirement of Map Viewer Classic in ArcGIS Enterprise and ArcGIS Online, which may be subject to change.

  • ArcGIS Enterprise
  • The final version of ArcGIS Enterprise that will include Map Viewer Classic is currently planned for release in the first half of 2025.
  • ArcGIS Online
  • Map Viewer Classic will be removed from the ArcGIS Online release, currently planned for Q4 2025.


Esri recommends users start using Map Viewer, built on Esri’s latest web mapping technology, ArcGIS Maps SDK for JavaScript 4.x. Map Viewer features a modern design with fast, client-side performance, improved interactivity–such as instant filtering results–and more flexibility than ever. Additionally, Map Viewer offers new tools and features, such as smart mapping styles and improved customization options, enhancing the overall mapping capabilities for users. Learn more .

In advance of the Map Viewer Classic retirement, Esri recommends users also identify workflows presently using Map Viewer Classic, such as those saved in ArcGIS Web AppBuilder apps, and proactively consider Map Viewer and other apps such as ArcGIS Experience Builder, ArcGIS Instant Apps, ArcGIS StoryMaps, and ArcGIS Dashboards as alternatives.

Concerns or feedback may be directed to the Esri Support team or your Account team.

Article ID:000030662

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  • ArcGIS Blog: ArcGIS API for JavaScript, Version 3.x Retirement
  • ArcGIS Blog: Map Viewer Beta in ArcGIS Enterprise 10.8.1
  • Esri Technical Support

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Three things to try in Map Viewer

From the beginning, the new ArcGIS Online Map Viewer has had powerful capabilities not available before, but the list of exciting features continues to expand. With the December 2021 release, there are three notable features that are worth calling out. All three have been requested by the user community, and the development team has been listening to those requests carefully.

Check out these three awesome things you can now do with Map Viewer:

  • Source HTML within pop-ups
  • Feature-specific effects
  • Custom clustering pop-ups with Arcade

Customize your Pop-ups

Source HTML editing now available in pop-ups

While this feature is not new to online mapping, it has recently been added into the popup configuration options in Map Viewer. You can now alter the source HTML of your pop-up text in order to customize how the text appears.

presentation for map viewer classic

You might notice the default HTML being stored is slightly different or that your existing HTML has changed slightly from what you are used to seeing in Map Viewer Classic. There are two reasons for these changes. The first is to better align with HTML5 standards, and the second is reduce the likelihood of your presentation style attributes being overridden by the app showing the pop-up. But don’t worry, if your previous maps used HTML customization from Map Viewer Classic, these will automatically be converted.

View the supported HTML documentation for more information about the tags and attributes you can use in your maps. Use HTML to customize colors, tables, sizing, and more in your map pop-ups!

presentation for map viewer classic

For more information about this enhancement, visit this detailed blog by Lauren Ballantyne.

Emphasize important parts of your map

Feature-Specific Effects

Layer Filtering has always been a way to highlight specific features within maps, but there is now another way to emphasize these features visually: feature-specific effects. With easy-to-apply combinations, the pre-set options allow you to quickly choose specific parts of your data to appear more prominently in your map.

For example, if you are mapping an ACS layer from Living Atlas, it contains nationwide coverage, but you may want to emphasize the tracts within your county. This example uses Drop Shadow + Transparency to highlight Lehigh County while still enabling us to see the patterns of nearby counties for comparison:

presentation for map viewer classic

Another way to emphasize values is by using a numeric attribute and threshold. For example, if we want to emphasize low-income communities in Chicago, we can use the Drop-Shadow + Blue feature-specific effect to highlight areas below the 2019 national median average of $62,712 . The histogram allows us to type a specific value or range of values important to the map and data:

presentation for map viewer classic

You may have noticed in the above examples that Map Viewer recognizes if your basemap is dark or light, and offers suggested effects that work best with your map.

To get to the feature-specific effects, enable the layer you want to apply them to and choose the effects option on the right. Choose “feature-specific” to specify the effects and expression. Easily adjust your expression to emphasize different parts of your data like values above or below an important threshold.

presentation for map viewer classic

For more information about this new feature, visit this blog by Mark Harrower : Feature-Specific effects: the next enhancement for Map Effects

To get inspired, or to find more map examples, check out this group of maps .

Include more information in your Cluster Pop-ups

Arcade-driven Clustering Pop-ups

Since the introduction of clustering, people have wanted a more robust popup experience for the clustering pop-ups. The development team at Esri has listened to these requests and has implemented a new way to summarize clustered data with the power of Arcade.

For maps that clustered numeric attributes, you used to only be able to see the average value of that field within a pop-up. Now, with a few lines of Arcade, you can extract additional fields or statistics such as the maximum/minimum values like the example below:

presentation for map viewer classic

To see the Arcade used in the map above , go into the clustering pop-up and explore the expressions.

When clustering categorical data, you used to only see the predominant value of that cluster based on the mapped field. Now, you can show more contextual information about the cluster like a list of all features within the cluster:

presentation for map viewer classic

To see the Arcade used in the map above, visit this web map and go into the clustering pop-up settings to explore the expressions.

This new Arcade capability uses $aggregatedFeatures, which acts as a FeatureSet (the set of features within the cluster). You can access the data behind the clustered points and communicate them within your popup using simple or advanced Arcade statements such as the one below:

presentation for map viewer classic

For more information about this enhancement and how to apply it within your maps, a new detailed blog is coming from Kristian Ekenes soon!

  • Try Map Viewer

Still new to Map Viewer? Check out the following resources:

  • Get started with Map Viewer
  • Esri Community

About the author

presentation for map viewer classic

I am a Senior Product Engineer on the Living Atlas team at Esri. I work to create clear and concise stories about demographic, socioeconomic, and policy topics using cartography. I also build data layers and tutorials to help others create their own map masterpieces.

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Use the Exhibit app template to create a linear, interactive presentation by authoring a collection of slides to show different views of a map or scene. For each slide, you can change layer visibility and the basemap, include a pop-up for a specific feature, apply a layer filter, and provide a title and notes. If applicable, you can import bookmarks from the map to create slides. (To learn more, see the blog article about using Exhibit .)

If you preview the app before creating it and the preselected map includes bookmarks, the app preview displays a slide for each bookmark so you can see how it works. When you create the app, you must click Import bookmarks in the Exhibit settings to generate slides from bookmarks in the final app.

Choose this template to create an app for use cases such as the following examples:

  • Showcase multiple sites on a map by configuring the app to automatically play through the slides.
  • Create a map of a national park to highlight amenities, showing different layers on each slide.
  • Present a map with sketch layers that emphasize various elements of the same data.
  • Data requirements

The Exhibit app has no specific data requirements.

  • App capabilities

The following list includes key settings and capabilities that you can configure for this app:

  • Layer visibility and Basemap —Change layer visibility and the basemap for each slide.
  • Include pop-up —Include a pop-up for a selected feature to be open by default on a slide.
  • Slide note —Add a slide title and slide notes with descriptions and images to provide additional context. Each slide can have up to two slide notes, for which you can choose a color and position. (In mobile views, slide notes display on the opposite side of pop-ups.)
  • Attribute filter —Apply a layer filter to emphasize specific features in the map.
  • Cover page —Include a cover page with custom text and logos to establish the purpose of the app.
  • Control panel options —Provide a play button and turn on the option to automatically play the slideshow when users open the app so they can advance through slides without requiring additional interaction. Allow users to jump to any slide in the app and share the current slide by exporting it as a PDF or copying a direct URL.

All Instant Apps templates include settings for a Home button and zoom controls, a legend, and the ability to search the map or data.

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Portal for ArcGIS

Create presentations.

A presentation is a collection of slides that show different views of the map. The slides can have different basemap, operational layers, map location, visible pop-ups, and titles. A presentation allows you to tell a linear, interactive story with the information in your map. Since viewing presentations only requires access to your map and a web browser, you can target presentations to a general audience. Presentations are also appropriate for summarizing data and communicating analytical results to technical members of your organization.

You create and edit presentations for any map you own. You can save your own copy of any map that is not owned by you, unless the map author has enabled save as protection ; you cannot add presentations to a map you do not own.

  • Verify that you are signed in with privileges to create content.
  • Create a map if you haven't already done so.
  • From the map viewer, click Create presentation .
  • From the map details page, click Open under the map thumbnail and click Create presentation from the drop-down list.

To create a presentation, you configure a set of slides, set presentation options, and save your presentation to your map.

Add icon

  • For each slide, you can set the map location, add a title, choose a different basemap, pick the visible layers, and include a pop-up. Use the place search, your bookmarks, or pan and zoom the map to set your map location.

Edit icon

  • To move a slide to a different position, click the slide to select it in the slides list and drag and drop it to the new position.


  • Auto advance—You can choose whether the slides in a presentation are advanced manually by a user or automatically advanced between slides after a predetermined time that you specify. You can specify how many seconds to wait before automatically advancing to the next slide. Once the slide show has auto advanced past the last slide, it will restart after 10 seconds.

Once you click Save , the presentation becomes part of your map item. When others open your map, they can view it as a presentation. Consider creating a copy of your map if you want one with a presentation and one without, or if you want multiple presentations.

To make your map with presentation accessible to others, you need to share the map to everyone or a group (or both). Others can view the presentation in a web browser or ArcGIS apps such as Explorer for ArcGIS .

If you want to remove the presentation from your map, remove all slides and save the map.

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    There are two reasons for these changes. The first is to better align with HTML5 standards, and the second is reduce the likelihood of your presentation style attributes being overridden by the app showing the pop-up. But don't worry, if your previous maps used HTML customization from Map Viewer Classic, these will automatically be converted.

  18. Exhibit—ArcGIS Instant Apps

    Use the Instant Apps Exhibit app template to create a linear, interactive presentation by authoring a collection of slides to show different views of a map or scene. For each slide, you can change layer visibility and the basemap, include a pop-up for a specific feature, apply a layer filter, and provide a title and notes. If applicable, you can import bookmarks from the map to create slides.

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  20. Create presentations—Portal for ArcGIS

    Verify that you are signed in with privileges to create content.; Create a map if you haven't already done so.; Create your presentation starting from either the map viewer or the map details page. From the map viewer, click Create presentation.; From the map details page, click Open under the map thumbnail and click Create presentation from the drop-down list.