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73 Essay Hook Examples

essay hook examples and definition, explained below

An essay hook is the first one or two sentences of your essay that are used to grab the reader’s attention and draw them into your discussion.

It is called a hook because it “grabs” the reader and doesn’t let them go! It should have something in there that makes the reader feel curious and intrigued, compelling them to continue reading.

Techniques for Good Essay Hooks

Here are a few techniques that you can use to write a good essay hook:

  • Use a Quotation : Sometimes, a relevant quotation from a well-known author or expert can help establish the context or theme of your essay. Next time you’re conducting research for an essay, keep an eye out for a really compelling quote that you could use as your hook for that essay.
  • Start with a Statement that is Surprising or Unusual: A surprising or unusually statement will draw a reader in, making them want to know more about that topic. It’s good if the statement contradicts common knowledge or reveals an insight about your topic that isn’t immediately obvious. These can be particularly good for argumentative essays where you’re putting forward a controversial or compelling argument as your thesis statement .
  • Tell a Brief Anecdote : A short, interesting story related to your topic can personaize the story, making it more than just a dry essay, and turning it into a compelling narrative that’s worth reading.
  • Use Statistics or Facts: Interesting, surprising, or shocking facts or statistics work similarly to surprising statements: they make us want to know more about a topic. Statistics and facts in your introductions are particularly useful for analytical, expository , and argumentative essays.
  • Start with a Question: Questions that make the reader think deeply about an issue, or pose a question that the reader themselves has considered, can be really effecitve. But remember, questions tend to be better for informal and personal essays, and are generally not allowed in formal argumentative essays. If you’re not sure if you’re allowed to use questions in your essays, check with your teacher first.

Below, I’ll present some examples of hooks that you could use as inspiration when writing your own essay hook.

Essay Hook Examples

These examples might help stimulate your thinking. However, keep in mind that your essay hook needs to be unique to your essay, so use these as inspiration but write your own essay hook that’s perfect for your own essay.

1. For an Essay About Yourself

An essay about yourself can be personal, use “I” statements, and include memories or thoughts that are deeply personal to you.

  • Question: “Have you ever met someone who could turn even the most mundane events into a thrilling adventure? Let me introduce myself.”
  • Anecdote: “The smell of freshly baked cookies always takes me back to the day when I accidentally started a baking business at the age of nine.”
  • Intriguing Statement: “I’ve always believed that you haven’t truly lived until you’ve read a book upside down, danced in the rain, or taught a parrot to say ‘I love pizza.'”
  • Quotation: “As Mark Twain once said, ‘The secret of getting ahead is getting started.’ That’s a philosophy I’ve embraced in every aspect of my life.”
  • Humorous Statement: “I’m a self-proclaimed ‘professional chocolate tester’ – a title that’s not only delicious but also requires extreme dedication.”
  • Start with your Mission Statement : “My life motto is simple but powerful: be the person who decided to go for it.
  • Fact or Statistic: “According to a study, people who speak more than one language tend to be better at multitasking . As a polyglot, I certainly live up to that statistic.”
  • Comparison or Metaphor: “If my life were a book, it would be a blend of an adventurous novel, a suspense thriller, and a pinch of romantic comedy.”
  • Personal Revelation: “Ever since I was a child, I’ve had an uncanny ability to communicate with animals. It’s an unusual skill, but one that has shaped my life in many ways.”
  • Narrative: “The day everything changed for me was an ordinary Tuesday. Little did I know, a single conversation would lead me to discover my true passion.”

2. For a Reflective Essay

A reflective essay often explores personal experiences, feelings, and thoughts. So, your hooks for reflective essays can usually be more personal, intriguing, and engaging than other types of essays. Here are some examples for inspiration:

  • Question: “Have you ever felt as though a single moment could change your entire life? This essay is going to explore that moment for me.”
  • Anecdote: “I was standing on the edge of the Grand Canyon, looking at the vast emptiness, and for the first time, I truly understood the word ‘perspective’.”
  • Bold Statement: “There is a part of me that is still trapped in that room, on that rainy afternoon, holding the letter that would change everything.”
  • Personal Revelation: “The first time I truly felt a sense of belonging wasn’t in a crowded room full of friends, but in the quiet solitude of a forest.”
  • Intriguing Statement: “In my life, silence has been a teacher more profound than any words could ever be.”
  • Quotation: “Einstein once said, ‘The only source of knowledge is experience.’ Now, looking back, I realize how profound that statement truly is.”
  • Comparison or Metaphor: “If my life is a tapestry, then that summer was the vibrant thread that changed the entire pattern.”
  • Narrative: “As the train pulled out of the station, I realized I wasn’t just leaving my hometown, I was leaving my old self behind.”
  • Philosophical Statement: “In the theater of life, we are both the actor and the audience, playing our part and watching ourselves simultaneously.”
  • Emotive Statement: “There is a sort of sweet sorrow in remembering, a joy tinged with a hint of sadness, like the last notes of a beautiful song.”

For an Argumentative Essay

Essay hooks for argumentative essays are often the hardest. This type of essay tends to require the most formal type of academic writing, meaning your hook shouldn’t use first person, and should be more based on fact and objectivity, often at the expense of creativity. Here are some examples.

  • Quotation: “Thomas Jefferson once said, ‘Whenever the people are well-informed, they can be trusted with their own government.’ If Jefferson were alive today, he would likely feel that this meed for a well-informed citizenry is falling well short of where he would aspire.”
  • Provocative Statement: “Despite what romantic films may portray, love at first sight is merely a myth perpetuated by society. This essay will prosecute the argument that love at first sight is a myth.”
  • Statistical Fact: “According to the World Health Organization, depression is the leading psychological disability worldwide. Yet, mental health is still stigmatized and often overlooked. This essay will argue that depression should be seen as a health issue, and stigmatization of depression causes serious harm to society.”
  • Comparison: “Much like an unchecked infection, climate change, if left ignored, can spread far beyond what it is today, causing long-term economic and social problems that may even threaten the longevity of humanity itself.”
  • Contradiction : “While we live in an era of unprecedented technological advancements, millions around the world are still denied basic internet access.”
  • Bold Declaration: “Animal testing is not only ethically unacceptable, but it also undermines the progress of medical research.”
  • Challenging Belief: “Despite popular belief, the automation of jobs is not a threat but an opportunity for society to evolve.”
  • Quotation: “George Orwell wrote in ‘1984’, ‘Big Brother is Watching You.’ In our modern society, with the advancement of technology, this is becoming more of a reality than fiction.”
  • Intriguing Statement: “Despite countless diet fads and fitness trends, obesity rates continue to rise. This argumentative essay will argue that this is because medical practitioners’ approaches to health and weight loss are fundamentally flawed.”
  • Statistical Fact: “Research reveals that over 90% of the world’s plastic waste is not recycled. This alarming figure calls for a drastic change in social attitudes towards consumption and waste management.”
  • Challenging Assumption: “Society often assumes that progress and growth are intrinsically good, but this is not always the case in the realm of economic development.”
  • Contradiction: “Western society upholds the value of freedom, yet every day, members of society cede personal liberties in the name of convenience and security.”
  • Analogy: “Like an overplayed song, when a news story is repeated too often, it loses its impact. In the era of digital media, society is becoming desensitized to critical issues.”
  • Relevant Anecdote: “In a village in India, the arrival of a single computer transformed the lives of the residents. This small anecdote underscores the importance of digital inclusion in today’s world.”
  • Call to Rethink: “In a world where success is often equated with financial wealth, it is time for society to reconsidered what truly constitutes a successful life.”

For a Compare and Contrast Essay

A compare and contrast essay examines two issues, looking at both the similarities and differences between them. A good hook for a compare and contrast essay will immediately signal to the reader the subjects that are being compared and why they’re being compared. Here are sine ideas for hooks for a compare and contrast essay:

  • Quotation: “As Charles Dickens wrote in his novel ‘A Tale of Two Cities’, ‘It was the best of times, it was the worst of times’. This could equally apply to the contrasting dynamics of urban and rural living.”
  • Provocative Statement: “Despite popular belief, cats and dogs have more in common than society tends to think.”
  • Comparison: “Comparing being an only child to growing up with siblings is like contrasting a solo performance with an orchestral symphony.”
  • Contradiction: “While many view classic literature and contemporary fiction as worlds apart, they are more akin to two sides of the same coin.”
  • Bold Declaration: “Android and iPhone may compete in the same market, but their philosophies could not be more different.”
  • Statistical Fact: “Statistics show that children who grow up reading books tend to perform better academically than those who do not. But, the jury is out on how reading traditional books compares to reading e-books on screens.”
  • Quotation: “As Robert Louis Stevenson once wrote, ‘Sooner or later, we all sit down to a banquet of consequences.’ This statement can be used to frame a comparison between short-term and long-term thinking.”
  • Provocative Statement: “Democracy and dictatorship are often seen as polar opposites, but are they are not as different as they seem.”
  • Comparison: “Climate change and plastic pollution are two major environmental issues, yet they demand different approaches and solutions.”
  • Contradiction: “While traditional classrooms and online learning are seen as separate modes of education, they can often blend into a cohesive learning experience.”
  • Bold Declaration: “Though both based on merit, the structures of capitalism and socialism lead to vastly different societal outcomes.”
  • Imagery: “The painting styles of Van Gogh and Monet can be contrasted as a stormy sea versus a tranquil pond.”
  • Historical Reference: “The philosophies of the Cold War-era – capitalism and communism – provide a lens to contrast economic systems.”
  • Literary Comparison: “The dystopian societies portrayed in George Orwell’s ‘1984’ and Aldous Huxley’s ‘Brave New World’ serve as contrasting visions of the future.”
  • Philosophical Question: “Individualism and collectivism shape societies in distinct ways, but neither one can truly exist without the other.”

See Here for my Guide on Writing a Compare and Contrast Essay

For a Psychology Essay

Writing an engaging hook for a psychology essay involves sparking the reader’s interest in the human mind, behavior, or the specific psychology topic you’re discussing. Here are some stimulating hooks for a psychology essay:

  • Rhetorical Question: “How much control do we truly have over our own actions?”
  • Quotation: “Sigmund Freud once said, ‘Unexpressed emotions will never die. They are buried alive and will come forth later in uglier ways.’ This essay will explore whether this is universally true.”
  • Provocative Statement: “Contrary to popular belief, ‘venting out’ anger might actually be fueling the fire of fury.”
  • Comparison: “Just as an iceberg reveals only a fraction of its bulk above water, conscious minds may only be a small piece of who humans truly are.”
  • Contradiction: “While it may seem counterintuitive, studies show that individuals who are more intelligent are also more likely to suffer from mental health issues.”
  • Bold Declaration: “Despite advances in technology, understanding the human brain remains one of the final frontiers in science.”
  • Statistical Fact: “According to a study by the American Psychological Association, nearly one in five adults in the U.S. lives with a mental illness. Yet, mental health continues to be a topic shrouded in stigma.”

For a Sociology Essay

Writing an engaging hook for a sociology essay involves sparking the reader’s interest in social behaviors, cultural phenomena, or the specific sociology topic you’re discussing. Here are ideas for hooks for a sociology essay:

  • Quotation: “As Karl Marx once noted, ‘Social progress can be measured exactly by the social position of the fair sex.’ Sadly, society has not made much progress in gender equality.”
  • Provocative Statement: “Social media, initially created to connect people, is ironically leading society into an era of unprecedented isolation.”
  • Comparison: “Comparing society to a theater, where each individual plays a role, it is possible to start to see patterns and scripts embedded in daily interactions.”
  • Contradiction: “While people often believe that technology is bringing society closer together, evidence suggests that it’s actually driving a wedge between people, creating ‘digital divides’.”
  • Bold Declaration: “Human societies are constructed on deeply ingrained systems of inequality, often invisible to those benefiting from them.”
  • Statistical Fact: “A recent study found that women still earn only 81 cents for every dollar earned by men. This stark wage gap raises questions about equality in the workforce.”

For a College Application Essay

A college essay is a personal statement where you can showcase who you are beyond your grades and resume. It’s your chance to tell your unique story. Here are ten potential hooks for a college essay:

  • Anecdote: “At the age of seven, with a wooden spoon as my baton, I confidently conducted an orchestra of pots and pans in my grandmother’s kitchen.”
  • Provocative Statement: “I believe that life is like a game of chess. The king might be the most important piece, but it’s the pawns that can change the entire course of the game.”
  • Personal Revelation: “It wasn’t until I was lost in a foreign city, armed with nothing but a map in a language I didn’t understand, that I truly discovered my love for adventure.”
  • Intriguing Question: “Have you ever wondered how it feels to be part of two completely different cultures, yet wholly belong to neither?”
  • Bold Declaration: “Breaking a bone can be a painful experience. Breaking stereotypes, however, is an entirely different kind of challenge.”
  • Unusual Fact: “I can recite the periodic table backwards while juggling three tennis balls. It’s a strange talent, but it’s a perfect metaphor for how I tackle challenges.”
  • Quotation: “As Albert Einstein once said, ‘Imagination is more important than knowledge.’ This quote has defined my approach to learning.”
  • Narrative: “It was a cold winter’s day when I first discovered the magic of turning a blank page into a world full of characters, stories, and ideas.”
  • Metaphor: “Like a caterpillar transforming into a butterfly, my high school years have been a period of profound metamorphosis.”
  • Humorous Statement: “Being the youngest of five siblings, I quickly learned that the best way to be heard was to become the family’s unofficial lawyer.”

Conclusion: The Qualities of a Good Essay Hook

As I wrap up this article, I want to share a few last tips on qualities that a good essay hook should have. Keep these tips in mind when writing your essay hook and using the above essay hook examples:

First, relevance . A good hook should be directly relevant to the topic or theme of your essay. The hook should provide a preview of what’s to come without giving too much away.

Second, Intrigue. A great hook should make the reader want to continue reading. It should create a question in the reader’s mind or present a fascinating idea that they want to know more about.

Third, uniqueness. An effective hook should be original and unique. It should stand out from the many other essays that the reader might be going through.

Fourth, clarity. Even though a hook should be captivating and original, it should also be clear and easy to understand. Avoid complex sentences and jargon that might confuse the reader.

Fifth, genre conventions. Too often, my students try to be so creative in their essay hooks that they forget genre conventions . The more formal an essay, the harder it is to write the hook. My general approach is to focus on statistics and facts, and avoid rhetorical questions , with more formal essay hooks.

Keep in mind that you should run your essay hook by your teacher by showing them your first draft before you submit your essay for grading. This will help you to make sure it follows genre conventions and is well-written.


Chris Drew (PhD)

Dr. Chris Drew is the founder of the Helpful Professor. He holds a PhD in education and has published over 20 articles in scholarly journals. He is the former editor of the Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education. [Image Descriptor: Photo of Chris]

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Hook Writing: A Complete Guide for Nonfiction Writers

by Harry Wallett

When you hear the word “hook,” what comes to mind? Perhaps it’s a fishing term or a tool for grabbing and holding on to a loose item.

In nonfiction writing, a hook is not that much different, at least not in the abstract, in other words, it’s an attention-grabbing literary device designed to capture your reader’s interest and attention and not let go. Your goal with a hook is to compel your readers to keep reading.

Hooks are critical to the success of nonfiction. If they fail to engage your readers, they may never make it past the first paragraph.

In this article we’ll dive into what hooks are and how to write them effectively plus you’ll learn 12 different types of hooks used in the world of nonfiction so you can find an effective way to keep your readers engaged!

How Do I Write a Clever Hook?

Readers love stories that hook readers using the writing process in fiction writing

Writing a clever hook requires careful thought and planning. Before we move on the the different types of hooks that are popular with nonfiction authors, here are some hook-writing tips for you to consider:

1. Know your audience: Understanding your audience is essential to writing a hook that resonates with them. Consider their age, interests, and background when crafting your hook.

2. Be creative: Don’t be afraid to think outside the box and experiment with different types of hooks. The more creative and unique your hook, the more likely it is to grab your reader’s attention.

3. Keep it short and sweet: Your hook should be concise and to the point. Long, rambling hooks can quickly lose your reader’s interest.

4. Make it relevant: Your hook should be relevant to your topic. A hook that doesn’t relate to your content will only confuse your reader and turn them off.

5. Use sensory language: Sensory language can help bring your hook to life and make it more engaging for your reader. Use vivid descriptions to help them visualize the scene you’re setting.

Types of Hooks

Great, now that you know what’s required to write a clever hook, let’s look at the different types of hooks that you can use to capture your nonfiction reader’s attention. Which type you choose will depend on the nature of your book and your audience.

Below are 12 of the most popular types of hooks used in nonfiction books:

1. Question Hook

One of the most common types of hooks in nonfiction writing is the question hook. As the name suggests, it involves posing a question to the reader that piques their curiosity and encourages them to read further.

This type of hook works particularly well when the question is thought-provoking or challenges the reader’s assumptions.

It can also be effective to start with a rhetorical question, where the answer is implied or obvious, to create a sense of intrigue.

Example: Have you ever wondered what it would feel like to orbit the planet? I experienced this three times, and the best part is, I’ve never been to space.

2. Anecdotal Hook

Anecdotal hooks draw readers in by sharing a personal or relatable story that sets the stage for your topic. This type of hook is particularly effective when your story is emotionally engaging and helps to establish a connection with your reader.

Anecdotes can be humorous, heartwarming, or even shocking, but they should always tie back to your main topic.

Example: I once tried to teach my dog how to skateboard — and to my amazement, I succeeded! (note to the reader: YouTube is chock full with these examples)

3. Description Hook

A description hook uses vivid language to paint a picture in the reader’s mind and create a sense of atmosphere or setting. This type of hook can be particularly effective in travel writing or in pieces that focus on sensory experiences.

By using descriptive language, you can transport your readers to a different time or place and create a memorable reading experience.

Example: The sun was just beginning to set over the rolling hills, casting a warm glow across the lavender fields. That’s when I experienced the power of now for the first time.

4. Statistics Hook

Essay hooks in narrative essays grab readers attention with a few examples of a thesis statement

A statistics hook uses data and numbers to capture your reader’s attention and provide context for your topic.

This type of hook is particularly effective when the statistics are surprising or counterintuitive, as it can challenge the reader’s assumptions and encourage them to read on to learn more.

Example: Something as common as falling out of bed kills a lot more people than shark attacks in the US every year

5. Quotation Hook

A quotation hook uses a memorable quote or saying to introduce your topic and set the tone for your piece.

This type of hook works particularly well when the quote is from a well-known figure or has a cultural significance that resonates with your reader.

Example; “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” — Nelson Mandela

6. Story Hook

Similar to the anecdotal hook, the story hook uses a narrative to draw your reader in and create a sense of intrigue. However, the story hook is typically longer and more detailed, providing a more immersive experience for your reader.

This type of hook is particularly effective in memoirs and personal essays, as it allows your reader to become emotionally invested in your story.

Example: It was dark and cold and I found myself stranded in the middle of nowhere with a broken down car and a dead cell phone. Then, something amazing happened.

7. Metaphor Hook

Metaphors can be used to create an image in your reader’s mind that relates to your book’s main idea.

A metaphor is a figure of speech that describes something as being something else, often in a poetic or imaginative way. This type of hook can be especially useful if you need to convey a complex concept in a more relatable way.

Example: Life is a journey, and we are all just passengers on the same train.

8. Statement Hook

The first sentence of an argumentative essay provides a good hook for a personal story

A statement hook is a straightforward approach to hook writing that involves making a bold or surprising statement.

The statement should be provocative enough to grab your reader’s attention and make them want to read more. This type of hook works well if your writing aims to challenge common assumptions or present a new perspective.

Example: The world is not as black and white as we would like to believe.

9. Thesis Hook

The thesis hook begins with a clear and concise statement of your main argument or claim.

This type of hook is commonly used in academic or scientific writing, where your goal is to persuade your readers to accept your point of view.

Example: The use of alternative energy sources is crucial for the long-term sustainability of our planet.

10. Provocative Hook

The provocative hook is designed to challenge your reader’s assumptions or beliefs, creating a sense of intellectual curiosity. This type of hook encourages your reader to think critically about your topic.

Example: When it comes down to it, the concept of free will is just an illusion.

11. Literary Hook

The literary hook references a famous work of literature or a well-known author whose experience can be related back to your main topic.

This type of hook creates a sense of familiarity and can be used to draw connections between your reader’s own experiences and your subject matter.

Example: In Jane Austen’s Pride and Prejudice, the characters’ societal expectations and prejudices create a barrier to their happiness and fulfillment. Our own internal barriers are even stronger than society’s.

12. Stylistic Hook

The stylistic hook uses unique or unusual writing techniques to capture your reader’s attention, creating a sense of intrigue. It can be used to signal to your reader that you’re taking an unconventional approach to your topic.

Each type of hook has its own unique benefits and can be used to create different effects. However, the most important thing to keep in mind is to choose a hook that is relevant to your topic and your audience.

Example: In a world where everyone is constantly connected through technology, it’s easy to forget the simple pleasures of a good book and a cup of coffee.

Wrapping Things Up

Mastering the art of hook writing is an important skill for a nonfiction writer. By following the guidelines and examples above, you should learn how to write a clever and effective hook that will capture your readers’ attention from the very beginning.

Also, make sure you read a lot of nonfiction from the pros to deconstruct how they hook their audiences, then start experimenting with different types of hooks to grab your reader’s attention and keep them engaged throughout your entire piece!

hook for nonfiction essay

Harry Wallett is the Managing Director of Cascadia Author Services. He has a decade of experience as the Founder and Managing Director of Relay Publishing, which has sold over 3 million copies of books in all genres for its authors, and looks after a team of 50+ industry professionals working across the world.

Harry is inspired by the process of book creation and is passionate about the stories and characters behind the prose. He loves working with the writers and has shepherded 1000s of titles to publication over the years. He knows first-hand what it takes to not only create an unputdownable book, but also how to get it into the hands of the right readers for success.

Books are still one of the most powerful mediums to communicate ideas and establish indisputable authority in a field, boosting your reach and stature. But publishing isn’t a quick and easy process—nor should it be, or everyone would do it

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How to Write the Ultimate Essay Hook

How to Write the Ultimate Essay Hook

4-minute read

  • 6th May 2023

Never underestimate the power of an essay hook . This opening statement is meant to grab the reader’s attention and convince them to keep reading. But how do you write one that’ll pack a punch? In this article, we’ll break this down.

What Is an Essay Hook?

An essay hook is the first thing your audience will read. If it doesn’t hook them right off the bat, they might decide not to keep reading. It’s important that your opening statement is impactful while not being too wordy or presumptuous.

It’s also crucial that it clearly relates to your topic. You don’t want to mislead your readers into thinking your essay is about something it’s not. So, what kind of essay hook should you write? Here are seven ideas to choose from:

1.   Story

Everyone likes a good story. If an interesting story or anecdote relates to your essay topic, the hook is a great place to include it. For example:

The key to a good story hook is keeping it short and sweet. You’re not writing a novel in addition to an essay!

2.   Fact

Another great essay hook idea is to lay out a compelling fact or statistic. For example:

There are a few things to keep in mind when doing this. Make sure it’s relevant to your topic, accurate, and something your audience will care about. And, of course, be sure to cite your sources properly.

3.   Metaphor or Simile

If you want to get a little more creative with your essay hook, try using a metaphor or simile . A metaphor states that something is something else in a figurative sense, while a simile states that something is like something else.

Metaphors and similes are effective because they provide a visual for your readers, making them think about a concept in a different way. However, be careful not to make them too far-fetched or overly exaggerated.

4.   Question

Asking your audience a question is a great way to hook them. Not only does it make them think, but they’ll also want to keep reading because you will have sparked their curiosity. For example:

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Try to avoid using questions that start with something along the lines of “Have you ever wondered…?” Instead, try to think of a question they may never have wondered about. And be sure not to answer it right away, at least not fully. Use your essay to do that!

5.   Declaration

Making a bold statement or declaring a strong opinion can immediately catch people’s attention. For example:

Regardless of whether your reader agrees with you, they’ll probably want to keep reading to find out how you will back up your claim. Just make sure your declaration isn’t too controversial, or you might scare readers away!

6.   Common Misconception

Laying out a common misconception is another useful way to hook your reader. For example:

If your readers don’t know that a common belief is actually a misconception, they’ll likely be interested in learning more. And if they are already aware, it’s probably a topic they’re interested in, so they’ll want to read more.

7.   Description

You can put your descriptive powers into action with your essay hook. Creating interesting or compelling imagery places your reader into a scene, making the words come alive.

A description can be something beautiful and appealing or emotionally charged and provoking. Either way, descriptive writing is a powerful way to immerse your audience and keep them reading.

When writing an essay, don’t skimp on the essay hook! The opening statement has the potential to convince your audience to hear what you have to say or to let them walk away. We hope our ideas have given you some inspiration.

And once you finish writing your essay, make sure to send it to our editors. We’ll check it for grammar, spelling, word choice, references, and more. Try it out for free today with a 500-word sample !

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How to Write Great Essay Hooks (Tips + Examples)

How to Write Great Essay Hooks (Tips + Examples)

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hook for nonfiction essay

Yona Schnitzer

Blank screen. Cursor blinks. Clock ticks. Brain freezes.

You stressfully wonder, “How will I ever finish this essay?”

I’ve been there. 

Every time you write an essay, you want to catch your readers’ undivided attention from the very first word. The opening hook has to be *perfect* — no compromises. 

But, instead of reeling under pressure to come up with this elusively perfect essay hook at the eleventh hour, I’ve found a better way to write great essay hooks. 

In this guide, I’ll tell you what it takes to write the most compelling and attention-grabbing hooks. I’ll also break down six awesome types of essay hooks you can experiment with and share examples to inspire your next opening statement.

What is an Essay Hook?

An essay hook is the opening statement of an essay, written to capture readers' attention and nudge them to learn more about the topic. Also known as a lede or lead, this hook introduces readers to the topic/theme of the essay and piques their curiosity to continue reading. 

The hook creates the entire narrative for your essay. It tells readers what to expect from the rest of the essay and creates context around your main argument or thesis statement. 

6 Types of Essay Hooks You Can Experiment With

I’ve created this handy list of six different types of essay hooks. You can choose the one that best fits your essay’s context and create a stellar opening statement within minutes. 

1. Compelling fact or statistic

Lead with evidence and use a powerful fact or statistic as your essay hook. It’s one of the best ways to capture readers’ attention from the start and keep them intrigued throughout your essay. 

For example, if you’re writing about the importance of time management for freelancers, you have two options to create your opening sentence:

Generic : “Managing time as a freelancer is no easy feat.”

Impactful : “Nearly 70% of freelancers struggle to effectively divide and manage their time between multiple clients.” 

This data point, linked to the original research, sets a strong tone for your essay and draws people in to read more. It communicates  

Find a shocking statistic with AI

Finding relevant statistics for any topic is one of the hardest parts of the job. 

But you don't have to spend hours looking for these data points anymore. Wordtune can do this heavy lifting for you in three easy steps.

  • Open the Wordtune editor and add your essay title. 
  • Type in any content you've written, click on 'Add spice,' and select the 'Expand on' option.
  • Write 'statistics,' and Wordtune will add relevant data points to your content.

hook for nonfiction essay

Get Wordtune for free > Get Wordtune for free >

2. Bold claim hook

When working on an argumentative essay , I always write with the mindset that nobody has the time to read my thoughts from start to finish. So, I have to get to the point quickly and make a solid argument worth people’s time. 

That's when opening with a bold claim works best. Condense all your views on the topic into a few thought-provoking lines that would make readers go, hmmm…

But remember, you can't open with a claim that people already know and accept as fact. It has to be something original and unique to make your readers tick, nudging them to dive deeper into your essay. 

For example, if you’re writing about water crisis, you have two options to open your essay: 

‍ "In some regions, there is not enough clean water for people to use."
‍ "Imagine a world where every drop of water is a battle, a precious commodity fought over by scores of people and animals alike. This can become a reality as early as 2050."

This bold claim presents a convincing argument about the global water crisis. It also emphasizes the urgency of this argument with a research-backed statistic.

Create a bold claim suggestion using AI

Can’t think of a strong opening sentence for your essay? Wordtune can translate your thoughts into a bold claim and create a compelling essay hook. 

Open your Wordtune editor and write a few lines related to your topic. These sentences should have a consensus among your audience. Then, choose the 'Counterargument' option from the list of suggestions. 

And you’ll have a bold claim for your essay with no effort at all!

hook for nonfiction essay

3. Story/Anecdote hook

In all my years of writing, I’ve noticed how stories have a unique effect on people. A good story can resonate with a bigger audience, pique their curiosity, and deliver a more personal message. 

That's why you can cite a personal anecdote or talk about a publicly known story as a good hook for your essay. This hook allows you to play with words and work in more storytelling . 

One of my favorite writing tips applies here: enter the scene as late as possible and leave as early as possible. You have to keep it crisp instead of rambling on and on. 

Consider these two examples:

hook for nonfiction essay

Either of these hooks could work fine if we were just writing a personal essay about a move to a new place. But if we’re specifically writing about the sky, the second example is better. It sticks to the point — the sky and the color of the sky — and doesn’t stray into irrelevant details. 

Create a compelling story with AI

I get it—not all of us are natural storytellers. But you can use AI to your advantage to create a concise and exciting story for your essay.  

Wordtune can help you write a short story from scratch or trim down your writing into a quick anecdote. Click on the expand or shorten button to edit your story any way you like. 

hook for nonfiction essay

4. Question Hook

Humans have a tendency to immediately look for answers every time they come across fascinating questions. Using questions as essay hooks can reel people into your essay and feed their curiosity.

But questions are also fairly overused in essays. You don't want to use a generic question that makes people say, " Not another question ." 

Instead, think of questions that approach your topic from a fresh angle. This means honing in on what was especially interesting or surprising from your research—and maybe even brainstorming different questions to find the most fascinating one.

For example, if you’re writing about the psychology behind why we buy, you have two options to open your essay:

‍ “Do you know what factors compel us to buy certain things?”

Plugged in :

“Before buying anything, have you ever taken a moment to pause and think about possible reasons driving you to this purchase?”

The latter is more descriptive and creates a realistic scenario for readers to truly think about the topic of the essay.

5. Description hook

A descriptive hook works best when writing an explanatory or opinion-led essay. Descriptive hooks, as the name suggests, illustrate a topic in detail to create context for the essay. It's a good way to build awareness for and educate readers on lesser-known themes.

But a descriptive hook can easily become too plain or unexciting to read. To make it work, you have to write an engaging description using imagery, analogies, and other figures of speech. 

Remember to make your hook reader-friendly by avoiding passive voice, mainstream cliches, and lengthy sentences.

Consider this example:

hook for nonfiction essay

Describing a sunset is too cliche, so cross that one off the list. Describing the sky as it is on a normal day wouldn't be shocking or unexpected, so scratch that one, too.

This example creates something unique by using analogies to describe the color of the sky and painting a beautiful picture. 

Write a gripping description with AI

Writing an exciting hook for a boring topic is more challenging than it looks. But Wordtune makes it a breeze with just two steps:

  • Open the Wordtune editor and write your essay topic.
  • Click on Explain or Emphasize and let it work its magic.

You can also change the tone of voice to make the text more in tune with your theme. 

hook for nonfiction essay

6. Metaphor hook

One of my favorite essay hooks is to open with a persuasive metaphor to contextualize the topic. Metaphors can help you approach the topic from a completely different lens and wow your readers with interesting insight. 

Metaphors are also super versatile to make your writing more impactful. You can write a one-line metaphor or create a scenario comparing one thing to another and linking it to your topic. 

For example, if you’re writing about the experience of working at a startup, you can open your essay with these two options:

Short & sweet: "Joining a startup is like strapping into a rollercoaster: be ready to witness thrilling highs and sinking drops."

Long & descriptive : “Picture a small sailboat navigating the unpredictable winds and tides in a vast ocean. That’s a startup operating in a massive market. And with the right vision, this journey is filled with risks and rewards.” 

Create a convincing metaphor with AI

Writing good metaphors takes up a lot of creative brain power. You can always use Wordtune to find some extra inspiration if you're out of creative ideas. 

Type your opening line in the Wordtune editor and click on the 'Give an analogy' option. You can ask for as many suggestions as you want till you find the best one! 

hook for nonfiction essay

What to Know About Your Essay (and Topic) Before You Write the Hook

Whether you’re writing a research paper on economics, an argumentative essay for your college composition class, or a personal essay sharing your thoughts on a topic, you need to nail down a few things before you settle on the first line for your essay.

‍ Let me break them down for you. 

1. Gain in-depth knowledge of your topic

hook for nonfiction essay

Before you start writing your essay, you need to know your topic — not just in name, but in-depth. You don't have to become a subject matter expert overnight. But you do need to research the topic inside out 

Your research will help you:

  • Narrow your focus
  • Build an argument
  • Shape the narrative

Your research insights determine your essay’s structure and guide your choice of hook. 

After organizing your research in a neat outline, think to yourself: ‍Did you uncover a shocking fact? A compelling anecdote? An interesting quote? Any of those things could be your hook.

⚡ ‍ Take action: After finishing your research, review your notes and think through your essay. Mark or make a list of anything compelling enough to be a good lead.

2. Type of essay

hook for nonfiction essay

In academic settings, there are generally three kinds of essays:

  • Argumentative: Making the case for a certain stance or route of action.
  • Expository: Explaining the who, what, when, where, why, and how of some phenomenon.
  • Narrative: Telling a true story as a way to explore different ideas.

‍ The type of essay you’re writing is key to choosing the best hook for your piece. 

A serious argumentative essay can start with a shocking statistic or a bold claim. And an expository essay can open with a descriptive hook while a metaphor hook would work best for a narrative essay.

⚡ ‍ Take action: Go through your list of potential hooks and cross out anything that doesn't fit the type of essay you're writing, whether it's persuasive , argumentative, or any other type.

3. Audience and tone

A best practice I often share with writers is to think of one reader and keep yourself in their shoes . This exercise can tell you so much about your audience — what kind of tone they like, what matters the most to them, what topics interest them, and so on. 

You can use these insights to create a compelling essay hook. Here’s how:

  • For an argumentative essay, you’re trying to convince someone who doesn’t agree with you that what you’re claiming is right or, at least, reasonable. You don’t want to turn them off with snarky or offensive language — but you do want to be authoritative. Your hook should match that tone and support your effort.
  • A narrative essay is likely to welcome more lyrical language, so starting with a colorful description or an anecdote might make more sense than, say, a bold claim or surprising fact. Whatever tone you choose for your narrative essay — comical or gentle or bold — should be used for your hook.
  • ‍ Expository essays can use all sorts of tones and be written to a variety of audiences, so think carefully about the tone that best fits your subject matter. An essay explaining how the human body shuts down when overdosed will likely require a different tone than one on the lives of circus masters in the late 1800s. 

⚡ ‍ Take action: Look at your list. Can you write these potential hooks in a tone that suits your subject and audience?

4. Length of essay

Are you writing a 10-page paper or a three-page reflection? Or is this your senior thesis, pushing over 100 pages?

‍ If you’re writing a shorter paper, you’ll want to keep your hook quick and snappy.  

Readers are expecting a quick read, and they don’t want to spend five minutes only going through the introduction. 

In contrast, you can approach a longer essay — like a senior thesis or a term paper — with a longer hook. Just make sure your hook relates to and supports the core point of your essay. You don’t want to waste space describing a scene that ultimately has nothing to do with the rest of your piece.

⚡ ‍ Take action: If you write out the items on your list, how long will they be? A sentence or paragraph? Perfect. Two to five paragraphs? Unless your essay is on the longer side, you may want to save that information for later in the piece.

‍ Now that you know the basic facts about what you’re writing, let’s look at some approaches you could use to catch those readers — and reel them in.

3 Approaches to Avoid When Writing Hooks 

I’ve read hundreds of essays — enough to recognize lazy writing from the first few words. It’s equally easy for readers to discard your essays as ‘poorly written’ just by reading the first line. 

So, I made a list of three types of essay hooks you want to avoid at all costs because these hooks can only disappoint your readers. 

1. Quotations

Quotes are probably the most overused type of hook in any form of writing. What's even worse is rinsing and repeating the same old quotes from Abraham Lincoln or Nelson Mandela in your essays. 

No matter how powerful a quote sounds, you shouldn’t slap it at the opening of your essay. It doesn’t give readers the excitement of reading something original and looks lazy.

For example, if you’re writing an essay on productivity, here’s what a good and bad lede looks like:

“Amateurs sit and wait for inspiration, the rest of us just get up and go to work” – Stephen King
Did you know that consuming 100 gms of sugar can slash your productivity levels by over 50% in a day?  

2. Definitions

The New Oxford American Dictionary defines a hook as "a thing designed to catch people's attention." 

If I opened my article with this dictionary definition of a hook, you’d have either dozed off or left this page long back to find something more interesting. 

Here's the thing: definitions put people to sleep. Readers don't want to see a formal, jargon-heavy definition of a topic as the very first line of an essay. Your opening statement should have some personality in it to show readers they're in for an exciting read. 

For example, if you’re writing about happy hormones, here’s what a good and bad lede looks like:

Happy hormones are known to boost the happiness levels in your body by creating positive feelings.
Ever wondered why cat videos make you instantly happy, and ice creams give you an extra dose of energy? It's all about how happy hormones control our brain chemistry.

3. “Imagine this”

Opening your essay with "Imagine this" used to be an interesting way to put your readers in a scenario and set the context for your essay. But now, it's far too cliched and just another lazy attempt to write an essay hook. 

You can create a relatable scenario for users without asking them to imagine or picture it. Use the descriptive hook format with an interesting choice of words to convey the same ideas more creatively.

For example, if you’re writing an essay on preparing for higher studies abroad, here’s what a good and bad lede looks like:

Imagine this: You’ve been applying to multiple universities, writing SOPs, and preparing for exams without guidance. Everything can go south any minute. 
College application season is officially here. But with each passing day, you’re under more and more stress to apply to your chosen colleges and tick all the items off your list.

‍Our Go-To Trick for Writing Catchy Hooks

This opening statement can make or break your entire essay. While I’ve broken down my best tips to create the best essay hooks, here’s a surefire way to write compelling openings :

Go through your notes and either outline your essay or write the whole thing. This way, you’ll know the central thread (or throughline) that runs throughout your piece. 

Once your essay or outline is complete, go back through and identify a particularly compelling fact, claim, or example that relates to that central thread.

‍Write up that fact, claim, or example as the hook for your essay using any of the methods we’ve covered. Then revise or write your essay so the hook leads smoothly into the rest of the piece and you don’t repeat that information elsewhere.

Does your hook spark curiosity in you? 

Did that fact surprise you in the research stage? 

Chances are, your readers will have the same reaction.

And that’s exactly what you want.

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How to write the best hook for your essay: the definitive guide.

“Details matter. It’s worth waiting to get it right.” – Steve Jobs, founder of Apple

When you’re writing an essay—whether it’s narrative, descriptive, expository, or persuasive—it’s important to pay attention to details and get it right. That starts with the opening sentence.

From the very beginning of your piece, you need to pull in your reader . You can do this with an essay hook.

  • This blog started with what is known as a quotation hook. Read on to learn more about different types of essay hooks, how to use them, the various sources for hooks, and how to make your opening “pop” to keep your readers engaged.

Composing a good essay might seem like a backwards process. First, write the essay or outline, then determine what hook makes the most sense to open your essay.

After that, write a few sentences for your introduction, and then close your first paragraph with a single thesis statement.

What is a hook?

The hook is the opening statement of your essay. This might be a single sentence or a few sentences that grab the reader’s attention from the very beginning.

  • Your essay, as a whole, should offer your best work in a well-written, engaging package.
  • The hook needs to set the scene early, hitting the reader with information that captures their interest right from the start.

When considering how to compose a hook, think about the content of the essay. The hook is a strong start to your essay, and the rest of the essay should follow suit with clean, clear, and creative writing.

Also, keep in mind who will be reading your essay.

  • There are many types of hooks, but which one is right for you and the content you are presenting?
  • Will the reader be open to something humorous? Will a famous quote provide a great lead for your essay, and will it create a clear connection?
  • If you start with a question, does the reader get the answer by the end of the essay?

The hook is short but significant. Here is an example of a hook for someone writing about homelessness among college students:

“Fourteen percent of four-year college students are homeless, and 48 percent are house insecure, according to the Hope Center for College Community and Justice. Hopefully, I’ll be one of them.”

What’s the difference between a hook and an introduction?

We’ve established that the essay hook is brief but powerful. The hook is not synonymous with the introduction, and should not replace it.

Where the hook is a succinct statement that draws in your reader, the introduction more formerly leads to your topic and purpose.

Creativity is an important component of your introduction, but the introduction more clearly states where you’ll take the reader through the rest of the essay.

How to Write a Hook: The Incredible Guide(Examples Included!)

Click above to watch a video on how to write a Hook.

This introduction adds to the hook previously mentioned:

“Rising tuition, poor financial aid packages, and too few affordable housing options have dramatically increased the percentage of homeless or house insecure college students in recent years. Students who work hard and want the opportunity to attend college are unable to afford shelter and food, often causing them to withdraw from school.”

By opening with the statistic hook and the follow-up statement, we know this student is homeless and plans to attend college. The hook grabs the reader’s attention.

In the next few sentences, the introduction provides the direction for the rest of the essay. There are several factors that lead to homelessness and home-insecurity among college students. These factors will be explored in the essay.

What’s the difference between a hook and a thesis statement?

A thesis statement, typically situated at the end of the essay’s first paragraph, clearly states and summarizes the argument you are presenting on your essay topic. This will drive the rest of your paper.

Given the example above, here is a thesis statement to follow the hook and introduction:

“This needs to stop now. Our government must provide more realistic options and resources for motivated students to improve their situations with a college education.”

This thesis provides the writer’s point of view on the topic, and further sheds light on the angle of the essay.

How can I brainstorm a great hook?

When you compose your essay outline or complete the essay, you’ll have a better feel for what type of hook works best for your opening.

There are plenty of ideas to choose from. Here are some of our favorites:

  • Anecdote — Tell the reader a short, memorable story. An anecdote should be a brief, true story about a person or event. This can be tricky to accomplish in a few short sentences, but if the story is succinct and impactful, it will create the perfect stage for the rest of your essay.
  • Quotation — Often, a quotation hook is from a famous source, for example, a president, social activist, philosopher, actor, etc. This blog opened with a quote from Steve Jobs, the founder of Apple. If you choose a quotation hook, be sure to state and attribute the quote accurately. Also, make sure that it relates to your topic and provides a smooth transition into your essay.
  • Question — If you choose to write a question hook, be sure that it does not lead to a yes or no answer. The question should set up the start of your essay, and should only be answered by the reader when they finish your essay. People are inquisitive, so if you provide a thought-provoking question at the start of your essay, it will catch their attention.
  • Statistics — The right statistics are impressive, effective, and staggering. Choose statistics that showcase your knowledge, back up your essay theme, or are relatable to your reader. Make sure you check your sources and attribute the statistics for accuracy.
  • Declarative statement — The declarative statement opens your essay with a strong statement that provides your view about a topic up front, and follows with your reasoning in the rest of the essay. While the reader does not need to agree with your statement, they should gain an understanding of why you feel the way you do by reading the essay.

What are sources for great hooks?

Now that you’ve determined what type of hook you want to use, it’s time to find the right information.

If you’re considering opening with an anecdote , first think about what incredible personal stories you have tucked away that might provide a compelling start to your essay.

  • An anecdote is a true story about a person or event that works best in a nonfiction or informal essay.
  • Other anecdotes might come from recent stories you’ve read in newspapers or magazines.
  • Think about what you’re trying to say with your short story. Are you trying to be humorous, prove a point, or set the tone? Is this a personal story, or someone’s else’s experience? How can you tell it quickly and effectively?

Oftentimes, a well-chosen quote will perfectly convey the point you want to get across at the very start. Use that quote to your advantage!

  • You might find a captivating quote in popular literature, historical documents, or current events. The Internet has made it extremely easy to search for quotes that apply to your essay topic.
  • Determine what key word you want to search. For example, consider quotes about evolution, and then sift through collections of famous quotes that introduce your essay in an amazing way. Always check for accuracy!

When using a question hook , think about a way to present your question in an intriguing and thought-provoking way.

  • As previously stated, choose a question that is not a “yes” or “no” answer, but makes the reader stop and think about the topic you are presenting.

There are great sources to search for statistics .

  • Current news stories , magazines, blogs, investigative journalism, websites for established organizations, etc., provide compelling and accurate statistics that create a strong start to your essay and support your thesis.
  • Our previous example on homeless and home-insecure college students came from a recent USA Today For most readers, the percentage of homeless students is likely shocking. The statistics also transition perfectly into the introduction and thesis of that essay.

A declarative statement is a great hook to use in a persuasive essay.

  • Carefully think about your position on your topic and how you want to present that in your essay. This is similar to a thesis statement because you are taking a strong position on your topic.
  • Your statement should be clear and succinct, and the rest of your essay should support that statement.

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How do i choose the right hook for my essay.

Choosing the best hook for your essay depends on the type of essay you are writing and the tone your essay will take.

There are dozens of different types of essays. We mentioned four of the most common essays at the start of the blog—narrative, descriptive, critical, and persuasive.

A narrative essay tells a true story in the first person. Because you are telling a story, an anecdote works well as your essay hook.

  • This opening gives you an opportunity to start the essay with a compelling, short personal story that leads into your full essay. A question hook also is a good choice for a narrative essay.
  • You can set up the scene of your essay with a question that makes the reader stop and think, for example, “How would you react if you met your mother for the first time on a six-hour plane ride when you were thirteen years old?”

A descriptive essay works to help the reader visualize something through descriptive writing. Depending on the scene you are trying to set, or the tone of your essay, almost any hook can work.

An anecdote can quickly develop a setting, and a well-developed question will provoke the reader to stop and think. A great quote can frame your essay through someone else’s famous words, and strong statistics will provide an interesting or shocking statement that you can build from in your essay.

A critical or expository essay is an informative look at your topic. This essay relies on facts and analytics, so a statistical hook is a perfect opening.

Look at the information available on your topic, and choose the most interesting, unusual, shocking, or effective statistic to set up your essay. Always check for accuracy!

Many hooks also work well for persuasive essays , which work to build up the reasons the reader should take your position on the topic presented.

  • The right anecdote , quote , question , statistic , or declarative statement can be used to set up your argument or point of view in the essay.
  • Remember the argument or point you are making, and be sure that the hook you choose to use clearly makes that point.

This should provide a smooth transition into the body of your persuasive essay.

What are tips for writing a great hook?

You want to develop a strong start for your essay. To write the best hook, keep these tips in mind:

  • Know the goal of your essay.
  • Know your audience.
  • Create an outline of your essay to make sure everything flows.
  • Think about stories that draw your attention and how the writer is able to do it.
  • Set the scene for your essay.
  • Set the tone of your essay.
  • Determine what structure you want to establish.
  • Check your facts, statistics, and quotes for accuracy.
  • Write your essay hook last.

How do I make a great hook for a college essay?

The top colleges and universities have become more selective than ever as acceptance rates continue to break records in recent years. What does this mean for you?

It means it’s important to stand ou t.

Your test scores, achievements, recommendations, and volunteer work are certainly important. But, where college admissions teams will truly see your personality and drive is in your college essay . And, even then, your essay has to make an impact from the start.

  • As admissions counselors sift through thousands of college essays , they often can tell from the first few sentences if they like what you have to offer or not.
  • So, it’s more important than ever to land the hook in your college essay.

This is your chance to illustrate to colleges what you’re all about, and to show off your writing skills. Colleges and universities want to know you and what motivates you in your college essay.

It’s important to avoid formality and focus on creativity.

  • While your hook and introduction should still provide a clear direction and theme for your essay, you should write them in your own unique way, emphasizing your writing style.

Save the formality for classroom writing, and spend your time developing a hook and introduction that makes your essay sing your unique song.

The hook for your college essay should be personal and creative to show the college of your choice what makes you stand out from the crowd.

What are examples of great hooks?

Developing a great hook for your essay is as unique and creative as the writer and essay topic . Here are some examples of great hooks:

Using an anecdote hook:

This is a short, personal story that introduces the writer’s experience in the Paralympics.

“At five years old, I lost my ability to walk after a freak accident attempting to ride my bike. You would think I’d never want to get on a bike again. But meeting the right person who helped me develop the right mindset led me to win a cycling event in the Paralympics.”

Using a quotation hook:

These are two very different quotes that could introduce an essay on evolution, depending on your thesis:

“Evolution is a theory, and it’s a theory that you can test. We’ve tested evolution in many ways. You can’t present good evidence that says evolution is not a fact.” Bill Nye the Science Guy “I’m all about evolution. I’m the first person to judge myself.” The Weeknd, singer/songwriter

Using a question hook:

Think about a question that can present your topic in a new light. If you’re writing an essay on the Civil War, for example, you could start with:

“What would our country look like today if the South won?”

That is certainly an interesting question to ponder, and it will grab the interest of your reader as they try to determine where the remainder of your essay will go.

Rhetorical questions also work well as an opening to an essay. Rhetorical questions can have obvious answers, or no clear answer. For example:

“Do you want to be successful?” (Rhetorical question with an obvious answer) “What is the meaning of life?” (Rhetorical question with no unanimous answer)

Both of these examples should pull the reader in by piquing their curiosity.

Using a statistic hook:

If you are writing an expository or persuasive essay on opioid use, many government sites or news articles provide excellent quotes:

“In 2017, more than 47,000 Americans died as a result of opioid use, according to the National Institute on Drug Abuse. “In Pennsylvania alone, 29,610 doses of Naloxone were administered by EMS from January 2018 to December 2019.”

Conclusion: How to write an awesome hook

Now that we’ve covered the types of essay hooks, how to write them, where to look for sources, and tips to make your hook shine, it’s time to get writing!

Remember, you have lots of options to choose from. Be sure to check up on different sources before deciding on an interesting hook.

If you have any questions, let us know!

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108 Engaging And Creative Nonfiction Writing Prompts

So you want to write a nonfiction book . Good for you! What are you going to write about ?

I know. That question stumps most everyone.

What indeed? Coming up with creative nonfiction ideas isn’t for the faint of heart.

Nonfiction is a big, broad genre of book writing, and narrowing it down to an area in which you have some expertise, background , or interest can be daunting.

And even if you kinda, sorta know what you want to write about , you’re not exactly sure how to begin or how to get your creative juices flowing.

That’s why we’ve created a varied list of nonfiction writing prompts for you — so you can narrow down your choices or pinpoint precisely the type of nonfiction you want to write.

108 Creative Nonfiction Writing Prompts

Ready to get started? Read through this list of creative nonfiction ideas, and make a note of any that resonate with you.

Or just start writing about one of the nonfiction prompts and see where it takes you.

If you’ve been wondering, “What are some nonfiction topics I might write about?” then these prompts can help you narrow down ideas for your next book project.

1. You’ve developed a new creative side-hustle, and you have enough business to bring in at least a few hundred (or even thousand) a month.

2. You know how to prepare for a specific kind of disaster, and you want to make others aware not only of the imminent danger of that disaster but how best to prepare for it.

3. The Missing Ingredient: What is one thing most people forget or overlook when making or doing something?

4. This is something most people don’t know about ______.

5. You could be more (or less) ______.

6. You need more _____ in your life.

7. Discontent is not (always) a lack of gratitude. Here’s why.

8. The right music can change everything for you. Here’s how.

9. Swap this for that and see how it changes your life!

10. Be your own devil’s advocate? Why would you want to do that?

11. What on earth does logic have to do with creative writing (or creative anything)?

12. Are your morning/nighttime habits keeping you poor? Or did they for a while?

13. How do you go on after your best friend dies (or leaves you)?

14. What one thing could you add to your workspace to make you happier and more productive?

woman typing outdoor patio writing prompts

15. What one thing in your life would you love to change? And what can you do to change it — and help others do the same?

16. Your doc says, “No more alcohol for you!” So, you look for ways to relax without it.

17. You used to take everything personally — thinking everyone was comparing you to someone else.

18. Why do bad things pile up the way they do? And what can you do about it?

19. Why would anyone want to live in < city /state/country>

20. Yeah, your desk is cluttered — and you’re okay with that.

21. Your oldest kid is driving you nuts, and you have to admit your role in that.

22. Your pets have all but destroyed an entire room in your home.

23. So, you want to do something dangerous (skydiving, parasailing, bungee jumping, learning parkour, etc.).

24. You’ve always wanted to travel to ______. How can you afford it, and what do you need to know?

25. Investing is a scary business. How do you even begin?

26. You’re moving, but you can’t find a buyer for your house. Why not rent it out instead — and how do you do that?

27. You have no Christmas budget, but you want to make this Christmas one your kids will remember fondly.

28. You learned something from writing your last book that has changed the way you write them.

29. Everything started to fall into place once you finally narrowed your focus to the kind of writing you really want to do.

30. When you changed this little thing in your diet, you started dropping weight faster than ever before.

31. Something you didn’t know about your body has been working behind the scenes, turning your own efforts against you.

32. Caffeine has always been one of your besties, but now your doc says you have to cut back — or even cut it completely from your diet!

33. Your path from the 9-to-5 job to full-time self-employment hasn’t been like the ones described by the experts whose books you’ve read, but you know you’re not alone.

34. Serendipity is nice and all, but something else is responsible for your success, and you want others to know what that is — and how they can make it work for them.

35. When was the last time you actually kept a New Year’s resolution? How did you keep it, and what difference did it make?

36. How big is your daily to-do list? And what kind of daily planning works for you?

37. What changes have you made to your monthly spending that have made a huge difference for you?

38. Desperation (i.e. lack of money and/or time) made you do it. You learned how to do something yourself, you did it well, and people are saying good things.

39. One of your kids has said, “I don’t read. I have ADHD.” You have ADHD, too, though, and you read plenty. You become determined to find out if something else is going on.

40. Adding this spice to every day’s menu has made a big difference in your health — as well as your enjoyment of cooking.

41. Only when you discovered and addressed a deficiency in a certain nutrient did you begin to feel more energetic, alive, and creative than you remember ever feeling before.

42. Your doctor suggests a new therapy for your condition but warns you that it could damage one of your other organs.

43. No one told you how hard it would be to withdraw from SSRIs (or how long it could take), but through trial and error, you found a way.

44. Everyone around you is telling you to quit taking your SSRI, but you know that — somehow — it has actually helped you.

man sitting on sofa with computer writing prompts

45. Your kids have special needs, and you’re fed up with people making assumptions about their intelligence or their parenting when they act up in public.

46. You find an approach to homeschooling (or partial homeschooling) that restores your kids’ curiosity and love of learning and creating.

47. Your oldest wants to drop out of school, because so-and-so did it, and “Look how successful he is!”

48. Your marriage was deteriorating until you made this one, small change.

49. For years, all you had to do was look at a donut, and you’d gain weight. Then you changed one thing

50. You made a goal: “In the next 100 days, I will ______.”A hundred days later, you’ve exceeded your goal .

51. The first day of that “staycation” you wanted has arrived.

52. You went on a mission to where?

53. You’ve increased your own self-confidence and helped others to boost theirs, too.

54. Ditching both Netflix and your gym membership has changed your life for the better….

55. Changing your beliefs about something has caused some tension at home but has also made it possible for you to earn and accomplish more than you used to think was possible.

56. Childhood memories and the emotions attached to them have held you back for years, but not anymore.

57. Your high school education led you to college, which led you to a job you hated but felt stuck with for years.

58. What app or online tool has changed the way you do business?

59. Families can take a heavy toll on a house. What repair work have you had done to restore your home and what have you learned to do yourself?

60. Your second grader hates school and thinks reading is boring.

61. One of your kids is a writer and wants to take a page out of her main character’s book and dye her hair purple.

62. One of your kids has come out to you as gay, bisexual, or asexual.

63. One of your teenage kids has chosen a different religion and no longer wants to go to church with his family.

64. A brush with death has changed your priorities, and you’ve made some drastic changes.

65. You’ve hit your forties and found a list you made 10 years ago of the things you wanted to accomplish during your 30’s.

66. You’ve had an epiphany in the shower, and after exploring it with a journal entry, you’re thinking, “This could be a book!”

67. You’re looking at a goal and thinking, “What kind of person do I have to be to accomplish this goal in the time I’ve set for it?”

68. What does it mean to be neurotypical as opposed to neurodiverse?

woman typing writing prompts

69. How has marriage changed your perception of married life?

70. You learn that one of your kids is autistic, and you and your spouse have very different reactions to the news.

71. You and your spouse have opposing beliefs with regard to gender differences and sexual orientation, and it’s becoming a problem.

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72. You’ve just learned to fix something in your own house and have saved yourself thousands of dollars.

73. You can’t shake something from your past, but you’re not sure if you even remember it correctly anymore.

74. Your spouse doesn’t seem to really care about what you have to say, and it really bothers you.

75. Your significant other has started writing erotica and is making a nice, steady income with it, but you’re conflicted.

76. You’ve been writing books for years, and then your SO writes a book and sells more copies of his/her first novel than you’ve ever sold.

77. You’ve found the perfect quick remedy for canker sores, and it uses cheap and easy-to-find ingredients.

78. You’ve never really been a hat person until you saw a hat you liked on someone else.

79. You and your SO can’t agree on wall colors for your new home.

80. It all started when someone told you that you needed a professional photo taken.

81. Everyone should take a road trip, because…

82. Of all the superpowers, this would your #1.

83. You found the perfect secluded vacation spot/s with great food, and they’re not crazy expensive.

84. You’ve always had a knack for losing weight — right up until your mid-forties.

85. You have a gift for dismantling and countering other people’s arguments.

86. One of your kids has gotten her first job, and you want to help her budget her earnings without being too controlling.

87. One of your kids has just announced an engagement to a person you don’t particularly like or trust.

88. Your friend has challenged you to spend a week unplugged — no internet, no cable, and no phone.

89. Your in-laws have come over to help with house projects, and since your spouse didn’t tell you they were coming, the place is a disaster.

90. You really do want to lose that weight — really — but your daily wine habit is hard to kick.

91. Oh, the joys of pet ownership! Your new fur-baby has moved right in and claimed the house as his own — with multiple visual tokens of acceptance.

92. Your spouse wants to be intimate, but you’d rather avoid it.

93. Your friend wants to start a business with you. You spend hours talking about this and addressing the main obstacles, and finally, you go for it.

94. You’re so good at writing academic papers that your college classmates start offering to pay you to write their essays and reports for them.

95. Your in-laws vilify you as a traitor because of the way you voted, and their petty attacks even extend to your children.

96. Every time you go to a potluck, people come up to you and beg you for your recipe. You’ve decided to create your own potluck recipe book — with a unique twist.

97. You’ve attended a fascinating seminar about being “limitless,” and while you’re still a bit skeptical, you really want to believe in the speaker’s message. You go all in, and things start changing for you.

98. You’re fed up with your health-obsessed teenage son constantly telling you you’re out of the foods he likes, and when you ask him to try something else, he angrily reminds you that it’s not his fault he can’t tolerate those foods.

99. Your kid wants to eat nothing but croutons and potato chips, and you can’t get him to try anything else (ironically he’s the same child who later grows into the health-obsessed teenager in the previous prompt).

100. You’re out driving and your car has a flat. You call your spouse who basically throws up his hands, sighs dramatically, and tells you to call AAA. You get a tow, and your spouse (who is at home) suggests you learn how to change a tire.

101. After twenty-three years of adhering to your religious beliefs, you have more questions than ever, and no one can answer them in a satisfying way.

102. Your best friend, who never went to college, is earning much more than you are and is loving life more. You meet him for lunch and ask how he’s gotten to where is, and what do you have to do to get there.

103. The staff at your kid’s school have called to tell you they’re having trouble with your daughter again because she just doesn’t seem to respect the authority of her teachers or other school staff.

104. You and your spouse go to an IEP meeting for your son, who has been miserable at school and who is tired of being micromanaged by the staff.

105. You’re at a pre-wedding retreat at your church, and when the leaders announce a break, your fiance heads out the large glass front door and lets it close in your face.

106. Once again, you’ve played the peacemaker at home, and relative tranquility is restored, but your relationships with your spouse and with your kids has suffered, and you’re not sure which has done the most damage: the open arguments or the forced calm.

107. Throwing fancy brunches and dinner parties is one of your favorite things, and people come to you for ideas on how to make theirs better. You’ve decided to write a book on hosting unforgettable brunches and dinner parties.

108. You’ve never forgotten how you loved the food when you lived in, and you’ve collected a variety of recipes, along with the history behind them.

Did you find some nonfiction topics to write about?

We hope our list of writing prompts has primed your creative pump and that one (or more) of them is on the shortlist for your next book.

If you don’t feel confident that your topic is one that readers are looking for, check out our post on tools and resources to help you make the best choice.

Even if you use these prompts only as creative nonfiction writing exercises, you won’t be wasting your time.

You’ll not only have a better idea about possible book topics for the future but also you’ll improve your writing and hone your skills at fleshing out an idea.

All of your efforts contribute to your success as a writer and your sense of confidence as you begin outlining your next nonfiction book.

Read our collection of nonfiction writing prompts that will definitely help you in your next nonfiction book.

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Posted on Apr 22, 2021

Outlining a Nonfiction Book: 3 Steps to Success

Readership of nonfiction books has been growing strong in the last couple of years — so making sure your book is well-crafted enough to stand out is more important than ever. And while the plotter-vs-pantser debate is still lively for fiction titles, the case is less divisive for nonfiction. Knowing how to outline a nonfiction book is an essential part of creating a compelling and helpful title that readers will love.

With these three key steps, you’ll organize your knowledge and plan your research so that you’re ready to write an amazing book (or ebook )!

❗ Note that this post deals mostly with writing expository (informational) nonfiction rather than narrative nonfiction. If your book idea follows a clearer narrative arc, check out our post on how to outline a memoir . 

Step 1: Determine the key purpose of your book 

First and foremost, you should always keep in mind throughout this process that you’re writing a book for others to read. And readers will always expect a nonfiction book to help them with something, whether that’s gathering more knowledge or achieving something. As such, you need to determine a key question which your book answers, something that can address the target audience’s pain points or pique their interest.  



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Set the one big question that your book will answer

Having a key question will help you keep your book focused and coherent since you’ll always be trying to answer it. It’s also a great way to get readers interested, as the question ought to be something that they want the answer to.

For instance, let’s say “Hana” is an expert on the market of coffee beans — so the trading of beans from growers to coffee shops — and she wants to write a book about that. 

hook for nonfiction essay

Hana knows that coffee-lovers have become more conscious about the source of their drinks and that most books in the market right now either cover recipes or history. She then decides that her book will fill the gap in the market and answer the question: Where does my coffee come from? This can be interpreted in several ways, as we’ll see in the next step.



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Identify your target audience

You can’t write a book without thinking about who your target audience is, because they’re ultimately the people who want to use your nonfiction book. Think about who they are, what they care about, and what they read. Your book should address their interests or concerns, otherwise, they wouldn’t be compelled to read it. 

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You can also check out the competition — books in the same genre or share the same Amazon keywords and categories — to see what kind of content and styles are well-loved. Again, understanding your potential readers will help you refine the key message of your book so that it can help them. This is an important exercise in understanding where your book will fit into the nonfiction market, an element you will need to be confident about if you ever approach a literary agent or traditional publisher with hopes of securing a book deal . 

💡 You need to write a book proposal if you want to submit to a publisher, and a nonfiction query letter if you want to query a literary agent. 

Store all your knowledge in one place

Start by looking at what you know. You have a topic in mind already, so begin by just dropping everything you know about it into one place (preferably somewhere that you can easily access and search later, like the Reedsy Book Editor or a Word document). You can organize everything in list form, as headings and subheadings, or as a mind map — whatever works best for you. 

Simply by putting down everything you know, you might realize that there are some things you want to focus on more than others. Highlight those to think about regarding your book’s key topic while keeping the rest handy — you’ll return to all of this as you outline your nonfiction book. 

💡 Looking for the perfect piece of software to help you plan and write your book? Check out our list of the best book writing software , or take this quiz to get a tailored recommendation. 

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Step 2: Structure your book to best address the main problem

Now’s the time to organize all your thoughts and create a rough skeleton of your book. You’ll need to arrange your knowledge into a logical string of thoughts that will best help readers find the answer to your question.

It might help to borrow some principles from how a school syllabus is planned. Each seminar has a learning objective that contributes to the desired outcome of the whole series. You start with the fundamentals, assuming that most participants don’t know much about the topic (which is why they’re taking the course). The same thinking can help you structure each chapter in your nonfiction book! 

How to Outline a Nonfiction Book | A Thinking Skeleton

But what exactly is the best way to organize these “seminars”? Every book is a little different, but we’ve got several common structures here for you to consult. We’ll also examine how Hana’s hypothetical book idea can be applied to some of these, so you can see how your approach depends on your purpose and target audience. 

The step-by-step structure 

As the name indicates, this kind of structure best fits instructional nonfiction books, like your “how-to” guides. Each chapter or part should align with a step in a process to do or achieve something. For instance, in Reedsy co-founder Ricardo Fayet’s How to Market a Book , following the introduction, we follow a loose step-by-step structure: 

  • You start with knowing your market and creating a book that has the potential to do well in it; 
  • Then you optimize your book’s external appearance, like its cover and blurb; 
  • Once that’s done, you go on to advertisements and promotional programs for your book; 
  • And on the journey goes. 

There’s a logical sequence to this kind of book because some things you just can’t do effectively before others (i.e. you need to have a good book with a nice cover first before you can run advertisements about it). 

As such a structure is clear and actionable, it’s often used in personal finance and business books, like those about finding a way to improve your financial situation or start a business. 

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The essay structure 

If you’re not describing a process, then perhaps this structure is more suitable. Remember how you were taught to write essays in school? You start with an introduction that presents the question, and then each of your following paragraphs examines a part of the answer to that question. In the end, you summarize and evaluate your points to give a final answer. As you make your way to the end of the essay, you follow a clear and easy-to-follow narrative arc . This same structure can help you outline your nonfiction book.

Let’s look at how Hana, our coffee expert, might use the essay structure: 

how to outline a book | Close up of a coffee grower holding a fresh crop of coffee fruit

Hana’s book can open with a nice, casual anecdote about getting coffee, which is then countered with her own less common point of view from behind the scenes. Her following chapters look at:

  • Where coffee is grown, and by whom;
  • How beans are exported;
  • A review of the world economy and its exploits (including the coffee trade);
  • How big chains like Starbucks get their beans;
  • How small coffee shops get their beans;
  • What this means for the reader, and what they should do in response. 

The list structure

The list structure is pretty straightforward — essentially, your nonfiction book is a list of things. You’ll encounter this more in children’s books , like Vashti Harrison’s Little Leaders , which talks about bold Black women in history and their achievements. That doesn’t mean, however, that you can’t create lists for an older audience. Aside from cookbooks , reference, coffee-table, and photography books, list books are a popular format for introductions to new subjects — take Michiko Kakutani’s Ex Libris: 100+ Books to Read and Reread , for example.

You do want to prepare more information when writing for an adult audience — a variety of evidence, some visual content, or even some personal evaluation on some of the items of the list will make your book more interesting and insightful. 

If Hana chooses this route, she can create a master list of coffee bean producers or coffee bean varieties from across the world. This is a great chance to incorporate photographs into her book, present it more like a catalog for artisanal coffee shop owners and their loyal customers. Can you think of a more fabulous coffee-table book?

The chronological structure 

Like a memoir, your book can also be organized in chronological order. Naturally, this works best when you have a very compelling anecdote to follow, and if you think it’s best for your readers to learn through the journey. The story could be yours or that of someone you knew, interviewed, or researched.

[skip to 5:00 in the video below to learn more about nonfiction structure] 

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Let's see how Hana's coffee book might benefit from the chronological structure:

Hana can consider sharing her personal career, to show how she’d come to appreciate coffee and its producers so much that she had to write a book . She can outline the nonfiction book so it follows her own transition from someone who drinks just about any kind of coffee to one who can notice the nuances in the taste of different types of beans. How has coffee changed her life? She now sees a fuller picture of the supply chain, which raises questions about international trade and conscious consumption that she hadn’t thought about before… 

Readers get to follow that journey with Hana. This book isn’t just about coffee. Consumers will feel connected to or curious about her journey as a person, especially if she’s a big name in the food and beverage industry. 

There are plenty of nonfiction books out there with other structures, it’s best to read ones on the same topic as yours to see how they approach it. Figuring out which structure suits you will guide you to creating your provisional table of contents (in other words, your chapter-by-chapter outline). It’s much easier to do this with a nonfiction book than it is for a fiction book, and it can give you the guidance you need when you write later. 

Step 3: Sketch out your chapters

Now you’ve nailed the key question and the main structure, it’s time to flesh things out a little. This is a good chance to review your strategy so far, see if any chapter is looking too short, needs more research, or needs to be relocated. By taking some of those ideas from the vault of knowledge you created in the first step and plucking them into the outline, you reassess the whole structure. 

Include a mix of facts and anecdotes

Having a couple of bullet points about the chapter’s main message, some evidence, and perhaps an interesting personal story or two usually bodes well. The latter acts as a hook to your chapter, keeping the reader interested, and is especially useful in less narrative-based nonfiction books. 

Say Hana decides to write an essay-structured nonfiction book — she now needs to outline her chapters. The chapter on how coffee beans are exported would naturally talk about how countries like Brazil export raw beans for cheap prices, but it can also open with one of Hana’s work stories, like when she went to Brazil on a business trip. 

How to Outline a Nonfiction Book | A Chapter Outline on the Reedsy Book Editor

Revise as needed

While this outline will ideally provide the guidance for your writing, it doesn’t have to be the exact structure of your final book. After all, the structure you end up with is just one way to think about this topic that you want to write about, and we know now how many approaches there can be. So throughout the writing or editing process , reassess your structure and adjust it if need be.

With the chapters briefly outlined, you’ll have finished the plan for your book. What comes next is incredibly important.

  • If your goal is to self-publish, then head straight to our post on writing your nonfiction book.
  • Should you wish to go the traditional route and sell your book to a publisher, read our post on publishing nonfiction before you start drafting — you'll see why soon enough!

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Essay Writing Guide

Hook Example

Nova A.

Learn How to Write an Essay Hook, With Examples

16 min read

hook example

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Are your essays failing to keep readers interested? Struggling to maintain engagement throughout? 

If you don't grab attention from the start, readers might click away or never even begin. But how can we make sure that does not happen? 

An essay hook is what you need to meet this challenge. It is an attention grabber that hooks your reader’s interest. 

In this blog, we'll explain how to write an essay hook and explore several engaging examples of hooks in writing. Additionally, we'll look at different types of hooks and offer tips for writing engaging hook statements in your essays.

So, let’s start with the blog!

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  • 1. What is an Essay Hook?
  • 2. How to Write a Good Essay Hook?
  • 3. Different Types of Hook
  • 4. Hook Examples for Types of Essays
  • 5. Tips to Choose a Good Hook

What is an Essay Hook?

Hooks for essays, often found at the beginning of an essay introduction , serve as an opening sentence that immediately grabs the reader's attention. These hooks are a common feature in high school, college, and various academic assignments.

Keep in mind that hooks are not the same as introductions; they complement introductions and make them engaging. A good hook should be self-contained, avoiding the pitfalls of being dull or predictable.

Purpose of Hook in Writing

An effective hook serves two primary purposes. 

  • Firstly, it sets the tone for the essay by giving a sneak peek into what it's about.
  • Secondly, it creates an engaging start that makes the reader want to explore the essay further.

How to Write a Good Essay Hook?

Here are the points that you need to keep in mind to write a hook for your essay. 

Step#1 Know the Kind of Literary Work

First, it is important to have a clear vision in mind of the literary work you have selected for your paper. Here you need to describe what a certain essay type demands and what types of techniques you require to support your arguments in your essay. 

Step#2 Create an Outline

Always create an essay outline to see how the information can be organized better and which points need to be highlighted. Try to find an attention grabber that adds to the significance of that point. 

Step#3 Who are You Writing for? 

Know your target audience and choose a way in which you want to develop your work. Your hook statement should be according to it. If you are writing for students, write in simple language. If you are writing for professionals, take the specific language into account. 

Step#4 Know the Purpose of Writing Your Essay

Choose hooks that fit your paper. Know the type of essay you are writing and its purpose. You can go for funny hooks if you are writing a paper on a light topic. If you are writing a conference paper, then you should be more formal. 

Step#5 Revise and Refine

After writing your hook, revise it to ensure it's polished and impactful. Ask yourself if it effectively grabs attention and sets the stage for your essay. 

Different Types of Hook

Let’s take a look at different types of essay hooks and explain them briefly with examples. 

Type 1: Question Hook

A question hook is when you start something, like a story or an essay, by asking a question. It's a way to immediately get people thinking about what you're going to say next. It's like hooking their attention by making them wonder and want to find out the answer.

When posing a question, think about the interest of the reader and the things they would want to learn more about. Avoid making your question generalized or simple Yes or No questions. 

For example, asking a general question such as “Do you watch television?” won’t grab their attention and make them think it over. 

Always use rhetorical questions!

Question Hook Example

 Here are some hook question examples:

Type 2: Anecdotal Hook

An anecdotal hook is like starting your essay with a short, interesting story or personal experience. It catches someone's attention by sharing a real-life example or a funny incident before getting to the main topic.

This type of hook should be directly related to the central theme of the paper, showing its relevance and connection to the main idea.

Anecdotal hooks shouldn't contain cliched phrases or unrealistic scenarios that feel fake or unrelated to the essay topic.

Anecdote Hook Example

Let’s take a look at the anecdotal hook example: 

Type 3: Quotation Hook

A "quote hook" is a type of hook used in writing that involves opening an essay with a quotation from a notable person, a famous author, or a respected source. The purpose of a quote hook is to instantly capture the reader's attention and establish the relevance of the topic by providing an authoritative statement.

A well-chosen quote can add credibility to your writing, evoke emotion, or introduce a key theme that you intend to explore in your essay. It can also set the tone for the piece, whether it's persuasive, informative, or narrative.

Quotation Hook Example

For example, if you're writing an essay about the importance of perseverance, you might start with a quote like this:

Type 4: Statistical Facts Hooks 

Statistical facts hooks are when you start an essay with numbers or data to grab people's attention. The purpose of a statistical facts hook is to engage the reader's interest by presenting them with a surprising, statistic related to the essay's topic.

This type of hook is particularly effective when writing an informative essay or persuasive essay that relies on data and evidence to support the main argument. 

Statistical Hook Example

Take a look at the sample statistical hook below:

Type 5: Personal Story Hook 

Starting a piece of writing with a personal short story is a good idea when writing narrative essays or a college application essay .

It doesn’t have to be an experience that you faced firsthand; it could be something that happened with a friend or a relative.

Personal Story Hook Example 

Here is what a good personal story hook looks like: 

Type 6: Description Hook

This type of hook is like painting a picture with words. Instead of jumping right into the action or topic, it starts by vividly describing something related to the main idea. 

This draws readers in by appealing to their senses and creating a clear image in their minds. It sets the scene and gets them interested in what's to come. Descriptive hooks are most commonly used in narrative essays but can be used in any type of writing. 

Description Hook Essay Example

Here is an example of a description hook: 

Type 7: Metaphor/Simile Hook

A metaphor or simile hook is like comparing something in your essay to something else, using words like "as" or "like."It directly compares two things that are not related to each other. 

It's a way to paint a vivid picture in the reader's mind, making your point more interesting and memorable.

Metaphor/Simile Hook Example

Let’s take a look at the metaphor/simile hook example:

Type 8: Common Misconception Hook

This type of hook starts by talking about something that most people believe, but then reveals that it's actually not true. It's like saying something surprising to make your reader curious and interested in what you're going to say next.

Avoid adding information that's too complex or confusing, keeping it simple and straightforward to maintain clarity and impact.

Common Misconception Hook Example

Here is a sample common misconception hook: 

Hook Examples for Types of Essays

In academics, there are different types of essays according to their structure and purpose.  For instance, an argumentative essay is a serious essay written to persuade the reader of an argument. Whereas a narrative essay could be a light-hearted narration of an event. 

You can not use a funny question to start an argumentative essay. Similarly, you can not use a serious fact to start a funny narrative essay. 

The table shows hook examples for different types of essays:

Let’s explore in detail some interesting hook examples according to different types of essays.

Expository Essay Hook Example -

Argumentative essay hook example.

Here are two different hook examples for argumentative essay:

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Descriptive Essay Hook Example 

A hook example sentence for a descriptive essay is as follows: 

Persuasive Essay Hook Example

A hook example sentence for a persuasive essay is as follows:

Narrative Essay Hook Example 

A hook example for narration is as follows:

Compare and Contrast Essay Hook Example

Here is a sample hook: 

Process Essay Hook Example

A hook example sentence for a process analysis essay is as follows:

Cause and Effect Essay Hook Example

A hook example sentence for a cause and effect essay is as follows:

Analytical Essay Hook Example

A hook example sentence for an analytical essay is as follows:

Informative Essay Hook Example

Here is a hook example for an informative essay:

Research Paper Hook Example

Here is a hook example for research paper :

Hook Examples In Speeches

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Tips to Choose a Good Hook

Choosing a good hook involves engaging your audience, creating interest, and setting the stage for your content. Here is how to choose a good hook: 

  • Know Your Audience: Understand the interests and preferences of your target audience.
  • Relevance is Key: Ensure your hook directly relates to your content's topic.
  • Shock or Surprise: Use shocking facts, surprising statistics, or intriguing anecdotes.
  • Tell a Story: Engage emotionally with personal stories or narratives.
  • Pose a Question: Ask thought-provoking questions that make readers curious.
  • Quotations: Share powerful quotes from relevant authorities.
  • Visual Imagery: Use descriptive language to create vivid mental images.
  • Conciseness: Keep your hook brief and to the point.

To Sum it Up!

Now you know the different ways to start your essay or research paper. You are the one to decide which hook is better and more effective to use according to the type of paper. Don’t forget to take into account the preparatory steps and figure out what type of hook is best to use. You know that starting with a hook can make or break your academic essay. However, it is not always easy to come up with the perfect anecdote or statement for an opening line. 

Luckily, you can get help from . Our team of professional writers is ready to craft impeccable essays tailored to your needs, ensuring academic success without the stress.

Why struggle with complex assignments when you can ask us to " write my essay online " and experience the difference firsthand? 

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a good hook sentence.

FAQ Icon

A good hook sentence is a sentence that grabs the reader’s attention or compels them to read your essay further. It is supposed to make your essay more interesting and engaging for them. 

What comes first, thesis or hook?

The hook of your essay is the first line of your introductory paragraph or can be more than one also. But the essay hook is written first. A thesis statement follows it. It is included as a mini-outline of the essay and tells the readers about the essay’s content. 

What is a hook statement?

The hook is the first sentence of your introduction, and it should be interesting. A great way to start a strong introduction is by writing an engaging, concise, and clear hook. This will spark curiosity in the reader, which leads them through all that you have written about.

How long is a hook in an essay?

The hook is 1-2 sentences of your essay are important because they help capture the reader's attention. They will continue reading if they are interested in what you have to say.

What is the difference between a hook vs lead-in transition to the thesis?

A hook captures the reader's attention at the beginning of an essay with an intriguing statement or question. A lead-in transition smoothly connects the hook to the thesis statement, guiding the reader from the attention-grabbing opening to the main argument of the essay.

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Nova Allison is a Digital Content Strategist with over eight years of experience. Nova has also worked as a technical and scientific writer. She is majorly involved in developing and reviewing online content plans that engage and resonate with audiences. Nova has a passion for writing that engages and informs her readers.

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How To Nail Your Nonfiction Introduction

  • by Paige Duke
  • November 20, 2014

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Picture this…

Your potential reader picks up your book off the shelf or clicks on the book preview, turns to your introduction, and starts to read.

You’ve got them interested; they’re reading your work, now it’s your job to tell them why they should buy your book. In nonfiction, your job is to prove yourself to your reader in the pages of the introduction. This is essential because if the reader closes the book and returns it to the shelf, you’ve lost them. But if you can hook them , prove to them that your book solves their problem, meets their needs, or introduces them to a person or a story they want to know more about, you’ll have gained a new reader and sold another book.

So, without further ado, here are four things you need to do to nail your nonfiction introduction and gain more readers.

1. Focus on the reader

For writers passionate about their topic, it’s tempting to use the introduction to talk about themselves: why they wanted to write the book, what they hope to accomplish, the research that led to their findings. But in terms of selling books to prospective readers, that’s a poor strategy.

An introduction that is author-focused is rarely engaging enough to hook a reader for one simple reason: the reader wants to know what buying the book will do for them . If you can give them this information up front, they’ll be much more likely to trust the book to deliver on its promises. If you want to hook a reader with your introduction—and you do—you’ve got to keep your reader’s needs and desires in mind.

If you need some help to refocus your opening, here’s a quick exercise. Ask yourself the following questions:

  • Who is my target reader?
  • Why have they picked up my book in the first place?
  • What do they need and how can I meet their expectations?

Think about your introduction through the lens of your reader: answer their questions, set their expectations, and make promises about how your book can meet their needs.

2. Address fundamental questions

Look back at the list you just made.

What are the fundamental questions your reader will want answered about your chosen topic? An introduction is not a place to be vague. Go ahead, spill the beans, give them a preview of what to expect from the rest of your book. If you don’t, they’ll either have to go digging for it in later pages (if they’re a patient consumer) or they’ll move on to another book, one that gives them what they’re looking for.

If you write a book about how busy moms can implement a complicated new diet for the whole family, but you don’t mention how you’re going to solve her problem in the introduction, will she have the confidence to buy the book? Will she have the time to flip through the chapters and make sure your ideas are valid and tailored to her needs?

Why are you writing this book? How will you meet the reader’s needs? Why are you qualified to do so? What makes your book different from other books on the topic? The introduction is the place to address those questions.

3. Establish your voice

The introduction isn’t only about selling your solution to your reader’s problem, it’s about forming a relationship. If they feel they know you and care about what you have to say by the time they’ve finished the intro, they’ll keep reading.

I hear you, you’re saying, “Didn’t you just tell me the introduction isn’t about the author?” Yes, I did say that. But there’s a distinction.

Let’s go back to the mom looking for a healthy family diet.

The introduction is reader-focused, answers her questions about the content of the book, and reveals that the author is a mom who used this particular diet to revolutionize her family’s health; it changed their lives so drastically that she’s been compelled to write this book to help other moms just like her. Do you see the difference? This author met the reader’s needs and answered her questions first, then she revealed a personal reason for this reader to trust her expertise. Do you think the reader is engaged? Likely to buy this book?

What’s the application for your book? How can you use your expertise, personal experience with the topic, passion for this book’s potential to connect with your reader in the introduction? Maybe it’s through a brief personal anecdote, outlining how your considerable expertise gave you the solution you’re offering, or simply writing with such a strong voice that the reader feels connected to you by the end of those first pages.

4. Make a promise you can keep

What does your book promise your reader? Many topics have an inherent promise that’s obvious, but what about a memoir or an inspirational story? They still offer the reader a product—they promise to inspire, inform, or enlighten. The introduction is the place to state your promise and show how the rest of the book intends to keep it.

Do you have someone in your life consistently making promises he or she doesn’t keep? That’s profoundly frustrating isn’t it? It doesn’t encourage trust. The same is true of the author-reader relationship in any kind of writing, but in nonfiction especially. First, be sure that the promises you make in the introduction are fulfilled in the rest of your book. Second, don’t be shy about addressing that in the opening pages. Tell your reader what you intend to do for them and how you’re going to do it, then back it up in the rest of the book.

Do this and you’ll not only gain a satisfied reader but one who will sing your praises to their friends. Successful authors understand that selling their books isn’t just about making a sale, it’s about establishing long-term relationships with readers. Establishing and maintaining trust is an essential part of that process.

If your introduction includes these four elements, you’ll make a personal connection with your reader, outline how your story will change their lives, and show them why they need your book. A great introduction has the power to hook readers, get them to buy your book, keep them turning the pages, and tell their friends about it. Now go out there and write your own stellar intro!

What did these ideas help you think differently about your introduction? How have you used these elements successfully in your own books already? Tell us about it in the comments.

For more on writing engaging nonfiction, check out How To Find The Story In Your Nonfiction Project , or Writing Creative Nonfiction – How To Stay Safe (And Legal) .

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Paige Duke

9 thoughts on “How To Nail Your Nonfiction Introduction”

hook for nonfiction essay

Knowing my target reader is always very difficult. Of course, I write stories I would buy myself. Am I my own target reader? 😉

No, really: every manual I read speaks about this “target reader”. But, unless I am writing a manual, I cannot understand how to get to her.

I read that Rowling’s target reader for the first “Harry Potter” was 11 yo male. How could she be so precise in defining it? Why 11 and not 15, or 9? And what about other stories? Broad targeted stories…

I find it impossible to me.

hook for nonfiction essay

Hi boostwriter,

Thanks for your comment about target readership, that is an important and sometimes confusing consideration; like so many aspects of the industry, it’s a subjective process that often defies a formula. Alex, the marketing guru of Standoutbooks, has written an excellent and very thorough post on this topic that addresses exactly the questions you’ve raised. You can read the post here: //

Let me know what you think of his suggestions and if they help point you in the right direction.

hook for nonfiction essay

BEST point I have found! EXACTLY!

aaaaaand i’d pay you $100 to write MINE for MY book LOL………cuz WOW it is WAY harder than people think! IMPOSSIBLE to be that OBJECTIVE about your book when you’ve LIVED inside it for 2 years! ya know?!?!?!

SOoooo if you get broke and wanna do MINE, i’m in. OR we could TRADE and i’ll do YOURS in return LOL

anyway, THANKS for great points!

hook for nonfiction essay

My book is non-fiction. I’ve gone to a number of websites that explain the difference between prefaces and introductions. Most say that selling yourself–credentials, why me, etc–is found in the preface rather the introduction. What do you think?

Hi Steve, I agree with this advice. The introduction should focus on informing readers about the book’s content and hooking their interest. Details about the author, their credentials, their reasons for writing the book, etc. are better left for the preface. Wishing you all the best with your book!

hook for nonfiction essay

Yes, I am impressed by what you have written here. I need to read again too. Excellent and thank you.

So glad you enjoyed the article! Thank you.

hook for nonfiction essay

Just what I was looking for, even though my book is biographical and auto-biographical, and I’m self-publishing a third edition as the original publisher is no longer active. Within it is a whole story of my being helped to turn my life around in my early twenties and find an original and meaningful life and profession. So what I write in the Preface and Intro will be colored by what has come from your advice .

many thanks

I’m so glad you found this article helpful. I wish you all the best with this newest edition of your book!

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hook for nonfiction essay

25 Great Nonfiction Essays You Can Read Online for Free

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Alison Doherty

Alison Doherty is a writing teacher and part time assistant professor living in Brooklyn, New York. She has an MFA from The New School in writing for children and teenagers. She loves writing about books on the Internet, listening to audiobooks on the subway, and reading anything with a twisty plot or a happily ever after.

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I love reading books of nonfiction essays and memoirs , but sometimes have a hard time committing to a whole book. This is especially true if I don’t know the author. But reading nonfiction essays online is a quick way to learn which authors you like. Also, reading nonfiction essays can help you learn more about different topics and experiences.

Besides essays on Book Riot,  I love looking for essays on The New Yorker , The Atlantic , The Rumpus , and Electric Literature . But there are great nonfiction essays available for free all over the Internet. From contemporary to classic writers and personal essays to researched ones—here are 25 of my favorite nonfiction essays you can read today.

hook for nonfiction essay

“Beware of Feminist Lite” by  Chimamanda Ngozi Adichie

The author of We Should All Be Feminists  writes a short essay explaining the danger of believing men and woman are equal only under certain conditions.

“It’s Silly to Be Frightened of Being Dead” by Diana Athill

A 96-year-old woman discusses her shifting attitude towards death from her childhood in the 1920s when death was a taboo subject, to World War 2 until the present day.

“Letter from a Region in my Mind” by James Baldwin

There are many moving and important essays by James Baldwin . This one uses the lens of religion to explore the Black American experience and sexuality. Baldwin describes his move from being a teenage preacher to not believing in god. Then he recounts his meeting with the prominent Nation of Islam member Elijah Muhammad.

“Relations” by Eula Biss

Biss uses the story of a white woman giving birth to a Black baby that was mistakenly implanted during a fertility treatment to explore racial identities and segregation in society as a whole and in her own interracial family.

“Friday Night Lights” by Buzz Bissinger

A comprehensive deep dive into the world of high school football in a small West Texas town.

“The Case for Reparations” by Ta-Nehisi Coates

Coates examines the lingering and continuing affects of slavery on  American society and makes a compelling case for the descendants of slaves being offered reparations from the government.

“Why I Write” by Joan Didion

This is one of the most iconic nonfiction essays about writing. Didion describes the reasons she became a writer, her process, and her journey to doing what she loves professionally.

“Go Gentle Into That Good Night” by Roger Ebert

With knowledge of his own death, the famous film critic ponders questions of mortality while also giving readers a pep talk for how to embrace life fully.

“My Mother’s Tongue” by Zavi Kang Engles

In this personal essay, Engles celebrates the close relationship she had with her mother and laments losing her Korean fluency.

“My Life as an Heiress” by Nora Ephron

As she’s writing an important script, Ephron imagines her life as a newly wealthy woman when she finds out an uncle left her an inheritance. But she doesn’t know exactly what that inheritance is.

“My FatheR Spent 30 Years in Prison. Now He’s Out.” by Ashley C. Ford

Ford describes the experience of getting to know her father after he’s been in prison for almost all of her life. Bridging the distance in their knowledge of technology becomes a significant—and at times humorous—step in rebuilding their relationship.

“Bad Feminist” by Roxane Gay

There’s a reason Gay named her bestselling essay collection after this story. It’s a witty, sharp, and relatable look at what it means to call yourself a feminist.

“The Empathy Exams” by Leslie Jamison

Jamison discusses her job as a medical actor helping to train medical students to improve their empathy and uses this frame to tell the story of one winter in college when she had an abortion and heart surgery.

“What I Learned from a Fitting Room Disaster About Clothes and Life” by Scaachi Koul

One woman describes her history with difficult fitting room experiences culminating in one catastrophe that will change the way she hopes to identify herself through clothes.

“Breasts: the Odd Couple” by Una LaMarche

LaMarche examines her changing feelings about her own differently sized breasts.

“How I Broke, and Botched, the Brandon Teena Story” by Donna Minkowitz

A journalist looks back at her own biased reporting on a news story about the sexual assault and murder of a trans man in 1993. Minkowitz examines how ideas of gender and sexuality have changed since she reported the story, along with how her own lesbian identity influenced her opinions about the crime.

“Politics and the English Language” by George Orwell

In this famous essay, Orwell bemoans how politics have corrupted the English language by making it more vague, confusing, and boring.

“Letting Go” by David Sedaris

The famously funny personal essay author , writes about a distinctly unfunny topic of tobacco addiction and his own journey as a smoker. It is (predictably) hilarious.

“Joy” by Zadie Smith

Smith explores the difference between pleasure and joy by closely examining moments of both, including eating a delicious egg sandwich, taking drugs at a concert, and falling in love.

“Mother Tongue” by Amy Tan

Tan tells the story of how her mother’s way of speaking English as an immigrant from China changed the way people viewed her intelligence.

“Consider the Lobster” by David Foster Wallace

The prolific nonfiction essay and fiction writer  travels to the Maine Lobster Festival to write a piece for Gourmet Magazine. With his signature footnotes, Wallace turns this experience into a deep exploration on what constitutes consciousness.

“I Am Not Pocahontas” by Elissa Washuta

Washuta looks at her own contemporary Native American identity through the lens of stereotypical depictions from 1990s films.

“Once More to the Lake” by E.B. White

E.B. White didn’t just write books like Charlotte’s Web and The Elements of Style . He also was a brilliant essayist. This nature essay explores the theme of fatherhood against the backdrop of a lake within the forests of Maine.

“Pell-Mell” by Tom Wolfe

The inventor of “new journalism” writes about the creation of an American idea by telling the story of Thomas Jefferson snubbing a European Ambassador.

“The Death of the Moth” by Virginia Woolf

In this nonfiction essay, Wolf describes a moth dying on her window pane. She uses the story as a way to ruminate on the lager theme of the meaning of life and death.

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Nonfiction Essay

Nonfiction essay generator.

hook for nonfiction essay

While escaping in an imaginary world sounds very tempting, it is also necessary for an individual to discover more about the events in the real world and real-life stories of various people. The articles you read in newspapers and magazines are some examples of nonfiction texts. Learn more about fact-driven information and hone your essay writing skills while composing a nonfiction essay.

10+ Nonfiction Essay Examples

1. creative nonfiction essay.

Creative Nonfiction Essay

2. Narrative Nonfiction Reflective Essay

Narrative Nonfiction Reflective Essay

Size: 608 KB

3. College Nonfiction Essay

College Nonfiction Essay

Size: 591 KB

4. Non-Fiction Essay Writing

Non-Fiction Essay Writing

Size: 206 KB

5. Nonfiction Essay Reminders

Nonfiction Essay Reminders

Size: 45 KB

6. Nonfiction Essay Template

Nonfiction Essay Templates

Size: 189 KB

7. Personal Nonfiction Essay

Personal Nonfiction Essay

Size: 51 KB

8. Teachers Nonfiction Essay

Teachers Nonfiction Essay

Size: 172 KB

9. Creative Nonfiction Assignment Essay

Creative Nonfiction Assignment Essay

Size: 282 KB

10. Nonfiction Descriptive Essay

Nonfiction Descriptive Essay

11. Literary Arts Nonfiction Essay

Literary Arts Nonfiction Essay

Size: 93 KB

What Is a Nonfiction Essay?

Nonfiction essay refers to compositions based on real-life situations and events. In addition, it also includes essays based on one’s opinion and perception. There are different purposes for writing this type of essay. Various purposes use different approaches and even sometimes follow varying formats. Educational and informative essays are some examples of a nonfiction composition. 

How to Compose a Compelling Nonfiction Essay

When you talk about creative writing, it is not all about creating fictional stories. It also involves providing a thought-provoking narrative and description of a particular subject. The quality of writing always depends on how the writers present their topic. That said, keep your readers engaged by writing an impressive nonfiction paper.

1. Know Your Purpose

Before you start your essay, you should first determine the message you want to deliver to your readers. In addition, you should also consider what emotions you want to bring out from them. List your objectives beforehand. Goal-setting will provide you an idea of the direction you should take, as well as the style you should employ in writing about your topic on your essay paper.

2. Devise an Outline

Now that you have a target to aim for, it is time to decide on the ideas you want to discuss in each paragraph. To do this, you can utilize a blank outline template. Also, prepare an essay plan detailing the structure and the flow of the message of your essay. Ensure to keep your ideas relevant and timely.

3. Generate Your Thesis Statement

One of the most crucial parts of your introduction is your thesis statement . This sentence will give the readers an overview of what to expect from the whole document. Aside from that, this statement will also present the main idea of the essay content. Remember to keep it brief and concise.

4. Use the Appropriate Language

Depending on the results of your assessment in the first step, you should tailor your language accordingly. If you want to describe something, use descriptive language. If you aim to persuade your readers, you should ascertain to use persuasive words. This step is essential to remember for the writers because it has a considerable impact on achieving your goals.

What are the various types of nonfiction articles?

In creatively writing nonfiction essays, you can choose from various types. Depending on your topic, you can write a persuasive essay , narrative essay, biographies, and even memoirs. In addition, you can also find nonfiction essay writing in academic texts, instruction manuals, and even academic reports . Even if most novels are fiction stories, there are also several nonfictions in this genre.

Why is writing nonfiction essays necessary?

Schools and universities use nonfiction essays as an instrument to train and enhance their students’ skills in writing. The reason for this is it will help them learn how to structure paragraphs and also learn various skills. In addition, this academic essay can also be a tool for the teachers to analyze how the minds of their students digest situations.

How can I write about a nonfiction topic?

A helpful tip before crafting a nonfiction essay is to explore several kinds of this type of writing. Choose the approach and the topic where you are knowledgeable. Now that you have your lesson topic, the next step is to perform intensive research. The important part is to choose a style on how to craft your story.

Each of us also has a story to tell. People incorporate nonfiction writing into their everyday lives. Your daily journal or the letters you send your friends all belong under this category of composition. Writing nonfiction essays are a crucial outlet for people to express their emotions and personal beliefs. We all have opinions on different events. Practice writing nonfiction articles and persuade, entertain, and influence other people. 


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Write about the influence of technology on society in your Nonfiction Essay.

Discuss the importance of environmental conservation in your Nonfiction Essay.


A Guide to Lyric Essay Writing: 4 Evocative Essays and Prompts to Learn From

Poets can learn a lot from blurring genres. Whether getting inspiration from fiction proves effective in building characters or song-writing provides a musical tone, poetry intersects with a broader literary landscape. This shines through especially in lyric essays, a form that has inspired articles from the Poetry Foundation and Purdue Writing Lab , as well as become the concept for a 2015 anthology titled We Might as Well Call it the Lyric Essay.  

Put simply, the lyric essay is a hybrid, creative nonfiction form that combines the rich figurative language of poetry with the longer-form analysis and narrative of essay or memoir. Oftentimes, it emerges as a way to explore a big-picture idea with both imagery and rigor. These four examples provide an introduction to the writing style, as well as spotlight tips for creating your own.

1. Draft a “braided essay,” like Michelle Zauner in this excerpt from Crying in H Mart .

Before Crying in H Mart became a bestselling memoir, Michelle Zauner—a writer and frontwoman of the band Japanese Breakfast—published an essay of the same name in The New Yorker . It opens with the fascinating and emotional sentence, “Ever since my mom died, I cry in H Mart.” This first line not only immediately propels the reader into Zauner’s grief, but it also reveals an example of the popular “braided essay” technique, which weaves together two distinct but somehow related experiences. 

Throughout the work, Zauner establishes a parallel between her and her mother’s relationship and traditional Korean food. “You’ll likely find me crying by the banchan refrigerators, remembering the taste of my mom’s soy-sauce eggs and cold radish soup,” Zauner writes, illuminating the deeply personal and mystifying experience of grieving through direct, sensory imagery.

2. Experiment with nonfiction forms , like Hadara Bar-Nadav in “ Selections from Babyland . ”

Lyric essays blend poetic qualities and nonfiction qualities. Hadara Bar-Nadav illustrates this experimental nature in Selections from Babyland , a multi-part lyric essay that delves into experiences with infertility. Though Bar-Nadav’s writing throughout this piece showcases rhythmic anaphora—a definite poetic skill—it also plays with nonfiction forms not typically seen in poetry, including bullet points and a multiple-choice list. 

For example, when recounting unsolicited advice from others, Bar-Nadav presents their dialogue in the following way:

I heard about this great _____________.

a. acupuncturist

b. chiropractor

d. shamanic healer

e. orthodontist ( can straighter teeth really make me pregnant ?)

This unexpected visual approach feels reminiscent of an article or quiz—both popular nonfiction forms—and adds dimension and white space to the lyric essay.

3. Travel through time , like Nina Boutsikaris in “ Some Sort of Union .”

Nina Boutsikaris is the author of I’m Trying to Tell You I’m Sorry: An Intimacy Triptych , and her work has also appeared in an anthology of the best flash nonfiction. Her essay “Some Sort of Union,” published in Hippocampus Magazine , was a finalist in the magazine’s Best Creative Nonfiction contest. 

Since lyric essays are typically longer and more free verse than poems, they can be a way to address a larger idea or broader time period. Boutsikaris does this in “Some Sort of Union,” where the speaker drifts from an interaction with a romantic interest to her childhood. 

“They were neighbors, the girl and the air force paramedic. She could have seen his front door from her high-rise window if her window faced west rather than east,” Boutsikaris describes. “When she first met him two weeks ago, she’d been wearing all white, buying a wedge of cheap brie at the corner market.”

In the very next paragraph, Boutskiras shifts this perspective and timeline, writing, “The girl’s mother had been angry with her when she was a child. She had needed something from the girl that the girl did not know how to give. Not the way her mother hoped she would.”

As this example reveals, examining different perspectives and timelines within a lyric essay can flesh out a broader understanding of who a character is.

4. Bring in research, history, and data, like Roxane Gay in “ What Fullness Is .”

Like any other form of writing, lyric essays benefit from in-depth research. And while journalistic or scientific details can sometimes throw off the concise ecosystem and syntax of a poem, the lyric essay has room for this sprawling information.

In “What Fullness Is,” award-winning writer Roxane Gay contextualizes her own ideas and experiences with weight loss surgery through the history and culture surrounding the procedure. 

“The first weight-loss surgery was performed during the 10th century, on D. Sancho, the king of León, Spain,” Gay details. “He was so fat that he lost his throne, so he was taken to Córdoba, where a doctor sewed his lips shut. Only able to drink through a straw, the former king lost enough weight after a time to return home and reclaim his kingdom.”

“The notion that thinness—and the attempt to force the fat body toward a state of culturally mandated discipline—begets great rewards is centuries old.”

Researching and knowing this history empowers Gay to make a strong central point in her essay.

Bonus prompt: Choose one of the techniques above to emulate in your own take on the lyric essay. Happy writing!


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We’re almost halfway through 2024 and we at The Book Review have already written about hundreds of books. Some of those titles are good. Some are very good. And then there are the following.

We suspect that some (though certainly not all) will be top of mind when we publish our end-of-year, best-of lists. For more thoughts on what to read next, head to our book recommendation page .

The cover of “James” is black. The title is in yellow, and the author’s name is in white.

James , by Percival Everett

In this reworking of the “Adventures of Huckleberry Finn,” Jim, the enslaved man who accompanies Huck down the Mississippi River, is the narrator, and he recounts the classic tale in a language that is his own, with surprising details that reveal a far more resourceful, cunning and powerful character than we knew.

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Good Material , by Dolly Alderton

Alderton’s novel, about a 35-year-old struggling to make sense of a breakup, delivers the most delightful aspects of romantic comedy — snappy dialogue, realistic relationship dynamics, funny meet-cutes and misunderstandings — and leaves behind clichéd gender roles and the traditional marriage plot.

Martyr! , by Kaveh Akbar

A young Iranian American aspiring poet and recovering addict grieves his parents’ deaths while fantasizing about his own in Akbar’s remarkable first novel, which, haunted by death, also teems with life — in the inventive beauty of its sentences, the vividness of its characters and the surprising twists of its plot.

The Hunter , by Tana French

For Tana French fans, every one of the thriller writer’s twisty, ingenious books is an event. This one, a sequel to “The Searcher,” once again sees the retired Chicago cop Cal Hooper, a perennial outsider in the Irish west-country hamlet of Ardnakelty, caught up in the crimes — seen and unseen — that eat at the seemingly picturesque village.

Wandering Stars , by Tommy Orange

This follow-up to Orange’s debut, “There There,” is part prequel and part sequel; it trails the young survivor of a 19th-century massacre of Native Americans, chronicling not just his harsh fate but those of his descendants. In its second half, the novel enters 21st-century Oakland, following the family in the aftermath of a shooting.

Headshot , by Rita Bullwinkel

Set at a women’s boxing tournament in Reno, Nev., this novel centers on eight contestants, and the fights — physical and emotional — they bring to the ring. As our critic wrote: This story’s impact “lasts a long time, like a sharp fist to your shoulder.”

Beautyland , by Marie-Helene Bertino

In 1970s Philadelphia, an alien girl sent to Earth before she’s born communicates with her fellow life-forms via fax as she helps gather intel about whether our planet is habitable. This funny-sad novel follows the girl and her single mother as they find the means to persevere.

Knife: Meditations After an Attempted Murder , by Salman Rushdie

In his candid, plain-spoken and gripping new memoir, Rushdie recalls the attempted assassination he survived in 2022 during a presentation about keeping the world’s writers safe from harm. His attacker had piranhic energy. He also had a knife. Rushdie lost an eye, but he has slowly recovered thanks to the attentive care of doctors and the wife he celebrates here.

Everyone Who Is Gone Is Here: The United States, Central America, and the Making of a Crisis , by Jonathan Blitzer

This urgent and propulsive account of Latin American politics and immigration makes a persuasive case for a direct line from U.S. foreign policy in Central America to the current migrant crisis.

The Wide Wide Sea: Imperial Ambition, First Contact and the Fateful Final Voyage of Captain James Cook , by Hampton Sides

By the time he made his third Pacific voyage, the British explorer James Cook had maybe begun to lose it a little. The scientific aims of his first two trips had shifted into something darker. According to our reviewer, the historian Hampton Sides “isn’t just interested in retelling an adventure tale. He also wants to present it from a 21st-century point of view. ‘The Wide Wide Sea’ fits neatly into a growing genre that includes David Grann’s ‘ The Wager ’ and Candice Millard’s ‘ River of the Gods ,’ in which famous expeditions, once told as swashbuckling stories of adventure, are recast within the tragic history of colonialism .”

The Rebel’s Clinic: The Revolutionary Lives of Frantz Fanon , by Adam Shatz

This absorbing biography of the Black psychiatrist, writer and revolutionary Frantz Fanon highlights a side of him that’s often eclipsed by his image as a zealous partisan — that of the caring doctor, who ran a secret clinic for Algerian rebels.

Fi: A Memoir , by Alexandra Fuller

In her fifth memoir, Fuller describes the sudden death of her 21-year-old son. Devastating as this elegant and honest account may be — it’s certainly not for the faint of heart — it also leaves the reader with a sense of having known a lovely and lively young man.

Explore More in Books

Want to know about the best books to read and the latest news start here..

An assault led to Chanel Miller’s best seller, “Know My Name,” but she had wanted to write children’s books since the second grade. She’s done that now  with “Magnolia Wu Unfolds It All.”

When Reese Witherspoon is making selections for her book club , she wants books by women, with women at the center of the action who save themselves.

The Nobel Prize-winning author Alice Munro, who died on May 14 , specialized in exacting short stories that were novelistic in scope , spanning decades with intimacy and precision.

“The Light Eaters,” a new book by Zoë Schlanger, looks at how plants sense the world  and the agency they have in their own lives.

Each week, top authors and critics join the Book Review’s podcast to talk about the latest news in the literary world. Listen here .



  1. How to Write a Catchy Hook for an Essay: 5 Types of Essay Hooks (With

    hook for nonfiction essay

  2. Essay Hook Types

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  3. Help Writing A Hook For An Essay

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  4. 7 Sensational Essay Hooks That Grab Readers’ Attention

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  5. How to Write & What Is a Good Hook for an Essay

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  6. How to write a hook for an essay quiz

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  1. Heist Essay

  2. 6th Grade Argumentative Essay Sources, Hook, Thesis


  4. Crafting Research Paper Hooks with Statistics

  5. how to write an essay hook



  1. 73 Essay Hook Examples (2024)

    These examples might help stimulate your thinking. However, keep in mind that your essay hook needs to be unique to your essay, so use these as inspiration but write your own essay hook that's perfect for your own essay. 1. For an Essay About Yourself. An essay about yourself can be personal, use "I" statements, and include memories or ...

  2. PDF Nonfiction and Story Leads (Hooks)

    Nonfiction and Story Leads (Hooks) The purpose of a lead, sometimes called a hook, is to get the reader interested enough to want to continue to read. Leads are typically include at the start of a writing piece.There are many types of leads, and writers can combine several of them into the same introduction.

  3. Hook Writing: A Complete Guide for Nonfiction Writers

    3. Keep it short and sweet: Your hook should be concise and to the point. Long, rambling hooks can quickly lose your reader's interest. 4. Make it relevant: Your hook should be relevant to your topic. A hook that doesn't relate to your content will only confuse your reader and turn them off. 5.

  4. How to Write a Hook: 10 Ways to Capture Your Readers' Attention

    Writing a compelling hook takes skill. But you can use any of the following ways of writing a hook to get you started: 1. The Surprising Statistic Hook. Presenting a surprising fact or statistic is a great way to grab the attention of your audience. For example, an essay on the orphan crisis may begin with:

  5. 5 Nonfiction Writing Techniques That Will Captivate Readers

    Take a page from your favorite fiction writer and adopt these five nonfiction writing tips. 1. Tell a memorable story. Humans have been fascinated by stories since the dawn of time. At lunch, we tell our newest stories to our co-workers; at night, we tell fanciful tales to our kids and then consume suspense from our flatscreens.

  6. How to Write the Ultimate Essay Hook

    Here are seven ideas to choose from: 1. Story. Everyone likes a good story. If an interesting story or anecdote relates to your essay topic, the hook is a great place to include it. For example: In January 2023, two children were playing outside in a Los Angeles neighborhood.

  7. How to Write Great Essay Hooks (Tips + Examples)

    Wordtune can do this heavy lifting for you in three easy steps. Open the Wordtune editor and add your essay title. Type in any content you've written, click on 'Add spice,' and select the 'Expand on' option. Write 'statistics,' and Wordtune will add relevant data points to your content. Get Wordtune for free >. 2.

  8. How to Write a Hook: The Definitive Guide

    Create an outline of your essay to make sure everything flows. Think about stories that draw your attention and how the writer is able to do it. Set the scene for your essay. Set the tone of your essay. Determine what structure you want to establish. Check your facts, statistics, and quotes for accuracy.

  9. Craft a Salable Nonfiction Hook

    The author's credentials (in a nonfiction book hook this brief) should only be mentioned as a way to clarify the author's authority or expertise. I ... the frontlist essay collection First Love by Lilly Dancyger and backlist novel On the Savage Side by Tiffany McDaniel. By Amy Jones May 17, 2024

  10. How to Write a Hook

    A hook is an opening statement (which is usually the first sentence) in an essay that attempts to grab the reader's attention so that they want to read on. It can be done by using a few different types of hooks, which are a question, quote, statistic, or anecdote. Be mindful that the hook has to be related to the overall topic of the paper.

  11. 60 Examples of Hooks for Books

    Historical Fiction Hooks. Bronze Drum, by Phong Nguyen: "During the Bronze Age in ancient Vietnam, when a wicked new Han governor imposes strict laws on the Viet people, a Lord by the name of Trưng speaks out against the oppressive new rules and is subsequently beheaded.But his two daughters, Trưng Trắc and Trưng Nhị, in an act of revenge and patriotism, train an army of women who rise ...

  12. Hook in Writing

    Essays; Hooks in nonfiction writing also work to engage readers immediately. Writers can use statistics to call attention to surprising facts. An author may also use a rhetorical question in the ...

  13. 108 Engaging And Creative Nonfiction Writing Prompts

    1. You've developed a new creative side-hustle, and you have enough business to bring in at least a few hundred (or even thousand) a month. 2. You know how to prepare for a specific kind of disaster, and you want to make others aware not only of the imminent danger of that disaster but how best to prepare for it. 3.

  14. Outlining a Nonfiction Book: 3 Steps to Success

    The latter acts as a hook to your chapter, keeping the reader interested, and is especially useful in less narrative-based nonfiction books. Say Hana decides to write an essay-structured nonfiction book — she now needs to outline her chapters. The chapter on how coffee beans are exported would naturally talk about how countries like Brazil ...

  15. How to Connect to Your Readers in Nonfiction Content

    The tone in which you write the book needs to connect to the feeling you want the reader to feel. This could be expressed by the words you choose, how much of your personality you include, or by sharing your opinions and personal experiences. This could also be by sharing a interview or a secondary story (story about a person you researched or ...

  16. How to Start a Narrative Essay

    A good hook sentence grabs your audience and refuses to let go. It sets the tone for the rest of your story. It gets under your reader's skin right from the beginning and starts to stir those feelings that your narrative essay intends to address. 16 Awesome Hooks to Start a Narrative Essay

  17. How to Write a Great Essay Hook?

    Know Your Audience: Understand the interests and preferences of your target audience. Relevance is Key: Ensure your hook directly relates to your content's topic. Shock or Surprise: Use shocking facts, surprising statistics, or intriguing anecdotes. Tell a Story: Engage emotionally with personal stories or narratives.

  18. How to nail your non-fiction introduction

    So, without further ado, here are four things you need to do to nail your nonfiction introduction and gain more readers. 1. Focus on the reader. For writers passionate about their topic, it's tempting to use the introduction to talk about themselves: why they wanted to write the book, what they hope to accomplish, the research that led to ...

  19. 5 Ways Into Your Lyric Essay

    The malleability of the lyric essay allows us as writers to examine our subjects from various layers and angles as we seek to effectively tell our stories. Here are five ways to craft your lyric essay, along with examples of each: 1. Meditative Essay. A meditative essay encourages contemplation, wonder, and curiosity.

  20. 25 of the Best Free Nonfiction Essays Available Online

    Besides essays on Book Riot, I love looking for essays on The New Yorker, The Atlantic, The Rumpus, and Electric Literature. But there are great nonfiction essays available for free all over the Internet. From contemporary to classic writers and personal essays to researched ones—here are 25 of my favorite nonfiction essays you can read today.

  21. Nonfiction Essay

    That said, keep your readers engaged by writing an impressive nonfiction paper. 1. Know Your Purpose. Before you start your essay, you should first determine the message you want to deliver to your readers. In addition, you should also consider what emotions you want to bring out from them. List your objectives beforehand.

  22. A Guide to Lyric Essay Writing: 4 Evocative Essays and ...

    Put simply, the lyric essay is a hybrid, creative nonfiction form that combines the rich figurative language of poetry with the longer-form analysis and narrative of essay or memoir. Oftentimes, it emerges as a way to explore a big-picture idea with both imagery and rigor. These four examples provide an introduction to the writing style, as ...

  23. The Best Books of 2024 (So Far)

    The Wide Wide Sea: Imperial Ambition, First Contact and the Fateful Final Voyage of Captain James Cook, by Hampton Sides. By the time he made his third Pacific voyage, the British explorer James ...