239 Addiction Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

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  • Addiction to Online Gaming: A Review of Literature The present paper is an overview of scholarly sources on online gaming addiction and the analysis of narrative inquiry as the most suitable qualitative research method to use for the investigation of this problem.
  • Problems of Internet Addiction Disorder Another possible cause of a reduction in the brain capabilities is the kind of the materials that one is exposed to on the Internet.
  • Phone Addiction Among Adolescents The ethical principle that the paper will base on is the principle of nonmaleficence, which aims to weigh the benefits versus the harms of phone addiction. However, it is ethical to be addicted to smartphone […]
  • Problems of Pornography Addiction This paper provides you with a deep insight into the issues related to pornography including the factors leading to wide spread of this, the various perspective and attitudes towards the matter, and lastly, discuss its […]
  • Amy Winehouse: Addiction Case Study The singer’s relationships with her dad and husband serve as the representation of the abuse she had to face as a pop-star.
  • Jim Carroll’s Drug Addiction in the Movie “The Basketball Diaries” by Leonardo Dicaprio After the bursting of Jim and apprehending of his friends, using drugs red handed by the couch, disintegration starts taking place in the group and most of the boys lose their essence for being thrown […]
  • Device Addiction: Consequences and Solutions One of the essential traits of smartphone addiction is tolerance which is defined as “a gradual increase in the mobile phone use to obtain the same level of satisfaction”.
  • Symbolic Interactionism on Drug Addiction Genetic factors in addiction include the number of receptors in the brain that influence the perception of drugs and other substances.
  • Online Gambling Addiction Gambling is an addiction as one becomes dependent on the activity; he cannot do without it, it becomes a necessity to him. Online gambling is more of an addiction than a game to the players.
  • The Concept of Addiction The recent developments in psychology, as well as intensive studies in the concept of addiction, has drawn considerable debates and concerns on the issue of relationships between the legal system and addiction.
  • “A Star Is Born”: Addiction Analysis From the BPS+ Perspective Most importantly, the movie points to the presence of a much more significant factor that pushes Jack toward the abuse of alcohol and the use of drugs.
  • The Effect of Internet Addiction on Students’ Emotional and Academic Performance The participants will be told the goals and objectives of the study, and their experience of Internet addiction will be clarified.
  • Effects of Internet Addiction on Family Relationships Among Teenagers In the modern society, cyber bullying refers to the instances where the individual uses the internet to interfere with the rights and freedoms of others.
  • On Internet Addiction in Swift’s Satirical Style In the modern world, it is difficult to find any person who is unfamiliar with the Internet. People began to abuse the Internet and live a virtual life, forgetting the real world.
  • Video Game Addiction and Maslow’s Hierarchy of Needs As to me, I was interested in video games when I was a child because this industry was at its beginning and almost every pupil was involved in it.
  • Facebook Addiction in the Modern Society As a result of these occurrences, it has been proposed that Facebook is addictive since people appear to be hooked to the site and cannot keep away from it even considering the negative consequences.
  • Deviant Behavior: Drug Addiction Drug addiction as a form of deviant behavior is seen as a loss of a person’s former moral and spiritual values, which leads to intellectual degradation and a reduced desire to function as a member […]
  • Online Gaming Addiction Intervention HC’s philosophical stand is to stop the addiction, meaning that he is motivated and hopes that the obsession will end. The addiction process started at a very young age of 7 years, back when HC […]
  • Social Media Addiction in Society The person takes the substance, or in case of social media, keeps checking and updating online status or website on and on.
  • The Theme of Addiction in Tennessee Williams’ Plays Apart from that, one can mention that addiction is depicted as a force that ruins the family of the characters. This is one of the points that should be distinguished.
  • College Students: Internet Addiction The authors also note that the use and access of the internet have increased in the past decades. Additionally, the authors argue that conflicts between parents and young individuals are likely to result in internet […]
  • Theories of Substance Addiction The risk is confounded when these factors occur in combination; thus, the more the risk factors, the higher the probability that the use of substances can result into addiction.
  • Drug Addiction and Its Effects The main cause of drug addiction is, obviously, the use of drugs but there are specific predictors making some people engage in drug abuse. Another sign of addiction is the need to use drugs in […]
  • Addiction in Sexton’s, Marshall’s, Flynn’s Poems The poems The Addict by Anne Sexton, Habitual by Nate Marshall, and Philip Seymour Hoffman by Nick Flynn, address the issue from the psychological perspective as an inner struggle within a person.
  • How Alvin Ailey’s Dances Help With Drug Addiction Ailey is the founder of the famous theater in New York and is known for popularizing modern dance and mixing it with ballet, jazz and elements of African culture.
  • The Role Play in Drug Addiction Treatment Moreover, the client believes that everyone in the law field uses coke, including his father, and this is the culture of the sphere.
  • Antidepressant Addiction and Abuse Depressed addicts need to have a proper examination of their addictive behavior to be able to abstain from processes and substances for altering moods fully.
  • The Qualitative and Quantitative Research Strategies: Drug Addiction This is why another purpose of this paper is to evaluate what kind of research strategy is more effective and better in regards to the topic of drug addiction.
  • Addiction of Whitney Houston This paper looks at the causes of addiction, hindrances to recovery, and the causes of relapse or successful recovery using the life of Whitney Houston as a model.
  • “Cocaine: Abuse and Addiction” by National Institute on Drug Abuse The literature provides us with a report of a research that has been conducted in the US regarding the topic of cocaine and drug abuse.
  • Video Games Addiction: Is It Real? Addiction is associated with the need of substance while in some cases a behaviour which someone finds hard to move on without it, where the unavailability to a way out leads to abnormality.
  • Drug Addiction Treatment Approaches In this way, some state that the objectives and aims of treatment should be to entirely drug-free the drug addict and that treatment should include drug-free techniques of achieving this aim.
  • Mental Health Nursing of Cocaine Addiction The 1983 Mental Health Act is an Act of the Parliament of the United Kingdom that applies to the residents of England and Wales.
  • How Does Addiction Affect Families The sober fact is that the health of all members of the family is a key aspect of the improvement of relations between all individuals belonging to it and the evolution of this institution.
  • Likecoholic: Social Media Addiction Modern scholars have started likening the addiction to the use of social media to smoking, stating that companies such as Facebook must be regulated “exactly the same way you regulated the cigarette industry,” in which […]
  • Food Addiction: How to Overcome It? To overcome food addiction, you should understand the cause of the problem and develop a plan of action to fight it.
  • Internet Addiction in Modern Society Good internet connectivity coupled with the fact that the cost of using the internet is very cheap make people to spent countless hours in the internet.
  • My Personal Beliefs About People With Addictions Therefore, in my opinion, the main reason people get addicted is related to the desire to forget about the problems of this reality and feel differently.
  • Impact of Digital Drug and Electronic Addiction on UAE Youth Therefore, the primary purpose of this dissertation is to determine the impact of digital drugs and the electronic addiction they cause on the youth of the UAE to highlight the existing problem in society.
  • Alcoholic Anonymous Organization Fighting Addiction By accepting the problem and causes, a participant can try to resolve. In the program, participants have to admit their past wrongs and errors to a group and receive support to change.
  • Addiction: Is It a Disease or Moral Failing? According to the journal article of clinical and research news, a disease can be defined as a complicated relationship existing between the environment of an individual and the general genetic makeup that combines together resulting […]
  • Link Between Environment and Addiction Environment is a critical contributor to the aspects of drug abuse and the alleged addiction. This indicates that the ultimate effect of a given drug is not the only contributor to drug abuse and addiction.
  • Understanding Drug & Alcohol Addiction The chemicals present in the drugs disrupt the functioning of the brain in two ways mainly through imitating the natural functioning of the brain and overworking the circuit of the brain.
  • Sex Addiction as a Psychological Disorder It is in the final stage that a person comes to the realization that the addiction is more painful than pleasurable, but due to the addiction he or she cannot stop.
  • Comparison of Theories of Addiction: The Biological Model and the Genetic Model Genetic and biological models aim at disclosing the essence of addiction as something natural and irreversible and the methods which are supported by neurobiology and physiology and become more appropriate for using and controlling human […]
  • Psychodrama in Treating Trauma and Addiction In all cases, it is problematic for the individual to reconcile with the anxiety they feel and to cope with the problems with trust.
  • Society’s Obligation to Help People With Addiction The first and foremost point is that the group approach shifts treatment to the natural environment and reconnects addiction therapy to a more comprehensive and long-lasting recovery process.
  • Men and Porn Addiction Discussion Watching porn trains men to differentiate reality from acting, implying that it does not alter men’s perception of women in real life.
  • Impaired Nurses: Prescription Drug Addiction Work with drugs and psychotropic substances in medical organizations is constantly in the field of view of law enforcement agencies for the control of drug trafficking and health authorities.
  • Psilocybin as a Smoking Addiction Remedy Additionally, the biotech company hopes to seek approval from FDA for psilocybin-based therapy treatment as a cigarette smoking addiction long-term remedy.
  • Advocacy Programs to Address Disparities in Mental Health and Addiction Management Due to the absence of coverage offered by state Medicaid programs, the problem with the community’s overall health likely resides in a population segment that is unable to receive care, especially individuals with mental health […]
  • The History of ADHD Treatment: Drug Addiction Disorders Therefore, the gathered data would be classified by year, treatment type, and gender to better comprehend the statistical distribution of the prevalence of drug addiction.
  • Teen Vaping: The New Wave of Nicotine Addiction It might have a significant effect if state officials asked the region’s health authority to ban all flavored vape goods in reaction to this issue to safeguard the youth’s well-being.
  • The Epidemic of Opioid Addiction in the US Although the author presents facts about kratom benefits, the article still lacks scientific evidence, likely due to insufficient research in this area, so it may not convince the reader that this herb should be legal.
  • Opioid Addiction and Pharmacological Treatment LAAM has several merits over the use of methadone, particularly regarding its use of three doses per week, which can reduce the potential of contracting HIV/AIDS, improve the relationship between the patients and the clinicians, […]
  • Misconceptions About Addiction In addition, addicts are not always drug abusers, as addiction is a treatable disorder, and people seeking help can recover and become productive.
  • Smartphone Addiction in the United States With the advent of phones that have the function of many other gadgets, people began to move away from the real world into the virtual one. This paper examines the essence of the issue of […]
  • The Truth About Food Addiction in Society One of the most important tasks is understanding the reality of food addiction. The first line of food addiction prevention is the decision people have to make.
  • The Opium Addiction Treatment Above all, the main problem is the reluctance of pharmaceutical companies to find a common approach and method of facing opium addiction since the first thing to think about is profits, just like any other […]
  • Discussion: Social Media Addiction Social media use impacts the nerves in the brain and can cause psychological and physical addiction. The brain gets used to the rewards from such channels, and it becomes automatic for the person to use […]
  • Opioid Addiction in Adults: A Group Counselling Plan A group leader ensures that the group is led in a healthy discussion and that the group’s objectives are achieved. When this culture is properly outlined, and members are aware of their targets, the group’s […]
  • Tackling Drug: Addiction Among Youth Drug addiction is a serious problem, and while it spreads to less marginalized parts of society, this problem affects more people.
  • The Nature of Addiction The purpose of this critical writing is to understand why people begin to want to get rid of the shackles of addictive behavior.
  • Tobacco Addictions Among Teenagers This makes it urgent to fight all forms of tobacco and nicotine use in order to preserve the health of adolescents.
  • Program to Tackle Drug Addiction Among Youth The core area of emphasis will be training the students on different ways to avoid the temptations of using drugs in order to lower the rate of addiction.
  • Parental Role in Adolescents’ Phone Addiction In other words, the connection between the guardian and the teenagers is critical and should be maintained to allow children experience the love of their parents.
  • A Manifesto on the Phone Addiction Issue It seems to be common knowledge that being too attached to one’s phone is bad for mental and physical health, and the dangers may be greater for the younger generation.
  • Discussion of Tobacco Addiction in Miami The problem analyzed in the presentation is related to the increased risk of tobacco use among adults associated with nicotine dependence.
  • Lysergic Acid Diethylamide (LCD): Addiction, Treatment, and Prevention The problems are not only depicted in the area of concentration but also in the suburbs that are out of the stereotypical view of intoxication of the drug.
  • Drug and Alcohol Addiction: Abby’s Case The amounts of money Abby spends weekly on fulfilling her addictive desires and her long history of drug usage imply that she has an addiction problem.
  • Drug Addiction in Teenagers: Smoking and Other Lifestyles In the first part of this assignment, the health problem of drug addiction was considered among teens and the most vulnerable group was established.
  • Instagram Addiction and Impact on Self-Esteem The effect of social media use is reported to have a mixed effect on the user. First, social media addiction may have a varying effect on self-esteem depending on the type of use.
  • Comprehensive Addiction and Recovery Act The policy authorizes the secretary to award grants to states with a higher rate of substances and drugs as this indicates the state of mental health.
  • Molecular Dynamics Modeling: Treating Addiction The resulting mechanism of the three sites provides the separation of antagonists from the agonists and explains the selectivity of the subtypes.
  • Drug Addiction Treatment for a Pregnant Woman The drug has affected various aspects of her life, causing her to lose her job and making her turn to crime to afford the drugs.
  • You Are What You Eat: How Does Food Become an Addiction One of the most important problems that arouse the interest of researchers is the influence of advertising on the formation of models of food behavior and, above all, its involvement in the formation of food […]
  • Instagram Addiction and Self-Esteem in Kuwaiti High School Students Besides, the study will explore the impact of social media and reveal the possible ways to resolve the social media addiction issues affecting the youth.
  • Instagram Addiction and Self-Esteem in High School Students To test the relationship between social media Instagram addiction and self-esteem in American high school students, a descriptive survey where students will be enrolled in an online, blinded survey will apply.
  • Tobacco as a Chemical Addiction Chemical addiction is a global disease of the mind, soul, and body. It is necessary to remove the mechanism of a disease-dependent state of origin and engage all the spheres of human life to overcome […]
  • Drug Addiction: Overview of the Main Principles and Recovery Plan On the one hand, the term’ drug addiction is specifically defined by NIDA as “characterized by intense and, at times, uncontrollable drug craving, along with compulsive drug seeking and use that persist even in the […]
  • How Opioid Addiction Affects the United States Addicted people have a constant desire to increase the dose, which is a severe medical and social problem. The crisis has acquired enormous proportions and become a brake on the economy and a threat to […]
  • The Role of Mitochondria in Cocaine Addiction In many instances, the drug users tend to sniff it, and the powder gets through the nasal materials to the bloodstream.
  • Why Addiction Develops and How a Person Can Overcome It The interview process was good; I called the interviewee at a scheduled time and asked her the questions from the list.
  • Preventing Childhood Exposure to Addiction-Forming Factors The implementation of the method relied on the use of advanced questionnaire that provided the researchers with sufficient data to reflect and address the children’s inclination toward any form of addiction. Evidently, the role of […]
  • History and Social Side of Drug Addiction Heroin and fentanyl are the most dangerous drugs created on the basis of papaver somniferum due to produced effects and the outcomes for the body.
  • Drug and Substance Addiction Standardization has to be used to ensure that patients’ experiences and different clinical services are the same, regardless of the process.
  • Economic Inequality During COVID-19: Correlation With Depression and Addiction Thus, during the pandemic, people with lower incomes experienced depression and increased their addictive behaviors to cope with the stress of COVID-19.
  • Opioid Use and Addiction in Afghanistan and Iraq Veterans My chosen topic integrates the welfare of veterans of recent wars, such as conflicts in Iraq and Afghanistan, the prescription of opioids for trauma, general mental well-being, and adaptation to civilian and even academic life.
  • Tobacco Addiction: Causes and Effects However, it has also been proven that, in general, smoking has causal roots in human genetics, with different percentages of the message affecting, respectively, the start of smoking, the duration of the experience, and the […]
  • Addiction: The Role of Social Connection and Environment It is one of the main sources of dopamine, and other pleasure hormones, which are essential for a person to feel joy in their life.
  • Chemical Dependency and Crisis of Addiction The scope of the damaging effects of alcohol abuse on the well-being of the person is astounding. Based on the WHO’s data, socio-cultural determinants of health are the issues that are linked to culture and […]
  • Social Facet of Substance Addiction Even though the determination of the hazardous society is important for analyzing the social facet of drug addiction, it is crucial to fundamentally understand the society’s influential factors of engaging a person in drug addiction.
  • Alcohol Addiction: Biological & Social Perspective At the same time, the UK is one of the most drinking countries, as the average number of liters of alcohol per person there was 11. In addition, taking acetaldehyde dehydrogenase inhibitors allows to break […]
  • Addressing Drug and Alcohol Addiction in Baltimore While a lot of the violence in Baltimore is related to the drug trade, the drugs themselves killed at least 180 more people than homicides in the city as of 2019.
  • John S. McCain Opioid Addiction Prevention Act’s Analysis Anderson, the President and Chief Executive Officer of the National Association of Chain Drug Stores, backed the legislation enactment believing in its potential to reduce opioid abuse and addiction.
  • Alcohol Addiction and the Role of a Community New Horizons Group of Alcoholics Anonymous is a local fellowship to support men and women with alcoholic problems in Miami Springs.
  • Analysis of the Addiction’s Aspects Addiction in the modern world is one of the phenomena that occur in the vast majority of people. However, if the goal is not achieved, there will be a sharp decline in this hormone, and […]
  • Workout and Addiction: Review As a result of personal factors and the presence of eating or image disorders, an individual can be unable to stop exercising even when it is detrimental to their life.
  • Counseling of a Client With Heroin Addiction Although he has a son, he does not maintain any relationship with him, and his son does not try to communicate with Dante. First, the client did not address this aspect and was unwilling to […]
  • Debate on Drug Legalization: A Matter of Responsibility and Honesty Rosenthal views drug addiction as slavery and the idea for drug legalization is revolting because most of the victims of addiction are adolescents and children. Without honesty and responsibility, legalization of drugs is just a […]
  • The Issue of Opioid Abuse and Addiction in Treatment The project will primarily focus on the issue of opioid abuse and addiction to treat and minimize the effects of pain through the given pharmacological method of pain management.
  • Fundamental Determination of Substance Abuse and Addiction and Their Difference Due to the difference in regularity and intensity of drug absorption, substance abuse and addiction can be correctly separated from another so that there is a concrete measure that identifies an abuse and an addiction […]
  • Alcohol Addiction Among Women Women are a population of interest because of the increased mortality rates from alcohol-related health complications and the effect of this substance on childbearing. Similarly, to the previous organization, Alcove is a recovery facility that […]
  • Drug Addiction From Pharmacological Perspective In the history of human society, drug addiction is almost always spoken of as a crime. Understanding drug effects allow criminologists and sociologists to recognize the relationship between drug addiction and crime.
  • Addressing Substance Abuse in Skid Row: Intervention and Prevention There is a need to fill the data gap regarding the issues of magnitude, location, period, severity, and changeability of the SUD in the Skid Row community.
  • Nuances of Alcohol Using Addiction Despite the traced co-occurrence of criminal activities and alcohol consumption, people argue that there are many positive aspects of drinking moderately, such as relaxation that is useful in many social environments. Goode argues that “for […]
  • Systemic Interventions Overview: Cocaine Addiction She shared her recovery story in the Portrait of Addiction, and though she was successful on her way to a normal life, a systemic intervention approach would make it much easier and more comfortable for […]
  • Substance Addiction Challenges for American Indians In the case presented by Paul et al, the distinctions between male and female addicts can be seen in the cultural features and traits of the American Indian population.
  • Loneliness and Social Networking Addiction in Students The hypothesis of the study was as follows: the higher the level of loneliness, the higher the likelihood of social networking addiction; conversely, the lower the level of loneliness, the lower the likelihood of social […]
  • Warm Hand-off for Overdose Survivors to Addiction Treatment The first responders facilitate the identification of survivors needing emergency health care systems House Bill 424 of the General Assembly of Pennsylvania, known as the Warm Hand-Off to Treatment Act, provides a comprehensive initiative that […]
  • Reasons of Alcohol Addiction in Teenagers Given the clinical diagnoses, the wide-spread nature of the problem, and the severe consequences impacting the life and health of millions of people, the in-depth investigation of the causes of the disorder is of critical […]
  • The John Muir Health Facility’s Addiction Medicine Recovery Services The aim of this evaluation plan is to establish the effectiveness of the program in addressing patients’ behavioral and attitudinal issues affecting their commitment to sobriety.
  • Criticism of Injecting Rooms – Drug Addiction Supporters of injecting rooms claim that injecting rooms are beneficial to the society and that the ones which are in existence have saved many lives especially from the dangers of drug overdosing.
  • Drug Addiction: The Role of Policy Change and Nursing Practice Drug addiction and abuse are the issues that have to be discussed and analyzed from different aspects to make sure that the policy change and offered practices can work effectively to reduce the number of […]
  • Mobile Addiction and Anxiety: The Relationship Analysis The purpose of the study is to establish the nature of the relationship that exists between mobile addiction and anxiety among students.
  • The Drug Addiction and Clonidine As soon as it gets to the brain, it reacts by binding on the a2 receptors, a process that leads to a reduction in the levels of presynaptic calcium.
  • How Serotonin Affects the Brain and Addictions The purpose of this paper is to discuss the effects that serotonin has in the brain and how it interacts with other chemicals in the body Serotonin is an indoleamine chemical secreted by the brain […]
  • Impacts of Internet on Children Health and Addiction Among the worst hit are children, who find themselves addicted to it given that they are in the process of development. To help nurture children’s behavior, parents should educate them on the safety and risks […]
  • Searching the Web for Research Evidence: Drug Addiction Among School Aged Children Defining the topic in the form of a question or statement and separating the question into specific logical components or concepts is the principal strategy to search the CINAHL database.
  • Caffeine Addiction and Negative Effects The thesis of this paper is that scientists need to reclassify caffeine as a potentially addictive stimulant drug. In addition to the potential to cause addictive behavior, caffeine can have an adverse effect on the […]
  • The Case of Katie’s Addiction Katie became one of the unfortunate people who had to deal with chronic pain, which led her to develop an addiction to the medication which was supposed to benefit her and relieve the car accident’s […]
  • Valium and Heroin Addiction: Compare and Contrast The purpose of this paper is to contrast and compare Valium and heroin from a point of view of addiction and withdrawal.
  • Mental Health Care in Cannabis Addiction Case Based on the experience of studying the stories of juvenile delinquents, Bowlby revealed the influence of early separation from the mother and the experiences of loss and separation associated with it on the violation of […]
  • Refraining From Diet Coke: Substance Use Addiction Speaking of my plans on the use of diet coke, I would like to emphasize that I do not plan to drink it.
  • Addiction in the Elderly: Structured Critical Review Therefore, it is in the interest of national and global communities to prioritize the needs of the elderly and investigate the particularities of their addiction to substances.
  • DSM-5 Manual: Behavioral Addictions in Mental Health Nursing The combination of substance abuse and behavioral addiction is another point that is widely debated to be recognized in the DSM-5.
  • Symptoms of Addiction: Case Analysis Second, the inability to fall asleep without alcohol or a sleeping pill is a definite sign of addiction. Third, the client initially takes large doses of alcohol, which is a sign of increased tolerance.
  • Team of Professionals: Addiction Case Analysis Second, the client needs to undergo a thorough medical assessment to understand if he presents the signs of comorbidities. Considering that the client may find it difficult to organize and keep track of all appointments, […]
  • Anxiety Among Us: How and Why, Drug Addiction As the effects of the drug are not long-lasting, people who take phenobarbital tend to use the medicine more often than it is allowed in the drug prescription.
  • Addiction Treatment: Challenges in Case Management Settings Case management has a vital role in addiction treatment as it helps to adopt a holistic approach and empower the client. According to the US Department of Health and Human Services (HHS, 2004), “substance abusers have better treatment outcomes if their other problems are addressed concurrently” (pp.1-2). Case management aims at planning and coordinating health […]
  • Adolescent Substance Abuse, Addiction, and Dependence And while overall statistics show a decrease in the number of unique and persistent cases of substance abuse in Western countries in general and in the US in particular, this problem is still extremely urgent.
  • Food Addiction and Obesity in Children and Teens Many turn to comfort eating to cope with this stress, to the point where it takes on the characteristics of an addiction. Overeating and obesity can also become a vicious cycle: children would eat to […]
  • Shopping Addiction: Personal Experiences She realized that she had wasted most of her life and she was heading to destruction. She began thinking of taking a positive turn in her life; although she knew it would not be easy […]
  • Drug Abuse and Addiction Holimon has succeeded in reviving some of her family relations, and she is still putting a lot of effort to get ahead in this area to the fullest extent possible.
  • Facebook Addiction Problem Overview This paper is an in-depth analysis of the risks that Facebook poses to children and the steps that parents should take to ensure that their children do not become victims of Facebook use.
  • Facebook: The Latest Addiction Most delegates had laptops in the room connected to the internet and my surprise a good number of them were misusing the privileges of the internet provided by the UN by accessing Facebook and other […]
  • Psychoactive Substances and Addiction Substances that could easily lead to addiction are the elements that directly motivate the dopaminergic system such as marijuana, cocaine, nicotine, and heroin.
  • The Development of Phobias and Addictions On the other hand, addictions are the behavioral pattern that is characterized by either psychological or physical reliance on substances abuse which is known to have negative impacts on the health and the life of […]
  • Addictions and Emotions in Biopsychology The impulse sent to the brain in response to the stimuli is sent to two different parts of the brain: cortex and thalamus.
  • The Addiction From Cocaine Main Aspects The impact of the cocaine on the human brain can be explained by the chemical dopamine and its variations in the brain of the drug addict, as well as by three main areas of the […]
  • Drug Addiction: Cognitive-Behavioral and Pharmacological Therapies Basing on the importance of the learning process in the development of drug addiction practice, CBT makes use of the learning process, firstly, in helping the patients to recognize the conditions which stimulate them to […]
  • Online Video Games Addiction The changes are far-reaching: the definition of online video game; the nature of the information ‘commons’ for the citizen; the right of privacy in communicated expressions; the regulation of information infrastructures; the definition of information […]
  • The Problem of Gambling in the Modern Society as the Type of Addiction Old people and adolescents, rich and poor, all of them may become the prisoners of this addiction and the only way out may be the treatment, serious psychological treatment, as gambling addiction is the disease […]
  • Behavioral Change: Drugs and Addiction The reasons for such usage could vary according to the substance used and to the life rhythm of the addicted person.
  • Computer Addiction: Side Effects and Possible Solutions Since that time humanity started to speak of different signs of “computer addiction” the term stands to emphasize the seriousness of the problem and implies the possibility of drastic consequences that computer mania might have.
  • Caffeine Addiction as a Mental Disorder And it is a rather pragmatic question stipulated by the professionals need to debate about, but not by the addiction nature itself.
  • Online Gaming Addiction Analysis For example, in World of Warcraft, there are 10 million players around the world who pay about $15 a month to blitz around the world of Azeroth.
  • Drug Addiction: A General View of New Concepts Users who are weak-minded or peer adulating, tend to imitate others and use the drug not because they really want to, but in order to appear ‘cool’ and ‘one of the group.’ This is a […]
  • Sexual Addiction, Compulsivity, or Problematic Behavior Sex, in general, is most common among the male, they are the ones who can have many ladies just to have sex with them, and they will never think of sex as being sacred or […]
  • Alcohol Addiction Issue in USA In order to do well in the group of Alcoholics Anonymous, it is better if the individual is talkative and open to conversations, as the main way of psychological therapy is telling stories about their […]
  • Women’s Addiction in All Its Manifestations Analysis In the Substance Addiction category, women usually indulge in Food, Alcohol, and Drugs in that order of priority; however, addiction of women to alcohol and drugs is more prevalent in Western countries {albeit to a […]
  • The Reality TV Shows Addiction: Cause-Effect The viewers feel like the actors are just in the same scenario as them and every development is a success to both the actor and his viewer.
  • Advanced Addiction Psychology Contemporary Perspectives The aptest critique of the test is provided by the discussion that Cox has provided when they suggest that the test should be considered along with the connectionist model.
  • Opium Addiction: Cause and Effect The traffic of opium became unlawful only at the beginning of the 20th century when the scientists discovered the real properties of this drug and found out that it causes addiction.
  • Methamphetamine and Cocaine Addiction Treatment In fact, by doing so, people subconsciously try to prove that aggressiveness, anxiety, and panic attacks are not implications of drug dependence but the states they medicate with the help of methamphetamine.
  • Addictions Assessment Process The first four stages are designed to assist in making the correct diagnosis and determining the level of care to ensure further rehabilitation of the client. The psychiatrist attended to the PTSD and mental issues […]
  • Addiction Assessment Tools Terrance is to use two assessment tools: the Drug Abuse Screening Test and the Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test. In short, Terrance is recommended to use these two tools for a quick and low-cost assessment […]
  • Addiction Assessment Tool Evaluation The purpose of the present paper is to conduct a review of the 10-item yes/no Drug Abuse Screening Test to evaluate its benefits and limitations.
  • Alcohol Addiction: Opting for a Correct Referral Method The psychological content of codependency is evidence of the uniqueness of health disorders and personal functioning of a family member as compared with alcohol-related disorders.
  • Relevant Therapy Approaches: Probationers With Alcohol Addiction
  • Hallucinogens: Addiction and Treatment
  • Clinical and Addictions Assessment Tools
  • Models of Addiction and the Assessment Process
  • Ethical Codes and Principles in Addictions: Implications of Labeling
  • Ethical Codes and Principles in Addictions Assessment
  • Addiction as Moral Defect From Cultural Perspective
  • Heroin Addiction and Its Biological Aspect
  • The Crisis of Opiate Addiction
  • Drug Addiction in Australia and Management Methods
  • Addiction in Adolescences: Factors and Treatments
  • Alcohol Addiction as a Learned Behavior
  • Drug Addiction Diagnostics and Therapy Prescription
  • Alcohol Addiction and Psychological Assistance
  • The Psychology of Addiction and Addictive Behaviors
  • Conditioning in Phobias and Addictions
  • Connecticut Community for Addiction Recovery
  • Drug and Alcohol Abuse: Insights from a Campus Lecture
  • Addiction Counseling and Certification in Arizona
  • The Opioid Crisis: Preventing Addiction
  • Addictions in Cultural Groups: Study Challenges
  • Addiction Recovery and Its Ethical Risks
  • Substance Addiction Treatment in Students
  • Heroin Addiction Educational and Preventive Program
  • Stop Heroin Addiction: Service Delivery Program
  • Opioids Addiction in the United States
  • Primary Care Providers Treating Opiate Addiction
  • Addiction History and Concepts
  • Nicotine Addiction Research and Assessment
  • Addictions: Treatment and Prevention
  • Addiction Prevention Programs in Miami-Dade County
  • Addiction Occurrence and Reduction in Adolescence
  • Social Cognitive Theory Against Addiction
  • Addictions in Free Markets
  • The Intervention of Positive Coping and Drug Addiction
  • Second Life Games Addiction and Its Reasons
  • Social Work and Addiction in Family Settings
  • Drug Addiction Issues in The Corner Miniseries
  • Alcohol Addiction and Its Societal Influence
  • Disease Harm Reduction Addiction Treatment Model
  • Addiction’s Etiology: Models and Theories
  • Addiction: Methods and Approaches
  • Gambling and Addiction’s Effects on Neuroplasticity
  • Martyrdom as Addiction to Offset the Injustice
  • Caffeine: Carriers, Addiction and Diseases
  • Cognitive Therapy for Anxiety and Addiction Withdrawal
  • Gender Identity and Addiction Treatment
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IvyPanda. (2024, March 2). 239 Addiction Essay Topic Ideas & Examples. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/addiction-essay-topics/

"239 Addiction Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." IvyPanda , 2 Mar. 2024, ivypanda.com/essays/topic/addiction-essay-topics/.

IvyPanda . (2024) '239 Addiction Essay Topic Ideas & Examples'. 2 March.

IvyPanda . 2024. "239 Addiction Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/addiction-essay-topics/.

1. IvyPanda . "239 Addiction Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/addiction-essay-topics/.


IvyPanda . "239 Addiction Essay Topic Ideas & Examples." March 2, 2024. https://ivypanda.com/essays/topic/addiction-essay-topics/.


Essay on Internet Addiction

Students are often asked to write an essay on Internet Addiction in their schools and colleges. And if you’re also looking for the same, we have created 100-word, 250-word, and 500-word essays on the topic.

Let’s take a look…

100 Words Essay on Internet Addiction


Internet addiction is a growing problem globally. It refers to excessive use of the internet, leading to negative impacts on a person’s life.

The main cause of internet addiction is the desire for online social interaction and entertainment. Online games, social media, and websites can be very engaging.

Internet addiction can lead to poor academic performance, lack of social skills, and health issues like eye strain and obesity due to physical inactivity.

It’s important to balance internet usage with other activities. Parents and teachers can help by setting limits and promoting healthy habits.

Also check:

  • Paragraph on Internet Addiction

250 Words Essay on Internet Addiction

The advent of the internet has revolutionized human existence, providing limitless opportunities for learning, communication, and entertainment. However, this unprecedented access to information and connectivity has birthed a new form of dependency – internet addiction.

Understanding Internet Addiction

Internet addiction, also known as compulsive internet use, is characterized by excessive or poorly controlled preoccupations, urges, or behaviors regarding computer use and internet access. It is a psychological disorder that can lead to severe stress, anxiety, and a variety of other mental health problems.

Causes and Effects

The causes of internet addiction are multifaceted, ranging from the need for social interaction, escapism, or the thrill of exploring virtual realities. The effects, however, can be detrimental, leading to academic failure, job loss, and the breakdown of personal relationships.

Prevention and Treatment

Prevention is always better than cure. Encouraging healthy internet usage habits, promoting physical activities, and fostering real-life social interactions can help prevent this addiction. However, once addicted, professional help may be necessary. Cognitive-behavioral therapy has proven effective in treating internet addiction by helping individuals to identify and change patterns of thought that lead to compulsive behaviors.

In conclusion, while the internet has undoubtedly brought about vast benefits, it has also introduced new challenges. Internet addiction is a growing concern that requires our attention. By understanding its causes and effects, we can develop strategies to prevent and treat this modern-day affliction.

500 Words Essay on Internet Addiction

Internet addiction, also known as compulsive internet use, has emerged as a significant issue in the digital age. It is a psychological condition that involves excessive use of the internet, resulting in negative impacts on an individual’s life.

Internet addiction is characterized by an individual’s inability to control their use of the internet, which eventually interferes with their daily life, work, and relationships. It is not merely about the amount of time spent online but the obsession with internet activities to the point where it affects mental and physical health, personal relationships, and productivity.

Causes and Symptoms

The causes of internet addiction can be multifaceted. It can be a symptom of other underlying mental health issues like depression, anxiety, and stress disorders. The anonymity, ease of access, and perceived environment of acceptance and escape the internet offers can also contribute to its addictive potential. Symptoms may include preoccupation with the internet, inability to control online use, neglect of personal life, and emotional changes such as restlessness or irritability when internet use is limited.

Impacts of Internet Addiction

Internet addiction can have severe impacts. It can lead to a sedentary lifestyle, which can result in obesity, cardiovascular issues, and other health problems. It can also lead to sleep disorders due to late-night internet use. From a psychological perspective, it can increase feelings of loneliness, depression, and anxiety. It can also lead to academic or job failures due to a lack of concentration and reduced productivity.

Preventing internet addiction involves promoting healthy internet use. This can be achieved by setting time limits, taking regular breaks, and promoting a balanced lifestyle with physical activities and offline social interactions. Treatment for those already addicted often involves cognitive-behavioral therapy, which helps individuals identify problematic behaviors and develop coping strategies. In severe cases, medication may also be used under professional supervision.

In conclusion, internet addiction is a growing concern that requires attention. As we continue to embrace digital technology, it is crucial to promote healthy internet use and provide help for those struggling with addiction. It’s a call to action for researchers, mental health professionals, and society as a whole to understand and address this modern-day issue effectively.

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How to Know If You Have an Internet Addiction and What to Do About It

internet addiction essay titles

Emily is a board-certified science editor who has worked with top digital publishing brands like Voices for Biodiversity, Study.com, GoodTherapy, Vox, and Verywell.

internet addiction essay titles

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  • Top 5 Things to Know

Internet Addiction in Kids

  • What to Do If You're Addicted

Internet addiction is a behavioral addiction in which a person becomes dependent on the Internet or other online devices as a maladaptive way of coping with life's stresses.

Internet addiction has and is becoming widely recognized and acknowledged. So much so that in 2020, the World Health Organization formally recognized addiction to digital technology as a worldwide problem, where excessive online activity and Internet use lead to struggles with time management, sleep, energy, and attention.

Top 5 Things to Know About Internet Addiction

  • Internet addiction is not yet an officially recognized mental disorder. Researchers have formulated diagnostic criteria for Internet addiction, but it is not included in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5-TR) . However, Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD) is included as a condition for further study, and Internet addiction is developing as a specialist area.
  • At least three subtypes of Internet addiction have been identified: video game addiction , cybersex or online sex addiction, and online gambling addiction .
  • Increasingly, addiction to mobile devices, such as cellphones and smartphones, and addiction to social networking sites, such as Facebook, are being investigated. There may be overlaps between each of these subtypes. For example, online gambling involves online games, and online games may have elements of pornography.
  • Sexting , or sending sexually explicit texts, has landed many people in trouble. Some have been teens who have found themselves in hot water with child pornography charges if they are underage. It can also be a potential gateway to physical infidelity .
  • Treatment for Internet addiction is available, but only a few specialized Internet addiction services exist. However, a psychologist with knowledge of addiction treatment will probably be able to help.

If you or a loved one are struggling with an addiction, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for information on support and treatment facilities in your area.

For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database .

As Internet addiction is not formally recognized as an addictive disorder, it may be difficult to get a diagnosis. However, several leading experts in the field of behavioral addiction have contributed to the current knowledge of symptoms of Internet addiction. All types of Internet addiction contain the following four components:  

Excessive Use of the Internet

Despite the agreement that excessive Internet use is a key symptom, no one seems able to define exactly how much computer time counts as excessive. While guidelines suggest no more than two hours of screen time per day for youths under 18, there are no official recommendations for adults.

Furthermore, two hours can be unrealistic for people who use computers for work or study. Some authors add the caveat “for non-essential use,” but for someone with Internet addiction, all computer use can feel essential.

Here are some questions from Internet addiction assessment instruments that will help you to evaluate how much is too much.

How Often Do You...

  • Stay online longer than you intended?
  • Hear other people in your life complain about how much time you spend online?
  • Say or think, “Just a few more minutes” when online?
  • Try and fail to cut down on how much time you spend online?
  • Hide how long you’ve been online?

If any of these situations are coming up on a daily basis, you may be addicted to the Internet.

Although originally understood to be the basis of physical dependence on alcohol or drugs, withdrawal symptoms are now being recognized in behavioral addictions, including Internet addiction.

Common Internet withdrawal symptoms include anger, tension, and depression when Internet access is not available.   These symptoms may be perceived as boredom, joylessness, moodiness, nervousness, and irritability when you can’t go on the computer.

Tolerance is another hallmark of alcohol and drug addiction and seems to be applicable to Internet addiction as well.   This can be understood as wanting—and from the user's point of view, needing—more and more computer-related stimulation. You might want ever-increasing amounts of time on the computer, so it gradually takes over everything you do. The quest for more is likely a predominant theme in your thought processes and planning.

Negative Repercussions

If Internet addiction caused no harm, there would be no problem. But when excessive computer use becomes addictive, something starts to suffer.

One negative effect of internet addiction is that you may not have any offline personal relationships, or the ones you do have may be neglected or suffer arguments over your Internet use.

  • Online affairs can develop quickly and easily, sometimes without the person even believing online infidelity is cheating on their partner.
  • You may see your grades and other achievements suffer from so much of your attention being devoted to Internet use.
  • You may also have little energy for anything other than computer use—people with Internet addiction are often exhausted from staying up too late on the computer and becoming sleep deprived.
  • Finances can also suffer , particularly if your addiction is for online gambling, online shopping, or cybersex.

Internet addiction is particularly concerning for kids and teens. Children lack the knowledge and awareness to properly manage their own computer use and have no idea about the potential harms that the Internet can open them up to. The majority of kids have access to a computer, and it has become commonplace for kids and teens to carry cellphones.

While this may reassure parents that they can have two-way contact with their child in an emergency, there are very real risks that this constant access to the Internet can expose them to.

  • Children have become increasingly accustomed to lengthy periods of time connected to the Internet, disconnecting them from the surrounding world.
  • Children who own a computer and have privileged online access have an increased risk of involvement in cyberbullying , both as a victim and as a perpetrator.  
  • Children who engage in problematic internet use are more likely to use their cellphone for cybersex, particularly through sexting, or access apps which could potentially increase the risk of sex addiction and online sexual harms, such as Tinder.  

In addition, kids who play games online often face peer pressure to play for extended periods of time in order to support the group they are playing with or to keep their skills sharp. This lack of boundaries can make kids vulnerable to developing video game addiction.   This can also be disruptive to the development of healthy social relationships and can lead to isolation and victimization.

Children and teens are advised to have no more than two hours of screen time per day.

What to Do If You Have an Internet Addiction

If you recognize the symptoms of Internet addiction in yourself or someone in your care, talk to your doctor about getting help. As well as being able to provide referrals to Internet addiction clinics, psychologists, and other therapists, your doctor can prescribe medications or therapy to treat an underlying problem if you have one, such as depression or social anxiety disorder.

Internet addiction can also overlap with other behavioral addictions, such as work addiction, television addiction , and smartphone addiction.

Internet addiction can have devastating effects on individuals, families, and particularly growing children and teens. Getting help may be challenging but can make a huge difference in your quality of life.

Dresp-Langley B, Hutt A. Digital addiction and sleep .  IJERPH . 2022;19(11):6910. doi:10.3390/ijerph19116910

American Psychiatric Association. Internet Gaming .

Young KS, de Abreu CN. Internet Addiction: A Handbook and Guide to Evaluation and Treatment . New York: John Wiley & Sons Inc.; 2011.

Holoyda B, Landess J, Sorrentino R, Friedman SH. Trouble at teens' fingertips: Youth sexting and the law .  Behav Sci Law . 2018;36(2):170-181. doi:10.1002/bsl.2335

Jorgenson AG, Hsiao RC, Yen CF.  Internet Addiction and Other Behavioral Addictions .  Child Adolesc Psychiatr Clin N Am . 2016;25(3):509-520. doi:10.1016/j.chc.2016.03.004

Reid Chassiakos YL, Radesky J, Christakis D, Moreno MA, Cross C. Children and Adolescents and Digital Media . Pediatrics . 2016;138(5):e20162593. doi:10.1542/peds.2016-2593

Musetti A, Cattivelli R, Giacobbi M, et al. Challenges in Internet Addiction Disorder: Is a Diagnosis Feasible or Not ?  Front Psychol . 2016;7:842. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00842

Walrave M, Heirman W. Cyberbullying: Predicting Victimisation and Perpetration . Child Soc . 2011;25:59-72. doi:10.1111/j.1099-0860.2009.00260.x

Gámez-Guadix M, De Santisteban P. "Sex Pics?": Longitudinal Predictors of Sexting Among Adolescents . J Adolesc Health. 2018;63(5):608-614. doi:10.1016/j.jadohealth.2018.05.032

Hilgard J, Engelhardt CR, Bartholow BD. Individual differences in motives, preferences, and pathology in video games: the gaming attitudes, motives, and experiences scales (GAMES) . Front Psychol. 2013;4:608. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2013.00608

Alavi SS, Ferdosi M, Jannatifard F, Eslami M, Alaghemandan H, Setare M. Behavioral Addiction versus Substance Addiction: Correspondence of Psychiatric and Psychological Views .  Int J Prev Med . 2012;3(4):290-294.

American Psychiatric Association. Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, DSM-5. 5th ed. Washington, DC: American Psychiatric Association Publishing; 2013.

By Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD Elizabeth Hartney, BSc, MSc, MA, PhD is a psychologist, professor, and Director of the Centre for Health Leadership and Research at Royal Roads University, Canada. 

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  • J Behav Addict
  • v.5(4); 2016 Dec 1

Prevention of Internet addiction: A systematic review

Petra vondráčková.

1 Department of Addictology, First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, and General University Hospital in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic

Roman Gabrhelík

Background and aims.

Out of a large number of studies on Internet addiction, only a few have been published on the prevention of Internet addiction. The aim of this study is provide a systematic review of scientific articles regarding the prevention of Internet addiction and to identify the relevant topics published in this area of interest.

The Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses guidelines were adopted. The EBSCO, ProQuest Central, and PubMed databases were searched for texts published in English and Spanish between January 1995 and April 2016. A total of 179 original texts were obtained. After de-duplication and topic-relevance review, 108 texts were systematically classified and subjected to descriptive analysis and subsequent content analysis.

The results of the content analysis yielded the following thematic areas: (a) target groups, (b) the improvement of specific skills, (c) program characteristics, and (d) environmental interventions.

Discussion and conclusion

Literature on the prevention of Internet addiction is scarce. There is an urgent need to introduce and implement new interventions for different at-risk populations, conduct well-designed research, and publish data on the effectiveness of these interventions. Developing prevention interventions should primarily target children and adolescents at risk of Internet addiction but also parents, teachers, peers, and others who are part of the formative environment of children and adolescents at risk of Internet addiction. Newly designed interventions focused on Internet addiction should be rigorously evaluated and the results published.


Internet addiction can be defined as overuse of the Internet leading to impairment of an individual’s psychological state (both mental and emotional), as well as their scholastic or occupational and social interactions ( Beard & Wolf, 2001 ). Since its emergence in the scientific literature, this phenomenon has been accompanied by controversy concerning its definition and conceptualization. There is considerable discussion as to whether people are addicted to the Internet itself or on the Internet, specifically to the activities realized in the Internet environment, and whether to use the term Internet addiction or addictions to specific online activities such as online gambling, online gaming, or cybersex addiction ( Davis, 2001 ; Griffiths, Kuss, Billieux, & Pontes, 2016 ; Pontes, Kuss, & Griffiths, 2015 ; Starcevic, 2013 ). In this paper, we use the term Internet addiction to denote excessive use of the Internet and addictive behavior related to the Internet.

In studies using representative general population samples, the prevalence rates range from 1% in Germany ( Rumpf et al., 2014 ) to 3.4% in the Czech Republic ( Šmahel, Vondráčková, Blinka, & Godoy-Etcheverry, 2009 ). Internet addiction prevalence rates among adolescents tend to be the highest, ranging from 0.8% in Italy to 26.7% in Hong Kong ( Kuss, Griffiths, Karila, & Billieux, 2014 ). These numbers are rather indicative because Internet addiction rates vary according to which definitions of Internet addiction, assessment tool, and cut-off are used ( Douglas et al., 2008 ; Kuss, Griffiths, et al., 2014 ; Vondráčková, 2015 ; Vondráčková & Šmahel, 2015 ).

The attention of researchers has focused on the treatment of Internet addiction and some treatment studies have been published in recent years; however, the majority of them are of rather poor quality ( King, Delfabbro, Griffiths, & Gradisar, 2011 ). Very few studies report on the prevention of Internet addiction and this area has only recently started to receive more attention from researchers. Clinicians, educators, and policymakers agree that treatment strategies for tackling the Internet addiction problem need to be accompanied by prevention strategies that address risk factors before addiction evolves into a more serious form ( Kwon, 2011 ; Yu & Shek, 2013 ).

Prevention science represents a systematic transdisciplinary approach to the study of (a) etiology and epidemiology of various preventable health and social problems and (b) intervention and research designs, efficiency and effectiveness, implementation of effective interventions at the individual, social and societal systems of the family, education, workplace, community, in the areas of social welfare, planning, environment, urban design, and (fiscal) policy ( Gabrhelík, 2016 ; SPAN, 2015 ; SPR, n.d. ). This definition is framing the general scope of scientific approach to prevention that is further specified by other key terms and concepts (e.g., levels of prevention; universal, selective, indicated, early diagnostics and intervention; specific target groups; prevention models, etc.)

The objectives of this study were to review relevant literature on the prevention of Internet addiction published between January 1995 and April 2016 and to perform content analysis in order to identify relevant topics which are discussed in this context in the literature utilizing the Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-Analyses (PRISMA) guidelines. The unique contribution of this paper lies in the fact that this is, to the best of our knowledge, the first review focused on the prevention of Internet addiction.

A systematic search of research texts was conducted following the PRISMA recommendations ( Higgins & Green, 2011 ; Moher, Liberati, Tetzlaff, Altman, & The PRISMA Group, 2009 ). The protocol for this review was not previously registered.

Eligibility criteria

In this systematic review, all relevant papers having the prevention of Internet addiction as a main topic or as at least partially topic were included. Further criteria adopted were (a) publication between January 1995 and April 2016, (b) written in English or Spanish language, and (c) published as journal articles, book chapters, and original manuscripts. Additionally, the texts where prevention was only a general topic were excluded.

Information sources and search

Studies were identified by searching relevant papers via EBSCO, ProQuest Central, and PubMed databases, employing the following search terms: “prevent*,” “interven*,” “program*,” “parent*,” “school*,” “family*,” “peer*,” “communit*” in combination with “Internet addiction,” “gaming addiction,” “online gambling,” “cybersex addiction,” “online sex addiction,” “Internet sex addiction,” “Facebook addiction,” “social network addiction,” “compulsive Internet use,” “excessive Internet use,” “problem Internet use,” and “pathological Internet use.”

Selection and data collection process

Using the above criteria, a total of 179 original texts (see Figure  1 ) were obtained. After de-duplication and topic-relevance review of all the abstracts, 145 texts were selected for further analysis. Finally, the texts where prevention was only a general topic were excluded. The remaining 108 texts were further systematically classified and subjected to descriptive analysis. The texts included in this study were divided into two categories. In the first category, we analyzed all of the 100 texts that had the prevention of Internet addiction as a partial topic. The majority of them focused on research in some areas of Internet addiction, for example, prevalence or correlates of Internet addiction ( Ang, Chong, Chye, & Huan, 2012 ; Huang et al., 2009 ; Park, Kim, & Cho, 2008 ). Typical recommendations regarding the prevention of Internet addiction were based on their specific results, such as “These findings emphasize the importance of prevention and early intervention work with early adolescents and their parents with respect to adolescent loneliness and generalized problematic Internet use ( Ang et al., 2012 ).” These were often part of the abstract, discussion, or conclusion sections. The remaining texts were reviews or theoretical papers, again with general recommendations for the prevention of Internet addiction. For the purpose of this study, we included these recommendations regarding Internet addiction prevention in the analysis.

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The PRISMA flow diagram of the selection process

In the second category, we analyzed eight texts that had the prevention of Internet addiction as their main topic. Six of them (Table  1 ) described and/or evaluated specific prevention interventions ( Busch, de Leeuw, & Schrijvers, 2013 ; de Leeuw, de Bruijn, de Weert-van Oene, & Schrijvers, 2010 ; Korkmaz & Kiran-Esen, 2012 ; Shek, Ma, & Sun, 2011 ; Turel, Mouttapa, & Donato, 2015 ; Walther, Hanewinkel, & Morgenstern, 2014 ). For the purpose of the study, were extracted data relevant to these areas: (a) country in which were data collected, (b) key characteristics of the participants (sample size and segment of the population assessed), (c) intervention characteristic, (d) risk of bias in individual studies, and (e) methodological features (objectives, assessment methods, type of study, and design).

Texts describing prevention interventions

Note . CIUS: Compulsive Internet Use Scale; IUHS: Internet Use Habit Scale; IAS: Internet Addiction Scale; KFN-CSAS-II: Video Game Dependency Scale; n.a.: not available.

For assessing risk of bias was used the Cochrane Collaboration´s tool for assessing risk of bias ( Higgins & Green, 2011 ). The following risks of bias were observed: (a) selection bias (sequence generation and allocation sequence concealment), (b) performance bias (blinding of participants and personnel), (c) detection bias (blinding of outcome assessment), (d) attrition bias (incomplete outcome data), and (e) reporting bias (selective outcome reporting).

The subsequent content analysis of all texts was focused on the identification of relevant thematic areas and their content. One reviewer (PV) screened the titles/abstracts and analyzed the full texts of the identified texts.

This article does not contain any studies with human participants or animals performed by any of the authors.

On the basis of the content analysis of these 108 texts, we identified four basic areas of interest: (a) target groups, (b) the improvement of specific skills, (c) program characteristics, and (d) environmental interventions.

Target groups

The target groups in our texts are defined on the levels of (a) universal prevention and (b) selective and indicated prevention.

Universal prevention

On the level of universal prevention, we identified four main target groups for prevention interventions: (a) children and adolescents, (b) college students, (c) parents and those close to them, and (d) gambling employees and employees with regular access to the Internet.

The majority of researchers (e.g.,  Jang & Ji, 2012 ; Lan & Lee, 2013 ) are in agreement that preventive interventions should focus mainly on children and adolescents. Children and adolescents are in their formative years, when values and standards develop, and they have the highest prevalence rates of Internet addiction ( Šmahel et al., 2009 ). For this reason, prevention programs should be implemented in the school environment, especially in elementary school settings that are often on the front line of the identification of potentially life-threatening behaviors ( Jang & Ji, 2012 ; Lan & Lee, 2013 ). The South Korean government launched its plan for Internet addiction prevention and treatment with components starting with prevention interventions even with preschool children ( Romano, 2014 ). College students are the second group on which Internet addiction prevention interventions should be focused ( Lin, Ko, & Wu, 2011 ) because of the high prevalence rates (e.g.,  Chou & Hsiao, 2000 ; Huang et al., 2009 ; Lin et al., 2011 ) and easy accessibility ( Anwar & Seemamunaf, 2015 ). In addition to children, adolescents, and college students, attention should also be paid to their close formative surroundings, especially the family, the school environment, and extracurricular activities (e.g.,  Lin & Gau, 2013 ; Park et al, 2008 ). Young ( 2010 ), on the other hand, stresses the potential for the prevention of Internet addiction at work for employees with regular access to the Internet because regular access to the Internet may be a risk factor in the development of Internet addiction. Gray, Tom, Laplante, and Shaffer ( 2015 ) describe responsible gambling training programs, which train online gambling employees about gambling and gambling-related problems.

Selective and indicated prevention

At the level of selective and indicated prevention, there are at-higher-risk individuals because of the presence of specific biopsychosocial factors and factors related to Internet use patterns. The risk factors (or characteristics) found in the literature relate to: (a)  psychopathological factors : ADHD, depressive and anxiety disorders, and social phobia (e.g.,  Alavi et al., 2012 ; Ang et al., 2012 ; Ko, Yen, Chen, Yeh, & Yen, 2009 ; Lin et al., 2011 ; Oh, 2003 ; Yen et al., 2008 ), substance use ( Ko, Yen, Yen, Chen, & Chen, 2012 ), or obsessive compulsive symptoms ( Jang, Hwang, & Choi, 2008 ); (b)  personality characteristics : hyperactivity and impulsivity ( Wu et al., 2013 ), high novelty seeking and low reward dependence ( Dalbudak et al., 2015 ; Ko et al., 2006 ), introversion, low conscientiousness and agreeableness and high neuroticism/low emotional stability ( Kuss, Shorter, van Rooij, van de Mheen, & Griffiths, 2014 ; Kuss, van Rooij, Shorter, Griffiths, & van de Mheen, 2013 ), hostility (e.g.,  Alavi et al., 2012 ; Ang et al., 2012 ; Ko et al., 2009 ; Lin et al., 2011 ; Oh, 2003 ; Yen et al., 2008 ), or a low level of self-control and self-regulation ( Blachnio & Przepiorka, 2015 ); (c)  physiological characteristics : stronger blood volume pulse and respiratory response and a weaker peripheral temperature ( Lu, Wang, & Huang, 2010 ); (d)  patterns of Internet use : a large number of hours spent online ( Kuss et al., 2013 ), engagement in different video games ( Donati, Chiesi, Ammannato, & Primi, 2015 ), or excessive weekend Internet use ( Xu, Shen, et al., 2012 ); (e)  sociodemographic factors such as gender ( Ha & Hwang, 2014 ; Shek & Yu, 2016 ) or family economic disadvantage ( Shek & Yu, 2016 ); and (f) the current situation : loneliness and stress ( Alavi et al., 2012 ; Ang et al., 2012 ; Ko et al., 2009 ; Lin et al., 2011 ; Oh, 2003 ; Yen et al., 2008 ) or affiliation with peers who have lower levels of social acceptance or young people situated in a class with higher levels of Internet addiction ( Zhou & Fang, 2015 ).

Interventions focusing on improvement of specific skills

Researchers recommend counselors, teachers, or employers to focus on the development of specific skills in (a) individuals who are at risk of Internet addiction, but also in (b) their significant others, particularly parents, teachers, and peers.

Individuals at risk of Internet addiction

The specific skills for preventing Internet addiction can be divided into four basic areas: (a)  skills associated with Internet use , such as the reduction of the positive outcome expectancy of Internet use, self-control, self-efficacy, or abstinence from addictive online applications (e.g.,  Echeburúa & de Corral, 2010 ; Kim, Namkoong, Ku, & Kim, 2008 ; Li, Wang, & Wang, 2009 ; Lin, Ko, & Wu, 2008 ; Lin et al., 2011 ; Oh, 2003 ; Wang, Wu, & Lau, 2016 ), and the ability to identify the maladaptive thoughts connected with addictive behavior ( Peng & Liu, 2010 ); (b)  skills associated with coping with stress and emotions : particularly the development of individual coping strategies (e.g.,  Li et al., 2009 ; Rehbein & Baier, 2013 ), improvement of the capacity to regulate and process emotions ( Lin et al., 2008 , 2011 ), diminution of hostility ( Ko, Yen, Yen, Lin, & Yang, 2007 ), encouragement of positive personality traits ( Yu & Shek, 2013 ), and the enhancement of self-esteem ( Ko et al., 2007 ); (c)  skills associated with interpersonal situations : the diminution of interpersonal sensitivity ( Ko et al., 2007 ), reinforcement of emotional intelligence ( García del Castillo, García del Castillo-López, Gázquez Pertusa, & Marzo Campos, 2013 ), strengthening of social competence in order to reinforce the rules of fairness and tolerance within the class group in schools ( Rehbein & Baier, 2013 ), and the ability to communicate face to face and carry out group activities and free-time activities with peers ( Echeburúa & de Corral, 2010 ; Yang, Zhu, Chen, Song, & Wang, 2016 ); and (d)  skills associated with one’s daily regime and use of free time : keeping a sleep schedule ( Lin & Gau, 2013 ), carrying out group activities and free-time activities ( Echeburúa & de Corral, 2010 ), and encouraging participation in creative, exploratory, and exciting healthy activities ( Ko et al., 2007 ).

Significant others

Some researchers also point out the presence of certain factors or parenting styles that promote the development of Internet addiction and they stress the need to work not only with vulnerable individuals but also with their loved ones, especially their parents. Most of the recommendations in the literature are focused on the parents of children at risk. Some of them are focused on peers, teachers, and employers ( Gray et al., 2015 ; Chen, Lee, & Yuan, 2013 ; Zhou & Fang, 2015 ).

In contact with the loved ones of vulnerable individuals, experts primarily recommend focusing on two basic skills: (a)  skills encouraging closer relationships , in particular the improvement of parent–child communication, the amount of time spent with their children, understanding their child’s needs, and the improvement of parental mental health (e.g.,  Echeburúa & de Corral, 2010 ; Ko et al., 2007 ; Lam, 2015 ; Lin & Gau, 2013 ). In companies with a regular Internet connection, Young ( 2010 ) recommends supporting employees’ responsibility and ethical integrity; (b)  skills connected with the monitoring of Internet use , such as understanding their child’s needs regarding Internet usage ( Kalmus, Blinka, & Ólafsson, 2013 ; Wu et al., 2013 ), knowledge and awareness of their child’s online activities ( Ang et al., 2012 ), and monitoring of the child’s Internet use ( Li, Li, & Newman, 2013 ). This may be done, for example, by establishing rules regulating the content of online activities and/or by criticizing excessive Internet use but without setting strict time limits for Internet use ( van den Eijnden, Spijkerman, Vermulst, van Rooij, & Engels, 2010 ), by the mediation of Internet use to children in the form of discussions and joint Internet use together with them ( Xiuqin et al., 2010 ), and by the use of restrictive strategies with regard to Internet use ( Kalmus et al., 2013 ; Xiuqin et al., 2010 ). Liu, Fang, Deng, and Zhang ( 2012 ) also point to the adoption of adaptive norms of Internet use and consistent adherence to them among parents. Indirectly, the literature also indicated work with teachers on how to conduct effective prevention interventions ( Walther et al., 2014 ). Regarding employees, Young ( 2010 ) encourages company management to teach employees how to detect the first signs of Internet addiction and factors that contribute to its development early on. In this context, Frangos and Sotiropoulos ( 2010 ) recommend the organization of educational seminars and the monitoring of Internet use by employers.

The skills introduced above were found to be relevant in the prevention of other risk behaviors. These skills and their role in the prevention of Internet addiction were not specifically studied and thus are not evidence-based. Only Xu, Turel, and Yuan ( 2012 ) monitored the impact of six prevention factors/specific skills (switching attention to other beneficial activities, the perceived financial cost of online gaming, dissuasion by others, rationalization/education, parental monitoring, and regulation and restriction of resources, such as money or equipment) in preventing online game playing and addiction on the basis of the self-reports of 623 adolescents in China. The data suggest that switching attention had a significant negative impact on game playing and addiction. Rationalization/education and the perceived cost had a significant negative influence on game playing but not on online game addiction and parental monitoring had a negative influence on online game addiction. Surprisingly, the adolescents reported that dissuasion was positively associated with game playing and addiction, and the regulation and restriction of resources correlated positively with online game addiction.

Program characteristics

In the texts published on Internet addiction prevention interventions, we identified the following three dimensions: (a) information-providing versus interactive interventions, (b) single versus complex interventions, and (c) empirical studies of Internet addiction prevention.

Information-providing versus interactive interventions

The most widespread form of the prevention of Internet addiction is based on providing basic information regarding Internet addiction, with an emphasis on factual information concerning its adverse consequences ( Alavi et al., 2012 ; Kwon, 2011 ). Educators usually invite experts to give a presentation to students about Internet addiction and provide some advice on how to control Internet use. Furthermore, these interventions may be a part of media education at primary and secondary schools.

Recently, four Internet addiction prevention interventions based on providing information have been published. Korkmaz and Kiran-Esen ( 2012 ) investigated the effect of a peer program on control and experimental groups of 825 students who attended the 6th to 8th grades in two primary schools in Turkey. Future peer activists attended a 10-hr educational program to learn how to inform their peers in two 40-min lectures about the Internet, Internet addiction, and types of online applications with safe and risk potential. According to the results of the study, the peer program was beneficial for the students who attended the lecture. Their Internet use was influenced in a positive manner in comparison to the members of the control group. The second publication introduced a program aimed at increasing media literacy among 2,303 German children aged 11–13 years, who were divided into experimental and control groups. The program consisted of four lectures regarding Internet use in general, online communication, and online gaming and gambling, and was implemented by trained teachers during class time. The effectiveness of the program was monitored in 1,843 respondents 12 months after the delivery of the intervention. The results revealed a significant effect of the intervention in terms of a smaller increase in their self-reported gaming frequency and gaming time and a smaller proportion of excessive gamers in the intervention group ( Walther et al., 2014 ). de Leeuw et al. ( 2010 ) describe a health promotion program delivered to 367 children aged 11–16 years; the intervention focused on education on health issues (Internet and gaming behavior was among the seven health behaviors addressed) and delivered in blocks of 2 hr a week within three school years (the authors did not present the total number of hours). The results were rather inconsistent. The time spent on the Internet (hours/day) and the number of pathological Internet users increased during the study. The number of game users decreased but heavy game use increased. Turel et al. ( 2015 ) conducted an empirical test of an Internet addiction intervention based on two short video interventions (one educational and informative and the other less informative and more humorous and surprising). A sample of 233 university students was exposed to one of the two videos. The researchers measured Internet addiction and attitudes toward reducing their use of the Internet in three waves (one week before the intervention, immediately after the intervention, and one week after the intervention). The intervention was efficacious in improving viewers’ attitudes toward reducing their Internet use.

Single versus complex interventions

Single interventions focus on a single type of risk behavior, for example, Internet addiction.

On the other hand, complex interventions focus either on: (a) different types of risk behaviors simultaneously, or (b) different types of environments that are relevant to Internet addiction. The multi-risk-behavior-focused programs also aim, besides Internet addiction, at other types of risk behaviors, mostly substance use (e.g.,  Gong et al., 2009 ; Ko et al., 2008 ; Yen, Yen, Chen, Chen, & Ko, 2007 ; Jie et al., 2009 ). The assumption that the reduction of risk behavior in one area may reduce risk behavior in other areas has been confirmed by numerous studies (e.g.,  Cuijpers, 2002 ; Miovský, Šťastná, Gabrhelík, & Jurystová, 2011 ). Regarding multiple environments or settings, we identified the following environments that such a preventive intervention should aim at: the individual, the family, peers, school, work, and the community ( Frangos & Sotiropoulos, 2010 ; Hur, 2006 ; Jang et al., 2008 ).

Busch et al. ( 2013 ) introduced a pilot version of a school intervention aimed at promoting health (healthy nutrition, physical exercise, sexual health, reducing alcohol and drug use, smoking, bullying behaviors, excessive sedentary behavior – watching television and computer use – and excessive Internet use, including online gaming) in primary schools in the Netherlands. Data were collected from 336 students aged 15–16 years, who were divided into experimental and control groups. Individual interventions were carried out on the following four levels: (a) application of healthy school policies (no smoking or use of drugs and alcoholic beverages), (b) parental activities with children and their participation in creating a healthy school environment, (c) the active development of life skills in students, and (d) addressing local health experts to provide teachers with basic information about the areas that were monitored. The intervention successfully changed the health behaviors of the students in many areas (smoking, excessive use of alcohol and drugs, sedentary behavior, and bullying) but had no effect on excessive Internet use, including online gaming. This intervention fulfilled both aspects of complexity, that is, a focus on various types of risk behavior (healthy nutrition, physical exercise, sexual health, reducing alcohol and drug use, smoking, bullying behaviors, excessive sedentary behavior – watching television and computer use – and excessive Internet use, including online gaming) and on four types of setting (the individual, family, community levels). Shek et al. ( 2011 ) present the curriculum of a positive youth development program (Project P.A.T.H.S.) which consists of 120 teaching units designed with reference to the 15 positive youth development constructs identified in successful positive youth development programs. In the extension phase of the project, a new curriculum with an additional 60 teaching units was developed with specific reference to five major adolescent developmental issues (substance abuse, the issue of sexuality, Internet addiction, bullying, and money and success issues). Besides the students, families (e.g., encouraging parental involvement) and schools (e.g., school improvement and reorganization initiatives) were also targeted.

Empirical studies of Internet addiction prevention

We identified five empirical studies describing the implementation and/or evaluation of preventive intervention (see Table  1 ). Majority of studies ( Busch et al., 2013 ; Korkmaz & Kiran-Esen, 2012 ; de Leeuw et al., 2010 ; Walther et al., 2014 ) were carried out in Europe (the Netherlands, Germany, and Turkey), only one in the USA ( Turel et al., 2015 ). Majority of studies ( Busch et al., 2013 ; Korkmaz & Kiran-Esen, 2012 ; de Leeuw et al., 2010 ; Walther et al., 2014 ) were focused on the change of Internet addiction behavior among secondary school students 11- to 16-year-olds and only one ( Turel et al., 2015 ) targeted on university students aged 18–49 years. Only Busch et al. ( 2013 ) targeted beside students their families, school environment and teachers in their preventive interventions. The rest of studies intervened in students’ population. Two studies were conducted as pilot studies with assessments ( Busch et al., 2013 ; de Leeuw et al., 2010 ) and the rest used the randomized trial with baseline and two follow ups ( Korkmaz & Kiran-Esen, 2012 ; Turel et al., 2015 ; Walther et al., 2014 ).

In terms of risk of bias in individual studies (Table  2 ), most studies ( Busch et al., 2013 ; Korkmaz & Kiran-Esen, 2012 ; de Leeuw et al., 2010 ; Turel et al., 2015 ) were assessed as high risk in the first four categories (selection bias, performance bias, detection bias, and attrition bias) and low risk in the reporting bias category. Walther et al. ( 2014 ) was assessed “high risk” bias only in the selection and attrition categories. We applied strict criteria in the assessment. However, it must be noted that the performance bias (due to knowledge of the allocated interventions by participants and personnel during the study; Higgins & Green, 2011 ) and detection bias (due to knowledge of the allocated interventions by outcome assessors; Higgins & Green, 2011 ) are, in general, not controlled for in prevention studies. Regarding the overall quality of methodology, we assess the study conducted by Walther et al. ( 2014 ) as high compared to the remaining studies.

Assessment of risk of bias in individual studies

Note. H: high risk of bias; L: low risk of bias; U: unclear bias. We applied strict criteria in the assessment. However, it must be noted that, for example, performance and detection biases are, in general, rather uncommon in these types of studies. Perhaps, in these studies, U could also be used for performance and detection biases.

Environmental interventions

Countries in which Internet addiction is considered a serious health problem are starting to introduce Internet addiction prevention interventions on the environmental level, particularly regulations related to Internet addiction. For example, the Chinese government has implemented tighter control mechanisms on Internet cafés and an anti-addiction or fatigue system. The regulations, for example, state that no Internet café is allowed within 200 meters of an elementary or middle school or that the business hours of Internet cafés must be limited to between 8 a.m. and midnight ( Guosong, 2010 ). An anti-addiction or fatigue system is a monitoring system that watches the number of hours a user spends on online game playing and the user’s game character will lose power and experience points after the limit on game playing has been exceeded ( Hsu, Wen, & Wu, 2009 ). In this context, Yani-de-Soriano, Javed, and Yousafzai ( 2012 ) urge policymakers and regulators to become more involved in the corporate social responsibility practices of online gambling companies that are aimed at preventing or minimizing the harm associated with their activities.

In the review, we focused on four basic areas regarding the prevention of Internet addiction: (a) the target groups, (b) the improvement of specific skills, (c) the program characteristics, and (d) environmental interventions.

The target group is usually split into two subgroups, using a population criterion: the universal level of prevention and the selective and indicated level of prevention. At the level of universal prevention four main subgroups were identified: (a) children and adolescents, (b) university students, (c) parents and others close to the member of the target group, and (d) gambling employees and employees with regular access to the Internet. Currently, most attention is paid to children and adolescents, who are responsive to positive influences on their values and beliefs ( Bém & Kalina, 2003 ) and easily accessible in the school environment. The prevention of Internet addiction in adults and seniors, as well as the unemployed and mothers on parental leave, who are endangered to a great extent by Internet addiction ( Müller, Glaesmer, Brähler, Woelfling, & Beutel, 2013 ; Young, 1998 ), has received very little or no attention. These are not yet mentioned in the literature on preventive interventions because such populations are difficult to access or, for example, Internet addiction might be hidden among other problematic behaviors such as workaholism ( Quinones, Griffiths, & Kakabadse, 2016 ). To address the needs of these groups, the type and extent of their problems and developing appropriate interventions for them represent more of a challenge for the future.

Regarding selective and indicated prevention, we identified six sub-groups with specific biopsychosocial risk factors: (a) psychopathological factors, (b) personality characteristics, (c) physiological characteristics, (d) patterns of Internet use, (e) sociodemographic factors, and (f) the current situation. Only factors on the individual level were mentioned in the prevention literature; factors on the environmental level, such as the family, peer, school, and community level, are missing ( Charvát & Nevoralová, 2012 ). Therefore, future studies should focus on identifying at-risk groups on the environmental level.

Future prevention interventions should also focus on people who are part of the formative environment of children and adolescents who are at risk of Internet addiction: parents, teachers, peers, and others close to them. Literature describing any specific Internet addiction prevention interventions focused on those close to potential Internet addicts is scarce ( Busch et al., 2013 ).

The development of prevention interventions that increase specific (life) skills in specific subgroups is recommended for: (a) individuals who are at risk of Internet addiction (skills associated with Internet use, with coping with stress and emotions, with interpersonal situations, and with one’s daily regime and use of free time), and also for (b) those close to them (skills encouraging closer relationships and skills connected with the monitoring of Internet use). All these skills fall into the category of life skills, which are defined as a group of psychosocial competencies and interpersonal skills that help people make informed decisions, solve problems, think critically and creatively, communicate effectively, build healthy relationships, empathize with others, and cope with and manage their lives in a healthy and productive manner ( WHO, 2003 ). In general, the adoption of relevant life skills leads to healthy lifestyles and the prevention of risk behaviors or other mental and somatic health problems ( Manee, Khouiee, & Zaree, 2011 ; Pharaoh, Frantz, & Smith, 2011 ). Although we can find many recommendations in the literature on how specific skills should be developed to prevent Internet addiction, there is only one study ( Xu, Turel, et al., 2012 ) that evaluated the impact of some specific skills in the prevention of Internet addiction. Therefore, researchers should design, conduct, and publish scientifically rigorous evaluations of specific skills that are relevant in the prevention of Internet addiction.

In Internet addiction prevention interventions, we identified three basic dimensions: (a) programs aimed at providing information versus interactive interventions, (b) single versus complex interventions, and (c) empirical studies of Internet addiction prevention. According to the literature, the general recommendations that should lead to the intended effective prevention outcomes are: (a) the mere provision of information about the negative consequences of risk behavior is ineffective and it needs to be complemented by interactive interventions aimed at changing attitudes and the development of selected skills for life ( Soole, Mazerolle, & Rombouts, 2008 ) and (b) the effective prevention interventions should be complex and focused on Internet addiction and other forms of risk behavior ( Gong et al., 2009 ) and should be a combination of interventions targeting vulnerable people with an Internet addiction, their parents and other loved ones, and the community, school, or work environment ( Frangos & Sotiropoulos, 2010 ). In our search, we found only five studies describing and evaluating prevention interventions for Internet addiction. A comparison of the results from these Internet addiction prevention interventions ( Busch et al., 2013 ; Korkmaz & Kiran-Esen, 2012 ; de Leeuw et al., 2010 ; Turel et al., 2015 ; Walther et al., 2014 ) suggests that the findings are not fully in line with the current school-based prevention recommendations based on evidence (e.g.,  Cuijpers, 2002 ; Miovský et al., 2011 ; Soole et al., 2008 ). The study of Busch et al. ( 2013 ) was complex in both dimensions but had limited effectiveness in terms of its effect on Internet addiction; the studies of Korkmaz and Kiran-Esen ( 2012 ), Turel et al. ( 2015 ), and Walther et al. ( 2014 ) used informative single-type interventions but were effective. Only the study results of de Leeuw et al. ( 2010 ) were rather inconsistent. This contradiction may be caused by the limited number of studies (five), the sample size, short-term follow ups, the different instruments used for the measurement of Internet addiction, high risk of bias in individual studies, and the emphasis on the nature of the outcome rather than the specificity of the topic of Internet addiction.

To illuminate the reasons for these contradictory findings, it is necessary to carry out more studies of the effectiveness of prevention programs focused on Internet addiction.

The above-mentioned six interventions are examples of universal prevention programs. The authors found no evidence of studies describing prevention interventions that fell within the area of selective and indicated prevention, even though in the scientific literature there are specific recommendations for the prevention of Internet addiction, especially in the area of indicated and selective prevention (e.g.,  Echeburúa & de Corral, 2010 ; Ko et al., 2007 ; Lin & Gau, 2013 ). Therefore, we recommend researchers, consultants, and educators who are planning the creation and evaluation of specific programs of selective or indicated prevention to draw inspiration from the prevention of other risk behaviors (e.g., the prevention of substance use).

We would also like to comment on the environmental interventions. Environmental interventions can be induced by providers [e.g., the owners of Internet cafés ( Guosong, 2010 ) or online gambling companies ( Hsu et al., 2009 ; Yani-de-Soriano et al., 2012 )]. Very few countries implement such interventions in practice. No efficacy or effectiveness studies have been conducted and no results published. We encourage policymakers and researchers to implement and study interventions on the environmental level.

The strength of this review is that it is (to the authors’ best knowledge) the first review focused on the prevention of Internet addiction and that also included texts written not only in English but also in Spanish. Several limitations are worth noting: first, the majority of the texts had the prevention of Internet addiction as a partial topic, while only eight texts (seven studies and one theoretical chapter) had it as the main topic; second, each of the records included in our study used different conceptualization and different measures of Internet addiction, and had different objectives; therefore, this study is more descriptive than comparative.

To the best of our knowledge, this is the first detailed review on the prevention of Internet addiction. Our findings showed that the literature on research into the prevention of Internet addiction is scarce. There is an urgent need to introduce and implement new interventions for different at-risk populations, conduct well-designed research, and publish data on the effectiveness (or lack thereof) of these interventions.

Developing prevention interventions should primarily target children and adolescents at risk of Internet addiction but also parents, teachers, peers, and others who are part of the formative environment of children and adolescents at risk of Internet addiction. These interventions should cover all three levels of prevention: universal, selective, and indicated, and should address risk factors on the family, peer, school, community, and environmental levels that contribute to the onset and development of Internet addiction. Newly designed interventions focused on Internet addiction should be rigorously evaluated and the results published.

Authors’ contribution

PV designed the study and wrote the protocol, conducted the literature searches and analyses of the records, and performed the initial drafting of the manuscript. RG contributed to the writing and finalization of the manuscript. Both authors contributed to and have approved the final manuscript. PV is the guarantor of the work.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interest.

Funding Statement

Funding sources: This study was supported by the Czech Science Foundation (Grant no. 16-15771S) and Charles University, Prague (PRVOUK-P03/LF1/9).

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  • International edition
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Digital immersion … social media works in the same way that slot machines work on gambling addicts.

Olivia Sudjic: five books to get a grip on internet addiction

After the Facebook fallout, here are some of the best books to explain how we behave in the digital world, from a dystopian novel to a guide to how our inner lives have been altered

M ark Zuckerberg’s testimony to Congress in Washington last week was a grim reminder of many things, not least how far from Tim Berners-Lee ’s original vision of the world wide web we have come. “Personalisation” and “connection” have become euphemisms for surveillance as advertisers and the companies behind the internet close in on us. Last month, many people nobly promised to quit Facebook in valedictory status updates; several weeks later, most of them are back, quietly returning to the duplicitous partner who vows they’ll change. As former Google design ethicist Tristan Harris has been warning us for years, the medium is designed to be addictive, to manipulate us in the same way that slot machines work on gambling addicts. The Age of Earthquakes: A Guide to the Extreme Present is wryly referred to as “a self-help book” by its impressive triumvirate of authors: Douglas Coupland , Hans Ulrich Obrist and Shumon Basar . First published in 2015, this slim paperback features a glossary of invented words that describe how our inner lives, and indeed the planet, have been restructured by our immersion in digital technology. This is a compelling extension of the ideas that Marshall McLuhan set forth in his 1967 bestseller, The Medium Is the Massage (his title was originally “message”, but McLuhan loved the irony of the typesetter’s mistake and kept it).

Novels are under threat from the internet, we’re told, as attention spans become shorter. But the digital world is also inspiring novelists. Gary Shteyngart’s Su per Sad True Love Story (2010) is set in a near-future dystopian New York: the US has become ungovernable; books and privacy are anachronisms; everyone owns a device that can live-stream thoughts (a version of this has since been created at MIT) and enables a fully quantified self, from health to hotness. Shteyngart seizes on nascent fears of online addiction and the internet’s dark side. Revisiting it now, the book reads less like science fiction, more like an account of a Faustian pact we’ve already made.

Jon Ronson ‘So You Have Been Publicly Shamed’ book promotion at Waterstones, Oxford, Britain - 21 Mar 2015

Jon Ronson’s So You’ve Been Publicly Shamed (2015) manages to be addictive reading – as compulsive as any online newsfeed – while distancing itself from the hysteria social media can induce. It demonstrates a nuanced and well-balanced analysis of our online behaviour.

Meanwhile, Olivia Laing’s Lonely City: The Adventures and Art of Being Alone (2016) merges memoir and essay to electric effect, whether she is describing the isolation of a Edward Hopper figure behind glass, or the author behind the glow of her computer screen. Her writing burns with that longing for connection that exists at its most acute in crowded cities such as New York. Having recently gone through a break-up in the book, Laing finds comfort in online communities, but she is also sensitive to their contradictions; her craving for a connection is tempered by her creeping awareness of surveillance and her growing hypervigilance.

Laing has clearly read Alone Together (2011) by psychologist Sherry Turkle, who has been writing about internet culture for three decades, with other studies on digital addiction including Life on the Screen , The Second Self and Reclaiming the Conversation: The Power of Talk in the Digital Age . Like Emma Gannon, the author of the excellent memoir Ctrl, Alt, Delete (2016), I am nearly the same age as the internet and had taken for granted its power over my life. Turkle was my gateway drug, aged 24, into thinking critically about my behaviour and the medium designed to hold me captive.

  • Olivia Sudjic’s Sympathy is published in paperback by Pushkin. To order a copy for £7.64, go to guardianbookshop.com or call 0330 333 6846. Free UK p&p over £10, online orders only. Phone orders min. p&p of £1.99.
  • Further reading

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239 Internet Essay Topics

🏆 best essay topics on internet, ✍️ internet essay topics for college, 👍 good internet research topics & essay examples, 🌶️ hot internet ideas to write about, 💡 simple internet essay ideas, 📌 easy internet essay topics, ❓ research questions about the internet.

  • Internet Does More Good Than Harm
  • Impact of Internet on Students’ Life
  • Life Before the Internet Versus After the Internet
  • Internet Impact on Modern Culture
  • History of the Internet
  • The Negative Effect the Internet Has on Society
  • Is the Internet «Making Us Stupid?»
  • Dangers of the Internet to Children People are so attracted to the internet because of the inability to disclose the identity of the user. This is the main reason that makes the internet so dangerous to kids.
  • Benefits of Using the Internet in the Modern World This essay is focusing on the benefits which the worldwide users have been enjoying since they started using the internet, until now when the usage of the internet is advanced.
  • Impacts of Internet on Print Media and Journalism This essay seeks to elaborate on the impacts of internet on print media and journalism while in the process stating the advantages and disadvantages of both internet and print media.
  • Evolution of the Internet The complex history of the evolution of the internet involves many aspects such as technological, organizational, social, and political.
  • The Role of Internet on International Marketing There is a need to study the practical impact of the internet on international marketing and how such modern technology will change the face of traditional marketing phenomena.
  • The Internet Impact on the Buying Process The essay will concentrate on the Internet as a global marketplace that impacts how the worldwide network of communication either promotes or limits business interactions.
  • Intellectual Property Law and Piracy on the Internet Piracy can be done on various different types of intellectual properties, especially those that can be downloaded from the internet.
  • The Internet and the World Wide Web Concepts The Internet and the World Wide Web play a vital role in everyday life. The Internet contributes to the connection of the computer, and the World Wide Web enables access.
  • The Internet’s Effects on Intelligence in Digital Age The use of the Internet does not make the population stupider. It is the inevitable progress of technology and science that makes people’s lives easier.
  • The Impact of the Internet on Banking The internet and Information Technology has given banks their core objective and that is services towards their customers and at the moment it is bringing forth more valued added products.
  • Impact of Internet on Society The importance of Internet technologies in the life of society cannot be underestimated. Despite some negative aspects, it improves many aspects.
  • The Impact of the Internet on Human Heath Healthcare professionals need to develop prevention and intervention strategies to fight Internet addiction and negative consequences for the physical health.
  • Internet Addiction as a Teenage Issue This paper evaluates Internet addiction as an issue affecting teenagers today and assesses the causes, assessment tools, and support options.
  • Necessity of Internet Censorship: Essay Sample Many governments have taken various measures to ensure that they monitor information that is made available to their citizens.
  • My Digital Footprint on the Internet Today, the US companies based on the internet create and store citizens’ personal data, including race, ideology/religion, and sexuality.
  • The Various Aspects of Internet Pornography The paper discusses what actually internet pornography is, its effect on our culture, pros and cons and some worth mentioning facts have been mentioned.
  • Should We Restrict Internet Usage by Children? The paper examines why there exists a need to filter internet usage by children and suggests ways and means to implement the same.
  • The Internet, Its Role and Development This essay will discuss the key roles and events that enabled the establishment and development of the Internet and evaluate its contribution to society.
  • The Internet Era’s Impact on Reading The Internet era has decreased the popularity of reading even though people can find an alternative way to consume written information.
  • Research of Dark Side of the Internet The present paper focuses on the overview of the Darknet (Dark Side of the Internet), its purposes, users, and ways to control it.
  • The 1974 Copyright Regulations on Internet Videos In 1974 the United States became a member of the convention that safeguarded the procedures of phonograms contrary to unauthorized duplication of their contents.
  • The Internet Growth and Problems That It Faced A major factor in the growth of the internet was the development of the World Wide Web. The World Wide Web was invented in 1990 by Tim Berners-Lee and Robert Cailliau.
  • Impact of the Internet on Society The Internet creates new ways for citizens to communicate, congregate, and share information of social nature. It is obvious that the Internet has and will continue to change the way we live.
  • The Rapid Growth of the Internet The digital information revolution and explosion manifest in the ever increasing quantities and array of new electronic information resources.
  • Effects of Social Media and Internet Social scientists focus on social, economic, and political affairs, and social media and the Internet are highly useful.
  • The Information Transmission Through the Internet The data streaming over the Internet influenced the improvement and invention of the updated media platforms. That opens a wider range of possibilities the live files.
  • The Effect of the Internet on Advertisement The internet provides an effective model of injecting efficiency in the advertisement as a component of businesses.
  • Journalism: Impact of the Internet and Technology The internet paved the way for citizen journalism which eradicated censorship and significantly played a part in democratizing power.
  • Internet for Children: Benefits and Threats The paper notes that while there are many advantages of the internet to children, the numerous harms make it unwise to let children access it on their own.
  • The Internet’s Impact on Advertising This research highlights the effects of the Internet on advertising and argues that the Internet has revolutionized advertising due to its flexible and dynamic orientation.
  • The Effectiveness of the Internet in Healthcare Healthcare organizations that are making use of the internet to manage their information have received significant attention.
  • Internet Invention: History and Lifestyle Changes It is clear that the world has really come far in terms of inventions. The internet particularly has provided a link between all the continents.
  • Internet and Interactive Media as an Advertising Tool There are 2 benefits of the use of the Internet and interactive media as an advertising tool: they are extremely cost-efficient and improve customer interaction and communication.
  • How the Internet Changed Academic Paper-Writing Researchers and students use deductive reasoning to break down their concepts and ideas. This process usually revolves around the development and presentation of arguments.
  • Negative Effects of Using Cell Phones and the Internet during Social Interactions Reduced communication skills, low-quality conversations, weakened relationship bonds, and mental health issues are among many negative effects.
  • Government Censorship on the Internet: An Extended Outline This essay argues that while governmental censorship can support the well-being of the nation, it should be applied with increased caution to respect the freedom of speech.
  • Internet Privacy and Privacy Issues Even though internet connectivity enables many people to interact and share information, privacy issues have remained a big problem for Internet users.
  • The Internet and Interactive Media as a New Advertising Tool Since at present advertising is one of the most active spheres of human activities, the use of the Internet and interactive media in it is ever-increasing.
  • Are Children Smarter and More Socialized Because of Internet? The article argues today’s children have problems with socialization and intellectual development because of the Internet.
  • The Internet Importance for the Modern World The Internet is a major tool for the integration and rapprochement of human communities, which has undoubtedly affected the change in social thought.
  • The Use of the Internet to Solve Crimes The paper discusses that the use of the internet in solving crimes has made it easy and convenient for law enforcers to handle criminal cases.
  • Security for Internet E-Commerce Transactions E-commerce is becoming an important focus to many businesses across the globe because of the accompanying benefits and also because of the need to advance towards modern systems.
  • How the Internet Changed the Way People Think? Some parts of the Internet have become so inseparable from people’s existence that the Internet affects the way people think.
  • Impact of Internet and Social Media on Influencers The paper states that influencers and the Internet are inseparable elements of the whole. Influencers continue to be an essential part of the modern Internet.
  • Body of Knowledge of Internet of Things This paper aims to analyze the Body of Knowledge of Internet of Things, knowledge and application area, and methodology and planning level.
  • Applications of the Internet of Things in Business The paper discusses the Internet of Things applications in business, and significantly how the large volumes of data collected can improve business insight and customer experience.
  • Internet Usage Around the World The Asian country Macao has a higher percentage of internet users compared to the Czech Republic, even though the European region has more internet access than the Asian one.
  • Shifts That May Happen as the Internet Continues to Grow and Expand The Internet can be the innovation that has transformed every industry and individuals’ life. The changes can be seen in technological, business, and society, and development.
  • Internet Technology: Creating a Website This paper is set to explain the way the internet has changed lives and its effect on the pace at which businesses are conducted all over the world today.
  • The Internet and the Media The traditional media facilitated the enforcement of laws, which ensured that all released contents remained ethical.
  • Internet’ Effects on Journalism The research compares traditional journalism (journalism during the internet blackout era), and modern journalism commonly referred to as citizen journalism.
  • Freedom of Speech on the Internet The research paper explores freedom of speech, with a specific focus on each person’s right to express their thoughts on the Internet.
  • Jurisdictional Standards to Civil Internet Issues The internet has come a long way from a lawless nature to an entity where some laws and guidelines and regulations monitor the way it is utilized.
  • Tom.com: Strategic Analysis of an Asian Internet Company The increasing rates of interests on loan and inflation in some countries present greatest challenges to the management of the Tom Com Valuation of an Asian Internet Company.
  • The Neuroscience of Internet Addiction Technology firms play a great role in exploiting the neuroscience of internet addiction through marketing, as revealed in the article.
  • Internet in Our Life: Personal Opinion Amazon.com practically dominates the online retail industry with its selection of products and services, the problem with this though is that a crowding-out effect occurs.
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) and Healthcare The Internet of Things (IoT) is a term that defines the way objects (things) can be connected to the Internet, which provides them with the capability to transmit information.
  • What Feminist Theory Teaches Us About the Internet? This study examines the article that speculates upon the increasing sexism that currently dominates online spaces, and the ability of feminist theory to change this situation.
  • Effects of the Internet on Society and Individuals The use of the internet is a great resource that is available worldwide. People can connect with their loved ones, receive information, and reach out to the needy ones.
  • Modern Internet and Copyright Arguments This paper aims to discuss arguments for and against downloading copyrighted books, music, and software from the Internet.
  • Internet and Education Interconnection The Internet promoted the globalization of world education, made the latest scientific achievements available for students and tutors. Internet is the whole world for learning.
  • Internet for Travel Agencies and Tourism Websites The purpose of the project is to address the question of how the Internet affected the travel industry about customer satisfaction and service convenience.
  • The Internet in the Modern Educational System The increased access to the Internet made it possible for both teachers and students to be at the forefront of digitalization.
  • Legal Regulation of the Internet The question of the responsibility of Internet providers to society for the content of their messages is quite acute.
  • “Dressing for the Internet” by Shumaker et al. The study aims to study clothing as a method of nonverbal online communication but falls short due to its flawed sample and methodology.
  • Discussion of Civility on the Internet Civility comes from the Greek word “civilitas”, which means the readiness of people to offer themselves for the benefit of the city.
  • Impact of the Internet on Mental Health The purpose of this paper is to learn more about the particular positive effects of Internet use on human psychology in the era of the Covid-19.
  • Internet Age and Its Influence on a Public Self The Internet age has brought forth a significant change in social interactions and personal connections. This phenomenon created both numerous advantages and challenges.
  • How the Internet Challenges Families This paper aims at discussing the effects the Internet has on families through the prism of communication, the desire to compare, and the intentions to find information quickly.
  • Regulating Internet Privacy and Related Issues Internet privacy subjects cover all the concerns about the information collected by the website operators and by spying soft wares.
  • A Comprehensive Analysis of Pornography on the Internet A comprehensive analysis of pornography on the internet will be provided in this paper. The term “pornography” comes from porneia, the Greek word for prostitute.
  • The Concept of Internet Memes A sarcastic use of virtually harmless memes, idols, and mascots such as Pepe the Frog or Gritty is a vivid illustration of such trend for non-verbal abuse of certain public.
  • Ramifications of the Internet The Internet is useful, and it possesses great advantages because a person can discover a lot of new opportunities for oneself, which can make his/her dreams come true, and become more knowledgeable and informed.
  • Music Journalism in the Future Internet Age The advent of the Internet has affected the role of the traditional print music journalist to the extent of raising concerns over the prospects of the field.
  • Amazon vs. Walmart: Internet in the Retail Industry This paper discusses the recent development of retail through the main aspects of Porter’s Five Forces analysis and the growth of Amazon and Walmart.
  • Pandora Internet Radio and Unprofitable Clients Pandora Radio became acquainted with the harsh reality of Internet radio when the number of users breached the 1 million mark.
  • Role of Internet in Internet Addiction This paper will use qualitative data to analyze the role of the web in digital media addiction amid the young people. The paper will begin with a literature review of internet addiction.
  • The Internet Origins and Commercial Use The emergence of the Internet has facilitated a greater exchange of information between people. As a result, it stimulated the development of e-commerce and trade.
  • Networks and the Internet Tools This research paper examines various types of networks, a range of the Internet tools, and the Internet activism.
  • The Internet Evolution and Advancement Since its creation, the Internet has changed humanity’s trajectory. All aspects of people’s lives, from business to social interactions, are now shaped by the World Wide Web.
  • Pros and Cons of Health-Related Information on the Internet Many people today, whether providers or consumers of healthcare, often turn to the internet for medical advice.
  • News on the Internet vs. Traditional Media The credibility of news on the Internet is a topic that often becomes the cause of controversy and even lawsuits against unscrupulous media resources.
  • Muted Generation or How Internet Changes the Way We Live The daily use of devices is addictive, and given the long time spent daily interacting with technology, the Internet can shape our personality, mental state, and lifestyle.
  • The Rise of Depression in the Era of the Internet Understanding how the Internet affects human lives is essential in ascertaining the reasons for the growing loneliness in the intrinsically connected world.
  • Internet-of-Things in the Military and Its Feasibility This paper provides an analysis of the Internet of Military Things functions and a description of its feasibility in the future and its associated costs.
  • Internet Selling of Items of Crafts Business Currently, there is an emergence of the concept of entrepreneurship within the business environment. This requires that the potential investors have to scan the environment.
  • Why the Internet Is Killing Us The Internet is killing humanity because of the colossal scale of hatred and the same number of channels through which it is transmitted.
  • Internet Communications and Media Internet communication gives us a fling like real communication. Chatting, videoconference, etc. are promoting the virtual culture in this world.
  • Transparency in Government Services Through Internet Media Social media and internet resources adopted by administrations can be used to provide transparency about public services and the governance process.
  • Cultural Democracy and Internet Imperialism The source helps draw a connection between the conscious domination of cultural niches and its impact on global biases within media.
  • How the Internet and Digital Culture Have Changed Language in Canada In Canada, digital platforms have ingrained a contemporary lifestyle in communication, influenced by new shortened twists of phrases and keystrokes, acronyms, effective emoticons.
  • Internet as a Revolutionary Innovation One of the major discoveries is the Internet, which over 50% of the global population uses on daily basis. The microwave is another technological innovation.
  • The Internet Impact on Social Reality The debate space between cyber-optimists and cyber-pessimists is disputing how the Internet can change social reality.
  • Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet and Mailed Surveys Internet surveys have advantages and disadvantages, but in modern times companies are still inclined to choose Internet surveys rather than regular mail.
  • Social Media and Internet Advertising for Brand’s Success This paper aims to investigate the impacts of social media and internet advertising on the success of a brand.
  • Post-Literate Generation: Is the Internet Making Us Stupid? Many scientists, specifically, Nicholas Carr, believe that limitless access to information has the capacity to damage humanity’s ability to think critically.
  • Internet Usage Among Small and Medium Enterprises: A Malaysian Perspective The United States and the original European Community members may have pioneered going into the World Wide Web, even invented the basic tools and techniques.
  • Concepts of Current Chinese Internet Culture The difference between China and U.S. users is mostly cultural, Chinese people still consider it separates them from more free-minded American users.
  • Issues on Internet: Privacy and Freedom of Speech Two of the issues, namely, privacy and freedom of speech with regards to the Internet have been discussed in this article.
  • Internet Communication Engineering The past few decades have witnessed a dramatic increase in the number of internet users. This upward trend has been accompanied by increase in the process of streaming.
  • Self-Control and Rational Choice in Internet Abuses at Work The article conveys the idea that the employee’s time spent on the Internet should be appropriately controlled for the company’s informational security (IS).
  • COVID-19 Internet Slang Development This research paper will focus on the development and spread of new internet slang caused by the COVID-19 pandemic and healthcare crisis.
  • Effect of Internet in the Gambling Sector The gambling sector is one of the sectors affected both negatively and positively by the internet. However, the negative effects outweigh the positives.
  • Internet Effect on Different Cultures Though the Internet has tried to unify all aspects of culture, it is creating a barrier between those who know and are interested in it and those who don’t know or can’t access it.
  • Internet and the Radio Industry: Strategic Management The Internet has reformed the way business is done all over the world. The impact the Internet had on the radio industry is that the network would boost the programming variety.
  • Internet Social Group Analysis People are divided in groups based on interests, age, and work where all kinds of activities within these groups establish a certain social behavior.
  • India: Country Studies. Internet Data Collection The current issues, which have gained prominence, are issues related to terrorism in India, its relation with Pakistan, problems of refugees or internally displaced people.
  • The Internet of Things as the Primary Trend in Telecommunications The purpose of this paper is to give a detailed and critical analysis of the Internet of Things as the current trend in telecommunications.
  • Musical Culture and Internet Influence Music is the most ancient and common in human culture. It is characterized as an art form that reflects reality in sounds, artistic images and actively influences the human psyche.
  • Consumer Behaviour: Internet and Interactive Media Usage The interactive media present advertisers with missed fortunes. The research seeks to establish some of the determinants that affect consumer behavior towards such ads.
  • Internet-Based Psychotherapy as an Innovative Tool This paper discusses Internet-based psychotherapy as an innovative tool for increasing access to quality psychotherapy services.
  • Impact of the Internet Censorship There have been negative implications in society as people have changed their behaviors due to the influence of internet materials.
  • Ocado Internet Shop and Its Features Ocado Internet shop, which offers online grocery store experience for people living in the UK, demonstrates effective use of digital structures in its work.
  • Internet Privacy Policy at the Workplace This paper discusses the concept of monitoring the use of the internet, email, and other privacy issues at work and the current laws regulating employee privacy.
  • The Internet and Ethical Debate on Information Privacy The internet has become a vital tool for obtaining information, trading, learning, politics administration, socialisation, and entertainment in the world.
  • Violating Privacy on the Internet Is Morally Wrong In this paper, intrusion and public disclosure principles will be used in arguing that violating privacy on the internet is morally wrong. On the Internet, public disclosure occurs in several ways.
  • Education: Internet Courses Versus Traditional Courses This paper argues that internet courses are better and more effective than traditional college courses since the internet education platform is more affordable.
  • The Internet of Things Devices and Security Issues The Internet of Things devices are very insecure, and their security is not up to the mark. Many risks are associated with it, which can impact the company’s functioning.
  • The Internet’s Effect on Education and Students’ Literacy While some claim it gives students a broader learning option, others believe it cannot replace the possibility of writing on physical paper and reading from paper books.
  • Internet of Things, Digital Servitization and Business Performance The Internet of Things refers to an integrated system built of hardware and software components that is used to facilitate communication and data sharing.
  • Internet Search and Personal Information The sources that provide information about a person are discussed. YouTube, Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok are among the most popular social media.
  • The Internet Role in Human Trafficking This essay will argue that the problem of Internet use for human trafficking is unsolvable because there are not enough ways to control these processes.
  • The Internet on Guard of the State Regime To subjugate freedom of speech on the Internet, censors use several techniques, such as focusing on a local incident and actively using innovative technologies.
  • The Internet Censorship Problem from Various Viewpoints Although online communications are still relatively free of censorship in the form of legal restrictions, more people argue that interactions on the internet should be regulated.
  • Internet Technology: Software Maintenance and Evolution More and more organizations depend on trends in the IT market. Now one can see how even small companies hire employees who can create a website.
  • The Internet and Technology Negative Effects This article forms a good understanding of the influence technology has on the human brain and draws a pessimistic conclusion on its future trajectory.
  • E-Commerce: The Utility of Internet Retail The paper states e-commerce has no space restrictions, and websites can carry various products. It helps customers to get what they need.
  • Does the Internet Negatively Impact People’s Brains? The current paper indicates that the Internet cannot negatively influence people’s smartness and concentration unless they allow it to do so.
  • Aspects of Internet Neutrality The paper discusses internet neutrality. It is a set of laws that prevents Internet service providers to block access to specific sites.
  • Importance of Internet of Things Security The new peer-to-peer botnet referred to as Mozi, has a relation to Gafgyt malware, uses a DHT protocol and spreads by abusing Telnet passwords and target networking devices.
  • The Problem of the “Technological Bondage”: The Internet Addiction Psychologists compare Internet addiction, which appeared with the development of the Internet, with alco- and drug dependency.
  • The Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act This research paper discusses the Internet of Things Cybersecurity Improvement Act and what it means for the public and the government.
  • Programming: Correlates of Internet Addiction in Turkish Adolescents Variable gender respondent, labeled Q101 in the data set, is a nominal variable that measures the type of response that the researcher is recording.
  • How Has the Internet Changed the Recording Industry? Music as a business has been most thoroughly affected by the development of the Internet, as the physical medium (CDs) disappeared.
  • How the Internet Transformed Design Fashion By using the Internet, people can shop online and avoid overcrowded shopping malls. It saves time, and people do not get tired while looking for a specific product.
  • Internet Censorship: Freedom of Expression in the Arts Many countries have embraced this technology and used it to boost their economies and other aspects of life, including education.
  • What the Internet is Doing to Our Brains
  • Saudi Arabia and Internet Censorship
  • Terrorism: Radicalization and the Internet
  • A Plan for Internet Pedophile Investigation
  • Online Radicalization on the Internet
  • Harm From Social Networks and Internet Usage
  • Internet Recruiting: Stages and Benefits
  • Assigning IP (Internet Protocol) Addresses to People
  • The Internet of Things: Echo Product
  • The Internet of Things in Transportation Management
  • Sources Credibility in Internet Information About Stem Cells Research
  • Quality of Service in the Voice Over Internet Protocol
  • Massive Internet Outage Hits Websites Including Amazon, gov.UK and Guardian
  • The Internet of Things (IoT) as Used by Smart Cities in Response to COVID-19
  • Voice over Internet Protocol: Explaining the Essence
  • Passwords and Their Role in the Internet Security
  • Impact of the Internet on Consumers’ Opportunities
  • Phorm Fires Privacy Row for Internet Service Providers
  • Applying Internet Laws and Regulations to Educational Technology
  • The Internet: The Roles of The Private Sector and The Government
  • Transmission Control Protocol-Internet Protocol Ensuring Communication
  • Internet of Things in Manufacturing System
  • Internet Privacy and Internet Frontier
  • Web Evlauation – Website of the Internet Mental Health Organization
  • Internet Blogging Problems: Warman Versus Lemire Case
  • Treasure Trove or Trash: The Internet and Its Ability to Enact Social Change
  • Patient Guide to the Internet
  • The World Wide Web and the Internet Issues
  • A Patient’s Guide Through www.: Surfing Through the Internet
  • Net Neutrality – A Free Internet
  • The Facets of Globalization in Internet Security
  • Management Information Systems: Internet and Intranet
  • Biometrics in Regards to Computer and Internet Security
  • Voice Over Internet Protocol: Technology Introduction

🎓 Most Interesting Internet Research Titles

  • Facts From Fiction and From the Internet
  • Internet Sources in Health Education
  • White Power Never Disappeared: Supremacists in the Internet
  • Voice Over Internet Protocol Description
  • Internet Addiction Affect on Person Normal Functioning
  • Internet Penetration Policy and Its Implications in UAE
  • How the Internet Reconditioned Business Thinking
  • Internet Filtering in the UAE
  • The Relations Between Internet and Culture Uniformity
  • Privacy Protection on the Internet
  • Migration Health and Internet Use in Organizations
  • Rise of Internet and End of Mass Media Audience
  • The Benefits & Drawbacks of the Internet
  • D&D London Restaurant Company: Internet Strategy
  • The Protection of Internet Users in the US
  • The All Geeks Company’s Internet Marketing
  • Cyber Surveillance and Privacy of Internet Users
  • Child Pornography and Subcultural Norms on the Internet
  • Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things, and the Impact on Facilities’ Environments
  • Internet and Its Influence on Modern Society
  • Activism and Extremism in the Internet
  • Internet of Things in Global Transportation System
  • Internet Marketing Strategies and Consumer Behavior
  • Role of the Internet in Political Campaigns
  • Internet Censorship: Classified Information Leaks
  • Complex Internet Security: Approaches to Protecting Private Information
  • Marketing Campaign, Brand Strategy and Internet
  • Big Data and Internet of Things Correlation
  • Transparency of Services: Social Media and the Internet Usage
  • Cisco Company’s Internet Practices and Market Share
  • The Internet of Things: Perspectives and Challenges
  • Are Children Smarter Because of the Internet?
  • Are Parents Clueless About Child Predators on the Internet?
  • What Is Causing Internet Issues?
  • Can the Business Use of Internet Technologies Help a Company Gain a Competitive Advantage?
  • Should Public Libraries Filter Internet Sites?
  • Does Computers and the Internet Help Students Learn?
  • Does the Internet Affect Today’s Children for Good or Bad?
  • How Do You Check if the Internet Is Down in Your Area?
  • Does the Internet Increase Crime?
  • Does the Internet Have Psychological Benefits?
  • What Are Ten Advantages of the Internet?
  • Does the Internet Hinder Human Interactions?
  • What Are the Advantages and Disadvantages of the Internet for Students?
  • What Is the Brief History of thre Internet?
  • What Is the Importance of the Internet?
  • How Does Internet Marketing Communication Differ From Traditional Marketing Communication?
  • How Do Software Applications Influence the Internet?
  • What Is the Impact of the Internet in Our Life?
  • Why the Internet Is the Greatest Invention?
  • How Does the Internet Aid Communication?
  • How Has the Internet Impacted Society?
  • Who Invented the Real Internet?
  • What Was the First Thing on the Internet?
  • What Is the First Email Word Sent Through the Internet?
  • Can Internet Enhance Social Capital Among Its Users?
  • How the Internet Is Useful in Research?
  • Should the Internet Service Providers Be Allowed to Ban Extremist Content?
  • What Are Three Things Needed to Connect to the Internet?
  • Should Purchase Made Over the Internet Be Taxable?
  • What File Format Is Used for the Internet?

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StudyCorgi. (2021, September 9). 239 Internet Essay Topics. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/internet-essay-topics/

"239 Internet Essay Topics." StudyCorgi , 9 Sept. 2021, studycorgi.com/ideas/internet-essay-topics/.

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1. StudyCorgi . "239 Internet Essay Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/internet-essay-topics/.


StudyCorgi . "239 Internet Essay Topics." September 9, 2021. https://studycorgi.com/ideas/internet-essay-topics/.

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This essay topic collection was updated on January 8, 2024 .


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  2. How has Internet Addiction been Tracked Over the Last Decade? A

    Introduction. The internet has become an indispensable part of modern society and its use has grown exponentially, causing internet addiction to become a growing concern across all age groups and countries.[] Uncontrolled use of the internet significantly affects not only individuals' quality of life and social functioning but impacts their physical and psychological health.[2,3] Despite its ...

  3. Internet addiction and problematic Internet use: A systematic review of

    INTRODUCTION. Over the last 15 years, the number of Internet users has increased by 1000%[], and at the same time, research on addictive Internet use has proliferated.Internet addiction has not yet been understood very well, and research on its etiology and natural history is still in its infancy[].Currently, it is estimated that between 0.8% of young individuals in Italy[] and 8.8% of Chinese ...

  4. Internet Addiction Essays (Examples)

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  5. Internet Addiction: A Brief Summary of Research and Practice

    Abstract. Problematic computer use is a growing social issue which is being debated worldwide. Internet Addiction Disorder (IAD) ruins lives by causing neurological complications, psychological disturbances, and social problems. Surveys in the United States and Europe have indicated alarming prevalence rates between 1.5 and 8.2% [1].

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  7. Essay on Internet Addiction

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  8. Internet Addiction: Causes, Effects and Treatments

    While the internet can cause changes in someone's depression or loneliness, it does not directly cause any psychological disorders. Finally, we will be focusing on the physiological effects that high internet usage has on users. Internet addiction can have many adverse effects on the mind and body. While there are many debates on the direct ...

  9. Internet Addiction: How to Recognize It and What to Do About It

    If you or a loved one are struggling with an addiction, contact the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) National Helpline at 1-800-662-4357 for information on support and treatment facilities in your area. For more mental health resources, see our National Helpline Database.

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  11. Research on Internet Addiction: A Peep into the Future

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  12. Internet Addiction Essay

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  13. The Impact of Internet Addiction in Teenagers

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  14. Internet Addiction as a Teenage Issue

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    View our collection of addiction essays. Find inspiration for topics, titles, outlines, & craft impactful addiction papers. Read our addiction papers today! Homework Help; ... Internet Addiction Disorder Internet Addiction Internet Addiction Disorder is a disease that has emerged in recent years and is at the time still new in terms of ...

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    In recent years (2017-2020) there has been an explosion of research on Internet addiction in young adults. In total, the meta-analysis consists of 30 studies with k = 37 samples from Europe, Asia, America and Oceania. The total sample of participants is 21,378, with 51.22% being male, 48.78% female (three studies do not provide data on the ...

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  20. 239 Internet Essay Topics & Research Titles at StudyCorgi

    This essay seeks to elaborate on the impacts of internet on print media and journalism while in the process stating the advantages and disadvantages of both internet and print media. The complex history of the evolution of the internet involves many aspects such as technological, organizational, social, and political.