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Creating the Best Workplace on Earth

  • Gareth Jones

What employees really require to be their most productive

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No organization can fulfill every hope and desire of its employees, so it helps to know which matter most to people. Goffee and Jones have identified the six most essential imperatives for creating an ideal work environment. Their insights come from surveys and interviews of hundreds of executives from all over the world.

Few organizations embody all six attributes of the dream organization, many are difficult to achieve, and some even conflict with one another. But they nonetheless stand as an agenda for executives who wish to create the most productive, most rewarding workplace imaginable.

Agenda 1. Let people be themselves. 2. Unleash the flow of information. 3. Magnify people’s strengths. 4. Stand for more than shareholder value. 5. Show how the daily work makes sense. 6. Have rules people can believe in.

This list contains no surprises, but implementing the elements is no easy task. Almost all of them require leaders to carefully balance competing interests and to reallocate their time and attention. Companies like Arup, LVMH, Waitrose, and even McDonald’s are doing it to varying degrees. Your challenge is to match—and then to exceed—what they have managed to accomplish.

Suppose you want to design the best company on earth to work for. What would it be like? For three years we’ve been investigating this question by asking hundreds of executives in surveys and in seminars all over the world to describe their ideal organization. This mission arose from our research into the relationship between authenticity and effective leadership. Simply put, people will not follow a leader they feel is inauthentic. But the executives we questioned made it clear that to be authentic, they needed to work for an authentic organization.

  • RG Rob Goffee is an emeritus professor of organizational behavior at the London Business School.
  • GJ Gareth Jones was a visiting professor at the IE Business School, in Madrid.

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My Ideal Workplace (5 things I look for in a job)

Over the course of my 8 year career, I have sometimes thought about quitting my job in search for a better one (this usually happens when I’m super stressed or super bored). I found myself thinking about finding new work this past summer and asked myself, “What would be my ideal workplace to work in?”

One of them talked about people being the most important part of a workplace. He wanted to work with people he respected and were friends with, which would add social value to his life. He continued by talking about opportunities to travel, to be involved in a variety of work, to learn, and to interact with all stakeholders. He would love to do work that directly improved the life of other people, work that helped others grow and learn. The other engineer talked about having interest in the work, and being able to provide for himself and his future family.

For myself, my ideal workplace would include 5 things. 1) I am able to do excellent work. I want to use my strengths in my work, to offer my skills and abilities to the organization that employs me. I want to do work that I am passionate about, which will motivate me to do my job better. I want to work with a team of people where my strengths complement them, and their strengths complement me. I want to work at my absolute best.

2) My work has a greater impact on the world. I want my work to make a meaningful and significant impact. I want to believe in the mission of my company, and know that it is making a difference in making the world a better place. I want to know that my company genuinely cares for its customers, suppliers, the environment, and the community it is a part of, and makes efforts in serving them.

3) My work provides for my family. It is important that my work provides me with enough to support my family. I don’t need to be rich, but I also don’t want to be stressed to make ends meet. This includes my income, but also my health plan, wellness or family days to allow me to take care of my family when they are sick, and vacation time that allows me to spend quality time creating memories with my family. I also hope my workplace will be an extended community for my family, where my wife and children can engage with my colleagues and benefit from that interaction. For example, if I had a daughter that was interested in learning about design work, that she could work with the marketing team of my company for a summer and learn things that I could not teach her.

4) There are meaningful relationships in my workplace.  I want to build quality friendships in my workplace, people that I respect and trust. People that I can have fun with. I want my workplace to be a community that is supportive, a team that works well together. I want my company to have positive relationships with its customers and suppliers.

5) My work gives me opportunity to grow personally. I want my workplace to be a place I can grow in maturity. That it would be a community helps me discover my strengths and passions and gives me opportunities to develop them. I want to work with people that can mentor and coach me to grow, and I want the chance to mentor and coach others as well. My ideal workplace would provide me opportunities to take classes and education. And I want to be given work that is challenging and stretches me, leading to growth.

Am I asking for too much? Maybe. But no matter where I am working, I want to be a part of the solution, and help change the culture of the organization so that it becomes closer and closer to everyone’s ideal workplace. Not only would it make the employees happier and more satisfied, but I believe that there would be greater staff engagement and improved work effectiveness and efficiency.

What would your ideal workplace look like?

Ideal Work Environment

Professionals in many professions want the perfect workplace; this paper discusses the importance of creating such a workplace and the assignment’s goals. In today’s competitive employment environment, people want financial security and a workplace that promotes personal and professional progress while being ethical (Herrity 2021). Identifying and understanding the characteristics of an optimal work environment is crucial. Employee well-being, happiness, and productivity depend on a good work environment (W3C 2020). A well-designed workplace promotes business success by encouraging a unified culture and good management. This study examines the policies, behaviors, and ethics that create such an environment. It will also examine how diversity and inclusion affect organizational performance. By exploring these areas, we may learn about the perfect workplace.

Describe a great working environment

Description of the ideal work environment.

Walmart Warehouse: A Walmart warehouse was fast-paced and physically demanding. With tight schedules, efficiency, and productivity were vital (Herrity 2021). This job improved time management and collaboration, but also had drawbacks. The long hours, repeated duties, and physical strain made the job emotionally and physically exhausting. It was educational; however it needed a proper work-life balance and personal development possibilities.

Restaurant Cook: Restaurant cooking presented unique obstacles. The kitchen was fast-paced and required accuracy and rapid decisions. The fast-paced profession required long hours and little breaks. It improved cooking abilities and collaboration, but work-life balance was difficult (W3C 2020). Working late and on weekends in restaurants might affect personal life and well-being. The culinary experience was excellent; however, the work atmosphere might be better.

Current Position at Christian Health: I supervise dining and nutrition services at Christian Health, an institution I love. This employment differs from my prior ones and better fits my preferred work atmosphere. Christian Health’s workplace values community and employee well-being. The company promotes staff growth and learning. The workplace promotes cooperation and individual contributions, providing a happy and inclusive atmosphere that matches my ideal workplace.

Current Position at Christian Health

  • Aspiring Department Director : My ideal workplace hinges on my goal of department directorship. I want to be part of a leadership team that develops clear organizational missions, objectives, and goals. My job would be to lead and empower my team, making them feel appreciated and driven. There would be chances to make strategic choices, affect organizational direction, and help the company succeed.
  • Working Conditions : My ideal workplace prioritizes work-life balance. When feasible, flexible hours help people balance work and life. Ergonomic workplaces and mental and physical well-being programs would be implemented to promote staff health and comfort. These elements foster a healthy workplace.
  • Salary and Advancement : A good workplace pays well and recognizes workers’ efforts. Career progression, skill development, and professional improvement should be evident. Employees might grow in the company with easy access to continuous education and training.
  • Nature of the Work:  Work should be exciting and meaningful, allowing people to apply their talents and creativity. Employees should know how their job fits the company’s goal and vision. Team members should feel belonging and shared purpose via cooperation, open communication, and creativity.

According to my prior experiences and professional goals, an ideal work environment balances challenging and gratifying work, a strong sense of community, personal development possibilities, competitive salary, and employee well-being. Organizations must focus on employee development, effective leadership, and a culture that honors individual and collective contributions to create this perfect workplace (W3C, 2020). Such an atmosphere boosts employee happiness and company success.

Policies and Practices for a Cohesive Organizational Culture

Mission, Values : Organizational culture is built on a clear objective and fundamental principles that govern decision-making and conduct. Well-written mission statements provide workers with purpose and direction. A shared identity and commitment are created when workers can readily match their jobs with the organization’s goal and values. Regular communication and reminders of the purpose and values, including them in performance assessments, and utilizing them as a foundation for all organizational decision-making may reinforce these concepts. Emphasizing and integrating purpose and values into company culture helps workers feel like they belong, are motivated, and work together to achieve objectives.

Expected Goals : Setting shared objectives based on purpose and values helps build a cohesive culture. Goals should be explicit, quantifiable, and associated with the company’s purpose and strategy. Employees must understand how their efforts help achieve these objectives (Herrity 2021). Regular goal-setting meetings, performance measures connected to company objectives, and progress monitoring may help build unified goals. When workers can perceive a clear connection between their job and the company’s goals, it boosts their feeling of purpose and inspires cooperation to achieve them.

Hiring practices : Hiring practices shape company culture. Candidates should match the organization’s values and culture as well as their talents and credentials. Policies and procedures should encourage diversity and inclusion, ensure new personnel share fundamental values, and mission commitment (W3C 2020). Structured interview questions that measure cultural fit, reference checks, and interviewing existing workers may assist. By hiring people that fit the company’s culture from the start, firms may avoid team disputes and create a more peaceful workplace.

Community Engagement:  Building a unified company culture requires community involvement. An organization’s community involvement encourages social responsibility and builds employee ties. Volunteering, charity collaborations, and community event sponsorship are examples of community involvement policies. These events allow workers to work together outside of their typical duties, encouraging collaboration and camaraderie and promoting the company in the community. Community participation also promotes the idea that the firm is a force for good in society, giving workers a feeling of purpose outside of work.

Employee belonging and Value : A unified culture requires every employee to feel valued and connected. Policies and procedures should actively promote diversity, equality, and inclusiveness (W3C 2020). Anti-discrimination policies, diversity and inclusion training, and activities to honor diverse personnel may be used. Employee resource groups and mentoring programs may help workers connect, discuss, and feel appreciated. Embracing workers’ unique viewpoints and abilities creates a feeling of belonging, which motivates cooperation and collaboration.

Personal and Organizational Goal Commitment : Shared personal and corporate objectives form a coherent organizational culture. Policies and procedures should foster ongoing learning and development, giving staff chances to grow and learn (Herrity 2021). This commitment may be supported through performance reviews, feedback channels, and career development programs that match employee objectives with the company’s. The organization’s investment in workers’ personal development and achievement encourages them to strive for the organization’s objectives, producing a peaceful and goal-oriented workplace.

Discuss managerial behaviors that should be common in a great work environment

Great work environments depend on managers’ behavior and leadership. These people shape company culture and employee experiences. Several habits are essential for a happy workplace:

  • Good Communication : Managers must communicate well. This involves effectively communicating facts and carefully listening to employee issues and comments. Honest, upfront communication builds trust and avoids misunderstandings (Herrity 2021). Two-way communication by managers makes workers feel heard and appreciated.
  • Empowerment:  Giving workers job responsibilities and decision-making ability empowers them. This encourages initiative and innovation by giving workers ownership and authority. Empowerment improves morale and organizational problem-solving.
  • Clear purpose, Vision, and Goals : Managers should define their teams’ or departments’ purpose and vision. Understanding the larger purpose and long-term objectives gives workers direction and significance. Managers must link their team’s goals to the company’s purpose so everyone recognizes their role.
  • Caring About workers : Managers should care about their workers’ personal and professional well-being. This includes helping them improve professionally, expressing empathy in difficult circumstances, and providing growth chances (W3C 2020). Managers that care about their workers’ performance and satisfaction develop trust and loyalty.
  • Recognition and Appreciation : Employees should be recognized for their work. Managers should constantly recognize and reward outstanding performance with bonuses or other recognition. Employee recognition stimulates and reinforces good conduct.
  • Conflict Resolution : Conflicts are unavoidable, but how they are handled tremendously affects the workplace (Herrity 2021). Managers should be able to settle disagreements, resolve difficulties quickly, and foster a courteous workplace. Well-managed disagreements improve teamwork and production.

Ethics and Morality’s Impact on an Organization:

Morality and ethics shape an organization’s culture, reputation, and success. Organizational ethics shape how workers, customers, and stakeholders see and interact with the organization. Upholding ethical values builds trust and credibility, fostering long-term partnerships and a favorable image (Tamunomiebi & Ehior 2019). A corporation that follows ethical supply chain policies treats employees decently, preventing expensive issues and boycotts. Unethical actions, such as fraud or environmental violations, may result in legal issues, reputation damage, and financial losses.

Diversity and Inclusion’s Impact on an Organization

Today’s globalized world requires diversity and inclusion for business success. Diverse employees with different origins, cultures, and viewpoints help solve problems and provide new ideas. Inclusive workplaces enhance morale by making all workers feel appreciated and respected (Tamunomiebi & Ehior 2019). Diverse recruiting techniques allow organizations to access a larger talent pool, giving them a competitive advantage. Employee engagement and company culture improve in inclusive firms.

The Interplay Between Ethics/Morality and Diversity

Ethics/morality and diversity matter. Ethical companies treat all workers equally, regardless of origin or identity. Workplace discrimination is unethical, illegal, and damaging to the company’s image (Tamunomiebi & Ehior 2019). A corporation that discriminates based on gender or race may suffer litigation, public criticism, and brand harm. Ethical companies are more likely to adopt diversity and inclusion policies, giving all workers equal growth and development chances.

In conclusion, today’s professional landscape demands an optimum work atmosphere. This study has studied what makes an excellent workplace, beginning with former job experiences at Walmart Warehouse, as a restaurant chef, and at Christian Health. These experiences have illuminated the ideal work environment, including working conditions, promotion prospects, and job itself. Additionally, the research examined the policies, procedures, and management behaviors that foster a unified corporate culture and an empowering workplace. A successful workplace requires effective communication, employee empowerment, a clear goal and vision, and employee growth and well-being. The topic of ethics, morality, and diversity also stressed the importance of ethical decision-making and organizational diversity and inclusion. This article emphasizes the importance of a well-designed work environment that benefits individuals and fosters company success. Creating and sustaining such an atmosphere is essential for those seeking professional success and organizational success.

  • Herrity, J. 2021, June 10.  Positive Working Environment: Definition and Characteristics . Indeed Career Guide.
  • Tamunomiebi, M. D., & Ehior, I. E. 2019. Diversity and Ethical Issues in the Organizations.  International Journal of Academic Research in Business and Social Sciences ,  9 (2), 839–864.
  • W3C. 2020.  Positive Work Environment at W3C: Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct .

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11 Best ‘What is Your Ideal Working Environment’ Answers

What does the question “What is your ideal working environment” mean? This common job interview question can trip up anyone if they are not ready for it. Thankfully, we have composed the 11 best sample answers to this stressful question so you can land your dream job.

5 Tips for Your Answer

  • Be flexible and neutral, so you do not pin yourself down to only one type of environment.
  • Let your personality shine and show the prospective employer how you will fit with its company culture.
  • Consider what answer the company is looking for and craft it accordingly.
  • Research and prepare your response so you are not at a loss for words.
  • Use some detail but do not make your answer too complex either by rambling on.

5 Mistakes to Avoid

  • Do not mention job perks, like the vacation days you want.
  • Avoid using the job descriptions verbatim for an answer.
  • Leave out vague answers with broad terms that do not directly respond to the question.
  • Do not use this question to complain about past workplace environments with a negative attitude.
  • Avoid being dishonest in your answer, so you do not end up with a job offer that you are unhappy with taking.

After crafting the perfect resume and cover letter for an open position, you will go through the dreaded interview. This next step in the hiring process often makes job seekers nervous and hesitant. Many people stumble when it comes to answering common interview questions. We are here to help you prepare so you can wow your interviewer with good answers.

Here is the 11 best answers for anyone, regardless of industry, for the “What is your ideal working environment?” question.

11 Best Answers for the Ideal Work Environment Question

1. show them that you did your homework.

Example Answer: My ideal type of work environment enforces a positive work culture. While researching your organization on your company’s website, I found that your corporate values strongly align with how I have built my own career. A place where I feel comfortable using my skills and learning from others is a good fit to do my best work.

Key Takeaways: The start of your answer lets your professional interviewers know that you have dug deep into their organization, and your personality will integrate well with current employees. It also mentions your drive to continue learning on the job.

2. Be Flexible Without Being Vague

Example Answer: I do not have an ideal work environment since I can be relatively flexible. I have in the past worked in remote offices as well as close-knit project groups. I find that any environment where the employees use effective communication and help each other do their best work is ideal for productivity.

Key Takeaways: This response is a great way to tell the hiring manager that you are flexible in opposing circumstances, but you are still productive. It showcases that you prefer communication and accountability in a workplace.

3. Reinforce Teamwork and Collaboration

Example Answer: I find that a collaborative environment includes a place where team members can count on one another and possess a strong work ethic. I strive to do my best for all my business activities and feel it is my responsibility not to let my team down with incomplete work.

Key Takeaways: For jobs where you will be working as a team player, this great answer highlights your comradery for other employees and exceptional work ethic. It also reveals how you incorporate a strong sense of responsibility for all your work duties.

4. Focus on Some Company Elements

Example Answer: I think a positive work environment is one where I have an opportunity to develop my skills continually. I noticed on your company website that you offer a continuous learning program for long-term employees. A company that invests in their staff knows how valuable they can be to the business’ success and is the best way for employee retention.

Key Takeaways: This example answer is terrific for organizations that provide on-the-job training programs or continuous learning for their employees. It shows a true interest in the company and the desire to grow and stay with them long-term, rather than working there as a stepping stone to a better position elsewhere.

5. Let Your Needs and Wants Be Known

Example Answer: My perfect work environment is flexible and allows for adequate work-life balance. I was excited to see in your job description that this company offers its employee remote work 50% of the scheduled work hours. This balance fits well into my current career goals and how I can better help your organization.

Key Takeaways: Do not be afraid to let your excitement show when the position has perks that you like. It is a good idea to focus on how you use these positive attributes in a work environment rather than your work preferences.

6. Be Honest and Open

Example Answer: If I had to choose an ideal job, I believe it will be a place where I can be honest and open with my colleagues and management. Communication is critical for me and allows me to build the trust of the other individuals I work with regularly. Whether it is for questions about policies or procedures or who to go to for information, effective communication ensures that everyone can complete their tasks correctly and efficiently.

Key Takeaways: This effective response enforces effective communication in the workplace, so there is no confusion when completing group or individual tasks. You come across as a trustworthy individual who takes responsibility for your duties to get the best results possible.

7. Be Direct with Your Desires

Example Answer: I prefer a working environment that will suit the various needs of its new employees. If I need a day to lock myself in my own office and bury my head in my paperwork for the entire morning, I will have the space to do that. On the other hand, if I prefer to choose a day to collaborate with my coworkers on a current project, I will not be limited and will have the flexibility to complete my job within the deadlines.

Key Takeaways: When you answer with separate scenarios, it gives the employer an idea of how you work and what kind of work environment you will find comfortable. These two examples show that your days may differ, depending on the workload or job requirements, showing that you can adapt.

8. Try to Include Your Accountability

Example Answer: My idea of a good work environment is when the employees have the flexibility to complete their work, to check in with any questions or concerns, and then to come back later to collaborate with all parties involved. I find that taking responsibility for my duties and bringing my work together with others helps ensure I did not miss anything or misunderstand the task.

Key Takeaways: By answering this question with your desire to check in and collaborate with others during tasks, you show that you take responsibility for ensuring you complete the job correctly. Many employers prefer to have staff check in with questions or concerns rather than go in the wrong direction when completing a project.

9. Do Not Be Afraid to Namedrop

Example Answer: Well, my acquaintance, Gerry, works in your accounting department and is the one who referred me to the job posting. He told me how your company goes the extra mile for their employees to ensure that they are set up for success right from the start. So naturally, I would love to work in an environment with its employees’ best interests at heart.

Key Takeaways: This answer shows you have a personal connection with a current employee who enjoys their job and wants their friends to work in the same environment. Many new hires are acquaintances of content staff members since individuals who are not happy at their job will not tell their friends to work in the same place.

10. Showcase Your Adaptability

Example Answer: I have worked in many different work environments, from easy-going, laid-back offices to high productivity ones with rigid project deadlines. When necessary, I can adapt to both extremes well, and do not prefer one company’s environment over the other as a designated situation. Instead, I like a little variety. I enjoy days that go by quickly with constant workloads and the ability to take my time on larger, more complex projects as required.

Key Takeaways: This is the best answer to show extreme scenarios of busy workdays and laid-back environments. An employer can see that you will be productive in any situation. It also shows them that you will be content in a place where the daily or weekly job requirements are changing, showcasing your adaptability.

11. Show Your Excitement for Their Organization

Example Answer: After working for both a large corporation and a small company throughout my career, I have realized that my ideal working environment is similar to your company’s culture. After researching your organization and talking to others in the industry, I found that your small business model aligns well with my career goals. Your company can provide the best place for me to utilize my background skills and knowledge to help establish your brand within the market.

Key Takeaways: This answer shows the recruiter that you have dug deep into the corporation’s business model and its presence in the industry. A prospective employer likes to see the excitement from eager employees who want to be part of a successful company and are a good cultural fit.

It helps to prepare for answering these important questions. Then, once you get to the interview process, use this face-to-face time to show off your personality and willingness to join their organization. Ample preparedness can give you the edge you need over other job candidates competing for the same position. Good luck!

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Essays About Work: 7 Examples and 8 Prompts

If you want to write well-researched essays about work, check out our guide of helpful essay examples and writing prompts for this topic.

Whether employed or self-employed, we all need to work to earn a living. Work could provide a source of purpose for some but also stress for many. The causes of stress could be an unmanageable workload, low pay, slow career development, an incompetent boss, and companies that do not care about your well-being.  Essays about work  can help us understand how to achieve a work/life balance for long-term happiness.

Work can still be a happy place to develop essential skills such as leadership and teamwork. If we adopt the right mindset, we can focus on situations we can improve and avoid stressing ourselves over situations we have no control over. We should also be free to speak up against workplace issues and abuses to defend our labor rights. Check out our  essay writing topics  for more.

5 Examples of Essays About Work

1.  when the future of work means always looking for your next job by bruce horovitz, 2. ‘quiet quitting’ isn’t the solution for burnout by rebecca vidra, 3. the science of why we burn out and don’t have to by joe robinson , 4. how to manage your career in a vuca world by murali murthy, 5. the challenges of regulating the labor market in developing countries by gordon betcherman, 6. creating the best workplace on earth by rob goffee and gareth jones, 7. employees seek personal value and purpose at work. be prepared to deliver by jordan turner, 8 writing prompts on essays about work, 1. a dream work environment, 2. how is school preparing you for work, 3. the importance of teamwork at work, 4. a guide to find work for new graduates, 5. finding happiness at work, 6. motivating people at work, 7. advantages and disadvantages of working from home, 8. critical qualities you need to thrive at work.

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“Suppose you want to design the best company on earth to work for. What would it be like? For three years, we’ve been investigating this question by asking hundreds of executives in surveys and in seminars all over the world to describe their ideal organization.”

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For your essay, look deeply into how your school prepares the young generation to be competitive in the future workforce. If you want to go the extra mile, you can interview students who have graduated from your school and are now professionals. Ask them about the programs or practices in your school that they believe have helped mold them better at their current jobs.

Essays about work: The importance of teamwork at work

In a workplace where colleagues compete against each other, leaders could find it challenging to cultivate a sense of cooperation and teamwork. So, find out what creative activities companies can undertake to encourage teamwork across teams and divisions. For example, regular team-building activities help strengthen professional bonds while assisting workers to recharge their minds.

Finding a job after receiving your undergraduate diploma can be full of stress, pressure, and hard work. Write an essay that handholds graduate students in drafting their resumes and preparing for an interview. You may also recommend the top job market platforms that match them with their dream work. You may also ask recruitment experts for tips on how graduates can make a positive impression in job interviews.

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Motivation could scale up workers’ productivity, efficiency, and ambition for higher positions and a longer tenure in your company. Knowing which method of motivation best suits your employees requires direct managers to know their people and find their potential source of intrinsic motivation. For example, managers should be able to tell whether employees are having difficulties with their tasks to the point of discouragement or find the task too easy to boredom.

A handful of managers have been worried about working from home for fears of lowering productivity and discouraging collaborative work. Meanwhile, those who embrace work-from-home arrangements are beginning to see the greater value and benefits of giving employees greater flexibility on when and where to work. So first, draw up the pros and cons of working from home. You can also interview professionals working or currently working at home. Finally, provide a conclusion on whether working from home can harm work output or boost it.

Identifying critical skills at work could depend on the work applied. However, there are inherent values and behavioral competencies that recruiters demand highly from employees. List the top five qualities a professional should possess to contribute significantly to the workplace. For example, being proactive is a valuable skill because workers have the initiative to produce without waiting for the boss to prod them.

If you need help with grammar, our guide to  grammar and syntax  is a good start to learning more. We also recommend taking the time to  improve the readability score  of your essays before publishing or submitting them.

ideal workplace essay

Meet Rachael, the editor at Become a Writer Today. With years of experience in the field, she is passionate about language and dedicated to producing high-quality content that engages and informs readers. When she's not editing or writing, you can find her exploring the great outdoors, finding inspiration for her next project.

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98 Work Environment Essay Topic Ideas & Examples

🏆 best work environment topic ideas & essay examples, 👍 good essay topics on work environment, 🎓 simple & easy work environment essay titles, 🥇 interesting topics to write about work environment.

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  • Providing Safe and Healthy Work Environment Such training is imperative as the employees get to know the best practices that would minimize potential hazards and hence ensuring healthy and safety in the workplace.
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  • Emotional Intelligence in Working Environment Emotional intelligence is a type of social intelligence that involves the ability to monitor own and others’ emotions in order to discriminate among them and to use the information to guide one’s thinking and actions.
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  • Nursing Work Environment Article by Al Sabei et al. The article’s main purpose is that assess burnout, turnover intention, and supposed quality of care for patients among healthcare professionals in Oman and examine the prospective moderating responsibility of job satisfaction on the relationship between […]
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What is Your Ideal Work Environment?

What is Your Ideal Work Environment?

Learn how to describe your ideal work environment in an interview. Impress employers by knowing what you want and don’t want at your future work home.

Mike Podesto

Near the end of an interview, the hiring manager will often ask, “What environment do you work best in?”

Consider this question an opportunity!

You might think this is the time to tell them about all the vacation days you deserve and mention your pet peeves.

After all, shouldn’t they make sure you’re comfortable? 

The last thing you want is to end up at a company where you’re going to be miserable.

Unfortunately, it’s not always that easy.

If your current preferred work environment spiel involves vacation days and pet peeves, please keep reading or you’re likely going to flunk out with your answer.

Do’s & Don’ts to Answer This Question

Before we delve further into the ideal response, here are some examples of how you don’t want to answer, followed by good example answers:

Don’t give a response that is too vague or broad.

quote icon

My ideal work environment is having a lot of people around.

Do make your answer personal and unique to you.

I enjoy working with other people around. I feel that by working in close proximity, we can inspire each other, collaborate better, and communicate effectively to optimize performance.

Don’t make your answer all about you.

My ideal work environment involves pure solitude. I need to focus and do my work without distractions.

Do focus on the company itself and its manner of operations.

I’ve found that I tend to work better without too much going on around me. I was happy to see that the position offers the option of working evenings and weekends, during which distractions are minimized and I can focus on getting the work done.

Don’t focus on the perks that the job might offer.

I’m totally jazzed about the paid vacation days that you can rollover for up to two years. I’m definitely going to save those up and take off for a cruise!

Do focus on qualities that you can offer the workplace.

The ideal work environment for me is one in which I feel my talents are being used to the full. I love helping people improve their quality of life and your values-driven healthcare services offer just that.

Don’t copy the company’s work description in your response.

My ideal work environment is contributing to an ongoing publication schedule of consumer insight and market intelligence across key markets, categories, and trends.

Do add your personality and talents to your response.

My ideal work environment is one where I can apply my experience in contributing to market intelligence. I enjoy crunching the numbers and instigating growth in key categories. I research to find trends and discover how to effectively implement them.

Below, you’ll find a sample answer to the question, “What type of work environment do you prefer?”

Sample Answer to “What Is Your Ideal Work Environment?”

As promised, here is a well-thought-out example of how to answer the hiring manager when they ask this basic interview question:

Hiring manager:

Describe your ideal work environment.

My ideal work environment is a place where employees at every level have good communication with each other and with their supervisors.

I also hope to work in a place that is centered on development and team building, where the unique talents of each employee can be recognized and given the opportunity to grow.

While doing some research on your company, I took note of your positive work culture and commitment to developing talents and skills of every employee.

My ideal work environment is one where empowerment and growth are encouraged at every level, along with a positive work-life balance.

Top Tips to Answer This Question

There are a few more things to take into consideration as you prepare your answer to describe your ideal work environment in an interview.

Know The Reason Behind the Question

As with pretty much all of the basic interview questions, it helps to understand where the hiring manager is coming from with this one.

Here are the motives behind the question, “What is your ideal work environment?”

  • The hiring manager hopes to discover what you need to be successful in the workplace.
  • They do not plan to accommodate all of your requests.
  • They want to know if you fit in their current environment.

Now, maybe you have dozens of interviews lined up and no shortage of vocational options.

If so, go ahead and be straightforward about what you are looking for. Mention those vacation days and pet peeves.

For most people, however, this is not the case.

Let’s assume this is a company you are passionate about working at. 

To answer this interview question, you’ll need to shape your answer in such a way that it fits with their work environment.

Tailor your ideal work environment, as needed, to match their environment so that the hiring manager can feel confident that you are going to be happy.

Consider the Company Size

Are you interviewing with Google or a local small business?

If it is Google, nice work!

Regardless of the size of the company, state why that company fits what you are looking for :

  • If you are applying to a larger company, emphasize that job security is important to you.
  • If your prospective job is with a smaller company, state that knowing everyone’s name allows you to feel connected.

Make sure your answer involves what you already know about the company.

Otherwise, you’ll most likely not receive a callback.

Consider the hours involved

Nobody wants to work 60 hours a week.

However, if that is what your prospective career entails, you had better be sold on it!

Whether you’re a young adult or a seasoned executive with 10 kids at home, your focus is landing this job.

Portray that you are willing to work as long as needed to get the job done.

If you really can’t work the hours required, look for another position.

Consider the dress code

Not too many people enjoy dressing up for work every day.

However, if the dress attire at a given company is formal, explain how that promotes professionalism.

If the company promotes casual attire, you should have no problem expressing your love for T-shirts and jeans!

Focus on Landing the Job

Do your research on the company you are applying for, and you should be able to ace this question.

Many people focus too much on giving an honest answer. 

Not enough people prepare to give the best answer.

Now, we are not saying to go to an interview and lie.

However, you should put yourself in the employer’s shoes for a second.

Are you going to hire someone who says that they prefer working in a small office when this job is in a huge 500-person office?

You would actually be doing this person a disservice by offering them a job where they probably would not be happy.

Key Takeaways

It is important to understand and identify your ideal work environment in order to answer this interview question and thrive in your career.

Factors such as company culture, work-life balance, and management style all play a role in creating a positive work environment. By recognizing what environment suits you best, you can increase job satisfaction and overall happiness in your career.

If you are looking for assistance in your job search, Find My Profession offers top-notch resume writing and reverse recruiting services.

Our team of experts can help you create a standout resume that will catch the attention of employers and increase your chances of landing a great job that supports your ideal work environment.

Additionally, our reverse recruiting service helps connect you with top companies that match your skills and preferences, taking the stress out of job searching.

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Home — Essay Samples — Life — Work Ethic — My Understanding of the Proper Environment in Workplace


My Understanding of The Proper Environment in Workplace

  • Categories: Work Ethic Workplace

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Words: 485 |

Published: Sep 4, 2018

Words: 485 | Page: 1 | 3 min read

Works Cited

  • Aoki, K. (2018). The effects of cultural adaptation on psychological well-being among international students in Japan. International Journal of Intercultural Relations, 64, 66-73.
  • Arli, D., & Luchs, M. G. (2021). Understanding the impact of cultural factors on customer behavior: A systematic literature review. Journal of Business Research, 128, 18-28.
  • Brinkman, B. G., & Kirschner, P. A. (2020). Learning in the workplace. In International Handbook of Workplace Learning (pp. 57-78). Springer, Cham.
  • Fagley, N. S. (2018). Respect in the workplace. In The Oxford Handbook of Workplace Discrimination (pp. 179-197). Oxford University Press.
  • Feng, X., Li, Y., Guo, Y., Li, Z., & Liang, X. (2019). The relationship between employee engagement and job satisfaction: Evidence from a Chinese oil company. Journal of Cleaner Production, 238, 117980.
  • Jokela, M. (2018). Importance of corporate culture in customer service: A case study of a large retail chain. Journal of Business Studies Quarterly, 10(3), 22-34.
  • Kwon, O., & Wen, Y. (2010). An empirical study of the factors affecting social network service use. Computers in Human Behavior, 26(2), 254-263.
  • Li, Y., & Yuan, L. (2019). Relationship between work engagement, customer orientation, and job performance of hotel employees. Journal of Hospitality and Tourism Management, 38, 96-105.
  • Ma, J., & Ren, H. (2020). From customer satisfaction to customer loyalty: Evidence from China's online banking industry. Journal of Retailing and Consumer Services, 57, 102163.
  • Yamamoto, Y., & Holloway, D. (2018). The role of respect in cross-cultural collaboration: A case study of Japanese and American interaction in a global software project. Journal of Business and Technical Communication, 32(4), 403-433.

Image of Dr. Oliver Johnson

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My Ideal Workplace

Updated 25 October 2023

Subject Workforce

Downloads 35

Category Economics ,  Sociology

Topic Workplace

A workplace is a composition of many factors

Some of these factors are more important than others. These factors include the location of the workplace, the size of the company and the culture of the organization. An employee's productivity is determined by how well they fit into their work environment. It also has an impact on the work-life balance (Coleman). This illustrative essay will discuss my ideal workplace.

Working in a large company

With my young and developing career, I would prefer to work in a large company. The preference is because most of these companies are already successful and have well-laid procedures for induction of new members. Most of these companies already have significant resources and more formal training which will be useful in getting me into the system. I view employment as an opportunity to develop working experiences and get as many connections as I can, and only a large company will avail me with this kind of opportunities and the best methodologies to run my own business.

Preference for a formal environment

I prefer working in a formal environment. I believe that the formality of processes is what sets out the culture of an organization. The specificity in how systems should be handled brings out equality and orderliness in general. It will, therefore, be so easy for me to settle down if there were well-stated steps to be taken when solving a problem. The formality should also be in the dress code. A formal dress code gives me the confidence I need and depicts a solemn look (Coleman). An official dress code will also give the company a specific image which can sell as their trademark, and I would love to work as a brand.

Preference for a relaxed working schedule

I do not like to work under pressure or a tight schedule. Therefore, a setting that states a specific timeline on when one should report to work and when one can leave is not so appropriate for me. My productivity is determined by how friendly and accommodative my surrounding is. In as much as I would like to work in a team, some of the time I work well alone when it comes to assignments that require deep concentration. Working late can provide such a chance to get enough quality unaccompanied working time, and I would want an organization that accords me with this privilege.

Importance of shared values

Working for a dream company is an achievement for almost everyone. I would be very comfortable working for an organization that shares my values concerning critical issues. These will be determined by the mission statements picked to guide their everyday decisions. I think that if the values coincide with mine, I will be more motivated to work, as I will be working to achieve goals that I believe in. Finally, my idea of a perfect working location is in the uptown section of a busy city, made up of sleek skyscrapers and gleaming glass houses. A corner office overlooking the busy streets will be a dream come true. The position will accord me the personal space coupled with the privacy that I need.

Works Cited

Coleman, Colleen. “Defining Your Ideal Work Environment.” Hillsdale College. Web 24 Mar 2018.

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The Ideal Work Environment

Essay, 2016, selina kolls (author).

Various elements need to be available for one to consider a working environment ideal for carrying out his activities. The presence of these factors goes a long way to motivate a given employee to stay in that area, thereby boosting the morale of the individual, which could translate into high levels of performance on the part of such a person (Goffee & Gareth 101). Likewise, they also have a likelihood of making an individual have the will to continue working at the given facility for long since he would be more comfortable at the place. Mostly, this helps to ensure that the level of his skills improves considerably over time and as a result, it could bring in lots of profitability on the said organization. Significantly, an ideal working place should have goals and missions that would motivate the employees in working hard.

One of the primary factors that are crucial in a given workplace is the availability of the necessary work equipment. Such material needs to be sufficient and in good condition. For instance, people who are in charge of documentation and data ought to have enough computing equipment that is operating well and fast (Quinlan et al. 64). Henceforth, this aspect will assist in making their job quite manageable and will reduce any form of frustrations that may occur as they try to deliver their services. It will also show that the administration values and considers them significantly as part of their organization.

Another issue lies in the capability of management to endorse as well as respect, some level of autonomy on the role of the employees. Mainly, this means that workers need to have the freedom to think on their own and come up with actions that could boost their capacity to deliver on their mandate (Lent 8). When free, staff develops minds that enable them to be innovative and creative and as a result, they could come up with strategies that will be bound to ease the way they operate. Therefore, some form of efficiency and effectiveness could be achieved in the long run. Notably, this circumstance is entirely contrary to where the employees are micromanaged, hence making them feel like they are being treated more like slaves.

An ideal workplace is one that has an enabling atmosphere regarding the general physical environment around which people works. Efficiently, this lies in ensuring that the ventilation and lighting meet the required standards so that workers do not seem to struggle for clean air. Similarly, they may need having protection against high or very low temperatures by acquiring proper regulation mechanisms (Lent 10). The addition of beautiful elements such as paintings and artifact around the work environment also make the workplace quite livable, a factor that could motivate employees to look forward to going to the said station.

In addition, the management requires fostering the culture of fairness and justice at the workplace, especially regarding rewarding good work. Also, they should put more focus on performance as the basis for giving promotions and awards to employees (Lent 14). Consequently, the personnel at the workstation will improve their laboring level since they would have in mind that the continued effort could translate into better results that may make them have advancement in their career. All of these factors make the stay of employees at a given workstation quite comfortable.

Works Cited

Goffee, Rob, and Gareth Jones. "Creating the best workplace on earth." Harvard business review 91.5 (2013): 98-106.

Lent, Robert W. "Career‐life preparedness: Revisiting career planning and adjustment in the new workplace." The Career Development Quarterly 61.1 (2013): 2-14.

Quinlan, Michael, Philip Bohle, and Felicity Lamm. Managing occupational health and safety . Palgrave Macmillan, 2010. 61-65

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  • Education , Human Resource And Management

Ideal Work Environment Essay

  • Author: arsalan
  • Posted on: 2 Oct 2018
  • Paper Type: Free Essay
  • Subject: Education , Human Resource And Management
  • Wordcount: 1378 words
  • Published: 2nd Oct 2018

An Illustration Essay

The work environment is an important element for the success or loss of organizations, enterprises, or companies. A good or ideal work environment is significant for all the members of any organization as it is helpful to increase the performance and satisfaction level of all the members, especially the employees. Employees are the significant assets for the organizations that lead the organizations to success and development. They are necessary and crucial for the organizations, and their efforts add valuable changes to the structure of the organizations. Their performances are always related to the expected outcomes that make them more valuable for the organizations. The ideal work environment develops and improves the motivation level and the performance level of the employees. An ideal work environment includes several elements that are significant for all the members of any organization, including motivation, teamwork, empowerment, skills improvement, good behavior, helpful co-workers, and specific incentives for the employees.

The ideal work environment mainly depends upon the motivation and performance level of the employees, as it increases with encouragement and with incentives. Several theories are presented on the motivation level, including the Maslow hierarchy of needs. It’s a psychological theory in which self-actualization and self-esteem are the major factors that contribute to the performances of human beings. The self-actualization and self-esteem are related to the performances of the employees, and if the organizations target these factors, then the motivation level of the employees increases. The motivation level impacts directly performance and results in the best possible outcomes (M. Heathfield). In an ideal work environment, organizations work to encourage their employees and design proper incentive plans for them. Motivated employees are mostly satisfied with their jobs due to the encouragement from their employers and the incentives. It will lead them to work with their co-workers effectively, and their motivation also enhances the affectivity of teamwork.

In an ideal work environment, employees are empowered, helpful, and behave well with all the staff. Also, the organizations work on the skill development of their employees so that their abilities can improve further. Employees should have the right to express their creative ideas, and it will develop their self-confidence. Moreover, the employees should behave well with all the members and express their helpful nature towards the ones who need their help. Organizations should train their employees according to the new market trends so that they can adjust to the changing pattern of the working environment according to the business needs. These elements will make the environment perfect for work.

An ideal work environment is effective for the success and development of any company. It depends upon the employees who are considered as the asset for the companies. An ideal work environment includes the motivated employees who behave well towards all the members of the organization. The organization could increase the motivation of employees in the form of encouragement and incentives. It increases their performance level and helps them to contribute positively to the ideal work environment.

Works Cited

M. Heathfield, Susan. “Want To Know How Great Managers Motivate Their Employees At Work?.” The Balance . N.p., 2017. Web. 7 Mar. 2018.


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What is your Ideal Workplace?

October 4, 2023

What is you r Ideal Work Environment?

Interviewers want to check how compatible you are with their company by asking this question. On this page, we have provided a guide on answering this question.

Page Highlights:

Why: “What is your Ideal Workplace” is asked?

How to answer: “describe your ideal work environment”, best answers for: “what is your ideal workplace”.

tell me about your ideal workplace

In HR Interviews, a commonly asked question is to describe your ideal work environment or what you consider as your ideal workplace. The reason for asking this question is to check whether the candidate will be suited to work for the company and fit into a company’s culture.

You have to be careful when answering this question because if your ideal workplace does not align with the environment of the company, they will consider you a bad fit and not hire you.

Some of the points to talk about when describing your ideal work environment, include:

Important Points to Follow:-

  • Look at the com pany’s work environment, and make sure you accommodate their culture in your answer.
  • Do not demand or include points like a paid vacation or monetary compensation in your answer.
  • Avoid including points that go against the company’s value. For example, do not say your ideal work environment is a flexible work schedule in a company where they follow 9 to 5 timings. Similarly do not include remote work for a company that is asking you to work from the office.
  • Try not to include points like, you can only work in a quiet solitary environment since most companies will have you work in a shared space with other employees.
  • Make sure you are not including any negatives in your answer like, “I do not like this in my workplace.”, only include positive things.
  • Do not interrogate the interviewer, or try to imply that you are expecting these things in this job.

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ideal workplace essay

Refer the sample answers given below.

For me, an ideal workplace is where I can work on my own time. Working in design and production. I need to be in a certain mindset to provide the maximum output. I am not someone who can thrive a lot when bound within a set time limit.

If I have to describe my ideal workplace, it would be where employees can communicate with each other and with their supervisors without any hindrance. I believe that an organization that values the opinion of every employee, would be a great place to work.

A company that promotes teamwork and teambuilding is an ideal place to work for me. I researched your company and found that you as an organization, are very centric on incorporating a healthy work environment, focusing on growing their employee’s skillsets.

For me, an ideal workplace is which recognizes its employee’s hard work and rewards them for the same. I think an organization that rewards employees give them assurance that their efforts are valued by the organization.

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  • Tell me something which is not mentioned in your resume.  Answer
  • What are you expecting from this job?  Answer
  • What are your plans for higher studies?  Answer
  • Explain how would you be an asset to this organization. Answer
  • Do you have any questions for me.   Answer

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Answering 'what is your ideal work environment' in a job interview.

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Employers ask about your ideal work environment to assess fit.

Predicting what you'll be asked in a job interview is challenging. One common question that may leave you stumped if caught off guard is, “What is your ideal work environment?” Another version of this question is, "What type of work environment do you prefer?" Obviously, there is no perfect workplace. But preparing an answer to this question in advance will accomplish two things. First, it will force you to dig deep to identify what’s important to you. Best of all, articulating your vision in a clear and succinct way that aligns with the company’s values will also leave a lasting impression on your future employer.

Your ideal work environment refers to the type of workplace where you will be the most productive and satisfied. Employers ask this question for several reasons. One is to assess cultural fit. They want to know that your desires match what they have to offer. Why? Employees who fit well within an organization are more likely to feel motivated and engaged, resulting in higher productivity. It also gives the hiring manager insight into your personality—something more difficult to glean from a résumé.

Finding an ideal culture match matters just as much to you, the job seeker, as to the employer. So much so that a Glassdoor survey polling over 5,000 respondents from the U.S., U.K., France and Germany found that 73% said they wouldn’t even apply to a company unless its values align with their own. The next time you prepare for an interview, follow these steps to respond to the question, “What is your ideal work environment?”

Reflect on past experiences

The first step is to define your preferences. Look back on past work experiences to identify the environments in which you thrived. Remember, it’s about more than just describing the physical location. Think about factors such as:

  • Flexibility
  • Work-life balance
  • Opportunities for growth
  • Collaboration vs. working independently
  • Structured vs. ambiguous environments

Then, make a list and prioritize these attributes. Are there any elements on which you could be flexible? Also, note any characteristics you consider deal breakers.

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Some employers ask about your ideal work environment to ensure you researched the company. Check the job description for keywords like creative, fast-paced or team-oriented. To learn more about the company culture , review the corporate website. Pay special attention to the mission statement and careers section. Also, look at social media channels to get a glimpse into the organization’s priorities. Another idea is to create a Google alert to stay on top of breaking news or announcements. Finally, talk to current employees. By scheduling informational interviews, you can get an insider perspective on what it’s like to work there.

Prepare your response

In a job interview, you always want to appear energetic and enthusiastic about the role. So, when you respond, frame your answer in a positive light. For example, instead of describing how you hated working for your micromanaging boss who tracked your every move, focus on the fact that you’re a self-starter who thrives on flexibility. Highlight what is most important to you and connect it to the organization you’re interviewing with. To make your response more compelling, use real-life examples. By using a storytelling approach, your interview will be engaging and memorable.

Example answers

Here are a few sample responses to this increasingly common interview question:

You enjoy a team-based environment

My ideal work environment is one where I can express my creativity while using my problem-solving skills to overcome obstacles. I enjoy collaborating with team members on challenging assignments. Working in a rewarding environment is also important to me. That’s why I was impressed that you recently created a program to recognize employees who go above and beyond. I find that I’m most productive and motivated when I’m part of a team that celebrates each other’s wins.

You prefer a balance between group and independent projects

I prefer working both in a group setting and independently at times. When I researched your company, I learned that many employees collaborate on projects and also focus on their own responsibilities. I’ve found that this balance is what makes me thrive as an advertising executive. While I enjoy brainstorming sessions, I also like spending time alone to strategize and focus on my day-to-day responsibilities.

You thrive in a remote setting

My ideal work environment centers around working for an organization that empowers its employees. When I read that you are a global company that prioritizes a sense of belonging, I was excited. I am most energized and productive when I am given the flexibility to work remotely for fast-paced, high-growth companies. Given that you promote transparency, work-life balance and asynchronous work, I can make an immediate contribution in this role.

Job interviews are a two-way conversation. If you determine that the company culture and your expectations don’t align, that’s okay. The role may not be a good fit. However, if there is overlap, you can decide whether some preferences are worth compromising. Most importantly, be authentic. It will make you a more attractive candidate and increase the likelihood of finding a job opportunity that is the best fit for you.

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Ideal Work Environment

An optimal work environment includes a variety of variables, some of which may be more important to one person than others. Workroom (office or cubicle), speed of work, foot traffic, noise habits, and work demands are among the concerns considered. More critically, an optimal workplace should have a healthy balance between individuality and teamwork. A traditional work atmosphere, if anything were fine, would be a dynamic but small-business environment with open collaboration, openness, a supportive society, and inclusive bosses. To continue, creating a successful work atmosphere entails having weekly interactions with employees. It should be run in the manner of a small family company. A culture that managers have a personal touch with people would be more suitable especially in ensuring mutual success between all parties. More importantly, one would want to work on small work set ups because they tend to get exposed to more activities at faster rates. More so, an environment that creates work life balance would be practical for an individual that seeks to do other activities out of office (Neville and Tim 45). For instance, individuals with families or side-businesses would prefer a schedule that is flexible enough to cater for such activities. More importantly, managers should give people the opportunity to uncover their special skills.

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Whenever one thinks of a perfect company to work for, they would highly rank firms that offer the option to work from home. Moreover, some employees like listening to music while they work. Therefore, to enhance productivity, it would be a good idea to have channels that suits their tastes. More so, an organization that encourages group thinking and at the same allows for introverts to focus would increase teamwork and at the same time propel creativity (Neville and Tim 8).

An effective leader sets clear expectations, gives feedback and gets to know their employees on a professional and personal level. It would be wise to accompany these elements with an ample and fun work environment. For instance, it would be idyllic to have an open office whereby an employee can walk to the CEO’s office and talk to them about anything. As a result, workers can build transparency and open dialogue with management (Foldspang 65). Another idea that creates harmony would be monthly lunches for the company’s staff, local vendors and customers. To add on, productivity would be multiplied through compensation. Enjoying work is a bonus and this can be enhanced by appreciation through benefits, allowances and timely payment. Also, rewards should be based on merit.

A work place is not complete without specifying the dress code. An ideal dress code should be consistent, professional and inspire confidence to the employee. It should be ethical, appropriate, comfortable, attractive but not sexist or biased. For instance religious employees such as Muslims, Christians or Hindus should be allowed to wear hijab, turban, yarmulke or crucifixes. Therefore employers should tread carefully when imposing dressing restrictions. However, no matter how relaxed an office is, it is important to tame some extreme forms of dressing. Evidence shows that dressing up improves productivity in the work place. In addition, a well-dressed employee inspire confidence in the client (Foldspang 34).

Finally, a practical and model work set up should limit the need for role play. People should fully express normal emotions without drama. This is likely to instill confidence, commitment and foster good relationship between workers and their supervisors. Among other attributes that would nurture cohesiveness include: self-regulation of employees and availability of training and support at all times. Ultimately, staff would work hard and at the same enjoy working for a company that they genuinely care about.

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Works Cited

Foldspang, Lars. Working Environment and Productivity: A Register-Based Analysis of Nordic Enterprises. Kbh: Nordisk Ministerråd, 2014. Print.

Neville, Bernie, and Tim Dalmau. Olympus Inc: Intervening for Cultural Change in Organizations. London: Karnac Books, 2010. Print.

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ideal workplace essay

Describe Your Ideal Job- Best Essay that Wins Purpose

The ideal profession is a professional way of doing things that you love and that makes you fully satisfied. Describe your ideal job essay that needs to cover some particular areas. This article will be discussing some points and examples of Describe your ideal job essay.

Introduction to Describe your ideal job essay

It is a profession that is good, interesting, and most importantly, happy, and rewarded with the source of income for it. To understand what work would be a norm, I must first understand myself first, then the motivation and motivation of my work. I want to continue my work, I’m probably just not sure right now, but I’m pretty sure how I want to do it.

My ideal job is to do something that I can help others, for example, to do something for someone else; Radiography, consultants, or a teacher. My ideal work should have three good qualities; a Good environment increased opportunities and should work hard.

The best environment I hope to see in my ideal work is the first important quality. The best work environment for the ideal job is to work with the right people because success will be followed after a team where each person cooperates with integrity, and others humbly accept and help others develop as better people.

For me, the best work environment is very important because it is the best thing to have a good relationship with colleagues. A positive work environment is good for workers to come to work, and it motivates them to survive throughout the day.

This ideal work is to be a profession as well as be able to make a positive impact on me, from the parent to the void, to the home and the family, and to meet my goals and beliefs and to live in that confusing world. Working with people you dislike can cause problems to be uncomfortable with your work.

The second chance I expected for my ideal work for increased opportunities. Employees are able to expand their knowledge, skills, and skills and apply skills acquired in new situations for growth and development opportunities. The opportunity to gain new skills and experience can help employees to increase motivation and job satisfaction and control the working pressure on staff more effectively.

By enabling opportunities for plan, growth, and development, organizations can enhance the quality of their staff’s work experience and understand the benefits of developing staff to their full potential. Whether the jobs that offer big growth opportunities, whether you’ve joined a lower or middle level, stands as the top character of perfect work.

After raising the proposal every person knows that new ideas, new ideas come, and so on. When we are doing great work in our jobs we want to continue doing good work and we want to do this as soon as possible.

what is my ideal career

When jobs give us the opportunity to grow, we will have to take advantage because there were no jobs and people wanted to get the opportunity to grow. Hard work in my ideal work I hope the last quality. Nothing great is done easily. Keeping busy working for you a lot is better than just doing something as you sit.

Some who work harder show that they can do everything and even more. It is a good thing for the workers because they give good references from people who work for you. It begins to know how people work so that they do not have the chance to continue working and lose their job.

Those who work hard, are rewarded. I know because I have seen it, giving you better opportunities for your work and giving you a good income. Learn to make your money work for you. Doing a lot of work and spending every money you make is not smart. Many want to work harder and ultimately when they work, they become proud and selfish, selfish is worse because it does not let you work hard.

The basic definition of perfect work and ideal work has many qualities. But virtually, an ideal job can not exist at all times. I am sure everybody’s “ideal” is mentioned in the same sentence as “work”. Everyone has what they have in their pictures on their heads. Where they want to go to life, some kind of job, many kids in the house, where you want to live. So how do we define a perfect work or ideal work?

A perfect job that you excel in is compatibility with you and that you are very comfortable with. The desire to dream begins in childhood.

A good salary-paid job is not the only thing I want to work on. I want to work with great people, with whom I enjoy spending time, and with those, I usually can not avoid. The importance is what we want and what we want to do, and we should have a good salary so that we can live.

describe your ideal job essay 02

Most people can learn knowledge because they hope to get the ideal work for themselves. For me, I know it’s an important reason to learn knowledge.

For my future work environment, I want to work in the marketing sector. By identifying the marketing requirements and developing the right products to fill them, there is more to marketing and it is universally available through advertising to reach. I hope the company is located in the Central Business District, and the company has about one hundred employees.

Also, I think the private secretary will work in my standard work and work long-term. As a personal secretary, I should discuss the marketing manager’s guidance and responses to his business letters, keeping the company’s multiple files and records, especially the marketing director and some files and records, and a few minutes in his presence… Of course, without a salary, I hope to get some profit.

For example, subsidies for coverage including holidays and holidays, employee support programs, social work, spouse, domestic workers, and competitive healthcare, medical, dental, vision, life, etc. Without my basic knowledge of work, I have to realize some professional knowledge about marketing, computer skills, communication skills, and experience studying abroad.

In conclusion, because I know how to speak and work carefully, and I am very good at papers and daily routines, I think in the future I can be fit for a personal secretary.

what is the ideal job for me

describe your ideal job essay 03

How do I imagine an ideal job? If you have a well-paid job, you can consider that you have a good job, but there are many good things in an ideal job.

In my opinion, it is an ideal job when you sit in your office and create your own rules. Have a good secretary and he will make your work more comfortable. Of course, nowadays strategies are handled by all and the work is important in high technology. And it will make your work much more comfortable and easy.

It is normal to work eight hours a day now, but some people try to work longer to increase their salary. It has bad effects on their health. Ideally, it needs to be a free schedule but it’s just a dream about an ideal job.

There is no standard work in the real world. If a person wants an ideal job, he must choose his future career in the initial few years. That’s why we choose our future careers in school. Then we go to the university or institute to get this job. After graduation, we started our careers. In the beginning, we will have to work hard to get a promotion.

There are two ways to do the ideal work: the first time you work and try to get promotions. Secondly, it just works which just works for you and you are fully satisfied with it.

Describe your ideal job essay 04

An ideal job for me is a work that will help me improve my knowledge and skills; A career that will help me to grow professionally and professionally as a profession; job that is eager to work for me and give me the best performance every day. The actuary is my ideal job.

This career has attracted me due to my diverse work. You can work in a specialist field in the direction of insurance, pension, benefits, health care, investment, banking, or risk management for any major organization, or to counsel all types of projects.

Secondly, international opportunities attract me to this career. The Actuary is a truly global job, to transfer actuarial work from country to country.

Once you become eligible, you can go anywhere in the world with your aquarium expertise. It attracts me because of its prizes. Actuaries are well compensated. Even at the entry level, salaries for Acquired Assistants are generally high. In fact, it is one of the highest-paid businesses.

To become an Actuary, you must be a “numbers person”. And I’m kind of a “number person”. There are difficulties to solve problems and solve the problem of mathematics or statistics. I know that because I’m doing a lot of good work in mathematics at school.

Last year I got an average of 95 for academic math and now it is more than 90 percent of academic math and I really like mathematics. I am a visual student, enjoying graphs and charts and I like to get information through reading.

I’m a kind of help I want to explain things to other people; My friends choose to solve their problems and find out other people’s opinions. I have a detailed type. I enjoy working at a steady pace and I like to follow a set of instructions. Like a doctor or lawyer, an acquisition earns professional status along with a test to prove a specific level of knowledge. You must pass a series conducted by the Society of Aquarius (SOA) or the Costati Actuarial Society (CAS) to become a fully qualified aquarium.

To prepare myself to be a sanctuary, I must keep my interest in math. Also, I will take the issues related to this career in grades 11 and 12. For example, math, feasibility and statistics, calculation, business, computer, algebra and geometry, calculus, economics, and law. I will practice and develop some of my other skills such as practice skills, group work skills and etc.

In an interview with Amresh, an actress working in the health department of a large insurance company group, I learned that acupuncture must be able to think clearly and reasonably and should be hard-working and dedicated.

I also learned that in the field of mathematics, statistics, or biological statistics, the performers make good professors; With their expertise in statistics, they can act as statisticians, analyzing statistics in Canada’s population analysis or analyzing public opinion poll for upcoming elections.

Through this study, I learned a lot about aquariums, for example, what they do, where they work, earn, and so on. I learn that any qualified evaluation and skills can be improved. And all of this will help me build my next step in the future.

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Describe your ideal job essay 05

There are different standards about what people want. Some people want to be teachers, some want to be a doctor, some want to be lawyers, etc.

My ideal job is to be a nurse and that is why I have chosen my main English nursing in medical college and I will study this college for five years. I think I should make a living using it to learn. More importantly, I love my main love too. I’d like to be a nurse after graduating from college. Doctors can help a lot better doctors to treat patients. People always treat nurses as “White Angel.” Surely, it’s a wonderful call.

My ideal job is to be a good nurse. When I was young, I saw many patients in the hospital. I hope I can help them maintain their health. Also, I call many nurses in disaster. They had hoped for homeless people. They are called “white corners”. So I want to be a good nurse, I want to be an angel. I hope I can help others escape from the pain. I hope I can devote my time to this career.

Meanwhile, some people choose to do things that were slightly different from their studies, such as Leo and others who wrote about becoming a doctor.

My ideal job is as a doctor. My main nursing is. But I do not have the aim, to be a nurse. My dream is to become a popular doctor who can contribute to his life throughout his life. When I was young, I was always sick and I was weak. There were not many doctors in my suburbs. So today it is If I become a doctor, then I will do my best to treat patients coming to my clinic. I’m ready enough for my dream.

I will be honest, he is not the only one who said that he wants to become a doctor/nurse due to poor health while he is young. So, when my children were sick when they were young, or they seem to be beautiful on paper for this particular matter.

However, in fact, there was a good deal of diversity, many students prefer writing about work that was outside of the medical field. In fact, if I was deprived of them, then I would say that after nursing, the beginner was the second most popular choice, considering how many articles I read here were like Sunny.

My ideal job is to be a teacher. When I was young, I envy teachers because they had a lot of knowledge and many of us were taught that we will never know. Another thing I think is teaching a reputable job. Ultimately, but at least, there is not much poor area of lack of educational institutions. I hope I can be a teacher, I want to help them.

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Among the two classes, there were many students like Olivia, who wrote in the same line.

My ideal work should be to be a teacher – a plain, regular job because it can earn me my interest rate. As a teacher, undoubtedly, I will not earn a lot of money and I will not get great fame. However, from my own point of view, teaching is really a fruitful thing. I just can not teach the students knowledge, but I can teach students to separate from their mistakes, which can affect the whole life of the students. Teachers play a very important role in everyone’s life, so teaching just connects my score with the appropriate value – doing fruitful things, and loving every day.

Thank you, are there “more than nurses, doctors, or teachers” among the articles? Several of my authors have also written about how they want to be writers, such as Tino

My ideal work writer and this is because I love reading different books and creating new ideas in my world. I want to write a novel because it can create the world that you want. You can make your dreams come true in your world. I want someone to have a common idea with me. We can chat and play with each other, and exchange our views. In Ovel’s world, I can do some of the characters they want to do. I can use people touching my story.

describe your ideal job essay 06

My ideal work should be to be a writer, but I am not like those who write about daily life, we are known. Instead, I will write skinners and customs in foreign countries through my own experience. I like to travel and write, so I hope they can be related to each other. When I was young, I read a few textbooks written by a Chinese famous writer, whose nickname San Mao The sceneries presented by her are deeply influenced by my mind. It’s beautiful words and cozy style makes me charming. Probably from that time, my ideal work was budded.

My ideal job is to become a bookstore shopper. We know that books play an important role in our lives. They expand our horizons in different ways. In addition, I like reading good books. I was enjoying my time reading a book. Therefore, hosting a bookstore is the best thing for me.

My ideal job is to become a master’s because once I am the boss, I will lend a lot of money and I can do something which I want to help other people in hardship. I want a lot of help from people When I go shopping with my friend, I see some people bee for money or food. If I have money I will pay for them. They are having a difficult time. When the Sichuan earthquake occurs, many children were losing their people. Since then, if I had enough money I thought, I wanted to give them a warm house and make them happy.

what is my ideal job

describe your ideal job essay 07

Nursing is my ideal job. When I was a small girl that was always my dream . There are many people who feel nursing who are tired and do not pay well. Probably a couple of years ago, this was the case. The thing seems to have changed now for the better. Today there are many specialized hospitals open in many cities that require more nurses. More interesting is the focus of the hospitals for those who have special training and skills.

For example, the orthopedic hospital will look for a nurse who is trained in trauma care along with unstable treatment. Look at a career in nursing so there are very few nurses. It’s just another job that needs to work well. If you think that the nurses will continue to play the part of Florence Nightingale, but in this day and age will expect it to be very little.

For a very long time, a nursing woman has been associated with gender. Many believe that women need to be resisted. It may sound like a sexist attitude; But unfortunately, it is a common one today.

Most nurses are given general nursing training before going to a clinic or hospital. Very often, this is not enough. Nurses keep learning to work with patients. Finding a job is not the same as finding out a job. A career is a broad field that I want to work in; Unlike a job that I’m paying for that is a task. To find out what career I really love, I have to think of myself rather than my family and/or friends. The most important choice of my decision to make my life happy and to succeed is to think about myself and my decision.

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I just have to know my decision. I will only know about my decision that will affect people around me. I believe that I would thoroughly consider what made me happy. I will appeal to my loved ones, respect, and care for others and my interests.

Nursing is my true passion and a career that I can hear at Kaplan University is very important for success in this career. I just needed the opportunity to prove my ability to be an amazing nurse. Why I chose Criminal Justice because there was some temporary problem in my nursing field but,

Criminal Justice Work I believe is a great field. This gives you a chance to make a difference among the communities. I love to investigate the situation and look for evidence. I found out that something else that I was good at.

My husband says that I love to investigate so I said maybe something I can do. My adviser also told me that I could not be nursing even though I still want to consider something else. I certainly want to work in the field of homicide investigation. Although I find it interesting, I first saw 48 and a lot of forensic files.

I think a college education is a reason for me to open more opportunities in the future, now it is more difficult to get a job without a college education. I certainly do not want to work at Burger King or McDonald’s for the rest of my life. I see many big men and women working so hard on this minimum wage, but never reaching the top.

I said to myself that I am not like myself and that I will do something for myself and my family. So I ask whatever you want in life, with the right positive effect and motivation you can do in some of your life! Barbara Coleman.

Describe your Ideal Job essay

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ideal workplace essay

How To Answer: What Is Your Ideal Workday?

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This question is very interesting, considering it’s opinionated. You have yet to work there, so how would you know? Obviously, this largely depends on where you’re applying to, but each answer can be structured similarly. Here is how to communicate what your ideal workday would look like!

ideal workday

Positives About the Company

This question gives you a great chance to show off your knowledge of the company. You can mention any reviews you’ve seen from past employees or some valuable company values/beliefs listed within their website. It’s always a good idea to incorporate why you care to work there within your answer. Every interviewer wants to see that the applicant is excited about this opportunity and wants to get their foot in the door! You can exemplify this by showing you’ve done your research and know some of the positives to expect.


One of the most significant characteristics of an excellent employee is their work ethic. When they’re on the clock, are they always putting their best effort forward? Or are they slacking off and solely completing the bare minimum? In your answer you should place emphasis that a good day is a productive day. We understand that it’s impossible to be on top of your game all the time, but in an interview, it’s best to express how much you value the days where you are. Explain the importance of having these days and what would qualify as being very productive.

Personal Achievement

In every interview setting, it’s necessary to speak about your personal upsides and what you’re good at. Keep in mind that there is a line, and you don’t want to sound full of yourself. Stay humble, but don’t be afraid to indulge a little. You want to be confident but not cocky. Ultimately, frame your day around the achievement of the company due to your personal actions and behavior. When done correctly, you’ll show the interviewer you’d be a great asset to the team.

ideal workday

Here’s an example if you’re applying for a position at a grocery store:

“My ideal workday would be one where I’m able to satisfy every customer I interact with and ensure they had a pleasant experience. I know this is one of your biggest company values, so by upholding this, I feel that I’m positively contributing to the team. Another aspect that would make my workday is being more productive than I had been before. With time and practice, I know I can do my job faster and more efficiently. I always strive to improve and outdo my last performance because it brings me a huge sense of fulfillment!”

This could be an example if you’re applying for a position as a bartender:

“When customers ask for another of the same drink I just made for them, it makes my day. I know how important it is to us that we provide exemplary service and are an expert in mixology. By requesting it again, it shows that the drink was a hit, and they can’t get enough! Another aspect I enjoy it when people come because of a referral from a friend. It’s incredibly important to get our name out there, and one way of doing so is to provide excellent service that patrons can’t help but talk about!”

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Describe your ideal workplace

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IELTS essay Describe your ideal workplace

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